SAP Tables | Supplier Relationship Management | Enterprise Buyer SAP SRM

SAP SRM Enterprise Buyer Tables (SRM-EBP)

SAP Enterprise Buyer Tables SRM-EBP

/SAPSLL/EBP_ACT - SLL: Pre.Sys. EBP: Contr.: Call Customs Server
/SAPSLL/PREDECESSOR_REF_SRM_S - SLL: Information on Preceding Item
/SAPSRM/BBPS_CTR_OPTION - SRM option structure for contracts
/SAPSRM/LS_NOTES_DATA_REF - Structure for notes
/SAPSRM/OBJECT_DATA - object id and object type
/SAPSRM/S_ACTION_PARAMETER - Parameter for Action Event
/SAPSRM/S_ADDNOTE_DATA - Add notes data structure
/SAPSRM/S_APV_ITM_OVRVW - item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_APV_ITM_OVRVW_DATA - Structure for a Brief Item Overview in Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_APV_ITM_OVRVW_TECH - tech data for apv item
/SAPSRM/S_ATT_DATA - Attachments data
/SAPSRM/S_ATT_FILE_CONT - Structure for File Content
/SAPSRM/S_ATT_FUNCTIONS - Attachment functions
/SAPSRM/S_ATT_HOME - Attachment Home
/SAPSRM/S_ATT_TEC - Attachment Technical
/SAPSRM/S_BDR_ADD_POPUP_FUNC - Bidder pop-up for Add Bidder
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_ADD_GEN_DATA - Bidder: Add Data Structure

/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_FUNCTION - bidder structure for function
/SAPSRM/S_BID_SEARCH - Search Bidder
/SAPSRM/S_BID_SEARCH_DATA - Search Bidder Data
/SAPSRM/S_BID_SEARCH_TECH - Search Bidder Tech
/SAPSRM/S_CFOLDER_DATA - view structure for cFolder data
/SAPSRM/S_CFOLDER_HOME - Structure for Cfolder
/SAPSRM/S_CFOLDER_TECH - view structure for cFolder tech
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_OUTPUT_MSG_GEN - CLL Structure For Output Trigger Messages
/SAPSRM/S_CND_CNP_FUNCTIONS - condition CNP actions
/SAPSRM/S_CND_DATA - Condition Data Fields
/SAPSRM/S_CND_FUNCTIONS_MAIN - conditions main view actions
/SAPSRM/S_CND_MAIN - Main Condition structure
/SAPSRM/S_CND_TECH - Condition Technical Fields
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_DIST_PARTNER - Structure for partner
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_DIST_PART_TECH - Partner technicals
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_DIST_TECH - CTR Distribution Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_HD_OVERVIEW_FK - CTR Header Overview Foreign Key
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_HIER_DATA - CTR Hierarchical Data
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_HIER_TECH - CTR Hierarchical Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_IT_BD - Contract Item Basic Data.
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_IT_BD_DATA - Contract Item Basic Data.
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_IT_BD_TECH - Contract Item Basic Technicals
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_REL_TECH - Releases Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_EXR_DETAILS_DATA - Exchange rates structure for the details view
/SAPSRM/S_EXR_DETAILS_HOME - Exchange rate Details
/SAPSRM/S_EXR_DETAILS_TECH - Exchange rates technical structure for the details view.
/SAPSRM/S_EXR_MAIN_DATA - exchange rate main view structure

/SAPSRM/S_EXR_MAIN_FUNCTION - exe rate actions
/SAPSRM/S_EXR_MAIN_HOME - Structure for the main home node for exchange rates.
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER - Filter parameter
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_ATT - Filter structure for attachment
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_COLUMNS - Columns which can be filtered on item overview
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_HISTORY - structure for filter the values fo history
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_PARAMETER - Structure for Fllter Value
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_TRIGGER - Filter the Output Trigger column based on these fields
/SAPSRM/S_FPM_NODE - FPM Node strucutre
/SAPSRM/S_GENERIC - Generic part of structures
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_AGENT_DTLS - agent details for UI (with substitutions)
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_AGT_DTL_TECH - agent details for UI (with substitutions)
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_AGT_DT_DATA - agent details for UI (with substitutions)
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_APPR_DTLS - Agent Details for UI
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_APPR_DT_DATA - Agent data Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_APPR_DT_TECH - Agent technical Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_HDR - Approval preview hearder
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_ITM - item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_ITM_DATA - Structure for a Brief Item Overview in Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_ITM_OVRVW - item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_ITM_TECH - tech data for apv item
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_OVRVW - Overview Structure for Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_OVRVW_DATA - Overview Structure for Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_REVER_DATA - Approval Reviewer Overview - Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_REVIEWER - Approval Reviewer Overview
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_REV_DTLS - Approval Reviewer Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_APV_REV_DTL_DATA - Approval Reviewer Details - Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_AUTH - Structure for Authorization
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_AUTH_DATA - Structure for Authorization Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_AUTH_TECH - Structure for Authorization tech fields
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_DYNATTR_CREATE - Structure to create dynamic attributes
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_DYNATT_FUNCTION - dynamic attribute actions
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_ACC - Structure for Accounting Table

/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_ACC_DATA - Include for Accounting Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_ACC_TECH - Structure for Accounting Tech Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_OV - Item Overview
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_OV_DATA - Item Overview - Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_ITEM_OV_TECH - Item Overview -Technical
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_IT_ACC_DTLS - Structure for Accounting Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_IT_ACC_DTLS_DATA - Structure for Accounting Details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNERS_MULTI - Structure for list of multiple item partners
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNER_DTL - Partner Detail structure
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNER_DTL_DATA - Partner Detail Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNER_DTL_TECH - Tech Structure for partner details
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUEST_DYN_ATT - RFQ Dynamic Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUEST_GROUP - Structure Question Group
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUEST_GROUP_DATA - Structure Question Group
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUEST_TYPE - Structure Question Type
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUEST_TYPE_DATA - Structure Question Type
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUE_DYN_ATT_TECH - Dynamic Attribute Technical Structure
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_QUE_DYN_CREATE - Structure to create dynamic attributes
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_REL_DATA - Releases Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_REL_TECH - Releases Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_STATUS - CLL Structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_STATUS1 - CLL Structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_STATUS_DATA - CLL Structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_STATUS_TECH - CLL Structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_USR_DTLS - Structure for user data in Authorization
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_USR_DTLS_DATA - Structure for user details data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_USR_DTLS_TECH - Structure for user data details tech field
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_VERSION_COM_DATA - Versions Comparison - Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_VERSION_COM_TECH - Versions Comparison - Data
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_VER_DIF_FIELDS - Contains the fields that differ between selected versions
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_WEIGHT_STATIC - Structure for static weight data
/SAPSRM/S_HISTORY_BKEND_PO - Structure for History Bakend PO Details
/SAPSRM/S_HISTORY_GEN - Structure for the History Header and Items
/SAPSRM/S_HISTORY_GEN_DATA - Structure for History data fields
/SAPSRM/S_HISTORY_GEN_TECH - structure for History technical fields
/SAPSRM/S_IDR_PARAMETER - Values to show in the Identification Region
/SAPSRM/S_ITEM_OVR_FUNCTION - item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_ITEM_OV_GEN_DATA - Item Overview Data
/SAPSRM/S_ITEM_OV_GEN_FUNCTION - Function visibility on general item overview
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_ACTION - Metadata Mapping for Actions
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_COLUMN - Metadata Mapping for Columns (Model <--> View)
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_COMPONENT - Map Components (View <--> Model Structure)
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_CONTENT - Metadata Mapping Content (incl. Set Type <--> BO Type)
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_FIELD - Metadata Mapping for Fields (Model <--> View)
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_MODEL - Map model instances to content identifiers
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_SET - Metadata Mapping for Sets
/SAPSRM/S_META_MAP_STRUCTURE - Map Components (View <--> Model Component)
/SAPSRM/S_NOTES_DATA - Notes data structure
/SAPSRM/S_NOTES_DATA_REF - Structure for notes
/SAPSRM/S_NOTES_FUNCTION - Notes structure for actions
/SAPSRM/S_NOTES_HOME - Main Notes Structure
/SAPSRM/S_NOTES_TECH - Notes tech data
/SAPSRM/S_OUTPUT_PARA_GEN - ouput para structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_OUTPUT_MESSG_GEN - PDO Structure for Output Messages
/SAPSRM/S_PO_HD_OVERVIEW_FK - PO Header Overview Foreign Key
/SAPSRM/S_PO_HD_OVERVIEW_TECH - PO Header Overview Technical
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_BIDDER_INFO - Bidder and Contact Person Info
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_COMPLEX_VAL - Structure for storing item values for complex price quotatio
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_GUID_LIST - Structure for hierarchical GUID list
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_HD_BD - QTE Header Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_HD_BD_FK - QTE Header Foreign Key Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_HD_BD_TECH - QTE Header Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_HD_OVERVIEW - Quotation : Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_HEADER_ADDI - Additional Header Data Required by UI
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM - Quotation Items
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_BD_DATA - Quote Item Basic Details - Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_DATA - Quotation Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_DET - Quote Item Details
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_FK - Quotation Item Foreign Key
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_OV_FUNCTION - Item overview functions for Quote
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_ITEM_TECH - Quotation Item Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_QUESTIONS - Bidder Questions
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_QUESTIONS_DATA - Bidder Questions Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_QUESTIONS_FK - Bidder Questions Foreign Key
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_QUESTIONS_TECH - Bidder Questions Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_SUMMARY - structure for Quote Summary
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_SUMMARY_DATA - structure for quote summary data fields
/SAPSRM/S_QTE_SUMMARY_TECH - Stucture for qte summary techical fields
/SAPSRM/S_QUES_CREATE_FUNCTION - Functions for Questions Create
/SAPSRM/S_RES_QUE_SCH_SEL_DATA - Dynamic Attributes for Finding Questions
/SAPSRM/S_RES_QUE_SEARCH_SEL - Dynamic Attributes for Finding Questions
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_BIDDER_OV - Bidder Overview
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_BIDDER_OV_DATA - Bidder Overview Data
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_BIDDER_OV_TECH - Tech : Bidder Overview
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_HD_OVERVIEW_FK - RFQ Header Foreign Key Data
/SAPSRM/S_SCALE_MAIN - Scale Main Structure
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_QUEST - Search Structure
/SAPSRM/S_SORT - Sort parameter
/SAPSRM/S_SRCHBIDDER_CP_GEN - Input fileds of the search criteria for bidders
/SAPSRM/S_SUBVIEW - Subview structure
/SAPSRM/S_TOOLBAR_PARAMETER - toolbar parameters for button creation
/SAPSRM/S_TREE_TABLE_ADD_GEN - Additional Control Data for hierarchical Items in a Table
/SAPSRM/S_TRIGG_MESSAGES_GEN - Error Messages for Document Output
/SAPSRM/S_VALUELIST - Value request list
/SAPSRM/S_VERSIONS_COMPARE_GEN - CLL structure for versions comparison
/SAPSRM/S_VERSIONS_GEN - CLL Structure for Versions
/SAPSRM/S_VERSIONS_GEN_DATA - structure for version data fields
/SAPSRM/S_VERSIONS_GEN_TECH - structure for versions tech fields
/SAPSRM/S_VERSION_GEN_TECH - Include structure for Virsion tech fields
/SAPSRM/S_VIEW - The suspended view
/SAPSRM/S_VIEW_CAPTION - Caption context
/SAPSRM/S_VIEW_TABSTRIP - Tabstrip context
/SAPSRM/S_WD_COMP_CONFIG - Configuration entry for composite
/SAPSRM/S_WD_NAVIGATOR - Navigator structure
/SAPSRM/S_WD_TCTRL - Table control structure
/SAPSRM/TT_BBP_PDS_MESSAGES - Messages from SRM Test Tool
/SAPSRM/TT_DATA - Test Data for SRM Test Tool
/SAPSRM/TT_PDS_RESULT - Structure of SRM Test Tool Results
/SAPSRM/T_V_FACT - View Factory Table
BAPI2001_AFVC - PS@BBP: Network Activity (Master Data)
BAPI2001_AUFK - PS@BBP: Network (Master Data)
BAPI2001_COMP - PS@BBP: Component (Master Data)
BAPI2001_COMP_R3 - PS@BBP: Component (Master Data)
BAPI2001_CTXT - PS@BBP: Component (Texts)
BAPI2001_PROJ - PS@BBP: Project Definition (Master Data)
BAPI2001_PRPS - PS@BBP: WSB Element (Master Data)
BAPI2001_RSTHIE - PS@BBP: Hierarchy Table
BAPI2001_SELECT - Selection Structure for (Sub-) Projects
BAPI2007_COMPONENTS - Component for Order
BAPI2007_COMPONENTS_R3 - Component for Order
BAPI2007_COMPTEXT - Long Text for Component
BAPI2007_DEFAULTS - Fields for Default Values for Components Planning
BAPI2007_F4HELP - Allgemeine Struktur f�r Dropdown Werthilfe
BAPI2007_HEADER - Header Structure for PM/CS Order
BAPI2007_OPERATIONS - OperatHeader
BAPI2007_SELECT - Selection Structure for PM/CS Orders
BAPIBILLTOADDR - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses
BAPIQUOTEHDR - Header structure for Quotation
BAPIQUOTEITEM - Quotation Line Items
BAPIRFQITEM - Quotation Line Items
BAPISHIPADDR - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses
BAPISHIPTOADDR - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses
BBPD_ITS_START - Flag for using new start page or the old style in SRM(ITS)
BBPS_ALERT_DISPLAY - Display Data for the SRM Alerts
BBPS_ALERT_MSG_KEY_QUOT - Structure Key Fields for Bid in Alert in msgarg4
BBPS_CTR_MON_GENERAL - Monitor Contract Distribution: General Data
BBPS_CTR_MON_LIST - Monitor Contract Distribution: Structure for List
BBPS_HIER_F4_NODE - Hierarchy Search Help
BBPS_HIER_F4_NODE_KEY - Hierarchical Search Help Node
BBPS_HIER_F4_NODE_UI - Hierarchy Search Help: UI Control
BBPS_INFRAME - Dialog Structure for Display of Inframe Catalogs
BBPS_INFRAME_CATALOG - Structure for Display of Inframe Catalogs
BBPS_MON_SC_HEADER - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
BBPS_MON_SC_ITEM - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen Item Data
BBPS_MON_SC_LIST_HEADER - Monitor Shopping Cart - List Screen General Data
BBPS_MON_SC_LIST_ITEM - Monitor Shopping Cart - List Screen Item Data
BBPS_PCHI_NODE - Hierarchy Search Help for the Product Categories
BBPS_PDH_WGT_GROUP - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
BBPS_PDH_WGT_GROUP_H - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
BBPS_PRODCAT_SH_EXT - Search parameter as well as search result
BBPS_PROD_SH_EXT - search parameter & search result
BBPS_SH_RES_KEYVAL - key-value
BBP_ACADEMIC_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Academic Titles
BBP_ACADEMIC_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Academic Title
BBP_ACCASSC_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Account Assignment Categories
BBP_ACCASSC_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Acct Assignment Categories
BBP_ACSTRING_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Account Assignment Strings
BBP_ACSTRING_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Account Assignment String
BBP_ALERT_DISPLAY - Display Data for Alerts from BBP
BBP_ALLROLES_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Roles (attribute-dependent)
BBP_ASSETCL_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Asset Classes
BBP_ASSETCL_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Asset Classes, Texts
BBP_ASSETNO_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Assets
BBP_ASSETNO_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Assets, Texts
BBP_ASSETSUB_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Asset Subnumbers
BBP_ASSETSUB_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Asset Subnumbers, Texts
BBP_BANKINFO_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Bank Info for Country
BBP_BOBUSER_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Requester / Buying on Behalf of
BBP_BOBUSER_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Requester (Buying on Behalf of), Texts
BBP_BUSOBJ_CURRENCY_KEYS - Dependency Expiring Currencies <--> Business Object
BBP_CATALOG_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Catalogs
BBP_CATALOG_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Catalogs, Texts
BBP_CATEGORY_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Product Categories
BBP_CATEGORY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Product Categories
BBP_COMMITEM_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Commitment Items
BBP_COMMITEM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Commitment Items
BBP_COMPCODE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Company Codes
BBP_COMPCODE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Company Codes, Texts
BBP_CONTROL - EBP Control Table for Alert Monitor
BBP_COSTCENT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Cost Centers
BBP_COSTCENT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Cost Centers, Texts
BBP_COUNTRY_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Countries
BBP_COUNTRY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Ctry, Ctry-ISO2, Ctry ISO3, Ctry Text
BBP_CUF_HEADER_ALL_SZ_LAM - Scenario-Specific Header Fields for Leasing
BBP_CUF_HEADER_SZ_LAM - Scenario-Specific Header Fields for Leasing
BBP_CUF_INV_LAM - Structure for LAM specific fields of Invoice
BBP_CUF_ITEM_ALL_SZ_LAM - Scenario-Specific Header Fields for Leasing
BBP_CUF_ITEM_SZ_LAM - Scenario-Specific Item Fields for Leasing
BBP_CURRENCY_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Currencies
BBP_CURRENCY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Currency, ISO Currency, Texts
BBP_DOCTYPE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Document Types
BBP_DOCTYPE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Document Types, Texts
BBP_DOMVALUE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Domain Fixed Values and Texts
BBP_DUS - Dynamic User Settings
BBP_FUNCAREA_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Functional Areas
BBP_FUNCAREA_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Functional Areas, Texts
BBP_FUNDCENT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Funds Centers
BBP_FUNDCENT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Funds Centers
BBP_FUND_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Funds
BBP_FUND_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Funds
BBP_GRANT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Grants/Subsidies
BBP_GRANT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Grants/Subsidies
BBP_GRCPLANT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Plants
BBP_GRCPLANT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Plants, Texts
BBP_GRCUSER_FAV - User Spec. Favorites for Goods Recipient (Person)
BBP_GRCUSER_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Goods Recipient (Person),Texts
BBP_INCOTERM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Incoterms, Texts
BBP_INDUSTRY_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Industry Sectors
BBP_INDUSTRY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Industry Sectors, Industry Sector Text
BBP_KNT_ATTR_FAV - User Specific Favorites for Acct Assgmt Categ. (Attribute)
BBP_LANGUAGE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Languages
BBP_LANGUAGE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Language, Language ISO, Language Text
BBP_LEGAL_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Legal Forms
BBP_LEGAL_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Legal Forms, Texts
BBP_LOCATION_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Locations
BBP_LOCATION_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Locations, Texts
BBP_LOGSYS_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Logical Systems
BBP_LOGSYS_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Logical Systems
BBP_MENU - User-Specific Start Menu
BBP_MENUTEXT - Texts for Menu Entries
BBP_MONITOR - Structure for Visualizing a Monitor
BBP_MONITOR_DISPLAY - Display Data for BBP Monitors
BBP_NAMEFORM_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Name Formats
BBP_NAMEFORM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Formats for Name Format
BBP_NETWORK_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Networks
BBP_NETWORK_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Networks, Texts
BBP_OPI_CAT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Vendor List
BBP_ORDERNO_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Allowed Orders
BBP_ORDERNO_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Orders, Texts
BBP_OR_SEL - BBP PM Order Selection Structure
BBP_OR_SEL_31I - BBP PM Order Selection Structure
BBP_PAYMENT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Terms of Payment
BBP_PAYMTERM_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Terms of Payment
BBP_PAYMTERM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Terms of Payment and Texts
BBP_PCARD_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Procurement Card Companies
BBP_PCARD_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Procurement Card Companies and Texts
BBP_PGRPCOMP_FAV - User/Company-Spec. Favorites for Purchasing Groups
BBP_PLANT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Plants
BBP_PLANT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Plant/CoCde, Texts
BBP_PM_ATTR_F1 - F1 Help Structure for PM-Specific Attributes
BBP_PORGCOMP_FAV - User/Company-Spec. Favorites for Purchasing Organizations
BBP_PORGCOMP_KEYS - Web Dropdown Box: Purch. Organization, Company-Specific
BBP_PRODUCT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Products
BBP_PRODUCT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Products
BBP_PURCHGRP_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Purchasing Groups
BBP_PURCHGRP_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Purchasing Groups, Texts
BBP_PURCHORG_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Purchasing Organizations
BBP_PURCHORG_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Purchasing Organizations, Texts
BBP_QMSYSTEM_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Quality Management Systems
BBP_QMSYSTEM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Quality Management Systems, Texts
BBP_REGION_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Regions
BBP_REGION_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Country, Region, Texts
BBP_RFC_LOGS_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for RFC Destinations
BBP_RFC_LOGS_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: RFC Destinations
BBP_ROLE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Roles
BBP_ROLE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Roles, Texts
BBP_RUO - Recent Used Objects
BBP_SDDOCPOS_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Customer Order Items
BBP_SDDOCPOS_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Customer Order Items, Texts
BBP_SDDOC_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Customer Orders
BBP_SDDOC_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Customer Orders, Texts
BBP_STORAGE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted Storage Locations
BBP_STORAGE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Storage Location/Plant/CoCde, Texts
BBP_TAXCODE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Tax Types per Country
BBP_TAXCODE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Tax Code
BBP_TAXGROUP_FAV - User-Specific Favorites: Tax Groups for Tax Type
BBP_TAXGROUP_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Tax Groups for Tax Type
BBP_TAXGROUP_STRING - Formatted Text: Tax Groups for Tax Type/Region/Country
BBP_TAXNUMT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Tax Number Types
BBP_TAXNUMT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Tax Card Types (Business Partner)
BBP_TAXTYPE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Tax Types per Country
BBP_TAXTYPE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Tax Types (per Country)
BBP_TAXTYPE_STRING - Formatted Text: Tax Types per Country
BBP_TENDTYPE_FAV - User-Spec. Favorites for Trans. Types (Bid Invitation)
BBP_TENDTYPE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Transaction Types (Bid Invitation) Texts
BBP_TIMEZONE_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Time Zones
BBP_TIMEZONE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Time Zone, Time Zone Texts
BBP_TITLEKEY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Form of Address Texts
BBP_UNIT_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Units of Measure
BBP_UNIT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Units of Measure
BBP_USER_ACC_CMITEM_KEYS - User-Specific: Allowed Commitment Items
BBP_USER_ACC_FCAREA_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Functional Areas, Texts
BBP_USER_ACC_FCENTR_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Funds Centers
BBP_USER_ACC_FUND_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Funds
BBP_USER_ACC_GRANT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Grants/Subsidies
BBP_USER_ACC_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Catalogs, Texts
BBP_USER_AN1_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Assets, Texts
BBP_USER_AN2_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Asset Subnumbers, Texts
BBP_USER_ANK_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Asset Classes, Texts
BBP_USER_ANR_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Orders, Texts
BBP_USER_APO_KEYS - User-Specific: Customer Order Items, Texts
BBP_USER_AUN_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Customer Orders, Texts
BBP_USER_BOBUSER_KEYS - User-Specific: Requester (Buying on Behalf of), Texts
BBP_USER_BSA_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Document Types, Texts
BBP_USER_BUK_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Assets, Texts
BBP_USER_CAT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Catalogs, Texts
BBP_USER_CNT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Cost Centers, Texts
BBP_USER_GRCPLANT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Plants, Texts
BBP_USER_GRCUSER_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Goods Recipients (Person), Texts
BBP_USER_KNT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Acct Assgmt Categories, Texts
BBP_USER_LAG_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted CoCdes/Plants/Storage Locations
BBP_USER_LOCATION_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Locations, Texts
BBP_USER_NET_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Networks, Texts
BBP_USER_PRCAT_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Product Categories, Texts
BBP_USER_PRO_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted WBS Elements, Texts
BBP_USER_ROLE_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Roles, Texts
BBP_USER_STR_KEYS - User-Specific: Account Assignment String
BBP_USER_WRK_KEYS - User-Specific: Permitted Plants, Texts
BBP_VENDOR_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Vendors
BBP_VENDOR_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Vendor plus Name
BBP_WBSELEM_FAV - User-Specific Favorites for Permitted WBS Elements
BBP_WBSELEM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted WBS Elements, Texts
BBP_WGT_PROP_CUS - Table for Customizing for Weighting
BBP_WGT_RESULT - Results of Evaluation
BBP_WORKFLOWS - List of Default Workflows
BBP_WP_MITEMS - Structure of BBP 2.0B Menu Entries for the Launch Pad
BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCUMEN67 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCUMEN71 - Proxy Structure (generated)
CONDITION_TABLE - Condition Table
CRMT_ACS_H_BBP - Access Communication Structure
CRMT_COM_H_BBP - Header Communication Structure
CRMT_COM_I_BBP - Item Communication Structure
CRMT_COM_M_BBP - Mixed Header/Item Communication Structure
CRMT_COM_T_BBP - Whole Communication Structure
EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA17 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA20 - Proxy Structure (generated)
INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE_NOTIFIC - Proxy Structure (generated)
LAMX1_INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
LAMX1_INV_LAM_UPDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
LAMX1_INV_LAM_UPDATE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
LAMX1_INV_LAM_UPDATE_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
LAM_BBP_CUF_FIELDS - LAM Scenario Fields as NUMC Structure
LAM_OBJID_F4 - Search Help Structure LAM Objid
OPERH - Operation for PM/CS Order
ORDCOMP - Component for Order
ORDER_SELECT - Selection of PM/CS Orders
ORDH - Header Structure for PM/CS Orders
PARAM_F4_FB - F$ Help Modules for Condition Editor Parameter Names
PROJECT_SELECT - Select Structure for Project data
PRPSH - Dialog Structure for WSB Element for PSQ@BBP
UUID6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
VALUE_F4_FB - F4 Help Modules for Condition Editor Parameter Values

SAP Enterprise/Business Partner Management Tables SRM-EBP-ADM

ACO000 - SAP_GP: Communication Data Set Bidder/Vendor/Portal
ACO001 - Classification 'Is Portal' for Communication Data ACO000
BAPIBUS1006210_GENERAL - BBP: General Data Business Partner (BAPI)
BAPIBUS1006210_GENERALX - Update Bar for General Data BBP-BP
BAPIBUS1006230_QUALITY - BBP: Quality Standards for BP
BAPIBUS1006240_CARD_TYPE - BBP: Accepted Card Types for BP
BAPIBUS1006260_PURCHA_DATAX - Update Bar for Fragment 0060 Purchasing Data
BAPIBUS1006260_PURCHA_ORG - BAPI Structure for the Sales Area
BBPBUS1006_CENTRAL - SAP-GP: BBP Structure for Central Data
BBPBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERSON - SAP-GP: BBP Structure for Personal Data
BBPCLASSIFICATION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPC_INCOTERMS_T - Incoterms Descriptions
BBPC_SUS_BPCUST - Settings for Business Partners
BBPD_APPL - Define EBP Applications
BBPD_APPL_ATL - Assign Attributes to EBP Applications
BBPD_APPL_T - Texts for EBP Applications
BBPD_APPL_TCL - Transactions zu EBP Applications
BBPD_SUS_BP_DUPL - SUS/BP: Staging Table for Duplicate Check
BBPD_SUS_BP_NOTF - Supplier to be Notified for First Use
BBPEBPARTNER_INFORMATION - SRM specific Data for Business Partner
BBPGOODS_REC_BASED_INVOICE_IND - Evaluated Receipt Settlement
BBPGOODS_REC_CONFIRM_INDICATOR - Goods Receipt Confirmation Indicator
BBPINVOICE_CONFIRM_INDICATOR - Invoice Confirmation Indicator
BBPLANDP4 - Transfer Structure for Basis F4 Module
BBPLAUNCHPD - Launchpad Structure for EBP
BBPM_BUT_FRG0010 - Business Partner: General BBP Data (Administration)
BBPM_BUT_FRG0011 - Business Partner: General BBP Data
BBPM_BUT_FRG0030 - Business Partner: Quality Standards (Administration)
BBPM_BUT_FRG0031 - Business Partner: Quality Standards
BBPM_BUT_FRG0031_CD - Copy of generated structure VBBPM_BUT_FRG0031
BBPM_BUT_FRG0040 - Business Partner: Accepted Payment Card Types (Admin.)
BBPM_BUT_FRG0041 - Business Partner: Accepted Payment Card Types
BBPM_BUT_FRG0060 - Business Partner: Purchasing Data (Administration)
BBPM_BUT_FRG0061 - Business Partner: Purchasing Data
BBPM_BUT_FRG0061_CD - Copy of generated structure VBBPM_BUT_FRG0061
BBPORGP4 - Transfer Structure for Basis F4 Module
BBPORGUSR2 - Parallel Table for BBPORGUSR
BBPOWN_ACCOUNT_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPPARTY_ID - Party Identifier
BBPPAYMENT_TERMS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPPURCHASE_ORGANIZATION_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPPURCHASE_ORGANIZATION_CURRE - Purchase Organization Currency Code
BBPQUALITY_SYSTEM_DATA - Quality Management System
BBPSAPNEW - Work Fields for Reference in Module
BBPSEND_MEDIUM_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPSHIPPING_NOTIFICATION_INDIC - Shipping Notification Indicator
BBPS_APPL_ALIST - EBP Applications incl. Attribute List + Ind. for Description
BBPS_APPL_AVLIST - EBP Applications incl. Attribute List (with Values)
BBPS_ATTR - List of Generic Attributes (With Values)
BBPS_ATTRIB - Structure: Attribute Name
BBPS_ATTRIBUTES - User Specific Parameters (Values)
BBPS_ATTR_ACTICHECK - Output of Objects to Activate and Deactivate
BBPS_ATTR_BE - EBP: Attribute + Backend
BBPS_ATTR_BUDGET - Attribute: Budget
BBPS_ATTR_CHECK - EBP Organizational Model Checks
BBPS_ATTR_EXT - List of Generic Attributes (with Values and Error Refs)
BBPS_ATTR_LAG_BE - Storage Locations (Old and New Format)
BBPS_ATTR_LAG_BE_350 - Locations (Conversion 3.5 to 4.0)
BBPS_ATTR_LIMIT - Attribute: Limit
BBPS_ATTR_MSG - Attribute with Error Reference
BBPS_ATTR_PLANT_BWKEY - Plant (With Valuation Area)
BBPS_ATTR_PLANT_INT - Attribute PLT: Internal Representation (HR)
BBPS_ATTR_PRCAT - Product Category Interval
BBPS_ATTR_PRCAT_SINGLE - Product Category (Single Value)
BBPS_ATTR_SINGLE - Individual Attribute Value
BBPS_ATTR_STORAGE_LOC - Storage Location
BBPS_ATTR_STORAGE_LOC_INT - Attribute LOC: Internal Representation (HR)
BBPS_ATTR_VALUES - Attribute Values
BBPS_ATTR_WRK_BE - Plants (Old and New Format)
BBPS_ATTR_WRK_BE_350 - Plants (Conversion 3.5 to 4.0)
BBPS_BID_ITEM_ICU_PA_BADI - Item Data Bid Invitation Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBPS_BUPA_ROLES - Business Partner Roles/Role Types
BBPS_BUPA_SH_PAR_EXT - Search parameter
BBPS_BUPA_SH_RES_EXT - search result
BBPS_BUPA_USR_ADDR_EXT - BBP Users by address data (search & result)
BBPS_BUPA_VEND_SH_PAR_EXT - supplier search parameter
BBPS_CRMC_PMNTTRMS - Payment Terms CRM Style
BBPS_CRMC_PMNTTRMS_T - Payment Terms: Texts (CRM Style)
BBPS_CTLG_PORG_BADI - Responsible Purchasing Organization for Catalog
BBPS_GUID_ID - Product Category GUID <=> Product Category ID & SourceSystem
BBPS_IF_C_PARTNER_FIELDS - Interface Business Partner Fields for Enhancement
BBPS_INCOTERMS_STRUCT - Incoterms structure
BBPS_INCOTERMS_TEXT - Incoterms Descriptions
BBPS_LOCAL_BE_ORG_MAP - Mapping of Local Purch. Org. and Associated Backend ID
BBPS_LOCATION_MAPPING - Mapping Info: System, Backend Plant, ..., for a Partner
BBPS_LOCATION_REFERENCE_DATA - Structure for ID Test of Locations
BBPS_LOCATION_TEXTS - Location Names/Description
BBPS_OBJID_OLD_NEW - OrgUnits Old(O)<-->New(VG)
BBPS_OMA_SCREEN - Screen Fields EBP Organization Models
BBPS_OM_ATTVALRT - Infotype 1222 Expanded STructure (with Component Descr.)
BBPS_OM_COCODE - Company Code of a Company in the Target System
BBPS_OM_COMP - Purch.Org. Object ID and Company Code of a Company
BBPS_OM_COMPANY - Companies (with Text and Business Partner)
BBPS_OM_OBJKEY - Object Key Without Plan Variant
BBPS_OM_OBJKEYX - External Object Key Without Plan Variant
BBPS_OM_OBJTEXT - Object with Text
BBPS_OM_ORGFUNC - EBP Function of an Organizational Unit
BBPS_OM_P1222_EXP - Infotype 1222 Expanded STructure (with Component Descr.)
BBPS_OM_P5502_EXP - Infotype 5502 Expanded Structure (with Component Descr.)
BBPS_OM_PGRP - Purch.Org. Object and Backend ID of Purchasing Group
BBPS_OM_PGRP_BE - R/3 ID of a Purchasing Group
BBPS_OM_PGR_LIGHT - Purchasing Groups (with Structure Info)
BBPS_OM_PORG - Purch.Org. Object and Backend ID of Purchasing Organization
BBPS_OM_PORG_BE - R/3 ID of a Purchasing Organization
BBPS_OM_PORG_LIGHT - Purchasing Organization (with BE-ID and Description)
BBPS_OM_PURCH_DATA - Responsible Purchasing Group in Organizational Management
BBPS_OM_PURCH_DATA_I - Responsible Purch. Grp. in Org.Mgmt (with Inheritance Index)
BBPS_OM_PURCH_GRPX - R/3 Purchasing Groups
BBPS_OM_PURCH_ORGS - Sales Organizations with Purchasing Organization
BBPS_OM_PURCH_ORGX - R/3 Purchasing Organization
BBPS_OM_PURCH_RESP - Product Responsibility of a Purchasing Group
BBPS_OM_RESP_ITEM_DATA - Item Data for Determination of Resp. Purchasing Group(s)
BBPS_OM_USR_ADDR3 - BP-BP Rel.: Structure for Type 3 Addr.Data (Work Center Ad.)
BBPS_OM_USR_RELATION - Assigned Object of an Organizational Unit
BBPS_ORGFUNC_ALIST - EBP Function of an Organizational Unit Incl. Attribute List
BBPS_PARTNER_ROLES - Copied: CRMT_PARTNER_ROLES; Reassign One-Order Objects
BBPS_PAYTERM_TEXT - Texts for Terms of Payment, Backend-Dependent
BBPS_PD_ORG_PA_BADI - Responsible Purchasing Group (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI)
BBPS_PD_PGRP_PA_BADI - Responsible Purchasing Group (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI)
BBPS_PD_PORG_PA_BADI - Responsible Purchasing Organization (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI)
BBPS_PLANT_KEY - Backend Plant
BBPS_PLANT_TRANSFER - Transfer Structure: Plants from Backends
BBPS_PLANT_TRANSFER_31 - Transfer Structure: Plants from Backends, Version 31I
BBPS_PO_ITEM_ICU_PA_BADI - Item Data Purchasing Organization (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI)
BBPS_PURCH_DATA_BADI - Responsible Purchasing Groups in Organizational Management
BBPS_RESP_ITEM_DATA_BADI - Item Data for Determination of Resp. Purchasing Group(s)
BBPS_SEARCH_CATEGORY - Search Criteria for Product Categories
BBPS_SUPP_DATA_X - Change Toolbar for Vendor Data in Monitor
BBPS_T052 - Terms of Payment, EBP Version
BBPS_T052U - Structure for T052U
BBPS_T052_31_45 - Terms of Payment, R/3 Version 31....45B
BBPS_T052_46B - Terms of Payment, R/3 Version 46B
BBPS_T052_46C_47 - Terms of Payment, R/3 Version > 46B
BBPS_TCODE - EBP Transaction Code
BBPS_TC_SUPP_MONI - Vendor Monitor for Table Control
BBPS_TC_SUPP_MONI_EXT - Extended Results List
BBPS_VEND_BENO_SEARCH - Search Criteria Vendor for FI Backend
BBPS_WLGE_F4_PUR_GROUP_COMM - Communication Structure with Purchasing Groups - Search Help
BBPS_WLGE_F4_VENDOR_COMM - Communication Structure with Vendor Search Help
BBPS_WLRA_ACTION_ITEM - Process Item in Workload
BBPS_WLRA_DATA - Communication Structure for Workload Reassignment
BBPS_WLRA_OBJECT - Workload for Processing Object
BBPS_WLRA_RESULT_MESSAGE - Message Text from Workload Reassignment
BBPS_WLRA_SEARCH - Workload Reassignment Communication Structure for Search
BBPS_WLRA_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria for Workload Reassignment
BBPS_WLRA_SEARCH_CRIT_NO_CUF - Search Criteria for Workload Reassignment
BBPS_WLRA_SERVICE_URL - URL for Service Called by Sourcing
BBPS_WL_TABLE_SORT_INFO - Column currently Used for Sorting (with direction)
BBPTAB - Transfer Structure for Download
BBPTAB2 - Transfer Structure for Download
BBPTRANSFER_LOCATION_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPT_BUPA_VENMAP_BW - BW Extraction: Mapping Business Partner - Vendor
BBPT_BUS_CARD_TYPE - Accepted Card Types
BBPT_BUS_DIALOG_ISDAT - Dialog:ISDAT Parameter Structure for BBP - BUPA Applications
BBPT_BUS_FRG0010 - Master Data/Bidder/Vendor/Portal
BBPT_BUS_FRG0010X - BBP: Update Bar for Fragment 0010 General Bidder Data
BBPT_BUS_FRG0010_KEY - Key Fields Master Table Bidder/Vendor/Portal
BBPT_BUS_FRG0030 - BBP Structure of the Fragment 0030, Qualtiy Standards
BBPT_BUS_FRG0030X - BBP Structure of the Fragment 0030, Qualtiy Standards
BBPT_BUS_FRG0030_KEY - Key Structure for Fragment 0030
BBPT_BUS_FRG0040 - Accepted Card Types
BBPT_BUS_FRG0040X - Accepted Card Types
BBPT_BUS_FRG0040_KEY - Key Fields for Accepted Payment Cards
BBPT_BUS_FRG0060 - BBP Stucture of Set 0060, Purchasing
BBPT_BUS_FRG0060X - BBP Update Bar for Set 0060, Purchasing
BBPT_BUS_FRG0060_KEY - Key Fields Purchasing Data
BBPT_BUS_PURCHASE_ORG - Internal Structure for the Purchasing Area
BBPT_BUS_QUALITY - Quality Standard with Validity Period
BBPT_SUS_BP_NOTF_SCR - Screen Structure: Send Notification to Supplier
BBPVALID_FROM - Validity From Date
BBPVALID_TO - Validity To Date
BBP_ACO000 - SAP_GP: Communication Data Set Bidder/Vendor/Portal
BBP_ADDRESSES_DISPLAY - Structure for Presenting Addresses in Maintenance Dialog
BBP_ADR12_45 - FTP and URL (Central Address Management) Version 4.5
BBP_ADR12_46 - FTP and URL (Central Address Management) Version 4.6
BBP_ADR2_31 - Telephone Numbers (Central Address Management), Release 3.1
BBP_ADR2_40_45 - Telephone Numbers (Central Address Managemt) Release 4.0/4.5
BBP_ADR2_46 - Telephone Numbers (Central Address Management) Version 4.6
BBP_ADR2_47 - Telephone Numbers (Business Address Servicess) Status 4.7
BBP_ADR3_31 - Fax Numbers (Central Address Management), Release 3.1
BBP_ADR3_40_45 - Fax Numbers (Central Address Management), Release 4.0/4.5
BBP_ADR3_46 - Fax Numbers (Central Address Management) Version 4.6
BBP_ADR3_47 - Fax Numbers (Business Address Services) Status 4.7
BBP_ADR6_31 - SMTP-Numbers (Central Address Management), Release 3.1
BBP_ADR6_40_45 - SMTP-Numbers (Central Address Management), Release 4.0/4.5
BBP_ADR6_46 - SMTP Numbers (Central Address Management) Version 4.6
BBP_ADR6_47 - E-mail Addresses (Business Address Services) Status 4.7
BBP_ADRC_31 - Addresses (Central Address Management) Release 3.1
BBP_ADRC_40 - Adresses (Central Address Management) Release 4.0
BBP_ADRC_45 - Addresses (Central Address Management) Release 4.5
BBP_ADRC_46 - Addresses (Central Address Management) Version 4.6
BBP_ADRC_47 - Addresses (Central Address Administration) 4.7 Stand
BBP_ADRP_31 - Persons (Central Address Management), Release 3.1
BBP_ADRP_40 - Persons (Central Address Management), Release 4.0
BBP_ADRP_46 - Persons (Central Address Management), Release 4.0
BBP_APP_CUS_F4 - Customizing for appended customer search helps
BBP_ATTRIBUTES - User Specific Parameters (Values)
BBP_ATTR_ACCESS - Attribute Access Mode
BBP_ATTR_DFT - Default Values of Basic Attributes
BBP_ATTR_EXT - User Specific Parameter(Enhanced Information)
BBP_ATTR_F1 - Attribute, for which F1 Help Should be Displayed
BBP_ATTR_F1_STRUCT - Data Types of Attributes (Structures)
BBP_ATTR_F4 - Interface Search Help for Attributes from Organ. Plan
BBP_ATTR_F4CONF - Search Help Configuration for Attributes in Organ. Plan
BBP_ATTR_INCLUDE - Additional Information for Attributes
BBP_ATTR_LIST - List of Attributes
BBP_ATTR_LOCBIN - EBP Backup Table for Unconverted Locations
BBP_ATTR_PROP - Scenario-specific attribute properties
BBP_ATTR_PROPERTIES - User Specific Parameters (Properties)
BBP_ATTR_PROP_EXT - Properties of Attributes
BBP_ATTR_VALUE_T - Texts for Attribute Values
BBP_ATTR_WITH_OBJECTS - Attributes of various org. objects
BBP_ATTR_XPRA400 - Conversion EBP 4.0: Backup Copy Converted Attributes
BBP_BACKEND_DEST - Definition of Back-End Systems in SAP SRM
BBP_BACKEND_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: RFC Destination, LOG_SYS, Description
BBP_BACKEND_TEXT - Logical Systems Description
BBP_BID000 - Business Partner: Bidder
BBP_BIDCC - Business Partner: Assigned Categories
BBP_BIDDER_GETLIST_S - Transfer Structure for Bidder GetList
BBP_BIDQMS - Bidder: QM-System
BBP_BP_INDICATORS - Diverse Business Partner Indicators
BBP_BUPA_ADDRESS_ORGAN - Address Transfer Structure: Create Vendors
BBP_BUPA_CENTRAL_ORGAN - Central Data - Transfer Structure: Create Vendors
BBP_BUPA_PURCH - New Structure: Purchasing Data for Vendor
BBP_CATEGORY_F4_GUID32 - F4 Help Structure for Categories
BBP_CNTRYF4 - Input Help for Countries
BBP_COL - Configuring Customizing Values
BBP_COUNT - Define Default Country for EBP Users
BBP_CUST - Configuration of Values for EBP
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BBP_DATA - Complex Structure BBP Data
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PCINS - Procurement Card
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PCINSS - Procurement Cards
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PCINS_KEY - KEY Structure: Procurement Cards
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PURCH_ORG - Purchasing Organization
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PURCH_ORGS - Purchasing Organizations
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PURCH_ORG_DATA - DATA Structure: Purchasing Organization
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PURCH_ORG_KEY - Key Struktur: Purchasing Organization
BBP_IFC_STRUC_PURCH_ORG_X - DATAX Structure: Purchasing Organization
BBP_IFC_STRUC_QSSYS - Quality Management System
BBP_IFC_STRUC_QSSYSS - Quality Management Systems
BBP_IFC_STRUC_QSSYS_DATA - DATA Structure: Quality Managment System
BBP_IFC_STRUC_QSSYS_KEY - Key Structure: Quality Management System
BBP_IFC_STRUC_QSSYS_X - DATAX Structure: Quality Management System
BBP_IFC_STRUC_VENMAP - Supplier Mapping
BBP_IFC_STRUC_VENMAPS - Supplier Mappings
BBP_IFC_STRUC_VENMAP_DATA - DATA Structure: Supplier Mapping
BBP_IFC_STRUC_VENMAP_KEY - KEY Structure: Supplier Mapping
BBP_LFA1 - Vendor Master (general section)
BBP_LFA1_31 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for 31H/31I
BBP_LFA1_31_45 - Vendor Master (general part), Valid 3.1H to 4.5B incl.
BBP_LFA1_40 - Vendor Master (Gen. Section), Valid for 4.0B
BBP_LFA1_45 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for 4.5B
BBP_LFA1_46 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 46
BBP_LFA1_46B - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 46
BBP_LFA1_47 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 47
BBP_LFA1_KEY - Key for Table LFA1 for Mass Access
BBP_LFAS - Vendor Master (VAT Registration Numbers General Section)
BBP_LFBK - Vendor Master (bank details)
BBP_LFBK_31 - Vendor Master (Bank Details), Valid for 31H/31I
BBP_LFBK_40_45 - Vendor Master (Bank Details)
BBP_LFM1 - Vendor Master Purchasing Org. Data, Version Valid from 5.0
BBP_LFM1_46 - Vendor Master Purchasing Org. Data, Valid: 31H-46D
BBP_LFM1_KEY - Key for Table LFM1 for Mass Access
BBP_LFM2I1 - Include LFM1 LFM2
BBP_LFM2I1_46 - Include LFM1 LFM2 Valid: 31H-46D
BBP_LOCMAP - Mapping Table Business Partner --> System --> Location
BBP_LOCMAP_ADM - Admin.Information for BBP_LOCMAP
BBP_LOG_SYSTEMS - List of Logical Systems Names
BBP_MANAGERS - Manager Data Interface
BBP_MARKETP_INFO - Information for Automatic Download from Marketplace
BBP_MEN_STAT - Menu User Temporary Data
BBP_NEWVD_LOG - List of Newly Created Vendors
BBP_OM_PARTNER_GET - Interface: Business Partner
BBP_OM_PGRP - Purchasing Group (Purch. Org. Object ID)
BBP_OM_PORG - Purchasing Organization (Purch. Org. Object ID)
BBP_OPERATIONS - BBP: Structure for Transactions Table
BBP_ORGMAN_FLAGS - Indictaor for Attributes in OM
BBP_ORGMAN_PURCH - Attribute for BBP
BBP_ORGOBJECTS - Object List for Organizational Plan
BBP_ORGUNITS - Organizational Unit Data Interface
BBP_ORGUNIT_ADDRESS - Organizational Unit Address
BBP_O_TO_VG_OBJ - Conversion Org. Model Ext. Partners (Objects)
BBP_O_TO_VG_REL - Conversion Org.Model Ext. Partners (Relationships)
BBP_PARTNER_ORG - Display Struture GP + Org Data
BBP_PAYMENTTERM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Terms of Payment and Texts
BBP_PAYMENT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Terms of Payment and Texts
BBP_PAYMENT_MAP - Mapping Table for Terms of Payment (EBP <--> Backend)
BBP_PAYTERM - Terms of Payment, Backend-Dependent
BBP_PAYTERM_TEXT - Texts for Terms of Payment, Backend-Dependent
BBP_PCINS - Procurement Card Company
BBP_PCINST - Procurement Card Company: Texts
BBP_PRODCAT_WHERE_USED - List of Product Categories used
BBP_PURCHASE_ORG_TEXT - Text Structure for Purchasing Organizations
BBP_REGIONF4 - Input Help for Regions
BBP_ROLE_ATTR - Roles and Their Relevant Attributes
BBP_SD_LOG - Vendor's Entries in Vendor List
BBP_SENDMEDIUM - Business Partner, Transmission Medium
BBP_SI_LFA1 - Vendor Master (general section)
BBP_SI_LFA1_46 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 46
BBP_SI_LFA1_46B - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 46
BBP_SI_LFA1_47 - Vendor Master (General Section), Valid for Release 47
BBP_SUPP_MONI - Vendor Monitor for Changed Data
BBP_SUS_BPCMPMAP - Mapping Table for Business Partner (Buyer; Goods Recipient)
BBP_SUS_BPSETTNG - SUS-Specific Data Stored in Business Partner
BBP_SUS_ROLE_CHARACTERISTICS - SUS: SUS-Specific Attributes for Role
BBP_SUS_UI_ROLES - SUS Roles for Displaying in SUS UM
BBP_TAXNUMTYPE_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Tax Card Types (Business Partner)
BBP_TITLEACAF4 - Input Help for Title
BBP_TITLEF4 - Input Help for Title
BBP_TMP_ACO - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Communication Data
BBP_TMP_BID - Temporary: Request 'Bidder/Vendor', Bidder Data
BBP_TMP_BID000 - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Bidder Data
BBP_TMP_BIDCC - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Product Categories
BBP_TMP_BIDQMS - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Quality Management Systems
BBP_TMP_VEN - Obsolete from 2.0C Onwards. Was Never used Before
BBP_TMP_VEN000 - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Purchasing Data
BBP_TMP_VENDNO - Obsolete from 2.0C Onwards. Was Never used Before
BBP_TMP_VENMAP - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Backend System Reference
BBP_TMP_VENPC - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Payment Cards
BBP_TMP_ZA_ASP - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Contact Addresses
BBP_TMP_ZA_ORG - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Company Address
BBP_TMP_ZD_ASP - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Contact Person Data
BBP_TMP_ZD_ORG - Temporary: Request 'Bidder', Company Data
BBP_TQ02B - QM system for supplier
BBP_TQ02U - Description QM system for supplier
BBP_TRCU - Configuration of Values for EBP
BBP_USTRU - Structure for User Transfer
BBP_VDSYNC_CUST - Customizing Table for Vendor Synchronization
BBP_VDSYNC_UPD - Global Settings for Vendor Synchronization
BBP_VDUPDLIST - Synchronization List for Vendors
BBP_VDUPDLIST2 - Synchronization List for Vendors
BBP_VEN000 - Business Partner: Vendor
BBP_VENDNO - Mapping Partner GUID - SAP Number ....
BBP_VENDOR_BE_NO - Vendors with Backend Number
BBP_VENDOR_GETLIST_S - Transfer Structure for GetList to Vendor
BBP_VENMAP - Backend - Vendor Mapping
BBP_VENPC - Procurement Card - Vendor
BBP_WLRA_CLUSTER - Table for Data Cluster Definitions in Workload
BBUWAPLIST - List of Possible WAP Applications
BID000 - Business Partner: Bidder General Data
BIDCC - Business Partner: Assigned Categories
BIDQMS - Business Partner: Quality Management System
BIDSELECT - Business Partner: Selection of Bidders with Partner GUID
BIDSELECT_PARTNER - Business Partner: Selection of Bidders with Partner Number
BUPA_BBP101 - Screen Structure for View BBP101, Purchasing
BUPA_BBP102_TC - Screen Structure for Popup Purchasing Organizations
BUPA_BBP201 - Screen Structure: SAP Vendor Numbers
BUPA_BBPA01 - BBP: Screen Structure for View BBPD01, Gen. Data Bidder/Port
BUPA_BBPC01 - Screen Structure for View Quality Standards
BUPA_BBPC01_TC - Screen Structure for View Quality Standards, Table Control
BUPA_BBPD01 - BBP: Screen Structure for View BBPD01, Gen. Data Bidder/Port
BUPA_BBPD01_TC - Screen Structure Accepted Card Types
BUPA_BBPF01 - Screen Structure Purchasing Data
CRMT_BUS_BBP_GENERAL_TEXTS - BBP: General Data ==> Texts
CRMT_BUS_PURCHASE - BAPI Transfer Structure for BBP Purchase Data .
EBPTOOLTIP - Tooltip Texts for the Launchpad
EBPTYPES - Definition of Node Types for EBP
EBP_TIPS - Tooltip Texts for the Launchpad
HRBCIDP_PROC_TY - Transaction Type: Direct Material
HRBCIOBJKEY - Object Key Without Plan Variant
HRBCIPGR - Sales Groups
HRBCIPGR_I - Sales Groups (w. Inheritance Index)
HRBCIPGR_LIGHT - Purchasing Groups (with Structure Info)
HRBCIPORG - Sales Organizations
HRBCIPORGX - Sales Organizations with Purchasing Organization
HRBCIPURCH_GRPX - Backend Purchasing Groups
HRBCIPURCH_ORGX - R/3 Purchasing Organization
HRBCIRESP_PGRP - Responsible Purchasing Group
HRBCIRESP_PRCAT - Responsible Product Catalog
HRBCIRESP_WGR - Responsible Product Category
HRBCITREEINFO - Upper Tree Table
HRBCIUSER - HR: Structure Description User
HRBCI_SEARCH_PRCAT - Sales Group Search: Product Responsibility
HRI5500 - Infotype-Specific Fields
HRI5503 - EBP Order Value Limits
HRP5500 - Database Table for Infotype 5500
HRP5501 - Database Table for Infotype 5501
HRP5502 - DB Table for Info Record 5502
HRP5503 - DB Table for Info Record 5503
HRT5500 - Table Section Infotype 5500
HRT5501 - Table Section Infotype 5501
HRT5502 - Table Section Info Category 5502
INCL_EEW_BUPA_CST - Tabular Customer Enhancements
INCL_EEW_BUPA_CSTS - Customer Tabular Enhancement Components
INCL_EEW_BUPA_SWS - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components
INCL_EEW_BUPA_SWT - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components
INCL_EEW_CSTS_BPSUPPLIER - Table Customer Enhancement Components on RFx Header
INCL_EEW_CST_BPSUPPLIER - Tabular Customer Enhancements on BP Supplier
INCL_EEW_SWS_BPSUPPLIER - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on)
INCL_EEW_SWT_BPSUPPLIER - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on)
P5500 - Infotype 5500
P5500_AF - Additional Query Fields
P5500_EXP - Infotype 5500 Expanded Structure
P5501 - Infotype 5501
P5501_AF - Additional Query Fields
P5501_EXP - Infotype 5501 Expanded Structure
P5502 - Info Category 5502
P5502_AF - Additional Query Fields
P5502_EXP - Info Category 5502 Expanded Structure
P5503 - Infotype 5503: EBP Purch.Order Value Limits
P5503_AF - Additional Query Fields
PERSMAP - Mapping (People) EBP Partner Number <-> Ext. Partner Number
PT5500 - EBP Function
PT5501 - EBP Product Responsibility
PT5502 - EBP Location
SRM_USR01 - Internet User Data
USR_TXT - User
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0010 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0011 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0030 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0031 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0040 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0041 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0060 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0061 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBIDCC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEN000 - Business Partner: General Vendor Data
VEN001 - Business Partner: Vendor - Our Number at Vendor
VENMAP - Mapping Table Partner GUID - R/3 Number
VENPC - Business Partner: Assignment: Procurement Card - Vendor
VHRT5500 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VHRT5501 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VHRT5502 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Organizational Management Tables SRM-EBP-ADM-ORG

BBPD_ES_EEWA - Employee Workplace: Org. Address References (NW710: MOM052)
BBPD_ES_EEWA_FS - Employee Workplace: Address Usages (NW710: MOM052_FS)
BBPS_ES_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_ID - ID of an Individual Delivery Address
BBPS_ES_EEWA - Employee Workplace: Org. Address Reference (NW710: MOM052)
BBPS_ES_EEWA_DATA - EEWA Address Data incl. usages
BBPS_ES_EEWA_FS - Employee Workplace: Address Usage (NW710: MOM052_FS)
BBPS_ES_EEWA_USAGE - Employee Workplace: Address Usages
BBPS_ES_PERSON_ADDRESS_ID - ID of a Person Address (BAS Address of Type 2)
BBPS_ES_PERSON_ID - Key of person
BBPS_ES_PERSON_NAME - Name of a Person
BBPS_ES_UNIT_ID - Key of Org. Unit
BBPS_ES_WORKPLACE_ADDRESS_ID - ID of Workplace Address (BAS Address of Type 3)
BBPS_ES_WORKPLACE_EMAIL - Structure for Work Center E-mail Addresses

SAP User Maintenance Tables SRM-EBP-ADM-USR

/SAPSRM/C_UM_S00 - Customizing (UME SPML Connector)
/SAPSRM/C_UM_S01 - Synchronization Check For BP<->US (Customizing)
/SAPSRM/EP_SRM_ROLES - Structure for personalization EP SRM mapping roles
/SAPSRM/S_EMP_MASS - Mass Employee and User upload/download
/SAPSRM/S_EP_GROUPS - Structure for table wich contains user's groups
/SAPSRM/S_EP_ROLES - Structure for table wich contains user's groups
/SAPSRM/S_ID_USERS - Structure of the table of users
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ATTRIBUTES_F4 - list of attributes for which search help has been read
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ATTR_TYPE_META_D - Attribute Type Meta Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_COMMUNICATION - Communication Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_EMPLOYEE_LIST - Employee list with additonal information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ORGUNIT_ADDRESS - Structure for PDO Organizational Unit Address
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ORG_KEY_WORDS - key words of organizational data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PERSON_NAME - Name of a person
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_POSITION - position in organization management
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WORKPLACE_DEF - Workplace Defaults
BAPIPCMAS_WF - Procurement Card Data (workflow)
BBPC_UM_S00 - Customizing (UME SPML Connector)
BBPIUSWSTA - Internet User Status Info with E-Mail
BBPS_NO_AUTHS - Flag List Authorization/Comp.Name=Auth.Object + Activity
BBPS_UM_UI_DISPLAY_TXTS - Structure of Special Display Texts of a Natural Person
BBPS_UM_UI_DISPLAY_TXTS_CP - Structure for Display Texts for Central Person (CP)
BBPS_UM_UI_DISPLAY_TXTS_POS - Structure for Display Texts for Org. Position
BBPS_UM_UI_DISPLAY_TXTS_USER - Structure for Display Texts for User
BBPS_UM_UI_PCARD - User Maintenance BBPUSERMAINT/BBPAT05: Subscreen for PCard
BBPS_UM_UI_PERSON - Structure for central person in transaction BBPUSERMAINT
BBPS_UM_UI_PERSON_ALL - All Data Belonging to a Natural Person
BBPS_UM_UI_TBLSELECT - Structire fpr Table Control: BBPUSERMAINT Access
BBPS_UM_UI_USER_ROLE - SRM User Maintenance: Structure for Roles
BBPUID - Structure for User Data
BBPUTYP - Allowed User Types in BBP
BBP_ACTGR - Activity Group for a User in the B2B system
BBP_CUSTOM - Customize functionality of B2B User Create and User Maint
BBP_DTL_MSG - Suppress Detailed Error or Success Messages
BBP_IU01 - Link Table: Internet User to E-Mail
BBP_MANAGER - Structure for B2B manager (ID, name, and org. unit)
BBP_PCARD - Structure for PCard data in user creation
BBP_PID - Parameter ID and value list for a specific user
BBP_PIDDAT - PID entries for each node in PID tree
BBP_PIDNOD - Node entry of the PID tree
BBP_TEXTS - Customizing table for B2B text elements
BBP_USR01 - Internet user data
PIDS - Parameter ID and value list for a specific user

SAP External Business Partner Tables SRM-EBP-ADM-XBP

/SAPSRM/BP_TE_ADMIN_INCLUDE - Key fields of table extensions for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_ADDR_DET - Address Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_BIDDER_CHAR - Bidder Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_BIDDER_QMS - Set type for Bidder QM system
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_BUF - PDO Buffer structure for BuPa
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_CP_BASIC_DATA - Contact Person's Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_CP_REFNSAPSYS - Reference to Non SAP System
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_CP_USER_DATA - Contact Person User Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_DATA_PRIVACY - Structure for Data Privacy Stmt
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_DOCS_DETAIL - Detailed list of all incomplete docs for BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_HAS_INV_PARTY - Invoicing Party - 'Has' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_ID_AREA - Set Type for BP Identification Area
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_IS_INV_PARTY - Invoicing Party: 'Is' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_LOC_MAP - Location Mapping
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_PORG_CHAR - Purchasing Organization Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_POTSUP_QUEST - Structure type for questionnaire details of a pot supplier.
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_PROD_CAT - Product Category
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_PSUP_TFR - Target system for potential supplier transfer
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_SUP_CARD_CO - Payment Card Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_SUP_CUS_TAB - Supplier Customer Table Extension
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_SUP_INT_TAB - Header Structure for Business Partner MO's
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_SUP_PUR_DATA - Supplier Purchasing Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_TAX_NO - Structure for Tax Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_TEL_NO - Telephone Number Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_TYPES - Business Partner Types
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_DOCS - Summary struct for incomplete bus docs for a BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_AUC - Auction Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_BID - Bidding Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_CONF - Confirmation Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_CTR - Contract Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_INV - Invoice Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_QUOT - Quotation Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_SC - SC Docs that uses the BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_BPSUPPL - Table like Extensions on BP Supplier
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_C_BPSUPPL - Customer Table Extension Line for BP Supplier
/SAPSRM/S_PD_BUPA_BUF - PD structure for Update Buffer for BuPa
BAPIBUS1006220_CHARACTERISTIC - BBP: Bidder Characteristic for BP
BBPC_BIDDER_CHAD - Description of Bidder Characteristic
BBPC_BIDDER_CHAR - General Bidder Characteristics
BBPD_MDG_FLDMAP - MDG: Assignment Entity/Database Field Name
BBPM_BUT_FRG0020 - Business Partner: Bidder Characteristic (Administration)
BBPM_BUT_FRG0021 - Business Partner: Bidder Characterisitc
BBPS_NONR3_INPUT_ADDRESS - Transfer Structure for Master Data Upload Addresses
BBPS_NONR3_INPUT_ADDRESS_X - Change Information for Master Data Upload Addresses
BBPS_NONR3_INPUT_PARTNER - Transfer Structure for Master Data Upload Business Partner
BBPS_NONR3_INPUT_PARTNER_X - Change Information for Master Data Upload Partner
BBPT_BUS_BIDDER_CHAR - Bidder Characteristic (Time-Dependent)
BBPT_BUS_FRG0020 - BBP Structure of Fragment 0020, Bidder Characteristic
BBPT_BUS_FRG0020_KEY - Key Structure for Table BBPM_BUT_FRG0020
BBP_ADDRMAP - Mapping EBP Address Number <--> External Address Number/Type
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCHAR - Bidder Characteristic
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCHAR_DATA - DATA Structure: Bidder Characteristics
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCHAR_X - DATAX Structure: Bidder Indicator
BBP_OBJ_MERGED - Organizational Units with Merged Accruals
BBP_SF_BP_PP_SUP_CAT - Flag List for PP Mapping
BBP_SF_BP_PP_SUP_CHRS - Flag List for PP Mapping
BBP_SF_BP_PP_SUP_PURD - Flag List for PP Mapping
BBP_SF_BP_PP_SUP_QMSYS - Flag List for PP Mapping
BBP_S_BP_PP_SUP_CAT - Source Structure for PP Mapping
BBP_S_BP_PP_SUP_CHRS - Source Structure for PP Mapping
BBP_S_BP_PP_SUP_PURD - Source Structure for PP Mapping
BBP_S_BP_PP_SUP_QMSYS - Source Structure for PP Mapping
BUPA_BBPB01 - Screen Structure for View Bidder Characteristic
BUPA_BBPB01_TC - Screen Structure for View Bidder Charac., Table Cntrl Fields
TCHDL_TC_DATA - Individual TC-Specific Data
TCHDL_USR_SET - TC_HANDLING - User Settings for Columns
TCHDL_USR_SET_EX - Individual TC-Specific Data
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0020 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBBPM_BUT_FRG0021 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Application Monitors Tables SRM-EBP-APM

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ALERTS_SC - Structure for Shopping Cart CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_MON_RESULT - Set type for BP Monitor results
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_MON_SEARCH - Set Type for BP Monitor - Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CD_RESULT - Monitor contract result view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_RESULT - Monitor contract result view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MON_MAPPER - Monitor Mapper list
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MON_SC_HEADER - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MON_SC_ITEM - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NAME_VAL - Structure for name-value in error details for appln monitor
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_HEADER_D - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart GetDetail Case
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_HEADER_IC - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart Create/Check-Fall
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_HEADER_U - Header Data of Shopping Cart Change Case Interface
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_RESULT_HDR - Monitor shopping Cart -- Result View Header Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_RESULT_ITM - Monitor Shopping Cart - Result View Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_SEARCH - Structure for Shopping cart Search View
/SAPSRM/S_ERROR_ID - Error ID table for actions from the tools
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ALERT_DISPLAY - structure for alert display
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BBP_PDS_MES_H - Error Messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BBP_PDS_MSG_H - Error Message for Procurement Document Methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_RESULTS - Set type for BP Monitor results
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_SEL - Set Type for BP Monitor - Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CD_ALERTS - alerts for contract searach
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CD_ALERT_KEY - key for contract search monitor
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CD_RESULTS - Set type for CD Monitor results
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ERRORS - Application Monitors errors
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ERRORS_LIST - Application Monitors-Error list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MESSAGES - Error Message for Procurement Document Methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MESSAGES_H - Error Message for Procurement Document Methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ML_COMMANDS - Application Monitor List Commands
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_NAME_VAL - Structure for name-value in error details for appln monitor
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RESULT_HEADER - Shopping Cart Monitor Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RESULT_ITM - Monitor Shopping Cart - List Screen Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RESULT_LIST - Structure for Shopping Cart Result View
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR_D - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart GetDetail Case
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR_IC - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart Create/Check-Fall
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR_U - Header Data of Shopping Cart Change Case Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HEADER - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HEAD_MAIN - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_ITEMS - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_MESSAGES - structure for ShoppingCart messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_MSG - Error Message for Procurement Document Methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_MSG_CONTEXT - Context- Info for Application-Log BBP Procurement Document
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_SEARCH - Monitor Shopping Cart - Selection Screen General Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SEARCH_PROC_GRP - range values for purchasing group
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SEARCH_PROC_ORG - Select Options for Purchasing Organization
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SEL_ACCOUNT - account assignment category
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_STATUS_TEXT - Structure for Status Text
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUBMONITORS - Application Monitor- Submonitors
/SAPSRM/S_UI_APP_MON - Application Monitor
/SAPSRM/S_UI_SRCH_MON - Search Monitors
/SAPSRM/S_UI_TREE_VIEW - Treeview of the Monitoring Panel
/SAPSRM/T_PDO_SEARCH_CREATEDBY - Select Options for the User Name of the Creator
/SAPSRM/T_PDO_SEARCH_PROC_ORG - Select Options for Purchasing Organization

SAP Approval Tables SRM-EBP-APP

/SAPSRM/S_DO_APV_STATUS_INFO - Structure for Status Information in Approval Preview
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AGENTS - Possible Agents for work item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APPROVALSTATUS - status of items in approval process
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APV_TEC - Structure to provide techn. information to an administrator
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APV_WI_TMSTMP - Workitem Time Stamps
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_REVIEWER_DTLS - Structure for Adding/Removing Reviewer
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WFL_50 - Structure to store 'old' (SRM50) WF Information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROCESS_INFO - process info as returned by DO APV
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROC_AGENT - process agent as returned by DO APV
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROC_AGENT_BK - mapping table as returned by DO APV
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROC_DETAIL - process detail as returned by DO APV
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROC_LEVEL - process level as returned by DO APV
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_PROC_LVL_BASE - base structure for a PDO workflow structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WF_WORKITEM - work item data as returned by DO APV

SAP Archiving Tables SRM-EBP-ARV

BBPD_ARCH_RESI - Archiving of EBP Documents Resididence Times
BBPS_ARCH_DOCUMENTS - Archivability Check for Documents
BBPS_ARCH_READ_BUFFER - Document Structure from Archive
BBPS_PD_ARCH_READ_BUFFER - Document Structure from Archive
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_ARCH - User Interface Fields for Archive Search
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_ARCH_INT - User Interface Fields for Archive Search
BBP_API_AG - WF: Agent


/SAPPSSRM/ATTR - Application data of Questionnaire
/SAPPSSRM/BCOM - Stores Bidder's long comments per Questionnaire i.e. PQQ
/SAPPSSRM/C_ATTR - Customizing data of Questionnaire
/SAPPSSRM/C_WEGT - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
/SAPPSSRM/DYNVAL - Value Area for Dynamic Attributes
/SAPPSSRM/ENVL_D - Multi Envelope Bidding Envelope Definition
/SAPPSSRM/ENVL_T - Text table for Multi Envelope Bidding Envelope Definition
/SAPPSSRM/EVL_RL - Define types of evaluators for the multi envelope bidding
/SAPPSSRM/EVL_RT - Language-Dependent Text Table for evaluator role type
/SAPPSSRM/FIXVAL - DB Table for Fixed Values with Dynamic Attributes
/SAPPSSRM/FLDR_D - Definition of the folders
/SAPPSSRM/FLDR_T - Text table for the folder definition
/SAPPSSRM/GRP_T - Text table for groups.
/SAPPSSRM/GRUP_T - Text table for groups.
/SAPPSSRM/MATR - Attributes
/SAPPSSRM/MPQQ - Map Weightages to PQQ
/SAPPSSRM/MPQW - Mapping Question guid and weightage quid.
/SAPPSSRM/PRDC - Permissions assignment
/SAPPSSRM/PRMP - Permission assignment
/SAPPSSRM/PRROLE - Permission Roles
/SAPPSSRM/PRRO_T - Language-Specific Text Table for tendering role table
/SAPPSSRM/PYMT - Payment Details
/SAPPSSRM/RL_AUT - Define the Collaboration folder Authorizations for the roles
/SAPPSSRM/SCHM_D - Multi Envelope Bidding Schema Definition
/SAPPSSRM/SCHM_T - Language-Dependent Text Table for multi envelope schema id
/SAPPSSRM/SC_ENV - Envelope specific data in the schema
/SAPPSSRM/SEF_D - Relationship between envelope, folde and the Schema
/SAPPSSRM/SLAP - Approvals in Simultaneous Login
/SAPPSSRM/SLBH - Simultaneous Login Batch Process Details
/SAPPSSRM/SL_IMG - Customization for simultaneous Login
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACTIVITY_CHANG - Tracks Cfolder Activity
/SAPPSSRM/S_AUTH_CHANGE - Access Authorization
/SAPPSSRM/S_BEV_ACTIVITY - Display Tech Bids Status
/SAPPSSRM/S_BIDDER - Bidder list
/SAPPSSRM/S_CFX_ID - Folder ID for the Cfolder
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_TDA_BID - Tendering action metadata
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_TD_BID - Tendering CLL details
/SAPPSSRM/S_EMD_URL_PARAMS - Structure for URL Parameters of EMD
/SAPPSSRM/S_ENVELOPE - Structure holding the envelope data
/SAPPSSRM/S_EVAL_ROLE_TYPE - Evaluator role type
/SAPPSSRM/S_FOLDER - Structure for folder
/SAPPSSRM/S_FOLDER_AUTH - Get folder authorizations
/SAPPSSRM/S_HTTPNVP - HTTP Framework (iHTTP) Name/Value Pair
/SAPPSSRM/S_KEY_VALUE - URL Params key value
/SAPPSSRM/S_METADA_TDPD - Meta data for Tendering Payment Details
/SAPPSSRM/S_PROCESS_TYPE - Process Type for Seach Help.
/SAPPSSRM/S_PRROLES - Permissions Available for User
/SAPPSSRM/S_PR_META_STATIC - Static meta data for permissions
/SAPPSSRM/S_PR_TABLE - Table for Permissions
/SAPPSSRM/S_SIMUSERS - Structure for permissions users
/SAPPSSRM/S_SLUSERS - Structure for Simultaneous Login User
/SAPPSSRM/S_SL_PARAMS - URL Parameters for Simultaneous Login
/SAPPSSRM/S_TDPD - Tendering Payment Details
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_ATTRIBUTE - For Attribue. Not used any more.
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_BCOM - Bidder Comments for PQQ (Comments/Questionnaire)
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_MESSAGE - Handling Message.
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_PQQ_PARAMS - Parameter structure for PQQ webdynpro.
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_UI_PQQ_BIDDER - UI structure for PQQ in bidder page.
/SAPPSSRM/S_TD_UI_PQQ_NODE - UI structure for PQQ in bidder page.
/SAPPSSRM/S_TNDR_ACTION - Structure for Tendering Actions RFQ
/SAPPSSRM/S_TNDR_ACTION_QUOT - Structure for Tendering Actions Quot
/SAPPSSRM/S_UNAME - Line type for user name
/SAPPSSRM/TDPD - Tendering Payment Details of an RFx Responder
/SAPPSSRM/TDPY_T - Payment Mode
/SAPPSSRM/TD_C - Collaboration Folder ID
/SAPPSSRM/TD_C_T - Cfolder Type Language Configuration
/SAPPSSRM/TD_EMD - Earnest Money Deposit Amount
/SAPPSSRM/TD_LIS - Tender Committee Short List
/SAPPSSRM/TD_PRC - Tender Processing
/SAPPSSRM/TD_TBC - Tendering Cfolder Customization
/SAPPSSRM/TEMD - Table for EMD Payment
/SAPPSSRM/WEGT - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/APPLTERR - Stores Applet Exceptions
/SAPSRM/BBP_SUS - Details about the supplier system
/SAPSRM/BID_CMP_SUMM_DATA_S - Structure for Bid Comaprison data summary
/SAPSRM/BID_REPL - Table for status of Bid replication
/SAPSRM/C_ACT_BC - Field activation for BID Comparison
/SAPSRM/OFFLNUSR - Offline User table
/SAPSRM/S_ADDITEM_FUNCTIONS - add item pop-up functions
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_DATA - Bidder and contact person data relevant for replication
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_OV_GEN - Bidder Overview
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_OV_GEN_DATA - Bidder Overview Data
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_OV_GEN_TECH - Tech : Bidder Overview
/SAPSRM/S_BID_CMP_RES_PDF - Structure to hold the schema for PDF display of BID Compare
/SAPSRM/S_BID_COMP_LOC - Structure for Location in Bid comparison
/SAPSRM/S_BID_COMP_TERMS - Structure for payment & inco terms.
/SAPSRM/S_CONTACT_PERSON_DATA - Bidder contact person data
/SAPSRM/S_DEFAULT_REQUESTER - Buffer structure for default requester
/SAPSRM/S_DYN_ATTRI - Dyn attribute
/SAPSRM/S_DYN_ATTRI_CUST - dyn attri customizing
/SAPSRM/S_FLLT_RFQ_IT_OV - Columns which can be filtered on item overview
/SAPSRM/S_LAC_REASONCODE - Reason Code Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_AUTH - PDO authroization flags for BO Auction
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_HEADER - Auction header structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_HEADER_ADDI - AUC Header Additional Information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_ITEM - Interface Item Data Auction GetDetail-Case
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_ITEM_ADDI - Additional Header Data Required by UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AUC_TYP_KEYS - Structure for bid type keys
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_ACTIVITY - Structure for Bid Activity
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_ATTRIBUTE - Bid Comparison Attribute and Score (Dynamic) Table Line Type
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_BID_OVRVW - PDO Structure for Bid Comparison Overview
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_H_ID - Structure for Bid and Award Ident UI Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_ITEM - Structure for Bid Comparison PDO layer
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CHAT_INFO - Bid Invitation/Bid : Chat Message
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CRA_BIDDERLIST - All Bidders that are assigned to a Business Object
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CRA_H_ID - The structure for Convert RFQ to Auction Ident UI Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DISTRIB_ADDI - Additional Contract Distribution Data Required by UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_ID_STATUS - Quote IDs and statuses
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_INFO - Quote information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_LIST - Line Type of Quotation List for Sourcing Document
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_AUTH - PDO authroization flags for RFQ BO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_BID_SYS - Structure for Bidding System Keys
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_BID_TYP_KEYS - Structure for bid type keys
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_COMMON - RFQ default, initial and global values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_FOLLOWON_KEY - Structure for follow on document keys
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_HEADER_ADDI - RFQ Header Additional Information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_HEADER_U - RFQ header structure for update
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_ITEM - RFQ Item structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_ITEM_ADDI - RFQ Item additional information
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_ITEM_U - PDO RFQ Item Update structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_ITM_PROD_TYP - Product type values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_KEY_VALUE - RFQ related key vaule pair
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_LIMIT_CTRL - Structure for Limit Control Flag
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_PRICE_KEY - Structure for detailed price info
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_PROC_TYP_KEY - Structure for process type keys
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_STATUS - Structure for Version
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VALUATIONTYPES - Line types for getting the valuation types Total or Maximum
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VERSION - Structure for Version
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT - Weighting with description in Valuation of Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT_ADDI - Weighting description for UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT_DETAIL - Weighting with description in Valuation of Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT_FUNC - Weighting function types
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT_STATIC - Table for Customizing for Weighting
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WEIGHT_STAT_ADDI - Additional fields for static attribute
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WGT_BIDDERINDEX - Bidder Index and Score
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WGT_RESULT - Results of Evaluation
/SAPSRM/S_PS_PROCESS_TYPES - Buffer for process types
/SAPSRM/S_PS_RFQ - Init Screen Home
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_HD_BD - RFQ Header Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_HD_BD_FK - RFQ Header Foreign Key Data
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_HD_BD_TECH - RFQ Header Technical Data
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_ITEM_BD - RFQ Item Basic data
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_ITEM_OV - Item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_ITEM_OV1 - Item overview structure
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_IT_TEC - technical keys for item overview
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_I_DS_DATA - Structure for the Item basic data
/SAPSRM/S_SETLEVEL_WEIGHTS - Structure for weights at setlevel
/SAPSRM/S_USER_DATE_FORMAT - Buffer structure for user's date format
/SAPSRM/S_USER_RFQ_COMMON - Buffer structure for user's common attributes
/SAPSRM/T_ADD_SC - Add Items from Shopping Cart to RFx/Contract
BBPD_LA_ACTIVITY - User activities log
BBPD_LA_AUCPROFL - Auction profiles
BBPD_LA_AUCPROMP - Map auction profile details to auction
BBPD_LA_BIDHIST - Bid history
BBPD_LA_CLTOBJ - Client and auction relationship
BBPD_LA_CLTSTAT - Client status
BBPD_LA_LASTBID - Auction last (best) bid
BBPD_LA_PALASTB - Bidders' best bid
BBPD_LA_PARTNERB - Best bid per bidder and auction item
BBPD_LA_PROFILE - Auction profile
BBPD_LA_PROP_KEY - Properties management: TEXT table
BBPD_LA_PROP_KY2 - Properties management: properties key and description
BBPD_LA_PROP_TXT - Properties management: properties key and description
BBPD_LA_PROP_VAL - Properties management: properties value
BBPD_LA_PROXYBID - Proxy bid status
BBPS_AUC_STATE_CHANGE - Symbolic lock to change states by applet and batch jobs
BBPS_AUC_UI_FACTOR - Auction UI Competitive Factors
BBPS_BID_AUC_FACTORS - Competitive Advantages/Disadvantages in Auctions
BBPS_BID_EVAL_BID - EBP RFx Response Eval: RFx Response Information
BBPS_BID_EVAL_BIDINV - EBP Response Comparison RFx Header
BBPS_BID_EVAL_BIDINV_ROWS - EBP RFx Response Eval: RFx Attributes
BBPS_BID_EVAL_BID_ROWS - EBP RFx Response Eval: Response Attributes
BBPS_BID_EVAL_COMMON_FIELDS - RFx Response Comparison: General Fields from Header and Item
BBPS_BID_EVAL_DYNAGRID - EBP RFx Response Eval: Structure Type for Dynamic Table
BBPS_BID_EVAL_DYNAGRID_VALUES - EBP Bid Eval: Value Part of Dynamic Table
BBPS_BID_EVAL_FIELDCONTROL - Bid Comparison: Field Control for Basis Fields
BBPS_BID_EVAL_HEADER - Bid Comparison: General Header Structure
BBPS_BID_EVAL_ITEM - Bid Comparison: General Item Type
BBPS_BID_EVAL_SC_CONTROL - Bid Comparison: Dynpro Tax Data
BBPS_BID_EVAL_UI_BIDDERINDEX - EBP Bid Eval: Bidder Index and Selection
BBPS_BID_EVAL_UI_GLOBAL - EBP Bid Eval: Global Fields for User Interface
BBPS_BID_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call of Bid Invitation from SOCO, WF, and so on
BBPS_BID_QUOT_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria in Bidding Engine
BBPS_BID_SEARCH_RESULT_BID - Search Results: Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_SEARCH_RESULT_QUOT - Search Results: Submitted Bids
BBPS_BID_SEARCH_RESULT_QUOT_B - Search Results: New Bid Invitation/Auction
BBPS_BID_UI_BW_REPORTS - BW Reports: Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_UI_CHAT_INFO - Bid Invitation/Bid : Chat Message
BBPS_BID_UI_DEFAULT - Bid Invitation Default Values
BBPS_BID_UI_GLOBAL - Global Data Bid Invitation/Bid
BBPS_BID_UI_HEADER - Header Structure Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_UI_HV_SEARCH_TYPE - Search Help: Search Type for Bid
BBPS_BID_UI_ITEM - Item Structure Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_UI_SCREEN - Currently Displayed Subscreen in Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_UI_SUBSCREEN - Subscreen Data Bids/Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_UI_SUBSCREENS - Bidding Engine: Currently Displayed Subscreen
BBPS_BID_UI_SUBSCREEN_PROGRAMS - Bidding Engine: Program of Subscreens
BBPS_CHAT_RECIPIENT - Chat Recipient List
BBPS_CTR_BID_QUOT_ITEM_REF - Structure for References between Contract, Bid, and Bid Inv.
BBPS_CTR_QUOT_CHECK - Information on Bid, Contract Relationship
BBPS_LA_ACTIVITY - Activity log
BBPS_LA_AUCTION - Used to lock auction
BBPS_LA_AUCTION_CLIENT - Client per auction
BBPS_LA_AUC_DISPLAY_RULE - Auction display rules
BBPS_LA_AUC_DURATION_RULE - Auction extension rule
BBPS_LA_AUC_PROFILE - Auction profile
BBPS_LA_AUC_VALIDATION_RULE - Bid validation rules
BBPS_LA_BIDHIST - Bid history
BBPS_LA_BIDUPDATE - Bid update for requesting bidder
BBPS_LA_BID_UNDONE - Bid to be deleted
BBPS_LA_BID_VALIDATION_DATA - Bid validation data
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_AUC_ITEM - Auction line item
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_DUMMY - Table with sequence numbers for filtered entries
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_PARTICIPANT - Auction participant
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_PROFILE - Auction profile
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_PUR_ADM_AUTH - Authorizations permitted for purchaser
BBPS_LA_BIZAPI_RTIME_PARMS - Auction runtime parameters
BBPS_LA_CHATDBALL - Chat message
BBPS_LA_CLTOBJ - Client and auction relationship
BBPS_LA_CLTSTAT - Client status
BBPS_LA_COMPANY_BESTBID - Company best bid
BBPS_LA_CONV_QUOT - Quotation items for conversion
BBPS_LA_FACTOR - Factors for bidders in an auction
BBPS_LA_FCB_BID - Bid structure for FCB
BBPS_LA_ITEM_SAVINGS - Savings on auction item
BBPS_LA_OVERALL_BESTBID - Overall best bid
BBPS_LA_PALASTBID - Bidders' best bid
BBPS_LA_PARTNERBID - Bidders' best bid
BBPS_LA_PROFILE_ACTION_ELE - Action control elements for auction profiles
BBPS_LA_PROFILE_CHART_ELE - Chart display elements for auction profiles
BBPS_LA_PROFILE_ELEMENTS - Elements of the auction profile
BBPS_LA_PROFILE_INF_ELE - Information display elements for auction profiles
BBPS_LA_PROFILE_RNK_TYP_ELE - Ranking type for bids in auction profile
BBPS_LA_PROPERTIES - Properties key value pair
BBPS_LA_PROXYBID - Proxy bid status
BBPS_QUOT_BIDDER_INFO - Information of Bidder and Contact Person
BBPS_QUOT_CREA_LOCK - BBP Quotation creation lock for one single contact person
BBPS_QUOT_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call of Bid Invitation from SOCO, WF, and so on
BBPS_QUOT_PARTNER_FCT - Partner Functions for Bid
BBPS_QUOT_UI_COMP_ITEM_VALUE - structure to store complex price quotation values
BBPS_QUOT_UI_DEFAULT - Bid Default Values
BBPS_QUOT_UI_GLOBAL - Global Data: Bid
BBPS_QUOT_UI_HEADER - Header Structure for Bid
BBPS_QUOT_UI_ITEM - Item Structure of Bid
BBPS_QUOT_UI_ITEM_SEARCH - Search for Line Items
BBPS_QUOT_UI_SUBSCREEN - Subscreen Data Bids/Bid Invitation
BBPS_UI_FIELD_CONTROL - Structure for Field Control
BBP_BID_ATTR_HDR - Dynamic Attributes for Bid Invitation (Header Data)
BBP_BID_ATTR_ITEM - Dynamic Attributes in Bid Invitation (Item Data)
BBP_BID_EVAL_BADI_METHOD_USAGE - Bid Comparison: BAdI-Methods-Use
BBP_BID_INV_SCREEN - Structure for Dislaying on the Screen
BBP_BID_PARTNER_INFO - Structure for Transferring Partner Data to Publisher
BBP_BP_CP - Global control for temporary contact person creation
BBP_CFOLDER_COLLIST - Structure for List of Collaborations
BBP_CFX_TS_ORG_DATA - Organizational Data
BBP_CFX_TS_ORG_SEARCH - Organizational Data
BBP_PLM_EMP_MESSAGE - Structure for messages as return form an RFC
BBP_QUOT_PROCESS_TYPE_MAP - Mapp the process types with the item guid
BBP_XML_BID_COMM - Structure for XML communication BID appetizer to portal
BBP_XML_QUOTTEMPLATT - Attachment Structure for Bid Down/Upload
BBP_XML_QUOTTEMPLHDR - XML-relevant Header Data for Bid Up/Download
BBP_XML_QUOTTEMPLITM - Interface Item Data for Bids
BBP_XML_QUOT_ATTRIBUTE - Non-Assigned Attributes for Bids
BDSCHKF19 - BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO19 - BDS: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCONT19 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO19 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT19 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR19 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE19 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI19 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF19 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR19 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO19 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM19 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR19 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE19 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI19 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE19 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR19 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CON019 - BDS: Link Table
DPE_ATTACH_PO - Attachment structure PO
DPE_BIDDER_COMPANY - Bidder company
DPE_BIDDER_PERSON - Bidder contact person
DPE_BIDDER_RESULT - Bidder result
DPE_CATEGORY - Get category
DPE_CONDITION_CTR - Condition structure contract
DPE_CONT_RESULT - Result contact person
DPE_CTR - Contract content
DPE_CTR_HEADER - Contract number
DPE_CURRENCY - Get currency
DPE_DELIVERY - Get delivery
DPE_DELIVERY_RESULT - Result delivery address
DPE_EBP_CONT_PERS - Contact Person
DPE_EBP_F4_SESULT - DPE EBP Interface: Search Help
DPE_HEADER_CTR - Header structure contract
DPE_HEADER_PO - Header structure PO
DPE_ITEMS_CTR - Items structure contract
DPE_ITEMS_PO - Item structure PO
DPE_MESSAGE - Return message
DPE_ORGDATA_PO - Orgdata structure PO
DPE_ORGDATA_RESULT - Result orgdata
DPE_PARTNER_PO - Partner structure PO
DPE_PLANT_RESULT - Result plant
DPE_PO - PO content
DPE_PORTAL_COMM - Portal user communication
DPE_PROCESS_TYPE - Process type
DPE_PRODUCT - Get product
DPE_PRODUCT_UNIT - All relevante unit to a product
DPE_REQUESTOR_RESULT - Result requestor address
DPE_SEL_BIDDER - Bidder selektion
DPE_SEL_CONT_PERS - Contact persons selection
DPE_SEL_DELIVERY - Delivery address selektion
DPE_SEL_ORGDATA - Selection for Org data
DPE_SEL_PRODUCT - Product selektion
DPE_SEL_REQUIS - requisitioner selektion
DPE_SEL_SHIP_TO - Ship to address selektion
DPE_SHIP_TO - Ship to/requisitioner address
DPE_TEXT_PO - Text structrue PO
DPE_UNIT - Get unit
EXTERNAL_CEP_USER - Login und Adressdaten fuer CEP Benutzer
PLM_EMP_MESSAGE_STRUC_COPY - structure for messages as return form a RFC
ROXE6R0112 - Tendering Payment Details of an RFx Responder

SAP Business Warehouse Integration Tables SRM-EBP-BW

BBPT_PROD_ATTR_BW - Transfer Structure for DataSource 0BBP_PRODUCT_ATTR

SAP Cross-Application Functions Tables SRM-EBP-CA

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_CFOLDER_INFO - Structure for cFolder
BBPBAPICONDCT - BAPI Struct. for Condition Tables(corresponds to COND_RECS)
BBPBAPICONDHD - BAPI Structure of KONH with English Field Names
BBPBAPICONDIT - BAPI Structure of KONP with English Field Names
BBPBAPICONDQS - BAPI Structure of KONM with English Field Names
BBPBAPICONDVS - BAPI Structure of KONW with English Field Names
BBPD_AUTH_PERS - Table to store authorization data
BBPS_AUTH_HEADER_GUID - Contracts that a user has no access from authorization obj.
BBPS_AUTH_PERS - Authorization Data
BBPS_AUTH_PERS_PD - Auth Structure for T table in UI format
BBPS_AUTH_PERS_PD_PART - Structure to send data to application
BBPS_AUTH_SEC - Access right given to a user, for each section of a document
BBPS_CND_UI - Display Structure for Master Conditions in Purchase Contract
BBPS_DOCTYPES - Document Types
BBPS_MASS_CND_CNG - Structure for Mass Changes
BBPS_PERFORMANCE_TRACE - Performance Trace Values
BBPS_PERS_AUTH_DB - Structure for tables X and Y
BBPS_PERS_AUTH_SEC - Contracts that a user has access from personalization table
BBPS_PERS_AUTH_TABLE - Structure for Auth Personalization Table
BBPS_PERS_WAUTH - Structure for passing and getting data from UI
BBPS_PFM_GLOBAL - Structure for Global Variables in Performance Framework
BBP_CND_UI_CONBI - Generatable Condition Tables - Texts
PSSRM_SCREENS_S_USER - Structure for user
PSSRM_SCREENS_S_USER_PATH - Structure for User PC indentification
PSSRM_USERPATH - User PC identification
SCD_BBPD_AUTH_PERS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Account Assignment Tables SRM-EBP-CA-ACC

/SAPSRM/S_ACC_CAT_TECHFIELD - Acct Assignment Category & description Technical Fields
/SAPSRM/S_ACTIVITY_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted network activity
/SAPSRM/S_ASSET_CREATE_TYPE - Structure for Asset Creation
/SAPSRM/S_BACKEND_F4 - Structure to maintain backend search help availability
/SAPSRM/S_COSTCENT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Cost Centers, Texts
/SAPSRM/S_FUNCAREA_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Functional area
/SAPSRM/S_FUNDCENT_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted fund centers
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_ACTIVIT_SHLP - structure for Network activity/operation search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_ADDITIONAL - Account Assignment Additional data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_ASSETNO_SHLP - structure for asset no search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_CMMTITM_SHLP - structure for commitment item search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_COSTCTR_SHLP - structure for cost center search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_EXTRA - Extra account assignment data required by UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_FUNAREA_SHLP - structure for functional area search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_FUNDCTR_SHLP - structure for fund center search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_FUND_SHLP - structure for fund search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_GRANT_SHLP - structure for grant search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_NETWORK_SHLP - structure for network search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_ORDERNO_SHLP - structure for order no search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_SDDOC_SHLP - structure for sales document search help result
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_WBSELEM_SHLP - structure for WBS element search help result
/SAPSRM/S_WBSELEM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted WBS Elements, Texts

SAP Attachments Tables SRM-EBP-CA-ATT

/SAPSRM/S_ATT_CHKO - Checkout data for physical information object
/SAPSRM/S_LONGTEXT - Long text structure to display data on the UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ATT - Structure for attachments
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CNP_ATT - Attachment structure for CNP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUCO_ATT - Attachment table for ROS
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUCO_ATTACH_DATA - Screening: Attachments for BP
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_TXT_FIXVAL - PDO structure for Text Schema with Fixed Values
BBB_FOLDER - EBP: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BBPCONT - SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BBPC_EXT_ATT - Transfer of Attachments (Settings)
BBPF_LOIO - EBP: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BBPF_LOIOT - EBP: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects
BBPF_LOPR - EBP: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObjects
BBPF_LORE - EBP: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
BBPF_LOREPR - EBP: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BBPF_LORI - EBP: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
BBPS_ATT_HEADER - Document Header for Attachments
BBPS_ATT_T_DISP - Attachments Display
BBPS_CHKO - BBP: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
BBPS_HTTP - HTTP Parameters
BBPS_HTTP_PARAM - Structure for HTTP Parameters
BBPS_NAME_VALUE - Name Value Pair
BBPS_XML - XML in Structure
BBPS_XML_ELEMENT - Mapping of XML Structure
BBP_ATTACH_SCREEN - Structure for Dislaying on the Screen
BBP_CHKF - SDOK: File name of last checkout
BBP_CHKO - SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
BBP_DOCID_TAB - ID for KPRO Documents
BBP_FOLDER - EBP: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BBP_IDXSTA - SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
BBP_LOIO - EBP: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BBP_LOIOT - EBP: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects
BBP_LOPR - EBP: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObjects
BBP_LORE - EBP: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
BBP_LOREPR - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BBP_LORI - EBP: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
BBP_PHF - SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
BBP_PHHR - SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
BBP_PHIO - SDOK: Physical information object instances
BBP_PHNM - SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
BBP_PHPR - SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BBP_PHRE - SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
BBP_PHREPR - EBP Tables: Attributes Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
BBP_PHRI - SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
BBP_ROOT_FOLDER - Storage of Root Folders for KW Application EBP
BBP_TRANSCONTENT - EBP: Transient Content Storage
BBP_TRANSXSTRING - BBP: Transient Content Storage of xstrings
BBP_TRANS_ARCAT - BBP: Transient Storage of Archived Attachments
BDSLOREPR19 - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
BDSPHREPR19 - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs

SAP Budget Tables SRM-EBP-CA-BUD

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BUDGET_DISPLAY - Structure used to store values for budget display

SAP SRM DO Conditions Tables SRM-EBP-CA-CND

/SAPSRM/C_CND_CB - Clipboard Table for Conditions DO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CND - PDO Structure for Conditions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CND_CONBI - Permitted Combinations of Condition Type and Tables
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CND_ITEM - Structure for items without conditions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CND_SCALES - Structure for scales PDO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CND_TXT - PDO Structure for Condition type with condition text
/SAPSRM/S_UOM_VALUES - Unit of Measure Values

SAP Document Extensibility Tables SRM-EBP-CA-DEX

/SAPSRM/C_ET_ST - Cust Tab to store Set type, tab name and table line type
/SAPSRM/S_CL_CUST_TABLE_STRUCT - structure for customer table UI elements
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Purchasing Document
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_ASL - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Supplier List
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_AUC - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Auction
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_AVL - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_BID - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Bid Invitation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_C - Ttable for customer table extension
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_CONF - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_CTR - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Contract
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_DIFF - Table like Extension for Different Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_IC - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_INV - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_PO - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Purchase Order
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_QTA - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Quota Arrangement
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_QUOT - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Bid
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_SC - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_SUSCON - Table like Extensions on Header Level of SUS Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_SUSINV - Table like Extensions on Header Level of SUS Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_HDR_SUSPO - Table like Extensions on Header Level of SUS PO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C - Customer Table Extension Line on Header Level
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_ASL - Customer Table Extension Line for Supplier List Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_AUC - Customer Table Extension Line for Auction Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_AVL - Customer Table Extension Line for Vendor List Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_BID - Customer Table Extension Line for Bid Invitation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_CONF - Customer Table Extension Line for Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_CTR - Customer Table Extension Line for Contract Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_INV - Customer Table Extension Line for Invoice Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_PO - Customer Table Extension Line for Purchase Order Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_QUOT - Customer Table Extension Line for Bid Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_SC - Customer Table Extension Line for Shopping Cart Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_SUSCON - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_SUSINV - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Invoice Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_C_SUSPO - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Purchase Order Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_H_SC - Extension Structure for SC customer table extn on header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Purchasing Document
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_ASL - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_AUC - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Auction
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_AVL - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_BID - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Bid Invitation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_C - Ttable for customer table extension
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_CONF - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_CTR - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Contract
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_DIFF - Table like Extension for Different Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_INV - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_PO - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_QTA - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_QUOT - Table like Extensions on Itemr Level of Bid
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_SC - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_SUSCON - Table like Extensions on Item Level of SUS Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_SUSINV - Table like Extensions on Item Level of SUS Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_ITM_SUSPO - Table like Extensions on Item Level of SUS PO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C - Customer Table Extension Line on Item Level
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_ASL - Customer Table Extension Line for Supplier List Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_AUC - Customer Table Extension Line for Auction Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_AVL - Customer Table Extension Line for Vendor List Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_BID - Customer Table Extension Line for Bid Invitation Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_CONF - Customer Table Extension Line for Confirmation Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_CTR - Customer Table Extension Line for Contract Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_INV - Customer Table Extension Line for Invoice Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_PO - Customer Table Extension Line for Purchase Order Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_QUOT - Customer Table Extension Line for Bid Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_SC - Customer Table Extension Line for Shopping Cart Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_SUSCON - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Confirmation Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_SUSINV - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Invoice Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_C_SUSPO - Customer Table Extension Line for SUS Purchase Order Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_I_SC - Extension table structure for shopping cart
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_TE_HELP_VALUE - Menu Values for dynamic dropdpwn list box
/SAPSRM/S_PD_HDR_TABLES_STRUCT - Table like Extensions on Header Level of Purchasing Document
/SAPSRM/S_PD_HDR_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_PD_ITM_TABLES_STRUCT - Table like Extensions on Item Level of Purchasing Document
/SAPSRM/S_PD_ITM_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_PD_ITM_TAB_CUST_DET - Document level structure
/SAPSRM/S_PD_TABLE_KEY_INCL - Include with key fields of table extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_PO_HDR_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_PO_H_TAB_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_PO_ITM_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_PO_I_TAB_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_SC_HDR_TABLES_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_SC_HDR_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_SC_H_TAB_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_SC_ITM_TABLES_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/S_SC_ITM_TABLE_CUST - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
/SAPSRM/S_SC_ITM_TAB_CUST_DET - Line structure of table like customer extension
/SAPSRM/S_SC_I_TAB_STRUCT - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
/SAPSRM/TEST_FLIGHT - Structure for Testing
/SAPSRM/TEST_SPFLI - Test spfli structure for table extensions

SAP Version comparison Tables SRM-EBP-CA-DIF

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DIFF_FIELDS - Contains the Fields that Differ Between Documents 1 and 2
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VERSION_LIST - Interface GetVersionList

SAP History Tables SRM-EBP-CA-HIS

/SAPSRM/S_APPLET_ATTRIBUTES - Structure to hold the applet attributes

SAP MarketSet Procurement Tables SRM-EBP-CA-MSP

BBPS_MARKETSET - Status of Selection in a MarketSet System
BBPS_STD_ACC - Local Account Assignment Data (Standalone)
BBPS_STD_ACCD - Local Account Assignmt Data (Standalone) - Value Description
BBPS_STD_ACCD_ISO - Local Account Assignmt Data (Standalone) - Value Description
BBP_STD_ACC - Local Accounting Data
BBP_STD_ACCD - Local Account Assignment Data - Value Description
BBP_STD_T001 - Local Company Data For Standalone Scenario
E1BBP_STD_ACC - Standalone Accounting Data

SAP SRM Configurable Line Item Numbering Tables SRM-EBP-CA-NUM

/SAPPSSRM/INASGN - Assignment of Process Types to Procurement Instruments
/SAPPSSRM/INSTR - Procurement Instrument Type as part of long proc. numbers
/SAPPSSRM/IPTRUL - Rules to be assigned to Item Process Type
/SAPPSSRM/LINRUL - Link of the Item Level to the Rule
/SAPPSSRM/LIN_T - Language table for Item Level to the Rule
/SAPPSSRM/LPNEXC - Transaction Types excluded from LPN
/SAPPSSRM/NMASGN - Assignment of Numbering Types to Processes (Long Number)
/SAPPSSRM/NMTPCM - Components of types of numbering strategies
/SAPPSSRM/NMTPDF - Definition of composite number components (long number)
/SAPPSSRM/NUMPRC - Procurement Numbering in alphanumeric numbering strategy
/SAPPSSRM/NUMTYP - Type of Numbering Scheme for Long Procurement Numbering
/SAPPSSRM/ORGID - ID for Organizational Structure in Smart Number
/SAPPSSRM/RULCNT - Content of alphanumeric numbering rules
/SAPPSSRM/RULEID - IDs for alphanumeric numbering rules
/SAPPSSRM/RULET - Description of IDs for alphanumeric Numbering Rules
/SAPPSSRM/S_COUNTER - IBU-PS: Structure for Calloffs and Changes
/SAPPSSRM/S_COUNTER_KEY - IBU-PS: Structure for Calloffs and Changes: Key Area
/SAPPSSRM/S_LIN_INFO - Lin Numbering Infrastructure
/SAPPSSRM/S_NRNRASN_ALV - Assignment of Range IDs and Numeric Number Range
/SAPPSSRM/VERSN - IBU PS: Versions of Long Procurement Number Processes

SAP SRM Payment Data DO Tables SRM-EBP-CA-PAY

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_EXR - Enhanced Exchange Rates structure as required by UI

SAP Pricing Tables SRM-EBP-CA-PRC

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ARV_DTLS - Structure for aggregate release value details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_HIER_DTLS - Structure for CTR Hierarchy details
BBPS_PROD_PRCAT_CND_MAINT_FLT - Application as Condition Technique
BBPS_PROD_PRCAT_CND_WORKAREA - Work Area for Product and Category Conditions
BBP_DIM_ID_SCALE_LINE_ID - Dimension/Scale Line ID
BBP_FIELDNAME_VALUE - Field Name/Value for Fields in Condition Maintenance
BBP_MNT_SCALE_DEF_F - DEF Table in Fixed Display for a Condition Record
BBP_MNT_SCALE_DIM_F - DIM Table in Fixed Display for a Condition Record
BBP_MNT_SCALE_EVL_F - EVL Table in Fixed Display for a Condition Record
BBP_MNT_SCALE_INT - Scales in Internal Display
BBP_MNT_SCALE_LIN_F - LIN Table in Fixed Display for a Condition Record
BBP_MNT_SCALE_VAL_F - VAL Table in Fixed Display for a Condition Table
BBP_PRODUCT_BBP_CONDITIONS - Structure for EBP Conditions for a Product
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API00 - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API01 - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API02 - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API03 - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_CND_API04 - Product Conditions
BBP_PRODUCT_MAINTAIN_API_EXT - General Structure for Product Maintenance API
BBP_PRODUCT_MAT_MAINTAIN_API - Interface Structure for Product Data Maintenance (Material)
BBP_PRODUCT_SRV_MAINTAIN_API - Interface Structure for Maintaining Product Data (Service)
BBP_PR_COND_APPL - Condition Application and Session Handle
BBP_PR_VAR_COND - Variant Conditions: F4 Help
BBP_WORKING_SET_ITEM_F - Working Set Item in Fixed Display
COM_PRODUCT_CND_API - Product Conditions

SAP Partner / Partner Screen Tables SRM-EBP-CA-PRS

/SAPPSSRM/C_PGS - Basis Table of the Partner Grouping Schema
/SAPPSSRM/C_PGSD - Definition of PArtner Grouping Schema
/SAPPSSRM/C_PGSM - Mapping of PGS and Transcation Type
/SAPPSSRM/C_PGST - Language dependent descriptions for PGS
/SAPPSSRM/C_PTPR - Mapping of Partner Function to Partner Role
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PGS - Partner Grouping schema
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PGS_DEF - Definition of Partner Grouping
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PGS_ID - Append structure for BPM: Partner Grouping Schema
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PGS_MAP - Mapping of Partner Grouping Schema to Transaction Type
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PGS_T - Language depending descriptions of PGS
/SAPPSSRM/S_BPM_PRTNRFCT_DESC - Detailed description of a partner function
/SAPSRM/S_BIDDER_CP - Structures for bidders and contact person
/SAPSRM/S_BUP_DATA - Data of Partner Schema
/SAPSRM/S_PARTNER_FCT_LIST - Overview Business Partner of a Category
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BIDDER_BID_SYS - Structure for Bidders Bidding Systems
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_BIDDERLIST - List of Bidders assigned to a Business Object
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_BIDDER_ADD - Add teh Bidder(org.) and contact persons to the Proc. docs.
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_BIDDER_BPTYPE - Business Partner Types of Bidder Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SEARCH_INPUT - Input fileds of the search criteria for bidders
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SRCHBIDDER_CP - Input fileds of the search criteria for bidders
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SRCHBIDDER_PL - Input fileds of search for bidders using Portal users
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SRCHBIDDER_VL - Input fileds of the search for bidders using Vendor lists
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SRCHVENDOR - Search for Vendors
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARTNERS_IN_BO - Structure: Partners assigned to Business Object
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCC - Supplier-Category Assignment
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCCS - Supplier-Category Assignments
BBP_IFC_STRUC_BIDCC_KEY - KEY Structure: Supplier-Category Assignment

SAP Document Output / Forms Tables SRM-EBP-CA-PRT

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_OUTPUT_MESSAGES - PDO Structure for Output Messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_OUTPUT_TRIGG - Structure for Output Triggers
BBPD_PO_METAOUT - Output-Relevant Fields of PO
BBPS_ARCHIVELINK_PARAMETERS - Structure for Transfer of ArchiveLink Parameters
BBPS_ATTACHMENT_BCS - Structure for Attachments in Business Communication Services
BBPS_ATT_PUB_EXT - Transfer of Attachments (External)
BBPS_ATT_PUB_INT - Transfer of Attachments (Internal)
BBPS_COMM_ADDR_DATA - Communication Address and Parameters
BBPS_DIFF_INT - Internal Fields for Document Comparison
BBPS_DOC_CNTL_DAT - Controller for Document Diff.
BBPS_FOLLOWUP_URL - Structure for Follow-On Activities with URLs
BBPS_FORMPROCESS_CONTENT - Form content resulted from rendering a form
BBPS_FORMS_OUTPUT - Form as E-mail Attachment or Letter
BBPS_GEN_DIFF_CNTL - Controller for Generic Diff.
BBPS_GUID_OBJECTID - Structure with BBP_GUID and Object_id
BBPS_HEADER_DIFF_CNTL_DAT - Controller for Generic Diff.
BBPS_HTTP_PROXY - HTTP Proxy Parameters
BBPS_ITEM_CNTL_DAT - Controller for Item Diff.
BBPS_MAIL_FORMATT - Form as E-mail Attachment
BBPS_MAIL_PARAMETERS - Parameters to Determine Email Appearance
BBPS_MAIL_TEXT - Structure for mail text with mail format and size
BBPS_MESSAGES_FOR_SEND - Structure to collect messages to be sent
BBPS_MESSAGE_PARAMETERS - Parameters for mail layout, for archivelink and rendering
BBPS_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - Structure to determine recipients of a notification
BBPS_OFFAPP_SEL_PARAMS - Selection Param. for Work Item Selection in Offline Appr.
BBPS_OFFAPP_WI_RECIPIENT - Recipient of Work Item E-mails in Offline Approval Scenario
BBPS_PD_LONGTEXT_OUTPUT - Extended Long Texts for Procurement Document (String)
BBPS_PRINT_REMOTE - Output Parameters for Remote Print
BBPS_PRN_PACK - Description of Exported Output Data
BBPS_RECIPIENT_USER - Structure for userid of recipient
BBPS_RENDER_PARAMETERS - Structure with parameters used at rendering a form
BBPS_SF_AUC_OUTPUT - Auction Transfer for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_BID_OUTPUT - Bid Invitation Transfer for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_CONF_ITEM - Smart Forms Item Structure
BBPS_SF_CONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of Confirmation for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_INV_OUTPUT - Invoice Data for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_PO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_QUOT_OUTPUT - Quotation Transfer for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_SUSASN_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS-ASN for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_SUSCONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Confirmation for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_SUSINV_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Invoice for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_SUSPO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output
BBPS_SF_SUS_ITEM - Smart Forms Item Structure
BBPS_TRIGG_SEL - Billing order selection
BBPS_UI_GEN_CNTL - Controller for Generic Diff.
BBPS_UI_GEN_CNTL_DAT - Controller for Generic Diff.
BBPS_UI_LTX_CNTL - Controller for Long Text Diff.
BBPS_UI_LTX_CNTL_DAT - Controller for Long Text Diff.
BBP_ACC_SF - SF Presentation of the Account Assignment Data
BBP_OUTPUT_PARA - Output Parameters for BBP OUTPUT
BBP_OUTPUT_PPF - Persistence Output Action and Business Object
BBP_OUT_PARAMS - EBP: Transient Output Parameter Storage
BBP_PDS_CLASS - Structure for Persistent Class CL_PROC_DOC_BBP
BBP_PDS_LONGTEXT_OUTPUT - Extended Long Texts for Procurement Document (String)
BBP_PD_CLASS - Table for Persistent Class CL_PROC_DOC_BBP
BBP_TR_ERROR - Log for Trigger Processing
FLUGPRICES - Airfare and Local Currency of Airline

SAP Pers�nlicher Arbeitsvorrat Tables SRM-EBP-CA-PWL

/SAPSRM/C_PWL_AC - POWL: Customizing Actions
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_AT - POWL: Customizing Actions Texts
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_DD - POWL: Customizing Actions - Dropdown
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_DT - POWL: Customizing Actions - Dropdown Texts
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_FC - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_FS - POWL: Customizing Feedertype / Resultstructure
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_FT - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog Texts
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_PA - Number and Time Intervals for Attempting Automatic Refresh
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_SC - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_ST - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria Texts
/SAPSRM/C_PWL_TP - POWL: Customizing Feedertypes
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_QSTATUS - Range for BUPA Search - Questionnaire status
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_STATUS - Range for BUPA Search - Potential Supplier status
/SAPSRM/S_ALTERNATE_SOS_LIST - Alternate Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_CND_COMPLIANCE - Structure for condition compliance
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_PROC_VAL_ANA - Procurement value analysis structure
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SPEND_FD - Spend structure
/SAPSRM/S_CONTRACT - Structure to hold the selected contract numbers
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_ACTIVITY - Upcoming activity for contract cockpit
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_INFO - contract information
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_MAVERICK_BUY - Maverick Buy Chip Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_SOS_DISP - SRM Contract structure for display
/SAPSRM/S_DISTRIB - Structure for distribution entry for WD context
/SAPSRM/S_EXPIRED_CTR - Expired contract
/SAPSRM/S_HIST_IN - Contract History input
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BUPA - Structure for all Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_ACTIONS_MAPPING - Structure for mapping of the Action ID for different Feeder
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_LOGSYS_CONTEXT - Reletionship between Feedertype and Logical System
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_PART_REFRESH - Structure for Automatic Refresh Customizing
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_AUC - Line of the search result for Auctions
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_AVL - Line of the search result for Vendor Lists
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_BID - Line of the search result for Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_BUPA - Line of the search result for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_CONF - Line of the search result for Confirmations
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_CONF_ITM - Line of the search result for Confirmation with Items
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_CTR - Line of the search result for Contract
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_CTR_ITM - Line of the search result for Central Contracts with Items
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_GR - Line of the search result for Good Receipts from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_INV - Line of the search result for Invoice from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_MAT - Line of search result for Material from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_OA - Line of the search result for Outline Agreement from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_PD_INV - Line of the search result for PD Invoice from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_PO - Line of the search result for Purchase Order from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_POGR - Line of the search result for P. Os. from ERP waiting for GR
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_POOD - Line of the search result for Purch. Proc. Excpts. from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_POSE - Line of the search result for P. Os. waiting for SE from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_POTC - Line of the search result for PO to be confirmed from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_PR - Line of the search result for Purchase Requisition from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_RFQ - Line of the search result for Request for Quotation for POW
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_SE - Line of the search result for Service Entry Sheets from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_SRVMDG - Powl result structure erp service master data general
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_SRV_MD - POWL result Structure for erp Service Master data
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_E_VEND - Line of the search result for Vendodata master from ERP
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_INV - Line of the search result for Invoices
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_PER_DEST - POWL Results in serialized XML Format per RFC Destination
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_PO - Line of the search result for Purchase Orders
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_POR - Line of the search result for Purchase Order Response
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_PO_IC - Line of the search result for PO's outst. Invoices/Confirm.
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_PO_ITEM - Line of the search result for Purchase Orders with Items
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_PSUP - Line of the search result for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_QUOT - Line of the search result for Quota Arrangements
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_ROS - Result list of Suppliers.
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SASN - powl result for sus asn
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SC - Line of the search result for Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SCONF - powl result for sus Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SC_ITM - Line of the search result for Shopping Carts with Items
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SINV - Line of the search result for Invoice Lists
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SPO - Line of the search result for confirmation Lists
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SUSR - Search result structure for SUS user
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_GR - Selection Criteria for ERP Good Receipts
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_INV - Search structure for Invoice MM
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_MAT - search criteria for ERP material
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_OA - Selection Criteria for ERP Outline Agreement
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_PD_INV - Search structure for Invoice MM
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_PO - Selection Criteria for ERP Purchase Orders
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_POGR - Selection Criteria for ERP POs waiting for Good Receipts
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_POOD - Selection Criteria for ERP Purchasing Process Exceptions
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_POSE - Selection Criteria for ERP P. Os waiting for Service Entry
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_PR - Selection Criteria for ERP Purchase Requisitions
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_RFQ - Selection Criteria for ERP Request for Quotation for POWL
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_SE - Selection Criteria for ERP Service Entry Sheets
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_SRVMDG - Search Structure erp service master data general
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_SRV_MD - Powl serach structure for service master data
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SEARCH_E_VEND - Seach structure for Suplier master data
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_SYSTEM_SELNAME - Source Logical System for POWL Selection Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_VEND_BW_MAP - Input Structure for BW Key Mapping of ERP Vend.
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_AC - POWL: Customizing Actions
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_AC_DATA - POWL: Customizing Actions - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_AC_DATAT - POWL: Customizing Actions Text - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_AC_KEY - POWL: Customizing Actions - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_AC_KEYT - POWL: Customizing Actions Text - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_DD - POWL: Customizing Dropdown Texts - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_DD_DATA - POWL: Customizing Dropdown Texts - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_DD_DATAT - POWL: Customizing Dropdown Texts - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_DD_KEY - POWL: Customizing Dropdown - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_DD_KEYT - POWL: Customizing Dropdown Texts - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FC - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FC_DATA - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FC_DATAT - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog Text - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FC_KEY - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FC_KEYT - POWL: Customizing Fieldcatalog - Key Texts
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_FS_KEY - POWL: Customizing Feeder/Resultstructure - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_SC_DATA - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_SC_DATAT - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria Text - Data
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_SC_KEY - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria - Key
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_SC_KEYT - POWL: Customizing Search Criteria - Key Texts
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_TP - POWL: Customizing Feedertypes
/SAPSRM/S_PWL_TP_KEY - POWL: Customizing Feedertypes - Key
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCHFIELDS - Search Field References for Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_EMP - Search Fields for Employees
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_ASL - Search Field References for ASL
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_BUPA - Search Field References for Business Partner Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_DOUT - Search Field References for Document Output Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_EMP - Search Field References for Employee Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_LOC - Search field references for ERP document search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_ROS - Search Criteria for ROS.
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SASN - Search Field References for ASL
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SCF - Search Field References for Confirmations
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SINV - Search Field References for Invoices
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SPO - Search Field References for Purchase Orders
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SUS - Search Field References for SUS Objects
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SUSE - Search Criteria for SUS User
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_SUSR - Search criteria for SUS user
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_EMP - Line of the search result for employees
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_PO_ITM - Line of the search result for Purchase Orders with Items
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SC_I - Line of the search result for Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SC_ITM - Line of the search result for Shopping Cart with Items
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RES_CONF_ITM - Line of the search result for Confirmation with Items
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RES_CTR_ITM - Line of the search result for Central Contract with Items
/SAPSRM/S_SRM_QTA_CTR - Quota -related contracts
/SAPSRM/S_SUP_MAVERICK_BUY - Maverick Buy Chip Structure
/SAPSRM/S_SUP_PARETO_ANA - Maverick Buy Chip Structure
/SAPSRM/S_SUS_AWA_ORD_RES - SUS awaiting order Response
/SAPSRM/S_TIMELINE - time line for CTR
/SAPSRM/S_VENDOR - Supplier Structure
/SAPSRM/S_VENDOR_ID - vendor id structure

SAP SRM Schedule Line DO Tables SRM-EBP-CA-SCL

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_SDLN - PDO Structure for schedule line

SAP Schnellsuche und erweiterte Suche Tables SRM-EBP-CA-SRH

/SAPSRM/C_AD_PWL - Default POWL Application for Advanced Search
/SAPSRM/C_ESH_EX - SRM Extractor Classes for Enterprise Search Connectors
/SAPSRM/C_IDXDYN - Correspondence between indexing object and dynamic methods
/SAPSRM/C_OBJTP - Object Types
/SAPSRM/C_OBJTPT - Texts for Object Types
/SAPSRM/C_SHDTY - Document Types for Search Document Output
/SAPSRM/C_SHDTYT - Document Types for Search Document Output (Text Table)
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_AG - Search: Agent Customizing
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_CR - Search Service: Criteria Customizing
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_CT - Search Service: Criteria Customizing Texts
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_IO - Indexing Obects
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_IT - Indexing Objects Texts
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_RD - Search Services: RFC Destination
/SAPSRM/C_SRC_SV - Search: Service Customizing
/SAPSRM/D_TREXSH - Correspondence between search helps and indexes
/SAPSRM/PDO_SEARCH_DOUT_RG_TFR - DOUT Search: Range for Timeframes
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_BID_ONBEH - Range for BUPA Search - Indicator: Permit Proxy Bidding
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_BUILDING - Range for BUPA Search - Building
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_BU_SORT - Range for BUPA Search - SearchTerm 1 / 2
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_CATEGORID - Range for Business Partner Search - Category ID
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_COUNTRY - Range for BUPA Search - Country
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_DUNS_NUM - Range for BUPA Search - DUNS Number
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_EMAIL - Range for BUPA Search - E-Mail Address
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_FIRSTNAME - Range Table for BUPA Search - Name 1/Last name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_IND_SECT - Range for BUPA Search - Industry Sector
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_LASTNAME - Range Table for BUPA Search - Name 1/Last name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_LOG_SYS - Range for BUPA Search - Logical System
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_MC_CITY - Range for BUPA Search - MC City
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_MC_NAME - Range for BUPA Search - MC Name 1 / 2
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_MC_STREET - Range for BUPA Search - MC Street
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_MIN_OWN - Range for BUPA Search - Minority Status
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_NAME1 - Range Table for BUPA Search - Name 1/Last name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_NAME2 - Range Table for BUPA Search - Name 2/First Name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_NAME_CO - Range for BUPA Search - c/o name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_NAME_ORG - Range for BUPA Search - EBP Business Partner Org. Name
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_PART_VND - Range for BUPA Search - Vendor Assigned to Invoicing Party
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_PLANT - Range for BUPA Search - Plant
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_PORG_TITL - Range for BUPA Search - Purch. Organization Description
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_POST_CODE - Range for BUPA Search - Post Code
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_PURCH_ORG - Range for BUPA Search - Purchasing Organization
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_QSSYS - Range Table for BUPA Search - Vendor Quality Management Sys
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_REGION - Range for BUPA Search - Region
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_USER_ID - Range for BUPA Search - User Name in User Master Record
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_VENDOR_NO - Range for BUPA Search - Account Number of Supplier or Vendor
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_VENDOR_PC - Range for BUPA Search - Vendor PCard
/SAPSRM/PDO_SRCH_RG_WOM_OWN - Range Table for BUPA Search - Women-Owned
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CP_RESULT - Structure for search results of CP order
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_LIST - Line of the ERP Contract IDs
/SAPSRM/S_ESH_TEMPLATE_ID - Enterprise Search Template ID
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_ACCASGN - Modeling structure for account assignment data
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CATEGORY_HIER - Modeling structure for category hierarchy data
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFH - Confirmation header modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFH_ORGDATA - Purchase order header organizational data modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFH_PARTNER - Confirmation header partner modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFH_STATUS - Confirmation header status modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFI - Confirmation item modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFI_ACCASGN - Confirmation item account assignment modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFI_CAT_HIER - Confirmation item category hierarchy modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFI_PARTNER - Confirmation item partner modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH - Modeling structure for Central Contract Header
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH_ATTACH - Modelling Structure for Central Contracts Header Attachments
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH_LONGTEXT - Modelling Structure for Central Contracts Item Longtext
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH_ORGDATA - Modeling structure for Central Contract Header Org. Data
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH_PARTNER - Modeling structure for Central Contract Header Partner
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRH_STATUS - Modeling structure for Central Contract Header Status
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI - Modeling structure for Central Contract Item
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI_ATTACH - Modelling Structure for Central Contracts Item Attachments
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI_LONGTEXT - Modelling Structure for Central Contracts Header Longtext
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI_ORGDATA - Modeling structure for Central Contract Item Org. Data
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI_PARTNER - Modeling structure for Central Contract Item Partner
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_ORGDATA - Modeling structure organizational data
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_PARTNER - Modeling structure for BO Partner
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POH - Purchase order header modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POH_ORGDATA - Purchase order header organizational data modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POH_PARTNER - Purchase order header partner modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POH_STATUS - Purchase order header status modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POI - Purchase order item modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POI_ACCASGN - Purchase order item account assignment modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POI_CAT_HIER - Purchase order item category hierarchy modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POI_PARTNER - Purchase order item partner modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_PRODUCT - Modeling structure for Product for TREX indexing and search
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_PROD_CAT - Modeling structure for Product Category for TREX indexing an
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_PROD_CAT_USR - Modeling structure for User of Prod.Category for TREX indxng
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCH - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Header
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCH_PARTNER - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Header Partner
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCH_STATUS - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Header Status
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Item
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI_CAT_HIER - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Item Category Hierarchy
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI_ORGDATA - Purchase order header organizational data modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI_PARTNER - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Item Partner
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI_STATUS - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Item Status
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_STATUS - Modeling structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SUPPLIER - Supplier modeling structure
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SUPPLIER_CARDT - Supplier: Accepted Payment Card Types
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SUPPLIER_INDST - Supplier Industries
/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SUPPLIER_LOGSYS - Supplier Logical Systems
/SAPSRM/S_JOIN_ELEMENT - Dynamic Join Element (Table)
/SAPSRM/S_MAPPED_ELEMENT - Element Re-mapped in Dynamic Join
/SAPSRM/S_OBJTP - Business Transaction Object Types: Advanced Search
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CP_ORDER_STATUS - Structure for component planner Order Status
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CP_PROJ_TREE - Component Planner Project tree structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_OBJECT_TYPES - Allowed object types for document search
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ROS_SRCH_CRIT - Search Criteria for ROS.
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCONF_SRCH_CRIT - Confirmation Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SEARCH_FIELD_SC - Search fields for SC
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SEARCH_STATUS - Mapping table for status Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SINV_SRCH_CRIT - Invoice Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_LOG_SYS - Structure for Logical Systems Dropdown Values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_MNT_PLANT - Structure for Maintenance plant dropdown value
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_ORDER_TYPE - Structure for Maintenance plant dropdown values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_PLAN_PLANT - Structure for Planning plant dropdown values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_PLNT_RES_W - Structure for Responsible workcentre dropdown values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SPO_SRCH_CRIT - Purchase Order Search Criteria
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRCH_SUSUSR - Search criteria for SUS user
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUSR_SRCH_CRIT - Search Criteria for SUS User
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUS_SRCH_CRIT - SUS Search Criteria for all Objects
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_TEAM_MEMBERS - Structure for team members
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VALUE_RANGES - Value ranges for drop down lists in document search
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_DOCTE - Range Structure for Purchasing Doc Type
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_EBELP - Range Structure for Item Number
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_EKGRP - Range Structure for Purchasing Group
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_EWERK - Range Structure for Plant
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_ITMCY - Range Structure for Item Category
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_LOGSS - Range Structure for Logical System
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_MATKL - Range Structure for Material Group
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_MTART - Range Structure for Material Type
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_SUPLR - Range Structure for Supplier
/SAPSRM/S_RESULT_LIST_PCO - Result List for PO Response
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_CUF_H - Header Customer fields for search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_CUF_I - Item Customer fields for search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS - Search fields for document search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_BUPA - Search Fields for Business Partner Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_DOUT - Search fields for document output search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_LOCAL - Search fields for ERP document search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_SURANG - Search Fields for Survey Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_SURVEY - Search Fields for Survey Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_ARCH - Line of the search result for archived documnets
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_AUC - Line of the search result for Auctions
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_AVL - Line of the search result for Vendor Lists
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_BID - Line of the search result for Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_BUPA - Line of the search result for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_CONF - Line of the search result for Confirmations
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_CTR - Line of the search result for Contract
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_CTRLC2 - Line of the search result for ERP Contract
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_CTR_LC - Line of the search result for ERP Contract
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_DOUT - Line of the search result for document output
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_INV - Line of the search result for Invoices
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_PCO - Line of the search result for Purchase Order Response
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_PO - Line of the search result for Purchase Orders
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_QUOT - Line of the search result for Quota Arrangements
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_QUOT_E - Line of the search result for Quotation
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_ROS - Result list of Suppliers.
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SASN - Line of the search result for Vendor Lists
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SC - Line of the search result for Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SCONF - Line of the search result for confirmation Lists
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SINV - Line of the search result for Invoice Lists
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SPO - Line of the search result for confirmation Lists
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SRVPKG - Line of the search result for Survey Group
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SURV - Line of the search result for Survey
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SURV_G - Line of the search result for Survey Group
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SUSUSR - Search result structure for SUS user
/SAPSRM/S_SERVICE_CRITERIA - Search Criteria: Metadata
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_CRIT_VALUES - Search Criteria Values
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_INSTANCE - Line type with reference to Search Service
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_MESSAGE - Search Service: Message Structure
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_RES_ERP_PRD - Product search result - ERP
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_RES_ERP_PRD_CAT - Product Category search result - ERP
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_RES_ERP_SUPPLIER - Vendor search result - ERP
/SAPSRM/S_SRC_VALUE_RANGE - Value range for drop-down lists in document search
/SAPSRM/S_TIMESTAMP_RANGE - Interface Structure for Timestamp Ranges

SAP User Interface/Templates Tables SRM-EBP-CA-UI

/SAPSRM/BBP_SC_ITM_ACTIONS - actions defined on a shopping cart item
/SAPSRM/BBP_SET_TYPE_META - meta information about settype
/SAPSRM/BBP_TREE_TABLE_CONTROL - control data for displaying hierarchical items in a table
/SAPSRM/BEV_SIMU_S - BEV simulation Structure
/SAPSRM/CACHE_IV - Invalidate the cache
/SAPSRM/CHIP_CAT - Chip categories
/SAPSRM/CHIP_CFG - Multiple POWL Feeder Types
/SAPSRM/CHIP_GRP - Chip Grouping Categories
/SAPSRM/CHIP_TXT - Text table for chip categories
/SAPSRM/CH_WD_META_ATTR_STRUCT - dynamic properties for node elements
/SAPSRM/CH_WD_META_NODE_STRUCT - structure which holds meta data for a node
/SAPSRM/C_EX_TAG - Expose the tags in Foorplan
/SAPSRM/C_OBNMAP - Mapping table for Business Suite OBN
/SAPSRM/C_OCI_SE - Secure Catalog Launch Credentials
/SAPSRM/C_PORTAL - Customizing for SRM Portal information
/SAPSRM/C_PORT_C - Customizing for SRM Portal information
/SAPSRM/C_PORT_S - Customizing for SRM Portal information
/SAPSRM/C_TS_EXT - Tab Strip Extensions for the Web Dynpro SRM UI
/SAPSRM/C_TS_FPM - Tab - set type association to control tab visibility
/SAPSRM/C_TS_VIS - Tab - set type association to control tab visibility
/SAPSRM/C_VIEW_M - Table to switch FPM Main View
/SAPSRM/C_VIEW_S - Table to switch FPM Sub View
/SAPSRM/C_VIEW_U - Table to switch UIBB
/SAPSRM/C_VW_MT - Text Table for Extended FPM Main View Table
/SAPSRM/C_VW_ST - Text Table for Extended FPM Sub View Table
/SAPSRM/C_WD_FLD - Configuration for generic Display of Extension Fields on WD
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TCT - Texts for Table Extension Columns
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TE - Settings for Standard Display of Table Extensions on UI
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TEC - Settings for Columm Visibility of Table Extensions on UI
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TE_CONFIG - Settings for Generic Display of Table Extensions on UI
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TX - Settings for Standard Display of Table Extensions on UI
/SAPSRM/C_WD_TXT - Settings for Standard Display of Table Extensions on UI
/SAPSRM/FP_CHP_G - Chip Grouping Categories
/SAPSRM/FP_G_TXT - Text table for chip groups/categories
/SAPSRM/GRP_TXT - Text table for chip groups/categories
/SAPSRM/INCL_EEW_CSS_SEARCH_FD - Customer include structure for document search
/SAPSRM/INCL_EEW_SWS_SEARCH_FD - Include structure for document search
/SAPSRM/PGRSACTN - Action Mapping
/SAPSRM/PRGRSACT - Action Mapping ( SRM -> Progress Bar )
/SAPSRM/PRGSTATS - Status of the progress
/SAPSRM/PRGSTP - Step Information
/SAPSRM/PRGSTP_T - Progress Step Text Table
/SAPSRM/SIDE_PAN - Register for Side Panel
/SAPSRM/S_ASL_SUPPLIER_DATA - Supplier details for wiring
/SAPSRM/S_BW_QUERY_FIELDS - BW query fields(characteristics and key figures) names
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_CATEGORIES - Category structure
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SETTINGS_CONF - CHIP Settings in configuration
/SAPSRM/S_CH_CLL_CT - Structure to display the extended tables
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_CONFIG_NODE - Web Dynpro Context node that Provides the configuration info
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_DS_SC_I_BD - Default setting structure for item basic data in SC
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_EVENT_MAPPING - Action to Event Mapping for Confirmation Pop-ups
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_IDR_ACTION - IDR action structure
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_MAINVIEW - Structure FPM Mainviews
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_MAP_ACC - Channel-Specific Wrapper of Row Type Account Assignment
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_MESSAGES - UI Structure for Displaying messages
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_PDO_MAP_NODE - Web Dynpro Context Node that maps PDO data
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_REL_OBJ - Structure for related objects in CNP
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_START_PARAMS - Structure for OIF parameter selection screen
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_SUBVIEW - Subview structure
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_TAB - FPM tab info
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_TASK_TEXT_MAP - Mapping between task data and texts
/SAPSRM/S_CH_WD_TOOLBAR_ACTION - FPM GAF toolbar (action) structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ACC_TECHFIELD - CLL Account Assignment Customizing Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ACTIONS_AUTH - Actions for Authorization DO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ACTIONS_HIER - Actions for Hierarchy DO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ACTIONS_PARTNER - Actions For partners
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ADD_APPR - Structure for Adding an approver
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ADD_REVIEWER - Structure for Adding an approver
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_HDR_BD - ASL header data in CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_H_IDENT - Structure for Identification data of ASL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_ITEM_ACTIONS - CLL specific structure for item action of ASL BO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_PARTNERS - Supplier List's cll specific structure for partners data.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_SOS - Structure to get the supplier details in the CLL layer.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_SOS_LIST - CLL structure for ASL SOS table display
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ATTACHMENT - Structure in CLL for Displaying Attachments in UI
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ATTR_SET - links between message and related attribute at set facade
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ATT_VER - structure for version
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUC_HDR_ACTION - Actions defined for AUC Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUC_HEADER - Channel-layer specific structure for AUC Header Basic data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUC_IDENT - AUC Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUTH - CLL structure for Authorizations DO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_ACTIVITY - the structure for Bid Activity
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_ATTRIBUTE - Cll level bid comparison attribute and score
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_BID_OVRVW - Structure for Bid Comparison entry for WD context
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_H_ID - Bid Comp Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_ITEM - The Structure for Bid Comparison Items Table
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER - Structure for Bidder in CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDERSRCH_TY - Structure for Bidder search types
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER_DETAIL - CLL Structure for Bidder Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER_SAGS - CLL structure for display Bidder table incl. service agents
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BID_COMP_CHART - CLL strucutre for Bid Comp Chart
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BID_DYNATTR - Structure to display the Dynamic Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BO_DOCU_LIST - CLL Structure for SUS BO Document list
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ADDRESS_DATA - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ADDR_DET - Address Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ADDR_DISPLAY - Structure for Presenting Addresses in Maintenance Dialog
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_BIDDER_CHAR - Bidder Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_CP_BASIC_DATA - Contact Person's Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_CP_REFNSAPSYS - Reference to Non SAP System
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_CP_USER_DATA - Contact Person User Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DATA_PRIVACY - Data Privacy Statement for Contact Person
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_AUC - Auction Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_BID - Bidding Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_CONF - Confirmation Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_CTR - Contract Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_INV - Invoice Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_QUOT - Quotation Docs used by BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_SC - SC Docs that uses the BP
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_EMAIL_ADDR - CLL Structure for Email Details of SUS Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_EMAIL_ADDRESS - BAPI Structure for E-Mail Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_EMAIL_ADDR_CP - CLL Structure for E-Mail Addresses - Contact Person
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_FAX_NO - CLL Structure for Fax Details of SUS Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_FAX_NUMS - BAPI Structure for Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_FAX_NUMS_CP - CLL Structure for Fax Numbers - Contact Person
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_HAS_INV_PARTY - Invoicing Party - 'Has' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_HDR_ACTIONS - Header Actions for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ID_AREA - Structure for Identification Area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_IS_INV_PARTY - Invoicing Party: 'Is' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_LOCMAP - Mapping Table Location Mapping for BP Location
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_LOC_MAP - Location Mapping
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ORG_DATA - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_PARTNER_CATEG - General BP Data, Independent of Business Partner Category
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_PORG_CHAR - Purchasing Organization Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_PROD_CAT - Product Category
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_REFNSAPSYS - CLL Structure for BuPa Reference Non-SAP-Systems
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_SUP_CARD_CO - Payment Card Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_SUP_PUR_DATA - Supplier Purchasing Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_TAX_NO - Structure for Tax Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_TELE_NUMS - BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_TELE_NUMS_CP - CLL Structure for Telephone Numbers - Contact Person
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_TEL_NO - CLL Structure for Telephone Details of Business Partner
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BREADCRUMB - structure for breadcrumb
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BUDGET - CLL Structure for Budget
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CCS_CATALOGLIST - Catalog List and thier corresponding search status is stored
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CCS_SEARCHRESULT - Search results of the Cross Catalog Search are stored here.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CCS_UIELEMENTS - Structure for context to control display of UI Elements.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CFOLDER - Structure for cFolder
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CHANGEDOC - Structure for Change Documents at CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CHAT_INFO - CLL structure for chat info
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CND - Structure for Conditions Header and Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CND_SCALES - Scale values for conditions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_COMPARE_TREE - structure for tree
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_DATE - structure for start date and end date
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_HDR_ACTIONS - actions defined on a confirmation header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_HEADER - CLL Structure for Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_IDENT - identification structure for confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_IDENT_D - Structure created for confirmation identification
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_ITEM - Structure for Getting the Confirmation Item Details in CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_ITEM_APP - CLL Structure for Update Items in Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_ITM_ACTIONS - Item level actions for confirmation BO.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_PRESET - CLL Structure for confirmation preset
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_STS - CLL structure for service timesheet
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_STS_ACTIONS - Actions for Service Timesheet DO.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONV_AUC - Structure for Bid Comparison entry for WD context
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_ACTIVITY - Component Planner Activity structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_COMPONENTS - Component Planner components structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_COMP_GEN_DATA - Component Genral Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_COMP_PUR_DATA - Component Purchasing Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_COMP_TEXT - Component long text
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_HDR - Component Planner header structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_IDENT - Header structure for ident area for Component Planner
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CP_IDENT_ACTIONS - Component Planner Ident actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CRA_AUC_TYPE - Auction type for convert RFQ
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CRA_BIDDERLIST - Bid overview for convert RFQ
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTRMC_CUST_NODES - CLL Structure for Nodes and Structure Names in Contract MC
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTRM_MSG - Message Structure for the Contract mass changes CLL messages
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTRM_OPKEY - contract mass changes - storage of mass opkey
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_FILE - Upload download file structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_HDR_ACTIONS - Actions Performed on CTR Header Level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_HEADER - Contract Header Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_HIER - Contract Hierarchy DO CLL structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_ITEM_ACTIONS - Actions Performed for CTR at Item Level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_ADD_CND - CLL Structure for Mass Changes Add Condition Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_ADVICE - CLL Structure for contract mass changes messages - Step 3, 4
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_ATT_H - Cll Structure for contract mass changes - Header Attchments
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_AUTH - Structure for contract mass changes - Authorization Overview
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_BUPA - Structure for contract mass changes -Business Partner
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_BUPA_CH - CLL Structure for contract mass changes - partner old- new
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_CHG_CND - CLL Structure for Mass Changes Change Condition Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_HDR_STA - CLL Status Change Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_HI_DELI - CLL Header/Item Delivery Time Mass Cng Parameters Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_HI_INCO - CLL Header/Item Incoterm Mass Change Paratermers Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_METHODS - Structure for the contract mass change methods
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_PMT_TMS - CLL Payment Terms Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MASS_VAL_PER - CLL Validity period structure for mass update
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MAS_SORA_MSG - CLL Structure for SORA messages get - contract mass changes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_MU_SORA_MSG - CLL Structure for SORA messages get - contract mass update
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CTR_RELEASES - CLL Structure for Contract Releases
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DEPARTMENT - CLL structure for Department
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DISTRIB - Structure for distribution entry for WD context
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DS_QSRCH - CLL Structure for all Business Object Types and Text
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DS_SASN_RESULT - CLL Search Result Structure for SUS ASN
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DS_SCONF_RESULT - CLL Search Result Structure for SUS Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DS_SINV_RESULT - CLL Search Result Structure for SUS Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DS_SPO_RESULT - CLL Search Result Structure for SUS Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_EXR - Structure for the exchange rates
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_EXR_1 - exchange rates test stru
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_EXTENSION_FIELD - holds properties of an extension field
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_FACTORS - Structure for factors entry in WD context
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_FREIGHT - Freight CLL Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_HDR_CLASS_ACTION - class action(s) on header (document) level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_HEADER_ACTIONS - actions performed on header (document) level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_HISTORY - Structure for the History Header and Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_EX - CLL structure for invoice exception
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_HDR - CLL Structure for invoice header data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_IDENT - Structure for invoice identification area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_ITM - CLL structure for Invoice item details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_SIM - Structure for invoice simulation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ITEMFILTER - Search Criteria for CTR Item Filter
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ITEMS_POR - CLL Structure for Items POR
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ITEM_ACTIONS - actions performed on item level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ITEM_APPR_DETAIL - Cll Structure for approvers details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ITEM_RECONCILE - CLL Item structure for PCard
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_CONTRACT - UI Structure to pass the Contract data to the line item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_ITEM - Limit structure to include the Customer fields
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_OVL_REM - Structure to get data for overall and remaining limit item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LOCATION - Structure for business partner LOCATION (F4-help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LONGTEXT - Structure for CLL Longtext
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MAPPER - Mapper Object
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_META_ACTION - describes a meta action flag on a set
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_META_ACTION_SER - structure for serializing action meta data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_META_BOUND_ATTR - holds attribute names and their origin structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_META_PRTCPNT_TAB - Table for Survey and Participants
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_META_SERIALIZE - struct for storing meta properties of sets
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MU_ITEM_DET - Structure For Mass update item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MU_PARAM - CLL Structure for Mass Update Parameters
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_MU_PARAMS - CLL Structure for mu params
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NA - UI Structure for Notes in CLL Layer
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NOTES - Structure for Notes (longtext) in CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_OBSERVER - Observer for a specific UI-Event
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_ACTIONS - CLL strcture for all actions possible in DO org attributes.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_APP_LIM - CLL specific structure for approval limit attribute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_BUDGET - CLL specific structure for budget attribute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_DETAILS - CLL specific structure for Attribute details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_LAG - CLL specific strcture for storage locations attribute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_SP_LIM - CLL specific structure for spend limit attribute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ORG_ATTR_WRK - CLL specific strcture for plant attribute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_OUTPUT_PARA - CLL Structure for Output Parameters
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_OUTPUT_TRIGGLIST - CLL Structure for Output Trigger List
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_OUTPUT_TRIG_MSG - CLL Structure For Output Trigger Messages
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PARTNER - Structure for partner
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PARTNER_FCT_LIST - Structure for multiple partners of same partner function
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PAR_TAB_ACTIONS - Structure for Participant Group table area actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PC_ITEM_OVERVIEW - CLL Structure for PCard Item Overview Table
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PERSON - CLL structure for Person
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PMGR_IDENT - Structure for Identification data of Participant Mas. Group
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PMGR_ID_ACTIONS - Structure for Participant Group identification area actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PMGR_PARMST - Structure for table of participants
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PM_PO_DATA - Structure for PO search fields required for Post Master SO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PM_SEARCH_RESULT - Search results specific for PO search in Post Master SO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PM_USER_DATA - Structure for PM user data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_HDR - Cll Structure for PO Response Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_HDR_ACTION - Header Actions For Purchase Order Respons
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_HDR_ACTIONS - Actions Performed at POR Header Level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_HDR_SDLN - Structure for Purchase Order Resposne Header Delivery Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_IDENT - Purchase Order Resposne Identification Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_ITEM - CLL item details data for purchase Order Response
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_ITEMS_TREE - CLL structure for the Items tree table
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POR_SCHEDULE - Structure for POR Schedule lines
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POSITION - CLL structure for position in organization management
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_ASN - CLL Structure for Advanced Shipping Notification for PO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_HDR - Cll structure for Purchase Order Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_HDR_ACTIONS - Actions Performed on PO Header Level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_IDENT - Cll structure for Purchase Order Identification area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_ITEMS - Cll Structure for PO Item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_ITEM_ACTIONS - Actions Performed at PO Item Level
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_POR - CLL Structure for PO Response for Business Object PO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_POR_ITEM - Structure for PO POR Item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_SOS - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRC - Structure for prices and conditions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PROC_SUBST - CLL Structure for Procurement Substitute
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRTCPNT_TAB - CLL Structure for Survey Participant
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_HDR_ACTIONS - Structure for QTA Actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_HDR_BD - QTA Header structure for CLL
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_H_BD - CLL and UI structure for Quota Arrangement Header Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_IDENT - Quota Arrangement Identification Area Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_ITEM_ACTIONS - Structure for QTA Item level actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_RCT_LIST - CLL structure for QTA RCT table display
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_R_CTR - Structure for QTA Related Contracts Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_HDR_ACTION - Actions defined for Quote Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_IDENT - Quotation : Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_ITM - Quote: Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_ITM_ACTION - Actions defined for Quotation item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_ITM_BROWSE - Quote: Item Data structure for QTE Browser UI
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_REF_LIST - REf list of the follow on document
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTE_UI_CONTROL - Quotation UI Control Elements
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RECIPIENT - Structure for business partner GOODS RECIP (F4-help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_REGIST_DTLS2MAP - Registration of Details to a mapper
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_REQUESTER - Structure for business partner REQUESTER (F4-help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_HDR_ACTIONS - Actions for RFQ header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_HEADER - Channel-layer specific structure for RFx Header Basic data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_IDENT - RFQ Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_BIDC - Business Partner: Assigned Categories
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_CAT_QUES - Display Prescreening Categories
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_CENTRAL_DATA - General BP Data, Independent of Business Partner Category
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_COMPANY_DATA - Registration of Supplier Company data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_COMP_ADDRDAT - Supplier Address Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_LANGUAGE_KEY - Web Dropdown Boxes: Language key.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_MESSAGES - ROS Application Messages
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SASN_HDR_ACTIONS - Structure for SUS ASN Header Actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SASN_HEADER - Structure for SUS ASN Header Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SASN_IBD - Structure for SUS ASN Item Basic Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SASN_ITEM - Structure for SUS ASN Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SCD_HDR_ACTIONS - CLL Structure for SUS Company Data - Header Action
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SCH_LINES - CLL Structure For Schedule Lines
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SCNF_HDR_ACTIONS - Actions defined on a SUS Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SCNF_ITM_ACTIONS - Item level actions for sus confirmation BO.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SCNF_SPT_ACTIONS - SPT actions for sus confirmation BO.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_AVAILABILITY - Availability data for Shopping cart item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_CLASS_ACTIONS - contains actions not instance specific (like class methods)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_HDR_ACTIONS - actions defined on a shopping cart header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_IDENT - Shopping Cart: Identification Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SC_ITEM - Shopping Cart: Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SEARCH - Search structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SEL_SEARCH_FIELD - CLL Structure for PO Search in Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SET_ACTIONS - Actions for sets other than header/item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SET_AND_STRUCT - structure which relates set type to its DDIC set structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SET_AT_NODE - links the node to its set type
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SHIPTO - Structure for the ship to party address
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SINV_HDR_ACTIONS - actions defined on a SUS Invoice header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SL_H_BD - Header Basic data structure in CLL layer.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SL_H_IDENT - ASL header identification's CLL specific strutcture
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SOS - Data for Source of supply
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SPO_HDR_ACTIONS - actions defined on a SUS po header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCHBIDDER_CP - Structure for Bidder Search based on contact persons
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCHBIDDER_PL - Structure for Bidder search based on portal users
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCHBIDDER_VL - Structure for Bidder search based on vendor list.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCHVENDOR - Search on vendors/suppliers
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCH_LIST_CTR - Select Contracts to Append
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCH_LIST_CTR_MU - Select contract for update and append
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_STAT - Statistics DO CLL structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_STATUS - CLL Structure for Status
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_STORAGE - Structure for Storage location
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_STRUCT_INCLUDE - holds information about structure includes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUPK_HD - Survey Package Structure for header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUPK_IDENT - Structure for Identification data of Survey Package
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUPK_ID_ACTIONS - Structure for Survey Package identification area actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUPK_SRT_ACTIONS - Structure for Survey Package SRT area actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SURVEY_ACTIVITY - Structure for SRM Survey: Organise Evaluators to Suppliers
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SURVEY_GENERAL - Structure for SRM General Survey Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SURVEY_IDENT - Survey Identification Area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SURVEY_MAIL_OBJ - Structure for the Mail Object
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SURVEY_STAT - Structure for SRM Survey Statistics
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUR_PRTCPNT_ACT - Structure for Activities in Survey Participant Table
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSASN_IDENT - Structure for SUS ASN Identification Area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCONF_HDR - CLL Structure for SUS Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCONF_IDENT - Structure for SUS Confirmation Identification area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCONF_ITM - Structure for SUS Confirmation item data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCONF_PRC - Structure for SUS Confirmation pricing
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_HDR - CLL Structure for SUS invoice header Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_IDN - Structure for SUS Invoice Identification area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_ITM - Structure for SUS Invoice item data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_PAY - Structure for SUS Invoice payment terms
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_PRC - Structure for SUS Invoice pricing
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSINV_PYS - Cll structure for Payment Status
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPD_LIST - Structure for listing Documents of PD
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_DCTL - Structure for SUS PO Document Control
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_DEL_TERMS - Structure for Delivery Terms of SUS PO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_PAY - Structure for SUS PO Payment Terms
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_PRC - Structure for SUS PO pricing
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSR_HDR_ACTIONS - CLL Structure for SUS User Admin Header Action
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSUSR_ADDRESS - CLL Structure for SUS User Addresss
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSUSR_ROLES - CLL Structure for SUS User Roles
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_ADDR_DET - Customer Address Details for SUS User Adminstration
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_ADDTL_DATA - Structure for Company data - Additional info
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMPANY_DATA - Structer For Compnay Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMPANY_IDEN - CLL Structure for SUS Company Data - Identification Area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_ADDR_DA - CLL Structure for Address Details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_ATT - Attachment table for ROS
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_EMAIL - CLL Structure for SUS Company - Email Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_FAX - CLL Structure for SUS Company -Fax Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_TAX - Cll Struecter For Company Tax data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_TELE - CLL Structure for SUS Comapny -Telephone Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_SRCH_FIELDS - Search Fields for SUS Advanced Search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_TAX - Tax data.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_TOL_DATA - CLL structure for Tolerence DO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_TREE_TBLE_ADD - Additional Control Data for hierarchical Items in a Table
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_TXT_FIXVAL - Structure for fixed note values
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_UI_ID - User Interface element ID
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_USER_ACCOUNT - CLL structure for User Account
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_USER_INFO - User info like name, tel. number
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_VERSIONS - CLL Structure for Versions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_VERSIONS_COMPARE - CLL structure for versions comparison
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CONF_TMPL_RES - Search results specific for PO search template in CONF
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CP_RESU_ORDRS - Search fields specific for Orders Search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CP_RESU_PRJS - CLL structure for project results
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CP_SRCH_ORDRS - Search fields specific for Orders search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_CP_SRCH_PRJS - CLL structure project search area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_ARC_RESULT - CLL Search result for archived documnets
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_AUC_RESULT - Structure for Doc Search Auction
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_CON_RESULT - CLL Search Results for Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_CTR_RESULT - CLL Search Result for Contract
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_INV_RESULT - CLL structure for search result for Invoices
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_PO_RESULT - CLL Search Results Structure for PO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_SC_RESULT - CLL Search Results for Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_SC_SEARCH - CLL Search Criteria for Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_SPL_RESULT - CLL search results for Supplier List
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_INV_TMPL_RESU - Search results specific for PO search template in INVOICE
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_MAPPER_CONFIG - Configuration of a mapper
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_RELATED_LINKS - Structure for Related Links in Contextual Navigation Panel
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_ROADMAP - Structure Type for Roadmap (GAF)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_HEADER - Channel Layer-Specific Structure for Shopping Cart Header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_I_BD - Channel-layer-specific structure for item detail data.
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_I_SR - Channel-layer-specific structure for Supplier Response
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_TEMPL_RESU - Search results specific for SC search template
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_TEMPL_SRCH - Search fields specific for SC search template
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SEARCH - Structure for Doc Search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SEARCH_ARCHIV - User Interface Fields for Archive Search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SEARCH_AVL - AVL search criteria
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_DRFT_HD - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Draft Headers
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_DRFT_ITM - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Draft Items
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_REVIEW - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Review Drafts
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_SEARCH - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Search
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_SOS - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit SOS
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_SUPPLIER - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Supplier Values
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_WORKAREA - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Workarea
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_VIEWSWITCH - Structure for View Switches in SAP SRM Web Dynpro OIF
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WEIGHT - Weighting with description in Valuation of Bid Invitations
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WEIGHT_FUNC - Weighting function types
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WEIGHT_STATIC - Table for Customizing for Weighting
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WEIGHT_VIEW_LIST - Weighting View Dropdown List in UI
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WKL_ITEM_ACTIONS - CLL structure for Workload Redistribution Item actions
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WKL_RESULT - Structure for the search result for workload redistribution
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WKL_SEARCH - Structure for the search criteria for workload redistributio
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WT_TAX - Witholding Tax details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_XO_MAPPER - Cross Application mapper inclduding business object type
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_ITEM_BROWSE - Contract Browse UI Utem Structure
/SAPSRM/S_EXPOSE_TAGS - Structure for exposing tags in the Floorplan
/SAPSRM/S_FPM_OIF_BUTTON_DEF - SRM@FPM: Button Definition Structure
/SAPSRM/S_FPM_TAB_ID - SRM@FPM: Subview/Tab Identification
/SAPSRM/S_INPORT_TYPE - Structure for the inport type
/SAPSRM/S_MAINVIEW - Mainview_structure
/SAPSRM/S_PAGE_CONFIG - Page Configuration
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_INV_HDR_ITM - Structur for Header / Item List
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_ASN - CLL Structure for Advanced Shipping Notification for PO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_ITEM_D - Structure for QTA item display
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WD_TE_UI_CUST - Web Dynpro Table Extensions UI Customizing
/SAPSRM/S_POWL_COMP_VISIBILITY - POWL Composite visiblity and text
/SAPSRM/S_PO_ITEM_BROWSE - PO Browse item structure
/SAPSRM/S_PRGRS_FOLLOWON_POPUP - Follow on popup details
/SAPSRM/S_PRGRS_INF_OBN_DTLS - Object Based Navigation Details : Progress Bar API
/SAPSRM/S_PRGRS_INF_STATUS - Curent status information : Progress Bar API
/SAPSRM/S_PRGRS_STATUS_READ - REad Structure : Progress
/SAPSRM/S_PROGRESS_INIT_DATA - Data required to initialize progress bar
/SAPSRM/S_REF_CONTEXT_NODE_CT - Structure to store context nodes for extended tables
/SAPSRM/S_REF_FACADE_CT - Structure to contain facade reference for customer table
/SAPSRM/S_RFQ_CHIP_INPUT - For Tagging RFx Item Data to ASL CHIP
/SAPSRM/S_SERIALIZED_TAG - Serialized data
/SAPSRM/S_SUBSTITUTE - Users who are substituted
/SAPSRM/S_SUBVIEWS - list of subviews
/SAPSRM/S_SUBVIEW_EXT - Struc. For ext subviews FPM
/SAPSRM/S_SYS_MSGS - Structure to display System messages
/SAPSRM/S_TAB_SHLPNAME_MAP - Mapping of view tab to search help name
/SAPSRM/S_TAGGED_RFQ_ITEM_DATA - Structure tagged for RFQ item data
/SAPSRM/S_TAG_DATA - Tagged data
/SAPSRM/S_TIME_TRIGGER - Time Trigger for the Page Factory Component
/SAPSRM/S_UIBB - Struc for ext FPM UIBB
/SAPSRM/S_UI_ACTIVE_SUPPLIER - UI Structure for active suppliers
/SAPSRM/S_WD_UI_NAVIGATION - Structure for SAP SRM Portal Navigation
/SAPSRM/S_WD_UI_NAVIGATION_ABS - Structure for Absolute Portal Navigation in SAP SRM
/SAPSRM/S_WD_UI_NAVIGATION_REL - Structure for Relative Portal Navigation in SAP SRM
/SAPSRM/S_WD_UI_NAV_TARGET - Structure for generic Navigation in SAP SRM
/SAPSRM/S_WD_UI_URL_COMPONENTS - URL Components for SAP SRM Navigation Service
/SAPSRM/TY_ELEM_DESCR - Element Descriptor Re-Construction
BBPTAB3 - Download Structure
REC_CHAN - Transfer structure
REC_DATA - Definition Table for Recording Objects
REC_DATUSR - Definition Table for Recording Objects
REC_DEFINE - Definition Table for Recording Objects
REC_DEFUSR - Definition Table for Recording Objects
REC_STR - String for Recording Objects
REC_STRU - Table Structure for Recording
REC_TEXTS - Definition Table for Recording Objects
REC_TXTUSR - Definition Table for Recording Objects
STRUC_255 - Contains HTML for WWW client

SAP Versions Tables SRM-EBP-CA-VRS

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CD_FILTER - Structure for filtering Change Documents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CHANGE_DOC - Structure for BO's change documents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CHANGE_DOC_FILTE - Structure for filtering Change Documents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_DATE - Structure for range of dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_ITEM_DESCR - Structure for range of item description
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_POSNUMBERS - Structure for range of Posnumber
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_TIMESTAMPS - Structure for range of timestamps
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_USERNAME - Structure for range of usernames
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_VERSION - Structure for Range Version Change Documents

SAP EBP Catalog Interface Tables SRM-EBP-CAT

/SAPSRM/S_CATALOG_ITEM_DETAIL - structure for catalog item details
/SAPSRM/S_CATALOG_RESPONSE - structure for catalog summary response
/SAPSRM/S_WS_CATALOG_CONTEXT - catalog context after the wes service is initialised
/SAPSRM/T_CLIENT_LINE - information for catalog search
BBPS_OCI_AGENT_ITEM - Table Structure for Agents
BBPS_WS_CATALOG_RESPONSE - Structure for HTML Replies from Catalogs
BBP_AGENT_TEMP - Temporary Storage of Search Results (INDX Structure)
BBP_CAT_TRANS_ADMIN - Administrative Data for Transfer From Catalog
BBP_OCI_ATT - Attachments for catalog items
BBP_OCI_ENRACCT - Enhanced Account Assignment Data from Catalog Interface
BBP_OCI_ENRITEM - Enhanced Line Data from Catalog Interface
BBP_OCI_ERRORS - Error Message During Catalog Transfer
BBP_OCI_SHOWN_BUSINESS_TYPES - Displayed Business Types in OCI
BBP_OPI_BUPA - OPI Data in Business Partner Format
BBP_WS_DETAILS - Extension for Table WSI_ENTITY
BBP_WS_DETAILS_S - Extension Structure for WSI_WS_LIST_S
BBP_WS_LIST_S - List of Web Services in SRM
BBP_WS_OCI_ITEM_S - Interface Structure for OCI in SRM
BBP_WS_OPI_ITEM_S - Interface Structure for OPI in SRM
BBP_WS_SRM_OPI_EXTENSION_S - EBP-Specific Enhancement for Open Partner Interface
BBP_WS_SUS_INTERFACE_S - Service Provider Selection
E1CTATTACHMENT - XML Catalog: Attachment
E1CTATTRIBUTE - XML Catalog: Product Attribute
E1CTB01 - Basket Item
E1CTBASKETITEM - XML Catalog: Shopping Cart
E1CTBVENDORDESCRIPTION - XML Catalog: Product Descr. by Suppliers in Shopping Cart
E1CTC01 - Assignment to Category
E1CTCATALOG - XML Catalog: Header
E1CTCATEGORY - XML Catalog: Catergory
E1CTCC1 - Description of the Contract
E1CTCTEXT - XML Catalog: Text
E1CTD01 - Description of the Manufacturer
E1CTD03 - Catalog IDoc: Date Segment
E1CTH01 - First Additional Segment for Product
E1CTH02 - Description of the Product, Second Part
E1CTK01 - Catalog Header
E1CTKA1 - Partner Information Manufacturer in Catalog Header
E1CTKA2 - Partner Information Vendor in Catalog Header
E1CTKT1 - Catalog IDoc: Header ID Text
E1CTKT2 - Catalog IDoc: Text Line Header
E1CTLEADTIME - XML Catalog: Lead Time
E1CTMANUFACTURER - XML Catalog: Partner Information Manufacturer in Cat. Header
E1CTMANUFACTURERDESCRIPTION - XML Catalog: Manufacturer's Product Description
E1CTMATTACHMENT - XML Catalog: Attachment
E1CTMATTRIBUTE - XML Catalog: Product Attribute
E1CTMPARTNERID - XML Catalog: Partner ID
E1CTMPARTNERITEMID - XML Catalog: Partner's Product ID
E1CTMPICTURE - XML Catalog: Picture
E1CTMTEXT - XML Catalog: Text
E1CTNETPRICE - XML Catalog: Product Price
E1CTPARTNERID - XML Catalog: Partner ID
E1CTPARTNERITEMID - XML Catalog: Partner's Product ID
E1CTPICTURE - XML Catalog: Picture
E1CTPRODUCT - XML Catalog: Product
E1CTPT1 - Catalog IDoc: Item ID Text
E1CTPT2 - Catalog IDoc: Text Line Item
E1CTPTEXT - XML Catalog: Text
E1CTQ01 - Price Items
E1CTQN1 - Quantity Characteristics
E1CTREFVENDORITEMID - XML Catalog: Partner's Product ID
E1CTSBCHEADER - XML Catalog: SAP Business Connectors Control
E1CTTEXT - XML Catalog: Text
E1CTVALIDFROM - XML Catalog: Valid from
E1CTVALIDTO - XML Catalog: Valid Until
E1CTVALIDUNTIL - XML Catalog: Valid Until
E1CTVENDOR - XML Catalog: Partner Information Salespers. in Cat. Header
E1CTVENDORDESCRIPTION - XML Catalog: Supplier's Product Description
E1CTVTEXT - XML Catalog: Text
XML_MIME_LINE - Lines for mime upload

SAP Confirmation Goods/Service Tables SRM-EBP-CGS

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_CTR_ITEM - Table for Contract Items
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CONF_IDENT_D - Identification Data Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CONF_ITEM - Confirmation Item Overview Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_STS - Structure for Service Timesheet
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_TOL_CHECK_ITEM - Tolerance check items
BAPIRET240B - Return Parameter
BAPIRETURN40B - Return Parameter
BBPIMLINK - EBR: Goods Receipt IDOC Link
BBPSYS - Backend System Parameters
BBPS_CF_EXTERNAL_CALL - Structure for External Call Confirmation
BBPS_CF_REBILLING_ADD_DATA - Additional Data in Rebilling via DP90
BBPS_CF_SCREEN_ITEM - Screen Structure Confirmation
BBP_063O - Codes in WEB Inventory Management
BBP_156 - Movement Type
BBP_158 - EBR Transaction Control: Inventory Management
BBP_158B - Transaction Control: Inventory Management
BBP_158G - Possible Codes for Goods Movement
BBP_AD01ENH0005 - Communication Structure for Rebilling with DP90
BBP_AD01OBJ - Object for Billing with DP90 (Rebilling)
BBP_CF_HDR_RETURN_ADS_UI - Header Structure of Adobe Form for Return Development
BBP_CF_HDR_RETURN_ADS_UI_TXT - Header Field Name for Adobe Form
BBP_CF_ITEM_APP - Application Structure Confirmation: Item Overview
BBP_CF_ITEM_ONLINE - Include for Item Structure for EBP CF with Online-Fields
BBP_CF_ITM_RETURN_ADS_UI - Item Structure of Adobe Form for Return Delivery
BBP_CF_ITM_RETURN_ADS_UI_TXT - Item Field Name for Adobe Form
BBP_EKKO_KEY - Key for Table Purchasing Document Header
BBP_HELP_REASON - Help Values for Reason for Movement
BBP_IMREA - Reasons Code for Movement Type
BBP_IMREAT - Reason Text for Reason Code and Movement Type
BBP_POLINKS - IDOC Links to Follow-up Documents of Purchase Order
BBP_TEXT_ELEMENT_PAIR - Structure Contains Field Name and Number of Text Element

SAP Content Management Tables SRM-EBP-CMT

BAPI_BBP_H - BBP BAPIs Help Structure
BBPS_CT_CATEGORY_MAP - Return Structure Category Mapping
BBPT_CT_ATTACHMENT_XML_S - XML Interface Attachment
BBPT_CT_ATTACHM_DATA_S - Attachment Data
BBPT_CT_ATTACHM_KEY_S - Attachment Key
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_DATA_S - Data for Attribute Definitions
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_KEY_S - Key for Attribute Definitions
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_T_DATA_S - Attribute Definitions, Texts, Data
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_T_KEY_S - Attribute Definitions, Texts, Key
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_T_XML_S - XML Interface Attribute Definition Text
BBPT_CT_ATTRDEF_XML_S - XML Interface Attribute Definition
BBPT_CT_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_UI_S - Attribute definitions
BBPT_CT_ATTRIBUTE_XML_S - XML Interface Attribute
BBPT_CT_ATTRPVALT_DATA_S - Possible Attribute Values, Texts, Data
BBPT_CT_ATTRPVALT_KEY_S - Possible Attribute Values, Texts, Key
BBPT_CT_ATTRPVAL_DATA_S - Possible Attribute Values, Data
BBPT_CT_ATTRPVAL_KEY_S - Possible Attribute Values, Key
BBPT_CT_ATTRTOCAT_DATA_S - Links, Attributes to Categories, Data
BBPT_CT_ATTRTOCAT_KEY_S - Links, Attributes to Categories, Key
BBPT_CT_ATTR_DATA_S - Attributes Data
BBPT_CT_ATTR_KEY_S - Attribute Key
BBPT_CT_ATTR_POSS_VAL_T_XML_S - XML Interface, Permitted Attribute Values, Text
BBPT_CT_ATTR_POSS_VAL_XML_S - XML Interface, Permitted Attribute Values
BBPT_CT_ATTR_TO_CAT_XML_S - XML Interface Link Attribute to Category
BBPT_CT_CATALOG_T_DATA_S - Catalog/Schema Texts Data
BBPT_CT_CATALOG_T_KEY_S - Catalog/Schema Texts Key
BBPT_CT_CATALOG_T_XML_S - XML Interface Catalog Text
BBPT_CT_CATALOG_XML_S - XML Interface Catalog
BBPT_CT_CATEGORY_MAPPING_S - Structure for Global Category Mapping Table
BBPT_CT_CATEGORY_T_DATA_S - Category Texts Data
BBPT_CT_CATEGORY_T_KEY_S - Category Texts Key
BBPT_CT_CATEGORY_T_XML_S - XML Interface Category Text
BBPT_CT_CATEGORY_XML_S - XML Interface Category
BBPT_CT_CAT_MAPPING_DATA_S - Category Mapping Data
BBPT_CT_CAT_MAPPING_KEY_S - Category Mapping Key
BBPT_CT_HIERARCHY_ATTRIBUTE - Hierarchy Attributes for Mapping
BBPT_CT_HIERARCHY_CATEGORY_S - Categories for Hierarchy: Structure
BBPT_CT_LOAD_SEARCH_CRITERIA_S - Search Criteria Load Catalog/Schema
BBPT_CT_LOAD_STRUCTURE - Structure of a Load as List with Parent Relationships
BBPT_CT_LONGTEXT_XML_S - XML Interface Long Text
BBPT_CT_PARTNER_PRODUCT_XML_S - XML Interface Partner Product
BBPT_CT_PARTNER_UI_S - XML Interface Partner
BBPT_CT_PARTNER_XML_S - XML Interface Partner
BBPT_CT_PPRODUCT_DATA_S - Partner Product Data
BBPT_CT_PPRODUCT_KEY_S - Partner Product Key
BBPT_CT_PRDPRICE_DATA_S - Product Price Data
BBPT_CT_PRDPRICE_KEY_S - Price Product Key
BBPT_CT_PRODUCT_PRICE_UI_S - XML Interface Product Price
BBPT_CT_PRODUCT_PRICE_XML_S - XML Interface Product Price
BBPT_CT_PRODUCT_XML_S - XML Interface Product
BBPT_CT_PRODUCT_XML_UI_S - XML Interface Product
BBPT_CT_VALRESTR_DATA_S - Attribute Value Restrictions Data
BBPT_CT_VALRESTR_KEY_S - Attribute Value Restrictions Key
BBPT_CT_VALUE_RESTR_XML_S - XML Interface Restrictions Attribute Values Category
BBP_ATT_F4 - Interface Structure F4 Help Attributes
BBP_CCM_CHAR_DEFINITION - Characteristic Definition
BBP_CCM_CHAR_VALUATION - Characteristic value assignment
BBP_CCM_ITEM - List of Catalog Entries Already Sent to XI
BBP_CCM_ITEM_VALUATION - Evaluations of a Catalog Item
BBP_CCM_SEL_CAT - List of Selected Categories
BBP_CCM_SEL_HIER - Selected Hierarchy (Single Line)
BBP_CCM_SHORTTEXT - Short Text with Language
BBP_CTS_ATTT_IC - Update Structure Attribute Description
BBP_CTS_ATT_C - Interface Structure External Attribute
BBP_CTS_ATT_FB - Interface Structure Attribute
BBP_CTS_ATT_IC - Update Structure Attribute
BBP_CTS_CATT_IC - Update Structure Category Texts
BBP_CTS_CAT_C - Interface Structure External Category
BBP_CTS_CAT_FB - Interface Structure Category
BBP_CTS_CAT_IC - Update Structure External Category
BBP_CTS_CONDINFO - Help Structure Permissible Tables
BBP_CTS_MAPATT_FB - Interface Structure Attribute Mapping
BBP_CTS_MAPATT_IC - Update Structure Attribute Mapping
BBP_CTS_MAPCAT_FB - Interface Structure Category Mapping
BBP_CTS_MAPCAT_IC - Update Structure Category Mapping
BBP_CTS_MAPPART_FB - Interface Structure Mapping Partner
BBP_CTS_MAPPART_IC - Update Structure Mapping Partner
BBP_CTS_MAP_IC - Update Structure Mapping Settings
BBP_CTS_PRODPRICE - Help Structure Export Purchasing Catalog
BBP_CTS_SCHEMAT_IC - Update Structure Schema Description
BBP_CTS_SCHEMA_C - Interface Structure Schema
BBP_CTS_SCHEMA_IC - Update Structure Schema
BBP_CT_ATT - Schema Attributes
BBP_CT_ATTACHM - Attachment
BBP_CT_ATTR - Attributes
BBP_CT_ATTRDEF - Attribute definitions
BBP_CT_ATTRDEF_T - Attribute Definitions, Texts
BBP_CT_ATTRPVAL - Possible Attribute Values
BBP_CT_ATTRPVALT - Possible Attribute Values, Texts
BBP_CT_ATTRTOCAT - Links Attributes to Categories
BBP_CT_ATTT - Attribute Name
BBP_CT_CAT - Schema Category
BBP_CT_CATALOG_T - Catalog/Schema Texts
BBP_CT_CATEGORYT - Category Texts
BBP_CT_CATEGORY_MAP - Return Structure Category Mapping
BBP_CT_CATMAP - Category Mapping
BBP_CT_CATT - Name of Category
BBP_CT_DESCR - Description
BBP_CT_FILTER - Category Filter
BBP_CT_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy Structure f�r Mapping Tables
BBP_CT_LOAD - Customizing: Content Load
BBP_CT_LOADCAT - Control Category Mapping
BBP_CT_LOADSTRUC - Structure of Product Catalogs or Classification Schemas
BBP_CT_MAP - Schema Mapping
BBP_CT_MAPATT - Attribute Mapping
BBP_CT_MAPCAT - Mapping Categories
BBP_CT_MAPPART - Mapping Partner
BBP_CT_PPRODUCT - Partner Product
BBP_CT_PRDPRICE - Product Price
BBP_CT_RULES - Rules Product Staging
BBP_CT_SCHEMA - Imported Schemata
BBP_CT_SCHEMAT - Schema Name
BBP_CT_SLSCND - Control Condition Buffer for Sell Side Import
BBP_CT_SLSENH - Control Data Completion Sell-Side Import
BBP_CT_SLSENHT - Texts: Control Data Completion Sell-Side Import
BBP_CT_VALRESTR - Attribute Value Restrictions
COMT_HIERARCHY_SCHEMA_TEXT - Description for Hierarchy (Standard Schema)
COMT_PRCAT_SCHEMA - Product Category of an External Schema
COMT_PRCAT_SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes of an External Schema
COMT_PRCAT_SCHEMA_TEXT - External Schema Description
COMT_PRWB_PRBP_IMT_FCAT_S - Product: Field Catalog for Ref.Product-Bus.Partner Assignmnt

SAP Contract Management Tables SRM-EBP-CON

/SAPPSSRM/S_CAD_ITEM - IBU-PS: INCLUDE for CTR Item Data for Contract Amts Display
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_DOC_TOT - Channel Logic Layer Structure for Document Totals
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_DOC_TOT_TAX - IBU-PS: Tax information for Document Totals
/SAPPSSRM/S_CONTRACT_AMOUNTS - Structure for display contract amounts on header level
/SAPPSSRM/S_TAX_INFO - IBU-PS: Tax information
/SAPSRM/BBPC_CTR_S_MASSOPT - Mass update param description
/SAPSRM/CTR_MU_ITEM_DET - Structure for update items
/SAPSRM/MAP_CATALOG_ID_S - Mapping of catalogs with link IDs
/SAPSRM/MAS_UPD - Massupdate process parameters
/SAPSRM/MAS_UPDT - Process control table for mass update
/SAPSRM/MU_PARAM - Mass Update Parameters
/SAPSRM/MU_PARAT - Text table for mass update parameters
/SAPSRM/S_BID_DETAILS_MU - Bid details for Contract Mass Update
/SAPSRM/S_CC_ADDITIONAL_INFO - Structure to get additional details of GOA from SRM
/SAPSRM/S_CC_STATUS - Structure to get the status of GOA
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_CONV_MESSAGE - GOA Conversion message
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_DEFAULTS - Default values for Contracts
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_GLOBAL - Global Structure fields of Contracts
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_MC_SECTIONS - Authorization Sections in the Contract Mass Changes
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_MU_ITEM_DET - Structure for update items
/SAPSRM/S_GUID_RANGE - Structure for guid range
/SAPSRM/S_MAS_UPDT - Mass update process parameters
/SAPSRM/S_MU_PARAM - Structure for mass update params
/SAPSRM/S_PDOCTR_HEADER - Header structure at PDO level
/SAPSRM/S_PDOCTR_HEADER_ADDNL - Header fields for CLL which are not in PD structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDOCTR_ITEM - Item details at PDO Layer
/SAPSRM/S_PDOCTR_ITEM_ADDNL - Item structure CLL fields which are not in PD Item strcuture
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_ADVICE - Advice messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_BGND_MSG - Background messages for contract mass changes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_CND_ADD - Structure for Mass Changes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_CND_CNG - Structure for Mass Changes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_ERR_MSG - Error messages for mass changes in contracts
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HDR_AUTH - Header Mass Update Structure for Authorizations
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HDR_STATU - Status Change Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HI_BU_PAR - Header/Item Mass Update Structure for Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HI_DELIV - Header/Item Delivery Time Mass Change Parameters Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HI_DOCU - Header/Item Documents Mass Change Parameters Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_HI_INCO - Header/Item Incoterm Mass Change Paratermers Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_ITM_FLT - Method Filters for mass changes in contracts
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_METH_LIST - List of available change methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_MSG - Structure for Contracts and messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_PARAM - Parameters for contract mass changes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_PMNT_TRMS - Payment Terms Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_SECTIONS - Authorization Sections in the Contract Mass Changes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MC_VAL_PRIOD - Validity period structure for mass update
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MSG - Contract and messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_I_CND - Structure to perform mass update of conditions in contracts
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_I_QNT - Structure for Item quantity
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_I_REVLVL - Strcuture of item revision level for mass update of contract
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_I_SUP - Structure of Supplier Product number for Mass Update
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_METH_LIST - Mass update method list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_MU_SUPPROD - Structure of Item parameter Supplier Product Number
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DOC_HIER - Document Hierarchy Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_METHODS - Structure for contract mass change methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RELEASES - Releases data
/SAPSRM/S_SRCH_LIST_CTR_MU - Structure for Update and Append
/SAPSRM/S_XL_COLS_META - Structure type for Excel Columns meta
/SAPSRM/S_XL_COMP_ATTRIBUTES - Structure for component attributes
/SAPSRM/S_XL_DO_INFODATA - Structure type for storing DO information data
/SAPSRM/S_XL_FIELD_VALUELIST - Structure type for field values
/SAPSRM/S_XL_METADATA_CPMNTS - Structure for excel components
/SAPSRM/S_XL_METADATA_INT - Structure for Excel Meta data
/SAPSRM/S_XL_SHEET_META - Structure type for Excel Worksheet Meta
/SAPSRM/S_XL_WORKBOOK_DATA - Structure type for Excel Workbook data
BBPD_CTR_MASS_CH - CTR: Mass Change - Data Interface for Background Run
BBPD_CTR_NOV_LOG - Novation Protocol
BBPD_CTR_TRNS - Table to store contracts already uploaded from R/3
BBPS_BE_SOS_AVL - AVLs Found in Sourcing
BBPS_BE_SOS_CONTRACTS - Contracts Found in Sourcing
BBPS_BE_SOS_FIND - Search Criteria for Source of Supply
BBPS_CTR_AUTH_SEC - Authorization for All four sections of contracts
BBPS_CTR_CUF_HEADER - Contract: Customer Fields on Header Level
BBPS_CTR_CUF_ITEM - Contract: Customer Fields on Item Level
BBPS_CTR_D_NOVATION - Contract Detail for Novation
BBPS_CTR_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call of Contract from PO, WF, and so on
BBPS_CTR_H_NOVATION - Contract Get List Interface
BBPS_CTR_H_NOV_UPD - Novation Contract Header Update
BBPS_CTR_LOG_MSG - Context data
BBPS_CTR_MASS_ADVICE - Advice messages
BBPS_CTR_MASS_DOCUMENTS - Header/Item Documents Mass Change Parameters Structure
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HDR_AUTH - Header Mass Update Structure for Authorizations
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HDR_STATUS - Status Change Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HI_BU_PARTNER - Header/Item Mass Update Structure for Business Partners
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HI_BU_PARTNER_UI - Header/Item Mass Update UI-Structure for Business Partners
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HI_DELIV - Header/Item Delivery Time Mass Change Parameters Structure
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HI_DOCUMENTS - Header/Item Documents Mass Change Parameters Structure
BBPS_CTR_MASS_HI_INCO - Header/Item Incoterm Mass Change Paratermers Structure
BBPS_CTR_MASS_ITM_BU_PARTNER - Item Mass Update Structure for Business Partners
BBPS_CTR_MASS_MATRIX - UI control matrix
BBPS_CTR_MASS_MATRIX_KEYS - UI control matrix - keys fields
BBPS_CTR_MASS_METHOD_LIST_UI - Change method data
BBPS_CTR_MASS_M_UPLOAD - Mass Upload Change Parameter Structure
BBPS_CTR_MASS_PMNT_TRMS - Payment Terms Structure for Mass Update in Hierarchies
BBPS_CTR_MASS_SORA_MESS - Message for Contract Status after Simulate OR Apply
BBPS_CTR_MASS_UI_GLOBAL - Global data contract mass update
BBPS_CTR_MASS_UI_SUBSCREEN - Subscreen Data Contract Mass Update
BBPS_CTR_MASS_VAL_PERIOD - Validity period structure for mass update
BBPS_CTR_MES_NOV_UPD - Novation Contract Messages Update
BBPS_CTR_NOVATION - Contract Number for Novation
BBPS_CTR_PA_NOV_UPD - Novation Contract Partner Update
BBPS_CTR_RES_NOV_UPD - Novation Contract Result Update
BBPS_CTR_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria in Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_BW_REPORTS - BW Reports in the Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_CALL_OFF - Release List for Contract Item
BBPS_CTR_UI_DEFAULT - Default Values for Purchase Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_DIS - Contract UI Distribution Data
BBPS_CTR_UI_FIELD_CONTROL - Field Control for Catalog
BBPS_CTR_UI_GLOBAL - Global Data in Purchase Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_HEADER - Purchase Contract Header Structure
BBPS_CTR_UI_HIER_DISP_NODE - Describes the display properties of a hierarchy node
BBPS_CTR_UI_HIER_GLOBAL - Global Structure for UI Hierarchy Screen
BBPS_CTR_UI_HIER_NODE - Describes the properties of a hierarchy node
BBPS_CTR_UI_HV_PROCESS_TYPE - Search Help: Process Type in Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_ITEM - Purchase Contract Item
BBPS_CTR_UI_ITEM_SEARCH - Search for line Items
BBPS_CTR_UI_LIST - List of Purchase Contracts
BBPS_CTR_UI_PARTNER - Purchase Contract Partner
BBPS_CTR_UI_PARTNER_FUNCTIONS - Partner Functions and Short Description for Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_SCREEN - Currently Displayed Subscreens in Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_SEARCH - Purchase Contract Search Criteria
BBPS_CTR_UI_STATUS - Purchase Contract Status
BBPS_CTR_UI_SUBSCREEN - Subscreen Data Purchase Contract
BBPS_CTR_UI_TEXT - Purchase Contract Text
BBPS_MASS_CND_ADD - Structure for Mass Changes
BBPS_PD_RANGE_PROC_TYPE - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Process Type
BBPS_PO_D_NOVATION - Contract/Purchase Order Item for Novation
BBPS_PO_HIST_NOVATION - Contract/Purchase Order Header for Novation
BBPS_PO_H_NOVATION - Contract/Purchase Order Header for Novation
BBPS_PO_NOVATION - Contract PO List for Novation
BBPS_PO_NOVATION_RESULT - Contract PO List for Novation
BBP_BE_PRC - Pricing Document Conditions
BBP_BE_PRC_ECOM - Price Determination Export Data
BBP_BE_PRC_ICOM - Price Determination Input Data

SAP Component Planning PM/CS Orders Tables SRM-EBP-CPO

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_COMPTEXT - Component Text for Component planner materials
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SO_CP_FILTER - Component Planner filter structure

SAP Cross-Industry Functions Tables SRM-EBP-CRI

/SAPPSSRM/BO_HEADER_GP_NO_HIER - Extension Fields for Procurement Header w/o Hierarchies
/SAPPSSRM/BO_ITEM_GP_NO_HIER - Extension Fields for Procurement Item w/o Hierarchies
/SAPPSSRM/BPCLA_S - SLL: Classification of a Business Partner
/SAPPSSRM/CLASSIF_VALUES - Classification: RFC Read Values
/SAPPSSRM/CMT_AC - Shopping Cart Commitment
/SAPPSSRM/COUNTR - Container table for counting of call off & mod
/SAPPSSRM/C_FUNC - Customizing table to control GP functionality
/SAPPSSRM/C_FUNT - Customizing table to control PPS functionality
/SAPPSSRM/C_POPT - Trans Types Relevant for Period of Performance
/SAPPSSRM/DB_ACT - Uniform Resource Locators for SAP Document Builder
/SAPPSSRM/DB_MAP - Document Builder Mapping Data
/SAPPSSRM/DB_REF - Document Builder Reference Data
/SAPPSSRM/DEF_BP - IBU PS: Enhancement of Business Partner
/SAPPSSRM/DLPRIO - IBU-PS DEF: Delivery Priority
/SAPPSSRM/DOCB_DATA - Document Builder data
/SAPPSSRM/INSTT - Description for Instrument Types for long numbers
/SAPPSSRM/ITEM_LD_HIERACHY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/MCNDOC - changed documents of a mass change/novation object
/SAPPSSRM/MCNDSC - description of mass change/novation object
/SAPPSSRM/MCNHDR - header data of mass change/novation object
/SAPPSSRM/MCNLNK - link of planned change to changed object for MCN
/SAPPSSRM/MCNOBJ - changed objects of a mass change/novation object
/SAPPSSRM/MCNPC - planned change for mass change/novation object
/SAPPSSRM/MCNPCD - planned change definition of mass change/novation
/SAPPSSRM/MCNSTA - status of mass change/novation objects
/SAPPSSRM/MPN_SHLP_STRUC - MPN Search Help Structure
/SAPPSSRM/MQ_CUS - Maximum Quantity per Period
/SAPPSSRM/MQ_DOC - IBU PS: "Maximum Quantity per Period" Documents in Periods
/SAPPSSRM/MQ_PER - IBU PS: "Maximum Quantity per Period" Periods
/SAPPSSRM/NRNRSN - Assignment of numbering schemes to attributes (long number)
/SAPPSSRM/NUMBER_STATE - The State of a Smart Number
/SAPPSSRM/NUMBER_STATE_GP - The State of a Smart Number
/SAPPSSRM/NUM_AD_STATE - The state of the business adapters subject
/SAPPSSRM/OPTDUE - IBU PS: Customizing for Notification for Due Option Document
/SAPPSSRM/OPTION - Option Document Default Attributes for Customizing
/SAPPSSRM/OPTPRC - Option Document Customizing
/SAPPSSRM/OPTVAL - IBU PS: Customizing Table for Option Documents Values
/SAPPSSRM/OPT_AL - Options should be available for different Transaction Types
/SAPPSSRM/OPT_TB - Available Option Indicators
/SAPPSSRM/OPT_TR - Translation for Option Values
/SAPPSSRM/OPT_TT - Header totals should be included for different Option Status
/SAPPSSRM/ORCOD - Order Codes as Part of the Organization ID for long numbers
/SAPPSSRM/ORGIDT - Description of ID for Organization in Smart Number
/SAPPSSRM/PA_CT - Pricing Arrangements: Component Types
/SAPPSSRM/PA_CTT - Pricing Arrangements: Component Types Text Table
/SAPPSSRM/PA_ID - Pricing Arrangements: PA Identifiers
/SAPPSSRM/PA_IDT - Pricing Arrangements: Identifier Description (Text Table)
/SAPPSSRM/PA_ST - Pricing Arrangements: Components of Pricing Structure
/SAPPSSRM/PA_STT - Pricing Arrangements: Component Label (Text Table)
/SAPPSSRM/PA_TTA - Pricing Arrangements: Allow Function for Transaction Type
/SAPPSSRM/PRCO_T - IBU-PS DEF: Delivery Priority
/SAPPSSRM/PRIOCO - Delivery Priority
/SAPPSSRM/PROGSS_POPAYM_MCN - Structure for Purchase Order Payment History
/SAPPSSRM/PS_MPN_DESCRIPTION - Structure to store manufacturer part number description
/SAPPSSRM/RANGID - Number Range IDs for Numeric SAP Number Ranges (LPN)
/SAPPSSRM/RCOD_T - IBU-PS: Reason Code text table
/SAPPSSRM/SC_CMT_LOGSYS_FI_IND - Gov Proc Handling multiple backends
/SAPPSSRM/SOS - Index-Table con. 'Governm. Proc.'-specific sources of supply
/SAPPSSRM/SPL_BL_BP_GET_BPID - GTS: RFC Communication Structure: Business Partner ID
/SAPPSSRM/SPL_BL_BP_GET_BP_ID - GTS: RFC Communication Structure: Business Partner ID
/SAPPSSRM/SPL_BL_BP_GET_RES - GTS: RFC Communication Structure: Result
/SAPPSSRM/SPL_BL_BP_GET_RESU - GTS: RFC Communication Structure: Result
/SAPPSSRM/STR_WORKFLOW_UI - UI structure workflow execution
/SAPPSSRM/S_ADRCON_BLOCKED_BP - List of blocked business partners
/SAPPSSRM/S_ASSIGN_EXTREQ - Option Doc Subscreen Assignment of EXTREQ to ItemLine
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR - IBU-PS: Header procurement document
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR_BID - IBU PS: Public Sector enhancements BID invitation
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR_CTR - IBU-PS: Header fields for contract
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR_PO - IBU PS: Header fields purchase order
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR_QUOT - IBU PS: Header Fields for Quotation
/SAPPSSRM/S_BLOCK_REASON - Payment Plan: Reasons for Blocking
/SAPPSSRM/S_BODY - Structure for body
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_PA_COMPONENT - CLL Structure for Components of Pricing Arrangement
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_PA_MAIN_FIELDS - CLL structure for main fields of pricing arrangements
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_WD_SC_HD_BD - CLL-Specific Structure for SC Header Popup Basic Data Tab
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLNT_NUMBER_STATE - IBU PS: Number State for Lock Argument
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLNT_NUMST - IBU PS: Number State for Lock Argument
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLOSEOUT_REC - IBU-PS: Display structure for Closeout Recommendation List
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLOSEOUT_REC_CTR - Closeout Recommended Contract items
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLOSEOUT_RESULT - Result Table Closeout Check
/SAPPSSRM/S_COPY_FCT - Structure for Copying Function
/SAPPSSRM/S_CTRL_GP - GP: stucture for GP specific fields in /SAPPSSRM/S_CTRL
/SAPPSSRM/S_CTRL_PA - GP2 Control + PA Attributes for dynamic programming
/SAPPSSRM/S_CTR_FO_GUIDS - Structure of Contract GUIDS and corresponding EXTREQs
/SAPPSSRM/S_CTR_FO_OBJREF - Structure of GUIDS and Instances of CL_CTR_FOLLOW_ON
/SAPPSSRM/S_DATE_CAT - Payment plan type
/SAPPSSRM/S_DATE_DESC - Maintain Date Descriptions for Payment Plan
/SAPPSSRM/S_DATE_RULE - Maintain Date Rules For Payment Plan
/SAPPSSRM/S_DB_ACT - IBU PS: Set Document Builder integration active
/SAPPSSRM/S_DOCB_ATT - Document Builder Attachments
/SAPPSSRM/S_DOCB_VARIABLES - Document Builder variables
/SAPPSSRM/S_DOC_BUILDER_DATA - Data needed for Document Builder integration
/SAPPSSRM/S_DPO_TRANS_ACC - Mapping Customer-Fields: ACCOUNT
/SAPPSSRM/S_DPO_TRANS_ITEM - Mapping Customer-Fields: ITEM
/SAPPSSRM/S_DP_FIELDS - Gov Proc: down payment common fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_DP_HDR_FIELDS - Gov Proc: Down payment header fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_DP_HDR_PO - Gov Proc: Down payment header fields PO
/SAPPSSRM/S_DP_ITM_FIELDS - Gov Proc: Down payment item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_DP_ITM_PO - Gov Proc: Down payment PO item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_DUE_OPT_CTR - IBU PS: Structure for Due Option Contracts Display in ALV
/SAPPSSRM/S_F4_CMMT_ITEM - IBU PS: F4 Help Communication Structure for Commitment Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_F4_FUNC_AREA - IBU PS: F4 Help Communication Structure for Functional Area
/SAPPSSRM/S_F4_FUND - IBU PS: Structure for Fund Data transport from Backend
/SAPPSSRM/S_F4_FUND_CTR - IBU PS: F4 Help Communication Structure for Funds Center
/SAPPSSRM/S_HDR_CTR_SEARCHR - IBU-PS: Search result CTR header fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_HDR_PO_SEARCHR - IBU-PS: Search result PO header fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_HDR_SST - IBU PS: Header Structure for enhanced CTR Header Table
/SAPPSSRM/S_HDR_SST_CTR - IBU PS: Header Structure for enhanced CTR Header Table
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIERARCHY_TEMP - Temporary fields for item hierarchies
/SAPPSSRM/S_HISTORY - IBU-PS: Additional fields for history screen
/SAPPSSRM/S_HITLIST - Hit list structure for SRM objects
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_DESCR - Mixed Contract Types and corresponding description
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_CTR_SEARCHR - IBU-PS: Search result CTR item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS - Enhancement Item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_BID - IBU-PS: Item fields for Solicitations
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_CTR - IBU-PS: Item fields for contracts
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_INDEX - IBU-PS: Item fields index search
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_PO - IBU-PS: Item fields for purchase order
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_QUOT - IBU-PS: Item fields for Quotations
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_FIELDS_SC - Item fields for shopping cart
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_PO_SEARCHR - IBU-PS: Search result PO item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITM_SST - IBU PS: Options Item Structure for Enhanced CTR Item Table
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITM_SST_CTR - IBU PS: Options Item Structure for Enhanced CTR Item Table
/SAPPSSRM/S_LINK_ITEM - Links to call ERP backend system from SC-Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_LOGSYS - IBU-PS DEF: Logical RFC destination (objtype+category )
/SAPPSSRM/S_LTXT - IBU PS: Structure for Longtext in Document Description
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_ADDRDATA - IBU PS Mass Changes: Address Data for Partners
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BBP_ADMIN - BBP Admin Data of documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_HDR - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_HDR_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Header Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_HDR_PS - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Header PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_ITM - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_ITM_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Item Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_BID_ITM_PS - IBU PS Mass Changes: Bid Invitation Item PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_HDR - IBU PS Mass Changes: Contract Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_HDR_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Contract Header Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_HDR_PS - Mass Changes: Contract Header PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_ITM - IBU PS Mass Changes: Contract Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_ITM_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Item Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_CTR_ITM_PS - Mass Changes: Purchase Order Item PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_DOC_LIST - List of documents for mass change
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_DOC_OBJID - Mass Changes: Object ID of BBP documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_DYNSO_HDR - Mass Changes: header fields for dynamic select options
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_DYNSO_ITM - Mass Changes: item fields for dynamic select options
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_EXTLPN_ENTRY - mass change: structure for the entry of external LPNs
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_KEY_HDR - IBU PS Mass Changes: header key fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_KEY_ITM - IBU PS Mass Changes: header key fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_MCNIDENT - MCN identification for MASS structures
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_OBJGUID_MAP - mass change: mapping of OBJGUIDs active version -> change v.
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_ACC - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Account Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_ACC_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Account Data Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_HDR - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_HDR_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Header Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_HDR_PS - Mass Changes: Purchase Order Header PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_ITM - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_ITM_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Item Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PO_ITM_PS - IBU PS Mass Changes: Purchase Order Item PS fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PRT - IBU PS Mass Changes: Partner Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_PRT_MD - IBU PS Mass Changes: Partner Data Mass Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MASS_RNG_FIELDNAME - range structure for field name
/SAPPSSRM/S_MAT_ENHANC_COMM - GOVPROC: Enhancement of product master data
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDOCOBJCHG - MCN: structure for object changes in documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDOCOBJCHG_UI - MCN: structure for object changes in documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDOC_DB - MCN: document data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDOC_LI - MCN: document data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDSC_DB - MCN: description DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNDSC_LI - MCN: description LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNHDR_DB - MCN: header data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNHDR_LI - MCN: header data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNHDR_UI - MCN: header data UI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNLNK_DB - MCN: link data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNLNK_LI - MCN: link data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNOBJCHG - MCN: structure for object changes
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNOBJ_DB - MCN: object data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNOBJ_LI - MCN: object data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNPC_DB - MCN: planned change data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNPC_LI - MCN: planned change data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNSTA_DB - MCN: status data DB structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCNSTA_LI - MCN: status data LI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_DOCLIST_UI - MCN: changed documents list grid control display
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_DOC_STATUS - MCN: status of changed documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_RANGE_CREA_AT - range structure for Created At
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_RANGE_CREA_BY - range structure for Created By
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_RANGE_MCNID - range structure for MCNID
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_RANGE_STATUS - range structure for MCN status
/SAPPSSRM/S_MCN_SRESULT_UI - MCN: search result MCN objects UI structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_MD_PA_MAIN_FIELDS - Metadata structure for CLL fields of pricing arrangements
/SAPPSSRM/S_MQ_SCR_FIELDS - IBU-PS: Max. Quantity per Period Screen Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_MQ_SCR_FIELDS_BID - IBU-PS: Max. Quantity per Period Screen Fields - Bid Invit.
/SAPPSSRM/S_MQ_SOS_DATA - Maxqp data for sourcing
/SAPPSSRM/S_OBJECTID_LONGNUM - IBU PS: Object ID versus Long Procurement Number
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_GP - Options Fields for Government Procurement Phase 2
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_HDR - option related fields on header level
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_INDEX - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Index-struct. for SOS
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_INDEX_IC - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Index-struct. for SOS
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_INDXSEARCH - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Parameters for SOS
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_I_ACT - Structure for Options Item Level Actions
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_QUANT_REFS - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Quantity & References
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_CTR - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - CTRs found in Sourcing
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_FIND - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Search criteria f. SOS
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_PO - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - POs found in Sourcing
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SRC_PO - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Purchase order data
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTION_HDR - IBU PS: Structure Options Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTION_HDR_CHAR - IBU PS: Structure Options Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTION_HDR_FDS_DB - Option Header fields to be stored on DB
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTION_HDR_FIELDS - Structure of Header Fields on Option Screen
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTION_ITM - IBU PS: Structure of Option Line Items
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_IND_DISP - Option Indicator Display
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_ITM_ICF - IBU PS: Options Extension Structure for Contract line items
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_ITM_LINE - Option fields on line item level
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_NON_DB_FIELDS - Structure for Option to fill non-db data
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_REF_ITEM_HELP - Helper structure for Option Reference Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_OPT_STAT_VAL_CUST - Option Total Value Calculation Customizing
/SAPPSSRM/S_ORGDATA - IBU PS: Organizational Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_ORIGIN_ACPT_COMM - GOVPROC: Extension of product master data
/SAPPSSRM/S_O_PO_BID_PR - Structure for PR Enhancement addition to SOCO
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA - Pricing arrangement structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAYMENT_PLAN - Payment Plan Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAYPLAN - Structure For Payment Plan Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAYPLAN_SETTYPE - Payment Plan: Table Type
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAYPLAN_TYPE - Payment Plan: Payment Plan Type
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAY_PLAN - Include Structure PPS Payment Plan for PO
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAY_PLAN_HEADER - Payment Plan Header Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_PAY_PLAN_ITEM - Payment Plan Item Data.
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_COMP - Structure to read pricing arrangement components
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_COST_CONSTR - Pricing Arrangements Cost Constraints
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_CUST - Structure to Read Complete Pricing Arrangement Customizing
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS - Pricing Arrangements Header Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS_BID - Pricing Arrangements Fields on BId Invitation
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS_CTR - Pricing Arrangements Header Fields on Contract
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS_PO - Pricing Arrangements Header Fields on Purchase Order
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS_QUOT - Pricing Arrangement header fields on quotation
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_HDR_FIELDS_SC - Pricing Arrangements Header Fields on Shopping Cart
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS - Pricing Arrangements Item Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS_AUX - Pricing Arrangements: Auxiliary, technical fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS_BID - Pricing Arrangements Item Fields Bid Invitation
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS_CTR - Pricing Arrangement fields of the SRM contract
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS_PO - Pricing Arrangements Item Fields Purchase Order
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITEM_FIELDS_SC - Pricing Arrangements Item Fields Shopping Cart
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_ITM_FIELDS_QUOT - Pricing Arrangements Item Fields Quotation
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_MAIN_FIELDS - Pricing Arrangements Main Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_SC_CMMT - Shopping Cart Commitment Data of PA Components
/SAPPSSRM/S_PA_WD_UI - Structuture for UI fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PDLIST_BO - Structure for Getlist along with Status
/SAPPSSRM/S_PDO_CNCLBO_CHANGIN - Changing Parameters for Cancel BO on Header Actions in PDO
/SAPPSSRM/S_PDO_MAXQP - Structure for MaxQP for Web Dynpro Context
/SAPPSSRM/S_PERIDOC_DATES - Periodic Payment Plan:Begin Dates
/SAPPSSRM/S_PERIODIC_ITEM - Structure For Payment Plan Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_PERIODIC_PP_HEADER - Header Structure for Periodic Payment Plan
/SAPPSSRM/S_PHASED_DEL - Pased delivery
/SAPPSSRM/S_POITM_NOVATION - Structure for use in Novation of POs - Item Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_POP - Period of Performance Fields for Options and JFMIP
/SAPPSSRM/S_PO_NOVATION - Structure for use with PO Novations
/SAPPSSRM/S_PP_ACTIONS - Payment Plan Actions
/SAPPSSRM/S_PS_I_US_STAT_W_KEY - User Status CLL structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_PS_USR_STAT_W_KEY - User Status CLL structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_QUAN_ITEM - Include Structure PR-Enhancement - Quantity for SC
/SAPPSSRM/S_RECIPIENT - Structure for recipients
/SAPPSSRM/S_RESPORG_COMPANY - Responsible Purchasing Organization and Company Codes
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_HDR_SSF_BID - IBU PS: Structure for search fields BID Inv. HDR
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_HDR_SSF_CTR - IBU PS: Structure for search fields CTR HDR
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_HDR_SSF_PO - IBU PS: Structure for search fields PO HDR
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_HDR_SSF_SC - IBU PS: Structure for search fields SC HDR
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_ITM_SSF_PO - IBU PS: Structure for search fields PO ITM
/SAPPSSRM/S_SEARCH_ITM_SSF_SC - IBU PS: Structure for search fields SC ITM
/SAPPSSRM/S_SOS_RULES_I - Sourcing Rules Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_SRM_PURGRP - structure for determine SRM purchasing group for PR in R/3
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_CMP_DISP_WD - Display Structure for Subcontracting Components
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_COMPONENT - structure for subcontracting component information
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_COMP_DISPL - display structure for subcontracting components
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_COMP_DSP_WD - Subcontracting Components
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_COMP_IF - Subcontracting structure of component list for R/3 interface
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_ITEM - Structure Gov. Proc. Subcontracting Fields on item
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_MSG_DISPL - Structure for displaying messages on subcontracting screen
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_MSG_DISP_WD - Messages for Subcontracting
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_MSG_DSP_WD - Messages for Subcontracting
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCON_PARENT_IF - Subcontracting Interface Structure for Parent Data of Comp.
/SAPPSSRM/S_T001 - IBU PS: Communication Structure to map Data of Table T001
/SAPPSSRM/S_TMPPF - Mapping structure according to ERP DB table TMPPF
/SAPPSSRM/S_US - User-Specified Status on Purchase Document (Header / Item)
/SAPPSSRM/S_USCHK_ORDER - IBU PS: Order list for user status check
/SAPPSSRM/S_USER_STATUS - PS User Status Display table
/SAPPSSRM/S_USER_STATUS_FLDS - Structure for meta data for user status fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_USR_STAT - PS User Status Display table
/SAPPSSRM/S_USR_STAT_CHANG_MOD - cahngeability user status
/SAPPSSRM/S_USR_STAT_FIELDS - User Status field name structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_USR_STAT_W_KEY - USer Status Structure for CLL
/SAPPSSRM/S_USR_ST_CHANG_MOD - changeability user sttaus
/SAPPSSRM/S_US_ACTIVITIES - User Status Activities
/SAPPSSRM/S_US_DATE - User-Specified Sts Date on Purchase Document (Header / Item)
/SAPPSSRM/S_US_TXT - User Status text on purchase document (header / item)
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_BID - GP Withholds: Bid Invitation Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_CTR - GP Withholds: Contract Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_FIELDS - GP Withholds: Header fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_PO - GP Withholds: Purchase Order Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_QUOT - GP Withholds: Quotation Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_SC - Withhold structure of SC header
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_HDR_TRANSFER - GP Withholds: PD Header Transfer
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_BID - GP Withholds: Bid Invitation Items
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_CTR - GP Withholds: Contract Items
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_FIELDS - GP Withholds: Item Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_PO - GP Withholds: Purchase Order Items
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_QUOT - GP Withholds: Quotation Items
/SAPPSSRM/S_WH_ITEM_SC - Withhold structure for SC
/SAPPSSRM/TXT_BE - Text Mapping PO Backend
/SAPPSSRM/T_DPPT - Business Transaction Types for Down Payments
/SAPPSSRM/T_DPTT - Down Payment Types: Text Table
/SAPPSSRM/T_DP_T - Down Payment Types
/SAPPSSRM/T_WHPT - Business Transaction Types for Retention
/SAPPSSRM/USER_STATUS - User Status on purchase document item
/SAPPSSRM/USR_STAT_HEADER - User-Specified Status on Purchase Document (Header / Item)
/SAPPSSRM/USR_STAT_ITEM - User-Specified Status on Purchase Document (Header / Item)
/SAPPSSRM/US_GRP - User Status Grouping and Assignment
/SAPPSSRM/XML_MESSAGE - Reference structure for DocB XML fields
ISPS_MARA - Product Master MARA
ISPS_MARAH - Product Master MARA
ISPS_MARAH_MV - Structure for Maint. Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_MARA_DYNP - Product Master MARA
ISPS_MARA_MAINTAIN - Structure for Maint. Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_MARA_MAINT_UI - Structure for Maint. Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_MARA_MV - Structure for Maint. Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_MARA_MV - Structure for Maint. Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_MARA_X - Structure with Update Flags for Set Type ISPS_MARA
ISPS_ORI_ACPT_MV_DS - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute ISPS_O
ISPS_ORI_ACPT_MV_S - Struct. for Maintaining Attribute ISPS_O

SAP Collaboration-Room Services Tables SRM-EBP-CRS

BBP_CR_CTR_HEADER - Contract Header for C-ROOM
BBP_CR_CTR_ITEM - Contract Item for C-ROOM
BBP_CR_INV_HEADER - Shopping Cart Header for C-ROOM
BBP_CR_INV_ITEM - Shopping Cart Item for C-ROOM
BBP_CR_SC_HEADER - Shopping Cart Header for C-ROOM
BBP_CR_SC_ITEM - Shopping Cart Item for C-ROOM

SAP Customizing Tables SRM-EBP-CUS

/SAPSRM/S_SCDTCNVFLD - Transfer Structure for Programmed Mapping
BAPIESKNC45A - Communication Structure: Create Acct. Assgt. for Entry Sheet
BAPI_SC_CON_C - Purchase Order Confirmation (Confirmation)
BAPI_SC_HEADER_C - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart Create/Check-Fall
BAPI_SC_HEADER_CUST_C - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_SC_HEADER_D - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart GetDetail Case
BAPI_SC_ITEM_CUST_C - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_SC_ITEM_D - Interface Item Data (BUS2121-Create)
BAPI_SC_LIMIT_C - Value limit
BBPC_ACP_CATGORY - Categories for the Analysis Cockpit
BBPC_ACP_CAT_DES - Text Table for the Analysis Cockpit
BBPC_ACP_TOOLS - Tools for the Analysis Cockpit
BBPC_AUTH_OBJECT - Use of Authorization Object BBP_CTR_2 for Contracts
BBPC_AVL_DET - Define Sourcing using Supplier List
BBPC_BUP_SCHEMA - Configurable Partner Schema
BBPC_BUS_PROCTYP - Assignment of Transaction Types to Transaction Categories
BBPC_BUS_SUBOB_C - Business Transaction Object Types
BBPC_BU_SCH_ID - Configurable Partner Schema: Identifier
BBPC_BU_SCH_ID_T - Configurable Partner Schema: Identifier: Texts
BBPC_CF_TIMES - Determine Defaults for Time Recording
BBPC_CF_VER_TI_T - Text Table for Version Description
BBPC_CMU_PA_SE - The structure for customzie as the screen show
BBPC_CTRL_PAR - Document-Specific Control Parameters for Transaction Type
BBPC_CTR_MASSOPT - Descriptions for mass operations
BBPC_CTR_MASS_OP - Mass change functions
BBPC_EVENT - Event Control
BBPC_EVENT_DEF - Event Definition
BBPC_EVENT_DEF_T - Texts for Event Definition
BBPC_EVENT_MESS - Customizing Table for Assignment of Events to Messages
BBPC_EVENT_OB - Event Object Types
BBPC_EVENT_OB_T - Texts for Event Object Types
BBPC_EVENT_SCHEM - Table for Event Schema
BBPC_EV_SCHEMA_T - Language-Dependent Text Table for Event Schema
BBPC_E_HIGHLIGHT - C Table for Assignment of Errors to Structure & Fields
BBPC_HIER_CTRL - Control of Hierarchy Display
BBPC_IMSTREX_D - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPC_IMSTREX_E - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPC_IMSTREX_S - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPC_IMSTREX_V - Assignment of Delivery to Groups
BBPC_IMS_APPTASK - Approval Tasks
BBPC_IMS_PROP - IMS Exception Properties
BBPC_LARGE_OBJ - Definition of sizes for large objects
BBPC_MARKETSET - Status of Selection in a MarketSet System
BBPC_MENV_ENVDTL - Multi Envelope Bidding: Envelope details under a schema
BBPC_MENV_EVL_RL - Multi Envelope Bidding: Evaluator Roles Partner types
BBPC_MENV_EVL_RT - Multi Envelope Bidding: Evaluator role type text table
BBPC_MENV_FLDR - Multi Envelope Bidding: Folder Definitions
BBPC_MENV_FLDR_T - Multi Envelope Bidding: Folder Type Text Table
BBPC_MENV_ID - Multi Envelope Bidding Envelope Id
BBPC_MENV_ID_T - Multi Envelope Bidding Envelope ID Text Table
BBPC_MENV_RL_AUT - Multi Envelope Bidding: Folder role authorization
BBPC_MENV_SCHFLD - Multi Envelope Bidding: Relation between envelope and folder
BBPC_MENV_SCHMID - Multi Envelope Bidding Schema Definition
BBPC_MENV_SCHM_T - Language-Dependent Text Table for multi envelope schema id
BBPC_META_ITM - Meta Data for Items Types
BBPC_OPT_PAR - Customizing for Optional line item functionality
BBPC_ORG_EVENTS - Event Control in Organizational Management
BBPC_PARTNERFTYP - Definition of Partner Function Types
BBPC_PARTNERFUNC - Definition of Partner Functions
BBPC_PARTNFTYP_T - Description of Partner Function Types
BBPC_PARTNFUNC_T - Description of Partner Functions
BBPC_PDC_UI_EXT - External Screen Objects in SRM Applications
BBPC_PDMSG - BBP: Customizeable Messages
BBPC_PDMSG_CUS - BBP: Settings for Customizeable Messages
BBPC_PDMSG_XML - BBP: Settings for XML Message Control
BBPC_PRES_UNPL - Templates for Items in the Confirmation
BBPC_PRES_UNPL_T - Lang. Dependent Texts for Customizing Table BBPC_PRES_UNPL
BBPC_PRIORITIES - SRM Priorities Customizing
BBPC_PRIO_DESC - Description for Priorities
BBPC_PRIO_DISP - Customizing for Display of Priorities
BBPC_PRIO_DISPTX - Texts for Values for Customizing for Display of Priorities
BBPC_PRIO_DISPTY - Values for Customizing for Display of Priorities
BBPC_PROCTYP_DET - Determine Follow-On Documents for Transaction Types
BBPC_PROC_TYPE - Business Transaction Types
BBPC_PROC_TYPE_T - Texts for Business Transaction Types
BBPC_PT_ASSIGN - Assignemnts of users to a purchasing team
BBPC_PT_DEFINE - Definition of Purchasing Teams
BBPC_PT_DEFINET - Do not use!
BBPC_PT_TEXT - Maintenance of language dependent texts for purchasing teams
BBPC_SCR_TXTS - UI Texts for Fields / Structures
BBPC_SRC_DET - Determination of Sourcing for Product Category
BBPC_SUBOB_CAT - Business Transaction Object Types
BBPC_SUBOB_CAT_T - Texts for Business Transaction Object Types
BBPC_TEXT_COPY - Copying Rules for SRM Documents
BBPC_TEXT_EXT - Table for replicating text customizing settings from ERP
BBPC_TEXT_ID - Customizing Table for Maintenance of Text IDs for TextSchema
BBPC_TEXT_ID_T - Customizing Table for Maintenance of Text IDs for TextSchema
BBPC_TEXT_MAP - Mapping and Copying Rules Table
BBPC_TEXT_RELMAP - Customizing: Convn Rules for TextIDs After Release Upgrade
BBPC_TEXT_SCHEME - Table for Text Schema
BBPC_TEXT_VALUES - Fixed Values for Texts from SRM Documents
BBPC_TEXT_XML - XML Communication of Texts
BBPC_TXT_MAP_EXT - Database Table for External Text Mapping
BBPC_TXT_MAP_INT - Database Table for SRM Text Mapping
BBPC_TXT_SCHEM_T - Language-Dependent Text Table for Text Schema
BBPC_TXT_VAL_T - Fixed Values for Texts from SRM Documents
BBPC_UP_DOWNLOAD - Relevant Fields for Upload and Download
BBPC_VERS_PRES - Version for Default Limit Items in Confirmation
BBPC_WF_MAILSEND - Determination of Mail Recipients at Specific Workflow Events
BBPC_XSS_REPLACE - Central Filtering of SRM Data
BBPDPOACCT_470 - Direct Material from EBP - PO Acct Assgmt (Rel. 4.7)
BBPD_BWREP_DET - BW Reports: Detailed Data
BBPD_BWREP_HDR - BW Reports: General Data
BBPD_BWREP_REP_T - Texts for Symbolic Report ID
BBPD_IV_ADB_FLDS - Allowed Fields for Header and Item in ADOBE Form
BBPD_THRESH_CHK - Contains threshold values for Contract Header and Item
BBPEKPOC46C - Transfer Structure: Create/List - PO Item
BBPS_ACC_INV_SIM - Simulation of Invoice
BBPS_ACP_NODE - Node Structure for Tree in ACP
BBPS_ACTION_ITEM - Communication Structure Follow-On Documents
BBPS_AUTH_UI - Structure for UI Authorization
BBPS_AVL_DET - Interface for AVL Determination
BBPS_BUDGET_DISPLAY - == BBPS_BUDGET_FILTER plus Generic Account Assmt Fields
BBPS_BUDGET_FILTER - Structure for Budget-Relevant Account Assignment Information
BBPS_BUDGET_LINK - Link Between Account Assignment Table and Budget Table
BBPS_BUP_SCHEMA - Configurable Partner Schema: Structure
BBPS_BWREP_DET_VAL - Report Parameters with Values
BBPS_BWREP_SEL_RANGE - Values for Selection Condition
BBPS_CAL_HEAD_IN00 - Tax interface: document header input. (version TAXDOC00)
BBPS_CHECK_LIST - Transfer Structure - Generic Message Screen
BBPS_COM_ERR_DOC - US tax interface: Communication structure for error messages
BBPS_CONTROL_DATA - Tax substructure: BBP control data
BBPS_COPY_LINE_ITEMS - Table of Copied Items from PO/ CTR/ BI
BBPS_CTR_THRESH - This structure holds the thresh hold values
BBPS_CTR_THRESH_HEADER - Contains threshold values for Contract Header
BBPS_CTR_THRESH_ITEM - Contains threshold values for Contract item
BBPS_CUF_ACC - Carrier Structure for the Accounting Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_ACC_INCL - Carrier Structure for the ACC_Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_ACC_TR - Carrier Structure for the Accounting Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_DISPLAY - Output Control for Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_EXPLICIT_F4_DISPLAY - Control of F4 Help for Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_EXPLICIT_TEXT_DISPLAY - Control of Field Name Display for the Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_FIELDS - CUF Fields per BUS / Set Type
BBPS_CUF_FILTER - Filter for the SAP-Specific CUF Solution
BBPS_CUF_HEADER - Carrier Structure for the Header Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_ITEM - Carrier Structure for the Item Customer Fields
BBPS_CUF_ITEM_TR - Carrier Structure for the CUF Item
BBPS_CUF_SET_TYP - Set Categories for Determining CUF Structures
BBPS_CUF_SOL_STATUS - Solutions with additional fields in EBP documents
BBPS_CUF_TAX - Carrier Structure for the CUF Tax
BBPS_CUF_VALUE - Name/Value Pairs
BBPS_C_ACC - BAdI Structure - Customizing Table Account Assignment Cat.
BBPS_C_ACCF - BAdI Structure-Cust. Table Account Assignment Cat. Tech.Flds
BBPS_DETLOGSYS_ACCT - ShoppingCart Item Acct Assgmt Data for Backend Determination
BBPS_DETLOGSYS_ITEM - Shopping Cart Item for Backend Determination
BBPS_DOCTYPE_IDENTIFIER - Identification of an Object Type
BBPS_DYNAT_LANG - Structure of type bbp_dynat_mstr_t
BBPS_DYN_MASTERG - Structure of type bbp_dynat_master
BBPS_EVENT_MESS - Structure for Assignment of Events to Messages
BBPS_EVENT_SEL - selection parameters when reading cust. table BBPC_EVENT
BBPS_EXR_CURRENCY_CTRL - Control Structure for Currencies in Exchange Rate Set
BBPS_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT_HEADER - Header Data for Verification of External Requirement
BBPS_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT_ITEM - Item Data for Verification of External Requirement
BBPS_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT_ITM_BE - Item Data for Confirmation of Ext. Requirements (Backend)
BBPS_EXTREQ_FULFILLMENT_POREF - Reference Fields for Purchase Order
BBPS_EXTREQ_HEADER - Header of External Requirement
BBPS_EXTREQ_ITEM - Item Data of External Requirement
BBPS_EXT_CONTROL_DATA - Tax substructure: tax system control data
BBPS_FM_TESTDATA - Structure with Key Fields for FM Test Data
BBPS_ICC_CUF_INSTALL - Install country-/scenario-specific fields in cust. includes
BBPS_ICC_TAXCOM_ITEM - Communication structure country-specific item tax fields
BBPS_IF_BAPIEKPOC_46B - EBP: Transfer Structure Purchase Order Item 4.6B
BBPS_IMS_PROP - IMS. Settings for the Exceptions
BBPS_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data for BADI
BBPS_LISTSEL_GLOBAL - Structure for Global Fields in the Item Search
BBPS_MENV_ENVELOPE - Structure holding the envelope data
BBPS_MENV_FOLDER - Structure for folder
BBPS_MENV_FOLDER_AUTH - Multi Envelope Bidding: Folder role authorization
BBPS_OBJECT_KEY - Key Fields for Lean or Backend Document
BBPS_PARTNER_DETAIL_DISPLAY - Partner for Which the Partner Detail is to be Displayed
BBPS_PARTNER_HLP_DEFAULT - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Search Screen
BBPS_PARTNER_HLP_FIELD_CONTROL - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Search Screen
BBPS_PARTNER_LIST_CONTROL - Transfer of Partner List to be Represented to Partner Scr.
BBPS_PARTNER_WD_UI - Extended UI Information for WebDynpro Partner Screen
BBPS_PARTNFTYP_T - Description of Partner Function Types
BBPS_PCO_COMPARE_LIST - List of Purchase Order Responses to be Transferred
BBPS_PDC_PROCTYP_LIST - Return Structure for Transaction Category List
BBPS_PDC_UI_EXT - External Screen Objects in SRM Applications
BBPS_PDC_UI_EXT_DB - External Screen Objects in SRM Applications (DB)
BBPS_PDC_UI_EXT_ITS - External Screen Objects in SRM Applications
BBPS_PDH_SDLN - Schedule Line Set BBP_PDH_SDLN Screen Table
BBPS_PDH_SDLN_SCREEN_CONTROL - Screen Control for Generic Schedule Line Screen
BBPS_PDH_SOS_RETURN - Return Structure of Sourcing Default Screen
BBPS_PD_TRANSFER_HEADER_EXT - Transfer of Header Structures with Additional Fields
BBPS_PD_TRANSFER_ITEM_EXT - Transfer of Item Structures with Additional Fields
BBPS_PGRP_POPUP_TEXT - UI Texts for Purchasing Groups Detail Popup
BBPS_PO_CLEAN - DO NOT USE!!!! Structure for Protocol Return
BBPS_PRIORITY - Priority with ID and Description
BBPS_PRIORITY_BADI - BADI Interface Structure for Priorities
BBPS_PRIORITY_BADI_RESULT - BADI Interface Structure for Priorities
BBPS_PROCTYPE_DATA - Reading Structure for Transaction Type
BBPS_PROCTYPE_SUCCESSOR - Transaction Type of a Follow-On Document
BBPS_PROC_TYPE - Business Transaction Types
BBPS_PT_TEXT - do NOT use! BBP Team Purchasing Text (language dependent)
BBPS_QUOT_TREE_ITEM_UI - Tree Structure with Items for Bid
BBPS_SEARCH_ADDLIST_SC - Search: List for Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SEARCH_ADDLIST_SC_WEB - Search: List for WEB Transport for Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SEARCH_FIELDS_RANGE - Ranges for the Search Criteria
BBPS_SEARCH_LIST_COLUMN_TITLE - Column Headers for the Search List
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_ARCH - Search: Results List for Archived Documents
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_AUC - Search: Results List for the Auctions (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_AUC_WEB - Search: Results List for the Auctions (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_BID - Search: Results List for the Bid Invitations
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_BID_WEB - Search: Results List for the Bid Invitations (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_CONF - Search: the Results List for the Confirmations
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_CONF_WEB - Search: the List for WEB Transport for the Confirmations
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_CTR - Search: Results List for Contracts
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_CTR_WEB - Search: List for WEB Transport for Contracts
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_IMS - Search: the Results List for the Exceptions
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_IMS_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for the Exceptions
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_INV - Search: the Results List for the Invoices
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_INV_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for the Invoices
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_LOCPO - Search: the Results List for the Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_LOCPO_WEB - Search: the Results List for the Purchase Orders (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_PCO - Search: Results List for Purchase Order Response
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_PCO_WEB - Search: Results List for Purchase Order Response (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_PO - Search: the Results List for the Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_POST - Search: the Results List for the Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_POST_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_PO_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_QUOT - Search: Results List for the Bids
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_QUOT_WEB - Search: Results List for the Bids (WEB List)
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_SC - Search: the Results List for Shopping Cart
BBPS_SEARCH_MAINLIST_SC_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for Shopping Carts
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_IMS - Search: the Results List for the Exceptions
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_IMS_WEB - Search: the List for the WEB Transport for the Exceptions
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_LOCPO - Search: Results List for the Purchase Orders (Items)
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_LOCPO_WEB - Search: Results List for the Purchase Orders (Items in WEB)
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_PCO - Find: Result List for Purchase Order Response (Items)
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_PCO_WEB - Search: Results list for the PO Response (Item in WEB
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_PO - Search: Results List When Expanding for Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_POST - Search: Results List When Expanding for Purchase Orders
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_POST_WEB - Search: the Sublist for WEB Transport for the Purchase Order
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_PO_WEB - Search: the Sublist for WEB Transport for the Purchase Order
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_SC - Search: Results List for Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SEARCH_SUBLIST_SC_WEB - Search: List for WEB Transport for Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SEL_APPLICATION_INFO - Application Information for Selection Function Modules
BBPS_SEL_BUTTON - Button Activation in the Selection
BBPS_SEL_OUTPUT_FIELD_CONTROL - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Output Screen
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_FIELD - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Search Screen
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_FIELD_CFIV - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Search Screen
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_FIELD_CONTROL - Transfer of Field List to be Represented to Search Screen
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_FIELD_PO - Transfer of Field List to PO Search Screen
BBPS_SEL_USER_INFO - Transfer of User Information to Search Screen
BBPS_SEL_VENDOR_INFO - Transfer of Vendor Information to Search Screen
BBPS_SOCO_CLEAN - DO NOT USE!!! Structure for Protocol Output
BBPS_SOCO_CLEAN_LOG - For Log of the SOCO CLEAN report
BBPS_SRC_DET - Sourcing for Product Category
BBPS_SRC_DET_X - Sourcing for Product Category yes/no
BBPS_TAXVAL_HEADER - Header Fields from Tax Calculation in Backend
BBPS_TAXVAL_ITEM - Item Values from Tax Calculation in Backend
BBPS_TAXVAL_TAX - Tax values on condition level
BBPS_TAX_CAL_ITEM_IN00 - Tax Interface: document item input (version TAXDOC00)
BBPS_TAX_CAL_ITEM_OUT00 - Tax Interface: document item input (version TAXDOC00)
BBPS_TAX_CAL_JUR_LEVEL_OUT00 - Results of tax calculation for one jurisdiction level
BBPS_TEXTSCHEME_TTID - Text Schema with Short Texts for the UI
BBPS_TEXT_COPY_RULES - Rules for Transport of Document Texts
BBPS_TEXT_FIXVALUE - Text Schema with Fixed Values
BBPS_TEXT_FIXVALUE_UI - Text Schema with Fixed Values (UI)
BBPS_TEXT_ID - Text Schema with Short Texts
BBPS_TEXT_ID_UI - Text Schema with Short Texts (UI)
BBPS_TEXT_LONGTEXT_UI - Structure for Text Lines of Long Texts
BBPS_TEXT_UI_CONTROL_FLAGS - Control Flags for UI Control of Gen. Document Screen
BBPS_TEXT_VALUE_MAP - Map Text Fixed Values
BBPS_TIMES_PROPOSAL - Defaults for Times
BBPS_TREE_ITEM_UI - Tree with Items
BBPS_TREE_UI - Tree Structure for UI
BBPS_UNPLANNED_PRESET_TC - Structure for Defaults for Unplanned Items - TC
BBPS_URL132 - URL, Length 132
BBPS_URL255 - URL, Length 255
BBPS_USER_INFO - User Information
BBPS_USER_INFO_LIST - Purchasing Group User Information Structure
BBPT_TXTID - Structure for Table Text IDs
BBP_ACC_CONV_DISTR_PERC - Conversion Structure: Distribution Percentage
BBP_ACC_SCREEN - Screen Presentation of the Account Assignment Data
BBP_BAPIEBKNV - Transfer Struct. Change PReq - Acct Assgmt (BBP-BAPI)
BBP_BAPIEKKN - Transfer Struct. Display - PO Acct Assgmt (BBP-BAPI)
BBP_BAPIESKNC - Communication Create Acct Assgmt Entry Sheet (BBP-BAPI)
BBP_BAPIESKNC_EXT - Extended Structure for Account Assignment Comparison
BBP_BUF_PRIO_EXPORT - Export Structure for Priority Display Determination
BBP_BUF_PRIO_IMP - Import Structure for Priorities for BBP_BUFFER
BBP_CATEGORY_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Categories
BBP_CATEGORY_F4_GUID - F4 Help Structure for Categories
BBP_COM_ERR - US tax interface: Communication structure for error messages
BBP_COM_JUR - US tax interface : Communication structure for TXJCD determ.
BBP_CT_THRESHOLD - Background Processing for Documents
BBP_CT_VERSION - Version Control for Documents
BBP_CUF_ACTIVE - Active Solution Keys for Extensions and Country Versions
BBP_CUF_DISPLAY - Structure for Display of Customer Fields
BBP_CUF_DISPLAY_STAND_SCREEN - Selection of Fields to be Displayed on Standard Screen
BBP_CUF_HDR_BID - Carrying Structure for CUF Header BID
BBP_CUF_HDR_CONF - Carrier Structure for CUF: Header Conf.
BBP_CUF_HDR_PO - Carrier Structure for CUF Header PO
BBP_CUF_HDR_QUO - Object Structure for CUF Header QUOT
BBP_CUF_HEADER_INV_CH - ESR Fields for Switzerland
BBP_CUF_HEADER_TR_TABLE - Object Structure for Table Type CUFs
BBP_CUF_INCLNAME - Assignment of Customer Includes to Individual Documents
BBP_CUF_ITEM_TR_TABLE - Object Structure for Table-Type CUFs for the Item
BBP_CUF_ITM_BID - Object Structure for CUF Item BID
BBP_CUF_ITM_QUO - Object Structure for CUF Item QUO
BBP_CUF_NAMESP - Definition of Namespaces for Countries and Scenarios
BBP_CUF_SAP_SOL - Assignment of ICC Structures to the Customer Includes
BBP_CUF_SCREENS_LIST - CUF. List of Subscreens
BBP_CUF_SCR_GEN - Assignment of Generated Dynpros to CUF Tables
BBP_CUF_SEARCH - CUF Structure for Search Criteria
BBP_CUF_SEARCH_HEADER - Customer Fields as Search Criteria for Header
BBP_CUF_SEARCH_ITEM - Customer Fields as Search Criteria for Item
BBP_CUF_SOL_KEY - Extensions: Solution Keys including Country Versions
BBP_CUF_SOL_KEYT - Extensions: Solution and Country Keys
BBP_CUF_STRUC - Entity Table for Include Names of Customer Fields
BBP_CUF_STRUCT - Text Table for Automatic Generation ICC CUF Includes
BBP_CU_TRACK - Status Tracking: Call Structure
BBP_C_ACC - Customizing Table Account Assignment Category
BBP_C_ACCD - Descriptions for Customizing Table Acct Assignment Category
BBP_C_ACCF - Customizing Table Acct Assignment Category Technical Fields
BBP_C_ACCFD - Names for Account Assignment Fields in Customizing Table
BBP_C_ACC_F - Customizing Table Technical Fields to Acct Assignment Cat.
BBP_DET_ACCOUNT - Determination G/L Account by Product Categories
BBP_DET_LOGSYS - Determination of Target System by Product Categories
BBP_DET_TAX_CODE - Tax Code Determination
BBP_DUSCOM - Structure for Database Table BBP_DUS
BBP_DUS_S - Structure for Database Table BBP_DUS
BBP_DYNAT_ACT - Activation of Multiple Languages for Dyn. Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_DET1 - Determination of the Groups for the Dynamic Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_DET2 - Determination of the Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_DOM2_T - Language-Specific Text Table for BBP_DYNAT_DOM2
BBP_DYNAT_DOMMAS - Possible Types in Definition of Dynamic Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_GROUPS - Groups for the Determination of Dynamic Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_MASTER - Master Data for Dynamic Attributes
BBP_DYNAT_MSTR_T - Table to maintain Dynamic attributes with language key
BBP_DYNAT_VALUES - Value Area for Dynamic Attributes
BBP_DYNPRO_GEN - Screens to Generate
BBP_FMMRESERV - FM Fields Earmarked Funds
BBP_FREIGHT_TAX - Treatment of Freight Costs in Tax Calculation
BBP_GOA_G_DIST - Global control for grouping logic of GOA
BBP_HELP_CATALOG - Input Help Structure for Catalogs#
BBP_IV_SPLIT_CRITERIA_BE - Split Criteria for Collective Invoices in Classic Scenario
BBP_IV_SPLIT_CRITERIA_INVD - Split Criteria for Collective Invoices in INVD Case
BBP_IV_SPLIT_CRITERIA_LEAN - Split Criteria for Collective Invoices in Lean Scenario
BBP_MAP_TAX_CODE - Assign Enterprise Buyer Tax Code to FI System
BBP_ORG_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Purchasing Group in Organization Model
BBP_PCO_HEADER_BADI - Interface Header Data Purch. Order Conf. Change Case
BBP_PCO_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data Purchase Order Conf. Create/Chck/Chn-Cas
BBP_PDH_PO_SCREEN_ITEMS - Screen Structure for the PO Items
BBP_PDH_PO_SEL_ATTRIBUTES - Purchaser Attributes to be Selected
BBP_PDH_SOS_S_SOS_LIST - Sourcing Data
BBP_PDS_ACCCAT - BBP Account Assignment Category Interface
BBP_PDS_ACCCATF - BBP Account Assignment Category Technical Fields Interface
BBP_PDS_BE_ENRACCT - Account assignment data enriched by account assignment BE
BBP_PDS_COMACC - BBP Account Assignment Display Interface
BBP_PDS_F4_UOM - Help Structure for Quantity Units
BBP_PDS_HISTORY - History for All Documents (purchase order history, ...)
BBP_PDS_HREL_BE - Header Links Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_ILOGSYS - Assignmnet Item GUID to Logical Target System
BBP_PDS_ILREL_BE - Item-/Limit Link, Header Link Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_MAPLIST - Help Interface GetList Mapping from Backend in Lean
BBP_PDS_MAPPOHEAD - Help Interface PO_GetDetail Header Mapping Backend in Lean
BBP_PDS_MAPPOITM - Help Interface PO_GetDetail Mapping Item Backend in Lean
BBP_PDS_OBJ_DECRIPTION - Linkage EBP Document - Object Name
BBP_PDS_PARTNER_FCT_LIST_D - Overview Business Partner of a Category
BBP_PDS_PARTNER_LIST_D - Overview List of Partner from Proc. Doc.
BBP_PDS_PDLIST_WEB - List Search Results Web Transport
BBP_PDS_PO_ITEM_WEB - Item Data Purchase Order Web Transport Search
BBP_PDS_RANGE_COMPANY - Multiple Selection for Search Criterion COMPANY
BBP_PDS_RANGE_FIELD_CONTENT - Interface Structure for Ranges of Search Criteria
BBP_PDS_RANGE_ORDERED_PROD_F4 - Interface Structure for Ranges via Product ID
BBP_PDS_RANGE_REF_DOC_NO - Interface Structure for Ranges of REF_DOC_NO
BBP_PDS_REFLIST - List Item GUID - Follow-On Object ID Local
BBP_PDS_SOS_FLAGS - Checkbox List
BBP_PDS_SOS_LIST - Sourcing Item Information
BBP_PDS_STRUCTURE_TYPE - Structure for CUF Structure Types
BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_HEADER - Transfer of Header Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBP_PROCTYPE_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Categories
BBP_PROC_BACKEND - Communication Structure for Backend Customizing
BBP_PURCH_GRP_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Purchasing Group in Organization Model
BBP_PURCH_ORG_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Purchasing Group in Organization Model
BBP_RUOCOM - Transfer Structure for Recently Used Objects
BBP_SEL_ADDTYPE - Structure for Screen Control When Adding Unplanned Items
BBP_SOL_KEYS - Solution Keys Used in Country-/Scenario Extensions
BBP_SOS_CHECK - Table for default Source of Supply
BBP_TARGET_OBJ - Destination of Target Object in Backend
BBP_TARGET_OBJ_20A - Transfer Structure for Determining Target Object in BE Syst.
BBP_TAX_CODE_MAP - Mapping of BBP to ERP Tax Codes
BBP_TAX_COMM - Item Communication Structure for the Tax Calculation
BBP_TAX_COMM_H - Header Communication Structure for the Tax Calculation
BBP_TAX_COMM_OUT - Result of the Tax Calculation
BBP_TAX_DEST - Defining System for Tax Calculation
BBP_TAX_DISTRIB_ITEM - Distribution of Amount to Items
BBP_TAX_HEADER_COMM - Communication Structure Header for the Tax Calculation
BBP_TAX_ITEM_R3 - Communication Structure with ERP
BBP_TAX_SETTINGS - Settings for Tax Calculation
BBP_TEXT_ID - Text Schema with Short Texts for the UI
BBP_TOLERANCE - Tolernace key entries
BBP_TOL_GRP - Tolerance group
BBP_TOL_GRPT - Tolerance group description
BBP_TOL_KEY - Tolerance key
BBP_TOL_KEYT - Tolerance key description
SUBSCREEN_STRUC - Subscreen No. for Generic Limit Screen for Unplanned Items

SAP SRM Enterprise Services Tables SRM-EBP-ESA

/SAPSRM/ACCOUNTING_CODING_BLO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/ADDRESS_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ADV_XML_MONI_MSG_LIST - Advanced XML Monitoring Message Details
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_FREE_FORM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_HIERARCHY - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_HIERARCHY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_NAME_VALUE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_PICK_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_RANGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_RESULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ARRAY_OF_SSPRECORD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/ATTACHMENT_FOLDER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CONF_ITM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/BASIC_BD_MSG_HDR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
/SAPSRM/BO_EXTR - BO Extractor
/SAPSRM/BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/CTR_ARCH_CHK_QRY_MSG - MT PurchasingContractSRMArchivingCheckQuery..
/SAPSRM/CTR_ARCH_CHK_RESP_MSG - MT PurchasingContractSRMArchivingCheckResponse.
/SAPSRM/CTR_CHECK_QUERY_MSG - MT - Purchasing Contract SUITE Check Query
/SAPSRM/CTR_CHECK_RESPONSE_MSG - MT - Purchasing Contract SUITE Check Response
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_ITEM_S - IDT - Purchasing Contract SUITE Conf item
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_ITM_PROD - IDT - Item Product in Conf
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_OUT - Purchasing Contract SUITE Confirmation Message Type
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_OUT_INPUT - IDT- Purchasing Contract SUITE Conf
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_OUT_MSG - IDT - Purchasing Contract SUITE Conf
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_REL_ORG_PTY_S - IDT - Release Authorized Orgainzation party in Conf
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_RESP_PGRP_PTY - IDT - Conf - Purchasing Group Party
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_RESP_PORG_PTY - IDT - Conf - Repsonsible Purchasing Organization Party
/SAPSRM/CTR_CONF_SHIP_TO_LOC_S - IDT - Ship To Location in Conf
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPLICATION_CNF - Message Type for PurgContrSRMRplctnConfMsg MDT
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPLI_CNF_MSG - MDT for PurchasingContractSRMReplicationConfirmationMessage
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPL_DATA - IDT Replication Request Data
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPL_PCTR - PurgContrSRMRplctnConfPurgContr PurchasingContract I
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPL_REQ - MT for PurchasingContractSRMReplicationRequestMessage
/SAPSRM/CTR_REPL_REQUEST - MessageDataType Of PurgContrSRMRplctnReqMsg
/SAPSRM/CTR_REQUEST - Purchasing Contract SUITE Request Message IDT
/SAPSRM/CTR_REQUEST_MSG - PurchasingContract SUITE Request Message Data Type
/SAPSRM/CTR_RESP_EMP_PTY - IDT - Conf - Responsible Employee Party
/SAPSRM/CTR_SUITE_REQUEST - PurchasingContract SUITE Request Message IDT
/SAPSRM/DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/DOCUMENT_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/DOCUMENT_PROPERTY_VALU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/EXPENSE_CLASSIFICATIO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/FIXED_ASSET_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/FREE_FORM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_ACCO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_CENT1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_FUNC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/FUNDS_MANAGEMENT_FUND1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_CHILDREN_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_CHILDREN_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_RELATIONSHIP_RECO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_RELATIONSHIP_RECOR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_SEARCH_RESULTS_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GET_SEARCH_RESULTS_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/GRANT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/HIERARCHY - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/HIERARCHY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/IDENTIFIED_STOCK_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/INITIALIZE_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/INITIALIZE_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_ORDER_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_REQUEST_SRMB1 - InternalRequestSRMByIDQueryMessage_sync
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_REQUEST_SRMBY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_REQUEST_SRMCA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_REQUEST_SRMR1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INTERNAL_REQUEST_SRMRE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INTRNL_BTD_PROD_CAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDQRY_MS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDQRY_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_MS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMBY_IDRSP_S7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_MS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_CONF_S7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_A - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_I - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/INT_REQ_SRMREL_REQ_S_P - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ACC_CODING_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ACC_CODING_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_APPR_STATUS_HDR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_APPR_STATUS_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ATTCH_FOLDR_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ATTCH_FOLDR_RES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANCEL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANCEL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ACC_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ACC_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ATTCH_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ATTCH_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ITEM_APVS_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ITEM_APVS_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ITEM_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_ITM_RQST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_MANF_PARTY_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_MFP_PARTY_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_PRODUCT_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_PRODUCT_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_REQ_APV_STATUS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_RESPONSE_SYNC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_CANC_RESP_APVSTATUS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ITEM_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_ITEM_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_MANF_PARTY_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_MANF_PARTY_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_PRODUCT_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_PRODUCT_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPDATE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPDATE_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPD_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPD_REQUEST_SYNC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPD_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/IR_UPD_RESPONSE_SYNC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/LEN30_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/LMS_DATA - LMS Data for SRM Enterprise Services
/SAPSRM/LOCALNORMALISED_DATE_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/LOCATION_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/LOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/LOGOFF_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/LOGOFF_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
/SAPSRM/LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_COD1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/MAP_CFG - Table for ESOA Channel Map to PDO and Map from PDO
/SAPSRM/MASTER_FIXED_ASSET_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/MDMREQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/MESSID_SEQNR - Message ID with Table of SEQNR
/SAPSRM/NAMESPACE_URI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/NAME_VALUE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_CASHDISCOUNTERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/NOSC_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application.,
/SAPSRM/NOSC_PRICE_SPECIFICAT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_PRICE_SPECIFICAT5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_PRICE_SPECIFICAT6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_PRICE_SPECIFICAT7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_PRICE_SPEC_EL - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_SCALE_AXIS_STEP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_TEXT_COLLECTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/NOSC_TEXT_COLLECTION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PICK_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PLANT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated).
/SAPSRM/PO_ERP_CTR_REF - IDT PurOrdERPContrRelNotifPurgContrRef
/SAPSRM/PO_ERP_CTR_REL_NTF_MSG - MT PurchaseOrderERPContractReleaseNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/PO_PRC_SIM_QRY_IN - MT for PurchaseOrderSRMPricingSimulateQuery.
/SAPSRM/PO_PRC_SIM_RESP_MSG - MDT for PurchaseOrderSRMPricingSimulateResponseMessa!
/SAPSRM/PO_PRC_SIM_RESP_OUT - MT PurchaseOrderSRMPricingSimulateRespons!
/SAPSRM/PRERPSRCGREQ_ACC_BLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRERPSRCGREQ_ACC_BLDIS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRERPSRGCNF_ACCDBLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRERPSRGCNF_ACCDLBDIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_COMP_CALC_BASIS - Proxy Structure (generated.).
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_13 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E6 - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_E9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPECIFICATION_EL - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/PRICE_SPEC_ELEMENT - Proxy Structure (generated) Conditions..
/SAPSRM/PROCUREMENT_COST_UPPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PROCUREMENT_COST_UPPE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PROCUREMENT_COST_UPPER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PRODUCT_PROCUREMENT_A1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_CONF_BAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_CONF_COTNR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_CONF_ITM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_CONF_PR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_CONF_SHIP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PR_ERPSRCG_PR_SRCGREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURCHASE_ORDER_ERPCONT - MT PurchaseOrderERPContractReleaseNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/PURCHASE_REQUEST_ERPS2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURCHASING_CONTRACT_E2 - Request to Purchase Contract Processing to create or change.
/SAPSRM/PURCHASING_CONTRACT_E3 - PurchasingContractERPRequestMessage_V1.
/SAPSRM/PURCHASING_CONTRACT_E4 - Confirmation from Purchasing Contract Processing that a purc
/SAPSRM/PURCHASING_CONTRACT_E5 - PurchasingContractERPConfirmationMessage
/SAPSRM/PURCHREQ_ERPSRCCONFMSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_AC1 - AccountingCodingBlockAssignment
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_ACC - AccountingCodingBlockDistribution
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_FL1 - FollowUpGoodsReceiptRequest
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_HIE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_ITM - Purchasing Contract Request Item Price Specification Element
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_PR - Purchasing Contract Request Price Specification Element
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_PU1 - PurchaseRequestReference
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPCONF_SRV - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1A1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1AC - AccountingCodingBlockDistribution
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1EX - Purchasing Contract ERP Request Exchange Rate
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1F1 - FollowUpInvoiceRequest
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1F2 - FollowUpGoodsReceiptRequest
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1FL - FollowUpPurchase OrderConfirmation
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1I1 - Contract ERP Request Item
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1IT - Purchasing Contract Request Item Price Specification Element
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1P1 - PurchaseRequestReference
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1PR - Purchasing Contract Request Price Specification Element
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1PT - Purchasing Contract
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1PU - Purchasing Contract V1.
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1SR - ServiceItemSpecificDetails
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ_V1SU - SupplierQuoteReference
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN12 - Item Hierarchy Relationship
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN13 - Hierarchy Replationship details
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN14 - Hierarchy Replationship details
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN15 - Item Hierarchy Relationship
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_1 - IDT for service items
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_8 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SRMRPLCTN_C - IDT for Service Items in Replication Confirmation
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_I1 - IDT - Supplier Quote Reference..
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_I2 - IDT - Item Ship to Location..
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_I3 - IDT - Item Release Authorized Organization Party..
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_I4 - IDT - Legal Contract Reference..
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_IT - Purchasing Contract Item SUITE Request - IDT.
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_PU - IDT- Responsible Purchasing Group Party
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_R1 - IDT - Responsible Employee Party
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_R2 - IDT - Release Authorized Organization Party..
/SAPSRM/PURG_CONTR_SUITEREQ_RE - IDT- Reponsible Purchasing Organization
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF10 - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_1 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Procurement Cost Uppe
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_2 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Service Item Specific
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_5 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Procurement Cost Uppe
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_6 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Contract Partial Limi
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_8 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Overall Limit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_9 - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Miscellaneous Partial
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_C - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Contract Partial Limi
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_H - IDT- Purchase Request Confirmation Sourcing Hierarchy relat
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_M - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Miscellaneous Partial
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_O - Purchase Request Sourcing Confirmation Overall Limit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_CONF_P - Purchase Request Sourcing Reference
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_HIER_R - IDT- Purchase Request Sourcing Hierarchy relationship
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_BA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_C1 - Contract Partial Limit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_C2 - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_CO - Contract Partial Limit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_HI - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_IT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_M1 - MiscellaneousPartialLimit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_MI - MiscellaneousPartialLimit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_P1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_P2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_P3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_P4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_P5 - ProcurementCostUpperLimit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_PR - ProcurementCostUpperLimit
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_PU - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_REQ_SR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRC_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/PUR_REQ_ERPSRC_REQ_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/RANGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RECORD_RESULT_SET - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RESULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_ACCBLKASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_ACCBLKDIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_BIDDER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_CTR_LIM - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_HIERRELSHP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_PUR_REQREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_SHPTOLOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSCONF_SRVSPCDET - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSREQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSREQ_ACCBLKASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSREQ_ACCBLKDIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSREQ_SHPTOLOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQSREQ_SRVSPCFCDET - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_ABBIE_Q_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_ABSBI_EL - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BIDDER - RFQReqSUITEAllwdBiddersByIdfgElmntsRsp_sBidder
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_QRY - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_QRY_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_QRY_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_RESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_RESP_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_BID_RESP_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITECONF_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITECONF_ITM_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITECONF_ITM_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITECONF_ITM_A - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_BIDDER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_CONTR - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_ITM_A1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_ITM_A2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_ITM_AT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_SUITEREQ_PUR_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/RFQREQ_S_ABBIE_RESP_S - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SCALE_AXIS_STEP - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/SEARCH_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SEQNR_LOG - SEQNR with Reference to Application Log
/SAPSRM/SEQNR_RESULT_MESG - SEQNR with Result and Messages
/SAPSRM/SERVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEME1 - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification Message
/SAPSRM/SERVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEME2 - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification Out Message
/SAPSRM/SERVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEME4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SERVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEMEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SERV_ACK_ERP_CONF - ServiceAcknowledgementERPConfirmation
/SAPSRM/SERV_ACK_ERP_CRT_REQ - ServiceAcknowledgementERPCreateRequest
/SAPSRM/SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/SRM_ACCOUNTING_BUSINE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUCTION_SRMRPLCTN - Auction Replication Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUCTION_SRMRPLCTN1 - Auction SRM Replication Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUCTION_SRMRPLCTN2 - Auction SRM Replication Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUCTION_SRMRPLCTN3 - Auction Replication Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMREQ_RFQREF - Reference of RFQ in Auction
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CO10 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CO11 - Item Data for RFQ SRM replication
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CO12 - AuctionBidderparty
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CO13 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON1 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON2 - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON3 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON4 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON6 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_CON7 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_RE10 - Item Data for RFQ SRM replication
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_RE11 - AuctionBidderparty
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_RE12 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_RE13 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_RE14 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ1 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ2 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ4 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ5 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_AUC_SRMRPLCTN_REQ7 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_CASH_DISCOUNT_TER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char
/SAPSRM/SRM_COMPANY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_EXTENDED_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_FORM_OF_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_IDENTIFIER - An Identifier is a unique identification of an object within
/SAPSRM/SRM_INSTALLATION_POIN1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INSTALLED_BASE_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INTERNAL_REQUEST_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INTERNAL_REQUEST_2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INTERNAL_REQUEST_3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INTERNAL_REQUEST_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_EL10 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_EL11 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_EL12 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_EL13 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM8 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELM9 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMBY_ELMN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_C8 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_CO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_R6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INT_REQ_SRMCRTE_RE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_INVENTORY_VALUATI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_KANBAN_CARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_LANGUAGE_CODE_CONT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_LOG_ITEM_NOTE_PLAC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_OBJECT_PROPERTY_VA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PARTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PAYMENT_FORM_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PAYMENT_PROCEDURE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRICE_DETAIL_LEVE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRICE_SPECIFICATI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRICE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRODUCT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRODUCT_TAXATION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PRODUCT_TAX_EVENT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PROPERTY_DATA_TYP1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PROPERTY_LIST_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_ER1 - Purchase order erp confirmation in message
/SAPSRM/SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_ER2 - PurchaseOrderERPRequestMessage_V1
/SAPSRM/SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_ER3 - Purchase Order Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_PURCHASING_DOCUME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PURG_CONTR_ERPREQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORDER_ERP_CONF - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_A1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_A2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_AC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_BA - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_C1 - Purchase Contract ERP Confirmation Purchase Contract Referen
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_C2 - IDT- Purchase Order ERP Confirmation Contract Partial Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_C3 - IDT- Purchase Order ERP Confirmation Contract Partial Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_CO - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_F1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_F2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_F3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_FL - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_HI - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_I6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_IT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_M1 - IDT-Purchase Oredr ERP Confirmation partial Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_O1 - IDT-Purchase Order ERP Confirmation Overall Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P4 - IDT:- Purchasing Request Sourcing Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P6 - IDT-Purchase Oreder ERP Confrimation Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_P7 - IDT-Purchase Oreder ERP Confrimation Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_PR - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_PT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_PU - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_QT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_S1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_S2 - Service Item Specific Details
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_SC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPCONF_SU - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V10 - Purchase Order ERP Accounting Coding Block Assignment
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V11 - Purchase Order ERP Subcontracting Component
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V12 - IDT-Purchase Order Request Service Item Specific Details
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V13 - IDT:- PO Purchasing Request Sourcing Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V14 - Purchasing Contract ERP Request Exchange Rate
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V15 - Purchase Order ERP Fixed Asset Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V16 - Purchase Order ERP Price Specification Element Item
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V17 - Follow Up Invoice Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V18 - Follow Up Invoice Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V19 - Purchase Order ERP Follow Up Despatched Delivery Notificatio
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1A - Purchase Order ERP Accounting Coding Block Distribution
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1B - Batch Purchase Order
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1F - Purchase Order ERP Follow Up Purchase Order Confirmation
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1H - Hierarchy Relationship Purchase Order
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1I - Purchase Order ERP Ship To Location
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1P - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V1S - Batch Purchase Order
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V20 - Purchase Order ERP Request Schedule Line
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V21 - PurchaseRequestReference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V24 - Purchase Order ERP Price Specification Element Item
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V25 - Purchase Order Price
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V26 - Purchase Order ERP Purchase Order Item
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V27 - IDT- Purchase Order ERP Request Contract Partial Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V28 - IDT-Purchase Oreder ERP Request Limits
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V29 - IDT-Purchase Order ERP Request Overall Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V30 - IDT-Purchase Oredr ERP Request Misc partial Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V31 - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V32 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V33 - Purchase Order ERP Price Calculation
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V34 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V35 - Purchase Order ERP Item Price Calculation
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V36 - Purchase Order ERP Price Component
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V37 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V38 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V39 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V40 - Purchase Order ERP Item Price Component
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V41 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V42 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_ORD_ERPREQ_V43 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_REQ_ERPREQ_AC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_PUR_REQ_ERPSRCG_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL11 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL13 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL14 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL15 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL17 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL18 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL19 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL20 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL21 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL22 - MiscellaneousPartialLimit
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL23 - Over all limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL24 - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL26 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL27 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL28 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL29 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL30 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL33 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL34 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL35 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL36 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL37 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL38 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL39 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL40 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL42 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL43 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL44 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL45 - Contract Partial Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL46 - ProcurementCostUpperLimit
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL48 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL49 - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL50 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL51 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL52 - Quote Request On Behalf of Supplier Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL53 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHAL54 - Supplier Quote Cancellation Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF - Quote Request On Behalf of Supplier Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF1 - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF3 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF5 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF6 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF7 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF8 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_QTE_REQ_ON_BEHALF9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QUOTE_CANCELLATION - Cancel the quote request on behalf of supplier
/SAPSRM/SRM_QUOTE_REQUEST_ON_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_QUOTE_REQUEST_ON_B - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RATE - Proxy Structure (generated)...
/SAPSRM/SRM_REGIONDEPENDENTLAN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMBID3 - RFQRequestSRMBidderParticipationConfMsg
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMBID4 - Confirms whether a bidder has participated in the RFX or not
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMBID5 - Request for Participating in the RFX created by the purchase
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP10 - Item Data for RFQ SRM Replication
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP11 - RFQ Replication request
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP12 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP14 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP15 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP16 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP18 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP19 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP21 - Item Data for RFQ SRM replication
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP23 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP24 - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP25 - RFQ Replication request
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP28 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP29 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP30 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP31 - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP32 - Contract Partial Limit
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP34 - MiscellaneousPartialLimit
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRP35 - ProcurementCostUpperLimit
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPL3 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPL4 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPL6 - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPL7 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPL8 - Attachment folder documents
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_SRMRPLC - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_TENDER - RFQRequestTenderFeePaymentByPurchaserNotification
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQUEST_TENDER1 - Message Type for Tender Fee payment
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_EMDPMNT_NO1 - RFQRequestEarnestMoneyDepositPaymentNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_EMDPMNT_NO4 - RFQRequestEarnestMoneyDepositPaymentNotification
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_EMDPMNT_NO5 - RFQRequestEarnestMoneyDepositPaymentNotification
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMBIDDER_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_8 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_C - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_SRMRPLCTN_R - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_TENDER_FEE2 - RFQRequestTenderFeePaymentByPurchaserNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_TENDER_FEE3 - RFQRequestTenderFeePaymentNotification
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_TENDER_FEE4 - RFQRequestTenderFeePaymentNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQREQ_TENDER_FEE6 - RFQRequestTenderFeePaymentByPurchaserNotification
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_1 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_2 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_4 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_6 - Item Data for RFQ SRM replication
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_7 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_B - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_H - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_M - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_RFQSRMRPLCTN_REQ_S - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR3 - Supplier Quote Replication Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR4 - Supplier Quote Replication Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR6 - Supplier Quote SRM Cancellation Request Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SR7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUPPLIER_QUOTE_SRM - Supplier Quote Replication Message
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_3 - Supplier Quote Award Notification
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_4 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_5 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_6 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_7 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_8 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_9 - SystemAdminstrative Datas
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMAWARD_N - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCAN_RE1 - Supplier Quote Cancellation Request
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCAN_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_H1 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_H2 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_H3 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_H4 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_H5 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_HI - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_I1 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_I2 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_I3 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_I4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_I5 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_SR - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMCONF_SU - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_HD1 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_HD2 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_HD3 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_HD4 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_HIE - HierarchyRelationship
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_I10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_I11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_I12 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IAU - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT1 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT2 - Attachment Folder
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT3 - Auction Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT4 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT8 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_IT9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_PR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_PR2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_PR3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_PR4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_PRO - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_RF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_SRV - Service item specification details
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_SUP - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN2 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN5 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN6 - Attachment folder document
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN8 - Supplier Header Party
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPLCTN9 - SystemAdminstrative Data
/SAPSRM/SRM_SUP_QTE_SRMRPL_CTN - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_DEDUCTIBILITY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_EXEMPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_EXEMPTION_CER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_EXEMPTION_REA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_JURISDICTION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_JURISDICTION_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TAX_RATE_TYPE_COD1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TEXT_COLLECTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TEXT_COLLECTION_T1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_TEXT_COLLECTION_T2 - Proxy Structure (generated)..
/SAPSRM/SRM_TIME_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRM_UPPER_BOUNDARY_OBJ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPCRTE_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPCRTE_REQ1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPCRTE_REQ2 - Service Acknowledgement
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPNOTIF - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPNOTIF_HIE - Service Acknowledgement ERP Hierarchy Relationship
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPNOTIF_MSG - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification Message
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPNOTIF_PU1 - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification Purchasing Order Re
/SAPSRM/SRVC_ACKN_ERPNOTIF_PUR - Service Acknowledgement ERP Notification Purchasing Contract
/SAPSRM/SSPRECORD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/STATUS_OBJECT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SUPLR_INVC_SUITECONTR2 - IDT Item Line type SuplrInvcSUITEContrRelNotifItm
/SAPSRM/SUPLR_INVC_SUITECONTR5 - IDT for Supplier Invoice Price calculation
/SAPSRM/SUPPLIER_INVOICE_SUITE - MT SupplierInvoiceSUITEContractReleaseNotificationMessage
/SAPSRM/SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_ITM_PR1 - Contract Partial Limit
/SAPSRM/SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_ITM_PR3 - MiscellaneousPartialLimit
/SAPSRM/SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_ITM_PR4 - ProcurementCostUpperLimit
/SAPSRM/SUP_QTE_SRMREQ_ITM_PRO - Purchase Order ERP Purchasing Contract Reference
/SAPSRM/SYSTEM_STATUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/SYSTEM_STATUS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_CATALOGUE_REFERE - Structure for Catalogue Reference
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_CATAL_REFERENCE - Structure for Catalogue Reference
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_DCREF - Date structure for Document Reference Mapper
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_DELIV_DATE - Structure for Delivery Date
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_HIER - Data structure for HierRelationShip Mapper
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_PROD_CAT - Product Category
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_PSTDT - Data structure for Posting DataTime Mapper
/SAPSRM/S_SOA_QUANTITY - Structure for Quantity
/SAPSRM/TIME_POINT - Proxy Structure (generated).
/SAPSRM/TIME_POINT_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/UPPEROPEN_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated).
/SAPSRM/UPPEROPEN_LOCALNORMALI - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPSRM/USER_STATUS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/USER_STATUS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/USER_STATUS_PROFILE_C1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/WITHOUT_LASTRET_QPC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/WITHOUT_LASTRET_RPC - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPSRM/WSLPCONF - Web Service Logical Port Configuration
SRMBBPX1BTD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1BTD_ID_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1BTD_ITEM_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1BTD_ITEM_ID_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM_PO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM_PO_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM_PO_ITEM_TA1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM_PO_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_ITEM_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQC_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1PREQ_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMBBPX1QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMPRXCTRL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRMPRXCTRLTAB - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_ACCOUNTING_OBJECT_SET - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_ACC_OBJECT_SET_ASSIGNMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (Generated)....
SRM_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_BDM_HEADER - Business information frm the perspective of the sender app
SRM_BDM_HEADERPARTY - General information about a party that responsible for se
SRM_BDM_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated).
SRM_BD_MSG_HDR_PARTY_CONTACT - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
SRM_BTDLOCATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BTD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)..
SRM_BTD_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BTD_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BTD_PRODUCTCATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BTD_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BTD_SHIPFROMLOCATION - Contains information exchanged in business documents about a
SRM_BTD_SHIPTOLOCATION - Contains information exchanged in business documents about.
SRM_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent.
SRM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_CASH_DISCOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_CASH_DISCOUNT_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_CATALOGUE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_CATALOGUE_REFERENCE - Unique reference to a catalog or to an object within a catal
SRM_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_CONTACT_PERSON_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_COST_CENTRE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_DATE_TIME_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_DELIVERY_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text.
SRM_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_EXCHANGE_RATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNT_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_INCOTERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_INVOICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_CONFIRMATION - A response sent by a recipient to an invoicing party confirm
SRM_INVOICE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_LEASING_UPDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_INVOICE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_INVOICE_REQUEST - A legally binding notification of payables or receivables fo
SRM_INV_LAM_UPDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_INV_LAM_UPDATE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_IVCE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_IVSR_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_LOCATION_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Data Element (Generated)
SRM_NOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PAYMENT_CARD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PAYMENT_CARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PERSON_NAME_FORMAT_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PERSON_NAME_SUPPL_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_POC - Message a seller uses to confirm a purchase order or to info
SRM_POI_CONFIRMEDPRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_POI_FUPSRVACKREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_POI_SCHEDULELINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_CANCEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_CANCEL_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_CANCEL_REQ - A cancellation of a buyer's request to a seller to deliver g
SRM_PO_CHANGE_REQUEST - A change made to to the buyer's request to the seller to del
SRM_PO_FUP_DESPDELIVNOT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_FUP_INVOICEREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_FUP_PO_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_FUP_SRVACKREQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PO_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PRC - Confirmation that informs a requester about the extent to w
SRM_PRCFULFILLINGPO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PRCITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PREQC_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROCUREMENT_COST_CP_LIMIT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SRM_PROCUREMENT_COST_MP_LIMIT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SRM_PROCUREMENT_COST_O_LIMIT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SRM_PROCUREMENT_COST_UPPER_LIM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SRM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_STAND_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PRODUCT_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated).
SRM_PRODUCT_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROFIT_CENTRE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ASSIGNMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROJECT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PROJECT_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PR_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PR_ITEM_RELATIONSHIP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PR_ITEM_SCHEDULELINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_ORDER_REQUEST - A buyer's request to a seller to deliver goods or provide se
SRM_PURCHASE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_REQUEST_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_REQUEST_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_PURCHASE_REQUEST_REQUEST - Request for a purchaser to procure products (materials or se
SRM_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (Generated)....
SRM_QUANTITY_TOLERANCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SA_CONFIRMATION - A confirmation (or rejection) or the services entered
SRM_SA_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_SA_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_SA_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_SA_REQUEST - A request from a seller asking a buyer to acknowledge servic
SRM_SERVICE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_CANCELLA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_CANCELLAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFORMAT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFORMAT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFORMAT3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFORMAT4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFORMATI - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ITEM_INF1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ITEM_INF2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_ITEM_INFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_SETTLEME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_SETTLEMEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_TAX_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_TIME_TOLERANCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SRM_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SRM_WEB - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SAP External Requirement Tables SRM-EBP-EXR

/SAPPSSRM/EXTR_N - Add. Restrictions for External Number Range for ExtReqs

SAP SRM Framework Tables SRM-EBP-FW

/SAPSRM/C_APP_SW - OBSOLETE: Assignment of Extension Appends to Switches
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_4 - Values of fourth Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_4T - Values of Third Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_MDASB - Meta Data Configuration for Set Actions
/SAPSRM/C_MDASBC - Customer Metadata Configuration for Actions on Set Level
/SAPSRM/C_MDASBL - Look-Up Table BO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDASD - Meta Data Configuration for Dependant object Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDASDL - Look-Up Table for Dependant Object(Set) Action Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_H1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_HC - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_HD - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_HL - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_I1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_IC - Customer Meta Data Configuration for BO Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_IL - Look-Up Table for Meta Data Configuration for Item Actions
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_IT - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDA_S1 - Meta Data Configuration for Set Actions
/SAPSRM/C_MDFET - Type of Entry a field belongs to (normal, default or any)
/SAPSRM/C_MDFETT - Type of Entry a field belongs to (normal, default or any)
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSB - Meta Data Configuration for Set Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBB - BO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBC - Customer Table for Configuration of Set Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSBL - Look-Up Table BO specific Restriction of Set Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSD - Meta Data Configuration for Dependant object Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSDB - Dependant object Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSDL - Look-Up Table for Dependant Object/Set Field Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSST - Metadata: Mapping Channel Logic Layer Structure to Set Type
/SAPSRM/C_MDFSTR - Structures with possible Fields for Metadata Configuration
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_H1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_HB - Background Table for Meta Data Config. for Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_HC - Customer Meta Data Configuration for BO Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_HD - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_HL - Look-Up Table for Meta Data Configuration for Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_I1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_IB - Background Table for Meta Data Configuration for Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_IC - Customer Meta Data Configuration for BO Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_IL - Look-Up Table for Meta Data Configuration for Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_IT - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDF_S1 - Meta Data Configuration for Set Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_H1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HC - Customer Metadata Configuration for Header Set Types
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HD - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_HL - Look-Up Table Metadata Configuration for Header Set Types
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_I1 - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_IC - Customer Metadata Configuration for Item Set Types
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_IL - Look-Up Table for Metadata Configuration for Item Set Types
/SAPSRM/C_MDS_IT - Meta Data Configuration for Business Object Item Fields
/SAPSRM/C_MD_FTT - Text Table Types of Meta Data
/SAPSRM/C_MD_FTY - Types of Field Metadata (Standard, Initial entry or Column)
/SAPSRM/C_MD_TY - Types of Meta Data
/SAPSRM/C_MD_TYT - Text Table Types of Meta Data
/SAPSRM/C_META_H - Meta Data Cnofiguration for Business Object Header Fields
/SAPSRM/C_OBJTY - Object Types used for Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_OBJTYT - Texts of Object Types used in Ruleframework and its Metadata
/SAPSRM/C_SETLV - Level a Set is assigned to (Header or Item)
/SAPSRM/C_SETLVT - Level a Set is assigned to (Header or Item)
/SAPSRM/C_STRSET - Mapping of Structure Names to Set Types
/SAPSRM/C_SWITCH - Definition of Customizing Switches and their Attributes
/SAPSRM/C_SWITCT - Text Table for Definition of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_ACT - Activation of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_FLD - Table to switch structure fields
/SAPSRM/C_SW_LOG - Log for System Activation Status of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_LTR - List of Transports Triggering Custmizing Switch Log Entries
/SAPSRM/C_SW_S0 - Initial Switch Status (Active/Inactive/Method Dependant)
/SAPSRM/C_SW_S0T - Description of Initial Activation Status of Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_SAI - Customizing Switch Status (Active/Inactive)
/SAPSRM/C_SW_SAT - Description of Activation Status of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_SFW - SFW Switch Status Method and Assigned Business Function
/SAPSRM/C_SW_STA - Possible Status of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_STT - Description of Activation Status of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_SYS - System Activation Status of Customizing Switches
/SAPSRM/C_SW_WD - Table to switch Web-Dynpro UI Elements
/SAPSRM/C_SW_WDP - Table to switch Web-dynpro View Element Properties
/SAPSRM/SEOCLASS - Additional View Fields (needs to be filled manually)
/SAPSRM/SET_CONTEXT - Meta data context on DO level
/SAPSRM/SET_CONTEXT_ACC - Meta data context on DO level for Account Assignment
/SAPSRM/SET_CONTEXT_PRC - Meta data context on DO level
/SAPSRM/SET_CONTEXT_STATUS - Meta data context on DO level for Account Assignment
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCUST - CLL Structure for SUS Business Partners
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_HDR - Header Structure for SUS PO
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_IDN - CLLstructure for SUSPO identification area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPO_ITM - CLL structure for SUS PO Item Data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSUSER_IDENT - CLL structure for SUS User Admin Ident Area
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSUSR_IDENT - CLL Structure for SUS User Admin Ident
/SAPSRM/S_CUSTMZ_SWITCH_STATUS - Structure Containing Customizing Switch Activation Status
/SAPSRM/S_CUSTMZ_SW_INIT_DATA - Importing Parameters for Custmz. Switch INIT_VALUE Methods
/SAPSRM/S_CUSTMZ_SW_STATE_DETA - Details About Customizing Switch Status
/SAPSRM/S_CUSTMZ_SW_STATUS_DET - Details About Customizing Switch Status
/SAPSRM/S_MDF_ITM_SHARED_MEM - Meta Data Configuration Data Structure in Shared Memory
/SAPSRM/S_PDOCTR_OCACTIONS - OBSOLETE !!!!!Infoattr. passed from LC to OC with Object ID.
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACTION_METAD_DYN - Meta Data for Actions including Dynamic Controller
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_FIELD_METADATA - PDO internal Field Metadata including extended Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_FIELD_METAD_DYN - Meta Data for Fields including Dynamic Controller
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_LVL_SET_SET_SUB - Level, set type and set subtype
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_HDR - Meta Data Configuration Fields for SoCo Draft Headers
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_ITM - Meta Data Configuration Fields for SoCo Items
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_SRCH - Meta Data Configuration Fields for SoCo Search fields
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AUC_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Auction Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AUC_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Auction Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AVL_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Vendor List Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AVL_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Vendor List Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_BBPSUP - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Business Supplier
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_BID_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Bid Invitation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_BID_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Bid Invitation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_CONF_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Confirmation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_CONF_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Confirmation Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_CTR_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Contract Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_CTR_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Contract Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_INVD_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Invoice Default Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_INVD_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Invoice Default Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_INV_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Invoice Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_INV_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Invoice Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_PCO_HD - Meta Data Config. Fields for Purchase Order Response Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_PCO_IT - Meta Data Config. Fields for Purchase Order Response Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_PO_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Purchase Order Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_PO_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Purchase Order Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_QUOT_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Quotation Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_QUOT_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Quotation Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_SC_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Shopping Cart Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_SC_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Shopping Cart Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_ADDR_LIST - BP: metadata address list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_BIDDER_CH - Bidder Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_BIDDER_QM - Set type for Bidder QM system
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_COMP_DATA - Meta data Configuration fields for location mapping
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_CP_DPS - CP Data Privacy Statement: Fields for Metadata Maintenance
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_CP_USR_DT - Contact Person User Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_DPS - BP: Data privacy statement
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_HSINV_PTY - Invoicing Party - 'Has' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_IDENT - Meta data Configuration fields for BP Identification data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_ISINV_PTY - Invoicing Party: 'Is' Relationship
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_LOC_MAP - Location Mapping
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_PORG_CHAR - Purchasing Organization Characteristics
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_PROD_CAT - Product Category
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_PSUP_QSTN - Meta Data Config. Fields for Pot Supplier Questionnaire Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_PSUP_TFR - Structure for potential supplier distribution
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_REFNSAPSY - Reference to Non SAP System
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_SUPPURDAT - Supplier Purchasing Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_TAX_NO - Structure for Tax Details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BP_TYPES - Business Partner Types
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_CP_BASIC - Contact person basic data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_ACC - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Accounting
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_APPPRV - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Approval Preview
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_APPRV_AG - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Approval View Agents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_ATT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Attachments
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_AUTH - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Authorizations
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_BIDDER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Bidder
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_BUDGET - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Budget
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CFOLDER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO cFolder
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CHAT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Chat
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CHNG_DOC - Fields for Meta Data Configuration in Change Documents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CND - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Conditions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CND_SCALE - Metadata Structure for Scales in Conditions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CON - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Confirmation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_CTR_DIS - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Contract Distribution
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_DEP - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Dependent Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_DOC_HIER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Document Hierarchy
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_DYNATT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Dynamic Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_EXR - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Exchange Rate
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_FAC - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Factor
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_FAX_NUM - Meta data Configuration fields for fax numbers
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_FREIGHT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Freight
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_HISTORY - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO History
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_LIMIT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Limit
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_LOC_MAP - Meta Data Field Structure for location Mapping
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_LTX - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Longtext
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_MSGI - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Message Ignore
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_OREL - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Object Relations
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_ORG - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Orgman
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_OUTPUT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Output
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_OUT_MSG - Structure for Output Messages
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_OUT_PAR - Struture for Output Para
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_PARTNER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Price Calculation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_PRC - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Price Calculation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_RELEASES - Meatdat table for releases
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_SDLN - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Schedule Line
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_SMTP - Meta data Configuration fields for email
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_SOS - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_SOS_PAR - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO SOS - Partner
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_STATUS - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Status
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_STS - Structure for Service Timesheet DO.
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_TAX - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Tax
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_TEL_NUM - Meta data Configuration fields for telephone numbers
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_TEXT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Text
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_TOL - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Tolerance
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_VERSION - Fields for DO Version Meta Data Configuration
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_VERS_DIFF - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Version Comparison
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_WEIGHT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Weight
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_HDR_CONT - Context for dynamic Control of Field Metadata on Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_ITM_CONT - Context for dynamic Control of Field Metadata on Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_MO_EMP_WORKP - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Employee Workplace Addres
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_SUS_SDLN - Schedule line for SUS Bo
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MD_DYN_CONTROL - Dynamic Control Method for Metadata
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MD_DYN_CTRL_CU - Customer Dynamic Control Method for Metadata Configuration
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MD_SET_STRUCT - Structure for metadata buffer
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MD_STRUCT - Structure for buffering meta data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MD_STR_FIELD - Structure Field for Metadata Configuration with additions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_ACT_ADD_DAT - Additional Data for Dynamic Control of Action Meta Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_ADD_CHG_FLD - Changing Param.of IS_ADD_DATA in Dyn. Field Metadata Methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_ADD_DATA - Common Additional Data for Dynamic Control of Meta Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_FLD_ADD_DAT - Additional Data for Dynamic Control of Field Meta Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_GENERIC_MTD - Generic dynamic metadata methods for look-up tables
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_SET_ADD_DAT - Additional Data for Dynamic Control of Set Type Meta Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_STR_FIELD - Structure Field with List of Switches that need to be active
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_STR_W_TT_LT - Structure Field with List of Switches that need to be active
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_META_STR_W_TT_RT - Fields of Deep Structure with Table Type and Row Type
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PRTY_ITTY_ITPRTY - Process type, item type and item process type
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_REQUESTED_SET - Meta Handler Requested Set
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SET_KEY - Line Type for Set Key Table
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SET_METADATA - Set Metadata Parameters
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SET_METAD_DYN - Meta Data for Set Types including Dynamic Controller
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUBTYPE_BUF - Client dependent Set Subtype by Business Object type
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUPPLIED_SET - Meta Handler Requested Set
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUSUSER_IDENT - CLL structure for SUS User Admin Ident Area
/SAPSRM/S_SW_CHANGE_LOG - Display Structure for Customizing Switch Change Log in ALV
/SAPSRM/S_SW_OV - Display Structure for Customizing Switch Overview

SAP Inbox Tables SRM-EBP-INB

BBP_WAP_PDLIST - Interface GetList Procurement Document

SAP R/3 Plug-In Interfaces Tables SRM-EBP-INT

APO20B_ALERT_COUNT_STR - Aggregated alert info
APO20B_ALERT_STR - Structure with Alerts for SIC
APO20B_MATNR_STR - Product number
APO20B_ORDNO_STR - External Order number
APO20B_SCHEDULE_HEAD_STR - Header data struct. of an MRP element for conn. to APO 2.0B
APO20B_SCHEDULE_LINE_STR - Table with schedule lines for transmitting to BBP
APO20B_VENDOR_STR - Vendors account number
BAPI_MONITOR - Meta Bapi Monitor
BAPI_MONITOR_CT - Meta Bapi Monitor Steuerung
BAPI_MONI_CALL - Meta Bapi Monitor
BBPAPO_BIDINVHEADER_INPUT - Transfer Structure for Bid Invitations: Header
BBPAPO_BIDINVHEADER_OUTPUT - Return Structure for Bid Invitation: Header
BBPAPO_BIDINVITEM_INPUT - Transfer Structure for Bid Invitations: Items
BBPAPO_BIDINVVENDOR_INPUT - Return Structure for Bid Invitations: Vendor
BBPBAPIADMID - BAPI-Communication Structure: Product Catalog-ID
BBPBAPIADMIP - BAPI Communication Structure: Price for Layout Area Item
BBPBAPIADMMP - BAPI-Communication Structure: Price of Articles in Prod.Cat.
BBPBAPIADMT - BAPI-Communication Structure: Short Text Product Catalog
BBPBAPIADMVT - BAPI-Communication Structure: Short Text Prod. Cat. Variant
BBPBAPILAYHLP - BAPI communication structure: auxiliary fields for layout
BBPCIF_CIFBPAREX - Reference Structure for ExtensionIn and ExtensionOut BAPIs
BBPCIF_CIFCTRLPAR - Control Parameters for Data Transfer
BBPCIF_CIFCUOBJRE - External Representation of a CUOBJ
BBPCIF_CIFCUOBJRX - X scale for CIFCUOBJRE (External Representation of a CUOBJ)
BBPCIF_CIFPUOROUA - Enhancement Structure for CIFPUOROUT
BBPCIF_CIFPUOROUT - Transfer Structure for PO Documents (Schedule Lines)
BBPCIF_CIF_I_BOM - Include Structure for Identification of an Object LIst
BBPCIF_CIF_PU_K - Key Fields for Sales and Distribution Documents
BBPCIF_EXTATPFIELD - Contingency/Rules: Characteristic Values of an Item (extl)
BBPCOBL - electronic commerce: part of COBL
BBPCOBL1 - electronic commerce: part of COBL
BBPCOBL1_31I_46X - Electronic Commerce: Part of COBL
BBPCOBL1_470 - Electronic Commerce: Part of COBL
BBPCOBL2 - electronic commerce: part of COBL
BBPCOBL40 - electronic commerce: part of COBL
BBPCOBL_31I_46X - Electronic Commerce: Part of COBL
BBPCOBL_ECI_31I_46X - Electronic Commerce: Part of COBL
BBPC_USE_AI - Determination for Application Integration Infrastructure
BBPC_XML_MSG - BBP XML Messages Customizing
BBPDPOACCT_PI - Direct Material from EBR - Purchase Order Account Assignment
BBPDPOACCVAL_PI - Service Account Assignment Values OnRamp PO
BBPDPOHEAD_PI - Direct Material from EBR - Purchase Order Header
BBPDPOITEM_PI - Direct Material from EBR - Purchase Order Item
BBPDPOSCHE_PI - Direct Material from EBR - Purchase Order Schedule Line
BBPDPOSRV_PI - OnRamp PO Service Line
BBPD_CALL_OFFS - Release order documentation for distributed contracts
BBPSAVAIL - Availability Check
BBPSRETURN - Return Parameter with Plant
BBPSWMDVE - EBP: Result of Availability Check
BBPSWMDVS - EBP: Structure for Availability Check
BBPS_AI_MESSAGE - Error Message for a BBP_AI Method
BBPS_APO_CHECK_REL_X - APO Relevance Check: Yes/No
BBPS_APO_GUIDS - Header and Item GUIDs of APO Relevant Documents
BBPS_APO_SCALES - Structure for Transfer of Price Information to APO
BBPS_APO_SCALES_X - Structure for Transfer of Price Information to APO
BBPS_APO_TPSRC - BAPI Transfer Structure for Maintenance TPSRC
BBPS_APO_TPSRCX - BAPI Transfer Structure for Maintenance TPSRC; Checkbox List
BBPS_BAPIEBAND - Transfer Structure: Delete/Close Requisition
BBPS_BAPIEBKNV - Transfer Structure: Change Requisition: Account Assignment
BBPS_BAPIEKBE - Transfer Structure for PO History
BBPS_BAPIEKBES - Transfer Structure for PO History: Totals
BBPS_BAPIEKKOA - Transfer Structure: PO Header Additional Data
BBPS_BAPIRLCOPO - Release Codes for Purchase Order
BBPS_BAPIRLCORQ - Release Codes for Purchase Requisition
BBPS_BE_ATT - Contract Attachments Structure without phio content
BBPS_BE_ATTACH_HELP - Structure to get the data in required block size
BBPS_BE_ATT_CONT - Contract Attachments Structure phio content only
BBPS_BE_OBJECT - Identifies a BE Object
BBPS_BS_BE_ITEM_INTERVALS - Item Intervals of a Backend Document
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_31I - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 3.1i
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_40B - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 4.0b
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_45B - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 4.5b
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_46B - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 4.6b
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_46C - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 4.6c
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_470 - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 470
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_470_1 - Backend Purchase Order: Document Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BS_BE_PO_ERP10 - Backend Purchase Order: Document Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BS_BE_PRODUCT_MAP - Product ID Mapping from Backend
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_31I - Purchase Requisition: Document Data 3.1i
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_40B - Purchase Requisition: Document Data 4.0b
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_45B - Purchase Requisition: Document Data 4.5b
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_46C - Purchase Requisition: Document Data 4.6c
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_470 - Purchase Requisition: Document Data for Release 470
BBPS_BS_BE_RQ_ERP10 - Purchase Requisition: Document Data for Release ERP10
BBPS_BS_BE_RS_31I - Reservation: Doc. Data BBP_RESERVATION_CREATE for 31i
BBPS_BS_BE_RS_40B - Reservation: Doc. Data BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE for 40B
BBPS_BS_BE_RS_45B - Reservation: Doc. Data BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE for 45B
BBPS_BS_BE_RS_470 - Reservation: Doc. Data BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE for 470
BBPS_BS_BE_RS_ERP10 - Reservation: Doc. Data BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1 for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_CALL_MODE - Purchase Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE Release 4.0b
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_40B - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_45B - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_46B - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_46C - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_470 - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for 4.70
BBPS_BS_CONTRACT_LIMIT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Contract Limits for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_DATA_REF - Data References
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_40B - Transf. Struct.for BAPI Parameter Extension In / Out for 40b
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_45B - Transf. Struct.for BAPI Parameter Extension In / Out for 45b
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_46B - Trans. Struct. for BAPI Parameter Extension In / Out for 46b
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_46C - Trans. Struct. for BAPI Parameter Extension In/Out for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_470 - Trans. Struct. for BAPI Parameter Extension In/Out for 4.70
BBPS_BS_EXTENSION_ERP10 - Trans. Struct. for BAPI Parameter Extension In/Out ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_FIELD_DIFFERENCE - Structure for Field Comparison
BBPS_BS_HIERARCHY - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_IND_T163K - Goods Receipt Indicator from Backend Customizing
BBPS_BS_ITEM_HIERARCHY - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_ITEM_REF - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_BS_ITEM_REL - Linkage Item GUID - Follow-On Object Item ID
BBPS_BS_ITEM_REL_SRC - Linkage Item GUID - Follow-On Object Item ID
BBPS_BS_ITEM_SPLIT_EXT - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_ITEM_SPOOL - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_40B - Transfer Structure Limits for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_45B - Transfer Structure Limits for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_46B - Transfer Structure Limits for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_46C - Transfer Structure Limits for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_470 - Transfer Structure Limits for 4.70
BBPS_BS_LIMIT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Limits for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_LOGSYS_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_LOGSYS_LIST - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_MULTI_ACC_INFO - Information about Multiple Account Assignment
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_BE_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_BE_SPLIT - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_LIST - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_LOC_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_LOC_SPLIT - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJECT_PACK - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_BE_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_BE_LIST - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_BE_PACK - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_LOC_DETERM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_LOC_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_LOC_LIST - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_OBJTYPE_LOC_PACK - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBPS_BS_PARTNERS - Partner from Partner Set
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNTX_470_1 - Change Bar Account Assignment PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNTX_ERP10 - Change Bar Account Assignment PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_31I - Transfer Structure Display - PO Account Assignment for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_40B - Transfer Structure Display - PO Account Assignment for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_45B - Transfer Structure Display - PO Account Assignment for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_46B - Transfer Structure Display - PO Account Assignment for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_46C - Transfer Structure Display - PO Account Assignment for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_470 - Trans. Structure Display - PO Acct Assignment for 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_470_1 - Account Assignment Fields for PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ACCOUNT_ERP10 - Account Assignment Fields for PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_31I - Transfer Structure Addresses for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_40B - Transfer Structure Addresses for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_45B - Transfer Structure Addresses for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_46B - Transfer Structure Addresses for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_46C - Transfer Structure Addresses for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDRESS_470 - Transfer Structure Addresses for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIVERY_40B - Transfer Structure Address for Delivery for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIVERY_45B - Transfer Structure Address for Delivery for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIVERY_46B - Transfer Structure Address for Delivery for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIVERY_46C - Transfer Structure Address for Delivery for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIVERY_470 - Transfer Structure Address for Delivery for 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIV_470_1 - Purchase Order Item: Address for Delivery BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_DELIV_ERP10 - PO Item: Address for Delivery BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_ADDR_VENDOR_470_1 - PO Header: Address for Vendor BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_CONDX_470_1 - Change Bar: Conditions Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_CONDX_ERP10 - Change Bar: Conditions PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_COND_470_1 - Conditions in Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_COND_HEADERX_470_1 - Change Bar Conditions PO Hdr BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_COND_HEADER_470_1 - Conditions Purchase Order Header BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADERX_470_1 - Change Parameter: Header Data PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_31I - Transfer Structure PO Hdr for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_40B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_45B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_46B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_46C - Transfer Structure PO Hdr for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_470 - Transfer Structure PO Header for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_470_1 - Header Data for PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA_40B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr Additional Data for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA_45B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr Additional Data for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA_46B - Transfer Structure PO Hdr Additional Data for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA_46C - Transfer Structure PO Hdr Additional Data for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA_470 - Transfer Structure PO Header Addit. Data for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_EXPIMPX_4701 - Foreign Trade Change Parameter: Exp/Imp BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_EXPIMPX_ERP1 - Change Bar Foreign Trade: Exp/Imp BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_EXPIMP_470_1 - Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_EXPIMP_ERP10 - Foreign Trade: Export/Import Hdr Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_TECH_470 - Transfer Structure PO Header Techn. Header Fields 470
BBPS_BS_PO_HEADER_TEXT_470_1 - Purchase Order Header Text BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_31I - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_40B - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_45B - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_46B - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_46C - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_470 - Transfer Structure Create/List - PO Item for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_470_1 - Purchase Order Item for BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA_40B - Transfer Structure Order Item - Additional Data for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA_45B - Transfer Structure PO Item - Additional Data for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA_46B - Transfer Structure PO Item - Additional Data for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA_46C - Transfer Structure PO Item - Additional Data for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA_470 - Transfer Structure PO Item - Additional Data for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_ERP10 - Purchase Order Item for BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_EXPIMPX_470_1 - Foreign Trade Change Parameter: Itm Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_EXPIMPX_ERP10 - Change Bar Foreign Trade: Item Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_EXPIMP_470_1 - Foreign Trade: Item Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_31I - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Del. Sched. Line 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_40B - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Del. Sched. Line 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_45B - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Del. Sched. Line 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_46B - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Del. Sched. Line 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_46C - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Del. Sched. Line 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULES_470 - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO DlvySched.Line for 470
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_31I - Transfer Structure Display - PO Item Text for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_40B - Transfer Structure Display - PO Item Text for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_45B - Transfer Structure Display - PO Item Text for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_46B - Transfer Structure Create - PO Item Text for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_46C - Transfer Structure Create - PO Item Text for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_470 - Transfer Structure - Purchase Order Item Text for 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_ITEM_TEXT_470_1 - Purchase Order Item Text BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_LOCAL_CRT - Interface for Creating Local Purchase Order
BBPS_BS_PO_PARTNER_46B - Transfer Structure for Partner Roles for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_PO_PARTNER_46C - Transfer Structure for Partner Roles for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_PO_PARTNER_470 - Transfer Structure for Partner Roles for 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_PARTNER_470_1 - Purchase Order Partner Roles BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_PARTNER_ERP10 - Purchase Order Partner Roles BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_PO_ITEMX_470_1 - Change Bar Purchase Order Item BAPI_PO_CREATE1 4.70
BBPS_BS_PO_PO_ITEMX_ERP10 - Change Bar Purchase Order Item BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP 1.0
BBPS_BS_PO_SCHEDULEX_470_1 - Change Parameter for PO Schedule Lines BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_SCHEDULE_470_1 - Fields for PO Schedule Lines BAPI_PO_CREATE1 470
BBPS_BS_PO_SCHEDULE_ERP10 - Fields for PO Schedule Lines BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_31I - Transfer Structure Account Assignments for PReq Item f. 3.1i
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_40B - Transfer Structure Account Assignments for PReq Item f. 4.0b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_45B - Transfer Structure Account Assignments for PReq Item f. 4.5b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_46C - Transfer Structure Account Assignments for PReq Item f. 4.6c
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_470 - Transfer Structure Account Assignments for PReq Item f. 470
BBPS_BS_RQ_ACCOUNT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Account Assignm. for PReq Item f. ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY_40B - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY_45B - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY_46C - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY_470 - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq for 470
BBPS_BS_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_31I - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_40B - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_45B - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_46C - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_470 - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for 470
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Purch. Requisition Items for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_31I - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for 3.1i
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_40B - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for 4.0b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_45B - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_46C - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_470 - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for 470
BBPS_BS_RQ_ITEM_TEXT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Text for PReq Item for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_RS_HEADER_31I - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Header from 31i
BBPS_BS_RS_HEADER_40B - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Header from 40b
BBPS_BS_RS_HEADER_45B - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Header from 45b
BBPS_BS_RS_HEADER_470 - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Header 470
BBPS_BS_RS_HEADER_ERP10_1 - Reservation Header Fields BAPI_RESERVATION_CREATE1 for 470
BBPS_BS_RS_ITEM_31I - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Item 31i
BBPS_BS_RS_ITEM_40B - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Item 40b
BBPS_BS_RS_ITEM_45B - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Item 45b
BBPS_BS_RS_ITEM_470 - Create Transfer Structure - Reservation Item 470
BBPS_BS_SC_DOCUMENT - Shopping Cart: Document Data
BBPS_BS_SC_DOCUMENT_EXT - Shopping Cart: Extended Document Data
BBPS_BS_SC_REF - Follow-on Document References
BBPS_BS_SC_SETS - Shopping Cart: Document Data
BBPS_BS_SC_SETS_EXT - Shopping Cart: Document Data
BBPS_BS_SC_SINGLE - Target Object To Be Created from Shopping Cart
BBPS_BS_SC_SOURCING - Shopping Cart Items and Follow-On Document References
BBPS_BS_SC_TARGET - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_BS_SC_TARGET_WITH_REF - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_40B - Communication Structure Create Service Line for 4.0B
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_45B - Communication Structure Create Service Line for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_46B - Communication Structure Create Service Line for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_46C - Communication Structure Create Service Line for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_470 - Communication Structure Create Service Line for 470
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_40B - Transfer Structure Acct Assignm. Distr. Service Line 4.0b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_45B - Transfer Structure Acct Assignm. Distr. Service Line 4.5b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_46B - Trans. Struct. Acct Assgmt Distrib. Service Line for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_46C - Transfer Structure Acct Assignm. Distr. Service Line 4.6c
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_470 - Transfer Structure Acct Assignm. Distr. Service Line 470
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Acct Assignm. Distr. Service Line ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_ERP10 - Communication Structure Create Service Line for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_TEXT_45B - Transfer Structure Texts for Service Line for 4.5b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_TEXT_46B - Transfer Structure Texts for Service Line for 4.6b
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_TEXT_46C - Transfer Structure Texts for Service Line for 4.6c
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_TEXT_470 - Transfer Structure Texts for Service Line for 470
BBPS_BS_SERVICE_TEXT_ERP10 - Transfer Structure Texts for Service Line for ERP1.0
BBPS_BS_TARGET_OBJTYPE - Category of Follow-On Doc. for Shopping Cart Item
BBPS_BS_TRANSFER_HEADER_EXT - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_BUPA_CATALOG_QUEST - Data Vendor Questionnaire for Catalog Transfer
BBPS_CALL_OFFS - Data to Update in Template Document
BBPS_CALL_OFFS_DATA - Data to Update in Template Document
BBPS_CALL_OFFS_SERVICE - Call off structure for service
BBPS_CLEANER_TR - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_CLEANER_TR_CORE_KEY - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_CLEANER_TR_OBJKEY - Shopping Cart and Follow-On Document Data
BBPS_CTR_BE_ITEM_MAP - Mapping Information Contract Item
BBPS_CTR_DISTRIBUTION - Contract Distribution Parameters
BBPS_CTR_DISTR_MESSAGES - Messages for Contract Distribution
BBPS_CTR_HEADER - Contract Communication Structure: Header/Org./Partner
BBPS_CTR_ID - Structure for Contract ID
BBPS_CTR_ITEM - Contract Communication Structure: Items/Partner
BBPS_CTR_TEXT - Contract Communication Structure: Texts
BBPS_CVAPI_DOC_FILE - DMS: Originals of a Document
BBPS_DOC_DRAD - EBP: DMS Object Linkages of a Document
BBPS_DOC_DRAT - BAPIS DMS: short texts
BBPS_DOC_DRAW - BAPIS DMS: document data
BBPS_DOC_FILES2 - BAPIS DMS: document originals
BBPS_DOC_MESSAGES - Log Interface Messages
BBPS_DRAO - EBP: DMS Originals for Documents
BBPS_DURATION - Structure for Representing a Period of Time
BBPS_EXT_COUNTRY - Enriched Country
BBPS_EXT_CURRENCY - Enriched Currency
BBPS_EXT_PO_HEADER - Enriched PO Header
BBPS_EXT_REGION - Enriched Region
BBPS_EXT_UNIT - Enriched Currency
BBPS_IF_BAPIEKKOP_PI - EBP: Transfer Structure for Partner Roles in BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_IF_BAPIEKPOC_PI - EBP: Transfer Structure Purchase Order Item
BBPS_IF_BAPIESKLC_PI - EBP: Create Comm. Structure Acct Assgmt Dist. Service Line
BBPS_IF_BAPIESLLC_PI - EBP: Create Communication Structure Service Line
BBPS_IF_BAPIESLLTX_PI - BAPI Structure for Transfer of Service Texts in Backend PI
BBPS_IF_BAPIESUHC_PI - EBP: Communication Structure Limits
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOACCOUNT_PI - Account Assignment Fields for Purchase Order
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOADDRDELIV_PI - EBP: PO Item : Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Delivery
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOADDRVENDOR_PI - PO Header: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Vendor
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOCOND_PI - Conditions in the Purchase Order
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOHEADER_PI - Purchase Order Header Data - Extended Interface
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOTEXT_HEADER_PI - BAPI Structure for Transfer of Head.Texts in Backend Plug-In
BBPS_IF_BAPIMEPOTEXT_PI - BAPI Structure for Transfer of Item Texts in Backend PlugIn
BBPS_IF_BAPIPOHKEY_PI - Structure for Purchase Order Number Transfer
BBPS_IF_BAPIPOKEY_PI - Structure for Purchase Order Selection
BBPS_IF_CUSTOMER_FIELDS_PI - Customer Field Interface Structure
BBPS_IF_EXTENSIONIN_PI - Reference Structure for EBP PO Parameter ExtensionIn
BBPS_MESSAGES - Management Information for Messages
BBPS_META_PO_CREATE - Backend Purchase Order: Document Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_META_RQ_CREATE - Backend Purchase Requisition BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_META_RS_CREATE - Backend Reservation Document Data for BAPI_RES...CREATE
BBPS_PDEXT_ACC - Account Assignment + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_ACCOUNT - Enriched Accounting
BBPS_PDEXT_ACTVAL - Enriched Act.Val.
BBPS_PDEXT_ATTACH - Enriched Attachments
BBPS_PDEXT_BID_HEADER_D - Header Data Bid Invitation GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_BID_HEADER_U - Update Header Bid Invitation
BBPS_PDEXT_BID_ITEM_D - Item Data Bid Invitation GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_CND_D - Master Conditions (Display) + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_CON - Extended Structure for the ConfSet
BBPS_PDEXT_CONFIRM - Enriched Confirmation
BBPS_PDEXT_CONF_HEADER_D - Confirmation (Header) Data: Details
BBPS_PDEXT_CONF_HEADER_ICU - Confirmation (Header) Data: Create, Check, and Change
BBPS_PDEXT_CONF_ITEM_D - Conf. Item Data: Details
BBPS_PDEXT_CONF_ITEM_ICU - Conf. Item Data: Create, Check, and Change
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_HEADER_D - Header Data Contract GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_HEADER_IC - Contract Header Data Create/Check Case Interface
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_HEADER_U - Update Header Contract
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_HIER_REL - the ID of the child contract
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_ITEM_D - Item Data Contract GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_ITEM_ICU - Contract Item Data Create/Check/Change Case Ext. Interface
BBPS_PDEXT_CTR_STATUS - Contract status
BBPS_PDEXT_CT_HEADER_U - CT (Header) Data Update
BBPS_PDEXT_DDN_HEADER_I - Extended Structure for the ASN Header
BBPS_PDEXT_DDN_ITEM_I - Extended Structure for the ASN Receipt
BBPS_PDEXT_DYNATTR - Dynamic Attributes + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_EXR - Exchange Rate Data and External View
BBPS_PDEXT_FREIGHT - Freight Costs + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_HEADER - Header Data for the API View
BBPS_PDEXT_HEADER_EXTENSION - Fields External View on Head.
BBPS_PDEXT_HREL - Header Linkages Proc. Document + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_ILREL - Item Linkages Proc. Document + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INVD_HEADER_D - Header Structure INVD + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INVD_HEADER_IC - Header Structure INVD + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INVD_HEADER_U - Header Structure INVD + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INVD_ITEM_D - Item Structure INVD + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INVD_ITEM_ICU - Item Structure INVD + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INV_HEADER - Enriched Invoice Header
BBPS_PDEXT_INV_HEADER_D - Header Data Invoice GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INV_HEADER_IC - Header Data Invoice Create/Check Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INV_ITEM_D - Item Data Invoice GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_INV_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Invoice Cre/Chck/Chg Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_ITEM - Item Structure for APIs
BBPS_PDEXT_ITEM_EXTENSION - Fields External View on Item
BBPS_PDEXT_IVHUB_IREF - Item Linkages Type Invoice Hub
BBPS_PDEXT_IVHUB_IREL - Item Linkages Type Invoice Hub
BBPS_PDEXT_LIMIT - Enriched Limit
BBPS_PDEXT_LONGTEXT - Long Texts for Procurement Document + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_ORG - Org. Data + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PARTNER - Business Partner + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PCO_HEADER_D - Hdr Data PO Confirmation GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PCO_HEADER_IC - Header Data PCO Create/Check Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PCO_ITEM_D - Item Data PCO GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PCO_ITEM_ICU - Item Data PCO Create/Check/Change Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_HEADER_D - Header Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_HEADER_IC - Hdr Data PO Create/Check Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_HEADER_U - PO (Header) Data: Update
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_ITEM - Enriched Item
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_ITEM_D - Item Data Purchase Order GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PO_ITEM_ICU - Item Data PO Create/Check/Change Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_PRC - Enriched Pricing
BBPS_PDEXT_QUOT_HEADER_D - Header Data Bid GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_QUOT_HEADER_IC - Extended Structure for the Bid Receipt
BBPS_PDEXT_QUOT_HEADER_U - Header Data Bid Update Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_QUOT_ITEM_D - Item Data Bid GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_QUOT_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Bid Creation/Check/Update Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_HEADER - Extension Procurement Document RFQ Header
BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_HEADER_IC - RFQ (Bid Invitation) API Structure
BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_HEADER_U - RFQ (Header) Data: Update
BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_ITEM - Extension Procurement Document RFQ
BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_RESULT_HEADER - Extension Procurement Document RFQ Result Header
BBPS_PDEXT_RSP_HEADER - Header for Response Messages
BBPS_PDEXT_RSP_ITEM - Item for Response Messages
BBPS_PDEXT_SC_HEADER_D - Hdr of Ext. Requirement for Detail
BBPS_PDEXT_SC_HEADER_IC - Ext. Representation of Requirement for Create/Change
BBPS_PDEXT_SC_HEADER_IU - Ext. Representation of Requirement for Create/Change
BBPS_PDEXT_SC_ITEM_ICU - Item Structure of an External Requirement Create/Change
BBPS_PDEXT_SC_ITEM_IU - Item Structure of an External Requirement Create/Change
BBPS_PDEXT_SDLN - Schedule Line + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_STATUS - Status + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSASN_HEADER_D - Shipping Notification Header Data
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSCF_HEADER_D - Header Data SUS Purchase Order GetDetail Case + External
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSCF_HEADER_IC - Header Data SUS Confirmation Create/Check + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSCF_HEADER_U - Header Data SUS Confirmation Update Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSCF_ITEM_D - Item Data SUS Confirmation GetDetail Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSCF_ITEM_ICU - Item Data SUS Confirmation Cre/Chck/Chg Case
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSINV_HEADER_D - Header Data SUS Invoice GetDetail Case + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSINV_HEADER_IC - Header Data SUS Invoice Create/Check + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSINV_HEADER_U - Header Data SUS Invoice Update Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSINV_ITEM_D - Item Data SUS Invoice GetDetail Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSINV_ITEM_ICU - Item Data SUS Invoice Cre/Chck/Chg Case
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPCO_HEADER_D - Kopfdaten SUS Bestellbest�tigung getDetail-Fall
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPCO_HEADER_ICU - Kopf-Daten SUSPCO Anlegen/Pr�fen-Fall + Externe Sicht
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPCO_ITEM_D - Positions-Daten SUSPCO GetDetail-Fall + Externe Sicht
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPCO_ITEM_ICU - Positions-Daten SUSPCO Anl/Pr�f/�nd-Fall +Externe Sicht
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPO_HEADER_D - Header Data SUS Purchase Order GetDetail Case + External
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPO_HEADER_IC - Header Data SUS Purchase Order Create/Check + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPO_HEADER_U - Header Data SUS PO Update Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPO_ITEM_D - Item Data SUS Purchase Order GetDetail Case + Extern. View
BBPS_PDEXT_SUSPO_ITEM_ICU - Item Data SUS Purchase Order Cre/Chck/Chg Case
BBPS_PDEXT_TAX - Taxes + External View
BBPS_PDEXT_TOL - Tolerances + External View
BBPS_PD_ATTACH_BE - Transfer of Attachments into Backend System
BBPS_PD_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_IN - Product Category Data from XML Input
BBPS_PD_PRODUCT_IN - Product Data from XML Input
BBPS_POSID_MAP - Mapping for External Item ID in Sourcing
BBPS_REF_OBJECT - Contains Data of Reference Obj for call off
BBPS_SOS_FOUND_CONTRACT_BE - Found Contract in Backend
BBPS_SOS_FOUND_CONTRACT_BE_OLD - Found Contract in Backend
BBPS_SOS_FOUND_INFORECORD_BE - Found Info Record in Backend
BBPS_SOS_RSP - Structure f. Outbound Mapping of Supply Source Determination
BBPS_SRV_ITEM_INFO - CCM: Formatted name service item mapping info
BBPS_STRUCT_CHECK - Structure for Table Check
BBPT_APO_SCALES - Structure for Transfer of Price Information to APO
BBPX1_ACCOUNTING_OBJECT_SET - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_ACC_OBJ_SET_ASSIGNM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_FACSIMILE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ASPECT_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_BDMH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BDMH_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BDMH_PARTY_CONTACT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BDM_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BTD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_BTD_IMAGE_RECOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BTD_IMAGE_RECOG_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BTD_IMAGE_RECOG_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BTD_ITEM_ID - Proxy Data Element (generated)
BBPX1_BTD_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_BTD_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_BTD_VERSION_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CASH_DISCOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CASH_DISCOUNT_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATALOGUE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATALOGUE_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATALOG_TRANSMISSION - Specifies a catalog to be transmitted (upload or publication
BBPX1_CATALOG_TRANSMISSION_KEY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_REL_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_REL_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_TYPE_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CATEGORY_TYPE_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DEF_LINE_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DEF_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DEF_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DTYPE_LINE_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DTYPE_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_DTYPE_REPR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_MULTI_VALUE_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_MULTI_VAL_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CHAR_ORD_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CLASS_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CLASS_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_COMPOSITE_VALUE - Valuation of Composite Property
BBPX1_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONFIRMATION_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONF_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_INFORMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONF_INFO_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_ITEM_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_ITEM_INFO_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONF_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTACT_PERSON_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONTACT_PERS_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONTENT_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_INFORMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_INFORMATION_MT - PurchasingContractInformation
BBPX1_CONTRACT_INFO_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_INFO_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_LD_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_LD_NOTIF_MT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_LD_REQ_MT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_RELEASE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_RELEASE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_RELEASE_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CONTRACT_RELEASE_MT - PurchasingContractRelease
BBPX1_CONTRACT_USE_CONFIRM - PurchasingContractUseConfirmation
BBPX1_CONTRACT_USE_REQUEST_MT - PurchasingContractUseRequest
BBPX1_COST_CENTRE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_CTLG_MODEL_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CTLG_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_CTLG_TRANS_STR - Catalog message
BBPX1_DATE_TIME_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DDN_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DEFAULTS_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DELIVERY_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DELIVERY_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DELIVERY_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DELIVERY_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DELIVERY_TERMS_TRANSPORT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DESCR_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DESPATCHED_DELIVERY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_DESPATCHED_DELIVERY_EBP - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DESPATCHED_DELIVERY_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_DESPATCHED_DEL_NOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_DESP_DELIVERY_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_EXCHANGE_RATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_E_MAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACC_REF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_INCOTERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_INTERNAL_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_SHIP_FROM_LOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INT_BTD_SHIP_TO_LOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACCOUNTING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACCOUNTING_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACC_DUEITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACC_ERITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACC_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ACC_TAXITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_INVOICE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ITEM_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ITEM_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ITM_REL_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_ITM_REL_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_IVCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_IVCE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_IVCE_REQUEST - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
BBPX1_IVSR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_IVSR_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_IVSR_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_LOCATION_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_LOCATION_STD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_MISCELLANEOUS_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_NAME_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_OVERALL_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PARTY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PARTY_STD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_CARD - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_CARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_DUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_DUE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_DUE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PAYMENT_DUE_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PERSON_NAME_AFFIX - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PERSON_NAME_FAMILY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_POI_FOLLOW_UP_ASN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_FOLLOW_UP_IV - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_FOLLOW_UP_PCO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_FOLLOW_UP_SACK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_CONF_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_ASN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_IV - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_PCO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_SACK - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_POI_SCHED_LINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_CANCELLATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_CANCELLATION_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_CANCELLATION_REQU - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_FOLLOW_UP_ASN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_FOLLOW_UP_IV - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_FOLLOW_UP_PCO - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_FOLLOW_UP_SACK - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_CONF_PRICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_ASN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_IV - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_PCO - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_FOLLOW_UP_SACK - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_ITEM_SDLN_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_LD_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_LD_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_LEGAL_DOC_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PO_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_SHIP_FROM_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PO_SHIP_TO_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PREQC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQC_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQC_ITEM_PO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQC_ITEM_PO_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQC_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQU_SCHED_LINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQ_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQ_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQ_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PREQ_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPECIFICATION_ELEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPEC_ELEMENT_SCALE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPEC_ELEM_PRP_REF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPEC_ELM_PRP_VALUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPEC_E_P_VALUATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRICE_SPEC_E_P_VALUE_ID - Specification of an Object Identification
BBPX1_PROC_DDN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_INTERN1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_STD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_STD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PRODUCT_TAX - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROFIT_CENTRE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ASSIGN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROJECT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROJECT_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PROPERTY_DATA_TYPE - Defines a value domain
BBPX1_PROPERTY_ORDER_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PROPERTY_VALUATION - Valuates a common characteristic, a section characteristic o
BBPX1_PROPERTY_VALUATION_LIST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PROPERTY_VALUES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_INFO_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_INFO_MST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_PRICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_ORDER_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHASE_REQUEST_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_PURCHREQ_REQUEST - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
BBPX1_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_QUANTITY_TOLERANCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_ITEM_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_ITEM_SCHEDULE_LINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_LOCATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_QUOTE_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQCANCELLATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQCANCELLATION_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQCHANGE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQCONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQINFORMATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQINFORMATION_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQINFORMATION_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQITEM_SCHEDULE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQI_FOLLOW_UP_CONTRACT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQI_FOLLOW_UP_PO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQI_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQI_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQI_SCHED_LINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQLOCATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQMESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQPARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQPRODUCT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQPRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQREQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQRESULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQRESULT_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQRESULT_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQRESULT_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQR_ITEM_SDLN_LINE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQR_ITM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_FOLLOW_UP_CONTRACT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_FOLLOW_UP_PO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_INFO_MST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_ITEM_HIERARCHY_REL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_LD_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_LD_NOTIFICATION_IN - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_LD_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_RFQ_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SCALE_AXIS_STEP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SCHEMA_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SCHEMA_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SIMPLE_VALUE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SIV_INFO_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SIV_INFO_PAYMENT_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SIV_INFO_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SIV_ITEM_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SIV_ITEM_INFO_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_INFO_MT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SUP_CHAR_VAL_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUP_CHAR_VAL_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSCONF_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSCONF_INFORMATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
BBPX1_SUSCONF_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSDDN_OUT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_SUSIV_CONFIRMATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSPCO - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSPO - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSPO_CANCELATION_REQU - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUSPO_CHANGE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_SUS_INVOICE_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TAX_JUR_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT_COLLECTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT_COLLECTION_CONFIGU1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT_COLLECTION_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT_COLLECTION_TEXT_TY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TEXT_COLLECTION_TYPE_COD - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_TRANSPORT_MEANS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_TRANSPORT_TRACKING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPX1_TRANS_HEAD_STR - Contains information about a catalog (package) transmission.
BBPX1_VIEW_CATEGORY_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_CATEGORY_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_EXCL_CHAR_L_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_EXCL_CHAR_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_ITEM_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_ITEM_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_ITM_RELTYPE_L_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_ITM_RELTYPE_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_SCHEMA_LIST_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_SCHEMA_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX1_VIEW_STR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPXX_ADDRESS - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GET_LIST_REQUEST - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_REQ - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_REQ_BIDDER_DAT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_REQ_BIDDER_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_REQ_SELECT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_RSP1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_RSP2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_RSP_BIDDER_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_BIDDER_GL_RSP_ITEM - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_DETERMINE_REQ - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_DETERMINE_REQUES - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_DETERMINE_RSP - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_DETERMINE_RSP2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_REQ1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_REQ2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_REQ_COMP_DATA - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_REQ_COMP_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_REQ_SELECT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_RSP1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_RSP2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_RSP_COMP_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_GL_RSP_ITEM - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_OUT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_CTRL - Do not use! Emergency Solution for RFC Connection UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ_COMPANY_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ_PARTNER_DATA - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ_PARTNER_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_REQ_SELECT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_RSP1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_RSP2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_RSP_COMPANY_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_RSP_ITEM - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_PRT_GL_RSP_PARTNER_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_USER_IDENTIFIER_IN - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GET_LIST_REQUEST - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_REQ1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_REQ_SELECT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_REQ_VENDOR_DAT - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_REQ_VENDOR_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_RSP1 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_RSP2 - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_RSP_ITEM - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPXX_VENDOR_GL_RSP_VENDOR_ID - Do not use! Emerg.Solutn RFC Connect. UM
BBPX_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_IN - Account assignment information
BBPX_ADDNL_DATA_LOCL_BRAZIL - Additional Company Data for Brazil
BBPX_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_ATTACHMENT_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_ATTACHMENT_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_ATTACHMENT_WITH_LANGUAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT_BID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT_BIDDER - The bidding partner
BBPX_AUCRSLT_BID_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT_BID_RANKING - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT_HEADER_RANKING - Ranking for complete bids at header level. Required for full
BBPX_AUCRSLT_ITEM_RANKING - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSLT_PARTNER - Trading partners at header level
BBPX_AUCRSLT_PARTNER2 - Trading partners at item level overwrite the corresponding t
BBPX_AUCRSP - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSP_HEADER - Auction response header
BBPX_AUCRSP_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCRSP_PARTNER - Trading partners. Only used as additional information in the
BBPX_AUCTION_CREATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCTION_CREATE_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCTION_CREATE_OUT_BID - Already existing bids for the bid invitation. All field in t
BBPX_AUCTION_CREATE_OUT_BIDDER - All bidders participating in the auction
BBPX_AUCTION_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCTION_RESULT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUCT_CRT_BIDDER - The bidding partner
BBPX_AUC_CRT_BIDINV - Bid invitation the auction is based on. There must be only o
BBPX_AUC_CRT_BIDINV_HEADER - Bid invitation header
BBPX_AUC_CRT_BIDINV_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUC_CRT_BID_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_AUC_CRT_CONTROL - Parameters controlling the auctioning process
BBPX_AUC_CRT_PARTNER1 - Trading partners at item level overwrite the corresponding t
BBPX_AUC_CRT_PARTNER2 - Trading partners at header level may be overwritten by corre
BBPX_AUC_CRT_PARTNER3 - Trading partners at header level may be overwritten by corre
BBPX_AUC_CRT_PARTNER4 - Trading partners at item level overwrite the corresponding t
BBPX_BANK_DETAIL_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_BIDDER_OUT - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_BIDDER_OUT_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_BILL_TO_PARTY_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_BILL_TO_PARTY_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_BP_INFO_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_BUSINESS_PARTNER_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_BUSINESS_PARTNER_INFO_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_BUSINESS_PARTNER_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_BUSINESS_PARTNER_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_BUSINESS_PARTNER_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_CATALOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO10 - Provider of catalog (data source)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO12 - Administrative information of catalog
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO13 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO14 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDO15 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR2 - Information about the business partners in the catalog
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR6 - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR7 - Identifier of product
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR8 - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_CATALOG_REPLICATE_VENDOR9 - Identifier of category
BBPX_CF - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CFRSP - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CFRSP_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CFRSP_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CFRSP_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CF_HEADER - Confirmation header, this data refers to the entire confirma
BBPX_CF_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CF_ITEM_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CF_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CF_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_COMPANY_REFERENCE_IN - Reference to a company
BBPX_COMPANY_REFERENCE_IN_ID - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CONFIRMATION - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CONFIRMATION_RESPONSE - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_CONTACT_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CONTACT_IN_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_CONTACT_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_CONTACT_OUT_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_CONTRACT_REFERENCE_IN - Reference to contract (relationship between buyer and vendor
BBPX_CONTRACT_REFERENCE_OUT - Reference to contract (relationship between buyer and vendor
BBPX_COST_OBJECT - Cost object for accounting
BBPX_DATE_SPAN - Period between two dates
BBPX_DATE_TIME_SPAN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_DESCRIPTION_WITH_LANGUAGE - Short text (40 characters) for description with optional lan
BBPX_DOC_ITEM_OR_DOC_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_DOC_ITEM_OR_DOC_REF_VND - Reference to an item within a document or to a document with
BBPX_DOC_ITEM_REF - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_DOC_ITEM_REF_VND - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTERNAL_REQUIREMENT - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ - External Requirement
BBPX_EXTREQF - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQF2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQF_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQF_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQF_ORDER_INFO - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ_PARTNER2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_EXTREQ_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_INITIATOR_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_INVOICE - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_INVOICE_OUT - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_INVOICE_RESPONSE - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_IV - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IVRSP - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_IVRSP_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_IVRSP_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_IVRSP_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_IV_COUNTRY_SPECIFIC_EXT - Elements only reqired for certain countries
BBPX_IV_HEADER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_ITEM_OUT_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_ITEM_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT_HEADER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT_REFERENCES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_OUT_REF_DELIVERY - Reference to a delivery. ID of the delivery note in the vend
BBPX_IV_OUT_SHIP_HAND_AMOUNT - Unplanned delivery costs (for example, freight costs, custom
BBPX_IV_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_REFERENCES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_IV_SHIP_HAND_AMOUNT - Unplanned delivery costs (for example, freight costs, custom
BBPX_LIMIT_IN - Value limit
BBPX_LIMIT_IN_SUB_LIMIT_OTHER - Sublimit without any further references
BBPX_LIMIT_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_MANUFACTURER_IN - Manufacturer of a product
BBPX_MANUFACTURER_IN_IDENTIFIE - All IDs supported for the manufacturer
BBPX_MONETARY_AMOUNT_IN - Monetary amount with optional currency. If no currency is pr
BBPX_MONETARY_AMOUNT_OUT - Monetary amount with currency. Within one document the curre
BBPX_ORD - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_INFO_IN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_INFO_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_OUT - Company with all IDs available and address
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_RESPONSIB1 - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_RESPONSIBL - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_RES_OUT - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_ORDERING_PARTY_RES_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_ORDER_RESPONSE - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDRSP - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDRSP_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDRSP_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDRSP_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORDRSP_SCHED_DELIVERY - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORD_ACTION - Process description
BBPX_ORD_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORD_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORD_PARTNER - Trading partner
BBPX_ORD_PARTNER_ITEM - Trading partner
BBPX_ORD_PROC_CARD - Procurement card
BBPX_ORD_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_ORD_REF_QUOTE - Reference to preceding document: Quotation
BBPX_PRICE_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_PRICE_IN_CURRENCY_MAND - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_PRICE_IN_WITH_UO_M - Price with optional Currency and PriceBasisQuantity UoM. If
BBPX_PRICE_IN_WITH_UO_M_PRICE - Base of the unit of measure for the price: Price per PriceBa
BBPX_PRICE_OUT - Price with currency. Within one document the currency is gua
BBPX_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_PRODUCT_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_PRODUCT_IN_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for a product
BBPX_PRODUCT_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_PRODUCT_OUT_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for a product
BBPX_PURCHASING_GROUP_IDS - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_PURCHASING_ORG_IDENTIFIER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_PARTNER1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_PARTNER2 - Trading partner
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_REQ_REF_QUOTE - Reference to the Quote
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_RSP1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_RSP2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_RSP_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_QUOT_IMP_RSP_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_REF_DELIVERY - Reference to a delivery. ID of the delivery note in the vend
BBPX_REQUESTOR_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_REQUESTOR_IN_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_REQUESTOR_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_REQUESTOR_OUT_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_REQUEST_FOR_QUOTATION - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RESPONSE_CATALOG_DATA - SUS: Response message from catalog upload
BBPX_RESPONSE_CATALOG_DATA1 - Type for SUS catalog data response
BBPX_RESPONSE_CATALOG_DATA_MES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_RFQ - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQR - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQR2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQR_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQR_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQR_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQ_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQ_INITIATOR - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_RFQ_PARTNER1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQ_PARTNER2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RFQ_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_RRFQ_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SERVICE_PROVIDER_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_SERVICE_PROVIDER_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_SERVICE_PROVIDER_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_SERVICE_PROVIDER_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_SHIPPING_NOTIFICATION - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SHIP_TO_PARTY_IN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SHIP_TO_PARTY_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_SHIP_TO_PARTY_OUT - Trading partner with all available IDs and address
BBPX_SHIP_TO_PARTY_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_SN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_HEADER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_PARTNER - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_REFERENCES - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_TRACKING_INFO1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SN_TRACKING_INFO2 - Tracking information, provided that the entire delivery
BBPX_SOS_DET_REQ1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_REQ2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_REQ_CATALOG - Reference to catalog
BBPX_SOS_DET_REQ_PRICE_DET - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_REQ_SELECT - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_RSP1 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_RSP2 - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SOS_DET_RSP_ITEM - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_SUBLIMIT_CONTR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_SUB_LIMIT_CONTRACT_IN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_TAX_IN - Tax with tax code and description
BBPX_TAX_OUT - Tax with tax code and description
BBPX_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT - Terms of payment with discount
BBPX_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT_DISC - Minimal cash discount
BBPX_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT_DISC_MAX - Maximum cash discount:
BBPX_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT - Data Type for Contact Person Replication
BBPX_TP_OUT_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_COMM - Communication details of trading partner
BBPX_TP_OUT_COMM_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_COMM_FAX - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_COMM_PHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_IDENTIFIER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_ORG - Organization of trading partner
BBPX_TP_OUT_TAX_CLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TP_OUT_TAX_IDENTIFIER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TRADING_PARTNER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TRADING_PARTNER_CREATE_O1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TRADING_PARTNER_CREATE_OR - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_TRADING_PARTNER_SUS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_USER_DEFINED_EXTENSION - Optional user defined fields
BBPX_USER_IDENTIFIER_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_VENDOR_CONTACT_IN - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_VENDOR_CONTACT_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_VENDOR_CONTACT_OUT - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_VENDOR_CONTACT_OUT_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_VENDOR_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BBPX_VENDOR_INFO_IN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_VENDOR_INFO_IN_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_VENDOR_IN_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_VENDOR_OUT - Trading partner with all IDs available and address
BBPX_VENDOR_OUT_IDENTIFIER - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBPX_VENDOR_REFERENCE_IN - Proxy-Struktur (generiert)
BBPX_VENDOR_REFERENCE_IN_ID - All IDs supported for this trading partner
BBP_ACC_NEW_FIELDS - New Fields for Account Assignment in Backend (Release 4.7)
BBP_BACKEND_NRRG - Definition of No. Range Intervals for Documents in Backend
BBP_BAPI1022_FEGLG001 - Logical field group 001 - General data
BBP_BAPI1022_FEGLG001X - Logical field group 001 - General data
BBP_BAPI1022_KEY - Key Fields During Asset Master Creation
BBP_BAPIF4B_30 - BAPI sel. options for search help release < 4.0
BBP_BAPIF4E_30 - Description of BAPI help strings in BAPIF4C release < 4.0
BBP_BLART_LIST - FI document types
BBP_BUDGET_PI - Budget Info. Data
BBP_CATALOG_URL - URLs to External Catalogs
BBP_CLEAN_LOCK - clean lock for reqreq cleaner
BBP_CONTROL_RECORD - Control Record for META BAPI control
BBP_CONTROL_TAB - Table for Control Record
BBP_CONTROL_VAL - Control Record for META BAPI control
BBP_DESCRIPTION - Language Table for Description
BBP_DOCUMENT_TAB - Document number table
BBP_F4_EKGRP - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conv. Purch. Group
BBP_F4_KNTTP - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conv. Material Group
BBP_F4_LOC - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conversion
BBP_F4_MATKL - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conv. Material Group
BBP_F4_WAERS - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conv. Purch. Group
BBP_F4_WERKS - BBP: F4 Help Structure for Unicode Conv. Purch. Group
BBP_FMCMMT_LIST - List of FM Commitment Items
BBP_FMFCTR_LIST - List of FM Funds Centers
BBP_FMFUND_LIST - List of FM Funds
BBP_FMRESL - List of Funds reservation for F4-Help
BBP_FUNCTION_MAP - Function Map for BAPI Dispatcher
BBP_PDS_DEMAND - Demand with List of Allowed Vendors
BBP_PDS_PO_FLAT - Flat API Structure Purchase Order for Inbound Processing
BBP_POREQ_REF - Structure for the Purchase Requistion used for Pgm spool job
BBP_RANGE_EBELN - Range Structure for EBELN
BBP_RANGE_MATNR - Range Structure for MATNR
BBP_RANGE_XBLNR - Range Structure for XBLNR
BBP_REQ_REF - Structure for the Backend Req_ref
BBP_SYSTTEXT - Language Table for System Type
BBP_SYSTTYPE - System Types
BBP_TIMEOUT_TAB - Document table for timeout documents
BBP_UPD_LINE - Backend structute for the updline structure
BBP_WBS_LIST - Work breakdown structure list
MTCOM_31I - Material Master Communication
R2BANC - BBP Strcture R/2 BANC Accnt Assignment Purchase Requisition
R2BANF - BBP Structure R/2 BANF
R2BANFTX - BBP R/2 Transfer Structure Purchase Req. Texts
R2BSBK - EBR Structure R/2 BSBK
R2BSEW - BBP Structure R/2 BSEW
R2BSPS - BBP Structure R/2 BSPS
R2GRHEAD - BBP R/2 Goods Receipt Header
R2GRITEM - BBP R/2 Goods Receipt Header
R2SOSY - BBP Structure for Sources of Supply R/2 like BAPISOSY
R2ZB084 - R/2 Transfer Structure BAPI1008_4 GetDetail Creditor General
R2ZB085 - R/2 BAPI1008_5 Transfer Structure /GetDetail/CC- Data
REQACCT_470 - Acct Assignment for Reqt Coverage Request Lines (Rel. 4.7)

SAP Invoicing Tables SRM-EBP-INV

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_INV_CTR_ITM - Table for Contract Items
/SAPSRM/S_ITEM_HIERARCHY_INV - Hierarchy Item for Invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_EXC_DET_INV - PDO Structure for Invoice Exceptions
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_INV_FILTER_TYPES - Filter Values for Invoice Items
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_INV_HEADER - Header structure at PDO level for invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_INV_ITEM - Item details at PDO Layer for invoice
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WT_DETAILS - PDO with holding tax details
BBPD_IMD_DEBUG - Debugger Flag for Processing of E-mail Inbox
BBPD_IMS_BE_INV - IMS: Last Update for TREX
BBPD_IMS_MAIL_PR - Table for Reprocessing of E-mails in IMS
BBPS_COCODE - Company Code
BBPS_ERS_TAX - Tax Data for ERS
BBPS_EXCP_LIST - Excpetion List
BBPS_EXCP_LIST_UI - Exception List UI
BBPS_EXTPO_BADI - Data for Determining Control Settings for Extd Classic Scen.
BBPS_IMSTREX_ALL - Structure for IMS Customizing: Duplicate Check
BBPS_IMSTREX_D - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPS_IMSTREX_D_2 - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPS_IMSTREX_E - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBPS_IMSTREX_V - Assignment of Delivery to Groups
BBPS_IMS_ADS_PARTNER_EXTERNAL - External Partner for Adobe Form
BBPS_IMS_BE_KEY - Key Fields for BE Document
BBPS_IMS_COLUMNS - Colums Displayed on UI in Item Table
BBPS_IMS_CUST_GENERAL - General properties for IMS Exception
BBPS_IMS_EXCP_DETAIL - Excption Detail
BBPS_IMS_EXCP_DETAIL_UI - Change Status and Processor in UI
BBPS_IMS_HEADER_HIGHLIGHT - Fields To Be Highlighted
BBPS_IMS_HIGHLIGHT - Fields To Be Highlighted
BBPS_IMS_INV_DUPLICATES - Contains Information on Duplicated Invoices
BBPS_IMS_INV_KEY - Contains Invoice Doc Keys from Trex Index Table
BBPS_IMS_ITEMFIELDS_HIGHLIGHT - Table Fields To Be Highlighted in Color
BBPS_IMS_ITEMFIELDS_HLIGHT_REF - Fields To Be Highlighted with Reference
BBPS_IMS_ITEM_DETAIL_UI - IMS Invoice Item Detail for UI
BBPS_IMS_LOG - Log Structure
BBPS_IMS_LOG_UI - IMS Log Structure for UI
BBPS_IMS_STATUS_UI - Change Status and Processor in UI
BBPS_IMS_TABLEFIELDS_HIGHLIGHT - Table Fields To Be Highlighted in Color
BBPS_INVOICE_FILTER - Restrict by Filter Types, Poss. with Value Ranges
BBPS_INV_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call Invoice
BBPS_IV_ATTACHMENT - WebDynpro UI Structure for Invoice Attachments
BBPS_IV_GENERIC_ACCOUNT - Structure for Reading Account Assignment Texts
BBPS_IV_HEADER_WD_UI - Header UI Structure for IV Web Dynpro
BBPS_IV_LOG - WD Log UI Structure
BBPS_IV_LONGTEXT - IMS Web Dynpro longtext UI structure
BBPS_PARTNER_XML_LIST_CONTROL - Control Table for Partner Checks and Completion
BBPS_SEARCH_MULTI_DATATYPE - Data Elemente for Multiple Selection
BBPS_SEL_SEARCH_LONG_FIELDS - Search Fields for Multiple Selection
BBPS_WT_PROPOS - Withholding Tax Proposal
BBPS_WT_TAX_CODES - Withholding Tax Code
BBPT_IMS_LOG - IMS Log Data Table
BBP_BE_IV_ACC - Accounting block
BBP_BE_IV_ADD - Address for Shipping (To and From)
BBP_BE_IV_EXR - BBP Exchange Rate Table
BBP_BE_IV_HD - EBR Invoice Header
BBP_BE_IV_IT - EBR Invoice Line Item
BBP_BE_IV_SHP - Backend EBR Invoice Shipping and Handling
BBP_BE_IV_TAX - Backend EBR Invoice Tax
BBP_CFIV_DOC_VALUES_DB - Structure to Hold Document Values in Database
BBP_CFIV_ITEM - Common Item Structure CF + IV
BBP_CFIV_ITEM_ONLINE - Contains all Fields of the Online Structures from CF and IV
BBP_DRSEG_KEY - pointer
BBP_ERS_OUTPUT_HEADER - Output Structure for Smart Form for ERS
BBP_ERS_OUTPUT_ITEMS - Output Structure for Smart Form for ERS
BBP_ERS_OUTPUT_ITEMTAX - Ausgabestruktur f�r Smart Form f�r WE-AR Belegsteuer
BBP_ERS_OUTPUT_TAX - Output Structure for Smart Form for ERS
BBP_EXTPO_GL - Global Control for Extended Classic Scenario
BBP_ICC_HDR_EXI - Additional Fields for Extended Invoice Verification
BBP_ICC_ITM_EXI - Additional Fields for Extended Inv.Verif.
BBP_IMSCUST_LOCK - IMS Customzing Locks
BBP_IMSTREX_S - Customizing Table for Duplicate Invoice's Search Criteria
BBP_IMS_ADS_TEXT_EXTRA - Extra text for Adobe form
BBP_IMS_APPROV - IMS. Approval Data
BBP_IMS_CUST_ROLE_INFO - Role Information: role and text
BBP_IMS_CUST_TEXT - Text element for ims customizing
BBP_IMS_FAXINTEG - Activation of Fax Integration
BBP_IMS_GUID_STRUCT - For table of guid
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV2_ADS_BASIC - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Duplicate
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV2_ADS_COMPANY - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Duplicate
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV2_ADS_PAYMENT - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Duplicate
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV2_ADS_REQUEST - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Duplicate
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV2_ADS_VENDOR - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Duplicate
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_BASIC - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Basic File
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_COMPANY - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Company
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_PAYMENT - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Invoicing Party
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_PROP - Properties of Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_REQUEST - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Requester
BBP_IMS_HDR_IV_ADS_VENDOR - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: VENDOR Info
BBP_IMS_INV_PTERM_DESC - Full Text of Payment Terms
BBP_IMS_ITEM_IV_ADS - Item Structure for IMS Adobe Form
BBP_IMS_ITM_IV_ADS_PROP - Properties of the Item Structure for IMS Adobe Form
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_CONFIG - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: CONFIG
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_EXCEPTION - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: Exception
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_FEEDBACK - Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form: FEEDBACK from User
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_INFO - Additional Information for Adobe Form
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_LINK - Web Link to SRM System
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_MESSAGE - Error Messages for ADS
BBP_IMS_IV_ADS_TXT - Field Name of Header Structure for IMS Adobe Form
BBP_IMS_IV_TREX_DUP_DOC - Duplicate Invoice Info from Trex Search
BBP_IMS_SEND_CTR - Control of E-mail Sending for IMS
BBP_IVREA - Reasons Code for Movement Type
BBP_IVREAT - Reason Text for the Reason Code
BBP_IV_ADDRESS - Address Structure for EBR Invoice Verification
BBP_IV_BSEG_31I - Structure for BSEG Table
BBP_IV_BSEG_40B - Structure for BSEG Table
BBP_IV_BSEG_45B - Structure of BSEG Table, Version 4.5
BBP_IV_FRSEG - Logistics Invoice Item Structure
BBP_IV_HEADER - BBP IV Header Structure
BBP_IV_HEADER_ONLINE - Additional structure for BBP_IV_HEADER for online fields
BBP_IV_IMS_ADS_GLOBAL - Contaiins ADS related global variables
BBP_IV_IMS_DUPLICATES_UI - Table for all duplicates: ims
BBP_IV_ITEM - Item structure for BBP IV
BBP_IV_ITEM_ONLINE - Include for item structure for BBP IV online fields
BBP_IV_ITEM_REL - Item Relations with Item GUID
BBP_IV_KEY - Key Fields
BBP_IV_PARAMETER - General IV Parameter
BBP_IV_PARTNER_FCT - IV Partner Functions
BBP_IV_RBCHARACT_INSTANCE - Log IV Assignmt of Value to a Characterist. for Release 4.6B
BBP_NF - Nota Fiscal Types
BBP_NFT - Nota Fiscal Type Description
BBP_NF_TYPE - screen list for NF type
BBP_NOTA_FISCAL_TYPE - Screen Structure for bbp_nf_type_getlist
BBP_PAYMENT_TERMS - Payment Terms and Descriptions
BBP_PDS_INV_HD_FI - Available Header Fields of Financial Invoice
BBP_PDS_INV_ITEM_FI - Available Item Fields of Financial Invoice
BBP_PDS_INV_PARTNER_FI - Available Partner Fields of Financial Invoice
BBP_PDS_INV_TAX_FI - Controlling of FI Invoice
BBP_PDS_TAX_FI - Controlling of FI Invoice
BBP_PD_LIST_FOR_IV - Structure Procurement Document List for EBR Invoicing
BBP_PO_LIST - EBR Purchase Order List for Backend Selection - META BAPI
BBP_SIMU_MESSAGE - Message Control Maintenance Table
BBP_SIMU_WT_CUST - Activate Withholding Tax
BBP_TAX - Tax Codes for Enterprise Buyer
BBP_TAXCODE - Screen Structure for bbp_taxcode_getlist
BBP_TAXT - Enterprise Buyer: Tax Code Description
BBP_TREX_DOC_ATTRIBUTES - Document attributes
BBP_TREX_QUERY - Query for TREX Search: OCR Application
BBP_TREX_QUERY_OCR_NAMES - Query for TREX Search: OCR Application
BBP_TREX_QUERY_VALUE - Single Query for TREX Search
E1BIVACSTR - Accounting String for non R/3 backends
E1IV_HD - EBR Incoming Invoice Header
E1IV_IT - EBR Incoming Invoice Item
E1IV_SH - EBR Incoming Invoice Shipping and Handling
E1IV_TX - EBR Incoming Invoice Tax

SAP Authoring Tool for Legal Contracts Tables SRM-EBP-LCA

ARRAY_LIST2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ARRAY_OF_STRING4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
BBPC_CMS_ATTR - Contract Attribute Table
BBPC_CMS_ATTRSTR - Structure type for Attributes
BBPC_CMS_ATTR_T - Text table associated with BBPC_CMS_ATTR
BBPC_CMS_CAT_T - Texts for CMS Category
BBPC_CMS_COLLAB - CMS Collaboration Text
BBPC_CMS_CONFIG - BBP-CMS: Configdata table
BBPC_CMS_DEFAULT - CMS User Default Values
BBPC_CMS_TRACE - CMS Change History Trace
BBPC_CMS_XML_STR - BBP-CMS: XML String table for IBF metadata
BBPD_CMS_APLN - Application that will use the xml files
BBPD_CMS_APLN_T - Application text table using xml files
BBPD_CMS_ATTAB - Legal Attributes
BBPD_CMS_ATTAB_T - Text Table for BBPD_CMS_ATTAB (Legal Attibutes Table)
BBPD_CMS_DID - DataID table
BBPD_CMS_DID_T - DataID text table
BBPD_CMS_DOC - CMS Documents
BBPD_CMS_DOC_INT - CMS Documents - Internal Versions
BBPD_CMS_DOC_PUR - Purchasing organizations that can access the documents
BBPD_CMS_DOC_USR - Users that can access the documents
BBPD_CMS_LOCK - CMS Legal Document Lock Entries
BBPD_CMS_OCINTG - Table to store info abt attributes populated from LC in OC
BBPD_CMS_UACT - User actions
BBPD_CMS_UACT_T - User actions text
BBPS_CMS_DB_UPDATE - Legal Document DB Update
BBPS_CMS_DOC_DETAIL - Document search
BBPS_CMS_DOC_HIST - Legal Document history view
BBPS_CMS_DOC_IU - Document header
BBPS_CMS_DOC_LIST - Structure for returning the list of legal documents
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_ATTR - Attribute and its value
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_ATTR_H - Attributes Structure with Hierarchical information
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_COND - Condition structure for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_LCHEADER - Legal Contract Header for Integration
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_OCHEADER - Structure for Operational Contract Header
BBPS_CMS_DOC_OCINTG_SCALE - Scales for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_DOC_PORG - Structure of Purchasing Group
BBPS_CMS_DOC_SEARCH - Document search
BBPS_CMS_DOC_SEARCH01 - Docuemnt Search
BBPS_CMS_DOC_TEXT - Document content
BBPS_CMS_DOC_USER - Authorized Users
BBPS_CMS_OCACTIONS - Structure to contain meta-data informations for OC actions
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_ATTR - Structure for attributes passed from LC to OC
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_ATTR_FIELD_H - Map Attribute to PD Fieldname
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_ATTR_FIELD_I - Attribute to Fieldname for line item
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_CONDITION - Condition Structure for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_HEADER - Header structure for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_ITEM - Item Structure for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_OCINTG_SCALE - Scale Structure for OC integration
BBPS_CMS_STR255 - Text string of width 255 for XML string in IBF Metadata
BBPS_CMS_USER_AUTH - CMS User Authorization
BBP_CMS_CAT - CMS Category
BBP_CMS_STR255 - Text string of width 255 for XML string in IBF Metadata
CHANGE_CONTENT_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
CHANGE_CONTENT_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
CREATE_CONTENT_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
CREATE_CONTENT_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
RETRIEVE_CONTENT_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
RETRIEVE_CONTENT_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEARCH_CONTENT_IN_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEARCH_CONTENT_OUT_DOC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SAP Mobile Procurement Tables SRM-EBP-MOB

BBPS_MOB_OCI_ITEM - Mobile Shop: Item
BBPS_MOB_SHOP_HEADER - WAF: Export/Import Structure Cart Header Data
BBPS_MOB_SHOP_ITEM - Mobile Shop: First Part
BBPS_MOB_SHOP_ITEM_2 - Mobile Shop: Item 2. Part
BBP_BASKET_BACK - Return Structure; Create Shopping Cart Via Ext. Devices
BBP_BASKET_EXT_DEVICE - Shopping Cart Sent Via External Device
BBP_MER_CURR_LIST - BAPI transfer structure for currency list
BBP_MER_UNIT_LIST - BBP ME Rep: List return structure for units
BBP_MOB_GENERIC - Import / Export-Structure for general purposes
MEBBPINBOX_MSG_H_EXP - Inbox Folder Contents
MEBBPINBOX_SYNC_PARAMS - Meta Syncparameters
MEBBPPLANT_ORD_C_EXP - WAF: Export Structure Order Component
MEBBPPLANT_ORD_C_IMP - WAF: Import Structure Order Components
MEBBPPLANT_ORD_H_EXP - WAF: Export Structure Order Header
MEBBPPLANT_ORD_O_EXP - WAF: Export Structure Order Operation
MEBBPSHOP_SYNC_PARAMS - Selection Parameters

SAP Purchase Document Methods Tables SRM-EBP-PD

/SAPPSSRM/A_SUBCLIN_SEARCH_F - Append for Subclin Search Fields.
/SAPPSSRM/BO_HEADER - Header data of a procurement document for BO layer
/SAPPSSRM/BO_HEADER_GP - Government Procurement Header Data
/SAPPSSRM/BO_ITEM - Item data of a procurement document
/SAPPSSRM/BO_ITEM_GP - Extension fields for procurement item
/SAPPSSRM/BO_SC_ITEM_ICU - Filter structure for Shopping Cart in ruleframework
/SAPPSSRM/CTRL - Item Process Type - Control Key
/SAPPSSRM/CTRLT - Item Process Type - Control Key
/SAPPSSRM/CTRL_0 - Item Process Type - Control Key - Foreign Key for Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDA - System Action Metadata in Rule Framework
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDAC - Customer Action Metadata in Rule Framework
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDF - System Configuration Table for Field Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDFC - Customer Configuration Table for Field Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDS - System Set Type Metadata in Rule Framework
/SAPPSSRM/C_MDSC - Customer Set Type Metadata in Rule Framework
/SAPPSSRM/C_OBJT - Object Types used in Ruleframework and its Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_OBTT - Texts of Object Types used in Ruleframework and its Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_OBTY - Object Types used in Ruleframework and its Metadata
/SAPPSSRM/C_PSTT - Text table for Parent sub-types
/SAPPSSRM/C_RFTC - Contains control set for BORF traces
/SAPPSSRM/C_RFTU - User parameter for BORF traces
/SAPPSSRM/C_STSL - Set Levels for Set Types
/SAPPSSRM/HTMP - Table for Hierarchy Templates
/SAPPSSRM/HTMP_A - Hierarchy Template Assignment to Transaction Type
/SAPPSSRM/HTMP_C - Item Type Control
/SAPPSSRM/HTMP_H - History of hierarchy template to process type assignment
/SAPPSSRM/HTMP_T - Language Dependent Description for Hierarchy templates.
/SAPPSSRM/IPT - Definition table for Item Process Types
/SAPPSSRM/IPTT - Language Table for Item Process Types
/SAPPSSRM/RODW - RollDown Rules
/SAPPSSRM/RODW_F - RollDown Rules - Field Control
/SAPPSSRM/RODW_S - Rolldown Rules to Copy Sets
/SAPPSSRM/ROUP - Rollup Rules
/SAPPSSRM/ROUP_F - Rollup Rules - Field Control
/SAPPSSRM/ROUP_T - Rollup Rules ( Text Table for /SAPPSSRM/ROUP)
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACTION_METADATA - Action Metadata Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_APPLICATION_SCENAR - Data of the running Application Scenario
/SAPPSSRM/S_BD_COMPONENTS - Component with description for breakdown
/SAPPSSRM/S_BD_SETS - Sets for breakdown
/SAPPSSRM/S_BORF_NON_DB - Rule Framework Structure for Non DB
/SAPPSSRM/S_BO_MESSAGE - Message Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_CHANGELIST - Changelist of the observer pattern
/SAPPSSRM/S_COLUMN_METADATA - Table Column Metadata Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_COPY_TARGET - Target copy structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_DEBUG_OUT - Output structure for rule debugging
/SAPPSSRM/S_DESCRIPTOR - Object type definition for facade layer
/SAPPSSRM/S_FIELD_METADATA - Field Metadata Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIERARCHY - IBU-PS: Fields for Item Hierarchies
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIERARCHY_HEADER - IBU-PS: Hierarchy fields in header
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIERARCHY_NON_DB - Non DB Fields for SubCLIN Hierarchy
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIER_ADD_DATA - Data transferred to BORF for add item action
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIER_COPY_DATA - Data transferred to BORF for copy case
/SAPPSSRM/S_HIER_CUT_DATA - Contains info to the cut items
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_ACCOUNT - Accounting Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_DEP_ATTR - Dependent Attributes
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_DYNATTR - Dynamic Attribute Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_ITEM - Item object reference
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_LIMIT - Limit object reference
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_MODEL - Generic model
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_PARTNER - Accounting Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_SCHEDULE - Schedule lines
/SAPPSSRM/S_IF_WEIGHT - Weighting Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_IPT_C_01 - Fields for Customizing Transaction
/SAPPSSRM/S_IPT_C_02 - Field Control Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_IPT_C_03 - Field Control Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_IPT_HELP_VAL - Structure for Help Values
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEMS_COPY - Item copy structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_HIERARCHY_TMP - Item Hierarchy - temporary information
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_HIERARCHY_TOT - Item Hierarchies: DB + Temporary fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_HIERARCHY_UI - Item Hierarchies UI Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ITEM_SORTED - Item structure for sorting
/SAPPSSRM/S_LTXT_TEXTLINE - A single text line of a longtext
/SAPPSSRM/S_PATH - Structure for subitem path
/SAPPSSRM/S_REFSELEC - Structure for reference selection
/SAPPSSRM/S_REF_CONTRACT - Contract data of Contract F4 search help
/SAPPSSRM/S_RELATION - Relation record
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_ACTION_PROP - BORF Metadata Action Properties
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_COLUMN_PROP - BORF Metadata Column Properties
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_CONF_1_RESLT - Static and dynamic metadata configuration result
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_CONF_RESULT - Result structure of the metadata configuration provider
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_CONF_RESULTS - Result structure of the metadata configuration provider
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_CONF_RES_LVL - System and Customer metadata configuration results
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_CONTEXT - Context Details for Metadata Determination
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_DYNAMIC_CTRL - Dynamic metadata control class and method
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_FIELD_PROP - BORF Metadata Field Properties
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_LINE_SEL - Selected line for action metadata determination on tables
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_PER_ATTR - Metadata Configuration Entry per Attribute Name
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_PER_SET_TYPE - Metadata Configuration Entry per Set Type, etc.
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_PRNT_SET_STY - Parent and Set Subtype
/SAPPSSRM/S_RF_MD_SET_PROP - BORF Metadata Set Properties
/SAPPSSRM/S_RULE_COMPONENTS - Rule Component Assignment
/SAPPSSRM/S_RULE_DEF - Rule definition entry
/SAPPSSRM/S_SET_METADATA - Set Metadata Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_SOURCING_HEADER - Structure Header Complex Indicator for Splitting & Sourcing
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCLIN_ACC - Structure for the accounting fields for SubClin
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCLIN_I_ACT - Include Structure for Item level actions for Subclins
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCLIN_SEARCH_F - Append for Subclin Search Fields.
/SAPPSSRM/S_SUBCLIN_SRSLT_DT - Structure for Search SubClins
/SAPPSSRM/S_UI_ITEM - UI relevant data
/SAPSRM/BBP_PDS_ATTR_FIX - Fixed Values with Dynamic Attributes
/SAPSRM/BD_PTR_C - Dummy partners in Supplier System for Bidder Decoupling
/SAPSRM/BO_SUBT0 - Business Object Subtypes, '0 ' replaces ' '
/SAPSRM/BO_SUBTT - Description of Business Object Subtypes
/SAPSRM/BO_SUBTY - Business Object Subtypes, incl. initial value ' '
/SAPSRM/BO_TYSUB - Allowed Subtypes of Business Object
/SAPSRM/CATEGORY_SELECTION - Results Table for Get List
/SAPSRM/C_ACTSET - Assignment of Actions to Set Type and Business Object Type
/SAPSRM/C_ACTTY - PDO Action Definition
/SAPSRM/C_ACTTYT - Action Text Table
/SAPSRM/C_BOITTY - Assignment of Item Types to SRM Procurement Document Types
/SAPSRM/C_CLIP - Field Mapping for Cross BO copy/paste
/SAPSRM/C_CLIPC - Field Mapping for Cross BO copy/paste for customer fields
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_2 - Values of Second Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_2T - Values of Second Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_3 - Values of third Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_3T - Values of Third Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_D - Values of Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_FLG_DT - Values of Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_INSTM - Instance Processing Mode in PDO Layer
/SAPSRM/C_INSTME - Instance Processing Mode in PDO Layer, extended version
/SAPSRM/C_INSTMT - Instance Processing Mode in PDO Layer, extended version
/SAPSRM/C_ITPRO - Business Object Item Process Type
/SAPSRM/C_ITPROT - Text Table for Business Object Item Process Type
/SAPSRM/C_IT_TY - Item Types of SRM Procurement Documents incl. initial entry
/SAPSRM/C_IT_TY0 - Item Types of SRM Procurement Documents, '0' replaces ''
/SAPSRM/C_IT_TYA - Item Types of SRM Procurement Documents, '0' and ' '
/SAPSRM/C_IT_TYT - Text Table for Item Types of SRM Procurement Documents
/SAPSRM/C_PRK_HL - Table to hold the status of the Doc to be created in backend
/SAPSRM/C_SETSBO - Set Subtypes per BO, Set Type and Set Level
/SAPSRM/C_SETSUB - Set Subtypes (are not directly read from this table)
/SAPSRM/C_SETSUT - Description of Set Subtypes
/SAPSRM/C_SETTY - Set Types and their Long Key
/SAPSRM/C_SETTYT - Set Type Text Table
/SAPSRM/C_TOGGLE - Customizing table for Toggle IDs
/SAPSRM/C_TOGG_T - Value Table for Toggle IDs
/SAPSRM/C_YN_DEF - Values of a Yes/No Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/C_YN_DET - Texts of a Yes/No Flag with Modifyable Default Values
/SAPSRM/PDO_FIELD_META_DATA - Field Properties for PDO external metadata interfaces
/SAPSRM/PRSEL_PT - Table of Process Types per System for Preselection Screen
/SAPSRM/PRSEL_TX - Table of Process Type Texts Preselection Screen
/SAPSRM/SC_TP - Team purchasing assignments in shopping cart (substitutes)
/SAPSRM/SE_CONF - Configuration for hierarchies in Suite Excellance
/SAPSRM/SH_ASCAT - Table for ERP Search Help Account Assignmen Category
/SAPSRM/SH_COMPC - Table for ERP Search Help Company Codes
/SAPSRM/SH_CONFC - Table for ERP Search Help Confirmation Control
/SAPSRM/SH_MATCL - Table for ERP Search Help Material Class
/SAPSRM/SH_MATPL - Table for ERP Search Help Maintenance Plan of SES
/SAPSRM/SH_MCTXT - Text Table for ERP Search Help Material Class
/SAPSRM/SH_MOVTY - Table for ERP Search Help Movement Type
/SAPSRM/SH_MTYPE - Table for ERP Search Help Material Type
/SAPSRM/SH_MTYTX - Text Table for ERP Search Help Material Type
/SAPSRM/SH_PGRP - Table for ERP Search Help Purchasing Groups
/SAPSRM/SH_PLANT - Table for ERP Search Help Plants
/SAPSRM/SH_PORG - Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Organizations
/SAPSRM/SH_PO_RC - Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code
/SAPSRM/SH_PO_RG - Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Order Release Group
/SAPSRM/SH_PR_RC - Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Code
/SAPSRM/SH_PR_RG - Table for ERP Search Help Purchase Requisition Release Group
/SAPSRM/SH_PSTYP - Text Table for ERP Search Help Process Type
/SAPSRM/SH_SCNO - Table for ERP Search Help Shipment Cost Number of SES
/SAPSRM/SH_SPECN - Table for ERP Search Help Model Service Specification of SES
/SAPSRM/SH_STLOC - Table for ERP Search Help Storage Locations
/SAPSRM/SH_STOCI - Table for ERP Search Help Special stock (indicator) of GR
/SAPSRM/S_CD_DATA - Change document structure for data
/SAPSRM/S_CD_MAIN - Change document main structure
/SAPSRM/S_CD_TEC - Change document structure for technical data
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DYNATTR_CREATE - Structure to create dynamic attributes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DYNATTR_SEARCH - Structure for searching Dynamic Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NAME - Name Search Help Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NAME_VALUE_LANGU - Name-Value-Language Search Help Structure
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PROCESS_TYPES - Preselection Screen Process Types
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PROCESS_TYPES_ID - Preselection Screen Process Type IDs
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRSEL_PTX - BO Process Types and Texts (for Preselection Screen)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRSEL_SYSTEMS - Systems for Process Type Preselection Screen
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRSEL_TEXTS - Texts for BO Process Type Preselection Screen
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PRSEL_URL_PARAMS - Preselection Screen Process Type URL Parameter
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PSTYP_TXT - Texts for Item Categories/ Process Type/ Document Type
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RELCO - F4 Help Structure of Release Codes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SH_COMPC - Company Codes (for ERP Search Help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SH_PGRP - Purchasing Groups (for ERP Search Help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SH_PLANT - Plants (for ERP Search Help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SH_PORG - Purchase Organizations (for ERP Search Help)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_STLOC - Search Help Structure for Storage Location
/SAPSRM/S_CMMTITEM_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Permitted Commitment Items
/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNERS_FULL - Complete Partnerdata + Model
/SAPSRM/S_MANAGERS - Manager Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_NAME_VALUE - Name Value pair
/SAPSRM/S_OUTPUT_DETAIL - General structure for Output Detail
/SAPSRM/S_OUTPUT_DETAIL_DATA - CLL Structure For Output Trigger Messages
/SAPSRM/S_OUTPUT_TRIGGLIST_GEN - CLL Structure for Output Trigger List
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACC_GL_KEYS - Permitted Account assignment G/L account
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACTION_HDLR_CHNG - Changing parameters for Extension Action Handling in PDO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACTION_HDLR_IMP - Importing parameters for generic PDO Layer Action Handling
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ACTTION_HDLR_CHG - Changing parameters for generic PDO Layer Action Handling
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APP_SAG - SRM Export structure for Service Agent
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_AVAIL_IN_DATA - Data for availibility check
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BUFFER_ITEMLIST - List of items, which should be updated
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CFIV_ITEM_GROUP - CFIV Structure with Griup Guid
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CONF_PRESET - Preset Structure for PDO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CURR_CHECK - Result of Currency Conversion Check
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_FIELD_PROPERTIES - Field Properties Customizing
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_HIER_GUID_LIST - Structure for hierarchical GUID list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_HIER_GUID_LIST_E - Structure for hierarchical GUID list enhanced
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ITEM_INFO - basic information on an item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ITM_POR - PO Item for POR status Change
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_KEY_VALUE - Structure for Key - Value relationship
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_LTXT - Structure for Long Text : Has to be deleted
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_LTXT_GET - Get long text
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PROD_AVAIL - Product Availability Data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_STATUS - Structure for range of dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SET_SUBTYPE - Set Subtype (e.g. Partner Type, Accounting Type, etc.)
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_UPDATE_BUFFER - Structure fo PDO layer update bufferr
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VALUE_STATUS - Value status buffer structure
/SAPSRM/S_PD_OUTPUT_TR_GEN_TEC - Structure for Output Triggers
/SAPSRM/S_PRIO_DESC - Structure: Description for Priorities
/SAPSRM/S_PRIO_IN_DATA - Data for priority check
/SAPSRM/S_PROCESS_TYPES - Buffer for process types
/SAPSRM/S_PR_ALTERNATIVES - Structure for PR alternatives
/SAPSRM/S_PR_LINE_TYPES - Structure for Line Types in PR
/SAPSRM/S_RANGE_OBJECT_ID - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Object ID
/SAPSRM/S_RECOMMENDED_ITEMS - Structure for Receommended Items
/SAPSRM/S_REQUESTER_KEYS - Structure used in search help of requester.
/SAPSRM/S_SC_TP - Team purchasing substitute structure
/SAPSRM/S_SORT_CRITERIA - Structure for sorting criteria
/SAPSRM/S_SORT_ELEMENT - Structure with sorting elements
/SAPSRM/S_TEAM_MEMBER - Line type for a team member
/SAPSRM/S_TXT_MAP_EXT - Structure for external text mapping
/SAPSRM/S_TXT_MAP_INT - Structure for internal text mapping
/SAPSRM/T_QUOT - Customizing table to switch RFX response on MM-SRV contract
BAPI_ACC_C - Account Assignment (Create)
BAPI_ACC_CUST_C - Account Assignment - Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_ACC_CUST_D - Account Assignment - Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_ACC_D - Account Assignment (GetDetail)
BAPI_ATT_BC - Transfer Structure Attachments to Business Connector
BAPI_ATT_C - Attachments (GetDetail)
BAPI_ATT_D - Attachments (Create)
BAPI_BBP_DYNATTR_C - Dynamic attributes
BAPI_BBP_DYNATTR_D - Dynamic attributes
BAPI_BBP_STATUS - BAPI Structure Status
BAPI_BID_HEADER_C - Header Data Bid Invitation (Create)
BAPI_BID_HEADER_CUST_C - Bid Invitation Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_BID_HEADER_CUST_D - Bid Invitation Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_BID_HEADER_D - Bid Invitation Header Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_BID_ITEM_C - Bid Invitation Item (Create)
BAPI_BID_ITEM_CUST_C - Bid Invitation Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_BID_ITEM_CUST_D - Bid Invitation Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_BID_ITEM_D - Bid Invitation Item (GetDetail)
BAPI_BUP_C - Business Partner (Create)
BAPI_BUP_D - Business Partner (GetDetail)
BAPI_BUP_S - Business Partner (Bapi Send)
BAPI_CFTAX_C - Taxes Confirmation (Create)
BAPI_CFTAX_D - Taxes Confirmation (GetDetail)
BAPI_CMMT_D - Item Commitments (Detail)
BAPI_CONFRESPONSE_HEADER - Header Data Confirmation Response
BAPI_CONFRESPONSE_ITEM - Item Data Confirmation Response
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_C - Confirmation Header Data (BUS2203 Create)
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_CUST_C - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_CUST_D - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_CUST_VD - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (Vendor View)
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_D - Confirmation Header Data (BUS2203 GetDetail)
BAPI_CONF_HEADER_VD - Confirmation Header Data (vendor view)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_C - Confirmation Item Data (BUS2203 Create)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_CUST_C - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_CUST_D - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_CUST_VD - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (Vendor View)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_D - Item Data Confirmation (BUS2203 GetDetail)
BAPI_CONF_ITEM_VD - Confirmation Item Data (vendor view)
BAPI_CUST_REF - Assignment of Customer Table to Standard Table in BAPIs
BAPI_INVRESPONSE_HEADER - Invoice Response Header
BAPI_INVRESPONSE_ITEM - Item Data - Invoice Response
BAPI_INV_HEADER_C - Header Data Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INV_HEADER_CUST_C - Invoice Header Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_INV_HEADER_CUST_D - Invoice Header Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_INV_HEADER_CUST_VD - Invoice Header Customer Enhancement (vendor detail)
BAPI_INV_HEADER_D - Header Data Invoice (GetDetail)
BAPI_INV_HEADER_VD - Header Data Invoice Vendor View (GetDetail)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_C - Item Invoice (Create)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_CUST_C - Invoice Item Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_CUST_D - Invoice Item Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_CUST_VD - Invoice Item Customer Enhancement (vendor detail)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_D - Item Invoice (GetDetail)
BAPI_INV_ITEM_VD - Item Invoice Vendor View (GetDetail)
BAPI_IVSHP_C - Freight Costs Invoice (Create)
BAPI_IVSHP_D - Freight Costs Invoice (Get Detail)
BAPI_IVTAX_C - Taxes Invoice (Create)
BAPI_IVTAX_D - Taxes Invoice (Get Detail)
BAPI_LIMIT_C - Limit (Create)
BAPI_LIMIT_D - Limit (GetDetail)
BAPI_LIMIT_VD - Limit (Get Detail for Vendor)
BAPI_ORG_C - Org. Data (Create)
BAPI_ORG_D - Org. Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_PARTNER_COMADR - Communication Address of Business Partner
BAPI_POCONF_A - Purchase Order Confirmation (Add)
BAPI_POSHIP_A - Purchase Order Confirmation (Add)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_B - Purchase Order Header Data Transfer to Backend
BAPI_PO_HEADER_C - Header Data Purchase Order (BUS2201-Create)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_CUST_C - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_CUST_D - PO Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_CUST_VD - PO Customer Enhancement (vendor detail)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_D - Header Data Purchase Order (BUS2201- GetDetail)
BAPI_PO_HEADER_VD - Header Data Purchase Order Vendor View (BUS2201-GetDetail)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_B - Purchase Order Item Data Transfer to Backend
BAPI_PO_ITEM_C - Item Data Purchase Order (BUS2201-Create)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_CUST_C - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_CUST_D - PO Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_CUST_VD - PO Customer Enhancement (vendor detail)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_D - Item Data Purchase Order (BUS2201-GetDetail)
BAPI_PO_ITEM_VD - Item Data Purchase Order Vendor View (BUS2201-GetDetail)
BAPI_QUOT_HEADER_C - Bid Header Data (Create)
BAPI_QUOT_HEADER_CUST_C - Bid Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_QUOT_HEADER_CUST_D - Bid Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_QUOT_HEADER_D - Bid Header Data (GetDetail)
BAPI_QUOT_ITEM_C - Bid Item (Create)
BAPI_QUOT_ITEM_CUST_C - Bid Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_QUOT_ITEM_CUST_D - Confirmation Customer Enhancement (detail)
BAPI_QUOT_ITEM_D - Bid Invitation Item (GetDetail)
BAPI_SC_ACC_C - Account Assignment (Create)
BAPI_SC_ATT_C - Attachments (GetDetail)
BAPI_SC_BUP_C - Business Partner (Create)
BAPI_SC_HEADER_CUST_D - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_SC_HEADER_IC - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart Create/Check-Fall
BAPI_SC_ITEM_C - Shopping Cart Item Data (BUS2121-Create)
BAPI_SC_ITEM_CUST_D - PO Customer Enhancement (create)
BAPI_SC_ORG_C - Org. Data (Create)
BAPI_SC_TEXT_I - BAPI Structure for Long Text
BAPI_SDLN_C - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line (Create)
BAPI_SDLN_D - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line
BAPI_SDLN_I - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line (Create)
BAPI_SYSTEM_COMADR - Communication Data for Communication with System via BC
BAPI_TEXT_H - BAPI Structure for Long Text
BAPI_TEXT_I - BAPI Structure for Long Text
BAPI_XMLDATA - Byte Structure for XML Return
BAPI_XMLRET - Return Structure for XML Dispatch
BBPC_ACTIONMAP - Assign Method Actions
BBPC_AUTH_CHECK - Authorization Check on new or old Authorization Objects
BBPC_EVENTMAP - Assign Event Classes Dependent on Object Type
BBPC_RFCDEST - RFC destinations
BBPD_COMP_FIELDS - Comparison Relevant Fields per Comparison Method
BBPD_CTR_BACKUP - Backup Copy of Purchasing Contracts for Conversion Report
BBPD_DATA_CACHE - BBP: Cluster Table for Cache
BBPD_OBJECTS - Business Transaction - Component Type
BBPD_OR_INVHUB - Object Link: Invoice/Invoice Template to Reference Document
BBPD_OR_IV_ATTR - Invoice Hub: Attributes for Object Links
BBPD_OR_PCO - Object Link: Purchase Order/Order Confirmation
BBPD_OR_SUSPCO - Object Link: SUS Purchase Order/Order Confirmation
BBPD_OVE_OBREL - Object Linkage Purch. Doc. / Online Vendor Evaln
BBPD_PDMSGI - Messages that are to be ignored
BBPD_PD_INDEX - Index Table for Fast Access to Contracts and AVLs
BBPD_PD_INDEX_H - Index Table for a Selective First Access in GetList
BBPD_PD_INDEX_I - Index Table for a Selective First Access in GetList
BBPD_TREX_INDEX - BBP TREX Indexes: Assign Business Object -> TREX Indexes
BBPS_ACC_DESCRIPTION - Account Assignment Description
BBPS_ACC_REASSGMT - Structure for Account Reassignment
BBPS_APO_CHECK_REL - Fields for APO Relevance Check
BBPS_AUC_HEADER_BADI - Interface Header Data Auction Change-Case
BBPS_AUC_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data Auction Create/Check/Change-Case
BBPS_BACKEND_DEST - Definition of Backend Systems in B2B
BBPS_BAPI2017_GM_CODE - MMIM: New Key Assignment GM_CODE to Transaction of Inv. Mgmt
BBPS_BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_01 - BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document Header Data
BBPS_BAPI2017_GM_HEAD_RET - MMIM: Output Structure For General FM To Post Goods Movement
BBPS_BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE - BAPI Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item
BBPS_BAPI2017_GM_SERIALNUMBER - BAPI Communication Structure: Create Mat. Doc., Serial No.
BBPS_BAPI2091 - Auxiliary Fields: BAPI: Entry Sheet
BBPS_BAPI2093_ATPCHECK - BAPI Communication Structure: Reservation ATP Check
BBPS_BAPI2093_CALCHECK - BAPI Communication Structure: Reservation Factory Calendar
BBPS_BAPI2093_RES_HEAD - BAPI Communication Structure: Reservation Header Fields
BBPS_BAPI2093_RES_ITEM - BAPI Communication Structure: Reservation Item Fields
BBPS_BAPI2093_TEST - BAPI Communication Structure: Reservation Testrun
BBPS_BAPIACCRPO - Posting in FI/CO: Commitments (currency fields)
BBPS_BAPIACPR00 - Posting in Accounting: Purchase Requisition (Item)
BBPS_BAPIADDRESS - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses
BBPS_BAPICHARG1 - Transfer structure for batches (without stock)
BBPS_BAPIEBANTX - BAPI Purchase Requisition: Item Text
BBPS_BAPIEBANV - Transfer Structure: Change Requisition: Item
BBPS_BAPIEIKP - Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data BAPIEIKP
BBPS_BAPIEIKPX - Foreign Trade Change Parameter: Export/Import BAPIEIKPX
BBPS_BAPIEINA - Display/List Transfer Structure: Purch. Info (General Data)
BBPS_BAPIEINE - Displ./List Transfer Struct.: Purch. Info (Purch. Org. Data)
BBPS_BAPIEIPO - Foreign Trade: Export/Import: Item Data BAPIEIPO
BBPS_BAPIEIPOX - Foreign Trade Change Parameter: Export/Import: Item Data
BBPS_BAPIEKKN - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Account Assignment
BBPS_BAPIEKKO - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Header
BBPS_BAPIEKKOC - Create Transfer Structure: PO Header
BBPS_BAPIEKKOL - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Header with Vendor Name
BBPS_BAPIEKKOP - Transfer Structure for Partner Roles
BBPS_BAPIEKPO - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Item
BBPS_BAPIEKPOC - Transfer Structure: Create/List - PO Item
BBPS_BAPIEKPOTX - Transfer Structure: Create PO Item Text
BBPS_BAPIESKL - Communication Structure: Acct. Assgt. Values: Service Line
BBPS_BAPIESKLC - Create Comm. Structure: Acct Assgt Distr. for Service Line
BBPS_BAPIESKN - Communication Structure: Account Assignment: Entry Sheet
BBPS_BAPIESKNC - Communication Structure: Create Acct. Assgt. for Entry Sheet
BBPS_BAPIESLL - Communication Structure: Service Line
BBPS_BAPIESLLC - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
BBPS_BAPIESLL_BBP - Extended Communication Structure Service Line
BBPS_BAPIESSR - Communication Structure: Header Data for Entry Sheet
BBPS_BAPIESSRC - Communication Structure: Create Entry Sheet
BBPS_BAPIESUC - Communication Structure: Contract Limits
BBPS_BAPIESUCC - Communication Structure: Contract Limits
BBPS_BAPIESUH - Communication Structure: Limits
BBPS_BAPIESUHC - Communication Structure: Limits
BBPS_BAPIMEPOTEXTHEADER - Transfer Structure: Create PO Item Text
BBPS_BAPIMERQADDRDELIVERY - Transfer Structure Delivery Address for PReq
BBPS_BAPIPOGNA - Transfer Struct.: Determine Proc. Transaction: Acct. Assgt.
BBPS_BAPIRLGNPO - General Release Information on Purchase Order
BBPS_BAPIRLGNRQ - General Release Information on Purchase Requisition
BBPS_BAPISOSY - Transfer Structure for Source Search
BBPS_BAPISRV - Communication Structure: Service Master Record
BBPS_BAPISRVPAR - Transfer Structure: Service Master
BBPS_BAPISRVTXT - Transfer Structure: Long Text, Service Master
BBPS_BAPI_ASMDT_CRM - BAPI Structure for ASMT (Service) for CRM
BBPS_BAPI_ASMD_CRM - BAPI Structure for ASMD (Service) for CRM
BBPS_BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ADRDAT - Transfer Structure Address Data Incoming Invoice (Details)
BBPS_BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_HEADER - Transfer Structure for Invoice Header Data (GetDetail)
BBPS_BAPI_INCINV_DETAIL_ITEM - Transfer Structure for Invoice Item Data (GetDetail)
BBPS_BAPI_INCINV_FLD - Transfer Structure for Individual Invoice Fields
BBPS_BIDINV_ACKNOWLEDGMNT_ITEM - Item Bid Invitation Acknowledgement
BBPS_BIDINV_ACKNOWLEDGM_HEADER - Header Bid Invitation Acknowledgement
BBPS_BIDINV_HEADER - Header Bid Invitation
BBPS_BIDINV_ITEM - Item Bid Invitation
BBPS_BID_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Bid Invitation Change-Case Interface
BBPS_BID_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Bid Invitation Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBPS_CALL_OFF_LIST - List of Releases of Contract Items
BBPS_CAT_SOS_DATA - Additional Data for Sourcing from Catalog
BBPS_CHANGEDOC_CATALOG - Catalog Information
BBPS_CHANGEDOC_DISPLAY - Display Change Documents
BBPS_CHANGEDOC_HEADER_LINK - Header Link Table for Change Documents
BBPS_CHANGEDOC_SHOW_FIELDS - Field Catalog for Change Document
BBPS_CODE_INFO - Codes (Subject Set) for Business Object BUS20001
BBPS_COLUMN_TITLE - Column Heading for the Search List
BBPS_CONTRACT_CONTEXT - Context Information from Contracts for Price Agreements
BBPS_CONTRACT_PER_ITEM - Structure for Definition of all Contracts for Limit Item
BBPS_CTR_CND - RFC Structures to Transfer Conditions From Backend to SRM
BBPS_CTR_CND_SCALE - Backend RFC Structure for Condition Scale
BBPS_CTR_DETAIL_REQUESTED - Flag Bar for the Contract Getdetail-Function Module
BBPS_CTR_HIER_CALL_OFFS - Structure for Release Value via Contract Hierarchy
BBPS_CTR_TEXT_GLOBAL - Field Names in Contract
BBPS_DEMAND_HEADER - Requirement (Header Information)
BBPS_DEMAND_ITEM - Requirements
BBPS_DETAIL_I_REQUESTED - Flag Bar for the Getdetail Modules
BBPS_DETAIL_REQUESTED - Flag Bar for the Getdetail Modules
BBPS_DIFF_DETAIL_REQUESTED - Flag Bar for the Get Diff Module
BBPS_DRSEG_CO_PI - Account Assignment Fields for Invoice Verification
BBPS_DRSEG_PI - PO Item Data for Invoice Verification - META-BAPI
BBPS_E1BP2017_GM_CODE - MMIM: New Key Assignment GM_CODE to Transaction of Inv. Mgmt
BBPS_E1BP2017_GM_HEAD_01 - BAPI Communication Structure: Material Document Header Data
BBPS_E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE - BAPI Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item
BBPS_E1BP2017_GM_SERIALNUMBER - BAPI Communication Structure: Create Mat. Doc., Serial No.
BBPS_E1MBXYH - Goods movements for mobile data entry (header data)
BBPS_E1MBXYI - Add goods movement from external system: Item
BBPS_EXTREQ_ACTION - Action Type for Shopping Cart
BBPS_FIELDNAME - Name of a Structure Field
BBPS_FIELD_LABELS - Info on Short Texts and Field Labels of a Data Element
BBPS_FILE_OPTIONS - Options for File Upload and Download
BBPS_FMFPOHR - HR-Relevant Fields in the Commitment Item
BBPS_GCTR_CALLOFF_BACKENDS - Backend System of Authorized Purchasing Organizations
BBPS_GTIN - Export Structure for the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
BBPS_ICSS_RETURN - Message Return Structure
BBPS_IGP_ROUNDING_ICOM - Include Item Data General Purchasing
BBPS_INDEX_SEARCH - Parameters for Contract and AVL Selection
BBPS_LINK_BUFFER_WRK - Work Area for Object Work Area Buffer
BBPS_LINK_COM - Communication structure
BBPS_LINK_WRK - Structure for Internal Data Structure
BBPS_MTCOM - Material Master Communication
BBPS_OBJECT_ID_RNG - Ranges for Transaction Numbers
BBPS_ORDERADM_I_EXT_DYN - Item: Dynamic Communication Fields
BBPS_ORDERADM_I_INT_DYN - Item: Dynamic Fields
BBPS_ORDERADM_I_WRK - Item: Structure of Work Area and Object Buffer
BBPS_PARTNER_DESCRIPTION - Description of a Partner Function
BBPS_PARTNER_IDS - Every ID Available for a Partner
BBPS_PCO_HDR_LIST - Structure for List of PCOs with Status
BBPS_PCO_ITM_LIST - Structure for List of PCO Items with Status
BBPS_PDDEP - Structure of DB Table BBP_PDDEP
BBPS_PDEXT_URL_ATTACHMENT - Attachment Import Data for bbp_pdext_get_url
BBPS_PDH_TEO_SAVE - Transfer Structure to the Temporary Object SAVE
BBPS_PDISSUNIT - Structure for Reference Fields in Change Docs
BBPS_PDLIST_COMPANY - GetList: Company Using Company Code and Log. System
BBPS_PDLIST_HDR_READ_INITIAL - GetList: Forces Consideration of Initial Parameters
BBPS_PDS_DDN_HEADER_I - Extended Structure for the ASN Header
BBPS_PDS_DDN_ITEM_I - Extended Structure for the ASN Receipt
BBPS_PD_CREATE_DATA_BID_BADI - Structure for Additional Fields in the CHANGE_BADI
BBPS_PD_CREATE_DATA_SC_BADI - Transfer Purchase Reqn Number in Extreq (Change_BadI)
BBPS_PD_EXCL_SRC_TO_TGT_HDR - Header Enh. Comp. Excl. from Source to Target Referene Logic
BBPS_PD_EXCL_SRC_TO_TGT_ITM - Item Enh. Compts. Excl. from Source to Target Referene Logic
BBPS_PD_INDEX - Index Structure for Contracts and AVLs
BBPS_PD_INDEX_IC - Index Structure for Contracts and AVLs
BBPS_PD_INITCHECK - Description of the PD Sets by Object Type
BBPS_PD_ITEMGUID - Structure of Item GUID with Header GUID
BBPS_PD_PRIORITY - Activity Priority
BBPS_PD_PROJECT - Key of Project Objects
BBPS_PD_RANGE_BE_PUR_ORG - Structure for Purchasing Organization Range
BBPS_PD_RANGE_BU_PARTNER - Structure for Partner Range
BBPS_PD_SC_AUTHORITY - Activities for Authorization Check in Shopping Cart
BBPS_PD_SOLUTION_KEY - Contains the Active Country and the Active Scenarios
BBPS_PD_SUSCF_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data SUS Confirm. in Create/Check/Change Case
BBPS_PO_GROUP_BE - Criteria for Grouping of Items for Document in Backend
BBPS_PO_GROUP_BE_WITH_ID - The Grouped Items with the Document Number
BBPS_PRICE - Pricing Return Structure
BBPS_PRICE_DET - Pricing Structure
BBPS_PROCUREMENT - Determine Procurement Transaction Item - Transfer SC
BBPS_PROCUREMENT_RES - Structure for Grouping Reservations via BADI
BBPS_PROC_DATA - User-Dependent Purchasing Data
BBPS_PROC_GROUP_RESP - Purchasing Group Responsible for Product Category
BBPS_PROC_GROUP_RESP_RANGES - Purchasing Group Responsible for Product Category Areas
BBPS_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES - Structure for Product Categories
BBPS_PRODUCT_IDS - Every ID Available for a Product
BBPS_PRODUCT_PURCHASE_DATA - Purchase Data of the Product
BBPS_QUOT_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Bid Change-Case Interface
BBPS_QUOT_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Bid Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBPS_RANGE_LOGICAL_SYSTEM - Range via the Field "Logical System"
BBPS_RANGE_OBJECT_ID - Range via Field "Object_id"
BBPS_RBKPV - EBR Structure rbkpv
BBPS_RELIMIT - Limit Data from Blanket PO for Invoice Verification
BBPS_SAPMCI_EXTSYSTEMID - External System ID in Key Mapping
BBPS_SAPMCI_EXTSYSTEMWITHKEY - Descr. of an External System with Access via Key
BBPS_SAPMCI_KEY - Key of an Object in Backend
BBPS_SAPMCI_KEYMAPPING - Key Mapping Structure. Describes Mapping of Source to Target
BBPS_SAPMCI_KEYMAPPINGCONTAINE - Container with Key Mappings and System Description
BBPS_SAPMCI_OAA_LOG - Content Integrator Object Attr. API Exception Log Entry
BBPS_SAPMCI_OAA_PROPERTY - Content Integrator Object Attribute Access API Property
BBPS_SAPMCI_OAA_VALUES - Content Integrator Object Attribute API List of Values
BBPS_SC_ACC - Account Assignment (Create)
BBPS_SC_LIMIT - Value limit
BBPS_SC_LONGTEXT - Long Texts for Procurement Document
BBPS_SC_ORG - Organizational Data
BBPS_SC_PARTNER - Business Partner (GetDetail)
BBPS_SC_REFDATA - Reference Documents for the Shopping Cart
BBPS_SC_REFRELATION - Shopping Cart Object Links: BE Purchase Requisition -> BE-PO
BBPS_SC_REFUPDATE - Data from References to Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SC_REFUPDATE_DATA - Data from References to Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SC_REFUPDATE_IND - Flags from References to Shopping Cart Items
BBPS_SOS_AVL - AVLs Found in Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_CONTRACTS - Contracts Found in Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_FIND - Search Criteria for Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_FIND_BE - Search Criteria for Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_FIND_EXT - Structure for Sourcing from External Systems
BBPS_SOS_HUB_FIND - Search Criteria for Sourcing of Sourcing Hub
BBPS_SOS_INFORECORD - Info Record Found in Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_INTERLINKAGES - Interlinkages Found in Sourcing
BBPS_SOS_MESSAGES - Messages from Sourcing
BBPS_STATUS - Individual Status per Object
BBPS_STATUS_INFO - Status Information for Business Object BUS20001
BBPS_SUSCF_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Confirmation Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBPS_SUSCF_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data SUS Confirm. in Create/Check/Change Case
BBPS_SUSCONF_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data SUS Confirm. in Create/Check/Change Case
BBPS_SUSPCO_HDR_LIST - Structure for List of PCOs with Status
BBPS_SUSPCO_ITM_LIST - Structure for List of PCO Items with Status
BBPS_TABLE_SORT_INFO - Column and Direction for Sorting a Table
BBPS_TREX_ATTRIBUTE - BBP Trex Attribute Name, Value Pair
BBPS_UP_DOWNLOAD_DOC - Contains Necessary Data to Upload and Download a Document
BBPS_URL55 - Workflow URL
BBPS_URL_PARAMETER - Individual Parameters to Generate an URL
BBPS_VIRTUAL_ITEM_INDICATOR - Ind. for GetDetail for New Bid Invitation Item
BBPS_WGT_PARAM_NAMES - List of Parameters for Weighting Functions
BBPT_BAPISOSY - Transfer Structure for Source Search
BBPT_T023 - Material groups
BBP_ACPO01 - EBR: Interface Structure Commitments
BBP_ACPR01 - Communication Structure PR Commitment
BBP_ACPR02 - PR Commit., only for internal SRM communication use
BBP_BAPIPOGN - Transfer Structure: Determine Procurement Transaction: Item
BBP_BC_POCONF - Purchase Order Confirmation (POC)
BBP_BOR_KEY - BOR-Object Key
BBP_CND_TSCALE_SET_EXT - Line Type for Scale Values EBP (one-dimensional)
BBP_CTLGS_HOOK_URL - SRM Application Return URL
BBP_DYNATTR_APP - Application Structure for BBP_PDH_DYNATTR
BBP_DYNAT_DOM2 - Possible Types in Definition of Dynamic Attributes
BBP_IMS_INV_R3 - R/3 Invoice Information
BBP_IMS_IV_HEADER50 - IMS Header Detail
BBP_IMS_IV_ITEM50 - IMS item detail
BBP_IMS_TREX_I - Table for Trex Index Fields: IMS Relevant
BBP_IO - Input and Output Field BBP
BBP_MESSAGES - Error Messages
BBP_META_IV_ITEM - Interface for Item Meta-BAPI IV
BBP_OCI_XML_ITEM - Extended XML Shopping Cart Item Interface
BBP_OPTIONS_HDR - option related fields on header
BBP_PARTNER_FUNC_TYPE - Structure for Partner Function Type - Data Element
BBP_PARTNER_PS - Partner Function Subtypes
BBP_PARTNER_PS_T - Partner Function Subtypes Texts
BBP_PDACC - Account Assignment
BBP_PDATT - Document Attachment
BBP_PDBEH - Backend Specific Header Data
BBP_PDBEI - Backend Specific Item Data
BBP_PDBGP - Partner Extension Gen. Purchasing Data
BBP_PDBINREL - Transaction Object Linkage (EBP)
BBP_PDCON - Purchase Order Item Confirmation
BBP_PDDEP - DB Structure for Factor and Distribution Set
BBP_PDDYN - Dynamic attributes
BBP_PDDYN_FIX - DB Table for Fixed Values with Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDEXR - Exchange Rates
BBP_PDFRT - Shipment Costs
BBP_PDHAD_V - Business Transaction Versions
BBP_PDHCF - Set for Tabular Customer and Solution Fields on Hdr
BBP_PDHGP - Business Transaction Purchasing Information
BBP_PDHIER - Contract Hierarchy Information
BBP_PDHSC - Header Extension for Customer Fields
BBP_PDHSS - Hdr Extension for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on)
BBP_PDH_HIER - Data for Contract Hierarchy
BBP_PDH_OR610_REL - Object links
BBP_PDIAD_V - Business transaction item
BBP_PDICF - Set for Tabluar Customer and Solution Fields on Itm
BBP_PDIGP - Business Transaction Item-Purchasing Information
BBP_PDISB - Bid Invitation/Bid-Specific Item Data
BBP_PDISC - Item Extension for Customer Fields
BBP_PDISS - Item Ext. for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on)
BBP_PDLIM - Value Limit
BBP_PDLINK_V - Transaction - Set - Link
BBP_PDORG - Purchasing Organizational Unit
BBP_PDPSET - Further Procurement Information
BBP_PDSDLN - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line
BBP_PDS_ACC - Account Assignment
BBP_PDS_ACCDAT - Data Account Assignment Set
BBP_PDS_ACC_DIFF - Different Account Assignment
BBP_PDS_ACC_IC - Account Assignment
BBP_PDS_ACC_ICOM - Communication Structure Account Assignment-Set Entry
BBP_PDS_ACC_T - Account Assignment Description
BBP_PDS_ACTION_PROP - Structure for Action Property
BBP_PDS_ACTVAL - Actual Value and Amount
BBP_PDS_ACTVAL_DB - Actual Value and Quantity + Number of Follow-on Objects
BBP_PDS_ACTVAL_Q - Actual Quantity
BBP_PDS_ACTVAL_SDLN - Actual Value and Amount
BBP_PDS_ACTVAL_V - Actual Values
BBP_PDS_ALL_ITEM_D - Item Data for All Documents in GetDetail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_ATT - Attachments
BBP_PDS_ATTR_FIX - Fixed Values with Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_ATTR_FIX_DATA - Fixed Values with Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_ATT_DIFF - Different Attachments
BBP_PDS_ATT_T - Structure for Attachments
BBP_PDS_ATT_T_IC - Attachment
BBP_PDS_ATT_T_URL - Attachments
BBP_PDS_ATT_URL - Attachments
BBP_PDS_AUC_BID_PDLIST - Interface GetList Bid Invitation / Auction
BBP_PDS_AUC_HEADER_D - Interface Header Data Auction GetDetail-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface Header Data Auction GetDetail-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_HEADER_IC - Interface Header Data Auction Create/Check-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_HEADER_U - Interface Header Data Auction Change-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_ITEM_D - Interface Item Data Auction GetDetail-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface Item Data Auction GetDetail-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_ITEM_ICU - Interface Item Data Auction Create/Check/Change-Case
BBP_PDS_AUC_PDLIST - Interface GetList Auction
BBP_PDS_AUTH_VALUES - Authorization Values (Single Values and Intervals)
BBP_PDS_AVL_HEADER_D - Header Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_HEADER_IC - Header Data Purchase Order Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_HEADER_U - Header Data Purchase Order Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_ITEM_D - Item Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Purchase Order Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_AVL_PDLIST - Interface Get List for AVL
BBP_PDS_BAPI_H - Header Fields for BAPI Structures
BBP_PDS_BAPI_I - Item Fields for BAPI Structures
BBP_PDS_BEH - Include Header Data Purchasing Backend-Specific
BBP_PDS_BEH_IC - Backend-Specific Procurement Header Data
BBP_PDS_BEH_NON_DB - Backend Proc. Header Data; Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_BEI - Include Item Data Purchasing Backend-Specific
BBP_PDS_BEI_IC - Backend-Specific Procurement Item Data
BBP_PDS_BGP - Extension Partner General Purchasing Data
BBP_PDS_BID_HEADER_D - Header Data Bid Invitation GetDetail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Bid Invitation GetDetail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_HEADER_IC - Header Data Bid Invitation Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_HEADER_U - Header Data Bid Invitation Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_ITEM_D - Item Data Bid Invitation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Bid Invitation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Bid Invitation Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_BID_ITEM_VALUE - Bid Invitation Item with Lowest Bid Value
BBP_PDS_BID_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_BID_PDLIST - Interface GetList Bid Invitation
BBP_PDS_BUP_ADDR_IC - Business Partner with Indicator
BBP_PDS_BUP_ECOM - Communication Structure Partner Set Output
BBP_PDS_BUP_IC - Business Partner with Indicator
BBP_PDS_BUP_ICOM - Communication Structure Partner Set Input
BBP_PDS_CALL_OFF_VALUES - Which Contract was Updated with Which Values?
BBP_PDS_CALL_OFF_VALUES_BUFFER - Which Contract was Updated with Which Values?
BBP_PDS_CHANGED_OBJECTS - Structure for Table of Changed Objects
BBP_PDS_CHECK_LIST - Authorization Check of Lists: Buffer Table for Checked Doc.
BBP_PDS_CHECK_PARAM - Authorization Checks: Check-Relevant Fields
BBP_PDS_CND - Master Conditions for Purchasing Contracts
BBP_PDS_CND_CD - Master Conditions (Insert/Create/Update)
BBP_PDS_CND_CD_IC - Change Document for Condition
BBP_PDS_CND_D - Master Conditions (Display)
BBP_PDS_CND_DIFF - Different Conditions
BBP_PDS_CND_DIFF_FLAT - Different Conditions Flat Structure
BBP_PDS_CND_ECOM - Communication Structure Master Conditions - Set Output
BBP_PDS_CND_ICOM - Communication Structure Master Conditions - Set Input
BBP_PDS_CND_ICU - Master Conditions (Insert/Create/Update)
BBP_PDS_CND_SCH - Line Category of a Scale Table for Working Set
BBP_PDS_CND_SCP - Line Type for Scale Values EBP (one-dimensional)
BBP_PDS_CON - Purchase Order Confirmation (Confirmation)
BBP_PDS_CONF_HEADER_D - Header Data Confirmation GetDetai-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Confirmation GetDetai-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_HEADER_IC - Header Data Confirmation Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_HEADER_U - Header Data Confirmation Change Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_ITEM_D - Item Data Confirmation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Confirmation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Confirmation Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CONF_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_CONTEXT - Context- Info for Application-Log BBP Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_CON_DIFF - Different Confirmation
BBP_PDS_CON_EXPIRED - Reasons Why Contract has Expired
BBP_PDS_CON_IC - Confirmation
BBP_PDS_CON_ICOM - Vendor Confirmation Communications Structure
BBP_PDS_CON_VALIDITY - Fields to Determine if a Contract has Expired
BBP_PDS_CON_WT - Confirmation with Indicator and Index
BBP_PDS_COPIED_FROM_DATA - Transient Information about Source Object in Copy Process
BBP_PDS_COPY_OF_DATA - Transient Information about Source Object in Copy Process
BBP_PDS_CTR_ACC_GUARANTEED_MIN - Predevelopment Use only for Public Sector !!!!!!!
BBP_PDS_CTR_CALL_OFF_VALUES - Current and Calculated Rel. Quantities/Values for Contract
BBP_PDS_CTR_DELTA - Transfer Structure for Updating the Contract
BBP_PDS_CTR_HDR_CALL_OFF - Release Values and Target Values for Contract
BBP_PDS_CTR_HEADER_D - Contract Header Data Get Detail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_HEADER_D_ONLY - Contract Header Data Get Detail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_HEADER_IC - Contract Header Data Create/Check Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_HEADER_U - Contract Header Data Check Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_ITEM_D - Contract Item Data Get Detail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_ITEM_D_ONLY - Contract Item Data Get Detail Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_ITEM_ICU - Contract Item Data Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBP_PDS_CTR_ITM_CALL_OFF - Release/Target and Order Values/Quantities: Contract Item
BBP_PDS_CTR_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_CTR_PDLIST - Contract Get List Interface
BBP_PDS_DEPDATA - Data of Factor and Distribution Set
BBP_PDS_DEP_DIFF - Differences in multiple set
BBP_PDS_DEP_ECOM - Communication Structure Dependent Attributes Set Output
BBP_PDS_DEP_IC - Multiple Set Data with Indicator
BBP_PDS_DEP_ICOM - Communication Structure Dependent Attributes Data Entry
BBP_PDS_DIFF_FIELDS - Contains the Fields that Differ Between Documents 1 and 2
BBP_PDS_DIS - Contract Distribution Data
BBP_PDS_DIS_DIFF - Differences in Distribution Set
BBP_PDS_DOC_COMPARE_LIST - Line in List of Documents or Versions for Comparison
BBP_PDS_DYNATTR - Dynamic attributes
BBP_PDS_DYNATTRIBUTE - Dynamic Attributes with Table for Fixed Values ATTR_FIX
BBP_PDS_DYNATTRIBUTE_FLAT - Dynamic Attributes with Table for Fixed Values ATTR_FIX
BBP_PDS_DYNATTR_DATA - Core Structure as INCLUDE for Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_DYNATTR_DIFF - Different Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_DYNATTR_DIFF_FLAT - Different Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_DYNATTR_IC - Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_DYNFIX_IC - Fixed Values for Dyn. Attrib.: Structure for Buffer Tables
BBP_PDS_DYN_ICOM - Communication Structure Dynamic Attributes Entry
BBP_PDS_EXR - Conversion Rate Data
BBP_PDS_EXRDAT - Data Conversion Rate Set
BBP_PDS_EXRTHRESH - Exchange Rate Threshold
BBP_PDS_EXR_DIFF - Different Exchange Rate Set Data
BBP_PDS_EXR_IC - Exchange Rate
BBP_PDS_EXR_ICOM - Communication Structure Exchange Rate Set-Data Entry
BBP_PDS_FAC - Factor Set Data
BBP_PDS_FACDATA - Data of Factor Set
BBP_PDS_FIELD_PROP - Structure for Dynamic Property
BBP_PDS_FREIGHT - Shipment Costs
BBP_PDS_FREIGHT_DIFF - Different Freight
BBP_PDS_FRT_IC - Shipment Costs
BBP_PDS_FRT_ICOM - Communications Structure Freight Costs Input
BBP_PDS_GETLIST_INDEX_HEADER - Header Data Added to GetList Index Table
BBP_PDS_GETLIST_INDEX_ITEM - Item Data Added to GetList Index Table
BBP_PDS_GETLIST_INDEX_PARTNER - Partner Added to GetList Index Table
BBP_PDS_GETLIST_PARTNER - Partner Added to GetList Index Table
BBP_PDS_HAD_ECOM - Communication Structure Header Administration Data Output
BBP_PDS_HAD_ICOM - Communication Structure Header Admin. Data Entry
BBP_PDS_HCF - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields - Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_AUC - Tab. Cust. and Solution Fields on Auction Hdr
BBP_PDS_HCF_AVL - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Vendor List Hdr
BBP_PDS_HCF_BID - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Bid Invitation Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_CONF - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Confirmation Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_CTR - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields - Contract Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_DIFF - Different Header Customer Fields
BBP_PDS_HCF_IC - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields - Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_INV - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Invoice Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_PO - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields on PO Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_QUOT - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Bid Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_SC - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Shopping Cart Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_SUSCONF - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields in SUS Confirmation Header
BBP_PDS_HCF_SUSINV - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Invoice Header (SUS)
BBP_PDS_HCF_SUSPO - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields on SUS PO Hdr
BBP_PDS_HCT - Line structure of table like customer extension on header
BBP_PDS_HDR_IC - Administration Header Data BBP Document
BBP_PDS_HEADER - Header Data Procurement Document Interface
BBP_PDS_HEADER_CMMT - Interface Header Data for Commitment Management
BBP_PDS_HEADER_DIFF - Header Data Procurement Document Interface
BBP_PDS_HEADER_EXT_TABLES - Purchasing Document table like extensions on header level
BBP_PDS_HEADER_NON_DB - Header Data; Buffered; But not Saved
BBP_PDS_HEADER_NON_DB_W_GUID - Header Data; Buffered for UI; But not Saved
BBP_PDS_HGP - Include Header Data General Purchasing
BBP_PDS_HGP_ECOM - Communication Structure Header Purchasing Data Output
BBP_PDS_HGP_IC - General Procurement Header Data
BBP_PDS_HGP_ICOM - Communication Structure Header Purchasing Data Output
BBP_PDS_HGP_NON_DB - General Procurement Header Data, Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_HIER - Interface for Item Data and Hierarchy Levels
BBP_PDS_HIER_ECOM - Communication of hierarchy data for output
BBP_PDS_HIER_IC - Hierarchy Data with Process Indicator
BBP_PDS_HIER_ICOM - Communication Structure Header Admin. Data Entry
BBP_PDS_HIER_LOCK - Structure for lock object EBBP_PDH_HIER
BBP_PDS_HIER_NON_DB - Hierarchy Header Data; Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_HISTORY_ARCH - Follow-on Documents for Archive
BBP_PDS_HISTORY_REF - Structure for history read
BBP_PDS_HREL - Header Links Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_HSB - Include Specialization Header Data Bid Invitation/Auction
BBP_PDS_HSB_IC - Specialization Bid Invitation Header with Indicator
BBP_PDS_HSB_NON_DB - Bid Invitation Header Data, Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_HSC - Header Extension for Customer Fields
BBP_PDS_HSC_IC - Header Extension for Customer Fields with Indicator
BBP_PDS_HSS - Hdr Extension for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on)
BBP_PDS_HSS_IC - Hdr Extension for SAP Int. Enh. (IBUs) with Indicator
BBP_PDS_IAD_ECOM - Communication Structure Item Header Data Output
BBP_PDS_ICF - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields - Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_AUC - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Auction Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_AVL - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Vendor List Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_BID - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Bid Invitation Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_CONF - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Confirmation Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_CTR - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Contract Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_DIFF - Different Header Customer Fields
BBP_PDS_ICF_IC - Tabular Customer and Solution Fields - Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_INV - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Invoice Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_PO - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Purchase Order Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_QUOT - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Bid Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_SC - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Shopping Cart Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_SUSCONF - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on SUS Conf. Item
BBP_PDS_ICF_SUSINV - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on Invoice Item (SUS)
BBP_PDS_ICF_SUSPO - Tab. Customer and Solution Fields on SUS PO Item
BBP_PDS_IGP - Include Item Data General Purchasing
BBP_PDS_IGP_ECOM - Communication Structure Item Procurement Data Exit
BBP_PDS_IGP_IC - General Procurement Item Data
BBP_PDS_IGP_ICOM - Communication Structure Item Procurement Data- Inbox
BBP_PDS_ILREL - Item-/Limit Link, Header Link Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_INVD_ITEMLIST - Interface GetItemList Procurement Document for INVD
BBP_PDS_INVD_KEY_EXT - External Key for INVD Document
BBP_PDS_INV_HEADER_D - Header Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_HEADER_IC - Header Data Invoice Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_HEADER_U - Header Data Invoice Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_ITEM_D - Item Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Invoice Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_INV_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_ISB - Bid Invitation/Bid/Auction-Specific Item Data
BBP_PDS_ISB_IC - Bid Invitation/Bid-Specific Item Data
BBP_PDS_ISC - Item Extension for Customer Fields
BBP_PDS_ISC_IC - Item Extension for Customer Fields with Indicator
BBP_PDS_ISS - Item Ext. for SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on)
BBP_PDS_ISS_IC - Item Extension for SAP Int. Enh (IBUs) with Indicator
BBP_PDS_ITEM - Item Data Procurement Document Interface
BBP_PDS_ITEM_CI - For Internal Use for Including the CI
BBP_PDS_ITEM_CMMT - Interface Item Data for Commitment Management
BBP_PDS_ITEM_DIFF - Different Items
BBP_PDS_ITEM_HISTORY_BE - Backend Purchase Order History with Values
BBP_PDS_ITEM_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_ITEM_NON_DB_W_GUID - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_ITEM_SC_CI - Contains only the Customer Include for Includes in Program
BBP_PDS_ITMADM - Item and Administration Data- Deletion Indicator
BBP_PDS_ITMADM_NON_DB - Item Administration Data Buffered But not Saved
BBP_PDS_ITMPLAN - Planned/Actual Data Reference Item
BBP_PDS_ITMPROC_NON_DB - Item Purchasing Data, Buffered, but not Saved
BBP_PDS_ITM_ACC_GUARANTEED_MIN - Predevelopment Use only for Public Sector !!!!!!!
BBP_PDS_ITM_CH - Item BBP Document for Change Documents
BBP_PDS_ITM_ECOM - Communication Structure Item - Exit
BBP_PDS_ITM_IC - Item BBP Document
BBP_PDS_ITM_ICOM - Communication Structure Item - Inbox
BBP_PDS_IVHUB_HREL - Header Linkages Type Invoice Hub
BBP_PDS_IVHUB_IREF - Item Linkages Type Invoice Hub
BBP_PDS_IVHUB_IREL - Item Linkages Type Invoice Hub
BBP_PDS_LAM_HDR_NON_DB - Header Data from LAM; Buffered but not Saved
BBP_PDS_LIMDAT - Data Division for Value Limit
BBP_PDS_LIMIT - Value Limit
BBP_PDS_LIMIT_DIFF - Different Value Limit
BBP_PDS_LIMIT_IC - Value Limit
BBP_PDS_LIMIT_ITEM - Item value Limit
BBP_PDS_LIM_ECOM - Communication Structure Limit Set - Outbound
BBP_PDS_LIM_ICOM - Communications Structure Limit Input
BBP_PDS_LOG_CONTEXT - Context- Info for Application-Log BBP Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_LONGTEXT - Long Texts for Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_LONGTEXT_IC - Long Texts for Procurement Document with Indicator
BBP_PDS_MESSAGES - Error Message for Procurement Document Methods
BBP_PDS_MESSAGES_IC - Structure for x/y Tables of Message Log
BBP_PDS_MSGI - Message Ignore Set
BBP_PDS_MSGI_DIFF - Message Ignore Set
BBP_PDS_MSGI_IC - Message Ignore Set
BBP_PDS_MSGI_ICOM - Communications Structure Freight Costs Input
BBP_PDS_MSG_CONTEXT - Context- Info for Application-Log BBP Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_MSG_CONTEXT_IMS - Context- Info for Application-Log BBP Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_OBJREL - Object Links Transfer Structure
BBP_PDS_OPTIONS_ITM - option related fields on item level
BBP_PDS_ORG - Organizational Data
BBP_PDS_ORG_DIFF - Different Organization Data
BBP_PDS_ORG_ECOM - Communication Structure Organizational Data Set Output
BBP_PDS_ORG_IC - Organizational Data
BBP_PDS_ORG_ICOM - Communication Structure Organization Dataset Entry
BBP_PDS_ORG_NON_DB - Org. Data for UI Buffered but not Saved
BBP_PDS_OVE_REL - Linkages for Online Vendor Evaluation
BBP_PDS_PARTNER - Business Partner
BBP_PDS_PARTNER_CARD - Cardinality of Partner Function Categories
BBP_PDS_PARTNER_DIFF - Different Business Partners
BBP_PDS_PARTNER_GET - Interface Partner Number and Partner Function
BBP_PDS_PCACC - Account Assignment Fields from Credit Card Master
BBP_PDS_PCO_HEADER_D - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_HEADER_IC - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirm.: Create/Check Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_HEADER_U - Interface: Header Data: PO Response: Change Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_HREL - Header Links: Order Confirmation Type
BBP_PDS_PCO_IREL - Item Links: Order Confirmation Type
BBP_PDS_PCO_ITEM_D - Interface: Item Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface: Item Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_PCO_ITEM_ICU - Interface Item Data Purchase Order Conf. Create/Chck/Chn-Cas
BBP_PDS_PDITEMLIST - Interface GetItemList Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_PDLIST - Interface GetList Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_PDLIST_AVL - Interface Get List for AVL
BBP_PDS_PDLIST_INDEX - Int. Results List: Get List when Reading from Index Tables
BBP_PDS_PDLIST_INTERNAL - Procurement Document Get List Interface (Internal)
BBP_PDS_PDLIST_INTERNAL_UI - UI-Structure to Display a Document
BBP_PDS_PD_LIST - Interface GetList Procurement Document General
BBP_PDS_POC_ITEM_D - Interface: Item Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_POC_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface: Item Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_POC_ITEM_ICU - Interface Item Data Purchase Order Conf. Create/Chck/Chn-Cas
BBP_PDS_PO_HEADER_D - Header Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_HEADER_IC - Header Data Purchase Order Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_HEADER_U - Header Data Purchase Order Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_ITEM_D - Item Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Purchase Order GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Purchase Order Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_PO_LIST - Interface GetList Purchase Order
BBP_PDS_PO_LIST_BADI - Interface GetList Purchase Order (BADI)
BBP_PDS_PO_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_PRC - Document Conditions
BBP_PDS_PRC_CCM - CCM Pricing - Source Itm No, Grp Indicator, Condition Class.
BBP_PDS_PRC_CTR_DTLS - Conditions Contract Details
BBP_PDS_PRC_D - Document Conditions (Display)
BBP_PDS_PRC_DIFF - Different Document Conditions
BBP_PDS_PRC_ECOM - Price Determination Export Data
BBP_PDS_PRC_ICOM - Price Determination Input Data
BBP_PDS_PRC_ICU - Document Conditions (Insert/Create)
BBP_PDS_PRC_LINK - Buffering Links Between Document GUID and Pricing Document
BBP_PDS_PRC_POS - Price Determination: Item Data
BBP_PDS_PRICE - Price Data
BBP_PDS_PROPERTIES - Structure for Dynamic Property
BBP_PDS_PSET - Include Purchasing Set
BBP_PDS_PSET_IC - Procurement Set with Indicator
BBP_PDS_QUOTA_RELEVANT - Flag That Item for GUID is Quota-Arrangement-Relevant
BBP_PDS_QUOT_HEADER_D - Header Data Bid GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Bid GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_HEADER_IC - Header Data Bid Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_HEADER_U - Header Data Bid Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_ITEM_ADD_D - Interface Added Items Bid GetDetail
BBP_PDS_QUOT_ITEM_ADD_ICU - Item Data Bid Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_ITEM_D - Item Data Bid GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Bid GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Bid Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_QUOT_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_QUOT_PDLIST - Interface GetList Bid
BBP_PDS_RANGE_ASSET_NO - Interface Structure for Range of Asset-General Prefix
BBP_PDS_RANGE_CATEGORY_GUID - Interface Structure for Ranges via Product Category GUID
BBP_PDS_RANGE_CATEGORY_ID - Interface Structure for Ranges via Category ID
BBP_PDS_RANGE_CMMT_ITEM - Interface Structure for Ranges of a Commitment Item
BBP_PDS_RANGE_COST_CTR - Interface Structure for Cost Center Ranges
BBP_PDS_RANGE_CTR_HDR_NUMBER - Interface Structure for Ranges via Contract Number
BBP_PDS_RANGE_DELIV_DATE - Interface Structure for Ranges of (Preferred) Delivery Date
BBP_PDS_RANGE_DOC_PRIORITY - Interface Structure for Ranges of Priorit of a Document
BBP_PDS_RANGE_EXT_DEMID - Interface Structure for Ranges via Ext. Reqt Tracking No.
BBP_PDS_RANGE_EXT_DEM_LOGSYS - Interface Structure for Ranges via external demand system
BBP_PDS_RANGE_FUNC_AREA - Interface Structure for Ranges of a Function Area
BBP_PDS_RANGE_FUND - Interface Structure for Ranges of a Fund
BBP_PDS_RANGE_FUNDS_CTR - Interface Structure for Ranges of a Funds Center
BBP_PDS_RANGE_GROSS_AMOUNT - Interface Structure for Ranges via Gross Amount
BBP_PDS_RANGE_G_L_ACCT - Interface Structure for Ranges of a G/L Account
BBP_PDS_RANGE_NETWORK - Interface Structure for Network Ranges
BBP_PDS_RANGE_OBJECT_ID - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Object ID
BBP_PDS_RANGE_OBJECT_TYPE - Interface Structure for Ranges of Object Types
BBP_PDS_RANGE_ORDERED_PROD - Interface Structure for Ranges via Product ID
BBP_PDS_RANGE_ORDER_NO - Interface Structure for Order Number Ranges
BBP_PDS_RANGE_PROC_GROUP - Interface Structure for Ranges via Purchasing Group
BBP_PDS_RANGE_PROC_ORG - Interface Structure for Ranges via Purchasing Organization
BBP_PDS_RANGE_PROC_TYPE - Interface Structure for Ranges via Transaction Type
BBP_PDS_RANGE_PURCHTEAM - Interface Structure for Ranges via Purchasing Group
BBP_PDS_RANGE_QUOT_DEAD - Interface Struct. for Ranges of Submission Deadline for Bid
BBP_PDS_RANGE_QUOT_DEAD_TIME - Interface Struct. for Ranges of Submission Deadline for Bid
BBP_PDS_RANGE_REQUESTOR - Interface Structure for Ranges via Requestor
BBP_PDS_RANGE_SALES_ORD - Interface Structure for Range of Asset-General Prefix
BBP_PDS_RANGE_SOURCE_REL_IND - Interface Structure for Ranges via Sourcing-Relevance Ind.
BBP_PDS_RANGE_SUPPLIER - Interface Structure for Ranges via Supplier
BBP_PDS_RANGE_WBS_ELEM_E - Interface Structure for WBS-Elements Ranges
BBP_PDS_READ_TEXTS - Flag Bar for Enhancement with Text and Other Fields
BBP_PDS_SC_HEADER_D - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SC_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SC_HEADER_IC - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart Create/Check-Fall
BBP_PDS_SC_HEADER_U - Header Data of Shopping Cart Change Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEMLIST - Item List in the Sourcing Cockpit
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEM_D - Interface Item Data Shopping Cart GetDetail-Fall
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface Item Data Shopping Cart GetDetail-Fall
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Shopping Cart Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SC_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_SC_PDLIST - Interface Get List Procurement Document for SC
BBP_PDS_SDLN - Business Transaction Item-Schedule (Output to Application)
BBP_PDS_SDLN_DIFF - Different Schedule Lines
BBP_PDS_SDLN_ECOM - Communicatn Struct.: Schedule Line Set: Output
BBP_PDS_SDLN_I - Business Transaction Item - Schedule Line (Create)
BBP_PDS_SDLN_IC - Schedule Lines with Flags
BBP_PDS_SDLN_ICOM - Communication Structure: Schedule Line Set: Input
BBP_PDS_SEARCH_ACC - Structure for Search for Account Assignment Fields
BBP_PDS_SEC_ICOM - Authorization Checks: Check-Relevant Fields
BBP_PDS_SEC_ICOM_RFC - Authorization Checks: Check-Relevant Fields
BBP_PDS_SOS_ITEMLIST - Item List in the Sourcing Cockpit
BBP_PDS_STATUS_DESC - status with description
BBP_PDS_STATUS_GET - Interface Status of Objects
BBP_PDS_STATUS_SUS - SRM-SUS: UI Status structure
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HDR_NON_DB - ASN Header Data, Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HEADER_BADI - BADI Structure for SUS Shipping Notification
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HEADER_D - Header Data Confirmation GetDetai-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Confirmation GetDetai-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HEADER_IC - Header Data Confirmation Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_HEADER_U - Header Data Confirmation Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_ITEM_BADI - BADI Structure for items of SUS Shipping Notification
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_ITEM_D - Item Data Confirmation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Confirmation GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Confirmation Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSASN_NON_DB - ASN Item Data, Buffered, not Saved
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_HEADER_D - Interface Header Data SUS Confirmation GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface Header Data SUS Confirmation GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_HEADER_IC - Interface Header Data SUS Confirmation Create/Check Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_HEADER_U - Interface Header Data SUS Confirmation Change-Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_ITEM_D - Interface Item Data SUS Confirmation GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface Item Data SUS Confirmation GetDetail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_ITEM_ICU - Interface Item Data SUS Confirmation Cre/Chck/Chg Case
BBP_PDS_SUSCF_PDLIST - Interface GetList SUS Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_HEADER_D - Header Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_HEADER_D_ONLY - Header Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_HEADER_IC - Header Data Invoice Create/Check-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_HEADER_U - Interface Header Data Invoice Change Case (SUS)
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_ITEM_BADI - BADI Structure for Items of SUS Invoice
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_ITEM_D - Item Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_ITEM_D_ONLY - Item Data Invoice GetDetail-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSINV_ITEM_ICU - Item Data Invoice Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_HEADER_D - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirmation: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_HEADER_IC - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirm.: Create/Check Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_HEADER_U - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirm. Change Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_HREL - Header Links: SUS Order Confirmation Type
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_IREL - Item Links: SUS Order Confirmation Type
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_ITEM_D - Interface: Item Data: SUS Order Confirmation:Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface: Item Data: SUS Order Confirmation:Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_ITEM_ICU - Interface Item Data Purchase Order Conf. Create/Chck/Chn-Cas
BBP_PDS_SUSPCO_NON_DB - Data Buffered for UI But not Saved
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_HEADER_D - Interface: Header Data: SUS PO: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_HEADER_D_ONLY - Interface: Header Data: SUS PO: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_HEADER_IC - Interface: Header Data: SUS PO: Create/Check Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_HEADER_U - Interface: Header Data: SUS PO: Change Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_ITEM_D - Interface: Item Data: SUS PO: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_ITEM_D_ONLY - Interface: Item Data: SUS PO: Get Detail Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_ITEM_ICU - Interface: Item Data: SUS PO: Create/Check/Change Case
BBP_PDS_SUSPO_PDLIST - Interface GetList SUS Procurement Document
BBP_PDS_TAX_DIFF - Different Taxes
BBP_PDS_TAX_ICOM - Communications Structure Tax Data Input
BBP_PDS_TE_ADMIN - Admnistrative fields for table extensions w/ generic set no.
BBP_PDS_TE_ADMIN_HDR - Administrative fields of table extensions on header level
BBP_PDS_TE_ADMIN_ITM - Include with key fields of table extensions on item level
BBP_PDS_TE_ADMIN_WO_SET_NO - Admnistrative fields for table extensions w/o set number
BBP_PDS_TE_KEY - Key fields of table extensions
BBP_PDS_TE_PREFIX - Prefix Include of table extensions w/ generic set no.
BBP_PDS_TE_PREFIX_HDR - Prefix Include of table extensions on header level
BBP_PDS_TE_PREFIX_ITM - Prefix Include of table extensions on item level
BBP_PDS_TOL - Tolerances
BBP_PDS_TOLDAT - Tolerance Set Data
BBP_PDS_TOL_DIFF - Different Tolerances
BBP_PDS_TOL_IC - Tolerances
BBP_PDS_TOL_ICOM - Communication Structure Tolerance Data Entry
BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ACTION - Actions During Transfer
BBP_PDS_TRANSFER_ITEM - Transfer of Item Structures (Bid or Shopping Cart)
BBP_PDS_VERSION_LIST - Interface GetVersionList General
BBP_PDS_VERSION_LIST_BUFFER - Interface GetVersionList Internal
BBP_PDS_VERSION_LIST_INTERNAL - Interface GetVersionList Internal
BBP_PDS_WEIGHT - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
BBP_PDS_WEIGHTDAT - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
BBP_PDS_WEIGHTPARAM - Function parameters
BBP_PDS_WEIGHT_DIFF - Different Dynamic Attributes
BBP_PDS_WEIGHT_IC - Weighting Factor Structure for Buffer Tables with IC Flag
BBP_PDTOL - Tolerances
BBP_PDWGT - Weighting in Valuation of Bid Invitations
BBP_PD_INITCHECK - Description of the PD Sets by Object Type
BBP_PD_TAB_EXT_KEY_INCLUDE - Include with key fields of table extensions on header level
BBP_PD_TEMPL_XML - Table for XML Issue Templates
BBP_PD_TE_ADMIN_INCLUDE - Include with key fields of table extensions on header level
BBP_PD_XML - Table for Persistent Class CL_XML_PPF_BBP
BBP_PO_ITEM_C - Purchase Order Item Data (BBP_PD_XML-Create)
BBP_RBKP - Document Header: Invoice Receipt
BBP_RBKP_FI - Document Header Incoming Invoice - FI Fields
BBP_RETURN_XML - Byte Structure for XML Return
BBP_SCHEDLIN_EXT - EBP Sched.Line: Structure with Ext. Changeable Fields
BBP_SCHEDLIN_EXT1 - BBP Sched.Line: Struct. w. Externally Changeable Flds: Part1
BBP_SCHEDLIN_EXT2 - EBP Sched.Line: Structure with Ext. Changeable Fields
BBP_SCHEDLIN_INT - BBP Schedule Line: Structure with Internally Used Fields
BBP_SCHEDLIN_KEY - Schedule lines: Key fields
BBP_SF_PRICE - Price for Smart Forms
BBP_SF_VALUE - Value for Smart Forms
BBP_SHLP_ORGUNIT - Key of an Organizational Unit (Purch. Ord. or Purch. Group)
BBP_SIG_MAP_DATA - Tables to store digital signature metadata
BBP_SOS_CONTRACTS - Return Structure for Sourcing
BBP_SOS_FIND - Search Criteria for Sourcing
BBP_SOS_INTERLINKAGES - Return Structure for Sourcing
BBP_SUSPCO_HEADER_BADI - Interface: Header Data: Order Confirmation for Change BAdI
BBP_SUSPCO_ITEM_BADI - Interface Item Data Purchase Order Conf. Create/Chck/Chn-Cas
BBP_SUSPO_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Purchase Order Change-Case Interface
BBP_SUSPO_ITEM_BADI - Interface: Item Data: SUS PO: Create/Check/Change Case
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_CSF - Customer Extension Fields on Document Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_CSF_CTR - Customer Extension Fields for Contract Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_CSF_INV - Customer Extension Fields for Invoice Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSCF - Customer Extension Fields for SUS Confirmation Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSPO - Customer Extension Fields on SUS Purchase Order Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_SWF - Internal Extension Fields on Document Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_SWF_INV - Internal Extension Fields for Invoice Items
BBP_S_PD_ITEM_SWF_SC - Internla Extension Fields for Shopping Cart Items
BBP_S_PO_HISTORY - History buffering structure with reference guids of hdr/item
BBP_T023T - Material Group Descriptions
BBP_TEXT_GLOBAL - Names of Text Fields in Screens
BBP_TRIGGLIST - Output Actions
BBP_TRIGG_MESSAGES - Error Messages for Document Output
BBP_UF05A - Delivery area to FI updater
BBP_XMLRET - Return Structure XML
BBP_XML_ADR - Address for XML-Dispatch
BBP_XML_AVAILABILITY_CHECK_HDR - Header Data Availability Check
BBP_XML_AVAILABILITY_CHECK_ITM - Item Data Availability Check
BBP_XML_POHDR - XML Relevant Header Data Purchase Order
BBP_XML_POITM - Item Data for All Doucments in All Cases Interface
BBP_XML_PRICE_CHECK_HDR - Header Data Price Check
BBP_XML_PRICE_CHECK_ITM - Item Data Price Check
BBP_XML_USER_DATA - User Data for XML-Access
CRMT_DOC_I_BBP - Item Structure in Document Application EBR
INCL_EEW_BP_CSF_COMPANY_DATA - Customer Enhancement on BP Company Data
INCL_EEW_BP_CSF_CONTACT_PERSON - Customer Enhancement on BP Contact Person
INCL_EEW_PD_ACC_CHK_CSF - Acct Assignmt Check Cust. Enhancements in Doc.
INCL_EEW_PD_ACC_CSD - Display-Only Acct. Assignmt. Cust. Enhancement Fields
INCL_EEW_PD_ACC_CSF - Acct Assignmt Cust. Enhancements in Doc.
INCL_EEW_PD_ACC_SWD - Display-Only Acct. Assignmt. SAP-Internal Enhancements
INCL_EEW_PD_ACC_SWF - Acct Assignmt SAP-Internal Enhancements (IBUs..) in Doc.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_AUC - Display-Only Customer Enhancement to Auction Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_AVL - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Vendor List Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_BID - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Bid Invitation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_CONF - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_CTR - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Contract Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_INV - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_PO - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_QUOT - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SC - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Shopping Cart Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SUSASN - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS ASN Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SUSCF - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS Confirm. Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SUSINV - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SUSPCO - Display-Only Customer Enhancem. to SUS PO Confirm. Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSD_SUSPO - Display-Only Customer Enhancem. to SUS Purch. Order Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF - Cust. Enhancement in Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_AUC - Customer Enhancement on PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_AVL - Customer Enhancements in Vendor List Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_BID - Cust. Enhancements in Bid Invitatn Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_CONF - Cust. Enhancements in Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_CTR - Cust.Enhancements in Contract Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_INV - Cust. Enhancements in Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_NON_DB - Customer Procurement Document Enhancem. Fields for Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_PCO - Customer Enhancement on Purchase Orer Response Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_PO - Customer Enhancement on PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_QUOT - Customer Enhancements on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SC - Customer Enhancements on Shopping Cart Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSASN - Customer Enhancements on SUS ASN Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSCF - Customer Enhancements on SUS CF Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSINV - Customer Enhancements on Invoice Header (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSPCO - Cust.Enhancements in SUSPCO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSF_SUSPO - Cust.Enhancements in SUS PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST2 - Further Table Customer Enhancements on Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_AUC - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Auction Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_AVL - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Supplier List Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_BID - Table Customer Enhancement Components on RFx Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_CONF - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_CTR - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Contract Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_INV - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_PO - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Purchase Order Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_QUOT - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_SC - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Shopping Cart Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_SUSCON - Table Customer Enhancement Components on SUS ConfirmationHdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_SUSINV - Table Customer Enhancement Components on SUS Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CSTS_SUSPO - Table Customer Enhancement Components on SUS PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_AUC - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_AVL - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Vendor List Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_BID - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Bid Invitation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_CONF - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_CTR - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Contract Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_INV - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_PO - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Purchase Order Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_QUOT - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_SC - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Shopping Cart Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_SUSCONF - Tabular Customer Enhancements on SUS Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_SUSINV - Tabular Customer Enhancements on Invoice Header (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_CST_SUSPO - Tabular Customer Enhancements on SUS Purchase Order Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_AUC - Display-only SAP Internal Enhancements on Auction Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_AVL - Display-Only SAP Int. Enhancements on Vendor List Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_BID - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Bid Inv. Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_CONF - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Confirmation Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_CTR - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Contract Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_INV - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Invoice Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_PO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_QUOT - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SC - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SC Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SUSASN - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS ASN Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SUSCF - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS CF Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SUSINV - Display-Only SAP Int. Enhancements on Inv. Hdr (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SUSPCO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS PO Conf. Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWD_SUSPO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS PO Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_AUC - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Auction Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_AVL - SAP Int. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Vendor List Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_BID - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Inv. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_CONF - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Confirm. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_CTR - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Contract Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_INV - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Invoice Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_NON_DB - SAP Internal Non-Database Enhancement Fields for Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_NON_SW - Non-switched SAP Internal Enhancement Fields for Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_PCO - SAP-Internal Enhancements (IBU's) on Purch. Order Resp. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_PO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_QUOT - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SC - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SC Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SUSASN - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS ASN Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SUSCF - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS CF Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SUSINV - SAP Int. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Inv. Hdr (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SUSPCO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS PCO Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWF_SUSPO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS PO Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components on Header Level
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_AUC - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Auction Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_AVL - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Vendor List Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_BID - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Bid Invitation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_CONF - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_CTR - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Contract Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_INV - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_PO - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Purchase Order Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_QUOT - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_SC - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Shopping Cart Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_SUSCONF - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Compon. SUS Confirmation Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_SUSINV - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components SUS Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWS_SUSPO - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Compon. SUS Purchase Order Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT - SAP Internal Tabular Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_AUC - SAP Internal Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Auct. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_AVL - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs, and so on) on Vendor List Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_BID - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Inv. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_CONF - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Conf. Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_CTR - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Contract Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_INV - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Invoice Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_PO - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on PO Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_QUOT - SAP Int. Tab. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_SC - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on SC Header
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_SUSCONF - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on SUS Conf. Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_SUSINV - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on Inv. Hdr (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_HEADER_SWT_SUSPO - SAP Int. Tabular Enhanc. (IBUs, and so on) on SUS PO Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_HISTORY_CSF - Customer Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) for Flds in History
INCL_EEW_PD_HISTORY_SWF - SAP Int. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) for Flds in History
INCL_EEW_PD_INDEX_CSF - Customer Enhancements for Index Table for Contracts and AVLs
INCL_EEW_PD_INDEX_SWF - SAP Int. Enhancements for Index Table for Contract and AVLs
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_AUC - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_AVL - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_BID - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Bid Invitation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_CONF - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_CTR - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_INV - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_PO - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_QUOT - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SC - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SUSASN - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS ASN Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SUSCF - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SUSINV - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SUSPCO - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS PCO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSD_SUSPO - Display-Only Customer Enhancements to SUS Purch. Order Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF - Customer Enhancements for Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_AUC - Customer Enhancements for Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_AVL - Customer Enhancements for Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_BID - Customer Enhancements for Bid Invitation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_CONF - Customer Enhancements for Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_CTR - Customer Enhancements for Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_INV - Customer Enhancements for Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_NON_DB - Customer Procurement Document Enhancem. Fields for Items
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_PCO - Customer Enhancements on Purchase Order Response Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_PO - Customer Enhancements for PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_QUOT - Customer Enhancements for Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SC - Customer Enhancements for Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSASN - Customer Enhancements for SUS ASN Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSCF - Customer Enhancements for SUS CF Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSINV - Customer Enhancements for Invoice Item (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSPCO - Customer Enhancements for SUS PCO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_SUSPO - Customer Enhancements for SUS PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST - Tabular Customer Enhancements for item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST2 - Further Table Customer Enhancement on Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_AUC - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_AVL - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Supplier List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_BID - Table Customer Enhancement Components on RFx Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_CONF - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_CTR - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_INV - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_PO - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Purchase Order Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_QUOT - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_SC - Table Customer Enhancement Components on Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_SUSCON - Table Cust. Enhancement Components on SUS Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_SUSINV - Table Customer Enhancement Components on SUS Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSTS_SUSPO - Table Customer Enhancement Components on SUS PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_AUC - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_AVL - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_BID - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Bid Invitation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_CONF - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_CTR - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_INV - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_PO - Tabular Customer Enhancements for PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_QUOT - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_SC - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_SUSCONF - Tabular Customer Enhancements for SUS Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_SUSINV - Tabular Customer Enhancements for Invoice Item (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CST_SUSPO - Tabular Customer Enhancements for PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CWB_BID - Customer enhancements for Bid Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CWB_CTR - Customer enhancements for Contract Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CWB_PO - Customer enhancements for PO Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CWB_QUOT - Customer enhancements for quote Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWB_BID - SAP Internal enhancement for Bid Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWB_CTR - SAP Internal enhancement for Contract Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWB_PO - SAP Internal enhancement for Po Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWB_QUOT - SAP Internal enhancement for Quote Browse item structure
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_AUC - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements for Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_AVL - Display-Only SAP Int. Enhancements for Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_BID - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Bid Inv. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_CONF - Display-Only SAP Int. Enhancements on Conf. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_CTR - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_INV - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Invoice Hdr.
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_PO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_QUOT - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SC - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SC Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SUSASN - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS ASN Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SUSCF - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS CF Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SUSINV - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on Inv. Item (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SUSPCO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS PCO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWD_SUSPO - Display-Only SAP Internal Enhancements on SUS PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) for Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_AUC - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs) for Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_AVL - SAP Int. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) for Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_BID - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Inv. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_CONF - SAP Int. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Conf. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_CTR - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_INV - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Invoice Hdr
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_NON_DB - SAP Internal Procurement Document Enhancem. Fields for Items
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_NON_SW - Non-switched SAP Internal PD Enhancem. Fields for Items
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_PCO - SAP-Internal Enhancements on Purchase Order Response Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_PO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_QUOT - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SC - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SC Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SUSASN - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS ASN Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SUSCF - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS CF Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SUSINV - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on) on Inv. Itm (SUS)
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SUSPCO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs and so on) on SUS PCO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWF_SUSPO - SAP Internal Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on SUS PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components on Item Level
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_AUC - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_AVL - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_BID - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Bid Invitation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_CONF - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_CTR - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_INV - Internal Tabular Enhancement Components Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_PO - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Purchase Order Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_QUOT - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_SC - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_SUSCONF - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Compon. SUS Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_SUSINV - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Components SUS Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWS_SUSPO - Internal Tabular Enhancem. Compon. SUS Purchase Order Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT - SAP Internal Tabular Enhancements (IBUs and so on) Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_AUC - SAP Internal Tabular Enh. (IBUs and so on) on Auction Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_AVL - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs, and so on) on Vendor List Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_BID - SAP Int. Tab. Enhancemnts (IBUs, and so on) on Bid Inv. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_CONF - SAP Internal Tabular Enh. (IBUs and so on) on Conf. Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_CTR - SAP Internal Tab. Enhanc. (IBUs and so on) on Contract Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_INV - SAP Int. Tab. Enhancements (IBUs, and so on) on Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_PO - SAP Int. Tabular Enhancements (IBUs and so on) on PO Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_QUOT - SAP Internal Tab. Enh. (IBUs and so on) on Bid Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_SC - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs and so on) on Shopping Cart Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_SUSCONF - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs...) on SUS Confirmation Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_SUSINV - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs...) on SUS Invoice Item
INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_SWT_SUSPO - SAP Int. Tabular Enh. (IBUs...) on SUS Order Item
INCL_EEW_PD_PARTNER_CSF - Customer Enhancements to Partner in Doc.
INCL_EEW_PD_PARTNER_SWF - Internal SAP Enhancements (IBUs...) to Partner in Doc.
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_AUC - Cust.Enhancements in Auctn Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_BID - Cust.Enhancements in Bid Invitatn Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_CNF - Cust.Enhancements in Confirm. Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_CTR - Cust.Enhancements in Inv. Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_INV - Cust.Enhancements in Inv. Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_PCO - Cust. Enhancements on Purch. Order Resp. Hdr Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_PO - Customer Enhancements in PO Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_QUT - Cust. Enhancements in Bid Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_CSF_SC - Cust.Enhancements in Shoppg Cart Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_AUC - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Auctn Header: Search Res.
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_BID - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Bid Invitatn Header:Search Res.
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_CNF - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Confirm Header: Search Result
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_CTR - Sap-int. Ext. (IBUs...) - Contract Search Result
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_INV - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Inv. Header: Search Result
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_PO - SAP Internal Enh.(IBUs...) in PO Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_QUT - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Bid Header: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_HDR_SWF_SC - SAP Int. Enh.(IBUs...) in Shopping Cart Header: Search Res.
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_ITM_CSF_PCO - Cust. Enhancements on Purch. Order Resp. Itm Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_ITM_CSF_PO - Customer Enhancements in PO Item: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_ITM_CSF_SC - Cust.Enhancements in Shopping Cart Item: Search Result
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_ITM_SWF_PO - SAP Internal Enh. (IBUs...) in PO Item: Search Results
INCL_EEW_PD_SEARCH_ITM_SWF_SC - SAP Int. Enh. (IBUs...) in Shopping Cart Item: Search Res.
MIL_BBP_BDHGP - Help Structure for Program BBPRP_01
SCD_BBP_PDACC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDATT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDBEI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDCON - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDDEP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDDYN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDDYN_FIX - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDEXR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDFRT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDHCF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDICF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDIGP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDISB - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDISC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDISS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDLIM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDORG - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDPSET - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDSDLN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDS_CND_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDTAX - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDTOL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_BBP_PDWGT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_CRMD_ORDERADM_I - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_CRMD_PARTNER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
SCD_CRM_JEST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Local Purchase Order Tables SRM-EBP-POR

/SAPPSSRM/CANCEL_BO_HDR_FLG - cancel bo at hdr level flag
/SAPPSSRM/IDC - IDC types for Gov. Proc.
/SAPPSSRM/IDCPT - Transaction Types Relevant for Order Types
/SAPPSSRM/IDCT - Translations for IDC types table
/SAPPSSRM/IDC_S_DOC_FLOW_INDEX - Index document position against previous document position
/SAPPSSRM/STRUCT_TH_TYPNUM - Structure for Threshold Number and type
/SAPPSSRM/S_CANCEL_BO_HDR - Indicator for Cancel BO at Header level
/SAPPSSRM/S_CANCEL_BO_HDR_FLG - cancel bo at hdr level flag
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_GUARANTEED_MIN - Include Structure Gov. Proc. Guaranteed Minimum for PO
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_HEADER - Include Structure Gov. Proc. mixed contract types
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_ITEM - Include Structure Gov. Proc. IDC
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_ITEM_MIN - Include Structure Gov. Proc. IDC Minimum Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_ITEM_PO - Include Structure Gov. Proc. IDC Fields for PO
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_ITEM_PO_TRGT - Include Structure Gov. Proc. IDC Fields for PO
/SAPPSSRM/S_IDC_TYPE - Include Structure Gov. Proc. IDC Type field
/SAPPSSRM/S_PS_THRESHOLDS_ACC - Structure Threshold Type Description
/SAPPSSRM/S_THRES_CONS - Gov. Proc. Threshold Consumption
/SAPPSSRM/S_TH_ACC - Threshold fields for use with account assignment structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_TH_HEADER - Threshold related fields to be included on object header
/SAPPSSRM/S_TH_ITEM - Threshold fields for use with item and accounting structures
/SAPPSSRM/S_TH_ITEM_NONDB - Structure for Thresholds Non DB Fields
/SAPPSSRM/THHOMC - Homogeneous Categories for Thresholds
/SAPPSSRM/THHOMP - Assign Product Categories to Homogeneous Categories
/SAPPSSRM/THHOMT - Homogeneous Categories for Thresholds (Text Table)
/SAPPSSRM/THMSG - Message Types for Threshold Check
/SAPPSSRM/THOMPT - Product Category Descriptions
/SAPPSSRM/THRDET - Threshold Detail Consumption
/SAPPSSRM/THREST - Thresholds (Text Table)
/SAPPSSRM/THRSUM - Threshold Consumption
/SAPPSSRM/THTRAN - Transaction Types for Thresholds
/SAPPSSRM/TH_AMT - Amount by Threshold Type
/SAPPSSRM/TH_TYP - Threshold Types
/SAPPSSRM/TH_TYP_S - Threshold Type Sorted
/SAPPSSRM/TH_TYT - Threshold Types (Text Table)
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_HDR_ITM - Structur for Header / Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DIFFER_FIELDS - Contains the Fields that Differ Between Documents PO and POR
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_HEADER_U - Header Update Structure For Purchase Order
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_ITEM - PO Item to be displayed on the screen
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_ITEM_ICU - Structure for Update of Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_POR - Details of POR for a PO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_STATISTICS - Statistics data for an item
/SAPSRM/S_PLANT - Structure For Plant Details
/SAPSRM/S_PO_HISTORY - History buffering structure with reference guids of hdr/item
/SAPSRM/S_STORAGE_LOC - Storage Location
BBPS_PO_APP_OUTPUT - Global Output Control Parameters
BBPS_PO_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call of PO from WF etc.
BBPS_PO_EXT_CALL - External Call of PO from WF etc.
BBPS_PO_RESULT - Results of PO Search
BBPS_PO_UI_GLOBAL - Global Data for Purchase Order
BBPS_PO_UI_PARTNER_FUNCTIONS - Partner Functions and Short Description for Contract
BBPS_PO_WF_PARAMS - PO Workflow Fields
BBP_ATT_PRINT - Recording of Print-Processed Documents
PSSRM_S_TH_ACC - Threshold fields for use with acct details screen

SAP Public-Sector Functions Tables SRM-EBP-PPS

/SAPPSSRM/ACSPTR - Transaction Types Relevant for Account Assignment Split
/SAPPSSRM/ANTI_D - Anti-Deficiency Output Transfer Table
/SAPPSSRM/ATTACH - Attachment table for storing documents selected by the user
/SAPPSSRM/ATTRIBUTES - strute for attributes
/SAPPSSRM/CCDTLS - Database Table for Classification Code Details
/SAPPSSRM/CCD_T - Language Table for Class Code Detail.
/SAPPSSRM/CCNMBR - Database Table For Classification Code Number
/SAPPSSRM/CCN_T - Language Table for Class Code Numbers
/SAPPSSRM/CCRACT - Activate Central Customer Registration (CCR)
/SAPPSSRM/CPV_EXCEL - CPV excel type Structure
/SAPPSSRM/C_FD - Transaction Types Relevant for Future Date Posting
/SAPPSSRM/C_PARK - IBU-PS:Customizing-email notification - SRM document parking
/SAPPSSRM/C_UFD - Incremental Funding: Customizing for the Unfunded Acctg Line
/SAPPSSRM/DB_SYN - DocBuilder reference data
/SAPPSSRM/DM_ACC - Customizing Table Acct Assignment Category DM Scenario
/SAPPSSRM/DOBVER - SRM and Document Builder versions
/SAPPSSRM/DOCB_HEADER - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPPSSRM/DOCB_ROOT - Proxy Structure (generated)
/SAPPSSRM/DOCB_ROOT_VAR - Empty Docb root structure
/SAPPSSRM/EMAIL - IMG table for email addresses of recipients
/SAPPSSRM/FAUD - Database table for Audit Trail
/SAPPSSRM/FLPNID - Customizing table for mapping between LPN and FPDS ID
/SAPPSSRM/FPDSTR - Transaction Types Relevant for FPDS
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_APPL_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_COMPPR_INF0 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_FEE_RANGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_LEGIS_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_MARKET_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_NOTIFIC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_PROD_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_RFDCTR_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_CTR_RFQ_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_COMPPR_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_CONF_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_LEGIS_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_PAY_FORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_PROD_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_RFDCTR_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PO_RFQ_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PROD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PROD_CAT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PURCHASE_ORDER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_PURCHASING_CTR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_ERR_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_INFO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_INFO_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_OUTP_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FPDS_STATUS_WARN_MSG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/FTHRSH - Minimum Document Thresholds for FPDS Reporting
/SAPPSSRM/GMACTI - Activation of Fields Relevant for Guaranteed Minimum
/SAPPSSRM/GMWARN - Guaranteed Minimum Fulfillment Check
/SAPPSSRM/IF_CC - IBU PS: Incremental Funding - Active Comp Codes & Obj Types
/SAPPSSRM/IF_CCT - IBU PS: Company Code Descriptions for Incremental Funding
/SAPPSSRM/IF_PTY - IBU PS: Incremental Funding Process Types
/SAPPSSRM/MAPSRM - SRM-DocBuilder field mapping
/SAPPSSRM/MTDEST - Mutiple Destinations
/SAPPSSRM/NAV_PANEL - Navigation Panel
/SAPPSSRM/PAYMENT_TERMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/PROGSS_POPAYM - Structure for Purchase Order Payment History
/SAPPSSRM/PROGSS_POPAYM_SF - PO Payment History Smartform Structure
/SAPPSSRM/PROMTR - Procees Types (Transaction Types) Relevant for Prompt Pay
/SAPPSSRM/SCHDTS - Database Table for Schema Details
/SAPPSSRM/SCHD_T - Language Table for Schema Detail in Synopsis.
/SAPPSSRM/SCHPOR - Database Table for Schema for Purchasing Organisation
/SAPPSSRM/SCHP_T - Language Table for Schema purchasing organization for synops
/SAPPSSRM/SETASD - Set-Aside value table
/SAPPSSRM/SPACTI - Selective Release - Blocking Options by Company Code
/SAPPSSRM/SPCTR - Selective Release - Blocking Options for Funded Contracts
/SAPPSSRM/SPFSET - Selective Release - Blocking Options by Account
/SAPPSSRM/SPLSET - Selective Release Batch Report Field Status
/SAPPSSRM/SPPROC - Selective Release Process History
/SAPPSSRM/SP_LOG - Selective Release Batch Job Log Table
/SAPPSSRM/SYNOP - Synopsis Data
/SAPPSSRM/SYNOPS - Database Table for Synopsis
/SAPPSSRM/SYNOPSIS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/SYNOPSIS_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
/SAPPSSRM/SYNT - Synopsis Temporary Data Table
/SAPPSSRM/SYN_DB - Activate Document Builder Integration
/SAPPSSRM/SYN_T - Language Table For Synops Table
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACC_CAT_ERP - Account Assignment Category from Backend ERP
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACC_CAT_SRM - Account Assignment Category in SRM
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACC_FIELDS - Account assignment fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_ACTIVE_DOC_TYPE - Incremental funding status for a document type
/SAPPSSRM/S_APPLOG - DDIC structure for Application Log.
/SAPPSSRM/S_ATTACHMENTS_DISP - Display structure for Attachments
/SAPPSSRM/S_ATTACH_TABEXT_STRU - Attachment Table Extension Line
/SAPPSSRM/S_BALCLOSE - IBU PS DEF: BAL context Closeout Purchasing Documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_BAL_CONTEXT_CLOSE - IBU PS DEF: BAL context Closeout Purchasing Documents
/SAPPSSRM/S_BAPIEBAN - Selective Release BAPIEBAN structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_BBP_HDR_PPS - PPS: Header enhancement fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_BUDGETARY_LEDGER - IBU-PS: Structure for Budgetary Ledger's Posting Date (US)
/SAPPSSRM/S_CCNMBR - Classification Code Number
/SAPPSSRM/S_CCR_VENDOR_POC - CCR Vendor Points of Contact data from ERP
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_EXT_H - Structure for Extended PO History at CLL
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLL_INFU_HIST - Channel Logic Layer Struct for Incremental Funding History
/SAPPSSRM/S_CLOSE - IBU PS DEF: Closeout Purchasing Documents - work area
/SAPPSSRM/S_COB - Coding Block
/SAPPSSRM/S_COB_AD - Structure used by the FM Derivation Tool along with COBL
/SAPPSSRM/S_CPV_VOC - line type for CPV and VOC
/SAPPSSRM/S_DEF_BP_UI - GOVPROC business partner data on UI
/SAPPSSRM/S_DOCUMENT_TOTALS - Structure for Displaying Document Totals on Header Level
/SAPPSSRM/S_DOC_TOT_TAX_INFO - IBU-PS: Tax information for Document Totals
/SAPPSSRM/S_DYN_FIELDS - Structure with all fields of screen 0101
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPA - Commitment Plan Accounting Interface structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPADATA - Commitment Plan Accounting Interface data structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPH - Purchasing Contract
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPHDATA - Purchasing Contract data
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPI - Contract Commitment Plan Item Information (MM w/SRM fields)
/SAPPSSRM/S_EKCPIDATA - Contract Commitment Plan Item data Information (MM w/SRM)
/SAPPSSRM/S_EMF_SELSCREEN - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Structure of transaction S_P99_41000147
/SAPPSSRM/S_EXT_PO_HISTORY - Gov.Proc. Extended PO History Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_EXT_PO_HISTORY_R - Structure for Extended Purchase Order History
/SAPPSSRM/S_EXT_PO_HIST_ACT_CH - Changing Structure for Extended PO History Action in PDO
/SAPPSSRM/S_FAUD - Structure for Audit Trail table
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOAWARDNOTICE - FBO Award Notice Synopsis structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOBIAMENDPREVSOL - FBO Bid Inv-Amendment to Prev. Comb. Solicitation template
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOBICOMBSOL - Structure for FBO Combined Solicitation Notice
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOBIPRESOLNOTICE - Structure For PreSolicitation Notice
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOCOMMONFIELDS - Structure for FBO Common Fields.
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOMODPRESOLNOTICE - FBO Modification to a Previous Presolicitation Notice
/SAPPSSRM/S_FBOPOP - Structure For Place Of Performance.
/SAPPSSRM/S_FCRD_DOC - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Card Document: (Header) Data of Cash Desk
/SAPPSSRM/S_FCRD_KONT - IBUPS: Guar. Min. Card Doc: (Item) Accnt Assignm for FI Doc.
/SAPPSSRM/S_FISCAL_DATES - Structure of Fiscal Dates
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMCI - Structure for Commitment Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMFINCODE - Structure for Funds in Fund Management (FM)
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMFINCODE_BPD - Structure for Fund and Budget Period in Fund Management (FM)
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMR_IF_DET_SHORT - IBU PS: Guaranteed Min. Direct Input for Earm. F.: Item Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMR_INTERFACE - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Link Structure for FMFR data transfer
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMR_INTERFACE_DET - IBU: Guaranteed Min. Direct Input for Earm. F.: Item Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMR_INTERFACE_HEAD - Gov Proc: Guar. Min. Direct Input for Earmarked Funds: Head
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMSPLITS_DISTRIBUT - Distribution Fields of Account Assignment Splitting Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMSPLIT_RESULT_COB - Result data from Rule-Based Account Distributions (COBL)
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMSP_FIELD_PROFILE - Field in a field profile for Rule-Based Account Distribution
/SAPPSSRM/S_FMSP_FLD_PROF_FLDS - Field in a field profile for Rule-Based Account Distribution
/SAPPSSRM/S_FNDOPRECIPIENT - Structure for Recipient
/SAPPSSRM/S_FNDOUTPUTTEXT - Structure for the BODY of the mail
/SAPPSSRM/S_FPDS_KEY - FPDS Document key information
/SAPPSSRM/S_FUND_BPD - Structure for fund and budget period
/SAPPSSRM/S_FUTURE_HDR_DATA - Structure for Future Date
/SAPPSSRM/S_GENERICSYNOPSIS - Structure For Generic Synopsis
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC - IBU PS: Guar. Min. link table structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_AUX - Guar. Min. auxiliary fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Structure for Fields in Bid
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR_AUX - Guar. Min. Additional fields on Header Level
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR_BID - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Structure for Fields in Bid
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR_CTR - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Entry Level Indicatior for CTR Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR_PO - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Entry Level Indicatior for CTR Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_HDR_QUOT - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Fields in Quote Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_ITEM - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Structure for Fields in Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_ITEM_AUX - Guar. Min. Additional fields on item level.
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_ITEM_BID - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Structure for Fields in Bid Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACC_ITEM_QUOT - Guar. Min. Fields in Quote Item
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACTIONS - Structure for Guaranteed minimum
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ACTUALS - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Budget Display Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_FIELDS - Gov Proc: Guaranteed Header Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_HEADER_UI_WDC - Gov Proc: Guaranteed Minimum Header UI Web Dynpro
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_HEAD_UI_WDC - Gov Proc: Guaranteed Minimum Item UI Web Dynpro
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_INPUT - Guaranteed minimum - input fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ITEM_AUX_CTR - Guar. Min. Additional fields on item level.
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ITEM_AUX_PO - Guar. Min. Additional fields on item level.
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_ITEM_UI_WDC - PPS: Guaranteed Minimum Item UI Web Dynpro
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_UI - Guaranteed minimum - item data ui
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_WDC - Gov Proc: Guaranteed Minimum Web Dynpro
/SAPPSSRM/S_GM_WDC_FIELD_EXT - Guaranteed Minimum Web Dynpro
/SAPPSSRM/S_GUAR_MIN_QUOT - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Field in Quote
/SAPPSSRM/S_HITLIST_SHORT - Hitlist structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_IA1KBLP - IBU PS: Guar. Min. Add Fields for the KBLP Tables and Others
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_ACC_DIFF - Incremental Funding: Struc used to compare acc fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_ACC_FIELDS - Structure for Incremental Funding Accounting Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_ACTIVE_LINE - Incremental Funding: PO line with incremental funding active
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_ACT_ITEM_DATA - Line item data for the active version
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_HDR - Incremental Funding: INCLUDE structure for SC fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_HIST_BD - Incremental Funding: Basic Data for Funding History
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_HIST_DET - Incremental Funding: Funding History Details
/SAPPSSRM/S_INFU_ITEM - Incremental Funding fields on document item level
/SAPPSSRM/S_KBLK - Gov Proc: Guar. Min. Structure to access KBLK in Backend
/SAPPSSRM/S_KBLP - Gov Proc: Guar. Min. Document Item: Manual Document Entry
/SAPPSSRM/S_LDB_HDR_CTR - Header details for a contract
/SAPPSSRM/S_LDB_ITM_CTR - Item Details for Logical database
/SAPPSSRM/S_LDB_SUPL_CTR - Supplier Information
/SAPPSSRM/S_NONAVAIL_FIELDS - Structure for the list of non-available mandatory fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PARK_BO - Structure for park flag
/SAPPSSRM/S_PARK_BO_HDR - IBU-PS: Fields Used for Parking a Document
/SAPPSSRM/S_PARK_BO_POWL - Structure for park flag
/SAPPSSRM/S_PDO_DO_TE_C_BPSUPP - Procurement for Public Sector Data for Supplier
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_ACCOUNTING - Selective Release Structure for Accounting ALV
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_ACC_CALC - Selective Release Accounting Data for Calculator
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_BDGT_FILTER - Selective Release Budget Filter Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_FIL_PROCESS - Selective Release Data Structure for Processes
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_ITEM_LIST - Selective Release Structure for List output
/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_PDLIST - Selective Release Procdoc List Structure
/SAPPSSRM/S_POST_BO - Structure for FM Posting Period
/SAPPSSRM/S_PPS_ITEM_FIELDS - PPS: enhancement item fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PROMPT_PAY - Prompt Payment Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PROMPT_PAY_CTR - Prompt Payment Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PROMPT_PAY_PO - Prompt Payment Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_PS_PARK_ACTION - Structure for Park Action - GP
/SAPPSSRM/S_RANGE_FM_FIPEX - Structure for a range table for commitment items
/SAPPSSRM/S_RANGE_FM_FUND - Structure for a range table for FM funds
/SAPPSSRM/S_RMCLX1 - Public Sector: Enhancement Classification System
/SAPPSSRM/S_SCREENS_LIST - Line structure for Subscreen List including Template
/SAPPSSRM/S_SC_LINKS - Links for the SC
/SAPPSSRM/S_SELPROM_HDR - Selective Release-Specific Fields on Header
/SAPPSSRM/S_SELPROM_HDR_CTR - Selective Release-Specific Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_SELPROM_HDR_PO - Selective Release-Specific Fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_SELPROM_LOG - Selective Release: Release Log Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_SENDATTACH - Attachments to be sent via XI or Email
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYNOPSIS_NOTIF - Message Type for Synopsis.
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYNOPS_ACTION - Structure for Synopsis Action
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYNOPS_AUDIT_DATA - Structure for Synopsis Audit Data
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYN_ACTION_PDO_IMP - Import Structure for Synopsis Action Handler in PDO
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYN_HDR_DATA - Synopsis Header Data.
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYN_HDR_NON_DB - Synopsis Structure for Non DB fields
/SAPPSSRM/S_SYN_HDR_W_KEY - Synopsis Structure with Guid Key
/SAPPSSRM/S_VALUE_ITEM - Include Structure PR-Enhancement - Value Indicators for SC
/SAPPSSRM/S_VENMAP - Structure of table venmap
/SAPPSSRM/TGMACC - IBU PS: link table between Contract data and earmarked funds
/SAPPSSRM/TSUP - CPV Supplemental Codes
/SAPPSSRM/TSUP_T - CPV Supplemental Codes
/SAPPSSRM/T_SFW - PPS Switch assigments - to be switched off if not required
DOCUMENT_BUILDER_MESSAGE21 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
DOCUMENT_BUILDER_MESSAGE2_ATT1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
DOCUMENT_BUILDER_MESSAGE2_REF1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
DOCUMENT_BUILDER_MESSAGE_OUT21 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
DOC_B_XML_IN1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA14 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA17 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
PSSRM_ADS_THRES_EXC_PO - New field extensions in PO for thresholds
ROXE6G0136 - Message Type for Threshold exceeded situation
ROXE6G0138 - Homogenous Categories for Thresholds
ROXE6G0139 - Assign Product Categories to Homogeneous Categories.
ROXE6G0140 - Trans Types Relevant for Thresholds
ROXE6G0141 - Threshold type
ROXE6G0144 - Thresholds
ROXE6G0145 - Homogenous Categories for Thresholds (text table)
ROXE6G0146 - Thresholds (Text table)
ROXE6G0147 - Threshold Type (Text Table)
ROXE6G0151 - Generated Table for View PSSRM_V_TH_AMT
ROXE6G0152 - Generated Table for View PSSRM_V_TH_SUM
ROXE6G0155 - Generated Table for View PSSRM_V_TH_DET

SAP Procurement Card Tables SRM-EBP-PRC

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PCARD_HEADER - P-Card header information for reconcillation
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PC_INFO - Selected PCard info along with the user
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RECONCILE - Store detail to display on screen
BAPIPCADD - Procurement Card Statement: Address Data
BAPIPCGEN - Procurement Card Statements: General Data
BAPIPCLOG - Procurement Card Statement: Logistics Data
BAPIPCMAS - Procurement Card: Create Master Data
BAPIPCPOS - Procurement Card Statement: Position Data
BAPIPCTAX - Procurement Card: Tax Data
BAPIPCTOT - Procurement Card: Total Invoice Data
BBPACCFI - Accounting Interface CPD
BBPACCTX - Tax Data Document Segment
BBPPCGEN - Procurement Card Statements: General Data
BBPPCLOG - Procurement Card Statement: Logistics Data
BBPPCPOS - Procurement Card Statement: Position Data
BBPPCTAX - Procurement Card: Tax Data
BBPPCTOT - Procurement Card: Total Invoice Data
BBP_ACAP03 - copy of BAPIACAP03
BBP_ACCCR - Accounting Interface: Currency Information
BBP_ACCCR_FKEY - Key: Acctg Currency Data for Line Item Including Currency
BBP_ACCCR_KEY - Key: Accounting Currency Data for Line Item
BBP_ACCHD - Interface to Accounting: Header Information
BBP_ACCHD_KEY - Key: FI/CO Document Header
BBP_ACCIT - BBP ACCIT structure with external fields
BBP_ACCIT_KEY - Key: FI/CO Line Item
BBP_ACGL03 - copy of BAPIACGL03
BBP_ACHE03 - copy of BAPIACHE03
BBP_BAPIACGL02 - Posting in accounting from Materials Management: Item
BBP_BAPIACHE02 - Posting in FI/CO: Goods movement header
BBP_BAPIACPO00 - Posting in accounting: Purchase order (item)
BBP_CREDITOR - List of Creditors
BBP_PCACC - Procurement Card: Accounting Data
BBP_PCACC1 - Procurement Card: Accounting Data
BBP_PCBLO - Procurement Card: Blocking Reasons
BBP_PCBLOT - Procurement Card: Blocking Reason Description
BBP_PCCOM - Procurement Card Commitment Update Rule
BBP_PCEVENT - Events for PCards
BBP_PCGEN - Procurement Card Statements: General Data
BBP_PCIAC - Accounting Data for Procurement Card Company
BBP_PCLOG - Procurement Card Statement: Logistic data
BBP_PCMAS - Procurement Card Master Data
BBP_PCMOD - Procurement Card: Modified Statement Data
BBP_PCPOS - Procurement Card Statement: Position Data
BBP_PCSTA - Procurement Card: Status of Reconciliation
BBP_PCSTAT - Procurement Card: Status of Reconciliation Description
BBP_PCTAX - Procurement Card: Tax Data
BBP_PCTOT - Procurement Card: Total Invoice Data
BBP_PCTYP - Procurement Card Types
BBP_PCTYPT - Procurement Card Type Description
BBP_PC_CTG - Categories for enabling Procurement Card.
BBP_XFIELDS - Dummy Fields for Dev. Class BBP_PC
CBBP_PCACC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
E1ACT3C_BBP - Posting in FI/CO: Inbound invoice (currency fields taxes)
E1BPPCADD - Procurement Card Statement: Address data
E1BPPCADD1 - Procurement Card Statement: Address data
E1BPPCGEN - Procurement Card Statements: General Data
E1BPPCLOG - Procurement Card Statement: Logistics Data
E1BPPCMAS - P-Card master data create
E1BPPCPOS - Procurement Card Statement: Position Data
E1BPPCTAX - Procurement Card: Tax Data
E1BPPCTOT - Procurement Card: Total Invoice Data
PACRDLISTD - screen fields for bbp_pcard_getlist
PCARD1_ARIDX - Index table for single doc: access to bbp_pc_arc archives
PCARD_ARIDX - Index for single doc access fpr arc object bbp_pc_arc
RAM1 - test
TACODED - screen structure for bbp_taxcode_getlist

SAP Purchase Order Response Tables SRM-EBP-PRE

/SAPSRM/S_ACCEPT_STAT_CODE - Acceptance Status code
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_DISP_RECONCILE - Structure for item
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PCARD_HEADER - CLL structure for p card header
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PC_H_IDENT - Header identification area structure
/SAPSRM/S_ITEM_TYPE - Structure for Item Type
/SAPSRM/S_PCO_ITM_LIST - PDO Structure for PCO item list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PCO_ITM_DTLS - PDO item Details for POR (PCO & PO)
BBPS_PCO_APP_OUTPUT - Global Output Control Parameters
BBPS_PCO_EXTERNAL_CALL - External Call of Purchase Order Response from WF, ...
BBPS_PCO_EXT_CALL - External Call of Purch. Order Conf. from Other Application
BBPS_PCO_UI_GLOBAL - Global Data for Purchase Order Response
BBPS_PCO_WF_PARAMS - Purchase Order Conf.: Workflow Fields
BBPS_PDH_SCREEN_SDLN_COMP - Structure Screen Comparison Schedule Lines PO and PCO
BBP_PCO_UI_SCREEN_SETTINGS - Screen Control Settings for Purchase Order Response
BBP_PDH_PCO_SCREEN_ITEMS - Screen Structure for Purchase Order Response: Item Overview
BBP_PDH_PCO_SCREEN_ITEM_D - Screen Structure for Purchase Order Response

SAP Product Master Data Tables SRM-EBP-PRO

BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE_ECI - BAPI Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item
BAPIEBANC_ECI - Transfer Structure Create PReq. - Item + ECI
BAPIEKBE_ECI - Transfer Structure for PO History + ECI
BAPIEKPOC_ECI - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - PO Item + ECI
BAPIEKPO_ECI - Transfer Structure Display/Lists - PO Item + ECI
BAPIESLLC_ECI - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
BAPIESLL_ECI - Communications Structure Service Row + ECI
BAPIRESBC_ECI - Transfer Structure Create - Reservation Item + ECI
BAPI_PRD_SX_BBPM_PR_GENERAL - X Transfer Structure for Product BBPM_PR_GENERAL
BAPI_PRD_S_BBPM_PR_GENERAL - IF Product Purchasing: Data Fields
BBPCOBL_ECI - Electronic Commerce: Part of COBL + ECI
BBPD_PCH_IDX - Database Table with Hierarchy Index
BBPD_PCH_IDX_MTA - Database Table with Index Metadata
BBPM_PRGENERAL - Product - Purchasing Set
BBPM_PRGENERALH - General Purchasing Data on Product (History)
BBPS_BMATN_ECI - Backend Material Number with ECI Structure
BBPS_ECI_META_APPEND - Enhancement Strucure for META Modules with ECI Connection
BBPS_MTCOM_ECI - R/3 Structure for Mat. Master Communication with ECI Struct.
BBPS_PCH_CHILDREN - Structure for Category-Parent Category Relationship
BBPS_PCH_HIERARCHY_INDEX - Structure for Hierarchy Index Table
BBPS_PCH_HIERARCHY_INDEX_META - Structure for Hierarchy Index Table
BBPS_PCH_LOG - Context Data for PCH Application Log
BBPS_PRODUCT_MAP_IN - ECI: Mapping for Product ID Inbound Parameters
BBPS_PRODUCT_MAP_INTERNAL - Internal List of Products to be Mapped
BBPS_PRODUCT_MAP_OUT - ECI: Mapping for Product ID Outbound Parameters
BBPS_SET_GUID32 - List of Set GUIDs
BBPT_BBPM_PR_GENERAL_MAINTAIN - Transfer Structure for Product API
BBPT_BBPM_PR_GENERAL_UI - UI Structure General Material Data
BBPT_PRGENERAL - General Purchasing Data
BBPT_PRGENERALH - Purchasing Data (History)
BBPT_PRGENERALX - Update Structure General Purchasing Data
BBPT_PRGENERAL_DATA - General Purchasing Data on Product
BBPT_PRGENERAL_DATA_UI - General Purchasing Data Data Part
BBPT_PRGENERAL_MAINTAIN - Transfer Structure for Product API
BBPT_PRODUCT_PURCHASE_API_EXP - Purchasing Data on Product
BBP_BAPIPOGN_ECI - Transfer Structure: Determine Procurement Transaction: Item
BBP_DRSEG_ECI - PO Item Data for Invoice Verification - META + ECI
BBP_ECIDUMMY_MAP - Mapping Table for Test Module for ECI Simulation
BBP_PRCHECK_TREE - Tree Structure
REQLINEMA_ECI - Temporary Line Data - Purch.Req. MRO Lines + ECI
REQLINESR_ECI - Temporary Line Data - Purch. Req. Services + ECI

SAP RFx Response Tables SRM-EBP-QUO

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_BDR_DETAIL - Bidder Contact Information - Purchaser View
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_BIDDER_INFO - Information of Bidder and Contact Person
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_COMPLEX_VAL - Structure for storing item values for complex price quotatio
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_HDR_DETAILS - Quote Header details as required by Bid comparison
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_HEADER - PDO Quote Header Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_HEADER_ADDI - Additional Header Data Required by UI
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_ITEM - PDO Quote Item Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_META_HDR - PDO Quote Additional Fields for Meta Data - Header
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_META_ITM - PDO Quote Fields for Meta Data - Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_PARTNER_FCT - Range structure for partner function
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_REF_LIST - structutre pdo ref list
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTE_SUMMARY - Structure for Bid Summary UI
DOWNLOAD_DOCUMENTS - List of Documents To Be Exported
EXCELZEILE - Contents of an Excel Row: Cells Separated By Tab (chr9)
PARTNER_INFO - Partner Information (GUID, FCT, etc.)

SAP Reporting Tables SRM-EBP-REP

/SAPSRM/C_REP_MX - Defining maximum number of records
/SAPSRM/C_REP_SV - Search: Service Customizing
/SAPSRM/INCL_EEW_REPO_SRCRIT - Include Search Criterion Structure for OLTP Reporting
/SAPSRM/S_ACTIVE_BID_BI_DATA - BI data for active bidder Graphs
/SAPSRM/S_ASL_CHART_TYPE - Active Bidders Chart types
/SAPSRM/S_ASL_DATA_AVAILABLE - Data Available flag - used in Active bidder wiring
/SAPSRM/S_ASL_TIMEFRAME - timeframe for active bidder selection
/SAPSRM/S_ASL_VENDOR_EVAL_CRIT - Supplier Evaluation Criteria for Active Supplier List Graph
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_CND_COMPL_DET - Structure for condition compliance
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_MAPPER_CTRCOMPL - Structure for contract compliance
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_PROC_VAL_ANA_MP - Procurement value analysis mapper structure
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SPEND - Spend structure
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SPEND_MP - Spend structure
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SPEND_VR2 - Contract Spend Structure in EhP2
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SUP_SPEND - spend for supplier
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_SUP_SPEND_1 - spend for supplier
/SAPSRM/S_CHIP_UI_CTRCOMPL - Structure for contract compliance on UI
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_UI_SPEND_SERIES - Series Elements Spend
/SAPSRM/S_CTR_UI_SPEND_VALUE - Values Under Points
/SAPSRM/S_MAPPER_CTR_MAV_BUY - Maverick Buy Chip Structure
/SAPSRM/S_MAPPER_SUP_MAV_BUY - Maverick Buy Chip Structure
/SAPSRM/S_MAPPER_SUP_PARET_ANA - Pareto Analysis Supplier
/SAPSRM/S_PGRP_DATA_VR2 - Purchasing Groups (with Structure Info)
/SAPSRM/S_PORG_DATA_VR2 - Purchasing Organization
/SAPSRM/S_PROCVAL_POINT - Procurement Value
/SAPSRM/S_PROD_CAT_GRAPH - Structcure for producat category in SOCO Analytics
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_ACC - Account Assignment
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_AUTH_CHECK - Reports Authorization Check
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_OVS_CODELIST - Structure for OVS codelist
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_PARTNER - Business Partner
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_RANGE_BPFCT - Range for Partner Function
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_RANGE_BPGUID - Range for Partner Guid
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_RANGE_DESCR - Range for Description
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_RANGE_TSTMP - Range for Time Stamp for short form
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SEARCH_FIELDS - Search Fields for OLTP Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SEARCH_INTERNAL - Search Structure for Base Search
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_AUCI - Search Result Structure for Auction Audit Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_CFI - Search Result Structure of Confirmation Status Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_CTRH - Search Result Structure for Contract Header (Supplier)
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_CTRI - Search Result Structure for Contract Item (Product)
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_HEADER - Search Result Structure of Document Header Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_ITEM - Search Result Structure of Document Item Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_PDBEI - Search Result Structure for BBP_PDBEI
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_PDHGP - Search Result Structure of BBP_PDHGP
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_PDIGP - Search Result Structure for BBP_PDIGP
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_POH - Search Result Structure of Purchase Order Header Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_POI - Search Result Structure of Purchase Order Details Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_RFQI - Search Result Structure for RFQ Quotation Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_SCH - Search Result Structure of Shopping Cart Header Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_SCI - Search Result Structure of Shopping Cart Item Report
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_STATUS_TEXT - Status with corresponding text
/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SUPPLIER - Supplier Details
/SAPSRM/S_RFX_AVG_CYCLE_TIME - Structure for RFX Average cycle time
/SAPSRM/S_RFX_AVG_TIME_PCAT - Structure for RFX Average cycle time on Product category
/SAPSRM/S_RFX_AVG_TIME_PGRP - Structure for RFX Average cycle time on Purchasing Group
/SAPSRM/S_RFX_AVG_TIME_PORG - Structure for RFX Average cycle time on Proc. Org
/SAPSRM/S_RFX_STATUS_REP - Status Report for RFx
/SAPSRM/S_SELECTED_ITEM - Structure for selected item
/SAPSRM/S_SEL_CAT_VISITED - Selection categories visited
/SAPSRM/S_SEL_CRIT_RANGE - Selection Criterion Range table
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_ANLY_GRAPH - Structcure for producat category in SOCO Analytics
/SAPSRM/S_SUP_CHIP_TIMECOMPL - Structure for UI for Sup Time Compliance
/SAPSRM/S_SUP_DETAILS - Supplier details
/SAPSRM/S_SUP_TOP_VEN - TOP 15 Suppliers
/SAPSRM/S_TIMELINE_CTRCOMPL - Structure for timeline for contract compliance
/SAPSRM/S_TIME_COMPL - Time Compliance for Suppliers
/SAPSRM/S_TIME_COMPL_TABLE - Dsiplay data in table from sup delivry time comp
/SAPSRM/S_TIME_SUP_UI_COMPL - Structure for mapper of time compliance in supplier cockpit
BBPHIERHEA - Extract Structure for Hierarchy Header Bid Invitation
BBPHIERNOD - Extract Structure Hierarchy Node Bid Invitation
BBPS_BUYER_BW - Buyer: Extraction Structure for bbp_v_buyer
BBPS_BUYER_BW_TEXT - Buyer: Extraction Structure for bbp_v_buyer
BBPS_BW_DOCFLOW_H - BW Extract Structure of Object Linkages in EBP (Head)
BBPS_BW_DOCFLOW_I - BW Extract Table of Object Linkages in EBP (Item)
BBPS_BW_DOCREL_H - BW Extract Structure of Object Linkages in EBP (Head)
BBPS_BW_DOCREL_I - BW Extract Table of Object Linkages in EBP (Item)
BBPS_BW_PD_ITEM - Item Structure Procurement Document and Parent Number
BBPS_BW_SC_EXTRACT_1 - Extract Structure for Shopping Basket 1 Regarding PD Tables
BBPS_BW_SC_EXTRACT_2 - Output Structure of Function Module BBP_BW_SC_SELECT_1
BBPS_BW_SC_EXTRACT_3 - Output Structure of Function Module BBP_BW_SC_SELECT_1
BBPS_BW_SC_EXTRACT_4 - Output Structure of Function Module BBP_BW_SC_SELECT_1
BBPS_BW_SC_SUPEREXTRACT_1 - Output Structure of Function Module BBP_BW_SC_SELECT_1
BBPS_IMREAT - BW Extract Structure: Reason Text for Reason Code (CONF)
BBPS_IVREAT - BW Extract Structure: Reason Text for Reason Code (INV)
BBPT_ADRC_BW - Extractor Structure for BW
BBPT_BUPA_VENDNO_BW - BW Extraction: Mapping Business Partner - Vendor
BBPT_BUS_ADRC_BW - SAP-BP: Extraction Structure Standard Address Bus.Partner
BBPT_LOCMAP_BW - BW Extraction: Mapping Business Partner - Location
BBPT_MAT_PR_ATTR_BW - Ex. Structure DataSource 0BBP_MAT_PR_ATTR
BBPT_PR_MAT_ATTR_BW - Ex. Structure for DataSource 0BBP_PR_MAT_ATTR
BBP_ACR_CO - Transfer Structure for Create Asset, Component Page
BBP_BID_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Bid Invitation
BBP_BW_DELTAMGNT - BBP BW: Data Extraction, Table for Delta Management
BBP_BW_SC_EXTRACT1 - Extract Structure for Analyses of Shopping Carts
BBP_BW_TIMESTAMP - Time Stamp for Delta Handling (Data Transfer EBP -> BW)
BBP_COD_CO - Transfer Structure for CO Data, B2B Reporting
BBP_CONF_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Confirmation
BBP_CTR_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Transaction Data Purchase Contract
BBP_INV_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Invoice
BBP_PHIE_CHABASNM - BW: InfoObject for Hierarchy
BBP_PO_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Purchase Order
BBP_QUOT_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Bid
BBP_QUOT_DYN_BW_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Movement Data SAP BBP Bid
BBP_REQ_EXTRACT_H - Extract Structure for Analyses of Shopping Carts
BBP_REQ_EXTRACT_I - Extract Structure for Analyses of Shopping Carts
BBP_RP_MM_DATA - Transfer Structure for MM Component Data, BBP Reporting
BBP_SC_A_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Trans. Data SAP EBP Shopping Cart
BBP_SC_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extraction Structure: Trans. Data SAP EBP Shopping Cart
BBP_WAP_PO_LINES - Output Structure for Mini Reporting, WAP Application
BWE_ACCNO_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_ACTIVITY_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_ASSET_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_ASSUB_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_BBP_ACC_TYPE - Text Extract for Account Assignment Category
BWE_BBP_ORGUNIT - Attribute Extract for OrgUnit
BWE_BBP_PURCHGRPS_R3 - Extract Structure for R\3 PurchGrps with Counterpart in EBP
BWE_BBP_PURCHORGS_R3 - Extract Structure for R\3 PurchOrgs with Counterpart in EBP
BWE_BBP_TAX_CODE - Extract Structure for Tax Code Texts
BWE_BIDDER - Attribute Extract for Bidder
BWE_BPART_ATTR - SAP-BP: Extraction Structure for BUT000
BWE_BUS_AREA_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_CATALOGID_TEXT - Text Extract for Catalog ID
BWE_CMMT_ITEM_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_COSTCTR_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_CO_AREA_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_FUNC_AREA_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_FUNDS_CTR_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_FUND_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_NETWORK_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_ORDERNO_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_PCARD_TEXT - Text Extract for Procurement Card Company
BWE_PCINS_TEXT - Text Extract for Procurement Card Company
BWE_PROCTYPE_TEXT - Text Extract for Transaction Type
BWE_PROFIT_CTR_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_SDDOC_ITEM_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_SDDOC_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
BWE_STATUS_TEXT - Text Extract for Status
BWE_WBS_TEXT - Text Extraktor for MarketSet Procurement
ROXA4C0117 - Survey: Receiv. Attributes
ROXA4C0118 - Subobject Categories: Text
ROXA4C0126 - Generated Table for View BBP_V_LOCMAP
ROXA4C0127 - Generated Table for View BBP_V_LOCMAP
ROXA4C0128 - Generated Table for View BBP_V_LOCMAP
ROXA4C0157 - Generated Table for View BBPV_BW_PART_VEN
ROXA4C0158 - Generated Table for View BBPV_BW_PART_LOC
ROXA4C0159 - Generated Table for View BBPV_BW_PART_CON
SELECT_ASSET - Select Options for Asset (Account Assignment)
SELECT_BE_LOG_SYS - Select Options for Logical System of Logistics Backend
SELECT_BE_OBJ_ID - Select Options for Obj. ID of Follow-on Doc. in BackendSyst.
SELECT_BE_OBJ_TYPE - Select Options for Object Type of Follow-on Doc. in BE Syst.
SELECT_CATALOG - Select Options for Catalog ID
SELECT_CATEGORYID - Select Options for Category ID
SELECT_COSTCTR - Select Options for Cost Center
SELECT_CREATED_BY - Select Options for the User Name of the Creator
SELECT_DATE - Select Options for Date
SELECT_DOC_NAME - Select Options for the Name of the Shopping Cart
SELECT_MATNR - Select Options for Product Number
SELECT_NETWORK - Select Options for Network
SELECT_ORDER - Select Options for Order
SELECT_PROC_GRP - Select-Options for Purchasing Group
SELECT_PROC_ORG - Select Options for Purchasing Organization
SELECT_PRODNR - Select Options for Product Number
SELECT_PSPELT - Select Options for WBS Element
SELECT_REQNAME - Select Options for the Name of the Requester
SELECT_REQ_NAME - Select Options for the Name of the Requester
SELECT_SC_ID - Select Options for Shopping Cart Number
SELECT_SHORT_TEXT - Select Options for Item Short Text
SELECT_STAT - Select Options for Status
SELECT_VENDOR - Select Options Name Vendor / Business Partner
SRM_BIDDER_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - Extract. Structure: SAP BBP Movement Data Bidder of Bid Inv.
SRM_CTR_LN_BW_GET_TD_STRUC - BW Extraction Structure of Central Contract Linkages in SRM
SRM_STRUC_QUOT_ATTR_TEXT - Structure for Text Extraction of Dynamic Attributes Bid
SRM_VEGUID_ATTR_BW_STRUC - Extract. Struct.: MasterData Attributes for VendorEvaluation

SAP Integration with SAP Records Management Tables SRM-EBP-RMS

/SAPPSSRM/PATH - Userpath to PC
/SAPPSSRM/SCENAR - Active scenario
/SAPPSSRM/SCREENS_S_USER - Structure for user
/SAPPSSRM/SEMCLS - Semantic classification for AL docs and Content Rep. Id
/SAPPSSRM/S_APPL_LOG_CONTEXT - Context structure for application log
/SAPPSSRM/S_ATTACH - Structure for identification of SRM attachments
/SAPPSSRM/S_ATTRIBUTES - Structure for search attributes
/SAPPSSRM/S_GUID_NUMINT - Structure for GUID and internal number for SRM items
/SAPPSSRM/S_GUID_NUMINT_ITEM - Structure for GUID and internal number for SRM items
/SAPPSSRM/S_HITLIST_COPY - Hit list structure for SRM objects
/SAPPSSRM/S_TBL1024 - Raw1024 structure
/SAPPSSRM/TRANS - Define Transfer Status

SAP Shopping Cart with Limit Tables SRM-EBP-SCL


SAP Shopping Cart Tables SRM-EBP-SHP

/SAPSRM/D_SAV_VA - Database table for saving user variants
/SAPSRM/SOS_CHK - Table for default Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ATTR_LIST - Buffering user attributes and values
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARTNERKEY - Business Partner Key
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARTNER_PCARD - Procurement Card of Business Partner
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_DEF_SETTING - purchase order default settings
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_DEF_SET_ALV - ALV table structure for purchase order default settings
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PROC_SUBST - Structure for Procurement Substitute (User Account)
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_ID - Contains data, if an RFX had been updated by a SC items
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_INFO - Contains data, if an RFX had been updated by a SC items
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_BIDDER - Service Procurement: Assigned bidder
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_BIDDER_LIST - Service Procurement: List of possible bidder
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC - Service Procurement: Item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_ITMA - Service Procurement: flat / limit item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_LIMIT - Service Procurement: Limit item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_PL_ITEM - Service Procurement: planned item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_SOS - Service Procurement: Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR_ITM - Structur for Header / Item List
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SC_HDR_ITM_VALI - Structur for Header / Item Validation Request List
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_PRVDR_LIST - Service Procurement: Service agents
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_USER_VARIANTS - Structure for user variants
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_VARIANTS_KEY - Key of database table to save variants
BAPIADDRESS40B - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses 40B
BAPIEBAN31I - Transfer Structure: Display/List Requisition Item
BAPIEBAN40B - Transfer Structure: Read Purchase Requistion 40B
BAPIEBANC40B - Transfer Structure: Create Requisition Item
BAPIEBKN31I - Transfer Structure: Create/Display Requisition Acct Assgt
BAPIEBKN40B - Transfer Structure: Create/Display Requisition Acct Assgt
BAPIEKBE31I - Transfer Structure: Purchase Order History 31I
BAPIEKBES31I - Transfer Structure: Purchase Order History: Totals 31I
BAPIEKET31I - Transfer Structure: Display/List Order Item Sched. Line 31I
BAPIEKET40B - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Schedule
BAPIEKKN40B - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Account Assignment
BAPIEKKN_EBP - Transfer Structure Account Assignment
BAPIEKKOA40 - Transfer Structure: PO Header Additional Data
BAPIEKKOL31I - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Header with Vendor Name
BAPIEKKOL40B - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Header with Vendor Name
BAPIEKPO31I - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Item
BAPIEKPO40B - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Item
BAPIEKPOC31I - Transfer Structure: Create/List PO Item 31I
BAPIEKPOC31I1 - Transfer Structure: Create/List PO Item 31I
BAPIEKPOC40B - Transfer Structure: Create/List PO Item 40B
BAPIEKPOD - PO Items for Deletion
BAPIERRORS31I - Transfer Structure: Processing Errors
BAPIESLL40B - Communication Structure: Service Line 40B
BAPIESLLC40B - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
BAPIRETURN31I - Return Parameter for BAPIs from 31I
BAPISOSY31I - Transfer Struct. for Supply Sources Search: for 3.1I + 4.0B
BBPEKPOC45B - Transfer Structure/Lists - Purchase Order Item 45B
BBPEKPOC46B - Transfer Structure Create/Lists - Purchase Order Item 46B
BBPSADDR3 - BBP Reference Structure for Addr. (Contact Pers.)
BBPS_BADI_BE_PO_CREATE_OLD - Purchase Order: Document Data for BAdI Release-Independent
BBPS_BADI_BE_RQ_CREATE_OLD - Purch. Req.: Document Data for BADI Release-Independent
BBPS_BADI_BE_RS_CREATE_OLD - Reservation: Document Data for BAdI Release-Independent
BBPS_BADI_CTRL_ATTACHMENT - Create Attachment in Backend
BBPS_BADI_CTR_F4_HELP - Transfer Structure for Contract fields in CTR F4 Help
BBPS_BADI_EXTENSION - Trans.Structure for BAPI Parameter ExtensionIn/ExtensionOut
BBPS_BADI_LIMIT - Transfer Structure Limit for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO - Backend Purch. Order: Document Data BAPI_PO_CREATE/CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ACCOUNT - Account Assignment Fields for Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ACCOUNTX_1 - Change Parameter Acct Assgnmt PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ACCOUNT_1 - Account Assignment Fields for PO BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ADDRESS - Purchase Order - Address for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ADDR_DELIV - Purchase Order - Address for Delivery BAPI_PO_CREATE + 1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ADDR_VENDOR_1 - PO Header: Address for Vendor BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_CONDX_1 - Change Parameter: Conditions Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_COND_1 - Conditions in Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_COND_HEADERX_1 - Change Parameter Conditions PO Header BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_CREATE - Backend Purchase Order: Document Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_CREATE1 - Backend Purchase Order: Document Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER - Header Data of Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADERX_1 - Change Parameter: Purchase Order Header Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER_1 - Header Data of Purchase Order BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER_ADD_DATA - Purchase Order Header-Additional Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER_EXPIMPX_1 - Change Paramtr Foreign Trade: Export/Import BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER_EXPIMP_1 - Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_HEADER_TECH - Purchase Order Header-Tech. Header Fields for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM - Purchase Order Items for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_1 - Purchase Order Item for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_ADD_DATA - Purchase Order Item-Additional Data for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_EXPIMPX_1 - Change Parameter Foreign Trade: Item Data BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_SCHEDULE - Display/List - PO Delivery Schedule Line for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_TEXT - Purchase Order Item Text for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_PO_ITEM_TEXT_1 - Purchase Order Item Text for BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_PARTNER - Purchase Order Partner Roles BAPI_PO_CREATE + 1
BBPS_BADI_PO_SCHEDULEX_1 - Change Parameter for PO Delivery Sched. Line BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_PO_SCHEDULE_1 - Fields for PO Delivery Sched. Lines BAPI_PO_CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_RQ - Backend Purchase Requisition BAPI_RES...CREATE / CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_RQ_ACCOUNT - Transf. Struct. Acct Assigns for Purch. Req. Item in Spool.
BBPS_BADI_RQ_ADDR_DELIVERY - Transfer Structure for Purchase Requisition in Spooler
BBPS_BADI_RQ_CREATE - Backend Purchase Requisition BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BADI_RQ_ITEM - Transfer Structure for Purchase Requisition Items in Spooler
BBPS_BADI_RQ_ITEM_TEXT - Transfer Structure Texts for Purch. Req. Item in Spooler
BBPS_BADI_RS - Backend Reservation: Doc. Data BAPI_RES...CREATE / CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_RS_CREATE - Backend Reservation Document Data for BAPI_RES...CREATE
BBPS_BADI_RS_CREATE1 - Backend Reservation: Document Data for BAPI_RES...CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_RS_HEADER_CREATE - Create - Reservation Header for BAPI_RES...CREATE
BBPS_BADI_RS_HEADER_CREATE1 - Create - Reservation Header for BAPI_RES...CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_RS_ITEM_CREATE - Create - Reservation Item for BAPI_RES...CREATE
BBPS_BADI_RS_ITEM_CREATE1 - Create - Reservation Item for BAPI_RES...CREATE1
BBPS_BADI_SERVICE_ACCOUNT - Acct Assgnmt Distribution Service Item for BAPI_PO_CREATE
BBPS_BAPIEKES - Transfer Structure: Display/List - Vendor Confirmation
BBPS_BAPIEKET - Transfer Structure: Display/List PO Schedule
BBPS_BAPIEKKOTX - Transfer Structure: Create PO Header Text
BBPS_CONF_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Confirmation Change Case Interface
BBPS_CONF_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Confirmation Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBPS_CTR_HEADER_BADI - Creating or Changing of Contract Header Data
BBPS_CTR_ITEM_BADI - Contract Item Data Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBPS_CTR_PA_NOV_BADI - Header Data Contract Partner for BADI (BBP_CTR_NOVATION_ICC)
BBPS_FILTER_CHECK_BADI - Structure for the Filter Value of Document Check BAdIs
BBPS_FILTER_SAVE_BADI - Structure for the Filter Value of Document Check BAdIs
BBPS_POADDRDELIVERY_40 - Order Item: Address Structure for Delivery Address
BBPS_POADDRDELIVERY_45 - Order Item: Address Structure for Delivery Address
BBPS_POADDRDELIVERY_46 - Order Item: Address Structure for Delivery Address
BBPS_PRODUCT_BADI - Product Structure used in BAdI
BBPS_PURCHTEAM_ASSIGNMENT - do NOT use! Purchasing Team<->User Assignment
BBPS_PURCHTEAM_TEXT - do NOT use! BBP Team Purchasing Text (language dependent)
BBPS_REQLINESR - Extended Temporary Line Data Purchase Requisition Service
BBPS_REQLINESR_ECI - Extended Temporary Line Data Purchase Requisition Service
BBPS_RQADDRDELIVERY_40 - Purch. Requisition Item: Address Structure for Del. Address
BBPS_RQADDRDELIVERY_45 - Purch. Requisition Item: Address Structure for Del. Address
BBPS_RQADDRDELIVERY_46 - Purch. Requisition Item: Address Structure for Del. Address
BBPS_SCL_CHECKLIST - Line of Checklist for Lean Shopping Cart
BBPS_SCL_CHECKLIST_JCO - Line of Checklist for Lean Shopping Cart
BBPS_SCL_HEADER - Lean Shopping Cart Header Data
BBPS_SCL_LIMIT - Interface Data for Lean Shopping Cart
BBPS_SCL_LIMIT_TEST - Interface Data for Lean Shopping Cart
BBPS_SCL_PRODUCT - Lean Shopping Cart Product Data
BBPS_SCL_TA_ATTR - Transaction Attributes for Lean Shopping Cart
BBPS_SC_APP_ACCOUNT - Shopping Cart: Account Assignment
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTACH - Shopping Cart: Attachments
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTRIBUTES - Shopping Cart: Attribute Values
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTR_BSA - Shopping Cart: Attribute Value for Document Type
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTR_BUK - Shopping Cart: Attribute Value for Company Code
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTR_BWA - Shopping Cart: Attribute Value for Movement Type
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTR_LAG - Shopping Cart: Attribute Value for Storage Location
BBPS_SC_APP_ATTR_WRK - Shopping Cart: Attribute Value for Plant
BBPS_SC_APP_AVAILABILITY - Shopping Cart: Availability
BBPS_SC_APP_CATALOG - Shopping Cart: Catalogs
BBPS_SC_APP_CONFIRM - Shopping Cart: Confirmation
BBPS_SC_APP_COPY_FAVO - Shopping Cart: Data Copied from Favorites
BBPS_SC_APP_DOCUMENT - Shopping Cart: Document Data
BBPS_SC_APP_EXPORT - Event Dispatcher: Export Parameters
BBPS_SC_APP_FIELD_ATTRIBUTES - Shopping Cart: Field Attributes
BBPS_SC_APP_GLOBAL - Shopping Cart: Defaults
BBPS_SC_APP_HEADER - Shopping Cart: Header
BBPS_SC_APP_IMPORT - Event Dispatcher: Import Parameters
BBPS_SC_APP_INPUT - Shopping Cart: Additional Import Parameters for FM Call
BBPS_SC_APP_ITEM - Shopping Cart: Item Data
BBPS_SC_APP_ITM_REL - Shopping Cart: Document Flow
BBPS_SC_APP_LIMIT - Shopping Cart: Limit
BBPS_SC_APP_MESSAGES - Shopping Cart: Messages
BBPS_SC_APP_ORG - Shopping Cart: Org.Data
BBPS_SC_APP_PARTNER - Shopping Cart: Partner
BBPS_SC_APP_PRIDOC - Shopping Cart: Document Conditions
BBPS_SC_APP_PT - Team Purchasing: A Purchasing Team
BBPS_SC_APP_PT_ASSIGNMENT - Purchasing Team<->User Assignment
BBPS_SC_APP_PT_TEXT - BBP Team Purchasing Text (language dependent)
BBPS_SC_APP_SOS - Shopping Cart: Source of Supply
BBPS_SC_APP_STATUS - Shopping Cart: Status
BBPS_SC_APP_TAX - Shopping Cart: Tax
BBPS_SC_APP_TEXT - Shopping Cart: Long Texts
BBPS_SC_APP_USER_DATA - Shopping Cart: User Data
BBPS_SC_HEADER_BADI - Header Data of Shopping Cart Change Case Interface
BBPS_SC_HEADER_DETPROC_BADI - Interface Header Data Shopping Cart BADI
BBPS_SC_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Shopping Cart Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBPS_SC_ITEM_DETPROC_BADI - Item Data Shopping Cart Create/Check/Change Case Interface
BBPS_SC_ITMCHOICE_ACTIVE - Structure for Control of ITMCHOICE Screen
BBPS_SC_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Key/Value Pairs for List Boxes
BBPS_SC_ONE_SCR_STATE - Screens in 'Shopping Cart' Scenario
BBPS_SC_ORG_DETPROC_BADI - Org. Data Requirement
BBPS_SC_PROD_CATEG - Structure with Product Category ID/GUID
BBPS_SC_PTRDYNPID - Screen Identification for 'Shopping Cart' Scenario
BBPS_SC_QUOTE_LIST - Shopping Cart: Bid
BBPS_SC_SCREEN - Screens for 'Shopping Cart' Application
BBPS_SC_SELECTED_ITEM - Selected Shopping Cart Item
BBPS_SC_WORKER - Service Agent
BBPS_SF_SC_OUTPUT - SC Transfer for Smart Form Output
BBP_BADI_SEQUENCE - Sequence call of all BAdI implementation
BBP_BAPIEKPOA - Transfer Structure: PO Item Additional Data
BBP_BAPIMEPOACCOUNT - Account Assignment Fields for Purchase Order
BBP_BAPIMEPOACCOUNTX - Account Assignment Fields in Purchase Order (Change Toolbar)
BBP_BAPIMEPOADDRDELIVERY - PO Item: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Inbound Delivery
BBP_BAPIMEPOADDRVENDOR - PO Header: Address Structure BAPIADDR1 for Vendor
BBP_BAPIMEPOCOND - Conditions in Purchase Order
BBP_BAPIMEPOCONDX - Change Toolbar: Conditions in Purchase Order
BBP_BAPIMEPOHEADER - Purchase Order Header Data
BBP_BAPIMEPOHEADERX - Purchase Order Header Data (Change Toolbar)
BBP_BAPIMEPOITEM - Purchase Order Item
BBP_BAPIMEPOITEM47 - Purchase Order Item as of R/3 Release 4.7
BBP_BAPIMEPOITEM47X - Purchase Order Item Data as of R/3 4.7(Change Toolbar)
BBP_BAPIMEPOITEMX - Purchase Order Item Data (Change Toolbar)
BBP_BAPIMEPOSCHEDULE - Fields for Purchase Order Delivery Schedule Lines
BBP_BAPIMEPOSCHEDULX - Fields for Schedule Lines in Purchase Order (Change Toolbar)
BBP_BAPIPOGNA - Transfer Struct.: Determine Proc. Transaction: Acct. Assgt.
BBP_BAPIPOGN_RES - BADI Structure for Reservation Grouping
BBP_DET_ACC_ITEM - Item Data for Determining the G/L Account
BBP_HELPFIELD - Help Fields for BBP
BBP_INTERNAL_ACCT - Internal Structure for Shopping Basket Account Assignment
BBP_INTERNAL_ITEM - Internal Structure for Shopping Basket Item
BBP_INTERPR_ITEM - Transfer Structure: Determine Procurement Transaction: Item
BBP_INT_ITEM_GROUPS - Int. Structure Shopping Cart Item - Grouping for Local PO
BBP_INV_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Invoice Change-Case Interface
BBP_INV_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Invoice Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_ITEM_STATUS - Item in Shopping Basket
BBP_MT06E - Material Master Fields: Purchasing
BBP_PDS_DOC_KEY_BADI - Key Structure for EBP and Backend Documents (BADI Structure)
BBP_PO_HEADER_BADI - Header Data Purchase Order Change-Case Interface
BBP_PO_ITEM_BADI - Item Data Purchase Order Create/Check/Change-Case Interface
BBP_PURCHTEAM_TEXT - dot NOT use! BBP Team Purchasing Texts (language dependent)
BBP_RCJPSPNR - Internal table with WBS numbers
BBP_SC_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Key/Value Pairs for List Boxes
BBP_SC_PTRDYNPID - Screen Identification for 'Shopping Cart' Scenario
BBP_SMESSAGES_BADI - Error Messages from BADIs
BBP_S_EXIT_BADI_CALL_SEQUENCE - Fields for Sorting Screen of BAdI Implementations
REQACCT - Account Assignment for the Req. Coverage Request Lines
REQADDRESS - Delivery Address for Requirement Coverage Request Lines
REQATT - Attachments for shopping cart lines
REQHEAD - Administrative Header Data: Requirement Coverage Request
REQHEADS - Temporary Header Data: Requirement Coverage Request (Limit)
REQLINE - Administrative Line Data: Requirement Coverage Request
REQLINEMA - Temporary Line Data: Requirement Coverage Request(MRO Lines)
REQLINESR - Temporary Line Data: Requirement Coverage Request (Services)
REQREF - Object References: Requirement Coverage Request
REQREQ_TRASHCAN - Transfer Structure for Lines in Trash (Local)
REQTEXT - Text for Requirement Coverage Request Lines

SAP Sourcing Tables SRM-EBP-SOC

/SAPSRM/C_SOCO - Transparent table for entries of Follow on documents
/SAPSRM/C_WF_SET - Set level customizations for SC workflow trigger
/SAPSRM/SOCO_DOC - Table Containing Follow-on Documents Created in Background
/SAPSRM/SOCO_IT - Table for storing workarea items for requirement updates
/SAPSRM/SOCO_SET - Settings for search in Sourcing Cockpit
/SAPSRM/S_CH_SOCO_SRH_SELCRIT - Structure for SOCO search criteria definition
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SOCO1_SETTINGS - Settings for SOCO step 1 search
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APP_SOS_MCOMPANY - static company partner structure for sos methods
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APP_SOS_VEN - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_OBJECT_PACK - Structure with splited objects
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SERVICE_PROVIDER - Service Provider Selection
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOCO_REF_TAB - Internal reference table structure for soco application
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOCO_REF_TAB_SRT - Internal ref table structure for soco - helper for sorting
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOCO_TMP_HDR_TAB - Temporary header table structure for soco application
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOCO_TMP_ITEM - SoCo workarea Item related details, replaced by catalog item
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOS_DATA - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit SOS data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOS_LIST - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_PR - Search fields for search Purchase Requisition
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_PR - Line of the search result for Purchase Requisitions
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_CHANGED_DATA - Structure with changed data
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_DOC - Structure containing follow-on documents in background
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_DOCS - Sourcing Cockpit Documents
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_FOLLOW_ON_DOC - Follow-on documents for Sourcing Cockpit
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_ITEM - Items in Sourcing Cockpit for Workarea
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_RANGE_REQUESTOR - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Requestor GUID
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_RANGE_VENDOR - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Vendor GUID
/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_VALIDATE - Validation of Contracts in SoCo
/SAPSRM/S_SOURCE_REL_IND - Indicator for Sourcing
BBPS_SOCGE_F4_PUR_GROUP_COMM - Communication Structure with Purchasing Groups - Search Help
BBPS_SOCGE_F4_VENDOR_COMM - Communication Structure with Vendor Search Help
BBPS_SOCGE_FIELD_CONVERSIONS - Required Field Conversions before Output with FIELD SET
BBPS_SOCO_AUTHORITY_INFO - Authorizations for Handling of Follow-On Docs in Sourcing
BBPS_SOCO_CATEGORY - Category: Text with IDs
BBPS_SOCO_DATA - Data of Sourcing Cockpit Application
BBPS_SOCO_DATA_PRIVATE - Internal Data of Sourcing Cockpit Application
BBPS_SOCO_DEL_DATE_OFFSET_KEYS - Web Dropdown Boxes: Delivery Date Offset
BBPS_SOCO_FOLLOW_ON - Follow-On Document in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_FOLLOW_ON_ITEM - Item in Document for Follow-On Document Preview
BBPS_SOCO_GROUPAREA - Work Area in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_GROUP_ITEM - Shopping Cart Item
BBPS_SOCO_ITEM - Shopping Cart Item
BBPS_SOCO_ITEMLIST - Data for Item List Screen (worklist and search)
BBPS_SOCO_LIST_FILTER - Filter for Lists in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_MAIN - General Data Sourcing Cockpit (for more than one subscreen)
BBPS_SOCO_PRIORITY - Priority with ID and Description
BBPS_SOCO_SCREEN - Screens Currently Being Used in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_SC_ITEM - Processing Shopping Carts in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_SEARCH - Search in the Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Search Criteria in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_SEARCH_CRIT_NO_CUF - Search Criteria in Sourcing Cockpit
BBPS_SOCO_SERVICE_URL - URL for Service Called by Sourcing
BBPS_SOCO_SHOPPING_CARTS - All Data from Multiple Shopping Carts
BBPS_SOCO_SOS_PROPOSAL - Data for Source of Supply Proposal Screen
BBPS_SOCO_TABLE_SORT_INFO - Column currently Used for Sorting (with direction)
BBPS_SOCO_WORKLIST - Worklist in Sourcing Cockpit

SAP Status Tables SRM-EBP-STA

/SAPSRM/S_STATUS_INFO - Status Description for business object
/SAPSRM/S_STATUS_INFO_DESC - Status Description for business object

SAP Vendor Evaluation Tables SRM-EBP-VE

/SAPSRM/C_EVAR - Survey Evaluation Area
/SAPSRM/C_EVART - Survey Evaluation Area Description
/SAPSRM/C_EVCAT - Survey Evaluation Category
/SAPSRM/C_EVCATT - Evaluation Category Texts
/SAPSRM/C_SRMOTY - Survey Mail Object Types
/SAPSRM/D_PAMAGR - Participant Master Groups
/SAPSRM/D_PARMST - Participant Master
/SAPSRM/D_QSTN - Questionnaire
/SAPSRM/D_SRVMO - Survey Mail Objects
/SAPSRM/D_SRVPKG - Survey Group
/SAPSRM/D_SURPAR - Survey Participant
/SAPSRM/D_SURVEY - Survey Test
/SAPSRM/S_FILTER_ELEMENT - Structure for filtering element
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DAO_SRVPKG_S_RES - Survey Package Details PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DAO_SRV_SRCH - Search Fields for Survey Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DAO_SRV_SRCH_RES - Survey Details PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MAIL_OBJECT_DB - Mail Object Details PDO Database Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PAMAGR - PM GROUP Details PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PAMAGR_DB - Participant Master Group DB record structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PAMAGR_U - PM Group Details on PDO Interface Update Case
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARMST - Participant Master Details PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARMST_DB - Participant Master Details PDO Database Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARMST_U - Participant Master Details on PDO Interface Update Case
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PARTMAST_AUTH - Participant Master authority data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QSTN_ATTRIBUTES - Questionnaire Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QSTN_DB - Questionnaire Database Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_ASSISTANT - Range of Survey Assistants
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_EVAL_AREA - Structure for range of dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_EVAL_CAT - Rrange of Evaluation Category
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_QSTN_ID - Interface Structure for Ranges of the Questionnaire ID
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRVPKG_ID - Range of Survey Package IDs
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRVPKG_NM - Range of Survey Package Names
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_ASSI - Range of Survey Assistants
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_DEADLN - Range of Survey Validity Dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_END_DA - Range of Evaluation Period Start Dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_MANGR - Range of Survey Managers
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_ST_DAT - Range of Evaluation Period End Dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SRV_VAL_DA - Range of Survey Validity Dates
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RANGE_SURVEY_NM - Range of Survey Names
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_ATTACHMENT - Structure for Survey Attachments
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_PRTCPNT - Survey Participant PDO Get Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_PRTCPNT_ADD - Add Survey Participant PDO
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_PRTCPNT_DB - Survey Participant PDO Get Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_PRTCPNT_U - Survey Participant PDO Get Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SRV_W_PRTCPNT_DB - Combined Survey - Participant PDO Get Data Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURPACK_AUTH - Survey Package authority data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY - Survey Details PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_AUTH - Survey authority check data
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_DB - Survey Details PDO Database Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_FREETEXTS - Structure for survey freetexts
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_PKG - Survey Group Details for PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_PKG_DB - Survey Details PDO Database Structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_PKG_U - Survey Package Details for PDO Get Data Interface
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_STAT - PDO Structure for SRM Survey Statistics
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SURVEY_U - Survey Details on PDO Interface Update Case
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_PKGANG - Search Fields for Survey Package Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_SRVPKG - Search Fields for Survey Package Document Search
/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_SURVMN - Line of the search result for Survey
/SAPSRM/S_SRCH_RESULT_SRVPKG - Line of the search result for Survey Group
/SAPSRM/S_SURVEY - Structure: Survey
/SAPSRM/S_SURVEY_PKG - Structure: Survey Group
BBPC_VE_EVENTS - Events for Vendor Evaluation
BBPS_VE_EVENT - Event for Vendor Evaluation
BBPS_VE_EVENT_ATTR - Event Attributes for Vendor Evaluation
BBPS_VE_EVENT_KEY - Event Key for Vendor Evaluation
BBPS_WS_QUESTIONNAIRE - WebSurvey Questionnaire

SAP Supplier List Tables SRM-EBP-VL

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ASL_HDR - Header data display structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CTR_LIST_BE - Structure for backend contracts
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUPPLIER - Structure for supplier
BBPS_AVL_DOC_HEADER_C - AVL Header Data: Create Case
BBPS_AVL_DOC_HEADER_D - AVL Header Data: Read Case
BBPS_AVL_DOC_HEADER_U - AVL Header Data: Change Case
BBPS_AVL_DOC_PURCH_ORG - Release-Authorized Purchasing Organizations
BBPS_PURCH_ORG_C - Responsible Purchasing Organization: Create Case
BBPS_PURCH_ORG_D - Responsible Purchasing Organization: Read Case
BBPS_PURCH_ORG_U - Responsible Purchasing Organization: Change Case

SAP Quota Arrangement Tables SRM-EBP-VL-QTA

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_HDR - Structure created for Quota arrangement header details
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_HDR_D - Header data display structure
/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_ITEM_U - Structure for Quota Arrangement Item Update

SAP Workflow Tables SRM-EBP-WFL

/SAPSRM/C_WF_100 - SRM Business Workflow - SAP Settings
/SAPSRM/C_WF_101 - SRM Business Workflow - Customer Settings
/SAPSRM/C_WF_102 - SRM Business Workflow - Development and Test only
/SAPSRM/C_WF_ACP - Acceptance by Document Responsible
/SAPSRM/C_WF_ADH - Ad-Hoc Process Level Defaults
/SAPSRM/C_WF_CST - WF and BRF customizing values
/SAPSRM/C_WF_L - Process Level Configuration
/SAPSRM/C_WF_MAP - Mapping table for Workflow migration
/SAPSRM/C_WF_O - Purchasing Documents for Approval Workflow
/SAPSRM/C_WF_P - Process Schema Definition
/SAPSRM/C_WF_PE - Process Schema Evaluation
/SAPSRM/C_WF_PS - Process Schema Definition
/SAPSRM/C_WF_R - Responsibility Resolver Names
/SAPSRM/C_WF_RV - Reviewer Determination Rules
/SAPSRM/C_WF_RVR - Reviewer Configuration
/SAPSRM/C_WF_RVT - Reviewer Determination Rules (Text Table)
/SAPSRM/C_WF_R_T - Responsibility Resolver Names
/SAPSRM/C_WF_SSC - BRF Schema Table - Shopping Cart
/SAPSRM/C_WF_W - Sub-Workflow Template Assignment Of Process Level Type
/SAPSRM/D_APV_SW - Switch to turn on 'new' Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/D_WF_000 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_PROCESS
/SAPSRM/D_WF_001 - Activation Table of new SRM Workflow Framework
/SAPSRM/D_WF_003 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_PROCESS_LEVEL
/SAPSRM/D_WF_004 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_DECISIONSET
/SAPSRM/D_WF_005 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_AREA_CONTEXT
/SAPSRM/D_WF_006 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_DS_ITEM
/SAPSRM/D_WF_008 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_RECORD
/SAPSRM/D_WF_012 - Table of persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_AREA_BASE
/SAPSRM/D_WF_013 - Table of persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_WORKITEM
/SAPSRM/D_WF_015 - Item to Ad Hoc Process Level
/SAPSRM/D_WF_016 - Agent to Ad Hoc Process Level Map
/SAPSRM/D_WF_017 - Agents to observe an approval process
/SAPSRM/D_WF_018 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_WF_RUNTIME
/SAPSRM/D_WF_019 - Table for persistent class /SAPSRM/CL_PDO_BO_SERVICE
/SAPSRM/D_WF_020 - Migration stop and start workflow
/SAPSRM/D_WF_021 - Migration stop and start workflow counter
/SAPSRM/D_WF_030 - Change Pointer for Offline Approval
/SAPSRM/D_WF_031 - Send Change Pointers for Offline Approval
/SAPSRM/D_WF_040 - persistency for workflow substitute
/SAPSRM/D_WF_EXP - Mapping old WF <-> expression <-> new WF
/SAPSRM/S_ADV_PROCESS_PARAMS - Carries all parameters of current process
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_ADHOC_AGENT - Structure for AdHoc-Agent BAdI
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_APPROVER - Responsible Approver (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_AREA - Responsibility Area Attributes (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_DOCUMENT - Purchasing Document (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_ITEM_TO_AREA - Responsibility Area Map of Item (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_LEVEL - Process Level Attributes (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_RESP_AREA - Responsibility Area Attributes (BAdI Interface Parameter)
/SAPSRM/S_BD_WF_REVIEWER - holds reviewer
/SAPSRM/S_BRF_MATGRP - BRF Component for product category evaluation
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_AGENT_DTLS - agent details for UI (with substitutions)
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_APPR_DTLS - Agent Details for UI
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_DS_AG - structure for decision set data, graphical approval view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_FORWARD - Information about Forwarding of an Workitem
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_HDR - Structure for the header view on the approval process view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_ITM - Structure for the item view on the approval process view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_ITM_OVRVW - Structure for a Brief Item Overview in Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_OVRVW - Overview Structure for Approval Process View
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_PROCLEVEL_AG - approval level, graphical view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_PROC_DET_AG - process details
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_PROC_DET_RG - process details for reviewers, graphical display
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_PROC_INFO_AG - info about whole process, graphical approval view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_PROC_INFO_RG - info about whole process, graphical reviewers display
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_REVIEWER - Structure for Reviewer Information
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_REVIEWER_RG - data on reviewer
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_REV_DTLS - Reviewer Details for UI
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_TEC - Structure to provide techn. information to an administrator
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_WFL_50 - Structure to store 'old' (SRM50) WF Information
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_WI_TMSTMP - Workitem Time Stamps
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_APV_WORKITEM_AG - workitems of approval structure graphical view
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_NODE_METADATA_G - meta data for JNet nodes
/SAPSRM/S_CLL_REVIEWER_DTLS - Structure for Adding a Reviewer
/SAPSRM/S_PROPERTY_NAME - Structure for BO Attribute and BO Type
/SAPSRM/S_SEL_OPTIONS - Selection options for Offline approval
/SAPSRM/S_UI_SO_APV_WORKITEM - work item details
/SAPSRM/S_USER_FORWARD_LST - User forwars list
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ADHOC_LEVEL - Ad Hoc Process Level Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ADHOC_LEVEL_A - Ad Hoc Process Level Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_AGENT_DETAILS - details for a workflow agent
/SAPSRM/S_WF_AGENT_ID - structure with agent id
/SAPSRM/S_WF_AMOUNT - Purchase Document Value
/SAPSRM/S_WF_APPROVER - Responsible Approver (PD.-Org ID & Object Type)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ARCHIVE_KEY - Key Structure for Archiving Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ARCHIVING - Structure to Clinsh the Persistent Objects of the New WF
/SAPSRM/S_WF_AREA_AGENT - Agent of an area of responsibility
/SAPSRM/S_WF_BRF_CALL - BRF expression call stucture
/SAPSRM/S_WF_BRF_CONTEXT - Structure for Event Context (BRF)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_BRF_DDIC_INFO - BRF Related Structure for DDic Information
/SAPSRM/S_WF_CATEGORY_ID - Product Category Identifier
/SAPSRM/S_WF_COMMON_WI_PERIOD - structure holds info about workitem and its execution period
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DEADLINES - Structure for the different deadline dates & times
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECIONSET_HIER - info about relationship of decisionset items and hier. nodes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISION - Agent decision data on item level
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISIONSET - Set of items, related approval status and responsible agents
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISIONSET_BASE - basic data on decision set
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISIONSET_HIER - info about relationship of decisionset items and hier. nodes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISIONSET_STAT - status of decisionset
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DECISIONSET_V1X - Set of items, related appr. status and resp. agents for v1x
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DOCUMENT_TYPE - business document results
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DS_ITEMSTATUS_MAP - mapping between item guid and decisionset
/SAPSRM/S_WF_DS_ITEM_STATUS - Status of decision set item related to PDO item
/SAPSRM/S_WF_HISTORY_V01 - WF History from SRM 5.0
/SAPSRM/S_WF_HISTORY_V01_HEAD - WF History from SRM 5.0 - WF Header Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ITEM_ADHOC_AGENT - Ad Hoc Agent of a document item
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ITEM_TO_AREA - Document item's assignment to an area of responsibility
/SAPSRM/S_WF_ITEM_TO_AREA_CTXT - Document item's assignment to an area context
/SAPSRM/S_WF_L - Process Level Configuration
/SAPSRM/S_WF_OFFLINE_ADDSMTP - email structure
/SAPSRM/S_WF_OFFLINE_AGENT - Offlien Aprroval Agent Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_OFFLINE_WI - Offline Approval Workitem Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PDO_PROPERTY - Purchasing Document Property
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PLOG_MESSAGE_PAR - Process Log Message Parameters
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS - Data structure of a SRM process
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_DATA - Workflow senario process data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_DATA_PLUS - Workflow senario process data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_INFO - process info
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_INFO_BASE - info about whole process
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_LEVEL - Process Level Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_LEVEL_A - Process Level Attributes
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROCESS_PROTOCOL - Process protocol with chronological list of protocol records
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_AGENT - agent involved in WF process (including simulated reviewer)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_AGENT_BASE - base structure for a workflow agent (including reviewer)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_AGENT_BY_KEY - agents retrievable by workitem ID or by decisionset GUID
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_AGENT_MD - meta data for workflow agents
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_DATA - WF Process Info - Complete Process Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_DETAIL - process detail (for history, current, preview)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_DETAIL_BASE - process details
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO - WF Process Info - Info
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_AGENTS - WF Process Info - Table of Responsible Agents
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_FORWARD - WF Process Info - Forwarding History
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_ITM_STA - WF Process Info - Item Status
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_PLEVELS - WF Process Info - Process Level
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_V01 - WF Process Info from SRM 5.0
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_V01_HD - WF Process Data from SRM 5.0 - WF Header Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_V02 - WF Process Info - Complete V02 Process Info (Line Type)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_WITEMS - WF Process Info - Workitems
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_INFO_WI_DATA - WF Process Info - Workitem Data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_LEVEL - process level
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_LEVEL_BASE - Basic Info for Process Level
/SAPSRM/S_WF_PROC_LEVEL_MD - meta data for process levels
/SAPSRM/S_WF_R - Responsibility Resolver Names
/SAPSRM/S_WF_RECORD - Record of the process protocol
/SAPSRM/S_WF_RESP_RESOLVER - Responsibility Resolver
/SAPSRM/S_WF_REVIEWER - Reviewer (PD.-Org ID & Object Type)
/SAPSRM/S_WF_RUNTIME - Runtime configuration data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_RUNTIME_RESULT - Runtime configuration data
/SAPSRM/S_WF_SCENARIO_MAPPER - Workflow senario mapping structure
/SAPSRM/S_WF_SCENARIO_MAPPER2 - Workflow senario mapping structure
/SAPSRM/S_WF_STATUS - holds info how the view(s) of approval status are displayed
/SAPSRM/S_WF_SUBSTITUTE - substitute for lean inbox
/SAPSRM/S_WF_SUBSTITUT_HRUS_D2 - SRM structure as used in DB table HRUS_D2: user substitute
/SAPSRM/S_WF_WF_017 - holds persistent data from /sapsrm/d_wf-017 and runtime flag
/SAPSRM/S_WF_WORKITEM - Structure for SAP Business WFL workitem counterpart
/SAPSRM/S_WF_WORKITEM_BASE - basic data on workitem
/SAPSRM/S_WF_WORKITEM_SO_ADV - workitem details shown in popup "sho my tasks"
/SAPSRM/S_WI_TO_DOC_GUID_ENTRY - Single entry for a workitem id to document GUID map
/SAPSRM/WF_BADI_FILTER - BAdI Filter definition
/SAPSRM/WF_BADI_STRUCTURE - BAdI Implementation structure
/SAPSRM/WF_CHECK_STATUS - Check Status list
BBPC_STOCH_CHECK - Customizing Table for Stochastic Check of Documents
BBPS_CEVENT - Event Customizing Structure
BBPS_EVENT - Structure for Events and Exceptions
BBPS_EVENT_CUSTOMIZING - Structure for Events and Exceptions
BBPS_EXCEPTION - Structure for Events and Exceptions
BBPS_EXCEPTION_DB - Structure for Events and Exceptions (DB)
BBPS_PDH_WFL_OFM_MAP_PARAMS - holds global WF params for a document
BBPS_PD_APPROVAL_VIEW - Determines Changeable Items During Approval
BBPS_USER_BUDGET - Personalization of Approval Limit
BBPS_USER_LIST - Structure for List of SAP Office Users
BBPS_WFL_BRANCH_LIST - List of Current Parallel Branches
BBPS_WFL_FIELD_DESCRIPTION - Business Description of Document Fields
BBPS_WFL_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_CTR - Business Description of Contract Fields
BBPS_WFL_FIELD_DESCRIPTION_PO - Business Description of Purchase Order Fields
BBPS_WFL_FIELD_TECH_DESCR - Field Label and Relevant Table Description
BBPS_WFL_HISTORY_LINE_BADI - Structure for Approval Table
BBPS_WFL_ITEM_APPROVAL - Structure for Grouping of Items
BBPS_WFL_ITEM_APPROVAL_BADI - Structure for Grouping of Items
BBPS_WFL_ITEM_APPROVAL_OBJ - Structure for Item-Based Approval Objects
BBPS_WFL_OBJECT_LIST - List of Instances of Business Objects
BBPS_WFL_PCO_DEVIATION_TYPES - Types of Variances in a Purchase Order Confirmation
BBPS_WFL_UI_ITEM_APPROVER - Structure for Storage of Approvers
BBPS_WFL_UI_ITEM_VIEW - Structure for Workflow View of Documents
BBPS_WFL_UI_VIEW - Structure for Workflow View of Documents
BBPS_WFL_VIRTUAL_LINES - Virtual Lines of a Dynamic Approval
BBPS_WFL_VIRTUAL_NODES - Virtual Nodes of a Dynamic Approval
BBPS_WFL_WORKITEM_LIST - Structure for List of Work Items
BBPT_EXCEPTION - Event Framework - persistent exceptions
BBPT_WFL_LIA_DEF - Sched. Criteria for Approval Objects in Shopping Cart
BBP_APPROVAL_PREVIEW_TABLE - Table Display of Approval Preview
BBP_APPROVAL_PREVIEW_TABLE2 - Table Display of Approval Preview
BBP_PDH_WFL_NODE_INFO - Structure to store the node level information
BBP_PDS_ACC_WFL - RFC Account Assignment
BBP_PDS_SC_HEADER_D_WFL - Interface Header Data RFC
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEMLIST_WFL - Item List in the Sourcing Cockpit
BBP_PDS_SC_ITEM_D_WFL - Interface Item Data Shopping Cart GetDetail-Fall
BBP_PD_APPROVAL_VIEW - Determines Changeable Items During Approval
BBP_SPERS_AL - Personalization of approval limit
BBP_SPERS_SL - Personalization of approval limit
BBP_SPERS_WF - Approval level
BBP_S_APPROVER - Structure for Storage of Approvers
BBP_S_REVIEWER - Structure for Storing Reviewers
BBP_S_WFL_APPROVALSTATE - Structure for Approval Status in Workflow
BBP_S_WFL_SECLEVEL - Structure for Storing the Security Levels
BBP_TREVIEWER - Reviewer Data
BBP_USRBDGT - Table for Update of User-Defined Budget
BBP_WFLH_ACTION_ALLOWED - Workflow-Specific Actions
BBP_WFLOCK - Lock Table Stores Entry Until Workflow Start
BBP_WFL_APPROVAL_TABLE - Structure for Approval Table
BBP_WFL_APPROVAL_TABLE_BADI - Structure for Approval Table
BBP_WFL_APP_STATE - Approval Status in Workflow
BBP_WF_LT_AGENT - Structure for List of Possible Agents
BBP_WF_REV_NAME - WF: Reviewers

SAP Redistribution of Workload Tables SRM-EBP-WKL

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WKL_ITEM_REF - Workload Redistribution search result items referece struct