SAP Tables | SAP Business Information Warehouse | Planning SAP BW

SAP BW Planning Tables (BW-PLA)

SAP Planning Tables BW-PLA

RSBPC0_PARAM_APP - BPC Extension: Environment/Model Parameters
RSBPC0_PARAM_DEF - BPC BW Extension: Default Parameter
RSBPC0_S_ALIAS - BPC: Alias Name Structure Used in where clause
RSBPC0_S_APPL_ID - Appliation id structure
RSBPC0_S_COND - BPC: Condition Structure Used in where clause
RSBPC0_S_CV - BPC: Current View
RSBPC0_S_DATA_REF - BPC: key field and it's reference
RSBPC0_S_DETAIL - BPC: Detailed information of log message
RSBPC0_S_FIELD_MAP - BPC: InfoObject Field Map
RSBPC0_S_LINE - BPC: Line structure
RSBPC0_S_LOG - BPC: System log header
RSBPC0_S_LOG_REF - BPC: Application Log Reference
RSBPC0_S_OBJ_LOCK - Lock object table
RSBPC0_S_PARAM - BPC Parameters
RSBPC0_S_RANGE - BPC: General Range Definition
RSBPC0_S_TEXT - BPC: Object Text
RSBPC0_S_USER - BPC: User Login Info
RSBPC0_S_VALUE - BPC: Fieldname/Value

RSBPC0_TR_DELETE - BPC: request for transport deletion
RSBPCA_S_PREFIX - BPC: Prefix for Appset, Application, Dimension tech name
RSBPCR_CNTXT_HDR - BPC: Resource context header
RSBPCR_CNTXT_ITM - BPC: Resource context item
RSBPCR_MODEL_DAO - BPC: Model DAO configuration
RSBPCR_OWNER_PRV - BPC: Owner authority provider
RSBPCR_PROPERTY - BPC: Resource Property
RSBPCR_RESOURCE - BPC: Persistence Resource
RSBPCR_RES_PROVD - BPC: Resource provider
RSBPCR_VIEW - BPC: Persistence Resource View
RSBPCR_VIEWT - BPC: Persistence Resource View Text
RSBPCR_VIEW_PROV - BPC: View provider
RSBPCR_VIEW_VALS - BPC: Resource View Values
RSBPC_S_SELOPT - BPC/PAK: Select options
RSBPC_WEB_CONN - BPC Web Connections
RSBPC_WEB_S_NVP - BPC web name-value pair
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_ALL_DEFAULTS - Structure for all Defaults
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_DEFAULTS - Structure for Defaults for a User
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_LASTMODIFIED - Structure for User Data "Last Modified" Information
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_USER - Structure for User
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_USER_DEFAULTS - Structure for User Defaults
RSBPC_WEB_S_UM_USER_DET - Strcuture for User Details
RSBPC_WEB_UP - BPC user preference
RSISAPPL - Services: Application
RSISAPPLT - Services: Texts for Application
RSISCP - Call Package: Catalog
RSISCPC - Call Package: Definition
RSISCPLOC - Local Properties of a Call Package (ISCP Object)
RSISCPT - Call Package: Text
RSISC_S_CHAVL - Characteristic (Name and Value)
RSISC_S_KEYFIGURES - Key figure for distribution according to reference data
RSISC_S_KEYF_INDEX - Key figure names indexed
RSISC_S_PARAM_WITH_VAL - PArameter with all its values
RSISC_S_REF_MERK - Structure for reference characteristic
RSISIST - Obsolete: Services: Container for Temporary Types
RSISISV - Services: Catalog
RSISISVA - Services: Assignment to Applications

RSISISVC_C - Services: Assignment of Classes (Customer)
RSISISVC_S - Services: Assignment of Classes (SAP)
RSISISVD - Services: Service Definition
RSISISVFA - Service Free Attributes
RSISISVIT - Services: Texts for Subobjects of the Services
RSISISVT - Services: Texts for Services
RSISP_S_DATAITEM - Table Structure for Data Object Description
RSISP_S_DEFAULT - Default Table for Non-DDIC Elements
RSISP_S_PARAM_TYPE - Parameter Type Description
RSISR_S_ACT_DATACOLUMN - Services: Current Name for a Column of a Data Object
RSISR_S_APD_OUT_PARAM - Name/Value Pair for General APD Result Parameter
RSISR_S_BLOCKINDEX - Index Table for Block Formation
RSISR_S_BLOCKINFO - Information from Block Formation
RSISR_S_BLOCK_MAPPING - Services: Block Assignment Between Data and Reference Data
RSISR_S_CONDITION_REF - Services: Selection with Reference
RSISR_S_COND_PARAM_REF - Intelligent Services: Parameter with Conditions
RSISR_S_COND_VALUE - Value Condition
RSISR_S_CTRL_INFO - Auxiliary Structure of Controller Used
RSISR_S_DATACOLUMN - Services: Column of a Data Object
RSISR_S_DATAITEM - Intelligent Services: Data Object Column
RSISR_S_DATAITEM_COBPRO - Services: Data Object Column (BW Repository)
RSISR_S_DATAITEM_DDIC - Services: Data Object Column (DDIC)
RSISR_S_DATAITEM_INTERNAL - Services: Data Object Column (Internal)
RSISR_S_DATAITEM_SELECTION - Services: Data Object Column (Selection for Service)
RSISR_S_DATAITEM_TECH - Services: Data Object Column (Technical Information)
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ - Services: Data Object
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ_DEF - Description of an Internal Data Object
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ_DESC - Intelligent Services: Data Object Description
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ_DESC_INF - Intelligent Services: Data Object Description
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ_DESC_REF - Intelligent Services: Data Object Description with Reference
RSISR_S_DATAOBJ_DESC_SOURCE - Services: Data Object Description (Current Source)
RSISR_S_DATAREF - Intelligent Services: Reference to Data Object
RSISR_S_DATASEL - Selection for Data Object
RSISR_S_HELP_VALUE - Services: Value with Text
RSISR_S_INFOPROV - Services: InfoProvider
RSISR_S_INTPAR - Services: Internal Display of a Cell for a Parameter
RSISR_S_INTVAL - Services: Internal Display of a Value
RSISR_S_IOBJ_CMP - Services: Compounding Characteristics
RSISR_S_ISCP - Call Package

RSISR_S_ISCP_CAT - Call Package Catalog with Texts
RSISR_S_ISCP_R - Call Package with Reference
RSISR_S_ISCP_VERS_R - Call Package with Reference (Version)
RSISR_S_MERGEINFO - Assignment of Blocks
RSISR_S_PARAM - Intelligent Services: Parameter (Description)
RSISR_S_PARAMFCAT - Field Catalog for Internal Parameter Storage
RSISR_S_PARAMFSEM - Services: Technical Specifications for Field of a Parameter
RSISR_S_PARAMFTECH - Services: Technical Specifications for Field of a Parameter
RSISR_S_PARAM_HLP - Intelligent Services: Description of Input Help f. Parameter
RSISR_S_PARAM_INF - Services: Description of a Parameter
RSISR_S_PARAM_ITEM - Services: Field for a Structured Parameter
RSISR_S_PARAM_LIST - Intelligent Services: Parameter List
RSISR_S_PARAM_REF - Intelligent Services: Parameter with Reference
RSISR_S_SERVICE_REF - Intelligent Services: Service Reference and Names
RSISR_S_SRV_PROPS - Intelligent Services: Service Properties
RSISR_S_STATE_REF - Intelligent Services: Status with Reference
RSISR_S_STRING - Services: Individual String As Structure
RSISR_S_SUMMARY - Summary Data Object (Description)
RSISR_S_SUMMARY_INF - Description of a Summary Data Object
RSISR_S_SUMMARY_REF - Summary Data Object with Reference
RSISR_S_TLOGO - Services: TLOGO Object Type
RSISR_S_TLOGO_OBJECT - Services: TLOGO Object Used
RSISR_S_TYPEDESC - Services: Internal Type Description
RSISR_S_VARIABLE - Services: Variable
RSISR_S_VARIABLE_VALUE - Services: Variable with Value
RSISR_S_WD_CP_LINE - Service Line (ID, Filter) to Web Dynpro
RSISR_S_WD_CP_LINE_REF - Reference: Filter ID --> Filter, Parameter List
RSISR_S_WD_DATAITEM_SET - Structure for Manipulating Front-End Data Items
RSISR_S_WD_DIALOG_COMP - One Dialog Component Used to Structure Services
RSISR_S_WD_DOBJ_SET - Change Data Object Description of Front End
RSISR_S_WD_PARAM_SET - Change Front-End Parameter Value
RSISR_S_WD_SERVICE_DATA_GET - Data for a Service (Incl. Parameterization) on Web Dynpro
RSISR_S_WD_SERVICE_DATA_SET - Change Front-End Service Data
RSISSRVTYPE - Services: Service Types
RSISSRVTYPET - Services: Texts for Service Types
RSISW_S_M_DATAOBJ - Model: Data Object Name and Attribute
RSISW_S_M_DATAOBJ_GEN - Model: Data Object Attributes
RSISW_S_M_DATAOBJ_GET - Model: Data Object Name and Attribute
RSISW_S_M_DATAOBJ_SET - Model: Data Object Attributes
RSISW_S_M_DIALOG - Model: Assignment of Dialogs <-> Service
RSISW_S_M_DIALOG_KEY - Model: Assignment of Dialogs <-> Service Key
RSISW_S_M_DIALOG_LIST_REF - Model: Assignment of Dialogs <-> Service with Reference
RSISW_S_M_ITEM_KEY - Model: Item
RSISW_S_M_LIST_REF - Model: List Item with Reference
RSISW_S_M_PARAM - Model: Parameter Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_COMPONENT - Model: Parameter Components
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_COMP_DEF - Model: Parameter Semantics for Data Object Column
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_DDICTYPE - Model: Parameter Attributes Type Specifications re: DDIC
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_DOBJ_FILTER - Model: Parameter Semantics and F4 Settings
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_GEN - Model: Parameter Attributes
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_GET - Model: Parameter Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_SET - Model: Parameter Attributes
RSISW_S_M_PARAM_TLOGO - Model: Parameter Semantics for TLOGO Column
RSISW_S_M_REPITEM_REF - Model: Service Name with Reference to Repository Item
RSISW_S_M_RSISISVC - Model: Assignment of Dialogs <-> Service
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE - Model: Service Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_ADMIN - Model: Service Attribute Administration Data
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_APPL - Model: Service Attribute Applications
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_ATTR - Model: Service Free Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_CLASS - Model: Service Classes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_GEN - Model: Service Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_GET - Model: Service Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_REF - Model: Service Name with Reference to Service Info
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_SET - Model: Service Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_TR_REF - Model: Service with Reference to Service Transport Object
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_UICLASS - Model: Service Classes
RSISW_S_M_SERVICE_VERS_REF - Model: Service and Version with Reference to Service Version
RSISW_S_M_SRV_PROPERTY_REF - Model: Item with Reference
RSISW_S_M_SRV_PROP_LIST_REF - Model: List Item with Reference
RSISW_S_M_STATE - Model: State Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_STATE_GEN - Model: State Attributes
RSISW_S_M_STATE_GET - Model: State Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_STATE_SET - Model: State Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SUMMARY - Model: Summary Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SUMMARY_GEN - Model: Summary Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SUMMARY_GET - Model: Summary Name and Attributes
RSISW_S_M_SUMMARY_SET - Model: Summary Attributes
RSISW_S_M_V_RSISAPPL - Model: Applications
RSISW_S_M_V_RSISISV - Model: Service Catalog
RSISW_S_M_V_RSISISVA - Model: Service Assignment to Applications
RSISW_S_M_V_RSISSRVTYPE - Model: Service Type
RSISW_S_P_ITEM_REF - Persistence: Item with Reference
RSISW_S_SCREEN_VIEW_REF - Screen: Screen with Reference to Screen View
RSISW_S_TYPEINFO - Type Information
RSISW_S_UI_ACTION_ITEM - Repository: Object
RSISW_S_UI_ACTION_OBJECT - Repository: Object
RSISW_S_UI_DATAOBJ - UI: Data Object Attributes
RSISW_S_UI_DIALOG - UI: Assign Dialog
RSISW_S_UI_PARAM - UI: Parameter Attributes
RSISW_S_UI_PARAM_COMP_DEF - UI: Parameter Components
RSISW_S_UI_SERVICE - UI: Service Attributes
RSISW_S_UI_STATE - UI: Parameter Attributes
RSISW_S_UI_SUMMARY - UI: Parameter Attributes
RSISW_S_USER_DATA - IS: User Settings
RSIS_S_CHASEL - Services: Range for Characteristic
RSIS_S_COL_WD_DATAITEM - Data item for cool web dynpro
RSIS_S_COL_WD_DATAOBJ - Data object structure for Web Dynpro
RSIS_S_COL_WD_DOBJ_KEY - Structure for key aspect of data object description
RSIS_S_COL_WD_INIT - Structure for the init cool aspect
RSIS_S_COL_WD_IOBJNM - Object selection for cool web dynpro
RSIS_S_COL_WD_MSG - Message for Web Dynpro
RSIS_S_COL_WD_NEXT_STATE - Parameter for action get_next_state
RSIS_S_COL_WD_PARAM - Parameter structure for Web Dynpro
RSIS_S_COL_WD_PARAM_VALUE - Cool Structure for parameter value
RSIS_S_COL_WD_RANGE - Extended Range
RSIS_S_COL_WD_RES - Structure header of the working structure
RSIS_S_COL_WD_STATE - Structure for description of a state
RSIS_S_COL_WD_VALUE_HELP - Value help for Web Dynpro
RSIS_S_CONDITION - Condition Structure
RSIS_S_CONDITION_ID - ID for a Condition
RSIS_S_COND_PARAM - Tables for Conditions and Parameters
RSIS_S_COND_PARAM_REF - Paramer condition structure with id
RSIS_S_CP_HEADER - Header Information of a Call Package
RSIS_S_CP_LAYOUT - Call Layout for Call Package Builder
RSIS_S_DATAOBJ_SPEC - Data Object Specification
RSIS_S_DATA_VAL - Value Table of a Data Object
RSIS_S_DIALOG_METAINFO - Meta Info Parameterization Dialog
RSIS_S_DOBJ - Services: Data Object
RSIS_S_DOD_LAYOUT - Layout for Calling the Call Package Builder
RSIS_S_FILTER - Information about Target- and Source Characteristics
RSIS_S_ID_COND - Condition table with id
RSIS_S_IOBJNM - Services: InfoObject Name
RSIS_S_ITEM - Service Elements
RSIS_S_KEYS - Column
RSIS_S_LOG - Entry in a Error Table
RSIS_S_MSG - Message
RSIS_S_NAME - List of Name with Explanatory Texts
RSIS_S_NAMED_DATAITEM - Data Item, Expanded with Names
RSIS_S_PARAM - Servies: Parameter Names
RSIS_S_PARAM_STRING_VAL - String Value of a Parameter
RSIS_S_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Value
RSIS_S_PARAM_VALUE_HELP - Input Help for the Fields of a Parameter
RSIS_S_RANGE - Generic Range
RSIS_S_RFC_CP_DESC - Details on Call Packages
RSIS_S_SERIALIZED_CP - Structure for Generation of a Remote CP
RSIS_S_SERVICE_INFO - Structure to request info of a service
RSIS_S_SERVICE_INFO_FULL - Structure for Service Info
RSIS_S_STATE - Complete State
RSIS_S_STATUS_DIALOG - Row of a Status Dialog
RSIS_S_STRING_CONDITION - Condition Structure
RSIS_S_STRING_CONDITION_SET - Return of Parameterization with Additional Information
RSIS_S_SUMMARY - Services: Name of Summary Data Objects
RSIS_S_VALUE_HELP - Value Help of a Parameter
RSIS_S_VRANGE - Range with Variable as Entries
RSIS_S_WD_DOBJ_GET - Structure to Get dobj_desc in the Web
RSIS_S_WD_DOBJ_SET - Set a data object description
RSIS_S_WD_INIT - Structure to Initialize the Call Package Builder from Web
RSIS_S_WD_PARAM_GET - Structure for parameters of web dynpro
RSIS_S_WD_PARAM_SET - Structure for parameters of web dynpro
RSIS_S_WD_VALUE_HELP - Value help for a data object
RSIS_S_WEBDYNPRO_ID - Identification for Web Dynpro Components
RSPLAPI_S_ALVL_BUFFER - Buffer for Aggregation Level
RSPLAPI_S_ALVL_HEADER - Header Information of Aggregation Level
RSPLAPI_S_ALVL_IOBJECT - InfoObject of Aggregation Level
RSPLAPI_S_CHAREL_DT - Characteristic Relation with Design time information
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_ATTRIB - Attribute Values for Internal Values
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_KEYTEXT - Key and Name to a Characteristic Value
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_REQ_IOBJ - Request structure for InfoObjects to read master data
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_SELOPT - Select option for Characteristic Values
RSPLAPI_S_CR_HEAD - Characteristic Relationships Header Information
RSPLAPI_S_CR_HEAD_DT - Characteristic Rels.: Header Info with Design Time Info
RSPLAPI_S_CR_PROP - Characteristic Relationships: Properties
RSPLAPI_S_CR_PROP_DT - Characteristic Rels.: Properties with Design Time Info
RSPLAPI_S_CR_RANGE_DT - Range Structure with Design Time Info for Char.Relationships
RSPLAPI_S_CR_ROLE - Role of Characteristic - Characteristic Relationship Object
RSPLAPI_S_CR_STEPS - Steps in a Cube - Characteristic Relationship Object
RSPLAPI_S_CR_STEPS_DT - Steps with Texts - Characteristic Relationship Object:
RSPLAPI_S_DELETION_LIST - Entry for Deletion List
RSPLAPI_S_FILTER_HEADER - Header Information of Filter
RSPLAPI_S_FILTER_SELECT - Selection for one Element
RSPLAPI_S_PLANFUNCT - Detail Information of Planning Function
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_CHAR_USAGE - Usage of Characteristic
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_INFO - TLOGO Information of Planning Function
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_KYFSEL - Values for Parameter type Key Figure selection
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_MULTISELECT - Multi selection for InfoObject
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_PARAM - Parameter of a Parameter Set
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter value of a cell
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_PARSET_RULE - Rule of Planning Function (Condition and Parameter Set)
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_RANGE_DT - Selection Range with Design time information
RSPLAPI_S_SEQ_HEADER - Header Information of Planning Sequence
RSPLAPI_S_SEQ_STEP - Planning Sequence Step
RSPLAPI_S_TEXT - Text for Planning Object
RSPLAPI_S_TEXTS - Text for Planning Object
RSPLFA_S_CR_CHECK_SCREEN - Screen Table for Check Characteristics in CR w/o Derivation
RSPLFA_S_CR_ROLES_SCREEN - Information about the structure of a table on the UI
RSPLFA_S_IOBJ_CMP - Compound Information
RSPLFA_S_IOBJ_PRO - InfoObject Properties
RSPLFA_S_PARAM_SET_RULE - Condition and Assigned Paramater Record
RSPLFA_S_SELOBJ_HEADER - Header Information on Selection Object for Planning
RSPLFA_S_SELOBJ_HEADER_TXT - Selektion Objekt Header Text
RSPLFA_S_SOB_REF - Planning Modeler API: Filter References
RSPLFB_S_PARAMNAME - Contains Name of Parameter
RSPLFB_S_RFC_CHAR_USAGE - Characteristic Usage
RSPLFB_S_RFC_CHAR_USAGE_CONF - Configuration of Characteristic Usage Selection
RSPLFB_S_RFC_DATAFIELD_DESC - Description of InfoProvider Field
RSPLFB_S_RFC_DIALOG_INFO - Information; Which Web Dynpro Components Are Used
RSPLFB_S_RFC_INFOPROV_DESC - InfoProvider Description
RSPLFB_S_RFC_KYFSEL - Value for Key-Figure-Selection Parameter Type
RSPLFB_S_RFC_MULTISELECTION - Multi-Selection for Multiple InfoObjects with ID
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARAM - Parameter from Parameter Set
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARAMDEF - Definition of a Parameter for a Service Type
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARAMDEF_ELEM - Elementary: Specific Parameter Definitions
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARAMDEF_STRUCT - Structure: Specific Parameter Definitions
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Value for a Cell
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PARSETRULE - Rule for a Planning Service (Condition and Parameter Set)
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PDEF_DATAFIELD - Data Field: Specific Parameter Definitions
RSPLFB_S_RFC_PDEF_DATASEL - Data Selection: Specific Parameter Definitions
RSPLFB_S_RFC_RANGE - Selection Rows Based on RSZ_X_RANGE
RSPLFB_S_RFC_RANGE_DT - Selection Rows Based on XRANGE with Design-Time Info
RSPLFB_S_RFC_SERVICE - Planning Service, RFC
RSPLFB_S_RFC_SRVTYPE - Service Type Definition, RFC
RSPLFB_S_RFC_VARINFO - RFC Structure for Simple Variable Selection
RSPLFB_S_SETTING - Generic Option for Transferring Additional Settings
RSPLFB_S_SRV_BAPIRET2 - Bapiret2 with Information on Localizing Errors
RSPLFC_S_FUNCNAME - Structure with Function Name
RSPLFC_S_RFC_FPART - Rows of Formula
RSPLFD_S_SRVTYPENM - Structure of Service Type Name (for Database Access)
RSPLFD_S_STM - Structure Function Type Maintenance
RSPLFD_S_STM_P - Parameter Definition Structure in Function Type Maintenance
RSPLFD_S_TREE_ITEM - Item Structure for Tree Control
RSPLFD_S_TREE_ITEM_UPD - Item Structure for Tree Control (Update)
RSPLFS_S_SRVNM - Structure of Service Name (for Database Access)
RSPLFU_S_IOBJ_HELPER - Entry in Hashed Table: Auxiliary Object for Characteristic
RSPLFU_S_RANGE - Range Structure for Check (Internal + External Values)
RSPLFU_S_RANGE_DT - Design-Time Structure of Range (with Texts)
RSPLFU_S_RANGE_MESSAGE - Message Structure for Range Check
RSPLFU_S_VARIABLE - Structure for Variables
RSPLF_FDIR - Function Modules in Formulas
RSPLF_SRV - Planning Service
RSPLF_SRVT - Text Table for Planning Service
RSPLF_SRVTYPE - Definition of Planning Service Type
RSPLF_SRVTYPET - Text Table for Definition of Planning Service Type
RSPLF_SRVTYPE_D - Dialog Information
RSPLF_SRVTYPE_P - Parameter Definition for Planning Service Type
RSPLF_SRVTYPE_PT - Text Table for Parameter Definition
RSPLF_SRV_COND - Rule Condition in Planning Service
RSPLF_SRV_CU - Characteristic Usage
RSPLF_SRV_P - Parameter Value (Elementary Type)
RSPLF_SRV_PS - Parameter Value (Selection Type)
RSPLF_SX_CHAVL_CMP - Table with Compounded Characteristic Values
RSPLF_S_CHAR_USAGE - Characteristic Usage
RSPLF_S_CHAR_USAGE_LAYOUT - Characteristic Usage Layout
RSPLF_S_DB_PARAM_DEF - Properties for Parameter (All)
RSPLF_S_DB_PARAM_DEF_DATASEL - Properties for Data Selection (Parameters)
RSPLF_S_DB_PARAM_DEF_ELEM - Properties of Elementary Parameter
RSPLF_S_DB_PARAM_DEF_IOBJ - Properties for InfoObject Parameters
RSPLF_S_LOGDETAIL - Context Information for Planning Function Messages
RSPLF_S_MSG - Messages with Context Information
RSPLF_S_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Context
RSPLF_S_MSG_PARAM_CONTEXT - Message Context for Parameter
RSPLF_S_NODE - Node Info
RSPLF_S_PARAM_SET_RULE - Assignment of Rule Conditions to Parameter Sets
RSPLF_S_PARAM_VAL_MAP - Structure for Accessing Parameter Values Using Names
RSPLF_S_RANGE - Range Structure (for Parameter and Condition)
RSPLF_S_RFC_SRVTYPE - Header Data for Planning Service Type
RSPLF_S_SRVNM_RANGE - Range Structure for Planning Service
RSPLF_S_SRVTYPENM_RANGE - Range Structure for Planning Service Type
RSPLF_S_SRVTYPE_CATALOG - Catalog of Planning Service Types (with Texts)
RSPLF_S_SRV_ADMIN_INFO - Administrative Information for Planning Service
RSPLF_S_SRV_CATALOG - Catalog for Planning Service (with Texts)
RSPLF_S_SRV_TLOGO_ASC - Associated TLOGO Object for Planning Service
RSPLF_S_USAGE - Associated TLOGO Object in Planning Service
RSPLF_S_VAL_ELEM - Elementary Parameter Value
RSPLF_S_WD_DIALOG_INFO - Dialog Information on Web Dynpro
RSPLPPM_ADD_SET - Indicators in PPM
RSPLPPM_LOCKT - Text Table for Characteristic 0RSPL_LOCK
RSPLPPM_MAILTYP - Status of Master Data Table in Planning Process Management
RSPLPPM_MAILT_C - Additional Attribute Table for RSPLPPM_MAILTYP
RSPLPPM_OPTTAB - Master Data Table PPM Selection Option
RSPLPPM_SET_CUST - Table with Customer-Specific System Settings PPM
RSPLPPM_SET_STD - Table with Standard System Settings PPM
RSPLPPM_SIGNTAB - Master Data Table PPM Selection Sign
RSPLPPM_SSE - Master Data Table Status Change Event
RSPLPPM_SSET_C - Additional Text Table for RSPLPPM_SSE
RSPLPPM_STATTAB - Status of Master Data Table in Planning Process Management
RSPLPPM_SX_DSELN - PPM Data Slices: Details with Selection
RSPLPPM_SX_HSELN - PPM Data Slices: Header with Selection
RSPLPPM_SX_PLSES - Structure: Planning Session
RSPLPPM_SX_PLSES_CHNG - Structure: Planning Session
RSPLPPM_SYSSET - System Settings for PPM
RSPLPPM_S_AGNT - Structure: Processor of Areas of Responsibility
RSPLPPM_S_AORID - Structure: Area of Responsibility with Texts
RSPLPPM_S_AOR_CC - Structure: Area of Responsibility with Texts
RSPLPPM_S_AOR_DET - Structure: Area of Responsibility with Texts
RSPLPPM_S_CHAR - Structure: Characteristic
RSPLPPM_S_CHASEL - Structure: Selection
RSPLPPM_S_CHASEL_SH - Structure: Selection
RSPLPPM_S_CHASEL_SHORT - Structure: Selection
RSPLPPM_S_DOCUREPLACE - Structure: Document Replacements
RSPLPPM_S_DOCUREPLACE2 - Structure: Document Replacements
RSPLPPM_S_DSELN - PPM Data Slices: Details with Selection
RSPLPPM_S_FIELDNM_VALUE - Structure: Transfer to DataStore Object Store
RSPLPPM_S_HEAD - PPM Data Slices: Header
RSPLPPM_S_HSELN - PPM Data Slices: Header
RSPLPPM_S_MAILTYPE_TXTS - Structure: PPM Mail Type Texts
RSPLPPM_S_MON1 - Structure: PPM Monitor
RSPLPPM_S_OPT_TXTS - Structure: Text Selection Option PPM
RSPLPPM_S_PLAN - Structure: Plan
RSPLPPM_S_PLAN_CHNG - Structure: Plan
RSPLPPM_S_PLAN_DET - Structure: Plan
RSPLPPM_S_PLAN_DS - Structure: InfoProvider and Plan
RSPLPPM_S_PLSESSION - Structure: Planning Session
RSPLPPM_S_PLSES_DET - Structure: Planning Session
RSPLPPM_S_PPMKEY - Structure: Plan, Planning Session, Area of Responsibility
RSPLPPM_S_PPMKEY_DT - Structure: Plan, Planning Session, Area of Responsibility
RSPLPPM_S_PPMPLSES - Planning: PPM Planning Session
RSPLPPM_S_PSSTATUS_LONG - Structure: Status in PPM for Planning Session
RSPLPPM_S_SIGN_TXTS - Structure: Text Sign Selection PPM
RSPLPPM_S_STATUSSWITCH - Structure: Texts Status Change Event
RSPLPPM_S_STATUSSWITCHKEY - Structure: Status Switch Event
RSPLPPM_S_STATUSSWITCH_TXTS - Structure: Texts Status Change Event
RSPLPPM_S_STATUS_LONG - Structure: Status in PPM for Area of Responsibility
RSPLPPM_S_STATUS_TXTS - Structure: Texts on Status of Areas of Responsibility
RSPLPPM_S_UNAME - Structure: User
RSPLPPM_S_USER - Structure: User with Logon Language
RSPLPPM_S_USERDETAILS - Structure: Details for a User
RSPLSPC_S_CHARF4 - Structure for F4 Help
RSPLSPC_S_FVAR - Package of Single Values for a Characteristic
RSPLSPC_S_PART_CHAR - Table for Maintaining Packaging Characteristics
RSPLSPC_S_REPAIRINFO - All Information for Repairing Old Run
RSPLSPC_S_STATUSINFO - All Information for Old Run
RSPLSPC_S_SUBPROCESS - Parellel Execution: Parameters for Subprocess
RSPLSPC_S_VARIANT_ALL - All Info for Process Chain Step PLSEQ
RSPLS_ALVL - Planning: Primary Table for Aggregation Levels
RSPLS_ALVLT - Planning: Text Table for Aggregation Levels
RSPLS_ALVL_IOBJ - Planning: Aggregation Levels for InfoObjects
RSPLS_AUDIT - In-Memory Planning - License Check
RSPLS_CHAS_LOCK - Planning: Lock-Relevant Characteristics per InfoProvider
RSPLS_CR_HEAD - Characteristic Relationships: Header Table
RSPLS_CR_PROP - Characteristic Relationships: Settings
RSPLS_CR_RANGE - Char.Relationship: Range (for example, for DataStore Object)
RSPLS_CR_ROLE - Characteristic Relationships: Roles of the Characteristics
RSPLS_CR_STEPS - Relationships Between Characteristics in Basic InfoProvider
RSPLS_DS - Data Slices
RSPLS_DST - Text Table: Data Slices
RSPLS_DS_FIELD - Data Slices: InfoObejcts with Restrictions
RSPLS_DS_HEAD - Data Slices: Header Table
RSPLS_DS_RANGE - Data Slices: Selection
RSPLS_ENQ_MASTER - Table of Master Locks
RSPLS_HDB_ACT - BW-IP: Activation of Deep HANA Integration
RSPLS_HDB_ACT_IP - BW-IP: Activation of Deep HANA Integration for Providers
RSPLS_J2EE_URL - Planning: J2EE Installation for the Modeler
RSPLS_LOCK_METHS - Active Lock Methods
RSPLS_LOG_REQ - Mapping save ID and InfoCube to corresponding request
RSPLS_PM_LOG - Planning Modeler: Log
RSPLS_PM_PARAMS - Planning Modeler: Parameters
RSPLS_RECOVERY - BW-IP Blobs for Recovery
RSPLS_REPCAT - Directory of Generated Reports
RSPLS_SEQUENCE - Planning Sequence
RSPLS_SEQUENCET - Texts for Planning Sequences
RSPLS_SEQUENCE_S - Planning Steps
RSPLS_SQLOG_HEAD - Parallel Execution: Log Table Header - Sequence Execution
RSPLS_SQLOG_STEP - Parallel Execution: Log Table - Step Overview
RSPLS_S_ADDELSE - Additional Information: Passed Through DM Without Check
RSPLS_S_ADDINFO - Additional Information: Passed Through DM Without Check
RSPLS_S_ALVL - Planning: Aggregation Levels with Reference
RSPLS_S_ALVL_CAT - Planning: Directory of All Aggregation Levels (with Texts)
RSPLS_S_ALVL_IOBJ - Planning: Aggregation Levels for InfoObjects
RSPLS_S_ALVL_RANGE - Planning: Range for Aggregation Levels
RSPLS_S_ALVL_VERS - Planning: Aggregation Level with Reference (Version)
RSPLS_S_ALV_SELECTION - Selection Condition
RSPLS_S_ATRPRO - Attribute Properties of Fields for Formulas
RSPLS_S_AUDIT - In-Memory Planning - License Check
RSPLS_S_BR - Basic DTAs Involved
RSPLS_S_BUFFER - Planning: Buffer with key
RSPLS_S_CHA - Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CHACMP - Compounding Information
RSPLS_S_CHADEP - Characteristic Values
RSPLS_S_CHASEL - Selection for Characteristic Values
RSPLS_S_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
RSPLS_S_CLINE - Generated code
RSPLS_S_CMP_FIELDS - Compound of characteristics
RSPLS_S_COL_SELOBJ_DETAIL - Selection Object Details
RSPLS_S_COL_SELOBJ_KEY - Key for Selection Object
RSPLS_S_COMPDIR - Directory: Re-Usable Components
RSPLS_S_COMPIC - Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube
RSPLS_S_CRKEY - Key for Characteristic Relationship Object
RSPLS_S_CR_ALL - Properties of Characteristic Rels.: All in one Structure
RSPLS_S_CR_ALL_DT - Like rspls_s_cr_all, but with Design Time Information
RSPLS_S_CR_ALL_SET - Like cr_all but w/o information exclusively from database
RSPLS_S_CR_HEAD - Characteristic Relationships Header Information
RSPLS_S_CR_HEAD_DT - Characteristic Rels.: Header Info with Design Time Info
RSPLS_S_CR_HEAD_SET - Like cr_head, but Without Information from Database Only
RSPLS_S_CR_HIER - Hierarchy Info for Characteristic Relationship Maintenance
RSPLS_S_CR_IOBJ - Affected InfoObjects with Texts - Char. Relationship Object
RSPLS_S_CR_PROP - Characteristic Relationships: Properties
RSPLS_S_CR_PROP_DT - Characteristic Rels.: Properties with Design Time Info
RSPLS_S_CR_RANGE - Range Structure for Characteristic Relationships
RSPLS_S_CR_RANGE_DT - Range Structure with Design Time Info for Char.Relationships
RSPLS_S_CR_ROLE - Role of Characteristic - Characteristic Relationship Object
RSPLS_S_CR_STEPS - Steps in a Cube - Characteristic Relationship Object
RSPLS_S_CR_STEPS_DT - Steps with Texts - Characteristic Relationship Object:
RSPLS_S_CTO_DEVCLASS - Package: Structure for Interface
RSPLS_S_CTO_REQUEST - Repository Information System: View of Transports
RSPLS_S_CTO_TADIR - CTO: Catalog of Repository Objects
RSPLS_S_CTO_TLOGO_TXTLG - Contains TLOGO Type and Object Name with Texts
RSPLS_S_CVH_F4_CONTEXT - Structure with F4 Context Information
RSPLS_S_CVH_FIELD_PROP - Metadata Field Properties in F4
RSPLS_S_CVH_META_DATA - Metadata for Input Help
RSPLS_S_CVH_PERS_VALUE - User-Defined Values in F4
RSPLS_S_CVH_PERS_VALUE_DIR - Directory Information for Personal Values
RSPLS_S_CVH_PERS_VALUE_HIER - User-Defined Values for F4 (Hierarchy Nodes)
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_ATTR - Attributes for a Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_ATTR_CHAVL - Transfer Structure for Attribute Values for Internal Values
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_CHACMP - Compound Information for Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_CHAINF - General Information on Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_CHAVLKEYTEXT - Key and Name to a Characteristic Value
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_CHA_IPARM - Input-Parameter Structure for Reading Info on Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_HIER - Hierarchies for a Characteristic
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_HIERNODE - Node Description in RFC Interface
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_HIERSELOPT - Selection Options for Searching in Hierarchies
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_HIETJOIN - Transfer Structure for Temporary Hierarchy Join Objects
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_IOBJ - General Information on an InfoObject
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_MEMBER_IEPARM - Input and Output Struct. for Reading Char. Values and Texts
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_REQ_IOBJ - Request Structure for InfoObjects for Reading Master Data
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_SELOPT - Selection Options
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_TOKEN - Token for Selections
RSPLS_S_CVH_X_VARIABLES - Transfer Structure for Variables in Input Help
RSPLS_S_DEP - Compound Information
RSPLS_S_DEPVAR - Dependent Variables (Hierarchy Node Var.)
RSPLS_S_DS - Actual Data Slices
RSPLS_S_DSKEY - Key for Data Slice Object
RSPLS_S_DS_ALL - Data Slice Properties: Everything in One Structure
RSPLS_S_DS_ALL_DT - like ..ds_all, But with DesignTime Info
RSPLS_S_DS_DT - Data Slices with Design-Time Info
RSPLS_S_DS_FIELD - InfoObjects for Which an Exit Data Slice Has Restrictions
RSPLS_S_DS_FIELD_DT - like...DS_FIELD but with Design-Time Info
RSPLS_S_DS_HEAD - Data Slices: TLOGO Header Info
RSPLS_S_DS_HEAD_DT - Data Slices: Header Info with DesignTime Info
RSPLS_S_DS_RANGE - Data Slice Selection
RSPLS_S_DS_RANGE_DT - like...ds_range but with Design-Time Info
RSPLS_S_ELTDIR - RFC: Directory of the reporting components elements
RSPLS_S_ELTXREF - Directory of element references
RSPLS_S_FOREIGN_LCK - Information on Last Locking Conflict
RSPLS_S_FORML - Planning: Formula Lines
RSPLS_S_FORML_60 - Planning: Formula Lines
RSPLS_S_FORML_DEF_VARS - Variables Defined in Formulas with DATA Statement
RSPLS_S_FORML_FCAT - Field Catalog for Formulas
RSPLS_S_FORML_TYPES - Types Permitted in Formulas
RSPLS_S_IOBJNM - Structure of InfoObject Name
RSPLS_S_KEYCHECK - Characteristic Values That Are To Be Checked
RSPLS_S_KYF - Key Figure
RSPLS_S_LOCK - Compressed Selection for Lock Server
RSPLS_S_LOCK_ENQSERVER - Lock of Enqueue Server
RSPLS_S_LOCK_INFO - Context Information for Calling Lock: Query, Service
RSPLS_S_LOCK_METH - Lock Structure: Switch Lock Method
RSPLS_S_LOCK_SYNC - Pointer for Locked Selection
RSPLS_S_MESG - Structure for Messages
RSPLS_S_PM_NODE - Planning Modeler: Node
RSPLS_S_PM_OBJECT_NODE - Planning Modeler: Node
RSPLS_S_PM_PROPERTY - Planning Modeler: Property of Node
RSPLS_S_PM_RELATION - Planning Modeler: Object Relationship
RSPLS_S_PM_STEP - Planning Modeler: Log Step
RSPLS_S_PROV_DTA - Planning: Delta Buffer with Key
RSPLS_S_RANGE - Selection
RSPLS_S_REQ_C - Required Characteristics Delta Buffer
RSPLS_S_REQ_K - Required Key Figures for Delta Buffer
RSPLS_S_RFC_ALVL - Details about Aggregation Level
RSPLS_S_RFC_ALVL_IOBJ - InfoObjects for Aggregation Level
RSPLS_S_RFC_CR_INFOPROV - InfoProvider Details for Maintenance of Char. Relationships
RSPLS_S_RFC_CR_IOBJ_BASE - InfoObject Metadata for Maintenance of Char. Relationships
RSPLS_S_RFC_DSO - RFC View of DataStore Object Properties
RSPLS_S_RFC_DSO_IOBJ - InfoObjects in DSO (RFC, Planning)
RSPLS_S_RFC_INFOPROV - InfoProvider Details
RSPLS_S_RFC_IOBJ_CMP - RFC: Compound Information
RSPLS_S_RFC_IP_INFO_CHAR - InfoProvider Display: InfoObject Properties
RSPLS_S_RFC_IP_INFO_COMPOUND - InfoProvider Display: InfoObject Compounding
RSPLS_S_RFC_IP_INFO_KEYFG - InfoProvider Display: Key Figure Properties
RSPLS_S_RFC_SELECT - Selection Properties
RSPLS_S_RFC_SELOBJ_DETAIL - RFC: Detail Information on Selection Object
RSPLS_S_RFC_SEQ - Header Data for Planning Sequence
RSPLS_S_RFC_SEQ_STEP - Planning Steps
RSPLS_S_RFC_SOLIST - Selection Object Details
RSPLS_S_RNG - Selection
RSPLS_S_SEL - Selection
RSPLS_S_SELCHECK - Enqueue: Structure for Checking Selection
RSPLS_S_SELECT - Selection Properties
RSPLS_S_SELECTION_OBJECT - Structure of Selection Object with Reference
RSPLS_S_SELHASH - Enqueue: Structure for Lock Directory
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_DETAIL - RFC: Detail Information on Selection Object
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_HEADER - Header Information on Selection Object for Planning
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_HEADER_TXT - Selektion Objekt Header Text
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_COBPRO - RFC: Transfer Structure for the COBPRO (Selection Object)
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_COMPDIR - Trans. Structure Components for Selection Object in Planning
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_COMPIC - Trans. Structure Assignment of Components to InfoProvider
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_ELTDIR - Trans.Structure Element Directory for Sel.Object in Planning
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_ELTPROP - Transfer Structure for Element Properties in Select. Object
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_ELTXREF - Transfer Structure Directory of Element References
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_IOBJNM - List of Characteristics
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_RANGE - Definition of Selection for Element in Transfer Structure
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_SELECT - Selection Properties of Element in Transfer Structure
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_VAR - Transfer Structure for Variables
RSPLS_S_SELOBJ_X_WHERE_USED - Transfer Structure Where-Used List for Components
RSPLS_S_SEQNM - Structure with Name(ID) of Planning Sequence (for DB Access)
RSPLS_S_SEQNM_RANGE - Ranges Structure for Planning Sequence
RSPLS_S_SEQSTEP - Planning Step
RSPLS_S_SEQUENCE_CATALOG - Catalog of Planning Sequences (with Texts)
RSPLS_S_SEQUENCE_TLOGO_ASC - Associated TLOGO Object for Planning Sequence
RSPLS_S_SHOWSEL - Display of Selection Condition
RSPLS_S_SOLIST - Selection Object Details
RSPLS_S_SO_LIST - Selection Object Details
RSPLS_S_TD_COL - Column description
RSPLS_S_TD_ROW - Description of Lines
RSPLS_S_TOKENSTACK - Token Information for Formula Parser
RSPLS_S_TRACE_INFO - Trace Info for Internal Data Object with Planning Functions
RSPLS_S_USED_CHAS - Enqueue: Characteristics Used in Selections
RSPLS_S_VARIABLE_VALUES - Variables with Values
RSPLS_S_VARS - Variables Defined Locally in Formulas
RSPLW_IP - Temp. Table - Will Be Deleted Later
RSPLW_RANGE_WOENUM - Range Design Time Structure Without ENUM
RSPLW_S_CR - Characteristic Relationships: Steps
RSPLW_S_DS - Data Slices of Screen Structure
RSPLW_S_DS_E - Data Slices of Screen Structure
RSPLW_S_DS_S - Data Slices of Screen Structure
RSPLW_S_FCT_SCREEN_FIELDS - Planning Functions: Fields on Screens
RSPLW_S_GEN_PROP - Screen structure for "More Properties" tab
RSPLW_S_IPRO_SCREEN_FIELDS - Fields for InfoProvider
RSPLW_S_PARAMDEF - Parameter Properties
RSPLW_S_SELECTION - Parameter Selection
RSPLW_S_SELOBJ_HEADER - Header Information on Selection Object for Planning
RSPLW_S_SEL_SCREEN_FIELDS - Selections: Fields for Screens
RSPLW_S_SOB_SEL - Screen fields for selections of a filter object
RSPLW_S_TREE_ITEM_OC - Planning Workbench: Collect Objects for Tree Control
RSPLW_S_VAR_SCREEN_FIELDS - Variables: Fields for Dynpros

SAP Business Planning and Simulation Tables BW-PLA-BPS

BDSCHKF12 - BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKF31 - BDS: File Name for Last Check-Out
BDSCHKO12 - BDS: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCHKO31 - BDS: Check out Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCONT12 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSCONT31 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO12 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIO31 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT12 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT31 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR12 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR31 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE12 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE31 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI12 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI31 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF12 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHF31 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR12 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHHR31 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO12 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHIO31 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM12 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHNM31 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR12 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHPR31 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE12 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE31 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI12 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI31 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE12 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSRE31 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR12 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDSREPR31 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CONN22 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
BDS_CONN31 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
MTREESNODESEM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length 30
RSRQ_YS_TREE_CONTROL - BWT: Tree Control Structure for ALV
UPB_AREA_ATR - Balance Sheet Planning: Attributes of Application on Area
UPB_CUST - Structure for Currency Translation Settings
UPB_CUST_DATA - Structure for Currency Translation Settings
UPB_IA_SUBCL - Planning Applications: Subclass
UPB_IA_SUBCLT - Planning Applications: Subclass - Text Table
UPB_MAIN_PROFILE - Planning Profiles of Planning Applications
UPB_PM_APPLC - Application-Specific Attributes in Planning Folders
UPB_PM_DETAIL - Technical Detail Settings of Folder
UPB_PM_EXE_TYPES - Planning Folder Variants
UPB_PM_EXE_TYPET - Planning Folder Variants, Texts
UPB_PM_GRAPH - Graphic Settings for POBs of a Planning Folder
UPB_PM_GRAPH_TYP - Display Possibilities of Graphical Output
UPB_PM_GRAPH_TYT - Text Table for Graphical Display Types
UPB_PM_LEGENDE - Planning Folders: Legend
UPB_PM_LEGENDET - Planning Folders: Legend
UPB_PM_POFO_PROP - Customizing of Portfolio Graphics
UPB_PM_POFO_XML - Customizing of Portfolio Graphics
UPB_PM_SETTINGS - Planning Folders: Technical Settings of All Folders
UPB_PM_VARIABLE - Variables of Planning Folders
UPB_PS_DESIGN - Structure of Planning Interfaces
UPB_PS_DESIGN_T - Text Table of Planning Objects
UPB_PS_NAME - Balance Sheet Planning Interfaces
UPB_PS_NAME_T - Text Table of Planning Books
UPB_PS_PROP - Attributes of Planning Objects
UPB_SPFIE - Balance Sheet Planning: Fields with Special Semantics
UPB_S_NPV_EA - Structure of Inpayments and Outpayments for Net Present Val.
UPB_YS_BW_AREA_INFO - Balance Sheet Planning: Information on Areas in BW Infocubes
UPB_YS_DATA - HTML Transfer Data
UPB_YS_ILO_COL_RFC - COL_TAB for Input Layouts in RFC
UPB_YS_ILO_DATA_RFC - Shortened Data Transfer Structure for UPB
UPB_YS_ILO_INFO_RFC - COL_TAB for Input Layouts in RFC
UPB_YS_ILO_ROW_RFC - ROW_TAB for Input Layouts in RFC (not Complex Leading Cols)
UPB_YS_ILO_ROW_TXT_RFC - ROW_TEXT_TAB for Input Layouts in RFC (Complex Leading Cols)
UPB_YS_PM_APPLC - Application Class
UPB_YS_PM_DEFAULT - Planning Folders: Default Settings
UPB_YS_PM_DESIGN - Planning Folder Structure
UPB_YS_PM_EXE_TYPE - Possibilities to Execute a Planning Folder
UPB_YS_PM_KEY_MAP - Internal, POB Mapping
UPB_YS_PM_NAME - Planning Folders
UPB_YS_PM_POB_GRAPH - Graphic Attributes of POB
UPB_YS_PM_PROP - Attributes of a Planning Object
UPB_YS_PM_SETTINGS - Planning Folders: Technical Details
UPB_YS_PM_URL - URLs of Planning Folders
UPB_YS_PM_VAR - New Structure for Variables of Planning Folders
UPB_YS_PM_VARIABLE - Variables of Planning Folder
UPB_YS_PM_WAS_SCREEN - Logical Screen for HTML
UPB_YS_POFO_ATTR - Portfolio Planning: Attributes of a Series or Bubbles
UPB_YS_POFO_BUBBLE - Portfolio Bubble
UPB_YS_POFO_DATA - Transaction Data for Portfolio Graphics
UPB_YS_POFO_INFO - Attributes of Portfolio Graphic
UPB_YS_POFO_VALUE - Portfolio Graphic: Data of a Bubble
UPB_YS_POFO_XML - XML for Portfolio Graphics
UPB_YS_PS_NAME - Planning Folder
UPB_YS_SPFIE - B/S Planning: Fields with Special Semantics (Interface)
UPB_YS_SPFIE_CHECKBOX_SEL - BW-BPS Balance Sheet Planning: Checkboxes
UPB_YS_SPFIE_MULTI_SEL - BW-BPS Balance Sheet Planning: Multiple Field Selection
UPB_YS_SPFIE_SINGLE_SEL - BW-BPS Balance Sheet Planning: Individual Field Selection
UPCCD - Planning: Characteristics Dictionary Infos
UPCFC - Planning: Selected Fields
UPC_APPL - Applications in SEM-BPS
UPC_APPLT - Applications: Name
UPC_AREA - Planning Areas
UPC_AREAM - Multi-Planning Areas
UPC_AREAT - Planning Areas - Text Table
UPC_AREA_DISP - Dispatcher of Sub-applications from Planning Area
UPC_AREA_GENSTAT - Generation Status of a Planning Area
UPC_AREA_MD - Key Date for Master Data
UPC_BW_AREA - Planning Areas of the BW Application
UPC_BW_TIMEREF - Assignment Time Characteristic - Time Reference
UPC_CHACMP - Properties of a Characteristic
UPC_CHADEP - Compoundend Values
UPC_CHAPRO - Properties of a Characteristic
UPC_CONVERSION - Technical Table for Conversion
UPC_DARK - Control for Hidden Functions
UPC_DARK2 - Control for Hidden Functions
UPC_DISPATCHERT - Dispatcher in SEM-BPS - Text Table for Fcodes
UPC_FIXED_METHOD - Planning Functions
UPC_FLDDS - Fields for Relations between Characteristics
UPC_FORML - Planning Functions: Formulas
UPC_GREPCAT - Directory of Generated Reports (Plan. Func. & Plan. Process
UPC_GREPOBS - Directory of Obsolete Generated Reports for Plan. Func./Proc
UPC_KYFPRO - Properties of a Characteristic
UPC_LITE_INFOOBJECTS - List of Info Catalogs and their associated Infoobjects
UPC_MULTIAREA - Multi-Planning Areas
UPC_NEVAL - Planning Functions: New Values
UPC_NODES - Hierarchy Node
UPC_OPTIOS - Planning: Conditions for Fields
UPC_PACKAGE - Planning Packages
UPC_PACKAGET - Planning Packages - Text Table
UPC_PLEVEL - Planning Levels
UPC_PLEVELT - Planning Levels - Text Table
UPC_PROFILE - Planning Profiles
UPC_PROFILET - Planning Profiles - Text Table
UPC_PROFILE_AR - Planning Profiles - Areas
UPC_PROFILE_BU - Planning Profiles - Planning Sequences
UPC_PROFILE_ME - Planning Profiles - Functions
UPC_PROFILE_PA - Planning Profiles - Packages
UPC_PROFILE_PL - Planning Profiles - Planning Levels
UPC_PROFILE_PS - Planning Profiles - Parameter Settings
UPC_PROFILE_VAR - Planning Profiles - Variables
UPC_SCR_STEPS - Screen Maintenance of Relationships Between Characteristics
UPC_SCR_STEPS_DET - Relationships Between Characteristics - Detail Screen
UPC_STATISTIC - Statistic for Executing Planning Functions
UPC_STATISTIC2 - SEM-BPS Statistics with Hierarchical Storage
UPC_STATISTIC3 - Statistic for Executing Planning Functions
UPC_STEPS - Relations between Characteristics of a Planning Area
UPC_TRACE_LOG1 - Trace Log: Function Module Calls
UPC_TRACE_USER - User with Activated Trace
UPC_TYPET - Text Tables with Texts for the Types of Planning Objects
UPC_VAR - Variables
UPC_VARIABLE - Variables - Old Version of Database (New is UPC_VAR)
UPC_VARIABLET - Variables - Text Table
UPC_VAR_ATTR - Variables - Attributes
UPC_VAR_CHA - Variables - Characteristics
UPC_VAR_CHADEP - Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_CHADEPA - Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_CHA_ACT - Variables - Restricted Values
UPC_VAR_CHA_SEL - Variables - Selections
UPC_VAR_EXIT - Variables
UPC_VAR_HIE - Variables - Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_HIE_SEL - Variables - Selections using Hierarchies
UPC_VAR_HIE_SELA - Variables - Selections using Hierarchies (Active Values)
UPC_VAR_NUM_SEL - Variables - Numeric Selections
UPC_YS_API_AREA - Planning Area
UPC_YS_API_ATRVL - Attributes for Characteristic Value
UPC_YS_API_ATR_INFO - API: Information on Attributes on Row Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_CHAPRO - Properties of a Characteristic
UPC_YS_API_CHASEL - Characteristic Selection
UPC_YS_API_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
UPC_YS_API_COL - Column Description
UPC_YS_API_COL_INFO - API: Information on Column Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_COL_TXT - Data Column Headers
UPC_YS_API_FUNCTION - Planning Function
UPC_YS_API_HEAD - Header Combination
UPC_YS_API_HEAD_INFO - API: Information on Header Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_HIEDEP - Values of Compound Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_HIESEL - Hierarchy Node Selection
UPC_YS_API_HIESTR - Hierarchy Structure
UPC_YS_API_HIESTRDEP - Hierarchy Structure: Values of Compounded Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_INFO - Additional Information
UPC_YS_API_KYFPRO - Key Figure Properties
UPC_YS_API_LAYOUT - Planning Layout
UPC_YS_API_PACKAGE - Planning Package
UPC_YS_API_PARAM - Parameter Group
UPC_YS_API_PLEVEL - Planning Level
UPC_YS_API_PLEVEL_CHA - Planning Level Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_ROW - Description of Lines
UPC_YS_API_ROW_INFO - API: Information on Row Characteristics
UPC_YS_API_ROW_TXT - Text Per Row (Only for Complex Lead Columns)
UPC_YS_API_SEQUENCE - Planning Sequence
UPC_YS_API_VARSEL - Selection Condition for Variables
UPC_YS_APPLT - Applications
UPC_YS_AREA_KEY - Planning Area Key
UPC_YS_ATRDEP - Values of Compounded Attributes
UPC_YS_ATRPRO - Qualities of an Attribute
UPC_YS_ATRVL - Master data attributes
UPC_YS_ATTR - Attribute
UPC_YS_ATTRSEL - Attribute Selection
UPC_YS_BUNDLE - Planning Sequence
UPC_YS_BUNDLE_KEY - Key of Global Planning Sequence
UPC_YS_BW_AREA - Planning Areas of the BW Application
UPC_YS_BW_SCREEN - Screen Fields
UPC_YS_CDIDEP - Dependency Tab for External Applications
UPC_YS_CHA - Characteristic
UPC_YS_CHACMP - Compounding (Dependencies) of Characteristics
UPC_YS_CHADEP - Values of Compound Characteristics
UPC_YS_CHADEPS - Compound of (Dependencies) Characteristics
UPC_YS_CHADEP_RFC - Values of Compound Characteristics
UPC_YS_CHAPRO - Properties of a Characteristic
UPC_YS_CHARNG - Ranges for Characteristics
UPC_YS_CHARSEL - Characteristic Selection
UPC_YS_CHASEL - Characteristic Selection
UPC_YS_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
UPC_YS_CHILDREN - Lower-Level Nodes
UPC_YS_COMMIT_EXEC - Executing a Planning Function with Commit in FW
UPC_YS_COPY - Structure for Copying Planning Objects
UPC_YS_COPY_DISPLAY - Structure for Copying Planning Objects
UPC_YS_DATA_INTERNAL - Instances of Data Objects
UPC_YS_DOC - BDS Document
UPC_YS_DOC_CONTENT - Row Type Content of a Document
UPC_YS_DOC_ID_LONG - Structure for Table of Long Doc IDs
UPC_YS_DOC_ID_MAP - Structure Mapping Old to New Doc ID
UPC_YS_DOC_TYPES - Types for Documents
UPC_YS_FC - Planning: Selected Fields
UPC_YS_FLDDS - Fields - Roles
UPC_YS_FORML - Planning: Formula Lines
UPC_YS_FW_ACTIVE_OBJECT - Active Objects in Framework
UPC_YS_FW_STATUS - Status in the Framework
UPC_YS_HIELIST - List of all Hierarchies for a Characteristic
UPC_YS_HIESEL - Hierarchy Selection
UPC_YS_HIESEL_RFC - Hierachy Information
UPC_YS_HIE_ATTR - Hierarchy attributes
UPC_YS_HIE_HDR - Hierarchy: Header Information
UPC_YS_HIE_HELP - Hierarchy
UPC_YS_HIE_KEY - Hierarchy Key
UPC_YS_HIE_NODE - Hierarchy Node
UPC_YS_HIE_STR - Hierarchy Structure
UPC_YS_HIE_TXT - Hierarchy Header Information: Texts
UPC_YS_INTVL - Hierarchy Interval Table
UPC_YS_ITEM - Item Description
UPC_YS_ITEM_LIST_TREE - Item Structure for List Tree Control
UPC_YS_ITEM_TYPE - Item Properties of Node Type
UPC_YS_KYF - Key Figure
UPC_YS_KYFPRO - Key Figure Properties
UPC_YS_LANGU - Languages
UPC_YS_LIST_ATTR - Structure to Display List of Attributes
UPC_YS_LIST_CHA - Structure to Display List of Characteristics
UPC_YS_LOCK - Compressed Selection for Lock Server
UPC_YS_LOCK_CHAS - Locking Key for Characteristic Combinations
UPC_YS_LOCK_ENQSERVER - Lock of Enqueue Server
UPC_YS_LOCK_INFO - Context Information on Lock Request
UPC_YS_LOG - Log line
UPC_YS_MENU - Context Sensitive Menu
UPC_YS_MESG - Message Structure
UPC_YS_MESGTXT - Message Structure
UPC_YS_METHOD_KEY - Planning Function Key
UPC_YS_NODE - Node Description
UPC_YS_NODENAMES - Node Names and Ranges (Compound Exploded)
UPC_YS_NODES - Node Structure for Tree Control
UPC_YS_NODE_TYPE - Properties of the Node Type
UPC_YS_OPTIOS - Planning: Conditions
UPC_YS_OPTIOS_TEXT - Planning: Conditions - Texts
UPC_YS_PACKAGE_KEY - Planning Package Key
UPC_YS_PARAM_KEY - Planning Parameter Settings Key
UPC_YS_PLEVEL_KEY - Planning Level Key
UPC_YS_SEARCH_RESULT - Results of Search Function
UPC_YS_SEL - Selection of a Characteristic
UPC_YS_SHOWITEM - Display of Field Contents
UPC_YS_SHOWSEL - Display of Selection Condition
UPC_YS_STAT - Row Structure of Statistic Output
UPC_YS_STATINFO - Statistical Info
UPC_YS_STAT_RES - Selection Table for Statistics
UPC_YS_STAT_SEL - Selection Table for Statistics
UPC_YS_STEPS - Characteristic Relationships: Steps
UPC_YS_STEPS_USAGE_DISPLAY - Note on Using the Display Struture for Char. Relationships
UPC_YS_STEPS_USED_IN_PL_DISP - Characteristic Relationship Used in Plng Level. For Display
UPC_YS_STEP_USAGE - Notes on Using Characteristic Relationship
UPC_YS_TIME - Table of Time Characteristics
UPC_YS_TIMEREF - Assignment Time Characteristic - Time Reference
UPC_YS_TRANSPORT_KEY - Transport: Key Entries
UPC_YS_TRANSPORT_OBJECT - Transport: Objects
UPC_YS_TREE_ITEM - Structure for Items of Tree Control
UPC_YS_TREE_ITEM_UPD - Structure for Update of Items of Tree Control
UPC_YS_TXT - Not Posted Nodes
UPC_YS_USERCHARSEL - Selection of Several Characteristics for User
UPC_YS_USERHIESEL - Selection using Hierarchies for User
UPC_YS_USERNUMSEL - Selection of Numeric Values for User
UPC_YS_USERSEL - Selection of a Characteristic for User
UPC_YS_USER_NUM - Display List of Users in Num. Variables
UPC_YS_VALUE - Input Help for OLE Document Types
UPC_YS_VARIABLE_DESC1 - Variable - Display in Area Application
UPC_YS_VARIABLE_SET_ACTIVE - Structure for Maintenance and Restriction of Variables
UPC_YS_VARLIST_FILTER - Filter for List of Variables
UPC_YS_VARSEL - Selection of a Characteristic Using Variables
UPC_YS_VAR_BUFFER - Buffer for Variables
UPC_YS_VAR_KEY - Key of Variables
UPC_YS_VAR_PROFILE - Maintenance of Variables in Profiles
UPE_YS_DOCBUFFER - Internal Buffer Documents for a Package
UPE_YS_DOCDISP - Display Structure of Documents in Framework
UPF_BSTEPS - Bundle Steps: Parameter Groups
UPF_BUNDLE - Bundle of Planning Functions
UPF_BUNDLET - Bundle of Parameter Groups - Text Table
UPF_EXITP - Planning: Data Elements - Exits
UPF_GRP_PLNTP - Types of Planning Functions - Planning Functions
UPF_PARAM - Planning Functions: Parameterization
UPF_PARAMT - Planning Functions: Parameterizations
UPF_PARGD - Parameterization - GUIDs
UPF_PFLDS - Planning: Planning Functions - Fields
UPF_PLANF - Planning Functions
UPF_PLANFT - Planning Functions: Significance
UPF_PLNTP - Planning Functions: Types
UPF_PLNTPT - Planning Functions: Text Texts
UPF_SCREEN_OPTIOS - Planning Functions: Selection Conditions
UPF_TPGRP - Types of Planning Functions
UPF_TPGRPT - Types of Planning Functions
UPF_YS_BSTEPS - Bundle Steps
UPF_YS_CLINE - Generated Code
UPF_YS_CURRF - Planning: Currency Translation
UPF_YS_DOKU - Planning Functions: Documentation
UPF_YS_EXITP - Planning: Exit Function Parameters
UPF_YS_FC_SETTINGS - Settings: Forecasting
UPF_YS_FLDDS - Planning: Display Options for Fields
UPF_YS_PROGNOSE - Forecast Parameters
UPF_YS_TECHF - Planning: Technical Error
UPF_YS_TOKENSTACK - Token Information for Formula Parser
UPF_YS_UNITF - Planning: Unit Conversion
UPP_ATR - Planning: Attributes in Lead Columns
UPP_CHAR - Planning: Characteristics
UPP_DOC - Planning: Layout Builder Info about Document
UPP_ELEM - Planning: Column Elements
UPP_ELEMT - Planning: Column Elements Texts
UPP_PARAM - Planning: Parameterization (Layouts)
UPP_PARAMT - Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPP_SPREADS - Planning: Spreadsheet Customizing
UPP_YS_ABSTYPNM - Absolute Type Names
UPP_YS_API_COL - Column description
UPP_YS_API_COL_INFO - API: Information on Column Characteristics
UPP_YS_API_COL_TXT - Data Column Headers
UPP_YS_API_HEAD - Header Combination
UPP_YS_API_HEAD_INFO - API: Information on Header Characteristics
UPP_YS_API_INFO - Additional information
UPP_YS_API_KEY_TXT - Column Heading in Key
UPP_YS_API_ROW - Description of lines
UPP_YS_API_ROW_INFO - API: Information on Row Characteristics
UPP_YS_API_ROW_TXT - Text per line (for complex lead columns only)
UPP_YS_AREA - Planning Processor: Indicator of an Application
UPP_YS_AS_CONTENT - Structure for Table for HTML Content
UPP_YS_ATR - Fields on Attributes
UPP_YS_ATRTOCHA - Planning Processor: Mapping Attribute for Characteristics
UPP_YS_AUSPR_ATTR - Planning Processor: Fixed Attributes for Key Figures
UPP_YS_AUSPR_FIX - Planning Processor: Fixed Attributes
UPP_YS_CELL - Attributes on a Data Cell
UPP_YS_CHA - Characteristics: Info to Read Master Data
UPP_YS_CHACOMB - Planning Processor: Combinations of Characteristic Values
UPP_YS_CHADEPI - Planning Processor: Higher-Level Chars. with Init Flag
UPP_YS_CHAR - Planning: Characteristics with Pointer to a Value Table
UPP_YS_CHA_F4 - Structure for Help for Characteristic
UPP_YS_CHECKED_MD - Planning Processor: Invalid Characteristic Values
UPP_YS_CODE - Planning Processor: Structure of Table for Generated Code
UPP_YS_COL_DIM - Planning Processor: Column Dimension
UPP_YS_CTLIST - Assignment Container -> ALV Handle
UPP_YS_DARK_FLGS - Planning Processor: Internal Settings
UPP_YS_DD - Fields with DDIC Attributes
UPP_YS_DETAIL_OBJECT - Planning Processor: Detailed Info on Object
UPP_YS_DIMRNG - Planning Processor: Ranges for Characteristic Values
UPP_YS_DIMSEL - Planning Processor: Selections for F4 Help
UPP_YS_DLEAF_PARENT - Planning Processor: Higher-Level Node of Dummy Leaves
UPP_YS_DOCU_LB - Layout Builder F1 Docu
UPP_YS_DOC_CELLS - Table for Document Indicators
UPP_YS_DOC_TYPE_LIST - List of Reg. Document Types with MIME Type
UPP_YS_ERR_MESG - Planning: Messages with Spreadsheet Item
UPP_YS_FLAGS - Planning: Quantity of Indicators
UPP_YS_FORMATINFO - Format Information
UPP_YS_GUI_CONTAINER - Container for Spreadsheet
UPP_YS_HEAD - Characteristic Values in Header
UPP_YS_HIEAF - Planning Processor: Values from Hierarchy
UPP_YS_HIEIDX - Planning Processor: Hierarchy Index Table
UPP_YS_HIEIDXPROD - Planning Processor: Product Index Table
UPP_YS_HIE_ATTR - Hierarchy Attributes
UPP_YS_HIE_KEY - Hierarchy Key
UPP_YS_HNDL - Planning: Handle (Area, Level, Package, Layout, ...)
UPP_YS_HTML_CONTENT - Structure for Table for HTML Content
UPP_YS_KA - Plng Processor: Buffer for Characteristic Vals. + Attributes
UPP_YS_KA_KEY - Planning Processor: Key for Characteristic Values Table
UPP_YS_KB - Planning Processor: Templates for Screen Fields
UPP_YS_KD - Planning Processor: Structure of Dimension Table
UPP_YS_KDA - Planning Processor: Characteristic Compounding
UPP_YS_KDD - Planning Processor: Buffer for DDIC Information
UPP_YS_KDF - Planning Processor: Information on Characteristics
UPP_YS_KF - Planning Processor: Table of User Functions
UPP_YS_KFI - Planning Processor: Table of Inactive ok_codes
UPP_YS_KL - Planning Processor: Logical Screen, Additional Fields
UPP_YS_KM - Planning Processor: Structure for Master Data Check
UPP_YS_KN - Plng Processor: Name Tab of Structures in Generated Report
UPP_YS_KTN - Planning Processor: Names of Interal Tables
UPP_YS_KU - Planning Processor: Structure of Attribute Table
UPP_YS_KYF - Fields on Key Figures
UPP_YS_KYFPRO - Planning: Properties of Key Figures
UPP_YS_LA - Planning Processor: Logical Screen Selections
UPP_YS_LAUC - Structure for Checking Overlapping Values
UPP_YS_LAYOUT_FLAGS - Settings for Planning Layout
UPP_YS_LEADCHIEUSE - Planning Processor: Information on Hierarchy in Key
UPP_YS_LEADCOL - Planning Processor: Dimensions of Lead Columns
UPP_YS_LG - Planning Processor: Logical Screen, Skeleton
UPP_YS_LL - Planning Processor: Logical Screen
UPP_YS_LL_COLOUR - Structure Color Table for Cells
UPP_YS_LL_KEY - Planning Processor: Key of Logical Screen
UPP_YS_LOG_CONTEXT - Planning: Context Info for Application Log, Cell Address
UPP_YS_MACRO_CODE - Table for Macro Code
UPP_YS_MAP - Mapping Structure Screen Tab. for Spreadsheet
UPP_YS_MARKED_CELLS - Planning Processor: Selected Cells
UPP_YS_MDATTR_KEY - Planning Processor: Key for Master Data Attributes
UPP_YS_MDC_CELL - Planning Processor: Master Data Check Cells
UPP_YS_MEMORYID - Planning Processor: Structure for Memory IDs
UPP_YS_MESG - Planning Processor: Message Log
UPP_YS_PACONT - Context of Layout (Area, Level, Parameters)
UPP_YS_PARENT_CHILD - Plng Processor: Higher-Lev./Lower-Lev.Relationship for Nodes
UPP_YS_PRES_F4 - List Box Layout Builder Presentation
UPP_YS_RANGE_ATR - Spreadsheet Area Attributes
UPP_YS_RANGE_FRAME - Structure for Frames around all Cells in MS Excel
UPP_YS_REF - Planning Processor: Pointer for Master Data Check
UPP_YS_RNGROW - Planning Processor: Ranges for Rows
UPP_YS_S - Planning Processor: Interface Parameters
UPP_YS_SETTINGS - Planning Processor: Transfer Structure for Settings
UPP_YS_SF - Planning Processor: Interface Parameter FM
UPP_YS_SSFORMAT - Spreadsheet Layout Information
UPP_YS_SS_CELL - Spreadsheet Interface: Information for Data Cell
UPP_YS_SS_COL - Spreadsheet Interface: Structure of Column Table
UPP_YS_SS_HEAD - Spreadsheet Interface: Header and Column Headings
UPP_YS_SS_ID_ATTR - Spreadsheet Interface: Attributes of Rows/Columns
UPP_YS_SS_INFO - Spreadsheet Interface: General Info
UPP_YS_SS_PARENT_CHILD - Spreadsheet Interface: Hierarchy Information
UPP_YS_SS_ROW - Spreadsheet Interface: Structure of Row Table
UPP_YS_SUM_OPT - Planning Processor: Totals Settings for Key
UPP_YS_SUM_TAB - Table with Totals
UPP_YS_TEXTA_F4 - List Box, Layout Builder Text Type
UPP_YS_TYPES - Data Types with Type-Related Initial Value
UPP_YS_VALUE - Planning Processor: Structure for Char.and Key Figure Values
UPP_YS_VALUE_F4 - Structure for F4 Help
UPS_ATTRIBUT - Attributes for Planning Session
UPS_CHANGELOG - Change Log for Status
UPS_CUSTTEXT - Customer-Defined Mail Texts
UPS_EVENTS - Table for Event Coupling in Planning Session
UPS_HASH - Connection Hierarchy Key/Hash
UPS_HEADER - Header Selections for STS
UPS_LINKS - Links to Org. Values
UPS_LOCKS - Lock Table for Status and Tracking System
UPS_NAME_RESOLVE - Table of Permitted Applications for Name Resolve
UPS_NAME_RES_T - Text Table for Name Resolve
UPS_REALIGN - Logging of Hierarchy Conversions as of 3.5
UPS_STATUS - Master Data Table Status
UPS_SUBSTITUTE - Table for Substitute Concept
UPS_TEILPLAN - Subplan for Status and Tracking System
UPS_TP_AREA - Connection Subplan-Area
UPS_TP_HIERARCHY - Connection Subplan-Hierarchy
UPS_VERSION - Versions/Session for Status Tracking
UPS_YS_1300_SCREEN - Screen Structure for Screen 1300 STS Customizing
UPS_YS_APPLNAME - Name of BSP Application
UPS_YS_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes for Planning Session
UPS_YS_BID - Structure Org. Value
UPS_YS_BIZID - Structure BIZID Assigned Characteristics
UPS_YS_CHANGELOG - Transfer Structure Change Log
UPS_YS_CHANGELOG_DB - Database Structure
UPS_YS_CHANGELOG_SCREEN - Screen Table Active Element
UPS_YS_CHILD - Orgvl and User Name of Lower-Level Nodes
UPS_YS_CHILD_BIZID - BIZID of Subordinate Elements
UPS_YS_CONTENT - Deep Structure, Content of All Comments
UPS_YS_CUSTOM - Structure Status and Tracking System Customizing
UPS_YS_CUSTTEXT - Customer-Defined Mail Texts
UPS_YS_DETAIL_SCREEN_HISTORY - Screen Table Status History
UPS_YS_DUEDATES - Table of Due Dates
UPS_YS_EMAIL - Table of All E-Mail Addresses for Broadcast Mail
UPS_YS_EVENT - Structure for Event Coupling STS
UPS_YS_EVENTLONG - Structure of Database for Event Coupling
UPS_YS_EVENTQUEUE - Structure Event Queue
UPS_YS_EVENTTEXT - Structure for Event Coupling STS
UPS_YS_HASH - Structure Hash Translation Hierarchy STS
UPS_YS_HASH_BOTH - Structure for Both Hash Keys next to each other
UPS_YS_HASH_DB - Structure Hash Translation Hierarchy STS
UPS_YS_HELP_CHANM - Help Structure F4 to Characteristics
UPS_YS_HELP_TP_R - F4 Help Structure for Subplan to Be Converted
UPS_YS_HR_CPERSON - Details of a Central Person
UPS_YS_HR_CPERSON_2 - Details for a Central Person 2
UPS_YS_LAUFZEIT - Long Structure for Visualization, Contains All Infos
UPS_YS_LINKS - Structure STS Link List
UPS_YS_LOCK - Structure for Lock Entries
UPS_YS_NEWWEBAPPS - Structure for New Web Applications
UPS_YS_PFAD_SELTAB - Seltab per Path in STS
UPS_YS_RESOLVE - Structure Name Resolve
UPS_YS_SCREEN1 - Screen Table
UPS_YS_STACK - Global Stack for STS
UPS_YS_STATUS - Status UPS Customizing
UPS_YS_STATUS_2 - Status UPS Customizing
UPS_YS_SUBSTITUTE - Structure of Substitute Table
UPS_YS_SUBST_OUTTAB - Structure of Substitutions for ALV at Interface
UPS_YS_TEILPLAN - Transfer Structure Subplan
UPS_YS_TP_AREA - Connection Subplan-Area
UPS_YS_TP_HIERARCHY - Structure Subplan Hierarchy
UPS_YS_TREEVIEW - Extended Tree Structure for Tree View
UPS_YS_VALUE_TP - Structure Subplan Help
UPS_YS_VALUE_VERSION - Structure Subplan Help
UPS_YS_WEBREPORTS - RFC Structure for BW Query
UPWB_CLASSES - Table of Class Descriptors
UPWB_CLASSEST - Table of Class Descriptors
UPWB_CLASS_ICONS - Table of Class Icons
UPWB_DATA - Data in XML Format of BSP Applications
UPWB_DEBUG_LOG - Log DB for Debugging at Runtime
UPWB_DEBUG_USER - Users, that have debugging enabled
UPWB_HIERARCHY - Table of Class Hierarchy
UPWB_MDATA - Master Data Web Interface
UPWB_PROFILE - User-Specific Settings / Not Transported
UPWB_PROPINFO - Assignment of Info Texts to Properties
UPWB_SCREEN - Elements, which Appear on the Screen
UPWB_TEMPLATES - Templates to Genererate BSP Applications
UPWB_TEMPLATES2 - Templates to Genererate BSP Applications
UPWB_THEMES_MAP - Templates to Genererate BSP Applications
UPWB_TRACE_LOG - Trace log
UPWB_TRACE_LOG1 - Trace Log: Function Module Calls
UPWB_TRACE_USER - User with Activated Trace
UPWB_WEBAPPS - Current Web Applications
UPWB_YS_APPLNAME - Name of BSP Application
UPWB_YS_APPL_DESCR - Master Data of a Web Planning Application
UPWB_YS_AREA - Table for Selection of Areas
UPWB_YS_DYNAM_RENDER - Structure for Dynamic Rendering of BSP
UPWB_YS_EXC_CONTENT - Content of a Range of Excel Cells
UPWB_YS_EXC_FORMAT - Format for a Range of Excel Cells
UPWB_YS_FAVORIT - Selection and Grouping of Favorites
UPWB_YS_FRAGMENT - Page Fragment Entry (HTML Name + Content)
UPWB_YS_FUNCTION - Selection of Functions
UPWB_YS_HANDLER - Runtime Registry Information for Registration of Handler
UPWB_YS_HEAD_TABLE - Structure: Header Combination for HTML Rendering
UPWB_YS_HEAD_VLHELP - Structure: Header Combination for Input Help
UPWB_YS_HTML_CELL - Cell Keyword to Render HTML Table
UPWB_YS_LAYOUT - Layout Information
UPWB_YS_LAYOUT_MDATA - Layout Metadata
UPWB_YS_MDATA - Table UPWB_MDATA with Text Table
UPWB_YS_MDATASEL - Selection of Web Interfaces
UPWB_YS_MESG - Message with Table Position
UPWB_YS_MIME - Information about MIME Object
UPWB_YS_MSG_TRAY - Row Structure for Messages in the Message Output
UPWB_YS_NEW_ROW - Values of Characteristic Selection for New Row
UPWB_YS_OTRPKG - Selection of OTR Packages
UPWB_YS_PAGE - Page for Wizard
UPWB_YS_PARAM_VALUE - Generic Structure for Parameter Value
UPWB_YS_PLEVEL - Structure, in order to Select Elements on Screen
UPWB_YS_REPLACE - Replace Item in Template
UPWB_YS_SEL_OPTION - Row for a Selector
UPWB_YS_TABLE_CELL - Cell Description for General Table Rendering
UPWB_YS_TREEIT - Information on Objects in Tree Control
UPWP_YS_PROP - Required for Property Editor
UPW_YS_DATA_S - Short Data Structure for Web Input
UPX_API_YS_DESIGN - UPX: Planning Folder Design
UPX_API_YS_ITEM - UPX: LaunchPad Item for External API
UPX_API_YS_MAIN - UPX: Main Communication Structure for API
UPX_API_YS_STATUS - UPX: LaunchPad Item Status for External API
UPX_API_YS_TASK - UPX: List of Planning Tasks for External API
UPX_CHANMGROUP - UPX: Characteristic Groups - Header
UPX_CHANMGROUPI - UPX: Characteristic Groups - Items
UPX_CHGROUP_GEN - Generation of Characteristic Sequence
UPX_CLUSTER - Cluster Table for Sales Planning
UPX_CUST_APP - Customizing Framework: Applications
UPX_CUST_APP_T - Customizing Framework: Applications - Text Table
UPX_CUST_CONSTR - Customizing Components Constraints
UPX_CUST_FCTRY - Customizing Framework: Factories
UPX_CUST_FCTRY_T - Customizing Framework: Factories - Text Tables
UPX_CUST_STEP - Customizing Framework: Steps
UPX_CUST_STEP_T - Customizing Framework: Steps - Text Table
UPX_DSRC_CHANM - UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_DSRC_HEAD - UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_EVAL_BPS - KPI Valuation for Alert
UPX_EXEC_GWHOST - Valuate GWHost Default
UPX_GENERAL - UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning
UPX_GUIDTEXT - UPX: Text Table for All GUIDs
UPX_HEAD - Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields
UPX_HEAD_TEXT - Texts for Key Figure Schemes
UPX_KFS_CKF - Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Calculated Key Figs
UPX_KFS_COMMON - Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: General Fields
UPX_KFS_LKF - Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Layout Key Figures
UPX_KFS_PARAM - Function Parameters
UPX_KFS_SHIFT - Key Figure Schemes for Planning Layouts: Relative Addresses
UPX_KFS_TEXT - Texts for Key Figure Schemes
UPX_KPI_EVALBUF - KPI Valuation for Alert: Result Buffer
UPX_KPI_YS_RAWDATA_SET - Data structure for data_set
UPX_KPI_YS_RAWTIME_SET - data structure for DATA_SET
UPX_LAYOUT - Enhanced Planning Layouts: Main Table
UPX_LAYOUT_OFF - BDOC: Offline Versions of the Layouts
UPX_PLTASK - Settings for Planning Task
UPX_RESP_SRC_VAR - UPX: Data Sources - Header
UPX_SLC_MAIN - Configuration of Lead Columns
UPX_SLC_SPREAD - Lead Columns: Distribution Techniques
UPX_SLC_TEXT - Configuration of Lead Columns: Text Table
UPX_SLC_TIME - Time Characteristics
UPX_STATUS - UPX: Permitted Statuses
UPX_STATUST - UPX: Permitted Statuses - Text Table
UPX_STATUS_DATA - UPX: Status of the LaunchPad Item
UPX_S_CUST_COMPONENT - Customizing Framework Components
UPX_S_CUST_COMP_TREE - Customizing Framework: Component Arrangement
UPX_S_CUST_FACTORY - Customizing Framework Factories
UPX_S_CUST_MESSAGE - Message Structure
UPX_S_CUST_RESUME - Customizing Framework Components
UPX_S_CUST_TABSTRIP - Tabstrip Table
UPX_S_CUST_TEXT - Text Table
UPX_S_CUST_TREEDATA - Structure with Tree Data
UPX_UNITS - Unit Assignment
UPX_VARIABLE - UPX: Variable Assignment to Sales Planning
UPX_VERSION - UPX: Settings Specific to Sales Planning for 0VERSION
UPX_YSD_BPSFUNC_ATTR - KPI Valuation for Alerts: Screen Structure
UPX_YSD_BWATR - UPX: Screen Structure for Business Partners Data Source
UPX_YSD_BWATR_ATTRS - UPX: Interface Structure for Attribute Selection
UPX_YSD_BWHIE - UPX: Screen Structure for Business Partners Data Source
UPX_YSD_BWHIELIST - UPX: Interface Structure for Hierarchy Definition
UPX_YSD_BWORG - UPX: Interface Structure for Organizational Tree Hierarchy
UPX_YSD_CHANMGROUP - UPX: Interface Structure for InfoObjects Grouping
UPX_YSD_CHGNAME - UPX: Screen Structure for Business Partners Data Source
UPX_YSD_CPROV_FIXED - Not Active - UPX: Currency Provider - Fixed
UPX_YSD_CPROV_SORG - Not Active - UPX: Currency Provider - Sales Org Driven
UPX_YSD_EVAL_KPI - KPI Valuation for Alerts: Screen Structure
UPX_YSD_HEAD - Lead Columns: Screen Fields - Second Table
UPX_YSD_LAYOUT - Enhanced Layouts: Screen Structure
UPX_YSD_MNTN_ADVANCED - UPX: Structure of Advanced Maintenance Screen
UPX_YSD_MNTN_GENERAL - Not Active - UPX: Structure of General Maintenance Screen
UPX_YSD_RSPVAR - Screen Structure for Responsibility Sources
UPX_YSD_SLC_MAIN - Lead Columns: Screen Fields - First Table
UPX_YSD_SLC_TIME - Lead Columns: Screen Fields - Second Table
UPX_YSD_TASK_PROXIES - Screen Structure for Planning Task
UPX_YSD_TEXTS - UPX: Screen Structure for Language-Dependent Texts
UPX_YSD_TIMEFRAME - Not Active - UPX: Structure of General Maintenance Screen
UPX_YSD_UNITS - UPX: Screen Structure for Units of Measure
UPX_YSD_UNITS_LINE - UPX: Screen Structure for UOMs - Table Lines
UPX_YSD_VARIABLE - UPX: Structure for Variable Maintenance Screen
UPX_YSD_VERSION - Not Active - UPX: Sales Planning Versions - Screen Structure
UPX_YS_API_BDOC - API for Offline Planning
UPX_YS_API_LAY_HD_SCHEME - Lead Columns: Screen Fields - Second Table
UPX_YS_API_LAY_KF_PARAM - Layout API: Key Figure Scheme (Function Parameters)
UPX_YS_API_LAY_KF_SCHEME - API Layout: Key Figure Scheme
UPX_YS_API_LAY_KF_SHIFT - API Layout: Operand Shift
UPX_YS_API_LAY_LC_MAIN - API Layout: Lead Columns
UPX_YS_API_LAY_LC_TIME - API Layout: Lead Column Time Settings
UPX_YS_API_LAY_SPREADING - API Layout: Background Distribution Settings
UPX_YS_API_TEXT - API for Texts in Layout
UPX_YS_AREA_RANGE - Selection Condition for Planning Area
UPX_YS_BADI_REGISTER - Communication Structure for BAdI Registration
UPX_YS_BOOKS - UPX: List of Planning Folders
UPX_YS_CHA - Characteristics - BW Interfaces
UPX_YS_CHANM_GROUP - UPX: Hierarchy Characteristics Factory
UPX_YS_CHANM_LEVELS - Level for CHANM and Groups
UPX_YS_CHANM_TITLE - Title of Add Combination Screen
UPX_YS_CHANM_VALUES - UPX: Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_CHAVL_CHA - Characteristics and Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_CM_HANDLER - UPX: Context Menu Handler
UPX_YS_CM_ITEM - UPX: Context Menu - Available Item
UPX_YS_CM_RESULT - UPX: Context Menu Handler - Following Action
UPX_YS_DSRC - UPX: DataSources Factory
UPX_YS_FUNCLIST - Function List
UPX_YS_GRAPH_PATH - Path in Graph
UPX_YS_GROUP_DERIVED - Characteristic Deriv. After Responsibility Engine Processing
UPX_YS_HIE - Hierarchies - BW Interfaces
UPX_YS_HIECHA - Hierarchy Characteristic Organization
UPX_YS_HIER_DATA - Line of the Hierarchical Data
UPX_YS_ITEMS - Planning Services: ITEMS
UPX_YS_ITEM_NODE - Connector of Nodes and Items Within the LaunchPad
UPX_YS_ITEM_STATUS - UPX: Status of the LaunchPad Item
UPX_YS_KFS - Structure for Maintaining Key Figure Schemes
UPX_YS_KF_FUNCTION - Key Figure Scheme: Function Module
UPX_YS_KF_FUNCTION_PARAM - Parameters for Function Module for Key Figure Scheme
UPX_YS_KF_FUNCTION_REQUEST - Request for Function Module for Key Figure Scheme
UPX_YS_KF_FUNCTION_RESPONSE - Response for Function Module for Key Figure Scheme
UPX_YS_KPI_ATRLIST - Attributes and Descriptions in BW Master Data
UPX_YS_KPI_ATTR_CHAVL - API: Object Attributes
UPX_YS_KPI_CHACAT - Characteristic Catalog
UPX_YS_KPI_CHAVL - KPI Characteristic Value
UPX_YS_KPI_DATA_CHAVL - API: Characteristic Values To Be Synchronized
UPX_YS_KPI_DATA_KYFVL - API: Key Figure Values To Be Synchronized
UPX_YS_KPI_DATA_KYFVL2 - API: Key Figure Values To Be Synchronized rev 2
UPX_YS_KPI_EVAL_CAT - KPI Valuation for Alerts: Catalog
UPX_YS_KPI_EVAL_KPI - KPI Valuation for Alerts: Table
UPX_YS_KPI_EVAL_RESULT - KPI Valuation for Alerts: Result
UPX_YS_KPI_FACTOR - Distribution Calculator - Main Structure
UPX_YS_KPI_HIE_UPDATE - API: Synchronization of the Hierarchy
UPX_YS_KPI_KYFCAT - Key Figure Catalog
UPX_YS_KPI_KYFVL - Structure To Be Synchronized: Key Figure Values
UPX_YS_KPI_PAGER - Pagination data structure
UPX_YS_KPI_PATTERN - Buying Behavior: Table
UPX_YS_KPI_PATTERN_KEY - Buying Behavior Keys
UPX_YS_KPI_PATTERN_WEIGHT - Buying Behavior Factors
UPX_YS_KPI_PROFILE - Planning Profile: Table
UPX_YS_KPI_PROFLIST - Planning Profile: Catalog
UPX_YS_KPI_SELECTION - Characteristic Selections
UPX_YS_KPI_SPREADING - Distribution: Main Table
UPX_YS_KPI_SPREAD_CHANM - Distribution: Time Characteristics
UPX_YS_KPI_SPREAD_CHAVL - Distribution: Combination of Target Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_KPI_STRUCTURE - Structure To Be Synchronized: Main Table
UPX_YS_KPI_STRUCT_CHAVL - Structure To Be Synchronized: Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_KPI_STRUCT_KYFDEL - Structure to be Synchronized: Deletion Strategies
UPX_YS_KPI_STRUCT_KYFVL - Structure To Be Synchronized: Key Figure Values
UPX_YS_KPI_SYNC_NEWATTR - API: New Values for Object Attributes
UPX_YS_KPI_TIMEFRAME - Timeframe To Be Synchronized
UPX_YS_KPI_VISIBLE - Visible Characteristic Values
UPX_YS_LAUNCHPADTREE - UPX: Navigation Tree Structure
UPX_YS_LAYOUT_DATA - Layout Data for BADI Enhancements
UPX_YS_LAYOUT_OFFLINE - Information for Offline Layout Synchronization
UPX_YS_LAYOUT_TREE - Hierarchy Tree
UPX_YS_LAYOUT_UPDATE - Update Rules Layout - BADI Enhancements
UPX_YS_LAYOUT_UPDATE_TARGET - Layout Cell Update Targets for BADI Enhancements
UPX_YS_NODE_SORT - Node - Sort
UPX_YS_NODE_WEIGHT - Weighting for Nodes
UPX_YS_OBJ - UPX: DataSources Factory
UPX_YS_OFFSET_TEXT - Contains original and new long text desriptions
UPX_YS_PARAM - Function Parameters
UPX_YS_PROFILES - Planning Services: Profiles
UPX_YS_RESP_SOURCE - UPX: Responsibility Sources
UPX_YS_SHIFT - Enhanced Maintenance of Key Figure Schemes: Operator Shifts
UPX_YS_SORT_CHANM - Sorted Characteristics
UPX_YS_STATUS - UPX: Status of the LaunchPad Item - Runtime Version
UPX_YS_STATUS_DATA - Planning Services: Status
UPX_YS_TEST_ITEM - Structure of Log Table for Complete Test in UPX_MNTN
UPX_YS_TEXTS - UPX: Language-Dependent Texts
UPX_YS_TIME - Add Combination
UPX_YS_TIMEFRAME - UPX: Database Storage for Period Specification
UPX_YS_TIMELINE - Timeline Structure
UPX_YS_TREEITEM - Items for Column Tree
UPX_YS_TREENODE - UPX: Navigation Tree Structure
UPX_YS_VERSION - UPX: Version Objects Storage