SAP Reports / Programs

RCS15001 SAP ABAP Report - Material Where-Used List

RCS15001 is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter RCS15001 into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT RCS15001. "Basic submit
SUBMIT RCS15001 AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT RCS15001 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: PM_ALVSA = Variable List
Selection Text: PM_DATUB = Valid-To Date
Selection Text: PM_DATUV = Valid-From Date
Selection Text: PM_DIRKT = Direct
Selection Text: PM_DSPRF = Display Profile
Selection Text: PM_EMENG = Required Quantity
Selection Text: PM_EQUTP = Use in Equipment BOMs
Selection Text: PM_GBRAZ = Display Validity
Selection Text: PM_IDNRK = Material
Selection Text: PM_KNDTP = Usage in Sales Order BOMs
Selection Text: PM_LTEXT = Display Item Long Text
Selection Text: PM_MATTP = Use in Material BOMs
Selection Text: PM_MEHRS = Multilevel
Selection Text: PM_POSTP = Item Category
Selection Text: PM_PRJTP = Usage in WBS BOM
Selection Text: PM_PRPRF = Print Profile
Selection Text: PM_RMENG = Resulting Quantity
Selection Text: PM_STDTP = Use in Standard BOMs
Selection Text: PM_STLAN = BOM Usage
Selection Text: PM_TECHB = Techn status valid to
Selection Text: PM_TECHV = Techn status valid from
Selection Text: PM_TPLTP = Use in funct. loc. BOMs
Selection Text: PM_UEBKL = Via Class
Selection Text: PM_WERKS = Plant
Selection Text: PM_HEMNG = ?...(PM_HEMNG)
Selection Text: PM_HRMNG = ?...(PM_HRMNG)
Title: Material Where-Used List
Text Symbol: 001 = Where-Used List: Material
Text Symbol: 002 = Material Where-Used List
Text Symbol: 003 = *** BOM not valid on ***
Text Symbol: 006 = ********* E N D O F L I S T *********
Text Symbol: 007 = Material
Text Symbol: 008 = Lv U Plnt Equipment no. Al Item Qty Un Resulting qty Un
Text Symbol: 009 = Lv U Plnt Material no. RL Al Item Qty Un Resulting qty Un
Text Symbol: 010 = Description DID
Text Symbol: 011 = Lv U Plnt Equipment no. Al Item Qty Un Resulting qty Un Cl
Text Symbol: 012 = Lv U Plnt Material no. RL Al Item Qty Un Resulting qty Un Cl
Text Symbol: 014 = Description DID Valid from - to

Text Symbol: 015 = Valid
Text Symbol: 016 = Valid on
Text Symbol: 017 = Description
Text Symbol: 020 = Paramtr effectivity:
Text Symbol: 021 = Key date
Text Symbol: 040 = Fix
Text Symbol: 050 = Selection Criteria:
Text Symbol: 098 = **** End of list ****
Text Symbol: 099 = | |
Text Symbol: 100 = Exception messages:
Text Symbol: 110 = * BOMs marked for deletion
Text Symbol: 111 = * Recursion Check Off
Text Symbol: 112 = * Recursive BOMs
Text Symbol: 113 = * Access denied (authorization group):
Text Symbol: 114 = * BOMs Not Valid
Text Symbol: 115 = * Problem with Conversion

INCLUDES used within this REPORT RCS15001


TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

CLFC_PROFILE_SIZE CALL FUNCTION 'CLFC_PROFILE_SIZE' "YHG110068 EXPORTING "YHG110068 listid = list_id "YHG110068 profile = act_profil "YHG110068 IMPORTING "YHG110068 *del SIZE = SAV_PRFSZ "YHG110068"YHG032486 size = itf_prfsz "YHG032486 EXCEPTIONS "YHG110068 listid_not_found = 01 "YHG110068 no_valid_listid = 02 "YHG110068 no_valid_profile = 03 "YHG110068 profile_not_found = 04 "YHG110068 profile_not_in_listid = 05. "YHG110068

CLFC_PROFILE_SIZE CALL FUNCTION 'CLFC_PROFILE_SIZE' "YHG135858 EXPORTING "YHG135858 listid = list_id "YHG135858 profile = act_profil "YHG135858 IMPORTING "YHG135858 *del SIZE = SAV_PRFSZ. "YHG135858"YHG032486

MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION CALL FUNCTION 'MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION' "HGA013934 EXPORTING "HGA013934 input = sav_frmng "HGA013934 kzmeinh = 'X' "HGA013934 matnr = matcat-matnr "HGA013934 meinh = lst_bmein "HGA013934 meins = ltb-emeih "HGA013934 type_umr = '3' "HGA013934 IMPORTING "HGA013934 *d output = sav_frmng. "HGA013934 MBA148624

REVISION_LEVEL_SELECT CALL FUNCTION 'REVISION_LEVEL_SELECT' EXPORTING matnr = selpool-matnr datuv = revl_sdatu IMPORTING arevlv = tmat_revlv EXCEPTIONS date_not_found = 1 input_incomplete = 2 input_inconsistent = 3 revision_not_found = 4.

CS_WHERE_USED_MAT CALL FUNCTION 'CS_WHERE_USED_MAT' EXPORTING datub = pm_datub datuv = pm_datuv *del MATNR = PM_IDNRK "YHG125492 matnr = lcl_matnr "YHG125492 postp = pm_postp *del STLAN = PM_STLAN "YHG125492 stlan = lcl_stlan "YHG125492 *del WERKS = PM_WERKS "YHG125492 werks = lcl_werks "YHG125492 STLTP = STLTP_IN "note 308150 IMPORTING topmat = selpool TABLES wultb = ltb equicat = equicat "YHG110068 kndcat = kndcat "YHG110068 matcat = matcat "YHG110068 stdcat = stdcat "YHG110068 tplcat = tplcat "YHG110068 prjcat = prjcat "MBA089075 EXCEPTIONS * CALL_INVALID = 01 material_not_found = 02 no_where_used_rec_found = 03 no_where_used_rec_selected = 04 no_where_used_rec_valid = 05.

CS_WHERE_USED_MAT_VIA_CLA CALL FUNCTION 'CS_WHERE_USED_MAT_VIA_CLA' "YHG000381 EXPORTING "YHG000381 datub = pm_datub "YHG000381 datuv = pm_datuv "YHG000381 *del MATNR = PM_IDNRK "YHG000381"YHG125492 matnr = lcl_matnr "YHG125492 postp = pm_postp "YHG000381 *del STLAN = PM_STLAN "YHG000381"YHG125492 stlan = lcl_stlan "YHG125492 *del WERKS = PM_WERKS "YHG000381"YHG125492 werks = lcl_werks "YHG125492 STLTP = STLTP_IN "note 308150 IMPORTING "YHG000381 topmat = selpool "YHG000381 TABLES "YHG000381 wultb = ltb "YHG000381 equicat = equicat "YHG110068 kndcat = kndcat "YHG110068 matcat = matcat "YHG110068 stdcat = stdcat "YHG110068 tplcat = tplcat "YHG110068 EXCEPTIONS "YHG000381 * CALL_INVALID = 01 "YHG000381 material_not_found = 02 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_found = 03 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_selected = 04 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_valid = 05. "YHG000381

CS_WHERE_USED_MAT_ANY CALL FUNCTION 'CS_WHERE_USED_MAT_ANY' "YHG000381 EXPORTING "YHG000381 datub = pm_datub "YHG000381 datuv = pm_datuv "YHG000381 *del MATNR = PM_IDNRK "YHG000381"YHG125492 matnr = lcl_matnr "YHG125492 postp = pm_postp "YHG000381 *del STLAN = PM_STLAN "YHG000381"YHG125492 stlan = lcl_stlan "YHG125492 *del WERKS = PM_WERKS "YHG000381"YHG125492 werks = lcl_werks "YHG125492 STLTP = STLTP_IN "note 308150 IMPORTING "YHG000381 topmat = selpool "YHG000381 TABLES "YHG000381 wultb = ltb "YHG000381 equicat = equicat "YHG110068 kndcat = kndcat "YHG110068 matcat = matcat "YHG110068 stdcat = stdcat "YHG110068 tplcat = tplcat "YHG110068 EXCEPTIONS "YHG000381 * CALL_INVALID = 01 "YHG000381 material_not_found = 02 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_found = 03 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_selected = 04 "YHG000381 no_where_used_rec_valid = 05. "YHG000381

CS_VLIST_BLOCK_PROCESSING CALL FUNCTION 'CS_VLIST_BLOCK_PROCESSING' EXPORTING blcnm = lcl_blcnm lstid = lcl_lstid profl = lcl_profl first = lcl_first rshift = val_shift newline = lcl_nline IMPORTING eoblc = eoblc lnmpt = lnmpt_flg TABLES watab = watab EXCEPTIONS call_invalid = 4.

REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = report_name is_layout = alvlo_sel i_save = ' ' it_fieldcat = sel_fields_tb I_DEFAULT = '' "NOTE_1382657 it_events = alv_evnt_tb_pfxt i_screen_start_column = 7 i_screen_start_line = 8 i_screen_end_column = 71 i_screen_end_line = 16 IMPORTING e_exit_caused_by_caller = exit_by_caller es_exit_caused_by_user = exit_by_user TABLES t_outtab = dsp_sel EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS CALL FUNCTION 'RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS' EXPORTING curr_report = report_name TABLES selection_table = inp_sel EXCEPTIONS not_found = 01 no_report = 02.


ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@AR@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@AN@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@9Z@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@A6@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@ED@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@00@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004

ICON_CREATE CALL FUNCTION 'ICON_CREATE' "Acc 2004 EXPORTING "Acc 2004 name = '@AO@' "Acc 2004 IMPORTING "Acc 2004 result = ltb_add-objic "Acc 2004 EXCEPTIONS "Acc 2004 icon_not_found = 1 "Acc 2004 outputfield_too_short = 2 "Acc 2004 others = 3. "Acc 2004


REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = report_name is_layout = alvlo_xcpt i_save = ' ' it_fieldcat = xcpt_fields_tb it_events = alv_evnt_tb_pfxt i_screen_start_column = 4 i_screen_start_line = 4 i_screen_end_column = 87 i_screen_end_line = 12 IMPORTING e_exit_caused_by_caller = exit_by_caller es_exit_caused_by_user = exit_by_user TABLES t_outtab = xcpt_tb EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION CALL FUNCTION 'MATERIAL_UNIT_CONVERSION' EXPORTING input = sav_frmng kzmeinh = 'X' matnr = matcat-matnr meinh = lst_bmein meins = ltb-emeih type_umr = '3' IMPORTING output = sav_frmng EXCEPTIONS conversion_not_found input_invalid material_not_found meinh_not_found meins_missing no_meinh output_invalid overflow.

REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' EXPORTING i_callback_program = report_name i_structure_name = 'STPOV_ALV' is_layout = alvlo_ltb i_save = alvvr_sav_all is_variant = alvvr it_events = alv_evnt_tb_cmpl it_fieldcat = ltb_fields_tb IMPORTING e_exit_caused_by_caller = exit_by_caller es_exit_caused_by_user = exit_by_user TABLES t_outtab = alv_ltb EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

GET_FIELDTAB *dCALL FUNCTION 'GET_FIELDTAB' "uc 070302 *d EXPORTING "uc 070302 *d langu = sy-langu "uc 070302 *d tabname = 'STPOV_ALV' "uc 070302 *d withtext = ' ' "uc 070302 *d only = 'T' "uc 070302 *d TABLES "uc 070302 *d fieldtab = ftab "uc 070302 *d EXCEPTIONS "uc 070302 *d OTHERS = 1. "uc 070302

DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET' "uc 070302 EXPORTING "uc 070302 LANGU = SY-LANGU "uc 070302 TABNAME = 'STPOV_ALV' "uc 070302 * UCLEN = '01' "uc 070302 TABLES "uc 070302 DFIES_TAB = ftab "uc 070302 EXCEPTIONS "uc 070302 OTHERS = 1. "uc 070302

Contribute (Add Comments)

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The contribute/comments section below therefore offer's an opportunity for anyone to add additional information. This can be anything from useful hints, tips and screen shots to relevant SAP notes or anything else you feel is relevant to this report.

This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name RCS15001 or its description.