SAP Tables | Public Sector Management | Expenditure Certification SAP PSM

SAP PSM Expenditure Certification Tables (PSM-EC)

SAP Expenditure Certification Tables PSM-EC

FINSRC_CUST - OBSOLETE Financing Source Customer Fields
FMEUFACT - OBSOLETE Select Accounting Object
FMEUFACTO - Accounting Objects for Operation Derivation
FMEUFAUD - Auditing (Operation)
FMEUFCAT - Certifiable Document Types
FMEUFCD_FMEUFAUD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFFNS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFFSPF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFLNK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFOPH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFOPPF - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_FMEUFTIM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FMEUFCD_LIST - Structure for change documents
FMEUFCER - Certification Procedure
FMEUFCERT - Certification Procedure - Text table
FMEUFCERTINFO - Certification Run Info
FMEUFDOCDET - Document details
FMEUFDOCGR - Document Group
FMEUFDOCGR_T - Text Table for Document Group
FMEUFDOCS - OBSOLETE Structure for document processing

FMEUFDOCT - Document Type assigned to Document Group
FMEUFELIGTAX - Eligible tax codes for the eligible amount calculation
FMEUFEXP - Certified Expenditure Documents
FMEUFEXPL - OBSOLETE --- Certification Line Items
FMEUFFCAT - Funding Category
FMEUFFCATT - Funding Category - Text Table
FMEUFFNS - Financing Source
FMEUFFNST - Financing Source - Text Table
FMEUFFSPF - Performance Indicator per Financing Source
FMEUFINT - Intervention in Expenditure Certification
FMEUFINTA - ?? OBSOLETE ??: Intervention - Assign External to Internal
FMEUFINTT - Intervention - Text Table
FMEUFINTX - Financing Source Intervention - External Code
FMEUFINTXT - Financing Source Intervention - External Code - Text Table
FMEUFLEV1 - Financing Source Level 1
FMEUFLEV1T - Financing Source Level 1 - Text Table
FMEUFLEV2 - Financing Source Level 2
FMEUFLEV2T - Financing Source Level 2 - Text Table
FMEUFLEV3 - Financing Source Level 3
FMEUFLEV3T - Financing Source Level 3 - Text Table
FMEUFLEV4 - Financing Source Level 4
FMEUFLEV4T - Financing Source Level 4 - Text Table
FMEUFLNK - Financing Source and Operation Link
FMEUFOPCC - OBSOLETE Field Selection for Operation Copy
FMEUFOPH - Define Operation Header
FMEUFOPL - OBSOLETE Define Operation Lines
FMEUFOPPF - Performance Indicator per Operation
FMEUFOPT - Define Operation Header - Text Table
FMEUFPERF - Performance Indicator
FMEUFPERFT - Performance Indicator - Text Table
FMEUFPHA - Certification Procedure Phases
FMEUFPHAT - Certification Procedure Phases - Text Table
FMEUFPRELCONS - Preliminarily Certified Amounts
FMEUFRCODE - Regional Code
FMEUFRCODET - Regional Code - Text Table
FMEUFRUN - Certification Run Parameter
FMEUFRUNL - Selection Details for Certification Run
FMEUFTAX - Tax Handling for Expenditure Certification
FMEUFTAXHAND - Tax handling for the eligible amount calculation logic

FMEUFTIM - Financing Source Time Slices
FMEUFTSL - Time Slices
FMEUFTYP - Financing Source Type
FMEUFTYPT - Financing Source Type - Text Table
FMEUFWTEXCL - Eligible sales tax codes for the eligible amount calculation
FMEUF_AUTH - Structure for authorization check
FMEUF_BKPF - Document Header Fields for Expenditure Certification
FMEUF_FMIFIIT - Relevant Fields from FMIFIIT
FMEUF_HISTORY - Structure for Certification History
FMEUF_OPCC - Structure For Fields Allowed to be Copied
FMEUF_OPDERIVE_HELP_FLDS - Additional helpfields for the FMECDERIVE derivation
FMEUF_OPDERIVE_REP - Report Data Structure for Operation Derivation
FMEUF_OPDERIVE_SRC - Source Data Structure for Operation Derivation
FMEUF_OPDERIVE_TARGET - Target Data Structure for Operation Derivation
FMEUF_OPERATION_DB - OBSOLETE Class for Operation on Database
FMEUF_OPERA_DETAIL - Operation Detail
FMEUF_OP_ASSIGN - List of Assignments Linked to Operation
FMEUF_PREL_FS_CO - Obsolete!! To be removed!!
FMEUF_RANGE_BELNR - Range for Expenditure Document Number
FMEUF_RANGE_BUDAT - Range for Posting Date
FMEUF_RANGE_BUKRS - Range for Company Code
FMEUF_RANGE_CERDT - Range for Certification Date
FMEUF_RANGE_CERNO - Range for Certification Number
FMEUF_RANGE_CERTIF - OBSOLETE---Range for Certified Amount
FMEUF_RANGE_COMPL - Range for Document Line Completely Certified Indicator
FMEUF_RANGE_CURR - Range for Currency of the Financing Source
FMEUF_RANGE_DOCAMT - OBSOLETE---Range for Eligible Amount of Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_DOCAMT_GROSS - OBSOLETE --- Range for Gross Amount of Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_DOCAMT_NET - OBSOLETE --- Range for Net Amount of Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_DOCCAT - OBSOLETE---Range for Eligible Amount of Document Category
FMEUF_RANGE_DOCGRP - Range for Expenditure Document Group
FMEUF_RANGE_FINALZ - Range for Certification Finalized Indicator
FMEUF_RANGE_FINEXC - Range for Document Category for Expenditure Certification
FMEUF_RANGE_FINEXL - OBSOLETE---Range for Expenditure Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_FINSRC - Range for Financing Source
FMEUF_RANGE_FS - OBSOLETE Range Structrure for Operation
FMEUF_RANGE_FUNDCAT - OBSOLETE---Range for Funding Category
FMEUF_RANGE_GJAHR - Range for Fiscal Year

FMEUF_RANGE_GROSS - OBSOLETE---Range for Gross Amount of Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_NET - OBSOLETE---Range for Net Amount of Document Line
FMEUF_RANGE_OP - Range Structure for Operation
FMEUF_RANGE_PAYDT - Range for Payment Date
FMEUF_RANGE_RUNAMT - OBSOLETE---Range for Certified Contribution
FMEUF_RANGE_WBS - Structure of a range table for WBS element
FMEUF_REPEXP - Structure for Certification List Report
FMEUF_ST_FINTYP - Structure of fintyp
FMEUF_ST_INT - Structure of Intervention
FMEUF_ST_LEV1 - Intervention Level 1
FMEUF_ST_LEV2 - Intervention Level 2
FMEUF_ST_LEV3 - Intervention Level 3
FMEUF_ST_LEV4 - Intervention Level 4
FMEUF_ST_LEVELS - Level 1 to 4
IFMEIF_CERT_FINSCR - Financing sources used in the certification run
IFMEUFACC_OPERA - Accounting Objects linked to Operation
IFMEUFACC_OPERAT - Text Structure for Accounting Object linked to Operation
IFMEUFDOCS - Structure for Document Selection
IFMEUFFS_OPERA - Structure for linked Financing Sources to Operation
IFMEUFFS_OPERAT - Text Structure linked Financing Sources to Operation
IFMEUFLINEAM - Expense and tax amount in every document line
IFMEUFLNK_ATTR - Attributes of the Link of Operation to Financing Source
IFMEUFTIM_AMOUNTS - Financing Source Time Slice Amounts
IFMEUFTIM_AMOUNTS_2 - Financing Source Time Slice Amounts
IFMEUFTIM_ATTR - Financing Source Time Slice Amounts
IFMEUF_ADMIN - Administrative Data for Expenditure Certification Objects
IFMEUF_AUD_OPERA - Structure for Auditing (Operation)
IFMEUF_AWITEMKEY - Generic Key of document line to be certified
IFMEUF_CERTKEY - Key of Certification Run
IFMEUF_CERT_AMTS_TEST - Structure for reading ECATT data container
IFMEUF_CERT_FINSRC - Financing sources used in the certification run
IFMEUF_CERT_FINSRC_WD - Financing sources used in the certification run (Web Dynpro)
IFMEUF_CERT_INFO - Certification Run Information
IFMEUF_CERT_OPERA - Financing sources used in the certification run
IFMEUF_CHANGEINFO - Administrative Data for Expenditure Certification Objects
IFMEUF_CREATIONINFO - Administrative Data for Expenditure Certification Objects
IFMEUF_DOCAMT - Amounts of a document to be certified
IFMEUF_DOCTAX - Tax code and amount corresponding to a document line
IFMEUF_DOCWT - Withholding tax amount in a document
IFMEUF_DOC_SEL - Selection of documents for certification correction
IFMEUF_DOC_SELECT - Relevant fields in selected FI document lines
IFMEUF_EXCL_WITHTAXCODE - Non-eligible WT code (do not use in DB tables)
IFMEUF_EXCL_WT - Non-eligible withholding tax
IFMEUF_EXCL_WT_BUKRS - Withholding Tax Codes Company Code
IFMEUF_EXP - Structure for Maintenance of Certification List
IFMEUF_EXP_MAINT - OBSOLETE Structure for Maintenance of Certification List
IFMEUF_EXP_RUN - Line Structure for Processing the Certification Run
IFMEUF_FINSRC - Financing source information required in the cert. run
IFMEUF_FINSRC_CONS - Structure with Finacing Source and Consumption Amounts
IFMEUF_FNS - Structure with only Financing Source key
IFMEUF_FNS_FULL - Financing Source Attributes for POWL
IFMEUF_FOV_OPERA - Structure for Financial Overview (Operation)
IFMEUF_FS_ACCASS - Revenue Account Assignment of Financing Source
IFMEUF_FS_ATTR - Financing Source Header Attributes
IFMEUF_FS_ATTR_G - Financing Source Attributes (GET)
IFMEUF_FS_ATTR_GET - Structure for Financing Source (Get) Attributes
IFMEUF_INCL_TAXCODE - Eligible tax code range (do not use in a table as an include
IFMEUF_INCL_TAXCODE_BUKRS - Eligible Tax Codes for Company Code
IFMEUF_ITEMKEY - Key of document line to be certified
IFMEUF_ITEMKEY_AMT - Line items with amounts
IFMEUF_ITEMKEY_EXT - Key of document line to be certified (Extended)
IFMEUF_LINE_TAX - Corresponding tax amount per document line
IFMEUF_OPERATION_LINE - Line of assignment to an Operation
IFMEUF_OPLNKFS - Links from a Financing Source to its Operations
IFMEUF_OP_ATTR - Operation Header Attribute
IFMEUF_OP_ATTRT - Text for Header Structure for Operation
IFMEUF_OP_POWL - Fields for an Operation in the POWL
IFMEUF_PERFFS - Performance_indicator - get (Financing Source)
IFMEUF_PERF_OPERA - Structure for Performance Indicator (Operation)
IFMEUF_PERF_OPERA_PLUS - Structure for Performance Indicator (Operation)
IFMEUF_RUNH - Header Attributes for Certification Run
IFMEUF_RUNHT - Header Attributes for Certification Run plus Texts
IFMEUF_RUNH_2 - Header Attributes for Cert. Run (Changeable after the Run)
IFMEUF_RUNLIST - Structure for POWL of Certification Runs
IFMEUF_SELDATA - Structure for Selection (WD Operation)
IFMEUF_STATUS - Status of Run Plus Text
IFMEUF_TEXTS - Short- and Longdescriptions for EC objects
IFMEUF_TSL - Time Slice
IFMEUF_TSL_G - Time Slice - Get
IFMEUF_TYPE_ATTR - Financing source attributes derived from the FS type
IFMEUF_VALDATES - Validity Dates
IFMEUF_WT_INFO - Withholding tax information of the certified documents
IMEUF_MSG_TXT_ALV - Structure for the ALV of the messages in the application log
RSFMEUF_FINSRC_TXT - Extract structure for Financing Source Texts
RSFMEUF_FNS - Extract structure for Financing Source
RSFMEUF_LEVELS - Extract Structure for Political Program Levels
RSFMEUF_OPERA_AUD - Estract Structure for Audited Operations
RSFMEUF_OPERA_PERF - Extract Structure for Operations and Performance Indicators
RSFMEUF_OPERA_TXT - Extract structure for Operation Texts
RSFMEUF_RUN - Extract structure for Certification Run
SELECTION_DATA - OBSOLETE Structure for Selection Data