SAP Tables | Enterprise Controlling | Consolidation SAP EC

SAP EC Consolidation Tables (EC-CS)

SAP Consolidation Tables EC-CS

/1SAP1/FC_TFG200 - Master Data Table: Type of ConsUnit
/1SAP1/FC_TFG201 - Master Data Table: Tax Equal. Indicator
/1SAP1/FC_TFG300 - Master Data Table: Type of ConsUnit
/1SAP1/FC_TFG301 - Master Data Texts: Tax Equal. Indicator
BAPI1024 - Transfer Structure 1024 CONSUNIT
BAPI1024_CONSUNIT_LIST - Transfer Structure 1024 CONSUNIT_LIST
BAPI1025 - Transfer Structure 1025 CONSCHARTOFACCTS
BAPI1025_CONSCHART_LIST - Transfer Structure 1025 CONSCHART_LIST
BAPI1025_CONSITEM_LIST - Transfer Structure 1025 CONSITEM_LIST
BAPI1026 - Transfer structure 1026
BAPI1026_CONSINVESTEE_RA - Structure for Range Table (Investee Unit)
BAPI1026_CONSITEM_RA - Structure for Range Table (FS Items)
BAPI1026_CONSPARTNER_RA - Structure for Range Table (Partners)
BAPI1026_CONSSUBITEM_RA - Structure for Range Table (Subitems)
BAPI1026_CONSUNIT_RA - Structure for Range Table (Cons Unit)
BAPI1026_EQUITY_LIST - Transfer Structure 1026 EQUITY_LIST
BAPI1026_TOTALS_LIST - Transfer Structure 1026 TOTALS_LIST
BAPI1026_TRANSCURR_RA - Structure for Range Table (Transaction Currency)
BAPI1027 - Transfer Structure 1027 CONSGROUP

BAPI1027_CONSGROUP_LIST - Transfer Structure 1027 CONSGROUP_LIST
BAPI1027_CONSUNIT_LIST - Transfer Structure 1027 CONSUNIT_LIST
BAPI1121 - Transfer Structure Object 1121: CONSSUBITEMCATEGORY GETLIST
BAPI1121_CONSSUBITEM - Transfer Structure Object 1121: CONSSUBITEMs
BAPI1122 - Transfer Structure Object 1122: CONSDOCUMENTTYPE GETLIST
ECCSDAT - Data Structure for CS Validation
ECCSEQV - Equivalency Structure for CS Validation
ECCSPAR - Parameter Structure in Cons Validations
ECCS_AUTHA - EC-CS: Structure for authorization fields in Consolidation
ECMCA - SAP Cons.: Journal Entry Table (Actual)
ECMCC - SAP Cons.: Object Table Movement Attributes
ECMCO - SAP Cons.: Object Table Assignment Fields (Object/Partner)
ECMCT - SAP Cons.: Totals Table
EWUCS01 - SAP Cons.-EURO: Selected FS Items for Euro Conversion
EWUCS10 - SAP Cons.-EURO: Consolidation Units for Euro Conversion
EWUCS11 - SAP Cons.-EURO: Ledger for Conversion
FC00 - Screen Fields for Function Group FC00
FC00ACG10 - Structure of Table Control for Program FICACG10
FC00ACHGEN - Selection Screen for Authorization Generator
FC00ACHLST - List Processor Output for Generated Authorizations
FC00ATTR - Attributes of Consolidation (Characteristics w/o Trans.Data)
FC00ATTR2 - Attributes of Consolidation (Characteristics w/o Trans.Data)
FC00ATTR2_COICU - Attributes of Consolidation for Investee Unit
FC00ATTR2_RBUNIT - Attributes of Consolidation for Consolidation Unit
FC00ATTR2_RBUPTR - Attributes of Consolidation for Partner Unit
FC00ATTR_RBUNIT - Attributes of Consolidation for Consolidation Unit
FC00CPDGEN - for selection screen generation FICCPD00
FC00CPDLFX - List Fields for Copying Totals Records
FC00CPDLST - List Fields for Copying Totals Records
FC00CPSGEN - for Selection Generation FICCPS00
FC00CPSLFX - List Boxes ECCS Set Copy Program
FC00CPSLST - List Boxes ECCS Set Copy Program
FC00CPY10 - Structure f. FICCPY10
FC00FIELD - Characteristics for Consolidation
FC00FLDATTR - Characteristics and Attributes for Consolidation
FC00FLDSCR - Char. Selection, reserved for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules
FC00LPDEL - EC-CS: Output Structure FICLPDEL

FC00LST00D - List Display f. FICLST00: Detail List
FC00LST00F - List display f. FICLST00: Fixed Fields
FC00LST00M - List display f. FICLST00: Main List
FC00LST01M - List display f. FICLST00: Main List
FC00LST10M - List Display f. FICLST10: Main List
FC00LSTGEN - Generated Screen for LST00/LST10
FC00MIGLFX - SAP Cons: Migration: Fields for List Header
FC00MIGLST - SAP Cons.: Migration: Fields for List Output
FC00SIUFIX - FICSIU00: Help Structure for List Output
FC00SIULST - FICSIU00: Structure for List Output
FC00SUBACCNT - Subassignments (without external key because of dimension)
FC00SUBACCNTFLG - Flag per Subassignment
FC00SYSLST - Performance Analysis of SAP Consolidation
FC00TAB - Screen Fields for Function Group FC00
FC00TPCGEN - for selection screen generation FICTPC00
FC00_BCF_LCC_ROUND - Structure for Rounding with Local Currency Change
FC00_SETUSE - Where-Used List for Sets
FC00_S_ADD_FIELDS - Selected Information on Characteristics
FC00_S_ARCHIVE_RYEAR - SAP Cons: Years with Open Status for Archiving
FC00_S_AUX_SEL - Specification of Characteristics for Determining Max Sets
FC00_S_BCF - Interface for FC_BCF: Reclassification using Carryforwarding
FC00_S_BCF_CU_CURR - Interface for FC_BCF: Local Currency and Data Entry Flag
FC00_S_CHDV - Interface for FC_CHAR_DEFVAL_GET: Default Value (Structure)
FC00_S_CHDV_PARAM - Interface for FC_CHAR_DEFVAL_GET: Parameters
FC00_S_CLUSTR - Structure for Export and Import of Any Data
FC00_S_COICU_CIECMC - Structure with COICU and CI_ECMC
FC00_S_DDINFO - SAP Cons.: DDIC Information for Structure Download
FC00_S_EXTRACT_BCS - File Structure for Extract
FC00_S_FATTR - Attributes
FC00_S_FDEP - Characteristic Compounds

FC00_S_FICLST30 - List Display f. FICLST30
FC00_S_FICLST30SCR - Generation Screen f. LST30
FC00_S_FICMIG10SEL - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Master Data: Selection Screen
FC00_S_FICPERTP_LIST - Structure for ALV Report FICPERTP
FC00_S_FICSTC00 - List Display for FICSTC00: Main List
FC00_S_FICSTC00SCR - Generated Screen for FICSTC00
FC00_S_FIELDS - Row Structure: Fields to be Selected
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FDISP - Displayed Chars/Attributes for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FFIX - Fixed Char. Values for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_FIELD - Value per Char./Attribute(Single Value or Set, Default Flag)
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_HANDLE - Handle for Usage of FC_FIELD_SCREEN_x Modules
FC00_S_FLD_SCR_LAYOUT - Interface for FC_FIELD_SCREEN_... Modules: Layout
FC00_S_FPROP - Field Attributes
FC00_S_FPROP_BUF - Field Attributes: Buffer
FC00_S_FPROP_BUFFER - Field Attributes: Buffer
FC00_S_ITEM_PROP - Item Properties (incl. Texts)
FC00_S_LVC_EVENTS - General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Events
FC00_S_LVC_FCAT - General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Field Catalog
FC00_S_LVC_SORT - General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Sorting
FC00_S_LVC_TOOLBAR - General List Display (ALV Grid Control): Toolbar
FC00_S_MESSAGE - Messages for Consolidations
FC00_S_MIG_BP_CU - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Cons Units (Business Partners)
FC00_S_MIG_CG - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Consolidation Units
FC00_S_MIG_CU - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Consolidation Units
FC00_S_MIG_CUHIER - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Cons Group Hierarchy
FC00_S_MIG_ITEM - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Items
FC00_S_MIG_ITEMH - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Item Hierarchy
FC00_S_MIG_ITGRP - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Breakdown Categories
FC00_S_MIG_RVERS_TIME_CU - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Cons Units, Version/Time-Depend.
FC00_S_MIG_SITEM - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Subitems
FC00_S_MIG_SITYP - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Subitem Categories
FC00_S_MIG_YEAR_CU - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Cons Units, Year-Dependent
FC00_S_POST_COMMIT_DECIDE - Information for Determining Data Volume in Update Task
FC00_S_RANGE - General Range Definition (for fc_totals_select)
FC00_S_RA_BUNIT - Structure Range - Consolidation Unit
FC00_S_RA_CACTT - Structure Range - Task Category
FC00_S_RA_CFHVARIANT - Structure Range - Hierarchy Variant
FC00_S_RA_CMETH - Structure Range - Method
FC00_S_RA_CONGR - Structure Range - Consolidation Group
FC00_S_RA_CURRENCY - Structure Range - Currency
FC00_S_RA_DIMEN - Structure Range - Dimension
FC00_S_RA_DOCTY - Structure Range - Document Type
FC00_S_RA_ITCLG - Structure Range - Cons Chart of Accounts
FC00_S_RA_ITEM - Structure Range - FS Item
FC00_S_RA_PERID - Structure Range - Period
FC00_S_RA_PERTP - Structure Range - Period Category
FC00_S_RA_PLEVL - Structure Range - Posting Level
FC00_S_RA_RVERS - Structure Range - Cons Version
FC00_S_RA_RYEAR - Structure Range - Fiscal Year
FC00_S_RA_SITYP - Structure Range - Subitem Category
FC00_S_RA_SUBIT - Structure Range - Subitem
FC00_S_RA_UNIT - Structure Range - Unit of Measure
FC00_S_RIC_00 - Header Information for Referential Integrity Check
FC00_S_RIC_01 - Detail Information for Referential Integrity Check
FC00_S_SEL - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
FC00_S_SEL_SCREEN_FDESCR - Field Descriptions of Selection Screens for Report Programs
FC00_S_SETUSE - Where-Used List for Consolidation Sets
FC00_S_VHELP_DISPLAY - Possible Entries for Chars: Indep. Fields for Display Only
FC00_S_VHELP_VALUE - Possible Entries for Chars: Selection Results
FC00_S_VM_TF040 - View Maint.for TF040 (Defaults for Chars)
FC00_S_YEARPER - Structure with 7-digit Period
FC01ATAB - Internal Structure for Specifying Several Item Ranges
FC01BASE - Internal table for screen fields concerning cons units
FC01BASEITCLG - Screen Fields, Item Master
FC01BRKDWN1300 - Fields for Tablecontrol
FC01BTAB - Structure (FS Items with Texts)
FC01CGCLST - Mass Change CG: Structure of List Output
FC01CGCU - Selection criteria for CU/CG
FC01CPIGEN - For Selection Generation of FICCPI00
FC01CSTMFIND - Search in a Hierarchy Tree
FC01CSTREEFIND - Search in a Hierarchy
FC01CTAB - Structure for Specifying CG/CU Ranges
FC01CUATTR - Attributes of the Consolidation Unit
FC01CUCLST - Mass Change CU: Structure of List Output
FC01DTAB - Structure for Creating CGs/CUs in Hierarchy Maintenance
FC01ETAB - Structure for Creating Hierarchies in Hierarchy Maintenance
FC01FICLMD61 - Print Item Hierarchy
FC01FTAB - Structure for Creating CGs/CUs in Hierarchy Maintenance
FC01H90LST - CG/CU where-used list - List proc. output
FC01I90LST - Item Where-Used List - List Proc. Output
FC01ITCLST - Mass Change CU: Structure of List Output
FC01ITEM - Internal table for screen fields concerning 'items'
FC01ITEMLST - List Output of Master Data
FC01ITM - Selection criteria 'FS items'
FC01ITXLST - Structure for List Output FICITX00 Item Used-list in Cust.
FC01KITEM - Structure for SET Breakdown of Financial Statement Items
FC01KSITEM - Structure for SET Breakdown of Subitems
FC01LMDL10 - Data fields for master data lists: Dimensions
FC01LMDL20 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Hierarchies
FC01LMDL30 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Hierarchy Levels
FC01LMDL40 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Cons Groups
FC01LMDL50 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Cons Units
FC01LMDL60 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Cons Charts of Accts
FC01LMDL70 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: FS Items
FC01LMDL71 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Item Long Texts
FC01LMDL80 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Breakdown Categories
FC01LMDL90 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Subitem Categories
FC01LMDLA0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Subitems
FC01LMDLA1 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Subitem Long Texts
FC01LMDLB0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Versions
FC01LMDLC0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Ledgers
FC01LMDLD0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Task Groups
FC01LMDLE0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Tasks
FC01LMDLF0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Methods
FC01LMDLG0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Document Types
FC01LMDLH0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Contact Persons
FC01LMDLI0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Fiscal Year Variants
FC01LMDLJ0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: FS Item Categories
FC01LMDLK0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Cons Frequencies
FC01LMDLL0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Reasons for Inclusion
FC01LMDLM0 - Data Fields for Master Data Listings: Exchange Rate Inds.
FC01LMDLN0 - Data fields for master data list: exchange rate indicators
FC01LMDLO0 - Data fields for master data list: financial data types
FC01LMDLP0 - Data fields for master data list: period categories
FC01LMDLQ0 - Data fields for master data list: report groups
FC01LMDLR0 - Data fields for master data list: journal entry layouts
FC01LMDLS0 - Data fields for master data list: data entry groups
FC01LMDLST - Fields for master data list
FC01LMDLT0 - Data fields for master data list: sets
FC01LMDLU0 - Data fields for master data list: product groups
FC01LMDLV0 - Data Fields for Master Data Lists: Fair Value Adjustments
FC01POST - Internal table for posting parameters
FC01SITM - Upload subitems
FC01SLST - List processor: entry of subitems
FC01TAB - Internal DDIC table for FBS in function group FC01
FC01TAB1 - Selection Screen for Authorization Generator
FC01UPCG - Upload Consolidation Groups
FC01UPCGLST - List fields: Upload Consolidation Groups
FC01UPCHLST - List Fields: Upload Consolidation Group Hierarchies
FC01UPCU - Upload consolidation units
FC01UPCULST - List fields: upload consolidation units
FC01UPSRLST - List Fields: Upload Fair Value Adjustments - Master Data
FC01_HLPTRANSTEXT - Include texts for hierarchy maintenance
FC01_S_CDC_FRTIME - Change Dates in CG Hierarchy
FC01_S_CPT00LST - Structure for Output List of Report FICCPT00
FC01_S_CPT10LST - Structure for Output List of Report FICCPT10
FC01_S_CPTSSC - Structure for Selection Screens
FC01_S_CU_LCURR_CHANGE - Change of Local Currency of a Consolidation Unit
FC01_S_DEFLT - Subassignments: Default Indicator
FC01_S_ITGRPBD - Breakdown Info per Subassignment (generated)
FC01_S_ITGRPFIX - Breakdown Cat: Fixed Value of an Independent Characteristic
FC01_S_ITGRPMAX - Breakdown Category: Maximum Set
FC01_S_ITGRPSET - Breakdown Cat: Set Id (generated)
FC01_S_SELITEM_VALUE - Selected Items: Values of the Assignments
FC01_S_STP00LFX - Structure f. List Heading Report FICSTP00
FC01_S_STP00LST - Structure for List Output of Report FICSTP00
FC01_S_STPSSC - Structure for Selection Screen of Report FICSTP00
FC02ATAB - Structure for transferring to status management
FC02TAB - FC02 screen fields
FC02TABCGCUHRY - Field Catalog for Selection in the Hierarchy Structure
FC02V90LST - List Proc. output - Versions
FC02_S_DATA_CHECK - Structure to Check whether First Data Collection
FC02_S_DSM - List of Details of Task Status
FC02_S_DSM_LST - List of Details of Task Status: List Data
FC02_S_PAIR_CGT_TODO - Only for FC_STATUS_PAIR*: CG + CU, which are to be edited
FC02_S_PAIR_CG_CG - Only for FC_STATUS_PAIR*: Assignment CGroup -> CGroup
FC02_S_PAIR_CG_DONE - Only for FC_STATUS_PAIR*: CGroups, which are processed
FC02_S_PAIR_CG_TODO - Only for FC_STATUS_PAIR*: CGroups, which are to be edited
FC02_S_PAIR_LOCK - Only for FC_STATUS_PAIR*: Black Box for this Function Module
FC02_S_STATUS - Status Transfer for Monitor
FC02_S_STATUS_CHECK - Monitor Status
FC03BCFTAB - Parameter Structure for CS Validations
FC03CPY - Copy Totals Records
FC03CPY10 - Copy Totals Records
FC03CPYLST - Copy Totals Records for the List Processor
FC03DOW20 - Structure for Download of Financial Data for Offline Entry
FC03DOW20C - Structure for Download of Financial Data for Offline Entry
FC03DOW20L - Structure for Download of Financial Data for Offline Entry
FC03EQV - Decentralized data entry w/MS Access: Equivalency Structure
FC03GRP - Decentralized data entry with MS Access: Validation groups
FC03GRPRL - Decentralized Entry w/MS Access: Rules for Validation Groups
FC03GRPT - Decentralized entry w/MS Access: Validation group texts
FC03ITAB03 - Two-level representation of item hierarchy
FC03LIST - Carryforward List: List fields forwarded to list processor
FC03LSTDOW - Download: Structure for ABAP list viewer
FC03LSTFIX - Carryforward List: List header
FC03MBU - SAP Cons.: Structure for List Processor Output of ECMCA
FC03MESS - Decentral. entry w/MS Access: Message texts for validation
FC03PCU - Internal table for uploading from PC data entry
FC03PCUIPIBD - Upload Inventory Data (Elim.of IPI) from Offline Data Entry
FC03PCUIPILD - Upload Supplier Data (Elim.of IPI) from Offline Data Entry
FC03PROT - Log of validation conversion for ACCESS data entry
FC03RL - Decentralized entry with MS Access: Validation rules
FC03RLMS - Decentralized entry with MS Access: Message number for rules
FC03TAB - Internal table for screen fields of FG FC03
FC03UPBDLST - List fields: Upload of inventory data
FC03UPL - SAP Cons., Flexible Upload: Available Fields for Trans. Data
FC03UPLDLST - List fields: Upload of supplier data
FC03UPLLFX - List Header Fields: Flexible Upload
FC03UPSRLST - List Fields: Upload of Reported FVA Values
FC03VALFIX - Fixed Fields in the Validation Log
FC03VALPTP - Assign Period Category to Validation
FC03VALTAB - Parameter Structure for CS Validations
FC03VLPTXT - Validation Selection: Period cat. and validation texts
FC03_INPUT - SAP Cons.: Transfer Structure for Entry of Totals Records
FC03_ONLINE - SAP Consolidation: Online Data Entry
FC03_S_DEFRM - Online Entry: Locking Structure and Status Management
FC03_S_LINE_INFO - Additional Information for a Data Row
FC03_S_LIST_INFO - Additional Information for a Data Row in the List Output
FC03_S_MESSAGE - Message
FC03_S_SUBVALUES - Validation: Partial Results for Rules
FC03_S_TOPRULES - Top Rules used in Validation Steps
FC03_S_TOTALS - Validation: Results of Database Selection
FC03_S_UPL01 - Flexible Upload: Changes in Investments
FC03_S_UPL01FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Changes in Investments
FC03_S_UPL01LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Changes in Investments
FC03_S_UPL02 - Flexible Upload: Changes in Equity
FC03_S_UPL02FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Changes in Equity
FC03_S_UPL02LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Changes in Equity
FC03_S_UPL03 - Flexible Upload: Equity Holdings Adjustments
FC03_S_UPL03FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Equity Holdings Adjustments
FC03_S_UPL03LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Equity Holdings Adjustments
FC03_S_UPL04 - Flexible Upload: Reported Financial Data
FC03_S_UPL04FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Reported Financial Data
FC03_S_UPL04LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Reported Financial Data
FC03_S_UPL05 - Flexible Upload: FS Items
FC03_S_UPL05FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: FS Items
FC03_S_UPL05LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: FS Items
FC03_S_UPL06 - Flexible Upload: Subitems
FC03_S_UPL06FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Subitems
FC03_S_UPL06LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Subitems
FC03_S_UPL07 - Flexible Upload: Consolidation Units
FC03_S_UPL07FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Consolidation Units
FC03_S_UPL07LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Consolidation Units
FC03_S_UPL08 - Flexible Upload: Inventory Data
FC03_S_UPL08FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Inventory Data
FC03_S_UPL08LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Inventory Data
FC03_S_UPL09 - Flexible Upload: Supplier Data
FC03_S_UPL09FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Supplier Data
FC03_S_UPL09LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Supplier Data
FC03_S_UPL10 - Flexible Upload: Fair Value Adjustments (Master Data)
FC03_S_UPL10FLD - Flexible Upload Fields: Fair Value Adjustments (Master Data)
FC03_S_UPL10LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Fair Value Adjs (Master Data)
FC03_S_UPL11 - Flexible Upload: Consolidation Groups
FC03_S_UPL11FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Consolidation Groups
FC03_S_UPL11LST - List Boxes-Flexible Upload: Consolidation Groups
FC03_S_UPL12 - Flexible Upload: Fair Value Adjustments (Reported Values)
FC03_S_UPL12FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: FVA (Reported Values)
FC03_S_UPL12LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Fair Value Adjs (rptd values)
FC03_S_UPL13 - Flexible Upload: Custom Characteristics
FC03_S_UPL13FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Custom Characteristics
FC03_S_UPL13LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Custom Characteristics
FC03_S_UPL14 - Flexible Upload: Product Groups
FC03_S_UPL14FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Product Groups
FC03_S_UPL14LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Product Groups
FC03_S_UPL15 - Flexible Upload: Breakdown Categories
FC03_S_UPL15FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Breakdown Categories
FC03_S_UPL15LST - Listfields Flexible Upload: Breakdown Categories
FC03_S_UPL16 - Flexible Upload: Documents
FC03_S_UPL16FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Documents
FC03_S_UPL16LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Documents
FC03_S_UPL17 - Flexible Upload: Goodwill / Negative Goodwill
FC03_S_UPL17FLD - Field Catalog Flexible Upload: Goodwill / Negative Goodwill
FC03_S_UPL17LST - List Fields Flexible Upload: Goodwill / Negative Goodwill
FC03_S_VALSTEP - Validation Step of Validation
FC03_S_VALSTEP_PROP - Attributes of a Validation Step
FC03_S_VAL_BINTREE - Calculation Tree Validation: Node Structure
FC03_S_VAL_PROTOCOL - Validation Log: Fields for List Output
FC03_TAB02 - Int table for form line structure in FB FC_GET_SET_FORMITEM
FC04ADFPRO - Characteristics for Apportionments
FC04LST1 - Currency Translation: Structure of list body
FC04LSTFIX - Currency Translation: Structure of list header
FC04PROLFX - Apportionment: List header
FC04PROLST - Apportionment: Main list
FC04TAB - Internal table for screen fields of Currency Translation
FC04_S_KEY - Currency Translation: Key Fields
FC05ATAB - Cross-reference table of consolidation tasks
FC05BTAB - Assign methods and document types
FC05CHAR - Structure with Texts for Custom Subassignments
FC05CHILFX - List Fields: Item Substitution and Calc.of Retained Earnings
FC05CHILST - List Fields: Item Substitution and Calc.of Retained Earnings
FC05CHITOTKEY - Item Subst/Ret.Earnings: Totals Rec Key for Cons Unit
FC05CTAB - Layout of auxiliary table for method assignments
FC05DTAB - Internal table for the assignment of task groups
FC05ECCSA - SAP Cons.: Structure for Journal Entry Reports
FC05ECMCALIST - SAP Cons.: Structure for List Processor Output of ECMCA
FC05ECMCLP - SAP Cons.: Structure of List Processor Output for ECMC
FC05FLDTXT - Structure for Output of Field Descriptions
FC05I90LST - IU Elimination: Structure for List Output
FC05I91LST - IU Elimination: Structure for List Output
FC05IPI90LST - Elim. of IU Profit/Loss - List Processor Output
FC05IPIDETLIST - Structure for List Processor
FC05IPILIST - IPI List: Data Transferred to the List Processor
FC05IPILIST2 - IPI: Item with Subassignments
FC05IPILISTFX - IPI List: List Header
FC05IUEDOC - Output Structure of IU Elimination Documents
FC05JERFLD - SAP Consolidation: Fields for Line Item Reporting
FC05JERKEY - Key Fields for Journal Entry Reporting
FC05JERMR - Extended Data Structure for Journal Entry Report
FC05LST1 - IU Elimination: Structure for Lists
FC05PBDC - Posting transaction: Forwarding table for BDT processing
FC05PBLC - Income statement balance by cons unit / complete document
FC05PI85LST - Inventory Data: Structure for List Output
FC05PI86LST - Supplier Data: Structure for List Output
FC05POST - Posting transaction: Screen fields
FC05PTAB - Posting transaction: Document lines
FC05PTXT - Posting Transaction: Screen Text Fields
FC05RCL - ECCS: Reclassification, Document Line Structure
FC05RCLDOC - EC-CS: Reclassication, Structure for List Processor
FC05RCLDOCLN - ECCS: Reclassification, Document Line Structure
FC05RCLI - ECCS: Reclassification, Triggering Assignments for List
FC05RCLLST - ECCS: Reclass., Structure for Output in List Processor
FC05REVERR - Structure w/data of non-reversed documents + error message
FC05REVERS - Structure for Forwarding to Mass Reversal Module
FC05SELSCR - SAP Cons.: Structure for Selection Screen Generator
FC05SPL - Inc.stmt balance per company / Entire document
FC05TAB - Internal table for screen fields interunit elimination
FC05U90LST - Reclassification Methods - List processor output
FC05U92LST - Reclassification Methods - List processor output
FC05_ECMC_VAL - SAP Cons.: Validation of Records to be Written
FC05_S_CMP_DATA - Reconcile and Update ECMCT/A: Data
FC05_S_DA_CONTROL - Control Data: Function Module FC_DOCUMENT_ANALYZE
FC05_S_DOCID - Posting Transaction: Held Documents
FC05_S_DOCID_INFO - Posting Transaction: Keys of Held Documents
FC05_S_DOCTYTXT - Posting Transaction: Document Types, Texts for Tree Output
FC05_S_ECMCA - Documents: Structure for Calling Up the Update
FC05_S_ECMCT - Totals Records: Structure for Calling the Update
FC05_S_ELIM - SAP Cons.: Data Structure for IU Elimination: Selection Data
FC05_S_ELIM_1 - SAP Cons.: Data Structure for IU Elimination: Selection Data
FC05_S_IPI - Fields for the Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory
FC05_S_IUE - IU Elimination: Subassignments for Diff./Reclass.
FC05_S_IUELIST - IU Elimination: Structure for Output Lists
FC05_S_IUE_DEFLT - IU Elimination: Subassignments for Diffs are Defaults
FC05_S_MASSRVSLIST - Mass Reversal: Structure for Output Lists
FC05_S_PDOC - Posting Logic: Document Lines
FC05_S_PDOC_CONTAINER - Document Posting: Information ANLAYZE -> POST
FC05_S_PDOC_DOCNR - Document Posting: Numbers for Posting Documents
FC05_S_PDOC_HEAD - Document Posting: Document Header
FC05_S_POSGROUP - SAP Cons.: Data Structure for IU Elim.: Data for Elimination
FC05_S_POST_TREE - Posting Transaction: Tree Structure with Held Documents
FC05_S_RA_DOCID - Structure Range ID for Held Documents
FC05_S_RA_DOCTY - Structure Range - Document Type
FC05_S_TXT_FNAM - Posting Transaction: Fieldname, Textfields on Screen
FC06ASSLST - Equity Holdings Adjustments: Structure for List Output
FC06C90LST - C/I Customizing: List Processor Output
FC06COI40LSV - Structure w/fields for program FICCOI40 f. ALV
FC06COI40LSV2 - 2nd Structure w/Fields for Program FICCOI40 for ALV
FC06COI70LST - List Output: GWA, Change of Cons Freq, Cons Groups
FC06COIA0FIX - Header
FC06COIA0LST - ALV structure for FICCOIA0
FC06EQULST - Changes in investee equity: Layout for list output
FC06ESHTAB - Subitems for Equity Aging Report, Screen Fields
FC06GWALST - Goodwill: Layout for list output
FC06GWHLST - Goodwill History Sheet: Structure for List Output
FC06GWSCR - Goodwill/Negative Goodwill
FC06HIRLST - FVA Reported Data: Structure for List Output
FC06HRALST - Recorded Fair Value Adjustments
FC06INPUT - Screen fields for Entry of Fin.Data for C/I
FC06LCULST - Company List: Structure for List Output
FC06LIST - C/I List: Data to be Transferred to the List Processor
FC06LISTFX - C/I List: List header
FC06METH - Screen fields assignment C/I methods
FC06PBDC - Posting transaction: Forwarding table for BDT processing
FC06PGWLST - Pushdown-Goodwill-Struktur -Listprozessor
FC06RTLIST - Changes in investments: Layout for list output
FC06SSCR - Subscreen fields for consolidation of investments
FC06TAB - Selection Screen Fields for the Consolidation of Investments
FC06TABPGW - Selection Scr. Fields for the Consolidation of Investments
FC06UPLST - Structure for list fields of program FICUP620
FC06UPTAB - Structure for List Fields of Program FICUP620
FC06_S_ACT_READ_ISI - Read Activities from Totals DB: Valid Combs of Item/Subitem
FC06_S_BUNIT_CMETH - Consolidation Unit: Assigned Method
FC06_S_CONGR - Structure for Consolidation Groups
FC06_S_CTR_FTVAL - Pair of Values of Currency Translation
FC06_S_CTR_INFO - Information for Reference/Specific Translation
FC06_S_CTR_XRATE_FACTOR - Exch.Rate Ind., From/To Ratios, String Preparation for List
FC06_S_HR - Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_HRA - Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_HRPROP - Attributes of Fair Value Adjustments
FC06_S_LCGCVAL - Pair of Values for Currency Translation
FC06_S_OC_CU - Organizational Changes/Consolidation Units
FC06_S_OC_SENDER_ERROR - Receiver Groups for Org.Changes with Missing Sender
FC06_S_ORGCH - Structure for Organizational Changes
FC06_S_ORGCH_CONGR - Structure for Organizational Changes: Group Assignments
FC06_S_PGW - Structure for Push-down Goodwill
FC06_S_PGW_CUSIT - Customizing Structure for Push-down Goodwill Items
FC06_S_PGW_POSTIT - Customizing Structure for Push-down Posting Items
FC06_S_PGW_VALUE - Values at Push-down Goodwill Items
FC06_S_TF600_691_NKEY - C/I: Optional Global oder Method-dependent Settings
FC06_S_TF602_692_NKEY - C/I: Optional Global oder Method-dep., Cons Chart Settings
FC06_S_TF635_A_NKEY - Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill: Data Portion
FC07EIS - Sender Structure f. Data Transfer (EC-CS to EC-EIS)
FC07EISLFX - Fields f. List Header f. Transfers (EC-CS to EC-EIS)
FC07RSTT - Structure for Possible Entries of Company Codes in Rpt I/F
FC07TAB - Screen fields for selection screens in Reporting
FC07_S_RW_FIELDS - Report Writer: Custom Characteristics
FC09_S_CHAR_FIELDS - Structure for Specific Fields in Characteristic Maintenance
FC09_S_CS_FIELDS - Structure with Additional Fields for Consolidation
FC09_S_DTEL_NDTEL_TEXTS - Structure for Maintenance of Data Element Texts
FC09_S_TF90F - Consolidation: Forwarding Structure for Char. Generation
FC31TAB - Screenfields for Function Group 31
FC31_S_ITEM - Consistency Check: FS Items
FC31_S_ITEM_PROC - Consistency Check: FS Items to be Processed
FC31_S_ITGRP - Consistency Check: Breakdown Categories
FC31_S_ITGRP_PROC - Consistency Check: Breakdown Categories to be Processed
FCBW_S_CMETH_CHANGES - Changes to the assignment of the consol. of invstmnt method
FCBW_S_EXSRC - Extraction structure for Real Time Update SEM to BW
FCBW_S_IC_IOBJ - Properties for an InfoObject of an InfoCube
FCBW_S_INFOCUBE - InfoCube and relevant text
FCBW_S_IO_FIXVAL - Fixed Values for InfoObjects
FCBW_S_RP_DTL - Detail structure for hierarchical reporting
FCBW_S_RP_MSTR - Master structure for hierarchical reporting
FCCPYLIST - Structure f. List Output of FICCPY10
FCDRD - Structure for data forwarding to drilldown reporting
FCEUBUKR - Allocaate Company Codes to Cons Units
FCEUTAB - Screen fields EURO
FCINBA001 - SAP Cons.: Structure for Transferring Business Areas
FCINCICA00 - SAP Cons. Integr.: List Output - Chart of Accounts Transfer
FCINCICA10 - SAP Cons. Integr.: List output - Acct/Cons Chart Comparison
FCINCICA20 - SAP Cons. Integr.: List Output of Cons Units for Integration
FCINCICA40_10 - List Structure for Reconcil. FI/EC-CS at Transaction Level
FCINCICA80_1 - List Structure for Reconciliation at Doc.Level:Doc.No.Ranges
FCINCICA80_2 - List Structure for FI/CS Reconciliation at Document Level
FCINCREC00 - List Structure Reconc. Operational Summary Data/ Cons
FCINCREC00_0 - Reconciliation: Chars for Data Selection from Sender Table
FCINCREC00_1 - Reconciliation: Std Structure for Data from Sender Table
FCINCRUL00 - List Structure for Lock Mode During Rollup
FCINCSIT00 - SAP Cons. Integration: List Output of Subitem Transfer
FCINDELRUDOC00 - List Structure for Deleting Realtime-Update Documents
FCINDELRUDOC00_HLP - Help Structure for Deleting Realtime-Update Documents
FCINECMCA - Cons: Extended Jrnl Entry Structure - Display Subseq. Docs
FCINICA50 - LP Structure: Compare FI with EC-CS
FCINPCA001 - Cons.: Structure f. Transfer of PCA Profit Center Master D.
FCINPCA002 - Cons: Structure for Transfer of PCA Hierarchies Rel 3.x
FCINTAB - Structure for Screen Fields of FUGR FCIN
FCINVALKEYS - Integration: Currency Key/Unit of Measure
FCINVALUE - Values (Transaction, Local, Group Currency, Quantity)
FCIN_S_DOCINT - Range of Document Numbers
FCIN_S_GLT3_DIFF - Differences Between GLT0 and GLT3
FCIN_S_GLT3_KEY1 - Totals Data for Prep. for Cons: Key Structure 1
FCIN_S_SUBACCNT - SAP Cons. Integration: Subassignments
FCLPTAB - Important fields for the List Processor
FCLP_MCDXKEY - Key for MCDX Saving of Lists
FCMA1_MONITOR_UNIT_OUTPUT - Output Structure for MiniApp Monitor per Org. Unit
FCMA2_MONITOR_TASK_OUTPUT - Output Structure for MiniApp Monitor per Task
FCMA3_PERS_UNIT_OUTPUT - Output Structure for Personalization Monitor per Org. Unit
FCMA4_PERS_TASK_OUTPUT - Output Structure for Personalization Monitor per Task
FCMA_INTERFACE - EC-CS MiniApps: Structure with All Types of FM (due to 4.0b)
FCSELBUCG - Selection criteria for CU/CG
FCSELITM - Selection criteria 'FS items'
FCTYPETAB - Fields for Types of Type Group FC (31I)
FCVLGRP - Decentralized data entry with MS Access: Validation groups
FIC_MAIN_VERSIONS - Search Help for Main Versions in Consolidation
FIMC - SAP Cons.: Database Structure for Consolidation Reporting
FIN_RGCPOS02_ALV - Structure for RGCPOS02
KITEM - Structure for SET Breakdown of Financial Statement Items
KSITEM - Structure for SET breakdown of Subitems
MCDX2 - Compressed Consolidation transaction data
SEL_CONTFG - SAP Cons.: Selection Option for Delivery Class
SEL_DEVCLS - SAP Cons.: Selection Option for Development Class
SEL_DOMNAM - SAP Cons.: Selection Option for Domain Name
SEL_PLEVL - EC-MC: Range table for posting level
TABCON_MF23A - Structure of Table Control for Program SAPMF23A/SAPMF23B
TF001 - SAP Cons.: Global Specifications
TF002 - SAP Cons.: Assignment of Sets -> Items
TF003 - SAP Cons.: Assignments of Items --> Sets
TF010 - Generate Request Screen: Control Information
TF011 - Generate Request Screen: Formating Instructions
TF020 - Textinformation for Domains
TF030 - Dimension and Version-Dependent Settings
TF040 - Default Values for Subassignments
TF080 - List Directory of MCDX
TF090 - Interactive Excel Attributes
TF100 - Financial Statement Items
TF101 - FS Items: Short and Medium Texts
TF102 - FS Items: Long Texts
TF103 - Breakdown Categories
TF103A - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment
TF104 - Breakdown Categories: Name
TF105 - FS Item Categories
TF106 - FS Item Categories: Description
TF110 - Subitem Categories
TF111 - Subitem Categories: Description
TF115 - Subitems
TF116 - Subitems: Short and Medium Texts
TF117 - Subitems: Long Texts
TF120 - Consolidation Charts of Accounts
TF121 - Consolidation Charts of Accounts: Description
TF130 - FS Item Hierarchies
TF131 - Item Hierarchies: Name
TF140 - Selected FS Items
TF141 - Selected FS Items
TF150 - Dimensions
TF151 - Dimensions: Texts and User-Specific Names
TF152 - Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Units
TF153 - Dimensions, Screen List, Consolidation Groups
TF154 - Dimensions year- and period-dependent
TF155 - Dimensions: Assign Task Groups
TF160 - Consolidation Units
TF161 - Consolidation Units: Texts
TF162 - Consolidation Unit Correspondence
TF163 - Consolidation Units, Version/Period-Based Attributes
TF164 - Consolidation Unit Year-Dependent
TF165 - Consolidation Units Version-Dependent
TF166 - Consolidation Units Version- and Period Category-Dependent
TF167 - Consolidation Units Version- and Period-Dependent
TF168 - Consolidation Units Ledger-Dependent
TF169 - Version/Period-Dependent Cons. Units: Tax Rates
TF170 - Position of Contact Person
TF171 - Position of Contact Person: Description
TF172 - Contact Person Assignments
TF173 - Reasons for Inclusion
TF174 - Reasons for Inclusion: Short and Medium Texts
TF175 - Reasons for Inclusion: Long Texts
TF180 - Consolidation Groups
TF181 - Consolidation Groups: Texts
TF182 - Consolidation Groups, Version-Dependent
TF183 - Consolidation Groups, Version- and Period Categ.-Dependent
TF183A - Consolidation Groups - Restricted Task Groups
TF184 - Consolidation Groups, Version- and Year-Dependent
TF187 - Consolidation Group Set Assignments
TF188 - Consolidation Group Assignment of Task Group
TF189 - Assignment of CG/CU, Version- and Period-Dependent
TF189A - Inactive Consolidation Units per Consolidation Group
TF190 - Hierarchies
TF191 - Hierarchies: texts
TF192 - Hierarchies, Period-Dependent
TF193 - Hierarchies, Version-Dependent
TF194 - Hierarchies, Version- and Period Category-Dependent
TF195 - Hierarchy Levels
TF196 - Hierarchy Levels: Texts
TF197 - Hierarchy Levels Used
TF198 - Hierarchy Level Relationships
TF199A - Organizational Elements
TF199B - Organizational Elements: Texts
TF199C - Characteristic Values of Organizational Elements
TF199D - Char. Values of Organizational Elements: Texts
TF199E - Organizational Element Relationships
TF200 - Consolidation Versions
TF201 - Versions: Name
TF202 - Structure Versions
TF203 - Structure Versions: Name
TF204 - Data Entry Versions
TF205 - Data Entry Versions: Name
TF206 - Translation Method Versions
TF207 - Translation Method Versions: Name
TF208 - Exchange Rate Versions
TF209 - Exchange Rate Versions: Name
TF210 - Ledger Versions
TF211 - Ledger Versions: Name
TF212 - Versions for Selected FS Items
TF213 - Selected Item Versions: Description
TF214 - Tax Rate Versions
TF215 - Tax Rate Versions: Name
TF216 - Consolidation of Investment Method Versions
TF217 - Consolidation of Investment Method Versions: Name
TF218 - Investment Versions
TF219 - Investment Versions: Name
TF220 - Equity Versions
TF221 - Equity Versions: Name
TF222 - Hidden Reserve (Fair Value Adjustment) Versions
TF223 - Hidden Reserve Versions: Name
TF224 - Versions of Eliminated Hidden Reserves (FVA)
TF225 - Versions of Eliminated Hidden Reserves: Name
TF226 - Retained Earnings Versions
TF227 - Retained Earnings Versions: Name
TF228 - Versions of Goodwill
TF229 - Versions of goodwill: Description
TF230 - Task Versions
TF231 - Task Versions: Names
TF232 - Reclassifications Version
TF233 - Reclassification Versions: Description
TF234 - Versions for Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory
TF235 - Versions for Elim. IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: Descriptions
TF236 - Versions: Attributes
TF237 - Attribute Versions: Description
TF240 - Consolidation Frequencies
TF241 - Consolidation Frequencies: Name
TF242 - Consolidation Periods
TF245 - Consolidation Cycle
TF246 - Consolidation Cycles - Texts
TF247 - Assignment of Consolidation Cycles to Versions
TF248 - Assignment of Consolidation Cycles to Versions
TF250 - Periods, Opened/Closed
TF260 - Overall Status of CG/CU - Data Monitor
TF261 - CG/CU: Detail Status of Tasks - Data Monitor
TF262 - History of Data Entry Layouts
TF270 - CG/CU Overall Status of Consolidation Monitor
TF271 - CG/CU: Detail Status of Tasks - Consolidation Monitor
TF280 - User-Defined Tasks
TF285 - Log Archiving
TF290 - Copy Tasks
TF291 - Cons Groups to be Copied
TF292 - Cons Units to be Copied
TF293 - Assignment of Source Tasks to Copy Task
TF310 - Data Entry Groups
TF311 - Data Entry Groups: Name
TF320 - Financial Data Types
TF321 - Financial Data Types: Description
TF325 - Period Categories
TF326 - Period Categories: Name
TF330 - Data Entry Groups: Layout Assignments
TF335 - Scaling Factor for Online Entry
TF340 - Data Entry Profiles
TF350 - Download: Assign CG PC Path
TF360 - Download: Selection Parameters for Special Download
TF361 - Download: Selection Parameters for General Download
TF362 - Download: Selection Parameters for Downloading Fin. Data
TF370 - Equivalency Table in MC Validations
TF371 - Time Stamps for Parsing of Validations
TF372 - Time Stamps for Parsing of Rules
TF373 - Nested Validation Rules
TF374 - Fields Used in Validation Rules
TF375 - Validation Steps: Node Structure
TF380 - SAP Cons.: Upload Methods
TF381 - Upload Methods: Texts
TF382 - Upload Methods: Field Catalogs
TF390 - Selected Items for Carryforwards
TF400 - Currency Translation Methods
TF401 - Translation Methods: Name
TF410 - Currency Translation Methods: Entries
TF411 - Translation Methods: Entries for Subassignments
TF415 - FS Items for Posting Trans. Diffs with Effect on Earnings
TF420 - Exchange Rate Indicators
TF421 - Exchange Rate Indicators: Description
TF425 - Exchange Rate Indicators: ER Type Assignments
TF500 - Document Types
TF501 - Document Types: Name
TF502 - Postable Item Categories
TF503 - Chart-Based Document Type Attributes
TF505 - Version-Based Document Type Attributes
TF506 - Document Types: Field-Dependent Properties
TF510 - Validation of Consolidation Documents
TF515 - Journal Entry Layout: Field Names
TF516 - Journal Entry Layout: Description
TF517 - Journal Entry Layout: Field Names
TF530 - Task Groups
TF531 - Task Groups: Name
TF532 - Task Groups: Task Assignments
TF533 - Task Groups: Preceding Tasks
TF540 - Consolidation Tasks
TF541 - Consolidation Tasks: Name
TF542 - Consolidation Tasks, Version-Dependent
TF543 - Consolidation Tasks: Assignments of Methods and Doc.Types
TF544 - Tasks: Task Group Exceptions
TF545 - Consolidation Tasks: Exceptions for Cons Units
TF550 - Methods
TF551 - Methods: Name
TF555 - Methods for Interunit Elimination
TF556 - Methods for IU Elimination: Item Set Assignments
TF556A - IU Elimination Methods: Allocation of Addtl Acct Assignments
TF557 - Methods: Threshold Value for Posting Differences
TF558 - IU Elimination Methods: Reclassi. for Proportional Cons.
TF560 - Methods for Reclassification
TF560A - Reclassification Methods: Fields
TF562 - Assignment of Method/Doc. Type to Task in Reclassification
TF570 - Tasks for Manual Posting - Document Type Assignments
TF575 - Tasks for CG Changes: Document Type Assignments
TF580 - Product Groups
TF581 - Product Groups: Description
TF583 - Dimension-Dep.Assignmt of CoA, Prod. Group to in(NOT USED)
TF584 - Assignment of Inventory Item to Product Group
TF584A - Assignment of Inventory Item to Product Group (NOT USED)
TF585 - Inventory Data
TF586 - Supplier Data
TF590 - Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory: Selected Items (NOT IN USE!)
TF591 - Elim of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items (NOT USED)
TF592 - Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items
TF592A - Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items
TF593 - Subassignments of Inventory Items
TF595 - Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: Tasks
TF599 - Global Settings for Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory
TF600 - Consolidation of Investments Methods
TF602 - C/I Methods: Cons Chart of Accounts-Based Settings
TF605 - C/I Methods: Assignments
TF610 - Tasks for the Consolidation of Investments
TF615 - C/I Tasks: Assignment of Document Types
TF616 - C/I Activities/Acctg Techniques: Document Type Assignments
TF620 - Changes in Investments
TF625 - Group Shares
TF630 - Changes in Investee Equity
TF635 - Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
TF635A - Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
TF640 - Fair Value Adjustments
TF641 - Fair Value Adjustments: Subnumber
TF642 - Fair Value Adjustments: Name
TF643 - Fair Value Adjustments: Version/Date-Sensitive
TF644 - Fair Value Adjustments: Cons Chart of Accounts-Sensitive
TF645 - Reporting Fair Value Adjustment Data
TF646 - Recorded Fair Value Adjustments
TF650 - C/I Activity Numbers
TF651 - Activity Numbers - Sequence
TF652 - Activity Numbers - Sequence - Sort Status
TF655 - C/I Entry of Activities: Default Values
TF656 - Activities - Default Sequence
TF657 - Activities: Goodwill Treatment
TF658 - Activities: Reported Items - Equity
TF659 - Activities: Reported Items for Push-down Goodwill
TF660 - Equity Holdings Adjustments
TF661 - Equity Holdings Adjustments by Upper Unit
TF665 - Scope of Reported Data for the Equity Method
TF666 - Scope of Reported Data for Equity Method - Descriptions
TF667 - Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustments
TF690 - C/I - System Utilization
TF691 - C/I - Global Settings
TF691A - Global Settings for C/I, version-dependent
TF692 - Global Chart of Accounts-Based Settings for C/I
TF693 - Subitems for Equity Aging Report
TF695 - Selected Items for Consolidation of Investments
TF696 - Posting Items for the Equity Method
TF697 - Posting Items for Push-down Accounting
TF810 - Top Groups, Organizational Changes
TF820 - Organizational Change Numbers
TF821 - Organizational Changes: Texts
TF822 - Organizational Changes: Version/Time-Dependent
TF823 - Organizational Changes: Group Assignment
TF90F - Active Field Catalog, Consolidation
TF90FD - Active Field Catalog - Consolidation, Char. Dependencies
TF90M - Migration EC-CS - SEM-BCS: Mapping of Field Names
TF90Q - Active Attributes in Consolidation
TF90QD - Consolidation: Levels of Multilevel Attributes
TF90QS - Attributes Basis Field Catalog Consolidation (Fixed Fields)
TF90S - Basis Field Catalog Consolidation (Fixed Fields)
TF90SD - Basis Field Catalog - Consolidation, Char. Dependencies
TF91F - Field Catalog, Consolidation
TF91FD - Field Catalog - Consolidation, Characteristic Dependencies
TF91Q - Attributes in Consolidation
TF9N1 - Master Data Table: &
TF9N2 - Master Data Texts: &
TFBW0 - Destination and Target InfoCube for Data Transfer into BW
TFBW1 - Data streams into BW
TFBW2 - Mapping InfoObjects -> Field Names
TFBW3 - Data streams from BW
TFBW4 - Additional selections
TFIN000 - Independent Characteristic Values for Consolidation Type
TFIN001 - ID Combination Rules for Cons Type and Cons Org. Unit
TFIN002 - Assignment of Consolidation Types and Dimensions
TFIN002L - Lock Mode During Rollup per Int. Cons Type and Dimension
TFIN003 - Consolidation Types
TFIN004 - Consolidation Types: Description
TFIN005 - Ledger Selection
TFIN010 - Consolidation Unit Integration
TFIN011 - Mapping of Profit Centers to Profit Center Groups
TFIN020 - Assignment of Business Areas to Company Codes
TFIN200 - Mapping of G/L Charts of Accounts and Target Cons C/As
TFIN201 - Mapping of Secondary Cost Elements to FS Items: Details
TFMIG01 - Allocation: Ledger -> Ledger
TFMIG02 - Allocation: Company -> Consolidation Unit
TFMIG03 - Allocation: Subgroup -> Consolidation Group
TFMIG04 - Allocation: FS Item -> FS Item
TFMIG05 - Allocation: Transaction Type -> Subitem
TFMIG06 - Assignment: Version -> Legacy Data Version
TFMIG10 - Migration: Processing Options
TFMIG11 - Migration: Control for Cons Charts of Accounts
TFMIG12 - Migration: Control for Subitem Categories
TFMIG13 - Migration: Control Sets
TFMIG15 - Migration: Status
TFV100 - Internal table: items and their short/medium texts
TFV115 - Internal table: sub-items with short/medium texts

SAP Forwarding to SAP BW Tables EC-CS-INT-OUT-BIW

FCIWCU_S_DSOURCE - Structure for Sel.Screen of DataSources to be Generated
FCIWCU_S_DSOURCET - Texts for the DataSource
FCIW_S_TEXT_0 - Interface FC_CHAR_PROPERTIES: Get Char. Texts
FCIW_S_TEXT_1 - Structure for Generic Text Extraction

SAP Information System Tables EC-CS-IS

FCIW_S_BW_CUMD - Master Data for Consolidation Units
FCIW_S_BW_EXSRC_01 - Extraction Source Structure for Link to BW
FCIW_S_BW_EXSRC_01A - Extraction Source Structure for Link to BW
FCIW_S_BW_EXSRC_02 - Extraction Structure BW
FCIW_S_BW_EXSRC_02A - Extraction Structure BW
FCIW_S_BW_EXSRC_02B - Extraction Structure BW
FCIW_S_TEXT_2 - Structure for Generic Text Extraction
FCIW_S_TF101 - BW Extraction Structure Text Items
FCIW_S_TF111 - BW Extraction Structure Text Subitem Types
FCIW_S_TF116 - BW Extraction Structure Text Subitems
FCIW_S_TF121 - BW Extraction Structure Text Consolidation Charts of Accnts
FCIW_S_TF151 - BW Extraction Structure Text Views
FCIW_S_TF161 - BW Extraction Structure Text Consolidation Units
FCIW_S_TF181 - BW Extraction Structure Text Consolidation Groups
FCIW_S_TF201 - BW Extraction Structure Text Versions
FCIW_S_TF501 - BW Extraction Structure Text Document Types
FCXL_ATTDF - Interactive Excel: Attributes of Characteristics
FCXL_CASPS - Active Excel: Available Aspects
FCXL_CHRDF - Interactive Excel: List of Available Characteristics
FCXL_CHRVL - Interactive Excel: Value of a Characteristic
FCXL_DATA - Interactive Excel: Data Element of the Matrix
FCXL_DEPDF - Interactive Excel: Def. of Dependencies betw.Characteristics
FCXL_DEPVL - Interactive Excel: Ties for the Dependencies
FCXL_DREQV - Active Excel: Definition of the Data Matrix
FCXL_ERROR - Interactive Excel: Error Messages for GAXL_SET_DATA
FCXL_HIRDF - Interactive Excel: One Hierarchy
FCXL_HIRVL - Interactive Excel: Nodes in a Hierarchy
FCXL_MESSG - Active Excel: Error Message
FCXL_PTEXT - Interactive Excel: Program Texts
FCXL_SETDF - Interactive Excel: Element of a value set for a charact.
FCXL_SORT - Interactive Excel: Sort Information for FCXL_GET_MASS_DATA