SAP Tables | Supply Chain Management | Logistics Inventory Management Engine SAP SCM

SAP SCM Logistics Inventory Management Engine Tables (SCM-ECT)

SAP Application Interface Tables SCM-ECT-LIM-AI

/LIMEB/ACC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Account Assignment Data
/LIMEB/CANCEL_DOC - Obsolet as of AP 7.0 Inbound Doc. for Cancellation Message
/LIMEB/CANCEL_HEAD - Obsolet as of AP Header Inbound Doc.for Cancellation Message
/LIMEB/DOC - Obsolet as of AP 7.0 Incoming Doc.for Goods Mvmt/Stock Rep.
/LIMEB/DOC_QUAN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Quantities
/LIMEB/HEAD - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Header data
/LIMEB/HU_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Handling Unit Business Key
/LIMEB/HU_DATA - Obsolet as of AP 7.0 Str. to Change Data Fields of a HU
/LIMEB/HU_DOC - Obsolet as of AP Incoming Document for HU Movement (W/o Qty)
/LIMEB/HU_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields HU Index Tables
/LIMEB/HU_ITEM - Obsolet as of AP 7.LIME - Item for HU Movement (Without Qty)
/LIMEB/HU_ITEM_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Item Data for HU Movement
/LIMEB/HU_KEY - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Handling unit
/LIMEB/HU_MAINTAIN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Import Str.for Func.'Create/Delete HU'
/LIMEB/HU_MAINT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Incoming Document for HU-Maintain Mod.
/LIMEB/HU_MOVE_DATA - Obsolete AP 7.0 Str. for Chg.Stock Data Flds During HU Mvmt
/LIMEB/HU_MOVE_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields for HU Mvmt
/LIMEB/HU_MOVE_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP7.0 Str.for Chg. Data Flds During HU Move
/LIMEB/HU_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. to Change Data Fields of HU
/LIMEB/INCL_EEW_ITEM_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME: Cust. Enhancements for Item Data

/LIMEB/ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Item
/LIMEB/ITEM_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Item Data
/LIMEB/ITEM_DATA_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Application Data of Item
/LIMEB/ITEM_DATA_ID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 IDs of a Document Item
/LIMEB/ITEM_DATA_TECH - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Technical Item Data
/LIMEB/LOC_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Locations Business Key
/LIMEB/LOC_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. to Change Data Fields of a Loc.
/LIMEB/LOC_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Inc. Doc.for Location Mvmt(W/o Qty)
/LIMEB/LOC_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields Location Index Tables
/LIMEB/LOC_ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME Item for Location Mvmt (W/o Qty)
/LIMEB/LOC_ITEM_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Item Data for Location Movement
/LIMEB/LOC_KEY - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Location
/LIMEB/LOC_MAINTAIN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0Import Str.for Func.'Create/Delete Loc'
/LIMEB/LOC_MAINT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Incoming Doc.for Lo.-Maintain Mod.
/LIMEB/LOC_MOVE_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Chg. Data Flds During Loc.Move
/LIMEB/LOC_MOVE_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields for Location Move
/LIMEB/LOC_MOVE_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Chg. Data Flds During Loc.Move
/LIMEB/LOC_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Change Data Fields of a Loc.
/LIMEB/LSQ_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. for Changing Data Fields of Stock
/LIMEB/LSQ_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields of Stock
/LIMEB/LSQ_MAINTAIN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Change Import Str. for Function Stock
/LIMEB/LSQ_MAINT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME Inbound Doc.for LSQ Maintain Mod.
/LIMEB/LSQ_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. for Changing Data Fields of Stock
/LIMEB/MOVE_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields for Location/HU Move
/LIMEB/MOVE_XDATA - Obsolete AP 7.0 Str.for Chg.Data Flds During HU/Loc.Move
/LIMEB/NODE_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Data Fields Location/HU Index Tables
/LIMEB/NODE_ITEM_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Item Data for HU /Loc.Mvmt
/LIMEB/NODE_XDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Change Data Fields of a Loc./HU
/LIMEB/OPTION_HU_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Option Structure for Business Key HU
/LIMEB/OPTION_LOC_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Option Structure for Business Key Loc.
/LIMEB/OPTION_PN_ITEM_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Option Str.for Doc.Lines
/LIMEB/OPTION_STOCK_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Option Structure for Business Key Stck
/LIMEB/OPTION_USID_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Option Structure for Business Key USID
/LIMEB/ORIGINAL_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME Inb.Doc.for Goods Mvmt to be Canc
/LIMEB/ORIGINAL_HEAD - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Hdr Inb. Doc.for Gds Mvmt to Be Canc.
/LIMEB/PARAM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 LIME - Parameter
/LIMEB/PN_ITEM_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Selection According to Document Lines
/LIMEB/PN_SEQ - Obsolete. Do not use

/LIMEB/QUERY_COLL_PN - Obsolete AP 7.0 Reslts Str. Query for Follow-On+Source Docs
/LIMEB/QUERY_GUID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure of Table Type t_query_guid
/LIMEB/QUERY_HU - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.of Results Table /LIME/T_QUERY_HU_
/LIMEB/QUERY_HU_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Input Str.for HUs for Queries
/LIMEB/QUERY_HU_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Tables of HUs
/LIMEB/QUERY_LIST - Query: Results Structure Location
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.of Results Table /LIME/T_QUERY_LOC
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOC_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Input Str. for Locations for Queries
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOC_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Tables of Locations
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_ACC - Obsolet AP 7.0Res.Str.for Acct Assgt Data of Prima Nota Line
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_DOC_QUAN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.for Qty Tab.of Prima Nota Line
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_HEAD - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Entry for Hdr Data of Prima Nota Doc.
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Results Structure of Query Log
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_PARAM - Obsolete as of AP 70Res.Str.for Param.Tab.of Prima Nota Line
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_QUAN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Log Entry for the Stock Change
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_REFERENCE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.for Ref.Tab.of Prima Nota Line
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_SERIAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Log Entry of Serial Numbers
/LIMEB/QUERY_LOG_TREE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Log Entry for /LIME/TREE Changes
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_HEAD_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Input Str.for Query in Prima Nota Hdr
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_HEAD_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Tables of Prima Nota Header
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_HU_ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Results Str. of Query for HU Move Item
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_HU_MAINT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.of Query for HU Maintain Items
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.of Query for Gds Mvmt Items
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_ITEM_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP70Input Str.for Queries in Prima Nota Items
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_ITEM_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP70Input Str.for Queries in Prima Nota Items
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_LOC_ITEM - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.of Query for Loc.Move Item
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_LOC_MAINT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.of Query for Loc.Maintain Item
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_LSQ_MAINT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Res.Str.of Query for LSQ Maintain Item
/LIMEB/QUERY_PN_STOCK_MAINT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0Res.Str.of Query for Stck Maintain Item
/LIMEB/QUERY_QUAN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Resulting Quantity
/LIMEB/QUERY_SERIAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Serial Numbers of a Query
/LIMEB/QUERY_STOCK - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Stock Items of a Query
/LIMEB/QUERY_STOCK_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Input Structure for Stocks for Queries
/LIMEB/QUERY_STOCK_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Tables of Stock Items
/LIMEB/QUERY_TREE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Query: Results Structure Location
/LIMEB/QUERY_USID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Unique Serial Number of a Query
/LIMEB/QUERY_USID_GLOBAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Input Structure for USIDS for Queries

/LIMEB/QUERY_USID_RANGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Tables of Serial Numbers
/LIMEB/RANGE_HEAD - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Sign + Option for Range Tables
/LIMEB/REFERENCE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Reference Documents
/LIMEB/REF_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Reference doc.
/LIMEB/STOCK_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Stock Item Business Key
/LIMEB/STOCK_DATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Change Data Flds of Stock Item
/LIMEB/STOCK_IDATA - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Common Key Flds Stock Item Index Tabs
/LIMEB/STOCK_KEY - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Stock Key
/LIMEB/STOCK_MAINTAIN - Obsolete AP 7.0 Imp.Str.for Func.'Create/Delete Stock Item'
/LIMEB/STOCK_MAINT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Inc.Doc.for the Stock-Maintain Mod.
/LIMEB/S_APO_LOCNO - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Structure for Field APO_MATNR
/LIMEB/S_APO_MATNR - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Structure for Field APO_MATNR
/LIMEB/S_CAT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table Stock Cat.
/LIMEB/S_CHARG - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table CHARG
/LIMEB/S_COLL_TYPE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table for Coll.Typ
/LIMEB/S_DIRECTION - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table for Mvmt Dir
/LIMEB/S_DISPATCH_EXT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Ext.Doc.for Subs.Appl.
/LIMEB/S_DUNS4 - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table Type /LIME/R_DUNS4
/LIMEB/S_EXT_DOC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.for Ext.Ref.Doc.
/LIMEB/S_GLN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table Type /LIME/R_GLN
/LIMEB/S_GTIN - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Structure for Field GTIN
/LIMEB/S_GTIN_VARIANT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Structure for Field GTIN Variant
/LIMEB/S_GUID_PN - Obsolete as of AP 70Str.for Range Tab.for GUID of Prima Nota
/LIMEB/S_IC_DESCRIP - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Tab.for Stock Chng
/LIMEB/S_ID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.for ID of Doc.Line
/LIMEB/S_LGORT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table Type /LIME/R_LGORT
/LIMEB/S_LOCID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table Type /LIME/R_LOCID
/LIMEB/S_MATNR - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Structure for Field MATNR
/LIMEB/S_MOTID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Range Str.for Fld Means of Transp.ID
/LIMEB/S_MOTSCODE - Obsolete as of AP 70Range Str.for Fld Std Cde Mns of Transp.
/LIMEB/S_NOTE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table for Notes
/LIMEB/S_OWNER - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table Owner
/LIMEB/S_OWNER_ROLE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.Prtnr Role of Owner
/LIMEB/S_PARTNER - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table Partner
/LIMEB/S_PARTNER_ROLE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table Partner Role
/LIMEB/S_PRDID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table PRDID
/LIMEB/S_PROC_TYPE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table for Proc.Typ
/LIMEB/S_REASON - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.for Reas.for Mvmt
/LIMEB/S_SALES_ORD_STOCK - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. for Range Table SALES_ORD_STOCK
/LIMEB/S_SERIAL - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Serial Number Range
/LIMEB/S_SERNR - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table Type Serial No.
/LIMEB/S_SSCC - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str. for Range Table Type /LIME/R_SSCC
/LIMEB/S_STOCK_USAGE - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.Type /LIME/R_STOCK_U
/LIMEB/S_TIMESTAMP_EXT - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.Range Tab.for Ext.Time Stamp
/LIMEB/S_USERID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Table for User Name
/LIMEB/S_VRSIOID - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Structure for Range Table VRSIOID
/LIMEB/S_WBS_STOCK - Obsolete as of AP 70Str.for Range Tab.Type /LIME/R_WBS_STOCK
/LIMEB/S_WERKS - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Str.for Range Tab.Type /LIME/R_WERKS
/LIMEB/USID_BIZ - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Unique Serial Identifier: Business Key
/LIMEB/USID_KEY - Obsolete as of AP 7.0 Key for Unique Serial Identifier

SAP Connection R/3 to LIME Tables SCM-ECT-LIM-R3

LIME_EXTDATA - MIGO External Data for MTQ
LIME_MB - Header Data to Map Material Document
LIME_MTQDATA - MTQ-Relevant Data for LIME
LIME_MTQ_SCREEN - Structures for MTQ Subscreen Fields
LIME_QUANTITIES - Structures for Quantities in LIME