SAP Help SAP output type t codes, programs and function modules
SAP output type t codes, programs and function modules
SAP Transaction codes (t-codes)
@T@SO10 - Create SAPscript Standard Texts
@T@NACE - Maintain output types
@T@SE78 - Build/Maintain SAPScript forms
@T@SMARTFORMS - Build/Maintain SAP Smart Forms
@T@SMARTSTYLESS - Build/Maintain SAP Smart Form styles
@T@SFP - Build/Maintain SAP PDF Forms
SAP programs
@P@RSTXDELL - Refresh SAPScript output font setting stored in buffer
@P@RSTXTRAN - Transport SAPscript Standard Texts
@P@RSCPSETEDITOR - Set MS Word as editor for SAPScript and Smart Forms
See Coding examples