List of SAP T-Codes objects containing

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Index of SAP T-Codes Objects | Begining with t

TM00 - Money Market: Collective processing

TM01 - Create Fixed-Term Deposit

TM02 - Change Fixed-Term Deposit

TM03 - Display Fixed-Term Deposit

TM04 - Roll Over Fixed-Term Deposit

TM06 - Settle Fixed-Term Deposit

TM07 - Reverse Fixed-Term Deposit

TM09 - Fixed-Term Deposit History

TM0F - Fxd Term Dep. Fast Entry

TM11 - Create Deposit at Notice

TM12 - Change Deposit at Notice

TM13 - Display Deposit at Notice

TM14 - Roll Over Deposit at Notice

TM15 - Give Notice on Deposit at Notice

TM16 - Settle Deposit at Notice

TM17 - Reverse Deposit at Notice

TM19 - Deposit at Notice History

TM1F - Deposit at Notice Fast Entry

TM20 - Money Market: Collective Processing

TM21 - Deposit at Notice Cash Flow Update

TM22 - Check Dates against Calendar

TM30 - Commercial Paper: NPV Calculator

TM31 - Create Commercial Paper

TM32 - Change Commercial Paper

TM33 - Display Commercial Paper

TM35 - Give Notice on Commercial Paper

TM36 - Settle Commercial Paper

TM37 - Reverse Commercial Paper

TM39 - Commercial Paper History

TM3F - Commercial Paper Fast Entry

TM41 - Create Cash Flow Transaction

TM42 - Change Cash Flow Transaction

TM43 - Display Cash Flow Transaction

TM46 - Settle Cash Flow Transaction

TM47 - Reverse Cash Flow Transaction

TM49 - Cash Flow Transaction History

TM60 - Fiduciary Deposits: Coll. Processing

TM60SC - Fiduciary Deposits: Collaterals

TM61 - Create Fiduciary Deposit

TM62 - Change Fiduciary Deposit

TM63 - Display Fiduciary Deposit

TM64 - Adjust Fiduciary Deposit

TM65 - Correction: Fiduciary Deposit

TM66 - Settle: Fiduciary Deposit

TM67 - Reverse Fiduciary Deposit

TM69 - History: Fiduciary Deposit

TMA5 - Edit characteristics

TMA6 - Edit Value Fields

TMAS - Translation Memory Analysis Service

TMB1 - Premium reserve fund lists

TMB2 - Statements

TMBA - BAV Information

TMBU - BAV Transfers

TMCA - Create fixed-term deposit offer

TMCB - Execute fixed-term deposit offer

TMCC - Display fixed-term deposit offer

TMDAS_CLASS2IDX - Assign Class to Securities Index

TMDAS_VOLANAME2CLASS - Assign ID Number of Security

TMDAS_VOLANAME2FX - Assign Currency Pair

TMDAS_VOLANAME2IDX - Assign Security Index

TMDAS_VOLANAME2RIR - Assign Reference Interest Rate

TMDAS_VOLANAME_HW - Assign Yld Curves to Hull-White Mod.

TMDBETA - Enter Beta Factors

TMDFACTORVAL - Enter Factor Values

TMDFX - Enter Exchange Rates

TMDFXFP - Enter Forex Swap Rates

TMDIDX - Enter Index Values

TMDIR - Reference Int.: Maintain Int. Rates

TMDMSECPRI - Display Security Prices


TMDPRICEIDX - Enter Price Index Values

TMDSE - Maintain Security Price

TMDVOLA - Enter Volatilities with Moneyness

TMDVOLANAME - Master Data for Volatilities

TMEZ - Money Market: Effective Int. Calc.

TMFM - Money Market: Generate Cash Flow

TMMN - Money Market

TMR0 - Money Market: Position list

TMR1 - Money Market: Flexible Position List

TMRMB - Reporting Tree for MRM

TMSA - Create fixed-term deposit simulation

TMSB - Change/execute fixed-term dep.simuln

TMSC - Display fixed-term deposit simulatn

TMSD - Delete fixed-term deposit simulation

TMS_IACOR_EDIT - TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance

TMS_IACOR_SHOW - TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance


TMV11 - IMG: Change Price Index Values



TMV4 - IMG activity: BARWERT_OTC



TMV7 - IMG: Change Price Index Values


TM_51 - Create Interest Rate Instrument

TM_52 - Change Interest Rate Instrument

TM_53 - Display Interest Rate Instrument

TM_54 - Settle Interest Rate Instrument

TM_55 - Reverse Interest Rate Instrument

TM_56 - Copy Interest Rate Instrument

TM_57 - Give Notice on Interest Rate Instr.

TM_58 - Rollover Interest Rate Instrument

TM_59 - History of Interest Rate Instrument

TM_60 - Line of Credit and Utilization

TM_60A - Lines of Credit, Drawings, Fees

TM_61 - Create Facility

TM_62 - Change Facility

TM_63 - Display Facility

TM_64 - Settle Facility

TM_65 - Reverse Facility

TM_69 - History of Facility

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