SAP Help ABAP code to Copy a SAP user account and email password

ABAP code to Copy a SAP user account using BDC and email new password

The following ABAP code demonstrates how to Copy a SAP user account. Via the use of a BDC recording of transaction SU01 this program mimics the process that would be used if a user was to do this manually via SU01. The program also retrieves an email address from a personnel record in order to send a confirmation email containing the user�s details and new password.

For the entered personnel number it also updates the communication SAP HR infotype with the new SAP username.

*& Report  ZCOPYUSER
*&SAP ABAP Development by ERPworkbench

tables: pernr.

*       messages of call transaction
*       error session opened (' ' or 'X')
*       message texts
      ld_user type sy-uname,
      ld_new  type sy-uname,
      ld_email type BAPIADDR3-e_mail,
      ld_return type sy-subrc,
      ld_pass(50) type c.

types: BEGIN OF t_pernr,
  pernr type pernr-pernr,
 end of t_pernr.
data: it_pernr type STANDARD TABLE OF t_pernr,
      wa_pernr like line of it_pernr.

SELECT-OPTIONS: so_pernr for pernr-pernr OBLIGATORY.
PARAMETERS: p_date type sy-datum OBLIGATORY.

SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK test with frame title text-001.
PARAMETERS: p_pernr  type pernr-pernr DEFAULT '123456',
            p_user   type sy-uname DEFAULT 'USER',
            p_new    type sy-uname DEFAULT 'USERNEW'.


  ld_user = p_user.
  ld_new  = p_new.
  wa_pernr-pernr = p_pernr.
  SELECT SINGLE usrid_long
    FROM pa0105
    INTO ld_email
   WHERE pernr = wa_pernr-pernr
     AND usrty = 'MAIL'    "It may be a differnt subtyoe in your system
     AND begda LE sy-datum
     AND endda GE sy-datum.
  if ld_user ne ld_new.
    PERFORM copy_user USING ld_user ld_new p_date
                      CHANGING ld_return ld_pass.
    if ld_return is INITIAL.
      PERFORM update_hr_tables using wa_pernr-pernr ld_new p_date.
      PERFORM SEND_USER_EMAIL using ld_user wa_pernr-pernr ld_new
                                    p_date ld_email ld_pass.



*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM COPY_USER using p_user p_new p_sdate changing p_return p_pass. data: ld_sdate(10) type c. DATA g_password1 LIKE xu400-newcode. DATA: g_downward_comp. ld_sdate(2) = p_sdate+6(2). ld_sdate+2(2) = p_sdate+4(2). ld_sdate+4(4) = p_sdate(4). CALL FUNCTION 'RSEC_GENERATE_PASSWORD' EXPORTING alphabet = space "Use default downwards_compatible = g_downward_comp "left blank IMPORTING output = g_password1 EXCEPTIONS some_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. p_pass = g_password1. perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSUU5' '0050'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'USR02-BNAME'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=COPY'. perform bdc_field using 'USR02-BNAME' ld_user. perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSUU5' '0200'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'CHECK_ADDRESS'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=COPY'. perform bdc_field using 'USR01-BNAME' ld_user. perform bdc_field using 'USR02-BNAME' ld_new. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_ADDRESS' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_DEFAULTS' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_PARAMETERS' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_REFUSER' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_ACTGRP' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_PROFILES' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_USERGROUPS' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_PERS' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_LAW' 'X'. perform bdc_field using 'CHECK_EASY_ACCESS' 'X'. perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSUU5' '0100'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=UPD'. perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR' 'G_PASSWORD2'. perform bdc_field using 'USLOGOND-USTYP' 'A'. perform bdc_field using 'G_PASSWORD1' g_password1. perform bdc_field using 'G_PASSWORD2' g_password1. perform bdc_field using 'USLOGOND-GLTGV' ld_sdate. * perform bdc_field using 'USLOGOND-GLTGB' * '31.12.2099'. CALL TRANSACTION 'SU01' USING bdcdata MODE 'N' UPDATE 'S' MESSAGES INTO messtab. L_SUBRC = SY-SUBRC. ld_return = l_subrc. if L_SUBRC is initial. WRITE: / 'Succesfully copied', p_user, 'to', p_new no-gap. WRITE: / 'Password:', g_password1. else. WRITE: / 'Faild to Copy', p_user , 'to' , p_new. LOOP AT MESSTAB. SELECT SINGLE * FROM T100 WHERE SPRSL = MESSTAB-MSGSPRA AND ARBGB = MESSTAB-MSGID AND MSGNR = MESSTAB-MSGNR. IF SY-SUBRC = 0. L_MSTRING = T100-TEXT. IF L_MSTRING CS '&1'. REPLACE '&1' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV1 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&2' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV2 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&3' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV3 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&4' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV4 INTO L_MSTRING. ELSE. REPLACE '&' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV1 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV2 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV3 INTO L_MSTRING. REPLACE '&' WITH MESSTAB-MSGV4 INTO L_MSTRING. ENDIF. CONDENSE L_MSTRING. WRITE: / L_MSTRING. "MESSTAB-MSGTYP, ELSE. WRITE: / MESSTAB. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. endif. ENDFORM. " COPY_USER *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Start new screen * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM BDC_DYNPRO USING PROGRAM DYNPRO. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-PROGRAM = PROGRAM. BDCDATA-DYNPRO = DYNPRO. BDCDATA-DYNBEGIN = 'X'. APPEND BDCDATA. ENDFORM. "BDC_DYNPRO *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Insert field * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM BDC_FIELD USING FNAM FVAL. * IF FVAL <> NODATA. CLEAR BDCDATA. BDCDATA-FNAM = FNAM. BDCDATA-FVAL = FVAL. APPEND BDCDATA. * ENDIF. ENDFORM. "BDC_FIELD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_DATE text *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM UPDATE_HR_TABLES USING p_pernr p_new P_DATE. * return data DATA: BEGIN OF 0105_return OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapiret1. DATA: END OF 0105_return. data: ld_value type ad_smtpadr, ld_pernr type pernr-pernr, ld_date type datum. ld_value = p_new. ld_pernr = p_pernr. ld_date = p_date. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE' EXPORTING number = p_pernr. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_EMPLCOMM_CREATE' EXPORTING employeenumber = ld_pernr subtype = '0001' validitybegin = ld_date validityend = '99991231' communicationid = ld_value IMPORTING return = 0105_return. read table 0105_return with key type = 'E'. if sy-subrc ne 0. write:/ 'Infotype 0105 updated to new Username'. else. write:/ 'Error updating Infotype 0105 to new Username'. endif. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUEUE' EXPORTING number = p_pernr. ENDFORM. " UPDATE_HR_TABLES *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*


*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM SEND_USER_EMAIL using p_user p_pernr p_new p_date p_email p_pass. TYPES: TT_HTML_TABLE TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF W3HTML initial size 0. TYPES: BEGIN OF SWWW_T_HTML_L, LEN TYPE I, LINE(2048), END OF SWWW_T_HTML_L, SWWW_T_HTML_L_TAB TYPE standard table of SWWW_T_HTML_L initial size 0. TYPES: SWWW_T_WA_TAG(4096) TYPE C. "max workarea fuer tags DATA: gd_sendmail TYPE soextreci1-receiver. DATA: t_html TYPE tt_html_table, wa_html TYPE w3html, document TYPE sodocchgi1, objecthdr TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_objecthdr TYPE solisti1, html_line TYPE swww_t_html_l, html TYPE swww_t_html_l_tab, txt TYPE TABLE OF solisti1 INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_txt TYPE solisti1, txt_lines LIKE sy-tabix, hex TYPE TABLE OF solix INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_hex TYPE solix, tabix LIKE sy-tabix, doc_size LIKE sy-index, contents TYPE TABLE OF sopcklsti1 INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_contents TYPE sopcklsti1, t_rcvr TYPE TABLE OF somlreci1 INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_t_rcvr TYPE somlreci1, ld_pernr type pernr-pernr, ld_uemail type string, ld_stext type string, ld_course type zsu_roles-course, ld_lines type i, ld_sendemail type i. IF NOT p_email IS INITIAL. clear: ld_sendemail. REFRESH t_html. wa_html = '<html><body>'. CONCATENATE wa_html 'Username changed from' p_user 'to' p_new INTO wa_html SEPARATED BY space. CONCATENATE wa_html '

Password for new user is:' p_pass INTO wa_html SEPARATED BY space. APPEND wa_html TO t_html. CLEAR: wa_html. LOOP AT t_html INTO wa_html. html_line-len = STRLEN( wa_html ). html_line-line = wa_html. APPEND html_line TO html. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'WWW_PACK_TABLE' TABLES html_table = html html_table_packed = txt. DESCRIBE TABLE txt LINES txt_lines. READ TABLE txt INTO wa_txt INDEX txt_lines. doc_size = ( txt_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( wa_txt ). CLEAR document. document-obj_name = 'docid'. "p_docid. document-obj_descr = 'Username changed'. "p_subj. document-doc_size = doc_size. document-SENSITIVTY = 'P'. " Use P for Confidential * document-SENSITIVTY = 'E'. " Use E for Private * Main body of Email is the HTML document CLEAR contents. REFRESH contents. wa_contents-transf_bin = space. "ASCII document wa_contents-head_start = 1. "Header starts at line 1... wa_contents-head_num = 0. "...but we don't want a header wa_contents-body_start = 1. "Text starts at line 1 of "TXT" wa_contents-body_num = txt_lines. "Number of lines in "TXT" wa_contents-doc_type = 'HTM'. "HTML format wa_contents-doc_size = doc_size. "Total number of bytes used APPEND wa_contents TO contents. wa_t_rcvr-rec_type = 'U'. wa_t_rcvr-receiver = p_email. APPEND wa_t_rcvr TO t_rcvr. * Sender gd_sendmail = '[email protected]'. CALL FUNCTION 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' EXPORTING document_data = document put_in_outbox = 'X' sender_address = gd_sendmail sender_address_type = 'INT' commit_work = 'X' TABLES packing_list = contents object_header = objecthdr contents_txt = txt receivers = t_rcvr EXCEPTIONS too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 document_type_not_exist = 3 operation_no_authorization = 4 parameter_error = 5 x_error = 6 enqueue_error = 7 OTHERS = 8. else. write:/ 'No email address found'. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " SEND_USER_EMAIL