SAP Help JavaScript examples which can be added to BSP's
MVC BSP input field - Demonstrate how to retrieve a value entered into text input field
Below is the basic code for allowing users to input text onto a html page and retrieve what they have entered using standard BSP and HTML techniques.
Display input field and retrieve value entered using standard bSP and HTML technique Layout ------ The code below is pure HTML and not HTMLB so you will need to remove the htmlb code that SAP insert automatically. <html> <page> <FORM NAME="formlist"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="RIGHT"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="gd_keywords" VALUE="gd_keywords" size=60> <INPUT type="submit" name="OnInputProcessing(search)"> </td> </tr></table> </FORM> </page> </html> OnInputProcessing ----------------- case event_id. "declared in page attributes as type STRING when 'search'. * Sets value of parameter ready for next screen * gd_keywords needs to declared as type STRING within page attributes navigation->set_parameter( name = 'gd_keywords' ). * If you create page 'courses.htm' with a field called keywords within * page attributes then the value entered in this page will be passed * through. May need to tick the auto option navigation->goto_page('courses.htm'). endcase.
See fully working BSP user input example using similar code to above.
Or also see example using HTMLB or