SAP Help Information and source code of various different ways of performing a database select using the select statement
ABAP SELECT statement within SAP - Example ABAP code to demonstrate the SELECT command
The ABAP SELECT statement is the most fundamental function of writing ABAP programs within SAP, allowing the retrieval of
data from SAP database tables. Below are a few examples of the various ways of selecting data ready for processing.
Also check out the new @DATA inline syntax for selecting data into an internal table,
without the need for the separate data declaration
i.e. select ebeln, ebelp, statu, aedat, matnr, menge, meins, netpr, peinh up to 10 rows from ekpo into TABLE @DATA(it_ekko_inline).
Select INTO internal table
*ABAP Code to demonstrate select into internal table command TYPES: BEGIN OF t_bkpf, * include structure bkpf. bukrs LIKE bkpf-bukrs, belnr LIKE bkpf-belnr, gjahr LIKE bkpf-gjahr, bldat LIKE bkpf-bldat, monat LIKE bkpf-monat, budat LIKE bkpf-budat, xblnr LIKE bkpf-xblnr, awtyp LIKE bkpf-awtyp, awkey LIKE bkpf-awkey, END OF t_bkpf. DATA: it_bkpf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_bkpf INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_bkpf TYPE t_bkpf. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_bseg, *include structure bseg. bukrs LIKE bseg-bukrs, belnr LIKE bseg-belnr, gjahr LIKE bseg-gjahr, buzei LIKE bseg-buzei, mwskz LIKE bseg-mwskz, "Tax code umsks LIKE bseg-umsks, "Special G/L transaction type prctr LIKE bseg-prctr, "Profit Centre hkont LIKE bseg-hkont, "G/L account xauto LIKE bseg-xauto, koart LIKE bseg-koart, dmbtr LIKE bseg-dmbtr, mwart LIKE bseg-mwart, hwbas LIKE bseg-hwbas, aufnr LIKE bseg-aufnr, projk LIKE bseg-projk, shkzg LIKE bseg-shkzg, kokrs LIKE bseg-kokrs, END OF t_bseg. DATA: it_bseg TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_bseg INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_bseg TYPE t_bseg. DATA: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ekko. *Select all fields of a SAP database table into in itab SELECT * FROM ekko INTO TABLE it_ekko. *Inline Version - (difference is you don't need the data declaration above) select * from ekpo into TABLE @DATA(it_ekko2). "see here for more info and examples of the inline @DATA & DATA syntax *Select directly into an internal table SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz umsks prctr hkont xauto koart dmbtr mwart hwbas aufnr projk shkzg kokrs FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg. * Select directly into an internal table where fields are in a * different order or not all fields are specified SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz umsks prctr hkont xauto koart dmbtr mwart hwbas aufnr projk shkzg kokrs FROM bseg INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_bseg.
Select... endselect statement
The SELECT..ENDSELECT statement acts like a loop command and any coding within it will be performed on each loop pass. This syntax should generally be avoided unless it only retrieves a small number of records and is only performed once i.e. it is not within a nested loop.
*Select... endselect command
SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz umsks prctr hkont xauto koart
dmbtr mwart hwbas aufnr projk shkzg kokrs
FROM bseg
INTO wa_bseg.
APPEND wa_bseg TO it_bseg.
Select FOR ALL ENTRIES statement
The FOR ALL ENTRIES statement addition restricts the result to only those that exist within the passed internal table. However if the for all entries table is initial(empty), then all records will be retrieved.*Select FOR ALL ENTRIES command SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr bldat monat budat xblnr awtyp awkey UP TO 100 ROWS FROM bkpf INTO TABLE it_bkpf. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * The FOR ALL ENTRIES command only retrieves data which matches * entries within a particular internal table. SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei mwskz umsks prctr hkont xauto koart dmbtr mwart hwbas aufnr projk shkzg kokrs FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bkpf WHERE bukrs EQ it_bkpf-bukrs AND belnr EQ it_bkpf-belnr AND gjahr EQ it_bkpf-gjahr. ENDIF.
Select SINGLE statement
The SELECT SINGLE addition only selects one record. Originally this required you to include the full key within the where clause, and to retrieve 1 row without the full key you had to use the "UP TO" addition. This is no longer the case and you can use SELECT SINGLE without the full table key.*Select Single with full table key retrieves ONLY one row if available SELECT * "all fields FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg WHERE bukrs EQ wa_bseg-bukrs AND belnr EQ wa_bseg-belnr AND gjahr EQ wa_bseg-gjahr AND buzei EQ wa_bseg-BUZEI *Select Single without full table key. Syntactically correct and still retrieves ONLY one row if available SELECT * "all fields FROM bseg INTO TABLE it_bseg WHERE bukrs EQ wa_bseg-bukrs AND belnr EQ wa_bseg-belnr.
Select UP TO .. Rows
The select UP TO n ROWS addition selects up to a specific number of rows. "UP TO 1 ROWS" will select 1 row if 1 exists and "UP TO 1000 ROWS" will select up to 1000 rows if they exist based on the selection criteria.Please note that even if you have the UP TO 1000 ROWS addition it will still only select based on the where clause, so it may still only select 10, 200, 300, 500 etc if that's all it returns but not more than 1000.
*Select UP TO 1 ROWS - Retrieves ONLY one row if available SELECT * "select all fields FROM bseg UP TO 1 ROWS INTO TABLE it_bseg WHERE bukrs EQ wa_bseg-bukrs AND belnr EQ wa_bseg-belnr. *Select UP TO 1000 ROWS - Retrieves no more than 1000 rows SELECT * "select all fields FROM bseg UP TO 1000 ROWS INTO TABLE it_bseg WHERE bukrs EQ wa_bseg-bukrs AND belnr EQ wa_bseg-belnr.