SAP (AD_ORIGINA data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/BEV3/CHAPAADRC - Addresses (Central Address Admin.) Communication Partners
/BEV3/CHAVKADRC - Addresses (Central Address Administration) Sales Org.
/BEV3/CHA_BKADRC - Addresses (Central Address Administration) Company Code
/BEV4/PLSANSCHR - Structure for Correspondence Context
/FLDQ/AD_ADRC_STRUC - Address Data for Postal Validation Online
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ADDR1_DATA - Address transfer structure
ADDR1_DIA - Transfer structure FB ADDR_DIALOG
ADDR1_STR - Address Data Category 1
ADDR1_VAL - Address return structure
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BAPIADDRESS - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses
BAPIADDRESS40B - BAPI Transfer Structure for Addresses 40B
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CACS00_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
CACS00_S_BUPM_D - Commission Case Participant Business Partner (Meta Obj.,Dat)
CACS_CS_CTRTBU - Commission Contract
CACS_CS_FC_CTRTBU - Commission Contract
CACS_CS_S_CTRTBU - Commission Contract
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DFKK1099_E - 1099 Statutory Reporting Data - Extract Structure
DFPS_ADDRESS - Address information
DFPS_ADDRESS_UPD - Update Structure of Address Information
DFPS_P1952 - Return Structure for Infotype 1952 (Deployment)
DFPS_P1952_UPD - Update Structure for Infotype 1952 (Deployment)
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EADRDAT - Address Data for Formatting an IS-U Address
EADRDATBANK - Preparation of IS-U Address (Form for Bank Data Change)
EBAPISUBPAD - Screen Fields for Address Data of the IS-U Business Partner
ECONTRREGN_APPLDATA_IN - Inbound Appl. Data for Service NB Contract Registration
ECONTRREGN_APPLDATA_OUT - Outbound Appl. Data for Service NB Contract Registration
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FBRC_S_ADDRESS - Address Data
FICAX_INTEREST_STR_INTER_DOC - Interest Document (Header)
FICAX_INTEREST_STR_INTER_DOC - Interest Document (Header)
FICA_ACCTBALA_STR_BALANCENEW - Acct Statement w/New Balance
FICA_ACCTBALA_STR_BALANCENEW - Acct Statement w/New Balance
...All SAP Tables starting with F

GEOCD_ADDR - Address That is Passed to Geo-Coder via RFC
GEOCD_CHOI - Address Selection List in Geo-Coding
GLO_FAA_S_ADA_BUFFER - Buffer structure for ADA accessor
GSDYNP_2000_PARTNER - Screen Structure for Table Control 2001 on Partner Subscreen
HASH_DATA_FOR_INSTPT - Hash relevant tructure with fields of an Installation Point
HR99S_CONTACT - Transfer Structure for Formatting Contact Data
HREIC_S_EXTERNAL - EIC External Contact
IBADDRESS_GL - IB: IBase Addresses for Generic Layer
IBAP_PART2 - IB: Export Data - Partner IBase
IBPARTNER_GL - IB: IBase Partner for Generic Layer
ICLC_ICL_BP_MINI_SCREEN - Data/Screen Structure for Mini-Screen Business Partner
...All SAP Tables starting with I

J_1BNFCPD - Nota Fiscal one-time accounts
J_2GLPBP - Business partner information
J_2GLPCOM - Company information
J_2GLPPSDNM - Non-main symbols for printing SD/MM documents
J_2GLPPSDNM - Non-main symbols for printing SD/MM documents
...All SAP Tables starting with J

LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_APPROVER - Payment Approval - Approver
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HISTORY - Payment Approval - History
LWM_S_BNKAPP_USER_DATA - Payment Approval - User Data
LWM_S_CFS_CONTACT - Contact Person (FIN Customer Fact Sheet)
MDG_BP_ADDR_ENRICHMENT - Business Partner structure to be used for Address Enrichment
NLADR - REPER Address Data (Return Structure for Addresses)
P01_BV_FILE_DATA - Structure for Saving the PPO File of the Pension Schemes
P12BOW_S_BTRTL_TAX_OFFICE - Belcotax on Web - Pers.Subarea Tax Office data
PMY_EPFBAL_STR - Merged structure for interface HR_MY_EPFBAL
QN8D_PARTNER_ADDR - 8D Adressdaten
QSTRBUKRS - Structure for Company Code Data: Extended W/holding Tax Rep.
REBPADDRESSFLDS - Addresses for Real Estate: Screen Fields
REBP_ADDRESS_DATA - Address Data from Address Management
REBP_ADDRESS_REL_X - Address Assignment for Real Estate and Addit. Fields (ADRC)
REBP_ADDRREL_L - Addresses of RE Object - with Additional Fields - Lists
REBP_ADDRREL_S - Addresses of RE Object - with Additional Fields - Screen
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SADDRESS_IDE - IDE: address data
SCPL_SAMPLECHARACTER_ADDRESS - Sample Character Holding Address Data
SCUSTOMER_IDE - IDE: structure - customer data
SCUSTOMER_IDE - IDE: structure - customer data
SDPARTNER - Collection of Partner Data Fields in SD Partner Processing
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TCORS_BP_INFO - General Information of BP for Form usage
TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data
TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data
TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data
TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data
...All SAP Tables starting with T

USADDR3 - Assignment of user name to address fields
USER_ADDR_IDAD3 - Generated Table for View
USUSERALL - Users with All Data for List Output
VADRC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VLCDIAVBPA - VELO: Dialog Structure for SD Document Partners
VVKK_PAT - Partner Data for Test DI/RFC
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WFA_TS_BUPA_ADR - WFM employee address
WFA_TS_BUPA_ADR_DATA - WFM Employee address data
WR01_SIT_DATA - Store/Distribution Center Data
...All SAP Tables starting with W

YCRM01_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
YHITEC_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
YSVMA_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
YTEL01_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
YTEL05_S_BUPM - Business Partner Who is Comn Case Participant (Meta Object)
...All SAP Tables starting with Y


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