SAP (RSIOBJNM data element tables) Tables details

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REIS_ARCHOBJECT_HIER - Extract Structure: Architectural Object (Hierarchy)
REIS_REOBJECT_HIER - Extraction Structure: Real Estate Object (Hierarchy)


RODIOBJ - InfoObjects of the source system
RODIOBJCMP - BW: InfoObjects / Compounding
RODYNP201 - Screen Structure for Screen 201 in RSAO
ROHIEOBJ - Derivation of hierarchy class and node type -> InfoObject
ROISGENFD - Generation of InfoSources, internal structure
ROISGENFDC - Interface: Generation of InfoSources
ROISIOBJ - BW: Assignment of InfoSource Fields to InfoObjects
ROMSDIOBJ - BIW: Assignment of master data attributes to InfoObjects
ROSFOLDERT - Interface: Name of node that cannot be posted to
ROSHIEDIR - Interface: Hierarchy directory
ROSHIENODE - Interface: Elements of a hierarchy
ROSHIERS - Interface: Hierarchies with name
ROVERFNOD4 - Interface: Hierarchy Elements (Generic)
ROVERFNODE - Interface: Hierarchy Elements (Generic)


RPM_TS_BW_HIERARCHY_40 - RPM : BW Hierarchy 4.0 objects


RRAMBIAIOBJ - Analytical Model: Mapping of InfoObject to TREX Attributes
RRAMBIAIOBJ - Analytical Model: Mapping of InfoObject to TREX Attributes
RRAMFIE - Fields of Model
RRAMIOBJ - Fields in Model
RRAM_S_CUBE_OBJECT - Details of a Dimension or Key Figure of an InfoCube
RRAM_S_CUBE_OBJECT - Details of a Dimension or Key Figure of an InfoCube RRA...

RRHI_S_HIENODE - Hierarchy Element Description
RRI9_SX_VAR - Variable Interface for Check
RRKCHASETTINGS - Transport structure for characteristic-based settings
RRKSTATE - Processor status
RRO01_SX_VAR - Table of All Variables
RRRANGEEXIT - BW: Simplified variable structure for exit variables
RRSF01 - Table of required fields (brain)
RRSF01 - Table of required fields (brain)
RRSF01 - Table of required fields (brain)
RRSF01 - Table of required fields (brain)
RRSF01 - Table of required fields (brain)
RRSV_S_SID_PART - Parts of the Compounding RRS...

RRT_DETAILS - ODBO Object details
RRT_DETAILS - ODBO Object details
RRT_OBJ_DETAILS - ODBO Object details
RRT_OBJ_DETAILS - ODBO Object details
RRWS_SX_TUPLE - Axis Section Element
RRX_ATR - BRAIN Interface: Attributes->IObj relationship
RRX_ATR_PRINT - Print extension for ATR
RRX_CHA - BRAIN Int.: Report description-chars
RRX_CHA - BRAIN Int.: Report description-chars
RRX_CON - Catalog of Conditions and Exceptions RRX...


RSACFIELD - Help structure for field display customizing
RSAD2_S_IS_FIELD - InfoSource Field Description (Display Format)
RSAD2_S_OSFIELDMAP - Mapping DataSource Field InfoObject
RSAD2_S_OSSEGFIEMAP - Mapping between DataSource and InfoSource Segments (Fields)
RSAD_BAPI6100IF - Mapping: InfoObject/Attribute for Extractor Field
RSAD_BAPI6200FD - Requested Characteristics/Key Figs/Attributes by (Rem.) Data RSA...

RSBBS_S_MAPPING_RFC - Mapping Structure for Fixed RRI Mapping
RSBCFILTER100 - Screen Fields DTP Filter
RSBCFILTERDYNP100 - Screen Fields DTP Filter
RSBDBTABMAP - Mapping of Fields of an InfoSpoke on a DB Table RSB...

RSCRMDCPRES - GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for PRES
RSCRMDCPRES - GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for PRES
RSCRMDIMCMP - Cumulation Information of a Dimension
RSCRMEXCP - RSCRM: Extract Fields (Cross Product)
RSCRMEXFLDS - RSCRM: Extract field
RSCRMEXFLDS - RSCRM: Extract field RSC...

RSDADAPDOK - BW Archiving: Data Object Key
RSDADAPIDX - BW Archiving: Archive Index
RSDADAPIDXOBJ - BW Archiving: Further Index Characteristics
RSDADAPSEL - BW Archiving: Selection Parameters
RSDAI_S_TABLE_FIELD - Enh. Column Definition of a Table in Nearline Storage
RSDANLSEGVF - BW Archiving: Segment Version of a Nearline Object RSD...

RSECHIE - Status of Authorization Hierarchies
RSECHIE - Status of Authorization Hierarchies
RSECHIEVIEW - Generated Table for View
RSECHIEVIEW - Generated Table for View
RSECHIE_CL - Authorization Hierarchies Changes Change Log
RSECHIE_CL - Authorization Hierarchies Changes Change Log RSE...

RSFHGENTD - Generated Routines for Extraction of Transaction Data
RSFIELD - Interface: Field list with DDIC properties
RSFIELDNEW - Interface: Field list with DDIC properties
RSFLDINT - Transfer structure for fields
RSFOB_S_FORMULA_IOBJ - Formula ID Assignment with Target InfoObject
RSFOLDER - Hierarchies: Nodes which cannot be posted to RSF...

RSGENFIELDMAP - IOBJ Field Mapping for Generating Applications
RSGS_S_IOBJ_SHAPEFILE - InfoObject Shapefile Relationship
RSHASH_RULEDONE_001 - Compress and Decompress Structure for Hashed Routines
RSHASH_SELDONE_001 - Compress and Decompress Structure for Hashed Selections
RSHIEDIR - Hierarchy Catalog
RSHIEDIRCOM - Communications Structure Hierarchy Header
RSHIEFOLTTMP - Help Table for Packaged Loading of Hierarchies
RSHIELVLT - Names for the hierarchy level RSH...

RSIM_S_ELEM_OUTPUT - Query Element's tech name and the output in the query
RSINP_S_CONFIG - Configuration for Data Entry
RSINP_S_CONFIG_COB_PRO - Data Entry Configuration (Share from COB_PRO)
RSINP_S_CONFIG_COB_PRO_INP - Data Entry Configuration (Share from COB_PRO and Entry)
RSINP_S_CONFIG_EXT - Data Entry Configuration (Without References)
RSIOBJT - Interface: Name for InfoOjects RSI...

RSKSFIELD - Fields of the communication structure
RSKSFIELDNEW - Fields for New InfoSource
RSKSFIELDSH - Shadow table: Communication structure fields
RSKS_S_FIELD - New InfoSource
RSKS_S_FIELD_APPEND - Field Structure with Append Name
RSKS_S_GRID - Structure for ALV Grid RSK...

RSLDPDEL - BW: Selection Table for Deleting with Full Update Scheduler
RSLDPDELSH - BW: Selection Table for Deletion with Full Update Scheduler
RSLDPRULE - ABAP Code for Scheduler Selections
RSLDPRULESH - ABAP Code for Scheduler Selections
RSLDPSEL - Selection table for fields scheduler
RSLDPSELHIST - Selection Table for Fields of Scheduler - Changes/History RSL...

RSMAXHIETAB - Hierarchy Node Table with Maximum Possible Structure
RSMDCNVCMP - Internal Value Inconsistencies in Compounding
RSMDUCMUKMETA - UT MetaData: identifying attributes for MUKs
RSMD_RS_SH_IOBJNM_POS - Information about infoobject position in generated structure
RSMD_RS_SX_METADATA - Meta data of info object in master data read services
RSMD_RS_SX_REF - structure for holding reference of interface for value help RSM...

RSNDI_S_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
RSNDI_S_CHAVL_INDEX - Characteristic Values
RSNDI_S_CHAVL_MAX - Characteristic Values
RSNDI_S_CHAVL_STR - Characteristic Values
RSNDI_S_HIEDIR - Hierarchy Header Information NDI
RSNDI_S_HIEDIR2 - Hierarchy Header Information NDI RSN...

RSOBI_EXT_FIELDDEF - SOBI Model Factory: Description of Enhancing Field
RSODP - Operational Data Provider: Header
RSODSO_S_IOBJ_AGGR - Aggregation Behavior of InfoObjects
RSODSO_S_SIDGEN - Distribution of Test Data
RSOD_S_IOBJ_PROP - InfoObject and Generated Document Property RSO...

RSPLAPI_S_ALVL_IOBJECT - InfoObject of Aggregation Level
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_ATTRIB - Attribute Values for Internal Values
RSPLAPI_S_CHAR_VAL_SELOPT - Select option for Characteristic Values
RSPLAPI_S_CR_RANGE_DT - Range Structure with Design Time Info for Char.Relationships
RSPLAPI_S_FILTER_SELECT - Selection for one Element
RSPLAPI_S_PLFCT_CHAR_USAGE - Usage of Characteristic RSP...

RSQRFOBJ - InfoSet: Include Structure for Field Objects (DB View)
RSQRFOBJ - InfoSet: Include Structure for Field Objects (DB View)
RSQ_S_FOBJ_RUNT - InfoSet Field Objects (Runtime)
RSQ_S_FOBJ_RUNT - InfoSet Field Objects (Runtime)
RSQ_S_VI_MAP_FIELDS - Assignment: VI Fields
RSQ_S_VI_MAP_FIELDS - Assignment: VI Fields RSQ...

RSRA_BP_OBJECTS - Parts of the Batch Printing Setting
RSRA_BP_OBJECTST - Batch Printing Setting Column Headers
RSRA_ER_DRILL - Drill Characteristics for the Exception Reporting Setting
RSRA_SETTING_BB - RA Settings for Calculating Buckets

RSSAUTHHIER - Definition of the Authorizations for Hierarchies
RSSAUTHHIER - Definition of the Authorizations for Hierarchies
RSSAUTHHIERNODE - BW Reporting Authorizations: Hierarchy Nodes
RSSAUTHHIER_ALV - BW Authorizations: Display of Hierarchies Authorization Def.
RSSAUTHHIER_ALV - BW Authorizations: Display of Hierarchies Authorization Def.
RSSBAUTHTRACE - Authorization Trace BW Reporting RSS...

RSTCTAPPLHIENODE - Application Component Hierarchy Nodes
RSTCTCBHIENODE - BI Object Hierarchy Nodes
RSTCTIFAREAHIENODE - Infoarea Hierarchy Nodes
RSTCTPCHIENODE - Process Chain Hierarchy Nodes
RSTRANSTEPIOBJ - Rule Step: InfoObject Assignment
RSTRANSTEPMASTER - Rule Type: Read Master Data RST...

RSUNIURLVIEW - Generated Table for View
RSUOM_S_CALC_RUNT_PROPERTIES - Structure: Quantity Calculation - Only Internal
RSUOM_S_CALC_RUNT_PROPERTIES - Structure: Quantity Calculation - Only Internal
RSUOM_S_CALC_RUNT_PROP_EXT - Structure: Quantity Calculation
RSUPDEA - In/output fields InfoCube update RSU...

RSVHSVALUESET - Value help services user setting A segment
RSWSPXREFEX - Workspaces: Cross References of Excluded InfoObjects
RSZA_SX_METADATA_INFOOBJECT - Metadata for an InfoObject
RSZA_SX_PROP_CHAR - Characteristic Properties (for Help Windows)
RSZA_SX_PROP_CHAR - Characteristic Properties (for Help Windows)
RSZA_SX_PROP_CHAR - Characteristic Properties (for Help Windows)
RSZA_SX_PROP_KYF - Key Figure Properties (for Help Window)
RSZA_SX_PROP_KYF - Key Figure Properties (for Help Window) RSZ...


RZD1_S_LAYOUT_INFO - Layout Position of an InfoObject Within the Query

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