SAP (AD_TITLEST data element tables) Tables details

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BAD_ADDRESS - BAD - Addresses in transaction processing

BAD_ADDRESS_MESS - Messaging Structure ADDRESS

BAPIADDR2 - BAPI reference structure for addresses (nat. persons)

BAPIADDR3 - BAPI reference structure for addresses (contact person)

BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_INS - BO BusProcessND: Process Partner for a Transaction Create()

BAPIBUS20001_PARTNER_UPD - BO BusProcessND: Process Partner - Method: Change()

BAPIBUSISM008_ADDR2 - IS-M: BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Nat.Persons)

BAPIBUSISM008_ADDR_BAS_PERS - Order-Specific Address in BAS Structure (Pers.)

BAPICUSCPG - BAPI Structure: Contact Person, General Data

BAPIISUBPD - Business Partner General Data for BAPIs

BAPI_BT_BAPIADDR3 - Copy of BAPIADDR3 without Key Fields

BAPI_BUP_C - Business Partner (Create)

BAPI_BUP_D - Business Partner (GetDetail)

BAPI_BUP_S - Business Partner (Bapi Send)

BAPI_SC_BUP_C - Business Partner (Create)

BBPSADDR3 - BBP Reference Structure for Addr. (Contact Pers.)





BBPS_CON_UI_PARTNER - Purchase Contract Partner

BBPS_CTR_PA_NOV_BADI - Header Data Contract Partner for BADI (BBP_CTR_NOVATION_ICC)

BBPS_CTR_PA_NOV_UPD - Novation Contract Partner Update

BBPS_CTR_UI_PARTNER - Purchase Contract Partner

BBPS_DEMAND_HEADER - Requirement (Header Information)

BBPS_DEMAND_ITEM - Requirements

BBPS_ER_BUP_C - Business partners (Create)

BBPS_ES_EEWA_DATA - EEWA Address Data incl. usages

BBPS_MESSAGES_FOR_SEND - Structure to collect messages to be sent

BBPS_NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - Structure to determine recipients of a notification

BBPS_OFFAPP_WI_RECIPIENT - Recipient of Work Item E-mails in Offline Approval Scenario


BBPS_PDEXT_PARTNER - Business Partner + External View

BBPS_PDEXT_PARTNER - Business Partner + External View

BBPS_PDEXT_RFQ_HEADER - Extension Procurement Document RFQ Header

BBPS_SC_APP_GLOBAL - Shopping Cart: Defaults

BBPS_SC_APP_GLOBAL - Shopping Cart: Defaults

BBPS_SC_APP_PARTNER - Shopping Cart: Partner

BBPS_SC_APP_PARTNER - Shopping Cart: Partner

BBPS_SC_PARTNER - Business Partner (GetDetail)

BBPS_SF_AUC_OUTPUT - Auction Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_AUC_OUTPUT - Auction Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_AUC_OUTPUT - Auction Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_BID_OUTPUT - Bid Invitation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_BID_OUTPUT - Bid Invitation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_BID_OUTPUT - Bid Invitation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of Confirmation for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of Confirmation for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_CTR_OUTPUT - Contract Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_INV_OUTPUT - Invoice Data for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_INV_OUTPUT - Invoice Data for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_INV_OUTPUT - Invoice Data for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_PO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_PO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_QUOT_OUTPUT - Quotation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_QUOT_OUTPUT - Quotation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_QUOT_OUTPUT - Quotation Transfer for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSASN_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS-ASN for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSASN_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS-ASN for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSCONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Confirmation for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSCONF_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Confirmation for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSINV_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Invoice for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSINV_OUTPUT - Transfer of SUS Invoice for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSPO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output

BBPS_SF_SUSPO_OUTPUT - Transfer of Purchase Order for Smart Form Output

BBP_IV_ADDRESS - Address Structure for EBR Invoice Verification

BBP_PDS_BUP_ADDR_IC - Business Partner with Indicator

BBP_PDS_PARTNER - Business Partner

BBP_PDS_PARTNER - Business Partner

BBP_PDS_PARTNER_DIFF - Different Business Partners

BCA_US_BC_ADDR - Addresses Associated with Bank Cheques

BCSS_ADDAT - Contact Person Address Data for Fax Cover Sheet

BCSS_ADDAT - Contact Person Address Data for Fax Cover Sheet

BCSS_CVALL - Fax Cover Sheet: All Address Data

BCSS_CVALL - Fax Cover Sheet: All Address Data

BCSS_FAXCV - Fax Cover Sheet Data for Cover Sheet Smart Form

BCSS_FAXCV - Fax Cover Sheet Data for Cover Sheet Smart Form

BCSS_FAXCV - Fax Cover Sheet Data for Cover Sheet Smart Form

BEAS_DLI_PAR_COM - Transfer Structure: Partner to Billing Due List

BEAS_PAR_COM - Communication Structure for Partner Processing

BEAS_PAR_WRK - Work Area for Partners in BEA

BIADDR2 - BI Structure for Consumers

BKK_STR_ADD_DATA - address details for BP

BKK_STR_BKST_ADD - bank address details

BKK_STR_BNOT_ADD - Address Data for Balance Notification

BUS000FLDS - CBP: Work fields and screen fields

BUSF4TTLRY - BP: F4 for academic title field

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