SAP (AD_STRSPP3 data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1MD/BP_BP_HEADER - Source Structure for Entity Type BP_HEADER


/BEV3/CHAPAADRC - Addresses (Central Address Admin.) Communication Partners

/BEV3/CHAVKADRC - Addresses (Central Address Administration) Sales Org.

/BEV3/CHA_BKADRC - Addresses (Central Address Administration) Company Code

/BEV4/PLSANSCHR - Structure for Correspondence Context

/BOFU/ADDRS_LOCATION - Street address and POBox address fields

/BOFU/ADDRS_VERSION - Address data for a specific address version

/BOFU/S_ADDR_POSTAL_ADDRESSI - Node structure for postal address data - internal

/BOFU/S_ADDR_POSTAL_ADDRESSK - Node structure for postal address data - internal




/FLDQ/AD_ADRC_QU1 - Address Data for Quarterly Updates

/FLDQ/AD_ADRC_STRUC - Address Data for Postal Validation Online

/FLDQ/AD_CHKSTAT - Table to temporarily hold the check status values

/FLDQ/AD_DISP_HIT_LIST - Hit List field List

/FLDQ/AD_EX_SEARCH_RSLT_STRUC - Structure for results of extended duplicate check

/FLDQ/AD_EX_SEARCH_STRUC - Structure of candidates for extended duplicate check

/FLDQ/AD_INI_ERR - Record records which encounter an error in RSADRINI

/FLDQ/AD_MATCH_CODE_SCORE - Match code structure with score field

/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE - FirstLogic Match Code Index Table

/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE2 - FirstLogic Match Code Index Table with score

/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE_STRUC - Structure for Match code

/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE_TAB_STRUC - Structure to use within the match code table type

/FLDQ/AD_MTCRSLT - Match Results table to store results from RSADRINI program

/FLDQ/AD_MTC_RESULT_STRUC - Structure for Match code

/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH - FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE

/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH2 - FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE

/FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE - Matchcode Records pending to be updated

/FLDQ/AD_QTRERRORLOG_DOWNLOAD - Structure for downloading querterly update errors

/FLDQ/AD_QTRRVW - Cleansed addresses from RSADRQU2 to review before comitting

/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GRO - Business partner: group data

/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORG - business partner: central data groups

/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PER - business partner: central data person

/FSCAA/BAPIBUS_ALL_TYPES - businesspartner: all types

/GBT/S_ADR_TYPE1_RFC - Address type 1 in BAPI structure with object key

/GBT/S_BAPIAD1VL - GBT: Address type 1 distribution structure used in RFC

/GBTINT/S_ADR_TYPE1_RFC - Address type 1 in BAPI structure with object key

/GBTINT/S_BAPIAD1VL - GBT: Address type 1 distribution structure used in RFC

/GRCPI/GRIA_S_CHANGE_USR - Change user struct

/GRCPI/GRIA_S_CREATE_USR - Create user structure


/ISDFPS/S_BI_ADR - Provider Structure for Address Data

/LOCSRM/S_PDO_CRA_BIDRLIST_BR - All Bidders that are assigned to a Business Object

/MDG/_S_IS_PP_CUST_ADRS - Source Structure for PP Mapping

/MDG/_S_IS_PP_VEND_ADRS - Source Structure for PP Mapping

/MDGBP/_S_BP_ES_AD_POSTAL - Structure for Enterprise Search


/MDGBP/_S_BP_PP_AD_POSTAL - Source Structure for PP Mapping













/SAPDII/ADDR1_DATA - Address Transfer Structure

/SAPDII/ADDR1_DIA - Transfer structure FB ADDR_DIALOG

/SAPDII/ADRC_STRUC - Include structure with ADRC attributes without name fields

/SAPDII/WTY_ADDR1 - Address structure for front end.

/SAPHT/DRM_ADDR_DATA - DRM address data

/SAPHT/DRM_ENDCUST_HITLIST - Hit list of matching/almost matching customer masters

/SAPPSSRM/S_ADRCON_BLOCKED_BP - List of blocked business partners

/SAPSLL/ADDR1_DATA_S - Address Transfer Structure

/SAPSLL/ADRCON_BLOCKED_BP_S - SLL: LC: SPL: List of Blocked Business Partners

/SAPSLL/AD_STRSPP3_R_S - SLL: Range Structure for Data Element AD_STRSPP3

/SAPSLL/AD_STRSPP3_R_S - SLL: Range Structure for Data Element AD_STRSPP3

/SAPSLL/API1006_ADDRESS_R3_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Partner: Address

/SAPSLL/API1006_ADDRESS_S - SLL: API Communication Structure: Partner: Address

/SAPSLL/API1006_ADDRESS_SPI_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Partner: Address

/SAPSLL/API4001_AD1VL_R3_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Addresses: General Data

/SAPSLL/API4001_AD1VL_S - API Comm. Structure: Addresses: General Data

/SAPSLL/API4001_AD1VL_SPI_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Addresses: General Data

/SAPSLL/API4001_COMPLETE - API Communications Structure - Complex Address Type

/SAPSLL/API6800_ADDR_R3_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Customs Document: Addresses

/SAPSLL/API6800_ADDR_S - GTS: API Comm. Structure: Customs Document: Addresses

/SAPSLL/API6800_ADDR_SPI_S - SLL: API Comm. Structure: Customs Document: Addresses

/SAPSLL/BP_DATA_S - SLL: API Communication Structure: Partners: All Data

/SAPSLL/CS_UI_BP_S - Display Structure for Release Reason: Business Partner

/SAPSLL/CS_UI_DOC_S - Display Structure for Release Reason: Document

/SAPSLL/CUHD_CFB_PAR_H_GRID_S - Structure for ALV Grid: Partner - Header

/SAPSLL/CUHD_LOAD_GEO_H_GRID_S - Structure for ALV Grid Geography Customs Offices Header

/SAPSLL/CUHD_LOAD_PAR_H_GRID_S - Structure for ALV Grid: Partner - Header

/SAPSLL/CUSTOMER_AGGR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Customers

/SAPSLL/CUSTOMER_AGGR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Customers

/SAPSLL/CUSTOMER_DATA_S - Partner Data: Customers

/SAPSLL/CUSTOMER_DATA_S - Partner Data: Customers

/SAPSLL/ECC_CUHD_PAR_S - GTS: Hier. Customs Shipment - Partner

/SAPSLL/ECC_CUHD_PAR_S - GTS: Hier. Customs Shipment - Partner

/SAPSLL/EUI_ADRC_S - SLL: Addresses for EUI

/SAPSLL/EUI_GEOLOC_S - SLL: Geolocation for Addresses for EUI

/SAPSLL/EUI_SFP_BP_OUTPUT_S - SFP: Output Structure Partner Profile

/SAPSLL/IA_BP_MONITOR_S - General Output List for Partners (Such as for Search Help)

/SAPSLL/IFPARTNER_S - SLL: Interface Structure for Partner

/SAPSLL/LCLIC_ECMC_ADR_S - Address Structure for Business Partner



/SAPSLL/LCLIC_ECMC_FTORG_S - Foreign Trade Organizationl Unit: Electronic Comm.: License

/SAPSLL/LCLIC_ECMC_FTORG_S - Foreign Trade Organizationl Unit: Electronic Comm.: License

/SAPSLL/LCLIC_ECMC_FTVBS_S - Legal Units: Electronic Communication: License

/SAPSLL/LCLIC_ECMC_FTVBS_S - Legal Units: Electronic Communication: License



/SAPSLL/PARTNER_ADDR_R3_S - SLL: Structure for an SD Partner Address

/SAPSLL/PARTNER_ADDR_S - Business Partner Address





/SAPSLL/PARTNER_EMB_ALV_DSPL_S - SLL: Partners Involved in Embargo Situation



/SAPSLL/POSTAL_ADDRESS_CUST_S - Partner Data: Postal Address

/SAPSLL/POSTAL_ADDRESS_DATA_S - Partner Data: Postal Address

/SAPSLL/POSTAL_ADDRESS_VEND_S - Partner Data: Postal Address

/SAPSLL/PREVDAUD - SLL: Preference: Vend.Decl. for Customer Purp.: Audit

/SAPSLL/PREVDAUD_RM_S - SLL: Preference: LTVD-C Audit - Remaining Data

/SAPSLL/PREVDAUD_S - SLL: Preference: LTVD-C Audit - Data


/SAPSLL/PREVDWLI_ANA_UI_S - SLL: Preference: Long-Term Vendor Declaration - Worklist

/SAPSLL/PREVDWL_UI_S - SLL: Preference: Long-Term Vendor Declaration - Worklist

/SAPSLL/PREVD_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_AGGR_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_AGGR_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_AGGR_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_AGGR_01_S - Vend. Decl.: Partner Data

/SAPSLL/PREVD_BP_ADDRESS_S - SLL: Preference: Partner Addresses

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_ADDRESS_S - SLL: Request/Issue LTVD with SF - Addresses

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_ADDRESS_S - SLL: Request/Issue LTVD with SF - Addresses

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_ADDRESS_S - SLL: Request/Issue LTVD with SF - Addresses

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_S - SLL: Preference: Output Structure for LTVD (S.Form)

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_S - SLL: Preference: Output Structure for LTVD (S.Form)

/SAPSLL/PREVD_LLE_SF_S - SLL: Preference: Output Structure for LTVD (S.Form)

/SAPSLL/PREVD_OUT_INPUT_UI_S - SLL: Preference: Issue LTVD: Form Creation - Input

/SAPSLL/PRE_AGREEMENT_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_AGREEMENT_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_AGREEMENT_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_AGREEMENT_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_VDC_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_VDC_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_VDC_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRE_VDC_COMM_S - GTS: Preference: Communication Structure

/SAPSLL/PRPREF_UI_S - SLL: Preference: Output Structure for /SAPSLL/PRPREF

/SAPSLL/SPLAUD - Legal Control - SPL - Audit

/SAPSLL/SPLAUD_S - SLL: Legal Control: Sanctioned Party List: Audit - Data


/SAPSLL/SPL_AT_HEADER_UI_S - SLL: SPL: Audit Trail Structure - Header

/SAPSLL/SPL_AUDIT_TRAIL_CO_S - SLL: SPL: Audit Trail: Complex Structure

/SAPSLL/SPL_CHECK_DSP_TREE1_S - SLL: LC: SPL: Screening: Display Results: ALV Tree Part

/SAPSLL/SPL_CHECK_OBJ_UI_S - Output Structure for Screened Partners/Docs/External Addr.

/SAPSLL/SPL_EXT_ADRC_S - SLL: Legal Control: SPL: Check: Extended ADRC Structure

/SAPSLL/SPL_OFFLINE_RESULT_S - Result of Offline SPL Screening

/SAPSLL/SPL_SIMUL_DISP_S - SLL: SPL: Simulation: Display of Screening Results

/SAPSLL/SZADR_ADDR1_LINE_S - Complex Data Object for Addr. Type 1; See Type Group SZADR

/SAPSLL/TAX_PART_DATA_S - Partner Data for Tax Calculation

/SAPSLL/UIO_BP_HEADER_S - Business Partner: Header Data

/SAPSLL/UIO_SPL_CORPAR_S - Partner Function with Status

/SAPSLL/UIO_SPL_SCR_ADDR_S - SPL Screening - Blocked Business Partners

/SAPSLL/UIO_SPL_SI_BP_S - Results List of BP -- Simulate SPL Screening

/SAPSLL/VDO_PARAM_S - SLL: Preference, Structure with Input Parameters

/SAPSLL/VD_INPUT_PARAM_ADDR_S - SLL: Preference, Input Parameters - Address Data

/SAPSLL/VD_INPUT_PARAM_S - SLL: Preference, Structure with Input Parameters

/SAPSLL/VENDOR_AGGR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Vendor

/SAPSLL/VENDOR_AGGR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Vendor

/SAPSLL/VENDOR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Vendor

/SAPSLL/VENDOR_DATA_S - Partner Data: Vendor

/SAPSLL/V_BLBP - Generated Table for View

/SAPSLL/V_BLBP1 - Generated Table for View

/SAPSLL/V_PNTBP - Generated Table for View

/SAPSLL/WD_BLOCKED_BP_S - Structure for Business Partner Positive/Negative List

/SAPSLL/WD_BP_ADDRESS_S - Business Partner: Address

/SAPSLL/WD_BP_HEADER_S - Business Partner: Header Data

/SAPSLL/WD_INIT_BP_RECORD_S - Review Results for BP - Run SPL Screening


/SAPSLL/WD_SPL_AT_RESULT_S - Extended Audit Trail

/SAPSLL/WD_SPL_CHK_OBJ - SPL Result of Object Screening

/SAPSLL/WD_SPL_EXT_AT_RESULT_S - Extended Audit Trail

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_SOS_LIST - CLL structure for ASL SOS table display

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_ACTIVITY - the structure for Bid Activity

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_BID_OVRVW - Structure for Bid Comparison entry for WD context

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER - Structure for Bidder in CLL

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER_DETAIL - CLL Structure for Bidder Details

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ADDRESS_DATA - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_ADDR_DET - Address Details

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CRA_BIDDERLIST - Bid overview for convert RFQ

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LOCATION - Structure for business partner LOCATION (F4-help)

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PARTNER - Structure for partner

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_POSITION - CLL structure for position in organization management

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_IDENT - Cll structure for Purchase Order Identification area

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_RCT_LIST - CLL structure for QTA RCT table display

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RECIPIENT - Structure for business partner GOODS RECIP (F4-help)

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_REQUESTER - Structure for business partner REQUESTER (F4-help)

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ROS_COMP_ADDRDAT - Supplier Address Data Structure

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SHIPTO - Structure for the ship to party address

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SOS - Data for Source of supply

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSCUST - CLL Structure for SUS Business Partners

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSUSR_ADDRESS - CLL Structure for SUS User Addresss

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_ADDR_DET - Customer Address Details for SUS User Adminstration

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUS_COMP_ADDR_DA - CLL Structure for Address Details





/SAPSRM/S_CONTACT_PERSON_DATA - Bidder contact person data

/SAPSRM/S_DEFAULT_REQUESTER - Buffer structure for default requester

/SAPSRM/S_GEN_PARTNERS_FULL - Complete Partnerdata + Model

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_ACTIVITY - Structure for Bid Activity

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_BID_OVRVW - PDO Structure for Bid Comparison Overview

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_ADDR_DET - Address Details

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CRA_BIDDERLIST - All Bidders that are assigned to a Business Object

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_BIDDERLIST - List of Bidders assigned to a Business Object

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AVL_IT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Vendor List Item

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_SUSSUP_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for SUS Supplier Header


/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_BIDDER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Bidder

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_PARTNER - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Price Calculation

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_MO_EMP_WORKP - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Employee Workplace Addres

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ORGUNIT_ADDRESS - Structure for PDO Organizational Unit Address


/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_DEF_SETTING - purchase order default settings

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_PO_DEF_SET_ALV - ALV table structure for purchase order default settings

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ROS_COMP_ADDR_DA - Structure for Address Data

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUCO_COMP_ADDRDA - Structure for Address Data

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SUSCUST - PDO structure for SUS Customer Details


/SAPSRM/S_PDO_WORKPLACE_DEF - Workplace Defaults

/SAPSRM/S_PD_BUPA_BUF - PD structure for Update Buffer for BuPa

/SAPSRM/S_PD_BUPA_BUF - PD structure for Update Buffer for BuPa

/SAPSRM/S_PD_BUPA_BUF - PD structure for Update Buffer for BuPa

/SAPSRM/S_SUCO_CLL_SREG_ADDR - UI Structure for supplier address data

/SAPSRM/S_WF_AGENT_DETAILS - details for a workflow agent

/SAPSRM/S_WF_OFFLINE_AGENT - Offlien Aprroval Agent Data


































/SMD/MD_____00KI - SID-Tabelle fuer Street 4

/SMD/MD__________100G5 - Komplette Feldleiste Street 4

/SMD/MD__________100OP - Komplette Feldleiste USMDKBPBP_HEADER

/SMD/MD__________100VJ - Komplette Feldleiste USMDKBPPARTNER2

/SMD/MD__________100VK - Komplette Feldleiste USMDKBPPARTNER1

/SRMERP/S_BD_ORG_ADDRESS - Organization Address (BAdI Interface)

/SRMERP/S_PERSON_ADDRESS_INF - Address Information

/SRMERP/S_PERSON_ADDRESS_INF_D - Address Information

/SRMERP/S_WF_AGENT_DETAILS - details for a workflow agent

/SYCLO/CS_BPADDRESS_STR - Syclo: Business Partner Address

/SYCLO/CS_IB_ADDRESS_STR - Syclo: IBase Address

/SYCLO/DSD_ADDRESS_STR - Syclo DSD: Address Details

/SYCLO/DSD_COMPANY_ADDRESS_STR - Syclo: Addresses (Business Address Services) Structure

/SYCLO/SD_ADDRESS_STR - Sd: Address Details

/SYCLO/SD_COMPANY_ADDRESS_STR - SD: Addresses (Business Address Services) Structure


/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_IND - Web Channel Ind Address

/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_ORG - Web Channel Org Address




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