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SWNCAGGAPPSTAT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics

SWNCAGGCOMPHIER - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy

SWNCAGGDBC - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Connections

SWNCAGGDBPROCS - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Procedures

SWNCAGGENTRYID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Type, Entry ID, User

SWNCAGGEXTSYSTEM - SAP Workload NW Collector: External Systems Workload

SWNCAGGFRONTEND - SAP Workload NW Collector: Front End

SWNCAGGHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client

SWNCAGGHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination

SWNCAGGHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server

SWNCAGGHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination

SWNCAGGINSTANCE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Instances

SWNCAGGMEMORY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Memory Usage

SWNCAGGOBJ - SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregates Structure

SWNCAGGORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units

SWNCAGGRFCCLNT - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Client

SWNCAGGRFCCLNTDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Client Destination

SWNCAGGRFCSRVR - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server

SWNCAGGRFCSRVRDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Destination

SWNCAGGSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client

SWNCAGGSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination

SWNCAGGSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server

SWNCAGGSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination

SWNCAGGSPOOL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool

SWNCAGGSPOOLACT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Activity

SWNCAGGTABLEREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Table Record

SWNCAGGTASKTIMES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types, Time-Dependent

SWNCAGGTASKTYPE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types

SWNCAGGTCDET - SAP Workload NW Collector: Function Code Details

SWNCAGGTIMES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types: Time-/Prog.-Dependent

SWNCAGGTIMES_AWR - SAP Workload NW Collector: Task Types: Time-/Prog.-Dependent

SWNCAGGTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX

SWNCAGGUSERTCODE - SAP Workload NW Collector: User, TCode, ...

SWNCAGGUSERWORKLOAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: User, Workload, ...

SWNCAGGVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VMC

SWNCAGGWEBCLNT - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Single Call

SWNCAGGWEBDEST - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Destination

SWNCASTATREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Main Rec.

SWNCCOLLCOMPRESS - SAP Workload NW Collector: Aggregate Compression Parameters

SWNCCOLLPACKSIZE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Automatic Package Sizes

SWNCCOLLPARAM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters





SWNCCOLLPATXT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Parameters

SWNCCOLLPERF - Performance Data of the Workload Collector

SWNCCOLLPERFAGG - SAP Workload NW Collector: Collector Performance Aggregation

SWNCCOLLPERFTOT - Performance Data of the Workload Collector

SWNCCOMMON - SAP Workload NW Collector: Common Part of Statistics Records

SWNCCOMPHIERTEXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy

SWNCCOMPHIERTXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy

SWNCCOMPRESS - Structure for Compression of Aggregates

SWNCEXCEPTIONSTR - Exception Structure


SWNCGLAGGAPPSTAT - Aggregate Structure for Application Statistics

SWNCGLAGGDBC - Aggregate Structure for DB Connections

SWNCGLAGGDBPROCS - Aggregate Structure for DB Procedures

SWNCGLAGGEXTSYSTEM - Aggregate Structure for Workload of External Systems

SWNCGLAGGFRONTEND - Aggregate Structure for Frontend

SWNCGLAGGHTTPC - Aggregate Structure for HTTP Client

SWNCGLAGGHTTPCD - Aggregate Structure for HTTP Client Destination

SWNCGLAGGMEMORY - Aggregate Structure for Memory Usage

SWNCGLAGGRFCCLNT - Aggregate Structure for RFC Client

SWNCGLAGGRFCCLNTDEST - Aggregate Structure for RFC Client Destination

SWNCGLAGGRFCSRVR - Aggregate Structure for RFC Server

SWNCGLAGGRFCSRVRDEST - Aggregate Structure for RFC Server Destination

SWNCGLAGGSPOOL - Aggregate Structure for Spool Print

SWNCGLAGGSPOOLACT - Aggregate Structure for Spool Activity

SWNCGLAGGTABLEREC - Aggregate Structure for Table Records

SWNCGLAGGTASKTIMES - Aggregate Structure for Task Types (Time-Dependent)

SWNCGLAGGTASKTYPE - Aggregate Structure for Task Type

SWNCGLAGGTCDET - Aggregate Structure for Function Code Details

SWNCGLAGGTIMES - Aggregate Structure for Task Types (Time-/Program-Dependent)


SWNCGLAGGUSERTCODE - Aggregate Structure for User, Tcode, and so on

SWNCGLAGGUSERWORKLOAD - Aggregate Structure for User, Workload, and so on

SWNCGLAGGVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VMC

SWNCGLAGGWEBCLNT - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Single Call

SWNCGLAGGWEBDEST - SAP Workload Web Client/Server Destination

SWNCGLALLCOMPHIER - Table with Component Hierarchies for each System ID

SWNCGLALLDIR - Statsitics Tables of Contents for Different Systems

SWNCGLALLORGUNITS - Table with Assignments of Users to Organizational Units

SWNCGLALLRECS - Single Statistics Records for Each System and Instance

SWNCGLCOMPHIERTAB - Component Hierarchy: Level and Key

SWNCGLCOMPHIERTEXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy

SWNCGLCOMPHIERTXT - Texts and Keys of the Component Hierarchy

SWNCGLDEST - RFC Destination with List of Instances for Other RFCs

SWNCGLDESTCAT - Destination with System Category

SWNCGLDIR - Fields of a Table of Contents of Workload Statistics

SWNCGLEXTESIREC - ESI Subrecord Extension

SWNCGLEXTESIRECS - Extension of ESI Statistics Subrecs for each System and Inst

SWNCGLEXTPASSPORTREC - Passport Subrecord Extension

SWNCGLEXTPASSPORTRECS - Extended Passport Subrecords for Each System and Instance

SWNCGLHITINCDB - Include DB Data for Hitlists

SWNCGLHITINCMEM - Include Memory Usage for Hitlists

SWNCGLHITINCRFC - Include RFC for Hitlists

SWNCGLHITINCROLL - Include Roll for Hitlists

SWNCGLHITINCTAB - Include Tables for Hitlists

SWNCGLHITLIST - Hit Lists Standard Statistics

SWNCGLHITLISTAPPL - Application Statistics Hit Lists


SWNCGLINCDUBESCOUNT - Include Counters for Dia, Update, and so on

SWNCGLINCHTTPB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body

SWNCGLINCHTTPH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCGLINCPERF - Include Performance

SWNCGLINCRESPTIME - Include Response Times

SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEADV - Include Response Times (Extended)

SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEDBP - Include Response Times for DB Procedures

SWNCGLINCRESPTIMEDIST - Include Response Time Distribution



SWNCGLINCSUBHTTP - Common Part of HTTP Single Calls

SWNCGLINCSUBHTTPDEST - Common Part of HTTP Client Server Destinations

SWNCGLINCSUBRFC - RFC Single Calls Common Part

SWNCGLINCSUBRFCDEST - RFC Connection (Destination) Common Part

SWNCGLINCSUBSMTP - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Include

SWNCGLINCSUBSMTPDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Destination Include

SWNCGLINCTRANSBYTES - Include Transferred Bytes

SWNCGLINCVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include VMC

SWNCGLINCWEB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCGLINCWEBDATA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body


SWNCGLOBDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: GLOB_STAT RFC Destinations

SWNCGLORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units

SWNCGLORGUNITSINGLE - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units

SWNCGLRCINF - Error Message when Reading the Workload Statistics

SWNCGLSTATREC - Statistics Record (Main Record and Tables with Subrecords)

SWNCGLSUBADM - Admin Messages Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBASTAT - Application Statistics Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBBTC - Background Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBCIF - Client Info (Passport) Subrecord


SWNCGLSUBDBP - DB Procedures Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBESI - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Statistics Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBESISUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Total of All ESI Actions

SWNCGLSUBHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBITEMBYTEARRAY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Byte Array Stats Subrc

SWNCGLSUBITEMINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Int. Stats Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBITEMSTRING - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. String Stats Subrec.

SWNCGLSUBITEMUUID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. UUID Stats Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBPASSPORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Passport Stats Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBRFCC - RFC Client Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBRFCCD - RFC Client Destination Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBRFCS - RFC Server Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBRFCSD - RFC Server Destination Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client

SWNCGLSUBSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination

SWNCGLSUBSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server

SWNCGLSUBSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination

SWNCGLSUBSPOA - Spool Activity Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBSPOP - Spool-Print Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBTAB - Tables Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBTREXSUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord Totals

SWNCGLSUBVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VM Container

SWNCGLSUBWEBSERVICE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Statistics Subrecord

SWNCGLSUBWEBSERVICESUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Totals Stats Subrec.

SWNCGLSYSCOMP - Component Hierarchies for Each System

SWNCGLTREXREC - TREX Subrecord Extension

SWNCGLTREXRECS - Extension of TREX Subrecords for Each System & Instance

SWNCGLWEBSERVICEREC - Web Service Subrecord Extension

SWNCGLWEBSERVICERECS - Extension of Web Service Subrecs for Each System & Instance

SWNCHITINCDB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include DB Data

SWNCHITINCMEM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Memory Usage

SWNCHITINCRFC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include RFC

SWNCHITINCROLL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Roll

SWNCHITINCTAB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists Include Tables

SWNCHITLIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Hitlists

SWNCHITLISTAPPL - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Hitlist

SWNCINCDBREAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include DB Data

SWNCINCDUBESCOUNT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Dia, Upd, ... Counters

SWNCINCHTTPB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body

SWNCINCHTTPH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCINCRESPTIME - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Times

SWNCINCRESPTIMEADV - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Advanced Time

SWNCINCRESPTIMEDBP - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Resp. Times for DBP

SWNCINCRESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Response Time Distr.

SWNCINCRFCB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Body

SWNCINCRFCH - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include RFC Header

SWNCINCSUBHTTP - Common Part of HTTP Single Calls

SWNCINCSUBHTTPDEST - Common Part of HTTP Client Server Destinations

SWNCINCSUBRFC - Common Part of RFC Single Calls

SWNCINCSUBRFCDEST - Common Part of RFC Connections (Destinations)

SWNCINCSUBSMTP - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Include

SWNCINCSUBSMTPDEST - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Destination Include

SWNCINCTRANSBYTES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include Transferred Bytes

SWNCINCVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include VMC

SWNCINCWEB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Header

SWNCINCWEBDATA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Include HTTP Body

SWNCINFORESPTIMEDIST - SAP Workload NW Collector: Limit Value of Resp. Time Dist.

SWNCMAINREC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Main Statistics Record

SWNCMONI - SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Clusters

SWNCMONIINDEX - SAP Workload NW Collector: Data Cluster Index Table

SWNCMONIINDEXSHORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster

SWNCMONIKEY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster

SWNCMONIKEYDIFF - SAP Workload NW Collector: Diffs Betw. Contents + Cluster

SWNCMONIKEYRELID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Key of Data Cluster

SWNCMONITOCDIFF - SAP Workload NW Collector: Compare Contents Table - Cluster

SWNCMONIZOMBIES - SAP Workload NW Collector: Bad Entries in SWNCMONI

SWNCORGUNIT - Assignment of User Names to Organizational Units

SWNCPERF - Include Performance

SWNCPERFTOTAL - Total Collector Performance

SWNCREADER - Reader + Last Record

SWNCSTADSELC12 - Selection Table for CHAR12

SWNCSTADSELC64 - Selection Table for CHAR64

SWNCSTATINDEX - SAP Workload: Stat. Record: Record Indexing for Subrecords

SWNCSTATREC - Statistics Record (Deep Structure: Main+Subrecords)

SWNCSUBADM - SAP Workload NW Collector: ADM Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBASTAT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Application Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBBTC - SAP Workload NW Collector: Background Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBCLI - SAP Workload NW Collector: Client Info Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBDB - SAP Workload NW Collector: DB Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBDBP - DB Procedures Subrecord

SWNCSUBESI - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBESICHG - SAP Workload NW Collector: ESI Changes Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBESISUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Total of All ESI Actions

SWNCSUBHTTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Subrecord

SWNCSUBHTTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Client Destination Subrecord

SWNCSUBHTTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Subrecord

SWNCSUBHTTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: HTTP Server Destination Subrecord

SWNCSUBITEMBYTEARRAY - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Byte Array Stats Subrc

SWNCSUBITEMINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. Int. Stats Subrecord

SWNCSUBITEMSTRING - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. String Stats Subrec.

SWNCSUBITEMUUID - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Pass. UUID Stats Subrecord

SWNCSUBPASSPORT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Ext. Passport Stats Subrecord

SWNCSUBRFCC - RFC Client Subrecord

SWNCSUBRFCCD - RFC Client Destination Subrecord

SWNCSUBRFCS - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Subrecord

SWNCSUBRFCSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: RFC Server Destination Subrecord

SWNCSUBSMTPC - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client

SWNCSUBSMTPCD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Client Destination

SWNCSUBSMTPS - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server

SWNCSUBSMTPSD - SAP Workload NW Collector: SMTP Server Destination

SWNCSUBSPO - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBSPOA - SAP Workload NW Collector: Spool Activity Stats Subrecord

SWNCSUBTAB - SAP Workload NW Collector: Table Statistics Subrecords

SWNCSUBTIINT - SAP Workload NW Collector: Time Interval Stats Subrecord

SWNCSUBTREX - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBTREXSUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: TREX Statistics Subrecord Totals

SWNCSUBVMC - SAP Workload NW Collector: VM Container

SWNCSUBWEBSERVICE - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Statistics Subrecord

SWNCSUBWEBSERVICESUM - SAP Workload NW Collector: Web Service Totals Stats Subrec.

SWNCSYSLOAD - SAP Workload NW Collector: System Load Collector





SWNKCAT2MSG - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table CAT2MSG

SWNKCATEGORY - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table Category


SWNKDELPROVI - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table DELPROVI

SWNKDELSCHED - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_DELSCHED

SWNKFILTER - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTER

SWNKFILTPAR - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTPAR

SWNKFILTVAL - WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_FILTVAL

SWNKNOTIFTSTMP - WF Notif: Key Structure for table SWN_NOTIFTSTMP

SWNKREMAP - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_REMAP

SWNKSUBS - WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_SUBS

SWNKSUBSVAL - WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_SUBSVAL

SWNODE - WF: Reference structure for node number

SWNSATTACH2 - Notification and Attachment

SWNSCATEGORYT - WF Notif: Category with Text

SWNSCOLSCHED - WF Notif: Schedule for Selection (Structure)

SWNSDELSCHED - WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery (Structure)

SWNSFILTAPPLKEY - WF: Key for Filter Time Stamp

SWNSFILTER - WF Notif: Filter Including Time Stamps (Structure)

SWNSFILTERT - WF Notif: Filter with Text

SWNSFILTSETTINGS - WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure)

SWNSFILTVAL - WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure)

SWNSLINK - WF Notif: Attachment Description

SWNSNOTIF1 - WF Notif: Notifications (Structure)

SWNSNOTIFDETAILS - WF Notif: Details of a Notification (for BSP)

SWNSNOTIFEXIT - WF Notif: Notifications for User-Exit (Structure)

SWNSNOTIFSUBS - WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription

SWNSNOTIFSUBS1 - WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription

SWNSNOTIFTSTMP - WF Notif: Time Stamp for Sending a Notification

SWNSORIGINKEY - WF Notif: Structure for Origin Key

SWNSPARAM - WF Notif: Generic Parameter

SWNSSUBS - WF Notif: Subscription Basic Data (Structure)

SWNSSUBSPAR - WF Notif: Subscription Values

SWNSSUBSPAR1 - WF Notif: Subscription Values (Internal Table)

SWNSSUBST - WF Notif: Subscription with Text

SWNSSUBSVALUES - WF Notif: Structure for Subscription Parameter Values

SWNSTXTLANG - WF Notif: Object Text in a Language

SWNSUSER - WF Notif: User Attributes

SWNSVARI - WF Notif: Description of a Variable of a Message Element

SWNSVHELP - WF Notif: Key and Value of a Value Help (BSP)

SWNSVIEWSTRUC - WF Notif: Structure with Information about View Cluster

SWNSWEEKDAYS - WF Notif: Week Days for Scheduler

SWNUWLSITEMTYPE - Structure with the UWL Item Type

SWNUWLSPROCCAT - Structure with Process Category

SWNUWLSUSER - Structure with User and Language


SWN_ATTACH - WF Notif: Attachment Description

SWN_CAT2MSG - WF Notif: Assignment Category, Message Template

SWN_CAT2MSGV - Generated Table for View

SWN_CATEGORY - WF Notif: Category

SWN_CATEGORYT - WF Notif: Category, Text

SWN_CATEGORYV - Generated Table for View

SWN_COLSCHED - WF Notif: Selection Schedule

SWN_COLSCHEDT - WF Notif: Collective Schedule, Texts

SWN_DELPROVI - WF Notif: Deliverer

SWN_DELPROVIT - WF Notif: Deliverer, Texts

SWN_DELPROVIV - Generated Table for View

SWN_DELSCHED - WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery

SWN_DELSCHEDT - WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery, Texts

SWN_DELTYPE - WF Notif: Delivery Type

SWN_DELTYPET - WF Notif: Delivery Type, Texts

SWN_FILTER - WF Notif: Filter

SWN_FILTERT - WF Notif: Filter, Texts

SWN_FILTERV - Generated Table for View

SWN_FILTPAR - WF Notif: Filter Parameter

SWN_FILTPART - WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Texts

SWN_FILTPARV - Generated Table for View

SWN_FILTVAL - WF Notif: Filter Values

SWN_FILTVALV - Generated Table for View

SWN_MSG2PART - WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates

SWN_MSG2PARTV - Generated Table for View

SWN_MSGTMPL - WF Notif: Message Template

SWN_MSGTMPLT - WF Notif: Message Template, Texts

SWN_NOTIF - WF Notif: Notifications

SWN_NOTIFINT - WF Notif: Notifications (Internal Tab.)

SWN_NOTIFTSTMP - WF Notif: Time Stamp for Notifications

SWN_PARTTMPL - WF Notif: Message Element

SWN_PARTTMPLT - WF Notif: Message Element, Texts

SWN_REMAP - WF Notif: Handler Assignment

SWN_REMAPT - WF Notif: Handler Assignment, Texts

SWN_SCENARIO - WF Notif: Scenario

SWN_SCENARIOT - WF Notif: Scenario, Texts

SWN_SENDLOG - WF Notif: Send Protocol

SWN_SETTINGS - WF Notif: General Settings

SWN_SETTINGSS - WF Notif: General Settings

SWN_SETTINGSST - WF Notif: General Settings, Texts

SWN_SETTINGST - WF Notif: General Settings, Texts

SWN_SIBFLPOR - WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference

SWN_SIBFLPORB - WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference, BOR-Compatible

SWN_STATISTICS - Statistics for Read, Saved, and Sent Notifications

SWN_SUBS - WF Notif: Subscriptions

SWN_SUBSPAR - WF Notif: Subscription Parameters

SWN_SUBSPART - WF Notif: Subscription Parameters, Texts

SWN_SUBSPARV - Generated Table for View

SWN_SUBST - WF Notif: Subscription, Text

SWN_SUBSV - Generated Table for View

SWN_SUBSVAL - WF Notif: Subscription Values

SWN_SUBSVALV - Generated Table for View

SWN_TIMESTAMPS - WF Notif: Time Stamp

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