List of SAP Tables objects containing

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Index of SAP Tables Objects | Begining with /

/SLOAE/EX_ANALYS - Analysis table

/SLOAE/EX_BATCH - Select options for batch processing

/SLOAE/EX_CONFIG - Analysis configuration

/SLOAE/EX_HOME - Indicator if system is home system of analysis

/SLOAE/EX_MODULE - Execution table

/SLOAE/EX_RUN - Analysis runs

/SLOAE/EX_RUN_M - Module runs

/SLOAE/EX_SCHED - Scheduled modules

/SLOAE/EX_SELOPT - Select options table

/SLOAE/EX_S_GENERIC_RANGE - Generic range strucutre


/SLOAE/EX_TITLE - Texts for selection screen

/SLOAE/S_KEY_VALUE_MAPPING - SLOAS key value mapping structure

/SLOAE/S_MODULE_EXECUTION - Module execution

/SLOAE/S_MODULE_GENERATE - Module generation

/SLOAE/S_MODULE_STATUS - Module status


/SLOAE/TYPEREFS - SAP LT AP: type reference templates

/SLOAP/ABSTRACT_CE - abstract representation of a Content Element for Web Dynpro

/SLOAP/ADT_CATC - mapping adt to format category

/SLOAP/ADT_CATT - transport table for /SLOAS/ADT_CAT

/SLOAP/ADT_C_TPL - mapping adt to template document element

/SLOAP/ANALYSIS - SLOAP analysis data

/SLOAP/ANLREPORT - SLOAS analysis report control table

/SLOAP/ANLR_PR - SLOAS mapping of analysis reports to output profiles

/SLOAP/ANL_MD - SLOAS Mapping of analyses to analysis modules

/SLOAP/API_ANLYS - Remote execution: Analysis

/SLOAP/API_ASLOG - State change log

/SLOAP/API_MDULE - Remote execution: Analysis Module

/SLOAP/API_MSLOG - State change log

/SLOAP/AUTH - SLOAS: Authorization Data

/SLOAP/BC_INFO - Basis information

/SLOAP/BILLINFO - SLOAS Service Billing Information

/SLOAP/BIN_PROF - sloap profile

/SLOAP/BIN_REL - slo ap relation table /sloap/bin_prof and /slap/bin_stor

/SLOAP/BMONI - Generated Table for View

/SLOAP/CATTOPICC - mapping from category to picture for frontend


/SLOAP/CAT_HEADC - assignment catecore to head

/SLOAP/CAT_HEADT - trasport table for /SLOAS/CAT_HEAD

/SLOAP/CHARTYPSC - chart type mapping: domain to xml representation


/SLOAP/CHECKTAB - Transfer Structure for Table Information


/SLOAP/CLU_RES - SLOAS cluster for analysis results

/SLOAP/CLU_SRC - SLOAS cluster for module source code

/SLOAP/CLU_SRCT - Transport table for /SLOAS/CLU_SRC

/SLOAP/CLU_STOR - SLOAS cluster for storage of binary objects

/SLOAP/CLU_STORT - Transport table for /SLOAS/CLU_STORE

/SLOAP/CLU_TMP - SLOAS cluster for temporary data

/SLOAP/CLU_TXT - SLOAS cluster for text storage

/SLOAP/CLU_TXTT - transport table for /SLOAS/CLU_TXT

/SLOAP/CUSTOMER - SLOAS customer data

/SLOAP/DESC_ALIA - SLOAS description alias to guid mapping

/SLOAP/DESC_ALIT - Transport table for /SLOAS/DESC_ALIA

/SLOAP/DEVC_FILT - table to maintain DEVCLASS Filter for QUA

/SLOAP/DEVC_FITT - transport table for /SLOAS/DEVC_FILT

/SLOAP/DOWNUPDAT - INDX table for upload / download protocoling

/SLOAP/DOWNUPLOG - Download / upload log

/SLOAP/FIELD - SLOAS table fields

/SLOAP/FIELDT - Transport table for /SLOAS/FIELD

/SLOAP/FUGR_MAP - Function group mapping table

/SLOAP/FUGR_RULE - Definition of hierarchy of function group mapping

/SLOAP/GENLOG - generation logging

/SLOAP/GEN_STATE - State of output generation

/SLOAP/HELP_HEAD - application help header entries

/SLOAP/IMP_LOG - Improvement message log

/SLOAP/KNA1 - General Data in Customer Master

/SLOAP/KNA1_GUID - SLOAS Mapping of customer number to customer guid

/SLOAP/KNA1_INST - Installations mapping zu Kunden

/SLOAP/KNA1_PROJ - SLOAS mapping of kunnr to project

/SLOAP/LEVEL - check table to determine level of org-elements

/SLOAP/LOG_CONT - logging content for sloap logger

/SLOAP/LOG_META - metainfo for sloap log content table

/SLOAP/MAPPING - LT Analysis: Standalone Mappings for Analysis Applications


/SLOAP/MD_FIELD - SLOAS module-field mapping

/SLOAP/MD_FIELDT - transport table for /SLOAS/MD_FIELD

/SLOAP/MD_SYS - SLOAS analysis module to system type mapping

/SLOAP/MD_SYST - transport table for /SLOAS/MD_SYS


/SLOAP/MODULE - SLOAP analysis module data

/SLOAP/MODULET - transport table for /SLOAP/MODULE

/SLOAP/MY_PROJECTS - Structure for Displaying List of Users Open Projects

/SLOAP/NOT_PAINTED - structure contains infortmation to paint element

/SLOAP/ORG_COLOR - matches Org Structure elements to specific color

/SLOAP/OUTP_CATC - xml templates

/SLOAP/OUTP_CATT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUTP_CAT

/SLOAP/OUTP_XML - assignment of result(s) to a structure / data xml

/SLOAP/OUTP_XMLT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUTP_XML

/SLOAP/OUT_COMM - SLOAS - Output Processing Commands

/SLOAP/OUT_COMMT - Transport Tables for /SLOAS/OUT_COMM

/SLOAP/OUT_GR - SLOAP Output Group

/SLOAP/OUT_GRT - transport tables for /SLOAS/OUT_GR

/SLOAP/OUT_GR_GR - SLOAS Table to map groups to groups on lower level

/SLOAP/OUT_GR_GT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_GR_GR

/SLOAP/OUT_GR_MD - SLOAP Mapping of output groupd to output modules

/SLOAP/OUT_GR_MT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_GR_MD


/SLOAP/OUT_MD - SLOAP output module

/SLOAP/OUT_MD5_C - relation between profile guides and storage_guids

/SLOAP/OUT_MD5_P - relation between profile guides and storage_guids

/SLOAP/OUT_MD5_T - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_MD5_P

/SLOAP/OUT_MDT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_MD

/SLOAP/OUT_MD_MD - SLOAS Mapping of output module to analysis modules

/SLOAP/OUT_MD_MT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_MD_MD

/SLOAP/OUT_PR - SLOAP Output Profile

/SLOAP/OUT_PRT - transport tables for /SLOAS/OUT_PR

/SLOAP/OUT_PR_GR - SLOAP Mapping of output profile to output groups

/SLOAP/OUT_PR_GT - transport tables for /SLOAS/OUT_PR_GR

/SLOAP/OUT_REFT - transport table for /SLOAS/OUT_REF


/SLOAP/PICCATT - transport table for /SLOAS/PICCATT

/SLOAP/PLATTFORM - SLOAP Plattfom lock against generation

/SLOAP/PREMODI - SLOAS Service pretend modis

/SLOAP/PRERES - SLOAS Service pretend assignment

/SLOAP/PRESER - SLOAS Service pertend table

/SLOAP/PREVIEW - Generated Table for View

/SLOAP/PRICING_1 - Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)

/SLOAP/PRICING_2 - Conditions (1-Dimensional Quantity Scale)

/SLOAP/PROFILE - version independent profile information


/SLOAP/PROJ_RES - SLOAS project to result mapping table

/SLOAP/PRTMPCONT - version dependant profile control table

/SLOAP/PR_XMLC - default profile template assingment

/SLOAP/PR_XMLT - transport table for /SLOAS/PR_XML

/SLOAP/QRY - SLOAS BI-Query table

/SLOAP/QUA_MAPPI - SLOAS - QUA Component-Module Mapping

/SLOAP/QUA_MAPPT - transport table for /SLOAS/QUA_MAPPI

/SLOAP/QUERY - SLOAS: BI-Query information table

/SLOAP/RELEASE - SLOAS: Available releases

/SLOAP/RELEASET - transport table for /SLOAS/RELEASE

/SLOAP/REL_DATA - structure for the check of relations

/SLOAP/RESULT - SLOAP analysis results

/SLOAP/RESVIEW - Generated Table for View

/SLOAP/RES_MD - SLOAS result-module mapping

/SLOAP/RNTIMER - IS-H: Structure for integer number for date/time entry

/SLOAP/ROLE - SLOAS: Role data

/SLOAP/ROLE_AUTH - SLOAS role and authorization data


/SLOAP/SCOL_SELECTION - Structure for Describing Selections

/SLOAP/SCONFLICT - conflicts

/SLOAP/SELOPT - SLOAS Select Options Definition

/SLOAP/SELOPTT - Transfer table for /SLOAS/SELOPT

/SLOAP/SELOPT_G - CNV AS Select Option Groups

/SLOAP/SELOPT_GT - transport table for /SLOAS/SELOPT_G

/SLOAP/SERRES - SLOAS Service - Result Assignment

/SLOAP/SERRESST - SLOAS Service - Result Assignment Status

/SLOAP/SERST - SLOAS Service Status


/SLOAP/SERVICE - SLOAS - Analysis Services

/SLOAP/SERVICE_DOCU - sloas service questionnaire fields

/SLOAP/SERVIEW - Generated Table for View

/SLOAP/SM_MAPPT - Transport table for /SLOAS/SM_MAPPI

/SLOAP/SPTAP - Structure of table PTAB (created for update program)

/SLOAP/STORAGE - SLOAS storage control table

/SLOAP/STORAGET - transport table for /SLOAS/STORAGE

/SLOAP/SVG_CRITERIA - list of tables with level indicators to create differen SVGs

/SLOAP/SVG_TREE_STRUC - necessary to generate org. structure from analysis

/SLOAP/SWDPRETEND - Pretent preview table

/SLOAP/SWD_CUSTOMER_DATA - SLOAS Web Dynpro structure for customer data

/SLOAP/SWD_DEPEND - SLOAS dependency table

/SLOAP/SWD_KNA1 - SLOAS KNA1 structure - for web dynpro

/SLOAP/SWD_LOG - SLOAS web dynpro log structure

/SLOAP/SWD_PROJECT - SLOAS project structure - for web dynpro

/SLOAP/SWD_SERVICE - SLOAS Service - structure for Web Dynpro


/SLOAP/SYS_MESS - System messages

/SLOAP/SYS_TYPE - SLOAP system types

/SLOAP/SYS_TYPET - Transpoert tables for SLOAP system types

/SLOAP/SYS_TYPT2 - Transport tables for SLOAP system types

/SLOAP/S_ADMINISTRATION_DATA - SLOAS: Database Administration data

/SLOAP/S_ANALYSIS_REPORT - SLOAS analysis report structure

/SLOAP/S_ANALYSIS_STATE_LOG - Analysis state log


/SLOAP/S_CHART_CATEGORIES - SLOAS: Chart Input (Categories)


/SLOAP/S_DEVC_COUNT - namespace and times of occurances

/SLOAP/S_DEVC_FILT - structure for devclass filter

/SLOAP/S_FUNCTION_MODULE - Function module and group name

/SLOAP/S_GUID - SLOAS guid structure

/SLOAP/S_KEY_VALUE_MAPPING - SLOAS key value mapping structure

/SLOAP/S_LOG - SLOAS log structure

/SLOAP/S_LOG_GEN - SLOAS output log

/SLOAP/S_MODULE_DEPENDENCY - Dependency in module execution

/SLOAP/S_MODULE_PARAMETERS - Module scheduling

/SLOAP/S_MODULE_STATE - Module state

/SLOAP/S_MODULE_STATE_LOG - Module state log

/SLOAP/S_OUTPR_MODULE_MAPPING - Mapping output profile - analysis module

/SLOAP/S_OUTPUT_MODULE - SLOAS Output module structure

/SLOAP/S_OUTPUT_PROFILE - SLOAS output profile structure

/SLOAP/S_OUTPUT_XML - structure for saving the output xml on DB

/SLOAP/S_OUT_GR - SLOAS output group structure

/SLOAP/S_OUT_PR_MOD_MAPPING - Mapping output profile - analysis module

/SLOAP/S_PARAMETER - SLOAS parameter structure

/SLOAP/S_PDF_QUEST - SLOAS PDF-Questionnaire input structure




/SLOAP/S_QUA_MODULES - SLOAS - QUA Module assignment


/SLOAP/S_RESULT - SLOAS result structure

/SLOAP/S_REWE - structure for check table SVG parser FI and CO

/SLOAP/S_REWE_BSP - test for rewe example

/SLOAP/S_R_AUTH - SLOAS: Authorization data


/SLOAP/S_SD_BSP - just for testing the sd data ->SVG parser

/SLOAP/S_SELECT_OPTIONS - SLOAS select options structure

/SLOAP/S_SELOPT - SLOAS Select Options Definition Structure

/SLOAP/S_SELOPT_CONTENT - CNV AS Mapping of Select Options Group and Content

/SLOAP/S_SRTFD_GUID_MAPPING - SLOAS srtfd-guid mapping structure

/SLOAP/S_STORAGE - SLOAS storage control table structure

/SLOAP/S_STRINGTABLE - Stringtable flat for WebDynpro

/SLOAP/S_STRING_ARRAY - SLOAS string array structure

/SLOAP/S_SVG_COLOR - structure to see match of org element and color

/SLOAP/S_SVG_LEVEL - structure to save level, fieldname and direction

/SLOAP/S_SYSTEM_TYPE_INFO - SLOAS system type info

/SLOAP/S_TEXT_2 - Text information

/SLOAP/S_TITLE - SLOAS Title Structure

/SLOAP/S_TRANFORMATION_SOL - Trnasformation Solutions

/SLOAP/S_UI_EXECUTION_LOG - Details about the status of the execution steps of a phase

/SLOAP/S_UI_OUTPUT - Structure for output table

/SLOAP/S_UI_TREE_TAB - structure

/SLOAP/S_USER_ROLE_ADD - SLOAS: User Role Assignment and Role Reference

/SLOAP/S_WD_SORT_FIELD - SLOAS sort field for sorting columns in alv component

/SLOAP/TE071 - Change & Transport System: Object Entries of Requests/Tasks

/SLOAP/TEMPLBGC - Business Graphics Templates

/SLOAP/TEMPLBGT - transport tables for /SLOAS/TEMPLBG


/SLOAP/TEMPLHTMT - transport tables for /SLOAS/TEMPLHTML


/SLOAP/TEMPLPDFT - transport table for /SLOAS/TEMPLPDF

/SLOAP/TEXT - SLOAS text mappings

/SLOAP/TEXTT - transport tables for /SLOAS/TEXT

/SLOAP/TEXT_2 - SLOAS text mappings - using SAP documentation

/SLOAP/TEXT_2T - Transport tbl -SLOAS text mappings - using SAP documentation


/SLOAP/TITLET - transport tables for /SLOAS/TITLE

/SLOAP/TITLET2 - Transport table for SAP LT titles

/SLOAP/TRANS - SAP LT AP: transport admin tables

/SLOAP/TRANSMAP - Configuration Tab for Utility of Content Maintaince


/SLOAP/TREE_STRUC - necessary to generate org. structure from analysis

/SLOAP/TXT_TYPE - SLOAS text types

/SLOAP/TXT_TYPET - transport table for /SLOAS/TXT_TYPE

/SLOAP/UI_STATE - Status of UI Head Table


/SLOAP/USER_ROLE - SLOAS user and role data

/SLOAP/USR_PROF - Delivery authorisation - profile assignment

/SLOAP/XMLC - output generator xml storage table

/SLOAP/XMLT - transport table for /SLOAS/XML

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