1668882 SAP OSS Note - Note Assistant: Important notes for SAP_BASIS 730,731,740

SAP OSS Note 1668882 version 0010 contains details of a know issue related to Note Assistant: Important notes for SAP_BASIS 730,731,740 . This includes any associated symptoms and instructions on how to fix it, see below for full details. Also check out the comments section to view/add related contributions, questions or screen shots, based on real life experience of this oss note and problem.

...For more information about the SAP support system known as OSS please check out the SAP OSS NOTES SECTION, whih includes how to download & implement them onto your SAP system using transaction code SNOTE.

Note 1668882 Details:

When does this problem occur

The Note Assistant allows you to automatically implement note

corrections in your ABAP systems. You can find further information about

 the Note Assistant on SAP Service Marketplace at

Before you implement notes with the Note Assistant, you should upgrade

to the latest version of the Note Assistant. This note referenc

es the most important notes for correcting errors and updating the Note

Assistant. It is the successor of Note 875986.

Cause of the problem and Pre-requisites

This note updates the application / transaction snote.

Solution instructions

Implement the current version of this note to update the Note Assistant.

This ensures that errors in the Note Assistant are corrected

and that you can use the latest functions. During the implementation,

all of the SAP notes that are listed in this note under III/ Att

achment and that are relevant for your release level and Support Package

level are implemented in your SAP system.

Depending on the release level and Support Package level of your SAP

system, you have the following options:

You can implement Note 1668882 automatically using the Note Assistant.

The prerequisites and procedure can be found under "I/
Implementing Note 1668882 using the Note Assistant".

You can individually implement the notes that are relevant for your SAP

system using the Note Assistant.

           The prerequisites and procedure can be found under "II/

Implementing notes from Note 1668882 individually using the Note As


If your SAP system has a different release and Support Package level
than those mentioned under I/ and II/, then the note is not relev

ant for your SAP system.

I/ Implementing Note 1668882 using the Note Assistant

Your system must have one of the following release and Support Package
levels or higher:

Soft.Comp. Release Support Package

SAP_BASIS 7.30 Without Support Packages
SAP_BASIS 7.31 Without Support Packages
SAP_BASIS 7.40 Without Support Packages


1. Use Note Assistant to implement Note 1668882.
Note the following: If you cannot implement changes during the
implementation (yellow traffic light on the 'Confirm Changes' input scr

een), use the 'Cancel' (F12) function to terminate the implementation of

the note and create a customer message under the application

component BC-UPG-NA.

2. After you confirm the activation of the changed objects, the dialog
window for selecting the main program for CWBNTCNS appears in c

ertain SAP_BASIS Support Packages that were previously imported. Select

one of the listed programs and choose "Select".

              Important : If you do not select a program and choose

"Terminate" instead, the system does not activate the changes that

 you want to implement using the composite note.

All of the notes that are relevant for your release and
Support Package level are implemented in your SAP system.

3. Use transaction /NSNOTE to restart the Note Assistant.

The Note Assistant is now updated to the current version.
You can implement more SAP notes using the Note Assistant.

II/ Implementing notes from Note 1668882 individually using the Note


You can implement notes from Note 1668882 individually using the Note



1. Load Note 1668882 into your system.
2. Load all of the notes contained in Note 1668882 into your system.
Under "III/ Attachment: List of notes from Note 1668882", you wil

l find a list of the notes contained in Note 1668882.

If you load notes into the Note Assistant via an RFC
connection, you can proceed as follows:

a) Select all note numbers listed in Note 1668882 under "III/

Attachment: List of notes from Note 1668882"" and copy them.

b) In the Note Assistant, choose "Download SAP Note".

c) Choose "Multiple selection".
d) Choose "Upload from clipboard".
The system displays a list of note numbers.

e) Choose "Copy" and start the note download.
All of the notes contained in the note are loaded
into your system.

                      The Note Assistant shows you which notes can be

implemented in your system. You can classify notes that cannot b

e implemented as "not relevant" to remove them from your worklist.

3. Implement the notes that can be implemented one after the other and
pay attention to the note texts when you do this.

III Attachment: List of notes from Note 1668882

The corrections of the following listed notes are implemented in your
system when Note 1668882 is automatically implemented in your sy

stem if their release level and Support Package level is relevant for

your system.

The list of notes corresponds mostly with the related notes.  However,

the related notes are displayed only in the download area, but

not in the Note Assistant. You require the list to be able to download

the notes together if you implement the notes individually from

 Note 1668882 with the Note Assistant as described under II/.


Description of problem


Solution instructions

Please import the corrections attached to this OSS note into your SAP system using SNOTE.

You can also view the full details of this OSS note and download it to your SAP system ready for implementation using transaction code SNOTE. Once it has been downloaded you can read the full details, check out any installation instructions including manual changes and see if there are any pre-requisites.

You can also check if a new version of note 1668882 has been released as well as see if the note is valid for your current SAP system landscape.

Check if SAP OSS note 1668882 has already been downloaded and is valid

To check if this note has already been download, what status it has and if it is valid for your system first execute t-code SNOTE and click on the SAP Note Browser icon
Icon used to execute SAP Note Browser report within SNOTE

From here you can just enter the note number 1668882 and press execute. If the note already exists it's details will be displayed. See here for full step by step instructions on how to check if an SAP note has been downloaded and is valid for your system.

If note 1668882 does not exist on your system you will receive the message "Unable to find SAP Note that meets specified criteria"
Icon used to execute SAP Note Browser report within SNOTE

If this is the case you will need to download the note to you SAP system also using transaction SNOTE. For further details see Download note using SNOTE. Even if it does exist you may still want to check if you have downloaded the latest version of the note.

Alternatively you can find full details of this note on the SAP service market place(SNumber / Service market place login will be required)