List of SAP Data Element objects containing SWP_

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SWPAB - Threshold value as a percentage for rounding down

SWPAUF - Threshold value as a percentage for rounding up

SWPCMPEXST - WFM: Phase in Synchronous Queue

SWPCMPGUID - GUID of WFM Runtime Component

SWPCMPTYP - WFM: WFM Component Type

SWPCNTCOMP - Container Condensation

SWPENQWAIT - Workflow Runtime: Override Wait for Enqueue

SWPEXECMOD - WFM: Execution Mode

SWPEXQORDR - WFM: Execution Queue: Sequence

SWPEXQPRIO - WFM: Priority in the Execution Queue

SWPFLG - Workflow Log

SWPKLASS - Classification of bond

SWPLOGSYON - Check Logical System

SWPNNREENT - WFM: Reentry Indicator for NEXT_NODES Queue

SWPNODECANC - WFM: Indicator that component was canceled

SWPNODECAT - Workflow Log: Category of a Node

SWPNODECOMP - WFM: Indicator that WFM component is complete

SWPP_APPID - Personalization Application Name

SWPP_FTYPE - Field Type: Value, Interval, Hierarchy, String, ...

SWPP_HIGH - To value

SWPP_INDEX - Counter for Personalization Data

SWPP_KEY - Key for Personalization Data (User, Role, ...)

SWPP_KEYTP - Key Type for Personalization Data (User, Role, ...)

SWPP_LOW - From value

SWPP_SCRFD - Field name on the screen

SWPP_SCRID - Dialog ID for Personalization Dialog

SWPP_SCRTB - ID of Tabstrip Control for Personalization Dialog


SWPTRC_BACKGROUND - Run in Background

SWPTRC_CBENTRY - WFM: Callback from Background Job

SWPTRC_SYNCCHDA - WFM: Synchronous Chain Deactivated

SWPZEITPUNKT - Event for Program Control

SWP_AAGENT - Actual Agent

SWP_ADHOC - Workflow: Flag: Was the workflow definition changed ad hoc?

SWP_ADH_OB - Objects

SWP_ADMTYP - WFM: Origin of administrator(s) of a workflow instance


SWP_A_DISP - Hide agent names in workflow log


SWP_CANERR - Workflow: Error Canceling a Work Item

SWP_CHAIN - Flag: Synchronous advancing

SWP_CMDTXT - Workflow: Description of statement (container/contr.fl.op

SWP_CMD_RC - Workflow: Return code of a control command in a workflow

SWP_CMP_EV - Workflow: Data element for terminating events (swwwcompevt)

SWP_COMERR - Workflow: Error When Completing a Work Item

SWP_CREA_D - Workflow: Start time of a workflow activity

SWP_CREA_T - Workflow: Start time of a workflow activity

SWP_CTX_WIID - Context Work Item of Node (Block Item, Flow Item)


SWP_DBTRAN - Workflow: Work Item Not Yet Created in the DB

SWP_DEADLD - Workflow: Date of a (start/end) deadline of an activity

SWP_DEADLT - Workflow: Time of a (start/end) deadline of an activity

SWP_DEADL_ - Workflow: Name of the deadline of an activity (start/end)

SWP_DELETE - Workflow: Delete flag for workflow data which is old

SWP_DE_DDL - Workflow: 'Requested end' missed (flag)

SWP_ENQCNT - Number of Attempts to Set a Lock

SWP_ERRTYP - Workflow: Error Types for Suspend

SWP_EXPT_C - Workflow: Number of Tokens Created

SWP_INITIA - Initiator of workflow instance

SWP_INT2 - Workflow: Int2 field

SWP_JOINTP - Parallel Section Type (static, dynamic)

SWP_LE_DDL - Workflow: 'Latest end deadline' overwritten (flag)

SWP_LOGDAT - Workflow: Date when an activity was logged

SWP_LOGSYS - Workflow: (Log.) system in which a workflow activity occurs

SWP_LOGTIM - Workflow: Time when a WF activity was logged

SWP_LOOPIND - WFM: Node Loop Counter

SWP_LS_DDL - Workflow: 'Latest start deadline' overwritten (flag)

SWP_MANDT - Client

SWP_MAXSUB - Maximum subworkflow level (termination criterion)

SWP_MINTOK - Workflow: Token number n for which a n from m join triggers

SWP_MINT_C - Workflow: Token number n for which a n from m join triggers

SWP_NCOUNT - Max. node number in workflow (termination condition)

SWP_NODEPA - Workflow definition: Parameters of a control flow operator

SWP_NODETYPE - WFM: Type of Node Specific for the Workflow

SWP_PARF_I - Workflow: ParForEach index of a node in a WF execution

SWP_PARIND - Workflow: ParForEach index of a workflow step/node

SWP_PREDNO - Workflow: Preceding activity of a newly started activity

SWP_PREDNP - Workflow: Parallelism index of preceding node of an activity

SWP_PREDWI - Workflow: Work item ID of preceding activity of an activity

SWP_PRIO - Priority

SWP_RCOUNT - Workflow wait step: Number of events which have occurred

SWP_RECTOK - Workflow: Number of tokens received by a node

SWP_RECT_C - Workflow: Number of tokens received by a node

SWP_REQ_ID - Workflow instances: ID of the requester of a workflow exec.

SWP_REQ_SY - System

SWP_RESCEV - WFM: Indicator result is terminating event

SWP_RETRYC - Workflow: Number of unsuccessful step activations

SWP_RETTXT - Workflow: Short text for work item return code (SWOTRETURN)

SWP_RETTYP - Type of Return Value

SWP_RETUR_ - Workflow manager: Return code of a work item

SWP_RETVAL - WFM: Return value of a step

SWP_ROLL_FORK_COUNT - Number of Parallel Branches for WP Roll-Out/-In

SWP_ROLL_INTERVAL - Time Interval for WP Roll-Out/-In

SWP_ROLL_SELECTION - Number of Possible Role Settings

SWP_STARTD - Start date

SWP_STARTT - Start time

SWP_SUSPFL - Indicator Showing That Work Item Is Suspended

SWP_SUSPWI - Workflow: Work item whose callback must be repeated

SWP_TECHST - WFM: Technical Status of Workflow Execution

SWP_TRANS - WF: Indicator for transient workflow

SWP_WFSUSP - Workflow: Flag: Workflow (item) currently suspended

SWP_WF_ID - Workflow ID

SWP_WI_EVT - Workflow: Event/action on work item (created, deadline)

SWP_WI_ID - Workflow: Work item ID of an activity in a workflow

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