List of SAP Data Element objects containing SCRP_

See full Data Elements index

SCRPABAP - Modification: Custom control

SCRPADEZ - Number of decimal places

SCRPAGLT - Number of valid positions


SCRPAUTH - Authorization ID

SCRPCHA3 - CHAR3 in Screen Painter

SCRPCHA72 - CHAR72 in Screen Painter

SCRPCHA73 - CHAR73 in Screen Painter

SCRPCLEXPO - Class attributes: Visibility

SCRPCLNAME - Class parameters: Class name

SCRPCLREFT - Class attributes: Typing method

SCRPCLTYPE - Class attributes: Declaration type

SCRPCOLN - Column number of beginning of field

SCRPCOLR - Color (unfilled)

SCRPCOMBO - Dropdown input field

SCRPCOMP - Switch off screen compression at runtime

SCRPCONV - Repository Infosystem: Conversion exist in screens

SCRPCOSTYL - Display style for dropdown box

SCRPCOTYPE - Type for a dropdown box

SCRPCOVAL - Value retrieval for dropdown box

SCRPDBCL - Responds to double-click

SCRPDIDX - Height/ visible length

SCRPDMAC - Matchcode filename/ Function code and type

SCRPDYINST - Class parameter: Instance name

SCRPDYSCOP - Class parameter: Validity range

SCRPDYTYPE - Parameter informatino type for a screen

SCRPEXCHK - Modification: Checkbox

SCRPEXENTR - Modification: Input/Output field

SCRPEXFRM - Modification: Box

SCRPEXPUSH - Modification: Pushbutton

SCRPEXRAD - Modification: Radio button

SCRPEXSHOW - Modification: Detailed view

SCRPEXSPLITTER - Modification: Splitter Control

SCRPEXSUB - Modification: Subscreen

SCRPEXTEXT - Modification: Text field

SCRPFILL - Graphical type / filler character leading zero

SCRPFIXF - Obsolete: Fixed font

SCRPFLG - Flag or format byte of a field

SCRPFMKY - Function menu key (unfilled)

SCRPINFBUT - Info button (help key)

SCRPITYP - Internal dictionary type for a field

SCRPKSCR - Hold scroll position

SCRPLABELL - As label on left

SCRPLABELR - As label on right

SCRPLANF - Loop: Starting line

SCRPLANG - Language of screen description text

SCRPLBLK - Loop: Number of lines in loop block

SCRPLENG - (def). Field length

SCRPLENG1 - Output length 1 in Screen Painter

SCRPLINE - Line number of beginning of field

SCRPLREP - Loop: Number of repetitions

SCRPLTYP - Loop type/ TC field

SCRPMENDY - Context menu: Dynamic (ON_CTMENU_...)

SCRPMENFLG - Context menu: Flag for static or dynamic menu

SCRPMENON - Context menu: Dynamic callback ON_CTMENU_...

SCRPMENPR - Context menu: Program name

SCRPMENST - Context menu: Static

SCRPMENSTA - Context menu: Status/menu name

SCRPMENSTC - Context menu: Callback (CT_MENU_..) or status/menu name

SCRPNOGEN - Template screen - non-executable


SCRPNOTOOL - Without Application Toolbar


SCRPR - Malfunction or interruption reason

SCRPRECENT - Recommended Entry Field

SCRPTABCTL - Modification: Table control

SCRPTEXT - Pushbutton Text

SCRPTLAUSW - Table control: Selection table

SCRPTLCHEC - Table control: Checkbox

SCRPTLCONF - Table control: Configurability

SCRPTLENTR - Table control: Entry/template field

SCRPTLPUSH - Table control: Pushbutton

SCRPTLRADI - Table control: Radio button

SCRPTLTEXT - Table control: Field text

SCRPTSTCTL - Modification: Tabstrip control

SCRPWSCHL - Currency key field

SCRP_DATN - Data element (semantic domain)

SCRP_DEVC - Package for Transport Organizer

SCRP_DNUM - Screen number

SCRP_DOMN - Domain name

SCRP_FLIX - Field list index in a screen

SCRP_FNAM - Field name

SCRP_LDEF - Length (No. of Characters)

SCRP_LVIS - Output length

SCRP_PROG - ABAP Program Name

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