List of SAP Data Element objects containing P18_

See full Data Elements index

P18_ADDDTTX - Additional data

P18_ADRZAM - Address of employer

P18_ADR_A - Name of organization

P18_ADR_REG - Name of organization

P18_AKCE - Action (register/deregister/change/correction/...)

P18_ALGOR - Algorithm of tax calculation

P18_APLAR - Application area

P18_APPL - Application area

P18_ATEXT - Text

P18_AUTZM - Author of change

P18_AVDNP - New calculation average DNP

P18_AWTY1 - Absences analyse

P18_AWTY2 - Entry sheets

P18_AWTY3 - Podklad pro povinny podil ZPS

P18_AWTY4 - Pension time

P18_AWTY5 - 5

P18_AWTY6 - Analyse time fund

P18_AWTY7 - Leave reduction

P18_AWTY8 - Pay sheet





P18_BEGDA - Bread job in organization from

P18_BEGDAV - Exception from

P18_BEGDAVSF - Exe.from

P18_BEGINS - Insurance from

P18_BEGINSSF - Insurance from

P18_BETRG - Amount

P18_BNO - Personal ID number

P18_BUCET - HR CZ - Non-cumulative account

P18_CAMOUNT - Arranged amount above limit SP

P18_CASNO - Document number

P18_CINSU - Conditional insured

P18_CISEX - Number of execution

P18_CISPPV - Work relationship code

P18_CISRO - Decision number

P18_CIT - City

P18_CITZ2 - Second Citizenship

P18_CITZ3 - Third citizenship

P18_CIT_B - Born place

P18_CIZEU - Foreigner from EU

P18_CIZNEEU - Foreigner no EU

P18_CLRVL - Value after deletion

P18_CLSTR - Field of cluster table/structure

P18_CNDTN - Family status

P18_COD - Code

P18_COD2 - Type of period

P18_CONDI - Conditional insurance

P18_COUN - Number of tags t1 and t2

P18_CRE - Date for creation ELDP


P18_CST_VERS - Version

P18_CTRAN - Collective transfer

P18_CZICSE - Position in work (by CZ-ICSE)

P18_CZP - Name of foreign health insurance

P18_DAOPR - Date of correction ELDP

P18_DAR - Decrease time after demand - number of days

P18_DAT - Birth day

P18_DATDO - To date

P18_DATOD - Date From

P18_DATOP - Action date

P18_DATREG - Date of creation Insured Register

P18_DATRO - Decision date for pension admission

P18_DATVY - Start date of pension payment

P18_DATYP - Data type for parameter of HR report

P18_DAYINS - Days of insurance

P18_DDDUV - Date of pension

P18_DDOSSZ_AMTUC - Unseizable amount total

P18_DDOSSZ_APMON - Monthly deducted amount


P18_DDOSSZ_DEDUM - Deducted in month

P18_DDOSSZ_ESRPZ - Deduction rank

P18_DDOSSZ_PAIDA - Paid back


P18_DDOSSZ_POCVO - Number of dependents

P18_DDOSSZ_RESTA - Balance

P18_DDOSSZ_SALNE - Paid wage

P18_DDOSSZ_SENTE - Decision

P18_DDOSSZ_UCOVE - Wage above unseizable amount

P18_DDOSSZ_UCRES - From unseizable amount remaining part to count in

P18_DEC62 - Percentage rate

P18_DELDP - Date of creation ELDP

P18_DEPON - Deposit

P18_DEX - Exclude time - number of days

P18_DIA - With diacritic

P18_DIN - Included days - number of days

P18_DISTI - Distinction social/health insurance

P18_DOMPR - Employee Working at home

P18_DOPMM - Restriction to calculate into minimal wage

P18_DOPRA - Transportation costs

P18_DOSAZENI - Achievement date

P18_DPRIZ - Date of pension admission

P18_DRCI - Working activity type

P18_DRCITXT - Texts for the working activity type

P18_DRPO - Type of usage

P18_DRPPV - Type of labourelationlaw status

P18_DRUHD - Pension type

P18_DRUHDR - Pension type

P18_DRUHP - Type of postal order

P18_DRVCI - Contract type for pension

P18_DRVCIR - Contract type for pension

P18_DTMZM - Change date

P18_DUCHOD - Retirement age date

P18_DWN - Execute dowload

P18_D_VSE - Excluded time of insurance

P18_E101 - Competency for CZ legal regulations

P18_ENDDAV - Exclude from

P18_ENDDAVSF - Exemption to

P18_ENDINS - Insurance to

P18_ENDINSSF - Insured to - SF

P18_ERFUN - Function name

P18_ERORD - Order number of error

P18_ERREP - Substitution error

P18_ERRID - Error message number

P18_ERRTX - Text of error message

P18_ERRTY - Type of error message

P18_ERRUL - PCR name

P18_EVIST - EE active

P18_EVIZPS - EE active

P18_FIR - First name of insured

P18_FI_CO - Symbolic account

P18_FORMT - Print format of a field

P18_FRO - Work in organization From

P18_FRO2 - Begin date

P18_GENDER - Gender

P18_HOMEW - EE working at home

P18_H_VPP - Main/secondary contract

P18_ICO - Pension fund IÈO

P18_ID - Identification number of organization

P18_INC - Evaluation base in Kè

P18_KATEG - Category of EE

P18_KDFBT - Number of child exemptions

P18_KDSVH - Children tax exepmtion

P18_KKOV - Root branch of education (KKOV)

P18_KMENY - Currency key

P18_KOD - Code of insurance

P18_KODBOR - Root branch of education

P18_KONSY - Constant symbol

P18_KVAHI - Current care insurance authority name

P18_KVFBT - HI amount

P18_KVGSF - Health insurance fund - branch office

P18_KVGST - Health insurance fund - branch office

P18_KVKZ1 - Indicator: Health insurance

P18_KVPHI - Previous care insurance authority name

P18_KVSCF - Health insurance key for compulsory HI fund

P18_KVSCH - Health insurance key for compulsory HI fund

P18_KVSTA - Specification of foreign insurance

P18_KZAMP - Job code for ext.surveys

P18_KZM - Short-term employment

P18_LASTL - Last results

P18_LGART - Wage type

P18_LOCAT - Address supplement

P18_LZZRM - Accounting period

P18_M1 - Months without insurance - 1

P18_M10 - Months without insurance - 10

P18_M11 - Months without insurance - 11

P18_M12 - Months without insurance - 12

P18_M13 - No Insur.months - all year

P18_M2 - Months without insurance - 1

P18_M3 - Months without insurance - 1

P18_M4 - Months without insurance - 4

P18_M5 - Months without insurance - 5

P18_M6 - Months without insurance - 6

P18_M7 - Months without insurance - 7

P18_M8 - Months without insurance - 8

P18_M9 - Months without insurance - 9

P18_MAXKV - Maximum HI gross amt. for pensioners

P18_MESIC - Month from 1 to 12

P18_MISTO - HRCZ - city / district

P18_MITNF - Membership number

P18_MITNR - Membership number

P18_MNTHS - Months of insurance

P18_MODI3 - Modif 3 for transfer to FI*CO

P18_MOULD - Type of pers.action for reports

P18_NACHNALL - All previos surname

P18_NAM - Name of organization

P18_NAM_B - Born name

P18_NATIO - Nationality

P18_NATSL - Resident's state

P18_NEMPRI_CERTIFICATE_ID - Decision number

P18_NEMPRI_SEKEY - Benefit identification number

P18_NEPRD - Unequal working hours

P18_NPF - Name of Pension Fund

P18_NPOLE - Field, without sending into Insured Register

P18_NPS - ZIP code

P18_NRDIC - DIC no-resident

P18_NUM2 - Sequence number

P18_NZAOK - No-rounded

P18_OBCAN - HRCZ - Citizenship

P18_OBEC - City number in CR

P18_OBNDO - Amount to

P18_OBNOD - Amount from

P18_OBSTUD - Branch of studies

P18_ODBOR - Branch group

P18_ODECT - Subtraction time

P18_OKRCSSZ - Region number of CSSZ


P18_ONP - Authority for health insurance

P18_ORGAN - Pension payment authority

P18_ORT01 - Place CZP

P18_OSAME - Single parent

P18_OSMPR - Single parent

P18_PARAG - Paragraf law 155/1995 for type of pension

P18_PARID - Parameter identifier

P18_PCR - Sequential number of schedule

P18_PENSAV_CALCA - Calculated adv.payment for insurance contribution

P18_PENSAV_CTYPE - Item creation type

P18_PENSAV_DEDUA - Deducted insur.contr.adv.payment

P18_PENSAV_DFAMT - Difference between the last and current adv.payments

P18_PENSAV_EVBPS - Assesment base for pension savings

P18_PENSAV_FPPER - Reported for period

P18_PENSAV_IDENT - Reported identification - pension savings

P18_PENSAV_INPER - Reported in period

P18_PENSAV_OPAMT - Settled overpayment by payer

P18_PENSAV_OPTID - VAT number for insurance contrib. payer for overpayment

P18_PENSAV_OPTYP - Accrual of settled overpayment

P18_PENSAV_REPTY - Report type

P18_PENSAV_SENDA - Amount stated last time

P18_PENSAV_TRANSPORT - Item send type

P18_PERID - Personal ID number

P18_PERIDTX - Person.ID

P18_PESNR - Number of participant retirement savings

P18_PLREG - Date of validity/Date of creation correction item

P18_PMR - Small Range Employment

P18_PNPNM - Name for parameter log.db.PNP


P18_POBYT - Residence

P18_POD - Company code by Pension fund

P18_PODMP - Conditional insurance

P18_PORPP - Sequence number of work relationship

P18_POS - First 5 type from post name

P18_POSTA - Post for ELDP/ONZ

P18_PPSTS - Constatnts for tax

P18_PRDNI - Personal ID number

P18_PREPD - Active days

P18_PRIPL - Type of bonus

P18_PROCE - Percent

P18_PRPOT - EE working on demand

P18_PSTLZ - Post code for CZP

P18_PSTLZ_HR - Postal Code

P18_PUCET - SubAccount

P18_QTALG - Algorithm

P18_QTHIG - To

P18_QTLOW - From

P18_QTRES - Vacation

P18_RCS - Personal ID, contract number

P18_REFSM - Reference Shift

P18_RESER - Reserve

P18_RESID - State of residence

P18_ROUND - Rounding of tax base

P18_ROW2 - Sequence number for insured times V,C,M on form ELDP

P18_RUFNM - ID card/passport

P18_RVKZ1 - Indicator: Social insurance

P18_RZD - Saved value RZD (tax year-end settlement)

P18_SAZBA - Rate

P18_SDAR - Number of decrease days after pension age

P18_SDEX - Sum of excluded days

P18_SDRUH - Pension subtype

P18_SELKV - Minimal eval. base for HI is valid ?

P18_SELRV - Lonely / not-lonely

P18_SEQNR - Entry sequence number

P18_SIGNL - Sign

P18_SINC - Sum of evaluation base

P18_SIR12 - Reserve

P18_SIRE1 - Instable working time

P18_SIRE2 - Reserve

P18_SIRE6 - Reserve

P18_SLEVA - Without insur.contribution discount

P18_SMLMZ - International treaty

P18_SMLZP - International treaty

P18_SPADR - HRCZ -specifications of recipient

P18_SRTXT - Taxation feature text

P18_STAGE - Tax days

P18_STATE - Region

P18_STR - Street

P18_STRAS - Street of foreign health insurance

P18_STRAS6 - Street / House Number / Orientation number

P18_STRS1 - Tax rule

P18_STRU - File of structure

P18_SUCET - Symbolic account FI/CO

P18_SUMGR - Total group

P18_SUMTX - Text of total group

P18_SUR - Name of insured

P18_SVATX - Text SP 15

P18_SVSPA - Type of SP/ZP

P18_SVTXT - Text SP 18

P18_SYMBOL - Variable, Constant, Specific symbol


P18_TEXTL - Name of report parameter

P18_TEXTS - Header text of a report

P18_TF14N - Tax-free - Trade union fees

P18_TFB5N - Tax free months of a wife

P18_TIT - Titel of insured

P18_TJAHR - Year for annual tax calculation

P18_TJVSA - Checkbox - Perform annual tax calculation (RZD)

P18_TJVSD - Period of annual tax calculation (RZD)

P18_TO - End date

P18_TO2 - End date

P18_TRFST - Tarif grade - ext.surveys

P18_TTF10 - Inerests of mortgages

P18_TTF11 - Supplementary pension insuracne

P18_TTF12 - Private Life Insurance

P18_TTF13 - Non tax - flood gifts

P18_TTF14 - Tax-free - Trade union fees

P18_TTFB0 - Basic tax free amount

P18_TTFB1 - Tax free amount for partly challenged EE/invalid.1.,2.rate

P18_TTFB2 - Tax free amount - full challenged EE/invalidity 3. rate

P18_TTFB3 - Tax free amount ZTP-P

P18_TTFB4 - Tax free amount - studet

P18_TTFB5 - Tax free amount - wife

P18_TTFB6 - Tax free amount - wife ZTP-P

P18_TTFB7 - Tax free amount - pensioners

P18_TTFB8 - Tax free amount - gifts

P18_TTFB9 - Tax free amount for EE

P18_TTFC1 - Tax no-resident

P18_TTFCR - Reserve

P18_TTFDR - Reserve

P18_TTKF1 - Tax free amount - child

P18_TTKF1_SCR - Text TTKF1 for IT0152 - children

P18_TTKF2 - Tax free amount - child ZTP

P18_TTKF2_SCR - Text TTKF2 for IT0152 - children ZTP-P

P18_TTKSU - Subtype IT0021 for IT0245

P18_TXT15 - Text

P18_TXTLN - Length in header

P18_TXZAM - Job name

P18_TYEAR - Tax Year

P18_TYPLG - Evaluated field of wage type

P18_TYPTA - Name of internal table processing in 'Mzdovy list'

P18_UCAST - Contract type - pension insurance

P18_USCHR - Signed ?

P18_VARSY - Variable symbol

P18_VCODE - Type of excluding (V,C,M)

P18_VERAR - Indicator: Distribution of absences

P18_VS - Variable symbol of organization

P18_VS16 - Variable symbol of organization

P18_VS_2009 - Variable symbol of organization (2009)

P18_VYMZA - Evaluation base for insurance

P18_VYMZASF - Evaluation base of insurance - SF

P18_VYNETI - Extract From

P18_VYSED - Pension amount

P18_VZDEL - Education level

P18_VZDOST - Additional data of education

P18_WTTKL - New calculation average PPU

P18_XNP - City - delivery postal code

P18_ZAKAZ - For every

P18_ZKOD - Code for medium for VZP

P18_ZNAK - Indicator for delivery postal code

P18_ZNEPL - Supersede

P18_ZOBDO - Period to

P18_ZOBOD - Period from

P18_ZWEC1 - HRCZ - Purpose of bank transfer (IT0011)

P18_ZWEC2 - HRCZ - Purpose 2nd account/spec.symbol (IT0011)

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