SAP Reports / Programs | Financial Accounting(FI) SAP FI

J_1GALTL SAP ABAP Report - Update A/L (FI) from SPL

J_1GALTL is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter J_1GALTL into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

Transaction Code(s):

Below is a list of transaction codes which are relevant to this SAP report

J1GAL8 - Update A/L (FI) from SPL

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT J_1GALTL. "Basic submit
SUBMIT J_1GALTL AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT J_1GALTL VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: S_ACTIV = FI-SL business activity
Selection Text: S_ALACC = A/L account
Selection Text: S_ALDT = Document type
Selection Text: S_ALTXT = Document header text
Selection Text: S_BUDAT = Posting date
Selection Text: S_BUKRS = Company code
Selection Text: S_CTOT =
Selection Text: S_DGDOC =
Selection Text: S_DLAST =
Selection Text: S_DOCNR = SPL document
Selection Text: S_DOCTY = D .
Selection Text: S_GLACC = Account
Selection Text: S_LAUTO =
Selection Text: S_LDGR = Ledger group
Selection Text: S_LGDOC =
Selection Text: S_PGDOC =
Selection Text: S_RFDOC = Original document
Selection Text: S_RRCTY = D .
Selection Text: S_SORT = Sort list by
Selection Text: S_XMODE = D .
Title: Update A/L (FI) from SPL
Text Symbol: T12 = TEST RUN
Text Symbol: T11 = Company:
Text Symbol: T10 = Client:
Text Symbol: T03 = Grand total
Text Symbol: T02 = Total ( Wrong docs )
Text Symbol: T01 = Total ( Correct docs )
Text Symbol: T00 = Total
Text Symbol: S06 = in the program by structured type 'ALA_TYPE'. Please check!
Text Symbol: S05 = Table's $ structure is different from what 's assumed
Text Symbol: S04 = Failed to determine line item table for ledger
Text Symbol: S03 = No Sp.Ledger for A/L has been defined
Text Symbol: S02 = in the control parameters.
Text Symbol: S01 = A/L Updating
Text Symbol: T13 = PROD.RUN
Text Symbol: T14 = OLD POSTINGS
Text Symbol: T20 = SPL D O C U M E N T S
Text Symbol: T21 = A/L D O C U M E N T S

Text Symbol: T25 = DocNr PostDate Acti OrigDoc Item AccountNr Amount |DocNr AccountNr Debit Credit
Text Symbol: T26 = Counter
Text Symbol: T30 = Message long text
Text Symbol: TB1 = Account Old balance Should post Will post New balance
Text Symbol: TB2 = Account Old balance Should post Posted New balance
Text Symbol: TE1 = The following accounts have not been connected to an intermediate (table J_1GIA).
Text Symbol: TE2 = The corresponding SPL documents were not processed.
Text Symbol: TET = E R R O R L O G
Text Symbol: TI1 = The following activities although found in the SPL, were marked to NOT transfer (table J_1GAT)
Text Symbol: TIT = I N F O L O G
Text Symbol: S00 = Please define first the A/L's Sp.Ledger
Text Symbol: 050 = Only special period postings
Text Symbol: 048 = only for postings in the same fiscal period
Text Symbol: 047 = = Orig.doc., is allowed
Text Symbol: 043 = for all relevant ledgers
Text Symbol: 042 = A/L update was cancelled by user
Text Symbol: 041 = for ledger group $
Text Symbol: 040 = Analytical Accounting (A/L) will be updated w/ sp.per.postings of comp. $ and period $ - $ , in period $ / $
Text Symbol: 039 = Analytical Accounting (A/L) will be updated w/ postings of company $ and period $ - $ , in period $ / $
Text Symbol: 036 = within the same fiscal year
Text Symbol: 035 = Please define a posting date range
Text Symbol: 033 = Please define the interval of dates to select
Text Symbol: 023 = Totals per sort criterion
Text Symbol: 021 = Document header text
Text Symbol: 020 = Document type
Text Symbol: 019 = Orig.doc. item text
Text Symbol: 018 = Automatic
Text Symbol: 017 = Line item text
Text Symbol: 016 = Orig.doc.
Text Symbol: 015 = As
Text Symbol: 014 = Document date
Text Symbol: 013 = Posting date
Text Symbol: 010 = A/L Posting Parameters
Text Symbol: 001 = Document Selection
Text Symbol: 000 = Program Control
Text Symbol: R57 = Document type
Text Symbol: R56 = FI-SL activity
Text Symbol: R55 = A/L account
Text Symbol: R54 = Account

Text Symbol: R53 = Original document
Text Symbol: R52 = SPL document
Text Symbol: R51 = Posting date
Text Symbol: M10 = No errors occured
Text Symbol: M09 = Errors occured !
Text Symbol: M08 = Error when updating the SPL
Text Symbol: M07 = Sp.L. to A/L -> Activities: Ttrans.method )
Text Symbol: M06 = (Ar.Menu J1GAL -> Customizing -> Connect
Text Symbol: M05 = Please define the activities to transfer in A/L
Text Symbol: M03 = System failure while locking
Text Symbol: M02 = is currently running productively program
Text Symbol: M01 = User
Text Symbol: 065 = Posting period/date error
Text Symbol: 062 = (e.g. selection of special period postings)
Text Symbol: 061 = Some of the program functions may NOT work
Text Symbol: 060 = Company has different FY var. in ledger
Text Symbol: 057 = for period
Text Symbol: 056 = spec.per. postings of
Text Symbol: 055 = postings of
Text Symbol: 051 = Posting period

INCLUDES used within this REPORT J_1GALTL


TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT call function 'POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT' exporting titel = sy-title textline1 = text-s00 textline2 = text-s02.

POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT call function 'POPUP_TO_DISPLAY_TEXT' exporting titel = sy-title textline1 = w_msgtxt textline2 = text-s06.

J_1GBUKRS_AUTH_CHECK call function 'J_1GBUKRS_AUTH_CHECK' exporting i_xdb = 'B' i_bukrs = s_bukrs.

G_GET_ORGANIZATIONAL_DATA call function 'G_GET_ORGANIZATIONAL_DATA' exporting i_rldnr = g_group_ledger i_orgunit = s_bukrs importing organizational_info = gs_orginf exceptions no_info_found = 1 error_in_setup = 2 error_in_depld = 3 others = 4.

FI_PERIOD_INFO_GET call function 'FI_PERIOD_INFO_GET' exporting i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_rldnr = g_group_ledger importing e_anzbp = w_anzbp e_anzsp = w_anzsp.

FAGL_AUTHORITY_LEDGER call function 'FAGL_AUTHORITY_LEDGER' exporting i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_rldnr = g_group_ledger i_ldgrp = s_ldgr i_actvt = '01' exceptions no_authority.

FI_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_CHECK call function 'FI_DOCUMENT_NUMBER_CHECK' exporting i_blart = s_aldt i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_gjahr = w_algja i_rldnr = g_group_ledger exceptions external_number_assignment = 1.

J_1GCHECK_PERIOD_OPEN call function 'J_1GCHECK_PERIOD_OPEN' exporting i_gjahr = w_algja i_poper = s_alper i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_rldnr = g_group_ledger exceptions invalid_input = 1.

ENQUEUE_EJ_1GALC call function 'ENQUEUE_EJ_1GALC' * exporting * mode_j_1galc = 'E' * mandt = sy-mandt * _scope = '2' * _wait = ' ' * _collect = ' ' exceptions foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 others = 3.

DEQUEUE_EJ_1GALC call function 'DEQUEUE_EJ_1GALC' * exporting * mode_j_1galc = 'E' * mandt = sy-mandt * _scope = '3' * _synchron = ' ' * _collect = ' ' exceptions others = 1.

DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT call function 'DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT' exporting i_date = s_budat-low i_periv = t001-periv importing e_buper = lw_poper_low e_gjahr = lw_gjahr_low exceptions input_false = 1 t009_notfound = 2 t009b_notfound = 3.

DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT call function 'DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT' exporting i_date = s_budat-high i_periv = t001-periv importing e_buper = lw_poper_high e_gjahr = lw_gjahr_high exceptions input_false = 1 t009_notfound = 2 t009b_notfound = 3.

FI_VALIDATION_HEADER call function 'FI_VALIDATION_HEADER' exporting i_bkpf = ljbkpf exceptions others = 1.

FAGL_GET_GLT0 call function 'FAGL_GET_GLT0' exporting i_glt0_rldnr = '00' i_rldnr = l_rldnr i_rrcty = '0' i_rvers = '001' i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_ryear = w_algja i_range_racct = lr_accounts importing et_glt0 = lt_glt0.

CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_OUTPUT call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_OUTPUT' exporting input = pw_uomi importing output = pw_uome exceptions unit_not_found = 1 others = 2.

AC_DOCUMENT_DIRECT_INPUT call function 'AC_DOCUMENT_DIRECT_INPUT' exporting i_nodata = space i_testrun = f_test importing e_belnr = pw_belnr tables t_bbkpf = pt_bbkpf t_bbseg = pt_bbseg t_bbtax = pt_bbtax exceptions error_message = 01.

J_2GWRITE_MESSAGE call function 'J_2GWRITE_MESSAGE' exporting msgid = t_msg-msgid msgno = t_msg-msgno msgv1 = t_msg-msgv1 msgv2 = t_msg-msgv2 msgv3 = t_msg-msgv3 msgv4 = t_msg-msgv4 importing msgtxt = w_msgtxt exceptions others = 1.

AC_DOCUMENT_SENDER call function 'AC_DOCUMENT_SENDER' exporting i_awtyp = t_data-ala-awtyp i_awref = t_data-ala-refdocnr i_aworg = t_data-ala-aworg i_awsys = t_data-ala-logsys * i_bukrs = ' ' exceptions awtyp_not_found = 1 no_document_display_function = 2 others = 3.

HELPSCREEN_NA_CREATE call function 'HELPSCREEN_NA_CREATE' exporting * dynpro = ' ' * langu = sy-langu * meldung = ' ' meld_id = t_msg-msgid meld_nr = t_msg-msgno msgv1 = t_msg-msgv1 msgv2 = t_msg-msgv2 msgv3 = t_msg-msgv3 msgv4 = t_msg-msgv4 * pfkey = ' ' * programm = ' ' titel = text-t30 exceptions others = 1.

DD_GET_NAMETAB call function 'DD_GET_NAMETAB' exporting * STATUS = 'A' tabname = w_atab * GET_ALL = ' ' * IMPORTING * F_STATUS = * R_MODEFLAG = * R_STATUS = * X030L_WA = tables x031l_tab = lt_tabstr exceptions not_found = 1 no_fields = 2 others = 3.

LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET call function 'LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET' exporting i_gjahr = l_gjahr i_periv = t001-periv i_poper = l_poper importing e_date = l_last_day exceptions input_false = 1 t009_notfound = 2 t009b_notfound = 3 others = 4.

FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE call function 'FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE' exporting i_budat = s_albud i_periv = t001-periv importing e_gjahr = w_algja exceptions fiscal_year = 1 period = 2 period_version = 3 posting_period = 4 special_period = 5 version = 6 posting_date = 7 others = 8.

FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE call function 'FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE' exporting i_budat = w_check_budat i_periv = t001-periv i_gjahr = w_algja i_monat = s_alper importing e_monat = l_monat exceptions fiscal_year = 1 period = 2 period_version = 3 posting_period = 4 special_period = 5 version = 6 posting_date = 7 others = 8.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM' exporting * TITLEBAR = ' ' text_question = l_zztext * TEXT_BUTTON_1 = 'Ja'(001) icon_button_1 = 'ICON_OKAY' * TEXT_BUTTON_2 = 'Nein'(002) icon_button_2 = 'ICON_CANCEL' default_button = '2' display_cancel_button = ' ' * START_COLUMN = 25 * START_ROW = 6 popup_type = 'ICON_MESSAGE_WARNING' importing answer = l_answer.

FAGL_GET_REPRESENTATIVE_LEDGER call function 'FAGL_GET_REPRESENTATIVE_LEDGER' exporting i_ldgrp = s_ldgr i_bukrs = s_bukrs importing e_rldnr = g_group_ledger exceptions error_in_ledgergroup = 1 others = 2.

FAGL_AUTHORITY_LEDGER call function 'FAGL_AUTHORITY_LEDGER' exporting i_bukrs = s_bukrs i_rldnr = g_group_ledger i_ldgrp = s_ldgr i_actvt = '03'.

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This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name J_1GALTL or its description.