SAP Reports / Programs

RNLCASREV SAP ABAP Report - Case Revision Evaluation Report

RNLCASREV is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). It is used for The program creates an overiew of all case revisions carried out and logged in the system...see full standard documentation available for this report. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report and the details below to see which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter RNLCASREV into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT RNLCASREV AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT RNLCASREV VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: SO_PATNR = D .
Selection Text: SE_EINRI = D .
Selection Text: SO_ZFAL = Target Case
Selection Text: SO_USER = User
Selection Text: SO_QFAL = Source Case
Title: Case Revision Evaluation Report
Text Symbol: 058 = Target Object Type
Text Symbol: 057 = TrgObjType
Text Symbol: 056 = Source Object Type
Text Symbol: 055 = SrcObjType
Text Symbol: 054 = User
Text Symbol: 053 = User Maintenance: Initial Screen
Text Symbol: 052 = Management Data for Srg. Doc.
Text Symbol: 051 = Srg. Time
Text Symbol: 050 = Srg. Times
Text Symbol: 049 = Complications
Text Symbol: 048 = Complication
Text Symbol: 047 = Document
Text Symbol: 046 = Documents
Text Symbol: 045 = Other Object
Text Symbol: 044 = Other Objects
Text Symbol: 043 = Event
Text Symbol: 042 = Events
Text Symbol: 060 = Src. Case
Text Symbol: 061 = Trgt Case
Text Symbol: 062 = Src. Mvmt
Text Symbol: 063 = Source Movement
Text Symbol: 064 = Trgt Mvmt
Text Symbol: 065 = Target Movement
Text Symbol: 066 = LgTxt
Text Symbol: 067 = Long Text
Text Symbol: B01 = Admiss.
Text Symbol: B02 = Discharge
Text Symbol: B03 = Transfer
Text Symbol: B04 = Outpatient Visit
Text Symbol: BL1 = Restrictions
Text Symbol: E01 = Reassign Single Object - no Cancellation Icon
Text Symbol: S01 = Institution

Text Symbol: S02 = Evaluation Period
Text Symbol: S04 = To
Text Symbol: T01 = Case Revision - Overview
Text Symbol: 001 = Case
Text Symbol: 002 = Inpatient
Text Symbol: 003 = Outpat.
Text Symbol: 004 = Day Patient
Text Symbol: 005 = Services
Text Symbol: 006 = Diagnoses
Text Symbol: 007 = Persons Assigned
Text Symbol: 008 = Procedures
Text Symbol: 009 = Appts
Text Symbol: 010 = Prereg.
Text Symbol: 011 = Delivery Data
Text Symbol: 012 = Insurance Relationships
Text Symbol: 013 = Case Classificatn
Text Symbol: 014 = Material
Text Symbol: 015 = Case-to-Case Asgmt
Text Symbol: 016 = Atts
Text Symbol: 017 = Treatment Certif.
Text Symbol: 018 = Service Forms
Text Symbol: 019 = Movement
Text Symbol: 020 = Service
Text Symbol: 021 = Diagn.
Text Symbol: 022 = Proced.
Text Symbol: 023 = Person Assigned
Text Symbol: 024 = Delivery
Text Symbol: 025 = Appt
Text Symbol: 026 = Insurance Relationship
Text Symbol: 027 = Attch.
Text Symbol: 028 = Service Form
Text Symbol: 029 = Assignments
Text Symbol: 030 = Asgmt
Text Symbol: 031 = IS-H*MED Services
Text Symbol: 032 = IS-H*MED Service
Text Symbol: 033 = Requests
Text Symbol: 034 = Request
Text Symbol: 035 = Team
Text Symbol: 036 = Trnsp.Orders

Text Symbol: 037 = Trnsp.Order
Text Symbol: 038 = IS-H*MED Materials
Text Symbol: 039 = IS-H*MED Material
Text Symbol: 040 = Med. Orders
Text Symbol: 041 = Med. Order



TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:


ISH_SHOW_LIST_PATIENT CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_SHOW_LIST_PATIENT' EXPORTING npat_einri = se_einri anfo = on vcode = 'DIS' IMPORTING npat_patnr = so_patnr-low * NPAT_PZIFF = * PAPID = EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

ISH_SHOW_LIST_PATIENT CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_SHOW_LIST_PATIENT' EXPORTING npat_einri = se_einri anfo = on vcode = 'DIS' IMPORTING npat_patnr = so_patnr-high * NPAT_PZIFF = * PAPID = EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING ss_einri = se_einri ss_vcode = update IMPORTING ss_falnr = so_qfal-low.

ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING ss_einri = se_einri ss_vcode = update IMPORTING ss_falnr = so_qfal-high.

ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING ss_einri = se_einri ss_vcode = update IMPORTING ss_falnr = so_zfal-low.

ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_VALUE_REQUEST' EXPORTING ss_einri = se_einri ss_vcode = update IMPORTING ss_falnr = so_zfal-high.

DD_SHLP_CALL_FROM_DYNP CALL FUNCTION 'DD_SHLP_CALL_FROM_DYNP' EXPORTING help_infos = ls_help_infos IMPORTING selection = l_user * SELECT_VALUE = * RSMDY_RET = TABLES dynpselect = lt_dynpselect dynpvaluetab = lt_dynpvaluetab.

DD_SHLP_CALL_FROM_DYNP CALL FUNCTION 'DD_SHLP_CALL_FROM_DYNP' EXPORTING help_infos = ls_help_infos IMPORTING selection = l_user * SELECT_VALUE = * RSMDY_RET = TABLES dynpselect = lt_dynpselect dynpvaluetab = lt_dynpvaluetab.

ISH_READ_NFAL CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_READ_NFAL' EXPORTING ss_einri = -einri ss_falnr = -source_falnr * SS_READ_DB = ' ' * SS_CHECK_AUTH = 'X' * SS_MESSAGE_NO_AUTH = 'X' * SS_NO_BUFFERING = ' ' * SS_CHECK_ARCHIVE = ' ' IMPORTING ss_nfal = l_nfal * SS_PATNR_ARCHIVE = EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 not_found_archived = 2 no_authority = 3 OTHERS = 4 .

ISH_READ_NPAT CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_READ_NPAT' EXPORTING * SS_EINRI = '*' ss_patnr = l_nfal-patnr IMPORTING ss_npat = l_npat EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 no_authority = 2 no_einri = 3 OTHERS = 4.


ISH_CALL_LIST_HEAD CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CALL_LIST_HEAD' EXPORTING ausbegdt = l_selbg ausenddt = l_selen einri = se_einri line_size = ls_rnstat-line_size repid = ls_rnstat-repid title_lin1 = ls_rnstat-title_lin1 display = ' ' IMPORTING r_form = lr_header EXCEPTIONS invalid_einri = 1 OTHERS = 2.

ISH_CALL_LIST_HEAD CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CALL_LIST_HEAD' EXPORTING ausbegdt = l_selbg ausenddt = l_selen line_size = ls_rnstat-line_size repid = ls_rnstat-repid title_lin1 = ls_rnstat-title_lin1 display = ' ' IMPORTING r_form = lr_header EXCEPTIONS invalid_einri = 1 OTHERS = 2.


CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT_INLINE' EXPORTING object = l_textobject id = l_textid name = l_textname language = sy-langu inline_count = 1 IMPORTING header = header TABLES lines = lines inlines = inlines EXCEPTIONS id = 1 language = 2 name = 3 object = 4 not_found = 5 reference_check = 6.

EDIT_TEXT_INLINE CALL FUNCTION 'EDIT_TEXT_INLINE' EXPORTING header = header save = space display = on inline_count = 1 textscreen = on IMPORTING newheader = header function = l_textfunction TABLES lines = lines inlines = inlines EXCEPTIONS id = 1 language = 2 name = 3 object = 4 linesize = 7.

ISH_CASREV_GETLIST CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASREV_GETLIST' EXPORTING i_einri = -einri i_source_falnr = -source_falnr * I_MAX_CNT = i_read_text = 'X' * IMPORTING * E_RETURN = l_return * E_RETMAXTYPE = TABLES et_nshift = lt_nshift et_nshift_id = lt_nshift_id et_textlines = lt_textlines.

ISH_CASE_POOL_GET CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_POOL_GET' EXPORTING ss_falnr = -source_falnr ss_einri = -einri IMPORTING ss_nfal_daba = ls_nfal.

ISH_CASE_POOL_GET CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_CASE_POOL_GET' EXPORTING ss_falnr = -dest_falnr ss_einri = -einri IMPORTING ss_nfal_daba = ls_dest_nfal.

ISH_MOVEMENT_POOL_GET CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_MOVEMENT_POOL_GET' EXPORTING ss_falnr = -source_falnr ss_einri = -einri ss_lfdnr = -source_lfdnr IMPORTING ss_nbew_curr = ls_nbew.

CONVERT_DATE_TO_EXTERNAL CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_DATE_TO_EXTERNAL' EXPORTING date_internal = ls_nbew-bwidt IMPORTING date_external = l_nbew_datum EXCEPTIONS date_internal_is_invalid = 1 OTHERS = 2.

ISH_SHIFT_CALL_TREE CALL FUNCTION 'ISH_SHIFT_CALL_TREE' EXPORTING i_result = on i_update = off i_shiftmode = gc_casrev_shift i_create_without_prop_activ = off i_clear_g_tree = on i_nshift = l_nshift i_called_from_rnlcasrev = on it_objects = g_source_tab TABLES t_node = gt_node t_dest_node = gt_dest_node t_item = gt_item t_dest_item = gt_dest_item CHANGING c_errorhandler = gc_errorhandler EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 OTHERS = 2.



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The contribute/comments section below therefore offer's an opportunity for anyone to add additional information. This can be anything from useful hints, tips and screen shots to relevant SAP notes or anything else you feel is relevant to this report.

This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name RNLCASREV or its description.