SAP Reports / Programs

GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK SAP ABAP Report - Remove Billing Block for Billing Plan

GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). It is used for You can use this program to change the billing block on billing plans...see full standard documentation available for this report. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report and the details below to see which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

Transaction Code(s):

Below is a list of transaction codes which are relevant to this SAP report

GM_BILL_PLAN_STATUS - Remove Block for Billing Plan

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: S_GRINT = Internal Reference
Selection Text: S_GREXT = External Reference
Selection Text: SO_PRTN = Sponsor
Selection Text: SO_PROG = Sponsored Program
Selection Text: SO_GRANT = D .
Selection Text: SO_FAKSP = D .
Selection Text: P_TEST = D .
Selection Text: P_MULDAT = Unblock more than one item
Selection Text: P_GRGRP = Grant Group
Selection Text: P_DATE = D .
Title: Remove Billing Block for Billing Plan
Text Symbol: TIT = Grants Management: Billing Plan Status
Text Symbol: 856 = the billing plan data
Text Symbol: 855 = Do you want to save
Text Symbol: 854 = Yes
Text Symbol: 310 = active
Text Symbol: 300 = Dynamic Selections
Text Symbol: 200 = Run/Grant Number
Text Symbol: 060 = Billing Block
Text Symbol: 050 = Warning
Text Symbol: 040 = Success
Text Symbol: 030 = Error
Text Symbol: 020 = Process Control
Text Symbol: 010 = Select Grant(s)
Text Symbol: 004 = Production Run
Text Symbol: 003 = Test Run



TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:


GM_GET_GRANTS CALL FUNCTION 'GM_GET_GRANTS' EXPORTING i_grant_grpname = p_grgrp i_sel_twhere = pdyns-clauses TABLES i_r_grant_nbr = so_grant i_r_int_reference = s_grint i_r_ext_reference = s_grext i_r_partner = so_prtn i_r_sponsored_prog = so_prog e_t_gmgr = g_t_gmgr.

GM_BILLING_PLAN_MASS_UNBLOCK CALL FUNCTION 'GM_BILLING_PLAN_MASS_UNBLOCK' EXPORTING IT_GRANT = g_t_gmgr I_COLLECTMESSAGES = 'X' i_t_rfaksp = L_t_rfaksp i_fkdat = p_date i_test_run = p_test I_FLG_MULT_BILLING_DATE = p_muldat IMPORTING et_result_list = g_t_result_list et_error_list = g_t_error_list EXCEPTIONS NO_VALID_GRANTS_EXIST = 1 NO_VALID_SD_DOCS = 2 NO_VALID_SD_ITEMS = 3 OTHERS = 4.


RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS CALL FUNCTION 'RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS' EXPORTING curr_report = l_repid TABLES selection_table = lt_rsparams EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 no_report = 2 OTHERS = 3.

KPEP_MONI_INIT_RECORD CALL FUNCTION 'KPEP_MONI_INIT_RECORD' EXPORTING ls_detail = ls_detail * LS_WITEM = * LS_APPL = * LD_WORKLIST_FLAG = ' ' IMPORTING ls_key = ls_key_static TABLES lt_selkrit = lt_selkrit lt_param = lt_param.

MESSAGES_SAVE CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGES_SAVE' EXPORTING i_balobject = lc_balobject i_balsubobject = lc_balsubobject * I_IN_UPDATE_TASK = ' ' * I_IDENTIFICATION = IMPORTING e_log_handle = ls_message-log_handle EXCEPTIONS no_messages = 1 not_active = 2 program_error = 3 save_not_allowed = 4 wrong_identification = 5 OTHERS = 6.

KPEP_MONI_CLOSE_RECORD CALL FUNCTION 'KPEP_MONI_CLOSE_RECORD' EXPORTING ls_key = ls_key_static ls_message = ls_message * LD_OBJECTS = * LS_EXT = * LS_RL = TABLES lt_spool = gt_spono CHANGING ld_aplstat = ld_aplstat EXCEPTIONS no_id_given = 1 OTHERS = 2.

MESSAGE_STORE CALL FUNCTION 'MESSAGE_STORE' EXPORTING arbgb = l_error_list-arbgb exception_if_not_active = 'X' msgty = l_error_list-msgty msgv1 = l_error_list-msgv1 msgv2 = l_error_list-msgv2 msgv3 = l_error_list-msgv3 msgv4 = l_error_list-msgv4 txtnr = l_error_list-txtnr zeile = l_error_list-zeile * IMPORTING * ACT_SEVERITY = * MAX_SEVERITY = EXCEPTIONS message_type_not_valid = 1 not_active = 2 OTHERS = 3 .

FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT' EXPORTING kind = 'T' expressions = c_f_dyns-texpr IMPORTING selection_id = l_selection_id where_clauses = c_f_dyns-clauses expressions = c_f_dyns-texpr " field_groups_key = l_rsdsqcat field_ranges = c_f_dyns-trange number_of_active_fields = c_dynscnt TABLES tables_tab = l_t_tables fields_tab = l_t_fields EXCEPTIONS too_many_fields = 13.

FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG' EXPORTING selection_id = l_selection_id title = l_title frame_text = ' ' as_window = con_on IMPORTING where_clauses = c_f_dyns-clauses expressions = c_f_dyns-texpr field_ranges = c_f_dyns-trange number_of_active_fields = c_dynscnt TABLES fields_tab = l_t_fields EXCEPTIONS no_action = 2.

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The contribute/comments section below therefore offer's an opportunity for anyone to add additional information. This can be anything from useful hints, tips and screen shots to relevant SAP notes or anything else you feel is relevant to this report.

This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name GM_BILLING_MASS_UNBLOCK or its description.