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CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS SAP ABAP Report - Copy logical system from sender

CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Title: Copy logical system from sender



TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

CNV_MBT_RFC_GET CALL FUNCTION 'CNV_MBT_RFC_GET' EXPORTING packid = p_pack all_as_table = 'X' TABLES desttab = lt_dest EXCEPTIONS no_destinations_for_packid = 1 no_specific_destination_type = 2 get_system_info_failure = 3 rfc_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5.

CNV_MBT_L_STATE_INIT CALL FUNCTION 'CNV_MBT_L_STATE_INIT' EXPORTING packid = p_pack phase = p_phase activity_id = p_act_id EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

CNV_TDMS_02_GET_REMOTE_CLIENTS CALL FUNCTION 'CNV_TDMS_02_GET_REMOTE_CLIENTS' DESTINATION gv_sender_dest-destination_id IMPORTING ex_tr_client = gv_sendmandt TABLES t_clients = gt_t000 EXCEPTIONS communication_failure = 1 system_failure = 2.

CNV_TDMS_LOGSYS_UPDATE1 CALL FUNCTION 'CNV_TDMS_LOGSYS_UPDATE1' DESTINATION gv_receiver_dest-destination_id EXPORTING logsys = gs_rename1 * INITVAL_ALLOW = ' ' EXCEPTIONS communication_failure = 1 system_failure = 2.

CNV_MBT_L_STATE_FINISH CALL FUNCTION 'CNV_MBT_L_STATE_FINISH' EXPORTING packid = p_pack phase = p_phase activity_id = p_act_id EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

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This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name CNV_TDMS_COPY_LOGSYS or its description.