SAP Tables | Web Channel | Web Channel: Applications SAP WEC

SAP WEC Web Channel: Applications Tables (WEC-APP)

SAP Web Channel: Applications Tables WEC-APP

COMC_WEC_BP_CPG - Checkout Profile Groups
COMC_WEC_BP_CPGT - Checkout Profile Groups Text Table
COMD_WEC_BP_CP - Checkout Profile
COMD_WEC_BP_CPD - Default Checkout Profile
COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_DATA - CheckOut Profile Data for a Business Partner
COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_MODIFY - Checkout Profile Modify Structure
COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_READ - Checkout Profile Read Structure
COMS_WEC_CREDIT_CARD_DETAILS - Web Channel: Customer Credit Card Details

SAP Web Channel Application Generic Search-ERP Tables WEC-APP-GS-ERP

WECS_PAYMENT_DATA - WEC Payment Data structure
WECS_SD_DOCFLOW_ENTRY - SD document flow
WEC_EBPP_MYPAYMENTS - Biller Direct: My Payments
WEC_SD_DOCFLOW_ENTRY - SD document flow

SAP Web Channel: Basic Functions - Payment Method Tables WEC-APP-PAY

BAPIPSPPAYM - Communication Fields for PSP based Payment Transactions
COMC_WEC_PSPID - Payment Service Provider Identification
COMC_WEC_PSPID_T - Payment Service Provider Identification
COMC_WEC_PSP_PTP - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status Profile
COMC_WEC_PSP_PTS - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status
COMC_WEC_PSP_P_T - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status Profile
COMC_WEC_PSP_SEL - Payment Service Provider Identification
COMC_WEC_PSP_S_T - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status

COMS_WEC_BUSINESS_OBJECT - Unique identifier for a business object (ID/type/logsys)
COMS_WEC_HTTP_PARAMETER - HTTP POST/GET parameter (name/values)
COMS_WEC_MESSAGE - Message structure
COMS_WEC_PSP_IDENTIFICATION - Payment Service Provider Identification
COMS_WEC_PSP_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Name value tuple for parameter transfer
COMS_WEC_PSP_STATUS_LIST - Payment Transaction Status
COMS_WEC_PSP_STATUS_PF_LIST - Payment Transaction Status Profile
COM_WEC_CUSTOMER_CREDIT_CARD - Web Channel: Customer Credit Card Details

SAP Web Channel Personalisation Tables WEC-APP-PER

WECD_PERS_USER - User Personalization
WECS_PERS_BAPI - Personalization
WECS_PREF_BAPI - Personalization Preference Structure

SAP WebChannel Sales using ERP-SD Tables WEC-APP-SLS-ERP

AUC_ITEM - Auction item
AUC_OPPORTUNITY - Opportunity details from for webAuctions
BAPIISAHDST - Sales document Header Status for ISA
CATALOGS - Prod. catalog texts
COUNTRIES - Country Names
CURRENCYCODES - Currency Code Names
DECIMAL_PLACES - Decimal Places in Currencies
DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL_TEXTS - Organizational Unit: Distribution Channels: Texts
DIVISION_TEXTS - Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts
ISALES_CTROPT - Counter Options
ISALES_DOCLIST_ROW - Search Result with Handle(query), Row, Field Value
ISALES_DOC_FIELD - Field Definition and Index
ISALES_R3_FB_IMPORTDATA - Data structure for Billdoc selection parameters map
ISALES_SELOPT - Selection Options
ISALES_SEL_ERROR - Error Messages
ISALES_SEL_FIELD - Field Selections
ISA_AUTH_CHECK - Authorization Check Structure for ISA
ISA_CATALOG_ATTRIBUTE - ISA: Attribute Values in Product Catalog
ISA_CHECK - ISA: Dummy Structure for Check Field
ISA_COUNTRIES - ISA-R/3 Transfer Structure for Countries
ISA_COUNTRYSCM - ISA-R/3 Transfer Structure for Country Schemes
ISA_DOCUMENT_LINE - ISA: Document for Layout Area or Layout Area Item
ISA_DOC_RESULT - View: Order Items for Material
ISA_DOC_STATUS - Statuses for document search results(subset of VBUK)
ISA_EXT_HELPVALUE - Generic SearchHelp: Output Field Values

ISA_HELPVALUES_FIELD - Generic SerachHelp: Input Fields Values
ISA_KONDDP - Conditions: Add. Materials for Mat. Determination in ECO ERP
ISA_LONGTEXT_LINE - ISA: Long Text Line for Layout Area or Layout Area Item
ISA_PARTNER_BUFFER - ISA R/3 Transfer Structure for Ship-To Partners
ISA_PRICING_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE - ISA: Header attribute name-value pair for pricing
ISA_PRICING_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE - ISA: Material attribute for pricing
ISA_REPLICATION_CUSTOMER_ATTR - ISA catalog replication: name/value pair for customer attr.
ISA_REPLICATION_INDEX_VERSION - Catalog replication: Index GUIDs, status, timestamp
ISA_REPLICATION_PRICE - ISA catalog replication: item price with additional string
ISA_SHIPPING_COND - ISA R/3 Transfer Structure for Shipping Conditions
ISA_USER_LIST - List of ISA users
LANGUAGETEXTS - Language Key Texts
PCITEM - Product Catalog Items Communication Structure
REGIONS - Names of Regions
SALESORGTEXTS - Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations: Texts
SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPES - Sales Document Types: Texts
SEARCHCRITERIA - Product Catalog: Search Criteria
SEARCHHIT - IAC product catalog: Hits for product search
STATUS_SALES_DOCUMENTS - Status Information for Sales Documents
TDS_RFC_WEC_AUART - Order type and description
TDS_RFC_WEC_PAYSP_TXN_DATA - WEC - RFC - Payment Service Provider Transaction Data
TDS_RFC_WEC_REFCHAR - Lean Order: Object Characteristics
TDS_RFC_WEC_UNIT - Quantity Units And Its Description
TDS_RFC_WEC_VCFG_CHAR - Lean Order - Configuration (Characteristic Values) for WEC
TDS_RFC_WEC_VCFG_INST - LORD: Configuration Instance for WEC
TDS_RG_PSP_STATUS - Range Structure for Data Element PSP Status
TDS_SDOC_RESULTS - Redefined Sales Document Data
TDS_SW_SELCRIT_ORDER - Selection Criteria for WeC Search
TDS_SW_WEC_BUFFER - Buffer for WeC Status
TDS_TIMELINE - Timeline date structure for tracking docs
TDS_TRACKING - Tracking structure for the WEC timeline view
TITLES - Titles (Texts)
VARIANTLIST - Product catalog variant text
WEC_CUSTOMER_RELATION - Strucutre to hold the customer relationship

WEC_MAIL_TMP_MAP - Mail template type and Mail Scenario mapping

SAP Web Channel: User Management and Customer Profile Tables WEC-APP-UM

COMC_WEC_AGR_D - Web channel: Web Descriptions for web channel UA Roles
COMC_WEC_UA_AGR - Web channel: User Management Possible Activity Groups
COMS_WEC_ACTVT_VALUES - web channel - user mgmt authorization activity values
COMS_WEC_ROLE - role structure
COMS_WEC_USER_NAMEVAL_PAIR_STR - String based Name value tuple for parameter transfer
COMT_WEC_RETURN - Web Channel: Return Structure
COMT_WEC_UA_AGR - Web Channel: User Management Possible Activity Groups
COM_WEC_KEY_MAP - Stores the Activation key
CRMS_WEC_SECURITYQTNS - Web Channel - List of Security Questions
WEC_SEC_QTN - Web Channel Security Questions
WEC_SEC_QTNT - Web Channel Security Questions Text
WEC_USER_SECURITY_QUES_ANS - WEC user security question and answer
WEC_USER_SEC_QTN - Web Channel user security question and answer

SAP Web Channel UM ERP aspects Tables WEC-APP-UM-ERP

ERPC_WEC_ADRLAY - Web Channel Address Layouts
ERPC_WEC_ADRLAYT - Web Channel Address Layout Descriptions
ERPD_WEC_BP_CP - Checkout Profile for a customer
ERPD_WEC_CUST_CP - Checkout Profile for a customer
ERPD_WEC_CU_DFPM - Default Payment method for a Customer ( Web Channel )
ERPD_WEC_CU_PAYM - Customer Payment Methods ( Web Channel )
ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_FORMAT - Web Channel: Address Format
ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_IND - Web Channel Ind Address
ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_IND_X - Web Channel Change Structur of Ind Address
ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_ORG - Web Channel Org Address
ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_ORG_X - Web Channel Change Structur of Org Address
ERPS_WEC_CMPNYSRCH - WEC UM- Company Search Data
ERPS_WEC_COMPANY_DATA - Structure for Contact Data
ERPS_WEC_COUNTRY - User Adm- Country text for company result
ERPS_WEC_GUEST_USER_TRACKDOC_E - Guest user track documents export fields
ERPS_WEC_GUEST_USER_TRACKDOC_I - Guest user track documents verification fields
ERPS_WEC_PARTNER - Web Channel: Partner Number
ERPS_WEC_REG_CONTROL_DATA - Control data structure for registration
ERPS_WEC_RELATIONSHIP_DATA - Relation between Person and/or Company in user creation
ERPS_WEC_SELECTION_PARAMETER - Structure for Describing Selections
ERPS_WEC_UNIT_CONSTS - System-dependent constants used in ABAP Unit Tests
ERPS_WEC_USER_DATA - User data structure for user creation
ERPS_WEC_USER_EXTENSION_INT - Structure for Including Enhancements of Objects
ERPS_WEC_USER_EXTENSION_INTS - Structure for Including Enhancements of Objects (String only
ERPS_WEC_USER_LIST - List of WEC users
ERPS_WEC_USER_MAIL_CTX_KYVAL - Context data for mail sending in user mang. in as key/value
ERPS_WEC_USER_REG_BP_RETURN - Involved Business Partners in registration
ERP_WEC_ADDR_FOR - Web channel: Address format
ERP_WEC_ALT_PARTNER - Web Channel Alternative Partner
ERP_WEC_CUSTOMER_NUMBERS - Structure to get the customer numbers
ERP_WEC_CUST_DELV_OPTIONS - Customer delivery options
ERP_WEC_CUST_DELV_OPTIONS_X - Delivey Options Update
ERP_WEC_CUST_PAYM - Other payment methods of a customer
ERP_WEC_CUST_PAYMENT_CARD - Credit card details for a customer
ERP_WEC_CUST_PAYM_MODIFY - Modify the payment methods of a Customer ( web channel )
ERP_WEC_CUST_SHIPTO - Customer's ShipTos
ERP_WEC_UNIT_CST - System-dependent constants used in ABAP Unit Tests
WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRF - CheckOut Profile : External structure
WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRF_DATA - Checkout Profile data
WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRF_DATA_X - Field Attributes for Checout Profile
WEC_SOBJECT - WEC Auth: Objects used in WEC Authorizations
WEC_SOBJECTT - WEC Auth : Object Description