SAP Tables | Quality Management | Quality Planning SAP QM

SAP QM Quality Planning Tables (QM-PT)

SAP Basic Data Tables QM-PT-BD

BAPI1001004_DEL - Inspection Types to be Deleted
BAPI1001004_MATPLNT - Import Parameter for Replicate BAPI of BUS1001004
BAPI1001004_QMAT - Insp. Setup for Material (QMAT) ALE Distribution with BAPI
BAPIQMAT - BAPI Parameter for QMAT Distribution
BIPQPMK - Master inspection characteristic (batch-input structure)
E1BP1001004_QMAT - Insp. Setup for Material (QMAT) ALE Distribution with BAPI
ESO_S_ERP_QPMK - Master Inspection Char. attributes for enterprise search
ESO_S_ERP_QPMT - Master Inspection Characteristics description for ES
ESO_S_ERP_QPMZ - Master Inspection Characteristics assignement table for ES
ESO_S_ILOA - PM Object Loc. and Account Assignment for Enterprise Search
ESO_S_QMFE - Notification item for Enterprise Search
ESO_S_QMMA - Notification activities for Enterprise Search
ESO_S_QMSM - Notification tasks for Enterprise Seach
ESO_S_QMTT - Enterprise Search :- inspection Method texts
ESO_S_QMUR - Causes for Enterprise search
OPS_RQPMKV10_I_PMETH_TAB_PDF - Structure for Inspection methods( QM_INSP_CHAR)
OPS_RQPMKV10_OBJECT_TAB_PDF - Structure for the PDF form ( QM_INSP_CHAR)
PLM_ALV_100 - History of Search Field
PLM_ALV_101 - History of the Assigned Inspection Methods
PLM_ALV_102 - History of the Assigned Inspection Catalogs

PLM_ALV_103 - History of Short Texts
PLM_ALV_230 - Materials List
PLM_ALV_231 - Deleted Client-External Entries
PLM_ALV_232 - Output Structure SAPMQSEA - Main Lists
PLM_ALV_233 - Output Structure SAPMQSEA - Detail Screens
QASDRI_SPECDET - Specification Determination Rule
QASDRI_SPECDET_T - Text Table for Specification Determination Rule
QASDR_QPMK_CI - Customer Fields for MIC for Specification Determination
QKATL - Internal structure for catalog in characteristic
QMAT - Inspection type - material parameters
QMAT_D01 - Fields to be printed in the QA08
QMETH - Internal structure for methods in characteristic
QMHU - QM Link Between Inspection Lot and Handling Unit Item
QMTB - Inspection method master record
QMTBDOC - Inspection Method Key for Document Management
QMTBV - Logical database QTQ (QMTB and QMTT)
QMTT - Inspection Method Texts
QPAC - Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPACI - Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
QPACV - Logical data base QAM (QPAC and QPCT)
QPAM - Inspection catalog selected sets
QPAMI - Internal table for posting selected sets
QPAMT - Internal table for posting selected sets texts
QPCDI - Internal table for posting codes
QPCDV - Logical data base QKM (QPCD and QPCT)
QPCTI - Internal table for posting code texts
QPGRI - Internal structure of the internal posting table
QPGRV - Logical data base QKM (QPGR and QPGT)
QPGTI - Internal table for posting the code group texts
QPK1AC - Transfer structure for code of a selected set with text
QPMK - Inspection characteristic master
QPMKKEY - Structure for master inspection characteristic key
QPMKTXT - Short Texts for Inspection Methods/Master Inspection Chars
QPMKV - Logical data base QMM (QPMK and QPMT and QPMZ)
QPMK_ATTR - Attributes of a Master Inspection Characteristic
QPMK_KEY - Master Inspection Characteristic: Key
QPMT - Master Inspection Characteristics Texts
QPMZ - Assignment table - insp. methods/master insp. characteristic
QSQMAT - QMAT change documents : Copy from XDQMAT due to syntax check

RMQAM - Screen fields for maintaining the material assignment
RMQEALL - General screen fields
RMQSB - Create/display fields on screens for inspection catalog
RMQSC - Online fields for module pool SAPMQSCA
RMQSD - Tables for module pool SAPMQSDA (characteristics)
RMQSE - Screen fields for online module SAPMQSEA
RQECOM20_ALV_DTL - Output Structure RQECOM20 - Detail Data
RQECOM20_ALV_HDR - Output Structure RQECOM20 - Header Data
RQMTBV - Internal reporting structure for methods and characteristics
TQ01D - Authorization groups for QM master data
TQ01E - Text authorization groups for QM master data
TQ21 - Assignment of screens to screen groups
TQ25 - QM:screen sequence for master and inspection characteristics
TQ71T - Input Processing in Results Recording QM
TQINPPROC_FILTER - Filter for Input Processing
TQINPPROC_FIL_T - Filter for Input Processing
TQREO - QM: Archiving Parameter
VSKT - Internal structure for QMTT and QPMT

SAP Catalog Tables QM-PT-BD-CAT

BAPIQPGR_CD_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Long Text Lines
BAPIQPGR_CODEGROUP - Import Parameter for Replicated BAPI (code group/catalog)
BAPIQPGR_GRP_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Catalog/Code Group Long Texts
BAPIQPGR_QPCD - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Code Group/Catalog
BAPIQPGR_QPCT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups
BAPIQPGR_QPGR - BAPI Structure: Inspection Catalog for Code Groups
BAPIQPGR_QPGT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups
BAPI_QPAM_CODEL - List of Codes for Selected Sets
E1BPQPGR_CD_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Long Text Lines
E1BPQPGR_GRP_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Catalog/Code Group Long Texts
E1BPQPGR_QPCD - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Code Group/Catalog
E1BPQPGR_QPCT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups
E1BPQPGR_QPGR - BAPI Structure: Inspection Catalog for Code Groups
E1BPQPGR_QPGT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups
QKAT - Transfer table for QM inspection catalog online module
QPCD - Inspection catalog codes
QPCT - Code texts
QPGR - Inspection catalog code groups
QPGT - Code group texts
QPK1CD - Transfer structure for code of a code group and text
QPK1CODEGRP - Transfer structure - code group identification

QPK1GR - Transfer structure of code group and text
QPK1_TS_NODEDAT - Data for External Fields of Tree for Codes
QPK1_TS_NODEREC - Data for Nodes of Tree for Codes
QSICON - Container Fields for Icons Within QM Master Data
QSKDOC_CODE - Document Link to Code
RQSBA - Screen field: Function group for catalog maint. code groups
RQSKT - Screen field: Function group for catalog maint. sel. set
TQ07 - Follow-Up Action for Usage Decision of Inspection Lot
TQ07A - QM: Function Modules for Follow-Up Action
TQ07T - Language-dependent texts for Table TQ07
TQ15 - Inspection catalog type index
TQ15T - Language-dependent texts for table TQ15
TQ17 - Defect classes
TQ17T - Language-dependent texts for table TQ17

SAP Inspection Characteristic Tables QM-PT-BD-ICH

BAPIQMTB_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Long Texts
BAPIQMTB_PMPLNT - Import Parameter for Replicated BAPI of QMTB
BAPIQMTB_QMTB - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Inspection Method
BAPIQMTB_QMTT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Short Texts
BAPIQPMK_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure for ALE Distribution Long Texts MstrInsChar
BAPIQPMK_MSTCHARPLNT - Key Fields for BAPI Distribution of MstrIns. Characteristic
BAPIQPMK_QPMK - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution of Master Insp. Char.
BAPIQPMK_QPMT - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Short Texts MstrIns. Char.
BAPIQPMK_QPMZ - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Assgmt InsMeth./MstrInsChar
BAPIQPMK_SMPL_LTXT - BAPI Structure ALE Distr. Long Texts PhysSampDraw. MstrInsC
E1BPQMTB_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Long Texts
E1BPQMTB_QMTB - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Inspection Method
E1BPQMTB_QMTT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Short Texts
E1BPQPMK_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure for ALE Distribution Long Texts MstrInsChar
E1BPQPMK_QPMK - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution of Master Insp. Char.
E1BPQPMK_QPMT - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Short Texts MstrIns. Char.
E1BPQPMK_QPMZ - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Assgmt InsMeth./MstrInsChar
E1BPQPMK_SMPL_LTXT - BAPI Structure ALE Distr. Long Texts PhysSampDraw. MstrInsC
QMKMKTXT - Short Texts for Master Inspection Characteristic
QPMLTXT - Long Txt Lines for Insp. Method/Master Insp. Char. (Inc.ALE)

SAP Samples and SPC Tables QM-PT-BD-SPL

QASH - Quality control chart
QAST - Control chart track
QDBM - Valuation mode
QDBMT - Valuation Mode: Texts
QDDR - Dynamic modification rule (header)
QDDRT - Dynamic modification rule: texts
QDEP - Allowed inspection severities
QDEPT - Allowed Inspection Severities: Texts
QDFB - Function modules for the individual procedure categories
QDFBT - Function Modules for Procedure: Texts
QDFM - Function modules for valuation mode
QDFMT - Function Modules for Valuation Mode: Texts
QDPS - Inspection stages for a dynamic modification rule
QDPSR - Inspection stages
QDPST - Inspection Stages: Texts
QDSA - Sampling type
QDSAT - Sampling Type: Texts
QDSV - Sampling procedure
QDSVT - Sampling Procedure: Texts
QDWR - Internal structure for QDDR/QDPS
QDWV - Internal structure for QDSV
QPSH - Control chart types
QPSHT - Texts for control chart types
QPSP - SPC criterion
QPSPT - Texts for SPC criteria
QPST - Control chart track
QPSTT - Texts for control chart tracks
QRKDY - Screen fields for quality control charts
QRKDY1 - Control Chart Screen Fields: Limits Track1 from 45a
QRKDY2 - Control Chart Screen Fields: Limits Track2 from 45a
QRKDYCUST - Control charts screen fields in Customizing
QRKMCKEY - Control chart master inspection characteristic key
QRKMCKEYEQ - Control chart for the master charac.-lock key when creating
QRKMKKEY - Control chart characteristic key
QRKMKKEYEQ - Control chart for task list charac.-lock key when creating
QRKSPURPOS - Item in a control chart track
QWERU - Results of Western Electric Rules Check
TQ39B - QM : Activates reference for dyn. modification level

SAP Control Plan Tables QM-PT-CP

QPCPC_OBJ - Customizing Table for the Objects
QPCPC_OBJCAT - Object Categories
QPCPC_OBJCATT - Object Categories - Text Table
QPCPC_OBJTYPE - Customizing Table for Object Type
QPCPC_OBJTYPET - Text Table for Object Type
QPCPC_PLANTYPE - Customizing Table for Control-Plan Type
QPCPC_PLANTYPET - Text Table for Control-Plan Type
QPCPC_PROCCAT - Customizing Table for Process Categories
QPCPC_PROCCATT - Text Table for Process Categories
QPCPC_PROCTYPE - Customizing Table for Process Type
QPCPC_PROCTYPET - Text Table for Process Type
QPCPC_SELFIELD - Customizing Table for Selection Fields
QPCPC_SELRANGE - Customizing Table for Selection Area
QPCPC_STRUCTYPE - Customizing Table for Structure Type
QPCPC_STRUCTYPET - Text Table for Structure Type
QPCPD_CPLAN - Control Plan - Header
QPCPD_ITEM - Item of Control Plan
QPCPD_LINK - Control Plan - Links to FMEA,..
QPCPD_TEXT - Short Text for Elements in Control Plan
QPCPPLMM_AUDIT_ROLES - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
QPCPQPCPD_ITEM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
QPCPQPCPD_LINK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
QPCPQPCPD_TEXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
QPCPS_BOR_KEY - BOR Key for Control Plan
QPCPS_CHAORIG - Inspection Characteristic Origin
QPCPS_CHAR_COMM - Communication Structure for Copying Characteristics to Plan
QPCPS_INSPECTION_CHARS - Data for Inspection Characteristic
QPCPS_ITEM_UI - UI Structure for Control Plan Object
QPCPS_LINK_UI - UI Structure for Control Plan Link to Other Objects (FMEA)
QPCPS_NODE_DATA - Data for a Node in the Structure
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_CHA - Node Data for Characteristics
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_CPLAN - Node Data for Control Plan
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_DOC - Node Data for Documents
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_GEN - General Node Data
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_ITEMS - Node Data for Items in the Control Plan
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_NOTIF - Node Data for Notifications
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_OPR - Node Data for Plan Operations
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_PLAN - Node Data for Inspection Plan / Task List
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_QIF - Node Data for Quality Info Record
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_RECORD - Records for Control Plan Items
QPCPS_NODE_DATA_WC - Node Data for Work Center
QPCPS_PARTNER_UI - UI Structure for Control Plan Partner
QPCPS_PLAN_ENQ - Enqueue Structure for Control Plan
QPCPS_PLAN_PRI - Control-Plan Print Structure
QPCPS_PLAN_UI - UI Structure for Control Plan
QPCPS_RFC_CHA_DATA - Enhanced RFC Interface for Inspection Characteristics
QPCPS_SELECTION - Object Selection Fields Outside of Data Nodes
QPCPS_SELFIELD - Structure for Selection Fields

SAP Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Tables QM-PT-FA

PLMT_RANGES_FOR_CODEGROUP_WA - Range for Selection According to Code Group
PLMT_RANGES_FOR_CODE_WA - Range for Selection According to Code
PLMT_TS_F4_PLPO - Structure of F4 Help for Process Steps
PLMT_TS_FMEA_ACT_C - FMEA: Change Action
PLMT_TS_FMEA_ACT_D - FMEA: Action Detail View
PLMT_TS_FMEA_C - PLM: Create/Change FMEA Attributes
PLMT_TS_FMEA_D - PLM: FMEA-Attribute Detail View
PLMT_TS_FMEA_DIALOG - Structure with Dialog Fields for FMEA
PLMT_TS_FMEA_FBI - Structure for Form-Based Entry of FMEA
PLMT_TS_FMEA_UI - FMEA Dialog Structure
PLMT_TS_LISTITEM_BAPI_XML - FMEA: External List Item for XML Generation
PLMT_TS_LISTITEM_D - PLM: Detail View for List-Item-Attribute
PLM_FMEA_DS_LOG - Log for Digital Signature in FMEA
PLM_FMEA_QN_SUBOBJ - ALV for Notification Assignment to FMEA
PLM_S_FMEA_ACTION_ODP - Extraction Structure for FMEA Actions
PLM_S_FMEA_ACT_POWL_DETAIL - POWL Extraction Structure FMEA Action
PLM_S_FMEA_EXTRACT_HEADER - Include for FMEA Header Data
PLM_S_FMEA_IT_POWL_DETAIL - Extraction Structure FMEA Defect
PLM_S_FMEA_LISTITEM_ODP - Extraction Structure FMEA List Items
PLM_S_FMEA_LONGTEXT - Structure for Long Texts for FMEA List Items
PLM_S_FMEA_PARTNER - Structure for FMEA Partner Data

SAP Inspection Planning Tables QM-PT-IP

BAPI1012_CHA_C - Inspection Characteristics in CREATE-BAPI for Routings
BAPI1190_CHA_C - Insp. Characteristics (Int. Format) for Direct Input in EWB
BAPI1191_CHA_C - Inspection Characteristics in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans
BAPI1191_CHV_C - Insp. Char. Specifications in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans
BAPI1191_MTK_C - Material-Task List Assignment in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans
BAPI1191_OPR_C - Operations in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
BAPI1191_PAC_C - Maintenance Packages in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
BAPI1191_PRT_C - PRT Assignments in CREATE_BAPI for Inspection Plans
BAPI1191_REF_OPR_C - Ref. Operation Set Ref. in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans
BAPI1191_TSK_C - Task List Header Data in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
BAPI1191_TXT_HDR_C - Text Assignments in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
BIPMK - Inspection characteristics for batch input of task lists
BIPMW - Dependent Charac. Specs for Batch Input of Task Lists
CHA_CLASS_APPEND_DATA - Characteristic Data for Transfer to Screen Enhancements
CHA_CLASS_CUSTOMER - Transport Structure of User-Defined Fields in the TList Char
CHA_CLASS_DATA_VIEW - Texts, Descriptions, Additional Data for the Insp. Charac.
CHA_CLASS_LINK - Data for the class of inspection charcteristics
CHA_CLASS_VIEW - Texts, Additional Data, and Icons for Insp. Charac. (Screen)
CHA_CTRL_DATA - Control data for the inspection characteristic class
CHA_CTRL_DATA_SCR - Control data
CHA_QUANTITAT - Quantitative data for the inspection characteristic
CHA_SORT_IDENT - Inspection characteristic identifier in standard sort
CHA_SORT_STD - Standard sort term for inspection characteristics
CHA_SORT_VERSION - Inspection characteristic versions in standard sort function
CHV_CLASS_DATA_VIEW - Texts, Descriptions, Add. Data for Obj.-Dep. Char. Specs
CHV_CLASS_VIEW - Texts, Descriptions, Add. Data for Obj.-Dep. Char. Spec PBO
CHV_SORT_IDENT - Identification of obj.-dep. char. specs at standard sorting
CHV_SORT_STD - Standard Sorting Term for Object-Dependent Charac. Specs
CHV_TEXTS - Short Texts as Info. on Insp. Char. and Insp. Char. Values
CWB_CHA_CREATE_BY_COPY - Engineering Workbench: Create with copy model
CWB_CHV_CREATE_BY_COPY - Engineering Workbench: Create with Copy Model
CWB_OPT_CHA - Engineering Workbench: Inspection Characteristics Options
E1BP1191_CHA_C - Inspection Characteristics in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans
E1BP1191_CHV_C - Insp. Char. Specifications in CREATE-BAPI for Insp. Plans
E1BP1191_MTK_C - Material-Task List Assignment in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans
E1BP1191_OPR_C - Operations in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
E1BP1191_PRT_C - PRT Assignments in CREATE_BAPI for Inspection Plans
E1BP1191_REF_OPR_C - Ref. Operation Set Ref. in CREATE_BAPI for Insp. Plans
E1BP1191_TSK_C - Task List Header Data in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
E1BP1191_TXT_HDR_C - Text Assignments in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
PAC_CLASS_DATA - Data Related to Class of Maintenance/Inspection Packages
PAC_CLASS_SEL - Selection Structure for Maintenance/Inspection Packages
PAC_CLASS_VIEW - Texts, Add. Data, Screen Elements for Maint./Insp. Packages
PAC_CTRL_DATA - Control Data Related to Class of Maintenance Packages
PAC_CTRL_DATA_SCR - Control data
PAC_SORT_IDENT - IDentification of the operation in the standard sort
PAC_SORT_STD - Standard Sort Term for Maintenance Packages
PAC_SORT_VERSION - Versions of Maintenance Package During Standard Sorting
PLMK - Inspection plan characteristics
PLMKB - Inspection characteristic - document table
PLMKV - All Inspection Characteristics for an Operation
PLMK_DI - Insp. charac. structure in task lists for direct input
PLMK_ER - Inspection plan: inconsistent characteristics
PLMSAPMQCA1A - Structure for Program SAPMQCA
PLMSAPMQCA2A - Structure for Program PLMSAPMQCA
PLMW - MAPL-Dependent Charac. Specifications (Inspection Plan)
PLMWB - MAPL-Dependent Characteristic Specifications - Buffer Table
PLMWV - All Dependent Characteristic Specs for a Characteristic
PLMW_DI - Structure of Dep. Char. Specs in TLists for Direct Input
PLM_ALV_104 - Output Structure for Transaction QS46
QDYNKRIT - Dynamic modification indicator: include structure
QMATNR - Table with material numbers
QMICONSPEC - Structure for Icons and their Field Control in MSpec/MstrChr
QMIPD_MAP_QPAM - Mapping Table for Selected Set from External Source
QMIPD_MAP_QPCD - Mapping Table for Code Groups and Codes from External Source
QMIPD_SPECIP_MAT - Mapping Table Between Inspection Plan and EHS Specification
QMIPD_SPECMATLOG - Status of Synchr. Between Inspection Plan and Specification
QMIPS_CHAORIG - Characteristics from Specification Constraints
QMIPS_INSP_CHA - Inspection Characteristic with Additional Information
QMIPS_INSP_CHV - Dependent Characteristic Specifications with Addit. Info.
QMIPS_IP_HEADER_UI - UI Struct. for Insp.Plan Creation from Source - Header Info
QMIPS_IP_SELCRIT_UI - UI Struct. for Insp.Plan Creation from Source - Selection
QMIPS_MASTER_INSP_CHAR - Structure for Master Insp.Char.Creation from Ext. Source
QMIPS_SELSET_EHS - Structure for Selected Set of EHS Phrases
QMIPS_SELSET_EHS_NIO - Structure for Selected Set of EHS Phrases
QMIPS_SOURCE_CHAR_EHS - Structure of EH&S Source for Creation of Master Insp. Char.
QMIPS_SPECIP_MAT_ENQ - Enqueue Structure for Mapping Table QMIPD_SPECIP_MAT
QMIPS_SPECIP_SELCRIT - Additional Selection Criteria for Specification and Plan
QMIPS_SPECIP_SELCRIT_UI - Additional Selection Criteria for Specification and Plan
QMSP - QM: material specification
QPLFH_LST - Where-used list for PRT in plan
QPRUEFLOS - Inspection Lot Number
RCQBT - Document table control for plan data in LCQBT
RQDULM10_ALV_PLMK - Output Structure RQDULM10 - Planning Data
RQDULM10_ALV_QMSP - Output Structure RQDULM10 - Material Specifications
RQDULM20_ALV_PLMK - Ouput Structure RQDULM20 - Planing Data
RQDULM20_ALV_QMAT - Output Structure RQDULM10/20 - Inspection Setup Material
RQMSP - QM: material specification internal structure
RQMSP1 - Initial screen : Maintaining material specification
RQMSPV - Structure for transfer to where-used lists
RQPAS - Inspection characteristic (plan) control string
RQPAX - Fields on task list selection screen (QM)
RQPBA - Selection criteria for SAPMQPBA
RQPCA - Selection criteria for SAPMQPCA
RQPDA - Selection criteria for SAPMQPDA
RQPEA - Where-used lists for sampling procedures
TQ03 - QSS: Control for Screen Texts/TABLE NOT USED (Rel. 4.6)
TQ29A - Dependency tolerance key - nominal measurement
TQ71 - Input Processing in Results Recording QM
TQ72 - Type of share calculation
TQ72T - Texts for type of share calculation
TQ75 - QM formula parameters
TQ75F - Field names for QM formulas
TQ75K - Short text for Table TQ75F
TQ75T - Description of formula parameters
TQPC_CHAORIG - Inspection-Characteristic Origin
TQPC_CHAORIG_T - Inspection-Characteristic Origin
TQPC_CTRMETH - Control Methods
TQPC_CTRMETH_T - Control Methods
TQPC_RESPLAN - Response Plans
TQPC_RESPLAN_T - Response Plans

SAP QM Control in Procurement Tables QM-PT-RP-PRC

ESO_S_ERP_QINF - QM info record attributes for enterprise search
QBAA - Internal structure for control in report RQBAAM10
QBAAL - Line in list for report RQBAAM10
QCERT_MIGO - Transfer Certificate Data MIGO <-> QBCK
QINF - QM-info record for material and vendor
QINFINSPT - Inspection types for QINF record
QSS_QMART - Interface structure - vendor valuation QM
QSS_QM_ML - Vendor valuation - transfer structure for Q notifications
RQBAA - Dialog structure for QINF editing
RQBAAM30_ALV_DTL - Ouput Structure RQBAAM30 - Item Data
RQBAAM40_ALV_DTL - Output Structure RQBAAM40 - Item Data
RQBAAM40_ALV_HDR - Output Structure RQBAAM40 - Header Data
RQBAAM50_ALV - Output Structure RQBAAM50
TQ02 - QM system definition
TQ02A - QM system assignment and QM system requirements
TQ02B - QM system
TQ02T - QM system description
TQ02U - Description QM system
TQ04A - Functions that can be blocked
TQ04S - QM block functions : texts
TQ05 - QM certificate categories for procurement
TQ05T - QM: text table for certificate types
TQ08 - Control of QM in procurement
TQ08T - QM: text for QM procurement keys
TQ09 - QM: agreement of QM document types
TQ09T - QM: agreement of QM document types
TQ32A - Inspection type to status assignment from status profile

SAP QM Control in Sales and Distribution Tables QM-PT-RP-SD

QVDM - QM Info Record - QM Control in SD
QVDM_KEY - Key for table QVDM
QVDM_TKEY - Key for QVDM for texts, documents, change documents...
RQVDM - I/O table for QVDM (Q-info record, control for QM in SD)
TQ32B - Find insp.type for quality insp. for delivery note