SAP Tables | Payroll | Russia SAP PY

SAP PY Russia Tables (PY-RU)

SAP Russia Tables PY-RU

HRPAYRU_HWCPER - PY-RU: Structure for Period of Harmful Working Conditions
HRPAYRU_PHIFI - Fire and Hire event of PERAS
HRPAYRU_PTBINDBW - PY-RU: Table for Indirect Valuation with SEQNR
HRPAYRU_WTCPER - PY-RU: Structure for Period of Work in Territorial Condition
P0290 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CIS
P0291 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CIS
P0292 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social Insurance
P0293 - Pers.Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer CIS)
P0295 - HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)
P0296 - HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)
P0298 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0298
P0299 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 (Tax privileges)
P2UR_FUP - table FUP - future periods
P2UR_RUAVE - Cumulations for calculation of averages
P2UR_RURT - Payroll Results: Results Table
P2UR_RUSTA - Russian Statuses
P2UR_TAX - Russian Tax
PA0290 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CIS
PA0291 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CIS
PA0292 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social Insurance

PA0293 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)
PA0295 - HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)
PA0296 - HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)
PA0298 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0298
PA0299 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 - Tax privileges
PAYRU_CUMUL_PERSON_RESULT - Unfiltered person cumulation tables- Russia
PAYRU_INTERNAL_PERSON - Internal payroll data for person
PAYRU_NATIONAL - HR-PAY-RU: National part of payroll result.
PAYRU_NATIONAL_CE - Additional tables for payroll image (Russia)
PAYRU_PAYROLL_IMAGE_LINE - Line of table for payroll image
PAYRU_PERSON - HR-PAY-RU: National of payroll result (Person)
PAYRU_PERSON_REF - HR-PAY-RU: National of payroll result INTERNAL (Person)
PAYRU_PERSON_RESULT - HR-PAY-RU: Definition of payroll result (Person)
PAYRU_RESULT - HR-PAY-RU: Structure for payroll result
PC2_RU01 - Cumulations for calculation of averages
PC2_RU02 - Russian Tax
PC2_RU04 - Personal information
PC2_RU05 - additional time parameters
PC2_RU06 - Sickness list
PC2_RU07 - Russian Statuses
PC2_RU08 - Personal mode working hours
PC2_RU09 - table FUP - future periods
PC2_RU_AVER_PERS - Frozen Average Values in Payroll Result (Person)
PC2_RU_RUAVE_PERS - Cumulations for calculation of averages (Person)
PRU2001 - Structure for link absence IT-2001
PRU8G - For feature 33BPC
PRUAVP1_22_2005 - HR-RU: AVP-1 - part 2.2 (2005 year version)
PRUCPL10_GARN - Garnishment structure for report HRULPL10
PRUCPL10_GARN0 - Structure GARN0 garnishment documents for report HRUCPL10
PRUCPL10_GARN1 - Structure GARN1 for report HRUCPL10
PRUCPL10_PERSON - Employee structure
PRUCSOBJ - CE/SE Wage Object Reference with Hash ID
PRUCUMUL_PERSON_RESULT - CE/SE Unfiltered person cumulation tables- Russia
PRUGN - Decision Tree for Feature 33GNA (Guarantied Net Amount)
PRUNC - Structure type T7RUNC
PRUPERSON - CE/SE HR-PAY-RU: National of payroll result (Person)
PRUPERSON_RESULT - CE/SE HR-PAY-RU: Definition of payroll result (Person)
PRURI - HR-RU: Radiation Impact Feature Structure

PRUS295 - Add. structure for IT0295
PRUSI - Feature 33TAX detect group for Social Insurance Tax T7RUP3
PRUSICKREG - Sicness Certificates Register
PRUSICKREG_EMPLOYEE - Employee Master Data
PRUSICKREG_RUAVE - Cumulations for Calculation of Averages
PRUSICKREG_SCRT - Sickness Periods
PRUSICKREG_SICK - Sicness Certificate Data
PRUTAXES - Person's tax
PRUTC - Structure for Feature of Check of Territorial Conditions
PRUTS - Structure for Feature 33TXS which allows determin tax schema
PRUTX - Russian Tax
PRUWC - Structure for Feature 33HWC (Harmful Working Conditions)
PRU_0290_SCREEN - Screen Fields: Infotype 0290 (Documents (RU))
PRU_2NDFL_EXKEY - Any Key for Splitting PY Result
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_ADDRESS_OUTSIDE - 2NDFL file format: Address outside Russin Federation
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_ADDRESS_RF - 2NDFL file format: Address in Russin Federation
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_EMPLOYEE - 2NDFL file format: Employee
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_FIO - 2NDFL file format: FIO
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_GENERAL_INFO - 2NDFL file format: General Information part
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_IDDOC - 2NDFL file format: ID document
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_IDENTITY_CARD - 2NDFL file format: Identity Card
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_IDFILE - 2NDFL file format: file identifier
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_INCOME_PRIV - 2NDFL file format: Incomes and Priviledges
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_JUPER - 2NDFL file format: Legal Person
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_OVERHEAD - 2NDFL file format: Overhead Information
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_OVERHEAD_INFO - 2NDFL file format: General Overhead Information
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_PAYER - 2NDFL file format: Payer Information
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_SENDER_INFO - 2NDFL file format: Sender Information
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_SENDER_JUPER - 2NDFL file format: Legal Person of Sender
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_STANDARD_PRIV - 2NDFL file format: Standard Priviledge
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_TOTAL_AMOUNTS - 2NDFL file format: Total Amounts
PRU_2NDFL_FILE_TRANSFER - 2NDFL file format: Payments to Budget
PRU_2NDFL_HEADER_PAGE1 - 2NDFL print format: Header Page1
PRU_2NDFL_HEADER_PAGEN - 2NDFL print format: Header PageN
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_COMMON - 2NDFL print format: Commons
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_DATA - 2NDFL print format: Master Data
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_INCOME - 2NDFL print format: Incomes
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_PAYMENTS - 2NDFL print format: Payments to Budget

PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_RATE - 2NDFL print format: Rates
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_TAXDEDUCTION - 2NDFL print format: Standard and Real Estate Tax Deductions
PRU_2NDFL_PRNT_UVED - 2NDFL print format: Notice
PRU_4FSS_ER00 - 4-FSS Legal form head of Form
PRU_4FSS_ERKEY - 4-FSS Employer keys
PRU_4FSS_FIPER - FI figures by month in T2 and T9
PRU_4FSS_FIPERDOC - FI figures by month in T2 and T9 with order number
PRU_4FSS_FIPERDOC_TEXT - FI figures by month in T2 and T9 with order number
PRU_4FSS_FIPER_TEXT - FI figures by month in T2 and T9
PRU_4FSS_FORM - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V1 - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V2 - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V2_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V3 - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V4 - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V5 - 4-FSS structure of the Form
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
PRU_4FSS_HEAD - 4-FSS structure HEAD
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V3 - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V4 - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V5 - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT1_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS part 1 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2 - 4-FSS part 2 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_KEY - 4-FSS key structure of the Part2
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V1 - 4-FSS part 2 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS part 2 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V3 - 4-FSS part 2 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS part 2 of Form
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V4 - 4-FSS structure of Part2
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of Part2
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V5 - 4-FSS structure of Part2
PRU_4FSS_PRT2_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of Part2
PRU_4FSS_PRT3 - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_KEY - 4-FSS key of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V1 - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V2 - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V2_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V3 - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_PRT3_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of Part3
PRU_4FSS_T0_V3 - 4FSS structure of T0
PRU_4FSS_T0_V3_TEXT - 4FSS structure of T0
PRU_4FSS_T1 - 4FSS structure of T1
PRU_4FSS_T102 - figures by month in line 2 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T102_TEXT - figures by month in line 2 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T103 - figures by month in line 3 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T103_TEXT - figures by month in line 3 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T105 - figures by month in line 5of T1
PRU_4FSS_T105_TEXT - figures by month in line 5of T1
PRU_4FSS_T106 - figures by month in line 6 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T106_TEXT - figures by month in line 6 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T10I - 4-FSS section T10I
PRU_4FSS_T10I_SIMPLE - 4-FSS section T10I without subtables
PRU_4FSS_T10I_SIMPLE_TEXT - 4-FSS section T10I without subtables
PRU_4FSS_T10I_TEXT - 4-FSS section T10I
PRU_4FSS_T10I_V2 - 4-FSS section T10I
PRU_4FSS_T10_V2 - 4-FSS section T10I
PRU_4FSS_T10_V2_TEXT - 4-FSS section T10I
PRU_4FSS_T10_V5 - 4-FSS structure T10
PRU_4FSS_T11 - 4-FSS section T11
PRU_4FSS_T115 - figures by month in line 15 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T115_TEXT - figures by month in line 15 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T116 - figures by month in line 16 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T116_TEXT - figures by month in line 16 of T1
PRU_4FSS_T11_TEXT - 4-FSS section T11
PRU_4FSS_T11_V1 - 4-FSS section T11
PRU_4FSS_T12 - 4-FSS section T12
PRU_4FSS_T12_TEXT - 4-FSS section T12
PRU_4FSS_T12_V3 - 4-FSS structure T12
PRU_4FSS_T12_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T12
PRU_4FSS_T13_V3 - 4-FSS section T13
PRU_4FSS_T13_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS section T13
PRU_4FSS_T1AV - 4FSS structure of section T1AV
PRU_4FSS_T1ES - 4fss t1es
PRU_4FSS_T1FI_SIMPLE - 4-FSS structure T1FI
PRU_4FSS_T1_TEXT - 4FSS structure of T1
PRU_4FSS_T1_V3 - 4-FSS structure T1FI
PRU_4FSS_T1_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T1FI
PRU_4FSS_T203 - figures by month in line 3 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T203_TEXT - figures by month in line 3 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T204 - figures by month in line 4 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T204_TEXT - figures by month in line 4 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T205 - figures by month in line 5 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T205_TEXT - figures by month in line 5 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T206 - figures by month in line 6 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T206_TEXT - figures by month in line 6 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T207 - figures by month in line 07 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T207_TEXT - figures by month in line 7 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T215 - figures by month in line 15 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T215_TEXT - figures by month in line 15 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T216 - figures by month in line 16 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T216_TEXT - figures by month in line 16 of T2
PRU_4FSS_T2FI - 4-FSS structure T2FI
PRU_4FSS_T2FI_SIMPLE - 4-FSS structure T2FI
PRU_4FSS_T2FI_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T2FI
PRU_4FSS_T2_V2 - 4-FSS structure T2FI
PRU_4FSS_T2_V2_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T2FI
PRU_4FSS_T2_V3 - 4-FSS structure T2
PRU_4FSS_T2_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T2
PRU_4FSS_T2_V5 - 4-FSS structure T2
PRU_4FSS_T2_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T2
PRU_4FSS_T3 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T31_V4 - 4-FSS structure T3.1
PRU_4FSS_T31_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3.1
PRU_4FSS_T3AM - 4-FSS structure T3AM
PRU_4FSS_T3CH - 4-FSS section T3CH
PRU_4FSS_T3CN - 4-FSS structure T3CN
PRU_4FSS_T3SL - 4-FSS structure T3 Salary grades
PRU_4FSS_T3SL_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3 Salary grades
PRU_4FSS_T3V3 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V3 - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V4 - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V5 - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3WI_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3WI
PRU_4FSS_T3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V1 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V3 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V4 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V5 - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T3_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T3
PRU_4FSS_T4 - 4-FSS section T4
PRU_4FSS_T41 - 4-FSS structure T4.1
PRU_4FSS_T41_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T4.1
PRU_4FSS_T41_V5 - 4-FSS structure T4.1
PRU_4FSS_T42_V5 - 4-FSS structure T4.2
PRU_4FSS_T42_V5_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T4.2
PRU_4FSS_T43_V5 - 4-FSS structure T4.3
PRU_4FSS_T44_V5 - 4-FSS structure T4.4
PRU_4FSS_T4AV - 4-FSS section T4AV
PRU_4FSS_T4ES - 4-FSS section T4ES
PRU_4FSS_T4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T4
PRU_4FSS_T4_V3 - 4-FSS structure T4
PRU_4FSS_T4_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T4
PRU_4FSS_T4_V4 - 4-FSS structure T4
PRU_4FSS_T4_V5 - 4-FSS structure T4
PRU_4FSS_T5FI - 4-FSS section T5FI
PRU_4FSS_T5FI_TEXT - 4-FSS section T5FI
PRU_4FSS_T5_V3 - 4-FSS structure T5
PRU_4FSS_T5_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T5
PRU_4FSS_T5_V4 - 4-FSS section T5
PRU_4FSS_T5_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T5
PRU_4FSS_T6 - 4-FSS section T6
PRU_4FSS_T6AM - 4-FSS section T6AM
PRU_4FSS_T6CH - 4-FSS section T6CH
PRU_4FSS_T6CN - 4-FSS section T6CN
PRU_4FSS_T6SL - 4-FSS structure T6 Salary grades
PRU_4FSS_T6SL_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T6 Salary grades
PRU_4FSS_T6WI_V4 - 4-FSS section T6WI
PRU_4FSS_T6WI_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T6WI
PRU_4FSS_T6_TEXT - 4-FSS section T6
PRU_4FSS_T6_V1 - 4-FSS section T6
PRU_4FSS_T6_V3 - 4-FSS section T6FI
PRU_4FSS_T6_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS section T6FI
PRU_4FSS_T6_V4 - 4-FSS section T6
PRU_4FSS_T6_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T6
PRU_4FSS_T7 - 4-FSS section T7
PRU_4FSS_T702 - figures by month in line 2 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T702_TEXT - figures by month in line 2 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T711 - figures by month in line 11 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T711_TEXT - figures by month in line 11 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T712 - figures by month in line 12 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T712_TEXT - figures by month in line 12 of T7
PRU_4FSS_T7_TEXT - 4-FSS section T7 - text
PRU_4FSS_T7_V3 - 4-FSS structure T7
PRU_4FSS_T7_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS structure T7
PRU_4FSS_T7_V4 - 4-FSS section T7I
PRU_4FSS_T7_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T7I
PRU_4FSS_T8 - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V1 - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V3 - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V3_TEXT - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V4 - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T8_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T8
PRU_4FSS_T9 - 4-FSS section T9
PRU_4FSS_T9AV - 4-FSS section T9AV
PRU_4FSS_T9IT - 4-FSS section T9IT
PRU_4FSS_T9WI - 4-FSS section T9WI
PRU_4FSS_T9WI_V1 - 4-FSS section T9WI
PRU_4FSS_T9WI_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS section T9WI
PRU_4FSS_T9WT - 4-FSS section t9wt
PRU_4FSS_T9WT_SIMPLE - 4-FSS section T9WT fields only
PRU_4FSS_T9_TEXT - 4-FSS section T9
PRU_4FSS_T9_V4 - 4-FSS section T9
PRU_4FSS_T9_V4_TEXT - 4-FSS section T9
PRU_4FSS_TA02 - figures by month in line 2 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TA02_TEXT - figures by month in line 2 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TA10 - figures by month in line 10 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TA10_TEXT - figures by month in line 10 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TA11 - figures by month in line 11 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TA11_TEXT - figures by month in line 11 of T10
PRU_4FSS_TFLG - 4-FSS Table Print Flags
PRU_ACTIVE_HIFI - Hire-fire dates of active employee
PRU_ADJUST_FACTOR - Internal structure for adjustment factors
PRU_AVP1_DMEE - AVP0 & AVP1 DMEE structure
PRU_DED_GROUP - PRPRI: Group of deduct
PRU_DED_GROUP_CE - PRPRI: Group of deduct
PRU_DED_LGART - Lgart with priority for deductions in PRPRI
PRU_DED_LGART_CE - Lgart with priority for deductions in PRPRI
PRU_EXPR_RSV1_EXKEY - RSV-1 external provider EXKEY
PRU_EXPR_RSV1_FIELD - RSV-1 external provider DAQ-field
PRU_EXPR_RSV1_WT - RSV-1 external provider WT
PRU_EXPR_RSV1_WTC - RSV-1 external provider WTC
PRU_EXPR_RSV1_WTF - RSV-1 external provider data
PRU_FDC_LONG_KEY - HR RU form data cluster full key
PRU_FORM_ADV62 - PFR: Form - ADV-6-2 (title)
PRU_FORM_ADV62_SVE - PFR: Form - ADV-6-2 (packages data table)
PRU_FSSRECORD - Record for FSS registry
PRU_IC_BIRTHPLACE_DATA - The Insurance Certificate - Birthplace Data
PRU_IC_PERSONAL_DATA - The Insurance Certificate Personal Data
PRU_PF_KEY - SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2, SZV-6-3 - Package key
PRU_Q0009 - CIS - Q-Structure for IT 0009, screen 2033
PRU_RUCDT - Internal structure for PY function RUCDT
PRU_SA_DATA - State Awards
PRU_T5YN4_F4 - T5YN4 structure for view
PRU_VAR_PERSON - Structure for table VAR_PERSON
PS0290 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0290 - Identity card CIS
PS02904 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0294 - WehrDienst CIS
PS0291 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0291 - Taxes CIS
PS0292 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0292 - Social Insurance
PS0293 - Pers.Master Record: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer CIS)
PS0295 - HR Master Record Infotype 0295 (Garnishment Order)
PS0296 - HR Master Record Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document).
PS0298 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0298 - Prikaz CIS
PS0299 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0299 (Tax privileges)
Q0292 - HR Screen Record: Infotype 0292 - Social Insurance
Q0293 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0293 (Previous Employer - CIS)
Q0295 - Garnishment Order
Q0296 - Screen Fields for Infotype 0296 (Garnishment Document)
T7RU0290DRCAT - Driving License categories (CIS)
T7RU0290DRCATT - Text for Driving License Categories (CIS)
T7RU1B - Payee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard)
T7RU51AV_A - alculation Rules for Averages - Russian fields
T7RU51AV_B - Cumulation Rules for Averages - Russian fields
T7RU9A_GRP - Assignment groups to Organization
T7RU9GP - Assignment of parameters to the group
T7RU9GRP - Definition of the groups
T7RU9GRP_T - Text of Group of parameters
T7RU9PAR - Definition of the parameters
T7RU9PAR_T - Text for Parameters of group of parameters
T7RU9PAR_VAL - Value of the parameter
T7RUAWARDS - State Awards
T7RUAWARDSG - State Awards Groups
T7RUCATS - Payer categories
T7RUD1 - Group of deductions
T7RUD1T - Group of deductions - texts
T7RUD2 - Wage Types of deductions for limiting
T7RUD3 - Limit Rules
T7RUDOCTYPES - Document types
T7RUDOCTYPEST - Document types
T7RUG0 - HR: Garnishment Order Types
T7RUG1 - Garnishment Document Category
T7RUG3 - Rules for Calculation of Garnishment Order Types
T7RUG9 - Money order fee for payment method
T7RUGA - Garnishment: Region Key
T7RUGV - Rules for Calculation of garnishment order type
T7RUGX - HR: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia) - TEXT table
T7RUGY - HR: Garnishment Order Types
T7RUGZ - Garnishment: Region Key: Texts
T7RUM0 - Military card information catalogue
T7RUOC1 - Content of Employee Selection Process
T7RUOC2 - Process of Employee Selection
T7RUOC2T - Texts of Process of Employee Selection
T7RUP0 - Tax schema
T7RUP1 - Tax's schema
T7RUP2 - Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula
T7RUP3 - Grouping of Employees for Pension Insurance/Accumula
T7RUR0 - HR RU Forms
T7RUR1 - Subtypes of HR RU forms
T7RURS - Details About Reasons for Actions
T7RURST - Specification for Reasons of Action Texts
T7RUT0 - Name of taxes/netto payments
T7RUT1 - Taxes and netto payments
T7RUT1_CE - Taxes and netto payments - addition for CE
T7RUT2 - Name of Tax Privileges
T7RUT3 - Tax privileges
T7RUT3_CE - Tax privileges
T7RUT4 - Values of Minimum Pay
T7RUT5 - Social Insurance
T7RUT5_PAID - Social Insurance - Paid days of illness
T7RUT6 - Text for Social group SI
T7RUT7 - Social Insurance Group Modifier
T7RUT8 - Conversion of Social Insurance Group
T7RUT_XAB - Cover processing to refine AB in RUNAB
T7RU_554T - Absence and Attendance Texts
T7RU_556B - Absence Quota Type Texts
T7RU_99F0 - Forms - Russian Attributes
T7RU_99FF - Russian addition to DAQ Field definition
T7RU_99FFC - Russian addition to DAQ Field definition (Customer's)
T7RU_99FM - Report Control Field mapping

SAP Payroll Journal Tables PY-RU-FP-PJ

HRF_PAYRU_PE_PA_RESULT - Person and Personnel Assignment Results International
PRU_GARN_DOC - Structure for MetaStar Garnishment Document (RU)
PRU_HRFORMS_GARN_ORD - Structure for MetaStar Garnishment Orders (RU)
PRU_HRFORMS_PREVEMPLR - Structure for MetaStar Pervious Employer (RU)
PRU_HRFORMS_WORKING_CONDITIONS - Structure for MetaStar: Working Conditions (RU)
PRU_HRFORMS_WORK_BOOK - Structure for MetaStar Work Book (RU)
PRU_HRFORMS_WORK_COND - Structure for MetaStar: Working Conditions (RU)
PRU_ORDERS - Structure for MetaStar: Orders (RU)
PRU_TAXPRIV - Structure for MetaStar: Tax Privileges (RU)