SAP Tables | Payroll | Japan SAP PY

SAP PY Japan Tables (PY-JP)

SAP Japan Tables PY-JP

HRPAYJP_TERM_SELATTR - HR Selection Attributes for Termination JP
P0888 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0888
P0889 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0889
P0890 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0890
P0890_AF - Additional Query Fields
P0903 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0903(Benefit Resource Mgmt)
P0903_AF - Additional Query Fields
P22J_ALV_CEC_LIST - ALV node for report RPCECKJ0
P22J_ALV_EAD - ALV node for report RPCEADJ0
P22J_ALV_EAD_DATA1 - ALV node for report RPCEDAJ0
P22J_ALV_EAD_LIST - Employee list for report RPCEADJ0
P22J_ALV_IDP_DETAIL - ALV node for report RPCIDPJ0
P22J_ALV_IDP_HEAD - ALV node for report RPCIDPJ0
P22J_ALV_IDP_INSDE - Insurance Deduction List
P22J_ALV_LIA_ACCID - ALV node of accident insurance for report RPCLIAJ0
P22J_ALV_LIA_ACT - ALV node for report RPCLIAJ0
P22J_ALV_LIA_UNEMP - ALV node of unemployee for report RPCLIAJ0
P22J_ALV_RPL_LIST - ALV conversion for report RPLLIDJ
P22J_ALV_SIMPLE - ALV node for report RPCEADJ0
P22J_CSIG_CANDS_HI - CSIG-Candidates for Health Insurance

P22J_CSIG_CANDS_PI - CSIG-Candidates for Health Insurance
P22J_DATA1 - app log conversion for RPCRESJ0
P22J_DATA2 - use for app log conversion for RPCRESJ0
P22J_DATA3 - app log for RPCRESJ0
P22J_EAD_DETAIL - Detail Log Overview
P22J_EAD_TEMSE_ALL - ALV node for report RPCEADJ0
P22J_EAD_TEMSE_DETAIL - ALV node for report RPCEADJ0
P22J_LAPH_ALV - ALV-Structure for RPLABHJ0
P22J_LAPH_APPRAISAL_ALV - ALV Sub-Structure for Report RPLAPHJ0 (Appraisal Information
P22J_LAPH_PERNR_ALV - ALV Sub-Structure for Report RPLAPHJ0
P22J_LAPH_SORT_ALV - ALV Sub-Structure for Report RPLAPHJ0
P22J_LDTD_ALV - ALV conversion for report RPLLIDJ
P22J_LSIP_ALV - Detail Information for RPLSIPJ1
P22J_PRTJ0_EMP - Structure for Employee's Detail Node
P22J_PRTJ0_EMP_BADI - Employee's Detail structure for BADI
P22J_PRTJ0_SUM - Summary of Payment Reports
P22J_RESJ0_ALL - Structure for all employee node
P22J_RPCLSTYJ_KEY - App log conversion for clusters (YJ)
P22J_RPCSIBJ0_DATA1 - app conversion for RPCSIBJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_DATA1 - Structure for acquisition node in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_DATA1_NODE - Structure for acquisition sub node in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_DATA2 - Structure for transfer node in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_DATA3 - Structure for subtab data in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_DATA4 - Structure for lost+certification data in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_HEADER1 - Acquisicion node Header structure in report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPCUEMJ0_PDATA - Employee data report RPCUEMJ0
P22J_RPLADDJ0_DATA1 - app conversion for RPLADDJ0
P22J_RPLRTCJ0_DATA1 - Errorlist for RPLRTCJ0
P22J_UDELG_ALV - Client Info in ALV
P22_ALLOWANCE - Allowance for each leaving and pay
P22_CEB - Structure for report CEB
P22_CEB_APPL - Structure for Application Form for Cont Employ Benefits
P22_CEB_CERT - Structure for Certification & Appl. for Cont Employ Benfit
P22_EE_NO_LIST - Employee No List per Income Tax Modifier
P22_EMP_PAY_INFO - Structure for Employment Income-Payment Information
P22_EMP_TAX_STM - Structure for Employment Income-Withholding Tax Statement

P22_ITXMF - Income Tax Modifier for Summary of Withholding Tax Statement
P22_ITXMF_T2 - Income tax modifier for Summary of Withholding Tax Statement
P22_PC202_ALV - ALV-Structure for PC202
P22_PC207_ALV - ALV-Structure for PC207
P22_PC265_ALV - ALV-Structure for PC265
P22_PC266_ALV - ALV-Structure for PC266
P22_RET_O - Retirement information old
P22_RET_PAY_INFO - Structure for Retirement Income-Payment Information
P22_RET_TAX_STM - Structure for Retirement Income-Withholding Tax Statement
P22_RPCSIKJ0_DATA1 - app log conversion for RPCSIKJ0
P22_RTS - Structure of Withholding Tax Statement for Retirement Income
P22_RTS_TMP - Structure of Withholding Tax Statement for Retirement Income
P22_SO_ITXMF - Range table structure of ITXMF
P22_SO_RETDT - Range table structure of ITXMF
P22_TAX_RJ_CAT - Tax modifier for employee with tax category
P22_TAX_YJ - Internal strructure for RPCWTSJ0
PA0888 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0888
PA0889 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0889
PA0890 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0890
PA0903 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0903
PAYJP_INTER_GJ - Internal tables for the payroll image
PAYJP_NATIONAL - HR-PAY-JP: National part payroll result
PAYJP_NATIONAL_GJ - HR-PAY-JP: National part payroll result (Santei/Gapan)
PAYJP_RESULT - HR-PAY-JP: Definition of payroll result
PAYJP_RESULT_GJ - HR-PAY-JP: Definition of payroll result(Santei/Geppen)
PC262 - Add to working place and basic pay (Japan)
PC263 - Payroll Results: Income Tax (Japan)
PC264 - Payroll Results: Social/Labour Insurance (Japan)
PC265 - Payroll Results: Income Tax for Year End Adjustment (Japan)
PC266 - Evaluation Result: SANTEI/GEPPEN (Japan)
PC2JP_CPT - Payroll result: Retirement Benefit Result
PC2JP_ESGT - Evaluation Result: SANTEI/GEPPEN Annual (Japan)
PC2JP_HEIRAN - Payroll Results: Hei Ran Results Table
PC2JP_KGT - Kijungai time occured in for-period with Position info
PC2JP_MAT - Cumulation Table for Flexible Payroll
PC2JP_MST - Payroll result: Monthly socail insurance table
PC2JP_RETTAX - Payroll Results: Detailed Retirement Tax Infomation
PC2JP_RET_INFO - Payroll Results: Retirement Information Table
PC2JP_SHUKKO - Shukko settlement information

PJP00 - Communication structure for RPCEADJ0
PJPCP - Structure for Feature 22CPP
PJPSK_INTERIM_RT - Interim result table for shukko settlement calculation
PJPSK_P0851_WTGRP - Shukko Cost charging info per wagetype grouping
PJPSK_RANGE_LGART - Range of wagetypes included in a wagetype grouping
PJP_BP_EMP_NODE - Line structure for retirement benefit point
PJP_BP_PNTASN_DETAIL - Detail screen structure for report PNTASN
PJP_BP_PNTASN_OUTPUT - Detail Screen Structure for Report PNTASN
PJP_BP_POINT_NODE - Line structure for retirement benefit point
PJP_BP_QGEN_PRD - Internal Table for Generating Revison/Calculation Periods
PJP_CP_APRCAL_ALL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_APRCAL
PJP_CP_APRCAL_DETAIL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_APRCAL
PJP_CP_APRCAL_MOD - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_APRCAL
PJP_CP_BNCHK_ALL - display structure for report HJPUCP_BNCHK
PJP_CP_BNCHK_DETAIL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_BNCHK(sub-plan level)
PJP_CP_BNCHK_MOD - Line structure for modifier node of report HJPUCP_STCHK
PJP_CP_BRCAL_ALL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_PRCAL
PJP_CP_BRCAL_DETAIL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_PRCAL(sub-plan level)
PJP_CP_BRCAL_MOD - Line structure for modifier node of report HJPUCP_STCHK
PJP_CP_DF_END_ATTRIB - The End Record Structure of Employee Attributes Data
PJP_CP_DF_END_DISQLF - The End Record Structure of Participant Disqualification Dat
PJP_CP_DF_END_PREMIUM - The End Record Structure of Employer Premium Amount Change D
PJP_CP_DF_H1_ATTRIB - Header Structure 1 for Employee Attributes Data
PJP_CP_DF_H1_DISQLF - Header Structure 1 for Participant Disqualification Data
PJP_CP_DF_H1_PREMIUM - Header Structure 1 for Employer Premium Amount Change Data
PJP_CP_DF_H1_RESULT - Header Structure 1 for Contribution Result Data File (CP)
PJP_CP_DF_H2_ATTRIB - The Header Record 2 of Employee Attributes Data
PJP_CP_DF_H2_DISQLF - The header record 2 of Participant Disqualification Data
PJP_CP_DF_H2_PREMIUM - The Header Record 2 of Employer Premium Amount Change Data
PJP_CP_DF_SV_ATTRIB - The serveice record structure of Employee Attributes Data
PJP_CP_DF_SV_DISQLF - The serveice record structure of Participant Disqualificatio
PJP_CP_DF_SV_PREMIUM - The Service Record Structure of Employer Premium Amount Chan
PJP_CP_DF_TL_ATTRIB - The trailor record structure of Employee Attributes Data
PJP_CP_DF_TL_DISQLF - The trailor record structure of Participant Disqualification
PJP_CP_DF_TL_PREMIUM - The Trailor Record Structure of Employer Premium Amount Chan
PJP_CP_DTFL_SEL_PARAM - The structure for parameter transfer to the BAdI
PJP_CP_DTF_MOD - Line structure for modifier node
PJP_CP_ELIG_REQ - Participant eligibility requisites
PJP_CP_ELIG_RESULT - Eligibility check result
PJP_CP_ITEM_HELP - F4 help structure for field name
PJP_CP_PAMNR_ALL - display structure for report HJPUCP_PAMNR
PJP_CP_PAMNR_MOD - Line structure for modifier node
PJP_CP_PRCAL_ALL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_PRCAL
PJP_CP_PRCAL_DETAIL - Layout structure for report HJPUCP_PRCAL(sub-plan level)
PJP_CP_PRCAL_MOD - Line structure for modifier node of report HJPUCP_STCHK
PJP_CP_PS_RETURN - Participant Status Check Return
PJP_CP_QGEN_PRD - Internal Table for Generating Assignment Periods
PJP_CP_RETR_RUL - Infotype retrieve rule for Corporate Pension
PJP_CP_STCHK_ALL - display structure for report HJPUCP_STCHK
PJP_CP_STCHK_DETAIL - Detail screen structure for report STCHK
PJP_CP_STCHK_MOD - Line structure for modifier node of report HJPUCP_STCHK
PJP_CP_SUBPLN - Retirement benefit plan sub-plan information
PJP_FORM_12PAY - 12 Payments in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_12PAYDAY - 12 Paydays in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_12PAYDEP - 12 dependencies in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_12TAXCG - 12 Tax categories in form of RPCEWGJ3
PJP_FORM_12TIME - 12 Time in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_1YEA - 1 YEA in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_5PAYDAY - 5 Paydays in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_ALLOTHER - All other information in form of RPCEWGJ2 (Obsolete)
PJP_FORM_ALLPAY - All Payments in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_ALLTIME - All Time in form of RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_AWRITE - Writing structure
PJP_FORM_DEPEND - dependence
PJP_FORM_EWGJ2 - interface for RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_EWGJ2_FLEX - Interface for RPCEWGJ2 for flex payroll
PJP_FORM_FULL_SOUKATSUHYOU - Adobe form conversion
PJP_FORM_GENSEN - Structure for Adobe Form GENSEN
PJP_FORM_GENSEN_EMP - Structure for employee for Adobe Form GENSEN
PJP_FORM_MONTH - Monthly pay result be stored
PJP_FORM_PAYDAY - pay date
PJP_FORM_PAYMENT - Payment for no resident in JP
PJP_FORM_PAY_TEXT - static text
PJP_FORM_REF - reference for variant
PJP_FORM_RETIRE - retire structure
PJP_FORM_SEC - structure for the second page
PJP_FORM_SHOYO_RESULT - Month Payment or SHOYO for no resident in JP
PJP_FORM_STXT - text element for RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_SYOYO_BEGDT - Shoyo period begin date
PJP_FORM_SYOYO_ENDDT - Shoyo Period End Date
PJP_FORM_TAXCG - Tax categories for RPCEWGJ2
PJP_FORM_TAXCG_FLEX - All Tax categories in form of RPCEWGJ3
PJP_FORM_THI - third page for printout
PJP_GEPPEN_FD - Output structure for SI FD : GEPPEN Form
PJP_GEPPEN_FD_KENPO - Output structure for SI FD : GEPPEN Form for HI Union
PJP_GEPPEN_FD_KIKIN - Output structure for SI FD : GEPPEN Form for PF
PJP_HR_JP_RPJ0 - Payment records for non-resident (Japan)
PJP_JS_SIIJ0 - Layout structure for report RPCSIIJ0
PJP_JS_SIIJ1 - Selection structure for report RPCSIIJ0
PJP_LA_2006 - Line Structure of ALV Display of HJPULA_GRTIMEOF
PJP_LA_ABPRD - Structure of Absence Number and Pay Period
PJP_LA_IT_ENHANCED - Structure to Convert OT WageType for IT Data
PJP_LA_OT - Structure to Convert OT WageType for Batch Input
PJP_RPCEADJ0_FD - Data file contents for Withholding Tax Statement
PJP_RPCEADJ0_FD_RES - Data file contents for Pay slip
PJP_RPCHUBJ0_BADI - Communication structure for report RPCHUBJ0
PJP_RPCHUSGJ0_BADI - Communication structure for report RPCHUSJ0, RPCHUGJ0
PJP_RPCPFBJ0_BADI - Communication structure for report RPCPFBJ0
PJP_RPCPFSGJ0_BADI - Communication structure for report RPCPFSJ0, RPCPFGJ0
PJP_RPLDDLJ0_ALV2 - Internal table structure for header in RPLDDLJ0
PJP_SANTEI_FD - Output structure for SI FD : SANTEI Form
PJP_SANTEI_FD_KENPO - Output structure for SI FD : SANTEI Form for HI Union
PJP_SANTEI_FD_KIKIN - Output structure for SI FD : SANTEI Form for PF
PJP_SHOYO_PAYMENT_FD - Output structure for SI FD : Shoyo Payment Form
PJP_SHOYO_PAYMENT_FD_KENPO - Output structure for SI FD : Shoyo Payment Form for HI Union
PJP_SHOYO_PAYMENT_FD_KIKIN - Output structure for SI FD : Shoyo Payment Form for PF
PJP_SIFD_SANTEI_GEPPEN - Communication structure for SI FD SANTEI/GEPPEN
PJP_SIFD_SHOYO_PAYMENT - Communication structure for SI FD Shoyo payment form
PJP_TIMEFLAG - active flag
PMELA - Extended Control Data for Feature 22LSA
PS0888 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0888 (Pre-paid & DC Plan)
PS0889 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0889 (DB & EPF Plan)
PS0890 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0888 (Benefit Point Sys. Mgmt)
PS0903 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0903 (Benefit Resource Mgmt)
Q0888 - Screen Fields: Infotype 088 (Pre-paid & DC plan)
Q0889 - Screen Fields: Infotype 0889 (DB & EPF Plan)
QT7JPBP_UPTBL - Screen Field for Value Table in Benefit Poit
RPCRTXJ0_ALV1 - Structure for RPCRTXJ0 - Residence tax payment (Japan)
RPCRTXJ0_ALV2 - Structure for RPCRTXJ0 - Residence tax payment (Japan)
RPCRTXJ0_ALV3 - Structure for RPCRTXJ0 - Residence tax payment (Japan)
RPCRTXJ0_ALV4 - Structure for RPCRTXJ0 - Residence tax payment (Japan)
RPCSIPJ0_DETAIL - Detail for report RPCSIPJ0
RPCSIPJ0_OVERVIEW - Overview for report RPCSIPJ0
RPCXXXJX - Structure for Report Parameter RPCxxxJx (Japan)
RPLRACJ0 - Structure for report RPLRACJ0
T5J19 - HR Combination for Family Dependant Tax Deduction JPN
T5J1A - HR-J: Overseas pay payment rate
T5J20 - HR Amount for Famliy Dependent Tax Deduction JPN
T5J35 - HR Indicator of Taxation JPN
T5J36 - HR Tax Indicator Text JPN
T5J37 - HR Indicator Year End Adjustment JPN
T5J38 - HR Year End Adjustment Indicator Text JPN
T5J39 - HR Standard Annual Income Y.E.A. JPN
T5J40 - HR Tax Deduction Amount Y.E.A. JPN
T5J41 - HR Rate of Income Tax for Syoyo JPN
T5J42 - HR Payroll Income Tax - Monthly Chart JPN
T5J43 - HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily KOU JPN
T5J44 - HR Payroll Income Tax - Daily OTSU JPN
T5J48 - HR Payroll Income Tax - Reconstruction
T5J50 - HR Residence Tax Change Reason JPN
T5J51 - HR Text for Residence Tax Change Reason JPN
T5J52 - HR Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN
T5J53 - HR Text for Residence Tax Collection Indicator JPN
T5J54 - HR Insurance Product Type JPN
T5J55 - HR Text for Insurance Product Type JPN
T5J57 - HR Special Tax Table for Retirement Income (Pension) JPN
T5J58 - HR Combination Insurance Company Type/Product JPN
T5J64 - HR Commuting Allowance - Non-taxable Amounts JPN
T5J69 - HR Attributes to SYOYO payroll run JP
T5J86 - HR-J: Taxation Type Indicator JPN
T5J87 - HR-J: Taxation type text
T5J88 - HR-J: Payment class
T5J89 - HR-J: Payment class text
T5J99 - Wagetype correspond Table.
T5JFT - Multiple payment model in a month
T5JKG - Kijungai period setting per payroll area
T5JMA - Multiple payment model in a month
T7JPBP_ALLOCS - Allocation Course for Benefit Points
T7JPBP_ALLOCSA - Assign Allocation Course to Retirement Benefit Plan
T7JPBP_ALLOCST - Text Table for Allocation Course for Benefit Points
T7JPBP_ASNPARA - Assign Assignment Period Parameters
T7JPBP_ASNPERD - Benefit Point Assginement Period
T7JPBP_ASNPERP - Assignment Period Parameters
T7JPBP_ASNPERPT - Text Table for Assignment Period Parameters
T7JPBP_BPCOMA - Assign Retirement Benefit Point System for Each Company Code
T7JPBP_CALCGRP - Allocation Calculation Group
T7JPBP_CALCGRPT - Text Table for Allocation Calculation Group
T7JPBP_CALDEC - Decision Factor
T7JPBP_CALDECT - Text Table for Decision Factor of Benefit Point
T7JPBP_CALGRPA - Assign Allocation Calculation Group to SI Modifier
T7JPBP_CLFCPAR - Calculation Factor Parameters
T7JPBP_CLFCPART - Text Table for Calculation Factor Parameter
T7JPBP_CLFCTBL - Calc. Factor Parameter Value Table
T7JPBP_EMPGRP - Retirement Benefit Point Target Employee Group
T7JPBP_EMPGRPT - Text Table for Target Employee Group
T7JPBP_FORMULA - Calculation Formula
T7JPBP_PNT - Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPBP_PNTDEC - Assign Decision Point Types to Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPBP_PNTGRPA - Assign Target Employee Group to Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPBP_PNTT - Text Table for Retirement Benefit Point
T7JPBP_PNTTBL - Retirement Benefit Point Value Table
T7JPBP_PNTTYP - Retirement Benefit Point Type
T7JPBP_PNTTYPT - Text Table for Retirement Benefit Point Type
T7JPBP_REDRULE - Reduction Rule for Point Value of Current Period
T7JPBP_UPDEC - Point Unit Price Decision Factor
T7JPBP_UPTBL - Point Unit Price Value Table
T7JPCP_AGERQ - Age Requisites
T7JPCP_APPOFFI - Define Applied Office Data
T7JPCP_ASNPERD - Assignment Period for Retirement Benefit Resource
T7JPCP_BENATTR - Define Benefit Attributes
T7JPCP_BENMODA - Assign Benefit Modifier to Pension Plan
T7JPCP_BENPNTY - Define Retirement Benefit Plan Type
T7JPCP_BENPNTYT - Text table for retirement benefit plan type
T7JPCP_BENTYPE - Define Benefit Type
T7JPCP_BENTYPET - Text Table for Benefit Type
T7JPCP_CALCGRP - Define Contribution Amount Calculation Groups
T7JPCP_CALCGRPT - Contribution Amount Calculation Group Description
T7JPCP_CALGRPA - Contribution Amount Calculation Group Assignment
T7JPCP_CALPERP - Define Calculation Period Parameter
T7JPCP_CALPERPT - Text Table for Calculation Period Parameters
T7JPCP_CBACPAR - Virtual Individual Account Balance Parameters
T7JPCP_CBDEC - Decision Factors for Re-assessment Rate
T7JPCP_CBDECT - Text Table for Decision Factors of Re-assessment Rate
T7JPCP_CBFCPAR - Re-assessment Rate Decision Factor Parameters
T7JPCP_CBFCTBL - Reassessment Rate Factor Parameter Value Table
T7JPCP_CHGRSN - Reason of Change
T7JPCP_CLBSDAS - Calculation Basis Parameter Basic Pay Data Source
T7JPCP_CLBSPAR - Calculation Basis Parameter
T7JPCP_CLDECFC - Decision Factor
T7JPCP_CLDECFCT - Decision Factor Text
T7JPCP_CLFCPAR - Calculation Factor Parameter
T7JPCP_CLFCPART - Calculation Factor Parameter Text
T7JPCP_CLFCTBL - Calculation Factor Parameter Value Table
T7JPCP_CONSRSN - Define Premium Contribution Suspension Reason
T7JPCP_CONSRSNT - Define Premium Contribution Suspension Reason Text
T7JPCP_CPPLNTYP - Define Corporate Pension Plan Type
T7JPCP_CPPLNTYPT - Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan Type
T7JPCP_CPPNSTY - Define Corporate Pension Plan Subtype
T7JPCP_CPPNSTYT - Text Table for Corporate Pension Plan Subtype
T7JPCP_CTRC - Maintain Contract Data
T7JPCP_DBBERQ - Pension Benefit Eligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_DCDTRMD - Distribution Method of Amount Exceeding Maximum Contribution
T7JPCP_DTFLSTR - Define Data File Structure
T7JPCP_DTRUL - Define Contribution Determination and Reference Date Rule
T7JPCP_ELGRQ - Participation Eligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_EXTINST - Define External Institution
T7JPCP_EXTINSTT - Text Table for External Institution
T7JPCP_FORMCAT - Define Form Category
T7JPCP_FORMCATT - Define Form Category Text
T7JPCP_FORMRCD - Define Form Record
T7JPCP_FORMRCDT - Define Form Record Description
T7JPCP_FORMSPC - Define Form Specification
T7JPCP_FORMULA - Calculation Formulas
T7JPCP_IMPLCO - Define Corporate-type DC plan Implementing Companies
T7JPCP_INELGRQ - Participation Ineligibility Requisites
T7JPCP_JOBGRD - Define Job Grade
T7JPCP_JOBGRDT - Text Table for Job Grade
T7JPCP_JOBTYPE - Define Job Type
T7JPCP_JOBTYPET - Text Table for Job Type
T7JPCP_JOBTYRQ - Job Type Requisites
T7JPCP_PARTGRP - Paticipant Group Definition
T7JPCP_PARTGRPT - Paticipant Group Definition Text Table
T7JPCP_PARTSTA - Participant Status
T7JPCP_PARTSTAT - Participant Status Text Table
T7JPCP_PAYCOUR - Benefit Payment Period Course
T7JPCP_PAYCOURT - Text Table for Benefit Payment Period Course
T7JPCP_PAYMTHD - Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Contribution Method
T7JPCP_PAYPER - Define Pre-paid Retirement Allowance Calculatuion period
T7JPCP_PAYTPER - Define Benefit Payment Period Information
T7JPCP_PENSION - Corporate Pension Plan
T7JPCP_PENSIONT - Corporate Pension Plan Text Table
T7JPCP_PGPLNAS - Assign Participant Group to Pension Plan
T7JPCP_PRDECFC - Decision Factors for Premium Rate/Amount
T7JPCP_PRDECFCT - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter Decision Factor Text
T7JPCP_PREMFML - Premium Calculation Formula
T7JPCP_PREMPAR - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter
T7JPCP_PREMPART - Premium Rate/Amount Parameter Text
T7JPCP_PREMTY - Pension Premium Type
T7JPCP_PREMTYT - Text Table for Premium Type
T7JPCP_PRFCTBL - Premium Amount/Rate Parameters Value Table
T7JPCP_PSCHRSN - Reason of Participant Status Change
T7JPCP_PSCHRSNT - Reason of Participant Status Change Text Table
T7JPCP_REDRULE - Reduction Rule of Current Assignment Period Basis Payment
T7JPCP_REPCO - Define Corporate-type DC plan Representitive Company
T7JPCP_REVPERA - Assign Period Parameter
T7JPCP_REVPERD - Revision Period
T7JPCP_RNDRULE - Rounding Rule
T7JPCP_RNDRULET - Rouding Rules Text
T7JPCP_SENRQ - Seniority Requisites
T7JPCP_STDKDT - Key Date for Standard Premium Parameter
T7JPCP_SUBPLN - DB Plan Sub Plan
T7JPCP_SUBPLNT - DB Plan Sub Plan Text Table

SAP Payroll Journal Tables PY-JP-FP-PJ

HRF_JP_STAR_ITY_EXTORG - Line Structure for HR Forms MetaStar ITY_EXTORG_JP
HRF_KGT_JP - No longer used in HRForm
HRF_PAYJP_PE_PA_RESULT - Person and Personnel Assignment Results Japan