SAP Tables | Payroll | Italy SAP PY

SAP PY Italy Tables (PY-IT)

SAP Italy Tables PY-IT

HCMT_BSP_PA_IT_R3206 - Screen Structure for Infotype 3206
HRPAYIT_S_730_2012_XML - 730 2012 XML Structure
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_ANNOT - CUD 2011 Annotation Line
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_VARTAB - Structure of boxes table CEI 2011
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_VARTAB_DISPL - Structure of boxes table CEI 2011
HRPAYIT_S_LOG_CERT_MAL - Structure for illness certificate log
HRPAYIT_S_LOG_CERT_MAL_NOMATCH - Structure for illness certificate log
HRPAYIT_S_LOG_CERT_MAL_TOTALS - Structure for illness certificate log (TOTALS)
P15001 - Type 1 record DM10 tape
P15002 - Record 2 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15003 - Record 3 structure for DM10/M on magnetic medium
P15I1 - Structure for infotype 158 reading - Italy only
P15I8 - Structure for the payroll log
P15_730_UI_ALV_OUT - Data entry from CAF

P15_730_UI_ALV_OUT_2012 - Data entry from CAF
P15_770TTOT - Structure Type for 770 (Totals)
P15_770_GENERAL_REC - General Record
P15_770_GENERAL_TEXT - General Text
P15_770_GENERAL_VAR_FLD - General Field Table Variable
P15_770_INPUT_DATA - Data Input - 770
P15_770_INPUT_RECORD - Record Input - 770
P15_770_REC_G_NEW09 - G Record - 770
P15_770_RESULT - Structure for Result ALV
P15_770_SS - SS Section - 770
P15_770_TOTAL - Total Structure - 770
P15_770_TOTAL_STR - Total Structure
P15_ANFTAB_A2_UI - ANF user interface structure for RPCANFI1
P15_ANFTAB_A4_UI - ANF user interface structure for RPCANFI1
P15_ANTINAIL - Advance Table for Report RPCINAI0
P15_ANTINAIL - Advance Table for Report RPCINAI0
P15_C1_NEW - Payroll IT: new C1 assignment
P15_C1_OLD - Payroll IT: previous C1 assignment
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_A - Structure of CBI File (Record A)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_B - Structure of CBI File (Record B)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_M - Structure of CBI File (Record B)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_V - Structure CBI File (Record V)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_V1 - Structure CBI File (Record V)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_V2 - Structure CBI File (Record V)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_V3 - Structure CBI File (Record V)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_Z - Structure of CBI File (Record Z)
P15_CBI_F24_EP_RECORD_Z - Structure of CBI File (Record Z)
P15_CNTLS - List of grace counters for current employee
P15_COCO_ADDR - CoCoCo - Address
P15_COCO_GC - CoCoCo - Contribution record
P15_COCO_GL - CoCoCo - Member data
P15_COCO_GM - CoCoCo - third party data
P15_COCO_GR - CoCoCo - payment list
P15_COVER - Coverage History markings
P15_COVS3 - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_CUDBOX - CUD result table
P15_CUDS3 - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_CUDVAR - Result table from CUD form
P15_CUD_SAPSCRIPT_INFO - Information for CUD sapscript printout

P15_DMA_BOX - DMA Box Structure
P15_ENTRA_F24_V - Entratel F24: Structure for Record V
P15_F24_ACCISE - Excise Duties Alv F24
P15_F24_PAYROLL_RESULT - F24 Payroll Result
P15_F24_PAYROLL_RESULT_LOC - F24 Payroll Result local
P15_F24_PAYROLL_RESULT_REG - F24 Payroll Result Regional
P15_GLA_MISC - Additional structure for DAQ/GLA application
P15_IMPIEGATI - Structure for employees list - Migration Tool Infotype 0548
P15_IMPIEGATI - Structure for employees list - Migration Tool Infotype 0548
P15_IMPIEGATI - Structure for employees list - Migration Tool Infotype 0548
P15_INAIL_INPUT_FILE - Input Data for INAIL Report
P15_INAIL_MISC - Additional structure for DAQ/INAIL application
P15_INPDAP_F1 - Loans Split Structure
P15_INPSMBOX - Structure for monthly INPS data
P15_INPSM_CUSTOM_APPL_DATA - Custom data for monthly INPS
P15_INPSM_CUSTOM_EE_DATA - Employee custom data for monthly INPS
P15_KEY_T5ITC1 - Key for table T5ITC1
P15_LIBROUNICO - Output list for Single Employment Ledger
P15_LIBROUNICO - Output list for Single Employment Ledger
P15_LIBROUNICO - Output list for Single Employment Ledger
P15_LIBROUNICO - Output list for Single Employment Ledger
P15_LIBROUNICO - Output list for Single Employment Ledger
P15_MV_PAL_DAQ_WT - Structure for "Data Acquisition by wage types" Category
P15_MV_PAL_DAQ_WT - Structure for "Data Acquisition by wage types" Category
P15_MV_PAL_DAQ_WT - Structure for "Data Acquisition by wage types" Category
P15_PERCUD - Structure for CEI lock
P15_PERNR_EL - Structure with PN list
P15_PERUNIE - Structure for uniemens block
P15_PRELP - Prelp type
P15_PRELP - Prelp type
P15_S3207 - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S320I - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3BOX - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3COV - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3FLG - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3ORE - Number of hours for CUD - section 3

P15_S3RAC - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3V0N - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_S3WKS - Result analysis table for section 3 of CUD
P15_SCELTA_TFR - SI choice
P15_SCELTA_TFR - SI choice
P15_SCELTA_TFR - SI choice
P15_SCELTA_TFR - SI choice
P15_T5ITNP_A_UI - Structure for report RPUDUII0 DM10
P15_T5ITNP_UI - Structure for report RPUDUII0 DM10
P15_T5ITUA_UI - Structure for report RPUDUAI0
P15_T5ITUI_CUD - Structure for report RPUDUII0 for CUD
P15_T5ITUI_UI - Structure for report RPUDUII0
P15_TBOX - Structure of CUD 2002 box table
P15_TCUD - Structure of CUD 2002 box table
P15_TFILE - Structure for CUD 2002 'layout' file
P15_TFILEB - Structure for CUD 2002 'layout' file
P15_TINPSSEDE - Structure for INPS and office selection display
P15_TOLEC - Counters for grace
P15_TOLER_COUNT - Counters for grace
P15_TSPEZENTE - Structure for CUD 2002 institution fraction display
P15_TTOT - Struttura for file CUD 2002
P15_UEINPSK_UI - Structure for INPS key ALV
P15_UEINPSK_UI_CO - Structure for INPS key ALV
P15_UE_RESULTS - Cluster I0/I1 Uniemens results
P15_UE_SIDETAIL - Structure for Social Insurance detail
P15_UE_SI_A_UI - Uniemens ALV User Interface Company SI table structure
P15_UE_SI_I_UI - Uniemens Alv user Interface indiv. SI tab struc
P15_UE_STATUS_UI - UniEmens: employees' status for cluster viewer
P15_UNIEM_VARTAB - Structure used for UniEmens
P15_UNIEM_VARTAB_PERNR_UI - Structure used for UniEmens User Interface
P15_UNIEM_VARTAB_UI - Structure used for UniEmens User Interface
P15__UNIEMENS_ARRETRATI95 - Structure of Uniemens Section Arrears95
P3206 - HR Master Record for Infotype 3206
P3206_AF - Additional Query Fields
P3214 - HR Master Record for Infotype 3214
P3214_AF - Additional Query Fields
PA3206 - HR Master Record: Infotype 3206
PA3214 - HR Master Record: Infotype 3214
PAYIT_NATIONAL - HR-PAY-IT: Country-specific part of payroll result
PAYIT_RESULT - HR-PAY-IT: Structure for payroll results
PC15_CLPC_WT01 - Cluster PC weekly viewer: Monday
PC15_CLPC_WT02 - Cluster PC weekly viewer: Tuesday
PC15_CLPC_WT03 - Cluster PC weekly viewer: Wednesday
PC15_CLPC_WT04 - Cluster PC weekly viewer: Thursday
PC15_CLPC_WT05 - Cluster PC weekly viewer: Friday
PC15_CLPC_WT06 - Cluster PC weekly vewer: Saturday
PC15_CLPC_WT07 - Cluster PC weekly vewer: Sunday
PC1I0 - Uniemens Cluster: Company Key Structure for Rel. ID I0
PC1I1 - Cluster Uniemens: Employee Key Structure for Rel. ID I0
PC1I2 - Cluster Uniemens: Structure of cluster directory I0
PC1I3 - UniEmens Cluster: company key for relid I1
PC1I4 - UniEmens cluster: "Individual" key from I1 - Personnel data
PC1I5 - Uniemens Cluster: Wpbp Structure of Employees
PC1I6 - Uniemens Cluster: Company's Administrative Data
PC1I7 - Cluster UniEmens: Social Insurance Data of Employee
PC1I8 - UniEmens Cluster: Social Insurance Data for Company
PC1I9 - UniEmens Cluster: Amounts of Employee's Declaration
PC1IA - UniEmens Cluster: Employee's Declaration Data
PC1IA - UniEmens Cluster: Employee's Declaration Data
PC1IA - UniEmens Cluster: Employee's Declaration Data
PC1IA - UniEmens Cluster: Employee's Declaration Data
PC1IA - UniEmens Cluster: Employee's Declaration Data
PC26F - Data structure for Infotype 305 Management - Italy only
PC26G - Structure for infotype 0155 (IT) with date
PC26H - Structure for infotype 16 reading - Italy only
PC29O - RI cluster structure for family allowance
PC2I7 - RI cluster structure for cumulations (IPCUM)
PC2R2 - EEF : Result Table
PC2R3 - EEF: Special Payments
PC2R4 - Payroll accounting results: Social security data (IT 0154)
PC2R5 - Payroll accounting results: Administrative data (IT 0155)
PC2R6 - Payroll results: tax deductions (IT 0156).
PC2R7 - RI cluster structure for retroactive accounting
PIT_S_CHECK_REL - HR-PT: Enhancement package releases and forbidden switches
PMEDM - String of Fields for Characteristics of DMA Declaration
PMEI2 - Structure for feature MOFON IT0548 (IT)
PMEI3 - Structure with Table Key T5ITO2
PMEI4 - Stringa campi per gestione Feature DMA ( Italia )
PMEI4 - Stringa campi per gestione Feature DMA ( Italia )
PMEI6 - HR-IT: Link between Infotype 21 and Table T5ITDS
PMEI6 - HR-IT: Link between Infotype 21 and Table T5ITDS
PMEI8 - UniEmens: Structure for Feature UNIEM
PMEI9 - UniEmens: structure for feature
PMEIB - Field string for char. for ITCLI Dismissal Contribution
PS3206 - DMA Split
PS3214 - HR Master Record: Infotype 3214 (Juridical data)
PS3214_0008 - Structure of Infotype 3214 subtype 0003 0004 0005
PS3214_0014 - Structure for infotype (3214) subtype 0003 - 0004 - 0005
PS3214_0015 - Structure of infotype 3214 subtype 0003 0004 0005
PS3214_GLOB - Structure for infotype (3214) subtype 0003 - 0004 - 0005
PS3214_MANSS - Structure of infotype (3214) subtype 0002
PS3214_PROVV - Structure of infotype 3214 subtype 0001
PTM_MARK15_FIELD - Internal Fields (char100) for Markings of Coverage History
PTM_MARKTAB_15 - Coverage History markings
PTM_MARKTAB_15_RICH - Coverage History markings
PTM_MARKTAB_15_RICH - Coverage History markings
RPCF24I0L12 - RPCF24I0 for the interface (itab_region)
RPCF24I0L13 - RPCF24I0 interface (tabella_erario2)
RPCF24I0L14 - Table_Others
RPCF24I0L15 - RPCF24I0 interface itab_inps
RPCF24I0L1A - RPCF24I0 interface type
RPCINMI0L0 - ALV Node for report RPCINMI0
RPCLPCI01 - Structure for report RPCLPCI0
RPCLPCI01J - Structure for report RPCLPCI01
RPCLPCI01M - Structure for report RPCLPCI01
RPCLPCI01M_PERC - Percentage
RPCLPCI01M_TAGE - Days of the month
RPCLPCI01W - Structure for Report RPCLPCI0
RPISCAI0_01 - Structure for ALV PAL - Report RPISCAI0
RPISCAI0_02 - Structure for ALV PAL - Report RPISCAI0
RPISCAI0_03 - Structure for ALV PAL - Report RPISCAI0
RPISCAI0_04 - Structure for ALV PAL - Report RPISCAI0
RPXEUDI0 - Structure for selection screen report RPCEUDI0 (Italy)
RPXF24I0 - Structure for selection screen report RPCEUDI0 (Italy)
T5IT30 - Events and reasons
T5IT31 - Text table for events and reasons
T5IT32 - Entity table for event/reason code
T5IT33 - Events and reasons
T5IT34 - Events and reasons
T5IT35 - Sender and CoCoCo Sections (Emens Declaration)
T5IT36 - CoCoCo - Activity codes
T5IT36T - CoCoCo - Activity codes - Descriptions
T5ITAI - Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences
T5ITAI - Cumulation wage types of recalculated differences
T5ITAO - Wage types to be recalculated
T5ITAS - Definition of retro accounting steps
T5ITAS - Definition of retro accounting steps
T5ITCO1 - Italy: Transferring wage types - Conditions
T5ITCO2 - Italy: Transferring wage types - Processing
T5ITDMA_1 - Fixed values for DMA DAQ fields
T5ITDMA_2 - Fund values for DAQ fields
T5ITDMA_C - CUD and DMA: Temse files
T5ITDMA_C2 - Mapping between CUD and DMA fields
T5ITF24BG - Module group table
T5ITFC - TFR Choices Entity Table
T5ITFS - Choices TFR Text Table
T5ITIN0 - INAIL table to update group data
T5ITIN1 - Contribution INAIL table
T5ITIQ - Evalution rules for reimbursements and integrations
T5ITIR - Maximum number of days for integration and reimbursement
T5ITJ1 - Juridical periodical payments (Italy)
T5ITJ2 - Juridical periodical payments (Italy)
T5ITLISTAPOSPA - Table for element
T5ITLISTAPOSPA - Table for element
T5ITME - Current Yr Mun Surch Payment Exc Table (Fin Law 2007)
T5ITO1 - Association Employee type / Supplementary Fund Code
T5ITO2 - Association CDFON/TPIFO to MOPTF
T5ITOC - Association Payment Type / Supplementary Fund Code
T5ITOF - Association Additional Fund Code / Taxation Type
T5ITOIE - Supplementary Social Security Fund Enrollment Type
T5ITOIT - Supplementary Social Security Fund Enrollment Type Descrptn
T5ITPM - Check Table for Higher Duties : infotype (3214) subtype 0002
T5ITPOSPA - Table for section IPPos for UniEmens
T5ITPOS_A - Header table for traceability
T5ITPOS_B - Data (traceability)
T5ITPOS_C - Customozing Table for Posting
T5ITPR - Legal acts
T5ITPRT - Legal act (descriptions)
T5ITQ3 - Processing conditions
T5ITQ9 - Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. services
T5ITQH - Contribution facility codes cont.&coord. services Text Table
T5ITU1 - Collective Labour Agreement coefficients
T5ITUA - User Data Table of the Company for Report/ Legal Form
T5ITUB - Report: report field mapping - output boxes
T5ITUD - Report: report and attribution fields
T5ITUDT - Report: field texts
T5ITUDT_C - Report: field texts
T5ITUD_C - Report: report and attribution fields
T5ITUE - Reporting factory configuration
T5ITUE_C - Reporting factory configuration
T5ITUF - Report: definition
T5ITUFT - Report: definition texts
T5ITUG - Unified reporting: output generation
T5ITUGE - Unified reporting: content types for output generation
T5ITUGET - Unified reporting: Text table for content type
T5ITUG_C - Unified reporting: output generation
T5ITUI - User Data Table for Report / Legal Form
T5ITUP - Report: post-processing field step
T5ITUP_C - Report: post-processing field step
T5ITUS - Report: section
T5ITUST - Report: section text
T5ITUS_C - Report: section
T5ITUS_C - Report: section
T5ITW1 - Table to create modules for forms
T5ITW2 - Text table to create module for forms
T5ITW3 - Table to create sections for the modules of the forms
T5ITW4 - Description of the Sections
T5ITW5 - Characteristics of the sections
T5ITW6 - Rounding Characteristics of the modules
T5ITW9_PS - Table to change the codes from RPF24I0_2008 (PS)
T5ITX0 - Texts for notes
T5ITX1 - Legal form boxes
T5ITX2 - Description of legal form boxes
TAB_DELTAS - Wage type table structure for post-settlement
TAB_DELTAS_OUTPUT_SHORT - List body for ALV in rpcpoci0

SAP Payroll Journal Tables PY-IT-FP-PJ

HRF_PAYIT_PE_PA_RESULT - Person and Personnel Assignment Results Italy