SAP Tables | Personnel Time Management | Shift Planning SAP PT

SAP PT Shift Planning Tables (PT-SP)

SAP Shift Planning Tables PT-SP

APPTYPEAVAIL - Availability for Appointments in SCAPPTYPE
GENAVAIL - Structure of Results List from GENERALAVAILABILITY FuncMod
HRI1039 - Infotype 1039: Fields
HRI1040 - Infotype 1040: Fields
HRI1046 - Requirements Attributes
HRI1049 - Requirements Attributes: Tables Infotype
HRP1039 - Database Table for Infotype 1039
HRP1040 - Database Table for Infotype 1040
HRP1046 - Database Table for Infotype 1046
HRP1049 - Database Tables for Infotype 1049
HRPAD067 - Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD071 - Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
HRPAD63 - PAD63 Additional Data
HRPADTI - PADTI Additional Data
HRPADUZ - PADUZ Additional Data: Requirements Assignment of Persons
HRSPUSR - Shift Planning: User-Specific Entry Objects
HRSPUSR_CUST - Shift Planning: User-specific Customizing Setting
HRSP_AUTH_INFTY_TAB - Buffer Table for Infotype Authorizations PP61
HRSP_BREAK - Shift Planning: Structure for Managing Breaks
HRSP_CELL_STYLE - Display and Style of Cell

HRSP_COPY - Copy/Swap Shifts
HRSP_DAY_STRUC - Style and Contents of Cell in Planning Table
HRSP_EMPLOYEE_TYPE - Shift Planning: Assigned Persons / Req. for Exact Interval
HRSP_FIXED_COLS_OUTPUTLEN - Line Type: Width of Lead Column in ALV Grid
HRSP_HITLIST - Shift Planning: Hitlist (Name/Text)
HRSP_HITLIST_TAB - Hitlist: Priotizing Employees
HRSP_INFOCOLUMN - Info Column/Proposal Lists: Employee Information
HRSP_INFOCOL_ADMIN - Maintaining Contents of an Info Column (Shift Planning)
HRSP_INFOCOL_OBJ - Shift Planning: Information Column (Name/Text)
HRSP_INFO_STRUC - Info Column Configuration (for Display)
HRSP_INTERVALS - Shift Planning: Interval Table for Requirements
HRSP_OBJECT - Table Structure for PD Framework Objects, only Object ID
HRSP_OBJECT_DATE - Table Structure for PD Framework Objects, Object ID and Date
HRSP_PERNR_DATE_TAB - List of Selected Personnel Numbers and Days
HRSP_PERSONS_HITLIST - Shift Planning: Person Hitlist Display
HRSP_PERSON_RECORD - Shift Planning: Time Information per Employee
HRSP_PLAN_STRUC - Display Information for Shift Plan
HRSP_POOL - Data Relevant for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_DISPLAY - Data Relevant for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_GUID - GUID for Pool Management
HRSP_POOL_REQUESTER - Shift Planner Data
HRSP_POOL_RQMT - Requirements Records of Resource Procurement HRSP_POOL_RQST
HRSP_POOL_RQST - Resource Procurement
HRSP_POOL_RQSTNS - Resource Procurement (Without Strings)
HRSP_POOL_RQST_ATTR - Resource Procurement: Attributes
HRSP_POOL_RQST_ATTR_NS - Resource Procurement: Attributes
HRSP_PREV_MONTH - Display Fields for Prev. Month on Entry Screen PP61
HRSP_PRNT - Print Options
HRSP_PROTOCOL_STRUC - Structure for Error Table
HRSP_REPORT - Reports for Shift Planning
HRSP_REQUEST_STRUC - Display Information for Requirements Matchup in Shift Plan
HRSP_REQ_ASSIGN - Shift Planning: Requirements and Assigned Persons
HRSP_REQ_ASSIGN_PRIO - Shift Planning: Requirements and Assigned Persons
HRSP_REQ_ASSIGN_PRIO_EXTENDED - Shift Planning: Requirements and Assigned People (Enhanced)
HRSP_REQ_DAYS - Style and Contents of Cell in Requirements Matchup Per Day
HRSP_SDP - Shift Planning: Shift During Period
HRSP_SEL_RULE - Display Fields for Strategy Selection Popup
HRSP_SHIFT_ATTRIBUTE - Shift Attributes for Substitution Types

HRSP_STYLE - General Attributes for Displaying Color and Style
HRSP_STYLE_NORMAL_STRUC - Structure for Color Display
HRSP_TEMP_ASSIGN - Structure for Display of Temporary Assignments
HRSP_TIMEINFO - Shift Planning: Structure for Time Information
HRSP_TOOLBOX - Display Information for Toolbox (Abbreviation) in Shift Plan
HRSP_USER_CUST - Shift Planning: Transfer Structure for User Customizing
HRSP_VAREDT - Time Statement Form Variants
HRT1049 - Tables Part of Infotype 1049
HRWFPUSR - Shift Planning: User-specific Sorting
OBJECT_DATA - Transfer Structure Objects with Keys, Short and Long Text
P1039 - Infotype 1039: Shift Group
P1039_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1040 - Infotype 1040: Blank Job Requirements Indicator
P1040_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1046 - Infotype 1046: Requirements Attributes
P1046_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1049 - Infotype 1049
P1049_AF - Additional Query Fields
P1049_EXP - Infotype 1049 (enhanced)
PAD067 - Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
PAD071 - Additional Data for Temporary Assignments
PAD63 - Additional Data for Job Requirements Relationship
PAD63_QUE - Structure for Additional Data in Query
PADTI - Add'l data on relationships w/time interval and capacity
PADUZ - Additional Data for Time Interval Realationships
PADUZ_QUE - Structure for Additional Data in Query
PDASSIGN - Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date
PDBCA - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulated Accdg to Types
PDBCD - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition Accumulatd on Daily Basis
PDBCI - Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated on Interval Basis
PDBCW - Shift Planning: Reqmts Def. Accumulated in Weekly Overview
PDBD1 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBD2 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBD3 - Shift Planning: Screen Fields for Requirements Definition
PDBDA - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition According to Types
PDBDD - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Daily Basis
PDBDI - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition on Interval Basis
PDBDW - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition in Weekly Overview
PDBEC - Shift Planning: Accumulated Requirements Definition

PDBED - Shift Planning: Job-Related Requirements Definition
PDBEDO - Reqmts Adjustmnt: Jobs Required for Each Shift per Org. Unit
PDCLS - Job Including One Person
PDINF - Structure with Info Type for Function Module Call
PDMATCHUP - Assign Person to Cover Requirements of the Period
PDORG - Shift Planning: Organizational Unit Data
PDPERS - Persons for the Shift Plan
PDPERSORG - Organizational/Anticipated Assignment of Persons
PDPLA - Shift Planning: Structure of Target and Actual Shift Plan
PDPNR - Structure with Personnel Number for Function Module Call
PDPSP - Pers. Shift Plan w/Absences/Attendances/On-call duty, etc.
PDRCA - Shift Planning: Reqmts Definition for Internal Calendar
PDREQ - Shift Planning: Requirements Matchup
PDRQ1 - Requirements Editing: Requirements Specifications
PDRQ2 - Requirements Processin: Entries 5000 + Subscreen 5100
PDRQ3 - Requirements Editing: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assgnmnt
PDRQ4 - Requirements Processing: Qualifications
PDRQ5 - Requirements Processing: Settings
PDRQ6 - Requirements View: Select Reqmts Accrdng to Org. Assignmnt
PDRQ7 - Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes
PDRQ8 - Requirements Processing: Requirements Attributes
PDRQ9 - Requirements Processing: Req. Specs Details
PDSPADMIN - Shift Planning: General Attributes
PDSPDAY - Shift Planning: Shift Plan Day View
PDSPL - Shift Planning: Screen Structure (Assignment View)
PDSPMATCH - Requirements Matchup for the Shift Plan
PDSPPERSON - Employees Assigned to Cover Requirements
PDSPPSP - Pers. Shift Plan w/ Absences/Attendances of Less Than 1 Day
PDSPREQ - Shift Planning: Requirements Definition Interface
PDSPTEAM - Shift Team: Editing the Screen Structure
PDSPWORK - Requirements Source for Shift Planning
PDSP_ENTRY - Entry Screen for Shift Planning
PDSP_OBJECTS - Shift Planning: Target and Source Objects Found
PDSP_PERSON - Assignment of Persons to Job/Organizational Unit per Date
PDSP_PRFL - Shift Planning: Profile Structure
PDSP_SHIFTGROUP - Transfer Structure for Shift Groups
PDSP_STATUS - Shift Planning Entry (Status of Shift Plan)
PERSONS_INTERVALS - Person-related Time Intervals
PERSTIME - Employee Time Information (Shift Planning)
PFEDY - Struture of Fields in SAPFH5AE
PSHIFT_PBS - Shift Planning: Shift Abbreviation for Persons
PSOLL - Shift Planning: Target Plan
PT1049 - Requirements Attributes: Tables Infotype
REQUEST_INTERVALS - Requirements Time Intervals with Number
SHOW_TEMP_ASSIGN - Structure for Display of Temporary Assignments
SPASSIGN - Requirements Assignments of Employees to Cover Requirements
T77DB - Shift Groups for Organizational Units
T77DT - Texts for Shift Groups
T77EB - Shift Planning: Entry Profile Texts for Table T77EP
T77EC - Shift Planning: Definition of Profiles
T77ED - Shift Planning: Definition of Shifts
T77EDAYCUST - Select Subscreens from Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_E - Entity Table for Tab Pages in Detail Dialog Box
T77EDAYCUST_T - Text for Subscreen Selection from Detail Dialog Box
T77ED_MORE - Add'l Transfer Structure for T77ED w/ Texts and Indicators
T77EH - Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for Assignments
T77EHT - Shift Planning: Proposal Lists for T77EH Text Table
T77EI - Contents of Info Column for Shift Planning
T77EIT - Text Table for T77EI (Info Column for Shift Planning)
T77EJ - Info Column: Pre-sets
T77EOPT - Shift Planning: Assignment Options Setting
T77EP - Shift Planning: Entry Profiles
T77ER - Substitution Types in Shift Plans
T77ES - Selection ID for Shift Planning Profile
T77ET - Shift Planning: Descriptions of Shift Abbreviations
T77EVOPT - Shift Planning: Proposal Determination Options
T77EVOPTT - Texts for Assignment Strategies
T77EVOPT_DEF - Default Assignment Strategy for Shift Group
T77EZOPT - Shift Planning: Assignment Options
T77EZOPT_T - Shift Planning: Assignment Options Texts
T77RB - Requirement Types per Shift Group of Organizational Unit
T77RD - Shift Planning: Requirements Types for Reqmnts Definition
T77RQ_ICON - Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Shift Planning
T77RQ_ICON_T - Icon Settings for Requirements Matchup - Status Text
T77RT - Requirements Type Description for Requirements Definition
T77SP_CD - Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequence
T77SP_CDT - Shift Planning: Names for Abbreviation Sequence Rules
T77SP_CE - Shift Planning: Rules for Abbreviation Sequences
T77SP_DAYMARK - Shift Planning: Selection for Special Indicator
T77SP_STYLE - Color and Character Formatting for Shift Planning
T7PBS_ADHOC_1 - Shift Abbreviations Without Working Time Check
T7PBS_ADHOC_3 - Specifications for Abbreviations Relating to ADHOC Update
T7PBS_ADHOC_4 - Proposals for Indicators for Ad Hoc Update
VHRT1049 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
WFP_EMPLOYEE_DEDUCTION - Simulative Quota Deduction for Shift Planning
WFP_NOLOCK - List of Employees Already Locked
WFP_PROTOCOL - Shift Planning: Log Structure for Changed Data
WFP_PROT_OPTIONS - Collision Options: Current vs. Planned Time Data
WFP_REQTYPES - Requirements Sources Object Types for Shift Profile
WFP_REQ_SOURCE - Shift Planning: Selection of Active Requirements Sources
WFP_SORTOBJECT - Objects with Sorting Keys

SAP Shift Planning for Public Sector Tables PT-SP-PS

HRDPBS_SHIFTPLAN_ADHOC - Structure for Transfer of ADHOC Functions
HRSPPS_AVAIL - Shift Abbreviations for Availability Duties
HRSPP_APL_ABS_ATT - APL: Table of Attendances/Absences for Absence Planner
HRSPP_APL_REP - Structure for Table Type HRSPP_APL_REP_TAB
HRSPP_ASG_DATA - Shift Planning Temporary Assignment: Details
HRSPP_CDOC_PSOLL - PT-SP: Alternative Structure to Infotype Log Creation PSOLL
HRSPP_CDOC_PSOLL_ALV - PT-SP: Structure for ALV Output of PSOLL Change Documents
HRSPP_EMP_INDEX - PRNR and Index of Employee List
HRSPP_ERR_LIST - Incorrect Personnel Numbers According to Time Evaluation
HRSPP_INFOCOL_BUFFER - Structure for Info Columns
HRSPP_INFO_COLUMNS - Structure for Info Columns
HRSPP_INFO_VARS - Structure for Info Column Variant Information
HRSPP_KOSTL - Shift Planning Cost Center Information: (Display)
HRSPP_OBJ_TEXTS - Shift Planning Object and Its Texts
HRSPP_PERSON_ASG_DISPLAY - Shift Planning Temporary Assignment of an Employee
HRSPP_SORT_LIST - Table with Sort Fields and Text
HRSPP_SRT_VAR - Structure for Variant Information
HRSPP_V_T7PBS_SP_TSN_E - Structure for Table Type HRSPP_T_T7PBS_SP_TSN_E
HRSP_ABS_CBF - Absence Planner: Callback Functions
HRSP_ABS_HIGH_SS - Absence Planner: Definition of High Season
HRSP_ABS_INF_COL - Info Columns for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSP_ABS_INF_LIN - Info Rows for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSP_ABS_PROF_T - Profile for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany
HRSP_BUFFER_SALDO - Shift Planning: Structure for BUFFER_SALDO
HRSP_BUFFER_ZL - Shift Planning: Structure for BUFFER_ZL
HRSP_FEHLER - Error from Cluster B2 for PEP
HRSP_PREV_SALDO - Shift Planning: Structure for PREV_SALDO
HRSP_PREV_ZL - Shift Planning: Structure for PREV_ZL
PSPP_INFO_COL - Table for Info Columns Associated with a Variant
PSPP_INFO_VAR - Table for Variant Information for Info Column Grouping
PSPP_INFO_VART - Table for Variant Text for Info Column Grouping
PSPP_SORT_DEF - Name and Properties of a Sorting (Variant)
PSPP_VAR - Name and Characteristic of Sorting (Variant)
PSPP_VAREMP - Statistical Employee Sorting
PSPP_VAROBJ - Initial Objects for Statistical Sorting
PSPP_VARSOR - Generic Employee Sorting
PSPP_VART - Text Table for Sorting
T7PBS_ADHOC_2 - Info Columns with ADHOC Update
T7PBS_DETAIL - Shift Planning: Detail for Information Line
T7PBS_SP_TSN_A - Examination Scheme/Education and Training Path
T7PBS_SP_TSN_A_T - Examination Scheme/Education and Training Path Texts
T7PBS_SP_TSN_B - Grouping for Practical Training
T7PBS_SP_TSN_B_T - Grouping for Practical Training: Texts
T7PBS_SP_TSN_C - Assgmt Training Infotype 0022) to Exam. Scheme/Training Path
T7PBS_SP_TSN_D - Assgmt Time Type to Exam. Scheme/Training Path and Grouping
T7PBS_SP_TSN_E - Time Statement for Nurses: Column Customizing for UI
T7PBS_SP_TSN_E_T - Grouping for Practical Training: Texts
T7PBS_SP_VRINF - Dynamic Sorting: Allowed Information Columns