SAP Tables | Public Sector Management | Grants Management SAP PSM

SAP PSM Grants Management Tables (PSM-GM)

SAP Grantee Management Tables PSM-GM-GTE

BAPI_0035_BUDGET_LAYOUT - GM budget layout
BAPI_0035_BUDGET_LAYOUT_X - GM budget layout update info
BAPI_0035_BUDGET_VALIDITY - Grant master budget validity
BAPI_0035_BUDGET_VALIDITY_X - Grant master budget validity update info
BAPI_0035_COSTSHARING - Cost sharing in the grant master
BAPI_0035_COSTSHARING_X - Grant cost sharing
BAPI_0035_DEFAULT_CONTROL - Checkbox for defaults to grant master
BAPI_0035_FIELDS - Single fields parameters for grant master creation
BAPI_0035_FUNDS - Funds for the grant master
BAPI_0035_FUNDS_X - GM grant master data : Funds update info
BAPI_0035_FUND_RECOVERY - Fund recovery for grant
BAPI_0035_FUND_RECOVERY_X - GM grant master data: Fund recovery update info
BAPI_0035_GET_CONTROL - GM: control for data retrieval in
BAPI_0035_GRANT_DESCRIPTION - GM Grant Description Texts
BAPI_0035_GRANT_DESCRIPTION_X - GM Grant Description Texts Update Info
BAPI_0035_HEADER - Header data for grant master creation
BAPI_0035_HEADER_ADD - Additional data for grant master creation
BAPI_0035_HEADER_ADD_X - GM grant master data: header_add update info
BAPI_0035_HEADER_GET - GM grant master : Header for GetDetail
BAPI_0035_HEADER_X - GM grant master data: header update info

BAPI_0035_IDC_CAP - Grant IDC Cap (Program + Class)
BAPI_0035_IDC_CAP2 - Grant IDC Cap (Grant level)
BAPI_0035_IDC_CAP2_X - GM grant master data: IDC CAP2 update info
BAPI_0035_IDC_CAP_X - GM grant master data: IDC cap update info
BAPI_0035_INDIRECTCOST - Indirectcost for grant master
BAPI_0035_INDIRECTCOST_X - GM grant master data: indirect cost update
BAPI_0035_REPORT_TRACK - GM report tracking
BAPI_0035_REPORT_TRACK_X - GM report tracking update info
BAPI_0035_RESPONSIBLE - Responsiblity for the grant
BAPI_0035_RESPONSIBLE_X - GM master data: Responsibility update info
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_CLASS - sponsored class for grant master
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_CLASS_X - GM grant master data: Class update info
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_OBJECTS - Grant master sponsored objects
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_OBJECTS_X - Grant master sponsored objects updte info
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_PROG - Sponsored program for grant master
BAPI_0035_SPONSORED_PROG_X - GM grant master data: sponsored programs update info
BAPI_0035_VALUETYPE - GM: grant master value type posting control
BAPI_0035_VALUETYPE_X - GM: grant master value type posting control update info
BAPI_0036_FIELDS - GM : Single fields parameters for BudgetEntry Document
BAPI_0036_FM_DATA - GM Entry document - FM Data
BAPI_0036_FM_DATA_GET - Fiscal year distribution (get detail)
BAPI_0036_GRANT - GM: Selection criteria for grant
BAPI_0036_HEADER - Header data for GM Entry document creation
BAPI_0036_HEADER_ADD - GM: additional header data
BAPI_0036_HEADER_GET - Header data for GM entry document (get detail)
BAPI_0036_ITEM - Entry Document -Line item
BAPI_0036_ITEM_GET - Line item (get detail)
BAPI_0036_ITEM_INKIND - Entry Document -Line item
BAPI_0036_ITEM_INKIND_GET - Entry Document -Line item
BAPI_0036_LIST - List of GM entry documents
BAPI_0036_REVERSAL_DATA - GM Entry document - Reversal Data
BAPI_0036_SELCREATEDBY - GM: Selection criteria for user name
BAPI_0036_SELCREATEDON - GM: Selection criteria for creation date
BAPI_0036_SELDOCDATE - GM: Selection criteria for document date
BAPI_0036_SELDOCNR - GM: Selection criteria for document number
BAPI_0036_SELDOCSTATE - GM: Selection criteria for document status
BAPI_0036_SELDOCTYPE - GM: Selection criteria for document type
BAPI_0036_SELGRANT - GM: Selection criteria for grant
BAPI_0036_SELOBJSYS - GM:Selection criteria for logical system of source document

BAPI_0036_SELOBJTYPE - GM: Selection criteria for reference procedure
BAPI_0036_SELPOSTDATE - GM: Selection criteria for posting date
BAPI_0036_SELPROCESS - GM: Selection criteria for process
BAPI_0036_SELREFDOC - GM: Selection criteria for reference document number
BAPI_0036_SELREFORGUN - GM: Selection criteria for reference organisational unit
BAPI_0036_SELREVREFNR - GM:Selection criteria for reversal reference document number
BAPI_0036_SELREVSTATE - GM: Selection criteria for reversal status
BAPI_0036_SELVERSION - GM: Selection criteria for version
BAPI_TE_GMBDGTHEADER - GM: BAPI Extension table for entry document (BUS0036)
BAPI_TE_GMGR - GM: BAPI extension table for grant master data (BUS0035)
GMARALLRECORDS - GM Archiving: Archived Records
GMAVCA - Actual line item table
GMAVCC - Object table 2
GMAVCO - Object table 1
GMAVCP - Plan line items table
GMAVCT - Summary table
GMBALGENERIC - Generic Application Log Context for GM
GMBAPI_SELECTION - GM: option and sign of a range
GMBDGT_ED_S_CI_HEADER - GM: structure for customer fields
GMBDGT_S_LVALXX - Value fields in Local Currency
GMCCSETTINGS - Company code settings
GMCOUPD - CO Settings for Grants Management Update
GMDEFARCHIVE - Define Archiving Settings for GM
GMFIUPD - FI Settings for Grants Management Update
GMGAAP_MAPPED - GAAP Customizing Accounts Mapped to Grant
GMGRANTNONE - Definition of Grant used as "Non-Relevant"
GMGR_CI_BAPI - GM: structure for customer fields
GMIA - Actual Line Item Table
GMIA_MAPPED - GMIA with maped Incoming Grant dimensions
GMIC - Object table GMIC
GMIO - Object table GMIO
GMIP - Plan line items table
GMIS - Reporting for table GMIT
GMIT - Summary table
GMVALUETYPE - Value Type definition
GMVALUETYPE_TEXT - Value Type texts
GMWF_S_APPROVE_LIST - Approve List Structure for Workflow
GMWF_S_NOTIFICATION_LIST - Approve List Structure for Workflow
GMWF_S_RESP_GRANT - Grant Responsibility Structure

GMWF_S_VARIABLES - GM Workflow Variables

SAP Budgeting and Availability Control Tables PSM-GM-GTE-BU

EGMAVCT - GMAVCT structure
GMAVCBUDFILTH - AVC filter settings for GM budget values: header entries
GMAVCLDGRACT - Activation of availability ledger for Grants Management
GMAVCLDGRATT - Attributes of Availability Control Ledger -Grants Management
GMAVCLDGRGAT - Year-Independent Attributes of Control Ledger (GM)
GMAVCT_KEY - Key fields lock object for GMAVCT
GMAVC_S_ACO_ANNUAL_TOTALS - Annual totals values of an availability control object
GMAVC_S_ACTUALS_LINE - Line item GM Actuals
GMAVC_S_AGMA_ADDRESS - Original account assignment for derivation of the ACO (GM)
GMAVC_S_AGMA_ADDRESS_SUPPL - Address related fields, derivation of control objects (GM)
GMAVC_S_AGMA_HELP_FIELDS - Additional fields for the derivation of control objects
GMAVC_S_AGMT_ACO_ADDRESS - Control object used for derivation of the tolerance profile
GMAVC_S_AGMT_ACO_ADDRESS_SUPPL - Address related fields, derivation of control objects (GM)
GMAVC_S_AGMT_HELP_FIELDS - Additional fields for the derivation of tolerance profiles
GMAVC_S_AGMT_TOLPROF - Result of derivation of tolerance profiles (AFMT)
GMAVC_S_BUDFILT - AVC filter settings for GM budgeting, header part
GMAVC_S_CHOR_ACO_ADDRESS - Control object for the derivation of the check horizon (GM)
GMAVC_S_CHOR_ACO_ADDRESS_SUPPL - Control object related fields, deriv. of check horizon (GM)
GMAVC_S_CHOR_HELP_FIELDS - Additional fields for the derivation of the check horizon
GMAVC_S_CHOR_HORIZON - Result of derivation of check horizon (CHOR)
GMAVC_S_DERI_ACTIVGRP - Fields used to determine the activity group for AVC (GM)
GMAVC_S_DIMENSIONS_STANDARD - AVC standard dimensions (GM)
GMAVC_S_POPER_VAL - Period and single values
GMAVC_S_QUERY - Query structure for GM AVC
GMBASIDX - Index table for GM objects
GMBASOBJNR - Object numbers of GM addresses
GMBAS_S_ADDRESS_OBJNR - Structure for mass selection of object numbers (GM)
GMBAS_S_OBJNR - Structure for lock object E_GMBASOBJNR
GMBDGTDISTHDR - GM Budgeting GM-FM Distribution Header
GMBDGTDISTID - GM Budgeting GM-FM Distribution ID
GMBDGTDISTLINES - GM Budgeting GM-FM Distribution Lines
GMBDGTDOCTYPE - Budget Document Type
GMBDGTDOCTYPET - Budget Document Type Descriptions
GMBDGTFM - FM defaults for Interface with GM Budget
GMBDGTFYDLINE - GM Budgeting Fiscal Year Distribution Lines
GMBDGTHDRPRCSS - User Interface GM Process
GMBDGTHDRPRCSST - User Interface GM Process
GMBDGTHEADER - Budget Document Header
GMBDGTLINE - Budget Document Line
GMBDGTLSTNUMBER - Last Budget Document Status
GMBDGTREASONCD - Reason Codes for Plan/Budget Documents
GMBDGTREASONCDT - Reason Codes for Plan/Budget Documents
GMBDGTSETTINGS - General GM Budgeting Transactions Settings
GMBDGTSETVERSION - General GM Budgeting Transactions Settings
GMBDGTSTRUHEADER - GM Budgeting Header Structure
GMBDGTSTRULINES - Special GM line structure for screen painter
GMBDGTSTRULSTNUMBER - Last Budget Document Status
GMBDGTSTRU_COPY_VERSION - Structure using in Copy Version
GMBDGTVALIDITY - Grant budget validity
GMBDGTVERSION - Plan/Budget Versions
GMBDGT_DISTRIBUTION_HEADER - GM Budgeting GM-FM Distribution Header
GMBDGT_DISTRIBUTION_LINES - GM Budgeting GM-FM Distribution Lines
GMBDGT_ED_S_FYDLINEITEMS - GM Budgeting --> Entry Document FY Dist Lines
GMBDGT_ED_S_HEADER - GM Budgeting --> Entry Document Header
GMBDGT_ED_S_KEY - GM Budgeting --> Entry Document Key
GMBDGT_ED_S_LINEITEMS - GM Budgeting --> Entry Document Lines
GMBDGT_FYD_COPY_ROW_SCREEN - GM Fiscal Year Distribution Copy Row Screen Structure
GMBDGT_GENERAL_STRUCTURES - General Structures for Budgeting
GMBDGT_HD_S_HEADER - GM Budgeting --> Held Document Header
GMBDGT_HD_S_KEY - GM Budgeting --> Held Document Key
GMBDGT_HD_S_LINEITEMS - GM Budgeting --> Held Document Lines
GMBDGT_HELD_DOCID - Document Id for a GM held document
GMBDGT_OBJECTS - GM Budgeting Objects
GMBDGT_STRU_DIM_TREE - Tree Control Item For GM
GMBDGT_S_CI_GMBDGTHEADER - Structure for customer fields in Grantee Managements
GMBDGT_S_ENQ_DOCUMENT - Structure to enqueue document
GMBDGT_S_GENERIC_HEADER - GM Budgeting Generic Header
GMBDGT_S_GENERIC_KEY - GM Budgeting generic Key
GMBDGT_S_LINES - Generic Item + Header Info for GM Budgeting
GMBDGT_S_MYDOCUMENTS - GM Budgeting My Documents data
GMBDGT_S_MYHDOCUMENTS - GM Budgeting My Documents data
GMBDGT_S_OBJECTS - GM Budgeting Objects
GMBDGT_S_POPER_VAL - Period and single values
GMBDGT_S_PROCESS_STATE - Internal Process Statuses
GMBDGT_S_TOBU - Generic Item + Header Info for GM Budgeting [Totals Buffer]
GMBDGT_S_TVALXX - Value fields in Grant Currency + RPMAX
GMBDGT_S_TVALXXPART - Value fields in Grant Currency
GMBD_S_TOTALS_LOCK - GM Budgeting: structure for totals lock object
GMBS_S_DIMSELTABS - Select options for GM dimensions
GMBS_S_MSG_LINE_PAR - Message parameter containing line number - for appl log
GMBS_S_OBJECT_PROTOCOL - Structure for budget structure list reports
GMBUDGT_S_LINE_CHANGED - GM Budgeting Structure for Line Changed
GMBUMP_S_ENTRYDOCCTRL - GM Entry document settings for mass posting
GMBUMP_S_GENERALCTRL - General settings for mass posting
GMBUMP_S_RECEIVERCTRL - GM Receiver settings for mass postings
GMBUMP_S_SCREEN - GM screen fields for mass data posting
GMBUMP_S_SENDERCTRL - GM Sender settings for mass postings
GMCSRULES - Cost Sharing Rules
GMCSRULESTEXTS - Cost sharing rule texts
GMFMREC - GM Revenues Increasing Budget: FM Budget Receivers
GMFMRECS - GM RIB: FM Receivers (obsolete)
GMFMRECS1 - GM RIB: FM Budget Receivers
GMHBDGTFYDLINE - GM Budgeting Fiscal Year Distribution Lines
GMHBDGTHEADER - Budget Header: Held Documents
GMHBDGTLINE - Budget Line: Held Documents
GMKU_S_DIMPART - GM account assignment
GMKU_S_DIMPARTS - GM account assignment with locking info
GMKU_S_GENKEYPART - Generic key part
GMKU_S_LINE - GM - Kernel Utilities - Budget lines close to summary table
GMKU_S_LINE_ID - GM - Kernel Utilities - Budget line + GUID
GMKU_S_LVALXXPART - Value fields in Grant currency
GMKU_S_LVALXXPART1 - Value fields in Grant currency plus RPMAX
GMKU_S_USERLOG - Kernel Utilities - User Log
GMMP_S_DIMGROUP - Grouping GM dimensions for mass postings
GMMP_S_HEADER - GM list structure for MP proposals (header)
GMMP_S_LINE_DOCNR - GM - Kernel Utilities - Budget lines + DOCNR
GMMP_S_LIST - GM list structure for MP proposals
GMRABK - GM PBet Report - Key structure
GMRABL - GM PBet Report - Detail List Structure
GMRANGE_CHAR20 - Generic Use of Ranges.
GMRBBOBJECTS - Master Data For Revenue Increasing the Budget: RIB Objects
GMRBBRECS - GM Master Data For RIB: Budget Receivers per RIB Object
GMRBFMREC - GM RIB: FM Budget Receivers
GMRBOL - GM external fund report structure for budget overview list
GMRBOL2 - GM internal fund report structure for budget overview list
GMRB_S_ANVAL_PER_ADDRESS - GM Budget value per budget address (RIB)
GMRB_S_ATTRSEL - GM RIB: Selection using attributes of RIB objects
GMRB_S_BUDGET_DATA - Budget data for creating new RIB document
GMRB_S_BUD_RECEIVER - GM RIB Master Data: Receiver of RIB Amount
GMRB_S_FMREC - GM Revenues Increasing Budget: FM Budget Receiver
GMRB_S_INDEX - Interface structure for GMRB_IDX class
GMRB_S_MAINT_1010_FM_REC - GM RIB : screen structure for FM receivers
GMRB_S_MAINT_1010_GM_FM_REC - GM RIB: structure for screen 1010
GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN - Screen fields for RIB object maintenance
GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_RECEIVER - GM budget receivers: Maintenance of RIB rules
GMRB_S_MAINT_SCREEN_SURPLUS - GM RIB Surplus : Maintenance of Rules
GMRB_S_MAINT_TREE_M_STRUCTURE - GM RIB tree model structure
GMRB_S_MAINT_TREE_STRUCTURE - GM: Structure of Tree Control for RIB rule maintenace
GMRB_S_MD_RECEIVER - GM RIB object master data: Receiver of RIB amount
GMRB_S_MD_SURPLUS - GM RIB Surplus Budget Object
GMRB_S_OBJECT_PROTOCOL - Structure for GM budget list reports
GMRB_S_RBMD_HELP_FIELDS - GM: derivation of RIB Object (additional help fields)
GMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT - Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: RIB Object
GMRB_S_RBMD_ROBJECT_SUPPL - Deriving a Proposal for RIB MD: RIB Object Related Fields
GMRB_S_RBMD_TARGET - Deriving a Proposal for RIB Master Data: Target Fields
GMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS - Original account assignment for derivation of the RIB object
GMRB_S_RBOB_ADDRESS_SUPPL - GM: derivation of RIB object
GMRB_S_RBOB_HELP_FIELDS - GM: derivation of RIB Object (additional help fields)
GMRB_S_RBOB_POBJECT - GM: derivation of RIB Object
GMRB_S_RBOB_ROBJECT - GM: derivation of RIB Object
GMRB_S_RO - GM RIB: Data for RIB objects
GMRB_S_ROBJECT_KEY - GM: Key of RIB Object (for Lock Object)
GMRB_S_USERLOG - GM RIB time stamp
GMRMBDGT - Budget Document Types- Records Management Interface
GMSPLITRULES - Splitting Rules re Time Intervals Used in Sponsored Programs
GMSPLITRULEST - Splitting Rules Text
GMSPLITRULES_ELE - Splitting Rule Elements
IGM_LH_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES - GM ALV grid lists: Attributes for object info display
IGM_LISTHEADER_ACTION - GM ALV GRID Action Information for General List Headers
IGM_LISTHEADER_DATA - Object and Action Information in ALV-GRID List Headers
IGM_LIST_HEADER_DATA - GM ALV GRID Lists: Object Information in List Header
IGM_TOP_MESSAGE - Messages for List Header Output in GM ALV GRID Lists

SAP Grants Management - Specific Postings Tables PSM-GM-GTE-GM

GMBDGTDELRESULT - Result list for GM deletion of budget
GMBILLING_S_RANGE_FAKSP - Billing Plan status
GMBILLOG - Billing Log for GM
GMDEVAD01ATTRI - Additional characteristics for Grants Mgmt.
GMPRICING - GM: Structure for pricing
GMPTBILLING_SCREEN - GM: Screen for Paththrough Billing
GMRBIL - GM report structure for billing list
GMRECBDGTCONTEXT - Context for GM Reconciliation
GMRECBDGTRESULT - Result of GM budget deletion for ALV
GMRECCONTEXT - Context for GM Reconciliation
GMRECONRESULT - GM Reconciliation Result
GMRECRESULT - Result list of GM reconciliation
GMRRB - For GM Resource-related billing result

SAP Information System Tables PSM-GM-GTE-IS

GMBW_AWDTP_TEXT - Award type texts
GMBW_BDVER_TEXT - Extractor structure for budget version text
GMBW_BDVLN_ATTR - Grant budget validity number
GMBW_BDVLN_TEXT - Extractor structure for budget validity number text
GMBW_BUDGET_DATA - Extract Structure for Table GMIP
GMBW_GRANT_ATTR - Extractor structure for Grants (attributes)
GMBW_GRANT_RESP - Responsible for Grant
GMBW_GRANT_TEXT - Extractor structure for grant (texts)
GMBW_GRNTP_TEXT - Grant type texts
GMBW_LDCOD_TEXT - Legislative District Descriptions
GMBW_LFSTA_TEXT - Extractor structure for lifecycle status text
GMBW_RSPTY_TEXT - Responsibility Type Text
GMBW_SPNCL_ATTR - Sponsored class attributes extractor
GMBW_SPNCL_TEXT - Sponsored class text extractor
GMBW_SPNPG_ATTR - Extractor structue for sponsored programs (text)
GMBW_SPNPG_TEXT - Extractor structue for sponsored programs (text)
GMBW_SPNSR_ATTR - Sponsor Attributes Extractor
GMBW_SPNSR_TEXT - Sponsor Description Extractor
GMBW_SPONSOR_RESP - Responsible for Sponsor
GMBW_SPPROG_RESP - Responsible for Sponsored Program
GMBW_STATNETHISTORY - Extract structure for historical sponsored prog. mgmt.
GMBW_USSTA_TEXT - Extractor structure for user status text
GMBW_VLTYP_ATTR - Extract structure for GM Value Type
GMBW_VLTYP_TEXT - Extract structure for GM valuetype
GMIB - Generated transfer structure for table GMIT
GMIW - Generated Extract Structure for Table GMIA

SAP Master Data Tables PSM-GM-GTE-MD

BAPIGMGR - BAPI structure for GMGR table
GMACTIVE_COMPONENTS - GM Active components
GMASPCLASS - Sponsored Class - Sponsor Specific Data
GMASPCLASS_UPD - Update Structure for Allowed Sponsor Classes
GMASPPROG - Sponsored Program - Sponsor Specific Data
GMASPPROG_UPD - Update Structure for Allowed Sponsor Programs
GMASPREPORT - Reporting Records - - Sponsor Specific Data
GMASPREPORT_UPD - Update structure for report tracking (in Sponsor)
GMAUTHGRP - Grants Management: Authority Groups
GMAUTHGRPT - Grants Management: Authority Groups Descriptions
GMAWARDTYPE - User defined award types for sponsored program management
GMAWARDTYPETEXTS - Award type texts
GMBAL_S_MSG - Application Log: Message Data
GMBAL_S_MSG_FLAT - Flat version of GMBAL_S_MSG structure (test)
GMBDGTLAYOUT - Grants Management Budget Layout
GMBDGTVLDTY - Budget validity periods
GMBR - Billing Rules
GMBRE - Billing Rule Elements
GMBRM - Rules for Manual Billing
GMBRTEXTS - Billing Rules
GMCLASSATTRIBUTES - Program attributes
GMCOA - Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for grants mgmt
GMDATERANGE - Structure for list of from / to dates
GMDATESTAMP - Date and Time Stamp
GMDATETOOL - Date maintenance tool
GMDERIVE - Grants Management Derivation Structure
GMFGC - Obsolete - do not use.
GMFGC_1 - Obsolete - do not use
GMFGC_LIFE - Field group criteria (Grants)
GMFGC_USER - Field group criteria (Grants) system+user status
GMFUNDATTRIBUTES - Fund attributes for grants management
GMFUNDRECOVER_O - Fund recovery for outgoing grants
GMGAAP - Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for GM GAAP
GMGAAPVT - GAAP Accruals VT customizing
GMGBDGTLAYOUT - Grants Management Budget Layout
GMGCLASSES_DI - Grant classes - direct input
GMGFUND - Grant specific fund details
GMGFUNDS_DI - Grant funding sources - direct input
GMGGRANT_CHAR_DI - Grant master (general data CHAR) - direct input
GMGGRANT_DI - Grant master (general data) - direct input
GMGHDR_DI - BDT: Header data (direct input)
GMGPROGRAMS_DI - Grant programs - direct input
GMGR - Grant Master
GMGRANTLIST - List of grants
GMGRANTRELATIONSHIPS - Grant relationships (related grants and partners)
GMGRANT_NBR_BADI - Input structure for grant number BADI
GMGRANT_RESPONSIBILITIES - grant responsibilties
GMGRCOSTSHARE - Cost sharing master data
GMGRDIINIT - GM: Initial data (direct input)
GMGRELATED - GM Grant relationships
GMGRESPONSIBILITIES_DI - Grant responsibilities - direct input
GMGRIDCCAP - Grant IDC Cap (Program + Class)
GMGRIDCCAP2 - Grant IDC Cap (Grant level)
GMGRIDCCAP2_O - Grant IDC Cap (Grant level) for outgoing grant
GMGRIDCCAP_O - Grant IDC Cap (Program + Class) for outgoing grant
GMGRREPORT - Grant report tracking
GMGRREPORT_SM - GM Report Tracking: schedule manager info
GMGRREPORT_UPD - Update structure for GM report tracking
GMGRRESPONSIBLE - Objects responsible for the grant
GMGRSPONSOREDOBJ - Grant sponsored objects
GMGRTEXTS - Texts for grant master
GMGRTYPE - Grant type
GMGRTYPEREPORT - GM Reports from Grant Type
GMGRTYPETEXTS - Grant type texts
GMGRVALUETYPE - Value type settings for posting control
GMGRXCHNGCURR - GM grant master exchange currency
GMGRXCHNGCURRTXT - GM grant master exchange currency text
GMGR_DI - Grant master fields suitable for direct entry
GMGR_STAT - Status information on GMGR
GMGR_UPD - Update Structure for Grant
GMGSPCLASS - Grant specific sponsored class details
GMGSPONSOREDOBJ_DI - Grant object combinations - direct input
GMGSPPROGRAM - Grant specific sponsored program details
GMGTSPONSOR - Sponsor Master: Grant Type dependant attributes
GMG_COMMENT_ENTRY - GMG: Screen Fields For Status Comment Entry
GMG_DI - BDT: Transfer structure (direct input)
GMG_DI_EXT - BDT: Transfer structure (direct input)
GMG_FIELDS - GMG: Work fields and screen fields
GMG_HEADER_FIELDS - Grant Master Header Fields
GMG_HEADER_FIELDS_DI - Grant Master Header Fields (direct input)
GMG_SELECTION_FIELDS - GMG: Selection screen only
GMIDCRULES - Indirect cost rules
GMIDCRULES_ELE - Billing Rule Elements
GMIDCRULETEXTS - Indirect cost rules
GMIDC_POST - Summary of posted IDC from the report RGMIDCPOST
GMINDIRECTCOST - IDC rates for directly sponsored grants [incoming grants]
GMINDIRECTCOST_O - Indirect costs for outgoing grants
GMINDIRECTCOST_R - Indirect costs for recipient
GMIS_MSG_REF_DATA - GM Message Reference Data
GMLDC - Legislative District Codes
GMLDCT - Legislative District Descriptions
GMLIFECYCLE - List of lifecycle statuses
GMLOC - Letter of Credit Definition
GMLOCTEXT - Letter of Credit Definition
GMMESG_MULTIPLE_GRANTS - Multiple grant messages collected in MESG format
GMMESG_MULTIPLE_GRANTS_NOINC - Multiple grant messages collected in MESG format
GMOMCDRL - GM Object Mapper Change Document Records
GMOMD - Grants Management Object Mapper Table
GMOML - GM Object Mapper Lock Object
GMOM_OBJECTS - GM Object Mapper - Objects
GMONRA - GrantsManagement - General Object Number and Object Keys
GMPROGRAMATTRIBUTES - Program attributes
GMPRTEXTS - Payment Rule Text
GMRABA - GM PBet Report - Amount Structure
GMRELATIONSHIP - GM Relationship definition between grants and other objects
GMRELATIONSHIPT - GM Relationship text
GMRELATION_DATA - GM Relationship header data
GMREPCLASS - GM Report Class
GMREPCLASST - GM Reprot Class Text
GMREPORT - GM Report Tracking
GMREPORTRULET - Description of GM Report Rule
GMRESP - Responsibilities structure for ALV grid
GMRESPEVENTS - Grant responsibility events
GMRESPTYPE - Responsibility types - Sponsored programs management
GMRESPTYPET - Responsible type text
GMRGRL - Grants Management report structure for grant list
GMRGSL - GM report structure for grant sponsor list
GMRLDI - GM reporting structure to display ledger document items
GMRMBDGT_ACT - Budget Document Types- Records Management Interface
GMRMBUPA - Business Partner - Records Management Interface
GMRMBUPA_ACT - Business Partner - Records Management Interface
GMRMCONFIG - Grant type configuration for records management integration
GMRMELEMENTS - Parameters for Records Management Interface
GMRMELEMENTSTEXT - Parameters for Records Management Interface
GMRMGRTYPE - Grant Types - Records Managment Interface
GMRMGRTYPE_ACT - Grant Types - Records Management Interface
GMRM_ADDON - Generic Add on for Records Management Interface with GM
GMROMD - Reporting Structure for GM Object Mapper
GMRSCL - GM report structure for sponsored class list
GMRSPL - GM report structure for sponsored program list
GMRSPO - GM report structure for sponsored object list
GMSCHEDULERULET - Description for the GM schedule rule
GMSEARCH_FIELDS - GM Structure for search fields used by locator
GMSMVALUETYPE - Value type control by grant type and status
GMSMVALUETYPE_1 - Value type control by grant type and status
GMSPAGT - Allowed Grant Types for Sponsor
GMSPAGT_UPD - Update Structure for Allowed Grant Types
GMSPCLASS - Sponsored Class Master
GMSPCLASSTEXTS - Sponsored Class Description texts
GMSPCLASS_FMBA - Sponsored Class Master Data - Budget Allowed Object
GMSPCLASS_FMBT - Sponsored Class Master Data - Budget Transfer Object
GMSPONSOR - Sponsor Master
GMSPONSORLOC - Sponsor Master: Letter of Credit References
GMSPONSORLOC_UPD - Update Structure for Sponsor's Letters of Credit
GMSPONSOR_STAT - Status information on GMSPONSOR
GMSPONSOR_UPD - Update Structure for Sponsor Role
GMSPPROGRAM - Sponsored program master
GMSPPROGRAMTEXTS - Sponsored Program texts
GMSPPROGRAM_FMBA - Sponsored Program Master Data - Budget Allowed Object
GMSPPROGRAM_FMBT - Sponsored Program Master Data - Budget Transfer Objects
GMSPRESPONSIBLE - Objects responsible for the sponsored program
GMSPRESPONSIBLET - GM Sponsor Responsibility with Text.
GMSPRESPTYP - Responsibility Defaults for Sponsor
GMSPRESPTYP_UPD - Update Structure for Sponsor's Responsibilities
GMSTATNET - Grants Management Status Network
GMSTATNETHISTORY - Historical status information Sponsored Programs Mgmt
GMSTATNET_INT - Grants Management Status Network
GMSTATUSHISTORY - GM Structure for listing history log records
GMTC_BDGTVALIDITY - Structure for budget validity table control on grant master
GMUSERSTATUS - List of user statuses
GMVALUETYPE_LIST - GM value type and description
GMWFACTIVITIES - GM Workflow Activities
GMWFACTIVITIEST - GM Workflow Activities Text
GMWFBUDGET - GM Workflow Grant Master
GMWFGRANTM - GM Workflow Grant Master
GTE_ST_GRANT_CREATE_CONFIRM_SY - Message Type for GrantERPCreateConfirmation _sync
GTE_ST_GRANT_CREATE_REQUEST_SY - Message Type for GrantERPCreateRequest _sync
GTE_ST_GRANT_SMP_BY_ELEMS_Q_S - Grant Query Simple By Elements
GTE_ST_GRANT_SMP_BY_ELEMS_R_S - Grant Response Simple By Elements
GTE_ST_GRANT_UPDATE_CONFIRM_SY - Grant Update Confirmation
HASH_DATA_FOR_GRANT - Hash code structure for Grant
IFMDT_GRANT_DATA - Atributes of the Grant master record
IGMSPCLASS - Screen fields for GM Sponsored Class
IGMSPPROGRAM - Screen fields for GM Sponsored Program
VGMASPCLASS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMASPPROG - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMASPREPORT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMBDGTVALIDITY - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRCOSTSHARE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRFUNDRECOVER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRIDCCAP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRIDCCAP2 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRRESPONSIBLE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRSPONSOREDOBJ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGRVALUETYPE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGSPCLASS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMGSPPROGRAM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMINDIRECTCOST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMOMD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPAGT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPCLASS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPCLASSTEXTS - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPCLASS_FMBA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPCLASS_FMBT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPONSORLOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPPROGRAM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPPROGRAMTEXTS - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPPROGRAM_FMBA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPPROGRAM_FMBT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPRESPONSIBLE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VGMSPRESPTYP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Actual Update and Commitment Update Tables PSM-GM-GTE-UP

GMA_ACCDET - GM Accrual Account Determination
GMA_ACE_ACEOBJ_LDB - Structure in Logical DB Node ACEOBJ
GMA_ACE_BILLING - Accrual Engine: Grant Master Data Transfer by Billing Rule
GMA_ACE_DATA_TRNSF_RESULT - Result List Structure for Data Transfer to Accrual Engine
GMA_ACE_DS_BW - Extract Structure for BW (Calculated Values)
GMA_ACE_GMFI - Accrual Engine: Assignment for Grant Master Data Transfer
GMA_ACE_GRANT - Accrual Engine: Assignment for Grant Master Data Transfer
GMA_ACE_OBJECTS - GM Accruals: Accrual Objects
GMA_ACE_PARAMETERS - Customer-Specific Parameters
GMA_ACE_PERIODIC_POSTING_LIST - Posting List of Calculated Values for Provisions
GMA_ACE_PSDOCITEMS - GM accrual engine Line item structure
GMA_ACE_PSITEMS - GM accrual engine Line item structure
GMA_ACE_PS_BW - Extract Structure for BW (Posted Values)
GMA_ACE_REF_KEY_STRUCTURE - GM Accruals: Ref. Key Structure
GMA_ACE_REF_SUBKEY_STRUCTURE - GM Accruals: Ref. SubKey Structure
GMA_ACE_TREE_STRUCTURE - Tree for User Interaction in Accrual Accounting GM
GMEMF_OIDATA - Grant Commitment Interface Data Earmarked Funds
GMIDC_GMIA - GM IDC Structure with Incoming Grant Info and GMIA
GMIDC_GRANT_INFO - GM IDC Grant Information
GMREVACTUAL - Revaluation of actuals
GMREVBDGTFM1 - Defult settings for GM revaluation of currency
GMREVBUDGET - Revaluation of budget
GMREVCONTEXT - Revaluation context
GMREVPARAM - Parameters for GM revaluation
GMREVRESULT - Result list of revaluation
GMREVRESULTALV1 - Result list of revaluation
GMREV_S_RANGE_REFDOCNR - GM revaluation ranges of ref documents
GMREV_S_RANGE_REFRYEAR - GM revaluation ranges of ref documents
GMREV_S_RANGE_VAL_TYPE - Value types ranges for GM revaluation

SAP Grantor Management Tables PSM-GM-GTR

CRMD_GRM_CASE - Case Relation
GTRCUST_ACCGRP - Assignment Customer -> Customer account groups
GTRCUST_ARCHIVE - Grantor: Customizing Archiving GTR Billing Documents (AP/AR)
GTRC_CRM_CASECV - Grantor Management: Case Object Convert
GTRC_CRM_PROXY - Grantor Management: Proxy processes
GTRFIAPAR - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data
GTRFIAPARDOC - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data - Payment Type - Doc Type
GTRFIBILLREL - Relationship Table Grantor Billing Doc <-> AP/AR Doc
GTRFIBILLREL_ALV_STRUC - Display Structure: Relationship GTR Billing Doc & AP/AR Doc
GTRFIBILL_H - Header of Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc
GTRFIBILL_HT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table
GTRFIBILL_I - Grantor Billing Document Items
GTRFIBILL_IT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table
GTRFIBILL_SEL - Grantor Billing Doc FI-AP/AR: selection paramters
GTRFIINV_TRG - Trigger Table for Grantor Notification to CRM
GTRINVOICE - Grantor Invoicing into FI-AP/AR: selection paramters
GTRR_AGREEMENT_ID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor Agreement ID
GTRR_BILL_DOC - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor AP/AR Billing Document
GTRR_BP - Grantor: Ranges structure for Business Partner
GTRR_CLAIM_ID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor Agreement ID
GTRR_FI_BILLDOC_ADJ - Range for adjusted flag
GTRR_FI_BILLDOC_INV - Range for invoicing flag
GTRR_POSTING_DATE - Grantor: Ranges structure for Posting Date
GTRR_PROG_EXTID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor External Program ID
GTRT_CRM_BAD_APPOINTMENT - Grantor: BAD - Appointment Set
GTRT_CRM_BAD_BILLING - Grantor: BAD- Billing
GTRT_CRM_BAD_DOC_FLOW - Grantor: BAD - Structure object reference
GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORDERADM_H - Grantor: Business Application Document
GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORDERADM_I - Grantor: BAD - Business transaction item
GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORGMAN - Grantor: BAD - Organizational unit set
GTRT_CRM_BAD_PARTNER - Grantor: BAD - Partner
GTRT_CRM_BAD_PRICING - Grantor: BAD - pricing parameter - set
GTRT_CRM_BAD_PRICING_I - Grantor: BAD - item - pricing result
GTRT_CRM_BAD_STATUS - Grantor: BAD - Status Information
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_DOC_FLOW - Grantor: ERP structure to support doc flow send to CRM
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_EXPENSE_CAT - Grantor: ERP structure for CRM expense category
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ID_DESCR - Grantor Management: 1O Object ID and Desc (head + item)
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ITEM_CUST - Grantor Management: Send customizing linked to an item
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ITEM_REFERENCE - Grantor Management: Cleared/Holdback item reference
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_PROG_ATTR - Grantor: ERP structure for program attributes assignment
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_PSM_KEY - Grantor Management: PSM key
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_RETURN - CRM Grantor Management BAPI for information return
GTRT_CRM_BAPI_STATUS - Grantor: ERP structure to support sending update to CRM
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_DESCRIPTION - CRM Grantor Program Management: Description
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_DOC_FLOW - CRM Grantor: Recipient Document Flow for PSM Integration
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_FP_REPL - CRM Grantor Program: Funded Program object links
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_HEADER - CRM Grantor Program Management: Header data
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_HIERARCHY - CRM Grantor Program Management: Hierarchical relations
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_MEASURE - CRM Grantor Program: comm. Structure with Funded Program obj
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_MEASURET - CRM Grantor Prog: comm. Structure with Funded Prog obj: text
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_PARTNER - CRM Grantor Program Management: Partner
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_STATUS - CRM Grantor Program Management: Status
GTRT_CRM_GRM_CASE_OBJ_LINK - GPM: Link Objects to Case
GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_EF_DOC_H - CRM Grantor Management: Earmarked funds header
GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_EF_DOC_I - CRM Grantor management: Earmarked funds item
GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_FMAA_DRV_IN - CRM Grantor management: Input for FMAA derivation
GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_RELEVANCY - List of processes relevancy for header and item
GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_SCHEMA - Grantor Management Proxy: Scenario and Object type
GTRVEND_ACCGRP - Assignment Vendor -> Vendor account groups
GTR_CRM_GPM - CRM Grantor Program Management: Mapping ID/LOGSYS -> GUID
GTR_FI_ACC - Grantor FI-AP/AR Accounting Result
GTR_FI_APAR_CUST - Customizing structure FI AP/AR
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_DISP - Display Structure GTR Billing Doc
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_CHNGLOG - Change Log for Grantor Billing Documents
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_CI - Customer Include Structure
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_DATA - Header Data for Grantor Billing Doc
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_DISP - Structure for UI
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_EXT - Extended Data for Grantor Billing Document
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_TXT_DATA - Texts for GTR Billdoc Header
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_CI - Customer Include Structure GTR Billdoc Item
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DATA - Data of Grantor Billing Document Item
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DATA_TXT - Data of Grantor Billing Document Item
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DISP - Structure for UI
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_TXT_DATA - Texts for GTR Billing Doc Items
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_REF - Reference to Grantor Billing Doc
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_H - Grantor Billing Doc. Wrapper Header
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_I - Grantor Billing Doc. Wrapper Items
GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_RET - Assignment of External Reference and Created Billing Doc.
GTR_FI_BILLITEM_REF - Billing Doc item Reference
GTR_FI_BILL_BORIDENT - Grantor Object Identifier
GTR_FI_INVDOC_I - (Virtual) Grantor Invoicing Document Items
GTR_FI_PAY_STATUS - GTR: Structure to get pay status
GTR_FI_PAY_STATUS_PAID - Paid information

SAP Actual Update and Commitment Update��������� Tables PSM-GM-GTR-UP

AGTR_CRMDERIVE_SRC_FIELDS - Append for additional fields of GTRDERIVE
EFD_OBJKEY - object key earmarked funds document
GTRCOND_CUST - Table for Customer Spec. Fields - Grantor Rule Conditions
GTRCOND_CUSTT - Rule Condition Text table for the Field texts.
GTRFINEXC_DEF - Default Financial Execution Interface
GTRGLOB_SETTINGS - Global settings for Grantor (client level)
GTRMULTIBP - GTR Multi Business Partner recipents activation
GTRPROG_PROFILCT - Rule Condition Text table for the assignment field texts.
GTRPROG_PROFILEC - GTR Program Profile Assignment to Rule Conditions
GTRPROG_PROFILET - Text table for customizing table GTRPROG_PROFILE
GTRRULE_AGR - Assignment Split Rule -> Agreement (if no EFs are used)
GTRRULE_ASSIGN - GTR Multi-Funding Rules Assignment To CRM Objects
GTRRULE_COND - Assignment Split IDs (Lines)--> Condition Block
GTRRULE_COND_V - Assignment Condition Block --> Condition Values
GTRWRPEF_CUST - Grantor FR wrapper: create year dependant documents
GTR_ADD_DERIVE_SRC - Additional source fields for account assgmt. derivation
GTR_COBL_EXT_FLDS - To Be Deleted !!!
GTR_CRMDERIVE_HELP_FLDS - Additional helpfields for the GTRDERIVE derivation
GTR_CRMDERIVE_SRC - Source fields for derivation strategy 'GOCO'
GTR_CRMDERIVE_TARGET - Target fields for derivation strategy 'GOCO'
GTR_CRM_NOTIFICIATION_ENH - Grantor: ERP->CRM enhanced notification structure
GTR_CRM_NOTIFICIATION_ENH_CP - Grantor: ERP->CRM enhanced notification structure
GTR_FMSPLIT - GTR splitting structure
GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification
GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG_KEY - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification: Key Fields
GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG_LOCK - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification: LockFields
GTR_RULE_ASSIGN_OBJ - GTR CRM Objects which are assigned to a rule
GTR_RULE_COND_CI - Customer Include Structure
GTR_RULE_COND_FLDS - All GTR Rule Condition Fields
GTR_RULE_COND_STD_FLDS - GTR Rule Condition Standard Fields
GTR_TRANSLATOR - Grantor: Translator of CRM and ERP Integration Attributes
GTR_TRANSLATOR_ATTRIBUTES - Grantor Scenario - Account Assignment Manager Attributes
GTR_TRANSLATOR_KEY - Grantor Translator key: CRM and ERP Integration
GTR_TRANSLATOR_RECORD - Grantor Translator: Whole Record
GTR_TRSLR_SUBKEY - Grantor Translator - Subkey
GTR_TRSLR_SUBKEY_ATTRIBUTES - Grantor Translator - Subkey: Attributes
GTR_WRPEF_IFHEADER - Header of CRM Document
GTR_WRPEF_IFITEM - Item of CRM Document
GTR_WRPEF_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year
GTR_WRPEF_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line
GTR_WRP_BADI_EXP_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year
GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_HEADER - Header of CRM Document
GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_ITEM - Item of CRM Document
GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line
GTR_WRP_EF_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year
GTR_WRP_EF_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line
IAOM_GTR_TEST - delete it
IGTR_CRM_FIELDS - Additional CRM fields used in derivations tool GTR, FM
TFMSPLIT_FIELDS - Allowed fields per rule type
TGTRFINEXEC_VAL - Financial Execution Values - Domain GTR_FIN_EXEC_IF
TGTRFINEXEC_VALT - Financial Execution Values - Domain GTR_FIN_EXEC_IF