SAP Tables | Production Planning and Control | Flow Manufacturing SAP PP

SAP PP Flow Manufacturing Tables (PP-FLW)

SAP Flow Manufacturing Tables PP-FLW

LDCHTKT - Screen fields for changing no. of takts/capacities
LDFBPARAMS - LD: Fields for function module paramters
LDHLP - Help fields for line design
LDLBC - Takts/no. of ind. capacities per line segment line balance
LDLBCD - Capacities of a line segment - dialog -
LDLBH - Line balance/planned rate header record
LDLBHD - Dialog strukture LDLBH
LDLBP - Line balance items
LDLBPD - Dialog strukture LDLBP
LDLBPG - Routing usage in existing line balances
LDLBT - Line hierarchy entry and exit takts
LDLBTD - Dialog structure LDLBT
LDLH - Line hierarchy header
LDLHD - Dialog structure LDLH
LDLP - Line hierarchy items
LDLPD - Dialog structure LDLP
LDLPNT - Node Structure Line Hierarchy
LDLP_F4 - F4 help structure for line segments
LDLT - Line hierarchy takt times
LDLTD - Dialog structure LDLT

LDLTIME - Structure for Displaying Execution Times
LDLTIME_TEST - Structure for Displaying Execution Times
LDMDR - Line Hierarchy Material-Dependent Rates
LDMDRD - Dialog Structure LDMDR
LDMDR_CD - Dialog Structure Control Screen Time/Material-Dependent Rate
LDOP - Operation duration
LDOPR - Administration table: Operations for graphic
LDPS_CHA_ALL - Transfer Inspection Characteristics to Print Module
LDPS_CHA_DATA - Inspection Characteristics for OMS
LDPS_COM_DATA - Component assignment for process sheet
LDPS_DIALOG - Dialog fields for the process sheet selection screens
LDPS_LANGTEXT - Structure to Transfer Long Text Data
LDPS_OPR_DATA - Operation/sub-operation data for process sheet
LDPS_OPR_DATA_APPEND - Additional operation data not coming from the Engin.WB
LDPS_PRT_DATA - Assignments of production resources/tools for process sheet
LDPS_TSK_DATA - Routing data for process sheet
LDPS_TXT_DATA - Long Text in Table Form for OMS
LDRLOCK - Blocked Routings
LDRSEL - Structure for selection of routings
LDSCA - FIelds to be displayed for individ. capacities
LDSEQINF - Add. fields for dialog structure planned sequences (PLFLD)
LDSLN - Fields to be displayed for line/line segments
LDSOP - Fields to be displayed for operations
LDSQ - Sequence Relationships for Line Design
LDTA - Cumulated operation times
LDTREEITM - Tree control item for report SAPTREV*
LDTREENODE - Node structure for tree control
PLSV - Structure for collective availability check - planned orders
RSSV - Structure for collective availability check - planned orders
TLDPS_COL_CTL - Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->Word
TLDPS_CONT1 - Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)
TLDPS_CONT1_S - Process Sheet: table for document contents (Import/Export)
TLDPS_LAYOUT - Process Sheet: Layout header data
TLDPS_LOIO - Process Sheet: Instances of logical info objects
TLDPS_LOIOT - Process Sheet: Descriptions of logical info objects
TLDPS_LOPR - Process Sheet: Attribute values of logical info objects
TLDPS_LORE - Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of logical info objects
TLDPS_LORI - Process Sheet:Incoming relationships of logical info objects

TLDPS_PHF - Process Sheet: Physical info object files
TLDPS_PHF_S - Process Sheet: Physical info object files
TLDPS_PHIO - Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objects
TLDPS_PHIO_S - Process Sheet: Instances of physical info objects
TLDPS_PHPR - Process Sheet: Attributes of physical info objects
TLDPS_PHRE - Process Sheet:Outgoing relationships of phys. info objects
TLDPS_PHRI - Process Sheet: Incoming relationships of phys. info objects
TLDPS_TAB_CTL - Process Sheet: Layout Table Assignment SAP<->Word

SAP Sequencing Tables PP-FLW-SEQ

ASP00 - I/O variables for sequencing
OPIDATA - Data for schedule record
OPIT - Schedule record for planned order
OPITD - Schedule record dialog structure
PROBLEM - Problem structure for Sequencing
SPGL1 - Sequence schedule key data exchange structure
SPGL2 - Sequence schedule key data exchange
SPJCAPA - Transfer structure capacity data line segment
SPJCHAR - Structure for transferring order characteristics(Sequencing)
SPJHLP - Structure for F4-help order profile (Sequencing)
SPJINF - Sequencing: transfer structure for order information
SPJLINK - Output structure order charac. assignment - graphic element
SPOP01 - Schedule Record of a Planned Order
SPOUTPUT_TABLEVIEW - Output Structure Sequence Schedule Table View
TSPG0 - Display profile for sequencing
TSPG0T - Text table - display profile
TSPG1 - Display profile for orders
TSPG2 - Order characteristic
TSPG3 - Relationship between order profile and characteristics
TSPG4 - Relationship between charact. values, colors and profile
TSPG5 - Default Visualization Profile (Sequencing) of Plant
TSPI0 - Initial profile for sequencing
TSPP0 - Planning profile for sequencing
TSPP0T - Text table - planning profile sequencing
TSPP1 - Processing profile for sequencing
TSPP1T - Text Table - Processing Profiles for Sequencing
TSPP2 - Default Planning Profile (Sequencing) of Plant
TSPU1 - Trabsfer structure user exit 1 (Sequencing)