SAP Tables | Product Lifecycle Management | PLM Web User Interface SAP PLM

SAP PLM PLM Web User Interface Tables (PLM-WUI)

SAP PLM Web User Interface Tables PLM-WUI

/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_DOCUMENT_ACC - Cdesk-PLM7 Document Fields for Access Control Context
/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_DOCUMENT_ECR - Cdesk-PLM7 Document Fields for Engineering Record
/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_SCRFIELDS_ACC - Cdesk-PLM7 Screenfields for Access Control Context
/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_SCRFIELDS_ECR - Cdesk-PLM7 Screenfields for Engineering Record
/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_SCRFIELDS_ESH - CDesk-PLM7 Screenfields for Enterprise Search
/PLMI/CDESK_PLM7_SCRFIELDS_INC - Include for Cdesk-PLM7 Screenfields

SAP PLM Web Applications Tables PLM-WUI-APP

/PLMB/OSET - PLM Object Set
/PLMB/OSET_O - PLM Object Set - Object Assingment
/PLMB/OSET_T - PLM Object Set - Text Table
/PLMB/OSET_U - PLM Object Set - User Assingment
/PLMB/S_OSET_BO_ATTR - BO Structure Type - PLM Object Set Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_BO_DATA - BO Structure Type - PLM Object Set
/PLMB/S_OSET_BO_ID - BO Structure Type - PLM Object Set Identifier
/PLMB/S_OSET_DB_ATTR - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Header Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_DB_DATA - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set
/PLMB/S_OSET_DB_HEADER_ATTR - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Database level Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_DB_ID - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Identifier
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_ASG_DATA - BO Helper Structure : Object Set - PLM Object Assingment
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_ASG_ID - BO Helper Structure : Object Set - PLM Object Assingment

/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_BO_ATTR - BO Structure Type - PLM Object Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_BO_DATA - BO Structure Type - PLM Objects Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_BO_ID - BO Structure Type - PLM Objects ID
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_DB_DATA - DB Structrue Type - PLM Object Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_DB_ID - DB Structure Type - PLM Object ID
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_KEYS - PLM Object Set - Object type and keys
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_SP_ATTR - SP Structure Type - PLM Object Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_SP_CONVERT - Structure for objects to be converted
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_SP_DATA - SP Structure Type - PLM Objects Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_OBJECT_SP_ID - SP Structure Type - PLM Objects ID
/PLMB/S_OSET_SP_ATTR - SP Structure Type - PLM Object Set Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_SP_DATA - SP Structure Type - PLM Object Set Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_SP_EXIST_CHECK - SP Action Structure : PLM Object Set Existence Check Result
/PLMB/S_OSET_SP_ID - SP Structure - PLM Object Set Identifier
/PLMB/S_OSET_SP_INSERT_STRUCT - SP Action Structure : PLM Object Insert Structure
/PLMB/S_OSET_TEXT_DB_ATTR - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Text Table Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_TEXT_DB_DATA - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Text
/PLMB/S_OSET_TEXT_DB_ID - DB Structure Type - PLM Object Set Text Table Identifier
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_ASG_DATA - BO Helper Structure : Object Set - User Assingment
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_ASG_ID - BO Helper Structure : Object Set - User Assingment
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_BO_ATTR - BO Structure Type - User Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_BO_DATA - BO Structure Type - User Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_BO_ID - BO Structure Type - User ID
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_DB_ATTR - DB Structure Type - User Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_DB_DATA - DB Structure Type - User Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_DB_ID - DB Structure Type - User Id
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_NAME - Structure containing Name attributes of a Person
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_SP_ATTR - SP Structure Type - User Attributes
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_SP_DATA - SP Structure Type - User Data
/PLMB/S_OSET_USER_SP_ID - SP Structure Type - User ID
/PLMU/S_OSET_ADD_OBJ_OPTIONS - UI Structure Type - Object Set options for Add Object functi
/PLMU/S_OSET_STD_FUNCT_LISTING - Object Set : list of defined standard functions
/PLMU/S_OSET_TABLE_COLUMN_STNG - UI Structure Type - Object Set Column Settings
/PLMU/S_OSET_TABLE_FUNCTIONS - UI Structure Type - Object Set Table Functions
/PLMU/S_OSET_TABLE_STD_FUNCT - UI Structure Type - Object Set Standard functions

SAP Authorizations and Access Control Context Tables PLM-WUI-APP-ACC

/PLMB/AUTH_BOACT - Activities which are relevant for business object
/PLMB/AUTH_BO_AO - Authority objects for BOs which are used in PLM CORE
/PLMB/AUTH_BUF - Make Buffer Settings
/PLMB/AUTH_CHP - Changepointers for updating RT

/PLMB/AUTH_CLASS - Customizing classes of factory class
/PLMB/AUTH_MAXNO - Max. Number of Lent-To Contexts
/PLMB/AUTH_MODE - Mode for ACL allowed in PLM Core
/PLMB/AUTH_OBSID - Object - Secure Identifier Assignment
/PLMB/AUTH_OTYP - PLM - Object Types Relevant for PLM Authorization Check
/PLMB/AUTH_ROLES - llowed Roles in PLM Core
/PLMB/AUTH_SIDAR - Secure Identifier Repository for Archiving
/PLMB/AUTH_SIDOW - Valid SID Owner types
/PLMB/AUTH_SIDRP - Secure Identifier Repository
/PLMB/AUTH_TYPCP - Object type relevant for change pointer access
/PLMB/AUTH_UGSID - User Entity - Secure ID - Activity List Assignment
/PLMB/AUTH_UGUSR - User Enitity - User - Assignment
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - ACC: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - ACC: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_ESH_BASIC_DB - ACC: Structure for search criteria used in Query
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_ESH_BASIC_UI - ACC: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_RESULT - PLM: Search result structure for ACC
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_RESULT_ESH - PLM: Search result structure for ACC
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_SES_ATTRIBUTES - result structure containing attributes of SES index
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_SES_BASIC - ACC: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ACC_SEA_SES_BASIC_UI - ACC: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_ASSIG_OBJ_SP - Structure: Assigned Objects SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_CHK_INIT_SCR - ACC Action: Check Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_DESC - PLM Collaboration: descriptions
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_DESC_ID - PLM Collaboration:Sructure for ACC descriptions id
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_DESC_SP - PLM Collaboration: descriptions
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HDR - PLM Collaboration: Structure for ACC Header Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HDR_EXT_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Header External Id
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HDR_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Header Id
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HDR_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for ACC Header Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HIERARCHY - PLM Collaboration: Structure for ACC Hierarchy
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HIERARCHY_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure for ACC Hierarchy Id
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_HIERARCHY_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP for Structure of ACC Hierarchy
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_INIT - PLM Collaboration: Structure for ACC initial screen
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_INIT_ID - PLM Collaboration: Internal identifier for ACC
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_INIT_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for ACC initial screen
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_LOC_ADMIN - PLM Collaboration: Structure for Local Admin Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_LOC_ADMIN_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure for Local Admin Id
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_LOC_ADMIN_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP for Structure of Local Admin Data

/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OBJ_DETAILS - ACC Object details for different business objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OBJ_ID - Assigned Objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OBJ_OL_SP - Structure: Objects on loan ,SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OTYPE - Enterprise Search: grant auth. for PLM object types
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OTYPE_UORG - Enterprise Search: grant auth. to UORGs for PLM object types
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OTYPE_USER - Enterprise Search: grant auth. to users for PLM object types
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OWNACC_DESCR - PLM Collaboration: Owning Context Description
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OWNACC_ID - PLM Collaboration: Key Structure for Owning Context
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OWNACC_OBJ_ID - Assigned Objects ID used by Owning Context
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_OWNACC_UI - PLM Collaboration: Owning Context UI Structure
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_PREVIEW_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for ACC Preview Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_UGRP - Roles - Assigned User Groups
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_UGRP_ID - Role - Assigned User groups
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_UGRP_SP - Roles - User Groups
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USER - Role - User assignment
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USER_ID - Role Assignment - User data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USER_SP - Role and Users of Context
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USR_ETY - Role Assignment - User entity data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USR_ETY_ID - Id structure for Role Assignment - User entity data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_RA_USR_ETY_SP - SP structure for Role assignment - User entity data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_REL_OBJ - Objects related to context
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_REL_OBJ_DO - Assignments of Business Object to ACC
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_REL_OBJ_ID - Related Objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_REL_OBJ_UPD - Buffer Structure for DO
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_ROLE_ASSGT - Role assignment: Entity and Source Context detail
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_ROLE_ID - ACC Role relation
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_ROLE_PREV_SP - Preview for Role information
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_ADMINSTR - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Administrator
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_ADMIN_SES - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Administrator
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_DESCR - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Description
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_DESCR_SES - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Description
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_HDR - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Header for Search
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_HDR_SES - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Header for Search
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEA_OBJLINK - PLM Collaboration: ACC Structure Object Link
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEL_OPT - Display Options for Objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEL_OPT_ID - ACC display Objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACC_SEL_OPT_SP - Structure: Display options for SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACL_ID - PLM Collaboration: ID Structure for ACM-ACL
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACL_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for ACM-ACL
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACTIVITY_ID - PLM Collaboration: ID Structure for Activities
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ACTIVITY_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for Activities
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ARCHIVE_TREE - Common Structure for RT
/PLMB/S_AUTH_CHP - Changepointer for updating RT (identical to /PLMB/AUTH_CHP)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_DIR - Enterprise Search: enhancement for eso_s_draw
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_OBJECT - Enterprise Search: enhancement for access controlled objects
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_OBSID - Enterprise Search: Objects controlled by PLM
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_PPE - Authorization data for iPPE object
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_SID - Authorization connection to Business object
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_SIDRP - Enterprise Search: SIDRP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_UORG_GRANT - Granting authorization for user
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_USER_GRANT - Granting authorization for user
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ESO_USER_WDRAW - Withdrawing authorization for user
/PLMB/S_AUTH_LEAD_OBJ_ID - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for Leading Object
/PLMB/S_AUTH_LEAD_OBJ_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for Leading Object
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OBJECT_TYPE - PLM Collaboration: Object Types
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OBJ_ID_TYPE - Structure: Object Identifier and Object Type
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OBJ_SID_PRIO - Object-Secure Identifier Assignment (Fields for Auth-Check)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OBSID - Object - Secure Identifier Assignment (/PLMB/AUTH_OBSID)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OBSID_DATA - Object - Secure Identifier Assignment Data (Without Key)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OTYPE_RANGE - Structure for ranges table: Object Type
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OWID_OWTYPE - Structure: Owner Id, Owner Type
/PLMB/S_AUTH_OWNER_TYPE_RANGE - Structure for ranges table of "SID Owner Type"
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ROLE_ACT - Role Authorization Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ROLE_ACT_SP - Role Authorization Data
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ROLE_ID - Role Data-For popups
/PLMB/S_AUTH_ROLE_SP - Role Data-For popups
/PLMB/S_AUTH_SIDRP - Secure Identifier Repository (identical to /PLMB/AUTH_SIDRP)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_SIDRPNEW - Structure to lock new /PLMB/AUTH_SIDRP entries
/PLMB/S_AUTH_SIDRP_DATA - Secure Identifier Data (Without Key Fields)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_SID_RANGE - Structure: Range Structure for SIDs
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_HDR_SP - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer List Header SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_LIST_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer Objects List ID
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_LIST_SP - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer Objects List SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_LOG_ID - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer Log List ID
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_LOG_MSG - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer Log Messages
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_LOG_SP - PLM Collaboration: Structure of ACC Transfer Log List SP
/PLMB/S_AUTH_TFR_NAV_LAYOUT - PLM Collaboration: Navigator Layout Per Object Type
/PLMB/S_AUTH_UGSID - User Entity - Secure ID - Activity List Assignment
/PLMB/S_AUTH_UGSID_DATA - User Entity - Secure ID Data (Without Key Fields)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_UGSID_SIMPLE - User Entity - Secure ID - Activity List Assignment
/PLMB/S_AUTH_UGUSR - User Enitity - User - Assignment (/PLMB/AUTH_UGUSR)
/PLMB/S_AUTH_USERAUTH_SP - PLM Collaboration: SP Structure for User Authorizations
/PLMB/S_AUTH_USERINFO_SP - PLM Collaboration: User Information Data
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USER - Assign User popup
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USER_ID - Id structure for the Assign User popup
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USR_ENT - User Entity Assignment to User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USR_ENT_ID - ID Structure for User Entity Assignment to User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USR_ENT_SP - SP Structure to Assign User Entity to User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ASSIGN_USR_ENT_UI - UI Structure to Assign User Entity to User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_EDIT_AUTH - Edit Authorization in User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_EDIT_AUTH_ID - ID Structure for Edit Authorization in User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_EDIT_AUTH_SP - SP Structure for Edit Authorization in User Group
/PLMB/S_UGRP_EDIT_AUTH_UI - UI Structure for edit authorizations
/PLMB/S_UGRP_GENERAL_DATA - User Group General Data
/PLMB/S_UGRP_GENERAL_DATA_ID - ID Structure for User Group General Data
/PLMB/S_UGRP_GENERAL_DATA_SP - User Group General Data SP structure
/PLMB/S_UGRP_ID - ID Structure for User Group data
/PLMB/S_UGRP_INIT_ID - ID Structure for User Group Initial Node Data
/PLMB/S_UGRP_INIT_SP - SP Structure for User Group Initial Node
/PLMB/S_UGRP_PREVIEW_SP - Preview Data for User Entity
/PLMB/S_UGRP_USERS_UGRP_BO - Structure for Users of User Groups
/PLMB/S_UGRP_USER_ENTITY_ID - User Entity type - User Entity ID relation
/PLMB/S_UGRP_USER_GROUP_ID - Id structure for Assign User Group popup
/PLMB/S_UGRP_USER_GROUP_SP - SP structure for Assign User Group popup
/PLMB/S_UGRP_USER_SP - SP Structure for User Group - User Pop-up
/PLMB/VAUTH_OBSID - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VAUTH_SIDRP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VAUTH_UGSID - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMU/S_AUTH_ACL_TREE - ACL Structure for the Tree Node UI_ACL in Authorization View
/PLMU/S_DYN_EXPLOSION_REF - Structure to Store Dynamic References for Explosion Pop Up
HRI7600 - Collaboration Context Attributes
HRI7601 - Collaboration Context Role Assignment Attributes
HRP7600 - DB Table for Infotype 7600
HRP7601 - DB Table for Infotype 7601
P7600 - Infotype 7600: Collab Ctx Attr
P7600_AF - Additional Query Fields
P7601 - Infotype 7601: Collab Ctx Attr
P7601_AF - Additional Query Fields

SAP Control Center and Work Center Tables PLM-WUI-APP-CC

/PLMB/S_CC_ACT_REMOVE - Remove Action In Control Center
/PLMB/S_WCC_CC_MYOBJ_ID - WCC-CC My Object Favourite's ID
/PLMB/S_WCC_WF_NAV_ATTR - Workflow: Attributes for Navigation
/PLMB/S_WC_ACT_DIR_CHECKIN_URL - To get URL for checkin of document
/PLMB/S_WC_ACT_GET_KEYS - Action To Get Keys
/PLMB/S_WC_ACT_REMOVE - Remove Action
/PLMB/S_WEN_ATTR - Work Environment Attributes
/PLMB/S_WEN_GENERIC - Generic Structure of Work Environment
/PLMB/S_WEN_ID - Work Environment ID
/PLMB/S_WEN_PRMLST - Structure for WEN parameter list
/PLMB/S_WE_ACT_GET_ECN_VALD_FM - Get ECN Valid From Action
/PLMB/WEN_PRM - User specific Work Environment parameters and values
/PLMB/WEN_PRMLST - Work Environment Parameters List
/PLMU/S_VIEW_DATA - View data for dynamic creation of UI for WC/CC
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYACC - ACC Attributes for WCC
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYASM - PLM WCC: Structure for My Product Assembly
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYDIR - PLM WCC : Structure for My Document
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYECN - ECN attributes for WCC
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYECR - PLM WCC: Structure for My Change Records
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYGSSI2B - PLM WCC: Structure for My Synchronizations PSM to BOM (GSS)
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYGSSR2B - PLM WCC: Structure for My Synchronizations RCP to BOM (GSS)
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYLBL - PLM WCC Structure for Labeling
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYMAT - PLM WCC: Structure for My Material
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYMBOM - WCC:Structure for Material BOM
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYPVS - PLM WCC: Structure for My Product Structure
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYRBB - PLM WCC Structure for Recipe Building Block
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYRCP - PLM WCC Structure for Recipe
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYRSP - PLM WCC:Structure for My Specifications
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYSYNCH - PLM WCC: Structure for My Synchronizations (GSS)
/PLMU/S_WCC_POWL_CHIP - POWL Integration into a CHIP
/PLMU/S_WC_ACT_DIR_CHECKIN_URL - Delete This Structure
/PLMU/S_WC_ACT_OBJ_TYPE - Delete This Structure
/PLMU/S_WC_ACT_REMOVE - Delete This Structure
/PLMU/S_WEN_BASIC - Work Environment basic attributes displayed in Cntrl Center
/PLMU/S_WEN_GENERIC - Generic Structure of Work Environment
/PLMU/S_WEN_SPECIFIC - Work Environment Specific tab attributes

SAP Engineering Desktop Tables PLM-WUI-APP-EDK

/PLMB/S_EDESK_ASSIGN_PARAM - parameter for assign document to variant action
/PLMB/S_EDESK_ASSIGN_VAR_ASS - parameter for assign variant assembly
/PLMB/S_EDESK_CADOBJ_LVL - E-Desktop: Required level per CAD Object
/PLMB/S_EDESK_CHARACTERISTIC - Characteristic name and text
/PLMB/S_EDESK_CLASSIFICATION - Classification data
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DISPL_OPT_AS_SP - Display options in EDESK assembley view
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DISPL_OPT_DS_SP - Display options in EDESK document structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DISPL_OPT_SP - Display options in EDESK
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DOCUMENT - Engineering Desktop: Document Data Structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DOCUMENT_DISPLAY - Engineering Desktop: Document Data Structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_DOCUMENT_PVS_SP - SP structure for PVS structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_FLAGS - flags for edesk application
/PLMB/S_EDESK_HEADER_ID - Edesk Header ID structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_HEADER_SP - Header structure for EDESK
/PLMB/S_EDESK_ID - Edesk keys
/PLMB/S_EDESK_INIT_SESSION_SP - Structure that is returned from Init session
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MASS_STATUS_ID - ID structure for EDESK Mass Status Management
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MASS_STATUS_SP - SP structure for EDESK Mass Status Management
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MATERIAL_LINK_SP - Structure for material link popup
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MATERIAL_POPUP - Which function is it?Display/Change material/select mat link
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MAT_WITH_DESCR - Material with description
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM - BOM structure for create/update
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_EXPL_PAR - Explosion parameters for Material BOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_EXPL_PAR_ID - Structure for explosion parameter of MBOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_EXPL_PAR_SP - Structure for explosion parameters of MBOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_FIELDS - Input fields in popup for header
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_HEADER_ID - Header Material BOM ID Structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_HEADER_MAT - Structure for Popup to select the header material
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_HEADER_SP - Header Material BOM SP Structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_ID - ID Structure for the creation of a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_INP_FIELDS - Input fields in popup for header
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_ITEMMAT_INP - Materials for Items - context binding
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_ITEMS_MAT - Materials for Items
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_ITEM_ID - Structure to create items for MBOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_ITEM_MAT - Materials for Items
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_MAT_DESCR - Material and material description
/PLMB/S_EDESK_MBOM_PARAM - Parameters for Material BOM
/PLMB/S_EDESK_OBJID_GUID - E-Desktop: Object_Id Representative
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PARAM - Structure that contains parameters
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PARAMETERS - Parameter for action methods
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PARAM_SP - Structure for Parameter of URL
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PPE_VARIANT - Attributes of iPPE Variant
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PVS_GET_MATERIAL - parameters for pvs_get method
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PVS_HEADER_SP - SP struc for PVS search
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PVS_INSTANCE_SAV - parameter for PVS instance save
/PLMB/S_EDESK_PVS_REFRESH_IMP - structure for import parameters
/PLMB/S_EDESK_REFRESH_DATA_ID - Refresh data ID structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_REFRESH_DATA_SP - Refresh structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_SEA_RESULT - DIR: Search result structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_SELVAR_CRIT - search crit for selvar
/PLMB/S_EDESK_SELVAR_TABLE - table for selection variants
/PLMB/S_EDESK_STATUS_DESC - Document Status Description
/PLMB/S_EDESK_TITLEBLOCK_SP - Structure for returning titleblock data
/PLMB/S_EDESK_TREE_ID - Edesk Tree keys
/PLMB/S_EDESK_VARIANT_ASSY_ID - PVS Variant Assembly ID structure
/PLMB/S_EDESK_VARIANT_ASS_ID - Structure to display / change variant assemblies
/PLMB/S_EDESK_VARIANT_ASS_SP - Structure for Ippe Variant Assemblies
/PLMB/S_EDESK_VARIANT_SEARCH - criteria for variant search
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD - Structure for Wizard Enhanced with UI-Specific Fields
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_ACTION - Structure for Wizard Enhanced with UI-Specific Fields
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_ACTION_ID - E-Desktop: Structure for Actions and Conflicts ID in Wizard
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_ACTION_SP - E-Desktop: Structure for Actions and Conflicts in Wizard
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_DOC_ID - E-Desktop: Document ID for Check-In/Check-Out Wizard
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_DOC_SP - E-Desktop: Document Structure for Check-In/Check-Out Wizard
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_PVS_SP - structure for wizard popup
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WIZARD_SP - structure for wizard popup
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WS_ID - Engineering Desktop: Document Data transfered by WS
/PLMB/S_SEARCH_TO_EDESK_RESULT - To pass the selected results from search to Edesktop
/PLMU/S_EDESK_DISPLAY_IN - Structure That Contains Source and Destination Node
/PLMU/S_EDESK_EXISTING_MBOM - Structure for Table in Popup for Create/Change MatBOM
/PLMU/S_EDESK_POPUP - Structure That Contains Title and Window for Popup
EDESKCOMMDATA - EDESK Integration: Exchange/Communication Data
EDESKCOMMDATAS - EDESK Integration: Exchange/Communication Data
EDESKCOMMMAPDATAS - EDESK Integration: Data Mapping
EDESKCOMMPIOMAP - EDESK Integration: Structure Mapping
EDESKIFCUSTOMIZINGS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFCUSTOMIZINGT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENT2S - EDESK Interface: Document2
EDESKIFDOCUMENT3S - EDESK Interface: Document3
EDESKIFDOCUMENT4S - EDESK Interface: Document4
EDESKIFDOCUMENTADDS - EDESK Interface: Document (AddFiles)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTADDS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTADDT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTCONFIG - EDESK Interface: Document (Configuration)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTCONFIGS - EDESK Interface: Document (Configuration)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTEXTNOTIFS - EDESK Interface: Document (ExternalNotification)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTEXTNOTIFS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTEXTNOTIFT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCADS - EDESK Interface: Document (GetCadStructure)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCADS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCADT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCONFIGS - EDESK Interface: Document (GetConfigStructure)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCONFIGS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETCONFIGT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETFILES - EDESK Interface: Document (GetFileinfo)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETFILES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETFILET1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETWORKS - EDESK Interface: Document (GetWorkingDir)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETWORKS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTGETWORKT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTRENANDADDS - EDESK Interface: Document (RenameAndAddFiles)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTRENANDADDS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTRENANDADDT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTTRANSINSTS - EDESK Interface: Document (TransferInstance)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTTRANSINSTS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTTRANSINSTT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTUPDFILES - EDESK Interface: Document (UpdateFileinfo)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTUPDFILES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFDOCUMENTUPDFILET1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKADDFILES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKGETFILEINFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKGETPROPERTIES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKGETWORKINGDIR - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT2S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT2T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT3S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT3T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT4S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENT4T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFDOCUMENTT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILE2S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILE2T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILE3S - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILE3T - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKIFFILET - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKREQUESTURL - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKSETPROPERTIES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKTRANSFERFILES - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFEDESKUPDATEFILEINFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILE2S - EDESK Interface: File2
EDESKIFFILE3S - EDESK Interface: File3
EDESKIFFILEADDS - EDESK Interface: File (AddFiles)
EDESKIFFILEADDS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEADDT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILECONTENTS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILECONTENTT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEGETFILES - EDESK Interface: File (GetFileinfo)
EDESKIFFILEGETFILES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEGETFILET1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEGETPROPS - EDESK Interface: File (GetProperties)
EDESKIFFILEGETPROPS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEGETPROPT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILERENANDADDS - EDESK Interface: File (RenameAndAddFiles)
EDESKIFFILERENANDADDS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILERENANDADDT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILETRANSFILESS - EDESK Interface: File (TransferFiles)
EDESKIFFILETRANSFILESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILETRANSFILEST1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEUPDFILES - EDESK Interface: File (UpdateFileinfo)
EDESKIFFILEUPDFILES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFFILEUPDFILET1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFINSTANCES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFINSTANCET1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFPARAMETERS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFPARAMETERT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFPARENTDOCUMENTS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFPARENTDOCUMENTT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFRETURNS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKIFRETURNT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESKPIICALLREQUESTPARAMETERS - EDESK Integration: Call request parameters
EDESKPIICUSTPARAS - EDESK Integration: Customizing Parameter
EDESKPIIDOCSTATUS - EDESK Integration : Document Status List
EDESKPIIDOCUMENT2S - EDESK Integration: Document2
EDESKPIIRETURNMESSAGES - EDESK Integration: Retrun messages
EDESKUI_IPPE_INT_ID - Fields for External Key for Calling IPPE Workbench
EDESKUI_TS_AENNR_INT_ID - Fields for External Key of Change Number
EDESKUI_TS_DOC_INT_ID - Fields for External Key of Change Number
EDESKUI_TS_MARC_INT_ID - Fields for External Key of Plant Material
EDESK_ADD_FILES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_ADD_FILES_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_ADD_FILES_RFC_EXCEPTION1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_BAPI_CHAR - Characteristic Attributes
EDESK_BAPI_CHAR_VALUES - Allowed characteristic values
EDESK_BAPI_CLASS_ALLOCATION - BAPI Structure for Allocation of Object to Class
EDESK_BBOX - Expansion Area (Bounding Box)
EDESK_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUES - BAPI Structure for Characteristic Value Assignment
EDESK_CHECKINOUT - Engineering Desktop: Check-In/Check-Out-Data
EDESK_CHECKINOUT1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_CHECKINOUT_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Check-In/Check-Out-Data - Communication
EDESK_CHECKINOUT_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_CHILDREN - Engineering Desktop: References to Children
EDESK_CLASS_ALLOCATION - Engineering Desktop
EDESK_COMPONENT - Engineering Desktop: Component Structure
EDESK_CUST_ALL_WS - All Customizing Data for Web Service
EDESK_CUST_DATA_COMM - Customizing Values from CAD System - Communication
EDESK_CUST_DATA_WS - Customizing Values from CAD System Through Web Service
EDESK_CUST_DATA_WS1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_CUST_DATA_WS_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_C_APPLS - Customizing for Applications in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_BOMCREAC - Customizing for Classic BOM Creation in E-Desktop
EDESK_C_BOMCREAT - Customizing for iPPE BOM Creation in E-Desktop
EDESK_C_COMM - Customzing for CAD Integration\Commuication in Eng. Desktop
EDESK_C_DOCCREAT - Customizing for Document Creation in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_DOCUPDAT - Customizing for Document Update in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_GROUPS - Customizing for User Groups in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_INTEGR - Customizing for Integration Parameters in E-Desktop
EDESK_C_MATCREAT - Customizing for Material Creation in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_PARA - Customizing for Parameters in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_PARA_VAL - Customizing for Parameter Values in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_RELTYPE - Customizing for Relationship Types in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_C_SYSTEMS - Customizing of CAD Systems in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_DMS_CSCDOC - BOM Explosion: Documents
EDESK_DMS_CSTDOC - Output for Initial Document in BOM Explosion
EDESK_DMS_DRAD - Engineering Desktop: Object Links of Document
EDESK_DMS_DRAD_SELECT - BAPIS DMS: select object links
EDESK_DMS_DRAW2 - Engineering Desktop: Document Data
EDESK_DMS_DRAWX2 - Engineering Desktop: X-Structure for Document Data
EDESK_DMS_FILES2 - Engineering Desktop: Document Originals
EDESK_DMS_KEYS - Engineering Desktop: Document Key
EDESK_DMS_SELDRAD - Document search - selection via object links
EDESK_DMS_STPOX - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
EDESK_DMS_TDWA - Engineering Desktop: Document Types
EDESK_DMUTMXPARAM_STRUC - Parameter Structure for DMU Transformation Matrix
EDESK_DOCUMENT - Engineering Desktop: Document Data Structure
EDESK_DOCUMENT1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_DOCUMENT_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Document Data Structure - Communication
EDESK_DOCUMENT_COMM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESK_DOCUMENT_COMM_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESK_DOCUMENT_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_DOC_DATA - Document Data
EDESK_DOC_DATA_X - X Structure for Document Data
EDESK_DRAO - Engineering Desktop: Content
EDESK_DRAO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_DRAO_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Originals for documents - Communication
EDESK_DRAO_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_DUMMY_COMM - Dummy structure for LIKE typification in RFC interface
EDESK_ECM_ALT_DATE - Alternative Date of Change Number
EDESK_ECM_CHANGE_MASTER - Header Data of Change Number for Display
EDESK_ECM_OBJECT_TYPE - Object Types of Change Number Incl. Descriptions
EDESK_ECM_RECORD - Obj. Management Records of Chg. No. Incl. Type Descriptions
EDESK_ENVIRONM - EDESK: structure for environment tables
EDESK_EXPAND_STRUCTURE - Structure to expand document structure
EDESK_EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATION_R2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_EXTERNAL_NOTIFICATION_RE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_FILE - Engineering Desktop: Files
EDESK_FILE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_FILE_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Files - Communication
EDESK_FILE_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_GET_CAD_STRUCTURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_CAD_STRUCTURE_RESPON - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_CAD_STRUCTURE_RFC_E2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_GET_CONFIG_STRUCTURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_CONFIG_STRUCTURE_RES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_CONFIG_STRUCTURE_RF1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_GET_FILEINFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_FILEINFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_FILEINFO_RFC_EXCEPT2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_GET_PROPERTIES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_PROPERTIES_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_WORKING_DIR - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_WORKING_DIR_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_GET_WORKING_DIR_RFC_EXC2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_GUID_COMPONENT - E-Desktop: Assignment Doc Guid - edesk component
EDESK_HEADER - Initial Object
EDESK_INST - Database Table for Instance Mgmt in Engineering Desktop
EDESK_INST_DIR - Structure for Instances with Document Key
EDESK_INST_DIR1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_INST_DIR_COMM - Structure for Instances with Document Key - Communication
EDESK_INST_DIR_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_LONGTEXT - Engineering Desktop
EDESK_MAT_HEAD - Header Segment with Control Information
EDESK_MAT_MARA - General material data
EDESK_MAT_MARC - Plant Data for Material
EDESK_MAT_MTCOM - Material Master Communication
EDESK_MBOM_HEADER - Engineering Desktop: Structure for MBOM Header Data
EDESK_MBOM_HEADER_INTERNAL - MBOM Header Data (static!!) (w. Searchhelp) (internal!!)
EDESK_MBOM_ITEM - Engineering Desktop: Structure for MBOM Item Data
EDESK_MBOM_ITEM_INTERNAL - MBOM Item Data ((static!!) (w. Searchhelp)) (internal!!)
EDESK_MONITOR - E-Desktop: Table for Monitoring Database Table DRAW
EDESK_OBJECTLINK - Engineering Desktop: Object Links
EDESK_PARAMETER_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Parameter/Value - Communication
EDESK_PARAMETER_COMM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESK_PARAMETER_COMM_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDESK_PARAM_COMM - E-Desktop: Delivered parameters in external interface
EDESK_PARENT - Engineering Desktop: References to Parents
EDESK_PVS_ID - Edesk PVS Tree keys
EDESK_REFRESH - Must Data (for Which Views?) Be Read
EDESK_RENAME_AND_ADD_FILES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_RENAME_AND_ADD_FILES_RES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_RENAME_AND_ADD_FILES_RF1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_RETURN - Engineering Desktop: Return Parameters
EDESK_RETURN1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_RETURN_COMM - Engineering Desktop: Return Parameters - Communication
EDESK_RETURN_TAB1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_SELVAR - Engineering Desktop: Table for Managing Selection Variants
EDESK_SELVAR_ITM - E-Desktop: Table for Managing Contents of Selection Variable
EDESK_SELVAR_ITM_STRUC - Structure Selection Variant Item
EDESK_SELVAR_STRUC - Structure of Selection Variant
EDESK_SOAP_FTR - E-Desktop: SOAP Features
EDESK_SOAP_PRTY - E-Desktop: SOAP Property
EDESK_TRANSFER_FILES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_TRANSFER_FILES_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_TRANSFER_FILES_RFC_EXCE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_TRANSFER_INSTANCES - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_TRANSFER_INSTANCES_RESPO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_TRANSFER_INSTANCES_RFC_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_TREE_ID - Tree id structure
EDESK_UI_DOC - Enhanceable Structure for Views of Engineering Desktop
EDESK_UI_HEADER - Header Structure of Main Window
EDESK_UPDATE_FILEINFO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_UPDATE_FILEINFO_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
EDESK_UPDATE_FILEINFO_RFC_EXC2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
EDESK_URL_PARAM - E-Desktop: URL-Parameter
EDESK_VALUE_F4 - Value with Text Structure for generic F4 help
EDESK_WIZARD - E-Desktop: Structure for Check-In/Check-Out Wizard
EDESK_WIZARD_ACTION - E-Desktop: Table for Actions and Conflicts in Wizard
RFC_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

SAP Guided Structure Synchronization Tables PLM-WUI-APP-GSS

/PLMB/GSS_ACTI - Registration of Action Types
/PLMB/GSS_ACTIT - Action Type Description
/PLMB/GSS_CONACT - Assignment between Conflict and Action Types
/PLMB/GSS_CONFT - Registrration of Conflict Types
/PLMB/GSS_CONFTT - Conflict Type Descriptions
/PLMB/GSS_CONSEV - Conflict Type Severity
/PLMB/GSS_GENSET - General Settings for Guided Structure Synchronization
/PLMB/GSS_SUNITT - Synchronization Unit Description
/PLMB/GSS_SU_LOG - Logs of Sync Unit
/PLMB/GSS_SU_PAR - Synchronization Unit Parameters
/PLMB/GSS_SU_STA - Synchronization Unit Status
/PLMB/GSS_SU_STR - Assignment of Structures to Synchronization Units
/PLMB/S_GSS_APPLOG_MSG_CONTEXT - Generic include for GSS application log message contexts
/PLMB/S_GSS_APPL_VTX_ENHANCE - Application Enhancement of Vertex
/PLMB/S_GSS_AREA_INDEX - Index of an Area
/PLMB/S_GSS_ASPECT - Aspect with Type
/PLMB/S_GSS_ASPECT_DATA - Data Sets of Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_ASPECT_TYPE_DDIC - Aspect with Type (Vertex, Attribute) and DDIC Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTRIBUTE_DATA - Data of an Attribute Comparison
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTR_OPERATION - Data of an attribute operation
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTR_OPS - Attribute Operation
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTR_OPS_DATA - data of an attribute operation
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTR_OPS_KEY - table keys of attribute operations
/PLMB/S_GSS_ATTR_TAKEOVER - attribute to take over from source to target
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SEA_CRIT_DB - DB search structure for B2B Synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SEA_CRIT_UI - UI search Structure for B2B Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SEA_RESULT - B2B Synchronization Unit Search Result
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SUNIT_ID - GOS-ID Structure for B2B Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SYNCUNIT_HEAD - B2B specific Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_B2B_SYNC_UNIT_ENH - B2B specific enhancement of Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_BADI_ACTION_PROP - Action Proposal generated by BADI
/PLMB/S_GSS_CLIPBOARD_ASPECT - Clipboard relevant vertex aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_CMP_XATTR_ASPECT - Comparison of complex attributes on aspect level
/PLMB/S_GSS_CMP_XATTR_CONTROL - Complex Attribute Control
/PLMB/S_GSS_CMP_XATTR_INST - Comparison of complex attributes on aspect instance level
/PLMB/S_GSS_CONFLICT_BASE - Conflict Basic Data
/PLMB/S_GSS_CONFLICT_MSG - Message for a Conflict
/PLMB/S_GSS_DDIC_ELEMENTS - Fieldnames of a DDIC Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_DEPENDENCY - Dependency between two Size Aspects
/PLMB/S_GSS_ECN_DATA - Change Number with Description and Valid_From
/PLMB/S_GSS_ECN_MAP_ACTIVE - Structure like line type of /PLMI/GSS_B2B_CN without MANDT
/PLMB/S_GSS_ECN_MAP_UPD - ECN mapping incl. active flag + process state for DB update
/PLMB/S_GSS_ENTITY_FIELD - Field of a GSS Entity
/PLMB/S_GSS_ESO_SUNIT_HEAD - Enterprise Search Template B2B Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_EXPAND_STRUC - Parameters for Expanding a Substructure
/PLMB/S_GSS_FIELD_NAME_DESCR - ddic fieldname and the medium description
/PLMB/S_GSS_FIELD_PROPERTY - Field properties
/PLMB/S_GSS_I2B_SEA_CRIT_DB - DB search structure for I2B Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_I2B_SEA_CRIT_UI - UI search structure for I2B Synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_I2B_SEA_RESULT - Synchronization PSM to BOM Search Result
/PLMB/S_GSS_I2B_SUNIT_ID - GOS-ID Structure for Synchronization PSM to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_I2B_SYNC_UNIT_ENH - I2B specific enhancement of Sync Unit head
/PLMB/S_GSS_ID_STRUC_EXCHANGE - Exchange of Structure Unit IDs
/PLMB/S_GSS_ID_STRUC_UNIT - Identifier of Structure Unit (Unique Key)
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY - Key of Aspect Instance
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_AREA - Key of an Area (unique within Dimension)
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_ATTRIBUTE - Unique Key of an Attribute
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_EDGE - Unique Key of an Edge
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_INDEX - Key of an Index (unique within Dimension)
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_MAPPING - Key Mapping for Aspect Instance
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_MAPPING_ATT_I - Attributes for Key Mapping of GSS-Aspects
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_MAPPING_I - Source-Target Mapping for GSS-Aspects
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_MAP_SOURCE_ATT - Source Attributes
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_MAP_SRC_ALT_I - Attributes of the Source Part of Key Mapping for GSS-Aspects
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_PARENT_CHILD - Parent-Child-Relationship of Aspect Instances
/PLMB/S_GSS_KEY_VERTEX - Unique Key of a Vertex
/PLMB/S_GSS_LOG_LINK - Link between Sync Unit and Application Log
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAPPING_ASPECTS - Aspects of source, parent, and mapped vertex
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_ASPECT_ATTR - Data of an Aspect Instance
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_DIMENSION - Dimension in a Model
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_DIM_AREA - Area of a Dimension in a Substructure
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_DIM_AREA_SUB - Substructure for given Area (of given Dimension)
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_DIM_KEY_INDEX - Index in a Model
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_ENTITY - Mapping between two GSS Entities
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_KEY_AREA - Area of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_KEY_EDGE - Edge in a Graph
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_KEY_SUB - Subgraph in a Graph
/PLMB/S_GSS_MAP_KEY_VERTEX - Vertex in a Graph
/PLMB/S_GSS_META_ATTRIBUTE - Meta Model: Definition of Attribute Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_META_DIMENSION - Meta Model: Dimension Definition
/PLMB/S_GSS_META_EDGE - Meta Model: Definition of Edge Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_META_INDEX - Meta Model: Index Definition
/PLMB/S_GSS_META_VERTEX - Meta Model: Definition of Vertex Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_MODIFIED_XATTR - Modified Complex attributes
/PLMB/S_GSS_MODIFY - Modification
/PLMB/S_GSS_ODP_ATTR_COMP - Object dependency attributes for comparison
/PLMB/S_GSS_OLD_ATTRVAL - Old attribute value
/PLMB/S_GSS_OTYPE - GSS object type structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_PARAMEFF - parameter effectivity structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_PPE_OBJECT_CHG_ID - assignment of change numbers to object IDs
/PLMB/S_GSS_PPE_STRUC_UNIT_ID - Structure Unit ID of PSM structure in GSS
/PLMB/S_GSS_PROJECTION - Projection based on a Set of Indices of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SEA_CRIT_DB - DB search structure for R2B Synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SEA_CRIT_UI - UI search Structure for B2B Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SEA_RESULT - R2B Synchronization Unit Search Result
/PLMB/S_GSS_S2B_SUNIT_ID - GOS-ID Structure for Synchronization Scope to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_S2B_SUNIT_VERS - Synchronization Unit Scope to BOM: Version-dependent data
/PLMB/S_GSS_S2B_SYNC_UNIT_ATTR - sync unit attributes for scope to BOM synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_S2B_SYNC_UNIT_DB - Scope to BOM specific enhancement of Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_S2B_SYNC_UNIT_ENH - Scope to BOM specific enhancement of Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_SCO_STRUC_UNIT - Structure Unit for Routing Scope Synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_SCO_STRUC_UNIT_ID - Structure Unit for Routing Scope Synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_SIZE_FIELDPROP - Field Properties of Size
/PLMB/S_GSS_SKEY_EDGE - Semantic Key of an Edge in a Graph
/PLMB/S_GSS_SORT_CHANGE - Changing the sort sequence
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_B2B_ECN_STATUS - Line of Range of ECN status
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_BATCHJOBS - assigned batchjobs to a sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_BATCH_PARAM - parameter structure for batch assignment of sync units
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_BOM_SUNIT_DATA - GSS SP structure for synchronization data
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_BOM_SUNIT_KEY - GSS SP key structure for synchronization units
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_BOM_SUNIT_OBJ - SP structure for assigned objects to BOM Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_CONFLICT_DATA - SP structure for conflict data
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_DETAILS - GSS Object detail structure for SP
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_ECN_MAP_DATA - GSS SP change number mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_GRAPH_EXPAND - GSS SP structure for expand in graph
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_I2B_ECN_STATUS - Line of Range of ECN status
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_ITM_COMP_ATTR - complex attribute keys for MatBOM item
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_MBOM_COMP_ATTR - complex attribute keys for MatBOM Header
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_MBOM_P_DATA - Normalized MatBOM proposal structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_MBOM_S_DATA - Normalized MatBOM source structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_MBOM_T_DATA - Normalized MatBOM target structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_NAV_DATA - data when navigating between different vertices
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_NAV_STRUC - GSS SP structure for navigate structure action
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_NODE_FACT - SP node class references for the respective node names
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_OBJDEP - GSS SP structure to read object dependency
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_PPE_SUNIT_DATA - GSS SP structure for synchronization data
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_PPE_SUNIT_KEY - GSS SP key structure for synchronization units
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_PPE_SUNIT_OBJ - SP structure for assigned objects to BOM Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_PPE_S_DATA - Normalized MatBOM source structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_PROJECTIONS - GSS SP structure for projections
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_SUNIT_KEY - SP structure for assigned objects to BOM Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_SUNIT_LINK - GSS SP structure for document types
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_TREE_DATA - normalized structure for data displayed in RWB tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_TREE_INS_PARAM - SP structure for tree insert parameters
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_TREE_NAV - GSS SP tree navigation
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_TYPE_GRAPH - structure with graph type to retrieve details
/PLMB/S_GSS_SP_VARIANT - variant overview
/PLMB/S_GSS_SRC_TRG_ECN_MAP - SyncUnit independ. Mapping between source ECN - target ECNs
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_AREA - Area of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_ASSIGNMENT - Explicit Assignment to an Index of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_ATTR_MODI - Modification of an Attribute Set
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DATA_ATTR - Data Sets of an Attribute Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DATA_EDGE - Edge Headers for an Edge Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DATA_INDEX - Index Headers for an Index Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DATA_VERTEX - Vertex Headers for a Vertex Aspect
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DIMENSION - Definition of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_DIM_MODI - Modification of Elements of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_EDGE_MODI - Modification of an Edge
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_EXT_KEY - External Key of Structure Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_INDEX_MODI - Modification of an Index
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_KEY_ATTR - Key of a Data Set of an Entity
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_KEY_EDGE - Mandatory Fields of a Header of an Edge
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_KEY_INDEX - Index of a Dimension
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_KEY_VERTEX - Mandatory Fields of a Header of a Vertex
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_RELATION - Parent-Child-Relationship between two Indices
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_ROOT - Structure Root
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_SUB_MODI - Modification of Substructures
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_UNIT - Structure Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_STRUC_VERTEX_MODI - Modification of a Vertex
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUBSTRUCTURE - Definition of Areas of Substructures
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUNIT_ECN - Scope: Sync Unit ID + Source ECNs per Sync Unit ID
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUNIT_ECN_DATA - Change Number with Description, Valid_From and SyncUnit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUNIT_ECN_MAP_DATA - SyncUnit dependent Mapping between source ECN - target ECNs
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUNIT_ECN_MCNDATA - Sync Unit + eCN + mCN enriched
/PLMB/S_GSS_SUNIT_STRUC_ASSIGN - Assignment of Sync Unit to Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNCUNIT_PARAMS - Synchronization Unit Parameters
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_ENTITY - Entities of a Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_LOG_ASSIGN - Assignment of Log to Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_STATUS - Sync Unit Status
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT - Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_DB - Database Structure for Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_DECODED - Decoded Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_DESCR - Synchronizatino Unit Description
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_ESO - Enterprise Search: Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_ESO_DESC - Enterprise Search: Synchronization Unit Description
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_ESO_STRU - Enterprise Search: Synchronization Unit Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_HEAD - Synchronization Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_HEAD_BAS - Basic structure of Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_HEAD_DB - Basic structure of Sync Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_LOCK - Lock Argument of Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_SYNC_UNIT_STRUC - Assigned Structure to Synchronization Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_TYPES_GRAPH - Flags for required graph types
/PLMB/S_GSS_UI_LOG_CONTEXT - Display Context for GSS BOM to BOM Application Log
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTROP_ATTR - Attributes of complex attribute operations
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTROP_KEY - Complex attribute Key Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTR_ACCEPT - Accepting difference of Complex Attribute
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTR_EXT_KEY - External Key of Complex Attribute
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTR_KEY - Key of complex attribute
/PLMB/S_GSS_XATTR_TAKEOVER - Complex Attribute to be taken over automatically
/PLMI/S_GSS_LOG_CONTEXT - Application Log Context
/PLMI/S_GSS_LOG_MSG_CTX - Application Log Message Context
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_DOC_ASSGN - GSS MBOM: Document Info Record assignment (Attribute)
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_DOC_ASSGN_ID - GSS MBOM: ID of a Document Info Record assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HDR_CHG_ENR - GSS Vertex: Enriched Material BOM header change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HDR_CHG_ID - ID of an MBOM header change state in GSS context
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HDR_ITM_EDGE - GSS Edge: Material BOM header -> Material BOM item
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HEADER - GSS Vertex Material BOM header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HEADER_CHANGE - GSS Vertex Material BOM header change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_HEADER_ENR - GSS Vertex: Enriched Material BOM header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM - GSS Vertex Material BOM item
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM_CHANGE - GSS Vertex Material BOM item change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM_CHG_ENR - GSS Vertex: Enriched Material BOM item change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM_CHG_ID - ID of an MBOM item change state in GSS context
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM_DEL_PARA - GSS Vertex Material BOM item - add data for item deletion
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ITEM_ID - ID of an MBOM item in GSS context
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_LONG_TEXT - GSS MBOM: Long Text assignments to MBOM objects
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ODP_LINK - GSS MBOM: Object Dependency Link to MBOM Item
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_ODP_LINK_ID - GSS MBOM: ID of a object dependency assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_PARAM - Additional Parameters for Calling Structure Type MBOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_STRUCT_NORM - Normalized MBOM structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_TIME_SLICE - GSS MBOM: Time slice of an Material BOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_MBOM_UPDATED_OBJ - GSS MBOM: ID of an object that has been changed
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_ADMIN_INFO - GSS Vertex: Administration Information
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BASIC_EDGE - GSS Edge: Basic structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BOM_IDX - GSS Index: BOM Assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BOM_IDX_K - GSS Index Key: BOM Assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BOM_VTX - GSS Vertex: BOM Assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BOM_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: BOM Assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_BOM_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: BOM Assignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_CN_DATA - GSS Vertex: Change Number Data
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_HEAD_IDX - GSS Index: Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_HEAD_IDX_K - GSS Index Key: Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_HEAD_VTX - GSS Vertex: Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_HEAD_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_HEAD_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_OPERATION_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: Operation
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_OPERATION_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: Operation
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PHASE_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: Phase
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PHASE_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: Phase
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_CV_ATTR - GSS Attribute: PI Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_CV_ATTR_D - GSS Attribute Data: PI Characteristic
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_CV_ATTR_K - GSS Attribute Key: PI Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_IDX - GSS Index: Process Instruction
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_IDX_K - GSS Index Key: Process Instruction
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_VTX - GSS Vertex: Process Instruction
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: Process Instruction
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_PI_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: Process Instruction
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RESOURCE_IDX - GSS Index: Primary/Secondary Resource
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RESOURCE_IDX_K - GSS Index Key: Primary/Secondary Resource
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RESOURCE_VTX - GSS Vertex: Primary/Secondary Resource
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RESOURCE_VTX_D - GSS Vertex Data: Primary/Secondary Resource
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RESOURCE_VTX_K - GSS Vertex: Primary/Secondary Resource Key
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_CV_ATTR - GSS Attribute: RSC Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_CV_ATTR_K - GSS Attribute Key: RSC Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_IDX - GSS Index: Resource Selection Criteria
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_IDX_K - GSS Index Key: Resource Selection Criteria
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_VTX - GSS Vertex: Resource Selection Criteria
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_RSC_VTX_K - GSS Vertex Key: Resource Selection Criteria
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_STRUCT_NORM - Normalized Recipe structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_STRUC_ID_ADDPAR - Additional Parameters needed to write master recipe
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_STRUC_ID_PARAM - Parameters needed to read/write master recipes
/PLMI/S_GSS_MR_TIME_SLICE - Time Slice for master recipe
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_ASSEMBLY - GSS index for PPE assembly elements
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_DOC_ASSIGN - GSS attribute for PPE document link
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_ECN - GSS: Change numbers for a PPE structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_EDGE - GSS edge for PPE relations
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_LONG_TEXT - GSS PPE: Long Text assignment to PPE object
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_OBJDEP_ASSIGN - GSS Attribute: Object dependencies for variant change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_POSVAR - GSS Index PPE PVS (non-historic part)
/PLMI/S_GSS_PPE_STRUC_PARAM - Parameters of PSM Structure Unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_SUNIT_DATA - Sync Unit Data for Scope2BOM (with main source and target)
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_SUNIT_HEAD_DB - PSM to BOM with scope - sync unit header structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_SYNCUNIT_HEAD - PSM to BOM with scope - sync unit header structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_SU_PARAMEFF - Effectivity Parameter Value
/PLMI/S_MBOM_TIME_SLICE - Time slices of a Material BOM
/PLMI/S_MRCP_DETAILS - Master Recipe Details
/PLMI/S_MRCP_HEADER - Master Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_MRCP_KEY - Master Recipe Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_MAT_ASSIGNMENT - Master Recipe Material Assignments
/PLMI/S_MRCP_MAT_ASSIGNMENT_K - Master Recipe Material Assignments
/PLMI/S_MRCP_OPERATION - Master Recipe Operation
/PLMI/S_MRCP_OPERATION_ADD - Master Recipe Operation - Add
/PLMI/S_MRCP_OPERATION_KEY - Master Recipe Operation Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PHASE - Master Recipe Phase
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PHASE_ADD - Master Recipe Phase - Add
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PHASE_KEY - Master Recipe Resource Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI - Master Recipe Process Instructions
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI_ADD - Master Recipe PI - Add
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI_CHAR_VAL - Master Recipe PI Characteristics
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI_CHAR_VAL_ADD - Master Recipe PI Char - Add
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI_CHAR_VAL_KEY - Master Recipe PI Characteristic Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PI_KEY - Master Recipe PI Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PRODVER - Master Recipe Production Version
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PRODVER_ADD - Master Recipe Production Version
/PLMI/S_MRCP_PRODVER_KEY - Master Recipe Production Version
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RESOURCE - Master Recipe Resource
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RESOURCE_ADD - Master Recipe Resource - Add
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RESOURCE_KEY - Master Recipe Operation Key
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RSC - Master Recipe Resource Selection Criteria
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RSC_CHAR_VAL - Master Recipe RSC Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_MRCP_RSC_KEY - Master Recipe Resource Selection Criteria Key
/PLMI/S_RES_CHAR_VAL - Resource Determination: Characteristic Values
/PLMI/S_RES_CLASS_CHAR_VAL - Resource Determination: Classes and Characteristic Values
/PLMI/S_RES_CLASS_CHAR_VAL_DAT - Resource Determination: Resources
/PLMI/S_TIME_SLICE_ID - GSS MBOM: id structure of a time slice
/PLMU/S_GSS_MBOM_TIME_SLICE - GSS MatBOM: Time slice of an Material BOM
/PLMU/S_GSS_TREE_GEN_ATTR - generic attributes for tree
/PLMU/S_GSS_TREE_KEY - GSS tree ID SP structure
/PLMU/S_GSS_TREE_KEY_UI - key strucuture f�r generic table tree part
/PLMU/S_GSS_TREE_KEY_UI_I - UI&WDC relevant fields for table tree
/PLMU/S_GSS_TREE_PLAN_UI - tree structure for plan UI (generic part)
/PLMU/S_GSS_UI_NAV_PARAM - navigation parameters from Plan UI to RWB

SAP Engineering BOM to Manufacturing BOM Tables PLM-WUI-APP-GSS-E2M

/PLMI/GSSS2BVERS - Scope Versioning for Synchronization Units
/PLMI/GSS_B2BAOP - GSS eBOM->mBOM: Attribute Operations Table
/PLMI/GSS_B2BXAO - Complex Attribute Operations
/PLMI/GSS_B2B_CN - GSS eBOM->mBOM: engineering->manufacturing change number map
/PLMI/GSS_B2B_KM - GSS eBOM->mBOM: Key Mapping table
/PLMI/GSS_B2B_SU - B2B Synchroniation Unit Head
/PLMI/GSS_I2BAOP - GSS eBOM->mBOM: Attribute Operations Table
/PLMI/GSS_I2BXAO - Complex Attribute Operations
/PLMI/GSS_I2B_CN - GSS iPPE->mBOM: engineering->manufacturing change number map
/PLMI/GSS_I2B_KM - GSS PSM->mBOM: Key Mapping table
/PLMI/GSS_I2B_SU - I2B Synchroniation Unit Head
/PLMI/GSS_S2BAOP - GSS Scope->mBOM: Attribute Operations Table
/PLMI/GSS_S2BXAO - Complex Attribute Operations
/PLMI/GSS_S2B_KM - GSS Scope->mBOM: Key Mapping table
/PLMI/GSS_S2B_SU - Scope specific Synchroniation Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_ECNSTATUS_RG - Line of Range of ECN status
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_ESO_SUNIT_CN - Enterprise Search: Assigned Change Numbers to Sync Unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_ESO_SUNIT_HEAD - Enterprise Search Template B2B Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_SYNCUNIT_DESCR - External Key and Description of a Synchronization Unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_SYNCUNIT_HEAD - B2B specific Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_B2B_SYNCUNIT_PARAM - Further Control Parameters for BOM to BOM Synchronization
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_ECNSTATUS_RG - Line of Range of ECN status
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_ESO_PSM_ASSIGN - Assignment of PSM Structure to Synchronization I2B
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_ESO_SUNIT_CN - Enterprise Search: Assigned Change Numbers to Sync Unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_ESO_SUNIT_HEAD - Enterprise Search Node I2B Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_MBOM_HC_ENH - I2B Application Enhancement of BOM header change state
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_SUNIT_LINKS - Sync Unit Document Links
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_SYNCUNIT_DESCR - External Key and Description of a Synchronization Unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_SYNCUNIT_HEAD - I2B specific Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_I2B_SYNCUNIT_PARAM - Further Control Parameters for PSM to BOM Synchronization
/PLMI/S_GSS_RTG_PPE_DIR - dir for rtg ppe objects
/PLMI/S_GSS_RTG_PPE_LT - long texts for rtg ppe objects
/PLMI/S_GSS_RTG_PPE_POSVAR - GSS Index PPE PVS (non-historic part)
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_DOKAR_VERS - Document Type with Corresponding Version
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_SUNIT_LINKS - Sync Unit Document Links
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_SYNCUNIT_PARAM - Further Control Parameters for Scope to BOM Synchronization
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_VERS - Synchronization Unit Version for Scope
/PLMI/S_GSS_S2B_VERS_ID - Synchronization Unit Version for Scope

SAP PLM Object Navigator Tables PLM-WUI-APP-NAV

/PLMI/S_NAV_ACCROLE_ID - Nav - include structure for common INTID and acc role ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_ACCROLE_ID_ATTR - Nav - Attributes of Accrole ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_ACC_ID - ObjNav: ACC - ID structure
/PLMI/S_NAV_ACC_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for ACC
/PLMI/S_NAV_BOMDIRITEM_ATTR - NAV specific Attributes of a Document Structure Item
/PLMI/S_NAV_BOMDIR_ATTR - ObjNav: Material BOM attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_BOMDIR_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Material BOM attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_DIR_ATTR - NAV - DIR attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_DIR_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and DIR key fields
/PLMI/S_NAV_DIR_ID_ATTR - NAV - DIR attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_ECN_ID - ObjNav: Change Number - ID structure
/PLMI/S_NAV_ECN_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for ECN
/PLMI/S_NAV_ECR_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Change record
/PLMI/S_NAV_ECR_ID_ATTR - NAV - Change record attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_ECR_ID_GUID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and ECR_ID and GUID
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSB2B_ID - NAV - key structure for B2B Sync Unit
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSB2B_ID_ATTR - NAV - Attributes of B2B specific Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSI2B_ID - NAV - key structure for B2B Sync Unit
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSI2B_ID_ATTR - NAV - Attributes of B2B specific Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSR2B_ID - NAV - key structure for R2B specific SyncUnit
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSR2B_ID_ATTR - NAV - Attributes of R2B specific SyncUnit
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSR2B_MAP_ID - NAV - key structure for R2B Mapping
/PLMI/S_NAV_GSSR2B_MAP_ID_ATTR - NAV - Attributes of R2B Mapping
/PLMI/S_NAV_INITIATIVE_ATTR - PPM: Initiative Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_INITIATIVE_ID_ATTR - PPM: Initiative Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_ITEMCHANGE_ID_ATTR - NAV - Item change state internal id and attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_ITEM_ID_ATTR - NAV - Item internal id and attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_LBL_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Label ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_LBL_ID_ATTR - NAV - Label attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MAT_ATTR - NAV - Material Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MAT_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Material number
/PLMI/S_NAV_MAT_ID_ATTR - NAV - Material attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MAT_VERS_ID - NAV ID : Material Version
/PLMI/S_NAV_MAT_VERS_ID_ATTR - NAV ATTR : Material Version attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MBOMITEM_ATTR - NAV - Item attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MBOM_ATTR - ObjNav: Material BOM attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MBOM_ID - ObjNav: ID of a Material BOM
/PLMI/S_NAV_MBOM_ID_ATTR - ObjNav:ID for Material BOM attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_MPN_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and MPN
/PLMI/S_NAV_MPN_INTID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and MPN
/PLMI/S_NAV_PHASE_ATTR - PPM: Phase Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_PHASE_ID - NAV - Key Component Phase
/PLMI/S_NAV_PHASE_ID_ATTR - PPM: Phase Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AG_ID - NAV - key structure for PPE Assembly group
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AG_ID_ATTR - NAV: Attribute structure for PPE ASM GRP
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AH_ID - NAV - key structure for PPE Assembly header
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AH_ID_ATTR - NAV: Attribute structure for PPE ASM HDR
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AI_ID - NAV - key structure for PPE Assembly item
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_AI_ID_ATTR - NAV: attributes structure for ASM ITM
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_NODE_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and ext ID of NODE
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_PF_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for Access Object
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_PIV_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for Function Variant
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_PI_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for Product Item Object
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_PVW_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for View Object
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_PV_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for Product Variant
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPECMP_VAR_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID & ext ID of VARIANT
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPE_AICHG_ID_ATTR - NAV: attributes structure for ASM ITM
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPE_GUID_CHANGE_NO - iPPE Variant GUID - Change Number Structure
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPE_PIVCHG_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for Function Variant
/PLMI/S_NAV_PPM_ITEM_ATTR - PPM: Item Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_PROJ_ATTR - PPM: Project Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_PROJ_ID - NAV - Key Komponent Project
/PLMI/S_NAV_PROJ_ID_ATTR - PPM: Project Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_RCP_BB_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Recipe BB ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_RCP_BB_ID_ATTR - NAV - Recipe Building Block attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_RCP_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Recipe ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_RCP_ID_ATTR - NAV - Recipe attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_RFO_FRMITM_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Formula Item ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_RFO_ITM_ID - NAV - Include structure for common INTID and Formula Item ID
/PLMI/S_NAV_RFO_ITM_ID_ATTR - NAV - Recipe - Formula Item attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_RSP_SUB_ID - NAV - Structure for INTID and Substance ID (Specification)
/PLMI/S_NAV_RSP_SUB_ID_ATTR - NAV - Substance (Specification) Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_TASK_ATTR - PPM: Task Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_TASK_ID - NAV - Key Component Task
/PLMI/S_NAV_TASK_ID_ATTR - PPM: Task Attributes
/PLMI/S_NAV_UGRP_ID - ObjNav: Usergrp - ID structure
/PLMI/S_NAV_UGRP_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for USER Ggp
/PLMI/S_NAV_USER_ID - ObjNav: USER - ID structure
/PLMI/S_NAV_USER_ID_ATTR - ObjNav: Attribute for USER

SAP Routing: EBOM Assignment Tables PLM-WUI-APP-RTG

/PLMB/S_RTG_CHANGE_INTERVAL - Change Intervals of a Routing
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHANGE_INTVAL_I - Value list valid_from_date - change_no
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_BO - Routing BO: Inspectiona characteristics
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_DATA_SP - SP Node: Data for Inspection Characteristics
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for Inspection characteristics
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_ID - Routing BO: Inspection characteristic ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_ID_SP - SP Node: Inspection Characteristic ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHA_INS - Routing BO: Inspectiona characteristics data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO - Routing BO: Inspection characteristic values
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_DATA_SP - SP Node: Data for Inspection Character Values
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for Inspection char. values
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_ID - Routing BO: Inspection characteristic value ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_ID_SP - SP Node: inspection Char. Value ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_INS - Routing BO: Inspection char. values data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_BO - Routing BO: Component assignment
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_DATA_SP - SP Node: Component Assignment Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for component assignment
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_ID - Routing BO: Component assignment ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_ID_SP - SP Node: Component Assignment
/PLMB/S_RTG_COM_INS - Routing BO: Component assignment data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_CONTROL_KEYS - Routing BO: Operation/Activity control key from T430
/PLMB/S_RTG_COPY_SETTINGS - RCA: Routing object copy settings
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_HDR_STATUS - RTG_BO: Task List status dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_HDR_USAGE - RTG_BO: Task List Usage dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_PRT_CATEGORY - RTG_BO: Production Resource category dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_PRT_CONTROL_KEY - RTG_BO: Production Resouce Control Key dropdown values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_PRT_SCHED - RTG_BO: Production Resource schedule offset dropdown values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_SEQ_ALIGN_KEY - RTG_BO: Sequence Alignment Key dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_SEQ_CATEGORY - RTG_BO: Sequence Category dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_SEQ_REL_KEY - RTG_BO: Sequence Relation Key dropdown listbox values
/PLMB/S_RTG_DD_VALUES - RTG_BO: Dropdown listbox values for routing specific attrib.
/PLMB/S_RTG_DISP_SETTINGS - RCA: Routing objects display settings
/PLMB/S_RTG_DISP_SETTINGS_SP - RCA: Routing objects display settings (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_BO - Routing BO: Header data
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_DATA_SP - SP Node: Header Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data of Routing header
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_ID - Routing BO: Routing header ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_ID_SP - SP Node: Header ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_INS - Routing BO: Header data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_MBOM_ASSGN - MBOM used when assigning components to a Routing
/PLMB/S_RTG_MBOM_ID - Id of an MBOM assigned to a Routing
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_BO - Routing BO: Milestone
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_DATA_SP - SP Node: Data for Milestones
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for Milestone
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_ID - Routing BO: Milestone ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_ID_SP - SP Node: Milestone ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_MST_INS - Routing BO: Milestone data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_BO - Routing BO: Material Task allocation
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_DATA_SP - SP Node: Material Task Allocation Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for Material Task allocation
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_ID - Routing BO: Material Task allocation
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_ID_SP - SP Node: Material Task Allocation
/PLMB/S_RTG_MTK_INS - Routing BO: Material Task allocation data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_NODE_ID - Key of a routing object
/PLMB/S_RTG_NODE_ID_EXTEND - Key of a routing object - extended
/PLMB/S_RTG_NODE_KEY - Key of a routing object
/PLMB/S_RTG_NODE_KEY_EXTEND - Key of a routing object - extended
/PLMB/S_RTG_NODE_OBJECT_KEY - RTG Tree: Object Key of a node
/PLMB/S_RTG_OBJECT_ID - Ident and Path of a Routing Object
/PLMB/S_RTG_OBJECT_PATH - Path of a Routing Object (e.g. Operation)
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_BO - Routing BO: Operation data
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_DATA_SP - SP Node: Data of Node Operation
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_DEFAULT_VALUES - Routing BO: Default Values for new Operattions
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for operation
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_I - Routing BO: data common to Operation and Sub-Operation
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_ID - Routing BO: Operation ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_ID_SP - SP Node: Operation ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_INS - Routing BO: Operation data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_SPC_I - Routing BO: Operation specific data
/PLMB/S_RTG_OPR_STD_VAL_TXT - Descriptions of Standard Values
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_BO - Routing BO: Production Resource / Tool data
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_CATEGORY - RTG_BO: Production Resource category
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_CONTROL_KEY - RTG_BO: Production Resource control key
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_DATA_SP - SP Node: Production Resource Tools Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for Production Resources/Tools
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_ID - Routing BO: Production Resource/Tool ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_ID_SP - SP Node: Production Resource Tools
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_INS - Routing BO: Production Resource / Tool data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_PRT_SCHED_OFFSET - RTG_BO: Key for reference dates used in PRT offset schedulin
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_ADMIN - Administrative Data of an iPPE Object
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_ADMIN_SP - Administrative Data (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_COM_ID - RCA BO: Component assignment ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HASH_KEY - RCA Hash Key structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_ASG_ACT_EX - Action structure: link existence check for HDR assignments
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_ASG_ADD - RCA: additional data for header assignments
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_ASG_LNK_EX - RCA: indicator if links exist for routing header assignments
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_ASG_SP - RCA: header assignment (Routing to MBOM)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_ASS_DATA - RCA assigned Routing Header Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_DOCTYPE - Assignment of Document Types to MBOM-Routing Header Asg
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_HDR_DOCTYPE_SP - Header Assignment Document Types (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNKH_ATTR - RCA Historic Link Attributes
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_ATTR_VERS - RCA Link Attributes and Version Attributes
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_DATA - RCA Link data structure (Key+ Attributes)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_DATA_ATTR - RCA Historic link data attributes
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_INDX_PATH - RCA Index Link Path Structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PATH_ATTR - RCA Link Path Attribute Fields
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PATH_DATA - RCA Link Path Data Structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PATH_KEY - RCA Key Structur for Link Path
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PSM_AS_INS - Insert parameters for Assignment Links
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PSM_DAT_SP - PSM specific scope data structure (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PSM_PL_INS - Insert parameters for Planning Level
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_LNK_PSM_SP - PSM specific link structure (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_OBJ_ASG_STATE - Scope ID with object path
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_OBJ_ASG_W_PATH - Assignment status of a source object with path information
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_OBJ_ASSIGN_STA - Assignment status of a source object
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_DEFAULTS - PSM specific RCA default values
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_LINKED_CMP - Linked PSM component (variant or geometric instance)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_USER - RCA: PSM specific user settings
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_USER_ATTR - RCA: PSM specific user settings (attributes)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_USER_DEF - RCA: PSM specific user settings - definition
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_USER_INIT - RCA: PSM specific user settings
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_USER_SP - RCA: PSM specific user settings (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCOH_ATTR - Planning Scope Version Attribute Fields
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCOT_ATTR - Attribute Fields of RCA Planning Scope
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCOT_DATA - RCA Planning Scope Descr. data structure (Key+ Attributes)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCOT_KEY - Key Fields of RCA Planning Scope Text
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_ATTR - Attribute Fields of RCA Planning Scope
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_ATTR_VERS - Planning Scope Attributes and Version Attributes
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_DATA - RCA Planning Scope data structure (Key+ Attributes)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_ID - Planning Scope ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_INIT - Scope Initalization
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_KEY - Key Fields of RCA Planning Scope
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM - PSM specific Scope attributes
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM_ATT_SP - PSM specific link attribute structure (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM_DAT_SP - PSM specific link data structure (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM_ROOT - PSM specific Scope root structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM_SP - PSM specific Scope (SP)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_PSM_VAL - PSM specific Scope validation structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_RTG_HDR_AS - RCA Planning Scope & Routing Header Key
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_RTG_HDR_ID - RCA Planning Scope & Routing Header Key
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_RTG_OPR_AS - RCA Planning Scope & Routing Operation ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_VALIDITY - Validity range of a routing object
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_VAL_ENH - Validity range of a routing object (enhanced)
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_W_ELM_ID - Scope ID with tree element IDs
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_W_HASH_PTH - Scope ID with hashed paths
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_W_PATH - Scope ID with paths
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SCO_W_PATH_MUL - Scope ID with hashed paths
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_SOURCE_GOS_KEY - Internal GOS ID and GOS type of RCA source structure
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_USER_INIT - to be deleted
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_VALIDITY - Routing Component Assignment: validity fields
/PLMB/S_RTG_RCA_VERS_HDR_DATA - RCA assigned Routing Header Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_RUC_LOAD_HDR - Routing Tree: Load Routing Popup
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_ALIGNMENT_KEY - RTG_BO: Alignment key used for scheduling parallel sequences
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_BO - Routing BO: Sequence data
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_CAT - Routing BO: Sequence categories
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_DATA_SP - SP Node: Sequence Data
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data of sequences
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_ID - Routing BO: Sequence ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_ID_SP - SP Node: Sequence ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_INS - Routing BO: Sequence data for new entry
/PLMB/S_RTG_SEQ_RELATION_KEY - BO_RTG: Relationship key for branch operations in sequences
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_BO - Routing BO: Sub-Operation data
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_DATA_SP - SP Node: Sub Operation
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_ENH_BO - Routing BO: Enhancement data for sub-operation
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_ID - Routing BO: Sub-Operation ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_ID_SP - SP Node: Sub Operation ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_INS - Routing BO: Sub-Operation data for new entriy
/PLMB/S_RTG_SUB_OPR_SPC_I - Routing BO: Sub-Operation specific data
/PLMB/S_RTG_TASK_TYPES - Routing BO: Task list types
/PLMB/S_RTG_TREE_ELEMENT_ID - Routing Tree Element ID
/PLMB/S_RTG_TSK_LIST_USAGE - RTG_BO: Task list usage
/PLMB/S_RTG_VALIDITY - Validity of a Routing object
/PLMB/S_RTG_VALIDITY_RANGE - Validity range of a routing object
/PLMB/S_RTG_VALIDITY_RANGE_MAX - Calculated maximum validity (selection) range
/PLMI/RTGPSMUSER - Routing Component Assignment: PSM specific user settings
/PLMI/RTGRCALNK - Routing Component Assignment Link
/PLMI/RTGRCALNKH - Routing Component Assignment Link
/PLMI/RTGRCALNKP - RCA Path for Planning Scope Links
/PLMI/RTGRCASCO - Routing Component Assignment Scope
/PLMI/RTGRCASCOH - RCA Planning Scope Version
/PLMI/RTGRCASCOT - Routing Component Assignment Scope description
/PLMI/S_RTG_BO_REF - Reference to a Routing BO
/PLMU/S_RTG_COPY_SETTINGS - RCA: Create Routing from Template
/PLMU/S_RTG_RCA_DETAILS_PARAM - Navigate to details page with parameter for target
/PLMU/S_RTG_RCA_PSM_SCO_VALITY - Routing PSM Initial Screen

SAP Status and Action Management Tables PLM-WUI-APP-SAM

/PLMB/GS_INSTANCE - structure for instances of object type handler
/PLMB/SAM_C00 - Status Management Customizing: Initialization
/PLMB/SAM_EDGE - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/SAM_FC - PLM Status Management - OType, Status, Struc, Field, Propert
/PLMB/SAM_ND_A - PLM Status management - status action assignments
/PLMB/SAM_ND_F - PLM Status management - status fieldvalue assignments
/PLMB/SAM_NODE - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/SAM_NODE_T - PLM Status management - status definition text table
/PLMB/SAM_OBJAC - PLM Status management - object type fieldnames
/PLMB/SAM_OBJACT - PLM Status management - object type fieldnames
/PLMB/SAM_OBJFLD - PLM Status management - object type fieldnames
/PLMB/SAM_OBJPRC - PLM Status management - Otype, Status, Pre Condition
/PLMB/SAM_OBJST - PLM Status management - Otype Schema,Status, Date And User
/PLMB/SAM_OBJTP - PLM Status management - object type description
/PLMB/SAM_OBJ_WF - Workflow GUID for SAM Objects
/PLMB/SAM_SCHEM - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/SAM_SCHEMT - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/SAM_SUBOT - PLM SAM - sub object type level schema assignment
/PLMB/SAM_S_STATUS_DESCR - SAM Status descreption
/PLMB/S_SAM_APPLICATION_DATA - SAM Action: Parameter Structure for Set Application Data
/PLMB/S_SAM_EDGE - SAM Edge information
/PLMB/S_SAM_FC - Structure of Table /PLMB/SAM_FC
/PLMB/S_SAM_ND_A - Structure of /plmb/sam_nd_a
/PLMB/S_SAM_ND_F - Structure of /plmb/sam_nd_a
/PLMB/S_SAM_NEXT_STATUS_DATA - Next status data for a status id
/PLMB/S_SAM_NODE - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/S_SAM_NODE_ACTION - Action information for status
/PLMB/S_SAM_NODE_T - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJAC - Structrue of /plmb/sam_objac
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJACT - Structure of /plmb/sam_objact
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJECT_STATUS - Object key - status pair
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJECT_STATUS_DATA - SAM : Otype,Object ID, Status ID, Schema ID and Icon
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJECT_STATUS_ID - SAM : Otype,Object ID, Status ID And Schema ID
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJECT_STATUS_XTRC - Extraction: Object ID & Status assignment
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJFLD - Structure of /plmb/sam_objfld
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJPRC - PLM Status management - Otype, Status, Pre Condition
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJST - PLM Status management - Otype Schema,Status, Date And User
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJTP - Structure of /plmb/sam_objtp
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJ_ID - SAM : Assigned Objects
/PLMB/S_SAM_OBJ_WF - Workflow GUID for SAM Objects
/PLMB/S_SAM_PADAT_CHG - Object of Personal Area
/PLMB/S_SAM_PRECONDITION - SAM : Otype, Activity and implementation Class
/PLMB/S_SAM_PRECON_DATA - SAM : Pre Condition Details
/PLMB/S_SAM_PRECON_ID_SP - SAM - SP ID structure for PreCondition Node
/PLMB/S_SAM_PROFILE_DEF - SAM - Property Profile definition
/PLMB/S_SAM_SCHEMA - SAM Scheme Information
/PLMB/S_SAM_SCHEMAS - SAM Scheme Information at sub object type level
/PLMB/S_SAM_SEA_RESULT - Status and release management: ESH search result attributes
/PLMB/S_SAM_SEA_UI - Status and release management: ESH search query attributes
/PLMB/S_SAM_SERV_SP - SAM - Mass Status Change Services
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS - Status information
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_ATTRIBUTES - Status attribute information
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_DATA - SAM : Status, Attributes and Schema
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_DESC_XTRC - Extraction:Status ID description
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_IMPORTED - Status information with imported flag
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_LOG - SAM : Status Log Of Object
/PLMB/S_SAM_STATUS_ROADMAP - Status Road Map information
/PLMU/S_WCC_MYRSP_SAM - PLM WCC: Structure for My Specifications + SAM fields


/PLMB/CSEA_ADMIN - Administration of PLM Search
/PLMB/CSEA_ATTR - Generic Attributes for Object Type
/PLMB/CSEA_FILTR - customizing for search filters
/PLMB/CSEA_QUERY - customizing for search query
/PLMB/CSEA_SGMT - customizing for search segment
/PLMB/CSEA_XOBJ - Customizing for cross object search
/PLMB/SEA_CRIT - Cluster for Search and Filter Criteria
/PLMB/SEA_QUERY - Search query head
/PLMB/SEA_QUERYT - Query description
/PLMB/S_CLF_SEA_CHARACT_DB - Structure used by seg_charact for DB format in crit_query
/PLMB/S_CLF_SEA_CHARACT_UI - Charact search criteria in UI
/PLMB/S_CLF_SEA_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Node of the leading object
/PLMB/S_SEA_ACTION_SAVE_AS - Parameters for action Save As
/PLMB/S_SEA_ATTRIBUTE - search attribute
/PLMB/S_SEA_ATTR_GENERIC - generic search attributes
/PLMB/S_SEA_ATTR_GENERIC_DB - Database structure for Generic search attributes
/PLMB/S_SEA_ATTR_GENERIC_UI - Database structure for Generic search attributes
/PLMB/S_SEA_ATTR_XOBJ - Result attributes for cross object search
/PLMB/S_SEA_BUSOBJ_FCAT - Field catalogue for business object type
/PLMB/S_SEA_CONFIG - Search configuration
/PLMB/S_SEA_FCAT - field catalogue for search result
/PLMB/S_SEA_FIELD_SELOPT - select-options for a field
/PLMB/S_SEA_FILTER_ITEM - Search filter item
/PLMB/S_SEA_FILTER_KEY - Search filter key
/PLMB/S_SEA_HAS_CRITERIA - data structure for node "has criteria"
/PLMB/S_SEA_HAS_CRITERIA_ID - ID structure for "Has criteria" node
/PLMB/S_SEA_OBJECT_KEY - Full object key for SES
/PLMB/S_SEA_OBJECT_TYPE_KEY - Key of an Object Type (Without Client)
/PLMB/S_SEA_OTYPE - Object type
/PLMB/S_SEA_PREVIEW_DATA - data for preview
/PLMB/S_SEA_QUERY_HEAD - Head of search query
/PLMB/S_SEA_QUERY_HEAD_API - Head of search query
/PLMB/S_SEA_QUERY_ID - Structure for Query ID
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_BODY - Body of each search result structure
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_BUTTONS - Buttons to be created in Search result when opened as popup
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_GENERIC - generic search result
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_GENR_BASE - Base structure for generic and cross object results
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_PAGE_SIZE - Result page size
/PLMB/S_SEA_RESULT_XOBJECT - cross object search result
/PLMB/S_SEA_RFC_COMPONENT - component for rfc communication
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_BODY - Search segment body
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_FULLTEXT - Full text search segment data
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_FULLTEXTDB - Full text search segment data
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_ITEM - Search segment key
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_KEY - Search segment key
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEGMENT_NODE - Search segment node
/PLMB/S_SEA_SELOPT - Select-options
/PLMB/S_SEA_SEL_CONFIG - Search configuration
/PLMB/S_SEA_SE_ATTRIBUTE - search engine attributes
/PLMB/S_SEA_SGMT_SELOPT_DB - Structure for generic select-options Segment
/PLMB/S_SEA_SGMT_SELOPT_UI - Structure for generic select-options Segment
/PLMB/S_SEA_SORT - Sorting
/PLMB/S_SEA_TOTAL_HITS - total number of hits for a serach query
/PLMB/S_SEA_TOTAL_HITS_KEY - key structure for total hits node
/PLMB/S_SEA_XOBJ_SEARCH_ATTR - cross object search fields
/PLMB/S_SEA_XOBJ_SEARCH_ATTRDB - cross object search fields
/PLMB/S_USR_MAP - User name field mapping
/PLMI/S_CLF_SEA_CHOOSE_CHAR - Choose Characteristics Search structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_DESC - Description of Assembly Item : POSVTX
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_ECN - Change number of Assembly Items : PVCMP
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_MAT - Material of the Assembly Items : PVCMPD
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_NODE - Extraction structure for Assembly Item Header Node : POSVID
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITM_ALTITM - Alternative Item Group of Assembly Item: PVCMPP
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_ESH_CPOINTER - Structure for ESH Change Pointer Data
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_NODE - Extraction structure for PVS Node and Assembly Group: PNODID
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_NODE_DESC - Description of PVS Node and Assembly Group : PNODTX
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_NODE_TYPE - PNTYPE and it's Derived Object Type : CPNTYPE
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_VAR_ALTITM - Alternative Item Group of Product Structure Variant: PVCMPP
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_VAR_STDVAR - Standard variant of Product structure Variant:PVCMPR
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_VARIANT - Extraction structure for PVS Variant and ASM HDR: POSVID
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_VARIANT_TYPE - PVTYPE and it's Derived Object Type : CPVTYPE
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_VAR_DESC - Description of PVS Variant and ASM HDR: POSVTX
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_VAR_ECN - Change Number of PVS Variant and ASM HDR: PVCMP
/PLMI/S_PPE_SEA_VAR_MATERIAL - Material of the PVS Variant and ASM HDR : PVCMPD
/PLMU/S_SEA_PREVIEW_DATA - Structure for preview data
/PLMU/S_SEA_PVS_PF_NODE_TYPE - Node And Derived Node Type Of PVS With Reference Type
/PLMU/S_SEA_QK_CROSS_RESULT - Structure for the display of the cross object result
/PLMU/S_SEA_QUICK_INIT - Elements for Quick Search initial screen

SAP Tools, UI Framework, Navigation, Web Access Tables PLM-WUI-APP-TLS

/PLMB/CHD_REGIST - Change Document Access: Registry for App.-spec. implement.
/PLMB/GOSX_OTYPE - Object Types customizing table
/PLMB/S_CHD_CDOBJ - CD Key for one object
/PLMB/S_CHD_ENTRY - Prepared Change Document Entry
/PLMB/S_CHD_HD_NODE_ID - Header Node Id
/PLMB/S_CHD_RAWENT - Raw change document entry
/PLMB/S_CHD_SELECT - Selektionsparameter
/PLMB/S_CHD_SUB_OBJECT - Sub Object of an object
/PLMB/S_FIELDNAME - Fieldname Structure
/PLMB/S_GOSX_BO_STATUS - Business object status
/PLMB/S_GOSX_CHECK_OPTIONS - Options for existence check
/PLMB/S_GOSX_CHECK_RESULTS - Results according to check criteria
/PLMB/S_GOSX_MSG - Messages for Internal key
/PLMB/S_GOSX_OBJ_ADMIN - Administrative data of Business Object
/PLMB/S_GOSX_OBJ_DESCR - Object description
/PLMB/S_GOSX_OBJ_STATUS - Status data of Business Object
/PLMB/S_GOSX_URL - URL for Object ID
/PLMI/S_MAT_LABOR_TEXT_BO - Laboratory/office text for material
/PLMI/S_MAT_UNIT_TEXT_BO - Unit of Measurement Text


/PLMB/CADV_VACT - Actions Added to the Viewer Context Menu
/PLMB/CADV_VACTT - Action Multilanguage Text Table
/PLMB/CADV_VINST - Customizing table for viewer installation
/PLMB/CADV_VVAC - Viewer Application Customizing
/PLMB/CADV_VWR - system table for available viewer and file naming convention
/PLMB/S_BBOX - Boundigbox data
/PLMB/S_CADV_ACTCLASS - Class name for the cadv actions
/PLMB/S_CADV_ATTRIBUTE - attribute structure
/PLMB/S_CADV_ELEMENT_ID - element key and structure key
/PLMB/S_CADV_EXCLACTION - Structure of forbidden viewer actions
/PLMB/S_CADV_INST_DATA - data for instance
/PLMB/S_CADV_INST_HIERARCHY - hierarchy of instance data
/PLMB/S_CADV_INST_ID - instance GUID with change number
/PLMB/S_CADV_METADATA - structure for metadata
/PLMB/S_CADV_MULTI_OBJ_HIERAR - structure to store multiple object hierarchies
/PLMB/S_CADV_MUPCAT - Categories for mark up layers
/PLMB/S_CADV_MUPCATID - IDs for the mark up categories of the viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_OBJID - structure for object ID
/PLMB/S_CADV_PAR_MEDA - Structure for the metadata parameter for SP-action
/PLMB/S_CADV_POSID - viewer element GUID
/PLMB/S_CADV_POSID_W_HIERARCHY - viewer ID with instance hierarchy
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_DATA - SP Data Structure for Viewer Data
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_LEAD_OBJ_PARAM - SP Structure for Action "SET_LEAD_OBJECT" in CAD Viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_MAP - SP Mapping Structure for CAD Viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_MAP_INT - SP Mapping Structure for CAD Viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_READ_INSTPARAM - structure to read instances from viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_READ_PARAM - SP Structure to Read Data for CAD Viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_SP_STRUC_DATA - SP Structure for CAD Viewer Struc Specific Data
/PLMB/S_CADV_VACT - CAD-Viewer action
/PLMB/S_CADV_VACTID - CAD-Viewer action ID
/PLMB/S_CADV_VACTT - Text for actions
/PLMB/S_CADV_VINST - Structure for the viewer installation
/PLMB/S_CADV_VINSTID - For the installation Nr. for the viewer
/PLMB/S_CADV_VVAC - Structure for viewer application
/PLMB/S_EXCLACTION - Structure of forbidden viewer actions
/PLMB/S_ID_BBOX - Assignment of ObjectId to corresponding bounding box
/PLMB/S_ID_TMX - Assignment of ObjectId to corresp. transformation matrix
/PLMB/S_OBJECT_HIERARCHY - link path structure
/PLMB/S_OBJECT_HIERARCHY_INDEX - link path structure
/PLMB/S_STRUCTURE_ITEM - Item of a structure
/PLMB/S_TMX - Transformation matrix
/PLMB/S_VORBACTION - Structure of vorbidden viewer actions
/PLMB/S_VWR_STRUC_SEL_ITEM - Item of a structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_ACTION - action structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_ACTREQUEST - strcuture for action request from viewer
/PLMU/S_CADV_ASSEMBLY - assembly structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_ATTRIBUTE - attribute structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_DOCKEY - structure for object ID
/PLMU/S_CADV_EXCLACTION - Viewer actions not allowed
/PLMU/S_CADV_HEADER - item header structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_INSTANCE - instance structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_LAYER - structure for markup layer
/PLMU/S_CADV_LAYERMUPCAT - structure for markup layer
/PLMU/S_CADV_LAYER_AUTH - structure for authorization on a layer
/PLMU/S_CADV_MAPPING - Mapping structure for viewer
/PLMU/S_CADV_MESSAGE - Message from Viewer
/PLMU/S_CADV_METADATA - structure for metadata
/PLMU/S_CADV_MUPCAT - structure for markup layer categories
/PLMU/S_CADV_OBJECT - object structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_OBJECTID - identifier for original
/PLMU/S_CADV_SETTINGS - settings within CADV viewer UI
/PLMU/S_CADV_SINGLE_VIEW - single view load structure
/PLMU/S_CADV_VISUALIZATION - visualization structure

SAP Objects in PLM Web UI Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ

/PLMB/S_DDIC_STRU_FIELDLIST - Fields of a DDIC structure (contents of DB table DD03L)
/PLMB/S_EDESK_CUST_PARA - EDESK Customizing Parameter
/PLMB/S_EDESK_WS_STATUS_ID - ID structure for EDESK Mass Status Management
/PLMB/S_MESSAGE_TYPE - Message type
/PLMB/S_OTYPE - Object type
/PLMB/S_PERF_TRACE - Performance Trace
/PLMB/S_UNIT_OF_MEASURE_TEXT - Unit of Measurement Text - Structure
/PLMI/S_TMX_OBJECT - Id of an object to which a document is assigned


/PLMB/S_CHANGE_VAL_ID - ID of change validity
/PLMB/S_CLS_TYPE_CHANGE_LOG - List of MatBOM items where class type has been changed
/PLMB/S_DISPLAY_VAL_ID - ID of display validity
/PLMB/S_ITEM_CLF_INFO - Item classification information
/PLMB/S_ITEM_TBL_COLUMN_POS - Item table column position
/PLMB/S_ITEM_TBL_COLUMN_POS_SP - Item table column positions
/PLMB/S_ITEM_TBL_VISIBILITY - Visibility of Item attributes in Item table
/PLMB/S_ITEM_TBL_VISIBILITY_ID - ID for visibility of item attributes in Item table
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ADMIN_I - Administrative data - include structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_CHANGE_INTERVAL - Change Interval of a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_CHANGE_INTVAL_I - Value list valid from date - change no
/PLMB/S_MBOM_CHANGE_VAL - Validity for changing a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_CHANGE_VAL_ID - ID of change validity
/PLMB/S_MBOM_CLASS_TYPE_VALS - Allowed Class Types depending on item category type
/PLMB/S_MBOM_COPY_SELECT_ID - Material BOM: copy selection screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_COPY_SELECT_SP - Material BOM: copy selection screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DEP_VIEW_ID - ID of Department View help list
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DEP_VIEW_VALS - Department View (used in dropdown listbox)
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DESCR - Descriptions for various Material BOM header values
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DISPLAY_PARAMS - Material BOM: Display parameters used in Preview
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DISPLAY_VAL - Validity information for displaying a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_DISPLAY_VAL_ID - ID of display validity
/PLMB/S_MBOM_HDR_CPY_SOURCE_SP - Material BOM header copy source
/PLMB/S_MBOM_HEAD_SEA - structure for production BOM Header for Search INDEXING
/PLMB/S_MBOM_HIST_SEA - Structure for Production BOM HISTORY for Search INDEXING
/PLMB/S_MBOM_I - Material BOM header data - include structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ID - ID of a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INITIAL_SCREEN_ID - Material BOM Initial Screen identifier
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INITIAL_SCREEN_SP - Material BOM Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_CHANGE_ID - Material BOM Initial Screen identifier
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_CHANGE_SP - Material BOM Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_CREATE_ID - Material BOM Initial Screen identifier
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_CREATE_SP - Material BOM Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_DISPLAY_ID - Material BOM Initial Screen identifier
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INIT_DISPLAY_SP - Material BOM Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_MBOM_INTERNAL_ID - Internal ID of a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_CATEGORY - Allowed item categories
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_CAT_PROP - Field properties for item category
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_CLRK_ID - Material BOM item recursivness ID
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_CLRK_SP - MatBOM item class recursivity data
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_DESCR - Descriptions for various Material BOM Item values
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_I - Material BOM Item data - include structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_ID - Material BOM Item ident
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_PREVIEW_SP - Material BOM Item preview - service provider structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SEA - structure for Production BOM ITEM for Search INDEXING
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SEA_CRI_B - MatBOM Item: Structure for search crit. displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SEA_CRI_B_UI - MatBOM Item: Structure for search crit. displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SEA_SESCT - BOM Item structure used in Query for search using SES
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SEA_SESCT_UI - BOM Item structure for search using SES
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITEM_SP - Material BOM Item data - service provider structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ITM_CPY_SOURCE_SP - Material BOM Item copy source
/PLMB/S_MBOM_KEY_DATE_VAL_I - Key Date validity information - include structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_LTXT_ID - Material BOM long text identification
/PLMB/S_MBOM_ODP_ID - MatBOM item information used with ODP processing
/PLMB/S_MBOM_PREVIEW_SP - Material BOM header preview - service provider structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_QRY - Query structure for Material BOM
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - Material BOM: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - MatBOM head search criteria for Enterprise Search (UI)
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_ESH_RESULT - MatBOM: SES result structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_OBJECTID - Object ID for production BOM used in Search Indexing
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_RESULT - Personal worklist structure for MatBOM POWL Table type
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_SESCRIT_BA - BOM Headrer structure used in Query when SES is used
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_SESCRIT_BA_UI - BOM Headrer structure used in UI when SES is used
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_SES_ATRIBUTES - result structure containing attributes of SES index
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SEA_SES_RESULT - MatBOM: SES result structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SP - Material BOM header data - service provider structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_SUBITEM_SP - Material BOM Sub-Item data - service provider structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_USAGE - Material BOM usage
/PLMB/S_MBOM_VALIDITY - Validity of a Material BOM object
/PLMB/S_MBOM_VALIDITY_I - Material BOM validity - include structure
/PLMB/S_MBOM_VAL_I - Valid From information - include structure
/PLMB/S_REDLINE - Redlining for Objects
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_COMP_DATA - Redlining Compare Data Structure
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_COMP_ID - Attribute value differences in Redlining
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_DATA - Redlining Master Data
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_DEL - Redlining Data structure
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_DELETE - Structure for Deleting redlining from data Base
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_FIELDS - Redline fields
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_INIT_SP - Redlining Data structure
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_MBOM_ITEM - Redlining Structure for MatBOM item and subitem
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_MODE_DATA - Redline mode data
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_NAME_DESC - Redlining Name and Description
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_OBJECT_PARAM - Redlining Object Parameters
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_STATUS - Redlining Status
/PLMB/S_REDLINE_URL_PARAM - Url parameters for redlining
/PLMI/RDLN_DATA - Master Data for Redlining
/PLMI/RDLN_TXT - Redlining Descriptions
/PLMI/S_MBOM - Material BOM header data
/PLMI/S_MBOM_API - Material BOM header data - API structure
/PLMI/S_MBOM_FIELD_PROPERTY - Property definition from customizing for an attribute
/PLMI/S_MBOM_ITEM - Material BOM Item data
/PLMI/S_MBOM_ITEM_ALLOCATION - Allocation of a BOM item to a BOM header
/PLMI/S_MBOM_ITEM_FIELD_PROP - BOM usage dependent property definition from customizing
/PLMI/S_MBOM_TECHNICAL_TYPE - Technical Type of a Material BOM
/PLMI/S_MBOM_USAGE_BASE_PROP - BOM usage dependent item field properties
/PLMI/S_SUBITEM_NO - Subitem number
/PLMU/S_ITEM_DETAIL_VIEWS - Active detail views
/PLMU/S_MBOM_CTX_PANEL - Attributes describing a contextual panel
/PLMU/S_MBOM_DOCLINK_OBJ_ID - Identifier for document links attached to a BOM header/item
/PLMU/S_MBOM_TBL_COLUMN_SORT - PLM Material BOM Item Table Column sorting
/PLMU/S_MBOM_VIEW_PROCESSING - Contains information about the processing status of views

SAP Document Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ-DMS

/PLMB/DIR_BRW_SEARCH - Search string in document browser
/PLMB/S_CHECKED_OUT_URL_STRCAT - Checked Out Document With URL and Storage Category
/PLMB/S_DIR_ADDITIONAL_FILE - Structure for maintaining additional files
/PLMB/S_DIR_ADDITIONAL_FILE_ID - Structure for maintaining additional files
/PLMB/S_DIR_ADD_FILE_ID_SP - Additional file ID struture
/PLMB/S_DIR_ADD_FILE_SP - data structure for additional file
/PLMB/S_DIR_APP_ID - DIR: Workstation Application
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_DATA - PLM DIR : Document Browser Data
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_ID - PLM DIR : Document Browser ID
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_INIT - Initial data for document browser
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_LINK - Hyperlink for document
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_SP - PLM DIR Document Browser SP Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_STRU - PLM DIR : Document Browser Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_URL - Document URL for download
/PLMB/S_DIR_BROWSER_URL_ID - ID for retrieving document URLs
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRWSR_MAS_STATS_ID - Document Browser Mass Status Id Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRWSR_MAS_STATS_SP - Document Browser Mass Status SP Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRWSR_STATUS_DESC - Document Browser Status Description
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_CLF_DATA - Data Structure for Classification data
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_CONTENT_ID - PLM DIR : Document Browser content ID
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_DATA - PLM DIR : Document Browser Data
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_DELETE_CHECK - Check parameters from backend to UI
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_FIND_DATA - Output from Find
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_HYPERLINK - Hyperlink for document
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_ID - PLM DIR : Document Browser ID
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_INSERT_PARAMS - Insert parameters for Document browser
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_MASS_STATUS_ID - Document Browser Mass Status Id Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_PASTE_SPECIAL - Parameters for Paste Special
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_ROOT_NODES - Root nodes authorization
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_SEARCH - Search string in document browser
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_SRC_DOC_TYPES - Source document types
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_STATUS_DESC - Document Browser Status Description
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_TREE - Document Browser Tree
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_URL - Document URL for download
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_URL_ID - ID for retrieving document URLs
/PLMB/S_DIR_BRW_WHEREUSED_LIST - Whereused list for Document Browser
/PLMB/S_DIR_CONFIG_ID - Process Route configuration ID structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_CRC - Table to relate the newly created documents
/PLMB/S_DIR_DAPPL_SEARCH - Applicatio type
/PLMB/S_DIR_DATA - DIR: document data
/PLMB/S_DIR_DATA_I - DIR: document data without key
/PLMB/S_DIR_DATA_I_SP - DIR: document data
/PLMB/S_DIR_DATA_SP - DIR: document data SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_DESC - DIR: description
/PLMB/S_DIR_DESC_ID - DIR: language keys
/PLMB/S_DIR_DESC_SP - DIR: Description SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_DISPLAY_DATA - Essential data for DIR display by means of a viewer
/PLMB/S_DIR_DO_CV_MODE - Current version mode for do object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_DO_LINK - DIR: Link structure for DO object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_DO_LINK_BO - DIR: Link structure for DO object link + DIR ID
/PLMB/S_DIR_DO_LINK_DESC - DIR: structure for do link descriptions
/PLMB/S_DIR_DO_LINK_SP - DIR: Link structure for DO object link + DIR ID
/PLMB/S_DIR_ECN - DIR: Change number for dms
/PLMB/S_DIR_ECN_ID_SP - DIR: ECN selection
/PLMB/S_DIR_ECN_SP - ecn description
/PLMB/S_DIR_FILE - original to be displayed as thumbnail or within viewer
/PLMB/S_DIR_FILE_ID - original needed for application
/PLMB/S_DIR_FILE_ID_SP - original needed for application
/PLMB/S_DIR_FILE_SIZE - DIR : File size structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_FILE_SIZE_SP - DIR : File size Action Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_FRONTEND_TYPE_ID - Frontend type id
/PLMB/S_DIR_ID - DIR: key fields
/PLMB/S_DIR_ID_ORIGINAL_COPY - ID Strucuture for Original Copy
/PLMB/S_DIR_ID_SP - DIR: key fields
/PLMB/S_DIR_INIT - DIR: initial screen
/PLMB/S_DIR_INIT_SP - DIR: initial screen
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK - DIR: object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_APROP_REQUEST - DIR: object link - Appropriation Request information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ASSET_GROUP - DIR: object link - Asset Group information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ASSET_MASTER - DIR: object link - Asset Master Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BASELINE - DIR: object link -Baseline
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BATCH_MCH1 - DIR: object link - Batch MCH1 Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BATCH_MCHA - DIR: object link - Batch MCHA information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BOM_HDR - DIR: object link - BOM Header information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BOM_ITEM - DIR: object link - BOM Item information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_BUILDINGS - DIR: object link - Buildings information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_CASE - DIR: object link - Case Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_CLAIMS - DIR: object link - Claims
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_CLASS - DIR: object link - Class information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_CONF_MGMT - DIR: object link - Configuration Management
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_CUSTOMER - DIR: object link - Customer information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_DOC - DIR: object link - Document information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ECN - DIR: object link - ECN information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_EIS - DIR: object link - SAP EIS: Master Data information.
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_EQUIPMENT - DIR: object link - Equipment information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_FUNC_LOC - DIR: object link - Functional Location information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_GENERAL_NOT - DIR: object link - General Notifications
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ID - DIR: keys of object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ID_SP - DIR: keys of DIR + keys of object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LABEL - DIR: Object Link - Label Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LAYOUT_AREA - DIR: object link - Layout Area
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LAYOUT_FUCTN - DIR: object link -Layout Function module version information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LAYOUT_MODULE - DIR: object link - Layout Module information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LAY_AREA_ITEM - DIR: object link - Layout Area Item
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LEASE - DIR: object link - Lease information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_LYT_AREA - DIR: object link - Layout Area
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MAINT_NOT - DIR: object link -Maintenance Notification
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MATERIAL - DIR: object link - material information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MAT_COMP - DIR: object link - Material Component information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MEASURE_PNT - DIR: object link - Measuring Point
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MEASURE_POINT - DIR: object link - measuring Point information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MGMT_CONTRACT - DIR: object link - Management Contract
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_MKAL_PRODN - DIR: object link - MKAL Production Version Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_NETWORK - DIR: object link - Network Activity
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_OBJTYPE - Object Type Selection
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_OBJ_LINK - DIR: object link - Object Links
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_ORG_UNIT - DIR: object link - Organization Unit information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PACK_INSTR - DIR: object link - Packing Instructions
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PATIENT - DIR: object link - Patient information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PLANT_MAT - DIR: object link - Plant Material
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PPE_NODE - DIR: object link - PPE NODE information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PPE_VARIANT - DIR: object link - PPE VARIANT information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PROD_ORDER - DIR: object link - Production Order
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PROD_RESOURCE - DIR: object link - Production Resources Tools information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PURCH_ORDER - DIR: object link - purchase Order information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_PURCH_REQUEST - DIR: object link - purchase Request information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_QMINFO_RECORD - DIR: object link - QM Info Record information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_QM_SD - DIR: object link -QM Info Record SD
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_QUALITY_NOT - DIR: object link -Quality Notification
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_REAL_ESTATE - DIR: object link - Real Estate Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_RECIPE - DIR: Object Link - Recipe Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_RECIPE_BB - DIR: Object Link - Recipe Building Block
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_REF_LOC - DIR: object link - Reference Functional location information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_RENTAL_UNIT - DIR: object link - Rental Unit Information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SALES_DOC - DIR: object link - Sales Document Item information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SEL_ID_SP - DIR: Object type selection
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SEL_SP - object type desccription
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SERVICE_NOT - DIR: object link -Service Notification
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SP - DIR: object link
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_SUB_MST - DIR: object link - Substance Master
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_TASKLIST - DIR: object link - Tasklist
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_VENDOR_MASTER - DIR: object link - Vendor Master information
/PLMB/S_DIR_LINK_WBS_ELEMENT - DIR: object link - WBS Element information
/PLMB/S_DIR_MARKUP_CATEGORY - Structure for Markup Categories
/PLMB/S_DIR_MARKUP_CATEGORY_SP - Structure for Markup Categories in SP layer
/PLMB/S_DIR_MARKUP_FILE_SP - structure with table for markup files
/PLMB/S_DIR_MODE - DIR: mode structure for action
/PLMB/S_DIR_MULTI_DESC - structure of document info record
/PLMB/S_DIR_OBJTYPE_ID - DIR: object type key
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGINALS_COPY - DIR:originals path selection
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGINALS_COPY_SP - DIR: Dir Keys and Originals path information
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGINAL_CPY_ID_SP - ID Strucuture for Original Copy
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGINAL_ID - DIR: Original keys
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGINAL_ID_SP - DIR: DIR keys and Original keys SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIGNAL_VERSION - DIR: Content version for original
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_ACT_CRT - DIR : Data structure for creating Originals
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_ACT_SP - DIR: Original actions SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_APPTYPE - Application type
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_CRT - DIR : Data structure for creating Originals
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_CRT_ID - Application Type
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_CRT_ID_SP - Create Original
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_CRT_SP - DIR : Data structure for creating Originals
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_PARAM_SP - DIR: Original actions SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_TEMPLATE - Template details for Originals along with description
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORIG_WORKSTAN_APPL - Workstation Applications
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORI_CHECKIN - DIR: DIR keys and Original keys SP for checkin
/PLMB/S_DIR_ORI_CHECK_PARAM - parameter for the check selection action
/PLMB/S_DIR_PASTE_SPECIAL - Parameters for Paste Special
/PLMB/S_DIR_REC_PHIO - Originals Including Components(phios)
/PLMB/S_DIR_REL_POSITION - Relative position of a DIR within a tree
/PLMB/S_DIR_REV_LEVEL_ID - ID structure for Revision level
/PLMB/S_DIR_REV_LEVEL_ID_SP - SP structure for Revision level
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - DIR: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_ESH - DIR: ESH Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - DIR: ESH Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_CRIT_SES - DIR: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_CRIT_UI_SES - DIR: SES Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_ES_DOKAR_AUTH - Enterprise Search Extraction: document type stock auth.
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_KEY - DIR: assignment between SES object key and DIR key
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_LDIR_C_B_UI - DIR Link: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_OBJLINK_CRIT - document object link search criteria
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_OBJLINK_CRITDB - document object link search criteria
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_OBJLINK_META - Meta data for document object link in PLM Search
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_RESULT - DIR: Search result structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_RESULT_ESH - DIR: Search result structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_RESULT_SES - DIR: Search result structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_SEA_SES_ATTRIBUTES - DIR: result structure containing attributes of SES index
/PLMB/S_DIR_SIGN_SAVE - signature sign save object
/PLMB/S_DIR_STATUS_DATA - DIR initial status - Data Structure
/PLMB/S_DIR_STATUS_DATA_SP - Data structure for initial DIR status
/PLMB/S_DIR_STATUS_ID - DIR initial status
/PLMB/S_DIR_STATUS_ID_SP - ID structure for status
/PLMB/S_DIR_STOR_CAT - Storage category for DIR
/PLMB/S_DIR_SUP - DIR:Superior
/PLMB/S_DIR_SUP_I - DIR:Superior without key
/PLMB/S_DIR_THMB_DIMENSIONS - DIR: Thumbnail dimensions i.e height & width
/PLMB/S_DIR_TYPE - Document type that can be created as folder
/PLMB/S_DIR_URL2_SP - DIR: Thumbnail SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_URL_SP - DIR: Thumbnail SP
/PLMB/S_DIR_VER_SEL - DIR:Version Selection
/PLMB/S_ID_DIR_DATA - Object - Document assignment
/PLMB/S_ID_DIR_VWR_DATA - Object - Document assignment
/PLMB/S_VERION_ID - Structure for Version
/PLMI/DIR_ATT - PLM: Values for Easy Attachment Upload
/PLMI/DIR_DOCTYP - Document types for creating a folder
/PLMI/DIR_ICON - Customizing table for document release status
/PLMI/DIR_VSS - PLM: search sequence for viewable file
/PLMI/S_DIR_ATT - PLM: Values for Easy Attachment Upload
/PLMI/S_DIR_BROWSER_BUFFER - DIR: buffer structure for Document Browser
/PLMI/S_DIR_BUFFER - DIR: buffer structure
/PLMI/S_DIR_BUFFER_DO - DIR: buffer structure for do links
/PLMI/S_DIR_BUFFER_LOIO - storing old and new loio
/PLMI/S_DIR_BUFFER_NUM - DIR: buffer for storing internal number for DIR
/PLMI/S_DIR_BUFFER_PHIO - storing old and new phio for a loio
/PLMI/S_DIR_ORIGINALS - DIR: DIR key & Originals structure
/PLMI/S_DIR_VSS - PLM: search sequence for viewable file
/PLMU/DIR_BRW_SEARCH - Search string in document browser

SAP Engineering Change Number Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ-ECN

/PLMB/S_ECN_ACT_ASG_ALT_DATE - ECN Action: Assign alternative date
/PLMB/S_ECN_ACT_SET_MODE - ECN Action: Set mode
/PLMB/S_ECN_ACT_SHIFT_DATE - ECN Action: Shift date
/PLMB/S_ECN_ADMIN_DATA_I_SP - administrative data - include structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_ALT_DATE_ID - Alternative Date - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_ALT_DATE_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Alternative Dates
/PLMB/S_ECN_ALT_DATE_SP - ECN Node Data: Alternative Dates
/PLMB/S_ECN_CHG_HIER_LINE - Change hierarchy
/PLMB/S_ECN_CHG_HIER_SP - ECN Node: change hierarchy
/PLMB/S_ECN_COPY - Copy fields for change number creation (template, profile)
/PLMB/S_ECN_DOCFLOW - ECN: document flow - single line
/PLMB/S_ECN_DOCFLOW_SP - ECN node data: Document flow
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFFECTIVITY_TYPE - Effectivity profiles
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_CONC_PARAMS - Concatenated Effectivity Parameter Details
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Effectivity
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_PARAMS_USR - User Selected Effectivity Parameters
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_PARAM_VAL - Effectivity Parameter Value Pair
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_PARVAL_DATA - User Selected Effectivity Parameters along with Release Flag
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_PAR_EFF_TY_ID - Parameter Effectivity Type
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_PAR_EFF_TY_SP - Parameter Effectivity Type information
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_SP - ECN Node Data: Effectivity
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_TBL_VISIBILITY - Visibility of Parater Effectivity Table attributes
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_TCCER - Links Between Effectivity Types and Parameters
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_TCCET - Effectivity Types
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_USRPAR_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: User Effectivity Parameters
/PLMB/S_ECN_EFF_USRPAR_SP - ECN Node Data: User Selected Parameters
/PLMB/S_ECN_FIELD_VALUES_SP - ECN Node Data: Field Values
/PLMB/S_ECN_HDR_ID - Change Number - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_HDR_ID_SP - Change Number - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_HDR_INS_SP - Header (Insert structure)
/PLMB/S_ECN_HDR_SP - ECN Node Data: Header
/PLMB/S_ECN_INIT_SP - ECN: Init node
/PLMB/S_ECN_OBJ_TYPE_ID - Object Type - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OBJ_TYPE_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Types
/PLMB/S_ECN_OBJ_TYPE_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Types
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_ALL_ID - All objects- ID structure for object management records
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_ALL_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record All Objects
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_ALL_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record All Objects
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_DIR_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Document Structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI_ID - Object Management Record - Equipment BOM - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Equipment BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Equipment BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL_ID - Object Management Record - Functional Location BOM - ID stru
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Functional Loc. BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Functional Loc. BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT_ID - Object Management Record - Material BOM - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record BOM Material
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record BOM Material
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORDER_ID - Object Management Record - Order BOM - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORD_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Order BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORD_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Order BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD_ID - Object Management Record - Standard BOM - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Standard BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Standard BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_ID - Object Management Record - WBS BOM - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_ID_EXT - Object Management Record - WBS BOM - ID structure - External
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record WBS BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record WBS BOM
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_COMMON_I_SP - Object Management Record - include structure for common use
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_DIR_ID - Object Management Record - Document (Structure) - ID struc
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_DIR_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Doc / Doc structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_DIR_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Document
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_MAT_ID - Object Management Record - Material - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_MAT_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Material
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_MAT_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Material
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_ID - Object Management Record - PVS Variant - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_ID_EXT - Object Management Record - PVS Variant - ID struc - External
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record PVS Variant
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record PVS Variant
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_TASK_LIST_ID - Object Management Record - Task List - ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_TL_ID_SP - ECN Node ID: Object Management Record Task List
/PLMB/S_ECN_OMR_TL_SP - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Task List
/PLMB/S_ECN_PREVIEW_SP - ECN Node Data: Preview
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - ECN: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - ECN: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_CRIT_SES - ECN: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_CRIT_UI_SES - ECN: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_KEY - assignment between SES object key and ECN key
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_RESULT - PLM: Search result structure for ECN
/PLMB/S_ECN_SEA_RESULT_SES - PLM: Search result structure for ECN
/PLMB/S_ECN_STATUS_TEXT - ECN status and status text
/PLMI/EFFPAR_USR - PLM: User Congfiured Effectivity Paramaters
/PLMI/S_ECN - ECN - main BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_ADMIN_DATA_COMMON - Common Administrative Data - BO Include Structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_ALT_DATE - Alternative Date - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_CHANGE_NO_OBJ_CAT - Change number & object category
/PLMI/S_ECN_DIR_FLOW - Document Flow
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFFECTIVITY - Effectivity - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFFECTIVITY_TYPE - Effectivity profiles
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFF_PARAMS - Effectivity Parameters
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFF_PARAMS_USR - User Selected Effectivity Parameters
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFF_PAR_EFF_TY_ID - Parameter Effectivity Type
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFF_PAR_EFF_TY_SP - Parameter Effectivity Type information
/PLMI/S_ECN_EFF_PAR_TCCER - Links Between Effectivity Types and Parameters
/PLMI/S_ECN_HDR - Change Number Header - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_HDR_PERSISTENT - Change Number Header - Persistent Data - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_HDR_TRANSIENT - Change Number Header - Transient Data - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_HDR_TRANSIENT_TAGS - Change Number Header - Transient filled tags - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_NUMBER_RANGE - Number Range Intervals
/PLMI/S_ECN_OBJECT_TYPE - active Object Type of Engineering Change Management
/PLMI/S_ECN_OBJECT_VALID_DATE - Structure for valid datefrom values of object/ecn couples
/PLMI/S_ECN_OBJTYPE_LOCK_MODE - Lock mode of objects controled by ECN
/PLMI/S_ECN_OBJ_CAT_TRIPLE - Structure for valid values of object/ecn/cat triples
/PLMI/S_ECN_OBJ_TYPE - Object Type - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_ALL - Object Management Record - All - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_ALL_STAT - Object Management Record - All - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_API - Object Management Record API
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_DIR - Object Management Record - Document Structure - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI - Object Management Record - Equipment BOM - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI_STAT - Object Management Record - Equipment BOM - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL - Object Management Record - Functional Location BOM - BO stru
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL_STAT - Object Management Record - Functional Location BOM - Status
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT - Object Management Record - Material BOM - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT_STAT - Object Management Record - Material BOM - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORDER - Object Management Record - Order BOM - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORDER_STAT - Object Management Record - Order BOM - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD - Object Management Record - Standard BOM - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD_STAT - Object Management Record - Standard BOM - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS - Object Management Record - WBS BOM - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_STAT - Object Management Record - WBS BOM - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_DATA_COMMON - Object Management Record - Common Data - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_DATA_TRANSIENT - Object Management Record - Transient Data - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_DIR - Object Management Record - Document - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_DIR_STAT - Object Management Record - Document - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_MAT - Object Management Record - Material - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_MAT_STAT - Object Management Record - Material - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR - Object Management Record - PVS Variant - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_STAT - Object Management Record - PVS Variant - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_TASK_LIST - Object Management Record - Task List - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_TASK_LIST_STAT - Object Management Record - Task List - Status structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_PROCESS_I - Common Process Data - Include Structure (BO + Revisionlevel)
/PLMI/S_ECN_REVISION_LEVEL - Revisionlevel for Buffer
/PLMI/S_ECN_REVISION_LEVEL_DIR - Revisionlevel for Document
/PLMI/S_ECN_REVISION_LEVEL_I - Revision Level Data - Common Include Structure (DIR and MAT)
/PLMI/S_ECN_REVISION_LEVEL_MAT - Revisionlevel for Material
/PLMI/S_ECN_STATUS - Change Master Status
/PLMI/S_ECN_STAT_MGMT - Change Number: Status Management Data
/PLMI/S_ECN_VALID_DATE - Structure for valid datefrom values of object/ecn couples
/PLMU/S_ECN_EMPTY_LINES - Indicator per node: empty lines set
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_ALL_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record All Objects
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_DIR_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Document Structure
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_EQUI_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Equipment BOM
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_FL_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Functional Loc. BOM
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_MAT_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record BOM Material
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_ORD_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Order BOM
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_STD_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Standard BOM
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_BOM_WBS_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record WBS BOM
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_DIR_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Document
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_MAT_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Material
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_PVS_VAR_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record PVS Variant
/PLMU/S_ECN_OMR_TL_UI - ECN Node Data: Object Management Record Task List

SAP Engineering Change Record Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ-ECR

/PLMB/ER_DS_META - Engineering Record - Digital Signature Meta Data table
/PLMB/PR_OBJ_ACT - Activities for GOS Objects
/PLMB/PR_OBJ_REL - Process Route and GOS Object relation table
/PLMB/S_ECR_ADMIN_SP - Data structure for ECR admin
/PLMB/S_ECR_APPLICATION_DATA - ECR Action: Parameter Structure for Set Application Data
/PLMB/S_ECR_ATTR_VALUE_SET - ECR - List of Attributes and values set
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHECK_EXIST - Check for existence of node
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_ITEM_PROFILE - ECR: Change Item profile
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_ITM_ID - Id structure for items attached to ECR
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_ITM_ID_ALL - Change record - Change item ID str in All objects tab
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_ITM_INTID - ECR - Internal ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_ITM_SP - Attributes for items attached to ECR
/PLMB/S_ECR_CHG_PF_GOS_TYPES - GOS types for a change profile of ECR type
/PLMB/S_ECR_COMPONENT_NAME - ECR - component names
/PLMB/S_ECR_CONFIG_CT_ID - ECR configuration RMS ID strcuture
/PLMB/S_ECR_CONFIG_CT_SP - ECR case type data structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_CONFIG_ID - ECR configuration ID structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_CONFIG_SP - ECR Configuration values
/PLMB/S_ECR_DS_LOG - Engineering Record: Log structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_DS_PARAMETERS - Engineering Record : Digital signature details
/PLMB/S_ECR_FIELD_VALUE - field value for ECR
/PLMB/S_ECR_HDR_ATTR_MAPPING - ECR - Header Attributes Mapping Details
/PLMB/S_ECR_HDR_SP - ECR Node Data: Header
/PLMB/S_ECR_HDR_STATUS_SP - ECR Status SP data structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_ID - Change Record - ID Structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_INIT_SP - ECR INIT: Data Structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_INTERNAL_KEY - Change record item - Internal key
/PLMB/S_ECR_INTERNAL_KEY_INTID - Change record - Change items Internal key and INTID
/PLMB/S_ECR_ITM_ALL_SP - ECR related change items
/PLMB/S_ECR_ITM_ALL_UI - ECR related change items
/PLMB/S_ECR_LEADECN_DATA - Lead ECN Data - BO structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_NOTES_SP - ECR Notes : data structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_OBJECTS_ALL_SP - ECR Node Data: Change Items Record For All Objects
/PLMB/S_ECR_OBJID_EXTID - Change record - Object ID and External ID
/PLMB/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_MAT - ECR object specific atrributes for material
/PLMB/S_ECR_PADAT_CHG - Object of Personal Area
/PLMB/S_ECR_SEA_BASIC_ESH - ECR: ESH Structure for query attributes
/PLMB/S_ECR_SEA_BASIC_UI - ECR: UI Structure for query attributes
/PLMB/S_ECR_SEA_RESULT - ECR search result structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_SERV_APPL_DATA - Application Data for Engineering Record
/PLMB/S_ECR_SERV_SP - Structure for ECR Services
/PLMB/S_ECR_SIGN_ID - Engineering Record - Sign Guid ID
/PLMB/S_ECR_SIGN_REMARK - Engineering Record: Remark Details
/PLMB/S_ECR_SIGN_SP - Engineering Record: Sign details
/PLMB/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_MAT_DISP - Display only ECR specific attributes
/PLMB/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_MAT_HID - Hidden ECR specific attributes
/PLMB/S_ECR_STATUS_ACT - ECR Status action structure
/PLMB/S_ECR_STATUS_LOG_SP - SP structure for ECR status Log
/PLMB/S_ECR_STATUS_VALUES - Status values for a Status profile
/PLMB/S_ECR_STRUCT_PROP - Properties of Structure object
/PLMB/S_ECR_VIEW_VARIANTS - ECR - View variant details
/PLMB/S_ECR_VIEW_VARIANTS_SP - ECR - SP structure for View variant
/PLMB/S_FIELD_VALUE - Fields for F4 help
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_BUFFER - Process Route buffer
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_DATA - Data Structure for Process Route
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_DEADLAGT - Process Route deadline agent
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_GRP_DESC - Grouping Options for Process Routes
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_HEADER - Process Route header details
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_ID - Process Route identifier
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_ITEM_ID - Process Route Item Identifier
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_ITEM_SP - Process Route Item Details
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_LOCK - Locking structure for Process Route IDs
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_LOG - Grouping of fields for Process Route log
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_OBJ_REL - Process Route and GOS Object relation
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_ORG_ACT - Activities for given Organization Type
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_TEM_DATA - Search Data for Process Route
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_TEM_ID - Search id for Process Route
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_WI - Process Route - Workflow Items
/PLMB/S_PROCESS_ROUTE_WI_SP - Process Route - Workflow Items
/PLMB/S_PR_CONFIG_ID - Process Route configuration ID structure
/PLMB/S_PR_CONFIG_SP - Process Route Configuration values
/PLMB/S_PR_CUSTOM_DATA - Process Route customizing data
/PLMB/S_PR_DEADLAGT_ID - Id for Process Route deadline agent
/PLMB/S_PR_GET_ACTIVITY_PARAM - Parameters structure for Get Activity action
/PLMB/S_PR_ITEM_INSERT_STRUC - Insert Structure for Process Route Item
/PLMB/S_PR_LEAD_OBJKEY - List of key fields of leading object
/PLMB/S_PR_NODE_RELATION - Process Route's node relations
/PLMB/S_PR_OBJECT - Parameters to get route id when object id is passed
/PLMB/S_PR_OBJECT_ID - Process Route Item Identifier
/PLMB/S_PR_OBJECT_PARAM - Parameters to get route id when object id is passed
/PLMB/S_PR_OBJ_ACT - Activity for GOS Objects
/PLMB/S_PR_SAVE_ACTION_PARAMS - Parameters for Action Save Template
/PLMB/S_PR_WF_NAV_ATTR - Process Route: Attributes for Navigation
/PLMB/S_WF_TASKID_FOR_OBJECT - Workflow task ID for GOS object types
/PLMB/WFTSK_OTYP - Workflow task ID for GOS object types
/PLMI/ECR_CHG_PF - ECR Change Item Profile
/PLMI/ECR_CRT_AT - ECN Creation attributes at ECR Header
/PLMI/ECR_HDR - Engineering Change Record Header data
/PLMI/ECR_HID_FL - List of fields those can be hidden
/PLMI/ECR_ITMV - ECR - Change Item variant
/PLMI/ECR_ITMV_T - ECR - View variant: Text table
/PLMI/ECR_IT_CRA - ECN Creation attributes at ECR Item
/PLMI/ECR_IT_OBJ - ECN Creation at ECR Item--Maintain Objects
/PLMI/ECR_IT_STP - ECN Creation at ECR Item--Maintain Status Values
/PLMI/ECR_OBJFLD - Change Record - object type fieldnames
/PLMI/ECR_OTYP - ECR - Object Types customizing table
/PLMI/ECR_PF_GOS - ECR: GOS types for Change profiles
/PLMI/ECR_PREREQ - ECR - Status Prerequisite customizing table
/PLMI/ECR_SIG - Engineering Record: Signature Assignment table
/PLMI/ECR_STS_PF - ECN Creation at ECR header
/PLMI/ECR_TYPE - Record Type
/PLMI/ECR_TY_VV - ECR - Relation between Record type and view variant
/PLMI/ECR_VV_FLD - ECR - Field details for view varinats
/PLMI/S_CHGITM_PR_OTYPE_MAP - ECR - mapping between Change item Profile and GOS Otype
/PLMI/S_ECR_ADDITIONAL_DATA - Change record - Header data as Additional data
/PLMI/S_ECR_ADMIN_DATA - Data structure for ECR admin
/PLMI/S_ECR_ALL_OBJ_ATTR - Change record specific attributes for "All objects"
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_AH_NEW_KEY - ECR - New key structure for Assembly header
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_AH_OLD_KEY - ECR - Old key structure for Assembly header
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_AI_NEW_KEY - ECR - New key structure for Assembly item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_AI_OLD_KEY - ECR - Old key structure for Assembly item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_MATITM - ECR specific Attributes for Material Item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_MATITM_DISP - ECR specific attributes - display only for Material item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PIV_NEW_KEY - ECR - New key structure for Product item variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PIV_OLD_KEY - ECR - Old key structure for Product item variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PPEAH_DISP - ECR specific attributes - display only for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PPEAI_DISP - ECR specific attributes - display only for Assembly item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PPEPIV_DISP - ECR specific attributes - display only for Assembly item
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PPEPV_DISP - ECR specific attributes - display only for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PV_NEW_KEY - ECR - New key structure for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_PV_OLD_KEY - ECR - Old key structure for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_ATTR_VALUES - ECR - List of change items and attribute value set
/PLMI/S_ECR_BADI_MAP_VALUES - Mapping values for ECN creation from BAdi
/PLMI/S_ECR_CHGITM_OTYPE_KEY - ECR - Object type and Key details of Change items
/PLMI/S_ECR_DDIC_STRUCT - ECR - Name of DDIC structure
/PLMI/S_ECR_DETAIL_MAP - Change Record - ECR Details mapping
/PLMI/S_ECR_DIR_ID - DIR: key fields
/PLMI/S_ECR_DIR_KEY_NEW - Document key (new) attached to ECR
/PLMI/S_ECR_FIELD_MAPPING - Change record - Map Search Fields to Change Item Fields
/PLMI/S_ECR_GOS_KEY_GUID - Change Record - GOS key and ECR GUID
/PLMI/S_ECR_GOS_OTYPE_KEY - Change record - GOS Type and GOS Key of Change Items
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR - Change Record Header Data
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR_ATTR_ECRD_DISP - ECR header attributes for record type ECRD
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR_ATTR_ECRP_DISP - ECR header attributes for record type - ECRP
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR_F4 - ECR - F4 hep value for structure input in Status cust
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR_STATUS - Change Record Header Status
/PLMI/S_ECR_HDR_STD_ATTR - ECR - Standard Attributes of Header
/PLMI/S_ECR_HEADER - Change record Header data - All
/PLMI/S_ECR_HEADER_ATTR_ECRD - ECR header attributes for record type ECRD
/PLMI/S_ECR_HEADER_ATTR_ECRP - ECR header attributes for record type - ECRP
/PLMI/S_ECR_HEAD_STATUS - Status details at ECR header for ECr type
/PLMI/S_ECR_ITEM_OBJECTS - Objects maintained at ECR Item for ECR type
/PLMI/S_ECR_LBL_ID - External label key
/PLMI/S_ECR_LEADECN_DATA - Lead ECN Data - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECR_MAPPING_ATTRS - ECN to ECR mapping attributes
/PLMI/S_ECR_MAPPING_ATTRS_HEAD - ECN to ECR mapping attributes
/PLMI/S_ECR_MAPPING_ATTRS_ITEM - ECN to ECR mapping attributes
/PLMI/S_ECR_MATITM_KEY - ECR - Material Item keys
/PLMI/S_ECR_MATITM_NEW_KEY - ECR - Material Item keys
/PLMI/S_ECR_MATITM_NEW_KEY_HID - ECR : material item components
/PLMI/S_ECR_MATITM_OLD_KEY - ECR - Material Item keys
/PLMI/S_ECR_MATITM_OLD_KEY_HID - ECR : material item components
/PLMI/S_ECR_MAT_ID - Material Number - ID Structure
/PLMI/S_ECR_MBOM_ID - ECR - MatBOM ID fro Change items
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_ATTR_MATITM - ECR - object specific atrributes for material item
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_AH - ECR - object specific atrributes for Assembly header
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_AI - ECR - object specific atrributes for Assemlby items
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_DIR - ECR Change items: Object specific attribute for Document
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_LBL - ECR - Object Specific attributes for Label
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_MAT - ECR object specific atrributes for material
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_MBOM - ECR object specific atrributes for material
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_PIV - ECR - object specific atrributes for Product item variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_PV - ECR - object specific atrributes for product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_RCP - ECR - Object Specific attributes fro recipe
/PLMI/S_ECR_OBJ_SPEC_ATTR_SUB - ECR - Object Specific attributes for Substance
/PLMI/S_ECR_OTYPE_CUST - ECR - Object type structure for customizing
/PLMI/S_ECR_OTYPE_EXT - Change record - Otype and its External Key
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPEAH_NEW_KEY - ECR - External iPPE Assembly Header ID - new
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPEAI_NEW_KEY - ECR - External iPPE Assembly Item ID- New
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPEPV_NEW_KEY - External iPPE Variant ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPE_ASMHDR_ID - ID str for Assembly header
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPE_ASMITM_ID - ECR - Assembly item ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPE_PIV_ID - ECR - Assembly item ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_PPE_PV_ID - ECR - Product variant ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_PRIORITY - Change record - Priority
/PLMI/S_ECR_PROFILE_DEF - ECR Profile Structure
/PLMI/S_ECR_RCP_ID - External recipe key
/PLMI/S_ECR_REASON - Change Record - Reason
/PLMI/S_ECR_RECORD_TYPE_DATA - Engineering Change record - Type details
/PLMI/S_ECR_RSP_NEW_KEY - ECR - Specification ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_SEA_CASE_ATTR - Extraction structure for case attributes.
/PLMI/S_ECR_SEA_HEADER - Extraction structure for ECR type common attribute table
/PLMI/S_ECR_SEA_LTX - Extraction structure for ECR long text
/PLMI/S_ECR_SEA_NOTES - Extraction structure for ECR long text
/PLMI/S_ECR_SERVICES - Structure for ECR Services - BO
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_AH - ECR specific Attributes for Assembly Header
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_AI - ECR specific Attributes for Assembly item
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_BOM_DISP - Display only ECR specific attributes - material BOM
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_DIR - ECR Change items: ECR specific attributes
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_DIR_DISP - Display Only ECR fields for Document
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_LBL - ECR specific Attributes for Label
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_MAT - ECR specific Attributes for Material
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_MAT_DISP - Display only ECR specific attributes
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_MBOM - ECR specific Attributes for Material BOM
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_PIV - ECR specific Attributes for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_PV - ECR specific Attributes for Product variant
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_RCP - ECR specific Attributes for Recipe
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_RCP_DISP - Display only ECR specific attributes - Recipe
/PLMI/S_ECR_SPEC_ATTR_SUB - ECR specific Attributes for Specification
/PLMI/S_ECR_STATUS - PLM Status management - status definition
/PLMI/S_ECR_SUB_ID - ECR - Specification ID
/PLMI/S_ECR_TYPE_ATTR_STRUCT - ECR -Record type and Header Attribute structure name
/PLMI/S_ECR_TYPE_GOS_OBJ - ECR - Mapping GOS object types available for ECR Type
/PLMI/S_ECR_TYPE_INFO - ECR - Details of ECR Type
/PLMI/S_ECR_VIEW_VARIANTS - ECR - View variant details

SAP Material Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ-MAT

/PLMB/S_HAZ_MAT_TEXT - Hazardous materials Text
/PLMB/S_MATNR_VERSION - Material Version ID structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_ADMIN_DATA - administrative data - include structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_ATTR_SP - Attributes of material attached to ECR
/PLMB/S_MAT_BASIC_DATA - Material Basic Data - structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_BASIC_DATA_SP - Material Node Data Structure: BASIC DATA
/PLMB/S_MAT_CHK_INIT_SCR - MAT Action: Check Initial Screen (TO BE DELETED)
/PLMB/S_MAT_DESC - PLM Material Description Structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_DESCRIPTION - Material description
/PLMB/S_MAT_DESC_ID - Mat : Language Keys (TO BE DELETED)
/PLMB/S_MAT_DESC_ID_SP - Mat : Language Keys
/PLMB/S_MAT_DESC_SP - Mat: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_MAT_DIVISION_TEXT - Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts
/PLMB/S_MAT_EAN_CATG_TEXT - Descriptions of EAN Categories
/PLMB/S_MAT_EFF_PARAM_SP - Effectivity Parameters for Bacic Data Node
/PLMB/S_MAT_EXT_GROUP_TEXT - Descriptions for External Material Groups
/PLMB/S_MAT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION - Material Group Description
/PLMB/S_MAT_GROUP_TEXT - Material Group Text
/PLMB/S_MAT_ID - Material Number - ID Structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_ID_BUF - Material Number - Buffer Structure for BO
/PLMB/S_MAT_INDUSTRY_TEXT - Industry Sector Description
/PLMB/S_MAT_IND_SEC - Material Industry Sector structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_INIT_SP - Material INIT Context Node: Data Structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_LABOR_TEXT - Laboratory/office text for material
/PLMB/S_MAT_PART_PROF_TEXT - Texts for Control Profile of Manufacturer Part Numbers
/PLMB/S_MAT_PLANT_DATA_ID_SP - Plant ID for PLM Material
/PLMB/S_MAT_PLANT_DATA_SP - Plant Data for PLM Material
/PLMB/S_MAT_PREVIEW - Material Node Data Structure: Preview
/PLMB/S_MAT_PREVIEW_SP - Material Node Data Structure: Preview
/PLMB/S_MAT_PROD_HIER_TEXT - Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts
/PLMB/S_MAT_REV_LEVEL - Material Revesion Level - Structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_REV_LEVEL_ID - Material - Revision Level : ID Structure.
/PLMB/S_MAT_REV_LEVEL_SP - Material Node Data Structure : Revision Level
/PLMB/S_MAT_REV_SBUAE - Skip buffer update after error
/PLMB/S_MAT_SD_STATUS_TEXT - Distribution-chain-specific material status description
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_BASIC_ESH_DB - Material: ESH Structure for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_BASIC_SES - Material: ESH Structure for search criteria used in Query
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_BASIC_UI_ESH - Material: ESH Structure for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_BASIC_UI_SES - Material: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Material: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_MAT_SEA_RESULT_SES - Material: Structure for search criteria displayed on the UI
/PLMB/S_MAT_TYPE - Material Type - structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_TYPE_TEXT - Material Type Description
/PLMB/S_MAT_UNIT_TEXT - Unit of Measurement Text
/PLMB/S_MAT_VERS_ID - Material Version ID structure
/PLMB/S_MAT_XP_STATUS_TEXT - Descriptions of Material Status from MM/PP View
/PLMB/S_MPN_ACT_PARAM_SP - Action Parameter Structure for MPN Node
/PLMB/S_MPN_ATTR - MPN Data Structure
/PLMB/S_MPN_CUST_SP - MPN Information Category Customizing Structure
/PLMB/S_MPN_DATA_SP - MPN Data Structure
/PLMB/S_MPN_ID - MPN DO: ID Structure
/PLMI/MPN_CUST - MPN Information Category Customizing
/PLMI/S_MAT_BASIC_DATA - PLM MAT: BO Structure for Basic Data
/PLMI/S_MAT_BASIC_DATA_BO - Material Node Data Structure: BASIC DATA - Obsolete (Delete)
/PLMI/S_MAT_BUF - Global Structure for PLM Material BO - Buffer Information
/PLMI/S_MAT_DESC - Material Description
/PLMI/S_MAT_DESCRIPION_BO - Material description
/PLMI/S_MAT_DIVISION_TEXT_BO - Organizational Unit: Sales Divisions: Texts
/PLMI/S_MAT_EAN_CATG_TEXT_BO - Descriptions of EAN Categories
/PLMI/S_MAT_EXT_GROUP_TEXT_BO - Descriptions for External Material Groups
/PLMI/S_MAT_FIELD_SEL_BO - Field Selection Data for Material Master
/PLMI/S_MAT_GROUP_TEXT_BO - Material Group Text
/PLMI/S_MAT_HAZ_TEXT_BO - Hazardous materials Text
/PLMI/S_MAT_ID_BUF - Material Number - Buffer Structure for BO
/PLMI/S_MAT_INDUSTRY_TEXT_BO - Industry Descriptions
/PLMI/S_MAT_PART_PROF_TEXT_BO - Texts for Control Profile of Manufacturer Part Numbers
/PLMI/S_MAT_PLANT_DATA - Plant Data for Material
/PLMI/S_MAT_PLANT_PROFILE - Material Plant BO Profile
/PLMI/S_MAT_PROD_HIER_TEXT_BO - Materials: Product hierarchies: Texts
/PLMI/S_MAT_SD_STATUS_TEXT_BO - Distribution-chain-specific material status description
/PLMI/S_MAT_TYPE_TEXT_BO - Material Type Description
/PLMI/S_MAT_VALUATION_DATA - Sturctrure: PLM Material Valuation Data
/PLMI/S_MAT_VERSION_ATTR - Material Version Attribute Structure
/PLMI/S_MAT_VERSION_DATA - Obsolete - To be deleted!!!
/PLMI/S_MAT_XP_STATUS_TEXT_BO - Descriptions of Material Status from MM/PP View
/PLMI/S_MPN_CUST - MPN Information Customizing Structure
/PLMI/S_MPN_DATA - Structure of MPN Data
/PLMI/S_REFERENZ_PLANT - Plant reference
/PLMI/S_REFTAB_PLANT - Reftab_plant
/PLMU/S_MAT_DESC_UI - PLM Material: Description
/PLMU/S_MAT_PROD_HIER - Structure for Product hierarchy : PLM Material

SAP Product Structure and Assembly Management Tables PLM-WUI-OBJ-PSM

/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_CHG_PARENT_OBJ - Action Change Parent Object
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_CLEAR_DATA - iPPE Action - Clear Data
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_CONF_INIT - iPPE Action initialize configuration
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_RECEIVE_CHANGE - Action Receive Changes
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_SET_CHANGE_NO - iPPE Action Set Change Number
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_SET_OWN_CONTXT - iPPE Action Set Owning Context
/PLMB/S_PPE_ACT_SET_ROOT - Parameter structure of action SET_ROOT
/PLMB/S_PPE_ADMIN - Administrative Data of an iPPE Object
/PLMB/S_PPE_ADMIN_SP - iPPE Node Data: Admin
/PLMB/S_PPE_APPLICATION_DATA - iPPE Action: Parameter Structure for Set Application Data
/PLMB/S_PPE_APPLOBJ_TYPE_OBJ - iPPE Application Object Type specific Object IDs
/PLMB/S_PPE_ASM_GRP_EXTID - External iPPE Assembly Group ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_ASM_HDR_EXTID - External iPPE Assembly Header ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_ASM_HEADERS - Structure for Assembly headers
/PLMB/S_PPE_ASM_ITEM_EXTID - External iPPE Assembly Item ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_ASM_ITEM_PREV - Assembly Item Preview Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_CHANGE_NUMBER_MAP - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_PPE_CHILD_OBJECT_ID - iPPE object id of a subordinate object
/PLMB/S_PPE_CLASS_DATA - iPPE Class Information
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_CONF_DATA - iPPE ASM specific configuration data
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_INIT_POPUP - iPPE: Assembly Init Popup
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_INIT_SP - iPPE: SP structure for Assembly INIT
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_ITEM_PREV - Assembly Item Preview Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_ITM_DAT_SP - iPPE:Structure for ASM Item
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_NOD_DATA - iPPE CMP Node - Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_PHANT_ASM_DATA - iPPE Phantom Assembly Data Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_TREE_DATA - iPPE CMP tree attributes
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_CONF - iPPE CMP Variant: Configuration Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_DATA - iPPE CMP Variant - Basic Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_DATA_SP - iPPE Node Variant: CMP specific data
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_EXTID - External iPPE Variant ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_HIST - iPPE CMP Variant: Data fields of historic variants
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_ITEM - iPPE CMP Variant: Data Fields for Items
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_SIZE_DATA - iPPE CMP Variant: Variable-Size Item Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_SP - iPPE Node Data: CMP Variant
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_TYPE_DATA - iPPE CMP Variant Type with data
/PLMB/S_PPE_CMP_VWR_TREE_ELEM - Structure of an element of the Viewer tree within PPE
/PLMB/S_PPE_CONFIGURATION_SP - iPPE Configuration: Data SP structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_COPY_ASM_HDR - iPPE: Assembly Header Copy
/PLMB/S_PPE_COPY_INT - Help structure for copy functions
/PLMB/S_PPE_COPY_NODE - Parameter structure for node copying
/PLMB/S_PPE_COPY_STRUCTURE - Parameter structure for structure copying
/PLMB/S_PPE_CUOBJ - iPPE: CUOBJ (action structure)
/PLMB/S_PPE_DERIVED_NODE_TYPES - Derived node types
/PLMB/S_PPE_DERIVED_VAR_TYPES - Derived variant types
/PLMB/S_PPE_DESCRIPTION_SP - iPPE Node Data: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_PPE_ELEM_INST_ID_W_CNT - Tree element ID and instance ID with counter
/PLMB/S_PPE_GEO_INSTANCE_EXTID - Geometric Instance - External ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_GEO_INSTANCE_ID - Geometric Instance ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_GOS_DATA - GOS data for iPPE customizing
/PLMB/S_PPE_HDR_DESCRIPT - iPPE: Texts for Use of the Access Object
/PLMB/S_PPE_HEADER_DATA_SP - iPPE Node Data: Header Data
/PLMB/S_PPE_INDEXED_OBJECT_ID - iPPE Object - Indexed ID Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_INIT_SP - iPPE Node INIT: Data Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_INST_HIERARCHY - tree elements with instance data
/PLMB/S_PPE_KNOBJ - iPPE: KNOBJ (action structure)
/PLMB/S_PPE_MODE - PPE: Set mode
/PLMB/S_PPE_NAME_MODIFICATION - Modification Parameters for Object Names
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODETYPE_CUST_DATA - Node type customizing data
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODE_DATA - iPPE Node - Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODE_DATA_SP - iPPE Node Data: Node general
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODE_HIST_EXTID - External iPPE Node ID (historic)
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODE_NAME_MAP - Node Name Mapping
/PLMB/S_PPE_NODE_TYPE - iPPE Node Type - Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_OBJECT_GUID - iPPE Object - GUID Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_OBJECT_ID_SEL - PPE Object ID with Selection Indicator
/PLMB/S_PPE_OBJECT_ID_W_PARENT - object ID with corresponding parent object ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_OBJECT_INS - Insert parameters for iPPE objects
/PLMB/S_PPE_OBJECT_TYPE_DATA - iPPE Object Type data and tab page definitions
/PLMB/S_PPE_PARENT_OBJECT_ID - iPPE object id of a superior object
/PLMB/S_PPE_RELATION_TYPE_DATA - Relation type data
/PLMB/S_PPE_REL_BASIC - iPPE Relation - Basic Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_REL_DATA - iPPE Relation - Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_REL_HIST - iPPE Relation - Historic Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_SAM_STATUS - iPPE: Status and Action Management
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_GRP_DB - PVS Assembly Group for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_GRP_UI - Structure used in Assembly Group Search BASIC UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_HDR_DB - PVS Assembly Header for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_HDR_UI - Used for Search Criteria of Assembly Header Search BASIC UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_DB - PVS Assembly Item criteria displayed on UI of Group & header
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_ASM_ITEM_UI - Used for Search Criteria of Assembly Items in Group & Header
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_NODE_DB - PVS Node Structure for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_NODE_UI - Structure used in Product Structure Node Search BASIC UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_VARIANT_DB - PVS Variant Structure for search criteria displayed on UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SEA_PVS_VARIANT_UI - Structure used in Product Structure VARIANT Search BASIC UI
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION - iPPE BO Structure for Simulation
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_AOBJTYP - iPPE Simulation: Application Object Type
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_CVDATA - iPPE Simulation: Characterist Valuation data
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_HDR - iPPE Node ID: Simulation Header Data
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_INIT - iPPE Simulation: Initialization Node
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_MAIN - iPPE Node Data: Simulation main data
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_SP - iPPE Node Data: Simulation
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIMULATION_SP_EXT - iPPE Node Data: Simulation (extended with flag)
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIM_CUOBJ_ACTION - iPPE Simulation: Action Names for processing CUOBJ
/PLMB/S_PPE_SIM_STATUS_RANGE - iPPE Simulaiton: SAM Status as Range
/PLMB/S_PPE_SUBTYPE_MAP - Object sub-type mapping
/PLMB/S_PPE_TAB_PAGE_DEF - Tab page definition
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_DATA_INCL - iPPE general tree attributes
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMENT - iPPE tree - element
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMENT_ID - iPPE tree - element id
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMNT_W_MODE - iPPE tree - element with mode
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELEM_ID_W_LVL - iPPE tree - element whose subordinates should be delivered
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELEM_INST_ID - Tree element ID and instance ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELMNT_ID_SEL - Tree Element ID with Selection information
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELM_ID_W_CNT - Tree Element ID with Counter
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_ELM_ID_W_PATH - tree element ID with path hierarchy table
/PLMB/S_PPE_TREE_P_ELEMENT_ID - iPPE tree - parent element id
/PLMB/S_PPE_USER_SETTINGS - iPPE: BO Structure for User Settings
/PLMB/S_PPE_USER_SETTINGS_SP - iPPE: SP Structure for User Settings
/PLMB/S_PPE_VARIANT_NAME_MAP - Variant Name Mapping
/PLMB/S_PPE_VARIANT_TYPE - iPPE Variant Type - Structure
/PLMB/S_PPE_VARTYPE_CUST_DATA - Variant type customizing data
/PLMB/S_PPE_VAR_DATA - iPPE Variant - Data Fields
/PLMB/S_PPE_VAR_DATA_SP - iPPE Node Variant: General Data
/PLMB/S_PPE_VAR_EXTID - External iPPE Variant ID
/PLMB/S_PPE_VAR_HIST_EXTID - External iPPE Variant ID - historic
/PLMB/S_PPE_VIEWER_DATA_SP - Data which is needed for Viewer
/PLMB/S_PPE_VIEWER_MAP - Entry in mapping table ppe-id to vwr-id
/PLMB/S_PVS_SEA_ASM_GRP_RESULT - Result Structure: Assembly Group
/PLMB/S_PVS_SEA_ASM_HDR_RESULT - Result Structure: Assembly Header
/PLMB/S_PVS_SEA_NODE_RESULT - Result Structure: PVS Node
/PLMB/S_PVS_SEA_VARIANT_RESULT - Result Structure: PVS Variant
/PLMB/S_PVS_VAR_SH - PVS Variant: help structure for search help usage
/PLMB/S_SAM_SEA_ASM_ITM_UI - Status and release management: ESH search query attributes
/PLMI/PPE_CUS_GS - PSM General Customizing Settings
/PLMI/PPE_C_I2G - Mapping table IPPE Objects to GOS objects
/PLMI/PPE_C_MD - PLM WebUI Customizing Profiles Model Definitions
/PLMI/PPE_C_MDL - Object Customizing for iPPE - Model Definitions
/PLMI/PPE_C_ODN - PLM WebUI Customizing Object Description: Nodes
/PLMI/PPE_C_ODNT - PLM WebUI Customizing Object Description: Nodes Texts
/PLMI/PPE_C_ODV - PLM WebUI Customizing Object Description: Variants
/PLMI/PPE_C_ODVT - PLM WebUI Customizing Object Description: Variants Texts
/PLMI/PPE_C_PF - PLM WebUI Customizing Profiles
/PLMI/PPE_C_PFT - PLM WebUI Customizing Profile Text Table
/PLMI/PPE_C_REL - Object Customizing for iPPE - Relationships
/PLMI/PPE_C_RL - PLM WebUI Customizing Profile Relationships
/PLMI/PPE_C_TD - TabStrip Definition
/PLMI/PPE_C_TDGP - TabStrip TabID�s with position
/PLMI/PPE_C_TDID - TabStrip TabID�s with position
/PLMI/PPE_C_TDT - TabStrip Definition Text Table
/PLMI/PPE_EXPPAR - Extended Explosion Parameters for the iPPE Filter
/PLMI/PPE_USRSET - iPPE: User Settings
/PLMI/S_PPE_ALTERNATIVE_TYPE - iPPE Alternative Type - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_ALTTYPE_CUST - Alternative type customizing
/PLMI/S_PPE_ASM_DATA_FLGS - iPPE Requested Data of get_assembly Method
/PLMI/S_PPE_ASM_REL_CREATE - iPPE Assembly Item-Header GUID Relation - Create Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_ASM_REL_DATA - iPPE Assembly Item-Header Relation - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CHANGE_NO - iPPE Change Number - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CLINT_DETAILS - iPPE Class Information (internal format)
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMPID - iPPE Internal Component Identification - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_EXPL_DATA_FLGS - Requested CMP explode data
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_NOD_CREATE - iPPE Product Structure Node - Create Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_NOD_DATA - iPPE Product Structure Node - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_NOT_REQUESTED - iPPE CMP BO - Not requested exporting parameters - Flag bar
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_CONF - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Configuration Data Struc
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_CREATE - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Create Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_DATA - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Basic Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_DATA_FLGS - iPPE CMP - Get data - Flag bar
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_HIST - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Historic Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_ID_CUOBJ - Assignment CMP Variant IDs to CUOBJ
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_ITEM - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Item Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_SIZE - iPPE Product Structure Variant - Size Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CUOBJ - iPPE Configuration (Internal Object Number) - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_CUS_FILTER_MD - Import filter for get_modeldefinitions
/PLMI/S_PPE_DOCID - iPPE Internal Document Key - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_ENG_EXPL_DATA_FLGS - Requested ENG explode data
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_CMPID - Root CMPID for explode
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_DATA_FLGS - Requested explode data
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_EDGE - Explosion Edge
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_GUID - Root GUID for explode
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_NODE - Explosion Node
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_OBJECT_ID - Root object id for explode
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_RELATION - Explosion Relation
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_THIN_EDGE - Thin Explosion Edge (Without Object IDs)
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_VARIANT - Explosion Variant
/PLMI/S_PPE_EXPL_VERTEX - Explosion Vertex
/PLMI/S_PPE_GENERAL_CUST - General iPPE customizing
/PLMI/S_PPE_GUID - iPPE Object - GUID Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_GUID_SORT - iPPE GUID Sort Structure (for Relations)
/PLMI/S_PPE_HEADER - iPPE Access Header - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_HEADER_CREATE - iPPE Access Header - Create Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_IBINST - IBASE Instance Information
/PLMI/S_PPE_IBOBJECT - IBASE Business Object (Owner, Observer)
/PLMI/S_PPE_INDEXED_GUID - iPPE Object - Indexed GUID Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_KNOBJ - iPPE Object Number with Assigned Dependencies - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_LANGUAGE - iPPE Language Key Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_LC_HITS - Search result for Load configuration
/PLMI/S_PPE_LC_SEARCH - Search criteria for load configuration for Filter object
/PLMI/S_PPE_MAT_DETAILS - iPPE: material details
/PLMI/S_PPE_NODETYPE_CUST - Node type customizing
/PLMI/S_PPE_NODE_BACKEND_ID - iPPE Node GUID Backend External ID - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_NODE_GUID_EXTID - iPPE Node GUID External ID - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_NOD_DATA - iPPE Node - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_NOT_REQUESTED - iPPE BO - Not requested exporting parameters - Flag bar
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJECT_CHANGE_NO - iPPE Object - Change Number Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJECT_DEL_FLAG - iPPE Object - Deletion Flag - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJECT_SHORT_TEXT - iPPE Object - Short Text Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJECT_STATE - Process state of an iPPE object (non-historic)
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJ_ID_W_SUBTYPE - Object ID with object subtype
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJ_NOD_HIST_EXTID - iPPE Product Structure Node - External ID Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_OBJ_VAR_HIST_EXTID - iPPE Product Structure Variant - External ID Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_PROFILE_DEF - Property profile definition for multiple objects
/PLMI/S_PPE_PROFILE_DESCR_DEF - Property profile definition for descr. for multiple objects
/PLMI/S_PPE_PROFILE_HDR_DEF - Property profile definition for multiple objects
/PLMI/S_PPE_PVS_VAR_STDVAR - Standard variant of Product Structure Variant : PVCMPR
/PLMI/S_PPE_RELTYPE_CUST - Relation type customizing
/PLMI/S_PPE_REL_CREATE - iPPE Relation - Create Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_REL_DATA - iPPE Relation - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_REL_HIST - iPPE Relation - Historic Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_SHORT_TEXT - iPPE Short Text Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_STR_DATA - iPPe Structure - Data Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_TREE_CHANGED_OBJ - iPPE tree - changed object that need to be refreshed
/PLMI/S_PPE_UNIQUE_OBJECT_TYPE - iPPE unique object type
/PLMI/S_PPE_VARIANT_BACKEND_ID - iPPE Variant GUID Backend External ID - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_VARIANT_GUID_EXTID - iPPE Variant GUID External ID - Structure
/PLMI/S_PPE_VARTYPE_CUST - Variant type customizing
/PLMI/S_PPE_VAR_DATA - iPPE Variant - Data Structure
/PLMU/S_EEW_PPE_CMP_VC2OD_DMT - Enhancement Include: CMP Variant DMT fields
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_ASM_ITEM_UI - iPPE:Assembly Item Ui structure
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_NODE_UI - UI Structure for CMP Node
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_TREE_ELEMENT - iPPE CMP tree - context element structure
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_TREE_ELEM_ATTR - Tree Element Attribute
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_TREE_EVENTS - List of CMP Tree events that shall be raised
/PLMU/S_PPE_CMP_VAR_UI - UI Structure for Variant CMP
/PLMU/S_PPE_COPY_IDENT - New object identification structure
/PLMU/S_PPE_DESC_UI - PLM iPPE:Description
/PLMU/S_PPE_TABBED_UIBB_REF - Tabbed UIBB references
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_CON_ELE_W_ID - iPPE tree - context element with tree element id
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_CON_ELE_W_LVL - iPPE tree - context element that should be expanded
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMENT - iPPE tree - UI element
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMENT_POOL - iPPE tree - context element with tree element id
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_ELEMENT_VIS - Tree element ID with visible flag
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_ELM_SELECTION - Structure for selection of tree element
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_EVENTS - List of PPE Tree events that shall be raised
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_HIERARCHY - iPPE tree - one level in hierarchy
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_ID_SELECTED - Tree ID structure with selection information
/PLMU/S_PPE_TREE_TOOLBAR_CNTRL - Tree Toolbar Element Control
/PLMU/S_PPE_UIBB_CONFIG - UIBB Custom Controller Configuration

SAP Product-Centric View Tables PLM-WUI-PCV

/PLMPCV/S_CX_RETURN - General Return Structure for PCV

SAP Foundation, Monitoring Tables PLM-WUI-PCV-FND

/PLMPCV/C_SEMANT - PCV Semantic description
/PLMPCV/D_CLF - PCV Classification of implementing applications
/PLMPCV/D_CLFT - PCV Classification Key Texts
/PLMPCV/D_FMAP - PCV Input Field Mapping to Semantic Types
/PLMPCV/S_FND_FIELD_MAPPINGS - PCV input Field Mapping to Semantics
/PLMPCV/S_FND_SEMDESC_RANGE - Semantic Description Range
/PLMPCV/S_FND_SEM_RANGE - Semantic Range

SAP Query Management Tables PLM-WUI-PCV-QRM

/PLMPCV/C_QASYNC - Customizing for asynchronous and parallel query processing
/PLMPCV/D_QATTR - Query attribute
/PLMPCV/D_QATTRT - Query attribute description
/PLMPCV/D_QCLF - Query Classification
/PLMPCV/D_QFORM - Query formula
/PLMPCV/D_QFPAR - Query formula parameter
/PLMPCV/D_QHEAD - Query header
/PLMPCV/D_QHEADT - Query header description
/PLMPCV/D_QRESA - Query result attribute
/PLMPCV/D_QSCON - Query Search Connector
/PLMPCV/D_QSCONT - Query Search Connector Description
/PLMPCV/D_QSELC - Query selection criterion
/PLMPCV/D_QSTAT - Query statistics
/PLMPCV/D_QVAR - Query variable
/PLMPCV/D_QVART - Query variable description
/PLMPCV/D_REQ_ID - Query request ID
/PLMPCV/D_RESULT - Query result cluster
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_ATTRIBUTE_DTYPE - Query Attribute Data Type
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_ATTRIBUTE_LABEL - Query Attribute Field Labels
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_EXCEPTION_VAR - Query exception variable
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_ATTR_EXT - Query Attribute (only external fields)
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_CLF - Query Classification
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_DESC_RANGE - Query Description Range
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_FPARAM - Query formula parameter
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_HEADER_EXT - Query Header (only external fields)
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_RES_ATTR - Query Result Attribute
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_SCONN - Query Search Connector
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_SEL_CRIT - Query Selection Criterion
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_QUERY_VAR_EXT - Query Variable (only external fields)
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_RESULT - Query result cache
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_UNIT_TEST_DATA - Unit Test Data Structure
/PLMPCV/S_QRM_VARIABLE_DTYPE - Query Variable Data Type

SAP Search Integration Tables PLM-WUI-PCV-SIN

/PLMPCV/BAPI20783I - BAPI Determine Existing Quality Notifications
/PLMPCV/BAPI20783T - BAPI List of Existing Quality Notifications
/PLMPCV/C_DSBI - Data Source BI Query
/PLMPCV/C_DSES - Data Source Enterprise Search
/PLMPCV/C_DSSES - Data Source Search Engine Service
/PLMPCV/C_ESCON - Enterprise Search Connectors
/PLMPCV/C_EXPAR - Output Parameter
/PLMPCV/C_EXPART - Output Parameter Description
/PLMPCV/C_HITS - Limit of hits
/PLMPCV/C_INPAR - Input Parameter
/PLMPCV/C_INPART - Input Parameter Description
/PLMPCV/D_SESYS - Search System
/PLMPCV/D_SESYSR - Search System (Reference System)
/PLMPCV/D_SRCHT - Search Connector description
/PLMPCV/D_SSTAT - Search Execution Statistics
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPI2078_NOTHDRE - BAPI Quality Notification Header
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPI2078_NOTITEME - Work table for notification item
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPIMATDOA - Material Get Detail - Material Data at Client Level
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPIMATDOC - Material Get Detail - Plant Data for the Material
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPIORDERS - View: Order Items for Material
/PLMPCV/SIN_BAPIRET2 - Return Parameter
/PLMPCV/SIN_CONNECTOR - ES search connector
/PLMPCV/SIN_QAICA - Inspection catalog data for download to QM subsystem
/PLMPCV/SIN_QIERR - Error messages that occurred during download
/PLMPCV/SIN_REQUEST - Search request
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_ATTRIBUTE - Attribute structure
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_MT_01_E - Export structure for bapi search /Material)
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_MT_01_I - Input structure for bapi search (Material)
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_QN_01_E - Export structure for bapi search
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_QN_01_I - Input structure for bapi search
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_SO_01_E - Export structure for bapi search (Sales order)
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_BA_SO_01_I - import structure for bapi search (Sales order)
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_INFOCUBE - Infocube structure
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_IO_PARAMETER - SIN Input/Output Parameter
/PLMPCV/S_SIN_STATISTICS - Search Execution Statistics

SAP User Interface Tables PLM-WUI-PCV-UIF

/PLMPCV/D_CHART - Chart Output Appearance for Query Views
/PLMPCV/D_CHARTT - Chart Output Text Table
/PLMPCV/D_DASHB - Dashboards for PCV Content
/PLMPCV/D_DASHBA - Dashboard Assignments by using Application
/PLMPCV/D_DASHBT - Dashboard Descriptions
/PLMPCV/D_GROUP - Grouping for PCV Queries and Variants
/PLMPCV/D_GROUPA - Group Assignments by using Applications
/PLMPCV/D_GROUPT - Group Texts
/PLMPCV/D_PRVIEW - Preview Defintions
/PLMPCV/D_RSEQ - Frontend Read Sequence for Asynchronous Query Requests
/PLMPCV/D_STRUC - Query Variant Structure Defintion
/PLMPCV/D_VARB - Query View Variables
/PLMPCV/D_VART - Query Views
/PLMPCV/D_VARTT - Query Variant Texts
/PLMPCV/S_IWCI_WDC_QUERY_VIEW - Controller instance to component /PLMPCV/WDC_QUERY_VIEW
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_ACTIONS - Structure for Query Actions
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_APPL_INPUT - Application Input
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_APPL_SETTINGS - Application relevant Settings
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_CHARTS - Structure for Query Charts
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_DASHBOARD - Structure for PCV Dashboards
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_DASHBOARDT - Structure for Dashboard Text
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_GROUPS - Structure for Query Groups
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_MESSAGES - Structure for message handling
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_PREVIEWS - Structure for Query Previews
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_QUERY - Structure for Query - Variant Keys
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_READ_SEQUENCE - Read Sequnce (iteration is covered by extra lines)
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_STRUCTURES - Structure for Query Output Structures
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_VARIABLES - Structure for Query Variant Variables
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_VARIABLES_UI - UI specific Structure for Variable Output
/PLMPCV/S_UIF_VARIANTS - Structure for Query Variants

SAP Recipe Development Tables PLM-WUI-RCP

/PLMB/CCK_CTY - Compliance Check: Composition types
/PLMB/CCK_CTYMAP - Map Composition Types with Calculation ID
/PLMB/CCK_CUS - Compliance Check: Constraint Usages
/PLMB/CCK_DRE - Compliance Check: Detailed Results
/PLMB/CCK_FPC - Compliance Check: Filter Parameters for Constraints
/PLMB/CCK_HDR - Compliance Check
/PLMB/CCK_OBJ - Compliance Check: Objects to be checked
/PLMB/CCK_PCTY - Compliance Check: Saved Parameters - Composition Types
/PLMB/CCK_PCUS - Compliance Check: Saved Parameters - Constraint Usages
/PLMB/CCK_PDEF - Compliance Check: Parameter Defaults
/PLMB/CCK_PFPC - Compliance Check: Saved Parameters - Filters for Constraints
/PLMB/CCK_PHDR - Compliance Check: Saved Parameters - Header
/PLMB/CCK_PVAR - Compliance Check: Parameter Variants
/PLMB/CCK_RCP - Compliance Check: Result Constraint Parameters
/PLMB/CCK_RUS - Compliance Check: Result Usages
/PLMB/CCK_STM - Compliance Check: Statements
/PLMB/CCK_TECH - Compliance Check: Technical Parameters
/PLMB/CRPR_TREE - Customizing for Process Structure Tree
/PLMB/EXP_ADDINF - Download Data: Additional Information
/PLMB/EXP_LAYOUT - Download Data: Selection Layout
/PLMB/EXP_SELFLD - Download Data: Selected Fields
/PLMB/GSS_R2B_CU - R2B customizing
/PLMB/GSS_R2M_CN - Change Number Settings
/PLMB/GSS_R2M_CU - Define Default Values for Master Recipe Transformation
/PLMB/GSS_R2M_PC - Assign Process Instruction Category Characteristics
/PLMB/GSS_R2M_PP - Process Parameter Transfer Settings
/PLMB/GSS_R2XRFC - Mapping table for Plant and RFC Connection Assignments
/PLMB/LBL_CALC - Labeling Calculations
/PLMB/LBL_GENSET - General Settings
/PLMB/LBL_QUAL - Qualitative Data
/PLMB/LBL_RM_CON - Labeling Connection to RM Calculations -Standard Composition
/PLMB/LBL_RM_QNT - Labeling Connection to RM Calculations - Quantitative Calc.
/PLMB/PLMBRCA_PARHDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/PLMBRCA_PARITM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/PLMBRPR_HDR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/PLMBRPR_PE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/PLMBRPR_QUEUE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/RCA_BALITM - Balancing Item Assignments
/PLMB/RCA_COMP - Value Assignment Type of Composition
/PLMB/RCA_COSTMP - Material Prices Selectable in Cost Screen
/PLMB/RCA_COSTMT - Descriptions of Material Prices
/PLMB/RCA_COSTPR - Priority of Prices
/PLMB/RCA_COSTS - Parameter for Costs
/PLMB/RCA_CPARA - Calculation Parameter Set
/PLMB/RCA_C_PAR - Calculation Parameter Names
/PLMB/RCA_C_PART - Calculation Parameter Set Descriptions
/PLMB/RCA_INGR - Value Assignment Type of Composition
/PLMB/RCA_PARHDR - Calculation Parameter Header
/PLMB/RCA_PARITM - Recipe Calculation Parameter Items
/PLMB/RCA_QUAL - Value Assignment Type of Qualitative Data
/PLMB/RCA_QUANT - Value Assignment Type of Quantitative Data
/PLMB/RCA_RFO - Parameter for Intraformula Calculation
/PLMB/RCA_TAB - Floorplan Tabs with Calculation ID
/PLMB/RCA_TABM - Main Tabs
/PLMB/RCA_TABS - View Sequence per Main View
/PLMB/RCA_TABSC - View Sequence per Main View (Calculation Results)
/PLMB/RCA_TABSF - View Sequence per Main View
/PLMB/RCA_UI - Recipe Calculation - UI Set Up
/PLMB/RCP_ALLUOM - Units of Measure Allowed in Recipe Development
/PLMB/RCP_ASSIGN - Assignment of Recipe Items
/PLMB/RCP_A_CALC - Recipe Customizing: Allowed formula calculations
/PLMB/RCP_BB_SPE - Default Specifications for Building Block Creation
/PLMB/RCP_DESCR - Descriptions
/PLMB/RCP_HEADER_ARCH - Recipe header for archiving
/PLMB/RCP_MDL_HD - Recipe Model Header
/PLMB/RCP_MDL_RL - Recipe Model Table for Rules
/PLMB/RCP_MDL_S - Customizing Settings for Recipe Modeling
/PLMB/RCP_OBJ_ID - Recipe Object GUID ID
/PLMB/RCP_PLNT - Plant Assignment for Recipe
/PLMB/RCP_RECREL - Default Table for Object Relationship Service
/PLMB/RCP_SET - General Settings
/PLMB/RCP_SPEC - Defaults for Property Specification
/PLMB/RCP_SPECPO - Defaults for Primary Output Specification Creation
/PLMB/RCP_STSP - Defaults for Stream Specification
/PLMB/RCP_SUBTYP - Additional Recipe Type
/PLMB/RCP_SUBUSG - Recipe Customizing: Subordinated Recipe Purpose
/PLMB/RCP_TY_DES - Recipe Customizing: Recipe Type Description
/PLMB/RCP_TY_GEN - Recipe Customizing: Recipe Type General Settings
/PLMB/RCP_T_LOGD - Created Testdata Directory
/PLMB/RCP_USG - Recipe Customizing: Recipe Purpose
/PLMB/RCP_USGDES - Recipe Customizing: Recipe Purpose Description
/PLMB/RCP_WBSREL - Default Table for Object Relationship Service
/PLMB/RFO_COLPRP - Formula I/O Table Column Properties (Unit of Measure)
/PLMB/RFO_FRM - Formula
/PLMB/RFO_FRMITM - Formula items
/PLMB/RFO_LYOT - Formula: Layout Definition
/PLMB/RFO_LYOT_E - Excluded Fields from Formula Layout Customizing
/PLMB/RFO_LYOT_F - Formula: Field Assignment to Layouts
/PLMB/RFO_LYOT_T - Formula: Texts for Layout Definition
/PLMB/RPR_EQR - Equipment Requirements
/PLMB/RPR_HDR - Process
/PLMB/RPR_OTR_T - Recipe Process Element Description
/PLMB/RPR_PE - Process Element
/PLMB/RPR_PPGRDS - Process Parameter Group Descriptions
/PLMB/RPR_PPGRID - Process Parameter Group IDs
/PLMB/RPR_PP_HIST - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/RPR_PP_HIST_DB - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/RPR_PP_M - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data
/PLMB/RPR_PP_VAL - Process Parameter Values
/PLMB/RPR_QUEUE - Sequence of Process Operations
/PLMB/RSP_VATC - Assignment Value Assignment Type - Calculation ID
/PLMB/SP_S_RFO_CALC_TYPE - SP: RFO calc type with calc type name
/PLMB/S_CCK_ACTION_PARAM_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Action Parameter Import
/PLMB/S_CCK_API_RESULT_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Result Attributes
/PLMB/S_CCK_API_START_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check API Start action parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_BO - BO Structure - Compliance Check Header
/PLMB/S_CCK_BOOLEAN_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Action export structure
/PLMB/S_CCK_BO_STATE_BO - BO Structure - Settings set in BO
/PLMB/S_CCK_BO_STATE_SP - SP Structure - Settings set in BO - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_BO_UPD - BO Update Structure - Compliance Check Header
/PLMB/S_CCK_CMPLNC_STMT_ID_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Result Statement - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_CMPLNC_STMT_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Result Statement - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_COMP_TYPE_BO - BO Structure - Composition Types
/PLMB/S_CCK_COMP_TYPE_BO_UPD - BO Update Structure - Composition Types
/PLMB/S_CCK_COMP_TYPE_ID - ID Structure - Composition types
/PLMB/S_CCK_COMP_TYPE_ID_SP - SP Structure - Composition Type - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_COMP_TYPE_SP - SP Structure - Composition Type - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTRAINT - Compliance Check: Constraint
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_BO - BO Structure - Filter Parameters for Constraints
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_ID - ID Structure - Filter Parameters for Constraints
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_ID_SP - SP Structure - Filter Constraint - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_POPUP_ID_SP - SP Structure - Compliance check constraints validity -ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_POPUP_SP - SP Structure - Compliance check contraint validity - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_CONSTR_SP - SP Structure - Filter Constraint - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_DATA_ORIG - UI Structure - Data origin values
/PLMB/S_CCK_DET_RESULTS_BO - BO Structure - Detailed Results
/PLMB/S_CCK_DET_RESULTS_ID - ID Structure - Detailed Results
/PLMB/S_CCK_DET_RESULTS_ID_SP - SP Structure - Detailed results - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_DET_RESULTS_SP - SP Structure - Detailed results - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_FIPARAM - Compliance Check: Filter Parameter for Constraints
/PLMB/S_CCK_GEN_DET_COMP_ID_SP - SP Structure - General determining composition - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_GEN_DET_COMP_SP - SP Structure - General determining composition - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_HEADER_PARAM - Compliance Check: Header Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_ID - ID Structure - Compliance Check Identifier
/PLMB/S_CCK_ID_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Identifier - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_ID_SP - SP Structure - Initial Node - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_RCP_ID_SP - SP Structure - Recipe on initial screen - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_RCP_SP - SP Structure - Recipe on initial screen - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_SP - SP Structure - Initial Node - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_SPC_ID_SP - SP Structure - Specification on initial screen - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_INIT_SPC_SP - SP Structure - Specification on initial screen - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_INSTANCE_CHECK - BO Structure - Compliance Check ID - Object pair
/PLMB/S_CCK_NAV_DISP_PARAM_UI - UI Structure - Compliance Check Display Starting Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_NAV_START_PARAM_UI - UI Structure - Compliance Check Starting Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT - Compliance Check: Object to be checked
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_BO - BO Structure - Objects to be checked
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_BO_UPD - BO Update Structure - Objects to be checked
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_ID - ID Structure - Objects to be checked
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_ID_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Objects - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_RECN - Compliance Check: Object to be checked (with RECN)
/PLMB/S_CCK_OBJECT_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Object - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_PDF_SP - SP Structure - Passing complience check results to pdf - DAT
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_STATUS_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Result Status
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_USG_BO - Bo Structure - Result Usages
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_USG_ID - ID Structure - Result Usages
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_USG_ID_SP - SP Structure - Result Usage, Usage of Constraints - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_RESULT_USG_SP - SP Structure - Result Usage, Usage of Constraints - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_RES_CONSTR_BO - BO Structure - Result Constraint Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_RES_CONSTR_ID - ID Structure - Result Constraint Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_RES_CONSTR_ID_SP - SP Structure - Result Screen Constarinty Validity - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_RES_CONSTR_SP - SP Structure - Result Screen Constarinty Validity - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_SP - SP Structure - Compliance Check Header - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_STATEMENT_BO - BO Structure - Result Statements
/PLMB/S_CCK_STATEMENT_ID - ID Structure - Statements
/PLMB/S_CCK_TECH - Compliance Check: Technical Parameters
/PLMB/S_CCK_TECH_PARAM_ID_SP - SP Structure - Technical Parameters - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_TECH_PARAM_SP - SP Structure - Technical Parameters - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_TREE_ATTRIBUTES_UI - UI Structure - Tree additional attributes
/PLMB/S_CCK_USAGE - Compliance Check: Usage
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_BO - BO Structure - Constraint Usages
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_BO_UPD - BO Insert/Update Structure - Constraint Usages
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_ID - ID Structure - Constraint Usages
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_ID_SP - SP Structure - Usage table on input param screen - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_POP_RATS_ID_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup ratings - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_POP_RATS_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup ratings - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_POP_RAT_VAL_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup store rating values for dropdown
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_POP_VALAR_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup validity areas - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_POP_VALA_ID_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup validity areas - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_USG_SP - SP Structure - Usage table on input param screen - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_VALIDITY_AREA - UI Structure - Validity area values
/PLMB/S_CCK_VARIANT_BO - BO Structure - Parameter Variant
/PLMB/S_CCK_VARIANT_ID_SP - SP Structure - Variant - ID
/PLMB/S_CCK_VARIANT_RESULT - Compliance Check: Overall Result structure for a Variant
/PLMB/S_CCK_VARIANT_SP - SP Structure - Variant - DATA
/PLMB/S_CCK_VARIANT_W_CCKID - Variant SP data with CCK id
/PLMB/S_CCK_VA_DETAILS - BO Structure - Validity Area Details
/PLMB/S_CDHDR_ATTR - Change Document Header attributes from table CDHDR
/PLMB/S_CDHDR_DATA - Change document header data for Service Provider
/PLMB/S_CDHDR_DATA_SP - Change document header data for Service Provider
/PLMB/S_CDHDR_ID - Change document header identifier for Service Provider
/PLMB/S_CDOBJCL_TABLE - Change Document object and Table
/PLMB/S_CDOBJECTCL - Change document class
/PLMB/S_CDPOS_ATTR - Change Document Item attributes from table CDPOS
/PLMB/S_CDPOS_DATA - Change document position data
/PLMB/S_CDPOS_DATA_SP - Change document position data
/PLMB/S_CDPOS_ID - Change document position ID fields from table CDPOS
/PLMB/S_CDTREE_ATTR - Change document Tree Attributes
/PLMB/S_CDTREE_DATA_SP - Change document position data
/PLMB/S_CDTREE_ID_SP - Change document tree id
/PLMB/S_CD_GOS_TYPE_DESC - Gos type description and external ID
/PLMB/S_EXPORTING_ID_SP - ID Structure for Download Data
/PLMB/S_EXPORTING_SP - SP Structure for Download Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_ADDITIONAL_INFO - Additional Information for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_ADDITIONAL_INFO_F - Fields for Additional Information for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_ADDITIONAL_INFO_XS - Additional Information for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_ADD_INFO_DEFAULT - Download Data: Default values for Additional Info Fields
/PLMB/S_EXP_ADD_INFO_PARAM - Additional Fields Parameter
/PLMB/S_EXP_BOOLEAN_SP - Download Data: Boolean Structure for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_DOWNLD_DATA_SP - SP Structure - Download Data (Header) - Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_DOWNLD_DATA_SP_ID - SP Structure - Download Data (Header) - ID
/PLMB/S_EXP_DOWNLD_PARAM_SP - SP Structure - Download Data Parameters - Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_DOWNLD_PARAM_SP_ID - SP Structure - Download Data Parameters - ID
/PLMB/S_EXP_FIELD - Download Data: Field definition
/PLMB/S_EXP_FIELD_ASSIGNMENT - Download Data: Field - Group Assignment
/PLMB/S_EXP_FIELD_DESC - Download Data: Structure for Field Descriptions
/PLMB/S_EXP_GROUP_DEFINITION - Download Data: Group Definition
/PLMB/S_EXP_HEADER_INFO - Header Information
/PLMB/S_EXP_HEADER_INFO_XS - Header Information
/PLMB/S_EXP_LAYOUT_ID - Download Data: Selection Layout ID Structure
/PLMB/S_EXP_OBJECTS - EhP6 Solution - Downloading Objects
/PLMB/S_EXP_OBJECT_SP - SP Structure - Obects - Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_REF_TO_DATA - Structure for Ref to Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_FIELDS - Download Data: Selected Field
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_GROUPS - Download Data: Selected Groups
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_LAYOUT_CARD - SP Action Structure - Selection Layout Set Cardinality
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_LAYOUT_SP - SP Structure - Selection Layout - Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_LAYOUT_SP_ID - SP Structure - Selection Layout - ID
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_TREE_SP - SP Structure - Exporting Selection Tree - Data
/PLMB/S_EXP_SEL_TREE_SP_ID - SP Structure - Exporting Selection Tree - ID
/PLMB/S_EXP_TABLE_DATA_EXPORT - Table Data for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_TABLE_DATA_XSTRING - Table Data for Download
/PLMB/S_EXP_VARIANTS - Download Data Variants
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP - Additional recipes for sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_ADD_BO - Additional recipes for sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_BO - Additional recipes for sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_CHANGE - Additional recipes for sync unit - change structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_KEY_SP - Additional recipes for sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_UPD_BO - Additional recipes for sync unit - change structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN - Mapping of Sync unit, recipe version and ECN
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN_CHANGE - Modify structure for version change number mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN_CHECK - Check ChangeNumber
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN_KEY - Mapping of Sync unit, recipe version and ECN
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN_KEY_SP - Mapping of Sync unit - internal key recipe version and ECN
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CN_MOD - Modify structure for version change number mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_CUST - Customizing for recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_EXT_KEY_ID_SP - External key for recipe in the R2B scenario
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_FIELD_VALUE_SP - GSS R2B Node Data: Field Values
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_MAPPING_BO - Mapping of Sync unit, recipe version and ECN
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_MAPPING_UPD_BO - Update structure for version change number mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_PLAN - Data structure for plan recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_PLAN_UPD - Update structure for recipe to BOM plan
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_PREPARE_SP - stucture for the prepare synchronization
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SOURCE_SP - Structure of the current source node
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SUNIT_ID - GSS-ID Structure for R2B Sync Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_ADD_BO - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_BO - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_DATA - Application specific sync unit data of recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_DB - Application specific sync unit data of recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_UPD - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_UPD_BO - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SU_SOU_TAR - Main Source and target of sync unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SYNC_PARAM_SP - Sync Param Service Provider structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2B_SYNC_UNIT_EXT - External sync unit ID Recipe to BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_CN_DATA - BO Data Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_CN_HEAD - BO Structure - Change Number Mapping Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_CN_HEAD_IN - BO Insert Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_CN_HEAD_UP - BO Udate Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_CN_ID - BO ID Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_MRCP_KEY - BO Structure - Master Recipe Key in R2MR scenario
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_PV_BOM_ID - BO Structure - ID of a Productio Version + Material BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_FRST_SY - BO Structure - Synchronization is the first one
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_HEAD - BO Structure - Synchronisation Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_HEAD_IN - BO Structure - Synchronisation Unit Head Insert Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_HEAD_UP - BO structure - Synchronization Unit Head Update Structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_ID - BO ID Structure - Synchronization Unit Data
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_ID_EXT - BO Structure - Synchronization Unit External Key
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_PARAM - BO Structure - Synchronization Unit Head Parameters
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_PAR_IN - BO Structure - Synchronization Unit Head Parameters
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SU_UPD_BUF - BO Structure - Synchronization Unit Head Update Buffer
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_BO_SYNC_UNIT - BO Structure - Synchronisation Unit
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_CN_PARAM - Structure for Change Number Pop-up parameter
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_CU_PP_PI_CHAR - Customizing: Assignment of PP Char. to Proc. Instr. Char.
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_CN_DATA - DB Data Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_CN_ID - Mapping of Sync unit, recipe version and ECN
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_MRCP_KEY - DB ID of a Master Recipe in R2MR scenario
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_PV_BOM_ID - DB ID of a Production Version and a Material BOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_SU_ID - DB ID Structure - Synchronization Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_SU_ID_EXT - DB External ID Structure - Synchronization Unit Head
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_SU_PARAM - DB Data Structure - Synchronization Unit Head Sync. Params
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_SU_PAR_DT - DB Data Structure - Synchronization Unit Head Sync. Params
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_DB_SU_PAR_ID - DB ID Structure - Synchronization Parameters
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_EXT_KEY_ID_SP - External key for recipe in the Recipe to M.Recipe scenario
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_ACTVT - Authorization structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_BOOL - Simple boole type structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_CN_DATA - SP Data Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_CN_ID - SP ID Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_CN_INS - SP Data Structure - Change Number Mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_SUNIT_HEAD - Synchronization unit head - SP Data structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_SP_SUNIT_ID - Synchronization unit head - SP ID structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_TREE_DATA_S - Structure displayed in the GSS Source Tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2MR_TREE_DATA_T - Structure displayed in the GSS Target Tree
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2X_ACTVT_SP - Authorization structure
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2X_CN_SP - SP structure of the change number - recipe version mapping
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2X_CUR_VERS - Structure for current version of the SU
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2X_SU_SP - Sync Unit for Recipe to XBOM
/PLMB/S_GSS_R2X_SU_UPD_SP - Update structure of Sync Unit for XBOM
/PLMB/S_LBL_ACTIVITY_ALLOWED - Activity allowed for GUID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ACT_SET_MODE - LBL Action: Set Mode And Labeling Type
/PLMB/S_LBL_ADD_DECL_GRP - add declaration groups
/PLMB/S_LBL_ADD_DIET_ITEM - add diet item
/PLMB/S_LBL_ADD_GROUP - Add Group Data
/PLMB/S_LBL_AUTHGRP - Label Authorization Group Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_AUTHGRP_CUST - Label Authorization Group Customizing Read
/PLMB/S_LBL_BASIC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Basic Data
/PLMB/S_LBL_BASIC_ST_ID_SP - ID Structure: Basic Data Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_BASIC_ST_SP - Data structure: Basic Data Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_CHANGEABLE - Labeling changeability
/PLMB/S_LBL_CLF_SP - Classification SP
/PLMB/S_LBL_CP_TARG_L_STNGS_SP - Data structure: Copy Settings from Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_DDK_SEL_VALUES - Dropdown selected values
/PLMB/S_LBL_DECL_GRP_SP - Declaration groups
/PLMB/S_LBL_DESC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Description
/PLMB/S_LBL_DESC_SP - Data structure: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_DESC_UI - Data structure: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_DIGRP_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add Qualitative Group Data
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI2_ID_SP - ID Structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI2_SP - Data structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI2_UI - Data structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_ADD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Add Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_HDR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Diet List Header
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_HDR_SP - Data structure: Diet List Header
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_ID_SP - ID Structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_SP - Data structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_TRG_LOC_CHNG - Action structure for target location change
/PLMB/S_LBL_DILI_UI - Data structure: Diet List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DIST_ID_SP - ID Structure: Diet Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_DIST_SP - Data structure: Diet Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_DOC_LINK - PLM-RM Document link to Recipe
/PLMB/S_LBL_DO_RESULT - Data structure: Data Origin List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DO_RESULT_ID_SP - ID Structure: Display Possible Data Sources
/PLMB/S_LBL_DO_RESULT_SP - Data structure: Data Origin List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT2_ID_SP - ID Structure: Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT2_LIST_ID_SP - ID Structure: Draft List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT2_LIST_SP - Data structure: Draft List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT2_SP - Data structure: Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFTLANGU - Draft language
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT_ID_SP - ID Structure: Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT_LIST_ID_SP - ID Structure: Draft List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT_LIST_SP - Data structure: Draft List
/PLMB/S_LBL_DRAFT_SP - Data structure: Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_DIIT_ID - Enterprise Search: Diet Item ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_DILI_ID - Enterprise Search: Diet List ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_INIT_ID - Enterprise Search: Ingredietn Item ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_INLI_ID - Enterprise Search: Ingredient List ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_NUIT_ID - Enterprise Search: Component Item ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_NULI_ID - Enterprise Search: Quantitative Component List ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_PALI_ID - Enterprise Search: Package List ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_STMT_ID - Enterprise Search: Statement Object Number
/PLMB/S_LBL_ESO_USG_ID - Enterprise Search: Usage ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_EXT_KEY - External labeling key
/PLMB/S_LBL_FIELD_VALUES - Parameter structure for the Get Field Values method
/PLMB/S_LBL_FLAG - Labeling: Structure with single indicator (true / false)
/PLMB/S_LBL_GENERAL_SETTINGS - Labeling general settings
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_ADOBE_SP - Adobe Form data
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_ADOBE_WUI_SP - Adobe Form data, WebUI only
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_PDF_STRING_TAB - Structure with a single String field
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_PDF_TABLE_LINE - Generic Table Line for the Package Print Preview
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_PREV_ID_SP - Generate Preview ID structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_GEN_PREV_SP - Data Structure: Package List Add
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_DESCR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Hierarchy Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_DESCR_SP - Hierarchy Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_ID_SP - ID Structure: Hierarchy
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_PHRASES - Labeling: Phrase in Component Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_PREVIEW_ID_SP - Preview ID structure on the Load Component Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_PREVIEW_SP - Preview DATA structure on the Load Component Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_SP - Labeling: Hierarchy
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_TEMPL_ID_SP - ID Structure: Component Structure Template ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_HIER_TEMPL_SP - Data structure: Component Structure Template
/PLMB/S_LBL_I - Structure with integer table
/PLMB/S_LBL_INCL_NUTR_GROUP - Labeling: Add nutrients from a nutrient group into Comp. Str
/PLMB/S_LBL_INGR_DESCR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Hierarchy Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_INGR_DESCR_SP - Ingredient Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_INIT_ID_SP - ID Structure for Labeling UI Init screen
/PLMB/S_LBL_INIT_SP - LBL screen handling
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI2_ID_SP - ID Structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI2_SP - Data structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI2_UI - Data structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_ACT_DAT - Ingredient List: Combine Items Action Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_ADD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Add Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_COMB_ID_SP - ID structure: Combine Items on ingredient list
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_COMB_SP - Data structure: Combine items in ingredient list
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_CUT_SP - Data structure: Ingredient List - Cut
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_DOT - Ingredient List: Data origin Types
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_EXPL_SP - SP structure for the Explode Ingredients
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_HDR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Ingredient List Header
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_HDR_SP - Data structure: Ingredient List Header
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_ID_SP - ID Structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_LOCDESC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Hierarchy Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_LOCDESC_SP - Labeling: Target location dependent Ingr. list title
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_PASTE_SP - structure for the paste function in the INLI table
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_SP - Data structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_TRG_LOC_CHNG - Action structure for target location change
/PLMB/S_LBL_INLI_UI - Data structure: Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_INST_ID_SP - ID Structure: Ingredient Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_INST_SP - Data structure: Ingredient Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_INT_KEY - Internal labeling key
/PLMB/S_LBL_LABEL_KEY_LOCK - Lock a new Label
/PLMB/S_LBL_LANGU_ID_SP - ID Structure for the Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_LANGU_SP - Data Structure for the Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_LAYOUT_SP - Data Structure: Layout
/PLMB/S_LBL_LEAD_SELECTION - Data structure: Lead selection structure for node actions
/PLMB/S_LBL_LISTCNT - List counter structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_LIST_DESCR - List Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_LIST_DESC_ID_SP - ID Structure: List Description
/PLMB/S_LBL_LIST_DESC_SP - Data structure: List Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOCCNT_LANGU_SP - Labeling: Target location Counter and Language pair
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DEF_BO - Data Structure: Target Location Defaults in BO layer
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DEF_ID_SP - ID Structure: Target Location Defaults
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DEF_INS_PAR - Insert parameter for the Location Counter Template Defin.
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DEF_SP - Data Structure: Target Location Defaults
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DEF_UI - Data Structure for UI: Target Location Defaults
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_DET_ID_SP - ID Structure : Target Location Details
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_LANG_ALL_UI - Data Structure for the Location Languages w/ Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_LANG_ID_SP - ID Structure for the Location Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_LANG_SP - Data Structure for the Location Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_PROF_SP - Data Structure for the Location Profile ( Customizing )
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_SP - Target Location node data structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_LOC_UI - Target Locations on UI
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_DILI - Lead object for the qual. list which includes targ.loc, lang
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_DRAFT2_SP - ID Structure: Lead Object for Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_DRAFT_SP - ID Structure: Lead Object for Draft
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_INLI - Lead object for the ingr. list which includes targ.loc, lang
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_STMTS2_ID_SP - ID Structure for Lead Object Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_STMTS2_SP - ID Structure: Lead Object for Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_STMTS_ID_SP - ID Structure for Lead Object Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_LO_STMTS_SP - ID Structure: Lead Object for Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_ADD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Add Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add Ingredient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_BASE_QTY_UOM - Base Quantity and Unit of Measure for Nutrient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_DATA_SOURCE - Data Source ID for Nutrient List
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_DESC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Nuli Description
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_DESC_SP - Data structure: Nuli Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_HDR - Nutrition label header
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_HDR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Quantitative Component List Header
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_HDR_SP - Nutrition label header
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_ID_SP - ID Structure: Quantitative Component List
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_LISTCNT_RDA - Listcnt and RDA Profile combination
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_LOCDESC_ID_SP - ID Structure: Hierarchy Descriptions
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_LOCDESC_SP - Labeling: Target location dependent Nutrient List descr
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTGRAD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Quant. Comp.Label - Q.C. tab - Add popup
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTGRAD_SP - Data Structure: Quantitative Comp. Label Specification tab
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_ADD_SP - Data structure: Quant. Comp. Label - Q.C. tab - Add popup
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_ADD_UI - Data Structure: Quantitative Component Label Spec. Add Popup
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_AD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Quant. Comp.Label - Q.C. tab - Add popup
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_ID_SP - ID Structure: Quantitative Componen Label Specifications tab
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_SP - Data structure: Quantitative Comp. Label Specifications tab
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_NUTR_UI - Data structure: Quantitative Comp. Label Specifications tab
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_SP - Data structure: Quantitative Component Label
/PLMB/S_LBL_NULI_UI - Data structure: Quantitative Component Label UI Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_NUTGRP_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add Qualitative Group Data
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_ADD_ID_SP - ID Structure: Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Package List Add
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_HDR_ID_SP - ID structure: Package List Header Tab
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_HDR_SP - Header for Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_ID_SP - ID Structure: Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_LIST_CNT - Package List Counter
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_LNG_TXT_ID_SP - ID Structure: Package List LongText
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_LNG_TXT_SP - Data structure: Draft List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_PACK_ID_SP - ID Structure: Package Label - Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_PACK_MOVE_SP - Data structure: Package Label - Package List Move Items
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_PACK_SP - Data structure: Package Label - Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_PACK_UI - Data structure: Package Label - Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_SELECTION - Selected items in Package List for Print Output
/PLMB/S_LBL_PALI_SP - Data structure: Package List
/PLMB/S_LBL_PDF_TEXT_MODULES - Structure, which holds the text modules for Pack. Print
/PLMB/S_LBL_PREVIEW_ID_SP - Labeling - ID structure for Preview SP
/PLMB/S_LBL_PREVIEW_SP - Labeling - structure for Preview SP
/PLMB/S_LBL_RATING - Screen Structure for Ratings
/PLMB/S_LBL_RDA_ADD_SP - Data Structure: Add RDA Profile
/PLMB/S_LBL_RM_QNT - Structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_DILI - Enterprise Search: Diet list search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_DILI_UI - Enterprise Search: Diet list search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_HDR - Enterprise Search: Header data search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_HDR_UI - Enterprise Search: Header data search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_INLI - Enterprise Search: Ingredient list search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_INLI_UI - Enterprise Search: Ingredient list search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_NULI - Enterprise Search: Nutrient list search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_NULI_UI - Enterprise Search: Quant. Comp. List search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_PALI - Enterprise Search: Package list search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_PALI_UI - Enterprise Search: Package list search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_STMT - Enterprise Search: Statement search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_CRIT_STMT_UI - Enterprise Search: Package list search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_LBL_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Enterprise Search: Result structure for Label
/PLMB/S_LBL_SHLP_RESULT - Result structure for DB based label search help
/PLMB/S_LBL_SHLP_RESULT2 - Result structure for DB based label search help
/PLMB/S_LBL_SHLP_RESULT2_ES - Result structure for ES based label search help
/PLMB/S_LBL_STATEMENTS_TYPE - Statments Type And Description
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS2_ID_SP - ID Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS2_LT_SP - Data Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS2_STM_ID - Statement and Statement ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS2_UI - UI Data Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_ID_SP - ID Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_LT_SP - Data Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_SP - Data Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_TY_ID_SP - ID Structure: Statements with statement type
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_UI - UI Data Structure: Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMTS_USER_SP - User of the Statements
/PLMB/S_LBL_STMT_COPY - Statement copy structure
/PLMB/S_LBL_STM_TYP_POSNR - Stores the highest posnr for each statement types
/PLMB/S_LBL_SUBID_IDENT - Labeling: Identifications for Specifications
/PLMB/S_LBL_T002 - Structure for Language Keys
/PLMB/S_LBL_TARGET_LOC_ADD_UI - Data Structure: Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_TARGET_LOC_ID_SP - Data Structure : Usage Ratings
/PLMB/S_LBL_TARGET_LOC_SP - Data Structure: Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_TAR_LOC_ADD_ID_SP - Data Structure: Target Location
/PLMB/S_LBL_TBL_PERS - Table personalization settings
/PLMB/S_LBL_TEXT - Language dependent text
/PLMB/S_LBL_UPDATED - Updated Labels
/PLMB/S_LBL_USAGE_ID_SP - ID Structure: Usage
/PLMB/S_LBL_USAGE_SP - Data structure: Usage
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_LANGU_ID_SP - ID Structure for the Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_LANGU_SP - Data Structure for the Languages Node
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_RAT_ID_SP - Data Structure : Usage Ratings
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_RAT_VAL_AR_UI - Usage Rating and Validity Area on UI
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_RAT_VAL_ID_SP - Usage Rating and Validity Area SP ID
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_RAT_VAL_SP - Usage Rating and Validity Area SP
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_VAL_AR_ID_SP - ID Structure : Validity Areas
/PLMB/S_LBL_US_VAL_AR_SP - Validity Area
/PLMB/S_LBL_VERSIONING - Label versioning customizing
/PLMB/S_LBL_XML_DOWNLOAD_SP - Labeling XML download data
/PLMB/S_LBL_XML_LEAD_OBJ - XML lead object
/PLMB/S_MCF_ABBID_DATA_SP - Mass Change Function ID: Node and ABBID data
/PLMB/S_MCF_COMPONENTS - Structure Components for Mass Change functions
/PLMB/S_MCH_ABBID_DATA - Mass change ABBID data
/PLMB/S_MCH_ABBID_DESC - Mass change ABBID description
/PLMB/S_MCH_DATA_ID_SP - Mass change data ID
/PLMB/S_MCH_DATA_SP - Mass Change data
/PLMB/S_MCH_DIRTY_STATE - Mass change : Dirty flag state
/PLMB/S_MCH_FIELD_DESCR - Field and Description pair
/PLMB/S_MCH_FUNCTION - Mass change function
/PLMB/S_MCH_FUNCTION_ID - Mass change function ID
/PLMB/S_MCH_GOSTYPE - Mass Change GOS Type structure
/PLMB/S_MCH_GOSTYPE_FUNCTION - Mass change single function assigned to gos type
/PLMB/S_MCH_GOS_OBJECT - Mass change GOS object key
/PLMB/S_MCH_KEY_VALUE - Mass Change : Generic Key-value structure
/PLMB/S_MCH_ROW_STATUS_MP - Mass Change Include Structure
/PLMB/S_MCH_ROW_STATUS_UI - MCH : Row status for UI
/PLMB/S_OPT_INGR_CONS_KEY - Optimization Ingredient Constraints Key
/PLMB/S_OPT_ITEM_DATA_NO_ADD - Optimization Item without additional fields
/PLMB/S_OPT_PROP_CONS_KEY - Optimization Property Constraints Key
/PLMB/S_PRICE_SEQ - Sequence of Prices on UI
/PLMB/S_RBB_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - Enterprise Search: Basic search criteria
/PLMB/S_RBB_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - Enterprise Search: Basic search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_RBB_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Enterprise Search: Result structure for Building Block
/PLMB/S_RCA_ATNAM - Characteristics
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_BASE - Calculation Base for Quantitative Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_CUST - Calculation Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_DATA - Recipe Calculation Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_ID - Recipe Calculation: Calculation-ID per View
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_ID_CUST - RCA Calculation ID Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_ID_EXT - Recipe Calculation: Calculation-ID per View
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_ID_GRP - Calc Id with Selected Group
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_ID_SP - RCA Calculation ID Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_PARAMETER - Calculation parameter persistency
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_PARAM_KEY - Key for calculation parameter persistency
/PLMB/S_RCA_CALC_PAR_WITH_KEY - Calculation parameter persistency
/PLMB/S_RCA_COMP_HIERARCHY_BO - BO Structure for Composition Hierarchical
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTMP - Structure for Material Prices Selectable in Cost Screen
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS - Costs Transfer to Primary Output
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_ID_SP - Costs ID structure
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_PRICE_SEL - Selected and manual price data for cost calculation
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_PULL_FLD_CTR - Pull Field Control for Costs
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_RFC - Costs Service Provider - Recipe Development
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_RFO - Costs for Recipe Formula
/PLMB/S_RCA_COSTS_SP - Costs Service Provider - Recipe Development
/PLMB/S_RCA_C_PAR - Recipe Calculation Parameter in customizing
/PLMB/S_RCA_C_PAR_ATTR - Attributes of Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCA_C_PAR_UI - RCA UI-Customizing: Find allowed ID for Qual and Quant calc.
/PLMB/S_RCA_DYN_LABELS_ID_SP - ID Structure for Dynamic Labels
/PLMB/S_RCA_DYN_LABELS_SP - Structure for Dynamic Labels
/PLMB/S_RCA_EHS_USAGE - Structure for EHS Validity
/PLMB/S_RCA_ESTCAT - Value Assignment Type
/PLMB/S_RCA_EXPL_LOG - Log Structure for Explosion
/PLMB/S_RCA_EXPL_LOG_MSG - Explosion Message Log
/PLMB/S_RCA_EXPL_PARAM - Explosion Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCA_EXPL_RCP_TYPE - Relevant Recipe Types
/PLMB/S_RCA_EXPL_SCOPE - Explosion Scope
/PLMB/S_RCA_FIELD_CATALOG_SP - SP Structure for Calculations Field Catalog
/PLMB/S_RCA_FIELD_CAT_ID_SP - ID Structure for RCA Field Catalog
/PLMB/S_RCA_FORMULA_ITEMS - /plmb/s_rcp_explosion
/PLMB/S_RCA_FRML_CALC_TYPE - Structure for Allowed Calculation Types
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_COMP_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure for Grouped Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_COMP_SP - Service Provider Structure for Grouped Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure for Calculation Result Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_INGR_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Struct. for Grouped Comp. per Ingredient
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_INGR_SP - Service Provider Structure for Grouped Comp. per Ingredient
/PLMB/S_RCA_GROUP_SP - Service Provider Structure for Calculation Result Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_GRP_MEMB_POS - Structure of Groups and assigned members with Posnr
/PLMB/S_RCA_INCL_EEW_INTRA_ITM - RCA: Customer Extention Incl. rel.fields for Intra frml calc
/PLMB/S_RCA_INCL_EEW_SUM_UP - RCA: Customer Extention Include Sum Up for Intra formula cal
/PLMB/S_RCA_INCL_EEW_SU_UNIT - RCA: Customer Extention Include Units for Sum Up - Intra Cal
/PLMB/S_RCA_INGREDIENT_BO - BO Structure for Ingredient
/PLMB/S_RCA_INGR_HIERARCHY_BO - BO Structure for Ingredients Hierarchical
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM - Structure for Intra formula calculation relevant item fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM_AT - Intra formula calculation - relevant item Attributes
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM_CA - Intra formula calculation - Only Calculated Fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM_CP - Intra formula calculation - Compare structure for item field
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM_IN - Intra formula calculation - relevant item Key fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_ITEM_SA - Intra formula calculation - relevant item Source attributes
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_SUM_UP - Sum Up structure for Intra formula calculation
/PLMB/S_RCA_INTRA_FRML_SU_UNIT - Sum Up structure with Units for Intra Calculation
/PLMB/S_RCA_KEY - Recipe Calculation Key
/PLMB/S_RCA_LAYOUT_QUANT - Layout quantitative data
/PLMB/S_RCA_LEAD_OBJ_G_ID_SP - ID Structure for Lead Object for Calculation Result
/PLMB/S_RCA_LEAD_OBJ_G_SP - Lead Object for Calculation Results
/PLMB/S_RCA_LEAD_OBJ_ID_SP - ID Structure for Lead Object for Calculation Results
/PLMB/S_RCA_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Lead Object for Calculation Results
/PLMB/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_AGGREGATE - Structure for Aggregation
/PLMB/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_HIER_SP - Service Provider Structure List Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_ID_SP - List Composition ID Structure Service Provider
/PLMB/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_SP - Service Provider Structure List Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_LOSSES_ID_SP - Loss Service Provider ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_LOSSES_SP - Losses SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCA_MAN_COMP_ID_SP - Loss Service Provider ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_MAN_COMP_SP - Losses SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCA_MAT_SPEC - Unit conversion of formula items
/PLMB/S_RCA_OPT_PARAM - Optimization Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCA_PARAMETER - Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCA_PARAMETER_HDR - Calculation Parameter Header
/PLMB/S_RCA_PARHDR_CHGDOC - Change Document Structure for Calculation Parameter Header
/PLMB/S_RCA_PARITM_CHGDOC - Change Document table type for Calculation Parameter Items
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE - Prices for Costs
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE_DESCR - Price ID Description
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE_PRIO - Priority of Prices
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE_SP - SP structure for prices
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE_WITH_CURR - Price with Currency
/PLMB/S_RCA_PRICE_WITH_CURR_UI - Price with Currency
/PLMB/S_RCA_PROP_ATTR - Physical-Chemical Property Attributes
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUAL_COMP_BO - Qualitative Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUAL_DATA_BO - Qualitative Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUAL_GRP - Recipe - Qualitative Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUAL_KEY - Qualitative Data Key
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUAL_RFO - Qualitative Data for Recipe Formula
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_COMP_BO - Quantitative Composition Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_DATA_BO - Quantitative Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_GRP - Recipe - Nutrient Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_HIER_KEY - Hierarchical Quantitative Data Key
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_KEY - Quantitative Data Key
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_QUAL_GRP - Recipe Calculation Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_QUANT_RFO - Quantitative Data for Recipe Formula
/PLMB/S_RCA_RATING - Structure for Ratings and Descriptions
/PLMB/S_RCA_RATING_VAL_AREA - Structure for Ratings, Validity Areas and Descriptions
/PLMB/S_RCA_RECIPE_DATA_ID_SP - ID Structure for Recipe Data for Recipe Calculations
/PLMB/S_RCA_RECIPE_DATA_SP - Recipe Data for Recipe Calculations
/PLMB/S_RCA_SIMULATION_RUN - Calculation Parameter Simulation Run
/PLMB/S_RCA_STAGE_ID - Intra Formula Calculation Stage ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_STAGE_ID_BO - Intra Formula Calculation Stage ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_COMP_ID_SP - Components ID Structure
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_COMP_SP - Composition Structure for Service Provider
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_DIET_GRP_SP - Recipe - Diet Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_DYN_LABELS_ID_SP - Structure for Dynamic Labels ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_DYN_LABELS_SP - Structure for Dynamic Labels
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_INGR_ID_SP - Ingredients ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_INGR_SP - Ingredients Structure for Service Provider
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Lead Object of the Scientific Data
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_COMP_ID_SP - Nutrient Composition ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_COMP_SP - Nutrient Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_FIELD_CT_SP - Field Catalog for Per Substance fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_GRP_ID_SP - Nutrient Groups ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_GRP_SP - Recipe - Nutrient Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_PER_SUB_SP - Structure for Nutrient Per Substance
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_NUTR_PER_S_ID_SP - Nutrient Per Substance ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_COMP_ID_SP - Qualitative Composition ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_COMP_SP - Qualitative Composition
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_GRP_ID_SP - Qualitative Data Groups ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_GRP_SP - Recipe - Qualitative Groups
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_PER_SUB_SP - Structure for Qualitative Data Per Substance
/PLMB/S_RCA_S_QUAL_PER_S_ID_SP - Qualitative Per Substance ID
/PLMB/S_RCA_T2PO_FIELDS - Transfer to Primary Output Calculation IDS
/PLMB/S_RCA_UI - Recipe Calculation: Structure for UI-Fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_UI_ID - ID of Recipe UI Fields
/PLMB/S_RCA_UI_LABELS - Recipe Calculation: Structure for Labels
/PLMB/S_RCA_VALIDITY_AREA - Structure for Validity Areas
/PLMB/S_RCA_VALUES_SP - Costs node data: Values
/PLMB/S_RCP - Recipe identifier
/PLMB/S_RCP_ACTIVITY_ALLOWED - Activity allowed for GUID
/PLMB/S_RCP_ACT_ALLOWED_BO - Recipe BO: Activtity allowed for recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_ACT_FOR_PROFILE - Profile for actions belonging to a profile ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_ACT_SET_MODE - RCP Action: Set Mode And Recipe Type
/PLMB/S_RCP_ACT_T2PO_VISIBLE - RCP Action: Transfer to Primary Output Visibility
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADD_FIELDS - Additional Fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADHOC_PARAM_SP - Adhoc report parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADHOC_REPORT_ID_SP - ID Structure for Ad-hoc report parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADHOC_REP_ID_SP - ID Structure for ad-hoc reports
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADHOC_REP_SP - Data stucture for ad-hoc report
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADMIN - Recipe Development: Administrative Data
/PLMB/S_RCP_ADMIN_DB - Recipe Development: Administrative Data
/PLMB/S_RCP_ALLUOM - Structure for Units of Measure Allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_ALT_NO - Alternative Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_ALT_NO_BO - Recipe BO: get next alternative
/PLMB/S_RCP_ALT_VERS_NO - Alternate and Version Number
/PLMB/S_RCP_ARCH_INFO - Info structure for recipe archiving
/PLMB/S_RCP_ASS - Assignment of Recipe Items
/PLMB/S_RCP_ASSIGN - Assignment of Recipe Items
/PLMB/S_RCP_ASSIGNED_IDS - Assigned Process IDs to Formula Item
/PLMB/S_RCP_AUTHGRP - Authorization Groups Relevant for Recipes
/PLMB/S_RCP_AUTHGRP_CUST - Recipe Authorization Group Read From Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCP_BASIC_DATA_BO - Recipe Development: Basic Data BO
/PLMB/S_RCP_BASIC_DATA_LABELS - Labels on the UI for RCP/BB Basic Data
/PLMB/S_RCP_BASIC_DATA_SP - Basic Data Service Provider Recipe Mgmnt
/PLMB/S_RCP_BB_INIT_ID_SP - ID-Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_BB_INIT_SP - RCP Screen Handling
/PLMB/S_RCP_BB_RECIPE_TYPE - Recipe Type And Description for Recipe Building Block
/PLMB/S_RCP_BOOL - structure type for boolean
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_ID_KEY - Recipe - Calculation ID Key
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_LEAD_OBJ - Calculation Lead Obj Data
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_LOG_SP - RCP: Calculation log
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PARAM_ACT_MOD - Recipe Calculation Parameters Action: Set Mode
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PARAM_ATTR - RCP: Calculation Parameters relevant for database update
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PARAM_ID_SP - RCP: Calculation Parameters ID Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PARAM_LEAD_SP - Calculation Parameters Lead Object data
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PARAM_SP - RCP: Calculation Parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PAR_LOBJ_SP - RCP: Calculation Parameters Lead Object Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_CALC_PAR_VIEWS_SP - RCP: Calculation Parameters In Various Calculation Views
/PLMB/S_RCP_CATEGORY - Categories of recipe types
/PLMB/S_RCP_CHANGEABLE_BO - Given recipe is changeable
/PLMB/S_RCP_CHANGED_BO - Recipe has changed
/PLMB/S_RCP_CH_GUID - Structure to encapsulate /plmb/rcp_char_guid
/PLMB/S_RCP_CLF_VALUES_EXP - Exporting of Recipe Classification Values
/PLMB/S_RCP_CONS_FLAG - Consistency flag (including admin data)
/PLMB/S_RCP_COPY - Copied Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_COPY_BO - Recipe BO: create structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_COST_TYPE - Recipe Cost Type
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_ADD_BO - BO Insert Structure for Recipe Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_BO - BO Structure for Recipe Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_COPY_KEY - Copy Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_KEY - BO Key Recipe Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_KEY_LL - Lower Level Key for Calculation Parameter Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_LL - Calculation Parameter Lower Level
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_MC_KEY - BO Key Recipe Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_OBJECT_CALC_ID - Object Guid - Calc Id Pair
/PLMB/S_RCP_CPA_UPD_BO - BO Update Structure for Recipe Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_CREATE_BO - Recipe BO: create structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_CREATE_REPORT_SP - Data stucture for create report
/PLMB/S_RCP_DEPENDING_DATA - A bunch of flags
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESCR - Description
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESCR_ATTR - Attributes of Description
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESCR_CONV_FAIL - Recipe description conversion failure
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_ADD_BO - Recipe: Descriptions with long text indicator
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_COPY_BO - Recipe: Description Keys for COPY BO
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_DATA_BO - Recipe: Descriptions with long text indicator
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_GET_BO - Recipe: Description Keys for GET BO
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_ID_BO - Recipe: Description Keys BO
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_ID_SP - Recipe: Language Keys
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Recipe Description Node Data Structure: LEAD OBJECT
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_SP - Recipe: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_UI - Recipe: Descriptions
/PLMB/S_RCP_DESC_UPD_BO - Recipe: Descriptions with long text indicator
/PLMB/S_RCP_DOC_LINK - PLM-RM Document link to Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_EQR_LINK - Link relationship for recipe eqr item
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXIST_BO - Recipe BO: check existence of a recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPLOSION - Recipe keys for explosion
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_HDR_ID_SP - Explosion Log Header ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_LOG_HEADER_SP - Explosion Log Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_LOG_ID_SP - Explosion Log ID SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_LOG_MSG_ID_SP - Explosion Log Message ID SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_LOG_MSG_SP - Explosion Log Message SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_LOG_SP - Explosion Log SP Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_RECIPE - Recipe data for explosion
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXPL_RECIPE_EXPLD - exploded Recipe data for explosion
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXTERNAL_ATTR_UPD - Own Attributes of a Recipe - external update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXT_KEY - External recipe key
/PLMB/S_RCP_EXT_KEY_DB - External recipe key
/PLMB/S_RCP_FIELD_ID_SP - ID Structure for Fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_FIELD_VALUES_SP - RCP Node Data: Field Values
/PLMB/S_RCP_FILTER - Filter structure for recipe import filter
/PLMB/S_RCP_FILTER_SP - Filter structure for recipe import filter SP
/PLMB/S_RCP_FLAG - Flag for Action
/PLMB/S_RCP_FN_COPY - Names of Fields to Be Converted
/PLMB/S_RCP_GENERATE_PE_ID - Generate PE for Building Block ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_GUID - Recipe Guid
/PLMB/S_RCP_IDENT - Identification of a Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_IMPORT_ID_SP - ID-Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_IMPORT_SP - Recipe import structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_INCL_EEW_RCP - RCP: Customer Extention Include Recipe Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_INCL_EEW_RCP_PLANT - RCP: Customer Extention Include Recipe Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_INGR_CONS_BO - BO Structure for Ingredient Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_INGR_CONS_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure for Ingredient Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_INGR_CONS_SP - Service Provider Structure for Ingredient Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_INIT_ID_SP - ID-Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_INIT_SP - RCP Screen Handling
/PLMB/S_RCP_INSERT_BO - Recipe BO: Insert to Recipe Structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_INSTANCE_CALC_PARA - Instance of Calculation Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_LINK - Link relationship
/PLMB/S_RCP_LINK_DB - Link relationship in DB layer
/PLMB/S_RCP_LOAD_BB_SP - Load Building Block append structure for import
/PLMB/S_RCP_LOGD - Logdata
/PLMB/S_RCP_LOSS_PARAM_ADD_BO - BO Insert Structure for Recipe Loss Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_LOSS_PARAM_BO - BO Structure for Recipe Loss Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_LOSS_PARAM_UPD_BO - BO Update Structure for Recipe Loss Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_MAN_COMP_BO - BO Structure for Recipe Loss Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_MCH_BASIC_DATA_SP - Mass Change Structure - Basic Data
/PLMB/S_RCP_MCV_COPY_BO - Recipe management: Recipe mass create version
/PLMB/S_RCP_MCV_INIT_SP - SP Structure for Initial screen of Mass Creation of Versions
/PLMB/S_RCP_MCV_MSG_LOG - Message log for recipe creation
/PLMB/S_RCP_MCV_MSG_LOG_DIS_CX - Message log for recipe creation
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDLHD_AT_NO_UPD_DB - LLAPI structure model no_upd_db
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDLRL_AT_NO_UPD_DB - LLAPI structure for rule no db update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_ACTIONS - Common Structure for Action Parameters Recipe Simulation
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_BO - Bo structure for model
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_COPY_BO - Simulation Model BO: copy_create structure
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_COPY_FROM - Structure for copying simulation models and rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_CREATE_BO - BO structure for model create
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_EXPLTREE_ID_SP - Key Line Structure for Recipe Explosion Simulation Tree
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_EXPLTREE_SP - Data Structure for Recipe Explosion Simulation Tree
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_FILTER_PARAMS - Filter parameter for UI
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_HD_ATTR_DB - LLAPI structure for model database attributes
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_HD_ATTR_UPD - LLAPI structure for model allowed update fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_HD_BO_ENRICH - BO enrichment for Simulation Model
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_HD_EXT_KEY_DB - LLAPI include for model external db key
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_HD_INCL_EEW - Customer enhancement structure for model db
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_INSTANCE - LLAPI structure for model instances
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_MODEL_DATA_SP - Simulation Model Data for recipe model service provider
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_MODEL_ID_SP - Simulation Model ID for recipe model service provider
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_MODEL_LL - LLAPI structure for Model
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_MODEL_NAME - LLAPI for model: Name to GUID assignement
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_MODEL_NAME_LCK - lock structure for modelling
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RCP_IDENT - Identification of a Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_REFRESH_IND - Key Line Structure for Explosion Simulation Refresh Table
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_ATTR_DB - LLAPI structure for rule attributes on db level
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_ATTR_DEL - LLAPI structure for rule attributes - delete
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_ATTR_UPD - LLAPI structure for rule attributes
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_BO_ENRICH - BO enrichment for rule
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_EDIT_ID_SP - SP ID Structure for Editing of Simulation Rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_EDIT_SP - SP ID Structure for Editing of Simulation Rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_EXT_KEY_DB - LLAPI structure for rule external key db
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_FROM_RCP - Structure: Create Simulation Rules using Specs from Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_INCL_EEW - customer enhancement structure for rule
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RL_SP_ENRICH - SP enrichment for Simulation Rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULEOPT_ID_SP - SP ID Structure for Recipe Options of Simulation Rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULEOPT_SP - SP Data Structure for Recipe Options of Simulation Rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULES_DATA_SP - Rules data for recipe model service provider
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULES_ID_SP - Rules ID for recipe model service provider
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_ADD_BO - Bo structure for rule add
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_BO - Bo structure for rule
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_CONFL_BO - Structure for conflicts when copying simulation rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_CONFL_SP - Structure for conflicts when copying simulation rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_GUID - recipe model delete structure for rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_LL - LLAPI structure for rules
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_RULE_UPD_BO - Bo structure for rule update
/PLMB/S_RCP_MDL_UPD_BO - BO structure for model update
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_CALC_ID_SP - SP ID Structure for Calculation ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_CALC_SP - SP Structure for Calculation ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_COPY_ACT - Profile handling structure for copy recipe action
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_INIT_ACT_COPY - Extended Structure for Copy Recipe Function
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_INIT_ACT_ECN - Extended Structure for Copy Recipe Function with ECN
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_INIT_ID_SP - ID-Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_INIT_SP - SP-Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_REFRCP_ID_SP - ID-Structure for Reference Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_REFRCP_SP - SP-Structure for Reference Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_RFO_ITEM_SP - SP Structure for MFE Formula Items
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_RFO_PROP_ID_SP - ID Structure for MFE Formulas
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_RFO_PROP_SP - SP Structure for MFE Formula Properties
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_SEARCH_RESULT - Pass Selected Results From Search to Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_VALUES_ID_SP - ID Structure for MFE Values
/PLMB/S_RCP_MFE_VALUES_SP - SP Structure for MFE Values
/PLMB/S_RCP_MODEL_GOS_KEY - Model structure for external GOS key format
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_CNTRLCHANGE_SP - Control Changeability
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_HDR_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure Optimization Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_HEADER_BO - BO Structure for Optimization Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_HEADER_SP - Service Provider Structure for Optimization Header
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_CONS_BO - BO Type for Optimization Item Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_DATA_SP - Service Provider Optimization Item
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_FIELDS - Optimization Items Displayed Fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure Optimization Item
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_RUN - Items for Optimization Run
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_ITEM_VAL_HELP - Optimization Item Value Help
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_KEY - Recipe Optimization Parameter Key
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_OBJECTIVE_BO - BO Structure for Optimization Objective Function
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_PARAM - Optimization Parameter
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_PARAM_ATTR - RCP: Optimization Parameters relevant for database update
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_PROP_CONS_BO - BO Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_PROP_CONS_SP - Service Provider Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_PROP_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_RUNFLAG_BO - Optimization Run Flag
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_SHLP - Search Help Structure for Property or Ingredient
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_TITEM_DATA_SP - Service Provider Optimization Target Item
/PLMB/S_RCP_OPT_TITEM_ID_SP - Service Provider ID Structure Optimization Target Item
/PLMB/S_RCP_ORIGIN - Origin and Origin Description
/PLMB/S_RCP_OVS_PROP_INGR - OVS Structure for Property or Ingredient
/PLMB/S_RCP_PE_LINK - Link relationship for recipe process element item
/PLMB/S_RCP_PLANT_ATTR_BO - Attributes of Plant with description
/PLMB/S_RCP_PLANT_ATTR_SP - Attributes of Plant with description
/PLMB/S_RCP_PLNT - Plant assignment for Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_PLNT_ATTR - Attributes of Plant
/PLMB/S_RCP_PLNT_ATTR_UPD - Attributes of a Recipe with plant - external update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_PPAT - Customer's Attributes for Process Parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_PREVIEW_ID_SP - Recipe - ID structure for Preview SP
/PLMB/S_RCP_PREVIEW_SP - Recipe - structure for Preview SP used in Object Navigator
/PLMB/S_RCP_PROCESS_ALLOWED - Recipe, process allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_PROP_CONS_ID_SP - ID Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMB/S_RCP_PROP_FIELD - Property Field
/PLMB/S_RCP_RATING - Recipe - Rating
/PLMB/S_RCP_RCP_ATTR_NO_UPD_DB - Attributes of a Recipe - no external update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_ADD_ATTR - Additional attributes of a Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_ATTR - Attributes of a Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_ATTR_DB - Attributes of a Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_ATTR_NO_UPD - Attributes of a Recipe - no external update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_ATTR_UPD - Attributes of a Recipe - external update allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_DB - Recipe Data Base fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_KEY - External recipe key
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_KEYS - External recipe key and common recipe GUID
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_KEY_LOCK - External recipe key including client
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_KEY_RECN - External recipe key (subrecn) and common recipe GUID
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_TYPE - Recipe Type And Description
/PLMB/S_RCP_RECIPE_UPD - Recipe Update
/PLMB/S_RCP_RELATED - to a specification related formulas
/PLMB/S_RCP_REL_ID - ID structure of relations
/PLMB/S_RCP_REL_SP - SP structure for recipe relations
/PLMB/S_RCP_REL_VERS_SP - Relations versions
/PLMB/S_RCP_REPORTS_ID_SP - ID Structure for WWI Reports
/PLMB/S_RCP_REPORTS_SP - Data Structure for Reports
/PLMB/S_RCP_REPORT_GET_SORG_SP - Get sales organization
/PLMB/S_RCP_REPORT_PARAM_SP - Parameter Values for Reports
/PLMB/S_RCP_REP_INFO_ID_SP - ID Structure for Report Information
/PLMB/S_RCP_REP_INFO_SP - Data structure for Report Information
/PLMB/S_RCP_REP_PARAMS_ID_SP - Data stucture for report parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_REP_PARAMS_SP - Data stucture for report parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_REP_POPUP_SP - Data Structure for Reports Popup
/PLMB/S_RCP_RFO_LINK - Link relationship for recipe formula item
/PLMB/S_RCP_RFO_LINK_DB - Link relationship for recipe formula item in DB layer
/PLMB/S_RCP_RSP_PARAM - Primary Output Specification parameters
/PLMB/S_RCP_SAM_ATTRIBUTES - Attribute flags of the recipe from status management
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - Enterprise Search: Basic search criteria (for query)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - Enterprise Search: Basic search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS_UI - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCOMP - Enterprise Search: Spec multiple component srch crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCOMP_UI - Enterprise Search: Spec multiple component srch crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_PROCESS - DB structure for Search tabstrip Recipe->Process Element
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_PROCESS_E - DB structure for Search tabstrip Recipe->Process Element
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_PROCESS_U - UI structure for Search tabstrip Recipe->Process Element
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_RCPIO - Enterprise Search: RCP Input/Output search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_RCPIO_UI - Enterprise Search: RCP Input/Output search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_RCP_PE - Enterprise Search: RCP Process Elements search criteria (DB)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_RCP_PE_UI - Enterprise Search: RCP Process Elements search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_SELOPT - DB structure for Search tabstrip Recipe (Select-Options)
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_SELOPT_U - Recipe I/O Select-Options
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Enterprise Search: Result structure for Recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_SHLP_RESULT - Result structure for DB based recipe search help
/PLMB/S_RCP_STATUS - Extended status (includes usage)
/PLMB/S_RCP_STATUS_AND_DESCR - Extended status (includes usage)
/PLMB/S_RCP_STREAM_ALLOWED - Recipe, stream allowed
/PLMB/S_RCP_SUBREL - Relationship between recipe sub-objects
/PLMB/S_RCP_SUBREL_ID - ID Sctructure for relationships between recipe sub-objects
/PLMB/S_RCP_SUBUSG - Recipe Customizing: Subordinated Recipe Purposes
/PLMB/S_RCP_SUB_TYPE_ID - Recipe Customizing: Subordinated Recipe Types
/PLMB/S_RCP_T001W_PART - Essence of t001w fields
/PLMB/S_RCP_TABLE_DATA_EXPORT - Table Data for Export
/PLMB/S_RCP_TAB_WINDOW - Tab Window Relation
/PLMB/S_RCP_TT_PROT - Message Protocol for Recipe Testtool
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE - Recipe Type
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE_CUST - Recipe Type Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE_HEADER - Recipe type header + category header
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE_ID - Recipe Type ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE_ID_CHECK - Used by Recipe Type ID Check
/PLMB/S_RCP_TYPE_PARAM - Recipe Type parameters for autocreation and category
/PLMB/S_RCP_TY_USG - Recipe Type - Usages
/PLMB/S_RCP_UOM_DIM - Unit of Measure with Dimension
/PLMB/S_RCP_UPDATED - Updated Recipes
/PLMB/S_RCP_UPD_BO - Recipe Update
/PLMB/S_RCP_USAGE - Recipe Purpose
/PLMB/S_RCP_USAGE_CUST - Recipe Purpose Customizing
/PLMB/S_RCP_VAL_AREA - Validity Area
/PLMB/S_RCP_VERS_IND_KEY - Version independent part of recipe key
/PLMB/S_RCP_VERS_IND_KEY_DB - Version independent part of recipe key
/PLMB/S_RCP_VERS_NO - Version numbers
/PLMB/S_RCP_VIEW_CALC_ID - Sub Views with Calc ID
/PLMB/S_RCP_VRSIND_FRM_ITM_KEY - ID of Formula item with version independent part of recipe
/PLMB/S_RCP_WDR_UI_PP13N - Personalization
/PLMB/S_RFO_ADD_ALT_PO_BO - Add alternative Primary Output
/PLMB/S_RFO_ADD_ALT_PO_SP - Add alternative Primary Output
/PLMB/S_RFO_ADD_FIELD_DATA - Formula: data of the addition dynamic fields
/PLMB/S_RFO_ALT_ITEM_EXIST - Recipe Formula, alternative items exist
/PLMB/S_RFO_ALT_VISIBLE - Recipe formula, alternative items visibility
/PLMB/S_RFO_COLPRP - Formula I/O Table Column Properties (Units of Measure)
/PLMB/S_RFO_COLUMN_VISIBILITY - Visibility of columns in formula item table
/PLMB/S_RFO_COMPTYPE - Structure for Component Types
/PLMB/S_RFO_COMPTYPE_UI - Formula: Component type data
/PLMB/S_RFO_FIELD_CATALOG_BO - Reice Formula: Field Catalog data
/PLMB/S_RFO_FIELD_CATALOG_SP - Reice Formula: Field Catalog data
/PLMB/S_RFO_FIELD_ID_SP - Formula table: field ID
/PLMB/S_RFO_FIELD_NAME_MAP - Formula: Field name mapping
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ATTR - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ATTR_DB - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ATTR_NOUPD - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ATTR_UPD - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ITEM_ALT - RCP: Same content fields of alternative and default items
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ITEM_KEY - External formula item key
/PLMB/S_RFO_FORMULA_ITM_KEY - External formula item key
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM - RCP: Formula Item
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_ALTNR - Formula items with alternative item posnumber and poscount
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_CHGDOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_COUNTERS - Posnr and poscount for formula items
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_KEY - Recipe - Formula Item Key
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_SAP_FIELDS - RCP: SAP fields of formula Item
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_SEVERITY - Error severity per formula item
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRMITM_TYPE - Formula item types
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRML_GUID_PAIR - Formula-recipe assignments
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRM_ITEM_ROOT_KEY - Key based upon Formula + stable Item Guid
/PLMB/S_RFO_FRM_UPD_FIELDS - Updateable fields of formula header + GUID
/PLMB/S_RFO_HEADER_DATA_BO - Formula header data
/PLMB/S_RFO_HEADER_SP - Formula Header Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_HEADER_UPD_BO - Formula Header data for update
/PLMB/S_RFO_ID_SP - Formula ID
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_CALC_ITM - Include Calculation Formula Item BO
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_EEW_FRML - RCP: Customer Extenstion Include Formula Header
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_EEW_FRML_ITEM - RCP: Customer Extenstion Include Formula Item
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_EEW_RFO_ITMBO - RCP: Customer Extension Include Formula Item BO
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_EEW_RFO_ITMSP - RCP: Customer Extenstion Include Formula Item SP
/PLMB/S_RFO_INCL_FRML_CALC_ITM - Formula calculation append
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEMS_DATA_SP - Formula Item Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_ADD_BO - Formula Item Data for adding items
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_BO - Formula Item Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_CHANGE_LOG_UI - Reference to item type that has been changed - obsolete
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_COPY_BO - Formula item: copy item information
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_COPY_SP - Formula item SP: copy item information
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_DATA - Formula Item Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_DATA_SP - Formula Item Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_DATA_UI - Formula Item Data - UI
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_ID_SP - Formula Item ID
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_KEY - Formula Item Key
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_REASSIGN_BO - Formula Item ID for reassigning items
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_REASSIGN_SP - Formula Item ID for reassigning items
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_BO - Formula BO Item type
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_ID_SP - Formula UI Item type
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_LIST_UI - Formula UI: List of Item Types in dropdown listbox
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_PROP_SP - Formula: Field Properties depending from the Item Type
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_SP - Formula Item Type
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_TYPE_UI - Formula UI Item type
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITEM_UPD_BO - Formula Item Data
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITM_KEY - Recipe - Formula Item Key
/PLMB/S_RFO_ITM_TYPE_COMP_TYPE - Relation between item type and component type
/PLMB/S_RFO_KEY - Recipe Formula key data
/PLMB/S_RFO_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Formula Lead Object data
/PLMB/S_RFO_LYOT - Formula Layout for I/O-Tab
/PLMB/S_RFO_LYOT_FIELDS - Formula Layout Fields
/PLMB/S_RFO_MCH_FORMULA_ID_SP - Formula Mass Change ID Strukture
/PLMB/S_RFO_MCH_FORMULA_SP - Mass Change - Formula
/PLMB/S_RFO_PE_IDS - Process Element IDs
/PLMB/S_RFO_PE_IDS_SP - Formula Item: OVS values for stage, operation, action
/PLMB/S_RFO_PE_ITEM_GUID - Processelement formula item guid
/PLMB/S_RFO_PE_SEL_PARAM_BO - Process Element Selection parameter BO
/PLMB/S_RFO_RFO_ATTR_NOUPD_DB - Formula attributes
/PLMB/S_RFO_SCALE_ITEMS_BO - Scale items of formula
/PLMB/S_RFO_STREAM - Stream Identification
/PLMB/S_RFO_UOM_UI - Formula: unit of measure data
/PLMB/S_RFO_VALUES_SP - Formula node data: Values
/PLMB/S_RPR_COPY_KEY - Source-Target-IDs for (Inter-)Process Element Copy
/PLMB/S_RPR_CUSTID_SHLP_RESULT - Result structure for DB based process custid search help
/PLMB/S_RPR_EDIT_FLAGS - Process Parameter EDIT Flags
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR - Equipment Requirement Work Structure
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_BO_IX - Equipment Requirement BO structure with index
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_COPY - EQR Data Copy/Paste: UI --> BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_COPY_IX - EQR Data Copy/Paste: UI --> BO with Index
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_COPY_KEY - Source-Target-IDs for (Inter-) EQR Copy
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_ID - ID structure for EQR
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_REM - Equipment Requirement BO: GUID Structure
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_RENUMBER - Structure for renumber Action
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_SP - SP structure for EQR
/PLMB/S_RPR_EQR_UI - UI structure for EQR
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_ATTR - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_ATTR_DB - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_ATTR_NOUPD - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_ATTR_NOUPD_DB - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_ATTR_UPD - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_BO - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_CHGDOC - Change Document Structure for process header
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_MODIFY - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HDR_UPD_FIELDS - Process Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_HEADER_SP - Process Header Data for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_ID_SP - Process ID for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_EQR - RPR: Customer Extenstion Include - Equipment Requirements
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_HDR - RPR: Customer Extenstion Include Process
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_PE - RPR: Customer Extenstion Include Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_PP - RPR: Customer Extension Include Process Parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_PP_VAL - RPR: Customer Extenstion Include Process Parameter Valuation
/PLMB/S_RPR_INCL_EEW_SEQUENCE - RPR: Customer Extenstion Include for Sequence of Operations
/PLMB/S_RPR_INSTANCE_PP - Process Parameter GUID & Object Reference
/PLMB/S_RPR_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Process Lead Object data
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE - Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_ADD_BO - Add Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_ATTR - Attributes of Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_ATTR_IDS - Process Element IDs Attributes Identifier
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_BO - Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_CHGDOC - Change Document Structure for process elements
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_DATA - Recipe Process Element data with external IDs
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_DATA_BO - Recipe Process Element data with external IDs for BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_DATA_UPD_BO - Recipe Process Element data with external IDs for BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_DESC - Process Element Description
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_GOS_KEY - Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_GUID - Process Element GUID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_GUID_BO - Process Element GUID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_GUID_FOR_ID - Process Element Guid for IDs
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_GUID_FOR_ID_BO - Process Element Guid for IDs
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_HIER - Hierarchy of Process Elements
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_HIER_BO - Hierarchy of Process Elements
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_IDS_ATTR - Process Element IDs Attributes
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_IDS_ATTR_DESC - Process Element IDs Attributes Descriptions
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_IDS_ATTR_IDS - Process Element IDs Attributes Identifier
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_ID_SP - Process Element ID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_OPR_SEQUENCE - Sequence of Process Operations
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_OPR_SEQUENCE_BO - Sequence of Process Operations
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_PAIR_WITH_ATTR - Attributes of Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_QUEUE_CHGDOC - Change Document Structure for Sequence
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_SEQ_ID - Recipe Process - Sequence ID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_SEQ_OVS - Process Sequence OVS value help
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_SEQ_SP - Recipe Process - Sequence
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TABLE_DESCR - Process elements description SP structure
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TABLE_ID - Process Element Table ID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TABLE_PARENT - Process Elements Parent Relation
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TABLE_SP - Process elements table Data for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TABLE_UI - Process elements table Data for UI
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_FILTER_SP - Structure for Tree Filter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_FIND_SP - Specification of search criteria in PE tree
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_FND_RES_SP - Specification of search results in PE tree
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_HIER_SP - Hierarchy of Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_RET_SP - specification of node IDs with expansion level
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_RET_SUB_SP - specification of node IDs with expansion level
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_SP - Process tree structure Data for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TREE_UI - Process tree structure Data for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_TYPE_TEXT - Process Element Type Text
/PLMB/S_RPR_PE_WITH_ATTR - Attributes of Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_PM_GOS_KEY - Process Parameter Master
/PLMB/S_RPR_PPGRDS - Structure for table /PLMB/RPR_PPGRDS
/PLMB/S_RPR_PPGRID - Structure for table /PLMB/RPR_PPGRID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_ADD_VAL - Insert Process Parameter Values
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_ADMIN - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_ADMIN_DB - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_CLF_DATA_ID_SP - Lead object structure for process parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_CLF_DATA_SP - Lead object structure for process parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_COPY_KEY - Process Parameter Key
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_DATA_SP - Process Parameter for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_DB - Process Parameter DB Access Status
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_EQUATION_EVAL - Function Check Data
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_EQUA_EVAL_EXT - Function Check Data (Extended)
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_EXT_KEY - External recipe key
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_GOS_KEY - Process Parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_GUID - Process Parameter Master Data GUID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_ID_SP - Process Parameter ID for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_KEY - Process Parameter Key
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_LEAD_OBJ_ID_SP - Lead object structure for process parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Lead object structure for process parameter
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_MSG_MAPPING - Message mapping structure for BO/API
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_ADD_BO - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data Insert BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_ATTR_DB - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data Attributes DB
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_BO - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_BO_ENRICHMENT - Bo enrichment structure
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_CHG_DOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_EXT_KEY_DB - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data External Key
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_GUID_BO - Process Parameter Master GUID BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_LL - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data Lower Level API
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_LL_ENRICHMENT - Low Level API enrichment structure
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_UPDATE - Recipe Process Parameter Master data for update
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_M_UPD_BO - Recipe Process Parameter Master Data BO
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_PE_IDS_SP - Process Parameter: OVS values for stage, operation, action
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_SHLP_RESULT - Search Help Result Structure for Process Parameter Masters
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_TEMP_SP - Process Parameter Master Data
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL - Process Parameter Values
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_ADMIN - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_ADMIN_DB - Date, Time, User ID for Insert and Change
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_COPY - Process Parameter Value --> Copy Line Key
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_ENRICHMENT - Enrichment of process parameter values of non-db fields
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_EXT_ID_SP - Extended Process Parameter Value ID with Sequence Number
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_FORMAT - Process Parameter Values to be formatted
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_GUID - Process Parameter Values GUID
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_ID_SP - Process Parameter ID for SP
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_LINK - Link relationship for process parameter item
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_LINK_DB - Link relationship for process parameter item in DB layer
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_OVS_ID_SP - Process Parameter: OVS values for stage, operation, action
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_PASTE_SP - Process Parameter Values Data for Paste Functionality
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_PE_TYPE_TXT - Text for Stage Operation and Action
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_RULE - Process Parameter Calculation Rule
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_SORT - Process Parameter Values Sort
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_SP - Process Parameter Values
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_UI - Process Parameter Values - UI
/PLMB/S_RPR_PP_VAL_VALUES_SP - Recipe Process Parameter Value Values
/PLMB/S_RPR_RCP_GUID_PAIR - Process-Recipe Assignments
/PLMB/S_RPR_SEA_CRIT_PROCESS - DB structure for Search tabstrip Process Parameter Master
/PLMB/S_RPR_SEA_CRIT_PROCESS_U - UI structure for Search tabstrip Recipe->Process Element
/PLMB/S_RPR_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Enterprise Search: Result structure for Recipe
/PLMB/S_RPR_STAGE_ID_UI - Process Stage ID
/PLMB/S_RPR_TREE_CUST - Process Structure Tree customizing
/PLMB/S_RPR_VALUES_SP - Process Values for SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_AUTHGRP - Authorization Groups
/PLMB/S_RSP_BASIC_DATA_ADD_SP - Insert Structure for Recipe Specification Basic Data
/PLMB/S_RSP_BASIC_DATA_BO - Specification - structure for Basic Data BO
/PLMB/S_RSP_BASIC_DATA_SP - Specification - structure for Basic Data SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_COMPCAT - EHS Component Type
/PLMB/S_RSP_ESEOBJTYPENAM - Specification Category and Description
/PLMB/S_RSP_ESESUBCAT - Specification Type
/PLMB/S_RSP_GOS_KEY - GOS-Key for Specification
/PLMB/S_RSP_ID - Specification ID Structure
/PLMB/S_RSP_ID_SP - Specification - ID structure for SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_INT_ID - Specification iternal ID
/PLMB/S_RSP_LEAD_OBJ_SP - Specification - structure for Lead Object SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_OBJTYPE - Specification Categories
/PLMB/S_RSP_PREVIEW_ID_SP - Specification - ID structure for Preview SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_PREVIEW_SP - Specification - structure for Preview SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_BASIC - Enterprise Search: Specification basic query search criteria
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_BASIC_UI - Enterprise Search: Specification basic search criteria (UI)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_COMP - Enterprise Search: Specification component search criterias
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_COMP_UI - Enterprise Search: Specification component search crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS_UI - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_MCOMP - Enterprise Search: Spec multiple component srch crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_MCOMP_UI - Enterprise Search: Spec multiple component srch crit (UI)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_RESTR - Enterprise Search: Specification restr query search criteria
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_CRIT_RESTR_UI - Enterprise Search: Specification restriction search crit UI
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_PROPTREE - Property tree node for Classification search
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_PROPTREE_INFO - Specification property tree info (TCG51)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SEA_RESULT_ESH - Enterprise Search: Result structure for Specification (Subs)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SPC_SPECIFICATIONS - Qualtitative and Quantitative Specifications
/PLMB/S_RSP_SPC_SPEC_GRP_MEMB - Qualtitative and Quantitative Specifications Group Listing
/PLMB/S_RSP_SUBID - SUBID for specification
/PLMB/S_RSP_SUB_ID - Substance ID (Specification)
/PLMB/S_RSP_SUB_MAT_ID - Substance and Material ID and data for Unit Test
/PLMB/S_RSP_T2PO_RFO_GUID_SP - Structure for Transfer to PO SP
/PLMB/S_RSP_TRANSFER2PO_BO - Transfer to Primary Output
/PLMB/S_RSP_TRANSFER2PO_CB_SP - Specification - SP Calculation ID for Transfer to PO
/PLMB/S_RSP_TRANSFER2PO_ID_SP - Specification - SP ID structure for Transfer to PO
/PLMB/S_RSP_TRANSFER2PO_SP - Transfer to Primary Output Specification
/PLMB/S_RSP_VALUES_CREATE_SP - Specification - SP Structure for action get_values
/PLMB/S_RSP_VALUES_ID_SP - SP: ID for values
/PLMB/S_RSP_VALUES_SP - SP: Values for specification
/PLMB/S_VRCP_ASSIGN - Change Document Structure for Assignment
/PLMB/S_VRCP_DESCR - Change Document Description Structure
/PLMB/S_VRCP_RECIPE - Change Document Structure for Recipe
/PLMB/S_VRFO_FRM - change document formula header table type
/PLMB/S_VRPR_EQR - Change Document Structure
/PLMB/S_VRPR_PP_VAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/S_WWI_DATA_SP - Data stucture for ad-hoc report
/PLMB/S_WWI_ID_SP - WWI report identifier structure
/PLMB/VRCP_ASSIGN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRCP_DESCR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRCP_MDL_HD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRCP_MDL_RL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRCP_PLNT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRCP_RECIPE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRFO_FRM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRFO_FRMITM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRPR_EQR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRPR_PP_M - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMB/VRPR_PP_VAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMI/DEF_PARAM - Default Calculation Parameter
/PLMI/EXPL_CMPTY - Explosion customizing: Assignment of component types
/PLMI/EXPL_SC - Explosion customizing: Explosion scope header data
/PLMI/EXPL_SC_T - Explosion customizing: Explosion scope description
/PLMI/GSS_R2BAOP - GSS Recipe ->mBOM: Attribute Operations Table
/PLMI/GSS_R2B_AR - Additional sources for recipe to BOM
/PLMI/GSS_R2B_CN - Mapping between recipe version and Change number for BOM
/PLMI/GSS_R2B_CU - R2B customizing
/PLMI/GSS_R2B_KM - GSS Recipe -> mBOM: Key Mapping table
/PLMI/GSS_R2B_SU - Sync Units for Recipe to BOM
/PLMI/GSS_R2MXAO - Complex Attribute Operations for Recipe to MR Synch.
/PLMI/GSS_R2M_AO - GSS Recipe -> Master Recipe: Attribute Operations Table
/PLMI/GSS_R2M_CN - Mapping between Recipe version and Change number
/PLMI/GSS_R2M_KM - GSS Recipe -> Master Recipe: Key Mapping Table
/PLMI/GSS_R2M_SU - GSS Recipe -> Master Recipe: Sync Units Table
/PLMI/GSS_RCP_CU - Customizing for Recipe Synchronization
/PLMI/GSS_SU2X - Mapping table for Synchronisation Units and RFC Destinations
/PLMI/LBL_DEFPAR - Default Parameter
/PLMI/LBL_LOCDEF - Target Location Defaults
/PLMI/LBL_LPLANG - Target Locations: Languages Assigned to Location of Profile
/PLMI/LBL_LPLOC - Target Locations Assigned to a Profile
/PLMI/LBL_LPROF - Target Location Profile
/PLMI/LBL_LPROFT - Target Location Profile Description
/PLMI/LBL_MIGRAT - Migration Administration (mapping of EhP4 to PLMWUI)
/PLMI/LBL_UI_LIS - List Titles on the Labels
/PLMI/LBL_UI_LIT - List Titles on the Labels
/PLMI/LBL_VIEWCL - Labeling: View Classes
/PLMI/RCA_CALC_C - Calculation control for formula items
/PLMI/RCA_CALC_PARAM - Structure of Calculation Parameters
/PLMI/RCA_CALC_PARAM_LOG - Calculation Parameter for Quantitative Data
/PLMI/RCA_CALC_PARAM_QUAL - Calculation Parameter for Qualiitative Data
/PLMI/RCA_CALC_PARAM_QUANT - Calculation Parameter for Quantitative Data
/PLMI/RCA_CPARA - Calculation parameter set
/PLMI/RCA_CPARAT - Calculation parameter set
/PLMI/RCA_DEFQ - Reference Quantity for Composition per Specification Type
/PLMI/RCA_EVPRIO - Exception Value Priority
/PLMI/RCA_SUBCAT - EHS Specification Types
/PLMI/RCA_TAVA - Define Rating for Target Values for Specification
/PLMI/RCP_EHS - Default Exception Value
/PLMI/RCP_EHSIDL - Define Identification Listing
/PLMI/RCP_MIGMAP - Mapping of Specification Type(Recipe/Formula) to Recipe Type
/PLMI/RCP_MIGRAT - Migration Administration (mapping of RM to RD)
/PLMI/RFO_COMP - Calculation-Relevant Component Types
/PLMI/RFO_COMPTY - Value Assignment Type for Component Type
/PLMI/RFO_COMP_C - Component Types to Formula Item Types
/PLMI/RFO_SUBCAT - Allowed Specification Types for Stream Specifications
/PLMI/S_CCK_EXEC_PARAMS - Compliance Check: helper structure for the BO class
/PLMI/S_CHECK_TR2SPEC_POSSIBLE - Check if Transfer to Specification is possible
/PLMI/S_DEF_CALC_PARAM - Default Calculation Parameter
/PLMI/S_GSS_CHAR_VAL - Characteristic Values
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_ADD_RCP_UPD - Buffer structure for additional recipes
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_BOM_QUANTITY - Quantity from recipe
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_CN_UPD - Mapping of Sync unit, recipe version and ECN + DB operation
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_CUST - Customizing for recipe to BOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_ESO_SU_CN - Enterprise Search: Assigned Change Numbers to Versions
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_ESO_SU_HEAD - Enterprise Search Template R2B Sync Unit Head
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_GROUP_INFO - Formula Item Alternative Group to BOM Group
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_HEAD_VER_ENH - Enhancement of head vertex for recipe to BOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_ITEM_VER_ENH - Enhancement of item vertex for recipe to BOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_RCP_QUANTITY - Quantity from recipe
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD - Sync Unit Head for Recipe to BOM
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2B_SU_HEAD_UPD - Update structure for R2B Sync unit
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_ACT_EQR - Action Parameters for Resource Selection
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_CON_EQR - Conflict Parameters for Resource Selection
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_CON_EQR_PS - Conflict Parameters for Primary Flag Change in EQR
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_CON_EQR_RES - Resource Details for EQR Conflict Resolution
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_CON_REASSIGN - Conflict Parameters for Process Item Reassignment
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_CON_REORDER - Conflict Parameters for Process Item Reordering
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2MR_SU_BO_VERID - Production Version of Sync. Unit for Recipe to Master Recipe
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2X_SU2X - Mapping structure for Synchronization Units and RFCs
/PLMI/S_GSS_R2X_SU2X_UPD - Mapping structure for Synchronization Units and RFCs
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_CUST - Customizing for Recipe synchronization
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_HEAD_INDEX - GSS Index: Recipe Head structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_HEAD_ITEM_EDGE - GGS Edge: Recipe head version to Recipe item version
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_HEAD_VERS - Recipe Version Head as GSS Vertex
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_HEAD_VERS_ENR - GSS Vertex: Enriched recipe head version
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_HEAD_VTX - GSS Vertex: Recipe Header
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_ITEM_INDEX - GSS Index: Recipe item version independent
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_ITEM_VERS - Recipe version formula item as GSS vertex
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_ITEM_VERS_ENR - GSS Vertex: Enriched recipe item version
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_KEY_PARAM - Key and Parameter for Recipe explosion
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_STRUCT_NORM - Normalized Recipe structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_STRUC_ID_PARAM - Parameter needed to retrieve recipe data
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_SUBSTRUCTURE - GSS Recip: Definition of Substructures (Hierarchy, Version)
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_VERS_INDEX - GSS Index: Recipe Version
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_VERS_IND_KEY - Version independent part of recipe key in GSS
/PLMI/S_GSS_RCP_VI_FRM_ITM_KEY - Version independent part of formula item in GSS
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_BASIC_EDGE - GSS Edge: Basic structure
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_CHARVAL_ATTR - GSS_Attribute: Characteristic Value
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_EQR_IDX - GSS Index: Equipment Requirement
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_EQR_VTX - GSS Vertex: Equipment Requirement
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_IDX - GSS Index: Recipe Process
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_PE_IDX - GSS Index: Process Element
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_PE_VTX - GSS Vertex: Process Element
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_PP_IDX - GSS Index: Process Paremeter
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_PP_VTX - GSS Vertex: Process Parameter
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_STRUCT_NORM - Normalized Recipe structure to be displayed in tree
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_STRUC_ID_PARAM - Parameters needed to retrieve process data of recipes
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_VERS_IDX_E - GSS Index: Recipe Version (Enriched)
/PLMI/S_GSS_RPR_VTX - GSS Vertex: Recipe Process
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_DESCR - Enterprise Search: Label Descriptions
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_DIIT - Enterprise Search: Diet Items
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_DILI - Enterprise Search: Diet List Header
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_DIVA - Enterprise Search: Diet Values
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_HD - Enterprise Search: Label Header
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_HDDS - Enterprise Search: Label Descriptions
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_HDLG - Enterprise Search: Languages for Label Set
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_INIT - Enterprise Search: Ingredient List Items
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_INLI - Enterprise Search: Ingredient List header
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_INVA - Enterprise Search: Ingredient List Values
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_LIT - Enterprise Search: Description of a Label List
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_NUIT - Enterprise Search: Nutrition List Items
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_NULI - Enterprise Search: Nutrition List Header
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_NUVA - Enterprise Search: Quant. Comp. List Values
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_PALI - Enterprise Search: Package List
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_STMT - Enterprise Search: Statements
/PLMI/S_LBL_ESO_USAGE - Enterprise Search: Usage
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_ADMIN - Labeling Migration: Label Mapping Data
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_BAL_S_LOG - Labeling Migration: Application Log Context Fields
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_LABEL_RANGE - Labeling Migration: Selection Range for Recipes
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MAPPING - Labeling Migration: Mapping (UI)
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MAP_ADMIN - Labeling Migration: Mapping Admin. Data (UI)
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MAP_ADMIN_DB - Labeling Migration: Mapping Administration Data in DB
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MAP_ATTR - Labeling Migration: Mapping Attributes
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MAP_KEY - Labeling Migration: Mapping Key
/PLMI/S_LBL_MIG_MESSAGE - Labeling Migration: Message Handling
/PLMI/S_LBL_VIEW_CLASS - Labeling: View classes
/PLMI/S_MAT_BASIC_DATA_BCV - Basic Data of Material
/PLMI/S_OPT_COEFFICIENT - Structure for Optimization Variable Coefficients
/PLMI/S_OPT_CONSTRAINTS - Structure for Optimization Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_INGR_CONS_ADD_BO - BO Insert Structure for Ingredient Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_INGR_CONS_UPD_BO - BO Update Structure for Ingredient Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_ITEM_CONS_ADD_BO - BO Insert Type for Optimization Item Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_ITEM_CONS_UPD_BO - BO Update Type for Optimization Item Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_ITEM_DATA_NO_ADD - Optimization Item without additional fields
/PLMI/S_OPT_OBJECTIVE_ADD_BO - BO Insert Structure for Optimization Objective Function
/PLMI/S_OPT_OBJECTIVE_UPD_BO - BO Update Structure for Optimization Objective Function
/PLMI/S_OPT_PROP_CONS_ADD_BO - BO Insert Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_PROP_CONS_UPD_BO - BO Update Structure for Property Constraints
/PLMI/S_OPT_RUNFLAG_ADD_BO - Optimization Run Flag
/PLMI/S_OPT_RUNFLAG_UPD_BO - Optimization Run Flag
/PLMI/S_OPT_VARIABLES - Structure for Optimization Variables
/PLMI/S_RCA_BASE_QUAN - Base Quantity
/PLMI/S_RCA_BUFFER_PARAM - Structure for buffering Calculation Parameter
/PLMI/S_RCA_CALC_CTRL - Calculation control for formula items
/PLMI/S_RCA_CALC_CTRL_RATIO - Calculation Graphs for Percentage Fields
/PLMI/S_RCA_CALC_CTRL_TARGT - Calculation Graphs for Target Fields
/PLMI/S_RCA_CALC_ITEM_CTRL - Calculation - Control structure for item calculation
/PLMI/S_RCA_CALC_SUM_UP_CTRL - Calculation - Control structure for summing up of fields
/PLMI/S_RCA_COMP - Recipe calculation: Composition
/PLMI/S_RCA_COMP_BUFF - Buffer structure for manual composition (Recipe)
/PLMI/S_RCA_COMP_MAN - Recipe calculation: Manual Composition
/PLMI/S_RCA_COSTS_MANUAL_PRICE - Manual Price per Item
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXCVAL_ORDER - Exception Value Order
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_GRAPH - Explosion Graph Structure
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_HIERARCHY - Explosion hierarchy
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_ITEM - Explosion Item
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_ITEMIDENT - Structure for item identification
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_ITEMIDENT_S - Structure for item identification Source
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_ITEMIDENT_T - Structure for item identification Target
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_LOG - Log Structure for Explosion
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_LOG_INT - Explosion Log (Internal display)
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_LOG_MSG - Explosion Message Log
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_MATRIX - Entry in a Grid
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_PARAM - Explosion Parameter
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_RCPSPEC - Specification Recipe Relation
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_RCP_USAGE - Relevant Recipe Purposes
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_SCOPE - Explosion scope settings from customizing
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXPL_VECTOR - Structure for Explosion Vector
/PLMI/S_RCA_EXT_QUANT_CALC - Extended Calculation Structure for Quantitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_GRP_ID - Structure for Group IDs
/PLMI/S_RCA_HIER_LOSS_PROFILE - Struct.: Specifications, Process/Storage Losses in % (Hier.)
/PLMI/S_RCA_INCL_EEW_COMP - RCA: Customer Extention Include Composition
/PLMI/S_RCA_INCL_EEW_PARAM - RCA-EXPL: Customer Extenstion Include Parameters
/PLMI/S_RCA_LOSS_PROFILE - Structure: Specifications, Process/Storage Losses in %
/PLMI/S_RCA_MAT_PRICE_UNIT - Structure: Material, Price, Currency, Price Unit, Base Unit
/PLMI/S_RCA_MAT_SPEC - Recipe Developement: Structure for Unit Conversion
/PLMI/S_RCA_NO_COMP - No Composition
/PLMI/S_RCA_NO_QUAL - Buffer Structure for non qualitative data (internal use)
/PLMI/S_RCA_NO_QUANT - Buffer Structure for non quantitative data (internal use)
/PLMI/S_RCA_NUTR_BASEUNIT - Structure: Nutrients with Base Unit
/PLMI/S_RCA_PROP_ATTR - Physical-Chemical Property Attributes
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUAL - Recipe Calculation: Qualitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUAL_TARGET - Target Values Qualitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUANT - Recipe Calculation: Quantitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUANT_CALC - Calculation Structure for Quantitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUANT_MAP - Mapping of Quantitative Data to Items
/PLMI/S_RCA_QUANT_TARGET - Target Values Quantitative Data
/PLMI/S_RCA_SUBST - Substance ID and Subrecn
/PLMI/S_RCA_SUB_PRICE_UNIT - Structure: Substance, Price, Currency, Price Unit, Base Unit
/PLMI/S_RCA_TARGET_KEY - Recipe Calculation Target Values Key
/PLMI/S_RCA_TRANSFER_QUANT_GRP - Quantitative Groups for Transfer to PO
/PLMI/S_RCP_BASIC_DATA_BCV - Basic Data of Recipe
/PLMI/S_RCP_BCV_COSTS - Calculated Price
/PLMI/S_RCP_BCV_MIN_MAX - Min-Max-Current Quantity
/PLMI/S_RCP_BCV_QUANT - Quantity in %
/PLMI/S_RCP_BCV_VALIDITY - Validity of Recipe Versions
/PLMI/S_RCP_BCV_VERSION_COSTS - Validity of Recipe Versions
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_DESCR - Enterprise Search: Description Data
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search: Recipe Header Data
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_LONGTEXT - Recipe Longtext for Enterprise Search
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_PLANT - Enterprise Search: Plant assignment for Recipe
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_TYPE_DESCR - Enterprise Search: Recipe Type Description
/PLMI/S_RCP_ESO_USG_DESCR - Enterprise Search: Recipe Purpose Description
/PLMI/S_RCP_INGR_CONSTRAINT - Ingredient Constraint
/PLMI/S_RCP_LOSS_NOT_EDITABLE - Item Level Loss Profile Editable Settings
/PLMI/S_RCP_MDL_CHANGEABLE_BO - Given recipe is changeable
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_ADMIN - Recipe Migration Mapping Data inclusive EH&S Administration
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_BAL_S_LOG - Recipe Migration Application Log Context Fields
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_FORMULA_RANGE - Recipe Migration Selection Range for Formulas
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAPPING - Recipe Migration Mapping (UI)
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAPPING_DB - Recipe Migration Mapping
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAP_ADMIN - Recipe Migration Mapping Admin. Data (UI)
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAP_ADMIN_DB - Recipe Migration Mapping Administration Data in DB
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAP_ATTR - Recipe Migration Mapping Attributes
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MAP_KEY - Recipe Migration Mapping Key
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_MESSAGE - Recipe Migration Message Handling
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_RECIPE_RANGE - Recipe Migration Selection Range for Recipes
/PLMI/S_RCP_MIG_SELECT_LINES - Recipe Migration Selected Lines
/PLMI/S_RCP_OBJECTIVE - Objective Function
/PLMI/S_RCP_OPT_REMOVE_ITEM - Remove Optimizaton Contraints for Item
/PLMI/S_RCP_PROPERTY - Property Constraint
/PLMI/S_RCP_SEARCH_AUTH - Recipe Search Options for Authorization
/PLMI/S_RFO_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search: Formula Header Data
/PLMI/S_RFO_ESO_ITEM - Enterprise Search: Formula Item Data
/PLMI/S_RFO_FRMITM_ATTR_BO - Recipe - Formula Item Attributes
/PLMI/S_RFO_ITEM_AUTH - Authorization for Formula Item
/PLMI/S_RFO_ITEM_ESSENCE - Formula item attributes
/PLMI/S_RFO_ITEM_KEY - Formula Item key
/PLMI/S_RFO_STREAM_SPEC - Stream Specification
/PLMI/S_RFO_STREAM_SPEC_USED - Stream Specification is used somewhere
/PLMI/S_RFO_STREAM_WHERE_USED - Stream is used somewhere
/PLMI/S_RPR_EQR_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search Node: Equipment Requirement Header
/PLMI/S_RPR_EQR_ESO_LONGTEXT - Process Elements Longtext for Enterprise Search
/PLMI/S_RPR_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search: Process Header Data
/PLMI/S_RPR_HDR_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search Node: Process
/PLMI/S_RPR_PE_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search: Process Element Header
/PLMI/S_RPR_PE_ESO_LONGTEXT - Process Elements Longtext for Enterprise Search
/PLMI/S_RPR_PPT_ESO_DESCR - Enterprise Search Node: Process Parameter Description
/PLMI/S_RPR_PP_ESO_DOCLINKTEXT - Enterprise Search: Document Long Text
/PLMI/S_RPR_PP_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search Node Structure: Process Parameter Master
/PLMI/S_RPR_PP_VAL_ESO_HEADER - Enterprise Search Node: Process Parameter Value
/PLMI/S_RSP_ATTR_BO - Specification Attributes
/PLMI/S_RSP_BADI_CMP - BAdI Structure for Composition-Relevant Views
/PLMI/S_RSP_COMPTYPE - Default Component Type of Specification
/PLMI/S_RSP_DATA - Specification Data
/PLMI/S_RSP_ENTITY_MAP - Structure for Formula Attribute, Value Assgmt Type, Charact.
/PLMI/S_RSP_IDENTS_BO - Specification Identifier
/PLMI/S_RSP_IDLID_KEY - Identification Listing Key
/PLMI/S_RSP_MAN_COMP - Manual Composition data
/PLMI/VGSS_R2B_AR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMI/VGSS_R2B_CN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMI/VGSS_R2B_SU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/PLMU/S_EXP_SEL_TREE_UI - UI Structure - Selection Tree - Data
/PLMU/S_MCH_CHANGE_VAL_DROPD - Structure for Change Value Popup Field Dropdown
/PLMU/S_PRP_TREE_PE_FILTER - Structure for Filter table
/PLMU/S_RCA_COSTS_UI - Costs UI - Recipe Development
/PLMU/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_HIER_UI - Service Provider Structure List Composition
/PLMU/S_RCA_LISTCOMP_UI - UI Structure List Composition
/PLMU/S_RCP_DND_CONTEXT - Drag and drop context
/PLMU/S_RCP_DRAG_NODE - Node strucutre for drag and drop
/PLMU/S_RCP_MDL_RL_CONFLICTS - UI Data Structure for Resolution of Simulation Rule Conflict
/PLMU/S_RCP_MDL_RL_EDIT_FIELDS - Simulation Modeling Rules Structure for Editing of Rule
/PLMU/S_RCP_MDL_RL_TYPE_FIELDS - Simulation Modeling Rules Structure for Editing of Rule Type
/PLMU/S_RCP_MODEL_COPY_FIELDS - PLM Simulation Model UI Structure for Copy Rules Popup
/PLMU/S_RCP_MODEL_EXPL_PARAM - UI Structure: Recipe Explosion Simulation Paramameters
/PLMU/S_RCP_MODEL_INIT_FIELDS - PLM Simulation Model UI Structure for Initial Screen
/PLMU/S_RFO_CTX_PANEL - Attributes describing a contextual panel
/PLMU/S_RPR_TREE_HIERARCHY - Process Tree: Hierarchy levels

SAP Labeling Tables PLM-WUI-RCP-LBL

/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_CO_DO - Label Set WWI Component List Data Origin
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_CO_RDA - Label Set WWI Component List RDA
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_CO_SPC - Label Set WWI Component List Specifications
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_IN_TI - Label Set WWI Ingredient List Title
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LABEL - Label Set WWI Header Data
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_CL - Classification Values
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_DE - Label Set WWI Descriptions
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_DO - Label Set WWI Documents
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_LA - Label Set WWI Target Location Languages
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_PA - Label Set WWI Packages
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_ST - Label Set WWI Statements
/PLMI/S_LBL_WWI_SYM_LBL_TL - Label Set WWI Target Locations


/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_DOC_KEY - Recipe Document Key
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_RFO_ITEM_KEY - Formula Item key (extended for WWI)
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SELIOT - Structure for Recipe Application Object
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCA_CO - Calculation Results: Costs
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCA_CP - Calculation Parameters
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCA_EX - Calculation Results: Explosion
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCA_GC - Calculation Results: Group Composition
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCA_LC - Calculation Results: List Composition
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCP_CL - Classification Values
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCP_DE - Recipe Descriptions
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RCP_DO - Recipe Documents
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RECIPE - Recipe Header Data
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RFO_IT - Formula Items
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RPR_EQ - Equipment Requirements
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RPR_PE - Process Elements
/PLMI/S_RCP_WWI_SYM_RPR_PP - Process Parameter Values
/PLMU/S_RCP_MFE_RFO_ITEM_UI - UI Structure for MFE Items

SAP Specification Tables PLM-WUI-RCP-SPE

/PLMB/SPC_SAM_STATUS_DESCR - Specification SAM Header
/PLMB/S_RSP_SPC_ACTIONS - Common Structure for Action Parameters
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USGPP_RATVAL_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup store rating values for dropdown
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USGPP_RAT_ID_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup ratings - ID
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USGPP_VAL_ID_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup validity areas - ID
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USG_POP_RATS_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup ratings - DATA
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USG_POP_VALA_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup validity areas - DATA
/PLMB/S_SPC_ACTIONS - Common Structure for Action Parameters
/PLMB/S_SPC_ADHOC_PARAM_SP - Adhoc report parameters
/PLMB/S_SPC_ADHOC_REP_SP - Data structure for adhoc report
/PLMB/S_SPC_ADMIN_DATA_OTH_SP - Data Structure for Admin Data
/PLMB/S_SPC_ADMIN_DATA_REL_SP - Data Structure for Admin Data References Node
/PLMB/S_SPC_AENNR - Structure for AENNR data
/PLMB/S_SPC_AUTHGRP_SP - SP Structure - Authorization Group
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_HEADER_ATTR - Data Structure for Spec UI Basic Header Attributes
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_HEADER_SP - Data Structure for Spec UI Basic Header
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_ADD_SP - Data Structure for Identifiers Add Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_ID_SP - ID Structure for Identifiers
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_LTXT_ID_SP - ID Structure for Create Longtext Popup in Identifiers
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_LTXT_SP - Data Structure for Create Longtext Popup in Identifiers
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_NAV - Data Structure for identifiers Previous/Next Button
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IDN_SP - Data Structure for Identifiers
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_IMP_DATA_SP - Data Structure for Import Data Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_INIT_ID_SP - ID Structure for Specification Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_INIT_SP - Data Structure for Specification Initial Screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_MAT_ASSIGN_SP - Data Structure for Material Assignment
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_MSDS_SP - Data Structure for MSDS Upload
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_NODE_ID_SP - ID Structure for Property Tree Node
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_NODE_SP - Data Structure for Property Tree Node
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_REF_SP - Data Structure for References
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_REL_SP - Data Structure for Relationships
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_REPORTS_SP - Data Structure for Reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_REPORT_ID_SP - ID Structure for WWI Reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_REPORT_INFO_SP - Data Structure for Reports Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_STATUS_SP - Data Structure for Status
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_TREE_ID_SP - ID Structure for Property Tree
/PLMB/S_SPC_BAS_TREE_SP - Data Structure for Property Tree
/PLMB/S_SPC_BOOL - SP structure for a boolean value
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHARACT_DETAILS - Characteristic details
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_LEAD_OBJ - Lead Object Structure for Characteristics
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_ID_SP - ID Structure of Characheristics Value
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_LEADID_SP - Data Structure for Characteristic Value Lead Object ID
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_LTX_ID_SP - ID Structure of Characheristics Long Text
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_LTX_SP - Structure of Characheristics Value Long Text
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_SHLP_DATA - Data Structure - Action to get shlp data - Returning
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_SHLP_NAME - Data Structure - Action to get search help definition - Imp
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_SHLP_SP - Data Structure for Characteristic Value Search Help
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_SP - Data Structure for Characteristics Values
/PLMB/S_SPC_CHAR_VAL_UOM_SP - Structure forUoM returning values
/PLMB/S_SPC_CLASS_INFO_ID_SP - ID Structure for Classification Information of Ptree
/PLMB/S_SPC_CLASS_INFO_SP - Data Structure for Classification Information of Ptree
/PLMB/S_SPC_COMPOSITION_ID_SP - ID Structure for Composition
/PLMB/S_SPC_COMPOSITION_SP - Data Structure for Composition
/PLMB/S_SPC_CPDEF - Customizing: Default values for Copy Spec. functionality
/PLMB/S_SPC_DEFINI - Default Values for Specification and FES Initial Screens
/PLMB/S_SPC_DEF_SET_ID_SP - ID Structure for Default Settings Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_DEF_SET_SP - Data Structure for Default Settings Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_DOCLINK_ID_SP - Id structure for document links
/PLMB/S_SPC_DOCLINK_SP - Data structure for document links
/PLMB/S_SPC_ECN_SWITCH - Spec-Customizing: Switch to Enable Usage of ECN
/PLMB/S_SPC_ESTCAT - Value Assignment Type
/PLMB/S_SPC_EXP_ESTCAT_SELECT - Value Assignment Type Selection (Data Download)
/PLMB/S_SPC_EXP_PTREE_SELECT - Property Tree Selection (Data Download)
/PLMB/S_SPC_EXP_SEL_CONT - Property Tree (Data Download) Serialized Selection
/PLMB/S_SPC_F4_COMPEXC - Exception Value of a Component (F4 Help)
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_ADD_QAL_SP - Data Structure for FCM Add Substance Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_ADD_QAN_SP - Data Structure for FCM Add Substance Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_ADD_SUB_SP - Data Structure for FCM Add Substance Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_APPL_AREA - Structure to compose application area ID and description
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_CHAR_VAL_UI - Data Structure for Characteristics Values
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_COMMON_DATA_SP - Data Structure to clamp common data elements of data nodes
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_ID_SP - ID structure for FCM header
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_INIT_DATA_SP - Data Structure for Init Screen Form
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_INIT_ID_SP - ID structure for FCM initial screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_INST_BO - Data Structure for FCM Instances BO
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_MSG_LOG - Message log for recipe creation
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_MSG_LOG_DIS_CX - Message log for recipe creation
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_POZNEG - Positive and negative statements
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_QUAL_SP - Data structure for FCM qual (diet) table
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_QUAN_SP - Data structure for FCM quan (nutrient) table
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_REGULATION - Structure to compose regulation ID and description
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_SPEC_ID_SP - ID structure for specifications used in FCM
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_STMT_ID_SP - ID Structure for FCM statements
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_STMT_SP - SP Sturcture - Statements popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_SUBS_SP - Data structure for FCM substance table
/PLMB/S_SPC_FCM_VALIDITY_AREA - UI Structure - Validity area values
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_AUTH - Data Structure for FES Authorization
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_AUTH_SP - Data Structure for FES action
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_COMPREL - Structure for Fast Entry Screen reference quantity
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_STAT_CONF_SP - Data Structure for Static Node Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_STAT_PARAM_SP - Data Stucture for FES Static Parameter
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_USAGE_SP - Data Structure for FES Static Node Usege
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_USG_SEL_ID_SP - ID Structure for FES Usage Selector
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_USG_SEL_SP - Data Structure for FES Usage Selector
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_VALIDITY_SP - Structure for Validity Area Description
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_VAL_AREA_SP - Data Structure for Validity Areas in FES
/PLMB/S_SPC_GLOB_PAR_POPUP_SP - Data Structure for Global Parameters Pop-up
/PLMB/S_SPC_GLOB_PAR_POP_ID_SP - Test for corrections
/PLMB/S_SPC_HEADER_CONF_ID_SP - ID Structure for SpecUI Header Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_HEADER_CONF_SP - Data Structure for SpecUI Header Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDLID - Spec-Customizing: Identification Listing
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_E_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_E_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_P_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_P_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDNNEW_USG_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDN_LTXT_ID_SP - ID Structure for SpecUI identifiers create long text pop-up
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDN_USG_ID_SP - Id structure for identifiers usage node
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDN_USG_ITEM_ID_SP - ID for identifiers usage item ID
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDN_USG_ITEM_SP - Data structure for identifier usage item
/PLMB/S_SPC_IDN_USG_SP - Data structure for identifier usage node
/PLMB/S_SPC_ID_SP - ID Structure for SpecUI
/PLMB/S_SPC_IGN_SOURCES_ID_SP - ID Structure for Source tab
/PLMB/S_SPC_IGN_SOURCES_SP - Datat Structure for Specification Source
/PLMB/S_SPC_LONGTEXT_ID_SP - ID structure for longtext
/PLMB/S_SPC_LONGTEXT_SP - Data type for longtext
/PLMB/S_SPC_LONG_TEXT - Long Text Structure
/PLMB/S_SPC_LTX_POPUP_ID_SP - ID structure for longtext popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_LTX_POPUP_SP - Data type for longtext popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_MCH_IDN_SP - Data structure for mass change of identifiers
/PLMB/S_SPC_MCH_STATUS_SP - Data Structure for Status
/PLMB/S_SPC_OBJTYPE - Specification Categories
/PLMB/S_SPC_OBJTYPE_FIX_VALUES - SP Structure - Spec Category fixed values (Spec Type, Auth.)
/PLMB/S_SPC_PTREE_ACTION_INFO - Structure for Property Tree Action - Check info existence
/PLMB/S_SPC_PTREE_ACTION_SHOW - Structure for Property Tree Action - SHOW
/PLMB/S_SPC_PTREE_ACTION_USEL - Structure for Property Tree Action - Save User PTREE Select.
/PLMB/S_SPC_QUAL_SP - Data Structure for SpecUI Qualitative Screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_QUANT_GRP_SP - Data Structure for SpecUI Quantitative Group Screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_QUANT_SP - Data Structure for SpecUI Quantitative Screen
/PLMB/S_SPC_QUA_CFG_SP - Data Structure for SpecUI Qual/Quant Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_QUA_GRP - Quantitative and Qualitative Groups
/PLMB/S_SPC_RADD_POPUP_ID_SP - ID Structure for Inheritance Add Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_RADD_POPUP_SP - Data Structure for Inheritance Add Popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_REPORT_GET_SORG_SP - Data structure for get sales org
/PLMB/S_SPC_REPORT_PARAM_SP - Parameter Values for Reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_REPORT_PARAM_VALUE - Parameter Values for Reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_RSTNEW_USG_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_RSTNEW_USG_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_SAM_KEY_MAPPING - Specification Status Management
/PLMB/S_SPC_SAM_RSPSUB_KEY - Action Structure for Get Initial Status
/PLMB/S_SPC_SAM_STATUS - Structure for sam status in cg02
/PLMB/S_SPC_SPEC_LIST_ID_SP - ID Structure for Specification Listing
/PLMB/S_SPC_SPEC_LIST_SP - Data Structure for Specification Listing
/PLMB/S_SPC_SUBCAT - Specification Types
/PLMB/S_SPC_TAB_D - Specification Customizing: Disp. Settings for Val. Ass. Cat.
/PLMB/S_SPC_TAB_H - Specification Customizing: Tab-Pages on Header
/PLMB/S_SPC_TAB_V - Specification Customizing: Tab-Pages for Valuations
/PLMB/S_SPC_TEMPLATE_SHLP - Structure for Template Search Help
/PLMB/S_SPC_UOMPROF - Unit of Measurement Profile
/PLMB/S_SPC_USAGE - Structure for Default Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_USEPROF - Usage Profile
/PLMB/S_SPC_USG_ID_SP - ID Structure for Usage Node
/PLMB/S_SPC_USG_ITEM_ID_SP - ID Structure for Usage Item
/PLMB/S_SPC_USG_ITEM_SP - Data Structure for Usage Item
/PLMB/S_SPC_USG_SP - Data Structure for Usage Node
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_E_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_E_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_P_ID_SP - ID structure for identifier usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_P_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALNEW_USG_SP - Data structure for Identifier Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VALUE_TEXT - Generic Structure for Value-Text tables
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_ACTION_ESTCAT - Structure for Valuation Instance Action - ESTCAT
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_ACTION_OVERWR - Structure for Valuation Instance Action - Overwrite
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_ACTION_VATCUST - Structure for Valuation Instance Action - VAT Customizing
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_BO - Structure for Valuation Characteristic BO
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_CHAR_ID_SP - SP structure for Characteristic-ID Mapping
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_CONF_ID_SP - ID Structure for Valuation Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_CONF_SP - Data Structure for Valuation Configuration
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_DYNCOLS - Structure for Dynamic Columns
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_ID_SP - ID Structure for Valuation Instance
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_LEAD_OBJ - Valuation Lead Object Structure
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_PARAM - Structure for Carateristic Values Parameter
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_PARAM_SP - Structure for Carateristic Values Parameter
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_SOURCE_SP - Data Structure for Specification Valuation Source
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_SP - Data Structure for Valuation Instance
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_UOM_SP - Structure for Unit of Measure
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_USG_ID_SP - ID Structure for Valuation Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_USG_ITEM_ID_SP - ID Structure for Valuation Usage Item
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_USG_ITEM_SP - Data Structure for Valuation Usage Item
/PLMB/S_SPC_VAL_USG_SP - Data Structure for Valuation Usage
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_ADHOC_ID_SP - ID Structure for Ad-hoc report Parameter popup
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_DOCUMENT - Data Structure for WWI Ad-hoc report
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_DOCUMENT_KEY - Data Structure for WWI Document Key
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_REPORT_DATA - WWI: Document Data for a Report
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_REP_ADHOC_SP - Data Structure for Ad hoc Reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_REP_ADH_ID_SP - ID Structure for ad-hoc reports
/PLMB/S_SPC_WWI_REP_APPL_OBJ - WWI Final Report Preview application objects
/PLMI/SPC_CPDEF - Default Values for Copying Specifications
/PLMI/SPC_DEFI - Default Identifier
/PLMI/SPC_DEFINI - Default Values for Specification and FES Initial Screens
/PLMI/SPC_DEFU - Spec-UI: Default Usage
/PLMI/SPC_ECN - Spec-Customizing: Enabling ECN usage in SpecUI
/PLMI/SPC_TAB_D - Specification Customizing: Disp. Settings for Val. Ass. Cat.
/PLMI/SPC_TAB_H - Specification Customizing: Tab-Pages on Header
/PLMI/SPC_TAB_V - Specification Customizing: Tabs for Value Assignment Types
/PLMI/S_SAM_MASS_CHG - SAM object with object and subobject type
/PLMI/S_SPC_TAB_H - Specification Customizing: Tab-Pages on Header
/PLMI/S_SPC_TAB_V - Specification Customizing: Tab-Pages for Valuations
/PLMU/S_SPC_BAS_DROP - Dropdown lists
/PLMU/S_SPC_EXP_PTREE_SELECT - Property Tree UI Selection (Download Data)
/PLMU/S_SPC_PTREE - Property Tree
/PLMU/S_SPC_PTREE_EXP - Property Tree (Download Data)
/PLMU/S_SPC_VAL_CONF_SP - UI: Valuation Configuration structure
/PLMU/S_SPC_VAL_SP - UI: Valuation Instance structure