SAP Tables | Training and Event Management | External Learning Solution - Backend SAP PE

SAP PE External Learning Solution - Backend Tables (PE-LSX)

SAP External Learning Solution - Backend Tables PE-LSX-BE

/XLSO/ACCESS_COD - Access Code Details Assigned to a Bulk Sales Order
/XLSO/ACT_VAL - Validity Period of User Activation
/XLSO/ADDR_FORMT - XLSO Table to store Address Format
/XLSO/ADVERTISE - Advertisements
/XLSO/ALERT - Alerts
/XLSO/ALWD_PYMTS - Table to store allowed payments.
/XLSO/APPR_REQ - Maintain Approval Settings for Company Booking and Cancellat
/XLSO/ATTEND_DET - Atendee Details.
/XLSO/BOOK_APPR - Maintain System-wide Booking Approval Time
/XLSO/BUNDLE_DATA - RFC Bundle data structure
/XLSO/BUNDLE_DATA_BOOK_STS - RFC Bundle data structure
/XLSO/CMT_APPR - Moderator Check for Comments
/XLSO/CNL_RULE - Cancellation Rule
/XLSO/CODE_USR - Access Code User Info with Sub Access Code
/XLSO/COMD_WECCP - Checkout Profile
/XLSO/COMM_DELET - Community to be deleted for deleted object types
/XLSO/COMM_SETUP - Community Setup table
/XLSO/COMM_USER - Users added to the community
/XLSO/COMPON_DET - Component Details

/XLSO/COMP_INV - Customizing for Company Billing Due List (Combined Invoice)
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_DT - CheckOut Profile Data for a Business Partner
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_MD - Checkout Profile Modify Structure
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_BP_CHKOUTPRO_RD - Checkout Profile Read Structure
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_BUSINESS_OBJECT - Unique identifier for a business object (ID/type/logsys)
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_CREDIT_CARD_DET - Web Channel: Customer Credit Card Details
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_MESSAGE - Message structure
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_PSP_IDENTIFI - Payment Service Provider Identification
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_PSP_NME_VALPAIR - Name value tuple for parameter transfer
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_PSP_STATUS_LIST - Payment Transaction Status
/XLSO/COMS_WEC_PSP_STAT_PFLIST - Payment Transaction Status Profile
/XLSO/COM_POLICY - XLSO Table to store Company Policy
/XLSO/COM_WEC_CUST_CREDIT_CARD - Web Channel: Customer Credit Card Details
/XLSO/CONDN - Cancellation Condition Table
/XLSO/CONFIG - Configuration table for XLSO
/XLSO/CORR_COMP - xLSO Correspondence types system wide
/XLSO/CORR_SYS - xLSO Correspondence types system wide
/XLSO/COUN_LOCAT - Table to maintain the country and location interest
/XLSO/COURSETYPE_SCHEDULE - Schedule for Course type
/XLSO/CRMS_WEC_SECURITYQTNS - Web Channel - List of Security Questions
/XLSO/CT_CNCL - Course Type Cancellation Rule
/XLSO/CURR_NODE - Curriculum Type Element with Courses (Deep Structure)
/XLSO/CUST_TRNS - Customer to transaction context mapping
/XLSO/DELIV_METH - Maintain the delivery method interests of the user
/XLSO/DELMET_IMG - Table to maintain Images for the Delivery method
/XLSO/DEL_IMAGE - Table for testing
/XLSO/DS_SO_DETAIL - Sales Order Details for Subscribe from front end
/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_IND - Web Channel Ind Address
/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_IND_X - Web Channel Change Structur of Ind Address
/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_ORG - Web Channel Org Address
/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_ADDRESS_ORG_X - Web Channel Change Structur of Org Address
/XLSO/ERPS_WEC_USR_MAIL_KYVAL - Context data for mail sending in user mang. in as key/value
/XLSO/ERP_SALES_AREA - Sales Area Structure in ERP
/XLSO/EVOUCHER - E-Voucher Details

/XLSO/EVOUCH_CON - E-Voucher Condition (Stores Product ID of the Voucher)
/XLSO/FLPARTFUNC - Partner Function Flash Structure
/XLSO/FLSALE_PARFUNC - Type of Partner Function in Sales Area
/XLSO/FQ_BKING - Time Frame for Frequent Bookings and Occurrence
/XLSO/FREQ_BOOK - Frequently Booked Courses
/XLSO/HRPAD25 - XLSO specific HRPAD25 Table
/XLSO/HRPAD27 - XLSO specific HRPAD27 Table
/XLSO/HRPAD614 - XLSO Specific HRPAD614 Table
/XLSO/KEYWORDS - Maintain Keywords and tags
/XLSO/KW_TAGS - Table to store keywords and tags for user
/XLSO/LANGUAGE - Table to maintain interested languages of the user
/XLSO/LT_BKING - Time Frame for Last Minute Bookings
/XLSO/MANDT_WITM - Work item for mandatory trainings
/XLSO/MG_DM - Maintain Material Group to Delivery Method Mapping
/XLSO/NEW_COURSE - New Course Requirement
/XLSO/OLD_COURSE - Learners' External Course Details
/XLSO/OLD_CRS_RE - Relation Between Old Course and Learner
/XLSO/PARAM - XLSO Parameter Maintenance
/XLSO/PERIODIC_M - Configuration table for periodic mail settings
/XLSO/PMAIL_COMP - Company wise periodic mail settings
/XLSO/PMAIL_CTYP - Periodic mail execution details for evaluation
/XLSO/PMAIL_EVAL - Periodic mail execution details for evaluation
/XLSO/PMAIL_SCEN - Scenarios for periodic mail
/XLSO/PREBOOK - Prebook Courses
/XLSO/PREF_COMM - Table to maintain preferred communication for user
/XLSO/PRICE_COND - Maintain pricing tables for XLSO.
/XLSO/PROD_IMG - Table to store product image information (document info )
/XLSO/PRO_GROUP - Users interested product groups
/XLSO/RATING - Ratings
/XLSO/RATING_AVG - Average Ratings
/XLSO/RATNG_COMT - Ratings and Comments
/XLSO/RECOM_LRNR - Recommendation for Learner
/XLSO/RECOM_PROD - Recommendation for Product
/XLSO/REF_ROLE - Table Containing Roles of Reference users
/XLSO/REF_USER - Reference User details
/XLSO/ROLE_ASSGN - For assigning partner function after effective date
/XLSO/RTNG_CMT - Display Settings for Ratings and Comments
/XLSO/SALES_CN_P - XLSO Table to store Country and Sales Area with Plant

/XLSO/SALES_ORDER_HEADER - Header for XLSO Sales Order Details
/XLSO/SALES_ORDER_ITEM - Item Str for XLSO Sales Order
/XLSO/SENDERID - Sender Id of XLSO mails
/XLSO/SHOP_DET - Table to maintain shop related information
/XLSO/SOBJECT - XLSO: Objects for XLSO Authorizations
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_DATA_INSTRUCT - Instructor Course Details
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_DESC - Course Desciption
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_DETAIL - Course Type and Course Detalis for Instructor
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_DETAILS - Instructor Course Details
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_MATERIAL - Course Material Details (Course Type Content)
/XLSO/SS_COURSE_PART - Course Participant
/XLSO/SS_INTERNAL_INFORMATION - Course Internal Information
/XLSO/ST_SEARCH_ROOTS - Search root structure
/XLSO/SYS_APPR - Table for system level customizing
/XLSO/S_ACCESSCODES - Access codes information
/XLSO/S_ACCESSCODE_CONSUMPTION - Access_code consumption for the sales order
/XLSO/S_ACCESSCODE_DETAILS - Access code Details for the Learners
/XLSO/S_ACCESSCODE_USR - Access code users
/XLSO/S_ACCESS_CODE_VALDITY - Bulk_SO validity period of the Access_code
/XLSO/S_ADDRESS_IND_X - Change Structure
/XLSO/S_ADDR_FOR_KEY - Key Structure for Address Format
/XLSO/S_ADDR_FOR_NONKEY - Non Key Strcuture for Address Format
/XLSO/S_ADMIN_DETAILS - Structure for Admin Details
/XLSO/S_ADVERTISE_KEY - Advertisements
/XLSO/S_ALERT_MANDATORY - Alert for mandatory training
/XLSO/S_ALERT_NOTIFICATION - Alert and Notification
/XLSO/S_ALL_ITEMS_FOR_SO - Items for a Sales Order
/XLSO/S_ALL_PTY_TAB - structure for storing the t007 values
/XLSO/S_APPRV_BOOK_CNC - Approval Header Data
/XLSO/S_APPRV_SO_BOOKING - Booking/Sales Approval Scenario
/XLSO/S_APPRV_SO_CANCELLATION - Booking/Sales Approval Scenario
/XLSO/S_ATTEND_DETAIL - Attende detials
/XLSO/S_BAPI_PRODUCT_DETAILS - Structure for passing required course attributes for UI
/XLSO/S_BE_GET_ALL_TRAININGS - Structure used in get all trainings in reports
/XLSO/S_BILLING_DETAILS - Getting Billing Details from UI
/XLSO/S_BILL_TO_PARTY_ADDRESS - Bill-to Party Address Details
/XLSO/S_BOOKED_COURSES - Booked CourseType and Courses
/XLSO/S_BOOKED_COURSES_LEARNER - Booked Courses of a learner
/XLSO/S_BOOKING_ITEMS - Booking Details
/XLSO/S_BOOKING_ITEM_UI - Item Details from UI for Booking
/XLSO/S_BOOKING_REQUEST - List of Booking Requests
/XLSO/S_BOOKING_SO_DETAILS - Booking Details with Sales Order
/XLSO/S_BOOKING_UI - Booking API Header Data from UI
/XLSO/S_BUNDLE_BOOK_ACCESS_COD - Bundle Booking Using Access Codes for E-Learning
/XLSO/S_BUNDLE_DETAILS - Structure for basic Course details
/XLSO/S_BUNDLE_TYPE_DETAILS - Structure for basic Bundle Type details
/XLSO/S_BUPA_DETAILS - Business Partner details
/XLSO/S_BUYER - XLSO : Learner information from UI
/XLSO/S_CANCELLATION_CHARGE - Cancellation Charge Details
/XLSO/S_CANCELLATION_DETAIL - Cancellation Details
/XLSO/S_CANCEL_DETAILS_UI - Booking Cancellation Details
/XLSO/S_CATALOG - XLSO : Product catalog with SalesArea from UI
/XLSO/S_CATALOG_CTYPE_DETAILS - Course Type details for Catalog
/XLSO/S_CATLOG - Catalog test
/XLSO/S_CATLOG_VARIENT - catalog and varient details
/XLSO/S_CHECKOUT_DETAIL - XLSO : Check out details from UI
/XLSO/S_CNC_PROD_DETAIL - Product Details for Cancellations
/XLSO/S_COMMENTS - structure for displaying comments
/XLSO/S_COMMENTS_DISPLAY - Structure of table which should be displayed in ALV
/XLSO/S_COMMENTS_NONKEY - Non key strucutre for Comments
/XLSO/S_COMMUNITY_SETTINGS - Community settings
/XLSO/S_COMPANY_ADMIN_DETAILS - Company_Admin XA first_name and Email_id
/XLSO/S_COMPANY_ASSIGNMENT - Structure to assign company to user
/XLSO/S_COMPANY_EMAIL_DOMAINS - Email domains for the Company
/XLSO/S_COMPANY_PROFILE_DATA - Company Profile Data structure
/XLSO/S_COMPONENT_DETAILS - Community component details
/XLSO/S_COMP_ACTIV_HIS - Structure to Display Company Activities and history
/XLSO/S_COMP_SALES_AREA_DET - Structure to store Company and sales area details
/XLSO/S_COM_POLICY_KEY - Key Structure for Compnay Policy
/XLSO/S_COM_POLICY_NONKEY - Non key structure for Company Policy
/XLSO/S_CONDITIONS - Condition Records
/XLSO/S_CONDITION_REC - Condition records for sales infotype
/XLSO/S_CONTACT_PERSON_DATA - Structure for contact person data
/XLSO/S_CORR_COMP - Structure for correspondence types
/XLSO/S_COUNTRY_LOCATION_KEY - Key structure to define the country and location interest
/XLSO/S_COURSEDETAILS - structure for course details of Evoucher
/XLSO/S_COURSETYPE_IMAGES - Course type images
/XLSO/S_COURSE_CERTIFCATE - Course completetion certifcation
/XLSO/S_COURSE_COMMUNITY_URL - structure to send community course URL's
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DATA - Course Data for Instructor
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DESC - Course Desciption
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DETAIL - RFC Stucture for course details
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DETAILS - Structure for basic Course details
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DETAILS_EVE - For Event : Periodic Mail for Course Start
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DETAIL_BOOK_STS - RFC Stucture for course details
/XLSO/S_COURSE_DET_TIME_ZONE - Course details to get the Time Zone of the Learner
/XLSO/S_COURSE_LOC_DETAILS - Location Details of the course
/XLSO/S_COURSE_MATERIAL - Course Material Details (Course Type Content)
/XLSO/S_COURSE_REVENUE_COST - Structure To Return Course Revenue and Cost Details
/XLSO/S_COURSE_STATUS - XLSO Structure for Course Status
/XLSO/S_COURSE_TYPE_DETAILS - Structure for basic Course Type details
/XLSO/S_COURSE_TYPE_DURATION - Structure for basic Course Type duration
/XLSO/S_COURSE_TYPE_ID - Course type id with the return flag
/XLSO/S_CREDIT_CARD_DETAILS - Receives Credit Card Details from UI
/XLSO/S_CTYPE_QUALIFICATIONS - Course Type with Qualification Imparted
/XLSO/S_CURDB_ELEMENT - Curriculum Bundle Elements
/XLSO/S_CURRBUNDL_ELEMENT_TYPE - Curriculum Bundle Elements
/XLSO/S_CURR_BUND_TYPE_DETAILS - Structure for basic Course Type details
/XLSO/S_CURR_NODE - Curriculum Bundle Type Element with Courses (Deep Structure)
/XLSO/S_DELIVERY_METHOD_KEY - Key structure to define the delivery method interest
/XLSO/S_DELIVERY_METHOD_NONKEY - Non key properties for delivery method
/XLSO/S_DEL_METHOD_DETAILS - Structure for delivery method details for WEC initialize
/XLSO/S_DISP_SALES_ORDER - XLSO Structure to Display Participant Sales Order
/XLSO/S_DOCU_NUM - Structure for document number & Name
/XLSO/S_DOWN_CERT_DETAILS - Certification details
/XLSO/S_DS_OCCPA - Structure to hold vales of occpa feild relation
/XLSO/S_EMAIL_FOR_USER - Structure for email id's based on user
/XLSO/S_EQUIPMENT - Equipment Details
/XLSO/S_EVALUATION_URL - Evaluation URL for the External Learners
/XLSO/S_EVDETAILS - Structure to Display the E-Voucher Details
/XLSO/S_EVOUCHER - Structure of Evoucher details table
/XLSO/S_EVOUCHER_COND - Structure for Evoucher condition table
/XLSO/S_EVOUCHER_VALUE - Evoucher Type and Evoucher value for the Evoucher UUID
/XLSO/S_EVOUCH_PRODUCT - Training Products Assigned to E-Voucher
/XLSO/S_EVOUCH_PRODUCT_CHK - E-Voucher Product Check
/XLSO/S_EXP_GET_ALL_TRAININGS - Structure for Get all trainings for a learner
/XLSO/S_EXTERNAL_TRAINING_UI - External Training details
/XLSO/S_EXT_TRAINING - External Recorded Training details
/XLSO/S_FAILURE_REASON - Reason for course Failed
/XLSO/S_FAVORITES - Structure of Favorites list Returned to UI
/XLSO/S_FAVORITES_KEY - Key structure for Favorites
/XLSO/S_FAVORITES_NONKEY - Non key structure for Favorites
/XLSO/S_FKNVP - Struture similar to fknvp.
/XLSO/S_FOLLOWUP_COURSE_DETAIL - XLSO: Followup course detail
/XLSO/S_FOLLOWUP_OPTION - Allowed follow up options
/XLSO/S_FOLLOWUP_PARTICIPANT - Instructor followup for participant
/XLSO/S_FOLLOW_UP - Structure for follow up objects
/XLSO/S_GEN_STRU_UI - Generic structure to pass f4 help for user interests
/XLSO/S_HEADER_PRICE - SO Header Pricing Detail
/XLSO/S_HRP1000 - Structure for required fields from HRP1000
/XLSO/S_HRP5007 - Structure to read 5007
/XLSO/S_IMP_GET_ALL_TRAININGS - Structure for Get all trainings for a learner
/XLSO/S_INITIALIZE_FLAG - Structure for Initialize flags
/XLSO/S_INSTRUCTOR_COURSES - Course Type and Course Detalis for Instructor
/XLSO/S_INSTRUCTOR_DETAILS - Structure for instructor details for frontend
/XLSO/S_INST_COURSES_SORT_CRIT - Sort Criteria for Instructor Courses
/XLSO/S_INST_COURSE_DETAILS - Instructor Course Details
/XLSO/S_INST_COURSE_INFO - Instructor Course Details
/XLSO/S_INST_DATE_FILTER_CRIT - Date filter criteria for Instructor Courses
/XLSO/S_INTERNAL_INFORMATION - Course Internal Information
/XLSO/S_INVOICE_DET - Structure which provides Invoice details
/XLSO/S_INVOICE_DISPLAY - structure to Display Invoice details
/XLSO/S_INVOICE_INFO - Structure With Selected Fields from vbrk-vbrp table
/XLSO/S_KUNNR - structure for customer_id
/XLSO/S_LANGUAGE_KEY - Key structure to define the language interest
/XLSO/S_LANGUAGE_NONKEY - Non Key structure for Non key field
/XLSO/S_LANG_T002 - Structure for language info
/XLSO/S_LEARNER - identification of lerner
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_AND_ROLE - Get the list of learners and their role
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_COMP_ACT - Learner and Company Activities History report
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_DEACTIVATION - Structure to get the learner deactivation details
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_DETAILS - learner Profile and Company assignment history
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_ID - To Store Learner_ids Related to Kunnr Number
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_INFO - Structur to Return Learner Details
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_LICENCES - Store the Licences of Down_Payment
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_SEARCH - Search query structure
/XLSO/S_LEARNER_SEARCH_DETAILS - Structure to display the learner search details
/XLSO/S_LM_ASSIGNMENT - Structure for learning manager assignment
/XLSO/S_LM_CA_DET - Structure to store LM and CA details
/XLSO/S_LM_LIST - List of learning managers for the company
/XLSO/S_LOCATION_NONKEY - Non key fields for course location
/XLSO/S_LOCATION_WEC - Structure for locations for xLSO WEC
/XLSO/S_LP_SEARCH_DETAILS - Structure to display the learner profile search details
/XLSO/S_MANDTORY_WORKITEM - Work item details for mandatory trainings
/XLSO/S_MANDT_TRAIN_DET - Structure for Mandatory Training details
/XLSO/S_MANDT_TR_QUA - Structure for mandatory training and qualification details
/XLSO/S_MARA_OBJTYP_FIELDS - Structure for Mara fields and learning object details
/XLSO/S_MIXDM_ELEMENT - Structure for Mix and Match Bundle Type Element with object
/XLSO/S_MIXNMATCH_ELEMENT - Structure for a Mix and Match Bundle Type Element
/XLSO/S_MIXNM_TRAINING - Mix and Match Type element with courses
/XLSO/S_MOVE_PART_OLD_NEW - Structure for Rebook functionality
/XLSO/S_MSG_VARIABLE - Variables used in notifications
/XLSO/S_MULTI_PART - structure to hold ranges like data for multilpe P
/XLSO/S_NEW_COURSE_DETAILS - Structure to Return New Course Details
/XLSO/S_OBJID_DESC_VALIDITY - Structure for description and validity of an object
/XLSO/S_OBJID_SOBID - XLSO Structure for converting OBJID to SOBID
/XLSO/S_OBJ_LIST - Object list
/XLSO/S_ON_BEHALF - XLSO On-behalf Scenario
/XLSO/S_PAD25 - Structure for XLSO additional fields in HRPAD25
/XLSO/S_PAD614 - Strcucture for XLSO additional fields in HRPAD614
/XLSO/S_PARAM_KEY - Key Structure for Parameter table
/XLSO/S_PARAM_NONKEY - Non Key Structure for Parameter table
/XLSO/S_PARTICIPANT_DETAIL - Participant Detail Assigned for Sales Order
/XLSO/S_PARTICIPATION - Participation Booking
/XLSO/S_PAYMENTMET - Paymentmethod
/XLSO/S_PAYMENTOPTION - Payment Option Details Default and Allowed Payment
/XLSO/S_PAYMENT_DETAILS_UI - Sends Payment Details from UI
/XLSO/S_PAYMENT_METHODS - Payment methods
/XLSO/S_PERIODIC_MAIL_UI - Structure for periodic mail screen
/XLSO/S_PMAIL_COMP - company level settings for periodic mail
/XLSO/S_PMAIL_LM_SUMMARY - Structure for LM summary mail
/XLSO/S_PREF_COMMUNICATION_KEY - Key structure to define the pref communicaiton
/XLSO/S_PREF_COMM_NONKEY - Non Key structure for preferred communication
/XLSO/S_PREREQUISITE - RFC Stucrure for prereqisites
/XLSO/S_PREREQUISITES - Structure for prerequisites
/XLSO/S_PRE_ACC_DET - Structure for Prepayment amount details
/XLSO/S_PRICE_DISCOUNTS - Pricing Discount for Courses
/XLSO/S_PRICING_DETAILS - Pricing Details (Breakup for Sale Order Pricing)
/XLSO/S_PROCESS_COND - XLSO: Processing Conditionds from UI
/XLSO/S_PRODUCT - Structure for holding product value details from UI
/XLSO/S_PRODUCT_GROUP_KEY - Key Structure to define the interest of user in prod group
/XLSO/S_PRODUCT_GROUP_NONKEY - Non Key fields for product group text
/XLSO/S_PROD_DETAILS_ADD_INFO - Additional Information for Learning Product Details
/XLSO/S_PROD_PRICE_DISCOUNT - Product Price with Discount and Tax
/XLSO/S_PROFICIENCY - Proficiency of the learner
/XLSO/S_PSP_NAME_VALUE_PAIR - Name value table for parameter transfer
/XLSO/S_QUALIFICATIONS - Structure for Qualifications
/XLSO/S_QUAL_PROF - Qualification with Proficiency
/XLSO/S_RATING_AVG_KEY - Key Strcuture for Average Ratings
/XLSO/S_RATING_AVG_NONKEY - Non Key Strcuture for Average Ratings
/XLSO/S_RATING_COMMENTS - Structure to hold rating and comments data
/XLSO/S_RATING_KEY - Key Structure for Rating
/XLSO/S_RATING_NONKEY - Non key Structure for Ratings
/XLSO/S_RECOMMENDATIONS - Structure for Recommendations
/XLSO/S_RELATIONSHIP - Structure for Relationship
/XLSO/S_RELATION_SEL - Selection fields for relationship maintenance
/XLSO/S_REQD_FIELDS_COURSE_X - Structure of Falgs to specify the fields required
/XLSO/S_REQD_FIELDS_CTYPE_X - Structure for selecting required fields at course type level
/XLSO/S_ROLE_DET - Structure to get the role details of learner
/XLSO/S_SALESORDER - Sales Order Processing
/XLSO/S_SALESORDER_ITEM_PRICE - Sales Order Item Detail (After Simulation/Confirmation)
/XLSO/S_SALESORDER_PRICE - Sales Order Item Table Prices
/XLSO/S_SALES_AREA - Customers Sales Area Info
/XLSO/S_SALES_CN_P_KEY - Structure for Sales Area with Plant,ref cust and comp code
/XLSO/S_SALES_CN_P_NONKEY - Non Key fields for the table
/XLSO/S_SALES_ORDER - Structure With Selected Fields from vbrk-vbrp table
/XLSO/S_SALES_ORDER_HEADER - Header for XLSO Sales Order Details
/XLSO/S_SALES_ORDER_ITEM - Item Str for XLSO Sales Order
/XLSO/S_SALES_TRANS_CTXT - Structure of Sales Area Details with Transaction Context
/XLSO/S_SCENARIO - XLSO : Booking Scenario from UI
/XLSO/S_SELECTION_PARAMETER - Structure for Selection parameter.
/XLSO/S_SHOPID - Structure for shop id
/XLSO/S_SHOP_DET - Structure to get the shop details
/XLSO/S_SLBDS_ELEMENT - Structure for Subscription Libary type Element with object
/XLSO/S_SOBID - Structure for Range SOBID
/XLSO/S_SO_CONFIRMED_BOOKINGS - Sales Order Confirmed Bookings
/XLSO/S_SO_DETAIL - Sales Order Details
/XLSO/S_SO_DETAILS - Booked Sales order details
/XLSO/S_SO_HEADER - Sales Order Header Data (RFC interface)
/XLSO/S_SO_HEADER_DETAILS - Sales order header details
/XLSO/S_SO_HEADER_PRICE - Header for XLSO Sales Order Details
/XLSO/S_SO_ITEM - Sales Order Items (RFC Interface)
/XLSO/S_SO_ITEM_PRICE - Item Str for XLSO Sales Order
/XLSO/S_SO_ITEM_PRICE_DISCOUNT - Sales order item price discount
/XLSO/S_SO_PRICES - Sales Order Pricing
/XLSO/S_SO_PRICING_DETAILS - Pricing Details for Sales Order (Simulation/Confiirm)
/XLSO/S_SUB_ACCESS_CODE_DET - XLSO: Sub access code details
/XLSO/S_T77R3 - structure for T77R3
/XLSO/S_T77S0 - Customizing XLSO- Data Elements for F1/F4
/XLSO/S_TARGET_GROUP - Structure for Target Groups
/XLSO/S_TRAININGS_OT - Strucutre for Trainings OT
/XLSO/S_TRAINING_PROVIDER - Structure for Training Provider
/XLSO/S_TRANS_CTXT - Structure for kunnr and transaction context details
/XLSO/S_UI_ACCESSCODE_CONSUM - Structure to Return the Accesscode details to UI
/XLSO/S_UI_ACCESSCODE_DET - Structure to Return the GRP Accesscode details to UI
/XLSO/S_UI_F4_GRPACCESSCODE - Structure that defines F4 help values to UI for Grp Accessco
/XLSO/S_UI_GRP_ACCESSCODE_DET - Structure to Return the GRP Accesscode details to UI
/XLSO/S_UI_PREPAYMENT_CONSUM - Structure to display the details of Prepayment
/XLSO/S_UI_SALES_ORDER_DET - xlso sales order deatils
/XLSO/S_UI_SUBACCESSCODE - Structure to Return the Sub Access code details
/XLSO/S_UPD_BOOKING_STS - Update the booking status
/XLSO/S_UPD_CANCEL_STS - Update the cancellation status
/XLSO/S_USER - Learners User List (SU01 user)
/XLSO/S_USER_B2B_DATA - Structure to get company B2B data
/XLSO/S_USER_COMP - Structure similar to table /xlso/user_comp
/XLSO/S_USER_COMP_CUST - Comdany and customer details for an user
/XLSO/S_USER_COMP_KEY - Key structure for Assignment of Company
/XLSO/S_USER_COMP_NONKEY - Non Key structure for Assignment of Company
/XLSO/S_USER_DET - User detail structure
/XLSO/S_USER_LIST - User list for learning community
/XLSO/S_USER_REG - Structure to group both key and non key fields
/XLSO/S_USER_REGISTRATION_UI - User Registration Details
/XLSO/S_USER_REG_KEY - User registration key fields
/XLSO/S_USER_REG_NON_KEY - Structure for User Registration non key.
/XLSO/S_USR_STATUS - Structure for User Information
/XLSO/S_USR_STATUS_KEY - Key structure for User Status with Activation key
/XLSO/S_USR_STATUS_NONKEY - Non Key structure for User Status with Activation key
/XLSO/S_VBELN_APPRV_STATUS - SO approval status
/XLSO/S_VLROOM_ASSIGNMENT - Virtual Learning Room Assignments
/XLSO/S_VLROOM_DETAILS - Virtual Learning Room Details
/XLSO/S_VLROOM_TEMPLATES - Virtual Learning Room Templates
/XLSO/S_WAITLIST_UPLIFT - Strcuture for waitlist uplift display
/XLSO/S_WF_COMP_ASSIGN - Company assignment data
/XLSO/S_WPLOG - PD Infotype Work Area
/XLSO/S_XLSO_PAD614 - XLSO Additional Data for Pad614
/XLSO/S_XUBNAME - User Name in User Master Record
/XLSO/T77S0 - System Table
/XLSO/T77ST - System Tables
/XLSO/TAG - Tags for Products
/XLSO/TDS_RFC_WEC_UNIT - Quantity Units And Its Description
/XLSO/TEMPLATES - xLSO scenarios and templates
/XLSO/TEMP_VAR - variables in xLSO templates
/XLSO/TERMS_COND - Catalog specific Terms & Conditions
/XLSO/URL_PAGE - Tablr containing URL Page details
/XLSO/USER_COMP - XLSO Table to store the assignment of Company and User
/XLSO/USR_EM_CHG - Table with new email id of the user.
/XLSO/USR_STATUS - XLSO Table to store User Status with Activation key
/XLSO/USR_TIMZON - Users and there Timezone
/XLSO/VUSER_COMP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/XLSO/WAITLIST - xLSO Table for maintaining waitlist related data
/XLSO/WEC_ADDFOR - Web Channel: Address Format
/XLSO/WEC_ADRLAY - Web Channel Address Layouts
/XLSO/WEC_BP_CPD - Default Checkout Profile
/XLSO/WEC_BP_CPG - Checkout Profile Groups.
/XLSO/WEC_CUSTOMER_CREDIT_CARD - Web Channel: Customer Credit Card Details
/XLSO/WEC_CUSTOMER_RELATION - Strucutre to hold the customer relationship
/XLSO/WEC_KEY_MP - Stores the Activation key
/XLSO/WEC_PSPID - Payment Service Provider Identification
/XLSO/WEC_PSPIDT - Payment Service Provider Identification
/XLSO/WEC_PSPPTP - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status Profile
/XLSO/WEC_PSPPTS - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status
/XLSO/WEC_PSPSEL - Payment Service Provider Identification
/XLSO/WEC_PSP_PT - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status Profile
/XLSO/WEC_PSP_ST - Payment Service Provider Payment Transaction Status
/XLSO/WEC_SECQNT - Web Channel Security Questions Text
/XLSO/WEC_SEC_QN - Web Channel Security Questions
/XLSO/WEC_USER_SECUR_QUES_ANS - WEC user security question and answer
/XLSO/WEC_USR_QN - Web Channel user security question and answer
/XLSO/WLBM_EXT - XLSO - Product catalogue to Material (course)
/XLSO/WPC - Alert Config Waitlist, Prebook, Cancellation for Course type
/XLSO/WPC_ALL - Waitlist, Prebook and Cancellation for All
/XLSO/XLSOURL - Specify URL Address for WEC and Content Player
HRI7900 - Structure for Infotype 7900
HRI7901 - Structure for Infotype 7901
HRI7902 - Structure for Infotype 7902 - External Learning Community
HRI7903 - Structure for info type 7903
HRI7905 - xLSO Configuration infotype
HRP7900 - DB Table for Infotype 7900
HRP7901 - DB Table for Infotype 7901
HRP7902 - DB Table for Infotype 7902
HRP7903 - DB Table for Infotype 7903
HRP7905 - DB Table for Infotype 7905
HRPAD790 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Curric BundleType Element'
HRPAD791 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Curriculum Bundle Element'
HRPAD792 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Subscription_Type Element'
HRPAD794 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has MixandMatch Type Element'
HRPAD795 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has MixandMatch Element'
HRT7900 - Table Part Infotype 7900
P7900 - Infotype 7900
P7900_AF - Additional Query Fields
P7900_EXP - Infotype 7900 expanded structures
P7901 - Infotype 7901: Processing Rule
P7901_AF - Additional Query Fields
P7902 - Infotype 7902: Ext. Learning Community
P7902_AF - Additional Query Fields
P7903 - Infotype 7903: Assign Visual Elements
P7905 - Infotype 7905: XLSO Configuration
PAD790 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Curric BundleType Element'
PAD791 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Curriculum Bundle Element'
PAD792 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has Subscription Type Element'
PAD794 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has MixandMatch Type Element'
PAD795 - Additional Data Relationship 'Has MixandMatch Element'
PT7900 - Table Structure for Infotype 7900