SAP Tables | Personnel Management | Recruitment SAP PA

SAP PA Recruitment Tables (PA-RC)

SAP Recruitment Tables PA-RC

ADVERT - Advertisements According to Region
APPLICANT - Applicant Master Data
BAPIAPLADR - Applicant's Address
BAPIAPLORG - Applicant's Organizational Assignment
BAPIAPLPER - Personal Data on Applicant
BAPIAPPL - Structure for business object applicants
BAPIAPPLIC - Application
BAPIAPSTA - Applicant Status
BAPIEDUC - Education and Training
BAPIEMPLOY - Previous Employers
BAPIP0001 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
BAPIP0006 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
BAPIP0022 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)
BAPIP0023 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
BAPIP0024 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
BAPIP4000 - Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
BAPIP4001 - Infotype 4001: Applications
BAPIP4002 - Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
BAPIQUALI - Qualification
BAPIVACASS - Vacancy Assignment

BAPIVASTA - Vacancy Assignment Status
CONTR - Text Variables for Work Contracts
I0022 - Education
I0023 - Former Employer
I0024 - Qualifijationen (f�r Internetszenario)
LABELS - Fields for accessing WinWord
MAIL - Attributes of a mail
MEMOACT - Data on applicant action
P4000 - Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
P4000_AF - Additional Query Fields
P4001 - Infotype 4001: Applications
P4001_AF - Additional Query Fields
P4002 - Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
P4002_AF - Additional Query Fields
P4003 - Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
P4003_AF - Additional Query Fields
P4004 - Infotype 4004: Status of Actions
P4004_AF - Additional Query Fields
P4005 - Infotype 4005: Applicant's Personnel Number
P4005_AF - Additional Query Fields
PACTE - Transfer structure for rp_create_event_by_activity
PANRED - Possible Entries for Form of Address
PAPFI - Screen fields for applicant actions transaction
PAPL - Applicant master data
PAPPL - Screen fields for applicant actions transaction
PAPPL - Screen fields for applicant actions transaction
PAPPSTAT - Vacancy Assignment Status
PAPVA - Validity intervals for applicants (Func.mod. RP_APP.VAL)
PAUSPR - Proficiencies
PB0001 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
PB0002 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0002 (Personal Data)
PB0006 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0006 (Addresses)
PB0007 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time)
PB0008 - Applicant Master Record Infotype (Basic Pay)
PB0009 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
PB0014 - Applicant Master Record IT 0014 Recurring Pymnts/Deductions
PB0015 - Applicant Master Record Infotype 0015 (Additional Payments)
PB0016 - Applicant Master Record Infotype 0016 (Contract Elements)
PB0022 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0022 (Education)

PB0023 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)
PB0024 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0024 (Qualifications)
PB0028 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0028 (Int. Medical Service)
PB0041 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0041
PB0105 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
PB4000 - Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
PB4001 - Infotype 4001: Applications
PB4002 - Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
PB4003 - Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PB4004 - Applicant Data Infotype 4004 (Status of Recurring Tasks)
PB4005 - Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number)
PBKEY - Key for applicant data
PBNNNN - Applicant data infotype NNNN (model)
PBRANC - Industries
PC301 - Applicant data: Version (technical)
PC3AC - Applicant Activities
PC3AL - Key for clusters AL and AN (PCL3)
PC3AP - Key for cluster AP (PCL3)
PEDUCA - Education and Training
PFAART - Branches of Study
PLANGU - Possible Entries for Language
PME15 - Field String for Feature in T549B - Applicant Data
PMONTH - Possible Entries Month
PNATIO - Possible Entries for Nationality and Country
PQUALI - Qualifications
PREGIO - Possible Entries for Nationality and Country
PREGION - Possible Regions for Advertisements
PRELO - Update table for applicant file
PS4000 - Infotype 4000: Applicant Events
PS4001 - Infotype 4001: Applications
PS4002 - Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
PS4003 - Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
PS4004 - Infotype 4004: Status of Actions
PS4005 - Infotype 4005 (Applicant's Personnel Number)
PSKOB - Key for applicant data archive object
PSLABS - Certificate
PSLART - School Types
PTAETE - Jobs With Other/Previous Employers
PTXT1 - Text variables for applicant data standard texts

PUNITS - Units of Time/Measurement
PVACIES - List of Vacancies
PYEAR - Possible Entries Year Number
Q4000 - Screen fields for P4000, Applicant Events
Q4001 - Selection fields for receipt of application
Q750C - Screen field table for T750C
Q751E - Utility fields for screens in table T751E
QPAPC00 - Selection criteria for evaluations in Recruitment
QPAPC01 - Check fields for Recruitment
QPAPL - Screen fields for Recruitment
RFACT - Referenced applicant action
RPAPP - Parameters for Actions Transaction
RPAP_ADRS - Address Lines (Subset of ADRS)
RPAP_DM_ERROR - Structure Error Table RPAP_Data_Mining- FB
RPAXXXXX - Structure for Report Parameter RPA*
T750A - Vacancy published in advertisement
T750B - Advertisement
T750C - Recruitment instrument
T750D - Medium
T750E - Text for applicant group
T750F - Text for applicant range
T750G - Unsolicited application group
T750H - Text for medium
T750I - Text for unsolicited application group
T750J - Applicant Activity Type
T750K - Applicant group
T750P - Text for action type
T750R - Permitted document formats for internet applications
T750X - Vacancy
T751A - Applicant Status
T751B - Text for applicant status
T751C - Applicant status reason
T751D - Allowed Combination of Status and Status Reason
T751E - Applicant Action Type
T751F - Text for applicant event type
VACHELP - Structure for Search Help Connection HRPAD00_VACANCY