SAP Tables | Personnel Management | Management of Global Employees SAP PA

SAP PA Management of Global Employees Tables (PA-GE)

SAP Management of Global Employees Tables PA-GE

HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0702 - UI structure for infotype 0702
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0703 - UI structure for infotype 0703
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0704 - UI structure for infotype 0704
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0705 - UI structure for infotype 0705
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0706 - UI structure for infotype 0706
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0706_LIN_A1 - Table structure for Compensation Package
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0707 - UI structure for infotype 0707
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0707_LIN_A1 - Table strucutre for infotype 0707
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0708 - UI structure for infotype 0708
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0710 - UI structure for infotype 0710
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0715 - UI structure for infotype 0715
P0702 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0702
P0703 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0703
P0704 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0704
P0705 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0705
P0706 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0706
P0707 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0707
P0708 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0708
P0710 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0710
P0710_AF - Additional fields of infotype 0710

P0715 - HR Master Record for Infotype 0715
PA0702 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0702
PA0703 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0703
PA0704 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0704
PA0705 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0705
PA0706 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0706
PA0707 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0707
PA0708 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0708
PA0710 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0710
PA0715 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0715
PMEIA - Structure for Feature Intl. Administator
PMGES_ACTIVATION_ALV - ALV display for the mass activation
PMGES_ASI_TXT - Assignment type
PMGES_CHANGE_IMPACT_ALV - Display of policy change impacts
PMGES_CI_CONTAINER_SUBTY - Container and subtype for items check (GE)
PMGES_CI_DATA - Item check data
PMGES_CI_GRID_SUBTY - Container and subtype for items check (GE)
PMGES_CPI_INFO - Structure for determination of Comp. Package
PMGES_CPI_MAP - Fields characterizing CPI and mapping information
PMGES_CPI_SIMULATION - Fields for CPI simulation
PMGES_CPI_SIMULATION_ALV - Structure for ALV display (CPI)
PMGES_CPI_TXT - CPI and text
PMGES_CPI_VALUE - Fields which characterize the value of CPI
PMGES_C_CPI_VALUE - Fields which characterize the value of CPI
PMGES_DOC_PERNR - Document per global assignment
PMGES_DURATION - Duration of the assignment
PMGES_EMPLOYEE_INFO - Employee information for selection
PMGES_FIELDS - Structure for MGE fields
PMGES_GLOB_ASSIGN_DATE - Global assignment selection
PMGES_INFTY - Structure for Infoytpes
PMGES_LGART - Structure used during activation.
PMGES_LISTBOX - Listbox to be display in MGE environment
PMGES_MERGE_SPLIT_PERNRS - Structure for Transaction
PMGES_MESSAGE - Message structure for global employees
PMGES_OFFICE_DOC - BDS Document Template

PMGES_ORG_STRUC - Organizational assignment
PMGES_OS_CURR_FLUC - Currency fluctuation
PMGES_OS_DEPENDANT - Dependents (offer sheet for global employee)
PMGES_OS_HR_ADMIN - International HR administrator data
PMGES_OS_MASTERDATA - Master data for the Offer Letter
PMGES_OS_MASTERDATA_COND - Master data conditions for the Offer Letter
PMGES_OS_MASTERDATA_WD - Offer Letter Master Data (Word version)
PMGES_OS_PACKAGE - Package (offer sheet)
PMGES_OS_POSITION - Position texts
PMGES_PERNR - Person for Compensation Management
PMGES_PS - Structure for PS
PMGES_QACPI_RB - RAdio Buttons for ACPI View
PMGES_SELECTION_DATA - Data selection for a document
PMGES_STATISTICS - Messages statistics
PMGES_VIEW - Fields for View Maintenance (Global employees)
PMGES_WORKFLOW - Needed Parameters for Workflow
PMGE_Q0706 - Structure for table control
PMGE_Q0707 - Structure for Table control
PS0702 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0702 (Documents)
PS0703 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0703 (Dependent Documents)
PS0704 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0704 (Dependant Information)
PS0705 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0705 (Checklist Items)
PS0706 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0706 (Compensation Package Offer)
PS0707 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0707 (Activation Details)
PS0708 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0708 (Global Commuting)
PS0710 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0710 (Global Assignment Details)
PS0715 - Assignment Status
Q0703 - Fields for infotype 0703
Q0704 - Fields for infotype 0704
Q0706 - Structure for Compensation Package Table
Q0707 - Stucture for Categories.
T76MGE_ACPI - Derived Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_ADM - International HR Administrator
T76MGE_ASCOL - Mapping Table for COLI Providers and Assignment Types
T76MGE_ASFS - Allowed Family Status for Assignment Types
T76MGE_ASI - Assignment Types
T76MGE_AST - Assignment Types Text Table
T76MGE_BCPI - Base Compensation Package Items

T76MGE_CAG - Global Payroll Categories
T76MGE_CAIN - Mapping Table for Categories and Infotype Groups
T76MGE_CALC - CPIs calculation
T76MGE_CAT - Text Table for Global Payroll Category Types
T76MGE_CEX - Mapping Table for Exchange Rates and Assignment Types
T76MGE_CFL - Currency Fluctuation Protection
T76MGE_CGR - Groups of Countries
T76MGE_CGROUP - Mapping Table for Groups of Countries and Countries
T76MGE_CGROUPT - Text Table for Country Groupings
T76MGE_CKI - Checklist Items
T76MGE_CKL - Checklist Table
T76MGE_CKT - Text Table for Checklist Items
T76MGE_COL - Cost of Living Allowance Index
T76MGE_COLIPR - COLI Providers
T76MGE_COLPRT - Text Table for COLI Providers
T76MGE_COMTT - Text Table for Global Commuting Types
T76MGE_COMTY - Global Commuting Types
T76MGE_CPI - Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_CPIT - Text Table for Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_CPI_N - Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_DIT - Storage of Document Types
T76MGE_DST - Document Status
T76MGE_DTT - Text Table for Document Status
T76MGE_ELI - Eligibility for Compensation Package
T76MGE_FAC - Factors for compensation packages
T76MGE_FACT - Text Table for Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_FORMSETUP - Global employee: Form Setup
T76MGE_FST - Family Status
T76MGE_FSTT - Text Table for Family Status
T76MGE_INT - Country-Dependent Wage Type Attributes for Interfacing
T76MGE_MAP - Mapping Table from Global Employees to Standard
T76MGE_MULT - Multiplication Rules for Base CPIs
T76MGE_OLSEQ - Offer Letter Sequencing
T76MGE_PYP - Global Payroll Types
T76MGE_PYT - Text Table for Global Payroll Types
T76MGE_REG - Mapping Table for Regions and Countries
T76MGE_REGION - Regions
T76MGE_REQ - Collection Tables for Requests for Global Assignments
T76MGE_RET - Text Table for Regions
T76MGE_SCL - Evaluation Methods for Compensation Package Items
T76MGE_SCLT - Text Table for Evaluation Methods for CPIs
T76MGE_STA - Assignment Status
T76MGE_STASEQ - Status Sequence for Assignment Type
T76MGE_STAT - Text Table for Assignment Status
T76MGE_SUM - Summation Rules for Base CPIs
T7GP_CC_DATE_R - Date Rule for Currency Conversion
T7GP_CC_DATE_RT - Texts of Date Rules for Currency Conversion
T7GP_CURR_CONV - Currency Conversion Rules
T7GP_CURR_CONVT - Texts for Currency Conversion Rules