SAP Tables | Personnel Management | Enterprise Compensation Management SAP PA

SAP PA Enterprise Compensation Management Tables (PA-EC)

SAP Enterprise Compensation Management Tables PA-EC

ECM_ECA_EMPL_QU - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeQuery
ECM_ECA_EMPL_RP - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeResponse
ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStructu
ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStruct
ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERPByEmployee
ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_RSP - Response message for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERP
ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualSala
ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualS
ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncentivePl
ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncenti
ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_FIELDS - output structure for Employee Compensation Agreement
ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_FIELDS_CMP - Compensation data for Workagreements
ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_SEL - Selection structure for Employee Compensation Agreement
ECM_EMPLOYEE - structure for Employee IDs and Workagreements
ECM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
ECM_S_BUDGET_PERIOD_KEY - Key of Budget period (Table T79pm)
ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_TEXT_KEY - Key for budget type texts
ECM_S_COMP_MANAGER - Compensation Manager
HRECM00BALOBJECTKEY - Structure for Objects Displayed in BAL

HRECM00BALOBJECTS - Structure for Objects Displayed in BAL
HRECM00BSPDATALOSS_EVENT - Event, which has to be called after data loss popup
HRECM00BSPDATA_CHANGED - Denotes whether data changed for a controller
HRECM00BSPDDLB - Dropdown listbox entries
HRECM00BSPTABLEATTR - Table Attributes
HRECM00BW_IS_COMP_MONITOR - BW Extract Structure: Enterprise Compensation Status Monitor
HRECM00BW_IS_REVIEW - BW Extract Structure: Compensation Review
HRECM00KEYANDTEXT - Key and corresponding text
HRECM00MESSAGE - Structure for Messages and Short Texts
HRECM00MESSAGEWITHTEXT - Message with text
HRECM00ORGUNIT - Organizational Units
HRECM00PROC_EE - Employee assignment to Planning Units
HRECM00PROC_ELIG - Eligibility per PERNR/CITEM pairs
HRECM00SALARYSTRUCTUREKEY - Key of salary structure
HRECM00SALARY_CLASSIFICATION - salary classification
HRECM00T77S0FIELDS - Structure for Storage of T77S0 Fields
HRECM00_CREVI - Compensation Review
HRECM00_EE_CHANGE_SUMMARY_UI - Structure for the ALV-Output in the ECM Changes Summary
HRECM00_EE_CHANGE_TRACKING_UI - Structure for the ALV-Output in the ECM Change Tracking
HRECM00_EE_HIST - Compensation Tracking for Employees
HRECM00_MSG_OBJKEY - Structure for messages in BAL
HRECM00_OBJID_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for PD-Object-ID
HRECM00_ORG_BASED_PROCESS_INFO - Structure for OU-status change report
HRECM00_OU_STATUS_UI - Structure for OU-status change report
HRECM00_PLANNING_PROGRESS_UI - Structure for the ALV-Output in the ECM Planning Progress
HRECM00_PROCESS - Compensation Tracking for Process
HRECM_MESSAGE - Structure for ECM Messages
HRECM_S_ARCHIVE_GRAVESTONE - Gravestone for Archiving/Destruction in ECM
T71ADM26 - Attributes for Planning Overview
T71ADM_EE_HIST - Compensation Tracking for Employees
T71ADM_EE_NOTE - Compensation Tracking of Employee notes

T71ADM_PROCESS - Compensation Tracking for Process
T71ADM_PROC_EE - Compensation Tracking: Employee Assignments
T71ADM_PROC_ELIG - Compensation Tracking: Eligibility Information
T71ADM_PROC_NOTE - Notes for Compensation Process Tracking
T71ADM_SPENT_AMT - Compensation Planning: Spent Amounts
T71GRVST - Gravestone for Archiving/Destruction in ECM

SAP Compensation Administration Tables PA-EC-AD

ECM_CITEM_RANGE - Compensation Review Item Range
ECM_S_APPROVAL - Structure for the compensation approval
ECM_S_BUDGET_TOGGLE_UI - Budget toggle control structure for the planning UI
ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_TBL_UI - Budget type (table display) for the planning UI
ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_UI - Budget type for the planning UI
ECM_S_BUDGET_UNIT_TBL_UI - Budget unit (table display) for the planning UI
ECM_S_BUDGET_UNIT_UI - Budget unit for the planning UI
ECM_S_CAREA_CPLAN_DATE - Compensation area, Compensation plan and date
ECM_S_CELL_READONLY - Structure for readonly-information for cells
ECM_S_COL_FIELD_MAPPING - Mapping relation between an IT0759 field and an OADP column
ECM_S_COMPDATA_CHANGED - Compensation data change flags
ECM_S_COMP_AREA_ITEM - Compensation area and item
ECM_S_COMP_HISTORY - Compensation History Structure
ECM_S_CURRENCY_UI - Currency for the planning UI
ECM_S_DEPENDENT_PLAN_DATA - Compensation data changeable by the dependent plan BAdi
ECM_S_EMPLOYEE_RELATED_MESSAGE - Structure for Messages related to an employee and a plan
ECM_S_GR_BUBBLE - Bubble of a chart
ECM_S_GR_CATEGORY - Category of a chart
ECM_S_GR_CHART_ITEM - Chart item
ECM_S_GR_POINT - Point of a chart
ECM_S_GR_RANGE - Range of a chart
ECM_S_GR_SERIES - Series of a chart
ECM_S_GUIDELINE_TEXT - Guideline text
ECM_S_IT0759_NOTE - Note from infotype 0759
ECM_S_KEY_VALUE_PAIR - String key-value pair
ECM_S_OADP_CELL_DATA - Buffered OADP cell data
ECM_S_OADP_CHANGED_CELL - Row and column of an OADP cell with changed contents
ECM_S_OADP_REFERENCE - OADP reference and instance ID
ECM_S_ORGUNIT_STATUS - Status for an org unit in the org. unit based process
ECM_S_PR_POS_GRADE_STRUC_HIST - Position, grade & structure history
ECM_S_PR_TCS - Total Compensation
ECM_S_TABSTATUS - Tab status for the compensation planning UI

ECM_S_WD_INP_CTX_UI - Helper structure for collection of WD Input field values
HCMT_BSP_PA_F4_T71ADM05 - Structure for F4 help based on foreign key table T71ADM05
HCMT_BSP_PA_F4_T71ADM06 - Structure for F4 help based on foreign key table T71ADM06
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0758 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0759 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0760 - Single Screen
HRECM00ADMVIEWFIELDS - Auxiliary Fields on Maintenance Views
HRECM00ADM_MESSAGE - Structure for Messages with Comp. Administration Context
HRECM00BUDGET - Budget Data Passed to User Interface
HRECM00BUDGET_ADMIN - Budget data for Compensation Administration
HRECM00BUDGET_LINK - Link between employee and budget unit
HRECM00BW_IS_COMP_PROC - BW extract structure: Compensation Processes
HRECM00BW_IS_COMP_PROC_13 - BW extract structure: Compensation Processes 13
HRECM00BW_IS_COMP_PROC_14 - Total Compensation
HRECM00CAREA_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Compensation Area
HRECM00CCATG_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Compensation Category
HRECM00CITEM_INFO - Attributes of compensation process item
HRECM00COMP_DATA - Compensation Data Passed to User Interface
HRECM00COMP_PLAN - Compensation plan data
HRECM00COMP_UPDATE - Compensation data changed since last call of process handler
HRECM00CPLAN_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Compensation Plan
HRECM00CREVI_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Compensation Review
HRECM00CRS_DATA - Data for Compensation Review Statement
HRECM00CRS_DATA_TAB_PDF - Structure for the from CRS
HRECM00CRS_NEW_SALARY - Data for the new salary
HRECM00CSTAT - Possible Status Values and Texts
HRECM00CSTAT_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Compensation Status
HRECM00EFF_DATE - Effective Date of Compensation Plans
HRECM00FREQU - Possible Frequency Values and Texts
HRECM00GDL_ESTIMATION - Guideline Estimation for Personnel Cost Planning
HRECM00GDL_ESTIM_INTERNAL - Guideline Estimation (Internal)
HRECM00GDL_INDICATORS - Compensation Guideline Indicators
HRECM00GDL_RESULTS_FOR_APP - Guideline result for appraisal simulation
HRECM00GDL_VALUES - Compensation Guideline Values
HRECM00GUIDELINE - Guideline data
HRECM00GUIDELINEMATRIXCHANGES - Structure for Mass Changes on Guideline Matrix Values
HRECM00LOCKED_BUDGET - Budget Unit Locked During Processing of PERNR
HRECM00MBOPARAMETERS - Parameters for MBO integration
HRECM00NUMERIC_COLUMN_CONTENT - Content of numeric display column for Comp. Admin. UI
HRECM00PERNR - Structure with PERNR Field
HRECM00PERNR_APPR - Current (simulated) appraisal results per person
HRECM00PERNR_CRS_DATA - Data for Compensation Review Statement with pernr
HRECM00PERNR_CRS_NEWSALARY - Data for the new salary with pernr
HRECM00PERNR_SELECTED - Selected Persons in Compensation Scenario
HRECM00PERSON_INFO - Pernr, their default currency, and currency chosen by user
HRECM00PROC_ADMIN - Administration data for compensation processes
HRECM00PROC_INFO - Compensation processes planned in current review
HRECM00PROC_NOTE - Notes of Compensation Processes
HRECM00PROG_PERIOD - Program period of an employee for a plan
HRECM00REVIEW - Compensation Review Data
HRECM00SAL_ADJUSTMENT - Salary Adjustment
HRECM00T71ADM29_CONFIG - TabID Configuration (extended)
HRECM00T71ADM30_COL_INFO - Compensation Planning - Column Information
HRECM00T71ADM30_CONFIG - Column Mapping Configuration
HRECM00T71ADM30_CPLAN - Compensation Plan for F4
HRECM00T71ADM30_FIELD_INFO - Compensation Plan 0759 Fields Info
HRECM00T71ADM31_CONFIG - Review and Completed Steps Configuration
HRECM00T71ADM32_COL_INFO - Review and Completed Steps - Column Information
HRECM00TEXT - Text Line of Infotype Note
HRECM00VIEW_ELIGIBILITY - Data for iView Eligibility
HRECM00VIEW_GUIDELINE - Data for iView Guideline
HRECM00VIEW_PROCESS - Data for iView Compensation Process
HRECM00VIEW_SALARY - Data for iView Salary Data
HRECM00_GE_GDL_DIM_OVR - Obsolete: Overwrite Parameter for the guideline dimensions
HRECM00_GE_GDL_OVR - Overwrite Parameter for the guideline dimensions
HRECM00_ROUNDING_FREQINFO - Frequency information for rounding
HRECM00_ROUNDING_INFO - Rounding Information
HRECM00_ROUNDING_RULEINFO - Rounding rule information
P0758 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0758 (Compensation Program)
P0758_AF - Additional Query Fields
P0759 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0759 (Compensation Process)
P0759_AF - Additional Query Fields
P0760 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0760 (Comp. Eligibility Override)
P0760_AF - Additional Query Fields
PA0758 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0758 (Compensation Program)
PA0759 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0759 (Compensation Process)
PA0760 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0760 (Comp. Eligibility Override)
PMECM - Feature Decision Field Structure for Compensation Management
PS0758 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0758 (Compensation Program)
PS0759 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0759 (Compensation Process)
PS0760 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0760 (Comp. Eligibility Override)
Q0758 - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 0758
Q0759 - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 0759
Q0760 - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 0760
ROXEH50125 - Compensation Review Item Text
ROXEH50127 - TCS category text
ROXEH50128 - TCS subcategory text
T71ADM01 - Compensation Area
T71ADM01T - Compensation Area Text
T71ADM02 - Compensation Plan
T71ADM02T - Compensation Plan Text
T71ADM03 - Compensation Plan Attributes
T71ADM04 - Compensation Plan Payroll Data
T71ADM05 - First Compensation Program Grouping
T71ADM05T - First Compensation Program Grouping Text
T71ADM06 - Second Compensation Program Grouping
T71ADM06T - Second Compensation Program Grouping Text
T71ADM07 - Compensation Program
T71ADM08 - Compensation Review
T71ADM08T - Compensation Review Text
T71ADM09 - Compensation Review Item
T71ADM09T - Compensation Review Item Text
T71ADM10 - Compensation Review Item Attributes
T71ADM11 - Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant
T71ADM11T - Compensation Eligibility Rule Variant Text
T71ADM12 - Compensation Eligibility Grouping
T71ADM12T - Compensation Eligibility Grouping Text
T71ADM13 - Compensation Eligibility Rule
T71ADM14 - Compensation Appraisal Rule
T71ADM14T - Compensation Appraisal Rule Text
T71ADM15 - Compensation Guideline Variant
T71ADM15T - Compensation Guideline Variant Text
T71ADM16 - Compensation Guideline Grouping
T71ADM16T - Compensation Guideline Grouping Text
T71ADM17 - Compensation Guideline
T71ADM18 - Compensation Guideline Proration Rule
T71ADM18T - Compensation Guideline Proration Rule Text
T71ADM19 - Compensation Guideline Matrix
T71ADM19T - Compensation Guideline Matrix Text
T71ADM20 - Compensation Matrix Dimension
T71ADM20T - Compensation Matrix Dimension Text
T71ADM21 - Compensation Method for Matrix Dimensions
T71ADM21T - Compensation Method for Matrix Dimensions Text
T71ADM22 - Compensation Matrix Dimension Segment
T71ADM22T - Compensation Matrix Dimension Segment Text
T71ADM23 - Compensation Matrix Values
T71ADM24 - Rounding Formula for Compensation Planning
T71ADM24T - Rounding Formula for Compensation Planning
T71ADM25 - Rounding Formula Definitions
T71ADM27 - Compensation Review Settings for Planning
T71ADM28 - Customer's own Tabs
T71ADM28T - Customer's Tabs Texts
T71ADM29 - Planning UI Tab Configuration
T71ADM30 - Column Mapping
T71ADM31 - OADP Dataviews for Review Step
T71ADM32 - Column Mappings for Review Step
T71ADM33 - Compensation Appraisal Configuration
T71ADM34 - Overwrite table for Compensation Process aspects
T71ADM35 - Forms for Compensation Statements
T71ADM35T - Compensation Statement Grouping (Text)
T71ADM36 - Compensation Statement Grouping
T71ADM36T - Appraisal Template Grouping (Text)

SAP Compensation Budgeting Tables PA-EC-BD

ECM_S_BDG_AMOUNT - Budget Amount & Currency
ECM_S_BDG_AWARDS - Budget Awards & Unit
ECM_S_BDG_COST_TEXT - Cost items and texts for budget customizing
ECM_S_BDG_DATA - Budget Data
ECM_S_BDG_EE_BUDGET - Budget Employee Data
ECM_S_BDG_OWNER - Budget Owner
ECM_S_BDG_PERNR_PLUNIT - Budget type and planunit per personnel number
ECM_S_BDG_PST - Budget process support table
ECM_S_BUDGET_AMOUNT_PER_PERNR - Budget amounts per employee
ECM_S_BUTYP_FINYR - Budget type and financial year
HRECM00BDGAMOUNTALV - Data for the ALV display of budget amounts
HRECM00BDGNUMBERALV - Data for the ALV display of budget numbers
HRECM00BDG_DISPLAY - Data for display of budgets
HRECM00BDG_EMP_ORG - Employee org unit relationships for budgeting
HRECM00BSPTREEFLD_CATALOG - Tree field catalog
HRECM00BSP_BDG_DET_DISP - Budget details for tree display
HRECM00BUDGET_ASSIGN_BDG - Structure for assigning budgets to structure
HRECM00BUDGET_CREATE_BUDID - Structure for creating/assigning budgets to structure
HRECM00BUDGET_DISP - Compensation Budgets: Display expanded budget
HRECM00BUDGET_ERROR - Budget errors
HRECM00BUDGET_IMPORT_PCP - Structure for importing PCP cost items into budget hierarchy
HRECM00BUDGET_INDEX - Budget table index
HRECM00BUDGET_ORG - Budget and org unit relationships
HRECM00BUDGET_ORG_LIST - List of valid organizational units
HRECM00BUDGET_PERC_CHANGE - Structure for percentage change of budgets
HRECM00BUDGET_RA_BDG_SUMM - Structure for reassigning budget values: summary
HRECM00BUDGET_RA_BDG_VAL - Structure for reassigning budget values
HRECM00BUDGET_SRES - Compensation Budgets Search Result
HRECM00BUDGET_STRUC - Budget structure
HRECM00BUDGET_UNIT - Budgeted and spent values per budget unit
HRECM00BW_BSTAT_TEXT - BW extract for compensation budget status texts
HRECM00BW_BUDGET_TEXT - BW extract for compensation budget texts
HRECM00BW_BUTYP_TEXT - BW extract for compensation budget type texts
HRECM00BW_IS_BUDGET - BW extract for compensation budgets
HRECM00PERNR_BUDGET - Employee budget data
HRECM00PERNR_ORG_RELAT - Employee and org unit relationships
T71BDG01 - Budget Calculation Method per Budget Type and Financial Year
T71BDG02 - Cost Items for PCP budget import

SAP Job Pricing Tables PA-EC-JP

HRECM00AGEPARAMETERS - Aging Market Data Parameters
HRECM00BREAKOUT - Breakout category
HRECM00BREAKOUTDB - Breakout category
HRECM00BREAKOUTINFO - Possible Marketdatacriterias for the providers
HRECM00BREAKOUTSELECT - Selection of Breakoutcategories
HRECM00BW_CJOBGRP_TEXT - BW Extract for Compensation Job Group Text
HRECM00BW_CMPRS_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Composite Result Text
HRECM00BW_COMSIZE_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Company Size Text
HRECM00BW_COMTYPE_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Company Type Code Text
HRECM00BW_INDUSTRY_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Industry Text
HRECM00BW_IO_CJOBGRP - BW Extract for Compensation Job Attribute
HRECM00BW_IS_CMPMARKET - BW Extract for Jobs Composite Market Data
HRECM00BW_IS_EEPAYCAT - BW Extract for Employee Pay Category's Amount
HRECM00BW_IS_JOBMATCHING - BW Extract for Job Matching
HRECM00BW_IS_JOBSALSTRU - BW Extract for Salary Structure of Jobs
HRECM00BW_IS_SALSTRUC - BW Extract for Actual and Plan Salary Structure
HRECM00BW_IS_SVMARKETDATA - BW Extract for Survey Market Data
HRECM00BW_JOBFAMILY_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Job Family Text
HRECM00BW_REGION_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Region Text
HRECM00BW_REVSIZE_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Revenue Size Text
HRECM00BW_SALADJVERS_TEXT - BW Extract for Salary Structure Adjustment Text
HRECM00BW_SERVICES_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Length of Service Text
HRECM00BW_SURVEYJOB_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Job Text
HRECM00BW_SURVEY_TEXT - BW Extract for Survey Text
HRECM00COMPOSITESELECT - Selectioncriteria for composite result
HRECM00COMPOSITEWITHTEXT - Composite Result with Text
HRECM00EXTJOBANDREF - External job key and ref to ext_job object
HRECM00EXTJOBWITHTEXT - Survey job with job title
HRECM00EXTJOB_KEY - Key of Survey Job
HRECM00FIELDDESCR - Table / Field description
HRECM00FILETYPE - File type for importing process
HRECM00IMPORT_PARAMETERS - Import parameters
HRECM00INTJOBANDREF - Internal Job key and ref. to internal job object
HRECM00INTJOBLIST - Internal Job with Job Group and text
HRECM00INTJOBWITHLINK - Internal Job with link to job description popup
HRECM00JOBATTRIBUTE - Compensation Job Attributes
HRECM00JOBDESCR - Survey Job description
HRECM00JOBDESCRIPTION - Survey Job description
HRECM00JOBMATCH - Mapping internal to external jobs
HRECM00JOBMATCHINGWITHTEXT - Mapping internal to external jobs with texts
HRECM00JOBSALARYSTRUCTURE - Salary Structure of Jobs
HRECM00KEY4 - Key with the length of 4 characters
HRECM00KEY8 - Key with the length of 8 characters
HRECM00MARKETDATAAMOUNTS - Survey Market Data - number and amount fields
HRECM00MARKETDATABREAKOUTCATS - Survey Market Data of the survey job
HRECM00MARKETDATABREAKOUTTEXTS - Survey Market Data of the survey job
HRECM00MARKETDATAWITHTEXT - Market data with text
HRECM00MARKETGENERALDATAKEY - Survey Market General Data Key
HRECM00MARKETHEADERDATAKEY - Survey Market Header Data Key
HRECM00MARKETSTATSDATAKEY - Key of the Survey Market Data
HRECM00MATCHEDJOBKEYANDREF - Matched job keys and reference to job objects
HRECM00MATCHEDJOBLIST - List of matched jobs
HRECM00NOHEADERLINES - Number of header lines in import file
HRECM00PAYVALUES - Paydata to compare
HRECM00PROVIDERANDREF - Survey provider and ref to provider object
HRECM00SALADJKEY - Keys and Texts of Salary Adjustment Versions
HRECM00SALARYSTRUCHANGED - Changed Salary Structure Data
HRECM00SALARYSTRUCOMPARE - Salary Structure Values
HRECM00SALARYSTRUCTEXTFIELDS - Salary structure text fields
HRECM00SALARYSTRUCWITHTEXT - Salary structure with texts
HRECM00SALARYSTRUUPDATE - Data for Update of Salary Structure from Market Data
HRECM00SALARYSTRUVALANDTEXT - Values of salary structure with texts
HRECM00SALARYSTRUVALUES - Compare Salary Structure against market
HRECM00SALSTRUADJLPLANKEY - Salary Structure Adjustment Plan
HRECM00SALSTRUCEXISTPLANS - Existing Plans with name and date
HRECM00SALSTRUCOMPARETEXT - Comare Salary Structure with market data
HRECM00SALSTRUPLANVIEW - Plan View Salary Structure Values
HRECM00SURVEYLIST - Survey List for aging market data
HRECM00SURVEYMARKETDATA - Survey Market Data of the survey job
HRECM00VIEW_JPR_EE - View Employee Pay Category
HRECM00VIEW_JPR_SURVEY - Composite Survey Results
HRECM00WEIGHTINGPCT - Survey Job Weight Factor Conversion
HRI1271 - Fields for Infotype 1271 (Job Pricing Composite Results)
HRI5050 - Fields for Infotype 5050 (Compensation Job Attributes)
HRP1271 - DB Table for Infotype 1271
HRP5050 - DB Table for Infotype 5050
P1271 - Infotype 1271: Composite Survey Results
P1271_AF - Additional Query Fields
P5050 - Infotype 5050: Comp. Job Attributes
P5050_AF - Additional Query Fields
T71JPR01 - Survey Provider
T71JPR02 - Survey
T71JPR02T - Survey Name
T71JPR03 - Survey Job
T71JPR03T - Survey Job Text
T71JPR04 - Survey Job Family
T71JPR04T - Survey Job Family Text
T71JPR05 - Survey Job Catalog
T71JPR06 - Survey Header Data
T71JPR07 - Survey General Data
T71JPR08 - Survey Statistical Data
T71JPR09 - Survey Job / Internal Job Matching Data
T71JPR10 - Survey Country
T71JPR11 - Survey Industry
T71JPR12 - Survey Industry Code
T71JPR12T - Survey Industry Code Text
T71JPR13 - Survey Region
T71JPR14 - Survey Region Code
T71JPR14T - Survey Region Code Text
T71JPR15 - Survey Revenue Size
T71JPR16 - Survey Revenue Size Code
T71JPR16T - Survey Revenue Size Code Text
T71JPR17 - Survey Company Size
T71JPR18 - Survey Company Size Code
T71JPR18T - Survey Company Size Code Text
T71JPR19 - Survey Company Type
T71JPR20 - Survey Company Type Code
T71JPR20T - Survey Company Type Code Text
T71JPR21 - Survey Length of Service
T71JPR22 - Survey Length of Service Code
T71JPR22T - Survey Length of Service Code Text
T71JPR23 - Pay Category
T71JPR23T - Pay Category Text
T71JPR24 - Survey Data Fields Mapping
T71JPR25 - Salary Range Adjustment
T71JPR26 - Survey Composite Result
T71JPR26T - Survey Composite Result Text
T71JPR27 - Salary Adjustment Version
T71JPR27T - Salary Adjustment Version Text
T71JPR28 - Compensation Job Group
T71JPR28T - Compensation Job Group Text
T71JPR29 - Pay Category Attribute

SAP Long-Term Incentives Tables PA-EC-LT

E1ECMEXE01 - LTI exercise - elementary data
E1ECMEXE02 - LTI Exercise - Tax
E1ECMEXE03 - LTI exercise - Remove exercises
E1ECMGRA01 - LTI plan grant - Header data
E1ECMGRA02 - LTI grant - Elementary Data
E1ECMGRA03 - LTI grant - Shares granted
E1ECMGRA04 - LTI grant - Blackout period
E1ECMGRA05 - LTI grant - Vesting info
E1ECMGRA06 - LTI grant - Life event
E1ECMGRA07 - LTI grant - Remove grants
E1ECMHEAD - Header data
E1ECMPAR01 - LTI plan participant - Header data
E1ECMPAR02 - LTI plan Participant - ID
E1ECMPAR03 - LTI plan participant - Company ID
E1ECMPAR04 - LTI plan participant - Name
E1ECMPAR05 - LTI plan participant - Contact info
E1ECMPAR06 - LTI plan participant - Postal address
E1ECMPAR07 - LTI plan participant - Additional info
E1ECMPAR08 - LTI plan participant - Director info
E1ECMPAR09 - LTI plan participant - Insider info
E1ECMPAR10 - LTI plan participant - Percent owner info
E1ECMPAR11 - LTI plan participant - Work location
E1ECMPAR12 - LTI plan participant - Tax info and location
HCMT_BSP_PA_F4_0762 - F4-Help for off-cycle reason
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0761 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0762 - Single Screen
HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0763 - Single Screen
HRECM00BW_IS_EXERCISE - BW extract for compensation LTI exercise
HRECM00BW_IS_FORFEIT - BW extract for compensation LTI forfeiture
HRECM00BW_IS_GRANT - BW extract for compensation LTI grant
HRECM00BW_IS_VESTING - BW extract for compensation LTI vesting schedule
HRECM00EXERCISE_REC - Record of Infotype 0762 with Plan Text
HRECM00GRANT - Grant for a person
HRECM00GRANTDATA - Information of a grant
HRECM00GRANTKEY - Key of a grant
HRECM00IDOCINFTYRECS - Infotype Records to be Processed by IDOC
HRECM00IDOCRECEIVED_DATA - Compensation: Exercise Data Received from TPA LTI Plans
HRECM00LTIALV - Data for the grant reporter of the ALV module
HRECM00LTIVIEWFIELDS - Auxiliary Fields on Maintenance Views
HRECM00LTI_ORG_DATA - Organisational Data for the accounting Interface in LTI
HRECM00PERCENT - Vesting percentage in period
HRECM00SPLIT - Stock Split
HRECM00STOCKUNIT - Stock Unit with text
HRECM00UNITCHANGE - Validity of a stock unit
HRECM00VESTING - Vesting date
HRECM00VIEW_LTI - Data for iView LTI history
P0761 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0761 (LTI Grant)
P0762 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0762 (LTI Exercising)
P0763 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0763 (LTI Participant Data)
PA0761 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0761 (LTI Grant)
PA0762 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0762 (LTI Exercising)
PA0763 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0763 (LTI Participant Data)
PS0761 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0761 (LTI Grant)
PS0762 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0762 (LTI Exercising)
PS0763 - HR Master Record: Infotype 0763 (LTI Participant Data)
Q0761 - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 0761
Q0762 - Additional Screen Fields for Infotype 0762
T71LTI01 - LTI Plan Attributes
T71LTI02 - LTI Plan Time Dependent Attributes
T71LTI03 - LTI Plan Pricing Information
T71LTI04 - LTI Plan Payroll Data
T71LTI05 - Stock Unit
T71LTI05T - Stock Unit Text
T71LTI06 - Conversion of Stock Units
T71LTI07 - Vesting Rule
T71LTI07T - Vesting Rule Text
T71LTI08 - Vesting Schedule
T71LTI09 - Exercise Window Rule
T71LTI09T - Exercise Window Rule Text
T71LTI10 - Exercise Windows
T71LTI11 - Life Event
T71LTI11T - Life Event Text
T71LTI12 - Default Values for Life Events

SAP Total Compensation Statement Tables PA-EC-TC

HRXSS_ECM_TCS - ESS Total Compensasion Statement (TCS): comm. structure
HRXSS_ECM_TCS_VC - ESS total compensastion statement: subnode of TCS
HRXSS_ECM_TCS_VC_VCDATA - ESS total compensation statement: subnode of TCS_VC