SAP Tables | Logistics - General | Commodity Management in Logistik SAP LO

SAP LO Commodity Management in Logistik Tables (LO-CMM)

SAP Commodity Management in Logistik Tables LO-CMM

CMM_S_BAL_CONTEXT - Commodity Management: Application log context
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_DATA - Anticipated invoice item in material management
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_IMP - Importing data for final invoice anticipation
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM - Anticipated invoice item in material management
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM_LOG_REF - Reference for error table
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM_RESULT - Anticipated invoice item result in material management
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_KEY - Goods receipt based anticipated invoice item
CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_PARAM - Parameter for final invoice anticipation
CMM_S_MSG - Commodity Management: System message
CMM_S_MSG_FIELDS - Message fields
CMM_S_OBJ_K - Commodity Management: Object key (without Client)
MEV_C_CCODE - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing
MEV_C_CCODE_MM - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing MM
MEV_C_CCODE_SD - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing SD
MEV_C_GENCUST_MM - Period-End Valuation: General Customizing MM
MEV_D_AD_ITEM - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item
MEV_D_AD_ITEM_MM - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item MM
MEV_D_AD_ITEM_SD - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item SD
MEV_D_AD_ROOT - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Root
MEV_D_WL_ITEM - Period-end valuation: Worklist item

MEV_D_WL_MM - Period-end valuation: Worklist - Materials Management Data
MEV_D_WL_SD - Period-end valuation: Worklist - Sales and Distribution Data
MEV_S_ACTION_RESULT - Period-end valuation: Action result
MEV_S_ACTION_STATISTIC - Period-end valuation: Statistic for action
MEV_S_AD_ALV_HEADER - Period-End Valuation: Header Structure for Dolumn in AD Tree
MEV_S_AD_BO_ITEM_CD_REF - Period-End Valuation: External Reference Fields for AD Item
MEV_S_AD_BO_ITEM_MM_CD_REF - Period-End Valuation: Ext. Ref. Fields for AD MM Item
MEV_S_AD_BO_WORKFLOW_DATA - Period-End Valuation: AD BO Data for Workflow
MEV_S_AD_CHANGE_DATA - Period-end valuation: Change Data
MEV_S_AD_ITEM - Period-End Valuation: Accrual Document Item
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_DATA - Period-end valuation: Item - Data
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_DYN - Period-end valuation: Common data of AD-BO item (dynamic)
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_KEY - Period-end valuation: Item - Key without client
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item MM
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_BADI - Period-End Valuation: Accrual Document Item MM (for BAdI)
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_DATA - Period-end valuation: Item MM - Data
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_DATA_DYN - Period-End Valuation: Item - MM Dynamic Data in Memory
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_PARENT_KEY - Period-end valuation: Item MM - Parent Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_PK - Period-end valuation: Item MM - Primary Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_WORK - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ITEM_MM
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_MM_WORK_DATA - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ITEM_MM
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_NR - Period-end valuation: Structure accruals document item key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_PARENT_KEY - Period-end valuation: Item - Parent Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_PK - Period-end valuation: Item - Primary Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_REFERENCES - Period-end valuation: References for accruals BO item
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Item SD
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_BADI - Period-End Valuation: Accrual Document Item SD (for BAdI)
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_DATA - Period-end valuation: Item SD - Data
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_DATA_DYN - Period-End Valuation: Item - SD Dynamic Data in Memory
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_PARENT_KEY - Period-end valuation: Item SD - Parent Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_PK - Period-end valuation: Item SD - Primary Key
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_WORK - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ITEM_SD
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_SD_WORK_DATA - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ITEM_SD
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_STATUS - Period-end valuation: Item Status
MEV_S_AD_ITEM_WORK_BASE - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ITEM
MEV_S_AD_KEY - Period-end valuation: Key without client
MEV_S_AD_KEY_DOCNR_GJAHR - Period-end valuation: Accrual Document Secondary Key
MEV_S_AD_LCSTAT - Period-end valuation: Value help for lifecycle status
MEV_S_AD_PK - Period-end valuation: Primary Key

MEV_S_AD_REFS_FOR_BILL_SD - Period-end valuation: BO item references for billing item
MEV_S_AD_ROOT - Period-End Valuation: Accruals Document Root
MEV_S_AD_ROOT_DATA - Period-end valuation: Root Data
MEV_S_AD_ROOT_DYN - Period-end Valuation: Dynamic data for accrual document root
MEV_S_AD_ROOT_STATUS - Period-end valuation: Root Status
MEV_S_AD_ROOT_WORK - Period-End Valuation: Work Structure for MEV_D_AD_ROOT
MEV_S_AD_SPLIT - Period-end valuation: Split of accrual documents
MEV_S_AD_SPLIT_KEY - Period-end valuation: Split of accrual documents
MEV_S_AD_USER_SETTINGS - Period-end Valuation: User settings
MEV_S_BUKRS_OBJ_KEY - Period-End Valuation: Company code and item keys
MEV_S_CCODE - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing
MEV_S_CCODE_MM - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing MM
MEV_S_CCODE_SD - Period-end valuation: Company code dependent customizing SD
MEV_S_COMPLETENESS_CHK_AD - Period-end valuation: Completeness check result - AD
MEV_S_COMPLETENESS_CHK_RESULT - Period-end valuation: Completeness check result
MEV_S_GENCUST_MM - Period-End Valuation: General Customizing MM
MEV_S_GR_KEY - Period-end valuation: Goods receipt key
MEV_S_IDX_WORK - Period-end valuation: Runtime structure for index
MEV_S_IN_PEV_CONTEXT - Period-end valuation: Context data of GR/GI documents in PEV
MEV_S_ITEM_SD_PAIR_VIEW - Period-end valuation: View of data from billing item pair
MEV_S_ITEM_SD_POST_RESET - Period-end valuation: Pair of posting and resetting item
MEV_S_KNUMV_KPOSN - Period-end valuation: Structure KNUMV + KPOSN
MEV_S_LOCK - Period-end valuation: Worklist lock objects
MEV_S_POPER_GJAHR - Period-end Valuation: Posting period + fiscal year
MEV_S_POSTING_MM - Period-End Valuation: Posting to Accounting
MEV_S_POSTING_MM_CR - Period-End Valuation: Posting to Accounting with currency
MEV_S_PREDECESSOR - Period-end valuation: Predecessor
MEV_S_RUN_CONFIG - Period-end valulation: Run parameters
MEV_S_RWIN_REF - Period-end valuation: Reference for display of acc. document
MEV_S_START_OBJ - Period-end valuation: Root object
MEV_S_STATUS - Period-end valuation: Status
MEV_S_STATUS_CONSTRAINT - Period-end Valuation: Status Constraint
MEV_S_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_MULTI - Period-end Valuation: Combined Status Constraint
MEV_S_STATUS_TRANSITION - Period-end Valuation: Status Transition
MEV_S_TEST_MOCK_VBRKVB_KEY - Period-End Valuation: Key Structure for VBRKVB
MEV_S_TEST_MOCK_VBRPVB_KEY - Periode-End Valuation: Key Structure for VBRPVB
MEV_S_TRANSITION - Period-end valuation: Worklist transition status
MEV_S_UI_ACTIVE_BUTTONS - Period-end valuation: Select active buttons for Pop Up
MEV_S_UI_AD_HEADER - Period-End Valuation: Header Structure for Dolumn in AD Tree

MEV_S_UI_COMBINED_VIEW - Period-end valuation: ALV structure for Combined View
MEV_S_UI_COMBINED_VIEW_AD - Period-end valuation: ALV Sructure for Combined View AD
MEV_S_UI_COMBINED_VIEW_COND - Period-end valuation: ALV Structure Combined View- Condition
MEV_S_UI_COMPLETENESS_CHECK - Period-End Valuation: ALV Structure for Completeness Check
MEV_S_UI_COND - Period-end valuation: ALV structure for Conditions
MEV_S_UI_COND_HEADER - Period-End Valuation: ALV Structure for Valuation Result
MEV_S_UI_DETAILS_KEY - Period-end valuation: Details key for UI item
MEV_S_UI_ITEM - Period-End Valuation: ALV Structure for Valuation Result
MEV_S_UI_POPUP - Period-End Valuation: Popup for multiple selection
MEV_S_UI_POPUP_DOC - Period-End Valuation:ALV Structure for created accr. doc.
MEV_S_UI_POPUP_ITEM - Period-End Valuation:ALV Structure of selected item in popup
MEV_S_UI_POPUP_SEL_KEYS - Period-End Valuation: Selection keys for popup
MEV_S_WL_ADM_DATA - Period-end valuation: Worklist - Administrative Data
MEV_S_WL_AUART_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for AUART
MEV_S_WL_BO_ITEM_REFERENCES - Period-end Valuation: References for worklist BO
MEV_S_WL_BO_REFS_FOR_BILL_SD - Period-end valuation: Worklist - item references for billing
MEV_S_WL_BSART_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for BSART
MEV_S_WL_BUKRS_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for BUKRS
MEV_S_WL_CALC_RESULT_STAT_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for wl calc res. stat.
MEV_S_WL_CHANGE_DATA - Period-end valuation: Change Data
MEV_S_WL_COMMON_DATA - Period-end valuation: Organizational Data
MEV_S_WL_COMMON_DATA_DYN - Period-end valuation: Common worklist data (dynamic data)
MEV_S_WL_COMMON_DATA_GEN - Period-end valuation: Organizational Data
MEV_S_WL_COMMON_DATA_MM - Period-end valuation: Organizational Data MM
MEV_S_WL_COMMON_DATA_SD - Period-end valuation: Organizational Data SD
MEV_S_WL_CRSTAT - Period-end valuat: Value help for calculation result status
MEV_S_WL_EBELN_RNG - Period-End Valuation: Range structure for EBELN
MEV_S_WL_EKGRP_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for EKGRP
MEV_S_WL_EKORG_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for EKORG
MEV_S_WL_GJAHR_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for GJAHR
MEV_S_WL_ITEM_CHTSP - Period-end valuation: Worklist item change time stamp
MEV_S_WL_ITEM_KEY - Period-end valuation: Item - Key without client
MEV_S_WL_ITEM_MM_BADI - Period-End Valuation: Worklist Item MM (for BAdI)
MEV_S_WL_ITEM_PK - Period-end valuation: Worklist Item - Primary Key
MEV_S_WL_ITEM_SD_BADI - Period-End Valuation: Worklist Item SD (for BAdI)
MEV_S_WL_KUNAG_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for KUNAG
MEV_S_WL_LCSTAT - Period-end valuation: Value help for lifecycle status
MEV_S_WL_LIFECYCLE_STATUS - Period-end valuation: WL lifecycle status
MEV_S_WL_LIFECYCLE_STATUS_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for wl lifecy. status
MEV_S_WL_LIFNR_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for LIFNR
MEV_S_WL_MATKL_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for MATKL
MEV_S_WL_MATNR_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for MATNR
MEV_S_WL_MM_DATA - Period-end valuation: Materials Management Data
MEV_S_WL_MM_DATA_DYN - Period-end valuation: MM worklist item (dynamic data)
MEV_S_WL_MM_WORK - Period-end valuation: MM worklist item (work structure)
MEV_S_WL_MM_WORK_DATA - Period-end valuation: MM worklist item (work structure)
MEV_S_WL_PK - Period-end valuation: Worklist key
MEV_S_WL_POPER_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for POPER
MEV_S_WL_SD_DATA - Period-end valuation: Sales and Distribution Data
MEV_S_WL_SD_DATA_DYN - Period-end valuation: SD worklist item (dynamic data)
MEV_S_WL_SD_WORK - Period-end valuation: SD worklist item (work structure)
MEV_S_WL_SD_WORK_DATA - Period-end valuation: SD worklist item (work structure)
MEV_S_WL_SEL_CRIT - Period-end valuation: Worklist selection criteria
MEV_S_WL_SEL_CRIT_MM - Period-end valuation: Worklist selection criteria (MM)
MEV_S_WL_SEL_CRIT_SD - Period-end valuation: Worklist selection criteria (SD)
MEV_S_WL_SPART_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for SPART
MEV_S_WL_START_OBJ_DOCTYPE_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for START_OBJ_DOC_TYPE
MEV_S_WL_START_OBJ_EXT_ID_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for START_OBJ_EXT_ID
MEV_S_WL_START_OBJ_ID_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for START_OBJ_ID
MEV_S_WL_START_OBJ_ITEM_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for START_OB_ITEM
MEV_S_WL_START_OBJ_TYPE_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for START_OBJ_TYPE
MEV_S_WL_STATUS - Period-end valuation: WL status fields
MEV_S_WL_USER_VERIF_STATUS_RNG - Period-End Valuation: Range structure for user verif. status
MEV_S_WL_UVSTAT - Period-end valuat: Value help for user verification status
MEV_S_WL_VAL_DATE_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for MEV_VAL_DATE
MEV_S_WL_VBELN_RNG - Period-End Valuation: Range structure for VBELN
MEV_S_WL_VKORG_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for VKORG
MEV_S_WL_VTWEG_RNG - Period-end valuation: Range structure for VTWEG
MEV_S_WL_WORK_BASE - Period-end valuation: worklist item (work structure, common)
VMEV_D_AD_ITEM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VMEV_D_AD_ITEM_MM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VMEV_D_AD_ITEM_SD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Grundfunktionen Tables LO-CMM-BF

CMM_D_IDX - Commodity Management: Index Table
CMM_LREV_CCODE - Revaluation of Logistics Documents: Active Company Codes
CMM_LREV_S_MESSAGE - Revaluation of Logistics Documents: Message
CMM_LREV_S_RESULT - Revaluation of Logistics Documents: Results
CMM_LREV_S_RESULT_COND - Revaluation of Logistics Documents: Results (Conditions)
CMM_LREV_S_RESULT_ITEM - Revaluation of Logistics Documents: Results (Item)
CMM_MD_CHAR - Assign Commodity Material to Characteristic
CMM_MD_CONDITION_I - Input structure for condition information
CMM_MD_QLTY_ACTUAL_I - Input Struc. for act. Quality Retrieval by batch number
CMM_MD_QLTY_BATCH - Input Struc. for act. Quality Retrieval by batch number
CMM_MD_QLTY_DELIVERY - Input Struc. for act. Quality Retrieval by delivery item
CMM_MD_QLTY_MATDOC - Input Struc. for act. Quality Retrieval by material document
CMM_MD_QLTY_PLAN_I - Input Structure for Planned Quality Value Retrieval
CMM_MD_QLTY_VALUE - Batch characterisitc value
CMM_MTM - MtM Extractor Structure
CMM_MTM_AGGREGATED - MtM Extractor Structure
CMM_MTM_AGGREGATED_DIS - Display Structure for MtM Adhoc Report
CMM_MTM_BUKRS - MtM Settings on company code level
CMM_MTM_CALC - Assign Condition Types to Groups
CMM_MTM_CALC_INC - Include Structure for CMM_MTM_CALC
CMM_MTM_CGROUPT - MtM Condition Group
CMM_MTM_CGROUPTT - MtM Condition Group
CMM_MTM_DATE_DET - Determination Methods for MtM Date
CMM_MTM_DATE_DTT - Determination Methods for MtM Date - Text Table
CMM_MTM_DIS - Display Structure for MtM Adhoc Report
CMM_MTM_DOCNR - MtM Extractor Structure - Document Numbers
CMM_MTM_EXTR - Extractor structure MtM
CMM_MTM_EXTR_01_GENEXT_MASK - Substr. in MtM Extractor for Generic Del. in BWA/ESH Index
CMM_MTM_EXTR_PO - MtM Extractor Structure for Purchase Orders
CMM_MTM_EXTR_PO_GENEXT_MASK - Substr. in PO Extractor for Generic Del. in BWA/ESH Index
CMM_MTM_EXTR_SO - MtM Extractor Structure for Sales Orders
CMM_MTM_EXTR_SO_GENEXT_MASK - Substr. in SO Extractor for Generic Del. in BWA/ESH Index
CMM_MTM_EXTR_SO_INIT - MtM Extractor Structure for Sales Orders
CMM_MTM_KOMK - MtM Extractor Structure - KOMK fields
CMM_MTM_KOMP - MtM Extractor Structure - KOMP fields
CMM_MTM_KONV - MtM Extractor Structure - KONV fields
CMM_MTM_KONV_AGGREGATED - MtM Extractor Structure - KONV fields
CMM_MTM_MISC - MtM Extractor Structure - Miscellaneous
CMM_MTM_MISC_AGGREGATED - MtM Extractor Structure - Miscellaneous
CMM_MTM_QUANTITIES - Quantities for MtM determination
CMM_MTM_QUANTITIES_AGGREGATED - Quantities for MtM determination
CMM_MTM_VALUES - MtM Extractor Structure - Values
CMM_MTM_VALUES_AGGREGATED - MtM Extractor Structure - Values
CMM_PYMNT_TERMS - Payment Terms contained in Documents
CMM_S_IDX - Index: Data Part
CMM_S_IDX_ADMIN - Index: Admin Data Part
CMM_S_IDX_BUKRS_RNG - Index: Range structure for BUKRS
CMM_S_IDX_CHANGE_DATA - Index: Change Data
CMM_S_IDX_CONSUMER_RELEVANCE - Index: Relevance per Consumer
CMM_S_IDX_CONSUMER_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_CONSUMER
CMM_S_IDX_EKGRP_RNG - Index: Range structure for EKGRP
CMM_S_IDX_EKORG_RNG - Index: Range structure for EKORG
CMM_S_IDX_EXT_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_EXT_ID
CMM_S_IDX_K - Index: Primary Key Without Client
CMM_S_IDX_KUNNR_RNG - Index: Range structure for KUNNR
CMM_S_IDX_LIFNR_RNG - Index: Range structure for LIFNR
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DATA - Index: Data part for key object
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DOC_CAT_RNG - Index: Range structure for document category
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DOC_TYPE_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_DOC_TYPE
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_ID
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_ITEM_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_ITEM
CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_TYPE_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_TYPE
CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA - Index: Organizational Data
CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA_MM - Index: Organizational Data MM
CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA_SD - Index: Organizational Data SD
CMM_S_IDX_PK - Index: Primary Key
CMM_S_IDX_PREDECESSOR - Index: Predecessor
CMM_S_IDX_RUN_FAILED_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_RUN_FAILED
CMM_S_IDX_RUN_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_RUN_ID
CMM_S_IDX_SEL_CRIT - Index: Selection criteria
CMM_S_IDX_SPART_RNG - Index: Range structure for SPART
CMM_S_IDX_START_OBJ - Index: Start Object
CMM_S_IDX_VBAK_CONDITIONS - Index: Help structure: Conditions of sales document
CMM_S_IDX_VKBUR_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKBUR
CMM_S_IDX_VKGRP_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKGRP
CMM_S_IDX_VKORG_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKORG
CMM_S_IDX_VTWEG_RNG - Index: Range structure for VTWEG
CMM_S_IDX_WORK - Index: Work structure of index table
CMM_S_TEST_MOCK_DO_PRICING - CMM Test Objects: Mocking Structure for DO_PRICING
ROXEBJ0108 - MtM Condition Group
ROXEBJ0114 - Generated Table for View
WB2B_CMM_MTM_EXTR_TC - MtM Extractor Structure for Trading Contract
WB2B_CMM_MTM_EXTR_TC_GENEXT_MA - Substr. in TC Extractor for Generic Del. in BWA/ESH Index