SAP Tables | Logistics - General | Batches SAP LO

SAP LO Batches Tables (LO-BM)

SAP Batches Tables LO-BM

/GBTINT/EVCON - GBT: Connectors per Event
/GBTINT/EVENT - GBT: Collection of Tracking Events for GBT
/GBTINT/EVHUS - GBT: Snapshot of Handling Units related to Material Document
/GBTINT/EVTIE - GBT: Event tie
/GBTINT/EV_PREG - GBT: Registered Plants for collecting Events
/GBTINT/S_ADR_KEY - External Address key (see structure BAPI4001_1)
/GBTINT/S_ADR_TYPE1_RFC - Address type 1 in BAPI structure with object key
/GBTINT/S_BAPIAD1VL - GBT: Address type 1 distribution structure used in RFC
/GBTINT/S_BATCH_KEY - GBT: Transfer structure for batch master key fields
/GBTINT/S_BAT_STOCK_KEY - Batch Stock key
/GBTINT/S_DLVY_DATA_RFC - Communication structure for delivery
/GBTINT/S_DLVY_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for delivery header
/GBTINT/S_DLVY_ITM_RFC - Communication structure for delivery item
/GBTINT/S_DLVY_KEY_RFC - Communication key structure for delivery
/GBTINT/S_EVCON - GBT: Connectors per Event
/GBTINT/S_EVENT - GBT: Tracking Event for GBT
/GBTINT/S_EVENT_ACTION - GBT: Event Key and Action Code
/GBTINT/S_EVENT_KEY - GBT: Tracking Event Key

/GBTINT/S_HUMSEG_DATA_RFC - Communication Structure for HUMSEG plus HU Content
/GBTINT/S_HUMSEG_RFC - Communication struct. for linked Mat.Doc. Item - HU Item
/GBTINT/S_HU_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for Handling Unit Header
/GBTINT/S_HU_ITM_RFC - Communication structure for Handling Unit Item
/GBTINT/S_HU_TRC_RFC - Communication structure for HUs as Tracked Object Node
/GBTINT/S_MDOC_DATA_RFC - Communication Structure for object Material Document
/GBTINT/S_MDOC_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for material document header
/GBTINT/S_MDOC_ITM_RFC - Communication structure for material document item
/GBTINT/S_MDOC_KEY_RFC - Communication key structure for material document
/GBTINT/S_OBJ_FROM_TO - GBT: Object Relation
/GBTINT/S_OBJ_INFO - Object Info
/GBTINT/S_PLANT_ADREDI - Plant data plus Address in IDOC format
/GBTINT/S_PLANT_DATA - Plant data (without werks and adrnr)
/GBTINT/S_PLANT_KEY - Plant Key Structure
/GBTINT/S_PORD_DATA_RFC - Communication Structure for production order
/GBTINT/S_PORD_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for production order header
/GBTINT/S_PORD_KEY_RFC - Communication structure for production order key
/GBTINT/S_PURI_DATA_RFC - Communication structure for purchase order
/GBTINT/S_PURI_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for purchase order header
/GBTINT/S_PURI_ITM_RFC - Communication structure for purchase order item
/GBTINT/S_PURI_KEY_RFC - Communication key structure for material document
/GBTINT/S_REG_ADMIN - Admin data for registration tables
/GBTINT/S_SALO_DATA_RFC - Communication structure for sales order
/GBTINT/S_SALO_HDR_RFC - Communication structure for sales order header
/GBTINT/S_SALO_ITM_RFC - Communication structure for sales order item
/GBTINT/S_SALO_KEY_RFC - Communication key structure for sales order item
/GBTINT/S_STGE_LOC - Storage Location
/GBTINT/S_STGE_LOC_ADREDI - Storage Location and Address in IDOC format
/GBTINT/S_STGE_LOC_DATA - Storage Location data (without key and ADNR)
/GBTINT/S_STGE_LOC_KEY - Storage Location Key Structure
/GBTINT/S_STOCK - Stock info
ALE_BATCHES_RECP - Received Batches
ALE_DWM_EXCL_USR - USER to be excluded in connection with dec. WM

ALE_MCHA_OBJECT - Batches to be distributed from dec. WM
ALV_TREE_CHVW - Field Catalog for Display of Batch Where-Used List
BAPIBATCHATT - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Attribute
BAPIBATCHATTX - BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Attribute
BAPIBATCHCTRL - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Check Parameters
BAPIBATCHKEY - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Key Field
BAPIBATCHSTATUS - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Status
BAPIBATCHSTATUSX - BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Status
BAPIBATCHSTOLOC - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Storage Location
BAPIBNCOM - BAPI Batch Number Assignment Communication Record SAP Area
BAPIBNCOMZ - BAPI Batch No. Assignment Communication Record Customer Area
BAPI_BMUOM_ALT_UOM - Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Units of Measure
BAPI_BMUOM_ALT_UOMX - Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Un - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of Proportion Units and Product Units
BAPI_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTESX - Attributes of Prop. and Product Units - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_CHANGEPOINTER_SEL - Parameters for Selecting Change Pointers
BAPI_BMUOM_DATA - Help Fields for the Batch-Specific Unit of Measure Parameter
BAPI_BMUOM_KEY - Transfer Structure f. Proportion/Product Un - Key Fields -
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATA - Material Data Relevant to Batch-Specific Units of Measure
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATAX - Material Data for Batch-Specific UnM - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_RANGE - Selection Parameters for the Materials to be Replicated
BAPI_BMUOM_RECIPIENTS - Receiving Systems (Logical Systems)
BAPI_BMUOM_REPL_OBJECTS - Matls f. Which Batch-Specific Units of Meas. Were Replicated
BAPI_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTION - Proportion Units and Product Units: Special Functions
BAPI_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTIONX - Proportion/Product Un: Special Functions - Change Parameter
BAPI_BMUOM_UOMUSAGE_RANGE - Selection Parameters for the Type of UnM to be Replicated
BATCHDELFLG - Batch Deletion Indicator
BATCH_LOC_CHAR - Distribution of Batch Data - Local Characteristics
BDBATCH - Results Table for Batch Determination
BDCOM - Batch Determination Communication Structure
BDCOMZ - Batch Determination: Communication Block (Dialog)
BDEX_LIPS - External Object for Selection Criteria in Vendor Environment
BDINCCO - Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination CO
BDINCME - Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination MM
BDINCV - Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination SD
BDINCWM - Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination WM
BDPRT - Log for Batch Determination
BDSEL_OBJECT - Object for selection criteria in batch determination
BFCOMZ - Stock Determination: Communication Block (Dialog)

BFDOCUBATCH_RESERVATION - Assign Documentary Batch Key / Reservation REM
BICACT - Follow-On Actions in the Batch Information Cockpit
BICADD - Selection Results Batches - Enhanced Display
BICADD_ID - Selection Results Batches - IDs for the Enhanced Display
BICADD_ID_ACTION - Selection Results Batches - Actions with Info Objects
BICADD_SELOPS - Values for Free Restriction in the Batch Information Cockpit
BICBH_DATA_S - Batch History: Data structure
BICBH_S_ACTION - Batch History: Follow-Up actions
BICBH_S_BDINTF - Batch History: External BRO Types
BICBH_S_CHARG - Range of Batch
BICBH_S_FONT - Batch History - Header Font
BICBH_S_OBJINC - Batch History: Include to fill Index table using BAdI
BICBH_S_STRING - Batch History: Selection Criteria for BRO type
BICBH_S_TYPE - Structure for BICBH
BICCF - Batch Information Cockpit Control Fields
BICDFT - Functions in Batch Information Cockpit
BICKEY - Key Fields - Follow-On Actions in Batch Information Cockpit
BICMSF - Cross-Table Fields - Batch Information Cockpit
BICOF - Batch Information Cockpit Option Fields
BICST - Selection Tab Titles for Batch Information Cockpit
BICTF - Batch Information Cockpit Transaction Fields
BICUG_S - BIC - User Group
BIC_PACK - BIC: Auxiliary Structure for Numerical Characteristics
BIC_SC_DESCR - Batch Information Cockpit - Selection Criteria Description
BIC_UGT - BIC - User Group Description
BNCOM - Batch Number Allocation: Communication Block (Dialog)
BNCOM1 - Batch number assignment: communication block
BNCOMZ - Batch Mgmt Communication Record: Customer Modifications
BNMAT - Assignment of Material No.-Number Range for Batch No. Assgmt
BSKRF_ALV - Structure for ALV: Inventory Correction Factors
BWART_RANGE - Range for Movement Type
BXCOM - Communication Structure ATP Check by Characters
CDCOM - Batch / Stock Determination Communication Structure
CDSTOCK - Results Table for Batch Determination / Stock Determination
CDWBEW - Structure for Change Documents; Generated by RSSCD000
CHCDOBJ - Batch object for change documents
CHCL_MAT_ESTIM_NO - Batch Class Conversion - Number of KSSK Records per Material
CHVWSHADOW - Transfer Structure for Batch Where-Used List Display
CHVW_ALL - All Fields in the Tables CHVW and CHVW_PRE
CHVW_ARC_1 - Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Order Number
CHVW_ARC_2 - Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Purchasing Document
CHVW_ARC_3 - Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Plant, Mat., Batches
CHVW_ARC_IDX - Archive Key and Offset for Batch Where-Used Data
CHVW_EXT - Table Structure for External Batch Usage
CHVW_INC - Batch Where-Used List- N:M Assignment for Order
CHVW_INC_PUR - Batch Where-Used List - N:M Assignment Table - Purch. Order
CHVW_PRE - Preliminary Batch Where-used List According to Order/PO
CHVW_PRE_EX - Extension of Table CHVW_PRE and CHVW_WM, VFDAT + CI
CHVW_WM - Batch Where-Used List for Documentary Batches in WM
CHVW_WM_VB - CHVW_WM with Update Information
CLBATCH - Classification interface for batches
CWBEW - Structure for Change Documents; Generated by RSSCD000
DATE_RANGE - Range of dates
DFBATCH - Screen fields for batch master data transactions
DFCHVW - Screen Fields for Batch Where-Used List Transactions
DOCUBATCH_COM - Documentary Batch - Communication Structure
DOCUBATCH_COMZ - Communication Structure Docu. Batch - Customer Enhancement
DOCUBATCH_DATA_S - Documentary Batch - Data Entered
DOCUBATCH_FUNC - Documentary Batch - Global Customizing Switch
DOCUBATCH_PROCESS - Documentary Batch - Process Settings
DOCUBATCH_PROCESS_DATA - Documentary Batch - Process Settings
DOCUBATCH_PROCESS_ID_S - Documentary Batch - Structure Process ID
DOCUBATCH_PRODUCT_DATA_STY - Documentary Batch: Documentary Batch Management Requirement
DOCUBATCH_PRODUCT_KEY_STY - Structure with Key Fields Material, Plant
DOCUBATCH_SCREENFIELDS_CIDUMMY - Dummy Struct. for Implement. a CI with Dummy for Doc. Screen
DOCUBATCH_SCREEN_FIELDS - Documentary Batch - Screen Fields
DRVLOG_FIELDVAL - Derivation: Attributes and values (log file)
DRVLOG_HEADER - Derivation: Header table for log file
DRVLOG_ITEM - Derivation: Item table for log file
DRVLOG_TRAIL - Derivation: Orders / purchase orders in derivation path
DRVNO_RANGE - Derivation: Range Structure for Data Element DRVNO
DRVN_BALCONTEXT_FIELD - Derivation: Application Log Context for Attribute Key
DRVN_DATUM_RANGE - Line of Range Table for Date
DRVN_HDR - Derivation: Derivation Log Header Information
DRVN_MON - Shipping Approval: Structure of Global Table GT_MONITOR
DRVN_MSG - Derivation: Messages with ref. to derivation / charact.
DRVN_SA - Shipping/Monitor: Communication Structure for DB Selection
DRVN_SA_SPECIAL_STOCK - Batch Derivation, Overall Release: ID "Read Special Stock"
DRVN_TREE - Derivation: Structure for ALV TREE columns
DRV_COND_TREE - Derivation: ALV Tree in Condition Record Maintenance w. BOM
DRV_FAVORITES - Derivation: Favorites for Condition Record Maintenance
DRV_FAVORITES_GRID - Derivation: ALV Grid in Condition Record Maintenance w. BOM
DWBEW - Structure of table WBEW for change documents -> delete
E1BATMAS - Header segment
E1BMUMAS - Header Segment
E1BPBATCHATT - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Attribute
E1BPBATCHATTX - BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Attribute
E1BPBATCHCTRL - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Check Parameters
E1BPBATCHSTATUS - BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Status
E1BPBATCHSTATUSX - BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Status
E1BPBNCOM - BAPI Batch Number Assignment Communication Record SAP Area
E1BPBNCOMZ - BAPI Batch No. Assignment Communication Record Customer Area
E1BP_BMUOM_ALT_UOM - Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Units of Measure
E1BP_BMUOM_ALT_UOMX - Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Un - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of Proportion Units and Product Units
E1BP_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTESX - Attributes of Prop. and Product Units - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATA - Material Data Relevant to Batch-Specific Units of Measure
E1BP_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATAX - Material Data for Batch-Specific UnM - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTION - Proportion Units and Product Units: Special Functions
E1BP_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTIONX - Proportion/Product Un: Special Functions - Change Parameter
FOMCHA - ALE Filter objects for batch
ICUCH - Screen Fields for Batch Definition
ICUDRV - Derivation: Customizing Screen Fields
ISU_CHANGE_POINTERS_ANALYSE - IS Erweiterungsstruktur - Form Using Parameter
ISU_CHARGE_KLASSIFIZIEREN - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_CHARGE_KLASSIFIZIEREN_CFC - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_CLASSIFICATION_CONF_MIX - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_CLASSIFICATION_DIALOG - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_NODE_ADD_ORDER - IS Erweiterungsstruktur - Form Using Parameter
ISU_OB_NODE_ADD - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_READ_PROOB_WITH_OB - IS Erweiterungsstruktur - Form Using Parameter
ISU_REFTAB_UPDATE - IS Erweiterungsstruktur - Form Using Parameter
IWRKZ - Plants With Status Management
KOMGR - Derivation: Communication block (dialog)
KOMKR - Derivation communication block header
KOMPR - Derivation communication record item
KONDR - Conditions: Derivation strategy - data part
KONDRPR - Conditions: Derivation strategy - recipient item data
KONDRPRVB - Conditions: Derivation - update data part, item recipient
KONDRPS - Conditions: Derivation strategy - sender item data
KONDRPSVB - Conditions: Derivation - update data part, item sender
KONDRVB - Conditions: Derivation - update data part
KOTR001 - Material Number
KOTR002 - Material Type
KOTR010 - Sender Material Number
KOTR011 - Sender Material Type
KOTR012 - Receiving Material + Sending Material
KOTR013 - Receiving Material Type + Sending Material Type
LINE_ID_RESERVATION_MAP - Assign Inventory Management LINE_ID/Reservation
LOBM_BATCH_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION - BatchChangeConfirmation_sync
LOBM_BATCH_CREATE_CONFIRMATION - BatchCreateConfirmation_sync
LOBM_BATCH_ERPSIMPLE_BY_HANDL1 - BatchERPSimpleByHandlingUnitQuery_sync
LOBM_BATCH_ERPSIMPLE_BY_HANDLI - BatchERPSimpleByHandlingUnitResponse_sync
LOBM_BATCH_PLANT_ASSIGNMENT_C1 - BatchPlantAssignmentCreateConfirmation_sync
LOBM_BATCH_PLANT_ASSIGNMENT_C2 - BatchPlantAssignmentChangeConfirmation_sync
LOBM_BATCH_PLANT_ASSIGNMENT_CH - BatchPlantAssignmentChangeRequest_sync
LOBM_BATCH_PLANT_ASSIGNMENT_CR - BatchPlantAssignmentCreateRequest_sync
LOBM_BATCH_SIMPLE_BY_ELEMENTS - BatchSimpleByElementsResponse_sync
LOBM_BATCH_SIMPLE_BY_ELEMENTS1 - BatchSimpleByElementsQuery_sync
LOBM_BGR_PRED_BY_BATCH_QUERY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
LOBM_BGR_PRED_BY_BATCH_RP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
LOBM_BGR_SUCC_BY_BATCH_QUERY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
LOBM_BGR_SUCC_BY_BATCH_RP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
MAKT_EXT - Structure for Transferring Material Short Texts
MBCFC003 - Communication Structure Batch Maste Data EXIT_SAPMM07M_003
MCH1_KEY - Key Fields of the Table MCH1
MCHA_DIST_RELEVANT - Batch Master Fields Relevant for Distribution and Decoupling
MCHA_KEY - Key Fields of Table MCHA
MCHA_WL_KEY - Key Fields for Batch Worklist
MCHA_WL_WTASK - Batch Worklist - Work Tasks
MCHB_KEY - Key for Table MCHB
MCHCL - Batch Class Conversion
MCHCL_MAT - Materials for Batch Class Conversion
MCHUWL - User-Specific Batch Worklist
MCHUWT - Assignment of User to Batch Worklist Type
MCHWT - Batch Worklist Types
MCHWTT - Batch Worklist Type Texts
MCHX_BINCO - Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit Master
MCHX_BINCO_AF - Additional Fields for Batch Information Cockpit
MCHX_BINCO_BADI - Batch Information Cockpit - Additional Fields for BAdi
MCHX_BINCO_CL - Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit Classification
MCHX_BINCO_ST - Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit - Stock View
MCHX_BINCO_STOCK - Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit - Stock View
MCHX_ITEM - Tree Control Item for Batches
MCHX_TREE - Structure for Display of Batch Data as Tree
MCH_PUR_TEMP - Assignment of Temporary Batch and Vendor Batch
MKOL_KEY - Key for Table MCHB
MOB01 - Dialog Structure: Original Batch
MOBCTRL1 - Dialog Structure: Table Control MOB1/MOB2
MOBPRO1 - Original Batch: Fields with Reference to Production Order
MOBPRO2 - Dialog Structure: Original Batch
MOBPUR - Original Batch: Fields with Reference to Purchase Order
MWS_CHAR - Characts for prop./prod. units (with attributes and value)
MWS_MESS - Messages for proportion/product units
MWS_UNITS - Proportion Units/Product Units
PRDKZ - SLED Period Indicator
PRDKZT - Language-dependent texts for SLED period indicator
PROOB - Original Batch for Production Order
PROT_AU - Structure for CHVW Records with Reference to Order
PROT_BS - Structure for CHVW Records with Reference to Purchase Order
PROT_CH - Structure for CHVW Records with Reference to Batch
PUROB - Original Batch for Purchase Order
R000 - Condition table for derivation strategy R
RV01F - Dialog Structure for Batch Determination
RV13H - Work Fields for SAPMV13H
RV13R - Help fields for SAPMV13R
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_BY_BATCH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_BY_BATCH_QU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_BY_BATCH_RP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_GM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_SEL_BAT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_SEL_POST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_PRED_SHIP_FR_LOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_BY_BATCH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_BY_BATCH_QU - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_BY_BATCH_RP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_GM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_PRODUCT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_SEL_BAT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_SEL_POST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_BGR_SUCC_SHIP_TO_LOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SMEINH_WS - Dialog structure for proportion / product units
SMEINH_WSSFN - Transferring proportion/product units: special functions
SMEINH_WSSFNX - Prop./prod. unit: special functions - checkbox structure -
SMEINH_WSUEB - Transfer structure for proportion/product units
SMEINH_WSUEBX - Prop./prod. unit data transfer - checkbox structure -
SMEINH_WSUNIT - List of Alternative Units of Measure for a Material
SMEINH_WSUPD - Transfer structure for proportion/product units
SMEINH_WSUPDX - Prop./prod. unit data transfer - checkbox structure -
T148Z - Value table for domain ZUSCH (deactivated)
T148ZT - Text table for value table T148Z (deactivated)
T160MVAL - Message category restriction for T160M
T685H - Conditions: Batches => Default Values
T685R - Conditions: Derivation => default values
TBICACT - Follow-On Actions in the Batch Information Cockpit
TBICACTT - Follow-Up Actions in Batch Information Cockpit: Texts
TBICACTU - Assign User Group to Follow-Up Actions: BIC
TBICBRO - BIC - Tables: Batch-Related Objects
TBICBROF - BIC - Display Fields: Batch-Related Objects
TBICBROU - BIC - Assignment Tables/User Group: Batch-Related Objects
TBICCF - Selection Fields in BIC - Conversion for Aggregation
TBICF - Selection Fields for Batch Information Cockpit - Standard -
TBICFM - Cross-Table Selection Fields from BIC
TBICFT - Texts Selection Fields Batch Information Cockpit
TBICFU - Selection Fields for Batch Information Cockpit
TBICS - Selection Tab Titles for Batch Info. Cockpit - Standard -
TBICSEL - Selection Enhancement in the Batch Information Cockpit
TBICSELT - Enhanced Selections in Batch Information Cockpit Texts
TBICSELU - Assign User Group to Enhanced Selection: BIC
TBICST - Texts for BIC Selection Tab Titles - Standard -
TBICSU - Selection Tab Titles for Batch Information Cockpit
TBICSUT - Texts for Batch Information Cockpit Selection Tab Titles
TBICUG - Batch Information Cockpit User Groups
TBICUGT - Texts for Batch Information Cockpit User Groups
TBIC_SC - BIC - Selection Variants: Header Data
TBIC_SCT - Batch Information Cockpit - Selection Criteria Texts
TBIC_SC_PA - BIC - Selection Variants: Parameters
TBIC_SC_ROW - BIC - Selection Variants: Free Selection
TBIC_SC_SO - BIC - Selection Variants: Select Options
TCB03_BM - Internal Characteristic Numbers for PP-PI Characteristics
TCHW1 - Batch-Specific Units of Measure (Proportion/Product Un)
TCHW2 - Units of Measurement for Batch-Specific Units of Measure
TCUBN - Customizing: Automatic Batch Number Assignment
TCUCD - Customizing for Batch Documents for Rel. 4.6C
TCUCH - Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0
TCUDB - Customizing Documentary Batch
TCUDB_APPL_PROC - Documentary Batch - Application: Supported Processed
TCUDB_PROCESS - Documentary Batch Settings - Manaual Process Steps
TCUDB_PRODUCT - Documentary Batch - Product (Material Type)
TCUDRV - Customizing: Batch Derivation
TCUWS - Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0
TDRVEV - Search Procedures per Derivation Time Point
TFSBD - Sequence of Procedure for Batch Determination
TOBJ_C_ATTRIB - Attributes for BRO Type
TOBJ_C_EVENT - Events for BRO Type
TOBJ_C_EVENTT - Events for Object Type : Texts
TOBJ_C_TYPE - Batch History: Batch-Related Object Types
TOBJ_C_TYPET - Object Types for Batch History Selection Tab : Texts
TOBJ_C_TYPEU - Assign User Group to BRO Types
TOBJ_D_ARC - Batch History: Archiving Batch History
TOBJ_D_HIST - Storing last update: Date and Time for each Object Type
TOBJ_D_INDEX - Index Table - Batch-Related Object Types
TOBJ_D_INDEX_ARC - Batch History: Atchive Index - Batch History by Batch
TOBJ_D_UPLOAD - Table to store Plant and Material relevant to Batch History
TVBX_CBATP - Tax Table of Materials for Characteristic-Based ATP
TVBX_MAT_CBATP - Tax Table of Materials for Characteristic-Based ATP
UPDMCHA - Change indicator for batches
V01CWS - Dialog structure AI management
V01FDK - Dialog Structure for Batch Determination Header/Footer Info
V01FDP - Dialog Structure for Batch Determination Item Information
VBHT_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes of Object/Event
VBHT_INDEX_FIELDS - Batch History: Index Table Fields
VBPI_BM_BATCH - Key and Original System of a Batch
VBW_BATCHES_DIST - Batch Distribution into Logical Systems
VBW_BATCHES_RECV - Batch Distribution into a Logical System
VBX_ATNAM - Internal/External Characteristics
VBX_AUSP - Internal Classification Data
VBX_BDINT - VBX: Internal Selection Data for Header
VBX_CBATP_MATERIAL - Activate/Deactivate Characteristic-Based ATP for Materials
VBX_S_DATA - BAPI Transfer Structure Selection Data for APO (CIF_VBXSDA)
VBX_S_HEAD - BAPI Transfer Structure Selection Header APO (CIF_VBXSHE)
WBEW - Active Ingredient Valuation

SAP Active Ingredient Management Tables LO-BM-AI

TCUWS_APO - Batch Management Proportion/Product Units & APO
TCUWS_MAT_APO - Materials Batch-Specific Unit of Measure Planning & APO
VBWS_APO_MAT - Maintenance-Relev. Fields for Active Ingrd. Planned Mats APO
VBWS_APO_UPDATE_OBJECT_4_BATCH - Updating Objects with Batch Relevance in APO

SAP Integration Tables LO-BM-INT

BATCH_KEY - Key Fields of Table MCHA