SAP Tables | Logistics Execution | Logistics Execution SAP LE

SAP LE Logistics Execution Tables (LE)

SAP Logistics Execution Tables LE

/DSD/PE_ACCESSH - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Access'
/DSD/PE_ACCESSI - Pricing: Item structure of SyncBO 'Access'
/DSD/PE_ACCESSSEQ - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Acc. Sep'
/DSD/PE_APPFLDS - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'App. Field'
/DSD/PE_ASSIGN - Pricing: Key Assignment for Getting Condition Records
/DSD/PE_ATTRIBUTE - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'App. Field'
/DSD/PE_ATTRMAP - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Attr. Map'
/DSD/PE_CNDRCDH - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Cnd. Rcd Ctl'
/DSD/PE_CNDRCDH_ITM - Pricing: Item structure of SyncBO 'Cnd. Rcd Ctl'
/DSD/PE_CNDRCDI - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Cnd. Rcd Dat'
/DSD/PE_CNDRCDI_QNT - Pricing: Item structure(Qt) of SyncBO 'Cnd. Rcd D'
/DSD/PE_CNDRCDI_VAL - Pricing: Item structure(Vl) of SyncBO 'Cnd. Rcd D'
/DSD/PE_CNDRDH - Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Control Info.
/DSD/PE_CNDRDI - Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Item Info.
/DSD/PE_CNDRDILM - Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Item Info.
/DSD/PE_CNDRDQ - Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Quan. Scale
/DSD/PE_CNDRDV - Pricing: Retrieved Condition Records - Value Scale
/DSD/PE_CNDTYP_LIM - Limits for Condition Types
/DSD/PE_CONDITIONTYPE - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Condition Tp'
/DSD/PE_CONDTABH - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Cond. Tbl'

/DSD/PE_CONDTABI - Pricing: Item structure of SyncBO 'Cond. Tbl'
/DSD/PE_CONFIG - Pricing: Configuration
/DSD/PE_CONVFACT - Pricing: Conversion factors
/DSD/PE_CONVFACTOR - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Conv. Factor'
/DSD/PE_CONVFACTOR_CV - Pricing: to convert date type
/DSD/PE_CURRENCYLENGTH - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Currency Len'
/DSD/PE_CURRENCYUNIT - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Currency Uni'
/DSD/PE_CUST_LT - Pricing: customer list
/DSD/PE_DATE_LT - Pricing: Date List
/DSD/PE_DIMENSION - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Dimension'
/DSD/PE_DOC_CR_DATE - Pricing: documents creation date
/DSD/PE_EMUCURRENCYUNIT - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'EMU C. Unit'
/DSD/PE_ENHANCEMENT - Pricing: structure for enhancement
/DSD/PE_EUROKEY - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Euro Keys'
/DSD/PE_EXCHANGERATE - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Exch. Rate'
/DSD/PE_EXCHANGERATETYPE - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Ex.Rate Type'
/DSD/PE_EXCHANGERATE_CV - Pricing: to convert date type
/DSD/PE_EXCHRATE - Pricing: Exchange rates
/DSD/PE_EXTPHYSI - Header structure of SyncBO 'Ext. Phy. U.' for pricing engi
/DSD/PE_EXTPHYSICALUNIT - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Ext. Phy. U.'
/DSD/PE_KALSM - Pricing: Pricing Step Used Key
/DSD/PE_MAT_LT - Pricing: material list
/DSD/PE_MEKEY - Pricing: Import Key - Internal Key Mapping
/DSD/PE_NOTATION - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Notation'
/DSD/PE_NOTATIONPREFIX - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Notation Pre'
/DSD/PE_NOTATION_CV - Pricing: to convert date type for 'Notation'
/DSD/PE_PHYSICAL - Header structure of SyncBO 'PhysicalUnit' for pricing engi
/DSD/PE_PHYSICALUNIT - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'PhysicalUnit'
/DSD/PE_PRCATTR - DSD Pricing Attributes Caching
/DSD/PE_PRCCNDREC - Pricing Condition Buffer Records
/DSD/PE_PRCCNDREC_Q - Pricing Condition Records Quantity Scale Values
/DSD/PE_PRCCNDREC_V - Pricing Condition Records Value Scale Values
/DSD/PE_PRICINGSTEP - Pricing: Header structure of SyncBO 'Pricing Step'
/DSD/PE_PROCE - Pricing: Sales Area dependant Pricing Procedure
/DSD/PE_UOM_LT - Pricing: UOM List
/KYK/SLS_LIST_DELIVERIES_OUT - Output for deliveries
/KYK/SLS_LIST_ORDERS_OUT - Create deliveries: Output Structure for POWL Tool
BAPIDLVHDUNREHANG - Copy Handling Unit into Delivery
ISC_WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE - IS Extension Structure - FB changing parameter


SAP Direct Store Delivery Tables LE-DSD

/DSD/C_OC_PRCDEF - Def. of Sales Doc. Type & Item Usage for Price Determination
/DSD/DX_CARCH - DEX Customizing - Residence time for archiving
/DSD/DX_CDTEL - DEX Customizing - Data elements
/DSD/DX_CDTEL_T - DEX Customizing - Data elements (text table)
/DSD/DX_CFIXVA - DEX Customizing - Fixed values
/DSD/DX_CFIXVA_T - DEX Customizing - Fixed values (text table)
/DSD/DX_CPRTFORM - DEX Customizing - PDF form name
/DSD/DX_CSEGM - DEX Customizing - Used segments
/DSD/DX_CSEGM_T - DEX Customizing - Used segments (text table)
/DSD/DX_CSTRUC - DEX Customizing - Structures of DEX/UCS segments
/DSD/DX_CSTRUC_T - DEX Customizing - Structures of segments (text table)
/DSD/DX_CVERS - DEX Customizing - Version
/DSD/DX_CVERSEG - DEX Customizing - Version
/DSD/DX_CVERS_T - DEX Customizing - Version (text table)
/DSD/DX_DETAIL_PARSED_DATA - Display Detail of parsed DEX data
/DSD/DX_DEX_HD - DEX header
/DSD/DX_DTEL - DEX Dataelements
/DSD/DX_DTEL_FIX_VAL - DEX Dataelements fix values
/DSD/DX_HD - DEX Stream Header (backend)
/DSD/DX_IT - DEX Stream Segments (backend)
/DSD/DX_RA_TOURID - DSD - TourID value range
/DSD/HH_E1KNVV01 - Customer Master KNVV Supplements
/DSD/HH_E1MVKE01 - Material Master MVKE Supplements

SAP Handheld Connectivity Tables LE-DSD-DC

/DSD/PR_ASGN - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Assignment
/DSD/PR_ASGN_S - MDSD Promotions - Customer Promotion Matrix
/DSD/PR_CUFC - MDSD Promotions - Field Selection
/DSD/PR_CUST - MDSD Promotions - General Settings
/DSD/PR_CUSTOMER - MDSD Promotions - List of Customers
/DSD/PR_CUTP - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Types
/DSD/PR_CUTPT - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Types Description
/DSD/PR_FBAM - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts
/DSD/PR_FBAM_S - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts interface structure
/DSD/PR_FBFG - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods
/DSD/PR_FBFG_S - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods interface structure
/DSD/PR_HEAD - MDSD Promotion - Promotion Header
/DSD/PR_HEADER_S - MDSD Promotions - Header Output

/DSD/PR_HEAD_T - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Description
/DSD/PR_ITEM_S - MDSD Promotions - Item Output
/DSD/PR_PCLN - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Precondition
/DSD/PR_RESULT_S - MDSD Promotions - Result Output
/DSD/PR_RSAM - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result Amounts
/DSD/PR_RSFG - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result Free Goods

SAP DSD Connector Tables LE-DSD-DC-CN

/DSD/BAPIRATOURTIME2 - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/ME_ACT2RFC - DSD Connector: Determine RFC Destination
/DSD/ME_ATP_RESULT_S - DSD: Result of ATP Check
/DSD/ME_CHG_RSN - DSD CN: Reasons for Changing Deliveries and Orders
/DSD/ME_CHG_RSNT - DSD CN: Description of Reasons for Delivery Changes
/DSD/ME_CLR_HD - DSD CN: Clearing header data
/DSD/ME_CLR_HEADER - DSD Connector: Clearing header table
/DSD/ME_CNDLE - DSD Connector: Table Listing/Exclusion Conditions
/DSD/ME_CND_LE - DSD Connector: Structure Listing/Exclusion Conditions
/DSD/ME_CND_PROM - MDSD Promotions - condition types for discounts
/DSD/ME_CND_TYPE - Condition types manual discount
/DSD/ME_CND_T_T - Condition types manual discount
/DSD/ME_COCI_010 - DSD Connector: COCI item table - 010
/DSD/ME_COCI_020 - DSD Connector: COCI item table - 020
/DSD/ME_COCI_HD - DSD CN: Check-out Check-in Header Data
/DSD/ME_COCI_HEADER - DSD CoCi Header (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_COCI_ITEM - DSD Connector: Check in Check Out Item
/DSD/ME_COCI_ITM - DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In Items
/DSD/ME_COCI_PAY - DSD CN: Check-Out Check-In Payments
/DSD/ME_COCI_PAYM - DSD Connector: Check in Check Out Payment
/DSD/ME_COCI_RST - DSD CN: Reasons for Differences
/DSD/ME_COCKPIT_ASSIGN - Assignment of driver/vehicle to ME user
/DSD/ME_CONTACT - DSD Connector: Contact Person
/DSD/ME_CONTAINER - Mobile DSD: Structure of Synchronization Container
/DSD/ME_CPT_GRP - DSD CN: Groups for Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_CPT_GRPT - DSD CN: Mobile Device Group Description
/DSD/ME_CPT_MEREP_CONVIDS - ME GET Conversation ID Structure
/DSD/ME_CPT_MEREP_CONVIDS_2 - ME GET Conversation ID Structure with ME-ID
/DSD/ME_CPT_MEST - DSD CN: Mobile Engine Server
/DSD/ME_CPT_MESV - DSD CN: Mobile Engine Server Destination
/DSD/ME_CREDIT - DSD Connector: Credit data
/DSD/ME_CREDIT_HEADER - DSD Connector: Credit header structure
/DSD/ME_CREDIT_ITEM - DSD Connector: Credit item structure
/DSD/ME_CUSTCPD_HEADER - DSD Connector: CPD Customer header table
/DSD/ME_CUSTKEY - DSD CN: Parameter for General Settings of Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_CUSTKEYT - DSD CN: Parameter Descr. for General Settings of Mobile Dev.
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMER_HEADER - Mobile DSD: Customer Header structure
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMER_ITEM - Mobile DSD: Customer Item structure
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMER_SA - Mobile DSD: Customer Sales area structure
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMIZING_HEADER - DSD Connector: Customizing header table
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMIZING_ITEM - DSD Connector: Customizing Item
/DSD/ME_CUST_CPD - DSD CN: One-time Customer
/DSD/ME_CUST_HD - DSD CN: Customer Details
/DSD/ME_CUST_SA - DSD CN: Sales area dependent customer master data
/DSD/ME_DB_ACCESS_LIST - DSD Connector: Database - Access List
/DSD/ME_DDR_BAK - DSD Connector: Backup Table for Data Readiness
/DSD/ME_DDR_RSET - DSD Connector: Data Reset
/DSD/ME_DDR_STAT - DSD Connector: Data Readiness
/DSD/ME_DEBUG_UP - DSD CN: Activation to keep upl. data in CN tables for debug
/DSD/ME_DELIVERY_010 - DSD Connector : Devliery Item 010
/DSD/ME_DELIVERY_COND - Pricing: Upload manual discount condition for deliveries
/DSD/ME_DELIVERY_HEADER - DSD Delivery Header TOP (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_DELV_LFT - DSD CN: Assignm. of Delivery Types to DSD Delivery Scenarios
/DSD/ME_DEL_CND - Pricing: Manual discount condition for deliveries
/DSD/ME_DEL_HD - DSD CN: Delivery Header Data
/DSD/ME_DEL_ITM - DSD CN: Delivery Items
/DSD/ME_DISCREP_ITM - Reload: List of Discrepancies
/DSD/ME_DOCMASK - DSD CN: Document Numbering
/DSD/ME_DOC_TYPE_LE - DSD Connector: Structure Listing/Exclusion Document Type
/DSD/ME_DRIVER_REPLI - Replicated driver master data from DSD backend
/DSD/ME_DUMP_DETAILS - Data Output for DSD Connector Dump Analysis
/DSD/ME_DX_HD - DSD CN: DEX Header Interface structure
/DSD/ME_DX_ITM - DSD CN: DEX Item Interface structure
/DSD/ME_DX_PQU - DSD-CN: Mapping EAN-Category to DEX Product Qualifier
/DSD/ME_DX_UOM - DSD-CN: Mapping UoM from ISO-Code to DEX Code
/DSD/ME_EM_TXT - DSD Connector: Character 255
/DSD/ME_ENHANCEMENT - DSD Connector: Customer Enhancement structure
/DSD/ME_ES_CANC - DSD CN: Define Settings for Canc./Chang. Signed Documents
/DSD/ME_ES_CUST - DSD CN: Assign signer role and sequence to documents
/DSD/ME_ES_HD - DSD CN: Signatures Header Data
/DSD/ME_ES_HD_S - MDSD signatures header
/DSD/ME_ES_ITM - DSD CN: Signatures Item Data
/DSD/ME_ES_ITM_S - MDSD signature item
/DSD/ME_EXPS_HD - DSD CN: Driver Expenditure
/DSD/ME_EXPS_HEADER - DSD Connector: Expense header table
/DSD/ME_EXPTYPE - DSD CN: Expense Types
/DSD/ME_GEN_CUST - DSD CN: General Setting for Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_IDOCLOG - DSD Connector: IDoc Log
/DSD/ME_IDOC_STATUS - DSD Connector: IDoc Status in Download Dispatcher
/DSD/ME_INVENTORY_HEADER - DSD CN: Inventory Header Data
/DSD/ME_INVOICE_010 - DSD Connector: Invoice Item Structure 010
/DSD/ME_INVOICE_HEADER - DSD Invoice Header TOP (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_INVT_HD - DSD CN: Stock header data
/DSD/ME_INV_HD - DSD CN: Billing Doc. Header Data
/DSD/ME_INV_ITM - DSD CN: Billing Doc. Items
/DSD/ME_LC_CG_LEV_S - DSD Connector: Counting Group UoM Level
/DSD/ME_LC_CG_S - DSD Conector: Loading Confirm. data on Counting Group Level
/DSD/ME_LC_HD_S - DSD Connector: Loading Confirmation Header
/DSD/ME_LC_MAT_S - DSD Connector: Loading Confirmation data on Material Level
/DSD/ME_LC_SEALNO_S - DSD Conector: Loading Confirmation Sealing Numbers
/DSD/ME_LOG_CTRL - DSD Connector: Control of Appl.Log and Monitor Entries
/DSD/ME_MAP_FM - DSD-Connector: Function Modules for Mapping (Value Table)
/DSD/ME_MAP_RULE - DSD-Connector: Define Mapping Rules
/DSD/ME_MATERIAL_HEADER - DSD Connector: Material Header
/DSD/ME_MATERIAL_LNK - DSD Connector: Link
/DSD/ME_MATERIAL_SOR - DSD Connector: Material SOR
/DSD/ME_MATERIAL_UOM - DSD Connector: Material UOM
/DSD/ME_MAT_CG_S - DSD Connector: Assignment of Material to Counting Group
/DSD/ME_MAT_DESC - DSD CN: Material descriptions
/DSD/ME_MAT_HD - DSD CN: Material Data for Downloading to HH
/DSD/ME_MAT_LIST_ATP_PRICE_S - DSD: List of Materials for ATP Check and Price Determination
/DSD/ME_MAT_LNK - DSD CN: Link Table Material for Empties
/DSD/ME_MAT_SOR - DSD CN: Material Sales Organization Data
/DSD/ME_MAT_TYPE - DSD CN: Material Types
/DSD/ME_MAT_UOM - DSD CN: Material Alternative Units of Measure
/DSD/ME_MSGT2OBJ - DSD CN: Assignment Message Types to MDE Object
/DSD/ME_MSG_CUST - DSD Connector: Definitions of Driver Messages
/DSD/ME_MSG_HD - DSD CN: Message header data
/DSD/ME_MSG_HEADER - DSD Message Header TOP (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_NUMBER_S - DSD Connector: Number Ranges
/DSD/ME_NUM_MAPP - DSD Connector: Document Numbering Mapping
/DSD/ME_NUM_PREF - DSD Connector: Document Numbering Prefix
/DSD/ME_NUM_TRAN - DSD Connector: Document Numering Last Number
/DSD/ME_OBJECT - DSD Connector: Connectivity Objects
/DSD/ME_OBJECTT - DSD CN: Objects in the MDE
/DSD/ME_OBJECT_DATA_S - DSD Connector: Object Data in Mapping
/DSD/ME_OBJ_FM - DSD Connector: Function Modules for Mapping
/DSD/ME_OI_DOC - DSD CN: Assingment of Document Types as Open Item Doc. Types
/DSD/ME_OI_INV - DSD CN: Assign Invoice Types as Open Item Select. Criterias
/DSD/ME_OPIM_HD - DSD CN: Open Items header data
/DSD/ME_OPITM_HEADER - DSD Connector: Open item header structure
/DSD/ME_ORDER_010 - DSD Connector: Order Item Structure 010
/DSD/ME_ORDER_COND - Pricing: Upload manual discount condition for orders
/DSD/ME_ORDER_HEADER - DSD Order Header TOP (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_ORD_AUT - DSD CN: Assignm. of Sales Doc. Types to DSD Order Scenarios
/DSD/ME_ORD_CND - Pricing: Manual discount condition for orders
/DSD/ME_ORD_HD - DSD CN: Order Header Data
/DSD/ME_ORD_ITM - DSD Connector: Order Items
/DSD/ME_PASSWORD_HEADER - DSD Connector: Password header table
/DSD/ME_PAYMENT - DSD CN: Payment Method
/DSD/ME_PAYMENTT - DSD CN: Description of Payment Method
/DSD/ME_PAYM_HD - DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from Customer
/DSD/ME_PAYM_HEADER - DSD Connector: Payment Header
/DSD/ME_PAY_TYPT - DSD CN: Accepted Payment / Credit Cards in DSD
/DSD/ME_PE_CUST_LT - Pricing: customer list
/DSD/ME_PE_DATE_LT - Pricing: Date List
/DSD/ME_PE_DATE_LT_CV - Pricing: date list - converted from date to inverted
/DSD/ME_PE_MAT_LT - Pricing: material list
/DSD/ME_PE_UOM_LT - Pricing: UOM List
/DSD/ME_PRICE_MAN_COND_S - DSD: Manual Pricing Conditions for Pricing Determination
/DSD/ME_PRICING_RESULT_S - DSD: Result of Pricing Determination
/DSD/ME_PROCSTAT - DSD Connector: Status Records for Download and Upload
/DSD/ME_PROD_HRY - DSD CN: Product Hierarchy
/DSD/ME_PRO_FBAM - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts in Connector
/DSD/ME_PRO_FBFG - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods in Connector
/DSD/ME_PR_ASGN - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Assignment
/DSD/ME_PR_FBAM - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Amounts
/DSD/ME_PR_FBFG - MDSD Promotions - Feedback Free Goods
/DSD/ME_PR_HEAD - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Header
/DSD/ME_PR_PCLN - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Precondition
/DSD/ME_PR_RSAM - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result Amounts
/DSD/ME_PR_RSFG - MDSD Promotions - Promotion Result Free Goods
/DSD/ME_PWD_HEADER - DSD Connector: Password Header
/DSD/ME_RECEIVER_GEN - Replication of Receiver Generation object
/DSD/ME_REGION_HEADER - DSD Connector: Region Header structure
/DSD/ME_REVN_HD - DSD CN: Payments or Cash Collection received from Customer
/DSD/ME_RE_UNLOAD_HD - Reload Header
/DSD/ME_ROLE - DSD CN: Role for Mobile Devices, group specific
/DSD/ME_ROLET - DSD CN: Description of DSD Role for Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_ROLE_GRP - DSD CN: Assignment of roles to a group of devices
/DSD/ME_RPL_STAT - DSD Connector: Replication Result
/DSD/ME_SELTAB_S - DSD Connector: Selection Structure for Database Access
/DSD/ME_SYNCBOLIST - DSD Connector: SyncBO List
/DSD/ME_TEXT_VALUE - DSD Connector: text value
/DSD/ME_TOUR_ACCESS_LIST - DSD Connector: Database - Access List
/DSD/ME_TOUR_HD - DSD CN: Tour Header Data
/DSD/ME_TOUR_HEADER - DSD Tour Header TOP (with ChannelID)
/DSD/ME_TOUR_SCN - Tour Scenario Settings for Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_TOUR_SHP - DSD CN: Assignment of Shipment Types to DSD Tour Scenarios
/DSD/ME_TRANS - DSD Connector: Transaction Management with Mobile Devices
/DSD/ME_TRANS_FS - DSD Connector: Transmission - Permitted Follow-On Statistics
/DSD/ME_TRANS_HD - DSD Connector: Administration of the Transmission
/DSD/ME_TRANS_S - DSD Connector: Transmission Management (Data Part)
/DSD/ME_TRANS_T51 - DSD Connector: Transaction Management Interface Structure
/DSD/ME_UPDGENERALHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement Header data
/DSD/ME_UPDRACLEARING - DSD Connector: Route settlement clearing
/DSD/ME_UPDRACOCIHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement COCI header
/DSD/ME_UPDRACOCIITM - DSD Connector: Route settlement COCI item
/DSD/ME_UPDRACOCIMONEYITM - DSD Connector: Route settlement COCI money item
/DSD/ME_UPDRACUSTADDR - DSD Connector: Route settlement Customer Address
/DSD/ME_UPDRACUSTHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement Sales Call Header
/DSD/ME_UPDRADELIVERYCOND - DSD Connector: Route settlement delivery conditions
/DSD/ME_UPDRADELIVERYHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement outbound delivery header
/DSD/ME_UPDRADELIVERYITM - DSD Connector: Route settlement delivery item
/DSD/ME_UPDRAENCASHM - DSD Connector: Route settlement collection
/DSD/ME_UPDRAINVOICECOND - DSD Connector: Route settlement invoice condition
/DSD/ME_UPDRAINVOICEHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement invoice header
/DSD/ME_UPDRAINVOICEITM - DSD Connector: Route settlement invoice item
/DSD/ME_UPDRAINVOICEPRINT - DSD Connector: Route settlement invoice print
/DSD/ME_UPDRAORDERCOND - DSD Connector: Route settlement order condition
/DSD/ME_UPDRAORDERHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement order header
/DSD/ME_UPDRAORDERITM - DSD Conenctor: Route settlement order item
/DSD/ME_UPDRAREVEXP - DSD Connector: Route settlement Tour Receipts/Expenditure
/DSD/ME_UPDRATOURDIST - DSD Connector: Route Settlement Tour Distance
/DSD/ME_UPDRATOURTIME - DSD Connector: Route settlement tour time
/DSD/ME_UPDRATRANSMISSION - DSD Connector: Route settlement Transmission
/DSD/ME_UPDTOURHD - DSD Connector: Route settlement Tour Header
/DSD/ME_VISIT_010 - Visit (Activity) 010 structure
/DSD/ME_VISIT_HEADER - DSD Visit Header TOP (with Channel ID)
/DSD/ME_VISIT_RT - DSD CN: Visit Reason
/DSD/ME_VIST_ACT - DSD CN: Activities during the Customer Visit
/DSD/ME_VIST_HD - DSD CN: Customer Visit Header

SAP Download/Upload Tables LE-DSD-DC-DU

/DSD/BAPERACAD - Route Settlement: Customer Address
/DSD/BAPERACL - Route Settlement: Settlement
/DSD/BAPERACOCICI - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Money Item
/DSD/BAPERACOCIHD - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/BAPERACOCIMI - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Material Item
/DSD/BAPERACTR - Route Settlement: Transfer Control
/DSD/BAPERACVHD - Route Settlement: Customer Visit
/DSD/BAPERADELCD - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/BAPERADELHD - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/BAPERADELIT - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Items
/DSD/BAPERADS - Route Settlement: Tour Distance
/DSD/BAPERAEC - Route Settlement: Receipts/Expenditures
/DSD/BAPERAECA - Route Settlement: Collection Settlement
/DSD/BAPERAHD - Route Settlement: Header
/DSD/BAPERAIVHD - Route Settlement: Invoice Header
/DSD/BAPERAIVHDCD - Route Settlement: Invoice Header Conditions
/DSD/BAPERAIVIT - Route Settlement: Invoice Items
/DSD/BAPERAIVPRT - Route Settlement: Invoice Printout
/DSD/BAPERAORDERCD - Route Settlement: Orders Conditions
/DSD/BAPERAORDERHD - Route Settlement: Orders Header
/DSD/BAPERAORDERIT - Route Settlement: Orders Items
/DSD/BAPERATS - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/BAPIRACLEARING - Route Settlement: Settlement
/DSD/BAPIRACOCIHD - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/BAPIRACOCIITM - Route Settlement: Check-In Check-Out Items
/DSD/BAPIRACOCIMONEYITM - Route Settlement: Check-in Check-out Amounts Items
/DSD/BAPIRACUSTADDR - Route Settlement: Customer Address
/DSD/BAPIRACUSTHD - Route Settlement: Customer Visit Header
/DSD/BAPIRADELIVERYCOND - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/BAPIRADELIVERYHD - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/BAPIRADELIVERYITM - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Items
/DSD/BAPIRAENCASHM - Route Settlement: Collection
/DSD/BAPIRAGENERALHD - Route Settlement: Header Data
/DSD/BAPIRAINVOICECOND - Route Settlement: Invoice Conditions
/DSD/BAPIRAINVOICEHD - Route Settlement: Invoice Header
/DSD/BAPIRAINVOICEITM - Route Settlement: Invoice Items
/DSD/BAPIRAINVOICEPRINT - Route Settlement: Invoice Printout
/DSD/BAPIRAORDERCOND - Route Settlement: Order Conditions
/DSD/BAPIRAORDERHD - Route Settlement: Order Header
/DSD/BAPIRAORDERITM - Route Settlement: Order Items
/DSD/BAPIRAREVEXP - Route Settlement: Tour Receipts/Expenditures
/DSD/BAPIRATOURDIST - Route Settlement: Tour Distance
/DSD/BAPIRATOURHD - Route Settlement: Tour Header
/DSD/BAPIRATOURTIME - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/BAPIRATRANSMISSION - Route Settlement: Transmission
/DSD/E1BPRACLEARING - Route Settlement: Settlement
/DSD/E1BPRACLEARING2 - Route Settlement: Settlement
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIHD - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIHD2 - Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIITM - Route Settlement: Check-In Check-Out Items
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIITM2 - Route Settlement: Check-In Check-Out Items
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIMONEYITM - Route Settlement: Check-in Check-out Amounts Items
/DSD/E1BPRACOCIMONEYITM2 - Route Settlement: Check-in Check-out Amounts Items
/DSD/E1BPRACUSTADDR - Route Settlement: Customer Address
/DSD/E1BPRACUSTADDR2 - Route Settlement: Customer Address
/DSD/E1BPRACUSTHD - Route Settlement: Customer Visit Header
/DSD/E1BPRACUSTHD2 - Route Settlement: Customer Visit Header
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYCOND - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYCOND2 - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYHD - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYHD2 - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYITM - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Items
/DSD/E1BPRADELIVERYITM2 - Route Settlement: Outbound Delivery Items
/DSD/E1BPRAENCASHM - Route Settlement: Collection
/DSD/E1BPRAENCASHM2 - Route Settlement: Collection
/DSD/E1BPRAGENERALHD - Route Settlement: Header Data
/DSD/E1BPRAGENERALHD2 - Route Settlement: Header Data
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICECOND - Route Settlement: Invoice Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICECOND2 - Route Settlement: Invoice Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEHD - Route Settlement: Invoice Header
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEHD2 - Route Settlement: Invoice Header
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEITM - Route Settlement: Invoice Items
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEITM2 - Route Settlement: Invoice Items
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEPRINT - Route Settlement: Invoice Printout
/DSD/E1BPRAINVOICEPRINT2 - Route Settlement: Invoice Printout
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERCOND - Route Settlement: Order Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERCOND2 - Route Settlement: Order Conditions
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERHD - Route Settlement: Order Header
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERHD2 - Route Settlement: Order Header
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERITM - Route Settlement: Order Items
/DSD/E1BPRAORDERITM2 - Route Settlement: Order Items
/DSD/E1BPRAREVEXP - Route Settlement: Tour Receipts/Expenditures
/DSD/E1BPRAREVEXP2 - Route Settlement: Tour Receipts/Expenditure
/DSD/E1BPRATOURDIST - Route Settlement: Tour Distance
/DSD/E1BPRATOURDIST2 - Route Settlement: Tour Distance
/DSD/E1BPRATOURHD - Route Settlement: Tour Header
/DSD/E1BPRATOURHD2 - Route Settlement: Tour Header Enterprise
/DSD/E1BPRATOURHD3 - Route Settlement: Tour Header
/DSD/E1BPRATOURTIME - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/E1BPRATOURTIME2 - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/E1BPRATOURTIME3 - Route Settlement: Tour Time
/DSD/E1BPRATRANSMISSION - Route Settlement: Transmission
/DSD/E1BPRATRANSMISSION2 - Route Settlement: Transmission
/DSD/HH_CUSTOMER_PDF - Print Bar Code in PDF
/DSD/HH_DEST_CN - DSD HH: Destination of the DSD Connector
/DSD/HH_DL_RECOV - DSD: Download Recovery
/DSD/HH_DRIVER - Driver Master Basic Data
/DSD/HH_DRVTXT - DSD: Download HH - Driver Messages
/DSD/HH_E1ADRC1 - Master Customer Master ADRC Extension
/DSD/HH_E1CRE001 - Transaction Data Credit Exposure Header
/DSD/HH_E1CRE101 - Movement Data Customer Master Credit Management KNKK
/DSD/HH_E1CRE201 - Transaction Data Credit_Exposure Exporting
/DSD/HH_E1CTAD02 - Control IDoc - Application Data Header
/DSD/HH_E1CTAD12 - Control IDoc - Application Data Header "Enterprise"
/DSD/HH_E1CTHD01 - Control Data Header
/DSD/HH_E1CTID03 - Control IDoc - Application Data Item
/DSD/HH_E1CUST01 - Customer Master Supplements
/DSD/HH_E1DRIV01 - Driver Master Basic Data
/DSD/HH_E1DRIV11 - Driver Master Data: Basic Data "Enterprise"
/DSD/HH_E1MARA01 - Material Master Supplements
/DSD/HH_E1MARA02 - Master Material Master Supplements (EHP3)
/DSD/HH_E1OPI001 - Transaction Data Open Items Structure BAPI3007_2 Part 1
/DSD/HH_E1OPI101 - Transaction Data Open Items Structure BAPI3007_2 Part 2
/DSD/HH_E1OPI201 - Transaction Data Credit Exposure
/DSD/HH_E1OPI301 - Movement Data Customer Master Credit Management KNKK
/DSD/HH_E1OPI401 - Transaction Data Credit_Exposure Exporting
/DSD/HH_E1OPIT01 - Transaction Data Open Items Header Data
/DSD/HH_E1PAYM01 - Master Payment Term Enhancements
/DSD/HH_E1RIAH02 - Visit List - Application Data Header
/DSD/HH_E1RICD03 - Visit List - Customer Address Data
/DSD/HH_E1RICP04 - Visit List: Contact Person at Customer
/DSD/HH_E1RIHD01 - Visit List - General Header Data
/DSD/HH_E1RIHDTXH - Visit List Texts - Header Data
/DSD/HH_E1RIHDTXL - Visit List Texts - Text Lines
/DSD/HH_E1RISQTXH - Visit Texts - Header Data
/DSD/HH_E1RISQTXL - Visit Texts - Text Lines
/DSD/HH_E1RIUP04 - Visit List: Unloading Point at Customer
/DSD/HH_E1TXTD01 - Customizing Data Driver Messages
/DSD/HH_E1VEHI01 - Vehicle Master Basic Data
/DSD/HH_E1VEHI11 - Vehicle Master Basic Data "Enterprise"
/DSD/HH_E1WXX02 - Free Segment for Lower Level Extensions
/DSD/HH_E1WXX03 - Free Segment for Lower Level Extensions
/DSD/HH_E2BANK01 - Master Bank Codes
/DSD/HH_E2PAYT01 - Master Payment Types per Payment Term
/DSD/HH_FM_IF - DSD: Structure with Parameters for Function Modules
/DSD/HH_IDOC_DEL - Auxiliary Structure to Create Control IDocs "EOD"
/DSD/HH_RAARTT - DSD - RA: Allowed Transaction Types
/DSD/HH_RACAD - DSD Route Settlement: Customer Address Data (One-Time Only)
/DSD/HH_RACAD_KEY - Structure with Key for Customer Data (One-Time Customers)
/DSD/HH_RACAD_S - Structure of Customer Data (One-Time Customers)
/DSD/HH_RACKDRS - DSD - RA: Reasons for Differences (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RACKDRST - DSD - RA: Reasons for Differences (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RACL - DSD Route Settlement: Clearing
/DSD/HH_RACL_KEY - Structure with Key for Settlement
/DSD/HH_RACL_S - Settlement Structure
/DSD/HH_RACOCICI - DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out/Check-In - Money Item
/DSD/HH_RACOCICI_KEY - Structure with Key for Check-Out / Check-In Money Item
/DSD/HH_RACOCICI_S - Structure Check-Out / Check-In Money Item
/DSD/HH_RACOCIES - DSD RA: Check-In/Out Signatures
/DSD/HH_RACOCIES_DEL_S - Check-In/Out Data (for Deletion) Signatures
/DSD/HH_RACOCIES_S - Check-In/Out, Reload Check-In/Out Data Signatures
/DSD/HH_RACOCIHD - DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out / Check-In - Header data
/DSD/HH_RACOCIHD_KEY - Structure with Key Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/HH_RACOCIHD_S - Structure Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/HH_RACOCIMI - DSD Route Settlement: Check-Out Check-In - Items
/DSD/HH_RACOCIMI_KEY - Structure with Key for Check-Out / Check-In Material Item
/DSD/HH_RACOCIMI_S - Structure Check-Out / Check-In Material Item
/DSD/HH_RACOLPAY - DSD - RA: Revenue and Payment Processing
/DSD/HH_RACTR - DSD Route Settlement: Transmission Control
/DSD/HH_RACTR_KEY - Structure with Key for Transmission Control
/DSD/HH_RACTR_S - Structure Transmission Control
/DSD/HH_RACVHD - DSD Route Settlement: Customer Visit - Header
/DSD/HH_RACVHD_KEY - Structure with Keys for Customer Visit
/DSD/HH_RACVHD_S - Structure of Customer Visit
/DSD/HH_RADELCD - DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution Conditions
/DSD/HH_RADELCD_KEY - Structure with Key for Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/HH_RADELCD_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/HH_RADELCND - DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution Conditions
/DSD/HH_RADELCND_KEY - Structure with Key for Outbound Delivery Conditions
/DSD/HH_RADELES - DSD RA: Delivery/Order Signatures
/DSD/HH_RADELES_DEL_S - Signatures from Deliveries and Orders (for Deletion)
/DSD/HH_RADELES_S - Delivery/Order Signatures
/DSD/HH_RADELHD - DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution - Header
/DSD/HH_RADELHD_KEY - Structure with Key for Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/HH_RADELHD_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Header
/DSD/HH_RADELIT - DSD Route Settlement: Delivery Execution Items
/DSD/HH_RADELIT_KEY - Structure with Key for Outbound Delivery Item
/DSD/HH_RADELIT_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Item
/DSD/HH_RADISTYP - DSD - RA: Distance Types (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RADISTYT - DSD - RA: Distance Types (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RADS - DSD Route Settlement: Tour Distance Sheet
/DSD/HH_RADS_KEY - Structure with Key for Tour Distance
/DSD/HH_RADS_S - Structure Tour Distance
/DSD/HH_RADXHD - DSD Route Accounting: DEX Header Data
/DSD/HH_RADXIT - DSD Route Accounting: DEX Item Data
/DSD/HH_RAEC - DSD Route Settlement: Receipts/Expenditures
/DSD/HH_RAECA - DS Route Settlement: Collection Settlement
/DSD/HH_RAECA_KEY - Structure with Key for Collection Settlement
/DSD/HH_RAECA_S - Structure Collection Settlement
/DSD/HH_RAEC_KEY - Structure with Key for Receipts / Expenditures
/DSD/HH_RAEC_S - Structure Receipts / Expenditures
/DSD/HH_RAERRIDX - DSD - RA: Error Index Table
/DSD/HH_RAERRIDX_S - DSD - RA: Error Index Structure
/DSD/HH_RAGERIDX_S - DSD - RA: Auxiliary Structure to Build Up Error Index
/DSD/HH_RAHD - DSD Route Settlement: Tour Header Data
/DSD/HH_RAHD_KEY - Structure with Key for Tour Header
/DSD/HH_RAHD_S - Structure of Tour Header
/DSD/HH_RAIVCD - DSD Route Settlement: HH Invoice Header Conditions
/DSD/HH_RAIVCD_KEY - Structure with Key for Invoice Condition
/DSD/HH_RAIVCD_S - Structure Invoice Condition
/DSD/HH_RAIVCND - DSD Route Settlement: HH Invoice Header Conditions
/DSD/HH_RAIVCND_KEY - Structure with Key for Invoice Condition
/DSD/HH_RAIVES - DSD RA: Invoice Signatures
/DSD/HH_RAIVES_DEL_S - Signatures from Invoices (for Deletion)
/DSD/HH_RAIVES_S - Invoice Signatures
/DSD/HH_RAIVHD - DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document Header
/DSD/HH_RAIVHD_KEY - Structure with Key for Invoice Header
/DSD/HH_RAIVHD_S - Structure of Invoice Header
/DSD/HH_RAIVIT - DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document Items
/DSD/HH_RAIVIT_KEY - Structure with Key for Invoice Item
/DSD/HH_RAIVIT_S - Structure of Invoice item
/DSD/HH_RAIVPRT - DSD Route Settlement: HH Billing Document Print
/DSD/HH_RAIVPRT_KEY - Structure with Key for Invoice Printout
/DSD/HH_RAIVPRT_S - Structure of Invoice Printout
/DSD/HH_RALOCKHD - DSD - RA: Change Management Tour
/DSD/HH_RALOCKHD_S - DSD - RA: Change Management Tour
/DSD/HH_RAPAYBC - DSD - RA: Bank Codes (Not Accepted for Payment Term)
/DSD/HH_RAPAYMNT - DSD - RA: Payment Method (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RAPAYMTT - DSD - RA: Payment Method (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RAPAYTYP - DSD - RA: Payment Type (Valid for Payment Term)
/DSD/HH_RAREASON - DSD - RA: Reasons for Delivery Changes (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RAREASOT - DSD - RA: Reasons for Delivery Changes (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RAREFLOCK_S - DSD - RA: Block Reference Document
/DSD/HH_RATIMTYP - DSD - RA: Time Types (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RATIMTYT - DSD - RA: Time Types (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RATS - DSD Route Settlement: Tour Time Sheet
/DSD/HH_RATS_KEY - Structure with Key for Tour Time
/DSD/HH_RATS_S - Structure of Tour Time
/DSD/HH_RAVISCOD - DSD - RA: Customer Visit Reasons (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RAVISCOT - DSD - RA: Customer Visit Reasons (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_RA_ACCESS_LIST - Route Accounting DB - Access List
/DSD/HH_RTATYP - DSD - RA: Route Accounting Transaction Types (Value Table)
/DSD/HH_RTATYPT - DSD - RA: Route Accounting Transaction Types (Text Table)
/DSD/HH_SELCARRIER - Selection Data: Carrier (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELCNGDATE - Selection Data: Change Date (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELCREDATE - Selection Data: Creation Date (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELDRIV - Selection Data Driver (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELOBJID - Selection Data Document Number (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELOBJTYP - Selection Data Document Type (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELPROCSTAT - Selection Data Process Status (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELTART - Selection Data Shipment Type (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELTDID - Selection Data Driver Texts (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELTDISP - Selection Data Transportation Plan. Point (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELTDOB - Selection Data Driver Texts (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELTMEST - Selection Data Transportation Plan. Point (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SELVEHI - Selection Data Vehicle (Select Options)
/DSD/HH_SEQ_CUST - Structure for Route Itinerary
/DSD/HH_TBALCTRL - DSD - RA: Application Log - Treatment of Messages
/DSD/HH_TBALCTRL_S - DSD: Customizing - Application Log
/DSD/HH_TBALHD - DSD - RA: Application Log - General Settings
/DSD/HH_TRADAT - DSD: Download HH - Volume of the Transferred Shipment Data
/DSD/HH_TRANSBEL - DSD: Documents for Shipment
/DSD/HH_VALUE_TEXT - Text/Value of Value or Text Tables
/DSD/HH_VEHICLE - Vehicle Master Basic Data
/DSD/HH_VSO_VEHI_I - VSO Include for Vehicle Master

SAP Device Interface Tables LE-DSD-DI

/DSD/DI_STATIST_DATA_CONTAINER - DSD: Statistical Data Container
/DSD/DI_STATIST_DATA_HEADER - DSD: Statistical Data Header
/DSD/DI_STATIST_DATA_LAYOUT - DSD: Statistical Data Layout

SAP Electonic Signature Tables LE-DSD-ES

/DSD/ES_COLLECT_DEL_S - Collection Deliveries
/DSD/ES_COLLECT_INV_S - Collection Invoice
/DSD/ES_COLLECT_ORD_S - Collection of Orders and immediate created deliveries
/DSD/ES_CUST_REP - DSD Signature Repository
/DSD/ES_DEL - DSD Delivery Signatures
/DSD/ES_DEL_S - Print DSD Delivery Signatures
/DSD/ES_INV - DSD Invoice Signatures
/DSD/ES_INV_S - Print DSD Invoice Signatures
/DSD/ES_ORD - DSD Order Signatures
/DSD/ES_ORD_S - Print DSD Order Signatures
/DSD/ES_TEXT_ID - DSD Signature text id
/DSD/ES_UPLOAD_HD_S - DSD Signature Header - Upload
/DSD/ES_UPLOAD_ITM_S - DSD Signature Item - Upload
/DSD/ES_UPLOAD_S - DSD Signature - Upload

SAP Generic Statistical Data Tables LE-DSD-GS

/DSD/GS_ADM_H - DSD: Generic Statistical Data Header
/DSD/GS_CAPPL - DSD: Define Statistical Application
/DSD/GS_CAPPL_T - DSD: Text Table for Statistical Application
/DSD/GS_CDMI_CHA - DSD: Define Catalog of Returned Characteristic
/DSD/GS_CDMI_IPR - DSD: Define InfoProvider
/DSD/GS_CDMI_KYF - DSD: Define Catalog of Returned Key Figures
/DSD/GS_CDMI_SEL - DSD: Define Selections for Data Provider
/DSD/GS_CDMI_TSL - DSD: Define Time Selections for Data Provider
/DSD/GS_CEXTM - DSD: Define Extraction Method
/DSD/GS_CEXTM_T - DSD: Text Table for Extraction Method
/DSD/GS_CEXTV - DSD: Define Extraction Variant for Statistical Application
/DSD/GS_CEXTV_T - DSD: Text Table for Extraction Variant
/DSD/GS_CEXT_RFC - DSD: Assign RFC Destination to Extraction Variant
/DSD/GS_CVAR_DET - DSD: Define Extraction Variant Determination
/DSD/GS_DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE - DSD: Frontend Display Attributes
/DSD/GS_DISP_FORMAT_DESC - DSD: Format Description for Displaying Decimal Fields
/DSD/GS_DRIVER - DSD: Driver Attributes
/DSD/GS_EXTVAR_DETERM_PARAM - DSD: Parameters for Extraction Variant Determination
/DSD/GS_EXT_VAR - DSD: Extraction Variant Attributes
/DSD/GS_GENDAT_I - DSD: Generic Data Container
/DSD/GS_LAYOUT_I - DSD: Layout of Generic Data Container

SAP DSD Localization Tables LE-DSD-LOC

/DSD/ERROR_RET - Error or Status messages returned
/DSD/ME_CUSTOMER_TAX - DSD Connector Localization: Customer Tax Classifications
/DSD/ME_CUST_TAX - DSD CN LOC: Customer Tax Classifications per Country
/DSD/ME_MATERIAL_TAX - DSD Connector Localization: Material Tax Classification
/DSD/ME_MAT_TAX - DSD CN LOC: Material Tax Classifications per Country
/DSD/TAX_COND_TAB_NAMES - Table names that contain tax rates
/DSD/TAX_CUST_CLASS - Customer tax classifications for tax calc.
/DSD/TAX_MAT_CLASS - Material tax classification for DSD Loc. tax calculation
/DSD/TAX_RESULT - Tax Result
/DSD/TAX_TXJCD - Tax jurisdiction code

SAP Valuated Delivery Note Tables LE-DSD-OC-VD

/BEV1/VDT685 - Permissible Terms of Delivery: Types for R/3 Beverage
/BEV1/VD_VBDPL_S - Struktur zum Lieferschein

SAP Route Accounting Tables LE-DSD-RA

/BEV1/VD_VBDPL_S - Struktur zum Lieferschein

SAP Tour Data Entry Tables LE-DSD-RA-DE

/DSD/DE_COCIHD_CTRL - Table with COCI Header
/DSD/DE_ENCASH_S - Tour Data Entry: Payment Processing
/DSD/DE_ENTRY_SCREEN - Fields in Entry Screen
/DSD/DE_FUPREC - Tour Data Entry Control
/DSD/DE_FUPREC_L_S - Tour Data Entry: Selection List
/DSD/DE_LC_CG_S - LC: Check-Out/Check-In Payment Group Items
/DSD/DE_RACOCICI_S - Check-Out/Check-In Money Items
/DSD/DE_RACOCIMI_S - Check-Out/Check-In Material Items
/DSD/DE_RACVHD_S - Customer Visit - Header
/DSD/DE_RADELCD_S - Conditions
/DSD/DE_RADELHD_S - Delivery Execution
/DSD/DE_RADELIT_S - Delivery Item
/DSD/DE_RADS_S - Tour Distances
/DSD/DE_RAIVCD_S - Structure Invoice Condition
/DSD/DE_RAIVHD_S - Invoice Header
/DSD/DE_RAIVIT_S - Invoice Item
/DSD/DE_RATS_S - Tour Times
/DSD/DE_SLD_FLOW - Display Settlement Document Flow
/DSD/DE_VISIT_L_S - Tour Data Entry: Visit Display

SAP Route Settlement Tables LE-DSD-RA-SL

/DSD/SL_ACTIVETA - Settlement Cockpit - (In)active Transaction Types
/DSD/SL_ACTIVETA_S - Structure - (In)active Transaction Types
/DSD/SL_APPLINFO - Application Log: INDX tables
/DSD/SL_APPL_MESSAGE_INFO_S - DSD Application Log: Message Details
/DSD/SL_ASL_EXCL - DSD: Control of Automatic Settlement
/DSD/SL_ASL_MS_SELECT - DSD: Selection Parameters for Automatic Processing
/DSD/SL_BUFFER_ADMIN_S - DSD Settlement Cockpit: Data for Buffer Administration
/DSD/SL_CLALV_CLEAR_DETAILS_S - DSD Clearing: Overview of Open Items
/DSD/SL_CLALV_CLEAR_MAIN_S - DSD Clearing: ALV Selection List for Clearing Check
/DSD/SL_CLAPPLOG_HEADER_S - DSD Clearing: Additional Header Data for Application Log
/DSD/SL_CLAPPLOG_OPENITEM_S - DSD Clearing: Open Items in Application Log
/DSD/SL_CLAPP_COLLECT_MESS_S - DSD Collection: Retrieving and Processing Messages
/DSD/SL_CLBSID_S - DSD Clearing: CoCd ID Fields for Automatic Clearing
/DSD/SL_CLCLEARING_GROUP_S - DSD Clearing: Clearing Group (Header)
/DSD/SL_CLDEBTOLERANCE_S - DSD Clearing: Clearing Tolerance / Debit
/DSD/SL_CLEARSET - DSD Clearing: Settings for Automatic Clearing
/DSD/SL_CLOPENITEM_SEARCH_S - DSD Clearing: Help Structure to Search the Open Items
/DSD/SL_CLOPEN_ITEM_S - DSD Clearing: Open Items (Debit/Credit)
/DSD/SL_CLPOSTCUST_S - DSD Collection: Posting of Customer Payments - Customizing
/DSD/SL_CLSELVBELN_S - DSD Clearing: Selection Range for Document Number
/DSD/SL_CLSELVBTYP_S - DSD Clearing: Select Option Range for Document Category
/DSD/SL_CLUSTAT - DSD Clearing: User Status for Clearing
/DSD/SL_CLUSTATT - DSD Clearing: Texts for User Status for Clearing
/DSD/SL_COCIES_SHORT - Check-In/Out Data (Short Name)
/DSD/SL_COCIES_SHORT_S - Check-In/Out Data (Short Name)
/DSD/SL_COCI_MAT_QTY - DSD - Material Quantities for Check-Out and Check-In
/DSD/SL_COCI_MAT_QTY_SEQ - DSD:Material Quantities for Check-Out/Check-In with Sequence
/DSD/SL_CON_RN - DSD Route Settlement: SA Result per Status of Cust. Trans.
/DSD/SL_DELFULES_SHORT_S - Delivery Execution Signatures (Short Form)
/DSD/SL_DEL_SEQ - Assignment of Delivery to Reload Sequence
/DSD/SL_DIFIAC - DSD Settlement: Interim Accounts
/DSD/SL_DIFIAC_S - Settlement: Interim Accounts
/DSD/SL_EXCL_FCODE_S - DSD Route Settlement - Function Codes to Be Excluded
/DSD/SL_FLOW_SUCCESSOR_DELIV_S - SDS Route Settlement: Deliveries Succeeding External Del.
/DSD/SL_FLOW_SUCCESSOR_SOI_S - DSD Route Settlement: Sales Order Succeeding Ext. Delivery
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DEL_HEADER - DSD Final Settlement Run-Delivery Execution: Shipment Header
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DEL_ITEM - DSD Final Settlement Run - Delivery Execution: Delivery Item
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DH_LIKP - DSD Final Settlement Run-Delivery Execution: Shipment Header
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DH_VBUK - DSD Final Settlement Run-Delivery Execution: Shipment Header
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DI_LIPS - DSD Final Settlement Run - Delivery Execution: Delivery Item
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DI_VBUP - DSD Final Settlement Run - Delivery Execution: Delivery Item
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DOC_CREA_S - DSD Final Settlement Run - Del. Execution: Display Documents
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DOC_EXT_S - DSD Final Settlement Run - Del. Execut.; Docs to Be Extended
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DOC_MAP_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Worklist Document Mapping
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_DUE_LIST_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Worklist Delivery Execution
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_ITEM_S - DSD Final Settlement Run - Delivery Execution: Item Data
/DSD/SL_FSR_DELFFMT_SI_S - DSD Final Settlement Run - Delivery Performance: Subitems
/DSD/SL_FSR_GOMVMT_DUE_LIST_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Worklist Posting Goods Movement
/DSD/SL_FSR_INV_DUE_LIST_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Worklist Invoice Editing
/DSD/SL_FSR_PROTT_ADD_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Add. Info Appl. Log from PROTT
/DSD/SL_FSR_SOH_VBAK - DSD Final Settlement Run: Sales Order Header
/DSD/SL_FSR_SOI_VBAP - DSD Final Settlement Run: Sales Order Item Data
/DSD/SL_FSR_SO_HEADER - DSD Final Settlement Run: Sales Order Header Data
/DSD/SL_FSR_SO_ITEM - DSD Final Settlement Run: Sales Order Item Data
/DSD/SL_FSR_TECH_PARA_S - DSD Final Settlement Run: Technical Parameters
/DSD/SL_GUI_GENERAL_ALV_S - Structure of GUI/ALV-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_LAYOUT_AREA_S - Transaction Area Layout
/DSD/SL_GUI_LAYOUT_S - Structure of Layout Data of a Subscreen
/DSD/SL_GUI_MBAL_S - Structure of MBAL with GUI Extensions
/DSD/SL_GUI_MBAL_USING_S - DSD: Source Information of an Amount Difference for GUI
/DSD/SL_GUI_MSG_S - Structure of the Message for GUI / Cockpit
/DSD/SL_GUI_OPENINV_S - Structure of Documents Including GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_QBAL_S - Structure of QBAL with GUI Extensions
/DSD/SL_GUI_QBAL_USING_S - DSD: Source Information of a Quantity Difference f�r GUI
/DSD/SL_GUI_QDET_S - QDET Structure with GUI Enhancements
/DSD/SL_GUI_QDET_USING_S - DSD: Original Information of a Quantity Difference for GUI
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACAD_S - Structure - Visit Address data Incl. GUI Extensions
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACOCICI_S - Structure Check-Out/In Money Item Incl. GUI-Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACOCIHD_S - Structure Check-Out/In Header Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACOCIMI_S - Structure Check-Out/In Material Item Incl. GUI-Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACTR_S - Structure Transfer control - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RACVHD_S - Structure - Visit Header Incl. GUI Extensions
/DSD/SL_GUI_RADELCD_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Conditions - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RADELHD_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Header Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RADELIT_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Item - Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RADS_S - Structure Distance Data - Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAEC_S - Structure Payments Including GUI Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAHD_S - Structure Tour Header Incl. Non-GUI-Specific Extensions
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAIVCD_S - Structure Invoice Entry Condition - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAIVHD_S - Structure Outbound Delivery Header Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAIVIT_S - Structure Invoice Entry Item - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RAIVPRT_S - Structure Invoice Printout - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_RATS_S - Structure Time Recording - Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_RESULT_LIST_S - Structure List Search Results (Incl. GUI Extensions)
/DSD/SL_GUI_SLSLDFL_S - Structure Document Flow - Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_SLSLDHD_S - Structure Settlement Header - Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_SLSLDMB_S - Structure Settlement Amount Diff.- Incl. GUI-Specific Fields
/DSD/SL_GUI_SLSLDQB_S - Structure Settlement Qty Differences - Incl. GUI Specifics
/DSD/SL_GUI_SLSLDQD_S - QDET Structure with GUI Enhancements
/DSD/SL_HEAD_DETAIL_S - Structure of Details for Header Messages
/DSD/SL_IACFIN - Settlement: Interim Accounts, Final Difference
/DSD/SL_IACFIN_S - Settlement: Interim Accounts, Final Difference
/DSD/SL_INVES_SHORT_S - Invoice Signatures (Short Form)
/DSD/SL_LAYOUT - User-Specific Layout Data (for the Settlement Cockpit)
/DSD/SL_MARA_TG_I - DSD Strucure for Tolerance Types
/DSD/SL_MATNR_SINGLE_EVAL_S - DSD Settlement: Evaluation of Single Materials
/DSD/SL_MBAL_ACC_S - Settlement Document: Payment Differences
/DSD/SL_MBAL_DETAIL_S - Details for Money Differences
/DSD/SL_MBAL_USING_DETAIL_S - DSD: Source Information of an Amount Difference
/DSD/SL_MBAL_USING_S - DSD: Assignment of Source Information to Payment
/DSD/SL_MODIFY_ROW_S - Structure - Cells to Be Changed in a Line
/DSD/SL_MODIFY_S - Structure - Cells to Be Modified
/DSD/SL_MSG_S - Structure of the Message for the Cockpit
/DSD/SL_NODE_KEY_S - StructureType Settlement Cockpit-Mapping DB Key <-> Tree Key
/DSD/SL_NRIV_ZUORD_S - DSD: Assignment of Number Range Interval
/DSD/SL_NRZUORD - DSD: Assignment of Number Range Interval
/DSD/SL_OBJECTS_IN_RTACC - Objects in Route Accounting Database
/DSD/SL_OBJECTS_MSG_IN_RTACC - Objects in Route Accounting Database
/DSD/SL_PAYMT_SINGLE_EVAL_S - DSD Settlement: Evaluation of Single Payment Types
/DSD/SL_PB_MATNR_COCI_S - DSD Settlement: Materials, Reason for COCI
/DSD/SL_PMGIAC - DSD Settlement: Generic Driver and Cust. Accts (Collection)
/DSD/SL_PMSIAC - DSD Settlement: Driver and Customer Accounts (Collection)
/DSD/SL_POALV_EXPENSE_POST_S - DSD Collection: Maintenance/View Tour Payments of Driver
/DSD/SL_POALV_OPENINVOICES_S - DSD Clearing: Selection R/3 Documents
/DSD/SL_POSTSET - DSD Collection: Posting Ctrl. Driver Receipts/Expenditures
/DSD/SL_PO_EXPENSE_POSTING_S - DSD Collection: Maintenance/View Payments of the Driver
/DSD/SL_PO_OPENINVOICES_S - DSD Collection: Maintenance/View Open orders and invoices
/DSD/SL_PO_REVENUE_POSTING_S - DSD Collection: Maintenance/View Customer Payments
/DSD/SL_QBAL_ACC_S - Settlement Document Header with Data for Posting
/DSD/SL_QBAL_DETAIL_S - Details for Material Differences
/DSD/SL_QBAL_USING_DETAIL_S - DSD: Source Informationen of a Quantity Difference
/DSD/SL_QBAL_USING_S - DSD: Assignment of Source Information to Quantity Difference
/DSD/SL_QDET_ACC_S - Settlement Document: Detailed Data for Posting
/DSD/SL_QDET_DETAIL_S - Settlement Document: Quantity Differences, Diff. Reasons
/DSD/SL_RACOCIHD_S - Structure Check-Out / Check-In Header
/DSD/SL_RADB_FILL_PARAMETER - Control Parameters to Fill the Route Accounting DB
/DSD/SL_RADELHD_S - Structure "Delivery Execution Header" - Extended for Dialog
/DSD/SL_RAD_READ_INFO_S - DSD: Information about Read Data
/DSD/SL_RAIVHD_S - Structure "Invoice Entry Header" - Extended for Dialog
/DSD/SL_RATS_S - Structure DSD - Time Recording Incl. Extensions for Dialog
/DSD/SL_RESULT_LIST_S - Structure List Search Results
/DSD/SL_REVEXP_CASH - DSD - Amounts for Receipts and Expenditures
/DSD/SL_SELECTVISIT_KEY_S - Structure: Select Search Results with Visit
/DSD/SL_SELECT_KEY_S - Structure Select Search Results
/DSD/SL_SLD_DOCS - Settlement: Merging of Back-End Documents
/DSD/SL_SLD_EXT_MSG_S - DSD: Enhanced Messages
/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW - Settlement: Document Flow
/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW_KEY - DSD Route Settlement: Key Document Flow
/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW_RESULT - Settlement: Document Flow Result Structure
/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW_S - DSD: Document Flow
/DSD/SL_SLD_FLOW_SELECT - Settlement: Document Flow Structure for Selection
/DSD/SL_SLD_HEAD - Settlement Document Header
/DSD/SL_SLD_HEAD_KEY - Settlement Document: Key Structure Header
/DSD/SL_SLD_HEAD_S - DSD Structure Settlement Document Header
/DSD/SL_SLD_ITEM - Settlement Document Item
/DSD/SL_SLD_ITEM_S - DSD: Settlement Document Item
/DSD/SL_SLD_KEY - DSD Settlement Document: Key Structure Header with Client
/DSD/SL_SLD_LC - DSD Settlement Document: Sequence Quantities
/DSD/SL_SLD_LOG_CONTEXT - DSD: Settlement Context of a Message
/DSD/SL_SLD_MBAL - Settlement Document: Payment Differences
/DSD/SL_SLD_MBAL_S - DSD: Settlement Document Money Differences
/DSD/SL_SLD_MSG - DSD: Structure for Settlement Messages with Context
/DSD/SL_SLD_MSG_CONTEXT - DSD: Context Definition for Messages
/DSD/SL_SLD_MSG_HEAD - DSD: Header-Context Definition for Messages Settlement doc.
/DSD/SL_SLD_PROC - DSD: Settlement Runs
/DSD/SL_SLD_PROC_KEY - DSD: Settlement Runs
/DSD/SL_SLD_PROC_S - DSD: Settlement Runs
/DSD/SL_SLD_QBAL - Settlement Document: Quantity Differences
/DSD/SL_SLD_QBAL_S - DSD: Settlement Document Quantity Differences
/DSD/SL_SLD_QDET - Settlement Document: Quantity Differences, Diff. Reasons
/DSD/SL_SLD_QDET_S - Settlement Document: Quantity Differences, Diff. Reasons
/DSD/SL_SLD_SELECT_KEY - Settlement: Document Flow, Selection Bar
/DSD/SL_SLD_TOURID - DSD: Tour ID and Settlement Type
/DSD/SL_TBSO - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office
/DSD/SL_TBSOASSM - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office Determ. for Shipm.
/DSD/SL_TBSOSLTY - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office Settlement Types
/DSD/SL_TBSOT - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Office Texts
/DSD/SL_TCSTAMAP - DSD Route Settlement:Document Ctrl.Customer Sales Trans.Type
/DSD/SL_TCSTATYP - DSD Route Settlement: Customer Sales Transaction Types
/DSD/SL_TCSTATYT - DSD Route Settlement: Customer Sales Transaction Types Texts
/DSD/SL_TC_CSTT - DSD Tour Settlement: Cust.Sales Trans.Type (Cust.-Specific)
/DSD/SL_TC_CTRL - DSD Tour Settlement: Cust.Sales Trans.Types Determination
/DSD/SL_TGFIND - DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group Determination
/DSD/SL_TGGRP - DSD Settlement: Tolerance Groups
/DSD/SL_TGGRP_T - DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group Texts
/DSD/SL_TGSEARCH - DSD Settlement: Tolerance Group Search Criteria
/DSD/SL_TGTYP - DSD Route Settlement: Tolerance Types
/DSD/SL_TGTYP_T - DSD Route Settlement: Tolerance Type Texts
/DSD/SL_TIDSAREA - DSD Settlement Cockpit: Subareas
/DSD/SL_TIDSARET - DSD Settlement Cockpit: Subareas - Descriptions
/DSD/SL_TIDTAARE - DSD Settlement Cockpit: Transaction Screens
/DSD/SL_TIDTAARE_S - DSD Route Settlement - Transaction Screens
/DSD/SL_TIDTAART - DSD Settlement Cockpit: Transaction Screens Descriptions
/DSD/SL_TIDTAART_S - Structure - Assignment Transaction ID <-> Transaction Desc.
/DSD/SL_TSLTYASM - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Type Determ. for Shipments
/DSD/SL_TSLTYP - DSD Route Settlement: Settlement Types
/DSD/SL_TSLTYPT - DSD Route Settlement: Descriptions Settlement types
/DSD/SL_VISITS_DELIVERY_CUST - Assignment Delivery - Customer Visit ID

SAP Transportation Planning Tables LE-DSD-RP

/BEV1/RP56IDL_I - Additional Flds For Transportation Planning (LI) Tree Struc.
/BEV1/RP56ISP_I - Additional Fields for Transportation Planning Tree Structure
/BEV1/RPDDFLGNR - Dynamic Dispatch: Sequence Number
/BEV1/RPLMT - Capacity Limit Dynamic Dispatch
/BEV1/RPMATUE_S - List of materials
/BEV1/RPMESF_I - Assignment of UoM to Totals Flds in Transportation Planning
/BEV1/RPNRSUFEI - Totals Fields Statistics Shipment Header not Rounded
/BEV1/RPSLIWE_S - Deliveries of a Ship-To Party in Shipment
/BEV1/RPTDBESDI - Dynamic Values Staff and Vehicles for Transport Planning
/BEV1/RPTDBES_I - Include Transportation Planning Staff and Vehicles
/BEV1/RPTDMENGI - Include Route Planning Quantities (from Deliveries)
/BEV1/RPTDSUFEI - Totals Fields Statistics Shipment Header from Deliveries
/BEV1/RPVTTKD1I - Dyn. Part Shipment Header Capacity Usage (Transp. Planning)
/BEV1/RPVTTKD2I - Dyn. Part Shipment Header Overall Status (Transp. Planning)
/BEV1/RP_MOVING_DELIVERIES - Move Deliveries Between Shipments
/DSD/RP_CHECK_SA - Activate Single-Sales-Area Processes (DSD)
/DSD/RP_DEBGEO - Customer's Geo-Coordinates
/DSD/RP_DRVKTOKD - Define Account Group as Account Group for Driver
/DSD/RP_DRVLIC - Driver's License Class of Driver
/DSD/RP_DRVLOCK - Driver's Lock Times
/DSD/RP_DRVTPLST - Assign Possible Transportation Planning Points to Driver
/DSD/RP_FLEET_I - Extension of Fleet Master for DSD
/DSD/RP_FLTLIC - Driver's License Category of a Vehicle
/DSD/RP_FLTLOCK - Lock Times of a Vehicle
/DSD/RP_FLTTPLST - Transportation Planning Point of a Vehicle
/DSD/RP_KAPAZITAET - Capacities in the Tour
/DSD/RP_LICCAT - Driver's License Categories
/DSD/RP_LICCAT_T - Driver's License Categories - Texts
/DSD/RP_LMT - Capacity Limit: Dynamic Transportation Planning
/DSD/RP_LOAD_FOR_ONE_STOP - Loading for One Stop in Dynamic Transportation Planning
/DSD/RP_MOTRCAT - Means of Transport Type for Each Equip. Type and Veh. Type
/DSD/RP_MOVING_DELIVERIES - Move Deliveries Between Shipments
/DSD/RP_SETUP - Main Settings for Direct Store Delivery (DSD)
/DSD/RP_SHPMNT_SALES_AREA - Sales area data of shipment line items
/DSD/RP_SHP_NOSA - Shipment Type without Single Sales Area Check
/DSD/RP_SUM - Totals Fields Categories
/DSD/RP_S_SHIP_STATISTICS - Field Catalog for Overview of Shipments and Deliveries
/DSD/RP_S_SHIP_STAT_HEADER - Shipment Statistics Header
/DSD/RP_TIME_LINE - Times in Dynamic Transportation Planning
/DSD/RP_TOH - Tour Master, Header Data
/DSD/RP_TOP - Tour Master, Item Data
/DSD/RP_TOUR - Display for Route Maintenance
/DSD/RP_TOUR_CAPACITY - Tour Master (Item) and Capacities
/DSD/RP_TOUR_DRIVER - Driver Data for Display in Tour Maintenance
/DSD/RP_TOUR_TRUCK - Vehicle Data for Display in Tour Maintenance
/DSD/RP_VTTK_ALV - Transmission Structure for General List View (ALV)

SAP Loading Units Tables LE-DSD-RP-LU

/BEV1/LUT903 - Units of Measure and Tolerances
/BEV1/LUT904 - Unit of Measure Divisor for Loading Units
/BEV1/LUT906 - Check Table for LU Groups in Material Master
/BEV1/LUT906T - LU Group Description
/BEV1/LUT907 - Shipment Types for which Load. Unit Determination Is Allowed
/BEV1/LUTA - LU: Permitted Document Types Order
/BEV1/LUTL - LU: Permitted Document Types Delivery
/BEV1/LUTRANS1 - Include Basic Structure (1Feld) for Appends
/BEV1/LUTRANSP - Include Basic Structure (2Field) for Appends
/BEV1/LUTT - LU: Permitted Document Types Transport

SAP Tour Status Tables LE-DSD-ST

/DSD/ST_CACTIV - Function modules triggered by tour status
/DSD/ST_CPROFILE - Status profile
/DSD/ST_CSCEN - Tour scenario
/DSD/ST_CSCEN_SH - Assignment shipment <-> delivery scenario
/DSD/ST_CSCEN_T - Tour scenario (text table to /DSD/ST_CSCEN)
/DSD/ST_CSCEN_VL - Assignment visit list <-> sales scenario
/DSD/ST_CSTATUS - Tour status ID
/DSD/ST_CSTAT_T - Tour status ID (Text table to /DSD/ST_CSTATUS)
/DSD/ST_CTYPE_SH - Shipment relevant for DSD
/DSD/ST_CTYPE_VL - Visit list relevant for DSD
/DSD/ST_STATUS - Current tour status
/DSD/ST_STATUS_ALV - Tour status data with history for ALV
/DSD/ST_STATUS_H - Tour status history - Recording tour status

SAP Stock Visibility Tables LE-DSD-SV

/DSD/SV_ACT - DSD Activate Stock Visibility
/DSD/SV_CG_LEV - Definition of UOM for counting with counting groups
/DSD/SV_CNTGR - Definition of counting group
/DSD/SV_CNTGRT - Description of counting group
/DSD/SV_CUS - DSD SV Scenario Settings
/DSD/SV_DISCREP_ITM - Reload: List of Discrepancies
/DSD/SV_ERROR_HD - DSD SV Error Table Movement Header
/DSD/SV_ERROR_IT - DSD SV Error Table Movement Item
/DSD/SV_GUI_MM_HD_S - Structure Head incl. GUI field
/DSD/SV_LC_CG - DSD LC: Loading Confirmation Item on Counting Group Level
/DSD/SV_LC_CGR_S - Counting groups in Loading confirmation dialog
/DSD/SV_LC_CG_ALV - Loading confirmation counting group level for ALV
/DSD/SV_LC_CG_PDF - Loading confirmation counting group level for PDF
/DSD/SV_LC_CUS - Customizing Settings for Loading Confirmation Dialog
/DSD/SV_LC_HD - DSD LC: Loading Confirmation Header
/DSD/SV_LC_HD_SCREEN - Loading confirmation header on screen
/DSD/SV_LC_MAT - DSD LC: Loading confirmation item on material level
/DSD/SV_LC_MATERIAL_S - Material in loading confirmation dialog
/DSD/SV_LC_MAT_ALV - Loading confirmation material level for ALV
/DSD/SV_LC_MAT_PDF - Loading confirmation material level for PDF
/DSD/SV_LC_SCR - Customizing for detail screen of loading confirmation
/DSD/SV_LOCATION - DSD SV Storage Locations per Plant
/DSD/SV_MAIL_REC - DSD SV Recipient for Express Mail
/DSD/SV_MARA_I - DSD structure for Counting Group
/DSD/SV_MM_DOC - DSD SV Stock Transfer Documents per Tour
/DSD/SV_MM_HD - DSD SV Material Movement Header
/DSD/SV_MM_IT - DSD SV Material Movement Item
/DSD/SV_ORD_TOUR - Assignment Reload and Unload Orders to Tour
/DSD/SV_POST_HD_S - Header Structure for SV Transfers
/DSD/SV_POST_IT_S - Item Structure for SV Transfers
/DSD/SV_POST_LIPS_S - Structure for posting the determined delivery items
/DSD/SV_QUANT - DSD SV Truck Stock
/DSD/SV_QUAN_D - Quantities for Stock on Truck
/DSD/SV_RACOCICI - DSD SV: Check-Out / Check-In - Money Item
/DSD/SV_RACOCIHD - DSD SV: Check-Out/Check-In - Header Data
/DSD/SV_RACOCIMI - DSD SV: Check-Out / Check-In - Items
/DSD/SV_RL - DSD SV Final Unloading Documents
/DSD/SV_RLD_ACT - DSD SV: Reload Activity Type
/DSD/SV_RLD_ACTT - DSD SV: Description Reload Activity Types
/DSD/SV_RLD_DEL_DISPLAY - Display Reload data for deletion (ALV)
/DSD/SV_RLD_HD - DSD SV: Reload Header Data
/DSD/SV_RLD_HD_SCREEN - DSD SV: Reload Header Data on Screen
/DSD/SV_RLD_IT - DSD SV: Reload Item Data
/DSD/SV_RLD_IT_SCREEN - Reload Item Data on Screen
/DSD/SV_RLD_MAT - Material allowed for reload
/DSD/SV_RLD_ORD - DSD SV: Reload Order Type Determination
/DSD/SV_RLD_PRINT_OUT - Interface structure with header information reload list
/DSD/SV_SEALNO - DSD: Seal Number

SAP Visit Control Tables LE-DSD-VC

/DSD/BAPI_VC_AUX - BAPI Structure - Mixed
/DSD/BAPI_VC_DESCRIPTION - BAPI Structure - Header Texts and Descriptions
/DSD/BAPI_VC_DISTANCE - BAPI Strucure - Determined Distances
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_AUTH - BAPI Structure- Range to AUTH (Visit Group)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_DRIVER1 - BAPI Structure- Range to DRIVER1
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_KUNNR - BAPI Structure- Range to KUNNR
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_ROUTE - BAPI Structure- Range to ROUTE
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_TRUCK - BAPI Structure- Range to TRUCK
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_VLID - BAPI Structure- Range to VLID
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_VPID - BAPI Structure- Range to VPID
/DSD/BAPI_VC_RA_VPTYP - BAPI Structure- Range to VPTYP
/DSD/BAPI_VC_STXH - SAPscript Text File Header (Export)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_STXL - BAPI Structure for STX_LINES Structure
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TEXT - BAPI Structure for Visit Control - Texts (Import)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLH - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLH
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLHX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLH (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLH_R - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLH_R
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLH_RX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLH_R (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLP - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLP
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLPX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLP (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLP_R - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLP_R
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VLP_RX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VLP_R (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VPH - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VPH
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VPHX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VPH (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VPP - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VPP
/DSD/BAPI_VC_TE_VPPX - Customer Enhancement - Table /DSD/VC_VPP (Checkbox)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VL - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Selected Visit List
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLH - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Enter Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLHOUT - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Output Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLHX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLH_R - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Header of Ref. Documents
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLH_RX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Header Ref. Docs
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLP - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Enter Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLPOUT - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Output Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLPX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLP_PLUS - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Additional Data for Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLP_R - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Customer Ref. Documents
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VLP_RX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Customer Ref. Docs
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VL_STXH - SAPscript Text File Header (Export)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VL_TEXT - BAPI Structure for Visit Control - Texts (Import)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VP - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Selected Visit Plan
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPH - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Enter Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPHOUT - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Output Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPHX - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Select Header
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPP - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Enter Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPPOUT - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Output Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPPX - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Output Update Customers
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VPP_PLUS - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Additional Data for Customer
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VP_STXH - SAPscript Text File Header (Export)
/DSD/BAPI_VC_VP_TEXT - BAPI Structure for Visit Control - Texts (Import)
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLH - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Enter Header
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLHX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Header
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLH_R - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Header of Ref. Documents
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLH_RX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Header Ref. Docs
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLP - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Enter Customer
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLPX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Customer
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLP_R - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Customer Ref. Documents
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VLP_RX - BAPI Structure for Visit List - Select Customer Ref. Docs
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VL_TEXT - BAPI Structure for Visit Control - Texts (Import)
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VPH - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Enter Header
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VPHX - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Select Header
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VPP - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Enter Customer
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VPPX - BAPI Structure for Visit Plan - Output Update Customers
/DSD/E1BP_VC_VP_TEXT - BAPI Structure for Visit Control - Texts (Import)
/DSD/VC_APPOINTMENTS - List of Appointments
/DSD/VC_AUTH - DSD: Visit Group
/DSD/VC_AUTHT - DSD: Visit Group - Texts
/DSD/VC_BUSTRANS - DSD: Business Transaction Types for DSD
/DSD/VC_CALTYP - DSD: Calendar Type
/DSD/VC_CALTYPT - DSD: Calendar Type - Texts
/DSD/VC_CUSTOMER_SELECT - Selection: Customer Screen 100 and 200
/DSD/VC_CUSTOMER_TREE - Display Customers in Customer Tree
/DSD/VC_CUST_TREE - Display Customers in Customer Tree
/DSD/VC_DELIVER - DSD: Delivery Types for DSD
/DSD/VC_DOC - Reference Documents, Visit Control
/DSD/VC_DOC_PRINT - DSD: Print Output - Individual Messages to be Processed
/DSD/VC_DOC_TYP - DSD: Relevant Document Categories for Print Output
/DSD/VC_FSR_CONTACT_CREA_S - Customer Data from RA-DB and Sales Area to Create Sales Act.
/DSD/VC_GRP - DSD Grouping
/DSD/VC_GRPT - DSD: Grouping - Texts
/DSD/VC_KNVV - Excerpt from KNVV
/DSD/VC_KOMB_ADD - DSD: Field Catalog Enhancement for Message Control
/DSD/VC_KOMKBVL - DSD: Comm. Structure for Visit List Output Determination
/DSD/VC_MARA_I - Extension of Material Master for Visit Control (DSD)
/DSD/VC_MESSAGES - Error Log: Application Log Messages
/DSD/VC_MSGTYP - DSD - Message Types for Print and Download Control
/DSD/VC_NALI - DSD: Display of Messages
/DSD/VC_NALI_V7 - DSD: Messages for Application V7 (Shipment)
/DSD/VC_NALI_V7ENH - DSD: Messages for Application V7 incl. Individual Messages
/DSD/VC_NALI_VL - DSD: Messages for Application VL (Visit List)
/DSD/VC_NALI_VLENH - DSD: Messages for Application VL incl. Individual Messages
/DSD/VC_NODEKEYS - Shadow Nodes for Tree Controls
/DSD/VC_ORDER - DSD: Sales Document Types for DSD
/DSD/VC_RA_VL - Range for Visit List ID
/DSD/VC_RA_VP - Range for Visit Schedule ID
/DSD/VC_RA_VPTYP - Range for Visit Schedule Type
/DSD/VC_RVTXOBJ - Visit Control - Text Determination: Allowed Text Objects
/DSD/VC_STXH - SAPscript Text File Header (Export)
/DSD/VC_TEXT - Text Fields of Text Tables for Visit Control
/DSD/VC_TIMES - Visiting Hours or Goods Receiving Hours Each Weekday
/DSD/VC_TSTR - DSD: Customer / Calendar Type / Time Stream ID
/DSD/VC_TXT_COM - Communication Structure Texts
/DSD/VC_TXT_INC - Incompletion Log for Texts
/DSD/VC_V7_PRN - DSD: Message Types for Print Output for Shipment
/DSD/VC_VLC_ARCH - Archiving: Residence Time Maintenance
/DSD/VC_VLH - DSD: Visit List - Header Data
/DSD/VC_VLH_R - DSD: Visit List - Header Data: Reference Documents
/DSD/VC_VLH_TREE - Tree Display: Visit List Header
/DSD/VC_VLP - DSD: Visit List - Item Data
/DSD/VC_VLPOS_OLD_NEW - Compare BAPI Item Number with Assigned Item Number
/DSD/VC_VLP_R - DSD: Visit List - Item Data: Reference Documents
/DSD/VC_VLP_TREE - Tree Display: Visit List Item
/DSD/VC_VLTRADAT - DSD: Download VL - Extent of Visit List Transfer
/DSD/VC_VL_DOC - Reference Documents, Visit List
/DSD/VC_VL_DOWNLOAD - Contain position data for route itinerary print/download
/DSD/VC_VL_PRINT_PDF_S - Print Form in PDF for Visit List with Additional Text
/DSD/VC_VL_PRN - DSD: Message Types for Print Output for Each Visit List
/DSD/VC_VL_SELECT - Selection Visit List, Screen 200
/DSD/VC_VL_TREE - Tree Display: Visit List
/DSD/VC_VPAPPTS - Dates from Visit Schedules
/DSD/VC_VPH - DSD: Visit Schedule - Header Data
/DSD/VC_VPH_TREE - Tree Display: Visit Schedule Header
/DSD/VC_VPID_S - Visit Plan ID
/DSD/VC_VPP - DSD: Visit Schedule - Item Data
/DSD/VC_VPPERIODS - Effective Periods for Visit Schedules
/DSD/VC_VPPOS_OLD_NEW - Compare BAPI Item Number with Assigned Item Number
/DSD/VC_VPP_TREE - Tree Display: Visit Schedule Items
/DSD/VC_VPTYPE - DSD: Visit Schedule Type
/DSD/VC_VPTYPET - DSD: Visit Schedule Type - Texts
/DSD/VC_VP_RULES - Visit Schedule Rules
/DSD/VC_VP_SELECT - Selection: Visit Schedule Screen 100
/DSD/VC_VP_TREE - Tree Display, Visit Schedule
/DSD/VC_VSTATCON - DSD: Assignment of SA Type and Outcome to Cust. Visit Status
/DSD/VC_WEEK - Active Weekdays

SAP Vehicle Space Optimization Tables LE-DSD-VSO

/VSO/B_FLEET - Vehicle Type for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/B_FLEET_T - Texts for Vehicle Type from Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/B_RPFT_I - Include for Vehicle Type Master (/BEV1/RPFT) (VSO)
/VSO/B_RPFZ_I - Include for Vehicle Type Master (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/R_CUST - Additional Data for Vehicle Space Optimization for KNA1
/VSO/R_DPOINT - Collective Unloading Point for VSO
/VSO/R_KNA1_I - Additional Data for Vehicle Space Optimization for KNA1
/VSO/R_MARA_I - Include for Append to MARA for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/R_MARC_I - Include for Append to MARC for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/R_REL - Relevance of the Delivery Item Categories for VSO
/VSO/R_RV56A_I - Status Display of Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/R_VTTK_ALV_I - Include for Append to VTTK_ALV for VSO
/VSO/R_VTTK_I - Include for Append to VTTK for VSO

SAP Main Process Tables LE-DSD-VSO-MP

/VSO/B_SUBVCL_FT - Definition of Loading Bays for Vehicle Type (VSO)
/VSO/M_ALV_PALLET - Packaging Material in ALV Tree Control (VSO)
/VSO/M_ALV_SHIP - VSO Parameters of a Shipment in ALV Tree Control
/VSO/M_ALV_VEHICLE - Vehicle in the ALV Tree Control (VSO)
/VSO/M_BAY_CAT - Definition of Loading Bay Category (VSO)
/VSO/M_BAY_CAT_T - Texts for the Loading Bay Category (VSO)
/VSO/M_DATA - Data for a Vehicle Space Optimization Run
/VSO/M_DATA_CLUS - Cluster Table for Vehicle Space Optimization Data
/VSO/M_DELIVERY_HEADER - VSO Communication Struct. DELIVERY_HEADER (Meth.AddDelivery)
/VSO/M_DELIVERY_HEADER1 - Include VSO Comm. Struct. DELIVERY_HEADER (Meth.AddDelivery)
/VSO/M_DELIVERY_ITEM - VSO Communication Structure DELIVERY_ITEM (Method AddDetail)
/VSO/M_DELIVERY_ITEM1 - Include VSO Comm. Structure DELIVERY_ITEM (Method AddDetail)
/VSO/M_FLEET_I - Extension of Fleet Master with VSO Fleet Type
/VSO/M_FZGNR_ST - Vehicle Number in Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_GRAPHIC - Communication Structure Graphic String for VSO
/VSO/M_GRAPHIC_STRING - Structure for Graphic String in Saving Wizard (VSO)
/VSO/M_GRAPHSTR - Graphic String for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_IN - Data Transfer Structure for Vehicle Space Optimization Call
/VSO/M_I_BELEG - Input Data: Deliveries (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_DLY_HDR - Input Data: Delivery Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_DLY_ITM - Input Data: Delivery Items (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_PAL_DAT - Input Data: Pallets (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_POS - Input Data: Delivery Items (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_SHP_HDR - Input Data: Shipment Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_STACK - Input Data: Overstackability (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_SUBVEH - Input Data: Loading Bays (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_I_TRANS - Input Data: Relevant Shipment Fields (VSO)
/VSO/M_I_VEH - Input Data: Vehicle Data (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_LIEF - Deliveries for Vehicle Space Optimization Call
/VSO/M_MATNR - Material Numbers of Packaging Materials (VSO)
/VSO/M_MSG_PROT_GROUP - VSO Message with the Appropriate Group Indicator
/VSO/M_MSG_STAT - Assignment Message to Status for VSO
/VSO/M_O_SHP_HDR - Result Data: Shipment Header (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_PACKTYP - Definition of the Package Type (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_PACKTYPES - VSO Communication Structure STACKABILITY (Meth. SetPrGroups)
/VSO/M_PALLET_DATA - VSO Communication Structure PALLET_DATA (Method AddPallet)
/VSO/M_PALLET_DATA1 - Include for VSO Comm. Struct. PALLET_DATA (Method AddPallet)
/VSO/M_PALLET_OUT - VSO Comm. Structure PALLET STRUCTURE(Method PalletStructure)
/VSO/M_PALVCL - Assignment Packaging Material to Vehicle Type (VSO)
/VSO/M_PARAM - Comm. Structure of VSO (All Input Methods)
/VSO/M_PKG - Definition of the Packing Group (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_PKGPAL - Packaging Material Properties of a Packing Group (VSO)
/VSO/M_PKG_PKTYP - Assignment Package Type to Packing Group (VSO)
/VSO/M_PKG_T - Texts for the Packing Group (Vehicle Space Optimization)
/VSO/M_PLT_TP - Assignment Plant to Transportation Planning Point (VSO)
/VSO/M_POS - Delivery Item Data for Vehicle Space Optimization Call
/VSO/M_PROFIL - Profile for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_PROFIL_T - Texts for the Profile of Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_PROF_W_S - Assignment VSO Profile to Plant and Shipment Type
/VSO/M_PROT - Log Entries for Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_PROT_MSG_GROUP - VSO Message with the Appropriate Group Indicator
/VSO/M_RFC_STATUS - Communic. Structure for Status in Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/M_SHIPMENT_OUT - VSO Comm. Structure SHIPMENT (Method ShipmentStructure)
/VSO/M_SHIPMENT_OUT1 - Include VSO Comm.Structure SHIPMENT(Meth. ShipmentStructure)
/VSO/M_SHP_REORG - ALV Structure for Report /VSO/M_REORG
/VSO/M_STACK - VSO Communication Structure STACKABILITY (Method SetStacks)
/VSO/M_STACKDEF - Overstackability Def. Package Type for VSO
/VSO/M_STACK_INDEX - Index in the Overstackability Matrix (VSO)
/VSO/M_SUBVCL_I - Include Loading Bays for Vehicle and Vehicle Type (VSO)
/VSO/M_SUBVEHICLE - VSO Communication Structure SUBVEHICLE (Method AddBay)
/VSO/M_SUBVEHICLE1 - Include for VSO Comm. Structure SUBVEHICLE (Method AddBay)
/VSO/M_SUBVEHICLE2 - Include for VSO Comm. Structure SUBVEHICLE (Method AddBay)
/VSO/M_SUBVEHICLE_POPUP - SUBVEHICLE Structure for Display in Dialog Box (VSO)
/VSO/M_TRANS - Shipment Fields for Vehicle Space Optimization Call
/VSO/M_TRLIKP - Shipment Number with Assigned Deliveries
/VSO/M_TRLIPOS - Shipment Number with Assigned Delivery Items
/VSO/M_VEHICLE - VSO Communication Structure VEHICLE (Method AddContainer)
/VSO/M_VEHICLE1 - Include for VSO Comm.Structure VEHICLE (Method AddContainer)
/VSO/M_VEHICLE_OUT - VSO Comm.Structure VEHICLE_OUT (Method VehicleStructure)
/VSO/M_VEHICLE_OUT1 - Include VSO Comm.Str. VEHICLE_OUT (Meth. VehicleStructure)
/VSO/M_VSO_SETUP - Central Settings for Vehicle Space Optimization

SAP Picking Tables LE-DSD-VSO-PP

/VSO/P_DEF_PRTYP - Process Type of Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/P_DISP_STRUC - Include for Display Structure of Ctrl Report for VSO Picking
/VSO/P_DISP_STRUC1 - Display Structure of the Control Report for VSO Picking
/VSO/P_HU_CREATE - Control Automatic Creation of Handling Units (VSO)
/VSO/P_HU_SYNC - Synchronizing the Deliveries of a Shipment (HU Creation)
/VSO/P_LABELS_PDF_S - Structure for Labels
/VSO/P_LOADLIST_PLTH - Loading List Data for VSO: Pallet (Header Data)
/VSO/P_LOADLIST_PLTI - Loading List Data for VSO: Pallet Item
/VSO/P_LOG_ID - Log ID of a Shipment in Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/P_PALLET_TO_ITEM - Pallet Item with TO Item of Vehicle Space Optimization
/VSO/P_PAL_TO - Assignment VSO Packing Proposal Items to WM TO Items
/VSO/P_PRC_TYP - Control Table: Determine Process Type of VSO
/VSO/P_PRINT_LABELS_PDF_S - Structure for Printing Labels
/VSO/P_PRNT_HDR - Vehicle Space Optimization Header Data for TO Printout
/VSO/P_PRNT_ITM - Vehicle Space Optimization Item Data for TO Printout
/VSO/P_RSLT_PLTH - Result of VSO: Packing Proposal (Header Data)
/VSO/P_RSLT_PLTI - Result of VSO: Packing Proposal Items
/VSO/P_RSLT_VHCL - Result of VSO: Vehicle
/VSO/P_SHPMT - Internal Structure for Shipments of VSO
/VSO/P_TO_PAL_STRUCT - Structure for TO Creation for Packaging Materials (VSO)
/VSO/P_TXT_PRTYP - Texts for Process Type of Vehicle Space Optimization

SAP Decentralized WMS integration Tables LE-IDW

BAPIDLVCHGFLDLIST - List of Fields Changed in the Delivery
BAPIDLVCOBLITEM - BAPI Delivery Acct Assignment Data Item
BAPIDLVCONTROL - Technical Control Delivery BAPI
BAPIDLVCREATEHEADER - Header Data for Delivery Creation
BAPIDLVDATE - Delivery Deadlines
BAPIDLVDEADLN - Delivery Deadlines
BAPIDLVHDRSTTR - BAPI Delivery Stock Transfer Data Header
BAPIDLVHDUNHDR - Handling unit header data
BAPIDLVHDUNITM - Handling Unit Item
BAPIDLVHDUNSERNO - Handling Unit Serial Numbers
BAPIDLVHDUNSPLITREQ - Handling Unit Split Request
BAPIDLVITEMCREATED - Generated Delivery Item
BAPIDLVITEMDEADLN - Delivery Item Deadlines
BAPIDLVITEMRPO - Delivery Item Order Reference Data
BAPIDLVITEMSTTR - BAPI Delivery Stock Transfer Data Item
BAPIDLVITMSERNO - BAPI Delivery Serial Numbers Item
BAPIDLVNOREFITEM - Delivery Item Without Reference
BAPIDLVPACKAGINGPROPOSAL - Informationen zum Verpackungsvorschlag
BAPIDLVPARTNADDRCHG - Delivery: Address Change for Partner
BAPIDLVPARTNER - Delivery Partner
BAPIDLVPARTNERCHG - Delivery: Partner Change
BAPIDLVREFTOSALESORDER - Delivery Item with Reference to a Sales Order
BAPIDLVREFTOSTO - Delivery Item with Reference to a Stock Transport Order
BAPIDLVTXTHDR - Delivery Text Header
BAPIDLVTXTITEM - Delivery Text Lines
BAPIHDUNITMSERNO - BAPI Delivery Serial Numbers Handling Unit
BAPIHEADERCONTROL - Control Data Delivery Header Level
BAPIIBDLVHDR - Inbound Del. Header Fields
BAPIIBDLVHDRCHG - Change Inbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
BAPIIBDLVHDRCON - Verification Inb. Delivery Picking Data Header Level
BAPIIBDLVHDRCTRLCHG - Control Data Method Change for Inbound Delivery: Header Lvl
BAPIIBDLVHDRCTRLCON - Control Data Inbound Del. Header Level
BAPIIBDLVHDREXTENSION - Inbound Del. Header - Additional fields
BAPIIBDLVHDRORG - Inbound Delivery Organizational Units
BAPIIBDLVITEM - Inbound Delivery Item
BAPIIBDLVITEMCHG - Change Inbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
BAPIIBDLVITEMCON - Verification Inbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
BAPIIBDLVITEMCTRLCHG - Control Data Inbound Delivery Item Level
BAPIIBDLVITEMCTRLCON - Control Data Inbound Delivery Item Level
BAPIIBDLVITEMORG - Inbound Delivery Item Organizational Data
BAPIIBDLVITEMWMD - Reference of Delivery Item to processing data
BAPIITEMCONTROL - Control Data Delivery Item Level
BAPIOBDLVHDR - Outbound Del. Header Fields
BAPIOBDLVHDRCHG - Change Outbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
BAPIOBDLVHDRCON - Verification Outbound Del. Picking Data Header Level
BAPIOBDLVHDRCTRLCHG - Control Data Outbound Del. Header Level
BAPIOBDLVHDRCTRLCON - Control Data Outbound Del. Header Level
BAPIOBDLVHDRDSP - Outbound Delivery Split from Decentr. System: Header Data
BAPIOBDLVHDRORG - Outbound Delivery Organizational Units
BAPIOBDLVITEM - Outbound Delivery Item
BAPIOBDLVITEMCHG - Change Outbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
BAPIOBDLVITEMCON - Verification Outbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
BAPIOBDLVITEMCTRLCHG - Control Data Outbound Delivery Item Level
BAPIOBDLVITEMCTRLCON - Control Data Outbound Delivery Item Level
BAPIOBDLVITEMDSP - Outbound Delivery Split from Decentralized System: Item Data
BAPIOBDLVITEMORG - Outbound Delivery Item Organizational Units
BAPIOBDLVITEMRFO - Outbound Delivery Item Order Reference Data
BAPIOBDLVITEMSUPCON - Outbound Delivery Vendor Consignment Stock
BAPIOBDLVITEMWMD - Reference of Delivery Item to Inbound Purchase Order Item
BAPIPGROBJECTS - Objects for Partial GR Posting
E1BPDLVCOBLITEM - BAPI Delivery Acct Assignment Data Item
E1BPDLVCONTROL - Technical Control Delivery BAPI
E1BPDLVDEADLN - Delivery Deadlines
E1BPDLVHDUNHDR - Handling unit header data
E1BPDLVHDUNITM - Handling Unit Item
E1BPDLVHDUNSERNO - Handling Unit Serial Numbers
E1BPDLVITEMCREATED - Generated Delivery Item
E1BPDLVITEMRPO - Delivery Item Order Reference Data
E1BPDLVITEMSTTR - BAPI Delivery Stock Transfer Data Item
E1BPDLVITMSERNO - BAPI Delivery Serial Numbers Item
E1BPDLVNOREFITEM - Delivery Item Without Reference
E1BPDLVPARTNADDRCHG - Delivery: Address Change for Partner
E1BPDLVPARTNADDRCHG1 - Delivery: Address Change for Partner
E1BPDLVPARTNER - Delivery Partner
E1BPDLVPARTNERCHG - Delivery: Partner Change
E1BPDLVREFTOSALESORDER - Delivery Item with Reference to a Sales Order
E1BPDLVREFTOSTO - Delivery Item with Reference to a Stock Transport Order
E1BPDLVTXTHDR - Delivery Text Header
E1BPDLVTXTITEM - Delivery Text Lines
E1BPIBDLVHDR - Inbound Del. Header Fields
E1BPIBDLVHDRCHG - Change Inbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
E1BPIBDLVHDRCON - Verification Inb. Delivery Picking Data Header Level
E1BPIBDLVHDRCTRLCHG - Control Data Method Change for Inbound Delivery: Header Lvl
E1BPIBDLVHDRCTRLCON - Control Data Inbound Del. Header Level
E1BPIBDLVHDRORG - Inbound Delivery Organizational Units
E1BPIBDLVITEM - Inbound Delivery Item
E1BPIBDLVITEMCHG - Change Inbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
E1BPIBDLVITEMCON - Verification Inbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
E1BPIBDLVITEMCTRLCHG - Control Data Inbound Delivery Item Level
E1BPIBDLVITEMCTRLCON - Control Data Inbound Delivery Item Level
E1BPIBDLVITEMORG - Inbound Delivery Item Organizational Data
E1BPOBDLVHDR - Outbound Del. Header Fields
E1BPOBDLVHDRCHG - Change Outbound Delivery Picking Data Header Level
E1BPOBDLVHDRCON - Verification Outbound Del. Picking Data Header Level
E1BPOBDLVHDRCTRLCHG - Control Data Outbound Del. Header Level
E1BPOBDLVHDRCTRLCON - Control Data Outbound Del. Header Level
E1BPOBDLVHDRORG - Outbound Delivery Organizational Units
E1BPOBDLVITEM - Outbound Delivery Item
E1BPOBDLVITEMCHG - Change Outbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
E1BPOBDLVITEMCON - Verification Outbound Delivery Picking Data Item Level
E1BPOBDLVITEMCTRLCHG - Control Data Outbound Delivery Item Level
E1BPOBDLVITEMCTRLCON - Control Data Outbound Delivery Item Level
E1BPOBDLVITEMDSP - Outbound Delivery Split from Decentralized System: Item Data
E1BPOBDLVITEMORG - Outbound Delivery Item Organizational Units
E1BPOBDLVITEMRFO - Outbound Delivery Item Order Reference Data
E1BPOBDLVITEMSUPCON - Outbound Delivery Vendor Consignment Stock
E1BPPGROBJECTS - Objects for Partial GR Posting
E1SHP_IBDLV_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1SHP_OBDLV_CHANGE - Header Segment
LEDLV_BAPI_CONTROL - Internal Control Structure for BAPI Delivery
SHP_SERNO_CHANGE - Delivery Items in Which Serial Numbers Were Changed
VBSUPCON - Confirmation Data Vendor Consignment Goods

SAP Extended Warehouse Management Integration Tables LE-IEW

/SPE/INB_GR_PROD_CHECK - Structure for Order Items to Check

SAP Outbound Process Tables LE-IEW-OUT

/SPE/ADD_DELIVERY_ITEM - Structure for Adding Delivery Items to Existing Deliveries
/SPE/DIRDLV_PROCESSING_STEPS - Change Processing steps for DIRDLV
/SPE/DIRDLV_PROCESSING_STEPS_S - Change Processing steps for DIRDLV
/SPE/DIRDLV_STO_DATA_HEADER - Header Information for Creating Stock Transport Order
/SPE/DIRDLV_STO_DATA_ITEM_S - Item Information for Creating Stock Transport Order
/SPE/DIRDLV_TYPE - Delivery Type Determination for Deliveries from EWM
/SPE/DIRITM_CATG - Item Category Determination for Direct Outbound Deliveries
/SPE/MVT_ACCGRP - Definition of Accounting Type Groups
/SPE/MVT_DETERM - Determination of Movement Type per Accounting Type Group

SAP Cross-Application Topics Tables LE-IEW-X

/SPE/CREATED_ITEMS_INFO - Created Delivery Items Data
/SPE/PP_BWART_HELP - Structure for Search Help on Movement Type
/SPE/PP_DLV_TYPE - Delivery Type Determination in EWM Manufacturing Integration
/SPE/S_AAC_CONTROL - AAC - Control Structure
/SPE/S_AAC_EXTNUM - AAC - External Object Number
/SPE/S_AAC_EXTNUMRA - AAC - External Object Number Range
/SPE/S_AAC_FIELDS - AAC - Field Names and Field Values
/SPE/S_AAC_FLIST - AAC - Field List
/SPE/S_AAC_INTNUM - AAC - Internal Object Number
/SPE/S_AAC_LANGU - AAC - Language Code
/SPE/S_AAC_RANGE - AAC - Range Table
/SPE/S_AAC_TEXT - AAC - Language Dependent Texts

SAP Mobile data entry Tables LE-MOB

LAGPM - function module interface in mobile computing (whse logist.)
LEINM - function module interface in mobile computing (whse logist.)
LEMOBBUTTON - Additional push button for mobile computing - GR/GI
LEMOBDATA - Additional data for mobile computing
LEMOBTEXT - Additional text for mobile computing - GR/GI
LMOB_VERIF_DATA - Verification storage bin
LSER0000 - RF Serial number capture: general display fields
LSER0001 - RF serial number capture: structure for serial number list
LSER0002 - RF: serial number capture: relevant LIPS fields
LSER0003 - RF Serial number capture: SN profile
LSER0020 - RF serial number capture: fields for screen 0020
LSER0030 - RF serial number capture: Display fields for screen 0030
LSER_P - Additional screen fields for Serial number capture via MDE
LSUTO - Mobile Data Entry: Relationship Shipping Unit to TO
RLMOB - Additional Fields in Mobile Computing
T3130A - Dynamic Menu Management
T3130B - Dynamic Menu Management - Text Table
T3130C - Screen Management
T3130D - Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)
T3130E - Screen Management (Text Table for Logical Screen Names)
T3130F - Control for Enter on RF Screens: Categorization
T3130G - Control for Enter on RF Screens: Function Code Sequence
T313A - Determination of Verification Profile
T313B - Definition of Verification Profile
T313C - Assignment of application identifier type
T313D - Definition of Application Identification
T313E - Descriptions of the AI Definition
T313F - Definition User Profile for Mobile Data Entry
T313G - General Parameters for Bar Code Type Definition

SAP Shipping Tables LE-SHP

BAPIDELICIOUSCREATEDITEMS - Attributes of the delivery item that was generated
BAPIDELICIOUSDELIVERY - Delivery That Is To Be Added to
BAPIDELICIOUSREQUEST - Interface for Creating Deliveries
BAPIDLVBUFFERCONTROL - BAPI Control Parameters for List Display Analog Del. Buffer
BAPIDLVHANDLINGUNITHDR - BAPI Structure Handling Unit Header Analog VEKP
BAPIDLVHDR - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIKP
BAPIDLVHDRSTS - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog VBUK
BAPIDLVITEM - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIPS
BAPIDLVITEMSTS - BAPI Structure Delivery Item Status Analog VBUP
BAPIDLVPARTNERS - BAPI Structure Partner for a Delivery Analog VBPA
BAPIDLV_RANGE_ABLAD - BAPI Selection Structure: Unloading Point
BAPIDLV_RANGE_ABTNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Department Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_AUFNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Order Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_AULWE - BAPI Selection Structure: Route Schedule
BAPIDLV_RANGE_BESTK - BAPI Selection Structure: 'Confirmed' Status
BAPIDLV_RANGE_BLDAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Document Date in Document
BAPIDLV_RANGE_CHARG - BAPI Selection Structure: Batch Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_CMFRE - BAPI Selection Structur: Release Date Doc. Credit Management
BAPIDLV_RANGE_CMGST - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Status of Credit Checks
BAPIDLV_RANGE_CMNGV - BAPI Selection Structure: Next Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_CTLPC - BAPI Selection Structure: Credit Management: Risk Class
BAPIDLV_RANGE_EAN11 - BAPI Selection Structure: European Article Number (EAN)
BAPIDLV_RANGE_ERDAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Creation Date Record
BAPIDLV_RANGE_ERNAM - BAPI Selection Structure: Creation Clerk
BAPIDLV_RANGE_FKSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Billing Document Status
BAPIDLV_RANGE_GBSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Processing Status SD Doc.
BAPIDLV_RANGE_GRUPP - BAPI Selection Structure: Customer Credit Group
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KDMAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Customer's Material
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KKBER - BAPI Selection Structure: Credit Control Area
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KNKLI - BAPI Selection Structure: Acct No. Vendor with Credit Limit
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KODAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Pick Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KOQUK - BAPI Selection Structure: Confirmation Status of Picking
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KOSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Status of Picking/Putaway
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KUNN2 - BAPI Selection Structure: Vendor Number of Further Partners
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KUNNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Customer Number/Vendor Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_KUNWE - BAPI Selection Structure: Goods Recipient
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LDDAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Loading Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LFART - BAPI Selection Structure: Delivery Type
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LFDAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Delivery Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LGNUM - BAPI Selection Structure: Warehouse Number/Warehouse Complex
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LGORT - BAPI Selection Structure: Storage Location
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LGTOR - BAPI Selection Structure: Door for Warehouse Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LIFEX - BAPI Selection Structure: External ID of Delivery Note
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LIFSK - BAPI Selection Structure: Delivery Document Block Doc.Header
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LPRIO - BAPI Selection Structure: Delivery Priority
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LSTEL - BAPI Selection Structure: Loading Point
BAPIDLV_RANGE_LVSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Status of WM Activities
BAPIDLV_RANGE_MATKL - BAPI Selection Structure: Material Group
BAPIDLV_RANGE_MATNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Material Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_PARNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Contact Person Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_PARVW - BAPI Selection Structure: Partner Function
BAPIDLV_RANGE_PERNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Personnel Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_PKSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Packing Status All Items
BAPIDLV_RANGE_PRVBE - BAPI Selection Structure: Production Supply Area
BAPIDLV_RANGE_ROUTE - BAPI Selection Structure: Route
BAPIDLV_RANGE_SAMMG - BAPI Selection Structure: Group
BAPIDLV_RANGE_SBGRP - BAPI Selection Structure: Processor Group for Credit Mgmt
BAPIDLV_RANGE_SPART - BAPI Selection Structure: Division
BAPIDLV_RANGE_SPDNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Forwarding Agent
BAPIDLV_RANGE_TDDAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Transportation Planning Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_TKNUM - BAPI Selection Structure: Shipment Number
BAPIDLV_RANGE_TRAID - BAPI Selection Structure: Shipment Identification
BAPIDLV_RANGE_TRSTA - BAPI Selection Structure: Status of Transportation Planning
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VBELN - BAPI Selection Structure: Document Number Delivery
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VBTYP - BAPI Selection Structure: SD Document Category
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VGBEL - BAPI Selection Structure: Document Number of Reference Doc.
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VGSYS - BAPI Selection Structure: Logical System of Reference Doc.
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VKBUR - BAPI Selection Structure: Sales Office
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VKGRP - BAPI Selection Structure: Sales Group
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VKORG - BAPI Selection Structure: Sales Organization
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VSBED - BAPI Selection Structure: Shipping Condition
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VSTEL - BAPI Selection Structure: Shipping Point/Goods Receiving Pnt
BAPIDLV_RANGE_VTWEG - BAPI Selection Structure: Distribution Channel
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WADAT - BAPI Selection Structure: Goods Issue Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WADAT_IST - BAPI Selection Structure: Actual Goods Issue Date
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WAKTI - BAPI Selection Structure: Action
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WAUHR - BAPI Selection Structure: Goods Issue Time
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WBSTK - BAPI Selection Structure: Overall Goods Movement Status
BAPIDLV_RANGE_WERKS - BAPI Selection Structure: Plant
BAPIDLV_RANGE_XBLNR - BAPI Selection Structure: Reference Document Number
BAPIDOCFLOW - BAPI Structure Document Flow Analog VBFA
BAPIFOREIGNTRADEHDR - BAPI Structure Foreign Trade Analog EIKP
BAPIFOREIGNTRADEITEM - BAPI Structure Foreign Trade Item Analog EIPO
BAPIOBDLVITMSERNO - Serial Numbers per Predecessor Document Item
BATCH - Transfer Area for Manual Batch Selection
CHARGEN_GN - Batch Data for Transmission to WM
CHDRCH_ALV - Number of Changes to a Delivery
CHDROUT_ALV - Changes from a Delivery
COMIT_STRUCT - Comit Structure
COMMS - Commit Structure
CREATED_ITEMS - Attributes of the delivery item that was generated
DCS_COM - Communication work area - Function group v50z
DLFLD - Non-Changeable Delivery Fields
DLFLDVB - Non-Changeable Delivery Fields
DLTAB - Structure for Renaming Order Numbers for Shipping Deadlines
DVK01 - R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R2 -> R3
DVK02 - R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3
DVK03 - R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Header Data R3->R2
DVK04 - R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R3 -> R2
DVKTX - R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery texts R2 -> R3
DVKWA - R/2-R/3 Link: BTCI Work Area for Deliveries
DVM01 - R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data for Material Master
DYNCTRL_GN - Control Changeable Fields in Delivery (WMS)
E1BP3060_ALLOCATION - Classification: Object Description and Assignment
E1BP3060_VALUATION_CHAR - Classification: Object Description and CHAR/BOOL Values
E1BP3060_VALUATION_CURR - Classification: Object Description and CURR Values
E1BP3060_VALUATION_NUM - Classification: Object Description and NUM Values
E1BPDELICIOUSCONTROL - Control Information
E1BPDELICIOUSCREATEDITEMS - Attributes of the delivery item that was generated
E1BPDELICIOUSDELIVERY - Delivery That Is To Be Added to
E1BPDELICIOUSREQUEST - Interface for Creating Deliveries
E1BPDELICIOUSREQUEST1 - Interface for creating deliveries
E1BPIBDLVITEMWMD - Reference of Delivery Item to processing data
E1BPOBDLVITEMWMD - Reference of Delivery Item to Inbound Purchase Order Item
E1BP_PAOBJNR_FIELD_VALUES - For Exchanging Characteristics Across Systems
FINCHDEL - Return Codes: Delivery Check, Final check
FIP_C_SUBST - Customizing Table Substitution Material
FIP_D_SUBST_C - Customizing Table Extension Logic
FIP_D_WORKLIST - Worklist Substitution during Goods Receipt
FIP_RS_RP_DOC_ITEM_GR - Range Structure Type: Document Item Number Goods Receipt
FIP_RS_RP_DOC_ITEM_PROC - Range Structure Type: Document Item Number Procurement
FIP_RS_RP_DOC_NUMBER_GR - Range Structure Type: Document Number Goods Receipt
FIP_RS_RP_DOC_NUMBER_PROC - Range Structure Type: Document Number Procurement
FIP_RS_RP_DOC_YEAR - Range Structure Type: Document Year
FIP_RS_RP_ERNAM - Range Structure Type: Person who created the Object
FIP_RS_RP_ITEM_COUNTER - Range Structure Type: Sequence Number
FIP_RS_RP_ITEM_TYPE - Range Structure Type: Item Type
FIP_RS_RP_MATNR_ALT - Range Structure Type: Alternative Material Number
FIP_RS_RP_MATNR_PROC - Range Structure Type: Material Number Procurement
FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_ALT - Range Structure Type: Quantity Alternative Product
FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_GR - Range Structure Type: Quantity Goods Receipt
FIP_RS_RP_QUANTITY_PROC - Range Structure Type: Quantity Procurement
FIP_RS_RP_UOM_ALT - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure alternative Product
FIP_RS_RP_UOM_GR - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure Goods Receipt
FIP_RS_RP_UOM_PROC - Range Structure Type: Unit of Measure Procurement
FIP_S_REPLACEMENT_MAT - Retail Replacement Material
FIP_S_RP_DOC_ITEM_GR - Structure Type: Document Item Goods Receipt
FIP_S_RP_DOC_ITEM_PROC - Structure Type: Document Item Number Procurement
FIP_S_RP_DOC_NUMBER_GR - Structure Type: Document Number Goods Receipt
FIP_S_RP_DOC_NUMBER_PROC - Structure Type: Document Number Procurement
FIP_S_RP_DOC_YEAR - Structure Type: Document Year
FIP_S_RP_ERNAM - Structure Type: Name of the Person who created the Object
FIP_S_RP_FOLUP_TYP_A - Structure Type: Follow-Up Relationsship to org. Product
FIP_S_RP_ITEM_COUNTER - Structure Type: Sequence Number
FIP_S_RP_ITEM_TYPE - Structure Type: Item Type
FIP_S_RP_MATNR_ALT - Structure Type: Alternative Material Number
FIP_S_RP_MATNR_PROC - Structure Type: Material Number Procurement
FIP_S_RP_MSG - Structure Type: Messages with Structure from Appl. Log
FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_ALT - Structure Type: Quantity alternative Product
FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_GR - Structure Type: Quantity Goods Receipt
FIP_S_RP_QUANTITY_PROC - Structure Type: Quantity Procurement
FIP_S_RP_UOM_ALT - Structure Type: Unit of measure alternative Product
FIP_S_RP_UOM_GR - Structure Type: Unit of Measure Goods Receipt
FIP_S_RP_UOM_PROC - Structure Type: Unit of Measure Procurement
FIP_S_RP_WORKLIST - Structure Type: Worklist Substitution GR
FIP_S_RP_WORKLIST_KEY - Structure Type: Key Data for Substitution Worklist GR
HANDOVER_LOCATION_PROCESS_STY - Structure: Handover of Goods at Agreed Location
IKOMDLAVIS - Include Structure KOMDLGN For Fields Notification/Rough GR
IMSEGVB - Dynamic Part of XIMSEG in GI/GR
INDVE_STRUCT - Indicator for Reading Status of SD Document Header
ISC_POSTAB_PROVIDE_ITEM_DATA - IS Change Parameter for Form postab_provide_item_data
ISC_POSTAB_PROVIDE_STOCK - IS Change Parameter for Form postab_provide_stock
ISU_BESTELLUNG_EKES_FUELLEN - IS Enhancement Structure - FM Import Parameter
ISU_LIPS_WA_UPDATE - IS Erweiterungsstruktur - Form Using Parameter
ISU_POSTAB_COLOR_SET - IS Enhancement Structure - FM Import Parameter
ISU_POS_ITEM_FILL_FROM_EKET - IS Enhancement Structure - FM Import Parameter
ISU_POS_ITEM_FILL_FROM_EKPO - IS Enhancement Structure - FM Import Parameter
KNVS - Customer Master Shipping Data
KOMDLGN - General Delivery Interface: Communication Table
KOMDLGNPA - Communication Structure: Deliveries, Partner
KOMDL_RT01 - Enhancements for Rough GR
LAGOF - General Interface for Storage Location Determination
LBATC - Work Area for Manual Batch Selection SAPLBATC
LDA01 - Decentralized WMS: Delivery Document Appendix
LECOMP - Komponenten f�r Lohnbearbeitungsanlieferungen
LECOMPVB - Subcontracting Component for Update in Inbound Delivery
LECOMP_CONSUMPTION_S - Subcontracting Components to be created in inbound delivery
LECOMP_SERNR_S - Serial number of subcontracting component to be created
LEDLVSTATDISPHEAD - Status View: Delivery (Header and Item)
LEDLVSTATDISPITEM - Status View: Delivery (Header and Item)
LEMOVBUSTM - Structure: Goods Movement-Relevant Data
LEMOVCHA - Structure for Goods Movements, SLED 1
LEMOVCUS - Structure for Goods Movement, Customizing
LEMOVDAT - Structure for Goods Movements, SLED 2
LEMOVERR - Log Protokoll Structure Goods Movements
LEMOVHEAD_TRA - Goods Movement Data of Delivery Header
LEMOVHUID - Structure for Goods Movements, HU Keys
LEMOVHUS - Structure for Goods Movements, Handling Unit Data
LEMOVITEM_TRA - Goods Movement Data of Delivery Item
LEMOVMAT - Structure for Goods Movements, Material Data
LEMOVMHD - Structure for Goods Movements, SLED
LEMOVMNG - Structure for Goods Movements, Quantity Data
LEMOVORG - Structure for Goods Movements, Organizational Data LE
LEMOVORG1 - Structure for Goods Movements, Organizational Data 1
LEMOVORG2 - Structure for Goods Movements, Organizational Data 2
LEMOVORG3 - Structure for Gooods Movements, Organizational Data 3
LEMOVPOS - Structure for Goods Movements, Item Data
LEMOV_1 - Structure for Goods Movements, Item Data
LEMOV_2 - Structure for Goods Movements, Item Data
LEPAD_PAR - Parameters for Determination Logs
LEPAD_TEXT - Help Texts for Determination Analyses
LEPGR_LIPS_CANC - Structure for Cancelling Individual Items in the Delivery
LEPGR_VBFA_MBLNR_CANC - Selected Material Documents to be Cancelled
LESHPMD - Indicator for active, general repairs/LE-SHP
LESHP_ADD_DATA - Additional Data for Deliveries
LESHP_ADD_DATA_KEY - Keys for Reference Data for Deliveries
LESHP_ALL_DATA_SEGMENTS - Delivery Segments That Are To Be Selected/Buffered
LESHP_DATA - Delivery Segments That Are To Be Selected/Buffered
LESHP_DATA_SEGMENTS - Delivery Segments That Are To Be Selected/Buffered
LESHP_DELIVERIES_EXTEND_S - Interface for Expanding Deliveries
LESHP_DELIVERY_BUFFER_S - Delivery: Current Version, Database Status History = Vers 0
LESHP_DELIVERY_CHANGES - Delivery item data that is published when changes are made
LESHP_DELIVERY_CREATE - Interface for Creating Deliveries
LESHP_DELIVERY_EXTEND - Delivery That Is To Be Added to
LESHP_DELIVERY_EXTEND_CONTROL - Control Parameters for Expanding Deliveries
LESHP_DELIVERY_EXTEND_ITEM_S - Attributes That are Transferred to Delivery Items
LESHP_DELIVERY_EXTEND_REFER_S - Reference Document Data to Which the Extension Refers
LESHP_DELIVERY_HEAD_CONTROL - Control Data Delivery-Processing on Header Level
LESHP_DELIVERY_HISTORY_S - History of Temporary Object Changes: 0 = Database Status
LESHP_DELIVERY_ITEM_CONTROL - Control Data Delivery Processing on Item Level
LESHP_DELIVERY_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Delivery Header
LESHP_DELIVERY_PROC_CONTROL - Control Parameters - Delivery Processing
LESHP_DELIVERY_PROC_CONTROL_IN - Control Parameters - Delivery Processing (Internal View)
LESHP_DELIVERY_REFDATA - Reference Data for the Delivery
LESHP_DELIVERY_S - Delivery, All Data for the Delivery Header
LESHP_DELIVERY_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Criteria for Selecting Deliveries
LESHP_DELIVERY_SELECT_OPTIONS2 - Delivery Buffer, Generic Access
LESHP_DELI_KEY_AND_UPDKZ_S - Key and Update Indicator for a Delivery
LESHP_FILL_COM_PART_CONTROL - Control Parameters for Filling Common Part from DB Buffer
LESHP_ITEM_DATA_TO_CREATE - Confirmation of Picking Data f. Del. Item During TO Creation
LESHP_ITEM_KEY_AND_UPDKZ_S - Key and Update Indicator for a Delivery Item
LESHP_LOG_VBFS_CONTEXT - Context for Application Log, Converted from VBFS
LESHP_ORDER_NOT_LOCKABLE - Non-Lockable Preceding Documents of the Delivery
LESHP_REF_COMMON - Delivery reference data independent of preceding document
LESHP_SET_OF_DATES - Essential Deadlines in Delivery (Can Be Predefined)
LESHP_WAT_PROT - Shipping - Structure for Error Log - Goods Movement
LESHP_WEB_IBDLV_ITEM - Delivery Item View - WEB Inbound Delivery
LESHP_WEB_PURORD_ITM - Purchase Order Item View - WEB Inbound Delivery
LEWEB_IBDLV_SELOPT - Selection Criteria - WEB Inbound Delivery
LICOM - Communications Work Area for Deliveries Access
LIEFERUNGEN - Deliveries for Picking Waves for ALV / VL35
LIEFER_VORGABE_DATEN - Data that is pre-defined during delivery creation
LIEF_PLUS - Deliveries for Creating Picking Waves + Sorting
LIKP - SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LIKPD - Dynamic Part of Delivery Header
LIKPUKWA - Header and Status Data for Goods Issue and Reversal of GI
LIKPVB - Reference structure for XLIKP/YLIKP
LIMTV - View: Delivery Items for Material
LIPOV_WEB - View: Delivery Information Header and Item (WEB)
LIPS - SD document: Delivery: Item data
LIPSD - Dynamic Part of the Delivery Item
LIPSPO - LIPS Reference Data Purchase Order
LIPSPOVB - Delivery Item Purch. Order Reference Data Update Structure
LIPSPO_GN - Reference Segment for Transfer of Purch. Order Data to WMS
LIPSRF - LIPS Reference Data
LIPSRFVB - Delivery Item Reference Data Update Structure
LIPSRF_GN - Reference Segment for Transmission to WMS
LIPSVB - Reference structure for XLIPS/YLIPS
LIWAV - Delivery Note View for Goods Issue
LOG_S_INBOUND_FEEDER - WOM: Data structure for Feeder Inbound
LOG_S_INBOUND_FEEDER_AUX - WOM: auxiliary fields for feeder inbound
LOG_S_OUTBOUND_FEEDER - WOM: Data structure for Feeder Outbound
LOG_S_OUTBOUND_FEEDER_AUX - WOM: auxiliary fields for feeder inbound
LOG_S_PI_DOCUMENT_FEEDER - WOM: Physical Inventory Document
LOG_S_PI_MATERIAL_FEEDER - WOM: Materials proposed for PI
LV50C - Input/Output Work Area for SAPLV50C
LV51B - Delivery Plan: Additional Fields - Online Maintenance
MBVBFA - Reference Structure: Material Document for SD Document
MCEKESUSR - User Structure: Purchasing Confirmations
MCHAR - Table for Transferring to SAPLMBIN for Batch/Stock Selection
MCWHS_LVD1 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Date Fields 1
MCWHS_LVK1 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Key Figures 1
MCWHS_LVK2 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Key Figures 2
MCWHS_LVK3 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Select. Key Figs
MCWHS_LVK4 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Key Figures 4
MCWHS_LVM1 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Characteristics 1
MCWHS_LVM2 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Characteristics 2
MCWHS_LVM3 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Characteristics 3
MCWHS_LVM4 - W&S: Picking Waves and Workload Estimate - Characteristics 4
MV08A_SKVB - Reference Structure for Group Processing MV08A
MV08A_XSVB - Reference Structure for Group Processing MV08A (XVBSS)
MV08A_YSVB - Reference Structure for Group Processing MV08A (YVBSS)
MV50B - Work Fields for SAPMV50B
MV50B_RT01 - Enhancements to MV50B for Rough GR
MV50L - Communication Work Area for VL06
OPS_RVADWABS_S_PDF - Structure for EDI-GR/IssueSlip VDA4912 Trsp.
OPS_RVADWABS_TS_PDF - Structure for EDI-GR/IssueSlip VDA4912 Trsp.
OPS_SDADDN02_VBPLK_PDF - Structure for Handling-Unit Content Data
OPS_SE_AO_IDCHGRQ_IN_STY - Input Structure for InboundDeliveryChangeRequest_In
OPS_SE_AO_IDCHGRQ_OUT_STY - Output Message InboundDeliveryChangeRe
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTREQ_IN_TMS_STY - Input Structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In Ext. TMS
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTRQ_IN_STY - Input Structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTRQ_OUT_ID_STY - Output structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In ID
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTRQ_OUT_ITM_STY - Output structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In ID Item
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTRQ_OUT_STY - Output structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In
OPS_SE_AO_IDCRTRQ_OUT_STY_V1 - Output structure for InboundDeliveryCreateRequest_In V1
OPS_SE_AO_INBDELCNCRQ_IN_STY - Internal input for service InboundDeliveryCancelRequest_In
OPS_SE_AO_INBDELCNCRQ_OUT_STY - Internal output for service InboundDeliveryCancelRequest_In
OPS_SE_OBDCNCCRTRQ_OUT_STY - internal output for service OutboundDeliveryCancelRequest_In
OPS_SE_ODCHGRQ_INTERNAL_INPUT - Internal Output for Service OutboundDeliveryChangeRequest_In
PARTNER_GN - Partner Data for Transmission to WMS
PGR_OBJECTS - Objects for Partial GR Posting
PROTT - Log for Picking Report
RANGE_C20 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field
RANGE_C35 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (35) Field
RANGE_C5 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (5) Field
RANGE_EAN11 - Ranges Structure for EAN11
RANGE_STAT - Structure of a Range Table for a CHAR1 Status Field
RMCHGDOC_ALV - Change Structure Document
ROS_CAND - Itinerary Candidates
RV50A - Help Fields for SAPMV50A
RV50S - Help Fields for SAPMV50S
RV53C - W&S: Screen Fields - Rough Workload Estimate + Picking Waves
RVSELVL - Shipping Work Area (Selection Parameters)
SAPPLSEF_OUTB_DELIV_WRF_PO_CNF - MDT Outbound Delivery Create Conf With reference to purchas
SAPPLSEF_OUTB_DELIV_WRF_PO_REQ - MDT Outbound Delivery Create With reference to purchase orde
SDSAM_DAT - DDIC: Info for List Display of Logs
SHPSOC - Service Output Control for deliveries
SHPSOCL - Log for Service Output Control
SHPSOCLA - Log activation of Service Output Control
SHPSOC_OUTPUT_CONTAINER - Container of preprocessed output type
SHP_ABLAD_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Unloading Point
SHP_ABTNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Departmental Numbers
SHP_ADDRREF - Internal Structure for Partner Transfer GN_DELIVERY_CREATE
SHP_APOINF - APO-relevant Control Data in SD Posting
SHP_AUART_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Document Type
SHP_AUFNR_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Order Number (CO/LO/PPS)
SHP_AULWE_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Route Schedule
SHP_AUTLF_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Unloading Point
SHP_BADI_ERROR_LOG - Messages from BAdI Processing Delivery
SHP_BESTK_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Unchecked Deliveries
SHP_BLDAT_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for Document Date in Document
SHP_BMI_QUANTITY - Batch Main Item Quantities
SHP_BSTAE_RANGE - Ranges Structure for Confirmation Control Key
SHP_CHARG_RANGE - Ranges Structure for Batches in the Delivery Item
SHP_CMFRE_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Credit Managmnt Release Date
SHP_CMGST_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Credit Control Status
SHP_CMNGV_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for the Next Date (Credit)
SHP_CTLPC_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Credit Managemnt: Risk Ctgry
SHP_CUA_EXCLUDE - Inactive Functions: Delivery Processing
SHP_CURSOR - Stucture for Temporary Storage of the Cursor Position
SHP_CUSTOMER_RETURNS_DELIVERY - Customer Returns Delivery with ref. to Customer Return
SHP_CUSTOMER_RETURNS_DELIVERY1 - Customer Returns Delivery with ref. to Customer Return
SHP_CUSTRETSDELIVERPBYIDQRY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_CUSTRETSDELIVERPBYIDRSP - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_CUST_TAB_PAGE - Administration of Additional Tab Pages for Deliv. Transactn
SHP_CWV - Copy Weight & Volume from IDOC
SHP_DB_TABLES - Tables Maintained with Dynamic Selects in DB Interface
SHP_DELIVERY_INFORMATION - Delivery Information Message Type
SHP_DELIVERY_ITEM_CREATE - Transfer Structure for Creating an Item (Delivery)
SHP_DELIVERY_ITEM_KEY - Information for Identification of a Delivery Item
SHP_DELIVERY_OLD - Obsolete! Data from delivery for upward compatibility
SHP_DEL_ADMIN - Administration: Deleting Delivery Items
SHP_DEL_REASON - Reasons Why Delivery Items Cannot Be Deleted
SHP_DESPATCHED_DELIVERY_NOTIF1 - Despatched Delivery Notification V1
SHP_DLV_HEAD - Delivery Header Data
SHP_DLV_ITM - Delivery Item
SHP_DOCNUM_PUBLISH - Publication of New Delivery Number
SHP_EAN11_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for EAN11 Material Number
SHP_EBELN_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Purchasing Document
SHP_ERDAT_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Date of Entry
SHP_ERNAM_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Name of Delivery's Creator
SHP_FKSTK_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Overall Movement Status
SHP_GBSTK_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Overall Movement Status
SHP_GRUPP_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Customer Credit Group
SHP_G_RTE_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for GEO Route
SHP_HANDLE_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for the GUID of a Delivery
SHP_HEADER_PARTNER - Combination Check: Orders with Header Partners
SHP_IBDLV_BY_BATCH_ID_Q - Inbound Delivery By Batch ID Query
SHP_IBDLV_BY_BATCH_ID_R - Inbound Delivery By Batch ID Response
SHP_IDLVWRPOCRTCF_S - InboundDeliveryERPWithReferenceToPurchaseOrderCreateConfirma
SHP_IDLVWRPOCRTRQ_S - InboundDeliveryERPWithReferenceToPurchaseOrderCreateRequest_
SHP_IDX_CRED - Outbound Deliveries in Credit Check: Blocked and Released
SHP_IDX_EXIB - Inbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_EXOB - Outbound Delivery: External Identification
SHP_IDX_GDRC - Inbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Receipt
SHP_IDX_GDSI - Outbound Deliveries: Not Posted for Goods Issue
SHP_IDX_MAINTAIN_RESULTS - Indexes for Open Deliveries: Return Structure
SHP_IDX_PICK - Outbound Deliveries: Not Picked
SHP_IDX_PUTA - Inbound Deliveries: Not Putaway
SHP_IDX_ROGR - Rough Goods Receipts for Vendor
SHP_IDX_UNCH - Outbound Deliveries: Unchecked
SHP_ILIPS - Index for Item Table
SHP_INBDELCONFCANCREQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_INBDELCONFCONF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_INBDELSPLTCONFMT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_Q - Inbound Delivery By ID Query
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_R - Inbound Delivery By ID Response
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_CO - Inbound Delivery Cancel Confirmation
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_RE - Inbound Delivery Cancel Request
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CONF_V1 - Confirm Inbound Delivery
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_ERPSPLIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_INBOUND_DELIV_BY_ELEM_Q_MT - Inbound Delivery Query
SHP_INBOUND_DELIV_BY_ELEM_R_MT - Inbound Delivery Response
SHP_INB_DLV_CHG_RQ - InboundDeliveryChangeRequest
SHP_INB_DLV_CNC_RQ - InboundDeliveryCancelRequest
SHP_INB_DLV_CNF - InboundDeliveryConfirmation
SHP_INB_DLV_CRT_RQ - InboundDeliveryCreateRequest
SHP_KDMAT_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Customer Material
SHP_KKBER_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Credit Control Area
SHP_KNKLI_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Account Credit Limit
SHP_KODAT_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Picking Date
SHP_KOMK_KEY - Key Fields KOMK for Accesses to KOMK Tables
SHP_KOQUK_RANGE - Stucture of the Ranges Table for Pick Confirmation Status
SHP_KOSTK_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Overall Pick/Putaway Status
SHP_KUNN2_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Other Partners
SHP_KUNNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sold-to Party
SHP_KUNWE_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Ship-To-Party
SHP_LDDAT_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Loading Date
SHP_LEDAT_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Delivery Creation Date
SHP_LFART_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Delivery Type
SHP_LFDAT_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Delivery Date
SHP_LGNUM_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Warehouse Number
SHP_LGORT_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Storage Location
SHP_LGTOR_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Door
SHP_LIFEX_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for External ID of Deliveries
SHP_LIFSP_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Delivery Block Proposal
SHP_LIPS_CTAB - Structure for Passing Organizational Data to FuGr V50S
SHP_LPRIO_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Delivery Priority
SHP_LSTEL_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Loading Point
SHP_LVSTK_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Overall Status - WM Activities
SHP_MATKL_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Material Group
SHP_MATNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Material Number
SHP_MA_COLLECTIVE_RUN_LIST - Return List for the Collective Processing MiniApp
SHP_MA_COLLRUN - Parameter Transfer - Incorrect Collective Processing MiniApp
SHP_MA_COLLRUN_SHPPT - Collective Processing MiniApp: Shippoing Point
SHP_MA_COLLRUN_USERN - Collective Processing MiniApp: User Names
SHP_MA_DELGIMG_G - General Setting for the DELGIMG MiniApp
SHP_MA_DELGIMG_GR - Setting for the DELGIMG MiniApp (Ship-To Party)
SHP_MA_DELGIMG_R - Setting for the DELGIMG MiniApp (Routes)
SHP_MA_DELGIMG_RS - Setting for the DELGIMG MiniApp (Route Schedules)
SHP_MA_DELGIMG_SP - Setting for the DELGIMG MiniApp (Shipping Point)
SHP_MA_DELGI_SHPPOINT - Value for the Overdue GI Posting MiniApp (Shipping Point)
SHP_MA_DELIC - Parameter Transfer for MiniApp: Incomplete Shipments
SHP_MA_DELIC_SHPPT - Incomplete Shipments MiniApp: Shipping Points
SHP_MA_DELIC_USERN - Incomplete Shipments MiniApp: User Names
SHP_MA_WADAT_WBSTK - MiniApp: GI Date and GI Status
SHP_NOREF_ITM - Delivery Item Without Reference
SHP_OBDLV_REFTOSLS_CRT_CO_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP With Reference To Sales Order Create
SHP_OBDLV_REFTOSLS_CRT_RQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP With Reference To Sales Order Create
SHP_OD_ERPSPLIT_MESS - OutboundDeliveryERPSplitRequest
SHP_OD_ERPSPLIT_MESS_OUT - OutboundDeliveryERPSplitConfirmation
SHP_OUTBDELCONFCANCREQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_OUTBDELCONFCONF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ELEM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ELEME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_Q - Read Outbound Delivery
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BY_ID_R - Read Outbound Delivery
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_1 - OutboundDeliveryCancelRequest
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_C - Outbound Delivery Cancel Confirmation
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CANCEL_R - Outbound Delivery Cancel Request
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SIMPLE_1 - Outbound Delivery Simple By Customer Query
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SIMPLE_B - Outbound Delivery Simple By Customer Response
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIV_WRF_PO_CNF - Message Type Outbound Delivery Create Confirmation
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIV_WRF_PO_REQ - Message Type Outbound Delivery Create Request
SHP_OUTBOUND_DLV_BY_BATCH_ID_Q - Find Outbound Delivery By Batch ID
SHP_OUTBOUND_DLV_BY_BATCH_ID_R - Find Outbound Delivery By Batch ID
SHP_OUTB_DLV_CHG_RQ - OutboundDeliveryChangeRequest
SHP_OUTB_DLV_CNF - OutboundDeliveryConfirmationMessage
SHP_OUTDELSPLTCANCMT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_PARNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Number of Contact Person
SHP_PARTNER_UPDATE - Request Partner Changes for a Delivery
SHP_PARVW_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Partner Functions
SHP_PERNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Personnel Number
SHP_PKSTK_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Packing Status
SHP_POSNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Document
SHP_PRVBE_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Production Supply Area
SHP_PVBUV - Incompleteness of Delivery: Dialog Structure
SHP_PVBUV_KEY - Incompleteness of Delivery: Key for Dialog Window
SHP_RANGES_SAMMG - Structure for Typification of Ranges Table for VBSK-SAMMG
SHP_RECEIVED_DELIVERY_NOTIFICA - Lieferungseingangsmeldung
SHP_REFTO_ITM - Delivery Item with Reference to Preceding Document
SHP_RESWK_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Plant
SHP_ROUTE_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Route
SHP_R_DATE_GENERAL - Ranges Table Date - General
SHP_R_ERDAT - Ranges Table Creation Date
SHP_R_ERZET - Ranges Table Creation Time
SHP_R_TIME_GENERAL - Ranges Table Time - General
SHP_R_UNAME - Ranges Table User Name
SHP_R_VBELN - Range Table for Sales Document Number
SHP_R_VSTEL - Ranges Table for Shipping Point
SHP_SAMMG_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Group Numbers
SHP_SBGRP_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Credit Rep. Grp for Cred. Mgmt
SHP_SCREEN_ATTRIBUTES - Control Field Attributes in Delivery Processing
SHP_SERNR - Serial Number
SHP_SERNR_UPDATE_S - Serial Number Changes in the Delivery
SHP_SET_OF_DATES - Essential Deadlines in Delivery (Can Be Predefined)
SHP_SET_OF_DATES_EN - Essential Deadlines in Delivery (Can Be Predefined)
SHP_SET_OF_QUANTITY - Attributes that describe a quantity in 2 units
SHP_SE_FEH_INBDEL_COCNC_RQ - Application parameter for Inbound Delivery Confirm Cancel RQ
SHP_SE_FEH_INBDEL_SPLIT_RQ - Application parameter for Inbound Delivery Split Create RQ
SHP_SE_FEH_OUTBDEL_COCNC_RQ - Application parameter for Outbound Delivery Confirm Cncl RQ
SHP_SE_FEH_OUTBDEL_SPLITCNC_RQ - Application parameter for Inbound Delivery Split Cancel RQ
SHP_SE_FEH_OUTBDEL_SPLIT_RQ - Application parameter for Inbound Delivery Split Create RQ
SHP_SE_SHP_VL10_HU - Representation of SHP_VL10_HU in this package.
SHP_SHIPMENTREQUESTCNCRQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_SHIPMENTREQUESTCRTRQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_CANCEL_R1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_CANCEL_R2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_CANCEL_R3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_CANCEL_R4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_CANCEL_RE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES100 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES101 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES102 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES103 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES104 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES105 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES106 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES107 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES108 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES109 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES110 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES111 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES112 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES113 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES114 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUES115 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST10 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST11 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST12 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST13 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST14 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST15 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST16 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST17 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST18 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST19 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST20 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST21 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST22 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST23 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST24 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST25 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST26 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST27 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST28 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST29 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST30 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST31 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST32 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST33 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST34 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST35 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST36 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST37 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST38 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST39 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST40 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST41 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST42 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST43 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST44 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST45 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST46 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST47 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST48 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST49 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST50 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST51 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST52 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST53 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST54 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST55 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST56 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST57 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST58 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST59 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST60 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST61 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST62 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST63 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST64 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST65 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST66 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST67 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST68 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST69 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST70 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST71 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST72 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST73 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST74 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST75 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST76 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST77 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST78 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST79 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST80 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST81 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST82 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST83 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST84 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST85 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST86 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST87 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST88 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST89 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST90 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST91 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST92 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST93 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST94 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST95 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST96 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST97 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST98 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST99 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_8 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_9 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SHIPMENT_REQUEST_REQUEST_M - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SLC_SCM_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SHP_SLS_ITM - Delivery Item with Reference to a Sales Order
SHP_SPART_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Division
SHP_SPDNR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Forwarding Agent
SHP_SRQ_TEXTPROC - Text Procedure with relevant texts for ShipmentRequestReq
SHP_STATV_DISP - Structure for Displaying Fixed Values for Domains
SHP_STO_ITM - Delivery Item with Reference to a Stock Transport Order
SHP_TDDAT_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Transportation Planning Date
SHP_TKNUM_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Transportation Number
SHP_TRAID_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Transportation Identification
SHP_TRANSPORTATION_REQUEST_MT - A2A message type to maintain a transportation request
SHP_TRQ_CANCELLATION_REQ_MT - A2A message type to cancel a transportation request
SHP_TRSTA_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Transportation Planning Status
SHP_TVUVS_WA - Delivery Incompleteness: Status per Status Group
SHP_TVUVS_WA_2 - Incompleteness of Delivery: Status
SHP_UNIT_OF_MEASURE - Supplementary Unit-of-Measure Information for Quantity
SHP_VBELN_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Document
SHP_VBTYP_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Document
SHP_VGBEL_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Preceding Documents
SHP_VGPOS_RANGE - Range Table for Predecessor Item Number
SHP_VGSYS_RANGE - Structure of Ranges Table for Preceding Logical Systems
SHP_VKBUR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Office
SHP_VKGRP_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Group
SHP_VKORG_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Sales Organization
SHP_VL10_BUFFERING - Data Buffering for Delivery and Additional Data
SHP_VL10_CREATE_PROFIL - Control Parameters for Delivery Processing
SHP_VL10_DELIVERY - Internal Delivery Tables
SHP_VL10_DELIVERY_NO_RECORD - Negative Buffering for Single Records Access to Deliv. Data
SHP_VL10_DELIVERY_SINGLE_SEGM - Complex Structures that Contain one Segment per Key
SHP_VL10_FCODES_ALLOW - FCODE to be Activated/Deactivated
SHP_VL10_INDX - Shipping Due Date Index Fast Display
SHP_VL10_ITEM - Substructure for List Display for Documents Due for Shipment
SHP_VL10_KEYS - Business Administration Key Fields in Documents
SHP_VL10_KOVBPA - Tables for Optimization of the VBPA Access; Negative Buffer
SHP_VL10_LIKP_KEY - Business Admin. Keys for Delivery Header
SHP_VL10_LIPS_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Delivery Item
SHP_VL10_LIST_PROFIL - Profile for Creation of Shipping Due List
SHP_VL10_MM_ORDER - Internal Tables for MM Order
SHP_VL10_OKVBPA - Tables for Optimization of VBPA Access
SHP_VL10_PACKAGE - Packet of Items (Order Combination)
SHP_VL10_PARAMETERS - Parameters for Selection of Documents Due for Shipment
SHP_VL10_SD_ORDER - Internal Tables for SD Order
SHP_VL10_SD_ORDER_NO_RECORD - Negative Buffering for Single Records Access to Deliv. Data
SHP_VL10_SD_ORDER_SINGLE_SEGM - Complex Structures that Contain one Segment per Key
SHP_VL10_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Options for Documents Due for Shipment
SHP_VL10_SEL_ADD - Additional Selection Data in Transaction VL10
SHP_VL10_SEL_CRIT_IGNORE_S - Select Entire Documents if an Item Meets Criteria
SHP_VL10_STOCK_X - Line Category for Buffering Stock Data per Material
SHP_VL10_TASKS - Tasks
SHP_VL10_VBAK_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Order Header
SHP_VL10_VBAP_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Order Item
SHP_VL10_VBEP_KEY - Business Admin. Key for SD Order Schedule Line
SHP_VL10_VBFA_KEY - Business Admin. Key for SD Document Flow
SHP_VL10_VBPA_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Partners
SHP_VL10_VBUK_KEY - Business Admin. Key for Order Header Status
SHP_VLSTK_RANGE - Structure of Range Table for Distribution Status
SHP_VMVGA - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVGA
SHP_VMVLA - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVLA
SHP_VMVLB - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVLB
SHP_VMVLD - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVLD
SHP_VMVLI - Substitute structure for matchcode table M_VMLI
SHP_VMVMA - Substitute for Matchcode Table M_VMVMA
SHP_VMVMD - Substitute for Matchcode Table M_VMVMD
SHP_VMVME - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVME
SHP_VMVMF - Replacement Structure for Matchcode Table M_VMVMF
SHP_VORGABE_DATEN - Data that is pre-defined during delivery creation
SHP_VSBED_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Shipping Conditions
SHP_VSTEL_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Shipping Conditions
SHP_VTWEG_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Distribution Channel
SHP_WADAT - Actual Goods Movement Time of Deliveries
SHP_WADAT_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Goods Issue Date
SHP_WAKTI_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Action
SHP_WAUHR_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Goods Issue Date
SHP_WBSTA_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Goods Movement Status
SHP_WBSTK_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Goods Mvment Status (Header)
SHP_WEIGHT_VOLUM - Attributes that determine weight and volume
SHP_WEIVOL_CUMULATE_CONTROL - Control Parameters for the Cumulation of Weight / Volume
SHP_WEIVOL_CUMULATE_ITEM_S - Item for Calculating Weight / Volume
SHP_WEIVOL_ITEM_CONTROL - Control Parameters for Determining Weight/Vol. for Dlv Items
SHP_WEIVOL_SET_OF_QUAN - Quantity for Weight/Volume Calculation
SHP_WEIVOL_SET_TO_ZERO - Fields That Must Be Explicitly Set to Zero
SHP_WERKS_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Plant
SHP_WLIPS - Note Table for Delivery Items that were Processed Previously
SHP_XBLNR_RANGE - Ranges Table Structure for Reference Document Number
SPLMG - Split Quantities in Picking Confirmation
STFLAS - Status flag for SD + W&S - item workload calculation
STINDX - Status View: Delivery (Header and Item)
STRUC_RECEIVDELNO_POST_MAPPING - Postmapping Structure for ReceivedDeliveryNotification
STRUC_SLCSCMCRTNO_POST_MAPPING - Post mapping structure for SiteLogisticsConfSCMNotif_In
SVBEL - Structure of Sales and Distribution Documents
T186 - Delivery List Profile
T186C - Profile in Deliveries Environment
T186CT - Texts for 'Create Delivery' Profile
T186C_DATA - Data Section of Deliveries Profile
T186D - Dynamic Part of 'Shipping Due List' List Profile
T186E - Exclude/Include F Codes from the Current GUI Status
T186F - Functions in the Shipping Due List
T186T - Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile
T186V - Link between Scenario and Profile
T186VB - Customizing for Shipping Due List (including dynamic part)
T186VT - Texts for 'Shipping Due List' List Profile
T30C - WM Materials Staging Zones
T30CT - Description for Materials Staging Zones
T318 - Picking waves profile
T318T - Texts for Picking Waves Profiles
T323 - Controlling Mail if Error Occurs During Decentral.Shipping
T633K - R/2-R/3 Link: One-Time Customer Determination
TAETS - Warehouse Sub-Process (Procedure for Warehouse Processes)
TAVG - Warehouse Activities (Operations in Warehouse)
TAVGT - Decsription of Warehouse Activities
TDS_DELDUE - Sales Documents/Document Items for Delivery
TDS_DELIVERIES - Structure for outbound deliveries
TDS_DELMON - Delivery Item for Processing
TDS_TOCONF - Transfer Order for Confirmation
TEXTH_GN - Text Header Data for Transmission to WMS
TEXTL_GN - Text Lines for Transmission to WMS
THUCONTROL - Handling Unit Control
TL006 - Assign Units of Measure to Unit-Of-Measure Load Category
TLAST - Load Table for Calculating Workload
TMAWBEVENT - Definiton of Possible Transactions for LE Goods Movements
TMAWBEVENTT - Text Tables for HU Goods Movement Events
TMCL_LV - W&S: Control - RWE + Picking Wave Creation
TMS_LOG_TM_NR_SE - Structure for Determination of Logical Recipient
TPRIO - Customers: Delivery Priorities
TRANS_TAB_SD_HEAD - Designation of Table Entries to be Transported
TRVDA - VDA Form for Shipment
TTERA - Scheduling Type
TVIER - Sales Documents Containing Errors
TVLGT - Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts
TVPAD - Determination Log Control
TVPO - Daily Period Types
TVPOD - Sales Document: Delivery: POD Data
TVPODG - Reason for Variance in POD
TVPODGT - TEXT: Reason for Variance in POD
TVPODVB - Reference Structure for XTVPOD/YTVPOD
TVPOT - Names of Daily Period Types
TVSLT - Deliveries: Texts Processing Status
TVTG - Reasons for Date Deviation
TVTGT - Descriptions for Reasons for Date Deviation
TVTZ - Deadline Functions
TVTZT - Description for Purpose of Date
TWLVZ - Assign Shipping Point as Goods Receiving Point to Plant/SLoc
ULIPS - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
V50AGL - Global Delivery Control Flags
V50AGL_CUST - Control Flags for Delivery Processing (Customer Part)
V50UC - Dynamic Fields: Incompletion Log - Delivery
VALW - Delivery Plan: Definition of Route Schedule
VALWP - Route Schedule Periods
VALWPV - Route Schedule Periods
VALWT - Delivery Plan: Description of Route Schedule
VALWTVB - Structure VALWT + Update Indicator
VALWVB - Structure VALW + Update Indicator
VARK - Delivery Plan: Customer-Specific Itinerary
VARKVB - Structure VARK + Update Indicator
VARZ - Delivery Plan: Zone-Specific Itinerary
VAWA - Delivery Plan: Exclusion of Itinerary
VAWK - Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Customer-Specific
VAWKVB - Structure VAWK + Update Indicator
VAWZ - Delivery Plan: Itinerary Determination, Zone-Specific
VBBED_APO - Stock/requirements fields relevant for APO
VBDDL - Print View for Shipping Deadlines
VBFS - Error Log for Collective Processing
VBFS_1 - Update Indicator for VBFS
VBFS_VB - VBFS + Update Indicator
VBKOK - Confirming Picking Data from Delivery Header
VBLK - SD Document: Delivery Note Header
VBLK2 - Document Header View Delivery Note 2
VBLKK - Delivery View for Picking
VBLKP - Delivery Item View for Picking
VBLP2 - Document Item View Delivery Note 2
VBLS - Delivery Notes for Collective Processing
VBPOK - Confirming Picking Data from Delivery Item
VBPOKKOMMI - Confirming Picking Data from Delivery Item
VBUKVB - Reference structure for XVBUK/YVBUK
VBUPVB - Reference Structure for XVBUP/YVBUP
VBVFI - Selected Delivery Due Indices
VBVFP - Items Due for Delivery
VL35_SS - Selection Structure VL35 - Create Pick Waves Automatically
VLKPA - SD Index: Deliveries by Partner Functions
VLPMA - SD Index: Delivery Items by Material
VRSLI - Receipt of Materials from Deliveries
VSHP_APOINF - APO-relevant Control Data in SD Posting
WDC_MAP_S_NAME_VALUE - Name Value pair
WDC_MAP_S_PWL_CONFIG - POWL configuration
WDC_MAP_S_VIEW_DATA - View data for dynamic creation of UI for WC/CC
WDC_MAP_S_WDA_CONFIG - WDA configuration
WELLEN - Picking Waves Structure for ALV / VL35
WEL_DATUM - "Dates" for Creating Picking Waves
WMON_DELIVERY - Structure for Picking Wave in Picking Wave List
WMON_PICK_WAVE - Structure for Picking Wave in Picking Wave List
WMON_STRUCTURE - General Data Structure of Picking Wave Monitor
WSUBST_AENAM_RSTY - Selection Structure Name of Processor on Changing
WSUBST_AENAM_STY - Structure Type Name of Processor on Changing
WSUBST_ARTICLE_SITE_DATA_STY - Communication Structure for Replacement Proposal
WSUBST_CONTAB - Assignment Table (successfully substituted items)
WSUBST_CONTABLE_STY - Structure Type of Assignment Table
WSUBST_CTRL - Customizing Table Extension Logic
WSUBST_DOCITEM_RSTY - Selection Structure for Document Items
WSUBST_DOCITEM_STY - Structure Type Document Item Number
WSUBST_DOCNO_RSTY - Selection Structure for Document Number
WSUBST_DOCNO_STY - Structure Type Document Number
WSUBST_DOC_NO_ITEM_STY - Structure Type Document Number and Item
WSUBST_EKET_STY - Structure Type for EKET
WSUBST_EKKO_STY - Structure Type Header Data Purchasing Document
WSUBST_EKPO_STY - Structure Type: Item Data in Order Document
WSUBST_ERNAM_RSTY - Selection Structure: Person Responsible When Creating
WSUBST_ERNAM_STY - Structure Type: Person Responsible When Creating
WSUBST_ERROR_FLAG_RSTY - Selection Structure: Error Indicator
WSUBST_ERROR_FLAG_STY - Structure Type: Error Indicator
WSUBST_MATNR_RSTY - Selection Structure for Article Numbers
WSUBST_MATNR_STY - Structure Type: Article Number
WSUBST_MSG_STY - Row Structure Type for Messages with Structure from ApplLog
WSUBST_PROC_INDICATOR_RSTY - Selection Structure: Processing Status
WSUBST_PROC_INDICATOR_STY - Structure Type: Processing Status
WSUBST_QUANTITY_RSTY - Selection Structure: Quantities
WSUBST_QUANTITY_STY - Structure Type: Quantity
WSUBST_REC_PLANT_RSTY - Selection Structure for Receiving Plant
WSUBST_REC_PLANT_STY - Structure Type for Receiving Plant
WSUBST_SUBSTITION_DATA_STY - Structure Type: Data Substitution
WSUBST_SUBSTITION_KEY_DATA_STY - Structure Type: Key Data for Substitution
WSUBST_SUBST_CTRL_RSTY - Selection Structure: Substitution Control
WSUBST_SUBST_CTRL_STY - Structure Type: Substitution Control
WSUBST_SUBST_DATE_RSTY - Selection Structure: Substitution Date
WSUBST_SUBST_DATE_STY - Structure Type: Date of Substitution
WSUBST_SUBST_PROPOSAL_STY - Substitution Proposal
WSUBST_SUBST_REASON_RSTY - Selection Structure: Substitution Reason
WSUBST_SUBST_REASON_STY - Structure Type: Reason for Substitution
WSUBST_SUP_PLANT_RSTY - Selection Structure for Issuing Plant
WSUBST_SUP_PLANT_STY - Structure Type for Issuing Plant
WSUBST_SWITCHDAT - Switch/Switch Back Data
WSUBST_SWITCHDAT_CORE_STY - Switchover Information
WSUBST_SWITCHDAT_KEY_STY - Switchover Information: Key Fields
WSUBST_SWITCHDAT_STY - Switch Information Structure
WSUBST_TIMESTAMP_RSTY - Selection Structure: UTC Time Stamp
WSUBST_TIMESTAMP_STY - Structure Type: UTC Time Stamp
WSUBST_WORKLIST_DELIVERY_STY - Structure Type of Worklist for Delivery Creation
WSUBST_WORKLIST_STY - Structure Type of Worklist
WSUBST_WORKLST - Worklist Substitution Proposals

SAP Delivery Processing Tables LE-SHP-DL

DLVRY_SPLT_HEAD - View: Delivery Information for Delivery Split
DLVRY_SPLT_ITEM - View: HU and Items for Delivery Split
LEDSPD_ATOM - Subsequent Delivery Split Request
LEDSPD_ATOM_KEY - Subsequent Delivery Split Request
LEDSPD_ATOM_QUANTS - Subsequent Delivery Split Quantity Fields and Access
LEDSPD_BOUNDARY - Upper Limit for Subsequent Delivery Split
LEDSPD_CALL - Subsequent Delivery Split: Access Parameters
LEDSPD_CALL_RESULT - Subsequent Delivery Split: Explode Access Parameters
LEDSPD_CALL_TKNUM - Subsequ. Deliv. Split: Shipment to be Updated by Initiator
LEDSPD_DELIV_DATES - Delivery Split: Dates to be Changed
LEDSPD_DELIV_ITEM_DATES - Delivery Split: Item Dates to be Changed
LEDSPD_DIALOG_MEMORY - Delivery Split Dialog: Transaction Memory
LEDSPD_DIA_PARAM - Subsequent Delivery Split: Dialog Control Parameters
LEDSPD_FLOW - Document Flow for Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split
LEDSPD_FLOW_ROOT_S - Hierarchy Display for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split
LEDSPD_FLOW_TREE_S - Hierarchy Display for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split
LEDSPD_IX_VBELN - Delivery Split Dialog: Link New Delivery Number to Original
LEDSPD_LIST_HEAD - View: Delivery Information for Delivery Split
LEDSPD_LIST_ITEM - View: HU and Items for Delivery Split
LEDSPD_LIST_ITEM_TECH - View: HU and Items for Delivery Split: Technical Fields
LEDSPD_PACKED_QUANTITY - Delivery Split: Packed Quantities
LEDSPD_PROT - Delivery Split: Log
LEDSPD_PROT_CNTXT - Delivery Split: Context Information Log
LEDSPD_PROT_HEADER - Delivery Split: Header Information Log
LEDSPD_REQ_DELIVERY - Split Request: Delivery (Header)
LEDSPD_REQ_DELIVERY_HU_TOP - Split Request Delivery Handling Unit
LEDSPD_REQ_DELIVERY_ITEM - Split Request: Delivery Item (Line)
LEDSPD_RESNO_SELECT - Table for Choosing Current Split Result
LEDSPD_SPLIT_QUANTITY - Delivery Split: Packed Quantities
LEDSPD_SPLPR - Split Profile: Subsequent Deliveries Split
LEDSPD_VEKP_DIALOG - Delivery Split: Additional Fields from VEKP for Display
LEDSPD_VPOBJ - Delivery Split: Packing Objects to be Split
LEDSPD_VTRLP - Delivery Split VTRLP Extension (Delivery in Shipment)
RANGE_HU - Structure of a Range Table for Handling Units
SHP_SLIS_COLOR - Color Definition for ALV
SHP_SLIS_SPECIALCOL_ALV - Special Color-coding for ALV
TVDSG - Rules for Groups of Outbound Deliveries (Subsqu. Deliv. Spl)
TVDSP - Profile for Subsequent Outbound Deliv. Split per Deliv. Type
TVDSS - Profiles for Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split
TVDSST - Texts: Subsequent Delivery Split Scenarios

SAP Basic Functions Tables LE-SHP-GF

ADBL - Freight List: Extra Fields on the Form
BAPIMSGPROT - Processing Log for Output Processing
BAPIOUTPDEV - Profile and Output Device for Dynamic Printer Control
BAPIOUTPDEVEXT - Profile and Output Device (30 Char.) for Dyn. Printer Contrl
BAPIOUTPTYPE - Criteria for Ouput Selection
BAPIPOSTAB - Delivery Item: Key Attributes
BAPISELMSG - Return of Selected Output
BAPISHPOUTPUT - Fields for Output BAPIs for Shipping
BARCODE_ERROR - Transfer Structure for Messages
BARCODE_FLAT - Five Bar Codes in a Flat Structure
BARCODE_PLUS_ERRORS - Bar Code and Recognized Errors during Decoding
BARCODE_PLUS_TXT - Bar Code and Legible Text
BZOFI1 - Interface 1 for Staging Area Determination Delivery Item
BZOFI2 - Interface 2 for Staging Area Determination Delivery Item
CUSVLK - Work area Customizing Shipping
DVK00 - unused dummy structure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
DVM02 - R/2-R/3 Link: R/3 Input Data Material Master Stor. Locations
E1BPSHPDELIVNUMB - Delivery Number
E1OBDLV_PROCOUTP - Header Segment
EAN128 - All relevant data that can be coded in EAN128
EAN128 - All relevant data that can be coded in EAN128
ISU_QUANTITY_ADD - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
LECI_CARD - Extended Pass for Registration at the Checkpoint
LECI_CARD_DYN - Entry of Data for the Extended Pass
LECI_CARD_SELOPT_DYN - Selection Criteria for Determining an Extended Pass
LECI_CHKPT_DYN - Dialog Structure for the Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PT - Checkpoint
LECI_CHK_PTT - Checkpoint: Text Table
LECI_CONTROL_FLAGS - Control Indicators for Check-in
LECI_EMERGENCY_DYN - Display Structure for the Overview Table at Check-in
LECI_EVENT - Activities Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
LECI_EVENT_DATA - Activity Data Within the Check-in/Check-out Process
LECI_FILTER_DYN - Filter Criteria for Check-in Data
LECI_FORMS - Definition of Forms and Print Programs
LECI_OVERVIEW_DYN - Display Structure for the Overview Table at Check-in
LECI_PER_DYN - Record Check-in Data for Means of Transport
LECI_SELOPT_DYN - Selection Criteria for Determining a Check-in Document
LECI_TRA_DYN - Record Check-in Data for Means of Transport
LEDLV_DB_DATA_TO_READ - Limit Data Selection for Issuing Outputs
LEDLV_DELNOTE - Delivery Note Data: Transfer-Structure for Smartform
LEDLV_HD_ADR - Delivery Header: Partner Address Data
LEDLV_HD_CUSTDATA - Customer Modification Section for Data Selection - Delivery
LEDLV_HD_FIN - Delivery Header: Financial Data
LEDLV_HD_FT - Delivery Header: Foreign Trade
LEDLV_HD_FT_DESCRIPT - Delivery Header: Foreign Trade Descriptions
LEDLV_HD_GEN - Delivery Header: General Data
LEDLV_HD_GEN_DESCRIPT - Delivery Header: Descriptions
LEDLV_HD_ORG - Delivery Header: Organizational Data
LEDLV_HD_ORG_DESCRIPT - Delivery Header: Organizational Data Descriptions
LEDLV_HD_PART_ADD - Delivery Header: Additional Partner Data
LEDLV_HD_REF - Delivery Header: Reference Data
LEDLV_HD_SCHED - Delivery Header: Retrieved Data
LEDLV_HD_TECH - Delivery Header: Technical Data
LEDLV_IT_CONFBATCH - Configuration Data for Batch
LEDLV_IT_CONFITM - Configuration Data for Delivery Items
LEDLV_IT_CUSTDATA - Customer Modification Section for Delivery Item Selection
LEDLV_IT_FIN - Delivery Item: Financial Data
LEDLV_IT_FT - Delivery Item: Foreign Trade
LEDLV_IT_FT_DESCRIPT - Delivery Item: Foreign Trade Descriptions
LEDLV_IT_GEN - Delivery Item: General Data
LEDLV_IT_GEN_DESCRIPT - Delivery Item: Descriptions
LEDLV_IT_ORG - Delivery Item: Organizational Data
LEDLV_IT_ORG_DESCRIPT - Delivery Item: Organizational Data Descriptions
LEDLV_IT_QM - Quality Notification
LEDLV_IT_REF - Delivery Item: Reference Data
LEDLV_IT_REFORD - Delivery Item: Order Reference Data
LEDLV_IT_REFPURORD - Delivery Item: Purchase-Order Reference Data
LEDLV_IT_REFPURORD_DESCRIPT - Delivery Item: Ordering-Party Texts - Reference Data
LEDLV_IT_SCHED - Delivery Item: Retrieved Data
LEDLV_IT_SERNR - Delivery-Item Serial Numbers
LEDLV_IT_TECH - Delivery Item: Technical Data
LEDLV_OUTP_DBDATA - Database Tables for Issuing Delivery Outputs
LEDLV_OUTP_DELIVNUMB - Delivery Numbers for Data Selection
LEDLV_PRINT_DATA_TO_READ - Selection of Tables to be Filled for Print LD00; SmartForms
LES_ATP_GRP_OUTDATA - Output Data of the Delivery's ATP Group Check
LES_PRINT_PROFILE_KAPPL - Print Profile Application
LES_SHP_ATP_ITEM - LES: Delivery Item Data Used for ATP Check
LES_SHP_ATP_ITEMVB - LES: Delivery-Item Data Used for Requirement Reorganization
LES_SHP_ATP_ITEM_CONTROL - LES: Item-Specific Control Parameters Used for ATP
LES_SHP_ATP_ITEM_OUTDATA - Return Values of the Availability Check in LES
LES_SHP_ATP_MAT - Material Master Data Used in the LES ATP
LES_SHP_ATP_REQ_READ - Inbound data for function module LE_ATP_REQUIREMENT_READ
LES_SHP_ATP_SORT - ATP Delivery-Item Check Sequence
LES_SHP_ATP_VBAK - Header Data of the Order Used in the LES ATP
LES_SHP_ATP_VBAPF - Document-Flow Data from the Order Item Used in LES ATP
LIPOSTV - View: Header and Item Delivery Information
LIPOV - View: Header and Item Delivery Information
LIPOVSTZ - Customer Modification Part for Table LIPOVST
LIPOVZ - Customer modification division for Table LIPOV
LIPOV_GROUP_HEADER - Delivery Monitor: Group List Headings
LIPOV_GROUP_ITEM - Delivery Monitor: Group List
LIPOV_KODAT - Delivery Monitor: Picking Day's Workload
LIPOV_OUTPUT - Delivery Monitor: Structure for Output Selection
LIPOV_OUTPUT_HEADER - Delivery Monitor: Output Selection Headings
OPS_RVADEK01_SRLNO_PDF - item_serial_no_Strucure
OPS_RVADLL01_STR_PDF - Freight list
OPS_RVADLL01_TSTR_PDF - Freight list
RANGE_TIMS - Structure of a range table for a time field
SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes for Shipment Scheduling
SCHEDULE_TIMETAGS - Times for Shipment Scheduling
SCHEDULE_TRANSPORT - Shipment Scheduling: Relevant Shipment Attributes
SCHEDULE_USEREXT - User Exit Attributes for Shipment Scheduling
SHP_DELIVERY_COMPLETE - Status and Basic Information on Delivery
SSCC_GEN_PARAM - Parameters for SSCC Generation
T160MVL_MSGVS - Internally Used Key for Controllable Error Messages
T184D - Table for Items not Relevant for Distribution
T184L - Sales Documents: Item Category Determination
T313H - Bar Code Profile: Header
T313I - Description of an EAN128 Profile
T313J - Bar Code Profile: Items
T313K - Allocation of Layout and Bar Code Profile to Output Type
T313L - Label Category EAN128
T313LD - Label Category EAN128
T313M - Delimiter for Variable Barcode Lengths (Usage: Printing)
T313Y - ILN for SSCC Generation at Storage Location Level
T313Z - ILN for SSCC Generation at Warehouse Number Level
T323V - Error handling (Host)- Decentralized SD (Definition of mail)
T630L - Shipping Determination: Loading Times
TCRBF - Determination of Staging Area via Customer/Storage Condition
TCTBF - Determine gate and picked item zone via customer
TLGR - Routes: Loading Groups
TLGRT - Routes: Loading Groups: Texts
TROAL - Routes: Allowed Actual Routes for Delivery
TROAZ - Routes: Determination in Sales Documents
TRRBF - Determ. of Staging Area via Route Schedule/Storage Condition
TRTBF - Determine gate and picked item zone via route schedule
TVCPL - Deliveries: Copying Control
TVKOL - Picking: Storage Location Determination for Deliveries
TVLA - Org.unit: Loading points per shipping point
TVLAT - Org.Unit: Loading points per shipping point: Texts
TVLG - Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries
TVLGZ - Routes: Weights per Weight Group
TVLIZ - Determin. of Deliv. Type for Goods Mvmnts Using Inb. Deliv.
TVLK - Delivery Types
TVLKAIP - Determine Delivery Type for Delivery Creation Using BAPI
TVLKN - Deliveries: Number Range per Warehouse Number and Dlv. Type
TVLKT - Delivery: Types: Texts
TVLKWMS - Conversion Delivery Types Decentr. WMS
TVLOZ - Determination of Deliv. Type for Gds Mvmnts for Inb. Deliv.
TVLP - Deliveries: Item Categories
TVLPAIP - Determine Item Category for Delivery Creation Using BAPI
TVLR - Check Table - Sequence of Activities in the Delivery
TVLS - Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria
TVLSP - Delivery Blocks
TVLST - Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Scope: Texts
TVLTZ - Determin. of Deliv. Type for Transf. Postings or Stk Trnsfrs
TVSTZ - Organizational Unit: Shipping Points per Plant
TVSTZ_STORLOC - Storage-Location-Specific Shipping Point Determination
V03C_APOINT - References for APO Shipment Scheduling
VBDPL - Document Item View for Delivery Note
VWAHN - Material Tag

SAP Enterprise Services in Shipping Tables LE-SHP-GF-ES

OPS_SE_IDCONFCRTRQ_IN_STY - Structure for Inbound Delivery Confirmation Create Request
OPS_SE_IDCONFCRTRQ_OUT_STY - Internal output for service InbDelivConfCrteReq
OPS_SE_IDSCITMQTSCHGRQ_IN_STY - Internal input for service InbDelivConfItmQtsChgRequest
OPS_SE_IDSCITMQTSCHGRQ_OUT_STY - Internal output for service InbDelivConfItmQtsChgRQ
OPS_SE_INBDELIVCONFCRTRQ_ST - Structure for Inbound Delivery Confirmation Create Request
OPS_SE_INBDELIVERYCONF_APPL - Application parameter for InboundDeliveryConfirmation_In
OPS_SE_OBDCONFCRTRQ_OUT_STY - internal output for service OutbDelConfCreateRequest_IN
OPS_SE_OBDCRTRQ_OUT_STY - internal output for service OutboundDeliveryCreateRequest_IN
OPS_SE_OUTBDELIVUPDTRQ_IN_STY - Internal input for service OutboundDeliveryUpdateRequest
OPS_SE_POLPVNOTIFRQ_IN_STY - Purchase Order Logistics Planning View Notification Request
OPS_SE_SOLOGSPLNGVWCRT_INT_STY - Output from ERP for service SlsOrdLogsPlngVwNotifMsg
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_RESULT_NOTIF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_SELC_CARR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_SHPT_BASEBTD_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_STGE_LOAD_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_STGE_UNLOAD_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TNDRG_TRANSP_STGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_ADDITIONAL_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_BASE_BTD_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_BTDREF_PCKG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_BTDREF_PCKG_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_CHGD_DELIVNOTIF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_CHGD_DELIV_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_CNC_SHPMNT_BBTD_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_CNC_TO - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_CONF_BASE_BTD_REF_T - TranspOrdSCMExecConfBaseBusTransacDocRef
SAPPLCO_TO_CONF_BTD_REF_T - TranspOrdSCMExecConfBusTransacDocRef
SAPPLCO_TO_CONSIGNEE_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_ITEM_HIER_REL - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_PCKG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_PCKG_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_DELIV_TRANSP_TERMS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_BTD_REF - TranspOrdSCMExecReqBaseBusTransacDocRef
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_CNC_BBTD_REF - TranspOrdSCMExecCanclnReqBaseBusTransacDocRef
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_CNC_TO_EXEC - TranspOrdSCMExecCanclnReqTranspOrdExec
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_PCKG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_PCKG_ITM - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_STGE_LDG_LOC - TranspOrdSCMExecReqTranspStgeLoadgLoc
SAPPLCO_TO_EXEC_TO_EXEC - TranspOrdSCMExecReqTranspOrdExec
SAPPLCO_TO_NOTIF_BT_DOCREF - TranspOrdSCMExecStsNotifBusTransacDocRef
SAPPLCO_TO_PRFRD_CARRIER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_REQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_SCMREQ_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_SCM_CNC_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_SHIPPER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_SHPT_BTD_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_STGE_DELIV_ASSGNMNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_STGE_LOAD_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_STGE_UNLOAD_LOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_TNDRG_RESULT_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TO_TRANSP_STGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TRANSPORTATION_DOCUME2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TRANSP_ORD_SCMEXEC_DEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLCO_TRANSP_ORD_SCMREQ_TRAN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_BULK_CONFIRMED - Confirmed Created Delivery Items
SHP_BULK_ERRONEOUS - Erroneous not Created Delivery Items
SHP_BULK_REQUESTED - Requested Delivery Items to be Created
SHP_BULK_RETURNS - Error messages per Delivery Instance
SHP_CRDREQV1CF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_CRDREQV1RQ_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_DSPTCHD_DELIV_NOTIF_V1_MT - Despatched Delivery Notification V1
SHP_ES_EXPORT_CONTROL - Control export of data
SHP_ES_HITS - Query hits requested/ selected
SHP_ES_OUTBDELIVREQBYELEM_QRY - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Query (internal)
SHP_ES_OUTBDELIVREQBYELEM_RESP - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Response (internal)
SHP_ES_PARNR_RANGE_BY_PARVW_S - Partner range by partner function
SHP_ES_SELECT_BY_PARTNER_S - Generic partner selection
SHP_ES_SEPARATED_PARTNER - Main partners separated from remaining partners
SHP_ES_WSRM - Helper WSRM Structure
SHP_IBDLV_CHG_CON_MT - Inbound Delivery ERP Change Confirmation
SHP_IBDLV_CHG_REQ_MT - Inbound Delivery ERP Change Request
SHP_IDSUITECONFITMQTS_CHGRQ - A request to change item quantities of a confirmed Inbound D
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CHG_REQ - InboundDeliveryChangeRequestMessage
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CNC_CO - InboundDeliveryConfirmationMessage
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CNC_REQ - InboundDeliveryCancelRequestMessage
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_CRT_REQ - InboundDeliveryCreateRequestMessage
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_SUITEBY_1 - Returns Inbound delivery data according to the selection cri
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_SUITEBY_I - Element Structure for InboundDeliverySUITEByIDQueryMessage_s
SHP_INBOUND_DELIVERY_UPDATE_RQ - Inbound Delivery Update Request
SHP_INB_DELIVERY_CONF_CONF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_INB_DELIV_CONF_CRTE_REQ - ID Confirmation Create Request MT
SHP_OBDLV_CHG1_CONF_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Confirmation
SHP_OBDLV_CHG1_REQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Request V1
SHP_OBDLV_CHG_CO_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Confirmation
SHP_OBDLV_CHG_RQ_MT - Outbound Delivery ERP Change Request
SHP_ODBYIDQRY_S_V1 - MDT of OutboundDeliveryByIDQuery_V1
SHP_ODBYIDRSP_S_V1 - MDT of OutboundDeliveryByIDResponse_sync_V1
SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_CALL_CHANGE - Call FM bapi_outb_delivery_change
SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_CALL_REJECT - Call FM bapi_outb_delivery_reject
SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_INTRNL_INPUT - Internal Input Structure for SOQuantityReductionConfirmation
SHP_ODQTYREDUCNNO_INTRNL_OUT - Internal output from for OD Qty Reduction Notif
SHP_OUTBDLVRQ_BYEL_QRY_MT - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Query
SHP_OUTBDLVRQ_BYEL_RSP_MT - Outbound Delivery Request By Elements Response
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_BULK_CON - Confirm Outbound Delivery as Bulk
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM3 - Outbound Delivery Confirmation Message Type
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONFIRM6 - OutboundDeliveryConfirmationMessage
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CONF_V1 - Confirm Outbound Delivery V1
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CREATE57 - Item Purchasing Contract data
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_CRT_REQ - OutboundDeliveryCreateRequestMessage
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_ERPSPLIT - Outbound Delivery ERP Split Request V1
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_SPLT_CNF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_OUTBOUND_DELIVERY_UPDATE_R - Outbound Delivery Update Request
SHP_OUTB_DELIVERY_CONF_CONF - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_OUTB_DLV_BULK_CRT_RQ_MT - OutboundDeliveryBulkCreateRequestMessage
SHP_OUT_DEL_QUAN_REDUC_MT - MT for OutboundDeliveryERPQuantityReductionNotification
SHP_POLPVCNCNOMSG - Purchase Order Logistics Planning View Canc Blk Not MT
SHP_POLPVCNCNO_INPUT - Input Structure for POPLV Cancellation Bulk Notification
SHP_POLPVNR_MT - Purchase Order Logistics Planning View Notification Request
SHP_POPLVCRTNO_INPUT - Input Structure for PurOrdLogsPlngVwNotif
SHP_PURCHASE_ORDER_LOGISTICS_P - Purchase Order Logistics Planning View Notification
SHP_SALES_ORDER_LOGISTICS_PLAN - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHP_SE_ADDITIONAL_PACKAGING - Additional Packaging Material
SHP_SE_ASN - Advanced Shipping Notification
SHP_SE_CONTAINER - Container for cluster data
SHP_SE_HU - Handling Unit
SHP_SE_HU_LOAD - Handling Unit Load
SHP_SE_LOWER_LEVEL_HU - Lower Level Handling Unit
SHP_SE_SERIAL - Serial number
SHP_SLSORDLOGSPLNGVWCNCNO - SalesOrderLogisticsPlanningViewCancellationNotification Mess
TRA_S_CTRL_AND_DATA_RECORD - Transportation control and data record structure
TRA_TO_DELIV_ASSIGN_CHGD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)
TRA_TO_EXEC_CANCEL_REQUEST - MT TransportationOrderSCMExecutionCancellationRequest
TRA_TO_EXEC_CONF - TransportationOrderSCMExecutionConfirmation
TRA_TO_EXEC_STS_NOTIF - TransportationOrderSCMExecutionStatusNotification
TRA_TO_PCKG_ASSIGN_CHGD_NOTIF - TransportationOrderSCMExecutionItmPckgAssgnmntChangedNotific
TRA_TO_PCKG_A_CHGD_NOTIF_MSG - TranspOrdSCMExecItmPckgAssgnmntChgdNotifMsg
TRA_TO_PCKG_A_CHGD_NOTIF_TO - TranspOrdSCMExecItmPckgAssgnmtChgdNotifTranspOrd
TRA_TO_PCKG_A_SHP_REF - TranspOrdSCMExecItmPckgAssgnmtChgdNotifShptRef
TRA_TO_PCKG_A_SHP_REF_PCKG - TranspOrdSCMExecItmPckgAssgnmtChgdNotifShptRefPckg
TRA_TO_PCKG_A_SHP_REF_PCKG_ITM - TranspOrdSCMExecItmPckgAssgnmtChgdNotifShptRefPckgItm
TRA_TO_SCM_CNC_REQ - A request to cancel a transportation order.
TRA_TO_SCM_REQUEST - A request to create or change a transportation order.
TRA_TO_TENDERING_RESULT_NOTIF - A notification about the tendering results for a transportat
TRA_TRANSP_ORDER_EXEC_REQUEST - MT TransportationOrderSCMExecutionRequest

SAP Packing Tables LE-SHP-PA

PACKLABA - Package Label (Material Tag)
V51KO - Shipping Unit Processing: Header Data
V51V2 - Packed Items / Handling Units
V51V4 - Packing Overview: Items and Handling Units
VBPLA - Totals Seg. - Pack. Data Packing List/Freight List/Shipment
VBPLP - Communication Structure for Handling-Unit Content Data
VBPLS - Summary Data Packing
VERKO - Handling-Unit Confirmation: Header Data
VERPO - Handling Unit Confirmation: Content Data

SAP Transportation Tables LE-TRA

B045 - Shipment Type/Transportation Service Agent
BAPISHIPMENTADDRESS - BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company)
BAPISHIPMENTADDRESSACTION - BAPI Ref. Structure for Addresses (Org./Company), Activities
BAPISHIPMENTCARRIERCOSTS - Shipment BAPI, Estimated Costs of Forwarding Agents
BAPISHIPMENTCONTROL - Technical Control Delivery BAPI
BAPISHIPMENTDLVHEADER - Shipment BAPI, Delivery Header Data
BAPISHIPMENTDLVITEM - Shipment BAPI, Delivery Item Data
BAPISHIPMENTHDUNHEADERACTION - Handling Unit Header Data, Activities
BAPISHIPMENTHEADERACTION - Shipment BAPI, Header Data, Activities
BAPISHIPMENTHEADERDEADLINEACT - Shipment BAPI, Header Data Deadlines, Activities
BAPISHIPMENTIDS - Shipment BAPI, Identifications
BAPISHIPMENTITEMONSTAGEACTION - Shipment BAPI, Items on Stages, Activities
BAPISHIPMENTSTAGEDEADLINEACT - Shipment BAPI, Stage Deadlines, Activities
BINTF_DESCRIPTOR - BadI Interface Descriptor: Name and Object Reference
CDHDR_ALV - Change Document Header Shipment
CDPOS_ALV - Structure for Change-Document Shipment
CDPOS_ALV_VERSION1 - Structure Change-Document Shipment
CMOUTTAB - Output Structure for Continuous Move
CMR_01 - Sender (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_02 - Recipient (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_03 - Delivering Location for Goods (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_04 - Location and Date for Transfer of Goods (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_06A - Classification (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_06FF - Freight item (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_14 - Freight Payment Order (Bill of Lading CMR) and Control Func.
CMR_15 - Refund (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_16 - Carrier (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_17 - Subsequent Carriers (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_20 - To pay (Bill of Lading CMR)
CMR_21 - Printed in/on (Bill of Lading CMR)
CXSHIPMENT - Aggregate type: Shipments "pre" DB update context
CXSHIPMENT_DBUC - Aggregate type: Shipments in DB Update Context
E1BPSHIPMENTADDRESS - BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company)
E1BPSHIPMENTADDRESS1 - BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company)
E1BPSHIPMENTADDRESSACTION - BAPI Ref. Structure for Addresses (Org./Company), Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTCONTROL - Technical Control Delivery BAPI
E1BPSHIPMENTHDUNHEADER - Handling unit header data
E1BPSHIPMENTHDUNHEADERACTIO - Handling Unit Header Data, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTHDUNITEMACTION - Handling Unit Item, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTHEADERACTION - Shipment BAPI, Header Data, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTHEADERDEADLINEA - Shipment BAPI, Header Data Deadlines, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTITEMACTION - Shipment BAPI, Items, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTITEMONSTAGEACTI - Shipment BAPI, Items on Stages, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTSTAGEACTION - Shipment BAPI, Stages, Activities
E1BPSHIPMENTSTAGEDEADLINEAC - Shipment BAPI, Stage Deadlines, Activities
E1EDK31 - IDOC: Shipment
E1EDK32 - IDoc: Shipment Stage
E1EDK33 - IDoc: Shipment Stage
E1EDL01 - IDoc: Delivery
E1EDL04 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery)
E1EDL05 - IDOC: Partner (Delivery)
E1EDL06 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Delivery)
E1EDL07 - IDOC: Shipping Unit (Delivery)
E1EDL08 - IDOC: Shipping Unit Item (Delivery)
E1EDL09 - IDOC: Delivery Item
E1EDL10 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery Item)
E1EDL11 - IDOC: Serial Number
E1EDL12 - IDOC: Configuration
E1EDL13 - IDOC: Item Quantity
E1EDL14 - IDOC: Reference
E1EDL15 - IDOC: Batch Characteristic
E1EDL16 - IDOC: Export (Delivery)
E1EDL17 - IDOC: Export (Delivery Item)
E1EDL18 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery)
E1EDL19 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery Item)
E1EDL20 - Delivery header
E1EDL21 - Delivery Header Additional Data
E1EDL22 - Delivery Header Descriptions
E1EDL23 - Deliv.Header Addit.Data Descriptions
E1EDL24 - Delivery Item
E1EDL25 - Delivery Item Descriptions
E1EDL26 - Delivery Item Additional Data
E1EDL27 - Delivery Item Additional Data Descriptions
E1EDL28 - Routes
E1EDL29 - Routes Descriptions
E1EDL30 - Route Stages
E1EDL31 - Route Stage Descriptions
E1EDL32 - Route Stage Point
E1EDL33 - Export Data Delivery Header
E1EDL34 - Export Data Delivery Header Descriptions
E1EDL35 - Export Data Delivery Item
E1EDL36 - Export Data Delivery Item Descriptions
E1EDL37 - Handling unit header
E1EDL38 - Handling Unit Header Descriptions
E1EDL39 - Control Segment for Handling Units
E1EDL40 - Points (delivery deadlines)
E1EDL41 - Reference data ordering party
E1EDL42 - Reference data ordering party texts
E1EDL43 - IDoc: Reference
E1EDL44 - IDoc: Handling Unit Item (Delivery)
E1EDL45 - Points descriptions
E1EDL46 - Serial Numbers HU/UII
E1EDL51 - Delivery Header External Release Number
E1EDL52 - Delivery Item External Release Number
E1EDL53 - Delivery Item POD
E1EDL54 - Repack Handling Units
E1EDL55 - IDOC Reference Number
E1EDL56 - List of allowed carriers
E1EDL57 - Handling Units for Summarized JIT Call
E1EDL58 - Subcontracting Component
E1EDL59 - Subcontracting Component - Serial Number
E1EDT01 - IDOC: Shipment Item Assignment
E1EDT02 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Shipment)
E1EDT03 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment)
E1EDT04 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment)
E1EDT05 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Stage)
E1EDT06 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment Stage)
E1EDT07 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment Stage)
E1EDT08 - IDoc: Shipping Unit (Shipment)
E1EDT09 - IDoc: Shipping Unit Item (Shipment)
E1EDT10 - IDOC: Date (Shipment)
E1EDT11 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Date)
E1EDT12 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E1EDT13 - IDoc: Deadline (delivery)
E1EDT14 - IDoc: Points/Address (Delivery Deadline)
E1EDT15 - IDOC: Freight Code Set (Determination Part I)
E1EDT16 - IDOC: Freight Code (Determination Part II)
E1EDT18 - IDoc: Control (Shipment)
E1EDT20 - IDoc: Shipment
E1EDT22 - IDoc: Shipment descriptions
E1EDT32 - Points (deadlines shipment)
E1EDT37 - Shipping unit header
E1EDT38 - Shipping unit header descriptions
E1EDT39 - Control segment for shipping units
E1EDT43 - IDoc: Shipping Unit Item (Shipment)
E1EDT44 - Shipment stages point
E1EDT45 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E1EDT46 - IDOC: Freight Code Set (Determination Part I)
E1EDT47 - IDoc: Transport Additional Data
E1EDT48 - IDoc: Freight code (determination part II)
E1EDT49 - Points descriptions
E1EDT50 - IDoc: Text segment (shipment stage)
E1EDT51 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E1EDT52 - IDoc: Freight code index descriptions
E1EDT53 - IDoc: Freight code descriptions
E1EDT56 - IDoc: Transport Additional Data Descriptions
E1EDT57 - Shipment Data: Tender
E1EDT58 - Shipment Data: Descriptions for Tender
E1EPC04 - EPCs depending to the handling unit.
E1ETD01 - IDoc: Dangerous Goods in Transport
E1IDC04 - EPC components
E1TPACC - Activity description for processing a document
E1TPALC - Permitted forwarding agents in shipment
E1TPCOC - Material Classification for Accumulation of Delivery Items
E1TPDIH - Dimensions at delivery header level
E1TPDII - Dimensions at Item Level
E1TPDIS - Dimensions of shipping units and packing
E1TPDLC - Transportation costs with reference to delivery
E1TPDLH - Delivery Header for Transportation Planning Interface
E1TPDLI - Delivery Item
E1TPDOS - Document status in transportation planning
E1TPE01 - Process at Delivery Header Level
E1TPE11 - Process at Shipment Header Level
E1TPE12 - Process at Shipment Stage Level
E1TPEQT - Transportataion and shipping material
E1TPFRC - Transportation costs
E1TPLCT - Code for location, customer or vendor
E1TPLO1 - Description of a location
E1TPLOC - Description of a location
E1TPLOC01 - Transfer Structure for Location Data
E1TPNOT - Text
E1TPSHA - Activity in a Shipment Load Transfer Point
E1TPSHH - Shipment Header
E1TPSHI - Deliveries in Shipment
E1TPSHR - Transportation planning railway data
E1TPSHT - Distances and Travel Times for a Shipment Stage
E1TPSHU - Shipping material
E1TPSID - Shipment Document Number
E1TPSLS - Load transfer point in shipment
E1TPSUC - Component item of shipping unit
E1TPSUR - Reference shipping unit - shipping material
E1TPTIW - Time frame
E1TPTR1 - General Location Code
E1TPTRM - Code for a General Location
E1TPTRP - Planning requirement (existing and planned shipments)
E1TPVAR - Variant Name
E1TRXDE - Tracking: Time estimation
E1TRXDS - Tracking: Delivery status
E1TRXHD - Tracking header segment
E1TRXI1 - Tracking location: Additional locations
E1TRXI2 - Tracking: Additional partner ID
E1TRXID - Tracking identification
E1TRXLC - Tracking location
E1TRXLD - Tracking location: Description
E1TRXLT - Tracking: Transfer of load
E1TRXMR - Tracking: Measurement results
E1TRXND - Tracking: Time specification for next status
E1TRXNS - Tracking: Next status
E1TRXPA - Tracking: Header segment for partners
E1TXP10 - IDoc: Text segment (shipment stage)
E1TXP11 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E1TXP12 - IDoc: Text segment (freight code index)
E1TXP13 - IDoc: Text segment (freight code)
E2EDK31 - IDOC: Shipment
E2EDK32 - IDoc: Shipment Stage
E2EDL01 - IDOC: Delivery
E2EDL04 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery)
E2EDL05 - IDOC: Partner (Delivery)
E2EDL06 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Delivery)
E2EDL08 - IDOC: Shipping Unit Item (Delivery)
E2EDL10 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery Item)
E2EDL11 - IDOC: Serial Number
E2EDL12 - IDOC: Configuration
E2EDL13 - IDOC: Item Quantity
E2EDL13001 - IDoc: Item quantity
E2EDL14 - IDOC: Reference
E2EDL15 - IDOC: Batch Characteristic
E2EDL16 - IDOC: Export (Delivery)
E2EDL17 - IDOC: Export (Delivery Item)
E2EDL18 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery)
E2EDL19 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery Item)
E2EDL20 - Delivery header
E2EDL21 - Delivery Header Additional Data
E2EDL22 - Delivery Header Descriptions
E2EDL23 - Deliv.Header Addit.Data Descriptions
E2EDL25 - Delivery Item Descriptions
E2EDL26 - Delivery Item Additional Data
E2EDL27 - Delivery Item Additional Data Descriptions
E2EDL28 - Routes
E2EDL29 - Routes Descriptions
E2EDL30 - Route Stages
E2EDL31 - Route Stage Descriptions
E2EDL32 - Route Stage Point
E2EDL33 - Export Data Delivery Header
E2EDL34 - Export Data Delivery Header Descriptions
E2EDL35 - Export Data Delivery Item
E2EDL36 - Export Data Delivery Item Descriptions
E2EDL38 - Shipping unit header descriptions
E2EDT01 - IDOC: Shipment Item Assignment
E2EDT02 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Shipment)
E2EDT03 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment)
E2EDT04 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment)
E2EDT05 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Stage)
E2EDT06 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment Stage)
E2EDT07 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment Stage)
E2EDT09 - IDoc: Shipping Unit Item (Shipment)
E2EDT10 - IDOC: Date (Shipment)
E2EDT11 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Date)
E2EDT12 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E2EDT13 - IDoc: Deadline (delivery)
E2EDT14 - IDoc: Point/Address (Delivery Deadline)
E2EDT15 - IDOC: Freight Code Set (Determination Part I)
E2EDT16 - IDOC: Freight Code (Determination Part II)
E2EDT18 - IDoc: Control (Shipment)
E2TPACC - Activity description for processing a document
E2TPALC - Permitted forwarding agents in shipment
E2TPCOC - Material Classification for Accumulation of Delivery Items
E2TPDIH - Dimensions at delivery header level
E2TPDII - Dimensions at Item Level
E2TPDIS - Dimensions of shipping units and packing
E2TPDLC - Transportation costs with reference to delivery
E2TPDLH - Delivery Header for Transportation Planning Interface
E2TPDLI - Delivery Item
E2TPDOS - Document status in transportation planning
E2TPE01 - Process at Delivery Header Level
E2TPE11 - Process at Shipment Header Level
E2TPE12 - Process at Shipment Stage Level
E2TPEQT - Transportataion and shipping material
E2TPFRC - Transportation costs
E2TPLCT - Code for location, customer or vendor
E2TPLO1 - Description of a location
E2TPLOC - Description of a location
E2TPNOT - Text
E2TPSHA - Activity in a Shipment Load Transfer Point
E2TPSHH - Shipment Header
E2TPSHI - Deliveries in Shipment
E2TPSHR - Transportation planning railway data
E2TPSHT - Distances and Travel Times for a Shipment Stage
E2TPSHU - Shipping material
E2TPSID - Shipment Document Number
E2TPSLS - Load transfer point in shipment
E2TPSUC - Component item of shipping unit
E2TPSUR - Reference shipping unit - shipping material
E2TPTIW - Time frame
E2TPTR1 - Code for a General Location
E2TPTRM - Code for a General Location
E2TPTRP - Planning requirement (existing and planned shipments)
E2TPVAR - Variant Name
E2TXTH0 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery Date)
E2TXTH6 - IDOC: Text Header (Shipment)
E2TXTH7 - IDOC: Text Header (Shipment Date)
E2TXTH8 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery)
E2TXTH9 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery Item)
E2TXTP0 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery Date)
E2TXTP6 - IDoc: Text Segment (Shipment)
E2TXTP7 - IDOC: Text Segment (Shipment Date)
E2TXTP8 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery)
E2TXTP9 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery Item)
E3EDK31 - IDOC: Shipment
E3EDK32 - IDoc: Shipment Stage
E3EDL01 - IDOC: Delivery
E3EDL04 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery)
E3EDL05 - IDOC: Partner (Delivery)
E3EDL06 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Delivery)
E3EDL07 - IDOC: Shipping Unit (Delivery)
E3EDL08 - IDOC: Shipping Unit Item (Delivery)
E3EDL10 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Delivery Item)
E3EDL11 - IDOC: Serial Number
E3EDL12 - IDOC: Configuration
E3EDL13 - IDOC: Item Quantity
E3EDL14 - IDOC: Reference
E3EDL15 - IDOC: Batch Characteristic
E3EDL16 - IDOC: Export (Delivery)
E3EDL17 - IDOC: Export (Delivery Item)
E3EDL18 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery)
E3EDL19 - IDOC: Controlling (Delivery Item)
E3EDL20 - Delivery header
E3EDL21 - Delivery Header Additional Data
E3EDL22 - Delivery Header Descriptions
E3EDL23 - Deliv.Header Addit.Data Descriptions
E3EDL24 - Delivery item
E3EDL25 - Delivery Item Descriptions
E3EDL26 - Delivery Item Additional Data
E3EDL27 - Delivery Item Additional Data Descriptions
E3EDL28 - Routes
E3EDL29 - Routes Descriptions
E3EDL30 - Route Stages
E3EDL31 - Route Stage Descriptions
E3EDL32 - Route Stage Point
E3EDL33 - Export Data Delivery Header
E3EDL34 - Export Data Delivery Header Descriptions
E3EDL35 - Export Data Delivery Item
E3EDL36 - Export Data Delivery Item Descriptions
E3EDL37 - Shipping unit header
E3EDL38 - Shipping unit header descriptions
E3EDT01 - IDOC: Shipment Item Assignment
E3EDT02 - IDOC: Org. Unit/Address (Shipment)
E3EDT03 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment)
E3EDT04 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment)
E3EDT05 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Stage)
E3EDT06 - IDoc: Partner (Shipment Stage)
E3EDT07 - IDOC: Partner Supplement (Shipment Stage)
E3EDT08 - IDoc: Shipping Unit (Shipment)
E3EDT09 - IDoc: Shipping Unit Item (Shipment)
E3EDT10 - IDOC: Date (Shipment)
E3EDT11 - IDOC: Point/Address (Shipment Date)
E3EDT12 - IDOC: Date (shipment stage)
E3EDT13 - IDoc: Deadline (delivery)
E3EDT14 - IDOC: Point/Address (Delivery Date)
E3EDT15 - IDOC: Freight Code Set (Determination Part I)
E3EDT16 - IDOC: Freight Code (Determination Part II)
E3EDT1701 - Internal structure for IDOC: deadline (points)
E3EDT18 - IDoc: Control (Shipment)
E3TPACC - Activity description for processing a document
E3TPALC - Permitted forwarding agents in shipment
E3TPCOC - Material Classification for Accumulation of Delivery Items
E3TPDIH - Dimensions at delivery header level
E3TPDII - Dimensions at Item Level
E3TPDIS - Dimensions of shipping units and packing
E3TPDIS01 - Internal dimensions of shipping units and packing
E3TPDLC - Transportation costs with reference to delivery
E3TPDLC01 - Intern. structure transportation costs with ref. to delivery
E3TPDLH - Delivery Header for Transportation Planning Interface
E3TPDLI - Delivery Item
E3TPDOS - Document status in transportation planning
E3TPE01 - Process at Delivery Header Level
E3TPE11 - Process at Shipment Header Level
E3TPE1101 - Internal Structure of Process at Shipment Header Level
E3TPE12 - Process at Shipment Stage Level
E3TPE1201 - Internal Process at Shipment Stage Level
E3TPEQT - Transportataion and shipping material
E3TPFRC - Transportation costs
E3TPFRC01 - Transportation costs
E3TPLCT - Code for location, customer or vendor
E3TPLCT02 - Location code for internal use
E3TPLO1 - Description of a location
E3TPLOC - Description of a location
E3TPLOC01 - Internal structure for description of location
E3TPNOT - Text
E3TPSHA - Activity in a Shipment Load Transfer Point
E3TPSHA01 - Internal activities in a transport load transfer point
E3TPSHH - Shipment Header
E3TPSHI - Deliveries in Shipment
E3TPSHR - Transportation planning railway data
E3TPSHT - Distances and Travel Times for a Shipment Stage
E3TPSHT01 - Internal distances and travelling times for shipment stage
E3TPSHU - Shipping material
E3TPSID - Shipment Document Number
E3TPSLS - Load transfer point in shipment
E3TPSUC - Component item of shipping unit
E3TPSUR - Reference shipping unit - shipping material
E3TPTIW - Time frame
E3TPTR1 - Code for a General Location
E3TPTRM - Code for a General Location
E3TPTRM01 - Internal structure for general location code
E3TPTRP - Planning requirement (existing and planned shipments)
E3TPVAR - Variant Name
E3TXTH0 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery Date)
E3TXTH6 - IDOC: Text Header (Shipment)
E3TXTH7 - IDOC: Text Header (Shipment Date)
E3TXTH8 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery)
E3TXTH9 - IDOC: Text Header (Delivery Item)
E3TXTP0 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery Date)
E3TXTP6 - IDoc: Text Segment (Shipment)
E3TXTP7 - IDOC: Text Segment (Shipment Date)
E3TXTP8 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery)
E3TXTP9 - IDOC: Text Segment (Delivery Item)
ISC_EXIT_SAPLV55K_001 - IS Extension Structure - Customer Exit FB Change Parameter
ISC_EXIT_SAPLV55K_002 - IS Extension Structure - Customer Exit FB Change Parameter
ISC_EXIT_SAPLV55K_011 - IS Extension Structure - Customer Exit FB Change Parameter
ISC_EXIT_SAPLV55K_012 - IS Extension Structure - Customer Exit FB Change Parameter
ISI_EXIT_SAPLV55K_003 - IS Extension Structure - Customer Exit FB Import. Parameter
ISU_LIEFERUNGEN_VERARBEITEN - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_READ_VARIANT_LFSL - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
ISU_SHIPMENTS_READ - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
KOMKBV7 - Shipment Output Determin. Communications Area Head Appl. V7
KOMKBZH - Shipment output determination appl.V2: Customer modification
LAND_RNG - Range for Country
LETRACONFSTA - Form Structure for Shipment Status Confirmation
LOCATION - City, described by different objects in the SAP System
LOCATION_I - City: Identification
LOCATION_N - City information, from a transportation connection point
LOCATION_T - Descriptions of and additional data on a city
LOC_ADDR_I - City: Address data that are used for identification
LOC_DEPT - Departure point, descr. by different objects in SAP System
LOC_DEPT_I - Departure point: Identification
LOC_DEPT_T - Departure Point: Descriptions and Additonal Data
LOC_DEST - Destination, different objects in the SAP System
LOC_DEST_I - Destination City: Identification
LOC_DEST_T - Destination City: Descriptions and Additional Data
MCPARTTRA - Partner Structures for Transport from VBPA
MCVKENNZ8 - TIS: Additional Figures with Deviating Characteristics
MCVTRLK - Delivery Header in Shipment for LIS Updating
MCVTRLKADD - Additional Fields: Delivery Header in Shipmt for LIS Update
MCVTRLKB - Reference Structure for MCVTRLK
MCVTRLKUSR - User Structure: Delivery Header in Shipment for LIS Updating
MCVTRLP - Delivery Items in Shipment for LIS Updating
MCVTRLPADD - Additional Fields: Delivery Item in Shipment for LIS Update
MCVTRLPB - Reference Structure for MCVTRLP
MCVTRLPUSR - User Structure: Delivery Item in Shipment for LIS Updating
MCVTSP - Allocation:Stage of Shipment/Sales and Distribution Document
MCVTSPB - Reference Structure for MCVTSP
MCVTTK - LIS Shipment - Header Data
MCVTTKADD - Additional Fields: Shipment Header for LIS Updating
MCVTTKB - Reference Structure for MCVTTK
MCVTTKUSR - User Structure: Shipment Header for LIS Updating
MCVTTS - LIS: Stages of Shipment Data
MCVTTSADD - Additional Fields: Stages of Shipment for LIS Updating
MCVTTSB - Reference Structure for MCVTTS
MCVTTSUSR - User Structure: Stages of Shipment for LIS Updating
PRLSUB - Substitution structure for transport. plang system locations
RV56A - Input/Output Fields for SAPMV56A
RV56_REPORTS - Data Definitions for VT19 and VT20
RV56_VT04 - Data Definitions for VT04
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC100 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC101 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC102 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC103 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC104 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC105 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC106 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC107 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC108 - Freight Order Execution Confirmation Message
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC109 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC110 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC111 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC112 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC113 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC114 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC115 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC116 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC117 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC118 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC119 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC120 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC121 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC122 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC123 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC124 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC125 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC126 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC127 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC128 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC129 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC130 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC131 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC132 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC133 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC134 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC135 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC136 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC137 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC138 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC139 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC140 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC141 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC142 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC143 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC144 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC145 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC146 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC147 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC148 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC149 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC150 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC151 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC152 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC153 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC154 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC155 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC156 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC157 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC158 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC159 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC160 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC161 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC162 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC163 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC164 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC165 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC166 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC167 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC168 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC169 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC170 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC171 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC172 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC173 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC174 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC175 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC176 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC177 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC178 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC179 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC180 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC181 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC182 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC183 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC184 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC185 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC186 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC187 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC188 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC189 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC190 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC191 - Freight Order Execution Confirmation
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC192 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC193 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC194 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC195 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC196 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC197 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC198 - Freight Order Execution Request
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC199 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC200 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC201 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC202 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC203 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC204 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC205 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC206 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC207 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC208 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC209 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC210 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC211 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC212 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC213 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC214 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC215 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC216 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC217 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC218 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC219 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC220 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC221 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC222 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC223 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC224 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC225 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC226 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC227 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC228 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC229 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC230 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC231 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC232 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC233 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC234 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC235 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC236 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC237 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC238 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC239 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC240 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC241 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC242 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC243 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC244 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC245 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC246 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC247 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC248 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC249 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC250 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC251 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC252 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC253 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC254 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC255 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC256 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC257 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC258 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC259 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC260 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC261 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC262 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC263 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC264 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC265 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC266 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC267 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC268 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC269 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC270 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC271 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC272 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC273 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC274 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC275 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC276 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC277 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC278 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC279 - Freight Order Execution Request Message
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC280 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC281 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC282 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC283 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC284 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC285 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC286 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC287 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC288 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC289 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC290 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC291 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC292 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC293 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC294 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC295 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC296 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC297 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC298 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC299 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC300 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC301 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC302 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC303 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC304 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC305 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC306 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC307 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC308 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC309 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC310 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC311 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC312 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC313 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC314 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC315 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC316 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC317 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC318 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC319 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC320 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC321 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC322 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC323 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC324 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC325 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC326 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC327 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC328 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC329 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC330 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC331 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC332 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC333 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC334 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC335 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC336 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC337 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC338 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC339 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC340 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC341 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC342 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC343 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC344 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC345 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC346 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC347 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC348 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC349 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC350 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC351 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC352 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC353 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC354 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC355 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC356 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC357 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC358 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC359 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC360 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC361 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC362 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC363 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC364 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC365 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC366 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC367 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC368 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC369 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC370 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC371 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC372 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC373 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC374 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC375 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC376 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC377 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC378 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC379 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC380 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC381 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC382 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC383 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC384 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC385 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC386 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC387 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC388 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC389 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC390 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC391 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC392 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC393 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC394 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC395 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC396 - Freight Order Execution Status Notification Message
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC397 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC398 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC399 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXEC400 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU10 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU11 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU12 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU13 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU14 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU15 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU16 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU17 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU18 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU19 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU20 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU21 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU22 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU23 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU24 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU25 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU26 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU27 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU28 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU29 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU30 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU31 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU32 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU33 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU34 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU35 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU36 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU37 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU38 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU39 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU40 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU41 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU42 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU43 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU44 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU45 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU46 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU47 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU48 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU49 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU50 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU51 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU52 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU53 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU54 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU55 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU56 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU57 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU58 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU59 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU60 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU61 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU62 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU63 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU64 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU65 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU66 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU67 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU68 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU69 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU70 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU71 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU72 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU73 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU74 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU75 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU76 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU77 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU78 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU79 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU80 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU81 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU82 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU83 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU84 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU85 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU86 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU87 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU88 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU89 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU90 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU91 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU92 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU93 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU94 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU95 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU96 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU97 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU98 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECU99 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT1 - Freight Order Execution Cancel Request Message
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT5 - Freight Order Execution Cancel Request
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT8 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUT9 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_FREIGHT_ORDER_EXECUTI - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI100 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI101 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI102 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI103 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI104 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI105 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI106 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI107 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI108 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI109 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI110 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI111 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI112 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI113 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI114 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI115 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI116 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI117 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI118 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI119 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI120 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI121 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI122 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI123 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI124 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI125 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI126 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI127 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI128 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI129 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI130 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI131 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI132 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI133 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI134 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI135 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI136 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI137 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI138 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI139 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI140 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI141 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI142 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI143 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI144 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI145 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI146 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI147 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI148 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI149 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI150 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI151 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI152 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI153 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI154 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI155 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI156 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI157 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI158 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI159 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI160 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI161 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI162 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI163 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI164 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI165 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI166 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI167 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI168 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI169 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI170 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI171 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI172 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI173 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI174 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI175 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI176 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI177 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI178 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI179 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI180 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI181 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI182 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI183 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI184 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI185 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI186 - Request for SupplierFreight Quote cancel request
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLI187 - Request for SupplierFreight Quote request
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE10 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE11 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE12 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE13 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE14 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE15 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE16 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE17 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE18 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE19 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE20 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE21 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE22 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE23 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE24 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE25 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE26 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE27 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE28 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE29 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE30 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE31 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE32 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE33 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE34 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE35 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE36 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE37 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE38 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE39 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE40 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE41 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE42 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE43 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE44 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE45 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE46 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE47 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE48 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE49 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE50 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE51 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE52 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE53 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE54 - Request For Supplier Freight Quote Request Message
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE55 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE56 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE57 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE58 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE59 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE60 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE61 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE62 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE63 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE64 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE65 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE66 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE67 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE68 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE69 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE70 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE71 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE72 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE73 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE74 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE75 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE76 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE77 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE78 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE79 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE80 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE81 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE82 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE83 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE84 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE85 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE86 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE87 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE88 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE89 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE90 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE91 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE92 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE93 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE94 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE95 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE96 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE97 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE98 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIE99 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER - Request For Supplier Freight Quote Cancel Request Message
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER7 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER8 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_REQUEST_FOR_SUPPLIER9 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q100 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q101 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q102 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q103 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q104 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q105 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q106 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q107 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q108 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q109 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q110 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q111 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q112 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q113 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q114 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q115 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q116 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q117 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q118 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q119 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q120 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q121 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q122 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q123 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q124 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q125 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q126 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q127 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q128 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q129 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q130 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q131 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q132 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q133 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q134 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q135 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q136 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q137 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q138 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q139 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q140 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q141 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q142 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q143 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q144 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q145 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q146 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q147 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q148 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q149 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q150 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q151 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q152 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q153 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q154 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q155 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q156 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q157 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q158 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q159 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q160 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q161 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q162 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q163 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q164 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q165 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q166 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q167 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q168 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q169 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q170 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q171 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q172 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q173 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q174 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q175 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q176 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q177 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q178 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q179 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q180 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q181 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q182 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q183 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q184 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_Q185 - Supplier Freight Quote Notification
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU10 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU11 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU12 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU13 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU14 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU15 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU16 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU17 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU18 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU19 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU20 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU21 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU22 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU23 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU24 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU25 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU26 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU27 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU28 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU29 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU30 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU31 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU32 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU33 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU34 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU35 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU36 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU37 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU38 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU39 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU40 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU41 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU42 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU43 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU44 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU45 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU46 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU47 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU48 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU49 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU50 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU51 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU52 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU53 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU54 - Supplier Freight Quote Notification Message
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU55 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU56 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU57 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU58 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU59 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU60 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU61 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU62 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU63 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU64 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU65 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU66 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU67 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU68 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU69 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU70 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU71 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU72 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU73 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU74 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU75 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU76 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU77 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU78 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU79 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU80 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU81 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU82 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU83 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU84 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU85 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU86 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU87 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU88 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU89 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU90 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU91 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU92 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU93 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU94 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU95 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU96 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU97 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU98 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QU99 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO8 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUO9 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SAPPLSEF_SUPPLIER_FREIGHT_QUOT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SHIPM_ACT - Activities for the Locations in a Shipment
SHIPM_LOC - Locations in a Shipment
SHIP_DEADL - Shipment date for status
SHIP_DELIV - Temporary SD Document Numbers
SHP_CONTDG_RANGE - Range for Indicator: Document Contains Dangerous Goods
SHP_INCO1_RANGE - Range for Incoterms 1
SHP_INCO2_RANGE - Range for Incoterms 2
SHP_LAND1_RANGE - Range for Country
SHP_LFUHR_RANGE - Range for Delivery Time
SHP_LZONE_RANGE - Range for Transportation Zone for Delivery
SHP_SDABW_RANGE - Range for Special Processing Indicator
SHP_TRAGR_RANGE - Range for Transportation Group
SHP_TRATY_RANGE - Range for Means-of-Transport Type
SHP_TRMTYP_RANGE - Range for Means-of-Transport
SHP_VSART_RANGE - Range for Shipping Type
T173 - Routes: Mode of Transport for Each Shipping Type
T173T - Routes: Mode of Transport by Shipping Type: Texts
T644 - Routes: Transit Route(s) (Country Sequence)
TGAF - Freight Code Determination
TGAR - Freight Codes
TGART - Freight codes:descriptions
TGAV - Freight Code Sets
TGAVF - Determine Freight Code Set
TGAVT - Freight code set: descriptions
TKNUM_SEL - Structure with Shipment Number
TMFG - Material freight groups
TMFGT - Material freight groups: Descriptions
TNAD8 - Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point
TRARCHPARM - Archive Shipments: Report Parameters
TRA_DELIV_ASSIGN - Instruction for Delivery Assignment in Shipment
TRA_DELIV_ASSIGNMENT - Instruction for Delivery Assignment in Shipment
TRA_DELIV_EXCHANGE - Instruction for Delivery Exchange in Shipment
TRA_TKNUM_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for Shipment Document
TROIZ - Route Determination: By Country and Zone
TROLZ - Routes: Determination in Deliveries
TRXEC - Tracking: Main Transaction Types
TRXECT - Tracking: Texts for main process types
TRXEVT - Tracking: Transactions and Events
TRXEVTT - Tracking: Transactions and Events
TRXIC - Tracking: Code Types for Tracking IDs
TRXICT - Tracking: Texts for tracking ID code types
TRXLC - Tracking: Code types for locations
TRXLCT - Tracking: Texts for location code types
TRXPC - Tracking: Code types for partners
TRXPCT - Tracking: Texts for partner code types
TRXRT - Tracking: Code types for route types
TRXRTT - Tracking: Texts for route type code types
TRXSEC - Tracking: Types of sub-operation
TRXSECT - Tracking: Texts for sub-operation types
TSFG - Forwarding agent freight group
TSFGT - Forward. Agent-Freight Groups:Descriptn
TTDS - Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point
TTDST - Organizational Unit: Transportation Scheduling Point: Texts
TTPLST - Determination of Transportation Planning Point f. BAPI Call
TTSG - Shipment Blocking Reason
TTSGT - Description of Reason for Shipment Block
TVARS - Archiving Control Shipment
TVKN - Routes: Transportation Connection Points
TVKNT - Routes: Transportation connection points: Texts
TVKN_ALL - Transportation connection point and additional information
TVRAB - Route Stages
TVRABH_ALV - ALV Structure for Output from TVRAB (Header)
TVRABTIM - Duration in Output Format in TVRAB
TVRAB_ALV - ALV Structure for Output from TVRAB (Item)
TVRO - Routes
TVROKN - Points for Routes
TVROT - Routes: Texts
TVRO_RNG - Range for routes
TVRSZ - Routes: Legs for each Route
TVSAK - Special Processing Indicator
TVSAKT - Special Processing Indicator: Texts
TVSR - Routes: Legs
TVSRO - Shipping points: Countries in Which Routes are Defined
TVTK - Shipment Types
TVTKT - Transport Type: Description
TVTR - Routes: Modes of Transport
TVTRT - Routes: Method of Transportation Texts
TVT_CA_SDELI - Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Deliveries
TVT_CA_SDELI_R - Restriction of Fwdg Agent Selection Variants for Deliveries
TVT_CA_SSHIP - Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Shipments
TVT_CA_TRA - Transportation Basis Data for Forwarding Agent
TVT_CA_USR - Assignment Between Forwarding Agent and SAP System User
V56FLTR - Interface Structure for User Exit
V56IDLNT - Transportation Planning: Data from the Delivery
V56IFREE - Transportation Planning: Data for free Deliveries
V56IGNRL - Transportation Planning: General Fields
V56IHIDE - HIDE Area for a Sub-tree in the Shipment Planning Point
V56IQUA - Shipment Management: Rounded-off Quantities
V56ISHIP - Tranportation Planning: Data from the Shipment
V56ISHNT - Transportation Planning: Data from the Inbound Delivery
V56I_DLNT_PART - Transportation Planning: Data from the Delivery
V56I_DLNT_VIEW - Transportation Planning: Shipment + Delivery Header
V56I_SHIP_PART - Tranportation Planning: Data from the Shipment
V56I_SORT_FIELD - V56I_SORT_FIELD - V56I_plan_screen
V56I_TREE - V56I_TREE - V56I_PLAN_SCREEN (don't use, obsolete)
V56SEQU - Interface for Determining Sequence
V56SEQUS - Output Fields for the Dialog for Determining the Sequence
V56_CAR_LIST_VIEW - Carrier Transportation Planning: ALV List View
VBELNTMP - Temporary SD Document Numbers
VBPLS1 - Summary Packing Data per Delivery
VEKP_SMG - IDoc SHPMNT/DELVRY SMG Identification for Material Tag
VSADR - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VTADD01 - Checking Table Supplement 1
VTADD01T - Checking Table Supplement: Description
VTADD02 - Checking Table Supplement 2
VTADD02T - Checking Table Supplement: Descriptions
VTADD03 - Checking Table Supplement 3
VTADD03T - Checking Table Supplement 3: Description
VTADD04 - Checking Table Supplement 4
VTADD04T - Checking Table Supplement 4: Description
VTCFPP - Freight Planning Transfer Profile
VTCFPPT - Text for Freight Planning Communication Profiles
VTDPR - Planning requirement for transportation planning
VTDSCHG - Status sequence statement for delivery in transport. planng
VTDSCHGC - Status Sequence Statement for Deliveries in Freight Planning
VTDST - Status of deliveries within transportation planning
VTDSTAT - Current status of delivery in transportation planning
VTDSTATC - Current Condition of a Delivery in Freight Planning
VTDSTC - Condition of Deliveries for Freight Planning by Fwdng Agent
VTDTRAN - Status sequence of a delivery in transportation planning
VTDTRANC - Condition Sequence of Delivery in Freight Planning
VTFA - Shipment Document Flow
VTFAD - Dynamic Division VTFA
VTFAVB - Update Structure VTFA with Dynamic Division
VTLST - Status of Gen. Location in Ext. Transportatn Planning System
VTMEAS - Total Duration, Travel Duration and Distance of Shipments
VTPA - Shipping Partner
VTPRG - Transport. planng system cumulation proc. for delivery item
VTPRK - Cond. Sequence for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning
VTPRL - Transportation Planning System Route Limitations
VTPRS - Det. Procedure for Loc. Subst. in Transportation Planning
VTPRST - Texts for Determination Procedures for Location Substitution
VTRDI - Shipment Planning Index
VTRLK - Delivery in Shipment: Header
VTRLK_CTR - Help Structure for Representation as Table Control
VTRLK_VBUK - VBUK for Including in VTRLK
VTRLP - Delivery in Shipment: Item
VTSP - Stage of Transport / Item Allocation
VTSPD - Stage of Transport / Item Allocation: Dynamic Part
VTSPLS - Assignment Forwarding Agent - Log. System for Freight Plng
VTSPVB - Stage of Transport / Item: Logging
VTTK - Shipment Header
VTTKD - Shipment Header: Dynamic Part
VTTKVB - Shipment Header for Logging
VTTK_ALV - Transmission Structure for General List View (ALV)
VTTK_CAPA - Structure for the Utilization/Free Capacity List
VTTK_TXT - Text descriptions
VTTK_VT14 - ALV Structure VT14 and VT15 - RV56TRKA
VTTP - Shipment Item
VTTPD - Shipment Item: Dynamic Part
VTTPVB - Shipment Item for Logging
VTTS - Stage of Shipment
VTTSD - Stage of Transport: Dynamic Part
VTTSLKA - Key for Location from which Transport Stage Departs
VTTSLKZ - Location Key for Transport Stage Destination
VTTSVB - Stage of Shipment
VTTS_ALL - Leg Data and Descriptions
VTTS_FCS - Structure to display freight codes in a shipment stage
VTTS_SEL - Selected Stages of a Shipment
VTTS_TXT - Descriptions for leg
VVEKP - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVEPO - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTPA - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTSP - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTTP - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTTS - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000

SAP Freight Processing Tables LE-TRA-FC

A130 - Service agent/tariff zone dep./tariff zone targ/shipping mat
A131 - Service Agent/TariffZnDp/TariffZnDest/Packaging Matl/VSEGR1
FRARCHPARM - Archiving Shipment Costs: Report Parameters
ISU_MOVE_VTTSF_TO_KOMK - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
KOMV_PART - Pricing: Communication with SD_RATE_CALCULATOR
LETRA_IV_FIELDS - Transfer Fields to Invoice Verification
RV54A - I/O Fields for Shipment Cost Processing
RV54A_V13A - Text fields in condition maintenance (application F)
RV54_FRINF_DEF - Shipment Cost Info: Table Control for Default Data
RV54_FRINF_HDR - Shippinc Cost Info: All Items
RV54_FRINF_ITM - Shipping Cost Info: Table Control for Items
RV54_FRINF_RES - Shipping Cost Info: Table Control for Results
RV57A - I/O Fields for Shipment Cost Processing
T685S - Condition Types: Scales for Conditions
T685S_KEY - Key Fields for Table T685S
TIARS - Archiving Control Shipment Costs
TVFAP - Shipment Cost Information Profile Data
TVFAPT - Shipment Cost Information Profile: Descriptions
TVFAW - Shipment Cost Info Profile - Planning Profile Assig. (VT04)
TVFBWA - Minimum Weights for Shipping Units
TVFBWAF - Bulkiness Factors
TVFBWG - Definition of Bulkiness Groups
TVFBWGT - Descriptions for Bulkiness Groups
TVFCD - Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCDT - Description for Service Agent Procedure Group
TVFCG - Item Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCGT - Description for Item Procedure Group Shipment Costs
TVFCSF - Pricing Procedure Determination
TVFCV - Shipping Type Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
TVFCVT - Description for Shipping Type Procedure Group Shipment Costs
TVFP - Assignment of Purchasing Data for Shipment Costs
TVFPTZ - Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area
TVFPTZH - Tariff Zone Assignment for Postal Code Area Header Data
TVFRDR - Rounding Rules
TVFRDRT - Descriptions for Rounding Rules
TVFRDRX - Definition of Rounding Rules
TVFRFQ - Scale Bases
TVFRFQT - Descriptions for Scale Bases
TVFSCB - Scale Bases
TVFT - Shipment Cost Item Categories
TVFTK - Determination: Shipment Cost Item Categories
TVFTR - Rules for Date Determination for Shipment Costing
TVFTRP - Detail of Rules for Date Determination in Shipment Costing
TVFTRT - Description of Rules for Date Det. in Shipment Costing
TVFTT - Shipment Cost Item Categories: Descriptions
TVFTZ - Tariff Zones for Shipment Costs
TVFTZT - Description of Tariff Zone for Shipment Costs
TVTF - Shipment Cost Types
TVTFT - Shipment Cost Types: Descriptions
V54IV_SELOPT - Incoming Invoice: Selection Transportation Service Provider
V54P_FC_INFO_DEF - Shipping Cost Info: Default Data
V54P_FC_INFO_HDR - Shipping Cost Info: Header Data
V54P_FC_INFO_HU - Shipping Cost Info: Handling Units
V54P_FC_INFO_ITM - Shipping Cost Info: Table Control for Items
V54P_FC_INFO_RES - Shipping Cost Info: Results
VF685S_CUS - Non-Resident Control Parameters for Scales
VFFRCODE - Determine freight classes / freight codes
VFINV - Transfer Freight Conditions to Customer Billing Document
VFKGRP - (Freight) Group Conditions
VFKK - Shipment Costs: Header Data
VFKKD - Shipment Costs: Header Data (Dynamic Part)
VFKKVB - Shipping costs: Header data (for logging)
VFKN - Account Determination in Shipment Costs Item
VFKNATT - Shipment Cost Item: Account Assignment Attributes
VFKND - Account Assignment Shipment Costs Item: (Dynamic Part)
VFKNVB - Account Assignment Shipment Cost Item: (for logging)
VFKOMV - (Freight) Conditions
VFKOM_ADRA - Communication Fields from the Addresses (Dispatch)
VFKOM_ADRZ - Communication Fields from the Addresses (Target)
VFKOM_CALC - Communication Fields: Determination via Pricing (KOMP)
VFKOM_DNHG - Communication Fields from the Delivery Header (KOMG)
VFKOM_DNHK - Communication Fields from the Delivery Header (KOMK)
VFKOM_DNHP - Communication Fields from the Delivery Header (KOMP)
VFKOM_DNIT - Communication Fields from the Delivery Item
VFKOM_SHP - Communication Fields from the Shipment Header (KOMG)
VFKOM_SHU2 - Communication Fields from the Shipping Units
VFKOM_SHUT - Communication Fields from the Shipping Units (KOMG)
VFKOM_SHUT_P - Communication Fields from the Shipping Units (KOMP)
VFKOM_STG - Comm. Fields Shipment Stage / Shipment Cost Item (KOMG)
VFKOM_STG2 - Comm. Fields Shipment Stage / Shipment Cost Item (KOMK)
VFKOM_SU_C - Shipment Costing-relevant Fields from the Shipping Unit
VFKONV - (Freight) Conditions
VFKONVD - (Freight) Conditions: (Dynamic Part)
VFKONV_FIX - (Freight) Conditions: Scale-Basis-Independent DB Part
VFKONV_KEY - (Freight) Conditions: Key
VFKONX - Conditions: Dimension-Dependent Data
VFKONXD - Cond. Item Dimension-Dependent: (Dynamic Part)
VFKONXVB - Cond. Item Dimension-Dependent: (For Logging)
VFKP - Shipment Costs: Item Data
VFKPD - Shipment Costs: Item Data (Dynamic Part)
VFKPVB - Shipment Costs: Item Data (for Logging)
VFKZWI - Subtotals
VFLOC_DEST - Fields from the Shipment Stage (Target)
VFLOC_ORIG - Fields from the Shipment Stage (Dispatch)
VFLOGHDR - Shipment Costs: Log Header for List Viewer
VFLOGKEY - Shipment Costs: Structure for External Number in Applic. Log
VFLOW_STAT - Shipment costs: Status for document flow issue
VFMEMO - Structure for Data Transfer via Memory
VFMTRX_WSEL - Matrix Node Values Dependent on Mode (Qty, Price, and so on)
VFNKO - New Product Allocation Objects in Shipment Cost Processing
VFPA - Partner for Shipment Costs
VFSBPB - Scale Basis: Control Scale Maintenance
VFSBPBG - Scale Basis: General Control Scales
VFSBPC - Scale Basis: Allowed Calculation Types
VFSBPCA - Scale Basis: Control Calculation
VFSBPCF - Scale Basis: Check Routines for Scales
VFSBPK - Scale Basis: Key for Definition Table
VFSBPS - Scale Basis: Allowed Scale Types
VFSBPT - Scale Basis: Allowed Calculation Basics
VFSCAH - Scale Header
VFSCAHD - Scale Header: (Dynamic Part)
VFSCAHT - Descriptions for Scales
VFSCAHTD - Scale Header Descriptions: (Dynamic Part)
VFSCAHTVB - Scale Header Descriptions: (For Logging)
VFSCAHVB - Scale Header: (For Logging)
VFSCAID - Scale Item: Gross Weight
VFSCAIDD - Scale Item: (Dynamic Part)
VFSCAIF - Scale Item: Gross Volume
VFSCAIF0 - Scale Item: Measuring
VFSCAIKEY - Scale Item : (Key Part)
VFSCAIL0 - Scale Item: Postal Code
VFSCAIL2 - Scale Item: Tariff Zone
VFSCAIL4 - Scale Item: Transportation Zone
VFSCAIL6 - Scale Item: Region
VFSCAINKE - Scale Item: (not key parts)
VFSCAIR - Scale Item: Distance
VFSCAIRR - Scale Item: (Reference Fields)
VFSCAIS - Scale Item: Number of Shipping Units
VFSCAIS0 - Key Item: Shipping Material
VFSCAIS1 - Scale Item: Length of Loading Platform (Shipping Unit)
VFSCAIT0 - Scale Item: Duration (Idle Time, Travel Time, and so on)
VFSCAIVB - Scale Item: (For Logging)
VFSCAIXX - Scale Item: (Fixed Part)
VFSCAIYY - Scale Item: (Dependent on Scale Basis)
VFSCAR1 - Freight Rates (One-Dimensional)
VFSCAR2 - Freight Rates (Two-Dimensional)
VFSCAR3 - Freight Rates (Three-Dimensional)
VFSCARD - Freight Rates: (Dynamic Part)
VFSCARVB - Freight Rates: (For Logging)
VFSCAR_KEY - Freight Rates (Maximum Key of a Rate Matrix)
VFSI - Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data
VFSID - Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data (Dynamic Part)
VFSIVB - Shipment Costs: Sub-item Data (for Logging)
VFZP - Correct Original Assignmen of Conditions
VFZPD - Shipment Costs: Assignment (Dynamic Part)
VFZPVB - Shipment Costs: Assignment (for Logging)
VTFKLA - Shipment Costs - Inbound Delivery Assignment
VTFPOH - Purchase Order Item Header: Fields for Customer Function
VTFPOP - Purchase Order Item: Fields for Customer Function
VTRFKZ - Shipment Costs Assignment
VTTKF - Shipment Header: Structure for Shipment Costing
VTTSF - Shipment Stage: Structure for Shipment Costing

SAP Interfaces Tables LE-TRA-IN

BAPICARLIST - List of Carriers that Other System Recognizes
BAPICARMETA - Description of Meta Data
BAPICARMETAT - Description of Carrier's Tracking Statuses
BAPICARPRDCD - Carrier's Product Codes
BAPICARPRDCDT - Description of Carrier's Product Codes
BAPICARRT - Routing Information per Postal Code
BAPICARRTC - Routing Information per Location
BAPICARRTR - Routing Information per Zip Code Area
BAPICARSEARCH - Search Options for Carrier List
BAPICARSHPACCT - ID of User who Called up Transaction
BAPICARSRVC - Carrier's Service Codes
BAPICARSRVCT - Description of Carrier's Service Codes
BAPICARTRKR - Tracking Number Range
BAPICARTRKS - Carrier's Tracking Statuses
BAPICARTRKST - Description of Carrier's Tracking Statuses
BAPITRKH - Tracking Data Header
BAPITRKP - Tracking Data Item
BAPITRKREQ - Tracking Request
BAPITRKRET - Return Parameters
BAPIXSIDAT - XSI: Additional Data Transfer/Request
CIF_DEST_TO_APO - Destionation of APO for shipments
CIF_MAP_SP_SL - Unique Mapping of Shipping Point to Storage Location
CMCONNECT - Setup of Continuous Moves
CMCONNECT_STR - Display of Continuous Moves
CXSHIPMENT_PI - Aggregattyp: Lieferungen "vor" DB-Update
E1EDL47 - Express Delivery Company's Tracking Connection Data
E1EDL48 - Express Delivery Company - Additional Data
E1EDL49 - Express Delivery Company's Tracking Connection Data
E1EDL50 - Express Delivery Company - Additional Data
TKNUM_LIST - List of Shipment Numbers
TPLST_LIST - List of Transportation Planning Points
TPLST_RANGE - Range for Selection of Transportation Planning Points
VLBL - Express Delivery Company's Data Field
VLBLD - Dynamic Section of VLABEL
VLBLDLGN - XSI: Post Tracking Connection for DELVRY03
VLBLTD - Express Delivery Company's Carrier Assignment
VLBLVB - VLABEL with Dynamic Section
VLTRK - Display Tracking Information
VRTC0001 - Route Code File Structure Postal Code (PSTLZ) Area 2 8 8 3
VRTC0002 - Route Code File Structure Country/Location 2 30 Route CD 3
VRTCA - Routing Information
VRTCAB - Routing Information
VRTCO - Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Location
VRTCP - Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip Code
VRTCPR - Routing Info per Carrier/Country/Zip Code Area
VSRDLV_HDR - VS: Communication Layer: Delivery Creation Header Data
VSRDLV_HDR_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Delivery Creation Header Data
VSRDLV_HDR_SIM - VS: Communication Layer: Simulated Deliveries: Header Data
VSRDLV_HDR_X - VS: Communication Layer: Delivery Creation Header Data
VSRDLV_ITM_SIM - Veh. Sched.: Simulated Delivery for Cost Determ.: Item Data
VSRDLV_PRO - VS Communication Layer: Delivery Creation
VSRDLV_PRO_APP - VS Communication Layer: Delivery Creation
VSRDLV_PRO_X - VS Communication Layer: Delivery Creation
VSRSHP_COST - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Deadlines Header Data
VSRSHP_DEL - VS: Communication Layer: Delete Shipments
VSRSHP_DEL_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Delete Shipments
VSRSHP_DEL_X - VS: Communication Layer: Delete Shipments
VSRSHP_HDD - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Deadlines Header Data
VSRSHP_HDD_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Add. Data Shipment Deadl. Header
VSRSHP_HDD_X - VS: Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Shpmt Deadl. Hdr Data
VSRSHP_HDR - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Header Data
VSRSHP_HDR_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Additional Data Shipment Header
VSRSHP_HDR_X - VS Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Shipment Header Data
VSRSHP_IOS - VS Communication Layer: Deliveries in Stages
VSRSHP_IOS_APP - VS Communication Layer: Additionl Data: Deliveries in Stages
VSRSHP_IOS_X - VS Communication Layer: Checkbox Struct. f. Delivs in Stages
VSRSHP_ITM - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Item Data
VSRSHP_ITM_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Additional Data Shipment Item Data
VSRSHP_ITM_X - VS: Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Shipment Item Data
VSRSHP_STD - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Deadline Stages
VSRSHP_STD_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Additional Data Shpmt Deadline Stag
VSRSHP_STD_X - VS: Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Shipment Deadine Stage
VSRSHP_STG - VS: Communication Layer: Shipment Stages
VSRSHP_STG_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Additional Data Shipment Stages
VSRSHP_STG_X - VS: Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Shipment Stages
VSRSHP_VEH - VS: Communication Layer: Vehicle Data as HU
VSRSHP_VEH_APP - VS: Communication Layer: Additional Data as HU
VSRSHP_VEH_X - VS: Communication Layer: Checkbox Bar Vehicle Data as HU
VTRC_SCR - Screen Fields in Small Parcel Carrier Cockpit VTRC
VTRC_STATUS - Status Display in VTRC
VTRKH - Tracking Data - Header
VTRKKEY - Documents for which Tracking Data Should be Determined
VTRKKEYEXT - Documents for which Tracking Data Should be Determined
VTRKP - Tracking Data - Item
VTRK_D2 - Stucture with Small Parcel Carrier Data for Printing
VTRK_D2Z - Customer Enhancement: Express Deliv. Company Print Structure
VTRK_G - Tracking Data Prepared for Display
VVTR_VBEL - Document Key plus XSI Data
VXSICARMETAT - Description of Meta-data
VXSICARPRDCD - Product Codes
VXSICARPRDCDT - Description of Carrier's Product Codes
VXSICARRT - Routing Info: Zip Code
VXSICARRTC - Routing Info: Location
VXSICARRTR - Routing Info: Zip Code Region
VXSICARSRVC - Service Codes
VXSICARSRVCT - Description of Service Codes
VXSICARTRKS - Tracking status
VXSICARTRKST - Description of Tracking Status
VXSICARUPD - Display Changes
VXSICARURL - Express delivery company's URLs
VXSIFN - Express Dlv. Company: Funct. Module for VXSITDL Data Fields
VXSIFNT - Small Parcel Carrier: Function Module Description
VXSIG - Express Delivery Company: Weight Codes
VXSIP - Express Delivery Company: Product Codes
VXSIPS - Packing Station
VXSIPST - Description of Packing Station
VXSIPT - Express Delivery Company: Product Code Description
VXSIQ - Small Parcel Carrier: Qualifier for Communication
VXSIQE - Small Parcel Carrier: Conversion into External Qualifier
VXSIQT - Small Parcel Carrier: Descr. of Qualifier for Ext. Comm.
VXSIS - Small Parcel Carrier: Special Processing (Service Code)
VXSISP - Express Delivery Company: Delivery Priority -> Service Code
VXSISR - Small Parcel Carrier: Route -> Service Code
VXSISV - Small Parcel Carrier: Shipping Condition (Service Code)
VXSITD - Express Delivery Company
VXSITDL - Express Delivery Company: Meta Description Data Field
VXSITDLT - Small Parcel Carrier: Data Field (Type Description)
VXSITDLV - Small Parcel Carrier: Data Fields per Shipping Point
VXSITDNSO - Number Range Sub-object
VXSITDT - Express Delivery Company: Description
VXSITDU - Express Delivery Company: URLs
VXSITRKU - Tracking URLs for a Tracking Object
VXSITS - Express Delivery Company: Service Codes
VXSITST - Small Parcel Carrier: Service Codes Description
VXSIV - Express Delivery Company: Shipping Point: Control
VXTRKS - Tracking Status Details
VXTRKST - Tracking Status Details

SAP Task & Resource Management Tables LE-TRM

LACTY - Activity catalog
LACTYT - Activity catalog - description
LAGAC - Assign Activity to Activity Groups
LAGDF - Activity Group Definition
LAGDFT - Activity Group - Description
LAGP_TRM - Storage bin data relevant for TRM
LALRT - Alert value mapping (threshold)
LATCT - Attribute catalog
LATCTT - Attribute catalog - description
LATPR - Object's attributes to present
LATTM - Attributes' value mapping
LDPRF - Display profile
LDPRFT - Display profile - description
LEGOD - Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition
LEGODT - Execution Control Objects (ECO) definition - description
LEGOR - ECOs' subscriptions at runtime
LEGRS - Resource-ECO subscription
LELMT - Resource element
LELTA - Allowed resource element type
LELTY - Resource element type
LELTYT - Resource element type - description
LENTY_RUT - Entities Catalog table for Route Management package
LENTY_TSK - Entities Catalog table for Task Management package
LETYH - Entity hierarchy in the priority model
LETYM - Entity hierarchy: modes/weighting factor
LEXDT - Execution data (for exception information)
LEXTP - External process - activity mapping
LFCPR - Function code profile per step
LFCTX - Pushbutton text
LGPRI - Priority log
LGRQA - Resource qualifications log
LGTKA - Task actual execution data log
LGTKL - Task pool log
LGTKS - Task status log
LIDEST - New Destination Location (for Storage Bin)
LIHWR - Request Header Interface for request w/o reference
LIIWR - Request Items Interface for request w/o reference
LIRQD - LES-TRM interface request structure (dependencies)
LIRQH - LES-TRM interface requst structure (header)
LIRQI - LES-TRM interface request structure (item)
LISOURCE - Source/destination from LES
LIVPR - Input verification profile
LLGRH - Request log
LLGRH_CUST_APPEND - Append structure for Customer fields in LRQSH
LLGRI - Request item log
LLGRN - Request network log
LLGRS - Resource log
LLGRT - Request - task progress log
LLGST - Resource status log
LLGTK_INFO - Task log information
LLGTK_INFO_SEL - LOG Task information for selection screen selection
LLGTM - Route log
LLMOD - Mode catalog
LLMODT - Mode catalog - description
LLOCT - Site
LLOCTT - Site - description
LLVEL - Level
LLVELT - Level - description
LMBI_DO - Operation
LMBI_DO_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBI_LOCALITY - Source/Destination locality
LMBI_MOVE_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBI_REASON - External reason definition
LMBI_RSRCE_ELMNT_INFO - Resource element site data
LMBI_SRCDST - Definition of source/destination
LMBI_VERIF_DATA - Verification Values
LMBP_ACTUAL - Task actual work data
LMBP_DO - Operation
LMBP_DO_CUSTOM - Customer data for presentation
LMBP_DST_LOCALITY - Destination locality
LMBP_MOVE_CUST - Customer defined data for presentation
LMBP_PARAM - Parameters
LMBP_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field
LMBP_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
LMBP_RANGE_N2 - Structure of a Range Table for a two digit number field.
LMBP_REASON - External reason definition
LMBP_RSRCE_ELMNT_INFO - Resource element site data
LMBP_SRCDST - Definition of source/destination
LMBP_SRC_LOCALITY - Source locality
LMBP_S_EXCEPTION - Task exceptions
LMBP_TASK_CUSTOMER - Customer data
LMBP_TASK_PROPERTIES - Task presentation properties
LMBP_VAS_DATA - Value-Added Service data for Task execution
LMBP_VERIF_DATA - Verification Values
LMBP_VERIF_VAL - Task original verification values
LMENU - Menu tree
LMENUT - Menu tree - description
LMNCT - Menu item catalog
LMNCTT - Menu item catalog - description
LMNRT - Mandatory routes
LMOBD - Object class ID
LMOCD - Object class definitions for monitoring
LMOCDT - Object class - description
LMOCH - Objects class hierarchy
LMOCM - Object class permitted movements
LMON_RANGE - General range definition
LMON_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a (12) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a (2) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a (22) Character Field ld
LMON_RANGE_C3 - Structure of a Range Table for a (3) Character Field
LMON_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a Range Table for a (4) Character Field
LMON_SLCT_CRTRN - Selection criterion
LMON_WHERE - Where condition
LMTHD - Methods
LMTHDT - Methods - description
LMVRT - Variant for TRM Monitoring
LNODE - Node
LNODET - Node - description
LOBGR - Object grouping
LOBSL - Obstacle
LOBSLT - Obstacle - description
LOCMD - Object class methods
LORGNZ - Document/Grouping Organization levels
LPAPS - Application parameters
LPDVC - Presentation device
LPLTM - Planned time for task creation lags
LPRSN - Personalization
LPRSNT - Personalization - description
LPRVL_TSK - Entities value table for task management package
LRITK - Request - task progress
LRMSG - Resources messages
LROUT - Routing
LRQNT - Request network
LRQSH - Request
LRQSI - Request item
LRSNC - External vs Internal reason code
LRSNCT - External vs Internal reason code - description
LRSQA - Resource qualifications
LRSRC - Resource
LRSTC - Resource type components
LRSTY - Resource type
LRSTYT - Resource type - description
LRSWD - Workers of deactivated resources
LRTCP - Capacity assignment for resource types
LRTEX - Route exceptions
LRTQA - Resource type and resource element qualifications
LSECC - Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC)
LSRZN - Serving zone
LSTLN - Logical transaction step flow
LSTMP - Mapping Step Type to Step
LSTSC - Physical screen variant per logical step
LTBNM_HU - TRM Monitor. Handling unit
LTBNM_LLVEL - Level structure for TRM monitoring
LTBNM_LNODEX - Node structure for monitoring
LTBNM_LZNDF - Zone definition for TRM Monitor
LTCTW - Crit. time window & dynamic due date priority estimation
LTIF_ACTIVITY - Activity list for presentation
LTIF_ACTUAL_DATA - Actual Data for LES Confirmation
LTIF_ATTR_PRSNT - Presentation attributes
LTIF_ATTR_VALUE - Allowed values
LTIF_EXEC_DATA - LES interface staructure for execution data
LTIF_EXTERNAL_CONFIRM - Structure for external task confirmation
LTIF_HUTYP - Structure for retrieving hu types for site
LTIF_INRSN - Structure for retrieving internal reasons for site
LTIF_LOCAT - Structure for transfer of locations to W.M.
LTIF_NEW_DESTINATION - Interface structure for new desination validation
LTIF_STEWHS - Structure for retrieving warehouses per site
LTIF_TASK_ATTR_PRSNT - Presentation attributes of the task data
LTIF_TASK_ATTR_VALUE - Presentation attribute values for task
LTIF_VAS_DATA - Value-Added Service data for Task execution
LTIF_VERIF_DATA - Verification Data
LTIF_XRFN - Reference Structure for Host Confirmation
LTKEG - Tasks-Execution Group Objects (EGO) mapping
LTKPL - Task pool
LTKRT - Task - resource type
LTRCT - Logical transaction catalog
LTRCTT - Logical transaction catalog - description
LTRME_TASK_DETAILS - Task details for exception handling
LTRMM_LLOCT - Site structure for monitoring
LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK - Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_ACTUAL_WORK_CUST - Customer data in Actual work
LTRM_ADMIN - Administration for TRM
LTRM_BASE_QTY - Quantity Information to report back to host (in base UOM)
LTRM_EXCEPTION - Structure for exception during task execution
LTRM_HOST_ACTUAL_DATA - Actual data of Task Confirmation
LTRM_HU - HU - Source/Destination not detailed
LTRM_RANGE_C10 - Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a Ten Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a 2-Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C20 - Structure of a Range Table for a Character (20) Field
LTRM_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a 22 Character Field
LTRM_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
LTRM_SRCDST - Definition of source/dest node
LTRM_TASK_RSTYP - Resource type for task creation
LTRQM_LRQSH - LRQSH structure for monitoring
LTRQM_LRQSI - LRQSI structure for monitoring
LTRQ_GLOB_SCHDL_ENQUEUE - Structure for global scheduler lock per site
LTRQ_RQSTH - Request Header
LTRQ_RQSTI - Request Item
LTRQ_WORK_UNIT - Request Work Unit for Task Processing
LTRSM_HUTYP - TRM Monitor. Handling unit type
LTRSM_LELMTX - Resource element structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LLGRS - Resource structure for TRM log monitoring selection screen
LTRSM_LRSRCX - Resource structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LRSRCX_ALERTS - Resource structure for TRM monitoring
LTRSM_LRSTYX - Resource type structure for TRM monitoring
LTRS_RSLOC - Resource location
LTRTM_LWRKA - Working area structure for TRM monitoring
LTRTM_WALOAD_ALERTS - Working area work load structure for alert monitor
LTSKM_ACC_S_LMODE_TREE - ACC Mode Maintenance - Data structure for table control
LTSKM_ACC_S_LTRMS_WEIGHT - ACC Mode Maintenance - Screen structure for weight
LTSKM_ACC_S_MODE_TEXTS - ACC mode maintenance - Screen structure for text
LTSKM_LTKPL - Task pool structure for monitoring
LTSKM_LTKPL_ALERT - Task pool structure for alerts
LTSKM_LTKPL_PROB_ALERT - Task pool structure for alerts - problematic tasks
LTSKM_SLOPT_LTKPL - Task pool structure for monitoring
LWKCN - Work center operations
LWMSM_LIKP - SD Document: Delivery Header Data
LWMSM_LTAK - Transfer order structure for TRM monitor
LWMSM_LTAK_ALERT - Transfer order structure for TRM monitor
LWMSM_LTAP - Transfer order item: structure for TRM Monitor
LWMSM_T311 - Definition of WM Groups for TRM Monitor
LWMSM_VBSK - Wave header
LWRKA - Working Area
LWRKAT - Working Area - description
LXRFN - Request cross-reference
LZGDF - Zone group definition
LZGDFT - Zone group - description
LZGZN - Zone Group - Zone Relationship
LZNDF - Zone
LZNDFT - Zone - description
LZNNX - Zone Entry-Exit
RLMBP - Additional fields in Mobile Presentation
RLMBP_CUSTOM - Additional customer fields for presentation
RLMBP_SCBOX - Screen elements: boxes
RLMBP_SCPBT - Screen elements: pushbuttons
RLMBP_TXFLD - Text fields for presentation
RLMBT - Screen Conversion Tool: presentation fields
RLMBT_FIELD - Screen Conversion - Field of the screen
RLMBT_SCREEN - Screen Manager - Screen identification
RLMON - Addititional fields of Monitoring
RLMON_RBT - Radio buttons of the 'Change priority' screen
RLTRM - Addititional fields of Monitoring
RLTRME_DISPLAY - TRM exceptions screen texts
RLTRSTXT - Texts structure for resource screens
RLTSK_DISPLAY - Task monitor screen texts
T343XYZ - Storage Bin Structure for X, Y, Z assignment to Storage bins
T347A - Control of link WM - TRM for Transfer Orders
TRM_COORD - TRM coordinates
TRM_LGTKA_CUST - Customer data in Task actual exec. data log table
TRM_LRQSH_CUST - Customer data in Request Header
TRM_LRQSI_CUST - Customer data in Request Item
TRM_LTKPL_CUST - Customer data in Task pool

SAP Warehouse Management Tables LE-WM

/SYCLO/IVNUM_EX - Syclo Exchange Table - Inventory Documents
/SYCLO/TANUM_EX - Syclo Exchange Table - Transfer Order
/SYCLO/TBNUM_EX - Syclo Exchange Table - Transfer Requirements
/SYCLO/WMGRP_MSG_STR - Messages for Creating WM TO for Group
/SYCLO/WM_BENUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for BENUM
/SYCLO/WM_IVNUM_DELETED_STR - Syclo Exchange Action Deleted - Inventory Documents
/SYCLO/WM_IVNUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for IVNUM
/SYCLO/WM_IVPOS_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for IVPOS
/SYCLO/WM_LAGP_DELETED_STR - Syclo Exchange Action Deleted - WM Storage Bin
/SYCLO/WM_LAGP_STR - WM Storage Bin Data
/SYCLO/WM_LEIN_STR - Syclo - WM Storage Units
/SYCLO/WM_LENUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo - WM Storage Unit Number Range
/SYCLO/WM_LINK_STR - Inventory document header in WM
/SYCLO/WM_LINP_STR - Inventory document item in WM
/SYCLO/WM_LINV_STR - Inventory data per quant in WM
/SYCLO/WM_LQUA_STR - Syclo WM Level Stock
/SYCLO/WM_LTAK_STR - WM transfer order header
/SYCLO/WM_LTAP_STR - Transfer order item
/SYCLO/WM_LTBK_STR - WM Transfer Requirement Header
/SYCLO/WM_LTBP_STR - WM Transfer Requirement Items
/SYCLO/WM_SLOC_STR - Syclo - WM Storage Locations
/SYCLO/WM_SPECIAL_STOCK_STR - Syclo WM Special Stock Indicator Details & Description
/SYCLO/WM_T307_STR - Syclo - WM Storage Unit Type Details + Name
/SYCLO/WM_TANUM_DELETED_STR - Syclo Exchange Action Deleted - Transfer Order
/SYCLO/WM_TANUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for TANUM
/SYCLO/WM_TAPOS_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for TAPOS
/SYCLO/WM_TBNUM_DELETED_STR - Syclo Exchange Action Deleted - Transfer Requirement
/SYCLO/WM_TBNUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for BENUM
/SYCLO/WM_TBPOS_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for TBPOS
/SYCLO/WM_TKNUM_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Range Structure for TKNUM
/SYCLO/WM_V_T3010_DELETED_STR - Syclo Exchange Action Deleted - WM Storage Type
/SYCLO/WM_V_T3010_STR - WM Storage Types
/SYCLO/WM_WAREHOUSE_STR - Syclo Warehouse Description & Region
/SYCLO/WM_XBLNR1_RANGE_STR - Syclo: WM Reference Document Number range table structure
AFKO_WM - Header information for reservation
BAPI2018A - Import: Key Fields Transfer Order (Header)
BAPI2018B - Import: Selection Fields for BAPI GetList
BAPI2018C - Import: Key Field Transfer Order (Item)
BAPI2018D - Import: Table Fields for BAPI CreateStock
BAPI2018E - Import: Single Fields for BAPI CreateStock
BAPI2018F - Import: Selection Area for BAPI GetList
BAPI3016A - Import: Selection Fields for BAPI GetList
BAPI3016B - Import: Selection Area for BAPI GetList
BAPI3016C - Import: Key Fields Quant
BAPICR2018RET - BAPI Export Fields for Data Transmission BO 2018
BAPIQUANT - Export: Structure for Quant Data / Table LQUA
BAPIQUANTKEY - BAPI Export Structure for Quants (only key data)
BAPITOHEAD - BAPI Export Structure for TO Header / Table LTAK
BAPITOITEM - BAPI Export Structure for TO Item / Table LTAP
BAPITRANSORDERKEY - BAPI Export Structure for Transfer Order (Key Fields)
E1LCOHU - HU Data per TO Item During Confirmation (LTAP_CONF_HU)
E1LCOSE - Confirm with Serial Numbers (LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL)
E1LPHUX - Pick-HU (Handling Unit)
E1LTCOG - Verify Performance Data via Confirmation
E1MBXYJ - Create Goods Movement from Non-SAP System: Item++
ISE_SAPLXLHU_EXITS - IS Enhancement Structure - SAPLXLHU UserExits
ISE_SAPLXLHU_EXITS - IS Enhancement Structure - SAPLXLHU UserExits
L03B_DELALLG - General part transfer table L_TO_CREATE_DN
L03B_DELIT - Transfer table item data L_TO_CREATE_DN
L03B_INBIT - Item-related specifications for putaway
L03B_OUTIT - Item-related specifications for stock removal
L03B_TRALLG - General Part Transfer Table L_TO_CREATE_TR
L03B_TRITE - Transfer Table for Item Data L_TO_CREATE_TR
L2SKDLITEM - Delivery Items for 2-Step Picking
L2SKTOTAL - Accumulated removal quantities for 2-step picking
L2SKTRITEM - Transfer Requirement Items for 2-Step Picking
LABGL - Internal Table for MM/HU/WM Stock
LAGP - Storage bins
LAGPV - Structure for passing on storage bins for updating
LAUTRF - Structure for reference no.assignment for autom.TO creation
LBDBATCH_CUS - Results Table for Batch Determination for User Exit
LBKEY - Stock Fields in Warehouse (HU and Quants)
LCOMM_BG - Comm.structure for TOs for deliveries in background
LCOMS - Communication structure, start mult.proc.from prep.screen
LCPP_INFO_ORDR - Info Transaction WMPP: List Structure Display by Orders
LCPP_INFO_ORDR_LIST - Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat
LCPP_INFO_PREP_DATA - Transmission Struct.for Data Preparation for WEB Info Module
LCPP_INFO_PRSA - Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat
LCPP_INFO_PRSA_LIST - Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat
LCPP_INFO_RESB - Intern.Transmission Struct.Data Preparation WEB Transactions
LCPP_INFO_RMAT - Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat
LCPP_INFO_RMAT_LIST - Info Transaction WMPP: Whse Structure for Display by RawMat
LCPP_LIPS - Extract of Deliveries for Storage Bin
LDILE - Transmission Struct.for Stor.Units for Immediate TO Creation
LDK30 - MM-WM: Data Transfer Structure for R2 Materials to R3 MLGN
LDK31 - MM-WM: Data transfer structure for R2 materials into R3
LDK33 - MM-WM: Transfer Structure for Table - LQUA (Quants)
LDK34 - MM-WM: Transfer Structure for Table - LAGP (Storage Bin)
LDK35 - MM-WM: Data Transfer Structure for R2 Stocks for Stock Comp.
LDK36 - MM-WM & SD-SHP: Transfer structure R/2 for material REORG
LDOKU - Screen texts without direct field reference
LECMOFF - Switch off change management in emergency
LEIN - Storage unit header records
LEINV - Storage unit header records: structure for passing to update
LEISTUNGSDATEN_WM - Performance data in WM at level of TO header
LEKKO - Order header for transmission to subsystem
LEKPO - Order item for transmission to subsystem
LFPVB - Delivery Item View for Picking VBLKP + LVBLK
LHUMAT - Material Stock of a HU
LHUQUA - Quants for HUs at Goods Movements
LHUQUA1 - Quants for HUs at Goods Movements - Supplement
LHUQUA_VB - Quants for HUs at Goods Movements - Total
LINK - Inventory document header in WM
LINK1 - Help fields for loop processing of LINK segments
LINP - Inventory document item in WM
LINP1 - Help fields for loop processing of LINP segments
LINP_VB - Transfer structure LINP + LINP1 for update task
LINV - Inventory data per quant
LINV1 - Help fields for loop processing of LINV segments
LINVZ - Help fields for loop processing of LINV segments
LINV_VB - Transfer structure LINV + LINV1 for update task
LINV_VBZ - Transfer structure LINV + LINVZ for update task
LK01 - WM communication record 1
LK02 - WM communication record 2
LL01 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Order Items
LL02 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Transfer Requirement Items
LL03 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Posting Change Documents
LL04 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Deliveries
LL05 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Stocks
LL06 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Storage Bins
LL07 - Whse Activity Monitor: Critical Production Orders
LLAKTION - Action for a Whse Activity Monitor Object
LLIK - Selected delivery headers f�r multiple processing
LLIKS - Accumulated deliveries for multiple processing
LLLVW - Whse Activity Monitor Object: Data Management Information
LLREP - Warehouse Activity Monitor: Block Monitor Object
LLS1 - WM Communication Record Connection to Warehouse Ctrl Unit
LLS2 - WM Communication Record 02 Confirm Release to WCU
LLSR - WM Communication Record Connection to Warehouse Ctrl Unit
LLVSX - Blocking a WM object for whse number, stor.type, and quant
LLVSY - Block WM Object for Warehouse Number and Quant
LMEIN - Units of Measure in WM
LMESS - Internal table for messages
LPICKHUSHOW - Structure for F4 for pick-HU during confirmation
LPRALV - Data Transport to ALV (Report RLVSDR20)
LPRDR - Log for printer determination
LPROT - Analysis Storage Bin Search
LQALS - Insp.lots to be updated during creation of TO
LQBL - Bulk Storage Confirmation - Help Table
LQPL1 - Data transf.structure for querying the sample quantities
LQUA - Quants
LQUA1 - Help fields for loop processing of LQUA segments
LQUAB - Total quant counts for certain strategies
LQUAE - Internal structure for blocking table LQUA
LQUAS - Quant totals per storage type
LQUAU - Quants that are proposed for posting changes
LQUAV - Quants: structure for passing on to update task
LQUAX - Block material in bin exclusively
LQUAY - Block material on bin
LQUA_IM - Transfer Structure for Quants for IM Posting
LQUA_PROT - Transfer Structure: Incorrect Quants
LQUA_RES - Stock data for destination bin (reserved, available)
LQUA_VB - Transfer structure LQUA + LQUA1 for function module
LREFN - Help Structure for Multiple Print in WM
LREP1 - Replenishment: Create Transmission Struct.for TO
LREP2 - Replenishment: Determine Transfer Structure for Replenishm.
LREPE - Replenishment: Block Material and Bin for Replenishment
LREPL - WM: Replenishment by TR Through User Exit
LRESB - WM-PP interface: transmission structure
LRFA - Group Information for Log, Closing Screen
LRFN - Group Numbers per Reference Document Type (Addit. Data)
LRFS - Groups Totaled per Reference Document Type
LRF_D100_S1 - RF Monitor: I/O Fields Screen 100
LRF_D900_S1 - RF Monitor: I/O Fields Screen 900
LRF_LTAK_S1 - RF Monitor: TO Headers in List Display
LRF_WKQU - Assignment User ->Queue
LRF_WKQU_S1 - RF Monitor: User Data in List Display
LRP_LIPOS - Structure for Report RLLNACH2: Data for Delivery Item
LRP_MAT - Structure for Report RLLNACH2: Data for Material Item
LRP_RADIO - Structure for Radio Buttons for Handling Remaining Qty
LSAM - WM transmission record for transfer order multiple process.
LSEG - Document for Inward and Outward Movements
LSEG1 - Help Fields for Processing LSEG Segments
LSEG_COM - Communication Structure for Posting Warehouse Documents
LSEG_VB - Transmission Structure LSEG + LSEG1 for Update Task
LTAK - WM transfer order header
LTAK1 - Appendix TO header
LTAK_VB - Transmission structure LTAD + LTAK1 for update task
LTAP - Transfer order item
LTAP1 - Help fields for loop processing of LTAP segments
LTAP2 - Grouping together LTAP and LTAP1
LTAPA - Transfer order item for stock removal
LTAPE - Transfer order item for stock placement
LTAPL - Transm.structure for items to be deleted for user exit
LTAP_CANCL - Transfer order items to be cancelled
LTAP_CONF - Transfer order item fields for confirmation
LTAP_CONF_HU - Handling Unit Data for TO Item at Confirmation
LTAP_CONF_HU_SERIAL - Serial Number Data for TO Item at Confirmation
LTAP_CR - Item fields in transfer order for creation
LTAP_CREAT - Structure for Creating Multi-Item Transfer Orders
LTAP_HU - HU Withdrawals for a TO Item
LTAP_MOVE_SU - Structure for Creating Multi-Item Transfer Orders
LTAP_PP - Extract of TOs for storage bin WM-PP interface
LTAP_QU - Transfer Structure RF Queue Determination
LTAP_REPA - Structure for Creating Repack Transfer Orders
LTAP_VB - Transmission structure LTAP + LTAP1 for update task
LTB1 - Create transmission structure for funct.mod.for transf.rqmnt
LTBA - Create transmission structure for funct.mod.for transf.rqmnt
LTBC - Cancel transmission structure function mod.for transf.rqmnts
LTBC1 - Cancel transmission structure function mod.for transf.rqmnts
LTBK - Transfer requirement header
LTBK1 - Help fields for table processing of TR headers
LTBL - Structure for confirming TO quantity without TO
LTBP - Transfer requirement item
LTBP1 - Help fields for loop processing of LTBP segments
LTBPU - Internal table for TR items for posting changes
LTBP_PP - Extract of TRs for storage bin
LTBP_VB - Transfer structure LTBP + LTBP1 for update task
LTBS - Selected transfer requirements for multiple processing
LTBSS - Selected TRs per WM movement type for multiple processing
LTBUB - Transm.structure for trans.requirements and post.changes
LTHU - Assignment of Pick-HUs to Transfer Orders
LTHU_CREAT - Structure for Assignment of Pick-HUs to TA
LTHU_SUB - Structure for Transmitting LTHU Records to External System
LTODN - Structure for Late Delivery Update
LUBQU - Quants for posting change
LUBU - Posting Change Document
LUBU1 - Help fields for table processing of posting changes
LUBUI - Implicit posting change notice
LVBLK - Help fields for loop processing of VBLKP segments
LVBPOK - Structure for the WM-PP Area - Identical to GT_VBPOK
LVEKP - Help Fields for Loop Processing of VEKP Entries
LVS_RLLT2900_STRUCT - Structure for Display in Report RLLT2900
LWMRREF_ADD - Additional Data for Creating Idoc WMRRiD01
LWMSDEC_CHECK - Structure for Checking Decentralized Whse in WM System
LWMSDEC_CHECK2 - Structure for Checking Stock Transfer in ERP System
LWM_MONITOR_RANGE_BWLVS - Range Table for WM Movement Type
LWM_MONITOR_RANGE_LGTYP - Range Table for Storage Type
MAWM_EXP_IDOCMON_DATA - Transfer Structure for IDoc Monitor
MAWM_EXP_INVPROG_DATA - MiniApp: Transmission structure for inventory progress
MAWM_EXP_LGNUM - MiniApp: Transmission structure for whse number and descr.
MAWM_EXP_MINIWHMON_DATA - MiniApp: Transmission structure for mini warehouse monitor
MAWM_EXP_MINRFMON_DATA - Transmission structure mini RF monitor
MAWM_EXP_RCVPRN - Structure for Transferring Partner Numbers
MAWM_EXP_STCAPA_DATA - Transmission structure for storage type capacity
MAWM_EXP_STOCKDIF_DATA - MiniApp: Transmission structure for stock difference display
MAWM_FUNC_INTERFACE - Single fields for function module interfaces
MAWM_INT_BWLVS - Movement types
MAWM_INT_BWLVS_LBWAT - MiniApp: Internal structure for movement type and descriptn
MAWM_INT_LGTYP - Storage Type
MAWM_INT_LGTYP_LTYPT - MiniApp: Internal Structure for Stor.Type / Stor.Type Descr.
MAWM_INT_RANGE_BWLVS - Range Table for WM Movement Type
MAWM_INT_RANGE_DATUM - Range Table for Date
MAWM_INT_RANGE_LGTYP - Range Table for Storage Type
MAWM_INT_RANGE_MESTYP - Range Table for Message Categories
MAWM_INT_RANGE_STATUS - Range Table for Statuses
MAWM_INT_RANGE_TIME - Range Table for Time
MAWM_INT_STCAPA_DATA - Transmission structure for storage type capacity
MCWMHD - Communication structure for warehouse controlling header
MCWMHDADD - Additional tax/data fields for warehouse controlling header
MCWMHDB - Technical view of MCWMHD
MCWMHDUSR - Communication struct.for wareh.contr.header (cust.fields)
MCWMHKZ - Communication structure for wareh.contr.perf.figure header
MCWMIKZ - Communication structure for wareh.contrl.perf.figure item
MCWMIT - Communication structure for warehouse controlling item
MCWMITADD - Additional control/data fields for wareh.controlling item
MCWMITB - Technical view of MCWMIT
MCWMITUSR - Communication structure for wareh.control.item (customer)
MGEF - Hazardous materials
ML03N_LECMOFF - Work structure program SAPML03N
ML03T_0152 - Additional fields for screen SAPML03T0152 and subscreens
ML03T_0156 - I/O Fields Screen ML03T 0156 (Preparation Putaway HU)
ML03T_1143_1 - Loop Processing for Pick HUs on Screen 1143
ML03T_LTHU - Structure for Loop Processing of LTHU in SAPML03T
MLVSTN - Material master view (WM), Storage type data for replenish.
NKLV - Number ranges in WM
QUANTLISTE - Transfer Structure Quant Determination
QUANTREF - Transfer Structure Quant Reference
R2600_HEADER - Hierarchical Rep RLLS2600 - Header
R2600_ITEM - Hierarchical Rep RLLS2600 - Item
RADIO_RLLT6300 - Structure for Radio Buttons in Report RLLT6300
RFIDTAGVAL - RFID Interface Value Transfer
RHUWM - Structure for HU Stock Takeover
RL01S - I/O fields for WM master data management (SAPML01S)
RL02A - Help fields for function modules TR creation
RL02B - I/O fields for transfer requirement processing (SAPML02B).
RL02M - Internal Structure for Messages during TR Creation
RL030 - Join LAGP and LQUA (RLS10030 and RLS10034)
RL030_UNIQUE - Unique fields from tables lagp & lqua.
RL031 - Structure for Returning Stocks of Delivery (Suppl. to RL034)
RL032 - Transfer Structure for Differences
RL034 - Data Transfer Structure for Stock Transfer / Posting Change
RL03A - Transmission structure for transfer order kernel (SAPLL03A)
RL03B - I/O table for SAPLL03B
RL03L - Field Structure for TO Lists
RL03Q - Help fields for QM link to WM
RL03T - I/O fields for WM transfer order processing (SAPML03T)
RL04I - I/O fields for inventory processing (SAPML04I).
RL05S - I/O fields for multiple processing (SAPML05S).
RL070 - All LQUA and LINV Fields
RL080_HEADER - Hierarchical Rep RLS10080 - Header
RL080_ITEM - Hierarchical Rep RLS10080 - Item
RL150_ITEM - Number of Movements in Storage Type
RL310_HEADER - Help Structure for Report RLS30010 - Hierarchy - Header
RL310_LIGHTS - Mat. Master View: WMS (MARA,MARC,MLGN,MAKT,MARM,T141,T141T)
RLAGP - Structure for Sorting during Transfer Order Print in WM
RLBES - Layout string for initial entry of inventory data
RLCP1 - WM-PP interface: structure for release parts in LP12
RLCP2 - Header data for processing release order parts
RLCP3 - Structure with TR header data for WM/PP interface
RLCP4 - Help Structure for Determining Deliveries per Reservation
RLCP5 - WMPP Interface: Batch Confirmation to Kanban
RLCP6 - WM PP Interface: Structure for Created Transfer Requirements
RLCPP - Help fields for function group LCPP (WM-PP interface)
RLCPP_PROT1 - WM/PP Interface: Log Data for Staging
RLDIV - Various parameter fields in WM
RLDRC - Fields for Transfer Order Print: Control
RLDRH - Fields for Transfer Order Print: Header Information
RLDRI - Fields for Transfer Order Print: Items
RLDRP - Fields for Transfer Order Print: PP Data
RLDRU - Fields for transfer order printout
RLIST - Fields for WM lists
RLLDB - Structure that is included in the reorganization programs
RLMC1 - Help fields for warehouse controlling
RLMHD - Help structure for report RLS30010
RLMMQ - Internal table for MM stock figures
RLMST - I/O text fields for WM tables MSTT3**
RLPLA - Structure for Takeover of Storage Bin Data
RLQUA - Key Fields for LQUA
RLREO - MM-WM: structure for archiving and reorganization in WM
RLRLB_HEADER - Hierarchical report RLB10010 - Header
RLRLB_ITEM - Hierarchical report RLB10010 - Item
RLS10071 - Structure with Storage Type Data
RLS10072 - Structure with Storage Bin Data
RLSOND - WM: Internal Structure for Special Stock Processing
RLSPL - Fields for Transfer Order Split: Items
RLSTAB - Overview of Fixed Bins with Stock (RLS10090_ALV)
RLT10030 - Structure for Report RLT1003
RLVEK - Fields for Transfer Order Print: Packaging Proposal
RLWMP_PC3 - Fields from LQUA & LAGP for Report RLWMPPC3
RLWMQ - Internal table for WM stock figures
RT310 - Addition for processing Table T310
RV03D - I/O fields for SAPMV03D
S090Z - Additional fields for display of info structure S090
S091Z - Additional fields for display of info structure S091
SLI30010 - Structure for Report RLI30010
SLINV010 - Structure for Report RLINV010
SLINV015 - Structure for Report RLINV015
SLLNACH4 - Structure for Report RLLNACH4
SLLS2700 - Structure for Report RLLS2700
SLLS2800 - Structure for Report RLLS2800
SLLT01001 - Structure for Report RLLQ01001
SLLT01002 - Structure for Report RLLQ0100
SLRB00011 - Structure for Report RLRB0001 - Header Line
SLRB00012 - Structure for Report RLRB0001 - Item Line
SLRB00013 - Structure for Report RLRB0001 - Item Line
SLRI0001 - Structure for Report RLRI0001
SLRLU0001 - Structure for the Report RLRU0001
SLRT0001 - Structure for the Report RLRT0001
SLT100101 - Structure for Report RLT10010
SLT100102 - Structure for Report RLT10010
SLT10040 - Structure for Report RLT10040
SLVST333 - Structure for Report RLVST333
SRLINV050 - Output Structure for Report: RLINV050
SRLS10040 - Structure for Report RLS10040
SRLS100401 - Structure for Report RLS100401 with Storage Type Settings
SRLSUB0000 - Header Structure for Report RLSUB000
SRLSUB0000 - Header Structure for Report RLSUB000
SRLWMPPC41 - Structure for Data Display in Report RLWMPPC4
SRLWMPPC42 - Structure for Report RLWMPPC4
T300 - WM Warehouse Numbers
T300T - Warehouse Number Descriptions
T301 - WM Storage Types
T301T - Storage Type Descriptions
T302 - WM Storage Sections
T302T - Storage Section Names
T303 - WM Storage Bin Types
T303T - WM Names of Storage Bin Types
T304 - Storage Section Indicators
T304T - Text for Storage Section Indicator
T305 - Storage Type Indicators
T305T - Text for Storage Type Indicator
T306 - Special Movement Indicators
T306T - Texts for Special Movement Indicators
T307 - Storage Unit Types
T307T - Text for Storage Unit Type
T308 - Requirements Categories
T308T - Texts for Requirement Types
T309 - Fire-Containment Sections
T309T - Names for Fire-Containment Sections
T30A - WM Picking Areas
T30AT - Picking Area Descriptions
T30B - WM Gates
T30BT - Zone Descriptions
T310 - Pre-Allocated Stock
T310_ENQ - Blocking Term for Access to Table T310
T311 - Definition of WM Groups
T311A - Cross-Reference WM Group for Documents
T311A_1 - Supplement to reference number (T311)
T311A_VB - Transfer structure T311 and T311A for update task
T311L - Definition of Run Within a WM Group
T311_1 - Supplement to reference number (T311)
T311_VB - Transfer structure T311 and T311A for update task
T312 - Control Performance Data and TO Split
T312A - Profile for performance data
T312B - Profile for Transfer Order Split
T312R - Setup Time for Planned Processing in Transfer Order
T312S - Profile for Sorting
T312W - Time for Planned TO Processing
T319 - Control of Automatic Pick HU Creation
T319A - Assignment Automatic Pick-HU Creation
T320 - Assignment IM Storage Location to WM Warehouse Number
T320A - WM: Storage Location Control
T321 - Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type
T321B - Stock Types and Special Stocks for External Systems
T322 - RM Movement Types for Clearing Inventory
T324 - Storage Loc. Ref.
T324T - Descriptions for Storage Loc. Reference
T325 - WM: QM Interface for Handling Insptection Samples
T325T - Description for Control WM-QM Interface
T326 - Control Table for 2-Step Picking
T327 - Control of Link between WM and Warehouse Control Unit (WCU)
T327A - Control of link WM - subsystem
T327B - Definition of function modules for IDOC setup: Link WM - sub
T327T - Variant description for link WM -> subsystem
T327V - Variants for WM Link -> Subsystem
T328 - Warehouse Activity Monitor: Defin. of Critical Parameters
T328A - Activate Whse Act. Monitor Objects
T328B - Whse Act.Monitor: Display Variants for Hierarchy Display
T328C - Whse Act.Monitor: Description of Display Variants
T329A - Printer Pool Definition
T329D - Transfer Order Printer Control
T329F - Print Control Table
T329P - Transfer Order Print Parameters
T329S - Print Control Table for Coll.Proc.
T329T - Texts for Setting Formats for Printing Transfer Orders
T330 - Blocking Reasons
T330T - Text for Blocking Reason
T331 - Storage Type Control
T331B - Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage
T331L - Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type
T333 - WM Movement Types
T333A - Shipment Types
T333B - Texts for Transfer Types
T333M - Mail control for background processing
T333N - Control for automatic transfer order creation
T333O - Texts for automatic TO creation
T333T - Texts for WM Movement Types
T333U - WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM
T334B - Storage Section Search
T334E - Storage Unit Type Check
T334P - Storage Bin Type Search
T334T - Storage Type Search
T334U - Access Strategy for Storage Type Search
T335 - Default Values for Inventory
T336 - Difference Indicators
T336T - Texts for Difference Indicators
T337A - Division of Storage Bins into Sections
T337B - Bulk Storage Sectioning
T337C - Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337D - Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K
T337Z - Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type
T338 - Bulk Storage Indicators
T338T - Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators
T339 - Definition of Comment for TO Execution
T339T - Text Table for Comment for TO Execution
T340 - WM Transactions
T340D - WM Default Values
T341 - WM Screen Selection
T342 - Control of Screen Sequence in WM
T342T - Assignment of Title Bar to PF Status
T343 - Storage Bin Structure for Automatic Creation of Storage Bins
T343I - Definition of Sort Field in Storage Bin
T343J - Definition of Sequence Field in Storage Bin
T344 - Client-Specific Control Table for MM-WM
T345 - Client-Dependent Control Table for WM->PP Staging
T346 - RF Queue Definition
T346L - Assignment Sections and Activities to Queue
T346T - RF Queue Descriptions
T346X - Exceptions: Queue Forwarding
T646A - Aggregate States
T646B - Texts for Aggregate States
T646G - Hazardous Material Warnings
T646H - Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
T646L - Storage Classes
T646M - Texts for Storage Classes
T646R - Region Codes
T646S - Texts for Region Codes
T646V - Hazardous Material Warnings
T646W - Texts for Hazardous Material Warnings
TBKP1 - Transfer Requirement Header and Item Data
VBELN_TAB - Delivery table
VBELN_TAB_SAMM - Transfer structure for updating multiple processing per ref.
WMGRP_HEAD - Header Structure for Messages when Creating WM TO for Group
WMGRP_ITEM - Item Structure for Messages when Creating WM TO for Group
WMGRP_MSG - Messages for Creating WM TO for Group
WMINV_IM_NEW - Transfer table new data when posting inventory WM to IM
WMSERIAL - Transfer structure serial number with reference
WMS_MIGO - Interface for Entering WM Data in MIGO
WMS_MIGO_0100 - WM Palletization in GR: Screen 0100
WMS_MIGO_DISP - Interface for Display of WM Data in MIGO
WMS_MIGO_PAL - WM Palletization in GR: Structure of Internal Table
WMS_MIGO_RESULT - Interface to Reading WM Data Entered in MIGO
WMS_MIGO_SUGG - WM Palletization in GR: Interface for Default Values

SAP Cross-Docking Tables LE-WM-CD

LEINTM_SLOPT_SHIPM - Selection options for shipment
LEINTM_YSLOPT_DELIVERY - Monitor selection options for delivery
LEINTM_YSLOPT_SHIPM - Selection options for shipment
LEINTM_YSLOPT_VEHICLE - Selection structure for yard monitor
LEINT_CMVHUPO - Common Work Area for Maintenance of Packing Objects
LEINT_CMVHUPODB - Common Work Area for Maint.of Packing Obj.(Database Interf.)
LEINT_DECTO - Decision link to transfer order - transmission structure
LEINT_DLDAT - Delivery Data
LEINT_GROUP_S - Definition of WM Groups for TRM Monitor
LEINT_HUDAT - Handling unit data
LEINT_HUMAN - HU managed storage location
LEINT_HUM_EXIDV - Handling Unit Identification
LEINT_HUM_HU_ITEM - Table Type for Handling Unit Items
LEINT_HUM_OBJECT - Object Description of the Handling Units to be Processed
LEINT_HUM_S_V51H - Communication Structure Delivery <-> Handling Unit
LEINT_HUM_VENUM - Internal handling unit ID structure
LEINT_HUOBJ_S - Handling Unit Managment object reference
LEINT_HU_OBJ - HU object key and type
LEINT_INBLIKP_SLOPT - Delivery attributes
LEINT_KOMGP - Condition communication structure for Paccking and VAS
LEINT_KONDP - Condition key table for Packing instructions (PACKNR)
LEINT_KOND_T683S - Condition technique Communication
LEINT_LDOCV_ALERT_HEADER - Logistic document view header
LEINT_LDOCV_HEADER - Logistic document view header
LEINT_LDOCV_ITEM - Logistic document view item
LEINT_LESHP_DATA - Delivery Segments That Are To Be Selected/Buffered
LEINT_LESHP_DELIVERY_S - Delivery, All Data for the Delivery Header
LEINT_LFA1 - Bussines partner data
LEINT_LGNUM_S - LXVAS warehouse ALV for monitoring
LEINT_LGTYP_GLCGR - Storage type & Location group
LEINT_LIKP - Delivery header
LEINT_LIKPVB - Reference structure for XLIKP/YLIKP
LEINT_LIKP_MON - Delivery attributes
LEINT_LIKP_SLOPT - Delivery attributes
LEINT_LIPSVB - Reference structure for XLIPS/YLIPS
LEINT_LIPS_MON - Delivery item attributes
LEINT_LOCKPARA - Structure: Lock Parameters for Packing Object
LEINT_LRF_WKQU_S - LEINT - Assignment User ->Queue
LEINT_LTAK_S - Transfer Order header
LEINT_LTAP_S - Transfer Order items
LEINT_LTBK - Planning interface to TR header
LEINT_LTBK_MON - Transfer requirement header attributes
LEINT_LTBK_SLOPT - Transfer requirement header attributes
LEINT_LTBP_MON - Transfer requirement item attributes
LEINT_LVVOR_WCNTR - VAS Order with work center details
LEINT_MAKT - Material description
LEINT_MARA - Material details
LEINT_MATNR_DATA - Material data
LEINT_MLGN - Palletization data
LEINT_OUTLIKP_SLOPT - Delivery attributes
LEINT_P000 - Condition keys
LEINT_PACKGOOD - Packed Goods Data (Material Item to be Packed)
LEINT_PACKITEM - Assignment of Packing Instructions to Goods to be Packed
LEINT_PACKKP - Packing instructions header
LEINT_PACKKPS - Texts for Packing Object Header (PACKPO)
LEINT_PIKP - Packing Instruction header BADI communication
LEINT_PIPO - Packing instructions items
LEINT_PIPO_ROW - Communication Structure for Packing Object Item Data
LEINT_PLAN - Presentation view of plan
LEINT_PREV_DATA - Previous decision and transfer order data
LEINT_PRSNT_DEF - Presentation additional fields
LEINT_QUANT - Storage bin Quant structure
LEINT_SHIPM - Shipment data
LEINT_SHP_CURSOR - Stucture for Temporary Storage of the Cursor Position
LEINT_SHRDFLD_DELIVERY - Delivery fields(likp) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SHRDFLD_HU - HU fields(vekp) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SHRDFLD_SHIPMENT - Shipment fields(vttk) to be included in other structures
LEINT_SLOPT_DLVINB - Selection options for inbound delivery
LEINT_SLOPT_DLVOUT - Selection options for outbound delivery
LEINT_SLOPT_TR - Selection option of transfer requirement
LEINT_T334T - Storage type search sequence
LEINT_TO_CANDIDATE - Transfer order candidate
LEINT_TO_CREATE - Transfer order creation information
LEINT_TVTY - Packaging material type
LEINT_VBKOP - Delivery header data for Delivery type
LEINT_VBLKP - Delivery Item View for Picking
LEINT_VBLKP_HU - View Handling Unit Items for Picking
LEINT_VTTK - Shipment Header
LEINT_X031L - Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF
LEINT_YDELIVERY_ITEMS - Delivery items fields
LEINT_YHU_HEADER - HU fields for Yard Management
LEXUS - Extension 2.0 usage
LXDCKM_DLV_ALERT - Delivery alert structure
LXDCKM_DLV_SLOPT - Selection fields for inbound deliveries
LXDCKM_GROUP - Definition of WM Groups for TRM Monitor
LXDCKM_GROUP_ADD - Group presentation fields for group creation
LXDCKM_INBDLV_HEADER - Inbound delivery for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_INBDLV_ITEM - Inbound delivery for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_INBDLV_SLOPT - Selection fields for inbound deliveries
LXDCKM_INBLDOCV_HEADER - Inbound for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_INBLDOCV_ITEM - Inbound for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_INBTR_HEADER - Inbound TR for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_INBTR_ITEM - Inbound TR for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_INBTR_SLOPT - Inbound TR for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_LDOCV_ALERT - Logistic document view alert structure
LXDCKM_LGNUM - LXVAS warehouse ALV for monitoring
LXDCKM_LXDCN_SCHDL - Decision with scheduling info
LXDCKM_LXDTO - Document for picking/putaway
LXDCKM_OBJKEY - Object reference
LXDCKM_OUTDLV_HEADER - Outbound delivery for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_OUTDLV_ITEM - Outbound delivery for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_OUTDLV_SLOPT - Selection fields for inbound deliveries
LXDCKM_OUTLDOCV_HEADER - Outbound for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_OUTLDOCV_ITEM - Outbound for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_OUTTR_HEADER - Outbound TR for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_OUTTR_ITEM - Outbound TR for monitor - Item
LXDCKM_OUTTR_SLOPT - Outbound TR for monitor - Header
LXDCKM_PLAN - Presentation view of plan
LXDCK_ARC_OBJECT - Decision archiving object
LXDCK_DECRN - Run time decision structure
LXDCK_MATNR_DATA - Material data
LXDCK_OBKEY - Inbound/Outbound reference document key
LXDCK_PREV_DATA - Previous decision order data
LXDCK_TO_CANDIDATE - Transfer order candidate
LXDCK_TO_CREATE - Transfer order creation information
LXDCN - Cross Dock decision
LXDTO - Decision TO cancel link
LXHME_DCKEY - Cross dock decision key
LXHME_DECTO - Decision link to transfer order - transmission structure
LXHME_GROUP_S - Group structure
LXHME_HLPSL - Delivery Selection help structure
LXHME_HUDAT - Handling unit data
LXHME_HUMAN - HU managed storage location
LXHME_LDCVI - Logistic document view item
LXHME_LDOCV - Logistic document view
LXHME_LDOCV_F - Logistic document view (flat)
LXHME_LDOCV_HEADER - Logistic document view header
LXHME_LDOCV_ITEM - Logistic document view item
LXHME_LDOCV_SLCT - Logistic document view selection criterion
LXHME_LDVDT - Logist. docum. view item data extension (Supply/Demand data)
LXHME_OBKEY - Document/item key
LXHME_QUANT - Storage bin Quant structure
LXHME_RANGE - General range definition
LXHME_RANGE_C1 - Structure of a Range Table for a (1) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C10 - Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a (12) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C14 - Structure of a Range Table for a (14) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C16 - Structure of a Range Table for a (16) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C18 - Structure of a Range Table for a (18) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a (2) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C20 - Structure of a Range Table for a (20) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a (22)Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C25 - Structure of a Range Table for a (25) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C3 - Structure of a Range Table for a (3) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C35 - Structure of a Range Table for a (35) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C4 - Structure of a Range Table for a (4) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C5 - Structure of a Range Table for a (5) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_C6 - Structure of a Range Table for a (6) Character Field
LXHME_RANGE_DATE - Structure of a Range Table for a Date
LXHME_RANGE_LGNUM - Structure of a Range Table for warehouses
LXHME_RANGE_MATNR - Structure of a Range Table for material
LXHME_RANGE_N10 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (10) field
LXHME_RANGE_N12 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (12) field
LXHME_RANGE_N14 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (14) field
LXHME_RANGE_N2 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (2) field
LXHME_RANGE_N3 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (3) field
LXHME_RANGE_TIME - Structure of a Range Table for time Field
LXHME_RANGE_TSTMP - Structure of a Range Table for a Timestamp
LXHME_REFDC - Document reference
LXHME_RLSE_DATE - Release dates
LXHME_SLCT_CRTRN - Selection criterion
LXHME_XDPLN_SCHDL - X-dock planning - Yard scheduling interface
LXWHS - Cross Docking warehouse level customization

SAP Dynamic Cycle Counting Tables LE-WM-DCC

DETAIL_LINV_STRUC - Inventory Detail for BADI
LCDCC - Customization for Dynamic Cycle Count

SAP R/2-R/3 Link Tables LE-WM-DWM

LDK00 - Status Record for WM Communication Records
LDK01 - Communication Record 01 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI R/2 -> ERP
LDK02 - Communicat.Record 02 Decentralized WMS: Transfer R/2 -> ERP
LDK03 - Communication Rec. 03 Decentralized WMS: Del.Doc. R/2 -> ERP
LDK04 - Communication Rec. 04 LVS Decentr.: DN Supplem. R/2 -> ERP
LDK05 - Communication Record 05 Decentr. WMS: (R/2-ERP): Mat. Master
LDK06 - Communic.Record 06 Decentr.WMS (R/2-ERP):Batch Status Change
LDK07 - Communication Rec. 07 Decentralized WMS: GR/GI ERP -> R/2
LDK08 - Communication Rec. 08 WMS Decentr.: Delivery Doc. ERP -> R/2
LDK09 - Communication Rec. 09 WMS Decentr.: Differences ERP -> R/2
RL06D - I/O Fields for Link Between R/2 and ERP (SAPML06D)
T321D - Assignment Movement Type RM-WMS Dec. ERP -> HOST Act. (R/2)
T321K - Definition of Accumulated Messages to HOST (R/2)
T323M - Log. Error Handling Host R/2 - Decentr. WMS ERP (Mail Def.)
T323P - Parameters for Generating Logs and Mail Messages (R/2->ERP)
TQCOM - Assignment of Communication No. to Logical Queue ID (APPQ)

SAP Other Functions Tables LE-WM-GF

RWAP0 - Appointments: Screen fields
RWAP1 - Appointments: Document information
RWAP2 - Appointments: Help fields
RWAP3 - Appointments: Planned/actual comparison
RWAP4 - Appointments: Free times
RWAP5 - Appointments: Items in a document
RWAPENQ - Appointments: Enqueue structure
T331C - Control of storage type for putaway strategy K
TCMCONTROL - Control of change management in decentralized WMS
TWAP1 - Appointments: Appointments Profile
TWAP1T - Appointments: Appointments Profile - Description
TWAP2 - Appointments: Deviation Reasons
TWAP2T - Appointments: Description for Deviation Reasons
WAPPT - Appointments
WAPPTV - Appointments: Worklist

SAP Interfaces Tables LE-WM-IFC

HUM_HU_ERP_LOGARA_CH_CONF_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)
HUM_HU_ERP_LOGARA_CH_REQ_SYNC - Proxy Structure (generated)
OPS_WM_MAP_FIELDS - WM and HU related fields used by WM eSOA service

SAP Value-Added Services Tables LE-WM-VAS

LVVGC - Value-Added Services (VAS) general customization
LVVGC_S - General VAS customization
LVVMO - VAS data for monitoring
LVVOR - VAS orders
LVVOR_COMMIT_S - LVVOR type struct. for commit command during WC transaction
LVVOR_REQ_S - VAS Order with reference document data
LVVOR_REQ_SCREEN - Selection screen for Work center
LVVOR_S - LXVAS order structure type
LVVOR_STEP_S - VAS Order With Document Item and Work Center Details
LVVOR_WO_REF_SCREEN - Selection screen for Work center
LVVPO_S - LXVAS packing object header structure
LVVRO - VAS request order
LVVRO_S - VAS request order structure
LVVWC - VAS work center determination
LVVWC_OPR_S - LXVAS work center and operation structure
LVVWC_S - LXVAS work center structure
LXVASM_LMVRT_SCR_S - Maintenance variants structure type
LXVASM_LVVOR - LXVAS order monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVPO - LXVAS packing objects ALV for monitoring
LXVASM_LVVRO - LXVAS request order monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVRO_SEL - LXVAS request order monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVWC - LXVAS work centers monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVWC_ALERT - LXVAS work centers monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVWC_SEL - LXVAS work centers monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVWC_SHORT - LXVAS work centers monitor ALV
LXVASM_LVVWH - LXVAS warehouse ALV for monitoring
LXVAS_ACT_RFDISPLAY - Activity - RF-display structure
LXVAS_ACT_RFINPUT - Activity - RF-display structure
LXVAS_CHAR40_S - Packing Instruction line for RF display
LXVAS_CHAR72_S - Packing Instruction line for desktop display
LXVAS_DOC_ITEM_PACKNR - Relation between reference document items and packing instru
LXVAS_HUPAST_T_ADD_FIELDS - Additional fields to customization table HUPAST_T
LXVAS_HU_HEAD_DOCIT_S - HU header with document items
LXVAS_LVVWC_SCREEN - Work Center ALV item list
LXVAS_MATERIAL_BALANCE_S - Material balance in work center
LXVAS_ORDER_BW_TRAN - LXVAS - VAS Order transactional data
LXVAS_PACKKP_ADD_FIELDS - Additional fields to master data table PACKKP (VAS Template)
LXVAS_PACK_INST_RATING_S - Packing instruction rating for alternative selection
LXVAS_SUB_TEMPLATE_RESULTS - Result of sub VAS Template search
LXVAS_SUB_TEMPLATE_SCREEN - Subordinate VAS Template screen
LXVAS_TEMPLATE_PRINT - Structure for VAS Template printing
LXVAS_TEXT - Screen Texts for Value Added Services
LXVAS_TMPLT_BW_ATTR - LXVAS packing object header structure
LXVAS_TMPLT_HEADER_ATTR - LXVAS packing object header structure
LXVAS_TRM_VAS_DATA - Value-Added Service data for Task execution
LXVAS_VAS_ORDER_PARAMS_S - Relation between reference document items and packing instru
LXVAS_WCNTR_BW_ATTR - LXVAS work center structure
LXVAS_WCNTR_S - Packing station structure for screen implementation
ORDER_SCREEN230_S - SCREEN 230 VAS order ALV Structure Typ
SELKZTAB_S - Screen pack instructions position

SAP Yard Management Tables LE-YM

LXYRDM_ACTIVITY - Activity structure for monitor
LXYRDM_DLVRY_DOC - Processed delivery documents for yard monitor
LXYRDM_DLVRY_DOC_NP - Not processed delivery documents for yard monitor
LXYRDM_DLVRY_SELECT - Processed delivery documents for yard monitor
LXYRDM_LYLGR - Yard location groups for Yard Monitor
LXYRDM_LYLOC - Locations for Yard Monitor
LXYRDM_LYYRD - Yard data for monitoring
LXYRDM_SHPMNT_DOC - Processed shipment documents for yard monitor
LXYRDM_SHPMNT_DOC_NP - Not processed shipment documents for yard monitor
LXYRDM_SLOPT_LYACT - Yard activities for Yard Monitor
LXYRD_ACTUAL_TMSTMP - Actual timestamps
LXYRD_ACT_RFDISPLAY - Activity - RF-display structure
LXYRD_ACT_RFINPUT - Activity - RF-display structure
LXYRD_ADMIN - Yard management system administration info
LXYRD_AUTO_SCHDL - Auto schedule screen data
LXYRD_DURTN_UOM - Duration & Unit of Measure
LXYRD_HU_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS - Yard additional fields for HU headers
LXYRD_HU_LAYOUT - Additional HU fields which calculate for layout purpose
LXYRD_HU_STATE - Additional HU fields which calculate for layout purpose
LXYRD_LCTN_TIME - Location and time
LXYRD_LYACT_PRNT - Structure for activity printing
LXYRD_LYRSN - Reason codes structure
LXYRD_PHYSICAL_TYPE - Yard physical location type
LXYRD_PLANNED_TMSTMP - Planned timestamps
LXYRD_REG_DATA - Registration -selection fields
LXYRD_REG_SEL - Registration -selection fields
LXYRD_SCHDL - Yard scheduling chart
LXYRD_SGT_CUST - Yard Scheduling Graphic Tool Customizing
LXYRD_TEXT - Texts for yard screens
LXYRD_TXFLD - Text fields/ boxes fields
LYACT - Yard activities
LYARC_LYYRD - Yard structure for Archiving
LYDTP - Location time-dependent properties
LYFAG - Forwarding agent attributes
LYGRR - Geographical location groups relationship
LYGTP - Yard Scheduling Graphic Tool Personalization
LYLCP - Location type capacity
LYLGR - Geographical location group
LYLGRT - Define Location Groups
LYLOC - Yard location
LYLOC_WA - Working area for LYLOC
LYLTY - Physical location type
LYLTYT - Text Table for Physical Location Type
LYRSN - Reason codes
LYRSNT - Text Table for Reason Codes
LYSPF - Scheduling profile
LYSPFT - Text Table for Scheduling Profile
LYYRD - Yard
LYYRDT - Text Table for Yard