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SAP IS Mill Products Industry Solution Tables (IS-MP)

SAP Mill Products Industry Solution Tables IS-MP

/SAPMP/CE_API_VALUE - Char. Names, Char. Values and Selection Column
/SAPMP/GT_FDE_T1 - IMG: Fast Entry in Trading Contract General Settings
/SAPMP/GT_FDE_T2 - Fast Entry in Trading Contract: Transfer from Info Record
/SAPMP/KOMWBHI - Trading Contract: Communication Stucture Item Data MILL
/SAPMP/KOMWBHI_VC - KOMWBHI Fields for Configuration in Trading Contract VC
/SAPMP/KOMWBHI_VC_IS - KOMWBHI Fields for Configuration in Trading Contract IS
/SAPMP/KOMWBHI_WB2_CONTROL - WB2_CONTROL Fields for Configuration in Trading Contract VC
/SAPMP/KOMWBHK - Trading Contract: Communication Structure Header Data
/SAPMP/KOMWBHK_VC - KOMWBHK Fields for Configuration in Trading Contract IS
/SAPMP/LIPS_INC - Mill-Include to Table LIPS
/SAPMP/TEMP_CONV - Mill: Structure for Temporary Conversion Factors
/SAPMP/WB2_FILTER - Trading Contract: Filter Structure (for Fast Data Entry)
/SAPMP/WB2_FILTER_FIELD_RANGE - GTM: Filter at Field Level (for Fast Data Entry)
/SAPMP/WB2_FILTER_RANGE - GTM: Filter Ranges (for Fast Data Entry)

SAP Cross-Application Component (CA) Enhancements Tables IS-MP-CA

/SAPMP/CLALLO - Classification: Assignments to Object, Length Orientation

/SAPMP/EXITADM - Exit Administration
/SAPMP/MIG_LOG - Migration CS -> DIMP: Application Log
/SAPMP/MIG_STEP001 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Step 1
/SAPMP/MIG_STEP002 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Step 2
/SAPMP/MIG_STEP003 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Step 3
/SAPMP/MIG_STEP004 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Step 4
/SAPMP/MIG_T001 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Material Master
/SAPMP/MIG_T001K - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Material Master Key
/SAPMP/MIG_T002 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Batch Stock
/SAPMP/MIG_T002K - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Batch Stock Key
/SAPMP/MIG_T003 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Material BOM
/SAPMP/MIG_T003K - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Material BOM Key
/SAPMP/MIG_T004 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Routing
/SAPMP/MIG_T004K - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Routing Key
/SAPMP/MIG_T005 - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Production Version
/SAPMP/MIG_T005K - Migration CS -> DIMP: Object Status Production Version Key
/SAPMP/RMCBC - MILL Append: I/O Fields for Include Screens from Classific.
/SAPMP/RMCLF - MILL Append: I/O Fields for Include Screens from Classific.
MILL_CLMEINH - Dialog Structure for Unit of Measure
MILL_CLOBJ2 - Object Table with Instance Field (CUOBJ) Added, Long Text
MILL_CLPROFC - Profile for Selection by Characteristics: Classes
MILL_CLPROFH - Profile for Selection by Characteristics: Header data
MILL_CLPROFP - Profile for Selection by Characteristics: Items
MILL_CLPROFT - Profile for Selection by Characteristics: Texts
MILL_CL_FIELDS - Stock Overview by Characteristic: Display Fields
MILL_CL_FIELDS_CUS - Stock Overview by Characteristics: Customer Fields
MILL_CL_HEADER - Header Table: Stock Overview by Characteristics
MILL_DSEL - Dialog Structure for Object Search
MILL_DSEL2 - Input/Output Fields for Stock Overview by Characteristics
MILL_PP_KOM - Fast Entry PP (Dialog Data)
MILL_R_ATINN - Ranges Structure for Internal Characteristic Number
MILL_S_ATWRT - Formatted Characteristic Value and Object
MILL_S_AUSP - Valuation of the Characteristics of an Object (Ext.Obj.Num.)

SAP Logistics Execution (LE) Enhancements Tables IS-MP-LE

/SAPMP/DEL_GENPOS - Structure of Delivery Items That Were or Are to Be Generated
/SAPMP/LBA_CUST - IS-MP: Control Table DTUC Processing
/SAPMP/LBA_GOSEARCH - IS-MP: Fields for Popup "Search DTUC-Relevant Deliveries"

SAP Logistics - General (LO) Enhancements Tables IS-MP-LO

/SAPMP/BAPI_BMUOM_ATTR - IS-MP: Batch-Based Material Units

/SAPMP/BAPI_BMUOM_ATTRX - IS-MP: Batch-Based Material Unit Checkbox Structure
/SAPMP/BAPI_MARA - IS-MP: Material Data on Client Level
/SAPMP/BAPI_MARC - IS-MP: Material Data on Plant Level
/SAPMP/BAPI_MARCX - Checkbox Structure for /SAPMP/BAPI_MARC
/SAPMP/CE_AU - Author of Characteristic Value
/SAPMP/CE_HDR - Fast Data Entry - Header Data
/SAPMP/CE_IS - Characteristic Values
/SAPMP/CE_MA - Characteristics Author
/SAPMP/CE_MB - Characteristic Description
/SAPMP/CE_MN - Characteristic Names
/SAPMP/CE_MW - Characteristic Values
/SAPMP/CHARACT - Assignment of MillCa Characteristics
/SAPMP/CHARACT_T - Text Table for /SAPMP/CHARACT: Assignment of MillCa Char.
/SAPMP/CHVW_INC_SHADOW_INP - Dialog Structure - Create Input Batches for N:M Assignments
/SAPMP/CHVW_INC_SHADOW_OUT - Dialog Structure - Create Output Batches for N:M Assignments
/SAPMP/CHVW_INC_SHADOW_ZUO - Dialog Structure - Create Assigned Batches for N:M Assignmnt
/SAPMP/CONV_REF_DOC - Reference Documents for Quantity Conversion without Batches
/SAPMP/E1BMUMAS - Header Segment
/SAPMP/E1BP_BMUOM_ATTR - IS-MP: Batch-Based Material Units
/SAPMP/E1BP_BMUOM_ATTRX - IS-MP: Batch-Based Material Unit Checkbox Structure
/SAPMP/E1MARAM - IS-MP: Material Master General Data
/SAPMP/E1MARCM - IS-MP: Material Master Plant Data
/SAPMP/EKPO - Enhancements for Mill Products
/SAPMP/MATERIAL_TOL - Mill Products Material Tolerances
/SAPMP/MEINH - IS-MP: Proportion/Product Unit
/SAPMP/MEINHX - IS-MP: Proportion/Product Unit
/SAPMP/MESSAGE - MILL Message Variables
/SAPMP/QUANTITY - Additional Quantity/Unit for GR (Output) Batches
/SAPMP/RCCABLE_C - Reel Calculation: Calculation Fields for Cable Data
/SAPMP/RCDATA - Transfer Structure for Reel Calculation
/SAPMP/RCGLOBALCNTRL - Global Control Data for Reel Calculation
/SAPMP/RCPARAMETERS - Reel Calculation: Parameters
/SAPMP/RCREEL_C - Reel Calculation: Calculation Fields for Reel Data
/SAPMP/RCRESULT - Reel Calculation: Result
/SAPMP/RCSEQUENCE - Sequence of Reel Types for Automatic Assignment
/SAPMP/RC_T001 - Reel Calculation: Control
/SAPMP/RC_T001R - Reel Calculation: Reel Categories
/SAPMP/RC_T001RT - Reel Calculation: Reel Category Texts

/SAPMP/RC_T001T - Reel Calculation: Application Control
/SAPMP/RC_T002 - Reel Calculation: Result Categories
/SAPMP/RC_T002T - Reel Calculation: Result Category Texts
/SAPMP/RC_T003 - Reel Calculation: Result Control
/SAPMP/RC_TREEITM - Reel Calculation: Tree Control Item
/SAPMP/RT_SEQCE - Sequence of Reel Types for Reel Category
/SAPMP/S_QTY - Quantities
/SAPMP/S_UOM - Properties of Units of Measure
/SAPMP/VBMUEH - Assignment of Characteristic Displays to the Applications
/SAPMP/VERPART - Weight Allowances for Packing Types
/SAPMP/VERPART_T - Text Table - Weight Allowances for Packing Types
/SAPMP/VERSART - Weight Allowances for Lagging Types
/SAPMP/VERSART_T - Text Table - Weight Allowances for Lagging Types

SAP Materials Management (MM) enhancements Tables IS-MP-MM

/SAPMP/APP_MEPOITEM_DATAX - Change Toolbar: Append for Purchasing Item Data
/SAPMP/APP_MEPOITEM_TECHX - Change Toolbar: PO Item (Fields Cannot Be Changed Directly)
/SAPMP/AQTY - Structure for Alternative Quantities
/SAPMP/BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE - BAPI Communication Structure: SU Batch Material Doc. Item
/SAPMP/BAPI_GM_ITEM_CLASS - IS-MP: Connection GR Item and Batch Classification
/SAPMP/BAPI_VALUATION_CHAR - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation CHAR/ BOOL
/SAPMP/BAPI_VALUATION_CURR - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation CURR
/SAPMP/BAPI_VALUATION_NUM - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation NUM
/SAPMP/E1BP2017_GM_ITEM_CRE - BAPI Communication Structure: SU Batch Material Doc. Item
/SAPMP/E1BP_GM_ITEM_CLASS - IS-MP: Connection GR Item and Batch Classification
/SAPMP/E1BP_VALUATION_CHAR - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation CHAR/ BOOL
/SAPMP/E1BP_VALUATION_CURR - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation CURR
/SAPMP/E1BP_VALUATION_NUM - /SAPMP/: Object Description and Valuation NUM
/SAPMP/E1MBGMCR - Header Segment
/SAPMP/E1MBGMCR_CLASS - Header Segment
/SAPMP/FIELDPROP - Fast Data Entry Enhancement: Field Properties Class
/SAPMP/MBEZ - Structure for Characteristic Descriptions
/SAPMP/MIGOBPMNG - BAdI in MIGO: Cumulated Order Price Quantity
/SAPMP/MIGOBPMNG_SCREENFIELD - MIGO BAdI for BPMNG: Transfer Structure to/from Ext. Screen
/SAPMP/MWERT - Structure for Characteristic Values
/SAPMP/T161P - /SAPMP/T161P for Table T161P
/SAPMP/XPCBT_MEM - Single-Unit Batch - User Data
MILL_CDCOM - Batch / Stock Determination Communication Structure
MILL_CDSTOCK - Results Table for Batch Determination / Stock Determination
MILL_CUTITEM_TV - Fields of GOITEM That Are in Table View of MILL_CUT
MILL_CUT_156 - Fields Selected from T156
MILL_CUT_COBL - Preliminary for 4.6B MILL_CUT Account Assignment Fields
MILL_CUT_COBL1 - Preliminary for 4.6B MILL_CUT Account Assignment Fields
MILL_CUT_CUST - Mill: Customizing for Cutting Stock Transfer
MILL_CUT_CUSTD - Dialog Structure for Cutting Processing Customizing
MILL_CUT_CUSTFIELDS - MILL_CUT: Field Selection per Movement Type
MILL_CUT_CUST_DIA - Dialog Structure for Cutting Processing Customizing
MILL_CUT_DEF - Cutting Processing: Default Values
MILL_CUT_DEFAULT - Cutting Processing: Default Values
MILL_CUT_DEFAULT_TV - MILL_CUT Table Control for Default Settings
MILL_CUT_OB - Cutting Processing: Original Batch Dialog
MILL_CUT_QTIES - Quantities in Cutting Processing
MILL_CUT_REST - Dialog Structure: Remainder Handling in Cutting Processing
MILL_CUT_REST1 - Remainder Handling in Cutting Processing: Quantities
MILL_CUT_REST2 - Remainder Handling in Cutting Processing: Scrap Limit
MILL_CUT_RETURN - Cutting-Stock-Transfer Return Parameter
MILL_ISSUE_ITEM - Cutting Processing: Sender Item
MILL_ISSUE_ITEM1 - Fields in the Header Tab Strip: Sender Item
MILL_MM_OB_INFO1 - Mill:Help Structure for Determining Batches of Common Origi
MILL_MM_S_STATUS - Status String
MILL_OB_AVAILABILITY - Availability by Original Batches/Data per Batch
MILL_PCBT_BATCH_KEY - General Key for Batch Master Record
MILL_PCBT_ERROR - Error Structure for Single-Unit Batches
MILL_PCBT_MAT_DATA - Single-Unit Batch: Material Data
MILL_PCBT_MAT_DIA - Dialog Structure for Single-Unit Batches in Material Master
MILL_PCBT_MAT_ERROR - Error Output for Single-Unit Batch in Material Master
MILL_REST_ISSUE - Cutting Processing: User Exit for Determining Remaining Mat.
MILL_REST_ISSUEMATKEY - Issuing Material Key
MILL_REST_SCRAPMATKEY - Key for Scrap Material

SAP Non-Ferrous Metal enhancements Tables IS-MP-NF

/NFM/ABEIN_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TABEIN (Different Coverage Customer)
/NFM/BAPIDOCITM - /NFM/: BAPI Communication Structure NF Document Item Data
/NFM/BAPITKGW - /NFM/: NF Structural Weights
/NFM/BAPITKGWX - /NFM/: Update Information for /NFM/BAPITKGW
/NFM/BAPITVGW - /NFM/: NF Charge Weights for Materials on Org. Level
/NFM/BAPITVGWX - /NFM/: Update Information for /NFM/BAPITVGW
/NFM/BAPI_FLAGS - /NFM/: Flags from BAPIs
/NFM/BI_KGW - Material Master: NF Structural Weights for Batch Input
/NFM/BI_VGW - Material Master: NF Charge Weights for Batch Input
/NFM/BWE_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TBWE
/NFM/COVMAS_VB - Update Structure for /NFM/TCOVMAS (Coverage)
/NFM/COVPAR - NF Metal Provider
/NFM/COV_DIA - Dialog Fields for Coverage
/NFM/DATA - Work Area NF Processing
/NFM/DEFAULT_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TDEFAULT (Default Values)
/NFM/DIA - Dialog Fields for NF Rate Determination
/NFM/DTKGW - Abbreviated structure of /NFM/TKGW for change documents
/NFM/DTVGW - Abbreviated structure of /NFM/TVGW for change documents
/NFM/E1NEEGWM - /NFM/: NF weights, purchasing
/NFM/E1NEKGWM - /NFM/: NF weights, structural
/NFM/E1NEP01 - /NFM/: Document item, NF metal data
/NFM/E1NEVGWM - /NFM/: NF weights, sales
/NFM/EK08Z - NF Add. Fields for Invoice Verification: Blocking Reason
/NFM/FIELD - Field Output Control
/NFM/HRKSU - Totaling Origins for NF Keys in Costing
/NFM/IDEFAULT - Index Table for NF Default Values
/NFM/IORDERPOS - Index Table for NF Item Data
/NFM/KGW_VB - Update Structure for Table /NFM/TKGW
/NFM/KNA1_DELETE - NE: KNA1 fields no longer needed are deleted
/NFM/KNVV - NF Add. Data KNVV (Exchange Key)
/NFM/KONSI - NF Metal Provision Stock
/NFM/LFM1 - NF Add. Data LFM1 (Vendor: Exchange Key in Purch. Org.)
/NFM/MATMAST - NF Metal Data in Material Master
/NFM/MCORDPOSD - NF: Statistics Item - Dynamically Determined Add. Data
/NFM/NEB_DET - Base Key and Currencies: Detail Fields
/NFM/NEB_ORG_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TNEB_ORG (Different Base Key)
/NFM/NEB_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TNEB (Base Key)
/NFM/NES_DET - NF Metal Key: Detail Fields
/NFM/NES_ORG_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TNES_ORG
/NFM/NES_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TNES
/NFM/NF_COMM - Communication Structure, NF Rate Determination
/NFM/NF_COMM_GEN - Communication Fields for Rate Determination (General)
/NFM/NF_COMM_MM - Communication Fields for Rate Determination (Purchasing)
/NFM/NF_COMM_SD - Communication Fields for Rate Determination (SD)
/NFM/OPEN_ITEMS - Items open for change of NF values
/NFM/ORDERPOS_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TORDERPOS (NF Item Data)
/NFM/PROC_DIA - Fields for Raw Material Charging Dialog
/NFM/PROVLIF_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TPROVLIF (Provider: Vendor)
/NFM/PROV_DIA - Dialog Fields for Customer Provisions
/NFM/RATESPROV_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TRATESPROV (Rates of Providers)
/NFM/RATES_DIA - Rate Dialog
/NFM/RATES_VB - Update Structure /NFM/TRATES (Rates)
/NFM/RM06I - NF Add. Data RM06I (Price Simulation, MM Defaults)
/NFM/RM08A - NF Add. Data RM08A (Reason for Invoice Blocking)
/NFM/RSEG - Include for NF Addtl Fields in Invoice Rows (RSEG)
/NFM/T700 - NF Fields to be Checked for Inbound IDoc Order Confirmation
/NFM/TABEIN - Permitted Different Coverage Customer
/NFM/TBASIC - NF Metals: Basic Settings
/NFM/TBOESL - Exchange Key
/NFM/TBOESLTX - Exchange Key Texts
/NFM/TBWE - Reporting Base for NF Key, Company Code, Base Key
/NFM/TCO - Assignment of Controlling Area and Origin to NF Keys
/NFM/TCOVHIS - Coverage History
/NFM/TCOVMAS - Coverage Master
/NFM/TDEFAULT - Default Table for Rate Determination Key
/NFM/TDEF_DIFF - Different Rate Determination
/NFM/TEBG - Movement Reasons for Coverage
/NFM/TEBGTX - Movement Reasons for Coverage: Texts
/NFM/TFIELDS - Fields for NF Raw Material Charging
/NFM/TFIELDSTX - Texts for Fields of NF Raw Material Charging
/NFM/TKBB - Movement Type s for NF Metal Provision
/NFM/TKGW - Structural Weights
/NFM/TKGW_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
/NFM/TKGW_UEB - Transfer Structure for /NFM/TKGW (Direct Input Matl Master)
/NFM/TNEB - Base Keys and Currencies for NF Keys
/NFM/TNEB_ORG - Different Base Key on Organizational Level
/NFM/TNES - NF Metal Key
/NFM/TNESTX - NF Metal Key: Texts
/NFM/TNES_ORG - Different NF Key Data on Organizational Level
/NFM/TNES_USE - Use of NF Key
/NFM/TNFM - Include Routines for Rate Determination Modules
/NFM/TNFR - Rate Determination FORM Routines
/NFM/TNFS - Rate Determination Key
/NFM/TNFSTX - Rate Determination Key - Texts
/NFM/TNFS_FIELD - Field Control for NF Rate Determination Key
/NFM/TNFTX - Descriptions for Various NE Tables
/NFM/TNKTYP - Allocation Condition Type - Condition Category/NF Key
/NFM/TORDERPOS - Documents: NF Item Data
/NFM/TPROVHIS - Provision: History
/NFM/TPROVLIF - Provision Master: Vendor
/NFM/TPROVMAS - Provision Master
/NFM/TPROVMOV - Provision: Goods Movement
/NFM/TRATES - Rate Table
/NFM/TRATESPROV - Rate Table of Providers
/NFM/TTOL - NF Metal Settings for Invoice Verification
/NFM/TTYP_CONV - Conversion of NF Rate Types
/NFM/TVGW - NFK Charge Weights for Materials on Organizational Level
/NFM/TVGW_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
/NFM/TVGW_UEB - Transfer Structure for /NFM/TVGW (Direct Input Matl Master)
/NFM/T_MM_SD - Rate Reference Purchasing Org. --> Sales Org.
/NFM/VGW_VB - Update Structure for Table /NFM/TVGW
/NFM/WPTKGW - Enhanced /NFM/TKGW Structure (ECM)
/NFM/WPTVGW - Enhanced /NFM/TVGW Structure (ECM)

SAP Production Planning and Control (PP) enhancements Tables IS-MP-PP

/SAPMP/ATRKZ_FCO - MILL: Inactive Function Codes per Order Category (ATRKZ)
/SAPMP/ATRKZ_PAR - MILL: Parameter for Controlling Order Indicator (ATRKZ)
/SAPMP/ATRKZ_PLA - Plant-Dependent Parameters for Order Indicator
/SAPMP/ATRKZ_TEXT - IS-MP: Domain Short Text Order Cat. for Displaying Dynpro
/SAPMP/BAPI1012_CONTROL_DATA - Control Data for Processing Routings
/SAPMP/BAPI1012_LC_OPR_C - Length Calculation Data CREATE-BAPI for Routing Operations
/SAPMP/BAPI1080_LC_ITM_C - Length Calculation Data CREATE/CHANGE BAPI Material BOMs
/SAPMP/CAB_PLPO - Length-Calculation-Relevant Additional Data for Routing
/SAPMP/CAB_PLPO_PLAIN - Length-Calculation-Relevant Additional Data for Routing
/SAPMP/CAB_STPO - Length-Calculation-Relevant Additional Data for BOM
/SAPMP/CAB_STPO_API - Length-Calculation-Relevant Additional Data for BOM
/SAPMP/CIF_APOLC - CIF: Length Calculation Event in APO Format
/SAPMP/CMTSBV - Batch valuation of configurable materials in MTS
/SAPMP/CMTSBV_MAT_ACTIVE_STR - Structure Type for Buffering CMTSBV-Active Materials
/SAPMP/CMTSBV_OBJNR_ACTIVE_STR - Structure for Table for Buffering CMTSBV Active Stat.
/SAPMP/CMTSBV_OUTSTR - Output Stucture for CMTSBV Report ALV
/SAPMP/CMTSBV_PRICES_STR - Structure for Buffer for Calculated Prices
/SAPMP/CMTSBV_STR - Control Table for Usage of CMTSBV
/SAPMP/E1BP1012_LC_OPR_C - Length Calculation Data CREATE-BAPI for Routing Operations
/SAPMP/E1CUREFRESB - CU: Reference order item / instance in configuration
/SAPMP/E1ROUTING - Header Segment
/SAPMP/E1STPOM - Mill Products: BOM Item, Length Calculation Data
/SAPMP/MILL_PC_ACT_TXT - Texts for Process Batch Activities
/SAPMP/PP_FHM_WC - Link from PRT to Work Center
/SAPMP/S_DELKZ_RANGE - Line Structure of Range Table for MRP Element
/SAPMP/TOOL_CAPACITY - Tool Capacity for Equipment
MILLOCCUST - Customizing Table Combination for Selection Profile
MILLOCCUST_DIS - Confirmation Parameters in the Order Combination
MILLOCSPRA - Selection Profile Texts
MILL_AFPO_PC_COMP - Valuation Afpo PB for Target/Actual Comparison
MILL_AFPO_PC_COMP_CHAR - Target/Actual Comparison PB: Char.Valuation per Item PB
MILL_AUFNR - Mill: Order Number
MILL_COMB_ORDER - Order Combination Quantity
MILL_INCAFRU - Mill: AFRU Enhancements
MILL_INCBCCHA - Mill: Stock Batch Key (GR)
MILL_INCBCCHA_REF - Mill: Reference Stock Batch Key (GR)
MILL_INCBTCH - Mill: Cross-Plant Batch Key
MILL_INCBTCHPRE - Mill: Cross-Plant Operation Key
MILL_INCECCHA - Mill: Feed Batch Key (GI)
MILL_INCECCHA_REF - Mill: Reference Feed Batch Key (GI)
MILL_INCORD - Mill: Order Item Key
MILL_INCORDPRE - Mill: Preceding Order Item Key
MILL_INCPBWUDATA - Mill: Process Batches with Usage - Data
MILL_INCPCCHA - Mill: Process Batch Key
MILL_INCPCCHA_REF - Mill: Reference Process Batch Key
MILL_INCPCCOMP - Mill: Target/Actual Comparison Process Batch
MILL_INCREF - Mill: Confirmation, Process Batch, and Reference Fields
MILL_INCVCCHA - Mill: Original Batch Key
MILL_INC_KEY_UT - MILL: Key Fields for Reading the ut/proob Tables
MILL_IT_POS - Mill PP: Create order items
MILL_LIS_STRUC - Entry for Original Order for Transfer to LIS
MILL_OC_CHSEL - Order combination; Characteristic valuation
MILL_OC_LART1 - Matching activity types for order combination
MILL_OC_LART2 - Matching activity types for order combination
MILL_OC_LART3 - Matching activity types for order combination
MILL_OC_MATRIX - Matrix for selecting operations for order combination
MILL_OC_MATRIX_COMP1 - Matrix for selecting operations for order combination
MILL_OC_MATRIX_COMP2 - Matrix for selecting operations for order combination
MILL_OC_MATRIX_COMP3 - Matrix for selecting operations for order combination
MILL_OC_MERGE_ORDER - Mill: Order Number for Combined Order in Operation
MILL_OC_ORDER_COMB_STRUC - Structure for order combination
MILL_OC_PRESELECT - Structure for preselection
MILL_OC_QUANT - Order combination: Quantity confirmation
MILL_OC_QUANT_CONFIRM - Quantity confirmation for combined orders
MILL_OC_RULE - Settlement rules for order combination
MILL_OC_SETTLEMENT_RULE - Settlement rules for order combination
MILL_PBWU - Mill: Process Batches with Usage
MILL_PBWU_KEY - Mill: Key Fields (Complete) for DB MILL_PBWU
MILL_PBWU_KEY_ACT - Mill: Key Fields (Partial Key) for DB MILL_PBWU
MILL_PBWU_KEY_TEIL1 - Mill: Key Fields (Partial Key) for DB MILL_PBWU
MILL_PBWU_VB - Mill: Update Structure for Process Batches
MILL_PCDAT - Process Batch Data
MILL_PCPOPUPFIELDS - Mill: Help Fields for Pop_Up Dialog Structure
MILL_PCTXT - Mill: Process Batch with Description
MILL_PC_CHVW_ALV - Batch Where-Used List for Process Batches in ALV-TREE
MILL_PC_LZ - Mill: Runtime Structure for Process Batches
MILL_PP_SE - Fast Entry PP (Dialog Data)
MILL_PP_UNTKZ - Underdelivery Tolerance Indicator
MILL_PROOB_VB - Mill: Update Structure for Original Batches
MILL_SE_MB - Fast Entry for Characteristics - Descriptions
MILL_SE_MW - Fast Entry for Characteristics - Characteristic Values
MILL_SE_PP - Fast Entry PP (Item Data)
MILL_T399X - Parameters for Partitioning Order - Order Type
MILL_UA_BATCH_DET - Dialog Structure for Segmentation Batch Determination
MILL_UA_SEL_CHAR - Mill Sg: Structure Char. Tab. for Select. GoodPart Batches
MILL_UT - Mill: Relation Item / Process Batch for Partitioning Order
MILL_UT_BT - Mill: Assgmt Partitioning Order -> Process Batch/Order Item
MILL_UT_LZ - Mill: Runtime Structure for Segmentation Orders
MILL_VORNR - Mill it: Operation
MILL_WAWE_LZ - Mill: Runtime Structure for Goods Issues and Receipts
TYP_AFPOD_LIST - List of Original Orders for Combined Order
VMILLOCCUST - Customizing Table Combination

SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) enhancements Tables IS-MP-SD

/SAPMP/INC_BDCOM - Mill Enhancement BDCOM
/SAPMP/INC_BXCOM - Mill Enhancement BXCOM
/SAPMP/INC_TVAK_CE - Fast Data Entry of Characteristics
/SAPMP/SD_LEIHG - Returnable Packaging Settlement
/SAPMP/SD_LGFD - Free-of-Charge Period for Customer
/SAPMP/SD_LGFK - Free-of-Charge Period for Customer Group
/SAPMP/SD_LGPR - Rental Fees as Percentage of Sales Value
/SAPMP/SD_LGST - Control Table for Rental Fees
MILL_INC_VBAK - Include for Append VBAK
MILL_INC_VBAP_2 - Mill Products: Enhancement VBAP
MILL_SE - Global Flags and Fields for Fast Entry
MILL_VBAP - Mill: Enhancements for Sales Order Item
MILL_VS_FIELDS - Version Management: Fields
MILL_VS_FLOW - MILL: Customizing for Sales Order Version Management
MILL_VS_MAINTAIN2 - Transfer of Version Logic to Receiving Roll Area
MILL_VS_OC_CU_ADM - Customizing the Original Document
MILL_VS_VBAPD_IN - Include Structure MILL / Versions
MILL_VS_VBAPKOM - Interface: MILL: Version Management
MILL_VS_VBSTT - Mill Products
MILL_VS_VBUP - Sales and Distribution Document: Item Status / MILL
MILL_VS_VBUP_INC - Sales and Distribution Document: Item Status / MILL
MILL_WHUSD - Displays Modified Standard Sources for IBU MILL
VSVBUK_CN - Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data
VSVBUP_CN - Sales Document: Item Status