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SAP IS Industry Solution High Tech Tables (IS-HT)

SAP Industry Solution High Tech Tables IS-HT

KOTG401 - GG: Listing - Material entered / Material

SAP Distributor-Reseller-Management Tables IS-HT-DRM

/SAPHT/AGREEMENTIT_RANGES - Ranges for Agreement Item
/SAPHT/AGREEMENTNO_RANGES - Ranges for Agreement Number
/SAPHT/CLAIMREFNO_RANGES - Ranges For Claim Reference Number
/SAPHT/CLAIMSTAT_RANGES - Ranges for Claim Status
/SAPHT/DISTCHNL_RANGES - Ranges for Distribution Channel
/SAPHT/DIVISION_RANGES - Ranges for Division
/SAPHT/DRMACLVAL - Staging Validations: Assign Validations to the Class
/SAPHT/DRMAGRCHI - Agreement: Condition history
/SAPHT/DRMAGRCOM - Agreement: Competitor info
/SAPHT/DRMAGRCUS - Agreement: Customer info
/SAPHT/DRMAGRDAT - Agreement: Condition Detail
/SAPHT/DRMAGRDEF - Agreement : Default data
/SAPHT/DRMAGRDET - Agreement: Detail
/SAPHT/DRMAGRHEAD - Agreement: Header Structure
/SAPHT/DRMAGRKEY - Agreement: price key
/SAPHT/DRMAGRLCK - Locking Structure for DRM-Agreement Negotiation Worklist
/SAPHT/DRMAGRPRC - Agreement: price info
/SAPHT/DRMAGRST - agreement State
/SAPHT/DRMAGRST_DATA - DRM: agreement status data

/SAPHT/DRMAGRWL - DRM - worklist table for agreement negotiation
/SAPHT/DRMANAL00 - DRM Inventory analysis
/SAPHT/DRMBUDL - Bill Up Due List
/SAPHT/DRMCDSDC - Drop-Ship Settings
/SAPHT/DRMCECTYP - DRM end customer type
/SAPHT/DRMCGVAL - General validation in Inbound 867/844 and staging
/SAPHT/DRMCGVALT - Text table: Active validations for inb 867/844 and staging
/SAPHT/DRMCGVL - Validations: details
/SAPHT/DRMCLCAL_ADDDATA - Additional Data for DRM Close calendar
/SAPHT/DRMCLMSD - Ship and Debit Claim Data
/SAPHT/DRMCLOSELCK - Locking Structure for Close table
/SAPHT/DRMCMMXN - Determination of DRM Transaction Code for MM application
/SAPHT/DRMCONDTYPE - Structure for DRM relevancy
/SAPHT/DRMCONEXT - DRM Ship and debit agreement extracts
/SAPHT/DRMCORJN - Mapping of ERP Rejection Reason to DRM SD rejection reason
/SAPHT/DRMCPACNV - DRM Partner Conversion
/SAPHT/DRMCPRCCD - Control table: processing code properties
/SAPHT/DRMCPRXR - Mapping from Processing Code to Reversal Processing Codes
/SAPHT/DRMCRFCST - Reference customers for EC creation during EC aliasing
/SAPHT/DRMCRJRN - Claim Rejection Table
/SAPHT/DRMCRJRNT - Text Table : Claim Rejection Reason
/SAPHT/DRMCRULE - Validation Rules: Group of Individual validation rule
/SAPHT/DRMCSADRV - DRM: Sales Area derivation
/SAPHT/DRMCSDXN - Determination of DRM Transaction Code for SD application
/SAPHT/DRMCSTGR - Staging Validation rules: Basic Definition
/SAPHT/DRMCSTGRT - Staging Validations: Text for the rules
/SAPHT/DRMCT161 - DRM relevant settings for Purchase order type
/SAPHT/DRMCT685A - DRM relevant setting for condition types
/SAPHT/DRMCTVAK - DRM relevant settings for Sales order types
/SAPHT/DRMCTVFK - DRM relevant setting for Billing document types
/SAPHT/DRMCUSINF - End Customer list for SD agreements
/SAPHT/DRMCVFLD - The fields associated with an error code
/SAPHT/DRMCVLIND - Validations: for manufacturer or distributor
/SAPHT/DRMCWLCND - Customizing table for Agreement Conditiion type determinat
/SAPHT/DRMCXNCD - DRM Transaction Codes
/SAPHT/DRMCXNCDT - DRM Transaction Code Texts
/SAPHT/DRMCXNVL - Assign Validation rules to transaction codes
/SAPHT/DRMCXNXR - Mapping Transaction Codes to Reversal Transaction Codes

/SAPHT/DRMDETLDS - DRM Details for Drop Ship Transaction
/SAPHT/DRMDOCTYPE - DRM relevancy for document types (Sales + Purchasing)
/SAPHT/DRMFIFINV - DRM Inventory Reconciliation FIFO Inventory
/SAPHT/DRMGLOBAL - DRM global settings (MS/DR installation indicator setting)
/SAPHT/DRMIM_RECON - Structure for use in the DRM/IM reconciliation report
/SAPHT/DRMINVRPT - DRM Inventory Report
/SAPHT/DRMINVRPTMS - Structure for the Display of Inventory Report at MS side.
/SAPHT/DRMINVSUM - DRM Inventory Summary
/SAPHT/DRMIUSR - DRM Internet User Management Table
/SAPHT/DRMIUSR_DATA - Data fields of DRM Internet User Management Table
/SAPHT/DRMIUSR_KEY - Key fields of DRM Internet User Management Table
/SAPHT/DRMPARTAD - DRM Resale link additional address data table.
/SAPHT/DRMPHONELCK - Locking Structure for Phones
/SAPHT/DRMPPDL - Price Protection Due List
/SAPHT/DRMPPXN - Determination of DRM Transaction Code for PP application
/SAPHT/DRMPRFRUL - DRM Profile to Validation Rules Mapping
/SAPHT/DRMPRINF - DRM personalization information table
/SAPHT/DRMPR_DEF - Default Profile for the Tracking Partner
/SAPHT/DRMR3XN - DRM relevant ERP Transactions
/SAPHT/DRMREPINV - DRM Inventory Reconciliation Reported Inventory
/SAPHT/DRMRFCDST - Agreement Negotitiaon Logical sys maintainence table
/SAPHT/DRMRL - Field Catalog for DRM-Rules
/SAPHT/DRMRLAP - DRM Rule Application Table
/SAPHT/DRMRLAP_T - DRM Rule Application Table
/SAPHT/DRMRLCR - DRM Rule : Complex Rule
/SAPHT/DRMRLCR_T - DRM Rule : Complex Rule
/SAPHT/DRMRLCSR - DRM Rule : Assigning Complex Rule To Schema
/SAPHT/DRMRLOU - DRM Rule: output
/SAPHT/DRMRLSC - DRM Rule : Schema table
/SAPHT/DRMRLSCR - DRM Rule : Assigning Simple Rule to Complex Rule
/SAPHT/DRMRLSC_T - DRM Rule : Schema table
/SAPHT/DRMRLSDDL - Rule Communication Structure on SDDL
/SAPHT/DRMRLSDDL_D - SDDL Rules:dynamic extension to communication structure
/SAPHT/DRMRLSDDL_S - SDDL Static communication structure
/SAPHT/DRMRLSDDL_S_DATA - DRM Rule : Static Data Communication structure
/SAPHT/DRMRLSDDL_S_NONDATA - DRM Rule : Static Non data Communication structure
/SAPHT/DRMRLSR - DRM Rule : Simple Rule
/SAPHT/DRMRLSR_T - DRM Rule : Text Table for Simple Rule

/SAPHT/DRMSANAL01 - Structure for passing SELECT rule values
/SAPHT/DRMSANALKEYS - Structure for displaying Logical Key values
/SAPHT/DRMSANALMSG - Structure for displaying Analysis Messages
/SAPHT/DRMSANALPP - Structure for passing PP Rules analysis
/SAPHT/DRMSANALSDCLAIM - Structure for displaying SD Claim calculation analysis
/SAPHT/DRMSBITS - Structure for intially value load on the Web
/SAPHT/DRMSBUDEFDATA - DRM Bill Up : Default data structure
/SAPHT/DRMSBUDLLCK - Locking Structure for BU Due List
/SAPHT/DRMSBUDLUPD - /SAPHT/DRMBUDL with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSBUERR - Bill up due list errors
/SAPHT/DRMSBUSMET_COMM - Comm Structure for Business Metrics Update from Staging
/SAPHT/DRMSBUTRACK - Bill up due list tracking fields
/SAPHT/DRMSCANCEL - Cancellation Tracking fields
/SAPHT/DRMSCLAIMS - Communication structure for Claims processing (PP, SD, BU)
/SAPHT/DRMSCOMPS - DRM ATO components data
/SAPHT/DRMSCOND - Comm structure for maintaining the Conditions in CMR/DMR
/SAPHT/DRMSCONDTYP - DRM relevancy for condition types (Pricing enhancement)
/SAPHT/DRMSCONEXT - Comm structure for DRM Contract extracts
/SAPHT/DRMSDAT - DRM FIFO Header: Data record
/SAPHT/DRMSDDL - Ship and Debit Due List
/SAPHT/DRMSDETLUPD - /SAPHT/DRMDETL with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSDRAUTHCHECK - Structure for auth check (DR relevant)
/SAPHT/DRMSDRJN - Rejections reasons for a staging record
/SAPHT/DRMSDUPRECS - Stores the Duplicate records for the Duplicate rec analysis
/SAPHT/DRMSERR1 - Error Logging of Staging Records
/SAPHT/DRMSERR2 - Structure containing basic error related fields
/SAPHT/DRMSEXTN - Addtional Fields to be stored in DRM Transaction tables
/SAPHT/DRMSFILTERS - DRM : Structure for ALE filter determination
/SAPHT/DRMSHEADUPD - /SAPHT/DRMHEAD with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSINVLOCK - Locking Structure for Inventory Summary records
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY1 - DRM FIFO Header: Logical Key
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY2 - DRM Inventory Summary: Logical Key
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY3 - Key data for R3XN
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY4 - DRM FIFO Header: Logical Key for Sellthrough Consumption
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY4A - DRM FIFO Header: Logical Key for Sellthrough Consumption
/SAPHT/DRMSKEY4X - Search Indicators for the Consumption Key
/SAPHT/DRMSKEYZ - Append structure for user defined consumption key
/SAPHT/DRMSKEYZ1 - Key extension for /SAPHT/DRMSKEY1
/SAPHT/DRMSLINDS - Sellin Audit Trail Details for Drop Ship
/SAPHT/DRMSLOCK - DRM Locking structure
/SAPHT/DRMSLSRPT - DRM 867 Outbound processing table
/SAPHT/DRMSLTHRUDS - SellThru Audit Trail Details for Drop Ship
/SAPHT/DRMSMATRVL - Communication structure for Material Revaluation
/SAPHT/DRMSMODANDSELSTAGRECS - Structure for indicating modified/selected Staging records
/SAPHT/DRMSMSAUTHCHECK - Structure used for auth check (MS relevant)
/SAPHT/DRMSPOPRC - DRM Communication structure for purchase price simulation
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDEFDATA - DRM Price Protection : Default data structure
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDL - DRM Price Protection : Locking structure for Due list
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDLUPD - /SAPHT/DRMPPDL with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDL_SCR_200 - Price protection transaction - Screen 200
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDL_SCR_DET - Price protection transaction - Details Screen
/SAPHT/DRMSPPDL_SORT - Sort structure for price protection
/SAPHT/DRMSPPERR - PP Error logging
/SAPHT/DRMSPPPRC - Communication structure for Price protection
/SAPHT/DRMSPPSEL - Structure for PP Selection screen
/SAPHT/DRMSPPTRACK - PP Due List Tracking Fields
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XN - Communication Structure for R/3 Transactions
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNKEY - Key structure for DRM relevant R/3 Transactions
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNKEYTEXT - Structure for passing texts for R3XN error log display
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNSEARCHKEY - Search Keys for a R3XN record
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNSEARCHKEYLOT - DRM Lots per Search Key for a R3XN record
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNSISEARCHKEY - Search Keys for a R3XN record for Sell-In
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNSISEARCHKEYLOT - DRM Lots per Search Key for a R3XN record for Sell-In
/SAPHT/DRMSR3XNUPD - /SAPHT/DRMR3XN with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSRLDBMODE - Structure for RLDB Update mode
/SAPHT/DRMSSDDEFDATA - DRM Ship and Debit : Default data structure
/SAPHT/DRMSSDDL - Communication Structure for SD Due List
/SAPHT/DRMSSDDLLCK - Locking Structure for SD Due List
/SAPHT/DRMSSDDLUPD - /SAPHT/DRMSDDL with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSSDERR - SD Due List errors
/SAPHT/DRMSSDPRC - Communication structure for Sales pricing simulation
/SAPHT/DRMSSDSEL - SD Due List Selection
/SAPHT/DRMSSDTRACK - SD Due List Tracking fields
/SAPHT/DRMSSELLIN - Sellin Tracking Fields
/SAPHT/DRMSSELLTHRU - Sellthru Tracking Fields
/SAPHT/DRMSSLSRPT - Communication structure 867 Outbound processing
/SAPHT/DRMSSTAGANAL - Structure for Important staging fields
/SAPHT/DRMSSTAGERR - Errors in staing validations
/SAPHT/DRMSSTAGLCK - Locking structure for Staging Table
/SAPHT/DRMSSTAGSEARCHKEY - Search Keys for a Staging Document No
/SAPHT/DRMSSTAGUPD - /SAPHT/DRMSTAG with update indicator
/SAPHT/DRMSUPDIND - Update indicator structure for DRM tables
/SAPHT/DRMSUSER - DRM Structure for tracking Created By/Changed By...
/SAPHT/DRMSVALIDATION - Validations to be done
/SAPHT/DRMSXNERR - R/3 Transaction errors
/SAPHT/DRMS_CNTCND_DSP - Contract Status : Display Structure
/SAPHT/DRMS_IDOCCONTEXT - Context structure for IDoc Validation Application Log
/SAPHT/DRMS_IRCONTEXT - Context structure for Inventory recon. Application Log
/SAPHT/DRMS_LOGCONTEXT - Context structure for Staging Validation Application Log
/SAPHT/DRMS_SLSRPTCOMM - Communication structure for Invoice selection for SLSRPT
/SAPHT/DRMS_STAGCONTEXT - Context structure for Staging Validation Application Log
/SAPHT/DRMS_STAG_INIT_FLAGS - Flag telling if the staging field is initial
/SAPHT/DRMTRCK - Mapping table for Tracking Partner
/SAPHT/DRMVALCL - Validation Class Table
/SAPHT/DRMVALCLT - Staging Validations: Text for the Class
/SAPHT/DRMWLCOMP - DRM Agreement Negotiation Competitor Info Table.
/SAPHT/DRMWLDATE - DRM- Agreement Negotiation dates info
/SAPHT/DRMWLPRIC - DRM-Agreement negotiation prices info table.
/SAPHT/DRMWLQTY - DRM - Agreement negotiation Quantity Table
/SAPHT/DRMXMCL - Transmission Report Data - Class level
/SAPHT/DRM_ADDR_DATA - DRM address data
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_CONTACT - Agreement: Contact Info
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_DOMVALUE - DRM:Agreement: Domain values
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_ECUST_CON - DRM Agreement: Information of End Customer
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_NEGO_INIT - Agreement Negotiation: init
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_SEARCH - Communication fields for agreement search
/SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_STATE_NEX - Agreement: next states
/SAPHT/DRM_BUS_DATA - Append Structure for DRM Relevant Business Data
/SAPHT/DRM_CLAIM_SUB_LIST - SD Claims (Customer Ref. No.) by Partner and Proc. status
/SAPHT/DRM_CLAIM_SUMMARY - SD Claims (Customer Ref. No.) by Partner and Proc. status
/SAPHT/DRM_CLM_ERRORCODE - Claim Responce Error Record
/SAPHT/DRM_COGS_ADJUST - Structure for creating DRM COGS Adjustment invoice
/SAPHT/DRM_E1EDPT - Segment for Text Identification
/SAPHT/DRM_ECRET_INFO - Structure for storing EC returns Info
/SAPHT/DRM_ENDCUST_HITLIST - Hit list of matching/almost matching customer masters
/SAPHT/DRM_GM_HEAD_01 - Communication Structure: Material Document Header Data
/SAPHT/DRM_GM_HEAD_RET - Output Structure For General FM To Post Goods Movement
/SAPHT/DRM_GM_ITEM_CREATE - Communication Structure: Create Material Document Item
/SAPHT/DRM_H_APPL - DRM structure
/SAPHT/DRM_ITM_DAT - Agreement item
/SAPHT/DRM_KOMPAZD_EXTENSION - DRM: Extension of KOMPAZD for Agreement Negotiation
/SAPHT/DRM_KOMP_EXTENSION - DRM Extension on the komp level
/SAPHT/DRM_PARTNER - Structure for using DR Reported partners
/SAPHT/DRM_PARTNER_MAP_ERR - DRM partner mapping error communication structure
/SAPHT/DRM_PP_RULE_COMM - Communication structure for DRM PP Rules
/SAPHT/DRM_PRF - DRM Tracking Partner Profile
/SAPHT/DRM_PRF_T - DRM Tracking Partner Profile Description
/SAPHT/DRM_RSDTT - Text table for the Sell In Date of the return Lot
/SAPHT/DRM_RSLDT - Value table for the Sell In Date of the return Lot
/SAPHT/DRM_RU_RESULT - Rules-Schema determined byconditions
/SAPHT/DRM_SALESDOC_AGR - Ship and Debit Agreements for the Sales Document
/SAPHT/DRM_SAMPLE_RULE_COMM - Communication Structure for DRM Samples
/SAPHT/DRM_SDAGR_PER - Append Structure for SD Agreements Validity Periods
/SAPHT/DRM_SSDRSP_OUTBOUND - 849 Claim Responce Outbound Record
/SAPHT/DRM_TXMN - Structure for Transmission Report
/SAPHT/DRM_XM_HEADER - Structure for accessing Transmission Header data from Web
/SAPHT/EFFECTDT_RANGES - Ranges for Effective Date
/SAPHT/INVOICEITEMNO_RANGES - Ranges for Invoice Item Number
/SAPHT/INVOICENO_RANGES - Ranges for Invoice Number
/SAPHT/MATERIAL_RANGES - Ranges for Material
/SAPHT/PARTNER_RANGES - Ranges for Partner
/SAPHT/PURCHORG_RANGES - Ranges for Purchasing organization
/SAPHT/RESALEPRC_RANGES - Ranges For Resale Price
/SAPHT/SHIPDT_RANGES - Ranges for EC Ship Date
/SAPHT/SLSGRP_RANGES - Ranges for SalesGroup
/SAPHT/SLSOFFICE_RANGES - Ranges for SalesOffice
/SAPHT/SLSORDNO_RANGES - Ranges for SalesOrders
/SAPHT/SLSORG_RANGES - Ranges for Sales Organization
/SAPHT/TRANSDT_RANGES - Ranges for Transmission Date
/SAPHT/TRANSNO_RANGES - Ranges for Transmission Number
A273 - Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material/Customer/Item
A274 - Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material/Item
A275 - Material/Agreement Data for ATO/MTS Components
A276 - Agreement Data and status with agreement search
A302 - SD doc./Item/Customer
A303 - SD doc./Item/Material/CompMat/CompSup/CompType
A308 - SD doc./Item/Customer/Personnel
A309 - SD Doc./Customer/Personnel
A313 - SD Doc./Item/Personnel/Sold-to pt/
A435 - Sales org./Distr. chl/Customer/Material/DRM Agr No/DRM Itm
A436 - Agreement data in combination with Agreement search
A437 - Material/Customer/Agreement data
A439 - Material/Agreement data
B499 - Movmt type
BAPI_DRMAGR - Comm structure for DRM Agreement extracts
BAPI_DRMAGRX - Checkbox Fields for Contract extract table
BAPI_DRMCLAIMS - Comm structure for DRM Claims processing
BAPI_DRMCOND - Comm structure for maintaining the Conditions in CMR/DMR
BAPI_DRMCUSINF - End customer list for SD agreements
BAPI_DRMPRF - Commuincation structure for DRM Profile
BAPI_DRMR3XN - DRM BAPI Interface : DRM relevant R/3 Transactions
BAPI_DRMTEXT - Communication fields : Claim document texts
DRMSISST - LIS: Key Figures with Different Technical Features for DRM
DRMXMSTR - LIS Communication Structure for DRM
E1BP_DRMAGR - Comm structure for DRM Agreement extracts
E1BP_DRMAGRX - Checkbox Fields for Contract extract table
E1BP_DRMCLAIMS - Comm structure for DRM Claims processing
E1BP_DRMCOND - Comm structure for maintaining the Conditions in CMR/DMR
E1BP_DRMCUSINF - End customer list for SD agreements
E1BP_DRMPRF - Commuincation structure for DRM Profile
E1BP_DRMR3XN - DRM BAPI Interface : DRM relevant R/3 Transactions
E1BP_DRMSDDL - DRM BAPI Interface : DRM SD Due List
E1BP_DRMSDDL1 - DRM BAPI Interface : DRM SD Due List
E1BP_DRMTEXT - Communication fields : Claim document texts
E1DRM01 - DRM Header Segment
E1DRM02 - DRM Item General Segment
E1DRM03 - DRM Response
E1DRM04 - Quantity Details for storage locations
E1DRM05 - Contract quantity fields
E1DRMAT - DRM Structure appended for adding MS Book Part Number
E1DRMK02 - Segment for quote response status for EDI 843.
E1DRMPRF - DRM : Segment for distribution of Customer Profile
E1DRMSBK - DRM : Segment for distributing MS Book part no
KONDW - Conditions: Data part for DRM Rules
KONDWVB - Conditions: Update structure (data part for DRM Rules)
KOTW001 - Matl grp 2/Matl grp 3/Price list
KOTW002 - Sales org./Distr. chl/Division/Material
KOTW501 - Material
MC09DR0DRM - DRM: BW Extraction Structure
MC09DR0DRMSETUP - Storage data BW reconstruction for MC09DR0DRM
MC09MS0DRM - DRM: BW Extraction structure
MC09MS0DRMSETUP - Storage data BW reconstruction for MC09MS0DRM
MCHTDR0DRM - DRM: BW Extraction structure
MCHTDR0DRMSETUP - Storage data BW reconstruction for MC09DR0DRM
MCHTDR1DRM - DRM: BW Extraction Structure
MCHTMS0DRM - DRM: BW Extraction Structure
MCHTMS1DRM - DRM: BW Extraction Structure
RV13W - UI for DRM Samples Processing
S490 - CEM Settlement
S490E - S490 - Structure Information
S491 - CEM Construction Site Stock Value
S491E - S491 - Structure Information
S492 - CEM Total Costs for Equipment
S492E - S492 - Structure Information
S495 - Transmission Report
S495E - S495 - Structural information
S496 - DRM: MS Side Business Metrics
S496E - S496 - Structural information
S497 - DRM: DR Side Business Metrics
S497E - S497 - Structural information
S498 - DRM: Sellin Business Metrics
S498E - S498 - Structural information
T685W - DRM Relevancy for Rules Condition Types
W000 - Condition Table for Rule Determination $

SAP Information System Tables IS-HT-DRM-IS

HTDRM_BW_DETL_EXTSTR - DRM Extract Structure for BW
HTDRM_BW_TMSTMP - DRM Timestamp for BW extractor

SAP Manufacturing Execution System Tables IS-HT-MES

/SAPHT/MESBATCH - structure for display the charateristic values for objeks
/SAPHT/MESCLS - Inputs fields for characteristic search across classes
/SAPHT/MESDSP - structure for display the charateristic values for objeks
/SAPHT/MESEXIT - MES SPC IBU exit flag setup
/SAPHT/MESOBJ - display for objek
/SAPHT/MESREWORK - Rework Loop Screen structure
/SAPHT/MEST9LG - Lot genealogy: mvmt. types with special handling
/SAPHT/MESZFLWUP - User names for follow up actions
/SAPHT/MESZFORMP - Table for custom formula parameters
/SAPHT/MESZLISTE - List Structure for Transferring Log Information
/SAPHT/MESZPARM - Table for custom formula parameters across operations
/SAPHT/MESZPCHAR - Custom formula parameters for characteristcs.
/SAPHT/MESZSPARM - screen structure for formula parameters
/SAPHT/MESZSPCHAR - Structure for formula parameters of characteristics
/SAPHT/MESZSPLPO - Process Order Split link table
/SAPHT/SPCZQEE - QM results recording - additional fields
/SAPHT/SPCZQKS - QM SPC equipment data

SAP RosettaNet Tables IS-HT-RN

/SAPHT/RN_CLASSLIST - Structure containing class type and name

SAP Software Management Tables IS-HT-SW

/SAPHT/SW_IVBAP - VBAP index table (from VBAPDATA)
/SAPHT/SW_KOMP - High Tech extension KOMP
/SAPHT/SW_PARTNER_POS_EQ - Partner Synchronization
/SAPHT/SW_SMP_CFG_TREE_NODE - SMP configuration tree node
/SAPHT/SW_STATUS - Status fields for Golden Gate specific processes
AUTHBGG - Structure for SMP
GGCONF_OUT - Configuration Output
GGRIPW0 - GG:Internal table objectlist maintenace/serialnumbers
GGSTATUS - Status fields for Golden Gate specific processes
GGVBAP - IS-SW Structure for amount of contract calculation
KOMPGG - Pricing communication item: IS-Golden Gate fields
KOTG402 - IS-SW Product List Exclusion
OG0_SPLIT - Software Maintenance Process: Split criterias
OGCOMPRES - Result of configuration compare
OGM1PRT1 - GG: Printing variables for maint. selection & eligibility
OGVBDPA - GG: Document Item View for SD docu. - enhancements
OGVBDPR - GG: Document Item View for Billing - enhancements
OGW1VBAKP - IS-SW : Sales document header & item structure
ROGHELP - SMP F1 documentation
ROGMESSLOG - D28: Message log
ROGMIO - Structure for variant selection fields
ROGOK29 - Maintenance structure of ok29
ROGPARVW - Software Maintenance Process: Item partners
ROGPLBDC - Input structure for VA0x
ROGPLORDER - PL order status
ROGVBAKX - D28:SD Sales Document Header com-structure for Direct Input
ROGVBAPX - D28:SD Sales Document Item com-structure for Direct Input
ROG_CONDTB - IS-SW (D44/17) condition tables to given scheme / procedure
ROG_CUAEXC - GG - standard structure of internal table CUA_EXCLUDE
ROG_GRPMAT - IS-SW (D44 formerly D17) - material listing (external use)
ROG_IVBAP - Structur for indextable IVBAP
ROG_IVBEP1 - VBEP Index Internal Table Structure
ROG_MATLIS - GG: DES17 - material listing (internal use)
ROG_PGAP - Product Group structure
ROG_PGIP - Product Group item structure
ROG_RPGAP - GG: Product Group screen field structure
ROG_STEU - GG - standard structure of pricing rule table 'STEU'
S426 - Variant Config.1---IBASE
S426E - S426 - Structural information
S427 - Variant Config.2---IBASE
S427E - S427 - Structural information
TOGCF - GG: Configuration Views
TOGM1 - Software Maintenance Process: Collective Processing
TOGM2 - Maintenance sets for profiles
TOGM3 - SMP 'push' material list
TOGM4 - Maintenance Profile
TOGM5 - Software Maintenance Process: Rejection Codes
TOGMAT - Additional material
TOGMT - PLM profile description
TPGAC - GG enhancement: Material types representing Product Groups
VBAPKOMGG - Communication Fields for Maintaining PLM Data
VBAPKOMSM - Software Maintenance Process Fields