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SAP IS Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables (IS-EC)

SAP Industry Solution Engineering & Construction Tables IS-EC

A254 - Customer or Goods Recipient/Equipment/Material
A255 - Customer/Loading Cost Relevance
A256 - Customer/Catalog Group 2/Material
A257 - Movement Type/Recipient Type
A258 - Movement Type/Sender Type/Recipient Type
A259 - Movement Type/Sender Type/Recipient Type/Cross
A264 - Customer or Goods Recipient/Document Type
A265 - Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Material Grp/Material
A266 - Standard Dummy Customer/Material Group/Material Number
A267 - Customer or Goods Recipient/Equipment Type/Material
A268 - Owner/administrator
A269 - Equipment Type/Document Type
A270 - Euqipment/Document Type
A271 - Document Category
A272 - Equipment/Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type
A277 - Standard Dummy Customer/Document Type/Material Group
A278 - ETM Material / Activity Type
A279 - ETM Goods Recipient/Material/Activity Type
A495 - Postal Charges, Inserts in Postal Dist.Items (Insert Type)
C495 - Document Category/Condition Type/Own-External/Account Key

C496 - Condition Type/Account Key
C497 - Document Category/Condition Type/Account Key
C498 - Doc. Category/Condition Type/Own-Ext./Actvty Type/Acc. Key
C499 - Doc. Cat./Cond. Type/Own-Ext./Acty Type/Ctlg Group/Acc. Key
KOT4001 - Debited Company Code
KOT4002 - Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area
KOT4003 - Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient
KOT4004 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type
KOT4005 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment
KOT4006 - Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4007 - Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4008 - Condition Table for Price List Determination
KOT4009 - Document Category
KOT4012 - Document Category/Recipient/Material Group/Activity Type
KOTJ001 - Debited Company Code
KOTJ002 - Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area
KOTJ003 - Debited Company Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient
KOTJ004 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equi. Type
KOTJ005 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient/Equipment
KOTJ006 - Debited Company Code/Recipient Category
KOTJ007 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Business Area/Recipient Category
KOTJ008 - Debited Co. Code/Debited Bus. Area/Debited Plant/Recpnt Cat.
KOTJ009 - Document Category
KOTJ012 - Document Category/Recipient/Material Group/Activity Type

SAP Customer Bill of Services Tables IS-EC-BOS

/SAPBOQ/COMP - Composite of service master records
/SAPBOQ/CUSTADM - BOS customizing Admin Table
/SAPBOQ/HD_SES - QTO header table
/SAPBOQ/HEADER - Header of service package BOQ
/SAPBOQ/ICONS - Icons for Object Category
/SAPBOQ/SESTYP - Service Entry Sheet Type
/SAPBOQ/SESTYT - Text table for Service Entry Sheet Type
/SAPBOQ/SES_GUI_ESLL - Service Entry Sheet transaction GUI Structure
/SAPBOQ/S_COMP - Input/Output fields for composite of service master records
/SAPBOQ/S_GUI_ESLL - Base for fieldcatalog of grids in BOQ
/SAPBOQ/T162V - /SAPBOQ/: Display Variant for Service Overview
/SAPBOQ/TBOS01 - Pricing procedure for model specification
/SAPBOQ/TBOS02 - Assign Service entry sheet type to the sales document type
/SAPBOQ/VBELN_TAB - Document Number with position
A370 - Customer/Service

ADBOSSDITM - Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item
ADBOS_BUS204401_BAPIKEY - PCP: BAPI Key of Costing Item
ADBOS_ECP_CKIS - BOS: Enhancement to Detailed Statement
ADBOS_ECP_EXTENDED_CKIS - AD BOS: Customer Enhancement Structure for Costing
ADBOS_ECP_EXTENDED_KIS1 - AD BOS: Detailed Statement Line
ADBOS_ECP_REL - Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links
ADBOS_ECP_SURCHARGE_LINE - PCP: Surcharge or Discount Items
ADBOS_ECP_S_GUI_KIS1_EXT - AD BOS: Detailed Statement in GUI
ADBOS_ECP_S_GUI_KIS1_VALUES - AD BOS; Individual Statement Line: Values and Quantities
ADBOS_ECP_ZA - Assignemnt of Surcharges and Discunts Cust. <-> Dict./GUI
ADBOS_SERVCALC - BOS: Service Package with Costing Data
BAPE_ASMD - BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements for Table ASMD
BAPE_ESLL - BAPI Interface for Cust.Enhancements to the ESLL Table
BAPE_ESLLX - BAPI Checkbox for Cust. Enhancements to the ESLL Table
BAPIBOSCD - Communication Fields to Maintain Service Line Condition
BAPIBOSCDX - Checkbox Structure: Maintain Service Line Conditions
BAPIBOSCOST - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item With BOS & Costing
BAPIBOSCOSTMODEL - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item With BOS & Costing
BAPIBOSCOSTMODEL_CHARA_VALUE - BOS ECP : Structure for Characteristic Value Assignment
BAPISDESLLBOS - Communication Structure Service LIne for SD
BAPISDESLLCBOS - Communication Structure Create Service LIne in SD
BAPISDESLLCBOSX - Communication Structure Change Service LIne
BAPISDITBOS - Structure of VBAP With English Field Names for BOS
BAPISDITMBOS - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item with BOS
BAPISDITMXBOS - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item with BOS
BAPISDORDERSBOS - View: Order Items (with BOS) for Material
BAPISRVBOS - Communication Structure: Service Master Record
BIL_S_PRT_SERVICE_DETAIL - Service Detail for Print
BOSASN - Allocation of Lines from Different Subpackages
BOSAVB - Reference Structure for XBOSASN/YBOSASN
BOSESLLX - Communication Structure (Internal) Change Service Line
BOSKOMVX - Checkbox Structre (Internal): Maintain Service LIne Condit.
BOSPSQTY - BOSPS quantity attribute structure
BOSPS_ASSIGNMENT - BOSPS: PS object links to the specified sales document
BOSPS_ATTRBOS - BOS PS Object link attribute references
BOSPS_BATCH - Profile for Batch Cost Transfer to Project
BOSPS_BOSKEY - BOS-PS Transfer Application: BOS Key
BOSPS_BOS_OBJECT - BOSPS: BOS Object representation

BOSPS_BRELATTR - BOSPS Object Relationship Attribute for Binary relationship
BOSPS_CLUSTER - BOSPS Data Cluster for variants etc
BOSPS_ML_ESLL - BOSPS: ML_ESLL Extension to add costing reference
BOSPS_PSKEY - BOS-PS Transfer Application: PS-Key
BOSPS_PS_OBJECT - BOS-PS Integration: PS Object
BOSPS_REPORTING - BOSPS Integration: Reporting Structure
BOSVAL - Display of Addition and Deduction
BOSVALD - Function group BOSVAL screen fields
BOS_BAPISDIT - VBAP Structure with English Field Names (IBU E&C, BOS)
BOS_ORDER_VIEW - View for Mass Selection of Sales Orders
BOS_SALV - Structure for Tree Display
BS01ESLLCX - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
BS01ITEMEX - Communication Fields: Issue SD Document Item: WWW
BS01MMHDTX - Transfer Structure: Create PO Header Text
BS01MMHEAD - Transfer Structure: Display/List: PO Header with Vendor Name
BS01MMITEM - Transfer Structure: Display/List Document Item
BS01MMITEMTX - Transfer Structure: Create PO Item Text
BS01MMSCHEDULE - Transfer Structure: Display/List Schedule Line
BS01SDITM - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item with BOS
BS01SDITMX - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item with BOS
BS01SDORDERS - View: Order Items for Material
BSMMESLL - Communication Structure: Create Service Line (MM)
BSMMESLLC - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
BSSDESLL - Communication Structure: Create Service Line (SD)
BSSDESLLC - Communication Structure: Create Service Line
CKF_S_GUI_CE_TREE_BOSPS - Reporting Structure for BOSPS Transfer Log (GUI_KIS1)
COMECP1 - Interface Service and Easy Cost Planning
COSTING_VARIANT - Default Costing Variant for Easy cost planning
ISOIL_RBOSBR01_SERVICE_PDF - Structure for Service Table for Program RBOSBR01
ISOIL_RBOSORDER01_ITEM_PDF - Structure For RBOS programs
ISOIL_RBOSORDER01_LFORS_PDF - Structure for vbdka and vbdpa for program RBOSORDER01
ISOIL_RBOSORDER01_LIN_COND_PDF - Price Determination Communication-Cond.Record for printing
ISOIL_RBOSORDER01_SERVICE_PDF - Structure for Service Table
ISOIL_RBOSORDER01_SUMMARY_PDF - Structure for Summary of Service line items
ISOIL_SDSLSPRINT01_DMEMO_PDF - Structure For Service
ISOIL_SD_BIL_PRINT01_SERVICES - Structure for Service Lines for PDF
ISOIL_SD_BIL_PRINT01_SUMMARY - Structure for Summary of Service Lines for PDF
ISOIL_SD_BIL_PRINT_GRAND_SUM - Structure for Service Line Summary Grand Sum
ISOIL_SD_BIL_PRINT_SERVICE_SUM - Structure for Service Line summary in PDF
ISOIL_SD_SLS_PRINT01_SERVICES - Structure for Service Lines for PDF
ISOIL_SD_SLS_PRINT01_SUMMARY - Structure for Summary of Service Lines for PDF
ISOIL_SD_SLS_PRINT_GRAND_SUM - Structure for Service Line Summary Grand Sum
ISOIL_SLS_S_PRT_SERVICE_DETAIL - Structure for Service Lines and ServiceSum for PDF
MV45AF0A_AD_BOS_ALV_01 - Structure for MV45AF0A_AD_BOS_ALV
PSBOS_BATCH_PROCESS_OPTIONS - BOSPS Integration: Batch Processing Options
PSBOS_CHANGE_TABLE_LINE - BOSPS Integration: Structure for cost item quantity change
PSBOS_COMPARISON_FIELD_REC - BOSPS Integration: Batch Processing Comparison fields
PSBOS_DATA_FOR_REVENUE_REPORT - BOSPS Integration: Revenue Report Data
PSBOS_DYNAMIC_SELECT_OPTIONS - BOSPS Integration: Dynamic Selection Options
PSBOS_DYNAMIC_SELECT_PRIORITY - BOSPS Integration: Dynamic Selection Priorities
PSBOS_FACTOR_4_COSTING - BOSPS Factors for costing (Path/Header factors)
PSBOS_PS_2_BOS_LINK - BOSPS Integration: PS to BOS Link
PSBOS_TRANSFER_DATA_REC - BOSPS Integration: Transfer details for a BOS Costing Item
PSBOS_TRANSFER_DETAILS_REC - BOSPS Integration: Transfer Record for one Costing Item
PSBOS_TRANSFER_QTYS_AND_VALUES - BOSPS Integration: Transfer Quantities & Values
PSBOS_TRANSFER_VALUES_TYPE - BOSPS Integration: Transfer values in various currencies
PSBOS_VALUE_AND_CURRENCY - BOSPS Integration: Value and Currency
REF_TKOMVX - Structure for bos12_get_condition
SALES_KEY1 - Structure for Mass Access to SD Documents like SALES_KEY-ALR
SLS_S_PRT_SERVICE_DETAIL - Structure for Service and Summary Detail for Print of PDF
TADBOS01 - Valid Reports for BOS Reporting in SD
TBOS165A - Conditions Determination Procedure for SD Services
TBOS165B - Variable Condition Procedure for Service of Billing Doc.
TBOSART - Bill of Services Type
TBOSBZ - Bill of Services Type Name
TBOSCPC - Subcontracting: Assignment of Conditions (MM, SD)
TBOSCPD - Subcontracting: Allocation of Document Types (MM, SD)
TBOSECP1 - Cost Component Structure for Sales Document
TBOSECP2 - Cost Elements for Condition Types
TBOSFAC - Define Surcharges and Discounts
TBOSFACT - Texts for Surcharges / Discounts
TBOSFSH - Schema for Surcharges / Discounts
TBOSFSHS - Procedure: Assign Surcharges/Discounts
TBOSFSHT - Texts for Overhead (Surcharges/Discounts) Structure
TBOSGRP - Service Line: Subcontractor Group
TBOSGRPT - Service Line: Subcontractor Group: Text
TBOSKLSH - Assignment of Costing Variant to Overhead (Sur/Disc) Strctre
TBOSSC01 - Subcontracting: Assignment of Conditions (MM, SD)
TBOSSC02 - Subcontracting: Assignment of Conditions (MM, SD)
TBOSSUPPLE - BOS Line: Subsequent Status
TBOSSUPPLET - Service Line: Texts for Subsequent Status
VBOS_UV - Bill of Services: Incompletion Check Fields

SAP Construction Equipment Management Tables IS-EC-CEM

/SAPCEM/ABLE - Reasons for Rejection - Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/ABLET - Texts for Reasons for Rejection - Settlement Calendar
/SAPCEM/ABRALGVG - SD Settlement PBE as TBE Old/New Logic
/SAPCEM/ABRLAUF - CEM SD Order Creation in Input (Settlement Runs)
/SAPCEM/ABSEMP - Structure for Batch Check in SD Documents
/SAPCEM/AB_ZUTAG - Settlement: Retirement Date Same as Acquisition Date
/SAPCEM/AUSGABEA - Structure for List Viewer Output of Current Stock
/SAPCEM/AUSGABEH - Structure for List Viewer Output of Historical Stock
/SAPCEM/AUSGABE_E - Structure for List Viewer Output -> Equipment Fields
/SAPCEM/AUSGABE_M - Structure for List Viewer Output -> Material Fields
/SAPCEM/BALBELEG - CEM Document Data SD Settlement
/SAPCEM/BALDAUER - Retention Period of Objects/Subobjects (Ctlg Tools/SmallEq.)
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM - Transfer Structure: Shipping Doc. No. for BAPI
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_CREATE_H - Transfer Structure Header Data Shipping Document (Create)
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_CREATE_I - Transfer Structure Item Data Shipping Document (Create)
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_CREA_I - Mapping Transfer Structure Item Data Shipping Document
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_CUSTOM - BAPI Transfer Structure Cust.-Spec. Fields/CEM Ship. Doc.
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_CUSTOMX - BAPI Flags for Customer-Specific Fields Ship. Doc. Header
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_HEAD - Shipping Document Header Data for BAPI
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_ITEM - Shipping Document Item Data for BAPI
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_UPD_H - Changeable Ship. Doc. Header Data for BAPI
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_UPD_HX - BAPI Flags for Shipping Document Header
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_UPD_I - Changeable Shipping Document Item Data for BAPI
/SAPCEM/BAPI_SDCEM_UPD_IX - BAPI Flags Shipping Document Item Data
/SAPCEM/BAPI_TE_J_3GBELK - Table Extension for Table J_3GBELK - Ship. Doc. Header Data
/SAPCEM/BAPI_TE_J_3GBELP - Table Extension for Table J_3GBELP - Ship. Doc. Item
/SAPCEM/BD01 - Planning: Default Values for Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BDKO - Header Data for Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/BDPO - Requisition Note Item
/SAPCEM/BDPO_UPD - Structure for Update /SAPCEM/BDPO
/SAPCEM/BDPO_UPD01 - Structure for Update of Fields in /SAPCEM/BDPO
/SAPCEM/BDPS - CEM Document Data for Transfer PS Requirements
/SAPCEM/BREAK - Break in User Names in FB J_3G_BREAK
/SAPCEM/BWART - Transaction Types for Generation CEM Ship. Doc. from MM
/SAPCEM/DISPOBER - Planning Areas
/SAPCEM/DISPOBET - Texts for Planning Areas
/SAPCEM/DISPOGRU - Planning Group
/SAPCEM/DISPOREP - Report Name for Planning
/SAPCEM/DISP_CLAS - Structure for Classification Subscreen (SAPLCTMS 0107)
/SAPCEM/EDP05 - IDoc: Document Item Conditions - CEM
/SAPCEM/EIGVER - Owner/Administrator in Selection Screens
/SAPCEM/EMTLADMA - Default Activity Type for Material
/SAPCEM/ENQ_BELP - Document Items Blocked Against Settlement
/SAPCEM/EQUI_INFO - Activity and Document Types in Equipment Price Info.
/SAPCEM/EQUI_INFO_CSS - Equipment Price Info. for Constr. Site Stock
/SAPCEM/EQU_KAP - Assignment of Equipment to Indiv. Capacity
/SAPCEM/FIPOS - Structure for FI Document Item Transfer
/SAPCEM/GENERAL - Planning: Structure for General Fields
/SAPCEM/HBEST - Structure for Update of Table J_3GHBEST
/SAPCEM/HBEST_W - Working Area for Historical Stock in Shipping Document
/SAPCEM/HEADER_J_3GABES - Header Data for Current Stock List J_3GABES
/SAPCEM/INDX - Storage for CEM Similar to INDX Table (Note 3992)
/SAPCEM/INV01 - Global Settings for Inventory
/SAPCEM/INV01S - Structure for Inventory General Fields - F1 Help, etc.
/SAPCEM/INV02 - Valid Administrator for Inventory
/SAPCEM/INVENTUR - Initial Entry of Stock Balances
/SAPCEM/INVKOPF - Structure for Header Data for Initial Entry of Stock Balance
/SAPCEM/INVPOS - Structure for Item Data for Initial Entry of Stock Balances
/SAPCEM/INV_DETAIL - Structure for Stock Item Detail
/SAPCEM/KATAL - Conversion Table for J_3GKATAL
/SAPCEM/KATTEXT - Texts for Catalog Data
/SAPCEM/KLA_ARB - Assignment Class -> Work Center
/SAPCEM/LGLADEF - Default Activity Type for PBE Report
/SAPCEM/LGORT - Define Recipients for Plant/Storage Location MM->ShipDoc.
/SAPCEM/LG_POS - Structure for Locking Item Data in PBE Report
/SAPCEM/LIST - Structure Selection of Allowed Doc. Cats for CEM Equipment
/SAPCEM/LISTFORM - FORM Routines for List Output
/SAPCEM/MATERIAL - Material Assignment to Appropriate Catalog
/SAPCEM/MITTLE - Intermediate Recipient per Organizational Structure
/SAPCEM/OBJECTS - Objects Where-Used List
/SAPCEM/PIBLART - Price Info.: Doc.Types Used for Price Dtrmntn per AvtySetTyp
/SAPCEM/PIVARLV - Activity Types Relevant to a Variant
/SAPCEM/PLTAB - Planning: Structure With Fields from Planning Board
/SAPCEM/PSKOKM - WBS Element per Controlling Area for Material Sales
/SAPCEM/PSPBUKRS - CEM Assignment WBS Element to Company Code
/SAPCEM/PT01 - Settings for CEM Planning Board
/SAPCEM/PT02 - Planning Board: Layout
/SAPCEM/PT02T - Planning Board: Layout
/SAPCEM/PT03 - Plannig Board: Graphical Element Type per Activity Type
/SAPCEM/PT04 - Charts for Planning Board
/SAPCEM/PT05 - Capacity Type for Work Center Requirements
/SAPCEM/PT06 - Definition of Charts
/SAPCEM/PT06T - Definition of Charts - Texts
/SAPCEM/PT07 - Overall Profile for Work Center Requirements
/SAPCEM/PT08 - CEM Planning Board: Planning Parameters
/SAPCEM/PT_ALL_FIELDS_CAP - Planning Board: All Possible Fields for Field Catalog (Equi)
/SAPCEM/PT_ALL_FIELDS_REQ - PLannig Board: All Possible Fields for Field Catalog (Req.)
/SAPCEM/PT_FIELDS_CAP - Plannig Board: Fields for Initial Field Catalog (Equi)
/SAPCEM/PT_FIELDS_REQ - Planning Board: Fields for Initial Field Catalog (Req)
/SAPCEM/PT_SEL_TAB - Structure: Selection Table Planning Board
/SAPCEM/PT_SORT_CAP - Planning Board: Fields for Initial Sort (Equi)
/SAPCEM/PT_SORT_REQ - Planning Board: Fields for Initial Field Catalog (Req)
/SAPCEM/RANGES - Structure of Ranges Table (for example, Select Options)
/SAPCEM/SALV1 - Structure for ABAP List Viewer: Requirements Overview
/SAPCEM/SALV2 - Structure for ABAP List Viewer - Equipment Hit LIst (Header)
/SAPCEM/SALV3 - Structure for ABAP List Viewer - Equipment Hit LIst (Item)
/SAPCEM/SALV4 - Structure for ABAP List Viewer - Confirmed Requirements
/SAPCEM/SARBPL - Structure: Work Center / Plant
/SAPCEM/SBDKO - Structure for Header Data for Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/SBDKO_EXNUM - Selection of Requisition Note Using External Doc. Number
/SAPCEM/SBDPO - Structure for Item Data for Requisition Note
/SAPCEM/SBEST1 - Structure: Selection Screen Stock Control
/SAPCEM/SBEST2 - Structure: Structure of Stock Table
/SAPCEM/SBEST3 - Structure: Display Original J_3GTBEST Record
/SAPCEM/SBEST4 - Structure: Removal Sequence With Removed Quantity
/SAPCEM/SBEST5 - Structure: Stock Table - Additional Data
/SAPCEM/SBEST6 - Structure: Stock Table + Additional Data
/SAPCEM/SBEST_ALV1 - Structure: Message Output for Location Setup - ALV
/SAPCEM/SCONF1 - Structure for Requirements Conflicts - Header
/SAPCEM/SCONF2 - Structure for Requirements Conflicts - Item
/SAPCEM/SCONFLICTS - Structure for Requirements Conflicts
/SAPCEM/SDB - Auxiliary Structure: Planning Area in Funct. Mod. Interface
/SAPCEM/SENQ_BELP_UPD - Structure: /SAPCEM/ENQ_BELP With Update Indicator
/SAPCEM/SFIELDS - Structure: General Fields With Reference to Data Dictionary
/SAPCEM/SHBEST_KEY - Structure: Key for J_3GHBEST
/SAPCEM/SHBEST_LFDNR - Structure: Determination of Next Seq. No. for J_3GHBEST
/SAPCEM/SHBEST_UPD - Structure: J_3GHBEST Update from J_3GTBEST
/SAPCEM/SHIPDOC_UPDA_HEAD - Communication Structure for Changing a Ship. Doc. Header
/SAPCEM/SHIPDOC_UPDA_HEADX - Checkbox Structure for Maintaining Ship. Doc. Header
/SAPCEM/SHIPDOC_UPDA_ITEM - Communication Structure for Changing Ship. Doc. Item
/SAPCEM/SHIPDOC_UPDA_ITEMX - Checkbox Structure for Maintaining Ship. Doc. Item
/SAPCEM/SMERK - Structure for Funct. Mod. CTMS_ENTER_VALUES (Table MTABLE)
/SAPCEM/SMSG - Structure: Message Collector
/SAPCEM/SMSG_ALV - Structure: Prepare Message Text for ABAP List Viewer
/SAPCEM/SPABRK_V - Block Settlment Calendar with Released Records
/SAPCEM/SRANGE1 - Structure: Ranges
/SAPCEM/STBEST_DEL - Structure: Delete J_3GTBEST Records
/SAPCEM/STBEST_KEY01 - Structure: J_3GTBEST Key from Resource
/SAPCEM/STBEST_KEY02 - Structure: J_3GTBEST Key from Recipient + Resource
/SAPCEM/STRUC_POPUP - Display Structure: Dialog Box for PBE Reports
/SAPCEM/SUB_LIST_CAT - Transfer Structure for Catalog Selection
/SAPCEM/S_PT01 - Data Fields Planning Board Settings
/SAPCEM/S_PT_CHART - Structure Chart Settings
/SAPCEM/S_PT_CUSTOMIZING - Customizing for CEM Planning Board
/SAPCEM/S_PT_LAYOUT - CEM Planning Board - Layout
/SAPCEM/TACT - Directory of Activities that can be Protected
/SAPCEM/TACTT - Description for Activities that can be Protected
/SAPCEM/UMLFIX - Redirecting of Acc. Assgnmnt for Fixed CO Object (4/5)
/SAPCEM/USERFIELDS - Customer-Specific Fields for Shipping Document Entry
/SAPCEM/USERFIELDSX - Checkbox Struct. Maintain Cust.-Spec. Fields Ship. Doc. Head
/SAPCEM/VARPI - Price Information: Define Variants
/SAPCEM/VARPIT - Price Information: Define Variants
/SAPCEM/VARSTR - Variable Structure for Calculating Values for Catalog Item
/SAPCEM/VBADATA - Structure Log Data CEM SD Settlement Run
/SAPCEM/VJ_3GBELK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/SAPCEM/VJ_3GBELP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
/SAPCEM/VSBLART - Document Type for Generated Shipping Documents from MM
/SAPCEM/VSMP - Assignment of Measuring Point in Ship. Doc. Entry
/SAPCEM/WF_EQUI - Workflow: Asset from Equi. Master Record, Default Values
/SAPCEM/ZULBA - Allowed Movement Types for MM Inventory Posting
/SAPCEM/ZULPART - Allowed Partner Functions per Document Type/Equipment Cat.
J_3GABEST - Current Stocks
J_3GABGRF - Removal Sequence - Activity Types
J_3GABGRFMAT - Removal Sequence for Materials
J_3GABRMTART - Settlement Indicator in CEM/MM per Material Type
J_3GADRESS - Address Structure with Update Indicator
J_3GANZEIG - Display Variants List Tool
J_3GANZVAR - Display Variants - Link to INDX
J_3GARCHIV - CEM Archiving Lists
J_3GAUSART - Settlement Calendar
J_3GAUSATX - Settlement Calendar, Acty Type Times, Language-Dependent
J_3GAUSSTR - Output Structure for Interpolation Module
J_3GBAMTART - Allowed Material Types per Document Type
J_3GBBEW_ALV1 - First List Information for the reports J_3GBBEW and J_3GBAUB
J_3GBBEW_ALV2 - J_3GSecond List Informatio for reports J_3GBBEW and J_3GBAUB
J_3GBELAMA - Assign Sale/Repurchase for Material Deliveries
J_3GBELART - Document Types
J_3GBELEGA - General Data Fields for Document Header and Items
J_3GBELEGDATEN - CEM Document Data SD Settlement
J_3GBELEGV - Administrative Data for CEM Documents
J_3GBELK - Document File - Header Data
J_3GBELKO - Recipient Type per Document Type
J_3GBELP - Document Data - Item Data
J_3GBELPS - Structure for Update J_3GBELP
J_3GBELP_ALT - Document Data - Item Data
J_3GBELP_M - Minimum Number of Fields Required to Create Shipping Doc.
J_3GBELP_S - Structure Shipping Document Item for Entry of Shipping Doc.
J_3GBENUTZ - User-Defined Fields
J_3GBERGR - (Recipient) Authorization Groups
J_3GBERGRT - Authorization Group Texts
J_3GBESART - Inventory Management Type
J_3GBESTFART - Inventory Management Type
J_3GBESTFARTT - Texts for Inventory Management Type
J_3GBKNA1 - Append to Structure BKNA1 for Batch Input Customer Master
J_3GBLARTS - Structure for Document Types
J_3GBLARTT - Document Type Texts
J_3GCOFIX - Account Determination Using Fixed CO Object
J_3GCOOBJ - CO Objects
J_3GDEMEQUI - Default Recipient for Equipment per Organizational Structure
J_3GDEMPERS - Default Recipient for Personnel Performance per Org. Struct.
J_3GDRUCK - CEM: Processing Programs for Print Control
J_3GDRUCK_PARAM - Print Parameters per User
J_3GDYNPRF - Help Fields for Screen
J_3GDYNPRO - Screens to be Processed
J_3GEIVERP - Owner/Administrator Leasing Types
J_3GEIVERS - Owner/Administrator Master Record
J_3GEIVERT - Owner/Administrator Description
J_3GEIVESS - Structure for Owner/Administrator Master Data
J_3GEMPFBFART - Assign Inventory Mgmt Type to Rcpnt Type/Actvty Type
J_3GEMPFT - Recipient Type Texts
J_3GEMPR_ALV1 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV10 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV11 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV2 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV3 - Structure For J_3GEMPR_
J_3GEMPR_ALV4 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV5 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV6 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV7 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV8 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMPR_ALV9 - Structure For J_3GEMPR
J_3GEMTLAD - Assignment Recipient Types-Activity Types Default
J_3GEQBSTP - Inventory Management Check per Equipment Type
J_3GEQUIS - Include Structure for Equi. Master Record
J_3GEQUIVO - Default Values for CEM Equipment Data
J_3GEQUMP - Assignment of Measuring Point to Equipment
J_3GEQUNR_LOCK - Structure for Blocking Equipment for Package Type
J_3GEQUZS - Include Structure for EQUZ
J_3GERLMTART - Allowed Material Types
J_3GEVERPS - Structure for J_3GEIVERP
J_3GFAKSP - Billing Doc. Blocking Indicator Document Item CEM
J_3GFAKSPT - Billing Doc. Blocking Indicator Texts CEM
J_3GFEQUI - External Equipment Type
J_3GFEQUIT - External Equipment Type Texts
J_3GFRISTBTLA - Deadline Logic per Document Type, Trans. Type and Acty Type
J_3GFRISTLAZU - Assign Activity Types to Deadline Surcharges
J_3GGBBKVB - Sales Area per Company Code/Business Area/Plant
J_3GGBKOMI - Include Structure for GBKOM
J_3GHBEST - Historical Stock
J_3GIENUMV - Internal/External Owner/Administrator Number Assignment
J_3GIMPTS - Measuring Points Document Entry (Structure)
J_3GINBEL - Customer Numbers Used in Documents
J_3GINDXST - Structure for J_3GINDX Equipment Values for Class
J_3GINNA_ALV1 - Structure for J_3GINNA
J_3GINNA_ALV2 - Structure for J_3GINNA
J_3GINNA_ALV3 - structure for J_3GINNA
J_3GINNA_ALV4 - Structure for J_3GINNA
J_3GINNA_ALV5 - Structure for J_3GINNA
J_3GINTFOR - Formula Definition for Costing (Interpolation)
J_3GINTNA1 - Formula Parameters for Costing (Interpolation)
J_3GJ000 - Condition Table for Price List Determination
J_3GKAL0 - Definitions for CEM Calendar Visualizations
J_3GKAL1 - Selection Parameters for CEM Calendar Visualization
J_3GKAL2 - Function Codes/Performs for CEM Calendar
J_3GKALEND - Settlement Calendar
J_3GKALKU2 - Internal Structure for Classes, Input Taken Place
J_3GKALS1 - Structure Nametab for Calendar Visualization
J_3GKALSM - Pricing Procedure Determination
J_3GKALSS - Structure for CEM Calendar Visualization
J_3GKATAL - Catalog
J_3GKATALS - Catalog Structure
J_3GKATEIN - Catalog
J_3GKATMER - Catalog Characteristics
J_3GKATSTR - Catalog Structure
J_3GKATZU - Default Catalog Code per Resource Type
J_3GKLASI1 - Include Structure for Class Enhancement (CEM)
J_3GKLATTR - Structure for Calendar Visualization Attributes
J_3GKNA1S - Include Structure in KNA1 for CEM Project
J_3GKNDMO - Conditions Modification on Screen
J_3GKOM - CEM SD Communication Structure Price Determination Item
J_3GKOMALT - Fields from Old Structure J_3GPRLKOP
J_3GKOMC - CEM - Allowed Fields for Account Determination
J_3GKOMJ - CEM - Allowed Fields for Condition Structures
J_3GKOMUSR - User Exit CEM Communication Structure Pricing for Item
J_3GKOMVD - CEM: Pricing Communication-Condition Record for Printing
J_3GKONDMO - Conditions Modification on Screen
J_3GKONZAB - Group Mapping
J_3GKSCHLFRIST - Deadline Logic per Condition Type
J_3GKSCHLUMB - Assign Condition Types for Transfer Postings
J_3GKSTINC - Include for BOM Header
J_3GLABET - Activity Types/Limits per Document Category
J_3GLADEKE - Loading Costs Indicator
J_3GLADEKT - Texts for Loading Costs Indicator
J_3GLAMTART - Activity Types per Material Type
J_3GLASE - Allowed Activity Types per Document Type
J_3GLEIARS - Structure for Activity Types J_3GLEIART
J_3GLEIART - Activity Types
J_3GLISTVAL - Auxiliary Structure for Output in the Form of Lists
J_3GLKAL - Structure for Assignment of Calendar Functions
J_3GLKOST - Default Loading Costs Indicator/Provision Fee
J_3GLVARTS - Structure for Activity Type/Settlement Type Texts J_3GLVARTT
J_3GLVARTT - Activity Type Texts
J_3GMATRIX - Structure for Entry Matrix, Operator's Report
J_3GMATRIX_ALT - Structure for Entry Matrix, Operator's Report
J_3GMCID - Matchcode ID Choice for Selecting PSP Elem. for Proj. Def.
J_3GMCVS - Communication Structure LIS CEM Shipping Document
J_3GMEMPF - Dominance Indicator per Document Type/Recipient Type
J_3GMTART - CEM/MM Inventory Mgmt per Material Type and Recipient Type
J_3GNUMKAU - Assignment of Number Ranges to Order Types for CEM
J_3GPACHTV - Lease Settlement
J_3GPAKK - Package Header Data
J_3GPAKKT - Package Description
J_3GPAKKTS - Structure for Package Header + Short Text for Package
J_3GPAKP - Package Item Data
J_3GPAKPS - Structure for Update J_3GPAKP
J_3GPAKPTS - Structure for Package Item + Short Text for Resource
J_3GPAKS - Structure for Package BOM
J_3GPLKAT - Assignment Price List - Condition Types - Catalogs
J_3GPLKOPF - Price List Header
J_3GPMCO2 - Cost Structure: Job Key Figures (PMIS)
J_3GPOSM - Structure for BOM Items with Chars and Char. Values
J_3GPOSTAB - Internal Item Structure
J_3GPRL - CEM Entry/Output Fields for Price List Maintenance
J_3GPRLHD - CEM Price Lists Condition Header
J_3GPRLHDV - CEM Price Lists Condition Header Post Structure
J_3GPRLIST - CEM Price List Data
J_3GPRLISV - CEM Price List Data Post Structure
J_3GPRLKOK - CEM Price List Communication Header
J_3GPRLKOP - CEM Price List Communication Item
J_3GPSTINC - Include Structure for BOM Items
J_3GRF02D - Include Structure Screen and Work Fields Customer Master
J_3GRILOCS - Include Structure in RILOCP for CEM
J_3GRSDSTABS_ALT - Corresponds to Structure RSDSTABS Rel. 3.0F (Conversion)
J_3GSPAKP - Structure for Resource Block
J_3GSTATUS - Single Display-Relevant Status of Object
J_3GSTDANZ - Users Allowed to Create Standard Display Variants
J_3GSTERNV - Standard Allocation Table
J_3GSTEUM - Internal Settlement/Writing Invoices (Tax Matrix)
J_3GSTLAKT - Activation File/Buffer for BOMs
J_3GSTLKOPF - Header Data for Equipment BOMs
J_3GSTLPOS - Item Data for Equipment BOMs
J_3GSTR001 - (Auxiliary) Structure for Stock Determination
J_3GT370S - Structure Indicator for Catalog
J_3GT370ST - Structure Indicator for Catalog Texts
J_3GT370TS - Include Structure in T370T for CEM
J_3GT685I - CEM: Include for Table T685
J_3GT685S - Include Structure for Table T685
J_3GTBEST - Temporary Stock
J_3GTBESTS - Structure with Temporary Stock for Update
J_3GTCHLP - Auxiliary Table for Joint Venture Trans. Calls (SAPMJ3GO)
J_3GTPMK - Cost Key Figures of the Maintenance Order
J_3GTPMKT - Texts for Cost Key Figures of the Maintenance Order
J_3GTVAKI - Include for Table TVAK (Sales Document Types)
J_3GTVKO - Customer Internal Settlement per Sales Organization in CEM
J_3GTVTAI - CEM: Include for Table TVTA
J_3GUMLENK - Redirection of Account Determination
J_3GVBAKI - CEM: Include for Table VBAK
J_3GVBAP - Additional Data CEM SD Document Item
J_3GVBAPS - Include Structure SD Order Item CEM-Specific
J_3GVBAPZ - Include Structure SD Order Item Additional Data CEM-Specific
J_3GVBRKI - CEM: Include for Table VBRK
J_3GVBRP - CEM Additional Data for VBRP
J_3GVBRPS - Include Structure Billing Item (CEM)
J_3GVBRPZ - Include Structure Billing Item Additional Data (CEM)
J_3GVBRP_Z - Frozen Data from VBRP Conversion
J_3GVERSI - Tax/Insurance Data
J_3GVERSIS - Structure for J_3GVERSI
J_3GWFCEM - CEM: Default Values for Workflow
J_3GZETYPS - Structure for Assignment Rcpnt Cat. - Ref. Type j_3g_zuetyp
J_3GZUABGR - Reason for Acquisition/Withdrawal
J_3GZUABGT - Reason for Acquisition/Withdrawal - Texts
J_3GZUEIGN - Leasing Table
J_3GZUETYP - Recipient Type Assignment
J_3GZVBAP - Backup Table for CEM Data in Rel. 3.0
J_3G_RSDSTABS_ALT - Tables and any Differing Field Names for Dynamic Selections
J_3G_X031L_ALT - Auxiliary Structure due to Conversion (see: X031L from 3.0F)