SAP Tables | Office Suite Program | Bank Components SAP IS

SAP IS Bank Components Tables (IS-B)

SAP Bank Components Tables IS-B

BAPIACC - OR: ACCOUNT, Internal and External Keys
BAPIDERIV - OR: DERIVATIVE, Internal and External Keys
BAPIDIM - OR: FIELD NAME, Field Name of Dimension in RMB
BAPIFX - OR: FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Internal and External Keys
BAPILOAN - OR: LOAN, Internal and External Keys
BAPIMONEY - OR: MONEY MARKET, Internal and External Keys
BAPIOBJDET - OR: IS-B OBJECT, Detailed Characteristics (from RM, not ISV)
BAPIOBJFIX - OR: IS-B OBJECT, ISV-Fix Characteristics (from RM)
BAPIOBJNR - OR: OBJNR, Internal Number of Financial Object in ISB
BAPIRMB - OR: RMB, Risk Management Area
BAPISECPOS - OR: SECURITY POSITION, Internal and External Keys
BAPISECUR - OR: SECURITY, Internal and External Keys
BAPI_METHD - Control from RM_FIMA of Open Reporting Interface
FCODE_EXCL - OPEN reporting: Structure for F code in status
IBKK_COUNTER - Number of Units per Client
ISBORIG_PARAM - Reporting Parameters: Properties of Original Transactions
JBACDLI - List of conditions
JBACDLITY - Condition List Types
JBACDLITY_T - Name of Condition List Type
JBACDLI_RFACC - Source of Condition List from Reference Account

JBACDLI_T - Description of Condition List
JBACDPERTY - Permitted Condition Types for List Types
JBAFOKOKO - Condition Header
JBAFOKOPO - Condition Items
JBAFORM_FORMULA - SAP Banking Form Values (a Coordinate)
JBASAKOKO - Collective Conditions, Condition Header
JBASNKOKO - Condition Maintenance Header Structure
JBASNKOND - Additional Attributes for Condition Maintenance
JBASNKOPO - Condition Maintenance Item Structure
JBASTCD_KEY - Key for Read Access to Standard Conditions
JBASTCH - Standard Conditions: Condition Header
JBASTCP - Standard Conditions: Condition Item
JBA_STR_OZ_RATE_FOR_ALM - For Determination of Opportunity Interest Rate for ALM
JBCVERR - Error Return Structure
JBDBEWEG - Flow Information for Selection
JBDGS01 - Regul.Reporting ID Fields JBDGSCH EDT (INCLUDE Structure)
JBDKK01 - Regul.Reporting JBDKKON ID Fields EDT SI (INCLUDE Structure)
JBDKK02 - Regul.Reporting JBDKKON ID Fields EDT (INCLUDE Structure)
JBDLSZA - Type 2 Cash Flow Disturbance (Shifting of a Payment)
JBDMKFGDT - Risk Object: Required/Optional Control
JBDMKM - Costing Objects
JBDMKSECU - Addition to Req./Opt.Control for Security Class Data
JBDOB01 - Regul.Reporting ID Fields JBDOBJ1 EDT (INCLUDE Structure)
JBDOBJEUR - Additional Fields for Finance Object (EURO Conversion)
JBDOBJZU - STC Additional Data for Financial Object
JBDSERV - SAP Banking: Master Table for Service Transactions
JBDSTAMM - Structure for Securities Master Data
JBDUBPC - Profit Center - Non-Interest-Bearing Position
JBDUBPCGR - Profit Center Group - Non-Interest-Bearing Position
JBDUBPO - Position Items for Non-Interest-Bearing Position
JBDUBST - SAP Banking: Non-Interest-Bearing Position
JBDUBT - Text for Non-Interest-Bearing Positions
JBDWFW - Bank PA - Non-Calculated Value Fields
JBDZSEK - Cash Flow (Effective Capital and NIM between Payment Dates)
JBDZSVO - Cash Flow (Volume Information)
JBDZSZT - SAP Banking: Cash Flow (Interest and Repayment Schedule)
JBFDURFC - Transfer Structure for Example with RFC
JBICFDAR - Loans for Cash Flow Generation
JBIDBLE - Control Fields for DB Access

JBIESERV - Receiver Structure for Services for User
JBIFRIS - Structure for Core Deposit Products
JBIKUGW - Structure for Determining Realized Gains/Losses
JBILIST - Structure for Outputting a List
JBIMKS1 - Required/Optional Control for Transfer Categories
JBIOBJZU - Additional Fields from JBDOBJZU for EDT
JBIPEBP - Include for EDT Business Partner, Single Trans. Cost., Long
JBIPKOB - Credit Limit Receiver Structure - Large
JBIPMBP - Bus.Part.Processing Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIPMDA - Loans Processing Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIPMKK - Account Processing Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIPMOB - Objects Processing Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIPMSP - Processing Structure for Savings-Data Rel.for Regul.Report.
JBIPMWO - Processing Structure for Open Spot Sec.Trans.(RR-Rel.Data)
JBIPREP - Structure for Prepayment Percentage Rates
JBIPROT - Structure for Log Entries
JBIREFEREN - Structure for transferring reference intest rates
JBISAKNR - G/L Accounts from-to
JBISELBEW - Structure for Selecting Position Flows
JBIUB - Non-Interest-Bearing Positions + Additions for Costing
JBIUBDL - Lock Structure for Positions (Listed Derivatives)
JBIUBPO - Position Items; BUKRS
JBIUBSE - Receiver Structure for Position Objects
JBIUBSEL - Structure for JBDUBST (Instead of Category)
JBIUBST - Transfer Structure for Position Objects (Internal)
JBIUBWE - Receiver Structure for Position Values (External)
JBIUCOMM - Transfer Structure for Commercial Paper
JBIUDEL - Lock Structure for Forex
JBIUDER - Batch Input Structure for Derivatives
JBIUDEV - Batch Input Structure for Forex
JBIUEBP - Include for EDT Bus. Partner, Sngl. Trans. Cost. Part, Short
JBIUFEST - Transfer Structure for Fixed-Term Deposits
JBIUFHA - Receiver Structure for Financial Transactions
JBIUFOREX - Receiver Structure: Forex Transactions
JBIUFRA - Receiver Structure: FRA
JBIUGEL - Batch Input Structure for Money Market Trading
JBIUKOB - Receiver Structure Objects CL-Relevant Data
JBIUKUMS - Receiver Structure for Account Turnovers
JBIULISTR - Receiver Structure for Stock Transactions

JBIUMBP - Bus.Part.Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIUMDA - Loans Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIUMDATA - Receiver Struct: Class Data for Listed Derivatives
JBIUMKK - Account Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIUMOB - Objects Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIUMSI - Collateral Receiver Structure - Data Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBIUMSP - Receiver Structure for Savings (RR-Relevant Data)
JBIUMWO - Receiver Structure for Open Spot Sec.Trans (RR-Rel.Data)
JBIUNIT - Internal Structure for Check Modules
JBIUPART - Receiver Structure for Transferring Business Partners
JBIUPER - Receiver Structure for Transferring Period Values
JBIUPFOREX - Extended Receiver Structure - Forex
JBIUPFRA - Extended Receiver Structure - FRA
JBIUPGEHA - Extended Transfer Struct. for Money Mkt. Transactions
JBIUPKUMS - Extended Receiver Structure for Turnovers
JBIUPLISTR - Extended Receiver Struct. for Stock Exch.Transactions
JBIUPPART - Extended Transfer Structure for Business Partner
JBIUPSECDA - Extended Receiver Structure for Security Class Data
JBIUPSWAP - Extended Receiver Structure for Swaps
JBIUPTSAL - Extended Receiver Structure for Daily Balances
JBIUPZPA - Central business partners
JBIUSECDA - Receiver Structure for Security Class Data
JBIUSERV - Receiver Structure for Services - Internal
JBIUSTAMM - Master Data Structure for Financial Transactions
JBIUSWAP - Receiver Structure Swap
JBIUTSAL - Receiver Structure for Daily Balances
JBIUTSAL2 - New Receiver Structure for Daily Balances
JBIUWPL - Lock Structure for Security Positions
JBIUWPOL - Lock Structure for SAP Banking
JBIUZBEW - EDT Include for Additional Flows
JBIUZKON - Structure for Interest Terms
JBIUZKOND - EDT Include for Interest Terms
JBIUZPA - Central business partners
JBIXPART - Processing Structure for Transferring Business Partners
JBI_DYN_BBEW - Structure for Screen Position Changes
JBI_DYN_WPORD - Screeen Structure for Security Orders
JBI_ZABGR_PROT - Structure for Log Output
JBKLOBJ1 - Segment Table for Financial Transactions, CL Part
JBORADDDIM - OR: ISV, Additional Dimensions to RMB (only CHAR)
JBORADDFIX - OR: ISV, Additional Fix Dimensions (CHAR, not BP-Relevant)
JBRPHDEPD - Path Description for Portfolio Hierarchy
JBR_STR_SOFT_MOD_4712_IN - Demo: Incoming Structure for modifications from Note 4712
JBR_STR_SOFT_MOD_4712_OUT - Demo: Outgoing Structure for Modifications from Note 4712
JBSAN01 - Regulatory Reporting - Class (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSBETFE - Substructure for Amount Fields in Report Data Record
JBSBLAND - Structure for Country Information Rel.for Regul.Reporting
JBSBPIN - Include for BP Table BP1030 - Regulatory Reporting
JBSBS01 - Regulatory Reporting - Position (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSBS02 - Position Values for Regulatory Reporting (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSDA01 - Loans Table for Regulatory Reporting (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSDA02 - Regulatory Reporting VDARL ID Fields EDT (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSDA03 - Regul.Reporting VDARL ID Fields EDT SI (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSDA04 - Regul.Reporting JBSDARL ID Fields EDT SI (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSDATFE - Substructure for Date Fields in Report Data Record
JBSEI01 - Tables for Own Institute Values (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSGPAFE - Substructure for Business Partner Fields
JBSKENFE - Substructure for Indicator in Report Data Record
JBSKK01 - Regulatory Reporting - BP Account (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSKK02 - BP Account Values for Regul.Reporting (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSKK03 - Regul.Reporting JBSKKON ID Fields EDT SI (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSKONT - Structure of JBSKKON/JBSKKOW, All Fields
JBSKURFE - Substructure for Rates + Prices in Report Data Structure
JBSMDS - SAP Report Data Record (only as structure due to size)
JBSNUMFE - Substructure for Numbers in Report Data Record
JBSOB01 - Regulatory Reporting - Object Table (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSPROFE - Substructure for Percentage Rates in Report Data Record
JBSRANGE22 - RANGES Structure - Structure Type for Interface
JBSRANGES2 - RANGES Structure - Structure Type for Interface
JBSRANGES4 - RANGES Structure - Structure Type for Interface
JBSREFTEX1 - Reference Texts for SAMBA (Loans of 1 Million Plus)
JBSREFTEX2 - Reference Texts for SAMBA (Large-Scale and Corporate Loans)
JBSREFTEXT - Text Table for SAMBA Reference Text Table
JBSSAM01 - Regulatory Reporting - Grouping Objects (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSSAMBA - Structure of Reporting Data Record Extended for SAMBA
JBSSAMBABR - Industry Fields for SAMBA
JBSSAMBAK - Required Header for SAMBA Transfer File
JBSSAMBAK2 - Required Header for SAMBA Transfer File
JBSSAMOB - Regulatory Reporting - Grouping Objects
JBSSASIC - Collateral Formatting for SAMBA
JBSSI01 - Regulatory Reporting - Collateral (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSSI02 - Reporting Reporting JBSSICH ID Fields EDT (INCLUDE Struct.)
JBSSICFE - Collateral Fields for SAMBA
JBSSICH - Regulatory Reporting - Collateral
JBSSK01 - Additional FI Account Information (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSSKB1 - IS-B: Additional FI account info.(Regulatory Reporting)
JBSSP01 - Regulatory Reporting - Savings (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSSPAR - Regulatory Reporting - Savings
JBSSTEFE - Substructure for Control Fields in Reporting Data Record
JBSSTEU - Table for Dynamic Field Allocation Control
JBSSTSIC - Control Table for Formatting Collateral
JBSTECFE - Substructure for Technical Information in Report Data Rec.
JBSTEXFE - Substructure for Texts in Report Data Record
JBSTREFE - Substructure for Treasury Fields in Report Data Record
JBSUBPM - Structure of Required Fields for Bus.Partner Transfer
JBSUDA1 - INCLUDE Structure for RR Transfer - Loans
JBSUDAM - Structure of Required Fields for Loans Transfer
JBSUKK1 - INCLUDE Structure for RR Transfer - Account
JBSUKKM - Structure of Required Fields for Account Transfer
JBSUNPACK - Control Table for Conversion of CHAR to NUMC (SAMBA)
JBSUOBM - IS-B: Structure of required fields for object transfer
JBSUSI1 - IS-B: INCLUDE structure for RR transfer - collaterals
JBSUSIM - IS-B: Structure of required fields for collateral transfer
JBSUSP1 - IS-B: INCLUDE structure for RR transfer of savings
JBSUSPM - Structure of Required Fields for Transferring Savings
JBSUWO1 - INCLUDE Struct.for RR Transfer of Open Spot Sec.Trans.
JBSUWOM - Struct.of Req.Fields for Transfer.Open Spot Sec.Trans.
JBSWAEFE - Substructure for Currencies in Report Data Record
JBSWO01 - Non-Fulfilled Securities Spot Trans.(INCLUDE Structure)
JBSWO02 - Regul.Reporting VWORDE ID Fields for EDT (INCLUDE Structure)
JBSWPOFF - Open, Non-Fulfilled Spot Securities Transactions (RR)
JBSZINFE - Substructure for Interest Rates in Report Data Record
JBTAUSVER - Disbursement Procedure (Loans) - Customizing
JBTAUSVERT - Disbursement Procedure (Loans) - Customizing (Texts)
JBTBACKUP - Backup Table for Saving Tables
JBTBEWWERT - Assignment of Flow Type to Value Fields
JBTBEWZUSA - Additional Information for Flow Types
JBTBREL - Relevance Indicator for Flow Types
JBTCAUSVER - Disbursement Procedure for Loan Transactions
JBTFGBEWEG - Financial Transaction (Flow Data)
JBTFGKOND - Financial Transaction (Condition Items)
JBTFGKOPF - Financial Transaction (Activity Data)
JBTFGSTAMM - Financial Transaction (Master Data)
JBTICOB - Financial Object Data for Costing
JBTKZEIT - Costing Times
JBTLOBEWEG - Loans (Flow Data)
JBTLOKOND - Loans (Condition Items)
JBTLOKOPF - Loans (Condition Header)
JBTLOSTAMM - Loans (Master Data)
JBTOSTRUCT - Table Structure for Storing DB Table
JBTPRCTR - Range Structure for Profit Centers
JBTRANGE - Range Structure for G/L Accounts
JBTSAKNPRC - Results Structure for Value Field Reconciliation
JBTTABNAME - Table Name of Customizing Table
JBVTOBJE - Extended Object Structure for Costing
KCD_TYPADD - EDT: Additional Specifications for Certain Trans. Categories
LBTEST1 - test
RJBTKF - Additional Fields for Maintaining Flex. Procedures
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking

SAP Bank Customer Accounts Tables IS-B-BCA

SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
SI_JBS_BPA - Collateral Structure for Report Info rel. to SAP Banking
/FSCAA/ADD_PARTNER - additional partner
/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP - Additional search helps
/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP - Additional search helps
/FSCAA/ADD_SHLP - Additional search helps
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/AM_ACCOUNT_AVL_AMNT - Available amount
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/APPMAP - BAPI Structures assigned to application
/FSCAA/BANK_INFO - Bank Information
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BANK_SEARCH - Criteria for Bank Search
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL - business partner: central data
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GRO - Business partner: group data
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORG - business partner: central data groups
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PER - business partner: central data person
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS_ALL_TYPES - businesspartner: all types
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS_ALL_TYPES - businesspartner: all types
/FSCAA/BAPIBUS_ALL_TYPES - businesspartner: all types
/FSCAA/BP_ADDR - BP Search Result Address
/FSCAA/BP_ADDR - BP Search Result Address
/FSCAA/BP_ADDR - BP Search Result Address
/FSCAA/BP_ADDR - BP Search Result Address
/FSCAA/BP_ADDR - BP Search Result Address
/FSCAA/BUPA_ROLES - Structure for BP Roles
/FSCAA/BUPA_ROLES - Structure for BP Roles
/FSCAA/BUPA_ROLES - Structure for BP Roles
/FSCAA/DESTI - Destinations of applications supported by FS-CAA
/FSCAA/DESTI - Destinations of applications supported by FS-CAA
/FSCAA/DESTI - Destinations of applications supported by FS-CAA
/FSCAA/FIELDMAP - Map BAPI structures to internal structures
/FSCAA/FIELDMAP - Map BAPI structures to internal structures
/FSCAA/FIELDMAP - Map BAPI structures to internal structures
/FSCAA/FIELDMAP - Map BAPI structures to internal structures
/FSCAA/FIELDMAP - Map BAPI structures to internal structures
/FSCAA/IF_CLASS - Relation Interfaces and Classes
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
/FSCAA/PAYMMENT_DEFAULTS - Payment defaults values
BAL_S_IHCRVS - IHC Log for Reversal
BAPI_BKK_STR_PRENOTE_CHG - BAPI Structure for Prenote Change
BAPI_BKK_STR_PRENOTE_CR - BAPI structure for Prenote creation data
BAPI_BKK_STR_PRENOTE_DET - BAPI structure for Prenote details
BAPI_BKK_STR_PRENOTE_ID - BAPI structure for Prenote Identifier
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_ADD_STATUS - Extended Account Status
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_COMM_PARAM - Common Parameter for Account BAPIs
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_FIELD - Account Fields, Field Modification, Product Default Key Val.
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_IDENTIF - Account Identification
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_LIST - Business Partner Account List
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_MDATA - Master Data Account: General
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_MDATAIN - Master Data Account: General
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_MDATAINX - Account Master Data: General
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_OP_MDATA - Account Operative Data
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_OP_MDATAIN - Account Operative Data
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_OP_MDATAINX - Account Operative Data
BAPI_IBKK_ACCNT_PERIOD - Account Periodicity
BAPI_IBKK_ACCOUNT_FIELD - BAPI: Account Fields, Defaults
BAPI_IBKK_BALNOT_HEADER - Balance Notification Header
BAPI_IBKK_BAL_CTRL - Control Indicatior for Account Balancing
BAPI_IBKK_BAL_CTRLIN - Control Indicator for Account Balancing
BAPI_IBKK_BAL_CTRLINX - Control Indicator for Account Balancing
BAPI_IBKK_BKSTAT_HEADER - BCA: Bank Statement Header for Bank Statement BAPI
BAPI_IBKK_BUS_PARTNER - Account Businesspartner Relationship
BAPI_IBKK_BUS_PARTNER_IN - Account Business Partner Relationship
BAPI_IBKK_BUS_PARTNER_INX - Account Business Partner Relationship
BAPI_IBKK_CHECKS - Account: Checks
BAPI_IBKK_CHECKSIN - Account: Checks
BAPI_IBKK_CURR_CHANGE_OVER - Account Currency Change
BAPI_IBKK_FORWD_HEADER - BAPI Forward order Header
BAPI_IBKK_FORWD_RECEIVER - BAPI Forward order receiver
BAPI_IBKK_FW_NT - BAPI: Table of Payment Notes Lines
BAPI_IBKK_IND_CONDITION - Individual Condition: Header
BAPI_IBKK_IND_CONDITION_IN - Individual Condition: Header
BAPI_IBKK_IND_CONDITION_INX - Individual Condition: Header
BAPI_IBKK_IND_COND_POS - Individual Condition: Position
BAPI_IBKK_IND_COND_POS_IN - Individual Condition: Position
BAPI_IBKK_IND_COND_POS_INX - Individual Condition: Position
BAPI_IBKK_NOTICE_RULE - Notice on Amount: Notice Rule
BAPI_IBKK_NOTICE_RULEX - Notice on Amount: Notice Rule
BAPI_IBKK_PARA_ACCNT_LIST - Business Partner Account List
BAPI_IBKK_PROD_IDENTIF - Internal Product Identifier
BAPI_IBKK_REF_ACCOUNT - Account Reference Account
BAPI_IBKK_REF_ACCOUNT_IN - Account Reference Account
BAPI_IBKK_REF_ACCOUNT_INX - Account: Reference Account
BAPI_IBKK_SO_MDATA - Standing Order
BAPI_IBKK_SO_MDATA_IN - Standing Order
BAPI_IBKK_SO_NOTES - Standing order notes
BAPI_IBKK_SO_NT - BAPI: Table of Payment Notes Lines
BAPI_IBKK_SO_NTX - BAPI: Table of Payment Notes Lines
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_ADRESS - Correspondence Address
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_ADRESS_INT - Bank Statement: Bank Internal Addresses
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_BAL_DATA - Bank Statement: Balancing Data
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_HEADER - Account Statement: Header
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_PAYM_NOTES - Account Statement: Payment Notes
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_RECEIVER - BCA: Bank Statment Receiver
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_RUNDATA - BCA: Bank statement run data
BAPI_IBKK_STAT_TURN_OVER - Bank statement: Turn Over
BAPI_IBKK_STD_COND_POS - Position of standard condition
BAPI_IBKK_STR_ACCNT_DTL - BAPI Get List Import Parameters
BAPI_IBKK_STR_ACCOUNT - BAPI Get List Import Parameters at aggregation level Account
BAPI_IBKK_STR_ACCOUNT_LIST - Account Master and Flow Data Structure
BAPI_IBKK_STR_PARTNER - BAPI Get List Import Parameters at aggregation level partner
BAPI_IBKK_STR_RNG_ACNUM_EXT - Structure for Range Table Category External Account Numbers
BAPI_IBKK_STR_RNG_ACNUM_INT - Structure for Range Table Category Internal Account Numbers
BAPI_IBKK_STR_RNG_BANK_AREA - Structure for Range Table Category Bank Area
BAPI_IBKK_STR_RNG_PARTNER - Structure for Range Table Category Business Partner
BAPI_IBKK_TC_BUPA_RLTYP_EXT - Business Partner Role Category for Total Commitment
BAPI_IBKK_TC_COMM_PARAM - Common Parameter for the Total Commitment BAPI
BAPI_IBKK_TC_IDNUM - External Partner Number
BAPI_IBKK_TC_LANGU - Total Commitment: Language Key
BAPI_IBKK_TERM - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt Savings
BAPI_IBKK_TERMIN - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt Savings
BAPI_IBKK_TERMINX - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt Savings
BAPI_IBKK_TERM_RULE - Master data term rule
BAPI_IBKK_TERM_RULEIN - Term master data
BAPI_IBKK_TERM_RULEINX - Master data term rule
BAPI_IBKK_TOTAL_COMMITMENT - Total Commitment Business Partner in BCA
BCAREVPO - Original PO and additional POs from currency swap
BCAREVPO_BS - Payment Items and Add. Payment Orders fm Curr. Convers. (AS)
BCA_PO_CHEQ_REL - Payment order and Cheque relationship for Banking
BCA_STR_DFKKCOH - Structure for Correspondence
BCA_STR_REVPO - Help Structure for Output of Incorrect Orders
BCA_STR_REVPO_BS - Internal Structure for Displaying Orders (Bank Statement)
BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT - Bank Cheque Report Structure
BCA_US_BANK_CHQ_REPORT_PRINT - Bank Cheque Report Struct For Print Report
BCA_US_BC_ADDR - Addresses Associated with Bank Cheques
BCA_US_BKK44A - Current account master data: Amount-dependent blocks
BCA_US_BKK_TD - BCA: Time deposit account data
BCA_US_BKK_TD_CERTIFICATE - BCA: Time Deposit Certificate
BCA_US_BUS000O - BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data
BCA_US_BUS000O_DI - BCA US: BP Incorporporation Data
BCA_US_BUT000 - US Specific Enhancements to BP
BCA_US_COMP - BCA US specific settings
BCA_US_DEA_ESCH - Escheat Accounts Data
BCA_US_DEA_HIST - Correspondence History
BCA_US_ESCHEAT - Fields for Dormancy and Escheat Procedures
BCA_US_IBKK44A - Bank current accounts: Amount-dependent blocks
BCA_US_IBKK44A_DI - Bank current accounts: Amount-dependent blocks
BCA_US_IBKK53 - Structure for amt-dependent block overview (table control)
BCA_US_MEMO_ITEM - Fields for memo items
BCA_US_MEM_ITEMS - Memo item table
BCA_US_OD_PLAN - Account master data: Overdraft plan
BCA_US_OD_REL - Accounts - US specific overdraft relation details
BCA_US_OD_TRANS - Transaction details for Overdraft protection
BCA_US_SBKKRS - Stucture for Bankarea
BCA_US_STR_BANK_CHQ_ITEM - Structure Used Hold Information about a single Bank Check
BCA_US_STR_BUT000_UPDATE - BP Incorporation Data update structure
BCA_US_STR_CHANGE_ITEM - Change structure used for memo item change table type
BCA_US_STR_CORR_REP_DISP - Report struct. for Dormancy and Escheat Corres. History
BCA_US_STR_DEA_ADD_PROP_REC - Escheat Additional Property Record
BCA_US_STR_DEA_HOLDER_REC - Escheat Holder Record
BCA_US_STR_DEA_PROPERTY_REC - Escheat Property Record
BCA_US_STR_DEA_REP_DISP - Report structure for Dormancy and Escheat Accounts
BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_REC - Escheat Summary Record
BCA_US_STR_DEA_SUMMARY_TOTALS - Escheat Summary Record Totals
BCA_US_STR_ITEM_NUMBERS - Item number structure for payment items
BKK01D - Bank area: Posting Date Payment Transactions/Balancing
BKK02 - Key Date for Archiving
BKK45_CORR - Correspondence Receiver Administration
BKK45_DISP_MAP - Map Format and Dispatch Type to Dispatch Control
BKK58 - Master Data Savings Prod: Fxd-Term Deposit, Installmnt Savgs
BKKARCHDATE - To Date of Archiving
BKKARCHDATEBUF - Temporary Database Buffer for Admin. of Archived Periods
BKKARCHDATEF - Archived Periods per Archiving Run
BKKARCHIVE - Structure for Various Archiving Fields
BKKARCPERIOD - Archived Periods
BKKARCPERIODFILE - Archived Periods per Archive File
BKKBENCH - Benchmark Results
BKKBENCHACBAL - Benchmark Results Account Balancing
BKKBENCHBKSTAT - Benchmark Results Bank Statement
BKKCORRACCNT - Auxiliary Table: Accounts for Adjustments
BKKCORRITEM - Auxiliary Table: Payment Items for Adjustments
BKKINDX - BCA: Cluster Table
BKKPOGISA - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1IDMU5
BKKPOGISH - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm E1IDKU6
BKKPOGISL - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Seg. E1IDT02
BKKPOGISP - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1EDLA1
BKKPOREFA - References for EDI Payments, Position, Amount Segment
BKKPOREFD - References to EDI Payments, Item, Date Segment
BKKPOREFL - References for EDI Payments, Header data, Long Texts
BKKPOREFN - References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Doc.Number Segment
BKKPOREFR - References for EDI Payments, Position, Ref. Data Segment
BKKSO - BCA: Standing Orders
BKKSONT - Payment Notes of Standing Orders
BKKSO_PACK - Saving Packages for Standing Order Posting
BKKSO_PAORN - BCA: Payment Orders of a Standing Order
BKKSO_VAR_AMNT - Standing Order: Variable Amounts
BKKTERM - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit and Installmt Savings
BKKTERMPPRC - Term Agreements in Postprocessing Status
BKK_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_ACCNT_PARTNER - Account Key and Business Partner
BKK_ADDRESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_ADDRESSINDEPENDENT_BANK - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_ADDRESSINDEPENDENT_BUSINES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_ADDRESS_USAGE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_AMOUNT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_AWOBPR - Structure of Field AWORG and AWREF for Object Cat. BKKPR
BKK_BANK - Bank details
BKK_BANKING_BUSINESS_TRANSACT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT_REC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_ENTRY_PAYMEN1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_ENTR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_ENTR3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_PAYMENT_BASE_BUSINES1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_PAYMENT_COMMUNICATIO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BANK_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BKST_CORR_REQ_DATA - Required data for bank statement correspondence
BKK_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAGE1 - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
BKK_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAGE2 - General information about a party that is responsible for se
BKK_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAGE3 - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
BKK_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAGE4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
BKK_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCU1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCU2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCU6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_CENTRAL_BANK_REPORT_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_CENTRAL_BANK_REPORT_REASO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLECTIVE_PAYMENT_ORDER_B - CollectivePaymentOrderBulkRequest_V1
BKK_COLLN_DATE - Structure for Range Table Category Collection Date
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_BULK_REQ_MS - CollectivePaymentOrderBulkRequestMessage_V1
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_MSG_V1 - CollectivePaymentOrderMessage V1
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1 - CollectivePaymentOrderRequest V1
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1BK_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1BK_IN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COLLV_PAYT_ORD_REQ_V1DEST7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_CONTACT_PERSON_INTERNAL_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text
BKK_DIRECT_DEBIT_MANDATE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_EXCHANGE_RATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_F4_FOR_BANKKEY - Fields for Bankkey F4 search help
BKK_F4_FOR_BANKKEY_CTY - Fields for Bankkey of country F4 search help
BKK_FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_FORM_OF_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_MANDATORY_BUS_PROC_CHN_ASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PARTNER_BEGRU - Business Partner Authorization Group
BKK_PARTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAR_INTERVAL - Assigned Intervals
BKK_PAYMENT_BASE_BUSINESS_TRA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_BASE_BUSINESS_TRA3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_DIFFERENCE_EXPLANA - A position in the explanation for difference in payment
BKK_PAYMENT_EXPLANATION_ITEM_V - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_MEDIUM_FORMAT_COD1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_ORDER2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_PURPO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_PURPO3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PAYMITEM_ID - Object id. structure for change documents(Payment item)
BKK_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PERSON_NAME_FORMAT_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PERSON_NAME_SUPPLEMENT_CO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_BK_ACCT_ENTR_PAYT_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY - BOCT Payment Transaction Party
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_CNTCT - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_ORG_I - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_PERS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_PERSN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_PHYS - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PLN_PAYT_TRANSAC_PTY_PHYS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PRENOTE - Prenotes
BKK_PRENOTE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_PRENOTE_REFERENCE - PrenoteReference is a unique reference to a prenote
BKK_PRNTE_REFENQ - Prenote Refernce Id Enqueue
BKK_RATE - Master Data for Installment Savings
BKK_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_STR_ACCCORR_C - Correspondence Receiver Administration(current)
BKK_STR_ACCCORR_O - Correspondence Receiver Administration(old)
BKK_STR_ACCHYCH_ID - Object id. struct. for change docs.(Acc.hierarchy)
BKK_STR_ACCNT_CLOSURE_RELEASE - Account Closure transfer Structure for release tool
BKK_STR_ACCNT_CLS - Structure for Account Closure Master data
BKK_STR_ACCRESUB_C - Account: Resubmission(current)
BKK_STR_ACCRESUB_O - Account: Resubmission(old)
BKK_STR_ACCT_DATA - BCA: Account Master Data
BKK_STR_ACC_BP - Relationship: Account - Business Partner
BKK_STR_ACC_BP_C - Relationship: Account - Business Partner(current)
BKK_STR_ACC_BP_O - Relationship: Account - Business Partner(old)
BKK_STR_ACC_CLS_REQD_DATA - Required structure for account closure correspondence
BKK_STR_ACC_COND - Condition Data for Account
BKK_STR_ACC_DAT - account master data
BKK_STR_ACC_DATA - BCA: Account Master Data
BKK_STR_ACC_DATA_CLS - BCA: Account Master Data
BKK_STR_ACC_ID - Object identification structure for Change Document
BKK_STR_ACC_LOCK_C - Account Master Data: Blocks(current)
BKK_STR_ACC_LOCK_O - Account Master Data: Blocks(old)
BKK_STR_ACNUM_EXT_RNG - Range Structure for External Account Identification
BKK_STR_ACNUM_INT_RNG - Range Structure for Internal Account Identification
BKK_STR_ADD_DATA - address details for BP
BKK_STR_AMT_NTC - Master Data for Notice and Allowances
BKK_STR_AMT_NTC_C - Master Data for Notice and Allowances(current)
BKK_STR_AMT_NTC_O - Master Data for Notice and Allowances(old)
BKK_STR_ARCH_OBJ_HELP - structure for archiving object help
BKK_STR_ARC_PRENOTE_ARCHKEY - Prenote Archive Key and Archive Location Details
BKK_STR_ARC_PRENOTE_DATA - Projection Structure for Archiving BKKPRENOTE
BKK_STR_ARC_PRENOTE_DAT_RT - Structure to Read/Check Residence Time Object BKKPRENOTE
BKK_STR_ARC_PRENOTE_LIST - Structure for Prenote List
BKK_STR_ARC_PRENOTE_SELECTION - Selection Structure for display of Prenotes
BKK_STR_AVAIL_BAL - Notice: Available Balance Series
BKK_STR_BAL_IND_C - Control Indicator for Account Balancing(current)
BKK_STR_BAL_IND_O - Control Indicator for Account Balancing(old)
BKK_STR_BAL_RUN - balancing runs since last stmt
BKK_STR_BKK43_COLL - structure for collection reference account
BKK_STR_BKK43_DISB - structure for disbursement reference account
BKK_STR_BKK51_COLDATE_RNG - Range Structure for Date of SubFinPayt Balance
BKK_STR_BKK51_CORR - Structure for Correction of SubFinPayt Balance
BKK_STR_BKK58 - Structure Containing Fields of BKK58
BKK_STR_BKKRS_ACCNT - Structure: Bank Area and Internal account number
BKK_STR_BKKRS_ACNUM - structure: bank area, internal and external acount number
BKK_STR_BKST_ADD - bank address details
BKK_STR_BKST_DATA - Identification Data
BKK_STR_BKST_HEAD - header data for bank statement
BKK_STR_BNOT_ADD - Address Data for Balance Notification
BKK_STR_BNOT_DATA - Balance Notification Correspondence Data
BKK_STR_BNOT_HEAD - Header Data for Balance Notification
BKK_STR_CHECKS - Position Manangement: General Data
BKK_STR_CHECKS_C - Account: Position Types Checks
BKK_STR_CHECKS_O - Account: Position Types Checks(old)
BKK_STR_CHECK_ID - Object id. structure for Change docs.(Means of pyt.)
BKK_STR_CHKSTACK_ID - Object id. structure for change docs.(check stacks)
BKK_STR_CLS_BP_DISP - DIsplay log for single closure
BKK_STR_CLS_CHEQUE_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_COND_DISP - DIsplay for closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_COND_POS_DISP - Display structure for condition positions in the closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_CON_POS_DISP - Display structure for condition positions in the closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_DDO_DISP - BCA: Structure for Direct Debit Orders
BKK_STR_CLS_EXCLUDE_CHKS - Account Closure checks which could be excluded
BKK_STR_CLS_HLD2REL_DISP - Display unreleased holds for closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_HOLD_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_HY_DISP - Display for single account closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_ITM_DCTRL_DISP - Display for single account closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_ITM_PPRC_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_ITM_SFP_DISP - Display for single account closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_ITM_VAL_DAT_DISP - Display for single account closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_IVA_DISP - Display IVA for closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_LIM_DISP - Display of limit details in the log screen
BKK_STR_CLS_LOCK_DISP - Locking reasons display for closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_NTC_DISP - display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_PLAN_ITM_DISP - Display for single account closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_PO_DCTRL_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_PO_PPRC_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_PO_TMP_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_PRENOTE_DISP - Display structure for Prenotes in the closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_SO_DISP - Display for single closure log
BKK_STR_CLS_TERM_DISP - Structure to display term details in the closure log
BKK_STR_CONDDETERM_ID - Object identifiaction structure for Condition determination
BKK_STR_CONDITION_ID - Object identification structure for Conditions
BKK_STR_COND_POS_C - Account: Individual Condition Position(current)
BKK_STR_COND_POS_O - Account : Individual Condition Position(old)
BKK_STR_COR_HIST_DISP - Display structure for Correspondence history
BKK_STR_CURCHGVR_C - Account: Currency Changeover(current)
BKK_STR_CURCHGVR_O - Account: Currency Changeover(old)
BKK_STR_CURR_CHANGE_PRENOTE - Structure for Prenotes Currency Changeover
BKK_STR_CUST_APP_C - Account: Customer Appends(current)
BKK_STR_CUST_APP_O - Account: Customer Appends(old)
BKK_STR_DB_FETCH - To decide if DB fetch is neccessary
BKK_STR_DIR_DEBT - Direct Debit Orders
BKK_STR_DIR_DEBT_C - Direct Debit Orders(current)
BKK_STR_DIR_DEBT_O - Direct Debit Orders(old)
BKK_STR_FIPRVALUES_ID - CD:structure for displaying changes in product
BKK_STR_FIXED_TERM - BCA: Fixed Term Master Data
BKK_STR_HOLDS_C - Account: Hold Amounts(current)
BKK_STR_HOLDS_O - Account: Hold Amounts(old)
BKK_STR_HY_ASSIGN - Acc.Hierarchy: Account Relationships
BKK_STR_HY_ROOT - Acc.Hierarchy: Assignment of Root Tree No.
BKK_STR_INDCOND_ID - Object id .structure for Change documents(ind.conditions)
BKK_STR_IND_COND_C - Account: Individual Condition(current)
BKK_STR_IND_COND_O - Account: Individual Condition(old)
BKK_STR_ITEM_DATA - Payment Item Data
BKK_STR_LIMITS - Account: Limits
BKK_STR_LIMITS_C - Account: Limits(current)
BKK_STR_LIMITS_ID - Object identification structure for Change Document (Limits)
BKK_STR_LIMITS_O - Account: Limits(old)
BKK_STR_LIMIT_DATA - limit details
BKK_STR_MASTER_DATA - Correspondence: Master Data for Form Class
BKK_STR_MAST_ACC_O - Account Master Data: Operative & General(old)
BKK_STR_MAST_DAT - Account Master Data: Operative & General
BKK_STR_MAST_DATA - Account Master Data: Operative & General(current)
BKK_STR_MAST_DAT_C - Account Master Data: Operative & General(current)
BKK_STR_MAST_DAT_CLS - Account Master Data: Operative & General
BKK_STR_MSG_COL_MESSAGE - Format for Return Code and its corresponding Message
BKK_STR_NOTICE - Notice: Partial Amt and Full Amt Notice
BKK_STR_NOTICE_C - Notice: Partial Amt and Full Amt Notice(current)
BKK_STR_NOTICE_O - Notice: Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice(old)
BKK_STR_OUT_PO - Outgoing Structure for Collective Payment Order for OPD
BKK_STR_PAYMORDER_ID - Object id. structure for change docs.(Payment Order)
BKK_STR_PAYM_ITEM - Payment Items
BKK_STR_PAY_NOTE - payment notes
BKK_STR_PEN_ITEM - interest penalty items
BKK_STR_PLANPAY_ID - Object id. Structure for Change Docs.(Planned payment order)
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_ACCNT - Structure for Prenote Table Control on Account
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_AUTH - Structure for Prenote Authorization
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_CHECKS - Structure for Prenote checks
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_DATA - Structure for input of Prenote data
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_DATE_AMOUNT - Structure for total prenote amount for a date
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_EXCLUDE_CHKS - Prenote checks which could be excluded
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_ID_INT_RNG - Range Structure for Prenote internal Id
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_KEY - Key fields of Prenote table
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_LIST - Structure for Prenote List
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_REF_ID_RNG - Range Structure for Prenote Reference Id
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Prenote Release
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_REL_KEY - Prenote Key Structure for release tool
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_SND_REL - Prenote Structure for Send for Release
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_STATUS_RNG - Range structure for Prenote Status
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_STATUS_TXT - Structure for Prenote status text
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_TYPE_RNG - Range structure for Prenote Type
BKK_STR_PRENOTE_UPDATE - Prenote Structure for Update
BKK_STR_PRODUCT_ID - Object id. structure for change docs.(Product)
BKK_STR_REF_ACC - Reference Accounts
BKK_STR_REF_ACC_C - Reference Accounts(current)
BKK_STR_REF_ACC_CLS - Reference Accounts
BKK_STR_REF_ACC_O - Reference Accounts(old)
BKK_STR_REQD_DATA - Correspondence: Is Data Required
BKK_STR_RNG_ACNUM_EXT - Structure for range of external account numbers
BKK_STR_RNG_PAYMET - Range structure for Payment Methods
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_ACNUMEXT - Range Structure for External Account Number
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_ACNUMINT - Range Structure for Account Number
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_BKKRS - Range Structure for Bank Area
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_ID - Range Structure for Prenote ID
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_REFID - Range Structure For Prenote Reference ID
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_STATUS - Range Structure for Prenote Status
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_TYPE - Range Structure for Prenote Type
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_VALIDFRM - Range Structure for Prenote Valid From
BKK_STR_RNG_PRNTE_VALIDTO - Range Structure for Prenote Valid To
BKK_STR_RNG_PROD_EXT - Ranges for external product ids
BKK_STR_RNG_PROD_INT - Range for internal product ids
BKK_STR_RNG_SONO - Range structure for Standing Order numbers
BKK_STR_RNG_STATUS_ADD - Ranges for status enhancements
BKK_STR_RNG_WAERS - Ranges for currency
BKK_STR_ROLLOVER_DETAIL_SCR - bkk_str_rollover_detail_scr
BKK_STR_STAN_ORDER - Standing Orders
BKK_STR_STORD_VAR_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Standing Order Release
BKK_STR_TERM_AGREE - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit
BKK_STR_TERM_CHECK - Structure to store all the check flag statuses
BKK_STR_TERM_COND - Condition Data For Fixed Term
BKK_STR_TERM_CUST_DATA - Structure: For fixedterm customizing data
BKK_STR_TERM_END - Structure for Range Table Category Term End
BKK_STR_TERM_LOCK - Term Agreements Lock
BKK_STR_TERM_MAST - Master Data: Fixed-Term Deposit
BKK_STR_TERM_MASTER_DATA - Structure that stores the term master data
BKK_STR_TERM_REQD_DATA - Structure to store all the required flags
BKK_STR_TERM_START - Structure for Range Table Category Term Start
BKK_STR_TME_PERD_C - Account: Time Periods(current)
BKK_STR_TME_PERD_O - Account: Time Periods(old)
BKK_STR_TRM_AGMT - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit
BKK_STR_TRM_AGRE_C - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit (current)
BKK_STR_TRM_AGRE_O - Term Agreement for Fixed-Term Deposit (old)
BKK_STR_TRM_MAST - Master Data: Fixed-Term Deposit
BKK_STR_TRM_MAST_C - Master Data: Fixed-Term Deposit(current)
BKK_STR_TRM_MAST_O - Master Data: Fixed-Term Deposit(old)
BKK_STR_UI_ACCT_DETAILS - Screen structure for Account details
BKK_STR_UI_PRENOTE_CHANGE_LOG - Structure for prenote change log administration screen
BKK_STR_UI_PRENOTE_CHECK - structure for prenote checks administation screen
BKK_STR_UI_PRENOTE_DETAILS - Screen structure for Prenotes
BKK_STR_VRS_COLDATE_RNG - Range Structure for Date of SubFinPayt Balance
BKK_STR_VRS_CORR - Structure for Available Balance Series
BKK_STR_VRS_START_DATE_RNG - Range Structure for Withdrawal Period Start
BKK_S_ACCOUNT - Account Key
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_STORD - Payment Order Archiving Data
BKK_S_LISTOUT - Output for ALV
BKK_S_LOG_MESG - Message structure
BKK_TAB_VRS_START_DATE_RNG - Range Structure for Withdrawal Period Start
BKK_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_TERM_STATUS - Structure for Range Table for term status
BKK_TRADE_RECEIVABLES_PAYABLE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_TREEITM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72
BKK_TREESNODE - Node Table for contols
BKK_TRNSTYPE - Transaction Type + Default
BKK_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKK_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)
FINSTA_POS - Table for FINSTA Items (Used, e.g.,in CREATE_FINSTA)
IBCA_TMP_NOTE - BCA US: Hold Temporary Note IDs
IBCA_US_BKK_TD - BCA: Time deposit account data plus status information
IBCA_US_BKK_TD_S1 - Included structure of BCA_US_BKK_TD (for Direct Input)
IBCA_US_BKK_TD_S2 - Included structure of BCA_US_BKK_TD
IBCA_US_OD_PLAN - Include for overdraft parameter (header data)
IBCA_US_OD_PLAN_DIR_IMP - Include for overdraft parameter (header data)
IBCA_US_OD_REL - Include for overdraft parameters (relationship data)
IBCA_US_OD_RELTC - Structure for table control in Overdraft protection program
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS - Structure for Overdraft protection transaction details
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS_PRINT - Overdraft transaction data for notification printing
IBCA_US_OD_TRANS_REP_DATA - Overdraft transaction data for reporting & printing
IBCA_US_STR_BKKIT_HD - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD - Payment Items
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD_00015036 - Structure to base internal table of event 00015036
IBCA_US_STR_NEWPOS - Basic structure for BTE 00015037 interface
IBCA_US_STR_TAB_HY_BAL - Data used by BCA_US Event 10024
IBCA_US_STR_TAB_IND_BAL - Data used by BCA_US Event 10024
IBCA_US_TD - Time Deposit specific Information
IBCA_US_TD_HIST - History for ALV
IBKK0_ALV - BCA: General ALV Fields
IBKK0_CHACCUR_SELECTION_SCREEN - Fields for Selection Screen Conversion Report
IBKK0_PARAMETERS - BCA: General Report Parameters
IBKK40_ACCNT_CLS - Account Closure Master Data
IBKK42CC_S1 - BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover
IBKK45_OLDNEW - BKK45 old and new values during migration for display
IBKK45_OLDNEW_ADDR - BKK45 old and new address descriptions during migration
IBKK4_ACCNT - Structure for accounts
IBKK58 - Structure BKK58 Plus Status Data
IBKK58_PRINT - Correspondence and printing fields for Term deposits
IBKK9_SCR_FLDS - Screen fields of BCA
IBKKACNALV - BCA: Account Master Data for ABAP List Viewer
IBKKACONLY - BCA: General Structure Consisting Only of Account
IBKKARCH - Structure for Various Archiving Fields
IBKKARCHCUTOFF - Archiving Time Periods
IBKKARCHDATE - Archiving Date of a Data Object
IBKKARCHINTV - Archived period
IBKKARCHPERIOD - Period in the Archive
IBKKARCHSTATISTIC - Statistical Data for Archiving
IBKKBAPI - General Data for BCA BAPIs
IBKKBAPISSO1 - BAPI: Complete structure of a Standing Order
IBKKBAPITSO2 - BAPI: Structure for List of Standing Orders for Account
IBKKBAPITSONT - BAPI: Table of Payment Notes Lines
IBKKBUTXT - Postingtext: Translation
IBKKCHCUR - BCA: Account Structure for Currency Changeover
IBKKIHBHLP - Help Structure for IHB
IBKKIHBHLP1 - Help Structure for IHB
IBKKMESG - Structure for Transferring Error Messages
IBKKMT_EXT - Structure for bkkterm with acnum_Ext
IBKKPOGISA - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1IDMU5
IBKKPOGISH - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm E1IDKU6
IBKKPOGISL - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Seg. E1IDT02
IBKKPOGISP - EDI Payments: Reporting Data to Clearing, Segm. E1EDLA1
IBKKPOREFA - References for EDI Payments, Position, Amount Segment
IBKKPOREFD - References to EDI Payments, Item, Date Segment
IBKKPOREFL - References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Long Texts
IBKKPOREFN - References for EDI Payments, Header Data, Doc.Number Segment
IBKKPOREFR - References for EDI Payments, Position, Ref. Data Segment
IBKKPO_RCG - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient
IBKKPO_SNG - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender
IBKKSO - BCA: General Data and Status Info Standing Order
IBKKSOARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Standing Orders
IBKKSONT1 - Standing Order Payment Notes with Change Indicator
IBKKSONT_S1 - Application of Funds for Standing Order
IBKKSOS - BCA: Status Information Standing Order
IBKKSO_DI_H2 - Direct Input Standing Order: Substructure of Header
IBKKSO_DI_HD - Direct input Standing Order: Header
IBKKSO_DI_INT - Direct Input Standing Order: Internal Transfer Structure
IBKKSO_DI_NT - Direct Input Standing Order: Payment Notes
IBKKSO_DI_S1 - Direct Input Standing Order: Standing Order
IBKKSO_DI_SO - Direct Input Standing Order
IBKKSO_S1 - Standing Order: Initial Screen
IBKKSO_S2 - Standing Order: Relevant for DI
IBKKSO_S3 - Standing Order: Not relevant for DI
IBKKSO_S4 - Standing Order: Amounts
IBKKSO_S4EXT - Standing Order: Amounts (External)
IBKKSO_S6 - Standing Order: Variable Execution
IBKKSO_S6EXT - Standing Order: Variable Execution
IBKKTBKK03 - Method Category and Parameter Number for Check Method Callup
IBKKTERMKEY - Structure of Key Fields for BKKTERM table
IBKKTFI02 - Function Module for Call Up Time
IBKK_ACCNT_API_ACCNT_LIST - Business Partner Account List
IBKK_ACCNT_LIMIT_BALANCE - Current Balance and Limits
IBKK_ACCNT_LIST_INT - Account List of a business partner
IBKK_ACCNT_LOCKS_INT - Lock on Account
IBKK_ACCNT_PERIOD_INT - Account Periodicities
IBKK_ARCH_REPLINES - Output Structure for Overview Log
IBKK_ARCH_SELPARAMS - Selection Parameters for BCA Archiving Programs
IBKK_BAL_CTRL_INT - Control Indicator for Account Balancing
IBKK_BKKRS - Data Bank Area Tables
IBKK_BUS_PARTNER_INT - Account Business Partner Relationship
IBKK_CHECKS_INT - Account: Checks
IBKK_CORR_REC_ADDR - Structure for Correspondence Receiver and Address data
IBKK_CURR_CHANGE_OVER_INT - Account Currency Change
IBKK_DEFAULT_MULT_TEXT - Product Default Values (with Texts)
IBKK_DEFAULT_TEXT - Dafault Value with Texts
IBKK_DEPOSIT_DATA - BCA Master Data: Operative Data for Deposit Banking
IBKK_DI_BKK58 - Direct Input Structure for Table BKK58
IBKK_DI_BKKTERM - Direct Input Structure for Table BKKTERM
IBKK_DI_CC - Direct Input: Currency Changeover
IBKK_DI_CORRESPONDENCE - Direct input fields for Correspondence data
IBKK_DYN_CORRREC - Correspondence Receiver Screen Structure
IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM - BCA: Screen for Selection of Capital Reference Account
IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure for Displaying Capital Reference Acct
IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure for External Capital Reference Account
IBKK_DYN_REF_A_TERM_INT - BCA: Screen Structure for Internal Capital Reference Account
IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM - BCA: Screen for Selection of Capital Reference Account
IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure for Displaying Capital Reference Acct
IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure for External Capital Reference Account
IBKK_DYN_REF_TERM_INT - BCA: Screen Structure for Internal Capital Reference Account
IBKK_EVENT - Event for Open BCA (split into process and event)
IBKK_IND_CONDITIONS_INT - Individual Condition: Header
IBKK_IND_COND_POS_INT - Individual Condition: Position
IBKK_INPPD - BCA: Screen Structure for Setting Posting Date
IBKK_JUMP - Aggregated Keys Account/BP etc.
IBKK_NAME - Name for Name Comparison
IBKK_OBJECTS - Key Fields for BCA Objects
IBKK_OP_MDATA_INT - Account Operative Data
IBKK_PAYM_DEF - Payment Transactions Default Values
IBKK_PRENOTE_REF - Prenote Reference
IBKK_PROCG - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing (BAPI)
IBKK_RATE_S1 - Structure: Operative Data for Installment Savings
IBKK_REF_ACCOUNT_INT - Account: Reference Account
IBKK_RNG_SONO - BCA: Range for Standing Order Numbers
IBKK_R_BKKRS - Structure for Range Table Category Bank Area
IBKK_R_DATE_POST - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date
IBKK_SO1 - Structure for Initial Screen Standing Order
IBKK_SO2 - Structure for Data Screen Standing Order
IBKK_SO3 - Structure for Payment Order: Standing Order
IBKK_SONT - Panment Notes Standing Order
IBKK_SONT2 - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)
IBKK_SOSEL - Screen Fields for Selection Screen Standing Orders
IBKK_SO_DYN_ACCNT - Structure for Table Control Standing Orders on Account
IBKK_STAT_ADRESS_INT - Account Balancing: Address
IBKK_STAT_ADRESS_INTINT - Account Balancing: Internal Address
IBKK_STAT_BAL_DATA_INT - Account Statement: Balancing Data
IBKK_STAT_HEADER_INT - Account Statement: Header
IBKK_STAT_PAYNOTES_INT - Account Statement: Payment Notes
IBKK_STAT_TRN_OVR_INT - Account Statement: Turn Over
IBKK_STD_COND_POS_INT - Condition Position
IBKK_STR_MND_CONTRACT - BKK:SEPA Mandate Contract Details
IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_ADMIN - Prenote Administration Details
IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_CHECK_ERR - Prenote Checks Errors
IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_KEY - Structure for Prenote Key Fields
IBKK_STR_PRENOTE_PI_DETAILS - Payment Items Details for Prenote
IBKK_TC_BUPA_RLTYP_EXT - Business Partner Role Category for Total Commitment
IBKK_TC_IDNUM - External Partner Number
IBKK_TD_COND - Term for Fixed-Term Deposit: Condition Data
IBKK_TD_ROLLOVER - Term of Fixed-Term Deposit: Rollover Data
IBKK_TD_S1 - Structure: Operative Data for Fixed-Term Deposit
IBKK_TD_S2 - Historic Data for Fixed-Term Deposit
IBKK_TERM_APPLOGCONTEXT - Saves Context for Term Agreement Reports
IBKK_TRNS_TYPE_DIA - Transaction Type
IBKK_TRNS_TYPE_RCV - Mapping Transaction Type and Counter Transaction Type
IGEN_US_TBZ0A - Structure for table control of tbz0a information
IHB_PAYRQ - IHB: Help Structure for Payment Order
IHB_REMITDATA - Remittance Data for PAYRQ
IHC_FXNET_REPORT - In House Cash FX Netting report line type
IHC_FXNET_SELE_SCREEN - In House Cash FX Netting selection screen
IHC_FXNET_TRNSTYPE - In House Cash FX Netting transaction type include
IHC_STR_BASTA_CONTEXT - Context for Application Logos of Account Statements
IHC_STR_LOG_CONTEXT - Context of an Application Log
IHC_STR_PAYRQ_AVIS_INFO - Payment Advice Information for Payment Request
IRTP_US_ACC - Screen fields for retirement plan portfolio accounts
IRTP_US_ACC_DB - Database struct for link between retirement plan and account
IRTP_US_ALV_HISTORY - Screen fields for the history data displayed with the ALV
IRTP_US_AMNTID - Structure for amount identification + description
IRTP_US_BEN - Screen fields for a beneficiary
IRTP_US_BEN_DB - Database structure of beneficiaries & database action
IRTP_US_BKK_SO_DYN - Include structure for table control IRA standings orders
IRTP_US_BP - Screen fields for business partner
IRTP_US_BP_CBEN_PLAN - Structure for scr table contingent benefis & selection indi
IRTP_US_BP_ED_PLAN - Structure for bps associated with an Ed-IRA & selection indi
IRTP_US_BP_ID - business partner identification
IRTP_US_BP_PBEN_PLAN - Structure for scr table primary benefis & selection indi
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN - Structure for bps associated with a plan & selection indic
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN_DB - Db structure of business partner - retirement plan & db acti
IRTP_US_BP_PLAN_NO_IND - Structure for business partners associated with a plan
IRTP_US_BP_SR_PLAN - Structure for screen table statem recips & selection indi
IRTP_US_BP_TYPE_SEL - Business partner type selection
IRTP_US_DFLT_DB - Structure for default field value & db activity
IRTP_US_FIELD_STAT_SELECT - Structure for selections of a retirement plan
IRTP_US_FLDGRP - Structure for screen table field groups
IRTP_US_FMV_SELECTION - Structure for selections of a fair marktet value
IRTP_US_FSTAT_DB - Structure for field status & db activity
IRTP_US_FV_FLDGRP - Structure for fixed values per fieldgroup
IRTP_US_PAYM - Retirement plan payment item data
IRTP_US_PAYM_DYNP - Dynpro structure for Retirement plan payment item data
IRTP_US_PAYM_RFC - Retirement plan - Payment item data for interface
IRTP_US_PAYM_S1 - Include for Retirement plan payment item data
IRTP_US_PAYM_S2 - Retirement plan-Include structure withholding information
IRTP_US_PLAN - Screen fields for a retirement plan
IRTP_US_PLAN_ACC - Retirement plan data for BCA account maintenance
IRTP_US_PLAN_DB - Database structure of a retirement plan & indicators
IRTP_US_PLAN_ID - Screen fields for the identification of a retirement plan
IRTP_US_PLAN_INIT - Screen fields on the initial screen for a retirement plan
IRTP_US_PLAN_REPORT - Structure for reporting of master data retirement plan
IRTP_US_PLAN_SELECTION - Structure for selections of a retirement plan
IRTP_US_PORTFOLIO - Structure for screen table portfolio accounts
IRTP_US_RNG_PARTNER_NUMBER - Structure for range of a partner number
IRTP_US_RNG_PLANNUMBER - Structure for range of a plannumber
IRTP_US_RNG_PLAN_TYPE - Structure for range of a plan type
IRTP_US_STATUS - Retirement plan status
IRTP_US_TOT - Structure for accumulated amounts
IRTP_US_TOT_PERC - Screen fields for total percentages
IRTP_US_TOT_REPORT - Structure for reporting of master data retirement plan
IRTP_US_YES - Screen fields for the year end statement
IRTP_US_YES_HEADER - Screen fields for the header of the year end statement
ITRTP_US_PLAN_INFO - Structure for retirement plan information
NIHC_DB_PO_PNTA - Source Document for Incoming Payment Orders
NIHC_DB_PO_RINF - Reference/Note to Payee Information
NIHC_DB_PO_STAT - Status of Payment Order
NIHC_DB_RINST - Routing Instructions
RTP_US_ACC - Linking table between a retirement plan and an account
RTP_US_BEN - Beneficiary table for a retirement plan
RTP_US_BP_PLAN - Business partners associated with a retirement plan
RTP_US_HIST - Retirement plan history and audit table
RTP_US_PLAN - Retirement plan data (US enhancement)
RTP_US_RMD - Required minimum distribution
RTP_US_TOT - Total amounts for a retirement plan
SCHANGES_IHC - Structure for Field Changes in Bank Data Storage
TBCACHCKDIGPROC - Check Digit Calculation Procedure
TBCACHCKDIGPROCT - Text Table for Check Digit Calculation Procedure
TBCATDAUTH - Time Deposit: Interest Dependent Authority
TBCA_BESTKONT - Bal. Sheet Accts for Currency Swap
TBCA_IHCAK - Determine rate type for currency swap
TBCA_IHCCC - Currency swap for IHC
TBCA_IHC_BKKRS - Bank Area as In-House Cash Center
TBCA_OD_METHOD - Method of Overdraft protection transfer
TBCA_OD_METHODT - Description for overdraft protection methods
TBCA_US_BCSTACKS - Configuration of Stacks used for Bank Checks
TBCA_US_BC_TCODE - Transaction Type: Bank Checks
TBCA_US_CAL_IND - Cust. table for maintaining Calculation indicators
TBCA_US_CAL_INDT - Description for Calculation indicators
TBCA_US_DEA1 - Maintain Escheat Attributes
TBCA_US_DEA_ADD - Property Addition Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_ADDT - Escheat Property Addition Codes Description
TBCA_US_DEA_COR - Dormancy Correspondence Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_CORT - Dormancy Correspondence Codes Description
TBCA_US_DEA_DED - Cross Reference Escheat Deduction Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_DEDT - Deduction Codes Text Description
TBCA_US_DEA_DEL - Escheat Property Deletion Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_DELT - Escheat Property Deletion Codes Description
TBCA_US_DEA_PRO - Cross Reference Escheat Property Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_PROT - Property Type Codes Text Description
TBCA_US_DEA_REF - Escheat Account Closure Reference Data
TBCA_US_DEA_REL - Cross Reference Escheat Relationship Codes
TBCA_US_DEA_RELT - Relationship Codes Text Description
TBCA_US_H_TYPET - Texts For Hold Types
TBCA_US_PAY_AMT - Overdraft transaction sequence for Products
TBCA_US_R_HOLD - Refrence adjustment types that can be created
TBCA_US_R_HOLDT - Text table for reference table
TBCA_US_TRAN_SEQ - Overdraft transaction priority sequence for Products
TBKK00 - Cross-Bank Area Settings
TBKK00T - Settings Independent of Bank Area, Dependent on Language
TBKK01 - Bank Area Table
TBKK01A - Additional Bank Keys for Bank Area
TBKK01B - Assign Business Partner To Bank Key
TBKK01T - Texts for Bank Areas
TBKK01_CC - Bank Area: Currency Changeover
TBKK02 - Check Digit Calculation Method Categories
TBKK02T - Texts for Check Digit Calculation Method Categories
TBKK03 - Check Digit Calculation Methods
TBKK030 - Check Digit Calculation Methods
TBKK03A - Parameters for Modulo Methods of Check Digit Calculation
TBKK06 - Country-Specific Function Modules for BBAN Assignment
TBKK10 - BCA Lists
TBKK10T - BCA Lists: Texts
TBKK11 - BCA Lists: Field Catalog for List Tool (KKBLO_FIELDCAT)
TBKK12 - Archiving Period (Obsolete)
TBKK13 - Tables/Table Groups That Can Be Archived
TBKK13T - Text Table for Tables/Table Groups
TBKK14 - Time Unit for BCA Archiving
TBKK14T - Text Table for Time Unit BCA Archiving
TBKKARCHEVENTS - Events in Archiving
TBKKARCPERIOD - Archiving Periods
TBKKAUTGRP - Authorization Groups
TBKKAUTGRPOBJ - Authorization Group Objects
TBKKAUTGRPOBJT - Authorization Group Objects: Texts
TBKKAUTGRPT - Authorization Groups: Texts
TBKKBENCH - Global Settings for BCA Benchmark
TBKKCORR - BCA: Table showing if Correspondence is Active
TBKKCRBD - Switch On RBD-IVA solution
TBKKIHB1 - In-House Bank ID from Payment Notes in Bank Statement
TBKKIHB4 - FI Data for Manual Outgoing Payments In-House Bank
TBKKIHB5 - Payt Method Determination HQ FI for Payment In-House Bank
TBKKIHB6 - Dispatcher per Account Number
TBKKIHB7 - Assignment BTC <-> Posting Category IHC
TBKKMETHODT - Texts on Methods in BCA
TBKKNUMRG - Number of Number Ranges per Bank Area
TBKKOBJECTT - Texts on Objects in BCA
TBKKOBJMETH - Objects - Methods Assignment
TBKKSOAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Standing Order
TBKKTIME - Time Units
TBKKTIMET - Description for Time Units
TBKKTRACE - Extended Output for Error Analysis?
TBKKTRMMINDEP - Minimum Deposit for Each Term
TBKK_CLS_BAL - Settings for accnt. balancing date during accnt. closure
TBKK_CLS_OBJ_TMN - Settings for accnt. dependant objects during account closure
TBKK_EMP_OBJMTH - Object Methods Checked for Authorization Employee Accounts
TBKK_EMP_OBJMTHT - Texts Object Methods Auth. Employee Accounts
TBKK_JUMP - Fields for Jump (Supported in BKK_JUMP)
TBKK_PAR_MAXNUM - Number of Maximum Possible Numbers per Application
TBKK_PAR_MODE - Method for Assigning the Numbers
TBKK_PAR_WPTYP - Method for Assigning the Numbers
TBKK_PRENOTE_RES - Maintain Residence Time for BKKPRENOTE Archiving
TBKK_PRNTE_TOLR - Prenote Tolerance Range
TBKK_PRNTE_TYP - Prenote Type
TBKK_PRNTE_TYP_T - Prenote Type Description
TBKK_REASON - Reasons for account closure/reactivation
TBKK_REASON_T - Text table for account closure/reactivation reason
TBKK_REA_CLASS - Reason class
TBKK_REA_CLASS_T - Text table for the reason class
TBKK_REPENQ - Lock Table for Double Processing of Reports in BCA
TBKK_REP_OBJMTH - Object Methods for Authorizations Periodic Tasks
TBKK_REP_OBJMTHT - Texts Object Methods Authorizations Periodic Tasks
TBKK_SCRN_FLDS - Customizable Screen fields of BCA
TBKK_SCRN_FLDS_T - Text able for screen fields of BCA
TBKK_SCR_FLD_LIS - Table for screen field names
TFIPR_SETTCOMB - Feature Combination
TRTP_US_AGE_LIM - Age limits for contributions made to a retirement plan
TRTP_US_AMNTID - Amount identifier
TRTP_US_AMNTIDT - Amount identifier
TRTP_US_AM_CAT - Posting categories and Amount ID's assignment
TRTP_US_BP_ED - Special business partner roles for an ESA
TRTP_US_CONT - Contribution codes for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_CONTT - Contribution codes for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_CONT_DAT - Contribution dates for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_CONT_LIM - Contribution limits for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_CONT_TYP - Contribution limits for a retirement plan type
TRTP_US_DFLT - Default values for screen input fields
TRTP_US_DISTT - IRS Distribution codes
TRTP_US_DIST_PER - Distribution period (For Use by Owners)
TRTP_US_DIST_S - IRS Distribution codes
TRTP_US_D_REL - IRS Distribution codes
TRTP_US_FSTAT - Field status for screen fields
TRTP_US_GEN - General data for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_JLIFE - Joint life expectancy
TRTP_US_LIM_ID - Contribution limits for a retirement plan
TRTP_US_LIM_IDT - Description for contribution limit code of a retirement plan
TRTP_US_PLANTYPE - Type of retirement plan
TRTP_US_PLANTYPT - Type of retirement plan
TRTP_US_PLAN_INF - Plan information for a type of retirement plan
TRTP_US_SLIFE - Single life expectancy
TRTP_US_TRANS - Witholding transaction type information
VBCA_US_BKK44A - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBCA_US_BUT000 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBCA_US_HOLD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBCA_US_OD_PLAN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBCA_US_OD_REL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK45_CORR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKTERM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VRTP_US_BEN - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VRTP_US_BP_PLAN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Account Management Tables IS-B-BCA-AM

BKK42_NTC - Master Data for Notice and Allowances
BKKITNTC - Notice: Payment Item with Notice Lock Period > 0
BKKNTC - Notice: Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice
BKKPAYMNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes
BKKVRS - Available Balance Series
BKK_FA_AMNT_BKKVRS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
BKK_FA_USED - Utilization of Allowance
BKK_MAX_NTC_AMT - For The Calculation of Maximum Available Notice Amount
BKK_STR_FREE_AMNT_SET - External Data Transfer of Allowances
BKK_STR_FREE_AMNT_SET_EXT - External Data Transfer of Allowances
BKK_TAS_ABS_IMP - External Data Transfer for Available Balance Series
IBKKBAPTPAYMNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes (External Display)
IBKKBAPTPYNOT - BCA: New Payment Notes (External Display)
IBKKFAADM - Administration Data for Allowance Management
IBKKSPAYMNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes (Internal Display)
IBKKSPYDOCNOS - BCA: Document Numbers of Payment Notes - New Creation
IBKKSPYNOT - BCA: Payment Notes
IBKKSPYNOTE - BCA: Payment Notes
IBKKSPYNOTREF - BCA: Reference Fields for Payment Notes
IBKK_BKKITNTC - Structure for Table Control: Deposits with Notice LockPeriod
IBKK_DI_BKK42_NTC - Direct Input Structure for BKK42_NTC Table
IBKK_DI_BKKITNTC - Direct Input Structure for BKKITNTC Table
IBKK_DI_BKKNTC - Direct Input Structure for BKKNTC and BKKVRS Table
IBKK_FA_AI - Amounts for Interest Penalty Calculation
IBKK_FA_DIALOG - Screen Structure for Allowances on Account
IBKK_FA_TC_DIALOG - Table Control for Available Amounts in Online Entry for Acct
IBKK_FA_USED - Utilization of Allowance Amounts
IBKK_NOTICE_DIALOG - Notice: Notice Periods + Minimum Deposit
IBKK_NTC - Structure for Partial Amount and Full Amount Notice
IBKK_NTC_BL - Notice: Payment Item Number + BKKITNTC
IBKK_USED_FA - Online Structure of Utilized Allowance Amounts
TBKKNTC_NTCAMT - Notice: Calculation of Available Amount
TBKKNTC_REKEY - Maintenance of Notice Reasons
TBKKNTC_RETXT - Notice: Notice Reason Texts
TBKKS1 - BCA: Qualifier of Payment Notes
TBKKS1T - BCA: Text Table for Qualifier of Payment Notes
TBKK_4EYES_G_NTC - Notice: Dual Control for Each Bank Area/Product/Category
TBKK_4EYES_NTC - Notice: Dual Control for Each Bank Area/Product/Category
TBKK_DC_DCL_REA - Release Procedure: Key for Rejection Reasons
TBKK_DC_DCL_REAT - Release Procedure: Texts for Rejection Reasons
TBKK_DC_NTC_AUTH - Notice: Amount Authorization
VBKKNTC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Payment Item Tables IS-B-BCA-AM-IT

BCA_STR_ACC_BL - Structure Table Dialog Box Payment Transaction Blocks
BCA_STR_CUST_FIELDS - Structure Container Field
BCA_STR_PUBLIC_CONT - Public Container Structure for BCA Item Table
BKKI3 - Turnover Items Not Posted for Last Bank Statement
BKKI4 - Totals Records from Payment Transactions
BKKI5 - Totals Records from Payment Transactions
BKKI6 - Totals Records from Payment Transactions
BKKIT - Payment Item
BKKITADR - Payment Item: Address of Transferring Party
BKKITAI - Info Items for Interest Penalty at Balancing
BKKITENQ - Blocked Payment Items
BKKITPRE - Parked Payment Items
BKKITREL - Payment Item
BKKITRETREL - Payment Item Return to be released
BKKITTMP - Planned Payment Items
BKKITTMP_DEL - Planned Payment Items - Completed
BKKIT_KEY - Key Fields of Table BKKIT
BKKNT - Purpose
BKKNTTMP - Payment Notes of Planned Payment Items
BKKPAYMEX_HD - Header Table of EFT Management: Outgoing Payt Transactions
BKKPAYMEX_IT - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions
BKKPAYMEX_PYNOT - Payment Notes in Outgoing Payment Transactions
BKKPAYMIN_HD - Header Table of EFT Management
BKKPAYMIN_IT - Table of Imported Items
BKKPAYMIN_PYNOT - BCA: Table of Payment Notes
BKK_DIALOG_CF - Check Table Field Names
BKK_PE_DB_ITEM - Store Asynchronous Posting Response for Items
BKK_PE_STR_ITEM - Asynchronous Posting Response
BKK_PE_STR_ITEM_RFC - Asynchronous Posting Response (RFC)
BKK_PI_HEADER - Screen Payment Item: Header Data
BKK_PO_HEADER - Screen Payment Order: Header
BKK_STR_AUTH_GROUP - Structure - Authorization Groups
BKK_STR_CURR_CHANGE_PI - Structure for Planned Items Currency changeover
BKK_STR_MANDATE_LOCK - SEPA Mandate Management
BKK_STR_PAYMITEM_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Payment Item Release
BKK_STR_PI_DATA - Payment Item Data
BKK_STR_PLANITEM_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Planned Item Release
BKK_STR_SO_DATA - Standing order
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_ITEM - Data for Archiving Payment Items
IBKKAPIEXP - API: Export Structure for Payment Items (BCA)
IBKKAPIIMP - API: Import Structure for Payment Items (BCA)
IBKKAPISTA - API: Export Structure Payment Item with Processing Status
IBKKBADIEX - Data Transfer Balances: External
IBKKBADIIN - Data Transfer Balances: Internal
IBKKBAPTA1 - BAPI: Structure for S.F.P. Balance
IBKKBAPTPI - BAPI: Structure for Turnover List
IBKKBAPTPN - BAPI: Structure of Payment Notes Data
IBKKIARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Payment Items
IBKKITADM - Admin. Data BCA Document (Payment Item, Payment Order)
IBKKITDIEX - Data Transfer Payment Item: External
IBKKITDIIN - Data Transfer Payment Item: Internal
IBKKPAYMEX_IT - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions
IBKKPAYMEX_ITCL - EFT Management: Items in Outgoing Payment Transactions
IBKKPAYMIN_IT - Payment Items in Incoming Payment Transactions
IBKKPAYM_DE_DTAUS - Strucutre of DTAUS Format and CHAR String
IBKKRTRNPN - Fields for Payment Notes for Returns
IBKK_ACEXT - External account number
IBKK_ACEXTA - External Account Number (+ SWIFT and BKS)
IBKK_ACINT - Internal account number
IBKK_AMACI - Amount in Account Currency (Internal -> PL9)
IBKK_AMITE - Amounts in Account Currency (External ->CHAR 25)
IBKK_AMITI - Amounts in Account Currency (Internal -> PL9)
IBKK_CLEAR - Information from a Clearing Center
IBKK_DTADA - Structure of the A Record in EFT Format
IBKK_DTADC - Domestic DME Diskette Data Record C (Paymnt Exchange Record)
IBKK_DTADE - Domestic DME Diskette Data Rec.E(Data Carrier Trailer Label)
IBKK_DYN_CF_NAMES - Screen Structure Customer Fields
IBKK_FUT_DECRE_POST - Export Structure Val. Date Deb./Cred. Amounts + Bal. (ext.)
IBKK_FUT_DECRE_VAL - Export Structure Val. Date Deb./Cred. Amounts + Bal. (ext.)
IBKK_ITDDY - Screen Fields for Payment Item
IBKK_ITEDY - Initial Screen Fields Payment Item
IBKK_ITEM - Payment Item
IBKK_IT_INFO - Structure for Additional Item Information
IBKK_IT_INFO_REFNO - Structure for Additional Item Information
IBKK_MISC - Reference Structure for Other Fields
IBKK_NEWNOTE - structure for new paymnotes in open_fi_perform_00010036_e
IBKK_NEWPOS - Structure for Creating New Document Positions
IBKK_NEWPOS_S - Additional Positions of a Payment Item BTE 10036
IBKK_NOTE - Payment notes Data (Internal)
IBKK_NT - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)
IBKK_PDGEN - Screen Structure Payment Order: Header, General Fields
IBKK_PDINF - BCA / Payment Transactions: Administration Information
IBKK_PDREC - Screen Structure Payment Order: Recipients
IBKK_PDRKY - Screen Structure Payment Order: Return Keys
IBKK_PDSND - Screen Structure Payment Order: Sender
IBKK_PDTXT - BCA/ Internally Initiated PT: Screen Structure Text Fields
IBKK_PDYN1 - Remaining Screen Fields Payment Order
IBKK_PI_DYN_ADD - Screen Payment Item: Additional Data
IBKK_PI_DYN_ADMIN - Screen Payment Item: Administration Data
IBKK_PI_DYN_BASIC - Screen Payment Item: Base Data (Account, Amounts)
IBKK_PI_DYN_GL - Payment Item Screen: General Ledger Information
IBKK_PI_DYN_GL_ACTION - Payment Item Screen: General Ledger Action
IBKK_PI_DYN_HEADER - Screen Payment Item: Header Data
IBKK_PI_DYN_REFERENCE - Screen Payment Item: Reference Data
IBKK_PI_DYN_START - Screen Payment Item: Initial Screen
IBKK_PPROC - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing (BAPI)
IBKK_PPROC_RCV - Import Structure for Result of Postprocessing Rec. (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTBK - Import Structure for Post Sender, Receiver, Clearing (BCA)
IBKK_PSTCL - Import Structure for Post Clearing (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTCLA - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Clearing (+ SWIFT and BKS)
IBKK_PSTIT - Import Structure for Post Item
IBKK_PSTPI - Import Structure for Post Item (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTPIA - Import Structure for Post Item (BAPI) + SWIFT and BKS
IBKK_PSTRC - Import Structure for Post Receiver (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTRCA - Import Structure for Post Receiver (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTSD - Import Structure for Post Sender (BAPI)
IBKK_PSTSDA - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Sender (+ SWIFT and BKS)
IBKK_PSTSDA2 - Table Type for Structure IBKK_PSTSDA with Item No
IBKK_PSTSDAX - BAPI: Import Structure for Post Sender (+ SWIFT and BKS)
IBKK_PYDAT - Date Details
IBKK_PYNOT - Payment Notes Data (External)
IBKK_REFNO - Reference Numbers
IBKK_REFNOPAYM - Reference Numbers of External Payment Transaction System
IBKK_REFPO - Reference Payment Order Details
IBKK_SBKKIT - Data Structure of Tables BKKIT and BKKITENQ
IBKK_SBKKTMP_SEARCH - Search Help for Planned Payment Item
IBKK_SENDER_ADR - Structure for Address of Party Doing Bank Transfer
IBKK_STR_ITEM_SEPA - SEPA structure for payment items
IBKK_STR_RECONC_SUM_EXT - Structure for Reconciliation sums
IBKK_STR_RECONC_UNIT - Reconciliation Unit
IBKK_SYPO - Posting Date of Bank Areas
IBKK_TAMITE - Amounts in Transaction Currency (External -> CHAR 25)
IBKK_TAMITI - Amounts in Transaction Currency (Internal -> PL 9)
IBKK_TRANS_RCV - Receiver Data for external transfer item
IBKK_TRPOP - BCA: Structure for Transfer Posting Dialog Box
IBKK_XCHECK_ITEM - Structure for Checks and Results for Payment Items
IBKK_XCHK - Disposition: Indicator Deactivating Partial Checks
IBKK_XCHKR - Item Check: Indicator Partial Checks Ended with Errors
TBKK01D - Bank Area: Account for Payment Transactions
TBKK01E - CpD-accounts for different processes
TBKKG10 - Assignment of Recipient Payment Details for Product
TBKKG3_TERM - Transaction Type Customizing for Term Objects
TBKKI1 - Assignment Medium/Payment Method to Processes
TBKKI2 - Assignment GL Processes to Processes
TBKKIAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Items
TBKKIBU - BCA / Int. Payment Transactions: Buttons to Hide
TBKKICTR - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Items
TBKKIDC - BCA: Document Types
TBKKIDCT - Text Table Document Types
TBKKIDF - BCA: Defaults for Transaction
TBKKIDT - BCA/Internal Payment Trans.: Control Table for Dialog Callup
TBKKIFS - Field Status Control (Internal Payment Transactions)
TBKKIFV - Function Variants for Document Type and Activity
TBKKIO1 - Posting Day Shift Forward for Automatic Forward Orders
TBKKIPROC - BCA: Processes for Payment Transactions
TBKKIPROCT - BCA: Text Table for Payment Transaction Processes
TBKKIRCV - Control of the Recipient Bank Detail Identification
TBKKI_01 - Field Status
TBKKI_01T - Text Field Status
TBKKI_02 - Function Variant
TBKKI_02A - Function Variant Inference
TBKKI_02T - Description of Function Variant
TBKKI_03 - Field Groups in Payment Item/Payment Order
TBKKI_03T - Field group name
TBKKI_04 - Field Status Resulting from Activity
TBKKI_05 - Field Status Resulting from Document Type
TBKKI_06 - Field Modifications for Payment Order
TBKKI_RCV - Control of the Recipient Bank Detail Identification
TBKKI_VDAT - Limits for value date in back dated postings
TBKK_BKS - Control of Bank Control Key
TBKK_CHG_RCV - Change the receiver account Paymex_de
TBKK_CLEAR_ID - Clearing Center ID
TBKK_CLEAR_REL - Assignment: Bank Key to Clearing Center ID
TBKK_CTRY_ZERO - Countrys with account numbers with leading zeros
TBKK_DIALOG_CF - Customizing Table: Customer Fields Definition
TBKK_DIALOG_CF_D - Customizing Table: Predefined Values for Customer Fields
TBKK_DIA_ACC_BL - Dialog Display Payment Transaction Blocks
TBKK_TRNSTYPE_DE - Assignment Transaction Type -> Text Key
TBKK_TXTKEY_DE - Assignment: Text Key -> Transaction Type
TBKK_VALDAT_TOL - Tolerance Days for Value Dts in Incoming Payment Trans.(DTA)
VBKKNT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Payment Order Tables IS-B-BCA-AM-PO

BCA_PUBLIC_CONT_SND - Customer Fields for Ordering Party Data of Automatic Fwd Ord
BKKPOHD - Payment Order, Header Data
BKKPOHD_TMP - Planned Payment Order, Header Data
BKKPOHD_TMP_DEL - Planned Payment Order, Header Data
BKKPOIT - Item in Payment Order
BKKPOIT_TMP - Items in Planned Payment Order
BKKPOIT_TMP_DEL - Items in Planned Payment Order
BKKPOMND - Payment order Enriched with Mandate details
BKKPONT - Payment Order, Application of Funds
BKKPONT_TMP - Planned Payment Order, Payment Details
BKKPONT_TMP_DEL - Planned Payment Order, Payment Details
BKK_OPD_IT_EXT - External Item Selection Table - Outgoing Payment Dispatcher
BKK_OPD_IT_PRI - Assignment of Processing Priorities for External Items - OPD
BKK_OPD_PRIO - Processing Priority of Payment Items in OPD
BKK_OPD_PRIO_T - Processing Priority of Payment Items in OPD (Text Table)
BKK_OPD_RCN_AC - Reconciliation Accounts for Outgoing Payment Dispatcher
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT - Structure for External Items Table for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_ADD_INFO - Additional Info for External Items Table for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_DATA - Item Data Fields for External Items Table for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_GRP_CNT - Grouping and count for external items in OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_KEY - Primary Key Fields for External Items Table for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_REF_SND - Reference Sender Account Data for External Items Table (OPD)
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_RET - Structure for Additional Information in Return Items
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_SDD - Structure for SDD Information
BKK_OPD_STR_POIT_EXT_SND_INFO - Sender Info for External Items Table for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_ENQ - Enqueue structure for PP massrun groups
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_PACK_LIST - Package list for massrun processing
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_PARAM - Parameter structure for OPD in PPF
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_PARAM_ENQ - Enqueue parameters for OPD in PPF
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_PARAM_PROC - Mass processing parameters for OPD in PPF
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_PARAM_TECH - Technical parameters for OPD in PPF
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_RUN_OBJLIST - List of objects for massrun
BKK_OPD_STR_PP_RUN_SEL - Massrun selection for OPD in PPF
BKK_OPD_STR_PR - Processing Priorities for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_PRIO - Assignment of Processing Priority for OPD
BKK_OPD_STR_RCN_ACT - Reconciliation Accounts for Outgoing Payment Dispatcher
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_ACC_NO - Range structure for Account Number
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_AMOUNT - Range Structure for Amount
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_BANKKEY - Structure for range table bankkey
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_BIC - Structure for range table BIC
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_BKKRS - Structure for range table for bank area
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_COLL_REF_NO - Structure for range table coll. order ref. no
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_CURRENCY - Structure of range table for currency
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_DEBCRED - Structure of range table for debit/credit indicator
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_DUE_DATE - Structure of range table for due date
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_IBAN - Range Structure for IBAN
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_POST_DATE - Structure of range table for post date
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_PRIORITY - Structure of range table for processing priority
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_STATUS - Structure of range table for item status
BKK_OPD_STR_RNG_TRNSTYPE - Structure for range table for transaction type
BKK_OPD_STR_V_IT_EXT - Structure for OPD item view
BKK_OPD_TTY_STR_BANKLAND - Structure for range table bankland
BKK_PXPO_ORDER - Collective Payment Order
BKK_REFELG - Reference Information from Deposit Banking
BKK_STR_ACNUM_INT_EXT - Structure for Internal and External Account numbers
BKK_STR_CURR_CHANGE - Structure for Currency Changeover
BKK_STR_CURR_FETCH_FO - Structure used to fetch FO's in FO conversion report
BKK_STR_MANDATE_ENRICH_ADMIN - Mandate Enrichment Admin Data
BKK_STR_MANDATE_ENRICH_DATA - Mandate Enrichment Data
BKK_STR_MANDATE_ENRICH_DERIVED - Mandate Enrichment Derived Data
BKK_STR_MANDATE_ENRICH_KEY - Mandate Enrichment Key fields
BKK_STR_MANDATE_ENRICH_OLD - Mandate Enrichment Old Data
BKK_STR_MANDATE_REC - Structure for Mandate in Receipient data
BKK_STR_MANDATE_SDD - SEPA Direct Debit structure
BKK_STR_MANDATE_UCI - Structure of Mandate Ref and UCI
BKK_STR_PAYMORD_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Payment Order/ Forward Order Release
BKK_STR_PO_DATA - Payment Order Data
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO_HEADER - Header Data of Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO_ORIG_ORP - Original Ordering Party Data - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO_ORP - Ordering Party Data - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO_PI_NOTES - Payment Item Notes - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PROXY_COLL_PO_RCP - Recipient Data - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PXPO_ACCESS_REF - Structure for Access References per LDU
BKK_STR_PXPO_MANDATE_DATA - Mandate Data of Recipient Position
BKK_STR_PXPO_ORDER - Collective Payment Order
BKK_STR_PXPO_ORDER_DATA - Collective Payment Order Data
BKK_STR_PXPO_ORDER_KEY - Collective Payment Order Key
BKK_STR_PXPO_ORDER_REF - Collective payment order reference
BKK_STR_PXPO_PAYM_TRANS_PARTY - Payment Transaction Party
BKK_STR_PXPO_PAYM_TR_PARTY_HDR - Payment Transaction Party Header Data
BKK_STR_PXPO_RECONC_PO_KEY - Key Fields of Reconciliation Payment Item
BKK_STR_PXPO_RECONC_UNIT - Reconciliation Unit
BKK_STR_STORD_RELEASE - Transfer Structure for Standing Order Release
BKK_STR_WORKDAY_INFO - Structure: Working Day infor for a period
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_ENRCH - Payment Order Enrichment Archiving Data
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_ORDER - Payment Order Archiving Data
IBKKCNTERR - Errortypes in function modules
IBKKENARCH - Log Display for Archiving Payment Order Enrichment Data
IBKKF4PAORN - Structure for Search Help: Payment/Forward Order
IBKKPARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Payment Orders
IBKKPOADMIN - Administration Data of a Payment Order for Dual Control
IBKKPOEXT - Help Structure for Output of Incorrect Orders
IBKKPOHD - Structure for Payment Order - Header Data
IBKKPOHD_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Header Data
IBKKPOIT - Structure for Payment Order - Item Data
IBKKPOIT_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Item Data
IBKKPOIT_TMP_DP - Structure for Planned Order - Item Data with Posting Date
IBKKPOMND - Structure for PO with Mandate details
IBKKPONT - Structure for Payment Order - Payment Notes
IBKKPONT_TMP - Structure of Planned Payment Order - Payment Details
IBKKPO_RCV - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient
IBKKPO_RCX - Transfer Structure: Payment Order, Recipient
IBKKPO_SND - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender
IBKKPO_SNX - Transfer structure: Payment Order, Sender
IBKKRFCPONT - RFC Import Structure for Payment Notes Data
IBKKRFCPORCV - RFC Import Structure for Receiver
IBKKRFCPOSND - RFC Import Structure for Ordering Party
IBKKXERRTYPE - Errortypes in function modules
IBKK_IT_AI - Posting Decision: Interest Penalty
IBKK_PODDY - Screen Fields for Payment Order
IBKK_PODUM - Help Fields for Payment Order
IBKK_POEDY - Initial Screen Fields for Payment Order
IBKK_PO_DYN_ADMIN - Screen Payment Order: Administration Data
IBKK_PO_DYN_AU - Screen Fields for Completion of Automatic Forward Order
IBKK_PO_DYN_AU_RCV - Screen Fields for Automatic Forward Order of Recipient
IBKK_PO_DYN_AU_SND - Screen Fields for Automatic Forward Order of Ordering Party
IBKK_PO_DYN_HEADER - Screen Payment Order: Header
IBKK_PO_DYN_NOTE - BCA: Structure for Payment Notes (Table Control)
IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_RCV - Payment Order Screen: Overview Screen Recipients
IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_SND - Screen Payment Order: Overview Screen Ordering Party
IBKK_PO_DYN_OVERVIEW_TAB - Payment Order Screen: Overview Screen Recipients
IBKK_PO_DYN_RECEIVER - Screen Payment Order: Detail Recipients
IBKK_PO_DYN_SENDER - Screen Payment Order: Detail Ordering Party
IBKK_PO_DYN_START - Screen Payment Order: Initial Screen
IBKK_PO_XCHKR - PO Check: Indicator Partial Checks Completed with Errors
IBKK_STR_MANDATE_SDD - SEPA Direct Debit structure
IBKK_STR_UCI_DUE_DATE - Include Structure for SEPA Direct Debit Fields
TBKKG2_DATE_PL - Settings for Date Calculation in Planned Orders
TBKKOAUTH - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Order
TBKKOCTR - Amount Authorization/Dual Control Payment Order
TBKKSEPA_ORD - Customizing for ordering party SEPA
TBKKSEPA_RCV - Recipient party oriented Customizing for SEPA
TBKKSEPA_USE - Mandate usage Customizing-SEPA
TBKK_PO_AUTO - Online Behavior for Automatic Forward Order
TBKK_SDD_DAYS - Date Determination for SEPA Direct Debit Orders
VBKKPOIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKPOIT_TMP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKPONT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKPONT_TMP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKSONT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Basic Functions Tables IS-B-BCA-BF

BKK_S_ACCNT_ARCH_CHECK - Check Structure for Account-Related Data for Archiving
BKK_S_ARCHBUFFER - Buffer for Data Compression/Decompression during Archiving
BKK_S_ARCHCURRCUTOFF - Retention Periods
BKK_S_ARCHDATE_KEY - Key of an Archived Period
BKK_S_ARCHDATE_RUN - Archived Period
BKK_S_ARCHOBJDATA - Data Container for Archiving
BKK_S_ARCHOBJGRP_KEY - Key of a Group of Data Objects (in Period Management)
BKK_S_ARCHPERIOD_DATA - Data of an Archived Period
BKK_S_ARCHPERIOD_KEY - Key of an Archived Period
BKK_S_ARCHRUN_STATUS - Status of an archiving session
BKK_S_ARCHSTATISTIC - Archiving Statistics
IBKKBKPF01 - BCA: Structure for FI-BKPF Fields Relevant to BCA
IBKKBSEG01 - BCA: Structure for FI-BSEG Fields Relevant for BCA
IBKKBSEG02 - BCA: Structure - FI-BSEG Fields (w/o BKPF Keys) Relevant BCA
IBKKBUKRS1 - BCA: Company Code Data
IBKKGLACHE - BCA: Structure for BCA-Relevant FI Document Header
IBKKKPFSEG - BCA: Structure - FI Document Fields (BKPF+BSEG) Relevant BCA
IBKK_GL_BALANCE - Balance from FI GL Accounts
IBKK_R_BELNR - Structure for Range Table Category Document Number (FKBX)
IBKK_R_BLART - Structure for Range Table Category Document Type
IBKK_R_BUDAT - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date
IBKK_R_BUZEI - Structure for Range Table Category Document Line (FKBX)
IBKK_R_DAT - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
IBKK_R_GJAHR - Structure for Range Table Category Fiscal Year (FKBX)
IBKK_R_GSBER - Structure for Range Table Category Business Area
IBKK_R_HKONT - Structure for Range Table Category GL Account

SAP Information System Tables IS-B-BCA-IS

IBKK52LDB - BCA: Structure for Business Partner Assignment (Log. DB)
IBKK9_BAL_POST - Posting Daily Balance
IBKK9_BAL_VAL - Value Date Daily Balance
IBKKACNLDB - BCA: Account Master Data Operational

SAP Master Data Tables IS-B-BCA-MD

BAPI_IBKK_ACNT_LIMIT_BAL - Current Balance and Limits
BAPI_IBKK_AVAMOUNTS - Available Amounts of Account
BCA_US_HLD2REL - Hold Records which have not been released - Dual Control
BCA_US_HOLD - Hold Amounts Which Affect Available Balance
BCA_US_STR_HOLD_DISP - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD
BCA_US_STR_HOLD_REP_DISP - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD
BKK40 - Current Account Master Data: General
BKK40_ENQ_HY - Dummy Block Table for Accounts for Hierarchy Creation
BKK42 - Current Account Master Data: Operative Data
BKK42ENQ - Current Account: Block Fields
BKK42_CC - BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover
BKK43 - BCA: Reference Accounts
BKK44 - Current Account Master Data: Blocks
BKK45 - Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner
BKK45_HISTORY - History Table for Table BKK45
BKK46 - Current Account Master Data: Customer Appends
BKK47 - BCA: Direct Debit Orders
BKK48 - Control Indicator for Account Balancing
BKK50 - Account balance
BKK51 - Subj.Fin.Pay. Balance
BKK54 - Account Balance of Hierarchies
BKK55 - Subject to Final Payment Balance of Hierarchies
BKK56 - Account Resubmission
BKK600 - Account Hierarchy: Account Relationships
BKK610 - Account Hierarchy: Assignment of Root Account to Tree Number
BKK615 - Data for External Root Accounts Cash Concentration
BKK620 - Account Hierarchy: Amount Definitions for Cash Concentration
BKK621 - Cash Concentration: Different Amount Defintions
BKK622 - Cash Concentration: Balancing Date of Last Execution
BKK623 - Enhancement Fields for Cash Concentration / Hierarchies
BKK625 - Assign. of Int. No. to Ext. Root Acct. for Change Document
BKK62_CC - Value Date Transaction Figures for Cash Concentration
BKK633 - Enhancement Fields for Cash Pooling / Hierarchies
BKK640 - Extension Fields for Comb. Flexible Balances/Hierarchies
BKK9B_CC - Value Date Transaction Figures for Cash Concentration
BKKE1 - Current Account: Limits
BKKOVR_ACCNT - Item Table: Accounts with Tolerated Overdraft
BKKOVR_HD - Header Table Administration Accts with Tolerated Overdraft
BKK_4EYES_CLOS - Account Closure Principle of Dual Control
BKK_ACCL_DC_REAS - Account Closure: Rejection Reasons for Release
BKK_ACCL_DC_REAT - Account Closure: Texts on Rejection Reasons
BKK_ACCNT_BUPA_TYPE_SELECTION - Selection Business Partner Category
BKK_EST_COND - Condition Fixing types
BKK_MIN_DEP - Minimum Deposit for Each Product
BKK_RANGE_BANKKEY - BCA: Range of bank keys
BKK_STR_ACCNT_BALANCING - Account Balancing Details from Account's MAPI
BKK_STR_ACCNT_MASTER - Acount Master Details for Account's MAPI
BKK_STR_APPL_RV - Application Rule Variant
BKK_STR_AVAIL_AMT_LOCK - structure of Lock buffer for available amounts
BKK_STR_BAL_NOTIFY - Balance Notification Data from Account MAPI
BKK_STR_BANKKEY_HELP - structure for bank key help
BKK_STR_BANK_STMT - Bank Statement Details from Account's MAPI
BKK_STR_BKK40 - Structure containing fields of BKK40
BKK_STR_BKK42 - Structure containg fields of BKK42
BKK_STR_BKK43 - Structure containg fields of BKK43
BKK_STR_BKK45_HISTORY - Historic Information of a Business Partner
BKK_STR_CLOSURE - Account Closing Master Data from Account's MAPI
BKK_STR_HOLDS_LOCK - Structure of Lock Buffer for Holds
BKK_STR_HY_ROOT_ACC - Input structure for hierarchy migration
BKK_STR_HY_SUB_ACC - Structure for sub-account details input for migration
BKK_STR_HY_SUB_ACCNT - Structure for sub-account with internal account numbers
BKK_STR_MAP_REQD_DATA - Required Details from the Accounts MAPI
BKK_STR_NOTICES_LOCK - structure of Lock Buffer for Notices
BKK_STR_NOTICE_LOCK - Structure of Lock Buffer for Notices
BKK_STR_OTHER_PERIOD - Other Perioicity Data from Account MAPI
BKK_STR_SAVINGS_MASTER - Details of Savings Account master data from Accout's MAPI
BKK_STR_TERM_MASTER - Details of Term Account Master data fro Account's MAPI
BKK_S_BUPA - BCA: Business Partner / Role
BKK_S_BUPA_VALCH - BCA: Business Partner/Role/Change Role Validity
BKK_S_CCVALDAT - Value Date Transaction Figures for Cash Concentration
BKK_S_REF - External account number and reference category in bank area
BKK_S_REF_ACC_CLOS - External Account Number in Bank Area
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD - Include Structure for BCA_US_HOLD
IBCA_US_STR_HOLD_STATUS - Status/Text structure for Holds
IBKK21_ALIAS - Structure Alias Name BP
IBKK40 - BCA: General Data Plus Status Information
IBKK40S - BCA: Status Information
IBKK40_S - Current Account Master Data: General
IBKK40_S1 - Current Account Master Data: Administration
IBKK40_S2 - Current Account Master Data: General (DI)
IBKK40_S2_DI - Current Account Master Data: General (DI)
IBKK40_S3 - Current Account Master Data: Initial Screen
IBKK40_S3_DI - Current Account Master Data: Initial Screen
IBKK41 - BCA: Account Numbers
IBKK42 - Structure for Current Account Operative Data
IBKK42CC_S - BCA Account Master Data: Currency Changeover
IBKK42K - Complete Account Key
IBKK42_CC_BTE - Structure Interface BTE 00011420
IBKK42_S1 - Currenct Account Master Data: Operative Data (Init. Screen)
IBKK42_S2 - Current Account Master Data: Operative Data (not DI)
IBKK42_S3 - Current Account Master Data: Operative Data (DI)
IBKK43CLOS - BCA: Screen Fields for Reference Account Balancing
IBKK43DELE - BCA: Screen Fields for Reference Account/Account Closure
IBKK43_REF - Structure of Reference Accounts for Balancing
IBKK43_S - BCA: Reference Accounts
IBKK43_S1 - BCA: Reference Accounts (not DI)
IBKK43_S2 - BCA: Reference Accounts (DI)
IBKK43_S2_DI - BCA: Reference Accounts (DI)
IBKK43_S3 - BCA: Payment Notes Account Closure
IBKK45_S - Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner
IBKK45_S_DI - Relationship: Current Account - Business Partner for DI
IBKK47 - BCA: Structure for Direct Debit Orders
IBKK47_S - BCA: Direct Debit Orders
IBKK47_S_DI - BCA: Direct Debit Orders
IBKK48_DYN - Screen Structure for Breakdown Vostro/Nostro Account
IBKK48_S1 - Control Indicator for Account Balancing (not DI)
IBKK48_S2 - Control Indicator for Account Balancing (DI)
IBKK4Z - Help Structure: Account Data
IBKK50 - BCA: Task and Screen Fields
IBKK50_INITIAL - BCA: Task and Screen Fields
IBKK50_S - Account balance
IBKK52 - BCA: Structrue for Business partenr Assignm. (Table Control)
IBKK53 - BCA: Structure for Block Overview (Table Control)
IBKK54 - BCA: Structure for Account Balancing
IBKK55 - BCA: Structure for Direct Debit Orders (Table Control)
IBKK56_AC - Structure for Account Resubmission (Table Control)
IBKK6S0 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields
IBKK6S1 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields
IBKK6S2 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Checks
IBKK6S3 - Account Hierarchy:Structure for Screen Fields Initial Screen
IBKK6S4 - Account Hierarchy: General Fields
IBKK6S5 - Screen Fields Initial Screen Cash Concentration
IBKK6S6 - Cash Concentration: Structure for Screen Fields (Screen 110)
IBKK6S7 - Cash Concentration: Structure for Screen Fields (Screen 120)
IBKK6S8 - Cash Concentration: Carry Forwards Determined
IBKK6S9 - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Screen Fields Account Usage
IBKK6SA - Cash Concentration: Due Accounts
IBKK6SB - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Usage Statement
IBKK6SB_COMBO - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Account Usage Statement
IBKK6SC - Structure for Initial Screen Change Documents Acct.Hierarchy
IBKK6SCALV - Strucure for Transferring Change Documents to List Tool
IBKK6SCDH - Change Documents Hierarchies Header Information
IBKK6SCDP - Change Documents Hierarchies Position Information
IBKK6SD - Screen 730 Reassign Accounts
IBKK6SE - Account Hierarchy: Structure for Transferring New Accounts
IBKK6SEXT_ACC - BCA: Screen Fields for External Root Account
IBKK6SF - Screen Fields for Exchange of Account in Hierarchy
IBKK6SG - Account Hierarchy: Transfer Structure Interval Root Accounts
IBKK6SICMETHOD - Screen Structure for Assignment Pool Method - Hierarchy
IBKK6SPOST - Payment Transaction Info for Cash Concentration Orders
IBKK6SSUBACCNTS - Subaccounts of a Hierarchy
IBKK81_DI - General Data Bank Condition
IBKK86_DI - User data for DI
IBKKACNTBAL - Transfer Structure Account Balance for Account in RFC
IBKKBAL - Structure for Account Balance
IBKKBAPIAC - BAPI: Fields for Accounts
IBKKBAPIACEXT - BAPI:Fields for Accounts with Amounts without Decimal
IBKKBAPIHY - BAPI: Structure for account hierarchy
IBKKBAPIPARTNER - Business Partner with Name and Address
IBKKBAPIPARTNERADDR - Business Partner Addresses - Account
IBKKBAPTA1EXT - Structure for Subject to Final Payment Balance ISO
IBKKBAPTA2 - BAPI: Structure for Limit Data
IBKKBAPTA3 - BAPI: Structure Account Data
IBKKBAPTA3EXT - BAPI: Structure for Account Data ISO
IBKKBAPTAB - BAPI: Structure for Account List for PT System
IBKKBAPTAC - BAPI: List of Business Partners for an Account
IBKKBAPTAD - BAPI: List of Accounts to be Processed
IBKKBAPTAE - BAPI: List of Business Partners for Accounts
IBKKBAPTH1 - BAPI: Structure for Hierarchy
IBKKBAPTH2 - BAPI: Structure for Hierarchy (Payment Notes)
IBKKCHDOC1 - Structure for determining field values per time interval
IBKKE1 - Structure for Table Control Limits
IBKKE1BAPI - BAPI - Current Account: Limits
IBKKE1_CHDOC - BCA Limit: Change Document Structure
IBKKE1_EXT - Structure for Table Control External Limit
IBKKE1_EXT_POOL - Structure for Table Control External Pool Limit
IBKKE1_EXT_SINGLE - Structure for Display External Limit
IBKKE1_INT - Structure for Table Control Internal Limit
IBKKE1_INT_POOL - Structure for Table Control Internal Pool Limit
IBKKE1_INT_SINGLE - Structure for Display Internal Limit
IBKKE1_OTHERS - Structure for Table Control for other Limit Categories
IBKKE1_OTHERS_POOL - Structure for Table Control for other Pool Limit Categories
IBKKE1_OVD - Structure for Table Control Overdraft Limit
IBKKE1_OVD_POOL - Structure for Table Control Overdraft Limit - Pool
IBKKE1_OVD_SINGLE - Structure for Display Overdraft Limit
IBKKE1_POOL_EXT_SINGLE - Structure for Display External Pool Limit
IBKKE1_POOL_INT_SINGLE - Structure for Display Internal Pool Limit
IBKKE1_POOL_OVD_SINGLE - Structure for Display Overdraft Limit - Pool
IBKKE1_S1 - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (also DI)
IBKKE1_S1_DI - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (also DI)
IBKKE1_S2 - Bank Current Accounts: Limits (not DI)
IBKKE1_SORT_CUR - Limits: Structure for Group Change, Sequences to Lim_CUR
IBKKE2 - Transfer Structure for Reading Limits
IBKKE3 - Limit Categories to be Checked
IBKKE4 - Limit Categories Data
IBKKM11 - Additional Parameters for Cash Concentration Call Up
IBKKM2_S_DI - Account Time Periods for DI
IBKKOVRADDRESS - Tolerated Overdraft: Account Holders' Addresses etc.
IBKKOVRADR_BINT - Tolerated Overdraft: Bank-Internal Addresses
IBKKOVR_ACCOUNTS - Data on Overdrawn Accounts (Tolerated Overdraft)
IBKKOVR_NOTIFY - Notification-Relevant Data on Overdrawn Accounts
IBKKRFCACCCL - Transfer Structure Reference Acct for Acct Closure per RFC
IBKKRS_PROJ_TBKK01F - BCA: Assignment Bank Area <-> Company Code
IBKK_ACCNT - BCA: Country-Specific Settings for Account Number
IBKK_ACC_DATA - BCA: Account Data Interface
IBKK_ACC_OVR_S1 - Account Information for Overdrawn Accounts: Special
IBKK_BA_INT_DATA - Structure Val.Dt Deb/Cred Amts. + Val.Dt. Balance + Interest
IBKK_BUPA - BAPI: List of Business Partners for Accounts
IBKK_DI_A1 - Direct Input Account: General Master Data
IBKK_DI_A2 - Direct Input Account: Operative Master Data
IBKK_DI_AC - Direct Input Account:
IBKK_DI_AC_INT - Direct Input Account: Internal Transfer Structure
IBKK_DI_AL - Direct Input Account: Internal Transfer Structure
IBKK_DI_BA - Direct Input Account: Account Balancing Control Indicator
IBKK_DI_BP - Direct Input Account: Business Partner
IBKK_DI_CH - Direct Input Account: Position Type Checks
IBKK_DI_CL - Direct Input Account: Periodic Account Balancing
IBKK_DI_CONDITION_HD - Condition Overview
IBKK_DI_CONDITION_IT - Condition Overview: Position
IBKK_DI_COND_HD - Condition Overview
IBKK_DI_COND_IT - Condition Overview: Position
IBKK_DI_DD - Direct Input Account: Direct Debit Orders
IBKK_DI_H2 - Direct Input Account: Substructure for Header
IBKK_DI_HD - Direct Input Account: Header
IBKK_DI_LI - Direct Input Account: Limits
IBKK_DI_LO - Direct Input Account: Blocks
IBKK_DI_NOTICE - Fields for Communication: Sales Texts
IBKK_DI_RF - Direct Input Account: Reference Accounts
IBKK_DI_RS - Direct Input: Resubmission
IBKK_DYN_BAL - BCA: Screen Structure: Account Balances (Post.Date/Val.Date)
IBKK_DYN_BP_ACCHOLD - BCA: Structure for Screen: Account Holder
IBKK_DYN_BP_BKSTREC - BCA: Structure for Table Control: Bank Statement Recipient
IBKK_DYN_BP_OTHERS - BCA: Structure for Table Control (Other Business Partners)
IBKK_DYN_ENTRY - BCA: Screen Structure: Initial Screen
IBKK_DYN_POPUP_BP - Dialog Box for BP Role Selection on Initial Screen
IBKK_DYN_REF_AB_INT_IND - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL - BCA: Screen: Selection Reference Account Account Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure: Display Ref. Acct Account Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure: External Ref. Account Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_ACBAL_INT - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS - BCA: Screen: Selection Reference Account Account Closure
IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_DISPLAY - BCA: Screen Structure: Display Ref. Acct Account Closure
IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_EXT - BCA: Screen Structure: External Ref. Account Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_REF_CLOS_INT - BCA: Screen Structure: Internal Ref. Account Acct Closure
IBKK_DYN_VA - Screen Structure for Individual Value Adjustment
IBKK_EXT_KEY - BCA: Interface Key Fields (External View)
IBKK_EXT_VIEW - Structure External Account View
IBKK_F4_ACEXT - Structure for Search Help for External Account Numbers
IBKK_INT_KEY - BCA: Interface Key Fields
IBKK_LIM_DATA - BCA: Interface Limit Data (Use in Group Change)
IBKK_MIN_DEP - Structure of Minimum Deposit by Each Product
IBKK_PARTNER_KEYS - Business Partner Structure
IBKK_RNG_ACNUM_EXT - BCA: Structure External Account Numbers (RANGE)
IBKK_RNG_ACNUM_INT - BCA: Structure Internal Account Numbers (RANGE)
IBKK_RNG_BKKRS - BCA: Structure Bank Area (RANGE)
IBKK_RNG_PRODINT - BCA: Range Structure for Internal Product ID
IBKK_RNG_RLTYP - BCA: Structure BP Role Category (RANGE)
IBKK_R_ACNUM_INT - Structure for Range Table Category Internal Account Numbers
IBKK_TC_LIST - Total Commitment Business Partner in BCA
TBCA_US_H_TYPE - Hold Types Table
TBKK43 - Reference Account Category
TBKK43T - Texts for Reference Account Category
TBKK47 - Account Status Enhancement
TBKK47T - Texts for Account Status Enhancements
TBKK51 - Reasons for Account Resubmission
TBKK51T - Texts on Account Resubmission Reasons
TBKK60 - Account Hierarchy: Hierarchy Types
TBKK60T - Account Hierarchy: Hierarchy Type Texts
TBKK61 - Business Transaction Events for Hierarchy Maintenance
TBKK65 - Settings for Cash Concentration
TBKKE1 - Limit Categories
TBKKE1T - Texts for Limit Categories
TBKKE2 - Reference Limits
TBKKE2T - Texts for Reference Limits
TBKKE_FOUR_EYES - Limits: Validity of Principle of Dual Control
TBKKHLDAUTH - Amount Authorization/Permanent Holds
TBKKHYCD - Possible View Types Change Documents Account Hierarchies
TBKKHYCDA - Table with Clear Texts on Change Actions
TBKKHYCDT - Text Table for TBKKHYCD - No. of Change Docs Hierarchies
TBKK_AKT - BDT Field Modification According to Account Status
TBKK_AKT1 - BDT Field Modification According to Accouunt Status Part 1
TBKK_AKT2 - BDT Field Modification According to Account Status Part 2
TBKK_EST_COND - Text table for Condition Types
VBKK43 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK44 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VBKK45 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK47 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK48 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK56 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKE1 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Business partner Tables IS-B-BCA-MD-BP

IBKKBAPTBU - BAPI: Business Partner Structure

SAP Condition Tables IS-B-BCA-MD-CD

BKK81 - Bank Condition
BKK81T - Texts for Bank Conditon
BKK82 - Bank Condition Item
BKK83 - Bank Condition Determination
BKK84 - Bank Account - Individual Condition
BKK84T - Texts for Bank Account Individual Condition
BKK85 - Bank Account - Individual Condition Position
BKK8RK - Standard Conditions: Retroactive Condition Changes
BKK91 - Value Date Transaction Figures
BKK92 - Account Balancing (Interest and Charges)
BKK93 - Oldest Period for Return Posting
BKK94 - Number of Items
BKK95 - Account Specific Amount Limits for Graduated Conditions
BKK96 - Account Balancing Detail Data
BKK97 - Acct Balancing: Posting Data (Temporary Data)(for Deletion)
BKK98 - Dispatch Expenses Number of Items
BKK99 - Date of Early Balancing and End Date of Period
BKK9A - Posting and Value Date Balances Carried Forward
BKK9ACC - Interest Accrual/Deferral (Accounts With No Result)
BKK9AI - Carryforward of Interest Penalty
BKK9B - Value Date Transaction Figures
BKK9C - Acct Balancing (Interest and Charges) Enhancement to BKK92
BKK9IW - Variant Condition Fixings
BKK9RK - Oldest Period for Retroactive Condition Changes
BKK_STR_COND_SEPA - SEPA related fields for conditions
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_CFBAL - Data for Archiving Balance Carry Forwards
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_INCAL - Data for Archiving Account Balancing Detail Data
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_PECAL - Data for Archiving Account Balancing Data
BKK_S_ID_FIBA_TOTAL - Data for Archiving Value Date Transaction Figures
BKK_S_PERIODS_KOA - Structure of Account Type Within Period of Time
IBKK80 - Candidates Condition Area Assignment
IBKK81 - General Data Bank Condition
IBKK82 - General Data Bank Condition Position
IBKK82_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position
IBKK85 - General Data Bank Account Individual Condition Position
IBKK85_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position
IBKK86 - User data
IBKK90 - Structure for Condition Categories
IBKK91 - Structure for Condition Overview : Condition
IBKK92 - Structure for Condition Overview : Position
IBKK92_US - Combined Flexible Balance Data For Bank Condition Position
IBKK93 - Structure for Oldest Prior Period Posting
IBKK94 - Structure for Further Balancing Postings from Customer
IBKK98 - Structure for Radio Button Standard/Individual Condition
IBKK99 - Structure for Header Information Condition Maintenance
IBKK9A - Screen Fields Field Control Conditions
IBKK9ARCH01 - Log Display for Archiving Balance Carry Forwards
IBKK9ARCH02 - Log Display for Archiving Value Date Transaction Figures
IBKK9ARCH03 - Log Display for Archiving Balancing Data
IBKK9ARCH04 - Log Display for Archiving Balancing Detail Data
IBKK9B - Screen Fields Internal Field Control Conditions
IBKK9C - Structure for Date Check
IBKK9D - Structure Field Control Conditions
IBKK9E - Structure Internal Default for Field Control Conditions
IBKK9H - Import Structure for Reading Settlement Balancing Det. Data
IBKK9I - Export Structure for Reading Settlmt. Balan. Interest.D.Dta
IBKK9IERR - Export Structure for Reading Settlmt. Balan. Detail Data
IBKK9J - Structure for BCA92 Settlement Balancing
IBKK9K - Report Parameters for Account Balancing Data Output
IBKK9L - Structure for Charge Conditions
IBKK9M - Structure Balance Carry Forward
IBKK9N - Condition Differentiation Values
IBKK9O - Structure for Transaction Charges
IBKK9P - Screen Fields for Account Balancing (Interest and Charges)
IBKK9Q - Transfer Structure for Account Balancing Det.Data Inter.Scle
IBKK9R - Task Fields for Account Balancing
IBKK9S - Accounts to be Restarted
IBKK9T - Settled Accounts
IBKK9V - Account Balancing: Incorrect Accounts (Internal Numbers)
IBKK9W - Account Balancing: Incorrect Accounts (External Numbers)
IBKK9W1 - Capital Yield Tax: Notify Locked Accounts
IBKK9_92_DI - Account Balancing (Interest and Charges): Relevant for DI
IBKK9_92_NODI - Account Balancing (Interest and Charges):Not Relevant for DI
IBKK9_DECRE - Export Structure Debit/Credit Amounts + Balance (External)
IBKK9_DECRE_ERROR - Export Structure: Incorrect Accounts (External Acct. Number)
IBKK9_DECRE_ERROR_INT - Export Structure: Incorrect Accounts (Internal Acct. Number)
IBKK9_DECRE_IMPORT - Import Structure Balances: Internal Account Numbers
IBKK9_DECRE_IMPORT_EXT - Import Structure Balances: External Account Numbers
IBKK9_DECRE_INT - Export Structure Debit/Credit + Balance / Internal Acct. No.
IBKK9_DECRE_POST - Export Structure Posting Deb./Cred. Amounts + Balance (Ext.)
IBKK9_DECRE_POST_INT - Export Structure Post. Deb./Cred. + Post.Bal. /Int. Acct. No
IBKK9_DECRE_VAL - Export Structure Value Date Deb/Cred Amts. + Balance (Ext.)
IBKK9_DECRE_VAL_INT - Export Structure Val.Dt.Deb/Cred + Val.Dt.Bal./Int.Acct.No.
IBKK9_DI1 - External Data Transfer: Large Structure
IBKK9_DI2 - External Data Transfer Account Balancing: Small Structure
IBKK9_DI2_SEND_TEST - Sender Structure External Data Transfer Acct Balancing: Test
IBKK9_IC0 - Bank Area and Internal Acct Number for Interest Compensation
IBKK9_IC1 - Bk. Area, Acct, Graph No., ...for Interest Compensation
IBKK9_IC2 - Graph Number for Interest Compensation
IBKK9_IC3 - Interest Compensation: Pool Members for Header Account
IBKK9_IC4 - General Time Interval for an Account
IBKK9_IC5 - Date Category for Period (Posting Date, Value Date, ...)
IBKK9_IC6 - Bank Area and Internal Acct Number for Interest Compensation
IBKK9_RM_AVG_INT_IMPORT - Import Risk Management for Average Interest Rate
IBKK9_STC_EXPORT - Export Single Transaction Costing
IBKK9_STC_EXPORT_SEM - Export Single Transaction Profit and Loss from BCA
IBKK9_STC_IMPORT - Import Single Transaction Costing
IBKKFOREXP - Import Structure for Transaction Figures Update
IBKKM19 - Account in New Start or Skip Table
IBKKWHTAX1 - Import Structure for Capital Yield Tax (CYT) Calculation
IBKKWHTAX2 - Export Structure for Capital Yield Tax (CYT) Calculation
IBKKWHTAX3 - Export Structure for Capital Yield Tax Calculation (BAPI)
IBKKWHTAX4 - Other Data Interface BCA Int.Inc.Tax
IBKK_ACCOUNT - Account structure
IBKK_ACCOVR_COND - Conditions Relevant for Tolerated Overdrafts
IBKK_ACCT_DATES - Structure for postings preparation
IBKK_COND_FOR_BKST_SECOND - Display Structure of Conditions for Bank Statement
IBKK_PERIOD - Calculation Period
IBKK_TERM_ACBAL - Structure of Terms in Account Balancing
TBKK80 - Condition Area
TBKK80A - Bank Area - Condition Area (old)
TBKK80B - Account Type - Condition Area (old)
TBKK80BAS - Basic Settings Conditions
TBKK80C - Basic Settings Condition Area (old)
TBKK80T - Texts for Condition Areas
TBKK81 - Bank Condition Category
TBKK81T - Texts for Bank Condition Category
TBKK82 - Bank Condition Type Differentiation
TBKK82T - Texts for Bank Condition Type Differentiation
TBKK85 - Bank Condition Group
TBKK85T - Texts for Bank Condition Group
TBKK86 - Bank Condition Group Category
TBKK86T - Texts for Bank Condition Group Category
TBKK87 - Bank Condition Class
TBKK87T - Texts for Bank Condition Class
TBKK88 - Field Control - Conditions
TBKK89 - Internal Default for Field Control Conditions
TBKK8A - Bank Condition Category - Differentiation Type Assignment
TBKK8AI - Assignment of Transaction Type - Interest Penalty TA Type
TBKK8B - Categorization Transaction Types (Item Counter)
TBKK8BO - Bonus
TBKK8BOT - Text Table Bonus
TBKK8C - Categorization Medium (Item Counter)
TBKK8D - Item Counter
TBKK8DS - Dynamic Balances
TBKK8DST - Text Tables Dynamic Balances
TBKK8DT - Text Table Item Counter
TBKK8DURAT - Text Table for Terms
TBKK8E - Item Counter Determination
TBKK8F - Category Transaction Types (Item Counter)
TBKK8FT - Texts for Category Transaction Types (Item Counter)
TBKK8G - Category Medium (Item Counter)
TBKK8GT - Texts for Category Medium (Item Counter)
TBKK8H - Assignment Trans. Activity Type - Charge Transaction Type
TBKK8I - Assignment Trans. Activiy Type - Interest Transacation Type
TBKK8IW - Periods for Interest Guarantee for Offers
TBKK8J - Dispatch Expense Counter
TBKK8JT - Text Table for Dispatch Expense Counter
TBKK8K - Transaction Type Category (Differentiation Type)
TBKK8K2 - Transaction Type Category 2 (Diff. Type)
TBKK8K2T - Texts for Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)
TBKK8KT - Texts for Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)
TBKK8L - Assignment Transaction Type Category (Diff.Type)
TBKK8L2 - Assignment Transaction Type Category 2 (Diff. Type)
TBKK8M - Trivial Amounts
TBKK8N - Feature - Charge Transaction Type Assignment
TBKK92 - Interest Compensation Method
TBKK92T - Pooling Method Text
TBKK93 - Object Category for Balancing (Balancing or Interest Comp.)
TBKK93T - Texts for Object Category for Balancing
VBKK81 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK82 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK83 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VBKK84 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKK85 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Product definition Tables IS-B-BCA-MD-PR

BKK_SFIPR_PRODUCTIDENTIF - Structure for Product Identification
BKK_STR_COPY_TREE_SCR - Screen structure for copy of attribute hierrchy
BKK_STR_FIPR_DEFAULT - Structure for multiple default value
FIPR_PARTPROD - Assignment Version Partial Product
FIPR_PRODUCT - Product, Master Data
FIPR_PRODUCTT - Product Description
FIPR_PRODV - Version of a Prodcut, Master Data
FIPR_VA - Version Attribute
FIPR_VA_FLD - Version Attribute Category Field
FIPR_VA_FLDM - Version Attribute Category Field: Multiple Value Fields
FIPR_VA_FLDVAL - Version Attribute Category Field: Value Restriction
FIPR_VA_VALUE - Version Attribute Category List
FIPR_VA_VALUE2 - Version Attribute Category Matrix
IBKKG3 - Structure of Transaction Type
IBKKG31 - Transaction Type with Attributes and Description
IBKKG3_S - Attributes of Transaction Type
IBKKG9 - Structure for Return Reasons
IBKK_ELG - Fields for Controlling Deposit Banking
IBKK_PRODUCT - Control Attributes of the Product
IBKK_RETKY - PT: Return Key/Text for Selection
SFIPR_ADMIN - Structure for Master and Administration Data Version
SFIPR_ADMINS - General Data and Status Information Product
SFIPR_ADMIN_BASE - Structure for Master and Administration Data Version
SFIPR_ADMIN_TEXT - Structure for Texts Master and Administration Data Version
SFIPR_AFM - Allowed Field Modification
SFIPR_ALLOWED_VALUE - Default of an Attribute of a Version
SFIPR_ATTRIBUTE_DETAIL - Detail Screen for Attributes
SFIPR_ATTRTREE - Structure of Data for Attribute Hierarchy
SFIPR_COPY - Parameters for Copying a Product
SFIPR_DEFAULT - Default of an Attribute of a Version
SFIPR_DUMMY - Structure for Everything
SFIPR_ELEMENTAL - Detail Screen of an Elementary Attribute
SFIPR_ENTRY - Structure for Initial Screen Product
SFIPR_ENTRY_PARTP - Initial Screen Product: Partial Products
SFIPR_FLDVALUE2 - Two Dimensional Field Values with Status
SFIPR_FM - Field Modification
SFIPR_INTERFACE_FUNCTION - Interface Structure Functions/Features
SFIPR_PRODINT_TEMP - Assignment Temporary/Final Product Number
SFIPR_PRODUCT_DB - Structure for Saving Cross Version Data
SFIPR_PROD_TESTS - Tests to Be Run
SFIPR_RNG_PRODINT - Structure for Range across Product Number
SFIPR_RNG_VERSION - Structure for Range across Version
SFIPR_STA - Status Information Product
SFIPR_TABKEY - Table Name and Key
SFIPR_VERSION_KEY - Key of a Version
TBKK48 - Old: Permitted Products per Bank Area
TBKKG1 - Media
TBKKG1T - Text Table for Media
TBKKG1_TCODE - Assignment Transaction to Medium
TBKKG1_TCODEPM - Assignment Transaction to Payment Method
TBKKG2 - Features
TBKKG2T - Text Table for Features
TBKKG2_DATE - Settings for Date Calculation for Periodic Feature
TBKKG3 - Transaction types
TBKKG31 - Return Reason, Assigned Transaction Types
TBKKG31T - Return Reason
TBKKG32 - Transaction Type Offsetting Posting Inter. Initiated PT
TBKKG33 - Transaction Types: Notification of Returns
TBKKG34 - Transaction Types: Payment Notes for Returns
TBKKG34K - Transaction Types: Payment Notes for Returns W/o Sequ.No.
TBKKG34P - Payment Notes for Returns, Text Symbols for SAPscript
TBKKG34W - Display of Currency for Returns
TBKKG3T - Text Table for Transaction Types
TBKKG3_TCODE - Assignment Activity to Transaction Type
TBKKG4 - Functionality Group
TBKKG4T - Texts for Functions Groups
TBKKG5 - Assignment Functions Group - Medium, Transaction Type
TBKKG52 - Assignment Functions Group -> Functions
TBKKG6 - Locking Reasons
TBKKG6T - Texts for Blocking Reasons
TBKKG7 - Assignment Blocking Reason - Medium, Transaction Type
TBKKG72 - Assignment Blocking Reason -> Functions
TBKKG8 - Old: Assignment Product -> Functionality Groups
TBKKG9 - Formats for Application of Funds
TBKKG9T - Text Table Formats Payment Notes
TBKKH1 - Permitted Products per Bank Area
TBKK_PAYNT_TYP - Table for Payment Notes Categories
TBKK_PAYNT_TYP_T - Text Table for Payment Notes Categories
TFIPR_ATTRFIELD - Attribute: Field
TFIPR_ATTRFUNCT - Attribute: Feature
TFIPR_ATTRIBUTET - Description Attribute
TFIPR_ATTRTREE - Attribute Hierarchy
TFIPR_ATTRTYPE - Attribute Category
TFIPR_ATTRTYPET - Description Attribute Category
TFIPR_ATTRVALUE - Attribute: List
TFIPR_ATTRVALUE2 - Attribute: Matrix
TFIPR_KEYPREFIX - Prefix for Attributes and Products
TFIPR_PRODAREA - Product Range
TFIPR_PRODAREAT - Description Product Range
TFIPR_PRODTYPE - Product Category
TFIPR_PRODTYPET - Description Product Category
VFIPR_PRODUCTT - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFIPR_PRODV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

SAP Position Management Tables IS-B-BCA-MPM

BKKA1 - Position Manangement: General Data
BKKA2 - Additional Data Checks
BKKA4 - Current Account: Position Types Checks
BKKA5 - Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Available Checks
BKKA6 - Means of Payt Mgmt: Stack Mgmt - Issued/Blocked Checks
BKKA7 - Locations of a Position
BKKA7T - Texts on the Locations
BKKA8 - Location-Dependent Settings in Position Management
IBKKA1 - Interface for Position Methods
IBKKA10 - BCA: Display Fields of Stack Data
IBKKA2 - External Part of Interface for Position Methods
IBKKA3 - Guaran. Amount
IBKKA4 - Structure for Table Control Position Types Check
IBKKA4_S - Current Account: Position Types Checks
IBKKA5 - Display Fields for Data on Check Status
IBKKA5_S - Status Fields of an Available Stack in Position Management
IBKKA6 - Display Fields for Change in Check Status Data
IBKKA6_S - Status Fields of a Stack in Position Management
IBKKA7 - Display Fields for Data of a Stack in Position Management
IBKKA8 - Display Fields in Stack Management
IBKKA9 - Display Fields for Change of Check Stack Data
IBKKACHVAL - Fields for Authorization Check in Position Management
IBKKAKEYEX - External Key of a Position
IBKKAKEYIN - Internal Key of a Position
IBKKAOPT - Screen Fields for Maintenance of Position Types Per Account
IBKKASTAT - Status Field of a Position
IBKKATABEX - BCA: Transfer Structure of Created Checks (External)
IBKKCASHB_ADD - Information on Check Block: Address Data
IBKKCASHB_BL - Information on Check Blocks: Check Information
IBKKCASHB_HD - Information on the Check Blocks: Header Data
IBKKCHEQUE - Set Transfer Structure to Status
IBKKCHEQ_ACCNT - Check Data Structure Including Account Number
IBKKSTACKAC - BCA: Account Data in Scheck Stack Management
IBKKSTACKAD - Address Data in Check Management
IBKKSTACKPD - BCA: General Data of a BP (for Check Printing)
IBKKSTACKPN - BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person (for Check Printing)
IBKKSTACKPO - BCA: Name Data of an Organization (for Check Printing)
IBKK_CASHB - Screen Fields for Means of Payment Management (General Part)
IBKK_CHEQ - Screen Fields for Check Administration (General Part)
IBKK_STACK_PLACE - Display Fields of Check Stack Locations
IBKK_STACK_STATE - Status Fields of a Stack in Position Management
TBKKA1 - Position Types
TBKKA1T - Texts for Position Types
TBKKA2 - Number Issuing for Positions
TBKKA3 - Guarantee Amounts for Position Type
TBKKA4 - Check void reason codes
TBKKA4T - Check void reason code texts
VBKKA4 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKA5 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VBKKA6 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP G/L transfer Tables IS-B-BCA-PT-GLP

BKKAUDITH - Header for Audit Trail
BKKAUDITI - Items for Audit trail
BKKAW - Reference Data
BKKC01 - Gen.Ledger: Reconciliation Key Accounting Documents
BKKC01C - Gen.Ledger: Commitments Reconciliation Key Acctg. Documents
BKKC02 - General Ledger: Posting Totals for FI
BKKC03 - Gen.Ledger: Assignment Process-> BKKC10 - Gen. Ledger: Balances in FI per BCA Cust.Acct. / Bal.Sh.Prep
BKKC11 - Gen. Ledger: BCA Balances per GL Transac. for Bal.Sh.Prep.
BKKC12 - Gen. Ledger: New Balances for Bal. Sheet Preparation
BKKC12_ITEM - GL: New Balances for Balance Sheet Preparation (Items)
BKKC13 - Gen.Ledger: Changes GL Fields in Account Master
BKKC20 - Last Balance Sheet Preparation
BKKC20_BPRUN - Table that Saves Currently Running Balance Sheet Preparation
BKKC30 - Gen. Ledger: Log for Transfer Postings (Bal.Sh.Prep., etc.)
BKKCNOITGL - Table of Items not Updated on the Account
BKKCVA - Administration Table Individual Value Adjustment
BKKITGL - Gen. Ledger: Payment Item Data
BKK_AWOBJE - Structure of Field AWREF and AWORG for Object Categ. BKKEB
BKK_AWOBJS - Structure of Field AWREF and AWORG for Object Categ. BKKSU
BKK_GLBGR00 - Batch Input Structure for Session Data
FIOUTPUT - FI Data for Audit Trail
IBKKBKPF01_BCA - Structure - BCA-Relev. FI-BKPF Fields Corresp. to IBKKBSEG01
IBKKBSEG02_BCA - Structure - BCA-Relev. FI-BSEG Fields Corresp. to IBKKBSEG02
IBKKC01_CT - GL: Table FI Key with Counter for Lock BKKCO1
IBKKC01_DETAIL - GL: Display FI Key Detail Data
IBKKC01_DT - GL: Data FI Key with Date and Counter
IBKKC02 - GL: Internal Posting Totals (with Com.Code)
IBKKC02_VALUT - G/L: Internal Posting Totals (with CoCode) - Value Date
IBKKC10 - Structure for BKKC10
IBKKC30_DETAIL - Balance Sheet Preparation Detail Data
IBKKCARCH01 - Log Data for BCA General Ledger Data Archiving
IBKKCVA - Transfer Structure for IVA Entries and Valuations
IBKKCVA_LIST - Transfer Structure for IVA Valuations and External Statement
IBKKCVA_PROTOCOL - Log Output Structure for Individual Value Adjustment
IBKKGLACCR - BCA: Structure - BCA-Relevant Fields Doc.Lines Currency Info
IBKKGLACGL - BCA: Structure for BCA-Relevant Fields Document Lines
IBKKGLACTX - Document Taxes (Batch Input Structure)
IBKKGLADM - Admin. Data BCA Document (Payment Item, Payment Order)
IBKKGLC5 - Structure for Displaying RFBKLC5
IBKKGLPP - Structure for Displaying RFBKGLPP
IBKKGL_ALV_DINP - Open/Close List Output for Reconciliation Keys Leg.Data Tran
IBKKGL_DNP_REP_BP - Screen Fields for Report Balance Sheet Preparation
IBKKGL_DNP_REP_DINP - Screen Fields for Legacy Data Transfer Report
IBKKGL_DNP_REP_IA - Fields for Detailed Statement Report Interest Acc/Def
IBKKGL_DNP_REP_TRF - Screen Fields for General Ledger Transfer Report
IBKKGL_DNP_REP_VA - Screen Fields for Posting Report Individual Value Adjustment
IBKKITGL - Gen. Ledger: Payment Item Data
IBKKPDO - Parameter documentation
IBKK_DPLST - GL: Detail List Postings Balance Sheet Preparation
IBKK_FIKEY - GL: Posting Total PT for Transfer FI (BKKCO2)
IBKK_GLACC - GL: Constant Values ACC Fields during Transfer FI
IBKK_GLASS - Acct. Assignment Fields GL Acct. Assignment
IBKK_GLBAL - GL: Total Postings Payment Items for Bal. Sheet Preparation
IBKK_GLMFI - Error Messages from FI per Document/Reconciliation Key
IBKK_GLSFI - FI Document/Posting Totals in FI for a Reconciliation Key
IBKK_GL_BALANCE_BCA - Balance from FI GL Accounts
IBKK_ITGL - GL: Post Payment Item
IBKK_NOITEM_REP_INAC - Statement of the Individual Items of an Interest Acc./Def.
IBKK_NO_ITEM - Payment Item
IBKK_R_BELNR_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Document Number (BCA)
IBKK_R_BLART_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Document Type (BCA)
IBKK_R_BUDAT_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date (BCA)
IBKK_R_BUZEI_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Company Code (BCA)
IBKK_R_FIKEY - Structure for Range Table Category Reconciliation Key
IBKK_R_GJAHR_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Fiscal Year (BCA)
IBKK_R_GSBER_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category Business Area (BCA)
IBKK_R_HKONT_BCA - Structure for Range Table Category GL Account (BCA)
IBKK_SBKKC30 - Structure Fields Tab. BKKC30 (except key)
IBKK_SNO_ITEM - Payment Item
TBKK01F - Bank Area: Transfer FI General Ledger
TBKKAUDIT - Switch off audit trail functionality
TBKKC03 - GL Process
TBKKC03T - Texts on Processes
TBKKC04 - Actions on GL Process
TBKKC04T - Text Actions on GL Process
TBKKC05 - Action during Posting
TBKKC05T - Text Table for Action during Posting
TBKKC2 - Assignment Process to General Ledger Process
TBKKCACT - General Ledger Transaction
TBKKCACTT - Text GL Transaction
TBKKCASS - GL Account Assignment
TBKKCBUSAREACLR - Clearing accounts for business area change
TBKKCCLR - Transfer Posting Balance Sheet Preparation GL
TBKKCGRP - General Ledger Group
TBKKCGRPT - Text General Ledger Group
TBKKCTTP - Assignment PT Transaction Type / GL Transaction
TBKKCVAR - GL Variants
TBKKCVART - Text GL Variants
TBKKC_BUKRS - BCA Locally Duplicated Values for Corresponding FI

SAP Interest/Charge Calculation Tables IS-B-BCA-PT-IC

BKKD_S_LAUFID - ID of a Processing Chain
BKKD_S_PROCPARAM - General Process Parameters for End of Day Processing Runs
BKKM1 - BCA: Bank Statement Data
BKKM2 - Account Time Periods
BKKM2_NP - nonperiodic runs for periodic applications
BKKM3 - BCA: Parameters for Mass Runs in Parallel Processing
BKKM4 - BCA: Job Table for Parallel Processing of Acct. Balancings
BKKM5 - BCA: Periods of Account Balancing to be Calculated (New)
BKKMACCUNR - Blocked Objects of a Mass Run
BKKMAPPLDATA - Application Parameter for Parallel Process. (Cluster Table)
BKKMBALNOT - BCA: Balance Notification Data
BKKMDISPHD - Header Data for Dispatcher
BKKMDISPINTERV - Interval Data for Parallel Processing
BKKMDISPJOBS - Jobs Started by Dispatcher
BKKMDISPLOOP - Data on Interval Groups
BKKMDISPOBJECTS - Objects in Parallel Processing
BKKMDISPTASK - Data on Parallel Tasks
BKKMHEADER - Header data for parallel processing (temporary data)
BKKMHEADERCURR - Flow data for interval scheduling (parallel processing)
BKKMINTERV - Interval data for parallel processing (temporary data)
BKKMINTVAREAHOST - Interval areas processed with priority by host
BKKMPABANKAREA - Bank Areas in Parallel Processing
BKKMPABANKAREAHD - Bank Areas in Parallel Processing (Header Data)
BKKMPARUN - Data for Current Runs of an Application Process
BKKMPARUNHD - General Data for Mass Runs (Header)
BKKMPARUNKEYS - Key Issue for Processes in Parallel Processing
BKKMPARUNOBJGRP - Object Groups per Mass Run
BKKMPERSMNGT - Persistence Management for Process Objects
BKKMPROCESSES - Processes (in End of Day Processing)
BKKMPROCESSREL - Predecessor<-> Successor Relationships in End of Day Proc.
BKKMREPCURR - Data for End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREPCURRHD - Header Data on End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREPORTS - Data for End of Day Processing Reports
BKKMREST - Objects of a Mass Run for Postprocessing
BKKMWORK - Objects of a Mass Run being Edited
BKKMWORKLCNT - Number of Objects in Parallel Processing
BKKM_TS - Bank statement time stamp
BKK_RANGE_DATE - BCA: Range for Date
BKK_S_DISPTASKSTATUS - Status of the Jobs/Tasks of a Job Distributor
IBKKBALNOTAC - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBALNOTAD - Balance Notification: Recipients' Addresses
IBKKBALNOTCTRL - Control Indicator for Balance Notification
IBKKBALNOTHD - BCA:External Interface for Bal. Notification Data (Header)
IBKKBALNOT_LIST - Display Structure of Balance Notification
IBKKBALNOT_RET - Return Structure for Balance Notification
IBKKBANKAD - Bank Statement: Address of Bank
IBKKBKSTAC - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBKSTAC_EXT - BCA: Account Data in Bank Statement Header (Ext. Display)
IBKKBKSTAD - Bank Statement: Addresses of Bank Statement Recipients
IBKKBKSTAD_BINT - BCA: Internal Bank Addresses
IBKKBKSTAD_INT - BCA: Internal Bank Addresses
IBKKBKSTCH - BCA: Currency Conversion Data in Bank Statement Header
IBKKBKSTCL - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IBKKBKSTCL_EXT - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IBKKBKSTCTRL - Control Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKBKSTGP - BCA: Name Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IBKKBKSTHD - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Header)
IBKKBKSTHD_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Header)
IBKKBKSTHY - BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Hierarchy-Info)
IBKKBKSTIT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IBKKBKSTITAI - BKK: Interface for Bank Statement (Info Item)
IBKKBKSTIT_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IBKKBKSTLI - BCA: Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)
IBKKBKSTLI_EXT - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement Data (Limit)
IBKKBKSTNT - Bank Statment: Payment Notes
IBKKBKSTOUT - BCA: Fields for Bank Statement Form
IBKKBKSTOUT_PDF - BCA: Fields for Bank Statement Form
IBKKBKSTPD - BCA: General Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IBKKBKSTPN - BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person
IBKKBKSTPO - BCA: Name Data of an Organization
IBKKBKST_CORRREC_PRODFEAT - product/version combination is active for corresp recipient
IBKKBKST_SCR_PARAMETER - Selection Parameters for Bank Statement Run (Display)
IBKKM1 - BCA: Structure for Balancing ID
IBKKM10 - BCA: Additional Parameters for Account Balancing Call-Up
IBKKM12 - Balancing Parameters to be Checked for Mass Run Admin.
IBKKM13 - (Selection) Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKM14 - Control Parameters for Mass Data Processing
IBKKM15 - Data on Mass Balancing Category
IBKKM16 - Issuing Data on Bank Statement Header
IBKKM17 - Screen Structure for Balancing Data Output
IBKKM18 - Help Structure for Transfer Parameters Reference Fields
IBKKM2 - Structure for Table Control Account Balancing
IBKKM2_S - Account Time Periods
IBKKM3 - BCA: Balancing Parameters
IBKKM4 - BCA: Flow Data for Account Balancing
IBKKM5 - BCA: Transfer Data for Balancing
IBKKM6 - BCA: Header Data for Bank Statement (Internal)
IBKKM7 - BCA: Master Data for Account Time Periods
IBKKM8 - BCA: Return Structure for Bank Statement Administration
IBKKM9 - BCA: Balancing Transfer Structure
IBKKMACC - Account key
IBKKMACCINPROC - Display Fields of Accounts Being Edited by Mass Run
IBKKMARCH01 - Display Detail Log Statement Archiving
IBKKMBALNOT_PARAM - (Selection) Parameters during Creation of Bal. Notification
IBKKMBALNOT_RET - Return Structure for Balance Notification
IBKKMBANKSTATPARAM - Parameters for Bank Statement Creation
IBKKMCTRLFLAGS - Control Flags for Mass Runs
IBKKMDISPOBJECTS - Objects in Parallel Processing
IBKKMHY - Key Account Hierarchy (Parallel Processing)
IBKKMINTVID - Key to an Interval for Parallel Processing
IBKKMJOBKEY - Key to a Background Job
IBKKMJOBSGROUP - Number of Jobs per Server Group
IBKKMJOBSHOST - Number of Jobs per Host
IBKKMLOCKDATA - Data on Display of Block Data (Mass Runs)
IBKKMLOCKDISPLAY - Display Data for Blocked Accounts
IBKKMPAOBJECT - Object for Parallel Processing
IBKKMPOSTC - Posting Categories for Processes
IBKKMREPCHAIN - Output Structure for Status Data on a Processing Chain
IBKKMREPCHAINHD - Status Data on a Processing Chain (Header)
IBKKMRUN - Interface for Mass Run Administration
IBKKMRUNBKKRS - Bank Areas of a Mass Run
IBKKMRUNINFO - Display Fields for Mass Run Data
IBKKMRUNKEY - Key Fields of a Mass Run
IBKKM_ROOT_LEVEL - Corresponding Root and Hierarchy Level of an Element
IBKK_ACCST - Bank Statement Data (Interface)
IBKK_BALNOT - Data for Balance Notification
IBKK_BALNOT_ADDR - Return Structure of Balance Notification Recipient
IBKK_BKST - Data for bank statement
IBKK_CLOPD - BCA: Screen Structure for Setting Balancing Date
IBKK_COND_FOR_BKST - Display Structure of Conditions for Bank Statement
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT - BCA: Include Structure for Screen Fields Hierarchy
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_CC - BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Cash Concentration
IBKK_DYN_HY_ROOT_IC - BCA: Screen Structure: Root Account Interest Compensation
IBKK_DYN_PER_AB - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Acct Balancing
IBKK_DYN_PER_BN - BCA: Sub-Screen Structure: Time Periods Balance Notification
IBKK_DYN_PER_BS - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Bank Statement
IBKK_DYN_PER_CC - BCA: Structure for Sub-Screen: Time Periods Cash Concentrat.
IFKKDIJOB - BCA: Reference Interface for Parallel Processing
PAY_NOTE_PDF - Payment note structure
TBKKM2 - Posting Categories for Balancing Postings
TBKKM2T - Texts for Posting Categories for Balancing Postings
TBKKM3 - Assignment Posting Categories <-> Medium/Transaction Types
TBKKM4 - Assignment Trans. Type -> Business Transaction Code
TBKKM5 - Dispatch Types for a Bank Statement
TBKKM5T - Texts for Dispatch Types Bank Statement
TBKKM6 - Blocking Categories for End of Day Processing
TBKKM6T - Text table for Blocking Reasons in End of Day Processing
TBKKM7 - Detailed Blocking Reasons
TBKKM7T - Text Table for Blocking Reasons
TBKKM8 - Business Transaction Code
TBKKM8T - Texts on the Business Transaction Codes
TBKKM9 - Bank Statement Format
TBKKM9T - Texts on the Bank Statement Formats
TBKKMCHAIN - Chains in End of Day Processing
TBKKMCHAINT - Short Description on End of Day Processing Chains
TBKKMDISP - Intervals for Parallel Processing
TBKKMEVENT - Events in Parallel Processing
TBKKMHOST - Server Used for Parallel Processing
TBKKMLOCKAPPL - Relevant Application Types
TBKKMNEXTDT - Increase Next Date for Bank Statement Table
TBKKMOBJECTS - Objects of Parallel Processing
TBKKMOBJECTST - Text Table on Objects of Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAAPPL - Application Categories in Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAAPPLT - Texts on Application Categories in Parallel Processing
TBKKMPAEVENT - Assignment Events <-> Application Categories
TBKKMPAEVENTT - Text Table on Events
TBKKMPATECHSET - Technical Settings for Parallel Processing
TBKKMREPCHAIN - Concatenation of End of Day Processing Report
TBKKMREPORTS - Reports Called Up in End of Day Processing
TBKKMREPORTST - Descriptions of Reports in End of Day Processing
TBKKM_TS - Control for Time Stamp Synchronization
VBKKM2 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Transaction Data Pool Tables IS-B-DP

BAPI_JBD_STR_ADDITIONALDATA - Additional Fields for the BAPI Interface
BAPI_JBD_STR_ARCH_CAT_SEL - Selection Structure for Archive Class
BAPI_JBD_STR_BAL_DATE_SEL - Selection for Balance Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_BOND - Bond parameters
BAPI_JBD_STR_BONDWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (bond warrant)
BAPI_JBD_STR_BPEXT_SEL - Selection for Extern Business Partner Numbers
BAPI_JBD_STR_CF_FROM_DATE - Start Date of Total Cash Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_CF_TO_DATE - End Date of Total Cash Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_CHUSER_SEL - Selection for 'Last Changed by'
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_EXT_ID - Structure for ID of External Collateral
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_EXT_ID_SEL - Selection for External IDs of Collateral
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_HEADER - Collateral: Header Data for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_AT - Collateral: Market Risk Attributes for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_CHA - Collateral: Market Risk Characteristics for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_HEADER - Header of Structure for Collateral
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_ITEMS - Line Items for Structure of Collateral
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_SIART - Structure for Collateral Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_SITYP - Structure for Collateral Categories
BAPI_JBD_STR_COLL_XAKT - Structure for Active Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_COMP_CODE_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_CONT_CRCY_ISO_SEL - Selection Structure for ISO Contract Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_CONT_CRCY_SEL - Selection Structure for Contract Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_CONVERTIBLEBOND - Convertible Bond Parameters
BAPI_JBD_STR_COUNTRY_ISO_SEL - Selection for Country ISO Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_DATA - Commercial Paper Details
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_CL - Commercial Paper: Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_EXT - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - External Key Figures
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_HEADER - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_AT - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - Market Risk Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_CHA - Commercial Paper: Financial Obj.-Market Risk Characteristics
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ADDIT - Commercial Paper: Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ATTR - Commercial Paper: Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_CHA - Commercial Paper: Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCH - Commercial Paper: Opportunity Condition Header
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCP - Commercial Paper: Opportunity Condition Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_CP_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_CRUSER_SEL - Selection for 'Created by' User
BAPI_JBD_STR_CURRENCYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (currency warrant)
BAPI_JBD_STR_CURRENCY_ISO_SEL - Selection Structure for ISO Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_CURR_SEL - Selection for Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_DB_RECORDS - Output Cash Flows from Database
BAPI_JBD_STR_DCHDAT_SEL - Selection for 'Last Changed' Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_DCRDAT_SEL - Selection for 'Created on' Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_DEALER_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_HEADER - Financial Transactions: Header Data of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_AT - Financial Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_CHA - Financial Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_HAPO - Flows for Derivative
BAPI_JBD_STR_DETR_HA_HAZU - Header Data for Listed Derivatives
BAPI_JBD_STR_ENDTERM_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_EQUITYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
BAPI_JBD_STR_EXCHANGE_SEL - Selection for Exchange
BAPI_JBD_STR_EXT_CONT_NO_SEL - Selection Structure for External Loan Number
BAPI_JBD_STR_FAZID_SEL - Selection for Facility (External)
BAPI_JBD_STR_FAZTYPE_SEL - Selection for Facility Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_FAZ_LIST - View of Facility for List
BAPI_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
BAPI_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_HEADER - Facilities: Header Data of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_MR_AT - Facilities: Market Risk Attributes of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_MR_CHA - Facilities: Market Risk Characteristics of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FORM_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_DATA - Details for Forward Rate Agreement
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_HEADER - Generic Transaction: Header Data of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_AT - FRA: Financial Object Attributes: Market Risk
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_CHA - FRA: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_CHARS - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Characts of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_FRA_MAINFLOW - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
BAPI_JBD_STR_FROMCURR_SEL - Selection: From Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_DT - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_FV - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_SD - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_DATA - Fixed-Term Deposit Details
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_CL - Fixed-Term Deposit: Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_EXT - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - External Key Figures
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_HEADER - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_AT - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object -Market Risk Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_CHA - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - Market Risk Chars
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ADD - Fixed-Term Deposit: Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ATTR - Fixed-Term Deposit: Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_CHA - Fixed-Term Deposit: Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCH - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Condition Header
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Condition - Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTD_MAINFLOW - Main Flows of Financial Transactions
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_COND_DT - Details of Conditions for Financial Transactions
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_COND_FV - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_COND_SD - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_MAINFLOW - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
BAPI_JBD_STR_FTR_NUM_SEL - Selection for Transaction Number
BAPI_JBD_STR_FUTURE - Attributes for Futures
BAPI_JBD_STR_FXRATETYPE_SEL - Selection: Exchange Rate Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_DATA - Details of Forex Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_HEADER - Foreign Exchange: Header Data for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_AT - Foreign Exchange: Market Risk Attributes of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_ATTR - Foreign Exchange: Market Risk Attributes of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_CHA - Foreign Exchange: Market Risk Char. of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_FZ_AT - Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_GETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_GETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_GTCURR_ISO_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_GTCURR_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_GTNUM_SEL - Selection for Company Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_ABEST - Generic Transaction: Extended Header Structure
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_BEWEG - Generic Transaction: Flow Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FML - Generic Transaction: Formula
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_HEADER - Generic Transaction: Header Data of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_AT - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Attributes of Fin. Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_CHA - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Characts of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_HIER - Generic Transaction: Hierarchy
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_KEY - External Key of Generic Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_KO - Generic Transaction: Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_KOET - Generic Transaction: Elementary Transactions
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_LIST - Generic Transaction: View for List Output
BAPI_JBD_STR_GT_OPTI - Generic Transaction: Option Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_HEAD - Header structure for financial product (FP)
BAPI_JBD_STR_IL_AT - Attributes of Interim Limits for Limit BAPI
BAPI_JBD_STR_IL_KEY_MAP - Key for Interim Limits for Limits VTBLVIL MAPI
BAPI_JBD_STR_INDEX - Secondary index class data
BAPI_JBD_STR_INDEXWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (index warrant)
BAPI_JBD_STR_INVESTMENT - Investment certificate parameters
BAPI_JBD_STR_ISSUE_CURR_SEL - Selection for Issue Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_ISSUE_CUR_ISO_SEL - Selection for Issue Currency in ISO Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_IXTYPE_SEL - Selection for Security Index Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_IX_SEL - Selection for Security Index
BAPI_JBD_STR_LMB_CHAR - BAPI Interface Attributes: Char. and Char. Val. Comb.
BAPI_JBD_STR_LMB_HEAD - BAPI Interface for Limits (Header)
BAPI_JBD_STR_LMB_LIMIT - Export of Header Segment During Export of Limit Data into BA
BAPI_JBD_STR_LMB_POS - BAPI Interface for Limits (Item)
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_AT - Attributes of Limits with Characteristic Value Combinations
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_CNTRL_SEL - Selection for Monitoring Unit
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_CRATING_SEL - Selection of Country Rating
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_CTRY_ISO_SEL - Selection for Country ISO Code
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_CTRY_SEL - Selection: Country
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_DLVB_SEL - Selection for Valid-From Date DLVB
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_INDSECT_SEL - Selection for Industry of Business Partner INDSECT
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_INTORG_SEL - Selection for Internal Organization
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_RATING_SEL - Selection for Rating Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_RCID_SEL - Selection of Free Characteristic
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_RLV_SEL - Selection for Limit Record RLV
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_SLA_SEL - Selection for Limits SLA
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_SLH_SEL - Selection for Hierarchy Level SLH
BAPI_JBD_STR_LM_SLPG_SEL - Selection for Limit Product Group SLPG
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_AGGR_CF - Total Cash Flow: Flows
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_CF_BAL - Total Cash Flow: Development of Balances
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_CF_HDR - Cash Flow: Header Information
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_HDR - Loan: Condition Headers
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_ITM - Loan: Condition Items
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_EFF_CAP - Cash Flow: Effective Capital Amounts
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_EXT_KEY - External Key for Loan
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_HEADER - Loan: Financial Object Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_AT - Loan: Financial Object Attributes: Market Risk
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_CHA - Loan: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCH - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Header
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCP - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_INFO - Basic Information for Loan
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_INT_KEY - Internal Key for Loan
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_KEY - External Key of Loan
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_PARTNER - Loan: Relationship - Partner/Role Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_REM_CAP - Remaining Capital of Loan
BAPI_JBD_STR_LOAN_TYPE_SEL - Selection Structure for Loan Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_MAX_ROWS - Structure for Maximum Number of Rows in Hit List
BAPI_JBD_STR_MDCURR_SEL - Selection for Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_FX_AT - Exchange Rates
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_FX_KEY - Key for Exchange Rates
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_IR_AT - Reference Interest Rates
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_IR_KEY - Key for Reference Interest Rates
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_IX_KEY - Key for Index Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_SECID_AT - Security Price Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_SECID_KEY - Key for Security Price Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_AT - Currency Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_KEY - Key for Currency Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_AT - Currency Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_KEY - Key for Interest Rate Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_AT - Index Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_KEY - Key for Index Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_AT - Security Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_KEY - Key for Security Volatility
BAPI_JBD_STR_OPTION - Attributes for options
BAPI_JBD_STR_ORDER_DATE_SEL - Selection for Order Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_ORDER_EXT_SEL - Selection for External Securities Order Number
BAPI_JBD_STR_OVERFLOW_FLAG - Ind. Showing that Max.No.of Transacts f.Selection Is Reached
BAPI_JBD_STR_PARTNER_SEL - Selection for Business Partners
BAPI_JBD_STR_PARTPAID - Partly-Paids for Stocks and Shareholdings
BAPI_JBD_STR_PAY_CURRCY_SEL - Selection Structure for Outgoing Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_PAY_CURR_ISO_SEL - Selection Structure for Outgoing ISO Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_PORTFOLIO_SEL - Structure for Portfolio
BAPI_JBD_STR_POSACC_SEL - Selection for Futures Account
BAPI_JBD_STR_POSDAT_SEL - Selection for Position Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_POSITION_CALC_SEL - Selection Structure for Position Calculation
BAPI_JBD_STR_POST_DATE_SEL - Selection for Posting Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_CALC - Structure for Position Calculation
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_CHGDAT_SEL - Selection for Date of Position Change
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_DET - BAPI Structure: Positions (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_HEADER - Positions: Financial Object - Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_AT - Positions: Financial Objects - Market Risk Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_CHA - Positions: Financial Objects - Market Risk Characteristics
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_KEY - Keys for Positions
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_VC_LIST - Row from GetList of Position Change
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_V_DET - BAPI Structure: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_V_KEY - Keys for Position Values
BAPI_JBD_STR_POS_V_LIST - BAPI Structure: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
BAPI_JBD_STR_PROC_EXT - Control Indicator for Executing BAdIs
BAPI_JBD_STR_PRODUCT_TYPE_SEL - Selection Structure for Product Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_PROD_CATEGORY_SEL - Selection Structure for Product Category
BAPI_JBD_STR_RATEDATE_SEL - Selection for Price/Rate Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_RATETYPE_SEL - Selection for Rate Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_RBAENDEXT_SEL - Selection for External Number of Position Change
BAPI_JBD_STR_RCN_FLG_SEL - Selection for Reconciliation Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_RECEICURR_ISO_SEL - Selection Structure for Incoming ISO Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_RECEI_CURRCY_SEL - Selection Structure for Incoming Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_REFERENCE - Structure for references
BAPI_JBD_STR_REFRATE_SEL - Selection for Reference Interest Rate
BAPI_JBD_STR_REM_CAP_CALC_D - Key Date for Determination of Remaining Capital
BAPI_JBD_STR_REQUESTED_FLAG - Structure with Requested Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_REVERSAL_SEL - Selection for Reversal Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_REV_INDICATOR - Indicator: Reversal or Active
BAPI_JBD_STR_SAKTIV_SEL - Selection Structure for Active Status of Fin. Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_SBAENTYP_SEL - Selection for Categories of Position Change
BAPI_JBD_STR_SECID_SEL - Selection for Security ID
BAPI_JBD_STR_SEC_ACC_SEL - Selection for Exchange
BAPI_JBD_STR_SEC_ID_SEL - Selection Structure for Security ID Number
BAPI_JBD_STR_SELCURR_SEL - BAPI Structure: Currency of Outgoing Side
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_BEKI - Header Data for Securities Order
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_BEPI - Flow Data for Securities Order
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_EXT_KEY - Table for the External Keys of Securities Orders
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_HEADER - Listed Transactions: Header Data of Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_AT - Listed Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_CHA - Listed Transactions: Market Risk Characts of Fin.Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SETR_KEYS - Table of all Keys of Securities Order
BAPI_JBD_STR_SHAREHOLDING - Shareholding parameters
BAPI_JBD_STR_SHLNG - Short/Long Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_SHORT_LONG_SEL - Selection Structure for Short/Long Indicator
BAPI_JBD_STR_STATUS_SEL - Selection Structure for Loan Status
BAPI_JBD_STR_STOCK - Stocks parameters
BAPI_JBD_STR_STOCK_EXCHANG_SEL - Selection Structure for Exchange
BAPI_JBD_STR_SUBSCRIPTPERIOD - Subscription period for subscription rights
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_DT - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_FV - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_SD - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_DATA - Details for Swap
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_HEADER - SWAP: Financial Object Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_AT - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Attributes of Fin. Object
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_CHA - Swap: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_SWAP_MAINFLOW - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
BAPI_JBD_STR_TOCURR_SEL - Selection: To Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_TONUM_SEL - Selection for Turnover Numbers
BAPI_JBD_STR_TRANSCURR_ISO_SEL - Selection Structure for ISO Transaction Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_TRANS_CURRCY_SEL - Selection Structure for Transaction Currency
BAPI_JBD_STR_TRANS_NUMBER_SEL - Selection for Transaction Number
BAPI_JBD_STR_TRANS_TYPE_SEL - Selection Structure for Financial Transaction Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_VAL_DATE_SEL - Selection for Value Date
BAPI_JBD_STR_VAL_MAIN_SEL - Selection of Type of Value Maintenance for Var. Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_VC_HEADER - IS-B: Position Changes (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
BAPI_JBD_STR_VC_ITEM - IS-B: Flow for Position Changes (Basel II / IAS)
BAPI_JBD_STR_VC_KEY - Position Change: External Key
BAPI_JBD_STR_VOLNAME_SEL - Selection for Volatility Name
BAPI_JBD_STR_VOLTYPE_SEL - Selection for Volatility Type
BAPI_JBD_STR_VTCURR_ISO_SEL - Selection for ISO Code of Currency of Variable Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_VTCURR_SEL - Selection for Transaction Currencies of Variable Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_VTNUM_SEL - Selection for Number of Variable Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_AT - Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_BA - Variable Transaction - Balances
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_BA_KEY - External Key for Balances
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_CH - Variable Transaction - Condition Header
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_CP - Variable Transaction - Condition Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_HEADER - Variable Transaction: Financial Object - Header Data
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_AT - Variable Transaction: Financial Obj.- Market Risk Attributes
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_CHA - Var.Transaction: Financial Obj.- Market Risk Characteristics
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of PA Part
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCH - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Header
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCP - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_KEY - External Key for Variable Transaction
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_LD - Variable Transaction: Ledger Assignment
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_LIST - View of Variable Transaction for List
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_LP - Variable Transaction: Ledger Item
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_SC - Variable Transaction: Selection Char. for Operating Concern
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_SD - Variable Transaction: Ledger Selection Dimension
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_TO - Variable Transaction - Turnovers
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_TO_KEY - External Key for Turnover
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_VM - Variable Transaction - Type of Value Maintenance
BAPI_JBD_STR_VT_VM_AT_DATE - Structure with Key Date for Value Maintenance
BAPI_JBD_STR_WARRANTBOND - Warrant bonds parameters
BAPI_STR_LOAN_INT_EXT_KEY - Structure for External and Internal Loan Key
BAPI_TE_JBDVTCI - User-Defined Fields
BDTJBRBKNZ - Help Structure for the BDT: Amounts
BDTJBRMKNZ - Help Structure for the BDT: Quantities
BDTJBRPKNZ - Help Structure for the BDT: Percentage Figures
COPA_ERKRS - Operating Concern Structure
E101APIBUS1006_SCHEDULE_TYP - Appointment Rule: BAPI Structure for Schedule Type
E101API_STR_BUPA_FS_ADDIT_X - BAPI: Business Partner Information / Additional Information
E101API_STR_BUPA_FS_CUSTFLS - BP: Additional Data (from Darwin BP)
E101API_STR_BUPA_FS_CUSTF_X - Change Structure for BP3010
E101BIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_D - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Daily Appointments
E101BIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_R - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Links
E101BIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_T - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for T-Appointments
E101BIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_W - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Weekly Appointments
E101BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E101BIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_ORG_X - External Interface:Ind. Address Versions for Organ. & Groups
E101BIBP_EI_ADDITIONAL_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
E101BIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
E101BIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information _X
E101BIBP_EI_ASSESSMENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
E101BIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: General Data _X
E101BIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
E101BIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
E101BIBP_EI_RATING_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Credit Standing Data _X
E101BIBP_EI_VALD_ADDR_USE_D - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data
E101BP_BAPI_BUPA_ADD_DATA_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Additional Information _X
E101BP_BURS_EI_ADDRESS_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Relationship Addresses
E101BP_BURS_EI_BUPA_VERSION - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Versions Type 3
E101BP_BURS_EI_REL_INTEREST - Ext. Interface: Data for Shareholder
E101BP_BURS_EI_STRUC_ADDR_X - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS_X (Relationships)
E101BP_BURS_EI_VERSION_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Versions Type 3
E101BP_BUS_EI_ADDRESSREMARK - Ext. Interface: Address Remarks
E101BP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_KEY - Ext. Interface: Address Key
E101BP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SMTP
E101BP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an X.400 Connection
E101BP_BUS_EI_COMMUNICATION - Ext. Interface: Communication Types
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_BANKDET - Ext. Interface: Structure BANKDETAIL
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_CENTRAL - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_SMTP_DX - Ext. Interface: Structure SMTP_DATAX
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TAX_COM - Ext. Interface: Structure TAX_COMMON
E101BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DX - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATAX
E101BP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DAT_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields _X
E101BP_EI_PARTNERBNK_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank _X
E101BP_EI_VALD_ADDR_USE_D_S - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data
E101BURS_EI_BUPA_GEN_DATA_X - Ext. Interface: Data for Creation of a Relationship (X Bar)
E101BURS_EI_STRUC_CEN_CON_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_CON_X (Relationships)
E101BUS_EI_BUPA_POSTAL_ADDR - Ext. Interface: Data for Postal Address
E101IBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_M1 - Appointment Rules:BAPI Structure f. Monthly Appointments(M1)
E101IBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_M3 - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure f.Monthly Appointments(M3)
E101IBP_BURS_EI_REL_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for a Relationship Address
E101IBP_BURS_EI_REL_CONTACT - Ext. Interface: Contact Person Data
E101IBP_BUS_EI_ADDRESSUSAGE - Ext. Interface: Address Usages
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Address
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENTRAL - Ext. Interface: Central Business Partner Data
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a FAX Number
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Pager Number
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Printer
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RFC Destination
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RML
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SSF Connection
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telex Number
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Teletex Number
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a URL/FTP Connection
E101IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_VERSION - External Interface: Data for Address Versions
E101IBP_BUS_EI_CENTRAL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Central Data
E101IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E101IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PERS_X - External Interface: Indicator Address Versions for Persons
E101IBP_BUS_EI_VERSION_DATA - External Interface: Data for Address Versions
E101IBP_EI_ADDITIONAL_FIELD - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
E101IBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
E101IBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields _X
E101IBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings _X
E101IBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
E101IBP_EI_FISCAL_YEAR_INFO - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
E101IBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data _X
E101IBP_EI_PARTNERBANK_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
E101IBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
E101IBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data _X
E101IBP_EI_VALDATE_ADDR_USE - External FS-BP Interface: Time-Dependent Address Usage
E101JBIBP_BAPIAD_REM - BAPI Structure for Address Comments
E101JBIBP_BAPIAD_REX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIAD_REM
E101JBIBP_BURS_EI_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Relationship Addresses
E101JBIBP_BURS_EI_EXTERN - Complex External Interface of a Relationship
E101JBIBP_BURS_EI_GENERAL - Ext. Interface: Central Data for a Relationship
E101JBIBP_BURS_EI_HEADER - Ext. Interface: Header Relationships
E101JBIBP_BURS_EI_INSTANCE - Ext. Interface: Instance of a Relationship
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Business Partner Addresses
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BANKDETAIL - Ext. Interface: Bank Details
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX - Ext. Interface: Data for FAX
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_HOURS - External Interface: Hours Row Type
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG - Ext. Interface: Pager Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT - Ext. Interface: Data for Printers
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC - Ext. Interface: RFC Destination Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML - Ext. Interface: RML Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ROLES - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Role
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP - Ext. Interface: SMTP Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF - Ext. Interface: SSF Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX - Ext. Interface: Telex Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX - Ext. Interface: Teletex Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI - Ext. Interface: URL/FTP Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400 - Ext. Interface: Data for X.400
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_CREDITCARD - Ext. Interface: Credit Card Details
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_EXTERN - Complex External Interface of a Business Partner
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Fax
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_HEADER - Ext. Interface: Header for Business Partner Data
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_HOUR - External Interface: Hours
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_INSTANCE - Ext. Interface: ID and GUID of a Business Partner
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Pager
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data PRT
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RFC
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RML
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_ROLES - Ext. Interface: Roles
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_ROLE_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Role
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_SMTP_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SMTP
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SSF
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_ORG - External Interface: Address Versions for Organ. and Groups
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PERS - External Interface: Address Versions for Persons
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TAX
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_TAXNUMBER - Ext. Interface: Tax Numbers
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_TAX_COMMON - Ext. Interface: Additional Data Tax Numbers
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telephone
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data URI
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_VERSION - External Interface: Address Versions
E101JBIBP_BUS_EI_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data X.400
E101JBIBP_EI_ADDITION - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data
E101JBIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
E101JBIBP_EI_ADDRESS_USAGE - External FS-BP Interface: Time-Dependent Address Usage
E101JBIBP_EI_ADD_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
E101JBIBP_EI_ADD_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information _X
E101JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
E101JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
E101JBIBP_EI_ASSESSMENT - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
E101JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
E101JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
E101JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings _X
E101JBIBP_EI_COMMON - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
E101JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
E101JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
E101JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: General Data _X
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFFERENTIAL - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFFERENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria _X
E101JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria _X
E101JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
E101JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
E101JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
E101JBIBP_EI_EMPL_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
E101JBIBP_EI_FIN_SERVICE - External FS-BP Interface
E101JBIBP_EI_FISCAL_YEAR - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
E101JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_S - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
E101JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_X - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data _X
E101JBIBP_EI_IDENTIFICATION - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
E101JBIBP_EI_IDENT_NUMBERS - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
E101JBIBP_EI_ID_NUMBERS - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
E101JBIBP_EI_PARTNERBANK - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
E101JBIBP_EI_PBANK_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
E101JBIBP_EI_PBANK_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank _X
E101JBIBP_EI_RATING - External FS-BP Interface: Credit Standing Data
E101JBIBP_EI_RATING_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Credit Standing Data
E101JBIBP_EI_RATING_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Credit Standing Data
E101JBIBP_EI_RATING_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Credit Standing Data _X
E101JBIBP_EI_REPORTING - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
E101JBIBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
E101JBIBP_EI_REP_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data _X
E101P_BURS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_KEY - Ext. Interface: Address Key (Relationships)
E101P_BURS_EI_RELATION_DATA - Ext. Interface: Relationship Data
E101P_BURS_EI_STRUC_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS (Relationships)
E101P_BURS_EI_STRUC_CEN_CON - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_CON (Relationships)
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESSUS - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Usage
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_DATA - Ext. Interface: Address Data
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Partner
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENT_MAIN - Ext. Interface: Category and Group of Business Partner
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_INDSECTOR - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Industry
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_TAXNUMBER - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Tax Number
E101P_BUS_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE - Ext. Interface: Telephone Data
E101P_BUS_EI_IDENTIFICATION - Ext. Interface: Identification Numbers
E101P_BUS_EI_INDUSTRYSECTOR - Ext. Interface: Industries
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure FAX_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PAG_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PRT_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RFC_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RML_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TEL_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TLX_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TTX_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E101P_BUS_EI_VERSION_DATA_X - External Interface: Change Indicator for Address Versions
E101P_EI_ADDRESS_USE_DATA_X - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data _X
E101URS_EI_BUPA_GENERAL_DAT - Ext. Interface: Data for Creation of a Relationship
E101URS_EI_BUPA_VERSION_DAT - Ext. Interface: Address Versions Type 3
E101URS_EI_REL_CONTACT_CENT - Ext. Interface: Central Data for Contact Person
E101URS_EI_STRUC_CENTRAL_IN - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_INT (Relationships)
E101URS_EI_STRUC_CENT_INT_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_INT_X (Relationships)
E101US_EI_BUPA_ADDRESSREMAR - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Address Remark
E101US_EI_BUPA_CENTRAL_D_XF - Ext. Interface: Indicator for Creating a Partner
E101US_EI_BUPA_IDENTIFICATI - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an ID Number
E101US_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE_CO - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telephone Number
E101US_EI_STRUC_ADDR_USE_KE - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDR_USE_KEY
E101US_EI_STRUC_CENTR_GRO_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_GROUP_X
E101US_EI_STRUC_CENTR_PER_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_PERSON_X
E101US_EI_STRUC_INDUSTRY_KE - Ext. Interface: Structure INDUSTRY_KEY
E101US_EI_STRUC_TAX_COMON_X - Ext. Interface: Structure TAX_COMMON_X
E101_BURS_EI_POSTAL_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Relationship Address
E101_BURS_EI_VERSION_DATA_X - Ext. Interface: Change Indicator Address Versions Type
E101_BUS_EI_BUPA_BANKDETAIL - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating Bank Details
E101_BUS_EI_BUPA_CREDITCARD - Ext. Interface: Data for Credit Card Details
E101_BUS_EI_BUPA_HOURS_DATA - External Interface: Hours Data
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_ADDRESS_X - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS_X
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_BANKDET_X - Ext. Interface: Structure BANKDETAIL_X
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_CENTRAL_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_X
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_FAX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure FAX_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_PAG_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure PAG_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_PRT_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure PRT_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_RFC_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure RFC_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_RML_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure RML_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_SMTP_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SMTP_DATA
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_TEL_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TEL_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_TLX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TLX_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_TTX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TTX_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATAX
E101_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATA
E101_EI_ADDRESS_US_DATA_S_X - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data _X
E102BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E102BP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SMTP
E102BP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an X.400 Connection
E102BP_BUS_EI_COMMUNICATION - Ext. Interface: Communication Types
E102BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_SMTP_DX - Ext. Interface: Structure SMTP_DATAX
E102BP_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DX - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATAX
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a FAX Number
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Pager Number
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Printer
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RFC Destination
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RML
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SSF Connection
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telex Number
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Teletex Number
E102IBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a URL/FTP Connection
E102IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX - Ext. Interface: Data for FAX
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG - Ext. Interface: Pager Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT - Ext. Interface: Data for Printers
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC - Ext. Interface: RFC Destination Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML - Ext. Interface: RML Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP - Ext. Interface: SMTP Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF - Ext. Interface: SSF Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX - Ext. Interface: Telex Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX - Ext. Interface: Teletex Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI - Ext. Interface: URL/FTP Data
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400 - Ext. Interface: Data for X.400
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Fax
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_INSTANCE - Ext. Interface: ID and GUID of a Business Partner
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Pager
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data PRT
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RFC
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RML
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_SMTP_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SMTP
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SSF
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telephone
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data URI
E102JBIBP_BUS_EI_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data X.400
E102P_BUS_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE - Ext. Interface: Telephone Data
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure FAX_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PAG_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PRT_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RFC_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RML_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TEL_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TLX_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TTX_DATA
E102P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E102US_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE_CO - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telephone Number
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_FAX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure FAX_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_PAG_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure PAG_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_PRT_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure PRT_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_RFC_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure RFC_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_RML_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure RML_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_SMTP_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SMTP_DATA
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_TEL_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TEL_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_TLX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TLX_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_TTX_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TTX_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATAX - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATAX
E102_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATA
E103BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E103IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E103JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E103P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E103P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E103P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E104BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E104IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E104JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E104P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E104P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E104P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E105BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E105IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E105JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E105P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E105P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E105P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E106BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E106IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E106JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E106P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E106P_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
E106P_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
E107BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E107IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E107JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E107P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E108BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E108IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E108JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E108P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E109BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E109IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E109JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E109P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E110BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E110IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E110JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E110P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E111BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E111IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E111JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E111P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E112BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E112IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E112JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E112P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E113BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E113IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E113JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E113P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E114BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E114IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E114JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E114P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E115BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E115IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E115JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E115P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E116BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E116IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E116JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E116P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E117BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E117IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E117JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E117P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E118BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E118IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E118JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E118P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E119BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E119IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E119JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E119P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E120BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E120IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E120JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E120P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E121BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E121IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E121JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E121P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E122BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E122IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E122JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E122P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E123BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E123IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E123JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E123P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E124BIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
E124IBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
E124JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
E124P_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
E1BPFLAG3 - Indicator
E1BP_JBD_STR_ADDITIONALDATA - Additional Fields for the BAPI Interface
E1BP_JBD_STR_BOND - Bond parameters
E1BP_JBD_STR_BONDWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (bond warrant)
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_EXT_ID - Structure for ID of External Collateral
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_HEADER - Collateral: Header Data for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_AT - Collateral: Market Risk Attributes for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_CHA - Collateral: Market Risk Characteristics for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_HEADER - Header of Structure for Collateral
E1BP_JBD_STR_COLL_ITEMS - Line Items for Structure of Collateral
E1BP_JBD_STR_CONVERTIBLEBON - Convertible Bond Parameters
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_DATA - Commercial Paper Details
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_CL - Commercial Paper: Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_EXT - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - External Key Figures
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_HEADER - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_AT - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - Market Risk Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_CHA - Commercial Paper: Financial Obj.-Market Risk Characteristics
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ADDIT - Commercial Paper: Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ATTR - Commercial Paper: Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_CHA - Commercial Paper: Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCH - Commercial Paper: Opportunity Condition Header
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCP - Commercial Paper: Opportunity Condition Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_CP_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
E1BP_JBD_STR_CURRENCYWARRAN - Financial product parameter structure (currency warrant)
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_HEADER - Financial Transactions: Header Data of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_AT - Financial Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_CHA - Financial Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_HAPO - Flows for Derivative
E1BP_JBD_STR_DETR_HA_HAZU - Header Data for Listed Derivatives
E1BP_JBD_STR_EQUITYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
E1BP_JBD_STR_FAZ_LIST - View of Facility for List
E1BP_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
E1BP_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_HEADER - Facilities: Header Data of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_MR_AT - Facilities: Market Risk Attributes of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FCTY_FO_MR_CHA - Facilities: Market Risk Characteristics of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_DATA - Details for Forward Rate Agreement
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_HEADER - Generic Transaction: Header Data of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_AT - FRA: Financial Object Attributes: Market Risk
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_CHA - FRA: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_DT - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_FV - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_COND_SD - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_DATA - Fixed-Term Deposit Details
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_CL - Fixed-Term Deposit: Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_EXT - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - External Key Figures
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_HEADER - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_AT - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object -Market Risk Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_CHA - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - Market Risk Chars
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ADD - Fixed-Term Deposit: Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ATTR - Fixed-Term Deposit: Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_CHA - Fixed-Term Deposit: Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCH - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Condition Header
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Condition - Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTD_MAINFLOW - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTR_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
E1BP_JBD_STR_FTR_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
E1BP_JBD_STR_FUTURE - Attributes for Futures
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_DATA - Details of Forex Transaction
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_HEADER - Foreign Exchange: Header Data for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_AT - Foreign Exchange: Market Risk Attributes of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_CHA - Foreign Exchange: Market Risk Char. of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_FZ_AT - Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_GETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_GETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_ABEST - Generic Transaction: Extended Header Structure
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_BEWEG - Generic Transaction: Flow Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FML - Generic Transaction: Formula
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_HEADER - Generic Transaction: Header Data of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_AT - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Attributes of Fin. Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_CHA - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Characts of Fin.Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_HIER - Generic Transaction: Hierarchy
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_KEY - External Key of Generic Transaction
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_KO - Generic Transaction: Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_KOET - Generic Transaction: Elementary Transactions
E1BP_JBD_STR_GT_OPTI - Generic Transaction: Option Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_IL_AT - Attributes of Interim Limits for Limit BAPI
E1BP_JBD_STR_IL_KEY_MAP - Key for Interim Limits for Limits VTBLVIL MAPI
E1BP_JBD_STR_INDEX - Secondary index class data
E1BP_JBD_STR_INDEXWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (index warrant)
E1BP_JBD_STR_INVESTMENT - Investment certificate parameters
E1BP_JBD_STR_LMB_CHAR - BAPI Interface Attributes: Char. and Char. Val. Comb.
E1BP_JBD_STR_LMB_HEAD - BAPI Interface for Limits (Header)
E1BP_JBD_STR_LMB_LIMIT - Export of Header Segment During Export of Limit Data into BA
E1BP_JBD_STR_LMB_POS - BAPI Interface for Limits (Item)
E1BP_JBD_STR_LM_AT - Attributes of Limits with Characteristic Value Combinations
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_ATTRIB - Loan: Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_HDR - Loan: Condition Headers
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_ITM - Loan: Condition Items
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_HEADER - Loan: Financial Object Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_AT - Loan: Financial Object Attributes: Market Risk
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_CHA - Loan: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCH - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Header
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCP - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_KEY - External Key of Loan
E1BP_JBD_STR_LOAN_PARTNER - Loan: Relationship - Partner/Role Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_FX_AT - Exchange Rates
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_FX_KEY - Key for Exchange Rates
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_IR_AT - Reference Interest Rates
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_IR_KEY - Key for Reference Interest Rates
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_IX_AT - Index Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_IX_KEY - Key for Index Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_SECID_AT - Security Price Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_SECID_KEY - Key for Security Price Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_AT - Currency Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_KEY - Key for Currency Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_AT - Currency Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_KEY - Key for Interest Rate Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_AT - Index Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_KEY - Key for Index Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_AT - Security Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_KEY - Key for Security Volatility
E1BP_JBD_STR_OPTION - Attributes for options
E1BP_JBD_STR_PARTPAID - Partly-Paids for Stocks and Shareholdings
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_DET - BAPI Structure: Positions (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_HEADER - Positions: Financial Object - Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_AT - Positions: Financial Objects - Market Risk Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_CHA - Positions: Financial Objects - Market Risk Characteristics
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ATTR - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_CHAR - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_KEY - Keys for Positions
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_V_DET - BAPI Structure: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
E1BP_JBD_STR_POS_V_KEY - Keys for Position Values
E1BP_JBD_STR_PROC_EXT - Control Indicator for Executing BAdIs
E1BP_JBD_STR_REFERENCE - Structure for references
E1BP_JBD_STR_REV_INDICATOR - Indicator: Reversal or Active
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_BEKI - Header Data for Securities Order
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_BEPI - Flow Data for Securities Order
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_EXT_KEY - Table for the External Keys of Securities Orders
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_HEADER - Listed Transactions: Header Data of Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_AT - Listed Transactions: Market Risk Attributes of Fin.Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_CHA - Listed Transactions: Market Risk Characts of Fin.Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SHAREHOLDING - Shareholding parameters
E1BP_JBD_STR_STOCK - Stocks parameters
E1BP_JBD_STR_SUBSCRIPTPERIO - Subscription period for subscription rights
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP - Stock Swap
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_ADDFLOW - Financial Transaction: Other Flow
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_DT - Details of Conditions for Financial Transactions
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_FV - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_SD - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_DATA - Details for Swap
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_EXT - External Key Figures for Financial Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_HEADER - SWAP: Financial Object Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_AT - Generic Transaction: Market Risk Attributes of Fin. Object
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_CHA - Swap: Financial Object Characteristics: Market Risk
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ADD - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ATT - Attributes of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_CHA - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_KEY - Financial Transaction Key
E1BP_JBD_STR_SWAP_MAINFLOW - Main Flows of Financial Transactions
E1BP_JBD_STR_VC_HEADER - IS-B: Position Changes (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
E1BP_JBD_STR_VC_ITEM - IS-B: Flow for Position Changes (Basel II / IAS)
E1BP_JBD_STR_VC_KEY - Position Change: External Key
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_AT - Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_BA - Variable Transaction - Balances
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_BA_KEY - External Key for Balances
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_CH - Variable Transaction - Condition Header
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_CP - Variable Transaction - Condition Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_CL - Attributes of CL Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_EXT - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_HEADER - Variable Transaction: Financial Object - Header Data
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_AT - Variable Transaction: Financial Obj.- Market Risk Attributes
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_CHA - Var.Transaction: Financial Obj.- Market Risk Characteristics
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_ADDIT - Additional Information on PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of PA Part
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCH - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Header
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCP - Variable Transaction: Opportunity Condition Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_KEY - External Key for Variable Transaction
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_LD - Variable Transaction: Ledger Assignment
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_LP - Variable Transaction: Ledger Item
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_SC - Variable Transaction: Selection Char. for Operating Concern
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_SD - Variable Transaction: Ledger Selection Dimension
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_TO - Variable Transaction - Turnovers
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_TO_KEY - External Key for Turnovers
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_VM - Variable Transaction - Type of Value Maintenance
E1BP_JBD_STR_VT_VM_AT_DATE - Structure with Key Date for Value Maintenance
E1BP_JBD_STR_WARRANTBOND - Warrant bonds parameters
E1FPSEM_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
FOINRCL - FO Integration: Assignment Trans. Number to Object No. of FO
JBAPI_FTR_COND_DETAIL_MULTI - Multiple BAPI Structure: Condition Details
JBAPI_FTR_COND_FV_MULTI - Multiple BAPI Structure: Condition Details
JBAPI_FTR_COND_SD_MULTI - Multiple BAPI Structure: Condition Details
JBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FRA_MULTI - Detailed Data: FRAs for Export
JBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FTD_MULTI - Details for Fixed-term Deposit (Mass Data)
JBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_MFLOW_MULT - Multiple BAPI Structure: Main Flows
JBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SWAP_MULTI - Detailed Data: Swaps for Export
JBARTSEITE - Assignment: Transaction Type - Transaction Direction
JBBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FRA - Detailed Data: FRAs for Export
JBBAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SWAP - Detailed Data: Swaps for Export
JBBDT_STAT - Status Information for BDT Data Objects
JBBEWART - Flow Types
JBBEWART_T - Flow Types - Text Table
JBBEWZU - Assign Flow Types to Transaction Type + Transaction Direct.
JBCFBEWEG - Cash Flow Transaction: Flows
JBCFBEWEGSTRUC - Cash Flow Transaction: Structure for Flows
JBCFBZR - Cash Flow Transaction: Analysis Period
JBCFFIX - Cash Flow Transaction: Interest Rate Fixing
JBCFKOPF - Cash Flow Transaction: Header Data
JBCFSEITE - Cash Flow Transaction: Transaction Directions
JBCFVER - Cash Flow Transaction: Additional Versions
JBCFZSTRBEWEG - Cash Flow Transaction: Flow Data for Cash Flow
JBCFZSTRKOPF - Cash Flow Transaction: Header Data for Cash Flow
JBDABC01 - Table for Lock Object Tab Name
JBDACCKEYS - Key Fields for Account
JBDBAEND - Position Changes
JBDBCADERI - Derivation Structure BCA
JBDBEDI - Condition Table
JBDBEDS - Control Table for Logic Analysis
JBDBEDW - IS-B: Characteristic Values (Logical Analysis)
JBDBEST - Transaction Information for Selection
JBDBEWE - Position Flows Generated by Position Changes
JBDBFUS - Bank Position Management Point
JBDBFUT - IS-B: Bank Position Management Point - Texts
JBDBLAN - Country-Specific Data
JBDBPKR - IS-B: Determination of the Costing Rule
JBDBPOS - SAP Banking: Structure Update ISM Position Keeping
JBDBPRD - Bank Product
JBDBPRT - Bank Product Text
JBDBPVR - Value Table for JBRBPVAR
JBDBPVT - Product Variant Text
JBDBSTD - SAP Banking: Positions
JBDBSTK - Positions for Single Transaction Costing
JBDBSTS - Position Control
JBDBSTW - Position Values
JBDBW_BA_PARTNR - Extraction Structure PARTNR (Business Partner)
JBDBW_BA_RBPROD - Extraction Structure RBPROD (Bank Product)
JBDBW_BA_RBPROD_TEXT - Extraction Structure RBPROD (Bank Product) Text
JBDBW_BA_RKALRG - Extraction Structure RKALRG (Costing Rule)
JBDBW_BA_RKALRG_TEXT - Extraction Structure RKALRG (Costing Rule) Text
JBDCHARDERI - DAP: Structure for Gen. Char. for STC Char. Derivation
JBDCHGREL - Change Relevance
JBDCHGRELSYS - System Fields for Change Relevance
JBDCHGRELVAL - Possible Tables for Change Relevance Check
JBDCPHDR - Header Table for Change Pointer
JBDCPHDR2 - Header Table for Change Pointer
JBDCPPOS - Change Pointer - Item Table
JBDCPPOS2 - Change Pointer - Item Table
JBDCTVTBPRD - Conversion of Variable Transaction: Bank Product Assignment
JBDCTVTBPVR - Conversion Variable Transaction: Bank Product Variant Assgn.
JBDDARL - General Loan Structure (Selection)
JBDEURO - Indicator Table for EURO Conversion (CC)
JBDEXPACT - Activate Export Interface
JBDEXPOBJ - Export Object Categories
JBDEXPOBJT - Description of Export Object Categories
JBDEXPOBJVAL - Values for Export Object Categories
JBDEXPRELFIELDS - Fields for Selection of Export Relevance Check
JBDEXPRELHDR - Header Table for Export Relevance
JBDEXPRELPOS - Item Table for Export Relevance
JBDFHA - Financial Transaction (Selection)
JBDFHA0 - Financial Transaction (Selection) - General Enhancement
JBDFHA1 - Financial Transaction (Selection) - CL Enhancement
JBDFHAPO - Financial Transaction Flow (Selection)
JBDFHAZU - Financial Transaction (Selection)
JBDFINKO - Financial Transaction Condition (Selection)
JBDFODERI - DAP: Structure of Financial Object Data for FO Derivation
JBDFODERI_CFOD - DAP: Structure of General FO Fields for FO Derivation
JBDFODERI_PA - DAP: Structure for Profit Analysis Fields for FO Derivation
JBDFRIS - Maturity Pattern for Core Deposits Products
JBDFRST - Maturity Pattern for Core Deposits Products Text
JBDFRVL - SAP Banking: Volume Distribution for Existing Core Deposits
JBDFUNCDEAKT - Deactivate Datapool Functions
JBDGSCH - IS-B: Transaction Master Data
JBDKKOF - Fixing Table for Variable Transactions
JBDKKOF_BACKUP - Backup Table for the Conversion of JBDKKOF
JBDKKOF_N - New Fixing Table for Variable Transactions
JBDKKON - SAP Banking: Business Partner Account
JBDKKOW - Account Balances
JBDKOKO - Condition Header
JBDKOKOADDON - Additional Information on Table VZZKOKO
JBDKOPF - Header Structure for Selection from TIF
JBDKOPF1 - Header Structure for Selection from TIF - CL Enhancement
JBDKOPO - Condition Items
JBDKRVF - Assignment of Procedures for Costing Rules
JBDKUMS - Turnovers for Business Partner Accounts
JBDLDDIM - Ledger Dimensions for Variable Transaction
JBDLDDIM_SEL - New Ledger Dimensions for Variable Transaction
JBDLD_DIM - Ledger Dimensions
JBDLD_SEL_DIM - Ledger Selection Dimensions
JBDLD_VALUES - Ledger Values and Quatities
JBDMANPOSTLOAN - Indicator Table for Manual Postings
JBDMKAZ - Display of Required/Optional Control
JBDMKCDFP - Required/Optional Control for Class Data for Fin. Product
JBDMKFS - Foreign Key Dependencies for Req./Opt.Control
JBDMKST - Definition of Required/Optional Control
JBDMKVN - Neutral Required/Optional Control
JBDMKVTFD - Variable Transaction: Opt./Req. Control - Flow Data
JBDMKVTMD - Variable Transaction: Opt./Req. Control - Master Data
JBDOBJ1 - Object Table for Financial Transactions, General Part
JBDOBJ1_EXT - Central Financial Object Data + BDT Status Information
JBDOPTO - Option Structure for Selection from TIF
JBDPA_SEL_CHAR - Selection Characteristics for Profitability Analysis
JBDSCBKKRS - Financial Object Integration: Selection Criteria Bank Area
JBDSCPRODEXT - Financial Object Integration: Selection Criteria BCA Product
JBDSEPR - Maintain Receiver Structures for EDT (w. n Costing Rules)
JBDSEPT - Sender Structure Bank Product Text
JBDSUMME - Totals Structure for Selection from TIF
JBDT001 - Bank Company Code
JBDTAFOSN - Screen Fields for Central Part of FO Integration
JBDTDALLBCA - Assignment of BCA Product to Transaction Differentiations
JBDTRDAT - Flow Structure for Selection from TIF
JBDTREASPRCTR - Field Names Containing Treasury PRCTR
JBDTRIDAT - Flow Structure Underlying for Selection from TIF
JBDTVWF - Table/Administration Fields
JBDTZK01 - Condition Types for Variable Transactions
JBDUEBF - Transfer Fields
JBDUUMS - IS-B: Account Turnovers for Data Transfer
JBDVAFE - Outbound Fields for Procedures
JBDVDAK - Summarization of Current Indicators per Sender Program
JBDVDAN - Summarization Indicators: Exceptions
JBDVTACMADA - Variable Transaction: Current Master Data
JBDVTAVVOL - Variable Transaction: Average Volume Structure
JBDVTBA - Variable Transaction - Balances
JBDVTBALA - Variable Transaction: Balance Structure
JBDVTBA_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Balances
JBDVTBA_EXT - Variable Transaction - Balances + Status Information
JBDVTBFHAKEYS - Key for VTBFHA - External and FO
JBDVTCH - Variable Transaction - Condition Headers
JBDVTCH_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Condition Header Data
JBDVTCH_EXT - Variable Transaction - Condition Header + Status Information
JBDVTCI - Variable Transaction: User-Defined Fields
JBDVTCI_EXT - Variable Transaction: User-Defined Fields + Status Info.
JBDVTCP - Variable Transaction - Condition Items
JBDVTCP_DI - Variable Transaction: DI - Condition Items
JBDVTCP_EXT - Variable Transaction - Condition Items + Status Information
JBDVTDERI - Variable Transaction: Source Fields for Derivation
JBDVTDETAIL - Variable Transaction - Detail Data
JBDVTGL - Variable Transaction - General Ledger Assignment
JBDVTGLAC - Variable Transaction - Reference to FI G/L Account
JBDVTGLACBA - Variable Transaction: GL Balances from RM Perspective
JBDVTGLAC_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Reference to FI G/L Account
JBDVTGLAC_EXT - Variable Transaction - GL Account Assignment + Status Info.
JBDVTGL_DI - Variable Transaction - DI FI General Ledger Assignment
JBDVTGL_EXT - Variable Transaction: GL Assignment + Status Information
JBDVTKEYS - Key for Variable Transaction
JBDVTLD - Variable Transaction: Ledger Assignment
JBDVTLD_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Ledger Assignment
JBDVTLD_EXT - Variable Transaction: Ledger Assignment + Status Information
JBDVTLD_POS - Variable Transaction: Ledger Item
JBDVTLD_POS_EXT - Variable Transaction: Ledger Item + Status Information
JBDVTLD_PS_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Ledger Item
JBDVTLD_SD_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Selection Dimensions
JBDVTLD_SEL_DIM - Variable Transaction: Ledger Selection Dimension
JBDVTLD_SEL_DIM_EXT - Ledger Selection Dimensions + Status Information
JBDVTMD - Variable transaction - master data
JBDVTMD_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Master Data
JBDVTMD_EXT - Variable Transaction: Master Data + Status Information
JBDVTMD_LOCK - Variable Transaction - Help Structure for Locking
JBDVTMD_T - Variable Transaction - Description
JBDVTMD_T_EXT - Variable Transaction: Description + BDT Status Information
JBDVTNUALLO - Variable Transaction - Assignment Temporary to Final Numbers
JBDVTOBJNR - Object Number for the Variable Transaction
JBDVTPA_SC_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Selection Characteristics
JBDVTPA_SEL_CHAR - Variable Transaction: Selection Char. for Operating Concern
JBDVTPA_SEL_CHAR_EXT - Selection Characteristics + Status Information
JBDVTSN - Variable Transaction - Additional Screen Fields
JBDVTSPMADA - Variable Transaction - Selected Current Master Data
JBDVTTO - Variable Transaction - Turnovers
JBDVTTO_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Turnovers
JBDVTTO_EXT - Variable Transaction - Turnovers + Status Information
JBDVTVM - Variable Transaction - Type of Value Maintenance
JBDVTVM_DI - Variable Transaction - DI Type of Value Maintenance
JBDVTVM_EXT - Variable Transaction: Value Maintenance + Status Information
JBDVTXP23_ERR - Variable Transaction: Error in Converting Description
JBDVT_BA_AVI - Variable Transaction: Balances and Average Interest Rate
JBDVT_DI1 - Variable Transaction - DI all Data
JBDVT_DI2 - Variable Transaction - DI Initial Data
JBDVT_DI3 - Variable Transaction - DI Control and Initial Data
JBDVT_EXT_ID - Variable Transaction - External Key Fields
JBDVT_RMDATA - Variable Transaction: Detail Data for Risk Management
JBDWFF - Bank PA - Value Fields (Fixed Costing Components)
JBDWFV - Bank PA - Proposed Value Fields
JBDZSAUSVER - Cash Flow Transaction: Individual Disbursement Procedure
JBDZSKO - Cash Flow Header
JBDZSTR - Cash Flow
JBD_CFM_WFF - IS-B: Bank TRM/PA - Value Fields (Fixed Costing Component)
JBD_CP_GETDETAIL_HELP - Commercial Paper - Issue Structure
JBD_FRA_GETDETAIL_HELP - Forward Rate Agreement: Details
JBD_STC_FO_MR_ATTR - Fin.Object: Market Risk Attributes (JBROBJ1): Enhanced Data
JBD_STR_AGGREG_CF - Structure of SEM Total Cash Flow
JBD_STR_CHGPTR - Change Pointer - Short
JBD_STR_CL_ENDDATES - Internal Structure for Determining End Date of FO-CL Part
JBD_STR_COLL_ARCH_DATA - Data Structure for Determining Archiving Fields
JBD_STR_COLL_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates COLL_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_COLL_EXT_ID_MAP - External ID of Collateral
JBD_STR_COLL_EXT_INT_ID_MAP - Structure for External/Internal ID of Collateral
JBD_STR_COLL_FO_CL_MAP - CL Part of Financial Object for Collateral Agreements
JBD_STR_COLL_FO_EXT_MAP - External Key Figures for FO for Collateral Agreements
JBD_STR_COLL_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Collateral Agreements
JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object for Collateral Agreements
JBD_STR_COLL_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Collateral Agreemts
JBD_STR_COLL_HEADER_MAP - Header Structure for Collateral
JBD_STR_COLL_INT_ID_MAP - Structure for Internal ID of Collateral
JBD_STR_COLL_ITEMS_MAP - Line Items for Structure of Collateral
JBD_STR_COMPANY_CODE - Structure with Company Code
JBD_STR_CP_ADDFLOW_MAP - Additional Flow of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_CP_DATA_MAP - Commercial Paper: Issue Structure
JBD_STR_CP_FO_CL_MAP - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - CL Part
JBD_STR_CP_FO_EXT_MAP - Commercial Paper: Financial Object - External Key Figures
JBD_STR_CP_FO_HEADER_MAP - Commercial Paper: Header of Financial Object
JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Commercial Paper: Financial Object Attributes
JBD_STR_CP_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Commercial Paper: Financial Object Characteristics
JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Commercial Paper: Add. Attributes of Fin.Obj. (PA Part)
JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Commercial Paper: Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - Commercial Paper: PA Characteristics of Financial Object
JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCH_MAP - Commercial Paper: PA Opportunity Condition (Header)
JBD_STR_CP_FO_PA_OCP_MAP - Commercial Paper: PA Opportunity Condition (Item)
JBD_STR_CP_KEY - External Key of Financial Transaction
JBD_STR_DERIVE - Derivation Status
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_CL_MAP - Listed Transaction: Financial Object CL Part
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_EXT_MAP - Listed Transaction: Financial Object Ext. Key Figures
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Listed Transaction
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Listed Derivatives
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Listed Variable Tr.
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ADD_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_DETR_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_DETR_HAPO - Flows for Derivative
JBD_STR_DETR_HAPO_MAP - Flows for Derivative
JBD_STR_DETR_HA_HAZU - Header Data for Listed Derivatives
JBD_STR_DETR_HA_HAZU_MAP - Header Data for Listed Derivatives
JBD_STR_ERROR_INFOS - Structure for Transferring Error Information
JBD_STR_EXPRELSMALL - Export Relevance - Customizing Structure
JBD_STR_EXPSUBOBJ - Export Sub-Object
JBD_STR_EXTKEYS - External Keys
JBD_STR_FCTY_ARCH_DATA - Data Structure for Determining Archiving Fields
JBD_STR_FCTY_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-specific Package Template FCTY_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_FOBJ_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates: FOBJ_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_FOCF_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-specific Package Templates FOCF_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_FO_ARCH_RT_CHECK - InfoStructure for Residence Time Checks on FO
JBD_STR_FO_EXT_KEY - Financial Object: External Key Figures
JBD_STR_FO_EXT_KEY_SHORT - Financial Object: Ext. Key Figures (Short)
JBD_STR_FO_HEADER - Financial Object of General Part (JBDOBJ1): Reduced Data
JBD_STR_FO_HEADER_DB - Financial Object of General Part (JBDOBJ1)
JBD_STR_FO_KEY - Financial Object Number
JBD_STR_FO_KEY_EXTD - Financial Object Number with Company Code
JBD_STR_FO_KL - Financial Object: Credit Limit Part
JBD_STR_FO_KL_SHORT - Financial Object: Credit Limit Part (Short)
JBD_STR_FO_MR_ATTR - Fin.Object: Market Risk Attributes (JBROBJ1): Enhanced Data
JBD_STR_FO_MR_ATTR_DB - Financial Object: Market Risk Attributes (JBROBJ1)
JBD_STR_FO_MR_CHARS - Characteristics of Fin.Object Market Risk Part (I73xxxx)
JBD_STR_FO_PA_ADDIT - Financial Object: PA: Additional Information
JBD_STR_FO_PA_ADDIT_EXTD - Financial Object: PA: Additional Information with FO Number
JBD_STR_FO_PA_ATTR - Financial Object: Profitability Analysis Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_ATTR_EXTD - Financial Object: PA Part with Financial Object Number
JBD_STR_FO_PA_CHAROBJ - Structure of all FO PA Characteristics and PAOBJNR
JBD_STR_FO_PA_CHARS - Characteristics of FO PA Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_KEYS - Financial Object Key Fields for PA Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_OCH - Opportunity Condition of FO PA Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_OCP - Opportunity Condition Items of FO PA Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_OCP_WRK - Opportunity Condition Items of FO PA Part
JBD_STR_FO_PA_WRK - Internal Processing Structure for FO PA Part
JBD_STR_FRA_ADDFLOW_MAP - Additional Flow of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_FRA_DATA_MAP - Details for Forward Rate Agreeemnts (Mass Data)
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_CL_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: CL Part of Financial Object
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_EXT_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: External Key Figures for FO
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Interest Rate Instrument
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Fin. Object for Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ADD_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FRA_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_FRA_KEY - External Key for Forward Rate Agreements
JBD_STR_FRA_MAINFLOW_MAP - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
JBD_STR_FTD_ADDFLOW_MAP - Additional Flow of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_FTD_COND_DT_MAP - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
JBD_STR_FTD_COND_FV_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
JBD_STR_FTD_COND_SD_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
JBD_STR_FTD_DATA_MAP - Issue Structure for Fixed-Term Deposit
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_CL_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - CL Part
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_EXT_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object - External Key Figures
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_HEADER_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Header of Financial Object
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object Attributes
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Financial Object Characteristics
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Add. Attributes of Fin.Obj. (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: PA Characteristics of Financial Object
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCH_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Conditions of Fin.Obj.
JBD_STR_FTD_FO_PA_OCP_MAP - Fixed-Term Deposit: Opportunity Conditions (Items) of FO
JBD_STR_FTD_KEY - External Key of Financial Transaction
JBD_STR_FTD_MAINFLOW_MAP - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
JBD_STR_FTR_ADDFLOW_MAP - Additional Flow of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_FTR_COND_DT_MAP - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
JBD_STR_FTR_COND_FV_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
JBD_STR_FTR_COND_SD_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
JBD_STR_FTR_GENERAL_MAP - General Data of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_FTR_KEY - External Key of Financial Transaction
JBD_STR_FTR_MAINFLOW_MAP - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
JBD_STR_FX_DATA_MAP - Details of Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_FX_FO_CL_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: CL Part of Financial Object
JBD_STR_FX_FO_EXT_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: External Key Figures for FO
JBD_STR_FX_FO_HEADER_MAP - Financial Object Header for Foreign Exchange Transaction
JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Foreign Exchange Transaction
JBD_STR_FX_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_FX_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_FZ_AT - Attributes of Facility
JBD_STR_FZ_AT_MAP - Attributes of Facility
JBD_STR_FZ_FO_CL_MAP - Facility: CL Part of Financial Object
JBD_STR_FZ_FO_EXT_MAP - Facility: External Key Figures for Financial Object
JBD_STR_FZ_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Facilities
JBD_STR_FZ_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object for Facilities
JBD_STR_FZ_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Facilities
JBD_STR_FZ_KEY - Key for Facility
JBD_STR_FZ_KEY_MAP - Key for Facility
JBD_STR_GENERAL_FO_HEADER_MAP - General Header Information of Financial Object
JBD_STR_GENERAL_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - General Attribute Information of Financial Object
JBD_STR_GETDETAIL_FRA - Detailed Data: FRAs for Export
JBD_STR_GETDETAIL_SWAP - Detailed Data: Swaps for Export
JBD_STR_GETR_ARCH_DATA - Data Structure for Determining Archiving Fields
JBD_STR_GETR_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates: GETR_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_GETR_FO_CL_MAP - Generic Transaction: CL Part of Financial Object
JBD_STR_GETR_FO_EXT_MAP - Generic Transaction: Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object
JBD_STR_GTVS_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates: GTVS_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_GT_ABEST - Generic Transaction: Extended Header Data
JBD_STR_GT_ABEST_MAP - Generic Transaction: Extended Header Data
JBD_STR_GT_BEWEG - Generic Transaction: Flow Data
JBD_STR_GT_BEWEG_MAP - Generic Transaction: Flow Data
JBD_STR_GT_COMBEWEG - Generic Transaction: Commodity Flow Data
JBD_STR_GT_COMBEWEG_MAP - Generic Transaction: Commodity Flow Data
JBD_STR_GT_EXT_KEY - Generic Transaction: External Key
JBD_STR_GT_EXT_KEY_MAP - Generic Transaction: External Key
JBD_STR_GT_FML - Generic Transaction: Formula
JBD_STR_GT_FML_MAP - Generic Transaction: Formula
JBD_STR_GT_FO_HEADER_MAP - Generic Transaction: Header of Financial Object
JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Generic Transaction: Financial Object Attributes
JBD_STR_GT_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Generic Transaction: Characteristics of Financial Object
JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_GT_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Variable Trans.
JBD_STR_GT_HIER - Generic Transaction: Hierarchy
JBD_STR_GT_HIER_MAP - Generic Transaction: Hierarchy
JBD_STR_GT_KEYS - Generic Transaction: Key
JBD_STR_GT_KO - Generic Transaction: Header Information
JBD_STR_GT_KOET - Generic Transaction: Single Transactions
JBD_STR_GT_KOET_MAP - Generic Transaction: Single Transactions
JBD_STR_GT_KO_MAP - Generic Transaction: Header Information
JBD_STR_GT_LIST - List With Transactions
JBD_STR_GT_LIST_MAP - List With Transactions
JBD_STR_GT_OPTI - Generic Transaction: Option Data
JBD_STR_GT_OPTI_MAP - Generic Transaction: Option Data
JBD_STR_IL_AT - Attributes of Interim Limits
JBD_STR_IL_AT_MAP - Attributes of Interim Limits for Limit MAPI
JBD_STR_IL_KEY - Key of Interim Limits for Limits VTBLVIL
JBD_STR_IL_KEY_MAP - Key for Interim Limits for Limits VTBLVIL MAPI
JBD_STR_JBDOBJ1_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. Obj.FOBJ_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBDVTBA_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. Obj.VTBA_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBDVTMD_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time Object VTMD_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBDVTTO_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. VTTO_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBDZSKO_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. FOCF_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBDZSZT - Structure with Table Structure JBDZSZT
JBD_STR_JBRDBKO_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f.Obj.GETR_ARCH
JBD_STR_JBRHKO_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. Obj.GTVS_ARCH
JBD_STR_KLFAZ01_RT - Structure for Reading/Checking Res. Time: Object FCTY_ARCH
JBD_STR_KLSI01_RT - Structure for Reading/Checking Residence Time of COLL_ARCH
JBD_STR_LMB_CHAR - API Interface for Limits (Characteristics) and Values
JBD_STR_LMB_CHAR_MAP - MAPI Interface for Limits (Characteristics) and Values
JBD_STR_LMB_HEAD - API Interface for Limits (Header)
JBD_STR_LMB_HEAD_MAP - MAPI Interface for Limits (Header)
JBD_STR_LMB_POS - API Interface for Limits (Item)
JBD_STR_LMB_POS_MAP - MAPI Interface for Limits (Item)
JBD_STR_LM_AT - Attributes of Limits with Characteristic Value Combinations
JBD_STR_LM_AT_MAP - Attributes of Limits with Characteristic Value Combinations
JBD_STR_LM_KEY - Key for Limits VTBLV
JBD_STR_LM_KEY_MAP - Key for Limits VTBLV for MAPI
JBD_STR_LOAN_AG_CF_KEY_MAP - Structure for Aggregated Cash Flow
JBD_STR_LOAN_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates: LOAN_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_LOAN_ATTRIB_MAP - Loan: Attributes
JBD_STR_LOAN_CF_BALANCES_MAP - Structure for Residual Balances
JBD_STR_LOAN_CF_HEADERS_MAP - Structure for Cash Flows
JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_HDR_MAP - Loan: Condition Headers
JBD_STR_LOAN_CND_ITM_MAP - Loan: Condition Items
JBD_STR_LOAN_EFF_CAPITALS_MAP - Structure for Effective Capital Amounts
JBD_STR_LOAN_EXT_KEY - External Key of a Loan
JBD_STR_LOAN_FLOW_RECORDS_MAP - Structure for Cash Flows
JBD_STR_LOAN_FLOW_TYPE - Flow Types for Loan
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_CL_MAP - Loan Financial Object: CL Part
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_EXT_MAP - Loan: Financial Object Ext. Key Figures
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Loans
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Loans
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Loans
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ADD_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCH_MAP - Opportunity Conditions of FO for Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_LOAN_FO_PA_OCP_MAP - Opportunity Conditions (Items) of FO for Var. Transaction
JBD_STR_LOAN_INFO - Basis Information for a Loan Transaction (API Layer)
JBD_STR_LOAN_INFO_MAP - Basis Information for Loan Transaction (MAPI Layer)
JBD_STR_LOAN_INT_EXT_KEY_MAP - Structure for External and Internal Loan Key
JBD_STR_LOAN_INT_KEY_MAP - Structure Category for Loan Key (Internal)
JBD_STR_LOAN_KEY - Internal Key of Loan
JBD_STR_LOAN_KEY_INFO - Key Information for Loan
JBD_STR_LOAN_KEY_MAP - External Key of a Loan
JBD_STR_LOAN_PARTNER_MAP - Loan: Relationship - Partner/Role Object
JBD_STR_LOAN_REMAIN_CAP_MAP - Structure for Residual Balances
JBD_STR_LOAN_SEM_REM_CAP - Structure with Remaining Capital Information on Loan
JBD_STR_MD_FX_AT - Exchange Rates
JBD_STR_MD_FX_KEY - Key for Exchange Rates
JBD_STR_MD_FX_KEYINT - Key for Exchange Rates
JBD_STR_MD_IR_AT - Reference Interest Rates
JBD_STR_MD_IR_KEY - Key for Interest Rates
JBD_STR_MD_IX_AT - Index Data
JBD_STR_MD_SECID_AT - Security Prices
JBD_STR_MD_SECID_KEY - Security Price Keys
JBD_STR_MD_VOCO_AT - Commodity Vola
JBD_STR_MD_VOCO_KEY - Schl�ssel f�r Commodity-Vola
JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_AT - Currency Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOFX_KEY - Key for Currency Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_AT - Interest Rate Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOIR_KEY - Key for Interest Rate Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_AT - Index Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOIX_KEY - Key for Index Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_AT - Security Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VOSE_KEY - Key for Security Volatility
JBD_STR_MD_VO_AT - Volatility Attributes
JBD_STR_OPCO_COCO - Company Code and Controlling Area
JBD_STR_PARTNER - Business Partner Number
JBD_STR_POS_ALL_KEY - Position: External and Internal Keys
JBD_STR_POS_FO_CL_MAP - Positions: Financial Object (CL Part)
JBD_STR_POS_FO_EXT_MAP - Positions: Financial Object (External Key Figures)
JBD_STR_POS_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_POS_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_POS_INT_KEY - Positions: Internal Keys
JBD_STR_POS_KEY - Positions: External Keys
JBD_STR_POS_KEY_MAP - External Key Fields for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_LIST - Row Type of GetList for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_LIST_MAP - Row Type of GetList for Positions
JBD_STR_POS_MD - IS-B: Positions (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_MD_MAP - IS-B: Positions (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_V - IS-B: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_VC_ALL_KEY - External and Internal Keys for Position Changes
JBD_STR_POS_VC_HEADER - IS-B: Position Changes (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_VC_HEADER_MAP - IS-B: Position Changes (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_VC_INT_KEY - Internal Keys for Position Changes
JBD_STR_POS_VC_ITEM - IS-B: Flows for Position Changes (Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_VC_ITEM_MAP - IS-B: Flows for Position Changes (Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_VC_KEY - Position Changes: External Keys
JBD_STR_POS_VC_LIST - Row from GetList of Position Change
JBD_STR_POS_VC_LIST_MAP - Row from GetList of Position Change
JBD_STR_POS_V_INT_KEY - Position Values: Internal Keys
JBD_STR_POS_V_KEY - External Key Fields for Position Values
JBD_STR_POS_V_KEY_MAP - External Key Fields for Position Values
JBD_STR_POS_V_LIST - IS-B: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_V_LIST_MAP - IS-B: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_POS_V_MAP - IS-B: Position Values (Data Export Basel II / IAS)
JBD_STR_RKALRG_CE4 - Structure for RKALRG Determination from CE4
JBD_STR_SELOPT - Rows from General Range Table
JBD_STR_SETR_BEKI_MAP - Header Data for Securities Order
JBD_STR_SETR_BEPI_MAP - Flow Data for Securities Order
JBD_STR_SETR_EXT_KEY - Table for the External Keys of Securities Orders
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_CL_MAP - Securities Order: Financial Object CL Part
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_EXT_MAP - Securities Order: Financial Object Ext. Key Figures
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Listed Transaction
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Listed Transactions
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Listed Transactions
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ADD_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_SETR_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_SETR_INT_KEY - Table of Internal Keys/Numbers of Securities Order
JBD_STR_SETR_KEYS - Table of all Keys of Securities Order
JBD_STR_SWAP_ADDFLOW_MAP - Additional Flow of Financial Transactions
JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_DT_MAP - Financial Transactions: Condition Details
JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_FV_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Formula Elements
JBD_STR_SWAP_COND_SD_MAP - Financial Transaction Conditions: Individual Dates
JBD_STR_SWAP_DATA_MAP - Details of Swaps (Mass Data)
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_CL_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: CL Part of Financial Object
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_EXT_MAP - Foreign Exchange Transaction: External Key Figures for FO
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Interest Rate Instrument
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Fin. Object for Interest Rate Instruments
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ADD_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_ATT_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_SWAP_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Forex Transaction
JBD_STR_SWAP_KEY - External Key of Financial Transaction
JBD_STR_SWAP_MAINFLOW_MAP - Financial Transactions: Main Flows
JBD_STR_TABCPIDS - IDs for Change Pointers
JBD_STR_TABERPAR - Parameters for Export Relevance Check
JBD_STR_TABNAME_OBJNR - Structure for Table Name and Object Number
JBD_STR_TABOBJ - Structure for Creation of Multiple Change Pointers
JBD_STR_TABSELOPT - Selection Option
JBD_STR_TABSTRUCT - Structure Name
JBD_STR_TJBD_VDARL_ARCH_RT - Structure f.Reading/Checking Residence Time f. Obj.LOAN_ARCH
JBD_STR_USER_MAP - Input and Change Data
JBD_STR_VTBA_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-specif. Package Templates VTBA_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_VTMD_ARCH_DATA - Data Structure for Determining Archiving Fields
JBD_STR_VTMD_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-specific Package Template VTMD_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_VTTO_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-specif. Package Templates VTTO_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_VT_AT_MAP - Attributes
JBD_STR_VT_BA - Balance
JBD_STR_VT_BA_KEY_ALL - Internal an External Keys for Balances
JBD_STR_VT_BA_KEY_EXT - External Key Fields for Balances
JBD_STR_VT_BA_KEY_INT - Internal Key for Balances
JBD_STR_VT_CH_MAP - Condition Header
JBD_STR_VT_CI_MAP - Fields from Customer Include
JBD_STR_VT_CP_MAP - Condition Item
JBD_STR_VT_FO_CL_MAP - Financial Object: CL Part of Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_FO_EXT_MAP - Ext. Key Figures for Financial Object of Variable Trans.
JBD_STR_VT_FO_HEADER_MAP - Header of Financial Object for Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_ATTR_MAP - Financial Object Attributes for Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_FO_MR_CHARS_MAP - Characteristics of Financial Object for Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_ADDIT_MAP - Additional Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_ATTR_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_CHARS_MAP - PA Characteristics of Financial Object for Variable Trans.
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_MAP - Attributes of Financial Object (PA Part)
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCH_MAP - Opportunity Conditions of FO for Variable Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_FO_PA_OCP_MAP - Opportunity Conditions (Items) of FO for Var. Transaction
JBD_STR_VT_KEYS - External Key Fields with Financial Object Number
JBD_STR_VT_KEY_EXT - External Key Fields
JBD_STR_VT_LD_MAP - Ledger Assignment
JBD_STR_VT_LIST - Row from List with Transactions
JBD_STR_VT_LIST_MAP - Transaction View for List
JBD_STR_VT_LP_MAP - Ledger Items
JBD_STR_VT_SC_MAP - Selection Feature
JBD_STR_VT_SD_MAP - Selection Dimensions
JBD_STR_VT_TO - Turnover
JBD_STR_VT_TO_KEY_ALL - Internal and External Keys for Turnover
JBD_STR_VT_TO_KEY_EXT - External Key Fields for Turnover
JBD_STR_VT_TO_KEY_INT - Internal Key for Turnover
JBD_STR_VT_TO_MAP - Turnover
JBD_STR_VT_VM_MAP - Value Maintenance
JBFIELDSEL - Structure for Field Selection Control
JBFIELDSELLIST - Control Table for Field Selection Control
JBGESCHART - Transaction Type
JBGESCHART_T - Transaction Type - Text Table
JBGESCHSEITE - Direction of the Transaction
JBGESCHSEITE_T - Transaction Direction - Text Table
JBIBAENDENQ - Structure for Locking Position Changes
JBIBBWF - Position Flows for Position Update
JBIBP_BAPIAD1VD - BAPI Structure Addr. Type 1, Fields Depend on Int. Versions
JBIBP_BAPIAD1VDX - Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD1VD
JBIBP_BAPIAD2VD - BAPI Structure Address Type 2 Fields Dep. on Int. Versions
JBIBP_BAPIAD2VDX - Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD2VD
JBIBP_BAPIAD3VD - BAPI Structure Address Type 3 Fields Depend on Int. Versions
JBIBP_BAPIAD3VDX - Change BAPI Reference Structure for Structure BAPIAD3VD
JBIBP_BAPIADFAX - BAPI Structure for Fax Numbers (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADFAXX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADFAXX
JBIBP_BAPIADPAG - BAPI Structure for Pager Numbers (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADPAGX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADPAG
JBIBP_BAPIADPRT - BAPI Structure for PRT Addresses (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADPRTX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADPRT
JBIBP_BAPIADRFC - BAPI Structure for RFC Addresses (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADRFCX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADRFC
JBIBP_BAPIADRML - BAPI Structure for RML Addresses (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADRMLX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADRML
JBIBP_BAPIADSMTP - BAPI Structure for E-Mail Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADSMTX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADSMTP
JBIBP_BAPIADSSF - BAPI Structure for SSF Addresses (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADSSFX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADSSF
JBIBP_BAPIADTEL - BAPI Structure for Telephone Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADTELX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADTEL
JBIBP_BAPIADTLX - BAPI Structure for Telex Numbers (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADTLXX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADTLX
JBIBP_BAPIADTTX - BAPI Structure for Teletex Numbers (Bus. Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADTTXX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADTTX
JBIBP_BAPIADURI - BAPI Structure for URI Addresses (Business Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADURIX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADURI
JBIBP_BAPIADX400 - BAPI Structure for X.400 Addresses (Bus. Address Services)
JBIBP_BAPIADX40X - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIADX400
JBIBP_BAPIAD_REM - BAPI Structure for Address Comments
JBIBP_BAPIAD_REX - Change BAPI Reference Structure to BAPIAD_REM
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006002_ADDRESS - SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006002_ADDR_X - SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Address Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006002_CENTRAL - SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006002_CENTR_X - SAP BP, CP Rel.: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006006_CENTRAL - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relationship
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006006_CENT_X - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Shareholder Relship, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_ADDRESS_X - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data; Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_BANKDETAIL - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_BANKDET_X - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Details Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GR - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_GRX - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Group Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_OR - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_ORX - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Organization Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PER - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_PERX - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Personal Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_CENTRAL_X - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Central Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_IDENT - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Numbers
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_IDENT_KEY - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for ID Numbers/Keys
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_IDENT_X - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Number: Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_D - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Daily Appointments
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_M1 - Appointment Rules:BAPI Structure f. Monthly Appointments(M1)
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_M3 - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure f.Monthly Appointments(M3)
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_R - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Links
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_T - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for T-Appointments
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_RULE_W - Appointment Rules: BAPI Structure for Weekly Appointments
JBIBP_BAPIBUS1006_SCHEDULE_TYP - Appointment Rule: BAPI Structure for Schedule Type
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADDR_USE - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Time-Dependent Address Usage
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADDR_USE_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Time-Dependent Address Usage _X
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADD_DATA - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Additional Information
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADD_DATA_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Additional Information _X
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADD_FIELD - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Additional Data Fields
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_ADD_FLD_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Additional Data Fields _X
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_DIFF_DATA - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_DIFF_DATA_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria _X
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_REPORT_DATA - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Statutory Reporting Data
JBIBP_BAPI_BUPA_REP_DATA_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Statutory Reporting Data _X
JBIBP_BAPI_FS_BANK_ATTRIBUTE - Business Partner: Bank Details (Partner = Bank)
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_ADDIT - BAPI: Business Partner Information / Additional Information
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_ADDIT_X - BAPI: Business Partner Information / Additional Information
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_ADR_US - BAPI: BP - Address Usage with Validity Date
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_ADR_U_X - FS-BP BAPI: Business Partner Master (Address Usage) Change
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_BNK_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Bank Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_CUSTFLS - BP: Additional Data (from Darwin BP)
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_CUSTF_X - Change Structure for BP3010
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_DT_ATTR - Business Partner: Differentiation Type Dependent Attributes
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_EMPL - FSBP: BAPI Structure for Business Partner Employment Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_EMPL_X - FSBP: BAPI Structure for Employment Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_EXTERNI - Additional External Business Partner Identification Number
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_FISCYEA - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_FISCY_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_RATING - Business Partner: Ratings
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_RAT_X - FS-BP: BAPI Structure for Ratings, Update Bar
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_REP - BP: Business Partner - Reporting Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_REP_X - BP: Business Partner - Reporting Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_TREASUR - Treasury Attributes Organization
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_BUPA_FS_TREAS_X - Treasury Attributes Organization
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_FS_EMPL - FSBP: BAPI Structure for Business Partner Employment Data
JBIBP_BAPI_STR_FS_EMPL_X - FSBP: BAPI Structure for Employment Data, Update Bar
JBIBP_BUPA_BUS000_EEW - SAP BP: Transfer Structure for CI Include Extension of BP
JBIBP_BUPA_BUS000_EEW_X - SAP BP: X Flag Bar for BP CI Include of the BUT000
JBIBP_BURS_EI_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Relationship Addresses
JBIBP_BURS_EI_ADDRESS_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Relationship Addresses
JBIBP_BURS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_KEY - Ext. Interface: Address Key (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_BUPA_GENERAL_DAT - Ext. Interface: Data for Creation of a Relationship
JBIBP_BURS_EI_BUPA_GEN_DATA_X - Ext. Interface: Data for Creation of a Relationship (X Bar)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_BUPA_VERSION - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Versions Type 3
JBIBP_BURS_EI_BUPA_VERSION_DAT - Ext. Interface: Address Versions Type 3
JBIBP_BURS_EI_EXTERN - Complex External Interface of a Relationship
JBIBP_BURS_EI_GENERAL - Ext. Interface: Central Data for a Relationship
JBIBP_BURS_EI_HEADER - Ext. Interface: Header Relationships
JBIBP_BURS_EI_INSTANCE - Ext. Interface: Instance of a Relationship
JBIBP_BURS_EI_POSTAL_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Relationship Address
JBIBP_BURS_EI_RELATION_DATA - Ext. Interface: Relationship Data
JBIBP_BURS_EI_REL_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for a Relationship Address
JBIBP_BURS_EI_REL_CONTACT - Ext. Interface: Contact Person Data
JBIBP_BURS_EI_REL_CONTACT_CENT - Ext. Interface: Central Data for Contact Person
JBIBP_BURS_EI_REL_INTEREST - Ext. Interface: Data for Shareholder
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_ADDR_X - Ext. Interface: Structure ADDRESS_X (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_CENTRAL_IN - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_INT (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_CENT_INT_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_INT_X (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_CEN_CON - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_CON (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_STRUC_CEN_CON_X - Ext. Interface: Structure CENTRAL_CON_X (Relationships)
JBIBP_BURS_EI_VERSION_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Versions Type 3
JBIBP_BURS_EI_VERSION_DATA_X - Ext. Interface: Change Indicator Address Versions Type
JBIBP_BUS_EI_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Business Partner Addresses
JBIBP_BUS_EI_ADDRESSREMARK - Ext. Interface: Address Remarks
JBIBP_BUS_EI_ADDRESSUSAGE - Ext. Interface: Address Usages
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BANKDETAIL - Ext. Interface: Bank Details
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESS - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Address
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESSREMAR - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Address Remark
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESSUS - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Usage
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESSUSAGE - Ext. Interface: Data for Address Usage
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDRESS_KEY - Ext. Interface: Address Key
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_DATA - Ext. Interface: Address Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ADDR_KEY - Ext. Interface: Address Key
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_BANKDETAIL - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating Bank Details
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENTRAL - Ext. Interface: Central Business Partner Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENTRAL_D_XF - Ext. Interface: Indicator for Creating a Partner
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Partner
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CENT_MAIN - Ext. Interface: Category and Group of Business Partner
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Communication Remark
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_CREDITCARD - Ext. Interface: Data for Credit Card Details
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX - Ext. Interface: Data for FAX
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_FAX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a FAX Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_HOURS - External Interface: Hours Row Type
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_HOURS_DATA - External Interface: Hours Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_IDENTIFICATI - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an ID Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_INDSECTOR - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an Industry
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG - Ext. Interface: Pager Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PAG_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Pager Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_POSTAL_ADDR - Ext. Interface: Data for Postal Address
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT - Ext. Interface: Data for Printers
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_PRT_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Printer
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC - Ext. Interface: RFC Destination Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RFC_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RFC Destination
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML - Ext. Interface: RML Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_RML_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an RML
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_ROLES - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Role
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP - Ext. Interface: SMTP Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SMTP_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SMTP
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF - Ext. Interface: SSF Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_SSF_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an SSF Connection
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TAXNUMBER - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Tax Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE - Ext. Interface: Telephone Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TELEPHONE_CO - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telephone Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX - Ext. Interface: Telex Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TLX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Telex Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX - Ext. Interface: Teletex Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_TTX_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Teletex Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI - Ext. Interface: URL/FTP Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_URI_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a URL/FTP Connection
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_VERSION - External Interface: Data for Address Versions
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400 - Ext. Interface: Data for X.400
JBIBP_BUS_EI_BUPA_X400_CON - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating an X.400 Connection
JBIBP_BUS_EI_CENTRAL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Central Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMMUNICATION - Ext. Interface: Communication Types
JBIBP_BUS_EI_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Communication Remarks
JBIBP_BUS_EI_CREDITCARD - Ext. Interface: Credit Card Details
JBIBP_BUS_EI_EXTERN - Complex External Interface of a Business Partner
JBIBP_BUS_EI_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Fax
JBIBP_BUS_EI_HEADER - Ext. Interface: Header for Business Partner Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_HOUR - External Interface: Hours
JBIBP_BUS_EI_IDENTIFICATION - Ext. Interface: Identification Numbers
JBIBP_BUS_EI_INDUSTRYSECTOR - Ext. Interface: Industries
JBIBP_BUS_EI_INSTANCE - Ext. Interface: ID and GUID of a Business Partner
JBIBP_BUS_EI_MAIN - Ext. Interface: All Business Partner Data
JBIBP_BUS_EI_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Pager
JBIBP_BUS_EI_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data PRT
JBIBP_BUS_EI_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RFC
JBIBP_BUS_EI_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data RML
JBIBP_BUS_EI_ROLES - Ext. Interface: Roles
JBIBP_BUS_EI_ROLE_DATA - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Role
JBIBP_BUS_EI_SMTP_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SMTP
JBIBP_BUS_EI_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data SSF
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_BAPITAX - Ext. Interface: Data for Creating a Tax Number
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_CARD_DEFAUL - Ext. Interface: Additional Data Card Details
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_CARD_DEF_X - Ext. Interface: Additional Data Card Details (X Fields)
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_COMREM_X - Ext. Interface: Structure COMREM_X
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_FAX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure FAX_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_ORG - External Interface: Address Versions for Organ. and Groups
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_ORG_X - External Interface:Ind. Address Versions for Organ. & Groups
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PAG_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PAG_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PERS - External Interface: Address Versions for Persons
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PERS_X - External Interface: Indicator Address Versions for Persons
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_PRT_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure PRT_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_RFC_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RFC_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_RML_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure RML_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_SSF_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure SSF_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TAX - Ext. Interface: Structure TAX
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TEL_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TLX_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure TTX_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure URI_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATA
JBIBP_BUS_EI_STRUC_X400_DX - Ext. Interface: Structure X400_DATAX
JBIBP_BUS_EI_TAXNUMBER - Ext. Interface: Tax Numbers
JBIBP_BUS_EI_TAX_COMMON - Ext. Interface: Additional Data Tax Numbers
JBIBP_BUS_EI_TEL_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telephone
JBIBP_BUS_EI_TLX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
JBIBP_BUS_EI_TTX_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data Telex
JBIBP_BUS_EI_URI_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data URI
JBIBP_BUS_EI_VERSION - External Interface: Address Versions
JBIBP_BUS_EI_VERSION_DATA - External Interface: Data for Address Versions
JBIBP_BUS_EI_VERSION_DATA_X - External Interface: Change Indicator for Address Versions
JBIBP_BUS_EI_X400_DATA - Ext. Interface: Communication Data X.400
JBIBP_EI_ADDITION - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data
JBIBP_EI_ADDITIONAL_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
JBIBP_EI_ADDITIONAL_FIELD - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
JBIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
JBIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
JBIBP_EI_ADDITION_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information _X
JBIBP_EI_ADDRESS_USAGE - External FS-BP Interface: Time-Dependent Address Usage
JBIBP_EI_ADDRESS_USE_DATA_X - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data _X
JBIBP_EI_ADDRESS_US_DATA_S_X - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data _X
JBIBP_EI_ADD_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information
JBIBP_EI_ADD_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Information _X
JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields
JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields _X
JBIBP_EI_ADD_FIELD_DAT_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Additional Data Fields _X
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSMENT - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSMENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings _X
JBIBP_EI_ASSESSM_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Ratings _X
JBIBP_EI_COMMON - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: General Data
JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: General Data _X
JBIBP_EI_COMMON_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: General Data _X
JBIBP_EI_DIFFERENTIAL - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
JBIBP_EI_DIFFERENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria
JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria _X
JBIBP_EI_DIFF_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Diffn Type-Dependent Criteria _X
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYMENT_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
JBIBP_EI_EMPLOYM_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data _X
JBIBP_EI_EMPL_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Employment Data
JBIBP_EI_FIN_SERVICE - External FS-BP Interface
JBIBP_EI_FISCAL_YEAR - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_EI_FISCAL_YEAR_INFO - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_S - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data
JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data _X
JBIBP_EI_FYEAR_INFO_D_X - External FS-BP Interface: Fiscal Year Data _X
JBIBP_EI_IDENTIFICATION - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
JBIBP_EI_IDENT_NUMBERS - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
JBIBP_EI_ID_NUMBERS - External FS-BP Interface: Identification Numbers
JBIBP_EI_PARTNERBANK - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
JBIBP_EI_PARTNERBANK_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
JBIBP_EI_PARTNERBNK_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank _X
JBIBP_EI_PBANK_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank
JBIBP_EI_PBANK_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Partner Bank _X
JBIBP_EI_REPORTING - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
JBIBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
JBIBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA_S - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data
JBIBP_EI_REPORTING_DATA_X - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data _X
JBIBP_EI_REP_DATA_S_X - External FS-BP Interface: Statutory Reporting Data _X
JBIBP_EI_VALDATE_ADDR_USE - External FS-BP Interface: Time-Dependent Address Usage
JBIBP_EI_VALD_ADDR_USE_D - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data
JBIBP_EI_VALD_ADDR_USE_D_S - External Interface: Indicator for Complete Data
JBIBSTW_SHOW - Structure for Displaying Position Values
JBIDEOB - Receiver Structure for Financial Object - General Part
JBIERR - Internal Table for Storing Errors
JBIGS - Dummy Structure for Lock Objects (Sender Structure)
JBIJCUR - Key Fields for Original Objects
JBIKKOF - Structure for Fixing Dates for Variable Transactions
JBIKOND - Screen Fields for Conditions
JBIKOPOKEY - Key Fields for Condition Items
JBIMKTR - Structure for Determining Required/Optional Control
JBIPCHCK - EDT Program Check
JBIRKEA - Include Fields for RKEA1
JBISTRU - Structure for Dictionary Objects
JBISZKART - Int.Table for Yield Curve Assign. - Int.Calc.Method
JBITDOK - Collection of Data Elements for Documentation
JBITSAL - Structure for Daily Balances
JBIUAUSVER - EDT Individual Disbursement Procedure (Loan)
JBIUBAE - IS-B: EDT Receiver Structure for Position Changes
JBIUBOW - Internal Structure for Transferring Position Values
JBIUBSD - Structure for Position Master Updates
JBIUBSW - Structure for Position Value Updates
JBIUCDFP - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Class Data
JBIUDERIV - Transfer Structure for Derivatives
JBIUEU - EDT for EURO Conversion
JBIUFINPROD - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Data
JBIUFINPRODOLD - Receiver Structure for Financial Product Data
JBIUFINPROD_00 - Common Fields - Stock,Invest,Shares and Bonds
JBIUFINPROD_01 - Common Fields - Stocks, Shares, Investments
JBIUFINPROD_02 - Stock Fields
JBIUFINPROD_03 - Common Fields for Stocks and Shares
JBIUFINPROD_04 - Investment Certificate Fields Only
JBIUFINPROD_05 - Common Fields - Bonds, Warrant + Convert.Bonds
JBIUFINPROD_06 - Bond Fields Only
JBIUFINPROD_07 - Convertible Bond Fields
JBIUFINPROD_08 - Warrant Bond Fields
JBIUFOCOND - IS-B: Receiver Structure for Conditions in Financial Object
JBIUKOND - Transfer Structure for Financial Conditions
JBIUOBJ - Receiver Structure for Transfer of Objects
JBIUPAUSVER - EDT Individual Disbursement Proced. (Extended)
JBIUPCDFP - Extended Receiver Structure for Transfer of Financial Prod.
JBIUPDAR - Loan Transfer; Loan Conditions, Header, Item
JBIUPDERIV - Extended Transfer Structure for Derivatives
JBIUPEU - EDT for EURO Conversion (CC) - Enhanced
JBIUPFINPROD - Extended Receiver Structure for Transfer of Financial Prod.
JBIUPFOCOND - IS-B: Extended Receiver Structure for Conditions in FO
JBIUPVTFD - Variable Transaction: Extended Receiver Structure Flow Data
JBIUPVTMD - Variable Transactn: Extended Receiver Struct.for Master Data
JBIUVTFD - Variable Transaction: Receiver Structure for Flow Data
JBIUVTMD - Variable Transaction: Receiver Structure for Master Data
JBIUWPO - EDT Security Order
JBIUZST - IS-B: Data Transfer Structure for Cash Flow
JBIVDARLEDTLOCK - Locking of Loan Data via EDT
JBIXBAE - EDT Receiver Structure: Position Changes Extended
JBIXOBJ - Processing Structure for Transferring Objects
JBIXWPO - EDT Extended Securities Order
JBSECURITY_CONDITION - Condition Items (Flat Data Transfer Structure)
JBSECURITY_FUTURE - Attributes for Futures
JBSECURITY_HEADER - Parameter Structure for Financial Product (General Data)
RJBVDM - Structure for Screen Input Fields
SPROT_D - Structure for Output of Detail Log
SPROT_K - SAP Banking: Error Table for Costing
SPROT_R - Error Structure for Cash Flow Generation
TAFO_BASELII - Basel II Additional Information of General Part of FO
TJBD_CLL_RCH_CST - Object-Specific Customizing for COLL_ARCH
TJBD_COLL_RCH_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates for COLL_ARCH
TJBD_FCTY_ARCH_C - Object-specific Customizing: FCTY_ARCH
TJBD_FCTY_ARC_PT - Object-specific Package Templates: FCTY_ARCH
TJBD_FOBJ_ARCH_C - Object-Specific Customizing JB_FOBJ
TJBD_FOBJ_ARC_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates FOBJ_ARCH
TJBD_FOCF_ARCH_C - Object-specific Customizing FOCF_ARCH
TJBD_FOCF_ARC_PT - Object-specific Package Templates: FOCF_ARCH
TJBD_GETR_ARCH_C - Object-Specific Customizing GETR_ARCH
TJBD_GETR_ARC_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates: GETR_ARCH
TJBD_GTVS_ARCH_C - Object-Specific Customizing GTVS_ARCH
TJBD_GTVS_ARC_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates: GTVS_ARCH
TJBD_LOAN_ARCH_C - Object-Specific Customizing: JB_LOAN
TJBD_LOAN_ARC_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates: LOAN_ARCH
TJBD_VDARL_ARCH - Archiving Status for Loans
TJBD_VTBA_ARCH_C - Object-specific Customizing VTBA_ARCH
TJBD_VTBA_ARC_PT - Object-specific Package Templates: VTBA_ARCH
TJBD_VTMD_ARC_PT - Object-specific Package Template VTMD_ARCH
TJBD_VTMD_RCHCST - Object-specific Customizing VTMD_ARCH
TJBD_VTTO_ARCH_C - Object-specific Customizing VTTO_ARCH
TJBD_VTTO_ARC_PT - Object-specific Package Templates: VTTO_ARCH

SAP Profitability Analysis Tables IS-B-PA-PA

CE0E_B1 - Model Bank
CE1E_B1 - Model Bank
CE2E_B1 - Model Bank
CE3E_B1 - Model Bank
CE4E_B1 - Model Bank
CE4E_B1_ACCT - Model Bank
CE4E_B1_FLAG - Model Bank
CE4E_B1_KENC - Model Bank
CE5E_B1 - Model Bank
CE7E_B1 - Model Bank
CE8E_B1 - Model Bank
JBDDISTDERI - Derivation Structure for Distribution
JBDST0 - Reference Table for CE0xxxx (Internal Structure CO-PA)
JBDST1 - Bank PA - Fixed Part of Line Items
JBDST2 - Bank PA - Planning Data
JBDST3N - Segment Level (SEM-PA as for CO-PA)
JBDST4 - Bank PA - Segment Table
JBDST4_ACCT - Bank PA - Account Assignment Object
JBDST4_FLAG - Assigned Characteristics
JBDST4_KENC - Bank PA - Segment Table
JBDST5N - Internal Logical Segment Level (SEM-PA as CO-PA)
JBDST6 - Bank PA - Internal Lock Object
JBDST7 - General Fields for Allocating Cost Ct.Costs to Bank PA
JBDST8 - Transfer Cost Center Costs: Transfer Structure for Values
JBPDRHELP - Characteristic Derivation: Structure for F1/F4
TJBF - Field Catalog IS-B-PA
TJBFD - Field Catalog IS-B-PA, Characteristic Dependencies
TJBFE - Field Catalog IS-B-PA, Operating Concern Assignment
TJBIF - Communication Table in Generation
TJBP_DIST_DERI - Additions to Derivations in Distribution
TJBS - Base Field Catalog IS-B-PA (Fixed Fields)
TJBSD - CO-PA Basis Field Catalog: Dependent Characteristics
TKEXYWF - Value Field Name <-> Value Field Key

SAP Single Transaction Costing Tables IS-B-PA-STC

JBDCHARPAFO - General Characteristics for Financial Objects STC Part
JBDDERIVDERI - Derivation structure for derivates
JBDEXPOSUREDERI - Derivation Structure for Operational Exposures
JBDFTPASSIGNMENT - SAP Banking: Assignment of value fields to cost elements
JBDFXDERI - Derivation Structure Foreign Currencies
JBDI0000 - Template Structure for Generated Qty Table in STC for ABC
JBDLOANDERI - Derivation Structure: Loans
JBDMONEYDERI - Derivation Structure: Money Market
JBDORDERDERI - Derivation Structure Orders
JBDSECTRANSDERI - Derivation Structure for Security Transactions
JBDSTOCKDERI - Derivation structure Positions
JBDTDALLVT - Assignment of Transaction Differentiations/Description
JBDTKEVABALC - Volume Costing: Derive Structure Costing Rule
JBDTRLPOSSUBPOSDERI - Derivation Structure for TRL Position/Sub Position
JBDZKOND - Transfer Structure for Interest Conditions
JBDZZTK - Standard Customizing for Condition Field Selection
JBFTPDOCN - SAP Banking: document management table for FTP
JBIBBEW - General Structure for Position Flows
JBIBEKI - Enhancement VWBEKI
JBIBEPP - Enhancement of Structure VDBEPP
JBIBKK - BCA - Account Data
JBIBKK_KEY_EXT - External Account Key
JBIBPRD - Derivation Bank Product from Loan
JBIBSTK - Structure for Costing Positions
JBIBSTW - Structure for Position Values per Order
JBICASHFLOW - Simple Cash Flow
JBICONVF - Transfer Structure for Currency Translation
JBIDBSF - Criteria for Determining the Position Object Number
JBIFHAPO - Structure for Forex Flows
JBIFTPCOST_VR - Cost elements in chart of accounts for F4 help
JBIKAPD - Document. for Parameters in Costing Program
JBISBABC - Fields for Integration of SAP Banking CO-OM-ABC
JBISKAL - Structure for Locking for Costing
JBISTWF - Standard Value Fields for all Operating Concerns
JBIT001 - Company Code Table for Costing
JBITEOB - Receiver Structure for Financial Objects - STC Part
JBITEXTE - Collection of Texts for Output
JBITPOB - Check Structure for Fin.Trans/Period Values - STC Part
JBITUOB - Update Structure for Financial Objects, STC Part
JBITWRT - Daily Values for Days <> 1
JBIUDAR - IS-B: Loans Transfer
JBIUPER_E - Receiver Structure for Transferring Period Values (Large)
JBIUPKOND - Extended Transfer Structure for Accounts
JBIUPZST - Extended Transfer Structure for Cash Flows
JBIXFRV - Volume Assignment for Core Deposit Products, Costing
JBIXGSC - Transaction Master + Additional Information for Costing
JBIXKKO - Account Master + Additional Info. for Costing
JBIXZSKO - Extended Structure for Cash Flow Headers
JBIXZSTR - Extended Structure for Cash Flow Items
JBKWO - Object Type Selection
JBKWTP_RES - Structure for Results List of Process Template Allocation
JBKWTP_RESD - Structure for Detail Results List of Process Template Alloc.
JBP_STR_ABC - Activity Based Costing
JBP_STR_ACC_KEY - Internal Key for Account
JBP_STR_ACC_KEY_EXT - External Key for Account
JBP_STR_BALANCE - Balance Carryforward
JBP_STR_BCA_EXT_KEY - External Key for Current Account
JBP_STR_BCA_KEY - Internal Key for Current Account
JBP_STR_CF - Cash Flows
JBP_STR_CF_CFD - Type 2 Cash Flow Disturbance
JBP_STR_CF_EFF - Effective Capital
JBP_STR_CF_FLOW - Relevant movements
JBP_STR_CF_HDR - Cash Flow Header
JBP_STR_CLASPOS_KEY - Key for Class Position in Securities Account
JBP_STR_COSTCTRL - Costing Info (Control Parameter)
JBP_STR_FO - Financial Object Data
JBP_STR_FO_BASIC - General Data
JBP_STR_FO_EXTKEYFIGURES - External key figures
JBP_STR_FO_OC - Opportunity Conditions
JBP_STR_FO_OC_HDR - Opportunity Condition Header
JBP_STR_FO_OC_POS - Opportunity Condition Items
JBP_STR_FO_OPTQWF - Suggestable Quantity Fields/Value Fields
JBP_STR_FO_PAADD - PA Additional Data
JBP_STR_FO_PROV - Commission Fields
JBP_STR_FTP_CALC_TRA - Tranches for Opportunity Interest Rate Calculation
JBP_STR_FTP_TRANCHE_CUST - Tranche Settings for Opportunity Contribution BAdI
JBP_STR_NIBPOS_KEY - Key for Non-Interest Bearing Position
JBP_STR_OIRWEIGHT - Opportunity Interest Rate Weighting
JBP_STR_SERV_KEY - Key for Service
JBP_STR_SETR_INT_KEY - Table of Internal Keys/Numbers of Securities Order
JBP_STR_SPREAD - Mark Ups and Downs for Opportunity Interest Rate
JBP_STR_TOPOS - Turnover
JBP_STR_TRANSCTRL - Transaction Data
JBP_STR_TRANSKEY - Transaction Key
JBP_STR_TRAN_FTP_TRANCHE_CUST - Tranches for Opportunity Contribution for Trans. for BAdI
JBP_STR_VT_KEYS - Internal Key for Variable Transactions
JBRADKEY - Transaction Differentiation
JBTBALHDR - Log Header for Costing Log
JBTCFINFO - Cash Flow Transaction: Flow Information
JBTDATE - Structure for Accessing MCM table
JBTFTPPOST - SAP Banking: Structure for posting of FTP to PCA
JBTKABC - Assignment of CO-ABC Templates to Costing Rules
JBTKALKPROT_CONTEXT - Structure for Context-Info for Costing Log in Applic. Log
JBTKALKPROT_TEXT - Help Structure for Display of Costing Log
JBTKREG - Costing Rule
JBTKREG_SPREADS - Markups/Markdowns on Opportunity Interest
JBTKRET - Costing Rule Texts
JBTLFDT - Structure of Daily Values
JBTOBJ1 - Segment Table for Financial Transactions, STC Part
JBTOBJ1_EXT - Profit. Analysis Financial Object Data + BDT Status Inform.
JBTOBJP - Commission Fields for Financial Transactions
JBTOBJP_EXT - Profitability Analysis Commissions + BDT Status Information
JBTOP - Transfer Structure for Opportunity Interest
JBTOZGW - Weighting of Opportunity Interest Rate
JBTPAFOSN - Screen Fields for Profit. Analysis-Financial Obj.Integration
JBTPA_SEL_VAL - Values and Quantities from Profitability Analysis
JBTPA_VALUES - Values and Quantities from Profitability Analysis
JBTRCN_SEL_VAL - Selection Structure for Agreed Values and Quantities
JBTSPREADS - Opportunity Interest Rate Markups and Markdowns
JBTSPREAD_METH - Process for Markups or Markdowns
JBTSPREAD_METH_T - Process for Markups or Markdowns
JBTS_TRLFO_UI - UI structure for TRL Position/Subposition Fin. Object Maint.
JBTVERF - Costing Procedure in IS-B Based on Detailed Concept
JBTVERT - Costing Procedure Texts
JBTWRK - Table for Corresponding Working Day
JBT_FTP_CALC_TRA - Settings for Tranches for Calculation of Opp. Int. Rate
JBT_STR_ADJUST_N_REFER_DATES - Adjustment Date and Reference Date
JBT_STR_COMPUTED_FTR - Calculated Opportunity Interest Rate
JBT_STR_DATE_N_WEIGHT - Date and Weighting
JBT_STR_FTP_CALC_TRANCHE_CUST - Settings for Tranche for Opportunity Contribution
JBT_STR_FTP_TRANCHE_BASIS - Basis of Funds Transfer Price Calculation for Tranche
JBT_STR_FTR_ADJUSTMENT_BASIS - Basis for Adjustment for Funds Transfer Rate
JBT_STR_FTR_AVER_BASIS - Basis for Time-Related Averaging of FTR
JBT_STR_FTR_BEFORE_AVERAGING - Opportunity Interest Rate Before Averaging
JBT_STR_FTR_COMPLETE_BASIS - Basis for Total FTR Calculation
JBT_STR_PLAIN_BALANCE - Single balance
JBT_STR_TRANCHE_FTP - Funds Transfer Price for Tranche
JBT_VAL_AR_ACT - Activate TRM Valuation Area in SEM PA
JBVDATE - Condition Dates for Yield Curves
RJBTKL - SAP Banking: Structure for Transferring Domain Fixed Values
RJBTKM - Screen Fields in Customizing for Costing Rules
RJBTKP - Screen Fields for Period Values
RJBTKTX - SAP Banking: Text Fields for Costing Rule Maintenance
RJBTKVR - Structure for Possible Entries in Costing Rule Maintenance
TJBABC - CO-ABC->CO-PA: Update Characteristics for Summariz.

SAP Risk Analysis Tables IS-B-RA

AFWCH_DRSF_SAMP - Sample Customizing for Derivation (Fields for Steps)
AFWCH_DRST_SAMP - Sample Customizing for Derivation (Texts for Steps)
AFWCH_DRS_SAMP - Sample Customizing for Derivation (Steps)
AMORTCLUST - Cluster for Distributed Data Usage in ALM: P+L Results
ATRMO - Valuation control
ATSYCII - Additional Default Settings for Risk Evaluations
BAPIRANLW - RM: Structure for Class Numbers
BAPIWKNOB - RM: Assignment Structure OBJNR to RWKN
CFAFOIACT - FO Integration - Activation
CFAFOIACT_DETAIL - FO Integration: Selection of Details
CFAFOIACT_DETL_1 - FO Integration: Selection of Details (Valuation Area)
FTBB_KF_VALUE_RESULT - RM: Result Structure for Key Figure Values
FTBB_MULT_KF_VALUE_RESULT - RM: Result Structure for Key Figure Values for Multi Trans.
GAPCLUST - Cluster for Distributed Data Use
HIERA_TEXT - EIS-Hierarchy: Head and node objects with texts
HIER_TEXT2 - Hierarchy Information
I81NNK - IS-B: RM Characteristics : &
I82NNK - IS-B: RM Texts for Characteristics : &
I9AMBPK - IS-B: RM Model/Include DBTab Base Portfolio Determination
I9AMVMK - IS-B: RM Model/Include DBTab Variable Characteristics
I9AMVSK - IS-B: RM Model/INCLUDE Fixed + Variable Characteristics
I9AMVSK - IS-B: RM Model/INCLUDE Fixed + Variable Characteristics
I9AMVSK - IS-B: RM Model/INCLUDE Fixed + Variable Characteristics
I9AMVSK - IS-B: RM Model/INCLUDE Fixed + Variable Characteristics
JBATTKNZ - Attributes for External Key Figures
JBIFML08 - RM: Structure: Formula Part for FGET-BEWEG
JBIGAPP0 - RM: Gap-Specific Evaluation Parameters (Without Save ID)
JBIGAPP1 - RM: Gap-Specific Evaluation Parameters (Save ID)
JBIGAPP2 - RM Gap Analysis: General Valuation Parameters
JBIGAPP4 - ALM: Parameter Structure for Gap/ALM Call
JBIGAPP5 - RM: Control Parameters for Drilldown for Gap Analysis
JBIGAPPARA - RM: Gap-Specific Evaluation Parameters
JBIGAPZW0 - IS-B: RM Interim Result for Gap (Key)
JBIGAPZW1 - IS-B: RM Interim Result for Gap (Delta, ...)
JBIGAPZW2 - IS-B: RM Interim Result for Gap (Values)
JBIHIER08 - RM: Display of Hierarchy Structure
JBIKO08 - RM: Structure SFGDT-KOPF
JBIPROB - IS-B: RM Receiver Structure - Large
JBIPXSFGDT - RM: Processing Structure of EDT for XSDTFT
JBIRMOBJ - RM: Include RM-Spcecific Fields for Selection
JBISIMBSTD - RM: Structure: Assignment of RSIMBSTD to RIDXRT
JBISIMLFNR - RM: Structure: Assignment of RSIMLFNR to RSIMBSTD
JBISIMLFNR_2 - RM: Structure: Assignment of RSIMLFNR to OBJNR of Sim.Pos.
JBIUKNZ - RM Structure for Transferring External Key Figures - Short
JBIUPLANPAR01 - RM: Planning Parameter Structure Part 1
JBIUROB - IS-B: RM Receiver Structure (Small)
JBIUSER - RM: Create/Change Administration Information
JBIUXSFGDT - RM: Receiver Structure for EDT for XSDTFT
JBIWPANLA - RM Selection Structure for Investment Master and Supplements
JBIWPTERM - RM Selection: Warrants
JBIXKNZ - RM Stucture for Transfer of External Key Figures - Long
JBIXOBEXT - RM: Extended Processing Structure JBIXOBJ for EDT
JBRABEST - Semantic Data Type of Financial Transaction - Header Info.
JBRABEST01 - RM: Include for ABEST Fields, View-Specific
JBRABEST02 - RM: Include TR-Specific ABEST Fields
JBRABEST03 - RM: Include Reporting-Specific ABEST Fields
JBRABEST08 - RM: Include ABEST Fields for SFGDT
JBRABEST09 - RM: Include ABEST Fields for xSDTFT
JBRACCOUNT - RM BP Update Administration for Account Balances
JBRALF - Due Date Scenario - Items
JBRALFD - Due Date Scenario: Definition
JBRALFDT - Texts for Due Date Scenario - Definition
JBRALVBP - RM: Display Structure of Transactions in RM Data Pool
JBRALVBPF - RM: ALV Display Structure 'Financial Object Display'
JBRALVDIM - RM: Display Structure for Characteristics
JBRALVDT - RM: Display Structure for Single Value Analysis
JBRALVTEXT - RM: Texts in Display Structures
JBRAMOUNT - RM: Account Balance Summarization in Base Portfolio
JBRANTYPE - RM: Evaluation Category (Internal for Program Generation)
JBRASAVT - FO Integration: Required/Optional Save for SEM Applications
JBRAUSLIST - RM: List of Characteristic Values
JBRAUSTEXT - RM: List of Value Texts for a Characteristic
JBRAUSWTTREE - Node Structure of Tree for Evaluation Type
JBRAUTPAR - RM: Parameters for Authorization Check
JBRBDSALV - RM-RDM: Structure for ALV Output
JBRBDSGUV - RM-BDS: P+L Distribution
JBRBDSGUV0 - RM-BDS: P+L Basic Structure
JBRBDSGUV10 - RM-BDS: P+L Distribution in Blocks of Ten
JBRBDSLFN - RM-BDS: Run Number Definition
JBRBDSLFNA - RM-BDS: Index for P+L Data in the Archive File
JBRBDSLFNB - RM-BDS: Archive Information per Run
JBRBDSLFNC - RM-BDS: Calculation Basis per Run Number
JBRBDSLFNS - RM-BDS: Run Number Status
JBRBDSZZFLG - Report Data Memory: Activation of Time Measurement Backup
JBRBEWREG - Valuation Rules for Evaluations (Per Object)
JBRBEWREGT - Valuation Rules for Evaluations (Texts)
JBRBG0 - Gap Analysis - Global Control
JBRBG1 - Gap Analysis - Control using Valuation Rule
JBRBGR - RM: Position Group
JBRBGRPO - RM Position Groups: Items
JBRBGRT - RM: Position Group (Text)
JBRBP - Base Portfolio Definition
JBRBPAKTBW - RM: Current NPVs per Base Portfolio
JBRBPAMORTRES - RM: ALM Results Object for Base Portfolio-Depreciation Risk
JBRBPBEST - RM: Structure for JBRBEST + BP Supplements
JBRBPBEWEG - RM: Structure for JBRBEWEG + Various
JBRBPCFKN - RM: Aggregated Capital Commitment Cash Flows
JBRBPCFV - RM: BP Update Administration for Cash Flows
JBRBPCFVN - RM: BP Update Management for Cash Flows
JBRBPCFZN - RM: Aggregated Interest Commitment Cash Flows
JBRBPCVAL - RM: Characteristic Values per Base Portfolio
JBRBPEXPO - NPVs per Base Portfolio with Date Raster
JBRBPFART - RM: Update Type for Objects per View
JBRBPFIND - RM: Determination Table for Base Portfolios
JBRBPGAP - RM: Initial Data Structure for Gap Evaluations with BP
JBRBPGEN - RM: ABAP Sequences as Template for BP Generation
JBRBPGENUE - Generated Views for an RM Area
JBRBPKSV - RM BP Update Administration for Account Balances
JBRBPLIST - RM: List of BP Numbers
JBRBPMKAPG - RM: Characteristics + Values per Base Portfolio
JBRBPMSEG - RM: Structure for JBRMSEG + Various
JBRBPOPTI - RM: Structure for JBRBPOPTI + Various
JBRBPPARA - Structure for BP Parameters
JBRBPT - Base Portfolio Definition: Text
JBRBPWPV - RM: BP Update Administration for Positions/Securities
JBRBPZU - RM: Base Portfolio - Additional Information
JBRBSTD - RM: Base Portfolios - Single Positions (until F3.03)
JBRBSTDRAN - RM: Ranges Table for Simulated Positions
JBRBSTV - RM: Base Portfolio for Position Management
JBRBUT - RM: ALV Grid Control => Button and Form Routine
JBRBV0 - VaR - Global Control
JBRBV1 - VaR - Local Control
JBRBV2 - VaR Simulation Types
JBRBV2PI - VaR: Attributes for Parameterized VaR
JBRBV2SI - VaR: Attributes of Simulation Control
JBRBV2SXI - VaR: Control for Monte Carlo Scenarios
JBRBV2_T - Text Table for Table JBRBV2 (VaR Type)
JBRCFADD - RM: Additional Information for Cash Flow Updating
JBRCFART - Cash flow type
JBRCFART2KNZ - Cash flow type
JBRCFARTT - Texts for Description of Cash Flow Type
JBRCFEV - Cash Flow Evaluation - Assignment
JBRCFKAP - RM: Aggregated Capital Commitment Cash Flows per BP
JBRCFZINS - RM: Aggregated Fixed-Interest Cash Flows per BP
JBRCHARSEL - RM: Assignment of Parameter Names to Characteristics
JBRDATE - Structure of Date
JBRDBBEWEG - RM: DB Table BEWEG Extended Category of Primary Transaction
JBRDBCOMBEWEG - RM: DB Table BEWEG Extended Category of Primary Transaction
JBRDBFML - RM: Formula Components for Individual Cash Flows
JBRDBHIER - RM: DB Table for Hierarchy Structure xDTFT/DTFT
JBRDBKO - RM: DB Table Header Information Extended Risk Object
JBRDBKOET - RM: DB Table Header, HIERA and BEST Extended Cat.Prim.Trans.
JBRDBKOMIG - RM: Migration Table for Corrections to Generic Transaction
JBRDBOPTI - RM: DB Table OPTI Extended Category of Primary Transaction
JBRDBRTBST - RM: Position for Extended Risk Object (Aux.Struct.Textl.)
JBRDBRTBSTD - RM: Position for Extended Risk Object
JBRDBRTBSTDPO - RM: Position Items of Extended Risk Objects
JBRDBRTEXT - RM: DB Table for External Risk Object
JBRDBSIMLF - RM: Table of Simulation Run Numbers
JBRDERI - Characteristic Derivation Settings for Analysis Structure
JBRDIAGPARA - RM Parameters of Diagnosis Report
JBRDIFTKEF - RM Compared to CO-PA - Fields that are to be changed
JBRDRHELP - RM: Characteristic Derivation: Auxiliary Structure for F1/F4
JBRDSLISTE - RM Structure for List Output
JBRDSTMP - RM Structure as ID Stamp: Time, Last Changed ...
JBREGSH - RM Base Portfolio for Single Transactions
JBREOD - Results Object - Accumulated Delta Items per Node/Day
JBREOGAP - RM (Interim) Result Object for Gap Evaluations
JBREOGS - RM: Results Object for Grid Simulation
JBREOHS - RM: Results Object for Historical Simulation
JBREOHSDD - RM: Results Object for Hist. Simulation with Drill Down
JBREOPOS - Results Object for NPV Items
JBREOSEN - RM: Results Object for PVBP (Sensitivity)
JBREVAL_ALV - Evaluation Type: Display Structure for ALV
JBREXTKNZBEL - Display Change Document Headers for External Key Figures
JBREXTKNZBELPOS - Display Change Document Items for External Key Figures
JBRFLDDOCU - RM: Structure for Storing Field Documentation
JBRFOB - Financial Object List
JBRFOCVAL - RM: Characteristic Values per Financial Object
JBRGAPPARAMETER - RM Gap Analysis: General Valuation Parameters
JBRGAPSINSEL - RM: Gap Analysis Characteristics that are Unique Per Report
JBRGENPROG - RM: Table of Generated Programs
JBRGIDENT - Assignment of FO Number --> Trans No., Display, Texts
JBRGNUM - RM: Assignment of Transaction Numbers to Fin. Object Numbers
JBRHABEST - RM: Version Table for ABEST Fields
JBRHBEWEG - RM: Version Table BEWEG for Extended Cat. of Primary Trans.
JBRHCOMBEWEG - hRM: Version Table BEWEG for Extended Cat. of Primary Trans.
JBRHFML - RM: Version Table: Formula Components for Individ.Cash Flows
JBRHHIER - RM: Version Table for Hierarchy Structure xDTFT/DTFT
JBRHIERA - RM: Fields in Hierarchy Depiction of Cat. of Primary Trans.
JBRHKO - RM: Version Table: Header Information: Extended Risk Object
JBRHKOET - RM: Version Table Header, HIERA and BEST Ext.Cat.Prim.Trans.
JBRHOPTI - RM: Version Table OPTI Extended Category of Primary Trans.
JBRHSDEF - Default Values for Evaluations for Historical Simulation
JBRHSSPARI - Parameters for Evaluations (Include)
JBRIBSTD - RM Include Structure f. RM-Relevant Securities Position Data
JBRIBSTW - RM: Include Structure RM-Relevant Securities Position Values
JBRIBSTX - RM Structure for Selection of Securities Positions
JBRIFFOB - RM: Fixed Fields for Financial Object
JBRIGAPBEWREG - Gap Analysis - Control using Valuation Rule
JBRIGAPDEF - Default Parameters for Gap Analysis
JBRIHSFLG - Control Flags for VaR
JBRIHSVAR - Upper Structure for VaR Control
JBRINDX - RM: Cluster for Storing Datasets Derived from INDX
JBRINDXCAT - RM: Cluster for Storing Datasets, Catalog Entries
JBRINDXKAT - RM: Cluster for Storage of Datasets, Catalog
JBRIORDE - RM: Reduced VWORDE Structure for Forw. Securities Selection
JBRIORDER - RM: Short Order Structure for Selection
JBRISBPAR - RM Evaluation Parameters
JBRIVER - EDT-RM: Internal Processing Structure for Obj.Transfer
JBRIVWDU - RM: Organization/Data Transfer Indicator
JBRIXOBJ - RM: Addition of Line Index to Transfer Structure
JBRKNZ - RM: External Key Figures for Financial Object
JBRKNZTYPTAB - Definition of Basic Key Figure Categories
JBRKNZTYPTABT - Key Figure Categories
JBRKNZ_KEYS - Transfer of Ext.Key Figure Structure with Key Fields Only
JBRKON - RM: Account Balance Summarization in Base Portfolio
JBRLISTOBJ - RM: Template for List of Objects with Drill Down
JBRLISTVDD - RM: Template for List of Summarized Data Drilldown
JBRLZBAGGAP - RM Gap Analysis: Aggregation Result Object
JBRLZBBW - Results Structure for NPV Evaluation with Maturity Bands
JBRLZBD - Date Entries in Maturity Band
JBRLZBGAP - RM Gap Analysis: Aggregation Result Object
JBRMERKINF - RM: Information on Characteristics in a Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRMFELD - Assignment of Characteristic Field to Content
JBRMPR - Structure for Transf.of Price-Forming Factors to Rule Buffer
JBRMSGSEL - RM: Indicators that control the Filter for Messages
JBRMVOB1 - RM: Definition of Administrative Characteristics as Include
JBRMZBG - RM: Assignment of Transactions to Business Partners
JBRNAMEKEY - Generation of Key for JBRNAME
JBRNAMESPC - RM: (Sub-)Namespaces for Generation
JBRNODETXT - All Information for Display of Hierarchies
JBROBJ1 - RM: Definition of Fields/Characteristics Specific to RM
JBROBJAGGAP - RM Gap Analysis: Aggregation Result Object
JBROBJAMORT - RM Gap: Results Object for Single Value Analysis Amort.
JBROBJAMORTRES - RM: ALM Results Object for Base Portfolio-Depreciation Risk
JBROBJCHAR - RM: Flat Structure of Characteristics for a Financial Object
JBROBJDERI - RM: Structure of Financial Object for Derivation
JBROBJDIFF - Object Differentiation Key : Value Set
JBROBJDIFFT - Object Differentiation Key : Value Set
JBROBJGAP - RM Gap: Results Object for Single Value Analysis in Gap
JBROBJGAPZWERG - RM: Gap Interim Result on Object Level
JBROBJSAVEGAP - RM: Gap Interim Results for Saving
JBROZ - RM Gap Opportunity Interest Rates from Single Trans. Costing
JBROZAKT - RM Gap Determination of Nominal OI from Single Trans.Costing
JBROZPROTKOPF - RM Gap: Log Information from OI Determination (Header)
JBROZPROTPOS - RM Gap: Log Information from OI Determination (Items)
JBRPH - Portfolio hierarchy
JBRPHAMORTRES - RM: ALM PH Results Object - Depreciation Risks
JBRPHARC - RM: Archiving Data for Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRPHAUSW - Structure for PH Selection
JBRPHBAUM - RM: Portfolio Hierarchy - Tree Structure
JBRPHBAUM1 - RM: Portfolio Hierarchy - Tree Structure
JBRPHBAUMI - RM: Portfolio Hierarchy, Additional Fields
JBRPHBAUMS - Storage of Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRPHDEF - Definitions Used to Derive Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRPHF4 - RM: Help Structure for F4 Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRPHGE - RM: Portfolio Hierarchy: Generation Data
JBRPHKNTXT - RM: Description of a Portfolio Hierarchy Node
JBRPHT - Portfolio hierarchy
JBRPHT_ICON - RM: Portfolio Hierarchies with Texts + Status Icons
JBRPKNOLNW - RM: Assignment of Old Portfolio Node Old To New PH Node
JBRPPFGET - Maintenance Parameters for Category of Primary Transaction
JBRREGRAN - RM: Ranges Table of Rules as Transfer Structure
JBRREPGAPAW - RM: Gap Key Figures in Display Currency (Extended Reporting)
JBRREPGAPDIM - RM: Fixed Characteristics in Gap Analysis
JBRREPGAPEX - RM: Results Structure for Gap
JBRREPGAPGW - RM: Gap Key Figures in Transaction Currency (Ext. Reporting)
JBRRHBLT - End-Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy (Risk Factors)
JBRRHKNT - Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHKNTT - Texts (only used for data definitions)
JBRRHTREE - Risk Hierarchy Stored as Tree Structure
JBRRMB - Assignment of Analysis Structure to Client
JBRRMBBF - Analysis Structure
JBRRMBM - Assignment of Characteristics to Analysis Structures
JBRRMBT - Text Table for Analysis Structure
JBRRMEA3 - RM: RM Area Maintenance, Work Fields RKEA3
JBRRMREDFA - RM: Select Options for Reduced PH
JBRRMTKEF - RM: Copy of CO-PA Field Catalog
JBRRMTKEFD - RM: Copy of CO-PA Field Catalog, Characteristic Dependencies
JBRRMTKES - RM: Base Field Catalog CO-PA Fix.Char./Basic Key Figures
JBRRMTKESD - RM: Base Field Catalog CO-PA, Characteristic Dependencies
JBRRPBW - RM: Reporting Results Object - NPV Evaluation
JBRRPBWAW - RM: Fixed Key Figures in NPV Evaluation
JBRRPGAPAW - Gap: Fields in Display Currency
JBRRPGAPEX - RM: Gap Eval. Results Structure for Drilldown Reporting
JBRRPGAPGW - RM: Include for Gap Key Figures in Transaction Currency
JBRRPGS - RM: Reporting Results Object: Grid
JBRRPHS - RM: Reporting Results Object: Hist.Simulation/Profit + Loss
JBRRPHSVAR - RM: Reporting Results Object: Hist.Simulation/Profit + Loss
JBRRPSEN - RM: Reporting Results Object: NPV/Sensitivity (PVBP)
JBRRPSENIN - RM: Calculation of Sensitivites/NPV
JBRSAEV - Assign Balance Type to Yield Curve for Evaluation
JBRSART - Balance Type for Characterizing an Account Balance
JBRSARTT - Text Table for Balance Types
JBRSAVEGAP - RM: Gap Interim Results for Saving
JBRSAVE_IDS - RM ALM: IDs of Saved Gap Results
JBRSELD - Characteristic with Selections
JBRSENPAR - Parameters for Sensitivity Evaluations
JBRSGSELCT - RM: Parameter Structure for Selection of ST/CF/AB/SEC
JBRSHBAUM - Tree Structure of Nodes in a Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRSHKN - Nodes in Portfolio Hierarchy
JBRSHKO - Search Help Template for Internal Risk Object Number
JBRSI - Views
JBRSIBPBEW - RM: Assignment of View and BP ID to Valuation Rule
JBRSICRIT - Restrictions for Subviews
JBRSIHIM - Hierarchy of Characteristics
JBRSIM - Assign Characteristics to Views
JBRSIMLFRAN - RM: Ranges Table for Simulation Runs
JBRSIT - Dims texts
JBRSPH - Definition of Portfolio Hierarchy (Check Table)
JBRSPHT - Definition of Portfolio Hierarchy (Text Table)
JBRSVABEST - RM: Header Table SDTFT (Additional Info.) for Saved Datasets
JBRSVADOKU - RM-SA: Table for Documentation in Generated Reports 39-42
JBRSVBEWEG - RM: Flow Table for Cat. of Prim. Trans. for Saved Datasets
JBRSVCOMBEWEG - RM: Flow Table for Cat. of Prim. Trans. for Saved Datasets
JBRSVFML - RM: CF Formula Table for Cat. Prim.Trans. for Saved Datasets
JBRSVGAPERR - RM Gap: Error for Saved Gap Evaluation Results
JBRSVGAPHD2 - RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results)
JBRSVGAPRES2 - RM: Saved Gap Evaluation Results
JBRSVGAPSZEN - RM Gap: Scenarios for Stored Gap Evaluation Results
JBRSVHIER - RM: Hierarchy Structure Table of xDTFT for Saved Datasets
JBRSVINFO - RM: Info.Structure (Input Parameters) for Saved Datasets
JBRSVKO - RM: Header Table of SDTFT for Saved Datasets
JBRSVKOET - RM: Header Table of Cat. of Prim. Trans for Saved Datasets
JBRSVMSEG - RM: Val. Parameters of Cat.of Prim. Trans.for Saved Datasets
JBRSVOPTI - RM: Option Data Table of Cat. Prim. Trans for Saved Datasets
JBRSVPHBAUM - RM: Portfolio Hierarchy for Saved Datasets (Backtesting)
JBRSVPHTEXT - RM: Portfolio Texts for Saved Datasets (Backtesting)
JBRSVPHZUORDN - RM: Assignment of PH->BP for Saved Datasets (Backtesting)
JBRSVRBR - Assignment of View and Summarization Rule to Valuation Rule
JBRSVRCFK - Assignment of View and Summarization Rule to Cash Flow Ind.
JBRSVSTATE - RM: Administration Table for Saved Datasets (Backtesting)
JBRSZENRAN - RM: Ranges Table for Scenarios as Transfer Structure
JBRSZTAB - RM Gap/ALM: All Involved Scenarios and Scenario Progressions
JBRS_BEST - Best Structure (FGET)
JBRS_CASHFLOW_ADD - Additional Cashflow Info (Var) (FGET)
JBRS_COM_FLOW - Commodity Flow
JBRS_COM_FLOW_GEN_DI - Commodity Flow: Generic Transaction DI
JBRS_COM_FLOW_INT - Commodity Flow
JBRS_COM_FLOW_SPEC - Commodity Flow
JBRS_CTY_FLOWS - Commodity related flows
JBRS_EXPOSURE_FLOW - Exposure Pricing Flows (BEWEG)
JBRS_FGET - FGET Structure
JBRS_FGET_T - FGET_T structure (Replacement for TVV)
JBRTBSTD01 - RM: INCLUDE for Position of Generic Transactions
JBRTCFFR - RM: Structure for Formula Refs. in CFs (current max.= 6)
JBRTEMPDERI - RM: Structure for Temp. Auxiliary Fields for Char.Derivation
JBRTEMPOBJ - RM: Structure for Temporary Object Number
JBRTEXT01 - RM: INCLUDE for External Risk Object
JBRTGPFIELDS - RM: Structure for Temp. Aux. Fields for Char. Deriv. for BP
JBRTIDOBJ - RM: Assignment Structure for RIDEXT, RIDXRT, OBJNR
JBRTIDXFGET - RM: ID Structure for an xDTFT
JBRTKCHA - RM: Description of Characteristic Hierarchies
JBRTKCHABK - RM: Backup Table for Characteristic Hierarchies
JBRTKEYTOPOBJ - RM: Key Structure for Identification of POBJNR/PWKN in xCPT
JBRTKO - RM: Header Information for Extended Risk Objects
JBRTKO01 - RM: INCLUDE for Header Information of Extended Risk Objects
JBRTKO02 - RM: INCLUDE for Header Information xSDTFT/SDTFT
JBRTKO03 - RM: INCLUDE for Header xSDTFT as Complex Class
JBRTKO04 - RM: INCLUDE for Header Information xSDTFT/SDTFT
JBRTKO05 - RM: INCLUDE for Header Information SDTFT
JBRTKOET - RM: Header Information for Extended Cat. of Primary Trans.
JBRTYPEDEF - Reference Structure of DB Data Type
JBRUBSTV - RM: Base Portfolio - Management of Non-Int-Bearing Positions
JBRUEBPROG - Generated Programs for Analysis Structure
JBRUPGRADE - RM: Administration of Release Changes and Autom.Conversions
JBRVALRAN - RM: Ranges Table with Char. Values as Transfer Structure
JBRVARPAR - VaR Evaluation Parameters
JBRVBRDEF - RM: Default Setting for Summarization (with Valuation Rule)
JBRVBRSA - RM: Summarization for Balances (with Valuation Rule)
JBRVBRSPEZ - RM: Specific Settings for Summarization(with Valuation Rule)
JBRVMKBR - RM: Template for Tables I73xxxx with Valuation Rule
JBRVORLAGE - RM: Reference Table
JBRVRCA - Assignment of Flow Type to RM Cash Flow Type
JBRVRDEF - Summarization Rule - Default Setting
JBRVREG - Summarization Rule
JBRVREGT - Texts for Summarization Rule
JBRVRSA - Assignment of Summarization Rule to Balance Type
JBRZUORDN - RM: Structure for Assignment of PH Nodes to Base Portfolios
JBRZUORDNT - RM: Assignment of Base Portfolios to PH End Nodes
JBRZUORDNT_SFGDT_TOOL - JBRZUORDNT with Number of Financial Objects
NODEINDEX - Index Table with New and Old Risk Hierarchy Node ID
RJBRALVHEAD - RM: ALV Display Strct.of Header Data in Single Val. Analysis
RJBRHEADER - RM: ALV Display Strct.of Header Data in Single Val. Analysis
RMBDTSCREEN - FO Integration RM Part: Handling of Special Screen Fields
RMDER - RM: Derivation Fields
RMDIMHIER - RM: Help Structure for Characteristic Hierarchies
RMDOMTXBUF - RM: Buffer for Text Reading Modules (Fixed Values)
RMDRCLB - Callback for Derivation
RMDRTYPE - Derivation Type
RMDRTYPET - RM: Derivation Type (Text)
RMFOOBJ1 - RM: FO Integration RM Part
RMMETHFIENM - RM: Assignment of Field Names to Methods
RMPHAINFO - RM: Additional Info. on the Nodes in a Portfolio Hierarchy
RMPHKEY - RM: Key for Portfolio Hierarchy (View + PH)
RMRCDERI - RM: Risk Object Fields with Financial Object Derivation
RMSTREENODE - RM: Node Structure of a Simple Tree
RMSTREENODE_CH - RM: Update Node Structure for a Simple Tree
RMTXBUF - RM: Buffer for Text Reading Modules (Text Tables)
RMVALTEXT - RM: Help Structure for Characteristic Values with Texts
RMVIEWDIM - RM: Help Structure for Characteristics in View
VTVBWCF - Assignment of Flow Types to Cash Flow Indicator
VTVFGCF01 - Technical Transaction Category - Cash Flow xSFGDT/SFGDT
VTVFGCF02 - Technical Transaction Category - Cash Flow xSFGDT/SFGDT
VTVFGCF08 - Technical Transaction Category - Cashflow SFGDT
VTVFGCF08_FLTP - Technical Transaction Category - Cashflow SFGDT (Floating)
VTVFGCF09 - Technical Transaction Category - Cash Flows xSDTFT
VTVFGGSEG - GAP Analysis Control for Instrument Valuation
VTVFGKO01 - RM: INCLUDE Header Information xFGET/FGET
VTVFGKO02 - RM: INCLUDE Header Information, FGET only
VTVFGKO08 - RM: Include Header Information FGET
VTVFGKO09 - RM: INCLUDE Header Information of Ext.Cat. of Prim. Trans.
VTVFGKO0X - Header of Elementary Transaction: Append Container
VTVFGMSEG - Market segments for instrument valuation
VTVFGMSGAP - GAP Analysis Valuation Control
VTVFGOP01 - Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors xSFGDT
VTVFGOP08 - Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors FGET
VTVFGOP09 - Technical Transaction Category - Option Names for xCPT
VTVFGOP0X - Elementary Transaction Options: Append Container
VTVFGSSEG - FGET: Valuation Control
VTVFGVSEG - VaR Control for Instrument Valuation

SAP Default Risk and Limit System Tables IS-B-RA-CL

ATLA - Limit Type
ATLAM - Allocation of limit characteristics to limit type
ATLAR - Characteristic Filter for Limit Types
ATLAT - Name of Limit Type
ATLA_DOKU - Limit Type: Text Fields for Customizing
ATLCHAR_MRM - Analysis Characteristics Relevant for Limits
ATLCHAR_MRM_DOKU - Market Risk Characteristics Relevant for Limits: Text Fields
ATLPD - Limit Mgmt: Program/Screen Combinat. with Fld Selection Ctrl
ATLPDD - Limit Mgmt: Permitted Program/Screen Combinat. for Fld Sel.
ATLPDT - Limit Mgmt: Texts for Program/Screen Combinations
ATLPG - Limit Product Group
ATLPGT - Name of Limit Product Group
ATLR - Limit Management: Basic Settings
ATLRMRA - Limit Management: Basic Settings
ATLSCR - Field Selection Control for Limit Types
ATLSF - Display Filters for Limit Characteristics
ATLSF0 - Display Filters: Basis Table
ATLSFT - Display Filters: Limit Characteristics (Texts)
ATLSLI - Permitted Statuses for Utilization Determination
ATLSLIT - Permitted Statuses for Utilization Determination (Texts)
ATLTKAF - Field Catatlog: Drilldown Reporting Link for Limit Mgmt
BCKKLFAZ01 - Backup for Facilities
BSTD_KRIT - Position Criterium: Combination of Company Code/Security ID
COMBINATIONS_IR - Combinations of Company Code/Securities ID for Issuer Risk
CVTBLS - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
CVTBLV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
CVTBLVIL - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
DATABASE_ID - Database Identification
EGP24BREAKS - Breakpoints for Testing 24-Hour Capability of STC
EXTNR_TAB - Table with External Numbers
GTII - Transfer of Structure for VTBLII for Parallel Processing
GTSI - Transfer of Structure for VTBLSI for Parallel Processing
JBKLBEST - Credit Limit: Characteristics for Position Objects
JBKLBEST_EXT - FO Limit Part: Data and Status Information: Position Objects
JBKLOBJ1_EXT - FO Limit Part: Data and Status Information
JBRKLFAZ_SEL - Selection Structure for Facilities
KLABEPOS - Line Items for the Risk of the Position
KLACCLINE - Results Structure for Account Condition Line
KLADDONFAK - Determination of the Add-On Factor
KLAMOUNTS - Collateral: Amounts
KLANBETREXT - Enhancement of Output Structure for Attributable Amnt Deter.
KLANBETRIN - Input of Attributable Amount Determination
KLANBETRINADD - Additional Fields for Attributable Amount Determination
KLANBETROUT - Output Structure for Attributable Amount Determination
KLARMERKMALE - Credit Limit: Limit Charactersitics - External Interface
KLARP - Default Risk Line Items
KLARPOS - Line Items for Default Risk
KLARPOSITION - Credit Limit: Default Risk Item
KLARPOSITION_EXT - Credit Limit: Default Risk Item
KLARPOSS - Structure for Table KLARPOS
KLARPOSTEN - Credit Limit: Default Risk Item
KLARRC - Definition of Default Risk Rule
KLARRCRS - Definition of Default Risk Rule
KLARRCT - Text Table for KLARRC
KLARRDATE - Structure for DRR and Date for Deadlines
KLARRTEXT - Texts for Default Risk Rule
KLARRZU01 - Assign BCA Product to Default Risk Rule, Limit Prod Group
KLARRZU02 - Define Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group for Accounts
KLARRZU03 - Assign DRR and Limit Product Group to BCA Product (New)
KLARRZU04 - Variable Transaction: Assign DRR to Limit Product Group
KLARRZU05 - Risk Object: Assign Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group
KLATTRIB - Limit Characteristics
KLAUSFWKT - Default Risk Probabilities
KLBBASID - Calculation Base ID
KLBBASIDT - Text Table for KLBBASID: Calculation Base
KLBDTSCREEN - FO Integration Limit Part: Handling for Spec. Screen Fields
KLBEPOS - Line Items for the Risk of the Position
KLBEST - Overview of Position Information
KLBESTZU - Assignment of Product Type to CL Default Risk Rule
KLBEWFAK - Define Valuation Factor Determination
KLBEWFAKT - Define Valuation Factor Determination
KLBKNZ - Technical Transaction Category - Base Key Figures
KLBKNZANDCAT - Base Key Figures in Currency and Key Figure Category
KLBMG - Technical Transaction Category - Assessment Basis
KLCALC - Control Values for Default Risk and Limit System
KLCFDATS - Predecessor and Successor Cash Flow Dates: Settlement Risk
KLCLUST - Cluster for Distributed Data Use
KLCLUSTER - Cluster for Distributed Data Use
KLCMMAPPING - Mapping Table for CM and Business Partner
KLCOCU - Assignment of County <-> Domestic Currency/Currencies
KLCOLAMT - Third-Party Collateral
KLCOLEVANBETROUT - Securities Collateral: DP for Attributable Amount Structure
KLCOLGEN_INFO - General Information on Collateral
KLCOLIDS - Internal/External Identifier for Collateral
KLCOLKOPFEGS - Header for Single-Transaction-Related Collateral
KLCOLLRL_AMOUNT - Collateral: Country Risk Country, Priority, Amount in Crcy
KLCOLPERC - Percentual Collateralization
KLCOLSEC - Securities Collateral
KLCOMPACT - Active Components
KLCONTROL - Control Values for Default Risk and Limit System
KLCONTROL_TMP - Control Values for Default Risk and Limit System
KLDATESHIFT - Shift Validity Date of Settlement Risk for FX Option
KLDATS - Base Dates for MVC, RCP, Fiction and Original Term
KLDATTIMSTMP - Date, Time, Time Stamp
KLDATUM_SO - Ranges Table for Date
KLDEPCONTROL - Control Values for End-of-Day Processing
KLEGZU - Assignment of TR Product/Tran. Type to CL Default Risk Rule
KLEV - Determination Procedure
KLEVARRTEXT - Texts for Determination-Procedure-Specific Settings
KLEVC - Determination-Procedure-Specific Settings
KLEVCT - Text Table in Customizing for Determination Procedure
KLEVDEF - Definition of Determination Procedures
KLEVDEFT - Text Table for the Definition of Determination Procedures
KLEVTEXT - Texts for Determination Procedure Definition
KLEV_ANRECH - Attributable Amount Structure for Determination Procedure
KLEXT - Information about External Transactions
KLEXTKZ - Allocate Ext. Key Figures to Int. Key Figure Categories
KLEXTOBJ - Credit Limit: Administrative Structure for Table KLZUEXTOBJ
KLEXTOBJADM - External Administration Key
KLEXTPARAM - Credit Limit: Struct. for Control of Ext. Default Risk Rates
KLEXTPARAM_I - Structure for Control of External Default Risk Rates: RFC
KLEXTSDCP - Transfer of STC Product by RFC for STC
KLFACILITY - Link for Connecting Facility with Drawings
KLFACTORS - Factors for Attributable Amount Determination
KLFAZ - Credit Limit: Header Structure for Facilities
KLFAZ01 - Facilities (Header)
KLFAZ01MD - Facilities (Data Structure for Object Number Generation)
KLFAZ01_DI - Facility Data Char (Direct Input)
KLFAZ06 - Facility Type
KLFAZ06T - Facility Type Text
KLFAZ07 - Facility Type - Limit Product Group Assignment
KLFAZDEALCOL - Transaction Data and Collateral Data for Facilities
KLFAZDERI - Structure for Deriving Facilities
KLFILLCHECK - Permitted Risk Filter Combinations for End-of-Day Processing
KLFODERIALL - All FO Fields Relevant for Derivation of DRR
KLFODERICOM - General CL Part of FO Data for Derivation
KLFOFDUE - Credit Limit: Include-Structure for EDT
KLFORMIDT - Text Table for KLDORMID: Formulas
KLFZ000_DI - Facility: General Data (Direct Input)
KLFZDIINIT - Facility: Initial Data (Direct Input)
KLFZHDR_DI - Facility: Header Data (Direct Input)
KLFZ_DI - Facility: (Direct Input) - All Data
KLFZ_DI0 - Facility: (Direct Input) - Enhanced Receiver Structure
KLFZ_DI1 - Facility: (Direct Input) - Receiver Structure
KLGEWFAK - Weighting Factor for Settlement Risk
KLGRADE_METHODE - Valuation - Valuation Method
KLGSTR - Credit Limit - Basic Structure
KLIDELEMENT - ID of the Text Element and its Contents
KLINTNR - Credit Limit: Admin. of Internal Key for Check Transactions
KLINTORG - Internal Organizational Unit
KLJCUR - External Key Fields for Original Objects in Credit Limit
KLKEYS - External Key Fields for Original Objects in Credit Limit
KLLEVEL - Status of Task
KLLIMITEXCEEDED - Management of Exceeded Limits per Product/Transaction Type
KLLIMITPROD - Exceeded Limits
KLLR01 - Assignment of Country - Rating/Recovery Rate Determination
KLLR02 - Assignment of Country - VaR%
KLLR03 - Assignment of CEQ Class - CEQ in Percentage
KLLR04 - Country Default Probabilities
KLLR05 - Assignment of LEQ Class / LEQ in Percentage
KLLRB - Table for Country Risk Areas
KLLRB00 - CL/CR: Include for Country Risk Area - Master Attributes
KLLRB01 - CL/CR: Include for Country Risk Area - Master Attributes
KLLRB02 - CL/CR: Include for Country Risk Area - Text Attributes
KLLRBT - Text Table for KLLRB
KLLRDEF01 - Definition of Country Risk Rating
KLLRDEF01T - Text Table for Country Risk Rating
KLLRDEF02 - Definition of Credit Equivalent Class (CEQ Class)
KLLRDEF02T - Text Table for Credit Equivalent Class (CEQ Class)
KLLRDEF03 - Definition of Loss Equivalent Class (LEQ Class)
KLLRDEF03T - Text Table for the Loss Equivalent Class
KLMAXLIMIT - Limit per Product Type/Transaction Type
KLMDGENERIC - Master Date for Transaction Selection
KLMERKM - Structure for Comparing CL Data in Online FO Maintenance
KLMWAERBD - Determination of MVC and RCP
KLNETTING - Netting Group Link to Single Trans. (and Collateral Groups)
KLNORDEREXT - Credit Limit: External Order Numbers
KLNT01 - Definition of Netting Group
KLNT01T - Text Table for KLNT01
KLNT02 - Definition of Netting Factor Assignment
KLNT02T - Text Table for KLNT02
KLNTST01 - Single Transaction Group Assignment
KLNTTEXT - Texts for Netting
KLOBJ01 - CL: Financial Object Fields (General) Enhanced
KLOBJ01FDUE - CL: Include for Financial Object Fields Enhanced (for EDT)
KLOBJ02 - CL: Financial Object Fields Enhanced (for EDT)
KLOBJANBETRIN - Input of Attributable Amount Determination
KLOBJDERI - Financial Object Structure for Derivation (Limit)
KLOBJFAZ - CL: EDT of Financial Object Fields for Facilities
KLOBJLR - CL: Financial Object - Country Risk Enhancement
KLOBJLRX1 - CL: Country Risk Fields
KLOBJLRX2 - CL: Country Risk Fields - Administrative Data
KLOBJLRX3 - CL: Enhanced Country Risk Fields for EDT (No DB Fields)
KLOBJNR - Financial Object Number
KLOBJVER - Credit Limit Administrative Data for Financial Transactions
KLORDERZU - Assign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec.
KLORDERZUARR - Assign Prod. Type to CL DRR for Sec. Order and For.Sec.
KLPARAM - Credit Limit: Tab for Controlling Ext. Default Risk Rates
KLPERC - Collateral: Percentage Rates
KLPRAB - Logging of Attributable Amounts (Issuer Risk)
KLPRBASIS - Overall Structure for Logging AAD
KLPREHLOG - Persistent Error Handling
KLPRIO_AMOUNT - Priority: Amount
KLPRMASTER - Header Data for Logging
KLPRNODEOBJNR - Logging of the Assignment of Nodes to Object Numbers
KLPROTFAZINFO - Log of Key Figures for Facility
KLPROTNETGRINFO - Log of Key Figures for Netting Group
KLPROTOCOL - Control Values for Logging
KLPRPERC - Percentage Rates for Logging
KLPRSECRISK - Logging of Secondary Risks
KLPRVARBEL - Structure: Variable Assignment for Logging
KLRATINGRRFZU - Assignment of Rating to Recovery Rate Determination
KLRECEIVER - User-Recipient Relationship
KLREGDEF - Definition of Variable Assignment Rule
KLREL_LIMITID_T - Text Table for Limit IDs
KLREL_LIMIT_ASS - Assignment of Relative Limits to Portfolio Hierarchy Nodes
KLREP - Risk Line Items
KLREPISRUN - Cross-Client Conversion Reports: Trigger Once Only
KLREPOS - Risk Line Items
KLREPRFC - Simplified KLREP for RFC for CP Risk Prototype
KLREP_STL - Risk Line Items Structure for Settlement Risk
KLRESERVG - Credit Limit: Reservation Data
KLRISKBEGIN - Start Date for Risk Calculation
KLRISKSENSI - Definition of Risk Sensitivity
KLRISKSENSIT - Text Table for KLRISKSENSI (Risk Sensitivity)
KLRRDEF - Maintainance of Values for Recovery Rates
KLRRFINDDEF - Definition of Recovery Rate
KLRRFINDDEFT - Definition of Recovery Rate Determination
KLSBV - Collateral Valuation Procedure
KLSBVT - Text Table for KLSBVT
KLSDCARPARAM - CP Risk Fields for Control for External Transactions
KLSDCCHARSENUM_S - Display Names of Limit Characteristics
KLSDCCHARS_S - Display of Limit Characteristics of a Transaction
KLSDCCONTROL - Control Values for Single Transaction Check
KLSDCDEALID_S - Structure of Transaction Information for Display
KLSDCDEALPOS_S - Display Base Key Figures of External Transactions
KLSDCISSASS_S - Assignment of Position<->Transaction for Displ. of STC Rep.
KLSDCLRPARAM - Country Risk Fields for Control for Ext. Transactions
KLSDCPARAM - Credit Limit: Controlling External Default Risk Rates (NEW)
KLSDCPROT0 - Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Meta Data
KLSDCPROT1 - Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Header Information
KLSDCPROT2 - Log Generation for Single Transaction Check: Items
KLSDCPROT3 - Log Gen. for Single Transaction Check: Result in ALV Format
KLSDCPROTS - Status of Log of Single Transaction Check
KLSDCTRDATA - Single Transaction Check - Transaction Data
KLSDCTRPASS - Assignments to Single Transaction Check Product
KLSDCTRPASS_S - Structure of STC Product Definition for Display
KLSDCTRPDEF - STC Transaction Control: Definition
KLSECMD - Securities Collateral: Master Data
KLSELEK - Help Structure for End-of-Day Processing
KLSELPARAMS - Selection Parameters for End-of-Day Processing
KLSELPS - Help Structure for End-of-Day Processing
KLSF - Selection Filter for Attributable Amount Determination
KLSI01 - Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI01MD - Collateral (Data Structure for Object Number Generation)
KLSI01T - Collateral Provision (Header) Text Table
KLSI01TEXTE - Credit Limit: Text Description for Collateral Provision
KLSI01_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Provision (Header)
KLSI02 - Collateral Agreements
KLSI02_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements
KLSI03 - Collateral Agreements (Items)
KLSI03P - For Change Documents for Collateral
KLSI03_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Collateral Agreements (Items)
KLSI04 - Global Collateral (Items)
KLSI04P - For Change Documents for Global Collateral
KLSI04_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Items)
KLSI05 - Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Item)
KLSI05P - For Change Documents for Table klsi05 (Items STS)
KLSI05_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLSI06 - Global Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI06_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Global Collateral (Assignmt)
KLSI07 - Single-Transaction-Related Collateral (Assignment)
KLSI07_BAK - Backup for Euro Changeover for Single-Tran.-Rel. Collateral
KLSIART - Collateral Type
KLSIARTT - Text Table for Collateral Type
KLSIBEL - Display Change Document Headers of External Key Figures
KLSIBESART - Collateral Valuation Control Type
KLSICA - Credit Limit: Header Structure of Collateral Agreements
KLSICHDHDR - Credit Limit: Header Structure for Change Documents
KLSICHDPOS - Credit Limit: Header Structure for Change Documents
KLSIDEXTANBETRIN - Input of Attributable Amount Determination
KLSIEZS - Credit Limit: Single-Transaction-Related Collateral
KLSIFDUMK - Definition of Required/Optional Fields for EDT of Collateral
KLSIMERKM - Credit Limit: Global Collateral Characteristics
KLSIPOS - Credit Limit: Item Structure for Collateral
KLSIPRIO - Collateral Priority
KLSIPRIOT - Text Table for Collateral Priority
KLSIRB - Radio Buttons on Initial Screen
KLSIREPEVANBETRIN - Attributable Amount Determination for Collateral (Sec. Risk)
KLSITYP - Credit Limit: Control Structure for Reading Collateral
KLSI_DI0 - EDT: Collateral Provisions (Internal Receiver Structure)
KLSI_DI1 - EDT: Collateral Provisions (External Receiver Structure)
KLSLISELOPT - Structure of generic SELECT-OPTION for (dynamic selections)
KLSTEU - Control Characteristics for Attributable Amount Determ.
KLSTEU01 - Control Parameters for Attributable Amount Determination
KLSTEU02 - Attribution Control Parameters (Aggregation)
KLSTEU03 - Attribution Control Parameters (Risk Effect)
KLSTEU04 - Control Parameters (Base Key Figure Determination)
KLTAGENDSF - Selection Filter for End-of-Day Processing
KLTAGENDSF1 - Table for View Maintenance for End-of-Day Processing
KLTERM - Structure for Date Determination
KLTERMFIND - Date Determination Rules
KLTEV_EG - Help Structure for End-of-Day Processing of Single Trans.
KLVARBELTEXT - Texts for Variable Assignment
KLXAKT - Global Settings for Default Risk and Limit System
KLXCMRT - CM Data for Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management
KLZUEXTOBJ - Assignment of External Administration Key to Object Number
LMSDCIACT - Integrated Limit Check in CFM: Activation
OBJ_ALV - Object ID with Append Structure
RFTBLR02_ALV1 - Structure for Header Table of RFTBLR02
RFTBLR02_ALV2 - Structure for Item Table of RFTBLR02
STR_BW_BAPI6108 - InfoObjects - Details
STR_BW_BAPI6108AN - InfoObjects: Navigation Attributes
STR_BW_BAPI6108AT - InfoObjects: Attributes
STR_BW_BAPI6108CM - InfoObjects: Compound
STR_BW_BAPI6108HC - Characteristics that can be used in hierarchies
STR_BW_BAPI6108IO - InfoObjects: List of InfoObjects
STR_BW_BAPI6108L - InfoObjects - List
STR_BW_BAPI6108NP - Navigation Attributes of Characteristic as InfoProvider
STR_BW_BAPI6108SL - InfoObjects: Selection Criteria
STR_BW_BAPI6113 - InfoObject Catalog: Details
STR_BW_BAPI6113IO - InfoObject Catalog: Details
STR_BW_BAPI6116 - ODS Object: Details
STR_BW_BAPI6116IO - InfoObjects in ODS Object
STR_BW_BAPI6116L - ODS Objects: List
STR_BW_CHAR_DETAIL - Properties of a Characteristic
STR_BW_FIELDANDVALUEC - Value Pair: Field Name and Value
STR_BW_LIMIT_EXP - Structure: Limits and Utilizations
STR_BW_LIMIT_EXPOSURE - Structure: Limits and Utilizations
STR_BW_LIM_EXP - Structure: Limits and Utilizations
STR_BW_LIM_EXP_CHAR - Structure: Limits and Utilizations
STR_BW_MSG_TXT - Use Carriage Return for Message Long Text
STR_BW_ODS_GEN - Generate ODS Object
STR_BW_SINGLE_EXP - Limit Utilizations at Transaction Level
STR_BW_SINGLE_EXPOSURE - Limit Utilizations at Transaction Level
STR_BW_SNGL_EXP - Limit Utilizations at Transaction Level
STR_BW_SNGL_EXP_CHAR - Limit Utilizations at Transaction Level
STR_BW_SNGL_EXP_CHAR - Limit Utilizations at Transaction Level
VKLSI03 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VKLSI04 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VKLSI05 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VTBILLL - ALV Structure for Interim Limits and Limit Transfers
VTBLCAL - Transfer Structure for Factory Calendar IDs
VTBLID - Limit: Details of Utilizations (Single Records)
VTBLIE - Limit Utilization: Single Record per Object
VTBLIEVW - Work Structure: Transactions with DPs and Attributable Amnts
VTBLII - Limit Utiliz.: Rel. Bet. Single Record and Totals Record
VTBLIL - Program Run to Determine Limit Utilizations
VTBLIS - Limit Utilization: Summarization per Limit Amount
VTBLIS0 - Limit: Totals Records and Unused Amount
VTBLISIE - Limit: Single/Totals Records for Utiliz. and Global Collat.
VTBLLH - Limit Management: Header Information for Limit Transfer
VTBLLH0 - Limit Transfer: Header with Additional Information
VTBLLH_KEY - Limit Management: Header Information for Limit Transfer
VTBLLP - Limit Management: Item Information for Limit Transfer
VTBLLP0 - Limit Transfer: Items and Limit Characteristics
VTBLLP_KEY - Limit Management: Item Information for Limit Transfer
VTBLL_AMOUNTS - Amount Fields for Limit Transfer
VTBLL_M01 - Auxiliary Structure for Limit Transfer
VTBLL_M02 - Auxiliary Structure for Limit Transfer
VTBLL_TBL1 - Structure for Limit Transfer Table Control in Limit Mainten.
VTBLM - Limit Characteristics (with Client)
VTBLM0 - Limit features
VTBLM0A - direct limit characteristics
VTBLM0AB - direct and derived limit characteristics
VTBLM0B - derived limit characteristics
VTBLM0C - Limit characteristics that can be defined by the customer
VTBLM0OBJ - Object Number and Limit Characteristics
VTBLM0_ALV - Limit Characteristics with Append Structure
VTBLM1 - Screen Structure Limit Characteristics and Texts
VTBLM2 - Screen Structure Limit Characteristics and Texts
VTBLMCID - Values for customer characteristics
VTBLMCID0 - Permitted IDs for Free Characteristics
VTBLMCIDT - Values for customer characteristics (texts)
VTBLMIE_VW - Charact. and Single Record Amnts in Limit Crcy for Grouping
VTBLMISIE - Limit: Single and Totals Recs: Charac., Util. and Glob.Coll.
VTBLM_SF - Only up to 4.63: Permitted Charact. for Displ. Filter ATLSF
VTBLP - Log for Single Transaction Check
VTBLPEC - Posting Deadline per Overnight Run
VTBLRES0 - Data Structure for Reservations (Temporary)
VTBLRH - Reservations for Limit Amounts (Header)
VTBLRH0 - Reservation: Header with Additional Information
VTBLRP - Reservations for Limit Amounts (Item)
VTBLRPX - Reservation: Items with Text for Determination Procedure
VTBLR_CALCULATE - Work Structure: Attributable Amounts for Reservations
VTBLR_SLE - Reservation Amounts from Determination Proced. - Edit
VTBLS - Limits: Mapping Logical - Physical Keys
VTBLSD - Global Collateral: Utilizations - Details
VTBLSE - Global Collateral: Single Record per Object
VTBLSI - Global Collat.: Relationship Single Record - Totals Record
VTBLSLA - Limit Type: Summarization of the Characteristic Values
VTBLSLA_REL - Limit Type: Search Help with Release Check
VTBLSTAB - Limit Management: Administration of Generated Tables
VTBLSTC - Transactions to be Updated per Determination Run
VTBLS_ALV - Limit Keys + Business Partner Data + Characteristic Texts
VTBLV - Limits
VTBLV0 - Limits: Editing Structure
VTBLV0_DI - Direct Input Structure for Creating Limits
VTBLVI - Limits & Limit Utilizations: Totals Records
VTBLVI0 - Limit utilizations and limits
VTBLVI0_RFC - Extended VTBLVI0 Structure for MiniApp
VTBLVIE - View over limits and single record utilizations
VTBLVIL - Interim Limits for Limits
VTBLVIL0 - Work Structure: Interim Limit
VTBLVIL_DI - Direct Input Structure for Interim Limits
VTBLVM - Limit Mgmt: View for Limit Specifications & Limit Char.
VTBLVSIE - Limits & Limit Utilizations: Single Records
VTBLV_DOKU - Text Fields for Limits
VTBLV_KEY - Limits: Key Fields
VTBL_ARC_DOKU - Documentation Elements for Limit Archiving
VTBL_DOKU - Limit Management: Documentation for Selection Fields
VTSLATLA_ENQ - Limit types and temporary blocking status
VTSL_ADD_ALV - Additional Fields ALV
VTSL_DLIRANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit utilization date
VTSL_EGP_PROTOCOL - Attributes of Log for Single Transaction Check
VTSL_GENTABS_ALV_H - List of Generated Tables
VTSL_GENTABS_ALV_P - Management of Generated Tables
VTSL_LIEXP - Credit Limit Single Transaction Check: Join Limits <-> Util.
VTSL_LIEXP_SUM - Credit Limit Single Transaction Check: Join Limits <-> Util.
VTSL_LOCK - Lock Information for Limits
VTSL_LSADD - Limit Records: Non-Characteristic Fields
VTSL_NAMRANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit characteristic name
VTSL_RLVRANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit record number
VTSL_SLARANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit type
VTSL_SLERANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Determination procedure
VTSL_SLHRANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit record hierarchy level
VTSL_SLIRANGE - Transfer structure ranges: Limit utilization status
VTSL_TACOMP - Credit Limit: Single Trans. Check Result as Flat Table
VTSL_TACOMP_ALV - Credit Limit: Result of Single Transaction Check for ALV
VTSL_TACOMP_ALV_SUM - Credit Limit: Result of Single Transaction Check for ALV
VTSL_TACOMP_ALV_T - Credit Limit: Result of Single Transaction Check for ALV
VTSL_TAKEY_H - Limit Record Key
VTSL_TAKEY_HT - Credit Limit: Result of STC: Additional Fields in ALV Header
VTSL_TAKEY_I - Credit Limit: Result of STC: Item Key for ALV
VTSL_TAKEY_OBJ - Credit Limit: Result of STC: Item Key for ALV
VTSL_TAKEY_VTBLM0 - Credit Limit: Sing. Trans. Check Result: ALV Header + Char.
VTSL_VTBLL - Limit Transfer
VTSL_VTBLSP - Limit Keys + Business Partner Data + Characteristic Texts
VTSL_VTBLSP_ALV - Limit Keys + Business Partner Data + Characteristic Texts
VTSL_VTBLVI0 - Limit utilizations and limits
VTSL_XCID - Texts for Free Characteristic Values
VTVESCS_LI - Limit characteristics that can be defined by the customer
VTVESKZ_LI - Key Figures for Limit Management in Display Currency
VTVESSPES_LI - Limit Management: SAP Single Record Fields
VTVESSP_LI - Limit Management: SAP Fields
VTVES_LI - Limits & Limit Utilizations: Single Records
VTVSSKZ_LI - Key Figures for Limit Management in Display Currency
VTVSS_LI - Limits & Limit Utilizations: Totals Records
VTVTLM_ADDSEL - Limit Management: Additional Selections
VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

SAP Market Risk Analysis Tables IS-B-RA-MR

VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
VVTBLLP - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
I8100 - IS-B: RM Characteristics : Organisation INT/EXT
I8200 - IS-B: RM Characteristics : Organisation INT/EXT
I8200 - IS-B: RM Characteristics : Organisation INT/EXT
I8200 - IS-B: RM Characteristics : Organisation INT/EXT
JBI_ADDSEL - Additional Selections for Risk Management
JBRBPAKTIN - Net Present Value (Old)
JBRRPHSBCK - Back testing
JBRRPHSGIN - Value-at-Risk
JBRRPHSGUV - Profit/Loss
JBRRPSVVAR - Value-at-Risk with Saved Dataset
JBRRPVARD - Value-at-Risk (Saved Result)
JBRSONSTMM - Other Characteristics
JBRSVGAPRE - Gap Comparison

SAP Strategy Analyzer Tables IS-B-SA

JBD_STR_GPAN_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Templates for GPAN_ARCH - Data Part
JBD_STR_JBRSVGAPHD2_RT - Structure for Reading/Checking Res.Time of Object GPAN_ARCH
TJBD_GPAN_RCH_PT - Object-Specific Pakage Templates for GPAN_ARCH
TJBD_GPN_RCH_CST - Object-Specific Customizing for GPAN_ARCH

SAP Asset/Liability Management Tables IS-B-SA-ALM

ALMSIMVORGINFO - ALM. Information for a Simulation Activity
ALM_GENERATED_FORMS - ALM: Management of Generated FORM Routines
ALM_GENERATED_FORMS_NONEXPERT - ALM: Management of Generated FORM Routines
CEPC_FS - Financial services enhancement for Profit center master
IJBA_US_ALM_PREFIX - Prefix Strucutre for ALM Datasource Generation
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_01 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_02 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_03 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_04 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_05 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_06 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_07 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_08 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_09 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_HEADER - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_01 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_02 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_03 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_04 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_05 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_06 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_07 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_08 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_SIM_09 - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_ALM_REP_UNIFIED - ALM Unified Structure For BW Extraction
IJBA_US_ALM_UNIFIED_SUFFIX - ALM Unified Structure For BW Extraction
IJBA_US_CON_DATA - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_CON_SIM_DATA - Converted Data In GAP Form Format
IJBA_US_JBRDATE - Maturity Band Strucutre with US enhancements
IJBA_US_NODE_CHAR_MAP - Map from Nodes into Characteristic Values
IJBA_US_SEM_CHAR_HIER - Str used for f4 help of Char Hierarchy
ISTR_ANA_STRUCT_GEN - Fields used by Analysis Structure Generation Program
ISTR_PREPAY_INFO - Prepayment Specific Information
ISTR_PREPAY_INTERNAL_CASH_FLOW - Internal Prepayment Cash Flow Structure (similar to JBDZSTR)
JBACFART2KNZ - ALM Assignment of CF Type to CF Indicator for Simulated ROs
JBACFDAT - ALM Cash Flow List
JBAFIGS - ALM Fictitious Transactions (User Input Parameters)
JBAFIGS2SAVE - ALM Transaction Parameters of Fictitious Trans. for Saving
JBAFIGS_PAR - ALM Fictitious Transactions (User Input Parameters)
JBAFIGS_TECH - ALM Fictitious Transactions - Technical Parameters
JBAFIKTGSCH - ALM Fictitious Transactions (for Log)
JBAGAP2CL - ALM Gaps (1 x) that are to be closed
JBAGSCHT - ALM: Fictitious and Simulated Transactions for Log Display
JBAIMPGPAR - Include Parameters (IDs+Attributes)of Market Price Weighting
JBAIMPGPAR1 - Include Parameters (ID) of Market Price Weighting
JBAIMPGPAR2 - Include Parameters (Attributes) of Market Price Weighting
JBALFDNR - Sequence number
JBALIQUDAT - ALM: Help Structure for Modifying Liquidity Table
JBALMCTRL_01 - ALM Control Table for General List Tool Fields
JBALMCTRL_02 - ALM Control Table for List Tool Fields
JBALMDLADM - ALM: Administration Information for Detailed Logs
JBALMDLADMT - ALM: Text Definitions for Detailed Logs
JBALMDLGLOB - ALM: Higher-Level Data of Detailed Log
JBALMDLLOC - ALM: Higher-Level Data of Detailed Log
JBAMPGPAR - ALM Market Price Weighting: Parameters
JBAPHKMERK - ALM Assignment of Characteristics to PH Nodes
JBAPLANELA - ALM: Elasticity in the Individual Simulation
JBAPLANELASAVE - ALM: Maturity-Band-Dependent Parameters
JBAPLANELAT - ALM: Elasticity in the Individual Simulation
JBAPLANPAR - ALM Assignment of Planning Parameters to Planning Variant
JBAPLANPARLZB - ALM Assignment of Planning Parameters to Planning Variant
JBAPLANPARLZB2 - ALM Assignment of Planning Parameters from Planning Variant
JBAPLANV - ALM Planning Variant
JBAPLANVT - ALM Planning Variant: Text Table
JBAPLANVTXT - Text Structure for Screen: Maintenance of Planning Variants
JBARTCGS - IS-B: ALM Supplement for Recurring Transactions (Ind. Sim.)
JBASIGS - ALM Simulated Transactions (Standard Simulation)
JBASIGS2SAVE - ALM Transaction Parameters for Saving
JBASIMA - ALM Simulation Type
JBASIMAP - ALM Simulation Type: Parameters
JBASIMAT - ALM Simulation Type: Texts
JBASIMCHAR - ALM Characteristic Values for PH Nodes (For Log)
JBASIMGI - ALM Simulated Transactions (Individual Simulation)
JBASIMGSCH - ALM Simulated Transactions (For Log)
JBASIMLZB - ALM parameters for simulation runs (for log)
JBASIMLZBSAVE - ALM: Maturity-Band-Dependent Parameters
JBASIMLZBT - ALM Parameters for Simulation Runs (For Log)
JBASIMPARA - ALM parameters for simulation runs (for log)
JBASIMPARASAVE - ALM: Additional Information when Saving Sim. Transactions
JBASIMPARASAVEDB - ALM: Additional Information when Saving Sim. Transactions
JBASIMPARAT - ALM Parameters for Simulation Runs (For Log)
JBASIMT - ALM Simulation Category
JBASIMTT - ALM Simulation Category: Texts
JBAVSIPHNA - For displaying the data on screen
JBA_US_JBRREPGAP_AG - Total Balancing Aggregation strucuture for JBRREPGAP
JBA_US_STR_NIPL_HEADER - ALM Non Interest Profit and Loss Data header
JBDINIPL - Receiver Structure of Non Interest Profit and Loss
JBDINIPLI - Internal Receiver Structure of Non Interest Profit and Loss
JBISIMTYPART - ALM Processing Structure for F4 Help for SimCat.and SimType
JBIUFICTPAR - ALM Include Parameters for Fictitious Transactions
JBIUFICTPAR_1 - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Outgoing Side
JBIUFICTPAR_2 - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Incoming Side
JBIUFICTPAR_OPT - ALM Include Parameters for Fict.Transactions, Option Part
JBIUGAP - ALM Gap Settings: Simulation Parameters
JBIUGAP_2 - ALM Settings for Simulation Parameters
JBIUMATSCE - ALM Work Structure for Due Date Scenarios
JBIUMATSCET - ALM Work Structure for Due Date Scenarios
JBIUPLANP - Structure of Planning Parameters Depend.on Maturity Band
JBIUPLANP01 - RM: Structure of Planning Parameters with CHECK_BOX
JBIUPLANPAR01T - RM: Planning Parameter Structure Part 1
JBIUPLANV - ALM: Structure for Planning Variant in Simulation Log
JBIUPLANVT - ALM: Structure for Planning Variant in Simulation Log
JBIUSIMAP - INCLUDE Structure for Parameters of ALM Simulation Type
JBIUSIMAPT - INCLUDE Structure for Parameters of ALM Simulation Type
JBIUSIMAP_BAL - ALM - US Balance Sheet Screen Elements
JBIUTIMELAG - Time Lag (Delayed Adjustment of Product Conditions)
JBIUTIMELAGT - Time Lag (Delayed Adjustment of Product Conditions)
JBNIPL - ALM Non Interest Profit and Loss
JBNIPL_DATA - ALM Non Interest Profit and Loss Data
JBRABREG0 - RM: Control of Write-Down Rules via Evaluation Type
JBRABREG1 - RM: Write-Down Rule-Specific Control
JBRABREG2 - RM: Control of Write-Down Rules via Evaluation Type
JBRABREG3 - RM: Write-Down Rule-Specific Control
JBRABREGTAB - RM: Write-Down Rule for P+L Evaluation
JBRABREGTABT - RM: Write-Down Rule for P+L Simulation (Texts)
JBRAGGAP - RM Gap Analysis: Aggregation Result Object
JBRALMABLF - RM: List Structure for ALM Outflow Evaluation
JBRALMAMORT - RM ALM: Display Structure for P+L Simulation
JBRALMAWP - Structure for Displaying Evaluation Parameters
JBRALMBEST - RM: List Structure for ALM Position Evaluation
JBRALMCASH - RM: List Structure for ALM Outflow Evaluation
JBRALMF1 - ALM: F1 Structure for Data Relevant for Display
JBRALMIC - RM: List Structure for Gap Analysis-Individual Calculations
JBRALMLIQU - List Structure for Liquidity Evaluation in ALM with Sim.
JBRALMPARASAVE - ALM: Evaluation Parameters
JBRALMRES - RM: Results Structure for ALM Simulation
JBRALMSAVEPARA - ALM: Parameters for Saving Simulated Transactions
JBRALMWLIQU - List Structure for Currency Liquidity in ALM with Simulation
JBRALM_IC - ALM: Parameters for Tab "Individual Calculations"
JBRAMORTRES - RM: ALM Results Object for Depreciation Risks
JBRAMORTRES_ALV - RM: ALM Result Object for Depreciation Risks, ALV Display
JBRAMORTRES_ANZ - Same as JBRAMORTRES but in Evaluation Currency
JBRAPLANPEXT - ALM Parameter Enhancements for the Individual Simulation
JBRBG2 - Gap Analysis - Global Control
JBRBG2T - Text Table for Gap Type
JBRBG3 - Gap Analysis - Control using Valuation Rule
JBRBPGAPZWERG - RM: Gap Interim Result
JBRBRALM_IC - ALM: Parameters for Tab "Ind. Calcs." Valuation Rule specif.
JBRBRFS - RM: Assignment of Valuation Rule to Due Date Scenario
JBRBRIASZ - Assignment of Utilization Scenario to Valuation Rule
JBRBRLQSZ - Assignment of Liquidation Scenario to Valuation Rule
JBRCONTROL - Control Information for ALM
JBRDATES - Structure for Transferring Interest Dates
JBRDBRTBSTDII - RM: Position for Generic Transaction; Additional Data
JBRFSZ - Due Date Scenario - Header Information
JBRFSZABS - Absolute Due Date Scenario, Parameters
JBRFSZRED - RM: Date and Amount
JBRFSZRED2 - ALM Due Date Scenario: From/To Date + Opportunity Int Rate
JBRFSZREL - Relative Due Date Scenario, Parameters
JBRGAP - RM: Initial Data Structure for Gap Evaluations
JBRGAP2CL - ALM Gaps that are to be closed
JBRGAPABLF - RM: List Structure for Gap Outflow Evaluation
JBRGAPABLFOBJ - ALM: Outflow Evaluation: Single Value Analysis
JBRGAPALM - RM: Balance Sheet Items for Growth Planning
JBRGAPAMORT - RM ALM: Display Structure for P+L Simulation
JBRGAPAMORTOBJ - ALM: P+L Simulation: Single Value Analysis
JBRGAPARTTREE - Node Structure of Tree for Maturity Band
JBRGAPART_ALV - ALM Valuation Type: Disply Structure for ALV
JBRGAPBEST - RM: List Structure for Gap Position Evaluation
JBRGAPBESTOBJ - ALM: Key Date/Average Position: Single Value Analysis
JBRGAPBESTZINS - RM: List Structure for Gap Position Evaluation
JBRGAPCASH - RM: List Structure for Gap Outflow Evaluation
JBRGAPCASHOBJ - ALM: Cash Flow Evaluation: Single Value Analysis
JBRGAPEXMSG - RM Gap: Error Messages for External Gap Analysis
JBRGAPIC - RM: List Structure for Gap Individual Calculations
JBRGAPICOBJ - List Structure for Gap Individual Calculation
JBRGAPLIQU - List Structure for Liquidity Evaluation in ALM without Sim.
JBRGAPLIQUOBJ - ALM: Liquidity Evaluation: Single Value Analysis
JBRGAPPARA - RM: Input Parameters for Gap Evaluation
JBRGAPPARASAVE - RM Gap Analysis: General Valuation Parameters
JBRGAPSETS - RM Structure for all Possible Settings in Gap Analysis
JBRGAPWLIQU - List Structure for Currency Liquidity in ALM without Sim.
JBRGAPWLIQUOBJ - ALM: Currency Liquidity Evaluation: Single Value AnalysisOBJ
JBRGAPZWERG - RM: Gap Interim Result
JBRGAPZWERG_ALV - IS-B: RM Gap Interim Result for ALV Display
JBRGUVWSTR - RM ALM: Work Structure for Calculating Depreciation Risk
JBRIABREGEL - RM: Include for Write-Down Rule
JBRIASZ - Settings for Utilization Scenarios
JBRIASZD - Definitions of Utilization Scenarios
JBRIASZDT - Descriptions for Utilization Scenarios
JBRLQSZD - Settings for Liquidation Scenarios
JBRLQSZH - Defintions of Liquidation Scenarios
JBRLQSZHT - Texts for Liquidation Scenarios
JBRLZB - Maturity band
JBRLZBP - Maturity band parameters
JBRLZBT - Maturity Band - Texts
JBRLZBTREE - Node Structure of Tree for Maturity Band
JBRLZB_ALV - Maturity Band: Display Structure for ALV
JBRMATSCEPAR - RM: Parameters for Adding Data to Due Date Scenarios
JBRPBL - Period block
JBRPBLD - Period Block - Definition
JBRPBLDT - Texts for Period Block - Definition
JBRPROFITALM - RM: List Structure for Interest Results (Overview)
JBRPROFITVIEW - RM: List Structure for Interest Results (Overview)
JBRPROFITVIEWOBJ - ALM: Interest Result Evaluation: Single Value Analysis
JBRREPGAP - RM (Interim) Result Object for Gap Evaluations
JBRRPGAP - RM (Interim) Result Object for Gap Evaluations
JBRRPGAP2 - Results Object for Gap Evaluations: Optimized Perfomance
JBRSIMZ - Simulated Interest - Definition
JBRSIMZT - Texts for Simulated Interest Payments
JBRSVGAPHD - RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results)
JBRSVGAPHEAD - RM: Header Data (Saved Gap Evaluation Results)
JBRSVGAPRES - RM: Saved Gap Evaluation Results
JBRSZTABDB - ALM: Scenarios Used in a Simulation Run
JBRSZTABT - RM Gap/ALM: All Involved Scenarios and Scenario Progressions
JBRTKO06 - ALM: P+L Simulation - Write-Down Rule
JBR_STR_GPTP_ARCH_PT_DATA - Object-Specific Package Template GPTP_ARCH - Data part
JBR_STR_JBROZ_RT - Structure for Reading/Checking Residence Time of GPTP_ARCH
JBR_US_ACCT - Balance Sheet Account Key
JBR_US_ACCT_MAP - Balancing Account
J_1BBRANCH_FS - Branch with local calendar information
J_1BBRANCH_HOLI - Special local holidays for the branch are maintained in this
J_1BBRANCH_HOLIT - Special local holidays for the branch are maintained here
RJBRSVA39 - Parameter Fields of Template RJBRSVA39
SAVID_DELTA_STAT - Status of Delta Update
T003_FS - Document Types
TJBA_PREP_FACTOR - Prepayment CPR factors used by prepayment BADI -SAP standard
TJBR_GPTP_RCHCST - Object-Specific Customizing for GPTP_ARCH
TJBR_GPTP_RCH_PT - Object-Specific Package Templates for GPTP_ARCH
TJBR_US_ACCT_T - Customizing Table for Balancing Account Texts
TTD_COND_MAP - Time Deposit Conditions to Treasury Conditions
TTD_FLOW_MAP - Time Deposit to Treasury Flow Map
TZBZ_FS_CAL - Calendar enhancement for Financial services