SAP Tables | Financials | Financials SAP FIN

SAP FIN Financials Tables (FIN)

SAP Financials Tables FIN

ACCSYSTEM01 - Settings for Company on Accounting System
ACCSYSTEM02 - Number Range Object for Accounting System and Company
ACCSYSTEM03 - Derivations for Accounting System
ACCSYSTEM0C - Accounting Systems
ACCSYSTEM0T - Texts of Accounting Systems
FINBSNDID0C - Identification for Sender System and Object Type
FINBTATYPE0C - Business Transaction Categories
FINBTATYPE0T - Business Transaction Categories
FINCHOFACCT0C - Charts of Accounts
FINCHOFACCT0T - Texts of Document Types
FINCLOSESTEP0C - Closing Phases
FINCLOSESTEP0T - Closing Phases
FINCOMPEL0C - Composition Element
FINCOMPEL0T - Composition Element
FINCOMPELCASH0C - Composition Element Cash
FINCOMPELCASH0T - Composition Element Cash
FINCOMPELDUE0C - Composition Element AP/AR
FINCOMPELDUE0T - Composition Element AP/AR
FINCURRTYPE0C - Currency Type
FINCURRTYPE0T - Text for Currency Type

FINDOCTYPE0C - Document types
FINDOCTYPE0T - Texts of Document Types
FINDUEDATE - Data Storage for Invoice Information for Due Dates
FINDUETYPE0C - Type of receivable/payable
FINDUETYPE0T - Type of receivable/payable
FINFUNCAREA0C - Functional Area
FINFUNCAREA0T - Texts of Functional Areas
FINGLACCT0T - Texts for G/L Account
FINGLACCTCOMP0C - G/L Account on Accounting System/Company Level
FINGLACCTGRP0C - Account Group
FINGLACCTGRP0T - Texts of Account Groups
FINGLACCTMAP0C - Assignment of G/L Accounts: Operational for Local or Group
FINGLTRATYPE0C - Transaction Types of General Ledger
FINGLTRATYPE0T - Texts for Transaction Types of General Ledger
FINJOURNAL0T - Texts for Journals
FINNRSOBJ0C - Table for Number Range Objects
FINORDITMTYPE0C - Order Item Category
FINORDITMTYPE0T - Texts of Order Item Categories
FINORDPUR01 - Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Items
FINORDPUR0C - Data Storage for Purchase Order Information - Header
FINORDTYPE0C - Order Category
FINORDTYPE0T - Texts for Order Categories
FINORDUE0C - FIN Objects for Receivables/Payables
FINORMNFRECID - Planned Receivers for Manufacturing Orders
FINPAYTYPE0C - Payment type
FINPAYTYPE0T - Payment type
FINPOSTYPE0C - FS item categories
FINPOSTYPE0T - Texts of Item Categories
FINPRCTABDERIV - Assignment Table for Table Type of Prices
FINPRCVARIANT0C - Price Variants
FINPRCVARIANT0T - Price Variants
FINPRICELABEL01 - Price Type Controls
FINPRICELABEL0C - Master Data for Price Types
FINPRICELABEL0T - Text Table for Price Types
FINPVALADJKEY0C - Valuation Adjustment Key

FINSTLAPP0C - Applications for Settlement
FINSTLAPP0T - Applications for Settlement (Text Table)
FINSTLRULER0C - Definition Settlement Rule Receiver
FINSTLRULER0T - Definition Settlement Rule Receiver (Text Table)
FINSTLRULES0C - Definition Settlement Rule Sender
FINSTLRULES0T - Definition Settlement Rule Sender (Text Table)
FINVALFUNC0C - Master Data for Strategy Functions
FINVALFUNC0T - Texts for Strategy Functions
FINVALLEVEL0C - Valuation Levels
FINVALLEVEL0T - Texts for Valuation Levels
FINVALMETHOD0C - Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas
FINVALMETHOD0T - Texts for Valuation Functions for Strategy Formulas
FINVALSTRAT0C - Master Data for Valuation Strategy
FINVALSTRAT0T - Texts for Valuation Strategies
FINVALSTRATDERIV - Derivation Table: Valuation Strategy for Business Transactio
FINXBATCH0C - Local Values for FIN_BATCH (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCASHLOC0C - Local Values for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCASHLOC0T - Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOMPANY0C - Local Values for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOMPANY0T - Local Texts for FIN_COMPANY (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCONDTYPE0C - Local Values for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCONDTYPE0T - Local Texts for FIN_CONDTYPE (Not Used in Live System)
FINXCOSTCTR0C - Local Values for FIN_COSTCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXLOCATION0C - Local Values for FIN_LOCATION (Not Used in Live System)
FINXLREPUNIT0C - Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPARTYID0C - Local Values for FIN_PARTYID (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPARTYID0T - Local Texts for FIN_CASHLOC (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPRODUCT01 - Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPRODUCT0C - Local Values for FIN_PRODUCT (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPROFITCTR0C - Local Values for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINXPROFITCTR0T - Local Texts for FIN_PROFITCTR (Not Used in Live System)
FINX_FINFO_01 - Overview of Semantic Model: Mapping to ERP Entities
FINX_FINFO_02 - Overview of Semantic Model: Registration in ERP Environment
FINX_FINFO_0C - Overview of Semantic Model: Field List
FINX_S_FINFO - Information on a Field
FINX_S_FNAM_RNAM - Field Name/Data Element Pair
FIN_BBE_AMAP - Field Mapping for BusEnt: Attributes on Value Container
FIN_BBE_FMAP - Field Mapping for BusEnt: BE on Metadata Carrier

FIN_S_ACCDOCNO - Accounting System and Company
FIN_S_ACCSYSTEM01 - Settings for Company on Accounting System
FIN_S_ACCSYSTEM0C - Accounting Systems
FIN_S_ACCSYSTEM0T - Texts of Accounting Systems
FIN_S_AMOUNT - General Amount Specification (with Currency Type)
FIN_S_AMT_ACCSYS - Amount in Accounting System Currency
FIN_S_AMT_COMP - Amount in Local Currency
FIN_S_AMT_COMPG - Amount in Company Currency
FIN_S_AMT_HARD - Amount in Hard Currency
FIN_S_AMT_INDEX - Amount in Index-Based Currency
FIN_S_AMT_POS - Amount in Position Currency
FIN_S_AMT_TRA - Amount in Transaction Currency
FIN_S_CALYRMTHDOC - Period Fields for Calendar Month/Year of Document Date
FIN_S_CC_D - Data Part of a Cost Center
FIN_S_CC_K - Business Key of a Cost Center
FIN_S_CONF_PRICECONTROL - Configuration Price Type Control and Price Type Master Data
FIN_S_CONF_PRICELABEL - Price Type Configuration
FIN_S_CONF_PRICELABEL01 - Price Type Control Configuration
FIN_S_CONF_PRICELABELTXT - Configuration of Price Type (Text Table)
FIN_S_CR_D - Data Part for Cost Center/Resource Pool
FIN_S_CR_K - Business Key for Cost Center/Resource Pool
FIN_S_CURRTYPE - Currency Type (Structure)
FIN_S_DUE - Reference to Invoice/Down Payment
FIN_S_EXCHANGE_RATE - Exchange Rate (with Currency Type)
FIN_S_FISCYEARPER - Collected Period Fields
FIN_S_GLACCT_ATTR_CHOFACCT - Attributes of Account at Chart of Accounts Level
FIN_S_GLACCT_ATTR_COMP - Attributes of Account at Company/Accounting System Level
FIN_S_GLACCT_ATTR_GRP - Attributes of an Account Group
FIN_S_GLACCT_ATTR_GRP_APPND - Attributes of an Account Group
FIN_S_GLACCT_TXT - G/L account texts
FIN_S_HEADER_DATA - Data Structure of Header Table
FIN_S_LANGUTXT - Language-Specific Text
FIN_S_OBJECT - Generic Identification of an Object
FIN_S_OBJECT_O - Generic Identification of a Source Object
FIN_S_OBJECT_P - Generic Identification of a Partner Object
FIN_S_OBJECT_R - Generic Identification of a Receiver Object
FIN_S_OBJECT_S - Generic Identification of a Sender Object
FIN_S_ORDER - Reference to an Order
FIN_S_ORMNF_D - Data Part of Manufacturing Order
FIN_S_ORMNF_K - Business Key of a Manufacturing Order
FIN_S_ORPURITMSUB_D - Data Part of a Subitem of a Purchase Order Item
FIN_S_ORPURITMSUB_K - Business Key of a Subitem of a Purchase Order Item
FIN_S_ORPURITM_D - Data Part of Purchase Order Item
FIN_S_ORPURITM_K - Business Key of a Purchase Order Item
FIN_S_ORPUR_D - Data Part of a Purchase Order
FIN_S_ORPUR_K - Business Key of a Purchase Order
FIN_S_PARTY - Business Partner with Function
FIN_S_PAY - Reference to a Payment Order Item
FIN_S_PRICELABEL01_DATA - Data Fields of Price Type Control
FIN_S_PRICELABEL01_KEY - Key Fields of Price Type Control
FIN_S_PRICELABEL0C_DATA - Data Fields of Price Type Master Data
FIN_S_PRICELABEL0C_KEY - Key Fields of Price Type Master Data
FIN_S_PRICELABEL0T_DATA - Data Fields of Price Type Text Table
FIN_S_PRICELABEL0T_KEY - Key Fields of Price Type Configuration
FIN_S_PRICELABEL0T_KEYSPEC - Additional Key Fields of Price Type Text Table
FIN_S_PRICELABELALL_DATA - All Data Fields for Price Type
FIN_S_PRICELABEL_KEY - General Key Fields for Price Type Configuration
FIN_S_PVALADJKEY - Business Partner with Function and Valuation Adjustment Key
FIN_S_PVLOCPRDBTC_K - Business Key for Company/Location/Product/Batch
FIN_S_PVLOCPRD_K - Business Key for Company/Location/Product
FIN_S_PV_ADD - Additional Values of Product View
FIN_S_PV_ADD_PRICE - Additional Values of Product View for Prices
FIN_S_PV_D - Data Part of ProductView
FIN_S_QTY_ETR - Entry Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QTY_GL - Valuation Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QTY_ORD - Purchase Order Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QTY_PRC - Purchase Order Price Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QTY_REF - Reference Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QTY_VAL - Valuation Quantity (with Unit)
FIN_S_QUANTITY - General Quantity Specification (with Quantity Type)
FIN_S_REC - Planned Receiver of a Manufacturing Order
FIN_S_REFDOC - Reference Document
FIN_S_TXT - Texts
FIN_S_VALFUNC - All Data for Strategy Function
FIN_S_VALFUNC_KEY - Key Fields of Strategy Function
FIN_S_VALMETHOD - All Data for Valuation Function
FIN_S_VALMETHOD_DATA - Data Fields for Valuation Function
FIN_S_VALMETHOD_KEY - Key Fields of Valuation Function
FIN_S_VALPARAM - Valuation Parameters
FIN_S_VALSTRAT - All Data Fields for Valuation Strategy
FIN_S_VALSTRATDERIV - Derivation: Valuation Strategy for Business Transaction
FIN_S_VALSTRATDERIV_KEY - Derivation: Valuation Strategy for Business Transaction
FIN_S_VALSTRAT_DATA - Data Fields of Valuation Strategy
FIN_S_VALSTRAT_KEY - Key Fields of Valuation Strategy
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACHD - Extension Point for Header of ACC Document
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACIT - Extension Point for Item of ACC Document
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITCASH - Extension Point for Cash Line Item

SAP Business Analytics Tables FIN-BA

TCOCOF4 - F4 Values for Customizing
TCOCOMAP - Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM
TCOCOMAP2 - Mapping Fields: Remote <--> SEM
TCOCOMAPTYPES - Mapping: Type Remote System <--> Object Type SEM
TCOCORFC - RFC Destinations for Concurrent Costing
TIPPE_EDGEFIELDS - Import iPPE: Assignment Link Fields
TIPPE_EDGES - Import iPPE: Assignment Links
TIPPE_EDGES2 - Import iPPE: Assignment Links
TIPPE_TYPEFIELD2 - Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields
TIPPE_TYPEFIELDS - Import iPPE: Assignment Type Fields
TIPPE_TYPES - Import iPPE: Assignment Types
TIPPE_TYPES2 - Import iPPE: Assignment Types
TUAB_ANNOTATION - Annotation Costing
TUAB_WF_TYPE - Workflow Type Costing
TUAB_WF_TYPE_T - Workflow Type Costing - Texts
TUBD_BW_GEN - BD Lib: Class Generation for BW Access
TUBD_LIGHT - BDLib Light: Generated Methods
TUBD_LIGHT_T - BDLib Light: Text for Generated Methods
TYP_F_ACTIVITYLIST - Activity Types List
TYP_F_ALV_COSTING - Selected Fields of a Costing Header
TYP_F_BAPICOLIST - Cost Estimate Header
TYP_F_BPROCLIST - Business Process
TYP_F_CHARACTERISTIC - Chara (Key Element that Is Determined by Object Type)
TYP_F_COSTING_HEADER - Cost Estimate Header
TYP_F_IDENTIFIER - Name Value Pair
TYP_F_IMP_ATTRS - Import Attributes
TYP_F_INFORECLIST - Info Record List
TYP_F_KADAT - Costing Date From
TYP_F_KLVAR - Ranges Costing Variant
TYP_F_MAPPINGKEY - Key for Mapping Table
TYP_F_MATNR - Ranges Material
TYP_F_NVPAIR - Name Value Pair
TYP_F_OBJECTIDENTIFIER - Name Value Paor (Object Reference)
TYP_F_TVERS - Ranges Costing Version
TYP_F_VIEW_ELEMENT_MAP - Mapping Table for Visibility of Screen Elements
TYP_F_WERKS - Ranges Plant
UAACTIVATEDELCAL - Activate Delta Costing
UAAPPLTYPE - Application Types Costing
UABAPIASNRAN - Service Master: Range Service Number
UABAPISRV - Copy of Communication Structure Service Master for Costing
UABAPISRVLST - Communication Structure: Service Master List
UABATIMPORTVAR - Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4
UABATIMPVARSEL - Selection Condits in Variants for Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4
UABATIMPVART - Text Table for Variants of Batch Import, PDCE, EhP4
UABSCEBATIMP - Table to store SCE variants, PDCE, Ehp4
UABWEDGCALCFLAT - BW Extraction: Extracted Replacement Links for Costing
UABWMDEXT - BW Objects for Master Data Extraction
UABWTDEXT - BW Objects for Transaction Data Extraction
UABW_S_DTSRC_FIELD - Field Description for DataSource Generation
UABW_S_DTSRC_PROPERTY - Properties of DataSource for Generation
UABW_S_EXCALC_FLAT_1PCQM - Extraction Itemized Breakdown Data Basis 1PCQM
UABW_S_EXCALC_FLAT_1PDCE - Extraction Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UABW_S_EXCCS_1PCQM - Extraction Split 1COGM Data Basis 1PCQM
UABW_S_EXMD_CEPRCORMAN - Extraction of Manual Price Origin
UABW_S_EXMD_OBJECT - Extraction Master Data Objects
UABW_S_EXMD_OBJECTTYPE - Extraction Master Data Object Types
UABW_S_EXMD_OBJECT_1PCQM - Extraction Object Master Data Data Basis 1PCQM
UABW_S_EXMD_OBJECT_1PDCE - Extraction Object Master Data Data Basis 1PDCE
UABW_S_EXTXT_CEPRCORMAN - Extraction Texts Price Source Manual
UABW_S_EXTXT_NODE - Extraction Text Nodes
UABW_S_EXTXT_OBJECTTYPE - Extraction Text Object Types
UABW_S_EXTXT_OBJECT_1PCQM - Extraction Object Texts Data Basis 1PCQM
UABW_S_EXTXT_OBJECT_1PDCE - Extraction Object Texts Data Basis 1PDCE
UABW_S_IOBJ_ATTR - Data InfoObject Attributes
UABW_S_IOBJ_DETAIL - Detailed Information for InfoObject Generation
UABW_S_MDEXT - BW Objects for Master Data Extraction
UABW_S_TDEXT - BW Objects for Transaction Data Extraction
UABW_S_TTEXT - BW Objects for Table Type Data Extraction
UABXMLBATIMP - table for XML, batch import, PDCE, Ehp4
UAB_APPLICATION - Contains and Internal and External View of Application
UAB_ARCH_LOCK - Persistent Locking for Archived Objects
UAB_AUDIT_TRAIL - Table for Audit Trail Function
UAB_BAPIEKKOL - Transfer Structure Display/List - PO Header with Vendor Name
UAB_COMMAND_DESC - Description of a Command
UAB_ELMT_CAL_AMT - Trigger table to save elements to be costed in qty proc.
UAB_ELMT_CAL_QTY - Trigger table to save elements to be costed in qty proc.
UAB_FIELD_CAL - Memorize Fields of PDCE Join which Kind of Costing
UAB_FUNC_FIELD - Fields for Use in Formula Functions (PDCE)
UAB_S_ADJUST_POPUP - Missing Values for R/3 Synchronization
UAB_S_ALT_FIELDTEXT - Alternative Text, Language-Dependent
UAB_S_ARC - Objects to Be Archived
UAB_S_ATTR_FOR_COLUMN - Cost Component Split of a Column
UAB_S_ATTR_SET_OF_COLUMN - Field -> Attribute Group Assignment
UAB_S_AUTH_FIELD - Structure: Authorization Fields for Types
UAB_S_BATCH_LOCK - Fields for Lock object for batch variants
UAB_S_BATIMPVAR - Data Structure for a Whole Import Variant
UAB_S_BCV_TARGETCO_IN - Inbound Search Parameter for BCV, PDCE on Target Cost
UAB_S_BCV_TARGETCO_RET - Result Structure for Target Costing BCV Connector
UAB_S_BUSPROC_DATA - Business Process Data from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_BUSPROC_PRICE - Business Process Price
UAB_S_BWRRI_REPORTXX - Structure for Report Parameters (BWRRI)
UAB_S_CALC_STEP - Costing Step
UAB_S_CATEGORY_PROFILE - Object Types - Object Category Relationships
UAB_S_CATEGORY_PROFILE_CONFIG - Object Types - Object Category Relationships Configuration
UAB_S_CCGROUP - Cost Component Split
UAB_S_CCOMPGROUP - Component Group Definition
UAB_S_CCOMPGROUPASSIGN - Assignment Component Group
UAB_S_CCOMPGROUPTEXT - Text Group: Cost Component Split Elements
UAB_S_CCOMPONENT - Cost Component Split Elements
UAB_S_CCOMPONENTTEXT - Cost Component Split Elements: Text
UAB_S_CCSPLIT - Cost component split
UAB_S_CCSPLITTEXT - Cost Component Split: Text
UAB_S_CCST_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Cost Component Split Type to Key Figures
UAB_S_CCST_CCS - Cost Component Split Type and Cost Component Split
UAB_S_CCST_CCS_TAB - Cost Component Splits of a Cost Component Split Type
UAB_S_CCST_CCS_T_VALUE - Cost Component Splits and Split Values for Elements
UAB_S_CCST_FOR_COLUMN - Cost Component Split of a Column
UAB_S_CCST_VALUES - Cost Component Splits and Split Values for Elements
UAB_S_CCS_CHARS - Cost Component Split Determination Characteristics
UAB_S_CCS_ITEM_TAB - Elements of a Cost Component Split
UAB_S_CCS_VALUES - Values with Cost Components for Nodes
UAB_S_CCTRACT_DATA - Cost Center/Activity Type Data from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_CCTRACT_PRICE - Cost Center/Activity Type Prices from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_CC_CHARS - Cost Component Split Elements-Derivation Characteristics
UAB_S_CC_COMBINATION - Attributes of Elements of Cost Component Split of a Type
UAB_S_CELL - Administration of Elements for CL_UA_SOLVER
UAB_S_CELL_CCS_STATUS - Administration of Elements for CL_UA_SOLVER
UAB_S_CELL_FORMULA - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_CELL_FORMULA_XML - Usage of a Formula for Cells
UAB_S_CELL_STATUS - Administration of Elements for CL_UA_SOLVER
UAB_S_CELL_VALUE - Administration of Elements for CL_UA_SOLVER
UAB_S_CELL_VISITED - Administration of Elements for CL_UA_SOLVER
UAB_S_CE_EVENT_QUEUE - Structure for CE Event Queue
UAB_S_CE_STATUS_SEL - Ranges for Costing Status
UAB_S_CHAR_VAL - Costing Engine: Single Values per Characteristic
UAB_S_COCOMAP2 - Mapping Structure for TCOCOMAP2 in Configuration
UAB_S_COLUMN_FOR_XML - Column in a Structure; Structure for Field Catalog
UAB_S_COLUMN_RFC - Column in a Structure; Structure for Field Catalog
UAB_S_COLUMN_TYPE - Costing Solutions: Assignment Column Name - DDIC Type
UAB_S_COMMAND - Structure with Commands to Create a CE Network
UAB_S_COMPINFO - Costing Solutions: Infos on a Table Field
UAB_S_CONTEXT - Costing Solutions: Context
UAB_S_CONTEXT_INT - Costing Solutions: Context (Internal Display)
UAB_S_COPYDIALOG - Data Structure Copy Dialog
UAB_S_COSTCOMP - Cost Component
UAB_S_COSTCOMPSPLIT - Cost Component Split
UAB_S_COST_COMPONENT_VIEW - Texts for Cost Component Views in Display
UAB_S_CO_COST - Structure for BAPI from xCQM
UAB_S_CO_MATERIAL - Material Data
UAB_S_CR_CONDITION - Costing Run: ID and Reference for Condition Expression
UAB_S_CR_CTXT_DATA - Costing Run: Context Data
UAB_S_CR_CTXT_EXPR - Costing Run: Context Expression
UAB_S_CR_EDGE - Costing Run: Link Given by IDs of End Nodes
UAB_S_CR_ELEMENT - Costing Run: Type Name and ID of Element
UAB_S_CR_MASTERDATA - Costing Run: Master Data
UAB_S_CR_MONITOR - Costing Run: Aufrufer and Monitor Instance
UAB_S_CR_MSG_FLAT_CONTEXT - Costing Run: Simple Message Context
UAB_S_CR_MSG_FLAT_CONTEXT_APPL - Costing Run: Simple Message Context (Appl. Share)
UAB_S_CR_NODESORT - Calculation Run: Result of Topological Sorting
UAB_S_CR_PARAM - Costing Run: Parameters
UAB_S_CR_WORKLIST - Costing Run: ID and Object for Worklist
UAB_S_CR_WORKSET - Costing Run: Working Environment
UAB_S_CSCMAT - BOM Explosion: Materials
UAB_S_DATABASIS - Auxiliary Structure for Lock Object
UAB_S_DB_ID - Data Basis, Logical Key and UA Instance ID
UAB_S_DERI_CCS - Fixed Fields: Derivation Cost Component Split
UAB_S_DERI_DEPENDENT - Dependent Fields in Derivation
UAB_S_DERI_FIELDS - Derivation of Configuration Fields of a Step
UAB_S_DERI_OBJECTTYPE - Object Types per Data Basis
UAB_S_DERI_PRCT - Amount in Formula Editor
UAB_S_DERI_QNTY - Price in Formula Editor
UAB_S_DERI_SPLIT - Derivation: F4 for Cost Component Split
UAB_S_DERI_SPLITTYPE - Object Types per Data Basis
UAB_S_DERI_STEP - Derivation Step Configuration
UAB_S_DERI_STRATEGY - Derivation Configuration Header
UAB_S_DERI_TEXTS - Derivation of Configuration Texts for Steps
UAB_S_DERI_TYPENAMES - Type Names in Derivation Call
UAB_S_DID_DESC - Dimension ID and Key Description
UAB_S_DID_T_ELEMENT - Elements per Dimension ID
UAB_S_EDGE_ARC - Relevant Link Fields for Archiving
UAB_S_EDGE_DATA - Contains All Infos about an Edge (for XML Import)
UAB_S_EDGE_ID - Key Field of an Edge
UAB_S_EDGE_ORDER - Links with Sort Sequence
UAB_S_ELEMENT_DATA - Contains All Infos about an Object/Node/Tab (for XML Import)
UAB_S_ELEMENT_ENQMODE - Element and Enqueue Mode
UAB_S_ELEMENT_EVENT - Element and Event
UAB_S_ELEMENT_LOCK - Fields for Locking Elements of the Costing Engine
UAB_S_ELEMENT_TREE_ID - Structure from CE Element and Tree ID
UAB_S_ENQUEUE_KEY - Lock Object for Table Types
UAB_S_EVENT - Application Event
UAB_S_EXPLOSION_LIST - Multilevel Itemization
UAB_S_F4_CC - F4 for CCST
UAB_S_F4_CCG - F4 for CCST
UAB_S_F4_METATYPE - F4 Structure for Meta Type
UAB_S_F4_TYPEFIELD - F4 Structure Field
UAB_S_F4_TYPENAME - F4 Structure Name
UAB_S_FIELDNAME_FORMULA - Name Formula Pairs for Fields of any Type
UAB_S_FIELDNAME_NO_T_VALS - Structure: Field Name, Number of Values and Table of Values
UAB_S_FIELDNAME_PRIO - Sequence of Fields to Be Evaluated
UAB_S_FIELDNAME_VALREF - Name Value Pairs for Fields of any Type
UAB_S_FIELDNAME_VALUE - Structure: Field Name and Value in Text Format
UAB_S_FIELDREF - Fields and References
UAB_S_FIELD_CAL - Fields of PDCE join which kind of costing
UAB_S_FIELD_CONTROL - Field Selection
UAB_S_FIELD_METHOD - Field used in function method of PDCE
UAB_S_FIELD_VALUE - Field Values
UAB_S_FILTER - Header Structure of a PPE Filter
UAB_S_FOCUS - PPE Focus Master Record
UAB_S_FORMULA_CONFIG - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_FORMULA_FOR_COLUMN - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_FORMULA_LIST - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_FORMULA_USAGE - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_FORMULA_XML - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_FUNCTION_ID_XML - XML Description of a Formula with ID
UAB_S_GENERIC_LOCK - Fields for Generic Locks of UA_ELEMENT
UAB_S_ID - UA Instance ID with Description
UAB_S_ID_DATA - ID with Data Reference
UAB_S_ID_ELEMENT - Assignment ID to Element
UAB_S_ID_FIELDNAME_FORMULA - Assignment of Formulas
UAB_S_ID_NODE - Assignment ID to Element
UAB_S_ID_READER - DB Reader Instances for Type
UAB_S_ID_RUNTIME_TABLE - ID and Runtime Table
UAB_S_ID_T_ID - UA Instance ID with Description
UAB_S_IMPORT_NODE - Structure to Import Hierarchy Nodes
UAB_S_IMPORT_VIEW_0160 - Key Fields Quantity Structure
UAB_S_IMPORT_VIEW_0230 - BOM Explosion Key Fields
UAB_S_INDEX - Table Index
UAB_S_INDEXINFO - Costing Solutions: Metadata of an Index for XML Storage
UAB_S_INDEXNAME - Table Indices
UAB_S_INFOREC_DATA - Purchasing Info Records from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_INFOREC_PRICE - Info Record Price
UAB_S_IPPE_EXTR_MODE - iPPE Extraction Mode
UAB_S_IPPE_FILTER - Header Structure of PPE Filter
UAB_S_IPPE_FOCUS - PPE Focus Master Record
UAB_S_IPPE_NODE - iPPE Nodes: Identification
UAB_S_IPPE_PAMODC - Capacity Requirement of Activity Resource Relation for iPPE
UAB_S_IPPE_PAMODD - Duration of Activity Resource Relation for iPPE
UAB_S_IPPE_PNRES - iPPE Resource Nodes: Attributes for iPPE
UAB_S_IPPE_START - iPPE Header Nodes
UAB_S_IPPE_STRUCT - PVS Structure Information
UAB_S_JOIN - Costing Solutions: Join
UAB_S_JOIN_CONDITION - Costing Solutions: Join Condition
UAB_S_KALKTAB - Multilevel Quantity Structure (Piece List and Work Plan)
UAB_S_KEY_ELEMENT - Assignment of Business Key to Element
UAB_S_LAST_CHANGED - Last Change in Structure Maintenance
UAB_S_LAYOUT_DIALOG - Structure for List of Layouts
UAB_S_LAYOUT_ENQUEUE - Enqueue Structure for Layout
UAB_S_LAYOUT_FIELD - Structure of Fields of a Layout
UAB_S_LCID_DESC - Level Condition ID and Key Description
UAB_S_LEVELTAB_NAME - Logical Names of Tables at Posting Level
UAB_S_LEVEL_PACKAGES - Packages in Level
UAB_S_LEVEL_PACKAGE_TYPE - Manufacturing Level & Package for a Spec. Cost Component ID
UAB_S_MATERIAL_DATA - Material Data from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_MATERIAL_PRICE - Material Prices from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_MAT_CO_PRICE - Contract Price
UAB_S_MAT_PIR_PRICE - Info Records Prices
UAB_S_MAT_PO_PRICE - Transfer Structure Create/List - Purchase Order Item
UAB_S_MAT_RFQ_PRICE - Request for Quotation Price
UAB_S_MDF4CHE - Exceptions for Field Checks and F4
UAB_S_MDF4CHECK - Exceptions for Field Checks and F4
UAB_S_MENU - Structure for Fcode <-> Command Link
UAB_S_MESSAGE - Message Structure
UAB_S_METADATA - Metadata Service for Data Basis
UAB_S_METADESCR - Costing Solutions: Metadata for Generation
UAB_S_METHOD - Class Methods
UAB_S_MVC - Structure with Model and View
UAB_S_NAME_VALUE - Structure for Project Details
UAB_S_NODEDSC - Node Description: Key and Assigned Object
UAB_S_NV_PAIR - Name Value Pair
UAB_S_OBJECT - UA Object Instance
UAB_S_OBJECT_ACTION - Object-Action Relationships for Costing Types
UAB_S_OBJECT_ARC - Relevant Object Fields for Archiving
UAB_S_OBJECT_CATEGORY - Object Category Structure
UAB_S_OBJECT_CATEGORY_CONFIG - Object Category Configuration Structure
UAB_S_OBJECT_CATEGORY_DESCR - Object Category Description Structure
UAB_S_OBJECT_LINE - Object Lines for Value Maintenance
UAB_S_OBJECT_LIST_OUTTAB - Object List for Working Environment
UAB_S_OBJECT_REFID - Hierarchy Objects and Reference IDs
UAB_S_OBJLIST_ARC - Object List for Archiving
UAB_S_OBJS - Object for Layout Management
UAB_S_OID_NODE - Assignment OID to Nodes
UAB_S_PACKAGE_ELEMENTS - Cost Component ID Info in Package
UAB_S_PACKAGE_ELEMENT_INFO - Cost Component ID Info for Package
UAB_S_PACKAGE_LEVEL - Manufacturing Level of Package
UAB_S_PALTID - iPPE Alternative: Time-Indep. Identification and Attributes
UAB_S_PALTTX - iPPE Alternative: Texts
UAB_S_PRICETABLE - Price Table Assignment
UAB_S_PRICE_TABLE - Price Table Assignment
UAB_S_R3_FIELD_MAP - *** Obsolete, Do Not Use ***
UAB_S_R3_TYPE_MAP - *** Obsolete, Do Not Use ***
UAB_S_RANGE45 - structure of screen selection for batch, pdce.
UAB_S_READER_CONDITIONS - Costing Solutions: Conditions Object per FINB Reader
UAB_S_RELEVANT_OBJKEY - Keys of Object Related to a Table Line
UAB_S_RFC_ADMIN_PDCE - Extraction Object Master Data Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_ATTR_PDCE - Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_CCSPLIT_PDCE - Cost Component Split Elements
UAB_S_RFC_CCS_EDGE_PDCE - Edge Cost Component Split PDCE(API)
UAB_S_RFC_CCS_NODE_PDCE - Object Cost Component Split PDCE (API)
UAB_S_RFC_CCS_PDCE - Cost Component Split PDCE(API)
UAB_S_RFC_CCS_TNODE_PDCE - Tree Node Cost Component Split PDCE(API)
UAB_S_RFC_CONTEXT_PDCE - Context Data Basis
UAB_S_RFC_EDGE_DATA_PDCE - Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_EDGE_PDCE - Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_HIER_PDCE - Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_NODE_PDCE - Node Data Data Basis
UAB_S_RFC_OBJECT_DATA_PDCE - Object Master Data Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_OBJECT_PDCE - Object Master Data Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_TLINE_PDCE - Tables Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_TNODE_PDCE - Object Master Data Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_RFC_TRACE_PDCE - Trace Data Basis
UAB_S_RFC_TREE_PDCE - Itemization Breakdown Data Basis 1PDCE
UAB_S_SCE_BATIMP - Structure for the static import variant of batch PDCE Ehp4
UAB_S_SCE_VAR - Structure for creating var of SCE import
UAB_S_SELECTION_VALUE_WU - data structure for the alv in first screen of WUL/PDCE
UAB_S_SELECT_INFOS - Costing Solutions: Infos for Dynamic Select
UAB_S_SELOPT_FOR_TABLEACCESS - Selection Conditions for Table Access
UAB_S_SENDER_RECEIVER - Sender-Receiver Relationship for Nodes
UAB_S_SERVICE_DATA - Service Data from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_SERVICE_PRICE - Service Prices from R/3 (Extendable)
UAB_S_SOURCE_TARGET - Structure for Field Assignment
UAB_S_SPLITTAB_NAME - Costing Solution: Logical Name of Cost Component Split Table
UAB_S_SPLITTAB_PR_OBJECT - Persistence Object for Cost Component Split Type
UAB_S_SPLITTAB_TYPE - Costing Solution: Logical Name of Cost Component Split Table
UAB_S_STATUS - Object-Status Relationships for Costing Types
UAB_S_STATUS_CONFIG - Object-Status Relationships for Costing Types
UAB_S_STATUS_DESCR - Text for Status
UAB_S_STATUS_OVERJUMP - Status Overjump Setting
UAB_S_STATUS_OVERJUMP_CONFIG - Status Overjump Setting
UAB_S_STATUS_PROFILE - Object-Status Relationships for Costing Types
UAB_S_STATUS_PROFILE_CONFIG - Object-Status Relationships for Costing Types
UAB_S_STPOX - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
UAB_S_SURCHARGE - Structure for Template Values
UAB_S_SURCHARGE_BASE - Structure for Base Values of Surcharge Call
UAB_S_SURCHARGE_PARAM - Structure for Parameters of Surcharge Call
UAB_S_SURCHARGE_VALUE - Structure for Surcharge Values
UAB_S_SUR_FORMULA - Formula Line
UAB_S_SUR_TYPE_ELEMENT - Type of Element
UAB_S_SYSTEM - List of BW Systems
UAB_S_SYSTEMS - List of BW Systems
UAB_S_SYSTEMS_INT - List of BW Systems
UAB_S_TABINFO - Costing Solutions: Infos on a Table
UAB_S_TABLETYPE_DESCR - Costing Solutions: Metadata of a Type for XML Storage
UAB_S_TABLETYPE_DESCRIPTION - Costing Solutions: Metadata of a Type
UAB_S_TABLE_COMPONENT - Costing Solutions: Table Field
UAB_S_TABLE_FIELDS - Name and Fields of a DDIC Type
UAB_S_TABLE_HIERARCHY - Costing Solutions: Info on DB Table
UAB_S_TABLE_REF - Reference to DDIC Tables
UAB_S_TEMPLATE - Structure for Template Values
UAB_S_TEMPLATECO_CHAR_DETAIL - Structure for Characteristic Definition
UAB_S_TEMPLATECO_CHAR_VALUE - Structure for Characteristic Values of Template Call
UAB_S_TEMPLATECO_PARAM - Structure for Parameters of Template Call
UAB_S_TEMPLATECO_VALUE - Structure for Template Values
UAB_S_TEXT - Costing Solutions: Text Table on a Type
UAB_S_TEXT_FOR_COLUMN - Cost Component Split of a Column
UAB_S_TEXT_FOR_COLUMN_CONFIG - Cost Component Split of a Column
UAB_S_TEXT_ID - Costing Solutions: Texts with Text ID
UAB_S_TIMESTAMP - Structure for Time Stamp
UAB_S_TLINE_KEY - Structure of Table Line Key Values
UAB_S_TPLMAP - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_TRACE - Fields that Are Required for Costing Log
UAB_S_TRACE_TRIGGER_TABLE - Trigger Table Element for Delta Costing
UAB_S_TREE_ID_ELEMENT - Technical Tree ID, Element
UAB_S_TREE_NAME_ID - Logical Name and ID of a Tree
UAB_S_TREE_NAME_NODE_ID - Logical Name and Root Node of a Tree
UAB_S_TREE_NAME_T_NODE - Logical Name and Root Node of a Tree
UAB_S_TREE_NAME_T_NODE_ID - Logical Name and Root Node of a Tree
UAB_S_TREE_T_ID - Structure with Tree ID and Node ID
UAB_S_TREE_T_NODE - Structure with Tree ID and Node Object
UAB_S_TYPE - Type ID with Description
UAB_S_TYPEFIELD - Structure Field
UAB_S_TYPEINFO - Metadata of a Type
UAB_S_TYPEINFO_ICON100 - Metadata of a Type ( With long icon to show tooltip on UI)
UAB_S_TYPEINFO_ICON40 - Metadata of a Type ( With long icon to show tooltip on UI)
UAB_S_TYPENAME_FINB_RT - Type Name/Metatype and Runtime Table
UAB_S_TYPENAME_RUNTIME_TABLE - Type Name/Metatype and Runtime Table
UAB_S_TYPENAME_TABLE - Type Name/Metatype and Runtime Table
UAB_S_TYPENAME_T_DESC - Structure: Type Name and Table of Descriptions
UAB_S_TYPENAME_T_FIELDVALS - Structure: Type Name and Table of Fields with Value Table
UAB_S_TYPENAME_T_ID - UA Instance ID with Description
UAB_S_TYPENAME_T_KEYVALS - Structure: Type Name and Table of Fields with Value Table
UAB_S_TYPEPAIR - Pairs of Sender and Recipient Types
UAB_S_TYPE_BUFFER - Runtime Table and FINB Reader for a Type
UAB_S_TYPE_COND_ID - Condition IDs for Type Names
UAB_S_TYPE_DESCR - Metadata of a Type for XML Storage
UAB_S_TYPE_DESCRIPTION - Metadata of a Type for XML Storage
UAB_S_TYPE_FORMULA - Usage of a Formula
UAB_S_TYPE_INSTANCE - Type Instances
UAB_S_TYPE_INT - Type ID with Description
UAB_S_TYPE_INTANCE - Type Instances
UAB_S_TYPE_LINKING - Sender or Receiver of a Type
UAB_S_TYPE_RFC - Type ID with Description
UAB_S_TYPE_SELECTION - Condition IDs for Type Names
UAB_S_TYPE_STATISTICS - Frequency of Types
UAB_S_UPD_MODULE_PARAMS - Interface of an Update Module
UAB_S_UPLCMD - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_UPLCMD_MISSKEY - Configuration Upload Customizing for Lost Keys
UAB_S_UPLMAP - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_UPLMAP_PRELIM - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_UPLTYP - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_UPLTYPET - Configuration Upload Customizing
UAB_S_UPL_COMMAND - Command Structure for RFC Interface
UAB_S_UPL_MISSINGKEY - Upload Channel for Missing Key
UAB_S_UPL_VALUE - Field Name Value Pair for Upload Command
UAB_S_VIEW_TREE_ELEMENT_ID - Logical Name View, Tree and Element ID
UAB_S_WS_ELEMENT - Structure of Workset - Element Pair
UAB_S_XML_BATIMP - structure for XML file selection, BATIMP, PDCE, EHP4
UAB_S_XML_VERSION - XML Files per Version
UAB_S_XSTATUS - Status Transfer
UAB_TLNE_CAL_AMT - Trigger Table for Table Line to Calculate Amount in PDCE
UAB_TLNE_CAL_QTY - Trigger Table for Table Line to Calculate Amount in PDCE
UAB_XML_DATAT - Name of Object
UAB_XML_TRANSL - XML Translation
UACKKALKPOS - Unit Costing: Items / Product Costing: Itemization
UACKKALKTAB - Costing Itemization / Parallel to CKIS
UACKKVMK - Transfer Segment for Costing Object
UACMFMSG - Output Structure for CIM Error Management and Analysis
UACOSTCOMPGROUP - Cost Component Split
UACOSTCOMPGROUPT - Cost Component Split Element Groups: Texts
UACOSTCOMPONENT - Cost Component Split Elements
UACOSTCOMPONENTT - Cost Component Split Element Texts
UACOSTCOMPSPLIT - Cost Component Split
UACOSTCOMPSPLITT - Cost Component Split Texts
UACOSTING_DATA - Costing Fields
UACOSTVAR - Costing Variant
UACOSTVART - Text Table Costing Variant
UACRCOND - Costing Run: Condition Expression
UACRCRUN - Costing Run: Costing Run
UACRCRUNT - Costing Run: Costing Run/Texts
UACRCVAR - Costing Run: Costing Variant
UACRCVART - Costing Run: Costing Variant/Text
UACRENV - Costing Run: Environment
UACRWORKLIST - Costing Run: Worklist
UAC_S_EXCEL_MEMORY - Structure to Manage Excel Files
UADYNVA - Store the Dynamic Variant for Batch Processing
UADYNVAT - Dynamic Variant Text Table
UAEXPLOSIONLIST - Hit List of Evaluated Multilevel BOM
UAFIELDNAME_REMOTE - Field Names in Remote System
UAGRPCOMPASSIGN - Cost Comp. Split Element Groups: Assignment Group-Element
UAGRPCOMPASSIGNT - CComp. Split Element Groups: Texts Assignmnt Groups-Elements
UAIMPORT_SELECTIONS - Selections for Object/Table Import
UAKALM - Transfer Segment for Costing Object
UAKISK - Key Fields CKIS
UAKISX2 - Fields in KIS1+CKKALKTAB that are not in CKIS+CKIT
UALAYOUT - Layout Table
UALCONEX - Conditional Expressions
UAMDF4CHE - Exception Table for Field Checks and F4
UANRGR - Number Range Groups Costing Platform
UAPRICETABLE - Price Tables Assignment
UAPROJECT - Transparent Table to Store Costing Projects
UAREP_CONFIG1 - Configuration for UA Reports
UASTAVA - Store the Static Variant for Batch Processing
UASTAVAT - Static Variant Text Table
UASTPOX - BOM Items (Extended for List Displays)
UASTRUCNAME_REMOTE - Field Names in Remote System
UASURCHTEMPLATES - Assignment Object Types Templates
UAS_BAPI0012_CCOUTPUTLIST - Temporary: Interface Structure: Cost Center Output List(KBAS
UAS_BAPIBUSPROCDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Business Process-Data Container
UAS_BAPIBUSPROCPRICES - Temporary: Mass Import: Business Process Price Container
UAS_BAPICCTRACTDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Cost Center/Act.Types-Data Container
UAS_BAPICCTRACTPRICES - Temporary: Mass Import: CCtr/Activity Types Price Container
UAS_BAPICCTRDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Cost Center Data Container
UAS_BAPIEINA - Temporary: Info Record
UAS_BAPIEINE - Temporary: Info Record
UAS_BAPIEKPOC - Transfer Structure Create/List - Purchase Order Item
UAS_BAPIINFORECDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Info Record Container
UAS_BAPIMATDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Material Data Container
UAS_BAPIMATPRICES - Temporary: Mass Import: Material Price Container
UAS_BAPIMEOUTHEADER - Outline Agreement Header Data
UAS_BAPIMEOUTITEM - Item Data of Contract
UAS_BAPISRVDATA - Temporary: Mass Import: Service Data Container
UAS_F4_TYPEINFO - Type Infos
UAS_SHLP_IPPE_FIELD - Search Help: Field in iPPE
UAS_SHLP_IPPE_STRUCTURE - Search Help: Structure/Table in iPPE
UAS_SHLP_IPPE_TYPE - Search Help: Type in iPPE (Nodes, Variant, Alternative)
UAS_SM1_ATTR_ASSIGNMENT_ALV - Structure for Maint. of Cost Component Split Assignments
UAS_SM1_CATEGORY_PROFILE_ALV - Objekc Category Profile ALV
UAS_SM1_CCS_ASSIGNMENT_ALV - Structure for Maint. of Cost Component Split Assignments
UAS_SM1_ICONF4 - Structure for Selecting an Icon
UAS_SM1_METHOD_ALV - Class Methods
UAS_SM1_STATUS_ALV - Object Status ALV
UAS_SM1_TEXT_ASSIGNMENT_ALV - Structure for Maint. of Cost Component Split Assignments
UAS_SM1_TREELIN - Columns in the Map Tree
UAS_SM1_TYPEDEF_ALV - Structure for Double ALV to Define a Type
UAS_S_GENOBJINFO - Information about Generated Objects for Type
UATPLMAP - Field Assignment during Template Call
UATPLTPL - Template Selection for Template Call
UATPL_S_CHAR_VALUE - Structure for Characteristic Values
UATPL_S_COTPL - Structure for Return Parameters for BAPI GetList
UATPL_S_PARAM - Structure for Parameters of Template Call
UATPL_S_VALUE - Structure for Template Values
UATUBD_LIGHT - BDLib Light: Generated Methods (Data Basis-Dependent)
UAUPLCMD - Actions During Upload
UAUPLCMD_MISSKEY - Assignment of Object Type
UAUPLMAP - Field Assignment During Upload
UAUPLMAP_PRELIM - Field Name Assignment with Switch of Object Type
UAUPLOAD_CHANNELS - Upload Channels for Import Agent
UAUPLSTRUCREMO - Value Table for Remote Structure Names of Costing Engine
UAUPLSTRUCREMOT - Value Table for Remote Structure Names of Costing Engine
UAUPLTYP - R/3 Upload Types
UAUPLTYPT - R/3 Upload Types
UAUPL_MISSINGKEY - Missing Key Field
UAUXS_DATAT - Name of Object
UAWORKSET - Transparent Table to Store Working Environments of Costing
UBD_BW_S_GEN_QUERIES - BD Lib Generation - Queries
UBD_BW_S_KYFPRO - BDLib, Query Introspection: Units for Key Figures
UBD_BW_S_VALUE - BD Lib: Transfer Structure for BW Key Figures from Query

SAP Business Accounting Tables FIN-BAC

/EACC/ACINST_COMPOUNDS - Concepts Compounded with the Accounting Instance
/EACC/COMPONENT_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of an Accounting Component
/EACC/DMM_BWINFO - BW System for Transaction Data
/EACC/DMM_CHA - Characteristics of the Accounting Views
/EACC/DMM_CKYF - Calculated Key Figures of a View
/EACC/DMM_COMEDG - Relationships between Components
/EACC/DMM_COMPON - Components with Data Retention
/EACC/DMM_CUBETYPE - Description of the Properties of an InfoCube
/EACC/DMM_DIC - Dimension Assignment of the Characteristics of Accntng Views
/EACC/DMM_DIM - Dimensions of the Accounting Views
/EACC/DMM_DIMT - Test e for Dimensions of Accounting Views
/EACC/DMM_EXTR_DATASOURCE - Transfer Structure for Gen. Extractor Subroutine Pool
/EACC/DMM_KYF - Key Figures in the Accounting Views
/EACC/DMM_QUEEX - Technical Info for Extraction
/EACC/DMM_QUEUE - BW Objects in the Extraction Lines
/EACC/DMM_REALIGNMENT - Control Information for Generation of the Extractor
/EACC/DMM_RULES - Control Information for Generation of the Extractor
/EACC/DMM_TREELIN - Columns in the Map Tree
/EACC/DMM_VIEWBW - BW System (RFC Destination) for the View
/EACC/DMQ_S_CHADEP - Characteristic/Value Pair
/EACC/DMQ_S_CHAR - Characteristic with Control Data Selection
/EACC/DMQ_S_CHARNG - Line of a Range for Characteristic Values
/EACC/DMQ_S_CHASEL - Selection on a Characteristic
/EACC/DMQ_S_KEYF - Key Figure with Aggregation Data
/EACC/DMQ_S_MCMAP - Translation InfoObject -> Field Name
/EACC/DMQ_S_RSDP0_FIELD - Interface to APO Interface: RFC Return Structure
/EACC/DMQ_S_RSDRI_RFCDATA - Interface to APO Interface: Structure of RFC Data Table
/EACC/DMQ_S_SELDESC - Description of a Data Selection
/EACC/DM_CALKEYFIG_LIST - Transfer Structure for Calculated Key Figures in a Cube
/EACC/DM_POST_PPR_TC - Structure for TableControl PPR
/EACC/FOBU_S_BASKYF - Basic Key Figure
/EACC/FOBU_S_CALKYF - Calculated Key Figure: Technical Name and Description
/EACC/FOBU_S_CALKYF_ORDERED - Calculated Key Figure with Sequence Information
/EACC/FOBU_S_ENVMNT - Formula Editor: Environment
/EACC/FOBU_S_TEST - E-Accounting Formula Editor: Structure for Test Program
/EACC/S_ACINST_WHERE_USED_ITEM - Item Structure for Where-Used-List in Tree Display
/EACC/S_COMPONENT - Structure That Characterizes an E-Accounting Component
/EACC/S_COMPON_KF_CHAR_TAB - Where-Used List: Component ID and Field Table
/EACC/S_DMM_DIM - Dimensions of an InfoCube
/EACC/S_VIEW - Line Type for Names of Different Views
/EACC/TCATA_USED - Data Basis: Catalogs Used
/EACC/TCOMPON - Components (Entity Table)
/EACC/TCOMPONT - Components: Texts
/EACC/TEXTS - Long Texts
/EACC/TFOBUCALC - E-Accounting Formula Editor: Key Figure Schemes
/EACC/TFOBUCALCT - E-Accounting Formula Editor: Texts in Key Figure Schemes
/EACC/TRANS - Business Accounting: Metadata Transport
UAV0PRICE001 - Price Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE001H - Price History Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE002 - Price Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE002H - Price History Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE003 - Price Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE003H - Price History Table with Period Dependency
UAV0PRICE004 - Price Table with Date Dependency
UAV0PRICE004H - Price History Table with Date Dependency
UAVADMIN - Flexible Control of Valuation
UAV_CURR_TABLE_EXTENSIONS - Additional Columns for Currency Translation Service
UAV_MAINT_DETAIL_EXTENSIONS - Additional Columns for Associated Prices
UAV_MAINT_TABLE_EXTENSIONS - Additional Columns for Price Maintenance
UAV_S_HISTORY - Structure for Price History Table for FIN Objects
UAV_S_HISTORY_DATA - Data Part for Price History Table for FIN Objects
UAV_S_HISTORY_DATA_FIX - Fixed Data Part for All Price History Tables
UAV_S_HISTORY_KEY - Key for Price History for FIN Objects
UAV_S_HISTORY_KEY_FIX - Fixed Key Component for All Price History Tables
UAV_S_PRICE - Structure for Price Table for FIN Objects
UAV_S_PRICE_BW_EXTRACTION - Extraction Structure for Prices
UAV_S_PRICE_DATA - Data Part of Price Table for FIN Objects
UAV_S_PRICE_DATA_FIX - Fixed Data Part for All Price Tables
UAV_S_PRICE_KEY - Key for Price Tables for FIN Objects
UAV_S_PRICE_KEY_FIX - Fixed Key Component for All Price Tables
UAV_S_REPLACE - Replace Structure
UR00_BADI_F4_METHOD - Structure for Passing on Methods
UR00_S_CHANGE_RULE - Conversion Rules per Characteristic
UR00_S_CHAR - Structure for Characteristic Field Catalog
UR00_S_CHARLIST - Structure for Characteristic Field Catalog
UR00_S_CHAR_ATTR - Attributes for Characteristic Field Catalog
UR00_S_CHGRUN_JOBS - Row Type: Assignment Run -> Jobs
UR00_S_CONFIG_KEY - Configuration Key for Blueprint Instantiation
UR00_S_CONFIG_OBJ - Structure to Transfer Conf.obj-Extension of DDIC Blueprint
UR00_S_DERIV - Global Structure for Derivation Connection
UR00_S_ENVJOIN - Join from Realigner- and Strategy Fields for F4
UR00_S_EXECTRC_DESC - Description of a Realignment Step
UR00_S_EXECTRC_KEY - Key Component for Cluster Table Realignment Trace
UR00_S_EXEC_CHGORD - Executing Component's View of a Realignent Request
UR00_S_EXEC_CHGORD_02 - Executing Component's View of the Conv. Rule in a Rlgmnt Run
UR00_S_EXEC_CHGRUN - Executing Component's View of a Realignment Run
UR00_S_FIELDLIST - Structure for Field Catalog
UR00_S_SELOPT - Selection Option Realigner
UR00_S_STAT - Status Flags for a Realignment Run
UR00_S_TREELIN - Columns in the Map Tree
URBWF - Realigner Connection to BW Field Properties
URBWL - Realigner: DataSources
URBWLF - Realigner: Fields in the DataSources
URBWLG - Realigner: Status Information for DataSource
URBWLOG - Activity Log Extractor for Realigner
URBWLT - Realigner: DataSource Texts
URBWLX - UR_BW: Debugging Transaction Data Extractor
URBWLY - Realigner: Special Settings Read from DataSource
URBWSF01 - Realigner: Structure for Selection Key Figures
URBWTS - Realigner: Processed Time Intervals
URCF_CRUN_CORDLIST - Output Structure for Requests for a Realignment Run
URCF_DYNPFIELDS - Structure for Screen Fields
URCF_GRID_CHANGE_RULE - Fields for Conversion Rule
URCF_GRID_SELECTION - Fields for Selection Condition
URCF_TREE_CORDLIST - Tree Structure for Realignment Runs
URCF_TREE_FIELDLIST - Tree Structure for Characteristic List
URCHAR - Field Catalog: Characteristics
URCORD01 - Selection Conditions in a Realignment Request
URCORD02 - Conversion Rules in a Realignment Request
URCORD0C - Realignment Requests
URCRUN01 - Jobs in a Realignment Run
URCRUN02 - Detail for Executing a Run
URCRUN0C - Realignment Runs
URENVID - Reassignment of Derivation Strategy <-> Realigner-ID
UREXECFLOCO - Parallelized Process Control
UREXECFLOCOX - Drag Temporarilly for Chunk Numbers
UREXECTRC - Trace Option for Realignment Runs
UREXECTRCI - Trace Option for Realignment Runs
URKEY - Field Catalog: Document Key
URKEYF - Field Catalog: Key Figure
UROBJNR_NR_SUB - Subobjects of the Number Range for the Object Number
UROPALLOW - Permitted Operations Dependent on Status
URPARALLEL - Personalization for Parallelization of Realignments
URREALIGNER - Realigner Entity Table
URREALIGNER01 - Attribute Realigner

SAP Accounting Engine Tables FIN-BAC-AE

/EACA/BTA_INPUT_CHAR - BTA Profit: Structure for Available Characteristics
/EACA/BTA_INPUT_DESCRIPTION - BTA Profit: Structure for Description of Input Data
/EACA/BTA_INPUT_VALUE - BTA Profit: Structure for Available Characteristics
/EACA/BTA_PROFIT_KF_INFO - BTA Profit: Information on a Key Figure
/EACA/TBTPROCONF - Configurations in Component BTA Profit
/EACA/TBTPROFLDS - Active Configuration in Component BTA Profit
/EACC/ACCRMETH0C - Configured Methods for Accrual
/EACC/ACCRMETH0T - Description of an Accrual Method
/EACC/ACC_PN_KEYS - Logical Key for Source Document
/EACC/AMOUNT_FIELDS - Amount fields
/EACC/ARCHIV_ALV_INFO_STRU - Structure for ALV Display Field Catalogs/Information Structs
/EACC/ARCHIV_CHAR_ALV - Display Characteristic with ALV
/EACC/ARCHIV_FIELD_CAT - Field Catalog/Info Structure
/EACC/ARCHIV_INDEX - Index for Information Structure
/EACC/AUNIT_MBEW - MVR Replacement for BTA Unit Test
/EACC/BAS_B_S_FIELDLIST - Field List of Zero Balance Fields
/EACC/BAS___S_FIELDLIST_CURR - Field List of Currency Fields
/EACC/BTA_EDGE_SECONDARY - Edge of a Secondary Process
/EACC/BTA_GEN_EVENT - Include Structure with Additional Chars for Transactions
/EACC/BT_ACTIV - Activate Configurations of the Business Transactions
/EACC/BT_CNF_A - All Configurations by the Business Transactions
/EACC/CHARACTERISTIC_ON_LEVEL - Assignment of a Characteristic to a Document Row Level
/EACC/CHARNAMES - Characteristic Names for Fixed Fields
/EACC/COND_PR - Conditions for Generated Programs
/EACC/CONFIGS_LI - Configurations
/EACC/CONFIGS_PL - Configurations for Line Item Persistence
/EACC/CONF_DELEG - Delegation of Line Item Processing
/EACC/DERIVCHARS - Target Characteristics in Derivation Steps
/EACC/DERIV_COND - Conditions for Derivation Steps
/EACC/DERIV_EXIT - Methods for Derviation Exits
/EACC/DMB_CHA - Characteristics of a DataSource and InfoSource
/EACC/DMB_CHA_KYF - Characteristics, Key Figures and Dimension
/EACC/DMB_DEBUG - Debugging Support Depending on DataSource
/EACC/DMB_DIM - Table of Field Name and Dimensions for InfoCube
/EACC/DMB_DIMT - Texts of Dimensions Generated in an InfoCube
/EACC/DMB_DIMTEXT - Texts of Dimensions Generated in an InfoCube
/EACC/DMB_DSRCE - DataSources of Accounting Engine
/EACC/DMB_QUEUE - DataSource/InfoSource Link to InfoCube
/EACC/DMB_SOURCE - DataSource and InfoSource
/EACC/DMB_TARGET - InfoCube Information
/EACC/DMFC_REQUE - Data Retention - Flow Control: Requests
/EACC/DMFC_SRMAX - Data Retention - Flow Control: Highest Serial No. of DataSrc
/EACC/DM_COUNTER - Counter Readings in Tranche Management
/EACC/DM_DTRANCH - Default Tranche
/EACC/DM_EXTR_ACSYST_CURTYPE - Data Retention: Accounting System / Currency Type
/EACC/DM_FCSTAT_SERIAL - Status of Data Replication for a Serial
/EACC/DM_FC_REQU - Data Retention - Flow Control: Requests
/EACC/DM_PERSIST_OBJ - Persistence Object of a Configuration
/EACC/DM_SERIMAX - Data Retention - Flow Control: Highest Serial No. of DataSrc
/EACC/DM_STR_DATASOURCE - Structure DataSource
/EACC/DM_STR_TRANCHE - Structure Tranche
/EACC/DM_S_DB_INDEX - Database Index
/EACC/DM_S_DB_INDEX_STATE - Database Index
/EACC/DM_S_TABLE - Prespecified Table
/EACC/DM_S_TOTALS_OBJ - Metadata for Totals/Balances Object
/EACC/DM_TMADMIN - Data Retention: Administratn Settings in Tranche Management
/EACC/DM_TM_ACINST - Structure for Lock Object
/EACC/DM_TRANCHE_MONITOR - Structure for Tranche Overview
/EACC/DM_TRNCH - Tranches
/EACC/DOCU_FLDS - To Be Deleted
/EACC/DOC_JRNL_TR_KEY - Key for Journal Transports
/EACC/DOC_PROGS - Generated Programs
/EACC/DOC_TEMPLATE_PARAMS - Template Parameter
/EACC/DR_COMMON_AREA - Data Exchange Derivation Step Instance -> Tool Exits
/EACC/DR_FIELD - Source or Target Field in a Derivation Step
/EACC/DR_FIELD_REF - Source or Target Field of a Characteristic Instance
/EACC/DR_STEP_KEY - Key for a Derivation Step
/EACC/DR_STEP_TEXT - Text for a Derivation Step (Language-Dependent)
/EACC/DR_TR_KEY - Transport Key Derivation Step
/EACC/ENGINECHAR - Accounting Engine Characteristics
/EACC/EXTR_SACCOMM - Extract Structure Texts for Acc. Community
/EACC/EXTR_SACINSTT - Extract Structure Test for ACINST
/EACC/EXTR_SEACSYST - Extract Structure Text Valuation System
/EACC/FIELDS - Fixed Fields in the Accounting Engine
/EACC/FIXED_FIELDNAMES - Fixed Fields in the Abstract Journal
/EACC/FIXED_FLDS - Fixed Fields as Specification for Each Journal
/EACC/GEN_PROGS - Generated Programs
/EACC/HEAD_TBLS - List of Document Header Tables
/EACC/ITEMCAT0C - Item Types in the Accounting Engine
/EACC/ITEMCAT0T - Item Types in the Accounting Engine
/EACC/JOURNALS - Journals in E-Accounting
/EACC/JRNL_ACTIV - Active Journal Configurations
/EACC/JRNL_CNF_A - All Journal Configurations
/EACC/JRNL_CURTP - All Journal Configurations
/EACC/JRNL_DERIV - Derivation Configuration for the Journal
/EACC/JRNL_QNTTP - All Journal Configurations
/EACC/JRNL_TOTLS - Journal Totals
/EACC/JRNL_TRANS - Transported Master Objects
/EACC/JRNL_TRMAP - Import Mapping
/EACC/JRNL_TR_KEY - Key for Journal Transports
/EACC/LASTPSTDAT - Lest Posting Date Posted to
/EACC/LINE_ITEM_KEY - Document Line Key
/EACC/LINE_ITEM_KEYS - Document Line Key
/EACC/MAN_POST_TABCOLUMN - General Field Items in the Table
/EACC/MPTAB0C - Title Element for the Entry Sheet Header
/EACC/MPTAB0T - Title Element for the Entry Sheet Header
/EACC/MP_S_COL - General Screen Layout for Each Tabstrip (Entry Sheet Header)
/EACC/MP_S_CONFIGURATION - Configurator Instance Adminstration
/EACC/MP_S_CONFIGURATOR - Configuration ID and Reference to Configurator
/EACC/MP_S_DROPDOWN_FIELD - Fields with Dropdown Listboxes
/EACC/MP_S_DROPDOWN_VALUE - Values for Dropdown Listbox
/EACC/MP_S_DYNP - Subscreens for the Header of an Entry Transaction
/EACC/MP_S_FIELDTEXTS - Display Texts for Fields
/EACC/MP_S_FLD - Fields on each Tabstrip (Entry Sheet Header)
/EACC/MP_S_FLDF - Fixed Fields in the Entry Items
/EACC/MP_S_FLDMS - Messages during field checks
/EACC/MP_S_HDRO - Fields with Required Entry in the Entry Sheet Header
/EACC/MP_S_IFLDL - Field Output Lengths
/EACC/MP_S_STRU - Structures for Entry Sheet Header, Lines and Transfer
/EACC/MP_S_SUMS - Totals Fields
/EACC/MP_S_TAB - Title Element and Column Number for the Entry Sheet Header
/EACC/MP_S_TABT - Title Element Texts for the Entry Sheet Header
/EACC/PLIMA_CONF - Configurations
/EACC/PLIMA_CONFIGURATOR_DATA - Configuration Structure for Persistence Service: Constants
/EACC/PLIMA_CONFIG_STRUC - Configuration Structure for Persistence Service
/EACC/PL_INDXNAM - Index Names
/EACC/PL_TABNAMES - Name of the Persistent Line Item Tables
/EACC/PROGCOND - Conditions for Generated Programs
/EACC/QUANTITY_FIELDS - Quantity fields
/EACC/REVERSAL_DOCUMENT - Information on Business Transaction Reversal
/EACC/RTLI_CONFIG_STRUC - Configuration Structure for Persistence Service
/EACC/SELECTION - Selection with Field Name
/EACC/SMPDYNTABS - Title Element and Text for a Posting Transaction
/EACC/S_BTA_HD_ITEM_CONTEXT - Structure for Context in Application Log
/EACC/S_BTA_SECONDARY_DATA - Data for Secondary Processes
/EACC/S_CURRID - Currency ID
/EACC/S_DATES_PERIOD - Posting Period, Date
/EACC/S_DEEP_INV_VALUE - Read Structure
/EACC/S_DEEP_VALUES - Include for Deep Read Format
/EACC/S_DERIVATIONS - Derivation Steps
/EACC/S_EDGE - Edges
/EACC/S_FOBJ_AND_PSTSCHEME - FIN Object and Posting Schema
/EACC/S_GR_VALUE - Valuated Inventory
/EACC/S_INVENTORY_AMNT - Inventory Amount in a Period
/EACC/S_LOG_ITEM - General Row Structure with References to Log. Attributes
/EACC/S_POSTING_ITEM - Amount Posted
/EACC/S_POSTING_ITEM_MAT_ASS - Material Assignment to Posting Line
/EACC/S_POSTING_PERIOD - Posting Periods
/EACC/S_PREFETCH_KEY - Key Fields for Objects for Prefetch
/EACC/S_QUANTITY - Quantities
/EACC/S_STOCK - Valuated Stock
/EACC/S_VAL_EDGE - Valuated Edge
/EACC/TACCOMP - Components of the Accounting Instance
/EACC/TAR_OBJ - Archiving Objects
/EACC/TAR_SEL - Selection Characteristics for Archiving
/EACC/TBTA1000 - Assignment of Business Transaction Types to Entry Channels
/EACC/TBTA1001 - Definition of Logistical Business Transactions
/EACC/TBTA1002 - Data Types per Interface, Optimization for Joins
/EACC/TBTA1003 - Assignment of Interface ID to Interface IDs
/EACC/TBTA1004 - Linking of Dependent Tables, e.g. Header, Event, Row
/EACC/TBTA1005 - Exceptions for Object Type with Statistical Structure Templ.
/EACC/TBTA1006 - Definition of Logistical Structure Names with Log Obj
/EACC/TBTA1007 - Mandatory Quantity Types per Business Transaction
/EACC/TBTA3000 - Characteristic Assignment Table Entry Data Temp 0001
/EACC/TBTA3001 - Characteristics to Log. Structure Names w/o Log Obj. Refrnce
/EACC/TBTA3002 - Logical Process Steps for BTA Processing by Groups
/EACC/TBTA3003 - Transient Journal Characteristics for Generic BTA
/EACC/TBTA3004 - Characteristics to Display Simulated Documents
/EACC/TBTA4000 - Configuration Status of the Generic BTA per Data Basis
/EACC/TBTA4001 - Activation Status of Generated BTA w. Ref. to Assd BTA Cats
/EACC/TBTA4002 - Assignment of Generated Structures to Log. Object Types
/EACC/TBTA4003 - Information for Process Control of Derivations
/EACC/TBTA4004 - Source Characteristics for Filling Derivation Tables
/EACC/TBTA4005 - Assignment of Generated Structures for Derivations
/EACC/TDOCJRCONF - Configuration of the Document Journal Component
/EACC/TDR_STEPS - Derivation Steps
/EACC/TDR_STEPST - Derivation Steps - Texts
/EACC/TEMPLATE_PARAMS - Template Parameter
/EACC/TEMPLATE_PARAMS_PLIMA - Template Parameter for Form Routines Pool Generation (PLIMA)
/EACC/TMPDYNCOLS - Layout of the Entry Sheet Header Screen
/EACC/TMPDYNFLDF - Fixed Fields in the Entry Items
/EACC/TMPDYNFLDS - Position of the Screen Fields
/EACC/TMPDYNHDRO - Fields with Required Entry in the Document Header
/EACC/TMPDYNPROS - Subscreens for the Header of an Entry Transaction
/EACC/TMPL_PRMS_CREATE_LINE - Template Parameter
/EACC/TMPSTRUS - Structure for Entry Sheet Header, Lines and Transfer
/EACC/TOT_DELEG - Delegation of Totals Administration
/EACC/TOT_FIELD - Field with Attributes
/EACC/TREV_REAS - Reasons for Reversal
/EACC/TREV_REAST - Reasons for Reversal
/EACC/T_BTA - Registered Business Transactions
/EACC/T_BTA_NM - Name of Business Transaction
/EACC/T_BTA_NMT - Long Text Description of Business Transaction
/EACC/T_DCCHECK - Characteristics to Display Simulated Documents
/EACC/T_DCEXIT - System Table for Statistical Exits for Document Preparation
/EACC/T_DCSEQ - Process Step Sequences per Accounting System
/EACC/T_DEBUG - Table for Controlling Debugging Sessions
/EACC/T_MSG - Message Information for Message Contexts
/EACC/T_MSG_CTXT - Reduced Persistent View of Message Context Objects
/EACC/VIEWDCHARS - Source Characteristics in Derivation Steps
/EACC/VIEW_ACTIV - Active View Configurations
/EACC/VIEW_CNF_A - All View Configurations
/EACC/VIEW_CURTP - All View Configurations
/EACC/VIEW_DERIV - Derivation Configuration Requirements in a View
/EACC/VIEW_QNTTP - Quantity Types
/EACC/VIEW_TOT_A - All View Configurations
/EACC/V_COND - Derivation Steps Condition
/EACC/V_CUR - Currency Types
/EACC/V_CUR_SUB - Names of Views for Currency Types
/EACC/V_DERIV - Derivation Steps
/EACC/V_DER_NAME - Derivation Steps - Name
/EACC/V_HEAD_C - Header Data
/EACC/V_HEAD_N - Header Data - View Name
/EACC/V_JOURN_C - Journals
/EACC/V_JOURN_N - Journals
/EACC/V_QUANT_N - Quantity Types
/EACC/V_QUANT_T - Quantity Types
/EACC/V_TABLES_I - Journal Tables - Indexes
/EACC/V_TABLES_J - Journal Tables
/EACC/V_TABLES_T - Journal Tables - Tables
/EACC/V_TAB_I_I - Journal Tables - Indexes - Index
/EACC/V_TOTALS_F - Journal Totals - Field List
/EACC/V_TOTALS_I - Journal Totals - Database Indexes
/EACC/V_TOTALS_J - Journal Totals
/EACC/V_TOTALS_T - Journal Totals - Texts
/EACC/V_TOTAL_II - Journal Totals - Database Indexes - Index
/EACC/V_TOTAL_IT - Journal Totals - Database Indexes - Texts
/EACC/YS_BTA_GEN_MSG_APPL_CTXT - Structure for Context in Application Log
/EACC/YS_BTA_MSG_APPL_CONTEXT - Structure for Context in Application Log
/EACC/YS_BTA_REC_FOBJ - Recipient FIN Object
/EACC/YS_DCEXIT - Exits for the Document Creation Phase
/EACC/YS_DECLARATION - Variable Declarations for Templates
/EACC/YS_LOG_EVENT_ATTRIBUTES - Static Fixed Attributes of a Logistical Event
/EACC/YS_MOVE - Structure for the Move
/EACC/YS_PDAT_REF_TO_ACCDOCS - References to Initial Document per Posting Date
/EACC/YS_PROCESS - Reference to BTA Process
/EACC/YS_TMP_SND_KEY - Substitution for Temporary Document Key of Sending System
/EACC/YS_WA_JOURNAL - Structure with Required Work Structures
/EACC/YS_WHERE - Structure for Where Conditions
/EACC/Y_DM_TRANCHE - Data Retention: Tranche
/EACC/Y_DOCUMENT_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Context with Reference to Accounting Document
/EACC/Y_SRC_DOC_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Context of an Accounting Document
/EACC/Y_SRC_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Context
FINACHD - Accounting Document Header
FINACITCASH - Line Items in the Cash Journal
FINACITCRV - Line Items in Cost and Revenue Journal
FINACITDUE - Line Items in the AP/AR Journal
FINACITFXA - Line Item in Asset Journal
FINACITGEN - Line Items in General Journal
FINACITGRI - Line Items in the GR/IR Journal
FINACITINV - Line Items in the Material Inventory Journal
FINACITTAX - Line Items in the Tax Journal
FINACITWIP - Line Items in the WIP Journal
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_FOBJ_REFEREN - Reference Types: Join Reader
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_REFTYPE - FIN Object Reference Types
FINB_S_INV_CHANGE_DATA - Item for Inventory Change Posting
FINB_S_INV_CHANGE_ITEM_ACC - Account Assignments
FINB_S_RESOUR_ASSIGN_DATA - XI Interface Activity Allocation Item - Data Part
FINB_S_RESOUR_ASSIGN_ITM - XI Interface Activity Allocation Item
FINB_S_RESOUR_ASSIGN_ITM_CSP - XI Interface Activity Allocation Activity Consumption
FINB_S_RESOUR_ASSIGN_ITM_CSR - XI Interface Activity Allocation Receiver
FINB_S_RESOUR_ASSIGN_ITM_PVR - XI Interface Activity Allocation Sender
FINB_TNOASS_NRO - Assignment of Accounting System to Number Range Object
FIN_BTA_S_ADDITIONAL_VALUES - Data Required by the Services on cl_fin_product_view
FIN_BTA_S_PURITM - Purchase Order Item
FIN_BTA_S_PUR_QC - Purchase Order Item or Delivery Costs: Quantities and Costs
FIN_S_ACCASGT - Account Assignment
FIN_S_ACCASGT_1 - Account Assignment Without Company
FIN_S_ACCASGT_P - Partner account assignment
FIN_S_ACHD - Accounting Document Header
FIN_S_ACHD_F - Fields in Header of Accounting Document
FIN_S_ACHD_K - Key Fields of Accounting Document
FIN_S_ACIT - Common Part of Structure of All Journal Line Items
FIN_S_ACITCASH - Line Items in the Cash Journal
FIN_S_ACITCASH_F - Additional Fields of an LI in the Cash Journal
FIN_S_ACITCASH_REP - Reporting Fields of an LI in the Cash Journal
FIN_S_ACITCRV - Line Items in the COS/Revenue Journal
FIN_S_ACITCRV_F - Additional Fields of a Line Item in the COS/Revenue Journal
FIN_S_ACITCRV_REP - Reporting Fields of a Line Item in the COS/Revenue Journal
FIN_S_ACITDUE - Line Items in the AP/AR Journal
FIN_S_ACITDUE_F - Additional Fields of an LI in the AP/AR Journal
FIN_S_ACITDUE_REP - Reporting Fields of an LI in the AP/AR Journal
FIN_S_ACITFXA - Line Item in Asset Journal
FIN_S_ACITFXA_F - Additional Fields of a LI in Asset Journal
FIN_S_ACITFXA_REP - Reporting Fields of a LI in Asset Journal
FIN_S_ACITGEN - Line Items in the General Journal
FIN_S_ACITGEN_F - Additional Fields of an LI in the General Journal
FIN_S_ACITGEN_REP - Reporting Fields of an LI in the General Journal
FIN_S_ACITGRI - Line Items in the GR/IR Journal
FIN_S_ACITGRI_F - Additional Fields of a Line Item in the GR/IR Journal
FIN_S_ACITGRI_REP - Reporting Fields of a Line Item in the GR/IR Journal
FIN_S_ACITINV - Line Items in the Material Inventory Journal
FIN_S_ACITINV_F - Additional Fields of an LI in the Material Inventory Journal
FIN_S_ACITINV_REP - Reporting Fields of an LI in the Material Inventory Journal
FIN_S_ACITTAX - Line Items in the Tax Journal
FIN_S_ACITTAX_F - Additional Fields of an LI in the Tax Journal
FIN_S_ACITTAX_REP - Additional Reporting Fields of an LI in the Tax Journal
FIN_S_ACITWIP - Line Items in the WIP Journal
FIN_S_ACITWIP_F - Additional Fields of a Line Item in the WIP Journal
FIN_S_ACITWIP_REP - Static Reporting Fields of a Line Item in the WIP Journal
FIN_S_ACIT_F - Fields of All Journal Line Items
FIN_S_ACIT_K - Keys of All Journal Line Items
FIN_S_AMT - Amount Fields in Line Item
FIN_S_AMT_1 - Fixed Amount Fields in Line Item
FIN_S_BDT - Reference to a Business Transaction Document
FIN_S_CODBLK - GL Coding Block
FIN_S_DBUPDATE - Structure for Entry Attributes (Update Date/Time/User)
FIN_S_LOT_ACCASGT - Logistical Object Type Cost Assignment
FIN_S_LOT_CCRSCP - Logistical Object Type Cost Center/Resource Pool
FIN_S_LOT_ORDMNF - Logistical Object Type Manufacturing Order
FIN_S_LOT_ORDPURITM - Logistical Object Type Purchase Order Item
FIN_S_LOT_REFERENCE - Reference to a Logistical Object
FIN_S_LOT_STOCK - Logistical Object Type Inventory
FIN_S_REVERSAL - Reversal Description
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACCASGT - Extension Include for Account Assignment of Acctg Document
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITCASR - Extension Point for Reporting in CASH Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITCRV - Extension Point for LI in COS/Revenue Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITCRVR - Extension Point for Reporting in COS/Revenue Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITDUE - Extension Point for LI in AP/AR Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITDUER - Extension Point for Reporting in AP/AR Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITFXA - Extension Point for LI in Asset Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITFXAR - Extension Point for Reporting in Asset Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITGEN - Extension Point for LI in General Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITGENR - Extension Point for Reporting in General Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITGRI - Extension Point for GR/IR Line Items
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITGRIR - Extension Point for Reporting in GR/IR Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITINV - Extension Point for LI in Material Inventory Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITINVR - Extension Point for Reporting in Material Inventory Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITTAX - Extension Point for LI in Tax Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITTAXR - Extension Point for Reporting in Tax Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITWIP - Extension Point for LI in WIP Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_ACITWIPR - Extension Point for Reporting in WIP Journal
INCL_EEW_FIN_S_AMT - Extension Include for Additional Currencies
UAINVT2000 - Characteristics of Inventory and WIP Views
UAINVT3020 - Aspect for Mapping Table New Accounting <-> R/3 Functions

SAP General Ledger Tables FIN-BAC-GL

/EACA/ACCOUNT_UTILITIES_S - Accounting System and Reference to Account Utilities
/EACA/ACC_DATABASIS_S - Data Basis and GL Object
/EACA/ACC_SYSTEM_S - Accounting System and GL Object
/EACA/BUS_TR_CAT_S - Structure for Business Transaction
/EACA/CURTYPE_AND_TEXT_S - Structure for Currency ID and Text
/EACA/FW_DYNPRO_FIELD - Position of a Screen Field
/EACA/FW_F4_DROPDOWN_VALUE - Value for Dropdown Listbox in ALV Grid
/EACA/FW_F4_FIELD - Field for F4 Help in ALV Grid
/EACA/FW_GL_FIELDS - Valuation and Editability of Fields
/EACA/FW_HEADER_ADD_FIELDS - Additional Fields in Document Header
/EACA/GLCHAR_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of General Ledger Characteristics
/EACA/GLCHAR_ATTRIBUTES_C - Customizing Attributes of General Ledger Characteristics
/EACA/GLCONFIG1 - GL Configuration: Active Subcomponents
/EACA/GL_CUS_NAME_AND_TIME - Name, Time and Date for Customizing Tables
/EACA/GL_DOCNR_CUST - GL: Screen Fields, Document Number Ranges
/EACA/GL_DOCNR_S - Value Table for Number Range Subobject for GL Doc. Numbers
/EACA/GL_DOCNR_T - Inverse Value Table for GL Number Range Subobject
/EACA/GL_DOCNR_X - G/L Number Ranges: Counter for Generated Subobjects
/EACA/GL_DOC_FIELDS - GL Document Fields
/EACA/GL_MP_S_ACCT_TXT - Text for Account
/EACA/GL_PNOTA_PHYSICAL_NAMES - Physical Name of Objects Belonging to the Source Document
/EACA/GL_PN_AND_DOC - Header Structure
/EACA/GL_PRIMA_NOTA_LOGIC_NAME - Logical Names for the Tables of GL Source Documents
/EACA/GL_REVERSAL - Reversal Information
/EACA/GL_S_CHAR_DIM - Characteristic with Dimension Assignment
/EACA/GL_S_CONFIG1 - GL Configuration: Active Subcomponents
/EACA/GL_S_CONFIGURATION_1 - GL Configuration: Active Subcomponents
/EACA/GL_S_CUS_FIELD - Account Assignment Fields with Posting Logic
/EACA/GL_S_TREE - Fields with Assignment to Menu Entries
/EACA/JOURNAL_S - Structure for Journal
/EACA/O_CHAR_T - Structure for Retaining Character and Corresponding Refernce
/EACA/SGLHEADER - Header Structure
/EACA/SUMS - Totals Fields
/EACA/S_DEBIT_CREDIT_INDICATOR - Structure for Credit/Debit Flag
/EACA/TGLADET - Account Determination (Temporary Solution)
/EACA/TGLBALREP - Configuration for G/L Balance Reporting
/EACA/TGLBAS_B - Settings for Balance Tool
/EACA/TGLBWINFO - Information for BW Objects
/EACA/TGLCONFIG1 - Accounting Configurations for General Ledger
/EACA/TGLCONTROL - Posting Logic Control for Account Determination Fields
/EACA/TGLDYNCOLS - Layout of the Document Header Screen
/EACA/TGLDYNFLDS - Position of the Screen Fields
/EACA/TGLDYNPROS - Screen Numbers for Posting Transactions
/EACA/TGLDYNTAB1 - Title Element for the Header of a Document
/EACA/TGLDYNTABS - Title Element for the Header of a Document
/EACA/TGLMPCONAS - Configuration of Manual Posting Transaction for Acc. System
/EACA/TGLMPCONDB - Configuration of Manual Posting Transaction for Data Basis
/EACA/TGLPRIMANC - Configuration Information for Source Document - PLIMA GUID
/EACA/TGLPRIMANO - Configuration Information for the Source Document
/EACA/TGLREADER - Administration of the GUIDs for the Reader Modules
/EACA/TGLSYS01 - General Ledger Configuration in Accounting System
/EACA/TGLTEMPLAT - Customizing Templates in the G/L
/EACC/PN_FIELDS - Transfer Structure of Field Info to the Source Document Tool
/EACC/PRIMANOTA_LOGICAL_NAMES - Logical Names for the Table and Source Document Types
/EACC/S_SENDER_KEY - Sender Key Structure

SAP Inventory Accounting Tables FIN-BAC-INV

CFICC0C - FIN Objects for Cost Centers
CFICR0C - FIN Objects for Cost Center/Resource Pool
CFIFA0C - FIN Objects for Fixed Assets
CFIOCONSI0C - FIN Objects for Consignment
CFIOGMVMT0C - FIN Objects for Material Documents (GR-Based IV)
CFIORGEN0C - FIN Objects for Internal Orders
CFIORMNF0C - FIN Objects for Manufacturing Orders
CFIORMNT0C - FIN Objects for Maintenance Orders
CFIORNTA0C - FIN Objects for Network Items
CFIORNTW0C - FIN Objects for Networks
CFIORPURITM0C - FIN Objects for Purchase Order Items
CFIORQMM0C - FIN Objects for QM Orders
CFIORSRV0C - FIN Objects for Service Orders
CFIORWBS0C - FIN Objects for WBS Elements
CFIOSENTR0C - FIN Objects for Services
CFIPVLOCPRD0C - Product Depending on Company/Location
CFIPVLOCPRDBTC0C - Product Depending on Company/Location/Batch
CONACCDATASOURCE - DataSources Inventory Accounting
CON_ACC_ABGRIR_RANGE - Range Structure for Selections
CON_ACC_S_BALANCE - Structure for Zero Balance
CON_ACC_S_CCTRACT_CONTROL - Parameters for Reading R/3 Activity Type Control Data
CON_ACC_S_CCTRACT_PRICE - Parameters for Valuation Function "R/3 Activity Price"
CON_ACC_S_FB03_ALL_SEMMOD - Doc. Display FB03 (Enhancement of CON_FIN_S_FB03_ALL_SEMMOD)
CON_ACC_S_RETURN - Messages for Objects
CON_ACC_S_STL_RECEIVER - Settlement Receivers
CON_ACC_S_STL_SENDER - Settlement Sender
CON_ACC_S_STL_SND_REC - Settlement Rule Sender Receiver
CON_ACC_S_STOCK_VALUES - Inventory Values and Quantities of Materials/Batches
CON_ACC_S_TARGET_VERSION_TEXT - Target Cost Version and Text
CON_ACC_TACTIVE - Activate Inventory Accounting in Client
CON_FIN_BTA_SECONDARY_EDGE - Edge of a Secondary Process
CON_FIN_BTA_SECONDARY_NODE - Node of a Secondary Process with Additional Attributes
CON_FIN_MAT_01 - Extract Structure Copy (as for R/3 DataSource 0CO_PC_ACT_02)
CON_FIN_S_BTA_FROM_R3_ITEM - Adapter: Document Lines to Post in AE
CON_FIN_S_BTA_SECONDARY_DATA_E - Data for Secondary Processes (Edges Only)
CON_FIN_S_BTA_SECONDARY_DATA_N - Data for Secondary Processes (Nodes Only)
CON_FIN_S_DOC_READER - Structure for Reading AccEngine Documents
CON_FIN_S_INV_MSG_2 - Extended CMFMSG (Copy)
CON_FIN_S_KKB_IS1_PA - Copy for DataSource 0CO_PC_01: Transaction Data
CON_FIN_S_PRICE_BW_EXTRACT - ERP Version of Extract Structure for Prices
CON_FIN_S_TARGETCALC_READ_DATA - Read Structure for Target Cost Calculation in CW Environment
FAIBSV01 - Incoming/Outgoing Invoices
FAIBSV01C - Rule for Balance Sheet Valuation
FAIBSV01T - Texts for Rule
FAIBSV02 - Valuated Receipts
FAIBSV02C - Percentage Writedown: Weighting Factors
FAIBSV03 - Logistical Goods Movements
FAIBSV04C - Configuration: Percentage Write-Down Key
FAIBSV06C - Grouping by Rule (Balance Sheet Valuation)
FAIBSV07C - Rule: Input and Output Prices
FAIBSV08C - Rule - Special Parameters FIFO
FAIBSV09C - Rule: Special Parameters for Market Prices
FAIBSV10C - Rule - Special Parameters for Percentage Write-Down
FAIBSV11C - Configuration: Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure Attributes
FAIBSV11T - Configuration - Balance Sheet Val. Procedure Description
FAIBSV12C - Price Relationships
FAIBSV13C - Assignment of Valuation Procedures to Price Types
FAIBSV14C - Configuration: Application Class Market Prices
FAIBSV15C - Persistence Objects for Balance Sheet Valuation
FAIBSV16C - Price Type Assignment for Preliminary Market Prices
FAIBSV17C - Rule: Currency Types
FAIBSV18C - Writedown Percentages to Specific Key: Range of Coverage
FAIBSV19C - Valuation Groups: Mapping of Field Names
FINB_S_CUA_STATUS_CONFIG - Configuration of GUI Status and User Commands
FINB_S_DOC_REPORT_CONFIG - Configuration of Document Reports
FINB_S_JR_REPORT_CONFIG - Configuration of Journal Reports
FINB_S_REPORT_AUTH_CHECK - Configuration of Authorization Check for Reports
FINB_S_UCOMM - User Commands and Further Processing
UAIDETAILDATA - Trace Option for Realignment Runs
UAINVAPPL - Application Specifics in Period-End Closing
UAINVDEBCRH - Document for Revaluation Through Material Debit/Credit
UAINVDEBCRI - Document Item for Revaluation Through Material Debit/Credit
UAINVDEBUG - Debugging Support
UAINVREVALH - Document for INV Price Change and Inventory Revaluation
UAINVREVALI - Document Item for Inventory Price Change and Revaluation
UAINVREVCOH - Header Table for Tracking the Revaluation Runs
UAINVT4000 - Configuration Status of Inventory/WIP for Accounting Systems
UAINVTMAPPING - Mapping Table New Accounting <-> R/3 Functions
UAINVTSTLRULER - Settlement Rule Receiver
UAINVTSTLRULES - Settlement Rule Sender
UAINV_BTACOGSC - Additional Business Trans Categories for Revaluation of COS
UAINV_CTRLCOGSC - Control Revaluation Cost of Sales
UAINV_DERIVECO - Derivation for Revaluation CO-PA Structure
UAINV_DYNRELACT - Activation of Dynamic Price Release
UAINV_DYNRELCUS - Customizing for Dynamic Price Release
UAINV_MAINT_TABLE_EXTENSIONS - Inventory Accounting Enhancements of Field Catalog
UAINV_S_ACC_ASSIGN_SERVICE - Service Regarding Account Assignments
UAINV_S_COGS_DATA - Work Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales
UAINV_S_COGS_DATA_S - Work Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales (sort)
UAINV_S_COGS_DETAIL_LIST - Flat Structure for Detail List Revaluation of Cost of Sales
UAINV_S_COGS_READ_DATA_CHAR - Read Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales
UAINV_S_COGS_READ_DATA_KYFTS - Read Structure for Revaluation of Cost of Sales
UAINV_S_COGS_READ_DESCR_FLAT - Flat Read Structure COGS (Totals Records)
UAINV_S_COGS_RUN_HDR - Structure of Header Data for Revaluation Run
UAINV_S_COGS_RUN_HDR_DATA - Header Data for Revaluation Run
UAINV_S_COPROD_DISTR_REC - Receiver for Cost Distribution in Joint Production
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_HDR - Header Data of Document for Material Debit/Credit
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_ITEM - Item Data of Document for Material Debit/Credit
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_ITEM_EXT - Extension of Data Part of Document Item UAINVDEBCRI
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_ITEM_IIF - Inbound Interface for Document Item UAINVDEBCRI
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_ITEM_LIST - List Line of Extended Document Item
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_ITEM_SKEY - Semantic Key of Document Item
UAINV_S_DEBCRE_DOC_SEL - Document Selection
UAINV_S_DEBITCREDIT - Structure for Debit/Credit Material
UAINV_S_DISTRIBUTION_AMOUNT - Distribution Values with Distribution Factor
UAINV_S_DISTRIBUTION_DATA - Work Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_DISTRIBUTION_DATA_FLAT - Flat Work Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_DOC_HEADER - Header Data of Document for Price Change/Inv. Revaluation
UAINV_S_DOC_ITEM - Work Structure for Document Item of Inventory Price Change
UAINV_S_DOC_ITEM_DATA_EXT - Extension of Data Part of Document Item UAINVREVALI
UAINV_S_DOC_ITEM_IIF - Inbound Interface for Document Item UAINVREVALI
UAINV_S_DOC_ITEM_LIST - List Line of Extended Document Item
UAINV_S_DOC_ITEM_SKEY - Semantic Key of Document Item
UAINV_S_DROPDOWN - Help Structure for Dropdown Box
UAINV_S_DYNRELACT - Activation of Dynamic Price Release
UAINV_S_ENHANCED_RECEIVER - Enhanced Structure of Settlement Receivers
UAINV_S_EXTENDED_PRC_TECH - Technical Price - Extended
UAINV_S_EXTENDED_PRICES - General Price Information - Extended
UAINV_S_GRIR_DETAIL_LIST - Flat Structure for Detail List GR/IR Clearing
UAINV_S_GUID_SWITCH - Structure for Switching GUIDs from Temporary to Permanent
UAINV_S_INV_REVALUATION_SEL - Selection Criteria for Price Release
UAINV_S_INV_VALUE - Inventory Value and Price
UAINV_S_INV_VALUE_SEL - Selection Criteria for Inventory Value Determination
UAINV_S_JOURNAL_READER - Reader with Selection Table
UAINV_S_MAPPING - Fields of Mapping Table
UAINV_S_OBJKEY_COMB - Extended Product Key
UAINV_S_OBJ_SEC_LOCK - Structure for Lock Object EUAINV_OBJ_SEC
UAINV_S_ORD_TRG_ACT_COSTS - Reporting Structure for Plan/Tgt/Actual Comparison on Orders
UAINV_S_PRC_DATA - General Price Information
UAINV_S_READER_DUMMY_ENTRY - Dummy Type for Empty 'For All Entries' Selection
UAINV_S_REP_DATA_01 - Inventory Reporting Structure: Inventory Values
UAINV_S_REVAL_BTATYPES - Structure for Business Transaction Categories
UAINV_S_REVAL_PERIODS - Structure for Posting Periods and Posting Date
UAINV_S_REVAL_REASON - Structure for Revaluation Reasons
UAINV_S_STLRULER - Settlement Rule Receiver
UAINV_S_STLRULER_D - Settlement Rule Receiver: Basis for Display Structure
UAINV_S_STLRULER_F - Settlement Rule Receiver: Fields
UAINV_S_STLRULER_K - Settlement Rule Receiver: Key
UAINV_S_STLRULES - Settlement Rule Sender
UAINV_S_STLRULES_D - Settlement Rule Sender: Basis for Display Structure
UAINV_S_STLRULES_F - Settlement Rule Sender: Fields
UAINV_S_STLRULES_K - Settlement Rule Sender: Key
UAINV_S_SURCHARGE_DATA - Work Structure for Overhead
UAINV_S_SURCHARGE_DISPLAY - Display Structure Overhead
UAINV_S_TGTCST_VERSION_VALUES - Target Cost Version: Values and Texts
UAINV_S_WIP_DATA - Work Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_WIP_DETAIL_LIST - Flat Structure for Detailed List of WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_WIP_READ_DATA - Read Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_WIP_READ_DATA_CHAR - Read Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_WIP_READ_DATA_KYFTS - Read Structure for WIP Clearing
UAINV_S_WIP_READ_DESCR_FLAT - Test Read Structure WIP (Totals Records)
UAIQSACT - Quantity Structure: Activity Node
UAIQSCCTR - Quantity Structure: Cost Center Node
UAIQSEDGETYPE - Quantity Structure: Edge Type (of Sender/Rec. Relationship)
UAIQSINV - Quantity Structure: Inventory Node
UAIQSITEMCTRL - Quantity Structure: Control Table Items
UAIQSPURORD - Quantity Structure: Purchasing Node
UAIQSTIME - Quantity Structure: Time Dimension
UAIQSVERSION - Quantity Structure: Version
UAIQSVERSIONT - Text for Quantity Structure Version
UAIQSWIP - Quantity Structure: WIP Node
UAIQS_BALANCE - Quantity Structure: Beginning/Ending Inventories and Values
UAIQS_SNDRCV - Quantity Structure: Valuated Quantity Structure
UAIQS_S_ACTIVITY_KEY - Quantity Structure: Activity Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_CCTR_KEY - Quantity Structure: Cost Center Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_EDGETYPE_KEY - Quantity Structure: Edge Type Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_EDGE_ATTR - Quantity Struct: Attributes at Sender/Receiver Relationship
UAIQS_S_EDGE_KEYFIG - Quantity Structure: Key Figures of Sender/Receiver Relation
UAIQS_S_INVENTORY_KEY - Quantity Structure: Inventory Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_NODE_KEYFIG - Quantity Structure: Key Figures at Sender/Receiver
UAIQS_S_PURORD_KEY - Quantity Structure: Purchase Order Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_TIME_KEY - Quantity Structure: Inventory Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_VERSION_KEY - Quantity Structure: Version Key Characteristics
UAIQS_S_WIP_KEY - Quantity Structure: WIP Key Characteristics
UAI_ABGRIR_ACTIV - Activation of Transaction-Based GR/IR Clearing
UAI_ABGRIR_BTA - Business Trans. Categories of Transactional GR/IR Clearing
UAI_ABGRIR_GUID - GUIDs for Transaction-Based GR/IR Clearing
UAI_S_ACCOUNT_TOTALS - Balance Sheet Values by Account
UAI_S_ACCOUNT_VALUES - Balance Sheet Values by Account
UAI_S_AMOUNT - Balance Sheet Values and Prices by Account
UAI_S_BSV_CONFIGURATION - Configuration for the Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure
UAI_S_BSV_TOTALS - Totals for BSV as Deep Structure
UAI_S_BTATYPE_RNG - Range for Business Transaction Category
UAI_S_BTA_SECONDARY_DATA_E - Data for Secondary Processes (Edges Only)
UAI_S_BTA_SECONDARY_DATA_N - Data for Secondary Processes (Nodes Only)
UAI_S_BTA_SECONDARY_EDGE - Edge of a Secondary Process
UAI_S_BTA_SECONDARY_NODE - Node of a Secondary Process
UAI_S_CLEARING_AMOUNT - Clearing Amounts
UAI_S_CLEARING_AMOUNT_P - Amounts for GR/IR Clearing Partner Information
UAI_S_CLEARING_DATA - Data to Clear an Allocation Object
UAI_S_CLEARING_DATA_P - Data for Settling a Clearing Object Partner Information
UAI_S_CLOSING_APPL_INFO - Application Specifics in Period-End Closing
UAI_S_CLOSING_DETAIL_DATA - Data of Any Type in Detailed Log
UAI_S_CLOSING_FIELD_MAPPING - Mapping for Calling R/3 Functions
UAI_S_CLOSING_FOBJ - Type Name and Type
UAI_S_CLOSING_JOURNAL - Structure for Journals
UAI_S_CLOSING_LOG - Structure Log Period-End Closing
UAI_S_CLOSING_LOG_STRUCT - Structure Log Period-End Closing
UAI_S_CLOSING_SELECTION - Application-Specific Selections
UAI_S_CLOSING_T100 - Line Structure Message Transfer Overhead Processor
UAI_S_CREDIT_MEMOS - Assignment of Credit Memos to Invoices
UAI_S_DEVAL_RATE - Writedown Percentages (Range of Coverage)
UAI_S_DIFFERENCES - Work Structure Differences
UAI_S_DIFF_DIRECT - Work Structure for Direct Difference Assignment
UAI_S_DIFF_FLAT - Work Structure Flat Rate
UAI_S_DIFF_PROP - Work Structure for Proportional Difference Assignment
UAI_S_DIFF_SEQ - Work Structure for Progressive Difference Assignment
UAI_S_DISPLAY_DETAIL_01 - Details for Intermediate Layer 1
UAI_S_DISPLAY_DETAIL_02 - Details for Intermediate Layer 2
UAI_S_DISPLAY_FAIBSV01 - Reporting Structure for FAIB06 Layer 1
UAI_S_DISPLAY_FAIBSV02 - Reporting Structure for FAIB06 Layer 2
UAI_S_DISPLAY_FAIBSV03 - Reporting Structure for FAIB06 Layer 3
UAI_S_DISPLAY_IL_01 - List Structure for Intermediate Layer 1
UAI_S_DISPLAY_IL_02 - List Structure for Building Intermediate Layer 2
UAI_S_DISPLAY_IL_03 - List Structure for Building Intermediate Layer 3
UAI_S_DISPLAY_RESULT_01 - Result from Intermediate Layer 1
UAI_S_DISPLAY_RESULT_02 - Result from Intermediate Layer 2
UAI_S_DISPLAY_VAL_0001 - Detail List for Lower of Cost or Market Procedure
UAI_S_DISPLAY_VAL_0015 - Detail List for Range of Coverage Procedure
UAI_S_DISPLAY_VAL_0021 - Detail List for Market Price Analysis
UAI_S_DISPLAY_VAL_0024 - Detail List for FIFO Procedure in BSV
UAI_S_DISTRIBUTION_DATA_GRIR - Work Structure for GR/IR Distribution
UAI_S_FAIBSV01 - Incoming/Outgoing Invoices
UAI_S_FAIBSV01_DEEP - Incoming/Outgoing Invoices (Deep Structure)
UAI_S_FAIBSV02 - Valuated Receipts
UAI_S_FAIBSV02_DEEP - Valuated Receipts (Deep Structure)
UAI_S_FAIBSV03 - Logistical Goods Movements
UAI_S_FOBJ_HIERARCHY - GR/IR Object Hierarchies
UAI_S_GRIR_DATA - GR/IR Data for Clearing
UAI_S_GRIR_READ_DATA - Read Structure for GR/IR Clearing
UAI_S_GRIR_READ_DATA_CURR - Read Structure for GR/IR Clearing Amount Flat
UAI_S_GRIR_READ_DATA_QTY - Read Structure for GR/IR Clearing Quantity Flat
UAI_S_GR_P - Goods Receipt Information by Partner Object
UAI_S_ID_PACKAGE - FIN Object and Package for External Packaging
UAI_S_INPUT_PRICE_PRIO - Input Prices with Price Ranking
UAI_S_INTERMEDIATE_CALCULATION - Intermediate Results for Assignment of Amounts
UAI_S_MARKET_PRICES - Structure for Lowest Value Determination by Market Prices
UAI_S_MP_PORTION - Input Parameters for a Valuation Portion
UAI_S_MP_PRICELABEL - Assignment of Fixed Price Types for Market Price Analysis
UAI_S_MP_RULE - Balance Sheet Valuation: Rule
UAI_S_MSG_APPL_CONTEXT - Test: Structure for Context in Application Log
UAI_S_MSG_APPL_CONTEXT_GRI - Test: Structure for Context in Application Log GR/IR
UAI_S_MSG_APPL_CONTEXT_INV - Test: Structure for Context in Application Log
UAI_S_MSG_APPL_CONTEXT_MAN - Test: Structure for Context in Application Log
UAI_S_MSG_SERVICE - Message Collector
UAI_S_OBJECT_STATUS - Status of Objects in Period-End Closing
UAI_S_OPERATORS - Calculation Elements
UAI_S_PERIOD_RNG - Range for posting period
UAI_S_PRCV_DESC - Price Variant with Description of Rule
UAI_S_PRICE - Input/Output Prices
UAI_S_PRICE_ACCESS - Assignment of Allowed Price Types for Procedures
UAI_S_PROC_ASPECT - Configuration Aspect Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure
UAI_S_PROC_ASPECT_11T - Description of Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure
UAI_S_PROC_DESC - Balance Sheet Valuation Procedure with Description
UAI_S_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTES - Business Attributes for a FIN Object
UAI_S_QUANTITY_OPERATORS - Quantities Required for Calculation
UAI_S_RECEIPTS - Work Structure for Single Receipts and Invoices
UAI_S_ROC1 - Special Parameters for Range of Coverage (Part 1)
UAI_S_ROC2 - Special Parameters for Range of Coverage (Part 2)
UAI_S_ROC3 - Special Parameters for Range of Coverage (Part 3)
UAI_S_ROCX - Special Parameters for Range of Coverage (Complex)
UAI_S_RULE - Rule (Join from Definition & Texts)
UAI_S_SCMA_PARAM_FIELDS - SCMA Fields for Parameter Display in Monitor
UAI_S_SHOW_ACCOUNT_TOTALS - Balance Sheet Values by Account
UAI_S_SHOW_ACCOUNT_VALUES - Balance Sheet Values by Account
UAI_S_SHOW_FAIBSV12C - Display Structure for LCM
UAI_S_SHOW_MARKET_PRICES - Structure for Lowest Value Determination by Market Prices
UAI_S_SHOW_ROC - Display Structure for Range of Coverage
UAI_S_SHOW_RULES_ALL - Structure for Displaying Rule
UAI_S_USER_KEY - Key for Instantiation of Callback Class (Length 40)
UAI_S_VALUATION_GROUP_PACKAGE - Valuation Groups and Packages
UAI_S_WEIGHT_FACTOR - Weighting factors
UAV_S_PRICE_COMPARE - Price Comparison - Display Structure for ALV
UAV_S_PRICE_NEW_DIFF_BASE_UNIT - Price Comparison: Input Structure for Base Qty for Price

SAP Profitability Analysis Tables FIN-BAC-PM

/EACA/BAPI_PM_CHAR - PM: Characteristic Description
/EACA/BAPI_PM_CHAR_VALUE - Field Name and Value
/EACA/BAPI_PM_KEYF - PM: Key Figure Description
/EACA/BAPI_PM_KEYF_AMOUNT - Value of a Key Figure
/EACA/BAPI_PM_KEYF_QUANT - Value of a Quantity Key Figure
/EACA/FSELECT_NAME_WITH_TEXT - Structure for ALV Listbox with Object Names and Texts
/EACA/FSELECT_OBJ_WITH_TEXT - Structure for ALV Listbox with Object Names and Texts
/EACA/PM_CKYF_DISP - Display Structure of Calculated Key Figures
/EACA/PM_CONF_UR_CHARS - Segment Level Characteristics for Realignment
/EACA/PM_CONF_VARI_TREE - PM: Tree Structure for Variant Display
/EACA/PM_LIDOC_DISPLAY - Display Structure of Manually Entered PM Line Itens
/EACA/PM_LIDOC_SNDKEY - Sender ID for Manually Posted Line Items
/EACA/PM_PPR_ITEM_DYNP - Screen Fields for Line Item Entry
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR - Structure for Characteristics List
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_ATTR - Attributes of Profitability Analysis Characteristics
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_ATTR_VALUE - Structure for Returning Several Characteristic Values
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_COND - Structure for Select Options on Characteristics
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_DEP - Structure for Characteristic Compound
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_ERROR - Error Table Structure for Characteristic Value Check
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_F4 - F4 Structure for Characteristics
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_GROUPS - Characteristic Group and Text
/EACA/PM_S_CHAR_VALUE - Characteristic Name Value
/EACA/PM_S_CHNG_DATA - Change Data
/EACA/PM_S_CKYF_ATTR - Attributes of Calculated Key Figures from Profit. Analysis
/EACA/PM_S_CONFIG - Profitability Analysis Meta Data
/EACA/PM_S_CONFIG_KEY - Configuration Key: Template for Profitability Analysis
/EACA/PM_S_CREAT_DATA - Creation Data
/EACA/PM_S_FIELD - Line Structure for Field Lists
/EACA/PM_S_GROUP_CHARS - Characteristic from a Characteristic Group
/EACA/PM_S_GROUP_KEYFS - Key Figure in a Key Figure Group
/EACA/PM_S_GRP_ATTR - Attributes of a Characteristic/Key Figure Group
/EACA/PM_S_KEYF - Attributes of Prof. Analysis Key Figures (incl. Calculated)
/EACA/PM_S_KEYF_F4 - F4 Structure for Key Figures
/EACA/PM_S_KEYF_GROUPS - Key Figure Groups and Texts
/EACA/PM_S_KEYF_SIGN - +/- Sign of Profitability Analysis Key Figures
/EACA/PM_S_PPR_VARI_LIST - Entry Variant and Text
/EACA/PM_S_SOFT_VERS - Software Version Profitability Analysis
/EACA/TPMACCSYS - Assignment of Accounting Systems
/EACA/TPMCGRP - PM: Characteristic Group
/EACA/TPMCGRP1 - PM Characteristics of a Characteristic Group
/EACA/TPMCGRPT - PM: Characteristic Group
/EACA/TPMCHARCND - SELECT-OPTION for a Profitability Analysis Characteristic
/EACA/TPMCHARFIX - Fixed Profitability Analysis Characteristics
/EACA/TPMCHARMAL - Chars that you do not want to appear in Prof. Analysis
/EACA/TPMCHARVAR - Characteristic List for Variant
/EACA/TPMCKYFT - Texts of the Calculated Key Figures for Variant
/EACA/TPMCKYFVAR - List of the Calculated Key Figures for Variant
/EACA/TPMCTMRVAL - Contribution Margin Scheme Line
/EACA/TPMCTRMARG - Contribution Margin Scheme
/EACA/TPMCUCHAR - Conditional Characteristic Use Profitability Analysis
/EACA/TPMDTST - Meta Data for Data Retention in Profitability Analysis
/EACA/TPMINSTANC - Profitability Analysis Instance
/EACA/TPMINSTT - Text Table for Profitability Analysis Instance
/EACA/TPMKEYFASS - Profitability Analysis Key Figure Assignment
/EACA/TPMKEYFVAR - Key Figure List for Variant
/EACA/TPMKGRP - PM: Key Figure Groups
/EACA/TPMKGRP1 - Key Figure Groups - Key Figures
/EACA/TPMKGRPT - Key Figure Groups - Texts
/EACA/TPMKYFACCT - Assignment of Accounts to Profitability Analysis Key Figures
/EACA/TPMLIDOC - Source Document PM Line Item
/EACA/TPMLIDOC1 - Source Document PM Line Items - Characteristics with Values
/EACA/TPMLIDOC2 - Source Document PM Line Items - Key Figures with Values
/EACA/TPMLIDOC3 - Source Document PM Line Item - Key Figures (Quantities)
/EACA/TPMLINR - Subnummer for Number Range Line Item Entry
/EACA/TPMMASDATA - Configuration of Profitability Analysis Master Data
/EACA/TPMNRSUBNR - Value Table for Number Range Subobject
/EACA/TPMPPR1 - Entry Variants for Line Items
/EACA/TPMPPR1T - Texts for Line Item Entry Variants
/EACA/TPMPROCESS - Configuration of Profitability Analysis Processes
/EACA/TPMQUERY - Configuration of Profitability Analysis Reports
/EACA/TPMSELCHCN - Profitability Analysis Selector List
/EACA/TPMSELECT - Profitability Analysis Selector List
/EACA/TPMSTRUCT - Structural Configuration for Profitability Analysis
/EACA/TPMTRANS - Cluster Table for Metadata Transport
/EACA/TPMVALELVA - List of Value-Bearing Fields for the Variant
/EACA/TPMVALFLOW - Configuration of Profitability Analysis Data Flow
/EACA/TPMVARI - Profitabiliy Analysis Variant
/EACA/TPMVARIASS - Variant: Assignments
/EACA/TPMVARIMET - Assignment of Meta Data Continers to Variant
/EACA/TPMVARIT - Text Table for Variant

SAP Management of Internal Controls Tables FIN-CGV-MIC

E1P1800 - InfoType 1800: Industry
E1P1801 - InfoType 1801: Account Assignment
E1P1802 - InfoType 1802: Relevance
E1P1803 - InfoType 1803: Roles
E1P1804 - HR: Infotype 1804
E1P1805 - InfoType 1805: Control Objective Category
E1P1806 - InfoType 1806: Details
E1P1810 - Infotype 1810: Risk Control Type
E1P1811 - Infotype 1811: Settings: Process
E1P1812 - Infotype 1812: Settings: Process Group
E1P1813 - Infotype 1813: Settings: Org Unit
E1P1814 - InfoType 1814: Testers
E1P1815 - Infotype 1815: Settings: Local Management Control
E1P1816 - Infotype 1816: Financial Statement Assertion
E1P1817 - Infotype 1817: Account Group: Significance
E1P1818 - Infotype 1818: Threshold Value
E1P1819 - Infotype 1819: Transaction Type
E1P1820 - Infotype 1820
E1P1821 - Infotype 1821: Risk Impact
E1P1822 - Infotype 1822: Chart of Accounts
E1P1823 - Infotype 1823
E1P1824 - Infotype 1824: AIS Reports
FOPCAGGREGCODE - MIC: Aggregation Code for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCAIS - AIS Systems for MIC
FOPCAISOU - Assignment of AIS Systems to the Org Units
FOPCAISREPORT - AIS Reports for a Role (for MIC)
FOPCAISREPORTT - AIS Reports for MIC (Text Table)
FOPCAIST - AIS Systems for MIC (Text Table)
FOPCATTR - MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRSUBVAL - MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRSUBVALT - MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCATTRT - MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCATTRVALUE - MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRVALUES - MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRVALUEST - MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCATTRVALUESV - MIC: Object Attributes
FOPCATTRVALUET - MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCATTRVALUET2 - MIC: Object Attributes - Text Table
FOPCCASEAS - Assessment
FOPCCASECLONE - Case Copy Information
FOPCCASEPL - Remediation Plan
FOPCCASERELA - MIC: Relationship Between Cases
FOPCCASETE - Attributes: Testing
FOPCCASETYPES - Used Case Type and Case Categories
FOPCCASEUPGRADE - MIC Case: Information of Upgrade
FOPCCHKF - FOPC:: File Name of Last Checkout
FOPCCHKO - FOPC:: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
FOPCCLOSINGBG - Close: Background
FOPCCONT1 - FOPC (MIC): Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
FOPCCORPORATE - MIC: Corporate Objects
FOPCCUSTOMIZING2 - Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported
FOPCDEFICANA - MIC: Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDEFICCUS - MIC: Customizing Table for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDEFICORG - MIC: Deficiency Analysis Status for Org Unit
FOPCDEFICSEL - MIC: Selection Conditions for Deficiency Analysis
FOPCDOCDOWNLCFG - Alternative Document Download
FOPCDOCS - Documents Containing Additional Information on MIC
FOPCGAPRATING - Maturity Gap and Rating of the Control
FOPCHRLNKMIGRAT - Migration Runs from HR Links to KPro Links
FOPCLASTRECIP - Last Recipients of the Tasks
FOPCLOIO - FOPC:: Instances of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLOIOT - FOPC:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLOPR - FOPC:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLORE - FOPC:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FOPCLORI - FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FOPCMTESTERASGN - Mass Tester Assignment
FOPCMTESTERASGNS - Mass Tester Assignment - Settings
FOPCOBJTYPERESP - Responsible Roles for Persons
FOPCOBJTYPET - MIC Object Type - Text Table
FOPCPHF - FOPC:: Files for Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHHR - FOPC:: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
FOPCPHIO - FOPC:: Instances of Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHNM - FOPC:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
FOPCPHPR - FOPC:: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FOPCPHRE - FOPC:: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects
FOPCPHRI - FOPC:: Incoming Relationships of Physical Informatn Objects
FOPCPRTUSERPARA - User Parameters for Print
FOPCPRTUSRLAYOUT - User Layout Definition for Specified Type of Print
FOPCRBFAGLUE - Reporting Buffer: Account Group - Fin. Statement Assertion
FOPCRBFCASETEXTS - Report Buffer: Cases - Texts
FOPCRBFIS - Reporting Buffer: Cases - Issues
FOPCRBFLOG - Reporting Buffers: Central Log
FOPCRBFMC - Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures
FOPCRBFPGLUE - Reporting Buffer: P-CO-R
FOPCRBFPL - Reporting Buffer: Cases - Remediation Plans
FOPCRBFSTR - Reporting Buffer: Buffered Structures
FOPCRBFTL - Reporting Buffer: Cases - Test Logs
FOPCRCUSTPARAM - Parameters for Report Buffering
FOPCREPORT - List of Reports
FOPCROLED - MIC Role - Description Table
FOPCROLET - MIC Role - Text Table
FOPCROLETASK - MIC Role - Task Assignments
FOPCRPLCINFO - Replacement Information
FOPCRPLCINFO2 - Replacement Information: Case
FOPCSHM - Setting for Shared Memory
FOPCSHM2 - Activate Shared Objects Memory
FOPCSIGNOFF_ADD - Sign-Off: Additional Info
FOPCSIGNOFF_IS - Deactivate Issue Types for Sign-Off
FOPCSODCFGT - MIC SOD Conflict Group - Text Table
FOPCSTARTPAGE - Start Page Configuration
FOPCTASKFREQ - Frequency of the Tasks
FOPCTASKFREQ_TF - Timeframes of Tasks That Can Be Scheduled at Corporate Level
FOPCTASKFREQ_TFC - Controls for Timeframes of Tasks that Can Be Scheduled
FOPCTASKT - MIC Task - Text Table
FOPCUSERDATA - User-Specific Settings
FOPCWFITEM - MIC: Workflow Items
FOPCWFNOTIFCFA - Details for Notification System per Work Item
FOPCWFRECIP - MIC: Workflow Recipients
FOPCXEXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FOPCXEXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ACC_ASSERT_QUERY - Query BusinessProcessInternalControl
FOPCXI_BPIC_ACC_ASSERT_RESPONS - Response BusinessProcessInternalControl
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESSMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESSMENT_ATT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESSMENT_CRT_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESS_BY_ID_QUERY - Query Business Process Internal Control Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESS_BY_ID_RESP - Response Business Process Internal Control Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESS_BY_ID_RSP - Response Business Process Internal Control Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESS_CHG_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSESS_SELECT_BY_I - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_BY_ID - Query Business Process Internal Control Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_BY_ID_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_CHANGE_CONF - Change Confirmation for Business Process Internal Control As
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_CHANGE_REQ - Change Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_CHG_CONF - Change Confirmation for Business Process Internal Control As
FOPCXI_BPIC_ASSMNT_CHG_REQUEST - Change Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_BY_ID - Query Business Process Internal Control Assessment Attachmen
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_BY_ID_RESP - Response Business Process Internal Control Assessment Atta
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_CNC_CONFIRM - Cancel Confirmation for Business Process Internal Control As
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_CNC_REQUEST - Cancel Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_CRT_CONFIRM - Create Confirmation for Business Process Internal Control As
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATTACH_CRT_REQUEST - Create Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_BY_ID - Query Business Process Internal Control Assessment Attachmen
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_BY_ID_RESPONSE - Business Process Internal Control Attachment by ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_CANCEL_CONFIRM - Cancel Confirmation for Business Process Internal Control As
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_CANCEL_REQUEST - Cancel Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_CREATE_CONFIRM - Create Confirmation for Business Process Control Assessment
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_CREATE_REQUEST - Create Request for Business Process Internal Control Assessm
FOPCXI_BPIC_ATT_SELECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_BY_ID - Query BusinessProcessInternalControl by ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_BY_ID_QUERY - BusinessProcessInternalControl query by ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_BY_ID_RESP - Response BusinessProcessInternalControl by ID
FOPCXI_BPIC_BY_ID_RESPONSE - BusinessProcessInternalControl response
FOPCXI_BPIC_CA_COAIGR_BY_ID_QU - BusinessProcessInternalControl query
FOPCXI_BPIC_CA_COAIGR_BY_ID_RE - BusinessProcessInternalControl response
FOPCXI_BPIC_CA_COAIGR_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_CA_COAIGR_SELECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_CORC_BY_ID_QUERY - BusinessProcessInternalControl query
FOPCXI_BPIC_CORC_BY_ID_RESP - BusinessProcessInternalControl repsonse
FOPCXI_BPIC_CORC_QUERY - Query BusinessProcessInternalControl
FOPCXI_BPIC_CORC_RESPONSE - Response BusinessProcessInternalControl
FOPCXI_BPIC_CORC_SELECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BPIC_SELECT_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BUSINESS_PROCESS_INTER2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_BUSINESS_PROC_IC_ITEM - BusProcIntCtrlItmCtrlActyChtAcctsItmGrpAssrtnByIDRsp_sItm
FOPCXI_CAO - BusProcIntCtrlCtrlActyObjvRskCtrlActyRskAssgmtByIDRsp_sCtrlA
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESSMENT_BY_BPIC_Q - Query Control Activity Assessment for Business Process Inter
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESSMENT_BY_BPIC_R - Response Control Activity Assessment for Business Process In
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESSMENT_BY_ID_RES - Response Control Activity Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESSMENT_QUERY - Query Control Activity Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESS_BY_BPIC - CtrlActyAssmtByBusProcIntCtrlIDRsp_sCtrlActyAssmt
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESS_BY_BPIC_RESP - Response Control Activity Assessment for Business Process In
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESS_VALIDATE_CONF - Confirmation for Control Activity Assessment Validate
FOPCXI_CA_ASSESS_VALIDATE_REQ - Request for Control Activity Assessment Validate
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_BY_BPIC_QUERY - Query Control Activity Assessment for Business Process Inter
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_BY_ID_QUERY - Query Control Activity Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_BY_ID_RESPONS - Response Control Activity Assessment for ID
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_SELECT_BY_BPI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_SELECT_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_VALIDATE_CONF - Confirmation for Control Activity Assessment Validate
FOPCXI_CA_ASSMNT_VALIDATE_REQ - Request for Control Activity Assessment Validate
FOPCXI_CA_RISK_ASSIGN - BusProcIntCtrlCtrlActyObjvRskCtrlActyRskAssgmtByIDRsp_sCtrlA
FOPCXI_CONTROL_ACTIVITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_ID_QUERY - Query for Internal Control Issue by ID
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_ID_RESPONSE - Internal Control Issue by ID
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_MCA - IntCtrlIssByMgmtCtrlAssmtRsp_sIntCtrlIss
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_MCA_QUERY - Query Internal Control Issue for Management Control Assessme
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_MCA_RESP - Response Internal Control Issue for Management Control Asses
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_ORG_QUERY - Query for Internal Control Issue by Reporting Line Unit
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_BY_ORG_RESP - Internal Control Issue by Reporting Line Unit
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CANCEL_CONF - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Cancel
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CANCEL_REQ - Request for Internal Control Issue Cancel
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CHANGE_CONF - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Change
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CHANGE_REQ - Request for Internal Control Issue Change
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CHG_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CNC_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CREATE_CONF - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Create
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CREATE_REQ - Request for Internal Control Issue Create
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_CRT_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_REPONSIBLE_QU - Query Allowed Responsible for Internal Control Issue
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_REPONSIBLE_RE - Allowed Responsible for Internal Control Issue
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_RESPONSE - IntCtrlIssSimplByRptgLineUnitRsp_sIntCtrlIss
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_RESPONSIBLE - IntCtrlIssAllwdRespRsp_sIntCtrlIssAllwdResp
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_RESP_SELECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_SELECT_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_SELECT_BY_MCA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_ISSUE_SELECT_BY_ORG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF_BY_ID_QUERY - Query InternalControlSignoff by ID
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF_BY_ID_RESP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF_BY_ID_RESPO - Response InternalControlSignoff by ID
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF_PERFORM_CON - Peform InternalControlSignoff confirmation
FOPCXI_IC_SIGNOFF_PERFORM_REQ - Perform InternalControlSignoff request
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_ID_QUERY - Query for Internal Control Issue by ID
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_ID_REPSONSE - Internal Control Issue by ID
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_MCA_QUERY - Query Internal Control Issue for Management Control Assessme
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_MCA_RESPONSE - Response Internal Control Issue for Management Control Asses
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_ORG_QUERY - Query for Internal Control Issue by Reporting Line Unit
FOPCXI_ISSUE_BY_ORG_RESPONSE - Internal Control Issue by Reporting Line Unit
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CANCEL_CONFIRM - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Cancel
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CANCEL_REQUEST - Request for Internal Control Issue Cancel
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CHANGE_CONFIRM - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Change
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CHANGE_REQUEST - Request for Internal Control Issue Change
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CREATE_CONFIRM - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Create
FOPCXI_ISSUE_CREATE_REQUEST - Request for Internal Control Issue Create
FOPCXI_ISSUE_RESPONSIBLE_QUERY - Query Allowed Responsible for Internal Control Issue
FOPCXI_ISSUE_RESPONSIBLE_RESP - Allowed Responsible for Internal Control Issue
FOPCXI_MCA_BY_ELEMENTS_QUERY - ManagementControlAssessment query by elements
FOPCXI_MCA_BY_ELEMENTS_RESP - MgmtCtrlAssmtByElmntsRsp_sMgmtCtrlAssmt
FOPCXI_MCA_BY_ELEMENTS_RESPONS - ManagementControlAssessment response
FOPCXI_MCA_BY_ID_QUERY - ManagementControlAssessment query by ID
FOPCXI_MCA_BY_ID_RESPONSE - ManagementControlAssessment response
FOPCXI_MCA_CHANGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_MCA_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION - ManagementControlAssessment change confirmation
FOPCXI_MCA_CHANGE_REQUEST - ManegementControlAssessment change request
FOPCXI_MCA_SELECTION_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_MCA_SELECT_BY_ELEMENTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESSMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_BY_ELEMENTS_Q - Query ManagementControlAssessment by elements
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_BY_ELEMENTS_R - Response ManagementControlAssessment by elements
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_BY_ID_QUERY - Query ManagementControlAssessment by ID
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_BY_ID_RESPONS - Response ManagementControlAssessment by ID
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_CHANGE_CONF - Change ManagementControlAssessment confirmation
FOPCXI_MC_ASSESS_CHANGE_REQ - Change ManagementControlAssessment request
FOPCXI_REMED_PLAN_BY_ID_QUERY - Query Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan for ID
FOPCXI_REMED_PLAN_BY_ID_RESP - Response Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan for ID
FOPCXI_REMED_PLAN_VALIDATE_CON - Validate Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Remediation
FOPCXI_REMED_PLAN_VALIDATE_REQ - Validate Request for Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan
FOPCXI_REMPL_BY_ID_QUERY - Query Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan for ID
FOPCXI_REMPL_BY_ID_RESPONSE - Response Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan for ID
FOPCXI_REMPL_REQUEST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_REMPL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_REMPL_SELECTION_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_REMPL_VALIDATE_CONF - Confirmation for Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan Val
FOPCXI_REMPL_VALIDATE_REQ - Request for Internal Control Issue Remediation Plan Validate
FOPCXI_RISK - BusProcIntCtrlCtrlActyObjvRskCtrlActyRskAssgmtByIDRsp_sRsk
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_BY_ID_QU - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Query by ID
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_BY_ID_RE - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Response by ID
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CNC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CNC_CONF - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Cancel Confirmation
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CNC_REQ - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Cancel Request
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CRT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CRT_CONF - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Create Confirmation
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATTACH_CRT_REQ - InternalControlSignoffAttachment Create Request
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_BY_ID_QUERY - Query InternalControlSignoffAttachment by ID
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_BY_ID_RESP - Response InternalControlSignoffAttachment by ID
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_CNC_CONF - Cancel InternalControlSignoffAttachment confirmation
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_CNC_REQUEST - Cancel InternalControlSignoffAttachment request
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_CRT_CONF - Create InternalControlSignoffAttachment confirmation
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_ATT_CRT_REQUEST - Create InternalControlSignoffAttachment request
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_BY_ID_QUERY - InternalControlSignoff Query by ID
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_BY_ID_RESPOMSE - InternalControlSignoff Response
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_CNC_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_CRT_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_PERFORM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_PERFORM_CONF - Perform InternalControlSignoff confirmation
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_PERFORM_REQ - Perform InternalControlSignoff
FOPCXI_SIGNOFF_SELECT_BY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SIGNOF_ATTACH_SELECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SUBORDINATE_SIGNOFF_SEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_SUBORD_SIGNOFF_BY_SO - SubordIntCtrlSignoffByIntCtrlSignoffRsp_sIntCtrlSignoff
FOPCXI_SUBORD_SIGNOFF_BY_SO_Q - Query subordinate InternalControlSignoff by ID
FOPCXI_SUBORD_SIGNOFF_BY_SO_QU - Subordinate InternalControlSignoff Query
FOPCXI_SUBORD_SIGNOFF_BY_SO_R - Subordinate InternalControlSignoff Response
FOPCXI_SUBORD_SIGNOFF_BY_SO_RE - Response subordinate InternalControlSignoff by ID
FOPCXI_S_BPIC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXI_S_BPIC_COA_ASSERTION - BusProcIntCtrlByIDRsp_sChtAcctsItmGrpAssrtn
FOPCXI_S_MGMT_CONTROL - Management Control
FOPCXX_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_ATTACHMENT_FOLDER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_BASIC_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
FOPCXX_BPIC_INDUSTRY_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_BPIC_SUPERVISORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESS1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_BUS_PARTNER_ROLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_CHART_OF_ACC_ITEM_GROUP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_COA_ASSERTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_CREATION_USER_ACCOUNT_1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text
FOPCXX_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY_VALUE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_ICA_PROCEDURE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_ICA_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_INT_CNTR_ASSESSMENT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_INT_CNTR_RATING_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_LAST_CHANGE_USER_ACCOU1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_LOG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_LOG_ITEM - Log message issued by an application
FOPCXX_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_NAMESPACE_URI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_NOTE - Proxy Datenelement (generiert)
FOPCXX_SHORT_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATIVE_D - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_TEXT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_URI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCXX_UUID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FOPCX_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FOPCX_S_ACCOUNT_RANGE - Account Interval
FOPCX_S_ACC_GR - Account Group
FOPCX_S_ACC_GR_DATA - Data of Account Group specific to Management of Internal Con
FOPCX_S_ACC_GR_PROCESS - Assignment of Account Group to Process
FOPCX_S_CATALOG_REQUEST - Selection of Data of Managment of Internal Control
FOPCX_S_CATLOG - Control Catalogue
FOPCX_S_CO - Control Objective
FOPCX_S_CONTROL_ASSERTION - Assignment of Control to Assertion
FOPCX_S_CO_PROCESS - Assignment of Control Objective to Process
FOPCX_S_DATA_QUERY - Request of the Control Catalog
FOPCX_S_DATA_RESPONSE - Transmission of the Control Catalog
FOPCX_S_DAT_QUERY - Request Control Catalogue
FOPCX_S_DAT_RESPONSE - Transfer of Control Catalogue
FOPCX_S_MGMT_CONTROL_GROUP - Management Control Group
FOPCX_S_PR_GROUP - Process Group
FOPCX_S_PR_GROUP_DIS - Process Group
FOPCX_S_RISK_CO_TYPE - Assignment of Control to Risk and Control Type
FOPCX_S_TEST_LOG_DATA - Log Data specific to Testing
FOPCX_S_TF_LOG - Timeframe
FOPC_AU_MET - ABAP Unit Methods
FOPC_AU_MET_PAR - ABAP Unit Methods - Parameter Values
FOPC_AU_MET_RES - ABAP Unit Methods - Restrictions
FOPC_AU_PAR - ABAP Unit Parameter Values
FOPC_AU_RES - ABAP Unit Restrictions
FOPC_AU_RES_COD - ABAP Unit Restrictions - Code
FOPC_AU_RES_RES - ABAP Unit Restrictions - Restriction Code
FOPC_AU_SCE - ABAP Unit Scenarios
FOPC_AU_SCE_ENV - ABAP Unit Scenario Environment
FOPC_BSP_DELEGATE_OWN - Delegate Personalization
FOPC_BSP_SCHE_REASS_CTRL - MIC: Reassessment Scheduling
FOPC_BSP_SCHE_REASS_PARA - MIC: Reassessment Scheduling
FOPC_BTC_JOB_INFO - Background Job Info
FOPC_BTC_REPORTS - Background Reports in System
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_ATTACHMENT - BTC Reports - Attachment for Background Report
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_BATCH_JOB_INFO - BTC Reports - Job Information
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_HEADER - BTC Reports - Header Info
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_INPUT_OUTPUT - BTC Report - Input and Output Parameters
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_KEY - BTC Reports - Header Info
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_PRINTING - BTC Reports - Info Relevant for Printing Reports
FOPC_BTC_REPORT_WORKFLOW - BTC Reports - Workflow Options for Background Report
FOPC_BTC_REP_ADD - Background Reports in System - Additional Information
FOPC_BWE_M_MICAGSIGN - Account Group Significance - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICCASECAT - MIC Case Category - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MICCASETY - MIC Case Type - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MICCFSTATE - Carryforward Status - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MICCONPUR - MIC Control Purpose Attributes - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICISCONTR - MIC IS_Control Attributes - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICOBJTYPE - MIC Object Type - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MICPSAUTOM - Control Automation
FOPC_BWE_M_MICPSNATUR - Nature of Control
FOPC_BWE_M_MICPSSIGN - Control Significance - Master Data and Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICRELESET - Relevance Set for a Control
FOPC_BWE_M_MICRELESIT - Relevance of a Relevance Group
FOPC_BWE_M_MICRELEV - MIC Relevance Attributes - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICTESTED - MIC "To Be Tested" Attributes - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MICTRTYPE - Transaction Type
FOPC_BWE_M_MICTSTTECH - MIC Testing Technique Attributes - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_CENMC - MIC Central Management Control - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_CENP - MIC Central Process - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_CENPS - MIC Central Process Step - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_CO - MIC Control Objective - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_COCAT - MIC Control Objective Category - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_C_TY - MIC Control Type - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_FSAG - MIC FS Account Groups - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_FSASS - MIC FS Assertions - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_MATURI - Maturiity - Master Data and Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_MC - MIC Management Control - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_MCG - MIC Management Control Groups - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_ORGUNIT - MIC Org Units - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_PERSON - MIC Person - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_PG - MIC Process Groups - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_PROC - MIC Process - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_PS - MIC Process Step - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_RISK - MIC Risk - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_STATUS - MIC Case Status - Texts
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_TF - MIC Timeframes - Master Data
FOPC_BWE_M_MIC_TF_PER - MIC Timeframes - Start and End Date
FOPC_BWE_T_DESIGN_RATIN2_C - MIC Control Efficiency Ratings - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_DESIGN_RATING_C - MIC Control Design Ratings - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_DESIGN_RATING_M - MIC Mgmt Control Design Ratings (MC) - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_DESIGN_RATING_P - MIC Process Design Ratings (PD) - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_ISSUES - MIC Issues - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_OU_SIGNOFF - MIC Org Units Sign-Off - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_O_AG_ASS_C - MIC OE-AG-ASS-C Structure Mstr Data Modeled Transactionally
FOPC_BWE_T_P_AG_ASS_C - MIC P-AG-ASS-C Structure Master Data Modeled Transactionally
FOPC_BWE_T_P_CO_R_C - MIC P-CO-R-C Structure Master Data Modeled Transactionally
FOPC_BWE_T_RM_PLANS - MIC Remediation Plans - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_TEST_RATING_C - MIC Controls Test Ratings (TE) - Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_TEST_RATING_MC - MIC Management Control Test Ratings (MC)- Transactional Data
FOPC_BWE_T_TEST_RATING_MCL - MIC Management Control Test Ratings (CT)- Transactional Data
FOPC_CONTEXT_ATTR_VALUE - Fixed Value of an Attribute with Text
FOPC_DOC_TICKETS - Permission to Download the Document
FOPC_ENHANCE - MIC Enhancement for HR Infotypes
FOPC_ESA_S_ATTR_VALUE - Attribute values
FOPC_ESA_S_MC_ASSMNT_HEADER - ESA Structure for MC Assessment Header Data
FOPC_ESA_S_MC_GROUP_RATING - ESA Structure for MC Group Rating
FOPC_ESA_S_RATING_OVERVIEW - MIC ESA Structure for Rating Overview
FOPC_ESA_S_RMPLAN_LIST - ESA MIC Remediation Plan List
FOPC_ESA_S_SIGNOFF_DATA - ESA Structure for Sign-Off Info
FOPC_ES_CASEAS - Extension of the Assessment (contains CI)
FOPC_ES_CASEIS - Extension of the Issue (contains CI)
FOPC_ES_CASEPL - Extension of the Remediation Plan (contains CI)
FOPC_ES_CASETE - Extension of the Testing (contains CI)
FOPC_ES_CASETL - Extension of the Test Log (contains CI)
FOPC_GETFORMS - Print Reports Using Own Smart Forms
FOPC_HY_PATH - Evaluation Paths MIC
FOPC_ORM_CUST - ORM Transfer: Customizing
FOPC_ORM_PROT - ORM Transfer: Log
FOPC_PERSON - Settings for the Person in MIC
FOPC_REP_BSP_TABLE_GRID - Grid Data for HTML Table in BSP Page
FOPC_REP_CI_ISSUE - FOPC Reporting: Customer Include - Issues
FOPC_REP_CI_RMPLAN - FOPC Reporting: Customer Include - Remediation Plans
FOPC_REP_CI_TESTLOG - FOPC Reporting: Customer Include - Test Logs
FOPC_RFC_S_ASS_DETAIL - MIC RFC Details of Assertion Assignment
FOPC_RFC_S_ATTRIBUTE - MIC RFC for Attribute Values
FOPC_RFC_S_CONTROLS_BY_SIG - MIC RFC Controls Counted by Significance
FOPC_RFC_S_CONTROLS_LIST - MIC RFC List of Controls with Ratings and Statuses
FOPC_RFC_S_ENTITY - MIC: Entity Selection for RFC
FOPC_RFC_S_FSA_LIST - MIC RFC List of Controls with FSA Assignment
FOPC_RFC_S_PARAM - MIC: Selection Parameters for RFC
FOPC_RFC_S_PRIORITY_VALUE - MIC RFC Structure for Value of Single Rating
FOPC_RFC_S_PROCESSES_LIST - MIC RFC List of Controls with Ratings and Statuses
FOPC_RFC_S_RATING_ORGUNIT2 - Do Not Use - Obsolete
FOPC_RFC_S_RATING_VALUE - MIC RFC Structure for Value of Single Rating
FOPC_RFC_S_RISK_DETAIL - MIC RFC Risk Assignment Details
FOPC_RFC_S_RISK_LIST - MIC RFC List of Controls with Risk Assignment
FOPC_RFC_S_RMPLAN_DETAIL - MIC RFC List of Remediation Plans
FOPC_RFC_S_RMPLAN_LIST - MIC RFC List of Remediation Plans
FOPC_RFC_S_SELECTION - Obsolete - Can Be Deleted
FOPC_RFC_S_SIGNIFICANCE - MIC: Structure for Significance Filter
FOPC_RFC_S_SIGNOFF_LIST - MIC RFC Status Counter per Org Unit
FOPC_RFC_S_SIGNOFF_ORGUNIT - Obsolete - Can Be Deleted
FOPC_RFC_S_SIGNOFF_VALUE - MIC RFC Status Counter per Value
FOPC_RFC_S_STATS_ORGUNIT - Obsolete - Can Be Deleted
FOPC_RFC_S_STATUS_ORGUNIT - MIC RFC Status Counter per Org Unit
FOPC_RFC_S_STATUS_VALUE - MIC RFC Status Counter per Value
FOPC_SCHEDULE_TIMEFRAME - Scheduling Timeframe Structure
FOPC_SMARTFORMS - Obsolete: Marked for Deletion
FOPC_SOD_INFO - SOD Conflict Information
FOPC_S_ACTIVITY_FOR_STATUS - Texts for Business Transactions
FOPC_S_AIS - AIS Systems for MIC
FOPC_S_AISOU - AIS Systems for MIC for Each Org Unit
FOPC_S_AIS_CO_OU - Assignment of AIS Reports to Controls (per Org Unit)
FOPC_S_AIS_REPORT - AIS Reports Relevant to MIC (for Each Role)
FOPC_S_AIS_TEXT - Texts for AIS Systems in MIC
FOPC_S_AS_REORG - Reorganize Cases and Workflows
FOPC_S_AS_REORG_HR_TREE - Tree Node for HR Entity
FOPC_S_AS_REORG_RELATION - Reorganize: Case Relation
FOPC_S_AS_REORG_WF_TABLE - Workflow list
FOPC_S_AS_RESTART - Restart Assessment
FOPC_S_AS_RESTART1 - Restart Assessment: Case Attributes
FOPC_S_AS_RESTART2 - Restart Assessment: Work Item Attributes
FOPC_S_AS_RESTART3 - Restart Assessment: Control Attributes
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_AS - Attributes: Assessment
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_CT - Attribute: Container
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_IS - Attributes: Issue
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_PL - Attributes: Remediation Plan
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_TE - Attributes: Testing
FOPC_S_ATTRIBUTE_TL - Attributes: Test Log
FOPC_S_CASEAS - Attributes: Assessment
FOPC_S_CASEIS - Attributes: Issue
FOPC_S_CASEPL - Attributes: Remediation Plan
FOPC_S_CASETE - Attributes: Testing
FOPC_S_CASETL - Test log
FOPC_S_CASE_ATTR_CHG - Case Attribute Field for Which the Value Is Changed
FOPC_S_CASE_CLONE_INFO - Case Copy Information
FOPC_S_CF_LOG - Structure for Carryforward Message Display
FOPC_S_CLS_INFO_KEY - Closing: Key
FOPC_S_CLS_LOCK - Closing: Lock Parameters
FOPC_S_CLS_LOCK_SERVER - Close: Lock Server
FOPC_S_CLS_STAMP - Closing: Timestamp
FOPC_S_COLUMN - Column Attribute
FOPC_S_DATE_INTERVAL - Date of the Assessment or of the Test
FOPC_S_DEADLINE - Deadline of Work Item
FOPC_S_DEFICANA_UI - Deficiency Analysis UI Structure
FOPC_S_DEFIC_PRE_RECORD - Previously Entered Deficiency Records
FOPC_S_DEFIC_SEL - Deficiency Analysis Selection
FOPC_S_DELEGATE_OWN - User Substituted by User
FOPC_S_DL_STAMP - Delegation Information
FOPC_S_DOC - Additional Documentation on MIC
FOPC_S_GUID_RELATION_BUFFER - Buffer for Case Relation
FOPC_S_HRORG - Organizational Unit
FOPC_S_HR_ORG_OBJECT - HR Organizational Unit and Object
FOPC_S_INV_CNTRL - Control Involved
FOPC_S_KEY_OBJ - Key + Object + Superordinate Key
FOPC_S_LOG_HEAD_CONTEXT - Application Log: Context
FOPC_S_LOG_MESSAGE - Structure for Message Display
FOPC_S_MC_CONTROL_INFO - Management Control Information
FOPC_S_MC_HIERARCHY - Management Controls and Groups
FOPC_S_MC_TL - Attribute: Test Log of Management Control
FOPC_S_OBJECT_CONT - InfoTypes per Object Type
FOPC_S_ORGUNIT - Organizational unit
FOPC_S_PDIR - Template for Area-Specific POID Directory
FOPC_S_PERSON - External Person
FOPC_S_PREL - Template for Area-Specific POID - POID Relation
FOPC_S_PRT_ASSESSMENT - Print Line of Assessment
FOPC_S_PRT_CI_CASE - Line: Print Extension of CASE
FOPC_S_PRT_CP_COLUMNS - All Possible Columns for Control (Process Step) and Process
FOPC_S_PRT_CTRL_DOCU - Print Line of Control Documentation
FOPC_S_PRT_DEFI_ANAL - Print Line of Deficiency Analysis
FOPC_S_PRT_DOWNLOAD - Download Print Result
FOPC_S_PRT_FS_ASS - Print Line of FS Assertions
FOPC_S_PRT_ISSUE - Print Line of Issue
FOPC_S_PRT_LAYOUT - Layout Name of Print Report
FOPC_S_PRT_LINE - Line of Printing
FOPC_S_PRT_MC_COLUMNS - All Possible Columns for Mgmt Control or Mgmt Control Group
FOPC_S_PRT_MC_DOCU - Print Line of Control Documentation
FOPC_S_PRT_PCORC - Print Line of P-CO-R-C
FOPC_S_PRT_PLAN - Print Line of Plan
FOPC_S_PRT_PR_DOCU - Print Line of Process Documentation
FOPC_S_PRT_REPORT_DATA - Structure: Flat Report Data in Print
FOPC_S_PRT_RR_COLUMNS - All Possible Columns for Role and Responsibility
FOPC_S_PRT_SOD - Print Line of SOD
FOPC_S_RANGE_CASE_EXT_REF - Range: External Reference
FOPC_S_RANGE_CASE_GUID - Range: Technical Key of the Case
FOPC_S_REPORT - Obsolete - Do not use! Smart Form Interface
FOPC_S_RPLC_CASE - Replacement: Case
FOPC_S_RPLC_STATUS - Replacement Information: Status with UTC Timestamp
FOPC_S_SCHEDULE_ALV - MIC: Timeframe of a Task
FOPC_S_SCHEDULE_ATTR - Structure for the Schedule
FOPC_S_SIGNOFF - Sign-Off Information
FOPC_S_SIGNOFF_ISSUES - Setting Requiring Comment To Be Entered for Open Issues
FOPC_S_SIGNOFF_KEY - Key for Sign-Off Entry
FOPC_S_SIGNOFF_LOCK - Lock Object for Sign-Off Table
FOPC_S_SOD_INFO - Information on Segregation of Duties Conflict
FOPC_S_SOD_INFOT - Information Text for Segregation of Duties Conflict
FOPC_S_STARTPAGE - Start Page Configuration
FOPC_S_STATUS - System Status and Text
FOPC_S_TASK_FREQ - Frequencies of the Tasks
FOPC_S_TASK_TF - Timeframe for the Task
FOPC_S_TASK_TF_ICNT - MIC: Scheduling: Involved Controls by Task and Timeframe
FOPC_S_TESTER - Tester Information
FOPC_S_TEST_AUTOM - Test Automation Information
FOPC_S_TIME_FRAME - Timeframe for Assessment or Test
FOPC_S_UI_DELEGATE_CUT - MIC-UI: Shorten Validity of Delegation
FOPC_S_UI_OBJTEXT - Description for the Object Type and ID
FOPC_S_UI_START_OBJECT - Objects Assigned to a Person
FOPC_UI_ORG_SCOP_DOCU - Structure for Scoping Documents for Org Unit
FOPC_UI_PCORC_CHECK_CHOICES - PCOR Check Report - Choices for Check Selection
FOPC_UI_PCORC_INPUT - PCOR Check Report - List of Input Parameters
FOPC_UI_PCORC_INPUT_LABELS - PCOR Check Report - Dummy Structure for Labels
FOPC_UI_PCORC_RESULT - PCOR Check Report - Result Grid
FOPC_UI_PF_PCORC - Print Layout Indicator for P-CO-R-C
FOPC_UI_PRINT_SECTION - Section Content of Print
FOPC_UI_SCOP_DOCU - Structure for Scoping Documents for Org Unit
FOPC_UI_SECBR_INPUT - Authorization Analysis: Input Parameters
FOPC_UI_SECBR_ROLE_RESULT - Authorization Analysis - Results Structure
FOPC_UI_SECBR_TREE - Authorization Analysis: Hierarchy Structure
FOPC_UPLOAD - MIC Excel Upload Structure for HR Org Master Data
FOPC_WD_DEFIC_DISP_CTRL - Display Control for Deficiency Analysis in WD UI
FOPT_BSP_ACCOUNT_SIG - Accounts for Significance
FOPT_BSP_ASSMNT_PRSTEP - Attributes of a Control with Assessments
FOPT_BSP_CASEASMC - MIC-UI: Management Control Assessment
FOPT_BSP_CASEREMPL - Remediation Plan
FOPT_BSP_CASETE - MIC-UI: Effectiveness Test
FOPT_BSP_CHANGE_DOCU - Change document
FOPT_BSP_CHANGE_DOCU_SCR - Change document
FOPT_BSP_CNTR - Attribute of a Control in the Tree View
FOPT_BSP_CNTR_LIST - Control Attributes as List
FOPT_BSP_CNTR_SREQ - Attribute of a Control in the Tree View
FOPT_BSP_CONTROL_DOCUMENT - Layout of Print 'Control Document'
FOPT_BSP_FSAG_FSAS_CP - Layout of Print 'FS Assertions'
FOPT_BSP_MANAGEMENT_CONTROL_D - Details of Management Controls
FOPT_BSP_MANAGEMENT_CTRL_PROC - Management Control - Testing and Assessment Procedures
FOPT_BSP_MC - Attributes for Mgmt Controls and Mgmt Control Groups
FOPT_BSP_MCONTROL_DOCUMENT - Layout of Print Management Control Document
FOPT_BSP_MCONTROL_LIST - List of Objects for Assignment of Management Controls
FOPT_BSP_MC_CNTR_LIST - Management Control Attributes as List
FOPT_BSP_MC_TREE - Attribute of a Control in the Tree View
FOPT_BSP_OBJECTDETAIL - Object Details (Process / Process Step)
FOPT_BSP_ORGUNIT - Organizational Unit
FOPT_BSP_ORGUNIT_OUT - Org Unit Out of Scope
FOPT_BSP_ORGUNIT_OUT_DT - Org Unit Out of Scope
FOPT_BSP_PCORC - Layout of Print 'P-CO-R-C'
FOPT_BSP_PREVIEW - Communication Structure for Preview
FOPT_BSP_PRINT_DOWNLOAD - Layout of Print PDF File Download
FOPT_BSP_PRINT_PARA - Parameter for Print Used in PC-UI
FOPT_BSP_PROCESS_CO_R_C - Process Objectives
FOPT_BSP_PROCESS_DOCUMENT - Layout of Print 'Process Document'
FOPT_BSP_PROCESS_RISK - Risk for Process
FOPT_BSP_PROCESS_STEP_ATTR - Process Step Attributes
FOPT_BSP_ROLE_ASSIGN - Role Assignment
FOPT_BSP_ROLE_RESPONSIBILITY - Layout of Print 'Role and Responsibilities'
FOPT_BSP_SCHE_REASS_BY_DATE - MIC: Scheduling of Reassessment by Date
FOPT_BSP_SCHE_REASS_BY_STRUC - MIC: Scheduling of Reassessment by Structure
FOPT_BSP_SCHE_REASS_CTRL - Schedule: Reassessment of Control
FOPT_BSP_SCHE_REASS_MCTRL - Schedule: Reassessment Management Control
FOPT_BSP_SCHE_REASS_PARA - MIC: Scheduling Reassessment Parameter
FOPT_BSP_SCOPING_PROCESS_SREQ - Hierarchy of Process Groups and Processes
FOPT_BSP_SCOPING_PROCESS_TREE - Hierarchy of Org Units, Process Groups, and Processes
FOPT_BSP_SET_COMPLETION_DIALOG - Dialog for setting the remediation plan completion to 100%
FOPT_BSP_SIGNOFF_OIP - Display Structure for Sign-Offs
FOPT_BSP_STATUS_OVERVIEW - Layout of Print 'Status Overview'
FOPT_BSP_TASK_CONFLICT - SOD Analysis: Conflict of Tasks Within the Role
FOPT_BSP_TASK_SCHEDULE_TF - MIC: Timeframe of a Task
FOPT_BSP_TASK_SCHEDULE_TF_ICNT - MIC: Scheduling: Involved Controls by Task and Timeframe
FOPT_BSP_TASK_SREQ - Attribute of a Control in the Tree View
FOPT_BSP_UI_AISREPORT_F4 - MIC: Input Help for AIS Reports
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_ACC - Change Analysis: Changes for Risk Assignment
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_CD - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_CE - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_CT - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_CTRL - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_MC - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_PD - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_PROC - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_DET_TE - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_FILTER - MIC Reporting: Filter Information
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_PARAM - MIC Change Analysis: Parameters
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_PROCESS_CHANGE - Change Analysis: Process Change Documentation
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_RISK - Change Analysis: Changes for Risk Assignment
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_STR - MIC Change Analysis - Structure of the Application
FOPT_BSP_UI_ANA_TIME - MIC Reporting: Filter Information
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTACHMENTS_LINK - MIC: Generic Attachments - URL Link Edit Container
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTACHMENTS_LIST - MIC: Generic Attachments - List View
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTACHMENTS_UPLOAD - MIC: Generic Attachments - Upload Container
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_ALL - MIC: Documents and Links Integration
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_DC - MIC: Document Integration
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_DC_EDIT - MIC: Document Upload Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_LN - MIC: Links Integration
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_LN_EDIT - MIC: Link Edit Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_ATTC_VER - MIC: Attachments - Versions View
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL - Control Documentation: BSP Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_ACC - Documentation of Controls: Accounts and Assertions
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_ACC_VIEW - Documentation of Controls: Accounts and Assertions
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_CTYP - Control Documentation: Control Types
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_DETAIL - Control Documentation: BSP Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_OIC - Control Documentation: BSP Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_PCOR - Control Documentation: P-CO-R Structures
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_REL - Control Documentation: P-CO-R Structures
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_ROLE - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_CONTROL_TPROC - Control Documentation: Testing Procedure Attachments
FOPT_BSP_UI_LINK - Table with Links
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_CONFL - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_LOG - Log Entry for Mass Assignment of Testers
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_ODP1 - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_ODP1_1 - MIC - Mass Assignment of Testers: Settings Area
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_ODP1_2 - MIC - Mass Assignment of Testers: Testers Area
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_ODP2 - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_ASS_OIC - MIC - Mass Tester Assignment
FOPT_BSP_UI_MTESTER_PERSONLIST - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_NOTIFICATION_DATA - Notification BSP Structure Data
FOPT_BSP_UI_PERSON_F4 - MIC: Input Help for Persons
FOPT_BSP_UI_RATING_FILTER - MIC Reporting: Rating Filters
FOPT_BSP_UI_REP_DETAILS - Details of Current Report
FOPT_BSP_UI_REP_FILTER - MIC Reporting: Filter Information
FOPT_BSP_UI_REP_FROZEN - MIC Reporting: Report Parameters
FOPT_BSP_UI_REP_PARAM - MIC Reporting: Report Parameters
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_ASS_NEXT - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_ASS_SAME - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_DETAILS - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_NEWPERSON - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_PERSONCHECK - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_PERSONDATA - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_PERSONLIST - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_REPLACE_LIST - MIC - Role Replacement - Roles/Objects List, New Entries
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_REPLACE_OIC - MIC - Role Replacement - Corporate/Org Unit List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_REPLACE_PERS - MIC - Role Replacement - Person List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_REPLACE_TEAM - MIC - Role Replacement - Person List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_TODO - MIC - Role Assignment: Task List
FOPT_BSP_UI_ROLE_WORKFLOW - MIC - Role Assignment: Task List
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_PERSON - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_REPORT - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_ROLE - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_SREQ - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_STATUS - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_TASK - MIC: Role Report - Task List
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_TASK_LIST - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SEC_TRG_LIST - MIC Role Report: Main Structure
FOPT_BSP_UI_SOD_CHECK - MIC - Show Segregation of Duties Conflicts
FOPT_BSP_UI_TESTER_ASS - Obsolete - Can Be Deleted
FOPT_BSP_UI_TESTER_ASS_ODC - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_UI_TESTER_ASS_OIC - MIC - Tester Assignment: Task List
FOPT_BSP_UI_TESTER_PERSONLIST - MIC - Role Assignment: Assignment List
FOPT_BSP_WARNING_DIALOG - Warning Dialog Structure
FOPT_BSP_WFTEXT - Task Text from Workflow
FOPT_MTESTER_ASGN_LOGS - Structure for Storing Log Information
FOPT_S_TASK_ORGUNIT - Task and Org Unit for Current User
FOPT_UI_S_CTRL_TESTER - Testers for Control
HRI1800 - Industry
HRI1801 - Account Assignment
HRI1802 - Maturity As Is for Control
HRI1803 - Roles
HRI1804 - Details
HRI1805 - Control Objective Category
HRI1806 - Details
HRI1810 - Risk Control Type
HRI1811 - Settings: Process
HRI1812 - Settings: Process Group
HRI1813 - Settings: Organizational Unit
HRI1814 - Tester
HRI1815 - Settings: Local Management Control
HRI1816 - Financial Statement Assertion
HRI1817 - Significance
HRI1818 - Threshold Value
HRI1819 - Transaction Type
HRI1820 - Significance: Scope
HRI1821 - Qualitative Risk Impact
HRI1822 - Chart of Accounts
HRI1823 - Change Analysis
HRI1824 - AIS Reports
HRP1800 - DB Table for InfoType 1800
HRP1801 - DB Table for InfoType 1801
HRP1802 - DB Table for InfoType 1802
HRP1803 - DB Table for InfoType 1803
HRP1804 - DB Table for InfoType 1804
HRP1805 - DB Table for InfoType 1805
HRP1806 - DB Table for InfoType 1806
HRP1810 - Database Table for Infotype 1810
HRP1811 - DB Table for Infotype 1811
HRP1812 - DB Table for Infotype 1812
HRP1813 - DB Table for Infotype 1813
HRP1814 - DB Table for InfoType 1814
HRP1815 - DB Table for Infotype 1815
HRP1816 - DB Table for Infotype 1816
HRP1817 - DB Table for Infotype 1817
HRP1818 - DB Table for Infotype 1818
HRP1819 - DB Table for Infotype 1819
HRP1820 - DB Table for Infotype 1820
HRP1821 - DB Table for Infotype 1821
HRP1822 - DB Table for Infotype 1822
HRP1823 - DB Table for Infotype 1823
HRP1824 - DB Table for Infotype 1824
HRT1800 - Table Section for InfoType 1800
HRT1820 - Table Part Intotype 1820
HRT1823 - Table Part Infotype 1823
P1800 - InfoType 1800: Industry
P1800_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1801 - InfoType 1801: Account Assignment
P1801_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1802 - InfoType 1802: Relevance
P1802_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1803 - InfoType 1803: Roles
P1803_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1804 - InfoType 1804: Details
P1804_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1805 - InfoType 1805: Control Objective Category
P1805_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1806 - InfoType 1806: Details
P1806_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1810 - Infotype 1810: Risk Control Type
P1810_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1811 - Infotype 1811: Settings: Process
P1811_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1812 - Infotype 1812: Settings: Process Group
P1812_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1813 - Infotype 1813: Settings: Org Unit
P1813_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1814 - InfoType 1814: Testers
P1814_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1815 - Infotype 1815: Settings: Local Management Control
P1815_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1816 - Infotype 1816: Financial Statement Assertion
P1816_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1817 - Infotype 1817: Account Group: Significance
P1817_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1818 - Infotype 1818: Threshold Value
P1818_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1819 - Infotype 1819: Transaction Type
P1819_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1820 - Infotype 1820
P1820_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1820_EXP - Infotype 1820 Expanded Structure
P1821 - Infotype 1821: Risk Impact
P1821_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1822 - Infotype 1822: Chart of Accounts
P1822_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1823 - Infotype 1823
P1823_AF - Additional Fields: Query
P1823_EXP - Infotype 1823 Expanded Structure
P1824 - Infotype 1824: AIS Reports
P1824_AF - Additional Fields: Query
PT1800 - Industry
PT1820 - Significance (Reasoning): Scope
PT1823 - Change Analysis
ROXQE60107 - Assessment
ROXQE60108 - Issue
ROXQE60109 - Remediation Plan
ROXQE60110 - Attributes: Testing
ROXQE60111 - Test Log

SAP Financials Basis Tables FIN-FB

/EACC/TIOBJ_CAT - Obsolete
/EACC/TLEAD_BW - Obsolete
/EACC/TLEAD_ST - Obsolete
/EACC/TLI4000 - Context of Field Name, Info Object, D Elment, D Srce per D B
/EACC/XLEAD_BW - Systems with Text
/EACC/YS_GEN_DESCRIPT - General Description for an Object
/EACC/YS_IOBJ_LIST - Name of an InfoObject
/EACC/YS_KF_CHAR_REF - Reference to General Description for an Object
/EACC/YS_LCHAR_LIST - Information for Local Characteristic
/EACC/YS_NAMED_VALUE - eAcc: Structure with Field Name/Value Pairs
/EACC/YS_REF_OBJ_DESCRIPT - Reference to General Descriptive Characteristic Object
/EACC/YS_REG_ASSIGNMENT - Context of Field Name, InfoObject, Data Element and DSource
/EACC/YS_REG_INFO - Registration Information
/EACC/YS_REG_IOBJ_LIST - General Data for the InfoObject to Be Registered
/EACC/YS_SEL_OPT_OBJ_NAME - Selection Options for Objects with Names with Length 30
/EACC/YS_SEL_OPT_OBJ_TEXT - Selection Options for Objects via Their Description (CHARGO)
/EACC/YS_SEL_OPT_OBJ_VALUE - Selection Option for Object Values of Length 60
/GRC/FSCM_CR_10 - Credit Mgt:Risk Class
/GRC/FSCM_CR_20 - Credit Mgt:Credit Limit Utilization
ACCACCOUNT0C - G/L account
ACCACCOUNT0T - G/L account
ACCACCOUNT11 - G/L account
ACCACCOUNTEXIT - Callback exits for G/L account by acc. system configuration
ACCACCOUNT_ATTR - Extraction Structure for G/L Account - Attributes
ACCACCOUNT_TEXT - Extraction Structure for G/L Account - Texts
ACCACCTGROUP00 - Account Group
ACCACCTGROUP0C - Account Group
ACCACCTGROUP0T - Account Group
ACCACCTLG01 - Length of G/L Account Number
ACCAREAIDCOMP - Area ID of a Technical Component
ACCASSTYPE00 - Account Assignment Category
ACCASSTYPE0C - Account Assignment Category
ACCASSTYPE0T - Account Assignment Category
ACCBUSTRANS0C - Business Transaction Category
ACCBUSTRANS0T - Texts for Business Transaction Types
ACCCFG01 - Component in Accounting Configuration
ACCCFG02 - Role Fixing in Accounting Configuration
ACCCFG0C - Accounting Configuration
ACCCFG0T - Texts for Accounting Configuration
ACCCHRTACCTS0C - Chart of Accounts
ACCCHRTACCTS0T - Chart of Accounts
ACCCLOSESTEP - Closing Phase
ACCCLOSESTEPT - Identifier for Closing Processes
ACCCLSSTEP_ASGN - Assignment of Period Rules for the Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_GRP - Process Definition for Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_GRPT - Name of Process Definition for Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTEP_RUL - Period Rules for the Closing Phases
ACCCLSSTPPER - Setting for Period Lock
ACCCLSSTPPERLE - Period Lock Setting Depending on Legal Unit
ACCCOMPUSAGE - Use of Technical Components
ACCDATACAT0C - Data Category
ACCDATACAT0T - Data Category
ACCDBS01 - Data Basis <-> Business Domain Assignment
ACCDBS02 - Assignment Data Basis - Generated ALV Reference Structure
ACCDBS0C - Data Basis
ACCDBS0T - Data Basis Name
ACCDOCTYPE0C - Document Type
ACCDOCTYPE0T - Document Type
ACCDOM01 - FI Global Entities: Business Domain <-> RFC Dest. Assignment
ACCDOM02 - Business Domain <-> InfoObject Catalogs Assignment
ACCDOM0C - FI Global Entities: Business Domain
ACCDOM0T - Texts for Business Domain
ACCENTCONF01 - Entities: Local Storage of Configuration
ACCJOURNAL0C - Obsolete: Former: Journals in the Accounting Document
ACCJOURNAL0T - Obsolete: Former Text Table for the Journals in the ACC Doc.
ACCLEGENT0C - Legal Entity
ACCLEGENT0S - SID Legal Entity
ACCLEGENT0T - Texts for Legal Entities
ACCLOGOBJCAT01 - Assignment of Attributes as Chars and Log. Obj. Category
ACCLOGOBJCAT02 - Activation Status of a Logistical Object Type
ACCLOGOBJCAT0C - Logistical Object Categories
ACCLOGOBJCAT0T - Logistical Object Categories
ACCLSYS01 - Assignment of RFC Destination to Logical System ID
ACCLSYS0C - Logical System ID
ACCLSYS0T - Texts for Logical System IDs
ACCMP01 - Roles per Accounting Component
ACCMP0C - Accounting Components
ACCMP0T - Accounting Component Texts
ACCPERSEL - Define Selection Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCPERSEL2 - Specify Selction Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCPERSELT - Name of Selection Conditions for the Period Lock
ACCQNTTYPE0C - Data Elements of Quantity Type
ACCROLE0C - Application Role
ACCROLE0T - Application Role
ACCROLE11 - Application Role Registration: Classes
ACCROLE21 - Application Role Registration: FieldNames and FinObjectTypes
ACCSEL01 - Selection Condition: Characteristics
ACCSEL0C - Selection Condition
ACCSTRU0C - Structure IDs
ACCSTRU0T - Structure ID Texts
ACCSYS02 - Accounting System: Assignment to Selection Condition
ACCSYS04 - Customizing for Accounting System
ACCSYS05 - Setting for Currency Translation
ACCSYS06 - Settings for Reference Valuation
ACCSYS07 - Reference Accounting Systems
ACCSYS08 - Currency IDs per Accounting System
ACCSYS09 - Cust. of fiscal year variant per legal entity and acc system
ACCSYS0C - Accounting System
ACCSYS0T - Name of Accounting System
ACCTECCMP0C - Technical Components
ACCTECCMP0T - Technical Component Text
ACCTRANTYPE0C - Transaction Type
ACCTRANTYPE0T - Transaction Type
ACC_CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RULE - Currency Translation Rule
ACC_CURR_ID_AND_KEY - Structure from Currency ID and Currency Key
ACC_JOURNAL0C - Journals in the Acc Document
ACC_JOURNAL0T - Text Table for the Journals in the ACC Document
ACC_S_ACCOUNT - G(L Account with All Attributes
ACC_S_ACCOUNT_EXT_ATTR - External Interface to G/L Account: Account with Attributes
ACC_S_ACCOUNT_EXT_TEXT - External Interface to G/L Account: Names
ACC_S_ACCSYS0C - Accounting System
ACC_S_ACCSYS_SEL - Structure for Selection Conditions for an Accounting System
ACC_S_ACCSYS_SEL_S - Structure for Selection Conditions for an Accounting System
ACC_S_ASSTYPE00 - Field of an Account Assignment Category
ACC_S_ATTRIBUTE_REG_LIGHT - Attributes of a Field
ACC_S_CURCONV_DATA - Special Control Parameters for Currency Translation (ACC)
ACC_S_CURCONV_RULE - Currency Translation Rule
ACC_S_DBS01 - Data Basis - Business Domain Assignment
ACC_S_GL_ASSGNMT_TYPE - Accounting System and Corresponding Reference
ACC_S_KEY_REG_LIGHT - Key of a Check Table
ACC_S_KFCHAR_REG - Characteristic Registration
ACC_S_KFCHAR_REG_LIGHT - Characteristic Registration Light
ACC_S_LSYS - Assignment of RFC Destination to Logical System ID
ACC_S_QNTTP_CONF - Configuration of a Quantity Type
ACC_S_QNTTYPE - Quantity Types
ACC_S_ROLE_FIELDNAME - Application Roles: Field Names
ACC_S_ROLE_NAME - Structure with Application Role Names
ACC_S_ROLE_REGIST - Registration Information for Application Roles
ACC_S_ROLE_REGIST_CONF - Configuration: Registration Information Application Roles
ACC_S_SYSTEM_TXT - Accounting System
ACC_S_TXT - Texts for Entities in Financials
ACC_TERMINATION - Classes to be called up when Acc. entities are deleted
FINB_AMOUNT_AND_CURRENCY - Amount with Currency Key and Currency Code Indicator
FINB_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of Field on Data Basis
FINB_BAPI_YS_ACINST_IDS - Obsolete !!! Strctre for Calling Up Acc. Instances with Bapi
FINB_CONF_DISP0C - Configuration: Logical Names for FM Dispatcher
FINB_DEMO_TRANS - FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport
FINB_DMT_CHAR - Data Retention: Characteristics
FINB_DMT_CONFIG - Data Retention, Configuration Object of Totals Persistence
FINB_DMT_DETAILS - Details for Configuration of Totals Table
FINB_DMT_KEYF - Data Retention: Key Figures
FINB_DMT_NRANGE - Data Retention: Number Range Intervals
FINB_DMT_S_CHAR - Data Retention for Totals: Configuration
FINB_DMT_S_DIM - Data Retention: Dimension Number
FINB_DMT_S_DIMENSION - Data Retention: Configuration of Totals Persistence
FINB_DMT_S_INDEX - Data Retention for Totals: Indexes
FINB_DMT_S_INDEX_F - Database Index
FINB_DMT_S_KEYF - Data Retention Totals: Key Figure Configuration
FINB_DMT_TABLE_NAMES - Physical Table Names
FINB_DMT_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Parameters for Generation of Update Module
FINB_DMT_TINDEX - Data Retention: Indexes
FINB_FIELDS - Fields on the Data Basis
FINB_FIELDTEXT - Screen Structure for Text Output
FINB_GN_ABAP_L_TEXTPOOL - ABAP Textpool with Language
FINB_GN_ABAP_SOURCE - ABAP Source Data (Coding + Textpools)
FINB_GN_ABAP_TEXT - Text Element for an ABAP Program
FINB_GN_ACT_ANSWER - Answer of Activation
FINB_GN_ACT_OBJECT - Object To Be Activated/Deleted
FINB_GN_ANSWER_CONVERSION - Replay to a Conversion Request
FINB_GN_COMPONENT - Component of a Structured Object (Generator)
FINB_GN_CROSSREF_OBJ - Object of a Where-Used List
FINB_GN_DTEL_SOURCE - Source Data of a Data Element
FINB_GN_ERROR - Describes an Error
FINB_GN_FORKEY - Description of a Foreign Key
FINB_GN_FORKEY_FIELD - Describes a Foreign Key Field
FINB_GN_FPOOL_SOURCE - Source Data of a Function Group
FINB_GN_FUNC_SOURCE - Source Data for a Function Module
FINB_GN_F_EXCEPTION - Describes an Exception for a Function Module
FINB_GN_F_PARAM - Describes a Function Module Parameter
FINB_GN_INDX_SOURCE - Source Data of a Secondary Index
FINB_GN_JOIN_CONDITION - Join Condition for a DB View
FINB_GN_PHYSICAL_OBJECT - Describes a Physical Object (Generator)
FINB_GN_SEL_CONDITION - Selection Criterion of a DB View
FINB_GN_TABL_SOURCE - Source Data of a Table
FINB_GN_TBP - Directory of Blue Prints
FINB_GN_TCONFIG - Configuration of the Generator
FINB_GN_TECH_SETTINGS - Technical Properties of a Table
FINB_GN_TEXBP - Directory of Executed Blueprints
FINB_GN_TEXBP_X - Enhancement of the Configuration Key of a Blueprint
FINB_GN_TEXTS - Texts of a Data Element
FINB_GN_TGOBJ - Catalog of Generated Objects
FINB_GN_TGOBJTS - Time Stamp of the Generated Objects
FINB_GN_TMODUS - Configuration of the Generator Mode
FINB_GN_TRACE - Activated Trace Functions in the Generator
FINB_GN_TTYPE_ATTR - Attributes of a Table Type
FINB_GN_TTYP_SOURCE - Source Data of a Table Type
FINB_GN_VERSIONS - Status of Versions of an Object (Generator)
FINB_GN_VIEW_COMPONENT - Component of a DB View (Generator)
FINB_GN_VIEW_FIELD - Component of a DB View (Generator)
FINB_GN_VIEW_SOURCE - Source Data of a View
FINB_GN_V_GOBJ - Logical View for Object Catalog
FINB_LG_S_OBJECT - Application and Object for Language Activation
FINB_LG_TCAT - Language Activation: Objects
FINB_LG_TCATT - Language Activation: Objects
FINB_S_ACCSYS - Accounting System
FINB_S_ACCSYS_VAL_RULE_CUSTOM - Structure for Description of Valuation Rules
FINB_S_ASP_ACTION - Aspect with Action Indicator
FINB_S_ASP_CONF - Configurable Aspect
FINB_S_ASP_CONF_DDIC - Configurable Aspect
FINB_S_BUS_DOMAIN - Business Domain
FINB_S_DATABASIS_CONFIG - Automatic Customizing Data Basis
FINB_S_EXT_SOURCE - Structure External Source to Read Configuration
FINB_TACCOMM - Obsolete !!! Accounting Community
FINB_TACCOMMT - Obsolete !!! Accounting Community: Texts
FINB_TACCOMM_MB - Obsolete !!! Members of an Accounting Community
FINB_TACINST - Obsolete - to be deleted
FINB_TACINSTT - Obsolete - to be deleted
FINB_TACSYST - Obsolete !!! Valuation System
FINB_TACSYSTT - Obsolete !!! Valuation System Texts
FINB_TACSYST_DCR - Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description in Form of Chars
FINB_TACSYST_GR - Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description Groups
FINB_TACSYST_MFN - Obsolete !!! Valuation Systm: Meta Description - Field Names
FINB_TAPIOBC_NM - Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names per Application
FINB_TCURTYP - Values for Currency Type
FINB_TCURTYPT - Text Table Currrency Type
FINB_TIOBC_NM - Value Defaults for Info-Object Catalog Names
FINB_TIOBC_NMT - Texts for Value Proposals for Info Object Catalog Names
FINB_TIOBJ_APPL - Info Objects for Potential Characteristics in Val. System
FINB_TPRFL_A - Table for Result Elements (Amounts Only)
FINB_TPRFL_Q - Table for Result Elements (Quantities Only)
FINB_TPROFEL - Table for Result Elements
FINB_TR_ALV_DATAINFO - FINB TR: Directory of Data in Container
FINB_TR_ALV_SELINFO - FINB TR: Display Structure for Select Options
FINB_TR_CATALOG_OBJ - Catalog Object
FINB_TR_CC01 - Management of Table Names for Client Copy
FINB_TR_CC02 - Management of Table Names for Client Copy - Runtime
FINB_TR_CCH - Header Table: Tables Generated for Client Copy
FINB_TR_CCM - Administration Client Copy
FINB_TR_CCO - Client Copy: Object Status
FINB_TR_CC_DATA - Data Transfer for Client Copy
FINB_TR_CLUSTER_FULLKEY - Build Physical Key of Transport Container Table
FINB_TR_CLUSTER_KEY - Structure of Semantic key of Transport Container Table
FINB_TR_CLUSTER_KEY_ALV - Structure of Semantic key of Transport Container Table
FINB_TR_CLUSTER_NAMES - FINB TR: Structure for Dynamic Access to Cluster Tables
FINB_TR_CONTAINER_DATA - Structure for Transport Container Data
FINB_TR_CONTEXT - Context Information Transport Tool
FINB_TR_DATAINFO - FINB TR: Directory of Data in Container
FINB_TR_DELIV - FINB TR: Bill of Material for Delivery
FINB_TR_DERIVE - FINB-Transport: Table for Transporting the ABA Derivation
FINB_TR_DEST - FINB TR: RFC Destinations for Transport Methods
FINB_TR_DYNP_DISPLAY - Screen Fields for Transport Tool
FINB_TR_E071 - Object List for Client Copy
FINB_TR_E071K - Object List for Client Copy (Key)
FINB_TR_FIELDINFO - FINB TR: Structure Description of the Transported Table
FINB_TR_FIELDRANGE - FINB TR: Select Option for a Field
FINB_TR_GEN_TABNAME - Tables Generated per Object
FINB_TR_ITAB_INFO - Internal Tables
FINB_TR_ITAB_INFO_DB - Internal Tables
FINB_TR_ITAB_KEY - Transport Key with Internal Table
FINB_TR_ITAB_KEY_DB - Transport Key with Internal Table
FINB_TR_KEY - FINB TR: Table Key with Information
FINB_TR_LOG_OBJ - Output Structure for Error Analysis Log
FINB_TR_NAMED_VALUE - Field Name/Value Pairs
FINB_TR_STRUCTURE_INFO - FINB TR: Structure (Types) of the Participating Tables
FINB_TR_S_CATALOG - Catalog Entry
FINB_TR_S_CCM - Client Copy - Administration
FINB_TR_S_CCO - Object Status Client Copy
FINB_TR_TABLERANGE - FINB TR: Select Options for a Table
FINB_TR_TAPPL - FINB TR: Applications
FINB_TR_TAPPLT - FINB TR: Application Texts
FINB_TR_TCAT - FINB TR: Directory of Transport Objects
FINB_TR_TCATA - FINB TR: Transport Properties of the Customizing Objects
FINB_TR_TCATAL - FINB TR: Transport Properties of the Customizing Objects
FINB_TR_TCATO - FINB TR: Attributes of Obsolete Transport Objects
FINB_TR_TCATT - FINB TR: Text for the Transport Object
FINB_TR_TEXT_DB_KEY - Key Structure of a Generic Text Table
FINB_TR_TEXT_KEY - Key Structure of a Generic Text Table
FINB_TR_TEXT_KEY2 - Key Structure of a Generic Text Table
FINB_TR_TEXT_KEY3 - Key Structure of a Generic Text Table
FINB_TR_TRANS - FINB Transport: Cluster Table for Transport
FINB_TR_TXT - FINB Transport: General Text Table
FINB_TR_TXT_H - FINB TR: Header Table for Generic Texts
FINB_TR_TXT_K - FINB TR: Key Table for Generic Texts
FINB_TR_TYPEINFO - Information Concerning a Generated Type
FINB_TR_WZ - Screen Fields RFC Wizard
FINB_YS_ACCOMM_MB_X - Obsolete !!! Acc. Commty Member: Descrptn f. Check Routine
FINB_YS_ACCOMM_X - Obsolete !!! Acc. Commty Member: Descrptn for Check Routine
FINB_YS_ACICS - Obsolete !!! Accounting Instance/Community/System
FINB_YS_ACSYST_DATA_X - Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Data for Check Routine
FINB_YS_ACSYST_DCR_X - Obsolete !!! Valuation System: Description for Check Routine
FINB_YS_ACSYST_DESCRIPTION - Obsolete !!! Descriptive Characteristics of the Val. System
FINB_YS_ACSYST_DETERM_CHAR - Obsolete !!! Defining Characteristic of a Commty or Instance
FINB_YS_ACSYST_ID - Obsolete !!! Structure for ID of a Val. System (w/o ACINST)
FINB_YS_ACSYST_KEY - Obsolete !!! Permanent Key of the Valuation System
FINB_YS_APIOBC_NM - Default Values for Catalog Names per Application
FINB_YS_MEMBER_CHAR - Obsolete !!! Characteristic for a Member
FINB_YS_META_DESCRIPT - General Description incl. Metadata for an Object
FINB_YS_NAMED_VALUE - Characteristic Name/Value Pair
FOBJ_OBJ_W_POST - FIN Objects with Postings That Have Not Yet Been Processed
FOBJ_S_EVENT_HANDLING - Configuration of Event Handling
FOBJ_S_FIELD - Attributes of a Field Specific to a FIN Object Type
FOBJ_S_FOREIGN_KEY - Foreign Key Field in a Hierarchy Relationship
FOBJ_S_GS_USER_KEY - Key for Generating Selection Screen
FOBJ_S_OBJ_ADM_DATA - Cross-Type Administration Data for a FIN Object
FOBJ_S_OBJ_LOCK - Reference Structure for Lock Object EFOBJ_OBJECT
FOBJ_S_SEL_INIT_PAR - Parameters for Initializing FIN Object Selection
FOBJ_S_TYPE_AND_ID - Identification of a FIN Object
FOBJ_S_TYPE_CONF - Configuration of a FIN Object Type
FOBJ_S_TYPE_CONFIG_KEY - Configuration Key of a FIN Object Type (for Generator)
FOBJ_S_TYPE_DET_CONF - Condition for Determining a FIN Object Type
FOBJ_S_TYPE_ID_AND_INSTANCE - FIN Object Type as ID and Instance
FOBJ_S_TYPE_VALUE_HELP - Structure for F4 Help for FIN Object Type
UAC_AUDIT_TRAIL - Table for Audit Trail Function
UAC_S_CELL - Analytical Cost Management: Cells
UAC_S_CELL_DATA - Analytical Cost Management: Cells
UAC_S_CELL_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Cell ID
UAC_S_CELL_KEY - Analytical Cost Management: Cell Keys
UAC_S_CELL_LONG - Analytical Cost Management: Cells (Long)
UAC_S_CELL_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Cell Style
UAC_S_CELL_STYLE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Cell Style
UAC_S_CELL_UPDATE - Analytical Cost Management: For Updating Cells
UAC_S_COLUMN - Analytical Cost Management: Columns
UAC_S_COLUMN_LONG - Analytical Cost Management: Columns (Long)
UAC_S_COLUMN_ORDER - Analytical Cost Management: Column Sequence
UAC_S_COLUMN_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Column Style
UAC_S_COLUMN_UPDATE - Analytical Cost Management: For Updating Cells
UAC_S_COMBOBOX - Analytical Cost Management: Dropdown Menu
UAC_S_COMMAND - Structure for Command Stack
UAC_S_CONTEXT_MENU - Analytical Cost Management: Context Menu
UAC_S_EDGE - Analytical Cost Management: Edges
UAC_S_EDGE_INT - Analytical Cost Management: Link (internal)
UAC_S_EDGE_KEY - Analytical Cost Management: Key for Edges
UAC_S_EDGE_LONG - Analytical Cost Management: Edge (Long)
UAC_S_EDGE_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Link Style
UAC_S_EDGE_STYLE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Link Style
UAC_S_EXT_CELL_ID - Analytical Cost Management: External Cell ID
UAC_S_EXT_HIERARCHY - Analytical Cost Management: External Hierarchy
UAC_S_EXT_ITEM_ID - Analytical Cost Management: External Item ID
UAC_S_HIERARCHY - Analytical Cost Management: Text in Header of First Column
UAC_S_INT_CELL_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Cell Style (internal)
UAC_S_INT_CELL_UPDATE - Analytical Cost Management: For Cell Update (internal)
UAC_S_INT_COLUMN_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Column Style (internal)
UAC_S_INT_DROPDOWN - Analytical Cost Management: Dropdown Menu (internal)
UAC_S_INT_EDGE - Analytical Cost Management: Link (internal)
UAC_S_INT_EDGE_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Link Style (internal)
UAC_S_INT_NODE_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Node Style (internal)
UAC_S_ITEM - Analytical Cost Management: Item
UAC_S_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE - Analytical Cost Management: Attribute of an Item
UAC_S_ITEM_DATA - Analytical Cost Management: Value and Style of an Item
UAC_S_ITEM_FLAG - Analytical Cost Management: Boolean Attribute of an Item
UAC_S_ITEM_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Item ID
UAC_S_ITEM_VALUE - Analytical Cost Management: Attribute of an Item
UAC_S_MAP - Analytical Cost Management: Mapping Node ID
UAC_S_MAP_COLUMN_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Mapping Column ID
UAC_S_MAP_EDGE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Mapping Edge ID
UAC_S_MAP_NODE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Mapping Node ID
UAC_S_MAP_TREE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Mapping Tree ID
UAC_S_MESSAGE - Analytical Cost Management: Messages
UAC_S_NODE - Analytical Cost Management: Node
UAC_S_NODE_DATA - Analytical Cost Management: Node
UAC_S_NODE_KEY - Analytical Cost Management: Node Key
UAC_S_NODE_LONG - Analytical Cost Management: Node (Long)
UAC_S_NODE_STYLE - Analytical Cost Management: Node Style
UAC_S_NODE_STYLE_ID - Analytical Cost Management: Node Style
UAC_S_NODE_UPDATE - Analytical Cost Management: For Updating Nodes
UAC_S_OPTIONS - Analytical Cost Management: Options
UAC_S_TM_CELL - Analytical Cost Management: Cells for TreeModel
UAC_S_TM_COLUMN - Analytical Cost Management: Columns for TreeModel
UAC_S_TM_NODE - Analytical Cost Management: Nodes for TreeModel
UAC_S_TREEU_ITEM - Tree Control: StructureTREEU_ITEM + TEXT Field Length 128
UAC_S_TREEV_ITEM - Tree Control: StructureTREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field Length 128
UAC_S_TREE_COLUMN_ORDER - Analytical Cost Management: Column Order
UAC_S_VNODE - Node at View
UBC_CL_BI - Batch Input Sessions (INDX-Structure)
UBC_CL_INV - Bill Data (INDX-Structure)
UBC_SD_ACTH - Screen Structure for Account Assignment on Header Level
UBC_SD_ACTP - Screen Structure for Account Assignment on Header Level
UBC_SD_INVP - Screen Structure for Items
UBC_SD_INVPD - Screen Structure for Items
UBC_SR_BIL - Range Structure for Biller
UBC_SR_INVDT - Range Structure for Date of Bill
UBC_SR_STATE - Range Structure for Bill Status
UBC_S_ACT - Account Assignment Field Values
UBC_S_ACTIVITIES - Authorizations
UBC_S_ACTT - Field Texts
UBC_S_ACTTV - Account Assignment Values
UBC_S_ACT_DISPLAY - Field Status - Account Assignment Fields
UBC_S_ADMIN - Management Data
UBC_S_BIID_INP - Batch Input: Identification
UBC_S_BIID_OUT - Batch Input: Identification and Info
UBC_S_BIKEY - Batch Input: Identification and Info
UBC_S_BILKEY - Key for a Bill
UBC_S_BITAB - Structure for Creation of Batch Input Data
UBC_S_BIVALUES - Values for Batch Input Creation
UBC_S_CECNT - Structure for System Measument
UBC_S_CEDATA - Cost Events
UBC_S_CEGUID - Cost Event Key
UBC_S_CEINP - Interface for Creating Cost Events
UBC_S_CEOBJREF - Data for Creating Object Reference
UBC_S_CESB - Cost Event Structure for Transfer to Service Billing
UBC_S_CESBT - Cost Events in Packages
UBC_S_CESTATE - Status of Cost Events
UBC_S_DATA - Table for Data
UBC_S_ERRH - Incorrect Account Assignment Field
UBC_S_ERRP - Incorrect Account Assignment Field
UBC_S_FILEID - Identification of Files
UBC_S_FILETAB - Structure for File Name
UBC_S_FUNC - Locked Function
UBC_S_HLPBBKPF - Help Structure: BI Session for SAP FI: Document Header
UBC_S_HLPBBSEG - Help Structure: BI Session Creation for SAP FI: Line Item
UBC_S_HLPBGR00 - Help Structure: BI Session Creation for SAP FI; Initial Run
UBC_S_HLPREPORT - Help Structure for Reporting
UBC_S_INVCE - Structure for Creation of Cost Events
UBC_S_INVH - Include Bill (Header Data) From Bill
UBC_S_INVH1 - Structure for Bruno
UBC_S_INVH2 - Structure, also for Bruno (Detail)
UBC_S_INVHACT_DB - Account Assignment Fields - Bill Header
UBC_S_INVHLIST - List of Bills
UBC_S_INVHMES - Bill: Messages from Inbound Processing
UBC_S_INVH_ADMIN - Management Data
UBC_S_INVH_CH - Changeable Fields of Bill
UBC_S_INVH_CHECKRESULT - Result of Inbound Processing Checks
UBC_S_INVH_DB - Bill (Header Data), BD Interface
UBC_S_INVH_INPUT - Input Structure for Bills / Header Data
UBC_S_INVH_WF - Substructure of Bill Header for Workflow
UBC_S_INVKEY - Key for a Bill
UBC_S_INVP - Bill (Item Data) from Bill
UBC_S_INVPACT_DB - Account Assignment Fields - Bill Items
UBC_S_INVP_DB - Bills (Item Data), DB Interface
UBC_S_NAMVAL - Field Name and Values
UBC_S_NOTES - Structure for Notes
UBC_S_NOTES1 - Notes with Address Name
UBC_S_ORG - Structure Org.
UBC_S_PDFTAB - Table for PDF Bills
UBC_S_RA_DB - Bill Types
UBC_S_REJ - Processing of Incorrect Bill
UBC_S_REPORTS - Help Structure for Reports
UBC_S_ROLES - Roles of a User
UBC_S_RPA_DB - Bill Item Types
UBC_S_USR1 - Roles of a User
UBC_S_USR2 - User with Address Name
UBC_S_USR3 - User with Name and Roles
UBC_S_XMLTAB - Table for XML Bills
UBC_TB_ACT - Account Assignment Fields for each Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_ACTV - Values for Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TB_BI - Batch Input Sessions
UBC_TB_BIL - Biller for each Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_BILDVAL - Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller
UBC_TB_CE - Communication Data for Transfer to Service Billing
UBC_TB_CEDATA - Cost Events
UBC_TB_CESTYP - Cost Event Subtypes
UBC_TB_CETYP - Cost Event Types
UBC_TB_CUR - Max./Min. Amounts per User and Currency
UBC_TB_INVH - Bill (Header)
UBC_TB_INVHACT - Account Assignments on Bill Header
UBC_TB_INVHMES - Bill: Messages from Inbound Processing
UBC_TB_INVP - Bill Item
UBC_TB_INVPACT - Account Assignments on Level of Item
UBC_TB_NOTES - Table for Notes
UBC_TB_ORG - Organizational Units
UBC_TB_ORGDVAL - Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Biller
UBC_TB_RA - Permitted Bill Types for each Biller
UBC_TB_RADVAL - Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Type
UBC_TB_REJ - Rejection Control
UBC_TB_RPA - Permitted Bill Item Types for each Biller
UBC_TB_RPADVAL - Account Assignment Default Values on Level of Bill Item Type
UBC_TB_SAPFI - Field Assignments for Creating BI Sessions
UBC_TB_SAPFI0 - Structure Assignment for Creation of BI Sessions
UBC_TB_STRAT - Strategies for WF (Sequence of Processors)
UBC_TB_STRATT - Strategy Texts
UBC_TB_STRUSR - User Sequence
UBC_TB_USR - User per Organizational Unit
UBC_TB_WFML - Last Mail Transmission for each Org
UBC_TT_ACT - Texts for Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TT_ACTV - Texts for Values of Account Assignment Fields
UBC_TT_CESTYP - Texts for Cost Event Subtypes
UBC_TT_CETYP - Text for Cost Event Types
UBC_TT_RA - Bill Types (Texts)
UBC_TT_RPA - Bill Item Types (Texts)
UC0_S_FFIX - Fixed Characteristic Values (e.g. for Global Parameters)
UC0_S_MESSAGE - Messages
UCU_SX_HIER_ITEN - Item of Node
UCU_SX_HIER_ITEN_U - Item of Node for Updating
UCU_S_HIER_DROPDOWN_VALUE - Value in Dropdown List
UCU_S_HIER_ITEM_U - Item for Update
UCU_S_HIER_NODE - Hierarchy Node
UCU_S_HIER_NODE_U - Updating of Hierarchy Node(s)
UGCM0001 - Object Types of Change Objects
UGCM0001T - Object Types of Change Objects
UGCM0010 - FIN Change Management: Registered Applications
UGCM0020 - CM: Applications and Factory Objects
UGCM0021 - Local Attributes of Factory Objects
UGCM0022 - CM: Applications and Attributes
UGCM0100 - FIN Change Management: Parameterization of the Generator
UGCM0500 - FIN Change Management: Registered Properties
UGCM0501 - FIN Change Management: Texts for Registered Properties
UGCM0502 - FIN Change Management: Texts for Registered Properties
UGCMBACK - Data Model Synchronization: Backup for Conversion
UGMD0000 - FI Master Data: Applications
UGMD0001 - FIN Master Data: Response to Message
UGMD0002 - FI Master Data: Default Classes
UGMD000T - FIN Master Data: Applications - Texts
UGMD0010 - FIN Master Data: Area IDs
UGMD0050 - FIN Master Data: Leading Fiscal Year Variant / Client
UGMD1000 - FIN Master Data: Roles
UGMD1001 - FIN Master Data: Roles Allowed in Applications
UGMD1002 - FIN Master Data: Standard Roles for Infoobjects
UGMD1003 - FIN Master Data: Tables of Predefined Fields
UGMD1004 - FIN Master Data: Attributes of Predefined Fields
UGMD1005 - FIN Master Data: Template Structures for Tables to be Gen.
UGMD1006 - FIN Master Data: Standard Roles for Remote Fields
UGMD1007 - FIN Master Data: Attributes of Roles
UGMD1008 - FIN Master Data: Attributes Needed for Creating
UGMD1009 - FIN Master Data: Roles Allocated Automatically
UGMD1010 - FIN Master Data: Template for Attributes at Hierarchy Links
UGMD1011 - FIN Master Data: Attributes at Hierarchy Edges
UGMD1015 - FIN Master Data: Template for Attributes at Network Edges
UGMD1016 - FIN Master Data: Attributes at Network Edges
UGMD1020 - FIN Master Data: GUID Characteristics
UGMD1030 - FIN Master Data: SAP Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD1035 - FIN Master Data: External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMD1040 - FIN Master Data: Special Fields for Authorization Check
UGMD1041 - FIN Master Data: Special Tables for Authorization Check
UGMD1042 - FIN Master Data: Gen. Templates for Authorization Check
UGMD1045 - FIN Master Data: Special Enqueue Fields
UGMD1100 - FIN Workbench: Settings for Transport Objects
UGMD1110 - FIN Master Data: Fields with Special Transport Logic
UGMD1111 - FIN Master Data: Fields with Special Transport Logic
UGMD1180 - FIN Master Data: Default Mapping Role Attribute/Remote Attr.
UGMD1200 - FIN Master Data: Role Sub-objects
UGMD1201 - FIN Master Data: Role Sub-objects
UGMD1210 - Role-Specific Special Logic
UGMD1220 - FIN Master Data: Roles with Ranges
UGMD1230 - FIN MD: Role Assign, Where-Used List
UGMD2000 - FIN Master Data: Defined Characteristics
UGMD2001 - FIN Master Data: Validity of Characteristics in Areas
UGMD2002 - FIN Master Data: Basis Characteristics
UGMD2003 - FIN Master Data: Combination Field
UGMD2004 - FI Master Data: Settings per Characteristic
UGMD2005 - FIN Master Data: Field Properties
UGMD2006 - FIN Master Data: Field Properties - Language-dep. Texts
UGMD2007 - FIN Master Data: Field Compounds
UGMD2008 - FI Master Data: Mapping ODS Object to Combination Fields
UGMD200S - FIN Master Data: Characteristics (Surrogate ID)
UGMD2010 - FIN Master Data: Generated DDIC Structures
UGMD2011 - FIN Master Data: Generated Tables of Characteristics
UGMD2020 - FIN Master Data: Assignment of RFC Destinations to AREAIDs
UGMD2030 - FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD2035 - FIN Master Data: Last Time Stamp Master Data
UGMD2040 - FIN Master Data: Definition of BW Info Objects
UGMD2041 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Attributes
UGMD2042 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Compound
UGMD2043 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Nav.Attributes
UGMD2044 - FIN Master Data: Texts of BW InfoObjects
UGMD2045 - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Characteristics - BW InfoObjects
UGMD2046 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Info Objects: Nav.Attributes
UGMD2050 - FIN Master Data: Active Definition of BW Info Objects
UGMD2051 - FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Attributes
UGMD2052 - FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: Compound
UGMD2053 - FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: NavAttributes
UGMD2054 - FIN Master Data: Texts of BW InfoObjects
UGMD2055 - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Characteristics - BW InfoObjects
UGMD2056 - FIN Master Data: Active Props of Info Objects: NavAttributes
UGMD2060 - FIN Master Data: Properties Valid During Generation
UGMD2061 - FIN Master Data: Attributes That Existed During Generation
UGMD2090 - FIN Master Data: Assignment Org. Criteria to Characteristics
UGMD2100 - FIN Master Data: Generation: Object -> Logical Name
UGMD2101 - FIN Master Data: List of Generated DDIC Elements
UGMD2140 - FIN Master Data: (Role-independent) Definition of Fields
UGMD2141 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Attributes
UGMD2142 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Compounding
UGMD2143 - FIN Master Data: Properties of Field Names: Nav. Attributes
UGMD2144 - FIN Master Data: Texts of Field Names
UGMD2145 - FIN Master Data: Field Prop.: Non-SAP Chars in Hierarchies
UGMD2146 - FIN Master Data: Field Prop.: Texts of Nav. Attributes
UGMD2150 - FIN Master Data: Active (Role-Indep.) Definition of Fields
UGMD2151 - FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Attributes
UGMD2152 - FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Compounding
UGMD2153 - FIN Master Data: Active Properties of Fields: Nav.Attributes
UGMD2154 - FIN Master Data: Active Texts of Field Names
UGMD2155 - FIN Master Data: Active Prop.: Non-SAP Chars in Hierarchies
UGMD2156 - FIN Master Data: Active Prop.: Texts of Nav. Attributes
UGMD2157 - FIN Master Data: Explicit Heading Texts of Remote Fields
UGMD2180 - FIN Master Data: Activated Attribute Mappings Role-Remote
UGMD2181 - FIN Master Data: Value Fixings for Attribute Mapping
UGMD2200 - FIN Master: Special Field Allocations for Deep Operations
UGMD2257 - FIN Master Data: Default Heading Texts of Remote Fields
UGMD2_BDT_CUST - Table for Comments to Customizing Transactions (BDT)
UGMD300C - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names
UGMD300S - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names
UGMD300T - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names
UGMD3011 - FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD301C - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions
UGMD301S - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions
UGMD301T - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Versions
UGMD310C - FIN Master Data: Text Node
UGMD310S - FIN Master Data: Text Node
UGMD310T - FIN Master Data: Text Node
UGMD9000 - FIN Master Data: Structures to be Generated
UGMD9900 - FIN Master Data: Backup of UGMD Tables
UGMDAPIADD - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Address Data
UGMDCLNT - Temporary Table
UGMDDEMO02C - FIN Master Data: Demo
UGMDDEMO02S - FIN Master Data: Demo, SID Table
UGMDDEMO02T - FIN Master Data: Demo, Text Table
UGMDDEMO03C - FIN Master Data: Demo
UGMDDEMO03S - FIN Master Data: Demo, SID Table
UGMDDEMO03T - FIN Master Data: Demo, Text Table
UGMDDEMO04C - Airline Carrier
UGMDENQOBJ - FIN Master Data: Enqueue/Dequeue Table
UGMDENQSID - FIN Master Data: Enqueue / Dequeue Table (SID)
UGMDL1000 - FIN Master Data: Local Roles
UGMDL1001 - FIN Master Data: Local Roles in Applications
UGMDL1003 - FIN Master Data: Local: Tables of Predefined Fields
UGMDL1004 - FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes of Predefined Fields
UGMDL1008 - FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes Required for Creation
UGMDL1010 - Local Roles: Template for Attributes at Hierarchy Edges
UGMDL1011 - FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Hierarchy Edges
UGMDL1015 - Local Roles: Template for Attributes at Network Links
UGMDL1016 - FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Network Links
UGMDL1021 - Renaming of Field Names
UGMDL1030 - FIN Master Data: Local: SAP Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMDL1035 - FIN Master Data: Local External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMDL1040 - FIN Master Data: Local: Special Fields for Authority Check
UGMDL1041 - FIN Master Data: Local: Special Tables for Authority Check
UGMDL1045 - FIN Master Data: Local: Special Enqueue Fields
UGMDL1201 - FIN Master Data: Local Roles, Subobjects
UGMDL1210 - Local Role-Specific Special Logics
UGMDL1230 - FIN MD: Role Assign, Where-Used List
UGMDSID - Dummy Table for Generic Foreign Key for F/V SID
UGMDTR00 - FinBasis Transport: Writing to BW During Import
UGMDTRANS - FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport
UGMDTRTXT - FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation
UGMDTRTXT2 - FIN Master Data: Text Table for Content Translation
UGMDVDY01 - FIN Master Data: Validity Versions
UGMD_BACK - FIN Master Data: Cluster Table for Transport
UGMD_BACK01 - FIN Master Data: Time of Backup of UGMD Tables
UGMD_BDTALL - Transfer Structure for BDT Characteristic UGMD
UGMD_BDTFLDS - Master Data Mgmt.: Work and Screen Fields
UGMD_BDTHEAD - Header Data for BDT Characteristic UGMD
UGMD_BDTHEAD_UNI - BDT: General Header Data (Direct Input) for UGMD
UGMD_BDT_DUMMY_FLDS - Empty Fields for View Control i. BDT (sep.field per view!)
UGMD_BDT_OKCODES - OK_CODES of Main Program for BDT Processing i. Subscr.
UGMD_DIINIT - UGMD: Initial Data (Direct Input)
UGMD_DIINIT_NATIVE - UGMD: Header Data (Initial Data Types)
UGMD_DYNNR_GUI - Assignment of BDT Containers <-> GUI Classes
UGMD_ENQ_HRYNODE - FIN Master Data: Enqueue/Dequeue Table for Hierarchy Nodes
UGMD_GEN_ENQUEUE - FIN Master Data: Lock in Generation
UGMD_GUI_FLDG - Assignment of Field Groups to GUI Classes (n:m)
UGMD_MESG - FinBasis: Suppression of Repeated Message Displays
UGMD_SCDT_RFC_DATA - Data Transfer for Customizing Comparison (RFC)
UGMD_SCDT_S_DATAKEY - Key for Data Storage
UGMD_SCDT_S_DATAKEY_FULL - Key for Data Storage
UGMD_SCDT_S_DYNP - Screen Structure
UGMD_SCDT_S_FMAP - Mapping Information for Fields in Field Catalog
UGMD_SCDT_S_FPROP - Description of a Field in Field Catalog
UGMD_SCDT_S_JOIN - Structure for JOIN
UGMD_SCDT_S_JOINFIELD - Structure for Join Fields
UGMD_SCDT_S_JOINTABLE - Table of a JOIN with Alias Name
UGMD_SCDT_S_META_STRUCT - Table for Structure Comparison in Sync. Object
UGMD_SCDT_S_OVW_ALV - Overview Structure for Customizing Comparison
UGMD_SCDT_S_OVW_DATA - Transfer Structure for Comparison Data
UGMD_SCDT_S_STRUCTURE - Logical Structures of a Sync.Object
UGMD_SCDT_S_STRUC_DETAIL - Detail Information for Structures
UGMD_SX_CHAR_VALUE - FIN Master Data: Structure for Storing Value Instances
UGMD_SX_CHAR_VALUE_GUI - FIN Master Data: Generic GUI Communication
UGMD_SX_CHAR_VALUE_WEAK_REF - FIN Master Data: Structure for Storing Value Instances
UGMD_SX_MAP_FLDSID - FIN Master Data: Map Field Name <-> Field SID incl.ValueMap
UGMD_SYNC_SELECTION_SCREEN - Input Fields for Program UGMDSYNC with F4 Help
UGMD_S_ADEP - FIN Master Data: Compounding of Attributes
UGMD_S_APPL_RESULT - Results of App-spec. Where-Used Search (Transaction Data)
UGMD_S_APPL_SUBOBJECT - Application-specific Sub-object
UGMD_S_AREAID - FIN Master Data: Application Area
UGMD_S_AREAID_PROP - Properties of an Application Area
UGMD_S_ATTR_MAP - FIN Master Data: Mapping Attribute Pair Role-Remote - Short
UGMD_S_ATTR_MAPPING - FIN Master Data: Mapping an Attribute Pair Role - Remote
UGMD_S_BASEFIELD - Basic Characteristic
UGMD_S_BUFFER - FIN Master Data: Buffer for Characteristic Values
UGMD_S_CHAR_ORIGIN - FIN Master Data: Storage Location
UGMD_S_CHAR_REF - Characteristic name and its instance
UGMD_S_CM_CONVEXIT - Change Management: Conversion Exits
UGMD_S_CM_FILTER - Filter Condition of Application
UGMD_S_CM_MAP_COMP - Change Management: Renamed Fields
UGMD_S_CM_PROPERTY - Change Management: Properties of a Change Object
UGMD_S_CNT_WHERE_USED - Number of Where-used Occurrences Found
UGMD_S_COMBI_FIELD_DEF - FIN Master Data: Combination Field
UGMD_S_COMB_DEPENDENCY - Char-dependent and Other Info for Combination Objects
UGMD_S_COMB_GUI_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy Element for GUI Class for Comb.Objects
UGMD_S_COMB_GUI_VALUE - Characteristic Value for GUI Purposes
UGMD_S_CONTROL_GUI - Kontrollstruktur f�r GUI
UGMD_S_DATA_CHANGE - FIN Change Management: Data Change
UGMD_S_DATA_EVENT - FIN Change Management: Events
UGMD_S_DATA_ITEM - FIN Change Management: Items
UGMD_S_DATA_NODE - FIN Change Management: Transfer of Nodes
UGMD_S_DATA_TREE - Obsolete . do not use
UGMD_S_DELTA_LEAF_GUI - Screen Fields for Delta Node Assignments
UGMD_S_DEL_BUFFER - FIN Master Data: Deletion Buffer for Characteristic Values
UGMD_S_DEL_BUFFER_DEPGROUP - FIN Master Data: Deletion Buffer for Characteristic Values
UGMD_S_DEMO_GEN_DATA - FIN Master Data: Demo
UGMD_S_DEMO_GEN_DATA2 - FIN Master Data: Demo 2
UGMD_S_DEMO_GEN_DATA3 - FIN Master Data: Demo 3
UGMD_S_DEMO_GEN_DATA3_TXT - FIN Master Data: Demo 3 + Description
UGMD_S_DEMO_GEN_DATA_ALL - FIN Master Data: Demo 1+2
UGMD_S_DEPGROUP - FIN Master Data: Type of Compound
UGMD_S_DEPGR_TABKEY - Key Fields for a Dependency Group
UGMD_S_DETAIL_RESULT - Detail Results of Usage Search
UGMD_S_DSATTRIBUTE - FIN Master Data: DataSource Attribute
UGMD_S_DSFIELDTXT - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field Texts
UGMD_S_DSFIELDT_S - FIN Master Data: Texts of DataSource Fields
UGMD_S_DSFIELDT_XL - FIN Master Data: DataSource Texts (Complete)
UGMD_S_DSFIELD_S - FIN Master Data: DataSource Fields
UGMD_S_DSFIELD_TIMESTMP - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field with Time Stamp
UGMD_S_DSFIELD_X - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field Properties
UGMD_S_DSFIELD_XL - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field (Complete)
UGMD_S_DSKEYFIELD - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field - Key Field
UGMD_S_DSOURCE_L - FIN Master Data: DataSource (Long)
UGMD_S_DSOURCE_TS - FIN Master Data: DataSource with Time Stamp
UGMD_S_DSTXT - FIN Master Data: DataSource Texts
UGMD_S_EDGE - Edit/Column Tree Control: Edge
UGMD_S_EDGE_ATTR_USAGE - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Node with Valid Period From/To
UGMD_S_EDGE_LONG - Edit/Column Tree Control: Edge Long
UGMD_S_ENQOBJ - FIN Master Data: Enqueue/Dequeue Structure with Help Text
UGMD_S_ENRICHED_FIELDNAME - FIN Master Data: Enriched Field Info
UGMD_S_F4_DISP_EXIT - FIN MD: Structure for Extension of F4 Help
UGMD_S_FATTR - FIN Master Data: Attribute Properties
UGMD_S_FATTR_GUI - FIN Master Data: Attribute Properties for Maintenance
UGMD_S_FATTR_SEQNR_GUI - FIN Master Data: Attribute Properties for Maintenance
UGMD_S_FDEP - Compounding
UGMD_S_FIELDNAME_MAP - Field Name Mapping
UGMD_S_FIELDNAME_ROLLNAME - FIN Master Data: Fields with Data Elements
UGMD_S_FIELD_AREAID - Assignmnet of References (AREAID, FACTORY) to a Field
UGMD_S_FIELD_REF - FIN Master Data: Pair of Field Name/Reference Field
UGMD_S_FIELD_REPTEXT - FIN Master Data: Field with Heading Text
UGMD_S_FIELD_ROLE - FIN Master Data: Allocated Roles
UGMD_S_FIELD_SEQNR - Sequence Numbers for Attributes (Only for GUI Purposes)
UGMD_S_FIELD_SUBOBJECT - FIN Master Data: Sub-Objects of Fields
UGMD_S_FIELD_TIMESTMP - FIN Master Data: Field with Time Stamp
UGMD_S_FIELD_USAGE - Where-Used: Fields with Indirect Uses
UGMD_S_FIELD_USAGE_INT - FIN Master Data: Use of a Field
UGMD_S_FIELD_VAL - FIN Master Data: Pairs of Field Name / Value
UGMD_S_FIELD_VAL_SID - FIN Master Data: Pair Field Name / Value (SID)
UGMD_S_FIELD_VAL_TEXT - FIN Master Data: Pair Field Name / Value with Text
UGMD_S_FLD_ATTR - FIN Master Data: Attributes of Fields
UGMD_S_FLD_USAGE_AREAID - FIN Master Data: Where Field is Used in Application Area
UGMD_S_FNAVATTR - FIN Master Data: Navigation Attributes
UGMD_S_FOUND_CHAR - Master Data Uses Found
UGMD_S_FPROP_BUF - FIN Master Data: Field Properties Internal
UGMD_S_FPROP_EXT - FIN Master Data: Extended Field Properties
UGMD_S_GEN_ALL - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Complete Character.
UGMD_S_GEN_ALL_FLAT - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Complete Character.
UGMD_S_GEN_ALV_CTRL_FDISP - Generic ALV: Field Properties for Non-Cataloged Field
UGMD_S_GEN_ALV_CTRL_FIELD - Generic ALV Control: Fields with Properties
UGMD_S_GEN_ALV_CTRL_LAYO - Generic ALV Control: Layout, Display Properties
UGMD_S_GEN_ATTR - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Char.Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_ATTR_ALL - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Key + Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_ATTR_VAL - FIN Master Data: Template Validity Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_ATTR_VDY - FIN Master Data: Template Validity Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_BPEXT - FIN Master Data: Template Structure f. Bus.Partner Attribute
UGMD_S_GEN_BPNO - FIN Master Data: Template Structure f.Bus.Partner Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_BW - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for BW View of Charact.
UGMD_S_GEN_CHKEY_SID - FIN Master Data: Char. Key with SID (Sub-Structure)
UGMD_S_GEN_CHKEY_SID_FLT - FIN Master Data: Char. Key with SID (Flat)
UGMD_S_GEN_HRY_ATTR - FIN Master Data: Gen.Template Hierarchy Attributes
UGMD_S_GEN_HRY_ATTR_ALL - FIN Master Data: Gen.Template Hierarchy Attributes+Structure
UGMD_S_GEN_HRY_ATTR_INT - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Attributes As in Table
UGMD_S_GEN_HRY_ATTR_TEXT - FIN Master Data: Template Hierarchy+Attributes+Value+Text
UGMD_S_GEN_HRY_CHAR - FIN Master Data: Gen.Template: All Hierarchy Characteristics
UGMD_S_GEN_KEY - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Char. Key
UGMD_S_GEN_KEY_VDY - FIN Master Data: Template Validity Key
UGMD_S_GEN_LOCAL - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Local View
UGMD_S_GEN_NET_ATTR_ALL - FIN Master Data: Gener.Templ.:Network Attributes + Structure
UGMD_S_GEN_NET_ATTR_INT - FIN Master Data: Network Attributes As in Table
UGMD_S_GEN_STATE - FIN Master Data: State of a Component Property
UGMD_S_GEN_STRUCT - FIN Master Data: Generated DDIC Structures
UGMD_S_GEN_TEMPLATE - FIN Master Data: Template for Table Generation
UGMD_S_GEN_TXT - FIN Master Data: Structure Template for Key + Text
UGMD_S_GEN_VAL_2_OVAL - FIN Master Data: Structure for Storing Value Instances
UGMD_S_GUI_SYNCH_CHAR - Synchronization GUI Structure
UGMD_S_HIER - Hierarchy Use
UGMD_S_HIERARCHY_FIELDNAME - FIN Master Data: Permitted Fields in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_HIERARCHY_NAME - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names with Text
UGMD_S_HIER_DIFF - Difference in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_HPROP - FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD_S_HRYNODE_F4 - F4 Help: Hierarchy Node via ALV
UGMD_S_HRY_CONV - FIN Master Data: Help Structure for Converting Hierarchies
UGMD_S_HRY_KEY - FIN Master Data: Unique Key of a Hierarchy
UGMD_S_HRY_MAP_NIDSID - FIN Master Data: Mapping Hierarchy Node SID <=> Fld.Name/Val
UGMD_S_HRY_NAME - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names
UGMD_S_HRY_NAME_VRS - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Names with Version
UGMD_S_HRY_NODE - FIN Master Data: Hier.Nodes
UGMD_S_HRY_PROP - FIN Master Data: Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD_S_HRY_STRUCT - FIN Master Data: Hier.Structure
UGMD_S_HRY_STRUCT_HIST - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Node with Valid Period From/To
UGMD_S_HRY_STRUCT_INT - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Structure (Internal)
UGMD_S_HRY_STRUCT_POS - Structure for Hierarchy Table for Item
UGMD_S_HRY_TREE - FIN Master Data: Hier.Display as Tree
UGMD_S_INDEX - Index Table for Tree and Result
UGMD_S_ITEM_PROPERTY - FIN Change Management: Property of Item
UGMD_S_ITEM_STRUCTURE - FIN Change Management: Transfer Structure of Item
UGMD_S_KEY_VDY - FIN Master Data: Template Validity Key
UGMD_S_KPROP - FIN Master Data: Field Properties for Key Figures
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_APPLICATION - FIN Master Data: Local Role in Application
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_ATTR_CREATE - FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes Required for Creation
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_ATTR_TAB - FIN Master Data: Local: Attributes of Predefined Fields
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_AUTH_FIELD - FIN Master Data: Local: Special Fields for Authority Check
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_ENQUEUE - FIN Master Data: Local: Special Enqueue Fields
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_GEN_ATTRIB - FIN Master Data: Local Roles - Attributes at Hierarchy Edges
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_GEN_TEMP - Local Roles: Template for Table Generation
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_HRY_FRIEND - FIN Master Data: Local External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_HRY_ROLE - FIN Master Data: Local External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_MAIN - FIN Master Data: Local Roles and Restrictions on Hierarchies
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_SUBOBJECT - FIN Master Data: Local Roles, Subobjects
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_TABNAME - FIN Master Data: Local: Tables of Predefined Fields
UGMD_S_LOCAL_ROLE_WHERE_USED - FIN MD: Role Assign, Where-Used List
UGMD_S_MD_CHANGE - FIN Master Data: Master Data Change to a Field
UGMD_S_MESSAGE_CTRL - Extended Message Structure
UGMD_S_NODE_FAMILY - FIN Change Management: Node Assignment to Tree Object
UGMD_S_NODE_LONG - Edit/Column Tree Control: Node Long
UGMD_S_NODE_NAME - FI Master Data: Text Node
UGMD_S_NODE_OBJECT - Node Assignment to Change Objects
UGMD_S_NODE_SEMANTIC - Obsolete . do not use
UGMD_S_NODE_STRUCTURE - FIN Change Management: Transfer Structure of Node
UGMD_S_NODE_STYLE - Edit/Column Tree Control: Node Style
UGMD_S_ORGCRIT - FIN Master Data: Assignment Org. Criteria to Characteristics
UGMD_S_OVERVIEW_RESULT - Overview of Results of Usage Search
UGMD_S_PRINT_FDISP - List Output: Field Properties
UGMD_S_PRINT_GROUP - List Output: Field Grouping
UGMD_S_PROPERTY - FIN Change Management: Property of Item/Node
UGMD_S_PROPERTY_TXT - FIN Master Data: Text for a Property of a Type
UGMD_S_REPTEXT - FIN Master Data: Language-Dependent Header Text
UGMD_S_RESULT - Results of Usage Search
UGMD_S_RESULT_MESSAGE - Messages as Result of a Where-Used Search
UGMD_S_RESULT_NUMBER - Number of Result Objects
UGMD_S_RFC_ACCESS - FIN Master Data: RFC Destination with Access Type
UGMD_S_ROLE_APPLCLASS - FIN Master Data: Application Class for Role
UGMD_S_ROLE_ATTR_GUI_DEF - FI Master Data: Settings for Maintenance of Attributes
UGMD_S_ROLE_DEF - FIN Master Data: Role Definition
UGMD_S_ROLE_DEF_EXTENDED - FIN Master Data: Role Definition, Internal Fields
UGMD_S_ROLE_FIELD - Assignment Role - Field Name
UGMD_S_ROLE_HRY_FRIEND - FIN Master Data: External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_ROLE_HRY_ROLE - FIN Master Data: External Roles in Hierarchies
UGMD_S_ROLE_INTERVAL - Field Names of a Range
UGMD_S_ROLE_SUBOBJECT - FIN Master Data: Role sub-object
UGMD_S_ROLE_TXT - FIN Master Data: Char. Roles
UGMD_S_ROLE_WU - FIN Master Data: Role Assignment for Where-Used List
UGMD_S_SEMANTIC - FIN Change Management: Registered Properties
UGMD_S_SEQ_FIELDNAME - FIN Master Data: Sorted Field Names
UGMD_S_SEQ_FIELD_VAL - List of Fieldname/Value Relationships
UGMD_S_SHLP_FIELDNAME - FIN Master Data: Search Help Structure for Field Names
UGMD_S_SHLP_FIELDNAME_EXT - FIN Master Data: Search Help Structure for Field Names
UGMD_S_SRV_STATUS - RFC destination server status.
UGMD_S_STOP_CONDITION - Cancel Condition in a Where-Used Search
UGMD_S_SYNCH_CHAR_DIFF - FIN Master Data: Variances in the Locations
UGMD_S_SYNCH_CHAR_GUI - Synchronization GUI Structure
UGMD_S_SYNCH_CHAR_RESOLVE - FIN Master Data: Resolve Variances in the Locations
UGMD_S_SYNCH_CHAR_STATE - FIN Master Data: Compare State in BW with Local State
UGMD_S_SYS_VALUE - FIN Master Data: Active Value or Current Value in a System
UGMD_S_TABNAME_STRUCT - FIN Master Data: Map Gen.Tables to Structures
UGMD_S_TAB_PROP - FIN Master Data: Table with Attributes
UGMD_S_TEMP_FIELD_DEF - FIN Master Data: Temporary Fields
UGMD_S_TM_NODE - Analytical Cost Management: Nodes for TreeModel
UGMD_S_TRANSPORT_SEL - FIN Master Data: Transport with Selection Condition
UGMD_S_TR_DEST_FOR_BW_SYNCH - Field Names/Destinations for BW Synchronization in Import
UGMD_S_TR_DEST_FOR_BW_SYN_GUI - Field Names/Destinations for BW Synchronization in Import
UGMD_S_UNIFORM - FIN Master Data: Transfer Structure
UGMD_S_USAGE - Where-Used: An Indirect Use
UGMD_S_USAGE_SUBOBJ_WU - Use for Deep Objects and WU List
UGMD_S_VALUE_RESULT - Results for Characteristic Values
UGMD_S_VALUE_SUBOBJECT - Sub-Object of Characteristic Value
UGMD_S_VDY_VERSION - FI Master Data: Validity Versions
UGMD_S_VDY_VERSION_DATA - FIN Master Data: Validity Data of a Version
UGMD_S_VDY_VERSION_OUT - Structure for Validity Data of a Version
UGMD_S_WHERE_USED - Structure for Where-Used List
UGMD_S_WU_EDGE_USAGE - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Node with Valid Period From/To
UGMD_S_WU_FOUND - Structure with Results of Master Data Where-used Search
UGMD_S_WU_HRY - Hierarchy
UGMD_S_WU_MESSAGE - Message for Where-Used List
UGMD_S_WU_RESULT - Results of Where-Used List
UGMD_S_WU_START - Structure That Shows Starting Point of Where-Used Search
UGMD_YS_BDT_BUPA - BP Fields for Display in UGMD-BDT
UGMD_YS_BP_EMAIL - Structure f. E-Mail Address of Business Partner
UGMD_YS_BP_FAX - Structure w/Fax Number of Business Partner
UGMD_YS_BP_NO_BUFFER - Structure f. Buffering Partner Numbers in UGMD_BDT_BASE
UGMD_YS_BP_TEL - Structure f. Phone Numbers of Business Partner
UGMD_YS_BU_ADDRESS - Address and Address Usage
UGMD_YS_BU_TAX_NO - BAPI Structure Data Part VAT Identification Number
UGMD_YS_GUICLASS - GUI Class and Its Instance
UGMD_YS_GUICL_FLDGRP - Assignment of GUI Class to Field Group
UGMD_YS_GUI_FLDG - Assignment of Field Group to GUI Class
UGMD_YS_IDENT_NO - SAP BP: BAPI Structure for Identification Numbers
UGMD_YS_TXT - Texts with Indicators
UGR31004 - FIN Master Data: Assign Field Names - DataSource Fields
UGR31005 - FIN Master Data: DataSource Functions
UGR31006 - FIN Master Data: DataSource Key Fields
UGR31007 - FIN Master Data: DataSource Attributes
UGR31008 - FIN Master Data: Dummy Field Names with Properties
UGR31019 - FIN Master Data: DataSource Field Time Stamp
UGR31021 - FIN Master Data: Buffer Table for DataSource Properties
UGR31022 - FIN Master Data: Buffer Table f.Fields of Extract Structures
UGR31023 - FIN Master Data: Buffer Table for Texts of DS Fields
UGSCDT001 - Customizing Comparison: Callback Classes
UGSCDT002 - Customizing Comparisons
UGSCDTDATA - Data for Customizing Comparison
VSACCSYS - Aspect and Text Structure
VSACCSYSTEXT - Text Structure for View V_ACCSYS

SAP Accounting Entities Tables FIN-FB-AET

ACC_S_ATTRIBUTE_SET_CONFIG - Metadata of an Attribute Set
ACC_S_ATTR_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Attribute Records to Object Types
ACC_S_ATTR_ASSIGNMENT_CONFIG - Assignment of Attribute Sets to Object Types
ACC_S_ATTR_SET_CONFIG - Metadata of an Attribute Set
ACC_S_CCST_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Cost Component Split Type to Node Column
ACC_S_CCST_ASSIGNMENT_CONFIG - Configuration of Cost Component Split for Node Columns
ACC_S_COMPONENT - Attributes of a Type Component
ACC_S_FIELD_DISP_PROPS - Display Properties for Selection Screen/ALV List
ACC_S_REFERENCE - Reference Structure for Typing (for example, ALV)
ACC_S_SENDER_RECEIVER_CONFIG - Sender/Receiver Relationship for Nodes
ACC_S_TABLE_COMPONENT - Structure of a Table Component
ACC_S_TABLE_COMP_KEY - Key Field of a Table Component
ACC_S_TABLE_INDEX - Index of a Table Type
ACC_S_TABLE_TYPE_CONFIG - Metadata of a Table Type
ACC_S_TYPE_AND_ID - Type Name and Object ID
ACC_S_TYPE_CONFIG - Metadata of a Type
ACC_S_TYPE_DESCR - Structure with Language-Dependent Type Descriptions
ACC_S_TYPE_DESCR_ISO - Structure with Language-Dependent Type Descriptions
ACC_S_TYPE_NAME - Structure with Type Names
ACC_S_TYPE_NAME_DESC - Structure with Type Names and Description
FINB_ST_VARGRPC - Variable Groups for Structured Types
FINB_ST_VARGRPT - Texts for Variable Groups for Structured Types
FINB_S_ACTVT_TEXT - Authorization Activity with Text
FINB_S_AUTH_FIELD - Attributes of a Type Component
FINB_S_AUTH_FIELD_CONFIG - Authorization Fields for Types
FINB_S_COMPONENT - Attributes of a Type Component
FINB_S_FIELD_CONTROL - Ready for Input Status of a Field
FINB_S_FIELD_CONTROL_CONFIG - Ready for Input Status of Fields
FINB_S_FIELD_POS - Field with Position
FINB_S_FIELD_VAL - Field Name and Value
FINB_S_FIELD_VALREF - Field Name and Value Reference
FINB_S_ID_T_FIELD_VAL_AUTH - Object ID, Authorization Field Values and Checked Authorizat
FINB_S_OBJECT_AUTH - FINB Object and Authorizations
FINB_S_SUB_TYPE_CONFIG - Metadata of a Type
FINB_S_TABLE_COMP_CONFIG - Configuration of a Table Component
FINB_S_TABLE_INDEX - Index of a Table Type
FINB_S_TABLE_TYPE_CONFIG - Metadata of a Table Type
FINB_S_TYPE_CONFIG - Metadata of a Type
FINB_S_TYPE_DESCR - Structure with Language-Dependent Type Descriptions
UAB_S_COLUMN - Column in a Structure; Structure for Field Catalog
UAB_S_FOBJ_TYPE_CONFIG - Costing-Specific Configuration of FIN Object Types

SAP Business Warehouse Proxies Tables FIN-FB-BW

UGBW1001 - FI/BW Interface: Destination-Dependent Generated Classes
UGBW1002 - FI/BW Interface: Generated Classes (Dest. & InfoCube-Dep.)
UGBW4000 - FI/BW Interface: Mapping InfoObject Name to Field Name
UGBW4001 - FI/BW Interface: Destinations of InfoObjects
UGBW4002 - FI-BW Interface: Field Name for Navigation Attributes
UGBW_S_ALVL - Detail for ALVL Analogous to RSPLS_S_RFC_ALVL
UGBW_S_ALVL_IOBJ - Info Objects for ALVL
UGBW_S_ATTR_HIENODE - Hierarchy Node to Be Selected
UGBW_S_ATTR_HIENODENAME - Characteristic Values of the Nodes to be Selected
UGBW_S_ATTR_SEL - Sorted Table: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UGBW_S_BTMP_DATAPROV - BI: BEx Web Template: Data Provider
UGBW_S_BTMP_LIST - BI: BEx Web Template: List
UGBW_S_BTMP_PROP - BI: Web Template: Properties
UGBW_S_CHAR_VALUE - Characteristic Values
UGBW_S_CHAR_VALUE_AUTH - Characteristic Values (Authorization Check)
UGBW_S_CHAVL_INFO - Structure for value, exist and text
UGBW_S_CR_ROLE - Characteristic Relationship: Role of Characteristic
UGBW_S_CR_ROLES - Characteristic Relationship: Roles of Characteristics
UGBW_S_CR_STEP - Characteristic Relationship: Step
UGBW_S_CUBE_IOBJ - InfoObjects of an Infocube
UGBW_S_CUBE_LIST - List of InfoCubes
UGBW_S_CUBE_PROP - Attributes of an Infocube
UGBW_S_DATADESCR - Description of Data Table
UGBW_S_DATA_HIENODE - Selected Hierarchy Node
UGBW_S_DSPROPS - Properties of Data Slices - RSPLS_DS
UGBW_S_FIELD - Field Name
UGBW_S_FIELD_ATTR - Field Name + Attribute
UGBW_S_HIEDIR - Hierarchy Header Information
UGBW_S_HIEDIR2 - Hierarchy Header Information
UGBW_S_HIEDIR3 - Hierarchy Header Information
UGBW_S_HIEDIRT - Hierarchy Index Texts
UGBW_S_HIENODE - Hierarchy Node to Be Selected
UGBW_S_HIENODENAME - Characteristic Values of the Nodes to be Selected
UGBW_S_HIERINTVL - Interface Structure of Hierarchy Ranges
UGBW_S_HIERSTRUC - Interface Structure of Hierarchy Nodes
UGBW_S_HIERUPDATE - Hierarchy Header for Update
UGBW_S_HIERUPDATE_STRUCT - Hierarchy Information for BW Update
UGBW_S_HIESEL - Hierarchy Selection
UGBW_S_HRY_NODE - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Nodes
UGBW_S_HRY_STRUCT_HIST - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Node with Valid Period From/To
UGBW_S_IC_DIMENSION - Dimension of an InfoCube
UGBW_S_IC_DIMENSION_IOBJ - InfoObjects of an InfoCube Dimension
UGBW_S_IOBC_DETAIL - Information on InfoObject Catalog
UGBW_S_IOBC_LIST - General Information on InfoObject Catalog
UGBW_S_IOBJ - InfoObjects List
UGBW_S_IOBJ_ATTR - InfoObjects - Attributes
UGBW_S_IOBJ_COMPOUND - InfoObjects - Compound
UGBW_S_IOBJ_FIELD - Field name of an info object and information about this type
UGBW_S_IOBJ_HIER_CHAR - InfoObjects - Hierarchy Characteristics
UGBW_S_IOBJ_LIST - InfoObjects w/Text
UGBW_S_IOBJ_NAV_ATTR - InfoObjects - Navigation Attributes
UGBW_S_IOBJ_PROP - Properties of an InfoObject
UGBW_S_IOBJ_TIMESTMP - Time Stamp per InfoObject
UGBW_S_IPAC_BTCH - Scheduler: Scheduling Selections (BAPI6109BTCH in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_CUBE - Scheduler: InfoCube Tab (BAPI6109IC in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_DEST - Scheduler: Target of Data (BAPI6109DEST in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_DETAIL - Scheduler: General Data (BAPI6109 in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_FILE - Scheduler: File Selections (BAPI6109FILE in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_HIE - Scheduler: Hierarchy Transfer Structure (BAPI6109HIE in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_LIST - InfoPackage List (BAPI6109L in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_SEL - Scheduler: Selection Structure (BAPI6109SEL in BW)
UGBW_S_IPAC_TCP - Scheduler: TCPIP Foreign Data Selections (BAPI6109TCP in BW)
UGBW_S_ISET_FIELD - Fields of an InfoSet
UGBW_S_ISET_LIST - Lists of InfoSets
UGBW_S_ISET_PROP - Properties of an InfoSet
UGBW_S_KFIG - Key Figure
UGBW_S_LANGU_VALUE - Part of Structure Used to Call BW for RSD_CHA_TEXT_TIME_GET
UGBW_S_LOCK_INFO - Corresponds to rspls_s_lock_info
UGBW_S_MAPPING_CHANGED - Changed Assignment of Field Names to InfoObjects
UGBW_S_MHIERNODE - Non-Postable Hierarchy Nodes
UGBW_S_MPRO_DIMENSION - MultiProvider - Dimensions
UGBW_S_MPRO_DIMENSION_IOBJ - MultiProvider - InfoObjects in the Dimensions
UGBW_S_MPRO_IOBJ - MultiProvider - InfoObjects
UGBW_S_MPRO_PARTINFO - MultiProvider - InfoProvider Involved
UGBW_S_MPRO_PARTIOBJ - MultiProvider - InfoObject Identification
UGBW_S_MPRO_PROP - Attributes of a MultiProvider
UGBW_S_NODENAME - Node Names and Ranges (Compound Exploded)
UGBW_S_ODSO_TIMESTMP - Time Stamp per ODS Object
UGBW_S_ODS_INDEX - Index of an ODS
UGBW_S_ODS_INDEX_IOBJ - ODS Object InfoObject in Index
UGBW_S_ODS_IOBJ - InfoObjects in ODS Object
UGBW_S_ODS_LIST - List of ODS Objects
UGBW_S_ODS_NAV_ATTR - Navigation Attributes of ODS
UGBW_S_ODS_PROP - Properties of an ODS Object
UGBW_S_QUERY_TXT - Query with Text
UGBW_S_RANGE - General Range Definition
UGBW_S_RANGE_1 - Corresponds to RSDRI_S_RANGE
UGBW_S_RRX_VAR - Transfer structure for variables
UGBW_S_RSTLOGO_A - BI: Properties of TLOGO Object (exists only in version A)
UGBW_S_SEL - Sorted Table: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UGBW_S_SEL_DATASOURCE - IPAK Selection Criteria for DataSources (BAPI6109DSSL in BW)
UGBW_S_SEL_INFOSOURCE - Selection Criteria for InfoSources (BAPI6102SL in BW)
UGBW_S_SEL_IOBC - Selection Condition for InfoObject Catalogs
UGBW_S_SEL_IOBJ - Selection Condition for InfoObjects
UGBW_S_SEL_SOURCESYSTEM - Source System - Selection Criteria
UGBW_S_SEL_TEXT - Selection Condition with Text as Range (BAPI6100SL in BW)
UGBW_S_THIERNODE - Texts of Non-Postable Hierarchy Nodes
UGBW_S_ULIST_ATR - Master Data as Navigation Attributes
UGBW_S_ULIST_HIE - Master Data in Hierarchies
UGBW_S_ULIST_HIE_NODE - Master Data in Hierarchy Nodes
UGBW_S_ULIST_ODSO - Master Data in ODS Objects
UGBW_S_ULIST_QUERY - Master Data in Queries
UGBW_S_WORKBOOK_PROP - BI: Workbook: Properties
UGBW_S_WORKBOOK_PROP_TXT - BI: Workbook: Properties (Textual)

SAP Master Data Framework Tables FIN-FB-MDF

FINB_MD_0000 - Registration: Attributes
FINB_MD_0010 - Registration: Generated Structures
FINB_MD_0100 - Registration: Data Elements
FINB_MD_0110 - Registration: Elements on Data Elements (Attr./Key)
FINB_MD_0200 - Registration: InfoObjects
FINB_MD_0210 - Registration: Attributes on Infoobjects
FINB_MD_S_ADEP - Compound of Attributes
FINB_MD_S_DEPGROUP - Compound Groups
FINB_MD_S_EXTERNAL - External Data Element Attributes
FINB_MD_S_FDEP - Field Pairing
FINB_MD_S_FPROP - Field Properties
FINB_MD_S_KEY - Key (Field Name/Field Values)
FINB_MD_S_SEL - Selection
FINB_MD_S_TXT - Field Texts
FINB_MD_S_VHELP_VALUE - Result of Input Help
UGMD0009 - FIN Master Data: General Settings
UGMD0020 - FIN Master Data: Attributes of RFC Destinations
UGMD0021 - FIN Master Data: RFC Ping Settings
UGMD9100 - FIN Master Data: Local Tables (Storage Only)
UGMD9101 - FIN Master Data: Local Data Elements (Storage Only)
UGMD9102 - FIN Master Data: Local Domains (Only Folder)
UGMD_INDX - Cluster Table of cl_ug_fieldinfo_local Buffer
UGMD_S_0020 - FIN Master Data: RFC Destination w/Attributes
UGMD_S_DFIES - DFIES Without Language-dependent Texts
UGMD_S_DFIES_TXT - DD Interface: Table Fields for DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET
UGMD_S_DOMVALUE - FIN Master Data: Domain Value
UGMD_S_FIELDINFO - FIN Master Data: Field Information
UGMD_S_FIELD_TABNAME - FIN Master Data: Fields in Tables
UGMD_S_FISCTIME - FIN Master Data: Fiscal Date
UGMD_S_FPROP - FIN Master Data: Field Properties
UGMD_S_FPROP_PROP - FIN Master Data: Language-indep. Field Properties
UGMD_S_FPROP_TXT - FIN Master Data: Language-dep. Field Properties (Texts)
UGMD_S_MEMORY_ID - Mapping FIELDNAME to Shared Memory ID
UGMD_S_MESSAGE - FIN Master Data: Messages
UGMD_S_SEL - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UGMD_S_TABINFO - FIN Master Data: Table Info
UGMD_S_TAB_FIELD - Fields of a Table
UGMD_S_TAB_FIELDINFO - Field Information About Fields of a Table
UGMD_S_TRANSPORT - Transport Entries
UGMD_S_VHELP_VALUE - FIN Master Data: Value Help for Chars: Result of Selection

SAP Services Tables FIN-FB-SRV

/EACC/FSELECT_OBJ_WITH_TEXT - Structure for ALV Listbox with Object Names and Texts
FINBGSPRGTR0C - Generated Programs, whose Variants Can Be Transported
FINBSCMIDRFC0C - RFC Data for Object Navigation
FINB_ALV_SELECTION - Fields for ALV Display for a Selection Condition
FINB_ASH_TABFIELDS - Field Check Info Structure
FINB_CCD_S_CONFIG_KEY - Instance Key for a Customizing Object
FINB_CCD_TIMESTP - Timestamp for Customizing Objects
FINB_CCD_TRCLS - Classes Registered for Dispatcher Call
FINB_COMPKEYMAP - Mapping of Component Keys
FINB_COMPKEY_VAL - Value of Keys of Configurable Components
FINB_COMP_DEPS - Dependencies between Components
FINB_COMP_KEYS - Component Key (Client-Specific)
FINB_COND_AREAID - Conditions per Area ID
FINB_CONFIG_ACT - Active Configurations
FINB_CONFIG_COMP - Configuration of Components
FINB_CONFIG_KEY - Configuration Key
FINB_CONFIG_TIMESTAMP - Time Stamp Configuration
FINB_CONFIG_XMLS - Configuration of Components
FINB_CONF_COMPT - Components - Texts
FINB_CONF_S_ASPECT - Configuration Aspect
FINB_CONF_S_ASPECT_AUTH - Configuration Aspect
FINB_CONF_S_CELL - Cell of a Configuration Aspect
FINB_CONF_S_CONSTRAINTS_AUTH - Conditions and Constraints
FINB_CONF_S_CONTENTCONSTRAINTS - Conditions and Constraints
FINB_CONF_S_ITEM - Row of a Configuration Aspect
FINB_CONF_S_RESERVEDPREFIX - Reserved Namespace Prefix
FINB_CONF_S_SUBASPECT_AUTH - Subaspect in Authoring Mode
FINB_CONF_S_SUB_NODE - Subnode of a Configuration Aspect
FINB_CONF_S_TEMPLATEVALUE - Value of a Template Cell
FINB_CONF_S_VALUE - Value of a Configuration Cell
FINB_CONTENT - Activated Content
FINB_CONTENT_HIS - History of Content Catalog
FINB_CONTENT_IDS - Content Catalog
FINB_CONTENT_IDT - Content Catalog
FINB_CONTENT_REP - Content Catalog
FINB_CONTENT_TXT - Content Texts
FINB_CONT_TXTHSH - Hash Values of X Path and Node Key
FINB_ENTRY_WHERE - "For All Entries" Condition
FINB_FIELDNAME_TRANSLATION - Replacement of Field Names
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_COND - Selection Cond for Each Join Table (Field Names w/o Mapping)
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_EXEC_ORDER - FIN Object ABAP Join Reader: SELECT Processing Sequence
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_FIELDS - Fields to Read for Each Join Table (Field Names w/o Mapping)
FINB_FOBJ_JRDR_SELECT_PARAM - Parameters for the SELECT on a FOBJ Join Reader Compon.
FINB_FUNCTIONS - Function Builder
FINB_FUNCTIONS_T - Function Builder
FINB_FUNC_TYPES - Types of Functions
FINB_GEN_CONTENT - Generated Content
FINB_GS_S_CHAR_PARAM_MAPPING - Assignment of Selection Parameters to Characteristic Name
FINB_GS_S_PROG_TEMPLATE_INPUT - Input Structure for Selection Program Generation Template
FINB_GS_S_PROG_VAR - Program Variant
FINB_GS_S_SCR_GROUP - Field Groups for Generation of Select. Includes
FINB_GS_S_SCR_GROUP_PRESELECT - Screen Group Dependent Preselection (FOR ALL ENTRIES Tab.)
FINB_GS_S_SCR_GROUP_SEL_TAB - Selections per Screen Group
FINB_GS_S_SEL_PAR - Selection Parameters to Generate Selection Includes
FINB_GS_S_SEL_PAR_PROPS - Properties of a Selection Parameter
FINB_GS_S_SEL_TEMPLATE_INPUT - Input Structure for Selection Include Generation Template
FINB_GS_S_VAR_SELECTION - Structure for Program Variant Selection
FINB_KF_CHAR_KEY - Key Fields Generated Table Types
FINB_KF_CHAR_STR - DDIC Structures According to Hash Values of their Components
FINB_KF_CHAR_TBL - DDIC Table Types According to Hash Vals of their Components
FINB_KF_CHAR_TRANSLATION - Replacement of Field Names
FINB_KF_CHAR_TRANSLATION_GEN - Replacement of Field Names
FINB_LOCAL_HIS - Content Catalog
FINB_LOCAL_REP - Content Catalog
FINB_MSG - Message Information for the FINB Message Handler
FINB_MSG_BREAKATMSG_X - Add stop at message
FINB_MSG_CONTEXT - Struct. of the Message Context for the FINB Message Handler
FINB_MSG_CONTEXT_KEY - Key of an MSG Context
FINB_PR_BUSINESS_NAME - Business Name (Language-Dependent)
FINB_PR_CATALOG_ENTRY - Extract Persistence Object Catalog
FINB_PR_CONTAINER_TABLE - Table of a Container
FINB_PR_DB_STATISTIC - Database Statistics
FINB_PR_FIELD - Field with Attributes
FINB_PR_FIELD_ATTR - Attributes of a Field
FINB_PR_FIELD_ATTR_1 - Attributes of a Field (Part 1)
FINB_PR_FIELD_ATTR_2 - Attributes of a Field (Part 2)
FINB_PR_FIELD_ID - Absolute Field ID
FINB_PR_FIELD_ID_X - Absolute Field ID
FINB_PR_FIELD_MAPPING - Read Structure Fields <-> Persistence Object Field
FINB_PR_FIELD_PRE_SET - Fields of a Prespecified Table
FINB_PR_OBJ_KEY - Persistence Object Key
FINB_PR_POSTING_CONTAINER - Container for data to be posted
FINB_PR_TCHILD - Child Persistence Objects in Hierarchy
FINB_PR_TFIELDS - Fields of a Persistence Object
FINB_PR_TIMPL - Implementations
FINB_PR_TIND - Indexes
FINB_PR_TIND_FDS - Index fields
FINB_PR_TJOINS - Join conditions
FINB_PR_TMAP - Field Assignment Read Structure - Persistence Object
FINB_PR_TOBJS - Persistence Objects
FINB_PR_TOBJST - Business Names in the Persistence Objects
FINB_REPORT_EVENT - Events in Reporting
FINB_RP_ALV_REFERENCE - Reference Structure for Typing in ALV Field Catalog
FINB_RP_CONFIG1 - Customizing by Report
FINB_RP_CONFIG2 - Customizing for Fields in Reporting
FINB_RP_CONFIG3 - Technical Structure Assignment <--> Long Text
FINB_RP_DISPLAY_CHAR - Display Properties by Characteristic
FINB_RP_EDITABLE_SETTINGS - Settings for Changeable Data
FINB_RP_S_APPL_CHAR - Attributes for Display Fields of Application
FINB_RP_S_APPL_TOOLBAR - Assignment of Application Event ID to Dyn. Toolbar Function
FINB_RP_S_DEFAULT_MENU_EVENT - Default Event of a Dropdown Menu in a Toolbar
FINB_RP_S_DROPDOWN_MENU_EVENT - Event of a Dropdown Menu in a Toolbar
FINB_RP_S_SORT - Sort Display
FINB_RP_TEC_TXT_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment between Technical Structure and Text Structure
FINB_RT_S_KEY_FIELD - Key Field of a Runtime Table
FINB_RT_S_KEY_VALUES - Values for a Key Field
FINB_RT_S_TABLE_KEY - Key of a Runtime Table
FINB_RT_S_TABLE_KEY_WITH_FLDS - Key of a Runtime Table
FINB_RT_TAB - Runtime Tables
FINB_RT_TAB_FLD - Runtime Tables
FINB_RT_TKEY - Key of Runtime Tables
FINB_RT_TKEY_FLD - Key of Runtime Tables
FINB_SCOPE - Content in Scope
FINB_SELECTION - Selection with Field Name
FINB_SELECTION_LAYOUT - Layout of the Line Item/Document - Selection Screen
FINB_SIGNATURE - Function Builder
FINB_S_COMP_KEY_VALUE - Value of a Component Key
FINB_S_COMP_N_KEY - Component and Key
FINB_S_CONFIG_ENQ_KEY - Lock Key Configuration
FINB_S_CONFIG_FIELD_MAPPING - Map DDIC Field Names to Field Names of Configuration
FINB_S_CONFIG_XMLS - finb_s_config_xmls
FINB_S_CONF_WB - Screen Structure Configuration Workbench
FINB_S_EXCEPTION - Line of Input Table with Exception
FINB_S_FUNCTION - Data for a Function
FINB_S_FUNCTION_META - Data for a Function
FINB_S_FUNCTION_TEXT - Text for Logical Name of a Function
FINB_S_HTML_HEADER - Structure of Line in List Output Header
FINB_S_KF_CHARS - Structure Setup and Sorting of Components
FINB_S_KF_CHARS_BUFFER_KEY - Buffer Structure with Key
FINB_S_KF_CHARS_DATA - Metadata of Structures for SBS with Collisions
FINB_S_KF_CHARS_KEY - Key of Structure Instances Without Collision
FINB_S_KF_CHARS_T_DATA - Metadata of Structures for SBS
FINB_S_PARAMETER - Description of a Parameter
FINB_S_PARAMETER_CONFIG - Description of a Parameter
FINB_S_PARAMETER_TYPE - Typing of a Parameter
FINB_S_PARAMETER_VALUE - Instance of a Parameter
FINB_S_SBU_BUFFER_HASH_KEY - Buffer Structure with Hash Key (Shared Buffer)
FINB_S_SBU_HASH_KEY - Hash Key of a Shared Buffer Entry
FINB_S_SBU_MGNT_DATA - Administrative Data Buffer Entry
FINB_S_SBU_OPERANDS - Specified Operands
FINB_S_SBU_TIMESTAMP - Time Stamp of a Buffer Entry
FINB_S_TABLE_DESCR - Columns of a Table
FINB_TABLETYPES - Table Types as Interface for Configuration
FINB_TMSGAPPL01 - Deviating Message Type (Required Error Weight) for Appl.
FINB_TMSGAPPL02 - Messages are collected from messaty type per appl. context
FINB_TMSGAPPL0C - Applications for Message Handler
FINB_TMSGAPPL0S - Message Type (Minimum Message Weight) per Application
FINB_TMSGAPPL0T - Texts of Message Handler Applications
FINB_TMSGCONT0C - FINB Message Handling: Context Structure of an Application
FINB_T_CXT_DEMO - Persistent Storage of a Simple MSG Context
FINB_VCL_MAP - Map DDIC Field Names to Field Names of Configuration
FINB_VCL_SUB - Lower-Level Views of a View Cluster
FINB_VCL_SUPER - Higher-Level View of a View Cluster
FINB_VIEW - Data for a View
FINB_VIEW_MAP - Map DDIC Field Names to Field Names of Configuration
FINB_YS_CTX_KEYS - Key Characteristics of the Simple Context (Sample)
FINB_YS_CUST_MSG_TYPE - Message Type Set According to Application Context
FINB_YS_MSG_CONTEXT_META - Obligatory Components of Context
FINB_YS_MSG_DEMO_APPL_CONTEXT - Structure for Context in Application Log
FINB_YS_MSG_DEMO_APPL_CONTEXT2 - Second Structure for Context in Application Log
FINB_YS_REF_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Structure for Holding References to Context Factories
FINB_YS_REF_MSG_HANDLER - Reference to Message Handler as Standard Context
FINDR_S_ATTR - FINDR: Internal Types
FINDR_S_BUFFER - FINDR: Internal Types (Buffer)
FINDR_S_BUFFER_TAB_DESC - FINDR: Internal Types Buffer
FINDR_S_COND - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_COND_BUF - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_DERI_BUFFER - Derivation of Internal Types
FINDR_S_DESC - finDR: Field Description (Internal)
FINDR_S_FIELD - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_FIELD_BUF - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_FIELD_REF - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_FIELD_REF_BUFFER - Structure for Buffer via References
FINDR_S_FIELD_SOURCE - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_FIELD_TARGET - FINDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_IMPORTING_BUFFER - Buffer for Importing Parameter of a Derivation Call
FINDR_S_NAME - FINDR Name (Internal)
FINDR_S_RECORD - Derivation Input/Output Parameter
FINDR_S_RESULT_BUFFER - Buffer for Derivation Results
FINDR_S_RULE_ENTRY - FINDR: Rule Entry (Internal)
FINDR_S_SOURCE - FINDR: Structure Source (Internal)
FINDR_S_SOURCE_VALUE - FINDR: Source Fields for a Rule Entry (intern)
FINDR_S_STEP - FINDR: Derivation Step (Internal)
FINDR_S_STEP_BUF - FINDR: Derivation Step (Internal)
FINDR_S_STRATEGY - FINDR: Internal Types: Derivation Strategy
FINDR_S_STRATEGY_BUF - FINDR: Internal Types: Derivation Strategy
FINDR_S_STRAT_BUFFER - FINDR: Internal Types, Strategy Buffer
FINDR_S_TABLE_HEADER - finDR: Internal Structures
FINDR_S_TARGET - FINDR Target Structure (Internal)
FINDR_S_TARGET_VALUE - FINDR: Row Values for a Rule Entry (Internal)
FINDR_S_TEXT_LANGU - FINDR:Text/Language (Internal)
FINDR_S_TRACE_SOURCE - FINDR: Internal Types Trace
FINDR_S_TRACE_TARGET - FINDR: Internal Types, Trace
UAB_FTYPE_DIM - Dimension Table for Formula Types
UAB_FUSAGE - User of a Fomula
UAB_FXMLT - Name of Object
UAB_S_ABSTRACT_SIGNATURE - Abstract Signature of a Method
UAB_S_AMNT - Amount in Formula Editor
UAB_S_APPL_FUNCTION - Application Functions
UAB_S_COMP - Formula Builder: Component of a Structure
UAB_S_DDIC_TYPENAME - Formula Builder: DDIC Type
UAB_S_FORMULA_ID_UXP - XML Description of a Formula with ID
UAB_S_FUNC_NAME - Function
UAB_S_FUNC_PARAMETER - Description of Possible Parameters of a Function
UAB_S_FUNC_VALUE - Fixed Value on a Function Parameter
UAB_S_GENERIC_TABLE_KEYS - Structure of a Generic Table Type
UAB_S_GENERIC_TABLE_MAPPING - Structure of a Generic Table Type
UAB_S_METHOD_DESCR - Description of a Method
UAB_S_METHOD_SIGNATURE - Parameter of Method
UAB_S_PARAMETER - Values of Function Parameters
UAB_S_PARAM_VALUE - Values of Function Parameters
UAB_S_PRICE - Price in Formula Editor
UAB_S_QNTY - Quantity in Formula Editor
UAB_S_QNTY_WBQ - Quantity with Base Quantity
UAB_S_SPLITTED_QWBQ - Split Quantity with Base Quantity
UAB_S_TYPE_HIERARCHY - Hierarchy of Data Types in Formula Editor
UAB_S_VARIABLE - Variable for Formula Builder
UAB_S_VAR_NAME - Variable for Formula Builder
UAFORMULA_DOCU - User-Specific Docu Window Option
UASE16N_CD_DATA - Table Display: Change Documents - Data
UASE16N_CD_KEY - Table Display: Change Documents - Header
UASE16N_LT - SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts, Basic Data (Table)
UASE16N_LTD - SE16N: Initial Screen for Layouts, Data
UASE16N_OR_SELTAB - Contains Several Linked Select Conditions
UASE16N_OUTPUT - Table Display: Output Fields
UASE16N_RF - UASE16N: Assigns Environment Transactions to a Table
UASE16N_SELFIELDS - Table Display: Selection Criteria
UASE16N_SELTAB - Table Display: Transfer of Selection Criteria
UASE16N_SEL_OPTION - Selection Options
UATSADD - Table Search: Tables for Additional Information
UATSAPPL - Table Search: Entity Table of Applications
UATSAPPLEX - Table Search: Possible Exit Times
UATSAPPLT - Table Search: Text Table of Applications
UATSDDICREF - Table Search: DDIC Reference of Transfer Values
UATSEXIT - Table Search: Possible Exit Times
UATSFIELD_S - Table Search: Fields
UATSKEY - Table Search: Entity Table of Individual Search
UATSKEYT - Table Search: Text Table of Individual Search
UATSOUT - Table Search: Tables for Additional Information
UATSPRIM - Table Search: Fields for Access to Primary Table
UATSPRIMOBJ - Table Search: Encryption of Primary Table
UATSPRIMSEL - Table Search: Encryption of Primary Table
UATSSEK - Table Search: Secondary Table Access
UATSSEK_SELFIELDS - Table Search: Transfer Criteria per Secondary Table
UATSVARFB - Table Search: Possible Exit Times
UATSVARFBT - Table Search: Possible Exit Times
UATSVARI - Where-Used List: Table for Key Reassignments
UATSWSEKSEL - TSWUSL: Secondary Criteria
UATSWTAB_S - Table Search: Tables
UATSWUSEDKEYS - Searches Used per Where-Used List
UATSWUSL_FOUND_TAB - Table Search: Search Structure
UATSWUSL_REF - Contains Data Structure of the Output Table
UATSW_TABS - Table Search: Dependent Tables

SAP Workbench Tables FIN-FB-WB

UGMD_S_FIELD_TEXT - FIN Master Data: Field with Texts
UGWB0100 - Application-Specific URL Handler
UGWB0200 - Possible Jump Targets for Report-Report Interface
UGWB020T - Possible Jump Targets for Report-Report Interface
UGWB1000 - Workbench Personalization: Size of Window
UGWB1100 - FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings
UGWB1101 - FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings
UGWB1200 - FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings
UGWB1201 - FIN Workbench: Personalization - General Settings
UGWB2000 - FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set
UGWB2001 - FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set
UGWB200C - FIN Workbench: Frozen Configuration Set
UGWB3000 - FIN Workbench: Columns in Detail Navigation
UGWBGN00 - Programs Generated Per Field Name
UGWB_SX_APPLICATION_DATA - FIN Workbench: App-specific Data for Distribution
UGWB_SX_CHG_INTEREST_LIST - FIN Workbench: Notification when Change Occurs
UGWB_SX_CUST_DATA_PAIR - FI Workbench: Pairs of Data Objects
UGWB_SX_DATAREF - FIN Workbench: Data Reference
UGWB_SX_GEN_VAL_CHG_INTR - FIN Workbench: Notification when Change Occurs
UGWB_SX_HRY_DEF_PCN - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy in Parent/Child/Next Format
UGWB_S_ACTION - FIN Workbench: Action to an Object
UGWB_S_CONFIGURATION_SET - FIN Workbench: Configuration
UGWB_S_HISTORY_ENTRY - FIN Workbench: Entry in Window History
UGWB_S_MESSAGE - FIN Master Data: Messages
UGWB_S_MESSAGE_BAL_CTRL_DATA - Additional Control Data for Change Log
UGWB_S_MESSAGE_CTRL - Control Fields for Message Output
UGWB_S_MESSAGE_INT - FIN Master Data: Messages, Internal Structure
UGWB_S_NAV_COMMAND - Workbench: Commands in Context Menu
UGWB_S_NAV_DETAIL_FIELD_PROP - Display Props for HY Maint
UGWB_S_NAV_DETAIL_HRY_STRUCT - FIN Master Data: Hierarchy Structure
UGWB_S_NAV_INTERNAL_HIER - FIN Workbench: Internal Hierarchy (via Char. Compound....)
UGWB_S_NAV_MAIN_DATA - Workbench: Communication Between NAV_MAIN GUI and DATA
UGWB_S_NAV_MAIN_DATA_ICON - Workbench: Communication Between NAV_MAIN GUI and DATA
UGWB_S_NAV_TREE_COLUMN - Workbench: Columns in Navigation Trees
UGWB_S_RRI_REC - Workbench: Recipient of Report-Report Interface
UGWB_S_SEARCH_RESULT_LIST - FIN Workbench: Search Results List
UGWB_S_SERVICES - FIN Workbench: Services Offered by the Workbench
UGWB_S_URL_SEMKEY - Key Information in URL
UGWB_S_VALUE_REQUEST - Workbench: Request for Values
UGWB_S_WA_SUBSCREEN - Workbench: Subscreens in the Work Area
UGWB_S_WD_BUTTON - Workbench: Button in WebDynpro
UGWB_S_WD_INPUT_FIELD - Input Field in Web Dynpro Form
UGWB_S_WD_MENU - Workbench: Button in WebDynpro
UGWB_S_WD_POPUP_TO_CONFIRM - Parameterization for Dialog Box to Confirm
UGWB_S_WD_TRAY_CONTROLLER - Control of a Tray in WebDynpro Controller
UGWB_S_WINDOW_DEFINITION - FIN Workbench: Window with Positioning

SAP XBRL Reporting Tables FIN-FB-XR

UGX0010 - Queries of a Data Basis
UGX001C - Database - Check Table
UGX001S - Data Basis - SIDs
UGX001T - Data Basis Text Table
UGX0020 - Taxonomy - Files
UGX002C - Taxonomy - Check Table
UGX002S - Taxonomy - SIDs
UGX002T - Taxonomy Text Table
UGX0030 - Report Category - Assignment Taxonomy Element <-> Selection
UGX0031 - Report Category - Assignment Tax.Element <-> Dimension Map.
UGX0032 - Reporty Category - Assignment Tax.Elem./TRole <-> Selection
UGX0035 - Report Category - Leading Characteristic for Tuple
UGX0036 - Report Category - Assignment Tuple Element <-> Selection
UGX003C - Report Category - Check Table
UGX003S - Report Category - SIDs
UGX003T - Report Category Text Table
UGX0040 - Value Selection - Characteristic Values
UGX0041 - Value Selection - Parent Characteristics
UGX004C - Value Selection - Check Table
UGX004S - Value Selection - SIDs
UGX004T - Value Selection Text Table
UGX0050 - Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping
UGX0051 - Dimension Mapping: Value Mapping Parent Fields
UGX005C - Dimension Mapping - Check Table
UGX005S - Dimension Mapping - SIDs
UGX005T - Dimension Mapping Text Table
UGX200G - Taxonomy Elements: GUIDs
UGX201G - Taxonomy Elements: GUIDs
UGX3000 - Selection Criteria: Characteristics
UGX300G - Selection Criteria: Query and Key Figure
UGXBUF0 - Shared buffer
UGXV00C - Variant - Check Table
UGXV00S - Variant - SIDs
UGXV00T - Variant Text Table
UGXV100 - Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value
UGXV101 - Variant: BW Variables of Type Characteristic Value, Parent
UGXV105 - Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Name, and Version
UGXV106 - Variant: BI Variables, Hierarchy Nodes
UGXV107 - Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Node, Parent F.
UGXV108 - Variant: BW Variables, Hierarchy Name Parent F.
UGXV110 - Variant: Time Contexts
UGXV111 - Variant: Time Contexts, BW Variables
UGXV112 - Variant: Time Contexts, Parent Fields
UGXV120 - Variant: Entity Context
UGX_SX_HRY_EDGE - Mapping of Predecessors <-> Successors f.All HYs of a Char.
UGX_S_ALIAS - XBRL: Alias Mapping
UGX_S_ALV_EDIT_SCHEME - Output Structure for Maintaining Scheme and Identifier
UGX_S_ALV_EDIT_VALUE - Output Structure for Maintaining Values of XBRL Instance
UGX_S_BADI_BWVAR_RANGE - Values of BI Variables of Characteristic Value Type
UGX_S_BADI_BWVAR_SEL - Values of BI Non-Time-Variables
UGX_S_BADI_DATE_POPUP - Popup UI: Start Date for Instance Document
UGX_S_BADI_LINKS - Additional Links for Generating Instances
UGX_S_BADI_VALUE - InfoObject - Characteristic Value
UGX_S_BADI_VAR_BWVAR_SEL - Variants and Values of BI Non-Time-Variables
UGX_S_BADI_VAR_TIME_CONTEXT - Variants and Time Contexts
UGX_S_BWVAR_RANGE - Selections for BI Variables of Category Characteristic Value
UGX_S_BWVAR_SEL_SO - Contents of BW Variables + Parent Fields
UGX_S_CHARELEM_NODE - UI: Structure for Description of Characteristic Tree
UGX_S_CHAR_ATTR - Properties of a Field in a BI Query
UGX_S_CHAR_LOCATION - Location and Sequence of Fields in a Query
UGX_S_CONTEXT - Selection Criteria That Defines an XBRL Context
UGX_S_DB_QUERY_GUI - GUI Structure for UGX0010
UGX_S_DIMENSION - Dimension Properties
UGX_S_DIMENSION_COMPNR - Dimension: Component Number in Generated Structure
UGX_S_DIMENSION_VALUE - Properties of a Dimension Value
UGX_S_DIMMAP - Dimension Mapping: General Attributes
UGX_S_DIMMAP_F4 - UI: Dimension Mapping for Specific Dimension
UGX_S_DIMMAP_GUI - Dimension Mapping: General Attributes
UGX_S_DIMMAP_TAXELEM - UI: Dimensions and Dimensions Mapping of a Tax.Element
UGX_S_DIMVAL_INDEX - Dimension + Values for Index Access
UGX_S_EDGE - Links of an XBRL Taxonomy
UGX_S_ELEMENT_VALUES - Element Values for XBRL Instance Document
UGX_S_FATTR - Attributes per Field
UGX_S_FIELD - Field Name
UGX_S_FIELD_SEQNR - Characteristic Sort Sequence Acc. to BW Queries
UGX_S_FIX_FIELDS - Report Category: Fixed Fields in Taxonomy View
UGX_S_FPROP - Field Properties
UGX_S_HRYNODE_F4 - UI: Structure for F4 Help for BI Variables of Type H. Nodes
UGX_S_HRY_MAP_NIDSID - Mapping Hierarchy Node SID <=>
UGX_S_HRY_TREE - Hierarchy Display as Tree
UGX_S_INSTDOC_COL - UI: Display Instance Document: Column
UGX_S_INSTDOC_COL_VALUE - UI: Display Instance Document: Column Content
UGX_S_INSTDOC_NODE - UI: Structure for Describing Instance Document
UGX_S_KFIG - Properties of Key Figure (Element of Key Figure Structure)
UGX_S_KFIG_VALUE - Properties of Key Figure (Element of Key Figure Structure)
UGX_S_MAPPING_GUI1 - GUI Structure for Mapping
UGX_S_MESSAGE_TAX - Message for Taxonomy
UGX_S_NODE - Nodes of an XBRL Taxonomy
UGX_S_NODE_VALUES - Assignment of XBRL Elements <-> Values
UGX_S_QUERY - Properties of BI Query
UGX_S_RANGE - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UGX_S_REPCAT_GUI - GUI Structure for ugx003c
UGX_S_REST - Properties of Structure Element
UGX_S_SEL - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UGX_S_SELID_DET - UI: Details of Selection Criteria
UGX_S_SELID_PROP - UI: Properties of Selection Condition + Target Role
UGX_S_SELID_PROP_SUB - UI: Properties of Selection Criteria
UGX_S_SELOPT_FIELD - Variable Selection Option Field Structure
UGX_S_SEL_DETAIL_COL - UI: Columns for Selection Criteria in Taxonomy View
UGX_S_SEL_GUI - Structure for Selection Criteria
UGX_S_TAXELEMID - Taxonomy Element GUID
UGX_S_TAXELEMNID_TROLE - UI: NID of a Taxonomy Element + Target Role
UGX_S_TAXELEM_ALLOWED_VALUE - Permitted Value for Taxonomy Element
UGX_S_TAXELEM_INFO - Additional Properties of Taxonomy Elements
UGX_S_TAXELEM_NODE - UI: Structure for Description of Taxonomy Tree
UGX_S_TAXELEM_NODE_TROLE - UI: Structure for Taxonomy Element + Target Role
UGX_S_TAXONOMY_FILE - Taxonomy File and Type
UGX_S_TAXONOMY_FILE_CONTENT - Taxonomy File, Type, and Content
UGX_S_TAXONOMY_FILE_GUI - UI: Taxonomy File and Type
UGX_S_TIME_CONTEXT - Time Context and BW Time Variables
UGX_S_TREE_FLG_UPDATE - UI: Changed Nodes Regarding f_sel(dim)_assign
UGX_S_TROLE - Target Role
UGX_S_TROLE_DIM - UI: Target Roles and Dimension
UGX_S_TUPLE_MEMBER - Member of Tuple
UGX_S_TUPLE_NODE - UI: Structure for Description of Tupel Tree
UGX_S_TUPLE_NODE_EXEC - Structure for Description of Tupel Tree
UGX_S_VALUE - Values of fields
UGX_S_VALUE_COMPOUND - Value with Compound Fields
UGX_S_VALUE_EXT - Value in External Display
UGX_S_VARIABLE - Properties of BI Variables
UGX_S_VARIABLE_ADD_INFO - Necessary Additional Info for Variable
UGX_S_VARIANT_GUI - UI: Variant Information
UGX_S_VAR_SO - Additional Information for Determining the Variable Value
UGX_S_VAR_SO_FIELD - Variable Parent Field
UGX_S_VS_GENERAL_GUI - Value Selection: General Fields
UGX_S_VS_SO_VALUE_GUI - Value Selection: Characteristic Value of Parent Char.
UGX_S_VS_VALUE_GUI - Value Selection: Characteristic Values
UGX_S_WHERE_USED_RESULT - Result of Where-Used List

SAP Financial Supply Chain Management Tables FIN-FSCM

/FSCMA/CDM_10 - Credit Management Risk Analysis
/FSCMA/CLM_10 - Worklist Item
/FSCMA/CLM_20 - Customer Contact
/FSCMA/DPM_10 - Dispute Cases
/FSCMA/FSCM_DATE - Calendar Year/Week/Month/Day
BNK_BANK_ACCOUNT_STATEMENT_NO1 - Bank account statement message
BNK_BANK_ACCOUNT_STATE_POST_M - Post Mapping Structure of BankAccountStatementNotification_I
BNK_BATCH_ITEM - Batch Payment Items
BNK_BTCH_STPAYLD - Batch status payload
BNK_BTCH_STREF - Status reference
BNK_BTCH_TIMEOUT - Batch timeout
BNK_BTC_COLL_UI - Collector runs (for UI)
BNK_BTC_HEADER_UI - Batch Header (for UI)
BNK_BTC_INCMNG_MSG_UI - Incoming external status Message ( for UI layer)
BNK_BTC_INSTRUC_UI - Instructions on Batch header level
BNK_BTC_ITEM_UI - Batch Payment Item (for UI)
BNK_BTC_MONIP_UI - Payment (in Monitor)
BNK_CPAY_ORD_NOTIF_ASYNC - CollectivePaymentOrderNotification
BNK_CPAY_ORD_NOT_PROCESS - CollectivePaymentOrderNotification Post Mapping Structure
BNK_FILE_TYPE - Define types of files
BNK_FPM_CPOR - Payment Medium: Specific Parameters
BNK_FPM_SWIFT - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT Formats, Specific Parameters
BNK_FPM_SWIFT_103 - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT Formats, Specific Parameters
BNK_FPM_SWIFT_MT104 - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT104 Format-Specific Parameters
BNK_LOG_LOG - Log structure Logs for Signature Prototype
BNK_LOG_LYR - Log layer maintenance
BNK_META_LOG - Meta Table: Logs for Signature Bank Communication
BNK_PAYMENT_ADVICE - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason
BNK_PAYMENT_ADVICE_NOTIFICATIO - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason
BNK_PAYM_ADVICE_NOTIFICATION - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason
BNK_PAYM_ADV_POST_MAPPING - FEH: payment advice structure for post mapping
BNK_PAYM_ADV_PSOT_MAPPING - FEH: payment advice structure for post mapping
BNK_QNAME - Qualified Name
BNK_SIGN_USER - Users for signing the Batch approval log
BNK_STR_ADDN_GRP_FLDS - Additional grouping fields
BNK_STR_APPR_LST - Deatils of approvers
BNK_STR_BATCH_HEADER - Structure for Batch Header
BNK_STR_BATCH_INST_LOOKUP - Line of Instant lookup for Batch
BNK_STR_BATCH_MERGE_PARAM - Merge parameters
BNK_STR_BATCH_REL_APPR - Payment approval Release structure
BNK_STR_BATCH_RULE_ATTRIB - Attributes to define Rules for Batches
BNK_STR_BATCH_STREF_KEYS - Status reference keys
BNK_STR_BTCH_STREF - Batch Status reference structure
BNK_STR_CRDATE_RANGE - Range for created Date
BNK_STR_CRTIME_RANGE - Range line for the created time
BNK_STR_CRUSR_RANGE - Range for created User
BNK_STR_GUID_RANGE - Range line for GUID
BNK_STR_INCMNG_MSG_SELOPS - Sturcture containes the selctioh options for incmng msg moni
BNK_STR_ITEM_DETAIL - Batch Payment Item details from Reguh
BNK_STR_LOG_MESSAGE - Structure for log message
BNK_STR_MSG_RANGE - Range line for message ID
BNK_STR_OTXTYP_RANGE - Range line for the original transaction type information
BNK_STR_PARA_UI - Parameters for UI
BNK_STR_PAY_STAT - Payment batch status
BNK_STR_PYMT_GRP - Payment Group
BNK_STR_RULE_ATTRIB - Rule attributes
BNK_STR_RULE_CUST_DISPLAY - Payment grouping rules structure for display
BNK_STR_RULE_PRIO_4_DISP - Rule attributes
BNK_STR_RULE_SELOP - Payment grouping rules
BNK_STR_STATUS_HIST_UI - Batch Status History UI
BNK_STR_SYS_STAT - System status
BNK_STR_TIMEOUT_ALERT_CONT - Timeout alert container
BNK_STR_TXIDTP_RANGE - range line for Transaction ID
BNK_STR_USR_STAT - User status
BNK_STR_WI_LINK - Link between Batch Number and current Work Item
BNK_STR_XSTAT_MSG - Structure for External Status Message
BNK_STR_XSTAT_RSN - Structure for Status Reason Information
BNK_STR_XSTAT_TX - Structure for Status: Transaction Information
BNK_STSRP_CNT - Control table
BNK_S_BATCHES_PAYMENTS - Batches and payments for the payment monitor
BNK_TIMEOUT - Timeout for Batch between two status
BNK_XSTAT_MSG - External Status Message
BNK_XSTAT_RSN - Status Reason Information
BNK_XSTAT_TX - Status: Transaction Information
EDX_ALV_COL_DEF - EDX: ALV Lists, Column Definition
EDX_BALANCING_STRUCT - EDX: Data Structure for Message Comparison
EDX_BP_SP - EDX: Business Partner/Service Provider/Reporting Details
EDX_CONFIG_IN - EDX: Configuration for Incoming Messages
EDX_CONFIG_OUT - EDX: Configuration for Outgoing Messages
EDX_DATE_RANGE_STRUCT - EDX: Structure for Date Range
EDX_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_DOCUMENT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG_REPLY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG_REPLY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_INBOUND - EDX: Inbound Messages (Processed Messages)
EDX_INV_POSITION_DATA_STRUCT - EDX: Inbound Invoice position data structure
EDX_KEYPP_ENQ - Table Is Required for ENQUEUE Object EEDX_KEYPP
EDX_MSG_REPORT_STRUCT - EDX: Data of Summarized IN and OUT Messages
EDX_MSG_REPORT_SUM_STRUCT - EDX: Summary of All Messages
EDX_OUTBOUND - EDX: Outbound Messages (Messages Ready to Be Sent)
EDX_PARK - EDX: Inbound Messages (Messages Ready for Processing)
EDX_PO_DATA - EDX: PO data structure
EDX_PROT_STRUCT - EDX: Data Structure for Log Output
EDX_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_REFERENCE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SCREEN - EDX: Screen Fields for Report EDX_LIST
EDX_SENDER_ID - PID von Biller
EDX_SENDER_ID1 - PID von Biller
EDX_SENDER_ID2 - PID von Biller
EDX_SENDER_ID3 - PID von Biller
EDX_SETUP - EDX: Configuration (General)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_IN_CONTENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_IN_DOCUMEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_OUT_CONTEN - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_OUT_DOCUME - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_REPLY_IN_F - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SI_DOCUMENT_SET_REPLY_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_SP_LP_NAME - EDX: Table: Service Provider, Logical Port
EDX_TRANSF_IN - EDX: Configuration for Incoming Transformations
EDX_WS_ADDITIONAL_INFO - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_ADDITIONAL_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_AUTHORIZATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_CONTENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_CONTENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_IDENTIFIER_TYP - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG_DOCUME - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG_REPLY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_DOCUMENT_SET_MSG_REPLY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_E_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_E_DOCUMENT_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_GET_DOCUMENT_SET_DESCR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_GET_DOCUMENT_SET_DESCRI - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_MANDANT - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SET_SHIPMENT_STATE_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SET_SHIPMENT_STATE_MSG1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_CONFIRMATION_M - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_CONTENT_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_CONTENT_MSG_RE - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_DELIVERY_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_DELIVERY_MSG_M - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_DELIVERY_MSG_R - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_LIST_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_LIST_MSG_REPL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_LIST_MSG_REPLY - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SHIPMENT_LIST_MSG_SHIPM - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SIGNATURE_IDENTIFIER - Proxy Structure (generated)
EDX_WS_SIGNATURE_IDENTIFIER_TY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FINB_CR_CUST_PER_RISK_CLASS - Business Partners per Risk Class
FINB_FSCM_CR_KEYFIGURES - Important Credit Management Key Figures
FINB_FSCM_HP_DEFAULT_SETTINGS - Default Values for FSCM Home Pages
FSCMMAPRULES - FSCM: Mapping Rules for ESR Services
FSCMMAPSELOPT - FSCM: Mapping Rules for Search Service
FSCM_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
FSCM_BSC_BUS_DOC_MSG_HDR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
FSCM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOC4 - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUSTRANS_DOCITEMTCCELMNTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUS_DOC_MSG_HDR - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
FSCM_BUS_DOC_MSG_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_BUS_TRANSAC_DOC_REF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_ESCAL_REASON_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_OBJ_CLASS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_REASON_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CASE_USR_LIFECYCLE_STAT_C - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BDBYELQRY_PROCCOND - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BDBYELRSP_PROCCOND - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BDBYELRSP_SYNC_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYAPPRL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCHGAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCHGBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCLOSEAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCLOSEBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCRRAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCRSGMNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCRTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCRTBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCTYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCURRL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYCUST - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYENDDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYESCAL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYEXPAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYEXPMSV - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYEXPPERC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYPEXTREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYPRIO - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYPROC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYREASON - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYREQL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYRESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYRISKCL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYSYSTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYTITLE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SELBYUSERTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYELQRY_SYNC_SEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYIDQRY_SYNC_SEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYIDRSP_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYIDRSP_SYNC_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYIDRSP_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_BYIDRSP_S_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CANCLN_CONF_REQ_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CHGREQ_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CHGREQ_ATTCH_DEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CHGREQ_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CHGREQ_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CHGREQ_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC_ATTCH_DEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CONF_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CONF_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CONF_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CONF_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_SYNC_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_CRTREQ_SYNC_NOTELINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC_ATTCHDEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC_CLCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC_NOTELINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CMAPBS_BYDBTRQRY_MSG - Query Payment Behaviour Summary By Debtor Party
FSCM_CMAPBS_RSP_MSG - Response Payment Behaviour Summary By Debtor Party
FSCM_CMAPBS_TABSTRUC - Payment Behaviour Summary
FSCM_CMA_TABLINE - Credit Management Account
FSCM_CONTACT_PERSON - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
FSCM_CONTACT_PERSON_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CREDIT_RATING_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DCDNOTIFPRPTYVALN - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DCD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DCD_NOTIFTXTCOLL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DCD_NOTIF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DCD_NOTXTCOLLTXT - Proxy Structure (generated)eee
FSCM_DCD_NOTXTCOLLTXTSAPSCRPL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BDBYELQRY_PROCCOND - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BDBYELRSP_PROCCOND - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BDBYELRSP_SYNC_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BDBYELRSP_SYNC_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYAUWOFFAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYBUKRS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCDISAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCHGAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCHGBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCLOSEDAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCLOSEDBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCONTEMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCONTFAX - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCONTKEY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCONTNAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCONTPHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCOORD - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCREDAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCRTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCRTBY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYCTYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYDISPAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYDUEDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYENDDATE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYESCAL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYKUNNR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYLOGSYS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYMCLEAAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYORIGAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYORIGIN - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYPAIDAMT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYPEXTREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYPRIO - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYPROC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYPROCAPLL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYRCCODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYREASON - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYRESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYRFCCR - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYSYSSTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYTITLE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SELBYUSERSTAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYELQRY_SYNC_SEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDQRY_SYNC_SEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC_BTDREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_BYIDRSP_S_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CANCLNREQ_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_ATTCH_DEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CHGREQ_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_BTDREF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CONF_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_CDISITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_DISPITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_NOTELINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_CDISITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_DISPITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_CRTREQ_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_ATTCHDEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_NOTELINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_ATTCH - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_ATTCH_DEL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_DC - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_NOTE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_NOTE_LINE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text
FSCM_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FSCM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FSCM_LANGUAGE_CODE_CELMNTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
FSCM_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_LONG_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_MEASURE_UNIT_CODE_CELMNTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_PROCESSING_APPL_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_QTY_TYPE_CODE_CELMNTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_QUANTITY_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_REGIONDEPENDENTLANGUAGE_T - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_ROOT_CAUSE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_SAPSCRPT_LINE_FORMAT_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_SENDER_PARTY - General information about a party that is responsible for se
FSCM_TXTCOLL_CONF_PROF_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_TXTCOLL_TXT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_TXTCOLL_TXT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_TXTCOLL_TYPE_CODE_CELMNTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FSCM_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
FTE_S_BSM_STATEMENT_POWL - structure for bank statement monitor powl
IHC_PI_INB_ACCTS - PI: Clearing Partner Details for Inbound IDOC
IHC_PI_INB_PARMS - PI: Clearing Partner Posting Parameters
IHC_PI_INB_PRN - PI: Clearing Partner for Inbound IDOC
IHC_PI_INB_TARGT - PI: Payment Parameters for Inbound IDOC
IHC_PI_STR_CREATED_PAYRQ - Payment Requests Created per IDOC
TBNK_CUST_DEFALT - Basic settings
TBNK_MSG_TYP - Message type
TBNK_MSG_TYP_T - Message type
TBNK_PAYMED_OPT - Payment medium create options
TBNK_RULE - Rule definition table
TBNK_RULE_CURR - Rule currency
TBNK_RULE_SELOP - Rule select options
TBNK_RULE_T - Text table for Rule ID
TBNK_STAT_SET - Set status for payment items based on action
TBNK_XST_2_IST - Mapp external status to internal status

SAP Biller Direct Tables FIN-FSCM-BD

APAREBPP_PAYALLOCATION_EXT - Biller Direct: Payment Data/Bill Data Assignment (extended)
APAREBPP_SE_DUECLEARING_ID - allocation of invoices and payments to a due clearing item
APAR_EBPP_DUECLEARING_IDS - allocation of invoices and payments to a due clearing item
EBPP_BTDREF - Structure of Business Transaction Document Reference
EBPP_DUE_PAYMENT_CR_CON_MT - confirms the payment of payables
EBPP_DUE_PAYMENT_CR_REQ_MT - request for paying open payables
EBPP_PAYMENTID - structure for paymentregisterid
EBPP_PAYMENT_RANGE - range for payment id
EBPP_PAYMENT_RANGE2 - range for payment id
EBPP_PAY_REG_ITEM_BY_PAYREF_QU - query for paymentregister items by a payment reference
EBPP_PAY_REG_ITEM_BY_PAYREF_RE - response to a query for paymentregisteritems by a payment
EBPP_RANGE_BUDAT - Structure for Range Table Category Posting Date
EBPP_RANGE_BUKRS - Range Structure for Company Code
EBPP_RANGE_CLEASTATCO - Range Structure for Company Code
EBPP_REG_ITEM - payment register item
EBPP_S_BUKRS - structure of company code
EBPP_TRADE_RECEIVABLES_PAYABL4 - confirmation of the payment release of open items (grouped
EBPP_TRPACC_GRP_CUSTID_QU - Query for open and cleared items of a customer (grouped to i
EBPP_TRPACC_GRP_CUSTID_RE - response to a query for open and cleared items of a customer
EBPP_TRPACC_GRP_SUPLRID_QU - Query for open and cleared items of a supplier (grouped to i
EBPP_TRPACC_GRP_SUPLRID_RE - Response to a query for open and cleared items of a supplier
EBPP_TRPITEM - dummy for trade receivables payables item - structure
EBPP_TRPSPLITGROUP - structure for trp splititem group
EBPP_TRPSPLITITEM - trade receivables payables item splititem
EBPP_TRP_ACC_SPLITGRP_PY_REL_R - request for the payment release of open items (grouped to
EBPP_TRP_CL_BYCUS_QUERY_MT - Query for cleared receivables, payables and payments of a
EBPP_TRP_CL_BYCUS_RESP_MT - lists all cleared payables, receivables and payments of a
EBPP_TRP_CONTROL - Control data for execution - TradeRecPayAccountByCus-service
EBPP_TRP_OP_BYCUS_QUERY_MT - lists all open payables and receivables of a customer
EBPP_TRP_OP_BYCUS_RESP_MT - lists all open payables and receivables of a customer

SAP Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration Tables FIN-FSCM-BD-AR

APAREBPP_ACCOUNT_INFO - Biller Direct: Data for Account
APAREBPP_ALLOCATION - Biller Direct: Assignment Item Data/Bill Data
APAREBPP_BAPI3007_2 - Transfer Structure 1007/Customer/Line Items for Biller Dir.
APAREBPP_BAPI3008_2 - Transfer Structure 1008/Vendor/Line Items for Biller Direct
APAREBPP_CLEARING_INFO - Biller Direct: Data for Clearing
APAREBPP_CLR_CRE_PART - Biller Direct: Assignment Credit to Bill for Part Settlement
APAREBPP_INVOICE - Biller Direct: Bill Data
APAREBPP_INVOICE_INFO - Biller Direct: Data for the Original Receivable
APAREBPP_INVOICE_ITEM - Biller Direct: Data of the Summarized Receivable
APAREBPP_INV_PAYDATA - Biller Direct: Payment Data for the Bills
APAREBPP_ITEM - Biller Direct: Item Data
APAREBPP_KNB1 - Customer Master (Company Code) Enhancements Internet
APAREBPP_KNB1_ADDSEL - Customer Master (All Company Codes Enhancements Internet)
APAREBPP_KNB1_BUKRS - Customer Master (Company Code) Enhancements Internet
APAREBPP_MYPAYMENTS - Biller Direct: My Payments
APAREBPP_PAYALLOCATION - Biller Direct: Payment Data/Bill Data Assignment
APAREBPP_PAYAMOUNT - SAP Biller Direct: Payment Amount per Account in a Payment
APAREBPP_PAYEXPLANATION - Biller Direct: Payment Explanation (G/L Items)
APAREBPP_PAYMENT_INFO - Biller Direct: Data for the Payment
APAREBPP_PAYMENT_ITEM - Biller Direct: Data for the Payment
APAREBPP_PAYMENT_TERMS - Biller Direct: Payment Conditions
APAREBPP_SUBST - SAP BD: Fields that can be changed with an instruction
APAREBPP_UMSKZ_RANGE - Select Option for Special G/L Indicator
APAREBPP_WTAB - SAP Biller Direct: Dynamic Where Condition
APAR_ADDRESS - Transfer Structure for an Address (Common to AP/AR)
APAR_EBPP_ACTIVITY_CATEGORY - Biller Direct: activity category name and text
APAR_EBPP_ADDRESS - Transfer Structure for an Address (Special to Biller Direct)
APAR_EBPP_ADFAX - Transfer Structure for a Fax No. (Special to Biller Direct)
APAR_EBPP_ADRML - Transfer Structure for a Remote Mail Address (Biller Direct)
APAR_EBPP_ADSMTP - Transfer Structure for an SMTP Address (Special to Biller D)
APAR_EBPP_ADTEL - Transfer Structure for a Telephone No. (Special to Biller D)
APAR_EBPP_ADURI - Transfer Structure for an URI Address (Special to Biller D.)
APAR_EBPP_AMOUNT - Biller Direct: Payment Amount for Authorization
APAR_EBPP_AUT - Payment Cards: Data for Authorization
APAR_EBPP_CARD - Payment Cards Data for Biller Direct
APAR_EBPP_CARDTYPE - Biller Direct: Card Types (Institutes)
APAR_EBPP_CARDTYPES - Biller Direct: Card Types (Institutes)
APAR_EBPP_CARD_DETAILS - Payment Card Details
APAR_EBPP_CREDITS - Biller Direct: Totals Information
APAR_EBPP_CUSTOMIZING - Biller Direct: Customizing Settings
APAR_EBPP_DISPUTEREASON - Biller Direct: Reasons for Dispute Management
APAR_EBPP_FILE_EXTENSIONS - Biller Direct: File Types for Uploaded Bill
APAR_EBPP_INVID_STRUC - Structure for a Biller Direct Bill Number
APAR_EBPP_KNA1_EXT - Structure for Customer Table with Company Code
APAR_EBPP_KNB1 - Structure for Customer Enhancement Table
APAR_EBPP_RELEASE_INFO - Biller Direct: Release Information
APAR_ITEM_ID - Identification of an Item in AP/AR
EBPPBAPIAPREF - References to application objects with texts
EBPPBAPIAPREF_EX - Reference to Application Objects with Texts with Subobjects
EBPPBAPIAPREF_LONG - References to application objects with texts
EBPPCOMMFLAGS - Notification Methods for Communication Events
EBPPINT_DEBUG - Biller Direct: Debugging
EBPPNO - The Counters for the Biller Direct Project are Saved Here
EBPPPC - Biller Direct Data for the Payment Cards
EBPP_ACTIVITY_CONTROL - FSCM Biller Direct: Check Data
EBPP_ACTIVITY_PARTNER - Biller Direct: Partner Data
EBPP_ACTIVITY_PARTNER_BUKRS - Biller Direct: Partner Data incl. Company Code
EBPP_ADDSEL - Biller Direct: Additional Selection Entries
EBPP_ALLOCATION - Biller Direct: Assignment Item Data/Bill Data
EBPP_APAR_BANKDATA - Biller Direct: Bank Data AP/AR
EBPP_APAR_CCAUT_DATA - Data for Authorization of a Credit Card
EBPP_APPLICATIONS - Biller Direct: Applications
EBPP_APPROVAL - Master Data for Dual Control Release of Bills in Biller Dir.
EBPP_AR_AUTH_LIST - Transfer Structure: Authorization Objects and Activities
EBPP_AR_CONTACT - Index of the Comments Created in Biller Direct
EBPP_AR_CONTACTS - Structure: Comments Entered in Biller Direct
EBPP_AR_CON_OUT - Output Structure of Contacts
EBPP_AR_MATCH - Assignment of User to Account/Company Code for EBPP Scenario
EBPP_AUTHORITIES - Biller Direct: Authorizations
EBPP_BANK - Biller Direct: Bank Details
EBPP_BILLERDIRECT_DETAILS - FSCM Master Data Customer Enhancement - Details
EBPP_BILLERDIRECT_EREIGNISSTEU - FSCM Master Data Customer Enhancement - Event Control
EBPP_BUKRS - Structure for Layout of Company Code Table
EBPP_CC_HKONT - The Receivables Accounts for Payment Cards
EBPP_COMMPATH - Biller Direct Communication Path
EBPP_CONFIRMATION_DATA - Biller Direct: Return Data
EBPP_CONTROL - Biller Direct: Control Data
EBPP_CREDITS - Biller Direct: Totals Information (Bills and Credits)
EBPP_DISPUTEREASON - Dispute reasons
EBPP_DM_ALLOCATION - Biller Direct: Assignment Dispute Case / Bills
EBPP_EVENT - Reporting Structure for Log Entries
EBPP_EVENT_BW - BW Extract Structure for the Event Log
EBPP_INIT_ADD_DATA - Biller Direct: Additional Data for Front End
EBPP_INQUIRY - Vendor inquiry in Self-Service
EBPP_INQUIRY - Vendor inquiry in Self-Service
EBPP_INQUIRY_REASON - Reason of the inquiry reason
EBPP_INVOICE - Biller Direct: Bill Data
EBPP_INVOICE_DISPLAYDATA - Biller Direct: The Display Data of the Original Bill
EBPP_INVOICE_EXT - Biller Direct: Include for Customer Enhancements
EBPP_INVOICE_ID - Biller Direct: Bill Data (IDs)
EBPP_INVOICE_PAYDATA - Biller Direct: Payment Data for the Bills
EBPP_INV_DOCS - Biller Direct Bills: Selection and Formats
EBPP_INV_DOC_CDATA - Bill Data (Character)
EBPP_INV_DOC_FORMATS - Bill Formats (Biller Direct)
EBPP_INV_DOC_HEADER - Biller Direct Bill Structure (Header Data)
EBPP_INV_DOC_ITEMS - Biller Direct Bill Structure (Item Data)
EBPP_INV_DOC_PARTNERS - Biller Direct Bill Structure (Partner of the Bill)
EBPP_INV_DOC_PATH - Access Path for Bill Detail
EBPP_INV_DOC_SIG_FORMATS - Signature for the Bills (Biller Direct)
EBPP_INV_FILECONTENT - Biller Direct: Bill Docs (bin. Content) for Uploading
EBPP_INV_FILEMETA - Biller Direct: Bill Documents (Meta Infos) for Uploading
EBPP_INV_MULT_ARCH_DOCS - Biller Direct: Multiple Archived Documents
EBPP_INV_NEWFLAGS - Flags for a Bill (Biller Direct)
EBPP_ITEM - Biller Direct: Item Data
EBPP_KNB1 - FSCM Master Data Customer Enhancement (Company Code)
EBPP_MESSAGES - Biller Direct: Messages
EBPP_MYPAYMENTS - Biller Direct: My Payments
EBPP_MYPAYMENTS_EXT - Biller Direct: Include for Customer Enhancements
EBPP_NOTE - Line of note for the vendor inquiry
EBPP_ORDER_HDR - Zahlungsanweisungen �ber EBPP: Kopfdaten
EBPP_ORDER_ITM - Payment Orders via Biller Direct: Items
EBPP_ORDER_PAY - Payment Orders via Biller Direct: Payment Data
EBPP_PARTNER - Biller Direct: Partner Data
EBPP_PARTNER_BUKRS - Biller Direct: Partner Data incl. Company Code
EBPP_PARTNER_LOOKUP - SAP Biller Direct: Hit list for partner search
EBPP_PAYALLOCATION - Biller Direct: Payment Data/Bill Data Assignment
EBPP_PAYCARD_DATA - Biller Direct: Credit Card Data
EBPP_PAYDATA - Biller Direct: Data for Payment
EBPP_PAYEXPLANATION - Biller Direct: Payment Explanation (G/L Items)
EBPP_PAYMENT - Biller Direct: Data for Web Payment
EBPP_PROFILE - Profiles for Biller Direct
EBPP_REQUESTING_PARTNER - Requester of Bill Details (Biller Direct)
EBPP_RFARMATCH_ITEMS - Payment Advice Creation for Open Item Assignment: Interface
EBPP_SUB_PARTY - Subobject for an SAP Biller Direct Partner
EBPP_T000 - Setting for Bill Release
EBPP_T043G - Biller Direct: Settings for User Tolerances
EBPP_TIMESTAMP - Time Stamp for Log Entries
EBPP_TOTALS - Biller Direct: Totals
EBPP_TTXID - Text IDs for Biller Direct complaint texts
FIN_BANKDETAIL - Financials: Bank Details Data
FIN_BANKID - Financials: Bank Details ID
FIN_PARTNER - Financials: Partner Data
RFARMATCH_AVISD - Payment Advice Creation for Open Item Assignment: Interface
RFARMATCH_ITEMS - Payment Advice Creation for Open Item Assignment: Interface
SEBPP_REC_INV_DISP - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: Display
SEBPP_REC_INV_FILES - SAP Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Bill Files
SEBPP_REC_INV_FILE_INFO - SAP Biller Direct Bill Receipt: Bill File Info
SI_EBPP_KNB1 - Customer Enhancements for Internet Applications
T042ICC - Account Determination Payment Cards in Payment Program
T042ZEBPP - Biller Direct Payment Methods
TACTT_EBPP - Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)
TACT_EBPP - Processing Functions with Authorization Protection (BD)
TEBPPADDRESS - Contact Person Key for the Partner
TEBPPCAT - Log Categories Control Part SAP
TEBPPCATCOCD - Inactive Company Code for each Log Category
TEBPPCATCUST - Log Categories Control Part Customer
TEBPPCATT - Text Table for Log Entries
TEBPPCOMMFLAG - Notification Methods for Communication Events
TEBPPCOMMPRD - Assign Communication Event to a Time Period Group
TEBPPEXTSTATUS - External description of the invoice
TEBPPINQUIRYRES - Reason code of the vendor inquiry
TEBPPINQUIRYSW - Switches to select vendor inquiry system
TEBPPPERIOD - Biller Direct Notification Periods
TEBPPPERIODT - Texts for Time Period Groups
TEBPPPMNTDESCR - SAPScript used for payment descrption per company
TEBPP_COMMEVENT - Communication Event in Biller Direct
TEBPP_COMMEVENTT - Texts for Communication Events in Biller Direct
TEBPP_REC_INV - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing
TEBPP_REC_INV_A - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: Archive
TEBPP_REC_INV_C - Biller Direct: Set Bill Receipt Processing
TEBPP_REC_INV_I - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: IDoc
TFSCM_ISR - FSCM: List of Open ISR Messages in the FSCM Area
TFSCM_PROFILES - Reference User for Biller Direct
TFSCM_PROFILEST - Reference User for Biller Direct
WEBFI_BALANCE_LINE - Balance Display: Structure Balances Display Table
WEBFI_EXT_BALANCE_LINE - Transfer structure 1008/GetBalances
WEBFI_EXT_CURR - Currency Structure
WEBFI_EXT_SPEC_GL_MONTHLY_LINE - Monthly transaction figures for special GL processes

SAP Direct Bank Communication Tables FIN-FSCM-BNK

LWM_D_INV_ATTCHM - Financial Payment Approval - Pattern for Invoice File Names
LWM_D_USER_BADGE - Payment Approval App - User number of batches for the badge
LWM_S_BNKAPP_ACTION_TEXT - Payment Approval - Description of Action
LWM_S_BNKAPP_ATTACHMENT - Payment Approval - Content of Attachment (Office, PDF)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_ATTACH_CONTENT_MD - Payment Approval App - Content of Attachment (Office, PDF)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_APPROVER - Payment Approval - Approver
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_APPROVER_MD - Payment Approval App - Approvers
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_COUNTER_MD - Payment Approval App - Batch Count
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HEADER - Payment Approval - Batch Header
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HEADER_MD - Payment Approval App - Batch Header
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HEADER_UPD - Payment Approval - Batch Header (after update)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HISTORY - Payment Approval - History
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_HISTORY_MD - Payment Approval App - Approval, Notes, Attachment History
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_INVOICE - Payment Approval - Invoice of Payment
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_INVOICE_MD - Payment Approval App - Invoice of Payment
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_INV_ATTACH - Payment Approval App - Content of Invoice Attachment (PDF)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_INV_ATTA_MD - Payment Approval App - Content of Invoice Attachment (PDF)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_ITEM - Payment Approval - Batch Item (Payment)
LWM_S_BNKAPP_BATCH_ITEM_MD - Payment Approval App - Batch Item
LWM_S_BNKAPP_MESSAGE_MD - Payment Approval App - Message with updated Batch Header
LWM_S_BNKAPP_USER_DATA - Payment Approval - User Data

SAP Basic Functions Tables FIN-FSCM-CLM-CM-CM

ADD_REC_TRANS - Additional record of a transaction (TITO Format)
AT85 - CMF - Generating pmnt advices (prod./trans.type)
BASE_REC_ACC_STMT - Basic Record Account Statement (TITO Format)
BASE_REC_TRANS - Basic Record Transaction
BSPS_EDGES_LIST_STRUCT - List of Search Strings Compiled for Bank Statement
CFDPR - Structure for cash mgmt fields for CPAYRQ
CMSREFX - Transfer Structure RE-FX (Real Estate) to Cash Management
CMVIBEPP - Structure for Transferring Real Estate to Cash Management
CPAYRQ - Structure for change documents for PAYRQ
CUM_BASE_REC - Cumulative basic record (TITO)
CUM_CORR_REC - Cumulative correction record (TITO)
DMEPARAM - Parameters used in DME area
E1IDRD1 - IDoc reference: Items of referenced application IDocs
E1IDRH1 - IDoc reference: Header segment of reference IDoc (ES)
E1IDRH2 - IDoc reference: Addressing for signatures
E1IDRS1 - IDoc reference: Segment for total sums
F40C - Screen fields for transaction FF73
F40C_1 - FF73: No Popup for Data Request
FACM_ACC_S_RFFDZA00_LIST - Structure for ALV Output of RFFDZA00
FACM_S_RFFDCC00 - Structure for Report : RFFDCC00 (ALV Conversion)
FACM_S_RFFDIS46_LIST - Structure for RFFDIS46_ALV and RFFDIS45
FACM_S_RFFDTL00_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RFFDTL00
FACM_S_RFFUEB00_LIST_ALV - ALV Structure for Report RFFUEB00
FACM_S_RFFVAL00_HEADER - Header Structure for Report RFFVAL00_ALV
FACM_S_RFFVAL00_ITEM - Item Structure
FACM_S_SAPMFFD1_LIST - Structure for Field Catalog (SAPMFFD1)
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBBU00_ALV - Post Bank Statement/Check Deposit List
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBBU00_ALV_HEAD - Post Bank Statement/Check Deposit List
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBBU00_ALV_STATIS - Post Bank Statement/Check Deposit List
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBKA86_ALV - Structure for report RFEBKA86_ALV
FAGL_ACC_S_RFEBLBR1_LIST2 - Accounts Posting Total
FAGL_S_RFEBBE00_LIST - ALV structure for report RFEBBE00
FAGL_S_RFEBBE00_LIST_2 - ALV structure for report RFEBBE00
FAGL_S_RFEBGB00_LIST1 - ALV Structure for report RFEBGB00
FAGL_S_RFEBGB00_LIST2 - Structure for ALV Conv. RFEBGB00
FAGL_S_RFEBKA00_MESSAGES - Messages while importing the bank statement
FAGL_S_RFEBLB00_HEAD - Lockbox: Check
FAGL_S_RFEBLB00_ITEM - Lockbox: Single Invoices Paid by Check
FAGL_S_RFEBLBR1_HEADER_LIST1 - Total Residual Items
FAGL_S_RFEBLBR1_ITEM_LIST1 - Residual Items for Check
FAGL_S_RFEBSC00_LIST - Structure for RFEBSC00
FAGL_S_SAPMF40K_BANKACCOUNT - Maintenance of Bank Accounts
FAGL_S_SAPMF40K_ITEM - Item Structure
FAGL_S_SAPMF40K_STATEMENT - Structure for Statements
FAGL_S_SAPMF40L_LIST1 - Structure for report sapmf40l
FAGL_S_SAPMF40L_LIST2 - Structure for SAPMF40L_ALV
FAGL_S_SAPMF40L_LIST3 - Structure for SAPMF40L_ALV
FAGL_S_SAPMF40L_LIST4 - Structure for SAPMF40L_ALV
FAGL_S_SAPMF40S_LIST2 - Check Details
FAGL_S_SAPMF40S_LIST3 - Check Details
FBEC_00_EB - CODA record 0 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_10_EB - CODA record 1 (Belgium bank statement)
FBEC_21_EB - CODA record 2 part 1 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_22_EB - CODA record 2 part 2 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_23_EB - CODA record 2 part 3 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_31_EB - CODA record 3 part 1 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_32_EB - CODA record 3 part 2 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_33_EB - CODA record 3 part 2 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_40_EB - CODA record 4 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_80_EB - CODA record 8 (bank statement Belgium)
FBEC_90_EB - CODA record 9
FDAU - Cash Managment Advice Authorization Catalog
FDD1 - Cash mgmt and forecast-Loan line items-Memo records
FDES - Cash Management and Forecast: Memo Records
FDESDIST - Cash management memo records (distributed)
FDESINC - Append structure for FDES
FDES_IMPORT - Structure for Importing TR-CM Memo Recs (Pyt Advs/Plan Itms)
FDES_IMPORT_ASCII - Structure for Importing TR-CM Memo Recs (Pyt Advs/Plan Itms)
FDFIEP - CM: FI Line Items (OP of Deb/Cred for Drilldown)
FDFIEP_TRACK - FDFIEP Logged in Update
FDI1 - Cash Management Line Item for RE Classic Planning Records
FDIES - Include cash management memo records
FDIES_ASCII - Include cash management memo records
FDIS50_TAB - Form transfer structure for RFFDIS50
FDISB - Include cash management totals records of G/L accounts
FDISR - Include for cash mgt totals records of planning groups
FDIS_LFKN - Structure for Transferring Customer Master Recs to CM
FDLF - Cash Management Line Items for Agency Business
FDLF2 - Cash Management Line Items for Agency Business (As of 604)
FDM1 - Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of MM Documents
FDM2 - Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition
FDMV - Cash Planning Line Items of Earmarked Funds
FDRE - Cash Management Line Items from RE-FX (Real Estate)
FDS1 - Cash Management & Forecast: Line Items of SD Documents
FDS2 - CM&F Line Items in SD Documents (fromr Release 4.0)
FDSB - CMF summary records for G/L accounts
FDSB2 - CMF Totals Records for G/L Accounts (As of Release 604)
FDSB2EXT - FDSB2 Plus Additional Field for Cash Mgmnt Account Name
FDSBDIST - CMF Summary Records for G/L Accounts (distbtd)
FDSBDISTEXT - FDSBDIST plus Additional Field for CM Account Description
FDSBEXT - FDSB plus Additional Field for Cash Mgt Account Name
FDSP - Cash Mgmt Adjustment Items from Document Splitting
FDSR - CMF summary records for planning groups
FDSR2 - CMF Totals Records for Planning Groups (As of Release 604)
FDSRDIST - Cash management totals records for planning groups (distbd)
FDT1 - CMF Line Items for Forex, Money Market, Derivatives
FDTL - Telephone list
FDW1 - Cash Mgt and Forecast - Securities Line Items- Planned Flows
FEBCL - Clearing data for an electronic bank statement line item
FEBCL_IF - FEBCL Structure for Interface
FEBCL_TY - FEBCL for XML Bank Statement
FEBC_00_EB2 - CODA Record 0(Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBC_10_EB2 - CODA Record 1 (Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBC_21_EB2 - CODA Record 2 part 1(Bank Statement Belgium)
FEBC_22_EB2 - CODA Record 2 part 2 (Bank Statement Belgium)
FEBC_23_EB2 - CODA Record 2 Part 3(Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBC_31_EB2 - CODA Record 3 Part 1(Bank Statement Belgium)
FEBC_32_EB2 - CODA Record 3 Part 2(Bank Statement in Belgium)
FEBC_33_EB2 - CODA Record 3 Part 3(Bank Statement in Belgium)
FEBC_40_EB2 - CODA Record 4(Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBC_80_EB2 - CODA Record 8 (Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBC_90_EB2 - CODA record 9(Belgium Bank Statement)
FEBEBA - Screen Fields: Postprocessing Elect. Bank Statements
FEBEP - Electronic Bank Statement Line Items
FEBEP_IF - FEBEP Structure for Interface
FEBEP_TY - FEBEP for XML Bank Statement
FEBEXTTRN - External transaction code text definition
FEBFEST - Fixed Values for Processing Bank Statements
FEBKEY - ID administration
FEBKO - Electronic Bank Statement Header Records
FEBKO_ABSND_STRUCT - Help Structue for Key Field ABSND (Bank Data Store)
FEBKO_E - Help structure for lock object E_FEBKO
FEBKO_IF - FEBKO Structure for Interface
FEBKO_TY - FEBKO for XML Bank Statement
FEBLBX - Screen Fields For Lockbox
FEBMKA - Manual Bank Statement - General Fields
FEBMKK - Manual Bank Statement - Customer-selectable Fields
FEBMKK_KF - Man. Acct Statement - Customer-selectable Fields ( .._KF )
FEBMS - Message table for Finnish bank statement
FEBPDO - Docu. Parameter for Statement, Check Deposit, Lbox Programs
FEBPI - Polling Statement Line Item Information
FEBRE - Reference record for electronic bank statement line item
FEBRE_IF - FEBRE Structure for Interface
FEBRE_TY - Note to Payee for XML Bank Statement
FEBSCA - Manual check depost transaction: general screen fields
FEBSCK - Manual check deposit transaction: selectable screen fields
FEBSCK_KF - Checks deposit trans.: selectable screen fields ( .._KF )
FEBSCSA - Interface for external check entry: header record
FEBSCSB - Interface for external check entry: memo record
FEBSCSC - Interface for external check entry: clearing record
FEBVW - Electronic Banking Management Records
FEB_IF - FEB* for Interface
FEB_S - FEB* Structure for XML Bank Statement
FES4311_EB - Data rec.: account head
FES4322_EB - Electronic Banking
FES4323_EB - Data rec.: Complementary record
FES4333_EB - Data rec.: End Account
FFHN_S_RANGE_BUKRS - Structure for Range BUKRS
FFHN_S_RANGE_FDGRP - Structure for Range FDGRP
FFHN_S_RANGE_FDLEV - Structure for Range FDLEV
FFHN_S_RANGE_GLIED - Structure for Range GLIED
FFHN_S_RANGE_SKPSK - Structure for Range SKPSK
FFRMOUV_EB - Data record: cash transaction in bank acct
FFRSANC_EB - Data rec.: Prev. balance
FFRSNOU_EB - Data rec.: New balance
FGBB036_EB - Electronic bank statement: Data record for Barclays Bank
FGBHDR2_EB - Electronic bank statement: ANSI tape HDR2 label
FGBM036_EB - Electronic bank statement: Data record for Midland Bank
FGBN028_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster Bank (028)
FGBNA28_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster 028-A rec.
FGBNB28_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster 028-B rec.
FGBNC28_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster 028-C rec.
FGBNE28_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster 028-E rec.
FGBNT28_EB - Electronic bank statement: National Westminster 028 fields
FGBR128_EB - Electronic bank statement: Royal Bank of Scotland Royline
FGBUHL1_EB - Electronic bank statement: User header label 1 for GB
FGBUKDA_EB - Electronic bank statement: Data record for UK APACS (BACS)
FGBUTL1_EB - Electronic bank statement: User trailer label 1 for GB
FGBVOL1_EB - Electronic bank statement: ANSI tape VOL1 label
FGBWG96_EB - Electronic bank statement:Dta rec. for RBS(Williams & Glyns)
FIEB_FEBKO_SEARCH_A - Electronic Bank Statement
FIEB_FMTGRP_X - Grouping of Bank Statement Formats
FIEB_KUKEY - Bank Statement Bank Key
FIEB_MAPP_XCTRLT - Description of Bank Statement Format
FIEB_MAPP_X_CTRL - Mapping Procedure for Bank Statement Format
FIEB_MAPP_X_CUST - Differing mapping formats for bank statement formats
FIEB_NOTT028G - External Transactions Not in T028G
FIEB_RET_CHARGES - Returns Charges in Electronic Bank Statement
FIN_RFEBBU0001_ALV - Structure 1 for RFEBBU001_ALV
FIN_RFEBBU0002_ALV - Structure 2 for RFEBBU001_ALV
FIN_RFFDEA00_01_ALV - Structure for RFFDEA00 - Totals Records Lines
FIN_RFFDEA00_02_ALV - Structure for RFFDEA00 - Memo Record Lines
FIN_RFFDEA00_03_ALV - Structure for RFFDEA00 - Cumulative Memo Records
FIN_RFFDEA00_04_ALV - Structure for RFFDEA00 - Not Used
FIN_RFFDUZ00_01_ALV - Structure for RFFDUZ00
FJPDAT1_EB - Incoming/outgoing data record of ZENGINKYO
FJPDAT2_EB - Bank transfer of incoming data record: ZENGINKYO
FJPEND1_EB - Incoming/outgoing end record: ZENGINKYO
FJPEND2_EB - Bank transfer incoming end record: ZENGINKYOU
FJPHED1_EB - Acc. moving (incoming/outgoing) header record of ZENGINKYO
FJPHED2_EB - Bank transfer incoming header record: ZENGINKYOU
FJPTRL1_EB - Incoming/outgoing trailer record: ZENGINKYO
FJPTRL2_EB - Bank transfer incoming trailer record: ZENGINKYOU
FLB24 - BAI-II format: lockbox record type 4, overflow record
FLB26 - BAI-II format: lockbox record type 6, new check
FLQITEMC1_FC - Liquidity Calculation: Forecast from Securities
FOAP_ACC_S_RFEBKA00_LIST2 - Structure for RFEBKA00 for list2
FOAP_ACC_S_RFEBKA00_LIST3 - Structure for List 3 RFEBKA00: FI Planning Advice Acct Bal.
FOAP_S_RFEBFD00_ALV - Field Catalog Structure for RFEBFD00_ALV
FOAP_S_RFEBJP00_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RFEBJP00
FOAP_S_RFEBJP00_LIST1 - ALV Structure for Report RFEBJP00
FOAP_S_RFEBKA96_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RFEBKA96
FOAP_S_RFEBLBD00_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RFEBLBD00
FTE_BSM_STATEMENT - FTE-BSM: Display Structure for Bank Statement Monitor
ISTRUCT035D - Cash Management Account Names (structure for T035D)
LXAVIP - Remittance Information passed to table AVIP
LXAVIR - Remittance Subposition items to be passed to AVIR
MANSP_S_EB - Structure for Table Type mansp_t_eb
MESS_REC - Message record (TITO)
PAMA_EDGES_STRUCT - Structure for Pattern Matching Machines
R2FDES - Transfer Structure of CMF Payment Advices
R2FDSB - Transfer Structure of Treasury
R2FDSR - Transfer Structure of Treasury
RAW_DATA - RAW_DATA Interface for SWIFT MT940
RF40A - Cash Management: Structure for Payment Advice Reconciliation
RF40B - Cash Concentration: Transfer Structure for Bank Data
RF40D - Transfer structure for determining date relevant for payment
RF40KB1 - Transfer Table 1 for Update to FEBxx (SAPMF40K)
RF40KB2 - Transfer Table 2 for Update to FEBxx (SAPMF40K / ..S)
RF40KI1 - Transfer Structure 1 for User Exit (Manual Bank Statement)
RF40KI2 - Transfer Table 2 for User Exit (Selection Fields)
RF40KI3 - Transfer Structure 3 for User Exit (Single Item Status)
RF40L - I/O Fields for Single Record Entry and Update
RF40R_CM - Cash management
RF40S - Planning Transfer Structure for a Summary Record Update
RF40SB1 - Transfer Table 1 for Update to FEBxx (SAPMF40S)
RF40SI1 - Transfer Structure 1 for User Exit (Checks Received List)
RF40SO - Selection Option Reference Fields for Cash Mgmt Data Base
RF40T - I/O Fields for Cash Position / Liquidity Forecast
RF40V - Planning Transfer Structure for Selection and Summarization
RF40Z - Cash Management: Other Screen Fields
RF40_015W - Instruction Keys
RF40_ALE_BKPF - Cash Planning Transfer Structure to Determine ALE Relevance
RF40_ALE_BSEG - Cash Planning Transfer Structure to Determine ALE Relevance
RFFFPDO1 - Structure of Cash Mgmt and Forecast Parameters and Sel.Opts
RFPDO1_EN - Report specfic components
RFVWPRQ - Report-specific parameters and select option documentation
SFDFIEP - CM:Structure for Table FDFIEP + X Field for Parked Documents
SPEC_REC - Special record
ST028R_LINE_TYPES - Repetitive transaction line code types
SVBKEP - Structure Bank Statement Items for Table Type t_vbkep
SVW_TRANS - Fast entry repetitive
T012A - Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.
T012B - Description of trans. types
T012C - Terms for bank transactions
T018C - Cash Concentration: Intermediate Acct and Amt Stipulations
T018D - Forms for Cash Management and Forecast
T018Z - Cash Transfer: Payment Method Determination Payment Requests
T028A - Bank Statement Table
T028B - Transaction Type of Sender Bank
T028D - Define Internal Transactions in Electronic Banking
T028E - Text Table for T028D
T028G - Allocate External to Internal Transactions
T028H - Allocate Manual to Internal Transactions
T028I - Text Table for T028H
T028L - EB: Sender Bank - CM Data
T028M - Class for alternative currency keys
T028N - Currency class descriptions
T028O - Currency classes
T028P - Assign Search Strings to Bank Statement Transactions
T028Q - Mapping Table
T028R - Repetitive Funds Transfer Types
T028RS - Repetitive Funds Transfer Type Names
T028RTRANS - Repetitive Transfer Transactions
T028X - Returns Reasons
T028Y - Returns Activities: Posting Rules / Reverse Clearing
T028Z - Returns Activities: Change Open Items
T034 - Cash Mgmt: Determine Account Assignments/Document Splitting
T035 - Planning groups
T035D - Cash Management Account Names
T035T - Planning Group Texts
T035U - Texts for Cash Management Account Names
T035V - Allocate G/L Account to Segmentation (temporarily not used)
T035Z - Liquidity Forecast: Payment Date Determinations/Assignments
T036 - Planning levels
T036M - Level Assignment for Earmarked Funds
T036M2 - Earmarked Funds: Group Assignment If Account Missing
T036O - Symbols for Allocating Levels for Updating
T036P - Texts for Level Symbols in T0360
T036Q - Allocating Levels for T0360
T036S - Planning Levels with Payment Blocks
T036T - Planning Level Texts
T036V - Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt
T037 - Planning Types
T037A - Archiving Categories
T037T - Planning Type Texts
T038 - Cash Management: Grouping Structure
T038P - Cash Management: Groupings (Checking Table)
T038T - Texts for Groupings
T038V - Distribution for Cash Mgmt Position and Liquidity Forecast
T039 - Source Symbols for Cash Management
T039T - Source Symbol Texts
T243A - Set TR-CM Subsystems and Company Codes
T243B - Convert Sender Planning Group
T243C - Convert Sender Planning Level
T243D - Convert Sender Business Areas
T243E - Time Zone of the Subsystems
T243LS - Logging Table for Distributed CM Data
T243S - TRCM Link: Transmission Status
T243X - Table for Logical Systems
TFTE_BSM_CUST - Customizing: Bank Statement Monitor
TPAMA - Search Strings for Pattern Matching
TPAMAT - Text Table for Search String TPAMA
VWEZW_TY - Note to Payee for XML Bank Statement

SAP Collections Management Tables FIN-FSCM-COL

VWEZW_TY - Note to Payee for XML Bank Statement
VWEZW_TY - Note to Payee for XML Bank Statement
ROXSE30066 - Priority of Worklist Item
ROXSE30066 - Priority of Worklist Item
ROXSE30066 - Priority of Worklist Item
ROXSE30069 - Name of Strategies
UDMBPPROFILE - Collection Profile in Business Partner
UDMBPSEGMENTS - Collection Segments in Business Partner
UDMBPTEMPASSIGNM - Temporary Assignments in Business Partner
UDMNEWCONTACTS - SAP Collections Management: New Contact Person (Temporary)
UDMUSERSETTINGS - Personalization for Worklist
UDM_BASIS_RULE - Basic Rules
UDM_BASIS_RULET - Name of Basic Rules
UDM_BI_COLL_BPARTNER - Extract Structure for Business Partner Integration
UDM_BI_COLL_CCT - Extract structure for Customer Contacts data extraction
UDM_BI_COLL_DEBITOR - Extract Structure for Debitor
UDM_BI_COLL_INTEGRATION - Extract Structure for Business Partner Integration
UDM_BI_COLL_ITEM - Extraction Structure for OIs from SAP Collections Mgt
UDM_BI_COLL_P2P - Extract Structure for Promise to Pays
UDM_BI_COLL_P2P_INV - Extract Structure for Invoices which have P2Ps assigned
UDM_BI_COLL_WORKLIST - Extract Structure for Worklist
UDM_BI_S_BP_SEGMENT - Business partner with segments allocated
UDM_BI_S_BP_TEMPASSIGNM - Temporary assignments of Business Partner
UDM_BP_SEGMENT_KEY - Key Structure for Displaying Change Documents
UDM_B_RULE_SELOP - Attributes of Selection Options for Basic Rules
UDM_CCT - Attributes of Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_ATTR - Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_REL - Objects Created during Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_RESULT - Results of Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_RESULTT - Text Table for Results of Customer Contact
UDM_CCT_TYPE - Contact Types
UDM_CCT_TYPET - Text Table for Contact Types
UDM_COLL_BI_DEL - Deleted Collection Items (memorized for BI)
UDM_COLL_DELINFO - Company Codes for Which Data has been Deleted
UDM_COLL_DISTALG - Distribution of Worklist Items to Collection Specialists
UDM_COLL_DISTALT - Distribution of Worklist Items to Collection Specialists
UDM_COLL_GRP - Collection Group
UDM_COLL_GRPT - Name of Collection Group
UDM_COLL_ITEM - Open Items
UDM_COLL_ITEMCAS - Open Items with Dispute Case
UDM_COLL_KEYFIG - Business Partner Key Figures
UDM_COLL_LASTPAY - Last Payments of Business Partner
UDM_COLL_PRIO - Priority of Worklist Item
UDM_COLL_PRIOT - Priority of Worklist Item
UDM_COLL_PROF - Collection Profile
UDM_COLL_PROFT - Name of Collection Profile
UDM_COLL_SGMT - Collection Segment
UDM_COLL_SGMTT - Name of Collection Segment
UDM_COMPCODE_MAP - Assignment of FI Company Code to Collection Company Code
UDM_COMP_CODE - Company Codes in Collections Management
UDM_GRP_SPL - Assignment of Collection Specialist to Collection Group
UDM_GRP_SPL_ABS - Absence and Substitute of Collection Specialist
UDM_PROF_SGMT - Assignment of Collection Segment to Collection Profile
UDM_PR_HEAD - Parallel Program Runs
UDM_PR_INTV - Intervals for Parallel Processing of Program Runs
UDM_PR_JOBS - Jobs for Parallel Processing of Program Runs
UDM_PR_PROG - Programs with Parallel Processing
UDM_PR_PROGT - Programs with Parallel Processing
UDM_PR_SEGMENTS - Block Table for Segment
UDM_PR_SEL_OPT - Selection Options for Parallel Processing
UDM_RSM_ATTR - Resubmissions
UDM_RSM_DEFAULT_ATTR - FSCM-DM: Resubmission Attributes
UDM_RSM_REASON - Reasons for Resubmission
UDM_RSM_REASONT - Names of Resubmission Reasons
UDM_RULE - Rules
UDM_RULET - Name of Rules
UDM_RULE_B_RULE - Assignment of Basic Rules to Rules
UDM_SCREEN_PROPERTIES - FSCM-DM: Properties of Attribute
UDM_SGMT_COMP - Assignment of Company Code in Collections Mgt - Segment
UDM_SGMT_CR - Assignment of Credit Segment to Collection Segment
UDM_SGMT_GRP - Assignment of Collection Group to Collection Segment
UDM_STRATEGY - Strategies
UDM_STRATEGYT - Name of Strategies
UDM_STRATEGYT_V - Name of Strategies
UDM_STRATEGY_RUN - Where-Used List of Strategies in Worklists
UDM_STRATEGY_V - Strategies
UDM_STR_RULE - Assignment of Rules to Strategies
UDM_STR_RULE_V - Assignment of Rules to Collection Strategies
UDM_STR_SELOP - Selection Options for Strategies
UDM_STR_SELOP_V - Selection Options of Collection Strategies
UDM_S_ALV_COMPCODE - Asignment Status of Company Codes
UDM_S_ALV_PR_HEAD - ALV: Parallel Program Runs
UDM_S_ALV_PR_INTV - Parallel Processing Interval
UDM_S_ALV_RULES - Assignment of Collection Rules to Strategy
UDM_S_ASSIGN_SPECIALIST - Assignment of Specialist
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE - Identification of Basic Rule
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE_ATTR - Attributes of Basic Rule
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE_DATA - Attributes of Basic Rules
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE_DATA_NEW - Attributes of Basic Rules
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE_SELECT_OPTION - Attributes of Selection Options for Basic Rules
UDM_S_BASIS_RULE_TEXT - Basic Rule with Name
UDM_S_BP - Business Partner
UDM_S_BPSEG - Business Partner with Collection Segment
UDM_S_BP_HISTORY - ALV Structure for Displaying Historical Data in Coll. Mgt
UDM_S_BP_HOURS - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Contact Times
UDM_S_BP_IN_SEGMENT - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner per Segment
UDM_S_BP_NEWCONTACT_UPD - Update Structure to Update Temporary Contacts
UDM_S_BP_PROFILE - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_PROFILE_UI - SAP Collections Management: Screen Structure for BP Data
UDM_S_BP_PROFILE_UPD - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_SEGMENT - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_SEGMENT_UI - SAP Collections Management: Screen Structure for BP Data
UDM_S_BP_SEGMENT_UPD - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_SEG_CUST_LOGSYS - Assignment of Business Partner to Customer
UDM_S_BP_TEMPASSIGNM - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_TEMPASSIGNM_UI - SAP Collections Management: Screen Structure for BP Data
UDM_S_BP_TEMPASSIGNM_UPD - SAP Collections Management: Business Partner Data
UDM_S_BP_WORKLISTINFO - SAP Collections Management: Bus. Partner Data for Worklist
UDM_S_BR00000001 - Risk Class
UDM_S_BR00000002 - Total of All Items Overdue Since n Days
UDM_S_BR00000003 - Amount of Individual Item Overdue Since n Days
UDM_S_BR00000004 - Total of All Items Due within n Days
UDM_S_BR00000005 - Amount of Individual Item Due within n Days
UDM_S_BR00000007 - Credit Limit Utilization
UDM_S_BR00000008 - Amount to Be Collected
UDM_S_BR00000012 - There is a resubmission due for the invoice
UDM_S_BR00000013 - Broken Promises to Pay
UDM_S_BR00000014 - Total of Amounts from Dispute Cases to Be Collected
UDM_S_BR00000015 - Customer has paid less than minimum amount since n days
UDM_S_BR00000017 - Dunned Amount Still To Be Collected n Days after Dunning
UDM_S_BR00000018 - There is a resubmission due for the customer
UDM_S_BR00000019 - No Successful Customer Contact in Last n Days
UDM_S_BR00000020 - Successful Customer Contact in Last n Days
UDM_S_BR00000022 - Overdue Installments
UDM_S_BR00000023 - Installment Due Within n Days
UDM_S_BR00000024 - Broken Promises To Pay with Installments
UDM_S_BRG0000008 - Amount to Be Collected
UDM_S_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Business Partner per Segment (Business Partner Search)
UDM_S_CCT_ATTR - Customer Contact Attributes Supplemented
UDM_S_CCT_ATTR_UI - Customer Contact Attribute (for UI Display)
UDM_S_CHG_HISTORY - Change History
UDM_S_COLLECTION_SPECIALIST - Collection Specialist with Full Name
UDM_S_COLL_COMPCODE - Mapping of Company Codes from Collections Management/FI
UDM_S_COLL_GROUP - Collection Group with Name
UDM_S_COLL_GRP_KEY - Message Key
UDM_S_COLL_GRP_SPECIALIST - Collection Group with Specialist
UDM_S_COLL_HEAD_OFFICE - Head Office with Description
UDM_S_COLL_ITEM_ATTR - Item Attributes
UDM_S_COLL_KEYFIG - Business Partner Key Figures
UDM_S_COLL_PROFILE - Collection Profile
UDM_S_COLL_SPECIALIST - Collection Specialist
UDM_S_COMPCODE_LOGSYS - Company Code with Logical System
UDM_S_COMPCODE_W_LOGSYS - FI Company Codes with Text and Logical System
UDM_S_COMP_CODE - Company Codes
UDM_S_CWL_ITEM - Worklist Item (CRM IC)
UDM_S_DUE_DATE_GRID_TEXT - Due Date Grid Graphic Texts
UDM_S_DUE_PERIODS - Due Date Period
UDM_S_DUE_START - Due Date Period
UDM_S_GRP_SPEC - Possible Entries Help Structure (F4)
UDM_S_INTERVALS - Interval Data Prepared for Display
UDM_S_INTERVAL_COLHDR - Worklist in CRM IC: Column Headers
UDM_S_INTERVAL_TEXT - Worklist: Column Headings
UDM_S_KUNNR - Customer with Logical System
UDM_S_LOC_STRATEGY_RESULT_SCR - Collection Strategy with Name
UDM_S_LOC_STRGY_SEARCH - Search Criteria for Collection Strategy
UDM_S_MESSAGE_ALV - Messages to be Output in ALV
UDM_S_OVERDUE_START - Overdue Period
UDM_S_P2P_ADD_FIDATA - Promise to Pay: FI Data
UDM_S_P2P_FIKEY - Promise to Pay: FI Key
UDM_S_PERIOD_INTERVAL - Due Date Intervals
UDM_S_PR_HEAD - Parallel Program Runs
UDM_S_PR_INTV - Intervals for Parallel Processing of Program Runs
UDM_S_PR_PROG - Application Log for Parallel Processing
UDM_S_PR_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Options for Parallel Processing
UDM_S_RSM_ALV - Resubmission Enhanced with Attributes (ALV Check Report)
UDM_S_RULE_B_RULE - Use of Basic Rule in Rule
UDM_S_RULE_SEQUENCE - Assignment of Rule to Sequential Number of Strategy
UDM_S_SEGMENT_GROUPS - Collection Segment with Collection Group
UDM_S_SEGMENT_INT - SAP Collections Management: Segment in Time Interval
UDM_S_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Options for Configuration of Collection Rules
UDM_S_SELECT_OPTIONS_BUF - Selection Options for Buffering Strategies
UDM_S_SELECT_OPTIONS_DATA - Selection Options Data (Configuration of Rules)
UDM_S_SELECT_OPTIONS_SEQ - Selection Options for Rule of Strategy
UDM_S_SELECT_OPTIONS_STRATEGY - Selection Options of Strategy
UDM_S_SEL_OPT_LAY_B_RULE - Selection Options for Layout Attributes of Basic Rule
UDM_S_SEQUENCE_ID - Sequential Number of Strategy
UDM_S_SEQUENCE_TEXT - Texts for Strategy Rule
UDM_S_SERVDESC - Server Name with Description
UDM_S_SGMT_COMP - Assignments of Company Codes and Collection Segments
UDM_S_SIMULATE_SCR - Display Structure for Simulation Screen
UDM_S_STRATEGY - Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STRATEGY_DATA - Collection Strategy Data
UDM_S_STRATEGY_HEADER - Header Data of Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STRATEGY_SCR - Display Structure for Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STRATEGY_TEXT - Name of Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STRATEGY_VERSION - Version of Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STRATEGY_VERSION_BUF - Header Data of Strategy Version for Buffering
UDM_S_STRGY_SEARCH - Search Fields for Collection Strategy
UDM_S_STR_RULE - Rules in Strategy
UDM_S_STR_RULE_BUF - Assignment of Rules to Strategies for Buffering
UDM_S_STR_RULE_DATA - Data of Strategy Rule
UDM_S_SUBSTITUTE - Substitute for Collection Specialist
UDM_S_VALUATION_SEQUENCE - Assignment of Valuation to Sequential Number of Strategy
UDM_S_WD_P2P_ATTR - Promise to Pay Attribute (Web Dynpro)
UDM_S_WD_RSM_ALV - Enriched Attributes of Resubmission (Web Dynpro ALV)
UDM_S_WL_RUN_ID - Worklist Items Released Based on Run ID
UDM_S_WORKLIST_ITEM_ATTR_C - Worklist Items with Customer Fields
UDM_S_WORKLIST_ITEM_C - Worklist Item with Customer Fields
UDM_S_WORKLIST_STATISTICS - Statistical Data for Worklist
UDM_S_WORKLIST_STATISTICS_C - Statistical Data for Worklist
UDM_WL_ITEM - Worklist Item
UDM_WL_ITEM_D - Valuation Details for Worklist Items
UDM_WL_ITEM_DEL - Deleted Worklist Entries
UDM_WL_LAST_GRP - Last Grouping of Collection Groups
UDM_WL_LAST_ITEM - Collection Specialist's Items
UDM_WL_LAST_RUN - Collection Specialist's Runs
UDM_WL_RUN_ID - Collection Segments Released from Worklist
VUDMBPSEGMENTS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration Tables FIN-FSCM-COL-AR

FDM_AR_CREDITMEMO - FSCM-DM: Amounts for Credit Items
FDM_AR_REL_ITEM - FSCM-DM: Assigned Invoices and Payments/Credits
FDM_BW_INVOICE_STATUS_TEXT - Extract Structure for Text of Invoice Status
FDM_BW_INV_DELTA - Delta Queue for BI Invoice Extractor
FDM_CCT_ALV - ALV Structure for Customer Contacts
FDM_COLL_BADI_P2P_ATTRIBUTES - Promise to Pay Attributes for BAdIs
FDM_COLL_BADI_P2P_INVOICE - BI Extract Structure: Invoice
FDM_COLL_BASIS - Fields for Collections Management
FDM_COLL_BR_GPRS - Additional Business Partners, Enhancemnt to FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD
FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD - Branch/Head Office Relationship in Collections Management
FDM_COLL_CCOLOAD - Company Codes for which Initial Load Performed
FDM_COLL_CUSTOMER_AMOUNTS - Structure for Customer Open Amounts
FDM_COLL_CUSTOMER_DOCU - Structure for Selection Fields
FDM_COLL_DISP_OVERVIEW - Dispute Cases for Customer
FDM_COLL_INVOICE - Data for Invoice Status
FDM_COLL_INVOICE_ALV - ALV Output Structure for Collections Management
FDM_COLL_INVOICE_ATTR - Attributes of Invoice (from APAREBPP_ITEM)
FDM_COLL_INVOICE_BILLING_DOC - Billing Document for Invoice
FDM_COLL_INVOICE_BW - BI Extract Structure: Invoice
FDM_COLL_ITEM_OVERVIEW - Structure for Displaying Items for Invoice
FDM_COLL_ITEM_REFERENCE - Key of Line Items with Related Invoice Reference
FDM_COLL_LASTPAY - Last Payments of Business Partner
FDM_COLL_LTRIG - Missing Entries of Table FDM_COLL_STRIG
FDM_COLL_P2P_DISTRIBUTE - Distribution of Promised Amount to Invoices
FDM_COLL_P2P_OVERVIEW - Promise to Pay Data for Invoice
FDM_COLL_P2P_OVERVIEW_ALV - ALV Output Structure: Promise to Pay Data for Invoice
FDM_COLL_PAYMENT - Data for Payments
FDM_COLL_PAY_RS - Payments of a Business Partner (Customer Involved)
FDM_COLL_SUBSCREEN - Subscreen Activated
FDM_COLL_S_SELECTION_SCREEN - Include the Report-Specific Parameter Documentation
FDM_COLL_TROBJ - FSCM-COL: Trigger Table for Collections Management
FDM_COMP_MIRROR - Company Code Assignment (Substitute <-> Original)
FDM_CONTACTPARTNER_TO_CONTACT - Assignment: Business Partner (Contact Person) - Contact Per.
FDM_CONTACT_BUF - Personalization of Contact Person Data
FDM_CONT_ENQUEUE - Auxiliary Table for Lock Object EFDM_CONT_MIRROR
FDM_CONT_MIRROR - Contact Person Assignment (Substitute <-> Original)
FDM_CUSTB_MIRROR - Administration Information for Customer Master Data (B Seg.)
FDM_CUST_ENQUEUE - Auxiliary Table for Lock Object EFDM_CUST_MIRROR
FDM_CUST_MIRROR - Customer Assignment (Substitute <-> Original)
FDM_CUST_MIRROR_ALV - ALV Structure for Displaying the Data of FDM_CUST_MIRROR
FDM_DOCLI_MIRROR - Information Regarding Data Transfer
FDM_DOC_MIRROR - Document Information (Raw Data in Substitute System)
FDM_DOC_MIRROR_ALV - ALV Structure for Displaying Data from FDM_DOC_MIRROR
FDM_DOC_MIRROR_KEY - Key of Raw Data Table
FDM_DOC_MPAIR - Fixed Raw Data Pair (New and Old)
FDM_ESYS_MIRROR - Original Systems (SAP or Non-SAP System)
FDM_INSTMNT_INV_DISTRIBUTE - Installments Assigned to an Invoice
FDM_INSTMNT_INV_DISTRIB_ALV - Installments Assigned to an Invoice
FDM_INVHISTORY_BKPFX - Invoice History: Enhanced Structure BKPF
FDM_INVHISTORY_BSEGX - Invoice History: Enhanced Structure BSEG
FDM_INVHISTORY_GROUP - Invoice History: Grouping of Items
FDM_INVHISTORY_HIER - Invoice History: Levels and Node Numbers
FDM_INVHISTORY_ITEMS - Invoice History: Items
FDM_INVHISTORY_RELATION - Invoice History: Relationships between Items
FDM_INVOICE_ACT - Provision of Invoice Information: Active Procedure
FDM_INVOICE_MEM - Invoice Information Provided
FDM_INVOICE_METH - Procedure for Providing Invoice Information
FDM_INV_MEM_OBS - Invoice Information Provided Obsolete
FDM_LOAD_MIRROR - Procedure for Loading Master and Transaction Data
FDM_LOCK_INVOICE_MEM - Lock for Provision of Invoice Information
FDM_LOCK_MIRROR - Lock on Posting Customer Data in the Substitute System
FDM_MIRR_BKPF_46C - Document Header 4.6C
FDM_MIRR_CMD_COMPACT - FSCM-COL: Customer Master Data - Compact View
FDM_MIRR_CMD_EXT_DATA - FSCM-COL: Customer Master Data from Original System
FDM_MIRR_CMD_EXT_DATAB - FSCM-COL: Customer Master Data (B Seg.) from Original System
FDM_MIRR_E1BPAD1VL - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer or E1BPAD1VL
FDM_MIRR_E1BPAD2VL - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1BPAD2VL
FDM_MIRR_E1BPAD2VL1 - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1BPAD2VL1
FDM_MIRR_E1KNA1M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNA1M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNB1M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNB1M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNB5M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNB5M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNBKM - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNBKM
FDM_MIRR_E1KNVKM - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNVKM
FDM_MIRR_EBPP_CONTROL_46C - SAP Biller Direct: Control Data 4.6C
FDM_MIRR_EBPP_INVOICE - FSCM Biller Direct: Bill Data
FDM_MIRR_EBPP_MYPAYMENTS - Biller Direct: My Payments
FDM_MIRR_KNA1 - FSCM-COL: Data from Original System for Transfer to KNA1
FDM_MIRR_KNB1 - FSCM-COL: Data from Original System for Transfer to KNB1
FDM_MIRR_KNB5 - FSCM-COL: Data from Original System for Transfer to KNB5
FDM_MIRR_KNBK - FSCM-COL: Data from Original System for Transfer to KNBK
FDM_MIRR_KNVK - FSCM-COL: Data from Original System for Transfer to KNVK
FDM_MIRR_WIZ1 - FDM_MIRR: Wizard Collections Management
FDM_MIRR_WIZ_LOCK - Lock for Wizard
FDM_P2PAY_INFO - FSCM Collections Management: Invoice with Promise to Pay
FDM_P2P_LOCAL - Local Data of Promise to Pay
FDM_PARTNER_TO_CUSTOMER - Assignment Business Partner - Customer
FDM_PERSONALIZE - Personalization of Collections Management
FDM_RSM_ALV - Resubmission: ALV Structure
FDM_RSM_DETAIL - Attributes for Detail Subscreen
FDM_STAT_MIRROR - Activation status
FDM_S_CMDB_LAST_UPDATE - Timestamp for the Latest Change to the Company Code Data
FDM_S_CMDB_M_LAST_UPDATE - Do not use - deleted
FDM_S_COLL_BR_GPRS - Additional Business Partners, Enhancement f FDM_COLL_BR_HEAD
FDM_S_COLL_BR_HEAD - Branch/Head Office Relationship in Collections Management
FDM_S_COLL_CCOLOAD - Company Codes for Which Initial Load Performed
FDM_S_COLL_CCT_ATTR - Customer Contact Attributes for BAdI Call
FDM_S_COLL_COMPARE_RES_INV - Residual Items/Invoices Comparison Structure
FDM_S_COLL_CREDITMEMOS_EXTSYS - Information about Credit Memos of the Original System
FDM_S_COLL_CUSTOMER_2_PARTNER - Customer - Business Partner Assignment
FDM_S_COLL_HEAD_OFFICE_NAME - Collections Management: Head Office and Name
FDM_S_COLL_INVOICES_EXTSYS - Invoices/Credit Memos Without Inv. Reference/Down Payments
FDM_S_COLL_ITEM_ATTR - Item Attributes
FDM_S_COLL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE - FSCM-COL: Attribute Values for Specific Item
FDM_S_COLL_KEYFIG - Business Partner Key Figures
FDM_S_COLL_KEYFIG_EXT - Business Partner Key Figures
FDM_S_COLL_LAST_PAYMENT - Business Partner's Last Payment
FDM_S_COLL_MENU_FUNC - Menu Button Function
FDM_S_COLL_NOTE_OBJECTS - Note Objects: Structure for BAdI Interface
FDM_S_COLL_PAYMENTS_EXTSYS - Information about Payments of the Original System
FDM_S_COLL_PAY_RS - Payments of a Business Partner (Customer Involved)
FDM_S_COLL_RESIDUALS_EXTSYS - Information about Residual Items of the Original System
FDM_S_CRM_ERP_BP_MAP - Mapping between CRM BP and ERP BP
FDM_S_CUSTOMER_MAP_BP - Mapping Between Customer Number and BP Number/GUID
FDM_S_EXT_COMP - Company Code ID (Type + ID) in Original System
FDM_S_EXT_CONT - Contact Person ID (Type + ID) in Original System
FDM_S_EXT_CUST - Customer ID (Type + ID) in Original System
FDM_S_SELOP_BUKRS - Select Options Structure for Company Code
FDM_S_SELOP_EXT_COMP_ID - Select Options Structure for Comp. Codes in Original System
FDM_S_SELOP_EXT_CONT_ID - Select Options Structure for Contact Pers in Original System
FDM_S_SELOP_EXT_CUST_ID - Select Options Structure for Customer No. in Original System
FDM_S_SELOP_KUNNR - Select Options Structure for Customer Number
FDM_S_SELOP_PARNR - Select Options Structure for Contact Person Number

SAP Basic Functions Tables FIN-FSCM-COL-COL

UDM_P2P_ATTR - Promise to Pay
UDM_P2P_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of Promise to Pay

SAP Credit Management Tables FIN-FSCM-CR

UKMR3MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_FACSIMILE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_BDOCUMENT_RECIPIENT - General information about a party that is responsible for se
UKMR3_BLOCKING_REASON_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_BSCOPE_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_BSCOPE_INSTANCE_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_BSCOPE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_BT_DOC_ID - Eindeutige Identifikation eines Belegs
UKMR3_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
UKMR3_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOC - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PARTY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PROD_CAT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CASE_ESCAL_REASON_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CASE_REASON_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CHECKING_SCHEME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CMA_COMMITMENTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKMR3_CMA_CPB_SUMMARY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CMA_EXPOSURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CMA_LANGUAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKMR3_CMA_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CMA_QUERY_SYNC - Query for Credit Data for Business Partner
UKMR3_CMA_RESPONSE - Response to query for credit data of business partner
UKMR3_CMA_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKMR3_COMMITMENT_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_COMMITMENT_NOTIFICATION - Credit Exposure Information for Business Partner
UKMR3_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CONTACT_PERSON_TAB - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
UKMR3_CPBS_LAST_PAYMENT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPBS_MAX_LEVEL_DUN_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPBS_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPBS_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPBS_OLDES_OPEN_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPBS_PAYMENTS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CPB_SUMMARY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CRDT_WRTHNS_QRY_COLLCTV - CreditWorthinessQueryCollectiveSchedule
UKMR3_CREDIT_ACCOUNT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CREDIT_COMMITMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CREDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CREDIT_RATING - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CREDIT_RATING_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CREDIT_WORTHINESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_QUERY - Query for Creditworthiness of Business Partner
UKMR3_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_RATING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_COMM_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_COMM_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_COMM_PRODUCT_CTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_COMM_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_VECTOR_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_VECTOR_DEBITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_VECTOR_PRODUCT_CTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CR_VECTOR_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_CREDIT_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_DEBTOR_PARTY2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_QUERY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_RESPONSE - Response to Query for Creditworthiness of Business Partner
UKMR3_CW_RISK_CLASS_PI - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_CW_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DATE_TIME_PERIOD - 3 DateTimePeriod ist ein Zeitraum, der durch zwei Zeitpunkte
UKMR3_DCD_NOTIFICATION_MT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_NOTIF_MSG - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_PRPTYVALNPRPTYVALTAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_PRPTYVALN_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_TXTCOLLTXT_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_TXTCOL_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DCD_TXTSAPSCRPLINE_TAB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_DESCRIPTION - GDT: "Description" ist menschlich lesbare, textuelle, nicht
UKMR3_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_LANGUAGE_CODE_CONTEXT_EL - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_LOG - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
UKMR3_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_MEASURE - Measure ist eine physikalische Ma�angabe mit der dazu geh�ri
UKMR3_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_MESSAGE_HEADER - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
UKMR3_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_DUNNING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_KEYFIG - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_LAST_PAY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_NOTIF - Notification about Payment Behavior of Business Partner
UKMR3_PAYMENT_RECORD_OPEN_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PENDING_COMMITMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PERSON_NAME_AFFIX - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PERSON_NAME_FAMILY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMR3_PREDECESSOR_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_STANDA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PROD_CTY_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_REGIONDEPENDENTLANG_TXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_SAPSCRPT_LINE_FORMAT_COD - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_TXTCOLL_TXT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3_USER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMR3__DCD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_S_CASE_NOTE_CLIENT - FSCM-CR: Case Note with Properties
UKM_S_DCD_OUT - Mapping Source for Message Cat. UKMR3_DCD_NOTIFICATION_MT

SAP Adaptor Tables FIN-FSCM-CR-AD

UKM_COM_0C - SAP Credit Management: Commitment Categories
UKM_COM_0T - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Credit Exposure Categories
UKM_DCDOBJ - Credit Management Link to DCD Case
UKM_DOC_KEY - Document Key
UKM_ITEM_R3 - Credit Management: Line Items from A/R Client
UKM_KKBER2SGM - Assignment of Credit Control Area to Credit Segment
UKM_PI_COMMTS_MSG - Fields for Liability Update in SAP Credit Management
UKM_PI_SGM0C - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
UKM_PI_SGM0T - SAP Credit Management: Description
UKM_PI_VECTOR_MSG - Fields for Liability Update in SAP Credit Management
UKM_RFDKLI20_AR_ALV - ALV List ukm_rfdkli20_ar
UKM_S_CLIENT_ITEM_RECONCILE - Item for Reconciliation
UKM_S_CLIENT_ITEM_RESERVATION - Item for Reservation of Liability
UKM_S_CLIENT_SD_ACTION - Result of SD Action
UKM_S_COMMITMENTS - Liability Update Item
UKM_S_COMMITMENTS_REF_DOC - Reference to Documents
UKM_S_CREDIT_QUERY_DENIAL - Explanation for Negative Credit Check Result
UKM_S_DCD_ADD_ATTR_CLIENT - Additional Attributes for Doc. Credit Decision (Client)
UKM_S_DCD_CLIENT - Attributes of Credit Decision
UKM_S_DISP - Fields for Reporting
UKM_S_DUNNING_ITEM - Document with Highest Dunning Level
UKM_S_OLDEST_ITEM - Oldest Open Item
UKM_S_PI_BP_VECTOR_KPI - KPI in Payment Behavior Summary
UKM_S_PI_CREDIT_MESSAGE - Message from a Credit Check
UKM_S_PI_VECTOR_DUNN - Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_PI_VECTOR_INDEX - Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_PI_VECTOR_OVDUE - Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_PI_VECTOR_PAYMNT - Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_SALES - Customer's Sales
UKM_S_SCHEDULE - Distribution of Amounts for Dynamic Check
UKM_S_VECTOR - Report FI Summary
UKM_S_VECTOR_VANILLA - Data for FI Summary
UKM_TRANSFER_AR - Data from AR for SAP Credit Management
UKM_TRANSFER_ARV - Data from AR for SAP Credit Management

SAP Basic Functions Tables FIN-FSCM-CR-CR

HASH_DATA_FOR_CLCR - FSCM-CR: Hash Value Relevant Fields of Credit Limit Request
ROXSE30035 - SAP Credit Management: Rules for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit
ROXSE30036 - SAP Credit Management: Rules for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit
ROXSE30037 - SAP Cr. Mgt: Rules for Calc. Score and Credit Limit (Texts)
ROXSE30038 - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
ROXSE30039 - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
ROXSE30040 - SAP Credit Management: Credit Management Rules
ROXSE30041 - SAP Credit Management: Credit Management Rules (Texts)
ROXSE30042 - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
ROXSE30043 - SAP Credit Management: Credit Management Rules (Texts)
ROXSE30044 - SAP Cr. Mgt: Rules for Calc. Score and Credit Limit (Texts)
ROXSE30045 - SAP Credit Management: Rules for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit
ROXSE30046 - SAP Credit Management: Credit Management Rules
ROXSE30047 - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Risk Class
ROXSE30056 - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
ROXSE30057 - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories
ROXSE30058 - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories
ROXSE30059 - Texts for Customer Credit Groups
ROXSE30070 - SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management
UKMATTRPROF - Attribute Profiles
UKMATTRPROFA - Attributes for Profile
UKMATTRPROFG - Attribute Groups for Profile
UKMATTRPROFGT - Text Table for the Attribute Groups for Profile
UKMATTRPROFT - Text Table for the Attribute Profiles
UKMBP_CMS - SAP Credit Management: Credit Master Data for Partner
UKMBP_CMS_SGM - SAP Credit Management: Master Data for Credit Account
UKMBP_VECTOR_IT - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment
UKMCASEATTR00 - Attribute of Credit Case
UKMCOMM_TYPES - SAP Credit Management: Liability Categories
UKMCOMM_TYPEST - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Liability Categories
UKMCONTACT_PERSON_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMCREDIT_MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT_5 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMCREDIT_MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT_6 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKMCRED_SGM0C - SAP Credit Management: Segment Data
UKMCRED_SGM0T - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Segment Data
UKMLOG - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKMMEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKMT_BSP_BP_ADD_INFO - Structure for Processing Additional Information
UKMT_BSP_BP_CMS - Structure for Displaying Credit Profile of Business Partner
UKMT_BSP_BP_CMS_RESULT - Structure for Search Results, Credit Profile of Business Ptr
UKMT_BSP_BP_CMS_SEARCH - Structure for Search Credit Profile of Business Partner
UKMT_BSP_BP_CMS_SGM - Structure for Displaying Credit Segment Data of Bus. Partner
UKM_ACT_EV_CTRL - SAP Credit Management: Control Activity -> Event
UKM_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_EMAIL - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_FACSIMILE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_TELEPHONE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_BP_WEB - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ADDRESS_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_FACSIMILE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_MOBILE_PHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_TELEPHONE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_ALV_EXTR_ATTR_BW - SAP Credit Management: Extract Attributes for Mass Update
UKM_ALV_EXTR_TEXT_BW - SAP Credit Management: Texts for DataSource ALV Extract
UKM_AMOUNT_GDT - "Amount" ist ein Betrag mit der dazu geh�rigen W�hrungseinhe
UKM_ATTR_ALV_OUTPUT - ALV Output Structure for Attribute Display
UKM_ATTR_GROUP - Attributes Title
UKM_ATTR_GROUP_ADMIN - Attributes: Administration of Attribute Group
UKM_ATTR_TAB_LIST - Case: Full List of Possible Attributes for F4 Help
UKM_BI_BP_VECTOR_IT - Extract Structure for business partner vector data
UKM_BLOCKING_REASON_CODE - Proxy Datenelement (generiert)
UKM_BL_REASON - SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management
UKM_BL_REASON0T - SAP Credit Management: Reason for Locks in Credit Management
UKM_BPID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_BPID_ADDRESS_EMAIL - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_ADDRESS_FAX - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_ADDRESS_MOBILE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_ADDRESS_PHONE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_ADDRESS_WEB - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_BP - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_BPID_QUERY_SYNC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_RESPONSE_SYNC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BPID_SELECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_BPID_SELECTION_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BTD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BTD_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_HEADER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_PARTY_I - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
UKM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_I1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PARTY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PROD_CAT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_BW_0 - Credit Management Risk Analysis
UKM_BW_BAPI6116L - ODS Objects - List
UKM_BW_DATALAYOUT - Layout of Info Objects
UKM_BW_INFOOBJ - Info Object List
UKM_BW_RESULT - Business Partner Valuations from BW
UKM_BW_SEL_OPT - Select Options for BW
UKM_B_W_LIST - SAP Credit Management: Simple Black and White Lists
UKM_CAM_CREDIT_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_CREDIT_RATING - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_DEBTOR_PARTY_REQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_DEBTOR_PARTY_RES - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_LEGAL_EVENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_MONI_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CAM_MONI_QUERY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CAM_MONI_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_MONI_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CAM_MONI_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_MONI_SELECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAM_SERVICE_SELECTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CAR_CREATION_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_CR_RATING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_CR_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_LEGAL_EVENT - CrdtAgcyRptRspLegalEvt
UKM_CAR_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_QUERY - Inquiry to an information provider for credit information
UKM_CAR_QUERY_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_QUERY_SERVICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CAR_RESPONSE - Reply of info provider after inquiry for credit info
UKM_CAR_SCORING - Scoring Informations
UKM_CC_PREDECESSOR_REFERENCE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CHCKST_PARA - Parameters for Credit Check
UKM_CHCK_CRSGM - Credit Segment-Dependent Checks
UKM_CHCK_FIELD - Fields for Check Parameters
UKM_CHCK_RULE - Rule for Credit Check
UKM_CHCK_RULE0T - SAP Credit Management: Name of Check Rule
UKM_CHCK_SGMPAR - Assignment of Credit Segment Parameter to Individual Check
UKM_CHCK_STEP - SAP Credit Management: Assignment of Check Rule - Check
UKM_CLCR_BDBYELQRY_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPBasicDataByElementsQuery_sync
UKM_CLCR_BDBYELRSP_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPBasicDataByElementsResponse_sync
UKM_CLCR_BYIDQRY_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPByIDQuery_sync
UKM_CLCR_BYIDRSP_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPByIDResponse_sync
UKM_CLCR_CANCLN_REQ - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCancellationRequest
UKM_CLCR_CHGREQ - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPChangeRequest
UKM_CLCR_CHGRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-CR: FEH Structure (ChangeRequest)
UKM_CLCR_CKQRY_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCheckQuery_sync
UKM_CLCR_CKRSP_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCheckResponse_sync
UKM_CLCR_CNCRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-CR: FEH Structure (CancellationRequest)
UKM_CLCR_CONF - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPConfirmation
UKM_CLCR_CRTCONF_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCreateConfirmation_sync
UKM_CLCR_CRTREQ - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCreateRequest
UKM_CLCR_CRTREQ_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPCreateRequest_sync
UKM_CLCR_CRTRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-CR: FEH Structure (CreateRequest)
UKM_CLCR_UPDCONF_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPUpdateConfirmation_sync
UKM_CLCR_UPDREQ_SYNC - CreditLimitChangeRequestERPUpdateRequest_sync
UKM_CMAPBS_BYDBTRQRY_MT - Query Payment Behavour Summary By Debtor Party
UKM_CMAPBS_BYDBTRRSP_MT - Response Payment Behaviour Summary By Debtor Party
UKM_CMA_BYID_Q - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CMA_BYID_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CMA_BYID_Q_IN - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CMA_BYID_RESPONSE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CMA_BY_ID_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CMA_BY_ID_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CMA_CHANGE - Change CreditManagementAccount
UKM_CMA_CHANGE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CMA_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_COMMITMENT_NOTIFICATION - Credit Exposure Information for Business Partner
UKM_COMMITMENT_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_COMMITMENT_TOTAL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_COMM_DYNPRO_FIELDS - Screen Fields Liability and so on
UKM_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CPBS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_LAST_PAYMENT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_MAX_LEVEL_DUNNED_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_MESSAGE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_NOTIFICATION - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_OLDEST_OPEN_ITEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPBS_PAYMENTS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CPB_SUMMARY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CRDT_PAYTBEHVRSMMRYLASTPAY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CRDT_WRTHNS_QRY_COLLCTV_SC - CreditWorthinessQueryCollectiveSchedule
UKM_CREDIT_AGENCY_MONITOR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_CREDIT_AGENCY_REPORT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_AGENCY_REPORT_Q - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT_PENDING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT_QUERY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT_Q_OUT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_COMMITMENT_R_IN - Credit Exposure Information for Business Partner
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_DUNNING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_KEY_FIGURES - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_LAST_PAY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_OPEN_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_PAYMENT_RECORD_IN - Notification about Payment Behavior of Business Partner
UKM_CREDIT_RATING_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_RISKCLASS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CREDIT_RISK_CLASS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_CHANGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_QUERY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_Q_IN - Request for Creditworthiness of Business Partner
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_RATING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_R_OUT - Response to Query for Creditworthiness of Business Partner
UKM_CRLT_RULE - SAP Credit Management: Rule for Credit Limit Calculation
UKM_CRLT_RULE0T - SAP Credit Mgt: Rule for Calculating Credit Limit (Texts)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNTT_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_PRODUCT_CTGRY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_QRY_CREDITR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_QRY_DEBTOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_QRY_PRODUCT_CTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_QRY_SELLER_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_CMMTMNT_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_KPI - Values for Key Figures for Credit Managment
UKM_CR_KPI_COL - Values for Collections Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_DDG - Value for Due Date List Key Figure for Open Items
UKM_CR_KPI_DEF - Values for Deferral Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_DSO - Values for DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_DUN - Values for the Dunning Notice Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_OIT - Values for Open Items Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_P2P - Values for Promise to Pay Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_PAY - Values for Payments Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_PYM - Values for Payment Methods Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_RET - Values for Returns Key Figure
UKM_CR_KPI_TIP - Values for Key Figure for Installment Plans
UKM_CR_KPI_WRO - Values for Write-Offs Key Figure
UKM_CR_PAYMNT_REC_CREDITOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_PAYMNT_REC_DEBTOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_PAYMNT_REC_PRODUCT_CTGY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CR_PAYMNT_REC_SELLER_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CUST_GRP - Customer Credit Groups
UKM_CUST_GRP0T - Texts for Customer Credit Groups
UKM_CW_CHANGE_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_CREDIT_EXPOSURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_CREDIT_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_INFORMATION - Information about Changes to Creditworthiness of B. Partner
UKM_CW_CHANGE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_RATING - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CHANGE_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CP_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CP_QUERY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CP_QUERY_IN - Inquiries from Criticial Business Partners
UKM_CW_CP_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CP_RESPONSE_OUT - List with Critical Business Partners
UKM_CW_CREDIT_EXPOSURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_CW_CREDIT_LIMIT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRITICAL_PARTIES - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_CREDITOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_CREDITOR_PTY2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_DEBTOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_DEBTOR_PTY_INT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_PRODUCT_CTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_PRODUCT_CTY2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_SELLER_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_CRIT_PTY_SELLER_PTY2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_QUERY_CREDITOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_QUERY_DEBTOR_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_QUERY_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_QUERY_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_QUERY_SELLER_PARTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_RESPONSE_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_CW_RISK_CLASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_DATE_TIME_PERIOD - 3 DateTimePeriod ist ein Zeitraum, der durch zwei Zeitpunkte
UKM_DCD_APPR_CAT - Define Approval Process (Doc. Credit Decision)
UKM_DCD_ATTR - Attributes of a Documented Credit Decision
UKM_DCD_AUTOSTAT - Automatic Status for Closing
UKM_DCD_CASETYPE - Case Types for Documented Credit Decisions
UKM_DCD_NOTIFICATION_MT - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_DCD_PDFFORM - PDF Forms for Documented Credit Decision
UKM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_DRS_QUERY_POST_MAP - Debt Recovery Score Post Map
UKM_EMAIL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UKM_EMAIL_ADDRESS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_ENQCOMM - Structure for Enqueue Module
UKM_EVENT_HELP - SAP Credit Management: Input Help
UKM_EVENT_TYPES - SAP Credit Management: Events
UKM_EV_PR_CTRL - SAP Credit Management: Control Event -> Follow-On Process
UKM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_EXPOSURE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_EXT_GUID - Credit Management: Line Items
UKM_FICARATING_REPLICATE_QUERY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_FICARATING_REPLICATE_Q_IN - Replikation der FI-CA Bonit�t mit Credit Management
UKM_FICARATING_REPLICATE_RESP - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_FICARATING_REPLICATE_R_OUT - Replikation der FI-CA Bonit�t mit Credit Management
UKM_FICA_REPLIC_DEBTOR_PT2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_FICA_REPLIC_DEBTOR_PTY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_FILE_EXT - FSCM-CM: Type for Attachments to Cr. Limit Requests (eSOA)
UKM_FORMULAS - SAP Credit Management: Formulas
UKM_FORMULAS0T - SAP Credit Management: Formula Texts
UKM_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_INFOCAT - Info Categories
UKM_INFOCAT0T - Texts for Info Category
UKM_INFOTYP - Info Types
UKM_INFOTYP0T - Texts for Info Types
UKM_ITEM - Credit Management: Line Items
UKM_ITEM_SEQIN - Credit Management Line Items Inbound
UKM_LIMIT_RULE0T - SAP Credit Mgt: Rule for Calc. Score and Cr. Limit (Texts)
UKM_LIMIT_RULES - SAP Credit Management: Rules for Calc. Score and Credit Lim.
UKM_LOG_ITEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_MEASURE - Measure ist eine physikalische Ma�angabe mit der dazu geh�ri
UKM_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_PARAMETER - Reporting Parameters
UKM_PARAMETERS - SAP Credit Management: Parameters and Functions
UKM_PARAMETERS_T - SAP Credit Management: Texts for UKM_PARAMETERS
UKM_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PERSON_NAME - Name einer nat�rlichen Person
UKM_PERSON_NAME_AFFIX - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PERSON_NAME_FAMILY - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Data Element (generated)
UKM_PM_BALANCE - SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals
UKM_PROCESSES - SAP Credit Management: Processes
UKM_PROCESS_HELP - SAP Credit Management: Input Help
UKM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_PROV_RULE - SAP Credit Management: External Provider Assignment
UKM_RATING - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_REGIONDEPENDENTLANGUAGE_TE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_REGION_CODE - "RegionCode" ist eine kodierte Darstellung von logisch oder
UKM_RICL_ASSIGN - SAP Credit Management: Assignment of Risk Class to Score
UKM_RISK_CL - SAP Credit Management: Risk Class
UKM_RISK_CL0T - SAP Credit Management: Texts for Risk Class
UKM_RULES_ATTR_BW - SAP Credit Management: Rule Attributes
UKM_STATUS - FSCM-CR: Status to be Set for a Case Type
UKM_SYGRP_LOG - Assignment of Logical System to System Group
UKM_SYST_GRP - System Group
UKM_SYST_GRP0T - Texts for System Group
UKM_S_ACCOUNT - SAP Credit Management: Credit Account Key
UKM_S_ACCOUNT_DATA - Credit Account Data
UKM_S_ACCOUNT_ITEM_FAILED - SAP Credit Management: Data on Incorrect Line Items
UKM_S_ACCOUNT_RESULT - Structure for "Customers" POWL
UKM_S_ACC_OBJ - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment-Credit Account Assgt
UKM_S_ACC_OBJ2 - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment-Credit Account Assgt
UKM_S_ADD_INFO - Additional Information for Business Partner (Credit)
UKM_S_BP1012_DYNPRO - Maintenance of External Credit Standing
UKM_S_BP_CMS - SAP Credit Management: Business Partner Data
UKM_S_BP_CMS_BW - SAP Credit Mgt: Extract Structure for BP Master Date -> BW
UKM_S_BP_CMS_DI - Direct Input for UKM_BP_CMS
UKM_S_BP_CMS_DI1 - SAP Credit Management: Business Partner Data (Direct Input)
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MALUSDSP_OUT - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MALUS_DISP
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSDSP_OUT2 - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_DISP
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSUPD_BW - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_UPD
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSUPD_BW2 - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_UPD
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSUPD_OUT - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_UPD
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSUPD_OUT2 - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_UPD
UKM_S_BP_CMS_MASSUPD_OUT3 - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_MASSDATA_UPD
UKM_S_BP_CMS_SGM - SAP Credit Management: Master Data for Credit Account
UKM_S_BP_CMS_SGM_ALL - SAP Credit Management: Master Data for Credit Account
UKM_S_BP_CMS_SGM_CURRENCY - FSCM Reference Structure for Change Documents CMS_SGM
UKM_S_BP_CMS_SGM_UPD - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment Data
UKM_S_BP_CMS_UPD - SAP Credit Management: Business Partner Data
UKM_S_BP_CUSTOMER_EXTENSION - SAP Credit Management: For Customer Enhancements
UKM_S_BP_DYNPRO_FIELDS - SAP Credit Management: Screen Fields for BP Maintenance
UKM_S_BP_PARAMS - Parameters for Calling Business Partner Maintenance
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR - SAP Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_DI - Direct Input fo�r UKM_BP_vector
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_DUNN - SAP Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_INDEX - SAP Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_IT - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment Data - Single Record
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_KPI - KPI in Payment Behavior Summary
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_OVDUE - SAP Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_PAYMNT - SAP Credit Management: FI Summary Data
UKM_S_BP_VECTOR_UPD - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment Data
UKM_S_CCATTR - FSCM-CR: Attribute of Credit Case
UKM_S_CHECK_ITEM - Credit Management: Line Items for Credit Check
UKM_S_CHECK_PERMISSION - Partner with Permission to Obtain External Information
UKM_S_CHECK_SCHEDULE - Data for Dynamic Check
UKM_S_CMA_CHANGE - Change to Credit Management Account
UKM_S_CMS_COMMITMENT_TOTAL - SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals per Segment
UKM_S_CMS_SGM_BW - Extract Structure of Segment Data for BW
UKM_S_COMMITMENT_MSG_CONTEXT - Context for Messages for Liability Update
UKM_S_COMMITMENT_TOTAL - Commitments Divided into Original Acct and Linked Accounts
UKM_S_COMM_TYP - Credit Exposure Category
UKM_S_COM_TYPE_RANGE - Range for Credit Exposure Categories
UKM_S_CONTAINER_TECHNICALS - Technical Fields for a Container
UKM_S_CPBS_DISPLAY - Structure to Display the creditpaymentbehavioursummary
UKM_S_CREDIT_LIMIT_REQUEST - Structure for POWL "Credit Limit Requests"
UKM_S_CREDIT_SGMNT - SAP Credit Management: Credit Segment
UKM_S_CREDIT_SGMNT_RANGES - SAP Credit Management: Range for Credit Segments
UKM_S_CREDIT_WORTHINESS_SIMU_I - Simulation of Credit Check
UKM_S_CRSGM_RANGE - Range for Credit Segment
UKM_S_CW_CHECKING_SCHEME_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_S_DCD_ACCOUNT_ALV - Additional Info from Credit Account for List Doc. Credit Dec
UKM_S_DCD_ACCOUNT_DATA - Credit Account Data for Snapshot
UKM_S_DCD_ADD_ATTR - Additional Attributes for Documented Credit Decision
UKM_S_DCD_APPRCAT - Approval Category with Threshold Value
UKM_S_DCD_ATTR - Attributes of a Documented Credit Decision
UKM_S_DCD_ATTR_ALV - ALV Structure for Attributes of a Doc. Credit Decision
UKM_S_DCD_BPDATA_ORGAN - Organization Data with Texts
UKM_S_DCD_BPDATA_PERSON - Personal Data with Texts
UKM_S_DCD_CHKSTEP_RESULTS - Results of Check Steps
UKM_S_DCD_CLCR_ALV - ALV Display Structure for Credit Limit Requests
UKM_S_DCD_COMPLETION_DATA - Completion Data for Release/Rejection
UKM_S_DCD_IN - Mapping Target for Message Category UKM_DCD_NOTIFICATION_MT
UKM_S_DCD_PDFFORM - PDF Form for Documented Credit Decision
UKM_S_DENIAL_REASON - Explanation for Negative Credit Check Step Result
UKM_S_DISPLAY_SEGMENT - SAP Credit Management: Report Output for UKM_BP_DISPLAY
UKM_S_EVENTING_LOG - Context for Eventing Log
UKM_S_EVENT_QUEUE_ENTRY - Event in Event Queue
UKM_S_EXTERNAL_SCORING - Information for External Rating
UKM_S_FML_OBJ - SAP Credit Management: For Table of Loaded Formulas
UKM_S_FOBUMETH_OBJ - SAP Credit Management: For Table of Loaded Formulas
UKM_S_GRADE_METHOD - SAP Credit Management: Rating Procedures
UKM_S_GRADE_RANGE - Range for Rating Procedures
UKM_S_GRID - Credit Exposure in Grid
UKM_S_GRID_DAYS - Entry for Grid Days
UKM_S_GRID_FIELDS - Grid for Credit Exposure
UKM_S_INTERVALS - Intervals for Parallel Processing
UKM_S_ITEM - SAP Credit Management: Line Item Data
UKM_S_ITEM_LOG_PARAMETER - Parameter for ukm_item_log
UKM_S_ITEM_RECONCILE - Datasource Structure for Reconciliation Item
UKM_S_ITEM_RESERVATION - Item for Liability Reservation
UKM_S_LIMIT_RANGE - Range for Rules for Scoring and Credit Limit Calculation
UKM_S_LIMIT_RULE - Rule for Calculating Score and Credit Limit
UKM_S_LIMIT_RULE_RANGES - SAP Credit Management: Range for Limit Rules
UKM_S_LOGSYS - Logical System for Liability Query
UKM_S_LOG_FINDER - SAP Credit Management: Identifier for Formula Trace
UKM_S_MONITOR_CONTAINER - UKM: Container of the Processing Class of Cred. Monitoring
UKM_S_MONITOR_CONTAINER_EXTRA - UKM: Container of the Processing Class of Cred. Monitoring
UKM_S_MONITOR_CREDITINFO - Assignment of Credit Info. to a Business Partner
UKM_S_MONITOR_CREDITINFO_XML - Assignment of Credit Info. to a Business Partner
UKM_S_MONITOR_DATES - UKM: Structure of all Dates for Credit Monitoring
UKM_S_MONITOR_GUI - Administrative Data of List Entry in Ext. Cr. Monit. Info.
UKM_S_MONITOR_INPUT - Entries for Monitor Report
UKM_S_MONITOR_LOG_PARTNER - UKM: Assignment of a Log to a Business Partner
UKM_S_MONITOR_RESULT - Structure for Displaying the Output of the Monitor Report
UKM_S_MONITOR_SELOPT - UKM: Monitoring Selection Options
UKM_S_MONITOR_SEMKEY - UKM: Semantic Keys of Credit Info of a Provider
UKM_S_MONITOR_SEMKEY_REF - UKM: Assignment of Sem. Keys for a Business Partner
UKM_S_MONITOR_SEMKEY_REF_EXTRA - UKM: Assignment of Sem. Keys for a Business Partner
UKM_S_MONITOR_STATUS - UKM: Processing Status for Monitoring Process
UKM_S_MONITOR_XML_CREDITINFO - UKM: Assignment of Credit Info. to a Business Partner
UKM_S_PARAMETER_SOURCE - SAP Credit Management: Formula Parameters with Read Methods
UKM_S_PAR_OBJ - SAP Credit Management: Structure for Internal Partner Tables
UKM_S_PERS_REF_TABLE - Structure for Personalization
UKM_S_PROCESS - SAP Credit Management: Process
UKM_S_QUERY_RESULT - Result of Internal Credit Query
UKM_S_QUERY_SCRIPT - Data for Query
UKM_S_RATING - Partner and Score
UKM_S_REASON_KEY - Explanation for Negative Credit Check Result
UKM_S_RECURSIVITY - SAP Credit Management: Recursivity Check for Events
UKM_S_RISK_CLASS_TXT - Text for Risk Class
UKM_S_RISK_CONVERSION - SAP Credit Management: Derive Risk Class from Score
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID - Fields for the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_ADDRESS - UKM: General Fields for the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_ASSBPS - Business Partner Assigned to an ID
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_ASSIGMENT - Assignment of Parameters to Search Structure
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_COMMUNICATION - UKM: Communication Fields of the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_COMPANY - UKM: Company Fields of the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_CONTAINER - Container for the Process Class
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_GUI - Administrative Data of GUI List Item
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_IDS - UKM: ID Fields for the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_LEGAL - UKM: Legal Data of the Organization
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_PARAMETERS - Main Search Parameters
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_PERSON - UKM: Person Fields of the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_POBOX - UKM: PO Box-Fields of the Search Unique ID
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_RELATI - Relations of a Person
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_RESPONSE - Results of the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_RESULT - Structure for Displaying the Output of the ID Search
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_SCREEN - Positioning of Field Groups
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_SEARCHABLE - Control Structure for Selection of Search Fields
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_SEMKEY - Key for a Business Partner at the Information Provider
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_STATUS - Processing Status for Search ID
UKM_S_SEARCH_ID_TAX - UKM: Tax Number Fields for the ID Search
UKM_S_TOTALS - Liability Totals
UKM_S_TOTALS_DISPLAY - Liability Totals for Display in Business Partner
UKM_S_TOTALS_SOURCE - Liability Totals - With Original Data Source Partner/Segment
UKM_S_TOTALS_SOURCE_BW - Extract Liability Totals
UKM_S_WD_ATTR - FSCM-CR: Attribute Structure with Long Texts
UKM_S_WD_ATTR_UPD - FSCM-CR: Attributes when Changing or Creating
UKM_S_WF_EVENT - Event in Credit Management that Starts a Workflow
UKM_S_WF_QUEUE - Waiting Workflow Item
UKM_S_XI_OVERVIEW_EVENTS - Comparison of Events to Be Published Externally
UKM_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
UKM_TIME_POINT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_TIME_POINT_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UKM_TOTALS - SAP Credit Management: Liability Totals
UKM_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
VUKMBP_CMS_SGM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VUKMBP_CMS_SGM_M - Change Document Structure
VUKMBP_VECTOR_IT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VUKMBP_VECTOR_IT_M - Change Document Structure

SAP Dispute Management Tables FIN-FSCM-DM

UDM_FILECONTENT - FSCM-DM: File Content for Attachment to Dispute

SAP Accounts Receivable Accounting Process Integration Tables FIN-FSCM-DM-AR

FDM_AMOUNTS - FSCM-DM Integration: Amounts
FDM_AR_AMOUNT - FSCM-DM: Structure for Selection of Amount
FDM_AR_ASSIGNED_DEBIT_KEY - Open Customer Items to Be Assigned
FDM_AR_ATTR_DESCRIPTION - FSCM-DM: Attribute Value with Description
FDM_AR_BSEG - FSCM-DM: Structure for BSEG (with Fields from BKPF)
FDM_AR_BSEG_KEY - FSCM-DM: Key Fields of BSEG without Client
FDM_AR_BUPA - FSCM-DM: Structure for Selection of Dispute Business Partner
FDM_AR_CCM_CHECK_INFO - FSCM-DM: Check Information
FDM_AR_CCM_PAY_STATUS - FSCM-DM: Structure for Payment Status
FDM_AR_CDIS_BSEG_KEY_GUID - FSCM-DM: Key Fields of BSEG without Client and GUID
FDM_AR_CDIS_CASE_ATTR - FSCM-DM: Dispute Cases with Attributes and Ranking (CDIS)
FDM_AR_CDIS_CASE_LIST - FSCM-DM: List of Dispute Cases with Ranking (CDIS)
FDM_AR_CDIS_CONFLICT_ALV - ALV Structure: Display Conflicts per Document
FDM_AR_CDIS_OBJECTS_UI - FSCM-DM: Customer-Disputed Objects with Attributes
FDM_AR_CDIS_PROPOSAL_ALV - ALV Structure: Display/Processing of Assignment Proposal
FDM_AR_CLR_ITEM - FSCM-DM: Items Involved in Clearing
FDM_AR_COMPANY - FSCM-DM: Structure for Selection of Dispute Company Code
FDM_AR_CURRENCY - FSCM-DM: Structure for Selection of Dispute Currency
FDM_AR_DISPUTE_DATA - FSCM-DM: Data for Creating/Changing Disputes in AR
FDM_AR_DISPUTE_DATA_INCL - FSCM-DM: Data for Creating/Changing Disputes in AR
FDM_AR_DISPUTE_UI - FSCM-DM: Data for the UI Create/Change Disputes in AR
FDM_AR_DISPUTE_UI_ATTRIBS - FSCM-DM: Standard Attributes of Dispute Case
FDM_AR_DISPUTE_UI_INCL1 - FSCM-DM: Data for the UI from FI
FDM_AR_DISP_ITEM_DATA_UI - FSCM-DM:Data for Items from Dispute Cases (with Delet.Infos)
FDM_AR_DOCUMENTS - FSCM-DM: FI Document Objects and Amounts for Disputes
FDM_AR_FILECONTENT - FSCM-DM: File Content for Attachment to Dispute
FDM_AR_INVOICE - FSCM-DM: Amounts for Invoice Item
FDM_AR_INVOICE_DATA - FSCM-DM: Removable Items in Customer-Initiated Dispute Case
FDM_AR_ITEM_DATA - FSCM-DM: Data for Items from Dispute Cases
FDM_AR_ITEM_DATA_ALV - ALV Structure: Data for Items from Dispute Cases
FDM_AR_ITEM_PROC_DATA - FSCM-DM:Data for Items from Dispute Cases (with Delet.Infos)
FDM_AR_MAPPING - FSCM-DM: Determination of Values of Source and Target Fields
FDM_AR_NOTES - FSCM-DM: Structuer that Contains a Note
FDM_AR_OBJECTS - FSCM-DM: Objects to Be Added to Dispute (except DOCUMENTS)
FDM_AR_PAYTAB - FSCM-DM: Amount Changes in Dispute Case (Totals)
FDM_AR_POSTING_DATA - FSCM-DM: Posting Data for Automatic Write-Off
FDM_AR_SOURCEFLD - FSCM-DM: Selection of Source Fields for Synchronization
FDM_AR_SYNC - FSCM-DM: Settings for Determination of Attribute Values
FDM_AR_TARGETFLD - FSCM-DM: Target Fields for Synchronization
FDM_AR_UI_FIELDSTATUS - FSCM-DM: Structure for User Interface Field Status
FDM_AR_UMSKZ - FSCM: Integration of Special GL Indicator line items
FDM_AR_WRITEOFFS - FSCM-DM: Automatic Write-Offs Not Executed
FDM_ATTRIBUTE - FSCM-DM Integration: Attribute Value
FDM_ATTR_AUTHORITY - Authorization for Attributes
FDM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION - FSCM-DM: Attribute Values with Description
FDM_BUFFER - Cluster for Decoupling in 1-System Scenario
FDM_BW_DT_1 - FSCM-DM Integration: Bus. Partner Extract Structure for BW
FDM_BW_DT_2 - FSCM-DM Integration: Item Extract Structure for BW
FDM_CASE_CONFIG_READ_SYNC - FSCM-DM: Structure for Transfer of Attribute Values
FDM_CCM_CORR - Trigger Table for Manual Adjustments (Claims Management)
FDM_CDISCONFLICT - FSCM-DM: Conflicts in Automatic Assignment of Items to Cases
FDM_CDISPROPOSAL - FSCM-DM: Proposal for Assignment of OIs to Cust.-Init. Disp.
FDM_COLL_CFIELD - FSCM-COL: Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on)
FDM_COLL_COMPCOD - FSCM-COL: Active Company Codes of Collections Management
FDM_COLL_DUNNLEV - Harmonized Dunning Levels
FDM_COLL_FUNC - Additional Functions (Title Element 'Invoices')
FDM_COLL_FUNCDEA - Deactivate Additional Functions
FDM_COLL_FUNCT - Texts for Additional Functions (Title Element 'Invoices')
FDM_COLL_INSTMNT_OVERVIEW - Installment with Status
FDM_COLL_P2P_DETAIL - Promise to Pay Detail
FDM_COLL_SFIELD - FSCM-COL: Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on)
FDM_COLL_STRIG - FSCM-COL: Control of Trigger Update in TROBJ
FDM_CONTACT_ATTR - Additional Contact Person Attributes To Be Displayed
FDM_CONTACT_FILTER - FSCM-DM: Filter Criteria for Contact Person
FDM_CONTACT_KEY - FSCM-DM: Key for Customer Contact Person
FDM_CONTACT_LIST - FSCM-DM: List of Contact Persons for Customer
FDM_DCATTR - FSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Attributes
FDM_DCOBJ - FSCM-DM Integration: Disputed Objects
FDM_DCPROC - FSCM-DM Integration: Dispute Case Processes
FDM_DCPROC_DATA - FSCM-DM Integration: Data for Processes on Dispute Case
FDM_EBPP_DMATTACHMENTS - Biller Direct: List of Attachments
FDM_EBPP_DMCONTACTS - Biller Direct: Contact Person for Dispute Management
FDM_EBPP_DMCONTACT_DATA - Biller Direct: Contact Person for Dispute Management
FDM_EBPP_DMCUSTOMIZING - Biller Direct: Customizing for Dispute Management
FDM_EBPP_DMDISPUTES - Biller Direct: Dispute Case Data
FDM_EBPP_DMDISPUTES_NEW - Biller Direct: Data for New Dispute Cases
FDM_EBPP_DMFILECONTENT - Biller Direct: Binary Cont. of Attachments for Dispute Cases
FDM_EBPP_DMINVOICES_DISPDATA - Biller Direct: Assignment of Cases to Be Created/Invoices
FDM_EBPP_DMNOTES - Biller Direct: Notes for Dispute Cases
FDM_EBPP_DMREASONS - Biller Direct: Reasons for Dispute Management
FDM_EBPP_DMSELECTION - Biller Direct: Selections for Dispute Cases
FDM_EBPP_FILE_EXTENSIONS - Biller Direct: File Types for Attachments
FDM_EBPP_GUIDS - Biller Direct: Dispute Management, GUIDs
FDM_EBPP_ITEM_ALLOC - Biller Direct: Relationship between Items and Dispute Cases
FDM_EBPP_NOTES - Biller Direct, Dispute Management: Note for Dispute Case
FDM_EBPP_RELEASE_INFO - Biller Direct: Release Information
FDM_FIELDCHANGES - FSCM-DM: Synchronization of Field Value Changes
FDM_FILECONTENT - FSCM-DM: File Content for Attachment to Dispute
FDM_GEN_P2P_INVOICE - Generic Promise to Pay: Amount Promised per Invoice
FDM_GEN_P2P_LOCAL - Promise to Pay: Local Data
FDM_GUID_W_ATTRS - FSCM-DM: Case GUIDs with Attribute Table
FDM_GUID_W_DISP_AMT - FSCM-DM Integration: GUID with Disputed Amount
FDM_GUID_W_PROCNO - FSCM-DM Integration: GUID with Current Process Number fm DM
FDM_GUID_W_STATUS - FSCM-DM Integration: GUID with Status Information
FDM_INDIVIDUAL_INSTMNT - Installment in Individual Installment Plan Type
FDM_INSTMNT_ATTR - Installment in Promise to Pay with Installments
FDM_INSTPLAN_TY - Installment Plan Type for Promise to Pay with Installments
FDM_INSTPLAN_TYI - Individual Installment Plan Type for Installment P2P
FDM_INSTPLAN_TYT - Name of Installment Plan Type
FDM_INSTPLAN_TY_MAINTAIN_101 - Fields for Maintenance of Installment Plan Type
FDM_INSTPLAN_TY_MAINTAIN_200 - Fields for Maintenance of Installment Plan Type
FDM_LDDB - FSCM-DM: Log And Delay Database
FDM_LDDB_DISP - FSCM-DM: Display Structure for LDDB Reports
FDM_LINE_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES - FSCM-DM: Data from the Dispute Case for the UI (Attribute)
FDM_MULTI_INV_CTX_INST_PLAN - Installment Plan in Creation Context
FDM_NOTE_TYPE - FDM Collections: Note Types
FDM_NOTE_TYPET - Note Types Text
FDM_OBJECT - FSCM-DM Integration: Objects
FDM_OBJECT_DATA - FSCM-DM Integration: Case Objects (with Properties)
FDM_OBJECT_ID - FSCM-DM Integration: Objects (No Classification)
FDM_OBJECT_IN_CASE - Object - Case Relation
FDM_P2P_ATTR - Attributes of Promise to Pay; Required for Process Integratn
FDM_P2P_INSTMNT - Installments in Promise to Pay with Installment
FDM_PROCESS_DATA - FSCM-DM Integration: Process Data for the Dispute Case
FDM_RANGE_OBJ_KEY - FSCM-DM: Range for Object Key
FDM_RNG_USER - FSCM-DM: Range for User
FDM_S_AR_CCM_ASG_AMT_CASE - Assigned Amount per Dispute Case
FDM_S_AR_CCM_CANCEL - Payment Item and Related Reset Clearing Document
FDM_S_COLL_ADD_FUNC - Additional Functions for 'Invoices' Title Element
FDM_S_COLL_CFIELD - Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on)
FDM_S_COLL_COMPCOD - FSCM-COL: Structure of Active Company Codes
FDM_S_COLL_DUNNLEV - Harmonized Dunning Levels
FDM_S_COLL_SFIELD - Relevant Fields for Document Changes (and so on)
FDM_S_GEN_INV_INSTMNT - Installment Plan for each Invoice
FDM_S_INST_PLAN_TYPE - Installment Plan Type with Description
FDM_S_INST_TAB - Installment Plan
FDM_UI_ATTRIBUTES - FSCM-DM: Data from the Dispute Case for the UI (Attribute)
FDM_UI_ATTRIBUTES_F4 - FSCM-DM: Dispute Case Data for F4 Dialog Box (Attribute)
TFDM_BDREASON - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_BDREASONT - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_CUSTDISP - FSCM-DM: Activation for Customer-Initiated Dispute Cases
TFDM_DEFCC - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_DEFRC - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Company Code
TFDM_DEFREF - FSCM-DM: Valid Fields for Reference Default Values
TFDM_DEFREFT - FSCM-DM: Texts for Fields for Reference Default Values
TFDM_GENERICTAB - FSCM-DM: Generic Table Values of Original and Target Fields
TFDM_MAPPING - FSCM-DM: Generic Table Values of Original and Target Fields
TFDM_P2PCC - Settings for Promise to Pay per Company Code
TFDM_RSTGR - Reason Codes for CCM Process
TFDM_SOURCEFIELD - FSCM-DM: Source Fields Synchronization of Attributes
TFDM_TARGETFIELD - FDM_AR: Target Fields in Document
TFDM_UMSKZ - Special G/L Indicator for CCM Process
TFDM_WRITEOFF01 - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases
TFDM_WRITEOFF02 - FSCM-DM: Default Values for Writing Off Dispute Cases

SAP Basic Functions Tables FIN-FSCM-DM-DM

HASH_DATA_FOR_DISPCASE - FSCM-DM: Hash Value Relevant Fields of the Dispute Case
ROXSE30029 - Root Cause Code
SCMG_LOC_FIELDS - Input Fields for Case Search
SCMG_LOC_PROFIL - Profile for Case Search
SCMG_LOC_PROFILT - Profile for Case Search
UDMATTRPROTECTED - Attributes That Must Not Be Changed by User
UDMATTRPUBLISH - FSCM-DM: Dispute Case Attributes to Be Published
UDMATTR_RCCODE - Case: Root Cause Code
UDMCASEATTR00 - Dispute Case Attributes
UDMCASEATTR10 - Dispute Case Attribute for Account Balance (FI-CA)
UDMCASEATTR20 - Collection Case Attributes
UDMCASEATTRSYNC - FSCM-DM: Relevant Attributes for Synchronization
UDMCASEPROCESSOR - Regular Processor for Dispute Cases
UDMCHKF01 - Dispute Management: File Name of Last Checkout
UDMCHKF02 - Dispute Management: File Name of Last Checkout
UDMCHKO01 - Disp. Mgt: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information
UDMCHKO02 - Disp. Mgt: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information
UDMCONT01 - Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export)
UDMCONT02 - Dispute Management: Table for Doc. Content (Import/Export)
UDMCORRSTR00 - Attribute Structure for Correspondence (FI-AR)
UDMCORRSTR10 - Attribute Structure for Correspondence (FI-CA)
UDMDOCL01 - Dispute Management: Instances of Logical Information Objects
UDMDOCL02 - Dispute Management: Instances of Logical Information Objects
UDMDOCP01 - Dispute Management: Instances of Physical Info. Objects
UDMDOCP02 - Dispute Management: Instances of Physical Info. Objects
UDMEVENTT - Texts for Events
UDMEVENT_PARA - Define the Effect of Events on Dispute Cases
UDMEXTAPPL - External Application
UDMEXTAPPLT - External Application
UDMFILEEXT2 - FSCM-DM: Type for Attachments to Dispute Cases (eSOA)
UDMFILEEXTENSION - FSCM-DM: Type for Attachments from Biller Direct
UDMIDXST01 - Dispute Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents
UDMIDXST02 - Dispute Management: Status Table for Indexing Documents
UDMLOIOT01 - Dispute Management: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
UDMLOIOT02 - Dispute Management: Descriptions of Logical Info. Objects
UDMLOPR01 - Dispute Management: Attribute Values of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLOPR02 - Dispute Management: Attribute Values of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORE01 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORE02 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORI01 - Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMLORI02 - Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects
UDMPHF01 - Dispute Management: Files for Physical Information Objects
UDMPHF02 - Dispute Management: Files for Physical Information Objects
UDMPHHR01 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
UDMPHHR02 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
UDMPHNM01 - Disp. Mgt: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object
UDMPHNM02 - Disp. Mgt: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Object
UDMPHPR01 - Disp. Mgt: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
UDMPHPR02 - Disp. Mgt: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
UDMPHRE01 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info. Objects
UDMPHRE02 - Disp. Mgt: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info. Objects
UDMPHRI01 - Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Objects
UDMPHRI02 - Disp. Mgt: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Objects
UDMPUBLISHPARA - Case: Parameters for the Transfer to External Applications
UDM_ATTRIBUTE_DESC - Description Object
UDM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION - FSCM-DM: Attribute Value with Description
UDM_AUTOSTAT_P2P - FSCM-DM: Automatic Status for Promise to Pay
UDM_AUTO_STATUS - FSCM-DM: Automatic Status
UDM_AUTO_TEXTID - Text ID Used to Include Notes
UDM_BOR_OBJECT_RELATION - Dispute Management: Business Object with Relationship Type
UDM_BOR_RELATION_API - Dispute Management: Bus.Obj.with Relationship Type (API)
UDM_BUPA_INFORMATION - FSCM-DM: Information about Business Partner
UDM_BUTTON_FOR_LOCATOR - Buttons for Locator
UDM_CASE_ATTR - Case Attributes
UDM_CASE_ATTR_SYNC - FSCM-DM: Table Structure for Relevant Attributes for Sync.
UDM_CASE_CONFIG_READ_SYNC - FSCM-DM: Read Structure for Attribute Values for Synchron.
UDM_CASE_DATES - Case Date Fields for Locator
UDM_CASE_DOCUMENT_LIST - FSCM-DM: List of Documents in Dispute Case
UDM_CASE_EDIT_BASIC - Dispute Case Processing for Occasional User
UDM_CASE_RESULT - Dispute Case Found
UDM_CLASS_ADMIN - FSCM-DM: Mapping of Classification to Anchor and Relationshp
UDM_CONTACT_DATA - FSCM-DM: Contact data for a contact person of a customer
UDM_DC_BDBYELQRY_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPBasicDataByElementsQue
UDM_DC_BDBYELRSP_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPBasicDataByElementsRes
UDM_DC_BYIDQRY_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPByIDQuery_sync
UDM_DC_BYIDRSP_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPByIDResponse_sync
UDM_DC_CANCLNREQ - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPCancellationRequest
UDM_DC_CHGREQ - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPChangeRequest
UDM_DC_CHGRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-DM: FEH Structure (ChangeRequest)
UDM_DC_CNCRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-DM: FEH Structure (CancellationRequest)
UDM_DC_CONF - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPConfirmation
UDM_DC_CRTCKQRY_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPCreateCheckQuery_sync
UDM_DC_CRTCKRSP_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPCreateCheckResponse_sy
UDM_DC_CRTREQ - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPCreateRequest
UDM_DC_CRTRQ_FEH_POST_MAP - FSCM-DM: FEH Structure (CreateRequest)
UDM_DC_UPDCKQRY_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPUpdateCheckQuery_sync
UDM_DC_UPDCKRSP_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPUpdateCheckResponse_sy
UDM_DC_UPDCONF_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPUpdateConfirmation_syn
UDM_DC_UPDREQ_SYNC - TradeReceivablesPayablesDisputeCaseERPUpdateRequest_sync
UDM_DESCR_BADI_FILTER - Structure for BAdI Filter
UDM_DISP - Dispute Cases
UDM_FICA_REASON - Case: Internal Dispute Type
UDM_FICA_REASONT - Case: Internal Dispute Type (Name)
UDM_FICA_S_CCATTR - FSCM-DM: Attributes of FI-CA Dispute Case (Structure)
UDM_FICA_S_DCATTR - FSCM-DM: Attributes of Dispute Case for Account Bal. (FI-CA)
UDM_FIELD_SELECT_OPTION - Selection Options for Field
UDM_GUID_ADMIN - FSCM-DM: Mapping of Case GUID to External GUID
UDM_GUID_W_EXTKEY - FSCM-DM: GUID with External Dispute Case Number
UDM_GUID_W_SEQNR - FSCM-DM: GUID with Process Sequence Number
UDM_INTERNAL_TABLE - Internal Table for Case Search
UDM_LOCATOR_COMPANY_CODE_ALV - Destination for Search Help
UDM_LOCATOR_EXT_APP_LOG - Additional Fields for Application Log
UDM_LOC_CHANGEABLE_FIELDS - Modifiable Attributes
UDM_LOC_FLDCHG - Attribute Modifiable via Case Search
UDM_PGUID - Case GUID with Related POID Object
UDM_RFCDEST_SELECTION - Select RFC Destination via Company Code
UDM_SCMG_ATTRIBUTE_DESC - Description Objects
UDM_SPS_ADMIN - FSCM-DM Integration: Determination of Element Type
UDM_STB_BUTTON - Toolbar Button for Locator Mass Activities
UDM_S_ADD_DATA - Correspondence: Structure for Additional Data
UDM_S_ATTR_AUTHORITY - FSCM-DM: Authorization for Attributes
UDM_S_CASE_ATTR_POWL - Case attribute for Dispute Management POWL
UDM_S_CASE_CATEGORY_CTYPE - FSCM-DM: Structure of Case Categories (with Case Type)
UDM_S_CASE_ESCAL - FSCM-DM: Case Escalation Reasons
UDM_S_CASE_ESCAL_CTYPE - FSCM-DM: Structure of Case Escalation Reasons (w. Case Type)
UDM_S_CASE_EXTAPPL - FSCM-DM: External Application Case
UDM_S_CASE_NOTE - FSCM-DM: Case Note with Properties
UDM_S_CASE_ORIGIN - FSCM-DM: Structure of Origin of Dispute Case
UDM_S_CASE_PROFILE - FSCM-DM: Status Profile Case
UDM_S_CASE_RCCODE - FSCM-DM: Case Root Cause Codes
UDM_S_CASE_RCCODE_CTYPE - FSCM-DM:Structure of Case Root Cause Code (with Case Type)
UDM_S_CASE_REASON_CTYPE - FSCM-DM: Structure of Case Reasons (with Case Type)
UDM_S_CASE_STATUS_CTYPE - FSCM-DM: Structure of Case Status (with Case Type)
UDM_S_COMPANY_CODE - FSCM-DM: Structure of Company Code (with Logical System)
UDM_S_COMP_LOGSYS - Structure for Company Code with Logical System
UDM_S_CONTACT_UI_ATTR - Correspondence: UI Structure for Contact Data
UDM_S_CORRDESC - Correspondence: Structure for Attribute Long Texts
UDM_S_CUST_SELECTION - Structure for customer selection criteria
UDM_S_DCATTR - FSCM-DM: Dispute Case Attributes (Structure)
UDM_S_DCOBJ - FSCM-DM: Objects in Dispute Case
UDM_S_DC_ATTR_MAIN - FSCM-DM: Structure of Dispute Case Attributes (Main)
UDM_S_EVENT_PARA - Process Events
UDM_S_GENATTR - FSCM-DM: Attributes (Generic Display)
UDM_S_GUID_ATTRIBUTE - FSCM-DM: Case with Attributes and GUID
UDM_S_INV_POPUP - Display Structure for Invoice Overview Dialog Box
UDM_S_NOTES_UI - Screen Structure for Notes
UDM_S_NOTE_PROPERTIES - FSCM-DM: Properties for Notes to a Case
UDM_S_OBJECT - FSCM-DM: Object in a Case
UDM_S_SELECTION_PARAMETER - FSCM: Structure of Selection Parameter
UDM_S_VBRKOUT - Information about SD Billing Document (Internal Format)
UDM_S_WD_ATTACHMENT - FSCM: File Attachment of a Case
UDM_S_WD_ATTCH_ADD - FSCM: File Attachment to be Appended to the Case
UDM_S_WD_ATTR - FSCM-DM: Attribute Structure with Long Texts
UDM_S_WD_ATTR_UPD - FSCM-DM: Attributes when Changing
UDM_S_WD_BADI_ATTR_PROP - FSCM: Customer-Specific Attributes
UDM_S_WD_BOR_UI - FSCM-DM: Linked Objects
UDM_S_WD_NOTE - FSCM: Case Note with Properties
UDM_TABATTR_DESC - Description Objects for DDIC Structure
UDM_T_CORRCONT - FSCM-DM: Container (Dialog Correspondence)
UDM_T_PROC_STAT - Processing Status for Dispute Cases

SAP Internal Collection Procedure Tables FIN-FSCM-DR

UHCCASEATTR20 - Collection Case Attributes
UHC_CASE_ALIST - Actions in Collection Case
UHC_CASE_ALIST_EXT - Display Structure for Action List
UHC_FICA_S_CCATTR - Attributes of FI-CA Collection Cases (Structure)
UHC_T001 - Actions - Definition of Actions
UHC_T001_A - Prerequisite Actions
UHC_T001_B - Do Not Execute Action - Prerequisite Case Status
UHC_T001_T - Actions - Definition of Actions (Texts)
UHC_T002 - Action List
UHC_T002_B - Actions in Action List
UHC_T002_T - Action List (Texts)

SAP FSCM In-House Cash Tables FIN-FSCM-IHC

ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BANKING_BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BANK_ACCOUNT_DOCUMENT_RECONCI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BANK_PAYMENT_BASE_BUSINESS_TR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BANK_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BCA_ALV_ROUTE - Structure for ALV Output of Routing Instructions
BCA_STR_ROUTE - Structure for Routing Instructions
BKACCT_STMNT_MSG_BK_ACCT_STM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BKACCT_STMNT_MSG_BK_ACCT_STMN - Proxy Structure (generated)
BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAGE_HE11 - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
BUSINESS_SCOPE3 - Environment from which a message is sent
BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_ID3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
BUSINESS_TRANSACTION_DOCUMEN75 - Proxy Structure (generated)
CENTRAL_BANK_REPORT_REASON_CL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
CENTRAL_BANK_REPORT_REASON_CO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
CENTRAL_BANK_REPORT_REASON_CO2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
CODE2 - Property description in an abbreviated or language-independe
COLLECTIVE_PAYMENT_ORDER_BUS_P - Proxy Structure (generated)
COLLV_PAYT_ORD_MSG_COLLV_PAYT - Proxy Structure (generated)
COLLV_PAYT_ORD_MSG_COLLV_PAYT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
COLLV_PAYT_ORD_MSG_PAYT_ORD_D1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
COLLV_PAYT_ORD_MSG_PAYT_ORD_DI - Proxy Structure (generated)
COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
DATE_PERIOD7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
DIRECT_DEBIT_MANDATE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
EMAIL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EMAIL_URI3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EXCHANGE_RATE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FACSIMILE - Telephone
FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
FORM_OF_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE_CONTEXT_E - Proxy Structure (generated)
IHC_DBC_PN - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN Change Documents
IHC_DBC_PN_BP - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_BP Change Documents
IHC_DBC_PN_CONT - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_CONT Change Documents
IHC_DBC_PN_RINFO - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_RINFO Change Documents
IHC_DBC_PN_STATI - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_Status Change Documents
IHC_DB_BCA_EXTPO - Process Parameter External BCA Payment Orders
IHC_DB_CL_ACCTS - Account Determination for AMS Update
IHC_DB_CL_AMS - IHC: Clearing Unit Data
IHC_DB_CL_IDOC - IHC: Communication Data for Clearing Unit
IHC_DB_CL_PRTNR - IHC: Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CL_PRTNRT - IHC: Text Table for Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CL_RATES - Currency Type for Foreign Currency Settlement
IHC_DB_CL_TYPES - Technical Settings for AMS Update
IHC_DB_CL_XBS - IHC Bank Statement: Determine Sender or Clearing Partner
IHC_DB_CMGRP - Cash Management Groups
IHC_DB_CMGRP1 - Cash Management Group: Account Assignment
IHC_DB_CMGRP2 - Cash Management Group: Account Assignment
IHC_DB_CMGRP_T - Text Table for Cash Management Groups
IHC_DB_CMSTATUS - Cash Management: Status of Individual Items
IHC_DB_CMVAR - Cash Management Variants
IHC_DB_CMVAR1 - Cash Management Variants: Bank Area Assignment
IHC_DB_CMVAR_T - Text Table for Cash Management Variants
IHC_DB_DSP_TRAPO - Table Structure for displaying the Posted Item Detail
IHC_DB_ENQ_PN - Lock Table for Payment Order
IHC_DB_INB_ACCTS - Clearing Partner Details for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_PARMS - Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_PRN - Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_INB_TARGT - Clearing Partner for PEXR2002
IHC_DB_NEW_TRAPO - IHC: Customizing-Table for Posting Detail Report
IHC_DB_ORG - IHC AMS Organizational Units
IHC_DB_PAY_MAPP - IHC: Clearing Agreement
IHC_DB_PN - Source Document for Incoming Payment Orders
IHC_DB_PN_BP - IHC: Address Data of Bus. Partners Involved in Payment Order
IHC_DB_PN_ENQ - Lock Table for Payment Order
IHC_DB_PN_RINFO - Reference/Note to Payee Information
IHC_DB_PN_STATUS - IHC: Payment Order Status
IHC_DB_QUEUES - Queue Management for Parallel Processing
IHC_DB_ROUTE - IHC: Assignment of Route to a Clearing Unit
IHC_DB_ROUTE_T - IHC: Text Table for Route
IHC_DB_RT_NODE - IHC: Routing Node
IHC_DB_RT_TREE - IHC: Routing Tree
IHC_DB_RT_TREEEN - IHC: Block Table for Route Tree
IHC_DB_TOVR - Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date, aft.Posting Date)
IHC_DB_TOVR_ENQ - Provisional Turnover (Based on Value Date, aft.Posting Date)
IHC_DB_TRAPO - IHC: Customizing Table for Transfer Posting Report
IHC_DTE_DATE_TIME - Proxy Data Element (Generated)
IHC_DTE_NOTE - Proxy Data Element (Generated)
IHC_DTE_PAYMT_INST_CODE - Proxy Data Element (Generated)
IHC_STR_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_AUDIT_TRAIL - List for Payment Tracking
IHC_STR_AUDIT_TRAIL_HD - List for Payment Tracking - Header
IHC_STR_AUDIT_TRAIL_ITEM - List for Tracking Payment Items
IHC_STR_BANK - Bank details
IHC_STR_BANK_DETAILS - Bank Details as needed by the Business Transaction
IHC_STR_BANSTA - A legally binding notification instrument from the bank to i
IHC_STR_BANSTA_ACCT_BAL - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IHC_STR_BANSTA_ERR_MSG - Structure for Transferring Error Messages
IHC_STR_BANSTA_EXT_ACCT_BAL - Data from Account Balancings Since Last Bank Statement
IHC_STR_BANSTA_EXT_ITEM_DTLS - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IHC_STR_BANSTA_ITEM - A single turnover (credit or debit) on the bank account
IHC_STR_BANSTA_ITEM_DTLS - BCA: External Interface for Bank Statement (Turnovers)
IHC_STR_BANSTA_NOTF - Notification of the Bank Account Statement
IHC_STR_BANSTA_NOTF_MSG - Bank account statement message
IHC_STR_BANSTA_PAYMNT_NOTE - Bank Statment: Payment Notes
IHC_STR_BANSTA_RCVR_ADDRESS - Bank Statement: Addresses of Bank Statement Recipients
IHC_STR_BNK_ACCT_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BNK_DETAILS - Bank account details
IHC_STR_BNK_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BP_GDATA - BCA: General Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IHC_STR_BP_NDATA - BCA: Name Data of a BP (for Bank Statement)
IHC_STR_BUS_DOC_MSG_HEADER - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
IHC_STR_BUS_DOC_MSG_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BUS_TRAN_DOC_BANK_ACCT - Bank account details
IHC_STR_BUS_TRAN_DOC_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BUS_TRAN_DOC_PARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BUS_TRAN_DOC_REF - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_BUS_TRAN_TYP_DESC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_CB_REPORT - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_CD_IHC_DB_PN - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN Change Documents
IHC_STR_CD_IHC_DB_PN_BP - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_BP Change Documents
IHC_STR_CD_IHC_DB_PN_CONT - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_CONT Change Documents
IHC_STR_CD_IHC_DB_PN_RINFO - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_RINFO Change Documents
IHC_STR_CD_IHC_DB_PN_STATUS - Mirror Structure for IHC_DB_PN_Status Change Documents
IHC_STR_CM - Cash Management Data Structure
IHC_STR_CMBALANCE - Account Balances Based On Value Date
IHC_STR_CMDATES - Value Date Data Structure
IHC_STR_CMGROUP - Export Structure Cash Management Groups per Variant
IHC_STR_CMHLP - Cash Management Help Structure
IHC_STR_CMITEM - Data for Line Items
IHC_STR_CMVARIANT - Export Structure Cash Management Variant
IHC_STR_CMVARIANT_BKKRS - Export Structure Cash Management Bank Area per Variant
IHC_STR_CM_PN_VOLUME - IHC: IHC Payment Orders Turnover for Cash Management
IHC_STR_CNTCT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_CNTCT_PERSON_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_COLL_PAYORD - Collection of payment orders (industry specific elements of
IHC_STR_COLL_PAYORD_POST_MAP - Post Mapping Structure for CollectivePaymentOrderRequest_In
IHC_STR_COLL_PAYORD_REQ - CollectivePaymentOrderRequest (industry specific elements of
IHC_STR_COLL_PAYORD_REQUEST - CollectivePaymentOrderRequest
IHC_STR_CORR_BNK_DETAILS - Bank details of a correspondence bank that should be used fo
IHC_STR_CREATED_PAYRQ - Payment Requests Generated per IDoc
IHC_STR_DESC - Natural Language Text
IHC_STR_DIFFERENCE - Structure for Comparing Field Values
IHC_STR_DOC - Document References of a Status
IHC_STR_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_EXTERNAL_PAYRQ_STATUS - IHC: Status of External Payment Orders
IHC_STR_GEO_COORD - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_GUI_ACTIONS - IHC: List of Possible GUI Actions
IHC_STR_GUI_ADMIN - Structure of GUI Fields: Management
IHC_STR_GUI_DATA - Payment Order Data from GUI
IHC_STR_GUI_EXTERN_STATUS - External Status of Selected Payment Orders
IHC_STR_GUI_HEADER - Structure for GUI Fields: Header
IHC_STR_GUI_OVERVIEW - Structure for GUI Fields: Overview
IHC_STR_GUI_PAYMENT_NOTE - Structure of Payment Order Payment Notes
IHC_STR_GUI_RECEIVER - Structure for GUI Fields: Recipient
IHC_STR_GUI_REFERENCE - Reference Information for Payment Order
IHC_STR_GUI_SENDER - Structure for GUI Fields: Sender
IHC_STR_GUI_TEXT - Structure for GUI Headers
IHC_STR_GUI_WORKLIST - IHC: Structure for Payment Orders in Worklist
IHC_STR_IDOC_ATTR - IHC Outbound IDoc Attributes
IHC_STR_IDOC_PAIRS - Outbound_remote_inbound_IDoc_pairs
IHC_STR_ITEMS_TRNS_CURR - Structure of Spread Items Link to OCMT
IHC_STR_ITEM_NUMBERS - Reference Numbers of Generated Payment Items
IHC_STR_LIMIT_FIG - Limit Turnover
IHC_STR_LIM_DATA - Limit Turnover Figures
IHC_STR_LIM_FIG - Limit Turnover Figures Semantic Key
IHC_STR_LIM_SEMKEY - Limit Turnover Figures Semantic Key
IHC_STR_LOG_ARCHIVE - IHC: Archive; Log Data
IHC_STR_LOG_CONTEXT_FIELD - Element of a Context
IHC_STR_LOG_CONTEXT_FIELD_KEY - Element of a Context
IHC_STR_LOG_CONTEXT_TABLE - Generated Structures for Contexts in Log
IHC_STR_LOG_CONTEXT_TABLE_KEY - Generated Structures for Contexts in Log
IHC_STR_LOG_FIELD_SET - Field Selection for Contexts in Log
IHC_STR_LOG_FIELD_SET_KEY - Field Selection for Contexts in Log
IHC_STR_LOG_LAYER_CONTEXT - Contexts of Levels
IHC_STR_LOG_LOCAL_FIELD - Structure for Local Fields
IHC_STR_LOG_MESSAGE - Message in Log
IHC_STR_LOG_REFERENCE - References in Log
IHC_STR_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_NAME - A Name is a word or word combination used to name or identif
IHC_STR_NP_NDATA - BCA: Name Data of a Natural Person
IHC_STR_ORG_NDATA - BCA: Name Data of an Organization
IHC_STR_PARTY_ID - Unique identifier for a party
IHC_STR_PARTY_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PARTY_TAX_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PAYMITEM_4_REVERSE - Structure of Payment Items for Reversal
IHC_STR_PAYMITM_4_CANC - Structure of Payment Items for Reversal
IHC_STR_PAYMT_ADV_ITEM - Payment Advices to this Payment Item
IHC_STR_PAYMT_DIFF_EXPLANATION - Explanation for Difference between Expected and Actual Payme
IHC_STR_PAYMT_EXPLANATION - Explanation of the Scope of Payment with Document Reference
IHC_STR_PAYMT_EXPL_ITEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PAYMT_INST - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PAYMT_INST_ID - Unique identification of an object within an identification
IHC_STR_PAYMT_ORD_ITEM - An instruction to a credit institution to carry out a single
IHC_STR_PAYORD_ITEM - Instruction to a credit institution to carry out payment tra
IHC_STR_PAYORD_RECV_PARTY - General information about a party that is responsible for se
IHC_STR_PAYORD_REQ - A request to transfer a certain amount of money to or from t
IHC_STR_PAYORD_REQ_MESSAGE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PAYRQ_LIST_CANCEL - Reversal Structure for Removed Payment Requests
IHC_STR_PAYRQ_STATUS - Statuses of Generated Payment Requests
IHC_STR_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_PN_AWPARAMS - External Reference to Original Document
IHC_STR_PN_DATA - Payment Order Data
IHC_STR_PN_EXTERNAL_DATA - IHC: External Document Information for Payment Order
IHC_STR_PN_EXT_REF - External References
IHC_STR_PN_PAYRQ - PAYRQ of a Payment Order
IHC_STR_PN_REF_STAT - References of a Payment Request
IHC_STR_PN_RINFO - For the Reference Info Table of a PO (Payment Notes)
IHC_STR_PN_SEMKEY_LINE - Semantic Key --> Reference 1:1 Assignment
IHC_STR_PN_STATKEY - For the Status Table of a PO
IHC_STR_PN_STATUS - For the Status Table of a PO
IHC_STR_PN_STATUSH - For the Status Table of a PO
IHC_STR_POLL_EXT_DOC - IHC: External Document Polling
IHC_STR_POLL_PN_BY_INB_IDOC - Query from IHC Payment Orders via Generating IDocs
IHC_STR_POLL_REMOTE_IDOCS - Payment Order Generating IDoc Number
IHC_STR_PUBL_BCA_ITEM_TAB - Public Container Structure for BCA Item Table
IHC_STR_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_ROUTING_IF_TYPE - Participating Structures
IHC_STR_RT_ALV - IHC: To Tabular Output of Set of Rules for Route
IHC_STR_RT_PN - IHC: Set of Rules Fields
IHC_STR_SCB_CLASS - State central bank reporting reason
IHC_STR_SCB_CLASS_CODE - State Central Bank Reporting Classification Code
IHC_STR_SCB_REPORT - State central bank reporting data
IHC_STR_SND_ITEM - IHC Payment Order: Payer Items
IHC_STR_TAX_JURSD_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
IHC_STR_TEXT - A Character String with an Optional Language Specification
IHC_STR_UNIT_DATA - Posting System Unit Data
IHC_STR_VARIANT_KEY - Key Fields for Selection Variants
IHC_TAB_APM_TT - Automatic Payments: Determine IHC Transaction Type
IHC_TAB_ARCH_IDX - IHC: Archive Index Table
IHC_TAB_AUTH_GRP - IHC:Authorization Groups for Amount-Dependent Authorizations
IHC_TAB_AUTH_MAP - IHC: Assign Internal to External Actions, Re. Authorizations
IHC_TAB_DUAL_CTR - IHC: Principle of Dual Control
IHC_TAB_DUCTR_BP - TO BE DELETED --- IHC: Principle of Dual Control
IHC_TAB_GUI_ACT - IHC: Interface Actions
IHC_TAB_GUI_ACTT - IHC: GUI Actions - Description
IHC_TAB_GUI_CTRL - IHC: Field Control in GUI
IHC_TAB_GUI_FLD - IHC: Container Field in GUI
IHC_TAB_GUI_FS - IHC: Selectable Fields for Custom Selection
IHC_TAB_GUI_MAP - IHC: Mapping Table for GUI
IHC_TAB_GUI_ST - IHC: Status in Interface
IHC_TAB_GUI_STAC - IHC: Change Actions in External Status
IHC_TAB_GUI_TRNS - IHC: Transaction Type - Default Setting for Transactions
IHC_TAB_GUI_WL - IHC: Setting for Browser Worklist
IHC_TAB_INST - IHC: Instruction Codes
IHC_TAB_INSTKEYT - IHC: Text table for Instruction Key
IHC_TAB_INST_KEY - IHC: Instruction Key Definitions
IHC_TAB_INST_TXT - IHC: Text Table for Instructions
IHC_TAB_LOG_CTX - IHC: Contexts in Log
IHC_TAB_LOG_FLD - IHC: Field Selection for Contexts in Log
IHC_TAB_LOG_LYR - IHC: Assignment of Contexts to Layers
IHC_TAB_LOG_REF - IHC: References in Log
IHC_TAB_LOG_REFT - IHC: Reference Types in Log, Text Table
IHC_TAB_LOG_STR - IHC: Generated Structures for Contexts in Log
IHC_TAB_PN_CONT - IHC: Container Fields in Payment Order
IHC_TAB_SELECT - IHC: Selections in Selection Variants
IHC_TAB_STAT_MAP - IHC: Mapping Between External and Internal Status
IHC_TAB_TRANS - IHC: Transaction Types
IHC_TAB_TRANST - IHC: Transaction Type Names
IHC_TAB_TRN_ATTR - IHC: Processing of Transaction Types in Bank Area
IHC_TAB_VARIANT - IHC: Selection Variant
IHC_TAB_WORKLIST - IHC: Saved Worklists
IHC_TAB_XBS_TT - IHC: Transaction Type External Inbound Payment
LANGUAGE_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEMENTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
LONG_DESCRIPTION2 - Proxy Structure (generated)
MEASURE_UNIT_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEM - Proxy Structure (generated)
MEDIUM_NAME3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
OFFICE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PAYMENT_BASE_BUSINESS_TRANSAC1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PAYMENT_DIFFERENCE_EXPLANATIO2 - A position in the explanation for difference in payment
PAYMENT_ORDER_BUS_PROC_CHN_ASS - Proxy Structure (generated)
PAYMENT_ORDER_REJECTION_REASO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_SUPPLEMEN1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PERSON_NAME_FORMAT_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PERSON_NAME_FORMAT_CODE_CONTEX - Proxy Structure (generated)
PERSON_NAME_SUPPLEMENT_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
PRENOTE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
PRENOTE_REFERENCE - PrenoteReference is a unique reference to a prenote
QUANTITY_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE_CONTEXT_ELE - Proxy Structure (generated)
REGION_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEMENTS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SENDER_PARTY - Payment order request Sender
TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE_CONTEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
TBCA_ROUTE - Routing Definitions
TBCA_ROUTEDET - Route Determination
TELEPHONE - Telephone
UUID7 - Proxy Structure (generated)
VIHC_DBC_PN_BP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VIHC_DBC_PN_CONT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
WEBC - Proxy Structure (generated)

SAP Treasury and Risk Management Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM

AVZZKOKO - Change Document Struct. for Table VZZKOKO; Created Manually
BCKTRDT_MULTASSG - Multiple Account Assignment of Flows
BCKTRLIT_AD_TRAN - Accrual/Deferral Business Transactions Backup
BCKTRLT_VCL_FLOW - Flows Valuation Class Transfer
CVWPWPKU - Extended VWPWPKU for update program (func.mod.ref.structure)
DYNA - Field names
EXBESTAND_DE - Drilldown: Export Position Data for Listed Options/Futures
EXBESTAND_EXBEWEG_DE - Position and Flows for Listed Derivatives
EXBWG_DE - Drilldown: Export Flow Data for Listed Options/Futures
FSZ5_02_TO_05 - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions Fields 02 to 05
FSZ5_22_TO_25 - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions Fields 22 to 25
FSZ5_62_TO_65 - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions Fields 62 to 65
FSZ5_66_TO_69 - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions Fields 66 to 69
FSZ5_72_TO_75 - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions Fields 72 to 75
FSZ5_REPORTING - Z5/Z5a Reporting for Positions
FTVVS_KWG_DATA - GDA/KWG data for output
FTVVS_LOAN_MM - FTP Z5 - Loan Data and Money Market Data
FTVVS_SUMTAB_Z5 - Structure for Receivables and Payables (Z5 FTP)
FTVVS_SUMTAB_Z5A - Structure for Receivables and Payables (Z5a FTP)
FTVVS_Z5 - Display Structure for Z5 FTP
FTVVS_Z5A - Display Structure for Z5A FTR
FTVVT_KWG_MD - Master Data for KWG Relevant Business Partners
FTVV_STR_PARTNER - Structure Partner Number for Application Log
IDLOPC - Structure of screen loop parameters
IDYSTAT - Structure status on screen
INDEXZ - Allocations for datafeed
ITZKN1 - Enhancement Tzkn1
ITZKN2 - Enhancement TZKN2
KWG_STRUCT - GBA Structure
REGTS_F_DISTRIB - F Distribution Table
REGTS_T_DISTRIB - T Distribution Table
REGT_DATA_POINTS - Data Points of Regression Calculation
REGT_REGR_DATA - Parameters & Output Data of Regression Calculation
REVALC - Market values
RFGRF01 - Includes graphical elements
RFGRF02 - Includes graphical elements
RFVDLSP - Report parameter structure
RFVFKY2 - Report input fields (issuer,
RFVWLSP - Parameters statement in lists for documentation
RFVWT1 - Screen fields
RFVWT2 - Screen fields (Part II)
RFVWWAF - Select-Options for LDB WAF
RFVWWTF - Extension of LDB WTF: Selection fields
RFVZPDO - Report select options and parameters (DARWIN)
RMF69T - Internal fields module pool MF69T
RMF69T1 - Internal fields module pool MF69T
RMF69T2 - Internal fields screen 2690 (module pool MF69T)
RMF69T5 - Internal fields module pool MF69T, screen 2400, ..
ROXEIS0115 - Commodity Exposure
ROXEIS0123 - Raw Exposure Activity Type Text
ROXEIS0124 - Description Exposure Activity
ROXEIS0125 - Description Exposure Category
ROXEIS0126 - Commodity Risk Profile Texts
ROXEIS0128 - Exposure Position Type Text
ROXEIS0129 - Exposure Position Type Text
ROXEIS0130 - Exposure Position Type Text
RPROF - Profit and loss (for BAV)
RVZWVA - Image of monitoring table for deadline monitoring
SPROT_VW - Error log structure for deadline monitoring (securities)
TDXBL - Documents not updated which are sent to the R/2 system
TEXC_COEX_ACTIVE - Activation of Commodity Price Exposures
TEXC_COEX_RP - Commodity Risk Profile
TEXC_COEX_RPA - Commodity Risk Profile Assignment
TEXC_COEX_RP_TXT - Commodity Risk Profile Texts
TEXS_COEX_ADMIN - Admin info for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXS_COEX_ATTR - Exposure Attributes for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXS_COEX_BW_EXTRACTION - Extraction structure for Commodity Price Exposures
TEXS_COEX_COMMODITY - Commodity IDs for Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_EXTDOC_ATTR - External Document Attributes for Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_EXTERNAL_KEY - Logical external key for Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_FIX_AMOUNT - Fix amount info for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXS_COEX_FLOAT_PRICE - Floating prices for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXS_COEX_FTA_ATTR - Financial Transaction Attributes f. Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_FTA_CASHFLOW - COEX - FTA: Communication structure for Cashflow
TEXS_COEX_PLAN_PERIOD - Planning Period Info for Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_POS_ATTR - Exposure Positions Attributes for Commodity Price Exposure
TEXS_COEX_PRICE_INDEX - Price Index key for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXS_COEX_QUANTITY - Quantity Information for Commodity Price Expousure
TEXT_CTY_EXPOS - Commodity Price Exposure
TFKY3 - Serves as check table (for issuer help-view structure)
TFKY4 - Serves as check table for depos. bank help-view structure
TPMS_RANGE_STATEMENT_DATE - Treasury: Structure for Range Statement Date
TPMS_TREA_DISP_RESULT_LIST - Structure for ALV display
TPMS_TREA_DISP_RESULT_LIST_SEL - Structure for ALV display
TRCCC_DFTASS - Update Types for Account Assignment Reference for CC
TRCCC_FT_ORI - Assign Update Tyes for Currency Changeover Transaction
TRCCS_CHANGEOVER_ATTRIB - Currency changeover parameters
TRCCS_CHANGEOVER_DISPLAY - Currency Changeover Display Structure
TRCCS_DEAL_ID - Identifikation of a deal
TRCCS_POSITION - Position for Currency Changeover (Business Logic)
TRCCS_POSITION_DISPLAY - Position for Currency Changeover (UI)
TRCCS_POSITION_I - Currency Changeover: External Positions
TRCCS_POS_MGT_FLOW - Currency Changeover: Position Management Flow Structure
TRCCS_TRANSACTION - Currency Changover: Transactions
TRCCS_TRANSACTION_I - Currency Changover: Transactions
TRCCS_TRANS_GROUP_DEAL_NUMBER - Currency Changover: Deal Number Transactions Group
TRCCS_TRANS_GROUP_SECURITY_ID - Currency Changover: Security Transactions Group
TRCCT_CURRCHANGE - Currency changeover
TRCCT_TRANS - Currency Changeover Transaction
TREAC_AGR_FTYPES - TREA: "Derived" flowtypes for Netting
TREAC_CLEAR_OPT - Treasury: Cent.Clearing Option per Comp.Code/Prod.Tp/TransTp
TREAC_DER_FTYPES - TREA: "Derived" flowtypes for Aggregation/Netting
TREAC_DFLOWTYPE - Treasury: Specify Update Types for Central Clearing
TREAC_MLM_COCODE - TREA: Activation of MLM for Company Code
TREAC_MLM_REASON - TREA: Margin Limit Reason
TREAC_MLM_RSN_T - TREA: Margin Limit Reason Text
TREAC_MLM_SCEN - TREA: Margin Limit Scenario Step
TREAC_MLM_SCENT - TREA: Margin Limit Scenarios
TREAC_MLM_SCNT_T - TREA: Margin Limit Scenarios
TREAC_NET_FTYPES - TREA: "Derived" flowtypes for Netting
TREAC_SR_BNDR - TREA Summary Statement Customizing for Boundaries of Deltas
TREAC_SR_UPD_TYP - Treasury: Specify Update Types for Summary Statements
TREAC_UPTYP_PAY0 - TREA: Update Types for MLM Summary Statements w/PayAmt = 0
TREAS_CF_HEAD_DYNPRO - Treasury: Dynpro Structure Cashflow Statement
TREAS_CF_HEAD_I - Treasury: Include Structure TREA Cashflow Statement Header
TREAS_CF_ITEM_I - Treasury: Incl.Structure CashFlowFile Items
TREAS_CF_ITEM_I_UI - Treasury: Trea CF Item ALV
TREAS_CLEAR_ACC_DB_MAP - Treasury: Clearing Account DB Mapping structure
TREAS_CLE_ACC_DYNPRO - Treasury: Clearing Account Dynpro Structure
TREAS_DIFF_TERMS - TREA: relevant Diff. Terms
TREAS_EXT_ACC - Range Structure for External Account
TREAS_EXT_ACC_DB_MAP - Treasury: External Account DB Mapping structure
TREAS_EXT_ACC_DYNPRO - Treasury: External Account Dynpro Structure
TREAS_EXT_ACC_FREE_ATTR - Free Attribute for Customer data in External account master
TREAS_EXT_ACC_LOCK - Lock Structure External Account
TREAS_EXT_ACC_MLM_AMNT_DYNPRO - Treasury: Margin Limit Amounts Dynpro Structure
TREAS_EXT_ACC_PM_DYNPRO - External Account Payment Details (Tablecontrol )
TREAS_FLOW_ALV - Treasury: ALV Structure for TREA Flows
TREAS_FLOW_ALV_CCP - Treasury: ALV Structure for TREA Flows
TREAS_FLOW_DB_MAP - Treasury: TREA Flows Mapping Structure
TREAS_FLOW_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TREA Flows
TREAS_FLOW_PM_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Payment Details TREA FLow
TREAS_KEY_FIGURE_DISPLAY - Structure for displaying Key Figure information
TREAS_KEY_FIGURE_PROTOCOL - MRA protocol for Key Figure calculated with TREA_EVAL
TREAS_KEY_FIGURE_SHOW_DETAIL - Structure for displaying calculated Key Figures-Detail View
TREAS_KEY_FIGURE_SHOW_GENERAL - Structure for displaying calculated Key Figures-general view
TREAS_MLM_CALC_PROCEDURE - Treasury: MLM Calculation Procedure
TREAS_MLM_CAL_RUN_DATA - Header information related to a MLM calculation run
TREAS_MLM_DATE - TREA: range structure for MLM date
TREAS_MLM_LIMIT_UTILIZATION - Treasury: Margin Limit Utilization
TREAS_MLM_POS_PERIODIC - TREA: Structure for periodic MLM position reporting
TREAS_MLM_RESULT_VALUE - Treasury: MLM Calculation Basis
TREAS_MLM_SCEN_ALV - Treasury: ALV structure for MLM Rule
TREAS_MLM_STATEM_RELEASE_UI - Structure for Statement Release (aggregated for MLM)
TREAS_MLM_TIME - TREA: range structure for MLM time
TREAS_NOVATION - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Novation
TREAS_NOVATION_ALV - Novation: Structure for ALV display
TREAS_NOVATION_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Novation
TREAS_PAYDET_ALV - Structure for payment details alv
TREAS_POSITION_DISPLAY - Structure for TREA Position Display
TREAS_POSITION_DISPLAY_ADAPT - Structure for TREA Position Display
TREAS_POSITION_DISPLAY_DETAILS - Structure: Detailed values of TREA Position
TREAS_POSITION_LOCK - Treasury: Lock Structure for TREA Positions
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE - Structure: Values of TREA Position
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE_ADAPT - Structure: Values of TREA Position
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR - Structure: TREA Position Attributes
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR_AD - Structure: TREA Position Attributes
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR_TXT - Structure: TREA Position Attributes with Text
TREAS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR_T_AD - Structure: TREA Position Attributes with Text
TREAS_STATEMENT_CF_DYNPRO - TREA External Cash Flow Statement
TREAS_STATEMENT_IF - Treasury: Transfer Strucure Statement -> TREA
TREAS_STATEMENT_LOCK - Lock Structure External Cashflow Statement
TREAS_STATEMENT_STATUS - Range Structure for Statement Status
TREAS_STATEMENT_UP_BAPI - Statement Item Structure for BAPI upload
TREAS_STATEMENT_UP_EXCEL - SAP Specific Statement format for Excel Upload
TREAS_STATEM_DATE - TREA: Range Structure for External Account Statement Date
TREAS_STATEM_DB_MAP - TREA: DB Mapping Structure Clearing Account Statement
TREAS_STATEM_HDR_I - Treasury: Include Structure TREA Cashflow Statement Header
TREAS_STATEM_ITM_I - Treasury: Incl.Structure CashFlowFile Items
TREAS_STATEM_RELEASE_UI - Structure for Statement Item Release UI
TREAS_SUBTOTAL_C_I - TREA: Structure for Subtotal Values
TREAS_SUBTOTAL_DB_MAP - TREA: DB Mapping Structure subtotals
TREAS_SUMMARY_STA_DYNPRO - Treasury: Summary Statement Dynpro Structure
TREATS_MLM_ACTGY - TREA: Amount Categories for MLM Rules
TREATS_MLM_ACT_T - TREA: Texts for Amount Categories
TREATS_MLM_CTGY - TREA: Marging Limit Rule Category
TREATS_MLM_RULE - TREA: Margin Limit Rule Value
TREAT_ASSIGNMENT - Treasury: TREA Assignment
TREAT_CASH_POS - TREA: Cash Position
TREAT_CLEAR_ACC - Treasury: Clearing Account Specific Data
TREAT_CLEAR_ASG - Treasury: Central Clearing Assignement
TREAT_EXT_ACC - Treasury: External Account General Master Data
TREAT_EXT_ACC_PM - Treasury: External Account Payment Details
TREAT_FHA_DIFF - Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position
TREAT_FLOW - Treasury: TREA Flows
TREAT_FLOW_PM - Treasury: TREA Flow Payment Details
TREAT_FUT_DIFF - Treasury: TREA Differentiation for Deal Position
TREAT_KEY_FIGURE - Provides Key Figures for TREA
TREAT_MLM_AMOUNT - TREA: Margin Limit Amounts
TREAT_MLM_CALRUN - Treasury MLM Calculation Run
TREAT_MLM_PRCLOG - Treasury: Margin Limit Result Procedure Log
TREAT_MLM_RESULT - Treasury: Margin Limit Result Entity
TREAT_MLM_SCEN - TREA MLM: Assign Scenario to External Account
TREAT_MLM_UTILIZ - Treasury: Margin Limit Utilization
TREAT_NOVATION - Treasury: Novation
TREAT_POSITION - Treasury: TREA Position
TREAT_STATEM_HDR - Clearing Account Statement Header
TREAT_STATEM_ITM - Clearing Account Statement Detail
TREAT_SUBTOTAL - TREA: Position Subtotal
TREAT_SUBTOTAL_C - TREA: Subtotal Components
TREAT_SUMMARY - Treasury: Summary Statement
TRGS_EXT_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for External Account
TRGS_MLM_SCENARIO_ID - Range Structure for Scenario ID
TRGS_TREA_CLEARING_STATUS - Range Structure: Clearing Status
TRTMS_CHANGE_PARTNER - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Change Partner
TRTM_CHG_PARTNER - Treasury: Change partner
TRTM_CHG_PARTNER_ALV - Change Partner: Structure for ALV display
TRTM_CHG_PARTNER_I - Treasury: Include Structure for change partner
TW17 - Blocking flag
TW17T - Text Table for TW17
TW52 - Market sectors
TW52T - Market sectors - Text table
TWL1 - List sort sequence (Position/Trend/Revenue lists)
TWL1T - Texts for TWL1 (Sort sequence)
TWL2 - Sort sequence lists + control parameters
TWL2S - Special group key sort sequence
TWL3 - List Display Sequence (Position List)
TWL3T - Texts for TWL3 (Position list output sequence)
TWL4 - Output sequence lists + control parameters
TWL5 - Display sequence (check table)-previously only revenue list
TWL5T - Texts for TWL5 (Revenue list output sequence)
TWL6 - Display sequence (formerly only revenue list, now all)
TWZ03 - Result types text table, texts for summarization types
TWZ10 - Event groups (summarization of values (temporary))
TZBK - Financial Assets Management valuation areas
TZCURC_EU - EMU Basket Currencies
TZDEA - Trader register
TZPLP - Financial Assets Management Plausibility Checks
TZRCL - Treasury: Valuation Classes
TZRPR - Treasury: Valuation Principles
TZRPT - Valuation principle description
TZRR0 - Treasury: Valuation Areas
TZRR1 - Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level
TZRR2 - Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level
TZRRT - Treasury: Name of Valuation Areas
TZSBW - Valuation methods
TZST - Reasons for reversal
TZST1 - Reasons for reversal (Text table)
TZT01 - Derivation rules for tax flows
TZWR0 - Valuation in cross-depot
TZWR1 - Valuation in sec.acct position
UTLS_INTERPOLATION_DATA - Interpolation Data Point with Period Value
VDCSPREAD - Credit Spread per Loan
VTREAT_MLM_AMOUNT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTREAT_STATEM_ITM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVWKN1 - OBSOLETE - Fields as factors for secondary data
VVWKN2 - Allocation of values to value groups
VVWKN6 - Alloc. of to second.term via the invoice no.
VVWKN7 - - Secondary values alloc. (via the
VVWL7 - Context
VVWL8 - Output sequence
VVZSFELD - Internal transfer structure for VZSFELD
VZBEST - Treasury general portfolio structure
VZBEWEG - General structure of treasury transactions
VZDFELD - Attributes for output fields
VZDTXT - Attributes for display fields: Country texts
VZKOPF - General header structure Treasury
VZSFELD - Sort field ID's: Version 2.0
VZSTXT - Sort field names: Texts
VZSUMME - General totals fields Treasury
VZTRDAT - General transaction data structure Treasury
VZWVA - Check table for deadline monitoring
VZZKOKO - Table condition header
VZZKOKO_KEY - Key Fields: Condition Header

SAP Analyzer Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN

AFO_CFUPD_SAVE - Administr. of Generated Payment Flows for Financial Objects
AFO_CF_UPDATE - FOs For Loans, For Which Payment Flows are Generated
AFO_CHAR - Characteristic
AFO_FIELD_EXPT - Exception Handling for Characteristics for a Fin. Object
AFO_FOI_FAIL_ADM - FO Integration: Storage of Admin. Information for Error Logs
AFO_POS2DERI - Derivation Structure: Class Positions in Futures Account
AFO_POS3DERI - Derivation Structure: Lot based Position in Futures Account
AFO_WORK_ADM - Administration Data for FO Worklists
AFO_WORK_ADMT - Administration Data for FO Worklists: Text Table
AFO_WORK_ADMT_TEXT - Auxiliary Structure for Worklist: Text
AFO_WORK_FO_FAIL - Financial Objects in Worklists
AFWBMPH_STR - TRM: Auxiliary Structure for Transaction AFWBMPH
AFWBM_ASS - TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant
AFWBM_ASSPH_STR - TRM: Structure for Assignment Variants
AFWBM_ASS_BMPH - TRM: Assignment of Benchmarks to Portfolio per Variant
AFWBM_ASS_T - TRM: Text Table for Assignment Variants
AFWBM_ASS_TREE - TRM: Assignment of Benchmark ID to PH Nodes per Variant
AFWBM_ATT_BM - TRM: Key Table for Benchmark Master Data(General Attributes)
AFWBM_ATT_BM_T - TRM: Text Tabel for Master Data for Benchmarks
AFWBM_BASIC - TRM: Additional Attributes of a Basic Benchmark
AFWBM_BASIC_APP_STR - TRM: Structure for Detail for Append for Basic Benchmark
AFWBM_BASIC_APP_STR_POR - dditional Attributes for Benchmark Category: Portfolio
AFWBM_BASIC_APP_STR_VARIABLE - Additional Attributes for BenchCatg: Variable Int Rate
AFWBM_BASIC_STR - TRM: Structure for Detail for Basic Benchmark w. Versioning
AFWBM_BASIC_TEXT_STR - TRM: Structure for Detail for Basic Benchmark w. Versioning
AFWBM_CALCADMIN - Administration of Calculation of Benchmark
AFWBM_CALCADMIN_WORK - Work Structure for Calculation of Benchmarks in PAEPMB
AFWBM_CALC_PROT - Administration of Authorization for Benchmarks
AFWBM_CALC_PROT_ALV - Work Structure for Calculation of Benchmarks
AFWBM_CHVAL - TRM: Benchmark: Assignment of Characteristics and Values
AFWBM_COMP - TRM: Additional Attributes of a Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_COMP_DETAIL_STR - Break-Down of a Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_COMP_ITAB_STR - TRM: Internal Table for Assignment of Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_COMP_REL - TRM: Relationships within a Composite Benchmark
AFWBM_COMP_TC_STR - TRM: Mapping of Composite Benchmark as Table Control
AFWBM_DEL_ADM - Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_DEL_ADM_T - Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_DEL_OBJ - Deleted Objects from PAEPBM as a Worklist
AFWBM_F4_ASS_VARI_STR - TRM: Structure for ALV for Input Help (F4) for Assgmnt Varnt
AFWBM_F4_BMID_STR - TRM: Structure for ALV for Input Help for Benchmarks
AFWBM_KF_RATIO_VALUE_STR - Calculation of Key Figure Ratio Values for Benchmarks
AFWBM_KF_VALUE_STR - Calculation of Key Figure Values for Benchmarks
AFWBM_MARK_VALUE_STR - Mark-to-Market for a Benchmark (Time Series)
AFWBM_MARK_VAL_ATT_STR - Mark-to-Market and Basic Attributes of a BM (Time Series)
AFWBM_MESSAGES_STR - Structure for Message Table
AFWBM_NODE_BMID_STR - Assignment of Benchmark IDs to Portfolio Hierarchy Nodes
AFWBM_PH_EVALP - TRM: Definition of Exception Handling for PH Variant
AFWBM_REASON - TRM: Benchmark - Documentation for Changes
AFWBM_RELATIVE_STR - Object Related to a Composite Benchmark (Structure)
AFWBM_SO_BENMAR - Key Figures: Ranges
AFWBM_STR - TRM: Auxiliary Structure for Transaction AFWBM
AFWBM_STR_BMID_SEL - Selection for Benchmark IDs
AFWCH_BPCTL - BPMIG: Status Management for AFWCH-Specific Conversion
AFWCH_BPDOM - AFW: BP Conversion - Assign New Domains to Old Domains
AFWCH_BPFCAT - AFW: BP Conversion - Assign Field Catalog Entries to Domains
AFWCH_BPID_SEL - AFW: Row Type for Ranges Table of Base Portfolio IDs
AFWCH_CHARS_DBT - AFW: Selection of Character.for Segments (for Table Control)
AFWCH_CHAR_SEGM - AFW: Selection of Characteristics for Segments (Display)
AFWCH_CHAR_TEXT_MAP - AFW: Assignment of Text Fields to Characteristics
AFWCH_CHAR_VALUE - AFW: Characteristic and Value
AFWCH_DATASTR_ACT - AFW: Active Analysis Structure
AFWCH_FCAT_SAMP - AFW: Sample Customizing Characteristics
AFWCH_FDEP_SAMP - AFW: Sample Customizing Characteristic Dependencies
AFWCH_FL - AFWCH: Filter List
AFWCH_FLD - AFWCH: Filter Definition
AFWCH_FLD_BK - Backup Filter Definition
AFWCH_FLT - AFWCH: Filter Text Table
AFWCH_FLWA - AFWCH: Filter Work Structure
AFWCH_FL_ALV - AFWCH: Filter Display Structure
AFWCH_FL_BK - AFWCH: Header Data for Filter History
AFWCH_OBJ_UPDATE - AFW: Change Date and Time for Financial Object
AFWCH_PHDEFALT - Alternative Portfolio Hierarchy Definition
AFWCH_PH_SEGMENT - Assignment of Portfolio Hierarchy Nodes to Segments
AFWCH_PH_TREE - Tree Structure of Portfolio Hierarchy
AFWCH_PH_VIEW - Name of Portfolio Hierarchy, Generated from View and PH ID
AFWCH_SAMPLE_DERI_ACT_CONTROL - AFW: Ctrl Settings for Activating Sample Cust.for Derivation
AFWCH_SEGBP - Segment Number, Generated from View and Base Portfolio
AFWCH_STR_SAMP - Sample Customizing
AFWCH_S_FL - Filter Information
AFWCH_S_FLC - Filter Information (Supports Combination)
AFWGO_ANNUALIZED_RETURN_STR - Structure for BM and PA Annualized Returns
AFWGO_CALCADMIN - Management of Analysis Runs for Each Eval. Proc. 2
AFWGO_CNTL_EP1 - Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
AFWGO_CONTROL_FLAT - Control Parameters EP1 (Flat for RFC Interface)
AFWGO_CONTROL_PARAMETER1 - Control Parameters for Upload Process EP1
AFWGO_CONTROL_PARAMETER2 - Control Parameters for Analysis Run Acc. to Eval. Proc. 2
AFWGO_DATE_ERROR - Date Plus Error Table: Internal EP Error Handling
AFWGO_DATE_STRUCT - Structure with Date for RFC Interface
AFWGO_DELTABS - Deletion Program: Deleted Records in Tables
AFWGO_DINTERVAL - Portfolio Analyzer: Time Interval for Yield Calculation
AFWGO_EPROCK - Evaluation Procedure: Key Figure Assignment Transport Table
AFWGO_EPROCK_H - Eval. Proc.: Key Fig. Assignment / Attribute Table Time-Dep.
AFWGO_EVALKEY - Evaluation Procedure: Key
AFWGO_EVALPROC1 - Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC1H - Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC1K - Obsolete: Eval.Proc. for Single Records: Key Figure Groups
AFWGO_EVALPROC1T - Analyzer Evaluation Procedure for Single Records: Text Table
AFWGO_EVALPROC1_F4_HELP - Structure for F4 Help for Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_EVALPROC1_KEY - Table of Keys for Single Records Procedures
AFWGO_EVALPROC2 - Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC2H - Evaluation Procedure Final Results Records: Definition
AFWGO_EVALPROC2K - Obsolete: Eval. Proc. for Final Result Rcds: Key Fig. Assmt
AFWGO_EVALPROC2P - Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment
AFWGO_EVALPROC2Q - Evaluation Procedure Fin. Results Records: PH Assignment
AFWGO_EVALPROC2T - Analyzer Evaluation Proc. Final Results: Text Table
AFWGO_EVALPROC2_F4_HELP - Structure for F4 Help for Final Results Procedure
AFWGO_EVALPROC2_KEY - Table of Keys for Final Results Procedures
AFWGO_FOB_DATE_REPOST - Date + Financial Object for PA Transfer Postings
AFWGO_FO_REWORK - Management of Financial Objects to be Postprocessed Per EP1
AFWGO_KFCLASSIFICATION - Classification of Key Figures
AFWGO_LOADADMIN - Management of Single Records Procedures per Date
AFWGO_LOGHISTORY - History of Application Logs in Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_MAIN_EPROC1 - Data for a Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_MAIN_EPROC2 - Data for a Final Results Procedure
AFWGO_MAIN_EPROC2_PA - Data for 2nd Final Result Proc. in PA for Additive Key Figs
AFWGO_MDATA_EP1 - Calculation Bases for Each Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_MTASK - Parallelization Statistics in Single Records Procedure
AFWGO_PHIERARCHIES - Portfolio Hierarchies
AFWGO_PORTFOLIO_RAWDATA - Raw Data to be Transferred Between Portfolios
AFWGO_PRGNKFCATE - Temp. Program Name for Non-Generic Key Figure Category
AFWGO_REWORK_EVALDATE_FOBT - Fin. Object Administration Structure for Adjustment Run
AFWGO_SO_ASSVARI - Key Dates: Ranges
AFWGO_SO_KEYDATE - Key Dates: Ranges
AFWGO_SO_KEYFIGURE - Key Figures: Ranges
AFWGO_TYP_EP1 - Input Structure for Generating Field Catalog Via Funct. Mod.
AFWGO_TYP_EP2 - Input Structure for Generating Field Catalog Via Funct. Mod.
AFWKFAA_AAPOS - Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKFAA_AAPOSCC - Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFAA_GENPOS - Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure
AFWKFAA_GENPOSCC - Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure in Calculation Curre
AFWKFAA_KEYFIG - Key Figure Types
AFWKFAA_KEYFIG_T - AA Key Figure Types Text Table
AFWKFAA_POSCOMP - Key Figures: Position Components for Genric Position Key fig
AFWKF_AAPOSCC_H - Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_AAPOS_H - Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKF_CATE - Key Figure Category
AFWKF_CATET - Key Figure Category (Text Table)
AFWKF_CATE_ATTR - Attributes for Key Figure Category
AFWKF_CATE_HIER - Key Figure Category Hierarchy
AFWKF_CATE_MVAL - Multiple-Value Key Figure Categories
AFWKF_CATE_MVALT - Multiple-Value Key Figure Categories (Text Tables)
AFWKF_DEFIN - Key Figure Definition (General Part)
AFWKF_DEFINITION_KEY - Key: Key Figure Table
AFWKF_DEFINT - Key Figure Definition (Text Table)
AFWKF_EP1EP2KF_DETAILS - Structure for Key Figures and Evaluation Procedure
AFWKF_FRACTION - Structure for a Fraction (Numerator, Denominator)
AFWKF_GENPOSCC_H - Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure History
AFWKF_GENPOS_H - Key Figure: Generic Position Key Figure History
AFWKF_KB0 - Key Figure Definition: Attribution of NPV Basis
AFWKF_KB0_H - Key Fig. Definition: Attributes for NPV Basis (Attrib.Table)
AFWKF_KEYFIG_HIER - Key Figure Hierarchy
AFWKF_KFBASE - Assignment of Key Fig. to Process/Key Figure Mgmt in RA/PA
AFWKF_KFBF - Assignment of Key Figure to Basic Key Figure
AFWKF_KFBFBF - Assignment Key Fig.-Base Key Fig.-Base Key Fig. 2-Currency
AFWKF_KFBF_DETAILS - Assignment of Key Figure to Basic Key Figure
AFWKF_KFCATEGORY - Key Figure Category
AFWKF_KFCHILDREN - Key Figures Dependent on Another Key Figure
AFWKF_KFCOMPLETED - Key Figures Extended to a "Line"
AFWKF_KFINTERVALS - Assignment of Key Figure to Time Interval
AFWKF_KFPATH - Assignment of Key Fig./Cat. to Path Along Cat. Hierarchy
AFWKF_KFREF - Assignment of Key Figure to Object Reference
AFWKF_KFVALUE - Differentiation of Valued Fin. Objects (Value + Currency)
AFWKF_KF_F4_HELP - Structure for F4 Help for Key Figures
AFWKF_KF_TC - Display Unassigned Key Figures in Table Control
AFWKF_MAIN_ACT - Default Probability: Input Parameters for KFs and Eval.Proc.
AFWKF_MAIN_SUBSC - Subscreens for Maintaining Key Figures and Procedures
AFWKF_MAIN_TC - Display of Portfolio Hierarchies in Table Control
AFWKF_POSCOMP_H - Key Figure: Position Component History
AFWKF_TREEITEM - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72
AFW_ADMINDATA - Structure: Administration Data
AFW_APPL - Analyzer Application
AFW_APPLT - Analyzer Application (Text Table)
AFW_CHILDREN - Structure of a Portfolio's Sub-Nodes
AFW_FOB_SEG - Financial Object with Segment
AFW_KEYDATE_SEL - Row Type for Ranges Table for Key Date
AFW_LANGU_TEXT - Description with Corresponding Language
AFW_LANGU_TEXTPOOL - AFW: Program Texts with Corresponding Language
AFW_PHIERA - Portfolio Hierarchy
AFW_PHPATH - Path From Node to Root in a Hierarchy
AFW_SEGMNR_SEL - Row Type for Ranges Table for Segment Numbers
AFW_TIMESTAMP_S - Time Stamp with Date and Time
AFW_TLLANGU - Languages for Translation
AFW_TMESTMPEND_S - Time Stamp with Date and Time of End of Fin. Obj. Selection
AFW_TMESTMPSTRT_S - Time Stamp with Date and Time of Start of Fin. Obj. Select.
ANNUAL_EXCESS_RETURN_STR - Annualized Geometric Excess Returns : Line Type
CFABPMAP - CF Analyzer: Assign Final Base Portf. to Preliminary Base P.
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_1 - Ratios (Calculated from Display Currency)
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_2 - Ratios (Calculated from Position Currency)
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_3 - Amounts in Evaluation Currency
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_4 - Amounts in Position Currency
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_5 - Amounts (Risk) in Evaluation Currency
CFM_RDB_BIW_AN_6 - Amounts (P+L) in Evaluation Currency
CFM_RDB_BIW_FLOWTYPE_TEXT - Flow Type (Performance): (Text)
CFM_RDB_BIW_HIENODE_S - Interface: Elements of the Portfolio Hierarchy
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_1_ATTR - Key Figures (Ratios from Display Currency) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_2_ATTR - Key Figures (Ratios from Position Currency) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_3_ATTR - Key Figures (Amounts in Display Currency) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_4_ATTR - Key Figures (Amounts in Position Currency) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_5_ATTR - Key Figures (Risk) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_KEYFIG_6_ATTR - Key Figures (P&L) - Attributes
CFM_RDB_BIW_PHIERA_TEXT - Portfolio Hierarchy (Text)
CFM_RDB_BIW_PHNODE_ATTR - Portfolio Hierarchy (Text)
CFM_RDB_BIW_RHIENODE_S - Interface: Elements of the Risk Hierarchy
CFM_RDB_BIW_RHIERA_TEXT - Risk Hierarchy (Text)
CFM_RDB_BIW_RHNODE_TEXT - Risk Hierarchy Nodes (Text)
CFM_RDB_BIW_ROLNM_TEXT - Risk Hierarchy (Text)
CFM_RHIERA - Risk Hierarchy
DOWN_RISK_STR - Downside Risk Calculation : Line Type
I81NN - RM characteristics : &
I82NN - RM texts for characteristics: &
JBRHISPHBAUMS - Tree Structure for Deactivated Portfolio Hierarchies
JBRHISPHTEXT - RM: Portfolio Texts for Deactivated Portfolio Hierachy
JBRHISPHZUORDN - RM Deactivated PH: Assign Base Portfolios to End Nodes
RDBAA_REC_CCYPOS - "Generic" Single Record Items with Currency
RDBAA_REC_HEADER - Single Record Header for Accounting Analyzer
RDBAA_SUM_CURR - Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency: TRM-AA
RDBAA_SUM_GEN - Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-AA
RDB_ADMINDATA - Structure: Administration Data
RDB_APPL - Analyzer Application: Settings for Results Database
RDB_EXTREF - External Reference in Results Databases
RDB_EXTREF_INFO - RDB Single Records: External Reference With Add. Information
RDB_FIENM_POS - Encryption of Key Figure ID in Field Name and Item No.
RDB_I9REC - RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template)
RDB_INTF_CURRVALUES - Results DB Interface: Generic Key Figure Values in Currency
RDB_INTF_GENVALUES - Results DB Interface: Generic Key Figure Values
RDB_INTF_HEADER - Results Database Interface: Header Data
RDB_INTF_NSUM_CURRVALUES - Results DB Interface: Non-Additive Key Figures (in Currency)
RDB_INTF_NSUM_GENVALUES - Results DB Interface: Non-Additive Key Figures (Generic)
RDB_INTF_NSUM_GENVALUES_RATIO - Results Database Interface: Ratio Key Figures
RDB_INTF_QUANVALUES - Results DB Interface: Generic Quantity Key Figure Values
RDB_INTF_R_TEM - Results Database Interface: Template
RDB_INTF_SUM_CURRVALUES - Results DB Interface: Non-Additive Key Figures (in Currency)
RDB_INTF_SUM_GENVALUES - Results Database Interface: Additive Key Figures (in Crcy)
RDB_KEYDATE_S - Key Date in Results Databases (Structure)
RDB_KEYFIGURE_SEL - Row Type for Key Figures in Ranges Tables
RDB_KFCAT - Key Figure Category: Settings for Non-Generic Key Figures
RDB_KFCINTF_TEM - RDB Interface: Values for Key Figure Catergory (Template)
RDB_KFCREC_TEM - Single Record Item Table for Key Fig. Category (Template)
RDB_KFC_VREC_TEM - SR Items for Key Fig. Cat. (Template, Corresponds to View)
RDB_NSUM_CURR - Final Results for Non-Add. Key Figures in Crcy (Template)
RDB_NSUM_GEN - Final Results for Non-Add. Generic Key Figures (Template)
RDB_POSNR_SEL - RDB: Row Type for Item Numbers in Ranges Table
RDB_READ_KEYFIGURE - Read Results Database: Key Figure
RDB_READ_KEYF_INFO - Read RDB: Key Figure Information
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL - Read Results Database: All Key Figure Values
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_FLOW - Read Results Database: All Key Figure Values
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_FLOW_MM - Read RDB: All Key Figure Values/Character. Part of FLOWTYPE
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_KZ - Read RDB: All Key Figure Values/Key Figure Part
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_MM - Read RDB: All Key Figure Values/Characteristics Part
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_RH - Read RDB: All Key Figure Values with Risk Hierarchy
RDB_READ_NSUM_ALL_RH_MM - Read RDB: All Key Figure Values / Char. Part for Risk Hier.
RDB_READ_NSUM_CURR - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values in Currency
RDB_READ_NSUM_GEN - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values
RDB_READ_NSUM_RH - Read Results Database: All Key Figure Values
RDB_READ_REC_TEXTS - Read RDB Single Records: Texts for Single Record Numbers
RDB_READ_SUM_CURR - Read Results Database: Generic Key Figure Values in Currency
RDB_READ_SUM_GEN - Read Results Database: Generic Key Figure Values
RDB_RECNR_INFO - RDB Single Records: Single Rec. No. With Addit. Information
RDB_RECNR_SUB - RDB: Subobject for Number Ranges (Single Record Number)
RDB_RECPROC_SEL - Row Type for Ranges Table: Single Records Procedure
RDB_RECPROC_STATE - RDB: Status Information for Single Records Procedure
RDB_REC_ARC_KEY - RDB Single Records: Key For Archive Data Object
RDB_REC_CHAR - RDB: Single Record Characteristics (Generation Template)
RDB_REC_CHARTEXT_S - Output Characteristics of a Single Record
RDB_REC_CURRPOS - Currently Not Used
RDB_REC_CURRPOS1 - Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs with Crcy (Template)
RDB_REC_FIELDCAT - Output a Single Record (Field Catalog)
RDB_REC_GENPOS - Currently Not Used
RDB_REC_GENPOS1 - Single Record Items: Generic Key Figs w/o Crcy (Template)
RDB_REC_HEADER - Single Record Header (Template)
RDB_REC_HEADERTEXT_S - Header Text for Output of Single Records
RDB_REC_OUTTAB - Output of a Single Record (Output Table)
RDB_REC_QUAN1 - Single Record Items: Quantity Generic Key Figs (Template)
RDB_SUM_CURR - Final Results: Additive Key Figures in Currency (Template)
RDB_SUM_GEN - Final Results: Additive Generic Key Figures (Template)
RDB_SUM_NSUM_TEM - Specific Final Results (Template)
RDB_WRITE_NSUM_CURR - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values in Currency
RDB_WRITE_NSUM_GEN - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values
RDB_WRITE_NSUM_GEN_RATIO - Results Database Interface: Ratio Key Figures
RDB_WRITE_SUM_CURR - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values in Currency
RDB_WRITE_SUM_GEN - Write to RDB: Generic Key Figure Values
STD_DEV_STR - Standard Deviation per PH Node : Structure
TRACKING_ERROR_STR - Tracking Error for Information Ratio : Line Item
TYP_REG_BETA_STR - Regression Beta Structure

SAP Information System Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN-IS

AIS_BT_KEYFIGURE - Key Figure for Backtesting
AIS_CM_DATA - Selection Criteria for Cash Management
AIS_FORMULA_ADM - Customizing of Formulas in AIS
AIS_FORMULA_TXT - Customizing of Formulas in AIS
AIS_FXEXP_DETAIL - ALV Display Structure for FX Exposure (Detail View)
AIS_FXEXP_DETAIL_SS - ALV Display Structure for FX Exposure (Detail View)
AIS_GRAPHIC_DATA - Data for Graph
AIS_GR_DATA_POINT - Structure for Data
AIS_GR_DATA_SERIES - Structure for Data Series
AIS_KEYFIG_FL - RDB Interface: PA Flow Tab for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYFIG_FORMAT - Stucture for specifying the format for the KeyFigure
AIS_KEYFIG_HC - RDB Interface: Historical Comparison for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYFIG_PH - RDB Interface: PH Frame for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYFIG_RH - RDB Interface: RH Tab for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYFIG_SS - RDB Interface: Single Records for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYFIG_TEXT - Auxiliary Structure for Key Figure, Text
AIS_KEYF_CLASS - CFM: Assignment of Key Figures to Reporting Areas
AIS_KEYF_FCAT_NAME - Assignment of Key Fig. Name to Field Label in Field Catalog
AIS_KEYF_FORMAT - Units of Measurement for Key Figures for Standard Reporting
AIS_KEYF_FORMATT - Text Table for Units of Measurem. for Key Figs in Reporting
AIS_KEYF_LAYOUTAREA_CLASS - Assignment of Key Figures to Standard Reporting Areas
AIS_LAYOUT_ADM - CFM: Administration Table for Layout for Standard Reporting
AIS_LAYOUT_ADMT - Layout Text Table for Standard Reporting on Results DB
AIS_LAYOUT_BTTAB - Key Figs for Backtesting Tab Page in Std Report for RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_FLTAB - Key Figures on PA Flow Tab for Standard Reporting on RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_MATAB - Key Figures on Mat. Band Tab for Standard Reporting on RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_PHFRM - Key Figures in PH Frame for Standard Reporting on the RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_RHTAB - Key Figures on RH Tab for Standard Reporting on the RDB
AIS_LAYOUT_SSTAB - Key Figures on Line Items Tab for Standard Rep. on RDB
AIS_RHKEYFIG_TEXT - Auxiliary Structure for KeyFigure, Text and RiskHierarchy
AIS_SENS_DETAIL - ALV Display Structure for Sensitivities (Detail View)
AIS_SENS_PH - ALV Display Structure for Sensitivities (PH View)
AIS_STDREP_HICOMP_PERIOD - Periodicity: Standard Reporting on RDB - Hist. Comparison
AIS_STDREP_TIMEINT_PERIOD - Maturity Band Defined on Basis of Interval and Time Periods
CFM_AIS_BT_ALV - Backtesting: Column for Difference Values
CFM_AIS_BT_PH_OUTTAB - Output Structure for Displaying Outliers at PH Level
SVAGEN_LAY_ADM - Administration Table for Layout for Single Value Analysis
SVAGEN_LAY_ADMT - Administration Texttable for Layout of Single Value Analysis
SVAGEN_LAY_ITEM - Definition of report layout of AISGENKF
SVAGEN_LAY_ITEMT - Text of Items in Layout of Single Value Analysis
SVAGEN_STR_ALV - Help structure for AISGENKF
SVAGEN_STR_F4_KEYFIGURE_CATE - Structure for F4 Help
SVAGEN_SYST_OBJ - General attributes for all objects of AISGENKF
SVAGEN_SYST_OBJT - Texttable of Items in Layout of Single Value Analysis

SAP Business Partner Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-BF-BP

BPF1 - SAP BP Migration: F1 Help
BPTRGP - BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner
BPTRGPS_ADRE - Conversion: TR Addresses - PDC Addresses
BPTRGP_ABGL - BP: Match Existing and Migrated Partners
BPTRGP_ADRE - Conversion: TR Addresses - PDC Addresses
BPTRGP_OBJADR - Conversion: Obj. Addresses - PDC Addr. (Real Estate Objects)
BPTRGP_OBJTAB - Conversion: Status Table RFZAVP01
BPTRGP_WORK - BP: Assign Treasury Partner to IS-IS-Partner
BPUM - Conversion: Tables/Fields to be Converted
BPUM_DEVCL - Conversion: Development Classes to be Considered
BPUM_DOM - Conversion: List of Domains to be Converted
BPUM_FUNC - Conversion: Function Modules
BPUM_REP - Conversion: Conversion Sequence Business Partner
BPUM_ROL - Conversion: Data elements to be converted
BPUM_TAB - Conversion: Database Tables
BPUNOTA - Business Partner: Convert Memos
BPZGP - BP: Conversion Table TR BP to SAP BP
FSBP_BP3000_10_S - Status Tab. for Conversion Report FSBP_FTBU_BP3000_TO_BP3010
STPZ2_ZGP - Business Partner: Customizing BP Grouping
STPZ7 - Conversion:
TB025_PAR - BP Grp Type - TR-BP Cat. Assignment for Parallel Maintenance
TP17U - Business Partner: Convert Industries
TPZ7U - BP: Business Partner - Relationship Category

SAP Market Risk Analyzer Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR

AFWKFRA_BCK - Key Figures: Backtesting Parameters
AFWKFRA_BCK0 - Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss
AFWKFRA_BCK0_H - Key Figures: Backtesting for Profit and Loss - History
AFWKFRA_CAT - Key Figure Category: Control for Risk Analyzer
AFWKFRA_DMAP - Assignment of Key Figure to Risk Analyzer Control
AFWKFRA_FIMA - Assignment of Key Figure to Risk Analyzer Control
AFWKFRA_FML - Key Figures: Formula Definition
AFWKFRA_K00 - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift
AFWKFRA_K00_H - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Dual Interest Rate Shift
AFWKFRA_K01 - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities
AFWKFRA_K01_H - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition of Int. Rate Sensitivities
AFWKFRA_KB0 - Key Figures: NPV with Currency
AFWKFRA_KB00 - Key Figures: NPV in transaction currency
AFWKFRA_KB00_H - Key Figures: NPV in transaction currency
AFWKFRA_KB0_H - Key Figures: NPV with Currency
AFWKFRA_KB2 - Key Figures: Net Present Value with Currency - VaR Basis
AFWKFRA_KB2_H - Key Figures: NPV with Currency - VaR Basis
AFWKFRA_KBB - Key Figures: Backtesting
AFWKFRA_KBE - Key Figures: Exposure
AFWKFRA_KBE_H - Key Figures: Exposure
AFWKFRA_KBF - Key Figures: Key Figure Formulas
AFWKFRA_KBX - Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift
AFWKFRA_KBX_H - Key Figures: NPV with Market Data Shift
AFWKFRA_KD0 - Key Figures: Positions in Risk Hierarchy
AFWKFRA_KD0_H - Key Figures: Items in the Risk Hierarchy
AFWKFRA_KFSENS - Key Figures: Group of Key Figures Relevant for Sensitivity
AFWKFRA_KG1 - Key Figures: P&L Delta/Gamma
AFWKFRA_KG1_H - Key Figures: P+L Delta/Gamma
AFWKFRA_KS0 - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition
AFWKFRA_KS0_H - Key Figures: Direct Redifinition
AFWKFRA_KS1 - Key Figure: Direct Redefinition of YTM
AFWKFRA_KS1_H - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition / AT (for YTM)
AFWKFRA_KS2 - Key Figures: Direct Redefinition (for Modified Duration)
AFWKFRA_KS2_H - Key Figure: Direct Redefinition / AT
AFWKFRA_KVK - Key Figures: Value at Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVK1 - Key Figures: Value at Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVK1_H - Key Figures: Value-at-Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVK2 - Key Figures: Marginal Value at Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVK2_H - Key Figures: Marginal Value-at-Risk with Parameters / AT
AFWKFRA_KVK_H - Key Figures: Value-at-Risk with Parameters
AFWKFRA_KVS - Key Figures: Value at Risk Simulated
AFWKFRA_KVS1 - Key Figures: Mean Excess Loss Simulated
AFWKFRA_KVS1_H - Key Figures: Mean Excess Loss Simulated / AT
AFWKFRA_KVS_H - Key Figures: Value-at-Risk - Simulated
AFWKFRA_PARA - RA Key Figures: Control Parameters
AFWKFRA_QKF - Key Figures: Quantity Key Figure for commodity instruments
AFWKFRA_QKF_H - Key Figures: Commodity Key Figure for commodity instruments
AFWKFRA_SIM - Key Figures: Simulation Parameters
AFWKFRA_VARC_SCR - Screen element structure for VarC
ATRF - Risk factor
ATRFART - Risk factor type
ATRFARTT - Risk factors - risk factor type texts
ATRFBETA - Risk factor description beta factors
ATRFKORR - Risk factor description correlations
ATRFT - Risk Factors - Definition of Risk Factor Name
ATRFVO - Risk factor volatilities
ATRFVOLA - Descriptions of Risk Factors for Volatility Names
ATVC1 - Calculation routines
ATVMO - Calculation Methods Risk Management
ATVO0T - Text Table for Name of Volatility
ATVO61 - Volatilities - Mapping from Reference Interest Rates
ATVO62 - Volatilities - Mapping from Currency Pairs
ATVO63 - Volatilities - Mapping from Security ID Numbers
ATVO64 - Volatilities - Mapping from Security Indexes
ATVO65 - Volatility: Map Yield Curves to Hull-White Volatility
ATVO66 - Volatilities - Mapping from Commodity IDs
ATVOK - Rate types for OTC NPVs
ATVOKT - Text tables for rate/NPV types for OTC transactions
ATVST - Names of scenario types
ATVSZ - Scenario types
ATXKOS - Puffer Structure for Market Data for Correlations
ATXVOS - Buffer structure for securities index volatilities
ATZVOS - Buffer Structure for Ref.Int.Rate Volas w/ Curve Info.
FTBBMATRIXWDATE - Matrix for Risk-Management with Date (e.g. validity date)
FTBBYC_S_BSPRD_MD - Structure: Basis Spread Market Data Without Admin. Fields
FTBBYC_S_REFRATE - Reference Interest Rate
FTBB_FTYPE_CFKZ - Assign Update Types to Securities Cash Flow Indicator
FTBB_MDG_FX - Foreign Exchange for Risk Management Market Data Generator
FTBB_MDG_IDX - Indexes for Risk Management Market Data Generator
FTBB_MDG_INDEX - Structure for Table Control for Indexes
FTBB_MDG_IR - Reference Interest Rates for Risk Mgmt Market Data Generator
FTBB_MDG_OUTPUT - Output of Display in ALV
FTBB_MDG_SECUR - Securities for RMMDG (Market Data Generator)
FTBB_MDG_VAR - Saving of Start Parameters for Risk Mgmt Mrkt Data Generator
FTBB_MDG_VAR_FX - Table for Saving Start Parameters for Foreign Currency
FTBB_MDG_VAR_IDX - Table for Saving Start Parameters for Indexes
FTBB_MDG_VAR_IR - Table for Saving Start Parameters for Reference Int Rates
FTBB_MDG_VAR_SEC - Table for Saving Start Parameters for Securities
FTBB_MTREESNODE - Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length200
FTBB_RF_ABS_VALUE_TYP - Shifts of Volatility for Value at Risk
FTBB_RMMDG_CURR - Structure for Table Control for Foreign Exchange
FTBB_RMMDG_REFINT - For Table Control for Reference Interest Rates
FTBB_S_FGET_UNIT_TEST - FGET Structure for Unit test
FTBB_S_IO_FWDYLD - I/O Structure for unit test of forward yield calculation
FTBB_S_IO_MDYIELD - I/O Structure for unit test
FTBB_S_IO_SENSI - Input/Output for Unit Test of get_refrate_sensitivity
FTBB_S_IO_YC_DETAIL - Input/Output Structure for Unit Tests of get_ycurve_detail
FTBB_S_JBD11_XL - Enlarged yield curve structure
FTBB_VOLATILITY - Structure for Volatilities in Central Volatility Database
FTBB_YC56R - Extension of Interest reference definition
FTBB_YCACT - Usage new Yieldcurve Framework
FTBB_YCBSCURVE - Basis Spread Curve Type: Header Table
FTBB_YCBSCURVET - Basis Spread Curve Type: Text Table
FTBB_YCBSCURVE_C - Basis Spread Curve Type: Concrete Curve
FTBB_YCBSCURVE_DEFINE - Structure for creation of new Basis Spread Curve
FTBB_YCBSCURVE_G - Basis Spread Curve Type: Grid Points of concrete curve
FTBB_YCBSC_DREVL - Basis Spread Curve Derivation for Evaluation Curves
FTBB_YCBSC_DREVT - Basis Spread Curve Derivation for Evaluation Curves (Texts)
FTBB_YCBSC_DRFWD - Basis Spread Curve Derivation for Forward Curves
FTBB_YCBSC_DRFWT - Basis Spread Curve Derivation for Forward Curves (Texts)
FTBB_YCBSPRD_DEF - Extension of Basis-Spread Definition
FTBB_YCJBD14 - Extension of Yield Curve Types (Header Information)
FTBB_YCJBD15 - Extension of Yield Curve Types (Values)
FTBB_YCREFERENZ_NEW - Structure for selecting references
FTBB_YCSBSPRD_MD_DISP - Basis Spreads: Display Structure for Market Values
FTBB_YCSZK_OFF - Flags Yield Curves Types for usage outside TRM
FTBS_EXPOSURE_FLOW - Structure for Exposure Flows
HELP_DFCU_F4_PROFIL - Input Help in Datafeed Customizing for Profile
HELP_DFCU_F4_VOLANAME - Input Help in Datafeed Customizing for Name of Volatility
HIER_MAP_RT - Structure for Reconstruction of SFGDT from SEUT in Risk Obj.
INDEXS - Index Values (Secur. Index)
JBRACHSE - Axis Definition of a Valuation Grid
JBRALVRH - RM: Display Structure for Risk Hierarchies
JBRALVSR - RM: Display Structure for External Shift Rules
JBRAPPLOBJ - RM: Display Structure for Application Objects
JBRBEST - General Risk Management position structure
JBRBETAS - Structure for beta factors
JBRBFARTT - Beta factor type texts
JBRDEPEND - Dependencies in hierarchies
JBRDPOS - Delta position per risk factor
JBREOALL - General results structure - NPV simulation
JBREVALT - Risk Management evaluation type - texts
JBRGLPAR - Global evaluation parameters
JBRGSREG - Buffer for explicit price changes
JBRHSREG - Buffer for historical market price changes
JBRIDXG - Allocation Class - Index
JBRIHSDEF - Default values for VaR evaluations
JBRMSEG - Market segments for instrument valuation
JBROPTI - General Risk Management option structure
JBRPFCR - Price-forming factors: exchange rate pairs
JBRPFVO - Price-forming factors: volatilities
JBRPFYC - Price-determining factors: yield curves
JBRREG - Rule Structure for Simulation Analyses
JBRREGD - Rule Definition
JBRREGDT - Text Table Market Data Shift Definition
JBRREGW - Rules for multi-dimensional risk factor shift
JBRREGWT - Text table for risk factor shift
JBRRH - Check Table for Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUM - Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUMH - Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBAUMT - Texts for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBAUMTH - Text for Tree Structure of Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBAUMT_BACK - Backup Table JBRRHBAUMT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBAUM_BACK - Backup Table JBRRHBAUM (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHBL - End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBLATT - End Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHBLATTH - End-Node Structure of a Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHBLATT_BACK - Backup Table JBRRHBLATT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRHH - Check Table for the Risk Hierarchy (History)
JBRRHKNTS - Node structure of a internal risk hierarchy
JBRRHST - Check Table for Risk Hierarchy
JBRRHT - Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table
JBRRHTH - Texts for Risk Hierarchy Check Table (History)
JBRRHT_BACK - Backup Table JBRRHT (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRH_BACK - Backup Table JBRRH (Required for Transport Imports)
JBRRPGUV - Final result structure - simulated gains and losses
JBRRPHSVAT - Reporting Result Object - Value at Risk
JBRRPVAR - Final result structure VaR
JBRSENS - Price types for sensitivity analysis
JBRSIMREG - Buffer for historical market price changes
JBRSKRSVEK - Structure of a rate change vector
JBRSZRCO - Rule Buffer - Substructure for Commodity Volatilities
JBRSZRCR - Rule Buffer - Substructure for Currency Area
JBRSZREG - Buffer for Price Changes with Grid Simulations
JBRSZRIN - Rule Buffer - Substructure for Interest Area
JBRSZRIV - Rule Buffer - Substructure for Interest Rate Volatilities
JBRSZRIX - Rule buffer - sub-structure for stock indices
JBRSZRKU - Rule Buffer - Substructure for Security Class
JBRSZRUL - Rule Buffer: Underlyings for Volatilities
JBRTREEINC - Include Structure for Hierarchy Tree
JBRZWEO - Interim result objects - NPV position per risk factor
KALKU_ZI - Interest Calculator
NODE_KEY - Node Table for Link Between ALV Tree and GIDNR
RDBRA_INCL_VAL1 - RA RDB: P&L Distributions Expanded
RDBRA_INCL_VAL10 - RA RDB: Block of 10 for P&L Distributions
RDBRA_INTF_NSUM_TBG - RA Results Interface: P&L Distributions
RDBRA_INTF_NSUM_TBG_1 - RA Results Interface: P&L Distributions Expanded
RDBRA_INTF_NSUM_TBP - RA Results Database: Items (Delta/Gamma)
RDBRA_INTF_NSUM_TVK - RA Results Interface: Value at Risk
RDBRA_INTF_SUM_TBE - RA RDB Interface Totals Records: Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_INTF_SUM_TBG - RA Selection Interface: P&L Distributions
RDBRA_INTF_SUM_TBK - RA RDB Interface Totals Records: Key Figure Category BK0
RDBRA_INTF_SUM_TBP - RA Selection Interface: Risk Factor Positions
RDBRA_INTF_TBE - RA RDB Interface: Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_INTF_TBG - RA RDB Interface: Key Figure Category P&L (Risk Hierarchy)
RDBRA_INTF_TBG_1 - RA RDB Interface: Key Figure Category P&L Expanded
RDBRA_INTF_TBK - RA RDB Interface: Key Figure Category BK0
RDBRA_INTF_TBP - RA RDB Interface: Key Fig. Cat. Positions (Risk Hierarchy)
RDBRA_INTF_TVK - RA RDB Virtual Single Record: Key Figure Category VaR
RDBRA_INTF_VARC - Structure for VaRC Calculations
RDBRA_NSUM_CURR - CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy
RDBRA_NSUM_GEN - CFM-RA: Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures
RDBRA_NSUM_TBG - RA: Final Results for P&L Distributions
RDBRA_NSUM_TBP - RA: Final Results Positions (Delta/Gamma)
RDBRA_NSUM_TVK - RA: Final Results for Value at Risk
RDBRA_REC_CURPOS - RA RDB: Single Record Position Table in Currency (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_GENALT - RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_GENPOS - RA RDB: Single Record Position Table (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_HEADER - RA RDB: Single Record Header Table
RDBRA_REC_QUAN - RA RDB: Single Record Position Table for Quantity (Generic)
RDBRA_REC_TBE - RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_REC_TBG - RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L
RDBRA_REC_TBK - RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category BK0
RDBRA_REC_TBP - RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category Delta/Gamma
RDBRA_SUM_CURR - CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency
RDBRA_SUM_GEN - CFM-RA: Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures
RDBRA_SUM_TBE - RA RDB: Final Results for Key Figure Category BE
RDBRA_TBG - RA RDB: Single Records for Key Figure Category P&L
RFTBB_HWCALIBRATION - Parameters for the Calibration of an Option Price Model
RMDPROT - RM: Structure for detail log
RMVALATTR - RM: Assignment of Field Name and Table Name for Pushbuttons
STR_CORRELATIONS - Correlation Structure with 18 character instrument id
TCCS_CCURVE - Commodity Curve Buffer Structure
TCCS_CC_ALV - Commodity Curve Master Data ALV Structure
TCCS_CC_ALV_COMPARE - Structure for ALV display of curve comparison
TCCS_CC_ALV_DCS - Commodity Curve Master Data ALV Strucutre DCS based
TCCS_CC_GRID_DATA - Commodity Curve Grid Data
TCCS_CC_INSTANCE - Commodity Curves Instance Buffer
TCCS_CC_INTERPOLATION_DATA - Commodity Curve Interpolation Data Point
TCCS_CC_MASTER_PER - Commodity Curve Master Data - Persistence Transfer Structure
TCCS_CC_MAST_ATTR - Commodity Curve Master Data Attributes
TCCS_CC_PERIOD_DATA - Quotation on Period
TCCS_CC_USER_DATA - Commodity Curve User Data
TCCS_COMMODITY_CURVE - Commodity Curve Identifiers
TCCS_CTY_FWD_VAL - Commodity Forward Value Return Structure
TCCS_DCS_MD - DCS buffer structure
TCCS_F4HELP_COMMODITY_ID - F4 Help Structure for Commodity ID
TCCS_FUT_MD - Commodity Futures Structure for Quality Statistics
TCCS_GRIDPOINT_ID - Grid point indentification stucture
TCCS_UI_CURVE_COMPARE_FIELDS - Fields for Commodity Price Curve Comparison
TCCS_UI_KEYS_CURVE_COMPARE - UI field for Commodity Price Curve Comparison
TCCT_CCURVE_FUT - Commodity Curve Futures Style Master Data
TCCT_CCURVE_FUTURE - Future Data Selection
TCCT_CCURVE_FUT_ALV - ALV for future commodity data
TCCT_CCURVE_MAST - Commodity Curve Master Data
TMDS_ADHOC_CTRL - Structure for ADHOC Controls
TMDS_ADHOC_MD - Structure for ADHOC Market Data
TMDS_COMMODITY - Structure for Commodity Prices
TMDS_COMMODITY_VOL - Structure for Commodity prices volatilities
TMDS_CURRENCY - Structure for currency rates
TMDS_CURRENCY_VOL - Structure for Currency volatilities
TMDS_DIVIDENSCHEDULE - Dividend schedule
TMDS_INDEX - Structure for Index
TMDS_INDEX_VOL - Structure for Index volatilities
TMDS_INTEREST - Structure for Interest rates
TMDS_INTEREST_VOL - Structure for Interest rate volatilities
TMDS_MDS_ALL - MDS: Structure for mds buffer
TMDS_MDS_DEF - MDS: Structure for mds definition
TMDS_MDS_SCNRIOS - MDS: Structure for a scenario
TMDS_MDS_VALIDITY - MDS: Structure for mds validity data
TMDS_MDS_VIEW_HEADER - MDS: Structure for maintenance view
TMDS_MDS_VIEW_SCNRIOS - MDS: Structure for the SCNRIOS ALV at the main view
TMDS_SCENARIO - Market Data change rate - Scenario
TMDS_SECURITY - Structure for Securities
TMDS_SECURITY_VOL - Structure for Security Volatilities
TMDT_MDCRFACTORS - Risk factors assigned to a MDCR set
TMDT_MDCRHEADER - Header information on MDCR sets
TMDT_MDCRHEADERT - Header information on MDCR sets - Texts
TMDT_MDS_DEF - Definition Market Data Sets
TMDT_MDS_HEADER - Header Information on Market Data Sets
TMDT_MDS_HEADERT - Header information on Market Data Sets - Texts
TMDT_MDS_SCNRIOS - Market Data Set by Scenarios
TVRF_AUSWPARA - Evaluation Parameters for Reading Risk Factor
TVRF_VALUES - Risk Factor: Return Values for a Risk Factor
TVRTHIERA - RM, Fields from the Hierarchy Depiction FGET
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
TYPE_STRIPDATA - Option Data for Basket Options
VTVBAR - NPVs of OTC transactions
VTVBARW_MR - Market Risk: Position values
VTVBEWZUMRM - Flows Relevant to Market Risk
VTVBFCF - Assignment of Calculation Categories FIMA to Cash Flow Ind.
VTVBKKBW - RM: Link BCA Product to Valuation Rule
VTVBKKBW02 - RM: Assignment of Valuation Rule to BCA Product (New)
VTVCASHFL - Cash Flow of Financial Instruments
VTVCASHFLOW_ALV - Structure for Output of Cash Flow through ALV
VTVCIP - Structure for interpolating a value from a curve
VTVCLUST - Cluster for Distributed Data Use
VTVCOVOLA - Buffer Structure for Interest Volatilities
VTVDEMORMXX - RM: Path Name for External Price Calculator Demonstration
VTVDETA_MR - Market Risk: Flow values
VTVDPROT - RM: Structure for detail log
VTVEOBAR - RM NPV Results Object for VaR
VTVEOBVAR - Interim Result for VaR and Position
VTVEODD - RM Result object - single value analysis NPV/simulation
VTVEOMOM - RM Results Object for Factors in a Distribution
VTVEOMOMPK - Interim Result per Portfolio Node for Factor Calculation
VTVEONPV - RM Result object NPV
VTVEOOPT - RM Additional Object for Options- Single Value Analysis NPV
VTVEOPOS - RM Results Object for Delta/Gamma Items
VTVEORA - RM Interim Result Object - NPV Style
VTVEOVAR - RM Result object VaR
VTVEOVAR10 - RM Results Object for P+L 10 Times per BP
VTVEXFM - External Valuation: Evaluation Parameters
VTVFG000 - DDIC Structure for Risk Object Dialog
VTVFG0FM - Risk Object: Field Modifications for TFORM
VTVFG0SC - Main List of Risk Objects in BDT Requiring Processing
VTVFGCF - Technical Transaction Category - Cashflows
VTVFGCFFR - Tech. Transaction Category - Variable Assig. for Formula Ref
VTVFGDI0 - DI of Generic Transaction: Extended Receiver Structure
VTVFGDI1 - DI Generic Transaction: Direct Input of Receiver Structure
VTVFGDI2 - DI of Generic Transaction: Key for Generic Transaction
VTVFGDI2X - Generic Transaction: Initial Fields (for DI + BDT Subscreen)
VTVFGDI3 - DI for Generic Transaction: Initial Fields
VTVFGDI40 - DI Generic Transaction: Header Data for XSFGDT
VTVFGDI41 - DI of Generic Transaction: ABEST for XSFGDT
VTVFGDI42 - DI of Generic Transaction: Header for XFGET
VTVFGDI43 - DI of Generic Transaction: Option Part for XFGET
VTVFGDI44 - DI of Generic Transaction: Flows for XFGET
VTVFGICF - Table Control for Depiction of Cash Flow
VTVFGICOMF - Table Control for Depiction of Commodity Flow
VTVFGKO - Technical Transaction Category - Header Information
VTVFGKOGF - Permissible Forms of Transaction in IS-B Risk Management
VTVFGKOGFT - Text Table for Forms of Transaction in IS-B Risk Management
VTVFGKOGFX - Exclusive/Inclusive Transaction Forms for Online Maint.
VTVFGKOZU - Assignment TR Product Category Risk Management Indicator
VTVFGMS01 - Include: Market Segments Ask/Bid
VTVFGMS02 - Include: Market Segments Middle
VTVFGMSBW - Include: Evaluation Control
VTVFGMSDF - Include: Datafeed Control
VTVFGMSEX - Include: External Price Calculator
VTVFGMSMP - Include: Mapping Control
VTVFGOP - Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors
VTVFGVS01 - Include: VaR Valuation Control
VTVFIMA - Control Object RM-FIMA
VTVGRIDRES - Grid result structure
VTVIVOLA - Buffer structure for interest volatilities
VTVMDSCO - Market Data Record: Commodities
VTVMDSCR - Market Data Record: Currencies
VTVMDSIN - Market Data Record: Yield Curve
VTVMDSIX - Market Data Record: Security Index
VTVMDSRF - Market Data Record: Risk Factor
VTVMDSVO - Market Data Record: Volatilities
VTVMDSWP - Market Data Record: Security Price
VTVMDVCO - Market Data Value: Commodities
VTVMDVCR - Market Data Value: Exchange Rates
VTVMDVIN - Market Data Value: Yield Curve
VTVMDVIX - Market Data Value: Index Values
VTVMDVRF - Market Data Value: Risk Factor
VTVMDVVO - Market Data Value: Volatility Profile
VTVMDVWP - Market Data Value: Security Prices
VTVMETHIRR - Results structure for IRR
VTVMETHOD - Method and Result Structure Treasury-RMDS
VTVMETHOD1 - Method structure (only methods and rules)
VTVMTASK - RM: Parallel Processing Control
VTVMTPCK - RM Parallel Processing: Indexes for Semantic Segmentation
VTVMTSK - RM: Settings for Parallel Processing
VTVOP_DESCRIPTION - Description of Opportunities for Exercising Bermuda Options
VTVOP_FIX_CF - Description of Fixed Cash Flows for Interest Rate Options
VTVOP_HW_COUPON - Coupon Data for Hull-White
VTVOP_HW_PARAMETER - Hull-White Parameters
VTVPANDL - Profit and Loss Results Structure
VTVPHKNTXT - RM Description of Characteristic Values
VTVPVUEDATATYPES - Transfer Categories for External NPV Calculation
VTVPVUEMSG - Error Messages for External Price Calculator
VTVRAMAIN - Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
VTVRAPARAM - Risk Analyzer: Analyzer Control Information
VTVRFVOLA - Buffer Structure for Risk Factor Volatilities
VTVRHFCAT - Field Catalog of Risk Hierarchy Attributes
VTVRMAWT - Risk Management: Evaluation Categories
VTVRMAWTT - Risk Management: Texts for Evaluation Category
VTVRTCF02 - Technical Transaction Category - Cash Flow xSFGDT/SFGDT
VTVRTCF08 - Technical Transaction Category - Cashflow SFGDT
VTVRTCFFR - Tech. Transaction Category - Variable Assig. for Formula Ref
VTVRTFIMA - Control Object RM-FIMA
VTVRTGSEG - GAP Analysis Control for Instrument Valuation
VTVRTKO01 - RM: INCLUDE Header Information xFGET/FGET
VTVRTKO02 - RM: INCLUDE Header Information, FGET only
VTVRTKO08 - RM: Include Header Information FGET
VTVRTMS01 - Include: Market Segments Ask/Bid
VTVRTMSBW - Include: Evaluation Control
VTVRTMSEG - Market segments for instrument valuation
VTVRTMSEX - Include: External Price Calculator
VTVRTMSGAP - GAP Analysis Valuation Control
VTVRTMSMP - Include: Mapping Control
VTVRTOP01 - Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors xSFGDT
VTVRTOP08 - Technical Transaction Category - Option Descriptors FGET
VTVRTSSEG - FGET: Valuation Control
VTVRTVS01 - Include: VaR Valuation Control
VTVRTVSEG - VaR Control for Instrument Valuation
VTVS0GUV - RM Display: Profit and Loss Distribution
VTVSTUEDATATYPES - Data types for the RFC parameter transfer
VTVSVCARCX - RM: Data Cluster for Index per Set
VTVSVSARCX - RM: Index for Set Archive
VTVSVXKEY - RM: Key for Cluster Table VTVSVCARCX
VTVSZCR - Scenario Database: Exchange Rates
VTVSZCTV - Scenario Database: Commodity Volatilities
VTVSZCTY - Scenario Database: Commodity Prices (OBSOLETE)
VTVSZCTYDCSSTR - Buffer Structure for Commodity Prices with DCS (Current)
VTVSZCTYP - Scenario Database: Commodity Prices
VTVSZCTYSTR - Buffer Structure for Commodity Prices (Current)
VTVSZCURR - Buffer Structure Exchange Rates
VTVSZIDX - Scenario Database: Stock Indices
VTVSZIDXVO - Scenario Database: Index Volatilities
VTVSZIN - Scenario Database: Interest
VTVSZIVO - Scenario database: interest volatilities
VTVSZIWE - Buffer structure for interest values
VTVSZLS - List of Calculated Interest Rate Scenarios
VTVSZS0BSC - Basis Spread Curve Display
VTVSZS0CR - Currencies
VTVSZS0IX - Market Data: Indexes
VTVSZS0KU - Market Data: Rates
VTVSZS0MD - Market Data
VTVSZS0VO - Volatility Structure
VTVSZS0YC - Yield Curve Display
VTVSZSHIFT - Structure for yield curve shift
VTVSZSOCP - Market Data:Commodity Prices
VTVSZSOCPDCS - Market Data: DCS based Commodity Prices
VTVSZVERL - Scenario Progression: List of Scenarios and Validity Dates
VTVSZVLKO - Scenario Progression Header
VTVSZVOLA - Buffer Structure for Exchange Rate Volatilities
VTVSZWPKU - Buffer Structure for Security Prices (Current)
VTVSZWPKUR - Scenario Database: Security Prices
VTVSZWPKUV - Scenario Database: Security Price Volatilities
VTVSZZINS - Yield Curves for Scenario
VTVSZZINSR - Yield curve with scenario and reference interest rate info.
VTVSZZK - Structure for Scenario Maintenance
VTVTRBW - RM: Link TR Product Type to Valuation Rule
VTVUEMC_HIST_TIMESERIE - Transfer of Historical Time Per. Bootstrapping (Ext.MCSiml.)
VTVUEMC_KORR_TIMESERIE - Transfer of Correlated Time Period (External MC Simulator)
VTVUESTVALUETAB - Transfer table for the user exits in statistic calculator
VTVUEVAKOTYPEN - Categories for User Exit in Variance/CoVariance Delta/Gamma
VTVWVOLA - Buffer structure for interest volatilities
VTVXACHSE - X-axis grid
VTVXCMRT - CM Data from Risk Objects Derived from Cash Management
VTVYACHSE - Y-axis grid
VTVZEOPOS - RM Results Object for Delta/Gamma Items
VTV_BARW - RiskM: Results structure for market risk calculations
VTV_EXKALK - Supplement for KALKU, Calculation of Exotic Currency Options
VTV_EXPOTA - Exposure table
VTV_IRRES - Treasury CRM: Display structure effective interest rate
VTV_KLKO - Analysis System Transition Structure
VTV_KOPSK - Effective Rate Calculation Header Structure
VTV_PARA - TR_MRM: Parameter string
VTV_PROT - Log Parameter Structure
VTV_PVANZ - Treasury CRM: Display Structure NPV
VTV_RESULT - Treasury CRM: Display Structure Effective Rate
VTV_SENS - Structure for Sensitivities
VTV_SIGESH - Simulative Entry of Hedge Transactions
VTV_SKKU - Transition Structure Effective Rate Mask
VTV_SKRES - Treasury CRM: Display Structure Effective Rate
VTV_STANDARD_KEYFIGURES - Standard RM Values (Examples: NPV, Duration, Convexity)
VTV_SZYC - Screen Structure: Yield Curve Types
VTV_TLEIST - Title structure RFTVIRR1
VTV_TORANZ - Displ.Structure for Total Return
VTV_USEPRT - Use price table
VZBEST_RT - Position Structure/Reporting Char. MRM for Risk Objects

SAP Portfolio Analyzer Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-PA

AFWKFPA_CF - TRM Portfolio Analyzer: Cash Flow Structure
AFWKFPA_EXPPOL - Structure: Exponential Polynomial
AFWKFPA_FLW - Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_FLWCC - Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_INFO - Key Figures: Information Ratio
AFWKFPA_JENSEN - Key Figures: Jensen's Alpha
AFWKFPA_KF_POS - Structure: Position Key Figures plus Key Figure Values
AFWKFPA_NMDATA - Positions and Flows for an Exogenous Capital Flow Date
AFWKFPA_POS - Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKFPA_POSCC - Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_PRDFLW - Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_PRDFLWCC - Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_SHARPE - Key Figures: Sharpe Ratio
AFWKFPA_SORTINO - Key Figures: Sortino Ratio
AFWKFPA_TREYNOR - Key Figures: Treynor's Ratio
AFWKFPA_VAL - Valuation Rules that Deviate from the Evaluation Type
AFWKFPA_YLD - Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency
AFWKFPA_YLDCC - Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency
AFWKFPA_YLDMTH - Key Figures: Yield Calculation Methods
AFWKFPA_YLDMTHT - Key Figures: Yield Calculation Methods - Text Table
AFWKFPA_YLDSNC - Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKFPA_YLDSNCCC - Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKF_FLWCC_H - Key Figures: Flow in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_FLW_H - Key Figures: Flow in Transaction Currency
AFWKF_INFO_H - Key Figures: Information Ratio
AFWKF_JENSEN_H - Key Figures: Jensen's Alpha
AFWKF_POSCC_H - Key Figures: Position in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_POS_H - Key Figures: Position in Position Currency
AFWKF_PRDFLWCC_H - Key Figures: Flow for Period in Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_PRDFLW_H - Key Figures: Flow for Period in Transaction Currency
AFWKF_SHARPE_H - Key Figures: Sharpe Ratio
AFWKF_SORTINO_H - Key Figures: Sortino Ratio
AFWKF_TREYNOR_H - Key Figures: Treynor's Ratio
AFWKF_YLDCC_H - Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Evaluation Currency
AFWKF_YLDSNCCC_H - Key Figures: Yield from Evaluation Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKF_YLDSNC_H - Key Figures: Yield from Transaction Currency Since CALCSINCE
AFWKF_YLD_H - Key Figures: Yield Calculated from Transaction Currency
AFW_RORT_POSCOMP - Key Figure Types
AFW_RORT_T - Rate of Return Types Text Table
BMA_ADMINDATA - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Adminstration Data
BMA_BM - OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data
BMA_BMBM - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Relationships
BMA_BMLAYER - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer
BMA_BMLAYERDET - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer
BMA_BMLAYERT - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Layer (TEXTS)
BMA_BMM - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Master Data for Market Benchmark
BMA_BMT - OLD CFM Benchmarking: BM Central Master Data
BMA_CH - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics
BMA_CHCHVAL - OLD CFM Benchmarking: (Characteristic, Characteristic Value)
BMA_CHILDBM - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Relationship to Child
BMA_CHT - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristics (TEXTS)
BMA_CHVAL - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characteristic Values
BMA_CHVALT - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Characateristic Values (TEXTS)
BMA_GUIDIDX - OLD <> CFM-BM: Assignment of BMGUID Index
BMA_ITFBM - OLD CFM Benchmarking: Benchmark Interface Structure
PFAIM_CF_FTMATCH - Assignment Cash flow type to PA flowtype
PFAIM_FTYPEMATCH - Assignment of Flow Types to PA Flow Types
PFAIM_MANUAL_FLOWS - Flows for Positions Managed Externally and Entered Manually
PFAIM_MANUAL_POS - Portfolio Analyzer Position Display: Table Control
PFAIM_MANUAL_POSFLW_USERDATA - Master Data for External Positions (Substructure): User Data
PFAIM_MANUAL_POS_N_FLOWS - Master Data: Pos. Managed Externally and Entered Manually
PFAIM_MDATMANU - Master Data: Pos. Managed Externally and Entered Manually
PFAIM_PFA_FLOWS - Main Interface for PA Flows
PFAIM_SE_REPOST - Securities Transfers in the Portfolio Analyzer
PFAIM_TPM_FLOWS - TPM Flows (Unformatted)
PFAIM_TR_UTMATCH - Assignment of Update Type to Flow Types in PA
PFAIM_UMATCH_TRL - Assignment of Flow Types to PA Flow Types
PFAYL_RESULT - Result structure
PFAYL_RESULTS - Result structure
PFA_DINTERVALS - TRM-PA: Time Intervals for Period-Based Key Figures
PFA_FLOWTYPEST - TRM-PA Flow Types: Text Table
PFA_FLOWTYPE_RNG - Range for PA Flow Types
RDBPA_INTF_CCYPOS - Interface for Single Records DB: POS
RDBPA_INTF_FLW - Interface for Single Records RDB: FLW
RDBPA_INTF_R_FLW - Interface for Final Result Database: FLW
RDBPA_INTF_R_FLWCC - Interface for Final Results Database: FLWCC
RDBPA_NSUM_CURR - Final Results for Non-Additive Key Figures in Crcy: TRM-PA
RDBPA_NSUM_GEN - Final Results for Non-Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA
RDBPA_NSUM_GEN_R - Final Results for Ratio BM Key Figures: TRM-PA
RDBPA_READ_REC_FLOW_POS - RDB PA: Single Rec. Key Fig. Values for Positions and Flows
RDBPA_REC_CCYPOS - "Generic" Single Record Items with Currency
RDBPA_REC_FLW - Key Figure Values FLW: Single Record Items with Currency
RDBPA_REC_HEADER - Single Record Header
RDBPA_SUM_CURR - Final Results for Additive Key Figures in Currency: TRM-PA
RDBPA_SUM_FLW - Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records with Currency
RDBPA_SUM_FLWCC - Key Figure Values FLW: Totals Records w/o Currency
RDBPA_SUM_GEN - Final Results for Additive Generic Key Figures: TRM-PA

SAP Transaction Manager Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM

/TRMKR/SEC_CUST - Customer Additional Data for Security Class
/TRMKR/SEC_DATA - FWZZ Master Data Additional Fields
/TRMKR/S_SEC_CUST_DATA - Security Customer Additional Data
/TRMKR/S_SEC_CUST_DATA_DYN - Screen Structure Additional Fields
/TRMKR/S_SEC_DATA - FWZZ Master Data Additional Fields Structure
/TRMKR/S_SEC_DATA_DYN - Screen Structure Additional Fields
/TRMKR/S_SEC_DATA_PRICING - Securities Pricing
/TRMKR/TAB_NAME - Tab Name for the Tab in FWZZ
ACCBELNR - Return Document No. from FI Interface
AT01 - Transaction Category
AT01T - Name of Transaction Category
AT02 - Transaction Activity Category
AT02A - Transaction Code for Menu TIMN
AT02T - Transaction Activity Category: Description
AT03 - Diary Functions
AT03T - Diary Function: Description
AT05 - Processing Categories
AT05T - Name: Processing Category
AT06 - Allocation of Processing Categories to Activity Categories
AT07 - Category of Flows and Conditions
AT07T - Name of category for flows and conditions
AT08 - Allocation: Application to Category of Flows and Conditions
AT09 - Posting category
AT09T - Posting type: Name
AT10 - Transaction Types
AT100 - Treasury Additions to User Master
AT10B - Treasury: Customizing for Valuation
AT10S - Securities
AT10T - Name of Transaction Type
AT10X - Forex Attributes for Transaction Types
AT11 - Allocation of Condition Types to Transaction Types
AT13 - Allocation of Flow Types to Transaction Types
AT13U - Flow types for transfer posting for activity transition
AT14 - Status Transfers
AT15B - Treasury: Forex Swap Rates (New)
AT16 - Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions
AT16B - Treasury: Settings for mirror transaction types
AT18 - Treasury: Valid Formulas
AT181 - Treasury: Subsequent Screen Control - Initial Item Groups
AT181T - Treasury: Texts for Subsequent Screen Control Init.Pos.Group
AT185 - Treasury: Starting Values for Subsequent Screen Control
AT19 - Supplements to Flow Types
AT20 - Supplements to Condition Types
AT200 - Rules for Determining a Tax Indicator
AT21 - Generate derived flows
AT210 - Rules for Determining a Taxes for CFM postings
AT22 - Procedure to Generate Derived Flows
AT22T - Procedure to Generate Derived Flows: Name
AT23 - Procedure for Calculating Derived Flows
AT23T - Procedure for Calculating Derived Flow: Name
AT24 - Currency-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT25 - Amount-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT50 - Future/Option Groups
AT50T - Description of Options/Futures Groups
AT51 - Margin Types
AT51T - Text Table for Margin Types
AT52 - Expiry Date Type
AT52T - Name of expiration date types
AT53 - Due Date Category
AT60 - Definition of Treasury Functions for Activity Processing
AT60T - Description of Treasury Functions for Activity Editing
AT70 - Hedging Relevance of Currencies
AT72 - Customizing: Unit Types
AT72T - Text for unit types
AT80 - Treasury: Correspondence Control MM, FX, DE, SE
AT80P - Replacement Table for Correspondence Printer
AT81 - Correspondence type
AT81T - Name of correspondence type
AT90 - Type of manual reversal of posted flows
AT90T - Name of manual reversal type for posted flows
ATCVC1 - CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type
ATCVC2 - CRM: Assign General Valuation Class to Product Type
ATDEALDFT - Update Types for Position Update
ATDR - Date Rule
ATDRT - Date Rule
ATERTVWERKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ATFTA - CFM: Assign Transaction Flow Type to Update Type
ATFTA_MIGR - Migration: Assignment of Flow Type to Update Type
ATMA - Type of Master Agreement
ATMAT - Type of Master Agreement: Name
ATO1 - Check Table for Option Categories
ATO1T - Text Table for ATO1
ATOR - Table of Limit Types
ATORT - Text Table for Limit Types
ATPA - Treasury: Product Type Supplements
ATQC - CFM: Assign Volume Change Category to Flow Category
ATR1 - Check table for reference categories
ATR1T - Text table for reference categories
ATVC2 - Descriptions of Calculation Routines
ATWX2 - Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000
ATZWR1 - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
AVTIDERI - Change Doc. Structure for Table VTIDERI; Created Manually
AVVTIERLEVEL - Change Document Structure: Manually Created
AVWPAKTI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPANAN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPANLE - Change Doc. Structure for Table VWPANLE; Created Manually
AVWPBONO - Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPBONO - Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPBONO - Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPPOOLREMARK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPPOOLREMARKS - Change Document Structure: Manually Created
AVWPPOOLREMARKS - Change Document Structure: Manually Created
AVWPSHARECAPITAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVWPT_FREE_ATTR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVZSKOKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVZZKOPA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AVZZKOPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
BAL_ERRPOS - Error Table Structure: Header Information
BAPI1064_FACTOR - Display Drawing Factor
BAPI1064_FACTOR_CHANGE - Create/Change Drawing Factor
BAPI1064_FACTOR_HDR - Display Drawing Factor Header
BAPI1064_FACTOR_HDR_CREATE - Create Drawing Factor Header
BAPI1064_GEN - Interface Structure: General Fields
BAPI1074_CONDITION_CREATE - Condition Create Paramater Structure
BAPI1074_GEN - Interface Structure: General Fields
BAPI1074_INT_COND - Redemption Schedule Interest Condition
BAPI1074_INT_COND_CREATE - Redemption Interest Condition for Creation
BAPI1074_REDEMPTION - Redemption Parameter Structure
BAPI1074_REDEMPTION_ABSMBS - Redemption Parameter Structure for Change
BAPI1074_REDEMPTION_ABSMBSX - Redemption Parameter Structure for Change (X)
BAPI1074_REDEMPTION_CREATE - Redemption Parameter Structure
BAPI1074_RED_COND - Redemption Schedule Condition
BAPI1074_RED_COND_CREATE - Redemption Schedule Condition for Creation
BAPI1074_RED_PUB_DATE_CHNG - Change Publication Date
BAPI1074_RED_QUANTITY_CHNG - Change Redemption Amount
BAPI1074_SCHEDULE - Schedule Parameter Structure
BAPI1074_SCHEDULE_ABSMBS - Schedule Parameter Structure for Change
BAPI1074_SCHEDULE_ABSMBSX - Schedule Parameter Structure for Change (X)
BAPI1074_SCHEDULE_CHANGE - Change Redemption Schedule
BAPI1074_SCHEDULE_CREATE - Schedule Create Parameter Structure
BAPI1074_SET - Set Parameter Structure
BAPI1074_SET_CHANGE_FACTOR - Set Parameter Structure for Change
BAPI1074_SET_CHANGE_FACTORX - Set Parameter Structure for Change (X)
BAPI1074_SET_CREATE - Set Parameter Structure
BAPI1076 - Header structure for financial product (FP)
BAPI107600 - Financial product parameter structure (general data)
BAPI107600_MAPPING - Mapping with VWPAnla
BAPI107601 - Financial product parameter structure (warrant)
BAPI107601_MAPPING - Mapping with VWPTerm
BAPI107602 - Financial product parameter structure (bonds)
BAPI107602_MAPPING - Mapping with VWPAnle
BAPI107603 - Parameters for stocks, investment certif. and shareholdings
BAPI107603_MAPPING - Mapping with VWPAkti
BAPI107604 - Common attributes for options and futures
BAPI1076_ADDITIONALDATA - Additional Fields for the BAPI Interface
BAPI1076_BOND - Bond parameters
BAPI1076_BONDWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (bond warrant)
BAPI1076_CONDITION - Condition Items
BAPI1076_CONVERTIBLEBOND - Convertible bond parameters
BAPI1076_CURRENCYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (currency warrant)
BAPI1076_CUSTDATA - BAPI Structure for Customer parameters for Class Master Data
BAPI1076_EQUITYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
BAPI1076_ERROR - Error messages for securities BAPIs
BAPI1076_FLAG - Test Run
BAPI1076_FORMULAR - Formula
BAPI1076_FUTURE - Attributes for futures
BAPI1076_INDEX - Secondary index class data
BAPI1076_INDEXWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (index warrant)
BAPI1076_INVESTMENT - Investment certificate parameters
BAPI1076_ISSUER - Additional issuer
BAPI1076_LISTING - Listing
BAPI1076_NOTICE - Termination
BAPI1076_OPTION - Attributes for options
BAPI1076_PARTPAID - Partly-Paids for Stocks and Shareholdings
BAPI1076_PC_RANGE - Range for product categories
BAPI1076_POOLDATA - BAPI Structure for Pool Data
BAPI1076_POOLRATING - BAPI Structure for Pool Rating
BAPI1076_POOLREMARK - BAPI Structure for Asset Pool Comments
BAPI1076_PT_RANGE - Range for product types
BAPI1076_RATING - Rating
BAPI1076_REFERENCE - Structure for references
BAPI1076_SECURITY_LIST - Return structure for GetList method
BAPI1076_SHARECAPITAL - Stock Capital and Voting Rights
BAPI1076_SHAREHOLDING - Shareholding parameters
BAPI1076_SN_RANGE - ID numbers
BAPI1076_STOCK - Stocks parameters
BAPI1076_SUBSCRIPTIONRIGHT - Subscription rights
BAPI1076_SUBSCRIPTPERIOD - Subscription period for subscription rights
BAPI1076_SWAP - Stock Swap
BAPI1076_WARRANTBOND - Warrant bonds parameters
BAPI5105 - Hedge Plan: BUS5105 General Method Parameter
BAPI5115 - Raw Exposure: BUS5115 General Method Parameter
BAPI5990 - Raw Exposure : BUS5990 General Method Parameters
BAPITEMS_ATTRIBUTE - BAPI: Structure for Attribute Value Range Table
BAPITEMS_COMPCODE - BAPI: Structure for Company Code Range Table
BAPITEMS_COUNTRY - BAPI: Structure for Country Range Table
BAPITEMS_COUNTRY_ISO - BAPI: Structure for Country Acc. to ISO Code Range Table
BAPITEMS_CURRENCY - BAPI: Structure for Currency Exposure Range Table
BAPITEMS_CURRENCY_ISO - BAPI: Structure for Currency Acc. to ISO Code Range Table
BAPITEMS_EXPDATE - BAPI: Structure for Due Date Exposure Range Table
BAPITEMS_EXPOSURE_ORIGIN - BAPI: Structure for Exposure Origin Range Table
BAPITEMS_LOG_SYSTEM - BAPI: Structure for Logical System Range Table
BAPITEMS_PLANNING_PERIOD - BAPI: Structure for Planning Period Range Table
BAPITEMS_PLANNING_YEAR - BAPI: Structure for Planning Year Range Table
BAPITEMS_SIGN - BAPI: Structure for Direction of Flow Range Table
BAPITEMS_TRANSACTION_CATEGORY - BAPI: Structure for Transaction Category Range Table
BAPI_CTY - Commodity ID structure
BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_CHANGE - BAPI: Change FX-Exposure in Exposure Management
BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_CHANGEX - BAPI Selection Structure: Change FX-Exposure in Exp. Mgmt
BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_CREATE - BAPI: Create Exposure in Exposure Management
BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_DETAIL - BAPI: Return FX-Exposure in Exposure Management
BAPI_TEM_EXPOS_DETAIL_MULTI - BAPI: Return Multiple FX Exposures
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXPOSURE_HEADER - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Header
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXPOSURE_HEADERX - BAPI Structure Change Information for Exposure Header
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATAX - BAPI Structure Change for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA_DEL - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA_INS - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEMX - BAPI Structure Change Information for Raw Exposure Lineitems
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM_DEL - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM_INS - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICESX - BAPI Structure Change for Raw Exposure Prices
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES_DEL - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
BAPI_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES_INS - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
BAPI_THA_EXPOS_CO_DETAIL - BAPI: Hedge Accounting Detailed Data for CO Exposure
BAPI_THA_EXPOS_FX_DETAIL - BAPI: Hedge Accounting: Detailed Data for FX Exposure
BAPI_THA_EXPOS_IR_DETAIL - BAPI Hedge Accounting: Get Detail for IR Exposure
BAPI_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_CHANGE - BAPI: Hedge Plan Data for Create and Change
BAPI_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change Information Hedge Plan
BAPI_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_DATA - BAPI: Hedge Plan Data for Create and Change
BAPI_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_DETAIL - BAPI: Display Hedge Plan Data in Detail
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO - BAPI: Create Commodity Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP - BAPI: Create Commodity Transaction Data with Floating Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP_CHANGE - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data with Floating Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change Structure of Cmdty Floating Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP_DCS - BAPI: Create Commodity Transaction Data with DCS Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP_DCS_CHANGE - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data with DCS Fl. Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_COP_DCS_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change Structure Cmdty Trans. Data with DCS Fl. Prices
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGE - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGEMULTIX - BAPI: Commodity Transaction Change Structure
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGE_MULTI - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_DETAIL - BAPI: Display Commodity Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_CO_MULTIPLE - BAPI: Create Commodity Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX - BAPI: Create FX Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGE - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGEMULTIX - BAPI: Change Structure FX Transaction
BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_FX_DETAIL - BAPI: Display FX Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR - BAPI: Create Hedge Accounting IR Transaction
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGE - BAPI: Change IR Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGEMULTIX - BAPI: Change Structure IR Transaction
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change IR Transaction Data
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_DETAIL - BAPI Hedge Accounting: Get Details for IR Transaction
BAPI_THA_TRANS_IR_MULTIPLE - BAPI: Create Hedge Accounting IR Transaction
BAPI_THA_TRANS_KEY - BAPI: ID Transaction in Hedge Accounting
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_ACTIVE - Range structure for commodity active flag
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_CAT - Range structure for commodity category
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity master data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_CHANGEX - BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating commodity master data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity exchange data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CHANGEX - BAPI structure for changing commodity exchange data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating commodity exchange data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_GETDET - BAPI structure for commodity exchange data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_GETDETAIL - BAPI structure for creating commodity master data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_GETLIST - BAPI structure for commodity master data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_GROUP - Range structure for commodity group 1 or group 2
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_ID - Range structure for commodity ID
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing market data provider settings
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CHANGEX - BAPI structure for changing market data provider settings
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating market data provider settings
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_GETDETAIL - BAPI structure for commodity market data provider details
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity quotation data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CHANGEX - BAPI structure for changing commodity quotation data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating commodity quotation data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_GETDETAIL - BAPI structure for commodity quotation data
BAPI_TRCOS_CTY_TYPE - Range structure for commodity types
BCKSLDT_FLOW - Backup: Subledger Distributor: Trans. Before Issue Currency
BCKTCAT_FLOW - BACKUP: Flow Table of Capital Actions
BCKTERT_FLOW - BACKUP: Flow Table for Executable Rights
BCKTRDT_FLOW - Backup: Distributor Flows Before Issue Currency Changeover
BCKVTBFHAPO - Backup: Transaction Flows
BCKVWBEPI - Backup: Flow data - Position/Actual
BCKVWBEPP - BACKUP: Flow data - Position/Planned
BCKVWBWKM - BACKUP: Flow table for corporate actions
BCKVWPAKTI - BACKUP: Stock, subscription rights, investment certificates
BCKVWPANLE - BACKUP: Interest-bearing securities
BCKVWVORTR - BACKUP: Carryover totals - securities
BCKVWZUORD - BACKUP: SEC assignment table for restraints on disposal
BCKVZSKOKO - BACKUP: Condition header for stock, sub.rgt, invest., share.
BCKVZZKOPO - BACKUP: Condition Item Table
BCK_VTIFHAPO - Backup for Currency Changeover of Bond Underlying
BOND_CONDITION - Condition Items
CATRAS - Extended ATRAS for update program (func.mod.ref.structure)
CFTR_AVG_ASGN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CFTR_AVG_SCHEDULE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CTLRT_TRADE_ID - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBAFINKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBFASGT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBFHAPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBFHAPO_UNFIXED - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBFINKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBKORES - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBMACR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBMADT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBMALE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBMAPA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBRATING - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTBZV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTB_ASGN_LIMIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIAFINKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIFHA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIFHAPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIFHAZU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIFINKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTIOFZU - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTPPOLI - Change document structure for VTPPOLI
CVWBEKI - Structure for change documents in VWBEKI
CVWBEPI - Structure for change document in VWBEPI
CVWBEPP - Structure for change documents in VWBEPP
CVWORDE - Structure for change documents in VWORDE
CVWPBDEP - Structure for change documents VWPBDEP
CVWPUNIT - Change documents VWPUNIT
CVZFGD - Update structure for VZFGD
DIFC_DIFFERENT - Differentiation as Entity
DIFC_DIFF_TERM - Differentiation Term
DIFS_DIFF_ID - Differentiating Characteristics
DIFS_DIFF_ID_T - Text Table for Differentiation Terms
DIFS_DIFF_TERM_EXTENDED - Differentiation Term with Additional Information
DIFS_DIFF_TERM_FIELDNAME - Differentiation Term with Field Name
DIFS_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Values
DIFS_DIFF_VALUES_TEXT - Structure with Texts on Differentiation Terms
DIFS_INFLUENCES - Structure for Differentiation Values
DIFS_POS_IDENT - Persistent Flow Selector
DIFS_POS_IDENT_LOCK - Structure for Differentiation Values - Lock Object
DIFS_POS_IDENT_LOCK_GEN - Parameters for Generic Lock
DIFS_SELECTION_RANGES - Ranges: Differentiation Values for DB Selection
DIFS_SELECTION_RANGES_ADD - Ranges via Differentiation Values + Field for SecID for Fut
DIFT_POS_IDENT - Persistent Flow Selectors
DTZKN1 - Update structure TZKN1
DTZKN2 - Update structure TZKN2
DTZKN2T - Update structure TZKN2
DTZKN3 - Structure for F4-Account assignment reference help
DTZKN6 - Update structure TZKN6
DTZKN7 - Update structure TZKN7
DTZKN8 - Update structure TZKN8
DTZKN8T - Update structure TZKN8
DWZTAB - DWZ Interface file (Market value)
DYN_OS - Exercise warrant screen fields
E1BP1064_FACTOR - Display Drawing Factor
E1BP1064_FACTOR_CHANGE - Create/Change Drawing Factor
E1BP1064_FACTOR_HDR_CREATE - Create Drawing Factor Header
E1BP1074_INT_COND - Redemption Schedule Interest Condition
E1BP1074_INT_COND_CREATE - Redemption Interest Condition for Creation
E1BP1074_REDEMPTION - Redemption Parameter Structure
E1BP1074_REDEMPTION_CREATE - Redemption Parameter Structure
E1BP1074_RED_COND - Redemption Schedule Condition
E1BP1074_RED_COND_CREATE - Redemption Schedule Condition for Creation
E1BP1074_RED_PUB_DATE_CHNG - Change Publication Date
E1BP1074_RED_QUANTITY_CHNG - Change Redemption Amount
E1BP1074_SCHEDULE - Schedule Parameter Structure
E1BP1074_SCHEDULE_CHANGE - Change Redemption Schedule
E1BP1074_SCHEDULE_CREATE - Schedule Create Parameter Structure
E1BP1074_SET - Set Parameter Structure
E1BP1074_SET_CREATE - Set Parameter Structure
E1BP1076_ADDITIONALDATA - Additional Fields for the BAPI Interface
E1BP1076_BOND - Bond parameters
E1BP1076_BONDWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (bond warrant)
E1BP1076_CONDITION - Condition Items
E1BP1076_CONVERTIBLEBOND - Convertible bond parameters
E1BP1076_CURRENCYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (currency warrant)
E1BP1076_CUSTDATA - BAPI Structure for Customer parameters for Class Master Data
E1BP1076_EQUITYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
E1BP1076_FORMULAR - Formula
E1BP1076_FUTURE - Attributes for futures
E1BP1076_INDEX - Secondary index class data
E1BP1076_INDEXWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (index warrant)
E1BP1076_INVESTMENT - Investment certificate parameters
E1BP1076_LISTING - Listing
E1BP1076_NOTICE - Termination
E1BP1076_OPTION - Attributes for options
E1BP1076_PARTPAID - Partly-Paids for Stocks and Shareholdings
E1BP1076_POOLDATA - BAPI Structure for Pool Data
E1BP1076_POOLRATING - BAPI Structure for Pool Rating
E1BP1076_POOLREMARK - BAPI Structure for Asset Pool Comments
E1BP1076_RATING - Rating
E1BP1076_REFERENCE - Structure for references
E1BP1076_SHARECAPITAL - Stock Capital and Voting Rights
E1BP1076_SHAREHOLDING - Shareholding parameters
E1BP1076_STOCK - Stocks parameters
E1BP1076_SUBSCRIPTIONRIGHT - Subscription rights
E1BP1076_SUBSCRIPTPERIOD - Subscription period for subscription rights
E1BP1076_SWAP - Stock Swap
E1BP1076_WARRANTBOND - Warrant bonds parameters
E1BP_TEM_EXPOS_CHANGE - BAPI: Change FX-Exposure in Exposure Management
E1BP_TEM_EXPOS_CHANGEX - BAPI Selection Structure: Change FX-Exposure in Exp. Mgmt
E1BP_TEM_EXPOS_CREATE - BAPI: Create Exposure in Exposure Management
E1BP_TEX_HEADER - BAPI Structure Change Information for Exposure Header
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXPOSURE_HEADE - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Header
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATAX - BAPI Structure Change for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA_D - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_DLY_DATA_I - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEMX - BAPI Structure Change Information for Raw Exposure Lineitems
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM_D - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_LINEITEM_I - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitems
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICESX - BAPI Structure Change for Raw Exposure Prices
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES_DEL - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
E1BP_TEX_RAW_EXP_PRICES_INS - BAPI Structure for Raw Exposure Lineitem Prices
E1BP_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_CHANGE - BAPI: Hedge Plan Data for Create and Change
E1BP_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change Information Hedge Plan
E1BP_THA_HEDGE_PLAN_DATA - BAPI: Hedge Plan Data for Create and Change
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO - BAPI: Create FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGE - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGEMUL - BAPI: Commodity Transaction Change Structure
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO_CHANGE_MU - BAPI: Change Commodity Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_CO_MULTIPLE - BAPI: Create Commodity Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX - BAPI: Create FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGE - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGEMUL - BAPI: Change Structure FX Transaction
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX_CHANGE_MU - BAPI: Change FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_FX_MULTIPLE - BAPI: Create FX Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR - BAPI: Create Hedge Accounting IR Transaction
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGE - BAPI: Change IR Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGEMUL - BAPI: Change Structure IR Transaction
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGEX - BAPI: Change IR Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR_CHANGE_MU - BAPI: Change IR Transaction Data
E1BP_THA_TRANS_IR_MULTIPLE - BAPI: Create Hedge Accounting IR Transaction
E1BP_THA_TRANS_KEY - BAPI: ID Transaction in Hedge Accounting
E1BP_TRCOS_COMMODITY_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity master data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity master data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_CHANGEX - BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating commodity master data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CHANG - BAPI structure for changing commodity exchange data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CHG - BAPI structure for changing commodity exchange data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CHGX - BAPI structure for changing commodity exchange data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG_CREAT - BAPI structure for creating commodity exchange data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing market data provider settings
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CHANGEX - BAPI structure for changing market data provider settings
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_PROV_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating market data provider settings
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CHANGE - BAPI structure for changing commodity quotation data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CHANGEX - BAPI structure for changing commodity quotation data
E1BP_TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_CREATE - BAPI structure for creating commodity quotation data
ERROR_TR - TR: Correspondence Structure for Error Tables
EVTBPFHAPO - Extended Planned Record Table with Planning Data
EXBESTABWG - Export structure position data aggregated from flow data
EXBESTAND - Export structure position data
EXBEWEG - Flow/order data export structure
EXBUKRKZ - Export structure securities company code position indicator
EXBUKRSSTA - Company code master data for securities interface
EXBWG - Export Structure Cumulative Data (Drilldown)
EXDEPSTAMM - Securities account class data export structure
EXFORMEL - Formula variables Securities Interface
EXGATTBEZ - Class names securities export structure
EXKOND - Conditions Export Structure
EXSEKUN - Securities secondary key export structure
EXSPERR - Blocked position item export structure
EXSTAMM - Class master data export structure
FDC1 - Cash Management Shadow table
FIN_RFTBJL04_02_ALV - Structure 2 for RFTBJL04
FIN_RFTBMA02_ALV - Structure for ALV Output of Report RFTBMA02
FIN_RFTMEZ00_01_ALV - ALV Structure for RFTMEZ00
FIN_RFTX73SO_ALV - Structure for Display
FIN_RFTX77S0_ALV - Display Structure RFTX77S0
FLOWS_TAB_TYPE - Table Control Structure for Calculate_position
FTAS_CORR_HEADER - Header Data to Display Correspondence Overview in ALV
FTAS_CORR_HISTORIE - Structure for Input Help of Activity Category in TB28
FTAS_CORR_ITEMS - Field Information for ALV Display of Correspondence Overview
FTAS_RFTBJL00_HEADER - Header Data for ALV Display RFTBJL00
FTAS_RFTBJL00_ITEMS - Field Information for ALV Display RFTBJL00
FTAS_VTB_TRA1 - Structure to Display Trader Authorizations in ALV
FTG_EXCEL_ADJUSTMENT - Structure to upload fiduciary deposit adjustment flow data
FTG_EXCEL_FLOWS - Structure to export flows from excel ( Fiduciary deposit)
FTG_FLOWS_INFO - Information About Flows in a Money Market Transaction
FTG_TRANSACTION_INFO - Information About Transaction Data in a Money Market Trans.
FTG_TRANSACTION_MESSAGES - Saves Message Indicators for a Transaction Number
FTRS_DEAL_AND_SEPOSITION_FLOW - Treasury: Transaction Flow + Securities Position Flows
FTRS_PRODUCTCATEGORY - Range Structure for Product Categories
FTRS_PRODUCTTYPE - Ranges Structure for Product Types
FTRS_VTBAFINKO - Structure for Alternative Conditions (Without Key)
FTRS_VTBFASGT - Account Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow
FTRS_VTBFHAPO - Structure for Financial Transaction Flows (Without Key)
FTRS_VTBFINKO - Structure for Financial Transaction Conditions (Without Key)
FTR_AVG_ASGN - Assign one flow to many adjustments for average
FTR_FLOWS_INFO - Information About Flows in a Money Market Transaction
FTR_GDPDU_STR_FLOW - Flow in Parallel Position Management
FTR_GDPDU_STR_MASTERDATA - Financial Transaction
FTR_GDPDU_STR_SEC_FLOW - Securities Flow with Reversal Information and AWKEY
FTR_GDPDU_STR_STRUCT_NAME - Range Structure for DART Segment Name
FTR_GDPDU_STR_VTBFHA_MASTER - Financial Transaction
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT02 - Activity Categories
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT07 - Category of Flows and Conditions
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT10 - Name of Transaction Type
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT10B - Valuation Customizing
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT30 - Formula Table for Financial Mathematics
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_AT40 - Calculation Categories of Cash Flow Calculator
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_ATMA - Type of Master Agreement
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_CLASPOS - Class Position in Securities Account
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_FLOW - Flow in Parallel Position Management
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_TRACC_AA_REF - Account Assignment Reference in Parallel Valuation Areas
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_TRDC_DFLOWTYPE - Definition of Update Types
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_TRLPOS - Treasury Ledger Position
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_TWD01 - Securities Account Master Data
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_TWPOB - Portfolio Position
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTBAFINKO - Alternative Conditions
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTBFHA - Financial Transaction
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTBFHAPO - Financial Transaction Flow
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTBFHAZU - Transaction Activity
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTBFINKO - Financial Transaction Condition
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIAFINKO - Alternative Conditions Underlying
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIDERI - Master Data Listed Options and Futures
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIFHA - Underlying Transaction
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIFHAZU - Underlying Transaction Status Table
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIFINKO - Underlying Transaction Conditions
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIOF - Options Additional Data
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VTIOFZU - Allocation of Option/Future to Underlying
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VWPAKTI - Stock, Subscription Rights, Investment Certificates
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VWPANLA - Asset Master for Securities
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VWPANLE - Interest-Bearing Securities
FTR_GDPDU_XSTR_VWPDEPO - Securities Account Position
FTR_RANGE_GSART - Range for Product Types
FTR_RANGE_SANLF - Range for Product Categories
FTR_REPO_DATA - Structure for Repo Data
FTR_SEC_HEADER - Header Information for Securities Master Data
FTR_SL_CF - Output Structure for Cash Flow Update
FTR_SL_CFPROT - Output Structure for Cash Flow Update
FTR_SL_RDATA - Structure for Securities Lending Data
FTR_STOCK_BASIC_DATA - Basic Data and Conditions for Stocks
FTR_S_DBLFZ - Structure to Create a Range Table for Start of Term
FTR_S_DELFZ - Structure to Create a Range Table for End of Term
FTR_S_OBJNR - Structure to Create a Range Table for Object Number
FTR_TRANSACTION_INFO - Transaction Data for Report RFTMFIMA
FTWRCONT - Control table securities interface --> external systems
FVEC_0200 - Structure for Euro Reconciliation Program
FVEC_0200T - Table Structure for Euro Reconciliation Program
FVKM_CONTEXT - Corporate Actions: Context for Application Log
FVV2_0221T - Structure for table view of screen 100 in function. grp FWBU
FVVWS_RFVWDPR0_HEADER - Header Structure for ALV Display for Report RFVWDPR0
FVVWS_RFVWDPR0_ITEMS - Detailed Data Structure for ALV Display for Report RFVWDPR0
FVVW_SEC_HEADER - Header Information for Securities Master Data
FVVW_STOCK_BASIC_DATA - Basic Data and Conditions of Stocks
FVVW_VWPBONO - Structure for ALV Display in Report RFVWNWUM
FVW6_0010 - Security ID Information
FVW6_0020 - Header Information for Redemption Schedule
FVW6_0050 - Copy Set Data
FVW6_0060 - Copy Schedule
FVW6_0070 - Rename Set
FVW6_0080 - Rename Schedule
FVW6_0090 - Percentage Entry for Generating Annuity
FVW6_0100 - Quantity of Redemption Schedules
FVW6_0500 - Schedule Data
FWBU_0010 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 0010 in function group FWBU
FWBU_0100 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 100 in function group FWBU
FWBU_0100T - Structure for table view of screen 100 in function. grp FWBU
FWBU_0200 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 200 in function group FWBU
FWBU_0300 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 300 in function group FWBU
FWBU_0400 - TRTMSE: Structure for Screen 400 in Function Group FWBU
FWBU_0400T - TRTMSE: Structure for Screen 400 in Function Group FWBU
FWOT_0010 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 0010 in function group FWBU
FWOT_0100 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 100 in function group FWTO
FWOT_0400T - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 400 in function group FWOT
FWOT_0500 - TR-TM-SE: Structure for screen 0500 in function group FWOT
FWOT_0600 - TRTMSE: Structure for screen 600 in function group FWOT
FWOT_0750 - TR-TM-SE: Screen Fields on Screen 750
FWST_100 - Structure for screen 100 in function group FWST
GE1_THMRO_SCREEN_300 - ALV fields for the Save or Simulate screen
GTHMEXINDX - THMEX cluster table
IDCFMBADI_FILTER - Filter structure for Flow Calculation BAdI
IDCFMBADI_FILTER_COUNTRY - Filter structure for Flow Calculation BAdI
IDCFMBRSETX_HST - History table for taxation
IDCFMBRSE_PST - Customizing for creation of sales transactions for tax pmnts
IDCFMFLCALCRLA - Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (amounts)
IDCFMFLCALCRLN - Description of simplified flow calculation procedure (lines)
IDCFMFLCALCRLP - Description of simplified flow calc.procedure (percentages)
IDCFMFLOWCALC - Flow calculation using condition technique
IDCFMFLOWCALCIN - Flow calculation using conditions: map CFM data to KOMK/KOMP
IDCFMFLOWCALCKEY - Flow calculation using conditions: key fields
IDCFMFLOWCALCOUT - Flow calc.using conditions:map KOMK/KOMP fields to flow data
IDCFMFLOWCALCRES - Flow calculation BAdI: Calculation results
IDCFMFLOWCALCRUL - Calculation rules for simplified flow calculation
IDCFMKOMK_STR - CFM specific fields for KOMK
IDCFMSALES_ITEMS - Sale transaction's items
IDCFMSETX_COMP - Compensating method for Funds (TRM)
IDCFMSETX_CUST - Cusotmizing for tax posting to FI for funds - Brazil
IDCFMSETX_RATE - Tax rates for tax reports TRM Brazil
IDCFM_BR_STR_TAX - Intercompany Loan Tax Structure
IDCFM_BST_CFM - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CFMA - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer with VA (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CFMAV - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer with VA (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CFMIT - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CFMIT1 - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CUSA - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CUSAV - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil (obsolete)
IDCFM_BST_CUST - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_CUSTIT - Customizing for Balance Sheet Transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_BST_HIST - History table for balance sheet transfer for Brazil
IDCFM_CONT_LIST - Contract data for Balance Sheet transfer report for Brazil
IDCFM_DATA_SEC - Valuation-Area-Independent Data for Securities
IDCFM_FRAM_DICPT - Assign Product Types for Alternate Position Mngt. Procedure
IDCFM_FRAM_DICRI - Assignment of Alternative Position Management Procedure
IDCFM_FRCR_ACA - Capitalization Reserve - Account Check Activation
IDCFM_FRCR_CD - Capitalization Reserve - Accounting Code
IDCFM_FRCR_CDD - Capitalization Reserve - Differentiation Criteria
IDCFM_FRCR_DFT_B - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category B
IDCFM_FRCR_DFT_M - CFM: Update Types for Manual Posting
IDCFM_FRCR_PD - Capitalization Reserve - Product Type
IDCFM_FRCR_PDVA - Capitalization Reserve - Product Type
IDCFM_FRCR_PD_STR - Product types
IDCFM_FRCR_PF - Capitalization Reserve - Portfolio
IDCFM_FRCR_PFVA - Capitalization Reserve - Portfolio
IDCFM_FRCR_REC_REP_ADD_RANGES - Additional Ranges for Selection of reconciliation data
IDCFM_FRCR_REC_REP_ALV_STR - ALV structure for the Capitalization Reserve Reconciliation
IDCFM_FRCR_REC_REP_STR - Data Structure for Selection Report for Capit.Reserve Recon.
IDCFM_FRIM_CELMS - Data Elements for Selection Parameters - Impairment
IDCFM_FRIM_CSELP - Selection Parameters - Impairment
IDCFM_FRIM_CSELT - Selection Parameters - Impairment (Text)
IDCFM_FRIM_CSETS - Parameter Sets for Impairment
IDCFM_FRIM_CSETT - Parameter Sets for Impairment (Text)
IDCFM_FRIM_CTABS - Tab Pages for Selection Parameters - Impairment
IDCFM_FRIM_CTABT - Tab Pages for Selection Parameters - Impairment (Text)
IDCFM_FRIM_DATA - Impairment Main Data
IDCFM_FRIM_DEXP - Impairment: BAdI Example Values: Expected & Expert Values
IDCFM_FRIM_RUNS - Runs of Impairment Report
IDCFM_FRIM_SELPR - Selection Parameters for Impairment Report Run
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_ALLDATA - Structure with Entries for Impairment Report
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_BADI_SELECTION - Impairment Selection Parameters for BAdI Methods
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_DATA_NOKEYS - Impairment Main Data without Key Values
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_IMPAIRMENT_VALS - List of Impairment Values - Market / Expected / Expert
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_PREDEFINED - Predefined Values for Selection Parameter - Data Elements
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_SELECTPARAM_ALL - Impairment Selection Parameter All Details
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_UNIT_PRICE - Enter Expert Unit Price for Impairment Valuation
IDCFM_FRIM_STR_VALT_SP_VAL_SEC - Impairment Report Security Prices and NPV for Spec.Valuation
IDCFM_FRREU_CUS - Treasury France: Topic Activation
IDCFM_HU_DERIV - HU GAAP: Relevant BT Categories per Derivation Method
IDCFM_ICLTXCALC - Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation Method
IDCFM_ICLTXCAT - Intercompany Loan Tax Calculation Category
IDCFM_ICLTXFLDIR - Flow Types for Tax Types with Sign
IDCFM_ICLTXFLOWS - Intercompany loan tax flow types for different product type
IDCFM_RF_CCYES - Set Company Code: Active for the FIFO Reevaluation
IDCFM_RF_POMAP - Non-Regulated and Tax Porfolios Mapping
IDCFM_RF_POSEC - Tax Security Account
IDCFM_RF_SAVA - Separate Additional Valuation Area
IDCFM_USFA_STR_SECINDEX - Facility: Secondary Index Screen
IDCFM_USTB_STR_VTIOF - TBA (To Be Announced) Screen Extension for Settlement Type
IDCFM_XBLNTAB - ALV structure for Balance Sheet tranfer report for Brazil
ITZSZ1 - Enhancement TZSZ1
ITZSZ2 - Enhancement TZSZ2
KALKU - Structure for Calculation Module
KEYBESTAND - Key structure for position
KEYDEPOT - Keys for securities account selection
KEYVWPBUKR - Key structure position indicator securities
MF64H_100 - Structure for Screen Fields in Program MF64H
MIGC_COM_VALCLS - Derive General Valuation Class for Migration to CFM 1.0
MIGROPT - User Options (Conversion ERP 2.0)
MIGTS_CVCLS_FM - Function Modules for Conversion Customziing Gen. Val. Class
MIGT_EXCL1 - Transactions to be Excluded from Migration
MIRERRORCLASS - Structure for Displaying Error Class in Error Log
MIR_MSG - Error Messages for Converting Rights
OTC_CONV_AFINKO - Backup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions
OTC_CONV_FHAPO - Backup Table for Financial Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_FHAZU - Backup Table for Financial Transaction Activities
OTC_CONV_FINKO - Backup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions
OTC_CONV_IAFINKO - Backup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions
OTC_CONV_IFHAPO - Backup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_IFINKO - Backup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions
POGS_ARGUMENT_LINE - Line Category for Generic Range
POGS_ARG_DATE - Range Line for Date
POGT_ARGUMENT - Additional Arguments
POGT_POS_GUARD - Lock Objects
R2BEL - Structure for Doc. Table from R/2
R2ERROR - Structure for Error Table from R/2
RANLKEY - Key structure for class
RBUKRSDAT - Company code data for historical determination of yield (VV)
RCOUPON - Coupon data
RDPS_RANGE_SCHEDULE_KEY_FIX - Structure for Range of Redemption Schedules
RDPTS_CONDITION_ATTR - Condition Attributes
RDPTS_RDPT_ABS_MBS - ABS/MBS Redemption Items Attributes
RDPTS_SCH_ABS_MBS - ABS/MBS Redemption Schedule Attributes
RDPTS_SET_ABS_MBS - ABS/MBS Redemption Set Attributes
RDPT_CONDITION - Condition within Redemption Schedule
RDPT_COND_ACTIV - Activate Condition within Redemption Schedule
RDPT_DISP_REVTRANS - Displays Business Transactions to Be Reversed
RDPT_DUE_DATE_PARM - Parameters Controlling the Calculation of Due Date
RDPT_F4_FIRST_REDEMPTION - Date Selection of First Redemption Date
RDPT_F4_SET_NAME - Structure Holding the Set Names Defined for One Security ID
RDPT_FACTOR2 - Treasury: Drawing Factor
RDPT_FACTOR_HDR2 - Treasury: Drawing Factors Header
RDPT_FCODE - Function Code of GUI Status
RDPT_FILE_PATH - Save the File Path of the Transaction
RDPT_IO_CONDITION - Data for Condition in Table Control
RDPT_IO_REDEMPTION - Data for Redemption in Table Control
RDPT_IS_RAN_DATTP - Range for Period Indicator
RDPT_IS_RAN_FIRST_REDEMPTION - Range for First Redemption Schedule Date
RDPT_IS_RAN_LAST_REDEMPTION - Range for Last Redemption Schedule Date
RDPT_IS_RAN_TFMARHY - Range for Frequency
RDPT_NUM_OF_SCHEDULE - Number of Schedules for a Set
RDPT_REDEMPTION - Redemption Records
RDPT_REDEMPTION_DATES_IRP - Structure for Installment Repayment Data
RDPT_RED_BCKUP - Treasury: Backup for Converting Currency of Redemption Sch.
RDPT_RNG_CURRENT_FACE - Range Structure for Current Face
RDPT_SCHEDULE - Redemption Schedules for Bonds
RDPT_SCHEDULE_ALV - Schedule Data for the ALV
RDPT_SCREEN_STATUS - Screen Status for a Dynpro
RDPT_SET - Quantity of Redemption Schedules
RDPT_SET_ALV - Set Data for the ALV
RDPT_SET_AND_SCHEDULE - Set and Schedule
RDPT_SET_LOCK - Lock Status of a Set
RDPT_ST_RAN_SET_NAME - Range Structure for Set Name
RDPT_ST_RAN_SET_TYPE - Range Structure for Set Type
RDPT_T_SET_NAME - Repayment Schedule Sets
RDPT_T_SET_TYPE - Class for Redemption Schedule Set
REFCC - References between CO object numbers, currency differences
REFFZINS - Historic effective int.rate for securities in a comp.code
REFH - References between CO object numbers, header table
REFON - References between object numbers (CO object no.)
REFWRKH - List Data References: Header
REFWRKO - List Data References: Objects
REF_CORR_ERR_F0 - Structure for FO Correspondence Errors (SAPscript Forms)
REF_CORR_ERR_TR - Structure for TR Correspondence Errors (Transaction)
REF_FAST_ENTRY_MSG - Money Market Fast Entry Error Messages
REF_FAST_ENTRY_SUM - Structure for Money Market: Fast Entry Total
REF_NET_PROP_HEADER - Netting Proposal Header
REF_NET_PROP_ITEM - Netting Default Values
REF_STAT_DATA_FILL - Structure of Statistics for Money Market Fast Processing
REVALD - Portfolio table on a key-date (Shortened version: REVALB)
REVAL_6B - Extended stock and valuation table for 6b-transfer
REVAL_CORP - Position and valuation information for corporate action
REVAL_PARA - Valuation parameters for ID number in company code,sec.acct
RFTRPDOKU1 - Include the program-specific parameter documentation
RFV6B - 6B Editing
RFVWPDO - Documentation on parameter/select option
RFVWSZ1 - Screen fields for clerk allocation
RIGHT_COMPLEX - Complex Structure for Rights
RMF64C120 - Structure for D120-screen fields
RMF64C220 - Screen fields for exercising subscription right D220
RMF64C300 - Structure for screen fields: 0120, 0121 Book-in subscr.right
RMF64CD3 - Internal table for SAPMF64O-0003 Sec.acct position data
RMF64F4 - Help structure to output F4 value table
RMF64G200 - Screem fields for securities transfer-0200
RMF64H200 - Screen fields for bal.sheet acct transfer D200
RMF64KKM01 - Screen structure FVKM: Basic data
RMF64KKM02 - Screen Structure for Function Group FVKM: Table Positions
RMF64KKM03 - Screen structure for FVKM: Table BEWART
RMF64KKM04 - Corporate actions: Translation rates
RMF64KKM05 - Position and valuation information for reference securities
RMF64KKM06 - Position and valuation info. on securities to be transferred
RMF64LOCK - Structure for restraint on disposal
RMF64O - Field string for screen fields without database
RMF64QB200 - DDIC-INTTAB for D0200, SAPMF64Q, step-loop fields
RMF64S_010 - TRTMPM: Structure for screen 0010 in function group FWBU
RMF64T200 - Screen fields for function module transfer posting
RMF64Z_100 - Structure for screen 100 in module pool SAPMF64Z
RNORDER - Assigned order number
ROXEIS0127 - Texts for Exposure Origin
RPARTNER - General Treasury Partner Data
RRANL - ID numbers for period-end closing
RTKOP - Screen Fields Premium Condition Detail Screen
RTKTZ - Fields in Detail Screen for Interest Terms
RTKZA - Screen Fields Interest Adjustment Detail Screen
RTZWR0 - Strucutre DB update: TZWR0
RTZWR1 - Structure DB Update: TZWR1
RVWLIST - Securities reporting structure
RVWZUORD - Structure for allocation table
RWPDAT - Security master data for historical determination of yield
SAPMF64H_100_T - Table Structure for ALV Grid in SAPMF64H-100
SECURITYV - Parameters for all securities
SECURITY_ABS - Attributes for an ABS
SECURITY_BOND - Bond parameters
SECURITY_BONDWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (bond warrant)
SECURITY_COMPLEX - Complex Structure of Class Data
SECURITY_CONDITION - Condition items
SECURITY_CONVERTIBLEBOND - Convertible bond parameters
SECURITY_CREATE - Structure for Copying Securities
SECURITY_CREATE_DCS - Structure for Security Creation (DCS enhancements)
SECURITY_CURRENCYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (currency warrant)
SECURITY_DB - Update securities
SECURITY_DRAWN - Structure for Creating Security for Drawn Security
SECURITY_EQUITYWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
SECURITY_FUTURE - Attributes for futures
SECURITY_HEADER - Financial product parameter structure (general data)
SECURITY_HEADER_BOND - Financial product parameter structure (bonds)
SECURITY_HEADER_MIX_S_B - Common parameters for stocks and bonds
SECURITY_HEADER_OPTFUT - Common attributes for options and futures
SECURITY_HEADER_STOCK - Parameters for stocks, investment certif. and shareholdings
SECURITY_HEADER_WARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (warrant)
SECURITY_INDEX - Secondary index class data
SECURITY_INDEXWARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (index warrant)
SECURITY_INTERNAL - Internal fields which are not visible in the interface
SECURITY_INVESTMENT - Investment certificate parameters
SECURITY_IRP - Attributes for a Security with Installment Repayments
SECURITY_ISSUER - Additional issuer
SECURITY_MAPPING - Mapping for amount and currency fields
SECURITY_MIX_B_C_WARRANT - Common parameters for bond and currency warrants
SECURITY_MIX_B_E_WARRANT - Financial product parameter structure (equity warrant)
SECURITY_MIX_C_E_WARRANT - Common parameters for equity and currency warrants
SECURITY_OPTION - Attributes for options
SECURITY_PARTLY_PAID - Structure for Subsequent Payments
SECURITY_PRICE - Security price
SECURITY_RATING - Structure for Rating
SECURITY_REFERENCE - Structure for references
SECURITY_SHAREHOLDING - Shareholding parameters
SECURITY_SHARE_CAPITAL - Share Capital and Votes
SECURITY_STOCK - Stock and shareholding parameters
SECURITY_SUBSCRIPTIONPERIOD - Subscription period for subscription rights
SECURITY_TABSTRIP - Structure for Tab Title of FWZZ
SECURITY_USERDATA - Field string for user data maintenance
SECURITY_VWPBONO - Dialog structure for listings
SECURITY_WARRANTBOND - Warrant bonds parameters
SEC_ACCOUNT - Output of Test Run in rfvw_sec_account_housebank
SEC_D_CONDITION - Condition Item for Dialog
SEC_D_CONDITION_X - Control Fields for Condition Items
SEC_D_CONDTYPE - For Dialog Box
SEC_D_PART_PAID - Partly-Paid Securities - Dialog
SEC_D_RATING - Rating: Dialog
SEC_D_REFERENCE - Reference List for Underlying
SEC_D_SHARE_CAPITAL - Share Capital and Votes - Dialog
SEC_D_WARRANT - Dialog Structure for Warrants
SEC_X_CONDITION - Like SEC_D_CONDITION with one Extra _X Field for each Field
SEKKEY - Key structure for secondary index
SI_PAYRQ_TR - Incl. for Payment Requests (for example Fields from REGUP)
SI_VTBAUTHA1 - Authorization Fields for TREASURY Application
SLDC_DIST_ASYNC - Business Transactions for Asynchronous Distribution
SLDS_CHECK1_ALV - Structure for Output in ALV (SLD Repair Program)
SLDS_FI_POSTING_DATE_TPM10 - Only for F4 Help in Selection by Posting Date
SLDS_FLOW - Subledger Distributor Transactions
SLDS_POST_ASYNC - Business Transactions for Asynchronous Posting
SLDS_TRANSACTION - Mapping Structure of Subledger Distributor Business Trans.
SLDS_TRANSACTION_I - Include Structure of Subledger Distributor Business Trans.
SLDS_TRANS_MARKED - Selected SLD Business Transactions
SLDT_EVENT - Subledger Distributor Events
SLDT_FLOW - Subledger Distributor Transactions
SLDT_TRANSACTION - Subledger Distributor Business Transactions
STOCK_CONDITION - Condition Items
STOCK_RATE - Security price
STRUCTURE_TEST_STR - Structure for Testing
TBCO_ALL - Output Structure for Correspondence: Overall Structure
TBCO_BANKCHAIN - Bank chain multi-level payment methods for correspondence
TBCO_BNKA - Confirmations: Bank structure - Copy BNKA without appends !
TBCO_BNOM - Output Structure of Further Main/Nominal Amount Flows
TBCO_CF - Output structure of CAP and FLOOR
TBCO_COND - Output structure for conditions
TBCO_CP - Output Structure Commercial Paper Confirmations
TBCO_CS - Output structure for Commodity SWAPs
TBCO_CS_COND - Output structure for commodity swap conditions
TBCO_CS_FIX - Output Structure for Commodity Price Adjustment
TBCO_DIVID - Structure for Dividend Correspondence in Forward Stock Trans
TBCO_ERR - Correspondence Error Messages - Forms
TBCO_FAX - Correspondence options FAX
TBCO_FC_PROFILE - Structure for Facility Profiles
TBCO_FC_SYN - Structure for Syndicated Facilities
TBCO_FR - Output structure of FRA confirmations
TBCO_FX - Output Structure of Confirmations for Forex Transactions
TBCO_INTST - Output Structure: Interest Flows
TBCO_KNBK - Confirm.: Customer Master House Banks Copy KNBK +Field WAERS
TBCO_OP - Output Structure of Confirmations for Options
TBCO_PRINT - Correspondence options
TBCO_RATE - Output structure interest fixing (interest rates)
TBCO_REF - Display Structure for Netting Transctns
TBCO_SA_FLOWS - Output structure of Securities Account Flows
TBCO_SA_MAIN - Output structure of Securities Account (main data)
TBCO_SDIVID - Structure for Dividend Plan
TBCO_SEC - Security order confirmation display structure
TBCO_SEND_BANK - Ouptut structure: Authorized bank
TBCO_STATE - Correspond. Status Fields
TBCO_STATE_CON - Correspondence status fields (outgoing correspondence)
TBCO_STATE_RECON - Correspondence status fields (Counterconfirmation)
TBCO_SW - Output structure for SWAPs
TBCO_T012K - Confirmations: House banks
TBCO_TD - Output Struct. Fixed-Term Dep./Dep. at Notice Confirmations
TBCO_TRS - Output structure for Total Return Equity Swap
TBCO_TRS_FIX - Output Structure for Securities Price Adjustment
TBCO_TSD_DIVID - Structure for Dividend Corr. in Total Return Value Swap
TBCO_ZS - Output Structure Confirmations Additional Flows
TBDE_INT_LINK - Interest link structure in derivatives area
TBSK_SYSTEM_KEYS - Current System Key per Table
TBS_POSTING_CONTROL - Treasury: Group Posting Control on Selection Screens
TBS_PROTOCOL_BUSINESS_TRANS - Treasury: Interface Posting Log : Business Operation
TBS_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE - Treasury: Interface Posting Log: Message
TBS_PROTOCOL_POSTING_ITEM - Treasury: Interface Posting Log: Posting Item
TBS_PROTOCOL_TRANSACTION_ITEM - Treasury: Interface Posting Log: Flag
TBS_SEC_BUSINESS_TRANS - TR-TM-SE: Business Transaction Posting Log Description
TCAC_FT_ASSGN - Assign Update Types for the Corporate Actions
TCAC_SORTING - Sort Rule for Corporate Actions
TCAS_ALV - Display Structure of the Executed Corporate Actions
TCAS_FLOW_ALV - Structure for Displaying Corporate Actions in ALV
TCAS_FLOW_DIFF_DATA - Differentiating Characteristic: Corporate Actions
TCAS_FLOW_EXECUTION_DATA - Exercise Data: Corporate Action
TCAS_FLOW_FIMA_DATA - Financial Mathematical Fields: Corporate Actions
TCAS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Position Data - Corporate Actions
TCAT_FLOW - Flow Table of the Corporate Actions
TCAT_TRANSACTION - Business Transaction: Corporate Action
TCORC_ALOWED_BPG - (Obsolete)Allowed BP Groups for Deal Corr.activities
TCORC_ARCHIVE - Minimum retention period per company code for archiving
TCORC_BUSGRP - Treasury correspondence: Business group definition
TCORC_BUSGRP_T - Business partner group id - text table
TCORC_BUS_ATTR - Business attributes
TCORC_CO_CREATE - Treasury Correspondence: Fields Relevant for Correspondence
TCORC_DEAL_ACTVT - Correspondence Deal's activity assignment
TCORC_INB_FUNC - Inbound correspondence function
TCORC_INT_REC - Internal Recipients
TCORC_INT_REC_T - Text table for Internal Recepients
TCORC_MATCH - Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORC_MATCH_BU - Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORC_SECAC_ALRT - Customizing Alert for CO of security account
TCORFC_CHN_ASG - Assignment of Channel to Profile and Service
TCORFC_CONFIG - Dynamic Configuration: Settings
TCORFC_FORMT_ASG - Format Assignment
TCORFC_FORM_ASG - (Obsolete) Format assignment to Service and Channel
TCORFC_FUNCTION - Correspondence Classes
TCORFC_FUNCTIONT - Correspondence Classes - Text table
TCORFC_META_ASG - Format Metatypes for Profiles and Channels
TCORFC_PART_BIC - (Obsolete) Recipient mapping for BIC8 codes
TCORFC_PROFILE - Communication Profiles
TCORFC_PROFILE_T - Correspondence Profiles - Text Table
TCORFC_RECTYP_T - Recipient Types - Text Table
TCORFC_REC_TYPE - Recipient Types
TCORFS_CHANNEL_KEY - Key fields of channel-dependent tables
TCORFS_CONTENT - Content structure
TCORFS_CONTENT_INFO - Content information
TCORFS_CO_DOC - Correspondence object and belonging DMS document
TCORFS_DESCRIPTION - Language-dependent description
TCORFS_FIELD_VALUE - A name-value pair of a field
TCORFS_FILTER - Filtered value of source field
TCORFS_FORMAT_KEY - Key fields of format-dependent tables
TCORFS_FUNCTION - range structur for Correspondence Class
TCORFS_FUNCTION_KEY - Key fields of function dependent tables
TCORFS_MAPPING_TREE - Mapping tree control
TCORFS_MESSAGE - Message in Log
TCORFS_META_KEY - Key fields of meta-type assignment
TCORFS_PARAMETER - Parameter of a service call
TCORFS_PROFILE_KEY - Key fields of profile dependent tables
TCORFS_RECIPIENT_TYPE - range structur for Recipient/Sender Type
TCORFS_SEQUENCE - Sequence in a mapping object
TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_DEFINITION - Structure for mapping definitions in search helps
TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_OPERATION - Structure for mapping operations in search helps
TCORFS_SHLP_MAPPING_RULE - Structure for mapping rules in search helps
TCORFTS_CHANNEL - Correspondence Channels
TCORFTS_CHANNELT - Correspondence Channels - Text Table
TCORFTS_CONFIG - Configuration Control
TCORFTS_CONFIG_T - Configuration Control - Text table
TCORFTS_FORMAT_T - Format Assignment to Service and Channel
TCORFTS_MAP_COND - Mapping Condition
TCORFTS_MAP_FLD - Field Groups in Mapping
TCORFTS_MAP_OBJ - Mapping Objects
TCORFTS_MAP_PRM - Parameter Groups in Mapping
TCORFTS_MAP_RULE - Mapping Rules
TCORFTS_MAP_TEXT - Mapping operations description
TCORFTS_META - Format Metatypes
TCORFTS_META_T - Format Metatypes - Text table
TCORFTS_RECTYP_T - (Obsolete) Recipient Types - Text Table
TCORFTS_REC_TYPE - (Obsolete) Recipient Types
TCORFT_FRAGMENT - Parsed generic objects from fragments of inbound messages
TCORFT_HEADER - Header Information of Outgoing Messages
TCORFT_MESSAGE - Correspondence Messaging Interface: Messages
TCORIC_EMAIL - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX
TCORIC_EMAIL1 - Channel Dependent Attributes for Channel EMAIL
TCORIC_FAX - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of FAX
TCORIC_FILE - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of File Adapter
TCORIC_PRINT - Treasury; Messaging Interface: Configuration of PRINT
TCORIC_SWIFT_FRM - Format-dependent attributes for SWIFT message types
TCORIS_CORRDATA_FORM - All VTB structures ,AT80 & correspondence address
TCORIS_FILE_DATA - File details
TCORIS_SWIFT_STATEMENT_KEY - Key of depot statements
TCORITS_CHK_COND - Check Framework: Rule conditions
TCORITS_CHK_FLD - Check Framework: Fields
TCORITS_CHK_FLDT - Check Framework: Fields - Text table
TCORITS_CHK_RULE - Check Framework: Validation rules
TCORITS_CHK_SEQ - Check Framework: Sequences
TCORITS_CHK_SEQT - Check Framework: Sequences - Text table
TCORITS_MT_START - Treasury: Start field and code for MT messages
TCORIT_FILES - Treasury: Uploaded files
TCORIT_SWIFT_PG - SWIFT MT535 depot statement pages - fragment administration
TCORIT_SWIFT_PGN - SWIFT MT535 depot statement pages - fragment adm. with CoCod
TCORIT_SWIFT_ST - SWIFT MT535 depot statements - fragment administration
TCORIT_SWIFT_STN - SWIFT MT535 depot statements - fragment administration CoCod
TCORS_ALERT_CORRES - Correspondence required alert
TCORS_BP_INFO - General Information of BP for Form usage
TCORS_CODATA - Treasury correspondence object data
TCORS_CODATA_ADDNL - Additinal Correspondence object data
TCORS_CODATA_ALL - TCO: Correspondence object data (ALL)
TCORS_CODCOFO_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Formulas (->LDB)
TCORS_CODCO_ALL - TCO: Deal's conditions data (ALL)
TCORS_CODCO_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Conditions (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODCPA_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Commodity Price Adjustment (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODDP_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Dividend plan data (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODFL_INCL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flow Data (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODIA_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Int. Rate Adjustment Data(-> LDB)
TCORS_CODMD_ALL - TCO: Deal main data (ALL)
TCORS_CODMD_INCL - Deal Main data
TCORS_CODPI_INCL - Correspondence Object: Deal Payment Information
TCORS_CODRP_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Rollover plan data (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODSRA_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: Security Rate Adjustment (-> LDB)
TCORS_CODUL2FL_INCL - Deal's 2nd underlying's flows data
TCORS_CODUL2_ALL - TCO: Deal's 2nd underlying data
TCORS_CODUL2_INCL - Deal's 2nd underlying data
TCORS_CODULCOFO_INCL - Deal's underlying formula data
TCORS_CODULCO_ALL - TCO: Deal's underlying conditions
TCORS_CODULCO_INCL - Conditions of deal's underlying
TCORS_CODULFL_INCL - Deal's underlying flow
TCORS_CODUL_ALL - TCO: Deal underlying data
TCORS_CODUL_INCL - Deal Underlying data
TCORS_COENTRY - Structure for the entry screen to create a manual CO
TCORS_COSAFL_INCL - Securities account flow data
TCORS_COSAPO_INCL - Securities account position data
TCORS_COSA_ALL - TCO: Securities account main data (ALL)
TCORS_COSA_INCL - Securities account main data
TCORS_COSI_DISP - TCOR: Settlement instructions
TCORS_COSI_INCL - TCOR: Settlement instructions
TCORS_COSI_TXT - SI text for buissness partners
TCORS_CO_COMM_ADJ_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Com price Adjustment Data(-> LDB)
TCORS_CO_INCL - Treasury Correspondence: correspondence objects
TCORS_CO_PKY - Primary key for CO table
TCORS_CO_REQD_DATA - Data to be fetched for the CO
TCORS_CO_SEC_ADJ_INCL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Com price Adjustment Data(-> LDB)
TCORS_DEALNUMBER - Key Structure for Transaction
TCORS_DEAL_ACTVT_ALL_BPG - Deal activity with allowed business partner groups
TCORS_DIRN_RANGE - value range table for direction
TCORS_HBANK_DET - House bank details
TCORS_LOG_CONTEXT - Log Context for Correspondence application messages
TCORS_LOW_HIGH_VALUE - Low and high values for any field
TCORS_MASS_APPR_DISP - Display structure for mass approval of co objects
TCORS_MONI_DISP - Display structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor
TCORS_MONI_ICONS - Icons for correspondence monitor
TCORS_MONI_STAT - Structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor CO status
TCORS_MONI_TEXTS - Structure for the Treasury correspondence monitor texts
TCORS_NAME_VAL - TCOR: Generic Structure for Name and Value
TCORS_NODE_CONDITIONS - TCO Data: Deal's conditions data
TCORS_NODE_MAINDATA - TCO Data: Deal Main data
TCORS_NODE_SADATA - TCO Data: Securities account data
TCORS_NODE_UL_CONDITIONS - TCO Data: Conditions of deal's underlying
TCORS_NODE_UNDERLYING - TCO Data: Deal Underlying data
TCORS_NODE_UNDERLYING2ND - TCO Data: Deal's 2nd underlying data
TCORS_RECIPIENT_ADDR - Recipients address fields for various channels
TCORS_SAT_ACTVT_ALL_BPG - Corres activity for a SAT with allowed bus partner groups
TCORS_USER_INFO - User information for form usage
TCORTS_MATCH - (Obsolete) Treasury Correspondence: Matching definition
TCORT_BP_ASSIGN - (Obsolete) TCOR: Assignment of Profile & BP Group to BP
TCORT_BP_BIC - BIC Codes/ Account numbers for Business partners
TCORT_CO - Correspondence Administrative Data
TCORT_CODCO - Deal: Conditions
TCORT_CODCOFO - Deal: Condition's Formula
TCORT_CODCPA - Deal: Commodity Price Adjustment
TCORT_CODDP - Deal: Dividend Plan
TCORT_CODFL - Deal: Flows
TCORT_CODIA - Deal: Interest Rate Adjustment
TCORT_CODMD - Deal: Main Data
TCORT_CODOC - Treasury correspondence: Attached documents
TCORT_CODPI - Deal: Payment Information
TCORT_CODRP - Deal: Rollover Plan
TCORT_CODSRA - Deal: Security Rate Adjustment
TCORT_CODUL - Deal: Underlying
TCORT_CODUL2 - Deal: 2nd Underlying
TCORT_CODUL2FL - Deal: 2nd Underlying's Flows
TCORT_CODULCO - Deal : Underlying's Conditions
TCORT_CODULCOFO - Deal: Underlying's Formula
TCORT_CODULFL - Deal: Underlying Flows
TCORT_CONOTES - Treasury correspondence object: Notes
TCORT_COSA - Security Account Transfer: Main Data
TCORT_COSAFL - Security Account Transfer: Flows
TCORT_COSAPO - Security Account Transfer: Positions
TCORT_COSI - Settlement Instructions
TCORT_DISVARIANT - Display variants
TCORT_DISVAR_T - Text table for display variant
TCORT_EXT_ASSIGN - Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to external recipients
TCORT_FUNCMAP - Mapping of buss transaction(Status) to CO functions(Monitor)
TCORT_INB_ASSIGN - BP group assignment for Inbound Correspondence
TCORT_INB_FUNC - Inbound CO function assignment
TCORT_INT_ASSIGN - Assignments of Profiles & BP groups to internal recipients
TCORT_SAT_ACTVT - Correspondence Security account transfer activity assignment
TCORT_SAT_ALLBPG - (Obsolete) Allowed BP Groups for SAT Corresp. activities
TCORT_SI_DERIVE - Settlement Instructions: Derivation table
TCORT_TOLERANCE - Tolerance level for dividend payment
TCORT_USER_VAR - User settings for display variant
TCORT_VAR_ASSGN - Assignment of ALV variants to Display variant
TCOR_STR_TRM_COR_RELEASE - Transfer structure for release tool configuration
TCURK - Currency Code Table Supplements
TCURL - Leading Currency
TDTA - Help fields Structure for Transaction 'DME Administration'TR
TDTKEY - Help structure for other field DTKEY in table VTBKORTMS
TDWZKS - DWZ-Interface to price data record (Market val.)
TDWZKSJ - DWZ-interface to price data record (year-end price)
TDWZNS - DWZ-interface trailer label
TDWZVS - DWZ-interface header record
TDWZVSJ - DWZ-interface header record (year-end price)
TEMC_ATTRD_T - Texts for Attribute Fields
TEMC_ATTRIBUTE - Value Table for Attribute Fields
TEMC_ATTRIB_T - Texts For Attribute Values
TEMC_PERIOD - Definition of Planning Periods
TEMC_PERIOD_T - Text Table for Planning Periods
TEMC_PROF_TYPE - Type of Exposure Planning Profile
TEMC_PROF_TYPE_T - Text Table for Type of Exposure Planning Profile
TEMC_RAWEXP_PROC - Global Setting for Handling Release of Raw Exposures
TEMS_ANALYZED_EXPOS_UI - Display Structure for Analysis Results
TEMS_ATTRIBUTE - Structure for Attribute Value Range Table
TEMS_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTS - Texts for Exposure Attributes
TEMS_COUNTRY - Structure for Country Range Table
TEMS_DUE_DATE - Structure for Due Date Exposure Range Table
TEMS_EXPOSURE_ID - Structure to Build a Range Table for Exposure ID
TEMS_EXPOSURE_ORIGIN - Structure for Source System Exposure Range Table
TEMS_EXPOS_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes for an Exposure
TEMS_EXP_PLANPROFILE_UI - Screen-UI-Elements for Master Data Exposure Planning Profile
TEMS_EXT_DATE_INFO - External Information for Due Date
TEMS_EXT_EXPOSURE_KEY - External Key for an Exposure
TEMS_FILTER_FIELDS - Fields for the Filter
TEMS_HEDGE_MGT_KEYS - Key for Transaction in E-HA
TEMS_HEDGE_MGT_TEXTS - Texts for Key Fields in Hedge Management
TEMS_HEDGE_MGT_TRANS_ATTRIB - Transaction Attributes in E-HA
TEMS_LOG_SYSTEM - Structure for Exposure Origin Range Table
TEMS_NEW_PROFILE_UI - Screen-UI-Elements for Master Data Exp. Plng Profile MAIN
TEMS_PLANNING_PERIOD - Structure To Create a Range Table for Planning Period
TEMS_PLANNING_PROFILE - Line Type Range for Planning Profile
TEMS_POLICY_ATTR_TEXTS - Texts for Policy Attribute Values and Headings
TEMS_POLICY_PARAMETER - Parameter to Control Selection for Hedge Strategy
TEMS_PROC_STATE - Release Status
TEMS_PROFILE_MAIN_UI - Screen-UI-Elements for Master Data Exp. Plng Profile MAIN
TEMS_PROFILE_POLICY_AL - Communication Structure for UI - Planning Profile POLICY
TEMS_PROFILE_POLICY_UI - Screen-UI-Elements for Master Data Planning Profile POLICY
TEMS_RAWEXPOS_UI - Display Structure for Raw Exposure
TEMS_RAW_EXPOSURE - Raw Exposure With Texts
TEMS_SCALED_AMT_UI - Scaled Amounts
TEMS_SIGN - Structure for Direction of Flow Range Table
TEMS_THM_HEAD_UI - Header Information for Transfer to E-HA
TEMS_VERSEXPOS_AL - Display Versioned Exposures
TEMS_VERSEXPOS_UI - Display Versioned Exposures
TEMS_VERSION_ADMIN - Administrative Information for Versioned Exposures
TEMS_VERSION_DATE - Range Structure for Version Date
TEMS_VERSION_HEAD_UI - Header Information for Version
TEMS_VERSION_NO - Line Type Range for Version
TEMS_VERS_ADMIN_TEXTS - Texts for Administration Data for Exposures
TEMTS_ORIGIN - Exposure Origin
TEMTS_ORIGIN_T - Texts for Exposure Origin
TEMTS_PRCSTATE - Release Status of a Raw Exposure
TEMTS_PRCSTATE_T - Release Status for Raw Exposures
TEMT_FILTER - Filter Values for Planning Profile
TEMT_POLICY - Hedging Policy
TEMT_PROFILE - Planning profile
TEMT_PROFILE_T - Text for Planning Profile
TEMT_RAWEXPOS - Raw Exposure
TEMT_VERSEXPOS - Versioned Exposure
TEMT_VERSION - Versions of a Planning Profile
TERC_FT_ASSGN - Assign Update Types for the Rights Exercise
TERSBONDOPTION_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: BondWarrant
TERSBONDWARRANT_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: BondWarrant
TERSCANCELSECURITY_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: put_callable_security
TERSCONVERTIBLEBOND_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: ConvertibleBond
TERSCURRENCYWARRANT_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: CurrencyWarrant
TERSDRAWABLEBOND_INTERFACE - Interface for the Class Redeemable Bond Right
TERSEQUITYOPTION_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: EquityWarrant
TERSEQUITYWARRANT_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: EquityWarrant
TERSERRORCLASS - Structure for Displaying Error Class in Error Log
TERSEXCHANGE - Structure for Currency Translations for Executable Rights
TERSINDEXOPTION_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: IndexWarrant
TERSINDEXWARRANT_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: IndexWarrant
TERSINTERFACE - Transfer Structure for Executable Rights
TERSMARKET_DATA - Current Market Data for Executable Rights
TERSMULTIPLEDATA - Fields with Several Values for Rights per Class
TERSREVAL_ER - Position and Execution Information for Rights
TERSRIGHTLIST - Rights List for Underlying
TERSSECURITYSWAP_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: SecuritySwap
TERSSINGLEDATA - Unique Fields for Transfer Structure for Executable Rights
TERSSTOCK - Position Structure for Executable Rights
TERSSUBRIGHT_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: SubscriptionRight
TERSSURFACE - Display Structure for Executable Security Rights
TERSVWBWER - Structure for Generated Flows for Executable Rights
TERSVWBWER_ADD - Structure for Other Flows for Executable Rights
TERSVWBWER_CASH - Structure for Generated Payment Flows for Rights
TERSVWERKO - Structure for Header Data (Executable Rights)
TERSWARRANTBOND_INTERFACE - Interface for Class: WarrantBond
TERS_FLOW - Structure for Generated Flows for Executable Rights
TERS_FLOW_ADD - Structure for Other Flows for Executable Rights
TERS_FLOW_CASH - Structure for Generated Payment Flows for Rights
TERS_FLOW_DIFF_DATA - Differentiating Char. of Rights that can be Exercised
TERS_FLOW_EXECUTION_DATA - Exercise Data of Rights that can be Exercised
TERS_FLOW_FIMA_DATA - Finan. Mathematical Fields of Rights that can be Exercised
TERS_FLOW_LOCAL_CURR_DATA - Local Currency Data of Rights that can be Exercised
TERS_FLOW_PAYMENT_DATA - Payment Information of Rights that can be Exercised
TERS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Position Data of the Rights to be Exercised
TERS_MD_POSITION_ALV - Structure Position
TERS_MD_SECURITY_ALV - Mass Processing for Drawable Bonds: Securities with Factors
TERS_QUANTITY - Position Structure of Rights to be Exercised (from CFM 1.0)
TERS_QUANT_DISPLAY - Disp. Str. of Pos. where Rights can be Exercd (from CFM 1.0)
TERS_TRANS_FLOW - Business Transaction Security Right with Inclusive Flows
TERTINERKO - Header Information for Executing Security Rights
TERTVWBWER - TRTM-PM: Flow Table for Executable Rights
TERTVWERKO - Executable Rights (Header)
TERTVWERPO - Executable Rights (Items)
TERT_FLOW - Flow Table for Rights that can be Exercised
TERT_TRANSACTION - Business Transaction: Exercise of Rights
TER_TREE_ITEM - Structure: Tree Control Items for Security Rights
TEXC_ATTRD_T - Description of free attributes
TEXC_ATTR_L - Attribute values for Long attributes
TEXC_ATTR_L_T - Texts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_M - Attribute values for short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_M_T - Texts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_S - Attribute values for short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_S_T - Texts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ - Exposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_A - Assignment of Exposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_D - Define Exposure Category Sequence
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_T - Description Exposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPTYP_FLDS - Exposure Type Fields
TEXC_EXP_ACT - Exposure Activity
TEXC_EXP_ACT_T - Description Exposure Activity
TEXC_EXP_CAT - Exposure Category
TEXC_EXP_CAT_T - Description Exposure Category
TEXC_EXP_FLW_TYP - Raw Exposure Activity Type
TEXC_EXP_GLB_SET - Exposure Management NeXt Gen. Global Settings
TEXC_EXP_TYPE - Exposure Position Type
TEXC_EXP_TYPE_T - Exposure Position Type Text
TEXC_EX_FL_TYP_T - Raw Exposure Activity Type Text
TEXC_INT_MES - Handling of messages in the Treasury Exposure Notification
TEXC_MAP_IN - Mapping for Incoming Raw Exposures
TEXS_ARCH_CTRL - Structure for Exposure Archive Control
TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_LONG - Range Structure for Long Attributes
TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIUM - Range Structure for Medium Attributes
TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_SHORT - Range Structure for Short Attribute
TEXS_BAL_INDICATOR - Range structure for Balance Indicator
TEXS_COMMNCTN_INFO - Information about update of other components
TEXS_COMMNCTN_INFO_ATTR - Information about update of other components
TEXS_CONDITION_TYPE - Condition type
TEXS_CREATION_INDICATOR - Range structure for raw exposure creation indicator
TEXS_CTY_COMPONENT - Commodity Component Structure
TEXS_CTY_FLOW_CAT - Range Structure for Commodity Flow Leg Category
TEXS_DIFF_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes differentiating positions
TEXS_DIFF_ATTRIBUTES_T - Texts of Differentiating Attributes
TEXS_EXPC_DERIVE - Derivation of the Exposure Category
TEXS_EXPOSURE_LEG_DCS - DCS based Exposure Leg
TEXS_EXPOSURE_ORIGIN - Range Structure for Exposure Origins
TEXS_EXP_ACTIVITY_TYPE - Structure for Exposure Activity Type
TEXS_EXP_APPR_CAT - Range structure for Exposure Approach Category
TEXS_EXP_FLOW_TYPE - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Flow Type
TEXS_EXP_POSITION_ATTR - Exposure Positions Attributes
TEXS_EXP_POSITION_ATTR_T - Texts of Exposure Positions Attributes
TEXS_EXP_TO_HEDGE_DERIVE - Structure for Derivation from Expsoure Management to Hedge
TEXS_EXP_TYPE - Range Structure of Exposure Type
TEXS_EXTERNAL_DOC_NUMBER - Range Structure for External Document Number
TEXS_EXT_DATE_INFO - Exposure Management : External Information for Due Date
TEXS_FLOW_ATTR - Exposure flow attributes
TEXS_FLOW_ATTR_T - Texts of Exposure Position Flow Attributes
TEXS_FLOW_CAT - Range structure for flow category
TEXS_FLOW_PER - Structure for Mapping of Pers. Class
TEXS_FLOW_PROCESS_STATE - Range Structure for flow processing state
TEXS_FLOW_UI - UI Structure for Exposure Position Flows
TEXS_FREE_ATTR_TEXTS_UI - Texts of Free Attributes
TEXS_HEADER_FREE_ATTR - Raw Exposure Header Free Attributes
TEXS_HEADER_FREE_ATTR_T - Texts of Free Attributes on Raw Exposoure Header
TEXS_HEDGE_MGT_KEYS - Key for Transaction in E-HA
TEXS_HEDGE_MGT_KEYS_T - Texts for Key of Transaction in E-HA
TEXS_ITEM_FREE_ATTR - Free Attributes on Item
TEXS_ITEM_FREE_ATTR_T - Texts of Free Attributes on Raw Exposure Item
TEXS_ITEM_ID - Range Structure for Item ID
TEXS_KEY_FIGURES_UI - Exposure Position Key Figures
TEXS_MP_EXPOSURE_RULE - Range Structure for Market Price Exposure Rule
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_DATA - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure - Data Fields
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_DCS - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure - DCS
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_KEY - Exposure Position Flow Prices Key Structure - Quotation
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_KEY_DCS - Exposure Position Flow Prices Key Structure - DCS
TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_PER - Exposure Position Flow Prices Persistence Structure
TEXS_POSITION_DETAIL_TREE_ITEM - Exposure Position Details - Flow Tree Item Structure
TEXS_POSITION_DIFF_ATTR - Exposure Position: Mapping Diff Attributes to Position
TEXS_POSITION_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Positions
TEXS_POSITION_ID - Range structure for position ID
TEXS_POSITION_INFO - Information about exposure position
TEXS_POSITION_KEYFIG - calculated key figures for positions
TEXS_POSITION_LOCK - Fields for Lock of Exposure Position
TEXS_POSITION_PER - Structure for mapping of pers. class
TEXS_POSITION_UI - UI Structure of exposure position
TEXS_POS_DATE_INFO - Differentiating Due Date Information of Exposure Position
TEXS_POS_FLOW_MAP - Mapping Exposure Position Flow to Aggregated Flow
TEXS_PREPRO_DATA - Preprocess data for Archiving
TEXS_RAWEXPOS_LOCK - Raw Exposure Lock Structure
TEXS_RAW_EXPID - Raw exposure id
TEXS_RAW_EXPOSURE_UI - Raw Exposure UI Structure
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_AUTHORITY - Raw Exposure: Structure of Authorization Object
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_HD - Raw Exposure Header
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_HD_ATTR - Attributes of a Raw Exposure at Header Level
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_ID - Range structure for raw exposure ID
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_ITEM - Raw exposure item (as part of class)
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_IT_ATTR - Raw Exposure Item Attributes
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_KEY - Raw exposure key
TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_PER - Raw exposure - transfer structure of persistent class
TEXS_RELEASE_STATE - Range structure for Raw Exposure Release State
TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DCS_PRICES - Structure of Line Item DCS Price Data
TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DCS_PRICE_PERIO - Structure of Line Item DCS Price Data Range
TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DELIVERY - Structure for Line Item Deliveyr Data
TEXS_REXP_ITEM_PRICES - Structure of Line Item Price Data
TEXS_REXP_ITEM_PRICE_PERIOD - Structure of Line Item Price Data Range
TEXS_REXP_OVERVIEW_UI - Raw Exposure Overview UI Structure
TEXS_REXP_SUBIT_UI - UI structure for sub raw exposures
TEXS_RISK_CAT - Range structure for risk category
TEXS_SELECTIONS - Selection ranges for raw exposure
TEXS_SUBEXPOS_ID - Range structure for sub raw exposure id's
TEXS_SUBITEM_KEY - Key of Subitem
TEXS_SUB_RAW_EXPOS_ATTR - Sub Raw Exposure Attributes
TEXS_TIME - Range Structure for Time
TEXS_TOTAL - Structure for Total of a Key Figure
TEXS_TRANSACTION - Exposure business transaction
TEXS_TRANSACTION_CAT - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Transaction Category
TEXS_TRANSACTION_LOCK - Lock Structure for business transactions
TEXS_TRANSACTION_UI - UI Structure for transaction matching
TEXS_TRM_EM_RELEASE - Treasury: NeXt Exposure Management Release Structure
TEXS_TXN_PRICES - Exposure Transaction Price Details
TEXS_TXN_PRICES_DCS - Exposure Transaction Price Details - DCS
TEXS_USER_DATA - Raw Exposures User Data
TEXS_VERSION - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Version
TEXTC_ARCHIVE - Minimum retention period per company code for archiving
TEXTS_ACTIVITY - Sub item / Sub raw exposure activity table
TEXTS_ACTIVITY_T - Text table for activities
TEXTS_ATTRSUF - Suffixes of free attributes
TEXTS_ATTRSUF_T - Suffixes of free attributes
TEXTS_FLOWCAT - Flow categories
TEXTS_FLOWCAT_T - Flow category texts
TEXTS_KEYFIG - Key Figures of Exposure Positions
TEXTS_KEYFIG_T - Description of Key Figures
TEXT_ARCH_CTRL - Control table for Exposure Archiving
TEXT_ARCH_LOG - Archive trace log info
TEXT_COMM_LOG - Communication log
TEXT_CTY_SPLIT - Maintenance of Commodity Split Items
TEXT_POSF_DCS_PR - Exposure Position Flow DCS Pricing Data
TEXT_POSF_PRICES - Exposure Position Flow Pricing Data
TEXT_POSITIONS - Exposure Positions
TEXT_POS_FLOW - Exposure Position Flows
TEXT_RAWEXPOS - Raw Exposure
TEXT_REXP_DCS_PR - Raw Exposure Item DCS Pricing Data
TEXT_REXP_DLY - Raw Exposure Item Delivery Data
TEXT_REXP_ITEM - Raw Exposure Item
TEXT_REXP_PRICES - Raw Exposure Item Pricing Data
TEXT_REXP_SUBIT - Sub Raw Exposures (Split Items)
TEXT_TRANSACTION - Unmatched Exposure Business Transactions
TEX_EXPOSURE_NOTIFICATION - Treasury Exposure Notification
TEX_EXPOSURE_STATUS_UPDATE - Treasury Exposure Status Update
TEX_NOTIFICATION_ITEM - Treasury Exposure Notification Item
TEX_PRICE_ITEM - Treasury Exposure Notification Price Item
TEX_PRICE_ITEM_DCS - Treasury Exposure Notification Price Item DCS
THAC_HD_SETUP - Config for the (Implicit) hypothetical Derivative
THAC_HR_DOCU - E-HA: Documentation Control
THAC_HR_DOCU_SF - Hedge Documentation: Smart Forms for Hedge Docu. Form
THAEXS_EXPOS_CO - E-HA: Display Structure for CO Exposures
THAEXS_PLAN_ID_MAP - Map Temporary Plan ID to Final Plan ID
THAEXS_TRANS_ALV - Display Structure for Exposure Transaction
THAEXS_TRANS_CO - Hedge Mgmnt: Display Structure for Commodity Transactions
THAEXS_TRANS_ID_MAP - Map Temporary Transaction ID to Final
THAEXTC_RO - E-HA: Settings for Cash Flow Type
THAEXT_EXPOS_CO - Commodity exposure
THAEXT_EXPOS_COP - Obsolet: Commodity exposure pricing data
THAEXT_EXP_HDG - E-HA: Relationship Table Exposure - Hedged Item
THAEXT_TRANS_CO - Transaction for commodity price exposure
THAEXT_TRANS_COP - Commodity exposure pricing data
THAEXT_TRAN_DCSP - Commodity exposure DCS pricing data
THAHRS_ASS_ALV - Display structure for assessments in ALV
THAHRS_COMP_KEY_MAP - Map Temporary HR_COMP_KEY to Final
THAHRS_LOG_LINE - Structure for Log Display
THAHRS_MEASURE_CALC_TYPE - Result of Effectiveness Measurement / Calculation Type
THAHRS_RECL_OCI - E-HA: Reclassified OCI (Dep. Area)
THAHRT_ASSES_LOG - Detail Log for Effectiveness Assessment
THAHRT_ASS_PROSP - Retrospective effectiveness assessment result
THAHRT_EFF_DATA - Data points for the Effectiveness test
THAHRT_EFF_HEAD - Effectiveness test result header
THAHRT_EXT_RETRO - External Retrospective Assessment
THAHRT_MEAS_LOG - Detail Log for Effectiveness Measurement
THAS_ACTIVITY - E-HA: Structure for Transaction Activity
THAS_AUTO_EQU_RECLASS_DISPLAY - Output of Automatic EC Reclassification
THAS_BAL_CONTEXT_THMRO - Structure for Appl.Log Context in THMRO
THAS_CATEGORY - E-HA: Structure for Transaction Types
THAS_EFF_TEST_OUTPUT - Output structure for the Effectiveness test
THAS_EXPOSUREID - Range Structure for Exposure ID
THAS_FIELD - BAPI: Field Name in Hedge Accounting
THAS_HEDGE_CURRENCY - Ranges Structure for the Hedge Currency
THAS_HEDGE_FROM_FX - Structure for Data Collection When Creating Hedge from FX
THAS_HEDGE_ID - Identification Number of Hedge Item
THAS_HEDGE_ID_MAP - Map Temporary Hedge ID to Final Hedge ID
THAS_HEDGE_REL - Hedging Relationship Details (for Hedge Documentation)
THAS_HEDGE_VA - E-HA: Hedged Item in Valuation Area
THAS_HEGDE_REL_PERS - Persistency: Hedging Relationship Transfer Structure
THAS_HI_HR - Hedged Item / Hedging Relationship
THAS_HP_EXP - Hedge Plan / Exposure / Exposure Transaction
THAS_HP_NOTE - Hedge Plan Notes (Global Object Service)
THAS_HR_CONT - Contract Data of Hedging Instruments
THAS_HR_DEAL - Hedge Relationship Hedge instrument
THAS_HR_DOC - Hedging Relationship Details
THAS_HR_ENH - Hedging Relationship
THAS_HR_EXPOS - Structure to Store Hedging Relationship Exposures
THAS_HR_EXP_TRANS_P - Structure for Transactions for commodity price exposure
THAS_HR_EXP_TRAN_DCSP - Structure for Transactions for commodity price exposure
THAS_HR_EXP_TRAS - Exposure Transactions (for Hedge Documentation)
THAS_HR_HIS - Structure for History of Hedging Relationship
THAS_HR_HISTORY - Hedging Relationship History
THAS_HR_INSTR - Structure for Prod. Cat.-Specific Values in Hedge Rel. Docu.
THAS_HR_KEY_SHORT - Hedging Relationship Key (Without Version)
THAS_HR_MSG - Messages for Hedging Relationships
THAS_HR_STATUS - Hedging Relationship Status
THAS_PLANNERID - Ranges Structure for the Hedge Plan
THAS_RISKCAT - Risk Category
THAS_TRANSACT - Transaction Activity
THAS_TRANSCAT - Transaction Type
THAS_TRANS_NEW - Structure: Create Transaction with Exposure Assignment
THA_EFF_TEST_OUTPUT - Output structure for the Effectiveness test
THMC_HEDGE_PROC - Config Para for Hedge
THMC_HEDGE_SETUP - Configuration Parameters for Hedge
THMC_HR_SETUP - Config for the hedging relationship
THMC_PLAN_SETUP - Configuration Parameters for Hedge Plan
THMC_TRANS_SETUP - Configuration parameters for hedge managment transaction
THMEXS_EXPOS - E-HA: Display Structure For Exposures
THMEXS_EXPOS_FX - E-HA: Display Structure For FX Exposures
THMEXS_EXPOS_IR - E-HA: Display Structure For IR Exposures
THMEXS_PLANNER - E-HA: Hedge Plan screen display structure
THMEXS_PLAN_POPUP - Popup screen to choose the appropriate text
THMEXS_RO - Risk Object fields used by RTHM_UPDATE_EX_VIA_RO
THMEXS_RO_POPUP - Popup screen to choose the appropriate Hedge plan
THMEXS_RO_TRANSFER - Transfer Exposures to Risk Object via Direct Input -- Sample
THMEXS_TRANS - E-HA: Display Structure For Transactions
THMEXS_TRANS_FX - E-HA: Display Structure For FX Transactions
THMEXS_TRANS_IR - E-HA: Display Structure for IR Transactions
THMEXTS_ACTIVITY - E-HA: System table for Transaction Activity
THMEXTS_ACT_TXT - E-HA: Long Texts for Transaction Acivity
THMEXTS_CATEGORY - E-HA: System table for Transaction Category
THMEXTS_CAT_TXT - E-HA: Long Texts for Transaction Category
THMEXTS_TRANSACT - E-HA: Transaction Activity Assignment
THMEXT_EXPOS - E-HA: Exposure Created by Transactions
THMEXT_EXPOS_FX - E-HA: Exposure Created by Transactions
THMEXT_EXPOS_IR - E-HA: Exposure Created by Transactions
THMEXT_LOG - Log: External Exposure Data Applied to E-HA
THMEXT_ROLL_LOG - Log: Rollover of contracts linked to RO created exposures
THMEXT_TRANS - E-HA: Transactions
THMEXT_TRANS_FX - E-HA: Transactions
THMEXT_TRANS_IR - E-HA: IR Transactions
THMHC_HEDGE_CHANGE - Analysis of the consequences of changing hedge
THMHEDGEID - Select options hedge ID
THMHRC_HR_STR - E-HA: Customizing Hedge Strategy
THMHRC_HR_STRT - E-HA: Customizing Hedge Strategy
THMHRS_CASH_FLOWS_RESULTS - Calculation results of the cash flows
THMHRS_EXTENDED_HR - Extended hr to carry accounting information
THMHRS_HR - E-HA: HR-Structure for Screen Output
THMHRT_ASS_RETRO - Retrospective effectiveness assessment result
THMHRT_CASH_FLOW - Calculated cash flows for effectiveness
THMHRT_EXT_PROS - External Prospective Assessment
THMHRT_HI_MEAS - Fair value change of the hedge comp. in an effective hedge
THMHRT_HR - Hedge Relationship
THMHRT_HR_FLAGS - E-HA: Flags that trigger the HR events
THMHRT_HR_STRAT - Effectiveness strategy for the hedging relationship
THMHRT_HR_VAL - Valuation details for the hedging relationship
THMHRT_MEASURE - Effectiveness measurement result
THMPLANNER - Select options for plan ID
THMRFHA - Select options financial transaction
THMS_CASH_FLOWS - Cash flow structure for calculation
THMS_CASH_FLOWS_DERIVATIVE - Cash flows of derivatives for calculation
THMS_CASH_FLOWS_HEDGE - Cash flows of hedges for calculation
THMS_HEDGE_ITEM - Screen field structure for hedge item
THMS_HM - Plan, Exposure, Transaction, Hedge, Hedge Relationship
THMS_UNDERLYING_DATA - FAS133: Tables of Underlying Data
THMTS_ASS_D_CALC - Derivative Category, Calculation Cat. & Hedge Cat. Assignmnt
THMT_ASS_TYPES - Effectiveness assessment types
THMT_ASS_TYPEST - Name of assessment type
THMT_CALC_TYPES - Calculation types.
THMT_CALC_TYPEST - Name of calculation type
THM_DROP_LIST - Rollover: Exposures and amounts
THM_HM_SCREEN - ALV fields for report RTHM_UPDATE_EX_VIA_RO: Update Mode
THM_HR_HISTORY - Hedging Relationship history status
THM_RO_SCREEN - ALV fields for report RTHM_UPDATE_EX_VIA_RO: Create Mode
THXS_HEDGE_TRL_FLOWS - Structure for trl flows in hedge
TLRC_FICLASS - Financial Instrument Classification used in Report Type
TLRC_MESSAGE - Assignment of Report Type to Message Category
TLRC_REP_TYPE - Legal Report Type
TLRC_REP_TYPE_T - Legal Report Type Description
TLRC_TARO_ALLID - Trade Repository: Allowed ID Categories
TLRC_TARO_COMP - Trade Repository: Company Specific Settings
TLRC_TARO_FICLAS - Trade Repository: Allowed Product Classification
TLRC_TARO_FICTYM - Trade Repository: Product Classification Type Mapping
TLRC_TARO_IDTYM - Trade Repository: ID Type Mapping
TLRC_TARO_TAR - Trade Repository
TLRC_TARO_TAR_AS - Assignment of Trade Repository
TLRC_TARO_TAR_T - Text table for trade register
TLRC_THM_ENTITY - Threshold Entities
TLRC_THM_ENT_CC - Threshold Entities assigned Comp.Codes
TLRC_THM_IG - Threshold Instrument Group
TLRC_THM_IG_TXT - Text Table Threshold Instrument Group
TLRC_THM_LIMIT - Limit Amounts per TIG
TLRC_THM_PROD_IG - Assign Products to Instrument Groups
TLRC_THM_SCHEME - Threshold Scheme Definition
TLRE_THM_SCHEME - Legal Basis Definition
TLRS_INBOUND_TARO_INFO - Taro update info for inbound messages (BADI interface)
TLRS_INBOUND_TARO_INFO_EXT - Taro update info for inbound messages (BADI interface)
TLRS_REGISTRATION - Registration for Legal Reporting
TLRS_TARO_ADM_DATA - Trade Repository Object Administrative Data
TLRS_TARO_ADM_KEY - Trade Repository Object Key
TLRS_TARO_ALL_DATA_MONITOR - Trade Repository Object Data for Monitor
TLRS_TARO_CNT_DATA_MONITOR - Trade Repository Object Content Data for Monitor
TLRS_TARO_CNT_RISK_MITIGATION - TARO Risk Mitigation / Reporting Data
TLRS_TARO_DOC_DATA - Trade Repository Object Documents
TLRS_TARO_RANGE_FIN_TR_TYPE - Range Financial Transaction Type
TLRS_TARO_RANGE_PROC_STATUS - Range Taro Processing Status
TLRS_TARO_STATUS_TRANS - TARO status transition
TLRS_THRESHOLD_CALCRULE - Calculation Rule Threshold Management
TLRS_THRESHOLD_RES_HEAD - Header Result Structure
TLRS_THRESHOLD_RES_MAP - Mapping Strucure Result Data
TLRS_THRESHOLD_RES_POS - Single Position Result Structure Key
TLRS_THRESHOLD_RES_POS_1 - Single Position Result Structure
TLRS_THRESHOLD_RES_POS_A - Single Position Result Structure Key + Data
TLRS_TRADE_ID_DISP - Trade Identifier for Financial Transaction - Display
TLRTS_MSG_CAT - Legal Report Message Categories
TLRTS_MSG_CAT_T - Message Category Description
TLRT_RISKM_DER - Derivation for Risk Mitigation Indicator
TLRT_TARO_ADM - Trade Repository Object Administrative Data
TLRT_TARO_CNT - Trade Repository: Content
TLRT_TARO_DMS - Storing the TARO documents in DMS
TLRT_TARO_DOC - Trade Repository: Documents
TLRT_TARO_PREFID - Trade Repository: Preferred ID Type
TLRT_THM_RES_H - Threshold Result Header Data
TLRT_THM_RES_POS - Threshold Result Position Data
TLRT_THM_RES_TIG - Threshold Result Instrument Group Data
TLRT_TRADE_ID - Trade Identifier for Financial Transactions
TMODV - Field Selection: Assign Fields to Field Groups
TPMA_DERIV_ASSGN - Assignment of Derivation Categories
TPMB_DERIV_AMORT - Assign Amortization Method to Derivation Category
TPMB_DERIV_CAT - Define Derivation Methods
TPMB_LAC_INTERV - Flexible LAC Calculation
TPMHRT_EXT_RETRO - External Retrospective Assessment
TPMS_ACCU_FLOW - Additive Flow
TPMS_ARCHIVE_PROTOCOL - Protocol for Archiving of Position Management
TPMS_BUKRS_RANL_RLDEPO - Company Code/ID Number/Securities Account Structure
TPMS_OF - Class data for listed options and futures
TPMS_OF_RATE - Structure for rates of listed options/futures
TPMS_RANGE_BUKRS - Structure to Set Up a Range Table Company Code
TPMS_RANGE_BUSTRANSCAT - Treasury: Structure for Range Business Transaction Category
TPMS_RANGE_DB_OS_GUID - Treasury: Structure for Range OS GUID (CHAR 32)
TPMS_RANGE_DERF - Treasury: Structure for Range Date First Entry
TPMS_RANGE_EXCHANGE - Treasury: Structure for Exchange Range
TPMS_RANGE_LAND1 - Range Structure Country
TPMS_RANGE_OS_GUID - Treasury: Structure for Range OS GUID (RAW 16)
TPMS_RANGE_POSITION_DATE - Treasury: Structure for Range Position Value Date
TPMS_RANGE_PRICE_DATE - Treasury: Structure for Security Price Date Range
TPMS_RANGE_RERF - Treasury: Structure for Range Enterer
TPMS_RANGE_RFHA - Structure to Set Up a Range Table Transaction
TPMS_RANGE_RFHA - Structure to Set Up a Range Table Transaction
TPMS_R_AUSW - Range Structure for Evaluation Area
TPMS_R_BUKRS - Ranges for company code
TPMS_R_PRIO - Range Structure for Priority Area
TPMS_R_RANL - Ranges for class number
TPMS_R_RLDEPO - Ranges for securities account
TPMS_R_SOFTYP - Ranges for options/futures category
TPMS_SOFTYP - Range Structure for Option/Future Category
TPMS_VALUE - Value of a Component
TPMS_VVNOTWAERS_RANGE - Reference structure for currency ranges
TPMTAUSWDEF - Definition Table: Evaluation Area Customizing Check Report
TPMTAUSWTEXT - Text Table: Evaluation Area for Customizing Checks
TPMTCUSTCHECK - Table for Function Modules of Customizing Check
TPMTVMFL - Position management variation margin flows at sec. account
TPM_MIG_LOT_MIXD - CFM: (Mig) ID Nos. by Coll. Pos. Man -> Corrspnd. PA by Lot
TPM_ORIGIN_DATE_VAL_AREA - lot origin date per valuation area
TRADRS - Test Structure for BP Conversion in Treasury
TRADS_LIST_REVERSAL - Header Data of Accrual/Deferral List
TRADS_LOCK - TR: Accrual/Deferral: Lock for TRL Position
TRADS_LOCK_I - TR: Accrual/Deferral: Lock Object for TRL Position
TRADS_SELECTION - Selection Parameters for Accrual/Deferral
TRADT_LOCK - TR: Accrual/Deferral: TRL Position Lock
TRBRG - Authorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TRBRGT - Authorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TRCA_BAREA - TR-CA: Interfaces for Transaction Area
TRCA_CBANKACC - TR-CA: Interfaces for Bank Details of a Customer
TRCA_CBANKACC_LIST - TR-CA: Interfaces for Bank Details of a Customer
TRCA_COMPANY - TR-CA: Interfaces for Company Code
TRCA_COMPANY_LIST - TR-CA: Interfaces for Company Code
TRCA_DOCHEAD - TR-CA: Interfaces for FI document header
TRCA_DOCPOS - TR-CA: Interfaces for FI Document Items
TRCA_DOCTYPE - TR-CA: Interfaces for Document Type
TRCA_GL_ACC - TR-CA: Interfaces for FI accounts
TRCA_HBANK - TR-CA: Interfaces for House Bank
TRCA_HBANKACC - TR-CA: Interfaces for House Bank Account
TRCA_HBANK_LIST - TR-CA: Interfaces for House Bank
TRCA_INDUSTRY - TR-CA: Interfaces for Industries
TRCA_PAYMETH - TR-CA: Interfaces for Payment Methods
TRCA_PAYMETH_LIST - TR-CA: Interfaces for Payment Methods
TRCA_PBANKACC - TR-CA: Interfaces for Bank Details of a Partner
TRCA_POSTKEY - TR-CA: Interfaces for Posting key
TRCC_SWITCH - Switch for Cash Management update from TRM-TM
TRCC_UPDATE_TYP - Update Type Details
TRCOC_CTY_GROUP1 - Commodity group1
TRCOC_CTY_GROUP2 - Commodity group2
TRCOC_CTY_GRP1_T - Commodity group1 text table
TRCOC_CTY_GRP2_T - Commodity group1 text table
TRCOC_CTY_TYPE - Commodity type
TRCOC_CTY_TYPE_T - Commodity type text
TRCOC_INCOTERMS - International Commercial Terms (InCoTerms)
TRCOS_CTY_DCSRATE - ALV Structure of DCS Market Data
TRCOS_CTY_DCS_ABSTR_ALV - Structure for DCS ALV grid for abstract commodity
TRCOS_CTY_DCS_DIALOG - Derivative Contract Specification Dialog
TRCOS_CTY_DCS_REAL_ALV - Structure for dcs alv grid for real commodity
TRCOS_CTY_EXCHNG - Commodity Exchange relevant data
TRCOS_CTY_FUTMD_DALV - Structure for graphics table display
TRCOS_CTY_FUTMD_DIALOG - Commodity Market Forward Data Dialog
TRCOS_CTY_FUTRATE - Commodity Future market data
TRCOS_CTY_FWDMD_DALV - Structure for graphics table display
TRCOS_CTY_FWDMD_DIALOG - Commodity Market Forward Data Dialog
TRCOS_CTY_FWDMD_VALUES - Commodity Curve Grid Points
TRCOS_CTY_FWDRATE - Commodity Market Forward Rate
TRCOS_CTY_FWDRATE_DIALOG - Commodity Market Forward Rate
TRCOS_CTY_FWD_PROV - Provider dependent setting in FCZZ - editible ALV
TRCOS_CTY_MASTER - Commodity master data
TRCOS_CTY_MASTER_DATA - Commodity master data
TRCOS_CTY_NAVIGATE - Commodity master data maintainence
TRCOS_CTY_PRICE_BUFFER - Commodity price buffer structure
TRCOS_CTY_PROV_QUOT_PERIODS - Quotation Periods for Commodity and Provider
TRCOS_CTY_PROV_QUOT_STYLE - Quotation Settings for Commodity and Provider
TRCOS_CTY_QUOTE - Commodity quotation source
TRCOS_CTY_QUOT_SOURCE_ALV - Qutation Source for displaying
TRCOTS_CTY_CAT - Commodity category
TRCOTS_CTY_CAT_T - Commodity category text table
TRCOTS_PERIODS - Period Defintions
TRCOTS_PERIODS_T - Period Defintions
TRCOT_CTY_DCSMIC - Details for DCS MIC Tuple
TRCOT_CTY_DELLOC - Pricing Location Table
TRCOT_CTY_EXCHNG - Commodity Exchange relevant data
TRCOT_CTY_MASTER - Commodity master data
TRCOT_CTY_MCS - Specify Market Data Access for Mass Cash Settlement
TRCOT_CTY_PROV - Provider dependent Forward Period Settings for a CO
TRCOT_CTY_QUOTE - Commodity quotation source
TRCOT_MIC_DELLOC - Assignment of Pricing Location to Market Identifier Code
TRCPAS_COMM_ID - Range structure for Commodity ID
TRCPAS_QUOT_NAME - Range structure type for Quotation Name
TRCPAS_QUOT_SOURCE - Range structure type for Qupotation Source
TRCPAS_QUOT_TYPE - Range structure type for Commodity Quotation Type
TRCS_BUSTRANS - Transaction Details
TRCS_CASH_MGT_TRANSFER - Structure that is an interface to CM modules
TRCS_FDC1 - Structure that has the additional fields of FDC1
TRCS_FLOW - �bergeabestruktur: Schl�sselfelder FMFINCODE
TRCS_MAP_BUSTRANS - Mapping Structure for TRC
TRCT_BUSTRANS - Table of business transactions
TRCT_FLOW - Table of business transactions flows
TRDC_DFLOWTYPE - Definition of Update Types
TRDC_DFLOWTYPE_T - Treasury: Update Type Texts
TRDC_DFT_ASSIGN - Assignment of Flow Types to Update Types
TRDE_STR_ZANP_FIELDCAT - Interest Rate Adjustment View - Field Catalog
TRDS_BT_GUID_REF - Structure GUID + Ref to Business Transaction IF
TRDS_BUSTRANSID_PACKAGE - Packages of IDs for Distributor Transactions
TRDS_EVENT - Distributor event
TRDS_EXT_BUSTRANSKEY - Distributor: External Identification of a BT with Owner
TRDS_FLOW - Distributor Flow
TRDS_FLOW_AD_DATA - Accrual/Deferral-Specific Data for a Flow
TRDS_FLOW_DEAL_INFO - Distributor Flow Transaction Information
TRDS_FLOW_DIF_DATA - Differentiation Criteria
TRDS_FLOW_DISPLAY_I - Include Structure TRD Fields for Cash Flow Display
TRDS_FLOW_FIMA_DATA - Treasury: Finance-Mathematical Fields Distributor Flow
TRDS_FLOW_LOCAL_CURR_DATA - Treasury: Local currency data for a distributor flow
TRDS_FLOW_PARTITION - Treasury: Partitioned data from a distributor flow
TRDS_FLOW_PART_OTHER_DATA - Treasury: Different Split Values of a Flow
TRDS_FLOW_PAYMENT_AMT_DATA - Treasury: Payment amounts from a distributor flow
TRDS_FLOW_PAYMENT_INFO_DATA - Distributor flow: Payment information
TRDS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Treasury: Position data on a distributor flow
TRDS_FLOW_SEC_BEPP_DATA - Distributor Flow: Fields for BEPP Adaptor
TRDS_FLOW_SUBPOS_DATA - Additional Subposition Data
TRDS_FLOW_SUBPOS_DIFF_DATA - Subposition Differentiation Criteria
TRDS_FLOW_TRANSFER_DATA - Treasury: Transfer-specific data distributor flow
TRDS_FLOW_VALAREA_DATA - Valuation area-specific data distributor flow
TRDS_MULT_ASSIGN - Multiple Account Assignment of a Flow
TRDS_PARTITION_SET - Treasury: Set of flow partitions of a category
TRDS_PLANNED_ACTION - Range Structure Planned Action
TRDS_RAN_BUSTRANSID - Treasury: Range structure for routing slip - bus. trans. ID
TRDS_SECURITY_ID_PACKAGE - Package of ID Numbers for Distributor Business Transactions
TRDS_TRDBUSTRANS - Treasury: Mapping structure for distributor bus. transaction
TRDS_TRDBUSTRANS_I - Include Structure for Distributor Business Transaction
TRDS_TRDDOCUMENT - Treasury: Mapping structure for routing slip documents
TRDS_TRDDOCUMENT_I - Treasury: Include structure for routing slip document
TRDTC_DFT_ASSGN - Update Types for Legacy Data Transfer
TRDTS_BT_CAT - Treasury: Business Transaction Categories
TRDTS_BT_CAT_T - Treasury: Texts for distributor bus. transaction categories
TRDTS_DATA - Legacy Data Transfer Data
TRDTS_DATA_DATA_OF_ALL_PROT - Legacy Data Transfer: Data of all Logs During TPM63/TPM64
TRDTS_DATA_DISPLAY - Legacy Data Transfer Data Display Format
TRDTS_DATA_IGT_SEC - Legacy Data Transfer: IGT Data for Securities
TRDTS_DATA_PROCESS - Legacy Data Transfer Data for Processing
TRDTS_DATA_SELECTION - Legacy Data Transfer: Selection Criteria Data Transfer
TRDTS_DATA_SUBPOS_DISPLAY - Legacy Data Transfer Data Display Format
TRDTS_DATA_SUBPOS_PROCESS - Legacy Data Transfer Data for Processing
TRDTS_DATA_SUBPOS_SELECTION - Legacy Data Trnsfr, Hedging Relationship: Selection Criteria
TRDTS_DIST_CAT - Distributor Classes
TRDTS_FLOW - Legacy Data Transfer: Generate Flows
TRDTS_FLOW_DISPLAY - Legacy Data Transfer: Generated Flows Display Format
TRDTS_HEDGE_DATA_BUS_KEY - Structure: Legacy Data Transfer, Hedging Relationship Key
TRDTS_MSG - Legacy Data Transfer Messages
TRDTS_PARTNER - Partner Structure
TRDTS_POS - Legacy Data Transfer Positions
TRDTS_POS_DATA_OF_ALL_PROT - Legacy Data Transfer: Data of All Logs During TPM61/TPM62
TRDTS_POS_DISPLAY - Legacy Data Transfer Positions
TRDTS_POS_SELECTION - Legacy Data Transfer: Selection Criteria Data Transfer
TRDTT_DATA_ADMIN - Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Business Transactions
TRDTT_DATA_SEC - Valuation-Area-Independent Data for Securities
TRDTT_DATSUB_ADM - Legacy Data Trnsfr: Admin., Designation of Subposition
TRDTT_DES_ADMIN - LDT: Admin. of Bus.Trans.Designation in Hedging Relationship
TRDTT_IGTDATA_SE - Intragroup Transaction (IGT) Data for Securities
TRDTT_POS_ADMIN - Legacy Data Transfer Admin. Entries Subledger Positions
TRDTT_POS_SEC - Position Information for Securities
TRDTT_VADATA_FUT - Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Futures
TRDTT_VADATA_OTC - Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for MM, FX, OTC Derivatives.
TRDTT_VADATA_SEC - Valuation-Area-Dependent Data for Securities
TRDTT_VAD_FUTSUB - Valuation Area-Dependent Data for Futures with Subpositions
TRDTT_VAD_OTCSUB - Val.Area-Dependent Data for MM, FX, OTC Deriv. w. Subpos.
TRDTT_VAD_SECSUB - Valuation Area-Dependent Data for Securities w. Subpositions
TRDTT_VTRQ_DATA_SEC - valuation-area dependent quantity information
TRDT_FLOW - Persistent distributor flows
TRDT_INIT_BT - TRL Initialization: Transfer Business Transactions
TRDT_INIT_FIX - TRL Initialization: Fix/Post Business Transactions
TRDT_MULTASSGN - Multiple Account Assignment of Flows
TRDT_SEC_FLOW - Persistent distributor flows: Part for BEPP adaptor
TRDT_SUBPOS_FLOW - Subposition Data
TRDT_TRDBUSTRANS - Treasury: Persistent distributor business transaction
TRDT_TRDDOCUMENT - (Obsolete as of CFM 1.0) Distributor Documents
TRGC_AMORTPROC_T - OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure Texts
TRGC_AMORT_PROC - OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure
TRGC_ASYN_FIX_RG - Asynchronous Fixing for Each Product Type
TRGC_CFG_CNTXT - Configuration Context
TRGC_COM_VALCL - General valuation class
TRGC_COM_VALCL_T - Treasury: General Valuation Class (Text)
TRGC_CVC1 - Assignment of Product Cat. and Trans. Cat. to GVC Group
TRGC_CVC_GR - Definition: Grouping of General Valuation Class
TRGC_CVC_GR_ASS - Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_CVC_GR_STAT - Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_DERIV_ASSGN - Treasury: Assignment of Derivation Categories
TRGC_DER_ONLINE - Control Derived Business Transactions
TRGC_DFTSOURCASS - Assign Update Types to Usages
TRGC_DF_QUANTCAT - Prel. Solution: Assignm.: Update Type - Pos.Mgmnt Cat. Units
TRGC_FICLASS - Financial Instrument Classification
TRGC_FICLASS_PT - Classification of Product and Transaction Types
TRGC_FICLASS_T - Financial Instruments Classification Description
TRGC_FICLASS_TY - Financial Instrument Classification Type
TRGC_FICLASS_TYT - Financial Instrument Classification Type Descrptions
TRGC_IMP_PROC - Impairment Procedure
TRGC_IMP_PROC_T - Impairment Procedure Text
TRGC_MIGR1 - Customizing for Converting to Enterprise 2.0
TRGC_MIGR2 - Migration: Key Date of Data Transfer per Company Code
TRGC_MIGR_PMP - Conversion Position Management Procedure
TRGC_MIG_PMP_OTC - Conversion: Assignment of OTC Position Management Procedures
TRGC_OLDVALCLASS - Treasury: Rel. Betw. Previous and General Valuation Classes
TRGC_OP_VAL_AREA - Define alternative paying valuation area
TRGC_PAR - Parallel Processing Control
TRGC_PARAM - Assignment of Parameters and Parameter Values
TRGC_PAY_REL - Payment Relevance of Update Type
TRGC_PC_EXCL - Product Cats of the Parallel Valn Areas to be Excluded
TRGC_PG_EXCL - Product Groups to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_PL_ASGNFTYP - Assignment of Profit/Loss Types to Flow Type
TRGC_PL_ASSIGN - Assign Profit/Loss Types to Update Type and Valuation Area
TRGC_PL_CATE - Define/Maintain Profit/Loss Types
TRGC_PL_CATE_T - Text Table for Profit/Loss Types
TRGC_PM_PROC - Treasury: Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_ASS - Assignment of Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_T - Treasury: Position Management Procedure Texts
TRGC_PT_EXCL - Product Types to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_TAC_VA - Assignment of Accounting Code to Valuation Area
TRGC_TAX - CFM: Derivation Rules for Tax Flows
TRGC_TR_ACC_CODE - Accounting Code
TRGC_TR_SWITCH - Switch Table
TRGC_VALCLS_MAP - Treasury: Asst of Gen. ValnCl. to ValnCl. for each Valn Area
TRGC_VAL_AREA - Valuation Areas
TRGC_VAL_CLASS - Treasury: Valuation Class
TRGC_VAL_CLASS_T - Treasury: Valuation Class (Text)
TRGS_ACCASS_COUNTERPARTY - Data about Counterparty to Derive Account Assignments
TRGS_ACCASS_GENERAL - General Data to Derive Account Assignments
TRGS_ACCASS_MASTER_DATA - Master Data to Derive Account Assignments
TRGS_ACCASS_PRODUCT_DATA - Financial Product Related Data to Derive Account Assignments
TRGS_ACCOUNTING_CODE - Range Structure for Treasury Code
TRGS_ACCOUNT_GROUP - Treasury: Structure of Securities Account Group
TRGS_ACC_CC_PG - Structure for CoCd, Accounting Code, Table of Product Groups
TRGS_ACTIVE - Range Structure: Active Indicator for Transactions
TRGS_ACTIVITY_CAT - Range Structure for Transaction Activity Category
TRGS_ACTIVITY_STATUS - Range Structure for Active Status of Activity Category
TRGS_AMORT_LOG_FLOW_DATA - Amortization Log Flow Information
TRGS_AMORT_PROC - Attributes of an Amortization Procedure
TRGS_ASSIGNMENT - Range Structure for Assignment
TRGS_BOND_CLASS - Classification of bond
TRGS_BUKRS_DEALNUMBER - Key Structure for Transaction
TRGS_BUKRS_DEALNUMBER_TIMESTMP - Key Structure for Transaction
TRGS_BUKRS_FIKRS - Structure BUKRS & FM Area (for Funds Compounding)
TRGS_BUKRS_LOANSCONTRACT - Key Structure for Loans
TRGS_BUKRS_PORTFOLIO - Key Structure for Portfolio
TRGS_BUKRS_SECACCGRP - Key Structure for Securities Account Group
TRGS_BUKRS_SECURITYACCOUNT - Key Structure for Securities Account
TRGS_BUSTRANSCAT - Range Structure for Business Transaction Category
TRGS_BUSTRANSID - Range Structure for Business Transaction ID
TRGS_BUSTRANS_FLOWS - Structure for Business Transaction with BEPP/BEVI Flows
TRGS_BUSTRANS_ID_CAT - Structure for Business Transaction ID with Category
TRGS_BUSTRANS_STATE - Range Structure for Business Transaction Status
TRGS_CANR - Range Structure Corporate Actions Number
TRGS_CHANGE_DATE - Range Structure: Last Changed On
TRGS_CHANGE_NAME - Range Structure: Last Changed By
TRGS_CHAR80 - Structure for a Character String with 80 Characters
TRGS_CHARACTERISTICS - Range Structure for Characteristics
TRGS_COMMODITY_ID - Range Structure for Commodity Id
TRGS_COMPANY_CODE - Range Structure for Company Code
TRGS_COMPONENT_RULE - Structure: Component / Change Rule for TRG Accumulator
TRGS_COMP_VALUES - Values for Position Components
TRGS_COM_VAL_CLASS - Range Structure for General Valuation Class
TRGS_COUNT_I_P - Number of Existing Operative Flows for an ID
TRGS_CTY_TYPE - Range Structure for Commodity Type
TRGS_CURRENCIES - Treasury: Position and Valuation Currency
TRGS_DATUM - Range Structure for Date
TRGS_DB_OS_GUID - Range Structure for Business Transaction ID
TRGS_DEAL_NUMBER - Range Structure for Transaction Number
TRGS_DEAL_TECHID - Range Structure for Transaction Number
TRGS_DERIV_ORIG_COMP - Structure: Composition of Derived Components
TRGS_DESIG_DATA - Valuation Basis to Override Customizing
TRGS_DETAILED_AMORT_LOG - Detailed Amortization Log
TRGS_DFIES_PROJ_RFC - Compatible Projection of Structure DFIES
TRGS_DIFF_CURRENCY - Range Structure: Diff. Currency
TRGS_DIFF_OP - Structure for Operative Differentiations
TRGS_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Term with Value and Text
TRGS_EXCLUDES - Exclude Structure for Position Selection
TRGS_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT - Range Structure: External Account
TRGS_EXT_REF - Range Structure: External Reference
TRGS_FACILITY - Range Structure for Facility
TRGS_FACILITYBUKRS - Range Structure: Company Code of Facility
TRGS_FINANCE_PROJECT - Range Structure for Finance Project
TRGS_FISCAL_YEAR - Range Structure for Fiscal Year
TRGS_FI_POSTING_DATE - Range Structure for FI Posting Date
TRGS_FLAG_LONG_SHORT - Range Structure Indicator: Long or Short Position
TRGS_FLOW_INFO_FUT - General Flow Structure
TRGS_FUND - Range Structure for Fund
TRGS_GRANT_NBR - Range Structure for Grant
TRGS_HREL_NUMBER - Range Structure for Valuation Area
TRGS_ID_CAT - ID Category
TRGS_IGT_STATUS - Range Structure for IGT Status
TRGS_INIT - Structure: Initialization of Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGS_INIT_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration
TRGS_INIT_HEAD_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration
TRGS_INIT_RULE - Structure: Rules for Initialization of Parallel Val. Areas
TRGS_INIT_STEP - Step for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGS_INTERNAL_REFERENCE - Range Structure for Internal Reference
TRGS_KEY_ASSGN - Mapping Structure for Class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG
TRGS_KEY_ASSGN_I - Include Structure for Class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG
TRGS_LOANS_CONTRACT - Range Structure for Loans Contract
TRGS_LOTGENERATION_DEALNR - Range Structure for Lot-Generating Transaction Number
TRGS_LOT_ID - Range Structure for Lot ID
TRGS_MASTER_AGREEMENT - Range Structure for Master Agreement
TRGS_MIGDATA - Extracted Securities Data
TRGS_MIGDATA_RFC - Extracted Securities Data for RFC Call
TRGS_MIGR - Step in Migration to CFM 1.0
TRGS_MIGR_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration
TRGS_MIGR_ENQUEUE - Structure for the Conversion Lock Object
TRGS_MIGTRANS_RFC - Extracted Securities Flow for Transfer to RFC Module
TRGS_MIG_ACCGRP - Migration to ERP 2.0: Sec. Master Data with Additional Infos
TRGS_MIG_RWA_CCODE - Structure to Set Up a Range Table Company Code
TRGS_MIG_RWA_SECACC - Structure to Create a Range Table Securities Account
TRGS_MIG_SECACCGRP - Help Structure, Compatible with TRGT_SECACCGRP
TRGS_MIG_TRANSACTION - Structure for Migration to Enterprise 2.0
TRGS_OBJECT_NUMBER - Range Structure for Object Number
TRGS_ORIGINAL_FLOW - General Structure for Flow: Securities, Loans, Money Market
TRGS_PAR - Parallel Processing Control
TRGS_PARTNER - Range Structure for Partner
TRGS_PAR_TASK - Tasks called by RFC
TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO - Payment Information
TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO_DISPLAY - Display Payment Information
TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO_SM - Display Payment Information (Screen Modi)
TRGS_PL_CATEGORY - Range Structure for Profit/Loss Types
TRGS_PORTFOLIO - Range Structure for Portfolio
TRGS_POSITION_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for Futures Account
TRGS_POSITION_SELECTION - Selection Parameters
TRGS_POSNR - range structure for item number
TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_LONG - Range Structure for Long Position Attribute
TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_MEDIUM - Range Table for Medium Position Attribute
TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_SHORT - Range Structure for Short Position Attribute
TRGS_POS_MAN_PROC - Range Structure for Position Management Procedure
TRGS_POS_VALUES - Structure for Position Values
TRGS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Range Structure for Product Categories
TRGS_PRODUCT_GROUP - Range Structure for Product Group
TRGS_PRODUCT_TYPE - Range Structure for Product Type
TRGS_PS_DATA - Structure for Public Sector Differentiations
TRGS_PS_TERMS - Position-Differentiating Acct Assignments from Public Sector
TRGS_RAW4096 - Structure for X Field with 4096 Bytes
TRGS_REF_PMCAT - Assignment: Position Management Category
TRGS_RFHA_COUNT - Structure for Transaction Number and Number of Flows
TRGS_RISKCAT_VALUE - Risk Category Value
TRGS_RPNNR - Range Structure for Daybook
TRGS_SBERFIMA - Line Structure of a Range Table for SBERFIMA
TRGS_SECURITY_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for Securities Account
TRGS_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_TYPE - Range Structure for Securities Account Type
TRGS_SECURITY_ID - Range Structure for Security ID Number
TRGS_SEC_CLASS - General Security Classification
TRGS_SELSTAT - Control Data for the Selection of Securities Data
TRGS_SFHAZBA - Range for Mvt Type
TRGS_STACK_INDEX - Index of callstack
TRGS_SUBPOSITION_OID - Subposition Range Structure
TRGS_SVORGANG - Range Structure for SVORGANG
TRGS_TAX_FLOW - Flow Structure for Tax Generation
TRGS_TAX_FLOW_INT - Flow Structure for Tax Generation
TRGS_TPM_SEC_ACCT_GRP - Range Structure for Securities Account Group
TRGS_TRADER - Range Structure for Trader
TRGS_TRANSACTION_CURR - Range Structure: Transaction Currency
TRGS_TRANSACTION_TYPE - Range Structure for Transaction Type
TRGS_UPDATE_TYPE - Range Structure Update Types
TRGS_USER - Range Structure for User
TRGS_USER_DATA - Treasury: Entry/Change Data
TRGS_USER_DATA_I - Treasury: Entry/Change Data (Include)
TRGS_USER_DATA_INCL - Treasury: Entry/Change Data (Include)
TRGS_VALUATION_AREA - Range Structure for Valuation Area
TRGS_VALUATION_CLASS - Range Structure for Valuation Class
TRGTS_BT_CONTROL - Control of Relevant/Irrelevant Bus.Transactions for Partners
TRGTS_CMP_PMCAT - Assignment of Position Change Categories to Components
TRGTS_COMP - TR Position Management: Position Components (Definition)
TRGTS_COMPGRP - TR Position Management: Position Component Grps (Definition)
TRGTS_COMPGRPASN - TR: Position Components (Assignment)
TRGTS_COMPGRP_T - TR Position Management: Position Component Groups (Text)
TRGTS_COMP_T - Treasury: Position Components (Text)
TRGTS_DCOMRULE - TR Position Management: Derived Components (Assignment)
TRGTS_DFT_SOURCE - Uses of Update Types
TRGTS_DFT_SOURCT - Texts: Uses for Update Types
TRGTS_FICLASS - Financial Instrument Classification Category
TRGTS_FICLASS_T - Financial Instrument Classification Category Description
TRGTS_INIT_FUNCT - Function Modules for Maintaining Pos. Values for Parallel VA
TRGTS_INIT_RULE - Rules for Processing Initialization Steps
TRGTS_INIT_STEP - Steps for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGTS_INIT_ST_T - Steps for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGTS_MIGR - Steps in Migration
TRGTS_MIGR_RULE - Rules for Processing of Migration Steps
TRGTS_MIGR_T - Steps in Migration to CFM 1.0
TRGTS_PAR_DEF - Parameters
TRGTS_PAR_DEF_T - Descriptions for Parameters
TRGTS_PERS - Treasury Position Mgmt: Persistence Service Function Module
TRGTS_PG_CONTROL - Control of Relevant and Irrelevant Product Groups
TRGTS_SOURCE - Sources of Information
TRGTS_SOURCE_T - Text Table Origin
TRGT_BACKUPACCGR - Backup Table Prelim. Sol. - Position Mgmt - Sec. Acct Group
TRGT_BW_ACTIVE - BW Link for Parallel Position Management Active
TRGT_INIT - Initialization of Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGT_MIGPS_OTC - Assignment of PS Account Assignments to Transactions
TRGT_MIGPS_SEC - Assignment of PS Account Assignments to Securities Positions
TRGT_MIGR - Management Table for CFM Migration
TRGT_MIGR_AMP - Migration: Assign Opertive Posit. Proc. to Par. Amort Proc.
TRGT_MIGR_PMP - Conversion: Assign to Parallel Position Mangmnt Procedures
TRGT_MIGR_VAP - Migration: Assign Par. Valn Procedure to Valuation Principle
TRGT_MIG_BTACT - Data Table for Flows
TRGT_MIG_CC_PT - Converted Company Codes and Product Types
TRGT_SECACCASGN - Obsolete: Do Not Use Anymore!
TRGT_SECACCGRP - Securities Account Groups (Definition)
TRGT_TRANS_REVAL - Table with Revaluation Structures for Transfer to TR Ledger
TRGT_USER_DATA - TR Position Management - User Data
TRIAD_ENTRY - Screen Structure - Manual Int.Rate Adjust. - Initial Screen
TRLC_UFT_ASSGN - Update Types for Valuation Class Transfer
TRLIC_AD - TR: Customizing: Accrual/Deferral
TRLIC_AD_EX1 - TR: Accrual/Deferral: Further Update Types
TRLIC_AD_HEAD - Customizing Accrual/Deferral: Differentiation
TRLIC_AD_OVERDUE - TR: Customizing: Overdue Accrual Mapping
TRLIS_AD_FLOW - Flow of Periodic Income
TRLIS_AD_LIST_HEADER - Header Data of Accrual/Deferral List
TRLIS_AD_LIST_HEADER2 - Accrual/Deferral List: Header Data with Log
TRLIS_AD_LIST_ITEM - Detail Data of Accrual/Deferral List
TRLIS_AD_LIST_MSG - Accrual/Deferral List: Messages
TRLIS_FIMA_DATA - Accrual/Deferral: FIMA Data from TRS
TRLIS_PERIODINCOME_FLOW - Flow of Periodic Income
TRLIT_AD_MIGRATE - Accrual/Deferral: Log Data of Migration to EP 2:
TRLIT_AD_TRANS - Accrual/Deferral Business Transactions (Documentation avail)
TRLS_AMORT_PROT_DATA - Log: All Information for Amortization Log
TRLS_VCL_TRANS_I - Include Structure for Valuation Class Transfers of Loans
TRLT_TRANS_DEL - Deleted TRL Transactions (BW Only)
TRLT_VCL_FLOW - Flows Valuation Class Transfer
TRLT_VCL_TRANS - Valuation Class Transfers
TRMESG - TR messages
TROPT - User options
TRPS_LOCK - Structure: TRL Block for Accrual/Deferral
TRPS_LOG - Persistent Log
TRPS_LOG_I - Log Attributes
TRPS_PROTOCOL - Treasury: Log Management - Internal Structure
TRPS_PROTOCOL_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Log Overview
TRPS_PROTOCOL_HANDLER - Line type protocol handler
TRPS_PROTOCOL_POS - Context for Position
TRPS_PROTOCOL_TRANS - Log Management: Transaction Context
TRPS_PROTOCOL_TYPE - Treasury: Structure Log Categories (for Appl. Log Context)
TRPT_LOG - Persisted Log
TRQB_FLOW - CFM: Backup Table for Flow Data in Quantity Ledger
TRQB_LOTFLOW - CFM: Backup Table with Lot Flows
TRQB_POSITION - CFM: Backup Table for Quantity Ledger Position
TRQB_SUBTOTAL - CFM: Backup Table with Quantity Ledger Pos. Transact. Figs
TRQC_CSP_SCHEMA - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_LOT_ACC_1 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_LOT_ACC_2 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_1 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_2 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_3 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_POS_IND_4 - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQC_SCHEMA_ASSG - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Description
TRQS_ASSIGNMENT - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Assignment Rule
TRQS_ASSIGNMENT_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Assignment Rule
TRQS_ASSIGNMENT_ITEM - Treasury: Structure for Assignment Rule Position
TRQS_BUSTRANS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Business Transaction
TRQS_BUSTRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Business Transaction
TRQS_BUSTRANS_OBJN - Treasury: Structure for a Business Transaction
TRQS_BUSTRANS_OBJ_PROCESSED - Treasury: Structure for Processing the Business Transactions
TRQS_BUSTRANS_W_FLOWS - Treasury: Structure for Business Transaction with Flows
TRQS_DIFFS_QUANT - CFM: Structure with Differentiation and Quantity Change
TRQS_DIFF_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for TRQ Differentiation Values
TRQS_DIS_FLOW_INFO - Treasury: Structure with Information on Update Type
TRQS_FLOW - Treasury: Include Structure for Flows
TRQS_FLOWCON_MARKED - Treasury: Structur with Flow Container, Source/Target Ind.
TRQS_FLOWCON_TRANSFER - Treasury: Structure from Flow Container and Transfer Data
TRQS_FLOWGROUP - Treasury: Mapping Structure Transaction Flow Groups
TRQS_FLOWGROUP_FLOW - Treasury: Structure Flow Group with Flows
TRQS_FLOWGROUP_I - Treasury: Include Structure Flow Groups
TRQS_FLOWGROUP_SORT - Treasury: Structure for Sorting of Flow Groups
TRQS_FLOW_DATA - Treasury: Include Structure for Flow Data
TRQS_FLOW_DEAL_INFO - Transaction Information
TRQS_FLOW_DIFF_DATA_ADD - Additional Differentiation Data, Not In DIFS_DIFF_VALUES
TRQS_FLOW_FIMA_DATA - Financial Mathematical Data
TRQS_FLOW_LOCAL_CURR_DATA - Treasury: Local Currency Data
TRQS_FLOW_PAYMENT_AMT_DATA - Treasury: Payment Amounts
TRQS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Treasury: Position Data
TRQS_FLOW_QUANTITY - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position List - Flows
TRQS_FLOW_SEC_BEPP_DATA - Flow: Fields for Additional Data
TRQS_FLOW_TRANSFER_DATA - Treasury: Transfer-Specific Data
TRQS_LOT - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Lot
TRQS_LOTID_USE - Treasury: Lot IDs for Reuse
TRQS_LOT_ASSIG_HEADER_SCREEN - Treasury: Structure for Manual Lot Assignment, Header Data
TRQS_LOT_ASSIG_ITEM - Treasury: Structure for Manual Lot Assignment
TRQS_LOT_ASSIG_ITEM_HEADER - Treasury: Structure for Manual Lot Assignment, Header Data
TRQS_LOT_ASSIG_ITEM_SCREEN - Treasury: Screen Structure for Manual Lot Assignment
TRQS_LOT_ASSIG_W_POS - Structure for Lot Allocation of a Business Transaction
TRQS_LOT_ATTR - Lot Attribute Values
TRQS_LOT_DATA - Structure for Lot Data
TRQS_LOT_DEAL - Structure for Lot with Transaction Number
TRQS_LOT_I - CFM: Include Structure for Lot
TRQS_LOT_ID - Treasury: Structure with Lot Identity
TRQS_LOT_QUANTITY - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position List - Lots
TRQS_LOT_WITH_POSITION - Treasury: Structure Lot with Position
TRQS_LOT_W_ATTR - Treasury: Structure for Lot with Further Attributes
TRQS_LOT_W_CONTRIBUTION - Treasury: Structure for Lot with Contribution
TRQS_LOT_W_DATE - Treasury: Structure for Lot with Date
TRQS_LOT_W_QUANTITY - Treasury: Structure for Lot with Quantities
TRQS_ORDER_CRITERIA - Treasury: Order Criteria for the Business Transaction
TRQS_OTC_LOT - Mapping Structure for OTC Lot
TRQS_OTC_LOT_I - Include Structure for OTC Lot
TRQS_OTC_LOT_QUANT - Structure for OTC Lot with Further Attributes and Quantity
TRQS_OTC_LOT_QUANTITY - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position List - OTC Lots
TRQS_OTC_LOT_W_ATTR - Treasury: Structure for OTC Lot with Further Attributes
TRQS_POSITION - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Quantity Ledger Position
TRQS_POSITION_DIVISION - Treasury: Structure from Source/Target Position and Quantity
TRQS_POSITION_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Quantity Ledger Position
TRQS_POSITION_OBJN - Treasury: Structure with Quantity Ledger Position (Objects)
TRQS_POSITION_QUANTITY - Structure for Quantity Ledger Position Display
TRQS_POSITION_W_STATE - Treasury: Structure for Position with Processing Indicator
TRQS_POS_ASSIG - Structure for Position Allocation of a Business Transaction
TRQS_POS_FLOW - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Flow
TRQS_POS_FLOW_TRANS - Quantity Ledger Position Flow with Bus. Transaction Category
TRQS_POS_QUANT - Treasury: Structure Position per Diff. Value with Qty Pos.
TRQS_POS_QUANT_GUI - Treasury: Structure Position per Diff. Value with Qty Pos.
TRQS_POS_TRQ_FOR_TRL - Structure for Differentiations and TRQ Positions
TRQS_QUANTITY - Treasury: Structure for Quantity Position
TRQS_QUANTITY_DATE - Structure for Nominal Amount and Date
TRQS_QUANT_LIST_HEADER - CFM: Structure for List Display
TRQS_RAN_FLOWGROUP_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Transaction Flow Groups-GUIDs
TRQS_RAN_FLOW_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Flow GUIDs
TRQS_RAN_LOT_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Lot GUID
TRQS_RAN_RULE_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Assignment Rule GUID
TRQS_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Structure with Transaction Figures
TRQS_SUBTOTAL_DATA - Treasury: Structure with Transaction Figures Data
TRQS_TRD_FLOW_ID - Treasury: Structure for Identification of a Distributor Flow
TRQS_VALUES - CFM: Structure for Quantities and 6 Amounts
TRQTS_BT_CAT - Treasury: TRQ-Relevant Business Transaction Categories
TRQT_ASSIGNMENT - Treasury: Assignment Rule
TRQT_ASSIGN_HIST - CFM: Lot Assignment History
TRQT_ASSIGN_ITEM - Treasury: Assignment Position
TRQT_BUSTRANS - Treasury: Business Transactions
TRQT_FLOW - Treasury: Flow Data Quantity Ledger
TRQT_FLOWGROUP - Treasury: Transaction Flow Groups
TRQT_INIT_LOT - (obsolete)
TRQT_LOT - Treasury: Lot
TRQT_LOTFLOW - Treasury: Table with Lot Flows
TRQT_OTC_LOT - Treasury: OTC Lot (Subposition of OTC Lot Position)
TRQT_POSFLOW - Treasury: Position Flows
TRQT_POSITION - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position
TRQT_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Table with Quantity Ledger Position Trans. Figures
TRQT_TRAFLOW - Treasury: Transaction Flows
TRQT_VWVORTR_LOT - (obsolete)
TRSES_FLOW_CAT - Treasury: Structure for Range Table of Flow Categories
TRSS_FLOW_DISPLAY_I - Include Structure for Condition Data for Cash Flow Display
TRSS_SEC_ACC_W_FACTOR - Structure for TRS Item with Assignment Factor
TRSTRUC4PAYSC - TR: Structure for Display of Payment Plan
TRST_LEGAL_LIMIT - Structure for Legal Limit Report
TRTFC_DFTASS - Update Types for Transfer Posting
TRTFS_FLOW - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields
TRTFS_FLOW_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Flow
TRTFS_POSITION - Stock for Posting Change
TRTFS_POSITION_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Transfer Posting
TRTFS_POSITION_I - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields
TRTFS_TRANSACTION - Mapping Structure for Transfer Posting
TRTFS_TRANSACTION_I - Transfer Posting Header
TRTFS_TRANSFER_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Transfer Posting
TRTFS_VAL_CLASS_RELATION - Relationship Between Valuation Classes
TRTFS_VAL_CLASS_REL_DISPLAY - Display Relationship Between Valuation Classes
TRUS_WHERE_USED - Where-Used List Structure
TRXS_FLOW_I - TRM Tax Transaction Flows
TRXS_TRANSACTION - Mapping Structure Tax Calculation Partner
TRXT_FLOW - TRM Tax Transaction Flows
TRXT_WT_ASSIGN - TRM Withholding Tax Information Assignment
TW19 - Securities: Correspondence Forms (Used Up To Release 4.5B)
TW22 - Securities classification
TW22T - Premium reserve fund (Text)
TW51 - Securities Account Statistics Key
TW51T - Sec. acct statistics key: Texts
TWB08 - Flow types per securities application subfunction
TWB08A - Permitted other flows (default)
TWBBBS - Assign Additional Flow Types for Valuation
TWD01 - Treasury: Securities Account Master Data
TWPOB - Portfolio position
TWPOB_T - Portfolio position (desciption)
TWRF - Security classes relation types
TWRFR - Securities relationship type references
TWRFT - Securities classes relationship types: Texts
TWSD - Field Selection Securities Account Master Data
TWSPV - Security Prices for Special Valuation
TWWTK - Definition of currency exchange accounts
TXI_AT01 - Transaction Category
TXI_AT02 - Transaction Activity Category
TXI_AT02T - Transaction Activity Category: Description
TXI_AT05 - Processing Categories
TXI_AT07 - Category of Flows and Conditions
TXI_AT08 - Allocation: Application to Category of Flows and Conditions
TXI_AT10 - Transaction type
TXI_AT10B - Treasury: Customizing for Valuation
TXI_AT10T - Name of Transaction Type
TXI_AT51 - Margin Types
TXI_AT52 - Expiry Date Type
TXI_AT60 - Definition of Treasury Functions for Activity Processing
TXI_ATMA - Type of Master Agreement.
TXI_ATMAT - Type of Master Agreement: Name
TXI_ATO1 - Check Table for Option Categories
TXI_ATOR - Table of Limit Types
TXI_DIFT_POS_IDENT - Persistent Flow Selectors
TXI_TD02 - Table of Loan Classes
TXI_TD03A - Define Loan Type
TXI_TD07 - Purpose of loan
TXI_TD09 - Loan Maturity
TXI_TD10 - Indicator for special treatment of loan
TXI_TD14 - Value table for tax preferential treatment ID
TXI_TD17 - Branch office
TXI_TD18 - Business regions
TXI_TDDG1 - Value table 1 User-specific loans key
TXI_TDDG2 - Value table 2 User-specific loans key
TXI_TDDG3 - Value table 3 User-specific loans key
TXI_TDDG4 - Value table 4 User-specific loans key
TXI_TDMAHNS_MAN - Loans: Manual Dunning Level
TXI_TRACC_AA_REF_T - Treasury: Text Table Account Assignment Reference
TXI_TRACT_ACCITEM - Treasury: Accounting Items
TXI_TRACT_DOCUMENT - Treasury: Accounting Adaptor Document
TXI_TRACT_POSCONTEXT - Treasury: Position Context Table
TXI_TRBRG - Authorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TXI_TRDC_DFLOWTYPE_T - Treasury: Update Type Texts
TXI_TRDT_FLOW - Treasury: Persistent distributor flows
TXI_TRDT_TRDBUSTRANS - Treasury: Persistent distributor business transaction
TXI_TRGC_VAL_AREA - Treasury: Valuation Areas
TXI_TRGT_USER_DATA - Treasury: Position Management - User Data
TXI_TRLT_FLOW - Treasury Ledger Flows
TXI_TRLT_POSITION - Treasury Ledger Position
TXI_TRLT_TRANSACTION - Treasury Ledger Business Transactions
TXI_TRST_CLASFLO - CFM: Class Flows in Securities Account
TXI_TRST_CLASPOS - Treasury: Class position in Securities Account
TXI_TW17 - Blocking flag
TXI_TW22 - Securities classification
TXI_TW51 - Securities Account Statistics Key
TXI_TWD01 - Treasury: Securities Account Master Data
TXI_TWPOB - Portfolio position
TXI_TZBA - Holding
TXI_TZBAT - Holding share (Text)
TXI_TZDEA - Trader register
TXI_TZRCL - Treasury: Valuation Classes
TXI_TZRR0 - Treasury: Valuation Areas
TXI_TZST1 - Reasons for reversal (Text table)
TXI_VTBAFINKO - Alternative Conditions
TXI_VTBFHA - Transaction
TXI_VTBFHAPO - Transaction Flow
TXI_VTBFHAZU - Transaction Activity
TXI_VTBFINKO - Transaction Condition
TXI_VTBMA - Master Agreement
TXI_VTIAFINKO - Alternative Conditions Underlying
TXI_VTIFHA - Underlying transaction
TXI_VTIFHAZU - Underlying transaction status table
TXI_VTIFINKO - Underlying transaction conditions
TXI_VTIOF - Options Additional Data
TXI_VTIOFZU - Allocation of Option/Future to Underlying
TXI_VTIUL - Underlying Objects
TXI_VWPANLE - Interest-bearing securities
TXI_VWPTERM - Warrants
TZBA - Holding
TZBAT - Holding share (Text)
TZBKM - Define Types of Corporate Actions
TZBKMT - Text table for TZBKM
TZKN1 - Fields as influencing factors for acct assignment reference
TZKN2 - Allocation of values to value groups
TZKN2T - Allocation of values to value groups
TZKN6 - Allocation of charact. group to acct.ass.ref. via invoice no
TZKN7 - Acct assignment reference via the invoice no.
TZKN8 - TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups
TZKN8T - TR: Acct assignmnt ref.determination Def. value groups
TZKN9 - Acct assignm.ref.:Check tab.for permitted table-/field names
TZSZ1 - Fields as factors for allocation of clerks
TZSZ2 - Allocation of characteristics to characteristic groups
TZSZ5 - Check table for permitted table-/field names (clerk alloc.)
TZSZ6 - Alloc. of characteris.groups to clerk via invoice no.
TZSZ7 - Clerk allocation via the invoice no.
TZUSAT - Price notations - Text table
VALS_CALC_BASIS_IVAL - Index Valuation
VBAFINKO - Updating Structure for Alternative Terms
VBFASGT - Update Table: Account Assignment
VBFHA - Updating Table for Transaction
VBFHAPO - Updating Table for Flow
VBFHAZU - Updating Table for Activity
VBFINKO - Updating Table for Terms
VBRATE - Updating Structure for VTBRATE
VBSI - Update Structure: Hedges
VBSIANF - **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!
VBSIZU - Update Structure: Hedge Allocations
VFSFHA - Fin. Transaction from View of Listed Options and Futures
VFSFHAPO - Fin. Flows from View of Listed Options and Futures
VFSFHAZU - Fin. Transaction Activity View for Listed Options / Futures
VRDPT_CONDITION - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VRDPT_REDEMPTION - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VSLCACO - Display Structure: Cumulative Cash Collateral
VSLDYNPRO - Structure for General Screen Fields: Securities Lending
VSLFHA - Transaction Management: Display Structure Securities Lending
VSLFHAPO - Financial Flows of Securities Lending
VSLFHAZU - Securities Lending: Display Structure Activity
VSLFINKO - Securities Lending:Display Structure Conditions for Activity
VSLHPTBWG - Main Flow in Securities Lending
VSLHPTKOND - Main Condition in Securities Lending
VSLSECO - Display Structure for Securities Collateral
VSLSUMCO - Display Structure: Cumulative Collateral in Lending Currency
VSLZSZBWG - Other Flow in Securities Lending
VTAI10 - Transfer Structure for Entry of Additional Flow
VTAI11 - Transfer Structure for Additional Flows
VTB2TRD - Link Between Financial Transaction Flow and Distributor Flow
VTBACCOUNT - TR: G/L account - Master Data Extensions Treasury
VTBACFL - Treasury - Transfer structure ACCUMULATION
VTBAFINKO - Alternative Conditions
VTBAKKU - Accumulated View of a Transaction
VTBANZHAPO - Structure for Displaying Cash Flow
VTBAUTHA - Authorization fields for TREASURY application
VTBAUTHA1 - Authorization Fields for TREASURY Application
VTBBDC - Batch Input Control
VTBBKTO - Transact. figure portfolio financial product position acct
VTBCDOKU - Customizing documentation
VTBDANPASS - List Fields for Interest Adjustment
VTBDATES - Structure for date information
VTBDIVIDEND - Dividend Data for Forward Securities Transaction
VTBEFINKO - Extended Terms for Detail Screen Processing
VTBEVAL - Transact. figure portfolio financial product position acct
VTBFASGT - Account Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow
VTBFATHD - Acct Assmt Templates for PS Mult. Acct Assmts: Header Info.
VTBFATHD_T - Text Table for Account Assignment Templates
VTBFATIT - Acct Assmt Templates for PS Mult. Acct Assmts: Line Info.
VTBFHA - Transaction
VTBFHAPO - Transaction Flow
VTBFHAPO_DYNP - Financial Flows: Futures Screen Fields
VTBFHAPO_MIGR - Migrated Financial Flows
VTBFHAPO_S - Securities include for VTBFHAPO
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXED - Non-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows
VTBFHAZU - Transaction Activity
VTBFHAZU_DYNP - Fin. Transaction Activity: Screen Fields for Futures
VTBFHAZU_S - Securities include for VTBFHAZU
VTBFHA_DYNP - Financial Transaction: Futures Screen Fields
VTBFHA_S - Securities include for VTBFHA
VTBFININ - Header Table for Financial Products
VTBFINKO - Transaction Condition
VTBFIOR - FI: open requests
VTBFKTLOG - Treasury: Sequence of Functions for Activity Processing
VTBFSEC - Securities Collateral
VTBFXIFDC - Structure for creating a forex transaction via interface
VTBGRKOND - Processing Info.for Terms Detail Screen
VTBKORES - Correspondence Data
VTBKORES_TEXT - Correspondence: VTBKORES + Text and Editing Fields
VTBKORTMS - Treasury: TemSe Administration Data for Confirmation Runs
VTBL0108TB - Fields for Interest Adjustment
VTBL08TB - Screen Fields for Terms Detail
VTBLDB - Treasury: Control parameters for logical databases
VTBLTB13 - Field Definitions for SAPLTB13
VTBMA - Master Agreement
VTBMA1 - M. Agreement: Screen Fields
VTBMACR - M. Agreement: Permitted Currencies
VTBMACR0 - Master Agreement: Permitted Currencies - Editing
VTBMADT - Mast. Agreement: Permitted Trans. Types
VTBMADT0 - Master Agreement: Permitted Transact. Types - Editing
VTBMALE - Master Agreement: Permitted Co. Codes
VTBMALE0 - Master Agreement: Permitted Company Codes - Editing
VTBMAPA - Master Agreement: Permitted Bus. Partners
VTBMAPA0 - Master Agreement: Permitted Business Partners - Editing
VTBMMOR - MM: open requests
VTBMROR - invoice verification: open requests
VTBMSGPOST - Treasury: Error Messages for Posting Interface
VTBNOTE - Structure for Memo Processing
VTBPFHAPO - Treasury: Flow Shells
VTBPOSTING - Treasury: Control Structure for Posting Interface
VTBPR - Interface: Treasury - Payment Request
VTBPRS_REGUP - Include for REGUP from TRM (see SI_PAYRQ_TR)
VTBRATE - Rate for Activity
VTBROLLOVER - Rollover Periods for Forward Securities Transactions
VTBSDOKU - Output Field Documentation for Specific Reports
VTBSI - Hedges
VTBSIANF - **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!
VTBSIZU - Hedge Allocation
VTBSODOKU - Selection Option Documentation for Specific Reports
VTBSUBSCR - Transfer of Control Fields to Subscreens
VTBTEKAL - Treasury: Due Date Management
VTBTRA1 - Transaction Authoriz. for Traders
VTBUHEADER - Header for Underlying
VTBUSER - Transfer Structure for User Data
VTBYIELD - Screen stucture for effective interest calculation
VTBZIANP - Int.Rate Adjustment
VTBZV - Payment Details for Transaction
VTBZVERB - Payment Details: General Maintenance Structure
VTBZVGLB - Payment Details: Global Data
VTB_ADJUSTMENT - Fiduciary deposit adjustment flow
VTB_AUSUEB - Transfer Structure for Exercising an Option (physically)
VTB_BEST - Transfer Structure for Confirmation Data
VTB_BUKRS - Ranges structure for company code
VTB_CC - Netting: Currencies
VTB_CF - Netting: Cash Flows and payment info
VTB_CFI - Netting: Cash flows and payment info, common include
VTB_CH - Netting: Header
VTB_CHANGE - Initial Screen for Changing Transaction
VTB_CP - Netting: Positions
VTB_DBEST - Transfer Structure for Holdings of Listed Derivatives
VTB_DEALER - Range Structure for Traders
VTB_FIKEY - Key fields for FI documents, plus GBETR, KURSR
VTB_FRGST - Control parameter for Release - Status management
VTB_HEADER - Header Structure
VTB_KONTRH - Counterparty
VTB_LIMIT - Limit Transfer Bar
VTB_MEMO - Transfer Structure Payment Advices: Transaction Master Data
VTB_MMKEY - Key fields for MM documents
VTB_M_DATA - Transfer Structure Payment Advice Generation: Flow Data
VTB_OR - Communication area: Open requests
VTB_POSTING_LOG - Treasury: Log Structure for Posting Interface (TBB1)
VTB_PROL - Structure for rollover
VTB_RFTBZR00 - ALV Field Catalog Report RFTBZR00: Interest Adjust. Schedule
VTB_RSICH - Ranges Structure for Forex Hedges
VTB_R_RANL - Ranges for Class Number
VTB_SBKTYP - Range Structure for Flow and Condition Categories
VTB_SDIVIDEND - Structure for Dividend Plan
VTB_SDIVIDEND_TRES - Structure for Dividend Plan
VTB_SDKEY - Key Fields for SD Documents
VTB_SFHA - Forwards: Financial Transaction
VTB_SFHAPO - Forwards: Financial Transaction Flows
VTB_SFHAZU - Forwards: Financial Transaction Activity
VTB_SFKEY - External key structure for VTBSIZU
VTB_SI - Hedges (HEADER)
VTB_SIANF - **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!
VTB_SIENTR - Screen Structure to Enter Forex Hedging
VTB_SIFX - Transaction in Hedge Allocations
VTB_SIHPT - Main Transaction of a Hedge Allocation
VTB_SLOAN - Screen structure for Loan data
VTB_SROLLOVER - Structure for Rollover Periods
VTB_STATUS - Ranges Structure for TB_SSTATUS
VTB_SVALUEFLOW - Structure for Value Flow
VTB_S_BEW - Data Structure for Flows (SWAP)
VTB_S_FIN - Data Structure of Swap update log
VTB_S_FORW - Structure for Forwards
VTB_S_FORW_DYNP - Forward: Screen Fields Forward Transaction
VTB_S_FORW_HAPO_DYNP - Forward: Screen Fields for Flows
VTB_S_FORW_HAZU_DYNP - Forwards: Financial Transaction Activity Screen Fields
VTB_S_GES - Transaction information for Swap
VTB_S_KON - Swap Conditions
VTB_S_REPO_DYNP - Fields for Repo Flow
VTB_TFKEY - External key structure for VTBSIZU, field from TR-TM
VTB_TR1 - Screen Structure Transaction Authoriz. for Traders
VTB_TR1KEY - Key fields for Treasury 1 (Header: BUKRS, RFHA)
VTB_TRA1_COPY - Structure for Copying Trader Authorizations
VTB_TRADER_AUTH - Transparent Table for Trader Authorizations
VTB_TRH1 - Hierarchy Struct. Transact. Authoriz. for Traders (gen.)
VTB_TRHI - Hierarchy Structure Transaction Authoriz. for Traders
VTB_WP - Screen fields for security transaction as underlying
VTCORT_CODCO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODCOFO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODCPA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODDP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODFL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODIA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODPI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODRP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODSRA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODUL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODUL2 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODUL2FL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODULCO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODULCOFO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CODULFL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_CONOTES - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_COSAFL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTCORT_COSAPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTGFATHD - Display Structure for Account Assignment Templates
VTG_REP_LEND_SEC_YIELD - Results of SL Reporting
VTH_USER - User data (create, change)
VTI10 - Transfer Structure Option Trading
VTI11 - Transfer Structure Underlying Transactions
VTIABBRE - Dynprostrukture F�r SAPMF71D
VTIAFINKO - Alternative Conditions Underlying
VTIFHA - Underlying transaction
VTIFHAPO - Underlying transaction flows
VTIFHAZU - Underlying transaction status table
VTIFINKO - Underlying transaction conditions
VTIFRA - Screen Fields OTC Interest Rate Derivatives FRA
VTIJOURNAL - TR: Displ.Struct. for Summary Journal
VTIMF71A - Screen Fields OTC Interest Rate Derivative Cap/Floor
VTIMF72A - Screen Fields OTC Interest Rate Derivatives Swap
VTIOF - Additional Option Data
VTIOFZU - Allocation of Option/Future to Underlying
VTIORDER - Structure for Order Items Listed Derivatives
VTIRATE - Rates for Option/Future class
VTISWAP - Financial product - Conditions
VTIUL - Underlying Objects
VTIZBMF71A - Additional flows CAP/FLOOR/FRA
VTIZMF72A - Other Flows SWAP
VTIZU - Transfer structure for Status
VTI_DERIVB - Entry Table Master Data Listed Options and Futures
VTI_FKOFU - Condition transfer Options/Futures
VTI_FUSKO - Transfer structure for settlement
VTI_FUTURE - Structure for Futures Data
VTI_HEADER - Master Data Options/Futures
VTI_KDO - Screen Fields: Header Data - Derivatives - Order
VTI_MEMOUL - Transfer Structure to Memory for Option Details
VTI_SIMGES - Standard Values for Simulated OTC Interest Rate Instrument
VTI_UEBER - Overview screen table of underlyings
VTI_ULWMA - Option/Future Master Data for Underlying with master record
VTMFHA - Financial transactions from money market view
VTMFHAPO - Financial Flows from Money Market View
VTMFHAZU - Transaction Activity from Money Market View
VTMFINKO - Financial Conditions from Money Market View
VTMHPTBWG - Main flow in money market trading
VTMHPTKOND - Main terms in money market
VTMIFDC - Money Market: Interface for Entering Transactions
VTMSBHEAD - Header Information for Time Deposit Collective Processing
VTMTGSB - Time Deposit - Fast Processing
VTMUS - Money market: User settings
VTMWRK0 - View of Transaction for Collective Processing and Reporting
VTMWRK1 - Transaction view for collective processing
VTMZSZBWG - Additional Flow in Money Market
VTM_IN_ACTVT - Money Market: Inbound Interface: Current Activity
VTM_IN_FLWAN - Money Market: Inbound Interface: Other Flow
VTM_IN_FLWMN - Money Market: Inbound Interface: Main Flow
VTM_IN_TRANS - Money Market: Inbound Interface: Transaction
VTPPOLI - Cross-Securities-Account Position
VTRCOT_CTY_EXCHNG - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTRCOT_CTY_QUOTE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTSFASGT - Account Assignment: Screen Fields
VTS_DATE_INFO - Transfer Structure for Date Information
VTS_HM_HEDGEREL - FTR: Display Structure for Hedging Relationship List
VTVBARW_MM - Money Market: Non-Cumulative Values
VTVDMW1_TR - Treasury: Regulatory Reporting
VTVPART_TR - Treasury: Commitment Partner
VTVSZCVO - Scenario database: exchange rate volatilities
VTV_FHAPODET - Dialog Box for Flow Changes: Generic Table Control
VTXI1 - Forex Transaction Flow 1
VTXI10 - Transfer Structure for forex entry
VTXI2 - Forex transaction flow 2
VTXI3 - Forex Transaction Flow 3
VTXI4 - Forex transaction flow 4
VTXICROSS - Transfer Structure Cross Rates Calculation
VTXINDF - Non Deliverable Forward
VTXIZU - Forex Transaction Status Table
VTX_SWAP - Fields Specific to Forex Swaps
VVTBSTA1 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTBSTA2 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTBSTA3 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTBSTA4 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTBSTC1 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTBTRA1 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VVTIERLEVEL - Tier Level for
VWACTCLASSIF - Capitalization of Classification for Product Types
VWBEKI - Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Header
VWBEPI - Treasury Securities: Actual Flows - Item
VWBEPP - Treasury Securities: Planned Flows
VWBEPP_REV_MIGR - Structure to Reverse the VWBEPP Migration
VWBWKM - TRTM-PM: Flow table for corporate actions
VWBWKMT - Flow table for corporate actions + texts
VWERRHEA - Error Table Structure: Header Information
VWERRPOS - Error Table Structure: Item Information
VWFL1 - Assign Flow Categories from TR Transaction to Security
VWFL2 - Assign Flow Types from TR Transaction to Security
VWFL3 - Assign Transaction Number to Position Number
VWFLZPKT - Event Control: Assign Function Module to Event
VWFL_FT_DE - CFM: Assign Update Type to Flow Type
VWGFKTYPE - Table for 2D Graphic Categories
VWIRPPOOLCLASSIF - Classification for Asset Pool
VWIRPPOOLCL_T - Text Table for Pool Classification
VWIRPTRANCLASSIF - Tranche Classification
VWIRPTRANCL_T - Definition of Classification Terms (Tranche)
VWKMKO - Corporate actions (header)
VWKMPO - Corporate actions (items)
VWORDE - Order Data
VWORDESTR - Structure for order data
VWORDSTAT - Status bar for order management
VWPANAN - Asset master/asset master relationship
VWPANIN - Assign Security Class to Security Index
VWPANLE - Interest-bearing securities
VWPBDEP - Bank Securities Account Position
VWPBUKR - Company Code Position
VWPCSPREAD - Credit Spread per Security
VWPDEPO - Securities Account Position
VWPOSTDOC - TR-TM-SE: Securities Posting Document
VWPPOOLDATA - Asset Pool Data
VWPPOOLRATING - Rating for an Asset Pool
VWPPOOLREMARK - Comments for Asset Pool
VWPSHARECAP - Securities - Information about Share Capital and Votes
VWPSHARECAPITAL - TR: Secuirity Share Capital and Votes
VWPTERM - Warrants
VWPUNIT - Unit management securities and listed derivatives
VWPWPKU - Security prices
VWP_AUTH_SECPTYP - Authority check for Security Price Type
VWRPLTAF - Output sequences for list tool applic. in sec. reportingc
VWRPLTAFLT - List of output sequences for securities reporting
VWRPLTFVAF - Fields for generating field catalogs and output sequences
VWSAMOUNT - Treasury: Structure with Amounts
VWSAMOUNT_R - Treasury: Structure with Amounts Repo
VWSBUTTON - Structure for Pushbuttons
VWSFASGT - Financial Flow Account Assignments from Securities View
VWSFHA - Transaction from Securities View
VWSFHAPO - Financial Flows from Securities View
VWSFHAPO_SE - Transaction: Other Screen Fields from Securities View
VWSFHAZU - Transaction Activity from Securities View
VWSFHAZU_SE - Transaction: Other Screen Fields from Securities View
VWSFHA_SE - Transaction: Other Screen Fields from Securities View
VWSPRICE - Treasury: Structure for Price Calculation
VWS_DATE_RULE_DAYS - CFM: Structure for Automatic Date Determination
VWS_YIELD - CFM: Structure for Display Effective Int.Rate - Termination
VWT_DEFDEP_PT - CFM: Default Value Securities Account per Product Type
VWT_DEFDEP_SEC - CFM: Default Value Securities Account per ID Number
VWVORTR - Securities: Carry-Forward Totals
VWZUORD - Securities Assignment Table for Restraints on Disposal
VZOPTI - Treasury general option structure
VZOPTO - Structure for Option Transfer (Reporting)
VZSKOKO - Condition header for stock, subscrip.rights, investments
VZTRF - TRTM-PM: Include for flow tables
VZTRIDAT - Underlying transaction data structure
VZWERTP - General securities structure Treasury
XBKPF - Doc.structure for external data exchange (RFC and file)
XBSEG - Line structure for external data exchange (RFC and file)

SAP Transfer to Financial Accounting Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-AC

ADJS_TRANSACTION - Treasury: Reconciliation Business Transactions
ADJS_TRANSACTION_ALV - Treasury: SAP List Viewer structure for recon. bus. trans.
ADJS_TRANSACTION_I - Include structure for reconciliation business transactions
ADJTC_DFT_ASSIGN - Update Types for Position Reconciliation
ADJT_TRANSACTION - Treasury: Reconciliation business transactions
BCKTLVT_VAL_FLOW - Backup: Treasury: Valuation Flow
BCKTRACT_ACCITEM - Treasury: Accounting Items
BCKTRLT_DERIVFLO - Treasury: Flows for Derived Business Transactions
BCKTRLT_FLOW - Treasury Ledger Flows
BCKTRLT_POSITION - Backup: Treasury Ledger Position
BCKTRLT_SUBPOSIT - Backup: Treasury Ledger Position
DIFS_DIFF_VALUES_EXT - Structure for Differentiation Values
DIFS_SEL_RANGE_STRUCTURES - Structure of Ranges Using Diff. Values for DB Selection
DTILS_OCI_POSTINGS - Treasury: show sum of OCI postings
DTILS_OCI_POSTINGS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Display OCI and P&L postings
TLVC_DFT_ASSGN - Assign Update Types for Valuation
TLVS_COMMON_VALUATOR_VAL - Structure for Common Valuator
TLVS_FTI_LDB_SIM_POSITION - CFM: Simulated Position Values for Reporting
TLVS_POS - Position with Business Transaction
TLVS_POS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Structure for Displaying Positions to be Valued
TLVS_PROTOCOL_DATA - Log: All Information for Valuation Log
TLVS_PROTOCOL_DATA_OF_ALL_PROT - Data of all Logs During Valuation
TLVS_PROTOCOL_DIFF_VALUES - Treasury: Differentiation Terms for Messages
TLVS_PROTOCOL_EFFTST_DATA - Structure with Effectiveness Test data for Valuation Log
TLVS_PROTOCOL_FLOW - Treasury: Structure for Display of Flows of a Valuation
TLVS_PROTOCOL_HEADER - Valuation Log Structure SAP List Viewer Header
TLVS_PROTOCOL_ITEM - Treasury: Valuation Log Structure SAP List Viewer Header
TLVS_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE - Treasury: Valuation Log Messages
TLVS_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_SUB - Treasury: Substructure for Log Display Messages
TLVS_PROTOCOL_SUBPOS_DATA - Structure with Subposition attributes for Valuation Log
TLVS_SELECTION - Selection Criteria
TLVS_VALUATION_INFO - Treasury: Valuation Information for the Log Display
TLVS_VAL_STEP - Treasury: Valuation Step of a Valuation Business Transaction
TLVS_VAL_STEP_LOG - Additional Logs for valuation steps
TLVS_VAL_TRANS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Valuation Bus. Transaction
TLVS_VAL_TRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Valuation Bus. Transaction
TLVT_MANUAL_VAL - Book Values for Manual Valuation of Positions
TLVT_VAL_FLOW - Treasury: Valuation Flow
TLVT_VAL_STEP - Treasury: Valuation Step
TLVT_VAL_STEPLOG - Treasury: Valuation Step Additional Log
TLVT_VAL_TRANS - Treasury: Valuation Business Transactions
TPMS_ACCT_GRP_CONTROL - Structure: Table Ctrl Maintenance for Sec.Act Grp Assignment
TPMS_DATE_VALUE - Date and Value Table
TPMS_PRICE_IDENTIFIER - Security Price Selector
TPMS_RANGE_BOOKING_STATE - Range Structure for TRL Posting Status
TPMS_RANGE_BUSTRANSSTATE - Range Structure for Status of TRL Business Transaction
TPM_LAST_AMORT_INFO - Last Amortization Structure
TRACC_AA_REF - Treasury: Account Assignment Reference
TRACC_AA_REF_T - Treasury: Text Table Account Assignment Reference
TRACC_ACCASSREF1 - OLD: TR: Account Assignment Ref. Allocation Old->New
TRACC_ACCSYMBREP - Acct Determination: Replacement of Acct Symbols by G/L Accts
TRACC_ADDACCDATA - Additional Acct Assignments Dependent on Acct Assignm. Ref.
TRACC_DFT_REL - Posting Relevant Update Types
TRACC_GROUP - Definition of Grouping Characteristic Values
TRACC_GROUP_T - Description of Grouping Characteristic Values
TRACC_MIG_AAREF - Migration of Definitions of Account Assignment References
TRACC_MIG_ACCDET - Table for Migration of Account Determination
TRACC_OPTIONS - Treasury: Options for the Accounting Adaptor
TRACC_POST_REL - Exclude Product Types from Posting
TRACS_AAREF_ACCSYMB - Relationship Between Account Assignment Ref. and Acct Symbol
TRACS_ACCIT_EXTENSION - Treasury: Append - Structure for ACCIT (FI Interface)
TRACS_ACCNT_KEYFIG_SOURCES - Source structure for Accounting relevant key figures
TRACS_ACCNT_KEYFIG_TARGETS - Source structure for Accounting relevant key figures
TRACS_ACC_DET_DATA - Account Determination: Result per Accounting Item
TRACS_ADTL_COMMON - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - General Factors
TRACS_ADTL_EA_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. Ext.Ac
TRACS_ADTL_EA_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data External Acc
TRACS_ADTL_EA_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.-Other Data EA Pos
TRACS_ADTL_LO_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Bus. Partner Loans
TRACS_ADTL_LO_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Master Data Loans
TRACS_ADTL_LO_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Other Data Loans
TRACS_ADTL_OC_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. OTC Trans
TRACS_ADTL_OC_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data OTC Trans
TRACS_ADTL_OC_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.-Other Data OTC Trans
TRACS_ADTL_SE_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Bus. Part. Class Papers
TRACS_ADTL_SE_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data Class Papers
TRACS_ADTL_SE_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Other Data Class Papers
TRACS_ALV_PC - Treasury: Structure for SAP LV Display Position Context
TRACS_ALV_PC_FC - Structure for SAP LV Field Catalog Position Context
TRACS_AMOUNTS - Account Symbol with Posting Amounts
TRACS_AUTHORITY_CHECK - Treasury: Structure for Authorization Check Post / Reverse
TRACS_BUSTRANSID - Migration TRAC: Business Transaction ID Structure
TRACS_CHECK_RESULT - Structure to store information about an inconsistent entry
TRACS_DEALNUMBER - Migration: Structure - Company Code with Transaction Number
TRACS_DFTACC - Update Rules and Relevant G/L Accounts
TRACS_DIFF_EXCLUDES - Exclude Structure for Data Selection by Product Group
TRACS_DOCUMENT - Treasury: Include Structure for TRAC Documents
TRACS_DOCUMENT_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRAC Documents
TRACS_EXIT_AAREF_VALUE - Transfer Structure for Value Ranges in AcctAssgnRef Determ.
TRACS_EXIT_BP - Business Partner
TRACS_EXIT_DOCUMENT - Input Parameters for BAdI Methods at Document Level
TRACS_EXIT_FLOW - Input Parameters for BAdI Methods at Flow Level
TRACS_EXT_ACCIT - Treasury Accounting Adaptor: Grouping Structure for ACCIT
TRACS_ID_PTRDBUSTRANS - Migration: BusTransID Structure and Reference to IF BusTrans
TRACS_LEDGER_INFO - Information on Ledger in General Ledger
TRACS_LOG_ACCITEM - Log Information for Line Item
TRACS_LOG_DOCUMENT - Log Information for Document
TRACS_LOG_REV_DATA - Reversal Data
TRACS_MIGR_POSTDOC - Migration: Structure for Assignment of AWKEY to FI Document
TRACS_PJ_DISPLAY - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields
TRACS_PJ_PRDATA - Payment request data for posting journal
TRACS_POS_CNTXT - Treasury: Include Structure for Position Context
TRACS_POS_CNTXT_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Position Context
TRACS_PRE_POST_DATA - Posting Data for Flow Display
TRACS_PRKEY_MIGR - Migration: BusTransID with PRKEY
TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_DOC - Log: Message for a Document
TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_FLW - Log: Message for a Flow
TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_PRQ - Log: Message for a Payment Request
TRACS_PROT_POST_DATA - Log: All Information for Posting Log
TRACS_PROT_REV_DATA - Log: All Information for Reversal Log
TRACS_PR_QUERY - Transfer Structure for Request Service of Payment Partner
TRACS_QUERY_POSTING_ITEM - Treasury: Posting Line of a TRAC FI Posting
TRACS_SEL_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Values in Accounting Adaptor
TRACS_SEL_POSTING_DATA_CFM - Ranges for Posting Data CFM
TRACS_SEL_POSTING_DATA_FI - Ranges for Posting Data FI
TRACS_SEL_USER_DATA - Accounting Items
TRACS_SPAR - Application Log Message Parameter
TRACS_TM_QUERY - Query of Transaction Management
TRACS_TRDOC_AWKEY - Accounting Entry with AWKEY Field
TRACS_TZAF - Migration: Structure for Table TZAF
TRACS_VTBFHAPO - Migration: Structure VTBFHAPO_MIGR with Flow Number
TRACS_VWBEVI - Migration: Structure VWBEVI with Flow Number
TRACS_VWFL3 - Migration: Structure VWFL3
TRACTSLA - Actual Line Item Table
TRACTSLC - Object Table 2
TRACTSLO - Object Table 1
TRACTSLP - Plan Line Items Table
TRACTSLT - Totals Table
TRACT_ACCITEM - Accounting Items
TRACT_DOCUMENT - Treasury: Accounting Adaptor Document
TRACT_POSCONTEXT - Treasury: Position Context Table
TRACT_QUEUE - Resubmission for Reversal
TRAC_ACCASSREF - OLD: Valuation Area-Dependent Account Assignment Refs
TRAC_ACCASSREF_T - OLD: Text Table for Account Assignment References
TRAC_ACCSYMB - Account Determination: Account Symbols
TRAC_ACCSYMBREP1 - OLD: Prelim. Solution for Acct Det.: Acct Symbol Replacement
TRAC_ACCSYMBREP2 - OLD: Prelim. Solut.: Replace Acct Symbols per Acct Ass.Ref.
TRAC_ACCSYMB_INI - Alternative Acct Symbols for OTC Transaction Initialization
TRAC_ACCSYMB_T - Treasury Account Determination: Text Table for Acct Symbols
TRAC_DFTRULE1 - Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Posting Specs
TRAC_DFTRULE2 - Treasury: Assgmt of Update Type to Post. Specs per Valn Area
TRAC_POSTRULE - Treasury Account Determination: Posting Specifications
TRAC_POSTRULE_T - Treasury Account Determination: Text Table Posting Specs
TRATC_DFTASS - Update Types for Account Assignment Reference Transfer
TRATS_POS_DISPLAY - Display Structure: Positions for Act.Ass.Ref. Transfer
TRATS_TRANS - Structure for Account Assignment Reference Transfer BT
TRATS_TRANS_I - Include Structure Transfer Business Transactions
TRATT_FLOW - Transfer Flows
TRATT_TRANS - Account Assignment Reference Transfer Business Transactions
TRGC_STEP_PROC - Procedure for Steps
TRGC_STEP_PROC_T - Step Procedure Texts
TRGC_ZATTRIB - Custom Settings for Valuation Steps
TRGC_ZATTRIB_T - Texts for Custom Settings for Valuation Steps
TRGS_AA_REF - Range Structure Account Assignment Reference
TRGS_ACC_SYMBOL - Range Structure Account Symbol
TRGS_AWKEY - Range Structure AWKEY
TRGS_AWORG - Range Structure AWORG
TRGS_AWREF - Range Structure AWREF
TRGS_BUKRS - Range Structure Customer Number
TRGS_BUS_TRANS_CAT - Range Structure Business Transaction Category
TRGS_CLEARING_ACC - Range Structure Clearing Account
TRGS_DIS_FLOWTYPE - Range Structure Update Type
TRGS_GL_ACCOUNT - Range Structure G/L Account
TRGS_HOUSEBANK - Range Structure for House Bank
TRGS_HOUSEBANK_ACC - Range Structure for House Bank Account
TRGS_KUNNR - Range Structure Customer Number
TRGS_PAYMENT_DATE - Range Structure Payment Date
TRGS_POSTING_CAT - Range Structure Posting Category
TRGS_POSTING_DATE - Range Structure Posting Date
TRGS_POSTING_PERIOD - Range Structure Posting Period
TRGS_POSTING_YEAR - Range Structure Posting Year (Fiscal Year)
TRGS_PRQ_KEYNO - Range Structure for Key Number for Payment Request
TRGS_RPBANK - Range Structure for Partner Bank Details
TRGS_TRAC_DOC_STATE - Range Structure Accounting Adaptor Document Status
TRGS_TRIL_FLOW_CAT - Ranges Structure for Flow Category in Income Ledger
TRGS_TRIL_RECLASS_ORIGIN - Ranges Structure for the Reclassification Reason
TRGS_TRPR_PAYM_STATE - Range Structure Accounting Adaptor Document Status
TRGS_USER_ALV_I - Include Structure for ALV Display of User Data
TRGS_USER_NAME - Range Structure User Name
TRGTS_STEPDEF - Treasury: Step Categories in Position Management
TRGTS_STEPDEF_T - Treasury: Description of Step Categories
TRGTS_STEPS - Treasury: Permitted Steps per Position Management Category
TRGT_MIGR1 - Management Table for CFM Conversion (Custom. Steps)
TRILC_DFT_ASSGN - Assignment of Update Types for Hedge Accounting
TRILS_CLASSIFICATION - Classification of Valuation Results per Hedging Relationship
TRILS_DFLOW_DISPLAY - Flows in Display Format
TRILS_DTRANS - Mapping Structure for Business Transactions in Income Ledger
TRILS_DTRANS_DISPLAY - Business Transactions in Display Format
TRILS_DTRANS_I - Include Structure for Business Transactions in Income Ledger
TRILS_FLOWBUILDER_FLOW - Flows in Calculation Format
TRILS_PROT_DATA - Log: All Information for Hedge Accounting Log
TRILS_RECLASSIFICATION - Reclassification of Equity
TRILS_STEP_CLASS - Indicator: Hedge Accounting for Each Valuation Step
TRILT_DFLOW - Derived Flows in the Income Ledger
TRILT_DTRANS - Derived Business Transactions in the Income Ledger
TRLAC_DFT_PMC - Assignment of Update Type to Position Change Category Value
TRLAS_INTERFACE_DOCUMENT - Treasury: Data from TRL Interface Document
TRLAS_INTERFACE_FLOW - Treasury: TRL Interface Flows Data
TRLAS_INTERFACE_TRANSACTION - Treasury: Data from TRL Interface Transaction
TRLC_CT_INIT - Treasury: Contract Types in Parallel Valuation Areas
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_A - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category A
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_B - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category B
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_C - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category C
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_D - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category D
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_E - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category E
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_F - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category F
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_G - Assignment: Update Types to Position Change Category G
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_H - Assignment: Update Types to Position Man. Procedure Cat. H
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_J - Assign Update Types to Position Management Category J
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_K - Assignment: Update Types for Position Change Category K
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_L - Assignment: Update Types for Position Change Category L
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_M - Assignment: Update Types for Position Change Category M
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_P - Assignment: Update Types for P/L due to payment
TRLC_DFT_ASSGN_V - Assignment: Update Types to Position Management Category V
TRLC_IFT_ASSGN - Assign Update Types for Initializing Positions
TRLC_PC_INIT - Treasury: Product Cats in the Parallel Valuation Classes
TRLS_ALV_DERIVED_FLOW - Structure for SAP List Viewer Output "Derived Flows"
TRLS_ALV_DERIVED_FLOW_FLAT - Flat Structure for SAP List Viewer Output "Derived Flows"
TRLS_ALV_TRL_TRANSACTION - Structure f�r Field Catalog "Display TRL Transactions"
TRLS_ALV_TRL_TRANSACTION_FLAT - Flat Structure f�r Field Catalog "Display TRL Transactions"
TRLS_APPL_LOG - Structure for Displaying Error Class in Error Log
TRLS_BOOKINGSTATE - Range Structure Posting Status
TRLS_BOOKING_STATE - Structure Subledger Posting Status Range
TRLS_BW_MAP_FLOW - Mapping Structure - BW Reporting Par. Positions: Flows
TRLS_BW_MAP_POSITION_DATA - Mapping Structure - BW Reporting Par. Positions: Posit. Data
TRLS_CHECK1_ALV - Structure for Output of Flows in SAP List Viewer
TRLS_DEBUGINFO - Information for Debugging
TRLS_DERIVFLOW - Flows of the Derived Business Transactions
TRLS_DERIVFLOWS - Treasury: Flows for Derived Business Transactions
TRLS_DERIVFLOWS_I - Flows for Derived Business Transactions (Include)
TRLS_DERIVTRANS - Mapping Structure: Derived Business Transactions
TRLS_DERIVTRANS_I - Include Structure: Derived Business Transactions
TRLS_DISP_DEALS - Display Transaction Data During Partial Sale
TRLS_DISP_POS - Display Structure for List of Positions
TRLS_DISP_POS_TRANS - Display Structure for List of Positions
TRLS_DISP_SUBPOS_VOLS_NEW - Subposition Volumes for Adjustment During Partial Sale
TRLS_DISP_SUBPOS_VOLS_TRANS - Subposition Volumes for Adjustment During Partial Sale
TRLS_DISP_SUBPOS_VOLUMES - Subposition Volumes for Adjustment During Partial Sale
TRLS_DOCUMENT_I - Include Structure TRL Documents
TRLS_FBP_CMP_VAL - Mapping Structure: Flow Backpack Values for Each Component
TRLS_FBP_CMP_VAL_I - Include Structure: Flow Backpack Values for Each Component
TRLS_FIXINGSUM - Mapping Structure TR Ledger Transaction Figure
TRLS_FIXINGSUM_ALV - Structure for Display of Transaction Figures
TRLS_FIXINGSUM_TRANSACTION - Structure of References for Fixing Sum and TRL Transaction
TRLS_FLOW - Treasury Ledger Flows
TRLS_FLOW_ALV - Structure for Output of Flows in SAP List Viewer
TRLS_FLOW_ALV1 - Structure for Output of Flows in SAP List Viewer
TRLS_FLOW_AND_TRANS - Treasury Ledger Flows Including Business Transaction
TRLS_FLOW_AND_TRANS1 - Treasury Ledger Flows Including Business Transaction
TRLS_FLOW_I - Include Structure Treasury Ledger Flows
TRLS_FS_COMP - Mapping Structure TR Ledger Transaction Figure
TRLS_FS_COMP_ALV - Structure for Display of Transaction Figures per Component
TRLS_FS_COMP_I - Include Structure: Transaction Figures per Component
TRLS_FS_SUBPOS_COMP - Mapping Structure TR Ledger Transaction Figure
TRLS_INIT_ALV - Structure for Data Processing to dynp100
TRLS_INIT_DATA_SUBPOS - Initialization Hedging Relationship: Data
TRLS_INIT_DATA_SUBPOS_PROCESS - Init.Hedging Rel.: Information on Processing Hedging Rel.
TRLS_INTERFACE - Treasury Ledger Interface
TRLS_LOCK - Treasury Ledger Position Lock
TRLS_LOCKED_TRANS - Structure for Locked Transactions
TRLS_LOCK_TRANSACTION - Lock and Transaction
TRLS_MAINTAIN_SUBPOS_VALS - Maintain Modified Subposition Values for a Transaction
TRLS_MAINTAIN_TRANS_REVAL - Structure for Maintenance of Transfer Table Position Values
TRLS_MODIFY_POSITION - Maintain Acct Assignment Ref. & Position Mgmt Procedure
TRLS_OBJ_BUSTRANS - Runtime Objects for Business Transaction ID
TRLS_OBJ_DERIV_TRANS - Treasury: Structure Runtime Object List Business Transaction
TRLS_OWNER_POS_TRANS - Lock Owner, Position, Transaction
TRLS_POSITION - Mapping Structure TRL Position
TRLS_POSITION_ALV - Treasury: Structure for Displaying Positions to be Valued
TRLS_POSITION_DIFF - Structure for Differentiation Values
TRLS_POSITION_DISPLAY - Structure: Position Value Display
TRLS_POSITION_I - Include Structure TRL Position
TRLS_POSITION_SELECT - Description of a Position
TRLS_POSITION_TRANSACTION - Position and Transaction
TRLS_POSITION_VALUE - Differentiations and Position Values
TRLS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR - Structure: Position Attributes
TRLS_POSITION_VALUE_ATTR_TXT - Structure: Position Attributes Texts
TRLS_POSITION_VALUE_SIM - Differentiations and Position Values (Simulated Values)
TRLS_POS_ACCU - Position with Accumulator
TRLS_POS_MAN_PROC - Position Context
TRLS_POS_OID_VALUES - Position with Position Values
TRLS_POS_VALUES - Position with Position Values
TRLS_POS_VAL_ATTR - Attributes for Pos Values Tool
TRLS_POS_VAL_ATTR_TXT - Attribute Texts for Pos Values Tool
TRLS_POS_VAL_KEYF - Keyfigures for Pos.Val. Tool
TRLS_REPORTING_POS_VALUES - Reporting Structure with Position Values
TRLS_REPORTING_VALUES2 - Reporting on TRL Positions: Additional Key Figures
TRLS_REPORT_MAP_FLOW_DATA - Mapping Structure - Reporting for Par. Positions: Flows
TRLS_REPORT_MAP_FLOW_VALUE - Mapping Structure - Reporting for Par. Positions: Flows
TRLS_REPORT_MAP_POSITION_DATA - Mapping Structure - Reporting for Par. Positions: Pos. Data
TRLS_REPORT_MAP_POSITION_VALUE - Mapping Structure - Reporting for Par. Positions: Pos.Values
TRLS_REPORT_MAP_PROFITS_LOSSES - Mapping Structure - Reporting for Par. Positions: Revenues
TRLS_REVERSAL_REASON - Treasury: Structure for Reversal Popup
TRLS_RISK_CATEGORIES - Risk Categories for Valuation Steps
TRLS_SEARCH_INIT_HREL - Initialization Hedging Relationship: Selection Criteria
TRLS_SELECTION_RANGES - Ranges for Differentiation for Position Selection
TRLS_SUBPOSITION - Mapping Structure for TRL Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOSITION_ATTRIBUTES_I - Include Structure for TRL Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOSITION_DIFF - Structure for Differentiation Criteria of TRL Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOSITION_I - Include Structure for TRL Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOS_ACCU - Structure for Subposition Accumulators
TRLS_SUBPOS_ACCU_FLOW - Subposition Accumulator Flows
TRLS_SUBPOS_AMOUNTS - Amounts for Each Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOS_CLASSIFICATION_VAL - Unit Data for Classification of Hedge Relationship
TRLS_SUBPOS_DIFF_RT - Structure for Differentiation Criteria of TRL Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOS_DISPLAY - Structure to Display Subposition Values
TRLS_SUBPOS_QTY_FACTOR - Relationship of Positions to Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALS_BY_TRANS - Subposition Values Corresponding to a TRL Transaction
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALUE - Value of Position Component
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALUES - Component Values for Each Subposition
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALUE_ATTR - Structure for Subposition Attributes
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALUE_ATTR_TXT - Structure: Subposition Attributes, Texts
TRLS_SUBPOS_VALUE_REP - Structure: Subposition Attributes, Texts
TRLS_TARGET - Target of an Internal Transfer
TRLS_TARGET_CLASSIFICATION_VAL - Target Values for Eff and Ineff Components - HItem and HInst
TRLS_TRANSACTION - Mapping Structure Treasury Ledger Business Transactions
TRLS_TRANSACTION_I - Include Structure Treasury Ledger Business Transactions.
TRLS_TRQ_QTY_SELECT - Structure for Table Control: TRQ Quantities to Transfer
TRLS_USER_DESIG_CUSTOM_DATA - Valuation Basis to Override Customizing
TRLS_VALUES_PER_DATE - Structure for Reporting on TRL Positions per Key Date
TRLS_VALUES_PER_POSITION - Structure for Reporting on TRL Positions per Position
TRLS_VAL_CLASS_TRANS_QTY - Structure for Table Control: TRQ Quantities to Transfer
TRLS_VCL_TRANS - Mapping Structure for Valuation Class Transfers
TRLS_VCL_TRANS_SELECT - Structure: Seln of Valn Class Transfer BTs to be Reversed
TRLS_VCL_TRANS_SHOW - Display Valuation Class Transfer Business Transaction
TRLS_VORAB_POSVAL - Position Values from Backup Table Preliminary Solution
TRLS_YLD_VALUES - Yield Display Structure
TRLTC_ATTRVAL_M - medium attribute values
TRLTC_ATTRVAL_MT - medium attribute values
TRLTC_ATTRVAL_S - short attribute values
TRLTC_ATTRVAL_ST - short attribute values
TRLTC_POSATT_DEF - position attributes
TRLTC_POSATT_D_T - position attributes
TRLTS_DCAT_PCAT - Treasury: Asst of Derivation Method to Pos. Management Cat.
TRLTS_DERIVDEF - Position Management Category (Definition)
TRLTS_DERIVDEF_T - Position Management Category (Text)
TRLTS_DERIV_CAT - Treasury: Asst of Derivation Method to Pos. Management Cat.
TRLTS_DERIV_REL - Treasury: Relevant BT Categories per Derivation Method
TRLTS_INIT_COMP - Mapping of Position Components to Treasury Ledger
TRLTS_PMCAT - Position Change Category
TRLTS_PMCAT_T - Position Change Category (Text)
TRLTS_POS_ATTRIB - position attributes
TRLTS_POS_ATTRIB_TXT - Description of position attributes
TRLTS_STATE_T - Texts for TRL Posting Status
TRLT_BACKUPVORAB - Backup Flow Table from Preliminary Solution - Pos. Mgmt Sol.
TRLT_BUSTRANS_BW - Treasury Ledger Business Transactions for BW Extraction
TRLT_DERIVFLOWS - Treasury: Flows for Derived Business Transactions
TRLT_DERIVTRANS - Derived Business Transactions
TRLT_DOCUMENT - Treasury Ledger Documents
TRLT_FBP_CMP_VAL - Flow Backpack Values for Each Component and Subposition
TRLT_FIXINGSUM - TR Ledger Transaction Figures
TRLT_FLOW - Treasury Ledger Flows
TRLT_FS_COMP - TR Ledger: Transaction Figures per Component
TRLT_FS_SUB_COMP - Transaction Figures for Each Component and Subposition
TRLT_INITIALIZE - Management Data for Initialization of Treasury Ledger
TRLT_INITSTEP3 - Function Modules of Treasury Ledger Initialization Step 3
TRLT_INIT_DES - Init.Hedging Relationship: Bus.Trans.Mgmt, Designation
TRLT_INIT_IGT_SE - Initialization Values for Intragroup Transactions
TRLT_INIT_POS - Admin. Table: (Obsolete as from Support Package 01)
TRLT_INIT_SUB_OT - Init.Hedging Rel.: Data for MM, FX, OTC Deriv.with Subpos.
TRLT_INIT_SUB_SE - Init.Hedging Relationship for Securities with Subpositions
TRLT_INIT_SUB_TR - Init.Hedging Rel.: Bus.Trans.Mgmnt, Designation Subpositions
TRLT_INIT_TRANS - List of Initializing Business Transactions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_FU - Initialization Values for TRL Futures Positions
TRLT_INIT_VAL_HR - Init.Hedging Rel.:Mapping to Hedging New Company Code
TRLT_INIT_VAL_LO - Initialization Values for TRL Positions: Loans
TRLT_INIT_VAL_SE - Initialization Values for TRL Positions: Securities
TRLT_LOCK - Treasury Ledger Position Lock
TRLT_NEW_POS - Treasury: New Initialization or Transfer Positions
TRLT_POSITION - Treasury Ledger Position
TRLT_POS_ATTRIB - additional attributes of TRL-positions
TRLT_SUBPOSITION - Treasury Ledger: Subposition
TRLT_TRANSACTION - Treasury Ledger Business Transactions
TRL_C_FT_REPLACE - Replacement of Update Types
TRPRS_EXIT_EXT_PAYMENT - Payment Information for External Payment Interface
TRPRS_EXIT_PAYMENT_REQUEST - Input Parameters for BAdI Methods for Payment Requests
TRPRS_FLOW - Payment Partner Transaction
TRPRS_FLOW_ALV_I - Comprehensive Cash Flow: Data from Payment Partner
TRPRS_PAYMENT_PROT - Information about payment
TRPRS_PAYMENT_PROT_UI - Information about payment requests for UI display
TRPRS_PRQ_KEYNO - Range Structure for Payment Requests Key
TRPRS_REV_TRANSACTION - Structure of Transactions to Be Reversed
TRPRS_SEL_PAYMENT_DATA_CFM - Ranges for Posting Data CFM
TRPRS_SEL_PAYMENT_DATA_FI - Ranges for Posting Data FI
TRPRS_TM_QUERY - Query of Transaction Management
TRPRS_TRPRSTATE - Range Structure for Payment Status
TRPRT_PAYMENTS - Persistent Data for Payment Requests
TRSET_BUSTRANS - OLD! Preliminary Solution: Transferred Sec. Bus.Transactions
TRSET_FLOW - OLD: Prelim. Solution: Transferred Security Flows
TRSET_RUN_HEAD - OLD: Prelim. Solution: Transfer Runs
TRSET_RUN_POS - OLD: Preliminary Solution: Transfer Run Items
VALC_FORW_PROC - OLD! Rate Valuation Procedure: Forward
VALC_FORW_PROC_T - OLD! TR: Texts for Rate Valuation Procedures - Forwards
VALC_RPVALPROC_T - OLD! TR: Texts for Price Valuation Procedures
VALC_RPVAL_PROC - OLD! TR: Definition - Price Valuation Procedures
VALC_TIFE_PROC - OLD! Procedures for One-Step Price Valn, Sec. Valn, FX Valn
VALC_TIFE_PROC_T - OLD! Texts for One-Step Price Valn, Sec. Valn, FX Valuation
VALC_VAL_PROC - OLD! TR: Definition - Valuation Procedure
VALC_VAL_PROC_T - OLD! TR: Texts for Valuation Procedures
VALS_AMORTIZATION - Treasury: Amortization Amounts in Amortization
VALS_CALC_BASIS - Calculation Basis for a Valuation Step
VALS_CALC_BASIS_HREL - Calculation Basis for a Valuation Step: Hedging Rel. Data
VALS_CALC_BASIS_SUB - Calculation Basis for a Valuation Step
VALS_COMMODITY_WR_UP_DOWN - Write-Up/Write-Down Amounts for Commodity Trans. Valuation
VALS_CUST - Customizing Settings for a Valuation Step
VALS_FORWARD_WR_UP_DOWN - Write-Up/Down Amounts in Rate Valn Forward Exch. Trans.
VALS_IMPAIRMENT - CFM: Record impairment for position - amounts
VALS_MARGIN_SWAP_DEF_UP_DOWN - Accrual/Deferral Amounts for Margin/Swap Accrual/Deferral
VALS_NEW_DATA - New Position Values after a Valuation Step
VALS_PRICE_INDEX - Treasury: Write-Up/Down Amounts in Price Index Valuation
VALS_P_INDEX_CALC_BASIS_DELTA - Treasury: Calculation Basis of the Price Index Valuation
VALS_RATE_PRICE_VAL_CALC_BASIS - Obsolete - Treasury: Calculation Basis of Rate Valuation
VALS_RATE_PRICE_VAL_CUST - Obsolete - Treasury: Customizing Data for Rate Valuation
VALS_RATE_PRICE_VAL_NEW_DATA - Obsolete - Treasury: New Book Values and Rates
VALS_RATE_PRICE_VAL_WR_UP_DOWN - Treasury: Write-Up/Down Amounts in Rate Valuation
VALS_SWAP_VAL_WR_UP_DOWN - Write-Up/Down Amounts in Swap Valuation
VALS_UP_DOWN - Write-Up/Write-Down for Each Subposition
VALS_VALUATION_FLOW - Treasury: General Valuation Flow
VALS_VALUATION_INFO - Treasury: Information About Valuation of a Position
VALT_SP_VAL_SEC - Security Prices and NPV for Special Valuation

SAP Back Office Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-BO

BAPI1062_GEN - Interface Structure: General Fields
BAPI1062_HEADER_CREATE - Header Data of External Securities Account Statement
BAPI1062_POSITION_CREATE - Position in External Securities Account Statement
E1BP1062_HEADER_CREATE - Create External Header
E1BP1062_POSITION_CREATE - Create External Position
EXBESTAND_DE_MRM - Drilldown: Export Position Data for Listed Options/Futures
EXBWG_DE_MRM - Drilldown: Export Flow Data for Listed Options/Futures
PINC_PI_TRF - Cust.Table for Generating Position Account-Position Indic.
PINC_PI_TRL - Customizing Table for Generating Sub-Ledger Position Indic.
PINC_PI_TRS - Customizing Table for Generating Security Acct Posit.Indic.
PINS_CH_POS_IND_TRL - Changing Structure of BAdI for Sub.-Ledger Position Indic.
PINS_CH_POS_IND_TRS - Changing Structure of BAdI for Sec. Acct Position Indicator
PINS_DIFF_VALUES_FLG - Required Differentiation Criterion
PINS_IM_POS_IND_TRAC - Import Struct. of BAdI for Sub-Ledger Pos.Ind.(AcctAsgnRef)
PINS_IM_POS_IND_TRL - Import Structure of BAdI for Sub.-Ledger Position Indicator
PINS_IM_POS_IND_TRS - Import Structure of BAdI for Securities Acct Position Ind.
PINS_MAP_TRF_OBJ_TO_STRUCT - Mapping: TRF Object <-> Display Structure
PINS_MAP_TRL_OBJ_TO_STRUCT - Mapping: TRL Object <-> Display Structure
PINS_MAP_TRS_OBJ_TO_STRUCT - Mapping: TRS Object <-> Display Structure
PINS_POS_IND_CHECK - Structure for Position Indicator Check via BAdI
PINS_TRF_POSITION_DISPLAY - Position Acct Position Indicator: Display Structure
PINS_TRL_POSITION - Subledger Position Indicator
PINS_TRL_POSITION_DISPLAY - Subsidiary Ledger Position Indicator: Display Structure
PINS_TRL_POSITION_SCREEN - Subsidiary Ledger Position Indicator: Display Structure
PINS_TRL_SUBPOSITION_DISPLAY - Subledger Position Indicator: Display Struct.for Subposition
PINS_TRS_POSITION_DISPLAY - Securities Account Position Indicator: Display Structure
PINT_STOCKEX - Stock Exchange per Company Code and Class
POGS_GUARD_ID - Structure with Lock ID
POGS_GUARD_SIM - Structure for Lock Data
POS_ACC_DYNPRO - Screen Structure for Futures Account
SEC_ACC_DYNPRO - Screen Structure for Class Master Data (Securities)
SEC_ACC_DYNPRO_CREATE - Dynpro Structure - Create
TPMC_LOT_HEADER - Change Document Structure for Table TPMT_LOT_HEADER
TPMS_BOOK_MARKET_SEC - Book and Market Value of Security Position
TPMS_DEDOC_HDPOS - CFM: Structure for DE Document Header with Item
TPMS_DEDOC_INTERFACE - Interface Derivatives Doc.: Doc. Made up of Header and Items
TPMS_DEDOC_INTERFACE_HEADER - Interface Derivatives Document: Document Header
TPMS_DEDOC_INTERFACE_POSITION - Interface Derivatives Document: Document Item
TPMS_DEDOC_KEY_OBJNR - Assignment of Derivatives Document to External Obj. Numbers
TPMS_DEDOC_KEY_POSTINGDATES - Structure From Internal Der. Document No. and Posting Dates
TPMS_DEDOC_KEY_RDOCNRINT - Internal Document Number of a Derivatives Document
TPMS_DEDOC_KEY_TO_FLOW - Line Structure Key DEDOC for Flow
TPMS_DEDOC_KEY_TO_VM_FLOW - DEDOC key for Variation Margin Flows
TPMS_DEDOC_LOT_FLOW - Interface Structure for Lot Flows
TPMS_DEFBK_RESULT - Interface for Position Valuation Account (Listed Futures)
TPMS_DEPAL_POSITIONS - Positions for which new price gains need to be calculated
TPMS_FTR_SEL_RDB - Selection Structure for MM Transactions
TPMS_LOT_0100 - Screen Structure for Function Group FPM_LOT, Screen 100
TPMS_LOT_0100T - Screen Structure for Fu.Grp. FPM_LOT, Screen 100, Table Ctrl
TPMS_LOT_ASSIGNED_UNITS - No. of Units Assigned for a Single Position
TPMS_LOT_FLOWS_MIGR - Structure for Lot Flows with Conversion Indicator
TPMS_LOT_POSITION - Position Values of a Single Position for a Key Date
TPMS_PL_LOT - Profit and Loss for Securities Assigned to Lots
TPMS_PL_LOT_ASSIGN - Profit and Loss for Securities Assigned to Lots
TPMS_QUANTITY_LOT - Treasury: Struct. for Qty Display of Class Sec.Acct
TPMS_QUANTITY_LOT_CHAR - Treasury: Struct. for Qty Display of Class Sec.Acct
TPMS_R_DATE - Range for Date
TPMS_R_OBJNR - Range Structure for a CO Object Number
TPMS_R_RDOCNREXT - Range Structure for Internal Doc. Numbers Derivatives Doc.
TPMS_R_RDOCNRINT - Range Structure for Internal Doc. Numbers Derivatives Doc.
TPMS_R_RLOT - Ranges for sales order
TPMS_SEC_POS_USER_PROFILE - User Profile for Security Position Information
TPMS_SIM_PL_LOT - Profit and Loss for Securities Assigned to Lots
TPMS_SIM_PL_LOT_ASSIGN - Simulated Profit and Loss Assigned to Lots
TPMS_SIM_PL_SEC - Simulated Profit and Loss
TPMS_VAMA - Structure for Calculating the Variation Margin
TPMS_VAMA_PROT - Log Structure for Variation Margin
TPMS_VMFL - Table Structure for Variation Margin Flows
TPMT_DEDOC_HDR - Derivatives Document: Document Header
TPMT_DEDOC_LOTPO - Derivatives Document: Document Item Per Lot
TPMT_DEDOC_POS - Derivatives Document: Document Item
TPMT_DEPAL_FLOWS - Listed Futures: Price Gain Records
TPMT_LOT_HEADER - Single Position Master Data for TR Position Management
TPMT_POS_IND_DE - Allocation of Acct Assignment Reference to Position
TPM_TRS_CFD_200 - Structure for Entry Screen of Securities Account Cash Flow
TPM_TRS_CFD_720 - Structure for Flow Details
TPM_TRS_CFD_750 - Structure for Popup 750
TPM_TRS_SAT_200 - Screen Structure for Securities Account Transfer
TREC_TRANS_TYPE - Transaction Types for Endowment Investments
TRES_LOG_CONTEXT - Additional Data for Messages
TRES_POOL - Additional Pool Data for Fund
TRES_POOLDY - Endowment Pool Screen Fields
TRES_POOL_HEADER - Pool Header Data
TRES_POOL_HEADER_DI - Pool Header Data Direct Entry
TRES_TRANSACTION_DISPLAY - Structure to Display Transactions
TRES_TRANSACTION_GEN_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Created Transactions
TRES_TRANSACTION_REV_DISPLAY - Display Structure for Reversed Transactions
TRET_END2POOL - Pools Permitted for Each Endowment
TRET_ENDOWMENT - Additional Fund/Grant Data for Endowments
TRET_POOL - Additional Pool Data for Fund
TRET_PROTOCOL - Transactions Generated for Endowments
TRET_SEC_POOL - Additional Pool Data for Security
TRET_TRANSACTION - Transactions to Be Created for Endowments
TRFB_CLASS_POS - CFM: Backup Table for TRF Class Position
TRFB_FLOW - CFM: Backup Table with TRF Flows
TRFB_SUBTOTAL - CFM: Backup Table with TRF Transaction Figures
TRFB_SUBTRANS - CFM: Backup Table for TRF Business Subtransaction
TRFC_ATTR_DESC - Description Of Free Position Account Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_L - Attribute Values For Long Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_L_T - Texts For Attribute Values For Long Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_M - Attribute Values For Medium Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_M_T - Texts For Attribute Values For Medium Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_S - Attribute Values For Short Attributes
TRFC_ATTR_SUFFIX - Attribute Suffix
TRFC_ATTR_S_T - Texts For Attribute Values For Short Attributes
TRFC_DFTYPE_MP - TRF: Update Types for Manual Posting
TRFC_FUT_ACC_TYP - Activation Of Futures Account Type
TRFC_MRG_FT - Assign Update Types for Margin Management
TRFC_PM_FT - Treasury: Assignment of Update Type to Flow Category
TRFC_RATE_TYPE - Rate Type to Convert Margins
TRFS_BUSTRANS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for TRF Business Transaction
TRFS_BUSTRANS_GUI - CFM: Display Structure for TRF Business Transaction
TRFS_BUSTRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRF Business Transaction
TRFS_CALC_POS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for TRF Calculation Position
TRFS_CALC_POSITION_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for Position Value
TRFS_CALC_POS_ALL - Treasury: Structure for TRF Calculation Position Display
TRFS_CALC_POS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRF Calculation Position
TRFS_CALC_POS_L - Treasury: Structure for Calculation Position as Line Cat.
TRFS_CALC_POS_LIST - Treasury: Structure for TRF Calculation Position Display
TRFS_CALC_POS_W_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for TRF Lot Position with Components
TRFS_CLASS_POS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for TRF Class Position
TRFS_CLASS_POS_DATA - CFM: Structure for TRF Class Position
TRFS_CLASS_POS_GUI - Treasury: Structure for Position Editing Interface
TRFS_CLASS_POS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRF Class Position
TRFS_CLASS_POS_KEY - Treasury: Include Structure for TRF Class Position
TRFS_CLASS_POS_LIST - CFM: Structure for TRF Class Position with Components
TRFS_CLASS_POS_SELECTION - Treasury: Structure for Report Selections TRF
TRFS_CLASS_POS_W_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for TRF Class Position with Components
TRFS_COMPONENTS - Treasury: Structure with TRF Position Components
TRFS_DIS_FLOW_INFO - Treasury: Structure with Information on Distributor Flow
TRFS_FLOW - Treasury: TRF Flow
TRFS_FLOW_DATA - Treasury: TRF Flow Data
TRFS_FLOW_POSITION_DATA - Treasury: Options/Future Position Data
TRFS_FLOW_W_DIFF - Treasury: TRF Flow with Differentiation Criteria
TRFS_LIST_FLOW - Treasury: TRF Flow for Cash Flow Display
TRFS_LOCAL_CURR_DATA - Treasury: Options/Future Position Data
TRFS_LOT_OPEN_MATCH - Lot Position with All Attributes
TRFS_LOT_POSITION_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for Position Value
TRFS_MAN_POST_FLOW - TRF: Flow for Manual Posting
TRFS_MAN_POST_FLOW_GUI - TRF: Flow for Manual Posting
TRFS_MAN_POST_GUI - TRF: Screen Structure for Manual Posting
TRFS_MATCH_FLOW - Treasury: Structure for Matching Process Flows
TRFS_MATCH_FLOW_DISP - Display Structure for Matching Process Flows
TRFS_MATCH_FLOW_I - Treasury: Include Struture for Matching Process Flows
TRFS_MATCH_SEL - Selection Data and Posting Data for Matching
TRFS_MATCH_TRANS - Treasury: Structure for Matching Business Transaction
TRFS_MATCH_TRANS_DISP - Display Structure for Matching Process Business Transaction
TRFS_MATCH_TRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Matching Business Transact.
TRFS_PACC_BANK - Structure of table TRFT_PACC_BANK
TRFS_POSITION_VALUES - Treasury: Structure for Position Values
TRFS_POS_ACC_FREE_ATTR - Free Attribute for Customer data in Position account master
TRFS_PROT - Treasury: Structure for TRF Logs
TRFS_PROT_FLOW - Treasury: Structure for TRF Flow Log
TRFS_RANGE_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Guid of CalcPos-Tab-Attributes
TRFS_RAN_CALC_POS_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Calculation Position GUID
TRFS_RAN_CLASS_ID - Treasury: Range Structure for ID Number
TRFS_RAN_COMPANY_CODE - Treasury: Range Structure for Company Code
TRFS_RAN_POS_ACC - Treasury: Range Structure for Futures Account
TRFS_RAN_PROD_TYPE - Treasury: Range Structure for Product Type
TRFS_RAN_SUBTRANS_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Business Subtransaction GUID
TRFS_STATUS - Range Structure for TRF Business Transaction Status
TRFS_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Structure for Transaction Figure
TRFS_SUBTOTAL_DATA - Treasury: Structure for Transaction Figure Data
TRFS_SUBTRANS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for TRF Business Transaction
TRFS_SUBTRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRF Business Subtransaction
TRFS_SUBTRANS_L - Treasury: Structure for Bus. Subtrans. as Line Category
TRFS_SUBTRANS_W_ATTR - Treasury: Structure for Business Subtrans. with Attributes
TRFS_SUBTRANS_W_FLOWS - CFM: Structure for TRF Business Subtransaction with Flows
TRFS_TRD_FLOW_ID - Treasury: Structure for Identification of a Distributor Flow
TRFS_VALUE - TRF: Structure with Position Values
TRFTS_ATTRSUF - Suffix to Position Account Attribute
TRFTS_ATTRSUF_T - Texts For Suffixes Of Free Position Account Attributes
TRFT_ATTR_DESC - Description Of Free Position Account Attributes
TRFT_ATTR_L - Values for Long attributes
TRFT_ATTR_L_T - Texts for Long Attribute Values
TRFT_ATTR_M - Values for Medium attributes
TRFT_ATTR_M_T - Texts for Medium Attribute Values
TRFT_ATTR_S - Values for Short attributes
TRFT_ATTR_SUFFIX - Attribute Suffix
TRFT_ATTR_S_T - Texts for Short Attribute Values
TRFT_BUSTRANS - Treasury: TRF Business Transaction
TRFT_CALC_POS - Treasury: TRF Calculation Position
TRFT_CLASS_POS - Treasury: TRF Class Position
TRFT_FLOW - Treasury: Table with TRF Flows
TRFT_MAN_POST - Manual Posting
TRFT_MAN_PT_FLOW - TRF: Flows for Manual Posting
TRFT_MATCH_FLOW - Treasury: Table with Matching Process Flows
TRFT_MATCH_TRANS - Treasury: Matching Process Business Transaction
TRFT_PACC_BANK - Payment Information
TRFT_POS_ACCOUNT - Treasury: Futures Account Master Data
TRFT_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Table with TRF Transaction Figure
TRFT_SUBTRANS - Treasury: TRF Business Subtransaction
TRF_OPEN_MATCH_ALV - Structure for ALV Output of Matching UI
TRIAS - Treasury: Int. Rate Adjustment - Registration and Fixing
TRIAS_KEY - Treasury: Int. Rate Adjustment - Registration and Fixing-Key
TRIAS_NO_KEY - Treasury: Int. Rate Adjustment-Registration and Fixing-NoKey
TRIL_BWGART - OLD!!! Flow types for Hedge Accounting
TRLC_PMC_TRADING - Assignment of Pos. Mgmt Procedures for Trading Positions
TRLS_BOOK_VALUE_SECURITY - Book Value of Security Position
TRLS_PL_SECURITIES - Profit and Loss for Securities
TRLS_POSITION_MANUAL - Mapping: Persistent - Transient Position
TRLS_REP_FLOW - Flows with Business Transaction Data
TRLS_REP_POSITION - Reporting Data for a Position
TRLS_REP_TRANS_DISPLAY_ALV - Business Transactions Display ALV
TRLS_REP_VALUE - Position Values
TRQS_POS_FLOW_W_LOTID - Treasury: Quantity Ledger Position Flow with Lot ID
TRRC_CA1 - TR Reporting: Definition of Currency Accounts
TRRC_CA2 - TR Reporting: Assign Levels for Currency Accts for Balance
TRRC_CA3 - TR Reporting: Define Revenue Account for Currency Revenues
TRRS_BALANCE - Account Balance or Change to an Account
TRRS_BOOK_VALUE - Book Value of a Position
TRRS_CAPITAL_FLOW - Capital Flow for Reporting
TRRS_CA_CM_FLOW - TR Reporting: Cash Management Flow
TRRS_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Values
TRRS_MSG - Message for Log
TRRS_PL_VAL_FLOW - TRL Valuation and Profit/Loss Flows
TRRS_POSITION_DATA - Position Data & Posting Items
TRRS_POSITION_HEADER - Position Header for Reporting
TRRS_POSITION_ITEM - Flows for Position (General Format)
TRRS_POSTING_ITEM - Positing Items
TRRS_QUANTITY - Quantity of a Security
TRRS_TRANS_CAT_ID - Transaction Category and ID
TRRS_TRLS_FLOW - TRL Flows (Subset of Structure TRLS_FLOW)
TRSB_CLASFLO - CFM: Backup Table for Class Flows in Securities Account
TRSB_CLASFLO_REV - CFM: Backup Table for Class Flows in Securities Account
TRSB_NOM_CORR - CFM: Backup Table for Nominal Adjustment
TRSB_POSCHG_FLOW - CFM: Backup Table for Flow Rel. to Change in Sec. Acct Pos.
TRSB_RECON_POS - CFM: Backup Table for Position Reconciliation
TRSB_SECACCTRANS - CFM: Backup Table for Securities Account Transfer
TRSB_SUBTOTAL - CFM: Backup Table with Transaction Figures
TRSC_ACCINT - Treasury: Assignment of Update Types for Accrued Interest
TRSC_CONDITION - Treasury: Update Types for Condition Type
TRSC_CONDITION_P - Update Types for Condition Type (Passive Positions)
TRSC_DFLOWTYPE - Treasury: Attributes of Update Type for TRS
TRSC_DFTYPE_IP - CFM: Update Types for Incoming Payments
TRSC_DFTYPE_MP - CFM: Update Types for Manual Posting
TRSC_DFTYPE_NC - CFM: Update Types for Nominal Adjustment
TRSC_DFTYPE_SD - CFM: Update Type for 'Capitalize Dividends'
TRSC_LEND_TRANS - Update Types for Securities Account Transfer for Sec.Lending
TRSC_RECON_PRT - Treasury: Type of External Data Record of the Position
TRSC_RECON_RD - Treasury: Name of External Data Records
TRSC_RECON_STA - Treasury: Status of External Securities Account Statement
TRSC_REF_DISFLO - Treasury: Referenced Update Types (Incoming payment)
TRSC_ROUND_RULE - Treasury: Rounding Rule
TRSC_ROUND_RUL_T - Treasury: Rounding Rule Text
TRSC_SA_TYPE_T - Text for Fund Type
TRSC_SECACCTRANS - Treasury: Update Type for Securities Account Transfer
TRSC_SECACC_TYPE - Securities Account Type
TRSS_APPL_DATA - Treasury: Structure for Cash Flow Calc. - Application Data
TRSS_BOT9_KEY - Key for Finance Object of Category "T9"
TRSS_BUSTRANSID_FLOWCAT_TRS - Treasury: Structure of Bus. Trans. ID and TRS Flow Cat.
TRSS_CC_SA_SI - Structure for Company Code, Securities Account, ID Number
TRSS_CF_CTRLDATA - Treasury: Structure for Control Data for Cashflow Calculator
TRSS_CF_DISPLAY_SA - Input Screen Fields with Selection for Securities Account
TRSS_CF_DISPLAY_SI - Input Screen Fields with Selection for Securities Class
TRSS_CF_FLOW - Treasury: Flow Format for Cash Flow Calculation
TRSS_CF_FLOW_FLPT - Treasury: Flow Format for Cash Flow Calculation
TRSS_CLASFLO - Treasury: Mapping Struct. for Class Pos. in Securities Acct
TRSS_CLASFLO_ADD_FIELDS - CFM: Class Flows in Securities Account + Technical Fields
TRSS_CLASFLO_CFD - CFM: Structure for Cash Flow Display
TRSS_CLASFLO_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Class Flows in Sec. Account
TRSS_CLASPOS - Treasury: Mapping Struct. for Class Pos. in Securities Acct
TRSS_CLASPOS_FLOW - Treasury: Class Position in Securities Account Flow Table
TRSS_CLASPOS_I - Treasury: Include Struct. for Class Pos. in Securities Acct
TRSS_CLASPOS_KEY - Treasury: Structure for the Key of Class Pos. in Sec. Acct
TRSS_CLASPOS_SELOPT - Treasury: Select Options for Selection Module of CP in SA
TRSS_CLASS_POS_SELECTION - CFM: Structure for Report Selections TRS
TRSS_DAY_FACTOR - CFM: Structure for Key Date with Assignment Factor
TRSS_DFT_ACCINT - CFM: Structure for Accrued Interest Update Types
TRSS_FIMA_DATA - Treasury: Structure for Cash Flow Calculation - FiMa Data
TRSS_FIMA_FLOWS_RISK_INFO - Structure for Transfer of FiMa Flows to Risk
TRSS_FT_ACCINT - CFM: Structure for Accrued Interest Update Types
TRSS_FWUP_LOG - structure for FWUP log
TRSS_GUARD_ID - Treasury: Range Structure for Futures Account
TRSS_NOM_CORR - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Nominal Position Adjustment
TRSS_NOM_CORR_GUI - Treasury: Structure for Nominal Adjustment Interface
TRSS_NOM_CORR_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Nominal Position Adjustment
TRSS_PERIOD_FLOWS_RISK_INFO - Structure for Transfer of Period Flows to Risk
TRSS_POSITION - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Securities Account Position
TRSS_POSITION_DIFF - Treasury: Struct. for Qty Display of Class Sec.Acct
TRSS_POSITION_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Securities Account Position
TRSS_POSITION_LOCK_HEADER - Treasury: Structure for Header Table of Restrnt on Disposal
TRSS_POSITION_LOCK_POSITION - Treasury: Structure for Pos. Table of Restrnt on Disposal
TRSS_POSITION_OBJECT - Treasury: Structur of Class Pos. in Sec. Acct with Fin. Obj.
TRSS_POSITION_W_FACTOR - CFM: Structure for TRS Item with Assignment Factor
TRSS_POS_CHG - CFM: Mapping Structure for Securities Acct Position Change
TRSS_POS_CHG_I - CFM: Include Structure for Securities Acct Position Change
TRSS_POS_LOCK_PARAM - Treasury: Lock Parameter for TRS Position
TRSS_POS_QUANT_GUI - Structure for Flows, Locks, and Quantities
TRSS_POS_W_DIFF - CFM: Structure for TRS Item with Differentiation
TRSS_PROT - Treasury: Structure for TRF Logs
TRSS_PROT_FLOW - CFM: Structure for TRS Flow Log
TRSS_QUANTITY - Treasury: Structure for Quantity Position
TRSS_QUANTITY_DATE - Quantity of a Sec. Acct Class Position for a Date
TRSS_QUANTITY_POSITION - Treasury: Structure for Displaying Quantity of Sec.Acct Pos.
TRSS_QUANTITY_RISK_INFO - Structure for Transfer of Quantities to Risk
TRSS_QUANT_LIST_HEADER - CFM: Structure for List Display
TRSS_QUANT_LOCK - Structure: Quantity with Locks
TRSS_RAN_CLASPOS_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for Class Position -Guid
TRSS_RECON_ENTITY - Treasury: External Securities Account Statement Header
TRSS_RECON_FCODE - Function Code of GUI Status
TRSS_RECON_NUM_OF_POSITION - Treasury: Number of Positions
TRSS_RECON_POSITION - Treasury: External Position
TRSS_RECON_REPORT_HEADER - Header Data for the Reconciliation Report
TRSS_RECON_REPORT_MESSAGE - Reconciliation Report Message
TRSS_RECON_RR_HEADER - Header Data for the Reconciliation Report
TRSS_RECON_SECACC_DATA - Securities Account and Depository Bank
TRSS_SA_TRANSFER_HLP - F4 Help Securities Account Transfer Posting
TRSS_SCREEN_STATUS - Screen Status for a Dynpro
TRSS_SECACCTRANS - Treasury: Mapping Structure for Securities Account Transfer
TRSS_SECACCTRANS_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Securities Account Transfer
TRSS_SECACC_BANK_ALV - Payment Information for Securities Account
TRSS_SECACC_BANK_TC - Structure for Table Control for TRSS_SECACC_BANK
TRSS_SECACC_LIST_ALV - Securities Account List
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_BUKRS - Selection Range for Company Code
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_DATE - Range Structure for Date
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_DATE_CAT - Treasury: Range Structure for Date Category
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_DEPOT - Range for Securities Account
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_EXTREF1 - Treasury: Range Structure for External Reference 1
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_EXTREF2 - Treasury: Range Structure for External Reference 2
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_EXTSECACC_NO - Treasury: Range Structure for Sec. Acct ID
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_GROUPID - Treasury: Range Structure for Grouping of Reconcil. Entities
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_NUMBERID - Treasury: Structure for Reconciliation Entity Number
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_POS_DATE - Range for Position Date
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_STATUS - Treasury: Status Range
TRSS_ST_RAN_RECON_USER - Range Structure for User
TRSS_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Struct. with Trans.Figs - Class Pos. in Sec. Acct
TRSS_TAX_MAPPING - CFM: Structure for TRS Tax Generation
TRSS_TRANSACTION - CFM: Structure for TRS Business Transaction
TRSTS_FLOWCAT - Treasury: Flow Categories for Securities Account Management
TRSTS_FLOWCAT_T - Treasury: Flow Category Text for Securities Acct Management
TRST_CLASFLO - CFM: Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_CLASFLO_REV - CFM: Reversed Class Flows in Securities Account
TRST_CLASPOS - Treasury: Class position in Securities Account
TRST_NOM_CORR - Treasury: Nominal Adjustment
TRST_POSCHG_FLOW - CFM: Flow for Securities Account Position Change
TRST_POS_CHG - CFM: Securities Account Position Change
TRST_RECON_POS - Reconciliation Positions
TRST_RECON_RCE - Treasury: External Securities Account Statement
TRST_RECON_TXT - Text for the Editor
TRST_SECACCTRANS - Treasury: Securities Account Transfer
TRST_SECACC_BANK - Payment Details for Securities Account
TRST_SECACC_PAY - Downport Payment Information for Securities Management
TRST_SEC_ACC_FLD - Field Status for Securities Account Master Data
TRST_SUBTOTAL - Treasury: Table with Trans.Figs - Class Pos. in Sec. Acct
VTRST_SECACC_BANK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Information System Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-IS

CFM_TR_BIW_SECID_TIME_DEP_DATA - Time-Dependent Data for Securities
CFM_TR_BIW_SECID_TIME_IND_DATA - TR-BI: ID Number: Time-Independent Attributes
FIN_RTRFIENM_ALV - Structure for ALV Output of Report RTRFIENM
FTIC_AUTHORITY - TR Position Management Reporting: Authorization Check
FTIC_FAS157_PROD - Classification opf product categories and product types
FTIC_FAS157_UP - FAS157: Assignment of update types to level3 classification
FTIC_MTASKING - Treasury Position Mgmt Parallel Processing Control
FTIT_FAS157_LOAN - FAS157 : Classification of Loans into levels
FTIT_FAS157_OTC - FAS157 : Classification of OTC deals into levels
FTIT_FAS157_SEC - FAS157 : Classifcation of securities into levels
FTI_ADDSEL - Additional Treasury Selections
FTI_BIW_ACC_REF_OP_ATTR - Operative Account Assignment Reference (Attribute)
FTI_BIW_CFM_CLRACC_ATTR - CFM: Extract str.: Clearing Acc./Master Data
FTI_BIW_CFM_CLRACC_ML_ATTR - CFM: Extract str.: Clearing Acc./Master Data - Margin Limit
FTI_BIW_CFM_DELTA_POSITION_KF - CFM: Delta Position (Key Figures)
FTI_BIW_CFM_ERRORS - Errors per Date
FTI_BIW_CFM_EXTACC_ATTR - CFM: Extract str.: External Acc./Master Data
FTI_BIW_CFM_EXTACC_PAYM_ATTR - CFM: Extract str.: External Acc./Master Data - Payment
FTI_BIW_CFM_INIT_POSITION - CFM: Initialize Position
FTI_BIW_CFM_INIT_POSITION_KF - CFM: Initialization of Position - Key Figures
FTI_BIW_CFM_VALUES - CFM: Market Values & Simulated Values of Position Management
FTI_BIW_DELTA_DEAL_ATTR - TR-BI: Transaction Master Data
FTI_BIW_FLW_TP_ATTR - Flow Type Financial Services (Texts)
FTI_BIW_FLW_TP_TEXT - Flow Type Financial Services (Attributes)
FTI_BIW_GTM_FUTURES_POS - Futures Extraction for GTM
FTI_BIW_HINST_ATTR - Hedge Instrument Attributes
FTI_BIW_HITEM_ATTR - Hedge Item Attributes
FTI_BIW_HPROFILE_ATTR - Hedge Profile details
FTI_BIW_HREL_ATTR - Hedging relationship(Attributes)
FTI_BIW_ODS_0CFM_O01_ATTR - Semantic Attributes for ODS 0CFM_O01
FTI_BIW_PRD_TP_ATTR - Product Type (Attributes)
FTI_BIW_PRD_TP_TEXT - Product Type (Texts)
FTI_BIW_SEC_ID_ATTR - CFM: Class Master Data - Reduced to Max. 16-Character Names
FTI_BIW_SEC_ID_ATTR_BU - CFM: Class Master Data
FTI_BIW_SEC_ID_TEXT - CFM: Class Master Data - Texts
FTI_BI_CONT_FLDS - BI fields for reconciliation
FTI_BI_C_REVPROC - Activate Processing and Extraction Reversal Logic
FTI_BI_C_SWITCH - NW700 Only: Switch for DataSource Feed TRM
FTI_BI_FLDS - *** OBSOLETE *** BI fields for reconciliation
FTI_BI_REP_ODS - Reparation Records for Inconsistent Data in ODS 0CFM_O01 /BW
FTI_BI_REQFLDS - Fields Requested from BI System
FTI_BUT000_T - Temporary Text Tables for Business Partners (Performance)
FTI_COMM_DEAL_EXP_PARA - Parameters of the Commodity Centered LDB
FTI_CTY_EXPOS_POSN_DTL - Exposure Position Structure
FTI_CTY_EXP_DETAIL - Commodity Exposure Detail Listing
FTI_CTY_EXP_OVERVIEW - Commodity Exposure Position Overview Data
FTI_CTY_LOCN - Commodity & Location Type
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS - Commodity Deals Data
FTI_CTY_POSN_EXPOSURE - Commodity Position for Exposures
FTI_CTY_POSN_FUTURE - Commodity Position for Futures
FTI_DEALTYPE - Transaction Category - OTC / Non-OTC
FTI_DEALTYPE_T - Transaction Category - OTC / Non-OTC - Text Table
FTI_FAS157_REQ_FIELDS_LDB - requested fields for ldb
FTI_FAS157_STRUC1 - Output structure 1 for FAS157 overview
FTI_FAS157_STRUC2 - Output structure 2 for FAS!57 overview
FTI_FAS157_STRUC3 - Output structure 3 for FAS157 Overview
FTI_INT_INSTR_DATA - Interest-Bearing Instr. Analysis: Main ALV Display Structure
FTI_INT_INSTR_LDB_FIELDS - Analysis: Int.-Bearing Instruments - Fields Requested By LDB
FTI_INT_INSTR_OUTPUT_FIELDS - Output Fields for Analysis of Interest-Bearing Instruments
FTI_INT_INSTR_SELSCR_ITEMS - Selection Screen: Analysis of Interest-Bearing Instruments
FTI_INVISIBLE - Contains Invisible Calculation Fields for Drilldown Reportng
FTI_LDB_AD_PL_FLOW - Structure for accrual and deferral pl flows
FTI_LDB_BW_CFM_VALUES - Structure for LDB as Generic Data Source for Market Data
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_00 - Common Fields for all Classes
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_00A - Common Fields for all Fixed-Term Classes
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_00B - Common Fields for all Condition-Based Classes
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_01 - Common Fields: Stocks, Shareholdings, Funds, and Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_02 - Common Fields: Stocks, Shareholdings, and Funds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_03 - Common Fields: Stocks and Shareholdings
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_04 - Only Fields for Stocks
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_05 - Only Fields for Funds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_06 - Common Fields: Bonds, Warrant Bonds, and Convertible Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_07 - Only Field for Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_08 - Only Fields for Convertible Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_09 - Only Fields for Warrant Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_10 - Only Fields for Drawable Bonds
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_11 - Only Fields for Subscription Rights
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_12 - Only Fields for Options/Futures
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_13 - Only Fields for Bond with instalment repayment
FTI_LDB_CLASS_DATA_14 - Only Fields for Warrants
FTI_LDB_CLASS_MASTER_DATA - Harmonized Class Master Data from BAPI 1076
FTI_LDB_DDIC_MAP - Mapping Field from Logical Database to Database Table
FTI_LDB_HREL_POS_GUID - Hedge Relation Position Guid
FTI_LDB_INC_CLASS_DATA - Include for Time-Dependent Class Data (-> LDBs)
FTI_LDB_INC_DEAL_ATTR - Include for Transaction Attributes Rel. for Position (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_INC_FI_DOC_DATA - Include for FI Document Data/Filling FI Document Data ->LDB
FTI_LDB_INC_KONTR_PARTNER - Include for Counterparty Data
FTI_LDB_INC_RISK_PARTNER - Include for Data of Commitment Partner (->LDBs)
FTI_LDB_POSITION_ADD_FIELDS - Structure for Additional Fields of Logical Databases in CFM
FTI_LDB_PREP_OUT_POSTING_DATA - Structure for posting data in PREPARE_OUTPUT
FTI_LDB_PREP_OUT_REQ_TAB - Structure for Table of requested Tables
FTI_LDB_SEL_FLD - Selection fields
FTI_LDB_SWAP_POSITION - Treasury: Positions (Transactions) Swaps (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TIME_ATTRIBUTES_FLOW - Time Attributes for Flows
FTI_LDB_TRL_OTC_POS - TRL Data for OTC Positions
FTI_LDB_TR_ATTR_DEAL - Transaction Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_ATTR_LOAN - Loan Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_ATTR_SEC - Class Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_ATTR_SECACC - Securities Account Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_CASH_FLOWS - Treasury: Payment Information
FTI_LDB_TR_CASH_FLOWS_2 - Treasury: Payment Information
FTI_LDB_TR_CASH_FLOWS_INTVAL - Treasury: Payment Information for Several Time Intervals
FTI_LDB_TR_CASH_FLOWS_INTVAL_2 - Treasury: Payment Information for Several Time Intervals
FTI_LDB_TR_COMM_DEAL_EXP - Commodity Centered Reporting Structure
FTI_LDB_TR_DEALS - Transactions
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_COLLATERAL - Structure: Collateral for Fiduciary Deposits
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_COMM_FWD - OTC Commodities Reporting
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_CONDITIONS - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Conditions (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_CONDITIONS_UL - TR: Transaction Reporting, Conditions Underlying (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_CTY_ADJ - Deals LDB: Commodity Price Adjustment
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_DIV_PLAN - Structure: Dividend Plan for Forward Securities Transaction
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FLOWS - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flow Data (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FLOWS_AVG - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Average Data (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FLOWS_UL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flows Underlying (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FLOWS_UL_2ND - TR: Transaction Reporting, Flows Underlying of Higher Order
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FORMULA - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Formulas (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FORMULA_UL - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Formulas Underlying(-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_FST_DIV_PLAN - Structure: Dividend Plan for Forward Securities Transaction
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_INTEREST_ADJ - TR: Transaction Reporting, Int. Rate Adjustment Data(-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_MAIN - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Main Data (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_PATNR_ASGMNT - Assignment of Further Business Partners
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_PAY_INFO - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Payment Data (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_ROLLOVER_PLAN - Structure for Rollover Periods: Forward Securities Transctn
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_SEC_ADJ - Deals LDB: Security rate Adjustment
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_UNDERLYING - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Underlying Data (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_DEAL_UNDERLYING_2ND - TR:Transaction Reporting, Underlying of Higher Order (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_EXP_PARAMETERS - Parameters of the Commodity Centered LDB
FTI_LDB_TR_EXP_POS - Reporting Structure: Exposure Positions
FTI_LDB_TR_EXP_POS_DETAIL - Exposure Position Structure
FTI_LDB_TR_FLOWSUL_COMM_OPT - OTC Commodity Option Reporting(Underlying)
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_EFFECTIVE_VAL - Effectiveness Results
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_EXP_HEDGE_REL - Relationship: Exposure - Hedged Item
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_EXP_TRANS - Exposure Transaction
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_EXP_TRANS_COP - Exposre Transaction Prices
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_EXP_TRAN_DCSP - Exposre Transaction DCS based Prices
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_HEDGE_RELATION - Hedging Relationship
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_HEDGE_REL_DATA - RAPI Hedge: Hedging Relationship with Anchor Data
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_HEGDEPLAN - Hedge Plan Header Information
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_HEGDEPLAN_ATTR - Hedge Plan Header Information
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_HEGDEPLAN_HEAD - Hedge Plan Header Information
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_NSH_EFF_VAL - Non-Single Hedge: Effectiveness Results
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_NSH_EXPOSURE - TR-LDB Hedge: Non-Single Hedge: Exposure
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_NSH_EXP_TR - Non-Single Hedge: Exposure & 1 Transaction
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_NSH_HEDGE_ID - Non-Single Hedge: Hedged Item
FTI_LDB_TR_HM_NSH_HEDGE_REL - Non-Single Hedge: Hedging Relationship
FTI_LDB_TR_NEW_HEDGE_EFFTEST - Treasury: New hedge, Effectiveness test (-> LDB )
FTI_LDB_TR_NEW_HEDGE_ITEM_INST - Treasury: New hedge, items and instruments details (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_NEW_HEDGE_REL - Treasury: New hedge, Hedge Relationship (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_OTC_DEAL_1 - Treasury RAPIs - OTC Transaction Reporting
FTI_LDB_TR_OTC_DEAL_2 - TR RAPIs - OTC Transact. Reporting Incl. Risk Man. Figures
FTI_LDB_TR_PARAMETERS - Treasury: Control Parameters (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIODS - Treasury: Period-Based Evaluations (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIODS_1 - Treasury: Period-Based Evaluations (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIODS_2 - Treasury: Period-Based Evaluations (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIOD_FLOWS - Treasury: Flow Information
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIOD_FLOWS_1 - Treasury: Flow Information Projection
FTI_LDB_TR_PERIOD_FLOWS_2 - Treasury: Flow Information
FTI_LDB_TR_PL_CF - Treasury: Revenue and Cash Flow Information
FTI_LDB_TR_PL_CF_2 - Treasury: Revenue and Cash Flow + addtnl Pos attrs
FTI_LDB_TR_PL_CF_2_INTERVALS - Treasury: Revenue Information for Several Time Intervals
FTI_LDB_TR_PL_CF_INTERVALS - Treasury: Revenue Information for Several Time Intervals
FTI_LDB_TR_POSITIONS - Treasury: Positions (-> LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_POSITIONS_1 - Treasury: Positions (-> LDB) Projection
FTI_LDB_TR_POSITIONS_2 - Treasury: Positions (-> LDB) with additional position attrs
FTI_LDB_TR_POSITION_PROJ_VALUE - Differentiations and Position Values
FTI_LDB_TR_POSITION_VALUE - Differentiations and Position Values
FTI_LDB_TR_POS_DEAL_ATTR - Transaction Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_POS_LOAN_ATTR - Loan Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_POS_SEC_ATTR - Class Attributes Used in the Logical Database
FTI_LDB_TR_SEC_DEAL_1 - Treasury RAPIs - Securities and Futures Transact. Reporting
FTI_LDB_TR_THX_HEDGE_EFFTEST - Treasury: New hedge, Effectiveness test (-> LDB )
FTI_LDB_TR_THX_HEDGE_ITEM_INST - Treasury: New hedge, items and instruments details (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_THX_HEDGE_REL - Treasury: New hedge, Hedge Relationship (->LDB)
FTI_LDB_TR_UL_COMM_OPT - OTC Commodity Option Reporting(Underlying)
FTI_LEVEL3_DETAILED_S - Level3 detailed field structure
FTI_LEVEL3_DET_S - Level3 Details Ouput Structure
FTI_LEVEL3_OUPUT_S - FAS157: Output structure for level3 ALV
FTI_MARKET_VALS - Reporting: Buffer Table for Market Values - Position Crcy
FTI_MARKET_VALST - Reporting: Buffer Table for Market Values - Evaluation Crcy
FTI_NULL_ONOFF - Field Deactivated (for Hiding Zero Records of Logical DBs)
FTI_PARAMETERS - Control Parameters
FTI_PFA_FLOW_MAPPING - Cash Flow Interface for PA Flows
FTI_REP_LEVEL_S - FAS157: Level assignment & supress
FTI_REP_TEMP_MAP - Convert Selection Options/Parameters to Field Names
FTI_SEL_DDIC_MAP - Translation Selections/Parameters in Field Names
FTI_STANDARD_KEYFIGURES_DB - Position: Standard Values Such As NPV, Duration, Convexity
FTI_STANDARD_KEYFIGURES_RT - Term: Standard Values Such As NPV, Duration, Convexity
FTI_S_BI_OLTP_RECONRESULT - Output Structure for ALV
FTI_S_IMPAIRMENT_EXPORT - Data Structure for Impairment Export
FTI_S_REP_CHECK_IMPAIRMENT - Data Structure for Selection Report for Impairment
FTI_S_RUNTIME - Runtime per Variant
FTI_S_STATISTIC - Runtime Measurement Statistics
FTI_S_VARIANT - Runtime Measurement Variant
FTI_TEMPLATE_INIT_POSITION_KF - CFM: Template Initialization Position - Key Figures
FTI_TEMPLATE_MAP - Translation Selections/Parameters in Field Names
FTI_TEMPLATE_SO - Template: Selection Option for Characteristic
FTI_TEMPL_DEAL_SELSCREEN_ITEMS - TEMPLATE: Fields and Parameters for Selection
FTI_TEMPL_REQU_LDB_FLOW_FIELDS - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flow Data (-> LDB)
FTI_TEMPL_REQU_LDB_MAIN_FIELDS - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Main Data (-> LDB)
FTI_TEMPL_SELSCREEN_ITEMS - TEMPLATE: Fields and Parameters for Selection
FTI_TEMPL_TR_DEAL_FLOWS - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Flow Data (-> LDB)
FTI_TEMPL_TR_DEAL_MAIN - Treasury: Transaction Reporting, Main Data (-> LDB)
FTI_TRKEY - Treasury: Create TRIX-SRTFD
FTI_WRONG_POSITION - CFM: Initialize Position
FTI_YS_DATIN_INV - Key Date Reference, Daily Evaluation, and Period Table
FTI_YS_DATUM - Key Date and Key Date Reference
FTI_YS_RSDS_FRANGE - Selection Parameters for Positions and Flows
FTI_YS_SELECTED_FIELDS - Field to Be Selected
FTI_YS_ZTINT - Period Start and End Dates
FVSS_PROGRAM_CONTROL_FLAGS - Control Flags for Internal Program Flow in FG FVSS
ROXALN0067 - Structure for Position Currency Upload of Market Data
ROXALN0067 - Structure for Position Currency Upload of Market Data
TKAFA_ONOFF - Field catalog: Accounting, table assignment
TKAFA_USER_ONOFF - Field catalog: Accounting, table assignment
TKAFD_USER_APPD - Dependencies for Customer Characteristics
TKAF_ONOFF - Field Catalog for General Accounting, Deactivate Fields
TKAF_USER_APPD_K - Field Catalog for Customer Key Figures
TKAF_USER_APPD_M - Field Catalog for Customer Characteristics
TKAF_USER_ONOFF - Field Catalog, Deactivate Fields (User-Specific)
TMDS_SCENARIO_DISP - Market Data change rate - Scenario
TRGC_PAY_REL_LO - Payment Relevance of Flow Type for Loans, Operative
TRGS_POS_CURR - ###Pos Curr
TRIX_DATA - Treasury: Cluster Table Info System
TRLS_POS_REF - Treasury Ledger Position
VTIS_FIELDS - TIS: Renaming of Fields
VTVBARK_WP - Securities: Key Figures for Non-Cumulative Values
VTVBARM_DL - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values Loans: Charact. Trans./Act.
VTVBARM_DR - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values Deriv.: Charact. Trans./Act.
VTVBARM_DR_BOE - Derivatives Listed Trans.: Trans./Activity Characteristics
VTVBARM_DR_OTC - Derivative OTC Interest Rate Instruments: Trans./Act. Char.
VTVBARM_DV - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values FX: Charact. Trans./Act.
VTVBARM_GH - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values MM: Charact. Trans./Act.
VTVBARM_MR - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values Market Risk: Characteristics
VTVBARM_TR - Treasury: Non-Cumulative (MM+FX+SEC): Charact. Trans./Activ.
VTVBARM_WP - Treasury: Non-Cumulative Values Sec.: Charact. Trans./Act.
VTVBARW - Market Risk: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_CFM - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_CFM_1 - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_CFM_2 - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_DE - Derivatives: Non-Cumulative Values
VTVBARW_DE_OLD - Derivatives: Non-Cumulative Values (Freezing VTVBARW_DE)
VTVBARW_DL - Operative Loans: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_DR_BOE - Derivatives (Listed Transactions): For a Given Date
VTVBARW_DR_OTC - Derivatives (OTC): For a Given Date
VTVBARW_DV - Foreign Exchange: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_FX - Foreign Exchange: Non-Cumulative Values
VTVBARW_GH - Money Market: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_TR - Treasury: For a Given Date
VTVBARW_TR_EXTENDED - Treasury: For a Given Date (All Fields)
VTVBARW_WP - Securities: For a Given Date
VTVDETA - Market Risk: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_CFM - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_CFM_1 - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_CFM_2 - CFM Operative/Parallel: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_CFM_PL - CFM Operative/Parallel: Profit/Loss Reporting
VTVDETA_CFM_PL_2 - CFM Operative/Parallel: Profit/Loss Reporting
VTVDETA_DE - Derivatives: Cumulative Values
VTVDETA_DE_CONVERT - OTC Interest Derivatives: Cumulative Values
VTVDETA_DL - Operative Loans: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_DR - Derivatives (OTC): For a Given Period
VTVDETA_DR_BOE - Derivatives (Listed Transactions): For a Given Period
VTVDETA_DV - Foreign Exchange: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_FX - Foreign Exchange: Cumulative Values
VTVDETA_GH - Money Market: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_MM - Money Market: Cumulative Values
VTVDETA_MM_CONVERT - Money Market: Cumulative Values
VTVDETA_OTC_OPT - Special Fields for OTC Options Only
VTVDETA_TR - Treasury: For a Given Period
VTVDETA_TR_CF - Operative CFM: Payments
VTVDETA_TR_CF_2 - Operative CFM: Payments
VTVDETA_TR_EXTENDED - Treasury: For a Given Period (All Fields)
VTVDETA_WP - Securities: For a Given Period
VTVDETK_COMMON - Key Figures Occurring in Position and Flow Lists
VTVDETK_COMMON_KZ - Actual Key Figures Occurring in Position and Flow Lists
VTVDETK_COMMON_MM - Quasi Key Figures Occurring in Position and Flow Lists
VTVDETK_DL - Loans: Key Figures for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_DR - Treasury: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_DR_BOE - Treasury: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_DV - Treasury: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_GH - Treasury: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_TR - Treasury: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETK_TR_CF - Operative Treasury: Payments
VTVDETK_WP - Securities: Key Figures for Cumulative Values
VTVDETM_TR - Treasury: Cumulative Values: Characteristics Trans./Activity
VTVDETM_WP - Securities: Characteristics for Cumulative Values
VTVDETW_DL - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Loans
VTVDETW_DR - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Treasury
VTVDETW_DR_BOE - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Treasury
VTVDETW_DV - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Treasury
VTVDETW_GH - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Treasury
VTVDETW_T2 - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Treasury
VTVDETW_T2_CF - Operative Treasury Currency Display Fields: Payments
VTVDETW_WP - Display Currency Fields Cumulative Values Securities
VTVFIXM_TR - Fixed characteristics in Treasury
VTVGATT_BS - Treasury: Class info for drilldown reporting (only positns)
VTVGATT_TR - Treasury: Class info for drill-down reporting
VTVGATT_TR_B - TR: Class Information for Drilldown Reporting (Position)
VTVGATT_TR_F - TR: Class Information for Drilldown Reporting (Flow)
VTVKONTB_TR - Business Partner Credit Standing Data (Counterparty)
VTVKONTR_TR - Treasury: Commitment Partner
VTVKONTR_TR_ATTR - Treasury: Partner Attributes (Counterparty)
VTVMIXK_CFM - CFM: Opening/Closing Position (LDB)
VTVMIXK_CFM_1 - CFM: Starting/Closing Balance (LDB) Projection
VTVMIXK_CFM_2 - CFM: Opening/Closing Position (LDB) + addtnl position attrs
VTVMIXK_DL - Key Figures for Position Trend List
VTVMIXK_DR - Key Figures for Position Trend List
VTVMIXK_DR_BOE - Key Figures for Position Trend List
VTVMIXK_DV - Key Figures for Forex Position Trend List
VTVMIXK_GH - Key Figures for Position Trend List
VTVMIXK_LDB_CFM - Subset of VTVMIXK_CFM (Start/End Position)
VTVMIXK_REC_CFM - CFM: Start/End Position (Drilldown Only)
VTVMIXK_T2 - Key Figures for Position Trend List Cross-Treasury
VTVMIXK_TOT_CFM - CFM: Superset of All Start/End Positions (Drilldown/LDB)
VTVMIXK_TOT_CFM_1 - CFM: Superset of All Start/End Positions (Drilldown/LDB)
VTVMIXK_TOT_CFM_2 - CFM: Superset of All Start/End Positions (Drilldown/LDB)
VTVMIXK_WP - Key Figures for Position Trend List
VTVPARB_TR - Business partner credit standing data
VTVPART_TR_ATTR - Treasury: Partner Attributes

SAP Transaction Management Tables FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR

AFTR_AVG_ASGN - Change Document Structure Assign one flow to many adjustment
API_FTR_GETDETAIL_A_FLOW_MULTI - Other Flow Data for Transaction (Mass Data)
API_FTR_GETDETAIL_CP_MULTI - Details for Commercial Paper (Mass Data)
API_FTR_GETDETAIL_FLOW_MULTI - Flow Data for Transaction (Mass Data)
API_FTR_GETDETAIL_FTD_MULTI - Details for Fixed-term Deposit (Mass Data)
API_FTR_GETDETAIL_FXT_MULTI - Details for Foreign Exchange Transaction (Mass Data)
AT26 - Non Deliverable Currencies
AT81M1 - Assignment Table: SWIFT Code of Sender -> Business Partner
ATALRT - Treasury: Alert Category Assignment
ATARCHIVE00 - Archiving: Minimum retention period per company code
ATARCHIVE01 - Archiving: Minimum retention period of transaction in system
ATFWDUL - Assignment of Underlying to Transaction
ATRELE1 - Transaction release: Release procedure
ATRELE2 - Transaction release: Release procedure for detail parameters
BAPI2042 - Financial Transaction: BUS2042 General Method Parameters
BAPI2042_CC_RANGE - Range for company codes
BAPI2042_CD_RANGE - Range for entry date
BAPI2042_CORR - BAPI Transfer Structure for Transaction Correspondence
BAPI2042_CU_RANGE - Range for person entering data
BAPI2042_GETLIST - FTR: BAPI transfer structure for GetList method
BAPI2042_IR_RANGE - Range for Internal Reference
BAPI2042_MAINTAIN_FX - Forex: BAPI transfer structure for maintaining transactions
BAPI2042_MAINTAIN_MM - Money market: BAPI transf. struct. for maintaining transact.
BAPI2042_PA_RANGE - Range for business partner
BAPI2042_PT_RANGE - Range for product types
BAPI2042_ROLLOVER_MM - Money Market: BAPI Structure for Rollover of MM Transactions
BAPI2042_TR_RANGE - Range for transaction numbers
BAPI2042_TT_RANGE - Range for Transaction Types
BAPI2042_XR_RANGE - Range for External Reference
BAPI_FTR_ADDFLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Flows
BAPI_FTR_ADDFLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Flows
BAPI_FTR_ADDFLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Other Flows
BAPI_FTR_ADDFLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Other Flows
BAPI_FTR_ADMIN - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Administration Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_ADMINX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Administration
BAPI_FTR_AVG_STARTEND - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating an ARO Schedule
BAPI_FTR_CASH_SETTLEMENT - FTR: BAPI structure for Cash Settlement Data
BAPI_FTR_CASH_SETTLEMENTX - Change Structure for Cash Settlement Data
BAPI_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows for CFT
BAPI_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows for CFT
BAPI_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Flows for CFT
BAPI_FTR_CFT_FLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Flows for CFT
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Transactions (General)
BAPI_FTR_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CASHCOLL - Change Security Lending Transaction Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CASHCOLLX - Change info Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CFT - Change Cash Flow-Based Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CFTX - Change Cash Flow-Based Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMS - Change a Commodity Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSAVG - Change Average for Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSCOND - Change a Commodity Swap Condition per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSCONDX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap Condition by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSFLOW - Change Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSFLOWX - Change Structure of Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_COMSX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CP - Change Commercial Paper per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CPX - Change Commercial Paper per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CTY - Change Commodity Forward Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CTYAVG - Change Average for Commodity Forward Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_CTYAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Forw. Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_DAN - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_DANX - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FLPX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FST - Change a Forward Security per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FSTDIV - Change Forward Stock Transaction Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FSTDIVX - Change Structure of Forward Stock Transact. Dividend by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FSTROLL - Change Forward Securities Rollover per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FSTROLLX - Change Structure of a Forward Security Rollover by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FSTX - Change Structure of a Forward Security by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FTD - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FTDX - Change Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FUTURE - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FUTUREX - Change Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPTIONX - Change Structure for an FX Option
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPT_CRL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Basket/Correlation Options
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPT_CRLX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Basket/Correlation Options
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FXT - Change Forex Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FXTX - Change Structure for Forex Transaction
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FX_FVA - Change BAPI Structure FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_FX_FVAX - Change BAPI Structure FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_IRATE - Change Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_IRATEX - Change Structure for Changing Int. Rate Instrument per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_REPOX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SECCOLL - Change Security Lending Transaction Sec. Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SECCOLLX - Change info Security Lending Sec. Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SECURITY - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SECURITYX - Change Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SL - Change Security Lending Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SLX - Change information Struct. for Security Lending Transaction
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_SWAPX - Change Structure of a Swap by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_TRES - Change a Total Return Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_TRESDIV - Change Total Return Swap Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_TRESDIVX - Change Structure of Total Return Swap Dividend by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CHANGE_TRESX - Change Structure of a Total Return Swap by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CONDITION - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details
BAPI_FTR_CONDITIONX - Change Structure of Condition by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CONDITION_FORMULA - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details Formula Variables
BAPI_FTR_CONDITION_FORMULAX - Change Structure of Condition Formula Variables by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CONDITION_SINGLEDAT - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details Single Dates
BAPI_FTR_CONDITION_SINGLEDATX - Change Structure of Condition Single Dates by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_COND_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Condition Details
BAPI_FTR_COND_CHANGEX - BAPI Structure: Change Condition Details (Change Info)
BAPI_FTR_COND_DETAIL - BAPI Structure: Display Condition Details
BAPI_FTR_COND_FV - BAPI Structure: Formula Components
BAPI_FTR_COND_FV_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Formula Components
BAPI_FTR_COND_SD - BAPI Structure: Single Dates
BAPI_FTR_COND_SD_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Single Dates
BAPI_FTR_CONTRACT - FTR: BAPI Struct.for Data from Subscreen Contract Conclusion
BAPI_FTR_CONTRACTX - FTR: BAPI Struct. Change Information for Contract Conclusion
BAPI_FTR_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Transactions
BAPI_FTR_CREATE2 - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Transactions
BAPI_FTR_CREATEX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CASHCOLL - Create Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CFT - Create Cash Flow-Dependent Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMS - Create a Commodity Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSAVG - Create Average for Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSCOND - Create Commodity Swap Condition per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSCONDX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap Condition by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSFLOW - Create Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSFLOWX - Change Structure of Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_COMSX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CP - Create Commercial Paper per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CTY - Create Commodity Forward Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CTYAVG - Create Average for Commodity Forward Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CTYAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Forw. Flow by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_CTYX - Change Structure for Commodity Forward
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_DAN - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FLPX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FOREX_1 - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FOREX_2 - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FST - Create a Forward Security per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FSTDIV - Create Forward Stock Transaction Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FSTDIVX - Change Structure of Forward Stock Transact. Dividend by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FSTROLL - Create Forward Securities Rollover per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FSTROLLX - Change Structure of a Forward Security Rollover by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FSTX - Change Structure of a Forward Security by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FTD - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FTDX - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FUTURE - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FXOPT_CRL - FRT: BAPI Structure for Creating Basket/Correlation Options
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FXSWAP - Additional Data for Currency Swap
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FXT - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FXTX - Change Structure for Forex Transaction
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_FX_FVA - BAPI Structure Create FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_IRATE - Create Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_IRATEX - Create Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_REPOX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_SECCOLL - Create Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_SECURITY - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_SECURITYX - Change Structure: Create Security Transaction By BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_SL - Create Security Lending Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_TRES - Create a Total Return Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_TRESDIV - Create Total Return Swap Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_TRESDIVX - Change Structure of Total Return Swap Dividend by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CREATE_TRESX - Change Structure of a Total Return Swap by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_CUMULATIVECOLL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Cumulative Collateral
BAPI_FTR_DEAL_ENTRY - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Initial Screen
BAPI_FTR_DEAL_ENTRYX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Initial Screen
BAPI_FTR_FLOW - FTR: BAPI Structure for Flows
BAPI_FTR_FLOWX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Flows
BAPI_FTR_FLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows
BAPI_FTR_FLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows
BAPI_FTR_FLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Flows
BAPI_FTR_FLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Flows
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Transactions
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CASCOLL_SPL - GetDeatil Split Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CASCOLL_TOT - GetDeatil Overall Cash Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CFT - Display Cash Flow-Dependent Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_COMS - Read a Commodity Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_COMSAVG - Read Average for Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_COMSCOND - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_COMSFLOW - Read a Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CP - Display Commercial Paper per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CTY - Read Commodity Forward Using BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_CTYAVG - Read Average for Commodity Forward Flow per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_DAN - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FST - Display Forward Security per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FSTDIV - Read a Forward Stock Transaction Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FSTROLL - Display Forward Securities Rollover per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FSTROLLX - Change Structure of a Forward Security Rollover by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FSTX - Change Structure of a Forward Security by BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FTD - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FUTURE - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_FXT - Details of Forex Transaction
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_IRATE - Read Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SECCOLL_SPL - GetDeatil Split Security Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SECCOLL_TOT - GetDeatil Overall Security Collateral per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SECURITY - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_SL - GetDetail Security Lending Transaction per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_TRES - Read a Total Return Swap per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDETAIL_TRESDIV - Read a Total Return Swap Dividend per BAPI
BAPI_FTR_GETDET_FXFVA - Display Detail Forward Volatility Agreement
BAPI_FTR_GETDET_FXOPTCRL - Display Basket Option Detail
BAPI_FTR_HM_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Hedge Data
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOW - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOWX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_MAINFLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Other Main Flows
BAPI_FTR_NOVATION - Financial Transaction: Novation Method Parameters
BAPI_FTR_PAYDET - FTR: BAPI Structure for Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_PAYDETX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_PAYDET_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_PAYDET_CHANGEX - FTR: Change Structure for Changing Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_PAYDET_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_PAYDET_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
BAPI_FTR_REVERSE_IRATE - Reverse Financial Transaction
BAPI_FTR_STATUS - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Status Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STATUSX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Status
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_CASHCOLL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Collateral(Cash)Tab
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_CASHCOLLX - FTR: BAPI Change information data for Collateral Tab (Cash)
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMS - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSAVG - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSAVGX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSCOND - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSCONDX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSFLOW - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSFLOWX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_CTY - Issue Structure: Commodity Forward
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_CTYAVG - FTR: BAPI Structure for Comm.Fwd.Avg from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_CTYAVGX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Comm.Forward
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FLP - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FLPX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FST - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FSTDIV - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Dividend Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FSTDIVX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Dividend
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FSTROLL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FSTROLLX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FSTX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FTD - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FTDX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FXT - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_FXTX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_IRATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_IRATEX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_REPO - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_REPOX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SECCOLL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Collateral(Security)Tab
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SECCOLLX - FTR: BAPI Change info. data for Collateral Tab (Security)
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SECURITY - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SECURITYX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_SLX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Info for Structure(Sec Lending)
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_TRES - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Structure Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_TRESDIV - FTR: BAPI Structure for Data from Dividend Tab Page
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_TRESDIVX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Dividend
BAPI_FTR_STRUCTURE_TRESX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
BAPI_FTR_UNDERLYINGS_FX - Underlying Structure for Forex Option
BAPI_FTR_UNDERLYINGS_FXX - Underlying Structure for Forex Options - Changed Fields
CVTBFHA - Document change structure for VTBFHA
CVTBFHAZU - Document change structure for VTBFHAZU
CVTBPA - Change Document Structure for VTBPA
CVTB_RULESET_CC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTB_RULESET_CR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTB_RULESET_PA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CVTB_RULESET_TT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
DTAM300 - Structure User Exit SWIFT Format MT300 (new)
DTAM300H - Structure User Exit SWIFT format MT3xx (Header)
DTAM300S - Check totals for trans. to User-Exit MT3xx (header/trailer)
DTAM300T - Structure User-Exit SWIFT-Format MT3xx (Trailer)
DTAM320 - Structure for User Exit SWIFT Format MT320 (Old and New)
DTA_M3X - SWIFT MT : Fields with DAY VALUE and length
E1BP2042_CC_RANGE - Range for Company Codes
E1BP2042_CD_RANGE - Range for entry date
E1BP2042_CU_RANGE - Range for Person Entering Data
E1BP2042_GETLIST - FTR: BAPI transfer structure for GetList method
E1BP2042_IR_RANGE - Range for Internal Reference
E1BP2042_MAINTAIN_FX - Forex: BAPI transfer structure for maintaining transactions
E1BP2042_MAINTAIN_MM - Money market: BAPI transf. struct. for maintaining transact.
E1BP2042_PA_RANGE - Range for business partner
E1BP2042_PT_RANGE - Range for Product Types
E1BP2042_TR_RANGE - Range for Transaction Numbers
E1BP2042_TT_RANGE - Range for Transaction Types
E1BP2042_XR_RANGE - Range for External Reference
E1BP_FTR_ADDFLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Flows
E1BP_FTR_ADDFLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Flows
E1BP_FTR_ADDFLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Other Flows
E1BP_FTR_ADDFLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Other Flows
E1BP_FTR_AVG_SCHEDULE - FTR: BAPI Structure Schedule
E1BP_FTR_CASH_SETTLEMENT - FTR: BAPI structure for Cash Settlement Data
E1BP_FTR_CASH_SETTLEMENTX - Change Structure for Cash Settlement Data
E1BP_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows for CFT
E1BP_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Flows for CFT
E1BP_FTR_CFT_FLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Flows for CFT
E1BP_FTR_CFT_FLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Flows for CFT
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Transactions (General)
E1BP_FTR_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CAPFLOOR - Change a Cap/Floor per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CASHCOLL - Change Security Lending Transaction Cash Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CASHCOLLX - Change info Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CFT - Change Cash Flow-Based Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CFTX - Change Cash Flow-Based Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMS - Change a Commodity Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSAVG - Change Average for Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSCOND - Change a Commodity Swap Condition per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSCONDX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap Condition by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSFLOW - Change Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSFLOWX - Change Structure of Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_COMSX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CP - Change Commercial Paper per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CPX - Change Commercial Paper per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CTY - Change Commodity Forward Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CTYAVG - Change Average for Commodity Forward Flow per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_CTYAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Forw. Flow by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_DAN - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_DANX - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FLPX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FST - Change a Forward Security per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FSTDIV - Change Forward Stock Transaction Dividend per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FSTDIVX - Change Structure of Forward Stock Transact. Dividend by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FSTROLL - Change Forward Securities Rollover per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FSTROLLX - Change Structure of a Forward Security Rollover by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FSTX - Change Structure of a Forward Security by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FTD - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FTDX - Change Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FUTURE - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FUTUREX - Change Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPTIONX - Change Structure for an FX Option
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPT_CRL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Basket/Correlation Options
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FXOPT_CRLX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Basket/Correlation Options
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FXT - Change Forex Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FXTX - Change Structure for Forex Transaction
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FX_FVA - Change BAPI Structure FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_FX_FVAX - Change BAPI Structure FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_IRATE - Change Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_IRATEX - Change Structure for Changing Int. Rate Instrument per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_REPOX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SECCOLL - Change Security Lending Transaction Sec. Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SECCOLLX - Change info Security Lending Sec. Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SECURITY - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SECURITYX - Change Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SL - Change Security Lending Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SLX - Change information Struct. for Security Lending Transaction
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SWAP - Change a Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_SWAPX - Change Structure of a Swap by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_TRES - Change a Total Return Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_TRESDIV - Change Total Return Swap Dividend per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_TRESDIVX - Change Structure of Total Return Swap Dividend by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CHANGE_TRESX - Change Structure of a Total Return Swap by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CONDITION - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details
E1BP_FTR_CONDITIONX - Change Structure of Condition by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CONDITION_FORMULA - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details Formula Variables
E1BP_FTR_CONDITION_SINGLEDA - FTR: BAPI Structure for Condition Details Single Dates
E1BP_FTR_COND_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Condition Details
E1BP_FTR_COND_CHANGEX - BAPI Structure: Change Condition Details (Change Info)
E1BP_FTR_COND_DETAIL - BAPI Structure: Display Condition Details
E1BP_FTR_COND_FV - BAPI Structure: Formula Components
E1BP_FTR_COND_FV_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Formula Components
E1BP_FTR_COND_SD - BAPI Structure: Single Dates
E1BP_FTR_COND_SD_CHANGE - BAPI Structure: Change Single Dates
E1BP_FTR_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Transactions
E1BP_FTR_CREATE2 - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Transactions
E1BP_FTR_CREATEX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CAPFLOOR - Create a Cap/Floor per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CASHCOLL - Create Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CFT - Create Cash Flow-Dependent Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMS - Create a Commodity Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSAVG - Create Average for Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSAVGX - Change Structure of Average for Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSCOND - Create Commodity Swap Condition per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSCONDX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap Condition by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSFLOW - Create Commodity Swap Flow per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSFLOWX - Change Structure of Commodity Swap Flow by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_COMSX - Change Structure of a Commodity Swap by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CP - Create Commercial Paper per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CTY - Create Commodity Forward Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_CTYX - Change Structure for Commodity Forward
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_DAN - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FLPX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FOREX_1 - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FOREX_2 - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FST - Create a Forward Security per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FSTDIV - Create Forward Stock Transaction Dividend per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FSTDIVX - Change Structure of Forward Stock Transact. Dividend by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FSTROLL - Create Forward Securities Rollover per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FSTROLLX - Change Structure of a Forward Security Rollover by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FSTX - Change Structure of a Forward Security by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FTD - Create Fixed-Term Deposit per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FUTURE - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FXOPT_AVG - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating AROs
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FXOPT_CRL - FRT: BAPI Structure for Creating Basket/Correlation Options
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FXSWAP - Additional Data for Currency Swap
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FXT - Create Forex Transaction Using BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FXTX - Change Structure for Forex Transaction
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_FX_FVA - BAPI Structure Create FX - Forward Volatility Agreement
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_IRATE - Create Interest Rate Instrument per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_REPOX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Create Method
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_SECCOLL - Create Security Lending Cash Collateral per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_SECURITY - Create Security Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_SECURITYX - Change Structure: Create Security Transaction By BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_SL - Create Security Lending Transaction per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_SWAP - Create a Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_TRES - Create a Total Return Swap per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_TRESDIV - Create Total Return Swap Dividend per BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_TRESDIVX - Change Structure of Total Return Swap Dividend by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_CREATE_TRESX - Change Structure of a Total Return Swap by BAPI
E1BP_FTR_FLOW - FTR: BAPI Structure for Flows
E1BP_FTR_FLOWX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Flows
E1BP_FTR_HM_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Hedge Data
E1BP_FTR_MAINFLOW_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
E1BP_FTR_MAINFLOW_CHANGEX - FTR: BAPI Structure for Changing Other Main Flows
E1BP_FTR_MAINFLOW_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Other Main Flows
E1BP_FTR_MAINFLOW_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Displaying Other Main Flows
E1BP_FTR_NOVATION - Financial Transaction: Novation Method Parameters
E1BP_FTR_PAYDET - FTR: BAPI Structure for Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_PAYDETX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_PAYDET_CHANGE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_PAYDET_CHANGEX - FTR: Change Structure for Changing Other Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_PAYDET_CREATE - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_PAYDET_DETAIL - FTR: BAPI Structure for Creating Payment Details
E1BP_FTR_STRUCTURE_COMSCOND - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Structure
E1BP_FTR_UNDERLYINGS_FX - Underlying Structure for Forex Option
E1BP_FTR_UNDERLYINGS_FXX - Underlying Structure for Forex Options - Changed Fields
E1FTRACTIVITY - Transaction Activity Information
E1FTRCONDITIONS - Transaction Conditions
E1FTRHEADER - Transaction Header Information
E1FTRPOSITIONS - Transaction Flow Information
E1FTR_CFT_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CFT_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CFT_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_CFT_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_COMS_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_COMS_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_COMS_REVERSE - Header seg.
E1FTR_CP_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CP_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CP_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_CP_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CTYFWD_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_CTYFWD_SETTLE - Header Segment
E1FTR_DAN_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_DAN_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_DAN_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_DAN_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_DAN_ROLLOVER - Header seg.
E1FTR_FLP_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FLP_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FLP_REVERSE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FRA_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FRA_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FRA_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FST_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FST_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FST_DELIVERY - Header seg.
E1FTR_FST_REVERSE - Header seg.
E1FTR_FST_ROLLOVER2 - Header seg.
E1FTR_FTD_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FTD_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FTD_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_FTD_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FTD_ROLLOVER - Header seg.
E1FTR_FUTURE_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FUTURE_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FXT_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FXT_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FXT_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_FXT_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FXT_SETTLE - Header Segment
E1FTR_FX_CREATESWAP - Header Segment
E1FTR_GETDETAIL - Header Segment
E1FTR_IRATE_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_IRATE_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_IRATE_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_PAYDET_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_PAYDET_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_PAYDET_DELETE - Header Segment
E1FTR_REPO_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_REPO_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_REPO_REVERSE - Header seg.
E1FTR_SETTLE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SL_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_SL_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_SL_REVERSE - Header seg.
E1FTR_SL_ROLLOVER - Header seg.
E1FTR_SWAP_CHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SWAP_CREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SWAP_MFCHANGE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SWAP_MFCREATE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SWAP_MFDELETE - Header Segment
E1FTR_SWAP_REVERSE - Header Segment
E1FTR_TRES_CHANGE - Header seg.
E1FTR_TRES_CREATE - Header seg.
E1FTR_TRES_REVERSE - Header seg.
FIN_RFTXI300_ALV - Display Swift Files - Structure RFTXI300
FTRS_ALRT_PRESELECT_KEY - TR Alert Preselection Key
FTRS_DEALNR - Range Structure for Transaction Number
FTRS_JOURNAL_REPO - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities
FTRS_JOURNAL_SE - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities
FTRS_JOURNAL_SE_FORWARD - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities
FTRS_JOURNAL_SL - Interface Structure: Transaction Journal for Securities
FTRS_LMT_WRKLIST - Limit Details Structure for VTGFHA_WRKLIST
FTRS_MD_FIXING - Common market-data fixing (so far TRCPAT and TRCPAT2)
FTRXI_ADDRESS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_AMOUNT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PARTY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_BUS_TRANS_DOC_PARTY2 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_CONTACT_PERSON - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_FOREIGN_EXCHANGE_LEG_NDF - Proxy Structure (generated)
FTRXI_FX_CURRENCY_FLOW - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_FX_LEG - Proxy Structure (generated)
FTRXI_FX_LEG_EXCHANGE_RATE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_FX_OPTION_PREMIUM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_FX_OPTION_PREMIUM_QUOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_FX_OPTION_SIMPLE - Foreign Exchange Option
FTRXI_FX_OPTION_STRIKE_PRICE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_FX_SWAP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_LOG - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
FTRXI_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
FTRXI_TR_DEAL - Treasury Deal
FTRXI_TR_DEAL_NOTIF - Treasury Deal Notification
FTRXI_TR_DEAL_NOTIF_M - Message for Contract of a Treasury Transaction
FTRXI_TR_DEAL_NOTIF_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_TR_DEAL_NOTIF_RESPONSE_M - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTRXI_TR_DEAL_RESPONSE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
FTR_AC_FLOW_CONV - Structure for Converting TRD Flows into HAPO Flows
FTR_AC_PAYMENT - Payment Details
FTR_AC_POSTING - Posting Data
FTR_AC_POSTING_PAYMENT - Structure for Posting and Payment Details
FTR_AC_TICKET - Data Ticket for cl_ftr_ac
FTR_AVG_DISPLAY - Schedule Display Structure
FTR_AVG_PERIOD - Display Structure for Period Screen
FTR_AVG_PERIOD_TEXT - Text of Average popup
FTR_AVG_PROT - FX Rates for ARO: Structure for Log Output
FTR_AVG_PROT_DISP - FX Rates for ARO: Structure for Log Output
FTR_AVG_RATE - Average Rates
FTR_AVG_SCHEDULE - Schedule with Rates
FTR_COMF_AVG_ASGN_UI_ALV - Commodity Forward: Average + ALV field
FTR_COMF_AVG_ASGN_X - Commodity Forward: Average
FTR_COMS_HEADER_UI_FLOWGEN - COMS: Header flowgen extension
FTR_CRDT_DEF - Definition of Line of Credit
FTR_CRDT_DEF_T - Definition of Line of Credit
FTR_DEAL_WRK - Display Structure for Treasury Transactions
FTR_ENTRY - Screen Structure for Central Entry Transactions
FTR_ENTRY_DEAL_ACTIVITY - Structure FTR Entry deal activity
FTR_ENTRY_NEW - Structure for Financial Transaction
FTR_FAC_MESSAGE - FTR Facilities - Messages
FTR_FLOW_MATCH - Data Ticket for Assigning HAPO and TRD Flows
FTR_FLOW_MATCH_FULL - Data Ticket for Assigning HAPO and TRD Flows
FTR_FUNCT_CLASS - Structure for locator framework: Transaction function list
FTR_FX_GUI - Int. FX - GUI Fields
FTR_FX_GUI2 - Int. FX - GUI Fields
FTR_FX_INT_FOREX - Int. FX: Create a Forex Transaction
FTR_FX_INT_HEADER - Int. FX: Header Information for Creating a Transaction
FTR_FX_WEB_GET_QUOTE - Structure for Determining FX Rate
FTR_FX_WEB_PROD_TRANS_TYPE - Product Type and Transaction Type
FTR_IRATE_DATE - Interest Rate Date
FTR_IRATE_PERIOD - Interest period
FTR_LOCA_ENTRY - Structure for locator frame work: Financial Transaction
FTR_MA_FIELDLIST - Field List for MiniApps
FTR_MSG_2_MSG_CTRL - Structure for Transferring Messages to CL_FTR_MSG_CTRL
FTR_OBJECT_KEY - Structure with Object Key Fields
FTR_PARAMETER_DEF - Structure for Defining Parameters and Variables
FTR_SEPA_CC - SEPA Activation per Company Code
FTR_TIER_DEF - Definition of Rank
FTR_TIER_DEF_T - Description of Rank
FTR_TRANSACTIONTYPE_TEXT - Text Name of Product Type and Transaction Type
FTR_XI_COMMON - Mapping: General Data
FTR_XI_COMMON_EXT - Mapping: General Data in External Format
FTR_XI_COMMON_INT - Mapping: General Data in SAP Internal Format
FTR_XI_COMMON_INT2 - Mapping: 2xGeneral Data in SAP Internal Format (re. FX Swap)
FTR_XI_FXLEG - Mapping: FX Spot/Forward Data
FTR_XI_FXLEG_EXT - Mapping: FX Spot/Forward Data in External Format
FTR_XI_FXLEG_INT - Mapping: FX Spot/Forward Data in SAP Internal Format
FTR_XI_FXSIMPLEOPTION_EXT - Mapping: FX Option Data in External Format
FTR_XI_FXSIMPLEOPTION_INT - Mapping: FX Option Data in SAP Internal Format
FTR_XI_FXSWAP - Mapping: FX Swap Data
FTR_XI_FXSWAP_EXT - Mapping: FX Swap Data in External Format
FTR_XI_FXSWAP_INT - Mapping: FX Swap Data in SAP Internal Format
FVW8_0100 - Index Data for Screen 0100 in FVW8
FVW8_0200 - Index Data for Screen 0200 in FVW8
FWOT_0515 - Index Data for Screen 0515 in FWOT
IRAS_ANPASS - Interest Rate Adjustment: Structure for FIMA Timeframe
IRAS_INTEREST_VALUE - Interest Rate Adjustment: Structure for Interest Rates
IRAS_INTEREST_VALUE_CONVERTED - Int.Rate Adjust.: Structure for Int. Rates (Converted Date)
IRAS_IRA_DATE - Treasury: Structure for Interest Rate Fixing Date
IRAS_REFERENCE - Treasury: Structure for Reference Interest Rate
TBCO_AVG - Output Structure (Correspondence): Averages
TBCO_BANK - Output Structure for Bank Data (New with CFM 1.0)
TBCO_COND_SE - Output Structure (Correspondence): Securities Conditions
TBCO_CTY - Output Structure of Confirmations for Commodity Forwards
TBCO_FC - Output Structure Confirmations Facility
TBCO_FHAZU - Structure for General Activity Data for Correspondence
TBCO_FIX - Output Structure for Interest Rate Adjustment
TBCO_FIX_FRA - Output Structure for Int.Rate Adj: Specific Fields for FRA
TBCO_FU - Output Structure for Confirmation of Futures
TBCO_FW - Output Structure for Forward Transaction Confirmations
TBCO_IDOC_ALL - Display Structure Confirmation IDoc: General Part
TBCO_IDOC_CP - Display Structure Confirmation IDoc: Commercial Paper
TBCO_IDOC_DN - Display Structure: Confirmation IDoc for Deposit at Notice
TBCO_IDOC_FX - Display Structure Confirmation IDoc: Foreign Exchange
TBCO_IDOC_TD - Display Structure Confirmation IDoc: Fixed-Term Deposit
TBCO_IR - Output Structure for Confirmation: Int. Rate Instrument
TBCO_OPUL - Output Structure for Options: Underlying of the Underlying
TBCO_RP - Output Structure for Repo Confirmations
TBCO_RPAY - Output Structure: Repayment Flows
TBCO_RP_LEG - "Page" of a Repo Transaction (Internal for Correspondence)
TBCO_RS_CC - Output Structure Facility - Rule Management / Company Code
TBCO_RS_CR - Output Structure Facility - Rule Management / Currency
TBCO_RS_PA - Output Structure Facility - Rule Management / Partner
TBCO_RS_TT - Output Structure Facility - Rule Management / Trans. Type
TBCO_SE - Output Structure: Securities Order Confirmations
TBCO_SE_ACC - Sec. Acct Master Data + Address of Dep. Bank for Correspond.
TBCO_SL - Output Structure for Securities Lending
TBCO_SYST - Output Structure - Confirmations - System Information
TBCO_ZZ - Output Structure: Cash Flow-Based Transaction Confirmations
TCHS_CONDITION - Hypothetical Derivative Condition
TCHS_HD_ATTRIBUTES - Hypothetical Derivative Non Key Attributes
TCHS_HD_COMM_IN - Hypothetical Derivative Incoming Commodity
TCHS_HD_COMM_OUT - Hypothetical Derivative Outgoing Commodity
TCHS_HD_EXPOSURE_DATA - Structure for Exposure Data
TCHS_HD_EXPOSURE_FX - Exposure structure for creation of hypothetical derivative
TCHS_HD_EXPOSURE_IR - Exposure structure for creating the hypothetical derivative
TCHS_HD_FLOWS - Hypothetical Derivative Flows
TCHS_HD_HEADER - Hypothetical Derivative Header Info
TCHS_HD_INT_IN - Hypothetical Derivative Incoming Interest
TCHS_HD_INT_OUT - Hypothetical Derivative Outgoing Interest
TCHS_HD_KEY_ATTR - Hypothetical Derivative Key Attributes
TCHS_HD_KOPF_ABEST - Hypothetical Derivative - SFGDT - KOPF, ABEST
TCHS_HD_MAIN - Hypothetical Derivative Basic Information
TCHS_HD_PERSISTENCE - Hypothetical Derivative - Transfer Struc for Persistence
TCHS_HD_STRUCT_INFO - Hypothetical Derivative Structure Information
TCHS_HD_USER_DATA - Hypothetical Derivative User Data
TCHT_HD_BEWEG_CY - SFGDT Commodity Flows Table
TCHT_HD_COND - Instrument Conditions
TCHT_HD_COND_FOR - Instrument Condition Formula
TCHT_HD_SFGDT - SFGDT Representation of Instruments
THXC_FLOWTYPE - Treasury: Update types based on a Product Type
THXC_HINST_PTYPE - Hedge scenerio : List of product types allowed
THXC_HITEM_PTYPE - Hedge scenerio : List of product types allowed
THXC_HR_CLASS - Classes of Hedging Relationships
THXC_HR_CLASS_T - Classes of hedging relationsships
THXC_HR_PROFL - Profile of hedging relationships
THXC_HR_PROFL_T - descriptions for profiles of hedging relationsships
THXC_NR_RNG_ASS - Number Ranges Assignment for P-Hedge Accounting
THXEC_CRIT_TERM - Effectiveness Test Critical Term(Obsolete)
THXEC_CRIT_TYPE - Effectiveness Test Critical Term Type
THXEC_CRIT_TYP_T - Effectiveness Test Critical Term Type
THXEC_EFFCONDTY - Effectiveness Condition Type
THXEC_EFFCONDY_T - Effectiveness Condition Type Text Table
THXEC_EFF_CONDS - To capture the Effectiveness Conditions
THXEC_EFF_TMET - Effectiveness Test Method Definition
THXEC_EFF_TMET_T - Effectiveness Test Method Definition text table
THXES_CRIT_TYPE - Critical term structure
THXES_CVCALC_CONTROL - Control of current value calculation
THXES_DISP_HR_TEST_HISTORY - Display Structure for Hedging - Effectivity Test Plan
THXES_DISP_MEAS_EFFRT - Effectiveness Test: Hedge Ratio Results Display Structure.
THXES_DISP_MEAS_HEADER - Effectiveness Test Header
THXES_DISP_MEAS_USER - Display Structure for Hedging - Usage
THXES_DIVIDEND - Dividends belonging to stocks in the hedge relation
THXES_EFF_HEDGE_DISPLAY - Line type for display of the selected Hedge relationships
THXES_EFF_RET_KEYDATE - RET Structure for the effectiveness graph
THXES_EFF_TESTDATE - Range Structure for Effectiveness Test Date
THXES_EFF_TEST_BUS_KEY - Effectiveness Test: Business Keys
THXES_EFF_TEST_DATLIST - internal date list structure for EffTest-CALC
THXES_EFF_TEST_ID - Prospective and Retrospective Effctiveness Test Identifiers
THXES_EFF_TEST_LOCK - Effectiveness Test: Lock structure
THXES_EFF_TEST_RESULT - Effectiveness Test Results
THXES_EFF_TEST_STATUS - Range of Effectiveness test status
THXES_EFF_TEST_SUPP_POINTS - Supporting Points for Effectiveness Test
THXES_EFF_TEST_TRIGGER - Range of Effectiveness test trigger
THXES_EFF_TEST_TYPE - Range structure for Effectiveness test type
THXES_ET_RESULT_WITH_OBJ - Effectiveness Test: Business Keys plus Object
THXES_ET_USTATUS - Range of Usages status of an effectiveness test
THXES_HINST_DATA - HInst data for effectiveness calcualation
THXES_HITEM_DATA - HItem data for effectiveness calcualation
THXES_HITEM_N_HINST_DATA - HItem & HInst data for effectiveness calculation
THXES_LOG_CONTRIBUTION - Logging details: price contribution
THXES_MEAS_DOC - Display Structure for Eff Test Documentation
THXES_MEAS_EFF_RAT - Effectiveness Ratio Results
THXES_MEAS_HEADER - Effectiveness Test Header
THXES_MEAS_ITEM - Effectivity Test Items (for each HItem & HInstr)
THXES_MEAS_LOG - Effectiveness Test - Detailed Log
THXES_MEAS_PER - Effectiveness Test - Transfer Structure of Persistent Class
THXES_MEAS_USER - Users of the Effectiveness Test
THXES_SELECTIONS - Selection Ranges for effectiveness tests
THXES_UNITCOUNT - structure for scaling data
THXES_USER_DATA - Effectiveness Test Data
THXETS_EFF_TCA - Effectiveness test method category
THXETS_EFF_TCA_T - Effectiveness test method category text table
THXETS_HDG_CCT - Hedge Effectiveness: Current value calculation category
THXETS_HDG_CCT_T - Hedge Effectiveness: Current value calculation category
THXET_ITEM_BP - Effectiveness Test: Results per HItem & HInstr.
THXET_ITEM_SC - Effectiveness Test: Results per HItem & HInst. for Scenarios
THXET_MEAS_DOC - Effectiveness Test Docu
THXET_MEAS_EFFRT - Effectiveness Test: Hedge Ratio Results.
THXET_MEAS_HEAD - Effectiveness Test Results
THXET_MEAS_ITEM - Effectiveness Test: Results per HItem & HInstr.
THXET_MEAS_LOG - Effectiveness Test Detailed Log
THXET_MEAS_USER - Users of the Effectiveness Test
THXS_BUSTRANSCAT - Treasury: Range Structure for the Business Tx. Category
THXS_BUSTRANSID - Treasury: Range Structure for Business Tx. Id
THXS_BUSTRANS_STATE - Treasury: Range Structures for Business Tx. State
THXS_CLASS_HREL - Hedging relationship for classification
THXS_DISP_DEALS - Display of transaction data during partial sale
THXS_DISP_DIFF_CRIT - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument
THXS_DISP_FLOWS - List of affected flows with decreasing quantity category
THXS_DISP_FLOW_HINST - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument flows
THXS_DISP_FLOW_HITEM - Display Structure for Hedged Item flows
THXS_DISP_HDOC - Display Structure for Hedging Documentation
THXS_DISP_HINST - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument
THXS_DISP_HITEM - Display Structure for Hedged Item
THXS_DISP_HREL - Display Structure for Hedging Relationship
THXS_DISP_HREL_FLOWS - Display Structure for all flows in hrel
THXS_DISP_HR_TESTPLAN - Display Structure for Hedging - Effectivity Test Plan
THXS_DISP_OPEN_ET - Display open BustransId-related ETs
THXS_DISP_PMP - Display structure for hedge position management procedure
THXS_DISP_POSTING_DATA - Display Structure for posting data
THXS_DISP_REVERSAL - Display Structure for reversal
THXS_DISP_REV_POSTING_DATA - Display Structure for rev posting data
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HINST - Search Structure for By Hedging instrument (range tables)
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HINST_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedging instrument
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HITEM - Search Structure for By Hedged item (range tables)
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HITEM_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedged item
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HREL - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship (range tables)
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HRELS - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship
THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HREL_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship
THXS_DISP_SUBPOS_VOLUMES - Subposition volumes for adjustment during partial sale
THXS_DISP_TRL_FLOWS - Treasury : Display Designated De-designated TRL Flows
THXS_DISP_WORKAREA - Display Structure for work area
THXS_FISCAL_YEAR - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel.
THXS_GROUP_CUST - Structure for Grouping Customizing
THXS_HDOC - Mapping structure for the Hedge doc.
THXS_HDOC_NOTE - Structure for showing the Notes of the HREL in PDF
THXS_HINST - Mapping structure for persistency: Hedge Instrument.
THXS_HINST_DOC - Hedge Instrument documentation structure
THXS_HINST_FLOW - Treasury: Flow for Hedge Instrument
THXS_HINST_MAPPING - Mapping for HINST- Intern and NR number
THXS_HINST_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Instr.
THXS_HITEM - Mapping structure for persistency:Hedge Item
THXS_HITEM_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Hedged Item Categories
THXS_HITEM_DOC - Hedged item structure for documentation f Notes
THXS_HITEM_FLOW - Treasury: Flow for Hedge Item
THXS_HITEM_MAPPING - Mapping structure for HITEM intern and NR number
THXS_HITEM_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedged Item
THXS_HREL - Mapping Structure Hedge relationship
THXS_HREL_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Categories
THXS_HREL_GROUPING_1 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 1
THXS_HREL_GROUPING_2 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 2
THXS_HREL_GROUPING_3 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 3
THXS_HREL_LOCK - Structure for the Hedge Relationship Locking Object
THXS_HREL_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel.
THXS_HREL_PROFILE - Range Structure for Hedging Relationship Profile
THXS_HR_TRANS - Treasury: Hedging Relationship Transactions
THXS_HR_TR_ATTR - Hedge relationship transaction attributes
THXS_MAINTAIN_SUBPOS_VALS - Maintain the modified subposition values for a transaction
THXS_MD - mapping structure market data
THXS_MD_CALC_BASIS - structure: market data calculation basis for present value
THXS_MD_CALC_BASIS_SORTED - structure: market data calculation basis for present value
THXS_MD_CHANGE_FLG - structure controls MD maintenance
THXS_MD_CONTAINER - complete market data information for a certain Bus.trans.ID
THXS_MD_DISPLAY - structure display market data
THXS_MD_DISP_CALC_BASIS - structure: market data calculation basis for present value
THXS_MD_DISP_ET_YC - market data: yield curve type
THXS_MD_DISP_HEADER_HREL - structure market data display header info hedging relationsh
THXS_MD_DISP_HEADER_TRANS - structure market data display header info
THXS_MD_DISP_HREL_INFO - structure market data hedging relationships information
THXS_MD_DISP_INTR - market data: reference interest rate
THXS_MD_DISP_PV - structure present value for calculation purposes
THXS_MD_DISP_SEC - market data securities quotation information
THXS_MD_DISP_YC - market data: yield curve type
THXS_MD_ET_YC_I - market data: yield curve type
THXS_MD_ET_YC_PERS - market data persistency mapping yield curve type
THXS_MD_HR_PARAM - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters
THXS_MD_HR_PARAM_I - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters
THXS_MD_HR_PARAM_PERS - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters
THXS_MD_INTR_I - market data: reference interest rate
THXS_MD_INTR_PERS - market data persistency mapping reference interest rate
THXS_MD_MAINT_CONTROL - structure market data maintenance control
THXS_MD_NOM_UNITS - market data: present value refers to nominals/units
THXS_MD_PV - structure present value
THXS_MD_PV_CALC_CONTROL - structure present value for calculation purposes
THXS_MD_PV_I - market data: present value structure
THXS_MD_PV_KEY - semantic key for present value
THXS_MD_PV_PERS - market data: persistency mapping present value
THXS_MD_PV_TEXT - structure present value for calculation purposes
THXS_MD_SEC - market data securities quotation information
THXS_MD_SEC_I - market data securities price
THXS_MD_SEC_INFO - market data securities quotation information
THXS_MD_SEC_KEY - semantic key for security price
THXS_MD_SEC_PERS - market data: persistency mapping securities price
THXS_MD_YC_I - market data: yield curve type
THXS_MD_YC_PERS - market data persistency mapping yield curve type
THXS_OS_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for OS_GUID
THXS_OTC_DATA - Attributes of OTC deals (as hedging instruments)
THXS_PROFILE_DETAILS - Hedge profile relevant details
THXS_PROS_TEST_DETAILS - Prosp Eff Test Eff Test Method
THXS_RETRO_TEST_DETAILS - Retrosp Eff Test Eff Test Method
THXS_RISK_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Risk Categories
THXS_SECURITY_DATA - Attributes of OTC deals (as hedging instruments)
THXS_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Options to Configure Collection Rules
THXS_SUBPOS_VALS_BY_TRANS - Subposition values corresponding to a trl transaction
THXS_TREE_SORT - Treasury : Sort structure for Tree Control
THXS_TRLDATE - Treasury: Range Structure for TRL Date
THXS_TRM_HMD_RELEASE - Release structure for Docu
THXS_TRM_HME_RELEASE - Release structure for Docu
THXS_TRM_HM_RELEASE - Release structure for Bus trans.
THXTS_HDG_SCEN - Hedge Relationship scenerio
THXTS_HDG_SCEN_T - Hedge Relationship scenerio
THXTS_HINST_PCAT - Hedge Scenerio : List of product categories allowed
THXTS_HITEM_PCAT - Hedge scenerio : List of product categories allowed
THXT_GROUP1_VAL - Table for values of grouping 1
THXT_GROUP2_VAL - Table for values of grouping 1
THXT_GROUP_CUST - Customizing for Hedge Relationship Groupings
THXT_GROUP_CUSTT - Text Customizing for Hedge Relationship Groupings
THXT_HDOC - DB table for storing the Hedge Documentation.
THXT_HDOC_DMS - Storing the hedge documentation documents
THXT_HINST - Hedge Instrument
THXT_HITEM - Hedge Item DB table
THXT_HREL - Hedging Relationship
THXT_HR_FLOWS - Treasury: Hedging Relationship Flows
THXT_HR_TESTPLAN - Hedging - Effectivity Test Plan
THXT_HR_TRANS - Treasury: Hedging Relationship Transactions
THXT_MD_ET_INTR - market data reference interest rate
THXT_MD_ET_YC - market data yield curve type
THXT_MD_HEADER - market data: header information
THXT_MD_HRPARAMS - Market Data: Hedge related parameters
THXT_MD_INTR - market data reference interest rate
THXT_MD_PV - market data present value
THXT_MD_SEC - market data securities price
THXT_MD_YC - market data yield curve type
TIDX_FLOW_CAT - Treasury: Flow Categories for Price Indexes
TIDX_FM_FLOW_CAT - Treasury: Calc. Categories of Cash Flow Calculator for PI
TIDX_IDX_VALUE_FOR_FLOW - Result of the Index Value for a Flow
TIDX_INDEX_4_DIST_FLOW_TYPE - Result of the Index Value for a Dist. Flow Type
TIDX_INDEX_DFLOW - Relation Between the Indexes and the Distribution Flow Type
TIDX_INDEX_FLOW - Relation Between the Indexes and the Flows
TIDX_INDEX_FLOWC - Relation Between the Indexes and the Flows
TIDX_PRICE_INDEX - Price Index Main Entity
TIDX_PRICE_VALUE - Values for the Index
TIDX_PRICE_VALUE - Values for the Index
TPM_SECACC_GUARD - Assign Transaction - Securities Acct Block
TRCPAS - TR: Commodity Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing
TRCPAS2 - Commodity price Fixing - Structure
TRCPAS2_CF - Commodity Price fixing regristrations per cash flow
TRCPAS2_COMMODITIES_PRICE - Commodity price fixing - Commodity price
TRCPAS2_DCSID - Range Structure for TRCPAT2-DCSID
TRCPAS2_DISPLAY - Treasury: Commodity price fixing - display structure DCS
TRCPAS2_KEY - TR: Commodity Price Fixing Key
TRCPAS2_MIC - Range structure for TRCPAT2-MIC
TRCPAS2_NO_KEY - TR: Commodity Price Fixing
TRCPAS_CF - Commodiy Price Adjustment Registrations per Cash Flow
TRCPAS_COMMODITIES_PRICE - Commodity Price Adjustment: Structure for Commodity Prices
TRCPAS_COMMODITY_ID - Range Structure for Commodity ID Number
TRCPAS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Commodity Price Adjustment: Display Structure
TRCPAS_FIXING_DATA - Comm. Price Adjust. Structure-->Comm. Price Adjust. Activity
TRCPAS_IRA_DATE - Range structure for Commodiy Price Adjustment Date
TRCPAS_KEY - TR: Commodity Price Adjustment - Registration and Fixing-Key
TRCPAS_NO_KEY - TR: Commodity Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing-NoKey
TRCPAS_SCHEDULE_DISPLAY - Treasury -Commodity Price Adjustment: Schedule
TRCPAT - TR: Commodity Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing
TRCPAT2 - TR: Commodity Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing (DCS)
TRIAS_ACTIVITY - Treasury: Int. Rate Adjustment: Int. Rate Adjust. Activity
TRIAS_BEARER - Structure of Interest Rate Adjustment Bearer
TRIAS_BEARER_CAT - Range Structure for Interest Rate Adjustment Category
TRIAS_BEARER_ID - Range Structure for Interest Rate Adjustment Bearer ID
TRIAS_CF - Interest Rate Adjustment Registrations per Cash Flow
TRIAS_CFOWNER_CONTEXT - Context of a Transaction for Interest Rate Adjustment
TRIAS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Interest Rate Adjustment: Display Structure
TRIAS_FIXING_DATA - Int. Rate Adjust. Structure --> Int. Rate Adjust. Activity
TRIAS_IRA_DATE - Range Structure for Interest Rate Fixing Date
TRIAS_REFERENCE - Range Structure for Reference Interest Rate
TRIAS_SCHEDULE_DISPLAY - Treasury: Interest Rate Adjustment: Int.Rate Adjust.Schedule
TRIAS_WRK - Structure for Processing Int. Rate Adjustment Registrations
TRIAT - Treasury: Int.Rate Adjust. - Registration and Int.Rate Adj.
TRIGC_COMPANY_ID - Customizing view for Dummy Company ID
TRIGC_IGI_PC - IGT - Product Cats of the Parallel Valn Areas to be Included
TRIGC_IGI_PT - IGT - ProdCat / ProdType in Valn Areas to be Included
TRIGS_EXPORT_EXCEL - Contains Components to export to Excel
TRIGS_IGT_CONS_INCOME - IGT: Structure for Consolidated Income
TRIGS_IGT_TRANS_VALS - Values of a position due to a transaction
TRIGS_POSITION_SELECTION - Selection Parameters for Intragroup Transactions
TRPABASES - TR Prive Adjustment: Calculation Bases
TRSPAS - TR: Security Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing
TRSPAS_CF - Security Price Adjustment Registrations per Cash Flow
TRSPAS_DISPLAY - Treasury: Security Price Adjustment: Display Structure
TRSPAS_EXHANGE - Range structure type for Treasury Exhange
TRSPAS_FIXING_DATA - Security Price Adj. Struc-->Security Price Adj. Activity
TRSPAS_IRA_DATE - Range structure for Security Price Adjustment Date
TRSPAS_KEY - TR: Security Price Adjustment - Registration and Fixing-Key
TRSPAS_NO_KEY - TR: Security Price Adjustment-Registration and Fixing-NoKey
TRSPAS_PRICE_TYPE - Range struc type for Rate/Price Type - Treasury Instruments
TRSPAS_SCHEDULE_DISPLAY - Treasury - Security Price Adjustment: Schedule
TRSPAS_SECURITIES_PRICE - Security Price Adjustment: Structure for Security Prices
TRSPAT - TR: Security Price Adjustment - Registration and Fixing
TUTLS_DISP_APPROVER_LIST - Display structure for Approver List
VTBAT_PROCESS - Transaction Processes
VTBAT_PROCESS_TX - Transaction Processes
VTBCSPREAD - Credit Spread per OTC Transaction
VTBMARGIN - Int. FX: Rate Markups or Markdowns per Currency Pair
VTBMDEX - CFM: Mirror Transaction - Initial Table
VTBMDIN - CFM: Mirror Trans.- Incoming Mapping Log. System Counterprty
VTBMDINFKT - CFM: Mirror Transaction Mapping Functions
VTBMDLS - CFM: Mirror Transaction - Assign Partner - Logical System
VTBMDMAP - CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map PType/TType in Meta Name
VTBMDMAPFLW - CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map Flows
VTBMDMAPKOND - CFM: Mirror Transaction - Map Conditions
VTBMDPARTNER - CFM: Mirror Trans.- Unique Assignment of Partner - CoCd
VTBOTCIFDC - Structure for Creating OTC Currency Option via Interface
VTBPA - Fin. Transaction: Assignment of Further Business Partners
VTBRATING - Rating for Financial Transaction
VTBRELE1 - Transaction release: Change history
VTBULFXIFDC - Structure for Creating FX Underlying via Interface
VTB_ASGN_LIMIT - FTR Assignment Mgmt: Limit Profile of Assignment Object
VTB_ASGN_POS - FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position Changes
VTB_ASGN_POSOBJ - FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position Objects
VTB_ASGN_RELAT - FTR Assignment Management: Assignment Object
VTB_DATE_PERIOD - Includes Start Date and End Date
VTB_DEALDETAIL - Financial transaction transfer structure
VTB_FMOD_BASIC - Field Modification Values
VTB_FMOD_FTR - Field Modification Definition
VTB_FMOD_PROCESS - BDT Field Grouping per Activity Category
VTB_FMOD_SFGZUST - Field Modification at Activity Category Level
VTB_FMOD_SFHAART - Field Modification Values
VTB_FMOD_SFUNKTL - Field Modification Values
VTB_FX_WEB_QUOTE - FX Quotes for Transfer as Transaction
VTB_PCAT_FMOD - BDT Field Modification per Product Category
VTB_RULESET - FTR Rule Management: Rule
VTB_RULESET_CC - FTR Rule Management: Company Code Rules
VTB_RULESET_CR - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Currency Rules
VTB_RULESET_PA - FTR Rule Management: Business Partner Rules
VTB_RULESET_TT - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Type Rules
VTB_WEB_ORGA - FTR Web: Organization Mapping to Service
VTB_WEB_QUOTES - FX Quotes Received
VTB_WEB_SERVICE - Define Web Service and Link to Business Connector
VTB_WEB_SERV_URL - FTR Web: Service Declaration
VTB_WEB_SUSER - FTR Web: Service Users
VTB_WEB_SUSERSAP - FTR Web: Service Users
VTB_WEB_URLS - FTR Web: Service URLs
VTGFASGT - TR Transaction Management: Acct Assignment Display Structure
VTGFASGTOT - TR Transaction Management: Total Account Assignments
VTGFHA - TR Transaction Management: Transaction Display Structure
VTGFHAPO - TR Transaction Management: Flow Display Structures
VTGFHAZU - TR Transaction Management: Activity Display Structure
VTGFHA_WRKLIST - TR_Transaction Management: FHA Worklist Toolbox
VTGFHA_WRKTREE - TR Transaction Management: Worklist Structure
VTGFUNCLIST - FTR: Transaction Management Function List
VTGRATING - Rating for Financial Transaction - Display Structure
VTGZVERB - Payment Details: General Maintenance Structure
VTGZVERBX - Payment Details: Change Structure
VTG_CF_COND - TR Transaction Management: Display Structure for Conditions
VTG_CREDIT_LINE - Facility: Lines of Credit
VTG_FC - Treasury Transaction Management: Charges for Facilities
VTG_FC_REP1 - FTR Facilities: Display Structure Reporting 1
VTG_FC_REP2 - TR Transaction Management: Flow Display Structures
VTG_FC_SEC_MARKET - Secondary Market
VTG_HEADER - TR Transaction Management: Display Structure for Header Data
VTG_HISTORY - Treasury: Display Historical Activity Data FTR
VTG_IDX_STRUCTURE - FTR: Screen Structure for Index
VTG_INVEST - FTR: Screen Structure for Details of Capital
VTG_IRATE_DERIV - TR_Transaction Management: FHA Worklist Toolbox
VTG_IRATE_STRUCTURE - FTR: Screen Structure for Fin. Mathematical Interest Details
VTG_MMIRATE - TR Transaction Mgmnt: Display Structure for Int. Rate Instr.
VTG_OPEN_TRTM_DISPLAY - Structure for Tab Title of Open TRTM
VTG_RECENT_FTRS - Structure for Displaying Last Transactions Processed
VTG_REPAYM_STRUCTURE - FTR: Screen Structure for Fin.Mathematical Repayment Details
VTG_REP_COMMITMENT - Results from Facility Reporting
VTG_REP_COMM_DRAW_FEE - Results from Facility Reporting
VTG_RHYTHM - FTR: Screen Structure for Fin.Mathematical Frequency Details
VTG_RULESET - FTR Rule Management: Rule (Display Structure)
VTG_RULESET_CC - FTR Rule Management: Rules for Company Code (Screen)
VTG_RULESET_CR - FTR Rule Management: Rules for Transaction Currency (Screen)
VTG_RULESET_PA - FTR Rule Management: Rules for Business Partner (Screen)
VTG_RULESET_TT - FTR Rule Management: Rules for Transaction Type (Screen)
VTG_SYNDICATION - Display Structure
VTG_TERM - FTR Rule Management: Display Term Data
VTG_TIER_LEVEL - Facility: Display Structure Tier Level
VTHXT_HINST - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTHXT_HITEM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VTN_POMO_CURR - Position Monitor: Display Priority for Currencies
VTN_POMO_DISP - Position Monitor: Display Structure
VTN_POMO_SEL - Pos. Monitor: Struct. for Displaying Maturity Band Intervals
VTSFHA - Financial transaction: Screen fields
VTSFHAPO - Financial Flow: Screen Fields
VTSFHAZU - Financial transaction activity: Screen fields
VTSFINKO - Financial Conditions: Screen Fields
VTSIDOC - IDoc Status Records
VTSKORESF - Correspondence: Generate SWIFT File
VTSKORES_MEDIA - Correspondence: Standard Log Structure
VTSKORES_PROT1 - Correspondence: Standard Log Structure
VTSRATING - Rating for Financial Transaction - Screen Fields
VTSWFRGREP - Transaction release: Reporting structure
VTS_ADMIN - Administration Data of a Transaction
VTS_ADMINX - FTR: BAPI Structure Change Information for Change Method
VTS_ALERT_MSG - CFM: Data Transfer for Alert Monitor
VTS_ALERT_MSG_DISP - CFM: Display Structure for Alert Monitor
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_ALL - CFM: Selection Parameters (Summary)
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_COMM - CFM: Selection Parameter: Commodity Price Fixing
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_CORR - CFM: Selection Parameters Correspondence
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_FIX - CFM: Selection Parameters - Interest Rate Adjustment
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_PAYM - CFM: Selection Parameters - Payment
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_POST - CFM: Selection Parameters - Posting
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_REL - CFM: Selection Parameters - Release
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_SEC - CFM: Sel.Parameter Security price fixing
VTS_ALERT_PARAMS_SETT - CFM: Selection Parameters - Settlement
VTS_ASGN_CHG_DATES - FTR Assignment Management: Profile Changes
VTS_ASGN_LIMIT_PROFILE - FTR Assignment Management: Limit Profile
VTS_ASGN_POSITION - FTR Assignment Management: Changes to Position Profile
VTS_ASGN_POSOBJ - FTR Assignment Management: Exchange Rate Entry (Screen)
VTS_ASGN_POS_OBJ - FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position
VTS_ASGN_POS_OBJ_IF - FTR Assignment Management: Assigned Position Object
VTS_ASGN_POS_PROFILE - FTR Assignment Management: Transfer Position Profile Changes
VTS_ASGN_POS_ROUNDING - FTR Assignment Mgmt: Rounding Diff. from Crcy Translation
VTS_ASGN_PROFILE - FTR Assignment Management: Profile Changes
VTS_ASGN_RELATIONSHIP - FTR Assignment Management: Changes to Position Profile
VTS_BAPI_KEY_FTR - Key Field Structure for BAPI Calls
VTS_CF - TR Transaction Management: Cash Flow
VTS_CF_AMOUNT - TR Transaction Management: Amounts
VTS_CF_ASGT - TR Transaction Management: Flow Account Assignment
VTS_CF_ASGTINPUT - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields
VTS_CF_COND - TR Transaction Management: Condition
VTS_CF_CONDKEY - TR Transaction Management: Condition Key
VTS_CF_COND_P - TR Transaction Management: Gen. Cond. Param. for CF Adapter
VTS_CF_FLOW - TR Transaction Management: Flow
VTS_CF_FLOWINPUT - TR Transaction Management: Input Flow
VTS_CF_IDX - TR Transaction Management: Index
VTS_CF_IDX_P - TR Transaction Management: Cond. Param. for Index Adapter
VTS_CF_IRATE - FTR: Structure for Financial Mathematical Interest Details
VTS_CF_IRATE_P - TR Transaction Management: Cond. Parameters for Int. Adapter
VTS_CF_NOMFLOW_P - TR Transaction Management: Parameters for Nom. Flow Adapter
VTS_CF_REPAYM - FTR: Structure for Financial Mathematical Repayment Details
VTS_CF_REPAYM_P - TR Transaction Management: Cond. Param. for Repmnt Adapter
VTS_CF_RHYTHM - FTR: Structure for Financial Mathematical Frequency Details
VTS_CF_TERM - TR Transaction Management: Cash Flow Term Data
VTS_CLSBROWSER_TREENODE - Node Data for Display in Mini-Class Browser
VTS_COMPANYCODE - FTR: Interface Structure for Company Code
VTS_COND - Condition: Structure
VTS_COND_EQUI_ADJUSTMENT - Condition Components: Interest Rate Adjustment
VTS_COND_EQUI_AMOUNT - Condition Components: Amount Structure
VTS_COND_EQUI_CONTROL - Condition Components: Control Data
VTS_COND_EQUI_DATES - Condition Components: Date Structure
VTS_COND_EQUI_FIXING - Condition Components: Fixing
VTS_COND_EQUI_KEY - Condition Components: Key
VTS_COND_EQUI_ROUNDING - Condition Components: Rounding
VTS_COND_FORMULA_VARIABLES - Condition: Form Components
VTS_COND_SINGLE_DATES - Condition: Single Dates
VTS_CONTRACT - Contract Data of Transaction
VTS_CONTRACTX - Contract Data of Transaction
VTS_CORR_MEDIA - Correspondence Media
VTS_CORR_PARTNER - Structure for F4 Help: Create Corresp. Planned Rec. Manually
VTS_DATEBOOK - FTR: Dispay Structure for MiniApp Date Overview
VTS_DATE_PRESETS - FTR: Interface Structure for Default Date
VTS_ERRORINFO - TR Transaction Management: Error Details
VTS_FC - Treasury Transaction Management: Charges for Facilities
VTS_FC_ASGN_SYN - FTR Facility: Assignment Data of a Syndicated Facility
VTS_FC_ASGN_TRTM - FTR Facility: Assignment Data of Financial Transaction
VTS_FC_FEE - Charges
VTS_FC_REP1 - FTR Facilities: Reporting Structure 1
VTS_FC_REP2 - FTR Facilities: Reporting Structure 2 (Charges Overview)
VTS_FC_REP2_HEAD - FTR Facilities: Reporting Structure 2 Header Data
VTS_FMOD_FTR - Structure for Field Modification Strings
VTS_FTR_GUI_ADMIN - GUI Transaction: Administration Data Subscreen
VTS_FTR_GUI_STATUS_ACT - GUI Transaction: Activity Status Information Subscreen
VTS_FTR_GUI_STATUS_CONTR - GUI Transaction: Transaction Status Information Subscreen
VTS_FTR_GUI_STATUS_CORRES - GUI Transaction: Correspondence Status Information Subscreen
VTS_HEADER - TR Transaction Management: Header Data for Transaction
VTS_HISTORY - Treasury: Historical Activity Data of Transaction
VTS_MMENTRY - Create Transaction
VTS_MMIRATE - TR Transaction Management: Int. Rate Instrument Attributes
VTS_RULESET - FTR Rule Management: Rule Objects
VTS_RULESET_CC - FTR Rule Management: Company Code Rules
VTS_RULESET_CR - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Currency Rules
VTS_RULESET_DB - FTR Rule Management: Nested Structure for Rules
VTS_RULESET_KEY - FTR Rule Management: DB Key of Rule
VTS_RULESET_PA - FTR Rule Management: Business Partner Rules
VTS_RULESET_TT - FTR Rule Management: Transaction Type Rules
VTS_STATUS - Status Data of Transaction
VTS_TRANSACTIONID - TR Transaction Management: Key of Financial Transaction
VTS_VAL - CFM: Structure for Parameter Entry
VTTRES_DISPLAY - Display structure for TRES display
VTXIBAR - Forex Cash Settlement
VVTBPA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

SAP Strategic Enterprise Management Tables FIN-SEM

CRMT_EMPLOYEE_IDS - HR Employee Number
CRMT_HRPERSONEE_S - Relationship: HR Employee / Central Person
HRALETMP - HR: Storage of Future Master Data Changes
HRPERSONEE - Linking Employee / Central Person
PCLHR - Store of Temporary Data from HR
SEMBW2_ACADEMIC_TITLE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_AMOUNT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_BINARY_OBJECT - A BinaryObject is a finite data stream of any number of char
SEMBW2_BIZ_DOCMSGH_CON_PERSON - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or
SEMBW2_BIZ_DOCMSGH_PARTY - General information about a party that is responsible for se
SEMBW2_BIZ_DOCMSG_HEADER - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl
SEMBW2_BIZ_DOCMSG_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_BIZ_SCOPE_INSTANCE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_BIZ_SCOPE_TYPECODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent
SEMBW2_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ITEM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_CHART_OF_ACC_RPLCTN_REQ - Replication of chart of accounts
SEMBW2_CHT_ACCTS_RPLCTN_CONF_M - Confirmation about replication request for chart of accounts
SEMBW2_CHT_ACCTS_RPLCTN_REQ_V1 - Replication of chart of accounts
SEMBW2_CLOSED_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_CLOSED_UNBND_DATEPERIOD - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM - Chart of accounts item / financial statement item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_BREAKDOWN_CAT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_EXT_V1 - An element within an extension of an item in chart of accoun
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_NAME - Texts of a chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_NAME_EXT_V1 - An element within an extension of an item name in chart of a
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_NAME_V1 - Texts of a chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_V1 - Chart of accounts item / financial statement item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VALDTYPER - Validity periods of a chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VAR - Variants of chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VAR_EXT_V1 - An element within an extension of a item variant in a chart
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VAR_NAME_EXTV1 - An element within an extension of a variant dependent item n
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VAR_NAME_V1 - Texts of a chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_ITEM_VAR_V1 - Variants of chart of accounts item
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_CHART_OF_ACCS - Chart of accounts
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_CHT_ACCS_EXTV1 - An element within an extension of chart of accounts
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_CHT_OF_ACCS_V1 - Chart of accounts
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_NAME - Texts of a chart of accounts
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_NAMEV1 - Texts of a chart of accounts
SEMBW2_COA_REQ_NAME_EXTV1 - An element within an extension of a chart of accounts name.
SEMBW2_CODE - Code is a character string of letters, numbers, special char
SEMBW2_COI_CHGTIME_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_COI_METHOD_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_COMMUNICATION - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_CONTACT_PERSON_INTER_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_DATE_TIME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_DESCRIPTION - Natural Language Text
SEMBW2_DIVISION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_EMAIL - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_EXPENSE_CLASSIFICATION1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FAMILY_NAME_PREFIX_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FINANCIAL_CONSOLIDATIO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FINANCIAL_STATEMENT_IT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FINANCIAL_STATEMENT_IT3 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_BLK_REQ_MSG - Bulk replication request for Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_BULK_CO_MSG - Bulk confirmation about replication of Financial Consolidati
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_CNS_ELMNT - Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_CNS_VAR - Attributes of a Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_CO_MSG - Confirmation for replication of Financial Consolidation Elem
SEMBW2_FINCNSELMNT_REQ_MSG - Replication request for Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_CNS_GROUP - Financial Consolidation Group
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_CNS_GRP - Financial Consolidation Group
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_CNS_NAME - Name of Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_CNS_STRUCT - Financial Consolidation Structure
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_GRP_RELSHIP - Relationship of Financial Consolidation Group
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_INCL_PERIOD - Inclusion period of Financial Consolidation Unit
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_NAME_EXT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_REQ_MSG - Replication request message for Financial Consolidation Stru
SEMBW2_FINCNSSTRUC_UNIT_ASSGNM - Assignment of Financial Consolidation Units
SEMBW2_FINCNSTRUCT_CO_MSG - Confirmation for financial consolidation structure replicati
SEMBW2_FINCNSUNIT_DISCOP_PERIO - Inclusion period of Financial Consolidation Unit
SEMBW2_FINCNSUNIT_INTSAL_PERIO - Inclusion period of Financial Consolidation Unit
SEMBW2_FINCNS_GROUP_EXT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FINCNS_STRUC_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FINCNS_STRUC_VAR - Attributes of a Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FINCNS_STRUC_VAR_EXT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FIN_CNSLDTN_ELMNT_RPLC3 - Address of Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FIN_CNSLDTN_STRUC_EXT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMNT_EXT_ELMT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMNT_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMNT_VAR_NAME - Name of Financial Consolidation Element
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMT_GCRCY_EXCD - An element within an extension of a group currency of financ
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMT_GRPCRCY_CD - Currencies that can be used as reporting currencies in a fin
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMT_NAME_EXTCD - An element within an extension of a variant dependent financ
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_ELMT_USAGE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_MOVETYPE_GROUP - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_UNITASSIGN_EXT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_VARIANT_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_CNS_VAR_EXT_ELMT - An element within an extension of a financial consolidation
SEMBW2_FIN_CONSOLIDATION_AREA - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_CONS_ELMNT_BIZ_CHAR - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_REP_STRUC - Financial reporting structure
SEMBW2_FIN_REP_STRUC_ITEMCODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_REP_STRUC_NAME - Texts of a chart of account
SEMBW2_FIN_REP_STRUC_RPLCTNCFM - Confirmation about replication request for financial reporti
SEMBW2_FIN_REP_STRUC_RPLCTNREQ - Replication request for financial reporting structure
SEMBW2_FIN_RPTG_STRUC_RPLCTN_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FIN_RPTG_STRUC_RPLCTN_2 - Intervals of accounts
SEMBW2_FIN_RPTG_STRUC_RPLCTN_3 - Intervals of functional area codes
SEMBW2_FIN_STAT_ITEM_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FORM_OF_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FORM_OF_ADDRESS_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_FRS_ITEM - Node in a financial reporting structure
SEMBW2_GEOGRAPH_DIVSN_REG_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_GEO_COORDINATES - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_IDENTIFIER - An Identifier is a unique identification of an object within
SEMBW2_LOG - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_LOG_ITEM - protocol message issued by an application
SEMBW2_LOG_ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_LONG_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_LONG_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_MEASURE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_NOFLOAT_OBJECT_PROPERTY - NOFLOAT_ObjectPropertyValue describes a value that can be as
SEMBW2_OFFICE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PERSON_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PERSON_NAME_FMAT_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PERSON_NAME_SUPL_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_PROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_QUANTITY - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_REGIONDEPENDENTLANGUAGE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_REGION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_RETAINED_EARNINGS_ACCO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_TAX_JURISDICTION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_TEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_URI - URI is a unique digital address that is represented by the U
SEMBW2_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEMBW2_WEB - Proxy Structure (generated)
SEM_BW_BDMH_PARTY_CONT_PERSON - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSDOCMESID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSDOCMESSHEADER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSDOCMESSHEADERPARTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSSCOPEBUSPROC - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSSCOPEBUSPROCINSTID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BUSSCOPEBUSPROCTCODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_BYIDRPCOSTMODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CCSCATCODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CCSELEMENENT1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CCSELEMENENT2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CCSELID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CCSTYPECODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCOSTSOURCESELBYID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSCNCRQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSCRTCO_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSCRTRQ_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSIDRP - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSUPDCO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSUPDCOPROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSUPDRQ - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCSUPDRQPROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCS_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMCS_SIMPLE - Element Structure for CostModelCostSourceERPSimpleByElements
SEM_BW_CMCS_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMCS_SIMPLE_ELEM_PRO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMCS_SIMPLE_R - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMCS_SIMPLE_RESP - Element Structure for CostModelCostSourceERPSimpleByElements
SEM_BW_CMLPI_PRIC_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMMCCNCCO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPCE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPCE_SIMPLE - Element Structure for CostModelERPProductCostEstimateByProdu
SEM_BW_CMPCE_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPCE_SIMPLE_R - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPCE_SIMPLE_RESP - Element Structure for CostModelERPProductCostEstimateByProdu
SEM_BW_CMPCE_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLICNCCO - CostModelPriceListItemCancelConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLICNCCO_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLICNCRP - CostModelPriceListItemCancelRequestMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLICNCRP_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLICRTCO - CostModelPriceListItemCreateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLICRTCO_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLICRTRQ - CostModelPriceListItemCreateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLICRTRQ_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLICRTRQ_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLIIDQU - CostModelPriceListItemByIDQueryMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLIIDRP - CostModelPriceListItemByIDResponseMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLIIDRP_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLIUPDCO - CostModelPriceListItemUpdateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLIUPDCO_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLIUPDRQ - CostModelPriceListItemUpdateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_CMPLIUPDRQ_CMPLI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLIUPDRQ_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLI_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLI_PROPERTY - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPLI_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CMPL_SIMPLE - Element Structure for CostModelPriceListItemERPSimpleByEleme
SEM_BW_CMPL_SIMPLE_BY_ELEM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPL_SIMPLE_ELEM_PRO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPL_SIMPLE_R - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CMPL_SIMPLE_RESP - Element Structure for CostModelCostSourceERPSimpleByElements
SEM_BW_CM_SIMPLE - Element Structure for CostModelERPSimpleByElementsQueryMessa
SEM_BW_CM_SIMPLE_ELEM_PRO - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CM_SIMPLE_R - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_CM_SIMPLE_RESP - Element Structure for CostModelERPSimpleByElementsResponseMe
SEM_BW_CONTACT_PERSON_INT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPCCS1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPCCS2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPITEM1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPITEM2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY5 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELBYIDRPPRPTY6 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCNCCO - CostModelCancelConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCNCRQ - CostModelCancelRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCCNCCO - CostModelCostSourceUpdateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCCNCRQ - CostModelCostSourceCancelRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCCRTC1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCCRTCO - CostModelCostSourceCreateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCCRTRQ - CostModelCostSourceCreateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCEID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCUPDCO - CostModelCostSourceUpdateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCUPDRQ - CostModelCostSourceUpdateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCRTCO - CostModelCreateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELCRTRQ - CostModelCreateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELSIMULATECO - CostModelSimulateConfirmationMessage synchronous
SEM_BW_COSTMODELSIMULATERQ - CostModelSimulateRequestMessage synchronous
SEM_BW_COSTMODELSIMULATERQCM - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDCO - CostModelUpdateConfirmationMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQ - CostModelUpdateRequestMessage
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQITEM1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQITEM2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQPCE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQPROPERTY1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQPROPERTY2 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQPROPERTY3 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COSTMODELUPDRQPROPERTY4 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL_CNCCO - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL_ERPPRODUCT_C - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL_PCE_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_COST_MODEL_SIMULATE_CO1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CRTCOCOSTMODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_CRTRQCOSTMODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_SEM_BW_CM_SIMPLE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
SEM_BW_SYS_ADMIN_DATA - SystemAdministrativeData
SEM_BW_UPDCOCOSTMODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_UPDRQCOSTMODEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
SEM_BW_UUID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
TB027HR - Conversion of Marital Status: HR - SAP-BP
TSAD3HR - Form of Address Conversion: HR Format - SAP Business Partner
UASE_CMCSELEMQR_INPUT - CostModelCostSourceERPSimpleByElementsQuery Synchronous
UASE_CMCSELEMQR_OUTPUT - CostModelCostSourceERPSimpleByElementsResponse Synchronous
UASE_CMPCE_QUERY - CostModelERPProductCostEstimateByProductCostEstimateElements
UASE_CMPCE_RESPONSE - CostModelERPProductCostEstimateByProductCostEstimateElements
UASE_CMPLICNCCO - CostModelPriceListItemCancelConfirmation synchronous
UASE_CMPLICNCRQ - CostModelPriceListItemCancelRequest synchronous
UASE_CMPLICRTCO - CostModelPriceListItemCreateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_CMPLICRTRQ - CostModelPriceListItemCreateRequest synchronous
UASE_CMPLIIDQU - CostModelPriceListItemByIDQuery synchronous
UASE_CMPLIIDRP - CostModelPriceListItemByIDResponse synchronous
UASE_CMPLIID_SEL - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UASE_CMPLIUPDCO - CostModelPriceListItemUpdateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_CMPLIUPDRQ - CostModelPriceListItemUpdateRequest synchronous
UASE_CMPL_BY_ELEM_Q - CostModelPriceListItemERPSimpleByElementsQuery
UASE_CMPL_BY_ELEM_R - CostModelPriceListItemERPSimpleByElementsResponse
UASE_CMUPD_CONFIRM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UASE_CM_BY_ELEM_Q - CostModelERPSimpleByElementsQuery Synchronous
UASE_CM_BY_ELEM_R - CostModelERPSimpleByElementsResponse Synchronous
UASE_CM_UPD_CONFIRM - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UASE_COSTMODELCNCCO - CostModelCancelConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCEIDQU - CostModelCostSourceByIDQuery synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCEIDRP - CostModelCostSourceByIDResponse synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCEUPDCO - CostModelCostSourceUpdateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCEUPDRQ - CostModelCostSourceUpdateRequest synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCNCRP - CostModelCostSourceCancelRequest synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCNCRQ - CostModelCostSourceCancelConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCRTCO - CostModelCostSourceCreateRequest synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCOSTSOURCRTRQ - CostModelCostSourceCreateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCRTCO - CostModelCreateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELCRTRQ - CostModelCreateRequest synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELIDQU - CostModelByIDQuery synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELIDRP - CostModelByIDResponse synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELSIMULATECO - CostModelSimulateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELSIMULATERQ - CostModelSimulateRequest synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELUPDCO - CostModelUpdateConfirmation synchronous
UASE_COSTMODELUPDRQ - CostModelUpdateRequest synchronous
UASE_COST_MODEL_CANCEL_REQUEST - CostModelCancelRequest synchronous
UASE_COST_MODEL_UPDATE_CONFIR2 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UGHR_YS_PKEYMC - Key for Management Cockpit
UGHR_YS_PKEYMS - Key for Score Card
UGHR_YS_PKEYMV - Key for Value Driver Tree
UMBXNOTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMBX_BSC_ASS_CREATE - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAXAMOUNT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXATTACHMENT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXB_BSCOASS_CANCEL_C - Confirmation to a Cancel Request for a Balanced Scorecard Ob
UMB_ESAXDATE_TIME_N - Proxy Datenelement (generiert)
UMB_ESAXEXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXEXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXLOG - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXLOG_ITEM - Log message issued by an application
UMB_ESAXMEDIUM_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAXMEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAXMREPORTWEBURI - BalScCardPerspcObjvMsrByBalScCardPerspcObjvMsrRsp_sRptWebURI
UMB_ESAXNAME - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXPROPERTY_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAXPROPERTY_REFERENCE - Reference to a Property
UMB_ESAXQUANTITY - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXREPORTWEBURI - BalScCardPerspcObjvByBalScCardPerspcObjvRsp_sRptWebURI
UMB_ESAXSHORT_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAXTEXT - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXTREND_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAXUSER_ACCOUNT_ID - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMAC_MASS_CH - BalScCardPerspcObjvMsrAssmtChgReq_sCmnt
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CA_C - Confirmation to a cancel request for an assessment of a Bala
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CA_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CA_R - Cancel request for an assessment of a Balanced Scorecard Mea
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CA_RM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Assessment Cancel Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CH_C - Confirmation to a change request for an assessment of a Bala
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CH_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CH_R - Change request for an assessment of a Balanced Scorecard Mea
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CH_RM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Assessment Change Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CR_C - Confirmation for a create request for an assessment of a Bal
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CR_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CR_R - Request to create an assessment for a Balanced Scorecard Mea
UMB_ESAX_BSCMASS_CR_RM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Assessment Create Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCMA_BSCMQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMA_MASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMA_MASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMC_BSCMQ - BalScCardPerspcObjvMsrByBalScCardPerspcObjvMsrRsp_sCmnt
UMB_ESAX_BSCMMST_CH_C - Confirmation to a Change Request for a Manual Status of a Ba
UMB_ESAX_BSCMMST_CH_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCMMST_CH_R - Change request of the manual status of a Balanced Scorecard
UMB_ESAX_BSCMMST_CH_RM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Assessment Change Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCMQ - Balanced Scorecard Measure Query
UMB_ESAX_BSCMR - Details of a Balanced Scorecard Measure
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_BSCMQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_BSCMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_BSCQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_CC - Confirmation to a change request for the integer score value
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_CM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Score Integer Value Change Reques
UMB_ESAX_BSCMS_CR - Requests a change of the integer score value of a Balanced S
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVAS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVDS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVDS1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVDTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVFS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVIDS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVITS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVNS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVPID - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVPR - Reference to A Property Definition Class
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVQS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVTS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMVVG - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCMV_BSCMQ - BalScCardPerspcObjvMsrByBalScCardPerspcObjvMsrRsp_sMsrValn
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_BSCMQ - BalScCardPerspcObjvMsrByBalScCardPerspcObjvMsrRsp_sMsr
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_BSCMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_MASS_CA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_MASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_MASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_MMST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_QM - Balanced Scorecard Measure query
UMB_ESAX_BSCM_RM - Balanced Scorecard Measure Detail
UMB_ESAX_BSCOAC_ASS_CH - BalScCardPerspcObjvAssmtChgReq_sCmnt
UMB_ESAX_BSCOAC_BSCOQ - BalScCardPerspcObjvByBalScCardPerspcObjvRsp_sCmnt
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_ASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_ASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CANCEL - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CANCEL_R - Cancel Request for an Assessment of a Balanced Scorecard Obj
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CH_C - Confirmation to a request to change an assessment of a Balan
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CH_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CH_R - Change request for an assessment for a Balanced Scorecard Ob
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CH_RM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Assessment Change Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CR_C - Confirmation to a request for creating an assessment for a B
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CR_R - Creation request for an assessment of a Balanced Scorecard O
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CR_RC - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCOASS_CR_RM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Assessment Create Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCOA_BSCOQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOMST_CH_C - Confirmation to a change request for a manual status of a Ba
UMB_ESAX_BSCOMST_CH_CM - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_BSCOMST_CH_R - Requests a change of the manual status of a Balanced Scorecd
UMB_ESAX_BSCOMST_CH_RM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Manual Status Change Request
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_BSCQ - Proxy Structure (generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_C - Requests a change of the integer score value of a Balanced S
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_CM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Score Integer Value Change Conf
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_OS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_R - Requests a change of the integer score value of a Balanced S
UMB_ESAX_BSCOS_RM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Score Integer Value Change Requ
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_ASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_ASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_BSCMQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_BSCMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_BSCOQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_MASS_CA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_MASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_MASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_MMST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_MST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_OS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_Q - Balanced Scorecard Objective Query
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_QM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Query
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_R - Details of Balanced Scorecard Objective
UMB_ESAX_BSCO_RM - Balanced Scorecard Objective Detail
UMB_ESAX_BSCPC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_ASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_ASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_BSCMQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_BSCMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_BSCOQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_MASS_CA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_MASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_MASS_CR1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_MMST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_MST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCP_OS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSCQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCQ1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCQ2 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCSTC - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSCS_BSCQ - BalScCardByIDRsp_sStatisticalStsInfo
UMB_ESAX_BSC_ASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_ASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCMQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCMS - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCOQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCQ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCQ_Q - Balanced Scorecard Query
UMB_ESAX_BSC_BSCQ_R - Overview of Balanced Scorecard
UMB_ESAX_BSC_MASS_CA - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_MASS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_MASS_CR - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_MMST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_MST_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_OS_CH - Proxy Structure (Generated)
UMB_ESAX_BSC_QM - Balanced Scorecard Query
UMB_ESAX_BSC_RM - Balanced Scorecard Overview
UMB_ESAX_LOG_CAT_CODE - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_OBJ - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UMB_ESAX_OBJ_ASS - Balanced Scorecard Objective Assessment Cancel Request
UMB_ESAX_OBJ_ASS_M - Balanced Scorecard Confirmation
UMB_ESAX_PBSC - PersnlsdBalScCardSimplByUsrAcctRsp_sBalScCard
UMB_ESAX_PBSC_Q - Query of personalised Balanced Scorecards of a user account
UMB_ESAX_PBSC_QM - Query of Personalized Balanced Scorecards
UMB_ESAX_PBSC_R - Response to a query for personalised Balanced Scorecard of a
UMB_ESAX_PBSC_RM - Balanced Scorecard
UMB_ESAX_PERS - Proxy Struktur (generiert)
UPK_SCREEN - Screen Fields for upkcostcenterplanning
UPK_YS_TECHF - Field Assignment

SAP Business Consolidation Tables FIN-SEM-BCS

UC0_SX_AMOD_NODE_DATA - Returninformation Hierarchy Nodes
UC0_SX_AMOD_SEL_ATTR_NODE - Application model: Attributes Node Selection + Returnlevel
UC0_SX_AMOD_SEL_NODE - Application model: Node Selection + Returnlevel
UC0_SX_SEL_ATTR_CROSS - Cross Char Selection for Attributes (simple)
UC0_SX_SEL_ATTR_T_CROSS - Cross Char Selection for Attributes
UC0_SX_SEL_ATTR_T_NODE_SID - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Attr.Node per Field)
UC0_SX_SEL_ATTR_T_RANGE - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Attr.Range per Field)
UC0_SX_SEL_CROSS - Cross Char Selection for Characteristics
UC0_SX_SEMKEY_LIST - List of All Existing Objects of an Object Type
UC0_S_CHAR_KFIG_CHECK - Gener.Template: Compare Characteristics and Key Figures
UC0_S_CUST00 - Structure to Display Customizing
UC0_S_CUST_GUID - GUID for Customizing SAP Consolidation
UC0_S_FIELD - Field Name
UC0_S_FIELDTXT - Field Name with Text
UC0_S_FIELD_ATTR - Fieldname/Attribute Combination
UC0_S_FIELD_MAP - Mapping of Field Names
UC0_S_FISCTIME - Fiscal Date
UC0_S_KFIG - Key Figure
UC0_S_PERKFIG - Period Range and Key Figure
UC0_S_RANGE - General Range Definition (for fc_totals_select)
UC0_S_SEL - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Range per Field)
UC0_S_SEL_ATTR - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Attr.Sel. per Field)
UC0_S_SEL_ATTR_RANGE - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Attr.Range per Field)
UC0_S_SEL_NODE_SID - Row Structure: Selection Condition (Node per Field)
UC0_S_TIME_STAMP - Time Stamp
UC0_S_TRANSPORT - Transport Entries
UC0_S_VALUE - Values of Fields
UCD0000 - User-definable Data Types: Generated Programs
UCD000C - Custom Data Types
UCD_SX_CHEC - Gener.Template: Structure for Check for Existing Char Values
UCD_SX_CHEC_REPGROUP - Gener.Template: Structure for Existence Check REPGROUP Combi
UCD_SX_CHEC_REPUNIT - Gener. Template: Structure f. Existency Check REPUNIT-Comb.
UCD_SX_CHPROP - Gener.Template: Structure for Properties of Char.Values
UCD_SX_CHPROP_SATTR - Gener. Template: Structure f. Sel.Attributes of CharValues
UCD_SX_CHTEXT - Gener. Template: Structure for Reading Text for Char Values
UCD_SX_CHVC - Gener. Template: Structure f. Validity Check CharValues
UCD_SX_CHVC_REPGROUP - Gener.Template: Structure for Validity Check REPGROUP Combi
UCD_SX_CHVC_REPUNIT - Gener. Template: Structure f. Validity Check REPUNIT Comb.
UCD_SX_DA_CHARKEY - Key for Breaking Up Documents into Single Documents
UCD_SX_DA_CHARKEY_S_CHAR - S_CHAR Key for Dividing Up Documents into Single Documents
UCD_SX_DA_CU - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: CUs and Key Figures
UCD_SX_DA_DOCL - Posting Logic: Doc.Line Item, Characteristics & Key Figures
UCD_SX_DA_DTBSTRG - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Trigger of Def.Taxes per CU
UCD_SX_DA_NIEFF - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Line Item and 2 x Key Figure
UCD_SX_DA_NIEFF2 - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Line Item and 2 x Key Figure
UCD_SX_DA_NIEFF_CHAR - Generation Template: Posting Logic
UCD_SX_DA_NITOT - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Chars and 6 x Key Figure
UCD_SX_DA_NITOT2 - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Chars and 6 x Key Figure
UCD_SX_DA_NIWEIGHT - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Characteristics and Key Figures
UCD_SX_DA_NIWEIGHTTOT - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Chars and 4 x Key Figures
UCD_SX_DA_REPUNIT - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Chars, Subassignments
UCD_SX_DA_TX_DATA_TOTALS - Generation Template: Structure f. Totals Data Doc Analysis
UCD_SX_DA_TX_DATA_TOTALS_DTAX - Generation Template: Structure f. Totals Data Doc Analysis
UCD_SX_DC_DATA_SPLIT - Structure with Ref. of Splitted Documents and Messages
UCD_SX_DOCTYPE_HEADER_CHAR - Document Header, Characteristics per Document Type
UCD_SX_DSPROP - Properties of Available Data Streams
UCD_SX_EXEC_DATA - Method/Task Execution: Interface Data Read/Write
UCD_SX_EXEC_DATA_READ - Method/Task Execution: Interfaces Data Read
UCD_SX_EXEC_DATA_READ_IO - Methods/Task Execution: Interfaces f. Reading Data, IO
UCD_SX_EXEC_DATA_WRITE - Method/Task Execution: Interfaces Data Write
UCD_SX_EXEC_DATA_WRITE_CHANGE - Methods/Task Execution: Interfaces f. Writing Data, Ch.
UCD_SX_EXEC_DOCTYPE - Doc.Type: Field Values, Properties, Target Assignment
UCD_SX_EXEC_REQ_DATASTREAMTYPE - Methods/Task Execution: Requested Data Stream Type
UCD_SX_FCOMBI - Combination Characteristic
UCD_SX_FIELD_O_ATTR - Field Name with Attribute Fieldlist
UCD_SX_HRY_BOTUP - Global Sequence Information for Nodes of All Hierarchies
UCD_SX_HRY_EDGE - Mapping of Predecessors <-> Successors f.All HYs of a Char.
UCD_SX_HRY_EDGE_TI - Time-dep. Asgmt Predecessor => Successor All HYs of a Char.
UCD_SX_HRY_INH_NODE - True Nodes with Inherited Information
UCD_SX_HRY_INH_SHM - Hierarchy Attributes - Shared Memory
UCD_SX_HRY_INH_TI_SHM - Hierarchy Attributes with Time Information - Shared Memory
UCD_SX_HRY_NODE_LEAF_INH - True Nodes and all Leaves (assigned directly and indirectly)
UCD_SX_HRY_NODE_LEAF_INH_TI - True Nodes + All End Nodes (direct/indirect asgn; time-dep.)
UCD_SX_HRY_NODE_USAGE_TI - All Nodes Time-dependent
UCD_SX_HRY_SHM - Hierarchy - Shared Memory
UCD_SX_HRY_SHM_CONTENT - Content of Shared Area for Hierarchies
UCD_SX_HRY_TI_SHM - Hierarchy with Time Information - Shared Memory
UCD_SX_MAP_FLDSID - Mapping <=> SID including ValueMapping
UCD_SX_METH_EXEC_CONTROL - Control Structure for Method Execution
UCD_SX_REPUNIT_LCKEY - Gener.Template: Structure for Local Currencies of Cons Unit
UCD_SX_ROLE - Structure with References to Fields for Specific Roles
UCD_SX_TX_CHAR_DE_QUERY - Gen.Templ.: Structure with Additional Chars for BW DE
UCD_SX_TX_CHAR_NAVATTR - For BW Reporting Only!! To be changed soon !!
UCD_SX_TX_CHAR_REFINFO - Gen.Templ.: Structure with Key Chars and Reference Info
UCD_SX_TX_DATA - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_DE_QUERY - Gen.Templ.: Structure for Trans.Data incl. QUERY & DECUM
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_EQU - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_EQU_DB - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_INV - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_IO - Available Data I/O Streams
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_IO_TYPE - Structure with References to Data I/O Types
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_LJE - Gener. Template: Structure f. Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_NAVATTR - For BW Reporting Only!! To be changed soon !!
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_REFINFO - Gen.Template: Structure for Trx Data incl. Reference Info
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_SAH - Gener. Template: Structure f. Transaction Data
UCD_SX_TX_DATA_VC - include additional fields of the VC
UCD_SX_TX_DC_DOCKEY - Gen. Template: DataChange Document Key
UCD_SX_TX_DC_DOCNR - Gen.Template: Document Count
UCD_SX_TX_DC_DOCNR_RETURN - Gener.Template: Temporary Doc.No. and Permanent Doc.Nr.
UCD_SX_TX_DC_DOCNR_RETURN_MASS - Gen.Template: New Doc.No. and Reversal/Inversion Document
UCD_SX_TX_DC_DOCNR_TEMP_RVS - Gen. Template: Temporary DocNo-> No.of Reversed Document
UCD_SX_TX_DC_HEADER - Gener.Template: DataChange Header Structure
UCD_SX_TX_DC_HEADER_DEBUG - Gen.Templ.: DataChange Structure for Debugging Help
UCD_SX_TX_DC_HEADER_DOCUMENTS - Gener.Template: DataChange Header Structure Document
UCD_SX_TX_DC_HEADER_DOC_HS - Gen.Template: DataChange Header Structure Sample Document
UCD_SX_TX_DC_HEADER_RVS - Gen. Template: DataChange Reversal Header
UCD_SX_TX_DC_INVKEY - Gen. Template: DataChange Key of Inverting Document
UCD_SX_TX_DC_ORIKEY - Gen. Template: DataChange Key of Inverted Document
UCD_SX_VDY_TI - Validity Timeframes
UCD_S_BD - Gener.Template: Structure w/Brkdown Ind. per Subassignment
UCD_S_BDCHK_ITEM_KEY - Breakdown Check Transaction Data: Item Key
UCD_S_BOTUP_INDEX - Index Table of BotUp Index for Determining Entries
UCD_S_BOTUP_INDEX_MATRIX - Index Table of BotUp Index for Determining Entries
UCD_S_BUFFER - Shared buffer
UCD_S_CHAR - Gener.Template: Structure with All Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_ALL - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of All Streams
UCD_S_CHAR_DOCUMENTS - Gener.Template: Structure with All Document Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_DOC_HS - Gen.Template: Structure with All Sample Document Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_EQUITY_LOG - Gener. Template: Structure with All EquityLog Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_GOODWILL - Gener. Template: Structure with All Goodwill Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_HRY - Gen. Template: Structure with All Chars with Hierarchy
UCD_S_CHAR_INVENTORY - Gen.Template: Structure with All IPI Inventory Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY - Gener.Template: Structure with All Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_COINR_SEQ - Gen.Template: Structure with All Activity SeqNo. Key Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_DOCUMENTS - Gener.Template: Structure with All Docum.Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_DOC_HS - Gen.Template: Structure with All Sample Document Keys
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_GOODWILL - Gen.Template: Structure with All Goodwill Key Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_INVENTORY - Gen.Template: Structure with All IPI Inv. Key Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_KEY_TOTALS - Gener.Template: Structure with All Total Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY - Gener.Template: Structure with All Non-Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_COINR_SEQ - Gen.Template: Structure with All Activity SeqNo. Non-Keys
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_DOCUMENTS - Gener.Template: Structure: All Docum.Non-Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_DOC_HS - Gen.Template: Structure with All Sample Document Non-Keys
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_GOODWILL - Gen.Template: Structure with All Goodwill Non-Key Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_INVENTORY - Gen.Template: Structure with All IPI Inventory Non-Key Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_NONKEY_TOTALS - Gener.Template: Structure: All Total Non-Key Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_SATTR - Gen. Template: Structure with All Selection Attributes
UCD_S_CHAR_SATTR_TOTALS - Gen.Template: Structure with All Sel.Attrs for Totals Chars
UCD_S_CHAR_SA_HRY - Gen. Template: Structure with All Sel. Attributes/Hierarchy
UCD_S_CHAR_TOTALS - Gener.Template: Structure: All Totals Characteristics
UCD_S_CHAR_VC - include additional fields of the VC
UCD_S_CHKEY - Gener.Template: Structure with Key Fields for a Charact.
UCD_S_CHPROP - Gener.Template: Structure with Properties of a Characterist.
UCD_S_CHPROP_OTHER - Gen. Template: Structure with Custom Properties for Char.
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_ALTYPE - Properties of Role Asset/Liab.Type, Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_ASSETLIAB - Properties of Role Asset/Liab., Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_DOCTYPE - Properties of Role "Document Type" Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_ITEM - Properties of Role "FS Item" Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_REPUNIT - Properties of Role "Cons Unit" Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_REPUNITCMB - Properties of Role CU Combination that Exist in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_RESTAT - Properties of Restatement Role Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_ROLE_TX_TYPE - Properties of Role "Transaction Type" Available in Model
UCD_S_CHPROP_SATTR - Gen. Template: Structure with Selection Attributes for Char.
UCD_S_CHPROP_SA_HRY - Gen. Template: Structure with Sel.Attributes/Hier. for Char.
UCD_S_CHPROP_STATIC - Gen. Template: Structure with Stat. Properties for Char.
UCD_S_COI_CU_FC_TD - C/I: Cons Units with First Cons and Divestiture Acctg
UCD_S_COI_ITEM_VAL - Structure for item and GC Value
UCD_S_DA_CHAR_TOTALS - Gener.Template: Structure with All Totals Chars - Doc Analys
UCD_S_DA_CONTAINER - Document Posting: Information ANLAYZE -> POST
UCD_S_DA_CONTROL - Control Parameters for Document Check
UCD_S_DA_CU_KEY - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Characteristics for Cons Units
UCD_S_DA_DOCL_CHAR - Posting Logic: Doc.Line Item, Characteristics
UCD_S_DA_NITOT_KEY - Gener.Template: Posting Logic: Chars and 6 x Key Figure
UCD_S_DA_NIWEIGHTTOT_KEY - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Characteristics for Weighting
UCD_S_DA_NIWEIGHT_KEY - Gen.Template: Posting Logic: Characteristics for Weighting
UCD_S_DA_REPUNIT - Gen. Template: Transaction Data Consistency, Cons Unit
UCD_S_DA_SPLIT_FIELD - Structure with Assignment Field/Partnerfield for Sorting
UCD_S_DA_SUBACCNT - Gener.Template:Posting Logic: Characteristics Subassignments
UCD_S_EXEC_REQ_DATASTREAMTYPE - Methods/Task Execution: Requested Data Stream Type
UCD_S_FATTR - Attributes per Field
UCD_S_FDEP - Characteristic Compound
UCD_S_FIX - Gener.Template: Structure w/Fixed Subassignments
UCD_S_FPROP - Field Attributes
UCD_S_FPROP_EXT - Field Properties (External Format)
UCD_S_HRYPROP - Properties of Characteristic Hierarchy
UCD_S_HRYPROP_ATTR - Structure: Attributes of Hierarchy Edges
UCD_S_HRYPROP_TRUENODE - Structure: Characteristics of True Nodes
UCD_S_HRY_MAP_NIDSID - Mapping Hierarchy Node SID <=>
UCD_S_HRY_TREE - Hierarchy Display as Tree
UCD_S_ITSUBACCNT - Structure with Item and Subassignments
UCD_S_KFIG - Gener.Template: Structure with All Key Figures
UCD_S_KFIG_ALL - Gen.Template: Structure with Key Figures of All Streams
UCD_S_KFIG_ASSET_CVA - Gen.Template: Structure with All Asset/CVA Key Figures
UCD_S_KFIG_EQUITY_LOG - Gener. Template: Structure with All EquityLog Key Figures
UCD_S_KFIG_GOODWILL - Gener. Template: Structure with All Goodwill Key Figures
UCD_S_KFIG_INV - IPI: KFIG for Inventory Data
UCD_S_KFIG_SUP - IPI: KFIG for Supplier Data
UCD_S_KFIG_TOTALS - Gen. Template: Structure with All Key Figure Totals
UCD_S_MAP_CHSID - Gener. Template: Mapping SID <-> Char.Value
UCD_S_MAP_COMPONENT - Comp.Names - Characteristic and SID
UCD_S_RA_CH - Gener.Template: Range Structure for a Characteristic
UCD_S_REPUNIT_DTAXRATE - Currency-bearing Consolidation Unit and Tax Rate
UCD_S_REPUNIT_GWRED - Gen.Template: Reporting Unit (Investor) and GW Reduction
UCD_S_REPUNIT_PCNTINV1 - Gener. Template: Repunit(Investor) and Investment Shares
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ALMU - Gener.Template: Struct. w/Chars of Role ALMU incl. HL Chars
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ASSETACQ - Gen.Template: Str. w/Char. of Role ASSETACQ incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ASSETDOC - Gen.Template: Str. w/Char. of Role ASSETDOC incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ASSETRET - Gen.Template: Str. w/Char. of Role ASSETRET incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ASSET_CVA - Gen.Template: Str. w/Char. of Role ASSETLIAB/CVA incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_ASSET_IPA - Gen.Template: Str. w/Char. of Role ASSETLIAB/IPA incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_DOCTYPE - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Chars of Role DOCTYPE Incl.HL Fields
UCD_S_ROLEALL_INVESTEE - Gen.Template: Structure with Char. of Role INVESTEE incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_INVESTOR - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Chars of Role INVESTOR Incl.HL Fields
UCD_S_ROLEALL_PARTNER - Gen.Template: Structure with Char. of Role PARTNER incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_REPGROUP - Gen.Template: Structure with Char. of Role REPGROUP incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_REPUNIT - Gen.Template: Structure with Char. of Role REPUNIT incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLEALL_VERSION - Gener. Template: Structure w/Char. of Role VERSION incl. SO
UCD_S_ROLESO - Gener.Template: Structure with Higher-Level Characteristics
UCD_S_ROLE_ACQPERIOD - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role ACQPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_ACQYEAR - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role ACQYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_ALMU - Gen.Template: Structure with Characteristics of Role ALMU
UCD_S_ROLE_ASSETACQ - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role ASSETACQ
UCD_S_ROLE_ASSETDOC - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role ASSETDOC
UCD_S_ROLE_ASSETRET - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role ASSETRET
UCD_S_ROLE_ASSET_CVA - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role ASSETLIAB/CVA
UCD_S_ROLE_ASSET_IPA - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role ASSETLIAB/IPA
UCD_S_ROLE_BEGPERIOD - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role BEGPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_BEGYEAR - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role BEGYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_COIAC - Gener.Template: Structure w/Characteristics of Role COIAC
UCD_S_ROLE_COIACSORT - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars for Role COIACSORT
UCD_S_ROLE_COIFULLGW - Generation Template: Structure with Char. of Role COIFULLGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COILCGW - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role COILCGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COINEGGW - Gen. Template: Structure with Chars for Role COINEGGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COINR - Gener.Template: Structure w/Characteristics of Role COINR
UCD_S_ROLE_COIOFFSGW - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role COIOFFSGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COIPRESGW - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role COIPRESGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COIPROCGW - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role COIPROCGW
UCD_S_ROLE_COIREDGW - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role COIREDGW
UCD_S_ROLE_CTFLG - Gener.Template: Structure with Chars for Role CTFLG
UCD_S_ROLE_DECUM - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role DECUM
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCAUTO - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Char of Role DOCAUTO
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCDCINV - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars for Role DOCDCINV
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCDTAXSUP - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role DOCTAXSUP
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCLN - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Char of Role DOCLN
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCNR - Gener.Template: Structure w/Characteristic of Role DOCNR
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCTEXT - Gener. Template: Structure with Char. of Role DOCTEXT
UCD_S_ROLE_DOCTYPE - Gener.Template : Structure w/Chars of Role DOCTYPE
UCD_S_ROLE_DURPERIOD - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role DURPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_DURYEAR - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role DURYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_FISCPERIOD - Gener.Template: Structure w/Chars of Role FISCPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_FISCYEAR - Gener.Template: Structure w/Chars of Role FISCYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_GCKEY - Gener.Template: Structure w/Characteristics of Role GCKEY
UCD_S_ROLE_GCVAL - Generation Template: Structure w/Chars of Role GCVAL
UCD_S_ROLE_INVDOCNR - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role INVDOCNR
UCD_S_ROLE_INVESTEE - Generation Template: Structure w/Chars of Role INVESTEE
UCD_S_ROLE_INVESTOR - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Chars of Role INVESTOR
UCD_S_ROLE_INVPERIOD - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role INVPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_INVYEAR - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role INVYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_ITEM - Gener.Template: Structure with Chars for Role ITEM
UCD_S_ROLE_LCKEY - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Chars of Role LCKEY
UCD_S_ROLE_LCVAL - Gener.Templ.: Str. w/Chars of Role LCVAL
UCD_S_ROLE_ORGCHANGE - Gen. Template: Structure with Chars with Role ORGCHANGE
UCD_S_ROLE_ORIDOCNR - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role ORIDOCNR
UCD_S_ROLE_ORIPERIOD - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role ORIPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_ORIYEAR - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role ORIYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_ORNDOCNR - Gen. Template: Structure with Char for Role ORNDOCNR
UCD_S_ROLE_PARTNER - Gener.Template: Structure with Chars for Role PARTNER
UCD_S_ROLE_PCNTINV1 - Gener. Template: Structure w/Chars of Role PCNTINV1
UCD_S_ROLE_PLEVEL - Gener.Template : Structure w/Chars of Role DOCTYPE
UCD_S_ROLE_PRODGROUP - Gen.Template: Structure w/Characteristics of Role PRODGROUP
UCD_S_ROLE_QUERY - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role QUERY
UCD_S_ROLE_QUKEY - Gener.Template : Structure w/Chars of Role QUKEY
UCD_S_ROLE_QUVAL - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role QUVAL
UCD_S_ROLE_REFPERDTAX - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role REFPERDTAX
UCD_S_ROLE_REFPERIOD - Gener. Template: Structure w/Char. of Role REFPERIOD
UCD_S_ROLE_REFYEAR - Gener. Template: Structure w/Char. of Role REFYEAR
UCD_S_ROLE_REFYRDTAX - Gen.Template: Structure with Char of Role REFYRDTAX
UCD_S_ROLE_REPGROUP - Generation Template: Structure w/Chars of Role REPGROUP
UCD_S_ROLE_REPMODE - Reporting Mode
UCD_S_ROLE_REPUNIT - Gener.Template: Structure with Chars for Role REPUNIT
UCD_S_ROLE_RESTAT - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role RESTAT
UCD_S_ROLE_RVSDOCNR - Gener.Template: Structure w/Characteristic of Role RVSDOCNR
UCD_S_ROLE_SUBACCNT - Gener.Template: Structure with Chars for Role SUBACCNT
UCD_S_ROLE_TCKEY - Gener.Template : Structure w/Chars of Role TCKEY
UCD_S_ROLE_TX_TYPE - Gener. Template: Structure with Chars. of Role TX_TYPE
UCD_S_ROLE_VERSION - Gener.Template: Structure w/Chars of Role VERSION
UCD_S_ROLE_WFWORKITEM - Gen.Template: Structure with Chars of Role WFWORKITEM
UCD_S_SEL_REPLACE_ROLE - Structure: Replace Roles in SelCond
UCD_S_SHARE_CALC_EDGE_FIELD - Field Names of Begin/End of Links for Share Calculation
UCD_S_SID - Presentation of a Char.Value as SID for Char. and Value
UCD_S_STATISTICS - Statistics About Number of Modified Data Records
UCD_S_TEXT - Str. with Available Texts
UCD_S_TI - Timeframe: From Year/Period, To Year/Period
UCD_S_TOTALS_DCINV - Totals Data Structure with Debit/Credit Inversion
UCD_S_TOTALS_DCINV_DOCTEXT - Summary Data Structure w/ Debit/Credit Inversion & Doc. Txt
UCD_S_TX_DATA_NODE - Node Selection plus Indicator Whether Delta or Total Value
UCD_S_TX_DC_DOCNR_INST_INV - Documents for Instant Inversion
UCD_S_TX_DC_DOCNR_TEMP_MAP - Mapping of Old/New Temporary Document Numbers
UCD_S_TX_DC_HEADER_DOCNR - Structure That Contains Exactly Characteristic Document No.
UCD_S_VDYPROP - Properties of Validity of a Characteristic
UCD_S_VDY_FROM - Validity: Starting Date
UCD_S_VHELP_DISPLAY - Possible Entries for Chars: Indep. Fields for Display Only
UCD_S_VHELP_VALUE - Possible Entries for Chars: Selection Results
UCF0000 - Appl.: Tech. Fields, Determine Field Category/Method Key
UCF0001 - Applications: Dynamic Key for Methods
UCF000C - Applications
UCF000T - Applications: Text
UCF0011 - Methods: Title Element
UCF0012 - Methods: Title Element Text
UCF001C - Methods
UCF001G - Methods: GUID
UCF001T - Methods: Text
UCF001_SEMKEY - Semantic Key of Consolidation Method
UCF0020 - Method Steps: Hierarchy
UCF0021 - Method Steps: Selection Condition
UCF0022 - Method Steps: Data of Subcomponents
UCF0023 - Method Steps: Inheritance Data and Substitution Data
UCF002C - Method Steps
UCF002T - Method Steps: Text
UCF0030 - Layouts: Components
UCF0031 - Layouts: Subcomponents
UCF0032 - Layouts: Use of Components
UCF003C - Layouts
UCF003G - Layouts: GUID
UCF003T - Layouts: Text
UCF003_SEMKEY - Semantic Key of the Layout of a Cons Method
UCF0040 - Layout Steps: Hierarchy
UCF0041 - Layout Steps: Definition of Type
UCF0042 - Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics for Fast Entry
UCF0043 - Layout Steps: Definition of Characteristics to be Assigned
UCF004C - Layout Steps
UCF004T - Layout Steps: Text
UCF005C - Method Categories
UCF005T - Method Categories: Texts
UCF1000 - Allocation: Definitions per Step (Trigger/Allocation)
UCF1001 - Allocation: Key Figures per Component and Step
UCF1002 - Allocation: Definitions per Method
UCF2000 - C/T: Presettings for Applications Used
UCF2100 - C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Special Characteristics
UCF210C - C/T: Custom Data Sources for Exchange Rates
UCF210T - C/T: Custom Exchange Rate Sources: Texts
UCF2110 - C/T: E/R Indicators: E/R Type Assignments
UCF211C - C/T: E/R Indicators
UCF211T - C/T: E/R Indicators: Texts
UCF220C - C/T: Currency Translation Keys
UCF220T - C/T: Currency Translation Keys: Texts
UCF221C - C/T: Currency Translation Time Frames
UCF221T - C/T: Translation Time Frames: Texts
UCF222C - C/T: Translation Procedure
UCF222T - C/T: Translation Procedure: Texts
UCF223C - C/T: Times for Exchange Rate Determination
UCF223T - C/T: Times for Exchange Rate Determination: Texts
UCF224C - C/T: Procedure for Exchange Rate Determination
UCF224T - C/T: Procedure for Exchange Rate Determination: Texts
UCF2300 - C/T: Methods
UCF2301 - C/T: Methods: Target Key Figures
UCF2310 - C/T: Methods: Steps
UCF2311 - C/T: Methods: Steps: Source Key Figures
UCF2400 - C/T: Exchange Rate Type: Warning for Missing Exchange Rate
UCF3000 - Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Rounded
UCF3001 - Rounding: Method: Key Figure to be Checked
UCF3010 - Rounding: Method: Steps: Rounding Type
UCF4000 - Reclassification: Definitions per Step
UCF4001 - Reclassification: Key Figures per Component and Step
UCF4002 - Reclassification: Type of Trigger Data - Selection
UCF5000 - IUE: Methods
UCF5001 - IUE: Methods: Limits per Currency
UCF5002 - IUE: Methods: Limits per Unit of Measure
UCF5010 - IUE: Methods: Steps
UCF600C - Consolidation of Investments
UCF6010 - C/I: System Utilization
UCF6020 - C/I: Global Settings
UCF6030 - C/I: Global Settings: Threshold Values
UCF6040 - C/I: Document Types for Calculation Base
UCF6050 - C/I: Combined Entry / Goodwill in Divestitures
UCF6060 - Consolidation of Investments: Stepwise Equity Method
UCF6100 - C/I: Activities: Default Sequence
UCF610C - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF610T - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF6110 - C/I: Activities: Reported Investment Items
UCF6120 - C/I: Activities: Reported Equity Items
UCF6130 - C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Push-down Goodwill
UCF6140 - C/I: Activities: Statement of Stockholders Equity (Subitems)
UCF6150 - C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Push-down Goodwill
UCF6160 - C/I: Activities: Default Values for Investment Data Entry
UCF6170 - C/I: Activities: Default Values for Equity Data Entry
UCF6180 - C/I: Activities: Treatment of Goodwill
UCF6200 - C/I: Activities: Reported Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm.
UCF620C - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF620T - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF6210 - C/I: Activities: Posting Items for Equity Holdings Adjustm.
UCF6300 - C/I: Methods
UCF6310 - C/I: Methods: Threshold Values
UCF7000 - Flexible Upload: Method Categories
UCF700C - Flexible Upload: Method Categories
UCF700T - Upload Method Categories: Texts
UCF7100 - Upload: Methods
UCF7101 - Upload: Methods: Characteristic-dependent Settings
UCF7102 - Upload: Methods: Blocking Fields
UCF7110 - Upload: Methods: Field Catalogs
UCF7210 - Check Table for BAdi Filter Values
UCF721T - Text Table for BAdi Filter Values
UCF7300 - Data Transfer: Load from Data Stream
UCF7400 - Data Transfer Methods: Copy
UCF7410 - Data Transfer: Methods Copy
UCF7500 - Data Transfer: Deletion Methods
UCF900C - Balance Carryforward
UCF9010 - Balance Carryforward: Items to be Carried
UCF9020 - Balance Carryforward: Document Type Assignment
UCF9030 - Balance Carryforward: Restatement Assignment
UCFA00C - IPA Customizing
UCFA010 - IPA Customizing: Legacy Data Transfer
UCFA10C - Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Transferred Assets: Activities
UCFA10T - Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Transferred Assets: Activities
UCFC00C - Consolidation Group Change: Customizing
UCFC010 - Consolidation Group Change: Document Type Assignment
UCFE01C - SAP Cons: Data Entry Group
UCFE01S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Data Entry Groups
UCFE01T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Group
UCFE020 - SAP Cons: Assignment of Form to Data Entry Groups
UCFE02C - SAP Cons: Data Entry Layout
UCFE02S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Data Entry Layout
UCFE02T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Data Entry Layout
UCFE03C - SAP Cons: Forms for Online Data Entry
UCFE03G - SAP Cons: GUID Table for Forms of Online Data Entry
UCFE03S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Forms of Online Data Entry
UCFE03T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Forms of Online Data Entry
UCFE040 - SAP Cons: Assignment of Structure to Header
UCFE04C - SAP Cons: Header of Online Data Entry
UCFE04G - SAP Cons: GUID Table for Headers of Online Data Entry
UCFE04S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Headers of Online Data Entry
UCFE04T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Headers of Online Data Entry
UCFE050 - SAP Cons: Allocation of Row/Column Structure to Grid
UCFE05C - SAP Cons: Grid
UCFE05G - SAP Cons: GUID Table for Grid
UCFE05S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Grid
UCFE05T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Grid
UCFE060 - SAP Cons: Combined Structure
UCFE06C - SAP Cons: GUID Table for Structures
UCFE06G - SAP Cons: GUID Table for Structures
UCFE06S - SAP Cons: SID Table for Structures
UCFE06T - SAP Cons: Text Table for Structures
UCFE070 - SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures
UCFE071 - SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures
UCFE072 - Hierarchy Nodes to Display with Data-driven Structures
UCFE080 - SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures
UCFE081 - SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures
UCFI00C - IPI Customizing
UCFI10C - IPI Customizing: Product Group (Check Table)
UCFI10S - IPI Customizing: Product Group (SID Table)
UCFI10T - IPI Customizing: Product Group (Text Table)
UCFI200 - IPI Customizing: Inventory Items
UCFI210 - IPI Customizing: Equity Posting Items
UCFI220 - IPI Customizing: Location of Inventory Data
UCFI230 - IPI Customizing: Location of Inventory Data
UCFP00C - Period Initialization: Customizing
UCFP010 - Period Initialization: Posting Item for Adj. of Def. Taxes
UCFP020 - Period Initialization:Doc.Type Assignment for Tax Adjustment
UCFT000 - Data Transfer: Data Transfer Method per Data Stream Type
UCFT001 - Data Transfer: Manual Entry
UCFT002 - Data Transfer: Flexible Upload
UCFT003 - Data Transfer: Document Types
UCFTL00 - Data Collection: Overview Screen
UCFTL01 - Data Transfer Overview Screen: Methods
UCFTL10 - Data Collection: Overview Screen
UCFTL11 - Data Collection Overview Screen: Methods
UCFTL12 - Data Collection: Hidden Lines in Web Dynpro
UCF_COI_SX_TX_DATA_EQU - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCF_COI_SX_TX_DATA_INV - Generation Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCF_SX_ACM_DISTRKEY - Analytical Cost Management: Distribution Key (explicit)
UCF_SX_AFD_ACC_SCR_DAT - Data Structure - Assignment Screen - Additional Fin. Data
UCF_SX_AFD_DATA_REP - AFD Data Buffer with RepUnit
UCF_SX_AFD_GW_OACT - Goodwill-Creating Activity
UCF_SX_ALC30_LOG_ALL - Generation Template: Data for Log PL30
UCF_SX_ALC_DISTR - Generation Template: Allocation Key Data
UCF_SX_ALC_LOG - Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_ALC_LOG_ALL - Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_ALC_OBJECT - Generation Template: Sender or Receiver Object
UCF_SX_ASSET_REPUNIT_MESSAGE - Asset Manager: Messages for Each Reporting Unit
UCF_SX_BCF_LOG_ALL - BCF: Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_BW_AREA_MODEL - BW Data Entry Cons Area and Model
UCF_SX_BW_LAYOUT - BW Data Entry Layout
UCF_SX_CHPROP_SCRAP_ASSET_CVA - Gen.Template: Stat.Attr. Scrap Value for ASSETLIAB/CVA
UCF_SX_CHPROP_SCRAP_ASSET_IPA - Gen.Template: Stat.Attr. Scrap Value for ASSETLIAB/IPA
UCF_SX_CHPROP_STATIC_ALTYPE - All Statistical Attributes of Char. ALTYPE
UCF_SX_CHPROP_STATIC_ASSET_CVA - Gen.Template: All Stat. Attributes of Char. ASSETLIAB/CVA
UCF_SX_CHPROP_STATIC_ASSET_IPA - Gen.Template: All Stat. Attributes of Char. ASSETLIAB/IPA
UCF_SX_COITP_DATA_RAW_FIXED - Posting Description: Fixed Portion
UCF_SX_COI_ACCOUNT_ACC - C/I: Target Accounting Object
UCF_SX_COI_ACT_DEBUG - C/I: Activity Help Table for Debugging
UCF_SX_COI_ACT_ERR - C/I: Activity Error Before Activity Derivation
UCF_SX_COI_ACT_SORT - Sequence of Activities
UCF_SX_COI_AFD03 - Additional financial data entry: Investment/equity
UCF_SX_COI_AFD03_ACT - Additional financial data entry: inv/equ/eha
UCF_SX_COI_AFD04 - Additional Financial Data Entry: Equity Holdings Adjustment
UCF_SX_COI_AFD05 - Additional financial data entry: activity number matching
UCF_SX_COI_AFD06_GW - structure for goodwill inheritance
UCF_SX_COI_AFD07 - Entry of Additional Financial Data: Third-Party Investment
UCF_SX_COI_ANM - Log structure for activity number matching
UCF_SX_COI_ATE_OLD_NEW - Help Structure for Computing "Negative Investment"
UCF_SX_COI_CMETH - Consolidation of Investments Method
UCF_SX_COI_CMETH_PROP - Consolidation of Investments Method with Properties
UCF_SX_COI_DATA_EQU - Gen. Template: Structure of Equity Data
UCF_SX_COI_DATA_INV - Gen. Template: Structure of Investment Data
UCF_SX_COI_EQI_SCOPES - C/I: Scopes of Reported Data for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_EQI_SCOPES_SEL - C/I: Scopes of Reported Data for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_EQI_SCOPES_SETS - C/I: Scopes of Reported Data for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_EQUITY_DTEQI - Logical Equity Data Structure with Scope of Reported Data
UCF_SX_COI_EQU_STAT_INVOR - C/I: Statistical Equity at Investor
UCF_SX_COI_GLOBAL_SETT_DB - C/I: Global Settings
UCF_SX_COI_GWA - Structure for goodwill inheritance
UCF_SX_COI_GWA_ACC - C/I: Structure for Goodwill Items
UCF_SX_COI_GWGN_OACT - Goodwill-Creating Activity
UCF_SX_COI_GWPROC_NGFLG_GWSTAT - Statistical Goodwill for Treatment of Goodwill/Neg.Goodwill
UCF_SX_COI_IND - C/I: Calculations for Indirect Activities
UCF_SX_COI_INDIRECT_ACT_CALC - C/I: Calculations for Indirect Activities
UCF_SX_COI_IND_CALC - C/I: Calculations for Indirect Activities
UCF_SX_COI_INVOR_SEQNR - C/I: Sequence of Investors
UCF_SX_COI_ITEMS_EQI_SELCOND - C/I: Reported Items for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL - C/I: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_OLD - C/I: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_CHAR - C/I: Characteristics for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_CHAR2 - C/I: Duplicate Characteristics for Log
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_CHAR3 - C/I: Duplicate Characteristics for Log
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_CHAR_HEAD - C/I: Characteristics for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_KFIG - C/I: Key Figures for Log
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_LCKEY - C/I: Local Currency in Log
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ALL_S_XRATE - Consolidation of Investments List: Exchange Rate
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_ANM - Log structure for activity number matching
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_CTLCHANGE - Consolidation of Investments: Log for Change of Control
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_DOC - C/I: Document List Output, Characteristics
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_DTEQI - C/I: Sublist of Equity Holdings Adjustment Data
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_FC_EQU - C/I: List Output - First Cons - Equity
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_FC_GW - C/I: List Output - First Cons - Goodwill
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_FC_INV - C/I: List Output - First Cons - Investment
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_SUBLIST - C/I: List Output - General Sublist
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_SUBLIST_ROWELEM - C/I: List Output, Section General Sublist
UCF_SX_COI_LOG_S_CHAR - C/I: Characteristics for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_COI_NEQ_ACC - Consolidation of Investments: Clearing Item, Negative Equity
UCF_SX_COI_OC_CU_IN_CG - Organizational Change: Cons Units in Sender Group
UCF_SX_COI_OC_GWA_TDBEGPER - C/I: GWA Activity in Sender for Total Divest. Period Begin
UCF_SX_COI_OC_INDIRECT_COICU - Org.Change: Indirect Investee Units
UCF_SX_COI_OC_SENDER_DATA - C/I: Sender Data for Organizational Change
UCF_SX_COI_OC_SENDER_INF - Organizational Change: C/I Infrastructure in Sender Group
UCF_SX_COI_OC_SENDER_INV_NET - Org.Change: Investment Network
UCF_SX_COI_OC_SENDER_KEY - C/I: Key Fields for OC Sender Data
UCF_SX_COI_OC_SENDER_PROP - Organizational Change: Sender Groups with Properties
UCF_SX_COI_OVERLAP_CHECK - C/I: Check for Overlaps
UCF_SX_COI_OVERLAP_CHECK_KEY - C/I: Check for Overlaps
UCF_SX_COI_PT_SHARE - Ownership Changes for Transfer
UCF_SX_COI_REFDATA - Reference data for activity number matching
UCF_SX_COI_REPUNIT_SEL - Selections of Characteristics
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS - C/I: Reported Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_EQI - C/I: Reported Items for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_EQI_SEL - C/I: Reported Items for Equity Method
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_EQU - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Equity Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_EQU_SEL - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Equity Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_INV - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Investment Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_INV_SEL - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Investment Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_INV_SETS - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Investment Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_PGW - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Push-down Items
UCF_SX_COI_REP_ITEMS_PGW_SEL - Consolidation of Investments: Reported Push-down Items
UCF_SX_COI_SAVE_CALC - C/I: Temporary Storage for Calculations
UCF_SX_COI_SA_GSH - Group Shares for Step Acquisition
UCF_SX_COI_TOTALS_DTEQI - Totals Data Structure with Scope of Reported Data
UCF_SX_COMP_DEFINITION - Definition of Method Components
UCF_SX_CTR_DATA - Gener.Template: C/T: Structure for Transaction Data
UCF_SX_CTR_ITEM - Gener.Templ.: Currency Translation Item/Item Type
UCF_SX_CTR_ITKEY - Gener.Templ.: Currency Translation: Selected Items
UCF_SX_CTR_KEY_XRPROC_EQU - Gen.Template: C/T: Key for E/R Determination for Equity
UCF_SX_CTR_KEY_XRPROC_INV - Gen.Template: C/T: Key for E/R Determination for Investments
UCF_SX_CTR_LOG - Gener. Template: C/T: Structure f. Audit Trail Data
UCF_SX_CTR_METH_EXEC_CONTROL - Currency Translation: Control Structure for Method Execution
UCF_SX_CVA_DOC_TX_DATA - CVA: Gen.Template: Structure for Transaction Data
UCF_SX_CVA_LOG_ALL - CVA: Gen.Template: Data for Log
UCF_SX_DEL_FORM - List of Forms
UCF_SX_DEL_LAYOUT - List of Data Entry Layouts
UCF_SX_DEL_OSTRU - DE structure instances
UCF_SX_DEL_STRU_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of Structure
UCF_SX_DEP_2MODELDATA - SAP Cons: Transaction Data
UCF_SX_DEP_ADD_FIELDVALUE - SAP Cons: Describe the value of each field of a cell
UCF_SX_DEP_ADD_LINEINFO - SAP Cons: The column information of a row to be added
UCF_SX_DEP_CHARHRY - Hierarchy of Characteristic Values
UCF_SX_DEP_CHECKEDNEWROW - SEM-BCS: The data of a checked row which is just inserted
UCF_SX_DEP_COLSEL - The selection condition of each column
UCF_SX_DEP_COMBCHECK - The combination information for each role
UCF_SX_DEP_CONCOL - SAP Cons: Column Definition
UCF_SX_DEP_CONCOLLIST - Calculated Value List
UCF_SX_DEP_CONCOLPROP - SAP Cons: Column Definition
UCF_SX_DEP_CONCOL_LEADING - List of Leading Columns in DTX Layout
UCF_SX_DEP_CONFIELD - SAP Cons: Properties of a Field
UCF_SX_DEP_CONFLDVALUE - Selection Condition / Single Value
UCF_SX_DEP_CONHC_FO - Selection Condition / Single Value
UCF_SX_DEP_CONLIST - SAP Cons: List of Selections
UCF_SX_DEP_CONLIST2 - SAP Cons: List of Selections
UCF_SX_DEP_CONROWCOL - SAP Cons: Selection of Rows and Columns
UCF_SX_DEP_CONSEL - Select condition list
UCF_SX_DEP_CONSELLIST - Calculated Value List
UCF_SX_DEP_CONVALUEHRY - SAP Cons: Fieldname / Value/ SID
UCF_SX_DEP_CONVALUELIST - SAP Cons: Selection for a Characteristic
UCF_SX_DEP_DATABACK - SAP Cons: Data Sent from Front-End
UCF_SX_DEP_DUMMYDATA_INT - SAP Cons DEP: The dummy data source
UCF_SX_DEP_F4RET - SAP Cons: The data column value to be restricted
UCF_SX_DEP_FORM - SAP Cons: Properties of a Form
UCF_SX_DEP_FORMINFO - SEM-BCS: The Form Information for the Front End
UCF_SX_DEP_FOVALUE - Formular Value Information
UCF_SX_DEP_GRIDDEF - SAP Cons: Properties of a Field
UCF_SX_DEP_LAYOUT - SAP Cons: Mapping Procedure of a Form
UCF_SX_DEP_LEADVALUE - Lead Row/Column Value for a Cell
UCF_SX_DEP_MAPPING2DPLDATA - Data from Mapping Object to Analyzer
UCF_SX_DEP_NEWLINE - SEM-BCS: The data of a new row which is just inserted
UCF_SX_DEP_NEWROWS - SEM-BCS: The data of a new row which is just inserted
UCF_SX_DEP_NLVALCMB - New Row Value for Combined Layout
UCF_SX_DEP_PARS_CAL - Parameter List of Method cal_condition_list
UCF_SX_DEP_PARS_GRID - grid parameter
UCF_SX_DEP_PFORMULA - Information of Primitive Formula
UCF_SX_DEP_PFORMULA_VAL - Select Condition of Primitive Formula
UCF_SX_DEP_REFDATA - Ref to data: used by repunit/breakdown processing
UCF_SX_DEP_SEL - Data entry select condition
UCF_SX_DEP_SELECTOR2 - SAP Cons: Selector per Row
UCF_SX_DEP_SELLIST - Data entry select condition list
UCF_SX_DEP_TXDATA - The transaction data table with index
UCF_SX_DEP_VALUEGROUP_HC - Grouping of Value List of Predefined Fixed Structures
UCF_SX_DEP_VALUELIST_HC - Value Fist for Predefined Fixed Structures
UCF_SX_DEP_VALUEREF - SAP Cons: Field Name / Value
UCF_SX_DE_FORM_ATTRIBUTES - SAP Cons: Attrubutes of a Form
UCF_SX_DE_FORM_NEW_LINE - SAP Cons: Newly Inserted Row
UCF_SX_DE_QUERY_SHM_EXEC - Query: Shared Memory: Execution
UCF_SX_DTX_METHOD_INST - Data Transfer Method and Instance
UCF_SX_FLD_HRYTREE - The hierarchy tree of each char
UCF_SX_GSH_LOG_ALL - Posting of Group Chares: List Output
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_AUX - Auxiliary Calculation for Period Initialization
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_DOCTYPE - Period Initialization: Structure for Task Properties
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_DOCTYPE_2 - Period Initialization: Structure for Task Properties
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_LOG_ALL - Period Initialization: List Output
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_LOG_DTAX_KFIG - Key Figures for Deferred Tax
UCF_SX_INIT_PER_LOG_KFIG - Period Initialization: Key Figures
UCF_SX_INOUT_CUST - SEM-BCS : Row Structure for Transfer of Cust. Tables
UCF_SX_INOUT_CUST_INSTANCE - SEM-BCS : Table Type for Transfer of Cust. Instances
UCF_SX_IPA_AFD_AST_MAT - Asset Transfer
UCF_SX_IPA_AN_MAT_LOG - Asset Matching: LOG
UCF_SX_IPA_LOG - Gen.Template: IPA: Data for Log
UCF_SX_IPA_LOG_ALL - Gen.Template: IPA: Data for Log
UCF_SX_IPI - IPI: Internal Table Structure--TOTALs
UCF_SX_IPI_DATA_RAW - IPI: Posting Description
UCF_SX_IPI_DISTR - IPI: Distribution Among Investors
UCF_SX_IPI_HEADER_DOC - IPI: Documents with Header Information
UCF_SX_IPI_INV - IPI: Internal Table Structure - Inventory Data
UCF_SX_IPI_INV_REP_ITEMS - IU Profit in Inventory: Reported Inventory Items
UCF_SX_IPI_IPI - IPI: Internal Table Structure - IU Profit/Loss
UCF_SX_IPI_LOG_ALL - IPI: Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_IPI_SHA - IPI: Intern Table Structure - Supplier Share Data
UCF_SX_IPI_SUP - IPI: Internal Table Structure - Supplier Data
UCF_SX_IPI_VAL_MODIF - IPI: Distribution Among Investors
UCF_SX_ITEMMETHDTX - The method for each item in the overview screen
UCF_SX_IUE_DATA - Gener.Template: IUE: Extended Structure for Transaction Data
UCF_SX_IUE_LOG_ALL - Gener. Template: IUE: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_LOOP_ACT_OC - Oganizational Change: Interruption of an Activity
UCF_SX_MDOC_AUTHORITY_CHECK - Gener. Template: MDOC: Structure for Auth. Check
UCF_SX_MDOC_CUREF - Man. Journal Entry: Pointer to Gen. Data for CU Properties
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA1 - Gener. Template: MDOC: Extended Structure for Document Data
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA2 - Gener.Template: MDOC: Extended Structure for Doc.Data+Style
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA3 - Gener. Template: MDOC: Extended Structure for Document Data
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA4 - Gener.Template: MDOC: Extended Structure for Doc.Data+Style
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA5 - Generation template: MDOC: for held, sample and workflow doc
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA6 - Generation template: MDOC: for held, sample and workflow doc
UCF_SX_MDOC_DATA_CHECK - Gener.Template: MDOC: Buffer for Breakdown Check
UCF_SX_MDOC_DREF - Man. Journal Entry: Pointer to Generated Data
UCF_SX_MDOC_FDERIV - Man. Journal Entry: Derived Field Properties
UCF_SX_MDOC_FDERIV_INFO - Man. Journal Entry: Infos About Derived Field Properties
UCF_SX_MDOC_FLDSEL - Manual Document Entry: SelCond per Characteristic
UCF_SX_MDOC_O_ACCOUNT - Man. Journal Entry: Pointer to ACCOUNT References
UCF_SX_MDOC_REFDOC - Manual Document Entry: Info for (Reference) Document
UCF_SX_MDOC_SUBACCNT_CREATE - Creation of Subassignments
UCF_SX_METHOD - Consolidation Method
UCF_SX_OVERVIEW_TREEDATA - The tree data in the tree control
UCF_SX_PCC_DOCTYPE - Consolidation Group Change: Document Type Attributes
UCF_SX_PCC_LOG_ALL - Cons Group Change: List Output
UCF_SX_PCC_LOG_S_CHAR - Cons Group Change: Characteristics for List Output
UCF_SX_RCL_LOG - Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_RCL_LOG_ALL - Gener. Template: Data for Audit Trail
UCF_SX_RCL_PERC - Gener. Template: Percentage Rate Data
UCF_SX_RCL_STEP_CHAR - Gener.Template: Step and Trigger
UCF_SX_REPUNIT_ASSET_CVA - Cons Units; Assets/Liabilities
UCF_SX_RND_LOG_ALL - Rounding: Generation Template: Data for Log
UCF_SX_TX_DATA2 - Generation Template: Structure for Trans.Data, Key Figs 2x
UCF_SX_TX_DATA_GWKFIG - Gener.Template: Transaction Data for Goodwill Key Figure
UCF_SX_TX_DATA_MSTEP - Gen. Template: Transaction Data for Method Step
UCF_SX_UPL_COIAC_STORAGE - The activites' storage for upload
UCF_SX_UPL_COMP - Upload: Method Maint.: Components
UCF_SX_UPL_COPY - Upload: Copy
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA - Gener. Template: Upload: Transaction Data
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_ASSET - Gen.Template: Upload: Supplier
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_ASSETGROUP - Gen.Template: Upload: Supplier
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_ASSETLIAB - Gen.Template: Upload: Supplier
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_ASSET_TRANS - Gen.Template: Upload: Asset Transfer
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COIAC_EHA - Gener.Template: Upload: Eqty Hold.Adj.: Data per Activity
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COIAC_EQU - Gener. Template: Upload: Equity: Data per Activity
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COIAC_GW - Gener. Template: Upload: Goodwill: Data per Activity
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COIAC_INV - Gener. Template: Upload: Investments: Data per Activity
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COIAC_INV_EXT - Gen. Template: Upload of Third-Party Inv.: Data Activity
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COINR_SEQ - Gener. Template: Upload: Transaction Data
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_COINR_SEQ_LST - Gener. Template: Upload: Transaction Data (List Output)
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_DOC - Gener.Template: Upload: Documents: Data per Document
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_DOC_LST - Gener. Template: Upload: Transaction Data (List Output)
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_DTS_ALL_LST - Gen.Template: Upload: Log for All Data Stream Types
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_IPI_INVDAT - Gen.Template: Upload: Inventory Data
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_IPI_SUPDAT - Gen.Template: Upload: Supplier
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_LST - Gener. Template: Upload: Transaction Data (List Output)
UCF_SX_UPL_DATA_POST - Flexible Upload: References for Updating Data
UCF_SX_UPL_DOC_SPLIT - Upload of Document: Splitted Document
UCF_S_ACCSEL_ID_OBJ - Account (Selcond) - ID and Account (Selcond) - Object
UCF_S_ACCSEL_INACTIVE - Inactive Cells in Assignmt/Selcond-Screen
UCF_S_ACCSEL_SORTORDER - Sort Sequence in Account-/Selcond-Screen
UCF_S_ACM_DISTRKEY_DATA - Analytical Cost Management: Distribution Key: Values
UCF_S_ACM_KFIG - Analytical Cost Management: Key Figures
UCF_S_ACM_SELCOND - Analytical Cost Management: Selection Conditions
UCF_S_ACM_SENDREC - Analytical Cost Management: Sender/Receiver Characteristics
UCF_S_ALC_ATTR_TXT - ALC: Method Maint.: Avail. Attributes
UCF_S_ALC_COMP_GUI - ALC: Method Maint.: User Interface
UCF_S_ALC_KFIGTYPE_TXT - ALC: Method Maint.: Available Key Figure Types
UCF_S_ALC_KFIG_TXT - ALC: Method Maint.: Available Key Figures
UCF_S_ALC_LOG_HELP - ALC: Help Structure for Method Log
UCF_S_APPL_FIELD - Technical Fields of an Application
UCF_S_ASSET_FSFREQUENCY - Asset Manager: Cons Frequency of Version Combination
UCF_S_AST_CHAR_VALUE - Char Value for Asset AFD(internal use)
UCF_S_BACKACT - Data Entry: User Input
UCF_S_BCF_CT_INFO - Log Information
UCF_S_BCF_CUS02 - Balance Carryforward: Document Type Assignment
UCF_S_BCF_CUS02_GUI - Balance Carryforward: Document Type Assignment
UCF_S_BCF_CUS03 - Balance Carryforward: Restatement Assignment
UCF_S_BCF_CUS03_GUI - Balance Carryforward: Restatement Assignment
UCF_S_BCF_ITEM - Balance Carryforward: Items to be Carried
UCF_S_BCF_ITEMS - Balance Carryforward Items
UCF_S_BCF_ITEMS_ACC - Balance Carryforward Items
UCF_S_BCF_LP - Print List - BCF Customizing
UCF_S_BW_FIELD_ATTR_TECH - BW Data Entry Field, Attribute and Tech
UCF_S_BW_KFIG_INPUTABLE - BW Data Entry Inputable Flag for KFig
UCF_S_CHAR_COINR_SEQ - Gener.Template: Structure with All Key Characteristics
UCF_S_CHAR_TOTALS_DOC - Gener.Template: Structure with Totals Char.+Doc.No./Lines
UCF_S_CHPROP_SCRAP_ASSETLIAB - Stat.Attr. Scrap Value for Char. with Role ASSETLIAB
UCF_S_CHPROP_STATIC_ALTYPE - All Stat. Attributes of Char. ALTYPE
UCF_S_CHPROP_STATIC_ASSETLIAB - All Stat. Attributes of Char. ASSETLIAB Except Scrap Value
UCF_S_COINR_ANM - Log structure: coinr for activity number matching
UCF_S_COINR_REF_ENQUEUE - Locking of Reference Activity Numbers
UCF_S_COITP_DISTR_FIXED - Fixed Values in a Distribution Among Investors
UCF_S_COITP_SHARE - Accounting Technique and Group Shares of a Cons Unit
UCF_S_COI_ACT - C/I: Activity
UCF_S_COI_ACTIVITY - Gener. Template: C/I: Activity
UCF_S_COI_ACT_DEFAULT_EQU - C/I: Default Values for Equity
UCF_S_COI_ACT_DEFAULT_INV - C/I: Default Values for Investment
UCF_S_COI_ACT_DEFAULT_SEQ - C/I: Default Sequence of Activities
UCF_S_COI_ACT_ORIG - C/I: Initial Activities
UCF_S_COI_ACT_SEQUENCE - Gener.Template: Sequence of Activities
UCF_S_COI_ACT_SEQ_LOCAL - Gener.Template: Sequence of Activities
UCF_S_COI_ACT_TRIG - C/I: Activity and Triggering Activity
UCF_S_COI_AFD03 - Additional financial data entry: Investment
UCF_S_COI_AFD03_CT - CT for AFD Manual Entry: Investment and Equity
UCF_S_COI_AFD03_GRID_DATA - Additional financial data entry: investment, alv grid data
UCF_S_COI_AFD03_GRID_DATA_EQU - Additional Financial Data Entry: Equity, ALV Grid Data
UCF_S_COI_AFD03_VALUE - Additional financial data entry for inv/equ: fieldname/value
UCF_S_COI_ALTYPE_ITEM - C/I: Reported Equity from Asset/Liability Type
UCF_S_COI_APPROP_ITEM - Assignment of Appropriation of Retained Earnings
UCF_S_COI_CALC_BASIS - Consolidation of Investments: Calculation Base
UCF_S_COI_CMETH - C/I: Methods
UCF_S_COI_CMETH_EXC - Consolidation of Investments Methods: Exceptions
UCF_S_COI_COIAC - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS02 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS04 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS07 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS07_1 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_1 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_2 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_3 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_4 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_5 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_6 - Consolidation of Investments: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_CUS09_7 - C/I: Activities
UCF_S_COI_COIAC_GWPROC - C/I: Treatment of Goodwill in Acquisitions
UCF_S_COI_COINR - Gener.Template: C/I: Activity Number
UCF_S_COI_COMB_PROP - C/I: Properties of Combined Cons Units
UCF_S_COI_COMB_PROP_STATIC - C/I-related, non-generated Attributes of CU combi
UCF_S_COI_COMB_PROP_TI - C/I: Properties of Combined Cons Units
UCF_S_COI_CUS01 - C/I: System Utilization
UCF_S_COI_CUS02 - C/I: Location of Values
UCF_S_COI_CUS03 - C/I: Goodwill Global
UCF_S_COI_CUS03_1 - C/I: Goodwill Global
UCF_S_COI_CUS03_2 - C/I: Goodwill Global: Threshold Values
UCF_S_COI_CUS04 - C/I: Equity
UCF_S_COI_CUS08 - C/I: Selected Items
UCF_S_COI_CUS09 - C/I: Activities
UCF_S_COI_CUS10 - C/I: Negative Stockholders' Equity
UCF_S_COI_CUS11 - Consolidation of Investments: Stepwise Equity Method
UCF_S_COI_CU_FC_TD - C/I: Cons Units with First Cons and Divestiture Acctg
UCF_S_COI_CU_FIELDNAME - C/I: Field Names for Cons Units
UCF_S_COI_CU_PAR_IEE - C/I: Cons Unit with Change to Parent -> Investee unit
UCF_S_COI_CU_SA_PD_TRIG - C/I: Summarized Info About Induced Activities
UCF_S_COI_DOCTY - C/I: Document Types
UCF_S_COI_DOCTYPE - Gener. Template: Doc.Types of Consolidation of Investments
UCF_S_COI_DOCTY_PLEVL - C/I: Document Types with Properties
UCF_S_COI_DSH - C/I: Direct Shares
UCF_S_COI_DTEQI - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF_S_COI_DTEQI_CUS02 - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF_S_COI_DTEQI_CUS06 - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF_S_COI_DTEQI_CUS06_1 - C/I: Activities - Equity Holdings Adjustments
UCF_S_COI_DTEQI_INCOME - C/I: Scope of Reported Data
UCF_S_COI_EQI_POST_ITEMS - C/I: Posting Items for Equity Method
UCF_S_COI_EQI_POST_ITEMS_ACC - C/I: Posting Items for Equity Method
UCF_S_COI_EQUITY_ITEM - Assignment of Equity Item to Statistical Item
UCF_S_COI_EQU_AGING_SITEM - C/I: Subitems for Statement of Stockholders' Equity
UCF_S_COI_EQU_AGING_SITEM_ACC - C/I: Subitems for Statement of Stockholders' Equity
UCF_S_COI_EQU_DEBUG - C/I: Debugging of Equity
UCF_S_COI_EQU_GRP_ITEM - Assignment of Equity Item to Statistical Item
UCF_S_COI_EQU_STAT_ITEM - Assignment of Equity Item to Statistical Item
UCF_S_COI_FSFREQUENCY - Consolidation Frequency for Consolidation of Investments
UCF_S_COI_GEN_STAT_GRID_DATA - Generating statistical items, ALV grid data
UCF_S_COI_GLOBAL_SETT - C/I: Global Settings
UCF_S_COI_GOODWILL - C/I: Goodwill (All Fields Except Cons Unit)
UCF_S_COI_GOODWILL_THRESHOLD - C/I: Goodwill Threshold Values
UCF_S_COI_GSH - C/I: Group Shares
UCF_S_COI_GWA_ACC - C/I: Structure for Goodwill Items
UCF_S_COI_GWA_GSH - group shares per CG
UCF_S_COI_GWA_THRESHOLD - C/I: Goodwill Threshold Values
UCF_S_COI_GWA_TIME - C/I: Structure for Goodwill Settings
UCF_S_COI_GWLC_SETT - C/I: Goodwill Settings in LC
UCF_S_COI_GWRED - C/I: Goodwill in Divestitures
UCF_S_COI_GW_ACQ - Help Structure for Goodwill in Acquisitions
UCF_S_COI_HIST_MESSAGE - Messages per Period
UCF_S_COI_HRA_SETT - C/I: Settings for Fair Value Adjustments
UCF_S_COI_INTDE - C/I: Combined Entry of Investment/Equity Data
UCF_S_COI_INV_KEY - C/I: Activity
UCF_S_COI_INV_LEVEL - C/I: Level of Unit in the Investment Hierarchy
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_DIDIVINCEL - Item, Partner, Direction Indicator
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_DIRIND - Item, Partner, Direction Indicator
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_DOCTY_VAL - Item, Document Type, Value
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_SUBACCNT_COIAC - Gener. Template for Item, Subassignments, COIAC
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_TX_TYPE_COIAC - Generation Template for Item, Transaction Type, COIAC
UCF_S_COI_ITEM_VAL - Structure for item and GC Value
UCF_S_COI_LOG_CHAR_DOC - C/I: Document Characteristics in Log
UCF_S_COI_LP - Print-Out of Customizing for Consolidation of Investments
UCF_S_COI_LP_REF - References for C/I Print Using List Processor
UCF_S_COI_METHOD_1 - C/I: Methods
UCF_S_COI_METHOD_2 - C/I: Methods
UCF_S_COI_MIN_EQU_ITEM - Inverse Assignment: Statistical Item - Equity Item
UCF_S_COI_OCI_POST_ITEMS_ACC - Equity: Other Comprehensive Income
UCF_S_COI_OVERLAP_CHECK_KEY - C/I: Check for Overlaps
UCF_S_COI_PARENT_CHANGE - Parent Indicator Change
UCF_S_COI_PCNT - Percentage Rates for C/I
UCF_S_COI_PGW_POST_ITEMS - C/I: Posting Items for Pushdown
UCF_S_COI_PGW_POST_ITEMS_ACC - C/I: Posting Items for Pushdown Goodwill
UCF_S_COI_POST_ITEMS_EQI - C/I: Posting Items for Equity Method
UCF_S_COI_PRGNM_SCRNR - C/I: Allocation of Assignment Screens
UCF_S_COI_PRIOR_DATA_CONV - C/I: Legacy Data Transfer
UCF_S_COI_REPGROUP_LEVEL - consolidation group hierarchy level
UCF_S_COI_REPUNIT - Consolidation of Investments: Cons Units
UCF_S_COI_REPUNIT_GWRED - C/I: Goodwill in Divestitures per Investor
UCF_S_COI_REPUNIT_INTEGER - Consolidation Unit, Number of Data Records
UCF_S_COI_REPUNIT_ORGCHANGE - Organizational Change: Dimension and Number
UCF_S_COI_REPUNIT_XRATE - C/I: Investor with Exchange Rate
UCF_S_COI_REP_ITEMS - C/I: Reported Items
UCF_S_COI_REP_ITEMS_GRID_DATA - Displaying subassignm. for C/I, ALV grid data
UCF_S_COI_ROLE_GCVAL - Generation Template: Structure w/Chars of Role GCVAL
UCF_S_COI_S_REP_ITEM_GRID_DATA - Displaying subassignm. for C/I, ALV grid data
UCF_S_COI_TASK_DOCTY - C/I: Assignment of Document Types to Tasks
UCF_S_COI_TASK_FSFREQ - C/I: Task Properties
UCF_S_COI_TASK_PROP - C/I: Task Properties
UCF_S_COI_TOTALS_NITYPE - C/I: Financial Statement Balancing Adjustment
UCF_S_COI_TRANSFER_KEY - C/I: Generation Template for Transfer Activities
UCF_S_COI_T_VALUE - Structure for Field Name/Value Table
UCF_S_COI_WORKBENCH - C/I: Hidden Entries in the Workbench
UCF_S_CTR_CHAR_GUI - C/T: E/R Determ.Procedure: Charact.: GUI
UCF_S_CTR_COMP - C/T: Method Maintenance
UCF_S_CTR_COMP_FDISP - C/T: Method Maint.: Available Fields
UCF_S_CTR_COMP_GUI - C/T: Method Maint.: User Interface
UCF_S_CTR_CTKEY - C/T: Currency Translation Keys
UCF_S_CTR_CTKEY_GUI - C/T: Currency Translation Keys
UCF_S_CTR_CTKEY_TXT - C/T: Currency Translation Keys
UCF_S_CTR_CTPROC_GUI - C/T: Translation Procedure: GUI
UCF_S_CTR_CTPROC_TXT - C/T: Translation Procedure
UCF_S_CTR_GW_CONTROL - C/T: Control Structure for Goodwill Treatment
UCF_S_CTR_LOG_HELP - CTR: Help Structure for Method Audit Trail
UCF_S_CTR_LOG_INFO - C/T Service: Log Information
UCF_S_CTR_METHOD_ROUND_TXT - C/T: Rounding Methods
UCF_S_CTR_TIME_TRANS_GUI - C/T: Translation Timeframes: GUI
UCF_S_CTR_TIME_TRANS_TXT - C/T: Currency Translation Time Frames
UCF_S_CTR_TIME_XRATE_GUI - C/T: Exchange Rate Periods Used: GUI
UCF_S_CTR_TIME_XRATE_TXT - C/T: Exchange Rate Periods Used
UCF_S_CTR_XRPROC_GUI - C/T: E/R Determination Procedure: GUI
UCF_S_CTR_XRPROC_PARAM_TXT - C/T: E/R Determination Procedure: Parameters
UCF_S_CTR_XRPROC_TXT - C/T: Procedure for Exchange Rate Determination
UCF_S_CVA_AFD_AST_LIAB - Asset/Liability AFD Screen Fields
UCF_S_CVA_IPA_LP - CVA,IPA: Print List Customizing
UCF_S_CVA_LOGKEY - CVA: Key Structure for LOG
UCF_S_CVA_LOGKEY_ASSET - CVA: Asset Fields in Log Key
UCF_S_CVA_LOGKEY_CVA - CVA: Log Key for Additional Fin. Data
UCF_S_CVA_LOGKEY_REPUNIT - CVA: Rep.Unit Fields in Log Key
UCF_S_DATASTREAMTYPE_DESC - Data stream types and their descriptions
UCF_S_DATATX_LP - Print List - BCF Customizing: Data Collection Methods Cust.
UCF_S_DB_REQUEST - C/I: Requested Sources for Reported Financial Data
UCF_S_DEF_ALV_CELL - A cell in alv grid
UCF_S_DELAYOUT - Data Entry Layout
UCF_S_DEL_CMSTRU_PROP - SAP CONS: Properties of a Combined Structure
UCF_S_DEL_DATA - test: temporary way for get all data entry data
UCF_S_DEL_DDSTRU_HIER - Hierarchy Nodes for Display Hierarchies-Data Input
UCF_S_DEL_DDSTRU_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of Data-Driven Structures
UCF_S_DEL_DDSTRU_SELCOND - SAP Cons: Selection Condition for Data-Driven Structures
UCF_S_DEL_FOBU_OBJECT - Formula Object Table
UCF_S_DEL_FOBU_OPRND - Formula Builder Operands
UCF_S_DEL_FOEV_OBJECT - Object of Formula Evaluation
UCF_S_DEL_FOEV_OPRND - Formula Evaluation Operand
UCF_S_DEL_FORM_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of a Form
UCF_S_DEL_GRID_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of a Grid
UCF_S_DEL_HCSTRU_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of Predefined Structures
UCF_S_DEL_HCSTRU_SELCOND - SAP Cons: Selection Conditions for Predefined Structures
UCF_S_DEL_HEADER_PROP - SAP Cons.: Properties of a Header
UCF_S_DEL_HRY_VALUE - Hierarchy name sid & value
UCF_S_DEL_LAYOUT_PROP - SAP Cons: Properties of Data Entry Layouts
UCF_S_DEL_LAYOUT_QUERY - SAP Cons: BW Query Assignment to BCS Layout
UCF_S_DEL_LP - Data Entry: List Processor
UCF_S_DEL_SELCOND - SAP Cons: Selection Conditions
UCF_S_DEL_SELID - Data entry: selid
UCF_S_DEL_STRUCTURE - SAP Cons: Structures
UCF_S_DEL_STRU_PROP - SAP Cons: General Properties for Structures
UCF_S_DEL_TREE_OUTPUT - SAP Cons: Layout Definition: Output in Tree
UCF_S_DEP2FRONT_GRID - SAP Cons: Properties of a Grid for Front-End
UCF_S_DEP2FRONT_HEADER - SAP Cons: Properties of Header for Front-End
UCF_S_DEP2FRONT_SELECTOR - SAP Cons: Selectors for Front-End
UCF_S_DEP_CELLINFO - Cell Information of Single Cell
UCF_S_DEP_COLRESTRVALUE - SAP Cons: The data column value to be restricted
UCF_S_DEP_COLVALUE - SAP Cons: The value in a column
UCF_S_DEP_CONVALUE - SAP Cons: Field Name / Value
UCF_S_DEP_CONVALUEDESC - SAP Cons: Field Name / Value
UCF_S_DEP_CONVALUELONG - SAP Cons: Long Field Name / Value
UCF_S_DEP_CROSSDPLDATA - Cross Logic Analyzer Data in Data Processor
UCF_S_DEP_DATA2CHANGE - SAP Cons: Values to Be Changed
UCF_S_DEP_GRID - SAP Cons: Properties of a Grid
UCF_S_DEP_GRIDCELL - SAP Cons: Properties of a Grid Cell
UCF_S_DEP_GRIDCONTROL - SAP CONS: Grid cell control information
UCF_S_DEP_GRIDHRY - SAP Cons: Hierarchy
UCF_S_DEP_HEADER - SAP Cons: Properties of Header
UCF_S_DEP_HEADERCELL - SAP Cons: Properties of a Cell in the Header
UCF_S_DEP_HEADERCUR - Data entry: current header
UCF_S_DEP_HIERARCHY - SAP Cons: Hierarchy nodes to parser a Data-driven Stru.
UCF_S_DEP_ITEM_SIGN - SAP Cons: Item with Dr/Cr Sign
UCF_S_DEP_LAYOUTPROP - Layout Property
UCF_S_DEP_LCKEY - LC Key for Different Cons Unit
UCF_S_DEP_LINEFLAG - Row flag of grid
UCF_S_DEP_MESSAGE - Message type for data processor
UCF_S_DEP_NEWLEADVALUE - SAP Cons: The lead column value in the new row
UCF_S_DEP_NEWROWCOL - New row or column information
UCF_S_DEP_NIDLEVEL - Nid level in cl_uc_hry
UCF_S_DEP_NLMODIFIABLE - SAP Cons: Which column of the row is modifiable
UCF_S_DEP_NLMODIFIABLEALL - Enable Adding of a New Row with Reference to the Given Row
UCF_S_DEP_PERIODLIST - Period Value List
UCF_S_DEP_PROPFORM - Property of a Form
UCF_S_DEP_RETVAL - The data which processor will return to frontend
UCF_S_DEP_SELVALUE - Data entry select condition value list
UCF_S_DEP_TXKEY2ID - Transaction Data Key to the ID
UCF_S_DEP_VALIDTIME - SEM-BCS: The valid year/period combination in a layout
UCF_S_DEP_VHELP - F4 Value List for WebDynpro Request
UCF_S_DEQ_EXEC_PARAM - Gener. Template: Data Entry Query: Execution Parameters
UCF_S_DE_ACTIVITY - SEM-BCS: Additional Financial Data - Activities with Texts
UCF_S_DE_ASSET_NID - Asset NID(internal use) Table
UCF_S_DE_FORM_ATTRIBUTES - SAP Cons: Attrubutes of a Form
UCF_S_DE_FORM_COL_ID - column id of a logical form
UCF_S_DE_FORM_GRID - SAP Cons: Input/Output Grid
UCF_S_DE_FORM_HEADER_VALUE - SAP Cons: Changed Value in Header
UCF_S_DE_FORM_HRY - SAP Cons: Hierarchy Information
UCF_S_DE_FORM_MESSAGE - Error Message from the logical form
UCF_S_DE_FORM_ROW_ID - row id of a logical form
UCF_S_DE_UNIT_HRY - SEM-BCS: Additional Financial Data: Repunit Tree
UCF_S_DTAXBS_LP - Print List - IPI Customizing
UCF_S_DTX_LAYOUT - Data Transfer Overview Screen: Layout
UCF_S_DTX_LAYOUT_HEADER - Data Transfer Overview Screen: Layout Header
UCF_S_DTX_LAYOUT_METHID - Data Collection: Overview Screen
UCF_S_DTX_LAYOUT_METHOD - Data Collection: Overview Screen
UCF_S_DTX_LAYOUT_WD - Data Transfer Overview Screen: Layout in Web Dynpro
UCF_S_DTX_METHOD - Data transfer method
UCF_S_DTX_METHOD_DELETE - Data Transfer and Upload Method
UCF_S_DTX_METHOD_UPL - Data Transfer and Upload Method
UCF_S_DTX_UITEM - Data Entry - Overview Screen: Update of an Item
UCF_S_DTX_UPLMETHF4 - F4 Possible Entries and Text for Upload Method
UCF_S_DUMMY - Gener.Template: Structure with All Key Figures
UCF_S_EQU_STAT_ITEM - Assignment of Equity Item to Statistical Item
UCF_S_FIELD_ST - Source and Target Field Name
UCF_S_FLD_FROM_TO - Supply Chains: Definition of Edge Relationship
UCF_S_GSH_LOG_PCNT_DSH - Posting of Group Shares: Display of Direct Shares
UCF_S_GSH_LOG_PCNT_GSH - Posting of Group Shares: Display of Group Shares
UCF_S_INHERIT - Components: Inheritance
UCF_S_INIT_PER_CUS01 - Period Initialization: Posting Item for Adj. of Def. Taxes
UCF_S_INIT_PER_CUS02 - Document Type Assignment for Tax Adjustment
UCF_S_INIT_PER_CUS02_GUI - Document Type Assignment for Tax Adjustment
UCF_S_IPA_AFD_AST_TRANS - Asset Transfer Screen Field
UCF_S_IPA_CUS01 - IPA Customizing: Legacy Data Transfer
UCF_S_IPA_LOG_HEADER - IPA: Data for Log Header
UCF_S_IPA_LOG_KFIG - IPA: Log Key Figures
UCF_S_IPA_LOG_KFIG_CUM - IPA: Accumulated Log Key Figures
UCF_S_IPA_TASK - IPA: Task Settings
UCF_S_IPI_AFD01 - IPI Additional Financial Data: Inventory Data
UCF_S_IPI_AFD02 - IPI Additional Financial Data: Supplier Data
UCF_S_IPI_AFD02_GUI - IPI Additional Financial Data: Supplier Data
UCF_S_IPI_CUS01 - IPI Customizing: Inventory Data
UCF_S_IPI_CUS03 - IPI Customizing: Equity Method Posting
UCF_S_IPI_CUS04 - IPI Customizing: Location of Data
UCF_S_IPI_CUS04_VAL - IPI Customizing: Location of Data
UCF_S_IPI_CU_NAME - IPI Additional Financial Data: Consolidation Unit
UCF_S_IPI_GCVAL - IPI: Key Figure - Group Currency
UCF_S_IPI_INV_ITEM - IPI: Structure - Inventory Item Subassignments
UCF_S_IPI_IPI - IPI: Internal Table Structure - IU Profit/Loss
UCF_S_IPI_LOGKEY - IPI: Key Structure for LOG
UCF_S_IPI_LOGKEY_INVESTOR - IPI: Two-Sided Structure for LOG with Investor
UCF_S_IPI_LOGKEY_PAIR - IPI: Paired Structure for LOG
UCF_S_IPI_LOG_HEADER - IPI Task: Data for Audit Trail Header
UCF_S_IPI_LP - Print List - IPI Customizing
UCF_S_IPI_POST_ITEM - IPI: Structure - Posting Items
UCF_S_IPI_PRGRP - IPI Customizing: Product Group
UCF_S_IPI_REPUNIT - IPI Additional Financial Data: Consolidation Unit
UCF_S_IPI_TASK - IPI: Structure - Task Settings
UCF_S_ITKEY_LP - Selected Items Customizing Print List
UCF_S_IUE_COMP_GUI - IUE: GUI: Method Maint: User Interface
UCF_S_IUE_DATAPROP - IUE: Properties of an Elimination Data Record
UCF_S_IUE_INDX - IUE: Pair of Indices
UCF_S_IUE_KFIG_TXT - IUE: Method Maint.: Available Key Figures
UCF_S_IUE_LIMITS_GUI - IUE: GUI: Structure f. Limits
UCF_S_IUE_LOG_HELP - IUE: Audit Trail Help Structure (Constant Characteristics)
UCF_S_IUE_PAIRPROP - IUE: Properties of an Elimination Pair
UCF_S_IUE_REPUNITPROP - IUE: Properties of Cons Unit to be Eliminated
UCF_S_KFIG_COITP - IPI: Key Figures for Accounting Techniques
UCF_S_KFIG_IPI - IPI: KFIG for Internal Calculation
UCF_S_KFIG_TARGET - Target Key Figure
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP - SEM-BCS: Definition of Layout Steps
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_COMP - SEM-BCS: Type Definition of a Component on Layout Step
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_COMP_FIELD - SEM-BCS: Use of Fields per Layout Step/Component
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_FIELD - SAP Cons.: Fields of a Component per Layout Step
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_HIERARCHY - SEM-BCS: Hierarchy and Sequence of Layout Steps
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_LCHILD - SEM-BCS: Hierarchy betw. Layout Steps (Layout Maint.)
UCF_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_LEVEL - SAP Cons.: Hierarchy Levels of the Layout Steps
UCF_S_LEVEL_REQUEST - C/I: Requested Posting Levels from Reported Financial Data
UCF_S_LOOP_ACT_OC - Oganizational Change: Interruption of an Activity
UCF_S_LSTEP - Layout Step
UCF_S_LST_MAPINFO - SEM-BCS: The source/target relationship
UCF_S_MANUAL - Manual data entry selection condition
UCF_S_MANUALDOC - Manual method for documents
UCF_S_MANUALLAYOUT - The method information for the layout
UCF_S_MDOC_ADDCHAR - Man. Journal Entry: Additional Characteristics
UCF_S_MDOC_ADDCHAR_FPROP - Man. Journal Entry: Properties of Additional Chars/Key Figs
UCF_S_MDOC_DEFTAX_GUI - GUI Field for Deferred Tax
UCF_S_MDOC_FIELD_IO - Manual Document Entry: I/O Properties of Characteristics
UCF_S_MDOC_FLDPOS - Manual Document Entry: Field Positions
UCF_S_MDOC_FPROP - Man. Journal Entry: Posting-specific Field Properties
UCF_S_MDOC_GUI - Man. Journal Entry: GUI
UCF_S_MDOC_SUBACCNT_IO - Man. Journal Entry: I/O Properties of Subassignments
UCF_S_METHDATATX_EXT - components of a data transfer method(external view)
UCF_S_METHDATATX_INT - components of a data transfer method(internal view)
UCF_S_METHOD_ALLOC_LP - Allocation Methods: List Processor
UCF_S_METHOD_CTR_LP - Currency Translat.: Methods: ListProzessor
UCF_S_METHOD_IUE_LP - IUE: Methods: List Processor
UCF_S_METHOD_LP - Methods: ListProzessorOutput
UCF_S_METHOD_RECLASS_LP - Reclassification Method: List Processor
UCF_S_METHOD_STEP_LP - Step Methods: ListProzessorOutput
UCF_S_METHOD_UPLOAD_LP - Upload Methods: List Processor
UCF_S_METHUPL - Upload method detail
UCF_S_MKEY - Key of a Consolidation Method
UCF_S_MON_CUST - Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display
UCF_S_MSTEP - Method Step
UCF_S_MSTEP_XRATE - Method Step and Exchange Rate
UCF_S_NDOC_POPUP - Popup for docname and visibility of named document
UCF_S_OC_SEND_RECV - OC: Sender/Receiver Relationships
UCF_S_OC_SEND_RECV_CUST - OC: Sender/Receiver Relationships - Customizing
UCF_S_PCC_CUS01 - Consolidation Group Change: Document Type Assignment
UCF_S_PCC_CUS01_GUI - Consolidation Group Change: Document Type Assignment
UCF_S_PCC_LOG_CHAR_DOC - CG Change: Document Characteristics in Log
UCF_S_PCC_METHOD_CHANGE - Method Change in Profit Center Consolidation
UCF_S_RCL_ATTR_TXT - RCL: Method Maint.: Available Attributes
UCF_S_RCL_COMP_GUI - RCL: Method Maint.: User Interface
UCF_S_RCL_DA_CHAR_TOTALS - Gener. Template: Structure with All Totals Chars Reclassif.
UCF_S_RCL_KFIG_TXT - RCL: Method Maint.: Available Key Figures
UCF_S_RCL_LOG_HELP - RCL: Help Structure for Method Log
UCF_S_REPUNIT_COITP - Accounting Technique of Primary Consolidation Unit
UCF_S_REQUESTED_DATASTRMTYPE - Requested Data Stream Types
UCF_S_REQUESTED_LEVELS - C/I: Requested Posting Levels
UCF_S_REQUESTED_SOURCE - C/I: Requested Data Sources (AFD or Totals/Equity)
UCF_S_REQUESTED_TABLES - C/I: Requested Tables
UCF_S_RESTAT_PROP1 - Properties of Restatement Role Without Other Dependencies
UCF_S_RESTAT_PROP_GUI - GUI: Restatement Properties
UCF_S_RND_COMP_FDISP - Rounding: Method Maint.: Available Fields
UCF_S_RND_COMP_GUI - Rounding: Rounding Type
UCF_S_RND_KFIG_CHECK - Rounding: Key Figure to be Checked
UCF_S_RND_KFIG_ROUND - Rounding: Key Figure to be Rounded
UCF_S_RND_LP - Rounding: List Processor Output
UCF_S_SPECIAL_ITEMS_DOCTY - Selected Items in Document Type
UCF_S_SUBCOMP - Method Subcomponent
UCF_S_SUBCOMP_VALUE - Method Subcomponent: Characteristic Values
UCF_S_SUBNET - Subnetwork of Supplier Structure
UCF_S_TAB_DEFINITION - Definition of Method Title Elements
UCF_S_T_VALUE - Structure for Field Name/Value Table
UCF_S_UPL_BLOCKING_FLD_LIST - Blocking Field List for ALV Grid
UCF_S_UPL_CHAR_DOC - Gener.Template: Upload: Doc. Data: Characteristics
UCF_S_UPL_CHAR_GUI - Upload: Method Maint.: Characteristic: GUI
UCF_S_UPL_COMP - Upload: Method Maint.: Components
UCF_S_UPL_COMP_FCAT - Upload: Method Maint.: Field Catalogs
UCF_S_UPL_COMP_FDEP - Upload: Method Maint.: Field and Catalog Dependency
UCF_S_UPL_COMP_FDISP - Upload: Method Maint.: Available Fields
UCF_S_UPL_COMP_GUI - Upload: Method Maint.: GUI
UCF_S_UPL_COPY - Upload: Copy
UCF_S_UPL_COPY_GUI - Upload: Copy
UCF_S_UPL_DATA2LST - Gen.Template: Upload: Data of Sublist Mapping
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_ASSETGROUP_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Supplier Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_ASSETLIAB_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Supplier Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_ASSET_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Supplier Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_ASSET_TRANS_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Supplier Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_EHA_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Eqty Hold.Adj.: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_EQU_KEY - Gener. Template: Upload: Equity: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_GW_KEY - Gener. Template: Upload: Goodwill: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_INV_EXT_KEY - Gen. Template: Upload of Third-Party Investment: Log. Key
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_INV_KEY - Gener. Template: Upload: Investments: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_COI_INV_STA - Gener. Template: Upload: Investments: Object Statistics
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_DOC_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Documents: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_GROUP_STA - Gener. Template: Upload: Trans.Data: ObjectStatistics
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_IPI_INV_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Inventory Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_IPI_SUP_KEY - Gener.Template: Upload: Supplier Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_KEY - Gener. Template: Upload: Trans. Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_KEY_ITEM - Gener. Template: Upload: Trans. Data: Logical Keys
UCF_S_UPL_DATA_STA - Gener. Template: Upload: Trans.Data: ObjectStatistics
UCF_S_UPL_DOCNR_LINE - Document Upload: Store Mapping of Temp Docnr to Line
UCF_S_UPL_FCAT - Upload: Method Maint.: Field Catalogs
UCF_S_UPL_FCAT_GUI - Upload: Method Maint.: Field Catalogs: GUI
UCF_S_UPL_FDEP - Upload: Method Maint.: Field and Catalog Dependency
UCF_S_UPL_FDEP_GUI - Upload: Method Maint.: Field and Catalog Dependency: GUI
UCF_S_UPL_FDISP - Upload: Method Maint.: Available Fields
UCF_S_UPL_FDISP_GUI - Upload: Method Maint.: Available Fields: GUI
UCF_S_UPL_FIELDCAT - Upload: Method Maint.: Field Catalogs
UCF_S_UPL_HRYINFO - Upload: Hierarchy Information
UCF_S_UPL_ITEM - Upload: Items (Gener.Template)
UCF_S_UPL_ITEM_LST - Upload: Items (List Output) (Gener. Template)
UCF_S_UPL_LINECOUNTALL - SEM-BCS: The line count for different data
UCF_S_UPL_LINEINFO - Upload: Additional Information About Data Row
UCF_S_UPL_LISTINFO - Upload: Additional Information About Data Row (List Output)
UCF_S_UPL_LISTINFO_HELP - Upload: Supplemental Information for a List
UCF_S_UPL_MASTERDATA - Upload: Master Data (Gener.Template)
UCF_S_UPL_MASTERDATA_LST - Upload: Master Data(List Output) (Gener. Template)
UCF_S_UPL_MASTERDATA_STA - Upload: Master Data (Gener.Template)
UCF_S_UPL_METHTYPE - Upload: Method Categories
UCF_S_UPL_METHTYPE_TXT - Upload: Method Categories: Texts
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNIT - Upload: Consolidation Units (Generation Template)
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNITS - Upload: Cons Unit Combinations (Generation Template)
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNITS_LST - Upload: CU Combinations (List Output) (Generation Template)
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNITS_STA - Upload: Method Assgmt Dependent on Consolidation Units (Log)
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNIT_IMPLEDGE - SEM-BCS: Implicit Edge Attribute Upload Structure
UCF_S_UPL_REPUNIT_LST - Upload: Cons Units (List Output) (Generation Template)
UCF_S_UPL_ROLLUP_CUST - Rollup Customizing
UCF_S_UPL_ROLLUP_EXPORT - Upload of Rollup, for Exporting Master Data from SEM-BCS
UCF_S_UPL_SIGN - Upload: Treatment of Dr/Cr Signs
UCF_S_UPL_TEXT - Upload: Texts
UCF_S_UPL_TXTYPE - Upload: Master Data (Gener.Template)
UCF_S_UPL_TXTYPE_LST - Upload: Transaction Type List
UCF_S_VALUE_CONVERSION - SEM-BCS: Type Conversion Structure
UCF_S_XRIND - Exchange Rate Indicators
UCF_S_XRIND_GUI - Exchange Rate Indicators: GUI
UCF_S_XRIND_GUI_ALV - Exchange Rate Indicators: GUI: ALV
UCF_S_XRTYP - Exchange rate types
UCF_S_XRTYP_GUI - Exchange Rate Types: GUI
UCI1101 - Data Basis, BW-specific Definition
UCI1102 - Data Stream, BW-specific Definition
UCI1201 - Date Entry Layout, BI-specific Definitions
UCI2100 - Upload of Rollup File: Nonstandard Subassignment Fields
UCI_S_BW_IOBJ - List of InfoObjects
UCI_S_BW_KFIG_INPUTABLE - BW Data Entry Inputable Flag for KFig
UCI_S_DATADESCR - Description of Data Table
UCI_S_ENQ_ODS_ACCESS - Data Stream: Lock Structure for Write Access to ODS
UCI_S_IOBJSEL - Selection of info objectsq
UCI_S_IOBJ_COMPOUND - InfoObjects - Compound
UCI_S_LOCKINFO - SAP BW: Context Info About Lock Call: Query, Service
UCI_S_LOCK_INFO - SAP BW: Context Info About Lock Call: Query, Service
UCI_S_MESSAGE - Messages
UCI_S_ODS_IOBJ - BW: ODS Object: InfoObjects
UCI_S_QUERY_LAYOUT - Query, Plus Layout
UCI_S_SEL - Selection Range per Row/Column
UCI_S_SFC - The structure of char for status reporting
UCI_S_SFK - The keyfigure structure for status reporting
UCL0010 - Text Information for Domains
UCL0100 - Personalization of List Processor in Web Dynpro
UCL0200 - Table with Stored Logs
UCL020C - Stored Logs
UCL200C - Audit Trail Category
UCL200T - Audit Trail Type: Text
UCL2011 - Audit Trail: Characteristics
UCL201G - Audit Trail: GUID
UCL201T - Audit Trail: Text
UCL202C - Log: Object Number
UCL2030 - Change Log: Number of Modified Records
UCL2031 - Change Log: Selections
UCL203C - Change Log
UCL2040 - Log: Stored Logs
UCL205C - Log: Object Number
UCL2_S_ALV_TEMPLATE - Structure for ALV Grid - Config Log Variants
UCL2_S_ALV_VARIANT - Structure for ALV Grid - Config Log Variants
UCL_SX_LOGTYPE - Audit Trail Definition for Type
UCL_SX_LOG_CALLBACK_DESCR - Log: Callback Data Description
UCL_SX_LOG_CAT_DEF - Audit Trail: Catalog Properties
UCL_SX_LOG_COMBINATIONS - Log: Executable Combinations
UCL_SX_LOG_DATA_DESCR - Log: Description of Data
UCL_SX_LOG_DESCRIPTION_STRUCT - Log: Description of Data of a Structure
UCL_SX_LOG_INFO - Log: Instance with Information
UCL_SX_LOG_INSTANCE_INFO - Log: Instance with Information
UCL_SX_LOG_LAYOUT - Log: Summary of Layout Data
UCL_SX_LOG_TEMPLATE - Log: Structure of Template - Config. Log
UCL_SX_LOG_VARIANT - Log: Structure of Variant - Config. Log
UCL_S_DTS_MODIF - Number of Modified Records per Data Stream
UCL_S_LOG - Log: Log Category of Variant
UCL_S_LOGDEF - Log: Description
UCL_S_LOGTYPE_TXT - Audit Trail: Audit Trail Type Text
UCL_S_LOGVAR_TXT - Log: User Variant - Text
UCL_S_LOG_ABAP_DESCR - Log: Description of Data
UCL_S_LOG_CALLBACK - Audit Trail: Callback Information
UCL_S_LOG_CALLBACK_INFO - Log: Callback Class, Method, and Parameter
UCL_S_LOG_CATALOG - Audit Trail: Catalog Property
UCL_S_LOG_CAT_CHAR - Audit Trail: Chars per Catalog
UCL_S_LOG_CAT_CHAR_BD - Audit Trail: Characteristics/Key Figures per Catalog
UCL_S_LOG_CHARPROP - Audit Trail: Characteristics/Key Figures Without Breakdown
UCL_S_LOG_CHARPROP_BD - Audit Trail: Characteristics/Key Figures (With Breakdown)
UCL_S_LOG_CHAR_DEF - Audit Trail: Characteristic Properties
UCL_S_LOG_CUST_GUI - Audit Trail: GUI Elements
UCL_S_LOG_DESCRIPTION - Log: Description of Data
UCL_S_LOG_F4 - Log: F4 Help for Persistence
UCL_S_LOG_F4_GUI - Log: F4 Help for Persistence
UCL_S_LOG_FFIX - Audit Trail: Fixed Characteristic Values
UCL_S_LOG_FFIX_PROPERTIES - Log: Properties of Header
UCL_S_LOG_HELP - Log: General Help Structure for Method Log
UCL_S_LOG_KFIG_DEF - Audit Trail: Key Figure Properties
UCL_S_LOG_LAYOUT_OTHER - Log: Data for Identifying the Layout
UCL_S_LOG_MSG_SUBLIST - Log: Sublist Fieldname + Value for Messages
UCL_S_LOG_STATUS - Audit Trail: Status Information
UCL_S_LOG_STRUCT - Log: Display Structures
UCL_S_LOG_SUBLIST - Audit Trail: Detail Screen Information
UCL_S_LOG_TEMPLATE_CHAR - Log: Structure for Char./Key Figure of Template - Config Log
UCL_S_LOG_TYPE_GUI_TXT - Audit Trail: Audit Trail Type Text
UCL_S_LOG_VARIANT_CHAR - Log: Structure for Char. of Variant - Config Log
UCL_S_LOG_VARIANT_KFIG - Log: Structure for Key Figure of Variant - Config Log
UCL_S_LOG_XML - Log: XML Description
UCL_S_LP_ADD_FINFO - List Processor: Additional Field Information
UCL_S_LP_BLIST - List Processor: Link Between List and Sublist
UCL_S_LP_FDISP - List Processor: Fields of List
UCL_S_LP_FFIX - List Processor: Fields with Fixed Values
UCL_S_LP_FIELDNAME - List Processor: Field Name
UCL_S_LP_FORKEY - List Processor: Foreign Key
UCL_S_LP_FUSED - List Processor: Fields in Data Table
UCL_S_LP_KCORR - List Processor: Correlation of Key Figures
UCL_S_LP_KDISP - List Processor: Key Figures of List
UCL_S_LP_LIST - List Processor: Properties of List
UCL_S_LP_LOG - Structure for List Processor Output and ODS Changes
UCL_S_LP_MESSAGE - List Processor: Messages for List
UCL_S_LP_OPT_FCODE - List Processor: Display of Optional Menu Entries
UCL_S_LP_PRINT - Additional Print Parameters for List Processor
UCL_S_LP_RCALL - List Processor: Report Program Calls
UCL_S_LP_TAB - List Processor: Important Fields
UCL_S_LP_TXTSHOW - List Processor: Text Structure for List Output
UCL_S_LP_VALUE - List Processor: Value
UCL_S_LP_VAL_DERIV - List Processor: Value Derivation from Control Fields
UCM0000 - Consolidation: General Settings
UCM0001 - Consolidation: General Settings: Changes
UCM0010 - Data Streams of the Data Basis
UCM0011 - Data Basis: Subassignments, Fixed in Breakdown Category
UCM0012 - Data Basis: Allocation Characteristics
UCM0013 - Data Basis: Optional Fields, Contained in Data Stream
UCM0014 - Data Basis: Display and Selection Attributes
UCM0015 - Additional Data Streams of Data Basis
UCM0016 - Data Basis: Source Data Bases
UCM0017 - Data Basis: Restatement Characteristics
UCM001C - Data Basis of Consolidation
UCM001S - Data Basis of Consolidation: Surrogate ID
UCM001T - Data Basis Name
UCM002C - Data Stream of Consolidation
UCM002S - Data Stream of Consolidation: Surrogate ID
UCM002T - Data Stream Name
UCM0030 - Consolidation Area: Characteristics and Key Figures
UCM0031 - Consolidation Area: Permanent Parameters
UCM0032 - Consolidation Area: Restrictions
UCM0033 - Consolidation Area: Properties
UCM003C - Consolidation Area
UCM003T - Consolidation Area Name
UCM1000 - Explicit Values: Field Catalog
UCM1001 - Explicit Values: Values
UCM100G - Explicit Values: GUID
UCM100T - Explicit Values: Text
UCM2000 - Default Values
UCM2010 - Default Values
UCM201C - Default Values
UCM600C - Organizational Change Number
UCM600T - Organizational Change Number
UCM6010 - Organizational Change Number: Relevant Cons Unit
UCM6011 - OC Number: Sender/Receiver Rel.
UCM6100 - Organizational Change: Top Nodes
UCM610C - Organizational Change: Top Nodes
UCMA100 - Type of Assets/Liabilities: Posting Items
UCMA101 - Type of Asset/Liability: Consolidation Frequency
UCMA10C - Type of Assets/Liabilities
UCMA10T - Type of Assets/Liabilities
UCMA_S_ALTYPE_PROP - Properties of Role ALTYPE
UCMA_S_ALTYPE_PROP1 - Properties of Role ALTYPE: Simple
UCMA_S_ALTYPE_PROP2 - Properties of Role ALTYPE, Version and Time-dependent
UCMA_S_ALTYPE_PROP3 - Properties of Role ALTYPE, Version and Time Dependent (2)
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP - Properties of Role "Asset"
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP1 - Properties of Role "Asset" Without Other Dependencies
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP2 - Properties of Role "Asset", Dependent on Asset Version
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP3 - Properties of Role "Asset", Dependent on Asset Version, Time
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP4 - Properties of Role "Asset", Dep. on Asset Ver., Time, CURKEY
UCMA_S_ASSET_PROP5 - Properties of Role "Asset", Dep. on AREA, Account Ver., Time
UCMA_S_ASSET_SCRAP - Properties of Role Asset: Scrap Value
UCMD00C - SEM-BCS: Posting Level
UCMD00T - SEM-BCS: Texts for Posting Level
UCMD01C - SEM-BCS: Translation Assignment
UCMD01T - SEM-BCS: Texts for Translation Assignment
UCMD02C - Automatic Line Item
UCMD02T - Automatic Posting Line Item (Text)
UCMD03C - C/I: Treatment of Goodwill
UCMD03T - C/I: Treatment of Goodwill (Text)
UCMD04C - Direction Indicator for Elimination of Investment Income
UCMD04T - Direction Indicator for Elim. of Investment Income: Text
UCMD05C - Document Category
UCMD05T - Document Category (Text)
UCMD06C - Workflow Status
UCMD06T - Workflow Status (Text)
UCMD07C - Change of Control
UCMD07T - Change of Control: Text
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP1 - Properties of Role Doc.Type w/o More Dependencies
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP2 - Properties of Role Doc.Type, Dependent on Doc.Type Version
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP3 - Properties of Role Doc.Type per Field
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP4 - Properties of Role Document Type: Tax Rate
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP5 - Properties of Role Doc.Type, dep. on Version, FROMYEAR
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_PROP6 - Properties of Role Doc.Type, Depend. on Area, Version, Time
UCMD_S_DOCTYPE_SAPROP - Properties of Doc.Type for Subassignments
UCMI100 - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment
UCMI10C - Breakdown Categories
UCMI10T - Breakdown Categories: Name
UCMI200 - Selected Items: Cross-Functional
UCMI201 - Selected Items: Document Type-dependent
UCMI20C - Selected Items: Check Table
UCMI20T - Selected Items: Text Table
UCMI210 - Selected Items: Consolidation of Investments
UCMI220 - Selected Items: Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory
UCMI300 - Deferred Tax Items
UCMI30C - Deferred Tax Items
UCMI30S - Deferred Tax Items
UCMI30T - Deferred Tax Items
UCMI_S_ITEM_PROP1 - Properties of Role Item w/o More Dependencies
UCMI_S_ITEM_PROP2 - Properties of Role Item, Dep. on Cons Area and Version
UCMI_S_ITKEY_DOC_GEN - Gener.Template: Selected Item
UCMI_S_TXTYPE_PROP1 - Properties of Role Trans.Type w/o Further Dependencies
UCML000 - Monitor Layouts: Properties
UCML00C - Monitor Layouts
UCML00T - Monitor Layouts: Name
UCML010 - Monitor Layouts: Header Characteristics
UCML020 - Monitor Layouts: Row Characteristics
UCML021 - Monitor Layouts: Row Chars in SID Presentation
UCML030 - Monitor Layouts: Column Characteristics
UCML031 - Monitor Layouts: Column Chars in SID Presentation
UCML040 - Monitor Layouts: Task Sequence
UCML100 - Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display
UCML10C - Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display
UCMP000 - Perm. Parameters: Current Cons Area
UCMP010 - Parameter Set: Values
UCMP01C - Check Table for Parameter Set
UCMP01T - Text Table for Parameter Set
UCMP020 - Perm. Parameters: Char.Values per Cons Area
UCMP030 - Global Parameters: Users with Authorization Check
UCMP040 - Global Parameters: Roles with Authorization Check
UCMP_S_USER_PARAMETER - Global Parameters Mass Change: Structure for ALV
UCMR_S_REPUNITCMB_PROP1 - Properties of Role Reporting Unit Comb., dep. on Attr.Vers.
UCMR_S_REPUNIT_PROP1 - Properties of Role Cons Unit, Dependent on Data Entry Vers.
UCMR_S_REPUNIT_PROP2 - Properties of Role Cons Unit, Dependent on Fiscal Year
UCMR_S_REPUNIT_PROP3 - Properties of Role Reporting Unit, Dep. on Version + Year
UCMR_S_REPUNIT_PROP4 - Properties of IU Role, Dependent on Characteristic Key
UCMT00C - Period Category Group
UCMT00T - Period Category Group: Name
UCMT010 - Period Category: Periods
UCMT01C - Period Category
UCMT01T - Period Category: Name
UCMT100 - Cons Frequency: Periods
UCMT10C - Consolidation Frequency
UCMT10T - Cons Frequency: Name
UCMT200 - Consolidation Cycle
UCMT20C - Consolidation Cycle
UCMT20T - Consolidation Cycle
UCMV01C - SEM-BCS: Special Versions
UCMV01S - SEM-BCS: Special Versions: Surrogate ID
UCMV01T - SEM-BCS: Special Versions: Name
UCM_SX_AREA - Consolidation Area
UCM_SX_AREA_RESTRICTION - Consolidation Area: Restrictions
UCM_SX_ITGRP_BD - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Information (Gener.Template)
UCM_SX_ITGRP_BD_FIX - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Information (Gener.Template)
UCM_SX_REPUNITS - Gener.Template: Cons Unit Combinations (Value Instance)
UCM_SX_REPUNIT_HRY_NL_PROP_INH - True Nodes and All Leaves: Properties of Role Reporting Unit
UCM_SX_REPUNIT_HRY_NL_P_INH_TI - True Nodes and All End Nodes: Attr.Role Rep.Unit, Time-dep.
UCM_SX_SVERSIONTYPE - Versions: Attributes of Each Specific Version Type
UCM_SX_VERSIONS - Gener. Template: Version Combination (Value Instance)
UCM_S_ALV - Structure for global setting of cons area ALV
UCM_S_AREA - Consolidation Area
UCM_S_AREA_COPY_SSCR - Selection Screen for Copying Cons Area-dependent Customizing
UCM_S_AREA_FDISP - Consolidation Area: Available Fields
UCM_S_AREA_FIELD - Consolidation Area: Fields
UCM_S_AREA_GUI - Consolidation Area: GUI
UCM_S_AREA_LP - Consolidation Area Customizing: List Processor
UCM_S_AREA_PROP - SEM-BCS: Consolidation Area: Properties
UCM_S_AREA_SDISP - Consolidation Area: Available Selection Types
UCM_S_AREA_TASK_AUTH_GUI - Consolidation Area: Authorization Fields
UCM_S_ASSET_F4 - Data Basis: F4/Input Help for Assets and Liabilities
UCM_S_ATTR_SID - SEM-BCS: Master Data: Hidden Attribute
UCM_S_BDCHK_DATA - BD Check f. Trans. Data: Breakdowns to be Corrected
UCM_S_BDCHK_DATAPROP - BD Check f. Trans. Data: Properties of Data Record
UCM_S_BDCHK_DATA_GUI - BD Check f. Trans. Data: Breakdowns to be Corrected
UCM_S_BDCHK_FIELD - Breakdown Check of Transaction Data: Fields
UCM_S_BDCHK_FPROP - Breakdown Check of Transaction Data: Field Properties
UCM_S_BDCHK_FPROP_GUI - Breakdown Check of Transaction Data: Field Properties (GUI)
UCM_S_BDCHK_ITEMPROP - BD Check f. Trans. Data: Item Properties
UCM_S_BDCHK_ITEM_ADDPROP - BD Check f. Trans. Data: Additional Item Properties
UCM_S_BDCHK_PAR - Breakdown Check of Transaction Data: Text Variable
UCM_S_BDCHK_RESUMEE - Breakdown Check of Trans.Data: Summary of Check Step
UCM_S_BDCHK_RESUMEE_REC_MSG - Breakdown Check of Trans.Data: Summary: Records w/Messages
UCM_S_BDCHK_SEL_ABS - Brkdn Chk Transaction Data: SelCond via Absolute Fieldnames
UCM_S_BDCHK_VALUE - Brkdn Chk Transaction Data: Value per Field
UCM_S_CONSAREA - Consolidation Area
UCM_S_CONSCYCLE - Cons Cycle: Cons Frequencies
UCM_S_CONSCYCLE_LP - Print List of Customizing for Consolidation Cycle
UCM_S_CONSCYCLE_PERIODS - Consolidation Cycle: Periods
UCM_S_CRIT_CHANGE - Critical Changes to Generated Objects
UCM_S_CUST_BDCHK_MSG - Check/Create Consistency of Customizing: Messages
UCM_S_DATABASIS_LP - Data Basis Customizing: List Processor
UCM_S_DBS_FDISP - Data Basis: Role Maint.: Available Fields
UCM_S_DBS_FDISP_DTS - Data Basis: Data Streams: Available Fields
UCM_S_DBS_FIELD_DTS - Data Basis: Fields of a Data Stream
UCM_S_DBS_GUI - Data Basis: GUI
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_ALLOC_FLD - Data Basis: GUI: Available Allocation Characteristics
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_AUTHORITY - Data Basis: Characteristics: Authorization Check
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_AUTH_VALID - Data Basis: Charas: Authorization and Validity Check
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_CATALOG - Data Basis: GUI: InfoObject Catalogs
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_FATTR - Data Basis: Display and Selection Attributes
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_FIELD - Data Basis: Fields
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_FIELD_FIX - Data Basis: Fixed Fields
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_FIELD_FIX_AVAIL - Data Basis: Available Fixed Fields
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_INFOPROV - Data Basis: Interface: InfoProvider
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_IOBJCAT_F4 - Data Basis: Interface: F4 for InfoObject Catalog
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_MAP_ATTR - Data Basis: Mapping: Local and SAP BW Attributes
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_MAP_ATTR_AVAIL - Data Basis: Mapping: Available Local Attributes
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_MAP_FATTR - Data Basis: Mapping: SAP BW Attributes
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_REPTEXT - Data Basis: Texts as Column Headings for List Output
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_ROLE - Data Basis: GUI: Roles of the Characteristics
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_SOURCE - Data Basis: GUI: Source Data Basis
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_STREAM - Data Basis: GUI: Data Streams
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_STREAM_F4 - Data Basis: User Interface: F4 for Data Streams
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_STREAM_FIELD - Data Basis: Interface: Data Streams: Fields
UCM_S_DBS_GUI_VALIDITY - Data Basis: Characteristics: Validity
UCM_S_DBS_MAP_ATTR - Data Basis: Mapping: Local and SAP BW Attributes
UCM_S_DBS_RDISP - Data Basis: Role Maint.: Available Roles
UCM_S_DBS_REPTEXT - Data Basis: Texts as Column Headings for List Output
UCM_S_DBS_ROLE - Data Basis: Allocated Roles
UCM_S_DBS_SOURCE - Data Basis: Source Data Basis
UCM_S_DEFVAL - Default Values
UCM_S_DEFVAL2 - Default Values
UCM_S_DEFVAL_DT - Structure like UCM2010
UCM_S_DOCTYPE_PRINT - Properties of Document Types
UCM_S_DOCTYPE_PROP - Properties of Document Types
UCM_S_DTAXBS - Deferred Tax Items
UCM_S_DTST_ROLE - Data Stream Type: Role
UCM_S_DTST_ROLE_COUNT - Data Stream Type: Number of Fields per Role
UCM_S_DTS_GENERATION_STATUS - Data Stream: Status After Generation
UCM_S_DTS_GUI - Data Stream: GUI
UCM_S_FCAT - Row Structure: ALV Structure - Field Catalog
UCM_S_FIELD_VDY_TYPE - Characteristic: Validity Type
UCM_S_FISCTIME_PERTYPE - Master Data: Combination Fiscal Date/Period Category
UCM_S_FPROP_TECH - Technical Field Properties
UCM_S_FSFREQUENCY_PERIOD - Cons Frequency: Periods
UCM_S_FSFREQUENCY_PERIODS - Cons Frequency: Cons Periods (Current, Previous, Next)
UCM_S_FSFREQUENCY_PROP - Cons Frequency: Properties
UCM_S_FSORT - Row Structure: ALV Structure - Sort
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_AREA - Gener.Template for Area-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_AREA_SVERS - Gener.Template for Version-dep. Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_AREA_SVERS_TIME - Gen.Template for Area/Version/Time-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_AREA_SVERS_TIME2 - Gen.Template for Attributes Dep. on Area/Version/Time/SeqNo.
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_FIELDNAME - Gener.Template for Field Name-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_FROMYEAR - Gener.Template for Effective Year-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_SVERS - Gener.Template for Version-dep. Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_SVERS_FROMTIME - Gener. Template for Version + Time-dep. Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_SVERS_FROMYEAR - Gener.Template for Version/FYEAR-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GEN_KEY_SVERS_TIME_CKEY - Gen.Template for Version/Time/Currency-dependent Attributes
UCM_S_GLOBALPARAM_FIELD - Permanent Parameters: Characteristics
UCM_S_ITEM_PRINT - Gener.Template: Item Printing
UCM_S_ITGRP - Breakdown Categories: Breakdown Info per Subassignment
UCM_S_ITGRP_CHECK - BD Categories: Fields Relevant for Check Method
UCM_S_ITGRP_PRINT - Gener.Template: Breakdown Category - Master Data List
UCM_S_ITGRP_PROP - Breakdown Categories: Properties
UCM_S_ITKEY - Selected Items
UCM_S_ITKEY_COI - Selected Item
UCM_S_ITKEY_DOC - Selected Item
UCM_S_ITKEY_IPI - Selected Item
UCM_S_LIST_FDISP - Row Structure: ALV Structure - Field Catalog, Sort
UCM_S_LIST_GROUP - Row Structure: Field Grouping for ALV Grid
UCM_S_LOG_PHYS_NAME - Properties of Generated Logical Objects (Phys. Name, etc.)
UCM_S_LOG_PHYS_NAME_LIST - List Structure: Properties of Generated Logical Objects
UCM_S_MAPPING_F4 - Data Basis: F4/Input Help for Tabs Mapping
UCM_S_MASSRVS_DOCUMENT_KEY - Mass Reversal: Document Display
UCM_S_MCB_AMOUNT_CURR - Reference Structure for Field Catalog (Currency)
UCM_S_MCB_AMOUNT_QUAN - Reference Structure for Field Catalog (Quantity)
UCM_S_MCB_FIELD - MiniCube: Characteristics to be Displayed
UCM_S_MCB_FIELD_LP - MiniCube: List Processor Field Names
UCM_S_MCB_GUI_DATA - Minicube: Data Records
UCM_S_MCB_GUI_FDISP - MiniCube: Characteristics to be Displayed
UCM_S_MCB_GUI_VALUE - Minicube: Characteristic Values of Data Records
UCM_S_MCB_LP - Minicube: List Processor Output
UCM_S_MOL - Monitor Layout
UCM_S_MOL_COL - Monitor Layout: Column Characteristics
UCM_S_MOL_COL2 - Monitor Layout: Column Chars in SID Presentation
UCM_S_MOL_HEADER - Monitor Layout: Header Characteristics
UCM_S_MOL_PROP - Monitor Layout: Properties
UCM_S_MOL_ROW - Monitor Layout: Row Characteristics
UCM_S_MOL_ROW2 - Monitor Layout: Row Chars in SID Presentation
UCM_S_MOL_TASK_HIERARCHY - Task Hierarchy Structure
UCM_S_OCTOPNODE - Organizational Change: Top Nodes
UCM_S_OC_BUFFER - OC: Buffer for Sender/Receiver Rels
UCM_S_ORGCHANGE - Organisational Change Number: Top Nodes
UCM_S_ORGCHANGE_PRINT - Organisational Change Number: Top Nodes
UCM_S_PARAMETER - Parameters
UCM_S_PARAMETER_AREA_GUI - Fields for Maintaining Parameters
UCM_S_PERTYPEGROUP_PROP - Period Category Group: Properties
UCM_S_PERTYPE_PERIOD - Period Category: Periods
UCM_S_PERTYPE_PROP - Period Category: Properties
UCM_S_PHYS_NAME_TR_KEY - Link betw. Physical Name and Transport Key
UCM_S_PHYS_NAME_VER - Versions of a Generated Object
UCM_S_REPUNITS_DATATXPROC - Gener.Template: Cons Units: Methods for a Task
UCM_S_REPUNITS_METHOD - Gener.Template: Cons Units: Methods for a Task
UCM_S_REPUNITS_METHOD_UPL - Gener.Template: Cons Units: Upload Methods for a Task
UCM_S_REPUNIT_COMBI_ATTR - Cons Unit Combinations: Attributes
UCM_S_REPUNIT_HRY_EDGE_ATTR - Cons Groups: Edge Attributes
UCM_S_REPUNIT_HRY_EDGE_ATTRALL - Cons Groups: Edge Attributes + Keys
UCM_S_REPUNIT_HRY_EDGE_PROP - Properties of Leaves in Hierarchy of Role Reporting Unit
UCM_S_REPUNIT_IMPLEDGE_ATTR - Attributes at Implied Links for Units
UCM_S_REPUNIT_IMPLEDGE_ATTRKEY - Key Field Attributes at Implicit Edges for Units
UCM_S_SVERSION - Consolidation: Special Version
UCM_S_SVERSIONTYPE_TXT - Special Version Types: Texts
UCM_S_SVERSION_FLD - Consolidation: Special Version (Characteristic-Dependent)
UCM_S_SVERSION_TXT - Special Versions: Texts
UCM_S_TASKTYPE_PLEVEL - Task Category: Posting Levels
UCM_S_TEXT - Texts for a Characteristic Value (Internal Representation)
UCM_S_TKT_ATTR_PLEVEL - Task Category: Attribute: Posting Levels
UCM_S_TRACE_MDF_METHOD_CALL - Tracing of Calls to MDF for Unit Tests
UCM_S_TRACE_MDF_METHOD_PARA - Tracing of Calls to MDF for Unit Tests
UCM_S_TRANSPORT_LP - Transport Data: List Processor
UCM_S_TXTYPE - Trans. Type
UCM_S_TXTYPE_PRINT - Gener. Template: Trans. Type: Master Data List
UCM_S_USER_PARAMETER - Global Parameters Mass Change: Structure for ALV
UCM_S_VERSIONS_ATTR - Gener.Template: Attributes of Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSIONS_CONSCYCLE - Gen.Template: Consolidation Cycle
UCM_S_VERSIONS_FLD_ATTR - Gener. Template: Field-dep. Attributes for Version Combi
UCM_S_VERSIONS_FLD_SVERSION - Gener.Template: Special Versions for Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSIONS_MULTICUBE - Gener.Template: Version Combinations: MultiCube Support
UCM_S_VERSIONS_SVERSION - Gener.Template: Special Versions for Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSIONS_SVERSION_FLD - Gener.Template: Special Versions for Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSIONS_SVERSION_REF - Gener.Template: Reference Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSIONS_SVERSION_REF_P - Gener.Template: Reference Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSION_COMBI_TXT - Gener.Template: Texts for Version Combination
UCM_S_VERSION_COMB_PRINT - Gener. Template: Version Combination Master Data List
UCM_S_VIRTUAL_CHAR_ATTR - Attributes of Artificial Characteristics
UCM_S_VRS_ATTR - Attributes of Version Combination
UCM_S_VRS_ATTR_ALL - Attributes of Version Combination
UCM_S_VRS_FLD_ATTR - Field-dep. Attributes for Version Combination
UCM_S_VRS_SVERSION_FIELD - Version Combinations: Characteristics for Special Versions
UCM_S_VRS_SVERSION_FIELD_GUI - Version Combinations: Characteristics for Special Versions
UCS000C - Task Categories
UCS000T - Task Categories: Text
UCS0010 - Tasks: Time Stamp of Status-relevant Customizing Settings
UCS0100 - Tasks: Method
UCS0101 - Tasks: Document Type
UCS0102 - Tasks: CU-Dependency of Method Assignment
UCS0103 - Tasks: Elimination of IU P/L in Inventory
UCS0104 - Tasks: Validation
UCS0105 - Tasks: Cons Frequency
UCS0106 - Tasks: Posting Levels
UCS0107 - Tasks: Processing Type
UCS0108 - Tasks: Data Streams for Copy Task
UCS0109 - Tasks: Copy Task
UCS010C - Tasks
UCS010S - Tasks
UCS010T - Tasks: Text
UCS0110 - Tasks: Preceding Tasks
UCS0120 - Tasks: Status-bearing Cons Groups
UCS01A0 - Tasks: Settings for Log Display
UCS01A1 - Tasks: Log Layout: Custom Layouts
UCS01A2 - Tasks: Log Layout: Sequence, Active/Inactive
UCS01A3 - Tasks: IPA or CVA
UCS01A4 - Tasks: Cons Group Selection
UCS01A5 - Tasks: Balance Carryforward Task
UCS01A6 - Tasks: Workflow Variant
UCS01A7 - Measures: Workflow_variant for Sign-Off Task
UCS01A8 - Measures: Selection ID for repunit and repgroup
UCS01A9 - Measures: Query
UCS01AA - Tasks: Reclassification
UCS01AB - Tasks: Consolidation Group Change
UCS01AC - Tasks: Data Transfer
UCS01AD0 - Tasks: Sign-Off (Matrix Dimension)
UCS01AD1 - Tasks: Sign-Off
UCS01AE - Tasks: Reconciliations
UCS01L1 - Tasks: Suppress Messages in Logs
UCS020C - Task Groups
UCS020S - Task Groups
UCS020T - Task Groups: Text
UCS0300 - Cycle: Consolidation Frequency
UCS0301 - Cycle: Version
UCS030C - Cycle
UCS030T - Cycle: Text
UCS0400 - Statusbearing Rep.Groups for Interunit Level 10
UCSSCR00 - Assignments of Cons Area to Generated Report Programs
UCSSCR10 - Assignments of Cons Area + Task Category to Sel. Screen
UCSSCR15 - Assignments of Cons Area + Task Type to Sel. Screen
UCSSCR20 - Assignment of Cons Area to Generated Programs/Screens
UCSSCR25 - Assignment of Data Stream to Generated Screens (Source DBs)
UCSSCR30 - Screen Directory for Printing Master Data Characteristics
UCSSCR35 - Assignment of Data Basis to Generated Programs/Screens
UCSSCR40 - Asgt of Cons Area + Method Category and Program + Sel.Screen
UCST001 - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics
UCS_SX_AUTH_REPUNIT - SEM-BCS: Authorization for Tasks: Consolidation Unit
UCS_SX_COPY_ST - Gener.Template: Copy Task: Source and Target
UCS_SX_HRY_STAT_TREE - Cons Hierarchy Tree with Status Info
UCS_SX_PAIR_CG_DONE - Two-sided Status: Processed Groups
UCS_SX_PAIR_CG_TODO - Two-sided Status: Groups to Process
UCS_SX_PAIR_CU_CG_DONE - Two-sided Status: Processed Groups and Units
UCS_SX_PAIR_LOCK - Two-sided Status
UCS_SX_RESTR_CG - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_SIGNOFF_PROP - Sign-Off Task: Attributes
UCS_SX_STAT_NODE - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Node
UCS_SX_STM_AGGR - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_ALL_LEAFS - SIDs of All Leaves for a Characteristic
UCS_SX_STM_AUTOMATON - Automaton of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_CG_LEAFS - SIDs of Successors of Groups
UCS_SX_STM_CG_STATUS_MAP - Status-bearing Groups for Level 10 Processing
UCS_SX_STM_COMBI - FIN Master Data: Combination Field
UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_1 - Period-dependent Assignment BottomUp Index StatusAggregation
UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_2 - Period-dependent Assignment Task Sequence/Tasks
UCS_SX_STM_CONTENT_DATA_3 - Period-dependent Assignment BottomUp Index StatusAggregation
UCS_SX_STM_CONV_SIDS - Structure for Multiconversion SIDs
UCS_SX_STM_FIELD - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_CHECK - Gen. Template: Structure with Status-rel.Char, Status Check
UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_CHECK_MSG - Gener. Template: Structure w/Status-rel.Char,Check,Message
UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_HRY - Hierarchy as Flat Table
UCS_SX_STM_FLAT_UPDATE - Gen. Template: Structure with Status-rel.Char, Status Update
UCS_SX_STM_HIERARCHY - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_HRY - Hierarchy Information
UCS_SX_STM_INDEX - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_MATRIX - Transformation Matrix of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_PRODUCT - Structure for Buffering in Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_REQ_STATUS - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_SID_TARGET - Structure Status Mgmt CU Combination: Target Tasks
UCS_SX_STM_SOURCE_INFOS - Structure with Info on Source Versions/Currencies
UCS_SX_STM_SOURCE_TARGET_INFOS - Structure with Info on Sources and Targets
UCS_SX_STM_TARGET_INFOS - Structure with Info on Sources and Targets
UCS_SX_STM_TASK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STM_UPD_STATUS - Structure of Status Management
UCS_SX_STREAM - Additional Financial Data I/O Streams
UCS_SX_TASK_DATA - Task Properties (for Parallel Processing)
UCS_SX_TASK_FISCTIME_SEL - Task/Fiscal Date/Selection Condition
UCS_SX_TASK_PACKAGE - Packaging of Tasks
UCS_SX_TASK_SEL_REPGROUP - Gen.Template: Task: Cons Group Selection
UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer
UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer: Methods
UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_BUFFER_TASK - Tasks: Shared Memory: Buffer: Tasks
UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_FSFREQUENCY - Tasks: Shared Memory: Consolidation Frequency
UCS_SX_TASK_SHM_METH_CROSSUNIT - Tasks: Shared Memory: Cross-Unit Method: Characteristics
UCS_SX_TOTALS_DOC - Gener.Template: Structure for Transaction Data, Doc.No./Line
UCS_S_AREA_LP - Area Customizing : List Processor
UCS_S_AUTHORIZATION_FIELD - Authorization Check for Tasks - Assigned Characteristics
UCS_S_AUTHORIZED_VALUE - Authorization Check for Tasks: Authorized Values
UCS_S_BOTUP_COMBINATION - Assigned Cons Unit or Cons Group
UCS_S_BOTUP_INDX_NM - Structure Bottom-Up Index, Non-Matrix
UCS_S_CHPROP - SEM-BCS: Structure with Key Fields for a Characteristic
UCS_S_CTR_METHOD - Currency translation method with rounding method
UCS_S_DOCREFRESH - Repetition of Automatically Posted Document Types
UCS_S_DOCTYPESEM - Semantics of Doc.Types in Context of Task Execution
UCS_S_FISCTIME_TASK_PREC - Preceding Task at Fiscal Date
UCS_S_MESSAGE_PARAMETER - Structure for Messages
UCS_S_NTOS - Row Mapping Table: Cons HY Tree with Status
UCS_S_PAIR_CGT_TODO - Two-sided Status: Groups and Units to be Processed
UCS_S_REPGROUP_STATUS_MAP - Assignment of Cons Units to Status-bearing Cons Groups
UCS_S_REPGROUP_VALUE - Reporting Groups
UCS_S_REPUNITS_METHOD - Gener.Template: Cons Units: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_REPUNIT_VALUE - Reporting Units
UCS_S_SIGNOFF_TASKGRP - Sign-Off for Task Group
UCS_S_STATUSINFO - Information for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU1 - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU2 - Internal Processing Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU3 - Structure with Globally Defined Characteristics
UCS_S_STATUS_CGCU4 - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CG_1 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CG_2 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CG_3 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CU_1 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CU_2 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_CU_3 - Internal Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STATUS_INFO - Status Information - Task Status
UCS_S_STATUS_LOG - Status Log Information - Task Status
UCS_S_STATUS_PERIOD - Status Information - Period Status
UCS_S_STATUS_PERIOD_LOG - Status Log Information - Period Status
UCS_S_STATUS_REQUEST - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management (Query)
UCS_S_STATUS_UPDATE - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management (Update)
UCS_S_STAT_001 - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Output
UCS_S_STAT_ATTRIB - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Attribute Value
UCS_S_STAT_ATTRIB_TXT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics
UCS_S_STAT_ATTR_SETTINGS - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Attribute Settings
UCS_S_STAT_EXTRACT - Extractor Structure f. SEM-BCS Statistics
UCS_S_STAT_FLAT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics
UCS_S_STAT_HRY - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Hierarchy
UCS_S_STAT_MAP - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Mapping
UCS_S_STAT_NODE_ATTRIB - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic: Node and Attribute
UCS_S_STAT_NODE_SETTINGS - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistic Node Settings
UCS_S_STAT_NODE_TXT - SEM-BCS: Performance Statistics
UCS_S_STM_ARV_LOG - Log Information for Status Archiving
UCS_S_STM_ARV_LOG_DISP - Log of Status Archiving (List)
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDEX_CG - Bottom-Up Index for Status Aggregation (Cons Groups)
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDEX_CU - Bottom-Up Index for Status Aggregation (Cons Units)
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU - Index for Assignment of Cons Units to Cons Groups
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU2 - Flat Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CG_CU_NM - Structure Bottom-Up Index, Non-Matrix
UCS_S_STM_BOTUP_INDX_CU_NM - Structure of Cons Units
UCS_S_STM_CG - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_CG_PROP - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_CHAR - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_CHECK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_COMBINATIONS - Data Set of Valid Combinations
UCS_S_STM_COMB_ERROR_WARNG - Structure for Errors/Warnings During Status Update
UCS_S_STM_COMB_STATUS - Tupel of Valid Combinations with Status Info
UCS_S_STM_CU - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_CU_PROP - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_EXCEPT - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_EXEC_PARAM - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_FIELD - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_FIELDS - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_HIER_ITEM - Structure for Item Table
UCS_S_STM_MAPPING_FIELDS - Structure with Characteristics to be Mapped
UCS_S_STM_METH_INFO - Method Information
UCS_S_STM_NID_MAP - Structure
UCS_S_STM_NODEID - Internal Proc. Structure for Status Management
UCS_S_STM_ORG - Special Structure for Status Query of Individual Org Units
UCS_S_STM_PAIR_CG - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PERIOD_STATUS_AGGR - Aggregated Status Information for Tasks
UCS_S_STM_PERSTATUS_CG - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PERSTATUS_CU - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PER_INFO - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PER_STATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PER_TASK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PER_TASKGRP - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PREV_TASK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_PSTATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_REFRESH_BUF - Flags for Refresh Buffers for Status Management
UCS_S_STM_REQ_STATUS_WC - Structure: Status Info for Work Center
UCS_S_STM_SEL_PARAM - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_SEND_RECV - Assignment Sender - Receiver
UCS_S_STM_SID - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_SID2 - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_SID_EXEC - Structure Status Management - SID Combination Executable
UCS_S_STM_SID_SOURCE - Structure Status Mgmt: CU Combination: Source Version/GC
UCS_S_STM_SID_VDY - Structure for Assignment of Characteristic SIDs - Validity
UCS_S_STM_SOURCE - Structure Status Mgmt: Source Versions and Group Currency
UCS_S_STM_SOURCES - Structure with Source Information
UCS_S_STM_STATES - State of Status Transformation
UCS_S_STM_STATUS - Structure for Getting Aggregate Status
UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INFO - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INFO2 - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_STATUS_INV - Structure for Mapping Internal (Automaton) Status <-> Status
UCS_S_STM_STATUS_MAP - Structure f. Mapping Status <-> Internal (Automaton)Status
UCS_S_STM_SVERS_TVERS - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_TAB - Structure for Internal Processing Tables
UCS_S_STM_TARGET - Structure Status Mgmt: Target Tasks
UCS_S_STM_TASK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_TASKGRP - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_TASK_PROP - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_TASK_STASK - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_TASK_STATUS_AGGR - Aggregated Status Information for Tasks
UCS_S_STM_TASK_STATUS_TSTMP - Time Stamp: Status Update: Tasks
UCS_S_STM_TIME - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_UPD_STATUS_WF - Status Change with Workflow Connectivity
UCS_S_STM_VAL - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_VALID_COMB - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_1 - Structure for Executing Tasks
UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_2 - Structure for Blocking/Unblocking Tasks
UCS_S_STM_VALUE_XY_3 - Structure for Status Check of Tasks
UCS_S_STM_VERSION - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_WHERE - Structure of Status Management
UCS_S_STM_X - Structure for X Char., Status Mgmt
UCS_S_STM_Y - Structure for Y Char., Status Mgmt
UCS_S_TASKGRP - Task Group
UCS_S_TASKGRP_SIGNOFF - Task Group, Sign-Off
UCS_S_TASKPR_LP - Consolidation Monitor: List Settings
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_ATTR_SPEC - Task Categories: Specific Attributes
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_DATASTREAMTYPE - Task Category: Data Stream Types
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SEQUENCE - Task Categories: Sequence
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SEQUENCE_NEW - Task Categories: Sequence
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_SVERSIONTYPE - Task Categories: Field Type Special Version
UCS_S_TASKTYPE_TASKPROC - Task Categories: Processing Type
UCS_S_TASK_CU_METHOD - Gener.Template: Tasks: Method/Cons Unit
UCS_S_TASK_CU_METHOD_INFO - Gener.Template: Tasks: Method/Cons Unit/Info
UCS_S_TASK_DELAYOUT - Task, incl. Data Entry Layout
UCS_S_TASK_DOCTYPE - Gener.Template: Doc Types for Task
UCS_S_TASK_DOCTYPE_TASK - Gen. Template: Document Types for Task Incl. Task
UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_CTR - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_INST - Gener.Template: Method Instances for Task
UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_UPL - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_TASK_EXEC_CU_METH_UPL_P - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_TASK_LP - Task Customizing: List Processor
UCS_S_TASK_METHOD - Gener.Template: Methods for a Task
UCS_S_TASK_PLEVEL - Task: Posting Levels
UCS_S_TASK_PREC - Tasks: Preceding Tasks
UCS_S_TASK_PROPERTIES - Tasks: Properties
UCS_S_TASK_QUERY - Query for Measure
UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP - Tasks: Consolidation Group-dependent Settings
UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP_GUI - Tasks: Consolidation Group-dependent Settings
UCS_S_TASK_REPGROUP_STATUS - Tasks: Two-sided Processing: Status-bearing Cons Groups
UCS_S_TASK_SEQ - Task Properties
UCS_S_TASK_SEQNR - Tasks (Incl. Sequence)
UCS_S_TASK_SEQUENCE - Tasks: Sequence
UCS_S_TASK_SEQ_FT - Task Properties - Multiperiod Case
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_FIELD_REPUNIT - Tasks: Shared Memory: Cons Unit Characteristics
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_METH_COPY_TS - Tasks: Shared Memory: Copy Method: Source, Target
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_1CU_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Method Assignment
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_2CU_METH - Tasks: Shared Memory: Method Assignment
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_FREQUENCY - Tasks: Shared Memory: Consolidation Periods
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_SID - Tasks: Shared Memory: Task, SID
UCS_S_TASK_SHM_TASK_SOURCE - Tasks: Shared Memory: Source Task
UCS_S_TASK_TSTMP - Assignment of Task to Time Stamp
UCS_S_TASK_WFVARIANT - Workflow Variants for Task
UCS_S_TASK_WFVARIANT_SIGN_OFF - Workflow Variants for Task
UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE - Structure for Locking Transaction Data
UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE_KEY - Structure for Locking Transaction Data
UCS_S_TX_DATA_ENQUEUE_XKEY - Locking of Transaction Data: Lock Behavior for Initial.Value
UCS_S_TX_DATA_ORGUNIT_SID - Valid Combinations of Status Fields
UCS_S_VERSION_GCKEY - Gener. Template: Versions and Group Currency Keys
UCT100G - Set: GUID
UCT100T - Set: Text
UCT101C - Set: Rows
UCT101T - Set: Text for Rows
UCT2001 - Single Field Sel.: Single Values for Independent Chars
UCT200C - Single Field Selection: Check Table for Names for Reuse
UCT200G - Single Field Selection: GUID
UCT200T - Single Field Selection: Text
UCT2010 - Single Field Selection: Range for Selection Characteristic
UCT2011 - Single Field Selection: Range for Higher-Level Characterist.
UCT2012 - Single Field Selection: Node Type and Value
UCT2013 - Single Field Selection: Node Value, Higher-Level Character.
UCT2014 - Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info (e.g. Hier.Name)
UCT2015 - Single Field Sel.: Additional Hier. Info, Independent Chars
UCT2016 - Single Field Selection: Cross Characteristic
UCT3000 - Selection Condition: Characteristics
UCT300C - Selection Conditions
UCT300G - Selection Condition: GUID
UCT300T - Selection Conditions
UCT4000 - Target Account Assignment: Characteristics
UCT400C - Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT400G - Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT400T - Target Account Assignment: GUID
UCT7000 - SAP Cons.: Fields and Attributes of a Field List
UCT700G - SAP Cons: Field List
UCT7_S_ALV - Structure for Field Catalog
UCT8000 - Assignment: Mapping - Mapping Rule
UCT800G - Data Mapping Rule GUIDs
UCT8010 - Mapping Rule: Row Content
UCT8011 - Mapping Rule: Details of Condition
UCT8012 - Mapping Rule: Details of Reassignment
UCT8013 - Mapping Rule: Header Info MOVE Operator
UCT8014 - Mapping Rule: Details of Move Operator
UCT8015 - Mapping Rule: Details of Apply Operator
UCT8016 - Mapping Rule: Substitute for Source Field
UCT801C - Name of Mapping Rule
UCT801G - Conversion Rule
UCT801T - Text Table for Mapping Rule
UCT8_SX_CUST_MAPRULE - Mapping Rule Assignment for a Mapping
UCT8_SX_CUST_MAPRULELINE - Mapping customizing: rule's line content
UCT8_SX_DP_MAPIF - Parameter IF
UCT8_SX_DP_MAPRESULT - Result of Mapping
UCT8_SX_DP_SOURCEDATA - Relation of Source Data to Mapping
UCT8_SX_GUI_MAPOPR_IF - Mapping customizing: structure for GUI class, operator IF
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_APPLY - Mapping customizing: apply operator
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_APPLY1 - Mapping Customizing: Apply Operator, Field Substitution
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_APPLY2 - Mapping Customizing: Apply Operator, Field Substitution
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_IF - Mapping customizing: condition(IF) operator
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_MOVE - Mapping customizing: move operator's content
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_MOVE1 - Mapping customizing: move operator's content
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_MOVE2 - Mapping customizing: move operator's content
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_REASSIGN - Mapping customizing: reassign operator's content
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPOPR_SUBST - Mapping Rule: Substitution Table of Apply Operator
UCT8_S_CUST_MAPRULELINE - Mapping customizing: rule's line content
UCT8_S_CUST_MAP_HIER - Mapping customizing: mapping hierarchy
UCT8_S_DP_MAPLINE - Row of Mapping
UCT8_S_DP_MAPTARGET - Target of Mapping
UCT8_S_FIELDNAME - Row Structure: Field Name Table for Mapping
UCT8_S_GUI_DRDN_HNDL - Mapping Customizing: Drop-Down Handle
UCT8_S_GUI_MAPOPR_APPLY - Mapping Customizing: Apply Operator (for display only)
UCT8_S_GUI_MAPOPR_MOVE - Mapping customizing: move operator(for display only)
UCT8_S_HIERARCHY_EVENT - Mapping Customizing: Hierarchy Event
UCT8_S_MAPPING_LP - Mapping Customizing: List Processor Output
UCT8_S_MAPRULE_PROP - Mapping: mapping rule properties
UCT8_S_MAPRULE_TXT - Mapping: Mapping Rule Text
UCT8_S_MAP_PROP - Mapping: Properties of Mapping
UCT8_S_MAP_RELATIONSHIP - SEM-BCS: The source/target relationship
UCT9000 - Workflow Variant
UCT900C - Workflow Variant
UCT900T - Workflow Variant
UCT9100 - Workflow Documents: Status
UCT910C - Workflow Documents, Held Documents, Reference Documents
UCT9110 - Workflow Documents: Approval Actions
UCT9190 - Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_DOC
UCT920G - Business Objects for Workflow in Status Changes
UCT9210 - Workflow Documents: Approval Actions
UCT9290 - Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_STAT
UCT9310 - Signoff Query
UCT_SX_BADILOG_DOC - Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_DOC
UCT_SX_BADILOG_STAT - Log for Methods Calling of BAdI UC_WFV_STAT
UCT_SX_CPD_INHERIT - Compounds: Inheritance
UCT_SX_CPD_PART - Part of a Compound
UCT_SX_CPD_PART_ACCOUNT - Part of a Compound
UCT_SX_CPD_PART_SELACC - Part of a Compound
UCT_SX_CPD_PART_SELCOND - Part of a Compound
UCT_SX_CPD_SELACCTYPE - Types of Selection Condition/Target Assignment per Charact.
UCT_SX_HRYNAME - Hierarchy Name and Instance
UCT_SX_SEL - Selection Condition (Runtime Object)
UCT_SX_WFROUTE_REPGROUP - Generation Template: Consolidation Groups per Approval Route
UCT_SX_WFROUTE_REPUNIT - Generation Template: Consolidation Units per Approval Route
UCT_S_ACCOUNT - Target Assignment
UCT_S_ACCOUNT_LP - Target Assignment: List Processor Output
UCT_S_AGENT_ACTION - Approval Agents and Their Actions
UCT_S_AGENT_ACTION_STAT - Approval Agent and Approval Event
UCT_S_COMPOUND_LP - Compound: List Processor Output
UCT_S_CPD_FFIX - Compound: Fixed Characteristic Values
UCT_S_CPD_FIELD - Compound: Available Characteristics
UCT_S_DOCNAME - Document Name and Its Attribute
UCT_S_FIELDLIST_DT - Structure for Field List
UCT_S_FIELD_SUBST - Fieldname (Substition)
UCT_S_GUI_ALV_GRID_LINE - Structure of ALV grid output table
UCT_S_GUI_SEL_NODE - The selected node or value in the hierarchy selection
UCT_S_GUI_SET_LINE - Set Entries for GUI
UCT_S_GUI_SINGLESELCOND_LINE - Row of a Single Field Selection
UCT_S_GUI_SINGLESELCOND_LINE1 - Row of Single Field Selection (w/o Attr)
UCT_S_GUI_SINGLESELCOND_LINE2 - Row of a Single Field Selection
UCT_S_HIER_NODE - Hierarchy Node
UCT_S_HIER_TREE - Hierarchy Tree
UCT_S_HIER_TREE_SOURCE - Hierarchy trees per fieldnanme/hierarchy version
UCT_S_QUERY - SEM-BCS: Query for sign off
UCT_S_QUERY_GUI - SEM-BCS: Query for Sign-Off Task
UCT_S_REPGROUP_STATWF_BADI - Status Change with WF: Cons Group(s) + Status
UCT_S_REPGROUP_WFVARIANT - Generation Template: Consolidation Group(s), WF Variant,...
UCT_S_REPUG_SID_STATWF - Status Change with WF: Cons Unit or Group SID
UCT_S_REPUG_STATWF_BADI - Status Change with WF: Cons Unit or Group Sent to BAdI
UCT_S_REPUNIT_STATWF_BADI - Status Change with WF: Cons Unit(s) + Status
UCT_S_REPUNIT_WFVARIANT - Gen.Template: Cons Unit(s), WF Variant, and more
UCT_S_SELACC - Selection Condition/Target Assignment
UCT_S_SELACCTYPE - Type of Selection Condition/Target Assignment per Charact.
UCT_S_SELCOND_LP - Selection Condition: List Processor Output
UCT_S_SEL_CUST - Selection Condition (Customizing)
UCT_S_SEL_FIELD - Field Name and Flag Whether Defined per Single Value
UCT_S_SEL_PRINT - SEL Structure for Output
UCT_S_SINGLESELCOND_NODE - Single Field Sel.: Hierarchy Node
UCT_S_SINGLESELCOND_RANGE - Single Field Sel.: Ranges
UCT_S_SISEL_CROSS_CHAR_GUI - Single Field Selection: GUI: Cross-Characteristic
UCT_S_SISEL_HRCHY_GUI - Single Field Selection: Hierarchy
UCT_S_SISEL_RANGE_GUI - Single Field Selection: Range
UCT_S_STATWF - Status Change with WF: Work Item Details
UCT_S_STATWFID - Status Change with WF: STATWFID
UCT_S_SUBCOMP - Method Subcomponent
UCT_S_SUBCOMP_EDIT - Method Subcomponent: Changeability
UCT_S_SUBCOMP_FIELD - Fields with Data of Subcomponents
UCT_S_SUBCOMP_VALUE - Method Subcomponent: Characteristic Values
UCT_S_SUPERORDINATE - Superordinate Fields to be showed in ALV Grid
UCT_S_TEXTNODE_TEXT - Text of Hierarchy Text Nodes
UCT_S_WFACTION_DOC - Workflow Action
UCT_S_WFACTION_DOC_TXT - Workflow Action ( Text )
UCT_S_WFACTION_STAT - Workflow Action
UCT_S_WFACTION_STAT_TXT - Workflow Actions of Status Change
UCT_S_WFDOC_REF - Workflow Document Object
UCT_S_WFLIST - Workflow List
UCT_S_WFLOG - Log Information About Workflow Document
UCT_S_WFVARIANT - Workflow Variant
UCT_S_WFVARIANT_LP - Workflow Variant Customizing: List Processor
UCT_S_WFVARIANT_TASK - Workflow Variants for Task
UCT_S_WFVSTEP_AGENT - Work Item Agent(s) per Workflow Variant Step
UCUCCCHK10ALV - ALV Structure for UCCCHK10
UCUM010 - Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User
UCUM020 - Assignment of Cutoff Tasks to User Role
UCUM03C - Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUM03T - Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUM04C - Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUM04T - Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUM050 - Reports in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUM060 - Reports in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCUMR_S_CUC - Attributes for Combination of Consolidation Units
UCURUNIT - Structure Equal to ucu_s_repunit_prop_gui (for BDT)
UCUW000 - SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCUW001 - SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCUW010 - SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCUW011 - SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCUW_S_PERS_NAV_MAIN_STRUCT - Workbench: Communication between NAV_MAIN_PERS GUI and DATA
UCU_ACC_SCR_SUBST_F4 - Account Screen: F4 Help for Substitution
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_CHANGED_INT - Unchanged Handles by Component
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_COL_TXT_INT - Heading per Characteristic Column on Fast Entry Screen
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_CURSOR_INT - Cursor Positioning
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_DATA - Value per Characteristic/Attribute
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_DATA_INT - Value per Characteristic/Attribute
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_FDISP - Characteristic/Attribute to Display on Assignment Screen
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_FDISP_INT - Characteristic/Attribute to Display on Assignment Screen
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_LAYOUT - Interface for Assignment Screen: Layout
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_LAYOUT_COMP - Interface for Assignment Screen: Layout
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_LAYOUT_INT - Interface for Assignment Screen: Layout
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_MESSAGE_COMP - Assignment Screen: Messages of a Component
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_MESSAGE_INT - Assignment Screen: Messages
UCU_SX_ACC_SCR_UNCHANGED_INT - Unchanged Handles by Component
UCU_SX_DATA_COMP - Value per Characteristic/Attribute
UCU_SX_FDISP_COMP - Characteristics/Attributes to Be Displayed for a Component
UCU_SX_HRY_DATA - Data of a Hierarchy
UCU_SX_LREQ_NID - Most Recently Queried NIDs (Status)
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_BUTTON - User-defined Buttons in Assignment Screen
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_COL_TXT - Heading per Characteristic Column on Fast Entry Screen
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_CURSOR - Cursor Positioning
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_MENU_BUTTON - User-defined Menu Buttons in Assignment Screen
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_STEP_TXT - Assignment Screen: Names of Steps
UCU_S_ACC_SCR_SUBSTEP - Subnumbers on Fast Entry Screen
UCU_S_DATASTREAM - SEM-BCS: Copy Task: Data Stream Types
UCU_S_DATA_SUBCOMP - Subcomponent: Characteristic Values
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_ATTR - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Doc.Type and Texts
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_DISP_WFVARIANT - Doc. Attributes Dependent on AREA, Version, Time, SEQNR
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_LP - Doc. Type Customizing: Listprocessor
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_PROP - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Document Properties
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_PROP_CHECK - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Document Properties
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_PROP_DISP - SEM-BCS: Characteristic-dep. Document Properties
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_PROP_FIELDNAME - SEM-BCS: Characteristic-dep. Document Properties
UCU_S_DOCTYPE_PROP_WFVARIANT - Doc. Attributes Dependent on AREA, Version, Time, SEQNR
UCU_S_DYN_DOC_DATA - Structure of Field Display Properties for Dynamic Document
UCU_S_FDISP_SELACCTYPE - Types of Selection Condition/Target Assignment
UCU_S_FDISP_SUBCOMP - Method Subcomponent: Screen Layout
UCU_S_FIND_HIT - Search Hits
UCU_S_GUI_FSFREQUENCY - GUI: Create Cons Frequency
UCU_S_GUI_PERTYPE - GUI: Create Period Category
UCU_S_GUI_PERTYPEGROUP - GUI: Create Period Category Group
UCU_S_HANDLE - Handle for Using the Assignment Screen
UCU_S_HIER_ITEM_KEY - Key of an Item
UCU_S_HRY_DISP - Display Properties of a Hierarchy Node
UCU_S_HRY_TEXT - Texts for a Hierarchy
UCU_S_ITEM_PROP - GUI: Display Item Properties
UCU_S_ITGRP_LP - Breakdown Category: Listprocessor
UCU_S_LAYOUT - Monitor Layout
UCU_S_LAYOUT_COMPONENT - Components for Layout Maintenance
UCU_S_LAYOUT_LSTEP_LCHILD - Hierarchy Relationship betw. Layout Steps (Layout Maint.)
UCU_S_LAYOUT_SELECTABLE_COMP - Selectable Components
UCU_S_MASTERFIELD - Independent Characteristics
UCU_S_MD_ACCOUNT_DUMMY - Structure for Attribute Integration in MDF
UCU_S_MD_LAYOUTID_DUMMY - Dummy Structure for Layout ID
UCU_S_MD_LAYOUT_DUMMY - Structure with All Layout Fields for Master Data Service
UCU_S_MD_METHID_DUMMY - Dummy Structure f. methid
UCU_S_MD_METHOD_DUMMY - Structure with All Layout Fields for Master Data Service
UCU_S_MD_MINICUBE_DUMMY - Structure for Attribute Integration in MDF
UCU_S_MD_SELCOND_DUMMY - Structure for Attribute Integration in MDF
UCU_S_MD_SET_DUMMY - Structure for Attribute Integration in MDF
UCU_S_MD_SINGLESELCOND_DUMMY - Structure for Attribute Integration in MDF
UCU_S_METHOD_STEP_SUBSCREEN - SAP Cons: Subscreen in Step-Method Maintenance
UCU_S_NODE_GWC - Nodes for Goodwill-Carrying Consolidation Units
UCU_S_NUMTEXTS - Structure for Numbered Texts in Generations
UCU_S_PERTYPE_INFO - SEM-BCS: UI: Structure f. Properties of Period Categories
UCU_S_RELATED_LINKS - Favorites in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCU_S_RELATED_SERVICES - Reports in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCU_S_REPUNIT_GWC - Condolidation Unit Attribute: Goodwill-Carrying Consol. Unit
UCU_S_REPUNIT_GWC_GUI - Condolidation Unit Attribute: Goodwill-Carrying Consol. Unit
UCU_S_REPUNIT_PROP_CHECK - GUI: Display Properties: Cons Unit
UCU_S_REPUNIT_PROP_GUI - GUI: Display Properties: Cons Unit
UCU_S_SEL_PARAM - Structure f. Selection Screen Parameters
UCU_S_SEL_PARAMETER - Structure f. Selection Screen Parameters
UCU_S_SEL_SCREEN - Structure f. Selection Screen Parameters
UCU_S_SEL_SCREEN2 - Structure f. Selection Screen Parameters
UCU_S_SEL_TEXTS - Structure f. Texts of Selection Parameters
UCU_S_SID - Presentation of a Char.Value as SID for Char. and Value
UCU_S_SSCR_CHECKBOX - Structure for Checkboxes on Selection Screens
UCU_S_SSCR_FIX - Structure f. Fixed Subscreen
UCU_S_SSCR_RVS - Structure f. Checkboxes Sel.Screen Mass Reversal
UCU_S_SSCR_VALUE - Structure for Values on Selection Screens
UCU_S_STATUS_CTXT_INFO - Structure for Context Menu of Monitor
UCU_S_STATUS_DETAIL - Status: Detail
UCU_S_STATUS_FILTER - Screen Fields for Filter Popup
UCU_S_STATUS_INFO - Icon, Text for Status
UCU_S_STATUS_PERIOD - Status: Period Information
UCU_S_SVERSION_DISP - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Display Struct. Spec. Versions
UCU_S_SVERSION_FIELD_DISP - SEM-BCS:Version Combis: Characteristics for Special Versions
UCU_S_SVERSION_REF_COMBI - SEM-BCS: Ref. Version Combination for Additional Fin. Data
UCU_S_TASK_BCF_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: BCF Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_BCF_METHOD_COPY - SEM-BCS: Balance Carryforward: Copy Method
UCU_S_TASK_CU_DATATXPROC - Gener.Template: Tasks (GUI): Data Collection/Cons Unit
UCU_S_TASK_CU_METH - Gener.Template: Tasks (GUI): Methods per Cons Unit
UCU_S_TASK_CVA_DOCTEXT - SEM-BCS: UI: Task: Display Structure for Texts, CVA Doc.Type
UCU_S_TASK_CVA_DOCTYPE - SEM-BCS: CVA Task: Display Structure Assignment CVA Doc.Type
UCU_S_TASK_DTX_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: Data Collection Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_IPA_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: IPA Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_IPI_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: IPI Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_LOG - SEM-BCS: Logs of Tasks
UCU_S_TASK_PCC_DOCTEXT - SEM-BCS: UI: Task: Display Structure for Texts PCC-Doc.Type
UCU_S_TASK_PCC_DOCTYPE - SEM-BCS: PCC Task: Display Structure Map of PCC-Doc.Type
UCU_S_TASK_PCC_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: PCC Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_PERTYPE_METH - SEM-BCS: UI: Task: Display Structure - Assign Method/Period
UCU_S_TASK_PINI_DOCTYPE - SEM-BCS: Task: Disp. Structure for Assgmt of PINI Doc. Type
UCU_S_TASK_PLEVEL_INIT_PER - SEM-BCS: Period Initialization Task
UCU_S_TASK_PROP - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Task Properties
UCU_S_TASK_PROP_GUI - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Task Properties: GUI
UCU_S_TASK_QUERY - SEM-BCS: Query for sign off task
UCU_S_TASK_QUERY_GUI - SEM-BCS: Query for Sign-Off Task
UCU_S_TASK_RCL_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: Reclassification Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_RECON_DIFF_ANA - Reconciliations: Analysis of Differences
UCU_S_TASK_REPGROUP_SEL - SEM-BCS: Task: Cons Group Selection
UCU_S_TASK_REPUG_SEL - SEM-BCS: Selection ID for repunit and repgroup
UCU_S_TASK_REPUNIT_METHOD - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Task: Assigned Methods/CUs
UCU_S_TASK_REPUNIT_UPLOAD - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Task: Assigned Methods/CUs
UCU_S_TASK_SEQNR_DOCTYPE - Gener.Template: Doc Types for Task
UCU_S_TASK_SOFF_EXEC_SUCC - Executability of Tasks During Sign-Off
UCU_S_TASK_SOURCE - SEM-BCS: Copy Task: Source Tasks
UCU_S_TASK_WF - SEM-BCS: Workflow Variants of Tasks
UCU_S_TASK_WF_GUI - SEM-BCS: Workflow Variants of Tasks
UCU_S_TASK_WF_SIGN_OFF - SEM-BCS: Workflow Variant for Sign-Off Task
UCU_S_TEXTS - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Structure f. Texts
UCU_S_VALTEXT - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Structure f. Dropdown Lists
UCU_S_VERSIONS_DETAIL - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Properties: All Versions
UCU_S_VERSIONS_LP - Output Structure for List Processor: Version Combinations
UCU_S_VERSION_ATTR_TXT - SEM-BCS: Texts of Fieldname-dep. Attributes
UCU_S_VERSION_DISP - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Display Struct. Versions
UCU_S_VERSION_PROP - SEM-BCS: User Interface: Properties: Versions
UCU_S_WB_SELECTED_VIEW - SAP Cons.: Personalization Workbench: Object Lists
UCU_S_WD_LAYOUT - Web Dynpro: Monitor Layout
UCU_S_WD_LAYOUT_CHANGE - Changing of Layout in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCU_S_WD_MONITOR_COLUMN - Columns in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCU_S_WD_MONITOR_HRY_DESC - Names for Nodes of Hierarchy Column
UCU_S_WD_MONITOR_NODE - Nodes in Web Dynpro Monitor
UCU_S_WD_STATUS_INFO - Web Dynpro: Status of Task Group / Tasks
UCU_S_WD_TASK_DETAILS - Web Dynpro: Detail Information About Tasks / Task Groups
UCU_S_WD_UCOMM_TXT - Web Dynpro: User Commands for Hierarchy Column(s)
UCWB_TR_CUST_ALL - Display After Transport Creation Cons Area
UCWB_TR_CUST_ALL_LP - Display After Transport Creation Cons Area: List Processor
UXBRL_S_CONTEXT - Selection Criteria That Defines an XBRL Context
UXBRL_S_EDGE - Links of an XBRL Taxonomy
UXBRL_S_ELEMENT_VALUES - Element Values for XBRL Instance Document
UXBRL_S_NODE - Nodes of an XBRL Taxonomy
UXBRL_S_NODE_VALUES - Assignment of XBRL Elements <-> Values

SAP Consolidation Functions Tables FIN-SEM-BCS-CSF

UCD_S_KFIG_VAL - Validation: KFIG for the List
UCD_S_KFIG_VAL_CHECK - Validation: KFIG for the List - Check
UCD_S_KFIG_VAL_DETAIL - Validation: KFIG for the List - Detail
UCFV000 - Validation: Method Settings
UCFV100 - Validation: Check Hierarchy
UCFV101 - Validation: Checks
UCFV102 - Validation: Messages
UCFV103 - Validation: Selection Conditions in FoBu Editor
UCFV104 - Validation: Message Variables
UCFV10T - Validation: Checks - Texts
UCFV110 - Validation: Selection Conditions
UCFV11T - Validation: Selection Conditions - Texts
UCFV200 - Validation Method: Validation Checks
UCFV201 - Validation Method: Messages
UCFV202 - Validation Method: Message Variables
UCFV20G - Validation Method: Hierarchy
UCFV21C - Validation Check: Check Table for Names with Reuse
UCFV21G - Validation Check: GUID
UCFV21T - Validation Check: Text
UCFV220 - Validation Check: Selection Conditions
UCFV22T - Validation Check: Selection Condition: Text
UCFV300 - Validation Tasks: Save Results
UCF_SX_EVAL_VALCHECK - Validation: Check (During Evaluation)
UCF_SX_VALCHECK_GUI - Validation Check: GUI: Properties
UCF_SX_VALCHECK_SEL - Validation Check: Selection Condition
UCF_SX_VAL_CHECKGUID - Validation: Checks - GUIDs and Instances
UCF_SX_VAL_FOEV - ID and Reference to Formula During Evaluation
UCF_SX_VAL_FUNCTION_IO - Validation Function and Associated Data Object
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_ALL - C/I: Validation Log
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_ALL2 - C/I: Validation Log
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR - Gener. Template: Validation Log - Result
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR_CHECK - Validation: Characteristics for Audit Trail - Check
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR_DETAIL - Validation: Characteristics for Audit Trail - Detail
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR_GB - Gener. Template: Validation Log - Grouping Fields
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR_GB_ATTR - Gener. Template: Validation Log - Grouping Fields
UCF_SX_VAL_LOG_S_CHAR_SEL - Validation: Chars for Log - Selection
UCF_SX_VAL_SELCOND - Validation: Selection Condition
UCF_S_DATASTREAMTYPE - Type of Data Stream
UCF_S_DET_VALMSG - Validation: Message - Detail View
UCF_S_DET_VALMSGV - Validation: Message Variable - Detail View
UCF_S_EVAL_MSG - Validation: Message
UCF_S_EVAL_MSGV - Validation: Evaluation of Check: Message Variables
UCF_S_METHOD_LP2 - Methods: ListProzessorOutput
UCF_S_METHOD_VAL_LP - Validation Methods: List Processor Output
UCF_S_NAV_VALCHECK - Validation: Check
UCF_S_NAV_VALHRY - Validation: Hierarchy Structure
UCF_S_NAV_VALMSG - Validation: Message - Navigation
UCF_S_VALCHECK_CONTROL - Validation Check: GUI: Control Info
UCF_S_VALCHECK_LP - Validation Check: List Processor Output
UCF_S_VALCHECK_TXT - Validation Check: Texts
UCF_S_VALHRY - Validation: Hierarchy Structure
UCF_S_VALNODE - Validation: Hierarchy: Nodes
UCF_S_VAL_CHARLIST - Char. List for Validation
UCF_S_VAL_CHECK - Validation: Hierarchy: Checks
UCF_S_VAL_CHECKTXT - Validation: Checks - Texts
UCF_S_VAL_CONTROL - Validation: Control Structure for Method Customizing
UCF_S_VAL_FUNCTION - Validation: SEM-BCS Functions in FoBu Format
UCF_S_VAL_HIER_TREE - Validation: Hierarchy as Tree
UCF_S_VAL_HRY - Validation: Hierarchy Structure
UCF_S_VAL_LOG_HEADER - Validation Task: Data for Audit Trail Header
UCF_S_VAL_METH - Validation: Method Settings
UCF_S_VAL_METHOD - Validation: Method
UCF_S_VAL_MSG - Validation: Messages
UCF_S_VAL_MSGV - Validation: Message Variables
UCF_S_VAL_MSG_CONTROL - Validation: Control Structure for Message Customizing
UCF_S_VAL_SELCOND_CHECK - Validation: Selection Conditions in Formulas
UCF_S_VAL_SELCOND_GUI - Validation Check: GUI: Selection Condition
UCF_S_VAL_SELCOND_POPUP - Validation: Selection Condition
UCF_S_VAL_SELCOND_TXT - Validation: Selection Condition - Text
UCF_S_VAL_VALTYPE_FUNCTION - Validation: Assignment Function - Validation Type
UCST000 - SEM-BCS: Status of Performance Statistics
UCU_S_MD_VALCHECK_DUMMY - Structure w/Fields of Valid. Rule for Master Data Service
UCU_S_TASK_VAL_GLOB_SET - SEM-BCS: Validation Task: Global Settings
UCU_S_TASK_VAL_GLOB_SET_GUI - SEM-BCS: Validation Task: Global Settings

SAP Infrastructure Tables FIN-SEM-BCS-INF

UC0_AREA10_COA - Target Structure for Master Data - /1FB/CS_ITEM
UC0_AREA10_COMPANY - Target Structure for Master Data - /1FB/COMPANY
UC0_AREA10_COMPANY_HRY - Target Structure for Hierarchy - /1FB/COMPANY
UC0_AREA10_COMPANY_HRY_ATTR - Hierarchy Relationship Attributes - /1FB/COMPANY
UC0_AREA10_FRS - Target Structure for Hierarchy - /1FB/CS_ITEM
UC0_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_REPLICAT - Replication chart of accounts
UC0_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_REP_CONF - Confirmation for replication request CoA
UC0_CHART_OF_ACCTS_REPLICAT_V1 - Replication chart of accounts - Version 1
UC0_FINCNSELMNT_BULK_CO_MSG - Bulk confirmation for Financial Consolidation Element
UC0_FINCNSELMNT_RPL_BLK_REQ - Bulk replication for Financial Consolidation Element
UC0_FINCNSSTRUCT_RPLCTN_CO - Confirmation about replication of financial consolidation st
UC0_FINCNSSTRUCT_RPLCTN_REQ - Replication of financial consolidation structure
UC0_FIN_REP_STRUCT_REPLICAT - Replication of financial reporting structure
UC0_FIN_REP_STRUCT_REP_CONF - Confirmation about replication of financial reporting struct
UCXI000 - SEM-BCS Inbound: SMT Mapping and BAdI Filter
UCXI001 - SEM-BCS Inbound: Target Structures for SMT Mappings
UCXI002 - SEM-BCS Inbound: SMT Mappings and BAdI Filter (Examples)
UCXI003 - SEM-BCS Inbound: Tar. Structures for SMT Mappings (Examples)
UCXI100 - Check Table for BAdi Filter Values
UCX_SX_FEH_CONTEXT - Context for Processing Forward Error Handling
UCX_S_BUPA - Business Partner
UCX_S_COMPONENT_PARM - Technical Parameter for Dynamically Generated Data
UCX_S_CONSELMNT_WORK_STRUC - Processing Structure for Financial Cons. Element (CU or CG)
UCX_S_CONSSTRUCT_WORK_STRUC - Processing Structure for Fin. Cons. Structure (CG/CU Hier.)
UCX_S_HRY_NAME - Hierarchy Name
UCX_S_HRY_WORK_STRUC - Processing Structure for Item Hierarchies
UCX_S_ITEM_WORK_STRUC - Processing Structure for Items
UCX_S_METHOD - Method Data for Update Function Module
UCX_S_METHOD_PARM - Method Parameters for Update Function Module
UCX_S_NODE - Fixed Fields of Target Structure for Hierarchy
UCX_S_NODE_CG - Fixed Fields of Target Structure for Hierarchy
UCX_S_NODE_IMPLEDGE - Fixed Fields of Target Structure for Implicit Edges
UCX_S_ROLLNAME - Data Element Parameters for Dynamically Generated Data
UCX_S_UPD_PARM - Parameters for Update Function Module

SAP Data Collection Tables FIN-SEM-BCS-INT

UCC0_S_COMMENT - Structure per Comment
UCC0_S_COMMENT_ATTRIBUT - Attributes of a Comment
UCC0_S_KW_PROPNM - Mapping of BW InfoObjects to KW Field Names
UCC2_S_COMM_DIR - Instance Directory - Comments
UCC2_S_KW_PROPNM - Relationship of InfoObject and Generated Property Name in BW
UCC2_S_MAPPING - Mapping of Comments: Fieldnames <-> InfoObjects
UCC2_S_TRANS_COINR - Move of Old/New Activity Number for ANM

SAP Information System Tables FIN-SEM-BCS-IS

UCD_RECON_ERROR - Generation Template Reconciliation Tool Error Details
UCM_S_ITEM_COUNT - Generation Template for Item Count
UCM_S_TOTALS_COUNT - Generation Structure for Totals Records
UCRX010 - XBRL Mapping Table
UCRX01C - XBRL: Taxonomies
UCRX02G - SEM-BCS: XBRL Interface: Taxonomy Elements GUIDs
UCRX_S_ALIAS - XBRL: Alias Mapping
UCRX_S_HRY_MAPPING - XBRL: Hierarchy Mapping
UCRX_S_PERIODS - periods selected for instance document
UCR_SX_DATA_DOC_LST - Document: Database List Output Transaction
UCR_SX_LOGIC_FACTOR - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: Factors
UCR_SX_LOGIC_FACTOR20 - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: Factors L2
UCR_SX_LOGIC_FACTOR35 - Gen. Template: Structure for Reporting Logic - Factor 35
UCR_SX_LOGIC_RG_RU - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: RU per RG
UCR_SX_REPUNIT_CMB_PROP - Gener. Template: Time-dep. Properties of CU Combinations
UCR_SX_TX_DATA_LST - List Display of Database List, = UCD_SX_TX_DATA Flat
UCR_SX_TX_DATA_TEXT_OUTPUT - Gener.Template: Structure for Trx Data Report. incl. Desc.
UCR_S_1ROWCOUNT - Number of Records in BI Data Target
UCR_S_APPEND - Extension of Extract Structure for Transactional InfoCube
UCR_S_AREA_DATABASIS - Consolidation Area and Data Basis
UCR_S_BW_FIELD - requested fields
UCR_S_BW_HIENODE - Node Selection per Row/Column
UCR_S_BW_HIENODENAME - Node Selection per Row/Column -> Char.Values
UCR_S_BW_IOBJ - List of InfoObjects
UCR_S_BW_RANGE - Selection Range per Row/Column
UCR_S_BW_SELECT - Selection criteria
UCR_S_BW_SELTYPE - Type of Selection per Row/Column
UCR_S_COMBINATION_COUNT - Reporting: Number of Cons Unit Combis (Gener. Template)
UCR_S_DATADESCR - Description of Data Table
UCR_S_DATA_LST_STATWF - Status Change with Workflow: Workitem Data
UCR_S_FISCYEARPERIOD - Structure Consisting of Fiscal Year and Period
UCR_S_HIENODE - Node Selection per Row/Column
UCR_S_HIENODENAME - Node Selection per Row/Column -> Char.Values
UCR_S_LOGIC_FACTOR20_INFO - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: Factors L2
UCR_S_LOGIC_FACTOR35_INFO - Gen. Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: Factor L35
UCR_S_LOGIC_FACTOR_INFO - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: Factors
UCR_S_LOGIC_RG_RU_INFO - Gener.Template: Structure for Reporting Logic: RU per RG
UCR_S_MD_TD - Print List: Master and Transaction Data Statistics
UCR_S_MD_TX_DATA_LIST - Output structure for List processor class CL_UC_MD_TX_DATA
UCR_S_REFERENCE_INFORMATION - Values of Reference Characteristics per Cons Group Char.
UCR_S_REPGROUP_SVERSION - Mapping Structure of Consolidation Group and Hierarchy Vers
UCR_S_REPUNITS_COUNT - Reporting: Number of Cons Unit Combis (Gener. Template)
UCR_S_RFC_LIST - Output Table for List of RFC Destinations
UCR_S_SEL - Selection Range per Row/Column
UCR_S_SELTYPE - Type of Selection per Row/Column
UCR_S_SEL_PRINT_DISPLAY - SEL Structure for Output
UCR_S_STATUS_WITH_TIME - The enhancement of UCS_S_STM_REQ_STATUS_WC with year&period
UCS_SEL_EXT - Enhanced Selection Structure for Screen Generation
UCXL_S_ATTDF - Interactive Excel: Attribute of a Characteristic
UCXL_S_CASPS - Interactive Excel: Available Aspects
UCXL_S_CHRDF - Interactive Excel: List of Available Characteristics
UCXL_S_CHRVL - Interactive Excel: Value of a Characteristic
UCXL_S_DATA - Interactive Excel: Data Element of the Matrix
UCXL_S_DEPDF - Interactive Excel: Def. of Dependencies betw.Characteristics
UCXL_S_DEPVL - Interactive Excel: Ties for the Dependencies
UCXL_S_DREQV - Interactive Excel: Definition of the Data Matrix
UCXL_S_ERROR - Interactive Excel: Error Messages
UCXL_S_HIRDF - Interactive Excel: Hierarchy
UCXL_S_HIRVL - Interactive Excel: Hierarchy Nodes
UCXL_S_MESSG - Interactive Excel: Error Message
UCXL_S_PTEXT - Interactive Excel: Program Texts
UCXL_S_SETDF - Interactive Excel: Element of a Value Set for a Charact.
UCXL_S_SORT - Interactive Excel: Sort Information

SAP Business Information Collection Tables FIN-SEM-BIC

BDSCHKF13 - BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKO13 - BDS: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object
BDSCONT13 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO13 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT13 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR13 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE13 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI13 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF13 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR13 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO13 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM13 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR13 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE13 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI13 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE13 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR13 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CONN23 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Classes
BICCONTENT - SEM-BIC: Table for Document Contents
UIASSIGN - Assignment of User to Subsets of Characteristics
UIAUTH - Authentification Type of a Content Provider
UIAUTH_T - Authentification Type Content Provider
UICM_YS_DOC_KEYS - Interface to CM: Key Matching
UIDCCHKF - UI Documents: File Name of Last Check Out
UIDCCHKO - UI Documents: Check Out Data on a Physical Information Objec
UIDCIDXSTA - UI Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents
UIDCLOIO - UI Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects
UIDCLOIOT - UI Documents: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
UIDCLOPR - UI Documents: Attribute Values of Logical Information Object
UIDCLORE - UI Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
UIDCLOREPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
UIDCLORI - UI Documents: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
UIDCLORIPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
UIDCPHF - UI Documents: Files of Physical Information Objects
UIDCPHHR - UI Documents: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
UIDCPHHRPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
UIDCPHIO - UI Documents: Instances of Physical Information Objects
UIDCPHNM - UI Documents: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
UIDCPHNMPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
UIDCPHPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
UIDCPHRE - UI Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Physical InfoObjects
UIDCPHREPR - UI Documents: Attributes Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
UIDCPHRI - UI Documents: Incoming Relationships of Physical InfoObjects
UIDCPHRIPR - UI Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs
UIDELIV - Delivery Type Research Request Results (SEM-BIC)
UIDELIV_T - Text Delivery Type Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIDISTR - Distribution Type of a Content Provider
UIDISTR_T - Text Distribution Type of a Content Provider
UIDOC - Results Document of a Research Run (SEM-BIC)
UIFLLOIO - UI Folder: Instances of Logical Information Objects
UIFLLOIOT - UI Folder: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
UIFLLOPR - UI Folder: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
UIFLLORE - UI Folder: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Obj
UIFLLOREPR - UI Folder: Attributes Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
UIFLLORI - UI Folder: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Obj
UIFLLORIPR - UI Folder: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
UIFREQ - Frequency of Research Run (SEM-BIC)
UIFREQ_T - Text on Frequency of Research Run (SEM-BIC)
UIKW - Keyword (SEM-BIC)
UIOP - Linking operator for key word query (SEM-BIC)
UIOPAND - Syntax of AND Linking Operator
UIOPNOT - Syntax of NOT Linking Operator
UIOPOR - Syntax of OR Linking Operator
UIOP_T - Text on linking operator (SEM-BIC)
UIORD - Research Request (SEM Business Information Collection)
UIORD_R_DELIV - Relation Research Request <-> Delivery Type (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_FREQ - Relation Research Request <-> Frequency (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_IUSR - Relation between Research Request and InfoUser (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_KW - Relation Research Request <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_LANG - Relation Bet. Research Request and Result Langs (SEM-BIC)
UIORD_R_SRC - Relation Between Research Request and Data Provider
UIORD_T - Text (Short Description) on Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIPRIO - Priority of a Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIPRIO_T - Text Priority of Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UISCORE - Valuation (SEM-BIC)
UISCORE_T - Text on valuation (SEM-BIC)
UISETTINGS - Table of User's Personal Settings
UISRCDESCR - Table Data Source Description
UISRCLOGON - Table Data Source Logon
UISRCTYP - Content Provider Type
UISRCTYP_T - Type of a Content Provider
UISRCURL - Content Provider
UISRC_R_KW - Relation Content Provider <-> Keyword (SEM-BIC)
UISRC_R_LANG - Relation Content Provider <-> Content Language (SEM-BIC)
UISRC_R_TYP - Rel. Content Provider <-> Content Provider Type (SEM-BIC)
UISTAT - Processing Status of a Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UISTAT_T - Text on Processing Status of a Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UISUBSET - Assignment to Evaluation Objects: Subset of Characteristics
UISUBSETTXT - Text Table for Assignment Variants in SEM-BIC
UIYS_ASSIGN - Assignment of User to Subsets of Characteristics
UIYS_ASSIGNMENTS - Assignment to Evaluation Objects (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_CHANMS_TXT - SEM-BIC: Information on Characteristic with Texts
UIYS_CHARS - Characteristics
UIYS_CHAS - Characteristics/Characteristic Values (internal display)
UIYS_CHASEL - Line Type f�r Selection Table SEM-BIC Data Basis
UIYS_CHAS_TXT - Characteristics/Char. Values (external format) with Texts
UIYS_CHAVALS - Characteristic Values
UIYS_CM - Fields with DDIC Description for the CM Attributes
UIYS_CM_IOBJ_PROPNM - Interface to CM: Document Attribute Name of an InfoObject
UIYS_DELIV - Delivery Type Research Request Results (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_DELIV_KIND - Delivery Form Results of a Research (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_DELIV_T - Text Delivery Type to Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_DESCLINE - Research Request. User-Defined Text Specification
UIYS_DOC - Description of Documents in Worklist
UIYS_DOCID - Documents
UIYS_DOC_ASSIGNED_CHAS - Assigned Chars/Char. Values (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_ASSIGNED_KYFS - Assigned Key Figures (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_BDS_PROP - General BDS Attributes (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_CHASEL - Line Type for Sel.Tab. Chars (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_CONTENT - Line Type Document Content (SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_FIX_PROP - Other Fixed Attributes (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_INFO - Information on Document (SEM-BIC Datenbasis)
UIYS_DOC_KEY_INFO - Structure for Conversion Table SEM-BIC Doc.-IDs <-> BDS IDs
UIYS_DOC_KYFSEL - Line Type Sel.-Tab. for Ind. (Documents SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_DOC_QUICKINFO - Quick Info on Document (SEM-BIC Data Basis)
UIYS_FREQ - Frequency of Research Run (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_FREQ_T - Text on Research Frequency (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_IOBJT - InfoObject Texts
UIYS_ITEM - Item Structure for List Tree Control
UIYS_ITEM_UPD - Update Tree Items
UIYS_KYFNM - Key Figures
UIYS_KYFS - Key Figures
UIYS_LANG - Language of results documents (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_LANG_T - Language
UIYS_LOG_CONTEXT - SEM-BIC: Context Infos for Application Log
UIYS_LTXT - Long Text
UIYS_ORD - Research Request (DB Structure)
UIYS_ORDER - Research Request
UIYS_ORDERLIST_SETTINGS - Display Research Requests Settings
UIYS_ORD_INFO - Information on Research Requests (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_R_DELIV - Relation Research Request <-> Delivery Type (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_R_FREQ - Relation Research Request <-> Frequency (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_R_IUSR - Relation between Research Request and InfoUser (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_R_KW - Keyword on Research Request
UIYS_ORD_R_LANG - Relation Bet. Research Request and Result Langs (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_R_SRC - Relation Reseach Request <-> Content Provider (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_ORD_T - Text (Short Description) on Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_PRIO - Priority of a Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_PRIO_T - Text Priority of Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_PROVIDER - Content Provider
UIYS_PROV_V - View Content Provider
UIYS_SETTINGS - Personal User Settings
UIYS_SRC - Data Source
UIYS_SRCDESCR - Structure Data Source Description
UIYS_SRCLOGON - Structure Data Source Logon Data
UIYS_SRCTYP_T - Type of a Content Provider
UIYS_SRCURL - Content Provider
UIYS_SRC_DBV - Content Provider
UIYS_STAT_T - Text on Processing Status of a Research Request (SEM-BIC)
UIYS_SUBSET - Assignment to Evaluation Objects: Subset of Characteristics
UIYS_TODOLIST - Description of Documents in Worklist
UIYS_USER - User Data
UIYS_VCHA - Characteristic

SAP Business Planning and Simulation Tables FIN-SEM-BPS

UPE_COUNT - Counter
UPE_C_MASTER - Master Data Transfer to Frontend
UPE_C_S_RSHIEDIR - Flat Structure Hierarchy Info for an InfoObjekt
UPE_C_S_RSHIEDIRTXT - Hierarchy Interface Texts for Hierarchies
UPE_MODEL - Planning Modeler: Table Models
UPE_MODELT - Planning Modeler: Text Table Models
UPE_PARAM - Planning: Parameterization (SD files)
UPE_PARAMT - Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_PARAMT_ABC - Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_PARAMT_DOC - Planning: Parameter Group Texts
UPE_PARAM_ABC - Planning: Parameterization (ABC files)
UPE_PARAM_DOC - Planning: Parameter Group (Documents)
UPE_YS_AREATAB - Planning Modeler: Structure Info Table Planning Areas
UPE_YS_ATTR_ABC - Field Catalog Attribute
UPE_YS_CDIDEP - Dependency Tab for External Applications
UPE_YS_CDIFIE - Properties of an Object (Characteristic, Key Figure, Unit)
UPE_YS_CDIFIE_ABC - Attributes of an Object (Characteristic, Key Fig., Unit, H)
UPE_YS_CHAVL - Characteristic Value & Compound & Attributes & Long Text
UPE_YS_CONNECTAB - Planning Modeler: Row Structure Connection Table
UPE_YS_CUBETAB - Planning Modeler: Row Structure Detail Info on Cube
UPE_YS_DEPTAB - Planning Modeler: Row Structure Compound Table
UPE_YS_EVENTTAB - Planning Modeler: Row Structure Event Table
UPE_YS_FCAT - Properties of an Object (Characteristic, Key Figure, Unit)
UPE_YS_HIEBAS - SEM Hierarchy Interface
UPE_YS_HIEFLAG - SEM Hierarchy Interface
UPE_YS_HIERCHADEP - Transfer of Compounding Information to Oros
UPE_YS_HIERFOLDER - SEM Hierarchy Folder Info (non-chargeable node)
UPE_YS_HIERINTERVALL - SEM Hierarchy Intervals
UPE_YS_HIERNODE - SEM Hierarchy Texts
UPE_YS_HIERREQUEST - Transfer Structure Hierarchy Request OROS
UPE_YS_HIERSEL - SEM Hierarchy Interface
UPE_YS_HIERTEXT - SEM Hierarchy Interface
UPE_YS_HIE_STR - Structure of hierarchy without compounding info
UPE_YS_INTVL - Interval table for hierarchy (no Compounding for Oros )
UPE_YS_MASTER - Master Data Transfer to Frontend
UPE_YS_MASTERREQUEST - Master Data Tables Request
UPE_YS_MASTER_ABC - Master Data Transfer to Frontend
UPE_YS_MASTER_OLD - Master Data Transfer to Frontend
UPE_YS_MODELTAB - Planning Modeler: Structure Model Table
UPE_YS_NODES - SEM-BPS Planning Modeler: Structure for Node Table Tree
UPE_YS_RSHIEDIR - Flat Structure Hierarchy Info for an InfoObjekt
UPE_YS_RSHIEDIRTXT - Hierarchy Interface Texts for Hierarchies
UPE_YS_RSHIE_INFO_TRANSFER - Hierarchy, Flat Transfer Structure OROS
UPE_YS_TABLETAB - Planning Modeler: Row Table Table
UPE_YS_TIME - Table of Time Characteristics
UPE_YS_UPLOAD - Table Upload Request Master Data/Hierarchies Oros
UPE_YS_VALUE - Input Help for OLE Document Types
UPE_ZAHL - Counter

SAP Business Planning Tables FIN-SEM-BPS-BP

IDX_ROL - Index Role
UPB4_RET_COPS - Retraction: Costs and Allocations
UPB4_RET_STKEYFIG - Retraction: Statistical Key Figures
UPBX - Planning Applications: Generic Data Container
UPB_CCP_CUST - SEM Cost Center Planning: Customizing Table
UPB_CCP_YS_CUST - SEM Cost Center Planning: Customizing Structure
UPB_CCP_YS_DOC_DATA - SEM Cost Center Planning: Structure Documents
UPB_CCP_YS_DOC_DESCR - SEM Cost Center Planning: Row Structure ALV Grid for Doc.
UPB_CCP_YS_DOC_HEADER - SEM Cost Center Planning: Header Data for Documents
UPB_CCP_YS_FUNC - SEM Cost Center Planning: Function Description
UPB_CCP_YS_PLANMODE - SEM Cost Center Planning: Planning Mode for Planning Item
UPB_CCP_YS_TITLE - SEM Cost Center Plng: Structure Document Title for Dialog
UPB_CI_PUSHBACK_PARAMETER - Corporate IM: Parameter for Pushback Functions
UPB_CMI_100 - Capital Market Interpreter: Versions + Data Source
UPB_CMI_100_T - Capital Market Interpreter: Texts
UPB_CMI_101 - CMI: Assignment to Characteristics
UPB_CMI_102 - CMI: Key Figures
UPB_CMI_102_T - CMI: Key Figures - Texts
UPB_CMI_103 - CMI: Versions for Sensitivity Analysis
UPB_CMI_104 - CMI: Assignment Function Modules
UPB_CMI_105 - CMI: Entry Layouts
UPB_CMI_107 - CMI: User-Dependent Default Selections
UPB_CMI_108 - CMI: Input Layouts: BPS Functions to Be Called
UPB_CMI_109 - CMI: User <-> CMI Version
UPB_CMI_110 - Graphic - BLOBs
UPB_CMI_KF - CMI: Key Figures
UPB_CMI_KF_T - CMI: Key Figures - Texts
UPB_CUBE_REF - Planning Applications: Reference to InfoCubes
UPB_CW_ANSWER - Cost Center Wizard: Answers
UPB_CW_AREA - Cost Center Wizard: Planning Areas
UPB_CW_CCE - Cost Center Wizard: Applications
UPB_CW_CCE_T - Cost Center Wizard: Description, Text Table
UPB_CW_CCSE - Cost Center Wizard: Subapplication
UPB_CW_CCSE_T - Cost Center Wizard: Subapplication
UPB_CW_CS_COM - Comments
UPB_CW_CUBE - Cost Center Wizard: InfoCubes
UPB_CW_ED - Cost Center Wizard: Economic Description (Economic Object)
UPB_CW_EP - Cost Center Wizard: Planning Environment
UPB_CW_EP_T - Cost Center Wizard: Planning Environment
UPB_CW_EP_UI - Cost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_EP_UI_D - Cost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_EP_UI_T - Cost Center Wizard: Interfaces
UPB_CW_ES - Cost Center Wizard: Economic Specification
UPB_DATA_EX_SYS - Planning Applications: Exception Table for Source Clients
UPB_FDES_IMPORT - Structure for Importing TR-CM Memo Recs (Pyt Advs/Plan Itms)
UPB_HI_REF - Planning Applucations: Reference to Hierarchy
UPB_IA_IMPLIST - Planning Applications: Object Lists of Planning Applications
UPB_MD_REF - Planning Applications: OLD!!!!!!! Reference to Master Data
UPB_MD_REF_N - Planning Applications: Reference to Master Data
UPB_MD_ROLE - Chararcteristic Role Assignment
UPB_PLNTP_MAINT - Balance Sheet Planning: Edit Planning Functions
UPB_RETRACT - Structures for Plan Data Retraction
UPB_RF40V - Planning Transfer Structure for Selection and Summarization
UPB_SY_BPSCONN - Level and Area for which Classes Were Generated
UPB_SY_CLINFO - Attributes of Generated Class for Connection of Survey
UPB_SY_HIERARCHY - Implemented Hierarchies
UPB_SY_HIER_T - Text Table for Implemented Hierarchy
UPB_S_HIESEL - Hierarchy Selection
UPB_S_MD_ROLE - Chararcteristic Role Assignment
UPB_TD_REF - Planning Applications: Reference to Transaction Data
UPB_T_MD_ROLE - Characteristic Role Assignment Persistence
UPB_YS_CALC_SCHEME - I/O Structure for Definition of a Key Figure Scheme
UPB_YS_CMI - Capital Market Interpreter
UPB_YS_CMI_ALV - CMI: Structure for ALV Grids
UPB_YS_CMI_CALC_ALV - CMI: Calculations
UPB_YS_CMI_CHAS_ALV - CMI: ALV for Assignment of Chars to CMI Evaluation Groups
UPB_YS_CMI_CHAVL_ALV - CMI: ALV for Selections to Characteristics
UPB_YS_CMI_ENTRY_SCREEN - CMI: Screen Fields in the Initial Screen
UPB_YS_CMI_KYF_ALV - CMI: ALV for Characteristic Value Assignment to Key Figures
UPB_YS_CMI_LAYOUT_ALV - CMI: Assigned Entry Layouts
UPB_YS_CMI_LAYOUT_CALC_ALV - CMI Input Layouts: BPS Functions to Be Called
UPB_YS_CMI_LAYOUT_DROPDOWN - CMI: Dropdown List for Layout Selection
UPB_YS_CMI_SHV_ANA_HEADER - CMI: Screen Fields for SHV Analysis
UPB_YS_CMI_VERS_ALV - CMI: ALV for Assignment Versions to Key Figures
UPB_YS_CONDS - SEM-BPS Balance Sheet Planning: Conditions
UPB_YS_CRITERIA - Structure for Characteristics
UPB_YS_CRIT_HIER - Structure for Characteristics and Hierarchies
UPB_YS_CUBE_INFO - Balance Sheet Planning: Information on Areas in BW Infocubes
UPB_YS_CW_ACTIVITY - Questionnaire Values for Cost Element/Key Figure Questions
UPB_YS_CW_APPL - Questionnaire Values for Application, Subapplication, ...
UPB_YS_CW_CCE - Cost Center Wizard: Applications
UPB_YS_CW_CCS - Cost Center Wizard: Subjects
UPB_YS_CW_CCSE - Cost Center Planning: Subapplication
UPB_YS_CW_CCSES - Cost Center Planning: Subapplication + Subject
UPB_YS_CW_ELEMENT - Questionnaire Values for Cost Element/Key Figure Questions
UPB_YS_CW_EP - Cost Center Wizard: Planning Environment
UPB_YS_CW_EP_DET - Cost Center Wizard: Connection with BPS
UPB_YS_CW_ES - Structure of Planning Application
UPB_YS_CW_ES_AREA - Areas of Cost Center Planning
UPB_YS_CW_ORGUNIT - Questionnaire Values for Org. Unit Questions
UPB_YS_CW_QUANTITY - Questionnaire Values for Quantity Questions
UPB_YS_CW_START - Questionnaire values for starting pages
UPB_YS_CW_STATE - Cost Center Wizard: Status
UPB_YS_CW_TIME - Questionnaire Values for Time Questions
UPB_YS_CW_UNIT - Questionnaire Values for Quantity Questions
UPB_YS_CW_VERSION - Questionnaire Values for Version Questions
UPB_YS_DATA_HI_DIRCTORY - Planning Applications: Directory of Exported Hierarchies
UPB_YS_DATA_MD_DIRCTORY - Planning Applications: Directory of Exported Master Data
UPB_YS_DATA_TD_DIRCTORY - Planning Applications: Directory of Exported Transact. Data
UPB_YS_DPRTE - Balance Sheet Planning: Depreciation Rate
UPB_YS_DPRTE_PER - Balance Sheet Planning: Depreciation Rate
UPB_YS_FC_TXT - Balance Sheet Planning: Texts of a Field
UPB_YS_HIERARCHY - BW Hierarchies: Header Data
UPB_YS_HIEROW - Planning Applications: Transfer Delivered Data
UPB_YS_ILO_VALUE_RFC - Data Return for Data Reversal with RFC
UPB_YS_MASTER - Structure for Master Data
UPB_YS_OUTTAB - Hierarchy Info in Tree
UPB_YS_PFLDS - SEM-BPS Balance Sheet Planning: Roles of Fields
UPB_YS_PLEVELT - Planning Level - Text Table + Icon
UPB_YS_REF_LINE - Planning Applications: Reference Line in Key Figure Scheme
UPB_YS_REF_PLEVEL - Planning Applications: Reference Level in Key Figure Scheme
UPB_YS_SY_0004EXP00054EXPPL13 - Survey structure for Planning Area 4EXP0005, Level 4EXPPL13
UPB_YS_SY_ATTRIBUTE - Attributes of Receiver in Target Group Hierarchy
UPB_YS_SY_CHAS_0004EXP0005 - Characteristic Values
UPB_YS_SY_CLCOMPO - Attributes of Class for Connection SEM-BPS to Survey
UPB_YS_SY_DATA_0004EXP0005 - Data
UPB_YS_SY_KYFS_0004EXP0005 - Key Figures
UPB_YS_SY_USER - Receiver in Target Group Hierarchy
UPB_YS_TECHF - Technical fields of balance sheet planning
UPB_YS_TECHF_S - Technical fields non-cumulative values
UPB_YS_TIME_SERIES - Time Series on Yearly Basis
UPB_YT_CRITERIA - Table for Characteristics
UPB_YT_HIERARCHY - BW Hierarchies: Header Data
UPB_YT_MASTER - Table for Master Data

SAP Planning Applications Tables FIN-SEM-BPS-PLA

UPA_EXP_AFUNC - Assignments of Layouts to Web-CCP Application
UPA_EXP_LAYOUT - Assignments of Layouts to Web-CCP Application

SAP Corporate Performance Monitor Tables FIN-SEM-CPM

ASSESSCOMM - Assessments and Comments for a specified period
BDSCHKF15 - BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKF17 - BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKO15 - BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCHKO17 - BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT15 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSCONT17 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO15 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIO17 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT15 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT17 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR15 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR17 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE15 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE17 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI15 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI17 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF15 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHF17 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR15 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHHR17 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO15 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHIO17 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM15 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHNM17 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR15 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHPR17 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE15 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE17 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI15 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI17 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE15 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSRE17 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR15 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDSREPR17 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CONN15 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
BDS_CONN17 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
DOCUMENTSANDLINKS - Documents and links
STATUSANDSCORE - Status and Score for an object
STATUSANDSCORETREND - Status and Score Trend for an object
UMB_ESA_TS_DATA - Data for Timeseries
UMB_ESA_TS_DATA2 - Table for Data of time series
UMB_ESA_YS_OVR_DATA - Tab for Scorecard Overview
UMB_RFC_PERSONALIZED_BSC - Data for personalized Balanced Score Card
UMB_S_COLNAMES - Delivers Captions for Time Series Data
UMB_S_DATA - Data for Timeseries
UMB_S_DATA2 - Data for Timeseries
UMB_YS_OVR_DATA - Outtab for Scorecard Comparison ALV Tree
UMB_Y_COLNAMES - Names of Data-Columns
UMB_Y_RATIO_PIE - ratio pie for status
UMC_APPLET_XML - Runtime XML that Was Sent to Java Applets
UMC_CUST - General Settings
UMC_DFTRFC - CPM: Standard BW RFC Destination
UMC_FILE_CACHE - Cache for Generated Files
UMC_GR100 - Customizing for Standard Graphic
UMC_GS110 - Formula
UMC_GS110T - Formula: Texts
UMC_GS111 - Formula Detail
UMC_GS120 - Assignment of Formula Result
UMC_GS120T - Assignment of Formula Result: Texts
UMC_GS121 - Assignment of Formula Result
UMC_LG100 - Log
UMC_LG101 - Log: Items
UMC_MEASSCALE - Texts for Scaling Factors
UMC_PC100 - Closing of Periods
UMC_RSTRCT - Restrictions
UMC_RU100 - Periodization
UMC_RU100T - Periodization: Texts
UMC_RU101 - Periodization: Subintervals
UMC_RU101T - Periodization: Subintervals - Texts
UMC_RUNTIME_XML - Runtime - XML Data and Graphics
UMC_SE100 - CPM : Application Settings
UMC_SERVER_GROUP - Server Group for Parallel Processing of the MDX Statement
UMC_STD_BLOBS - Standard - Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMC_STD_XML - Standard - Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMC_TD100 - Task List
UMC_TD102 - Taks List: Storage
UMC_TD110 - Task List: Message
UMC_TM100 - Time Variable
UMC_TM100T - Time Variable: Texts
UMC_UN100 - Notification
UMC_UN101 - Notification E-Mail Template
UMC_YS_AL_R3_RFCDEST - Search Help for RFC Destinations Type 3 (ERP Connections)
UMC_YS_APPKEY - Application Key
UMC_YS_ATTR - Attributes
UMC_YS_BICDOC_LIST - List of BIC Documents
UMC_YS_BLOBPART - Structure for BLOB Part
UMC_YS_BPSLINK - Link to an Entry Layout in Planning
UMC_YS_BPSLINKWIF - Link to an Entry Layout in Planning
UMC_YS_BSP_COLUMNS - Columns for BSP Column Tree
UMC_YS_BSP_STRING - String Structure for BSPs
UMC_YS_BWPER_SEMPER - Assignment: SEM Periods <-> BW Period
UMC_YS_BW_ALERT_LEVEL - Exceptions: (Definition of Alert Level)
UMC_YS_BW_CHA_SELECTION_OPTION - BW Selection Option: Characteristic
UMC_YS_BW_EXCEPTIONS - Exceptions of a BW Query
UMC_YS_BW_SELECTION_P - BW Selection Option: For Persistent
UMC_YS_BW_SELECTION_PER_ALV - Periodization: BW Selection : ALV Structure
UMC_YS_BW_SEQ_SELECTION_OPTION - BW Selection Option: Periodization
UMC_YS_BW_VAR - BW Variable
UMC_YS_BW_VAR_SELECTION_OPTION - BW Selection Option: Variable
UMC_YS_CHARTCHAR - Structure: Characteristic Information for Chart
UMC_YS_CHARTKEYF - Structure: Key Figure Information for Chart
UMC_YS_CHASELVAL - Characteristic Selection Criterion
UMC_YS_COL_AND_DATA_SOURCE - Value Field: BW Report and Measure
UMC_YS_COND - Notification Condition
UMC_YS_CPM_OBJECTS - List of CPM Objects
UMC_YS_CPM_VARIABLES - CPM Variables: Assigned Values
UMC_YS_CURRENCY - Currencies
UMC_YS_DIMCMPS - Characteristics: List of Compound Characteristics
UMC_YS_DIMCMP_VALS - Compound Dimension Member Values
UMC_YS_DIMRANGE - Range Table for Multiple Selection via ODBO Interface
UMC_YS_DIMS - Characteristics: Identifier, Description
UMC_YS_DIMVALS - Characteristic Values: Identifier, Description
UMC_YS_DIMVALS_F4HLP - Characteristic Values: Identifier, Description
UMC_YS_DOC_REC - Single BDS Document
UMC_YS_EXPLAIN - Element of a Calculated Key Figure
UMC_YS_EXPLAINLIST - Explanation List
UMC_YS_EXPL_SEL - Explanation - Selections
UMC_YS_FARG - Formula Argument
UMC_YS_FC - Selection Box Structure for UMCC
UMC_YS_FLATDATA - Structure: Flattened Data Sets
UMC_YS_FLATDATALIST - List of Flattened Data Sets
UMC_YS_FORMULA_P - Persistent Formula
UMC_YS_GRAPHICS_MC_FRAME - Graphics: Frame Text
UMC_YS_GRATXT - Texts in a Graphic
UMC_YS_GRATYPE - Description of all Graphic Types of Chart.ocx
UMC_YS_GRID_COLUMN - Description of Grid Column (Generic Grid)
UMC_YS_GRID_ITEM - Content of Item (Generic Grid)
UMC_YS_GRID_OUTTAB - Outtab (Generic Grid)
UMC_YS_HR_CONTRACT - HR: Contract Details
UMC_YS_HR_CPERSON - Details of a central person
UMC_YS_HR_ORGUNIT - Details of an Organizational Unit
UMC_YS_HYNODES - Hierarchy Nodes: Identifier, Description
UMC_YS_HYS - Hierarchies: Identifier, Description
UMC_YS_HYSELECT - Selection Conditions for Hierarchy Nodes
UMC_YS_HY_VALHLP - Selection Conditions for Hierarchy Nodes & Texts
UMC_YS_INDU - Industry Sector & Text
UMC_YS_INFOCUBES - InfoCube Identifier and Description
UMC_YS_KEYFIGURE - Value Field: BW Report and Measure
UMC_YS_KFS - Measure: Identifier and Description
UMC_YS_KFSELVAL - Structure: Key Figures ODBO Name
UMC_YS_KF_ERROR_MESSAGE - Error Text for a BW Key Figure
UMC_YS_KF_VALUES - Values of an ODBO Key Figure
UMC_YS_KF_YTD - Key Figure: YTD and Periodization
UMC_YS_LEGCHAR - Structure: Characteristic Information for Legend
UMC_YS_LEGCOLUMN - Descriptor of one Column of the Chart Legend
UMC_YS_LEGDATA - Data for the Graphic Legend
UMC_YS_LTXT_LANG - Long Text with Language
UMC_YS_MAP - Mapping
UMC_YS_MAP_INT - Mapping interval
UMC_YS_MAP_P - Mapping Persistent
UMC_YS_MDXCHAR - Component of MDX: Characteristic
UMC_YS_MDXCHAR_YTD_LIST - List of Selections for YTD Calculations
UMC_YS_MDXCMDLIST - List of MDX Commands
UMC_YS_MDXCMDTXT - Structure for Transport of MDX Statements in Tables
UMC_YS_MDXKEYF - Component of MDX: Key Figures
UMC_YS_MDXNOLIST - Status of an MDX Statement
UMC_YS_MDXQUERY - Component of MDX: Query
UMC_YS_MDXSOURCELIST - Data Source for MDX Statements
UMC_YS_MDXVAR - MDX Components: BW Variables
UMC_YS_MEAS_ERR - Measure with error after check
UMC_YS_MEAS_UNIT - Unit of Measure (Currency or Unit)
UMC_YS_MEAS_UNITS - List of Measures and Their Units (for BADI)
UMC_YS_MINI_FRAMES - Table for Management Cockpit Frames
UMC_YS_NOTIF - Structure for Notification
UMC_YS_NOTIF_EMAIL - E-Mail Structure
UMC_YS_NOTIF_TEMPLATE - Notification Template
UMC_YS_OBJECTKEY - Elements of Object Key for BDS
UMC_YS_OBJ_NOTIF - Notification Setting for One Object
UMC_YS_ORGCHART - Structure of all Boxes in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTBOX - Structure of a Box in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTBOXICON - Status - Icons of a Box in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTHIER - Hierarchy of the Boxes in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTHIER_2 - Hierarchy of the Boxes in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTICON - Status - Icons of all Boxes in the Organization Chart
UMC_YS_ORGCHARTLEGEND - Organization Chart Legend
UMC_YS_ORGCHART_LEGITEM - Legend Entry in the Organization Chart Control
UMC_YS_ORGCHART_NEW_IDS - New Assignment of IDs
UMC_YS_ORGCHART_POSITION - Position in the Orgchart
UMC_YS_ORGCHART_TOOLTIP - OrgChart Boxes: Quick Info
UMC_YS_ORGCHART_TOTCONT - Entire Content of Organization Chart Control
UMC_YS_OWNER - Persons Responsible
UMC_YS_OWNER_TXT - User + Text
UMC_YS_PERIODICITY - Periodization
UMC_YS_PERIOD_RANGE - Period Interval
UMC_YS_PS_ACTIVITY - Project System: Activity
UMC_YS_PS_BUSINESS_AREA - Project System: Business Area
UMC_YS_PS_COMPANY_CODE - Project System: Company Code
UMC_YS_PS_CONTROLLING_AREA - Project System: Controlling Area
UMC_YS_PS_MILESTONE - Project System: Milestone
UMC_YS_PS_PLANT - Project System: Plant
UMC_YS_PS_PROFIT_CENTER - Project System: Profit Center
UMC_YS_PS_PROJECT - Project System: Project Definition
UMC_YS_PS_PROJECT_PROFILE - Project System: Project Profile
UMC_YS_PS_RESPONSIBLE_PERSON - Project System:Number of Person Responsible (Project Leader)
UMC_YS_PS_WBS_ELEMENT - Project System: PLM Element
UMC_YS_PS_WBS_HIERARCHY - Project System: Hierarchy of PLM Elements
UMC_YS_QRYDATA - Structure: Query Data
UMC_YS_QUERIES - Query Identifier and Description
UMC_YS_QUERY - InfoCube and BW Report
UMC_YS_RANGE - Selection Conditions for Characteristic Values
UMC_YS_RANGE_VALHLP - Selection Conditions for Characteristic Values & Texts
UMC_YS_REFRESH_INFO - Information for Refresh
UMC_YS_RFCQUERIES - Query/Workbook incl. RFC Destination
UMC_YS_RSDRI_RANGES - Restrictions for CHAVAL Selection
UMC_YS_SCR2000 - Screen Interface for 2000
UMC_YS_SELCON - Selection Condition
UMC_YS_SELVAR - Key Figure Values for Selection Variants
UMC_YS_SELVAR_TXT - Texts for Selection Variants
UMC_YS_SEL_APPKEY - Structure for Application ID
UMC_YS_SERIES_COLOR - Structure f�r Series Colors
UMC_YS_STATI - Change Statistics
UMC_YS_STRUCT_ERR - Structure with Error Description
UMC_YS_TCHAVAL - Key Figure Value (ODBO)
UMC_YS_TIME_SEL - Selections for Time Characteristics ODBO
UMC_YS_TITLE - Graphic titles
UMC_YS_TODO - Todo Item
UMC_YS_TODO_EXT - Todo Item in External Form (For Grid)
UMC_YS_TREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMC_YS_TREE_ITEM_UPDATE - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMC_YS_TXT - Short, medium and long text
UMC_YS_TXT2 - Texts
UMC_YS_TXT_LANG - Text with Language
UMC_YS_UNIT - Graphic Units
UMC_YS_UNITTXT - Texts on a Graphic Unit
UMC_YS_USER_TXT - User + Text
UMC_YS_VALUE - Value in a Graphic
UMC_YS_VALUERANGE - Series Value Range Descriptor
UMC_YS_VARSELVAL - BW Variables: Selection Criteria
UMC_YS_WEBTMPL - Web Templates
UMC_YS_WORKBOOKS - List of Workbooks
UMC_YS_XMLDATA - Structure for XML
UMC_YS_XML_SOURCES - XML Files for Function Codes
UMK_BMK001 - Master Data Mapping Profile
UMK_BMK001T - Profile Text Table
UMK_BMK002 - Master Data Mapping
UMK_BU100 - Total Float
UMK_BU101 - Total Float
UMK_BU102 - Buffer User
UMK_DFTRFC - Default BW Destination for Measure Builder
UMK_MB000 - Measure Catalog
UMK_MB000T - Measure Catalog Text Table
UMK_MB010 - Measure Group
UMK_MB010T - Text Table of Measure Node
UMK_MB020 - Measure Hierarchy
UMK_MB100 - Key Figures: Header Table
UMK_MB100T - Measures: Texts
UMK_MB110 - Industry Assignment
UMK_MB120 - Benchmark Data Source <-> Measure
UMK_MB130 - Measure Mapping & Sourcing: InfoProvider Key Figure
UMK_MB140 - URL Assignment
UMK_MB140T - Text Table for URL Assignment
UMK_MB150 - Company <-> Provider Measure
UMK_MB160 - Source for Measure
UMK_MB200 - Measure Formula
UMK_MB300 - Benchmark InfoCube Settings
UMK_MB400 - Benchmark Selections
UMK_MB_CONTREL - Measure Catalog Content Release
UMK_YS_APP_OBJ - Application Object for Where-Used-List
UMK_YS_ATRVL - Master Data Attributes
UMK_YS_BAL_CONTEXT - Message Context
UMK_YS_BKCHASEL - Characteristic Selection Value
UMK_YS_BKDATA - Structure for Benchmark Data
UMK_YS_BKIC - Structure: Benchmark InfoCube Header
UMK_YS_BKICCUST - Structure for Benchmark InfoCube Settings
UMK_YS_BMK_MD_MAP - ALV: Benchmark Master Data Mapping
UMK_YS_BMK_MEAS_MAP - ALV: Benchmark Measure Mapping
UMK_YS_BWVIEW - Structure: BW View
UMK_YS_CALC - Measure Formula Stage
UMK_YS_CATALG - Measure Catalog
UMK_YS_CHA - Characteristic
UMK_YS_CHACMP - Compounding (Dependencies) of Characteristics
UMK_YS_CHADEP - Values of Compound Characteristics
UMK_YS_CHAPRO - Properties of a Characteristic
UMK_YS_CHASEL - Characteristic Selection Value
UMK_YS_CHASEL_DYNPRO - Characteristic Selection Value
UMK_YS_CHASEL_RANGE - Characteristic Value Selection Range
UMK_YS_CHAVL - Characteristic Values
UMK_YS_CHAVL_MAP - Benchmark Upload: BW Master Data Mapping
UMK_YS_CHAVL_TEXTS - Characteristic Value Texts
UMK_YS_DATASRC_RFC - RFC Settings for DataSource of Measure
UMK_YS_DOC_REC - Single BDS Document
UMK_YS_DOC_REC_CONTENT - BDS Document Record and its BDS Content Table
UMK_YS_EXPLINE - Expression Line Structure
UMK_YS_FMLSTRING - Formula String
UMK_YS_ICKEYF - Structure: BW Key Figure
UMK_YS_INDUSTRY - Structure for Industry
UMK_YS_IND_FILTER - Industry Filter
UMK_YS_INFOCUBE - Structure: InfoCubes
UMK_YS_INFOPROV - InfoProvider
UMK_YS_KFSOURCE - Source for Key Figure
UMK_YS_KF_SOURCE_ATTR - Source Attributes
UMK_YS_KYF - Measure
UMK_YS_KYFPRO - Properties of a Measure
UMK_YS_LINKMEAS - Provider Measure
UMK_YS_MB100A - Key Figures: Attributes
UMK_YS_MB_BMK - Lock Structure: Benchmark Value for Measure
UMK_YS_MD_MAP - Master Data Mapping for Profile
UMK_YS_MEASCAT - Measure Catalog
UMK_YS_MEASHIER - Measure Hierarchy
UMK_YS_MEASPROP - Measure Property
UMK_YS_MEASURE_HITLIST - Screen for Measure Search Hit List
UMK_YS_MEAS_HITLIST - Screen Structure: Find Measure
UMK_YS_MEAS_MAP - Benchmark Upload: Measure Mapping
UMK_YS_MESSAGE - Message Text
UMK_YS_MNODE - Measure Node
UMK_YS_NODECONT - Measure Catalog Tree Node Content
UMK_YS_OBJECTKEY - Elements of Object Key for BDS
UMK_YS_ODSO - Structure: ODSO
UMK_YS_OPERATOR - Formula Operators
UMK_YS_PROVIDER - Benchmark and Measure Provider
UMK_YS_PROVMEAS - Referenced Provider Measures
UMK_YS_QUERY - BW report as well as referenced workbook
UMK_YS_RFCCUBES - RFC Destination Cubes
UMK_YS_RSD_S_IOBJNM - InfoObject List for BW Master Data Maintenance
UMK_YS_RSNDI_S_CHAVL - Attributes & Texts Structure for BW Master Data
UMK_YS_STR_MEM - BW Structure and Member
UMK_YS_TCHAVAL - Characteristic Value
UMK_YS_TLOGO_A - Properties of TLOGO Object (exists only in A Version)
UMK_YS_TLOGO_AM - Properties of TLOGO Object (exists only in A and M Versions)
UMK_YS_TREECONTENT - Tree Content Corresponding to Measure Catalog Tree
UMK_YS_TREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMK_YS_TREE_NODES - Tree Control: Attributes of a Node
UMK_YS_TXT - Short and Long Text
UMK_YS_UNIT - Measure Unit
UMK_YS_VALUE - Data Value
UMK_YS_WORKBOOK - Workbook in BW System
UMK_YS_XINDU - Industry
UMK_YS_XMEASURE - Interface for Other Components: Measure
UMK_YS_XREF - Structure: Component Reference
UMR_EX100 - RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks
UMR_EX110 - RMS: Measure Targets
UMR_EX120 - RMS: Measure Status & Risk Status
UMR_RB_CONTREL - Risk Catalog Content Release
UMR_RF100 - RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields
UMR_RF101 - RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Selection Criteria
UMR_RF102 - RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variable
UMR_RF103 - RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields BW Variables
UMR_RI000 - Risk: Category
UMR_RI000T - Risk: Category Text Table
UMR_RI010 - Risk: Group
UMR_RI010T - Risk: Group Text Table
UMR_RI020 - Risk: Catalog Hierarchy
UMR_RI030 - Risk: Measure Assignment
UMR_RI040 - Risk URL Assignment
UMR_RI040T - Risk URL Assignment Text Table
UMR_RI100 - Risk: Master
UMR_RI100T - Risk: Text Table
UMR_RI102 - RMS: Global Settings
UMR_RI105 - RMS: Assignment of Value Fields for Deviations
UMR_RI110 - RMS: Assignment of Target Systems
UMR_RI111 - RMS: Assignment of TS-Specific Deviation Value Fields
UMR_RI112 - OBSOLETE RMS: Deviations per Thread Level for Measure
UMR_RI114 - RMS: Measure Selection and Attributes
UMR_RI115 - RMS: Measure Formula Argument Assignment
UMR_RI116 - RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - NOT USED
UMR_RI117 - RMS: Measure Weight Data Selection - Selections - NOT USED
UMR_RI118 - RMS: Measure-Risk Value Fields Read Only Flag
UMR_RI120 - RMS: Assignment of Risks
UMR_RI121 - RMS: Owner of Risk
UMR_RI124 - OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity - Header
UMR_RI125 - OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions
UMR_RI125T - OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity Versions Text T
UMR_RI126 - OBSOLETE RMS: Probability and Risk Intensity
UMR_RI128 - RMS: Measure Deviations for Risks
UMR_RI129 - RMS: Risk Status for Measure
UMR_RI131 - Obsolete: RMS Graphic Settings
UMR_RI140 - RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Master)
UMR_RI140T - RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities (Text Table)
UMR_RI141 - RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones
UMR_RI141T - RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Milestones - Text Table
UMR_RI142 - RMS: Risk-Reducing Activities - Team Members
UMR_RI150 - RMS: Assignment of Risk-Reducing Activities to Risk
UMR_RI160 - OBSOLETE RMS: Risk Score
UMR_RI200 - RMS: Assigned BW Queries
UMR_RI201 - RMS: BW Web Report
UMR_RI201T - RMS: BW Web Report
UMR_TL100 - Threat Level: Master
UMR_TL100T - Threat Level: Text Table
UMR_UP101 - User Settings
UMR_YS_ADMIN_110 - Interface for Dynpro 110 in f.g. umr_admin
UMR_YS_APP_OBJ - Application Object for Where-Used-List
UMR_YS_ARG - Arguments of Formula
UMR_YS_ARG_GRID - Grid for Argument Assignment
UMR_YS_COLLISION - Time Interval Overlappings
UMR_YS_CUST_0101 - Screen Interface 0101
UMR_YS_CUST_0200 - Screen Interface 0200
UMR_YS_CUST_0201 - Screen Interface 0201
UMR_YS_CUST_0202 - Screen Interface 0202
UMR_YS_CUST_0204 - Screen Interface 0204
UMR_YS_CUST_0205 - Screen Interface 0205
UMR_YS_CUST_0310 - Screen Interface 0310
UMR_YS_CUST_0311 - Screen Interface 0310
UMR_YS_CUST_0500 - Screen Interface 0500
UMR_YS_CUST_0501 - Screen Interface 0501
UMR_YS_CUST_0601 - Screen Interface 0500
UMR_YS_CUST_0900 - Screen Interface 0900
UMR_YS_CUST_1000 - Screen Interface 1000
UMR_YS_CUST_HEADER - Screen Interface 0200
UMR_YS_DEV - Deviation
UMR_YS_DEVIATION - Deviation Table (for Grid)
UMR_YS_DEV_AG - Deviation - Aggregated Columns
UMR_YS_DEV_GRID - Deviation - Grid
UMR_YS_DVALUE - Value of Risk Value Field
UMR_YS_ESTIMATION - Screen Assistant: Structure Estimation
UMR_YS_HNODE - Hierarchy
UMR_YS_INTERVAL - Interval of Validity
UMR_YS_MEAS - Structure: Component Reference
UMR_YS_MEAS_TARGET - Measure of Target System
UMR_YS_MEAS_UNIT - Unit of Measure (Currency or Unit)
UMR_YS_MSTONE - Risk Activity: Milestone
UMR_YS_MSTONE_GRID - Risk Activity: Milestone
UMR_YS_NODECONT - Risk Catalog Tree Node Content
UMR_YS_PROB - Probability
UMR_YS_PROB_ATTR - Probability Attributes
UMR_YS_PROB_GRID - Probability Grid
UMR_YS_PROB_LIST - Probability with Object
UMR_YS_PS_ITEM - User Settings Item
UMR_YS_RACT - Risk Activity
UMR_YS_RACT_LIST - Interface for List of Risk Activities
UMR_YS_RACT_LISTEX - Interface for List of Risk Activities
UMR_YS_RCATG - Risk Category
UMR_YS_RGROUP - Risk Group
UMR_YS_RISKDEV - Deviation - Grid
UMR_YS_RISK_ASSIGN - Assigned Risk
UMR_YS_RISK_LIST - Interface for List of Risks
UMR_YS_RISK_OWNER - Risk Owner Grid Structure
UMR_YS_RISK_PRINT - Structure for printing of risk attributes
UMR_YS_RISK_PRINT_TXT - Description of risk attributes for printing
UMR_YS_RISK_STATUS - Risk Status for Measure Risk Combination
UMR_YS_RMSLOG - RMS Application Log Context for Estimation Value
UMR_YS_RMS_COL - Columns
UMR_YS_RMS_COL_DESCR - Columns with Description
UMR_YS_RW_FLAG - Read only flag
UMR_YS_SCR_0403 - Screen Interface 0403
UMR_YS_SCR_0411 - Screen Interface 0411
UMR_YS_SCR_0500 - Screen Interface 0500
UMR_YS_SCR_0510 - Screen Interface 0510
UMR_YS_TASK_EXT - Task Master (External Form)
UMR_YS_TEAM - Structure for Team Members
UMR_YS_TEXT - Text Line with Maximum Length 100
UMR_YS_TLEVEL - Threat Level
UMR_YS_TLOGO_A - Properties of TLOGO Object (exists only in A Version)
UMR_YS_TLOGO_AM - Properties of TLOGO Object (exists only in A and M Versions)
UMR_YS_TREECONTENT - Tree Content for Risk Catalog Tree
UMR_YS_TREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMR_YS_URL - Risk: URL Assigned
UMR_YS_URLTREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMR_YS_VALUE - Value of Risk Value Field
UMR_YS_VER - Version
UMR_YS_VER_LIST - Version List
UMR_YS_VER_TXT - Version Texts
UMR_YS_XREF - Structure: Component Reference
UMV_GS100 - Orientations of Value Driver Tree
UMV_HI100 - Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Header Table
UMV_HI101 - Value Driver Tree Hierarchy: Text Table
UMV_TR100 - Value Driver Tree: Header Table
UMV_TR101 - Value Driver Tree: Text Table
UMV_TR102 - Value Driver Tree: Selections of the CPM Variables
UMV_TR103 - Value Driver Tree: Runtime Variables Used
UMV_TR104 - Value Driver Tree: Value Combinations of Runtime Variables
UMV_TR105 - Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Characteristics
UMV_TR106 - Value Driver Tree: Responsible Person
UMV_TR107 - Value Driver Tree: Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_TR108 - Value Driver Tree: Versions of Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_TR110 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Used Value Drivers
UMV_TR111 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Driver Dependencies
UMV_TR112 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Value Fields of a Value Driver
UMV_TR113 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields
UMV_TR114 - Obsolete:Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Value Drivers
UMV_TR115 - Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:BW Queries and Workbooks of Drivers
UMV_TR116 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR117 - Obsolete: Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR120 - Value Driver Tree: Graphics
UMV_TR121 - Value Driver Tree: Assignment of Value Fields to Graphics
UMV_TR122 - Value Driver Tree: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMV_TR123 - Value Driver Tree: Graphics : Texts
UMV_TR124 - Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMV_TR125 - Obsolete:Val.Driver Tree:Assign.Web Reports to Value Drivers
UMV_TR125T - Obsolete:Val. Driver Tree:Texts Assign. Web Reports to Value
UMV_TR126 - Obsolete: Frame: URL
UMV_TR126T - Obsolete: Frame: URL
UMV_TR127 - Value Driver Tree: Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMV_TR210 - Value Driver Tree: Used Measures
UMV_TR211 - Value Driver Tree: Measure Dependencies
UMV_TR212 - Value Driver Tree: Value Fields or Measure
UMV_TR213 - Value Driver Tree: Selections for the Value Fields
UMV_TR214 - Value Driver Tree: BIC Selections for Measures
UMV_TR215 - Value Driver Tree: BW Queries and Workbooks for Measures
UMV_TR216 - Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR217 - Value Driver Tree: BW Variables for Value Fields
UMV_TR218 - Value Driver Tree: Assignment of BPS Functions to Measures
UMV_TR219 - Value Driver Tree - Measures: BPS Measure
UMV_TR225 - Value Driver Tree: Assignment of web Reports to Measures
UMV_TR225T - Value Driver Tree:Text Assignment of Web Reports to Measures
UMV_TR226 - Value Driver Tree: Assignment of URLs to Measures
UMV_TR226T - Value driver Tree: Text Assignment URLs to Measures
UMV_TR227 - Value Driver Tree: Responsible Persons for Measures
UMV_TR230 - Value Driver Tree: Assign Value Fields to Formula Arguments
UMV_TR231 - Value Driver Tree: Status, Assessments and Comments
UMV_TR301 - Value Driver Tree: Default Values for Runtime Variables
UMV_TR302 - Value Driver Tree: User-Dependent Default Values
UMV_VD100 - Obsolete: Value Drivers: Header Table
UMV_VD101 - Obsolete: Value Drivers: Text Tables
UMV_YS_0260 - UMV_YS_0260
UMV_YS_COLS - Value Fields of a Driver in a Driver Tree
UMV_YS_COLS_SELECT - Selection Conditions for Value Fields
UMV_YS_MEAS_LIST - Value Driver Tree: Selected Measures
UMV_YS_OWNER - Value Driver Tree: Responsible Person
UMV_YS_RUNTIMEVAR - Value Driver Tree: Runtime Variables Used
UMV_YS_SIMU_COLS - Value Driver Tree: Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_YS_SIMU_COLS_VERS - Value Driver Tree: Versions of Value Fields for Simulation
UMV_YS_TIME_FIELDS - Time Fields: Current Period, Target Period
UMV_YS_TM_AC - Assessments and Comments
UMV_YS_VDRIVER - Attributes of a Value Driver
UMV_YS_VDRIVER_COLS - Value Fields of a Value Driver
UMV_YS_VDRIVER_FUNCTIONS - Planning Functions for a Value Driver
UMV_YS_VDRIVER_GRAPHIC - Value Driver: Assigned Graphics
UMV_YS_VDTHIERARCHY - Element of the Value Driver Hierarchy
UMV_YS_VDTREE - Attributes of a Value Driver Tree
UMV_YS_VDTREE_RANGE - Value Driver Tree: Range
UMV_YS_VDTREE_SELECT - List of value driver trees for ALV
UMV_YS_VDT_TERMS - Value Driver Tree:Assignment of Characteristics to Eval. Key

SAP Balanced Scorecard Tables FIN-SEM-CPM-BSC

UMBESCNODE - Extraction Structure for Node
UMB_BC_OB100 - Strategy Elements: Header Table (Business Content)
UMB_BC_OB101 - Strategy Elements: Texts (Business Content)
UMB_BC_PE100 - Perspectives: Header Table (Business Content)
UMB_BC_PE101 - Perspectives: Texts (Business Content)
UMB_BC_SM100 - Strategy Map
UMB_BC_SM100T - Strategy Map: Texts
UMB_BC_SM101 - Strategy Map: Strategy Assignment
UMB_BC_SM102 - Strategy Map: Objective Assignment
UMB_BC_SM103 - Strategy Map: Measure Assignment
UMB_BC_SM104 - Strategy Map: Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_BC_ST100 - Strategies: Header Table (Business Content)
UMB_BC_ST101 - Strategies: Texts (Business Content)
UMB_BC_ST104 - Strategy Category (Business Content)
UMB_BC_ST104T - Strategy Category: Texts (Business Content)
UMB_BU100 - BW Buffer (Cross-Application)
UMB_BU101 - Local Measure Buffer
UMB_CI100 - General Initiatives: Header Table
UMB_CI101 - General Initiatives: Texts
UMB_CM100 - Performance Overview: Header Table
UMB_CM100T - Performance Overview: Texts
UMB_CM101 - Performance Overview: Item
UMB_CM102 - Compensation Matrix: Assignment of Person
UMB_CO100 - General Objectives: Header Table
UMB_CO101 - General Objectives: Texts
UMB_CO102 - General Objectives: Measure Label
UMB_CO103 - General Objectives: Measure Label Text
UMB_EBB_STRUC - Briefing Book Structure
UMB_GS100 - Value Fields
UMB_GS101 - Value Fields: Texts
UMB_GS105 - Status Intervals
UMB_GS105T - Status: Texts
UMB_GS106 - Trend Indicator Intervals
UMB_GS106T - Trend Indicator Intervals: Texts
UMB_HI100 - Scorecard Hierarchy: Header Table
UMB_HI101 - Scorecard Hierarchy: Texts
UMB_HI110 - Scorecard Aggregation Hierarchy
UMB_MA_PE101 - Miniapp Personalization - Owner Filter
UMB_MA_PE102 - Miniapp Personalization - Status Filter
UMB_MC100 - Scorecard: Measure Value Fields
UMB_MC101 - Scorecard: Characteristics for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC102 - Scorecard: Graphics
UMB_MC103 - Scorecard: Assignment of Columns to Graphics
UMB_MC104 - Scorecard: Graphic - BLOBs (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMB_MC105 - Scorecard: Graphics: Texts
UMB_MC106 - Scorecard: BW Variables for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC107 - Scorecard: BW Variables for the Value Fields of a Measure
UMB_MC108 - Scorecard: Graphic - Setting in XML Format
UMB_MC109 - Scorecard: Graphic - Setting in XML Format
UMB_OB100 - Objectives: Header Table
UMB_OB101 - Objectives: Texts
UMB_OFL_STATUS - Download Process Status
UMB_PE100 - Perspectives: Header Table
UMB_PE101 - Perspectives : Texts
UMB_PT100 - Personalization Template: Master
UMB_PT101 - Personalization Template: Items
UMB_RB100 - Report Builder: Header Table
UMB_RB101 - Report Builder: Texts
UMB_RB102 - Report Builder: Report Elements
UMB_RB103 - Report Builder: Report Elements - Details
UMB_RB104 - Report Builder: Selection Elements for Report
UMB_RB_BB100 - Report Builder: Elements
UMB_RB_BB101 - OBSOLETE! Report Builder: Elements - Texts
UMB_RB_BB102 - Report Builder: Elements - Forms
UMB_RB_BB103 - Report Builder: Elements - Selections
UMB_RB_BB104 - Report Builder: Elements - Available Details
UMB_RB_DT100 - Report Builder: Element - Detail
UMB_RB_DT101 - OBSOLETE! Report Builder: Element - Detail - Texts
UMB_RB_SB100 - Report Builder: Selection Elements
UMB_RB_SB101 - OBSOLETE! Report Builder: Selection Elements - Texts
UMB_RB_SB102 - Report Builder: Selection Elements - Selection Types
UMB_SA010 - Strategic Advice: Workflow Customizing
UMB_SA100 - Strategic Advice
UMB_SA101 - Strategic Advice: Report
UMB_SA102 - Strategic Advice: Recipient
UMB_SA200 - Strategic Advice for an Initiative
UMB_SA201 - Strategic Advice for an Initiative: Report
UMB_SC100 - Scorecard: Header Table
UMB_SC101 - Scorecard: Texts
UMB_SC102 - Scorecard: Value Definition of the CPM Variable
UMB_SC103 - Scorecard: Measure Assignment
UMB_SC104 - Scorecard: Strategy Assignment
UMB_SC105 - Scorecard: Objective Assignment
UMB_SC107 - Scorecard: BIC Selections
UMB_SC108 - Scorecard: Perspectives : BIC Selections
UMB_SC109 - Scorecard: Perspectives: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC110 - Scorecard: Column Assignment
UMB_SC111 - Scorecard: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC112 - Scorecard: Perspective Assignment
UMB_SC113 - Scorecard: Perspective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC115 - Scorecard: View Assignment
UMB_SC116 - Scorecard and BPS Web Interface
UMB_SC120 - Scorecard: Strategy Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC121 - Scorecard: Strategy: BIC Selection
UMB_SC122 - Scorecard: Strategies: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC140 - Scorecard: Objective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC142 - Scorecard: Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_SC143 - Cause-Effect Chain: XML Document for Old Java Applets
UMB_SC144 - Scorecard: BLOB for Cause-Effect Chain (OBSOLETE)
UMB_SC145 - Cause-Effect Chain: XML Document for JNet Applets
UMB_SC145C - Cause-Effect Chain: XML Document
UMB_SC150 - Scorecard: Objective Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC151 - Scorecard: Objective Score, A&C, DBS, Doc Id
UMB_SC152 - Scorecard: Objective: BIC Selections
UMB_SC153 - Scorecard: Objective: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC160 - Scorecard: Measure Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC161 - Scorecard: Measure Score, A&C, DBS, Doc Id
UMB_SC162 - Objective: Measure Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC163 - Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Argument to Value Fields
UMB_SC164 - Scorecard: Formula to Calculate the Status of a Measure
UMB_SC165 - Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Value to Measure Status
UMB_SC166 - Scorecard: Measures: BIC Selections
UMB_SC167 - Scorecard: Measures: BPS Link
UMB_SC168 - Scorecard: Measures: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC170 - Scorecard: Weights for Status Calculation
UMB_SC171 - Scorecard: BW Web Report (Obsolete)
UMB_SC171T - Scorecard: BW Web Report (Obsolete)
UMB_SC172 - Scorecard: URL (Obsolete)
UMB_SC172T - Scorecard: URL (Obsolete)
UMB_SC173 - Scorecard: BW Web Report
UMB_SC173T - Scorecard: BW Web Report
UMB_SC174 - Scorecard: URL
UMB_SC174T - Scorecard: URL
UMB_SC180 - Scorecard: Initiatives
UMB_SC181 - Scorecard: Texts for Initiatives
UMB_SC182 - Objectives: Initiative Assignment (Time-Dependent)
UMB_SC183 - Scorecard: Assignment of General Initiatives to Objectives
UMB_SC184 - Scorecard: Status of a General Initiative
UMB_SC185 - Scorecard: Initiative Score, A&C, DBS, Doc Id
UMB_SC186 - Scorecard: Initiative: Team Members
UMB_SC187 - Scorecard: Initiative: Message for Team Members
UMB_SC188 - Scorecard: Initiative: Benefits
UMB_SC189 - Scorecard: Initiative: Benefits Text Table
UMB_SC190 - Scorecard: Initiatives: BIC Selections
UMB_SC191 - Scorecard: Initiatives: BPS Links
UMB_SC192 - Scorecard: Initiatives: Assigned BW Queries
UMB_SC193 - Scorecard: BW Key Figure Values of an Initiative
UMB_SC194 - Scorecard: Characteristics for BW Key Figs of an Initiative
UMB_SC195 - Scorecard: BW Variables for Value Fields of an Initiative
UMB_SC196 - Scorecard: BW Variables for Value Fields of an Initiative
UMB_SC197 - Scorecard: Initiative: Milestones
UMB_SC198 - Scorecard: Initiative: Milestones (Text Table)
UMB_SC199 - Scorecard: Assignment of Formula Argument to Value Fields
UMB_SC201 - Scorecard: Perspective Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC211 - Scorecard: Strategy Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC221 - Scorecard: Score & A&C BDS Doc ID
UMB_SC300 - Owner Variable
UMB_SC301 - Selection of Scorecard Elements
UMB_SG100 - Scorecard Group
UMB_SG100T - Scorecard Group: Texts
UMB_SG101 - Scorecard Group: Scorecard Assignment
UMB_ST100 - Strategies: Header Table
UMB_ST101 - Strategies: Texts
UMB_ST104 - Strategy category
UMB_ST104T - Strategy Category: Texts
UMB_SV100 - Scorecard View
UMB_SV100T - Scorecard View: Texts
UMB_SV101 - Scorecard View: Columns
UMB_SV101T - Scorecard View: Column Texts
UMB_UP100 - Substitute
UMB_UP102 - User Settings
UMB_UP110 - Personal Views: Master Table
UMB_WEB_APP - Table of Web Applications for Launchpad
UMB_WIZARD100 - Scorecard Wizard: Activity
UMB_WIZARD100T - Scorecard Wizard: Activity
UMB_WIZARD101 - Scorecard Wizard: Level
UMB_WIZARD101T - Scorecard Wizard: Step
UMB_WIZARD102 - Default Settings for Each User. Used by BSC Wizard
UMB_WIZARD_YS_COBJ_PERS - cobj - cobjtxt - pers - perstxt
UMB_WIZARD_YS_FISCPER_FIELD - For FISCPER type field, with 'field name' and 'field value'.
UMB_WIZARD_YS_FORMULA_ARG - For showing Formula's argument on web page.
UMB_WIZARD_YS_GRACOL - Value Fields for Measure Graphics
UMB_WIZARD_YS_MEASURE_RISK - For showing Measure-Risk assignment structure on web page.
UMB_WIZARD_YS_OBJ - Assignment Properties of an Objective
UMB_WIZARD_YS_OBJ_INIT - Objective and Its Assigned Initiatives
UMB_WIZARD_YS_OBJ_MEAS - Objective and Its Assigned Measures
UMB_WIZARD_YS_PERS - Perspective Structure
UMB_WIZARD_YS_RISK - Containing Meaures-Risk assignment information
UMB_WIZARD_YS_RISK_ACTIVITY - Basic information about a Risk Activity
UMB_WIZARD_YS_RISK_RACT - For showing Risk and Risk Activity assignment on web page.
UMB_WIZARD_YS_STRA - Strategy Structure
UMB_YS_1212 - Structure for Screen 1212 of UMB_BSC_CUST
UMB_YS_1213 - UMB_YS_1213
UMB_YS_1213B - UMB_YS_1213B
UMB_YS_1214 - UMB_YS_1214
UMB_YS_1221 - Structure for Screen 1221 of UMB_BSC_CUST
UMB_YS_1222 - Structure for Screen 1222 of UMB_BSC_CUST
UMB_YS_1224 - UMB_YS_1224
UMB_YS_1225 - UMB_YS_1215
UMB_YS_1226 - UMB_YS_1226
UMB_YS_1227 - umb_ys_1227
UMB_YS_1232 - Formula
UMB_YS_1232B - Status Intervals
UMB_YS_1240 - Structure for Screen 1240 of UMB_BSC_CUST
UMB_YS_1250 - Owner
UMB_YS_1291 - Key Figure Information
UMB_YS_ACID_PARAM - Description of Discussion
UMB_YS_AC_DOC - Structure Describing One Assessed/Commented Document
UMB_YS_AC_INFO - Assessments and Comments info used in web send email AC
UMB_YS_AC_PARAM - Description of Discussion
UMB_YS_AC_TREE - ALV Tree for Assessment
UMB_YS_ADMIN_110 - Interface for dympro 110 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_500 - Interface for dympro 500 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_501 - Interface for dympro 501 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_502 - Interface for dympro 502 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_511 - Interface for dympro 511 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_550 - Interface for dympro 550 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_551 - Interface for dympro 551 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADMIN_620 - Screen Interface 610
UMB_YS_ADMIN_700 - Interface for screen 700 in f.g. umb_admin
UMB_YS_ADVISE_ATTRIBUTE - Strategic Advice: Attribute
UMB_YS_ADVISE_DETAIL - Strategic Advice: Details
UMB_YS_ADVISE_DISPATCH_DETAIL - Strategic Advice Report: Detail
UMB_YS_ADVISE_INIT_DETAIL - Strategic Advice for an Initiative: Detail
UMB_YS_ADVISE_INIT_DISPATCH - Strategic Advice Report for an Initiative: Detail
UMB_YS_AGHI_XREF - Scorecard Aggregation Hierarchy
UMB_YS_AREA - Planning Area Structure
UMB_YS_ARG - Assignment of Arguments to Formula
UMB_YS_ASP_ACTAB - Structure for Text and Button
UMB_YS_ASP_ATTR - Print Options
UMB_YS_ASP_ELEM_TXT - Scorecard CHAR40 Element Texts for Smart Printouts
UMB_YS_ASP_INIT - Interface for List of Initiatives
UMB_YS_ASP_MEAS - Interface for List of Measures
UMB_YS_ASP_OBJ - Interface for List of Objectives
UMB_YS_ASP_PERS - Interface for Perspective
UMB_YS_ASP_RISK - Risk Structure for Reports
UMB_YS_ASP_STRATEGY - Interface for Strategy
UMB_YS_ASP_TS_COL - Structure for Printing Measure Values
UMB_YS_ASP_TS_PER - Structure for Printing Time Series
UMB_YS_ASS - Beginning and End Periods
UMB_YS_BIC_DROPDOWN - Structure for Filling BIC Dropdown
UMB_YS_BIC_ITEM - Item containing one BIC document
UMB_YS_BIC_P - BIC: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_BLOBH - Screen Header for BLOB Info
UMB_YS_BLOB_GROUP - GROUP used by Java Applet
UMB_YS_BLOB_LINK - Graphic Properties of Links
UMB_YS_BLOB_LINK_FOR_SC_PRES - Links for Scorecard Presentation
UMB_YS_BLOB_OBJECTIVE - Graphical Properties of Objectives
UMB_YS_BLOB_PERSPECTIVE - Graphical Properties of Perspectives
UMB_YS_BLOB_PERSPECTIVE_EX - Graphical Properties of Perspectives
UMB_YS_BLOB_STRATEGY - Graphical Properties of Strategies
UMB_YS_BLOCKID - Building Blocks for Report Builder
UMB_YS_BLOCKS - Blocks for Report Builder
UMB_YS_BLOCKUID_LTXT - Pair Block UID - Description
UMB_YS_BLOCK_DETAILS - Details of Building Blocks
UMB_YS_BPS_P - BPS: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_BSC_AC_MINI - Assessment & Comment Structure for Miniapp
UMB_YS_BSC_ELEMENT - Scorecard Element
UMB_YS_BSC_ELEMENT1 - Scorecard Element with Validity
UMB_YS_BSC_ELEMENT2 - Scorecard Element with Assignment
UMB_YS_BSC_ELEMENT4 - Scorecard Element with Texts
UMB_YS_BSC_FILTER - Filter for BSC Tree
UMB_YS_BSC_PERS1 - Personalization Structure 1 - Name/Value
UMB_YS_BSC_PERS1_EXT - Personalization Structure 1 - Name/Value
UMB_YS_BSC_PERS2 - Personalization Structure 2 - Scorecard IDs
UMB_YS_BSC_PERS3 - Personalization Structure 2 - Owner List
UMB_YS_BSC_PERS4 - My object
UMB_YS_BSC_TREE_MINI - Line Structure for BSC Tree in MiniApp
UMB_YS_BSP_OVRVIEW_TREE - Overview of the Balanced Scorecard
UMB_YS_BSP_PAGE_ATTR - Line of Table to Store Navigation Params Into One Page Attr
UMB_YS_BW_BUFFER - BW Buffer (Cross-Application)
UMB_YS_CALC_LIST - Interface for List of Elements
UMB_YS_CECOL - Column for the Matrix in the Cause & Effect Chain
UMB_YS_CEOUTTAB - Line Interface for Matrix Data
UMB_YS_CEOUTTAB_GEN - Line Interface for Matrix Data
UMB_YS_CE_CUST - Cause/Effect Chain for Customizing
UMB_YS_CE_MODE - Strategy Mode Selection
UMB_YS_CE_TABLE - Cause-Effect Chain Grid Line
UMB_YS_CGRISK_PRINT - Structure for Risk Category - Group - Risk Print Report
UMB_YS_CHAPTER - EBB Chapter Structure
UMB_YS_CHARS - Structure for InfoCube Characteristic
UMB_YS_CINIT - Common Initiative
UMB_YS_CM_ALV_ITEM - Performance Overview: Item for ALV Grid
UMB_YS_CM_DETAIL - Personal Score Detail Dympro Interface
UMB_YS_CM_HEADER - Performance Score Header Screen Interface
UMB_YS_CM_P - Performance Overview: Persistant Structure
UMB_YS_COBJ - Interface for Common Objective
UMB_YS_COBJ_KEY_HREF - Common Object Key Href
UMB_YS_COL - Column
UMB_YS_COLUMN - Value Field: Details
UMB_YS_COL_REP - Column Reporting Setting
UMB_YS_COL_TEXT - Value Field With Long Text
UMB_YS_CONTEXT_MENU - Definition of a Dynamic Context Menu
UMB_YS_CONTEXT_MENU_BSP - Definition of a Dynamic Context Menu
UMB_YS_CPMVAR_AND_DATA_SOURCE - Scorecard CPM Variables with Status Indicator
UMB_YS_CPM_VARIABLE_P - CPM Variable: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_CPM_VARIABLE_WHEREUSED - Scorecard Elements Where CPM Variables Are Used as Owners
UMB_YS_DATA - Report Line
UMB_YS_DETID - Building Block Detail Info
UMB_YS_EBB_COL - Briefing Book Risk Estimation Column
UMB_YS_EBB_HEADER - Briefing Book Header Parameters w/o Comparison Scorecards
UMB_YS_EBB_ITEM - Briefing Book Element Parameters
UMB_YS_EBB_PIC - Briefing Book Picture or Graphic
UMB_YS_EBB_SCARD - Briefing Book Scorecard
UMB_YS_EBB_STRUC - Briefing Book Structure
UMB_YS_ELEMENT_FOR_SCORE - Scorecard Element for Score Calculation
UMB_YS_ELEMENT_VALIDITY - Scorecard Element with Validity
UMB_YS_EP_AC - Common Part of Assessment and Comment
UMB_YS_EP_ASS - RFC Interface for Assessment
UMB_YS_EP_COLUMN - Table Tree Column for Web Application
UMB_YS_EP_ITEM - Table Tree Item for Web Application
UMB_YS_EP_MCOM - RFC Interface for Comment List
UMB_YS_EP_MSTONE - RFC Interface for Milestone
UMB_YS_EP_NODE - Table Tree Node for Web Application
UMB_YS_EP_PROB - RFC Interface for Risk Probability List
UMB_YS_EP_RACT - RFC Interface for Risk Activity List
UMB_YS_EP_RPT - RFC Interface for Web Report
UMB_YS_EP_SCOM - RFC Interface for Single Comment
UMB_YS_EP_TM_VALUE - RFC Interface for Measure Time Value
UMB_YS_EP_TREE_TYPE - Tree Type for Web Application
UMB_YS_FORMULA1_P - Formula ID and Assignment Table
UMB_YS_FORMULA2_P - Scorecard: Formula for Calculation of Status
UMB_YS_FORMULA_P - Scorecard: Formula to Calculate the Status of a Measure
UMB_YS_FPNAME - Form Name + Description
UMB_YS_FROM_TO_FISCPER - Beginning and End Periods
UMB_YS_GRACOL - Arrangement of Measure Columns in a Graphic
UMB_YS_GRALIST - Measure Graphic Parameter
UMB_YS_GRALIST_HREF - Graph List With Href
UMB_YS_GRA_DROPDOWN - Measure Graph Dropdown
UMB_YS_GT_COL - Generic Tree: Column
UMB_YS_GT_ITEM - Generic Tree: Item
UMB_YS_GT_NODE - Generic Tree: Node
UMB_YS_HINODE - Interface for a Hierarchy Node
UMB_YS_HORIZONTAL - Screen Assistant Structure
UMB_YS_INIT - Initiative Interface
UMB_YS_INITIATIVE - Interface for an Initiative
UMB_YS_INIT_BEN - Interface for Benefits of an Initiative
UMB_YS_INIT_LIST - Interface for List of Initiatives
UMB_YS_INIT_MSTONE - Initiative Milestones
UMB_YS_INIT_MSTONE_GRID - Initiative Milestones
UMB_YS_INIT_PRINT - Structure for Print Report on Initiatives
UMB_YS_INIT_SELECT - Selection of Value Fields for Initiative in the Scorecard
UMB_YS_INIT_SER_LINE - Structure for Initiative Budget - Time Series
UMB_YS_INIT_TASK_ATTR - Strategic Advice for an Initiative: Attributes
UMB_YS_INIT_TEAM - Structure for Initiative Team Members
UMB_YS_LINK_MAP - Dictionary to Map Old Links to New Links
UMB_YS_MAPPING - Mapping of Formula Results to the Score
UMB_YS_MAPPING_TABLE - Mapping Intervals (for Screen)
UMB_YS_MC100_P - Scorecard: Measure Value Fields
UMB_YS_MEAN - Interface Structure for Measure Analysis Screen
UMB_YS_MEASCOL - BW - Measure Column Link
UMB_YS_MEASCOLSEL - BW - Selection Conditions for a Column Measure
UMB_YS_MEASCOLVARPER - Periodicity of BW - Variables of a Column Measure
UMB_YS_MEASCOLVARSEL - BW - Variables of a Column Measure
UMB_YS_MEASGRACOL - Mapping of Columns to Measure Graphic
UMB_YS_MEASINIT_PRINT - Structure for Print Report of Measures and Initiatives
UMB_YS_MEASURE - Interface for a Scorecard Measure
UMB_YS_MEAS_BWLINK - BW - Measure Links
UMB_YS_MEAS_COLUMN - Column Description (Measure)
UMB_YS_MEAS_GRAPH_P - Persistent Class: Scorecard Measure Graphic
UMB_YS_MEAS_LIST - Interface for List of Measures
UMB_YS_MEAS_PRINT - Structure for Print Report on Measures
UMB_YS_MEAS_PRINT_CAT - Structure for Print Report on Measures
UMB_YS_MEAS_SEL - Measure List for Measure Analysis
UMB_YS_MEAS_SELCON - Selections for a Measure
UMB_YS_MEAS_SELECT - Selection of Value Fields of Measure in the Scorecard
UMB_YS_MEAS_SER_LINE - Interface for Measure Time Series
UMB_YS_MEAS_TIME_SER - Interface for Horizontal Measure Time Series
UMB_YS_MEAS_TIME_VALUE - Value for Time Series
UMB_YS_MINI_MEAS - Measure for Miniapp
UMB_YS_MINI_OBJ - Objective for Miniapp
UMB_YS_MINI_PERS - Perspective for Miniapp
UMB_YS_MOUSE_OVER - Mouse Over Texts
UMB_YS_MSC_FILTER - Structure: Filter for MSC Selections
UMB_YS_MSC_SCARD_LIST - Structure: Selected Scorecard List for Multi-Scorecard sel
UMB_YS_MSC_TREE_TYPE - Structure: MSC Analysis Tree Type
UMB_YS_MSG_TREE - Internal Structure for ALV tree for Assessment & Comment
UMB_YS_NAVIGATION - Navigation Buffer
UMB_YS_NCONT - Tree Node Content
UMB_YS_NODECONT - Tree Node Content
UMB_YS_NOTIF_D100 - Screen Structure
UMB_YS_OBJECTIVE - Interface for Objective
UMB_YS_OBJECTIVE_P - Objective: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_OBJLINKS - Links Between Objectives in the Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_YS_OBJPOS - Objective Descriptor in the Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_YS_OBJ_KEY_EXT - Object Key Including Internal and External Keys
UMB_YS_OBJ_KEY_HREF - Output Streams
UMB_YS_OBJ_LIST - Interface for List of Objectives
UMB_YS_OBJ_NOTIF - Notification Setting for One Object
UMB_YS_OBJ_PRINT - Structure for Print Report on Objectives
UMB_YS_OFL_JOB - Offline Job
UMB_YS_OFL_PERS - Personalization of BSC Offline
UMB_YS_OSTREAM - Output Streams
UMB_YS_OS_OBJ_REF - Object Service: Class ID and Object ID and Reference
UMB_YS_OUTTAB - Outtab for POM, POI, TPOM, TPOI, and TI ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_ANAL - Outtab for Scorecard Comparison ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_BSC_REP - Outtab for BSC Monitor ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_BW_REP - Outtab for BW Monitor ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_COMP - Outtab for Scorecard Comparison ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_COMX - Outtab for Performance Overview Grid
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_KEY - Key Fields for ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OUTTAB_QUERY - Outtab for BW Query ALV Tree
UMB_YS_OWNERSHIP_P - Ownership of Scorecard Element: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_OWNER_DROPDOWN - Owner List in Dropdown List
UMB_YS_OWNER_EXT - Owner Interface - Extended
UMB_YS_OWNER_SELECT - Owner List for Selection
UMB_YS_PCLOSE_LOG_EXT - Period close log - external form
UMB_YS_PERFORMANCE - Work Area for Performance Input
UMB_YS_PERIOD - Period Dialog Box
UMB_YS_PERIOD_TAB - Period Structure
UMB_YS_PERSDATA - Perspective Data for BSC Entry
UMB_YS_PERSDATA_EX - Perspective Data for BSC Entry
UMB_YS_PERSHEADER - Perspective Header Information for BSC Entry and C-E Chain
UMB_YS_PERSKEY - Structure for Collection of Configuration Templates
UMB_YS_PERSONAL_VIEW - Personal View Interface
UMB_YS_PERSPECTIVE - Interface for Perspective
UMB_YS_PERSPECTIVE_P - Perspective: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_PERS_CONFIGS_PV_P - Structure of Configuration Templates for Role Storage
UMB_YS_PERS_CONFIGURATIONS - Structure of Configuration Templates
UMB_YS_PERS_CONFIGURATIONS_P - Structure of Configuration Templates for Role Storage
UMB_YS_PERS_CONFIGURATIONS_PV - Structure of Configuration Templates - Personal Views
UMB_YS_PERS_DETAILS - Personalization of Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_INIT - Personalization of Initiative Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_MEAS - Personalization of Measure Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_OBJ - Personalization of Objective Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_PERS - Personalization of Perspective Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_RISK - Personalization of Initiative Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_RISK_ACT - Personalization of Initiative Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_RISK_CATG - Personalization of Initiative Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_RISK_GROUP - Personalization of Initiative Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_SCD - Personalization of Scorecard Details
UMB_YS_PERS_DET_STRAT - Personalization of Strategy Details
UMB_YS_PERS_OVR - Perspective Overview
UMB_YS_PERS_OVR_BOX - Structure for Perspective Overview Box Items
UMB_YS_PERS_OVR_BOX_ATTR - Structure for Perspective Overview Box Attributes
UMB_YS_PERS_PERSONALVIEWS - Structure of Configuration Templates
UMB_YS_PERS_PERSONALVIEWS_P - Structure of Configuration Templates
UMB_YS_PERS_WHERE_USED - Personalization: Where-Used List
UMB_YS_PER_DROPDOWN - Period Dropdown
UMB_YS_POMR_PRINT - Structure for POM-Risk Print Report
UMB_YS_POM_SELECTION - Structure: Performance View , selection data for Measure
UMB_YS_PRES_0100 - Interface for dympro 100 in f.g. umb_pres
UMB_YS_PRES_3000 - Screen 3000
UMB_YS_PRINT - Structure for Print Report on Initiatives
UMB_YS_PRINTREPORT - Type of a Print Report
UMB_YS_PRINT_CAT - Structure for Field Catalog
UMB_YS_PROB_DROPDOWN - Probability - Assigned Elements Dropdown Box
UMB_YS_PS_ITEM - User Settings Item
UMB_YS_QUERY_LINK_P - BW Query - Link: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_RACT_PRINT - Structure for Risk Group - Risk - Risk Activity Print Report
UMB_YS_RECEIVING_SCARD_DETAIL - Scorecard Affected by Strategic Advice
UMB_YS_REPID - Report Builder: Texts
UMB_YS_REP_DROPDOWN - Report Type Dropdown Box
UMB_YS_REP_WHERE_USED - Report: Where-Used List
UMB_YS_SC143_P - Cause-Effect Chain: XML Document
UMB_YS_SC145_P - Cause-Effect Chain: XML Document
UMB_YS_SC193_P - Scorecard: BW Key Figure Values of an Initiative
UMB_YS_SCARD_AREA - Search Help Structure for Scorecard/InfoCube
UMB_YS_SCARD_LIST - Scorecard List
UMB_YS_SCARD_MINI - Scorecard Header for Miniapp
UMB_YS_SCARD_NODE - Scorecard Node
UMB_YS_SCARD_RANGE - Ranges Table for Characteristics
UMB_YS_SCNODE - Scorecard Node
UMB_YS_SCOBJECT_HD - Header of Analysis Subscreen
UMB_YS_SCORECARD - Interface for Scorecard
UMB_YS_SCORECARD_P - Scorecard: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_SCORE_LEGEND - Scores: Legend
UMB_YS_SCORE_MATRIX - Score - Matrix
UMB_YS_SCORE_MATRIX1 - Score - Matrix (New Structure)
UMB_YS_SCORE_SELECT - Scores : Select
UMB_YS_SCORE_TABLE - Conversion Table for Scores
UMB_YS_SCR_0221 - Dympro interface 221
UMB_YS_SCR_0227 - Screen Interface 0501
UMB_YS_SCR_0228 - Screen Interface 0228
UMB_YS_SCR_0229 - Screen Interface 0228
UMB_YS_SCR_2210 - Dympro Interface 2210
UMB_YS_SC_GROUP - Structure: Scorecard Group
UMB_YS_SC_HEADER - Interface for Scorecard Header
UMB_YS_SC_INIT_P - Initiative: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_SC_OWNER - Structure for Finding Elements by Owners
UMB_YS_SC_OWNER_ELEMENT - Structure for Finding Elements by Owners
UMB_YS_SELID - Selection Blocks for Report Builder
UMB_YS_SELTYP - Selection Types
UMB_YS_SELTYP_TEXTS - Selection Type Texts
UMB_YS_SEL_GRID - Selection Grid
UMB_YS_STATE_INITIATIVE - Check State of Initiative
UMB_YS_STATE_MEASURE - Check State of Measure
UMB_YS_STATE_OBJECTIVE - Check State of Objective
UMB_YS_STATE_PERSPECTIVE - Check State of Perspective
UMB_YS_STATE_SCORECARD - Check State of Scorecard
UMB_YS_STATE_STRATEGY - Check State of Strategy
UMB_YS_STATUS_FVAL_P - Persistent Class: Scorecard Measure Formula Value
UMB_YS_STATUS_P - Status of Scorecard Element: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_STAUS - Status and Text
UMB_YS_STCAT - Strategy Category
UMB_YS_STRATEGY - Interface for the Strategy
UMB_YS_STRATEGY_MAP - Strategy and Strategy Map
UMB_YS_STRATEGY_MAP_ALV - Strategy map for ALV grid
UMB_YS_STRATEGY_MAP_P - Strategy Map: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_STRATEGY_P - Strategy: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_STRATHEADER - Strategy Header Information for Cause-Effect Chain
UMB_YS_STRAT_SEL - Strategy Selection
UMB_YS_STRUCT_DROPDOWN - Structure Dropdown
UMB_YS_STTMPL_NDCT - Node content for Strategy Template Tree Node
UMB_YS_STTREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Strategy Tree Control
UMB_YS_SUBSCR_STATE - Status of Detail Subscreen
UMB_YS_SUB_ELEMENT_P - Scorecard Sub-Element with Validity: Persistent Structure
UMB_YS_SVIEW - Scorecard View
UMB_YS_SVIEW_ITEM - Scorecard View: Element
UMB_YS_TASK_EXT - Task Master (External Form)
UMB_YS_TCONT - Content for Scorecard Hierarchy
UMB_YS_TEMPLATE_LIST - List of Templates
UMB_YS_TEMPLATE_MAP - ID Map for Handling Strategy Templates
UMB_YS_TEXT_MINI - Row Structure of the Language-Dependent Text Table
UMB_YS_TEXT_PERIOD - Text - Period
UMB_YS_TIME_SER - Time Series - Combined
UMB_YS_TIME_VALUE - Value for Time Series
UMB_YS_TIME_VALUE_DET - Value for Time Series (Detail)
UMB_YS_TM_AC - Time-Dependent A&C Document
UMB_YS_TM_BSC_OBJECT - Time-Dependent Link to BSC Object
UMB_YS_TM_DOC - Time-Dependent Document
UMB_YS_TM_FLAG - Time-Dependent Flag
UMB_YS_TM_OWNER - Time-Dependent Owner
UMB_YS_TM_STATUS - Time-Dependent Status (Score)
UMB_YS_TM_WEIGHT - Time-Dependent Weight
UMB_YS_TREECONTENT - Content for Scorecard Hierarchy
UMB_YS_TREE_COL - Tree Column Structure for Web
UMB_YS_TREE_COLUMN - Description of Tree Column (Based on Tree Model Structures)
UMB_YS_TREE_COLUMNS - Screen Assistant Structure: Tree
UMB_YS_TREE_ITEM - Tree Items for Tree Control
UMB_YS_TREE_ITEM_UPD - Structure for ALV Tree
UMB_YS_TREE_NODE - Tree Nodes Data Structure
UMB_YS_TREE_NODES - Screen Assistant Structure Nodes
UMB_YS_TREE_TYPE - Overview Types of the BSC Overview
UMB_YS_TREND - Score Trend
UMB_YS_UI_ELEMENT - UI Element Properties
UMB_YS_UNI_LINE20 - Universal Columns for ALV Grids
UMB_YS_UPLOAD - Upload File Structure
UMB_YS_UPLOAD_E - Error Message for Upload
UMB_YS_UPLOAD_INIT - Upload Structure for Initiative (SC182)
UMB_YS_UP_SCR113 - Screen Interface for User Setting - Notification
UMB_YS_USER_BUFF - Buffer for User Real Names
UMB_YS_USER_DET - User Detail
UMB_YS_VALUE - Column Value
UMB_YS_VALUE_LIST - Column Value for Data Entry Input/Output
UMB_YS_VIEW_ATTR - View Attribute
UMB_YS_WEB_APP - Web Application
UMB_YS_WEIGHT_AND_ELEMENT - Weight of Scorecard Element
UMB_YS_WEIGHT_AND_VALIDITY - Weight of Scorecard Element with Validity
UMB_YS_WEIGHT_LIST - Interface for List of Weights
UMB_YS_WIZARD_ACTCAT - Scorecard Wizard: Activity Category
UMB_YS_WIZARD_ACTGROUP - Scorecard Wizard: Activity Group
UMB_YS_WIZARD_ACTIVITY - Scorecard Wizard: Activity
UMB_YS_WIZARD_ACTIVITY_STATE - Scorecard Wizard: Activity State
UMB_YS_WIZARD_ACTIVITY_STATE2 - Scorecard Wizard: Activity State
UMB_YS_WIZARD_STEP - Scorecard Wizard: Activity Step Structure ( step and ltxt )
UMB_YS_WIZARD_VALUE_FIELD - Scorecard Wizard: For Showing Value Field list on BSP page
UMB_YS_XML_BUTTON - Navigation Buttons

SAP Management Cockpit Tables FIN-SEM-CPM-MC

UMC_YS_CHART_UNITS - Structure: Chart Unit
UMC_YS_GRACOLOR - Structure: Graphics Color
UMC_YS_GRA_VALUE_RANGE - Value Ranges for 4 Quadrants
UMC_YS_LEGCOLOR - Structure: Legend Color
UMM_BIC_SEL - Structure: BIC Selections
UMM_BU100 - Obsolete: Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU101 - Obsolete: Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU102 - Obsolete: Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU103 - Obsolete: Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU104 - Obsolete: Buffer of Characteristics
UMM_BU105 - Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU106 - Selections for Buffer of Transaction Data
UMM_BU107 - Buffer of Characteristics
UMM_CO001 - Drilldown Characteristics in Cockpits
UMM_CO002 - User Group <-> Cockpit
UMM_CO003 - User Group <-> User
UMM_CO100 - Cockpits: Header Table
UMM_CO101 - Cockpits: Assigned Walls
UMM_CO102 - Cockpits: Assignment of Variables with Selection Conditions
UMM_CO103 - Cockpits: Texts
UMM_CO104 - Cockpits: Hierarchy Node
UMM_CO105 - Cockpits: Texts for the Hierarchy Nodes
UMM_CO109 - Cockpits: Frame List Ordered by Selection Criteria
UMM_COBUF - Cockpit BW Buffer Case Number (For Runtime Variable)
UMM_CUST - General Customizing Settings
UMM_DFT_BICDATA - Default BIC Data for Frame
UMM_DFT_CHART - Default BW Data for Cockpit Frame
UMM_DFT_ERRMSG - Default Error Message for Frame
UMM_DFT_LABEL - Default Chart Unit for Frame Graphics
UMM_DFT_LEGDATA - Default Legacy Data for Frame BW Data
UMM_DFT_LEGSTUC - Table: Default Legacy Structure for Cockpit
UMM_DFT_Q_RANGE - Default Value Range for 4 Quadrants
UMM_DFT_T_RANGE - Default Value Range for Tachometer
UMM_DRILLDOWN_INFOOBJ - Structure: InfoObject used for Drilldown in Presentation
UMM_FR100 - Frames: Header Table
UMM_FR101 - Frames: Dimensions
UMM_FR102 - Frames: Key Figures
UMM_FR103 - Frames: Texts
UMM_FR106 - Frames : Graphic - BLOB (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR107 - Frames: Graphic - Legend
UMM_FR108 - Value Ranges: Tachometer
UMM_FR109 - Value Ranges: 4 Quadrants
UMM_FR110 - Frames:Graphics Assignment
UMM_FR111 - Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMM_FR113 - Frame: Workbooks and Queries
UMM_FR114 - Frame: BW Variables
UMM_FR115 - Frame: Replacement of BW Variables
UMM_FR116 - Frame Web Report
UMM_FR117 - Frame: Web Report Text
UMM_FR118 - Frame: BIC Selections
UMM_FR119 - Table for Legend Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR120 - Table for Graphics Color (Obsolete from SEM 3.5)
UMM_FR121 - Frame: URL
UMM_FR122 - Frame: URL
UMM_FR123 - Frames : Graphic - Settings in XML Format
UMM_LG100 - Selections for Log of Transaction Data Buffer
UMM_LN101 - Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports
UMM_LN102 - Cockpit Objects: Links and Reports - Texts
UMM_LV100 - Logical Views: Header Table
UMM_LV101 - Logical Views: Assigned Frames
UMM_LV102 - Logical Views: Texts
UMM_SH100 - Style Template
UMM_SH100T - Style Sheets: Text Table
UMM_SH101 - Standard Style
UMM_SH102 - User-Specific Style
UMM_ST100 - Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_ST101 - Selections for Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_ST102 - Status of the Frames in the Cockpits
UMM_VA100 - Variables: Header Table
UMM_VA101 - Variables: Texts
UMM_VA102 - Variables: Proposed Variables for the Dimensions
UMM_VA103 - Variables: Proposed Selections
UMM_VA104 - Runtime Variable Display Sequence (in Presentation Side)
UMM_VARIABLE_VALUELIST - Structure: Variable Value List
UMM_WA100 - Walls: Header Table
UMM_WA101 - Walls: Assigned Logical Views
UMM_WA102 - Walls: Texts
UMM_YS_ADMIN_DATA_BUFFER - MC Admin Workbench: Data Buffering
UMM_YS_BICDATA_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Bicdata
UMM_YS_BIC_CHASEL - Structure for Characteristic Selection Value of BIC Frame
UMM_YS_BIC_KFSEL - Structure for Key Figure Selection Value of BIC Frame
UMM_YS_BLOB - Structure: Multi BLOB
UMM_YS_BUFCHAS - Structure for Buffer Data of MC: Characteristics
UMM_YS_BUFDATA - Buffer Structure for MC
UMM_YS_BW_MAPPING_BUF - Struture: BW Buffer Data for Mapping Functionality
UMM_YS_CACHECONTROL - Control Structure for Data Cache
UMM_YS_CHAR - Characteristic Structure for Presentation
UMM_YS_CHART_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Chart Data
UMM_YS_CHARUNIT_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Chart Units
UMM_YS_COCKPITS - Structure for Cockpits
UMM_YS_COCKPITS_P - Cockpit Structure for Presentation Tools
UMM_YS_COCKPITS_P_A - Cockpit Structure Including Authorization Status
UMM_YS_COCKPITS_TRANS - Structure for Transport of Cockpit Objects
UMM_YS_COFRAME_ERRMSG - Structure: Error Message Fetching BW Data for Cockpit Frame
UMM_YS_CONAME_RANGE - Cockpit: Ranges
UMM_YS_CO_FRAME - Structure: Cockpit Frame and its Query Definition
UMM_YS_CUST_COCKPITDATA - Cockpit Data for Customizing Transaction
UMM_YS_CUST_COCKPITPOS - Position in Cockpit
UMM_YS_CUST_COCKPITVARS - Variable Assignment in Cockpit
UMM_YS_CUST_COCKPITWALLS - Walls in the Cockpit
UMM_YS_CUST_DIMLIST - Structure for Table Control for Entry of Sel. Conditions
UMM_YS_CUST_FRAMEBWVARS - Structure: Frame BW Variable Information
UMM_YS_CUST_FRAMECHAS - Characteristics of a Frame
UMM_YS_CUST_FRAMEDATA - Frame Data for Customizing Transaction
UMM_YS_CUST_FRAMEKFS - Measures of a Frame
UMM_YS_CUST_ITEM_TYPE - Structure of an Entry in the Tree Control
UMM_YS_CUST_LOCKOBJECT - Dummy - Structure, to Lock MC Customizing Transaction
UMM_YS_CUST_UITEM_TYPE - Structure of an Entry in the Tree Control
UMM_YS_CUST_VARDATA - Variable Definitions
UMM_YS_CUST_VARDATA_M - Structure for Variable Maintenance
UMM_YS_CUST_VARDEFAULTS - Default Selection Conditions of a Variable
UMM_YS_CUST_VARS - Variables: Identifier, Texts and Type
UMM_YS_CUST_VARTREE - Line of the Variable Tree Structure
UMM_YS_CUST_VIEWDATA - View Data for Customizing Transaction
UMM_YS_CUST_WALLDATA - Wall Data for Customizing Transaction
UMM_YS_DRILLDOWN - Structure for Drilldown Characteristics
UMM_YS_EP_BIC - RFC Interface for BIC Data
UMM_YS_EP_CHAR - RFC Interface for Characteristics
UMM_YS_EP_COCKPIT - RFC Interface for Cockpit
UMM_YS_EP_ERR_MSG - RFC Interface for Error Message
UMM_YS_EP_FRAME - RFC Interface for Frame
UMM_YS_EP_FRAME_POS - RFC Interface for Frame Position
UMM_YS_EP_GRACOLOR - Graphic Color with Positions
UMM_YS_EP_HTML - RFC Interface for HTML
UMM_YS_EP_HTMLS - Multi HTMLs with Key Frame Name
UMM_YS_EP_HYNODES - RFC Interface for Hierarchy Nodes
UMM_YS_EP_HYS - RFC Interface for Hierarchy
UMM_YS_EP_KF - RFC Interface for Measure Key Figure
UMM_YS_EP_MIMELT - MIME Object's Length and Type
UMM_YS_EP_MIMES - Multi MIMEs with Key Frame Name
UMM_YS_EP_VALUE_LIST - RFC Interface for Value List
UMM_YS_EP_VIEW - RFC Interface for Logical View
UMM_YS_EP_WALL - RFC Interface for Wall
UMM_YS_EP_WEBREPORT - RFC Interface for Web Report
UMM_YS_ERRMSG_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Error Message
UMM_YS_FRAMES - Structure for Cockpit Frames
UMM_YS_FRAMES_A - Frame Structure Including Authorization Status
UMM_YS_FRAME_ERROR_MESSAGE - Error Message for Frame
UMM_YS_FRAME_GRA_ASSIGN - Structure: Frame Graphics Assignment
UMM_YS_FRAME_NAME - Structure: Frame Name
UMM_YS_FRAME_SEL - Structure for MC Present. Param.: Frame Selection Condition
UMM_YS_FRAME_TSERIES - Frame: Time Series
UMM_YS_FRS_CHARTCHAR - Structure: Characteristic Information for Chart
UMM_YS_FRS_CHARTDATA - Data for Multi-Frames
UMM_YS_FRS_CHARTKEYF - Structure: Key Figure Information for Chart
UMM_YS_FRS_CHARTRANGES - Structure: Value Ranges for Tachometer Type of Frame
UMM_YS_FRS_CHARTRANGES_QUAD - Structure: Grahpics Value Range for 4 Quadrants Frames
UMM_YS_FRS_CHART_UNITS - Structure: Frame Graphics Axis Unit
UMM_YS_FRS_CHASELVAL - Characteristic Selection Criteria for Multi-Frames
UMM_YS_FRS_GRAPHIC_INFO - Structure: Frame Graphic Definition Information
UMM_YS_FRS_GRA_ASSIGN - Structure : Frame Graphics Assignment
UMM_YS_FRS_GRA_VALUERANGE - Structure : Frame Graphics Value Range (Tachometer,Quadrant)
UMM_YS_FRS_LEGCHAR - Structure: Characteristic Information for Legend
UMM_YS_FRS_LEGDATA - Legend Data for Multi-Frames
UMM_YS_FRS_QRYDATA - Structure: Query Data for Multi-Frames Requested by MC Prsnt
UMM_YS_FRS_QUERY - Structure: Frames Workbooks and Queries
UMM_YS_FRS_QUERY_LIST - Structure: Query and Workbook for Presentation
UMM_YS_FR_BICDATA - Structure for Loading BIC Document List in the Frame
UMM_YS_GRACOLOR - Structure: Frame Graphics Color
UMM_YS_GRATEXT - Structure: Frame Graphics Text
UMM_YS_GRA_VALUE_RANGE - Graphics Value Range (Tachometer, 4 Quadrants)
UMM_YS_HIERARCHY - Structure for Cockpit Hierarchy
UMM_YS_HINODE - Interface for a Hierarchy Node in the Management Cockpit
UMM_YS_KEYFIG - Key Figure Structure for Presentation
UMM_YS_LEGCOLOR - Structure: Frame Legend Color
UMM_YS_LEGDATA_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Legend Data
UMM_YS_LEGEND - Structure: Legend Structure for MC
UMM_YS_LEGSTRUCT - Legend Structure for the Frames in Cockpit
UMM_YS_LINKS - Link to Documents/Query/Web Report
UMM_YS_MC_PERS - Structure of Configuration Templates
UMM_YS_MEASURE_SRC - Structure for DataSource of Measure
UMM_YS_MEAS_INFO - Measure Information
UMM_YS_OUTTAB_BW_REP - Outtab for BW Monitor ALV Tree
UMM_YS_PRESTXT - Texts for the User Interface in the Management Cockpit
UMM_YS_QUADRANGE_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for 4 Quadrant Ranges
UMM_YS_RUNTIME_VAR - Runtime Variable and Value Structure
UMM_YS_RUN_VAR - Structure of Buffer Data of MC: Runtime Variable
UMM_YS_TACHORANGE_CACHE - Structure: Data Cache for Tacho Range
UMM_YS_UNIQUE_QUERY_KEY - Key for a Unique Frame Query (except for Cockpit Name)
UMM_YS_VAR_POS - Variable with IC, Dimension and Position Details in Cockpit
UMM_YS_VIEWS - Structure for Wall Views
UMM_YS_VIEWS_A - View Structure Including Authorization Status
UMM_YS_VIEWS_P - View Structure for Presentation
UMM_YS_WALLS - Structure for Cockpit Walls
UMM_YS_WALLS_A - Wall Structure Including Authorization Status
UMM_YS_WALLS_P - Wall Structure for Presentation

SAP Stakeholder Relationship Management Tables FIN-SEM-SRM

BDSCHKF28 - BDS: File Name at Last Checkout
BDSCHKO28 - BDS: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object
BDSCONT28 - BDS: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
BDSLOIO28 - BDS: Instances of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOIOT28 - BDS: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
BDSLOPR28 - BDS: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORE28 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSLORI28 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
BDSPHF28 - BDS: Files of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHHR28 - BDS: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
BDSPHIO28 - BDS: Instances of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHNM28 - BDS: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
BDSPHPR28 - BDS: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRE28 - BDS: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSPHRI28 - BDS: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects
BDSRE28 - BDS: Relationship Instances
BDSREPR28 - BDS: Relationship Attributes
BDS_CON028 - BDS: Link Table Default for Undefined Class
RELTAB_STRUCTUR - Structure for the Description of a Table
SRMCONTENT - SEM-SRM: Table for Document Contents
SRM_CNTCONTENT - SEM-SRM Contact: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
TNT_ALV_STAKEHOLDER - ALV Field Catalog for Stakeholder
TNT_ALV_STH_INFL - ALV Field Catalog for Table USS_STH_INFL
USCDLOIO - USC Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects
USCDLOIOT - USC Documents:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
USCDLOPR - USC Dokumente:: Attribute Values of Logical Info Objects
USCDLORE - USC Documents: Outbound Relationships of Logical Information
USCDLOREPR - USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs
USCDLORI - USC Dokumente:: Inbound Relationships of Logical Information
USCDLORIPR - USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs
USCMLOIO - USC Mails:: Instances of Logical Information Objects
USCMLOIOT - USC Mails:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
USCMLOPR - USC Mails:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
USCMLORE - USC Mails:: Outbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USCMLOREPR - USC Mails:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs
USCMLORI - USC Mails:: Inbound Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USCMLORIPR - USC Mails:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of LOIOs
USCNLOIO - USC Profile Documents:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects
USCNLOIOT - USC Profile Documents:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects
USCNLOPR - USC Profile Documents:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj
USCNLORE - USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationships of logical IO
USCNLOREPR - USC Profile Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes
USCNLORI - USC Profile Documents:: Inbound Relationships of logical IOs
USCNLORIPR - USC Profile Documents:: Attributes of Inbound Relationships
USCTLOIO - USC Document Templates:: Instances of Logical InfoObjects
USCTLOIOT - USC Document Templates:: Descriptions of Logical InfoObjects
USCTLOPR - USC Document Templates:: Attribute Values of Logical InfoObj
USCTLORE - USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships of LOIOs
USCTLOREPR - USC Document Templates:: Outbound Relationships Attributes
USCTLORI - USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationships of Logical IO
USCTLORIPR - USC Document Templates:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of
USC_CHKF - USC Documents:: File Name of Last Check-Out
USC_CHKO - USC Documents:: Check-Out Data of a Physical Information Obj
USC_COMM_TYPES - Default Communication Types for Contact Categories
USC_CONTACT - SRM Contact: Central Storage of Contacts
USC_CONT_ADD - SRM Contact: Event Info
USC_CONT_DOC - SRM Contact: Documents
USC_CONT_KWD - SRM Contact: Keywords
USC_CONT_KWT - SRM Contact: Keyword Catalog
USC_CONT_PERSON - Customizing Contacts: Contact Person in IR Department
USC_CONT_REL - SRM Contact: Related Contacts
USC_CONT_STH - SRM Contact: Stakeholders
USC_CONT_TXT - SRM Contacts: Texts
USC_IDXSTA - USC Documents:: Status Table for Indexing of Documents
USC_MAILPROVIDER - Contacts: Service Provider for Mass Mailing
USC_PHF - USC Documents:: Files of Physical Information Objects
USC_PHHR - USC Documents:: Outbound Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
USC_PHHRPR - USC Documents:: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
USC_PHIO - USC Documents:: Instances of Physical Information Objects
USC_PHNM - USC Documents:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
USC_PHNMPR - USC Documents:: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
USC_PHPR - USC Documents:: Attributes of Physcial Information Objects
USC_PHRE - USC Documents:: Outbound Relationships of Physical InfoObj
USC_PHREPR - USC Documents:: Outbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs
USC_PHRI - USC Documents:: Inbound Relationships of Physical InfoObject
USC_PHRIPR - USC Documents:: Inbound Relationship Attributes of PHIOs
USC_TEMPLATE - Forms / SmartForms by Communication Type
USC_YS_ADDRESS - SRM Contact: Address
USC_YS_API_HELP_VALUE - USC API:Fix. Value and Text for Domains or Customizing Entry
USC_YS_COMM_TYPES - Contacts: Communication Type with Priority
USC_YS_CONT_ALL - SRM Contact: Transfer Structure
USC_YS_CONT_KEY - SRM Contact: Key for Search Function
USC_YS_CONT_PERSON - Contacts: Contact Persons
USC_YS_DOCUMENTS - SRM Contact: Transfer Structure of Documents
USC_YS_ERROR - SRM Contact Management: Object Error
USC_YS_ERROR_MSG - SRM Contact Management: Error Message With Short Texts
USC_YS_KEYWORDS - SRM Contact: Keywords
USC_YS_LIST_CONTACTS - Structure for a List of Contacts
USC_YS_MAILPROVIDER - Contacts: External Service Provider for Mass Mail
USC_YS_PHIO - PHIO with Its Attributes in the Doc Model SRM_CNT (Contacts)
USC_YS_RANGE_DATE - SRM Contact: Date Range
USC_YS_RANGE_KWD - SRM Contact: Range for Keyword
USC_YS_RANGE_STATUS - SRM Contact: Range for Status
USC_YS_RANGE_UNAME - SRM Contact: Range for User Name
USC_YS_RECIPIENT - SEM Standard Letter: Fields of the Standard Letter Interface
USC_YS_SELOPT_BW - SELECT OPTION Structure on Info Object
USC_YS_SEND_OPTIONS - USS Contact Management: Send Options
USC_YS_SKWF_IO - USC API: Key for KW Document (Corresponds to SKWF_IO)
USC_YS_STAKEHOLDERS - SRM Contact: Transfer Structure of Stakeholders
USC_YS_TEMPLATE - Forms of Type Smartform for Communication Type
USC_YS_TEXT - Text Line with Maximum Length 70 (f.ex. for Form Interface)
USC_YS_TEXTS - SRM Contact: Transfer Structure for Texts
USC_Y_ERROR - SRM Contact Management: Object Error
USP_FIELDS_SELECTION - Selected Fields for XML File
USP_SELECTION_CONDITIONS - Structure for the Where-Condition of a Selection
USR_TREESNODE - Node Structure of a Simple Tree (Report SAPTREX3)
USSDCHKF - USS Documents: File Name of Last Check-Out
USSDCHKO - USS Documents: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information
USSDIDXSTA - USS Documents: Status Table for Indexing of Documents
USSDLOIO - USS Documents: Instances of Logical Information Objects
USSDLOIOT - USS Documents: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
USSDLOPR - USS Documents: Attribute Values of Logical Information Obj.
USSDLORE - USS Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USSDLOREPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
USSDLORI - USS Documents: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USSDLORIPR - US Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
USSDPHF - USS Documents: Files of Physical Information Objects
USSDPHHR - USS Documents: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
USSDPHHRPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
USSDPHIO - USS Documents: Instances of Physical Information Objects
USSDPHNM - USS Documents: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
USSDPHNMPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
USSDPHPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
USSDPHRE - USS Documents: Outgoing Relationships of Physical InfoObject
USSDPHREPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
USSDPHRI - USS Documents: Incoming Relationships of Physical InfoObject
USSDPHRIPR - USS Documents: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs
USSFLOIO - USS Verzeichnis: Instances of Logical Information Objects
USSFLOIOT - USS Folder:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
USSFLOPR - USS Folder:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
USSFLORE - USS Folder:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USSFLOREPR - USS Folder:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
USSFLORI - USS Folder:: Incoming Relationships of Logical InfoObjects
USSFLORIPR - USS Folder:: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
USS_ALV_CONT_ALL - SRM Contact: Transfer Structure
USS_ALV_STH_INFL - ALV Field Catalog for Table USS_STH_INFL
USS_ALV_STH_SHARE2 - ALV Field Catalog for Table USS_STH_SHARE
USS_ALV_STH_SHARE3 - ALV Field Catalog for Table USS_STH_SHARE
USS_BUS000FLDS - CBP: Work Fields and Screen Fields
USS_BWKW_DOC_GRP - SRM: Transfer Table for DOC_GRP
USS_BW_CONTACT - SRM: Transfer Table for CONTACT
USS_COMP_FIGS - Key Figures Related to Company
USS_CONT_GRAF - Contact Categories for Graphic
USS_COVERAGE - Coverage (Industries, Regions)
USS_CUST_TABLE - SRM: Customizing Table
USS_DENOM - Denomination of the Stock
USS_EXP_TYPE - Expectations
USS_FIG_CTYPE - Key Figures Related to Company
USS_FIG_STYPE - Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_FIN_CENTER - Financial Center
USS_INFLUENCE - Stakeholder Influence
USS_INFO_SOURCE - Information Sources
USS_LANGU - Languages and Their Priority in SEM-SRM
USS_NOT_ASSIGNED - Stakeholder that have no group and/or no influence
USS_PARTNER_DEL - Stakeholders whose data is to be deleted
USS_PORTFOLIO - Company Portfolio
USS_PORTF_STAT - Portfolio: Status
USS_RATINGS - Analyst Ratings
USS_RAT_DOCS - Analyst Ratings: Documents
USS_RECOMMEND - Analyst Recommendation
USS_RFCDEST - SRM: RFC Destination for BW (Only 1 Entry per Client)
USS_RFC_BW_SRM - Contains actual RFC, BW version, SRM version $$
USS_SEC_TYPE - Security Type
USS_SELTAB - Selection for SEM/SRM
USS_SHARE_ABS - SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares
USS_SHARE_DIVID - Dividends per Security
USS_SHARE_FIGS - Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_SHARE_TICK - Ticker Symbols
USS_SHARE_TYPE - SEM-SRM: Table for Shares
USS_SHARE_VAL - SRM: Total Number of All Company Shares
USS_SKWF_PKG - SRM: Special KW Packages with Attributes
USS_SRM_POSIT - Position of a Stakeholder in the Company
USS_STAKEHOLDER - SEM-SRM: Specific Master Data of Stakeholder
USS_STAKEHOLDER_DI - Specific Master Data of Stakeholder (DI)
USS_STARIS_DEMO - Staris Import Structure
USS_STATUS1 - SEM-SRM: Release Status of a Document
USS_STH_CONT - SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import
USS_STH_CONT1 - SRM: Contact Dummy Table for Data Import
USS_STH_CONTACT_DI - Stakeholder: Contact (Direct Input)
USS_STH_COVER - SEM-SRM: Relationship Stakeholder and Coverage
USS_STH_COVER_DI - Stakeholder: Coverage (Direct Input)
USS_STH_DI - Stakeholder: Direct Input
USS_STH_EXPECT - SEM-SRM: Expectations of Stakeholders
USS_STH_EXPECT_DI - Expectations of the Stakeholder (Direct Input)
USS_STH_GROUP_DI - Stakeholder: Group (Direct Input)
USS_STH_GRP - Stakeholder Group
USS_STH_HEADER - BP: Header Data (Direct Input)
USS_STH_INFL - SEM-SRM: Influence of Stakeholders
USS_STH_INFL_DI - Stakeholder: Influence (Direct Input)
USS_STH_INIT - BP Initial Data (Direct Input)
USS_STH_SHARE - SEM-SRM: Shares of Stakeholders
USS_STH_SHARE_DI - Stakeholder: Shares (Direct Input)
USS_STH_SHARE_PR - SRM: Shares of Investors in Company
USS_STH_SHARE_PR_DI - Stakeholder: Shares in Company (Direct Input)
USS_STH_STH_GRP - SEM-SRM: Group of Stakeholders
USS_STOCK_INDEX - Stock Indices
USS_TCOVERAGE - SRM: Coverage Text
USS_TDENOM - SRM: Text for Denomination of Stock
USS_TEXP_TYPE - SRM: Text for Type of Expectation
USS_TFIG_CTYPE - Text for Key Figures Related to Company
USS_TFIG_STYPE - Text for Key Figure Related to Securities
USS_TFIN_CENTER - Text for Financial Center
USS_TINFLUENCE - SRM: Text for Influence
USS_TINFO_SOURCE - SRM: Text for Information Sources
USS_TINITIATOR - Structure for Initiator
USS_TPORTF_STAT - Text for Portfolio: Status
USS_TRECOMMEND - Text for Analyst Recommendation
USS_TREE_DEFAULT - SRM: User-Specific Settings for Transactions usth0 and ucon0
USS_TSEC_TYPE - SRM: Text for Security Type
USS_TSRM_POSIT - SRM: Text for Position
USS_TSTH_GRP - SRM: Text for Stakeholder Group
USS_TSTOCK_INDEX - SRM: Text for Stock Indexes
USS_UCON0_DATA07 - UCON0: Hierarchy 07, Data
USS_UCON0_DATA08 - UCON0: Hierarchy 08, Data
USS_UCON0_HIER05 - UCON0: Hierarchy 05
USS_USTH0_DATA04 - USTH0: Hierarchy 04, Data
USS_USTH0_DATA06 - USTH0: Hierarchy 06, Data
USS_USTH0_DATA07 - USTH0: Hierarchy 07, Data
USS_USTH0_HIER03 - USTH0: Hierarchy 03
USS_USTH0_HIER04 - USTH0: Hierarchy 04
USS_USUR1_DATA - USUR1: Stakeholder to a Hierarchy
USS_WEB_SURVEY - USUR0: Link Between Web Survey and Contact
USS_YSF4_COUNTRY - F4 for Country
USS_YSF4_MSEHI - F4 for the Unit of Measure
USS_YSF4_WAERS - F4 for a Currency
USS_YS_0SEM_SRM1 - Global Structure for InfoCube 0SEM_SRM1
USS_YS_0SEM_SRM2 - Global Structure for InfoCube 0SEM_SRM2
USS_YS_0SEM_SRM3 - Global Structure for InfoCube 0SEM_SRM3
USS_YS_0SEM_SRM4 - Global Structure for InfoCube 0SEM_SRM4
USS_YS_ADDRESS - SRM Contact: Address
USS_YS_CHARS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM1 - Characteristics of InfoCube 0SEM_SRM1
USS_YS_CHARS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM2 - Characteristics of the InfoCube 0SEM_SRM2
USS_YS_CHARS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM3 - Characteristics of the InfoCube 0SEM_SRM3
USS_YS_CHARS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM4 - Characteristics of the InfoCube 0SEM_SRM4
USS_YS_CITY - Structure: Cities
USS_YS_CONTACT_GEN - SRM Contact: General Information
USS_YS_COUNTRY - Structure for Countries
USS_YS_DATUMS - Structure for Dates
USS_YS_DOC_GRP - SRM: Structure for Document Group
USS_YS_DOC_GRP_DOC - SRM: Structure for Document Group - Document
USS_YS_ERROR - Error Structure
USS_YS_ERR_LIST_STAKEHOLDER - Error Structure for the List of Stakeholders
USS_YS_ERR_STH_CONT - Error Structure for the (Dummy)Table USS_STH_CONT
USS_YS_ERR_STH_COVER - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_COVER
USS_YS_ERR_STH_EXPECT - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_EXPECT
USS_YS_ERR_STH_INFL - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_INFL
USS_YS_ERR_STH_RELAT - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_RELAT
USS_YS_ERR_STH_SHARE - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_SHARE
USS_YS_ERR_STH_SHARE_PR - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_SHARE_PR
USS_YS_ERR_STH_STH_GRP - Error Structure for the Table USS_STH_STH_GRP
USS_YS_JOIN_STH_ALL - USS Join Table for Stakeholder - All Fields
USS_YS_KEYS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM1 - Key Figures of InfoCube 0SEM_SRM1
USS_YS_KEYS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM2 - Key Figures of InfoCube 0SEM_SRM2
USS_YS_KEYS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM3 - Key Figures of InfoCube 0SEM_SRM3
USS_YS_KEYS_CUBE_0SEM_SRM4 - Key Figures of InfoCube 0SEM_SRM4
USS_YS_LANGU - Language with Priority in SEM-SRM
USS_YS_LIST_STAKEHOLDER - Structure for a List of Stakeholders
USS_YS_MSG - Message Structure
USS_YS_PARTNER - Business Partner Number
USS_YS_RANGE_CITY - Range Structure for City
USS_YS_RANGE_COUNTRY - Range Structure for Country
USS_YS_RANGE_GRP - Range Structure for Group
USS_YS_RANGE_INFL - Range Structure for Influence
USS_YS_RANGE_SHARES - Range Structure for Shares
USS_YS_RELTYP - Structure for Relations
USS_YS_SELECT_FLAGS - Flags for Table Maintenance
USS_YS_SHARE_TYPE - Structure for Share Type
USS_YS_SKWF_LOIOS - Assignment of All Documents (LHIOS) to Document Groups
USS_YS_SRM_DOCUM - SRM: Structure for Document
USS_YS_STH - Structure for Master Data Table Stakeholder USS_STAKEHOLDER
USS_YS_STH_ADMIN - Stakeholder Management
USS_YS_STH_CONTACT - Stakeholder: Contact And Date
USS_YS_STH_CONT_MOD - Relation Stakeholder - Contact GUID
USS_YS_STH_DETAIL - Stakeholder
USS_YS_STH_DOCUMENT - Structure for the Relation Stakeholder - Document
USS_YS_STH_DOC_GRP - Structure for the Relation Stakeholder - Document Group
USS_YS_STH_EMAIL - Structure of the E-Mail Address of a Stakeholder
USS_YS_STH_EXPECT - Structure for the Expectations of a Stakeholder
USS_YS_STH_FIN - Structure for the Position of a Stakeholder
USS_YS_STH_GRP - Structure for a Stakeholder Group
USS_YS_STH_INFL - Stakeholder: Influence
USS_YS_STH_POSIT - Structure for the Position of a Stakeholder
USS_YS_STH_RELAT - Relations Between Partners
USS_YS_STH_SHARE - Stakeholder: Shares
USS_YS_STH_STH_GRP - Stakeholder - Stakeholder Group
USS_YS_TAB_FLAGS - Flags f�r die Table Maintenance
USS_YS_TEXT - Text Structure
USS_YS_TIME_STAMP - Structure for Time Stamp When Creating and Updating a Record
USS_YS_TREE_ITEM - Tree Control Item for Stakeholder Relationship Management
USS_YS_TREE_NODE - Tree Control: Attributes of a Node
USS_YS_XML_IMPORT - Import Structure for Share Values
USS_YS_XML_IMPORT_VALUES - Structure for Table Type for Share Value Import With XML