SAP Tables | Financial Accounting | Consolidation SAP FI

SAP FI Consolidation Tables (FI-LC)

SAP Basic Functions Tables FI-LC-LC

EWULC01 - FI-LC: LC ledger
EWULC02 - FI-LC: Ledgers for conversion
EWULC03 - FI-LC: Companies for conversion
EWULC04 - FI-LC: Settings for euro conversion adjustments
EWULCTAB - F1 Help structure for FI-LC reconciliation programs
FAGL_S_RGC880B0_LIST - Output Structure for Program RGC880B0
FILC - FI-LC: Database Structure for Reporting
FILCA - FI-LC: Actual journal entry table with 2 object tables
FILCC - FI-LC: Transaction-related fields for table FILCT
FILCE - FI-LC: Structure for blocking logical database FILCT
FILCEIS - Sender Structure for Data Transfer from FI-LC to EIS
FILCEIS2 - Sender Structure for Data Transfer from FI-LC to EIS
FILCEX - FI-LC: Periodical Extract for Business Area Consolidation
FILCEXG - FI-LC: Periodical Extract for Business Area Consolidation
FILCEXL - Periodical Extract for Legal Consolidation
FILCO - FI-LC: Acct assign.fields (Object-TrPartner) for table FILCT
FILCP - FI-LC: Plan line items for object table
FILCT - FI-LC: Global totals table with 2 object tables
FILC_BAPI - FI-LC: Structure for Interactive Excel interface

FILC_EX_G - FI-LC: Periodical Extract for Business Area Consolidation
FKACCESS - Record layout for uploading from MS ACCESS data entry
FKALV_S_RGCDDP00_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RGCDDP00
FKALV_S_RGCEDR20_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RGCEDR20-Lines
GCV_CPVAL - Remote entry via MS Access: Validation groups for companies
GCV_GRP - Remote data entry via MS Access: Validation groups
GCV_GRPRL - Decentralized Entry w/MS Access: Rules for Validation Groups
GCV_GRPT - Remote entry via MS Access: Validation group texts
GCV_MESS - Remote entry via MS Access: Message texts for validation
GCV_PROT - Log of validation conversion for ACCESS data entry
GCV_RL - Remote entry via MS Access: Validation rules
GCV_RLMS - Remote entry via MS Access: Message number for rules
GFVTAB - Function group Gf4: Screen fields
GLA1TAB - Function Group GLA1: Screen Fields
GLB2 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT2
GLB3 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT3
GLEX_ACCMV - Internal table: Transaction types set - item values
GLEX_ADDF1 - Additional field 1
GLEX_ADDF2 - Additional field 2
GLEX_ADDF3 - Additional field 3
GLEX_CMVCT - Internal Table: Transaction Types to Companies
GLEX_COACC - Internal Table: Items to Companies
GLEX_C_AAA - Company - Additional Account Assignments - Value
GLEX_DOCTY - Document types
GLEX_EPARA - Internal Table: Export Parameters for EXCEL_REP_GLI70
GLEX_FORMO - Internal Table: Line Structure Groups
GLEX_GESPO - Internal Table: CoItem
GLEX_GLI70 - Internal Table: List of Companies
GLEX_GVBND - Internal Table: TradPartners
GLEX_IMPTA - Internal Table: Imptble
GLEX_INVAC - Internal Table: Invalid Items (Not to be Posted to)
GLEX_I_AAA - FS Item - Additional Account Assignments - Value
GLEX_PIVOT - Internal Table: Data for Excel Pivot Table
GLEX_POSDA - Internal Table: ItmData
GLEX_RACCT - Internal Table: Items, Item Texts
GLEX_RCOMP - Internal Table, Company, Name

GLEX_RMVCT - Internal Table: Transaction Type, Description
GLEX_RSUBD - Internal Table: Subgroup, Name
GLEX_RVERS - Internal Table: Consolidation Version, Version Texts
GLEX_SETMV - Internal Table: Transaction Type Sets
GLEX_THEAD - Internal Table: Column Structure Groups for DD Tables
GLEX_VALUE - Internal Table: Items, Values, Currency, Dec.Places
GLID - Screen fields for function group GLID
GLS2IDX - Index table for FI-LC document cluster
GLS3 - Line item structure G/L account mnthly Dr/Cr with FI-LC info
GLT2 - Consolidation totals table
GLT3 - Summary Data Preparations for Consolidation
GSBLCA - Business area consolidation: deviating records
KACCT - Internal table for release of set contents
KASSC - Internal table for release of set contents
KMVCT - Internal table for release of set contents
KONSPARAM - Fields for documentation from program parameters
KONSRATE - Help fields screens w.ex.rte display
KONSTAB - Additional field for table entry in views
KONS_PARAM - Fields for Customizing Consolidation
KTCUR - Internal table for release of set contents
KYACQ - Internal table for release of set contents
LCBLGTAB - Export table LC_GET_DOCUMENT_DELTA - Possible Trans.Types
LCBUKRS - Company codes for Consolidation
LCCOMPTAB - Company Table
LCDOCTY_RA - Range for document type
LCLEVTAB - Posting status FI-LC
LCMETHOD - Currency translation methods
LCPOS - Transfer string for Line Item Reporting
LCRACCT_RA - Range for Consolidating Items
LCRASSC_RA - Range for Trading Partner (Consolidation)
LCREVERSE - FI-LC: Documents to be reversed
LCRLEVL_RA - Range for Posting Level (Consolidation)
LCRMVCT_RA - Range for Transaction Types
LCRSUBD_RA - Subgroup range
LCRTCUR_RA - Range for Transaction Currency (Consolidation)
LCRUNIT_RA - Ranks for Units of Measure (Consolidation)
LCRVERS_RA - Range for consolidation version
LCRYACQ_RA - Range for Acquisition Years (Consolidation)

LCRYEAR_RA - Range for fiscal years
LCSB1 - Workfields for Line Item Reporting
LCSUBDTAB - Subgroups to the Company
LCUPLOAD - FI-LC, flexible Upload: possible Fields
MCDX - Compressed Consolidation transaction data
RANGE_ACCT - Internal table for range of accounts
RANGE_COMP - Internal table for range of companies
RANGE_LEVL - Internal table for range of levels
RANGE_SUBD - Internal table for range of subgroups
RF101 - Screen fields for general use
RF10A - Help fields for screens SAPMF10a
RF10B - Help fields for screens SAPMF10B
RF10C - Screen fields for Group Transactions
RF10E - Screen fields for Source Transaction
RF10F - Help fields for screens SAPMF10A
RF10G - Help fields for screens SAPMF10G
RF10H - Screen fields for SAPMF10H
RF10I - Help fields for screens SAPMF10I
RF10L - Help Field Screens SAPMF10L
RF10N - Transaction GC35 (SAPMF10N): Screen Fields
RF10S - Help fields for screens SAPMF10S
RF10T - SAPMF10T: Screen Fields
RF10U - Customize Currency Translation
RF10V - Work field for SAPMF10V
RFFK3 - K3 form: Auxiliary structure for form fields
RFMOT - Structure for RGCMOT00 - Create and change totals records
RGLLC - Check structure f.roll-ups in FI-LC
T000K - Group
T850 - Company data for Consolidation
T850A - Company sort criteria
T850B - Business segments
T850C - Business segments: texts
T850D - Assignment of business segment
T850F - Upload methods
T850G - Upload Methods: Texts
T850H - Upload Methods: Field Catalogs
T850I - Version-dependent assignment: Company/data import + validtn
T850K - Company correspondence data
T850S - Tax rates
T850Z - Layout: FS chart of accounts
T851 - Changes in Investments
T852 - Subgroups
T852G - Subgroup companies
T852N - Consolidation frequencies
T852O - Consolidation frequencies: Texts
T852P - Consolidation Periods
T852U - Subgroup companies
T852V - Version-dependent subgroup characteristics
T853 - Company status
T853K - Subgroup status
T854 - Financial statement items for consolidation
T854S - Selected FS items
T854T - Financial statement item texts
T854U - FS item short texts
T855 - Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
T855T - Reasons for inclusion in consolidation
T856 - Transaction Types
T856T - Transaction type texts
T856X - Transaction type groups
T856Y - Transaction type groups: Texts
T857 - Line layout of data entry forms
T857A - Column layout of data entry form
T857D - Data entry form groups: Names
T857E - Data entry form groups: Texts
T857F - Data entry form bundling
T857N - Validation groups
T857O - Validation groups: Texts
T857P - Validation Rules
T857S - Column layout for data entry form: Names
T857T - Column layout for data entry form: Text
T857X - Line layout for data entry form: Name
T857Y - Line layout for data entry form: Text
T858 - Consolidation versions
T858I - Versions for Consolidation integration
T858T - Consolidation version texts
T859 - Data entry forms
T859T - Data entry form title
T85A - First additional field
T85AT - First additional field: Texts
T85B - Second additional field
T85BT - Second additional field: Texts
T85C - Third additional field
T85CT - Third additional field: Texts
T85S1 - FI-LC: Assignment of first add. fld to second add. fld
T85S2 - FI-LC: Assignment of second add. fld to third add. fld
T85Y - Additional Field Category
T85YT - Additional field type: Texts
T862K - Standard reports: Headings
T862L - Standard reports: Header texts
T862Q - Standard reports: Column layout
T862R - Standard reports: Column layout texts
T862S - Standard reports: Column layout
T862T - Standard reports: Headers
T862X - Standard reports: Line layout
T862Y - Standard reports: Line layout texts
T862Z - Standard reports: Line layouts
T863 - Consolidation standard reports
T863B - Report groups
T863C - Report groups: Names
T863D - Report groups: Texts
T863I - Reports for Interactive Reporting
T863T - Report titles
T863V - Valuations: Texts
T863W - Valuations
T863X - Selections for reporting
T863Y - INDX datasets
T863Z - Selection: Document status
T864 - Reclassifications
T865 - Intercompany Elimination
T866 - Elimination of IC profit/loss: FS items
T866Z - Elimination of IC P/L: Assignment of additional fields
T867 - Product groups
T867T - Product group texts
T868 - Elimination of IC profit and loss
T868B - Elimination of IC profit/loss: Inventory management co.s
T868L - Elimination of IC profit/loss: Vendor data
T869 - Consolidation methods
T869A - Structure T869
T869T - Consolidation of investments methods
T870 - Consolidation method assignment
T871 - Changes in investee equity
T872 - Equity Holdings Adjustments
T872I - Periodic entry for affiliated companies
T873 - Hidden reserves
T874 - Elimination of hidden reserves
T875 - Asset transfers within the group
T875C - Changes in depreciation
T875D - Asset transfers
T875E - Change in depreciation of asset transfers
T876 - Consolidation document types
T876B - Document types
T876T - Consolidation document type texts
T876V - Validation of Consolidation document
T877 - Consolidation activity groups
T877K - Consolidation activity groups: Names
T877L - Consolidation activity groups: Texts
T879 - Standard texts
T879P - Data transfer directories
T880B - Valuation methods
T880G - Consolidation companies
T884 - Currency translation
T884B - Assignment valuation methods to company codes
T884F - Translation Differences: Additional Account Assignment
T884H - Historical currency translation
T884K - Exchange rate indicator for currency translation
T884M - Currency translation methods used in Consolidation
T884R - Exchange rate indicator references
T884S - Sets used in currency translation
T884T - Currency translation method table: Texts
TGSBK - Consolidation business areas
TGSBL - Text table for TGSBK
TKMGB - Business area consolidation: SD assignments
TLMGB - Business area consolidation: MM assignments
TSTGC - Consolidation test data
UMR_PARAM - Fields for Documentation/Customizing Currency Transaltion