SAP Tables | Financial Accounting | Funds Management SAP FI

SAP FI Funds Management Tables (FI-FM)

SAP Funds Management Tables FI-FM

ACPE - Actual periods
AVA_CHECK - Availability Control - Currency Parameters
BIFMFR50A - Batch input structure rec. A budget planning data
BIFMFSA - Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area
BIFMFSB - Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area
BIFMFSC - Batch-Input-Structure Rec. C Long Texts for Fnds Ctr in FMA
BIFMFSD - Batch-Input-Structure Rec. A Funds Ctr in FM Area
BIFMIMEX - Interface for UNIX file - Import/Export data
BIFMPPA - Batch Input Structure Rec. A CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth)
BIFMPPAOLD - Old Structure Rec. A Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area
BIFMPPB - Batch Input Structure Rec. B CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth)
BIFMPPC - Batch Input Structure Rec. C CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth)
BIFMPPCOLD - Old Structure Rec. C Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area
BIFMPPD - Batch Input Structure Rec. D CI in Chart/FMA (Loc.Auth)
BIFMPPDOLD - Old Structure Rec. D Comm.Item in Chrt/FM Area
BIFMTXT - Batch Input Structure > Long Texts < (Loc.Authorities)
BPAK - Budget/Planning Updates
BPAKRETURN - Return Parameters
BPAK_PER - Actualize Period Values for Budgeting/Planning
BPASE - Availability Control: Communication with Reporting

BPBK - Doc.Header Controlling Obj.
BPBP - Totals Records: Period Budget
BPBT - Totals records: overall budget for fund
BPBY - Totals records: annual budget
BPCG - Controlling Object, by Year
BPCH - Change to RW Object Number
BPCJ - Controlling Object, by Year
BPCK - Controlling objects, activated objects
BPCOPY - Func.module import prmtr Copy budget/planning versions
BPCOSU - Transfer structure KBPR_READ_CO_DATA
BPCU - Budget/Planning Conversion Rate
BPDG - Total Values Entry Document
BPDG_ID - Table BPDG + UPDATE Indicator
BPDG_KEY - BPDG Primary Key
BPDIST - Trsfr of distrbtd values: Cst.elem plg -->Structure plg
BPDJ - Annual Values Entry Document
BPDJ_ID - Table BPDJ + UPDATE Indicator
BPDJ_KEY - BPDJ Primary Key
BPDK - Header Entry Document
BPDKCI - Header entry document - customer include
BPDKT - Header Text Entry Document
BPDKT_ID - Table BPDKT + UPDATE Indicator
BPDK_ID - Table BPDK + UPDATE Indicator
BPDP - Period Values Entry Document
BPDP_ID - Table BPDP + UPDATE Indicator
BPDP_KEY - BPDP Primary Key
BPDY - Budgeting/Planning Screen Fields
BPDZ - Line Entry Document
BPDZT - Text Line Entry Document
BPDZT_ID - Table BPDZT + UPDATE Indicator
BPDZ_ARCH - Entry Document Lines (for Archiving)
BPDZ_ID - Table BPDZ + UPDATE Indicator
BPEG - Line Item Overall Values Controlling Obj.
BPEG_ARCH - Line Items Overall Values (for Archiving)
BPEJ - Line Item Annual Values Controlling Obj.
BPEJ_ARCH - Line Items Annual Values (for Archiving)
BPEP - Line Item Period Values Controlling Obj.

BPEP_ARCH - Line Item Period Values (for Archiving)
BPEX - Export Parameters Function Components in Budget/Planning
BPFC_ID - Availability control: Structure for ID
BPFI_COMB - FM area/financing code combinations
BPFMPS - FMPS budget structure
BPGE - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE1 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE2 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE3 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE4 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE5 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE6 - Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj.
BPGE_ARCH - Totals Record Overall Value (for Archiving)
BPGE_ID - BPGE budeting/availability control
BPGE_KEY - Key Controlling Object Total Values in Budget/Planning
BPGV - Prel.entry, overall
BPHI - Cross-hierarchy Data Controlling obj.
BPHI1 - Cross-hierarchy Data Controlling obj.
BPHI_ID - BPHI Budgeting/availability control
BPHI_KEY - Key Hierarchy Table Budget/Planning
BPIF - RW budget/planning interface
BPIG - Budget Object Index (Overall Budget)
BPIG1 - Budget Object Index (Overall Budget)
BPIG_ID - BPIG budgeting/availability control
BPIJ - Budget Object Index (Annual Budget)
BPIJ1 - Budget Object Index (Annual Budget)
BPIJ_ID - BPIJ budgeting/availability control
BPIN - Import Parameters for Accessing Functions in Budget/Planning
BPJA - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA1 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA2 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA3 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA4 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA5 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA6 - Totals Record for Annual Total Controlling Obj.
BPJA_ARCH - Totals Record Overall Annual Value (for Archiving)
BPJA_ID - BPJA budgeting/availability control
BPJA_KEY - Key to Controlling Objs for Budget/Planning Annual Values
BPJA_VALID - Totals record annual value for validation

BPJV - Prel.entry - annual values
BPMESGLIST - Budgeting Message List with Assignment
BPMSGLIB - Message data
BPOBJ_CUR - Currency Information for Objects from Budgeting
BPPE - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE1 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE2 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE3 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE4 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE5 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPE6 - Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj.
BPPEA - Period values: budget/structure - all periods
BPPE_ARCH - Totals Record Period Values (for Archiving)
BPPE_ID - BPPE budgeting/availability control
BPPE_KEY - Key to Controlling Objs for Budget/Planning Period Values
BPPOSIT - Interface Structure With Item Field
BPPR - Budget/Planning Internal Parameters
BPTIME - Time information for budget/plan version copying
BPTR - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR1 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR2 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR3 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR4 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR5 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR6 - Object Data Controlling Obj.
BPTR_ARCH - Carrier Data (for Archiving)
BPTR_ID - BPTR Budgeting/availability control
BPTR_KEY - BPTR Controlling Object Key
BPTX - Budgeting Text
BPTX_KEY - Budgeting Text, Key Fields
BPUSRNAM - SAP-Office users: budget managers
BPVC - Communication: Open Item Management/Actual Update
BPVK - Document Header for Parked Documents
BPXX_ID - Budgeting/availability control acc. to structure
BSPE - Budget structure element
CFMCI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CFMCIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CFMCIT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CKBLE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CKBLEW - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
CKBLK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CKBLKKRED - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
CKBLK_USER - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CKBLP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
CKBLPAYK - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
CKBLPAYP - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
CKBLPW - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
COBL_AD - Structure used by the FM Derivation Tool along with COBL
COBL_AD - Structure used by the FM Derivation Tool along with COBL
CTRUNICLAS - is being deleted
DFERC - Commitment: Data Definitions
DROPC - Structure for Dropdown List Sight Currency
DROPP - Structure for Dropdown List Box Periods
DROPT - Structure for Dropdown List Time Period
DROPT2 - Structure for Dropdown List Box: Years Only
EBPJA - Enqueue table for allotted values
EPBP - Line Items: Period Budget
EPBT - Line items: overall budget for fund
EPBY - Annual budget line items
EUUDCHAP - Permitted Expenditure Chapter for Revenue Budget Line
FAGL_DOCTYPE_OIM - Document type for the Clearing Lines for OIM
FAGL_LEDGER_OIM - Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documents
FAGL_SP_LDGR_OIM - Ledgers for zero-balance follow-on documents
FB03 - Financial Transactions
FBPD - Budget Period
FBSP - Assignment of Balance Objects to Budget Structure Elements
FCABK - FI-CA: Document Header
FCABP - FI-CA: Document Item
FCABPCCN - FM: Append Structure for FCABP (CCN Fields)
FCALV_S_BPEP0001_ALV_LIST - ALV List Structure for BPEP0001
FCALV_S_BPEP0001_LIST - ALV Structure for BPEP0001
FCALV_S_BPSHOW00_LIST1 - Structure for Report BPSHOW00
FCALV_S_RBPFCOD1_LIST - Structure for ALV output of RBPFCOD1
FCALV_S_RBPFCPD1 - Field Catalog for RBPFCPD1
FCBP - Line items: commitment and actual
FCDUNICLAS - is being deleted
FCTR - Funds centers
FEUPCDWAER - Currency Fields for FM Payment Plan Change Documents
FFBP - Assignments of Funds to Budget Periods
FFND - Fund
FGWF_MDRLK - Main Rules for General Role Definition Header Entries
FGWF_MDRUL - Main Rules for General Role Definition
FIPEX_STRUC - Subfields Commitment Item
FIWF_ACGRP - Account Assignment Groups for Role Definition
FIWF_AMGRP - Amount Groups for FI Role Definition
FIWF_MDRLK - Main Rules for FI Role Definition - Header Entries
FIWF_MDRUL - Main Rules for FI Role Definition
FKRS - Financial Management Areas
FM00 - Client-Dependent Fields in Funds Management
FM01 - Financial Management Areas
FM01A - FM area control records
FM01B - Control Records for FIFM Company Codes
FM01BSP - FM Area - Fund Center for the Budget
FM01BUDHORIZON - Number of Cash Effectivity Years and Financial Budget Years
FM01C - FM area control parameters
FM01D - Funds Management Update Control
FM01DDY - Screen fields for customizing V_FM01D_F
FM01DF - Budget Type: Assignment to Cover Eligibility
FM01E - Info on cover availability per FM area
FM01F - Overall parameters for FM areas
FM01FRG - Maintain Release Groups
FM01FRG1 - Maintain Release Groups
FM01FRG2 - Assign Release Approval Groups to Activity
FM01FRGT - Maintain Release Approval Groups (Texts)
FM01G - FM Areas: Availability Control Settings
FM01H - Year-Independent Assignment of Hierarchy Variants to FM Area
FM01I - Assignment Commitment Type/Cover Eligibility Profile FM Area
FM01KT - Customizing FM Account Assignment
FM01N - Follow-up posting info by FM area / application /data origin
FM01P - Year-Dependent Assignment of Master Data to FM Area
FM01S - Additional master data for budgeting tools
FM01SN - Collective Expenditure Settings
FM01T - Funds Management Area Texts
FM01TOL - Tolerance for Budget Consistency Checks
FM01UD - Settings for revenues increasing the budget
FM01UDDY - Settings for Revenues Increasing the Budget / Screen Fields
FM01Y - FM Areas- Year-Dependent Values
FM01_ARCH - Archived FM Areas
FM01_ST - Assign Field Selection String -> FM Area
FM02DDY - Cutomizing Screen for V_FMUP02
FM4B_CARR_FAREA - Budget Oject Including Functional Area
FM4C_CARR - Budget Object Structure
FMACASD2 - FM Acct Assgmts for Orders (such as PM) at Activity Level
FMACTDETL - Detailing of Commitment and Actual Data in Funds Management
FMACTDETLT - Texts for Commitment/Actual Detailing
FMACTPOS - FIFM: List of Internal Item Numbers
FMALLOC - Distribution of Collective Budget Administration
FMAPSTAT - FIFM: System Status for FIFM Acct Asst Objects
FMARSEL - Selection for archiving in FM
FMAVC - is being deleted
FMBE - FI-FM Cash Levels
FMBGA_FKKINFO - Public Owned Commercial Operation Data from FI-CA
FMBK - FI-FM Transfer Structure: Document Header for Accounting
FMBP - FI-FM Transfer Structure: Fin.Accounting Document Segment
FMBPCF - Fiscal Year Change Interface - Budget Data
FMBPCFINDEX - Fiscal Year Change Interface - Availability Control Index
FMBPFONDSYEARS - Transfer Structure, w.Year and Fund, Containing Budget Data
FMBPKDY - FM: Budgeting - Local Authorities: Screen Fields
FMBPUPDATE - Batch Input for Budget Transfers: Transfer Structure
FMBS - Cash holdings
FMBSPE - WBS Elements Transfer Structure
FMBS_S_RIB - Transfer Structure for RIB Ledger (Commitment/Actual)
FMBU - FIFM Commitment Budget Delivery Structure
FMBUD - FI-FM Data Transfer Structure FM4C
FMBUDDETL - Budget Detailing in Funds Management
FMBUDDETLT - Texts for Budget Detailing
FMBUDFRGRP - Release Approval Groups and Sequence
FMBUDFRGVO - Assigning Transactions to Release Approval Group
FMBUDGETPD - FM: Budget Period Master Data
FMBUDGETPDT - FM: Budget Period texts
FMBUDVAL - Budget Values
FMBUDVERS - Activate Budget Versions
FMBUDVORGA - Release Approval Groups: Activities and Sequence
FMBUD_INCLUDE - Include for archiving budget tables
FMCDRBBS - FM Rev. Incr. Budget History - Government Canada
FMCF - Year-end closing
FMCFAA - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward
FMCFAAI - TR-FM: Budget Closing Operations
FMCFAAI_TR - TR-FM: Budget Closing Operations
FMCFAAS - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)
FMCFAAS_TR - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Interim Storage)
FMCFAA_TR - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward
FMCFAB - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)
FMCFABI - TR-FM: Budget Closing Operations
FMCFABI_TR - TR-FM: Budget Closing Operations
FMCFABS - TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)
FMCFABS_TR - TR-FM: Transferred Commitment/Budget (Senders+Receivers)
FMCFAB_TR - TR-FM: Commitments/Budget Carried Forward (Sender+Receiver)
FMCFBPAKS - FM-FYC: Budget/Planning Updates (Interim Storage)
FMCFB_VRGNG - FM: Permitted Activities for Balance Carryforward
FMCFB_VRGNGT - FM: Balance Carryfwd Allowed Activities (Language-Dependent)
FMCFC0 - Default Settings for Fiscal Year Change
FMCFC1 - FYC Commitment Control
FMCFC1R - FYC Commtiment Control (Carryforward Parameter)
FMCFC2 - FYC Budget Control
FMCFRULE - FM - Carryforward Parameters (FYC)
FMCFSB - FM - CF: Carryforward rules
FMCFSBCD - FM-CF: Carryforward Rules (Dummy -> Change Documents)
FMCFSI - TR-FM Selected Open Commitments
FMCFSIF - FI-FM: Selected Open Documents from FI Update
FMCFSIF_TR - Selected Open FI Documents (Settlement)
FMCFSIO - FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCFSIO_TR - FI-FM: Selected Open Commitment Documents
FMCHA1 - Work List for Reassignment Tool
FMCI - Commitment items master data
FMCIT - Commitment items texts
FMCIT_EXT - Country-Specific Enhancement for Cmmt Item - Description
FMCIVARNT - Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
FMCIVARNTT - Variant for commitment item hierarchy: Entities texts
FMCI_BI_A - Batch input structure record A: FIPEX in FMA/FYear
FMCI_BI_B - Batch Input Structure Rec. B Long Text for Fipex
FMCI_BI_D - Batch Input Structure Record D: Balance Budget Assignment
FMCI_EXT - Country-Specific Enhancement for Commitment Item
FMCMMT_ITEM_ALT_HIER - Alternative Hierarchy for Commitment Items
FMCMMT_ITEM_HIER - Variant Assignment Commitment Item Hierarchy
FMCMMT_ITEM_TEXT - Texts for Funds Centers (incl. language)
FMCNAI - FM Line Items with Active CCN Logic
FMCO - Line Items from CO Postings
FMCOMT_ITEM_ALT_HIER - Alternative Hierarchy for Commitment Items
FMCOPI - CO-FM: Plan Data Transfer - Annual/Overall Values
FMCORE_RANGE_YEAR - Range Structure for Fiscal Year
FMCOVERBUD - Transferable Budget According to Type of CE
FMCOVR - CO Posting Integration: Transaction
FMCTRNR02 - Commitment-item-depending FM monitoring number
FMCVCHECKS - Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
FMCVCHECKSDY - Restrictions in the Rule Maintenance for Cover Eligibility
FMDECK3 - Cover eligibility: amount management for sender budget obj.
FMDECKHK - Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
FMDECKHKC - Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
FMDECKRG - Cover Pool
FMDECKRGT - Cover Pool Texts
FMDECKUNG - Assignment of a Cover Pool to an FM Account Assignment
FMDERIFUAC - Structure for Derivation of Fund and Function
FMDERIVE - FM Derivation Structure
FMDIMENSIONS - Funds Management Account Assignments
FMDKSORT - Sort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
FMDKSRTGRP - Groups of Sort Criteria for Cover Eligibility
FMDOC - List of FM Documents for Revaluation
FMDP_DPR_CLR - Activate the DP Clearing and DPR Clearing and update
FMDTRSCDATA - Earmarked Funds Data
FMDY - FIFM: Screen Fields
FMED00 - Preparation of Commitment Items
FMED01 - Special Character for Preparing Commitment Items
FMEDDOCTYPE - FM budget entry document type
FMEDDOCTYPET - FM budget entry document type texts
FMEF_ACC_CHANGE - Check Structure:Which account assignment fields have changed
FMEF_CONSUME - Usage of Earmarked Funds
FMEF_DELREF - References to be deleted
FMEF_DOCREF - Reference to Earmarked Funds Document with Sort Criteria
FMEF_DOC_KEY - Key Fields Earmarked Funds
FMEF_FIELDINFO - Field Information
FMEF_FSTAT - Field Status of a Field
FMEF_FSVARIANT - Field Status Variant
FMEF_IF_DOCUMENT - Document Data of an Earmarked Fund
FMEF_IF_HEADDATA - Interface Data for Changes to Document Header
FMEF_IF_HEADDATA_X - Labeling of fields that have changed
FMEF_IF_POS_ACCOUNTING - Account Assignment Data of an Earmarked Fund
FMEF_IF_POS_ACCOUNTING_X - Account Assignment Data of an Earmarked Fund
FMEF_IF_POS_MISC - Various Data of Earmarked Fund Item
FMEF_IF_POS_MISC_X - Various Data of Earmarked Fund Item
FMEF_IF_POS_PRICE_QUANTITY - Price/Quantity Information
FMEF_IF_POS_PRICE_QUANTITY_X - Price/Quantity Information
FMEF_IF_VACHANGE - Interface Structure for Changing Value Adjustments
FMEF_IF_VACHANGE_X - Interface Structure for Changing Value Adjustments
FMEF_IF_VALUEADJUST - Interface Structure for Creating Value Adjustments
FMEF_KBLESX - Development Records
FMEF_KBLEX - Development Records
FMEF_KBLK_UPD - Update Structure for KBLK
FMEF_KBLP_UPD - Update Structure for KBLP
FMEF_OIDATA - Commitment Interface Data Earmarked Funds
FMEF_OIDATA_ORGVG - Data for Commitment Interface per Organizational Activity
FMEF_OI_OLDNEWREF - Old and New Reference for Commitment Interface
FMEF_OLDNEWREF - Old - Reduction Reference
FMEF_POSAMOUNTS_SAVE - Item Amounts (for backup purposes)
FMEF_POSINF - Information on Unread Line Items
FMEF_POSREF - Reference to earmarked fund item with sort criteria
FMEF_POS_KEY - Key Fields of a Earmarked Fund Item
FMEF_QR_POS - Query Result Earmarked Fund Items
FMEF_REFDATA - Reference Data (Reduction References)
FMEF_REFERENCE - Reference or Reduction Data
FMEF_REFKEY - Key Fields of a Reference
FMEF_TABLEFIELDS - Information on Fields of a Structure
FMEF_TRANSINFO - Information on Transaction Carried Out
FMEF_VAREF - References to Value Adjustments
FMEINDECK - Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
FMEINDECKC - Assign FM Acct Assgt Requir.Cover to One Give It
FMEP - FI-FM Line Items
FMEPIN - Line Item Structure for Cashflow Processor
FMEUROPLAN - Table of Euro FM Areas
FMEUTRANS - Parameters for Euro Conversion
FMFCPO - FIFM: Commitment Summarization Item
FMFCPOT - FIFM: Financial Summarization Item Texts
FMFCTR - Funds Center Master Record
FMFCTRBP - Budget Object Group Definitions
FMFCTRT - Funds Center Text
FMFCTRT_CD - Transfer structure for change documents of fnds center texts
FMFCTR_CD - Transfer structure for funds centers change documents
FMFCTR_EXT - Country-Specific Enhancement
FMFG_ACCIT_EXT - FMFG: US Federal Specific Fields
FMFG_BKPF_APPL - Decoupling fields for US Federal Government
FMFI - Line Items from FI Documents
FMFIELDMOD - Field control in FM funds reservation/payment transfer
FMFINCODE - FIFM: Financing code
FMFINT - FIFM: Fund texts
FMFIPEX - Structure for Blocking Commitment Item
FMFIPGBP - Budget Structure Template: FM Budgeting Control
FMFIPGP - Assign Commitment Item to Budget Structure Template
FMFIPGR - Budget Structure Template
FMFIPGRT - Budget Structure Template, Texts
FMFMIT1 - FIFM: Internal Structure in Reporting
FMFMIT2 - FIFM: Internal Structure in Reporting
FMFPO - FIFM: Commitment Item
FMFPOHR - HR-Relevant Fields in the Commitment Item
FMFPOT - Texts for a Financia Management Item
FMFREEPOS - FIFM: Free List of Internal Item Numbers
FMFRG - Define Release Groups
FMFRGASGN - Assign Transactions to Release Approval Groups
FMFRGPRO - Release Approval Group Profiles
FMFRGPROT - Release Approval Group Profiles
FMFRGT - Define Release Groups
FMFRGZOR - Assign Release Group Profile
FMFUNDBPD - FM: Assignments of Funds to Budget Periods
FMFUNDSEL - FIFM: Selected Fund for Closing Operations
FMFUNDTYPET - FM Fund Types Texts
FMFUSE - FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources
FMFUSET - FIFM: Application of Funds from Secondary Sources
FMFXPO - Commitment item, internal and external number (conversion)
FMGEBER - FIFM: Financing Code for Sponsor
FMGEN - Transfer Structure for Finding Generic Keys
FMGFLOGC - Copy Commitment Item Master Data
FMGLOB - Global Data for FM Updates
FMHICI - Commitment items hierarchy
FMHICTR - FIFB: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations in a Center
FMHIPG - Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Fiscal Year
FMHIPOS - FIFM: DB Table for Hierarchy Relations for an Item
FMHIPP - Hierarchy Table of Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items
FMHISV - Hierarchy table of funds centers in Hivariant
FMHIVARNT - Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities
FMHIVARNTT - Funds Center Hierarchy Variant: Entities
FMHPH - TR-FM: Data transfer structure - hierarchy maintenance tool
FMHPO - TR-FM: Structure for Hierarchy Maint.Tool Transfer Table
FMHRBA_NEG_DOC_TYPES - Integration HR: Doc. Types for Negative Funds Commitments
FMHRBA_SETTINGS - Integration HR: Settings
FMHRBA_VAD_SETTINGS - Integration HR: Create Value Adjustment Docs for Changes
FMHSART - FM: Budget Line Type
FMHSARTT - FM: Budget Line Type
FMHVMTXT - Budget Memo
FMHVMTXTT - Budget Memo Texts, language dependent
FMIA - Actual Line Item Table for Funds Management
FMIAA - Assignment Table for Budget Ledger
FMIC - Object table 2
FMICCN - FM: Append Structure for FMIOI (CCN Fields)
FMICOHD - FM/CO Integration: Document Header
FMICOIT - FM/CO integration: Line item
FMIDATA - Common Data for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIDATAFI - Clean FI Data for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIDATAFICA - Data for FI-CA Reconciliation
FMIDATAOI - Clean Open Item Data for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIFIHD - FI Header Table in Funds Management
FMIFIIT - FI Line Item Table in Funds Management
FMII1 - Allocation of CO Acct Asst to FM Acct Asst
FMIKEY - Common Key for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIKEYFI - FI - Key for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIKEYOI - Common Key for Funds Management Actual Data
FMIO - Object Table for Funds Management
FMIOI - Commitment Documents Funds Management
FMIOICCN - Earmarked Blocked Amounts for Commitments in Funds Managemnt
FMIOIKEY - Key for Table FMIOI
FMIOI_USFG - SD order needs quantity
FMIP - Plan Line Items Table for Funds Management
FMIREF - Ref. Funds Management Actual Data to Preceding Document
FMISPS - General Parameters for Funds Management
FMISPSUSER - Special Control Table for FMISPS per User(only SAP internal)
FMIT - Totals Table for Funds Management
FMIUR - Open Interval Rules for updating FM
FMIXREF - Funds Management Actual Data Reference Document
FMKLDYNP - FMKL read module, screen fields
FMKR - Commitment Item Criterion
FMKRG - Commitment Item Criterion Category Group
FMKRGT - Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category Group
FMKRGTP - Assignment Table: Criterion Category to Crit.Cat.Group
FMKRT - Text: Commitment Item Criteria
FMKRTP - Commitment item criterion category
FMKRTPT - Text: Commitment Item Criterion Category
FMLOG - Log file for documents not updated
FMMDST - Field selection string
FMMDSTF - Field Selection String and Fields
FMMDSTT - Text for Field Selection String
FMMM1 - Assignment Table for Warehouse Funds Center
FMMM2 - Transaction Type Control
FMMRESERV - Include for the Reduction of Funds Reservations (FM)
FMOI - Line Items
FMPAYRCPRI - Recovery Order / Forecast Print Screen
FMPA_CONTROL_DATA - Control Data for Parallel Processing RFFMS200
FMPA_PARAMETER - Parameter for Parallel Execution RFFMS200
FMPA_TRANSFER_DOCS - Documents to be Transferred (After Amount Assignment)
FMPERIOBTR - Period Amounts 1-16 for Cash Budget Management
FMPG - Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year
FMPL - FI-FM: Financial Planning Transfer Structure
FMPL1 - FI-FM: Financial Budgeting Transfer Structure (Centers)
FMPOSDEV_ALV - Structure for Alternative (Accessible) List Output
FMPOSIT - Commitment Item Assignment to Internal Number (FIPEX-POSIT)
FMPP - Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items
FMPPLAN - Chart of Commitment Items: Entities
FMPPLANT - Chart of Commitment Items: Entity Texts
FMPPT - Commitment Item in Chart of Commitment Items: Texts
FMPS - Financial Item Selection
FMR01 - Funds Management Information System
FMRC07 - Results List Documents Bank/Clearing Account Matching FM-FI
FMRC20_KBLESUM - Output Structure for RFFMRC20 Totals Records
FMRC20_KBLP - Output Structure for RFFMRC20 Line Item
FMRCCVARI - "Variant definition"
FMRCCVARIA - Company Code Assignment
FMRCCVARIT - Variant Text
FMRE01_CONS_ALV - Consumption History Data for Earmarked Funds
FMRE10_A - Earmarked Funds Journal: All Data
FMRE10_K - Earmarked Funds Journal: Header Data
FMRE10_P - Earmarked Funds Journal: Item Data
FMRECDWAER - Currency Fields for FM Funds Reservation Change Documents
FMREF - Active availability ctrl: Cross commitments reference table
FMREF_ID - Availability contol: Cross commitments reference table
FMREF_KEY - Active availability control: Key fields of cross cmmts table
FMRESACCMVASSIGN - Assignment of Account Assignment Transfr Rules to Activities
FMRESACCMVRULE - Rules for Account Assignment Transfer
FMRESACCMVRULES - Rules for Account Assignment Transfer
FMRESACCMVRULET - Description of an Account Assignment Transfer Rule
FMRESDF_ALV - Structure for Alternative (Accessible) List Output
FMRESFIELDS - Controllable Fields Earmarked Funds
FMRESGLOB - Include Structure: Global Settings for Earmarked Funds
FMRESGLOBALS - Global Settings for Earmarked Funds
FMRESGLOB_USER - Global Settings for Earmarked Funds: User-Dependent
FMRESINI1 - Earmarked Funds: Initialization Information
FMRESINI1T - Earmarked Funds: Transaction Texts
FMRESINI2 - Earmarked Funds: Initialization Data
FMRESLOCKS - Possible Earmarked Fund Blocks
FMRESLOCKST - Tests on Earmarked Fund Blocks
FMRESUPDC - Status Table for Conversion Programs
FMRESUPDS - Table for Conversions Programs to Run
FMRESV_DATA - Material Reservation Data
FMRES_EW_INFOS - Saving Enhancement Wizard Settings
FMRE_COBL - Include for Coding Block from FMRE Funds Reservation
FMRE_INVCONS_FIELDS - Company Code Structure
FMRE_MM_CATASS - Permitted Types of Earmarked Funds in Purchase Order Docs
FMRE_SEL_GRPNO - Structure for Selection Screen with Grouping Number
FMRIBRCVRFMAA - FM Account Assignment Receiver with Budget Increase Revenue
FMRIBRCVRPOOL - With Budget Increase. Revenue Assigned Expdt Cover Pool
FMRIBRULE - Control Data for Budget Increase
FMRPPOOL - Assignment of Expdt Cover Pool to Revenue Cover Pool
FMRPREL - Assignment of Expenditure Objects to Revenue Cover Pool
FMRPRULE - Rules for Revenue Cover Pool
FMRSCDATA - Earmarked Funds Data
FMRSCVAR - Scenario variants
FMRSCVART - Description for Scenario Variants
FMRU - Carryforward Rules for Year-End Closing
FMRV_ALV - Structure for Alternative (Accessible) List Output
FMR_ALV_ERLK1 - Structure for the ALV During RFFMERLK (All Fields)
FMR_ALV_ERLK2 - Structure for the ALV During RFFMERLK (Visible Fields)
FMR_ALV_ERLK3 - Structure for the ALV During RFFMERLK (All Fields)
FMR_BWDOCSEL - Selected Documents for Revaluation
FMR_DLAIII_GTMIN_DIFF - Structure to evaluate Guaranteed Minimum amount difference
FMR_DOCKEY - Key Fields for Earmarked Funds
FMR_DYNPDT - Fields in the Batch Input Detail Screen
FMR_DYNPKP - Fields for Batch Input Document Header
FMR_EW_DYNPFIELDS - Different Screen Fields for the Enhancement Wizard EF
FMR_EW_FTABLE1 - Structure for Selecting Controllable Fields
FMR_EW_FTABLE2 - Structure for Defining Ability to Control Fields
FMR_EW_FTABLE3 - Structure for Defining Ability to Control Fields
FMR_INTERFACE_DET - Direct Input for Earmarked Funds: Item Data
FMR_INTERFACE_HEAD - Direct Input for Earmarked Funds: Header Data
FMR_INTERFACE_HEADCHANGE - Structure with Changeable Header Fields
FMR_POSCOPY - Direct Input for Earmarked Funds: Item Data
FMR_REF_CHANGE - Reduction Reference Data of Earmarked Funds
FMR_TOL - Tolerance Limits for Earmarked Funds
FMR_TOLS - Tolerance Key for Overrun Tolerance
FMR_TOLST - Tolerance Key for Overrun Tolerance: Texts
FMS200P - Parallelling of RFFMS200
FMSAKFPO - TRFM: G/L account with commitment item control data
FMSD07 - Days Results List: FM-FI Bank/Clearing Account Comparison
FMSG - Logical Database Navigation Selection
FMSLALL - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection
FMSLBSP - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Budget Structure
FMSLFBDP - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Budget Period
FMSLFCTR - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Funds Center
FMSLFFND - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Fund
FMSLFIELDS - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Add. List Fields
FMSLFPEX - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Commitment Item
FMSLHEADER - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: List Headers
FMSLPARA - Transfer Structure for Mass Selection: Preassigned Fields
FMSLTRP - Transfer Struct. for Mass Selection: Master Data Combination
FMSNHHINTG - Integration of Collective Budget Adminisration with Budget
FMSNRULE - Collective Expenditure Rules
FMSNRULEC - Change Documents for Collective Budget Rules
FMSP_SPLIT_FIELDS - PSM Fields used in multiple account splitting
FMSTATUS - FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects
FMSU - FI-FM Totals Records
FMSU1 - FI-FM Financial Data Totals Records
FMSUA - FI-FM Totals Records - All Periods
FMTACT - Activities which can be Protected
FMTACTT - Activities that can be protected
FMTACTZ - FM: Valid Activities per Authorization Object (same TACTZ)
FMTO - Totals Records: Commitment and Actual
FMTTXID - Help Table for Maintenance View: Long Texts
FMUD - Override FM Update Date
FMUDBSEG - Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order
FMUDBSEGH - Addtl Info on Revenues Increasing Budget for Recovery Order
FMUDBSEGP - Part.Payt Item for Customer Invoice of a Rev. Incr. the Bgt
FMUDBSEGS - Recovery Order Budget Increases for Reversal
FMUDDATA - Additional Data for Revenues Incr.Budget for Line Items
FMUDIFIIT - Additional Data for FI Line Items f. Revenues Incr. the Bdgt
FMUDKBLP - Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of Revenue
FMUDKBLPH - Addtl Info re Revenues Increasing Budget for Fcst of Revenue
FMUDKBLPP - Item Revenues Increasing Budget for Forecast of Revenue
FMUDKBLPS - Budget Increases for Reversal for Forecast of Revenues
FMUDPOOL - Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct Assgmt
FMUDPOOLC - Assignment of Cover Pool to Rev. Increasing FM Acct Assgmt
FMUDREL - Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.Budget
FMUDRELC - Assignment of Expenditure Revenue Objs Incr.Budget
FMUDRULE - Rules for Revenues Increasing Budget
FMUDRULEC - Rules for Revenues Increasing the Budget
FMUMB - Cash Budget Management: Transfer
FMUP00 - Update Control (Not Value Type Dependent)
FMUP00T - Update Profiles
FMUP01 - Update Control with Value Type Dependency
FMUP02 - Customizbare Felder zum Fortschreibungsprofil
FMUP03 - Customization control data for activating FM view
FMVALID - Validation for Funds Management
FMVARNT - Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts
FMVARNTT - Chart of Commitment Items Variant: Entity Texts
FMVORTR - Cmmt items for carryover item category of totals records
FMVORTR0 - Carryforward Item Categories of Totals Records
FMWF_ACTOR - Role resolution par for each
FMWF_ACTTT - Texts for Activity Categories in FI/FM Role Definition
FMWF_ACTTY - Activity Categories for FM Role Definition
FMWF_AMGRP - Amount Groups for FM Role Definition
FMWF_BDGRP - FM Account Groups for FM Role Definition
FMWF_BLTYP - Document Category Assignment to FI/FM Role Defn Doc.Classes
FMWF_DOCCL - Document Classes for FM Role Definition
FMWF_DOCCT - Texts for FM Role Definition Document Classes
FMWF_GROUP - Number of work items in par for each
FMWF_MDRLK - Main Delegations Rules Header Entries
FMWF_MDRUL - FM Main Delegations Rules
FMXCI_CUS - Structure of Customer Fields of Table FMCI for USER EXIT
FMXCI_STD - Structure of Standard Fields of Table FMCI for USER EXIT
FMXPG_CUS - Structure of Customer Fields for Table FMPG for User Exit
FMXPG_STD - Structure of Standard Fields for Table FMPG for User Exit
FMXPP_CUS - Structure of Customer Fields for Table FMPP for User Exit
FMXPP_STD - Structure of Standard Fields for Table FMPP for User Exit
FMZUBSP - Assign Budget Structure Elements
FMZUCH - Change information on allocation of CO Object to FM Object
FMZUCO - FM-CO Assignment Control Table
FMZUCODY - Work Fields for V_FMZUCO
FMZUGR - Allocation of CO Group to FM Account Assignment
FMZUKA - Allocation of Cost Element to FM Account Assignment
FMZUOB - Allocation of CO Object to FM Account Assignment
FPEX - Commitment Items
FPOS - Commitment items
FVAR - Commitment Items: Fiscal Years and Plan Variants
FVSN - Budget Versions
FYAC - Fiscal year for actual values
FYBU - Fiscal year for budget
HHM_COBL - Include for COBL from FM
HRFPM_ACC_IF_APPEND_FM - Additional Fields for Transfer to Acctg (FM Part)
HRFPM_ACC_IF_APPEND_FM_BP - Additional Fields for Transfer to Accounting (FM Part)
HRFPM_ACC_IF_DELTA_FM - Transfer Structure for Changes to Acctg Docs
HRFPM_ACC_IF_FM - Transfer Structure for Cmmt Docs
HRFPM_ACC_IF_FM_BP - Transfer Structure for Commitment Documents
HRFPM_ACC_IF_HEADER_DATA - HRFPM: Account Assignment Objects for Cmmts in Accounting
HRFPM_ACC_IF_NEGATIVE_FM - Transfer Structure for Changes to Acctg Docs
HRFPM_ACC_IF_POS_DATA_ACC_ASS - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields
IA1KBLD - Include Structure Only for the KBLD
IA1KBLK - Include for Append AKBLK (Table KBLK)
IA1KBLP - Additional Fields for the KBLP Tables and Others
IA2KBLP - Include for Append AKBLP (Table KBLP)
IAKB - Include for KBLD and KBFM
IAKBFM - Include for Append AKBFM for Structure KBFM
IAKBLE - Include for Append AKBLE (Table KBLE)
IAKBLEW - Include for Append AKBLEW (Table KBLEW)
IAKBLP - Include for Appends for KBLP, KBLD; KBFM
IAKBLPW - Include for Append AKBLPW (Table KBLPW)
IAOM_GTR_ATTRIBUTES - Grantor Scenario - Account Assignment Manager Attributes
IAOM_GTR_EXAT - Grantor: Account Assignment Manager External Characteristics
IAOM_GTR_RECORD - Grantor Scenario - Account Assignment Manager Whole Record
IAUKBLK - Include for Append AUKBLK only
IFKKFMOBJ - FM Account Assignments for FI-CA Including Type
IFKKFMOBJK - Funds Management Account Assignments for FI-CA
IFM01D - Include Structure for FM01D
IFMBLIN - Budgetary Ledger Interface
IFMBUDGETPD_DATA - FM: Budget Period Master Data Structure
IFMBWAOF - BW: Extraction Structure for Applications of Funds
IFMBWAOFT - BW: Extraction Structure for Application of Funds Texts
IFMBWATT - BW: Extraction Structure for Amount Types Texts
IFMBWBUCATT - BW: Extraction Structure for Budget Category Texts
IFMBWCFLT - BW: Extraction Structure for FM Value Type Texts
IFMBWCITT - BW: Extraction Structure for Commitment Item Category Texts
IFMBWFC - BW: Extraction Structure for Funds Centers
IFMBWFCT - BW: Extraction Structure for Funds Center Texts
IFMBWFMA - BW: Extraction Structure for FM Areas
IFMBWFMAT - BW: Extraction Structure for FM Area Texts
IFMBWFUND - BW: Extraction Structure for Funds
IFMBWFUNDT - BW: Extraction Structure for Fund Texts
IFMBWSTATST - BW: Extraction Structure for Statistical Indicator Texts
IFMCFDY - FM: CF screen fields
IFMCFSB - FM - CF: Carryforward rules - transfer structure
IFMCI - Structure of Commitment Item Master Data
IFMCIDAT - Structure of Commitment Item Master Data
IFMCIDY - Screen Field of Commitment Items
IFMCIKEY - Key Fields Commitment Items (Table FMCI)
IFMCIT - Structure of Commitment Item Texts
IFMCITXT - Commitment Item: Text Fields for Screens
IFMCI_FMFCTR - Transfer Structure for Add. Customer Fields in Funds Centers
IFMCI_FMFINCODE - Transfer Structure for Add. Customer Flds in Fnd Master Rec.
IFMCI_FMPG - Trans.struct. for add.cust.fields to comm.items in FM area
IFMCI_FMPP - Trans.struct.for add.cust.fields to com.itms in chrt of com.
IFMCTRHI - Transfer Structure Funds Center Hierarchy
IFMDECKHK - Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cvr Pool (for Screen)
IFMDECKHK2 - Assignment of FM Account Assignment to Cover Pool
IFMEISA - Hierarchy of FM Account Assignment Elements
IFMEISA1 - Hierarchy of Funds Management Account Assignment
IFMEISA2 - View Managing Center
IFMEISA3 - View Balance Funds Center
IFMEISK - Key Figures in Drilldown Reporting
IFMF4DY - Structure for the F4 Help for Commitment Items
IFMFAREA - PSM: Master Data Reporting Functional Areas
IFMFCPO - FIFM: Internal Table for Cmmt Summztn Item Screen Fields
IFMFCTR - FIFM: Internal Table for Funds Center Screen Fields
IFMFCTRDY - Funds Center Screen Fields
IFMFCTRTXT - Funds center: Text fields for screens
IFMFCTR_DATA - Structure for Attributes of a Funds Center
IFMFICTR - Funds centers (in reporting)
IFMFIKRS - FM: Internal Structure: FM Areas With Text
IFMFINCODE - Structure of table FMFINCODE, plus text
IFMFINCODE_TXT - Fund: Text Fields for Screens
IFMFIPEX - FIFM: Commitment Item Master Data Reporting
IFMFIPEXKY - FIFM: Commitment Item, Lock Argument for User Key FIPEX
IFMFIPOS - FIFM: Commitment Item Master Data Reporting
IFMFIPOSNR - FIFM: Commitment Item, Replace Temp.No. with Final Number
IFMFPO - FIFM: Internal Table for Commitment Item Screen Fields
IFMFPOSOLD - Non-Year-Dependent Commitment Item Data Fields
IFMFUSE - FIFM: Structure for Application of Funds
IFMHRINTDY - Screen Structure Generate HR Commitment Items
IFMKACOO - FIFM: Co Object - FM Acct Assignment Master Data Reporting
IFMKAFIP - FIFM: Master Data Reporting on Cost Element Commitment Item
IFMKR - Structure: Commitment Item Criteria Fields
IFMMDSTDY - Screen Fields for Field Status Maintenance
IFMMD_CHAR255 - Structure for char255
IFMMEASURE - FM: Master Data Reporting Funded Programs
IFMOBJNR - FIFM: Assignment of Final to Dummy Object Number
IFMORFM - FIFM: Co Object - FM Acct Assignment Master Data Reporting
IFMPCFM - FIFM: WBS Element - FM Acct Assignment Master Data Reporting
IFMPGDY - Screen Fields of Commitment Items in FM Area/Fiscal Year
IFMPGKO - Add.Local Authority Fields for Cmmt Items in FM Area/Fisc.Yr
IFMPGTXT - Commitment Item in FM Area: Text Fields for Screens
IFMPOSHI - Transfer Structure Commitment Item Hierarchy
IFMPP - Data Structure for Commitment Items in Chart of Cmmt Items
IFMPPDY - Chart of Commitment Items Screen Fields
IFMPPKO - Local Authority Add.Fields for Cmmt Items in Chart of CIs
IFMPPTXT - Chart of Commitment Items: Text Fields for Screens
IFMPSFM - FIFM: WBS Element - FM Acct Assignment Master Data Reporting
IFMPTRNODE - FIFM: Interface Table Between Master and Graphics
IFMRFFMFCP0 - Structure of Program RFFMFCP*
IFMRHICTR - Funds Center Hierarchy
IFMRHIPOS - Commitment Item Hierarchy
IFMSAKFIPO - FIFM: Structure for G/L Account Assignment to Cmmt Item
IFMSALD - Screen Fields: Assign to Net Voting (FMZUBSP)
IFMSN - Collective Expenditure Rules
IFMSTATUS - FIFM: Status for FIFM Account Assignment Objects
IFMSTX30 - FIFM: Long Texts for Status
IFMSTXT04 - FIFM: Status Short Texts
IFMST_ADDR - Address data of the funds center: Include
IFMST_TELE - Telecommunications data of the funds center
IFMSYSTAT - FIFM: Structure for Status Management Screen Fields
IFMUDECK - Additional revs increasing budget info in document entry
IFMUP00 - Include Structure for FMUP00
IFMUP01 - Include Structure for IFMUP01
IFMUP02 - Include Structure for IFMUP01
IFMUP03 - Include Structure for FMUP03
IFMVALNODE - FIFM: Hierarchy Node Contents
IFMWRTTP - Amount fields by value category for expenditure
IFMZUBSPDAT - Data for Net Voting Assignment
IFM_FMCFSB_ENQ - Substructure of FMCFSB for locking purposes
IFM_LIST_HEADER_ACTION - FM ALV GRID Lists: Action Information in List Header
IFM_LIST_HEADER_ATTRIBUTES - FM ALV grid lists: Attributes for object info display
IFM_LIST_HEADER_DATA - FM ALV GRID Lists: Object Information in List Header
IFM_LIST_HEADER_MESSAGE - FM ALV GRID Lists: Messages in List Header
IFM_LONGTEXT - Screen for Alternative Long Text Maintenance
IKBLK_USER - Include for User Append AKBLK_USER
INT_FMFPO - Internal Table for the Financial Item
KBAPRETURN - Return Parameters
KBFM - Transfer structure for FB "RWIN_CALL_WITH_KBFM"
KBLD - Screen fields for SAPMKBLD
KBLDVA - Field Catalog for Value Adjustments
KBLD_PRINT - Form Data for Earmarked Funds
KBLE - Document Item Processing: Manual Document Entry
KBLESUM - Totals Table KBLE
KBLEW - Item development amounts in various currencies
KBLEW_SUM - Totals Records for Development Items from KBLEW
KBLE_REF - Reference Fields for Development Records
KBLK - Document Header: Manual Document Entry
KBLKKRED - Vendors for Funds Reservations
KBLK_AWOBJ - Structure of Fields AWREF and AWORG for Object Type KBLK
KBLK_USER - Fields for addtl funds commt, funds precommt etc. hdr data
KBLP - Document Item: Manual Document Entry
KBLPAYDY - Payment Plan Screen Fields
KBLPAYK - Payment Plan Header
KBLPAYP - Payment Plan Items
KBLPS - Earmarked Funds: Value Adjustment Documents
KBLPSD - Screen Fields for Value Adjustment Documents
KBLPW - Document item amounts in different currencies
KBLP_ACC - Earmarked Fund: External Data Transfer of Accounting Objects
KBLP_ACCX - Earmarked Fund: Control of Data Transfer Accounting Objects
LDB_REPORT_CALL - Interface to accessing report programs with LDB
LFEUF - Workfields for SAPLFEUF
LFEUR - Work fields for SAPLFEUR
LFMRE - Fields for Development Class FMRE
LFMRV - Work Fields for SAPLFMRV
LFMRY - Work Fields for SAPLFMRV
MAOR - Return Structure for MiniApp Internal Orders
MAPS - Return Structure for MiniApp WBS Elements
POS00 - Is No Longer Used: List of Internal Item Numbers
POSFREI - Is No Longer Used: Free List of Internal Item Numbers
PSM_INCL - Enhancement fields for PSM
PSP_OWAERS - WBS and corresponding Object Currency
RANGE_C1 - Ranges Table for Structure with Char1
RANGE_C10 - Structure of a Range Table for a (10) Character Field
RANGE_C12 - Structure of a Range Table for a 12 Character Field
RANGE_C14 - Structure of a Range Table for a 14 Character Field
RANGE_C16 - Structure of a Range Table for a (16) Character Field
RANGE_C18 - Structure of a Range Table for an 18 Character Field
RANGE_C2 - Structure of a Range Table for a Two Character Field
RANGE_C22 - Structure of a Range Table for a 22 Character Field
RANGE_C24 - Structure of a Range Table for a (24) Character Field
RANGE_C24A - Structure of a Range Table for a (24) Character Field
RANGE_C25 - Structure of a Range Table for a 25 Character Field
RANGE_C3 - Structure of a Range Table for a 3 Character Field
RANGE_C4 - Structure of a range table for a character (4) field
RANGE_C6 - Structure of a Range Table for a 6 Character Field
RANGE_C8 - Structure of a range table for a character (8) field
RANGE_CUKY - Structure of a Range for a Currency Field (CUKY Type)
RANGE_DATE - Structure of a Range Table for a Date
RANGE_N2 - Structure of a Range Table for a Two-Figure Number Field
RANGE_N3 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (3) field
RANGE_N4 - Structure of a range table for a numeric (4) field
RANGE_N6 - Structure of a range table for a Num(6) field
RANGE_N7 - Structure of a Range Table for a 7 Character Numeric Field
RANGE_NUMC10 - Structure of Ranges Table for NUMC(10) Field
REDY - Screen Fields for Funds Reservations
RESAB - Structure for Reducing Funds Reservations etc
RESCT - Additional Criteria per Line Item
RESCTCP - Structure for Comparing Old/New RESCT
RESREVAL - Structure for Revaluation of Funds Reservations etc.
RESREVAL_ADD_ENRICH - Enrichment Structure to Structure for Revaluation of Funds
RFC_AHE - RFC EU Interface: Additional Header Data
RFC_BUI - RFC Interface: Item Data - Budget Increase
RFC_CMA - Commitment: Transfer Header Data
RFC_CMB - Commitment: Transfer Item Data
RFC_CMC - Commitment: Text Line for Long Texts
RFC_CMD - Commitment: Text Line for Long Texts
RFC_CME - Commitment: Transfer Payment
RFC_CMF - Commitment: Transfer Vendor List
RFC_CMG - Commitment: Transfer Criteria
RFC_CMH - Commitment: Text Line for WF History
RFC_FRA - RFC Interface: Forecast of Revenue - Header Data
RFC_FRB - RFC Interface: Forecast of Revenue - Header Texts
RFC_FRC - RFC Interface: Forecast of Revenue - Item Data
RFC_FRD - RFC Interface Forecast of Revenue - Item Texts
RFC_FRE - RFC Interface Forecast of Revenue - Criteria
RFC_FRF - RFC Interface Forecast of Revenue - Workflow Info
RFC_PCA - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Header Data
RFC_PCB - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Item Data
RFC_PCC - Funds Precommitment: Text Line for Long Texts
RFC_PCD - Funds Precommitment: Text Line for Long Texts
RFC_PCE - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Payment
RFC_PCF - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Vendor List
RFC_PCG - Funds Precommitiment: Transfer Criteria
RFC_PCH - Funds Precommitment: Text Line for WF History
RFC_POA - RFC Interface Payment Order - Header Data
RFC_POB - RFC Interface: Payment Order Numbers from Payment Requests
RFC_POC - RFC Interface: Payment Order - Additional Data
RFC_POD - RFC Interface: Payment Order - Workflow Texts
RFC_PRA - RFC Interface: Payment Request Header Data
RFC_PRB - RFC Interface: Payment Request, Budget and G/L Account Data
RFC_PRC - RFC Interface: Payment Request - Criteria -
RFC_REA - Reservation: Transfer Header Data
RFC_REB - Reservation: Transfer Item Data
RFC_REC - Reservation: Text Line for Long Texts (Document Header)
RFC_RED - Reservation: Text Line for Long Texts (Line Item)
RFC_REE - Reservation: Text Line for WF History
RFC_REED - Commitment: Transfer Payment
RFC_ROA - RFC Interface: Recovery Order - Header Data -
RFC_ROB - RFC Interface: Recovery Order - Header Data - Payment Data
RFC_ROC - RFC Interface: Recovery Order - Items -
RFC_ROD - RFC Interface: Recovery Order - Criteria -
RFC_ROE - RFC Interface: Recovery Order - Workflow Texts -
RFMKOBP1 - Funds Management Interface Addit.Data -> Data Entry Tool
RFMREL - FMRE: Structure for Transferring Fixed Values for a Domain
RFMRESDF_ALV - Structure for Alternative (Accessible) List Output
SI_FM01 - Financial Management Areas
SI_FMISPS - ISPS Parameter
SRE01 - Fields Which can be Copied from Reference Documents
SRE02 - For TRE02: Fields from Ref.Document for Funds (Pre)Commt
SRE02_REINT - For TRE02: Fields from Ref.Document for Funds (Pre)Commt
SREFIELD - No Longer Used: Controllable Fields DP
SREWF - For TREWF: Preselection of Workflow-Relevant Flds from KBLD
TBP0L - Budget/Planning Ledger
TBP1A - Budget/Plan Profile
TBP1B - Budget / Plan Profile Texts
TBP1C - Budget/Plan Profile
TBP1T - Budget / Plan Profile Texts
TBP2A - Budget/Plan Versions
TBP2B - Budget / Plan Version Texts
TBP3A - Budget / plan versions from rel.3.0
TBP3B - Texts for planning / budgeting versions
TBP4A - Budget/Planning Subcategories
TBP4B - Assignment of Budget Subtypes to Budget Types
TBP4C - Select Budget Types for Subdivision
TBP4T - Texts for Budget/Plan Subcategories
TBPAS_FTYPE - Budget Subtypes for Availability Control for Each Fund Type
TBPAS_FUND - Budget Subtypes for Availability Control Per Fund
TBPCA - Budget Costing
TBPCEP - Cover Eligibility Profiles
TBPCEPT - Cover Eligibility Profile Texts
TBPCEPV - Cover Eligility Profile: Control
TBPFC - Availability Control: Tolerance Limits
TBPFD - Cost Budget Availability Control: Tolerance Limits
TBPFE - FM Availability Control: Tolerance Limits
TBPFK - Availability Control: Cost Elements Exempted
TBPFM - FM Active Availability Control
TBPFMX - Active availability control on commitment budget
TBPFP - Commitment Type Profile
TBPFPT - Commitment Type Profile Texts
TBPFPV - Commitment Types: Control
TBPW1 - is being deleted
TBUDVG - IS-PS Budget Types for Payment/Commitment Budget
TBUDVGT - IS-PS Budget Types: Texts
TFB03T - Names of Financial Transactions
TFB05 - Free Financial Transactions
TFB06 - Financial Transaction Reporting
THIST - Table for History
TKBBA - Document Types
TKBBAT - Texts for Document Types
TKBLA - Funds reservation document type
TKBLAT - Document type text table
TKVS_FP_DY - Screen fields: Configuration of fixed price version
TRE01 - Copy Template when Creating Funds Reservations
TRE02 - Template for Copying from Funds Reservation Reference Docs
TREASONS - Reasons for Decisions in Funds Reservations
TREASONST - Tests for Reasons for Rejection in Funds Reservations
TREF - Fields for Field Selection String in Funds Reservations
TREFST - Field Selection String for Funds Reservations
TREFSTT - Texts for Field Selection String for Funds Reservations
TREG - Field Status Groups for Funds Reservations
TREGT - Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status Groups
TREV - Field Status Variant for Funds Reservation
TREVG - Assignment: Field Status String -> Variant/Group
TREVT - Texts for Funds Reservation Field Status Variants
TREWF - Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant Fields
TREWFFIELD - Fiels in Group Keys for Workflow (Obsolete Since 4.70)
TREWFT - Group Keys for Selection of Workflow-Relevant Fields (Text)
TRWF_STRUC - Fields for Workflow
TVA01 - Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
TVA01T - Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
TVA02 - Variant for Transfers from Reference Documents for Fds Rsvn
TVA02T - Variant for Funds Reservation Copying Template
VEPT - Cmmt/Actual Line Items for Assigned Budget Independ.of Year
VEPY - Commitment/Actual Line Items for Assigned Annual Budget
VFMCFSBCD - Change document structure; generated using RSSCD000
VFMFCPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VFMFCPOT - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFMFCTRT - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFMFCTRT - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFMFCTR_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VFMFPO - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFMFPOT - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VFMFUNDBPD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VKBLE - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VKBLEW - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VKBLK - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
VKBLP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VKBLPW - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000