SAP Tables | Financial Accounting | Asset Accounting SAP FI

SAP FI Asset Accounting Tables (FI-AA)

SAP Asset Accounting Tables FI-AA

AAACC_EXCL - Exception Table for Account Assignment Settings in FI-AA
AAACC_OBJ - Account Assignment Settings in Asset Accounting
AAACC_OBJ_ERR - Types of Error During Check of Acct Assignment in FI-AA
ACCIT_AMADDACC - All Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
ALSMEX_TABLINE - Rows for Table with Excel Data
ALV_ASSIGN_LDGRP_AREAS - Assignment of Ledger Group to Areas for ALV Display
ANEPI_AMNTS - Help Structure for Determining Proportional Values
ANLC_LARGE - ANLC with Longer Ammount Fields
ANLZACCOUNT - Additional Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
ANLZACCOUNT_FKBER - Account Assignment Objects: ANLZACCOUNT with Function Added
ANLZACCOUNT_FUF - Acct Assgnmt Objects: ANLZACCOUNT with Fund + Function Added
ANLZACCOUNT_FUND - Account Assignment Objects: ANLZACCOUNT with Fund Added
APERB_ITEMS - Log Table for Dep. Areas Posted Directly to FI
APERB_PROT - Log Table for Periodic Posting
BWFIAA_AEDAT_AB - FIAA-BW: Modified Valuation Area Data for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_AEDAT_AS - FIAA-BW: New and Modified Master Records for Delta Upload

BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR - FIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta Upload
BWFIAA_ASSETMASTER - Asset Master Record at Given Date (ANLZ and ANLA)
BWFIAA_S_SREP_ANLA_TDNAME - SAPscript Standard Texts (Assets)
BWFIAA_S_SREP_DATA - Asset Acounting: Transactions and Depreciation
BWFIAA_S_SREP_DATA_EXT - Asset Accounting: Transactions and Depreciation (External)
BWFIAA_S_SREP_TRANSTYPE - Asset Transaction Type
DTFIAA_11 - Data Transfer: Asset Transactions into BW (new)
DTFIAA_12 - Data Transfer: Period Values Posted Depreciation
FAAT_BSP_AMD_DEPR_AREA - Asset Depreciation Areas
FAAT_BSP_AMD_INSURANCE - Insurance Data of Asset
FAAT_BSP_AMD_MASTER - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data
FAAT_BSP_AMD_TIMEDPNDNT - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data
FAAT_BSP_ASP_RL - Results List for Asset Cockpit
FAAT_BSP_ASP_SA - Quick Search Help for Asset Cockpit
FAAT_BSP_TRANS_HEADER - FAA Document Header for BSP Framework
FAAT_BSP_TRANS_ITEM - FAA Document Item for BSP Framework
FAAT_BSP_VALUES_AREALIST - Asset Value Display Detail View for an Area
FAAT_BSP_VALUES_DETAIL - Fixed Asset Value per Area
FAAT_BSP_VSP_DUMMY - Dummy Structure for VSP
FAA_ALV_AREA_SELECTION - ALV Structure for Selection of Depreciation Areas
FAA_EE_SX_CDATA - Outbound Parameters
FAA_EE_SX_EDATA - Exporting Data for Evaluation Engine
FAA_EE_SX_IDATA - Inbound Parameters
FAA_EE_S_AREASIGN - Positive/Negative Sign Rules
FAA_EE_S_CALCAMOUNT - Results of Calculation
FAA_EE_S_CALCDATA - Calculation Results
FAA_EE_S_CALCORDER - Calculation Order
FAA_EE_S_CUMVALUE - Internal Structure for Calculation: Cumulative Values
FAA_EE_S_CURRENCY - Currencies
FAA_EE_S_ERROR - Calculation Results
FAA_EE_S_PARAMETER - Calculation Parameters
FAA_EE_S_PERIOD - Time Data for Calculation
FAA_EE_S_ROUNDING - Rounding specifications
FAA_EE_S_SEGMENT - References for Evaluation Engine
FAA_EE_S_SUMSEG - Total of Transactions
FAA_EE_S_TIMESEG - Total of Transactions by Period

FAA_EE_S_VALUE - Value Fields for Depreciation Calculation
FAA_EE_S_VIRTAREA - Derived Depreciation Areas
FAA_EE_S_VIRTDATA - Calculation Results for Derived Depreciation Areas
FAA_EE_S_YEARSEG - Cumulative Values at Fiscal Year Start
FAA_GL_RECON_ERROR - Error Structure for Reconciliation Report(s)
FAA_SX_DEPRAREA - Asset Accounting Deprec. Areas Incl. Info on Derived Areas
FAA_SX_DEPRAREA_CALC_RULES - Calculation Parameters for Deprec. Area Incl. Shortened FY
FAA_SX_DEPRAREA_SETTINGS - Configuration of Depreciation Area
FAA_SX_INFLATION_TIMEBASE_RULE - Time Base and Exposure to Inflation per Time Base Variant
FAA_SX_LEADOBJ_SETTINGS - Settings of Leading Object Including Currency Settings
FAA_SX_PERIOD_DETERMIN_PER_FYV - Period Control of Transaction Sorted by FY Variant
FAA_SX_SERIALIZED_POSTING_OBJ - Serialized Posting Object
FAA_SX_TENV_ASSETCLASS - Configuration of Asset Class
FAA_SX_TENV_CFG - Configuration
FAA_SX_TENV_CFGDATA - Configuration for a Company Code/Chart of Depreciation
FAA_SX_TENV_CFGINFO - Configuration Additional Information
FAA_SX_TENV_CFG_X - Row Structure for Table of Configurations
FAA_SX_TENV_DEPRAREA - Configuration of Depreciation Area
FAA_SX_TENV_DEPRKEY - Configuration of Depreciation Key
FAA_SX_TENV_DEPRKEY_PHASE - Configuration of Depreciation Key per Phase
FAA_SX_TENV_FISCALYEAR - Configuration of Fiscal Years
FAA_SX_TENV_INDEXSERIES - Configuration of Index Series
FAA_SX_TENV_INFLATION - Inflation Configuration
FAA_SX_TENV_INVSUPPORT - Configuration of Investment Support Measures
FAA_SX_TENV_LEADOBJ - Configuration for Leading Object of Asset Accounting
FAA_SX_TENV_PHASE_X - Row Structure for Table of Phases per Depreciation Key
FAA_SX_TENV_RDC - Data Collection Called for Creating Test Cases
FAA_SX_TENV_RDCAST - Called Data of an Asset (Subnumber)
FAA_SX_TENV_RDCCFG - Called Configuration Data
FAA_SX_TENV_RDCINFO - Called Data Collection for Additional Information
FAA_SX_TENV_REVALUATION - Configuration of Revaluation Measure
FAA_SX_TENV_SAV_TAB_KJ - Row Structure for Table of Fiscal Year Variants
FAA_SX_TENV_SLTPARM - Selection Parameters Configuration
FAA_SX_TENV_ST_T009Y - Row Structure for Table Shortened Fiscal Yrs Asset Accountin
FAA_SX_TENV_TCINFO - Test Case Additional Information
FAA_SX_TENV_TCRESULT - Test Case Results Data
FAA_SX_TENV_TRANSACTION - Asset Transaction Configuration

FAA_SX_TENV_TRANSV - Configuration of Asset Transfer Variant
FAA_SX_TTY_AREALIMITATION - Complex Type: Area Limitations, Sorted
FAA_SX_TTY_SPECIAL_RETIRE - Complex Type: Special Retirement Handling
FAA_SX_TTY_VALUE_ADJUSTMENT - Complex Type: Different TTy for Proportional Value Adjustmt
FAA_S_ACCIT_AMDS - Document Display - New New Kernel
FAA_S_ACCNTNG_OBJECTS - Assignment of Asset to Postable Objects
FAA_S_AREA - Depreciation Areas with Sort Sequence
FAA_S_AREAREF - Structure for Reference to IF_FAA_CONFIG_DEPRAREA Interface
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS - Communication Structure of Asset Class
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_AREA - Structure of Area Settings of Asset Class (ANKB)
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_AREA_ERP - Structure of Area Settings of Asset Class (ANKB)
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_DEFAULT - Default Asset Class from Customizing
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_DEFAULT_ERP - ERP: Defaults for Asset Class from Customizing
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_ERP - Communication Structure of Asset Class in ERP
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_SETTINGS - General Settings for the Asset Class
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_SETTINGS_ERP - ERP: Additional General Settings for the Asset Class
FAA_S_ASSET_BASIC - Basic Data of an Asset ID
FAA_S_ASSET_DATA - Time-Independent Master Data for an Asset ID
FAA_S_ASSET_KEY - Key Fields for an Asset ID
FAA_S_ASSIGNMENTS - Organizational Assignments of Asset
FAA_S_BASIC - Basic Data of Asset
FAA_S_CALCMETH_ALV - Attributes of Calculation Method
FAA_S_CFGXML_ALV - ALV Field Catalog for Display of Config. Data (Overview)
FAA_S_CFGXML_TAB_ALV - ALV Field Catalog for Display of Config.Tables (Overview)
FAA_S_CHARTDEF - Entity Structure for Chart of Depreciation
FAA_S_CHARTDEF_ERP - Entity Structure for Chart of Depreciation
FAA_S_CHGMETH_ALV - Changeover Methods
FAA_S_DATA - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data
FAA_S_DEGMETH_ALV - Attributes of Declining-Balance Method
FAA_S_DEPKEYPHASES_ALV - Attributes of Phases
FAA_S_DEPRAREA - Configuration of Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_BASEAREA - Base Depreciation Areas for Supplying Values
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_CALC_RULES - Calculation Parameters for Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_CURRENCY - Currency Information on Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_ERP - Enhanced Settings of Depreciation Area in ERP
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_FISC_YEAR_CNTRL - Control of Fiscal Year Variant
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_ROUNDING - Rounding Information of Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_SHORT_FYEAR - Reduction Rules in Shortened Fiscal Year
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_SIGN_RULES - Positive/Negative Sign Rule of Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_TEXT - Texts of a Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_V - Derived Depreciation Areas in Asset Accounting
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_VALUE_RULES - Valuation and Value Transfer Rules of Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_BASICS - Basic Settings of Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_CALCMETHOD_BASIC - Base Method of Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_DECLINING - Declining-Balance Properties of Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_MAXAMOUNT - Maximum Depreciation Amount
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_MAXVAL_CNTRL - Control Information for Maximum Values
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_MINVAL - Cutoff Value Percentage Rates
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_MINVAL_CNTRL - Control Information for Minimum Values
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_MULTILEVEL_CNTRL - Control Information for Multilevel Methods
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PERIOD_CNTRL_USE - Period Control Rules for Transactions
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PERIOD_CONTROL - Period Control of the Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PERIOD_DETERMIN - Period Control for Transactions
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PERIOD_WEIGHTING - Weighting of Depreciation Periods
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PHASE - Phase of Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_PROD_UNITS - Unit-of-Production Depreciation by Period
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_SETTINGS - BC Information of Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPR_AREA_AMD - Depreciation Area in Asset Master Record
FAA_S_DEPR_AREA_PARAM - Parameters for Depreciation Calculation of Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPR_PARAM - Valuation Parameters for Depreciation Calculation
FAA_S_DEPR_PARAM_AMD - Depreciation Area Data in Asset Master Record
FAA_S_DEPR_PARAM_CALC - Parameters for Depreciation Calculation
FAA_S_DEPR_VALUES_AMD - Depreciation Values Displayed in Asset Master Record
FAA_S_DFLT_ALLOCATIONS_ERP - ERP: Default Values from Asset Class for Assignments
FAA_S_DFLT_DEPR_PARAMTRS - Depreciation terms
FAA_S_DFLT_DEPR_PARAMTRS_ERP - Depreciation terms
FAA_S_DFLT_INSURANCE - Default Values for Insurance from Asset Class
FAA_S_DFLT_INSURANCE_ERP - Default Values for Insurance from Asset Class
FAA_S_DFLT_LEASING - Default Values for Leasing from Asset Class
FAA_S_DFLT_LEASING_ERP - ERP: Default Values from Asset Class for Leasing
FAA_S_DFLT_NET_WORTH_VAL_ERP - ERP: Default Values from Asset Class for Net Worth Valuation
FAA_S_DFLT_POSTING_DATA - Default Values for Posting Information from Asset Class
FAA_S_DFLT_POSTING_DATA_ERP - ERP: Default Values from Asset Class for Posting Information
FAA_S_DFLT_STATUS_ERP - ERP: Default Values from Asset Class for Status Fields
FAA_S_GENERAL - General Data for Asset
FAA_S_GLOBAL_DEPR_AREA - Entitities for Cross-System Dep. Areas of Asset Accounting
FAA_S_GROUP_ASSET - Group Asset Assigned to the Depreciation Area
FAA_S_IF_FIELD_RULES_AREA - Field Change Rules per Depreciation Area
FAA_S_INDEXSERIES - General Settings for Index Series
FAA_S_INDEXSERIES_COMPLETE - Complete View for Index Series (Key + Settings)
FAA_S_INDEXSERIES_PERCENTAGE - Index Series: Percentage Rate for Value Adjustment
FAA_S_INDEX_SERIES - Index Series and Keys for Value Adjustments
FAA_S_INFLATION_INDEXVALUE - Inflation: Index Values
FAA_S_INFLATION_TBRULE_4TRANS - Time Base Variant for Period Control Group
FAA_S_INFLATION_TIMEBASE_RULE - Time Base and Exposure to Inflation
FAA_S_INVENTORY - Entries for Inventory
FAA_S_INVESTMENT_SUPPORT - Settings for Investment Support
FAA_S_INV_ACCNT_ASSGNMNT - Account Assignment for Investment
FAA_S_ITEM_DATA - Item Deep Structure Include ANEP, ANEA, ANEK
FAA_S_ITEM_FLAT - Item Structure (Include Only Single Fields of FAA_DC_SX_ITEM
FAA_S_LDGRP_ASSIGN - Assignment Information of Ledger Group in FIAA
FAA_S_LDGRP_OF_AFABE - Ledger Group and Posting Depr. Area - New Kernel
FAA_S_LDGRP_SPEC_BM - Ledger-Group-Specific Posting to Asset
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_CURRENCY - Currency and Currency Type
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_LEGACY_STATUS - Status Information for Leading Organizational Object
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_SETTINGS - Settings on Leading Object
FAA_S_MAINNO_RANGE - Range of Asset Main Numbers (for Selection)
FAA_S_MAIN_ASSET_DATA - Data of the Asset Main Number
FAA_S_MAIN_ASSET_KEY - Key Fields for Identifying Main Asset Number
FAA_S_MDO_VALUES - Asset Master Data Value Fields
FAA_S_MISSING_ANEK - Missing Fields of ANEK in Structure FAA_DC_SX_ITEM
FAA_S_MODFKTN_PROT - Log Data for Asset Changes
FAA_S_NET_WORTH_VAL - Net Worth Valuation
FAA_S_ORIGIN - Entries on Origin of Asset
FAA_S_PARALLEL_AREA - Parallel Depreciation Areas in Asset Accounting
FAA_S_PAREA - Parallel Areas of Asset Accounting
FAA_S_PERIOD_CONTROL_DB_FULL - Maximum Structure from T090NP and T090A
FAA_S_PERMETH_ALV - Attributes of Period Control Method
FAA_S_POSTED_VAL - Posted Asset Values
FAA_S_POSTING_DATA - Information Relevant for Posting on Asset
FAA_S_PROTOCOL - Log Data for Asset Master Record
FAA_S_RAUNVA_ALV - Output List for Incomplete Assets
FAA_S_REAL_ESTATE - Real Estate Data
FAA_S_REVALUATION_KEY - Key for Revaluation Measures
FAA_S_ROOT_DATA - Root Structure Fixed Asset BO (ANLA & ANLV & ANLU)
FAA_S_STATUS - Status Fields of Asset
FAA_S_STEPMETH_ALV - Attributes of Multilevel Method
FAA_S_SUBNO_RANGE - Range of Asset Subnumbers (for Selection)
FAA_S_TD_ACCNTNG_OBJS - Time-Dependent, Postable Objects for Asset
FAA_S_TD_AMD - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data
FAA_S_TD_DEPR_PARAM - Time-Dependent Valuation Parameters for Deprec. Calculation
FAA_S_TD_VALUE_PARAM - Time-Dependent Valuation Parameters Related to Asset Value
FAA_S_TENV_LINKED_TTYS_KEY - Keys for Linked Asset Transaction Types
FAA_S_TENV_RES_ANLC - Row Structure for Results Data from Table ANLC
FAA_S_TENV_SAP_COMPONENTS - Row Structure for Table of Software Components
FAA_S_TENV_TCMGT - Row Structure for Management Table for Test Cases
FAA_S_TENV_TC_ERR - Row Structure for Table of Test Cases with Errors
FAA_S_TENV_USE_OLD_CALCULATION - Use Old Depreciation Calculation (SAPLAFAR)
FAA_S_TENV_XMLRAW - Row Structure for XML Table in RAW Format
FAA_S_TMINTRVL_AMD - Time Interval with Asset Master Data
FAA_S_TMINTRVL_DEPR_AREA - Time Interval with Time-Depend. Depreciation Area Parameters
FAA_S_TMINTRVL_KEY - Key for Identifying a Time Interval
FAA_S_TTY_AREALIMITATION - Area Limitations of an Asset Transaction Type
FAA_S_TTY_CONTROL_DATA - Control Parameters of Asset Transaction Type
FAA_S_TTY_DATE_SETTINGS - Control of Date Parameters
FAA_S_TTY_DEPR_ADJUSTMENT - Plan/Write-Up Depreciation
FAA_S_TTY_LINKED_TTYS - Linked Asset Transaction Types
FAA_S_TTY_POSTING_SETTINGS - Control Data for Posting Parameters
FAA_S_TTY_SPECIAL_RETIREMENT - Special Retirement Handling of Asset Transaction Type
FAA_S_TTY_VALIDATION - Validation Settings for Transaction Type During Posting
FAA_S_TTY_VALUE_ADJUSTMENT - Different Asset Trans.Type for Posting Proportional Values
FAA_S_USAGE - Entries on Usage of Asset
FAA_S_VALUE_PARAM - Valuation Parameters That Refer to the Asset Value
FAA_S_VIEW_PROT - Log Data on the Asset Views Used
FAA_S_WIZ_DATA_CONTAINER - Type for Generic Asset Wizards
FAA_S_WIZ_RADIO_AND_TEXT - Type for Generic Asset Wizards (Switch & Text)
FAA_TENV_TCMGT - Management Table for Test Cases
FIAAPTD_COL16VAL - Residual amounts to be reported in col16 for remaining years
FIAAPTD_COL16_MT - Movement Types for unplanned depreciation for column 16
FIAAPT_MAP_TOTALS - Total of Diffrent Mapa Columns
FIAAPT_S_ASSETDATA - Asset data main structure
FIAAPT_S_MAP33 - List of Mapa33
FIAA_ALV_RAAUFW02 - ALV Structure for RAPERB2000
FIAA_ALV_RAPERB - ALV Structure for RAPERB2000
FIAA_ALV_RAPOST_MAFA - Internal Table for Manually Posted Depr. in RAPOST2000
FIAA_AW01_TRANS - Function group AB01 screen fields
FIAA_INZUN - Output Fields for Investment Support (ALV)
FIAA_SALVTAB_RALEAS - Definition of Int.Output Table for ALV in FIAA Report RALEAS
FIAA_SALVTAB_RALEAS2 - Def. of Int.Output Table for ALV in FIAA Report RALEAS Item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAPOST - Internal Table for ALV in Report RAPOST2000
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAWRK - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST
FINT_BSP_SRU_DEPR_AREA - Line Item Amounts per Depreciation Area
FINT_BSP_SRU_ITEM_AN - Fields of AuC Line Item List
FINT_BSP_SRU_SRES - Distribution Rule Groups: Results List
FINT_BSP_SRU_SRESULT - Search Help Result
FINT_BSP_SRU_SRULE - Settlement Rules
FINT_BSP_SRU_SRULE_HEADER - Distribution Rule Group Header
GSRAIDPTZTAMF0_DETAIL_31 - DMEE Detail structure for Form 31
GSRAIDPTZTAMF0_DETAIL_32 - DMEE Detail structure for Form 32
IDCN_GA_ANLKL - GA China: Specify Asset Classes
IDCN_GA_ANLN - GA China: Asset depreciation ratio and costcenter
IDCN_GA_BWASL - Asset Transaction Types (Golden Audit)
IDCN_GA_DEP - Parameters for Asset Depreciation (Golden Audit)
IDCN_GA_ORDNR - Asset Evaluation Group (Golden Audit)
IDFIAA_UK_SORP - Activate SORP/MCHA Functions
IDPT_A011 - Revaluation Areas for Asset Reports
IDPT_A021 - Revaluation Classes/Exceptions
IDPT_A031 - Manual Entries for Form 32.1
IDPT_A041 - Currency Revaluation Coefficients
IDPT_A051 - Transaction Types for Asset Retirements
IDPT_A061 - Depreciation Foregone
IDPT_A071 - Limit for assets which use Electric/ non-electric energy
IDPT_A09 - Checks for Asset Reports - Reference Table
IDPT_A099 - Checks for Asset Reports
J_1GAM2GR - Rule Table for Fixed Asset Revaluation
J_1GAMAFA - Tax free reductions
J_1GAMASN - Asset Super Number Objective Values
J_1GAMREG - Customizing table for Asset Register
J_1GAMREP - Customizing line-size / line-count
J_5KFH_INV12 - test structure
J_5KFH_INV12_F - Single data
J_5KFH_INV12_FORM_DATA - Form data of INV12
J_5KFH_INV12_RESULT - Result of INV12
J_5KFH_INV12_S0 - section single data
J_5KFH_INV12_SELECTION - Selection parameters of INV12
J_5KFH_INV12_T0 - Result of INV12
J_5KFH_KO3 - KO3 structure for printing
J_5KFH_KO3_F - Single data for KO3
J_5KFH_KO3_FORM_DATA - Form data of KO3
J_5KFH_KO3_RESULT - Result of KO3
J_5KFH_KO3_T0 - Ko3 - section table 0
J_5KFH_KO4 - KO4 structure for printing
J_5KFH_KO4_F - Single data for KO4
J_5KFH_KO4_FORM_DATA - Form data of KO4
J_5KFH_KO4_RESULT - Result of KO4
J_5KFH_KO4_T0 - Ko4 - section table 0
J_5KFH_NMA1 - NMA1 content structure
J_5KFH_NMA1_F - Single data
J_5KFH_NMA1_T1 - line
J_5KFH_NMA2 - NMA2 content structure
J_5KFH_NMA2_F - Single data
J_5KFH_NMA2_T1 - line
J_5KFH_OS1 - OS1 content structure
J_5KFH_OS1_F - Single data
J_5KFH_OS1_T1 - line
J_5KFH_OS1_T2 - line
J_5KFH_OS1_T3 - line
J_5KFH_OS3 - OS3 content structure
J_5KFH_OS3_F - Single data
J_5KFH_OS3_S3 - Section 3 single data for OS-3
J_5KFH_OS3_T1 - Section table data for OS-3
J_5KFH_OS3_T2 - Section 2 data fro OS-3
J_5KFH_OS3_T3 - Section 3 data for OS-3 (write-off)
J_5KFH_OS5 - OS5 content structure
J_5KFH_OS5_F - Single data
J_5KFH_OS5_T1 - line
J_5KFH_OS5_T2 - line
J_5KFH_OS5_T3 - line
J_5KFH_OS5_T4 - line
J_5KFH_OS6 - test structure
J_5KFH_OS6_F - Single data
J_5KFH_OS6_FORM_DATA - Form data of OS6
J_5KFH_OS6_RESULT - Result of OS6
J_5KFH_OS6_S0 - section single data
J_5KFH_OS6_SELECTION - Selection parameters for OS6
J_5KFH_OS6_T0 - section table 0
J_5KFH_PARAMS - Parameters of the legal form
PORTUGAL_EC_LIST - EC Sales List - Data for Portugal
RAIDIT_ALV_LIST - ALV structure for FI-AA Italy Localization
RAPERB - Input Structure for RAPERB2000
SRU_F4 - Structure for Input Help for Dist. Rule Group
T093_ACCOBJ - Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_ACCOBJT - Texts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting
T093_MAP_ACC - Mapping Table for Alternative Company Codes
T093_MAP_STRUC - Transport Structure for Table T093_MAP_ACC (Add-On)
T095A_MAP - Customizing Table for Account Maintenance (Instead of T095)
TFAAC_ACI_DT - Determine document type from operational document
TFAAD_BSN_FUNC - Validation of Business Function Switches for FI-AA

SAP Basic Functions Tables FI-AA-AA

AAPM_AA_EQUI_DAT - AA/PM Equip. Data for Managing Equipment in FI-AA
AAPM_SYNC_DATA - PM/AA: Transfer Field Contents Relevant for Synchronization
AASEL1 - Selection Table with Block Size and Field Name
ABERL - Retirement revenues on an asset
ABUB - FIAA amounts to be posted per reconciliation posting area
ABUZ_KONTO - Accounts for Accounting line items
ABUZ_VALUE - Posting amounts for Accounting line items
ACCDN_FIAA - FI/CO interface: Assigning FI document to FI/CO document
ACCHD_AMDS - Interface to Accounting: Header information
ACCIT_AMCO - CO account assgnmt elements from FIAA for Acctng line items
ACCIT_AMDS - Accounting Interface: Item Information
AFAB1_STR - Structure via V_AFAB_1 for dep. posting
ALLOCATIONS - Allocations
ALTD - Asset Accounting: Interface for Legacy Data Transfer
AMBUCH_PER - Range for posting period
AMBU_CHECK - Interface for function group SPO4
AMDS_CURTP - Choose currencies for display
AMFI - Interface AM - FI
AMSSF - Asset Management Selected Screen Fields (internal use only)
AMTABFIELDS - Names of table fields (reduced Nametab)
AMTABFIELDS_AFABE - Names of Table Fields with Preceding Depreciation Areas
ANAR - Asset Types
ANAT - Asset type text
ANBW - Period control retirements/transfers
ANBZ - Help structure for asset line item
ANEA - Asset Line Items for Proportional Values
ANEA_KEY - ANEA Key Fields
ANEK - Document Header Asset Posting
ANEK_KEY - ANEK Key Fields
ANEP - Asset Line Items
ANEPI - Interface Structure for Posting to Assets
ANEPI_INPUT_VALUES - Input value per area
ANEPI_VD - Asset Line Items (ANEP + ANEA + ANEK)
ANEPV - Asset Line Items (ANEP + ANEA + ANEK)
ANEP_KEY - ANEP Key Fields
ANEV - Asset downpymt settlement
ANEV_KEY - ANEV Key Fields
ANEX - Additional Information for Acqusition Transfer
ANEZ - Add. info for ANEP
ANFM - Error messages from dep. calc.
ANGA - Asset catalog general data
ANGB - Asset catalog deprec. area
ANGT - Asset catalog text table
ANKA - Asset classes: general data
ANKAZ - Asset class: extension for technical fields
ANKB - Asset class: depreciation area
ANKL - Generation table for generating asset classes from accounts
ANKLAY - Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts
ANKLAYP - Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts
ANKL_S - Structure for generating asset classes
ANKP - Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation
ANKT - Asset classes: Description
ANKV - Asset classes: insurance types
ANLA - Asset Master Record Segment
ANLA0 - Intro. Table Logical Database ADA
ANLATXT - Asset Text
ANLAV - Asset Reporting: ANLA Fields Plus Cost Center...
ANLAV_ADDR - Address Data for Asset on the Report Date
ANLAX - Asset master data segement - Update flags
ANLA_ERR - Assets with errors, including the errors
ANLB - Depreciation terms
ANLBX - Depreciation terms - Update flags
ANLBZA - Time-Dependent Depreciation Terms
ANLBZAX - Time-Dependent Depreciation Terms - Update Flags
ANLBZW - Asset-specific base values
ANLC - Asset Value Fields
ANLCV - Asset Reporting: ANLC Fields Plus Various Totals
ANLC_KEY - ANLC Key Fields
ANLE_KEY - ANLE key fields
ANLH - Main asset number
ANLH_KEY - ANLH Key Fields
ANLIX - Link table inv.measure -> AuC - Update flags
ANLI_KEY - ANLI Key Fields
ANLK_KEY - Key fields of ANLK
ANLN1_RANG - Range for ANLN1
ANLN2_RANG - Range for ANLN2
ANLP - Asset Periodic Values
ANLP_KEY - ANLP Key Fields
ANLQ - Period values from dep. posting run per posting level
ANLT - Asset Texts
ANLT_KEY - ANLT Key Fields
ANLU - Asset Master Record: User Fields
ANLU_KEY - Key of Table ANLU (--> Effects on ANLU)
ANLV - Insurance data
ANLVX - Insurance data - Update flags
ANLV_KEY - ANLV Key Fields
ANLW - Insurable values (year dependent)
ANLW_E - Expanded Structure for Table ANLW
ANLW_KEY - ANLW Key Fields
ANLX - Asset Master Record Segment
ANLZ - Time-Dependent Asset Allocations
ANLZX - Asset allocations with validity date - Update flags
ANLZ_KEY - ANLZ Key Fields
ANLZ_ORG - Oraniz. units for automatic document creation / transfer
ANTS - Substructure of Asset Master Record (ANLA)
ANW1 - Asset value fields
ANW2 - Asset value fields
ANW3 - Asset value fields
ANW4 - Asset value fields
ARF_EXT - Changes in asset values
ARF_FEHL - Error table
ARF_STAT1 - Statistics
ARF_STAT2 - Statistics for fiscal year change
ASBW - Total transactions w/separation of prev. and curr. acquis.
ASSET - Help structure for asset objects
ASSET_CT - Structure-count master records
AW01_DEP_PAR - Output Values of Depreciation Terms in Asset Explorer
BALTB - Interface legacy assets data transf. RA (Transact.)
BALTD - Interface for Legacy Data Transfer - Asset Accounting
BALTE - Data transfer of FI-AA historical year segments
BALTF - Data transfer of FI-AA historical transactions
BAPI1022_CUMVAL - Logical Field Group CUMVAL: Cumulative Values Transferred
BAPI1022_CUMVALX - Logical Field Group CUMVAL: Cumulative Values Transferred
BAPI1022_DEP_AREAS - Depreciation areas (all logical field groups)
BAPI1022_DEP_AREASX - Depreciation areas (all logical field groups)
BAPI1022_DEP_AREAS_PID - Depreciation areas (all logical field groups)
BAPI1022_FEGLG001 - Logical field group 001 - General data
BAPI1022_FEGLG001X - Logical field group 001 - General data
BAPI1022_FEGLG001_PID - Logical field group 001 - General data
BAPI1022_FEGLG002 - Logical field group 002 - Posting information
BAPI1022_FEGLG002X - Logical field group 002 - Posting information
BAPI1022_FEGLG002_PID - Logical field group 002 - Posting information
BAPI1022_FEGLG003 - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
BAPI1022_FEGLG003X - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
BAPI1022_FEGLG003_PID - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
BAPI1022_FEGLG004 - Logical field group 004 - Allocations
BAPI1022_FEGLG004X - Logical field group 004 - Allocations
BAPI1022_FEGLG004_PID - Logical field group 004 - Allocations
BAPI1022_FEGLG005 - Logical field group 005 - Leasing
BAPI1022_FEGLG005X - Logical field group 005 - Leasing
BAPI1022_FEGLG005_PID - Logical field group 005 - Leasing
BAPI1022_FEGLG006 - Logical field group 006 - Net worth valuation
BAPI1022_FEGLG006X - Logical field group 006 - Net worth valuation
BAPI1022_FEGLG006_PID - Logical field group 006 - Net worth valuation
BAPI1022_FEGLG007 - Logical field group 007 - Real estate and similar rights
BAPI1022_FEGLG007X - Logical field group 007 - Real estate and similar rights
BAPI1022_FEGLG007_PID - Logical field group 007 - Real estate and similar rights
BAPI1022_FEGLG008 - Logical field group 008 - Insurance
BAPI1022_FEGLG008X - Logical field group 008 - Insurance
BAPI1022_FEGLG008_PID - Logical field group 008 - Insurance
BAPI1022_FEGLG009 - Logical field group 009 - Origin
BAPI1022_FEGLG009X - Logical field group 009 - Origin
BAPI1022_FEGLG009_PID - Logical field group 009 - Origin
BAPI1022_FEGLG010 - Logical field group 010 - Investment account assignment
BAPI1022_FEGLG010X - Logical field group 010 - Investment account assignment
BAPI1022_FEGLG010_PID - Logical field group 010 - Investment account assignment
BAPI1022_FEGLG011 - Logical field group 011 - Inventory
BAPI1022_FEGLG011X - Logical field group 011 - Inventory
BAPI1022_FEGLG011_PID - Logical field group 011 - Inventory
BAPI1022_IDENT - Identifier for master data parameters of GETLIST
BAPI1022_INV_SUPPORT - Investment Support Key
BAPI1022_INV_SUPPORT_PID - Investment Support Measures
BAPI1022_KEY - Key Fields for Create
BAPI1022_MISC - BUS1022 (Fixed asset): Composite struct. for individ. fields
BAPI1022_POSTINGHEADER - Header Info for Postings During Year - Legacy Data Transfer
BAPI1022_POSTVAL - Logical Field Group POSTVAL: Posted Transfer Values
BAPI1022_POSTVALX - Logical Field Group POSTVAL: Posted Transfer Values?
BAPI1022_PROPVAL - Values of an Asset Retired before Legacy Data Transfer
BAPI1022_REFERENCE - Reference asset for creating
BAPI1022_REQUESTEDTABLESX - Specification of the data to be returned by GETLIST
BAPI1022_TRTYPE - Transactions of Legacy Asset during Transfer during Year
BAPI1022_VALUES - Depreciation areas - selected values
BAPI6037_DOC_KEY - Key of a Document in Accounting
BAPI6037_DOC_REF - Reference to Document in Accounting
BAPI6037_REV_DATA - Data on Document Reversal
BAPIACAM00_DE - Post information to asset (internal use only)
BAPIACAM02 - ANLB fields
BAPIACAM03 - ANLC fields
BAPIACAM04 - Time-dependent data - English field names
BAPIACAM04_DE - Time-dependent data
BAPIACAM05_DE - Area values
BAPIACAM06 - Master record of retiring asset (ANLA)
BAPIACAM06_DE - Master record of retiring asset (ANLA)
BAPIACAM07 - Insurance data
BAPIACAM07_DE - Insurance data
BAPIACAM08 - Data from retiring asset for transfer to acquiring asset
BAPIACAM08_DE - Data from retiring asset for transfer to acquiring asset
BAPIACAM09 - Values from sending asset per global dep.area
BAPIACAM09_DE - Values from sending asset per global dep.area
BAPIACAM10 - Retirement from Intercompany Transfer
BAPIACAM10_UMB - Retirement from Intracompany Transfer
BAPIACAM11 - Acquisition from Intercompany Transfer
BAPIACAM11_UMB - Acquisition from Intracompany Transfer
BAPIACAM12 - Retirement data
BAPIACAM13 - Dates of Acquis./Man.Dep./Quantity
BAPIACAM14 - Data for acquisition from settlement with origin information
BAPIACAM14_AUC - Special Posting Data Settlement AuC
BAPIACAM15 - Data post-capitalization
BAPIACAM1X_MAX - Post information to asset (internal use only) English FM
BAPIACAM1X_MAX_DE - Post information to asset (internal use only) German FM
BAPIACAM20 - Differing Amounts for Retirement/Interco. Transfer
BAPIACAM20_UMB - Differing Amounts for Intracompany Transfer
BAPIACAM22 - Area values - gross acquisition
BAPIACAM23 - Post-capitalization manual values
BAPIACAM24 - Area Values - Result of Determining Capitalization Value
BAPIACAM24_AUC - Area Values - Result of Determining Capitalization Value
BAPIACAM24_INTERNAL - Area Values - Result of Determining Capitalization Value
BAPIACAM2X_MAX - Area values - maximum English field names
BAPIACAM2X_MAX_DE - Area values - maximum German field names
BAPIACAM_ANLK - Asset Origin by Cost Element
BAPIACCR3X_MAX - Posting in FI/CO: Billing doc. (currency fields, item)
BAPIACGL3X_MAX - Posting in accounting: Asset transfer (item SAKO)
BAPIACGL3X_MAX_DE - Posting in accounting: Asset transfer (item SAKO)
BAPIACHE3X_ALL - Posting in accounting: Asset transfer (header)
BAPIACHE3X_MAX - Accounting: Maximum structure header-data (FIAA)
BAPIACHE3X_MAX_DE - Accounting: Maximum structure header-data (FIAA)
BAPIFAPO_ACC_ASS - Posting in Accounting: Asset Transaction Acct Assignment
BAPIFAPO_ACQ - Fixed Asset Posting Acquisition
BAPIFAPO_ADD_INFO - Posting in accounting: Asset transaction part. structure 3
BAPIFAPO_AREAVALUES - Line Items per Depreciation Area
BAPIFAPO_AREAVALUES_POST - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Proportional Values
BAPIFAPO_AREAVALUES_PROP - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Proportional Values
BAPIFAPO_AREAVALUES_REVAL - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Revaluation
BAPIFAPO_AREAVALUES_WRITEUP - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Write-Up
BAPIFAPO_DOC_REF - Posting in accounting: Asset transfer (header)
BAPIFAPO_DOWNPAYMENT - Post Assets: Down Payment
BAPIFAPO_GEN_INFO - Posting in accounting: Asset transaction
BAPIFAPO_INV_SUPPORT - Post Assets: Investment Support
BAPIFAPO_POSTCAP - Fixed Asset Posting Acquisition
BAPIFAPO_RET - Fixed Asset Post Acquisition
BAPIFAPO_REVALUATION - Post Assets: Revaluation
BAPIFAPO_SUBCOSTREVENUE - Post Assets: Subsequent Costs and Revenue
BAPIFAPO_TRANSFER - Post Assets: Transfer
BAPIFAPO_TRANSFER_REV_DISTR - Post Assets: Transfer of Revenue/Distribution
BAPIFAPO_TRANSFER_TO - Post Assets: Transfer To
BAPIFAPO_VALUE_ADJUSTMENT - Post Assets: Depreciation
BAPIFAPO_WRITEUP - Post Assets: Write-Up
BAPI_TE_ANLU - BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements Using Table ANLU
BUS1022_T1 - Interface BUS1022 T1
E1BP1022_CUMVAL - Logical Field Group CUMVAL: Cumulative Values Transferred
E1BP1022_DEP_AREAS - Depreciation areas (all logical field groups)
E1BP1022_DEP_AREASX - Depreciation areas (all logical field groups)
E1BP1022_FEGLG001 - Logical field group 001 - General data
E1BP1022_FEGLG001X - Logical field group 001 - General data
E1BP1022_FEGLG002 - Logical field group 002 - Posting information
E1BP1022_FEGLG002X - Logical field group 002 - Posting information
E1BP1022_FEGLG003 - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
E1BP1022_FEGLG003X - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
E1BP1022_FEGLG004 - Logical field group 004 - Allocations
E1BP1022_FEGLG004X - Logical field group 004 - Allocations
E1BP1022_FEGLG005 - Logical field group 005 - Leasing
E1BP1022_FEGLG005X - Logical field group 005 - Leasing
E1BP1022_FEGLG006 - Logical field group 006 - Net worth valuation
E1BP1022_FEGLG006X - Logical field group 006 - Net worth valuation
E1BP1022_FEGLG007 - Logical field group 007 - Real estate and similar rights
E1BP1022_FEGLG007X - Logical field group 007 - Real estate and similar rights
E1BP1022_FEGLG008 - Logical field group 008 - Insurance
E1BP1022_FEGLG008X - Logical field group 008 - Insurance
E1BP1022_FEGLG009 - Logical field group 009 - Origin
E1BP1022_FEGLG009X - Logical field group 009 - Origin
E1BP1022_FEGLG010 - Logical field group 010 - Investment account assignment
E1BP1022_FEGLG010X - Logical field group 010 - Investment account assignment
E1BP1022_FEGLG011 - Logical field group 011 - Inventory
E1BP1022_FEGLG011X - Logical field group 011 - Inventory
E1BP1022_INV_SUPPORT - Investment Support Key
E1BP1022_KEY - Key Fields for Create
E1BP1022_POSTINGHEADER - Header Info for Postings During Year - Legacy Data Transfer
E1BP1022_POSTVAL - Logical Field Group POSTVAL: Posted Transfer Values
E1BP1022_PROPVAL - Values of an Asset Retired before Legacy Data Transfer
E1BP1022_REFERENCE - Reference asset for creating
E1BP1022_TRTYPE - Transactions of Legacy Asset during Transfer during Year
E1BP6037_DOC_KEY - Key of a Document in Accounting
E1BP6037_DOC_REF - Reference to Document in Accounting
E1BP6037_REV_DATA - Data on Document Reversal
E1BPFAPO_ACC_ASS - Posting in Accounting: Asset Transaction Acct Assignment
E1BPFAPO_ACQ - Fixed Asset Posting Acquisition
E1BPFAPO_ADD_INFO - Posting in accounting: Asset transaction part. structure 3
E1BPFAPO_AREAVALUES - Line Items per Depreciation Area
E1BPFAPO_AREAVALUES_POST - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Proportional Values
E1BPFAPO_AREAVALUES_PROP - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Proportional Values
E1BPFAPO_AREAVALUES_REVAL - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Revaluation
E1BPFAPO_AREAVALUES_WRITEUP - Line Items per Depreciation Area for Write-Up
E1BPFAPO_DOC_REF - Posting in accounting: Asset transfer (header)
E1BPFAPO_DOWNPAYMENT - Post Assets: Down Payment
E1BPFAPO_GEN_INFO - Posting in accounting: Asset transaction
E1BPFAPO_INV_SUPPORT - Post Assets: Investment Support
E1BPFAPO_POSTCAP - Fixed Asset Posting Acquisition
E1BPFAPO_RET - Fixed Asset Post Acquisition
E1BPFAPO_REVALUATION - Post Assets: New Valuation
E1BPFAPO_SUBCOSTREVENUE - Post Assets: Subsequent Costs and Revenue
E1BPFAPO_TRANSFER_REV_DISTR - Post Assets: Transfer of Revenue/Distribution
E1BPFAPO_TRANSFER_TO - Post Assets: Transfer To
E1BPFAPO_VALUE_ADJUSTMENT - Post Assets: Depreciation
E1BPFAPO_WRITEUP - Post Assets: Write-Up
E1FIXEDASSET_CHANGE - Header segment
E1FIXEDASSET_CREATE - Header segment
FAAASSETID - Assignment Table - Asset Key to Asset GUID
FAA_AREA_SELECTION_ALV - ALV Structure for Selection of Depreciation Areas
FAA_AUTH_CHECK_FIELD - Data of an Authorization Field
FAA_AUTH_CHECK_PARAM - Parameters for Authorization Check
FAA_DC_SX_ITEM - Asset Transaction
FAA_DC_SX_ITEM_AREA - Posted Depreciation Area
FAA_DC_SX_TRACE - Row Structure for Table of Data for Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_SX_TRACE_DATA_COLLECT - Data Collection for Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_SX_TRACE_INFO - Information on Data of Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_S_AMOUNT_TYPES_TO_CALC - Control of Depreciation Calculation
FAA_DC_S_AREA - Area for Calculation, Incl. Retirement Info (Internal Only)
FAA_DC_S_AREA_VALUES - Values Relevant for Asset Master Record
FAA_DC_S_ASSET_REFERENCE_MNGR - Processing information
FAA_DC_S_CUM_VALS - Value Fields Plan Calculation
FAA_DC_S_DEPR - Depreciation Amounts
FAA_DC_S_DEPR_VALUES - Values Relevant for Asset Master Record
FAA_DC_S_EXPIRED_PERIODS - Depreciation Values Displayed in Asset Master Record
FAA_DC_S_HLPSEG - Basis Information for Segment Generation
FAA_DC_S_HLPSEG_TRACE - Basis Information for Segment Generation
FAA_DC_S_INSTANCE_MNGR - Management of Segment Instance
FAA_DC_S_ITEM_AMOUNT - Posting Amount Plus ID
FAA_DC_S_MESSAGE - Error Message
FAA_DC_S_PLAN_VALS - Value Fields Plan Calculation
FAA_DC_S_PROCESSING_INFO - Processing information
FAA_DC_S_PROPVALUE - Total of Transactions
FAA_DC_S_PROP_VALS - Value Fields for Determining Proportional Retirement Values
FAA_DC_S_REVL - Revaluation and Depreciation on Revaluation
FAA_DC_S_SUM_VALS - Totals Fields for Asset Transactions
FAA_DC_S_TRACE_AREA_TREE - Row Structure of Table of Dep. Areas for Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_S_TRACE_PARAMETER - Calculation Parameters
FAA_DC_S_TRACE_SEGMENT_AMOUNT - Row Structure of Table of Segment Values Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_S_TRACE_YEAR_AMOUNTS - Row Structure of Table of Annual Values Depreciation Trace
FAA_DC_S_TRANSACTION - Asset Transaction Data
FAA_DC_S_USAGE_INFO - Help Structure for Including Usage Info in Dep. Calculation
FAA_DC_S_VALUE - Value Fields for Depreciation Calculation
FAA_DC_S_VALUES - Asset Values by Year
FAA_PC_S_PROCESS_MNGR - Management of Segment Instance
FAA_RECON_ERROR - Error Structure for Reconciliation Report(s)
FAA_REORG_INFO - Information on Reorganization Status of Asset
FAA_S_ACCREV - FI-AA Reference Information for Reversal in Accounting
FAA_S_ASSETCLASS_KEY - Key of Asset Class
FAA_S_ASSET_DOCHEADER - Document Header for Asset Accounting
FAA_S_ASSET_DOCITEM - FAA: Document Item Control
FAA_S_ASSET_ITEMS - Asset line items
FAA_S_AUTH_CHECK_FIELD - Data of an Authorization Field
FAA_S_AUTH_CHECK_PARAM - Parameters for Authorization Check
FAA_S_DB_ASSET_DATA - Time-Independent Asset Master Data (ANLA)
FAA_S_DB_ASSET_INSURANCE - Insurance Data for Asset (ANLV)
FAA_S_DB_ASSET_ITEMS - Asset Transaction
FAA_S_DB_ASSET_VALUES - Values of Asset
FAA_S_DB_DEPR_PARAM_AMD - Depreciation Terms for Depreciation Areas (ANLB)
FAA_S_DB_MAIN_ASSET_DATA - Data of Main Asset (ANLH)
FAA_S_DB_TD_DEPR_PARAM - Time-Dependent Depreciation Terms (ANLBZA)
FAA_S_DB_TIMEDPNDNT_AMD - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data (ANLZ)
FAA_S_DEPRAREA_KEY - Semantic Key of Assets Depreciation Area
FAA_S_DEPRKEY_KEY - Access Key for a Depreciation Key
FAA_S_DEPR_AREA_KEY_AMD - Key of Depreciation Area in Asset Master Record
FAA_S_DERIVATION_RULES_PRCTR - Rule for Deriving Profit Center in Asset Master Record
FAA_S_DOCUMENT_TYPE - Information on Document Type for Posting in Asset Accounting
FAA_S_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE - Message Belonging to an Exception
FAA_S_GL_DOCITEMS - Line Items in G/L Document
FAA_S_INDEXSERIES_KEY - Key for Access to Index Series
FAA_S_INVESTMENT_SUPPORT_KEY - Keys for Investment Support Measures
FAA_S_ITEM_ORIGIN - Original References of FIAA Item to Document, Trans., etc.
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_ASSIGNMENT_ERP - Assignments of Leading Object in ERP
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_ATTRIBUTES_ERP - Attributes of Leading Object in ERP (Special Features)
FAA_S_LEADOBJ_CURRENCYVECTOR - Currency Information Vector
FAA_S_ORG_CA - Leading Organizational Unit Asset Accounting in FI-GL (New)
FAA_S_RAAFARF00_LIST_ALV - ALV Structure for Report RAAFAR00
FAA_S_RAJABS00_LIST1_ALV - ALV Structure for Report RAJABS00 (List 1)
FAA_S_RAJABS00_LIST2_ALV - ALV Structure for Report RAJABS00 (List 2)
FAA_S_REFERENCE_MANAGER - Table Entry for Management Table in Factory Classes
FAA_S_TRANSFER_COPY_RULES - Field Transfer Rules Assets from Transfer for Master Data
FAA_S_TRANSFER_COPY_RULES_AREA - Field Transfer Rules Assets from Transfer for Master Data
FAA_S_TRANSFER_VARIANT_KEY - Key for Transfer Variant
FAA_S_TRANSFER_VARIANT_METHOD - FIAA Transfer Method and TTY per Global Depreciation Area
FAA_S_TTY_CLASSIFICATION - Classification of Transaction Type
FAA_S_TTY_KEY - Key for Transaction Types
FAA_S_VALUES_KEY - * to be deleted
FIAA_1022_GETL - Allowed parameters for dynamic selections GET_LIST 1022
FIAA_ACQUISITION - Parameters for Asset Acquisition in BOR (Fast Entry)
FIAA_ACQ_BM - Parameters for BOR Meth. for Asset Acquis.
FIAA_ACQ_WF - Parameters- Asset Aquis. Deprec. WF Task
FIAA_ALE_OBJECTS - Asset Accounting: Input Fields Create New Asset on Posting
FIAA_BUS1022_BM - Help Structure for Asset Line Item
FIAA_BUS1022_WF - Parameters for Asset Transactions in BOR (Fast Entry)
FIAA_DOC_KEY - Key Fields Business Object BUS2043 (Generic Object Services)
FIAA_DPOST - Structure for Display of Posted Values
FIAA_HEADTX - Document header text: Periodic posting by Asset Accounting
FIAA_IMPAIR_DISTR_CALC - Parameters for Asset Impairment Posting in BOR
FIAA_IMPAIR_DISTR_CUST - Parameters for Asset Impairment Posting in BOR
FIAA_IMPAIR_PARA - Parameters for Asset Impairment Posting in BOR
FIAA_INZU - Output fields: Investment support
FIAA_RET_BM - Parameters for Asset Acquisition in BOR (Fast Entry)
FIAA_RET_WF - Parameters for Asset Retirement w/ Worklist (Fast Entry)
FIAA_TRANS_PARA - Parameters for intercomp. asset transfer in BOR
FIAA_WI_DEF - Help Structure for Selection of Workflow Task
FIAA_WUO_BM - Parameters- BOR Method Write-Up of Ord. Depreciation
FIAA_WUO_WF - Parameters- Write-Up of Ord. Deprec. WF Task
FIAA_WUS_BM - Parameters- BOR Method Write-Up of Spec. Depreciation
FIAA_WUS_WF - Parameters- Write-Up of Spec. Deprec. WF Task
FIAA_WUU_BM - Parameters- BOR Method Write-Up of Unpl. Depreciation
FIAA_WUU_WF - Parameters- Write-Up of Unpl. Depreciation WF Task
GANLC - Base value determination value fields
GENERALDATA - General data BAPI Get_list
IAB01 - Function group AB01 interface
IABRA - Input interface for ABRA function group
IMF60IO - Help Structure
INVENTORY - Inventory data
KTVAR_AA - General Ledger Accounts from Asset Accounting
LAFAR_AFAP - Struction of AFAR depreciation parameters
LEASING - Leasing
MANANSWRT - Indicator for Manual Entry of Acquisition Value
PAREA - Parallel depreciation areas
POSTINGINFORMATION - Posting information
R02ST - Long text selection from asset master record
R086N - Help Structure for View V_T086N Detail Screen
R090L - Dynpro fields Customizing T090L
R093U - Parameter asset legacy data transfer
RA01A - Work fields for SAPMA01A/SAPMA01M
RA01B - Help fields dynpros SAPMA01B
RA01G - Help fields VDU screen module pool SAPMA01G
RA01M - Help fields screens module pool SAPMA01M
RA01S - Structure for asset legacy data transfer
RA02S - Master data assets
RA03W - Asset value fields
RA04C - Module pool table asset Customizing
RA05C - Help fields maint. field status grps
RA06C - Fields for maintenance dynpro tables TABWM and TABWN
RA086 - Help tables for displaying field names in T086
RA08C - Dynpro fields FI-AA Customizing: depreciation key
RA09C - Dynpro fields ABWG display
RA10C - Program table for asset Customizing (part 2)
RA10CTAB - Internal table SAPMA10C
RAAL - Dynpro fields function module pool SAPLRAAL
RAAUTH - Maintenance Structure for Authorization Check
RABEWTAB - Transfer Structure for Transaction Values from Trace
RABUM - Help structure for asset line item
RAC00 - Customizing work fields
RACSEGMENT - Transfer Structure for Asset Values from Trace
RAEREIGNIS - Contains the indicator for events to be triggered
RAFABE - Table with Depreciation Areas
RAHEADTXT - Text for Headers for Output of Trace using ALV
RAIFP1 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields for Posting Header
RAIFP2 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields for Postings
RAIFP3 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields for Posting
RAIFP4 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields Create New Asset on Posting
RAIFP5 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields for COBL
RAIFP8 - Asset Accounting: Input Fields for Line Items ANEP ANEA
RAIST05 - Structure for sel.buttons for choose refernce w/create asset
RAIST06 - Transfer of temporary asset no. to database asset number
RAISTBAB - Structure for storing screen layout information
RAISTBAB_AREA - Storage of Screen Layout Info for a Depreciation Area
RAISTFIELDS - Structure for transfer of fields to be changed
RAIST_AREA - Structure for Transferring Depreciation Areas to FELEI-FB
RAIST_SUPP - Fields for Dialog in Function Group AIST_SUPP
RALLG - AM: General internal tables
RALTD1 - Value fields legacy assets data transfer line items
RALT_DYNP_STRUC - Value Fields of Asset - Structure for Table Control
RANEK - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANEP - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANKB - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANKV - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANLB - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANLBZA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
RANLBZW - Structure ANLBZW with update indicators
RANLC - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANLI - ANLI with Update Indicator
RANLK - Structure for update of ANLK for old data changes
RANLT - ANLT with Update Indicator
RANLU - Structure ANLU with update indicators
RANLV - Structure of Change Document: Generated by RSSCD000
RANLZ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
RAPAR - Parameter table for reports
RAREP - RA reporting: Dictionary fields for SO, PA, WRITE.
RAROUTINES - Routines for Trace
RAROUTINEVAL - Deprec. Trace: Field Names and Values per Routine
RASPECDAT - Transfer Structure: Parameters (Special Data) from Trace
RASPECDAT_LIST - 'Special Data' Texts and Values for Lists from Trace
RAWORKHELP - Aux. Structure Whose Fields BOR Method Parameters Reference
RAWORKLF - Choose Workflow task
RBADA - Internal tables for logical data base ADA
REALESTATE - Real Estate
REVERSAL_DATA - Specifications for reversal posting
RLAB01 - Function group AB01 screen fields
RLAMBU - Help structure for asset line item
RLAMIN - Help structure for asset line item
RLAMNA - Asset Accounting: Input Fields Create New Asset on Posting
RT093 - Internal Table for Tables 093, 093A 093B and 093T
RTABWI - Change document structure
SAAPM1 - Integration FI-AA/PM: Structure of Asset Fields
SAAPM2 - Integration FI-AA/PM: Structure of Plant Maintenance
SAAPM_WF - Integration FI-AA/PM: Structure for Event Linkage
SCHEDMAN_SPECIFIC_FIAA - Allowed FI-AA-Specific Fields for the Monitor
SMFIAA - Spec. FI-AA Data in Monitor (see Schedman_specific_fiaa)
STR_T095 - Structure: Asset Accounts of Depreciation Areas
STR_T095B - Structure: Value Adjustment of G/L Accounts
STR_T095B_KEY - Structure Key: G/L Accounts Accumulated Depreciation
T080A - Structure definition work list suffix
T082 - Field group authorization assets
T082A - Field string asset master record maintenance
T082AVIEW0 - Entity Table for Asset Views
T082AVIEW0T - Text Tables for Asset Views
T082AVIEW1 - View Authorization for Asset Master Data Fields
T082AVIEW2 - View Authorization for Asset Depreciation Area Fields
T082AVIEWB - View Authorization for Depreciation Areas
T082AVIEWTRANSG - Assignment of Transaction Group to Asset View
T082B - Field groups assets definition
T082E - Description asset views
T082F - Field groups asset data
T082G - Field strings for screen selection asset master data.
T082H - Field string name: Asset master data maintenance
T082I - Create takeover rules from transfer for master data
T082J - Create takeover rules from transfer for master data: areas
T082L - Summary of logical field groups
T082M - Description for logical field groups
T082S - Dynpro control of the views
T082T - Names For Field Groups
T083L - Leasing types
T083S - Leasing types-Description
T083T - Description of leasing cycle
T084 - Incorrect assets
T084A - Restart information for legacy asset data transfer
T085 - Investment support measures
T085P - Investment support: Default and check table
T085S - Description of individual investment support measures
T085Z - Capital investment grants with time-dependent percentages
T086 - Sort version Reporting
T086T - Names for Reporting Sort Versions
T087 - Evaluation groups
T087G - Evaluation group 8 places
T087I - Reason for investment
T087J - Text
T087K - Reason for investment protecting the environment
T087L - Text table for reasons for environmental investments
T087S - Test table for evaluation group 8 places
T087T - Description of Evaluation Groups
T087U - Asset group number / asset group
T087V - Text table asset group number / asset group
T089 - One-Time Revaluation on Key Date
T089T - Text table for T089 (appreciations)
T090 - Depreciation calculation keys
T090A - Period control dep. calculation
T090C - External depreciation keys
T090I - Depreciation simulation (Reporting)
T090L - Unit-of-production method of depreciation
T090M - Table for maximum depreciation amounts
T090MIG - FI-AA: Calculation Methods Were Migrated
T090NA - Depreciation Keys
T090NAT - Names of Depreciation Keys
T090NAZ - Depreciation Keys - Method Assignment
T090ND - Declining-Balance Method
T090NDT - Name for Declining-Balance Method
T090NH - Maximum Amount Method
T090NHT - Name for Maximum Amount Method
T090NH_METH - Maximum Amount Method
T090NP - Period Control Method
T090NPT - Name of Period Control Method
T090NR - Base Method
T090NRT - Base Method
T090NS - Multilevel Method
T090NSG - Multi-Level Method - Start of Validity
T090NSK - Multilevel Method
T090NST - Name of Multi-Level Methods
T090P - Dep. calc. key percentage records
T090R - Period control rules for transactions
T090S - Names For Internal Calculation Keys
T090T - Names For External Depreciation Keys
T090U - Texts on depreciation simulation versions
T090V - Name for period control in transactions
T090W - Short Texts for Depreciation Trace
T090Y - Weighting of depreciation periods
T090Z - Period control for transactions
T091 - Cut-off value key
T091C - Translation methods for Asset Accounting
T091P - Cut-off val. percent. rates
T091S - Text for translation methods
T091T - Names for Cut-Off Value Keys
T092 - Property classification key
T092T - Description of the Property Classification Key
T093 - Real and derived depreciation areas
T093A - Real depreciation area
T093B - Company code-related depreciation area specifications
T093B_RSL - Company Code-Related Depreciation Area Specifications
T093C - Company codes in Asset Accounting
T093C_RSL - Default Values for Depreciation Key in Company Code
T093D - Control dep. posting
T093F - Check rules dep. calc. (not used!)
T093G - Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093GT - Texts for Cross-System Depreciation Areas
T093H - Assignment of FI-AA Line Item Schema
T093N - Number assignment alloc. AA
T093R - Control Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting
T093S - Value Field Names for Depreciation Areas
T093SB - Substitution for Asset Management / Company Code
T093T - Names for real and derived depreciation areas
T093U - Options for asset legacy data transfer
T093V - Validation for Asset Management / Company Code
T093Y - Shortened fiscal year
T093_BSN_FUNC - ERP Business Function for FI-AA
T094 - Index Figures for Replacement Values
T094A - Index series for replacement values
T094B - Allowed base years per index series
T094C - Index Class
T094P - Index Figures for Replacement Values
T094S - Names for Index Classes
T094T - Index series names
T095 - Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas
T095A - Account allocation
T095B - G/L accounts value adjustment
T095C - FI-AA Standard Account Determination
T095P - Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areas
T095T - Name for account groups
T095_ACI - Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition
T096 - Chart of depreciation
T096T - Chart of depreciation texts
T097 - Property indicator
T097JP - FI-AA: Percentage rates for property valuation Japan
T097T - Description of the Property Indicator
T097_0612 - Decl.-Balance Dep. Japan % for First and Second Half-Year
T098 - Basis manual property evaluation
T098T - Description of the reasons for manual property values
T099 - Insurance types
T099A - Insurance companies
T099B - Insurance premiums
T099T - Description of Insurance Types
T099U - Insurance Companies Description
T099V - Insurance Tariff Description
TA1M - Line Item Schema
TA1MT - Text Table for Line Item Schema
TA1MZ - Line Item Schema
TA1TV - Asset Transfer Variant
TA1TVB - Determination of the Asset Transfer Method
TA1TVT - Asset Transfer Variant
TAAPM1 - Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM1T - Assignment for Field Link between FI-AA and PM
TAAPM2 - Link from FI-AA to PM: Assignment of Fields
TABA - Depreciation posting documents
TABAS - Logging of periodic posting runs in FI-AA
TABBR - Rules for determining asset value date
TABBT - Names of the rules for determining the asset value date
TABVA - Variants for determining asset value date
TABVAT - Names of variants for determining asset value date
TABVO - Determine asset value date in Asset Accounting transactions
TABW - Asset transaction types
TABWA - Transaction types/dep. areas
TABWB - Transaction types AuC (no longer used)
TABWD - Default transaction types for FI-AA posting transactions
TABWD_FTC - Fields Used for Table Controls on Asset Postings
TABWD_VID - Entity Table for Table TABWD
TABWD_VIT - Text Table for Table TABWD_VID
TABWG - Transaction type groups
TABWH - Name for asset transaction type groups
TABWI - Allowed asset classes per transaction type group
TABWK - Trans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation
TABWM - Asgnmt. hist. sheet (sub)groups to asset history sheet item
TABWN - Item Titles in the Asset History Sheet
TABWO - Names for the asset history sheet versions
TABWP - Entity table for asset history sheet versions
TABWT - Asset transaction types texts
TABWU - Special Treatment of Retirements
TABWV - Default transaction types
TCREP - CATT-Test Reporting - Check of logical databases
TFAA_PC_P - Processes
TFAA_PC_PS - Assignment Process -> Subprocess
TFAA_PC_PT - Process Names
TFAA_PC_P_STEP - Assignment of Processes -> Process Steps
TFAA_PC_S - Subprocesses
TFAA_PC_SM - Assignment of Subprocess to Processing Methods/Modules
TFAA_PC_ST - Subprocess Names
TFAA_PC_STEP - Process Steps (Entity Table)
TFAA_PC_STEPT - Process Steps (Text Table)
TIMEDEPENDENTDATA - Time-dependent allocations
VAL_DATE - Asset value date
VORGID_STRUC - Structure of Key Field VORGID from Table TABWD_VID
W001 - External currency field for ANLA change docs.
W093B - External currency field for ANLB/C change docs.

SAP Asset Maintenance Tables FI-AA-AA-MA

J_3RAOKOF - OKOF classifier of Russia
J_3RAOKOFT - OKOF description classifier of Russia
MGROUPS - Structure for interface FM: Movable groups
RAISTTAB01 - Structure for internal table for tab title descriptions
RAISTTAB02 - Structure for Internal Table for Subscreens
SAMLAY01 - Tab Pgs in Master Data: Transfer Table for Excluded Groups
SAMLAY02 - Structure for Internal Table for Subscreens
SAMLAY02SHORT - Structure for Internal Table for Subscreens
SAMLAY03 - Structure for transfer of OK codes to processing tab title
TAMLAY0 - Tab pages in master data: Tab layouts
TAMLAY0T - Tab pages in master data: Tab layout descriptions
TAMLAY1 - Tab pages in master data: Tab titles of layout
TAMLAY1T - Tabs in Master Data: Tab Index Titles
TAMLAY2 - Tab pages in master data: Assignment of group boxes
TAMLAYA - Tabs in master data: Applications
TAMLAYAT - Tab pages in master data: Descript. of master data objects
TAMLAYB - Tab pages in master data: Group boxes
TAMLAYBT - Tab pages in master data: Descriptions of group boxes

SAP Line Item Settlement of AUC Tables FI-AA-AA-TR-SL

AICOM - AuC param. for line item selection
AIMTV - AuC line item list
ANEXV - Structure with all entries from ANEK, ANEP, ANEA for LI dspy

SAP Transfer Postings Tables FI-AA-AA-TR-TP

J_1AAFORMP - Assignment of document Form to movement reason AA waybills
J_1AAPRNWB - Printview for Am waybills
J_1AAWAYBL - Way Bills for asset movements
J_1AAWAY_D - Way Bills for asset movements

SAP Information System Tables FI-AA-IS

ANKAZ_0001 - Structure for Depreciation Re-distribution
ANKA_SVE - Fields, which occur in ANKA and ANKP and are saved
ANKV_SVE - ANKA and ANKV fields are saved
AREP_T093SB - Choose substitution for worklists
FIAACRIT - Characteristic for data transfer from FI-AA and PM to EIS
FIAAKEYFIG - Key figures for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS
FIAA_AT_HISTORY_SHEET - Structure For Austria DMEE Tree
FIAA_COMPARE_VALUES - Structure for Comparison of Asset Values over Several Years
FIAA_EIS - Structure for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS
FIAA_SALVCOLLECT - General Fields for Transfer to Reports
FIAA_SALVSORT_FELDER - Sort Fields for Sort Version
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALL - Internal Table Fields for ALL FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_ALVDEF - Definition of the Fields Required for ALV in FIAA Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR10 - Amount Fields (10) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR15 - Amount Fields (15) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR20 - Amount Fields (20) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR25 - Amount Fields (25) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_BTR5 - Amount Fields (5) for FIAA ALV Reports
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGA2 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABGF2 - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAABGF
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAABST02 - Transfer Structure for Display of Difference Table
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAANLA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAANLA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEST - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABEWG2 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RABIKA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABIKA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGAFA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAGITT - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAGITT
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAHAFA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAHAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAHERK22 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEWG item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAIDAUSCGT - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RABEST
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKAFA - Defin. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP01
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP02 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP02
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAKOMP2 - Def. of Internal Output Table 2 for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAKOMP
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAMAFA2 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAMAFA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RASIMU - Def. of Int.Output Table for ALV in FIAA Report RASIMU_ALV01
FIAA_SALVTAB_RASOPO - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RASOPO
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUMBU2 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUMBU01 item
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG03 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG032 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG04 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG042 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAUSAG2 - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAUSAG
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERM - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERM
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAVERS - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAVERS
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA - Def. of Internal Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA
FIAA_SALVTAB_RAZUGA2 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV in FIAA Rep. RAZUGA item
FIAA_SALVTAB_SUM - General Structure for FIAA Summary Reports with ALV
FIAA_SALVTAB_SUMB - General Structure for FIAA Summary Reports with ALV
FIAA_S_INT_OBJ - Structure for exportingTable of FIAA_INTEGRATED_OBJECTS_FIND
FIAA_WF_IMPBTR - Impairment Amounts of Asset
GLOFAAJPAX16AC - FI-AA: Japan / Asset class selection for Annex16
GLOFAAJPT093 - FI-AA: Japan / Additional attribute for Depreciation Areas
GLOFAAJPTSICHK - Annex16: Chk tab for the convination of Type-Structure-Item
GLOFAAJPTSIDEF - Annex16: Default Value for Structure & Item in CSMD
GLO_FAA_S_ADA_BUFFER - Buffer structure for ADA accessor
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_1 - Annex16-1: Communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_2 - Annex16-2: Communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_4 - Annex16-1: Communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_5 - Annex16-5: Communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_6 - Annex16-8: Communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_COMMON - Annex16: common part of communication structure
GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_HEADER - Annex16: Communication structure - Header
KANKL - Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (ANLKL)
KBWSL - Internal Table for Writing Off Set Contents (BWASL)
MPO_AC_LIST - Interface for Asset Cockpit
MPO_AC_LIST_ALLOC - Asset Assignments
MPO_AC_LIST_DEPAREA - Depreciation Area Data and Asset Values for the Area
MPO_AC_LIST_GENERAL - General Asset Data
MPO_AC_LIST_IDENT - Identification Characteristics of an Asset
MPO_AC_LIST_IMMO - Real Estate Data for the Asset
MPO_AC_LIST_INVEST - Net Asset Data for Asset
MPO_AC_LIST_LEASING - Leasing Data for an Asset
MPO_AC_LIST_ORIGIN - Origin of Asset
MPO_AC_LIST_TIMEDEP - Time-Dependent Data
RAHIS - Master Data Changes in the Asset History
RASPEC - Structure for RASPEC01
RASPECS - Structure for RASPEC01
T086A - Call up of AM reports per transaction function
T088 - Selection Table for Italian Asset Register
T090X - Simulation Versions
TABWQ - Asset hist. sheet group
TABWR - Name of asset hist. sheet group

SAP Handling of Inflation Tables FI-AA-SVA-HI

IDINFL_SALVTAB_J_1AAINFO_01 - Def. of Int. Output Table for ALV Infl.Rep. J_1AAINFO_01
J_1AAA1 - Definition of revaluation
J_1AAA2 - Revaluation Key
J_1AAA2M - Methods fore period control of transactions
J_1AAA2MT - Period control methods description
J_1AAA2T - Inflation Adjustment AA - Revaluation Key Text
J_1AAA5 - Transaction types excluded from revaluation
J_1AAA5A - Transaction Types exluded from RV-adjustment
J_1AAOLDTA - Inflation Adjustment AA - Historic transact. period Balances
J_1AAT089 - Revaluation area assignment
J_1APROLOG - Log table for Inflation Adjustment Programs

SAP Net Worth Tax Tables FI-AA-SVA-NT

IDFIAA_JP_COND1 - Selection Criteria for Stored Reports
IDFIAA_JP_RESULT - Results of Property Tax Report (Japan)
IDFIAA_JP_TAX1 - Japanese Tax Report - Areas and Transaction Types
IDFIAA_JP_TAX2 - Japanese Tax Report - Transaction Types Intra-City Transfer
STR_ANLA_KEY - ANLA Key Without Client
STR_ANLA_TAXJP - Structure of Asset Master Data - Japanese Tax Report
STR_CUST_DATA - Customer Master Data for Assets
STR_INTERFACE_DATA - Data for ALV and Layout BAdi + Results Table
STR_JP_ADD_FIELD - Property Tax Report -new fields for additional requirement
STR_JP_ADD_FIELD1 - Property Tax Report -new fields for additional requirement
STR_JP_RATES - Data from T097JP
STR_POSTING_DATA - Posting Data of Asset
STR_SEL_COND - General Structure for Parameters and Select Options RSPARAMS
STR_VALUES_CALC - Values Calculated by Report
STR_VALUES_LY - Previous Year Data from Output Table
STR_WORK_DATA - Data Read and Calculated in Tax Report