SAP Tables | Enterprise information management solutions | Data Quality Management for SAP SAP EIM

SAP EIM Data Quality Management for SAP Tables (EIM-DQM)

SAP Data Quality Management for SAP Tables EIM-DQM-SAP

/FLDQ/ADCRTMCSRV - Available generic duplicate check create match code services
/FLDQ/ADMTCSRV - Available generic duplicate check match services
/FLDQ/ADR_RVW_BT - Button options for the Address Reviewer
/FLDQ/AD_ADDRESS_REVIEW_STRUC - Structure for the address review screen
/FLDQ/AD_ADDRTYPE_STRUC - Address Type Structure
/FLDQ/AD_ADRC_QU1 - Address Data for Quarterly Updates
/FLDQ/AD_ADRC_STRUC - Address Data for Postal Validation Online
/FLDQ/AD_ADR_COMPONENTS - Structure used to hold addr components
/FLDQ/AD_ADR_REVIEW_STRUC - Data to display in the address reviewer view
/FLDQ/AD_ADR_TYPE_RANGE_STRUC - Structure for address type range
/FLDQ/AD_AODSMAP - Map AOF package versions to valid DS versions
/FLDQ/AD_ASGN_XT - Assignment Level Exit Configuration
/FLDQ/AD_AUT_FNC - Authorization Validation Function mappings
/FLDQ/AD_CFGPRMS - Maintain Operating parameters
/FLDQ/AD_CFG_RVW - Maintain Address Reviewer Settings
/FLDQ/AD_CHKSTAT - Table to temporarily hold the check status values
/FLDQ/AD_DIRDATA - DQ server directory region data
/FLDQ/AD_DISP_HIT_LIST - Hit List field List
/FLDQ/AD_DRIVER_SEG_STRUC - Structure of driver segment
/FLDQ/AD_DT_REG - Regions difference table

/FLDQ/AD_DUP_FLD - Fields to use during duplicate check, per data model
/FLDQ/AD_DUP_MTC - Table to hold match code configuration for a data model
/FLDQ/AD_DUP_RST - Settings for restarting a duplicate job
/FLDQ/AD_DUP_SVC - Map DS Services to a Data Model
/FLDQ/AD_ERRCUST - Customer defined error messages
/FLDQ/AD_ERRLOCK - Table to store errors during locking AD_MTCCODE records
/FLDQ/AD_ERRLOG - Table to Log technical errors
/FLDQ/AD_ERRMAP - Table to store error codes
/FLDQ/AD_ERRQTR - Table to store address errors generated during RSADRQU2
/FLDQ/AD_ERRQTR_STRUC - Error generated during quarterly update
/FLDQ/AD_ERR_CODE_STRUC - Structure of error codes
/FLDQ/AD_ERR_RANGE_STRUC - Structure for error number range
/FLDQ/AD_EX_MKT_ATT_STRUC - Structure of marketting attr for extended duplicate check
/FLDQ/AD_EX_SEARCH_RSLT_STRUC - Structure for results of extended duplicate check
/FLDQ/AD_EX_SEARCH_STRUC - Structure of candidates for extended duplicate check
/FLDQ/AD_EX_SEARCH_WGHT_STRUC - Marketing Attributes Structure for Assigning Weights to Job
/FLDQ/AD_FUNCS - Data Quality Function For Duplicate Check
/FLDQ/AD_INI_ERR - Record records which encounter an error in RSADRINI
/FLDQ/AD_LOCDSC - Location Codes for RFC calls
/FLDQ/AD_MATCH_CODE_SCORE - Match code structure with score field
/FLDQ/AD_MATCH_GROUPS - Group of matches returned from batch match
/FLDQ/AD_MKTGDUP - Marketing Attributes For Use During Duplicate Check
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE - FirstLogic Match Code Index Table
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE2 - FirstLogic Match Code Index Table with score
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE_RANGE_STRUC - Structure for mtccode range
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE_STRUC - Structure for Match code
/FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE_TAB_STRUC - Structure to use within the match code table type
/FLDQ/AD_MTCRSLT - Match Results table to store results from RSADRINI program
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_RESULT_STRUC - Structure for Match code
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH - FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE
/FLDQ/AD_MTC_SH2 - FirstLogic Shadow table for /FLDQ/AD_MTCCODE
/FLDQ/AD_NM_MTCCODE_RNG_STRUC - Structure for name mtccode range
/FLDQ/AD_OBJ_FIELD_RANGE_STRUC - structure for object type range
/FLDQ/AD_OBJ_TYPE_RANGE_STRUC - structure for object type range
/FLDQ/AD_PERFTST - Performance Test Time Stamps - Obsolete as of SP2
/FLDQ/AD_POBMAP - Table to map fields on occurence on PO Box error
/FLDQ/AD_PRODVER - Product version information
/FLDQ/AD_PRODVER_RFC - RFC product version information
/FLDQ/AD_PROMPTS - Prompt Values

/FLDQ/AD_PROMPTS_STATE - Prompt Screen and Ranges and Type
/FLDQ/AD_PUPDATE - Matchcode Records pending to be updated
/FLDQ/AD_QTRERRORLOG_DOWNLOAD - Structure for downloading querterly update errors
/FLDQ/AD_QTRRVW - Cleansed addresses from RSADRQU2 to review before comitting
/FLDQ/AD_QTR_OBJ - Map of objects to transaction for Quarterly Error report
/FLDQ/AD_RFC_MTCCODE_STRUC - Match code structure to pass to RFC server
/FLDQ/AD_RVW_CUS - Customer Defined labels for address review fields.
/FLDQ/AD_RVW_LBL - Labels for address review fields
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_DUP - Maintain fields for duplicate hit list display
/FLDQ/AD_SCR_RVW - Maintain fields for address reviewer
/FLDQ/AD_SEG_CRITERIA_STRUC - Structure to hold the search critia of a segment
/FLDQ/AD_SRCHFLD - Fields used in extended fuzzy search
/FLDQ/AD_SRVCS - Available generic duplicate check jobs - Obsolete as of SP2
/FLDQ/AD_STOP - rsadrini table to stop index pool if error happen
/FLDQ/AD_SUGFLD - Fields for rendering Suggestion List Dialog
/FLDQ/AD_SUGG_FIELD_STRUC - Suggestion List Field
/FLDQ/AD_SUGG_LIST - Suggestion List Field List
/FLDQ/AD_SUGLBL - Field labels for the column headings in ALV
/FLDQ/AD_SUGLIST - Possible Suggestion Lists
/FLDQ/AD_SUGTEXT - Suggestion List Text Definitions
/FLDQ/AD_SUPPCCK - Activate SAP postcode check before validation
/FLDQ/AD_SUPPROC - Maintain exception table of transaction codes
/FLDQ/AD_VAL_CNT - List of supported countries
/FLDQ/AD_WD_VISIBILITY_LBL_STR - WD Suggestion list visibility and labels
/FLDQ/BPMTCCD - Generated Match Code Table for BP
/FLDQ/BPMTCDISP - Generated Display Table for BP
/FLDQ/BPMTCPUD - Generated Pending Update Table for BP
/FLDQ/BPMTCSHDW - Generated Match Shadow Table for BP
/FLDQ/CHK_STATUS - Check DS service status
/FLDQ/E_CHK_STAT - Check DS service status
/FLDQ/GAC_AL_SC - GAC status codes associated with address line corrections
/FLDQ/GAC_A_LINE - Obsolete as of SP3 - see /FLDQ/GAC_AL_SC
/FLDQ/GAC_LL_SC - GAC status codes associated with any last line corrections
/FLDQ/GAC_L_LINE - Obsolete as of SP3 - see /FLDQ/GAC_LL_SC
/FLDQ/GAC_SL_SC - GAC status codes associated with secondary line corrections
/FLDQ/GAC_S_LINE - Obsolete as of SP3 - see /FLDQ/GAC_SL_SC
/FLDQ/INT_STATES - track state of rsadrini options
/FLDQ/MD_DUP_RST - Settings for restarting a duplicate job

/FLDQ/MD_GENERIC_MTC_RFC_STRUC - Generic structure to send match data to RFC
/FLDQ/MD_MTC_OPT - Duplicate Check Options
/FLDQ/MD_MTC_RST - Match Job Restart Values
/FLDQ/RSADRINI - rsadrini table to stop index pool if error happen
/FLDQ/RSADRINI_MON_DSPL_STRUC - display table for rsadrini monitoring